Rift Redux: Halloween 1.0.0 Destroy the enemy's three Inhibitor Crystals and one large Nexus Crystal to win! Torn_Ares Cyan Purple damage resistance heal stone sword emerald pumpkin pie leather helmet leather chestplate leather helmet leather chestplate slow digging true 0 3 spawner on hard cyan purple glass packed ice stained glass redstone ore glowing redstone ore tnt beacon player redstone ore glowing redstone ore explosion world player redstone ore glowing redstone ore explosion world cyan-left cyan-middle cyan-right purple-left purple-middle purple-right anvil stone sword leather chestplate leather helmet bow arrow bow gold sword iron sword diamond sword leather leggings iron leggings diamond leggings iron chestplate diamond chestplate gold chestplate wood pickaxe stone pickaxe diamond pickaxe bread pumpkin pie glass bottle ladder anvil nether brick nether brick stairs cobblestone mossy cobblestone cobblestone stairs cobble wall glowstone ladder trap door step obsidian sign water emerald golden apple explosion glass stained glass explosion stained glass:0 stained glass:3 nether brick nether brick stairs nether fence cobblestone mossy cobblestone cobblestone stairs cobble wall glowstone ladder trap door step obsidian sign water stationary water wool This map is a `bDTM`r, with a `bvillager trading system. The objective is to destroy the `athree inhibitors `rand `aone nexus `rin the other team's base. This is the `bnexus`r. -79,21,-79 This map has a `bvillager trading system. `cKill people `rto get `aemeralds `rto trade with the `cvilagers`r. Be careful, because if you `4die `ryou `close `rall your `aemeralds`r! -89.5,15,-99.5 Use any one of the `d8 towers `rin your base to get `cback to spawn`r. `cDestroy `rthe other team's towers by mining the `4redstone ore `rat the bottom. -51,20,-51 `5Beware of the Baron! `rHe is `dsuper overpowered`r. Don't attack him unless you have the gear. However, he drops a `2very good potion `rif you manage to kill him. 50.5,9,-21.5