Contributors are those that engage in discussions in the context of SIO (in alphabetical order):
sivaram arabandi
christopher baker
joachim baran
jerven bolleman
matthew brush
alison callahan
leonid chepelev
kevin cohen
melanie courtot
geraint duck
laura furlong
elisa kendall
tatsuya kushida
luke mccarthy
jim mccusker
jose miguel cruz-toledo
chris mungall
robert hoehndorf
simon jupp
jin-dong kim
dana klassen
thomas luetteke
james malone
chris mungall
david osumi-sutherland
tazro ohta
nuria queralt
stephen reed
alexandre riazanov
matthias samwald
robert stevens
mark wilkinson
karin verspoor
natalia villanueva-rosales
Michel Dumontier
The semanticscience integrated ontology (SIO) provides a simple, integrated ontology (types, relations) for objects, processes and their attributes.
This project provides foundational support for the Bio2RDF (http://bio2rdf.org) and SADI (http://sadiframework.org) projects.
website: http://semanticscience.org
email: sio-ontology@googlegroups.com
mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/sio-ontology
free to use,share,modify. modify with attribution [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/].
Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO)
general class inclusion axioms:
'is part of' some 'physical entity' subClassOf 'is located in' some 'physical entity'
role chains:
'has capability' o 'is realized in' -> 'is participant in'
A is related to B iff there is some relation between A and B.
'is related to' is the top level relation in SIO
is related to
has attribute is a relation that associates a entity with an attribute where an attribute is an intrinsic characteristic such as a quality, capability, disposition, function, or is an externally derived attribute determined from some descriptor (e.g. a quantity, position, label/identifier) either directly or indirectly through generalization of entities of the same type.
has attribute
is attribute of is a relation that associates an attribute with an entity where an attribute is an intrinsic characteristic such as a quality, capability, disposition, function, or is an externally derived attribute determined from some descriptor (e.g. a quantity, position, label/identifier) either directly or indirectly through generalization of entities of the same type.
is attribute of
denotes is a relation between an entity and what it is a sign or indication of, or what specifically means.
the symbol '%' denotes a proportion in relation to a whole.
has part is a transitive, reflexive and antisymmetric relation between a whole and itself or a whole and its part.
has part
a collection of cars has as a car as a part;a car has an engine as a part; a car has a piston as a part;
is time boundary of
has proper part is an antisymmetric, irreflexive (normally transitive) relation between a whole and a distinct part.
has proper part
a car has an engine as a proper part; a car has a piston as a proper part;
has boundary is a mereological relation between a whole and boundary located at its periphery.
has boundary
the surface of an apple is a 2D boundary of the apple.
has member is a mereological relation between a collection and an item.
has member
a collection of cars has as a car as a member
is denoted by
A is located in B iff the spatialtemporial region occupied by A is part of the spatialtemporal region occupied by B. [T][R]
is located in
A parasite in the interior of a person's intestine is located in their intestinal lumen.
is participant in is a relation that describes the participation of the subject in the (processual) object.
is participant in
a car is a participant in a car race; glucose is a participant in glycolysis
is agent in is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present throughout the process, no permanent material change occurs, and is a causal participant in the process.
is agent in
hexokinase is an agent in the conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate
is provider of is a relation between a source and the entity it makes available.
is provider of
is provided by is a relation between an entity and the entity that provides it.
has provider
is part of is a transitive, reflexive and anti-symmetric mereological relation between a whole and itself or a part and its whole.
is part of
is proper part of is an asymmetric, irreflexive (normally transitive) relation between a part and its distinct whole.
is proper part of
is member of is a mereological relation between a item and a collection.
is member of
is boundary of is a mereological relation between a boundary located at the periphery of a whole.
is boundary of
A is contained in B iff the spatial region occupied by A is part of the spatial region occupied by B and A is not part of B. [T]
is contained in
has participant is a relation that describes the participation of the object in the (processual) subject.
has participant
has agent is a relation between a process and an entity, where the entity is present throughout the process and is a causal participant in the process.
has agent
A is location of B iff the spatialtemporal region occupied by A has the spatialtemporal region occupied by B as a part. [T][R]
is location of
A contains B iff the spatial region occupied by A has the spatial region occupied by B as a part, and B is not part of A. [T]
interacts with
A is connected to B iff there exists a fiat, material or temporal path between A and B. [S][T]
is connected to
A is adjacent to B iff there is a small, but non-zero distance between A and B
is adjacent to
is represented by: a relation between an entity and some symbol.
is represented by
is supported by is a relation between a proposition and something that supports the truth of the assertion.
is supported by
has disputing evidence is a relation between a proposition and something that disputes (does not directly support) the truth of the assertion.
is disputed by
is supporting evidence for
is disputing evidence for
a represents b when a serves as a sign, symbol or model of b.
is positionally after is a relation between entities placed on a dimensional axis in which the projection of the position of the first entity is numerically greater than the projection of the position of the second entity.
is positionally after
A is referred to by B iff B is an informational entity that makes reference to A.
is referred to by
A has concretization B iff A is an informational entity and B is the a quality of some material entity.
has concretization
A is concretization of B iff A is a quality of a material entity and B is an informational entity.
is concretization of
is measurement value of is a relation between a value and the entity that it is a measurement of.
is measurement value of
has measurement value is a relation between a quality/realizable and a measurement value.
has measurement value
has quality is a relation between an entity and the quality that it bears.
has quality
is quality of is a relation between a quality and the entity that it is a property of.
is quality of
is source of is a relation between a source of information about some entity.
is source of
has unit is a relation between a quantity and the unit it is a multiple of.
has unit
is unit of is a relation between a unit and a quantity that it is a multiple of.
is unit of
has property is a relation between an entity and the quality, capability or role that it and it alone bears.
has property
michel's hair has the quality of being brown in colour.
is property of is a relation betweena quality, capability or role and the entity that it and it alone bears.
is property of
has function is the relation between an entity and a function that is ascribed to it.
has function
is function of is a relation between a function and an entity that it is a property of.
is function of
is role of is a relation between a role and the entity that it is a property of.
is role of
has role is a relation between an entity and a role that it bears.
has role
has output is a relation between an process and an entity, where the entity is present at the end of the process.
has output
has input is a relation between a process and an entity, where the entity is present at the beginning of the process.
has input
is input in is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present at the beginning of the process.
is input in
glucose and ATP are inputs in the hexokinase-mediated conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate.
is output of is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present at the end of the process.
is output of
glucose-6-phosphate and ADP are outputs in the hexokinase-mediated conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate.
is implementation of is a relation between an information entity and a specification that it conforms to.
is implementation of
has implementation is a relation between a specification and an implementation that conforms to it.
has implementation
has disposition is the relation between an entity and a disposition that it bears.
has disposition
is disposition of is a relation between a disposition and the entity that it is a property of.
is disposition of
is positionally before is a relation between entities placed on a dimensional axis in which the projection of the position of the first entity is numerically less than the projection of the position of the second entity.
is positionally before
is directly after is a relation between entities placed on a dimensional axis in which the projection of the position of the first entity is numerically greater than the projection of the position of the second entity, and the entities are adjacent to one another.
is directly after
is directly before is a relation between entities placed on a dimensional axis in which the projection of the position of the first entity is numerically less than the projection of the position of the second entity, and the entities are adjacent to one another.
is directly before
A transitive, symmetric, temporal relation in which one entity is causally related with another non-identical entity.
is causally related with
A transitive temporal relation in which one entity was materially formed from another non-identical entity.
is derived from
a derives to b if and only if a or some part thereof is consumed in the formation of b.
derives into
a immediately derives into b if and only if a or some significant part thereof is consumed in the formation of b and there are no identifiable intermediate entities between a and b.
immediately derives into
A non-transitive temporal relation in which one entity is immediately derived from a non-identical entity such that there are no intermediate entities between them.
is immediately derived from
A transitive, temporal relation in which one process precedes (has occured earlier than) another process.
is preceded by
A non-transitive temporal relation in which one process immediately precedes another process, such that there is no interval of time between the two processes.
immediately precedes
A non-transitive temporal relation in which one process is immediately preceded by another process, such that there is no interval of time between the two processes.
is immediately preceded by
is reference for is a relation between a document that provides information about an entity.
is referenced by
has source is a relation between an entity and another entity from which it stems from.
has source
is annotation of is a relation between some textual entity and the entity that it annotates.
is annotation of
is annotated with
was annotated with
has annotation is a relation between an entity and some textual anntotation.
has annotation
document x is annotated with the keywords 'ontology','semantic web'
is variant of: a relationship indicating that two entities are different (by some measure), but either achieve the same objectives in different ways or are permutations of one another (temporal, logical or otherwise)
is variant of
has direct part is a relation to specify a part at a particular level of granularity
has direct part
a car has an engine as a direct part
A is prior version of B iff A is a variant of B and B derives from A.
is prior version of
cites is a relation to refer to by way of example, authority or proof.
is cited by is a relation from an object that is referred to by way of example, authority or proof.
is cited by
is similar to is a relation between two entities that share one or more features.
is similar to
A is subsequent version of B iff A is a variant of B and A derives from B.
is subsequent version of
is covalently connected to (transitive)
has target is a relation between a process and an entity, where the entity is present at the beginning of the process and undergoes a change or transformation in the process.
has target
is target in is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present at the beginning of the process and undergoes a change or transformation in the process.
is target in
glucose is a target in the hexokinase-mediated conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate.
is weakly interacting with is a symmetric relation between two molecular entities (or any part thereof) that are interacting through some weak force (van der waals, hydrogen bonds, electrostatic interactions)
is weakly interacting with (transitive)
a is causally related to b iff there is a causal chain of events from a to b
is causally related to
is direct part of is a relation between a specific part (at some level of granularity) and its whole.
is direct part of
is product of is a relation between an entity and a process, where the entity is present at the end of the process as a result of a transformation in the process target.
is product of
glucose-6-phosphate is the product of the hexokinase-mediated conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate.
has product is a relation between an process and an entity, where a new entity exists at the end of the process.
has product
is component part of is a relation between a component and a whole, where the component is instrinsic to the whole, and loss of the part would change the kind that the whole is.
is component part of
A is spatiotemporally related to B iff A is in the spatial or temporal vicinity of B
is spatiotemporally related to
A 'is surrounded by' B iff the A 'is contained by' B and A 'is adjacent to' B or A 'is directly connected to' B.
is surrounded by
A 'surrounds' B iff the A 'contains' B and A 'is adjacent to' B or A 'is directly connected to' B.
A overlaps with B iff there is some C that is part of both A and B. [S][R]
overlaps with
is about is a relation between an information content entity and the entity that its primary subject.
is about
is covalently connected to is a relation between an atom and another atom.
is covalently connected to
is weakly interacting with
A relation between an information content entity and a product that it (directly/indirectly) specifies
a relation between a product and the information content entity that specifies it.
is specified by
is manifested as is a relation between an expression and its manifestations.
is manifested as
the english language version of 'war of the worlds' is manifested as a collection of english language versions of the book.
a is causally related from b iff there is a causal chain of events from b to a
is causally related from
realizes is a relation between a process and a realizable entity (role, function, disposition).
is realized in
the role of a patient is realized in medical examination
satisfies is a relation between an entity and the specification or objective that it conforms to.
is satisfied by
is created by
was created by
has creator is a relation between an entity and that which created it.
has creator
the iPhone was created by Apple Inc
is created by
is creator of is a relation between a creator and an entity..
is creator of
has component part is a relation between a whole and a component part where the component is instrinsic to the whole, and loss of the part would change the kind that it is.
has component part
a human has blood as a component part
has expression
the story 'war of worlds' is expressed as every language edition of the book 'war of the worlds'
is expression of is a relation between more concrete expression of some conceptualization.
is expression of
every language edition of 'war of the worlds' are expressions of the story of 'war of the worlds'
A is broader than B (t) iff for A is broader than B.
is broader than (t)
A is narrower than B (t) iff for A is narrower than B.
is narrower than (t)
A is generically related with B iff A is an abstract entity or an information content entity and B is a information content entity or a physical entity, respectively.
is generically related with
is manifestation of
A is narrower than B iff the meaning of term A is narrower in scope than the meaning of term B
is narrower than
is broader than
A is match to B iff A and B are terms with similar (related, broad, close, exact) meanings
is match to
is exact match to
is close match to
is broad match to
is dissimilar to is a relation between two entities in which one is considered dissimilar to the other based on some criteria.
is dissimilar to
is opposite to is a relation between two entities in which one is diametrically opposed to the other.
is opposite to
hot is the opposite of cold; left is opposite of right
is version of is a relation that holds between any two versions in which one is a subsequent or alternate version of (through a branch).
is version of
has parameter is a relation between a process and an information content entity which modulates the behaviour of some participant.
has parameter
is parameter in is a relation between a data item and some data transformation process.
is parameter in
is described by is a relation between one entity and another entity that provides a description (detailed account) of it.
is described by
is orthologous to is a relation between two biological entities that share a common ancestor and occur in different species.
is orthologous to
describes is a relation between one entity and another entity that it provides a description (detailed account of).
has capability is a relation between an entity and the capability that it bears.
has capability
SIO has the capability to semantically integrate data.
refers to is a relation between one entity and the entity that it makes reference to.
refers to
is subject of
is paralogous to is a relation between two entities which indicates their common ancestry as a result of a gene duplication.
is paralogous to
references is a relation between one entity and the entity that it makes reference to by name, but is not described by it.
is model of is a relation between a model (an artifact) and the entity it purports to represent.
is model of
the architect builds a model that represents the building she envisions.
is modelled by
a relation between two entities which indicates their common ancestry but due to horizontal gene transfer.
is xenologous to
has trigger is a relation between a realizable and the factor that causes it to be realized.
has trigger
is trigger for
has basis is a relation between a realizable entity and the quality that forms the basis for it.
has basis
the solubility of salt (the disposition) is based on the molecular structure of NaCl (the quality) that allows the polarized water-molecules (the trigger) to break the ion bonds (the realization).
is base for is a relation between a quality and the realizable entity that it is the basis for.
is base for
the solubility of salt (the disposition) is based on the molecular structure of NaCl (the quality) that allows the polarized water-molecules (the trigger) to break the ion bonds (the realization).
is realizable property of
has realizable property
is capability of is a relation between a capability and the entity that bears it.
is capability of
A is directly connected to B iff there exists a path direclty between A and B.
is directly connected to
A transitive temporal relation in which an entity mainstains identity from one state to another.
transforms into
A temporal relation in which an entity mainstains identity from one state to another.
immediately transforms into
A transitive temporal relation in which an entity mainstains identity from one state to another.
is transformed from
A temporal relation in which an entity mainstains identity from one state to another.
is immediately transformed from
in relation to is a comparative relation to indicate that the instance of the class holding the relation exists in relation to another entity.
in relation to
a relation between an entity and an identifier.
has identifier
a relation between an identifier and an entity.
is identifier for
has unique identifier is an inverse functional relation between an entity and an identifier that uniquely identifies it.
has unique identifier
is unique identifier for is a relation between an identifier and an entity that it uniquely identifies
is unique identifier for
has time boundary
has start time
has end time
is start time of
is end time of
exists at is a relation between an entity and a time measurement.
exists at
a is mutual disposition of b if and only if the realization of the disposition a necessarily causes the realization of the disposition b.
is mutual disposition of
is greater than or equal to is a comparison relation between two quantities in which the first has a value larger or equal to the second.
is greater than or equal to
a is mutually related to b if and only if the realization of the relation of a necessarily causes the realization of a relation to b.
is mutually related to
a is mutual role of b if and only if the realization of role a necessarily causes the realization of role b.
is mutual role of
is greater than to is a comparison relation between two quantities in which the first has a value smaller or equal to the second.
is lesser than or equal to
is greater than to is a comparison relation between two quantities in which the first has a value larger than the second.
is greater than
is lesser than to is a comparison relation between two quantities in which the first has a value smaller than the second.
is lesser than
is comparable to is a relation between two entities that share at least one feature whose value can be compared.
is comparable to
is numerically comparable to is a comparison relation between two quantities whose datatype value can be compared.
is numerically comparable to
is equal to is a comparison relation between two quantities whose value are exactly the same.
is equal to
is inequal to is a comparison relation between two quantities whose value are not the same.
is inequal to
has evidence is a relation between a proposition and something that demonstrates the truth of the assertion.
has evidence
is evidence for
has evidence is a relation between a proposition and something that refutes (is incompatible with) the truth of the assertion.
is refuted by
is refuting evidence for
measured at is a relation between a measurement value and the time measurement.
measured at
a in relation from b is a comparative relation in a is the object of reference in a relation with b.
in relation from
has frequency is a relation that specifies the occurence of an object or event
has frequency
is frequency of is a relation between a temporal unit and an object or event
is frequency of
has substrate is a relation between a process and an object where the object is destroyed by its participation in the process.
has substrate
is first part of is a proper part relation in which the part is the first of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system.
is first part of
has first part is a proper part relation in which the part is the first of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system.
has first part
has last part is a proper part relation in which the part is the last of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system.
has last part
is last part of is a proper part relation in which the part is the last of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system.
is last part of
has ordered part of is a proper part relation in which the part is one of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system.
has ordered part
is ordered part of is a proper part relation in which the part is one of a set of linearly ordered parts resulting from the projection of the whole on a linear coordinate system.
is ordered part of
is specialization of is a relation between a more specific instance (in terms of spatial/temporal localization & other attributres) than the other.
is specialization of
a weather forecast for the city of London produced at a specific time is a specialization of a weather forecast for the city of London.
is generalization of is a relation between a more general instance (in terms of spatial/temporal localization & other attributres) than the other.
is generalization of
is alternate of relates two specialized instances.
is alternate of
two weather forecasts for the city of London produced at different times or by different organizations (etc) are alternates of each other, and instances of / specializations of forecasts for the city of London.
a is mutual capability of b if and only if the realization of capability a necessarily causes the realization of capability b.
is mutual capability of
x regulates y if and only if x is a process and y is either a process or a quality, and the progression of x exerts an effect on the frequency, rate or extent of y
is regulated by
results in
is result of
is affected by
is identical to is a relation between two objects that are conceptually the same notwithstanding provenance or other non-intrinsic attributes.
is identical to
not implemented in standard distribution
is transitively related to
has data item is a relation between a dataset and any described / referrenced entity.
has data item
'is data item in' is a relation between an entity that is described or referenced in a dataset.
is data item in
has phenotype is a relation between an object and an observable/measurable characteristic.
has phenotype
is phenotype of is a relation between an observable/measurable characteristic and an object.
is phenotype of
x positively regulates y if and only if x is a process and y is either a process or a quality, and the progression of x exerts an effect that increases the frequency, rate or extent of y
positively regulates
x negatively regulates y if and only if x is a process and y is either a process or a quality, and the progression of x exerts an reduced effect on the frequency, rate or extent of y
negatively regulates
x is associated with y when x and y are logically or statistically related to one another.
is associated with
x is correlated with y when x holds a statistical relationship with y
is correlated with
A relation between two objects, in which the first object contains information that is used to produce the second object.
an open reading frame encodes a protein (it contains information that specifies the amino acid composition and topology)
A relation between two objects, in which the first object is produced from the information contained in the second object.
is encoded by
a relation between two information content entities in which one is transcribed into (an exact or similar kind) another through some process.
is transcribed into
DNA is transcribed into RNA
is transcribed from
is translated into
RNA is translated into Protein
a relation between two information content entities in which one is translated into (a completely different kind of entity) another through some process.
is translated from
a relation between two entities which indicates their common ancestry.
is homologous to
A relation between a informational entity and its actual value (numeric, date, text, etc).
has value
Every thing is an entity.
A material entity is a physical entity that is spatially extended, exists as a whole at any point in time and has mass.
material entity
A quality is an attribute that is intrinsically associated with its bearer (or its parts), but whose presence/absence and observed/measured value may vary.
A process is an entity that is identifiable only through the unfolding of time, has temporal parts, and unless otherwise specified/predicted, cannot be identified from any instant of time in which it exists.
A social entity pertains to the interaction among individuals and groups.
social entity
A social structure is a social entity which consists of relationships between two or more entities.
social structure
An organization is a collective with a complex articulation of tasks, roles and responsibilities.
A geographic position is the coordinate of an entity against some geographic coordinate system.
geographic position
A disposition is the tendency of a capability to be exhibited under certain conditions or in response to a certain stimulus (trigger).
solubility (to dissolve when put in fluid); fragility (disposition to break when dropped)
information content entity is an object that requires some background knowledge or procedure to correctly interpret.
information content entity
A role is a realizable entity that describes behaviours, rights and obligations of an entity in some particular circumstance.
A function is a capability that satisfies some agentive objective, or (evolutionary) optimization.
A site is a spatial region bounded (in part or in whole) by material entities and may be occupied by material entities.
A nostril; the interior of the heart valve; the interior of a bottle.
A material boundary is the boundary of a material entity which exists as a lower dimensional entity at exactly the location where its parts no longer extend into space. Every material entity has a boundary, and a boundary is the boundary of exactly 1 material entity.
material boundary
the external surface of the window; the surface of the p52 protein
An object quality is quality of an object.
object quality
A process quality is quality that is associated with a process.
process quality
A sequence is a primary structure descriptor in which each of the letters in the string represents a monomeric unit (residue) in which adjacent letters represent the connectivity between the monomeric units.
biopolymer sequence
A start date is a time instant pertaining to the date of the beginning of a process.
start date
An end date is a time instant pertaining to date of the end of a process.
end date
process status is a process quality that describes the state of a process.
process status
completed is that status of a process that successfully unfolds.
ongoing is the status of a process that is not yet complete.
predicted is the quality of an entity that is thought to exist, as evidenced by some rational procedure.
physical dimensional quantity
A spatial quantity is a quantity obtained from measuring the spatial extent of an entity
spatial quantity
A quantity that extends in single dimension.
1D extent quantity
depth is the dimensional extent into a plane of a 3D projection of the object.
height is the one dimensional extent along the vertical projection of a 3D object from a base plane of reference.
length is the longer dimensional extent along a 2D projection of the object.
width is the shorter dimensional extent perpendicular to a 2D projection of the object.
thickness is the shortest dimensional extent of a 3D projection of an object.
A quantity that extends in two dimensions.
2D extent quantity
area is a quantity that pertains to the extent of a two-dimensional surface or shape, or planar lamina, in the plane.
A perimeter is a length of the outline that surrounds a two-dimensional shape.
length of perimeter
circumference is the length of the outline of a circle or ellipse. it is defined as c = 2*pi*r, where r is the radius.
A quantity that extends in three dimensions.
3D extent quantity
volume is the quantity of three-dimensional space enclosed by some closed boundary.
composition quality is a quality that describes its composition or anatomy.
compositional quality
A quantity is an informational entity that gives the magnitude of a property.
shape is the quality of a bearer that relates to its spatial extent.
A measurement of a spatial location relative to a frame of reference or other objects.
orientation is an angle between the bearer and an axis, or the angle between the bearer and another object.
A namespace is an informational entity that defines a logical container for a set of symbols or identifiers.
A data item consists of information that has been collected/generated towards some purpose.
data item
A measurement value is a quantitative description that reflects the magnitude of some attribute.
measurement value
A coordinate is a measurement of position in n-dimensional space.
A Cartesian coordinate is the signed distance of a point to some referent line.
cartesian coordinate
A polar coordinate is a position characterized by a distance from a fixed point and an angle from a fixed direction.
polar coordinate
A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention and/or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same physical quantity.
unit of measurement
A mathematical entity is an information content entity that are components of a mathematical system or can be defined in mathematical terms.
mathematical entity
A plan is a set of intended actions, through which one expects to achieve a goal.
A generic name is the preferred name provided by manufacturer.
generic name
A language entity implements some language specification for the visual interpretation and is part of some document.
language entity
A visual language entity is a language entity that is manifested within the spectrum of light and can be pereceived and processed by a visual system.
visual language entity
A figure is a graphical entity which consists of a visual (n-dimentional) arrangement of information entities.
An image is an affine projection of a visual entity to a two dimensional surface.
A photograph is an image created by light falling on a light-sensitive surface.
A statistical graph is a figure that displays the relationship among numeric data and/or mathematical functions.
statistical graph
A question is a linguistic expression used to make a request for information.
A publication is a document that has been made available by a publisher.
A record is a document containing a collection of statements about some entity.
data set
A dataset is a data item that is a collection of data items.
A specification is a description of the essential technical attributes/requirements for an object or procedure, and may be used to determine that the object / procedure meets its requirements/attributes.
effective specification
An action specification is a specification composed of a sequence of instructions to achieve some objective.
action specification
A biopolymer is an organic polymer that are typically produced by the cells of living organisms.
An algorithm is an effective method expressed as a finite list of well-defined instructions for calculating a function.
A software entity is a computational entity that can be interpreted by or directly executed by a processing unit.
software entity
A software method (also called subroutine, subprogram, procedure, method, function, or routine) is software designed to execute a specific task.
software method
A software module is software composed of a collection of software methods.
software module
A software library is software composed of a collection of software modules and/or software methods in a form that can be statically or dynamically linked to some software application.
software library
A software application is software that can be directly executed by some processing unit.
software application
A software interpreter is a software application that executes some specified input software.
software interpreter
A software script is software whose instructions can be executed using a software interpreter.
software script
Language is a language entity which is the result of encoding and decoding information through systematic creation and usage of systems of symbols, each pairing a specific sign with an intended meaning, established through social conventions
A symbol is a proposition about what an entity represents.
A book is a publication composed of a large number of entries.
A chapter is a document section of a book or thesis.
A character is a language symbol used to construct words.
A novel is a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of written discourse consisting of one or more sentences.
A document section is a component of a document.
document section
A capability is a realizable entity whose basis lies in one or more parts or qualities and reflects possibility of an entity to behave in a specified way under certain conditions or in response to a certain stimulus (trigger).
A sentence is a grammatical unit consisting of one or more words that bear minimal syntactic relation to the words that precede or follow it.
A word is the smallest free form (an item that may be expressed in isolation with semantic or pragmatic content) in a language.
An identifier is a label that specifically refers to (identifies) an entity (instance/type).
A name is a label used to identify an entity.
A preferred name is the name that is generally used by some organization.
preferred name
A common name is a name that is commonly used.
common name
A brand name is a trademarked and marketed name of a product.
brand name
A scientific name is a name given through scientific nomenclature.
scientific name
A magazine is a periodical that typically contains essays, stories, poems, etc., by many writers, and often photographs and drawings, frequently specializing in a particular subject or area, as hobbies, news, or sports.
A synonym is a word with the same or very similar meanings.
An antonym is a word with opposite or nearly opposite meaning.
A hypernym is a term with a broader meaning.
A hyponym is a term with a narrower meaning.
A homonym is a word that sounds the same but has different meaning.
A workflow is an algorithm that is is a depiction of a sequence of operations to achieve one or more objectives.
An ontology document is a document that contains an ontology.
ontology document
A pattern is a generalized representation of some repeatable concrete or informational item.
A sequence motif is a pattern of nucleotides in a DNA sequence or amino acids in a protein.
sequence motif
A descriptor (index term, subject term, subject heading) is a term that captures the essence of the topic of a document.
A definition is a description that succintly characterizes an entity.
A description is language entity in which elements of a language (formal or natural) are used to characterize an entity.
A category is a class of entities having particular shared characteristics.
A class is a collection of sets which can be unambiguously defined by a property that all its members share.
A web service is a software application that can be accessed over a network, such as the Internet, and executed on a remote system hosting the requested services.
web service
A criterion is a specification to describe properties used for evaluation.
An inclusion criterion is a criterion that must be present to satisfy some objective.
inclusion criterion
An exclusion criterion is a criterion that must be absent to satistify the objective.
exclusion criterion
A parameter is variable whose value changes the characteristics of a system or a function.
A monomer is a submolecule that is proper part of some polymer, and is a building block for such polymer.
A keyword is a descriptor in which the association of the word with the entity facilitates information retrieval.
A document is a bounded physical or digital representation of a body of information designed with the capacity (and usually intent) to communicate.
A list is any enumeration of a set of items.
A manuscript is a document prior to publication.
A note is a brief document.
A patent is an information entity granted by a patent issuing authority which confers upon the patenter the sole right to make, use and sell an invention for a set period of time.
An article is a publication that is stand-alone section of a larger work.
A blog is a publication accessible at some website and is typically about various experiences.
A book volume is a book that is part of a collection.
book volume
A conference proceedings is a book composed of papers presented at a conference.
conference proceedings
A book series is a collection of books that have been sequentially published.
book series
An edited publication is a publication that has been examined and potentially changed by an editor.
edited publication
A journal is a a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published.
A manual is a document that instructs on the usage of a device.
A periodical is a publication that appears on a regular schedule.
A newspaper is a periodical publication containing news regarding current events, informative articles, diverse features, editorials, and advertising.
A technical report is a publication published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series.
technical report
A thesis document is the written research component of a post-secondary institution that contains a statement supported by arguments.
thesis document
An honor's thesis is a thesis prepared as a requirement for an honor's undergraduate degree.
honor's thesis
A Master's thesis is a thesis prepared as a requirement for a Master's degree.
master's thesis
A PhD thesis is a thesis prepared as a requirement for a doctoral degree.
phd thesis
A booklet is a document that lacks a named publisher or sponsoring institution.
A diary is a document which describes day-to-day experiences.
A bibliographic attribute is an attribute related to publications.
document component
An address is a position that indicates the physical location of some entity using a social convention.
An affiliation is a social relation which indicates the partnership between two or more entities.
A citation is a textual entity which denotes a source described in the bibliography or reference section of a document.
A document title is a textual entity that summarizes the topic of the document in one sentence.
document title
A reference is a textual entity that describes a single source used in the preparation or development of the work.
A page range denotes the start and end page in some document.
page range
A page total is a textual entity that is about the number of pages in some informational entity.
page total
a label is a term that is associated with some entity
A language label is a label that denotes the language of a textual entity.
language label
A first name is a name that denotes a specific individual between members of a group of individuals, whose members usually share the same surname.
first name
A last name (surname) is a name added to a given name and is part of a personal name and is often the family name.
last name
full name
A personal name is a name to identify an individual person and usually comprises of a first name and a last name.
personal name
A legal name is a name given at birth, or which appears on their birth certificate, marriage certificate, or change of name certificate.
legal name
A title is a textual entity that summarily describes some entity.
A document version is a version of a work in some sequence of derivative works.
document version
An abstract section is a document section that provides brief summary of a document that explains the main argument(s), topic(s) or findings.
abstract section
An acknowledgements section is a document section that identifies individuals, groups or organizations for their support in the development of the work.
acknowledgements section
An author contribution section is a document section that describes the contribution of the authors.
author contribution section
An author section is a document section that lists the contributing authors.
author section
A bibliography section is a document section that is composed of a list of references used in the development of the work.
bibliography section
A copyright section is a document section that contains a notice of copyright.
copyright section
A correspondence section is a document section that contains the details for contacting the corresponding author.
correspondence section
The discussion section is a document section containing a summary of the findings, a reflection on the significance of findings, comparison with related work, among others.
discussion section
An introduction section is a document section that generally provides background, motivation and goals of the work.
introduction section
The materials and methods section is a document section containing a description of the materials and methods used in the study.
materials and methods section
The materials section is a document section containing a description of the materials used in the study.
materials section
The methods section is a document section containing a description of the methods used in the study.
methods section
The results section is a document section describing the main findings of the study.
results section
The table of contents is a document section that lists all sections (and optionally subsections) in a sequential order along with their page number.
table of contents
Implication is a logical operator that holds between a set T of propositions and a proposition B, when every model (or interpretation or valuation) of T is also a model of B.
implies (->)
A namespace label is a short name for a namespace.
namespace label
A logical operator is a unary or binary relation to construct logical expressions.
logical operator
AND is a logical operator that has the value true if both of its operands are true, otherwise a value of false.
conjunction (and)
A proposition is a sentence expressing something true or false.
A dimensionless quantity is a quantity that has no associated unit.
dimensionless quantity
A dimensional quantity is a quantity that has an associated unit.
dimensional quantity
An argument is a set of one or more declarative sentences (or propositions) known as the premises along with another declarative sentence (or proposition) known as the conclusion.
A premise is a proposition of an argument from which the conclusion is drawn.
A conclusion is a proposition which is reached after considering the evidence, arguments or premises.
A deductive argument is an argument that asserts that the truth of the conclusion is a logical consequence of the premises.
deductive argument
An inductive argument is an argument that asserts that the truth of the conclusion is supported by the premises.
inductive argument
A sound argument is a valid argument with true premises.
sound argument
A valid argument is an argument where the truth of the conclusion is a logical consequence of the premises and (consequently) its corresponding conditional is a necessary truth.
valid argument
An invalid argument is an argument where the truth of the conclusion is false because it is not a logical consequence of the premises.
invalid argument
truth value is a quality of information that is claimed/verified to be true or false.
truth value
true is a truth value that indicates that it holds under all possible worlds.
false is a truth value in that indicates that it is not true.
A term is a word or phrase used to denote one or more entities.
An emotion is a process (experience) that arises internally or from an involuntary physiological response to a stimulus.
mass is the quality of the amount of substance.
OR is a logical operator that results in true whenever one or more of its operands are true.
disjunction (or)
NOT is a logical operator in that has the value true if its operand is false.
negation (not)
XOR, also called exclusive disjunction or (symbolized XOR, EOR, EXOR, or ⊕), is a type of logical disjunction on two operands that results in a value of true if exactly one of the operands has a value of true.
exclusive disjunction (xor)
A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.
An academic organization is a lawfully recognized organization that confers diplomas, degrees and other forms of recognition of academic achievement.
academic organization
A social relation is a social entity that describes a relationship between two or more individuals or groups.
social relation
A set is a collection of entities, for which there may be zero members.
A university is an institution of higher education and research which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects and provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education.
A collection of documents is a non-zero set of documents.
collection of documents
A website is a collection of documents published on the World Wide Web.
moving pictures
A movie is a series of images that are displayed in rapid succession to give the impression of movement.
An excerpt is a contiguous or discontiguous portion of a document.
A quote is a excerpt that is attributed to a particular source.
A geographic image is a photograph of some geographical area.
geographic image
A web page is a document that is published according to World Wide Web standards.
web page
Email message is a digital document that is composed of a header and a body and is transmitted using the SMTP protocol.
process number is a number associated with a process that denotes its ordinal position in a set of processes.
process number
A letter is a document that contains a personal communication from one part to another.
normality is the quality in which the value may differ from normal or average
An edition number is count of a literary work edited and published, as by a certain editor or in a certain manner including being printed during some interval of time.
edition number
volume number is a count of a sequence of periodicals.
volume number
A polymer is a molecule composed of a connected set of monomeric residues.
A functional specification is a specification that describes the characteristics of an object.
functional specification
A design specification is a specification that provides precise and explicit information about the requirements for a product design.
design specification
A specification for spatial location is an effective specification towards representation spatial position or spatial data.
spatial specification
Longitude is a geographic position that refers to the angle east or west of a reference meridian between the two geographical poles to another meridian that passes through an arbitrary point.
Latitude is a geographic coordinate which refers to the angle from a point on the Earth's surface to the equatorial plane
A coordinate system is a specification for spatial location that uses a set of numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point or other geometric element.
coordinate system
A Cartesian coordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates, which are the signed distances from the point to two fixed perpendicular directed lines, measured in the same unit of length.
cartesian coordinate system
A concept is term that refers to a generalization of a set of attributes or entities.
A polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional coordinate system in which each point on a plane is determined by a distance from a fixed point and an angle from a fixed direction.
polar coordinate system
A positional description is a description of location using some system or frame of reference.
positional identifier
A cylindrical coordinate system is a three-dimensional coordinate system that specifies point positions by the distance from a chosen reference axis, the direction from the axis relative to a chosen reference direction, and the distance from a chosen reference plane perpendicular to the axis.
cylindrical coordinate system
A spherical coordinate system is a coordinate system for three-dimensional space where the position of a point is specified by three numbers: the radial distance of that point from a fixed origin, its polar angle measured from a fixed zenith direction, and the azimuth angle of its orthogonal projection on a reference plane that passes through the origin and is orthogonal to the zenith, measured from a fixed reference direction on that plane.
spherical coordinate system
An OWL ontology is an ontology as specified by the W3C OWL specification.
OWL ontology
A 3D cartesian coordinate is a coordinate that is composed of an x, y and z coordinate.
3D cartesian coordinate
An objective is a proposition that indicates a planned or anticipated outcome.
A realizable entity is an attribute that is exhibited under some condition and is realized in some process.
realizable entity
A term variant is a term that is a variant of another term.
term variant
to modify is the capability to change some entity.
to modify
to record is the capability to detect and transcribe information in a specified format on some physical medium.
to record
to magnify is the capability to increase the appearance of the size of an object.
to magnify
to heat is a capability to increase the internal kinetic energy of a material.
to heat
to cool is the capability to decrease the internal kinetic energy of a material.
to cool
to freeze is the capability to decrease the internal kinetic energy of a material such that it changes state from a gas or liquid to a solid.
to freeze
to separate is the capability to i) distinguish some entities based on some attribute(s) and ii) subsequently physically displace them.
to separate
to ionize is the capability to physically convert an atom or molecule into an ion by adding or removing charged particles such as electrons or other ions.
to ionize
to supply energy is the capability to transfer energy from a source to a sink.
to supply energy
to observe is the capability to watch attentively.
to observe
dysfunction is a capability to act in a manner that is abnormal or opposite to the object's typical function.
fitness is the quality of an object with respect to some stated functions or evolutionary adaptation.
intent is a desire to realize a particular outcome.
purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
A belief is a proposition that is believed to be true.
rank 0 tensor
A number is a tensor of rank 0.
A variable is a value that may change within the scope of a given problem or set of operations.
An equation is a mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions.
A spatial region is an object contained in some region of space.
spatial region
The airspace above Ottawa airport; the band around the northern hemisphere between 50 degrees N and 60 degrees N; the spatial region occupied by a bottle.
to measure is the capability to obtain information about some entity by examining its attributes in relation to some reference metric.
to measure
to inject is the capability to administer a substance into some object through its external barrier.
to inject
to boil is the capability to increase the internal kinetic energy of a material such that it changes state from a solid or liquid to a gas.
to boil
to reduce energy is the capability to remove energy from a source.
to reduce energy
to supply electricity is the capability to transfer electricity from a source to a sink.
to supply electricity
to change appearance is the capability to change the material composition of an object.
to change materially
to demagnify is the capability to decrease the appearance of the size of an object.
to demagnify
to change appearance is the capability to change the visual attributes of an object.
to change appearance
perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to fabricate a mental representation through the process of transduction, which sensors in the body transform signals from the environment into encoded neural signals.
to contain is the capability to bound or constrain a physical entity in some site.
to contain
to immobilize is the capability to contain an entity in such a way that it may not move in space.
to immobilize
to filter is the capability to retain certain entities based on selected attribute(s) while allowing other entities to pass through.
to filter
to excite is the capability to supply energy to a materila by bombarding it with energetic particles (e.g., photons).
to excite
to emit is the capability to release some physical entity (light, pollution, etc).
to emit
to change energetically is the capability to change the energetic aspects of an object.
to change energetically
to positively charge is the capability to remove an electron or add a positively charged ion to a chemical entity.
to positively charge
to negatively charge is the capability to add an electron or negatively charged ion to a chemical entity.
to negatively charge
to assemble is the capability to combine entities together into a larger object that persists in time.
to assemble
to extract is the capability to remove certain entities based on selected attribute(s) while allowing other entities to remain.
to extract
to transport is the capability to displace a material from one location to another.
to transport
time measurement is a measurement value of the duration of some interval of time or a particular instant of time (against some frame of reference).
Time intervals are specified as date/datetime ranges.
time measurement
the duration of my life; the duration of a surgical procedure, the moment of death
to change spatially is the capability to affect the physical movement of some entity.
to change spatially
A patient is an individual that is the recepient of medical care.
A doctor is an individual who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.
to modulate
to regulate is to control or maintain the rate or speed of an object or process.
to regulate
A file is an information-bearing object that contains a physical embodiment of some information using a particular character encoding.
to provide is the capability to make available some object to another that requires it.
to provide
A nurse is an individual that is involved in the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.
A study subject is an individual that is the subject of the study.
study subject
An x cartesian coordinate is the coordinate of an object onto the x-axis of a cartesian coordinate system.
x cartesian coordinate
An y cartesian coordinate is the coordinate of an object onto the y-axis of a cartesian coordinate system.
y cartesian coordinate
A z cartesian coordinate is the coordinate of an object onto the z-axis of a cartesian coordinate system.
z cartesian coordinate
A study group is a group of individuals that are subjects in an observational or intervention study.
study group
A professor is an individual that is a scholarly teacher.
A student is an individual who is attends an educational institution.
An academic is an individual that participates in education and scholarship.
to increase the rate of formation is to regulate the rate of formation in a manner that increases this rate relative to a reference process.
to increase the rate of formation
to investigate is the capability to uncover facts.
to investigate
A mutual disposition is a disposition that simulataneously invokes another disposition when realized.
mutual disposition
anger is disgust directed toward an equal status individual.
Hate is a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects.
love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment.
A geolegal region is a geographic region which has causal powers confered by a legal entity.
geolegal region
The 50 kph zones in Ottawa; the geographic region occupied by France.
A geographic region is a spatial region whose boundaries are typically defined against some material frame of reference (like the earth).
geographic region
The spatial region occupied by the province of ontario; the spatial region occupied by a lake.
a geopolitical region is a geographic region recognized by social or legal convention.
geopolitical region
The geographic region bounded by Canada; the spatial region occupied by the US embassy in Ottawa.
A time internval is a contiguous temporal region having some duration.
time interval
A time instant is a temporal region which occurs instantaneously, e.g. having no duration.
time instant
at this moment; the moment at which a finger is detached in an industrial accident; the moment at which a child is born; the moment of death
A table is a figure that consists of an ordered arrangement of columns and rows.
scatter chart
scatter diagram
scatter graph
A scatterplot is a statistical graph which uses Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis.
A year is a period of time taken by a planet to make one revolution around the sun.
A month is a period of time that divides the year.
A day is a period of 24 hours.
A century is a period of one hundred years.
A millenium is a period of 1000 years
An hour is a period of 60 minutes.
A minute is a period of 60 seconds.
A second (symbol: s) is the base unit of time in the International System of Units (SI) and is the second division of the hour by sixty, the first division by 60 being the minute.
An informational quality is a quality that pertains to information.
informational quality
A 2D cartesian point is a point whose position is specified along two dimensions using Cartesian coordinates.
2D cartesian point
Altitude is a distance above sea level.
The center of mass (aka barycenter) is the weighted average location of all the mass in a body or group of bodies.
center of mass
A 3D cartesian point is a point whose position is specified along three dimensions using Cartesian coordinates.
3D cartesian point
A 1D cartesian point is a point whose position is specified along a single dimension using Cartesian coordinates.
1D cartesian point
line chart
A line graph is a statistical graph in which lines contains the evaluation of functions or individual points connected by line segments.
line graph
Graph 1 in http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A bar graph is a statistical graph with rectangular bars of lengths proportional to that value that they represent.
bar graph
Graphs 3,4,5 in http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A horizontal bar graph is a bar graph in which the rectangular bars are horizontally oriented in space.
horizontal bar graph
Graph 3 in http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A vertical bar graph is a bar graph in which the rectangular bars are vertically oriented in space.
vertical bar graph
Graph 4,5 in http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A stacked bar graph is a bar graph in which each rectangular bar is partioned by the categorical value of each series of data.
stacked bar graph
Graphs 6,7 in http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A line-bar graph statistical graph that contains both lines and bars.
line-bar graph
Graph 8 in http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A figure part is a part of a figure.
figure part
A plot is a part of a figure that corresponds to the spatial region between the set of axes.
The square portion of the chart bounded by lines that overlap with
the two axes in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
An axis is a line segment that is part of a statistical graph in which the
position along the line corresponds to a numeric or categorical value.
The value of a plotted geometric objects (e.g. point) can be obtained from the perpendicular projection of the position of the object onto the axis. Axis may also be associated with a textual description of what the values on the axis represents.
The left vertical and bottom horizontal lines with tickmarks in
Graph 1 http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A Cartesian coordinate axis is an axis whose behavior follows that of a Cartesian coordinate system.
Cartesian coordinate axis
horizontal axis
An x-axis is a Cartesian coordinate axis that is aligned with the horizon.
In most figures, this axis represents categories, such as months, market segments, or other non-numeric data.
The horizontal axis in http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
vertical axis
A y-axis is a Cartesian coordinate axis that is spatially oriented perpendicular to the x-axis.
A z-axis is a Cartesian coordinate axis that is spatially oriented normal to the plane formed by the x- and y-axes.
A category axis is an axis in which the position along the line is partioned into categories.
category axis
The horizontal axis corresponding to months of the year in graph 4
of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A primary category axis is a category axis that either defines the sole value range or holds the larger set of categorical values specified by the secondary category axis.
primary category axis
The category axis that corresponds to years in Graph 1 of
A secondary category axis is a category axis that defines a finer granular part (or subset) of the value range of the primary category axis.
secondary category axis
The category axis that corresponds to months in Graph 1 of
A value axis is an axis in which the position along the line is partioned into numeric values.
A value axis holds the properties of having a minimum and a maximum value, and is usually associated with tickmarks that indicate intervals along the axis.
value axis
The value axis that ranges from 3.0 to 7.4 and corresponds to
billions of dollars in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A left value axis is a value axis that is spatially positioned to the left of the plot area.
left value axis
The value axis that ranges from 3.0 to 7.4 and corresponds to billions of dollars in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A right value axis is a value axis that is spatially positioned to the right of the plot area.
right value axis
A scaled value axis is a value axis in which the value range was subject to a mathematic transformation.
scaled value axis
A linear value axis is a value axis that corresponds to a scaling factor of 1 of the value range.
linear value axis
A logarithmic value axis is a scaled value axis that corresponds to a scaling factor of the logarithm of the value range.
logarithmic value axis
A data series is a data set composed of related values displayed in a statistical graph.
data series
Example: The two series that correspond to "Seasonally adjusted" and "Trend" are composed of the seasonally adjusted value of permits in each month and values from a trend derived from some mathematical tranformation across those values, respectively, in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A data point is a point that which corresponds to the projection of the values of measurement data against the axes of a statistical graph.
data point
A global maximum stationary point is a data point that corresponds to a measurement value is larger than that of all other plotted datapoints.
global maximal stationary point
A global minimum data point is a data point that corresponds to a measurement value is smaller than that of all other plotted datapoints.
global minimal stationary point
A legend is a part of a figure that associates textual descriptions with symbols pertaining to plotted entities.
The colored line segments and the adjacent textual descriptions in
Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A graph title is a title that describes a graph.
graph title
Total value of permits increased slightly in December" in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A primary title is a title that should be first used in describing some entity.
primary title
subtitle, alternative title
A secondary title is a title of lesser importance that should be used after the first title in describing some entity.
secondary title
scientific data is data obtained from some scientific procedure.
scientific data
A primary graph title is a primary title that describes a statistical graph.
primary graph title
"Total value of permits increased slightly in December" in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm
A secondary graph title is a secondary title that describes a statistical graph.
secondary graph title
A biological quality is a quality held by a biological entity.
biological quality
cellular quality is the quality of a cell
cellular quality
A sequence variant role is a comparative role in which the composition of characters in a sequence differs when compared to another entity of similar type.
sequence variant role
A variant role is a comparative role in which the value of an attribute differs when compared to another entity
variant role
An insertion variant role is the role of an sequence that contains a sub-sequence that is considered to be an addition relative to the frame of reference.
insertion variant role
A deletion variant role is the role of an sequence that lacks a sub-sequence relative to the frame of reference.
deletion variant role
A phrase is a group of words functioning as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence.
A human is a primates of the family Hominidae and are characterized by having a large brain relative to body size, with a well developed neocortex, prefrontal cortex and temporal lobes, making them capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, problem solving and culture through social learning.
A mouse is a small mammal belonging to the order of rodents, characteristically having a pointed snout, small rounded ears, and a long naked or almost hairless tail.
A rat is a medium-sized, long-tailed rodent of the superfamily Muroidea.
A worm is a non-arthropod invertebrate animal that typically have a long cylindrical tube-like body and no legs.
Escherichia coli (e coli) is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms.
to consume is the capability to internalize a material entity.
to consume
A clause consists of a subject and a predicate.
to actively interact with is the capability to interact with another entity in a way that requires physical contact.
to actively interact with
A person is an object that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood.
to decrease the rate of formation is to regulate the rate of formation in a manner that decreases this rate relative to a reference process.
to decrease the rate of formation
A polygon vertex is a terminal point at which two polygon edges meet and are part of a polygon.
polygon vertex
A polygon edge is a line segment joining two polygon vertices.
polygon edge
A polyhedral skeleton is a collection of polygon edges.
polyhedral skeleton
A polygonal face is a polygon bounded by a circuit of polygon edges, and includes the flat (plane) region inside the boundary.
polygonal face
A polyhedral surface is composed of polygonal faces.
polyhedral surface
A polygon is a planar entity that is bounded by a closed path or circuit, composed of a finite connected sequence3 of straight line segments.
A geometric entity is an information content entity that pertains to the structure and topology of a space.
geometric entity
A point is a geometric entity that is located in a zero-dimensional spatial region and whose position is defined by its coordinates in some coordinate system.
An endpoint is a terminal point that is the last of an ordered
pair of points.
A start point is a terminal point which is the first of an ordered
pair of points.
start point
A model is a representation of some thing.
A line is curve that extends in a single dimension (e.g. straight line; exhibits no curvature), and is composed of at least two fully connected points.
A line segment is a line and a part of a curve that is (inclusively) bounded by two terminal points.
line segment
A tick mark is a line segment that is spatially positioned perpendicular to the axis of a statistical graph and indicates the position of a specific numeric value (which may be indicated by an adjacent value label) on a value axis, or is one of a pair of tick marks that delineates the boundary of a categorical value (which may be indicated by an adjacent category label) on the categorical axis.
tick mark
A major tick mark is a tick mark that indicates the position of a specific numeric value and is adjacent to its value label on the value axis, or is one of a pair of tick marks that delineates the boundary of a categorical value indicated by an adjacent category label on the categorical axis.
major tick mark
A minor tick mark is a tick mark that indicates the position of a specific numeric value but has no adjacent value label, or is one of a pair of tick marks that delineates the boundary of a categorical value but has no adjacent category label on the categorical axis.
minor tick mark
A ray is a line which that is bounded by a startpoint and extends outwards infinitely along one dimension.
A quadrilateral is a polygon with composed of four points and four line segments, in which each point is fully connected to two other points.
A rectangle is a quadrilateral in which one pair of line segments are parallel and the other pair are perpendicular to the first pair.
A bar is a rectangle that is located in the plot of a statistical graph in which its length is proportional to the values that it represents.
A triangle is a polygon composed of three points and three line segments, in which each point is fully connected to another point along through the line segment.
A directed line segment is a line segment that is contained by an ordered pair
of endpoints (a start point and an endpoint).
directed line segment
An arrowed line is a directed line segment in which one or both endpoints is tangentially part of a triangle that bisects the line.
arrowed line segment
A single arrowed line is directed line in which the endpoint is tangentially part of a triangle that bisects the line.
single arrowed line segment
A double arrowed line is an arrowed line in which both terminal points are tangentially part of different triangles that bisect the line.
double arrowed line segment
A horizontal line is a line that is positionally oriented with the horizon.
horizontal line
A vertical line is a line that is positionally oriented perpendicular to the horizon.
vertical line
A trend line is a line, line segment or ray that is part of a statistical graph which indicates a statistical or visual direction across categorical or value data.
trend line
An increasing line is a line segment in which the startpoint and endpoint are ordered along one dimension and the difference of values in a second dimension is positive.
increasing line
An decreasing line is a line segment in which the startpoint and endpoint are ordered along one dimension and the difference of values in a second dimension is negative.
decreasing line
An plateau line is a line segment in which the startpoint and endpoint are ordered along one dimension and the difference of values in a second dimension is zero.
plateau line
A drop line is a statistical graph line that vertically or horizontally connects a data series line with a value axis in a statistical graph.
drop line
A terminal point is a point that defines the finite extension of a line.
terminal point
A surface normal is a vector that is perpendicular to a flat surface.
surface normal
A positionally oriented line is a line that is positioned against some axis of reference.
positionally oriented line
A statistical graph line is a line used in a statistical graph to communicate some trend or feature of the embedded data.
statistical graph line
to regulate the rate of formation is to modify the rate at which an object is formed.
to regulate the rate of formation
curvature is a quality of a bearer that relates to the presence of curves, bends, or angles.
straight is a quality of a bearer that is free of curves, bends, or angles.
PATO:0002180 [for material entities]
An infinite line is a line that extends outwards in both directions of a single dimensional and is not bounded by terminal points.
infinite line
A vector line is a line which that is bounded by a startpoint and extends outwards along one dimension.
vector line
A vertext normal is the normalized average of the surface normals of the faces that contain that vertex.
vertex normal
to serve as is the capability to act in a manner corresponding to some role.
to serve as
to serve as host is the capability to act in a manner that provides hospitality, serves to harbour an organism in or on itself.
to serve as a host
to infect is the capability to administer a disease-causing organism into some object.
to infect
polygonal chain, polygonal curve, polygonal path, piecewise linear curve
A polyline is a connected sequence of line segments.
A collection of points is a geometric entity that contains a non-zero set of geometric points.
collection of points
to cause disease is the capability to materially change a biological object in that it functions abnormally.
to cause disease
to activate
to reduce the activation energy is to require a smaller amount of energy in order to form or break a chemical bond.
to reduce the activation energy
to inhibit
to increase the activation energy is to require a larger amount of energy in order to form or break a chemical bond.
to increase the activation energy
to change the activation energy is to change the amount of energy required to form or break a chemical bond.
to change the activation energy
A quality that has a value that is normal or average.
A quality that has a value that is outside normal or average.
A lipid residue is a part of an organic molecule that was derived from a lipid molecule.
lipid residue
chemical synthesis is synthesis of a chemical entity from physical precursors through one or more chemical interactions or reactions.
chemical synthesis
A molecular orbital (or MO) is a mathematical function describing the wave-like behavior of an electron in a molecule.
molecular orbital
passive transport is the movement of a substance across a membrane and does not require chemical energy.
passive transport
diffusion is motion of particles at temperatures above absolute zero.
A diffusion equation describes density fluctuations in a material undergoing diffusion.
diffusion equation
A movement equation describes the displacement of an object in space over time.
movement equation
An ordinary differential equation (ODE) is a differential equation in which the unknown function (also known as the dependent variable) is a function of a single independent variable.
ordinary differential equation
A partial differential equation (PDE) is a differential equation in which the unknown function is a function of multiple independent variables and the equation involves its partial derivatives.
partial differential equation
A differential equation is a mathematical equation for an unknown function of one or several variables that relates the values of the function itself and its derivatives of various orders.
differential equation
movement is the process in which an object is spatially displaced.
Brownian motion is the seemlingly random movement of particles suspended in a fluid.
brownian motion
osmosis is the movement of water molecules through a selectively-permeable membrane down a water potential gradient.
passive movement is the process in which an object is spatially displaced without an expenditure of energy contained in molecular bonds.
passive movement
active movement is the process in which an object is spatially displaced using some chemical energy.
active movement
transporting is a process in which one object physically moves another object from one location to another.
membrane transport is the movement of molecules across a membrane.
membrane transport
primary active transport, also called direct active transport, directly uses energy to transport molecules across a membrane.
primary active transport
secondary active transport or co-transport uses electrochemical potential difference created by pumping ions out of the cell to transport molecules across a membrane.
secondary active transport
symport enabled secondary active transport is a secondary active transfort in which both ion and molecule are transported in the same direction simultaneously.
symport enabled secondary active transport
antiport enabled secondary active transport is a secondary active transfort in which both ion and molecule are transported in opposite directions simultaneously.
antiport enabled secondary active transport
The self-propelled movement of an object.
birthing is the process by which a biological organism is brought into existence.
dying is a process in which a biological entity ceases to exist.
An idea is a proposition about some object of conceptual thought.
biological reproduction is the biological process by which one or more biological organisms are produced from their "parents".
biological reproduction
creating is the process in which an entity comes into existence.
regulating is a process that modulates the attributes of an object or process.
biosynthesis is the synthesis of an organic compound in a living organism, usually aided by enzymes.
destroying is a process in which something is broken down and/or ceases to exist.
chemical destruction is destruction of a chemical entity to its chemical constituents through one ormore chemical interactions or reactions.
chemical destruction
interacting is a process characterized by the interaction between two or more entities.
data transformation is the process of applying an algorithmic procedure to some input data and producing some output data.
data transformation
A parameterized data transformation is a data transformation whose behaviour may be modified by one or more parameters.
parameterized data transformation
A data storage device is a device that is capable of storing information.
data storage device
A solid-state drive (SSD) is a data storage device that uses solid-state memory to store persistent data.
solid state hard drive
A hard disk drive (HDD) is a non-volatile, random access device for digital data. It features rotating rigid platters on a motor-driven spindle within a protective enclosure. Data is magnetically read and written on the platter by read/write heads that float on a film of air above the platters.
hard disk drive
structure is the specification that refers to the composition and arrangement of parts of an object.
A computational entity is an information content entity operated on using some computational system.
computational entity
A sound wave is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing.
sound wave
A curve is a geometric entity that may be located in n-dimensional spatial region whose extension may be n-dimensional, is composed of at least two fully connected points and does not intersect itself.
regulation of a process is a process that modulates the duration, frequency, spatial extent of a target process.
regulation of process
regulation of capability is the regulation of the ability of one party by another.
regulation of capability
the regulation of the enzymatic activity.
regulation of catalytic capability
A representation is a entity that in some way represents another entity (or attribute thereof).
A ordinal position is a number that designates the position of an entity from the first entity in an ordered sequence of entities.
ordinal position
An attribute is a characteristic of some entity.
A collection is a set for which there exists at least one member, although any member need not to exist at any point in the collection's existence.
An empty set is a set for which there are exactly 0 members.
empty set
A standard is a socially-agreed upon specification.
A regulatory authority is an organization responsible for exercising regulatory or supervisory capacity in some area of human activity.
regulatory authority
A collective is a group of entities that share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together on a specific project(s) to achieve a common objective.
A formal specification is a mathematical description of software or hardware that may be used to develop an implementation.
formal specification
An RDFS ontology is an ontology that conforms to the syntax and semantics of the Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS).
RDFS ontology
An OBO ontology is an ontology document as specified by the Open Biological Ontology community.
OBO ontology
chemical group
A chemical functional group is a submolecule that confers specific chemical properties.
chemical functional group
chemical structure is the structure of a chemical entity in terms of its molecular geometry and electronic structure.
chemical structure
molecular geometry
molecular structure is the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule and the chemical bonds that hold the atoms together.
molecular structure
A probability measure is quantity of how likely it is that some event will occur.
probability measure
to passively interact with is the capability to interact with another entity in a way that does not require physical contact.
to passively interact with
A quality that has a value that is increased compared to normal or average.
A process model is a representation of some process.
process model
An object model is a representation of an object.
object model
information processing is a process that involves the generation or use of information.
information processing
A wave is a physical entity that travels through space and time, consist of oscillations or vibrations and may be accompanied by the transfer of energy.
A textual entity is language entity that is manifested as a sequence of one or more distinct characters.
textual entity
A version label is a label for a particular form or variation of an earlier or original type.
version label
A software version label is a version label for a piece of software.
software version label
A hole is a site that is opening into or through something.
A province is a territorial unit, almost always an administrative division, within a country or state.
A state is a set of governing and supportive institutions that have sovereignty over a definite territory and population.
A territory is a non-sovereign geographic region.
A country is a region legally identified as a distinct entity in political geography.
A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement.
A township is a rural or sub-urban settlement.
software execution is the process of executing software on a computing device.
software execution
A start time is a time instant pertaining to the time at which a process begins.
start time
An end time is a time instant pertaining to the time at which a process ends.
end time
A unique identifier is an identifier that uniquely identifies some thing.
unique identifier
A social role is a role that is ascribed to individuals in a community.
social role
A processual role is a role that can only be realized in a process.
processual role
An abstract role is a role whose basis lies in spatial/temporal or comparative relations.
abstract role
A justification is a proposition that defends, explains or excuses some argument.
An academic department is a division of a university or school faculty devoted to a particular academic discipline.
academic department
institute is a society or organization having a object or common factor, and is normally applied to those with a scientific, educational, or social objective.
to be a part of is the capability to be assembled into a larger structure that persists in time.
to be a part of
to associate is the capability to physically interact with another object.
to associate
to be actively interacted with is the capability to be manipulated by some device or agent.
to be actively interacted with
A corporation is an organization that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity.
to be passively interacted with is the capability of an object to be observed.
to be passively interacted with
to be recorded is the capability of an object to be observed in such a way that information about it can be transcribed in a specified format on some physical medium.
to be recorded
to be observed is the capability of an object to be perceived.
to be observed
to disassemble is to physically separate the parts of an object.
to disassemble
to disassociate is to cease or break association with some thing.
to disassociate
to interact with is a capabililty that involves another object.
to interact with
to be interacted with is the capability of an object to be target of a physical interaction.
to be interacted with
evolving is a process that elicits change across successive generations in the inherited characteristics of biological populations.
A positional role is an abstract role which holds by comparing position to another object of reference.
positional role
A specification of an object, manifested by an agent, intended to accomplish goals, in a particular environment, using a set of primitive components, satisfying a set of requirements, subject to constraints.
An occupational role is a social role that pertains to an organizational structure.
occupational role
A student role is the role of an individual that is enrolled in courses at an academic institution.
student role
A professor role is the role of an individual that is involved in teaching of students (undergraduate and/or graduate) at a post-secondary academic institution.
professor role
An academic role is a social role that pertains to the academic institution.
academic role
A medical role is the role of an individual that is a participant in the delivery of medical care.
medical role
A doctor role is the role of an individual who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.
doctor role
A nurse role is the role of an individual that is involved in the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.
nurse role
A patient role is the role of an individual that is the recepient of medical care.
patient role
A medical practioner is an individual that provides medical care.
medical practitioner
A dentist role is the role of an individual that that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.
dentist role
to move
to translocate is the capability to displace oneself from one location to another.
to translocate
to be moved
to be translocated is the capability to be physically displaced from one location to another
to be translocated
A comparative role is an abstract role which holds by comparing some attribute of another object of reference.
comparative role
to be compared is the capability of an object to be examined in order to note the similarities or differences among a set of objects.
to be compared
to compare is the capability to examine in order to note the similarities or differences among a set of objects.
to compare
to examine is the capability to make detailed observation.
to examine
to be examined is the capability of an object to be observed in a detailed manner.
to be examined
An administrative role is the role of an individual that performs administrative tasks for some organization.
administrative role
A secretary role is the role of an individual that performs administrative tasks to support one or more individuals of the same organization.
secretary role
A chemical identifier is an identifier for a chemical entity
chemical identifier
A record identifier is an identifier for a database entry.
record identifier
A physical entity identifier is an identifier for a physical entity.
physical entity identifier
An informational entity identifier is an identifier for an informational entity.
informational entity identifier
A molecular identifier is an identifier for a molecular entity.
molecular identifier
planning is the agentive process of developing a plan that specifies a set of actions in order to meet a set of goals or objectives.
A curve segment is a part of a curve that consists of at least three points.
curve segment
A stationary point is a point that is part of a curve in which the derivative at that point is zero, and hence its value is at least a local maximum or minimum.
stationary point
A local maximum stationary point is a point that has a higher value in some axis than adjacent points.
local maximum stationary point
A local minimum stationary point is a point that has a lower value in some axis than adjacent points.
local minimum stationary point
learning is the agentive process of acquiring knowledge.
comparing is the process of examining a set of objects and determining their equality or inequality based on one or more features.
reasoning is the agentive process of using knowledge to evaluate the truth value of a proposition.
investigation is the process of carrying out a plan or procedure so as to discover facts or information about the object of study.
predicting is the process of formulating a proposition about a state of affairs which might be realized in the future.
A database is a set of tables.
A quality that has a value that is decreased compared to normal or average.
A row represents a single, implicitly structured data item in a table.
A column is a vertical sequence of cells in a cellular automata.
A database table is a set of named columns with zero or more rows composed of cells that contain column values and is part of a database.
database table
The minimal unit of a cellular automaton that can change state and has an associated behavior.
cell (informational)
database record
A database entry is a single, implicitly structured data item in a table.
database entry
A database collumn is a column in a database table.
database column
disordered is a structural quality in which the parts of an object are non-rigid.
A unique cell is a cell that contains a unique value in the cellular automaton.
unique cell
A referenceing cell is a cell of a cellular automata that refers to another cell.
referencing cell
A referent cell is a cell that is the referent of some function or pointer.
referent cell
A database key is an informational entity whose value is constructed from one or more database columns.
database key
A primary database key is a database key that identifies every row of a table.
primary database key
A foreign database key is a database key that refers to a key in some table.
foreign database key
A p-value or probability value is the probability of obtaining a test statistic at least as extreme as the one that was actually observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true
probability value
A street name is the token given to identify a particular street.
street name
A postal code is a geographic coordinate composed of a series of letters and/or digits appended to a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail.
postal code
An apartment number is the number assigned to identify an apartment in a building of apartments.
apartment number
The uncertainty value (margin of error) of a measurement is a range of values likely to enclose the true value.
uncertainty value
A standard deviation (represented by the symbol σ) is the quantity of variation from the average (mean, or expected value).
standard deviation
A versioned record is a record for which there exists another variant based that was derived via modification of the facts.
versioned record
An object is an entity that is wholly identifiable at any instant of time during which it exists.
to be a member of is the capability to be considered a part of a collection.
to be a member of
to distort is the capability to change the appearance of an entity by some transformation.
to distort
A primer is a nucleic acid that enables the synthesis of a complement strand of DNA by binding to it and acting as a point of transcription initiation.
to bind to is the capability to physically interact with another object through a set of non-covalent interactions.
to bind to
A spatial boundary is the closure minus the interior of a subset of a topological space.
spatial boundary
hermaphrodite is a biological sex of an individual with both male and female sexual organs.
An answer is a reply to a question.
A verbal language entity is a language entity that is manifested through sound.
verbal language entity
A page number is the count of a page in a sequence of pages.
page number
A linear position is the position of some object against a linear positioning system.
linear position
A sequence element position is the position of an element of a linear sequence.
sequence element position
ncRNA gene
A non-protein coding RNA (ncRNA) gene is a gene that encodes for a RNA transcript that is not further translated into a protein product.
non-protein coding RNA (ncRNA) gene
A sequence start position is the start position for a sequence of characters.
sequence start position
A sequence end position is the position of the last character in a sequence of characters relative to some linear frame of reference.
sequence end position
The number of elements of a finite set of objects.
A chemical role is a processual role held by a chemical entity.
chemical entity role
The role of a chemical participant that serves to increase the rate of reaction by lowering the activiation energy.
catalytic role
The role of a chemical entity that is modified in a chemical reaction.
substrate role
The role of a chemical entity present at the end of a chemical reaction.
product role
The role of a chemical entity involved in the mechanism for enzyme-mediated catalysis.
cofactor role
A co-factor role in which the chemical entity is modified during catalysis and must be regenerated.
co-enzyme role
A coenzyme role of a chemical entity that is covalently bonded to the enzyme.
prosthetic group role
A co-enzyme role of a chemical entity that is transiently associated, and is regenerated in a separate reaction.
co-substrate role
The role of a chemical entity that reduces the rate of reaction.
inhibitor role
The role of a chemical entity that increases the rate of reaction.
activator role
The quality of having a charge.
The quality of not having a charge.
A partial negative charge is a negative charge where the value of the charge is negative.
partial positive charge
A partial positive charge is a partial charge where the value of the charge is positive.
partial negative charge
The quality of having a charge that is not a full multiple of 1 unit charge.
partial charge
A complete charge is a charge where the value of the charge is a multiple of 1.
complete charge
Uniform Resource Locator
A Uniform Resource Locator or Universal Resource Locator (URL) is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to an Internet resource.
affection is an emotion characterized with a feeling or type of love for another living thing.
angst is the intense feeling of apprehension, anxiety or inner turmoil.
Annoyance is an unpleasant emtion that is characterized by a abnormal or excessive sensitivity to some external stimulus.
anxiety is an emotion charactersized by intense feeling of fear and concern coupled with a physical response.
apathy is an emotion characterized by lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
arousal is an emotion characterized by state of reactive to stimuli. It involves the activation of the reticular activating system in the brain stem, the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system, leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure and a condition of sensory alertness, mobility and readiness to respond.
awe is an emotion produced by that which is grand, sublime or powerful and is characterized by a combination of joy, fear and admiration/reverence/respect.
boldness is the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger.
boredom is the emotion experience by those not interested in their surroundings or available activities.
contempt is disgust towards a lower status individual.
contentment is an emotion characterized by acknowledgement and satisfaction of the current state of affairs.
curiosity is the strong desire to know or learn something.
depression is an unpleasant emotion linked to aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and physical well-being. Depressed individuals may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, or restless.
desire is a strong emotion of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
despair is depression, hopelessness or lack of hope.
disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations or hopes to manifest.
Disgust is a feeling of revulsion or profound disapproval aroused by something unpleasant or offensive.
dread is the instense negative emotion that induces fear and apprehension.
ecstacy is an emotion characterized by a heightened state of consciousness with total involvement of a subject.
A positive emotion is an emotion that feels good.
positive emotion
negative emotion is an emotion that does not feel good.
negative emotion
Embarrassment is the emotion of intense discomfort with oneself, experienced upon having a socially unacceptable act or condition witnessed by or revealed to other.
envy is an emotion that occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement or possession and wishes that the other lacked it.
euphoria is an emotion characterized by intense feelings of well-being, elation, happiness, ecstasy, excitement, and joy.
excitement is a positive emotion of feeling great enthusiasm and eagerness.
Fear is a negative emotion induced by a perceived threat that induces one to hide or move quickly away from the location of the perceived threat.
Frustration is an emotion that arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of individual will.
Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling, emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.
happiness is an emotion characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
Guilt is the emotion borne from feeling responsible for the commission of an offense and arises out of public humiliation.
grief is an emotion in response to loss, whether physical or abstract including death, unemployment, ill health or the end of a relationship.
hope is an emotion of belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life.
Hostility is the intense negative emotion of being in conflict or opposition to someone or something.
hurt is an unpleasant feeling, emotion or sensation.
Hysteria is an unmanageable emotion.
indifference is an emotion characterized by lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.
interest is the emotion of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.
jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection.
joy is an emotion of intense happiness.
loathing is an intense dislike or disgust.
Loneliness is an unpleasant emotion in which a person feels a strong sense of emptiness, yearning distress and solitude resulting from inadequate quantity or quality of social relationships.
lust is the strong desire for sex.
misery is a feeling of great unhappiness, suffering and/or pain.
Panic is a sudden emotion of fear which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic fight-or-flight reaction.
passion is the intense desire for something.
Pity is the emotion of sadness or sorrow for another.
pleasure is an emotion of happy satisfaction and enjoyment.
pride is an emotion of satisfaction of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, or a fulfilled feeling of belonging.
Rage is a feeling of intense anger that is associated with the Fight-or-flight response.
regret is a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done.
remorse is an emotion of personal regret felt by a person after he or she has committed an act which they deem to be shameful, hurtful, or violent.
sadness is emotional pain associated with, or characterized by feelings of disadvantage, loss, despair, helplessness, sorrow, and rage.
satisfaction is an emotion of fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.
shame is the emotion borne from feeling responsible for the commission of an offense.
shock is an emotion of sudden upset or surprise.
shyness is an emotion of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness experienced when in proximity to, approaching, or being approached by other individuals, especially in new situations or with unfamiliar individuals.
sorrow is the emotion that is characterized by a long term state of intense sadness, distress and a degree of resignation (not accepting).
Suffering is the unpleasant emotion and aversion associated with the perception of harm or threat of harm in an individual.
surprise is a brief emotion experienced as the result of an unexpected event.
terror is the extreme feeling of fear.
wonder is an emotion of perceiving something very rare or unexpected, but not threatening.
worry is the emotion characterized by concer over a real or imaginary issue.
A department chain role is the role of an individual that heads a department at a academic organization.
department chair role
A student advisor role is the role of an individual employed at an academic organization that is involved in advising students.
student advisor role
An undergraduate student advisor role is the role of an individual employed at an academic organization that is involved in advising undergraduate students.
undergraduate student advisor role
A graduate student advisor role is the role of an individual employed at an academic organization that is involved in advising graduate students.
graduate student advisor role
The role of a chemical entity present at the beginning of a chemical reaction.
reactant role
The role of a chemical entity that modifies the rate of reaction.
regulator role
An investigational role is a role held by participants involved in an investigation.
investigational role
The role of an organism in providing resources to maintain the survival and/or reproduction of another organism.
host role
A subject role is the role of an individual that is the target of the study.
subject role
A publishing role is the role of an individual that is involved in the preparation and issue of creative works for consumption by a wider audience.
publishing role
A publisher role is the role of an individual that prepares and issues creative works.
publisher role
An author role is the role of an individual that creates a creative, written work.
author role
A buffer role is the role of a chemical substance which maintains a pH at a near constant value.
buffer role
A chemical substance role is a chemical entity role held by a chemical substance.
chemical substance role
A molecular entity role is a chemical entity role held by a molecule.
molecular entity role
A toxin role is a toxic role of a chemical substance that is poisonous and is produced by an organism.
toxin role
A toxic role is the role of a chemical substance that is poisonous.
toxic role
A role of a chemical substance that participates in a chemical reaction as part of some scientific investigation.
reagent role
to luminesce is to emit light through cold body radiation
to luminesce
to fluoresce is to emit light as a result of absorbing light or other electromagnetic radiation.
to fluoresce
A molecular tracer role is a reactant role of a molecular entity that serves as a marker for the presence, abundance, or location of a molecular target that it associates with.
molecular tracer role
An association is a relationship between two or more entities derived by some informational analysis.
A statistical association is any relationship between two measured quantities that renders them statistically dependent.
statistical association
A chromosome is a molecular complex of circular or linear DNA and bound proteins.
A top value axis is a value axis that is spatially positioned to the top of the plot area.
top value axis
A bottom value axis is a value axis that is spatially positioned to the bottom of the plot area.
bottom value axis
A chart is a figure that displays the relationship among tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of qualitative structures.
A map is a a visual representation of an area that depicts the relationship between elements of that space.
A heatmap is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.
A streamgraph is a multi-line stacked graph that yields the appearance of continuous y-values across the x-axis.
A boxplot (box-and-whisker diagram) is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their five-number summaries: the smallest observation (sample minimum), lower quartile (Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation (sample maximum).
A geographic heatmap is a graphical representation of data over a geographic region where individual values are represented as colors.
geographic heatmap
A histogram is a graphical representation of data which consists of tabular frequencies, shown as adjacent rectangles, over discrete intervals (bins) , with an area equal to the frequency of the observations in the interval.
A measurement scale is a functional specification that specifies an allowed range of categories or values.
measurement scale
A nominal scale of measurement only specifies a limited set of categories.
nomimal scale
A binary scale is a measurement scale that specifies a choice between two values.
binary scale
A numeric scale of measurement is one that only specifies numeric values.
numeric scale
A decimal scale of measurement is one that only specifies decimal values.
decimal scale
An integer scale of measurement is one that only specifies integer values.
integer scale
modifying is the process by which an entity gains or loses parts, qualities, roles, dispositions, functions, etc, but maintains their identity through these changes.
reproducing is a process characterized by creation of an entity that is similar or exactly the same as the template from which it is derived.
An independent variable is a variable that may take on different values independent of other elements in a system.
independent variable
A dependent variable is one whose value changes as a consequence of changes in other values in the system.
dependent variable
A Gantt chart is a bar chart that illustrates a project schedule.
Gantt chart
A correlation is a statistical relationship involving dependence between two random variables or datasets.
A television program is a audiovisual media that is produced and broadcast using a television.
television program
A radio receiver is a communication device that receives its input from an antenna, uses electronic filters to separate a wanted radio signal from all other signals picked up by this antenna, amplifies it to a level suitable for further processing, and finally converts through demodulation and decoding the signal into a form usable for the consumer, such as sound, pictures, digital data, measurement values, navigational positions.
radio receiver
The telephone is a communications device that transmits and receives sounds, and are minimally composed of a microphone to speak into, a speaker'which reproduces the voice of the other person and a ringer which makes a sound to alert the owner when a call is coming in.
A radar is an object-detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects.
A pie chart is a circular chart divided into sectors each of whose length is proportional to the quantity it represents.
pie chart
A matrix chart summarizes a multidimensional data set in a grid.
matrix chart
A network diagram consists of a set of vertices connected by edges.
network diagram
A block histogram contains an x-axis that is divided into bins which correspond to value ranges. Each item in the data set is drawn as a rectangular block, and the blocks are piled into the bins to show how many values in each range.
block histogram
A bubble chart contains circles whose area corresponds to a value.
bubble chart
A stack graph is a statistical graph which presents multiple series in which the distance between one series and another indicates the relative contribution to the total for any x-value.
stack graph
A treemap is a chart that fully partitions the area into a set of rectangles whose area represents its relative value.
A word tree is a chart that links phrases with contexts through a tree-like branching structure.
word tree
A textual chart is a chart containing text.
textual chart
word cloud
A tag cloud is a visualization of word frequencies.
tag cloud
A phrase net diagram illustrates the relationship between different words used in a text.
phrase net diagram
A mereological chart is a chart that illustrates the parts in the context of the whole.
mereological chart
conversing a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more agents who are following rules of etiquette.
A numeric label is a number used as a label.
numeric label
A start position is the proximal position of an object relative to an origin in a linear system.
start position
An interval is a set of real numbers that includes all numbers between any two numbers in the set.
A tree diagram is a hierarchical network diagram in which a root vertex is connected to one or more other vertices through a directed edge, which in turn may be connected to other vertices.
tree diagram
A flowchart is a diagram that represents an algorithm or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows.
A Venn diagram is a chart that illustrates all possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets as overlapping circles.
venn diagram
A dendrogram is a tree diagram used to illustrate the arrangement of the clusters produced by hierarchical clustering.
apprehension is the negative emotion that something unpleasant will occur.
resentment is disgust directed toward a higher status individual.
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.
A default parameter is a parameter which has a default value.
default parameter
stop position
An end position is the distal position of an object relative to an origin in a linear system.
end position
sick is the status of a living organism that is behaving at a sub-optimal level.
An environment is a geographic region that hosts certain processes or objects.
A device is usually a constructed tool.
A communication device is a device that facilitates the transmission of information through encoded in an audio or digital signal between a sender and a receiver.
communication device
existence quality is the quality of an entity that describe in what environment it is known to exist.
existence quality
real is the quality of an entity that exists in real space and time.
fictional is the quality of an entity that exists only in a creative work of fiction.
virtual is the quality of an entity that exists only in a virtual setting such as a simulation or game environment.
not started is the status of a process that is predicted to exist but has not yet begun.
not started
A standard operating procedure is a specification approved for use in specific environments.
standard operating procedure
agreement quality is a quality that exhibits the degree of consensus for some set of assertions.
agreement quality
agreement is the result of consensus decision making when members of the group agree.
agreement is the result of consensus decision making when members of the group do not all agree.
A poison role is the role of a substance that causes some negative disturbance in an organism.
poison role
communicating is the process of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behaviour.
observational study draws inferences about the possible effect of a treatment on subjects, where the assignment of subjects into a treated group versus a control group is outside the control of the investigator
observational study
A syllable is a verbal entity of language having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word.
A consonant is a verbal entity of language that is articulated with complete or partial closure of the vocal tract.
A vowel is a verbal entity of language that is pronounced with an open vocal tract so that there is no build-up of air pressure at any point above the glottis.
A sign language (also signed language) is a language that involves manual communication and body language to convey meaning. This can involve simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation and movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions to fluidly express a speaker's thoughts.
sign language
A verbal language is a language that uses sounds to communicate.
verbal language
written language is a language that is communicated through a writing system.
written language
A gene-disease association is an association between a gene and a disease.
gene-disease association
A genome is a collection of nucleic acids.
A gene that contains an open reading frame which codes for a protein.
protein coding gene
A gene that codes for a functional RNA molecule.
functional rna coding gene
A predicted gene is a gene that was identified through computational method but has not been experimentally validated.
predicted gene
A pseudo gene is a region of a nucleic acid that either cannot be transcribed, or its RNA transcript cannot be translated.
A sequence assembly is a sequence that is produced as by the alignment of two or more sequences.
sequence assembly
An experimentally validated gene is a gene whose existence has been demonstrated through experimental methods.
validated gene
unsupported is an existence quality in which there is no evidence to support the existence of the entity in any world (real or hypothetical)
A chemical-disease association is an association between a chemical and a disease.
chemical-disease association
An experiment is an investigation that has the goal of verifying, falsifying, or establishing the validity of a hypothesis.
suspended is the status of a process that is no longer progressing towards completion.
cancelled is a process status in which the process, while planned to occur, will not occur.
aborted is a process status in which a started process will not complete as intended.
literature curation is the process of an agent selecting and extracting terms and phrases from a document.
literature curation
A procedure is a process that attempts to achieve one or more objectives by following an established set of actions.
A clinical trial is an intervention trial to determine the safety and efficacy of medical interventions (e.g., drugs, diagnostics, devices, therapy protocols).
clinical trial
A medical diagnosis (often simply termed diagnosis) refers to the process of attempting to determine or identify a possible disease or disorder.
medical diagnosis
A differential diagnosis (sometimes abbreviated DDx, ddx, DD, D/Dx, or ΔΔ) is a systematic diagnostic method used to identify the presence of an entity where multiple alternatives are possible (and the process may be termed differential diagnostic procedure), and may also refer to any of the included candidate alternatives (which may also be termed candidate condition).
differential diagnosis
A diagnostic opinion is an opinion resulting from a medical diagnostic procedure.
diagnostic opinion
An opinion is a belief that is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts.
A chemical effect is a chemical interaction in which a chemical elicits a marked characteristic of a biological system.
chemical effect
A drug-drug interaction is an interaction in which two drugs interact in such a way to produce a non-additive biological response.
drug drug interaction
An assay is an investigative (analytic) procedure in laboratory medicine, pharmacology, environmental biology, and molecular biology for qualitatively assessing or quantitatively measuring the presence or amount or the functional activity of a target entity (the analyte) which can be a drug or biochemical substance or a cell in an organism or organic sample.
toxicity is the quality of a chemical substance to cause injury to an organism in a dose dependent manner.
toxic is the quality of a substance imparing the normal functioning of a system.
non toxic is the quality of a substance having no damaging effect to a system.
non toxic
chemical quality is the quality of a chemical entity.
chemical quality
healthy is an organismal state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.
age is the length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed.
ethnicity is the biological quality of membership in a social group based on a common heritage.
race is a characteristic of an individual by heritable phenotypic characteristics, geographic ancestry, physical appearance, ethnicity, and social status.
An ethnic group is a group of people whose members identify with each other through a common heritage, consisting of a common culture, including a shared language or dialect.
ethnic group
A syndrome is composed of a set of several clinically recognizable features, signs (observed by someone other than the patient), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together.
A ratio is a relationship between two numbers of the same kind expressed arithmetically as a dimensionless quotient of the two which explicitly indicates how many times the first number contains the second.
A dose is the quantity of a chemical substance administered to a biological system.
effective dose is the amount of a substance required to produce an effect on a predefined percentage of a population.
effective dose
An expected value (or e-value) is the weighted average of all possible values that a random variable can take on.
expected value
clinical laboratory test
A diagnostic test is a procedure performed to confirm, or determine the presence of disease in an individual suspected of having the disease, usually following the report of symptoms, or based on the results of other medical tests.
diagnostic test
A medical screening is a medical test or series used to detect or predict the presence of disease in individuals at risk for disease within a defined group, such as a population, family, or workforce
medical screening
A medical procedure is a procedure to identify, examine, alleviate or eliminate an undesirable biological disease or disorder.
medical procedure
A prognosis is a proposition about the likely course of a disease, the chance of recovery or recurrence.
A report is a textual document made that present focused, salient content to a specific audience.
A medical health record is a record of a single patient's medical history.
medical health record
A medical report is a report prepared by a health care practioner about test outcomes or health status of an individual.
medical report
A peer reviewed article is an article that has undergone peer-review and deemed acceptable for publication.
peer reviewed article
A major version number is a version of a software that exhibits a significant change in functionalilty from a prior version.
major version number
A minor version number is a version of a software that exhibits minor features or significant fix from a prior version.
minor version number
A revision number is a version of a software in which bugs have been fixed from a prior version.
revision number
text quality is the quality of a textual entity.
text quality
reviewed is the quality of a textual entity that has been examined and commented on by another party.
peer-reviewed is the quality of a textual entity that has been examined and commented by a peer expert reviewer.
draft is the quality of text that has not yet complete.
finalized is the quality of a textual entity that is in its final form.
editor reviewed is the quality of a textual entity that has been examined and commented on by an editor.
editor reviewed
written is the quality of information that is embodied as visual glyphs in some material form.
A morpheme is the smallest semantically meaningful unit in a language.
study protocol
A study design is a protocol for the proper execution of a study which normally requires a carefullly crafted research question or hypothesis and at least one variable under observation and observed values for that variable.
study design
A recipe is a set of instructions that describe how to prepare or make something.
An experimental protocol is an action specification with respect to the design and implementation of experiments. In addition to providing a detailed set of procedures and lists of required equipment and instruments, experimental protocols often include information on safety precautions, the calculation of results and reporting standards, including statistical analysis and rules for predefining and documenting excluded data to avoid bias.
experimental protocol
A viroid is a molecule of RNA that does not code for and is not protected by a protein coat.
The quality of being polar or not polar.
polar quality
polar is the quality of having a dipole.
non-polar is the quality of not having a dipole.
An intervention study has the objective of improving the condition of an individual or a group of individuals, and demonstrates the magnitude of that capability by comparing it to a control group.
intervention study
sampling is the act of obtaining a sample, whether through selection, collection or preparation.
A sample is a limited quantity of something (e.g. an individual or set of individuals from a population, or a portion of a substance) to be used for testing, analysis, inspection, investigation, demonstration, or trial use.
data analysis is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making.
data analysis
data collection is the process of acquiring information.
data collection
A reason is a justification that specifies the motive for an action or a determination.
measuring is the process of determining the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units
observing is a process of passive interaction in which one entity makes note of attributes of one or more entities.
character offset
The ordinal position of a character in a sequence of characters.
character position
The position of the first character in a word as an offset from the first character of the text in which it is found.
word start position
word end position is the position of the last character in a word as an offset from the first character of the text in which it is found.
word end position
gesturing is a form of non-verbal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of speech or together and in parallel with spoken words. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body.
planned is a process status for a process that has not yet started, but is referred to in a plan.
A population is all the organisms that both belong to the same group or species and live in the same geographical area.
A human population refers to a collection of human beings.
human population
A group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence.
A community is a sizeable social unit that shares common values.
speculation is an opinion based on incomplete evidence.
A study is a process that realizes the steps of a study design.
In a controlled observational cohort study, two groups of subjects are selected from two populations that are thought to differ in only one characteristic. The groups of subjects are studied for a specific period and contrasted at the end of the study period.
controlled observational cohort study
A control group is a group of individuals that are not subject to an intervention of interest, but rather serve as a baseline to compare the outcomes in the intervention group.
control group
An intervention group is a group of individuals that are subject to an intervention.
intervention group
controlled variable
extraneous variable
A control variable that is believed to alter the dependent or independent variables, but may not actually be the focus of the experiment. So that variable will be kept constant or monitored to try to minimise its effect on the experiment.
control variable
text span start position is the position (offset) of the first character of a text span in relation the text it is from.
text span start position
text span end position is the position (offset) of the last character of a text span in relation the text it is from.
text span end position
A text span is a subset of contiguous sequence of characters of a textual entity.
text span
A t-statistic is a ratio of the departure of an estimated parameter from its notional value and its standard error.
A microarray probe set identifier is an identifier for a set of probe pairs selected to represent expressed sequences on an array.
microarray probe set identifier
A microarray experiment is an experiment that involves a microarray device to measure the expression of one or more genes.
microarray experiment
A gene expression value is a measured value obtained from a gene expression experiment.
gene expression value
A differential gene expression ratio is the ratio of gene expression values from a test sample compared to a control sample.
differential gene expression ratio
A genotype is a functional specification of a biological entity in terms of its genetic composition (or lack thereof).
A vocabulary is a collection of terms.
A t-statistic based increased differential gene expression is a differential gene expression ratio in which the t-statistic is greater than zero.
t-statistic based increased differential gene expression
A t-statistic based decreased differential gene expression is a differential gene expression ratio in which the t-statistic is less than zero.
t-statistic based decreased differential gene expression
A date of database submission refers to the moment in time in which some information was submitted/received to a database system.
date of database submission
A liquid solution is a heterogeneous substance in a liquid state.
liquid solution
to remove a covalent bond is the capability to covalently modify a chemical entity by removing a covalent bond.
to remove a covalent bond
to add a covalent bond is the capability to covalently modify a chemical entity by adding a covalent bond.
to add a covalent bond
to modify electronically is the capability to change the electronic properties of an object.
to modify electronically
concentration is the amount of substance per unit volume of a solution
pH is a measure of the activity of the (solvated) hydrogen ion.
pH is defined as the decimal logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion activity, aH+, in a solution.
homogeneous is a quality that describes the uniform composition of an object.
homogeneous is a quality that describes the varied composition of an object.
A structural quality is a quality of an object that describes its structure.
structural quality
rigid is the quality of maintaining structural integrity (and not bending) under pressure.
bent is the quality of a line being sharply curved or having an angle.
curved is the quality of a line that deviates from straightness in a smooth, continuous fashion.
electronic configuration
electronic structure is the electron configuration is the distribution of electrons of an atom or molecule (or other physical structure) in atomic or molecular orbitals.
electronic structure
the electron configuration of the neon atom is 1s2 2s2 2p6.
A crystal structure is the arrangement of atoms or molecules in a crystalline liquid or solid.
crystal structure
to interact and to be interacted with is a mutual disposition of interacting objects.
to interact and to be interacted with
to gain a covalent bond is the capability of a chemical entity to have bonds added.
to gain a covalent bond
to lose a covalent bond is the capability of a chemical entity to have bonds removed.
to lose a covalent bond
to ingest is the capability to take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption.
to ingest
to produce is the capability to create new objects
to produce
biological pathway
A pathway is an effective specification that outlines a set of actions that forms a way to achieve an objective.
A central tendency measure is a central value or a typical value for a probability distribution.
centrality measure
arithmeritic mean
A mean is the central tendency of a collection of numbers taken as the sum of the numbers divided by the size of the collection.
A median is the numerical value separating the higher half of a sample, a population, or a probability distribution, from the lower half.
A mode is the value that appears most often in a set of data.
A sum is the result of adding a set of values together.
A minimal value is smallest value of an attribute for the entities in the defined set.
minimal value
A maximal value is largest value of an attribute for the entities in the defined set.
maximal value
A count of the instances of a class or members in a collection.
member count
A union is a list of all of the values of an attribute for the entities in the defined set.
An intersection is a list of only the values of an attribute for the entities in the defined set where all entities have that value.
ordered list
A sequence is an ordered list of entities. Like a set, it contains members (also called elements, or terms).
For example, (M, A, R, Y) is a sequence of letters that differs from (A, R, M, Y), as the ordering matters, and (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8), which contains the number 1 at two different positions, is a valid sequence.
A gene-variant disease association in which a mutation in the gene/protein results in the development or maintenance of the disease.
gene-disease association linked with causal mutation
gene-disease association arising from a therapeutic role of the gene/protein
A gene disease association in which the gene is a therapeutic marker for the disease.
therapeutic gene-disease association
A gene-disease association in which the gene/protein is involved in the etiology or maintenance of the disease.
gene-disease biomarker association
gene variant-disease association
A gene-disease association in which a sequence variation (a mutation, a SNP) is associated with the disease.
gene-disease association linked with genetic variation
A gene-disease association in which the disease phenotype is associated with an altered expression of the gene.
gene-disease association linked with altered gene expression
A gene-disease association in which the disease phenotype is associated with post-translational modifications in the protein product.
gene-disease association linked with post-translational modification
methylation or phosphorylation of protein product
A process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of transcription.
regulation of transcription
A process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of translation.
regulation of translation
A process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the creation or destruction of a molecule.
regulation of molecular quantity
A process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the production of a molecule.
regulation of molecular production
A process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the destruction of a molecule.
regulation of molecular degradation
A process mediated by a protein that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of translation.
protein mediated regulation of translation
A process mediated by rna that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of translation.
rna mediated regulation of translation
The process of maintaining some the frequency, rate or extent of another process.
process maintenance
The increase of regulation leads to a increased occurence of processes of the target type.
increased frequency of process from increased regulation
The increase of regulation leads to a decreased occurence of processes of the target process type.
decreased frequency of process from increased regulation
regulation of a process duration is a process that modulates the frequency of another process relative to some reference process.
regulation of process frequency
regulation of a process duration is a process that modulates the duration of another process relative to some reference process.
regulation of process duration
increased duration of process from increased regulation is a process in which the duration of the target process is increased as a result of increased regulation.
increased duration of process from increased regulation
decreased duration of process from increased regulation is a process in which the duration of the target process is decreased as a result of increased regulation.
decreased duration of process from increased regulation
regulation of a process spatial extent is a process that modulates the spatial extent of another process relative to some reference process.
regulation of process spatial extent
heating the solution causes greater diffusion of a chemical.
The increase of regulation leads to a increased spatial extent of the target process.
increased spatial extent of process from increased regulation
The increase of regulation leads to a decreased spatial extent of the target process.
decreased spatial extent of process from decreased regulation
maintenance of spatial extent of process is a regulation of a process' spatial extent within some specified parameter.
maintenance of spatial extent of process
maintenance of duration of process is a process that regulates a target process to maintain its duration within an expected interval.
maintenance of duration of process
maintenance of frequency of process is a process that regulates the number of occurences of a target process type to a specified number or interval.
maintenance of frequency of process
regulation of a participant quantity is the regulation of a process in which the quantity of its partcipants is changed.
regulation of object quantity
increased regulation leads to an increase in the number of target objects of a specified type.
increased object production from increased regulation
increased regulation leads to a decrease in the number of target objects of a specified type.
decreased object production from increased regulation
increased regulation leads to an increase in the consumption of an object of specified type.
increased object consumption from increased regulation
increased regulation leads to an decrease in the consumption of an object of specified type.
decreased object consumption from increased regulation
A process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the consumption of an object.
regulation of object consumption
regulation of a participant quantity is the regulation of a process in which the quantity of a selected participant is increased.
regulation of object production
maintenance of quantity of object production is a regulation of object production in which the number of objects produced is held more or less constant.
maintenance of quantity of object production
regulation of a participant quantity is the regulation of a process in which the quantity of a selected participant is maintained at a steady level.
maintenance of level of object consumption
number of objects produced is a count of objects that were produced in some process.
number of objects produced
number of objects consumed is a count of objects that were consumed in some process.
number of objects consumed
A difference in number of objects produced is a count of the number of objects produced with respect to a second variable (space, time, etc)
difference in number of objects produced
An increase in the number of objects produced is the positive value of a difference in number of objects produced.
increase in number of objects produced
An decrease in the number of objects produced is the negative value of a difference in number of objects produced.
decrease in number of objects produced
user account allows a user to authenticate to system services and be granted authorization to access them.
user account
An annotation is a written explanatory or critical description, or other in-context information (e.g., pattern, motif, link), that has been associated with data or other types of information.
A comment is a verbal or written remark often related to an added piece of information, or an observation or statement.
An audio recording is an electrical or mechanical inscription and re-creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice, singing, instrumental music, or sound effects.
audio recording
An issue is a single instance of a periodically published journal, magazine, or newspaper.
A slideshow is a visual presentation of information contained within a collection of slides.
A database cross-reference is an association between one data item and another.
database cross-reference
An exact cross-reference is a database cross-reference in which one entity is equivalent to the other based on all the entitie's attributes (minus the source).
exact cross-reference
double stranded nucleic acid is a molecular complex composed of two weakly connected deoxyribonucleic acids.
double stranded DNA
A nucleic acid strand is a single-stranded nucleic acid that is part of a double stranded nucleic acid complex.
nucleic acid strand
forward strand
The positive nucleic acid strand refers to the strand that is to be read 5' to 3'.
positive nucleic acid strand
reverse strand
The negative nucleic acid strand is the strand that is that is complimentary to the forward strand and appears from 3' to 5'.
negative nucleic acid strand
double stranded nucleic acid is a molecular complex composed of two weakly connected nucleic acids.
double stranded nucleic acid
double stranded nucleic acid is a molecular complex composed of two weakly connected ribonucleic acids.
double stranded RNA
full agreement is the result of consensus decision making when members of the group unanimously agree.
full agreement
A mass spectrometry experiment is an experiment that involves the use of a mass spectrometer.
mass spectrometry experiment
full agreement is the result of consensus decision making when members of the group unanimously disagree.
full disagreement
rRNA gene
A ribosomal RNA gene is a gene that codes for a ribosomal RNA molecule.
ribosomal RNA gene
A statement is a proposition that is either (a) a meaningful declarative sentence that is either true or false, or (b) that which a true or false declarative sentence asserts.
A slope or gradient of a line describes its steepness, incline, or grade. A higher slope value indicates a steeper incline. Slope is normally described by the ratio of the "rise" divided by the "run" between two points on a line.
A software process identifier is an identifier for a software process in some operating system.
software process identifier
hypothetical is the quality of an entity that is conjectured to exist.
A database row is a row that is part of a database table.
database row
a SADI semantic web service is a semantic web service that follows the SADI specification
SADI semantic web service
a semantic web service is a web service that provides a formal, machine understanble description of its functionality.
semantic web service
a REST web service is a web service that provides functionality according to the Representational State Transfer (REST) specification.
REST web service
a SOAP web service is a web service that implements Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
SOAP web service
A web service invocation involves the execution of a web service.
web service invocation
A SADI web service invocation is the excution of a SADI web service.
SADI web service invocation
media are audo/visual/audiovisual modes of communicating information for mass consumption.
Behaviour is the set of actions and mannerisms made by systems (biological or otherwise) in response to stimuli or inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary.
history is a sequence of past events.
A structural motif is a pattern in a structure formed by a spatial arrangement of objects (e.g. atoms).
structural motif
consensus is an acceptable resolution, one that can be supported, even if not the preferred outcome for each individual.
A process that increases the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the destruction of a molecule as a result of increased regulation.
increased molecular degradation from increased regulation
A process that decreases the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the destruction of a molecule as a result of decreased regulation.
decreased molecular degradation from decreased regulation
A process that increases the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the destruction of a molecule as a result of decreased regulation.
increased molecular degradation from decreased regulation
A process that decreases the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the destruction of a molecule as a result of increased regulation.
decreased molecular degradation from increased regulation
A process that increases the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the production of a molecule as a result of increased regulation.
increased molecular production from increased regulation
A process that decreases the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the production of a molecule as a result of increased regulation.
decreased molecular production from increased regulation
A process that increases the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the production of a molecule as a result of decreased regulation.
increased molecular production from decreased regulation
A process that decreases the frequency, rate or extent of process involved in the production of a molecule as a result of decreased regulation.
decreased molecular production from decreased regulation
increased chemical destruction is a process in which there is an increase in the amount of chemical destroyed relative to some reference process
increased chemical destruction
decreased chemical destruction is a process in which there is a decrease in the amount of chemical destroyed relative to some reference process
decreased chemical destruction
An assertional qualifier is the quality of affirmation, either being positive or negative.
assertional qualifier
positive is an assertional qualifier that expresses the validity or truth of a basic assertion.
negative is an assertional qualifier that expresses the falsity or lack of truth of a basic assertion.
intensity is a quality that represents the strength or degree of something.
mild is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than weak, but less intense than moderate.
moderate is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than mild, but less intense than strong.
severe is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than strong, but less intense than fatal.
fatal is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than severe, leading to the death/non-functioning of a system.
strong is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than moderate, but less intense than severe.
weak is a qualitative intensity value that is more intense than none, but less intense than mild.
to test a hypothesis is the capability to evaluate the truth value of a proposition based on gathered evidence.
to test a hypothesis
to characterize is the capability to classify the attributes or features of an entity against a reference classification.
to characterize
to describe is the capabilty to communicate facts about an entity.
to describe
The 5' splice site is the terminal region of an exon that is 5' to the intron that is to be excised.
5' splice site
The 3' splice site is the terminal region of an exon that is 3' to the intron that is to be excised.
3' splice site
An amino acid is an organic molecule composed of a carbon bonded to four different groups: a carboxyl group, an amino group, an R group, and a hydrogen atom. In the case of glycine, the R group is another hydrogen atom.
amino acid
A cisregulatory element is a DNA sequence located on the same DNA strand or chromosome as the gene whose expression it affects.
cis regulatory element
A trans-regulatory element is a DNA sequence associated with the regulation of a gene located outside the genomic region supporting the corresponding structural DNA region of the trans-regulatory element (i.e., a different DNA strand or different chromosome).
trans-regulatory element
A small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA) gene is a gene that encodes a small (7S; 129 nucleotides) RNA molecule found in the cytosol and rough endoplasmic reticulum that are normally associated with proteins that are involved in specific selection and transport of other proteins.
small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA) gene
A small nuclear RNA (snRNA) gene is a gene that encodes a small niuclear RNA molecule.
small nuclear RNA (snRNA) gene
A small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) gene is a gene that encodes a small RNA that are associated with the eukaryotic nucleus as components of small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins.
small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) gene
solube RNA (sRNA) gene
tRNA gene
A transfer RNA (tRNA) gene is a gene that codes for a tRNA used in the translation of a messenger RNA (mRNA) to produce a protein product.
transfer RNA (tRNA) gene
A small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA) molecule is a small (7S; 129 nucleotides) RNA molecule found in the cytosol and rough endoplasmic reticulum that are normally associated with proteins that are involved in specific selection and transport of other proteins.
small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA)
A transfer RNA (tRNA) is an RNA molecule that aids in the translation of a messenger RNA (mRNA) to produce a protein product.
transfer RNA (tRNA)
A small nuclear RNA (snRNA) is a small RNA molecule that is located in the nucleus of a cell.
small nuclear RNA (snRNA)
A small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) is a small RNA that are associated with the eukaryotic nucleus as components of small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins.
small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA)
A non-protein coding RNA (ncRNA) is a RNA molecular that cannot be used as a template for generating a protein product.
non-protein coding RNA (ncRNA)
A data collection device is a device that collects information about one or more objects.
data collection device
A mass spectrometer is a device that identifies ions based on their mass to charge ratio using an electromagnetic field.
mass spectrometer
microarray platform
A microarray device is a device that identifies the binding of a target substance to a physically immobile substrate placed in an array or lattice.
microarray device
to identify is the capability to determine the identity of something.
to identify
nuclear magnetic resonance device
A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) device is a device that applies a magnetic field to perturb nuclei with an odd number of protons and/or of neutrons in order to hav them absort and re-emit electromagnetic radiation.
nmr device
A catalog is a systemic collection of items of the same type.
Likelihood is the hypothetical probability that an event that has already occurred would yield a specific outcome.
Log likelihood is the natural logarithm of the likelihood function
log likelihood
z-value, z-score, normal score, standardadized variable.
A standard score is the (signed) number of standard deviations an observation or datum is above the mean.
standard score
an interval is a set of real numbers with the property that any number that lies between two numbers in the set is also included in the set.
The set of all numbers x satisfying 0<=x<=1 is an interval which contains 0 and 1, as well as numbers between them.
an open interval is an interval that does not include its endpoints.
open interval
(0,1) is an open interval that is greater than 0 and less than 1.
A closed interval is an interval that includes its endpoints, and is denoted with square brackets.
closed interval
[0,1] is a closed interval that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.
drug-pathway association
a chemical-pathway association is an association between a chemical and a pathway.
chemical-pathway association
a left open interval is an interval in which there is no element that is smaller than all other elements.
left open interval
a right open interval is an interval in which there is no element that is greater than all other elements.
right open interval
a right closed interval is an interval in which there is a real number that is larger than all of its elements.
right closed interval
a left closed interval is an interval in which there is a real number that is smaller than all its elements.
left closed interval
a pharmacokinetic pathway is a metabolic pathway which describes the metabolism of a drug molecule.
pharmacokinetic pathway
a pharmacodynamic pathay is a regulatory pathway in which a drug molecule regulates the activity of one or more components organized in a pathway.
pharmacodynamic pathway
a chemical-gene association is an association between a chemical and a gene.
chemical-gene association
set item is an item in a set.
set item
a collection item is an item in a collection.
collection item
a list item is an item in a list.
list item
an ordered list item is an item in an ordered list.
ordered list item
an anatomical entity is an object that is a structural part (material or immaterial) of a biological entity.
anatomical entity
zygosity is the quality pertaining to the allelic complement of a biological system at a single locus on the DNA.
homozygous is the quality of a biological organism in which there are two identical alleles at a given locus.
homozygous is the quality of a biological organism in which there are two different alleles at a given locus.
hemizygous is the quality of a biological organism in which, based on the ploidy of the organism, there is half the number of alleles than normal at a given locus.
nullizygous is the quality of a biological organism in which there are no allelles at a given locus.
parental transmition is the quality of a biological organism in which the (genetic) material is transmitted from a parental unit.
parental transmission
maternally transmitted is the quality of a biological organism in which the (genetic) material is transmitted from the maternal line.
maternally transmitted
paternally transmitted is the quality of a biological organism in which the (genetic) material is transmitted from the paternal line.
paternally transmitted
helicity is the quality of being helical
a circularly helical quality is the quality of a helix that is connected in a circle or loop.
circularly helical
left-handed helical quality is the quality in which a clockwise screwing motion moves the helix towards the observed along the line of sight along the helix's axis.
left-handed helical
right-handed helical quality is the quality in which a clockwise screwing motion moves the helix away from the observed along the line of sight along the helix's axis.
right-handed helical
a coding frame offset is a numeric value that indicates the number of bases from a reference start codon position.
coding frame offset
a coding sequence is a sequence of nucleotides which encode a RNA or protein product..
coding sequence
Humiliation is the abasement of pride, which creates mortification or leads to a state of being humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission.
hunger is the craving for food.
Discouragement is the emtion of having lost confidence or enthusiasm.
satisfaction is the emotion of fulfillling one's wishes, expectations, or needs.
suicidal is the emotion of being deeply unhappy or depressed with thoughts of killing one's self.
irritability is the negative emotion of quick excitability to annoyance, impatience, or anger.
indecision is the emotion of being unable to choose between two or more possible courses of action.
a temporal qualifier is pertains to the frequency of the event of interest.
temporal qualifier
none of the time
never refers to in none of the occasions.
some of the time
some refers to in the minority of occasions
some of the time
most of the time
most refers to in the majority of occasions
most of the time
all of the time
always indicates that the event occurs at all times.
quality descriptor
very poor quality
poor quality
neither good nor poor quality
good quality
very good quality
quantity modifier
An ovopub is an information content entity that contains and links to one or more resources and/or statements, including those describing its provenance, and is itself a dereferenceable resource.
A collection ovopub is an ovopub that contains and links to one or more assertion subgraphs and/or ovopubs, as well as statements describing its provenance. It is used to share a specific set of items or restrict a search to the resources contained therein.
collection ovopub
An assertion ovopub is an ovopub that contains and links to an assertion subgraph with one or more statements that may be true or false, as well as statements describing its provenance.
assertion ovopub
none quantifier
a little quantifier
moderately quantifier
mostly quantifier
completely quantifier
satisfaction qualifier
very dissatisfied qualifier
dissatisfied qualifier
neither satisfied or dissatisfied qualifier
satisfied qualifier
excellent quality
the date at which an information content entity was made public.
date of issue
an ordered list of authors.
author list
an ordered list is a list in which items are sequentially ordered.
ordered list
a middle name is a name assigned to an individual that is not the first or last name.
middle name
a middle initial is an abbreviated middle name.
middle initial
a telephone number is an identifier used to connect to a physical device capable of transfering voice or data over a network.
telephone number
a cellular phone number is a number to connect to a mobile device
cellular phone number
a fax number is a number to connect to fax device
fax number
IP address
an IP number is an number to connect to a device on the internet.
IP number
an email address is an identifier to send mail to particular electronic mailbox.
email address
a work phone number is the number to connect to an phone at a place of work.
work phone number
a home phone number is the number to connect to an phone at a place of residence.
home phone number
status descriptor is a descriptor for the state of a process or object.
status descriptor
A protein expression value is a quantity obtained from a protein expression experiment.
protein expression value
copy number variation refers to the number of deletions/duplications of a DNA region as compared to some reference state.
copy number variation
single nucleotide variation
a single nucleotide variation (SNV) is a nucleotide residue that is a variant compared to some reference nucleic acid sequence.
single nucleotide polymorphism
metadata is data that provides information about data.
A diagnosis is the result of a medical investigation to identify a disorder from its signs and symptoms.
a directed acyclic graph or DAG is a network digram that contains directed edges in which nodes may have multiple parents, but there are no cycles.
directed acyclic graph
an arc is a closed segment of a differentiable curve.
an edge is a line connecting two graph vertices.
a node or vertex is a point in a graph.
An epimer is a stereoisomer that differs in configuration at only one stereogenic center.
epimer association
a mereological quality is a quality of an entity vis-a-vis containment or parthood
mereological quality
empty is the quality of not containing some thing
full is the quality of contain an entity such that there is no more space for any additional entity.
a containment quality is a quality of being able to contain another entity.
containment quality
A gene-disease association in which a gene mutation is known to modify the clinical presentation of the disease.
gene-disease association linked with modifying mutation
A gene-disease association in which a germline mutation in the gene predisposes to the development of the disease, and it is necessary but not sufficient for the manifestation of the disease.
gene-disease association linked with susceptibility mutation
A gene-variant disease association in which a germline mutation in the gene/protein results in the development or maintenance of the disease, and it may be passed on to offspring.
gene-disease association linked with germline causal mutation
A gene-variant disease association in which a somatic mutation in the gene/protein results in the development or maintenance of the disease, and it may not be passed on to offspring.
gene-disease association linked with somatic causal mutation
A gene-variant disease association in which a somatic mutation in the gene modifies the clinical presentation of the disease, and it may not be passed on to offspring.
gene-disease association linked with somatic modifying mutation
A gene-variant disease association in which a germline mutation in the gene modifies the clinical presentation of the disease, and it may be passed on to offspring.
gene-disease association linked with germline modifying mutation
A gene-disease association in which the fusion between two different genes (promotor and/or other coding DNA regions) is associated with the disease.
fusion gene-disease association
A gene-disease association in which the gene is included in a chromosomal rearrangement associated with a particular manifestation of the disease.
gene-disease association linked with chromosomal rearrangement
a gene-disease association that is linked with some genomic alteration
gene-disease association linked with genomic alterations
DisGeNET Disease specificity is a measure of disease coverage. It is calculated from the negative base 2 log of the ratio of number of diseases associated to the total number of diseases.
The measure is described here: http://www.disgenet.org/web/DisGeNET/menu/dbinfo#specificity
DisGeNET disease specificity
The DisGeNET pleiotropy index is a measure of specificity as it pertains to classes of disease. The disease pleotropy index is computed from the ratio of the number of disease classes associated with an entity over the total number of disease classes multplied by 100.
The measure is defined here: http://www.disgenet.org/web/DisGeNET/menu/dbinfo#pleiotropy
DisGeNET Pleiotropy Index
specialized object
A week is a period of 7 consecutive days.
Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance; equivalently, it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of a reference substance for the same given volume.
specific gravity
information encoding
speech is the expression of thoughts and feelings by sound.
the capability to retrieve a (digitial/physical/mental) object from a location.
to retrieve
information translation
information decoding
to store is the capability to place an object into a medium in which it can be retrieved in the future.
to store
the capability to encode information in a different representation
to encode information
the capability to maintain information such that it can be retrieved in the future.
to maintain information
the ability to reverse an encoding operation
to decode information
The amount of change accumulated per unit time.
rate of change
regulation of information
the regulation or maintenance of information
information maintenance
Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time
Speed is the rate of change of an object's position.
The rate of change of an object's position and the direction of that change
A slide is an visual representation meant to communicate some information.
A statute is a formal written enactment of a legislative authority that governs a state, city or country.
A legal document proposing or enacting a law or a group of laws.
A legal document is a formally executed written document that can be formally attributed to its author, records and formally expresses a legally enforceable act, process, or contractual duty, obligation, or right, and therefore evidences that act, process, or agreement.
legal document
A brief is a written legal document used in various legal adversarial systems that is presented to a court arguing why one party to a particular case should prevail.
book section
A bill is proposed legislation under consideration by a legislature.
a versioned dataset is a dataset with a particular release date or release number.
versioned dataset
an analyte is a substance or chemical constituent of interest in an analytical procedure.
A protein domain is a part of a protein that maintains its structure and function independently of the rest of the protein.
protein domain
a protein family is a collection of proteins that share a common evolutionary origin, reflected by their related function and similarity in composition or structure.
protein family
a genomic sequence variant is part of a nucleic acid which is compositionally different than another reference genomic part.
genomic sequence variant
a unigene cluster is a collection of transcripts (ESTs and mRNAs) that map to a particular genomic region.
cluster of transcripts
unigene cluster
a gene symbol is a short name assigned to a gene.
gene symbol
a statement of consequence is a statement concerning the result or effect of an action or condition.
statement of consequence
a notation is a series or system of written symbols used to represent numbers, amounts, or elements.
a notation to describe a chemical entity
chemical notation
InCHI notation
sequence variation notation
The HGVS (human genome variation society) notation is a notation to specify a sequence variation in dna, rna, proteins, and other biomolecules.
hgvs notation
A protein coding sequence (CDS) is the region of DNA that is translated to form proteins. The CDS refers to those nucleotides (concatenated exons) that can be divided into codons which are actually translated into amino acids by the ribosomal translation machinery.
coding sequence
protein coding sequence
an ontology is a formal specification of entities, their attributes and relationships.
A biologic, also known as a biologic medical product, biological, or biopharmaceutical, is any pharmaceutical drug product manufactured in, extracted from, or semisynthesized from biological sources.
a post-translational modification is a part of a protein that was added, removed, or modified as a result of a chemical reaction after synthesis.
post-translational modification
evidence is the body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
a carbohydrate is an organic molecule composed of two or more monosaccharides.
A terminology is a set of terms used for a specified application.
A microRNA (abbreviated miRNA) is a small non-coding RNA molecule (containing about 22 nucleotides) found in plants, animals and some viruses, that functions in RNA silencing and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression.
microRNA (miRNA)
a medical intervention is a medical procedure to treat (to cure or alleviate) a health condition.
medical intervention
chemical exposure is a process to expose one or more individuals to a chemical substance.
chemical exposure
subcellular entity
intersex is a biological sex characterised by birth with genitalia and/or secondary sexual characteristics of indeterminate sex, or which combine features of both sexes.
Density (volumetric mass density) is the quantity of mass per unit volume of a substance.
The surface area of a is a measure of the total area that the surface of the object occupies.
surface area
The aspect ratio of a geometric shape is the ratio of its sizes in different dimensions.
aspect ratio
object relational quality refers to a quality in relation to one or more objects
object relational quality
synthetic quality is the quality of a manufactured object that has similar properties as naturally occuring objects.
synthetic quality
sample quality is the quality of an object that is drawn from a larger population.
sample quality
replica quality is the quality of an object that is an exact copy of another object.
replica quality
A percentage is a number that is a ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is denoted using the percent sign "%".
A quantile is a quantity that divides the range of a probability distribution into continuous intervals with equal probabilities, or dividing the observations in a sample in the same way.
A percentile (or a centile) is a quantile that divides the given probability distribution, or sample, into 100 equal-sized intervals.
a duplicate role is a comparative role that holds when one item is an exact copy of another in a specific set.
duplicate role
a replicate role is a comparative role that holds when one item is a reproduction, facsimile, or a copy of another.
replicate role
a replicate is an object that is a facsimile, reproduction, or copy of another item.
a collection of replicates is a collection composed of items that are a facsimile, reproduction, or copy of other items in the collection.
a collection of replicates
a duplicate is an object that is an exact copy of another item
a collection of duplicates is a collection composed of items that are an exact copy of other items in the collection.
a collection of duplicates
a chemical salt is a molecular complex composed of an ionic assembly of cations and anions.
chemical salt
a strong chemical salt is a chemical salt that is composed of strong electrolytes. Strong chemical salts contain Na,K,NH4 or NO3, CIO4, CH3COO.
strong chemical salt
a weak chemical salt is a chemical salt composed of weak eletrolytes.
weak chemical salt
a peptide is an organic polymer composed of between two and fifty amino acids.
an oligopeptide is an organic polymer composed of fewer than 10 or 15 amino acids.
an amino acid polymer is an organic polymer composed of two or more amino acid residues.
amino acid polymer
an ingredient is a chemical substance that forms part of a mixture.
a tensor is a n-dimensional array.
rank 1 tensor
a vector is a rank 1 tensor that is described by n-dimension of scalars.
rank 0 tensor
a scalar is a rank 0 tensor and is an element of a field that is used to define a vector space.
a vector space is a set of vectors.
vector space
rank 2 tensor
a matrix is a rank 2 tensor. It is represented as a rectangular array or table of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns.
a rank nonzero tensor is a tensor with a rank greater than zero.
rank nonzero tensor
A chemical-chemical association is an association between two chemical entities.
chemical-chemical association
A disease-disease association is an association between two diseases.
disease-disease association
A gene-gene association is an association between two genes.
gene-gene association
A protein-protein association is an association between two proteins.
protein-protein association
A protein-disease association is an association between a protein and a disease.
protein-disease association
A chemical-protein association is an association between a chemical and a protein.
chemical-protein association
An imaginary number is a complex number whose real part is zero e.g. 0 + bi, and is expressed as a multiple of the square root of -1.
5i is an imaginary number, and its square is -25.
imaginary number
a real number is a complex number whose imaginary part is zero, e.g. a + 0i.
real number
a complex number is an element of a number system that extends the real numbers with an imaginary unit i. Every complex number can be expressed in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers.
complex number
the quality of existing only in the imagination. it can be used to describe concepts, ideas, or things that are the product of a cognitive process.
a protein isoform is a protein that is a structural variant (different sequence of amino acids and/or post-translational modifications) of another protein, but encoded by the same gene.
protein isoform
a salt is a heterogeneous substance that is coposed of positively charged ions (cations) and negatively charged ions (anions) held together by electrostatic forces.
A biological organisn is a biological entity that consists of one or more cells and is capable of genomic replication (independently or not).
A cell is a biological entity that is contained by a plasma membrane.
A tissue is a mereologically maximal collection of cells that together perform some function.
An organ is a collection of tissues joined in structural unit to serve a common function.
A chemical entity is a material entity that pertains to chemistry.
chemical entity
atom, ion, molecule, chemical substance,
A weak submolecular component is a submolecular component that weakly connects submolecular components.
weak submolecular component
A polypeptide is an organic polymer composed of amino acid residues, typically of less than 50 amino acids in length.
A nucleic acid is an organic polymer composed of a sequence of nucleotide residues.
nucleic acid
A ribonucleic acid is an organic polymer composed of a sequence of ribonucleotide residues.
ribonucleic acid
A deoxyribonucleic acid is an organic polymer composed of a sequence of deoxyribonucleotide residues.
deoxyribonucleic acid
A lipid is a water-insoluable organic molecule.
A chemical interaction is a biochemical process in which chemical entities interact through some set of attractive forces.
chemical interaction
A primary structure descriptor describes a biomolecular object in terms of a 1D or 2D topology.
primary structure descriptor
amino acid sequence
polypeptide sequence
A protein acid sequence is the character representation of the molecular structure of a protein.
protein sequence
A nucleic acid sequence is a symbolic representation of the sequence of nucleic acid residues in a nucleic acid.
nucleic acid sequence
RNA sequence
A ribonucleic acid sequence is a symbolic representation of the sequence of ribonucleic acid residues in a ribonucleic acid.
ribonucleic acid sequence
DNA sequence
A deoxyribonucleic acid sequence is a symbolic representation of the sequence of deoxyribonucleic acid residues in a deoxyribonucleic acid.
deoxyribonucleic acid sequence
biological data is scientific data relevant to biology.
biological data
A submolecular entity is a chemical entity that is a part of a molecule.
submolecular entity
A secondary structure descriptor describes local topological patterns in a biopolymer.
secondary structure descriptor
A tertiary structure descriptor describes 3D topological patterns in a biopolymer.
tertiary structure descriptor
A quaternary structure descriptor describes topological patterns in a multi-unit biopolymer complex.
quaternary structure
genetic polymorphism is the description of a difference in genetic composition at some location.
genetic polymorphism
genetic data is data pertaining to genetics.
genetic data
biological sex is the quality of a biological organism based on reproductive function or organs.
biological sex
A monosaccharide is an organic molecule that consists of a single polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone group.
A PDB chain identifier is a alphabetical label to identify a molecule in a structure provided by the Protein DataBank .
PDB chain identifier
A PDB record identifier is an identifier for a PDB generated record.
PDB record identifier
A hydrogen bond is a weak submolecular interaction formed between a hydrogen atom and a electronegative atom.
hydrogen bond
A cation pi interaction is an ionic interaction between the localized negative charge of π orbital electrons, located above and below the plane of an aromatic ring, and a positive charge.
cation pi interaction
A gene is part of a nucleic acid that contains all the necessary elements to encode a functional transcript.
A biochemical reaction is a biochemical process that involves the conversion of at least one chemical participant (target) into another (product) by an enzyme (agent).
biochemical reaction
A chemical element is a (effectively) homogeneous substance composed of one type of atom.
chemical element
A drug is a chemical substance that contains one or more active ingredients that regulate one or more biological processes.
A pharmaceutical preparation is a chemical substance that is approved for use in the medical diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease.
pharmaceutical drug
A binding site is a molecular site which when occupied with particular ligands leads to structural transformations that initiatiate new moelcular processes.
binding site
An active site is a molecular site in which a chemical event occurs (structural transformation or conformational change).
active site
A haplotype is one of a set of genomic sequence variants.
A protein is an organic polymer that is composed of one or more linear polymers of amino acids.
An atom is composed of a core of protons and/or neutrons which may be surrounded by a cloud of electrons.
A base pair is a weak molecular interaction composed of hydrogen bonds between nucleobases.
base pair
A biological entity is a heterogeneous substance that contains genomic material or is the product of a biological process.
biological entity
A strong submolecular component is a submolecular component that strongly connects submolecular components.
strong submolecular component
male is a biological sex of an individual with male sexual organs.
A moleclar site is a spatial region bounded (in part or in whole) by a molecule and may be occupied by other material entities (e.g. drugs).
molecular site
An allosteric site is a binding site that when bound to particular ligand changes the conformational state and affects its functionality.
allosteric site
A biological fluid is a fluid of biological origin.
biological fluid
female is a biological sex of an individual with female sexual organs.
evolutionary lineage is a sequence of species, that form a line of descent, each new species the direct result of speciation from an immediate ancestral species.
evolutionary lineage
A cell line is a collection of genetically identifical cells.
cell line
A strain is a genetic variant or kind of microorganism.
A phenotype is an observable characteristic of an individual.
life status is the quality of whether something is alive or dead.
life status
alive is the state of a biological organism that exhibits biological functions.
dead is the quality of an object in which there is a cessation of all biological functions.
family history is the systematic narrative and research of past events relating to a specific family, or specific families.
family history
generation number is a count of the number of biological reproduction events elapsed from some starting reference point.
generation number
The five prime untranslated region (5' UTR) is a section of messenger RNA (mRNA) and the DNA that codes for it that starts at the +1 position (where transcription begins) and ends one nucleotide before the start codon (usually AUG) of the coding region.
5' untranslated region
bioinformatic data is data genereated or used for computer-based investigations of biological phenomena.
bioinformatic data
A sequence alignment is the character-based alignment of sequences using some method.
sequence alignment
A multiple sequence alignment is a sequence alignment involving more than two sequences.
multiple sequence alignment
A pairwise sequence alignment is the alignment of exactly 2 sequences.
pairwise sequence alignment
A three prime untranslated region (3'-UTR) is the section of messenger RNA (mRNA) that immediately follows the translation termination codon.
3' untranslated region
An organic submolecule is connected region of a molecule.
organic submolecule
An organic molecule is a molecule composed of organic atoms (at least carbon, hydrogen, and optionally oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur)
organic molecule
An open reading frame (ORF) is a part of a gene that encodes a protein but does not contain a stop codon.
open reading frame
An amino acid residue is a submolecule of an amino acid that is part of a larger molecule.
amino acid residue
A nucleotide residue is a part of a molecule that derives from a nucleotide.
nucleotide residue
A poison is a drug that is harzardous or toxic to an organism when ingested at a certain quantity.
An active ingredient is a molecular entity that exhibits biological activity.
active ingredient
An operon is a collection of contiguous genes transcribed as a single (polycistronic) mRNA.
A gene regulatory component is a gene component that exerts a regulatory function.
gene regulatory component
A gene enhancer is a short region of DNA that can be bound with proteins to enhance transcription levels of genes in a gene cluster.
gene enhancer
Aninactive ingredient is a molecular entity that does not exhibit biological activity.
inactive ingredient
to serve as a template for molecular synthesis is the capability of a chemical entity to provide the necessary information or scaffold by which another molecule may be produced.
to serve as a template for molecular synthesis
to serve as a template for protein synthesis is the capability of a chemical entity to provide the necessary information or scaffold by which a protein may be produced.
to serve as a template for protein synthesis
to serve as a template for RNA synthesis is the capability of a chemical entity to provide the necessary information or scaffold by which an RNA molecule may be produced.
to serve as a template for RNA synthesis
to serve as a template for DNA synthesis is the capability of a chemical entity to provide the necessary information or scaffold by which a DNA molecule may be produced.
to serve as a template for DNA synthesis
A deoxyribonucleic acid template is a deoxyribonucleic acid that provides the template to synthesize a complementary strand of DNA through transcription.
deoxyribonucleic acid template
A deoxyribonucleic acid primer is a deoxyribonucleic acid that enables the synthesis of a complement strand of DNA by binding to it and acting as a point of transcription initiation.
deoxyribonucleic acid primer
to serve as a primer for DNA synthesis is the capability of a short nucleic acid to bind to the 5' end of single strand of DNA template and help initiate DNA replication.
to serve as a primer for DNA synthesis
An RNA transcript component is a region of an RNA transcript.
RNA transcript component
A mature RNA is a ribonucleic acid that contains an untranslated region (UTR) and protein coding sequence and lacks introns.
mature mRNA
Precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) is a single strand of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) that is synthesized from a DNA template throught transcription.
An mRNA splice variant is an mRNA molecule that varies from another mRNA molecule of the same gene origin but having a different final sequence due to differences in its assembly from splice sites.
mRNA splice variant
A messenger RNA is a ribonucleic acid that contains an untranslated region (UTR) and protein coding sequence and lacks introns.
messenger RNA
A gene that is located on DNA.
dna gene
A gene that is located on RNA.
rna gene
An allele is one of a set of sequence variants of a gene.
ploidy is the cellular quality relating to the amount of DNA contained in a cell.
chemical transport is the directed movement of a chemical entity by some agent (e.g. transporter).
chemical transport
active transport is the movement of a substance across a membrane against its concentration gradient (from low to high concentration) and requires chemical energy.
active transport
molecular complex formation is the process of forming a molecular complex from its constituent parts.
molecular complex formation
molecular complex disassociation is the process of dissambly of a molecular complex into its constitutent parts.
molecular complex dissociation
regulation of biochemical process is a process that changes the frequency, rate or extent of a target biochemical process.
regulation of biochemical process
biochemical activation is a molecular interaction that increases the catalytic rate of the target enzyme.
biochemical activation
biochemical inhibition is a molecular interaction that decreases the catalytic rate of the target enzyme.
biochemical inhibition
positive regulation
process up-regulation is a process that increases the frequency, rate or extent of one or more processes in relation to a reference state.
process up-regulation
negative regulation
process down-regulation is a process that decreases the frequency, rate or extent of one or more processes in relation to a reference state.
process down-regulation
medical data is data of interest to medicine.
medical data
disease is the outward manifestation of one or more disorders.
transcription is the process of creating a complementary RNA copy of a sequence of DNA.
translation is the process of producing a polypeptide from a ribonucleic acid by a ribosome.
Molecular modification is chemical alteration of a known and previously characterized lead compound for the purpose of enhancing its usefulness as a drug. This could mean enhancing its specificity for a particular body target site, increasing its potency, improving its rate and extent of absorption, modifying to advantage its time course in the body, reducing its toxicity, changing its physical or chemical properties (like solubility) to provide desired features.
molecular modification
Metabolism is the set of chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
Anabolism is the set of metabolic processes that take apart larger chemical entities units into smaller chemical entities.
Anabolism is the set of metabolic processes that construct larger chemical entities units from smaller chemical entities.
A carbohydrate residue is a part of a molecule that was derived from a monosaccharide molecule.
carbohydrate residue
A nucleic acid part is a component of a nucleic acid.
nucleic acid part
A deoxyribonucleotide residue is a part of a molecule that derives from a deoxyribonucleotide.
deoxyribonucleotide residue
A ribonucleotide residue is a part of a molecule that derives from a ribonucleotide.
ribonucleotide residue
A pharmaceutical ingredient is a part of a pharmaceutical preparation.
pharmaceutical ingredient
to covalently modify is to materially change a molecule by adding or removing covalent bonds between atoms.
to covalently modify
A chemical complex is a chemical substance composed of weakly connected molecules and ions in a known stoichiometry.
chemical complex
An enzyme is a protein or protein complex that realizes its disposition to covalently modify some molecule during a chemical reaction.
A catalyst is a molecule that has the capability to reduce the activation energy of a reaction and hence increase the overall rate of reaction.
A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substances to another.
chemical reaction
An organic polymer is an organic molecule composed of connected set of monomeric units.
organic polymer
to modify conformation of is to affect the spatial arrangement of an entity.
to modify conformation of
to cleave is to split or sever an object along a natural line or grain.
to cleave
to combine is the capability to modify a set of objects in a way that the object is merged with another object to form a new object or substance.
to combine
to breathe is the capability to inhale and exhale air into the body during respiration.
to breathe
to conformationally activate is to modify the conformation of an entity in such a way that it becomes activated or functional.
to conformationally activate
to conformationally inhibit is to modify the conformation of an entity in such a way that it functionally is reduced or inhibited.
to conformationally inhibit
to oxidize is the capability to remove an electron or an increase in oxidation state of a chemical entity.
to oxidize
to reduce is the capability to add an electron or an decrease in oxidation state of a chemical entity.
to reduce
to modify the oxidation state of is to change the number of electrons of a molecule, atom or ion.
to modify oxidation state of
A substrate is a molecule that is consumed in the course of a biochemical reaction.
to be modified is the capability to be actively interacted with in such a way that it leads to a physical reconfiguration.
to be modified
to be cleaved is the capability to be modified in a way that splits one part of the object from the other.
to be cleaved
to be covalently modified is the capability of a chemical entity to have bonds added or removed
to be covalently modified
to be combined is the capability to be modified in a way that the object is merged with another object to form a new object or substance.
to be combined
to be transported is the disposition to undergo motion.
to be transported
to be electronically modified is the capability of a chemical entity to have electrons added or removed.
to be electronically modified
to gain an electron is the capability of a chemical entity to receive an electron.
to gain an electron
to lose an electron is the capability of a chemical entity to lose an electron.
to lose an electron
to be activated is the capability to be modified in such a way that the conformational change leads to an increase in another capability.
to be activated
to be inhibited is the capability to be modified in such a way that the conformational change leads to an decrease in another capability.
to be inhibited
to be conformationally changed is the capability to be modified in such a way that the object's conformation is changed.
to be conformationally changed
A multi-cellular organism is an organism that consists of more than one cell.
multicellular organism
A unicellular organism is a organism that is composed of a single cell.
unicellular organism
A cellular organism is an organism that contains one or more cells.
cellular organism
A non-cellular organism is an organism that does not contain a cell.
non-cellular organism
A virus is a non-cellular organism that can replicate only inside the living cells of an organism.
A drug regulatory authority is a regulatory authority which acts to control what substances may be used to treat individuals.
drug regulatory authority
A specialized material entity is a material entity that is defined by having some quality, role or capability.
specialized material entity
A reagent is a substance that is added to a system in order to bring about a chemical reaction, or added to see if a reaction occurs.
A specimen is a portion of material for use in testing, examination, or study.
A pathogen or infectious agent is a microorganism that causes disease in its host.
A host is an organism that harbors a parasite, or a mutual or commensal symbiont, typically providing nourishment and shelter.
A buffer is a dissolved chemical substance that resists change in pH upon addition of small amounts of acid or base.
A solvent is a substance that can dissolve other substances (solutes).
A solute is a substance that becomes dissolved in a solvent.
An antigen is a molecule that can be bound by a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and presented to a T-cell receptor.
A receptor molecule is a molecule that has the capability to bind to a signal and propogate a response to that signal.
A centrifugation pellet is a solid substance that forms as a result of compaction by a centrifuge.
centrifugation pellet
A supernatent is a liquid substance that remains after centrifugation.
A centrifugation substance is a substance that is the target or product of centrifugation.
centrifugation substance
A liquid solution component is a part of a liquid solution.
liquid solution component
An evaluation role is a processual role held by an entity during some evaluation.
evaluation role
A placebo is a medically ineffectual treatment for a medical condition intended to deceive the recipient.
A test role is the role of an individual that is a participant in the study and is the target of the intervention.
test role
A control role is the role of an individual that is part of a study, but is not subject to the intervention that is to be tested.
control role
A ligand is a molecule that is part of a complex by weakly interacting with another molecule.
A low barrier hydrogen bond is a shorter, stronger hydrogen bond that is formed between both heteroatoms.
low barrier hydrogen bond
A molecular activator is a molecular regulator that realizes its disposition to conformationally change a target molecule and increase its functionality.
A molecular inhibitor is a molecular regulator that realizes its disposition to conformationally change a target molecule and decrease its functionality.
A molecular regulator is a molecule that regulates the function of another chemical entity.
molecular regulator
A signal transducer is a molecule that responds to and amplifies a signal in a signalling system.
signal transducer
A signal is an object that initiates a sequence of events.
A mesenger is a molecule involved in either signal detection or signal propagation from receptors on the cell surface to target molecules inside the cell, in the cytoplasm or nucleus.
A second messenger is a molecule that relay signals from receptors on the cell surface to target molecules inside the cell, in the cytoplasm or nucleus.
second messenger
A submolecule is any part of a molecule.
charge quality is the quality pertaining to electric charge.
charge quality
An intron is a region of a gene that is removed from the final protein open reading frame.
A gene component is a component of a gene.
gene component
An exon is a nucleotide sequence encoded by a gene that remains present within the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing.
A gene promoter is a region of DNA that initiates transcription of a particular gene.
gene promoter
A start codon is the first codon of a messenger RNA (mRNA) transcript translated by a ribosome. The start codon is almost always preceded by an untranslated region 5' UTR.
start codon
A stop codon (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation.
stop codon
An RNA transcript is an RNA molecule that is produced from transcription of a nucleic acid template.
RNA transcript
A splice site is a region required for the excision of an intron and connection to another exon.
splice site
A molecular pocket is a site on a molecule that appears as a depression into the structure.
molecular pocket
An acid is a molecular entity in solution capable of donating a hydron (Bronsted acid) or capable of forming a covalent bond with an electron pair (Lewis acid).
A base is a molecular entity dissolved in a solvent that is capable of accepting a proton (Bronsted base) or forming a covalent bond with a hydron (Lewis base) .
An isomer is a molecule that is compositionally identical to another molecule as a result of a different atomic connectivity.
An ion is an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge.
An anion is an atom or molecule with a net positive electrical charge.
An anion is an atom or molecule with a net negative electrical charge.
A polar solvent is a solvent that exhibits a polar quality.
polar solvent
A non-polar solvent is a solvent that exhibits a non-polar quality.
nonpolar solvent
A positive charge is a charge where the value is positive.
positive charge
A heterogeneous substance is a chemical substance that is composed of more than one different kind of component.
heterogeneous substance
A homogeneous substance is a substance that is composed of a uniform type of entity.
homogeneous substance
A negative charge is a charge where the value is negative.
negative charge
An antibody (also known as immunoglobulins, abbreviated Ig) are gamma globulin proteins that are used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects. They are typically made of two large heavy chains and two small light chains.
An alpha helix is structural region of a protein that is characterized by 3.6 residues per turn, a translation of 1.5 angstroms along the helical axis in which backbone N-H groups form a hydrogen bond to the backbone carboxyl group of the amino acid four residues prior.
alpha helix
A beta strand is structural region of a protein that is characterized by a roughly planar sequence of amino acid residues forming hydrogen bonds between the N-O and the C=O of another part of the peptide
and having their side chains perpendicular to the planar axis.
beta strand
An amino acid polymer submolecule is a submolecule of an amino acid polymer.
amino acid polymer submolecule
An ionic interaction is a weak submolecular interaction between a charged submolecules.
ionic interaction
A protein complex is a molecular complex composed of at least two polypeptide chains.
protein complex
A single bond is a covalent bond between a pair of atoms in which one pair of electrons are shared.
single bond
A double bond is a covalent bond between a pair of atoms in which two pairs of electrons are shared.
double bond
A triple bond is a covalent bond between a pair of atoms in which three pairs of electrons are shared.
triple bond
An aromatic bond is an interaction between a set of atoms across which pairs of electrons are shared.
aromatic bond
A disulfide bond is a bond between two sulfur atoms.
disulfide bond
A dipole-dipole interaction is a weak submolecular interaction between strongly electronegative atoms.
dipole-dipole interaction
van der Waals' interaction is an a weak submolecular interaction between an instantaneous dipole and induced dipole.
van der Waals interaction
A base stack is a stabilizing interaction of DNA and RNA between spatially adjacent nucleotides and possibly involving London dispersion, hydrophobic and electrostatic forces.
base stack
A molecular complex is a chemical complex composed of at least one weakly interacting molecule.
molecular complex
An acid-base reaction is a chemical reaction between an acid and a base.
acid-base reaction
A catalyzed reaction is a chemical reaction that is facilitated by a catalyst.
catalyzed reaction
A redox reaction is a chemical reaction in which there is a net movement of electrons from one reactant to another.
redox reaction
An inorganic reaction is a chemical reaction that involves the transformation of inorganic molecules.
inorganic reaction
A decomposition reaction is an inorganic reaction in which molecule is fragmented into submolecules or atoms.
decomposition reaction
A displacement reaction is an inorganic reaction in which a elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent atom from a molecule.
displacement reaction