@prefix OBI: . @prefix ncbi: . @prefix LNC: . @prefix ex: . @prefix schema: . @prefix dash: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix sh: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix sio: . @prefix snomed: . @prefix UO: . @prefix skos: . @prefix sty: . @prefix loinc: . @prefix EPND: . sty:T081 rdfs:label "quantitative concept". sty:T080 rdfs:label "qualitative concept". sty:T079 rdfs:label "temporal concept". OBI:0003076 rdfs:label "An age since birth at the time of a clinical visit.". snomed:429019009 rdfs:label "Finding related to biological sex". snomed:224288002 rdfs:label "Duration of formal education (observable entity)". snomed:439272007 rdfs:label "Date of procedure (observable entity)". snomed:459651000124107 rdfs:label "Montreal cognitive assessment score". snomed:273617000 rdfs:label "Mini Mental State Examination". snomed:273633002 rdfs:label "Motor assessment scale score". ncbi:348 rdfs:label "APOE genotype category". LNC:MTHU015751 rdfs:label "collection date ". EPND:AgeAtSampleDate rdfs:label "Age when biosample was taken.". EPND:ClinicalDiagnosis rdfs:label "Diagnosis of cognitive performance, function". EPND:ClinicalDiagnosisDate rdfs:label "Date of clinical diagnosis". EPND:ClinicalDementiaDiagnosis rdfs:label "type of dementia diagnosis". EPND:ADDiseaseStaging rdfs:label "Staging according to a combination of amyloid pathology and cognitive impairment". EPND:MemoryAssessment rdfs:label "Memory assessment". EPND:MemoryRawScore rdfs:label "Raw score of Memory assessment". EPND:MemoryLocalNorms rdfs:label "Local norms of memory assessment". EPND:standerdisedZScore rdfs:label "Z-score of memory assessment". EPND:APOE4Status rdfs:label "APOE 4 allele status". EPND:GBAGenotypeStatus rdfs:label "GBA Genotype status". EPND:CSFAmyloidBeta42Cutoff rdfs:label "CSF Amyloid-beta42 cut off dependent on the assay and for different pre-analytical procedures in the cohort. ". EPND:AmyloidBeta42Status rdfs:label "Amyloid beta 42 status ". EPND:AmyloidBeta42 rdfs:label "Amyloid beta 42". snomed:248153007 rdfs:label "Male". snomed:248152002 rdfs:label "Female". snomed:32570691000036108 rdfs:label "Intersex". EPND:NC rdfs:label "Normal cognition". EPND:MCI rdfs:label "Mild cognitive impairment". EPND:Dementia rdfs:label "dementia (mild-moderate-severe)". EPND:ADDementia rdfs:label "Alzheimer disease dementia". EPND:DLBDementia rdfs:label "Dementia with Lewy bodies ". EPND:PDDementia rdfs:label "Parkinson's disease dementia". EPND:PreclinicalAD rdfs:label "Combination of amyloid pathology and no cognitive impairment: Amyloid + NC/SCD". EPND:ProdromalAD rdfs:label "Combination of amyloid pathology and and cognitive impairment: Amyloid + MCI". EPND:ADDementia rdfs:label "Combination of amyloid pathology and dementia: Amyloid + dementia". EPND:E2E2 rdfs:label "APOE allele E2E2". EPND:E2E3 rdfs:label "APOE allele E2E3". EPND:E2E4 rdfs:label "APOE allele E2E4". EPND:E3E3 rdfs:label "APOE allele E3E3". EPND:E3E4 rdfs:label "APOE allele E3E4". EPND:E4E4 rdfs:label "APOE allele E4E4". sio:SIO_000269 rdfs:label "true". sio:SIO_000270 rdfs:label "false". sio:SIO_000137 rdfs:label "category". sio:SIO_000915 rdfs:label "numeric scale". sio:SIO_000914 rdfs:label "binary scale". sio:SIO_000221 rdfs:label "has unit". sio:SIO_000300 rdfs:label "has value". sio:SIO_000223 rdfs:label "has property". ex:An_age_since_birth_measurement_datum_at_the_time_of_a_clinical_visit_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass OBI:0003076; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:UO_0000033; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name OBI:0003076; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name OBI:0003076; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:maxInclusive 130.0; ]. ex:Demographics_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:An_age_since_birth_measurement_datum_at_the_time_of_a_clinical_visit_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Age_when_biosample_was_taken__Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass EPND:AgeAtSampleDate; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:UO_0000033; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:AgeAtSampleDate; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:AgeAtSampleDate; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:maxInclusive 130.0; ]. ex:Demographics_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Age_when_biosample_was_taken__Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Duration_of_formal_education_observable_entity_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass snomed:224288002; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:UO_0000189; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name snomed:224288002; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name snomed:224288002; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:maxInclusive 130.0; ]. ex:Demographics_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Duration_of_formal_education_observable_entity_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Montreal_cognitive_assessment_score_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass snomed:459651000124107; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:UO_0000189; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name snomed:459651000124107; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name snomed:459651000124107; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:maxInclusive 31.0; ]. ex:Cognition_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Montreal_cognitive_assessment_score_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Mini_Mental_State_Examination_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass snomed:273617000; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:UO_0000189; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name snomed:273617000; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name snomed:273617000; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:maxInclusive 31.0; ]. ex:Cognition_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Mini_Mental_State_Examination_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Memory_assessment_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass EPND:MemoryAssessment ; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:UO_0000189; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:MemoryAssessment ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]. ex:Cognition_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Memory_assessment_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Raw_score_of_memory_assessment_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass EPND:MemoryRawScore; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:UO_0000189; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:MemoryRawScore; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]. ex:Cognition_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Raw_score_of_memory_assessment_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Local_norms_of_memory_assessment_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass EPND:MemoryLocalNorms; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:None; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:MemoryLocalNorms; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]. ex:Cognition_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Local_norms_of_memory_assessment_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Zscore_of_memory_assessment_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass EPND:standerdisedZScore; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:None; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:standerdisedZScore; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]. ex:Cognition_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Zscore_of_memory_assessment_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Motor_assessment_scale_score_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass snomed:273633002; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue UO:UO_0000189; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name snomed:273633002; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]. ex:Motor_function_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Motor_assessment_scale_score_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:CSF_Amyloidbeta42_cut_off_dependent_on_the_assay_and_for_different_preanalytical_procedures_in_the_cohort__Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass EPND:CSFAmyloidBeta42Cutoff; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue snomed:258808001; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:CSFAmyloidBeta42Cutoff; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:CSFAmyloidBeta42Cutoff; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:maxInclusive 5000.0; ]. ex:Local_CSF_measures_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:CSF_Amyloidbeta42_cut_off_dependent_on_the_assay_and_for_different_preanalytical_procedures_in_the_cohort__Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Amyloid_beta42__Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000915; #numeric sh:targetClass EPND:AmyloidBeta42; sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue snomed:258808001; sh:minCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:AmyloidBeta42; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:minInclusive 0.0; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has value sh:datatype xsd:int; sh:name EPND:AmyloidBeta42; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:maxInclusive 5000.0; ]. ex:Local_CSF_measures_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T081; #quantitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T081; #quantitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Amyloid_beta42__Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Date_of_clinical_diagnosis_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000418; #time instant sh:closed true; sh:targetClass EPND:ClinicalDiagnosisDate; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ClinicalDiagnosisDate; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000221; #has unit sh:node ex:dateFormat; ]. ex:dateFormat a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass schema:Date; #date in ISO 8601 date format sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue schema:Date; #date in ISO 8601 date format ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has_value sh:datatype xsd:date; skos:altLabel 'date YYYY-MM-DD'; ]. ex:Diagnosis_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T079; #temporal concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T079; #temporal concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Date_of_clinical_diagnosis_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Date_of_procedure_observable_entity_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000418; #time instant sh:closed true; sh:targetClass snomed:439272007; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue snomed:439272007; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000221; #has unit sh:node ex:dateFormat; ]. ex:dateFormat a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass schema:Date; #date in ISO 8601 date format sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue schema:Date; #date in ISO 8601 date format ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has_value sh:datatype xsd:date; skos:altLabel 'date YYYY-MM-DD'; ]. ex:Cognition_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T079; #temporal concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T079; #temporal concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Date_of_procedure_observable_entity_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:collection_date__Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000418; #time instant sh:closed true; sh:targetClass LNC:MTHU015751; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue LNC:MTHU015751; ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000221; #has unit sh:node ex:dateFormat; ]. ex:dateFormat a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass schema:Date; #date in ISO 8601 date format sh:closed true; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue schema:Date; #date in ISO 8601 date format ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000300; #has_value sh:datatype xsd:date; skos:altLabel 'date YYYY-MM-DD'; ]. ex:Sample_related_info_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T079; #temporal concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T079; #temporal concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000011; #is attribute of sh:node ex:collection_date__Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Finding_related_to_biological_sex_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000137; #category sh:closed true; sh:targetClass snomed:429019009; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue snomed:429019009; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue snomed:248153007; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue snomed:429019009; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue snomed:248152002; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue snomed:429019009; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue snomed:32570691000036108; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] ); sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:in ( snomed:248153007 snomed:248152002 snomed:32570691000036108 snomed:429019009 ) ; sh:minCount 2; # columnClass and valueClass combination ]. ex:Demographics_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T080; #qualitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T080; #qualitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000137; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Finding_related_to_biological_sex_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Diagnosis_of_cognitive_performance_function_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000137; #category sh:closed true; sh:targetClass EPND:ClinicalDiagnosis ; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ClinicalDiagnosis ; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:NC; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ClinicalDiagnosis ; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:MCI; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ClinicalDiagnosis ; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:Dementia; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] ); sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:in ( EPND:NC EPND:MCI EPND:Dementia EPND:ClinicalDiagnosis ) ; sh:minCount 2; # columnClass and valueClass combination ]. ex:Diagnosis_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T080; #qualitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T080; #qualitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000137; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Diagnosis_of_cognitive_performance_function_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Type_of_dementia_diagnosis_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000137; #category sh:closed true; sh:targetClass EPND:ClinicalDementiaDiagnosis; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ClinicalDementiaDiagnosis; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ADDementia; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ClinicalDementiaDiagnosis; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:DLBDementia; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ClinicalDementiaDiagnosis; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:PDDementia; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] ); sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:in ( EPND:ADDementia EPND:DLBDementia EPND:PDDementia EPND:ClinicalDementiaDiagnosis ) ; sh:minCount 2; # columnClass and valueClass combination ]. ex:Diagnosis_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T080; #qualitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T080; #qualitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000137; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Type_of_dementia_diagnosis_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Staging_according_to_a_combination_of_amyloid_pathology_and_cognitive_impairment_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000137; #category sh:closed true; sh:targetClass EPND:ADDiseaseStaging; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ADDiseaseStaging; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:PreclinicalAD; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ADDiseaseStaging; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ProdromalAD; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ADDiseaseStaging; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:ADDementia; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] ); sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:in ( EPND:PreclinicalAD EPND:ProdromalAD EPND:ADDementia EPND:ADDiseaseStaging ) ; sh:minCount 2; # columnClass and valueClass combination ]. ex:Diagnosis_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T080; #qualitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T080; #qualitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000137; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Staging_according_to_a_combination_of_amyloid_pathology_and_cognitive_impairment_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:APOE_4_allele_status_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000137; #category sh:closed true; sh:targetClass EPND:APOE4Status; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:APOE4Status; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue sio:SIO_000269; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:APOE4Status; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue sio:SIO_000270 ; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] ); sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:in ( sio:SIO_000269 sio:SIO_000270 EPND:APOE4Status ) ; sh:minCount 2; # columnClass and valueClass combination ]. ex:Genetics_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T080; #qualitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T080; #qualitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000137; #is attribute of sh:node ex:APOE_4_allele_status_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:APOE_genotype_category_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000137; #category sh:closed true; sh:targetClass ncbi:348; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue ncbi:348; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:E2E2; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue ncbi:348; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:E2E3; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue ncbi:348; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:E2E4; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue ncbi:348; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:E3E3; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue ncbi:348; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:E3E4; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue ncbi:348; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:E4E4; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] ); sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:in ( EPND:E2E2 EPND:E2E3 EPND:E2E4 EPND:E3E3 EPND:E3E4 EPND:E4E4 ncbi:348 ) ; sh:minCount 2; # columnClass and valueClass combination ]. ex:Genetics_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T080; #qualitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T080; #qualitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000137; #is attribute of sh:node ex:APOE_genotype_category_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:GBA_Genotype_status_Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000137; #category sh:closed true; sh:targetClass EPND:GBAGenotypeStatus; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:GBAGenotypeStatus; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue sio:SIO_000269; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:GBAGenotypeStatus; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue sio:SIO_000270 ; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] ); sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:in ( sio:SIO_000269 sio:SIO_000270 EPND:GBAGenotypeStatus ) ; sh:minCount 2; # columnClass and valueClass combination ]. ex:Genetics_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T080; #qualitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T080; #qualitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000137; #is attribute of sh:node ex:GBA_Genotype_status_Shape; sh:minCount 1; ]. ex:Amyloid_beta_42_status__Shape a sh:NodeShape, sio:SIO_000137; #category sh:closed true; sh:targetClass EPND:AmyloidBeta42Status ; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:AmyloidBeta42Status ; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue sio:SIO_000269; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue EPND:AmyloidBeta42Status ; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue sio:SIO_000270 ; sh:minCount 2; sh:maxCount 2; ]; ] ); sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:in ( sio:SIO_000269 sio:SIO_000270 EPND:AmyloidBeta42Status ) ; sh:minCount 2; # columnClass and valueClass combination ]. ex:Local_CSF_measures_Shape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass sty:T080; #qualitative concept sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue sty:T080; #qualitative concept ]; sh:property [ sh:path sio:SIO_000137; #is attribute of sh:node ex:Amyloid_beta_42_status__Shape; sh:minCount 1; ].