ChristmasQuad:TE 1.0.0 Eliminate your opponents within 10 minutes. 1 Red Blue Green Yellow diamond pickaxe snow ball leaves shears tnt vine tnt nether fence tnt tnt tnt tnt step ladder stone button stone plate lever trap door water bucket water bucket water bucket piston base redstone block redstone redstone torch on diode sand dispenser redstone comparator damage resistance heal stained glass stained clay stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots stained glass stained clay stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots stained glass stained clay stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots stained glass stained clay stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots harm 160 95 chest world player 160 95 chest block explosion `7You have 20 seconds to prepare. `7After 4 minutes the bridges will connect (You cannot bridge until then). `7TNT is hidden underneath the islands, so be careful or you may be destroyed. After 2 kills, you are automatically given an iCarus blade. (You must have inventory space). You may now build in the center. diamond pickaxe shears snow ball leaves vine stained clay stained glass nether fence step ladder trap door stone plate piston base redstone block redstone stone button lever redstone torch on diode water bucket bucket tnt leather helmet leather leggings leather boots bucket diamond block iron block iron ingot hopper redstone comparator sand leather chestplate dispenser wool on 25 off