U-Boat TDM 1.0.4 Be the team with the least amount of deaths after 10 minutes. Blue Red stone sword bow arrow bread heal damage resistance gold helmet leather chestplate leather leggings gold boots gold helmet leather chestplate leather leggings gold boots heal red blue 1730,8,-1098 1729,8,-1098 1798,8,-1098 1799,8,-1098 1730,8,-1098 1729,8,-1098 1798,8,-1098 1799,8,-1098 1730,8,-1098 1729,8,-1098 1798,8,-1098 1799,8,-1098 stone sword bow gold helmet leather chestplate leather leggings gold boots bread arrow golden apple golden apple potion `rThis map is a `4Team Death Match `r(TDM) `rmap. `rThe objective is to get as many `apoints for your team by killing the enemy! 1795,13,-1104 The `aarrow spawner `ris in the yellow submarine. Use the it to get more arrows to shoot the enemies! 1783,6,-1102 There is `cone `rscorebox per side. Everytime you get in, your team recieves `a2 points You also will get your health regenerated! 1790,11,-1089 The `apotion spawner `ris opposite to each spawn. `rIt will give you a `a30 `rsecond `cRegeneration II `rpotion. `rIt can be of great use at times! 1793,21,-1131