Swamped 1.1.2 Destroy the enemy's core in front of their spawn. Orange Purple iron sword bow arrow diamond pickaxe iron axe golden apple cooked fish log vine on 48 iron axe iron sword diamond pickaxe bow arrow cooked fish seeds vine `rThis map is a `a`lDestroy the Core `r(DTC) map. `rThe objective is to leak lava from the enemy's `5obsidian `rcore. 42,48,0 `rYou spawn inside your base with your basic gear provided. `rThe upper floor contains some additional supplies for defenses and bridges 11,18,110 `bIron blocks are available throughout the map for buckets and armor The main supply is visible here, straight ahead and down from the spawn. -1,2,100 This is `5obsidian `rcore, break your enemy's `5obsidian `rcore and leak the `clava `rfrom inside the core to win. `rMake sure to defend your own to stop the enemy team from winning! -1,20,76