Fracture DTM 1.0.0 Destroy the other team's monument to win Blue Red gold block efficiency resistance weakness adventure survival resistance regeneration weakness haste speed haste -28.5,16,165 -28.5,16,165 -28.5,16,8 -28.5,16,8 blue-team red-team stone gold block player 41.5,38,86.5 iron block gold block log 2 gold block air bow gold sword gold pickaxe gold axe gold spade gold helmet gold chestplate gold leggings gold boots iron sword iron pickaxe iron axe iron spade iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots gold chestplate iron chestplate protection gold boots protection fall bucket wood arrow bow stone sword diamond pickaxe iron axe golden carrot leather helmet chainmail chestplate leather leggings iron boots seeds sapling apple obsidian