! profile_columns.list -- determines the contents of star model profiles ! you can use a non-standard version by setting profile_columns_file in your inlist ! units are cgs unless otherwise noted. ! reorder the following names as desired to reorder columns. ! comment out the name to omit a column (fewer columns => less IO => faster running). ! remove '!' to restore a column. ! if you have a situation where you want a non-standard set of columns, ! make a copy of this file, edit as desired, and give the new filename in your inlist ! as profile_columns_file. if you are just adding columns, you can 'include' this file, ! and just list the additions in your file. note: to include the standard default ! version, use include '' -- the 0 length string means include the default file. ! if you need to have something added to the list of options, let me know.... ! the first few lines of the profile contain general info about the model. ! for completeness, those items are described at the end of this file. ! note: you can include another list by doing ! include 'filename' ! include '' means include the default standard list file ! the following lines of the profile contain info for 1 zone per row, surface to center. ! minimal set of enabled columns: zone ! numbers start with 1 at the surface mass ! m/Msun. mass coordinate of outer boundary of cell. logR ! log10(radius/Rsun) at outer boundary of zone logT ! log10(temperature) at center of zone logRho ! log10(density) at center of zone logP ! log10(pressure) at center of zone x_mass_fraction_H y_mass_fraction_He z_mass_fraction_metals ! everything below this line is deactivated !# Structure !logM ! log10(m/Msun) !log_mass !dm ! cell mass (grams) !dm_bar ! boundary mass (grams) average of adjacent dm's !logdq ! log10(dq) !log_dq !dq_ratio ! dq(k-1)/dq(k) !q ! fraction of star mass interior to outer boundary of this zone !log_q ! log10(q) !xq !grav ! gravitational acceleration (cm sec^2) !log_g ! log10 gravitational acceleration (cm sec^2) !g_div_r ! grav/radius (sec^2) !r_div_g ! radius/grav (sec^-2) !cgrav_factor ! = cgrav(k)/standard_cgrav !vel_km_per_s ! velocity at outer boundary of zone (km/s) -- 0 if no velocity variable !radius ! radius at outer boundary of zone (in Rsun units) !radius_cm ! radius at outer boundary of zone (in centimeters) !radius_km ! radius at outer boundary of zone (in kilometers) !logR_cm ! log10 radius at outer boundary of zone (in centimeters) !rmid ! radius at center by mass of zone (in Rsun units) !r_div_R ! fraction of total radius !velocity ! velocity at outer boundary of zone (cm/s) -- 0 if no velocity variable !v_div_r ! velocity divided by radius !v_times_t_div_r !rho_times_r3 ! at face !log_rho_times_r3 ! at face !scale_height ! in Rsun units !pressure_scale_height ! in Rsun units !m_div_r ! gm/cm !dmbar_m_div_r !log_dmbar_m_div_r !mass_grams ! mass coordinate of outer boundary of cell in grams !mmid ! mass at midpoint of cell (average of mass coords of the cell boundaries) Msun units. !m_grav ! total enclosed gravitational mass. Msun units. !m_grav_div_m_baryonic ! mass_gravitational/mass at cell boundary !mass_correction_factor ! dm_gravitational/dm (dm is baryonic mass of cell) !xm ! mass exterior to point (Msun units) !dq ! mass of zone as a fraction of total star mass !logxq ! log10(1-q) !logxm ! log10(xm) !xr ! radial distance from point to surface (Rsun) !xr_cm ! radial distance from point to surface (cm) !xr_div_R ! radial distance from point to surface in units of star radius !log_xr ! log10 radial distance from point to surface (Rsun) !log_xr_cm ! log10 radial distance from point to surface (cm) !log_xr_div_R ! log10 radial distance from point to surface in units of star radius !dr ! r(outer edge) - r(inner edge); radial extent of cell in cm. !log_dr ! log10 cell width (cm) !dv ! v(inner edge) - v(outer edge); rate at which delta_r is shrinking (cm/sec). !dt_dv_div_dr ! dt*dv/dr; need to have this << 1 for every cell !dr_div_R ! cell width divided by star R !log_dr_div_R ! log10 cell width divided by star R !dr_div_rmid ! cell width divided by rmid !log_dr_div_rmid ! log(dr_div_rmid) !dr_div_cs ! cell sound crossing time (sec) !log_dr_div_cs ! log10 cell sound crossing time (sec) !dr_div_cs_yr ! cell sound crossing time (years) !log_dr_div_cs_yr ! log10 cell sound crossing time (years) !acoustic_radius ! sound time from center to outer cell boundary (sec) !log_acoustic_radius ! log10(acoustic_radius) (sec) !acoustic_depth ! sound time from surface to outer cell boundary (sec) !log_acoustic_depth ! log10(acoustic_depth) (sec) !acoustic_r_div_R_phot !cell_collapse_time ! only set if doing explicit hydro ! time (seconds) for cell inner edge to catch cell outer edge at current velocities ! 0 if distance between inner and outer is increasing !log_cell_collapse_time ! log of cell_collapse_time !compression_gradient !# Thermodynamics !temperature ! temperature at center of zone !logT_face ! log10(temperature) at outer boundary of zone !logT_bb ! log10(black body temperature) at outer boundary of zone !logT_face_div_logT_bb !energy ! internal energy (ergs/g) !logE ! log10(specific internal energy) at center of zone !rho ! density !density ! rho !entropy ! specific entropy divided by (avo*kerg) !logS ! log10(specific entropy) !logS_per_baryon ! log10(specific entropy per baryon / kerg) !pressure ! total pressure at center of zone (pgas + prad) !prad ! radiation pressure at center of zone !pgas ! gas pressure at center of zone (electrons and ions) !logPgas ! log10(pgas) !pgas_div_ptotal ! pgas/pressure !eta ! electron degeneracy parameter (eta >> 1 for significant degeneracy) !mu ! mean molecular weight per gas particle (ions + free electrons) !grada ! dlnT_dlnP at constant S !dE_dRho ! at constant T !cv ! specific heat at constant volume !cp ! specific heat at constant total pressure !log_CpT !gamma1 ! dlnP_dlnRho at constant S !gamma3 ! gamma3 - 1 = dlnT_dlnRho at constant S !gam ! plasma interaction parameter (> 160 or so means starting crystallization) !free_e ! free_e is mean number of free electrons per nucleon !logfree_e ! log10(free_e), free_e is mean number of free electrons per nucleon !chiRho ! dlnP_dlnRho at constant T !chiT ! dlnP_dlnT at constant Rho !csound ! sound speed !log_csound !csound_face ! sound speed (was previously called csound_at_face) !cs_at_cell_bdy ! sound speed at cell boundary (csound is at cell center) !v_div_cs ! velocity divided by sound speed !v_div_csound ! velocity divided by sound speed !div_v !thermal_time_to_surface ! in seconds !log_thermal_time_to_surface !t_rad !log_t_rad !log_t_sound !log_t_thermal !eos_phase !eos_frac_OPAL_SCVH !eos_frac_HELM !eos_frac_Skye !eos_frac_PC !eos_frac_FreeEOS !eos_frac_CMS !eos_frac_ideal !pgas_div_p !prad_div_pgas !prad_div_pgas_div_L_div_Ledd !pressure_scale_height_cm !eps_grav_composition_term !eps_grav_plus_eps_mdot !chiRho_for_partials !chiT_for_partials !rel_diff_chiRho_for_partials !rel_diff_chiT_for_partials !latent_ddlnRho !latent_ddlnT !log_P_face !log_Ptrb !log_cp_T_div_t_sound !QQ !# Mass accretion !eps_grav ! -T*ds/dt (negative for expansion) !log_abs_eps_grav_dm_div_L !log_abs_v ! log10(abs(velocity)) (cm/s) !log_mdot_cs !log_mdot_v !eps_mdot !env_eps_grav !xm_div_delta_m !log_xm_div_delta_m !# Nuclear energy generation !signed_log_eps_grav ! sign(eps_grav)*log10(max(1,abs(eps_grav))) !signed_log_eps_nuc !net_nuclear_energy ! erg/gm/s from nuclear reactions minus all neutrino losses ! The value plotted is net_nuclear_energy = sign(val)*log10(max(1,abs(val))) ! where val = net nuclear energy minus all neutrino losses. !net_energy ! net_energy + eps_grav. ! The value plotted is net_energy = sign(val)*log10(max(1,abs(val))) ! where val = net nuclear energy plus eps_grav minus all neutrino losses. !eps_nuc_plus_nuc_neu !eps_nuc_minus_non_nuc_neu !eps_nuc_start !eps_nuc ! ergs/g/sec from nuclear reactions (including losses to reaction neutrinos) !log_abs_eps_nuc !d_lnepsnuc_dlnd !d_epsnuc_dlnd !deps_dlnd_face ! (was previously called deps_dlnd_at_face) !d_lnepsnuc_dlnT !d_epsnuc_dlnT !deps_dlnT_face ! (was previously called deps_dlnT_at_face) !eps_nuc_neu_total ! erg/gm/sec as neutrinos from nuclear reactions !non_nuc_neu ! non-nuclear-reaction neutrino losses !nonnucneu_plas ! plasmon neutrinos (for collective reactions like gamma_plasmon => nu_e + nubar_e) !nonnucneu_brem ! bremsstrahlung (for reactions like e- + (z,a) => e- + (z,a) + nu + nubar) !nonnucneu_phot ! photon neutrinos (for reactions like e- + gamma => e- + nu_e + nubar_e) !nonnucneu_pair ! pair production (for reactions like e+ + e- => nu_e + nubar_e) !nonnucneu_reco ! recombination neutrinos (for reactions like e- (continuum) => e- (bound) + nu_e + nubar_e) ! ergs/g/sec for reaction categories !add_reaction_categories ! this adds all the reaction categories ! NOTE: you can list specific categories by giving their names (from chem_def) pp cno tri_alpha !c_alpha !n_alpha !o_alpha !ne_alpha !na_alpha !mg_alpha !si_alpha !s_alpha !ar_alpha !ca_alpha !ti_alpha !fe_co_ni !c12_c12 !c12_o16 !o16_o16 !photo !pnhe4 !other ! adds columns for all of the reactions that are in the current net ! Note that if using op_split_burn=.true. then zones which have been split will report 0 for thier rates !add_raw_rates ! raw reaction rates, reactions/second !add_screened_rates ! screened reaction rates reactions/second !add_eps_nuc_rates ! Nuclear energy (minus neutrino losses) released erg/s !add_eps_neu_rates ! Neutrino losses erg/s ! individual reactions (as many as desired) ! use list_net_reactions = .true. in star_job to list all reactions in the current net ! reactions/second !raw_rate r_h1_h1_ec_h2 !raw_rate r_h1_h1_wk_h2 !burn_num_iters ! Number of split_burn iterations taken !burn_avg_epsnuc !log_burn_avg_epsnuc !# Composition !x_mass_fraction_H !y_mass_fraction_He !z_mass_fraction_metals !abar ! average atomic weight (g/mole) !zbar ! average charge !z2bar ! average charge^2 !ye ! average charge per baryon = proton fraction !x ! hydrogen mass fraction !log_x !y ! helium mass fraction !log_y !z ! metallicity !log_z ! metallicity !add_abundances ! this adds all of the isos that are in the current net ! NOTE: you can list specific isotopes by giving their names (from chem_def) !h1 !he3 !he4 !c12 !n14 !o16 !add_log_abundances ! this adds log10 of all of the isos that are in the current net ! NOTE: you can list specific isotopes by giving their names (from chem_def) !log h1 !log he3 !log he4 !log c12 !log n14 !log o16 ! log concentration of species ! concentration = number density / number density of electrons ! Ci = (Xi/Ai) / sum(Zi*Xi/Ai) [see Thoul et al, ApJ 421:828-842, 1994] !log_concentration h1 !log_concentration he4 ! typical charge for given species ! (used by diffusion) !typical_charge he4 !typical_charge c12 !typical_charge fe52 ! ionization state for given species ! (same as typical charge, except that it's unsmoothed) !ionization he4 !ionization c12 !ionization fe52 !cno_div_z ! abundance of c12, n14, and o16 as a fraction of total z !# Opacity !opacity ! opacity measured at center of zone !log_opacity ! log10(opacity) !dkap_dlnrho_face ! partial derivative of opacity wrt. ln rho (at T=const) at outer edge of cell ! (was previously called dkap_dlnrho_at_face) !dkap_dlnT_face ! partial derivative of opacity wrt. ln T (at rho=const) at outer edge of cell ! (was previously called dkap_dlnT_at_face) !kap_frac_lowT ! fraction of opacity from lowT tables !kap_frac_highT ! fraction of opacity from highT tables !kap_frac_Type2 ! fraction of opacity from Type2 tables !kap_frac_Compton ! fraction of opacity from Compton_Opacity !kap_frac_op_mono ! fraction of opacity from OP mono !log_kap !log_kap_times_factor !log_c_div_tau !xtau !xlogtau !logtau_sub_xlogtau !# Luminosity !luminosity ! luminosity at outer boundary of zone (in Lsun units) !logL ! log10(max(1d-2,L/Lsun)) !log_Lrad !log_Ledd ! log10(Leddington/Lsun) -- local Ledd, 4 pi clight G m / kap !log_L_div_Ledd ! log10(max(1d-12,L/Leddington)) !log_Lrad_div_Ledd !log_Lrad_div_L !signed_log_power ! sign(L)*log10(max(1,abs(L))) !lum_adv !lum_conv !lum_conv_MLT !lum_div_Ledd !lum_erg_s !lum_plus_lum_adv !lum_rad !log_L_div_CpTMdot !log_abs_lum_erg_s !L !Lc !Lc_div_L !Lr !Lr_div_L !Lt !Lt_div_L !# Energetics !total_energy ! specific total energy of cell (ergs/g). internal+potential+kinetic+rotation. !cell_specific_IE !cell_specific_KE !cell_IE_div_IE_plus_KE !cell_KE_div_IE_plus_KE !cell_ie_div_star_ie !cell_internal_energy_fraction !cell_internal_energy_fraction_start !cell_specific_PE !log_cell_ie_div_star_ie !log_cell_specific_IE !ergs_eps_grav_plus_eps_mdot !ergs_error !ergs_error_integral !ergs_mdot !ergs_rel_error_integral !dm_eps_grav !dE !etrb !log_etrb !extra_grav !log_rel_E_err !total_energy_sign !# Convection !mlt_mixing_length ! mixing length for mlt (cm) !mlt_mixing_type ! value returned by mlt !mlt_Pturb !alpha_mlt !conv_vel ! convection velocity (cm/sec) !log_conv_vel ! log10 convection velocity (cm/sec) !conv_L_div_L !log_conv_L_div_L !lum_conv_div_lum_rad !lum_rad_div_L_Edd !lum_conv_div_lum_Edd !lum_conv_div_L !lum_rad_div_L !lum_rad_div_L_Edd_sub_fourPrad_div_PchiT ! density increases outward if this is > 0 ! see Joss, Salpeter, and Ostriker, "Critical Luminosity", ApJ 181:429-438, 1973. !gradT ! mlt value for required temperature gradient dlnT/dlnP !gradr ! dlnT/dlnP required for purely radiative transport !grad_temperature ! smoothed dlnT/dlnP at cell boundary !grad_density ! smoothed dlnRho/dlnP at cell boundary !gradL ! gradient for Ledoux criterion for convection !sch_stable ! 1 if grada > gradr, 0 otherwise !ledoux_stable ! 1 if gradL > gradr, 0 otherwise !grada_sub_gradT !gradT_sub_grada ! gradT-grada at cell boundary !gradT_div_grada ! gradT/grada at cell boundary !gradr_sub_gradT !gradT_sub_gradr ! gradT-gradr at cell boundary !gradT_div_gradr ! gradT/gradr at cell boundary !log_gradT_div_gradr ! log10 gradT/gradr at cell boundary !log_mlt_Gamma ! convective efficiency !conv_vel_div_csound ! convection velocity divided by sound speed !conv_vel_div_L_vel ! L_vel is velocity needed to carry L by convection; L = 4*pi*r^2*rho*vel**3 !log_mlt_D_mix ! log10 diffusion coefficient for mixing from mlt (cm^2/sec) !gradr_div_grada ! gradr/grada_face; > 1 => Schwarzschild unstable for convection !gradr_sub_grada ! gradr - grada_face; > 0 => Schwarzschild unstable for convection !gradL_sub_gradr !gradP_div_rho !gradT_excess_effect !gradT_rel_err !gradT_sub_a !grada_face !grada_sub_gradr !diff_grads !log_diff_grads !mlt_D !mlt_Gamma !mlt_Y_face !mlt_Zeta !mlt_gradT !mlt_log_abs_Y !mlt_vc !log_mlt_vc !dvc_dt_TDC_div_g !superad_reduction_factor !conv_vel_div_mlt_vc !log_Lconv !log_Lconv_div_L !# Mixing !mixing_type ! mixing types are defined in mesa/const/public/const_def !log_D_mix ! log10 diffusion coefficient for mixing in units of cm^2/second (Eulerian) !log_D_mix_non_rotation !log_D_mix_rotation !log_D_conv ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = convective_mixing !log_D_leftover ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = leftover_convective_mixing !log_D_semi ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = semiconvective_mixing !log_D_ovr ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = overshoot_mixing !log_D_thrm ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = thermohaline_mixing !log_D_minimum ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = minimum_mixing !log_D_rayleigh_taylor ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = rayleigh_taylor_mixing !log_D_anon ! D_mix for regions where mix_type = anonymous_mixing !log_D_omega !log_sig_mix ! sig(k) is mixing flow across face k in (gm sec^1) ! sig(k) = D_mix*(4*pi*r(k)**2*rho_face)**2/dmavg !dominant_isoA_for_thermohaline !dominant_isoZ_for_thermohaline !gradL_composition_term !mix_type !# Optical Depth !tau ! optical depth !log_column_depth ! log10 column depth, exterior mass / area (g cm^-2) !log_radial_depth ! log10 radial distance to surface (cm) !logtau ! log10(optical depth) at cell face !tau_eff ! tau that gives the local P == P_atm if this location at surface ! tau_eff = kap*(P/g - Pextra_factor*(L/M)/(6*pi*clight*cgrav)) !tau_eff_div_tau !# Rotation !omega ! angular velocity = j_rot/i_rot !log_omega !log_j_rot !log_J_div_M53 ! J is j*1e-15 integrated from center; M53 is m^(5/3) !log_J_inside ! J_inside is j_rot integrated from center !shear ! -dlnomega/dlnR !log_abs_shear ! log10(abs(dlnomega/dlnR)) !richardson_number !i_rot ! specific moment of inertia at cell boundary !j_rot ! specific angular momentum at cell boundary !v_rot ! rotation velocity at cell boundary (km/sec) !w_div_w_crit_roche !ratio of rotational velocity to keplerian at the equator !without the contribution from the Eddington factor !fp_rot ! rotation factor for pressure !ft_rot ! rotation factor for temperature !ft_rot_div_fp_rot ! gradr factor !log_am_nu_non_rot ! log10(am_nu_non_rot) !log_am_nu_rot ! log10(am_nu_rot) !log_am_nu ! log10(am_nu_non_rot + am_nu_rot) !r_polar ! (Rsun) !log_r_polar ! log10 (Rsun) !r_equatorial ! (Rsun) !log_r_equatorial ! log10 (Rsun) !r_e_div_r_p ! equatorial/r_polar !omega_crit ! breakup angular velocity = sqrt(G M / equatorial^3) !omega_div_omega_crit !am_log_nu_omega ! for diffusion of omega !am_log_nu_j ! for diffusion of angular momentum !am_log_nu_rot ! diffusion of angular momentum driven by rotation !am_log_nu_non_rot ! diffusion driven by other sources, e.g. convection !am_log_sig_omega ! for diffusion of omega !am_log_sig_j ! for diffusion of angular momentum !am_log_sig ! == am_log_sig_omega !am_log_D_visc ! diffusion coeff for kinematic viscosity !am_log_D_DSI ! diffusion coeff for dynamical shear instability !am_log_D_SH ! diffusion coeff for Solberg-Hoiland instability !am_log_D_SSI ! diffusion coeff for secular shear instability !am_log_D_ES ! diffusion coeff for Eddington-Sweet circulation !am_log_D_GSF ! diffusion coeff for Goldreich-Schubert-Fricke instability !am_log_D_ST ! Spruit dynamo mixing diffusivity !am_log_nu_ST ! Spruit dynamo effective viscosity !dynamo_log_B_r ! (Gauss) !dynamo_log_B_phi ! (Gauss) !am_domega_dlnR !log_abs_dlnR_domega !w_div_w_crit_roche2 !# Diffusion ! electric field from element diffusion calculation !e_field !log_e_field ! gravitational field from element diffusion calculation !g_field_element_diffusion !log_g_field_element_diffusion !eE_div_mg_element_diffusion !log_eE_div_mg_element_diffusion ! element diffusion velocity for species !edv h1 !edv he4 !edv o16 ! Energy generated by Ne22 sedimentation. !eps_WD_sedimentation !log_eps_WD_sedimentation !eps_diffusion !log_eps_diffusion !diffusion_D h1 ! self diffusion coeff !diffusion_dX h1 ! change in h1 mass fraction from diffusion !diffusion_dX he4 ! change in he4 mass fraction from diffusion !diffusion_dX n20 ! change in n20 mass fraction from diffusion !v_rad h1 ! velocity from radiative levitation !v_rad he4 ! velocity from radiative levitation !v_rad ne20 ! velocity from radiative levitation !log_g_rad h1 ! log10 acceleration from radiative levitation !log_g_rad he4 ! log10 acceleration from radiative levitation !log_g_rad ne20 ! log10 acceleration from radiative levitation !# Phase Separation !eps_phase_separation !# Oscillations !brunt_N2 ! brunt-vaisala frequency squared !brunt_N2_structure_term !brunt_N2_composition_term !log_brunt_N2_structure_term !log_brunt_N2_composition_term !brunt_A ! = N^2*r/g !brunt_A_div_x2 ! x = r(k)/r(1) !brunt_N2_dimensionless ! N2 in units of 3GM/R^3 !brunt_N_dimensionless ! N in units of sqrt(3GM/R^3) !brunt_frequency ! cycles per day !brunt_N ! sqrt(abs(brunt_N2)) !log_brunt_N ! log10(brunt_N) !log_brunt_N2 ! log10(brunt_N2) !log_brunt_N2_dimensionless ! log10(brunt_N2_dimensionless) !brunt_B ! smoothed numerical difference !brunt_nonB ! = grada - gradT !log_brunt_B ! smoothed numerical difference !log_brunt_nonB ! = grada - gradT !sign_brunt_N2 ! sign of brunt_N2 (+1 for Ledoux stable; -1 for Ledoux unstable) !brunt_nu ! brunt_frequency in microHz !log_brunt_nu ! brunt_frequency in microHz !lamb_S ! lamb frequency for l=1: S = sqrt(2)*csound/r (rad/s) !lamb_S2 ! squared lamb frequency for l=1: S2 = 2*(csound/r)^2 (rad^2/s^2) !lamb_Sl1 ! lamb frequency for l=1; = sqrt(2)*csound/r (microHz) !lamb_Sl2 ! lamb frequency for l=2; = sqrt(6)*csound/r (microHz) !lamb_Sl3 ! lamb frequency for l=3; = sqrt(12)*csound/r (microHz) !lamb_Sl10 ! lamb frequency for l=10; = sqrt(110)*csound/r (microHz) !log_lamb_Sl1 ! log10(lamb_Sl1) !log_lamb_Sl2 ! log10(lamb_Sl2) !log_lamb_Sl3 ! log10(lamb_Sl3) !log_lamb_Sl10 ! log10(lamb_Sl10) !brunt_N_div_r_integral ! integral from center of N*dr/r !k_r_integral ! integral from center of k_r*dr !brunt_N2_sub_omega2 !sl2_sub_omega2 !# RSP !rsp_Chi ! dlnP_dlnRho !rsp_Et ! Specific turbulent energy !rsp_logEt ! Log specific turbulent energy !rsp_erad ! Specific internal (radiative) energy !rsp_log_erad ! Log specific internal (radiative) energy !rsp_Hp_face ! Pressure scale height at cell face !rsp_Lc ! Convective luminosity !rsp_Lc_div_L ! Convective luminosity div total luminosity !rsp_Lr ! Radiative luminosity !rsp_Lr_div_L ! Radiative luminosity div total luminosity !rsp_Lt ! Turbulent luminosity !rsp_Lt_div_L ! Turbulent luminosity div total luminosity !rsp_Pt ! Turbulent pressure, p_t, see Table 1 in MESA5 !rsp_Uq ! Viscous momentum transfer rate, U_q, see Table 1 in MESA5 !rsp_Eq ! Viscous energy transfer rate, epsilon_q, see Table 1 in MESA5 !rsp_Pvsc ! Artificial viscosity, p_av, see Table 1 in MESA5 !rsp_gradT ! Temperature gradient !rsp_Y_face ! Superadiabatic gradient at cell face, Y_sag, see Table 1 in MESA5 !rsp_damp ! Turbulent dissipation, D, see Table 1 in MESA5 !rsp_dampR ! Radiative cooling, D_r, see Table 1 in MESA5 !rsp_sink ! Sum of turbulent dissipation and radiative cooling terms !rsp_src ! Source function, S, see Table 1 in MESA5 !rsp_src_snk ! Convective coupling, C, see Table 1 in MESA5 !rsp_heat_exchange_timescale ! 1d0/(clight * opacity * density) !rsp_log_heat_exchange_timescale !rsp_log_dt_div_heat_exchange_timescale ! Ratio of time step to heat exchange timescale !w !log_w !COUPL !DAMP !DAMPR !SOURCE !Chi !Eq !Hp_face !PII_face !Ptrb !Pvsc !Uq !Y_face !# RTI !RTI_du_diffusion_kick !alpha_RTI !boost_for_eta_RTI !dedt_RTI !dudt_RTI !eta_RTI !log_alpha_RTI !log_boost_for_eta_RTI !log_eta_RTI !log_etamid_RTI !log_lambda_RTI_div_Hrho !log_sig_RTI !log_sigmid_RTI !log_source_RTI !log_source_minus_alpha_RTI !log_source_plus_alpha_RTI !source_minus_alpha_RTI !source_plus_alpha_RTI !lambda_RTI !# Hydrodynamics !v !v_div_v_escape !v_div_vesc !v_kms !log_v_escape !u !u_face !P_face !# Extras !extra_heat !extra_L ! extra_heat integrated from center (Lsun) !log_extra_L ! log10 integrated from center (Lsun) !log_irradiation_heat !extra_jdot ! set in other_torque routine !extra_omegadot ! set in other_torque routine !extra_opacity_factor ! set in other_opacity_factor routine ! diffusion factor profile for species, set in other_diffusion_factor routine !extra_diffusion_factor h1 !extra_diffusion_factor he4 !extra_diffusion_factor o16 !# Miscellaneous !dlog_h1_dlogP ! (log(h1(k)) - log(h1(k-1)))/(log(P(k)) - log(P(k-1))) !dlog_he3_dlogP !dlog_he4_dlogP !dlog_c12_dlogP !dlog_c13_dlogP !dlog_n14_dlogP !dlog_o16_dlogP !dlog_ne20_dlogP !dlog_mg24_dlogP !dlog_si28_dlogP !dlog_pp_dlogP !dlog_cno_dlogP !dlog_3alf_dlogP !dlog_burn_c_dlogP !dlog_burn_n_dlogP !dlog_burn_o_dlogP !dlog_burn_ne_dlogP !dlog_burn_na_dlogP !dlog_burn_mg_dlogP !dlog_cc_dlogP !dlog_co_dlogP !dlog_oo_dlogP !dlog_burn_si_dlogP !dlog_burn_s_dlogP !dlog_burn_ar_dlogP !dlog_burn_ca_dlogP !dlog_burn_ti_dlogP !dlog_burn_cr_dlogP !dlog_burn_fe_dlogP !dlog_pnhe4_dlogP !dlog_photo_dlogP !dlog_other_dlogP !logR_kap ! logR = logRho - 3*logT + 18 ; used in kap tables !logW ! logW = logPgas - 4*logT !logQ ! logQ = logRho - 2*logT + 12 !logV ! logV = logRho - 0.7*logE + 20 !log_CpT_absMdot_div_L ! log10(s% Cp(k)*s% T(k)*abs(s% mstar_dot)/s% L(k)) !delta_r ! r - r_start, change during step !delta_L ! L - L_start, change during step !delta_cell_vol ! cell_vol - cell_vol_start, change during step !delta_entropy ! entropy - entropy_start, change during step (does not include effects of diffusion) !delta_T ! T - T_start, change during step !delta_rho ! rho - rho_start, change during step !delta_eps_nuc ! eps_nuc - eps_nuc_start, change during step !delta_mu ! mu - mu_start, change during step !zFe ! mass fraction of "Fe" = Fe+Co+Ni !log_zFe !dPdr_dRhodr_info !log_sig_raw_mix !d_u_div_rmid !d_u_div_rmid_start !d_v_div_r_dm !d_v_div_r_dr !dlnP_dlnR !dlnRho_dlnR !dlnRho_dr !dlnX_dr !dlnY_dr !dlogR !dPdr_div_grav !dPdr_info !dRhodr_info !dRstar_div_dr !dr_ratio !dm_eps_grav !dr_ratio !dt_cs_div_dr !dt_div_tau_conv !dt_times_conv_vel_div_mixing_length !log_dt_cs_div_dr !log_dt_div_tau_conv !log_dt_times_conv_vel_div_mixing_length !log_du_kick_div_du !du !dvdt_dPdm !dvdt_grav !tau_conv !tau_cool !tau_epsnuc !tau_qhse !max_abs_xa_corr !tdc_num_iters !k ! the first few lines of the profile contain general info about the model. ! for completeness, those items are described here. ! initial mass and Z ! initial_mass ! initial_z ! general properties of the current state ! model_number ! num_zones ! star_age ! time_step ! properties at the photosphere ! Teff ! photosphere_L ! photosphere_r ! properties at the outermost zone of the model ! log_surface_L ! log_surface_radius ! log_surface_temp ! properties near the center of the model ! log_center_temp ! log_center_density ! log_center_P ! center_eta ! abundances near the center ! center_h1 ! center_he3 ! center_he4 ! center_c12 ! center_n14 ! center_o16 ! center_ne20 ! information about total mass ! star_mass ! star_mdot ! star_mass_h1 ! star_mass_he3 ! star_mass_he4 ! star_mass_c12 ! star_mass_n14 ! star_mass_o16 ! star_mass_ne20 ! locations of abundance transitions ! he_core_mass ! c_core_mass ! o_core_mass ! si_core_mass ! fe_core_mass ! location of optical depths 10 and 100 ! tau10_mass ! tau10_radius ! tau100_mass ! tau100_radius ! time scales ! dynamic_time ! kh_timescale ! nuc_timescale ! various kinds of total power ! power_nuc_burn ! power_h_burn ! power_he_burn ! power_neu ! a few control parameter values ! h1_boundary_limit ! he4_boundary_limit ! c12_boundary_limit ! burn_min1 ! burn_min2