SuperHALLOW 1.0.3 Be the team with the most points after 6 minutes! The Orange Sunglasses Build Team Treat Trick gold sword bow arrow shears speed night vision jump heal damage resistance gold chestplate iron boots speed jump 397 jack o lantern treat trick tnt TNT gold sword bow arrow glass bottle jack o lantern 397 gold chestplate chainmail boots rotten flesh carrot iron ingot shears iron boots fall on off off off on off spawner arrow on This is a `6`ospooooky`r §9Team Death Match§r based off the map "§bSuperPRISM Reactor§r" from §2Uberstrike§r. In order to win, your team must get the §nmost points§r after §46 minutes§r. But, there's a catch! §4§lAll weapons§r are '§c1-hit kills'§r, which means you can kill/die in §41 hit§r. Be careful! `2Zombies`r spawn from all over the place. `4Kill`r them and you will be rewarded with `cTNT`r. -1065,12,-21 This is where you will spawn when the game starts. There are two lanes you can go down in order to enter the arena! -1100,5,-2227 These are the §6jump pads§r. When you walk on them, they will §bboost§r you up to the upper floors. §nRemember!§n Fall damage is §ldisabled§r, so you don't take damage when you fall off a high building. -1062,2,-2119 This is the §ecenter§l, this is where most of the combat takes place. If you're lucky enough, you can gather the items from inside that chest! -1076,17,-2160 This is the `2green room`r. Here you can `cteleport`r to the other team's room/side by going in the `bwater`r. -1047,12,-2169