The 4th Law 1.1.2 Destroy the cores and capture both wools. Red Blue 36 iron sword bow diamond pickaxe cooked fish golden apple log glass arrow regeneration leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots iron sword bow diamond pickaxe iron axe arrow leather helmet leather chestplate 49 leather leggings leather boots 75.5,15.5,-7.5 75.5,15.5,8.5 -74.5,15.5,8.5 -74.5,15.5,-7.5 blue red iron block ladder -157.5,37,22.5 -157.5,37,-21.5 158.5,37,-21.5 158.5,37,22.5 off off `rThis map is a `a`lDestroy the Core and Capture the Wool Combo `r(DTC/CTW) map First team to destroy both `ccores `rand capture both `bwools `rwins. For the cores, the lava must leak a set amount of blocks. 0.5,57,0.5 Iron Supplies are located directly `bbehind `rboth team spawns. -86.5,17,0.5 This ball of `5obsidian `ris a core. Cores are filled with `clava`r. Cores like this are located to the `bleft `rand to the `bright `rof each team spawn. Teams should defend these rooms against invaders who are trying to leak `clava `rout of the cores. -69.5,35,-38.5 These are `9Blue team`r's wool rooms housing `3cyan`r and `blight blue `rwools. `cRed Team `rhas `alime`r and `2green `rwools. Teams should defend these rooms against invaders who are trying to steal the wool and make it back alive. There are special goodies inside that will help you fight your way out. The wool is spawned from walking over a dispenser. -125.5,49,0.5 There are `atwo `bvictory monuments`r. One for each wool from the enemys side. The monuments are to the `6left `rand `6right `rof each team spawn. -81.5,14,0.5