! history_columns.list -- determines the contents of star history logs ! you can use a non-standard version by setting history_columns_file in your inlist ! units are cgs unless otherwise noted. ! reorder the following names as desired to reorder columns. ! comment out the name to omit a column (fewer columns => less IO => faster running). ! remove '!' to restore a column. ! if you have a situation where you want a non-standard set of columns, ! make a copy of this file, edit as desired, and give the new filename in your inlist ! as history_columns_file. if you are just adding columns, you can 'include' this file, ! and just list the additions in your file. note: to include the standard default ! version, use include '' -- the 0 length string means include the default file. ! blank lines and comments can be used freely. ! if a column name appears more than once in the list, only the first occurrence is used. ! if you need to have something added to the list of options, let me know.... ! the first few lines of the log file contain a few items: ! version_number -- for the version of mesa being used ! burn_min1 -- 1st limit for reported burning, in erg/g/s ! burn_min2 -- 2nd limit for reported burning, in erg/g/s !# other files ! note: you can include another list by doing ! include 'filename' ! include '' means include the default standard list file ! the following lines of the log file contain info about 1 model per row !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# general info about the model model_number ! counting from the start of the run num_zones ! number of zones in the model !## age star_age ! elapsed simulated time in years since the start of the run !star_age_sec ! elapsed simulated time in seconds since the start of the run !star_age_min ! elapsed simulated time in minutes since the start of the run !star_age_hr ! elapsed simulated time in hours since the start of the run !star_age_day ! elapsed simulated time in days since the start of the run !day ! elapsed simulated time in days since the start of the run !log_star_age !log_star_age_sec !## timestep !time_step ! timestep in years since previous model !time_step_sec ! timestep in seconds since previous model !time_step_days log_dt ! log10 time_step in years !log_dt_sec ! log10 time_step in seconds !log_dt_days ! log10 time_step in days !## mass star_mass ! in Msun units !log_star_mass !star_gravitational_mass ! star_mass is baryonic mass !star_mass_grav_div_mass !delta_mass ! star_mass - initial_mass in Msun units log_xmstar ! log10 mass exterior to M_center (grams) !## mass change !star_mdot ! d(star_mass)/dt (in msolar per year) log_abs_mdot ! log10(abs(star_mdot)) (in msolar per year) !## imposed surface conditions !Tsurf_factor !tau_factor !tau_surface !## imposed center conditions !m_center !m_center_gm !r_center !r_center_cm !r_center_km !L_center !log_L_center !log_L_center_ergs_s !v_center !v_center_kms !logt_max !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# mixing and convection !max_conv_vel_div_csound !max_gradT_div_grada !max_gradT_sub_grada !min_log_mlt_Gamma !## mixing regions mass_conv_core ! (Msun) mass coord of top of convective core. 0 if core is not convective ! mx1 refers to the largest (by mass) convective region. ! mx2 is the 2nd largest. ! conv_mx1_top and conv_mx1_bot are the region where mixing_type == convective_mixing. ! mx1_top and mx1_bot are the extent of all kinds of mixing, convective and other. ! values are m/Mstar conv_mx1_top conv_mx1_bot conv_mx2_top conv_mx2_bot mx1_top mx1_bot mx2_top mx2_bot ! radius -- values are radii in Rsun units !conv_mx1_top_r !conv_mx1_bot_r !conv_mx2_top_r !conv_mx2_bot_r !mx1_top_r !mx1_bot_r !mx2_top_r !mx2_bot_r ! you might want to get a more complete list of mixing regions by using the following !mixing_regions ! note: this includes regions where the mixing type is no_mixing. ! the is the number of regions to report ! there will be 2* columns for this in the log file, 2 for each region. ! the first column for a region gives the mixing type as defined in const/public/const_def.f90. ! the second column for a region gives the m/mstar location of the top of the region ! entries for extra columns after the last region in the star will have an invalid mixing_type value of -1. ! mstar is the total mass of the star, so these locations range from 0 to 1 ! all regions are include starting from the center, so the bottom of one region ! is the top of the previous one. since we start at the center, the bottom of the 1st region is 0. ! the columns in the log file will have names like 'mix_type_1' and 'mix_qtop_1' ! if the star has too many regions to report them all, ! the smallest regions will be merged with neighbors for reporting purposes only. !mix_relr_regions ! same as above, but locations given as r/rstar instead of m/mstar. ! the columns in the log file will have names like 'mix_relr_type_1' and 'mix_relr_top_1' !## conditions at base of largest convection zone (by mass) !cz_bot_mass ! mass coordinate of base (Msun) !cz_mass ! mass coordinate of base (Msun) -- same as cz_bot_mass !cz_log_xmass ! mass exterior to base (g) !cz_log_xmsun ! mass exterior to base (Msun) !cz_xm ! mass exterior to base (Msun) !cz_logT !cz_logRho !cz_logP !cz_bot_radius ! Rsun !cz_log_column_depth !cz_log_radial_depth !cz_luminosity ! Lsun !cz_opacity !cz_log_tau !cz_eta !cz_log_eps_nuc ! log10(ergs/g/s) !cz_t_heat ! Cp*T/eps_nuc (seconds) !cz_csound !cz_scale_height !cz_grav !cz_omega !cz_omega_div_omega_crit !cz_zone ! mass fractions at base of largest convection zone (by mass) !cz_log_xa h1 !cz_log_xa he4 !## conditions at top of largest convection zone (by mass) !cz_top_mass ! mass coordinate of top (Msun) !cz_top_log_xmass ! mass exterior to top (g) !cz_top_log_xmsun ! mass exterior to top (Msun) !cz_top_xm ! mass exterior to top (Msun) !cz_top_logT !cz_top_logRho !cz_top_logP !cz_top_radius ! Rsun !cz_top_log_column_depth !cz_top_log_radial_depth !cz_top_luminosity ! Lsun !cz_top_opacity !cz_top_log_tau !cz_top_eta !cz_top_log_eps_nuc ! log10(ergs/g/s) !cz_top_t_heat ! Cp*T/eps_nuc (seconds) !cz_top_csound !cz_top_scale_height !cz_top_grav !cz_top_omega !cz_top_omega_div_omega_crit !cz_top_zone !cz_top_zone_logdq ! mass fractions at top of largest convection zone (by mass) !cz_top_log_xa h1 !cz_top_log_xa he4 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# nuclear reactions !## integrated quantities !power_h_burn ! total thermal power from PP and CNO, excluding neutrinos (in Lsun units) !power_he_burn ! total thermal power from triple-alpha, excluding neutrinos (in Lsun units) !power_photo !power_z_burn !log_power_nuc_burn ! total thermal power from all burning, excluding photodisintegrations log_LH ! log10 power_h_burn log_LHe ! log10 power_he_burn log_LZ ! log10 total burning power including LC, but excluding LH and LHe and photodisintegrations log_Lnuc ! log(LH + LHe + LZ) !log_Lnuc_ergs_s !log_Lnuc_sub_log_L !lnuc_photo !extra_L ! integral of extra_heat in Lsun units !log_extra_L ! log10 extra_L !## neutrino losses !log_Lneu ! log10 power emitted in neutrinos, nuclear and thermal (in Lsun units) !log_Lneu_nuc ! log10 power emitted in neutrinos, nuclear sources only (in Lsun units) !log_Lneu_nonnuc ! log10 power emitted in neutrinos, thermal sources only (in Lsun units) !mass_loc_of_max_eps_nuc ! (in Msun units) !mass_ext_to_max_eps_nuc ! (in Msun units) !eps_grav_integral ! (in Lsun units) !log_abs_Lgrav ! log10 abs(eps_grav_integral) (in Lsun units) !## information about reactions (by category) ! log10 total luminosity for reaction categories (Lsun units) pp cno tri_alpha !c_alpha !n_alpha !o_alpha !ne_alpha !na_alpha !mg_alpha !si_alpha !s_alpha !ar_alpha !ca_alpha !ti_alpha !fe_co_ni !c12_c12 !c12_o16 !o16_o16 !photo !pnhe4 !other !## information about individual reactions ! adds columns for all of the reactions that are in the current net ! Note that if using op_split_burn=.true. then zones which have been split will report 0 for thier rates !add_raw_rates ! raw reaction rates, reactions/second !add_screened_rates ! screened reaction rates reactions/second !add_eps_nuc_rates ! Nuclear energy (minus neutrino losses) released erg/s !add_eps_neu_rates ! Neutrino losses erg/s ! individual reactions (as many as desired) ! use list_net_reactions = .true. in star_job to list all reactions in the current net ! reactions/second !raw_rate r_h1_h1_ec_h2 !raw_rate r_h1_h1_wk_h2 !## nuclear reactions at center ! center log10 burn erg/g/s for reaction categories !c_log_eps_burn cno !c_log_eps_burn tri_alfa ! center d_eps_nuc_dlnd for reaction categories !c_d_eps_dlnd cno !c_d_eps_dlnd tri_alfa ! center d_eps_nuc_dlnT for reaction categories !c_d_eps_dlnT cno !c_d_eps_dlnT tri_alfa !## regions of strong nuclear burning ! 2 zones where eps_nuc > burn_min1 erg/g/s ! for each zone have 4 numbers: start1, start2, end2, end1 ! start1 is mass of inner edge where first goes > burn_min1 (or -20 if none such) ! start2 is mass of inner edge where first zone reaches burn_min2 erg/g/sec (or -20 if none such) ! end2 is mass of outer edge where first zone drops back below burn_min2 erg/g/s ! end1 is mass of outer edge where first zone ends (i.e. eps_nuc < burn_min1) ! similar for the second zone epsnuc_M_1 ! start1 for 1st zone epsnuc_M_2 ! start2 epsnuc_M_3 ! end2 epsnuc_M_4 ! end1 epsnuc_M_5 ! start1 for 2nd zone epsnuc_M_6 ! start2 epsnuc_M_7 ! end2 epsnuc_M_8 ! end1 ! you might want to get a more complete list of burning regions by using the following !burning_regions ! the is the number of regions to report ! there will be 2* columns for this in the log file, 2 for each region. ! the first column for a region gives int(sign(val)*log10(max(1,abs(val)))) ! where val = ergs/gm/sec nuclear energy minus all neutrino losses. ! the second column for a region gives the q location of the top of the region ! entries for extra columns after the last region in the star will have a value of -9999 ! all regions are included starting from the center, so the bottom of one region ! is the top of the previous one. ! since we start at the center, the bottom of the 1st region is q=0 and top of last is q=1. ! the columns in the log file will have names like 'burn_type_1' and 'burn_qtop_1' !burn_relr_regions ! same as above, but locations given as r/rstar instead of m/mstar. ! the columns in the log file will have names like 'burn_relr_type_1' and 'burn_relr_top_1' ! if the star has too many regions to report them all, ! the smallest regions will be merged with neighbors for reporting purposes only. !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# information about core and envelope !## helium core he_core_mass !he_core_radius !he_core_lgT !he_core_lgRho !he_core_L !he_core_v !he_core_omega !he_core_omega_div_omega_crit !he_core_k !## CO core co_core_mass !CO_core !co_core_radius !co_core_lgT !co_core_lgRho !co_core_L !co_core_v !co_core_omega !co_core_omega_div_omega_crit !co_core_k !## ONe core one_core_mass !one_core_radius !one_core_lgT !one_core_lgRho !one_core_L !one_core_v !one_core_omega !one_core_omega_div_omega_crit !one_core_k !## iron core fe_core_mass !fe_core_radius !fe_core_lgT !fe_core_lgRho !fe_core_L !fe_core_v !fe_core_omega !fe_core_omega_div_omega_crit !fe_core_k !## neuton rich core neutron_rich_core_mass !neutron_rich_core_radius !neutron_rich_core_lgT !neutron_rich_core_lgRho !neutron_rich_core_L !neutron_rich_core_v !neutron_rich_core_omega !neutron_rich_core_omega_div_omega_crit !neutron_rich_core_k !## envelope !envelope_mass ! = star_mass - he_core_mass !envelope_fraction_left ! = envelope_mass / (initial_mass - he_core_mass) !h_rich_layer_mass ! = star_mass - he_core_mass !he_rich_layer_mass ! = he_core_mass - c_core_mass !co_rich_layer_mass !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# timescales !dynamic_timescale ! dynamic timescale (seconds) -- estimated by 2*pi*sqrt(r^3/(G*m)) !kh_timescale ! kelvin-helmholtz timescale (years) !mdot_timescale ! star_mass/abs(star_mdot) (years) !kh_div_mdot_timescales ! kh_timescale/mdot_timescale !nuc_timescale ! nuclear timescale (years) -- proportional to mass divided by luminosity !dt_cell_collapse ! min time for any cell to collapse at current velocities !dt_div_dt_cell_collapse !dt_div_max_tau_conv ! dt/ maximum conv timescale !dt_div_min_tau_conv ! dt/ minimum conv timescale !min_dr_div_cs ! min over all cells of dr/csound (seconds) !min_dr_div_cs_k ! location of min !log_min_dr_div_cs ! log10 min dr_div_csound (seconds) !min_dr_div_cs_yr ! min over all cells of dr/csound (years) !log_min_dr_div_cs_yr ! log10 min dr_div_csound (years) !dt_div_min_dr_div_cs !log_dt_div_min_dr_div_cs !min_t_eddy ! minimum value of scale_height/conv_velocity !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# conditions at or near the surface of the model !## conditions at the photosphere !effective_T !Teff log_Teff ! log10 effective temperature ! Teff is calculated using Stefan-Boltzmann relation L = 4 pi R^2 sigma Teff^4, ! where L and R are evaluated at the photosphere (tau_factor < 1) ! or surface of the model (tau_factor >= 1) when photosphere is not inside the model. !photosphere_black_body_T !photosphere_cell_T ! temperature at model location closest to the photosphere, not necessarily Teff !photosphere_cell_log_T !photosphere_cell_density !photosphere_cell_log_density !photosphere_cell_opacity !photosphere_cell_log_opacity !photosphere_L ! Lsun units !photosphere_log_L ! Lsun units !photosphere_r ! Rsun units !photosphere_log_r ! Rsun units !photosphere_m ! Msun units !photosphere_v_km_s !photosphere_cell_k !photosphere_column_density !photosphere_csound !photosphere_log_column_density !photosphere_opacity !photosphere_v_div_cs !photosphere_xm !photosphere_cell_free_e !photosphere_cell_log_free_e !photosphere_logg !photosphere_T !## conditions at or near the surface of the model (outer edge of outer cell) !luminosity ! luminosity in Lsun units !luminosity_ergs_s ! luminosity in cgs units log_L ! log10 luminosity in Lsun units !log_L_ergs_s ! log10 luminosity in cgs units !radius ! Rsun log_R ! log10 radius in Rsun units !radius_cm !log_R_cm log_g ! log10 gravity !gravity !log_Ledd !log_L_div_Ledd ! log10(L/Leddington) !lum_div_Ledd !log_surf_optical_depth !surface_optical_depth !log_surf_cell_opacity ! old name was log_surf_opacity !log_surf_cell_P ! old name was log_surf_P !log_surf_cell_pressure ! old name was log_surf_pressure !log_surf_cell_density ! old name was log_surf_density !log_surf_cell_temperature ! old name was log_surf_temperature !surface_cell_temperature ! old name was surface_temperature !log_surf_cell_z ! old name was log_surf_z !surface_cell_entropy ! in units of kerg per baryon ! old name was surface_entropy !v_surf ! (cm/s) !v_surf_km_s ! (km/s) v_div_csound_surf ! velocity divided by sound speed at outermost grid point !v_div_csound_max ! max value of velocity divided by sound speed at face !v_div_vesc !v_phot_km_s !v_surf_div_escape_v !v_surf_div_v_kh ! v_surf/(photosphere_r/kh_timescale) !surf_avg_j_rot !surf_avg_omega !surf_avg_omega_crit !surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit !surf_avg_v_rot ! km/sec rotational velocity at equator !surf_avg_v_crit ! critical rotational velocity at equator !surf_avg_v_div_v_crit !surf_avg_Lrad_div_Ledd !surf_avg_logT !surf_avg_logRho !surf_avg_opacity ! Gravity Darkening, reports the surface averaged L/Lsun and Teff (K) caused by ! gravity darkening in rotating stars. Based on the model of Espinosa Lara & Rieutord (2011) ! 'polar' refers to the line of sight being directed along the rotation axis of the star ! 'equatorial' refers to the line of sight coincident with the stellar equator !grav_dark_L_polar !Lsun !grav_dark_Teff_polar !K !grav_dark_L_equatorial !Lsun !grav_dark_Teff_equatorial !K !surf_escape_v ! cm/s !v_wind_Km_per_s ! Km/s ! = 1d-5*s% opacity(1)*max(0d0,-s% mstar_dot)/ & ! (4*pi*s% photosphere_r*Rsun*s% tau_base) ! Lars says: ! wind_mdot = 4*pi*R^2*rho*v_wind ! tau = integral(opacity*rho*dr) from R to infinity ! so tau = opacity*wind_mdot/(4*pi*R*v_wind) at photosphere ! or v_wind = opacity*wind_mdot/(4*pi*R*tau) at photosphere !rotational_mdot_boost ! factor for increase in mass loss mdot due to rotation !log_rotational_mdot_boost ! log factor for increase in mass loss mdot due to rotation !surf_r_equatorial_div_r_polar !surf_r_equatorial_div_r !surf_r_polar_div_r !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# conditions near center !log_center_T ! temperature !log_center_Rho ! density !log_center_P ! pressure ! shorter names for above log_cntr_P log_cntr_Rho log_cntr_T !center_T ! temperature !center_Rho ! density !center_P ! pressure !center_degeneracy ! the electron chemical potential in units of k*T !center_gamma ! plasma interaction parameter center_mu center_ye center_abar !center_zbar !center_eps_grav !center_non_nuc_neu !center_eps_nuc !d_center_eps_nuc_dlnT !d_center_eps_nuc_dlnd !log_center_eps_nuc !center_entropy ! in units of kerg per baryon !max_entropy ! in units of kerg per baryon !fe_core_infall !non_fe_core_infall !non_fe_core_rebound !max_infall_speed !compactness_parameter ! (m/Msun)/(R(m)/1000km) for m = 2.5 Msun !compactness !m4 ! Mass co-ordinate where entropy=4 ! mu4 is sensitive to the choice of how much dm/dr you average over, thus we average dm and dr over M(entropy=4) and M(entropy=4)+0.3Msun !mu4 ! dM(Msun)/dr(1000km) where entropy=4 !center_omega !center_omega_div_omega_crit !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# abundances !species ! size of net !## mass fractions near center ! the following controls automatically add columns for all of the isos that are in the current net !add_center_abundances !add_log_center_abundances ! individual central mass fractions (as many as desired) center h1 center he4 center c12 center o16 ! individual log10 central mass fractions (as many as desired) !log_center h1 !log_center he4 ! etc. !## mass fractions near surface ! the following controls automatically add columns for all of the isos that are in the current net !add_surface_abundances !add_log_surface_abundances ! individual surface mass fractions (as many as desired) !surface h1 !surface he4 surface c12 surface o16 ! etc. ! individual log10 surface mass fractions (as many as desired) !log_surface h1 !log_surface he4 !## mass fractions for entire star ! the following controls automatically add columns for all of the isos that are in the current net !add_average_abundances !add_log_average_abundances ! individual average mass fractions (as many as desired) !average h1 !average he4 ! etc. ! individual log10 average mass fractions (as many as desired) !log_average h1 !log_average he4 ! etc. !## mass totals for entire star (in Msun units) ! the following controls automatically add columns for all of the isos that are in the current net !add_total_mass !add_log_total_mass ! individual mass totals for entire star (as many as desired) total_mass h1 total_mass he4 ! etc. ! individial log10 mass totals for entire star (in Msun units) !log_total_mass h1 !log_total_mass he4 ! etc. !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# info at specific locations !## info at location of max temperature !max_T !log_max_T !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# information about shocks !## info about outermost outward moving shock ! excluding locations with q > max_q_for_outer_mach1_location ! returns values at location of max velocity !shock_mass ! baryonic (Msun) !shock_mass_gm ! baryonic (grams) !shock_q !shock_radius ! (Rsun) !shock_radius_cm ! (cm) !shock_velocity !shock_csound !shock_v_div_cs !shock_lgT !shock_lgRho !shock_lgP !shock_gamma1 !shock_entropy !shock_tau !shock_k !shock_pre_lgRho !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# asteroseismology !delta_nu ! large frequency separation for p-modes (microHz) ! 1e6/(seconds for sound to cross diameter of star) !delta_Pg ! g-mode period spacing for l=1 (seconds) ! sqrt(2) pi^2/(integral of brunt_N/r dr) !log_delta_Pg !nu_max ! estimate from scaling relation (microHz) ! nu_max = nu_max_sun * M/Msun / ((R/Rsun)^2 (Teff/astero_Teff_sun)^0.5) !nu_max_3_4th_div_delta_nu ! nu_max^0.75/delta_nu !acoustic_cutoff ! 0.5*g*sqrt(gamma1*rho/P) at surface !acoustic_radius ! integral of dr/csound (seconds) !ng_for_nu_max ! = 1 / (nu_max*delta_Pg) ! period for g-mode with frequency nu_max = nu_max_ng*delta_Pg !gs_per_delta_nu ! delta_nu / (nu_max**2*delta_Pg) ! number of g-modes per delta_nu at nu_max !int_k_r_dr_nu_max_Sl1 ! integral of k_r*dr where nu < N < Sl for nu = nu_max, l=1 !int_k_r_dr_2pt0_nu_max_Sl1 ! integral of k_r*dr where nu < N < Sl for nu = nu_max*2, l=1 !int_k_r_dr_0pt5_nu_max_Sl1 ! integral of k_r*dr where nu < N < Sl for nu = nu_max/2, l=1 !int_k_r_dr_nu_max_Sl2 ! integral of k_r*dr where nu < N < Sl for nu = nu_max, l=2 !int_k_r_dr_2pt0_nu_max_Sl2 ! integral of k_r*dr where nu < N < Sl for nu = nu_max*2, l=2 !int_k_r_dr_0pt5_nu_max_Sl2 ! integral of k_r*dr where nu < N < Sl for nu = nu_max/2, l=2 !int_k_r_dr_nu_max_Sl3 ! integral of k_r*dr where nu < N < Sl for nu = nu_max, l=3 !int_k_r_dr_2pt0_nu_max_Sl3 ! integral of k_r*dr where nu < N < Sl for nu = nu_max*2, l=3 !int_k_r_dr_0pt5_nu_max_Sl3 ! integral of k_r*dr where nu < N < Sl for nu = nu_max/2, l=3 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# energy information !total_energy ! at end of step !log_total_energy ! log(abs(total_energy)) !total_energy_after_adjust_mass ! after mass adjustments ! shorter versions of above !tot_E !log_tot_E !total_gravitational_energy !log_total_gravitational_energy ! log(abs(total_gravitational_energy)) !total_gravitational_energy_after_adjust_mass ! shorter versions of above !tot_PE !log_tot_PE !total_internal_energy !log_total_internal_energy !total_internal_energy_after_adjust_mass ! shorter versions of above !tot_IE !log_tot_IE !total_radial_kinetic_energy !log_total_radial_kinetic_energy !total_radial_kinetic_energy_after_adjust_mass ! shorter versions of above (does not include rot KE) !tot_KE !log_tot_KE !total_turbulent_energy !log_total_turbulent_energy !total_turbulent_energy_after_adjust_mass !tot_Et !log_tot_Et !total_energy_foe !tot_IE_div_IE_plus_KE !total_IE_div_IE_plus_KE !total_entropy !total_eps_grav !total_energy_sources_and_sinks ! for this step !total_nuclear_heating !total_non_nuc_neu_cooling !total_irradiation_heating !total_extra_heating ! extra heat integrated over the model times dt (erg) !total_WD_sedimentation_heating !rel_run_E_err !rel_E_err !abs_rel_E_err !log_rel_E_err !tot_e_equ_err !tot_e_err !error_in_energy_conservation ! for this step ! = total_energy - (total_energy_start + total_energy_sources_and_sinks) !cumulative_energy_error ! = sum over all steps of abs(error_in_energy_conservation) !rel_cumulative_energy_error ! = cumulative_energy_error/total_energy !log_rel_cumulative_energy_error ! = log10 of rel_cumulative_energy_error !log_rel_run_E_err ! shorter name for rel_cumulative_energy_error !rel_error_in_energy_conservation ! = error_in_energy_conservation/total_energy !log_rel_error_in_energy_conservation !virial_thm_P_avg !virial_thm_rel_err !work_inward_at_center !work_outward_at_surface !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# rotation !total_angular_momentum !log_total_angular_momentum !i_rot_total ! moment of inertia !total_rotational_kinetic_energy !log_total_rotational_kinetic_energy !total_rotational_kinetic_energy_after_adjust_mass !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# velocities !avg_abs_v_div_cs !log_avg_abs_v_div_cs !max_abs_v_div_cs !log_max_abs_v_div_cs !avg_abs_v !log_avg_abs_v !max_abs_v !log_max_abs_v !u_surf !u_surf_km_s !u_div_csound_surf !u_div_csound_max !infall_div_cs !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# misc !e_thermal ! sum over all zones of Cp*T*dm !## eos !logQ_max ! logQ = logRho - 2*logT + 12 !logQ_min !gamma1_min !## core mixing !mass_semiconv_core !## H-He boundary !diffusion_time_H_He_bdy !temperature_H_He_bdy !## optical depth and opacity !one_div_yphot !log_one_div_yphot !log_min_opacity !min_opacity !log_tau_center !log_max_tau_conv !max_tau_conv !log_min_tau_conv !min_tau_conv !tau_qhse_yrs !## other !Lsurf_m !dlnR_dlnM !h1_czb_mass ! location (in Msun units) of base of 1st convection zone above he core !kh_mdot_limit !log_cntr_dr_cm !min_Pgas_div_P !surf_c12_minus_o16 ! this is useful for seeing effects of dredge up on AGB !surf_num_c12_div_num_o16 !phase_of_evolution ! Integer mapping to the type of evolution see star_data/public/star_data_def.inc for definitions !## MLT++ !gradT_excess_alpha !gradT_excess_min_beta !gradT_excess_max_lambda !max_L_rad_div_Ledd !max_L_rad_div_Ledd_div_phi_Joss !## RTI !rti_regions !## Ni & Co !total_ni_co_56 !## internal structure constants ! this is evaluated assuming a spherical star and does not account for rotation !apsidal_constant_k2 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# accretion !k_below_const_q !q_below_const_q !logxq_below_const_q !k_const_mass !q_const_mass !logxq_const_mass !k_below_just_added !q_below_just_added !logxq_below_just_added !k_for_test_CpT_absMdot_div_L !q_for_test_CpT_absMdot_div_L !logxq_for_test_CpT_absMdot_div_L !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# Color output ! Outputs the bolometric correction (bc) for the star in filter band ``filter'' (case sensitive) !bc filter ! Outputs the absolute magnitude for the star in filter band ``filter'' (case sensitive) !abs_mag filter ! Adds all the bc's to the output !add_bc ! Adds all the absolute magnitudes to the output !add_abs_mag ! Outputs luminosity in filter band ``filter'' (erg s^-1) (case sensitive) ! lum_band filter ! Adds all the filter band luminosities to the output (erg s^-1) ! add_lum_band ! Outputs log luminosity in filter band ``filter'' (log erg s^-1) (case sensitive) ! log_lum_band filter ! Adds all the filter band luminosities to the output (log erg s^-1) ! add_log_lum_band !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# RSP !rsp_DeltaMag ! absolute magnitude difference between minimum and maximum light (mag) !rsp_DeltaR ! R_max - R_min difference in the max and min radius (Rsun) !rsp_GREKM ! fractional growth of the kinetic energy per pulsation period ("nonlinear growth rate") - see equation 5 in MESA5 !rsp_num_periods ! Count of the number of pulsation cycles completed !rsp_period_in_days ! Running period, ie., period between two consecutive values of R_max (days) !rsp_phase ! Running pulsation phase for a cycle !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !# debugging !## retries num_retries ! total during the run !## solver iterations num_iters ! same as num_solver_iterations !num_solver_iterations ! iterations at this step !total_num_solver_iterations ! total iterations during the run !avg_num_solver_iters !rotation_solver_steps !diffusion_solver_steps !diffusion_solver_iters !avg_setvars_per_step !avg_skipped_setvars_per_step !avg_solver_setvars_per_step !burn_solver_maxsteps !total_num_solver_calls_converged !total_num_solver_calls_failed !total_num_solver_calls_made !total_num_solver_relax_calls_converged !total_num_solver_relax_calls_failed !total_num_solver_relax_calls_made !total_num_solver_relax_iterations !total_step_attempts !total_step_redos !total_step_retries !total_steps_finished !total_steps_taken !TDC_num_cells !## Relaxation steps !total_relax_step_attempts !total_relax_step_redos !total_relax_step_retries !total_relax_steps_finished !total_relax_steps_taken !## conservation during mesh adjust !log_mesh_adjust_IE_conservation !log_mesh_adjust_KE_conservation !log_mesh_adjust_PE_conservation !## amr !num_hydro_merges !num_hydro_splits !## timing !elapsed_time ! time since start of run (seconds)