Hide n' Seek 1.2.2 Find all the hiders before the 7 minutes are up! arcade Fall damage is off Name tags of hiders don't show Seekers glow Seekers have speed I The frequency of how often houses disappear increases as the match progresses However, the amount per interval decreases Every minute and a half(ish), hiders get a 15 second invisibility potion Hiders Seekers blindness blindness glowing speed invisibility invisibility invisibility hiders hiders hiders 3.5,72.5,30.5 hiders seekers off on fall Seekers are released! Your name tag won't display to the Seekers, no need to shift! Every minute, some of the buildings will disappear! Some houses disappeared (Stage 1) Some houses disappeared (Stage 2) Some houses disappeared (Stage 3) Some houses disappeared (Stage 4) Some houses disappeared (Stage 5) Some houses disappeared (Stage 6) Some houses disappeared (Stage 7) Some houses disappeared (Stage 8) Some houses disappeared (Stage 9) invisibility iron sword diamond helmet diamond chestplate diamond leggings diamond boots potion