{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from clustergrammer_widget import *\n", "net = Network(clustergrammer_widget)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "net.load_file('histology_clusters/merge_sclc.txt')\n", "merge_sclc = net.export_df()\n", "\n", "net.load_file('histology_clusters/merge_nsclc.txt')\n", "merge_nsclc = net.export_df()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "f8a1271a584444d39479fe0a862589be" } }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "net.load_df(merge_sclc)\n", "net.enrichrgram('GO_Biological_Process_2015')\n", "net.cluster(views=[])\n", "net.widget()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "a9785ffdd61d44e7abc5d20c0321c449" } }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "net.load_df(merge_nsclc)\n", "net.enrichrgram('GO_Biological_Process_2015')\n", "net.cluster(views=[])\n", "net.widget()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "anaconda-cloud": {}, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python [Root]", "language": "python", "name": "Python [Root]" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 2 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython2", "version": "2.7.12" }, "widgets": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json": { "state": { "51f764eccff1415e8385fa1f694dbd60": { "model_module": "jupyter-js-widgets", "model_module_version": "~2.1.4", "model_name": "LayoutModel", "state": { "_model_module_version": "~2.1.4", "_view_module_version": "~2.1.4" } }, "a9785ffdd61d44e7abc5d20c0321c449": { "model_module": "clustergrammer_widget", "model_module_version": "*", "model_name": "hello_model", "state": { "_dom_classes": [], "_model_module_version": "*", "_view_module_version": "*", "layout": "IPY_MODEL_51f764eccff1415e8385fa1f694dbd60", "mat_string": "", "msg_throttle": 1, "network": "{\"mat\": [[0.0117812273918, -0.12525945952099998, -1.4456815526299998, 0.30400752623000005, 1.47905619706, 0.7317605648000001, -1.3647404424, -0.0836610283027, 0.922379522456, -0.327123932061, 1.07336572832, 0.264074727814, 1.9454915627200002, -1.4116661557799999, 0.472173271631, 0.9812435176559999, -1.36674975742, 1.96518575896, 0.696212935381, 1.0218861216700001, 0.858483720375, -0.970179958129, -1.09660015804, 0.13518724697999998, 1.2437884726700001, -1.4511397415600003, 0.131324873908, -1.18325545266, -0.607192524398, 0.613752475471, -0.45375025818400005, -0.036585291609, 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[0.026140003709800002, 1.03208612059, -0.858606744782, -1.8868436853900001, 0.713512330918, 0.685738188079, 1.42184004145, -1.43228808539, -0.500136398185, -0.11071383324, 0.0237161604416, 0.6637599716879999, 1.3691541098700002, 0.906087217375, -0.962255464074, 1.8786352496, -0.11725420466499999, 0.47845916462099997, -0.068564403684, 1.4477893059399998, 0.250958128215, -0.8222905472040001, -2.30942229897, 0.809707545952, -0.530496462892, -0.598486868157, -0.606459014718, -0.7521107421100001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5629328054730001, 0.790356146879, -0.379078126401, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0759700667291, 0.858501307582, 0.537437318463, -1.1476080685799999, 0.36345870581999995, 0.42981092438100005, -0.44048464640699997, 0.393716269811, 0.557734535112, -0.700953428296, -1.5727451431000001, 1.4446932919799997, 1.6484356359999999, -0.0413892179388, -0.362681325554, 0.7346348461059999, -4.00355239829, -0.856867398769, 0.11357774174, 0.951208717469, -0.281299600039, 1.06088130744, -0.163846648553, -0.055764687079300004, -0.615128972786, -1.52068800644, 0.16482402992200001, -0.5535950476, 0.308031943398, 0.790077330982, -0.238127712189, 0.338431210537, 0.40005177494800004, 1.07550828137, 0.198539745037, -0.0872249022218, 0.19643221901900002], [0.623736983507, 1.49311393236, 0.5353278685239999, -1.34232403618, 0.0827611669262, 0.223512259657, 0.0, 0.0, 0.570947241221, 0.0, 0.0, 1.58196906588, 1.3708295292, -0.318020372055, -0.755573010901, 0.649863465156, -2.38446044901, -0.974684161988, -0.378825644718, 0.364488341009, -1.01211060903, 1.08191884579, -0.9784756561069999, -0.467163563623, -0.624386272472, -0.903598643756, -0.490598357477, -1.7105877657799997, 0.424226557233, 1.30840489674, -0.460724536914, -0.345986941923, 0.0, 1.6436432408200001, 0.15069563084100002, 0.141981709855, 0.9000992872110001], [0.520164823695, 0.9148469833299999, -0.118148511986, -0.831758990833, -1.0814869351799998, -0.673674495898, 1.17282302958, 1.65448220131, -0.940230193186, -0.6743329244600001, -0.201630249054, 1.2574511795, 1.17719574238, -0.138887610769, 1.4636607316799999, 0.0031130154063599997, -0.499087259565, -1.01546896503, 1.0842924062600001, 0.13242978584100001, -0.902417714919, 0.587932532726, -0.8215458765970001, -1.07693677354, -0.7242137912019999, -0.947104467553, -0.965966811449, -0.972755630194, -1.14575469948, 2.0499596118900003, -0.924869661903, -0.550600188593, -0.831110835625, 1.26111643182, 0.7557921234649999, 0.0953004855779, 1.90742150254], [0.25176259967, 0.680210480677, 0.413760120063, 0.352880661668, 0.022073822708099995, -0.018407118647799998, 0.6908996829170001, 0.598674362852, 0.9418456954819999, -0.39890320679700003, 0.24392350014699998, 0.40477781852600003, 0.640604062521, 0.188517714067, 0.888699972369, 0.615527373185, 0.404846305282, -0.11893935546599999, 0.00161735533631, 0.465014555051, 0.00820788860496, -1.3196275723100002, -1.2423133996200002, 0.35704254918300005, -2.8923969622000003, -2.70693008397, -0.525170132635, -2.91437752332, 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0.852706575351, 1.7562002782599997, 1.1853889672600002, 0.650930670514, 0.905351514815, -1.3845301987799998, -0.648864341421, -0.45359972424500006, 0.722028522457, -1.54088288209, -1.62950848811, -0.927919526918, -1.34892918981, -1.39572575759, -1.5669010775, -0.00168748645177, -1.6561895994999998, 0.24722352560199998, 0.54453197211, 1.04361815093, 1.11889177955, -0.29274094844099996, 0.53396917596, 0.735885339379, 0.409213964299, 0.5112363208190001], [-1.8339421545299999, 0.9454470604009999, 0.600687483405, 0.180669413382, -0.339934157799, 0.418487081843, 0.975303385105, 0.631986794595, 0.18270931873799998, -0.518809461724, 1.1224049570999999, 1.11445815023, 1.1104821515, 1.08388552288, 0.307989613082, 0.48998239068899996, 1.0393761375700001, -0.140675372108, -0.07560083406569999, 0.671326343437, 0.279295982525, -1.24770190345, -0.9803808710070001, 0.872996681363, -2.805525718, 0.0658845099536, -0.223523558804, -1.34139065589, -0.602260276949, -0.371284855918, -0.454486522397, 0.835058594216, -2.0273589211900003, -1.53044005266, -0.222800508382, 0.801174364788, 0.986509888067], [-0.6839008593639999, 0.43111639152500003, 0.35872861485699997, 0.38220886471999993, 0.286570822874, 0.271078273106, 0.397296857687, 1.4298958784399998, -0.978495816381, -0.045941321507999996, 0.638633365163, 1.61814680894, 0.08184956900019999, 0.411144623056, -0.255753934311, 0.35872861485699997, 0.8083895714749999, 0.5965925957720001, 0.454387375446, 0.0865251305377, -0.33742335037199994, 0.07810202153239999, -1.15542751009, 0.498845853036, -2.81952214353, -0.5456539833349999, 0.626575983798, -3.0783939687700004, 0.0, 0.0, 0.251010851505, 0.7039607163480001, -0.869275896004, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.4080503268, 0.296134245467, 0.322271645447, 0.5458766839810001, 0.0220844432656, 1.01578120295, 0.31561031334199996, -0.353964361334, 0.838369766229, -0.967135076612, 0.8537769289210001, 1.51545331635, 1.26811208464, 0.900252381217, 0.720873966708, 1.10580902917, -1.99478834645, 1.06364100924, 1.60062096455, -0.060074475875699994, 0.38351486816299996, -1.99805452551, -1.56714546559, 1.02466995066, -0.36034981858099996, -1.7046307390900002, -0.21763039230300002, -1.13302500321, -0.777008497928, 0.15212308745, 0.39072695404799995, -0.216899373724, 0.11777517362199999, -0.9571687238600001, -0.103503851437, -1.26293118763, 0.628882150523], [-1.6144933645, 0.159517632775, 0.554892990477, -1.09822355067, 0.339880743654, 1.33931932073, 0.437644821951, -1.57961814776, 0.5005442626709999, -0.9067946269280001, 0.865595798082, 0.798884329412, 1.07017737412, 1.4002671003100002, 0.126507484693, 0.815070461039, -1.80180228887, 0.6827681321819999, 0.343973315545, 0.724446147702, -0.575226167725, -1.8075056375099998, -1.10817855058, 0.737529055836, -1.54069541855, -1.11594131117, 0.499785696928, -1.22386923004, 0.621636196661, -0.0049810316397, 0.6232230723100001, 0.920964044516, -0.8272592439030001, 0.114121626381, -0.8605660005940001, 1.14146923201, 1.24693573044], [-1.15844816687, 0.402577524344, 0.490360947738, -0.0240452531767, 1.2262327672700002, 1.66588541854, -0.401712585927, -0.41889939170400003, 0.7784538042370001, -1.28186616889, 0.827080674563, -0.0938240139229, 0.428505913642, 1.2760916128, -0.207684007247, 1.03337531668, -1.04177882625, 0.04862804083459999, 0.703118269787, 1.0623195755500001, 0.846308006387, -1.16319710558, -0.729662095292, 0.497818657038, -1.2851150471500001, -1.02914123746, 1.49427148697, -1.18414462127, -1.08345445006, -0.430589197125, -1.2032166139799998, -1.3856516688499998, -0.53288465851, 1.1579694577200002, -0.450896028434, -0.9382349251440001, 2.1054485887400003], [-1.9062565622299998, 0.371325410591, -0.39952719534599995, 1.2807468094, -1.02026235939, 0.822217013865, -1.21125271058, -1.33372814948, -0.134931840086, -1.2788579043500001, 0.360659821682, -0.0894137013754, 0.302876588957, 1.2275188339299998, 0.337875204676, 1.1721948403, 0.886133904365, 0.538054934857, 1.2707998870200001, 0.8501889147920001, 1.24650184939, -1.4990347806600002, -0.616716107256, 0.382096522407, -1.9592257289, -2.01528227365, 0.759158191207, -1.24113346535, 0.0765682764068, 1.09173584578, 0.30127819461800004, -0.198996462656, 0.43507068752300004, -0.442718831664, 0.38183660282700005, 0.320475588194, 0.932024150167], [-1.8865426006900001, -0.210319211908, 1.04894777215, 0.5145763457779999, 0.801116488193, 1.33908174553, -0.8284109401440001, -0.842549302767, -0.04188064619, -0.50854636027, 0.34442893436, 0.249334493233, 0.9297470261990001, -0.0360553897177, 0.356641439555, 0.806561244284, 0.648584979323, -0.0631672582974, 1.44769952053, -0.033304790416200006, 0.407777868636, 0.551612851534, -1.6529859198899999, -0.042186700844300005, -1.6768216899200001, -2.14900611925, 1.24719722898, -1.92348325148, 0.9770078983299999, 0.8070478176610001, 0.228912522017, 0.84149721277, -0.31283243731800003, 0.34591103686700003, 0.148139881675, -2.01623873439, 0.182507045883], [1.4135530708000001, 1.23170751226, 0.15812691822, -0.7528326901279999, 1.7753110363099998, 0.31211392422400003, -0.0955415221957, -0.663705291941, -0.048158302749100004, -0.8886770988889999, 1.9045997533400003, 1.01651713567, 0.368595996386, 1.7690832655700002, 0.760469767587, -0.385334197542, -0.8012018550560001, 1.07120137144, 1.6473116326100001, 1.32476941674, -0.674741115581, -0.911761972931, -0.940017195278, -0.750757675923, -0.9023788492720001, -0.884572903031, -0.924219696917, -0.752654816178, -0.998010650386, -0.783856962459, 0.362061584049, -0.671425894359, -0.884170776955, -0.908000429958, -0.9249137326960001, -0.782382682053, 1.2138939272700002], [0.303813298448, 0.0404251442087, 0.350729091307, -1.06035360159, 1.4439977063499998, 1.13950805403, -0.18379160154399998, -0.412011681461, -1.35199634535, -1.08712158164, 0.6737087616349999, 0.9560444291879999, 0.6112110992399999, 0.97431921418, 0.8437328362980001, 0.033836511098700006, 0.5468764480489999, 0.824411918723, 0.7865008747550001, 0.999346309485, 0.6615856366699999, 0.023042825435700003, -1.51714764455, 1.11961151326, -0.030432569102199998, -2.09632218139, -0.935866326835, -2.09782781144, -0.6778955376450001, 0.594523032091, 0.0814210279438, 0.110589106438, -0.352430676753, 0.21055733592300002, 0.163039391152, -2.56845983594, 0.8788258293350001], [1.1591410814799998, 0.484575792636, -0.86729496371, -0.801591074591, 0.8421266808169999, 0.714431761295, -0.967482861882, -0.927666342871, -0.23253100154399997, -0.74591153346, -0.23892030522100002, 0.6077074531669999, -0.46947326861500005, 1.16909391432, 1.53478159537, 1.66387939744, -0.8275814561489999, 0.872943778706, 1.30867887481, 0.7923625165870001, -0.877068823426, -1.0353837110100002, -0.789734382655, -0.376503582797, -0.551717535716, -0.930852657452, -0.537031734368, -0.761603734435, -0.531040395787, 1.28211748374, 1.03244959722, 2.2694533238599996, -1.05884364226, -1.0092603038799999, -1.1330200378200002, -1.09497138796, 1.03174148615], [1.5290519752200002, -0.855768005842, 0.366878668592, -0.9153111550030001, 1.43478188396, 1.06663747761, -0.393367546963, -0.144702523447, -0.418516410959, -0.9684480641240001, 1.9072829059599998, -0.929181117893, -0.819013687606, 0.791132838352, 1.27587563541, 0.579030168659, -0.9310385032899999, -0.903023601459, 0.513443650186, 1.5424894840999999, -0.928387319106, -0.6998614682790001, -0.859173619324, -0.8676054043639999, -0.161131197999, -0.8813859466299999, 1.17142441092, -0.858173512201, -0.172368288096, 1.46454704956, 0.7973883146070001, 1.8793214123500002, -0.912263224019, -0.939360114797, -0.9628221945190001, 0.0066160951748599995, -0.8049990647290001], [-1.02210556241, 0.5436309385729999, -1.24249823839, -1.10198410838, -1.20081692868, 1.7780216370500002, 0.9593944934399999, 0.537401283132, -0.8152959444050001, -1.08612661881, -0.47340389483199996, 1.65989401301, 2.29695290096, 0.17057841372699997, -0.0741605912858, 1.4389773283200002, 0.24345882592300003, -0.188081406316, -0.321225361436, -0.599563438998, -0.482285105501, -1.0427030182600001, -0.38232548858599996, -0.7914888716699999, -0.967358596145, -1.07747259717, -0.680973350876, -0.7514817469230001, 0.7033941295630001, 1.3262753036700001, -1.1308864161499999, 1.4736533887, 1.11494528464, 0.28947553261799996, 0.840944637076, 0.45725133012100005, -0.402012155295], [-0.124121317024, -0.7652258160709999, -0.29936156103399997, -1.1898610263200002, 1.1959981243, 2.06565302292, 0.0706031084145, 1.20785771096, 0.440567304521, -1.13286921579, -0.635169390213, 0.364364904313, 0.730439174929, 1.10915830677, 1.14276181011, 1.3343351971, -1.2247690605200001, -0.206257060628, 1.40409209774, -0.267307306433, 0.007423769781750001, -1.23487586133, -1.15423303876, -1.2140005274299999, -1.19273089955, -1.27098523782, 0.9991517061669999, -1.1652841570899999, 0.10194829652899999, 0.7871626004719999, -1.0122341913700001, 1.32379197486, -0.12772297716800002, -0.11637933341199999, -0.0597188623694, 1.30120077579, -1.19340304535], [-0.794994999605, -0.703806148572, -0.9145010819120001, -0.585419400725, -0.653417549595, 0.585375296028, 1.26490935377, 0.544494037014, 1.2475019427399998, -0.8348322530600001, -0.8816224775470001, 1.34215819439, -0.846356060613, 1.57408489996, 0.488132121242, 1.11641148693, -0.624588914584, -0.769947194008, -0.797725388328, -0.877722787457, -0.757785551296, -0.669521657099, -0.652524580373, -0.6860167935160001, -0.695142946534, -0.795643055268, 1.93135965222, -0.862898514179, 0.857973929542, 1.14244689604, -0.922853504921, 1.4278726406400002, -0.886433685181, 0.636003887581, -0.8453067555339999, 0.914081846863, 1.98625511494], [-0.8621865105419999, 0.00652130053066, -0.968172475813, -1.28759882644, 0.549678477034, -0.74521218065, 0.311021643811, 1.64373528477, 0.960134954959, 0.010490462406799999, -1.12135443241, 0.520309943634, 1.3092529103, -0.178637399351, 0.865995688379, 1.63863424761, 0.218418373085, -1.26384520496, -1.11764136365, 1.22004526544, 0.681824776231, -1.35186806738, -0.860968520426, -0.83600478862, -1.12630125086, -1.32598465173, 0.0922674670116, -0.309448637292, 0.544245363082, -1.26315910055, 0.474075286471, 1.5558216137, -0.42044333363700004, 1.45769967704, 0.152998120222, 1.62209400937, -0.796438120785], [1.2989975328299999, 0.9414278778749999, -0.029250246670400003, -0.0008359756934850001, -0.874898963037, -1.49327730685, -1.04255140836, 1.3438797530700002, 0.8904022077629999, 0.7668026682060001, -0.43240284601499995, 0.630997762641, 0.403855514513, -0.181940088279, 0.8710246692020001, 1.5578149351100001, 0.814335899352, -1.36378916856, -1.4795293227200002, -0.011194952211400001, -1.00423055657, -1.42624260588, -0.311236738785, -0.846372408471, -1.37857612533, -1.1131489002500001, 0.58172483471, -0.8906792335539999, 0.380704129151, 1.11965687829, -1.51098130742, 1.1993889430700002, 0.16915392510699997, 1.1146199575700002, 1.0033152381700001, 1.12787547799, -0.8248400499770001], [-0.022568561173900003, -0.81411193112, 0.608603948023, -2.2113460191, 0.802015562042, 0.5514251333079999, 0.6963714987549999, 0.419431947372, -0.289069808398, -0.937144529612, 1.2742182844399998, 0.8989885159729999, 0.9984311315350001, 0.938148008944, 1.01345642277, 0.323407378796, 0.37294948585500004, -0.356311984225, 0.0190848544479, 1.0884119490200002, 0.057832461453, 0.4467200818, -2.1723034201400004, -0.397245840028, 0.43460445889, 0.03416969546, 0.498537762325, -1.8264515422099998, -1.75971167979, 1.1541538012700001, 0.180820397612, 0.512413412009, 0.585337077777, -0.9472376656139999, 0.0522452586613, 0.172623480934, -2.40089902806], [-1.26045607278, 0.479369466697, 1.0688019094299999, -1.2084828163799999, -1.08088955013, 0.718725479234, 0.9542716979620001, -0.038802242719800005, 0.902331157243, -1.28502660449, 1.05029820173, 1.06606856706, 1.1591956875700002, 1.32052620826, 0.13842141504, 0.7012802821140001, -1.04535117434, 1.18574463853, -1.2420466425299999, 0.7401440485680001, -1.2721594920100001, 0.64548456777, 0.435544525533, -1.24476661721, 1.20784707113, 0.027606719937800003, 1.12973046786, -1.2089672195299999, -1.22657212546, 0.7642892764270001, -1.1229182948799998, -0.430263657488, 0.45748795288800004, -1.04476475456, 0.831932992203, -1.0881211227399998, -1.1855139459100001], [-0.409128535488, -0.405155949436, -0.318581357563, -0.46328393991000005, 0.27190575670600003, -0.299400205353, 0.0897668271189, -0.06330944300319999, -0.315813637892, -0.435231658417, 2.58738644461, 1.41040083139, -0.0584376152128, -0.269918647776, -0.214831408778, -0.315925842744, -0.279654823033, 0.889805050505, -0.32716449439399997, -0.445738841297, -0.211789588684, -0.37916449704899996, -0.471592442009, -0.25802813936999996, -0.389042798452, -0.5117521612870001, -0.16832730660999998, -0.340366730945, -0.41653245276, 4.77352058556, -0.293363584342, -0.27804281333299996, -0.243681413334, -0.39644778434199995, -0.528115903107, -0.35590710287699995, -0.159054377097], [-0.548235356757, -0.36517834374499997, -0.506297373865, -0.26773789068000003, -0.236895724022, -0.05644997949580001, 2.39284365745, -0.535038680338, -0.487670677424, -0.455073204169, 2.30079285953, 2.3413803163900004, 2.00731751734, -0.087785955811, -0.458028894517, 0.26946288538, -0.547449184621, 2.53639552064, -0.451429424582, -0.614979258541, -0.49206215047300006, -0.403621934845, -0.378038143141, -0.460816712216, -0.474742597243, -0.5211433519049999, -0.5391442040209999, -0.533915253936, -0.528785141232, 1.5709829281099998, -0.5112215124880001, -0.47588299953, -0.5592617604810001, -0.478367891977, -0.477087532942, -0.425494797903, -0.541339751924], [-0.47704900545100004, -0.392248586957, -0.325997695575, -0.440567772981, -0.40478139077299996, -0.408583411666, -0.45019155536100003, -0.44996631338, 0.503317248476, -0.40357549620399996, 0.253926564611, 1.50753949685, 2.8644460642, 3.2831937499799997, -0.387641219735, 1.64163284795, -0.489570122183, -0.502043959348, -0.246867637709, -0.53560501453, -0.419350403347, -0.525975388608, -0.424911861601, -0.279479382938, -0.348493207206, -0.45510013061000004, -0.44199306598800003, -0.28399484718199997, -0.387147706055, 2.5103874504, -0.38667916023599996, -0.519727048557, -0.42094090922300004, -0.564190559347, -0.42206818159000004, -0.420603577482, -0.349098810645], [-0.579927172997, -0.5872489742220001, -0.706487014122, -0.488740065967, -0.25157226375799996, -0.544137230183, -0.49153769397200003, -0.603007604032, -0.606516286996, -0.48589531667400004, -0.574380626636, 2.6341561383500003, 2.3718419807099997, 1.30584352673, -0.486891746633, 2.65303642121, -0.46500046633599995, 0.42515827867, -0.21513268249499998, -0.379785056176, -0.555474400594, -0.744948045749, -0.530198329261, -0.458169997206, -0.619757369275, -0.552802252877, -0.5909884985580001, -0.385653509772, -0.4920454391, 2.16221577789, -0.0382361859481, -0.175915062978, 0.33830527134599997, -0.21218521938, -0.7035665530949999, 1.5477186927899997, 0.0879249773033], [-0.268920758848, -0.363694536871, -0.23494981434300002, -0.274060924092, -0.37405129052, -0.370333162181, -0.365904581487, -0.32361483431, -0.257821851385, -0.311018598975, -0.0248591463449, -0.0862914802749, 4.90051795239, -0.170943435108, -0.406601330316, 2.5825960998700004, -0.0586625259924, -0.017874635466400002, -0.242939148273, -0.522583950944, -0.262712933731, -0.0945061210075, -0.155545583277, -0.255674077493, -0.332012324533, -0.335321730481, -0.403134549264, -0.0711319554884, -0.344969730068, 0.963223270069, 0.991292082104, -0.402747904676, -0.459755620594, -0.638147093329, -0.508170542654, -0.171102508504, -0.327570723596], [-0.6963683103899999, -0.620474335837, -0.212321334808, -0.34172892345899997, -0.566728490479, 2.52349927807, -0.643027585904, 0.601909991917, 0.143593897571, -0.543682248253, 0.07190462118470001, 1.8022557442900002, 1.15226498342, 2.03850568907, 1.43123349757, 0.585234418036, -0.429200796032, 0.0807556563273, -0.43658483714699997, -0.306226640931, -0.489077090175, -0.819828610536, -0.5342634732989999, -0.505247689449, -0.664679869978, -0.649679556487, -0.5922277110499999, -0.6288312376349999, -0.644537374389, 2.6755069054, 1.34722398196, -0.26617102805, -0.633353755978, -0.9605721658700002, -0.8619172454780001, -0.758172066931, -0.648986286265], [-0.824340203115, 0.9857212483390001, 0.0717866983092, -0.7848671470909999, -0.695216103969, 1.36420709685, 0.156034421114, -0.23984757608399998, -0.106248256347, -0.864726950009, 0.12599492668, 0.755954693072, 2.0334750650299998, 1.8930311157599997, 0.18354600922000003, 1.91653873757, -0.6786543974600001, 1.06797122589, 0.567165647721, -0.9327541171160001, -0.824270277793, -0.826351085852, -0.816639518136, 0.170754337027, -0.825659884641, -0.917976141997, -0.9220508812, -0.8512970503339999, -0.950656270854, 2.06991251451, 0.416418520141, 1.21855816092, -0.94269537892, -0.979854118689, -0.73484511465, -0.9468705563140001, 0.6687506124220001], [-0.631445364359, -0.19378292133400002, -0.476388513923, 0.8994559793219999, -0.575051168071, 0.523695602008, -0.585337422268, -0.570835660825, 0.0908393116101, -0.567220633409, 2.2765436625, -0.448555868855, 2.49550359959, 3.3555150929799997, -0.062077678622000004, 1.84364803431, -0.680676611461, 1.1918844500599999, -0.318180590623, -0.550667521795, -0.465150053753, -0.476286698461, -0.374498425314, -0.112909626774, -0.658261590293, -0.633937529202, -0.5766368282, -0.402946591132, -0.53729498639, 0.53921667507, -0.5430701214029999, -0.00802060999603, -0.665362640305, -0.447691015921, -0.6114837487389999, -0.498693042175, -0.543838943844], [-1.07919951934, -0.7748504234829999, -0.757366458437, 1.13415483931, 0.07777514892189999, 0.7443501455920001, 0.41956632086999995, -1.28187864561, -0.200677365174, -0.9354165149600001, 1.4545200630200001, 1.02797781344, 1.10590482699, 2.14888874688, -0.0344126728644, 1.6812569420399999, -1.58679385521, 1.3353187788, -1.23512587163, -0.758662588338, -0.048187760378300006, -1.47518099269, -0.5394699033929999, 0.365846913712, -1.18379371617, 0.34016470590400005, -1.33671779245, -0.359123652068, -0.383385892594, 0.818737387273, 0.374190327185, 0.406362030025, -1.3777995428299998, 0.529968386807, -0.041208119073199996, 0.220439454272, 1.2038284556299998], [-1.07782775375, -0.8480777781000001, -0.20259088241099998, 0.861154370453, 0.6621043702130001, 1.12498089427, 0.014450322302700002, 0.7079026444709999, 0.0825983646448, 0.7244918712720001, -0.11094682636, 1.23153372443, 2.33872613398, 1.90946523393, 1.5515363918399998, 0.4120277399, -1.30906815195, 0.8672838532289999, 0.356413094933, -1.06820141318, -1.10921153442, -0.38573596651000003, -0.015351558539700001, -0.49054466366800004, -1.1552059036, -0.915088166605, -1.0167982606200001, -0.9456269196349999, -1.31169926073, 0.893415018916, -0.58622635477, 0.09217770307959999, 0.9837521123630001, -1.26664695585, -1.5233468440600002, 0.155439039538, 0.36874231098899996], [-0.217792379819, 0.0730512475937, -0.8376291396860001, 0.40598982638400005, 0.8890783749400001, 0.945897552739, 0.09733575065469999, 0.925377953612, -0.612035117419, -0.0657137483033, -0.543116334755, 2.01315631928, 1.9845908522599998, 1.67853581956, 1.4817298825100003, 0.8774803047769999, -1.9681089864599999, -0.44296627823999996, 0.245310029218, -0.674927640171, -0.49905328381700004, -0.351556037792, -1.50439329844, -0.44811915186499995, -0.882132807623, -0.766580495351, -1.16966106008, -1.02486053622, 0.0, 0.0, 0.143487377425, 0.765689073352, -0.518064068254, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.516473107528, -0.53221875041, 1.6598140524899998, -0.464408349493, -0.47140552294, -0.35692143179499997, -0.472939534062, -0.0124022596334, -0.0180256319974, -0.4873293994899999, -0.321449427222, 3.1733688558999997, 2.55199422018, 2.5264492301400003, 1.6614456916, 1.2472827148899999, -0.536138389142, -0.38008680210199997, -0.47881573789399995, -0.5568355235369999, -0.44527025903800005, -0.462382693814, -0.432155064732, -0.448477463754, -0.355091032101, -0.577997267046, -0.567586117801, -0.458283820101, -0.384841035005, -0.49414183073600004, -0.315395991035, -0.446843321357, -0.0216368664046, -0.41450292238799996, -0.530958097667, -0.383019146469, -0.476321968508], [-0.5296633159040001, -0.6742237913420001, -0.45835959484300004, -0.36463139365900005, -0.556213563739, -0.638464305607, -0.582034711504, 0.586507565578, -0.37220845082500004, -0.576474615409, -0.596473077764, 1.9048863807599998, 1.89991377262, 2.61371973468, 1.6677071338799998, 1.60907162769, -0.550649016977, 1.41190994042, -0.50350351289, -0.668921833895, -0.504129033816, -0.605213781878, -0.60114182677, -0.568749877041, -0.41832220953, -0.502617425679, -0.6019279762899999, -0.587896239093, -0.663525603243, -0.552331368859, -0.6224241040649999, -0.602894984707, 1.7341147173400002, -0.7294047712289999, -0.653617610726, 1.48931471584, 0.368872408477], [-0.328303591051, -0.34338745627899997, -0.347789175034, -0.35352114417900005, -0.216508364773, -0.403385713019, -0.254780034798, 2.8557834410900003, -0.247097098653, -0.331103589985, -0.356121429928, 2.7322096529900004, 3.3194241248900003, -0.438704337572, 2.2962578475499997, -0.186025508988, -0.403249225615, -0.295803029941, -0.286996079887, -0.38827224206699995, -0.34568365612199997, -0.374413752717, -0.204125143678, -0.287823032977, -0.431489071501, -0.409981266064, -0.38290407206699995, -0.359204941299, -0.38801432101800004, -0.353742936209, -0.377365292812, -0.40996671409900004, -0.438752509597, 0.014748966585799998, -0.43129989594499996, -0.411306498535, -0.43130290669699994], [-0.803392495731, -0.493744295886, 0.07051394264510001, -0.84293665439, 0.793675961099, 0.319948007845, 1.37322841141, 1.6888011029899999, 0.8008837597249999, -0.89300978389, -0.783934273681, 1.56531650035, 2.20748661411, 1.10095362084, 1.95496833777, 1.50907773636, -0.11018375220999999, -0.842182095957, 1.3763344601299998, 0.167443571085, -0.734135275631, -0.9103042260009999, -0.6303272709350001, -0.765933594614, -0.8727421771170001, 0.370798927257, -0.688857587994, -0.821283986848, -0.7532134306880001, 0.767918755875, -0.345223128489, -0.536328525866, -0.966904471797, -0.77037359485, -0.85989191691, -0.73993431738, -0.902512852626], [-0.297787696864, -0.608359835593, -0.005604869319859999, -0.163854572949, -0.435392255814, 0.196204142912, -0.923555152221, -1.19503217976, -1.7184955698299997, -0.412368945046, 0.14505651933299998, 1.9643604581799998, 2.05045617401, 0.868939696892, 0.555156816751, 0.694851697456, -1.20087144641, 0.597781625672, 0.617494346754, -0.610534284162, -0.383689200136, 0.0, -1.43835321904, -0.38077064903200003, -0.6215626623089999, -0.259163788479, 0.269341915902, 0.108628023415, 0.0, 0.0, -0.879233494921, 0.0, 1.01957000624, 0.0, 2.4467883983700003, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.659059271353, -0.64813037692, -0.619855261759, -0.806082891825, -0.383751708714, -0.7801571594329999, -0.37774865359, -0.36579958870499996, 0.198178551059, -0.85545869867, -0.657641444882, 1.14079278823, 1.2902106523799999, 2.3792226725599996, 2.70050381235, 2.03008511948, -0.7442850420460001, -0.529264457854, 1.99122061287, -0.654502288461, -0.6535009485159999, -0.778113495497, -0.7539794305399999, -0.710040102069, -0.38559488312600004, 0.130113465208, 0.247738786112, -0.7336690663459999, 0.5654504369960001, 0.0942917471211, -0.625752533736, 1.2465465816299999, -0.44229188064099995, -0.351319482034, -0.35882897778300005, -0.7787847477169999, 0.639257166215], [0.171779986376, -0.694304011517, 1.10409406454, -0.983923838462, -0.7514760368610001, -1.13519545354, 0.395756806038, -0.18740396090599998, -1.3377291469200001, -0.926825313092, 0.34716880791599997, 1.0914065052700002, -0.0434152247105, 1.37941334524, 1.62457137822, 1.52713155906, -2.53159474547, -0.028811046088700002, 0.826061611924, 0.058265344984999995, -0.600541010193, -1.14566896081, -0.321501630352, -1.4035990208899998, 0.416858298151, -0.725109357185, 0.9683970926200001, 0.685147308001, 1.9192211044799998, 0.956375021099, -0.0148334605913, 0.950141681239, -0.522213910286, -1.14189828031, -0.481719594437, 0.22045621146400002, 0.33551787601], [1.06548840254, -0.950258021477, -1.10286751012, -1.0528473015200002, 0.0550327771406, -0.96776504551, -0.181943385537, -1.04863315551, -1.16760245471, -0.943649296229, 1.21087301116, 1.44234443338, 0.964550201785, 1.7079404465299999, 1.08124296093, 1.2866762113799999, 0.581686906797, 0.28671382912, 0.8578408152600001, -0.990024493843, 0.296963647045, -1.11767481626, -0.020114595377, -1.05726226108, 0.196918821734, 0.6992186747849999, 0.609538278065, -0.9555487240739999, -0.973245786304, 0.257441579475, 1.44924409339, 1.56603872868, -1.02550580077, -1.08703409568, -1.04773341281, -0.908453536383, 0.9824098740180001], [-0.492187162148, 2.31485675882, -0.41292913057999997, 3.53365510263, -0.49853687569300004, -0.40634365045299997, -0.011816746922200002, -0.219088540053, -0.48149524754600004, 1.92449223438, -0.23398978725800001, 2.89951292723, 1.1480004904, -0.335333453218, -0.484006761053, -0.421356287378, -0.41714995180799996, -0.342331524864, -0.377341363807, -0.510354176121, -0.473272388485, -0.45329916273000004, -0.208399122978, -0.401390554204, -0.345538849492, -0.20684166491999997, -0.373979691989, -0.422460693974, -0.36809451853200004, -0.323941231946, -0.35536262358599996, -0.303970004212, -0.438462851236, -0.38467060758, -0.478743971413, -0.31365291776299997, -0.324175999517], [-0.37136803492700005, 1.5908191089300001, -0.257603205334, 2.96899257976, -0.568509694925, -0.61623051725, 0.058779607203, -0.446161729668, 1.54393750886, 0.145738047276, -0.36119793395800004, 1.58310055117, 1.3521066143399998, -0.586479392295, 2.07038640185, 0.336987750558, -0.398400636607, -0.346608989745, 2.34165405784, -0.56843263364, -0.0981052374039, -0.726540515418, -0.46173258380599996, -0.125032439133, -0.63795881666, -0.566556812807, -0.668223020623, -0.601611245692, -0.589376896619, -0.4355993619, -0.740757576784, -0.616175828596, -0.596491393337, -0.643245220825, -0.775043882665, -0.59699900348, -0.592059623683], [-1.03611590258, 1.18065340411, 0.709417613995, 1.37572827932, -0.794326312522, -0.9370008236669999, -0.5039482043060001, 1.56644952581, 1.4382005133200002, 0.27889630594, -0.55581623252, 1.4401683138299999, 0.778787541412, -1.05634419269, 1.65115611059, 0.689193575018, 0.479450886782, 0.151301967356, -0.37229545431199995, 1.20745819119, 1.10545423377, -0.875420854463, -1.0964819382, 0.803436061263, -0.795534105582, -0.998741391088, -1.0669545390000001, -1.1644589122600002, -1.1807941126500001, 0.356608838373, -0.381902534113, 1.33600431038, 0.305318963739, -1.04073735244, -1.1491505957700001, -0.9441748404829999, -0.9034863375509999], [1.0840909913299999, 0.663140551076, 0.583377616732, 0.531400279987, 0.613268266475, 0.525063309544, 1.2505809833, 0.7285553191240001, 0.684485561676, 1.09147503434, 1.2964994782500001, 0.9921558383679999, 0.8586377253120001, 0.361339334274, 0.324371128385, 0.369491775854, 0.131679236074, 0.504018241607, -0.210463723551, 0.546637367267, 0.00020291452783500002, -0.213150119111, -0.0974355118301, 0.500151708006, -0.423956366866, -1.4414022356600003, 0.161217589525, -1.2379843937200001, -3.19067166368, -0.306786764994, -1.5522850393099998, -1.33293969662, -1.4908802319999999, -0.08810620431050001, 0.172976977965, -1.9916268729599997, -0.397128404387], [2.09896487063, 0.993891632222, -0.202034793427, 0.846922087634, -0.050730952356, 0.42758568128300006, 0.898374428224, 0.226001676988, 1.6512521854299997, 1.15552622442, 1.14653178454, 0.8180141893070001, 1.3866519065399998, 0.9475061384479999, -1.06939520677, 0.548670489658, -1.12099231441, 1.08835382817, -0.381651971154, -0.3775190897, -0.6361471224849999, -1.24567935311, -0.8133434465009999, 0.76024826224, 1.0609149038799999, -0.879442920381, 0.020211197286099998, -0.997499240764, -1.25717017733, 0.10970241222799999, -1.28694377294, -1.2050772788500002, -1.1546368551100001, -1.22433517011, -0.348183184437, -1.2401433448399999, -0.694397704465], [1.60685185655, 0.20936090515500003, 0.684223439543, 0.778400858078, 0.578539739317, 0.655104419753, 0.202083288921, 0.959475940202, 0.7093755724779999, 1.49714437968, 0.564585913246, 0.8376975611220001, 1.0183419062299999, -0.209777006427, 1.1615245357100001, 0.6496832073309999, -1.3914533153400002, 0.0252642477948, 1.0630453077, 1.00109959341, 0.35999224799400004, 0.49629249560000005, -1.47401837197, 0.928323431075, 0.121561987458, -1.29225205746, -0.051582315155300006, -1.5124232605, -0.964665651276, -1.12681910229, -0.729041383599, -1.1652740367299999, -1.3494485432799999, -1.59814120941, -1.66006724753, -0.669714310815, -0.913295022571], [-0.0186410440069, 0.8475068603020001, 0.997028364451, 1.5707830041100002, 0.403458267451, 0.636077087045, 1.28813131128, 1.19253522264, 1.6167363604299998, 1.3133940918200002, -0.47985583694300005, 1.3386337414700002, 1.4088629606, -1.0489673371500001, 1.22605418672, -0.474582380893, -0.16536139809699998, 0.214390661867, 0.732274578673, -0.0901120060971, 0.759944127691, 0.929137677698, -1.0665892156499999, 0.214435767091, -0.914426164538, -1.0554609473299998, -1.0043293571, -0.967620258594, -0.886329850709, -1.032048252, -1.1152103339200001, -1.02268795426, -1.0591908023799999, -1.0773917240100002, -1.0854381875499999, -1.06583861846, -1.05930260165], [1.3861124004700003, 1.0011696835700001, 1.01492671226, 1.31113850947, 1.16034312655, -0.543823530749, 0.747557591729, -0.156956740331, 0.482642052857, 2.03924274498, -0.286856917585, 1.09633325429, 2.3037010254499997, -0.649528289534, 1.4544165255200001, -0.545651594552, -0.776670369464, -0.309084136857, -0.21660738351999997, -0.561812745343, -0.6918806971529999, -0.304772427749, -0.47795698573299994, 1.94447194128, -0.7923209231239999, -0.399649908907, -0.704624289938, -0.9159387675849999, -0.9222191607870001, -0.8925962839239999, -0.717775196674, -0.9752587106380001, -0.97866705559, -0.790711548121, -0.8567065909899999, -0.7066584352040001, -0.767326878372], [-0.170712628862, 2.0598951634000002, -0.613276375884, 1.8061230020200003, 0.790412459091, 1.0454919527600002, 0.364265936746, 0.9192145324779999, 0.948424456022, 0.9609086129180001, 0.496649696263, 1.4988806613999999, 1.3804674513, 0.9071736940780001, 0.695107646751, 1.53872637808, -0.83197246551, 0.490844678829, 0.867737120417, -1.00735860044, -0.8907826831739999, -0.9206231683130001, -1.00577930838, -0.9095113252410001, -0.857363399973, -0.988798910373, -0.848748773355, -0.9567062132459999, -0.931334532572, 0.0210883240224, -0.5523482414109999, -0.868463209427, -1.07325036176, -0.889185581363, -1.0088719482700002, -0.6752851292730001, -0.791038909742], [0.353584224234, 1.4509814515900001, -0.64318172297, 1.31575483926, -0.8109699408859999, 0.670737533634, 1.5147985177899999, 0.511869175707, 0.97193769412, 1.13862802007, 0.570869599479, 1.47568495223, 2.16420143056, 1.0911757656999999, 0.8590966035340001, 1.54581294139, -1.01907504675, 0.354922780679, 0.029605506370099996, 0.050871901042099994, -0.455549117046, -0.988848557158, -0.46681899486199996, -0.984727829958, -0.896438613945, -0.940282391356, -0.934235603256, -0.582874409132, -0.12477516691299999, 0.10314415075899999, -1.00509229166, -1.11900705875, -1.0277564775299999, -1.13550077137, -0.8194259815680001, -1.1582647994700002, -1.06085231356], [-0.6524773813170001, 0.99710350485, -0.676095438779, 1.25316453373, 0.797479234001, 0.277926710573, 0.997405018589, 0.523428144748, 1.1159189813400001, 0.543561870542, -0.407121062786, 1.77757279002, 1.76168009812, 1.3285429684, -0.15784389850299999, 2.07043016652, -0.891854779672, 1.1304177071400001, 0.916238298238, -0.929854069844, -0.8649511950830001, -0.8708546395610001, -0.9119460990170001, 1.1665837937799999, -0.852112156516, -0.9128327439339999, -0.8942808953810001, -0.8124064931080001, -0.9361566796080001, 0.08486688012730001, -0.959454548932, -0.883452078088, -0.8969104842319999, -0.78492711454, -0.8615435062610001, -0.68166896887, -0.903576466682], [0.345531122876, 1.79913498039, -0.329672662851, 0.7729153490009999, 2.23052774841, 1.57303105, 0.253642919674, 1.07851413781, 0.608261488548, 1.0647792245799999, -0.7159514391940001, 1.73635431007, 2.029369256, 0.698239515316, 0.526473725679, 0.6894004033310001, -0.19006468482, -0.257605498644, -0.5370846884480001, -0.897042976878, -0.6874211732850001, -0.43747496213299997, -0.803254988048, 0.68662605823, -0.889514838204, -0.873197809772, -0.495509920612, -0.7641947951729999, -0.902772928913, -0.885501100898, -0.9757614112190001, -0.927138790835, -0.9131608482019999, -0.86717114251, -0.9735585604260001, -0.906211708308, -0.863534360542], [-0.66882928481, 1.1712279087000002, 0.7486890487279999, 1.38002350588, 1.01244090222, 0.460390124697, 1.15447420526, 0.940433596931, 1.0365512931799998, 1.3197848834600001, 0.928532677474, 1.1241905321899999, 1.2676709667200001, -0.231369356171, -0.20137630475499999, 1.22161229039, -0.805325460852, 0.9059893274519999, -0.685310296972, -1.2358777086900001, -0.748913854968, -0.230426143213, 1.11039160678, 0.755600465025, -1.16324993737, 0.11077974354499999, -1.2636791441, -1.24754553314, -1.207160703, -0.947002023944, -1.20503408464, -1.22150650516, -1.32896703763, -1.15987491596, -0.217989179956, -1.10270126871, 0.22335566542100002], [0.156403379068, 0.831399957218, 1.14377785828, 1.48214287419, 0.440273312306, 0.525151577735, 1.44630959556, 1.08179219908, 0.971842758099, 0.670437765708, 1.17309599534, 1.38766597629, 1.13154819569, 0.26768926876800003, 1.2380527647600001, -0.23583311690499997, -0.43037509727, 0.700825355547, 0.56973365583, -0.5083221187960001, -0.0387853411107, -0.034431507778800004, -1.34602535985, -0.16099345799599998, -1.3443187159399999, -1.2401388845399999, -0.845187623828, -0.06754304378619999, -1.2186117403299999, 0.8298758401090001, -1.38509417384, -1.1652731503799998, -0.644431285487, -1.50466538449, -1.0891767375499999, -1.5414289254499998, -1.24738266427], [-0.678743566268, 1.2541330613400001, 0.465625895857, 1.30681857465, -1.1021470278899999, 0.914807290286, 1.22973057919, 0.8391548887729999, 1.11211647269, 1.3777327316699999, 1.07369537645, 1.36262107883, 1.3264357436399998, 1.2411996412000001, 0.444010923996, -0.770367146541, -0.183331862921, 1.10088275395, 0.430967677003, 0.420842686555, -1.0881161236399999, 0.09317477511510001, -1.0381177074799999, 0.38491570598499997, -1.01865429609, -1.04665988369, -1.15652335185, -0.9743922413860001, -1.1006018685799999, 0.8262737671439999, -1.01276757644, -0.727790672632, -1.06606733569, -1.10072215514, -1.0515270440100002, -0.9839184139589999, -1.10469135013], [0.324280964624, -0.272955306477, 0.524121925338, 1.2883140930099999, 0.161296079669, 0.50422811115, 0.9552112096430001, 0.5371986375069999, 0.05620289956119999, 0.553747500471, 0.6850621765610001, 1.42289869245, 1.38897516306, 1.71530367551, 1.28850439549, 0.498749088995, -1.1060965979700002, 0.946255067959, 0.9738866904379999, 0.158975681241, -1.5520995351299998, 1.05526758485, -0.895596710687, -0.264848818178, -0.169946509968, -1.71795734165, -1.6448697599000002, -0.671135676717, -1.6849609778799999, 0.301319454527, -0.9090599903030001, -0.735413694412, -0.40709768865999996, -0.544464281849, -1.7423632625, 0.153005251367, -1.17393819115], [0.337410375006, -0.238931260988, -0.656163623446, 2.5977501336099995, 0.9881837669939999, 0.223383107441, 0.94066784279, -0.456814441991, 2.05742590136, 1.23716176264, 1.14527702058, 1.0622593969, 1.19662469301, 1.38853968391, 1.5248302135499998, -0.132144443897, -0.902570585297, 0.296558828723, -0.659907861052, -0.6445317311909999, -0.0146382783986, 0.25207816574999997, -0.985190901425, 0.471027853128, -0.8238671881499999, -0.8985862784630001, -0.6912535082619999, -0.829068688086, -0.865377637889, -0.472482585884, -1.0638512452200002, -0.756556082001, -0.891634566223, -0.981345114067, -0.9208364373450001, -0.9134378126039999, -0.9199884735230001], [0.762687502313, 2.11538127234, -0.657714232343, 2.04845711527, -0.652251455913, -0.705384881224, 1.4065351900299998, 1.9191535676599998, 1.11303795513, 1.4654154396799999, -0.26789841021, 1.43925874401, 1.06809787114, 0.35489144761299996, 0.823712931161, -0.646980514736, 1.05395105034, 0.42677615147799997, -0.6311401097420001, -0.710382889411, -0.639011118435, -0.770905265298, 0.49161729055500003, -0.75920413815, -0.8079899838160001, -0.734791661294, -0.7483592713609999, -0.7562619781540001, -0.7117706075229999, -0.774705743972, -0.7713918517139999, -0.782130920948, -0.842302147755, -0.709028927717, -0.935534081053, -0.6722574852240001, -0.801575852726], [-0.224663856852, 1.10444317434, -0.153772010302, 1.79121676259, -0.788222415463, -0.234710157561, 1.6903170312, 0.7818917413099999, 1.24184057933, 1.5656535873700002, 0.8098575295909999, 1.8861074303, 1.7627311738799998, 1.40940151375, 1.17928064434, -0.32190692523200004, -0.059564996713199994, 1.00751533553, -0.789699725706, -0.792813931162, -0.860258611024, -0.599707580497, -0.7861757218100001, -0.957973210302, -0.909263017795, -0.697331551273, -0.815198514241, -0.667701613556, -0.874861949197, -0.165402011233, -0.8046179650849999, -0.845105919653, -0.8330493737100001, -0.889751292533, -0.60786578743, -0.8664926041259999, -0.6841457610699999], [0.7652773169589999, 1.27784773454, 0.7886627393860001, 2.08874474837, -0.594084067116, -0.41353974687399997, 1.59080800314, -0.324813760533, 1.19624863482, 0.5504284710899999, 2.1583329909, 1.8180569855400002, 1.98255382504, 0.900801246583, -0.12904689824100002, 0.15372467907600001, -0.418132930457, -0.09248121722819999, -0.31080960550500003, -0.981034509465, 0.199922809073, -0.6168889578310001, -0.69086297675, -0.9177581162080001, -0.918436098037, -0.896476469833, -0.6983176501270001, -0.6574151783519999, -0.899314509065, -0.21544346200300002, -0.95235394994, -0.556755982247, -0.748854134257, -0.971159216875, -0.837431079243, -0.790859303611, -0.839140364715], [-0.45507172420100006, 0.14138471364299998, 0.570730392166, 1.9789858635900002, -0.568262605786, -0.5036588085779999, 2.20269430438, 1.96268601162, -0.539523371654, 1.84940591065, 1.7548659544099998, 0.894937747816, 2.5776520089400003, -0.54444388183, 0.456608206867, -0.573213670546, 0.401281188697, -0.37929391199900003, -0.401663533894, -0.663560723095, -0.6127651534, -0.64979445721, -0.47339917835600004, -0.7067514605769999, -0.516704801074, -0.499771450729, -0.500773233684, -0.386228172945, -0.5708703376650001, -0.519653114714, -0.676230283118, -0.522843013263, -0.6675755954070001, -0.68365301001, -0.8329981121250001, -0.696970734604, -0.645557962317], [-0.517191772505, -0.07009427248269999, -0.5548714729199999, 1.23929399091, -0.382301102799, 0.706966384338, 2.24513970528, 1.4612838998700002, 2.02187736164, 2.1522085461400002, 0.152295606562, -0.24167709432599999, 2.0529282419599997, 1.4271322743000001, -0.78394662821, -0.16905017096299998, -0.544901751809, 1.5683373468000001, -0.544240346345, -0.887638763064, -0.564905901459, -0.533298710966, -0.7251636204090001, -0.7844873043780001, -0.489948207822, -0.629214228844, -0.626985079632, -0.530421184631, -0.5287496484309999, -0.49945498853500003, -0.7687838102210001, -0.584316827298, -0.664809394637, -0.664233541947, -0.7198376344490001, -0.7207283387219999, -0.296211559999], [-0.533358125939, 1.16783703083, -0.645114361966, 1.13690319998, -0.892684808118, 0.502901445897, 1.5728203206600002, 1.51303577188, 1.39239739581, 1.8442071631799999, 0.461901744108, 1.2849190658299998, 1.68746281657, 1.15566309714, 0.42719494428099997, 0.052755000637600004, -0.540178934655, 0.5830304041659999, -0.5536530317880001, -0.9840075281209999, -1.11656875544, -0.899022065336, -0.47115859187, -0.8837892030910001, -0.131013973847, -0.947302365594, -1.0415521364700002, -0.859328863457, -1.1078311660200002, -0.790687520495, -0.673092627851, 0.031818527690699996, 1.4394614907899999, -0.9903740914899999, -0.915065995121, -1.15937989421, -0.119145378573], [-0.5986604228719999, 1.4331599821, -0.504296766127, 2.4489267634200003, -0.712178134895, -0.274887851061, 2.39444396401, 0.112875280264, 2.0965521590000002, 1.06260279245, -0.569610019474, -0.105817572903, 1.3426764572, -0.102644487308, -0.703771182569, 0.26898361873000004, -0.45798983563100004, 1.45965927067, -0.5019566154999999, -0.559818291206, -0.482004115313, -0.60672649843, -0.482705413217, -0.520827277445, -0.5461263118940001, -0.637252501596, -0.647924301249, -0.554929899919, -0.562053247148, 2.01660592252, -0.689971709234, -0.739506909423, -0.579552354341, -0.6519860807460001, -0.741592408434, -0.558372007989, -0.5433239944520001], [-0.14964098171700002, 1.81458906588, 0.279794507633, 0.525201760001, -0.550911819894, 0.92667619224, 1.3210141932100001, 1.3155630952, 1.30481419922, 0.45784162501100006, 0.603875631498, 1.1342091460100001, 2.2544005984299997, 1.43431114507, 0.9483006864329999, 0.501464916969, -0.9811089734890001, -0.881580009584, 0.213138005326, 0.437060522844, -0.6121810589100001, -0.7301863047980001, -0.948450745072, -0.918971679032, -0.764556947875, -1.00876101253, 1.09125998735, -0.702334056865, -0.763380841562, -0.545371256562, -1.09424633856, -0.9388566771700001, -0.9504852348980001, -1.0508213211, -0.8924928447210001, -1.03968699884, -1.0394901751299999], [-0.048215089312699994, 1.4851146310699999, 1.2564681375700002, 1.3736217092200003, -0.808409947408, 0.734044423048, 1.33219177061, 1.85102718083, 1.27492476402, -0.161616146897, 0.33575227753700004, 0.576227377885, 1.45110302883, -0.15141220754100002, 0.823454801852, 1.20982476847, 1.4503461961500002, -0.849805943225, 0.5043924888, 1.11290202255, -1.03134533558, -0.980729741585, -0.8815667709180001, -0.9725986064159999, -0.9213362644900001, -0.865115980438, -0.6749074136769999, -0.9406969619760001, -0.6850205331110001, -0.929047701532, -0.956740438865, -0.9802164714180001, -0.9240718706350001, -1.06715315405, -0.568762776151, -0.903918562917, -0.46870766028599997], [-0.366159867165, 1.80800448622, 1.05751503796, -0.264123974096, -0.5902868195759999, -0.665884071312, 0.23327033359299998, 2.10885799105, 1.8344834442400002, -0.53295692758, -0.475559407597, 2.0951936695599995, 2.10686816758, -0.628648795246, 1.57464154493, 0.519971815099, -0.30672397029, -0.6998086106, -0.40597367699500003, 1.33223942955, -0.5215408031459999, -0.674200579672, -0.569671121335, -0.727892866285, -0.582000657107, -0.813470881781, -0.7935717800959999, -0.597218688251, 0.7978131632719999, -0.43248384793000005, -0.646372963527, -0.645459118676, -0.6928646035670001, -0.7551512802060001, -0.76950011831, -0.7411046004790001, -0.570229052228], [-0.673897242542, 1.4358970003, 1.8593502069799999, -0.512478001645, -0.6611012611479999, 0.713626182234, 1.7515853514200002, 1.7820678243599999, 1.55502116988, -0.5921768339810001, 0.294745426513, 0.45728327558799997, 1.8108491807099998, -0.690504733276, 2.16675541657, 1.43631827871, -0.594647293745, -0.7703996020939999, -0.705746369817, -0.16652601831900002, -0.652791314627, -0.70810440866, -0.658178717249, -0.6543031959960001, -0.660817208285, -0.6735243731489999, -0.437408830912, -0.53792513748, -0.668671069926, 0.673956799572, -0.744181922858, -0.688192302921, -0.698048937288, -0.707522700401, -0.646226492882, -0.72798610874, -0.706096034892], [0.402034591135, 2.15233482104, 0.13410748002, 0.302100278972, -0.5051044572169999, -0.059605686606099995, 0.904185797322, 1.12341692779, 1.8892336522599997, 0.734095142188, -0.658158662791, 0.161508196367, 1.31018803987, 1.5264585182100001, 0.896931009008, 0.462835511517, 0.155475768447, -0.987021233305, -0.926580671118, 0.555824991037, -0.320846327616, 0.17680992603100001, -0.236398289786, -0.249983555585, -1.3118555707, -0.7666030638950001, -0.626523737663, -0.10950577161399999, 1.54553607151, -0.517978928384, -1.8087585646000002, -0.834711953206, -0.362717330436, -1.49561046882, -1.33568961404, 0.42326238749, -1.74268522284], [1.63889343264, 1.57802785657, -0.542277041028, -0.395742970554, -0.42346666137199995, -0.383363717095, -0.433671485089, -0.009289705085739999, -0.32328139715599996, 1.7106669172600002, 1.0728703374600002, 2.61733952101, 3.19301431573, 1.10174295774, -0.31032767897, -0.0402669657103, -0.5648478524530001, -0.487630795443, -0.375063393909, 1.0037367374400001, -0.39347395023500004, -0.574896947781, -0.630977624869, -0.305034067254, -0.587865662035, -0.619169952278, -0.5785698306970001, -0.539586400512, -0.531903223169, -0.490674997081, -0.602992079647, -0.575687701939, -0.7097767669670001, -0.552376315504, -0.6732088571420001, -0.6902478500929999, -0.570620184775], [1.62077671235, 0.667990499575, -0.5352877384170001, -0.605611037185, -0.690347194638, -0.35829097441299995, -0.0006822424139889999, -0.144703773115, 1.0456754092799998, 0.265703019809, 0.558534543152, 2.4483077085900002, 2.54633917473, 2.24720441752, 2.4232439735599995, -0.164047027919, -0.455939751136, -0.00210691277981, -0.133680380104, -0.530210563951, -0.617205557826, -0.46903644886100004, -0.5206191075609999, -0.437047972966, -0.694873586987, -0.622675110053, -0.597545494311, -0.635725788165, -0.673735082821, -0.49296471047, -0.677958230134, -0.6860639796179999, -0.696840319964, -0.5306043949629999, -0.578699251338, -0.582266982465, -0.689005843995], [0.980674187284, 0.229714455303, -0.200213141079, -0.422322616361, -1.30199032179, 1.08857589566, 0.48601358324199995, 0.789395890413, 1.7860064868599999, 1.90665981445, -0.5264240936729999, 1.50422416391, 1.61116779715, 1.53730381236, 0.535143595788, 0.980638109141, -0.7463512421709999, -0.349269588054, -0.791655368085, -0.515956621781, -0.9044653073829999, -0.504151051652, 0.0383355404998, -1.40120721941, 0.615300009585, -1.3809766011500002, -1.3041862781, -0.711918262483, -0.9858848570540001, -0.36228016815999997, -1.4305046758700002, 0.0604478343503, 0.013802002385200001, 1.25538118552, 0.200437042251, -0.882816818105, -0.896647173793], [-1.29959863518, 0.902218432808, -0.0576259204015, -0.11210786624800001, 1.14655692745, 0.06483739172019999, 0.801993185989, 0.625186804164, 1.6236443504700002, 1.26442038852, 0.475849832883, 0.9447588203210001, 0.26559248736200003, 0.223774310498, 0.509025635281, 1.85766558015, 1.27524087609, 0.779308499328, 0.873919346999, -1.41063341776, 0.058092653524400004, -0.172861058613, -1.11056617949, -0.72568916102, -1.10610754931, -0.996637882364, -0.915075244778, -0.899025862036, -1.4712735207299998, 1.2797306504200001, -0.197106856266, -0.250356625863, -0.366765828797, -0.8543101088349999, 0.0, -0.8223566238619999, -2.20371783242], [-0.67401680278, 0.734007658099, 0.025327997462499998, 1.18845372759, 0.816079917083, 0.9924745168350001, 1.08186928469, 0.33185712075999996, 0.562522460255, 0.537035470297, 1.04940294077, 1.33839008419, 1.07517751685, 0.612791685555, 0.519438370418, 1.0302624093500001, 0.263142948751, 0.8690146963750001, 0.5436106003419999, -1.16560800823, 0.765011694973, -0.131738607585, -0.258700706787, -0.334109169965, -0.48805404329400004, -1.29843393957, -1.18237689062, -1.0357067896799999, -1.97052922093, 0.47978821622699996, -0.18600318202799998, 0.5809741293199999, -0.271155906375, -1.24578119324, -1.0357067896799999, -1.35857151741, -2.76014067801], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.131237796219, 1.0297950062299999, 1.40312286051, 1.53673907619, 1.18597074256, 0.487862986597, -0.0719136888489, 0.99230588264, 0.8937486165270001, -0.28298071285, 1.4069920349200002, 0.974695029998, 1.8818443444599997, -0.0843827037412, -0.215227324404, -1.28089777528, 0.539507666984, -0.602805997202, -0.52804311287, -0.70802908637, -1.2163322132899999, -1.2771060129, -1.3149967536700002, -1.32742213355, -1.49060242414, 0.200011168017, 0.0159101262258, 0.577188734244, -0.0631911706261, -0.431570647588, 0.0, -0.79112210219, -1.5703082128], [-1.49323184291, -0.34313886353600004, -0.606784371252, -0.619678089061, 2.17966798129, 0.244588905104, 1.6574569143, 1.7871659044400001, 0.41055760215400006, 1.8533723185099997, 0.79913992017, 0.323972018588, 0.309758942076, -0.438843041621, 0.0345551416346, 0.667388962868, 1.09967964264, 0.132360693663, -0.0123389905384, -2.02515734719, 0.11765424032400001, -0.010949781030299999, -0.821452038959, -1.1100637864799998, -0.936366230686, -1.9242224865400002, -0.7199514408740001, -0.9594076652310001, -0.582700455689, 0.7975346313609999, 0.333784506618, 0.99590764923, -0.380247529035, -0.34313886353600004, 0.0, 0.222066858719, -0.638940009529], [0.746909438441, 1.3331004740299999, 0.42386917248899997, 1.08399973093, -0.08212430759150001, 0.442431489563, 1.0311389327200002, 0.587292376611, 1.5330995114200001, -0.059908644490199996, 0.951864643219, 0.897533800907, 1.1870307896799999, 0.7433132780949999, -0.13558032707, 1.14525269869, 0.565485942712, 1.31531366506, -0.5643982059629999, -1.5863572043599998, -0.841025910318, -0.80697903721, -0.803484902026, -1.48961301241, -1.02085669769, -1.15011017764, 0.258359185389, -0.62318060626, -2.0980400620700004, -0.6648601286770001, 0.138228130769, 1.3565963524200002, 0.0791969547914, -0.9544641190459999, -1.10209627364, -0.250579747122, -1.5863572043599998], [0.474536333635, 1.1942974387799998, 0.012420268059999998, 0.797470962282, -0.676340425367, 0.106904482512, 1.1773749226299999, 0.7824100268269999, 2.0370372283099996, 0.471810284797, 0.7060114943089999, 0.843784167629, 0.897435073832, 0.05381644133090001, 0.24156216200800001, 1.56481293872, 1.27983687342, 0.645037870281, -0.45752388139899997, -2.24672010083, -0.633039592915, -0.278947936332, -1.0673937675, -1.0587362381, -0.9751472414419999, -0.941838173045, 0.898411216067, -1.04356811012, -1.97968957458, -0.757189548286, -0.11535479598, 0.858809319811, 0.125604625683, -0.706533715891, -0.668952626074, -0.027278702226299998, -1.53512970084], [1.4008749458200003, 1.89368397725, 0.773136403953, 1.3646608569499998, -0.291034702841, 0.173117764488, 0.943044565867, 1.48175932756, 1.3889640191400001, 1.10155151136, 0.5595505062489999, 0.189751598452, 0.341154532829, -0.369727053085, 0.949742952233, 0.663463584113, 0.786156655159, 0.744244618654, -0.866101988714, -1.32083089333, -1.01451676075, -0.304836482811, -0.7679507857760001, -0.969129893709, -1.09232447356, -1.2273755655399998, -0.302922548917, -0.785965574816, -1.5349952115, -0.36258007563, -0.947910457386, 0.9552218708910001, 0.441953595115, -1.2560145671, -1.30999892255, 0.0512475847846, -1.4790649128400002], [0.6353977336869999, 1.58729231831, 0.25521722092, 0.98400985579, -0.371338126937, 1.4238144679799998, 0.592577835604, -0.5683267209, 0.89109699411, 0.963810398688, 1.5051095773899998, 1.2493548801799998, 0.586330075859, 1.3761166086899999, 0.33026166078, 1.51202936595, 0.934830509292, 0.78882869448, -0.0697477831272, -1.02715642888, -0.491162299175, -1.04215889424, -0.773588613838, -1.0353962592000001, -0.6846126080380001, -1.0584357555500001, -0.30847879678199996, -1.14612665779, -1.7657063539900002, 0.386352566646, -0.729301622988, -0.104946421978, -0.20073884466400002, -1.11081177421, -1.3201066591600001, -0.310948953891, -1.88334118901], [-0.8285943992910001, 0.93142800984, -0.38529995979599996, 0.146854580822, -1.0410461255299999, -0.281503775147, 1.0135209604200002, 0.6981213929719999, 1.46631887348, 0.799323338345, 1.3886299027899998, 0.76172939501, 0.8784702821700001, 0.486785671179, 0.822399170121, 1.1209783498700001, 1.37092616949, 0.76172939501, -0.130579858445, -2.004978982, -0.294041074674, 0.0195710514892, -0.8505580916769999, -1.3004648845, -1.4190326473800001, -1.88798877935, 0.656749702673, -1.4018719565600002, -1.2659121864, -0.951396590227, 1.07533245067, 0.656749702673, -0.32804855001600003, 0.20310698015200002, 0.0, 0.16795273860100002, -1.0553602567799998], [0.734774247018, 1.6007397920700002, 1.62519149486, 1.0332604093100002, -0.731816762361, 0.288397149859, 1.7269771072099998, 0.5919568568119999, 1.28966642445, 0.486112200321, 1.20536440227, 1.03296340608, 0.615690541269, 0.678536424817, 0.11366285461200001, 0.606205195995, 0.160005258659, 0.142741555099, -1.1102061726799999, 0.649850602287, -1.15147138466, -0.936723459465, -1.06116103923, -0.9837479288240001, -1.26693998793, -1.18685593268, -0.250898710568, -1.19924774114, -1.05020630956, -0.41024875954000006, -0.133049912988, 1.4079581215799999, -1.1618571186700002, -1.1446126942700001, -1.30033617748, 0.268589118626, -1.1792630711499998], [0.5146825091830001, 1.08163069552, 0.40743762127800004, 0.570026777531, -0.5029114342800001, 0.664393908936, 1.02470606961, 1.3266227564, 1.09592393457, 0.713485953837, 0.952208693115, 1.17245443893, 1.20126075037, 1.13215979921, 1.19707170367, -0.0692079081275, 0.37080687079999997, 0.46276723407, -0.0855602529285, 0.7951121139399999, -1.58307890667, 0.59826274355, -1.51205359945, 0.269039904416, -1.57515635683, -1.55915004601, -0.7197517985899999, -0.493290468221, -1.6171644754199999, -0.906052424743, -1.19055179625, 0.40265624581299997, -0.139367723288, -1.5144135512299999, -1.4049833569299999, 0.0269020132617, -1.10691863904], [0.20484511163199998, 1.0926113343700001, 0.433630845603, 0.240231669352, 0.15420704512299999, 0.880509645773, 1.64639203157, 1.51999767395, 0.976990514144, 0.110698464236, -0.7758572643680001, 0.439649229554, -0.14659871334000002, -1.27094653297, 0.410341882114, 0.7081437421960001, 1.4650916152200002, -0.23183607052299998, 0.0018360132861700003, -1.47587697445, -0.594316979568, -0.261582511176, -1.08541824794, -0.91531790957, -1.9331433898800001, -1.5390505103299998, -0.718786693211, -1.24779769985, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1798273160400001, 1.35944136886, -0.627916005844, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.77998207515, 1.78551120882, 0.7328505339460001, 1.7909283735400001, 0.34931100663099995, -0.6760340417199999, 0.744180725894, 0.647082847045, 1.1203409658399999, -0.183466076731, 0.0367544653911, 0.8461860441169999, -0.0688429235686, 0.504713253468, 0.43001236487800004, 0.608879039351, 0.0583927326779, 0.0913590591712, 0.131228538378, 0.38126481385300004, 0.166316943175, -1.5025600808700001, 0.017385435607, 0.847018879873, -1.6085669563, -1.7160299613299999, 0.318013017578, 0.197649589285, -1.7378761709700001, 0.5756162617180001, -1.65597941082, -0.407319744873, -1.4932719894, -1.40798523583, 0.109554014477, -0.38209153959200004, -1.4305080578600002], [1.0194863406799999, 1.11687361054, 0.44136287075400005, 1.00206141207, 0.361837780515, -0.24960892453800002, 1.0006590033299998, 0.875448945774, 0.982107139129, 0.675550605552, -0.31044491486299997, 0.764713749864, 0.31567549336399997, 0.711196830587, 0.845647760028, 0.617766356821, 0.636859150109, 0.656693216589, 0.0825320522165, -2.53051755423, 0.915873377733, 0.7352531490979999, -2.1992275390700002, 0.504338035268, -1.62096583171, -1.83389906032, 0.506848847775, -0.624409171753, -1.02692051483, 0.20061887509100002, -1.03812425809, -0.20418690885899998, -1.23749368987, -0.841830108333, 0.222850559657, -0.10373888192399999, -1.37088780415], [1.26883105003, 2.49047781869, -1.22861741955, 0.18703549980300002, -1.21013599077, -0.400095984014, 0.700969677005, -0.0375241246081, 1.8603137467, 0.39069928643, 1.87513922517, 0.360079869076, 0.16562615299, 0.970186248891, 0.580585138238, -0.152108781277, 0.754289126586, -0.727149570819, -0.722872475148, -0.704983798304, -0.07828580289289999, -1.0702124323, -0.948170269963, -0.0268766984601, -2.51432990008, -0.41691142781499996, -0.569162070877, -1.4261572782700003, -0.062087414438, 0.54611077425, -0.415736457078, 0.951946344805, -0.502604713472, 0.7428944012019999, -0.654936538834, 0.39972026403000005, -0.375945474942], [0.464839271048, 1.37217774984, -1.07720483891, -1.44523467965, 0.259909149063, -0.165834551466, 1.19403949825, 0.767817866552, 1.1252093651000001, -0.611724393875, 0.975061722966, 0.693983621878, 0.0, -0.378900147817, 0.55763027009, 1.7775158888299998, 1.29402767516, 0.20951081345199998, 1.0900576207500001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.48428396587300004, 0.0, 0.0, -2.27386999814, -0.8976898824609999, 0.11200296295399999, -0.072940390411, -0.773690713068, 0.609535458777, -0.824268969532, 1.16377292998, -0.571785586199, -0.7804320153059999, -1.3657892096700002, -1.08520857214, -0.858233950187], [-0.700363208875, 3.8074403205300005, -0.5008431301590001, 1.65545766288, -0.6103521549700001, 0.560272612459, -0.6002096296580001, 1.5905405623500002, 1.11068341219, 0.701465454166, -0.670833388855, -0.194238320352, 0.045881402658599996, 1.8645783504, 0.766487939603, -0.517773501512, 0.458128184542, 1.20634292055, -0.504565113298, -0.4187390306, -0.620287878943, 0.354112402942, -0.653153858711, -0.605992130177, -0.5165648821800001, -0.349506440317, -0.5229752827090001, -0.624569416235, -0.7063110622759999, -0.5702481283799999, -0.497989800827, -0.5128115922290001, -0.516956437804, -0.624117892631, -0.76869627948, -0.672889055884, -0.6404036082150001], [1.8884132695400002, 2.44878860216, -0.279130713853, 0.9522933261, -0.667533999222, 1.78189486795, -0.7444105916920001, 0.881938260433, 1.6457769311100001, -0.20611552597399999, -0.57636688265, 1.3092041464, -0.619831463363, 1.10707086946, 2.12333854153, -0.494645235335, 0.0788420416423, -0.237812314729, -0.448705676292, -0.608647677047, -0.530190903093, -0.636696387667, -0.9444560093250001, -0.6329621961, -0.682491119574, -0.6827713796539999, -0.7962422666329999, -0.7118221374879999, -0.43819631472099996, -0.545142934924, -0.8944299764910001, 0.0987718212892, 1.0523743572, -0.834119651284, -0.749858831988, -0.709672824501, -0.696454021208], [2.25385429564, 1.2062083637799998, -0.418648359552, 1.00328745088, -0.314998812976, 0.843623884021, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0706440806097, 0.0, 0.0, 0.919284655827, 0.8033914867540001, 0.921015311823, 1.3961768774799999, 1.67551024026, 0.395272236826, 0.34063119799900005, -0.841205062897, -0.683845717292, -1.2211657877600002, 0.0, 0.52793268181, -1.26135698803, -0.39548919453000003, -1.00950070056, -1.40823256141, -0.489296284881, -0.766320681111, -0.0248738502299, -0.520588720674, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9725863777, -1.25049699778, -1.25342807885, 0.475201412534], [0.46180759634900004, 1.22561403076, 0.021484089305, 1.39891794544, -1.17420440429, 0.710104526105, 0.661408039123, 0.16890093450399998, 0.335619949298, 1.2034573976799998, 1.30899367547, 1.1499592813600001, 0.9452579464569999, 1.26743250814, -0.990980068308, 0.579138183865, -0.817427793486, 0.688789185026, 0.60153087095, -0.6565150359849999, 0.478330817367, -1.2318681466299999, -1.68990353527, -0.2700543543, -0.591580047153, -0.424522613702, -0.00238757121729, -2.0074672126700004, -1.73979931085, 0.7670203911839999, -0.056063567102499996, 0.15047641593900002, 0.972062941589, -1.1605104751200002, -2.0306374236099995, -0.516955097331, 0.264569931109], [0.726782580202, 0.67423212114, 0.16171433713199998, 0.946529830567, -1.4373986538499999, 0.538527037944, 0.860443100467, 0.812735808007, 0.7777285394560001, 0.841594554179, 0.87592689446, 0.893163524145, 0.910479266301, 0.904716417219, 0.711400149063, 0.607493334802, 0.726312849904, 0.8791334218119999, 0.457102999121, 0.5006964430740001, -0.197526742124, -1.5254392147600002, -1.20943854006, -1.5536974478299999, -1.70859595824, -1.6517600755000001, 0.711254285444, -1.5873674683899999, -1.55711683718, 0.307372758123, 0.24849824588599997, 0.49572719096999995, 0.20740426157400002, -1.67763652873, -1.55763378773, 0.212257317236, -0.32561601382399996], [-0.492168929099, 1.1376214522900001, -0.09765480520099999, 0.846688785758, 0.565242020689, 0.41455153226499997, 1.4039352692700002, 0.711783958549, 1.0677243046, 0.428857808393, 0.050704634908, 0.7022294536020001, 0.684619919815, 0.08202114440399999, 0.479296558454, 1.1828066457, -0.13365595247, 0.49350776975599997, 0.696138934472, -0.371749727121, -0.126214434769, -1.9937688040700001, -0.457815245449, -0.123482056085, -1.6719978923199998, -2.25582283485, -0.20974456441199998, -0.667190622474, -2.15611649417, 1.07715728338, 0.499054361278, 1.04638862169, -0.292989989604, -1.91992989632, -1.4434091300999998, 0.36420588693000006, 0.479175032286], [-1.01850079307, 1.06710060959, -0.9647701584280001, 1.7491479069599998, -0.970799241173, 1.43643226931, 1.2016717863600002, 0.787992954092, 1.5182687722100001, 1.4802716261000002, 1.1318727429000002, 0.655654924309, 1.19700050254, 1.20795969467, -0.866765340036, -0.219387209645, -0.691907963846, 1.3391459506899999, -0.41103874154, -0.83364964411, -0.7352213870909999, -0.847744766808, -0.858238072924, -0.8458848462880001, -0.829646130248, -1.0338848670899998, -0.9752251583600001, -0.770364204854, -0.956530187694, 0.255203113786, 0.675295125943, 0.694646995896, -0.846003388397, -0.7837972517540001, -0.842492160762, -0.9838657910709999, 0.8880523298299999], [-0.179677855217, 0.39071000323700006, -0.308219711056, 1.2221293315100001, 0.366768613307, 0.350069683407, 1.64767254748, 0.8006047319320001, 1.1504920452, 1.5822591855099999, 1.22517499355, 0.938168377437, 1.51434299378, 1.24696287251, -0.800360989374, 0.0637343560706, -0.749535727039, 0.8908300873620001, -0.10248171770400001, -0.979840403386, -0.674244060649, -1.17376661489, -0.428459133597, -1.23442584343, -1.31470162181, -1.32854218752, -1.3315459976100001, -1.24501811734, -1.22078832186, 0.177745710511, 0.61787453986, 0.544167446485, 0.325130476578, -1.2004822507200001, -1.18867958514, -0.794069521777, 1.2000016644], [0.0775972399294, 1.02175407001, -0.8415329611, 1.16483213796, -0.654731078386, 1.03991552778, -0.331265838752, 0.7326780765700001, 0.27505926726, 1.0753481812799999, 1.50931586407, 1.71745093837, 1.31495769298, 1.31582102838, -0.843243363717, 0.36790120034900003, -0.815522387744, 1.3287918153, -0.856661245057, -1.09602897797, -0.965357920414, -0.841298474942, -0.8485282778059999, -0.884492171477, -0.997187452888, -1.06847012281, -0.974677903716, -0.67068511264, -1.00242019661, 1.7514884553299999, 0.31149493810400003, 0.8847030816629999, -0.313476866171, -1.32990255436, -1.3367957742299998, 0.341278045931, 0.441891119544], [-0.52870664414, 1.0589730585200001, -0.962121030356, 0.991663799459, 0.589472248464, 1.64706061286, 0.54597023327, 0.5530727351560001, 0.623386956291, 0.269321587742, 1.32680343203, 1.32065164698, 1.5442288892200002, 1.5095302133200001, -0.932023127103, 0.5531673090820001, -0.97948579879, 1.5058567629100001, 0.0356488277212, -1.22739840561, -0.9747252459810001, -1.17073866844, -1.13230083814, -0.6394661516100001, -0.568924953051, -1.2195617114, -1.23828884213, -0.514471774918, -1.03521622269, 1.0563090603299998, 0.541624312465, 0.362979142743, -0.137146198007, -1.0737804834, -1.33758300316, -0.965092144923, 0.601310415284], [-0.950272973765, 1.36897915524, -0.976120729086, 1.1776379303, -1.0058297962, 1.0957448352099999, 0.256716332308, 0.05321659460249999, 1.17727090951, 0.8185106214010001, 1.0224450889, 1.3327390165000002, 1.05983058562, 1.54525670806, -0.986826662164, 0.48905884151600004, -0.736856397674, 1.47575689248, 0.107226867381, -1.01179768076, -0.9655141447390001, -1.02910714043, -1.08342368573, -1.11104548032, -1.05654700661, -0.953928627362, -0.9730010523970001, -1.0416579857500001, -1.05150110359, 1.00800788329, 0.771454126947, 0.860964801745, 0.45694515544799996, -1.00568520267, -1.00960441516, -0.160355965323, 1.0313137032600002], [-1.09110401549, 1.16221532259, -1.12717673235, 0.971372240364, -0.828651991576, 1.0636379459899998, 0.926689858092, 0.759224234131, 1.1789715952500002, 0.873881199438, 0.798059217378, 0.9331835965, 1.0649882794499999, 1.09556043574, -0.7429194723010001, 0.40970695733999996, -0.9246412796340001, 0.901321795899, -0.0545913940577, -1.1658287378299999, -1.13973088868, -1.0439027303, -1.13529633292, -1.0537531852600002, -0.9889954410430001, -1.07553633972, -1.13133090425, -1.10361204807, -1.06407519487, 0.8894843783609999, 1.1602368565, 0.976813022124, 0.712323967092, -1.0324861919700001, -1.08386471095, 1.07730210676, 0.8325245822570001], [-0.24664549678000003, 1.10578398524, -0.226419957766, 1.0088743220899998, 0.0775159107433, 1.41163349668, 0.459313627188, 0.320791197145, 1.00638088965, 1.19908199021, 0.49052098700400004, 0.75269260068, 1.22329474247, 1.3874756007799998, -0.022184253116900005, 0.419611127453, -0.888907106294, 0.993084974508, 0.6898521113189999, -1.1361468194600002, -1.34399544821, -1.43241630102, -1.28872766801, -0.8831763048219999, -0.634836932678, -1.5618026157, -1.41601720393, -1.3878716728, -1.40098993774, 1.0442098337899999, 0.655341132865, 0.522031322702, 0.537384773225, -1.3146599561, -1.2038070727799999, 0.376597413585, 0.707132707879], [-0.643471122332, 1.24797157091, -0.0784888694322, 1.38343016171, -0.68344242576, 1.1857585101500001, 1.32859582713, 0.641187299163, 0.559985434805, 1.0405830846100002, 1.0493358724, 1.36259629218, 1.13574287277, 1.3642158500600001, -0.566336603327, 0.441959129476, -0.7453325999889999, 0.9984581792180001, -0.0061474217134, -0.9360796165899999, -0.969373318885, -1.30052011536, -0.902513767069, -1.34442704693, -1.10945636244, -1.24501540683, -0.928976625255, -1.23361084927, -1.08400572793, 1.7258487734999999, 0.107696221642, 0.0355715691708, 0.19736027590799998, -0.877739656733, -1.44544491944, -0.055307666020800006, 0.349393196508], [-0.507689528736, 0.502987256866, -0.338249610842, 1.0955518686399999, -0.801326145182, 1.0843714942799998, 0.987380662466, 0.011170915362799998, 0.8165854819689999, 1.23461785794, 1.09213487215, 1.56984954364, 1.26974669827, 1.19578752438, -0.37286496928, 0.6990571091050001, -1.0208756509499999, 1.0459136953100001, -0.240519781439, -1.19015814154, -1.04761660841, -1.13708519067, -0.711756080854, -1.09906367784, -1.10812984254, -1.16309062001, -1.17449737744, -1.07843809893, -1.17292440545, 1.30234932911, 0.430908103262, 1.22332949625, -0.31539576336999997, -1.29954019354, -1.19053154349, 0.5119168111, 0.896094510421], [-0.924332134099, 1.3240097136700002, -0.533011213459, 1.22230852932, 0.0461109134385, 0.871666919537, 1.1766726845, 0.39050360090400005, 1.13702781291, 1.2988876927600002, 1.2283349177, 1.24668788944, 1.37964901433, 1.09361677895, -0.346481252184, 0.409475016149, -0.246205659404, 1.1892736030600002, -0.56295920804, -0.615828727536, -0.8512960705, -1.29105856086, -1.0020852830299998, -1.31127690621, -1.13603380319, -1.34850984813, -1.0692292186399999, -1.18242710917, -1.21066777681, 1.05710112578, 0.0326943894702, 0.8943077662440001, 0.0165223561076, -1.29825946331, -0.79770609075, -0.918713812719, 0.63123141375], [-1.10300030125, 0.17103980056600002, -1.01046018515, 1.10840241497, -0.20242642182999998, 1.1669881534200002, 1.05158699977, -0.11741139725199999, 0.979650501997, 0.27764562464000003, 0.16693737005999998, 1.2396423059200001, 1.8879957270099998, 1.57366349664, -0.933252226536, 0.656646339695, -1.2096591646600001, 1.40211479049, -0.29499846978, -1.06471997016, -1.0035022898200001, -1.02110972671, -0.899670747904, -0.940731314552, -0.9550833267100001, -0.963798014838, -0.956238285378, -0.9581671854200001, -1.0556486195299999, 0.7519937522399999, 0.9608356083149999, 0.9214235909180001, 0.730793711957, -0.9546611768690001, -1.07916290689, 1.3396328255, 0.336708717135], [-1.22901942561, 0.5648390935100001, -1.11895539047, 1.0040880350399999, -0.0313720768425, 0.663977447253, 0.488652241659, 0.17742252435800002, 1.19110385026, 0.836960875975, -0.140178288014, 0.757121165483, 1.1045249393, 1.3642689820700002, -0.861950469551, 0.416019564873, -1.18680165286, 0.9677051243970001, -0.484287910154, -1.3453887667700002, -1.1117133737, -1.0811047574700001, -0.786815720352, 0.170954834254, -1.14735798502, -1.03338054572, -1.10125656982, -1.05109346403, -1.2097218266299998, 0.647341171956, 1.06042591302, 1.14313684559, 1.0620288684299999, -1.1483218468, -0.7163519936499999, 1.76092003634, 1.40358054968], [-1.0330980545200001, 1.18892703172, -0.06342982539059999, 0.718956928192, -0.8811519612340001, 0.475995793926, 0.07729040774139999, 0.23302757071, 1.00011535548, 0.627700862877, 0.499143750479, 0.7134984359759999, 1.75760621975, 1.36349599283, -0.70216202651, 1.06757279982, -0.0357013938301, 0.816886228099, 0.573902814274, -0.6423586237619999, -1.2466547266799999, -0.7086620881579999, -1.23289507293, -1.18177664777, -1.27630375759, -1.37084707072, -1.25236994019, -1.10716341383, -1.2342961534399999, 0.989408507808, 0.861039758963, 0.6133710549270001, 0.7444037302600001, -1.3238858089299999, -1.3610324181600002, 1.26171232903, 1.06973341079], [0.270280099146, 0.716721819482, -0.269761809985, 0.7263460156649999, -0.0837667773495, 0.626317747184, 0.777213109096, 0.637347005597, 0.900983408601, 0.559770927414, 0.8136999187039999, 0.84896410013, 0.7966823426790001, 0.966169974504, 0.0782762650764, 0.714327772676, -1.4376316119299999, 0.8675467682520001, 0.442196984348, -0.603743501674, -0.9465921282170001, -1.7992085337700001, -1.21171328832, 0.0832851999042, 0.142352223704, -2.08740920125, -1.8687299887, -2.10967127607, -1.0537055590200002, 0.890613473238, 0.693504686421, 0.896339341869, 0.616411898435, -1.7877116680900003, -0.00834150057517, 0.5130390057399999, 0.689596757076], [-1.3416036290200002, 0.832675797698, 0.319432523144, 1.0594227267299998, 0.6883431869709999, 0.8913837977069999, 0.9215047668330001, 0.39874632797799997, 0.9651908532600001, 0.990947367541, 0.960550467552, 1.0841585935100002, 1.0242489591, 0.815407866225, 0.059676845314600005, 0.6092904780080001, -1.1863767930700002, 0.9837612970899999, -0.5248770522249999, -1.2728081306899999, -1.5869227820700003, -1.4069479146500001, -0.7927269987569999, 0.389768190411, -1.6368051482400001, -1.59181239566, -1.6048998262, -1.5419727542700001, -0.42313926586499995, 0.6158742477570001, 0.398553473073, 0.570906417963, 0.305977184788, -1.4284672583200002, 0.031715257722400005, 0.688924718684, 0.732898603969], [-1.15258461994, 1.28630363044, -0.0686880634255, 1.37229879079, -1.18562532064, 1.00665037118, 1.32774324487, 0.496465489153, 0.45349247252499997, 1.07544513482, 0.685827696521, 1.25592671, 1.24399428447, 1.08464918706, 0.113078094312, 0.430576047328, -0.29327439794, 1.26957312529, 0.735819064534, 0.0235234939717, -1.3750703162600002, -1.1393526008, -0.138711914203, -1.4524454909600002, -1.1662760684, -1.2732521373799999, -1.37388944646, -1.19685359114, -1.3342102195999999, 1.12989615135, -0.0577409090799, 0.45092694645000003, 0.390255438952, -1.2186491907600001, -0.973854789607, -0.748411915093, 0.316445617692], [-1.32527490627, 0.899376021955, 0.779046416621, 0.6879722867649999, -0.70315696665, 1.1623762227299999, 1.10731079618, 0.725282593757, 0.824336698051, 1.3042933502, 1.23755161861, 0.989736211171, 1.2504732096200002, 1.0044417792799998, 0.540428635438, 0.679833853185, 0.225609496638, 1.0979711513500001, -0.598649839014, 0.486823971315, -1.2738687315700001, -1.1042639296799999, -1.24778034015, -1.2863632174700002, -1.20932828781, -0.9873200330480001, -1.0453909363200002, -1.31613744551, -1.2735913406200001, 0.573264308099, 0.31087905472399996, 0.757744680624, 0.215317347957, -1.278280402, -1.20569037372, -1.2473602310299998, 0.242387276584], [-0.293854429078, 0.5603047862380001, -0.147021368231, 1.01272731633, -0.545863234967, 0.13360563105, 1.28429621405, 0.8943016861900001, 0.312930881879, 0.867911287273, 0.632231660999, 1.55774930204, 0.726958458497, 1.49771714115, -0.287551263417, 0.554394981674, 0.339308137465, 1.24857968352, 0.9601859148720001, -0.0437678352376, -1.1469565451200001, -1.3755711619799997, -1.33044119056, -1.4348048655599999, -1.42064433544, -1.25132397535, -0.632507353769, -1.5109296261200003, -1.29275879335, 1.49901739204, 0.6698328512089999, 0.7863357998989999, 0.18784909377700001, -1.5392431758899998, -0.672201619321, -1.06544161094, 0.26464416418000003], [-1.4001412529100001, -0.263624907159, -0.207925027918, 1.28386417719, -0.7683206128579999, 1.15064579592, 1.03066529885, -0.004834321473879999, 1.1446369294499998, 0.285555936994, 0.392963707205, 1.83902934904, 1.4665187856900002, 1.20632687951, 0.443694746219, 0.8840054137860001, -0.710861773574, 1.262043466, 0.30151449225, 0.20694572067400002, -1.3052493004899999, -1.55066834398, -1.49180452949, -0.934662681265, -1.4121809141100001, -1.45645564565, -1.10582113625, -0.7704669722319999, 0.169230150611, 0.843284105235, 0.525037641929, 1.25370915933, -0.465659924317, -0.10705762352800001, -1.1966516609, -0.38397661841200004, -0.153308509344], [-0.934095600556, 1.49962004735, -0.722450940297, 1.59195119961, -1.00509804723, 0.938348555896, 0.831533010218, 0.591575723596, 0.1664410764, 0.5472450035, 1.07883969302, 1.51210504601, 1.0190074310500001, 1.18818813779, 0.0589623898186, -1.16690542488, 0.0720541873393, 1.33257335796, -0.725956612247, -1.71815999848, -0.7205991317899999, -2.2854531085, -0.527736317165, -0.313785123208, -1.34922978377, -0.5999264342399999, -0.500068882027, -0.821014121243, -1.0385502649, 1.0748409035100002, 0.456248110682, 0.50644438686, 0.301537836503, -1.18723243868, -0.21395000809300002, 0.48684134343099994, 0.575854796764], [-0.745784907718, 1.08869090057, 0.61188324096, 0.784146603099, -0.302224812104, 0.475654736224, 0.687913680223, 0.185469446196, 0.9409843457989999, 1.33349071892, 1.6712389056099999, 1.2754611329899999, 0.647981768837, 0.861001075111, -0.226717417894, 0.9890518704260001, -1.4994017957499999, 0.7909351385369999, -0.271415669409, -0.417406804793, -1.01828032996, -0.297256936508, 0.148634235146, 0.0789703171036, -0.11104184747899999, -1.3385080859799998, -1.4484727832, -0.46681667140199995, -2.1348689103, 0.6900342753569999, -0.018057697396099998, 0.45556801711000006, -0.11167907842399999, -2.18452188236, -1.99118517186, -0.0184023598806, 0.8849327541850001], [-0.9647506000309999, 1.7672275536200002, -0.673875814515, 1.07014994395, -1.0140164783299999, 1.3971415844400001, 0.790499811896, 0.6554015107500001, 1.3649689340200002, 1.30774279677, 1.15926334204, 1.15101518129, 1.05294969498, 1.26787668646, -0.671187726062, -0.257095487912, -0.9069536836290001, -0.08323042926719999, -0.6837719995899999, -0.917017183369, -0.584307199946, -0.896500285452, -0.9256522278820001, -0.7387190397869999, -0.633607747053, -0.777191866119, -0.934779167458, -0.674260186041, -0.843153034719, 1.2010281974500001, -0.75225796155, -0.646445756034, 1.10713703616, -0.80825310502, -0.7483222985879999, -0.972494807006, 1.81544181153], [-0.585106027694, 1.1164990218200002, -0.6290001571, 0.765150334264, -0.912793468273, 0.940020179717, 0.601960028996, -0.19788075385899997, 1.34025876533, 1.78533249974, 1.52700038777, -0.023593297907, 0.953390920532, 1.8653039007099999, 0.030402379519700002, 1.13975386092, 0.306122785484, 0.734468247399, -0.149449283534, -1.52728271845, -0.9073986098000001, -0.839522136991, -1.50567697823, -0.73249198363, -1.35969113739, -0.9073986098000001, -1.27921666021, -0.9571152204119999, -0.23566042845600002, 1.2279391916, -0.681814607237, -0.0355018602479, -0.558177442891, -0.718903900596, 0.0, -0.749151764648, 1.1592245435500002], [-1.07309007246, 1.34426213303, 0.24880989935199999, 0.559398858823, -0.986763670496, 2.11961898178, 1.16955788817, 0.534933101145, 1.35548421515, -0.824668268044, 1.19986801392, 1.9149363775, 1.11123646736, 0.0482382127783, -1.02741422944, -0.8813842383, -0.6004493337969999, -0.166697578195, 0.43752237469800004, -0.9383424324140001, -0.9376966934550001, -0.899630238325, -0.7984684860150001, -0.78578559887, -0.9613370532459999, -0.876044981592, -0.934454222896, -0.8463163079000001, -0.942297798784, 1.1196574773799999, 0.547132688553, 1.21120317211, 0.5378868546410001, -1.00148766674, -1.1290879809999999, 0.454903371514, 0.6967667640719999], [-0.916442423663, 1.0643812422799999, -0.538048771071, 0.33543903389199997, 1.47606535512, 2.46817088939, 0.803792361135, 0.0733663756481, 0.586058509105, -0.584917457116, 1.3934199557, 0.60332201878, 1.15014712392, 1.9364237367, -0.66418765064, 0.921853263567, -0.9607765388330001, 1.21540798474, -0.79428952387, -0.7925078654979999, -0.7186928866150001, -0.7663130778499999, -0.8754947728929999, -0.954323070106, -0.9686166800570001, -0.921702490889, -0.440503678865, -0.921870899356, -0.994427740336, -0.214484974674, -0.915952209603, 1.0452019103799999, 0.7634156103749999, -0.9853036604690001, -0.5909435717670001, -0.918985438417, 0.6023200118590001], [-0.516684395554, 0.8121884559839999, -1.21334877831, 0.34689039949, 1.30525757205, 1.2480444048700001, 0.922469788288, -0.564946371644, 0.953046444, 0.24558719147100003, 1.03830059031, 0.861415005545, 1.00516205442, 1.37201002991, -0.7723158387379999, 1.09620482823, -1.33189728606, 0.9592502471590001, 0.754818801829, -1.12923261767, -0.616400661619, -0.446598168024, -1.29965517017, -0.306335155231, -1.4113041276499998, -1.03996546184, -1.4261255236800001, -0.7299971466509999, -1.8874719029499998, 1.31405519702, 1.10509695227, 0.442163532918, 0.396229055738, -0.063839634583, -1.1556249833, -0.7618368355149999, 0.495389507687], [-0.309021336913, 0.176759776778, 0.252903879698, 1.9842280720099998, 1.59567787831, -0.016714760419700003, 1.64313769607, -0.570152096073, 0.781592067912, -0.120017809008, 1.54678906968, 1.3455173304499999, 0.421345095136, 0.737470892439, -1.20241180995, 0.433751333994, -0.7356281554709999, 0.139710482226, 0.506819858851, -0.42676585377099996, -0.748506394341, -1.3656972913, -0.726417659816, -0.593754261832, -0.61782572118, -0.6399323180919999, -1.51144786394, -0.5742604448049999, -1.37211584193, 0.60893208172, -0.0963414872841, 1.04434559776, 1.51113466508, -1.4289544948, -1.5820107832299999, -0.8272454147600001, 0.735106020818], [-0.59862939001, 0.180589605324, -1.09965929555, 0.52899446206, -0.330445516647, 0.375907305137, 0.7796560505619999, 0.022635238412000002, 0.607795134466, -0.342136358794, 1.1349229114200001, 1.57540568948, 1.31024991253, 1.29879862109, -0.36490025441299995, -0.109105593005, -0.181586402368, 1.64924980003, -0.227232598534, -0.456068211936, -0.586711056912, -2.3492813364900003, -0.6633502912070001, -0.102250715102, -0.14664817781099998, 0.29852968455400003, -0.9776183493359999, -0.695250004111, -2.44650822768, 0.9933385740080001, 0.6442572743020001, 0.35625427973800006, 1.22659354172, 0.0756488523328, -2.26790864592, 0.5408629116, 0.34560057705499997], [0.0524755982553, 0.341832777993, 0.378422663899, 0.332402039117, -0.411339924612, 0.526600272708, 0.786583765872, -0.427509008094, 0.959144953899, 0.491412278253, 0.55316703794, 0.611747147975, 0.272848166484, 1.55153215667, 0.49814839603100003, 0.284354771237, -0.006579642028130001, 0.686762430745, 0.30166746946199996, -1.21174488094, -1.05273257568, -0.781297492862, -1.8051361472099998, -1.2348926226299999, -0.5915828899600001, -0.6248338137789999, -0.448600472038, -0.5915828899600001, -2.2316712723, 0.8054322507639999, 1.48289893914, 1.61391022712, 0.6023775812300001, 0.0595322214606, -2.7580096609500004, -0.21899366426, 1.20325381105], [-0.82177477389, 0.212242311477, -0.7112304428569999, 1.62367333244, -0.69511370425, -0.349908720744, 1.07073361693, -0.568689888527, 0.5384030029770001, 0.7027682519670001, 2.30741673094, 1.8187594982799997, 0.7517918423909999, 1.97576027903, -0.607834652339, -0.324151475753, -0.635684530201, 0.708109930624, -0.5325729112300001, -0.78001008704, -0.705412656901, -0.787571289426, -0.706156941101, -0.6694358993339999, -0.604701834315, -0.751808326964, -0.00713705607143, -0.6942617227660001, -0.808042303868, 2.58561267759, -0.39254884789300004, 0.899812162489, -0.773836686785, -0.6967291635100001, -0.795778675517, -0.155013424354, -0.619677621498], [-0.7627372053110001, 0.142655971391, -0.563738309728, 1.41694096234, -0.708826652895, -0.33572309293799996, 0.146983803118, -0.694970957882, 1.08544853792, 0.370517270564, 0.674366194548, 0.374989691568, 0.392493285937, 1.42745296554, -0.82223232421, 0.0103505640861, -0.812914348584, 1.23476987468, -0.6878917839640001, -0.9152073752200002, -0.894752915822, -1.02914268898, -0.805814963262, -1.06159235771, 0.182024677531, -0.817182064339, 0.331212826325, -0.634725425818, -1.0570090331, 2.87368984718, 0.452812926483, 2.4187415010900004, -0.6514117539159999, -1.01663493916, -0.826037768872, 0.9148248992550001, 0.648270162143], [-1.0971388175599999, 0.905705480444, 0.552891697712, 0.522930204594, 0.00506136296163, 0.8530549510459999, 0.30119971977800003, 0.558689687507, 1.1797661776700001, -0.384120757188, 1.34751240375, 1.29678882067, 1.15280658443, 1.6052243234099999, 0.69005143421, -0.0806463845734, -1.42807520188, 1.33480666449, -0.24704173048300002, -0.695226745222, 0.30995572350699996, -1.37214230606, -1.25509696343, -0.005094451250310001, -1.1295165601200001, -1.1176839999500001, -1.1247032298100001, -1.38877861226, 0.0201651919555, 1.3598009742500001, -0.895366855823, 0.756868550124, -0.6992556772290001, -1.3046048552399998, -1.43804941905, 1.26283975931, -0.353577144685], [0.226188174275, 0.7002430586120001, -0.673870295881, -0.09335026422969998, 0.528399288705, 0.664051568504, 0.563464619026, -0.41463286497100005, 0.140646046631, 0.7505818073489999, 1.2817200292, 1.7764441019400001, 1.407129005, 1.55981865736, -0.253026956294, -0.162811958249, -1.12539654169, 0.737110937309, -0.743229071958, -1.03303709, 0.713497207216, -1.04518684992, -1.03556600154, 1.04711165347, -1.1984786712, -1.1582263755700002, -1.18129731248, -1.05000271688, -1.2707349831799999, 0.983454927209, -0.114151563641, 1.67774678525, -1.3066365217799998, -1.1204619232600002, -1.31146525349, 1.0464966198, 0.487458729335], [-0.939056455731, 0.160062514556, -0.5315493165699999, 1.68907112192, -0.0660539076788, 0.446463183149, 1.1691286270799999, 0.19455706995400002, 0.800852565527, 0.308035135507, 1.56902499159, 2.38055752562, 1.8902405844099999, 1.5952791166100002, 1.18514908357, -0.19278194454, -0.7528526504590001, 0.78015955985, -0.654065208508, -0.9541389770550001, 0.263219767224, -0.850345520244, -0.863523962662, -0.888595342374, -0.954690051744, -0.9155118652159999, -0.961119592261, -0.8584862131550001, -0.8784830714640001, 0.27060638444, -0.433789472759, 0.0914768871463, -0.943975829963, -1.12850676591, -0.9262155087809999, 0.845252361033, -0.9453948220999999], [0.020077929416900002, 0.265029337763, -0.8091689641850001, 0.484464850174, 0.056106873547900005, 1.7529914743000001, 0.11454628422, 0.890960512125, 0.43143310673, 0.810439984735, 1.5329344173, 2.2472318006400003, 1.7671792041599999, 1.4235489925, 1.0152841073299999, 0.09200462819489999, -1.0616573459999998, 1.18114385278, 0.037902268471499995, -0.409494696698, 0.0959577434857, -0.466200663104, -0.624650037517, -0.7577064487980001, -1.10527601461, -1.117780299, -1.17514679987, -0.709590182664, -1.14203338147, -0.266866957538, -0.895602192444, 1.07567255338, -1.1407384587, -1.0539134968100001, -1.1676070741700002, -0.243269822483, -1.1482070852], [0.578174820065, 1.59783161192, -0.538311025133, 0.879524011223, 0.158715047519, 1.33513151802, 0.720966181163, -0.205232794509, 1.39216715276, 0.5048143255259999, 0.6113387720210001, 1.0672368699600001, 1.4532530203100003, 1.70360773874, -0.058240207169399996, 0.5648280446980001, -0.926027038728, -1.03953042095, 1.0503664395399999, -0.34682000667499996, -0.769440670168, -0.968928643009, -0.8157434253970001, -0.606593296949, -1.1210136977399998, -0.914918100078, -1.07100827951, -0.440705637605, -0.740584304613, -0.345218431616, -0.827930685112, 1.7289062620400002, -1.33472069421, -1.12699883074, -1.08108827859, 1.17262364262, -1.24043098964], [1.14588900539, 0.496109288048, -0.844237154567, 0.35529586832500004, -0.787287379257, 0.598036904776, 0.6702028858269999, 0.538253505758, 0.35784663476499995, 1.34698890599, 1.4024587316600001, 1.4607091453100003, 0.662257627194, 0.95895974885, 0.226574091731, -0.395261852993, 0.836579531197, 0.9142440555079999, -0.65740538276, 0.45299880970600004, 0.156272443141, -0.66913385736, -1.6692171487600003, -0.0809978306744, -1.61507271143, 0.19479659291499998, -1.78349199036, -1.4694663763100002, -0.127777371872, 1.20465260294, 0.39588437105700003, 0.687767817103, -1.79862081341, -1.67024553697, -1.64826601189, 0.103615531984, 0.0500873194192], [-0.944429443989, 0.916818610739, -0.720421566381, 1.3129018463, -0.7520721108480001, 1.74123076759, 0.39250574652, 0.11675897586200001, 0.295284348588, 1.5817021940399998, 1.3593689397100002, 1.30901944095, 2.16600419982, 1.59346843836, -0.811832520698, 0.145279680692, -0.561568217619, 1.8392469670700002, -0.385434928778, -0.8172941073190001, -0.6547892789800001, -0.8137764659610001, -0.890595763421, -0.959112154715, -0.8576424903990001, -0.9058138270180001, -0.828572719765, -0.738651538399, -0.962984686758, 0.48306375645599997, -0.272905510414, 0.009141529798, 0.630866127447, -0.8990072760100001, -0.998618563759, -0.678284468431, -0.438853930278], [-0.571745489651, 1.86568126262, -0.38113196038, 0.47454813235200005, 0.476144715091, 2.1543320804099997, -0.292416191197, -0.0680763491115, -0.0543744105535, 1.58210612433, 0.472320983294, 1.7946057759099998, 1.3316722579, 1.94936807572, -0.741561112708, -0.0520801714752, -0.19819464757, 1.68112779915, 0.523577359263, -0.885887320292, -0.8308802927269999, -0.869556890592, -0.720186152453, -0.847506237992, -0.933062386708, -0.8248114413300001, -0.8021577772409999, -0.736051344812, -1.10779714588, -0.973441793177, -0.963924195274, -0.134498663718, 0.7912988862129999, -0.32848825864, -0.8819960991299999, 0.00312692811408, -0.900084047748], [-0.595413014735, 1.3950160679899999, -0.188064902384, -0.0043708353958900005, -0.633819506441, 1.8904074640700002, -0.263417739333, -0.0659540818076, -0.508183592084, 1.1110544256700001, -0.179838409917, 2.47129630345, 2.7678583274400004, 2.3118876107900004, -0.660919824802, 1.3448836449500001, -0.568562149433, 0.6024578470709999, -0.44124720310500004, -0.593999811298, -0.5466774196540001, -0.567282679036, -0.511453774313, -0.315316530211, -0.5689862742180001, -0.5839387198529999, -0.596653183992, -0.42206442659500004, -0.651764297089, 0.06491488830389999, -0.646632769275, -0.664022977193, -0.665378866469, -0.5829567372410001, -0.662803550202, -0.649724458834, -0.620328844817], [-0.635963549686, 2.91495358448, -0.665172602167, 0.7759970153550001, -0.0696817307407, 1.88215359713, -0.7212035440019999, -0.12239600343599999, 0.5409043782090001, 1.2591798986700002, 0.944261564848, 0.16839560911200002, -0.293596334266, 1.75377493931, -0.265716645108, 0.26124537229600003, -0.643721081056, 1.6569615468399999, -0.105820644901, -0.8965342361299999, -0.632008406761, -0.8108439655399999, -0.801485008131, -0.973822011994, -0.744058309687, -0.7997892337379999, -0.766816231029, -0.609907429517, -0.717321283933, -0.587919770138, -0.5600710312330001, 0.042298284514899996, -0.852505503223, -0.429747499391, -0.5738344094460001, 2.16187899633, -0.0820683218541], [0.270258411233, 0.6913910393580001, 0.6177085149679999, 0.572874903161, 0.572230861471, 0.286679396762, 0.6174384329689999, 0.166310082542, 0.650351040858, 0.89096086096, 0.8379042910660001, 0.64922085157, 0.7421789204629999, 1.08527447135, 0.14541820115499998, 0.6643579088279999, -0.45110983212300004, 0.6415629881270001, 0.495515108478, -1.6713378097999998, 0.523682583403, -2.32697183424, -0.777363485078, -0.538569031518, 0.432079079613, -0.32411478320500003, -2.4244406880200002, -2.24844902492, -2.3382990732700004, 0.656251293756, 0.389726067088, 0.467650956414, 0.509451339618, -1.09057591709, 0.033774613051200005, 0.15105668226900001, 0.42992257873000006], [0.713689301731, 1.0733761664, 0.047957059825599994, 1.09009716281, 0.189435506932, 0.6967535832080001, 0.569833295247, 0.744562437296, 0.09381389471939999, 0.853403123487, 0.204134211459, 0.24386170608600002, 0.41673642990000004, 0.23814228984900002, 0.393487881306, 0.775431668822, -0.173343356142, 1.0026857433299998, 0.295941578168, -2.3778160207299996, 0.0962656308264, -1.60507408664, 0.0602040282456, 0.119990472104, -0.693393672809, -0.26398107295, -2.28365803251, -1.18285897195, -2.43654095655, 1.05303222237, 0.637365351265, 0.7341737911480001, -0.862091856358, -0.536446254402, -1.65701146132, 1.10597879097, 0.621862414831], [-1.6827348143399998, -0.660315234593, -0.0653657503296, 0.532892891484, 0.64908243767, 0.45341152721100003, 1.2644970995799998, -0.344669284594, 0.373422102518, 1.21490872288, 1.36217159903, 0.96343467642, 1.1098316571200002, 0.848362489931, -0.27563231762400003, 0.670517548852, -0.391268549155, 1.21570650371, -1.54681255594, -1.55395712646, 0.437208178719, -1.59264109891, -0.851380477023, 0.7233353050210001, -1.7041619943700002, -0.0781134481846, -1.4758492515200001, -0.611613281033, -1.25444920957, 1.00850649395, 0.358801719141, 0.6109681087300001, 0.887875034743, -1.6006809568, -0.236113241274, 0.817723973845, 0.423100521149], [-0.0898682918383, -0.550459910854, -1.5588044300400001, 0.989631094649, 0.107917593933, -0.06786900815790001, 0.7953617251809999, -0.309505967353, 1.0623547337600001, 0.757849702641, 0.446597532134, 0.381356902517, 0.9486437745469999, 0.690368996551, 0.11573679015300001, 0.217929911337, -0.28656510625, 2.2215483979400004, -1.70145460528, -1.47822173009, -1.68910755857, -1.93977934474, -0.796873532124, -0.799693240385, 0.899165649003, 0.0917596444451, -1.06140157314, -0.624226520733, -0.432137516967, 1.6303438711200002, -0.13425786773600001, 0.598478004469, 0.127212363144, 0.5236090025919999, -0.7542931691429999, -0.227825689866, 1.89647937314], [0.39510657101499996, 0.0748246036718, -0.9571369607619999, 1.14871201083, 0.197121364824, 0.281309095377, 0.823969718268, 0.132250330967, 0.828516759408, 1.04698030222, 0.619189095672, 0.0811206765956, 0.6694791141449999, 0.634828776363, -1.13154285261, 0.463571460949, 0.044560081346500004, 2.16715413648, -1.39212612299, -0.699329279132, -1.30692383106, -1.3115958188099999, -0.806354516227, -0.5851341125330001, 0.8486360750509999, 0.04264347568850001, -1.0464440836700002, -0.343236832223, -0.6153184124459999, 1.72534906912, -0.040573999407599995, 0.510873265816, 0.08992487978599999, -1.2639058942899999, -0.809660639149, -2.35305627324, 1.83621876496], [0.648828141029, -0.14468616848500002, -0.777579910206, 0.459680582199, -0.378132785005, -0.400352249275, 0.316289162184, -0.00943149308677, 0.234699483394, 0.896045627688, 0.261020887917, -0.332387722836, 0.9654938994310001, 1.3373010741, 0.778957516092, 0.780378641337, 0.939177592841, 1.50821090559, -0.22327782103500002, -0.270464441785, -1.59404876609, -0.8616461309540001, -1.6950296956200002, -1.37915706564, -0.918089188725, -0.468782786326, -0.6414537747469999, -0.502813171734, 0.537827251882, 1.15102743067, -0.000518626077982, 1.95203506663, 1.65777908305, -1.64371297467, -0.706255565059, -2.12347182008, 0.646539811406], [1.25753283273, 0.490041208154, -1.1299186682100002, -0.174241213828, -0.17758133620000002, 0.409993484149, 0.948199307237, 0.048676312131900004, 0.281885139688, 1.55894665398, -0.202151674087, 1.03248150045, 1.34426395799, 1.88595194677, -1.27469763761, 1.5205507662600002, -1.13273007378, 1.18791634929, -0.959531918603, -1.1001842665000001, -0.9917394523440001, -1.0879958974500001, -0.110529523826, 0.112486906372, 0.0505460230957, -0.629411142321, -1.13445142839, -0.638820197073, -1.1351342885, -0.357941105149, -0.35165174258000004, 0.53188927465, -1.26051224469, -1.17523153955, -0.569742426082, 1.0645764517, 1.86825966211], [1.4861472515399998, -0.19939756522100002, -1.70966686034, -0.7846632868019999, 0.655897280683, 0.614424956456, -0.917765348877, -0.7897553748, 0.611386380783, 1.5889891845700002, 0.035843664329699994, 1.73943986073, 1.0806116886200001, 1.5275773940700001, -0.372294355448, 0.405877462171, -0.6753742354510001, -0.187098698732, 0.15348727883, -1.4416930594, -1.4596854679499998, -0.759459752199, -0.0153763843952, 0.33429682705200003, -1.39108513555, -0.659442278599, 0.331623070837, -0.8238177642100001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.19939756522100002, 1.89536636442, -0.0749955319102, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.75060218426, -0.458235229075, -0.366041063921, 1.31764835168, -0.8270815324259999, 1.4611129402399998, 0.10490984416000002, -0.634029646045, 0.49992064398999997, 2.25197805269, 2.06325070151, 1.16270775489, -0.560927061336, 0.233424087792, 1.99326365413, -0.420561295854, -0.786575089939, 1.7477379179099999, -0.318626619393, -0.469140166889, -0.905961678322, -0.7959244876520001, -0.261064949995, -0.7217900762010001, 0.775667983789, -0.793895934105, -0.710921352609, -0.75386974791, -0.547961812889, -0.5242264549610001, -0.330600712455, -0.7829235821259999, -0.930190106805, -0.746240247148, -0.28177669899700003, -0.758541382487, -0.675117187502], [0.9429588340100001, 0.610211693179, -0.784158152976, 1.21947591666, -0.48226021923, 1.26361059811, 0.0742963642788, 0.664840124629, 0.675523439145, 1.60028539966, 0.8157320287150001, 1.1653741070399999, 1.17390837893, 1.3405476781799999, 0.9381423478350001, 0.278345640482, -0.33932325465999996, 1.4236422199399998, 1.0136992821600002, -1.26545859075, -0.863309075785, -0.736241369279, -1.0618387362000001, -0.678914061389, 0.7108656154109999, -0.9624329415649999, -1.38540457116, -0.838847999461, -1.63751764028, 0.17524285419500002, 0.22636966150899998, 0.250773191462, -1.09076570107, -1.49240890468, -1.4434364594100002, -0.874700839321, -0.626826858338], [0.8003443007050001, -0.36752076041500004, 0.840384429865, -0.233018350503, -0.267734673906, 0.446207327478, 0.193514582824, -0.07032393421710001, -0.691440762314, 2.94385871622, 1.3379024660299998, 1.7376270591799998, -0.7272195894969999, 0.165933605905, 1.24706070153, 0.727008453147, -0.41722808354900004, 1.18473518407, 1.4303423470200003, 0.6473140001600001, -0.935154298299, -0.275350737938, -0.9357704581440001, 1.23516384004, -1.16683860873, -0.932529077709, -0.7888109481479999, -1.0142885126899999, -0.942184984826, -0.551574529603, -0.258425068118, 0.0180701211815, -1.0509795232299999, -1.24334144607, -1.1053596056200001, -1.06838385844, 0.0880106766025], [-0.309308272474, -0.5407005652870001, -0.19276502479200003, 1.2379283753299999, -0.35056128215899995, -0.144022776281, 0.46711915850900004, -0.289191673253, -0.0155532884336, 3.41207496686, -0.196135953289, -0.39792339297300006, 1.00914626472, 1.5251866888499999, 0.0653788085433, -0.44747264937299996, -0.478439649578, 3.76727152229, -0.364217192101, -0.437196920248, -0.47558222482699997, 0.031726579537400004, -0.399435633235, -0.55531511836, -0.443260273795, -0.408972718832, -0.452469416059, -0.34186461560599996, -0.4862583737899999, -0.374169090035, -0.44963563612400004, -0.416579667725, -0.427598152519, -0.551048256899, -0.645001451879, -0.448896992597, -0.476256102116], [-0.526577804585, -0.160445946149, -0.423370126345, 2.7029378641900004, -0.49409352241099996, -0.43904355098399994, -0.502027506389, -0.392533452447, -0.389840118194, 2.2820721115700002, 1.8997099093, 1.5118390594100002, 0.792887536619, 1.28101897834, -0.46151530742299995, -0.4593944736399999, -0.35900567019199997, 3.0181292005400002, -0.426479257986, -0.46903527473000006, -0.415504254787, -0.493331820773, -0.46944572996699996, -0.346801972359, -0.534408506985, -0.496720524961, -0.463615662961, -0.44444090379199996, -0.48372173704899996, -0.479819296046, -0.522048996426, -0.449211444265, -0.503863425474, -0.48319108342399997, -0.454322992017, -0.492559434834, -0.452224862375], [-0.17962366968, -0.263121962427, -0.454772721672, 2.6611339859400003, -0.514562307715, 0.6241102913050001, 0.911264427146, 0.051244763923300005, 2.7357896007, 1.93811100401, 2.09443800454, -0.391922106027, -0.407119475062, 0.477923051377, -0.533025059556, -0.676735517297, -0.549645964755, 1.9203280066900004, 0.464692381856, -0.742741068977, -0.49788644590899994, -0.547558147284, -0.43925361639, -0.0934447751003, -0.591276927747, -0.576925250175, -0.4797715747199999, -0.24559667424400003, -0.844268329868, -0.475617282149, -0.744188615309, -0.448222747924, -0.60716685673, -0.65015946301, -0.6964019788789999, -0.585672954607, -0.6423540242710001], [0.501132634791, -0.711624609527, -0.504156896754, 1.58206833924, -0.20824386467, 0.0227037347272, 1.08142775381, -0.0370407719757, 0.0815680191678, 0.25379461884599996, 0.217681935763, 1.8988688629799997, 1.16626639597, 1.12010387287, -0.18671981341, 2.13436509517, -0.567180493064, 0.889154273353, 0.9913535925700001, -0.6634383106449999, -0.09558797761320001, -0.546930799354, -0.719092838081, 1.6248617512999999, -1.7162030144999998, -0.708809613633, -0.911742768773, -0.532810815322, -0.431966857017, 0.9783043484209999, -1.3546573356099998, -0.564682385656, -0.686598797269, -0.791006205274, 0.0, -0.5992332705510001, -2.00592779026], [0.8507650707, -0.312913795196, -0.09774915923769999, 1.34353821234, 1.39785607509, 1.46243052231, 0.9583480745819999, -1.33663847153, -0.5633231113889999, -0.376485655033, 0.547930526606, 1.0745104024799998, 0.7445685631450001, 1.39415521525, 0.0991832302408, 2.1530409623, 0.676741836054, -0.606075470344, 0.515955425497, 0.47218121565899995, 0.274580495672, -0.674409628108, -0.449173093016, 0.279275718489, -0.950484651231, -0.156867637695, -0.327697497111, -0.229333046279, -0.914225288954, 0.480860549303, -1.6254819192200003, 0.0306108487788, -1.2308196458, -1.49992694925, 0.0, -1.59186352391, -1.8130644011800001], [-0.40635643646700004, -0.502434600156, -1.5761593112999999, -0.228286266697, 0.36300244333000004, 0.874541795621, 1.4012701257700002, -1.6857823069100002, 0.306936511491, -0.642454623319, 0.011482380455, 1.12332436648, 1.34198144596, 1.72278923351, 0.7198380167990001, 1.52546126489, 0.351742459651, 2.00216849648, 0.854151372665, 0.49894086525799997, -0.274465373807, -0.8422507920450001, -0.5533516620269999, 0.398827952279, -1.58734794477, 0.220307869477, -1.41684347522, -1.04982135119, -1.55694285815, 0.241336300025, -0.202942510062, 0.6694738614869999, -0.23923349370400002, -0.35105280546499995, 0.0, -0.195892237956, -1.3159587123799998], [0.324231017961, 0.219156235967, -0.393967199443, 1.58293995242, 0.49997264412299997, 0.8657575522859999, 0.04652007488, -1.86799482116, 0.275388830115, 1.00436243037, 1.2749811304, 1.2130651717799998, 0.393092067426, 2.13449998924, 0.778176606473, 1.07769398988, -0.505008161581, 0.79176848964, 0.225290838396, 0.29164130667800003, -1.0405062787700001, -0.187396063301, 0.105719473064, 0.5798592191790001, -1.47132329295, -1.0719545544600002, -0.894441210801, -1.3294997375, -1.8784032264400001, -0.0127971789562, -0.642074225765, -0.028046243376099997, -1.0856124985100002, 0.715219135859, 0.446448276875, -1.8784032264400001, -0.558356513578], [0.9937162878560001, -0.136853036031, 0.419866413245, 1.01670783475, -0.620662291909, 0.9312080658140001, -0.300486680907, -0.442518482886, -0.576575087267, 0.7854389583370001, 0.692485368163, 0.791097181091, 0.303902312848, 2.32781612508, 1.19219349935, 0.638800127767, -0.45678091828100004, 1.05233679267, -0.21051281549800002, 0.718158496775, -0.0850701792887, 0.0, -0.480218612993, 0.17479798238400002, -1.02400504213, -1.6214726080000001, -0.105553550783, -0.693689733036, -0.6521297390240001, 1.10096659729, 0.0, 0.0, -1.43773762965, -1.7367278472, 0.0, -2.40659671485, -0.15190107369699998], [-0.539801636009, -0.139840620976, -0.204546977794, 1.21776135166, 0.405700098384, 0.32328460673, 0.270932587504, -0.851259946969, 1.2083046522499998, -0.909296954714, 1.4769230327, 2.1970433426400002, 0.0767142256498, 1.08147030166, 0.105818864144, 0.99640181998, 0.105818864144, 2.1107147917099995, -0.11111888463500001, -0.548459042841, -0.42722740403899995, 0.568693862638, 0.09302622955150001, 1.3284682039700002, 0.10236177823699999, -0.275238415307, -0.45078980418000003, -0.005435591404659999, -2.75062647414, -0.9823133239849999, -0.302160083232, -0.16243798668099999, -0.562436239145, -1.0104369979799999, -1.37415764395, -0.660562257094, -1.40129232847], [-0.573838422112, -0.109329343379, 0.0254027190862, 2.8126605364899997, 0.32690190768000005, 1.12951770469, 0.652742123962, -0.8433162903010001, 1.13561081455, -0.5648954620100001, 2.02071910575, 2.00691787118, 0.349573815942, 1.53833873604, -0.479320756782, 0.507161832623, -0.324762445478, 0.976501391902, 0.42194990080899997, -0.9064366955769999, -0.8149011459100001, -0.0228783575789, -0.938882296424, -0.93007669162, 0.06349273728730001, -0.0410918464204, 0.171764852487, -0.15597092191700002, -0.665047406304, -0.502709541923, -0.5766992400959999, -0.09815075365800001, -0.43733239269100005, -1.06144769487, -1.15548056881, -1.46834388831, -1.46834388831], [0.225668480443, -0.259357917544, 0.12741727585999998, 1.0597751761299998, 0.223118087684, 0.626387373897, -0.35192098659599996, -1.19388630999, 1.05218671753, 0.312555042595, 0.7209788798010001, 0.694976971669, 0.6704079778140001, 0.4401709983, -1.2015632975, 1.5354659382, 1.58352224109, 1.10174060694, 0.0969916361511, 1.0893532395899999, 0.124647229165, 0.0, -1.32908018851, 0.5862195276100001, 1.13112867516, -0.913955957079, -1.79113465599, -1.41351915391, -0.657092706259, 1.39224252274, -0.329367629717, 0.0, -2.07489300374, -0.610018597387, -1.07263302388, -1.07567821588, -0.520852954392], [0.19593434482299998, -0.544117339496, 0.804971208787, 1.11881204244, -0.816657891182, 0.336627859204, 0.613938895872, 0.795646130354, 1.53674956047, -0.0438229962189, 0.869976762203, 0.9644545760529999, 0.640202012398, 0.983161285358, 0.896027274148, 0.901211178591, 0.443804787533, 1.5716023614599999, 0.759571749367, 0.690228393866, -0.741640375677, -0.877840952478, -0.027552444282499998, -1.48695789248, -1.2646244393000001, -0.0925666524955, 0.518119772006, -0.893587441404, -2.40459903321, 0.625091833168, -1.05979352559, -0.0398229841301, -1.0825958353799998, -1.86355101045, 0.0, -1.08559134302, -0.940809871301], [1.2888854322, 0.7605244290690001, 0.052733692959599995, 1.01198959551, 0.924192568442, -1.67008698909, -0.0663832829223, -0.0404935541587, 0.507759070133, 0.340490746249, 1.49631306791, 1.05603798348, 0.265670112518, 1.11918621775, 0.0254015056857, 0.841075460511, 1.7916142911099997, 1.69619276146, 0.0107117983473, 0.66598412083, -0.0315736897895, -0.616000423023, -0.48952452277900005, -1.27493141105, -2.0312774603, -0.6836443775640001, -0.691906982825, -0.5194945395480001, -1.8313228928, 0.20904738795699998, -0.452640417866, 0.202996280468, -0.478117193319, -1.1791832572799998, 0.0, -1.60591759585, -0.604307932432], [0.606721336881, -0.7762927650579999, -0.705737592216, -0.636829585666, -0.420251014839, -0.6726706331569999, 0.645764265578, -0.08466016620930002, 0.738714007176, -0.706240877832, 2.76683359393, 1.9608917025400001, -0.43279267356600004, -0.111071172999, -0.278134644972, 0.984941571271, 1.7343037655000002, 2.2535353296, -0.671876317164, 1.9073486776099997, -0.5516906180059999, -0.6159760555839999, -0.584796964635, -0.6003386432710001, -0.651189090155, -0.619699822092, -0.656200611379, -0.6806953034819999, -0.676806328, 0.584414296059, -0.7944974810619999, 0.818156000485, -0.620481555945, -0.604677840559, -0.49140083057800005, -0.6338262834589999, -0.722789674749], [0.38602664016000005, 0.135101197092, -0.436527980312, -0.222564781876, 0.27496555300500003, 0.8945809587639999, 1.69234093551, -0.28743887858, 0.254607280444, -0.059750780713900005, 1.70301142882, 0.46939587684699996, 1.09695805205, 1.02027531963, 0.331416616219, -1.3209559340700001, -0.638213211397, 1.36811178615, -0.0854139208415, -0.853680504729, -0.00753113173188, 0.368116506527, -1.55476264215, -0.653899413887, -0.289553828501, -0.5287422085310001, 0.746067963429, 0.832912682676, 0.0, 0.0, -2.62337019625, -0.0138547834515, -1.9976286002900001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.717091242089, -0.43461048662100005, 0.331726060081, -0.18383114006200002, 0.921591587437, 0.075401998764, 1.5246728078999998, 0.76597316837, 1.1482595558, 0.21400849088799997, 1.36063093729, 0.789893969314, 1.2484065099600001, 1.00047177912, 0.0410259597236, 0.526282475336, 0.09982446576659999, 0.6379560841740001, 0.36929125370800003, -1.47518356648, -0.30717663421, -0.279310328833, -2.7079300988300004, -0.317464241905, -0.475626807478, -0.386185756055, -0.416442064055, 0.54349424967, 0.0, 0.0, -2.07589270815, -0.0279496261254, -1.79421665241, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.030419358239999996, -0.036457271813099996, 0.283440964544, -0.0342026983332, 0.609560205415, -0.874718879081, 1.8413406388900002, 1.15325455621, -0.132194477316, -1.0786366411, 1.15325455621, 0.973484254706, 1.8261439144, 0.0259259140202, 0.64703938747, 0.43327258683700004, -0.24393575345899998, 0.995942005229, -0.904798692673, -0.31068700327599996, 0.867903528766, -0.479092999692, -1.8944323908400003, -0.522465870264, -1.13893291437, -0.515099194012, 0.194908548841, 0.737846971416, 0.0, 0.0, -1.2035986589899998, 0.0944851000317, -2.49896904601, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.030208779310900002, 0.155919780861, 0.38520920885399995, 0.742190344805, -0.609049961096, 0.369474745849, 1.57201963025, 0.831139251046, 1.13111775766, -1.15052928741, 1.1567036328799998, 1.98681502775, 1.9469888978299998, 0.17550458713300002, -0.0398735034249, -0.0327736150581, 0.187242795612, -1.055713453, -0.509322485632, -1.31843670965, -0.530853770405, -0.7707740752069999, -1.29725101015, -0.63319866759, -0.868930795652, -0.9389268981960001, 0.926855166754, 1.30931059138, 0.0, 0.0, -1.48994699896, -0.6063662860369999, -0.994335121892, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.501818828995, 0.263156747453, 0.126287906767, -0.396294488806, 1.07131675847, 0.457892352824, 1.9035753100900001, 0.8840459485340001, 1.11256079974, -1.5123072269799998, 0.494869093203, 1.6080722244299999, 1.3736621745299997, 0.7429286726890001, -0.539384664525, 0.938523496757, -0.569763250149, -0.343920617799, -0.280787544886, -1.6726528567200003, -0.9126104004100001, -0.399959203235, -2.20619100801, -1.21655228769, -0.43913094132700004, 0.209162569168, 0.23661478436299999, 0.7292834155679999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.253991592335, 0.0763062562608, -1.4908767836399999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.15368470707, 0.0787369151271, 0.0135130392299, -0.49364988803000004, -1.74908335366, -0.37221626845, 1.05183379249, 0.847578765907, 1.50357961587, -0.398616691412, 0.917245768094, 1.33362434864, 1.0111598844399998, -0.0032402278245399997, -0.198699885176, 1.66756343402, -0.265753917973, 0.623325040521, 1.7078004726499998, -1.2385895836399998, -0.052003160460199996, 0.24107495748799998, -1.48473021528, -0.35416365688199997, -0.631102751146, 0.22882783793900002, -0.44420246533200003, 0.541562717923, 0.0, 0.0, -1.5961124132, -0.0901496257918, -2.24142777901, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.29257475995, 0.7185953629430001, 0.0017309523003800002, -1.01386326117, 0.118370426741, 0.200309160229, -0.146515546341, 1.10769669708, 2.091787041, -0.0982964968215, 0.29525837213399997, 1.3399582262799998, 2.12095875868, -0.165144404725, -0.35562422076, 0.348763733519, 0.161419952705, 0.0876176928103, 0.529720340639, -0.8618145539100001, -0.0033075012265900003, -0.49470339819799997, -1.14224918926, -0.914013599984, -0.310414837033, 0.118370426741, -0.0009353808360499999, 0.255718977542, 0.0, 0.0, -0.47199385938500005, 0.25647939906399997, -3.4813045108, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.322479727575, 1.47134256518, 0.800277169329, 0.9935005559829999, -0.50906214133, 0.62613516724, 1.4945163660299998, 0.189046173829, 0.574151805105, 0.037078887655199996, 1.01833187747, 1.71094559155, 1.55261035176, 0.38694487441299996, -0.45996263042900004, 0.7945839253620001, 0.290940648365, -0.385162480669, 0.483784083321, -2.05534901199, -1.0831289396200001, -0.27042306996, -1.59017010894, -0.9054823721520001, -0.5305936589670001, -1.4340694846000002, -1.27624322735, -0.8408591459289999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.787052723961, 0.685419060935, -0.659570380066, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.19540503501200002, 0.5282909969, 0.227811518253, -0.0442160886532, -0.281282419403, 0.489249468878, 1.12095437549, 0.764931929541, 0.318165287074, -0.30885758423799997, 0.613213847081, 1.3195741735700002, 1.68485488982, 0.515848022041, 0.237986145475, 0.632501242707, 0.0325199974052, -0.279053803493, 0.532815519658, -3.09380874582, -0.15840704086899998, 0.661826055149, -2.9178012735100003, -0.615484539758, -0.7392922994050001, -0.132126056374, -0.28626107290999997, -0.240779486696, 0.0, 0.0, -0.282769176589, 0.587709213978, -1.08351813031, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0533339035584, 0.530499527444, 0.49615568303999996, 0.484034445054, -0.726252119585, 0.263656031877, 0.846314699721, 0.559340125172, 0.52310496735, 0.054842891578699995, 0.6595124602970001, 1.3640657284200002, 0.570641980589, 1.7162154057799999, 0.686990177904, 0.743975881458, -0.811634823854, 0.669061955315, 0.953241025588, -2.3191740929900004, -0.728083184474, -0.5887292992100001, -1.8010018388999998, -2.2302121736, 0.334614102997, -1.43930882086, -0.026789392440900003, -0.395013816996, 0.0, 0.0, -0.279894786778, 0.872344691939, -1.0358513354, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.0784455897343, 0.636180356029, 0.9943973068999999, 0.6817147846789999, 0.163087775277, -0.258030449297, 0.8860425983050001, -0.102503847362, 1.2968037008700002, 1.9524204791599997, -0.425190950523, 1.3328827857799999, 1.26707637957, 0.00488061450618, -0.36653607313000003, 1.22605832401, 0.0450671232277, -0.062526815002, -0.253303040056, -3.1215042128400006, -0.823924266707, 0.00645855200755, -0.9835966690639999, -0.8684426492399999, -1.1830266149, -0.604369123535, -0.852295385403, 0.21149576542999998, 0.0, 0.0, -0.633978744833, 0.792204821143, -0.8790969352570001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.551694346624, 1.01887584208, -0.413121175058, 0.144625592077, 1.01245978316, 0.646294722429, 1.14129542225, 0.583492552199, 1.08680965301, 0.449558471887, 0.434624203692, 1.1897745221200002, 1.17489228019, 0.505362277317, 0.0895758621466, 1.03212151719, 0.32147169211, -0.0198331308303, 0.572092107924, -0.999067220027, 1.3352631469399998, -0.689355978746, -0.9877469415569999, 0.396378676464, -1.5717198875, -1.8959839601099997, -1.7305833875599999, -1.4247402415500001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.18244316326, -0.133258907995, -1.53541998437, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.6733482969779999, 0.800709594826, -0.876322034579, 0.34529845744800003, 1.4572146213600001, 0.009602864525790001, 1.0277339540700001, 0.41065776406099996, 1.0477605591099999, 0.7037835363030001, 0.5247614300600001, 1.0277339540700001, 0.970158910809, 0.34290639793399996, 0.559211835135, 0.893051705309, -0.738666898981, 1.8025423045299998, 0.621809273118, -1.15551800723, 0.131023265212, -1.03120765473, -1.9458615426900003, -0.7866983652580001, -1.16801070963, -1.36059279666, -1.27353164594, -0.799718386693, 0.0, 0.0, -1.02036618446, 1.0878091922600002, -0.9339270963249999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.06172550812, 0.870231778252, -0.415024978817, -1.4570309103999999, 0.457983179458, 1.00543612592, 0.919085703028, 0.6267132499270001, 1.6623465458700002, 0.542165983176, 0.956189323883, 1.29475725961, 0.6167644408030001, 0.7541084090629999, 0.227347635385, 1.9033871964500002, -0.12214782909399999, 0.511901451117, 1.13793673145, -1.1801798861700001, -0.343736672095, -0.100948298812, -1.0551548472, -0.736776062251, -0.8073071874950001, -0.325747344518, -0.8545586071279999, -1.71913799942, 0.0, 0.0, -1.50023519054, -0.816840687236, -0.989803004095, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.267183035354, 1.2803760235100001, -0.42214291422399997, 1.4075811055200003, 0.508323850734, 0.15327598136499998, 0.46111924951300004, 0.528350567699, 1.52491625206, 0.640888582193, 0.574554583829, 0.907901667888, 0.528350567699, 0.860340958107, 0.398887619604, 0.6525093793810001, 0.5449088436289999, 0.41564798282, 0.574554583829, -1.67772036843, 0.591779623014, -0.5883107309510001, -0.8536283756380001, -1.50383504629, -1.60758806384, -1.10435245264, -0.0809206632508, -1.6958422177099999, -0.9179907058, 1.90178902973, -1.31180674049, -0.29631018828899996, -0.684051899461, -0.602109096862, -1.64673340023, -0.5305070529020001, 1.3349765002399998], [0.538830295831, 0.532535317962, -0.703380244859, 0.6173937924849999, -0.182018137839, 0.100448807946, 2.13537178974, -0.49500504762599995, 1.13228569566, -1.6809890844100002, 0.865736576409, 1.60303647699, 1.70755332046, 0.7900780721940001, 0.024399625371799998, 0.498930950049, 0.28856288749000003, 1.25381358496, 0.418885355766, -1.30559280454, -0.723898390259, -0.57094853605, -1.25656698205, -1.04840243733, -1.16808946268, -0.25927571041999997, 0.19243746377, -0.565285751719, 0.0, 0.0, -1.38460807036, -0.0468381331507, -1.3094012198, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.625058910594, 0.229892912197, -0.895213510194, -0.09139077970730002, -0.129519244185, 0.061742732774, 1.5557948804700001, 0.338877173292, 1.7189084265999999, -0.649442541697, 0.556719129501, 0.9067436197650001, 1.82039041001, 0.9038393174580001, -0.6384319159749999, 0.9660162063200002, 0.976141268989, 1.15306686587, 0.36902475792499995, -1.11976019646, -0.859623639303, -1.24444877789, -1.0603385676100001, -0.667782965177, -1.75476802426, -1.10303245631, -1.44817849544, -1.33817544718, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0429094487901, 1.04538099258, -0.530958385073, 0.0, 0.346376790914, 0.0, 0.0], [0.186190217788, 0.268244383772, -0.028348153230000003, 1.3029217885, 0.967376413223, 0.161272294399, 1.62402012728, -0.553446209824, 0.025661161689299997, -0.8108843135100001, 1.17877053808, 1.4773334599099999, 1.10748411564, 0.78680621771, -0.000187160149208, 0.8548562129989999, 0.51153044006, 1.32952380925, -0.227688543798, 0.853962793529, 0.239480569814, -2.1772359661099996, -1.35726798229, -1.30168466455, -1.19594724154, -0.9973051704479999, -0.920514075951, -0.959142293421, 0.0, 0.0, -0.514152400223, -1.23532715809, -0.5963032105080001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.511837167722, 1.1626682523799998, 0.633169940506, -1.61153138014, 0.7465920217759999, 1.0165673659, 1.107424127, 0.459309014154, 0.8761017578210001, 0.23751094327, 0.792230999074, 0.856257250773, 0.9381963290340001, 0.674688967695, 0.31851903868000003, 0.578661693408, -0.109475031154, -0.43113662599200003, 0.483016882175, -2.4840288522, 0.485016340923, -0.411281952204, -1.1007606863700001, 0.858353535611, 0.336356825023, -0.9905053023549999, -0.0718498651554, -0.43221042732500004, -2.47825414422, -0.19089463744399998, -2.5296871947099997, -0.257960744224, -0.8312626948690001, 0.0215025884083, 0.179393019554, 0.866879072794, -0.209413595327], [0.168342575804, 0.7179247420110001, -0.6018199178600001, -1.63906149505, 1.64127594015, 0.304180255075, 0.8372133370029999, -1.02250510504, 0.915894004691, -1.48249722304, 0.481000453514, 1.03204631537, 0.9404054819769999, 0.8270891572560001, 1.25966757131, 0.567985127834, -0.348839747045, 0.7772191867460001, 1.0067175984899999, -1.61283677971, -0.44508665192599994, 0.0438495145252, -1.7833175982599998, 0.5426366053689999, -0.27596798189800004, 0.0827121892017, 0.0011878712625599998, -0.184137713387, 0.0, 0.0, -2.25645873548, 0.351636069705, -0.8464550486, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.40755472180200003, 0.587318921643, 0.19996108863200002, -0.826578622265, 1.0992737378, -0.292684214159, 1.31898625658, 0.5373264309870001, 0.697398784719, 0.0989037933001, 2.15675761059, 1.10383945667, 1.23708201933, 0.342245863745, -0.181794530486, 0.9525331914630001, -1.93157216518, 1.04938529149, -0.12155558803, -1.14881667234, -0.8132612364749999, -1.70013133991, -0.306248848751, -0.000414346054181, 0.326793329083, 0.00532611735876, -1.70236858349, -0.341854743943, 0.0, 0.0, -1.7388205319099999, 0.406048684615, -0.605524433212, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.348771111355, 0.108830954092, 0.568046566368, 0.43553609758100004, -0.41414792297200004, -0.332394928937, 1.40662515896, 0.47055770668700003, 0.36854553107, -0.663559024417, 0.9015843556470001, 1.2013967497, 1.67176010912, 0.189750061046, 0.10944578406099999, 0.5644246670699999, -3.65817534256, 1.04613879001, -0.262913128633, -1.60101021368, -0.007739648749110001, 0.04775405332259999, -1.20560110922, -0.0228424044808, -0.857883568749, 0.127713123624, 0.576324459164, 0.49547926794200003, 0.0, 0.0, -0.7310348176610001, -0.267001118479, -0.6143813182769999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.625691885845, 0.409423221564, 0.6328726438100001, 1.08922880868, -0.585119851565, -0.335169792756, 1.2530451610100002, 1.32738151911, 0.33776261426200005, 0.261840742442, 0.114829827291, 1.48763680198, 1.5806116830599999, 0.538943293281, 0.8312889558580001, -0.135140796323, -0.696348681025, 1.65766199847, -0.35494816661399997, -1.6825268256900001, -0.257795970652, -0.923559908455, -1.4391173341799999, -0.781242236099, -2.48555506338, 0.022687084203499998, -0.30007493302, 0.0574307846584, 0.0, 0.0, -0.644013100433, -0.361853450143, -1.2458709151799998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.483200680633, -0.208377923103, 0.135679187781, -0.838226500045, 0.23656781093899998, 0.30409994767799997, 0.617116185702, 1.1769998247600002, -0.527715263457, -0.139337950672, 0.6650593541659999, 1.68595406463, 0.510673278881, 0.0198636487654, 0.102330783361, -1.028885026, -2.69604087425, 0.6091258959520001, 1.65381658571, -0.7228907789929999, 0.319699901019, 0.433966126476, -0.7066699496600001, -0.5301847625330001, -1.5369719937000001, 1.9149138995099997, 0.842090962481, 0.445324012488, 0.0, 0.0, -1.37493501324, 0.264377747404, -1.14422250142, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.595812154061, -0.0933802954243, 1.1577886513700002, 0.625261579407, 0.5104288727, 0.216947131736, 1.8760040067099997, 0.411925242069, -0.0735876869526, -0.859897737388, 0.5716406497909999, 2.36556795933, 2.28236114898, 0.168174203948, 1.45250376054, 0.006359157891930001, -0.511133446282, -1.07577653609, -0.618958344519, -1.61245377462, -0.0921486821097, -0.162820902894, -1.00325566479, -0.193976429547, -0.343616856573, 0.531203338446, -0.420876041281, -0.276314524213, 0.035443132619800005, -0.0112581526766, -0.708396950163, 0.545504842603, -1.6284949832, -1.5622568539100001, 0.0, -1.6228312676199999, -0.48149070193899995], [-0.138549388191, -0.476655325478, 0.391673850812, -0.305853935376, 0.9863015847740001, -0.38601032628700005, 1.31548995878, 0.8588285575069999, 0.232538166696, -0.574369072902, 0.445687845413, 2.62690063967, 1.2006221075499999, -0.0172730137093, 1.31198013885, -0.201737155491, -0.653713666388, -0.612707367448, -0.7381792405930001, -1.30364796099, -0.038011536498199994, -0.341593494795, -0.355377783666, 0.689328351573, -1.79187651945, 1.80049886817, -0.159146080736, -0.353840505353, 0.0, 0.0, -1.24471237521, -0.389225462277, -1.77736985896, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.46286726925399996, 0.393886063591, -0.060586741888800005, 0.22311248615200002, 0.344357400782, 0.091881798204, 2.35815110397, 1.2506486406100001, -0.34721338288599995, 0.192125701118, 0.677765343483, 2.0691947665, 2.55899025863, -0.211774376708, 0.726019359387, -0.426054134174, -0.00527637954776, 0.22311248615200002, -0.07910016375580001, -0.756934940196, 0.14647466757400002, -0.599481674205, -0.8405849749590001, -0.73865402692, -1.3466857457499999, -0.278146591453, -0.5410075215969999, -1.7266996516, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0542641288099999, -0.915819787731, -0.8645685847169999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.6249385841100001, -0.8349125295990001, 0.40230458046800005, 0.918788167729, 0.57020324774, -0.53376713104, 1.84212459249, 1.6843174243599999, -0.46995874061099996, 0.348877812878, 1.35979754716, 1.12193090161, 1.8180273245900003, 0.805082316461, 0.828095893115, -1.00146143988, 0.246292766384, 0.520450761508, -1.53359958974, -0.729828386646, 0.0472172836331, -1.1186444160299998, 0.24263102120900001, 0.233095083592, -0.729828386646, -0.518950370041, -1.44188198676, -1.1450665334899999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.747704089845, 0.062331161932899996, -0.621025702425, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.222640234982, 0.08397505709139999, -1.25407039484, -0.38795558593900004, 0.545768982874, -0.333209510576, 0.287754125915, 1.48047903731, 1.00039388159, 1.7288592048, 1.3953399309999999, 1.00172623365, 1.58127267885, 0.684730139129, -0.0229433184265, 0.426908201979, 0.944597266518, 0.372517947491, 0.51458980733, -1.0857727207899999, -1.2417404245700001, -0.38795558593900004, -0.6715453775560001, -1.2265435009299999, -2.07801595941, -1.09255459223, -1.7137731081999998, -0.247118877698, 0.0, 0.0, -0.000536307199844, 0.316039666649, -0.843857132854, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.365891005061, 0.157320260417, -0.124476594403, 0.8662610988330001, 0.324323500298, 0.106048534188, 0.783083514883, 1.1139134787, 0.5798986037830001, 1.4682709306600001, 0.756582400335, 1.19013425661, 0.12455213632, 0.8159041205249999, -0.439634162525, 1.2442120075799998, 0.617453250077, -0.0429226696717, 0.608755645579, -1.57365707058, -1.25953265634, 0.09041879774089999, 0.55275879528, -0.42473740876599997, -0.398026665902, -1.16352609771, -1.9046059161400002, -0.774159692104, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8304898588599998, 0.521425842958, -2.35143938682, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.43034796668799996, 1.31058007582, -0.663447585117, 0.26237495477, 0.9495952262369999, 0.514886590573, -1.29224201545, 1.5994417924899997, -0.553718841157, 2.18054418083, -0.05766303318509999, 0.464308622847, 1.31536042345, 0.604665058116, -0.219972044137, 0.719786605743, 0.923061993854, 0.016575384128, -1.0835808342, -0.745397136348, -1.7484536586000001, 0.380411923816, -0.061828620352, -1.56800524928, -0.137312825258, -0.219972044137, -3.01689298385, -1.02970952671, 0.756848633003, 0.188954125492, -0.270758217598, 0.903584622125, -0.0405618538619, -0.37921575568000004, 0.20079706687899998, -0.0669559702832, 0.294258881728], [0.15754358101, 1.4655752096999999, -0.8731890688700001, -0.236110670845, -0.630284565739, 1.06773377965, 0.104091749415, 0.884833030476, -0.320713317544, 1.23278419545, 1.5309017630700001, 0.9287731844320001, 0.827870633318, -0.7316755926430001, 0.813171025456, 0.35577068308399995, 2.43403229653, 1.30176581708, -0.333742927551, 0.18818495326600002, -0.0065066494455899996, -0.39767602156, -0.0006245395917810001, -0.556215882438, -0.13575212989, -1.72942762658, -1.84787393867, -0.73107661479, 0.0839186059959, -0.8550984643449999, -1.5783979392899998, -0.198654437982, -0.622891694337, 0.433134027915, 0.289150972232, -2.16776041285, -0.145563013118], [-0.644134301905, 1.2149081824099999, -0.44705923033100003, -0.833281317417, -0.617267954491, -0.844974327949, 1.37283470475, 1.4271128445200003, 0.807177844608, 1.25738865267, -0.7714765912129999, 1.11104439062, 1.0208078623299999, 1.44807841905, 1.4712545684, 1.16191142294, 1.5074178448700002, 0.0029992961437100003, 1.28240491729, 0.19508396182, -0.905517055147, -0.819279164342, -0.674746222497, -0.9769088760340001, 1.10589671938, -0.822159224381, -0.9492490031380001, -0.791127560372, -0.9579523108920001, -0.00978128176332, -0.954833030331, 0.5936469483519999, -1.00674831369, -1.11969860907, -0.8361752212360001, -0.829142027128, -1.1684569567899998], [-0.367842544696, -0.484875946583, 0.114654254878, -0.677069831355, 1.17530973976, 1.29806131138, 0.07328988984330001, 1.59387020208, 1.2717271462200002, 1.74992119199, -0.699521283792, 1.35819791674, 0.9270978650030001, 1.46834904634, 1.6188174018700001, 0.098985102586, 1.6605757283000002, -0.9857877737530001, 1.64151186961, -0.844622359972, -0.7625637989219999, 0.139137552301, -0.905059276923, -0.93709224963, -0.758707561034, -0.751152353695, -0.7563963472409999, -0.15547167262599998, -0.667922972595, -0.8507542484389999, -0.7842103372720001, -0.946048252472, -0.753465938369, -0.5757379838000001, -0.884076190097, -0.759062798032, -0.8820644975990001], [-0.0022952418908600003, -0.75520266656, 0.737010045799, 1.47113128468, 1.18213573017, -0.855029541851, -0.048980840781800004, 1.23308802211, 0.27423473150100003, 1.60877151758, -0.8325464492129999, 0.383110481793, 0.600728250206, 1.12067792161, 1.6295854718599998, 0.991822786223, 1.79781651968, 2.4540627340900003, 0.017497789603900003, -0.718880137754, 0.0311019375929, 0.0071484614213, -0.8548160396150001, -0.6843832709280001, -0.249090755482, -0.889630310865, -0.8559536009800001, -0.8107129128280001, -0.8980416956720001, -0.818863536662, -0.9085250911920001, -0.962582047513, -0.876975359631, -0.819416899601, -0.911684052852, -0.902863427495, -0.883449806567], [-0.7846636541680001, -0.238659576761, 0.922868644804, 1.39650871703, -0.718315065723, -0.9457784519079999, 1.30936189051, 1.18431075662, 2.16685693459, 1.1151356405, -0.911023315308, 0.158154439574, 1.26759837991, 1.1762653543700001, 0.0183139553099, -0.126493491633, 2.12049916034, -0.7535163529860001, 0.518832972687, 0.121932990736, -0.56093759591, 1.74055725625, -0.546807677981, -0.9922439552240001, -0.789384145811, -0.865570900448, -0.431798742596, -0.564117779595, -0.996170081053, -0.946428634886, -0.752467898929, 0.725339247635, -0.513196210518, -0.950139846676, -0.935365730717, -0.8856378867039999, -0.733819345327], [-0.399521980577, 0.397741609877, -0.369595132933, -0.0894887481322, -0.5545641002830001, -0.665734825016, 0.9170851267899999, 1.3364268861700002, 1.1517005738700001, 0.707628800985, 0.268640814656, 0.965685011937, 1.9954304651599997, 1.09830754965, -0.399521980577, 1.18213036312, 2.9013288849900003, 0.114684791692, -1.3395315215799999, -0.74306844362, 0.33373076788899997, -0.15554225111300002, -0.369595132933, -0.5179702373139999, -0.500562166395, -0.977515910989, -1.62047649894, -0.9565245055760001, -0.10076762208699999, 0.34969970416199997, -0.14041074725, 0.344652018739, 0.533620355609, -0.9358019754829999, -1.31364112699, -0.798320879113, -1.6503379384], [-0.5405787325429999, -0.676151103603, -0.33176873976300003, 0.904255133142, -1.00598234683, -1.0451285908399999, 0.8950359178299999, 1.1355802658, 1.48237807866, 1.9123606254099998, -0.8929776995049999, 0.134986474298, 1.26162522175, -0.182938421359, 1.51930557622, 1.5640072069, 1.1839934401, -0.363157404814, -0.820521045378, -0.226849346701, 0.15600492192399998, -1.0722160914799999, -0.768597412014, -1.13581674839, -0.17689809470600001, -0.729070908847, -0.881937524844, -0.918444351573, 0.7427394471250001, 0.942709509976, -0.75561504301, 1.50519606259, -1.02851258023, -1.00848494872, -1.11059986963, 1.15100486264, -0.818935739592], [0.016064231872, -0.52810039617, -2.12663590542, -0.335869187941, 0.44144260015000003, -0.647561017763, 0.279139278652, 1.25653657392, 0.377904161382, 0.728379077703, -1.2854384158299998, 1.02326787191, 0.733574016214, -0.0917647683685, 0.13279772078500002, 0.55644313599, 0.6745331899789999, 1.3482945908000001, -0.0429418680898, -2.21021476466, -2.13668244041, -2.11870543271, -0.333807455471, 0.554037501391, 0.177355450524, 0.616498865576, 0.470430076988, 0.165293111358, -2.0645307655900003, 0.388660344579, 0.798916540906, 0.587105315378, 0.458746926326, 0.130872092904, 0.26547448999, 1.05219205732, 0.688293195843], [1.4714234789700003, -0.45881429961099995, -2.1840978515400002, -1.4681836951499998, 0.502970670955, -1.00893117452, 0.6781042486159999, 0.384195698089, 0.528888880985, 0.609603750841, 0.132558630817, 1.8274646060799997, 1.2837305026899999, -0.49562667395599996, 0.022186364463299996, 0.943457918855, 0.6298754685760001, 0.6298754685760001, 0.89602834984, -1.75805172565, -0.910955676629, -0.683331657587, -1.99555003564, -0.144689246242, -0.30823084191, 0.0616716651294, -0.55698943278, 0.6271133514289999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.404840768736, 0.5669903703220001, 1.18081519714, 0.0, -0.598661542416, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.302327428544, -0.12115287820999998, -1.60779718472, 1.18409384393, 0.0963773304446, -0.101546678687, 0.382903283429, 0.199262714223, 0.992691472009, 0.271630979718, -0.39688773942500005, 1.3488092546700001, 1.4520315525100003, 0.62379345533, 0.295996759309, 1.22622931358, -0.598998846584, 0.616287415465, -0.0162223483361, -2.93960216888, -0.162873908438, 0.8416527945360001, -2.12022333906, 1.9708183795599996, 0.402241984072, -1.3788614676, -0.581398244275, -0.545783378446, -0.711031829876, -0.026551947877500003, 0.208243842293, 1.29822486925, -0.576570609155, -0.06764381043499999, -0.33135692065, 0.0125914880532, -0.837050003179], [0.0124947542577, 0.936437437228, -0.14366904964000002, 0.0291072214358, 0.907096675677, 0.294623606275, -2.0817478452700002, 1.31973771358, -1.58491536288, 1.7556605195299997, -0.863890704759, 0.29712162849199997, 0.684763381523, 0.8212099466580001, 0.463338994595, 0.7522385607459999, -0.44297084133299997, 0.327079481783, -0.0741938868463, 0.387278624854, -0.772938809996, 0.616867665236, 0.943815830412, 0.668127276402, -3.5123486816100002, -0.0913376565508, -0.486872495501, -1.26357599995, -0.5984835345989999, 0.717722525786, -0.8786688304029999, 0.680867334631, 0.580697216201, -0.0759197833905, 0.163525832392, -0.570788851921, 0.0825101069487], [0.47067705761600004, 0.21113249278700003, 0.752661465833, 0.116633724892, 1.7255271631400002, 0.968040684029, -1.6572187460699999, 0.47777631063000003, -2.03281094079, 1.98829643148, 0.10829608378599999, 0.7254869872959999, -0.715681262745, 0.39546495160800005, -0.464227730673, 0.623033966093, -0.43396107150300006, -1.3008256434899998, 1.03805259636, -0.578872669782, -0.564395476558, 0.10829608378599999, -0.27513830747400003, 0.5583521702750001, -1.5253012992, -1.59332076013, -0.7718577946240001, -0.548176975193, 0.0, 0.0, 0.632400666765, 1.47974889335, 0.0819109485149, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.9082471028679999, 0.444142459758, 0.726791815873, 0.067402784938, 2.0195080703599997, -0.301276429203, 0.432939768945, 0.8981988838189999, -1.90628819038, 1.4366479186899999, 1.0696590843, 1.4270477263999999, -1.5606572788799997, 1.07876902322, 1.7818727447999998, -0.47687620923, -0.517657859508, 0.29936953321800003, -0.469493284098, -1.57421784409, -1.8029031895299998, 0.0, -0.990002883926, -0.816708501613, 0.062135103120499996, -0.340331591912, -0.443494945664, -0.844296411258, 0.15794811131, -0.16876372332800002, 0.0, 0.0, -0.157381347598, -0.18665832327399998, 0.0, 0.242686384946, -0.496358503086], [0.545527247186, -0.0341210254398, 0.430133005216, -0.548501212863, 2.10239930989, 0.470659876465, 0.884200770158, 1.5849509963, -0.7621705559280001, 2.25693048166, 1.82326964213, 0.9040422742919999, -0.567856783152, 0.273015762089, 1.07901429412, 0.0467563471185, -0.559021300993, 0.20771699137400002, -0.662986935032, -1.36086824354, -0.243738464521, 0.19089859089800001, 0.6485273335939999, 0.418179557073, -1.1515325423799998, -0.487788851648, -1.04702298374, -0.9186245229090001, -2.12074944755, -1.50777062608, -0.6341179748899999, 0.768841167764, -0.482975881933, 0.168259683925, -0.647464266484, -0.38390613055699996, -0.682105581601], [0.36655019445200004, 1.90361230458, 1.1596180873100002, -0.46780652320699995, 0.32480230474, 0.7006498371150001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.787994735375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.6109404918099999, 0.431685290534, 1.67303660093, 0.692207673838, 0.8131126227159999, 0.126013847401, -1.06534076412, -0.09484000522630001, -0.916970946136, -0.256849155498, 0.606786814668, 1.3048435143100001, 0.133660300757, -1.22594395749, -0.380628834859, -1.3476229277899998, -1.52903415426, -1.5401018709, -1.1879521641500002, 0.0628207226592, 0.680354706369, 0.0, -1.0744822769600002, -0.886839599593, -1.2526130361799999, -0.151663833193], [0.00267979273145, 2.00126255661, 1.03484385676, -2.11290130545, 0.49378852334, 0.287397608217, -1.3012421813400001, -0.610247667388, 1.41888456439, -0.579585885776, -0.18685886012400002, 1.14758978416, -0.73951103869, 1.9265748633700002, 0.596792169275, 1.2609817986399998, 0.184960164518, -1.48001530322, -0.46907995518, -0.8801725937680001, -0.373050080593, 0.277025179164, 1.5830418577399998, 0.293376362063, -1.6874946598299998, -0.870970514739, -0.7649492049940001, -0.985124550683, -0.227598420535, 0.09961403970730001, 0.44024634806699997, 0.49823412826200003, -0.47698908223700004, -0.24065572731100002, -0.8627956766279999, 0.10719660258, 1.19475250889], [0.869456041512, 0.785313872866, -1.0693171419399998, -0.7246521196, 2.28265562067, 0.546982511729, 0.0, 0.0, -0.139107753014, 0.0, 0.0, 1.09799535764, 1.0183163985600001, -1.20451385247, 0.304951684694, 0.937790830033, 0.516612052473, 0.045647547459500004, -1.31702980168, 0.507399340884, -0.092814604464, -0.69928101856, -0.361428658546, -1.1599120696, -1.78755422965, -1.65846235523, -0.631026557579, -0.746177881285, 1.42497924217, 1.00209770725, 0.556339718011, 0.326989516185, 0.0, -0.40733734844499997, -0.438024085318, -1.07596190338, 1.28907393861], [0.682560474583, 0.742675074646, -0.904347306024, 0.38202758906400003, 1.13718310675, -0.8984884673810001, 0.0, 0.0, 1.01500262533, 0.0, 0.0, -0.113281463484, -0.04795974808180001, 0.0635700442229, 0.523764161326, -0.20096530443, -0.0658150333835, 0.09512542103949999, -0.00224924091193, 0.0979774530579, -0.04795974808180001, -2.23044128456, -0.151191618941, -0.0678395465321, -0.772537494807, -0.962630582878, -0.382136770701, -0.473124583529, 0.21373078969700002, 2.1159916275799997, 0.628878069234, 0.09017472365939999, 0.0, -0.602391714267, 0.149061013164, -2.58800349164, 2.57364122628], [-0.46937953781400005, 1.78855961032, 0.339207075021, 1.25038400508, -0.110421045272, 0.885285858485, 0.534075858013, 0.262165851378, 1.07955949171, 2.07888528257, -1.1558447915999999, 0.555197170766, 0.860756231724, -0.03650797491630001, 0.0138270076266, -1.4808897829899998, -0.417070105096, -1.6584957469400001, -0.896379657706, -0.517154077837, -0.0041278369100700004, -0.101504414938, -0.19842509951099999, 0.230599432538, -1.29597020225, -1.04573105358, -1.33958921765, -0.39887400857, -1.3643316251299997, 0.496319163009, 0.142792363806, 0.357196879325, 1.9011385769, -0.491226141896, 0.0, -1.26226337991, 1.4682358422400001], [-0.0041622072277, 1.10312714866, 0.163170143414, 0.7386204580069999, 1.41188754648, 0.638597787378, 0.288395392633, 0.309923978347, 1.3678230073500002, 2.6216237111500003, -1.7154479068200001, 0.8849261347640001, -0.0879418559801, 0.542142142518, 0.620438914997, -1.3885987073700001, -0.125441277376, -0.7198845578640001, 0.38404751878, -1.0066238109, -0.5797300081660001, -0.783984593762, -0.503194378712, -0.294805782859, -0.980708344506, 0.0808236944541, -1.5723779115399998, -0.320598075921, -1.60533679245, -0.05429010097019999, -0.29193880882, 0.730969865054, 1.59527337185, -0.766863403703, 0.0, -1.4474498561899998, 0.7675875653059999], [0.35003815739699995, 0.9821134940790001, -0.427259437496, 0.822261975547, 0.20894031676199998, 0.155076336643, 0.154678686071, 1.0408807514799998, 2.21968871396, 0.7385729639740001, 0.205900540083, -0.272676907547, 0.705476856285, 0.46007042381200003, 0.678373951043, -0.24820088421300002, 0.674118783619, -1.71621690162, 0.384228876761, -0.994515118616, -1.1615841877500002, -1.5113140386300001, -0.702040017459, -0.276924322738, -0.924242880674, -2.65264486732, -0.36636948028399996, -0.462035735048, 0.042308223239, -0.587211501883, 0.263397512159, 0.7947563457350001, 1.01659091167, 0.022096533177900002, -0.587211501883, -1.2728588039700002, 2.24373623362], [0.222751865243, 0.171207965079, -0.0779363960382, -0.197975732949, 0.25525815591999995, 0.932366041652, -0.376892896619, 0.11105801066, 0.270189910435, -0.48201359634999996, 0.133350871261, 0.363829925984, -0.234942073496, 0.403927919437, 0.553815224068, -0.41722773592699997, 0.6698705014140001, 0.861290135078, -3.37746301119, 0.37289357318300004, -0.143640098608, -0.600934378841, 0.236985115638, 0.601280215017, -0.47952265138300004, 0.414753093899, 0.5613321297630001, 0.327518026913, 0.52678174141, 0.245984599085, -0.09192076442189999, -1.71590223849, -0.0432660381814, -3.1356590099, 0.0, 1.9014517816499998, 1.2373998196], [0.645887667873, -0.210582486115, 0.432442752507, 0.487732675909, 0.08484061386399999, 0.543043024508, -0.339860841329, -0.23944823750500002, 0.140215792737, -0.0703984451882, 0.17027816923099998, 0.366644710983, -0.0193665941263, 0.639927994146, 0.366644710983, -0.07980494558180001, 1.06637267287, 0.108815563292, -4.371290964, 0.391483404499, 0.391483404499, 0.06937814559410001, 0.32243784390999997, 0.5091837833649999, -1.4426816556400002, 0.602774227189, 1.39005281419, 0.413528794463, 0.0, 0.0, -1.1006632577700002, -0.185343468413, -1.08372787094, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.798079465079, 0.031093283011699998, -0.08778715086660001, 0.723341485199, 0.0788801570647, 0.596424247878, 0.07391372729910001, 1.22522886078, 0.7025013663449999, 1.27617839393, 1.37485152525, 0.205040153958, -0.154672303312, 1.18093076673, -1.00362138065, -0.382956320533, 1.5700242553600001, -0.048308387724, -2.26348928585, 0.312591063389, -0.08778715086660001, 0.0, 0.133234368879, 0.133234368879, -0.88718517884, 0.020739253006, 0.88780841683, 0.5606627734849999, -1.1187021459200002, 0.312591063389, 0.0, 0.0, -0.632628735142, -1.8140810341599998, 0.0, -1.2380117628899998, -2.47811815899], [0.167489660168, 0.00651673856451, 0.0311591827645, 0.186836268694, -0.07534946309719999, 0.657791295788, 0.410148324555, 1.34178581684, 0.250030143306, 1.10924423041, 1.60651486004, 0.498885590073, -0.21360205223099998, 0.49032073712800006, -1.3547904685499998, -0.96690682921, 1.5780500189, -1.06692682221, -3.1746703784099997, -0.408167142466, 0.119856920762, 1.24536196399, 0.173271583906, -0.31574710620700003, -1.88389459315, -0.50692013014, 0.151537308993, -0.121836073672, 0.0, 0.0, 0.311174959032, 0.51281358812, -0.759978132692, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.471252691809, 0.516614189488, 0.48707040174800004, 0.364247958372, -0.254478954299, -0.25428507130399997, 0.292324803529, 1.15684379084, 0.529794239129, -0.156897253309, -0.874315687535, -0.037801938620199996, 0.523780168902, 1.16327148566, 0.42181034162299996, -1.0628218982, 1.72912197722, -0.636396858794, -1.48150900115, -2.2640818817099997, -0.271404119359, 0.8746062145799999, -0.697057676656, -1.60455635219, -0.985098989929, -0.927118882007, 0.7192678366699999, 0.588827435936, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0945348853448, 2.3722242986099995, -0.7977681544059999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.22328795015, -0.7487121114480001, 0.7898802122499999, 0.537969540919, 0.335025564259, 0.07768043423360001, 1.0130581194200001, 1.35706289595, 0.980077842046, -0.9124619133319999, -0.704736729778, 0.316494118615, 1.49061592949, 1.4554720535299999, -0.213776858475, -1.20938059848, 1.77219930961, -0.533565697179, -1.2714213703100001, -1.4334985309700001, -1.1487579810100002, -0.321646584457, -1.16315188022, -0.541379356448, -1.4644060580899998, -1.02260325223, 1.05779778279, 1.0103951733499998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0528456345079, -0.36144444094000006, -0.41891919775200004, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.997379747966, 0.797762502007, -0.661642864603, -0.376079836185, 0.333631645938, 1.4503709978400001, 0.657870855029, 0.573649644139, 0.8598648788359999, -0.604426430861, 0.66651900452, 0.342897432238, 1.52392322274, 2.30673267303, 0.803272968496, -1.8553534435599999, -0.837585620449, -0.7583997123620001, -1.66001620255, -1.7911642135599997, -0.951595870498, -0.43419025556999996, -1.83544042024, 0.09179234896420001, -0.766823627659, -0.880458076619, 0.125813818356, 0.483999395638, -0.00955636401979, 1.7551572706799998, -0.25837927685600004, 0.653347822264, -0.114200388699, 0.0621635761845, -0.320056771421, 0.219413470823, -0.590193899972], [0.604417982671, 0.774660464763, 0.9456294698250001, 1.07523773249, -0.410153386625, 1.12502714098, -0.899916113703, -2.18748901032, -0.711845627586, -1.0759015594799999, -0.6885457766159999, 0.767013853407, 0.0, 0.644777862023, 0.901207745649, -0.711845627586, 0.926384494207, 0.993460363747, 0.911624270918, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.07523773249, 1.04582023627, -1.6525445275100001, -0.302831647501, -1.3751817731600002, -0.410153386625, -0.7537940192010001, 0.0, -0.7537940192010001, 1.0679444014, 0.829610407488, -1.17906463062, -0.574993052598], [1.4350386003400002, 0.930175799985, 0.271716482594, 0.867374129075, -1.31831821773, 0.497400581633, -0.9993405859100001, -1.8376703256400002, 0.680430951879, -1.20277024357, -0.532050098283, 0.867374129075, -0.58703406408, 0.219967507861, 1.48277097475, 0.039340792952699995, 1.39830149946, 1.1437698008200001, 0.26323511011100004, -0.506444190462, -0.7320120660639999, -0.503065441424, -0.480581038771, 0.528296557019, 0.253693892891, 0.659277570409, -0.8749559440379999, -1.1688118062700001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.63860455645, -0.954902120625, 1.79839631845, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.748460516429, 1.36945651201, 1.0138993484999999, 0.862072953618, 1.22346973785, 0.910127877218, -0.853968651014, -0.790655420505, -0.674639864666, 0.339155627073, -0.9371402451049999, -0.5784842824809999, -0.808899846294, -0.215504620849, 0.439579153424, -1.49176858491, 1.7532852802599999, 1.8196482243, 1.53331418843, -0.640737149163, -0.339931489003, 0.0415857761697, -0.752276631826, -0.919217362463, -0.510271377456, 1.15076088764, -0.568770302355, -0.83100552331, 0.0, 0.0, -0.7176204454520001, 0.258034155812, -1.8319584419, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.12394150859400001, 0.641582883815, -0.244241493703, 1.58909237565, 0.327039432345, -0.22310459706, -0.5049210014159999, -0.50684589197, 0.8116619914509999, 0.613089034301, 0.588500910564, 0.7116561519679999, -0.148131582742, -0.253485066781, -0.424754818962, -1.1844642358, 2.46981034249, 2.46981034249, 1.0931021852299998, -1.66100234401, -0.5941676011429999, -1.14932041031, -0.6763486738869999, 0.258736848529, -1.1611354238299998, 1.58909237565, -0.98809691966, -0.83229520288, -1.11170558362, -0.906798551796, -0.48037226096999996, -0.159450083587, -0.379633798246, -0.0767466231337, -0.11719050379000001, -0.815946169023, 1.3130424552200002], [1.6930198300900001, -1.0164323094299998, 0.335046540333, 0.743435806475, -1.09464074733, -0.5087278019870001, 0.8769779374660001, -2.61480799634, -0.901483615308, -1.03905889056, -0.35480432372299997, 0.25538875204, -0.589514610096, 0.961943093042, 1.36373612136, -0.617417318165, 2.22917888022, -0.38703478477799996, 0.702056445141, 0.31090936740200004, 0.477588880235, 0.523091031867, -0.25666987910100003, 1.09098174155, 0.29764676832, 0.48938871162500003, -0.7852852925839999, -0.806777570563, -1.43676536931, -0.41931102256999997, 0.304490930461, 1.6319415153999999, -1.07621364075, -0.769550833159, 0.907088332774, -0.32560481018000004, -0.193809869846], [0.770995998144, 0.631489938832, 0.855324340962, 0.678854185696, 0.0265566766261, 0.839626400639, -0.202029939199, -1.20316232155, -0.152102257287, -0.56491421674, -0.49654886614200006, 0.849500449041, -0.108801042773, 0.199261094076, 0.256117508818, -0.0993864433989, 0.5550283758869999, 0.501972780694, 0.336246442737, -0.763863917809, -0.254799670266, 0.840904321081, -0.143462416558, 0.21187726103399998, 0.607477990497, 0.302040044335, -0.202029939199, -0.0103067605592, -4.82769910163, -0.355531621013, 0.399775925915, 1.74473031303, -0.355531621013, 0.244214450685, 0.08108802744089999, -0.44418342089100005, -0.748728970142], [1.14595292725, 2.0059987236700003, -0.39650431387699997, 0.6659105573690001, 1.82864438097, 0.820776406369, -1.2683809997, -1.73150806105, 1.6394739505899998, 0.108885160677, 0.41840987954899994, 0.0108302186601, -0.19767791948199998, 0.96520848078, -0.00523464917588, 0.7723819416490001, 0.518258321, 0.14434771505000002, -0.239289789369, -0.605301517463, -0.294994564234, 0.015166757469899999, -1.45184783773, 1.22969520043, -1.62589775856, -0.575441655954, -0.697113366655, -1.07382644785, 0.0, 0.0, -0.7275422944519999, -0.223861107474, -1.1755183384399999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.301135514997, 1.3605860575, -0.8911269789390001, -0.0388553403386, 0.56213901485, 0.624109362351, -1.16346822095, -1.2876123828000001, 0.240567118228, 0.884234757676, 1.2792572771600002, 0.20711355607299997, 0.244430224903, 1.48457817792, 0.44985177869099996, -0.6306476365429999, 1.30590312778, 0.709354802516, 0.346058390459, -0.36826019195500004, 0.041148310128699996, -0.0265460736088, -1.3158295039899999, 2.10414328681, -2.02386073933, -0.336364307826, -1.63397658484, -1.4638331374000002, 0.0, 0.0, -0.29772228799199996, -0.013339073348600001, -0.653168298179, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.173931828693, -0.5300218397600001, -0.29555013751, 0.23867309285799998, 0.417941492284, 0.42142047957400003, -0.855199477009, -2.18198928752, 0.11826251229599999, 0.319850779488, 0.5687112997479999, 0.104819656983, 0.20917086546799998, 2.15071938933, 0.402469026144, -0.747415311681, 2.00480061116, 1.31901410298, -1.08503448321, -0.49904286807400006, 1.64874463958, 0.0, -0.546789628164, 1.06082239729, -0.49904286807400006, 0.348658008887, -0.955760387424, -1.59779172613, 0.0, 0.0, -0.522313584077, 0.0, -1.15179356449, 0.0, 0.307598637739, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.83142596894, 0.471310369068, -0.9310493269140001, -0.3477947251199999, 0.20725912906100002, 0.40367127286399995, -0.451652057487, -2.27523693213, -0.22740464018399997, 1.19697501131, 0.0372697145972, -0.329118070946, 0.9136402896170001, 2.5342591933, 1.4105266681600002, 0.49647422988799994, -0.0224364216615, 1.78218206042, -0.11730472194, -0.8268643003239999, -0.309363750266, -0.038063606548, -0.34418621568700003, 0.8388397415090001, -0.867168386704, -0.633055541153, -0.869086086619, 1.32375136874, 0.0, 0.0, -1.26203512251, 0.22022260052200002, -1.1531357739299999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.236968407617, 0.755821266713, 0.74602411652, -0.667661202422, 1.25542251125, -0.8625748969820001, -0.7189026625139999, -2.6093015802400004, -0.446499793749, -1.6440038526299998, -0.7736194090809999, 0.583941312149, -0.33087217094300003, 2.2046611467200004, 1.01757585327, -0.0283690848045, 0.524547289389, -0.08738933611619999, -0.123769125955, 0.321891260583, 1.8180184939900002, -0.466148286888, 0.326913667096, 1.1475394542200001, -1.1005939676899998, -0.273737817661, -1.17466508331, 1.3568560454799998, 0.378223177446, 1.12691557586, -0.63673860073, 0.957214523635, -0.230253401743, 0.304518155046, -1.1515594040600001, -0.727457773883, -0.534997990334], [1.05268212936, -0.7334800963160001, -0.318145286767, 0.266296271318, 0.837886828496, 0.0755453679474, 0.604714685217, -0.45104594748800003, -0.5229179327310001, -0.76916722609, -0.630467666013, 1.5285622081799999, 1.8504129730599999, 0.049190101161400004, 0.9255349406479999, 1.30603092672, -0.63106908456, 3.7522628458699994, 1.44859378623, -0.8038031078460001, -0.658862225573, 0.259587343733, -0.49618394014399997, -0.6025649068410001, -0.538009686811, -0.643686035884, -0.6975455850210001, -0.572372016945, -0.678513502529, -0.608449723132, -0.768543587646, -0.692868543579, -0.236413592538, 0.0825905566407, -0.8324983766799999, -0.308383839102, -0.844899054339], [-1.0717407542, -1.2066544974700002, 0.842249967375, -0.0968399360048, 0.39764034530299996, 0.5950588981939999, 0.48414255231200004, -2.03971479639, 0.629533866778, -1.6482602896399998, -1.34177644785, 0.43568191546, 0.44750314937299995, 0.7587899986910001, 1.00235189534, 0.297348594691, -0.0275072564167, 2.4484399625299997, 1.15974570032, 0.928688044349, 0.282916384048, -0.7732288838760001, 0.377795738351, 1.28462460154, 0.44115081238799997, 0.238321725893, -0.15308233625999998, -0.747141983327, 0.0, 0.0, -1.1205269411499998, -0.452192621404, -1.10388917044, 0.0, -1.2694282385200002, 0.0, 0.0], [0.726262341679, -1.10306439512, 0.901680964896, 2.4285576867099996, 0.7194888444930001, 0.565833590955, -0.17978695664, -0.18808988764899998, 0.23369154460299998, -1.5479557775200001, -1.69223458032, 0.551473119704, 0.566713374954, 0.35672855571900003, 0.203491337984, 1.6543143054799998, -0.8053218429100001, 0.226625861279, 0.121709104536, 1.23647416854, 0.032328187018400005, -0.659456719272, -0.888433653845, -1.4364669344799998, -0.882014896881, -0.659456719272, 0.34724731890199995, -0.29226672464000003, -0.687750766474, -0.976600495074, -0.17347468685400003, -0.0800881031637, -0.36663897136100004, 2.0096272315, 0.0, -1.5759049417299997, 1.31275951426], [1.55662496907, 0.771524796398, 1.55065911502, -0.031561801447299996, 0.80593243693, 0.22131794584399997, -0.769634991868, -0.48140962666500003, -0.735643603726, 0.705706920321, 0.442818682108, -0.353899165904, -0.8719176362200001, 0.8443094648289999, -0.933592265448, 1.3680609759600002, -0.682148041812, 0.13348886550699998, -0.211511217975, 0.39207446781800004, 1.0335655527, 1.1229091952399999, -1.0728576722, -0.15600682508, -0.169340712544, -0.662823402651, 1.3266289614700002, -0.154143032276, 1.09885777545, 0.9657679066570001, -0.950801032191, 0.07723247378430001, 0.866939054936, -2.46788914132, -1.34676837084, -1.84903103678, -1.3834399831], [0.827847038916, 0.37399079468699997, 0.8457348680399999, 1.21230732763, -0.748247458462, 0.25355050394, -1.4856270067700001, -0.9017271862039999, -0.0251440343792, 0.153764690446, -0.118473030031, -0.191213602098, -1.15920685847, 0.810911286611, -0.11220084324599999, 1.47283829343, -0.136253102124, 0.729110199193, 0.105413857766, 0.49902776402099996, 0.206730500402, 0.729110199193, -0.553658891518, -0.39699456252800003, 1.0277543469200001, 0.35450042983999996, 1.81839221634, 1.73369694833, 0.34395036367799997, -0.118473030031, -1.20752257149, -1.49771618805, 1.3174515465899999, -2.00861260727, -1.72529898028, -1.54060104281, -0.889112180209], [0.796814490125, 0.683786751033, 0.8076061676540001, 0.604762130618, -1.0445119002299998, 0.49296344259999997, 0.7222587377680001, -1.70092608141, -0.39247414548199994, 0.6284652918829999, -0.24560965625599998, 0.794767319634, -0.8503412474619999, 0.746661577489, -0.999248216948, 0.993418562516, -0.275287777458, 0.576731548042, 1.65627830174, 0.293187873078, 0.8531187255600001, -0.383347863976, -0.523034601936, 1.31037683007, 0.213954180627, 0.8665100742820001, 0.167910004993, 1.65383122516, -0.481159680058, 0.6882069886579999, -1.08993921574, -0.260809978955, -0.108638793236, -1.92579957338, -1.7931308336400003, -1.6442322429499998, -1.8331184144200001], [0.755895878706, -1.0306100867299999, 0.454551841929, 0.717324342851, -0.927141494454, 0.682090278879, 0.0, 0.0, -0.894344845544, 0.0, 0.0, -0.251764125802, -0.418747827579, 1.0133337459, -0.455475143505, 0.0790743443892, 0.149413726574, 0.8033387197759999, 1.44564568493, 0.625749701364, -0.455475143505, 0.48526714518299996, -0.137844679684, 0.450891223468, 0.14582502139599998, 0.341792213391, 1.21307672051, 0.166998192619, 1.71820901053, 0.574655581888, -1.12667819749, -0.0233847680107, 0.0, -3.0129131413, 0.0, -1.8518953723400002, -1.23685854836], [1.6852561681099998, -0.0657372623387, 0.7297624845180001, 0.571899099603, -0.973714735516, 1.39708039935, 0.192337505783, -0.540699373293, -0.914622926122, -0.268692018025, 0.6052809126290001, 0.941321620201, -0.124380668862, 0.950862786962, 0.32510708946899997, 0.118518996437, -0.501112848673, -0.7627261866959999, 0.128412174603, 0.571899099603, -0.24903537775600001, 0.337081763793, 0.564237832222, 0.789338978834, 0.337081763793, -0.21047614476399998, 0.703855036049, 1.00691916496, 1.5148415759600002, 0.449813092122, -1.4090437545399999, 0.0743677504552, 0.062205082717900005, -2.5969361697099997, -1.30810070143, -2.52478850474, -1.60741370572], [0.695096262689, -0.35988311096299996, 0.6627616425630001, 1.16251515656, -0.84079799714, 0.49005395078, 0.0979461001486, -0.658905184809, -0.977954783475, 1.24228948808, 0.518995837895, -0.053021920994100004, 0.0680961183734, 1.24228948808, 0.678381141693, 0.335982704965, -0.265875067079, 0.085503919443, 1.3945949731099998, 0.859639813609, 0.566794300427, 0.0474424778745, 0.518995837895, 1.21456389544, 0.627312295119, -0.650074173542, 1.38383324186, 0.411094740681, 0.459298188143, 0.0232833263866, -2.24069775997, -1.0645356051600001, -0.665433461077, -2.2105505648099997, -1.47175170978, -1.3581393279799998, -1.96914423503], [0.670092014343, -0.292651377574, 0.652937992234, 1.05951799262, -0.218676337966, 1.0391852872, 0.730981024578, -1.00982246598, -1.9700218518200001, -0.0526156130349, 1.49236678979, 0.295129454964, -0.43586016749300005, 2.21359539134, 0.17954482655999998, -0.0793884886001, -0.855161008355, -0.22424349394, 0.572348025476, 0.40289809164000007, -0.176521068383, -0.44991101305799996, -0.151304359966, -0.638869519868, -0.0686722346743, -0.509461192785, 0.522591945821, -0.262337151348, 2.0762205861700003, 1.3297228188299999, -0.756570203238, 0.880067309948, 0.200598808213, -2.0096017230400003, -1.5658039750600001, -1.4605144969100001, -1.12979061662], [0.7283156157899999, 0.000148415603447, 0.43689062921300004, 0.661982990493, -0.587931876033, 0.410597332588, 0.0964545365109, -0.309369792401, -0.7750594132340001, -0.0126089017303, 0.44105003062799997, -0.39981638234800004, 0.14916512654, 0.573692256499, -0.41357474864, 0.60536599222, -0.335055662388, 0.31416186140999997, 0.47491450611100006, 0.886481628361, -0.169423293035, -0.325832515912, 0.232792294593, 0.19104327115400002, -0.35735438503399997, -0.132891476376, 1.12656666269, 0.639326493256, 1.4704783968700001, 1.13558537929, -0.506486770637, 0.432809291838, 0.178377436109, -4.755543314680001, -1.55040521624, -0.32976557507300003, -0.22508082400199997], [-0.465900144738, 0.259354669953, 0.8312597364319999, 1.4035556612600002, -1.06307225095, -0.397306685951, 0.356002736192, -0.856450655353, 0.230126850902, -0.138177221027, -0.46287162903800005, 0.306527893112, -0.6533020762039999, 0.861661730634, 0.514624161949, 0.726574699112, -0.25720478985899997, -0.0706850760278, 0.571275009525, 1.4767398188, 0.69872421502, 0.5527919667660001, 0.0500906518704, -0.287320854623, -0.0137249639537, -0.44932266153399997, 0.34517752394699996, 0.45141410235699997, 1.3071813739700002, 2.54514055819, -0.760716231372, -0.132872245611, -0.400699410257, -3.1360822006499998, -1.9047922828, -1.2417094094499999, -0.7960125705910001], [1.25807153572, 0.442619037162, 0.05024530426630001, 0.442619037162, 0.6090800806600001, 0.618921834374, 0.47852487666599997, -1.9132723579900002, -1.18920724376, -0.11915616149399999, 0.337900541056, -0.186275729487, -0.00710700045058, 0.889792837994, 0.202766201048, -0.10227610040799999, -0.590469576975, 0.42357929420100005, 1.33460361344, -0.414884834976, -1.0023212956, 0.0, -1.07930305956, 0.3839690316800001, 0.0159633685048, 0.293935772337, -0.300612913977, 0.49430322135300003, 1.21674418675, 1.41835246024, 0.0, 0.0, 1.6073625711500001, -2.12355166968, 0.0, -2.47360531842, -1.01731154298], [0.618557886666, -0.7022270928569999, -0.021339451987299998, -0.24114987283300002, -0.45924432847400004, -0.6735223866079999, -0.39817940265199997, -0.46449395981700003, -0.33497554979899996, 1.18942694606, 0.872030394904, 0.199302567238, -0.304949200902, 0.284382272752, -0.339564897282, 1.5590581887000001, -0.550207652414, 0.495478938063, 0.054914855174, 0.15147569736400002, 0.518554719793, 0.518554719793, 0.199302567238, 0.495478938063, -0.0979531443743, 0.25065053239999996, 2.11234058844, 1.13150656638, 1.73124629103, 1.68123082813, -1.25613249514, 0.112999725449, -1.8056470148700001, -2.06453078906, -1.7688941028099998, -1.15371981642, -1.5397620653200002], [-0.030346375553099998, -0.09172752072560002, -0.0468948566238, 0.07634865797330001, 0.156236445941, 0.0801667338199, 0.242216968899, 0.694867389361, 1.07022711567, 0.606355696171, 1.01402916619, 0.442292110782, -0.402037737294, -0.534225272026, -0.06069771460869999, 1.2905293069600001, -0.9110357160879999, -0.170587747655, 0.35106924891, 0.00349931644873, -0.476511037914, 0.223030523084, -0.778563589919, -0.896257395608, -0.21536220075800003, 0.089720052081, 1.4675203315399998, 1.83077643051, 1.55478932405, 1.7250548576900002, -1.10621418615, -1.6171412180899998, -0.3499376307, -2.9550205726099996, -1.8655685893400002, 0.37672768273699997, -0.787327997169], [0.25441390938499997, 0.28709290530000003, -0.15609691251399999, -0.119120548105, -0.856107861946, 0.466809032351, -0.33879793091, 0.7447212472750001, 0.243830002432, 1.0821853208, -0.8742394117669999, 0.641703241133, 0.44978494617200004, -0.807679948213, -0.8127733350309999, 0.9468215763719999, -0.29154704700899997, -0.6104582110419999, 1.43944552558, 0.5126423663849999, 0.22663174674000003, 0.187661096512, 0.221803348108, -0.12468854054199999, -0.7717049357960001, 1.03822025741, 1.17850441342, 0.412380719137, 1.5452608663299998, 2.0461066560299996, -0.8479476166069999, -0.419050704306, -0.41762073994300003, -2.5299633601400005, 0.0, -1.54914674873, -2.39907532426], [0.0667948118522, -0.0164940994787, 0.393629492935, 1.2041966480600002, 0.750141507736, 0.273570383278, -0.238428617356, 0.400374640228, 0.22497193842500002, 1.39303869121, 0.042969138943, -0.242850326706, 0.00946785795234, 0.9197997569390001, -0.027864407131900002, -0.412447082772, 0.729888371242, 0.0924691014654, 0.053962560004, 0.943249270698, 0.254396257064, 0.47837354472300003, 0.627289377118, 0.377972704689, 0.495779616009, -0.07298467313630001, 0.27670028718, -0.156011071766, 0.45126500227300004, 1.39303869121, -1.84883484433, 0.204069955997, -0.19118785138099997, -2.9475079522400005, -2.6138966315, -2.4448848051599996, -0.8440172442659999], [0.9811704209219999, -0.0831206611943, 0.319569724381, 0.946551786708, 0.643686562939, 1.04030510389, -0.105884916622, 0.403108682534, -0.0256798156813, 0.403108682534, 0.0555391034693, 0.424037295123, -0.142430063034, 0.0970663285949, 0.412793529593, -0.547630825295, 0.711959610431, -0.11014022133099999, 0.558240232324, 0.18074092967099997, 0.6648195819520001, 0.521586877068, 0.788884930375, 0.08477711029339999, 0.8035199526569999, -0.011329062558799998, 1.13416880125, 0.768268348541, 0.49916904198299994, 0.344036204189, -2.24908266626, -0.10806160162799999, -0.500118570207, -2.3116165748, -2.4263784395599997, -2.85479873035, -1.31083669288], [0.243687858431, 0.100652788183, 0.443636429975, 0.272059236026, -0.85218700234, 0.101273020003, -0.042146847039, 0.873934618898, 0.925532765828, 0.238022423426, 0.0468095453601, 0.292228227021, 0.311374479167, 0.19937789110800003, 0.647492069704, 0.464533491609, 0.258872953859, 0.313889904588, 0.514911587026, 0.7646560120389999, 0.8560783839730001, -0.0401806731183, 0.9290348061210001, 1.2482082999, 0.44880792763000005, 0.125837801013, 0.528195932573, 0.96309528631, -0.05092820915059999, 0.209355997686, -2.1196394913599996, -0.231910441697, 0.184041425993, -2.98361009616, -1.98353885155, -2.60113449246, -1.6003250585799997], [0.6995419159110001, 0.383062503806, 0.893225499021, -0.0824566596757, 0.550390524052, 1.02280029063, -0.10023062728399999, 0.563286234182, -0.166532360056, 0.6868843827879999, -0.642439999237, 0.166632643585, -0.206299407484, 1.48906832334, 0.726165458469, -0.0216773224196, -0.0133354963668, 0.7360648459260001, 1.30649260955, 0.402061344069, -0.218714151439, 0.18680526792899999, 0.343312144262, 0.177330403483, 1.7833569345099998, 0.0892530820256, 0.151463738597, -0.0216773224196, 0.07380478126989999, 0.7703705962630001, -1.610996092, -0.715167511176, -1.19683398933, -2.4060583429499998, -2.33717868347, -2.40884870114, -1.05292685723], [0.563594617185, -0.189643064835, 1.1303289650900001, 0.9136369924959999, 0.356920572739, 0.7873767482240001, 0.39880209348800005, -0.135284964741, -0.384716561845, -0.378999554464, 0.546120203741, 0.0, 0.218416388025, 0.0, 0.0, 0.352027358609, 0.298628336481, -0.152239520751, -0.138741786384, 0.430603443213, 1.7117670188799998, 0.494575686681, 0.897856755584, 0.33633392721, 0.0, -0.651204236105, 0.825767495371, 0.257247288753, 0.7302099273639999, -0.365945423679, -1.3554503533000002, 1.1708037629899999, -0.711406704596, -2.90022848829, -1.9043110481, -2.2380215370900003, -0.91482433794], [0.797306299463, 0.899020886841, 0.7670891203419999, 0.34282161039399994, 0.812607572686, 0.0904052452533, -0.19696256489300001, -0.5364255131979999, -0.41070671769100003, 0.386836807952, 0.05768094987530001, 0.289008151899, 0.05768094987530001, 0.245597802984, 0.651846664477, -0.269371866932, 1.6730606507700003, 0.13186805222200002, 0.699334501189, 0.122644894567, -0.120650246742, 0.411829208466, 0.521374387538, 0.597779109967, -0.32380463575999996, -0.168682552222, 0.15900504147800001, 1.23212806175, -1.23020342045, 0.9480002695909999, -1.5445595088600002, 0.8395848872280001, 0.7402833876980001, -1.4218058828, -2.96709380557, -2.03357010148, -2.2509576979099997], [0.09030625841489999, 0.7719224518350001, 1.07326203266, 0.070588613979, 1.33492443142, 1.0987114442, -0.34284356593299997, 0.19230194029199998, -0.489075711267, -0.7295222558390001, -0.0840141262199, 0.175197439579, -0.523190632273, 0.592480640917, 1.23929217866, 0.3774130923, 0.364677354076, 0.220315845744, 0.143607900682, 0.560326987709, -0.0124528487687, -0.458811370058, -0.0124528487687, -0.824490980577, 0.36882283032799995, 0.20210686820999998, 1.0845150586799999, 0.6275067892689999, 0.550197864076, 1.2462533874200001, -2.04331013404, 0.587863822192, 0.598099880179, -1.6946499507799997, -3.19025325319, -1.71551330812, -1.45011412699], [0.47055506229500005, 0.283403110897, -0.340877140614, -0.683956740755, 0.433882067219, 0.661905661117, 1.03416840788, 0.6531636888019999, -0.0577458330669, 0.719670212111, 0.7302782383399999, 0.0, -0.250237406648, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8601119696770001, 1.3272742975299998, 0.595721706388, 0.10438417957599999, 0.756505988563, -0.813612396848, 0.0, 0.8601119696770001, -0.52857833355, 0.0, 0.768093880703, 0.53546872906, 0.8349478734990001, -0.318867843697, 0.18020097045800001, -0.923181313683, 0.0, 0.124451130681, -2.52236391776, -1.85426985229, -2.7558555689200004, -0.884752796643], [0.286194029392, 0.32184878208, -0.671985672157, -0.0467561503173, 0.0, 0.137723754244, 0.015387262104700001, -0.0949687165381, 0.0, 1.0619604518799999, 0.503954893896, 0.385271028078, 0.893458853147, -0.0587848332407, -0.5402442402000001, 0.0, 1.5555843830200002, 0.143814936901, 0.171038445317, 0.39745484811399995, 0.683626401731, -0.593148448702, 0.43468288448799997, 1.7781937030200001, 0.233757310132, 0.28890217457, 0.0, 0.0, 0.245054604096, 0.0255858463987, -1.05249082454, 0.83001651419, 0.618196405805, -2.15702364797, -1.64275974549, -3.2072399939599996, -0.946305239486], [0.006223340952540001, 0.54809412877, 0.592226304239, -0.6778390187819999, -0.09066980269680001, 1.67497429535, 0.335390340472, 0.39096839135899997, -0.501872057202, -0.165903281964, 0.847701110554, 1.4540228211700001, 0.11150884591099999, 0.335390340472, 0.613877185347, -0.7921672020370001, 1.60841565958, 0.0579813059179, -0.36471752112899997, 0.6818256368469999, 1.02802242953, -0.0421877761351, 0.297715417227, -0.664150864621, 0.9321105848019999, -0.303722085106, 0.284102353976, 0.39096839135899997, -0.489463690757, -0.0635933734399, -1.50866452962, 0.576109886499, -0.0932304726169, -1.94055858417, -2.03378701816, -3.2823826715099997, 0.24728117962299997], [0.25208805816, -0.572358828225, 0.427857080633, 0.5768155523749999, 1.29998807801, 0.479270393885, 0.29905454791200003, 0.747979008264, 0.07771478430310001, 0.511772641567, 1.07816996979, 1.2904452631399999, 0.0673136665915, -0.47745242668399995, 0.9236805207200001, -0.160908583415, 1.9150531429400004, -0.0571061803219, 0.8240725033670001, -0.296283709284, 0.455501024366, -0.246187698584, 1.13717247933, -1.9854083940400002, -0.117752627204, -0.0102363992189, -0.20076707344300002, -0.142834339248, -0.20076707344300002, 0.915068899341, -1.4914280199399998, 0.684277046215, -1.57561572473, -2.1218345217200003, -1.8339147361800001, -2.0508422619299997, -0.42159606330300003], [-0.724915367342, -0.231790886763, -0.026685972654499998, 0.8019849518080001, -0.191877553727, -0.307120688786, 0.466953796446, -0.125391077486, 0.129856039365, 0.0955801880983, -0.175879638607, 0.951001086525, 0.15114756291200002, 0.43734242654100003, 0.145393734375, 1.06334410982, 0.729923981973, 0.396039213781, 0.60322309076, 0.7702853145819999, 1.21734383003, 0.353418452867, 0.21115397721, 0.527388241267, 0.0172746023753, 0.286228455496, 1.17592558934, 0.0955801880983, -0.948866686549, 0.217207581943, 0.234020826996, 0.964589223008, -0.409529102069, -1.70670179579, -4.15087458989, -1.8062908040799999, -1.23628230187], [-0.560256705797, 0.252299597829, 1.09539364047, 1.49806152988, -0.749138083488, 0.555200556495, 0.974402419124, -0.484509867192, -0.455494483214, -0.555412523323, 0.438431674462, -0.23951415016600003, 0.35109817950499994, 0.40795055947400005, 0.802822677996, 0.234174330649, -0.0307360463666, 0.301958035748, 0.252299597829, 0.842765834208, 0.864824515206, 0.0, 0.978866867468, 0.309075422929, -0.488545716372, 0.22730060527899998, -0.00914184609098, -0.41375444875100004, 0.577056976681, 0.606514330157, -0.992301598527, 0.0, 1.5867473100299998, -2.0193393382599996, -3.00239308894, -2.27227485977, -0.8844319051549999], [-1.27836729812, -0.148193273378, -0.49242703019100004, -0.892613498876, 1.47408593672, -0.215454862067, 0.8063528309639999, 1.2362658275799998, 0.7286605314419999, 0.678847149647, 0.629750809402, -0.638079074751, -0.38992756658600003, 0.21472090351599998, 0.5636976691969999, 0.979178053976, -0.847995058588, -0.424845060256, 0.0820142234442, -0.96975670609, 0.16182379729000002, 0.44406545295500005, 0.817801012096, 0.312929314758, 0.89203127876, 0.0528678662949, 0.9524430609669999, 1.7981099672999998, 0.332541476988, -0.0392303805623, -0.851958607211, -0.7343321133949999, 1.8176460673099997, -1.5377237054799997, -1.84067729975, -2.41891774752, -1.25533394779], [-0.391160651117, 0.888772527982, -0.00993710973755, 0.422643457883, 1.05651253168, 0.61229418589, 0.464375734804, 0.35956028938699997, 0.40619249206600005, -0.312844662992, -0.37354454032300005, -0.60358557713, 0.0728061864076, 0.7778401260109999, -0.11324562647299999, 1.23520194436, -0.5348454744, 0.357309886478, -0.0437454089221, 0.709661551068, 0.498668049782, 0.836190872986, 0.791031623656, 0.562994349989, 0.00513626290539, -0.635931814922, 0.8918709554430001, 1.48794574714, -1.00894215515, 0.688449859022, -1.26622146456, -0.448030564431, 1.18623957062, -2.21001986709, -2.19023217342, -2.72757661171, -1.44183450317], [-0.34296973664, 0.363136650919, 0.120274870563, 0.0636929512939, 0.622284132079, -0.31651132179200003, -0.198796803651, 0.261326778452, 1.71984585757, 0.165589757358, -0.0135967739115, 0.476343699801, -0.484564356141, 0.9201980599089999, 1.12982807049, 0.826189048839, 0.20309013690400002, 0.294886793965, 0.0636929512939, 0.294886793965, -0.110096986754, -0.823416368923, 0.20309013690400002, 0.336337720323, 1.71984585757, 0.148057781831, 0.500944031816, 0.622284132079, 0.318825746529, 0.22135683667300002, -1.9697746641099998, -0.46556318893999993, 0.722155083086, -2.19774176177, -2.44340307871, -2.93813206496, -0.0135967739115], [0.00730377332163, -0.531139892761, -0.49694501181, -0.381713909036, 1.8555418294, 0.7008249670260001, -0.919508194681, -0.0656690125844, 1.2489958280700002, 0.288679975023, -0.32039168987399996, -0.597265104692, -0.07562785667069999, 1.07472531491, 0.835447397631, 0.812600377091, 0.367139218927, -0.030984995228, 0.7384047570610001, 0.571196913729, -0.204194501191, -1.11954059954, 0.5466228674600001, 0.557255526431, -0.014175407162, 0.697689579131, 1.1869757135799999, 0.648009638316, 0.326427055467, 1.14259961278, -1.33729875969, -0.32039168987399996, 0.140972301912, -2.31238421143, -2.38881557947, -2.51012630184, -0.121239929726], [0.266269161916, 0.0156177757761, 0.17019054899799999, 0.498933824494, 0.605346935154, -0.0473456003096, -0.33413108588199997, 0.0289721572132, 1.0841903901899999, -0.135057129547, -0.11868222712200001, 0.072872761892, 0.219745020953, 1.14563592231, 0.8598648536650001, 0.74651378354, 0.14834612014, 0.0156177757761, 0.361664424328, 0.9325640572120001, 0.638501686696, -0.430586434009, 0.687668412864, 1.1930320465100002, 0.4226409583199999, 0.035635649762199996, 0.9389756045759999, 0.6144527836379999, -0.338087719558, 0.153512906316, -3.26122925412, -2.26761984792, -0.13019665393100002, -2.53059578026, 0.0, -1.60624552317, -0.6569883064109999], [0.35016064094899996, 0.210445376382, 0.255947468422, 0.443792048725, 1.0140838214899999, 0.07530295453630001, -0.450190425105, 0.00211724012524, 1.61003374713, -0.140857478061, -0.0545064205756, -0.000175438785337, -0.0773184858377, 1.0027741825299998, 0.734466554083, 1.44238395935, 0.25873123446699997, 0.09958365399810001, 0.37449602538500004, 0.509843310618, 0.09276250386160001, -0.46437466656900006, 0.235413964294, 0.578108508882, 0.332132704408, -0.000175438785337, 1.44238395935, 1.08154890829, -0.0566662225655, 0.5261119614850001, -1.85025636501, -1.5295848221000001, -0.195241758988, -2.93161174507, -1.74261077955, -2.2492877537, -0.9297669280740001], [0.617292348412, 1.096504653, 0.883903170105, 0.7381262812739999, -0.0511564711427, 0.9052426930299999, -0.116724716528, 0.0603308049654, 0.5060552957760001, 0.253507529992, 0.049446062241199996, 0.021454449469999998, -0.0614074229565, 0.32539490460799997, 0.464357599658, -0.12536655375, -0.641392420118, 0.196813265095, 0.11021496657199999, 0.0246179977528, 0.0603308049654, -0.296124053589, 0.579440704482, 0.494483713548, 0.394514258174, -0.004657576392979999, 0.167687235804, 0.8775746082089999, 0.49765750819399995, 0.595004912344, -1.10755571091, 1.06910417471, 0.8277496532780001, -2.41903187069, -2.6191932445, -3.52188300806, -0.852316547013], [0.89330589843, 1.04334012525, 0.843327206279, 0.80394799391, 0.19613325869399997, 1.26127463029, -0.219184663033, 0.11695644150800001, -0.0770894573928, -0.057781282035800005, -0.0349729321947, 0.25637068054400003, -0.08392970430810001, 0.630277039664, 0.568588282513, -0.0628392038007, -0.336618901338, 0.09414163177570001, 0.191616207779, 0.318029485117, 0.100446372604, 0.0, 0.0668469107364, 0.24848528182399998, 0.226272694784, -0.138262167263, -0.033195272489200005, -0.0668023569241, 0.605922140612, 0.723187633553, -0.306112587279, 0.0, -0.0021805347085399997, -3.64273104885, -1.2285079916500001, -3.4343756601499997, 0.536113847554], [-0.484996910312, 0.38177075064300003, 0.262279248498, 0.4689112394899999, 0.08692902834300001, 0.15686559897900001, -0.24137729482200002, -0.080210983042, 0.610944799613, 0.146988189043, -2.0281592342500003, 0.5526373602310001, 0.509223710817, 0.8881107372879999, 0.13095358016699998, 0.36086781451800004, -0.0875602908415, 0.400794768485, 0.7782710202240001, 0.344067891496, 0.150282041553, -0.423618938749, 0.412498617289, -0.26427428289099997, 1.00591405455, 0.40772149991400003, 0.197815969674, 0.9168240311799999, 0.8929322168230001, 0.170371441789, -0.187964910701, 0.025584501219, 0.995241237221, -3.43222883009, -1.13536354485, -3.27983954865, 0.39079342015100005], [0.292334460922, 0.8085822891910001, 0.9895283985700001, 0.64261659218, 0.586406514857, -0.572636670545, -0.22137740476, 0.143188186433, 0.5088731847779999, -0.0425775933813, 0.199342761905, -0.256180501075, -0.479426421441, 0.05194377176059999, 0.26159791809300004, 1.87358625645, -0.430371257845, 1.0662083633200001, 1.1229134362100002, 0.35616747339500004, 0.41129550918499996, -0.260011342517, 0.5088731847779999, -0.39988887177199994, 0.396960099867, 0.250181560164, -0.5377222134749999, 1.0324116216600001, 0.239670384419, 0.586406514857, -1.19483694929, -1.36650725287, 0.932526587533, -3.39430759955, -1.4258158615099998, -2.41189104695, -0.26806408356], [-0.19406386067099998, 0.954023994236, 0.439508913776, 0.5593220653859999, 0.540389815113, 0.449280768175, -0.501536264363, 1.0590171887100002, 1.12421275681, 0.973877224081, -0.0750215751226, -0.261810537086, -0.340581090905, 0.519609217324, 0.68966941287, 0.7582961507639999, 0.63782666776, -0.340581090905, -0.608386459648, -0.146794353544, -0.185551679212, -0.9293920371100001, 0.293414718248, -0.354386941928, 0.954023994236, -0.26608984015500003, -0.304741291853, 0.265053037977, 0.14220131363299998, -1.1528772156799998, -0.711286278707, -0.281539375202, 2.7708971942000002, -2.65234989142, -0.976953866491, -2.86105624103, 0.0143754577281], [-0.9026040914560001, 0.13733702237700002, 1.0569739595799998, 1.1650103479, -1.68284838862, -0.218581835672, -0.9620594365649999, 0.282697862353, 0.37537518937799996, 0.798813553931, -0.8199478818979999, 0.0, -0.713068483941, 0.0, 0.0, 0.366968450014, 0.289278670117, 0.83127933138, 1.67539666708, -0.006952967572569999, -0.297779407627, 0.0786606930988, 0.306947072896, 1.03571169646, 0.0, 0.838184103583, 0.35709251047799995, 1.1944276749, 1.1235341326000001, 0.959657601075, -1.60024317753, -1.02782443966, 0.0853411235881, -1.7681522152000002, 0.0, -2.2859262701400005, -0.672699066911], [0.0288021913465, -0.34955317658299995, 1.49239271401, 0.610758315668, -2.1720173961700002, -0.905425085495, -0.421736674129, 0.0811065316138, 0.27205073971, 1.03732314468, 0.0244990387555, 1.20836323601, -0.128444309725, 0.716558331071, 0.183115074087, -0.0993403629632, 0.8598241516390001, 1.62316905863, 1.37228426572, 0.335281652885, -0.728394109287, -0.0843223904647, -0.479991411424, 0.0392022764508, -0.33802025973899996, 0.243350092342, 0.368193934646, 0.843068789287, 1.18842357214, 0.697004390176, -1.5794259562000001, -0.434413536428, 0.143682977662, -0.807009210732, -1.3535168961300001, -3.16597214152, -0.320871561532], [-0.630100600402, -0.00650795192617, 0.6959743025120001, -0.201399129086, -0.404007421474, 0.6449426088870001, 0.42395206331699997, 0.173858392004, 0.593899436393, 0.8549500895059999, -0.277233770537, 0.763643278332, -0.0164681613973, 0.76866776128, 0.867473095992, -0.474374258413, 0.7832210368260001, 0.22396379186700002, 1.3049025856899998, -1.2017847340799999, -0.796415295983, 0.725563706115, -0.062035948449999996, 0.403303576605, 0.619135035894, 1.5527813469999998, 0.209346234793, 1.01468944404, 0.760554830573, 0.91784153369, -1.3468276864, -0.591873253637, -0.747251298356, -1.82687056402, -1.69747752224, -3.33766407889, -0.684372476037], [0.408258068821, -1.17063470621, 0.594040951317, -0.0040754424758, -0.23818869435400003, 0.6229591390429999, -0.715374935771, 0.155468614025, 0.529962768188, -0.826724215602, -0.7713135028899999, -0.381189492979, -1.49574714253, 0.523865418952, -0.454753494227, 0.622710274818, 0.303415924329, 0.926752516657, 0.766279543969, 0.263314434065, 0.47236413182899994, 0.5207289341219999, 1.00239025746, 0.857042490546, 0.0198489287145, 0.325114866988, 0.974282485694, 1.317095149, 0.619997433099, 1.12754040822, -0.301230816631, 0.8311901368410001, -0.311090564169, -3.1397519558099996, -0.563450525512, -2.96251198163, -0.448585405907], [0.06658813447840001, -0.434801093545, 0.719817505623, 0.737346154843, -1.4577203687600002, 0.150019953079, 0.252639822291, 1.21572934401, 0.193134895198, 0.027596090386600002, -0.536171889635, -0.287407176263, -0.45629402309199996, 0.58844545794, -0.434801093545, 0.523813714067, 0.523813714067, 0.551057081757, -0.702866577323, 0.449374667161, -0.495659798978, 0.30515875273299997, 0.0934808593946, 1.52449773049, -0.202457379566, 0.604030635002, 0.960821306836, 1.9054953299400001, 0.708360711637, 0.708360711637, -1.3358054605, -0.0120014612286, 0.10394673147700001, -2.20565427995, -1.8687297455, -3.04224922023, 0.559090264067], [-0.40512875225100003, -0.183229980465, 0.482498002237, 0.477220741856, -0.543389334478, 0.476277861771, -0.669383156773, 0.7863966943680001, 0.303677961986, -0.0035854025817800006, 0.222778611421, -0.974519819871, -1.2899546848799999, 0.625663463128, 0.25617932715799996, 0.690463680361, 0.054146817821000004, 0.717445803498, 0.951464353778, -0.329003400617, -0.5341986769470001, -0.35320509261, 0.894708109627, 0.818124393708, 1.08246449519, 0.08921931129100001, 1.6265597428799998, 2.28979842737, 0.876393803626, 0.899617071819, -1.2562493351200001, -0.730565009538, -0.138299339931, -1.32891602248, -2.3249212672299997, -2.21410511278, -1.34244428635], [0.783983812473, -1.0424865310299998, 0.609591366497, 0.465375459481, 0.39110457005599997, -0.0525865557242, -0.360386835409, -0.24731988206900002, -0.20958379573199998, 0.20874097063400002, 0.24615604314800002, 0.144083196932, 0.47035873520300003, 0.491505780545, -0.0675932143209, 0.6519463812340001, 0.004888547078180001, -0.921357137641, 0.876527155728, 0.26394314437, 0.345681454613, -0.14323989549900001, 1.5013666743399998, 0.548535259703, 0.129899316308, -0.14027948397, 0.456459640098, 1.5273638493200001, 0.883400364815, 1.55456422123, -2.69770875657, -0.472877534497, -0.622542531106, -2.80303000517, 0.0, -0.506616808906, -2.26786697617], [0.081350297962, -0.574623883893, 1.10552953345, 1.0769724660100002, -0.476152984381, -0.344392551872, -0.566093572135, 0.850052909694, 0.038048768224999995, -0.704524167851, 0.679052994276, 0.0877520142011, 0.15899382299, 0.49714792114699996, 0.984704428177, 0.837813543231, 1.0255973933, -0.509133831768, 0.670345702422, -0.182690415496, -0.06750413679669999, 0.539028839203, 1.5631522199399999, 0.760809800518, 0.591779748008, 0.138807448435, 0.8953009945029999, 1.0847921152200002, 0.988538776684, 0.290367789758, -1.3001504049, -1.63502484807, -1.28554940316, -2.1312361879400004, -1.69145379739, -1.03305217508, -2.4443571666099997], [-1.10301515179, -1.29273083385, -0.215504677023, 0.034593235252400004, -0.874559009087, -0.5416560541300001, -0.22417893062199998, 1.4784847829899999, 1.4353799157499998, -0.194795074545, -0.23068447148200003, 0.244282500095, -0.22740146755600002, -0.161994526822, 1.10249706151, 0.277955078482, 0.078095123517, 0.10752465978, 0.401763046956, 0.434538864114, 0.7196155904729999, 0.143972761786, 0.933749897393, 0.888612103999, 1.5801341946, -0.049170896495000005, 0.983084785069, 1.61306622118, 0.314318842815, 1.30873772763, -1.44033127265, -1.29131122198, -0.649498709137, -2.2078358992, 0.0, -1.6389298751499999, -1.7368083218700001], [0.337763902524, -0.0831092898545, 0.481503910407, 0.011173234155399999, -1.12692017282, -0.6445764177409999, 0.719909023443, 0.7742816290260001, 1.02478818661, -0.524037436903, 0.5867217469439999, 0.614675134717, 0.191826195385, 0.593496529934, 0.891688237356, 0.35097734907899997, 0.947753276594, 0.504472043752, 0.575380648732, 0.127352784274, 0.29599822728, 0.260932718363, 0.419452097585, 0.576158510952, 0.54500484544, 0.372325152007, 0.256728333381, 0.629789829534, 0.26019542357299996, 0.6796840142980001, -1.04559968723, -0.885963326504, 0.47633662230499996, -2.82828752519, -2.50300305678, -0.917502264756, -2.94737042987], [0.48651739070600003, 0.7333358995460001, 0.47944534890699997, 0.0825351163315, -1.03616346216, -0.710878773721, -0.137424305213, 0.27341989815900003, 0.781976798038, -0.6006057341250001, -0.888326033493, 0.0374699052609, 0.229130150196, 0.058051408882499995, 0.0620406369725, 0.360635710137, 1.01470663736, 0.182899013372, 0.914095387014, 0.363980230406, 0.0842139016341, 1.0353739517899998, 0.22822429455200002, 0.796741722739, 0.932744033399, 0.690434925809, 0.402236594523, 0.623782936361, 0.964916399242, 1.06068122703, -0.140195594847, -1.0504262759799998, -0.07216203173550001, -3.4857062087, -1.38964146214, -0.515389003416, -2.85267063284], [0.246014768201, -0.0346714043778, 0.131893030361, 0.542239520428, -2.1653980718400003, -0.40478966616800005, 0.27807233091899997, 0.16089013737500002, 0.930587807248, 0.257241325487, 0.404210209874, 0.192447376511, 0.577519552052, 0.22708017488499999, 0.265869487975, 1.02436910631, -0.107600414524, 0.42817371500699997, 0.401425761034, 0.134174257224, -0.08156817524019999, 1.00708461311, 0.547591204829, 0.378424072781, 0.36745084159100005, 0.378424072781, -0.186569919277, 0.7149849525030001, 1.06144071013, 1.25178974086, -0.6284363054259999, 0.194550754298, -0.0011963461976700002, -2.91070504285, -1.19600660576, -1.02754002284, -3.3594675492699997], [0.258452797166, -0.0537951782307, 0.581713696398, 0.47261105132299996, -1.17905886046, -0.9343248532420001, -0.361520801901, -0.38414867428800004, 0.263742400195, -0.454674573729, 0.005435881577979999, 0.13771752377399998, 0.17829319841699998, 0.36503198668700004, 0.38127588483499997, -0.12112480386499999, 0.539730113291, 0.42383668049199996, 0.51986024925, 0.349063439354, 0.514146823936, 0.0, 0.17829319841699998, 0.789496728333, 0.47261105132299996, 0.37319087567000003, 0.33792662231700005, 0.268127130361, 1.54721354743, 1.63655105342, 0.0, 0.0, -0.920399845889, -3.15748706586, 0.0, 0.129699789367, -3.15748706586], [0.41439543130400003, 1.1532950743200001, 0.951173530797, -0.513021129294, -0.5920933067849999, -1.0193102375799998, 0.938713260556, -0.0220117157095, 0.0520328141053, -0.54420551366, 0.271120304571, 0.94404874309, 0.136708921895, 0.22036251581900002, 0.5853152043100001, 0.40965829535400006, 1.47016987663, 1.24458105294, 0.812990791048, 0.889235334949, 1.20431325738, 0.47062224989600004, 0.182321405376, 0.00803791623807, 0.47675528328500005, 0.189654137302, 0.289707641994, -0.163564533411, -0.0317095146137, 0.393003105367, -0.845233961658, -0.9422290191789999, -0.675813979192, -2.51078191686, -1.53839417076, -1.2051577049, -3.1046894449299995], [-0.0141613291828, -0.793138228326, 0.34190077601700003, -0.11611596062599999, -1.63714006408, -0.868058336021, 0.29462129614300003, 1.23272012498, 0.11592949670399999, -0.534307117003, 0.447584009825, -0.221612847288, -0.17173185938000002, -0.103647529771, 0.468612484072, -0.527193908685, 2.31114454864, -0.252111249237, 0.615202951457, -0.258304766732, 0.650285097257, -0.32895998424899997, -0.25650522044199997, 1.21598950285, 1.6836916127500001, 0.38466913345, 0.820195488084, -0.0342275873001, 0.7818833700210001, 1.08814942652, -0.660575522914, 0.488718569951, 0.11983398810999998, -2.4307460561900003, 0.0, -1.32755477564, -2.52503953375], [-0.00730385846195, -0.647780492473, 0.643416173532, 0.951809784847, -2.58117361123, -1.00520751127, 0.132508071875, -0.108892758575, 0.313628879719, -0.778549703817, 0.14035772243, -0.0785104050351, 0.0459552072649, 0.126405881962, 0.190439509532, 0.770341095243, 0.751594156711, 0.69613481622, 0.704406281443, 0.879013056552, 1.4381075502200003, 0.504119286048, 0.699139470442, -0.344200103513, 0.35610220632399997, 0.226023700647, 0.819154897073, 0.940288867758, 0.5666948013440001, 1.06047877611, -2.1534351277200003, 0.192392897962, 0.112431614946, -1.66982910407, 0.0, -1.34003512983, -2.5460269002099998], [0.12916211406300002, 0.9467770538879999, 0.742522375546, 0.5525522479070001, -2.30986466994, -0.868831924286, -0.166077371325, -0.758387828185, 0.31581709600200003, -0.364070944362, -0.120924217436, -0.222927549479, -0.49162353658299995, 0.353143948756, 0.6775210178100001, 0.912138542316, 0.22740231480599998, 0.571032175879, 1.66401887495, 0.856415289375, 1.5245842560799998, 0.10668312930299999, 0.081913792232, 0.928522685923, -0.2394849616, 0.36189600379500003, 0.400928394309, 0.458463752175, 0.9583657368009999, 0.805769697286, -1.93764642845, -0.5362436921379999, 0.18552042053, -2.1772246433099998, 0.0, -2.0920332073099996, -1.47580994534], [0.361346270098, 0.455885154053, 0.605125386981, -0.675041141199, -1.9011348828999999, -1.24945088904, -0.6130771219969999, 0.19134883483600001, 0.856020509454, -1.1846556858, -0.204820410867, -0.026803924892099998, -0.06968954335319999, 0.5790346114180001, 0.36849006424099995, 1.4566451297799998, 0.6843833880519999, 1.74340101335, 0.631741416888, 0.302061977489, 0.882141032102, 0.31858352838799997, 0.208271828004, 0.856020509454, 0.647902880259, 0.593408233138, 0.38285860096100005, 1.2960249485200002, 0.12327774349000001, 0.28698944795000003, -0.296301647501, -2.06372516848, 0.13935214225700002, -2.15621239935, 0.215957925975, -2.0301478542400004, -1.71521190754], [0.615021467953, 0.49801874600900004, 0.8978013595640001, -0.0349646234962, -0.9424540697939999, 0.353978535759, -0.306872682937, -0.228513719852, 0.349051124423, 0.147315491753, 0.5114091470359999, 1.3954500668, -0.819041883061, 0.615021467953, 0.6490059904469999, 0.1518142337, 0.473795745489, -0.20966466862100003, 0.290013940436, -0.00199794550265, -0.044683392448300004, 0.342337831206, 0.422801631733, -0.0692146521325, 0.925580787357, 0.821329669096, 1.0998861881, 1.13420592585, 1.0227095530900001, 0.26665030664, -2.36261234118, -3.10213951387, -1.01426491642, -2.28134748605, 0.0, -1.00327310737, -0.562154207676], [0.08319749254049999, -0.407579509138, 1.11316537665, 0.749010676454, -2.12941096354, -0.14326199245, -0.176714230457, -0.11999117931299999, 0.6996527815320001, -0.11758864114499999, 0.07965357720819999, 0.92829022469, -0.311604388437, 0.27244525885800003, 0.989166053554, -0.0852868640318, -0.0441560071583, 0.158095520716, 0.376652482332, 0.7089033272990001, 0.335883491232, 0.9109065081559999, 0.937872873269, -0.28005780716699996, 0.590481177248, 0.653715479673, 1.29067187366, 0.252195878345, 1.3052035093799998, 0.6327631156319999, -2.15056847905, -0.925776396744, -0.578262935981, -2.82926432976, 0.0, -2.11334223078, -0.655060723284], [-0.33849154064599996, 0.633895334285, 0.523298464794, -0.205408367186, -1.2606109211299998, -0.39347521452699996, -0.005896792400579999, -0.0202514035328, 1.36940354826, -0.497559436298, 0.22067521238899998, -0.0455398177518, 0.45474142156400005, 0.010973917962, 0.40719905862899997, 1.01238309, -0.150243480175, 0.224495802317, 0.121696835621, 0.564360604622, 0.9644123999359999, 0.47848319617, 0.36191293958000004, 0.613887617478, 0.286502842204, -0.029071728124899998, 1.7843271616299998, 1.7480608789400003, 0.0182021874053, 0.745517456368, -2.68979120899, -1.62957754687, 0.151489057624, -1.82564445449, 0.0, -2.08327982154, -1.5210772941100001], [0.561030210635, 1.47685568278, 1.35643607393, 0.9219143670209999, -0.884254001445, -0.23962602204599998, -0.5370146376380001, 0.398646293807, 0.11719798057, 0.105351161066, 0.44850835703599995, -0.0157602313282, -0.582564807559, 0.6442721987560001, 0.14066089964, 0.536665491852, -0.76570298433, -0.17020198999699998, -0.165313075616, 1.04663289285, 0.785922369954, 0.377377259032, 0.871068952803, 0.159200889764, 0.26303208995, -0.0363194128972, 1.14619843168, 0.47408886338999995, 0.153831892657, 0.900284628247, -1.9462698675999999, -2.1509161542200004, 0.536665491852, -2.4996145915, 0.0, -2.3000857694, -1.12819893369], [-0.42693626203199997, -0.150295253309, 0.344427496171, 0.811083306505, -1.6196655830700002, -0.668090002704, 0.472745972017, 0.451010637341, 1.0499205899600002, -0.127705458345, 0.6827128467910001, 0.922068595883, 0.722341902358, 0.736854389734, 0.9390899411470001, -0.276668102155, 0.914614540303, 0.883277075749, 0.7174516454530001, 0.8201298073989999, -0.047319467145999994, -0.14556005485600002, 0.078274096651, -0.0238534846158, 0.0868625664951, 0.6219617458510001, 0.0666009198637, 0.575913549771, 0.27870468888300004, 0.35832465688799997, -1.1103304827, 0.121226613252, -0.0311771813232, -4.06314953451, -1.6423541229799998, -1.42698828155, -0.895504313171], [-0.446135953372, -0.16942437274799999, 0.34211666154799997, 0.800091622649, -2.80790261977, -0.709863233431, 0.6268500869560001, 0.546464176159, 1.11661555135, -0.134282465653, 0.815202324981, 0.9940303076829999, 0.830020139777, 0.494183835858, 1.01118794232, -0.22715825022, 0.8197763626800001, 0.786456776153, 0.752128748597, 0.926815395387, 0.149600837881, 0.0362314973144, 0.09250380038349999, 0.07080592640760001, 0.057974737313, 0.5837107556660001, 0.0669344254504, 0.733529816191, 0.17255162706, 0.117316963805, -0.9642765165189999, 0.37912310082199996, -0.6086305490199999, -3.04092664636, -2.0515039246, -1.29387286813, -0.868246020575], [0.5469774031310001, 0.265238370964, 0.0811523883784, -0.23534420181200003, -1.3067145514, -0.0834715684505, 0.0811523883784, 0.1380278352, 1.4519439425999998, 1.0708808017, 0.622221312341, -0.301206455209, -0.047952329643900005, 0.622221312341, 0.784761811347, -0.374930440594, 0.661552737715, 0.741470083175, 0.468111103425, 0.435383076526, 0.763909891368, 0.383708968966, -0.28195729822500004, 1.91837085275, 0.14745504481, 0.38703843664000004, 0.683070612039, 0.210351881863, -0.145151196293, 0.38703843664000004, -0.9698332906630001, -1.1939300083700002, -0.734535712827, -3.59526912264, -1.8217803043799998, -1.7490978267, -0.0108643850799], [0.38154347992, 0.333934188461, 0.8765957686329999, 0.569954065201, -2.9815324683499997, -0.513878107403, 0.610770561147, 0.416016482252, 1.14452617105, -0.188600934003, 0.584613402862, 0.43636803452100004, 0.203532970764, 0.08614945305019998, 0.386800480379, -0.220228794241, 0.794684796716, 0.592228633435, 0.403102390612, 0.31341339056899997, 0.18518072717, 0.428212526853, 0.32953274180799996, -0.146479535093, 0.309471486181, 0.37580470670500005, 0.7027709441760001, 1.00412862309, 0.826406544224, -1.68317447694, -0.569792931707, -1.60305861354, -0.100805003238, -3.41028403931, 0.0, -0.611251096118, -0.266656569839], [0.8374032137620001, -0.372467454541, 0.725385847861, 0.0230337209542, -2.40345505645, -0.44385391825900006, 0.29499176943100003, -0.0154716061929, 0.590978525343, 0.004737587234640001, 0.800418253905, 0.41049314776999996, 0.0582435262694, -1.15819509336, 0.0341674573129, 0.104604038885, 1.66922487982, -0.917053909012, 0.0203688654649, 0.800418253905, 0.826937675714, -0.632477185118, 0.818161774292, 0.36884241209, -0.230863908163, 0.887101228924, 1.25788116379, 1.43222028767, 0.499986401264, 1.0469328361399999, -0.8540921327619999, 0.33598554071099995, -0.0230510753974, -2.77717481157, -1.60634360826, -1.3293023933299999, -1.0847162560999999], [0.928206833127, 0.400703486554, 1.14544340411, 0.9535061291329999, -0.49793973845, -0.102153645215, -0.352278959358, 1.22648266448, 0.526342151885, 0.9489333780149999, -0.0122696801626, 0.8995420587430001, -0.0802827795327, -1.27955063731, -0.233218317833, 1.1130010342299999, 0.826575262511, -1.0544670167299999, 0.46615259698399997, 0.27061770028099996, -0.39648287197800003, -0.590438791033, 0.24069411484499997, 0.495859112202, 0.416336218774, 0.0376885887767, 0.826575262511, 1.43883269303, 0.8511197721930001, -0.34595194823299996, -1.13910059863, 0.305503854176, -0.503199583862, -2.90772169506, -0.7916463195929999, -2.47767761061, -1.55373612296], [0.385737880686, 0.44729191447300004, 0.387670453126, 0.712417363387, 0.172569268115, -0.5455607701690001, 0.320505552945, 0.19034626526299997, -0.187973474926, 1.03508222047, 0.494148788242, 0.722667471355, 0.0239806066224, 0.636555887227, 0.643501403095, 0.570843085675, 0.768616783481, 1.18504877408, 0.8282382448289999, 0.278020990856, -0.38992676102799995, -2.95689012792, -0.08596514783060001, 0.424805740118, 1.06488761254, 0.628222335905, -0.16085446531300002, 0.252552141854, 0.294431840801, 1.04806035196, -2.5026245617200003, -1.2858822922, 0.376464736133, -1.78600214348, -1.12297230799, -1.08676059843, -1.7812550622299999], [0.507416390475, 0.38864150848800005, 0.234347896202, -0.0666874692468, -0.873593641673, 0.462732318014, 0.0553123339482, -0.7019414548289999, 0.0187586280986, 0.348373470775, 0.566813293635, 0.13908533144000002, -0.475835391955, 0.6396231923560001, 1.5273652933700002, 0.0369262981659, 0.5559638966170001, 0.991718189993, 0.295080273492, 0.12358277108799999, -0.08601025323230001, -0.989006238413, -0.0119180961268, 0.801340164302, 0.302827647397, 0.545938343521, 0.7952513932269999, 0.6483491683079999, 0.774414457146, 1.33222197486, -2.5553300204099996, -0.218502827826, 0.6396231923560001, -2.73254028369, 0.0, -2.36528525107, -1.6550564988], [-0.340805507316, 0.129845325008, 0.717358131062, 0.299121214215, -1.14009576877, -0.280718102929, 0.519547620632, 1.03211856203, -1.00470977582, 0.684512915437, 1.00764720244, 0.36336510205600003, -1.06254402791, 0.740191209914, 1.10699683345, 1.0856651156200001, 0.43219331149499995, 0.250625115173, -0.383535478557, 0.40715920313500004, 1.4066732914500002, -0.811324470894, 0.667972279786, -1.2634062290399999, 1.33720543537, 0.19490141125399998, 0.574345835322, 0.139040874804, 0.397906975243, 0.23253412558400002, -1.7843626444599998, -0.304488723938, 0.763176265254, -2.7907343015499997, 0.0, -1.8090673698599997, -1.5143109547], [-0.991430367143, -0.7509336124629999, 0.797435707779, 0.797435707779, 0.0, -1.3232755805299998, -0.18251077910500002, -0.0007665907556330001, 0.0, 0.395708839489, -0.0184513833986, 1.7957716563, -0.312068549269, 1.68658780093, 1.43666947037, 0.0, 0.34373012023, 0.30972857819, -0.09194020484549999, 0.907511739633, 0.069639357066, -0.23072045862399998, 0.180711657801, 1.08150013517, 1.12523909223, -0.0393984758229, 0.0, 0.0, 0.740598326026, -0.382749010163, -1.81999575572, -0.719510368164, -0.117227454759, -2.5349965467, 0.0, -0.798767481594, -1.35352556995], [0.9328749409880001, 0.219202391657, 0.6868280413519999, 0.539020408722, 0.0, -0.302863818853, 0.735922520029, 1.1286983886700002, 0.0, -0.059642916707600004, 0.21051448618299998, 0.0139454017357, 0.642003037236, -0.152943463389, 1.80244359935, 0.0, 0.0197911388612, -0.414235915154, 0.483658752428, 0.062005571622599995, 1.15052910877, -0.283100585637, 0.81051062323, 0.219202391657, 0.352501262972, -0.333480731222, 0.0, 0.0, 0.293469288628, 0.9406418648459999, -2.19957029319, -0.428114126255, -0.7667890748430001, -1.95581440593, 0.0, -1.9851190299, -2.36208885786], [0.2208523702, 1.0862244730500001, 1.26984372864, -0.620677514444, 0.600271342755, -0.334567914019, 0.9379867914100001, 0.6679392702170001, -0.18102266469999997, 0.678575784605, -0.363088872096, -0.20936845288699998, -0.629511799332, 0.489328165358, 1.5998948708399998, -0.370378817529, 0.963124559636, 0.442871063914, -0.7401416778569999, 0.424822785504, 0.872807523196, 0.370932485511, 1.63173020978, -0.31812363115, 0.080750062798, 0.7366688667919999, -0.273812568226, -0.04348149090390001, 0.278727630785, 0.422031676493, -1.8899734291099999, 0.9828356694179999, -1.38812139222, -2.27283045722, -1.5107719825400001, -1.5422461710600002, -2.0701004956299998], [0.872675746671, 0.283106523427, 0.912029584693, 0.529677996501, 0.6070235337650001, 0.234908944381, 0.08503329445319999, 1.1009948269, 0.486545207664, -0.713370360108, -0.240366816906, 0.263612977883, -0.456921467457, -1.03776961044, 0.814097786646, -0.14942356513900001, 0.67723222285, 0.469480722928, -0.207212875575, -0.585471505107, 0.475384749714, 0.0, 0.548304489866, -0.741914656128, 0.020693549786, 0.694652179123, -0.4764018869899999, 0.159806053004, 0.5347333600199999, 2.4076567232299997, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8119674719750001, -2.9321963996, 0.0, -1.79377989676, -2.03085396132], [0.9146391028190001, -0.8878510976940001, 0.656839646567, 0.983710571661, -1.93911630532, -0.41301610029299995, -0.176326178583, -0.33873827521399996, -0.966112164385, 0.393010376449, 0.418832664298, 0.673768132185, -0.35015364462399995, 0.819979369764, 0.46669149781, 0.9487500121510001, 1.28907561734, 1.15665554471, 0.31626336062800003, 0.900647524501, 1.5352146555300001, 0.238503358329, 0.826718720713, 0.6367056852040001, 0.161659870449, 0.78528340722, 0.42213145495099996, -0.147744311972, -0.099783767707, 0.12871662593900002, -1.3068225900200001, -1.9747730426599996, -1.12267246102, -2.0342248768099997, 0.0, -2.0614465877, -0.8550157952099999], [0.734560479207, -0.5137550396580001, 1.00122252642, 0.17483817019200001, -1.29734342436, -0.39983009037699996, -1.4449612405, -0.21627694871999997, -1.2665043581, 0.496520493704, 0.622716302533, -0.6415018781530001, -0.0666233098979, 1.18523235615, -0.0015889674673900003, -0.23823428847800002, 0.578143018637, 1.47197181541, 0.6634450450180001, 1.00122252642, 2.02796835413, -0.406557063359, 0.475873181259, 1.9854114537799998, -0.125729738991, 0.8018302939190001, 0.496520493704, -1.01933954514, 0.291434231763, 1.28954675889, -1.17910258877, -0.518860712491, -0.7886442427629999, -1.74062408137, -1.8491252673400003, -0.752101651232, -0.8317530639890001], [-0.8915052036900001, -0.03788996655, 0.40330284248000003, -0.24822914202500002, -1.44263865097, -0.229582363979, -0.302913187098, -0.43054817835500003, 0.6095495576100001, -0.8185527549989999, -0.40432624915700005, 0.35654700714599996, 1.21626850682, 0.249077986948, -0.50753292033, -0.22781138961599998, 0.303263052031, 0.17051941259199999, 0.44479533381499997, 1.61296155619, 1.09979378732, 0.741759889583, 1.4387414303600001, 1.14868314029, 0.6095495576100001, 1.40445499118, 0.5571993188000001, 0.641554701794, 0.45551904290399997, 0.614392132071, -0.663965944635, -1.4632998022200001, -1.0382529949500001, -1.7452440029900003, 0.0, -0.511657287354, -3.11398320864], [-0.247531189331, 0.47672254685800003, 1.30929480198, 1.30929480198, -1.76297907252, -1.0930571148600001, -0.784229949475, 0.231772644399, -0.291948023482, -1.98832168697, -0.651442986483, 0.5830778099289999, 0.9877223827220001, 1.17282702599, 0.301647896538, -0.0451888963906, 0.36443399944300003, 0.7391096308640001, 0.863891120949, 1.30582185213, 2.3457785571, 0.081125638119, 1.01734213735, 0.8485403852060001, 0.288373534686, 0.44158558388700003, 0.0410935516034, -0.19605435554499998, -0.711253966527, 0.156623296918, -0.614332679453, -0.7926329118619999, -0.7966435089659999, -1.2361627616500002, -0.839978088984, -0.704852356476, -2.10946964968], [0.555397515449, 0.289781733667, 0.0157229691273, 0.649746692303, 0.0707959181422, 0.367448453806, -0.662584508272, -0.0740930520234, 0.516838790385, 1.7319723452200002, 0.734087942927, 0.433857941207, 0.373228765549, 1.13263825292, 0.167554561128, 0.64051321775, 0.321764585092, -1.0949196700200001, 0.339319218842, 0.539822369312, 1.2535548556799998, -0.480260953836, -0.354919075021, -0.480260953836, 0.0993056707716, 0.41654595904299996, 0.966336588155, 0.153095783695, 1.01125263815, -0.32250401282200003, -0.8664927226100001, -0.157734178432, -0.9210262025489999, -4.10687306203, -0.9292816858640001, -1.68622653171, -0.643406159309], [0.461962146056, 0.5103475310100001, 1.09317147141, 0.549991384905, 1.25363107392, 0.253101980703, 0.365522390686, -0.06960303406339999, -0.174122637011, 0.460282402331, 0.656054682144, -1.06248905584, -0.317157622114, 0.809135983565, 0.518964221798, -0.922833912884, -0.0575205388858, 0.243330633939, -0.0327750425186, 0.790761488012, 0.347328181192, 0.190229171998, -0.236374454138, -1.00039722662, 1.86760265668, 0.41594448790700006, 0.634103980654, -0.45673589697899997, 1.86760265668, 0.23622907333299997, -1.41259716919, -0.669911789235, -1.14667380654, -3.5295533221099995, -0.24620869272, -1.39749279391, -0.792850604169], [0.169590267071, 1.57380786924, 0.858615901943, 0.26875139775400003, 0.630821855462, 0.940171918403, -0.43251800576800004, 0.382089879133, 1.12525142048, 0.34519636135, 0.19328562608600003, 1.0991688793899999, 0.49739194613000004, 0.443340571435, 1.17811588072, -0.24503724019, -0.21342926476100002, -0.183989238909, 0.35446668103900003, 0.374334294702, 0.580471608391, 0.211914271125, -0.5260725240559999, -3.4067969053400002, -0.335457643244, 0.518226039293, 0.394661013965, -0.46351649953199997, 0.6652810110899999, -0.0787732784281, -0.724783946509, -0.365864439199, -0.140210742518, -3.02256772702, -0.600406410279, -1.49546103611, -0.570069792331], [1.1965730879, 1.55595673685, 0.8376901421699999, -0.5121673286280001, 0.17334935361099998, 1.1448488185899999, -0.292432359775, 0.197559215354, -0.45642633043, 0.932561870195, -0.255416754373, 0.6763059256199999, -0.10599306735300001, 1.09518439877, 0.551715821559, 0.491571119123, -1.0329247118, -0.09759917350839999, 0.551715821559, 1.6998799843999999, -0.110491202272, 0.291784308361, -0.289477085327, -0.219928445529, 0.0674669802799, 0.213323808099, 1.18370578609, -0.09759917350839999, 0.33411535172, 0.23920884702, -1.5743957900999999, -1.36364054933, -1.3213260663200002, -2.95972988652, 0.0, -1.9290165375, -0.815952914983], [0.66385718215, 2.4813991730400002, 1.5382576507899999, 0.559218844979, 0.624588192379, 1.21266466094, -0.496792520836, -0.306425159025, 0.313562265565, -0.961822356318, -0.635157145954, 0.47627534077, -0.436050102499, 0.9317478688519999, 1.00652779602, 0.753629764812, -0.052908222033599996, -0.07529561493539999, 0.138465173927, 0.30989156838799997, -0.21113565550000002, -0.31435047924000004, -0.395193358635, -0.7385391609180001, 0.365278536779, -0.194402891525, 0.517674179282, 0.48516737702699997, 0.0698183622507, 0.0467201156486, -2.40351191785, 0.5496355755100001, -0.512159390737, -2.66917487702, 0.0, -1.87922003885, -0.762240737234], [1.44115618433, 1.20262807156, 0.32749888667, 0.418557470105, -0.138011226308, 0.528652686839, -0.652833081326, -0.528078318899, 0.28271625706, 0.693142723445, 1.05411975596, -0.555907599688, -0.0286548959051, 1.0908637984, -0.283901081776, 0.839244084119, 0.234800035298, 0.302619300982, 1.25481165743, 0.928599825851, 0.855966125476, -0.07348725576889999, -0.12126800129799999, -0.356206860413, -0.643367750862, 0.0664839811085, 0.545555924496, -0.0545303315894, 0.0442969419457, 0.656486535267, -2.67025969699, 0.685224060893, -1.40963935924, -2.24893447125, 0.0, -2.13807399371, -1.55027038219], [0.128832887985, -0.190462790572, 0.27983508751200004, 0.515730196048, 0.026244293783900002, -0.155459229796, -0.361085642477, 0.36800554799999996, -0.37264320677599994, 1.56704521297, 0.977100438267, 0.67095442572, -0.15172241389, 2.06655762658, -0.392632521237, 0.294656988377, 0.770108512717, 0.5637281139320001, -0.7820389619820001, 1.12595274504, 1.08323615361, 1.0233239700799999, 0.134437782037, -0.6493043132940001, 0.0601053992341, 0.37919391424500004, -0.312898232121, 0.17329601212999998, 0.128832887985, 1.51079359831, -1.52051120903, -0.0988314683146, -1.37117345131, -2.4321033236900003, -1.42617288304, -1.74322605837, -1.88770608866], [0.398399728714, 0.03987438272319999, -0.09383868400260001, 1.33311513576, -0.791919398828, -0.2764723668, -0.356610847619, 0.5636750346689999, 0.6761105022059999, -0.13237301358, 0.41220138542499996, 0.08688442762399999, 0.05143858106700001, 1.4236541629799997, 0.11457691498099999, 0.168069642498, 0.0583339086363, 0.6520050739859999, 1.0341183177600002, 0.710307518136, 1.90912352686, -0.039883644827699995, 0.22636663617400002, -1.2686865328499999, 0.509378518618, 0.556128560023, 0.932474402302, 0.575213452349, -0.0418047306091, 0.552083684685, -0.976512738573, -0.820858237644, -1.8210295001900003, -2.87643518505, 0.0, -1.2437313433600001, -2.24337727425], [0.46708458682, -0.284077131622, 0.24633206108300001, 0.600352420867, -0.8411497097730001, 0.949445465359, 0.0551478825086, 0.46940536933300003, 0.0773787915275, -0.0323045674729, 0.553305965538, 1.6854639393900002, 0.30604114819, 1.14014663653, 0.609894403963, 0.313923953296, 1.50466719396, -1.49782606322, 0.35299343978299996, 1.0284814661, 1.32195720075, -0.328929307023, 0.88750902815, -0.474250664182, -0.257614202735, 0.116638066104, 0.985881577018, 0.326369059465, -0.9937137522930001, 0.08014131433939999, -2.26004601282, -0.80139664361, -0.785754455699, -2.02305765851, 0.0, -1.48535508701, -2.01308571412], [1.26375207207, 1.9927458404, 0.900609045061, 1.20125450125, 0.23783272327, 0.0787830983375, 0.479515981619, 0.532530007905, 0.31926122142200003, 0.85117977903, 0.5441520684269999, 0.644962093731, 0.268398457914, 0.580583977911, 1.30771472167, 0.08580651065980001, 0.9064836037999999, 0.059686861836800005, -0.200369049799, 0.0981882339952, 0.13819189238399998, 0.17439303562800001, 0.07014526909839999, -0.36570597494400003, -0.320471347093, -0.17990573922800002, -0.140398237725, -0.15365073884000002, 0.06930916862230001, -0.107665362478, -1.6700280187799998, 0.0246448888916, -1.07588829738, -2.43165326322, -2.11342900405, -1.85471823442, -2.21624178697], [1.61455448503, 0.661033250912, 0.867281817545, 0.42761135373400005, 0.603793111603, -0.570134037939, 0.0, 0.0, 0.294351576914, 0.0, 0.0, 1.4484686042200001, 1.4270123342299998, 0.8946206166580001, 0.976227392754, 0.177232764148, 1.0076352671200002, 0.0701447969948, 0.154058353653, -0.453639280925, -0.11999189619100001, 0.412173356407, 0.732750934048, -0.833407044446, 0.701844982579, 0.0016078065470099998, -0.94201435675, -0.595255044498, 0.471411942067, -0.818374939526, -1.22971890878, -0.522781912972, 0.0, -2.75906609945, -1.5081768794200001, -1.250464088, -1.34079025827], [1.02963267891, 0.861563399788, 0.502224963556, 0.467725270735, -0.119474659526, 0.44692345497, 0.823089648849, 0.901612753829, -0.36751327439099996, 1.40269979426, 1.1229779472900001, 1.43986750291, -0.334038573582, 1.40965409098, 0.9189825904180001, -0.372081489594, 0.733247189008, -0.306476057877, -0.11637299941, 0.651611193514, -0.372081489594, -0.0114670706941, -0.589408947838, -1.51342641334, 0.903371191291, -0.51721869392, -0.00662931037348, -0.508644178411, -1.1449625561399999, -1.11990421856, -1.6370825424700002, 0.7869574011149999, 0.6378454867360001, -2.73563422604, -0.27447672408, -1.4445965857299998, -1.54849654658], [1.2092642089499999, 0.751153506355, 0.235741704773, 0.196621679338, 0.297385469431, 0.6983566188570001, 0.301897809013, 0.331478913505, -0.35381510992299997, 0.8250301226569999, 0.314839330516, 1.08266980471, 0.305310134084, 1.14858461824, 0.421424406104, -0.6111369724819999, 1.69308393755, 0.0736645139517, 0.38405583844499996, 1.48153838058, -0.208543981801, -0.414080712606, -0.497539925352, -1.7848781207799997, 0.35278949134000004, 0.0393846862093, 0.00256994242827, -0.497539925352, 0.053651632841999995, 0.0808731174031, -2.67626098039, 0.7962502751680001, 0.09012278265979999, -2.8314901974799995, -0.777127727089, -0.9211777211390001, -1.59415155072], [0.0740084864164, 1.5576901246000001, -0.260080840369, -0.473687970581, 1.4219178740600003, 0.20283840109200002, -0.07065223570410001, 0.745718438795, 1.6814151313299999, 0.849325938758, 0.7025535432340001, 0.545489597908, 0.8410656922349999, 1.0873035959000001, 0.712931089769, -0.0352412623349, 1.18916444369, 0.8249788548270001, 0.211920981921, 0.272144954165, -0.373759970637, -0.283843031121, 0.187913430365, -0.9396230758670001, -0.40792061118, 0.24683684917100002, 0.562957711192, -0.143315857916, -0.16024990191500002, -1.21830474897, -1.43338631065, -0.42917102849100003, 0.11795601074, -1.51809524016, -2.71516801851, -2.07963856781, -1.4939924779499998], [0.41355543305799997, 1.72528141072, 0.0106858884879, -0.117656463047, 1.24624949312, 0.297724771001, 0.00015904336343500002, 0.693041098063, 1.47506951533, 0.6585789103, 0.5682396706180001, 0.636623577598, 0.81852973207, 1.3163520823200001, 0.957409615719, -0.193401894907, 0.969050579764, 0.558639782057, 0.148605782816, 0.267532238022, 0.110088179769, -0.264942586175, 0.281755876733, -0.952835913317, -0.341760419419, 0.058143477816, 0.495574199234, -0.291358443254, -0.26789840102400003, -1.30128721248, -1.6172257114, -0.27063360569600003, -0.07099548102000001, -2.14401496307, -2.2787034082099997, -2.2712011175, -1.32297473747], [0.08330827993039999, 1.67943400218, -0.23172326301899998, -0.726376521101, 1.53451078055, -0.141662125149, -0.235636393651, 0.7253632815600001, 2.4109119578400002, 0.65882772227, 0.60125697272, 0.558331829139, 0.6720982413709999, 1.23557858199, 0.825873938406, -0.226624149945, 1.31232835518, 0.321675136316, 0.0715625480261, 0.0206797533335, -0.0596188076506, -0.759623228512, 0.22576632737, -1.70557608731, -0.549049724643, 0.159812268202, 0.8099397714669999, -0.169434301721, -0.503314919458, -1.93896924808, -1.45677370913, -0.5520876792530001, -0.402439258593, -1.39943321843, 0.0, -1.39943321843, -1.44948389377], [0.0693827001068, 0.8742926705149999, 0.00135285232419, 0.37756820840000005, 0.74692484588, -0.10831478205600001, -1.05691578189, 0.45119712545, 1.6478800151700002, 0.39338407042499995, -0.0337950866779, 0.695286307307, 1.01598795655, -0.120031894026, -0.042525700052300004, 0.35709438664899995, 1.29815903618, 0.6529936628549999, 0.758085319569, 0.0353169652791, 0.10046630383999999, 0.178107804719, 0.847389353549, -0.23671506157299999, -0.440755806465, -0.0754346951751, 0.8973017056479999, 0.597242064577, 0.056082977039000004, -0.986725164189, -2.91010053666, -0.0780869401388, 0.267815046143, -2.52328091855, 0.0, -1.99842598825, -1.70820302246], [-0.49668975978600005, -0.00176953495555, -0.939261711828, 1.03931273036, -0.161737332854, 1.77675383991, -0.0411060840209, 0.45801770053, 0.419147087358, 0.34998698093599995, -1.46803109782, -0.12861933869, 0.254302837161, 1.9023454632199999, 0.0894439982415, -0.879832251565, -0.166108283377, -0.09607944107930001, 1.6432383379, 1.7986534688900002, 1.01393410755, 0.7376197762469999, -0.941794316811, -0.371765922611, 0.779624957256, -0.158149288467, 0.479343945182, -0.160268718531, -0.425549593961, 0.855401584484, -1.4104857466999998, -1.01963644485, -0.948640749428, -2.08074501899, 0.0, -1.9425065300599997, 0.24165035115400002], [0.8671446259289999, -0.09418225604969999, -0.747464772333, -0.33342993526000003, -0.9807231978859999, 0.270309456178, 0.768795390891, 0.0752167404583, 0.021844069372299997, -0.978425332712, 0.019163590062, 1.03635524105, -0.0139022968352, 0.9650578454530001, 0.8577875436939999, 0.395092083958, 0.668148464482, 0.708986895741, 0.9121881379469999, 1.59274164504, 0.8092397721879999, -0.318120984213, -0.897483919495, 1.8076289694999998, -0.359153415546, -0.617274847757, 0.407066408361, -0.0261333800208, -0.305390291325, 1.3427103840799999, -2.36840438746, 0.010507494372499999, -0.700936795934, -2.26503741319, 0.0, -2.24758126767, -0.282340265074], [0.828420258786, 1.59333317699, -0.0252888669923, 0.5184546593330001, 0.251587914221, 0.7619181440970001, -0.996815233151, -0.26634817920299997, -0.45540620691399997, 0.595274260848, 0.868448021799, 0.328896690439, -1.46201967959, 0.886957848454, 0.0941572536316, -0.8834272438070001, -0.786128492492, 1.20848226471, 1.87767170991, 0.5160614755240001, 0.676785091229, 0.316034560026, -0.696479175978, -0.8301241321430001, 0.924855245783, -0.00665949786568, 0.799137880303, -0.35919905342299996, 0.37018779635399995, 1.45105360186, -0.310753235581, -1.30110344921, -1.4661395244799997, -2.24904688837, -1.40002968282, -1.7568620960699999, 0.38411278380099995], [-0.16992216811299998, -0.208495773993, 0.2129697009, 2.13987042145, 0.606502456979, 0.31090132396, -0.713656829103, 0.43248875455499997, -1.33920496337, -0.84162175768, -0.565777103541, 0.08152803506730001, -1.69690371532, 1.6221371016600001, 1.12111834872, -0.561690515096, -0.349807377913, 1.3038050355700002, 1.14153260437, 0.699482346538, 0.30718724902100003, -0.25451073482299996, 0.010814890549099999, 0.629883594309, 0.7411118520800001, 0.6725577864200001, 1.57826170619, -0.208495773993, 1.0869326972700002, -0.04068766440069999, -0.49451309579400005, 0.0502722844178, -1.30761499543, -1.8019244942900001, -1.03470646803, -1.77254959007, -1.3872751690600003], [0.708774269049, 0.09236737608830001, 0.10199664742699999, -0.5237490886, -1.79098000574, -0.246527135562, 0.15588993215299998, 0.014807193323, 0.562366611634, 1.12269009011, 0.36787032242600004, 1.32076378913, 0.657361300257, 1.9864801694799998, 0.36570244479599995, 1.31436406661, -0.0771976650749, 0.8402933016099999, 0.7987609855429999, -1.2490194987999998, -0.603266303647, 0.6809054308329999, -1.1919751087700001, -0.659003937746, -0.143373417309, -0.146369141033, -0.0392784743479, -0.0439977677025, 2.18670318682, 0.0192104647409, -0.603347288934, 0.730794656623, -0.846558933574, -1.22971624982, -1.8536572093099999, -2.21703241338, -0.563052599304], [0.9272835434700001, 0.475723088353, 0.285786419588, -0.3666922351, -2.4333192670400003, -0.383163735229, 0.0251442156281, 0.42947810298100003, -0.12424988362299999, 1.11543906578, 0.326151868321, 1.48910007742, 0.6488499353639999, 1.98350306175, 0.786575675215, 0.661661527278, 0.254517825077, 1.00101171516, 0.9249742923370001, -1.26793593813, -0.602232193525, 0.199460051626, -0.976405800325, -0.670489675525, 0.19449323782900002, 0.284207841227, -0.570514161523, -0.533409667944, 2.17728321587, 0.0436338949579, -0.690443368536, 0.169996839815, -0.447377337412, -1.6774828649200002, -1.84639986436, -1.0921865765899998, -0.721972925259], [0.8820157025550001, 0.516451530277, -0.326713542543, -0.517176052299, -1.6994022872299999, 0.17540009959000002, -0.10451445642000001, -0.11738412514, 0.770920177698, 0.83024098334, 0.121539610947, 0.8820157025550001, 0.0, 1.61910393532, 0.467901173494, 0.618561460091, 0.372628024886, 1.19877459704, 0.7908758883310001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.08649424951580001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.284276810186, -0.37412843031900006, 0.618561460091, 0.40658523095700005, 0.759354475121, 0.37680688403000007, -1.42557225874, 0.715105698389, -2.4075517619099998, -1.83173467711, -1.99664848427, -1.3944872559000001, -0.125311863493], [0.984539020358, 0.468903445142, -0.25823055816999996, -0.612460812257, -1.46594665618, -0.8584177092399999, -0.615120624738, -0.714953341989, 0.5152819193, -0.26408023982900003, 0.401975145129, 0.666286566014, 0.458190737796, 0.925635404576, 0.503853736635, 0.8162330641619999, 0.28546612497900004, 0.466777518574, 1.10799912211, -0.53233871525, 0.0326021525925, -0.00108602169652, -0.0635221338402, 0.004840461419500001, 0.16908899971299998, 0.004840461419500001, 0.162210973505, -0.0357227434062, 1.2755237302299998, 0.9654301457369999, -0.11195693229499999, 1.5697576728600002, -0.8930959327299999, -4.28610421916, 0.0, -0.6234476780839999, -0.44895208339599996], [1.7722759121400002, 0.8395169935819999, -0.657853090019, -0.393407904922, -0.469327694873, -0.159526562847, 0.37948076419, -0.0262438320315, 0.255188641913, 0.620720398619, 0.819880595431, 0.546834110689, 0.19654485696, 0.8078975881430001, 0.48592728489299997, -0.330604059214, 0.593526535695, 0.211539992014, 1.24781844198, -0.21697886257, 0.878420621038, -0.6648325699409999, -0.273963042753, -0.657853090019, -0.224029831692, 0.28968903577300004, -0.351208385898, -0.913636054728, 1.19075764365, 0.407935483349, -0.44911184992799996, 0.339207340798, -0.476021447923, -4.39215618779, 0.0, -1.2183305786799998, -0.008077195025149999], [0.0118159494869, 0.50994202193, 0.00529579383817, 0.212803636605, -0.647023555479, -1.8592675107700003, 1.1455399427200001, -0.38888202761600005, -0.327949011054, -0.879406289026, 1.36889940438, -0.715512628507, -0.15060895844, 0.417766909826, 1.0112338834799999, 0.65545349719, 0.18412685986400001, 1.3258029795100001, 1.26330401961, -0.906573037179, 0.9370766569619999, 0.0, 0.813152584714, -1.6078379213499998, 0.5460631115, 0.164075087767, -1.31226952953, -0.164721577201, 2.05816968572, 1.73466494319, -0.8218491203, 0.0, -0.12522991747099999, -0.952329788282, -1.1740577057, -1.37933860211, -0.952329788282], [-0.060482712926099996, -0.641555064617, -0.246284561006, -0.0836993852159, -1.98495586749, 0.20938345241599998, 0.642980479191, 0.012623533378, -0.665771048169, 0.5603247819100001, 1.17672325013, -0.074404462542, 0.09585972468949999, 0.777561440605, 0.116344600253, 0.163058021, 0.7992270283059999, 0.532156451153, -0.17505275331599998, 1.7004372075799998, 0.134183439506, -0.203206366395, 0.134183439506, 0.766534902931, 0.368576876123, -0.09476606792739999, 1.01631649433, 0.470462946668, 1.14592609019, 1.83282366377, -0.45379470442000003, 0.226396057904, -1.75957461262, -1.89843093099, 0.023388965950000003, -1.8532394307900002, -2.71025487907], [0.393428257775, -0.227217059762, 0.48999590695600004, 0.19327851179900002, -1.7904745622999998, 1.17110564432, -0.408328891967, 0.00416741708031, -1.8688627959400002, 0.28992089769, 0.31400788545, 0.216878530482, 0.44675124594, 0.502295623551, -0.151625911225, -1.46478906776, 0.682440819826, 0.174975978099, 1.0153656896799998, 0.563373994712, 1.1345065488200001, 0.6575527455210001, 0.633330248126, 1.08352957209, 0.47072839448, 0.466059134176, 1.0626379216500002, -0.0367991119592, 0.382639624266, 1.39879760848, -1.40805714657, 0.832194884052, -1.37109809663, -2.59722031986, -0.433901414559, -1.6827886806499999, -1.13880002585], [-1.55450168849, -1.93650351035, -0.115540029535, -1.09181287991, -1.61152565808, -0.22389306456, -0.598464646122, 0.372596914171, -1.5871314759900002, 0.014842196687399998, 0.393346082311, 0.279568761928, 0.402371057644, 0.489305589904, -0.324258720471, 0.164699842668, 0.8000204019600001, 0.45811281563699996, -0.07313731698760001, 1.50657579183, 0.870157852517, 0.813654913613, 1.44971839359, 1.73974067324, -0.45553792947599997, 0.628418928212, 0.5383016816089999, 0.0687017049849, 1.54363162795, 0.956455820632, -1.2214872385700002, 0.7303581508429999, 0.11912877798699999, -1.98352184676, 0.0, -1.0425337532899999, -0.5198582213340001], [-0.546067537939, -1.1017993774600001, -0.055084075321699996, -1.4214268187999999, -0.670155057531, -0.212728369812, 0.0, 0.0, -1.64439273128, 0.0, 0.0, 0.24671656802099998, -0.13688383111, 0.269951339132, 0.269951339132, -0.406242649611, 0.723993306311, 0.383162081707, -0.03664513764380001, 1.6795194499700001, 0.9520776064899998, 1.70021597129, 1.10158036368, 1.18125936022, 0.732933540423, -0.0113003184617, 1.5095226833200002, 0.63366073711, 0.5165241330100001, -0.132282955732, -0.410453009864, -0.141314310703, 0.0, -2.0617994570800002, 0.0, -0.8262178866590001, -2.08627495481], [-0.570805789257, -0.942947607188, 0.5920318904730001, 0.325760577226, -1.5569452579799998, -0.8519248283399999, -0.718408793943, -0.9014216990039999, -1.0062364701, -0.723722898286, 0.236746247641, 0.09360787360989999, -0.351605193069, -0.022292427768599996, -0.124236731599, 0.67437992739, 1.18044382502, 0.537955450885, 0.5552638002579999, 0.07737934601369999, 0.415631670831, 1.33558007886, 0.386665000583, 0.568432810746, 0.236746247641, 0.342503116912, -0.32297856075, 0.259127252573, 2.5587576914, 2.27047334933, -0.536776903504, 1.26299367018, -0.925367868685, -1.5468267056, -0.0679601968166, -0.299896382141, -2.44012551355], [-0.275154981669, -1.2946460399700002, 0.164735171017, 0.9759526369410001, -0.818788633593, -0.44303032896399996, -0.286846345584, -0.254963654115, -0.68906282353, 1.09431565925, 0.9650113581440001, 0.200606349558, 0.0100404941421, 0.24624759030299997, 0.0179376617364, 1.46186295181, 0.216873353292, -0.507922323133, 1.00179588296, -0.445725697909, -1.05418041497, 0.6616166261349999, 1.12636891979, 0.9047962267280001, 0.50510356664, -0.140905430589, -0.732416487681, 1.0194480229, 2.0689148400099997, 1.1952445682500001, -1.3525259846200002, 1.18218033987, -0.725748783122, -2.2401622857900003, -0.36795484517399996, -1.5224073709200001, -1.8666097881400001], [-0.9722458871330001, -0.11175835768100001, 0.38895934826800005, 0.350544708823, -1.7845537760900003, -0.055520402747499996, -0.21066744144000002, -0.258062980101, -0.350875040932, -1.04948831594, 0.525856784052, -0.31375892844000003, -0.20370735136799997, 0.281703289441, 0.0358488579776, 0.798808454356, -0.20886144098700002, 0.130857389506, -0.139365481566, 0.7534311673209999, 0.972264868918, -0.39215464678, 1.8217586080300001, 1.23506019248, -0.213550176147, -0.0649181341058, 1.20273348465, 0.5624001115030001, 1.10027776811, 2.22917735381, -1.20799711763, 1.2672724203299999, -0.8771701000799998, -1.76687444004, -1.93130195628, -1.92259075933, 0.37846792724100004], [0.406220174941, -0.318769499113, 0.24664031333500003, 0.8955902620899999, -1.31221775925, -0.08008810440439999, 0.2430538738, -0.19176125892499998, -1.1393289842299998, -0.795002053846, -0.862624137378, -0.20497542616, -1.65857976281, 0.7104334320640001, 0.706989940133, -0.480409175169, 0.435172370876, -0.720704346628, 0.457557754684, -0.220231412388, 0.9325051176379999, -0.524762505465, 0.9980333458480001, 0.256468211928, -0.318769499113, 1.20380903349, 0.665990023874, 0.34387495515100003, 2.6942492391500004, 2.75913705807, -1.45262690486, 0.303290470476, -0.217337626476, -1.1977448662399999, -1.1060412817799998, -1.0581024296200001, -0.39893854370399995], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9329094229260001, -0.252140869326, -0.587617942689, -0.421868228036, -1.0001098819299998, -0.307916760522, 0.13329034511600002, 0.8977989436399999, -0.155973512955, 0.36780507202699997, 0.570810491683, 0.987487959592, 0.751106522977, -0.77686660839, -0.507506601342, -0.445321937967, 0.34541562880099996, -0.485074984748, -0.403748515004, -0.557999423872, -0.294587778603, 0.40743508358900005, 0.8330227991399999, 1.2631112522799999, 2.21394391972, 2.21893122707, -1.2674376075799998, 1.24674096792, -1.19746323024, -2.55861595863, 0.0, -0.357163937726, 0.273422988949], [0.250433713069, 0.307061443317, -0.077908476661, 0.672465490889, -1.47670851474, -0.128253692957, 1.00093484222, -1.25452105939, 1.0431167197700002, -0.7381183461699999, 0.693112480643, -0.235147042399, -0.12002545707699999, 0.0213595398226, -0.747864309737, -0.509274884705, 0.0756282641232, -0.14704573005899998, -0.682994590736, -0.103884174505, 2.0379639286099995, -0.195208278809, 1.0289502318000001, 0.923725948389, -0.40965185158399997, 1.40612426674, -0.276151927183, -0.266681083643, 0.299315227254, 2.30677413875, -0.470035069693, 1.8564205017700002, -0.717736015251, -1.70971599671, -0.650799415418, -0.711462322517, -2.29419849723], [0.235506428547, -0.6915783215819999, 0.87286555994, 0.273572843305, -0.62385314802, -0.43273117050300003, 0.641147493187, 0.37696791304899996, 0.21739479203099998, 1.02424486777, -0.355699807109, -0.884554624761, -0.9528510695129999, 0.544435155043, -0.681368718233, -0.211340889981, 1.05873528056, 0.297574523935, 0.505566473822, 0.275829731478, 0.259206208617, -0.458338045543, 0.7097296528020001, 1.3106804509299999, 0.157586416707, 0.7123509313799999, 0.275829731478, -0.07483806421139999, 0.9376156503149999, 2.56299083797, -1.52905806306, 1.4092192718399998, -0.6745258889839999, -2.00685341601, -1.48331226386, -1.48331226386, -2.11483445948], [-1.19974923257, -0.617060316799, -0.6114129050429999, 0.15777837765, 0.243238230425, 0.169128014837, 1.6756905532600002, -0.182101875488, 1.08464995862, 0.0819990544954, -0.464029974766, 0.407380343032, 0.6160405158519999, 0.09911470796260001, 1.0010966106599999, -0.07453120897110001, 0.841387120739, -0.8047215383830001, 0.237304008783, 0.7786761236570001, 0.646667303431, -0.561324453443, -0.068144019681, 0.816894642737, -1.2819558958, -0.412660527783, 0.0184762805286, -0.324931165814, 0.0947231483911, 2.61177973344, -1.30148334495, 2.28911384342, -0.543004832854, -0.684040597833, -0.986659418321, -1.918088971, -1.8352382924200001], [-0.308356459357, -0.603803194265, -0.647434113567, 0.430482540942, -0.215504496189, 0.212059728927, 1.5991301575799999, -0.250261886109, 1.1701525249, -0.029314749201400002, -0.436610264824, 0.511919298732, 0.689706061024, 0.0756587920778, 0.9480402057189999, -0.23317628507, 0.39522429721600005, -1.50030860692, -0.0410906013305, 0.867929725718, 0.7030225456110001, -0.452248088772, 0.00812137002782, 0.7845139400679999, -1.25232632481, -0.766442047411, 0.07956270056379999, -0.311790100468, -0.107759627273, 2.61330289653, -1.13844380141, 2.48788479795, -0.48524260061200003, -0.5806399624499999, -0.446581946222, -2.0046360960900005, -1.76474033123], [-0.427422472927, -0.20805954063299997, -0.0003825331145269999, -0.332531068118, -0.28330748869600003, -0.553536342388, 0.683930138551, -0.238939241961, -0.53031901503, 0.485797086047, 1.40823690421, 1.10028216713, 1.1628277284, 0.595197603247, 0.31953123664099997, -0.466497993789, -1.5704316910799998, -0.451416886672, 0.07407502042160001, 0.8077110062720001, 1.2309015301700001, -0.7827372242, -0.0313841197309, 1.3531770694, 0.0502560732146, -0.551464012318, 0.0502560732146, 0.30755340719999996, 0.297939194168, 0.817466597633, 0.185534689512, 0.40252354181199995, 0.932420392564, -2.71590880256, 1.10028216713, -3.11148089898, -1.11008029474], [0.0205538565903, -0.291200062249, 1.19536849683, 0.625904461803, 1.10609466858, 0.112242214985, 1.54471942041, 0.315237500268, -0.46135564317500005, 0.515490281814, 0.715533958942, 0.472260978781, 0.417903770336, 0.555416078552, 0.545535633891, -0.6339182594030001, -0.870536333857, 0.17071461402399998, -0.26559853943399997, 0.695812907379, 0.476107317155, -0.548734865364, 0.39108852364600005, 0.9763138419859999, 0.22448130663199997, -0.661939925049, -0.728820433776, -1.11785382222, 0.589437334681, 0.688438911349, -1.0156210005, -0.143142288924, 0.273694946139, -3.3782913598400004, 0.0, -2.87073635953, 0.359397868547], [-0.614222418278, 0.224071753474, 0.125874530867, -0.932321586712, -0.376382741254, 0.0115071812231, 0.687797709528, 0.0846980547427, 0.180755885187, 0.9199013971660001, 2.14193231712, 0.812163344827, -0.152996984409, -0.342821017782, 0.54584118366, -0.16581213823, -1.19865513172, 0.306413140086, 0.624908844072, -0.314980737252, 0.30301564936700004, 0.145066101142, -1.12884460167, 0.306413140086, -0.029713725860299998, -0.22691898779599998, 0.272043070542, 0.9199013971660001, 1.44047084243, 1.8136538445500001, -0.7265391589810001, 1.2551765673100002, -0.223722041163, -2.6218436597, -2.09314294748, -2.05403021463, 0.0813421383572], [-0.0636535902676, 0.604226367006, -0.21801259464899997, -0.45054898087800005, 1.08717195802, -0.429308574954, 0.05392413255890001, -0.267361755508, 0.881244642193, 0.0032899464578200004, 1.4301254205399998, 0.6961953798649999, 0.0274004736751, -0.637773067409, 0.6961953798649999, 0.109071884703, -1.25806989066, -0.312604380421, -0.326675513764, 0.457963599486, 0.79953577544, -0.372272166635, -0.607925317183, 0.48167707493, 0.119363604857, -0.385059163285, 0.6450009422380001, 1.2695893157200002, 1.27718605576, 2.3815884465400003, -1.3988075101800002, 0.7756312442190001, -0.301831135544, -2.0836271017200003, -1.5453014892299999, -2.6997506515499996, -0.43779876025200004], [0.11897420536900001, 0.417869608877, -0.315851379341, 0.0587309559659, -1.3718111725, 0.7401653824500001, -0.143050424585, 0.8143041884450001, -1.20341313111, 1.1022657754, 1.22181038385, 0.52141233397, -0.887682901453, 0.532190724187, 0.782661800409, -0.8962201233429999, -0.7835732680509999, -0.0844091061836, -0.27398140775400004, 0.174300336483, 0.0778580756783, 0.714071901288, 0.575325253221, 0.128017389708, 0.997702522807, -0.523894143668, -1.07026733089, -0.706830106565, 1.78036045623, 1.24940334918, -0.8672518503319999, 0.876536475953, 1.22181038385, -1.9181130888099998, -1.9863199543999999, -2.15375149712, 1.08064938279], [0.026470044588200004, -0.695165918479, 0.359134631524, 0.345618645772, -1.7551792345200001, 0.590997818382, -0.648826636148, -0.894749049024, -1.3749395726299998, 0.0318542020573, 0.1657481072, 0.11421426092499999, -0.378698934436, -0.220601068947, 0.6848952407950001, -1.0377040654, -0.0179140177517, 0.139653875866, 0.8980024497700001, 0.544506878658, -0.6312953798300001, 0.5095846933070001, -0.068346224284, 0.34213868559, 0.68020395119, 0.359134631524, 0.330545487253, -0.272412014458, 3.5308247141800004, 1.4365728543399998, -1.17590336865, 1.01031770141, -0.0880822870677, -1.29311499464, -1.4041100384799998, -1.4268082334999999, 1.2834321639], [-0.527627547055, -0.425351106988, -0.077903652526, -0.337846636585, 0.06428011723509999, 0.811265468424, -0.7101875225480001, -0.96332057725, -0.833747162158, 0.701730231781, 0.040265541352300004, 0.8785337746520001, -0.047706045537900005, 1.5164000743900001, 0.955038484532, -0.5696760630600001, -0.45975846755800004, -0.264650666916, -0.6168663662039999, 0.7067552076360001, -0.200716439949, 0.426473778022, -0.167441765326, 0.13481586968, 0.7221260124459999, -0.498574598294, 0.213521608095, -0.165251139268, 2.03907902501, 2.87370560256, -0.96332057725, 0.36055533225999997, -0.29500706184000003, -2.32783692885, 0.0, -2.33570692303, 0.34395112012199996], [-0.464314840249, -0.666405690243, 0.08312356935269999, -0.142265963169, 1.30300181631, 0.806570533981, 0.426796826259, 0.240147344047, -1.31292748856, 1.7482593913999998, 0.922773194208, -0.186660253536, -0.579488356601, 0.683075944614, -0.0212452660839, -0.773572495525, -0.30038645441, 0.460782515017, 0.139806665658, 0.540922486985, -0.398223738881, 0.21759340320300002, -0.45686606267200003, -0.175569259738, 1.00183161799, 0.16571192749500002, 0.608703663822, -0.32754105982500004, 1.77547842199, 2.30321739723, -1.79315796676, -0.32559133731199996, 0.37033695423600005, -1.61695865039, -2.34932192055, -1.7345040520599997, -0.173132817229], [0.031153011274799997, -0.372576731452, 0.415722371647, 0.0172284861943, 1.01789711044, 1.6323039551299998, -0.017092382683, -0.0255623980637, -0.802122631252, 1.31928130097, -0.560702616765, -0.275453448711, -0.41128969233900003, 0.229583675455, -0.334108206992, -0.810329267027, 0.42969347814099995, 0.6390768555699999, 0.291221240946, 0.747921899103, -0.563524993542, 1.38395493135, -0.745660193048, -0.11404051222000001, -0.571364365596, 0.6113498033529999, 0.683171510646, -0.0531646815309, 1.50497132657, 2.05323046764, -2.4108895020700003, 0.72887121376, 0.491291531311, -1.35813536621, -1.72096295164, -1.984516731, -1.0964274973700001], [0.623435092825, -0.455848310305, 0.950003271925, 0.42936517420500003, 0.636928425224, 0.377657479829, -0.16518481882799999, 0.266513392992, -1.41888687159, 0.728482633628, 0.9427901201860001, 0.06922221731389999, -0.326473688604, 0.585005841704, -0.755985562227, 0.19633575307700002, -1.07610547036, -0.9613042678589999, 0.132442487031, 1.29964988266, 0.9607705150720001, 0.000898121053521, -0.404104499894, -0.42899802220600003, 0.465184684184, -0.679138103326, 2.32591030007, 0.8906718178049999, 0.515248653802, 2.08764915322, -2.03328595847, -1.36622886091, -0.922772451527, -1.32626007336, 0.0, -0.508193117137, -1.65539494121], [1.50689602742, -0.09907119634580001, 0.34397602569700003, 0.046384415373999996, 0.373000511309, 1.19058449471, -0.134429157919, -0.781482019667, -0.360302107725, 0.629561537258, 1.17065904802, 0.8619232652490001, 0.0702237340449, 0.908203708526, 0.694273951417, -0.622561337721, -0.0695476004983, 0.101842124509, 0.796457325534, 0.31274882723499997, -0.115592522713, -0.352272907002, 0.300276407853, -0.059287402004000005, -0.804157000091, -0.290206415327, 2.12555901567, 1.00964106105, 0.12020238259800001, 0.847052906639, -2.4945690445700004, -2.34133812594, -1.60609313662, -1.3757505055700001, 0.0, -0.718300742647, -1.1845055477600002], [0.572407021739, -0.581553971651, -0.027499477258200004, 1.27553463567, -0.41608978968599997, 1.62775807812, 0.572407021739, 0.255556667977, -1.16480514656, 1.63850608937, 0.741227627043, -0.24791594276700002, 0.18852961398600002, 0.5534988014150001, -0.23587388698399997, -0.556010836299, 0.00808418045494, -0.043078025335, 0.303971076682, 0.564211610159, 1.08962641856, 0.5039790302839999, -0.588350551188, 1.22168765634, 0.47837473119699997, -0.7389617987999999, 1.00621636794, -0.46710326163800003, 0.7910894991740001, 0.8716713897439999, -2.08365490928, -2.19628008191, -2.11181943724, -1.6288329028600002, 0.0, -0.391231835427, -0.78527566272], [0.405603130894, -1.1530831219700002, 0.359136864651, 0.400909080506, -0.7951707766859999, 0.6350899868050001, 0.388054191483, -0.42001319338, -1.34981584815, 1.67367687322, 1.3702446913100002, -0.7202857758110001, -0.979612721091, -0.00405564805563, 0.116252718278, 0.476447405345, 0.949971363479, -0.16250760509099998, 0.185785690971, 0.158257308156, -0.33187351283000005, 0.7070605671510001, -0.178054869169, 0.591707981712, 0.0547515356271, -0.34087643514700006, 1.21336153179, 0.37278255901, 0.999956644135, 1.91838803284, -0.946393053736, -2.98379387901, -0.058278045270999994, -2.27175783083, 0.0, -0.487527488791, 0.205661647665], [0.0207267807172, -1.21276574351, -0.011812296670899999, -0.116185240569, -0.14195556660599998, 0.246884568889, 0.7626881936550001, -0.040724531999900004, -1.3555434760499998, 0.494217347334, 1.5229219967899998, -0.757672259534, 0.0506306945004, 0.414029827945, -0.896416074798, 0.5029746223520001, 0.347105378613, -0.059023421700300005, 0.274939694108, 0.270500697596, -0.385038886315, -0.04390445999530001, -0.189178166741, 0.558166055768, 0.699712686699, 0.570435008979, 1.76271654893, 1.2390686789899998, 1.9881230443, 1.4143245588100002, -2.8590961307700002, -1.2245340969, -0.5357720959210001, -1.62870435014, 0.0, -1.3080665319, -0.37377305487499995], [1.1044648221100002, -0.39411064261900003, 1.36632162083, 0.9049207279170001, -1.75108832505, -0.6184857223899999, -0.8919087040070001, 0.6739635520489999, -0.789628539103, 1.03887469742, 0.107742657475, 0.8089989464740001, -0.625091465878, -0.30614817071899997, 0.782651678634, -0.575662458003, 1.46009896176, -0.0928228625275, 0.131028152139, 1.27293069761, -0.177293721335, 0.020273520295900002, 0.782651678634, -0.214179135695, 0.918417250051, 0.300680121436, 1.2610274249, 1.07826896608, 1.07365779239, -0.134508963571, -1.9219628477400001, -2.0217512564, -0.887075381584, -1.2614476180399998, 0.0, -1.11083458005, -1.3129728735], [-0.533331969906, -2.04390358013, 0.652159785469, 1.16387217994, -1.14200019234, -0.233775331983, -0.745329638264, 0.43870066130900004, -0.9827201585940001, 2.32878670892, 0.773549056875, -0.200632847509, -0.474897569148, 0.14274681608200002, 0.431391180364, -0.0648284617274, 1.80030995352, 0.96598087411, -0.233043373115, 0.725856238349, 0.09343273705610002, 0.156992766765, 0.8572316819370001, -0.028966056993200002, 0.431391180364, 0.286462949038, 0.55706568537, 0.22275441773600002, 0.986378168471, 0.22275441773600002, -2.11700167934, -2.15250716073, 0.36729188510399996, -1.39537170986, 0.0, -0.515187722637, -0.741611892236], [-0.619163637657, -0.401751435013, 1.7449144504299998, 0.329871540403, -1.8812246445400003, 0.533830508023, -0.019435254578, -0.180317626019, -1.75344781625, 1.4253218836700001, 0.24924481449400002, -0.0576801137244, -0.8992078778489999, 1.06632417494, 0.997607150726, 0.975957030307, 0.542182782279, 0.5777274999140001, 0.32557974665999995, 0.47799538529299995, -0.0152228553175, -0.071987634347, 0.6788951296510001, 0.183579813713, 0.542182782279, -0.062444428443300004, 2.00382284002, 1.03177395556, -0.733763722318, 0.294855075949, -2.2203479168799998, -1.45899024405, -1.14652941227, -0.48680961272, 0.0, -0.5639065596639999, -1.40943577266], [0.136994069849, -0.64907507273, 0.932907126599, 1.47200654025, -1.5565208225100002, 0.891352811936, -1.4080291302099999, -0.397664620672, -2.07855798894, 0.055322572025199995, 0.315358895129, 1.06789571606, -0.569251302412, 1.41009147821, 0.154974637661, -0.128477377294, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.124141199355, 0.05967028910080001, 0.462874827496, 1.3032029134, -0.19879849614599998, 1.3257972675799998, 0.0, 1.9293176370900003, -0.731195371416, 0.527377377259, 1.19144952286, -0.48924854191699996, -1.13466357353, -1.26235442492, -1.0412294869499998, -0.532428774038, -1.02588626764, -0.15735363054], [1.01818409874, -0.867165200788, 0.770721330843, 2.07881931965, -0.830853323559, 0.5003376252539999, -0.869585353986, -1.43644384665, -1.41749724658, 0.511433459878, 0.057406544219199995, 0.56525940988, -0.67362099595, 0.708042920442, 0.899177604811, 0.378243013649, 0.9785947830230001, -0.0787453092014, -0.998338054145, -0.40078077326800005, -1.8327164757700003, 0.136499090713, -0.254586003824, 1.05418540774, 0.984547344736, -0.165693505257, 1.5625804864500001, 0.6741120743019999, 0.43960753505500005, 1.7576511515400002, -1.6364262785600001, -0.768176207287, -0.283396443935, -0.869585353986, 0.0, -1.4157585712399998, -0.27603425692899997], [0.934554349375, 0.0157116550571, 0.622553291513, 0.275761161031, -0.18369743937600003, 1.24409297874, -1.1641991243, -1.54316984907, -0.7568770247750001, -0.612720479204, 0.5685447658039999, 1.37758648556, -0.76795129705, 0.37894465708700004, 0.117034551524, -0.6421269394910001, 0.7016734315100001, 0.207776543224, 0.5855695837680001, -0.588202123502, 0.25785853777199996, 0.31502251644900003, 0.18821821760000002, -1.1024161946100002, 1.14007847013, 1.07535975202, 1.02074403627, 0.862000080973, 1.3622554332199999, 1.10823336522, -2.66816353155, -0.9204264939390001, -0.760508623585, -0.8039779247300001, 0.0, -2.1788766856799997, 0.333739867029], [-0.093538770715, -0.0434128114543, 0.778129186277, -0.058099229022900004, 0.157779176094, -0.0407288103396, -0.821584179658, -1.09556027552, 0.380389554924, 1.25137084244, 0.458494655563, 0.23717295090799997, -0.883986427746, 1.07608862422, -0.402674510228, 0.458494655563, -1.21997025935, -0.175061698205, -1.06580699986, -0.335547188903, 0.662333226117, -0.717701779526, 0.893802937173, 1.51339039674, -0.5094551453, -0.892743468749, 2.5639239033, 1.29708136004, 1.51339039674, 0.809915010829, -1.9419739087599999, -1.39595087667, 0.30870082743599997, 0.129191539592, -1.73789194621, -1.12417190752, 0.0662109497635], [0.741862734356, 0.015544771781, -0.0269885464546, 0.5520268723349999, -0.77152460412, 0.613828852288, -0.9959078434020001, -0.422541958969, -0.21755342046300002, 0.41354158561, 0.628094504523, 0.09622542893480002, -1.2785001333600001, 0.7953628350749999, -0.0869519061266, 0.9464185023970001, -0.173453263813, -0.388058118703, 0.0567392746114, -0.145490736039, -0.605957055802, -0.587978893145, 0.0453612772383, -0.42994287271799997, 0.259971172034, 0.340824415971, 1.84449189181, 0.849338063055, 1.9226877282, 1.9753823175099998, -3.12424277361, -0.951663604602, 0.09622542893480002, -0.136241339885, -2.1987211502, -0.377803955292, 0.7255945200339999], [1.5426991791, 0.395276244608, 1.00480434485, 1.3210560319, -0.34513121852399997, 0.57053758229, -0.446599243449, 0.26807189741099996, 0.111042099533, 1.4723873302700001, 0.955343586137, 0.119805436293, -1.1645362968000001, 0.314681789173, 0.364339527878, 0.334623766365, 0.250788594187, -0.08166402224769999, 0.019195388391900003, 0.0585037190608, -0.641824202406, -1.50465764169, 0.16689205370100002, 0.47560511713299997, -0.34513121852399997, -0.20223102209000002, 1.36703932095, 1.24162226106, 0.395276244608, 0.605457733008, -2.63497419131, -0.266472459174, 0.343215028592, -1.06051100028, -2.65406195946, -1.06051100028, -1.28995880024], [1.13290373778, 0.10527350850600001, 1.67451565332, 1.80519506512, -0.42349565494, 0.39367255202600004, -0.0144715311972, -0.208321073532, -0.021797669822999997, 0.705420759729, 0.7683568237080001, 0.0766696108142, -0.984020327587, 0.8471306170370001, 0.205229678143, 0.144850884092, 1.15360194035, 0.0329691552318, -0.112045088781, -0.562422346285, -0.8905561259379999, -0.258920157558, 0.0377734946641, 0.294857589186, 0.485751960153, 0.243711000262, 1.84401129435, 0.797016997123, 0.6173208186420001, 0.490383121403, -1.67659046153, -2.8094954496499995, -1.24044491569, -0.904869906968, -1.48710271051, -1.24930690914, -1.0127559325], [1.00991812845, -0.343846675093, -0.202827965675, 0.7292195818989999, -0.137643704646, 0.547796595301, -1.64714757117, -1.87470014882, 0.275154372704, -0.29511837778, 0.7553900318539999, -0.45974932282799996, -0.5581787000840001, 1.9666906313099999, 0.386160584191, 0.6784453968340001, 0.0635704268832, 0.265788295084, 0.637452716853, 0.895842605991, -0.0436577763774, 0.740519808163, 1.51874939014, 0.7374844098829999, 0.934670754207, 0.505951609869, 0.866150814016, 0.44605506641900006, -0.19494308528299997, 1.0511918210200002, -0.7679399759000001, -1.3377984493600001, -1.67218765634, -0.804868181146, -1.53267213317, -0.8610809940999999, -2.27784232331], [1.6758706328, -0.685577904384, -0.550080128098, 1.21376061088, -0.24905886995, 0.826314500934, -1.75663004613, -0.730147376664, -0.732035098213, 0.49864631197, 1.27761356315, -0.740054035811, -0.685577904384, 2.28291420291, -0.36700111076999997, 0.495918906554, -0.952812369006, -0.0723627612979, -0.359308746612, 0.654794445739, -0.371459922046, -0.1889222321, -0.160059190122, -0.108093920966, -0.303343574081, -0.19799550733399998, 1.30449802302, 1.69714551694, 1.11044486377, 1.55602535904, -1.4559611351800001, -1.33578939861, -0.867949108574, 0.134011373295, 0.0, -0.7001795094580001, -1.15755846121], [-0.764794294757, -1.3262077370799998, 0.136587162524, 0.247149239344, -1.14966090539, 0.013633968039299999, -1.3340670408700002, -0.7823459035629999, -1.26463140702, 0.22581049391600003, -0.36609628921400006, -0.018410236255700003, -0.539018933302, 1.29923125996, -0.0570372468484, 0.695245236702, 0.393917848879, 0.943172417823, -0.485796175642, 1.13861285229, 0.30721576363200004, -0.033330079644999996, -0.521148178005, -0.858308812482, -0.41439944325499994, 0.355688681176, 1.0628637539399999, 0.6369860209279999, 1.4016209254799998, 1.54169326664, -0.922199101679, 1.35171262986, 2.56593430182, -0.929312334823, -2.01509712322, -1.11257742293, 0.5773628430259999], [-0.9870803560200001, -1.8850568007, 0.47446822638999997, -0.710163612596, -0.582460585697, 0.115961940543, -0.05424673878669999, -0.648344978125, -1.36223126368, -0.544764216375, 0.898147386974, 0.15395373051, 0.49849730092, -0.513755782806, 0.271548614845, 0.01577048998, 0.894533987345, 1.4882504333500002, -0.393173252478, 0.158929372452, -0.6831538864290001, -0.471690754585, 0.949696463077, -0.9930965664899999, -0.46906963881499997, 0.8399566058490001, -0.05424673878669999, 1.5531744700999999, 1.38074366817, 1.5615015466799997, -0.819363605375, 1.31374842252, 2.32599186263, -0.967087545475, -1.94016824322, -0.631385699109, -0.184334256779], [0.765153965424, -0.7824489001070001, 1.45412213034, 0.6008292183330001, -1.31985397912, 0.518119553135, -0.7699987271600001, -0.0598356070654, -0.72897107616, -0.35132509282499996, 0.617740425819, 0.992429322824, -0.0150522931341, 1.5237670254799998, -0.00270703662347, 1.26892540648, 1.27511707475, 0.293618007365, -1.08804934134, 0.200595041534, -0.86189371735, -0.804501984887, -0.0641148185576, -0.09770745834280001, -1.9832756880900002, 0.40224394321699997, 0.83475613935, 0.5532404374669999, 1.5453259920700002, 1.1245760076, -0.7650718656029999, -0.386598836291, 0.659076012236, -1.79678866624, -1.550610237, -1.85590867713, 0.655078299626], [0.0738062526035, -0.551211984781, 0.509571908577, 0.86922502237, -1.42837114004, -0.208765938097, 0.17351648063, 0.0319629878634, -0.205576672034, 0.484335753595, -0.0941165430939, 0.117706686129, 0.144547329103, -0.209747388077, -0.0163355254776, 1.0795795500399998, 1.5953217658599999, -0.486155372597, 0.427460671011, 0.513518874104, 0.00265486133492, 0.200816507669, -0.40496006601499995, 0.946541330516, -0.007635746694069999, 0.34350928974600003, -0.19497563498, -0.418617753599, 2.02806941312, 0.9735919049639999, -0.927295677307, -0.365721488604, 1.9882245168500001, -3.39720331205, -0.852825537654, -1.78937730182, -0.945068023168], [0.34044802176399996, -0.312522248614, 1.38890953663, 1.05623987209, -1.197861211, 0.837969763055, -1.00241919461, -1.5147064721099999, -0.0485635806369, 0.822096366443, -0.293714668108, -0.0175526588592, -0.031051264597299996, 0.6810321613060001, 0.9765756610299998, -0.49745345997199997, -0.534367320266, 0.0232132159168, -0.039152585325199996, -0.281839950276, -0.149710670811, -0.10636577433599999, -0.6409705935019999, 0.828625537117, -0.0759577532564, 0.0670302042638, 1.3242343751899999, -0.08880315894210002, 1.7163682572, 0.426406887834, -1.26668169486, 0.35268082969400005, 2.26608832199, -3.16771704079, -0.305501047921, -0.375635000038, -1.1593716627], [-0.41084193324600005, 0.238711525933, 0.505127292644, 0.279741417892, -2.50005825971, -0.37611917322599997, -0.6304247337100001, -0.328307909894, 0.829276121761, -0.872807807326, 0.115781783009, -0.184126809643, -0.124319110777, 0.330078961613, 1.12626010624, 0.7315716476890001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.583953136855, -0.530196279702, -1.1198237647799998, 0.19567847884700001, 0.106495265295, -1.29020276635, 0.0, 0.846343150548, 0.970773735648, 1.0533645813799999, 1.23417879702, -0.767789462771, -0.441089980287, 2.63382565897, -2.0434971562, 0.0, 0.323635232917, -0.48519174665200004], [-0.873639556748, -0.9797763948649999, 0.805541792606, 0.507777978345, -1.46771636718, 0.156507892096, -0.030631283602800003, 0.82452622784, 0.40266130992700006, 1.19450929883, 0.35808613763, 0.11365302157299999, 0.08532421913489999, 0.805541792606, -0.6418542572129999, 2.43501334656, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.24525531363699998, 0.179701618794, 0.38952344502499997, -0.818020463109, -1.0793677237700001, -0.174032160512, 0.0, 1.4800556506600002, 1.7516610482799997, 0.566214321334, 0.0500069788808, -0.766685804717, -0.42578100392499996, 0.82452622784, -1.51388572454, -1.5804869763299998, -1.91870592289, -0.414993354935], [-0.478385528671, -1.49061829775, 1.19898754194, -0.472576076606, -1.29711709126, 0.8738836097820001, -0.011236670091200001, -0.519309348431, 0.5635208729869999, -0.472576076606, 0.709760245203, -0.480338603294, 0.550461166125, 0.284485061219, 0.11115733025699999, 0.6772466358399999, -0.795461387454, -0.562186230175, 0.602870588708, -0.726464111732, -0.8912546437809999, 0.517953239162, 0.056966639654400006, -0.810751246752, -0.457100450066, 0.122120788303, 0.696075997451, 2.67865127996, 1.80024859805, 1.96995956803, -0.621472759014, 0.282597009917, 0.440880501029, -1.8964985946700001, -1.4546254050999998, -1.3131525261599999, 0.61329837399], [-0.41094019641199997, -1.23527444535, 0.108654366367, 0.29254751294799997, -1.18655052447, 0.765065019507, 0.0, 0.0, -0.23013013192499998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6918050213760001, -1.10507745445, 0.298650625493, -0.146875906404, 1.71340004484, 0.96082127315, -1.37019928027, -0.24374110862599999, -0.9716716985070001, -1.0921961250799999, 0.332595252485, -0.6217534925720001, -0.909064533292, 1.4966330464200002, 0.402059788667, 0.380782896373, 0.8558933810160001, 2.4731480172900002, 1.4597829909399997, 0.32405693767099997, -0.192432023864, 0.0, -1.64607641066, 0.0, -0.553232629481, -0.640680213168], [0.9896677626620001, -1.2656010389599999, 0.6882146690000001, 0.504675318738, 0.963821535355, -0.36384109179499996, -0.29606651676, 0.396262312213, -1.24490625912, 1.01451057107, -0.0442935302937, 0.518341035075, -0.379894052643, 0.167601253525, 1.24920386937, -0.21873856380800002, 2.27181712039, 0.466536660212, 0.310039659512, 0.847720212498, 0.756061135625, -0.0991548166815, 0.027674010131299998, -0.325174610261, 0.133252461479, 1.1868086656799999, 0.608907654662, -0.811929878257, -1.18439557769, 1.07271977256, -0.674422138175, 0.224849319581, -1.30644432998, -1.2022148010299998, -1.27955063079, -0.6858391223270001, -3.01621804078], [1.0548847624700002, -0.867838752083, 0.581654909377, 1.08134125906, 0.5962640469030001, 0.140499322138, 0.112360172223, -0.658746499001, -0.18061063733399998, -0.50281972742, -0.6077456431139999, -0.357497859167, -0.822579898116, 0.8267433410230001, 0.179187297946, -0.678118038277, 2.1041317991299997, 1.47995689897, 0.142313203581, 0.0392273618557, 0.711932615525, -0.368432600604, 0.060332644144599996, 0.518188937313, 0.10688851202199999, 0.434177708006, 0.8563056363889999, -0.21379701063200002, 0.167263986369, 1.39531374976, -0.961336210489, 0.97082221631, -1.59755041794, -1.04948685573, -1.0259147835200002, -0.19588701231199998, -3.4714284347800004], [0.128863224852, -0.0580172529777, 0.243987792054, 0.41016211251699997, -0.488958337504, 0.26493315708799997, 0.154584280225, 0.579066471353, -0.352478832292, 1.0754432100700002, 0.896233976544, 0.37724193678900003, -0.495133499789, 1.2729039223, -0.324129001077, -0.255623090007, 1.33410610754, 1.03630905999, 0.0949781106249, -0.281349197408, -0.431392516828, 0.0, -0.375839149507, -0.763756520255, 0.10435528943399999, 0.886411296428, -0.451462702667, -0.136721572112, 0.969021332315, 2.06894610447, -0.7953242569, 0.0, -0.6740709258769999, -0.9042536622130001, -0.9060263304899999, -0.207811521781, -3.99519901492], [-0.165652052106, 1.26703636991, 1.18947120909, 0.34546376477799995, 0.504515291631, 0.407644072272, -0.7070083216130001, -0.733984354659, -0.712246801269, -0.5296580878480001, -0.887813454639, -0.150370458914, -0.815654882632, 0.514179007657, 0.514179007657, 0.512640630719, 0.600985278387, 0.610587295599, 1.57071500107, 1.1248143225700002, -0.210088758578, 0.42342710433499997, 0.370645276134, -1.12290744414, 1.11760669638, -0.0889508434412, 0.176557495599, -1.1638201351200002, 0.342476449234, 1.64624750369, -0.586997944481, 0.84681276795, 0.124804443157, -1.48617293085, -0.976051759339, -0.352462356437, -3.5209684017400003], [0.190256153628, 0.0628215437464, 1.29997361021, 1.11113483462, 1.20145166504, 1.15478415131, -0.33488103360300003, -0.958978084951, -0.34816719630599996, -0.382755348683, -0.44077927020900004, 0.316025239492, -0.574239867159, -0.018819864349099998, 0.242774392355, 0.190256153628, -0.117422097278, -0.680920889358, -0.176396214587, -1.3888808378, -0.31725529834399996, 0.0, 1.1492143347900001, 0.945459273116, -0.34816719630599996, 0.270909367761, 0.47311969189400005, 0.8122273906499999, 0.0218107500564, 1.9022023630200002, 0.0, 0.0, -0.878888901671, -0.652415857102, 0.0, -0.038995350783, -3.6864576068300003], [0.20036625322299997, -0.74751069818, -0.37001690415, 0.466576041634, 1.46860592008, 0.102685795693, -0.0983819914487, 0.67117773808, 0.254916540233, -0.191273191676, 1.1467079295, 0.7206133240539999, 0.840572339645, 0.6290430157379999, -0.14923587487099998, -0.570693248479, 0.7230074975390001, 0.406892846945, 0.5863598182909999, 0.379236501863, 0.37926335666, -1.98123421223, 0.375909237951, 0.959666539718, 1.3958703834000001, 0.617742152755, 0.532504569857, 0.12436854138, -0.0378926976639, 0.9810547929629999, -2.18468661437, -1.40772269852, -2.23887003754, -1.67154741676, -0.5487401341520001, 0.281840978288, -2.04717639544], [0.462064331462, -0.616886144048, -0.273566712836, -0.33383578941, 1.34075862701, -0.104888158239, 0.760433222513, 0.358626864211, 0.227071956696, -0.18210036420000003, 0.9193827205320001, 0.406063217905, 1.1329918662799998, 0.46573240566000007, -1.08837771826, -0.957704718256, -1.3494600732700002, -0.355841536927, 0.305224153343, 0.301139288385, 0.025274184492299998, -0.825898130827, 0.432995281651, 1.5153299649, -0.273566712836, -0.222259755681, 0.7851793254549999, -0.07617935575389999, 1.1786413598899999, 1.9156417912400001, -1.00431655355, 0.00778265595109, 0.0330489294324, -1.58015790345, 0.0, 0.187572370421, -3.5159148898800003], [0.9569750056399999, -1.09918718909, -0.7767077230509999, -0.24530632719300002, 0.632388925736, 0.10427409748, -0.08796639650080001, -1.16797592412, 1.59168354998, -0.380860949334, 0.904606716761, 0.576576926532, 0.572328139911, 0.842022691719, 1.00410161351, 0.9948830509409999, 1.21718769093, -0.536929525749, 0.187664464278, 0.232405661955, 0.06017497172780001, -0.9606728123109999, 0.0756460147797, 0.5496663770019999, -0.789361397391, -0.026105996017900004, 1.3543318637600001, -0.433278797755, 0.0464903613181, 1.14575037156, -0.00425324902727, -1.30709907935, -0.501414528505, -2.48229970714, 0.0, 0.586785149851, -2.83652404283], [-1.9592441023400002, -0.938328808344, -1.02031131866, -1.25222939168, 0.00796542251778, -0.9114686629180001, 0.020847415640499998, 0.19052511017999998, -0.0200325691127, 2.01686798583, 0.204555431085, 1.59756250025, 0.399138348957, 0.7773960742880001, 1.13534981331, 0.8926484257189999, -0.07349438256810001, 0.0016489174944799999, -0.243227046369, 1.29566201454, 0.280372137241, 0.0, -0.23086287090100002, 1.3822346634399998, 0.0253443568375, 0.142437361839, 0.500873920105, 0.6575890999840001, -0.726550842209, 0.490079747297, 0.0, 0.0, 0.459337750792, -1.7149956059399998, 0.0, -1.4254983509299999, -1.96219254537], [-1.94091555744, -0.220681487973, -0.47797504435800003, -0.437909554825, -1.31284829004, -0.9438473417829999, 1.0585366549700002, 0.0825024596605, 0.974414211074, -0.145791579297, 0.9718220002169999, 0.379519535863, 1.15950160271, 0.7579042444349999, 0.644277413767, 0.413658279734, -0.609489365892, -0.145791579297, 0.753221725044, 0.219443929569, 1.45503526345, 1.34395497525, 0.103137821073, 0.553102374617, 0.18428338187399998, -0.182197872416, 0.35927721229000004, 0.603425339119, -0.701559137641, 0.31057263239300004, -0.5332732500490001, 0.271267896448, 1.42505549486, -2.2535265404400002, 0.0, -1.82005019838, -2.29805764857], [-0.21271079365899997, -1.1522702766, 0.036624287732699996, -0.348909306801, -0.36023810059, -0.562900843041, -0.45925498214500005, -0.0056355525188599995, 0.366494441409, -0.606908636361, -0.192171102905, 1.45646036976, 1.04648057305, 1.7384819954599997, 0.5401761008199999, 0.37260530135700004, 0.28815016543099997, -1.1159384410200002, 0.23810003638, 1.18773406901, 0.638572957121, -1.34552089783, 1.8584514734400002, 1.7593999111900003, 1.35308260314, -0.531557275542, 0.0171144292433, 0.21429473403700003, -1.17135144398, -0.6704374229460001, -0.369008692078, 0.783995309253, 0.8319134175239999, -0.879019518681, -1.3693597888999998, -2.4959195810900003, -0.879019518681], [-0.9713995032580001, 0.04290819110309999, 0.57687365456, 0.535237545696, -0.36857150031400004, -0.158629162518, -0.609530278976, 1.57226967473, -0.158736878652, -0.762090400239, -0.703142548745, -0.0376069191294, -0.785891418548, -0.115723647841, 1.61412161069, 0.118682848404, -0.67073557729, -0.936906149271, 0.21857920127099997, 0.738975227104, 0.95472063269, 1.33145590215, 1.94551472163, 0.696649274139, 0.9973104622679999, -0.386673849997, 0.502265795809, 0.8842874519149999, 0.415444828946, -0.27743253051399996, -1.17040650986, 0.20594956151799998, 1.57226967473, -1.94861221697, -1.7141013571700001, -1.2558906275200001, -1.89143518253], [-0.605077340377, 0.298686496001, -0.298192927813, 0.45227547473499996, -0.145234790287, -0.228196478101, -0.553599349498, 0.541760508653, 0.287103433828, -0.6749331538760001, -0.673360308369, -0.510787001079, -0.34724735315300004, -0.179965160507, -0.18893660432300002, 0.6642543528270001, -0.07843863265789999, -0.813619814589, 1.19428611857, 0.10037584675200001, 1.71183042628, 1.55191352649, 2.36331222029, 1.1385997568200001, 0.30914873276099997, -0.233269267275, 0.541760508653, 0.45227547473499996, 0.154804742981, 0.268289776845, -1.4578716446200002, -0.531754743806, 1.21562520295, -1.66200218695, 0.0, -2.9596626551300003, -1.1041531877600002], [0.13729422877, -0.32754933229600003, 0.654111647187, -0.910343015377, 0.22309580865200002, 0.160115038506, -0.889304970988, -0.416556551862, 0.8543469667460001, -1.03945477865, -2.09658770275, -1.05102671884, 0.13729422877, 0.757623507888, -0.106286766967, 0.300385075057, 0.269003176289, -0.988654292306, 0.9095775506939999, 0.179214928938, 0.528002137748, 0.39992762908600005, 0.078254871706, 1.86298330252, 1.30244811836, 0.33276705361299996, 1.80315109303, -0.314055618168, 1.1120469526799999, 0.0408640859991, -1.3974027611500002, 0.582824207378, 1.4976726912600002, -2.64680685144, -0.65050837843, -1.17240067474, -0.116065886906], [0.022190607517400002, -1.51888596335, -0.8501791487739999, -1.14726000535, -0.917017926823, -1.85138322227, -0.0453828906607, 0.8780273580210001, 0.5522260756390001, -0.201502169783, 1.0994068045899998, -0.804118054253, 0.713140791742, -0.0999191956219, 0.775245403178, 0.793397942463, -0.0648095755518, 0.9348920502399999, 0.243665491164, 0.377246652292, 0.13769964417799999, 0.0, 2.7382893620099997, 1.84936307433, 0.8604176633499999, -0.477069995748, -0.9668285037440001, 0.508942533634, 0.17870303552499997, 0.401219093565, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8744963939129999, -1.025251486, 0.0, -1.1813488367799998, -1.03862021482], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0742733977031, -0.9560273110070001, 0.5033788000680001, 0.0209962706523, 0.061897451253, -0.274964348807, 1.5309414813, -0.012932505601999999, -0.563541341422, -1.8041823142, 0.762848448688, 1.48759423372, -0.7804520232809999, -0.854963476104, -1.1057073881100001, 0.619318275509, 0.80638390951, 0.514325920908, 0.987468072769, 2.1870254474400004, 1.35992917731, 0.22887471699200002, -0.0939233194512, 0.619318275509, -0.240521091387, -0.01053889013, 0.534037279938, -0.986442565103, -0.12004961885, -1.1568586252, 0.0, -1.00393068853, -2.3335756521], [-0.83572581645, -1.11168568402, -0.0702164775696, -0.178728815701, -1.25465668578, -1.4175294945299999, 0.8250689946969999, 1.4337299746399998, -0.482187191708, 1.0311016699, -0.09602124313030001, 0.0, -1.17240862333, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7557111833660001, -0.0382623417154, -0.9233749532250001, 0.370556554537, 0.28344587633900004, 1.55829804569, 0.655054446105, 1.16938745934, 1.14846034594, 0.0, 0.23322762166400002, 1.2552387854, 1.16422471096, 0.020163436913199998, 0.769576859877, 0.0228066150864, -1.9364597969400001, 0.529435160658, -0.8204222603740001, 0.0, -1.0015960729100002, -1.88621228373], [-0.743554515484, -0.583054172782, 0.405566316223, 0.734880893411, -0.7402401601399999, -1.21209776574, 0.527654513025, 0.08811248836880001, 0.818565986557, -0.361213926299, -0.631043732095, 0.200338098538, 0.428290529351, -0.07098940396180001, -0.7010771854610001, 1.2082473161299998, 1.54355771152, -2.9885742310900003, 0.268797895787, 0.386913333483, 0.791612833004, 1.4643353158599999, 0.173232463525, 2.3582531555400004, 0.24026899901299997, -0.0724088608828, 0.527654513025, 1.0348644902, 0.0284142403347, 0.486138986329, -0.152217734505, -1.00760275059, -1.0733420174, -0.6041183684529999, -0.10875795070800001, -0.607015260642, -2.058392043], [-0.295904386325, 0.030774352635, -0.23917774026500002, 0.325331271678, 0.63035092763, -2.42300010792, -0.158356793961, 0.290825113171, -0.0961770007337, 0.551015028979, 0.05498302111719999, 0.053382735505300004, 0.68703930599, 0.7993245635580001, 0.23828095271299998, 0.166624685558, 0.54589237558, 0.23820267787399999, -1.40154475961, -0.279671054289, 0.21261115389000002, 0.595018534704, 0.25013089372499997, 0.35820670435699997, 0.462973228711, 0.452084328786, 0.604981182358, 0.41132922890900003, 0.992419895925, 0.335076489222, -2.58247378747, 0.8912670600049999, 1.06371088049, -2.53152686861, 0.665331083777, 0.7188275881180001, -2.6181627657799997], [-0.886093940809, -0.037934912358, 0.5034005124759999, 1.4861231690099999, -1.53461192123, -0.580704665179, -0.929821044336, 0.546776739522, 0.9464253614120001, -0.6394808231570001, -0.29624369930100003, 0.45721952694, 0.6808134231640001, 0.28942475908000004, 0.424756063027, -0.037934912358, 1.33170268762, -0.256585275105, 0.0745386976293, -0.91751423698, -0.207501739954, -0.15627128869, 1.93657951259, -0.312363312774, 0.614620416032, -0.23738037704599999, -0.503814053197, 1.25997010833, 0.7645685807960001, -1.11215538885, -0.21510737141800002, 1.9083556183700001, 0.742648241178, -2.99443641926, -0.432783797366, -0.11066042662, -1.56852381119], [-0.981097432862, -0.7071958011830001, 0.7624798516079999, -0.90784021706, 0.372273767988, -0.07809870145789999, 1.7993038023299999, 1.0870097013, 0.5754265776749999, -0.216906568956, -0.363887893601, 0.9247112299950001, 1.62040213773, 0.975652896576, -0.179337679532, 0.251925406576, 1.01378620984, -1.9833011493000001, -0.367409664062, -0.971453543672, -1.62275158355, -0.90784021706, -0.0033023787278999997, -0.0186500688489, -0.688505056717, 0.616025352811, -0.711158010414, 0.481271740555, 0.724326514366, 0.9954787144509999, 0.015826407233100002, 0.816099897472, 2.0493245176, -1.17280081245, -1.7604855332499998, -1.2431967191700002, -0.19610569422000002], [-0.677583815894, -0.836376949401, -0.0530134819263, -0.8870885678039999, 2.1124444826400004, 1.33237547212, 0.793987483072, -0.0137570911146, 1.2605647551299999, -0.415197361294, -0.55448854681, -0.439828826232, 0.46045077868, 0.9208372425470001, 1.02200360745, 0.106553621629, 0.36094388205, -0.641494342813, -0.458358956356, -1.09748713307, -3.1090367940099997, -0.33383865339200003, 0.288618930768, -0.45147430395000004, -0.424165828487, 0.24993176989, 0.0603493956793, 1.6388886894999999, 0.41148690343, 1.4152540624, -2.0168657217400003, 0.682738314136, 0.388100976249, -0.963749575889, -0.0297974873225, -0.22495715845800002, 0.12303022858899999], [0.227525355717, -1.11329335225, -0.0414324900289, -0.268574688718, 0.41273648639, -0.3809534872, 0.245722618854, -0.62284037844, 0.38666885296899994, -0.016973751460100002, -0.662742804526, 0.27084296303100003, 0.351333930804, 1.38232242417, 0.8813925950700001, -0.185875480224, 1.62147730214, 0.366599734283, -0.41010001138999996, -0.0859081819919, -0.928607658106, -1.47527268042, 0.8813925950700001, 0.101769439038, -0.810109575001, -0.346889389206, 0.610252236893, 0.0686404669056, -0.000798793693962, 0.9428057206129999, -0.167018825621, 0.906800131351, 3.0120030884299998, -2.2463637520599997, -0.454594017369, -2.52486768498, 0.07293106095560001], [-0.7281465371789999, -1.04049239001, -0.0180130886482, 0.50541416325, 1.53172047005, 0.6134732085710001, 1.63167632715, -0.7941059674240001, -0.12091337767100001, -0.290711692295, -1.3699783223100002, -1.41452525133, 1.4498258164200002, 1.42580915183, -0.0568029977854, -0.501234732007, 0.14757624324100002, -0.374487536967, 0.602268788358, 0.069775492814, -0.564044409809, 0.219938877069, 0.7077687322990001, -0.46733564854099996, -0.23220702555199998, -0.0405600244604, -0.316122699967, 1.4242194053600001, 0.0169870850588, -0.10373503645, -0.07012549184660001, 0.425176793034, 2.3383563880400002, -1.85828986094, -0.805870033529, -2.4368753858099996, 0.49459056799400003], [-0.801993568917, -1.56463046566, -0.345032905376, -1.23625126948, 1.01681588309, 0.11477221769099999, 1.0629757442299999, 0.356893526703, 1.6913964285699998, -0.922569142855, 0.112082091038, 0.30523673487799996, 0.63924091822, 0.529428931616, 1.4189312965399998, -0.042158983403699994, 1.07639460523, 0.0815142639317, 0.818870564859, -0.906024595477, -0.47735105520599996, -0.0805572647472, 1.5183589606799999, 0.760623540949, 0.178871519522, -0.042158983403699994, 0.127990406592, 0.6723915285259999, -0.19860096953200002, 1.19551411712, -1.08476542059, -0.255538388008, 0.967124152237, -2.6255265294, -1.28524499782, -1.62382748343, -1.1531954089299998], [-0.582864318261, -0.985491390846, -0.381699439466, -0.564496325327, 1.2146647343, 0.153287221314, 0.609653951955, 0.0274480118788, 1.7139120339899998, -0.644716617558, -0.715510405784, -0.23854380671999997, 0.230267722063, 0.456905031681, 0.9849278364569999, 0.7111642232909999, 0.6882384394939999, 0.24626409281800002, -0.197239304787, 0.205385306527, -0.42773755981399997, -0.5772702248730001, 1.56598752903, 0.8115712568089999, 0.16716461626700002, -0.2758997434, 1.0668438930600002, 1.48188089688, -0.105775018633, 1.34541171088, -1.8195019203099998, 0.09082266727669999, 0.561943640686, -1.78266197902, -2.26796809284, -2.22255662362, -0.543812045404], [-0.12291648298499999, -0.8203665706000001, 0.39243158873800005, -0.728438991154, -0.0762516702343, -0.330604357721, 1.9994673628, 0.356456822846, 0.877808567382, -0.965865977916, 0.300503556607, 0.104184778635, 0.979046219072, -0.29344825444899997, 1.12271518406, -0.599548999525, 1.44236793185, 0.283058505872, -0.09326344545849999, -0.5279149339399999, 0.355197926863, -0.547577850687, 0.9828420800200001, 0.120324706745, -0.100102211947, 0.671141624468, 0.0962484348769, 0.376497701255, 0.313491673782, 0.0598554546651, -2.45243947449, -0.0605301537252, 1.94471123118, -2.26594545803, -0.578228192693, -2.4543962579599996, 0.239487931813], [-0.595300724807, -1.91304555148, 0.0845360385715, 0.13665467942099999, 1.56028299886, -0.00807105349286, 1.24003748057, 1.4558293307199999, 0.0682921313851, -1.1086528681299999, 0.487712996856, -0.424445778654, 0.40176981048199994, 0.706752344613, 0.8351393209469999, 0.268582998958, -0.583873501899, 0.284153295066, -0.605486033739, 0.304826833974, -0.562837959241, -0.7878202849439999, 0.896371850467, 1.35232977472, 1.1058622102, 0.473798108888, 0.20639441581, 0.629892044482, -0.0498369799208, -0.174154867246, -1.3905221836200001, 0.14928283544399998, 1.9719559690200001, -1.29584979172, -1.77371741513, -1.94280959482, -1.40403288062], [-2.0282261639, -1.41919596655, -0.592998028713, 0.5628917536320001, 0.316133415985, 0.216191635039, 1.5485521007499998, -0.32902899001200003, 1.20516374253, 1.1604406018, 0.568723379839, 0.43593631352, 0.369879983776, 3.06085910357, 0.664131784982, 0.206283016911, 1.1417966234399999, -0.16850723711100002, 0.034461978894300006, 0.273072176467, -0.46574287900600003, -0.647013074323, 0.1380492908, 0.963435927042, -0.34891542198, 0.406815425412, -0.696722840673, -0.108050579144, -0.299787629302, -1.97368015534, -0.691775644341, 0.727197201989, -0.663755237058, -0.685451059347, -1.52007309932, -1.08916448859, -0.271926961661], [-1.99715036801, -1.08784389735, -0.482486522569, 0.669951110311, 0.456167086754, -0.178781579987, 1.583537674, 0.0585636300934, 1.2203459502399998, 1.29610944961, 0.9453190680399999, -0.157980134952, 0.0130145414672, 3.02455930432, 0.12804886765100001, 0.336506772521, 1.23361301323, -0.410511186919, -0.32868132045000004, 0.380445050828, -0.14510477711, -1.41552384832, -0.0177894491842, 1.2432383895299999, -0.545602329646, 0.391267364231, -0.931614153386, -0.0462978578324, 0.431274461431, -0.9398842091959999, -0.929828402238, -0.104920665673, -0.22425584348400002, -0.959152517441, -0.986633327913, -1.7973872311099997, 0.275467888493], [-1.34563948903, -1.02118422217, 0.862580754011, 0.619550993191, -0.312471589371, -0.613206994165, 1.32499254721, -0.0352027882656, 0.717599210228, 1.50056703289, 0.963111823949, 0.40709396717699997, 1.09126007681, 2.2408014115, -0.0450854934225, 0.270827697471, 1.23980347835, 0.235317107744, -1.89398596349, -0.898905063301, -0.04886381069680001, -0.17287559805999997, -1.1263251597200001, -0.061107749245100006, -1.6467294860100001, 1.5587158907299998, -0.118141877248, 0.035066187360300004, 0.416628674739, 0.183325971555, -0.5436278437740001, 0.9009106092129999, -0.0234358096967, -1.41020992496, -0.61111163209, -1.4422405391799997, -1.19780240022], [-0.341150412639, -1.36844456792, 0.437343115159, 0.29048819809, -0.014911334685799998, 0.49766627676700004, 0.158882754396, 1.07038352444, 1.33103619704, 1.1411273488, -0.145501567321, 0.563142269676, -1.5753699135299999, 1.89227448838, 0.844540609453, 0.0501900556978, 1.39426665965, -0.5831256063270001, -0.533858200684, -1.5753699135299999, -0.38449867108, -0.530903741931, 0.29221481943300004, -0.180339721604, 0.0312335725579, 0.996639441957, 0.5645817169740001, -0.48981526382, 0.7679596062999999, 1.23954973479, -2.0753027235499997, 0.782986517184, -0.057385259140499995, -1.1946496832, -1.8649212934700001, -1.71455128019, 0.28359224789099996], [-0.319973930008, -1.45604605331, -0.0156465717256, -0.47193209150700005, 0.535368372844, -0.39248801183700005, 1.12414684177, 0.626489122026, 0.0640992900216, 0.0320974102105, 0.291567677411, 1.14519770886, 0.07069160077549999, 1.84227083561, 0.910926997606, -0.249856547958, 1.5428961914300001, 0.688774514136, 0.41787272921499996, 0.22759430282200002, -0.160378441575, -0.947326648717, -0.314282626941, 0.6911113389899999, -0.00336955691041, 0.350014114933, 0.434740916146, -0.36974597313100005, 0.698003143302, 0.8536020265440001, -1.08716744402, 0.385447565136, 0.22759430282200002, -3.21873335601, -2.1984388584, -1.69623886132, -0.258882029239], [0.389593140077, 2.0958376474000002, 0.815489035928, -1.0980375068700001, 1.4289594159999999, 1.05007275002, 0.567150919644, 0.782433619804, -0.000120431863436, 0.31006372704199997, 0.160783597738, 0.6659240951550001, 0.593007027969, -0.9486431812330001, 0.337843222284, -1.5766122519299999, 1.30278119716, -0.157937111416, 0.452229621369, 0.349009375162, -0.465917675466, -1.7448308996400002, 1.09064949752, -0.122217618991, 0.21644677696999998, 0.308313724231, -0.600748950286, -0.45757564533600004, -0.502819248032, 1.00923200302, -1.6238122374000001, -0.876336671209, 1.03289010472, -1.94162817449, -0.9115289339329999, -1.8751623354400002, -0.054781625657900006], [0.5148894373430001, 2.16982057801, 0.400935938139, -1.3169220909200001, 0.690951635496, 2.30771549084, -0.459314838072, 0.07457071500310002, -0.006019503788640001, 1.7584710556599998, -0.310614309697, 0.436286757451, -0.330684885152, -0.46293165774899997, -0.581762490975, -0.0472822725982, 0.216049266883, 0.357359949333, 0.37588162165600003, 0.567099308351, 0.0647998549151, -1.7553593809299999, -0.451410948508, 0.637106211867, 0.35308652348, -1.0840253172299998, 1.39979171635, -0.269848685696, -0.9820684201819999, 0.0574734101795, -2.06772592522, 0.454942335167, -0.653164651065, -0.56841073052, 0.0, -1.9887965574200002, 0.499110859592], [0.806892733671, 1.10463566817, -0.29664306908599997, -0.239760494916, 0.374137589406, 0.19033123979699998, 0.0365514304137, -0.9704512911550001, 1.2794565963700002, 1.24853573939, 0.422586519641, 0.055279104352199994, -0.33953435520499997, 0.450357392329, 1.1957516314399999, -0.281744538378, 0.16824112488899998, 0.435328632786, 0.070590536475, -0.198769804058, 0.579560412086, -1.4992411930399998, -0.326324148431, 1.21727578311, -0.725331133224, 0.252697412224, 0.30024600589899997, 0.0685368237239, -0.26358207514800003, 0.202138681982, -0.927967942307, -0.0545916122298, 1.2373013385, -1.2306629936, -0.802153383796, -4.17941718372, 0.639742821644], [0.902218456879, 0.96835907558, -0.853697892886, -1.4923241951800001, 0.131971517415, 0.147115997039, 0.555273885784, -0.9849078721340001, 1.6433224080000002, 1.09634383278, 1.1564634182200002, 0.0266233554236, 0.254487239234, 0.713506269427, 0.656610691206, -0.15623328050899998, 0.468746342165, -0.616326635856, -0.144441736477, -0.0779080737802, -0.0412315954968, -0.8708712842749999, -1.64913668109, 0.778748831821, -2.24723490139, 0.0498452800794, 0.463110258399, -0.861850155119, -0.239394964458, 1.4923880909, -0.522382326667, 0.626588099636, 1.13588446404, -0.825648543417, -0.7566418847159999, -2.34225191697, 1.41487642639], [0.732808584443, 0.525338695086, -0.389321284666, -0.290054349083, 0.233820260216, 1.4823490317299999, -0.726273416687, -0.920831046237, 0.551828054729, 2.28673649119, 0.177768129657, 0.734496419885, -0.622023948115, 0.39258188287, 1.56329278179, -0.382630844201, 2.1636207925799997, -0.326080853241, 0.0790385655431, 0.827838368902, 0.114468246006, -0.259567949786, -0.49035379165799997, 0.170698188832, -1.3486554254700003, 0.253073539266, -0.385290701332, -1.21344335625, -0.402050965862, 0.579741822112, -0.837295899405, 0.70685175792, -0.259567949786, -0.882625112528, -1.22262499746, -2.9350261122799997, 0.317366391287], [-0.6164707891610001, -0.373044810039, 1.24073673928, 0.548109202789, 0.304058519109, 0.870536692256, -0.40438492411, 0.583748843645, 1.04129313782, 0.168825456322, 0.766682874907, -0.0764883061307, 0.08116797791180001, 0.49482262062700005, -0.0803177101392, -0.948967280233, 0.934571270798, -0.873368810812, 0.90299705424, 0.147549684784, -0.456302960985, -0.512915291217, 0.749005505198, -1.26255069763, -1.8471341993700001, 0.530189841832, 0.737518925314, 1.02417552882, 0.051562695249699995, 0.987544307712, -1.0681104860600001, 0.548932010814, -0.28432728811999997, -1.4799146681400002, -0.199256626869, -3.5460421176199994, 1.31556807719], [-0.37964286958099996, 0.367628780673, -0.8363015097300001, 0.946874781055, 0.23188764179000002, 0.0805282250485, 0.0, 0.0, 0.987725051617, 0.0, 0.0, 0.680913298431, 1.52300259076, 0.741390884243, -0.661016302895, -0.723327143548, 0.6629972681040001, -0.00322748822833, 0.9534793908239999, 0.07833753818639999, -1.01560538601, -0.9793394573019999, 0.7482123828470001, -1.05956777387, -0.188519791137, 0.21045255646699998, -0.820264695773, 0.384561787202, 0.908010124999, -0.0926242773532, 0.48487207918799996, 1.14819733933, 0.0, -2.9878933649799997, -0.294538257373, -2.26101897414, 1.16381557116], [-1.39798869783, -0.25930915973700003, -0.26932455114, 0.20636515874400002, 0.953794751995, 0.7436729349760001, 0.13527264472, 0.660968156291, 1.33450637682, 1.59934657588, 0.549036742301, -0.16996623263, 0.526555194697, -0.0322263786644, -1.14041706914, -0.007387635525560001, -1.06533805154, 0.18877334129599999, 0.601244370757, -1.11669936184, -1.0345170584999999, -0.148296463336, 0.392507326615, 0.619721505119, -0.648109517613, -1.1257097639799998, 0.197245408493, 0.019713741042, 0.44304038705700005, 0.8897999839540001, -0.20875337641199998, 0.0416680463855, 1.4056793758300001, -0.265906878999, -0.0751629439117, -3.84485317977, 1.3010542975900001], [-0.164507658491, 1.9756054271799999, 0.9822618501520001, -0.000325595806122, 0.551082051211, 1.19999531861, 0.384899920886, 0.784669332137, 0.851061338733, 0.10664888027200001, -1.4596367826199999, 0.27314413741099997, -0.135287752077, 1.25139296756, 1.50048407409, 0.35371322792, -0.8929468694230001, 1.07791109525, 0.297591112164, -0.0601518100027, -1.23344008442, 0.5534051986249999, 0.0530594473955, -0.6931228646100001, -0.0901670910795, -0.552395785422, 0.636819452902, 0.16214168499700002, -1.23344008442, -0.173645235082, -1.3634787414899998, -0.322892645746, 0.990795571155, -0.9669446937, -1.54336486451, -2.95885032255, -0.142083207192], [-0.7394752703540001, 0.387889325339, 0.207438767576, 0.139915138927, 2.11871327444, 0.89942332491, 0.101653170305, 0.9433558858759999, 1.4214003359099998, 1.08855410555, -0.6296641183199999, -0.212818695744, -0.896337149226, 0.623559478362, 2.17376600948, 0.970642338807, -1.5224005320899998, 0.402312688874, 0.532997134414, -0.241875800278, -0.6859232671369999, -0.56638068459, -0.452474626821, -0.9298389770730001, 0.32617113725, -0.707025577685, 0.23379139408100003, 0.935776041951, 0.183427267654, 0.303720572202, -1.17646609156, 0.43125131338999995, -0.9947521608759999, -1.8786429820200001, -0.588691793626, -2.39144032522, 0.188449347324], [-0.402077738003, -0.214903406678, 0.07687322121000001, -0.455894787246, 0.8983498836480001, 1.19210641529, -0.382837161726, -0.124054747121, -0.326170686687, 0.09121385219830001, -0.484691622175, 1.23708841384, -0.0461028554662, 0.560463695108, 1.06832602057, -0.17617493718899999, 0.543752429796, -0.23371949043600002, -0.780433976256, 0.176143027678, -2.2842985017900004, -1.09007603796, 0.505852879028, -0.40463832829199997, 0.639277302611, 0.247480054221, 0.636210278694, 0.837027435529, 0.9160340405609999, 0.8229361603049999, -0.286837023496, 0.644554684861, 0.18542888391800003, -0.723148102406, -0.288563843893, -3.97605731935, 1.40156188711], [-0.023225482511299998, 0.818130196689, 0.16059057372899999, 0.17493474114399998, 0.766637799613, 1.28135700765, 0.0, 0.0, 0.392514754031, 0.0, 0.0, 0.43758780961800003, -0.365345498759, 0.886071421611, 0.9821861419169999, 0.29026260944000004, -0.428226866933, 0.0854905350265, -0.384730940763, 0.0612344745727, -1.44184909468, 0.0, 0.18886720795899997, -0.147138967988, 1.58934763445, 0.153363123953, -0.128150484091, 0.17493474114399998, 0.322636901822, 0.56215351072, -0.30748840610800005, 0.0, 0.0, -1.60467594767, -1.40832686383, -3.64353824305, 0.554395611298], [-1.33982999961, 0.0258194790751, -0.5445373942849999, -0.596035296991, 0.634154035989, -0.004816121096279999, -0.276441867656, -0.19039033065900002, 0.613384282046, 1.09377423475, -0.09189059809149999, 0.998296722059, 0.234595928783, 0.034036895309900006, 1.3448187618, 0.256172772538, 0.8683059593089999, 0.474042455388, 0.466978556726, -0.517839231455, -1.28487311967, -1.00738744771, -0.152139527006, -1.1773784545100001, 1.0966749617, -0.669978027853, 0.30590930579500003, -0.0223366029929, 0.40372618221600004, 0.858357912258, -0.0720544107707, 2.48719680592, 0.155151321107, -1.7358363615599999, -1.15751707869, -2.8329851586, 1.32287045645], [0.598199590559, 1.2215552737100002, 0.583001885546, -0.151846992948, 0.7848876304469999, 1.22566254675, 0.395085207658, -0.12335970505999999, 0.7872248002069999, 0.670036317016, 0.486837656708, 0.708178148615, 0.0211326367227, 0.490849710501, 1.5781180488600002, -0.372194447697, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.423965800513, -0.9161363258830001, -0.5737793809189999, -0.560366763331, 0.051106777319, -0.0159963426877, 0.0, 0.522278679844, -0.0398267675706, -0.260442343751, 1.4734871078999998, -2.1166307869, -0.6772067414440001, -0.557245971133, -2.4097775147, 0.0, -2.5610066274900003, 0.162140493657], [0.177811898606, 0.858667882054, 0.803564145472, 0.553365534886, -0.698157639135, 0.182339925503, 0.123212553318, -0.9040105565719999, 0.8561346855580001, -0.364773278069, 0.611972338327, 1.10601841252, 0.622917282545, 0.885720274286, 0.563833217546, 0.6958563188179999, -0.169525563844, 0.570074731111, 0.663685159043, -1.59614977856, -0.808916580627, 0.21137906574299997, 0.56467292817, 0.458258903191, -0.619645415269, -0.09943503364839999, 0.389291318813, 0.21225910882, 0.904012998705, 1.15583296045, -2.51355670647, -0.287166661808, -1.44953726192, -1.5454939701600001, 0.0, -2.9345482947900003, 0.820035097386], [-0.36550952422, 0.276569493722, -0.43980376050700004, -0.070897713489, -0.103819027837, 0.483585573081, 0.0, 0.0, 1.60708458112, 0.0, 0.0, -0.603404906914, 0.893923129367, 0.6576096033869999, -0.8962227880399999, 0.153179614258, 1.5012267956099998, -0.848389502091, -0.853632821182, 0.572514187622, -0.0409313278071, 0.0, -0.515715910173, 1.11909533645, -1.4424175415399998, -0.835779558113, 1.47987470679, -0.663147075111, 1.23899238489, 2.2324553645200003, -1.35950633167, 0.0, 0.0, -0.562308541456, -0.915088124387, -1.69177853317, -0.00775778311115], [0.241839199316, -1.34172426338, -0.233537480313, -0.346810843734, -0.036535099111, 0.977179288026, -0.40053106236999997, 1.50968558713, 1.26418327904, 0.8880187646719999, 0.0221367023884, 0.472655944503, 0.8255737680949999, -0.669814513954, -2.3826576082299997, 0.017087081199, 1.2429323469700002, -0.07246825637149999, -1.31770614967, 0.13596876941400002, -0.154945564495, 0.12787945757000002, -0.554829514194, 0.08333587654560001, 1.2837579169600002, -0.47390341865900004, 1.9846669374500001, -0.11664210810999999, 0.164387969919, 0.982061458796, 0.151341651128, 0.48471691160700003, 0.29989168461, -1.21569049427, -1.68755626253, -2.4338983403400003, 0.279950384398], [0.47953393999899996, -0.32186121431299997, 0.21899314145399998, 1.4273325315600003, 1.36895685102, 1.0759156681200002, -0.831307465133, -1.54960439621, -1.14999592562, -0.21464390879200002, -0.100500345899, 0.373980158073, -1.38477858493, 0.8712803491490001, 1.53521894581, 1.9033907569, 0.49823020851300004, 0.0633140088622, 0.716573925213, -0.7434063685519999, -0.057651077014, -0.68847451361, 0.44816671308600003, 0.864697440096, -0.8776487155700001, -0.7984927033679999, 0.8712803491490001, 0.43524679151999995, 0.7075530513420001, 0.832358620336, -2.26761183645, 0.254729351179, -0.20544491630800002, -1.14999592562, 0.0, -1.4087621905599998, -1.19657271344], [1.14219229982, -0.197984880625, 0.23490686967799998, 0.0545283840689, 1.49065480558, 1.2495199952200002, -1.20769666376, -0.968165540335, -0.815662200463, 0.152147559757, -1.08635250157, 0.61359059133, -0.6638229537470001, 0.845551098409, 1.1876612768500001, 0.12637188501, -0.8808416578560001, -0.500540418369, 0.7730171457100001, 0.433037314828, -0.591146530823, -0.208322086756, 0.45357676239699996, -0.12056094610300001, 0.293125465194, 0.11627141637499999, 1.2289770260600001, 0.512147568662, 1.7767249475, 1.64755013, -2.34831866282, -0.40718360605400006, -0.130709378388, -1.8808046344099998, 0.0, -1.65647818315, -0.666961697226], [0.240360539011, -0.6867517883580001, 0.32313635738200003, 0.679199992227, 1.1012969874, 1.3539198680899998, -1.9516710707499998, -1.56171245606, -1.6417392465399998, -1.0474988536, -0.535869200389, -0.028052908204900005, -0.7739411031219999, 0.810573263178, -0.18363674223499998, 1.34132808426, -0.10576111119699999, 0.229960459522, 0.5874104897219999, -0.909778118782, -0.920339766787, -0.6580029638970001, -0.298192587044, -0.543024593986, -0.251089618806, -0.277716782367, 0.924677083595, 0.349741521225, 2.49934778622, 2.18777633343, -1.1610046326999999, 0.9707355199169999, 0.01281530223, -0.0957581511521, 0.0, -0.20313949948399998, 0.222401608059], [0.950406370372, -0.336871778759, 0.799794980223, 1.59496631, 1.1921945927600002, 1.6223618791699999, -2.34527644399, -0.5867145440179999, -0.508264797524, 0.44788649305699996, -0.33257009576200003, -0.23473454132399998, -0.527462606873, -0.035416421254800004, -0.20215694611499999, 0.0833601903377, -0.350783008544, -1.22413509517, 0.77816310994, 0.31314234201900004, 0.166551876593, 0.641901786173, 0.95762240655, -0.0318938223866, -0.6745409850669999, -0.464993314894, 0.745227273646, 0.153736621233, 0.892031909998, 2.45753787097, -0.898431952889, 0.24469652215399998, -1.4777492128100003, -1.36358391489, 0.0, -0.849010013691, -1.5969930392200002], [1.37997615537, 0.36456530921400004, 1.7680487399400002, 1.6544031793599998, 0.336282031709, 1.3940517185699999, -1.43114801684, -0.99215534921, -0.654236385397, 0.103862284126, -0.112645823249, -0.0540888698246, -1.12684654112, 1.4673384712399997, -0.327582399014, 0.933267826278, -1.0555057237899999, -1.0997234119600001, -0.209965211847, -0.42296465691600005, -0.125863762233, 0.224164960103, -0.324519076444, -0.24633076800099998, -1.15253010435, -1.43557492042, 0.27505970501800003, -0.141222092775, 1.6415397661700002, 1.91377438181, -0.446202310655, 0.998246746665, 0.6431996336300001, -0.718633289114, -0.76537205405, -0.752326807149, -1.50234333484], [-0.15729062966, -1.13263949598, 0.415775460557, 1.0623902415100002, 1.9955945447099999, 1.33437814853, -1.91057555444, -0.9046417526989999, -0.278187306248, 0.283516840527, 0.11360464329000002, 0.259087161353, 0.246455389762, 0.541547156515, -0.649505457124, -0.40579413227399996, 0.672678401933, -1.3054714005399999, 0.316065141439, -0.153043924265, -0.938124050104, -1.5037342704700003, 1.74451790719, 0.30541613260899997, 0.6957021419249999, -0.649505457124, 0.21951322355099998, 0.35259987875200005, 0.701390854656, 1.19197034258, -0.7934030519040001, 2.0459912914, 0.541547156515, -0.5541687645800001, -0.723550639016, -1.6509525588999998, -1.32915361396], [0.929899444243, -0.17349297748599998, 1.32973679177, 1.30322684003, 1.97927288659, 2.4690578604599995, -1.74888003908, -1.87030917876, -0.39001286583300004, -0.331183043841, 0.12061225960899999, 0.385899146969, -0.0617901257522, 1.16946144313, -0.0263927468925, -0.367474328675, 0.33869342306500005, -0.998895675571, 1.0310426236399999, -0.39001286583300004, -1.31527881359, -2.02335251009, -0.42130143615800003, -0.384152382963, -0.403998930215, -0.168465727973, 0.7432943469329999, -0.10272627006000001, 1.1080316694299999, 0.114717285898, -0.25460840754299996, 0.403112085907, 0.32844440464499997, -0.552573270135, -0.766140361729, 0.18112425361499998, -1.18458480775], [0.632160775768, 0.781981605396, 1.0369352819, 0.735836395773, 2.6317980625799997, 1.0684902062600001, -1.21400968086, -0.8799992529520001, 0.7751261156010001, -1.0339761295, -1.49637746189, 0.5325128639410001, -1.28436085549, 0.810664167122, 0.838282280091, 1.26574018402, -0.7265372733769999, 0.595232245127, 0.49532545366999997, -0.593915523439, -0.863831980487, -1.10246207726, -0.0863598856236, -0.567268017676, 1.05829225942, 0.0693013057673, 0.6134488953530001, 0.792816614773, 0.247148706913, 0.0288624249932, -1.5133375308700001, -1.4776359323, 0.25449254269099997, -0.415202978017, 0.0, -1.5336772246200001, -0.475496582824], [0.512316420912, -0.323402918084, 0.869998824512, 1.5183790690399999, 1.69442518756, 1.12087638497, -1.9459881180400003, -0.185813472524, -0.47994625560000004, -0.49160740772699996, -0.503817795766, -0.311574022297, -1.00618089175, 1.67205321794, 0.090240475691, 0.0153356330839, 0.100898499494, -0.19803624873, 0.61315716882, -0.0963130480978, -0.460733441079, -1.39207359584, 0.607165896504, 0.705455967746, 1.30848282169, 0.061497543982999996, 1.23311769366, 0.172934608134, -0.5729007875159999, -0.657469878226, -1.5177953256299999, 0.0787293309467, 1.72550128229, -0.578873584753, 0.0, -1.39207359584, -1.9859656394799998], [0.492202446515, 0.42232046214599994, 0.725016945886, 0.46405672582099994, -0.67094170538, 1.21364117765, -0.753614918614, -1.3750298166, -0.23975324611200002, 0.62040869111, 0.623987716453, -0.525311102599, -0.000643449631496, 0.045541205898, -0.061365148633500004, -0.33337971230700003, -0.7049809356579999, 0.933228530384, 1.27850771714, 0.588522104804, -0.20290631525299999, -0.663016965607, 0.407850082591, -0.559120226491, -0.42055238636, 0.187916701943, 0.925918761273, 0.0639773967193, 0.803991772231, 1.1776287833399999, -1.7766785890999999, 0.8569697605840001, 2.16719524357, -2.41910432488, 0.0, -2.33782716952, -0.954656213312], [0.8389497890600001, 1.10094347806, 1.54801724914, 0.9762825447579999, 0.884220677454, 1.84807469776, -0.8514803335269999, -0.856001052201, -0.421531470226, -0.742907982459, -0.255806492871, -0.08712289318819999, -0.131985651191, -0.373550020731, 0.254773108594, -0.27586415047400004, -0.290496536672, 0.036068681398099996, 0.8065883324349999, 0.527783790415, 0.9543142307350001, -1.0808919364, 0.568676715507, -0.324051393189, -0.905015358445, -0.273381642855, 1.16799894412, 0.514812007975, 0.504639945643, 0.83272445912, -1.9702190420099996, -0.123532855854, 1.01658404268, -2.04255707441, 0.0, -2.45811262874, -0.916944179429], [0.267969141674, 0.904238839456, 0.779313566337, 1.1175831074299998, 0.30024422453099997, 1.05242161035, -0.869120236465, 0.335670919021, -0.253838174528, -0.564302020473, -0.0772972661803, -0.644954150636, -0.655952595173, -0.802801153346, -0.423533011542, -1.30065894155, 0.521125914536, 1.3978427550799999, 0.650636224669, -0.256260872197, 0.127646750915, -0.151282176932, 0.22052701413400003, 0.11537829510099999, 0.21713371683200003, 1.03995693958, 0.616194251784, 0.43868716668200003, 0.9483596073799999, 2.3777479282900003, -1.8771696435699998, -0.7545283566840001, 0.815360364596, -2.07660205496, 0.0, -1.9217438855700002, -1.61399379857], [0.486589892086, 0.8826175061139999, 0.199229372714, 0.582442983003, 1.15651116518, 1.61132668269, -1.0699192492799998, 1.15837027861, -0.202706048457, -0.7079741365960001, -0.65610233707, 1.0371432252700001, -0.113277281343, -0.12013749757799999, 0.247624698568, -0.18608780240800002, -1.20482516187, -0.09996732469599999, 1.07845410068, 1.03525125795, 0.667344083346, -1.0296493285500001, 0.332792577922, -1.0036812339399999, -0.173617107449, -0.09567859426819998, 1.42326568257, -0.387341982306, 0.162032562489, 0.37418890031900004, -1.0428662340700001, 1.05767455006, 0.44816022303900005, -1.25945770822, -0.94293892249, -3.5234423702599997, -0.12134942176699999], [0.867311160662, 0.25402684466200004, 0.471666144896, 1.1323820155500002, 1.0341553485100001, 1.40825945493, -0.8985473384039999, -0.65451078829, 0.0589382463586, 0.27329865358600003, 0.78187137794, 0.25402684466200004, 0.0, -0.9213441137980001, 0.23809664086100002, -1.31656491858, 0.18317286359, -0.476073769363, 0.48973525622, 0.0, 0.0, 0.06873743394189999, 0.0, 0.0, -2.3536169039400003, -0.6495675004420001, 1.63949523625, -0.241052041518, 0.538718303388, 0.318294742765, -0.372375309919, -1.01545608196, 2.13890184744, -0.491057515588, 0.0, -1.9264101795299997, -0.834511954879], [0.103621677992, -0.17351887569200003, 0.0349008683508, 1.08596814787, 3.2270090652599994, 0.00903674839493, 0.164358134725, -1.66610456319, -1.26673694823, -1.6453409701700001, 0.07149305868419999, 1.4493380294799998, -0.254005789397, 0.291431524589, 1.08082507828, -0.270617166596, -0.5074156736640001, 0.474430457109, 0.773176243696, 1.06529881141, 0.604502394779, -1.10506018004, 0.7647953785230001, 0.839752850313, -0.81224625096, -0.14699646125, 0.95940495835, 0.770611961267, -0.642126131328, 0.511608541142, -1.39972357185, -1.2423954966700002, -0.589613443575, -1.1142547679700001, -0.465988091078, -0.530441326241, -0.44897822232], [-0.7361812489499999, -0.918599697907, 0.43777680683700004, 0.14403903175799998, 1.55761564491, 1.076904885, -0.444604381109, -0.520496153165, -0.598468287065, -0.47010272327, -0.44740145389200003, 1.25988759701, 0.22833548889400002, -0.432147421088, 0.613858788493, 0.208881530073, 0.529836630254, 0.509112166751, 0.981832279032, 1.56564568155, 0.8490273610100001, 0.207101148847, 0.8544540702560001, 1.82004237583, -0.606737200349, 0.501654692393, 0.270739527022, 0.31781871669, 0.173398958976, -0.23900535179000001, -1.4573258988, -1.6855296039899998, 1.14612012478, -1.70816189878, -1.3442951356, -1.94911479336, -1.6959122572499998], [0.284404017632, -0.024051301008700003, 0.7146770559260001, 0.564786568002, 1.36327310625, 0.459440327277, -0.834149846208, -1.1559921470299999, -1.92214466715, -0.910756995601, -0.874416963324, 1.3523249118, 0.326675807868, 0.5374506854309999, 0.8362231385, -0.40779645568000006, 0.581135502556, -0.43738611973, 0.957508373902, -0.044808824411, -0.547727982678, 0.26999370543, 0.6726122691769999, 1.12138052999, 0.257951263918, 0.5086014862839999, 0.185813696111, 0.00811071809893, 0.0, 0.0, -1.96185621632, -2.82471285083, 0.94343720582, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.13141401345, -0.171465343304, -1.07712803662, -0.100209741795, 1.31075210094, 0.18174838417300002, -1.13080161832, -1.07221850574, -0.934179573109, 0.38326152503399996, 1.5936734674200002, -0.427592262341, -0.9603414618889999, 0.496351261038, 0.9774345901200001, 1.77753660857, -0.996257313036, -1.14635288287, 0.978858135156, 1.4964754715200002, 0.343575670361, 1.66613830447, -0.42880495449, 0.17000514580200002, -1.1109025211599999, -0.7704471216300001, 1.08977539511, 0.39223026203199995, 1.61696176549, 0.054123049300199996, -0.778190492261, -0.474872277543, 1.47604751384, -1.09895995191, -0.9314321484720001, -0.7621956301080001, -0.501182800325], [-1.20900265297, -0.507385875219, 0.710328190393, 0.850705415082, 2.12550789009, 0.988814262597, -1.75901738874, -0.148380389397, -0.745356677322, 0.237584784578, -0.591693306495, -0.6722870729289999, -0.7675963279610001, 0.133133672314, 0.9691185857879999, 0.732442676055, 0.244089294191, -1.27453572686, 0.06596213888569999, 0.35350895980700003, 0.31190190416200003, -0.705398579587, -0.22073656814800002, 0.5507442711980001, 0.113311717006, -1.1406262582200002, 0.9993397221510001, 1.00737906452, 0.818811129685, 1.2318900082, -0.708249051191, -1.29940316347, 1.8516398812000001, -1.01187134745, -0.961569525545, 1.28463655936, -1.8577402157499998], [2.61828622163, -0.575880224986, 0.13889708554000002, 1.06870370058, 1.34742208802, 0.8798469365180001, -1.6432762209, -0.6634229338359999, -1.23602101706, 0.27497850134, 0.513631898306, -0.764051128645, -0.201148980095, -0.509582469828, -0.0856591931401, 1.9517369202700001, -1.3504213871200001, -2.06363490987, 0.0655720437753, -0.127590815766, -0.498494623873, -0.512407050197, -0.0763527244508, 0.42453682637400003, 0.0271947058366, -1.2574833441, 0.7121660306640001, 1.1527310972, 0.662642018617, 1.37280449621, -0.252826238043, -0.118006935253, -0.0913020966462, -0.929981808153, -0.712099622792, 1.01944429564, -0.56095114176], [0.120473699813, 0.138225517414, -0.154705947952, 0.571049266459, 1.6130685938999998, 0.194151227562, -1.33780736504, -0.793311157619, -2.2998721349599998, 1.1234982785799998, -0.19249108668900003, -0.026054162672599995, -1.22915334725, -2.14725398943, -0.189014890357, 0.768467175206, -1.0658719624500002, -0.872441906486, 1.01305295044, 1.3003485017799998, -0.00616707253033, 0.229998811818, 2.27437062585, 0.9007850593700001, -0.440071664208, -0.931057401891, 0.6914169906090001, 0.58241947874, 0.306191164532, 0.934936220254, -0.10825611527699999, 0.742779370092, 0.750840428268, -0.997864717358, -1.18848534342, -0.411635292479, 0.135442197391], [-0.479181769752, 0.36167090113300004, 1.29041020964, 1.2242713730500001, 0.150920818873, 1.57415988329, -1.42066151044, -1.12254016164, 0.398494939619, -1.24348299784, -1.31388052824, -0.7023073941619999, 0.231145951203, -0.890949323257, -0.116824146341, 2.30275058365, -1.1815952327600001, -0.854714531513, 0.5547600133789999, -0.202072604629, 0.7541834793659999, 0.356807894611, 0.935032825686, 1.3395795575700002, -1.24677874711, -1.39252512062, 1.2982759615200001, 0.5634596297119999, 1.07400300908, 0.29457131068500003, -0.656310144643, 0.296766265713, -0.264325101506, -1.32638069122, 0.0, -0.798962721743, 0.212228119625], [1.28681474738, 0.9736122369760001, 1.4101997091, 1.9674886161200003, 0.43075488821400004, 0.7165518034559999, -0.975811565201, -1.19576337202, -0.6071552324289999, -0.7889793145849999, -0.590966769587, -0.45174145655000003, 0.49100610861599997, -0.584775114018, -1.03702777947, 1.7236368988799997, -1.7531644166799998, -0.6720954267470001, -0.0889674490397, 0.919651537122, 0.991335115136, -0.6071552324289999, 0.7926098701700001, 0.254012609501, -1.41652044528, -0.7442894817919999, 1.04290376588, 0.6311028368399999, 0.861151863014, 0.774027556936, -1.5864498935, -0.36050974193400004, 0.688407327721, -1.09328446171, 0.0, -0.9957325883329999, -0.40487774977200003], [-0.5532797754300001, -0.40511992939, 0.598891948389, -0.27608541509, 0.37552854305399996, 0.312793563914, -1.3106417906899999, -0.47899917158, 1.23115794835, -1.29379321436, -0.5712299452390001, 0.404176939455, 0.736164000838, -0.414861274294, 1.07447210442, 1.9274286605400002, -0.5712299452390001, -0.876190300012, -0.11142169195999999, 1.0624456580500001, 0.21911699757800002, 0.0, 0.816180672404, 1.69026741114, -0.813201454615, -0.407127113374, 0.5358358097879999, 1.131368743, 0.673210067807, 1.3288876891399999, 0.0, 0.0, -1.4643869549700002, -1.7726319497999998, 0.0, -1.51277887881, -1.2849479529799999], [0.09639560599889999, -0.876524911593, -0.7207721998800001, 0.607693600802, 0.933246673147, 1.6577396016400001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.338465323174, 0.0, 0.0, 0.224870861934, 0.453998968671, -1.8685140645900002, 1.26292863526, 1.3839999193299999, -1.15973318819, -1.37284029417, 0.292919651646, 0.669077431646, 0.480109430949, -0.590421327412, -0.78482431979, 1.26691024938, -1.67972564176, -1.0185483735299998, 1.31824725508, -1.04520983797, -1.2194292945999998, 0.5648497703459999, 0.396512894055, 0.927033740108, 0.0, -0.215054934021, -0.19461992298500003, -0.733913836839, 1.28206318052], [0.68671471707, -0.32039385054499997, 0.14469752939799999, 1.1683639593000001, 0.7892129658399999, 1.34305759068, -1.50704860607, -0.07257521087010001, -0.6190489251829999, -0.642266900626, -1.2143914983600002, -0.127648379574, 0.044522083002500004, -1.04098319304, 1.14680906486, 1.3068163576799998, -1.0506037543200002, -1.57683170837, 0.46444639210600003, 1.5452915833899998, 1.5793317479100002, -0.013500691144000002, -0.168149084703, 0.55477896862, -1.17516503287, -1.17186553709, 1.56699466764, -0.38493304736999995, -0.12238713982, 1.31060822066, -0.487587881997, 0.41095925111500003, -1.20770021614, -0.593743269383, -1.14523639209, -0.9611159786810001, 1.54057119898], [-0.665772934011, -0.708419539602, -0.166558565767, 0.562574865435, 0.811743117917, 1.6037579821399999, 0.992696566512, 0.443683145861, 1.06398116241, 0.108369933738, -0.08715601245889999, 0.485572159964, 1.15886605052, 1.18186318121, 1.55195140479, 0.725613269527, -1.1182580735299998, -0.665772934011, 0.191756540511, -1.3849391816699999, -0.940090990625, -0.60747467213, 1.04845131197, 1.6746859012900002, -0.814945188409, -1.27743072737, 0.10610769355699999, 0.5078594113939999, 0.478726485808, 1.25800117714, -0.746316920432, -0.256748970249, -1.27743072737, -1.1225171000299998, -1.43641896898, -2.00482510089, -0.675184754156], [1.0070080421799998, 0.00141774983863, -0.0638230119073, -0.304462819982, 1.7713351463299998, 1.28041147738, -0.106161067585, -0.134291579291, 1.20641461957, 1.08810482656, 1.0214433916399999, 0.15802052114700002, 0.528557865083, 0.23077600618500002, 1.50987855199, 0.455109899264, -1.0403077464200001, -0.163337913223, 1.2546401952200001, -0.507098569951, -1.46058744632, -0.905972469796, 0.305541051708, 0.921651184827, -0.790201583013, -1.0342476298999999, 0.214598366033, -0.161103073567, 0.489931218087, 1.0070080421799998, -1.3048439541399999, 0.0983799735438, 0.0330277478439, -2.20504038935, -1.4384012301499998, -0.905972469796, -2.05740292222], [0.677655544054, 0.79294335594, -0.441113206677, -0.10151160663799999, 1.3600243418399998, 1.79112757526, -0.5197600181149999, 0.159157284296, 0.270421805472, 1.18698943018, 0.8558696019419999, 0.655614356346, -0.277697313612, 0.6694457133730001, 0.5162515078059999, -0.569078211778, -1.06997811668, -0.9281762565200001, 1.44395645381, 0.5017493908649999, 0.533624020421, -1.3220819194700002, -0.847233805224, 2.03557854031, -1.1563141374500001, -1.07921903984, 1.6126656830000001, -1.10547214305, 1.08596858863, -0.0857846973182, -1.1711169544600002, -0.48128732713, -0.785162291749, -1.2524345407100002, -1.15649007448, -1.12459725912, -0.674534273518], [0.785627994929, -0.588357309198, -0.563235560113, -0.6942295281090001, 1.07968956246, 0.092663784037, 0.606714015964, -0.139733023326, 0.15487936148700002, -0.331996671231, 0.850502577252, 1.05607163199, 1.1363652732, 0.519661934095, 0.9766725224320001, 0.380913901332, -0.404591985131, 0.381631931008, 2.18390936866, 1.3983504769600001, -0.117409076327, 0.497663122299, 0.16958749448600002, 1.8765724488099997, -1.07270985558, -1.30758534073, 1.35403755419, 0.221276341585, -1.29669030596, -0.852475290607, -1.1850580027200002, -1.2886007235299999, -1.18389735201, -1.00664730026, -1.3231972949500002, -1.2693543588200003, -1.09702231855], [-0.0610452494522, 0.297775148653, -0.335837799106, -0.949477626435, 2.07716130815, -0.85625898382, 0.04224219343880001, 0.253343553524, 1.63799283707, -0.8062612317910001, 0.42685933633900003, 1.3658945839899999, 1.6651577574399998, 0.923146801142, 0.8190939649500001, 1.289403383, -0.675739712118, -0.681385305442, 1.23859491218, 1.22313658423, 0.309167733558, -0.752865937214, -0.682498349912, 1.9826413100099998, -0.753096770114, -0.858518249151, 0.62575599091, -0.733648864625, -1.00330234497, -0.822919049734, -0.860345754157, -0.8037388917180001, -0.951749508139, -0.8942524904870001, -0.9062315031039999, -0.9085575884839999, -0.8796361886190001], [1.00241083135, 1.45973895549, -0.30973152380999996, 0.06717487873, 1.1680064773, -0.503543686773, 0.469566826426, 0.430589523238, -0.107020044279, 0.00808212527185, -0.6047761264429999, 1.53742525195, 1.01774290593, 1.05768267351, 1.31043951849, 0.766268047944, 0.15526569924, -1.37158470588, 0.89372639, 0.400105175132, 0.770911145429, -0.904613011327, 0.8735196475589999, 0.899169963949, -1.35254806185, 0.108794644903, 0.741330812466, 0.36965422659900005, 0.292930394537, -0.705255405714, -1.76246048036, -1.01076353831, -1.38051463872, -1.7037379055200002, -1.5256853316799999, -1.42868795803, -1.12961369676], [-0.7140807792209999, -0.686963453313, -0.885295036453, -0.764650395434, 1.0253967207799999, -0.10529214969100001, -0.605531170172, 0.262287503218, 0.291848704294, -0.9645652905329999, -0.954147864625, 2.2199273614200004, 1.2250012743, 0.7756137161409999, 1.50761779623, 0.0962314442422, -0.170785102844, -0.0821968299164, 1.5517634971899998, 0.799410542589, 0.917786426058, -0.654655806982, -1.00438330668, 1.1176603913, 0.134190519519, -0.927513407417, 2.0655290584599997, -0.92072423205, 1.02877213878, 1.01617299604, -0.943513873141, -0.890135121639, -0.9273434707930001, -0.9271056631389999, -0.986124445399, -0.9561580905429999, -0.964044600573], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.10710076705, 1.07693997191, 1.1148206232200002, -0.25509388937800004, 0.778328284121, -0.852994846012, 0.11802147927000001, 0.441170967755, 0.561381346837, 1.07825770703, 0.219797715031, 0.8199207658609999, -3.0378791106200005, 0.42972387638400006, 1.5827127807299999, -1.6996150642299999, 0.207067887555, -0.819242843536, -0.46101379592299996, 0.688789488221, 0.049584301990599995, -1.2967882246, 0.648150276219, 0.11802147927000001, -0.825961916073, 1.09742452713, -0.279159535883, -1.18998737958, 0.443760987453, -0.791494165951, 0.0, -0.0553226213408, -1.0164218399299998], [1.02589087475, -0.9785763600409999, 0.8603599740819999, 2.01233212829, 0.80303828606, 0.9646912772859999, 0.781856173907, 0.23460582035100003, 0.59121794218, -1.7444077931900002, 0.81184701725, 0.16896287178, 0.176034553036, 1.33191177704, 0.657550803594, 0.36761688438100004, -2.34989434322, 0.428688697778, 2.0263113378099997, 0.6895679561560001, -1.8132305392400003, -0.636836203807, -0.0997285951643, 0.788977033337, -0.929954035424, -0.17652763118, 0.062207309759200004, -1.1606348314700001, -0.434388845591, 0.0764641702349, -0.826739368986, -0.9490914742640001, -0.327847298889, -0.470070703484, -0.27389123430999995, -0.705685908166, -0.982627722629], [1.00395766307, 1.12077736636, 0.9930735153460001, 0.167387616629, 2.3858275695400004, 1.0523012029799999, 0.730106019352, 0.7797596838609999, -0.342923908413, 0.46075163487, 2.03867014938, 0.9433896056100001, 0.6542649222779999, 0.211693230499, 0.11339629687000001, 0.40940041300700003, -1.72657479145, -1.26557924355, 0.22158743076600002, -0.667758135899, 0.0710401292077, -0.641421764385, 0.0268182114685, 0.277918238145, -0.858832500039, -0.751589675036, 0.6720821176039999, -0.13215801726600002, -0.71279857104, -0.28020310290600003, -2.16043554029, -1.0436205680500001, -1.37548071199, -0.708436014149, 0.0, -0.45740866742299996, -1.20898180496], [-0.20055062476, 0.24902444762899997, 0.293762020836, -0.43116269687299996, 1.42430179635, 0.08002794391250001, -0.08024693470639999, 0.358192405371, 1.19932331467, 1.59034037535, 1.59034037535, 0.453065953804, 0.801276056092, 1.7032937269400001, 0.269051197883, -0.121704397427, -2.12014685459, -1.32848235986, -0.7558244760070001, -0.446739447681, 0.380770464594, -0.0935609078719, 0.24600303856400002, 0.72216635125, 0.06875042704460001, -1.4371725608500001, 0.179694492196, 0.0606373635959, 0.0, 0.0, -1.42893421433, -1.67141172662, -1.5540845498700002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.2118316550200001, 0.304294944126, -0.837371155625, -0.703905898344, 2.1696163781799997, -0.165312485889, 0.592946377652, 0.957406852642, 1.5062002155, 1.58259104301, 1.05567551534, -0.250546932137, 0.288437909212, -1.27768109359, -0.014319533907000002, 1.1077177981200002, -0.781454211465, -0.855570260535, -0.254972150205, 0.145799762918, 1.4774443889, 0.0253462631904, -0.213439930831, 0.7196984595720001, -0.560349551413, -0.968878772749, 0.997734138351, -0.045158462251500005, -1.30001417747, 0.209082276756, -1.4318037152399998, -0.73363836801, -1.9660828954099998, -0.55722605109, -1.0998400286299999, 0.871220339553, -1.20547864326], [2.06618628651, -0.921539876638, -0.657055959901, 0.7658752265459999, 1.02829033211, -0.0151665180498, 0.17399779256099998, 1.0364854568700002, 0.16754699324, 0.548232857399, 1.19358061901, 1.49258764336, 0.8513471729800001, -1.17413113363, 0.6965451578309999, 1.6991683109399998, -1.14793420409, -1.23426629525, -0.466159914129, 0.40522106293899995, 1.66185645731, -0.595917009948, 0.626087687176, -1.1851573535100002, -0.787510099153, -1.07555042129, 0.63520590804, -0.7094641261040001, -0.680325650391, 0.9019211649609999, -1.2291197340100002, -1.36595199236, -0.304033220084, -1.0263888293, 0.272593384314, -1.13571763089, -0.511339545357], [0.40218614806599995, 0.285572258967, 0.365431843709, -0.160627583683, 1.29420194445, 1.09554525194, -0.39086371443000006, 0.109562215842, 0.769638212877, 0.023977888875599998, 0.829194080801, 1.08653290736, -0.0354189627164, 1.05926814332, 0.364522445959, -0.20655470521699998, -1.5785744981799998, -0.6189659534049999, -0.268716882243, 0.523746513266, 0.147444309759, -0.7836972261130001, -0.417187574979, 0.821546474999, 0.47530140572400004, 0.597941247395, 0.906968866342, -0.70819626567, -1.3443197715900002, 1.6421646256, -1.53216701, -3.68880448926, 0.30383875680100003, -0.47305563122500005, 0.0, -0.503433502746, -0.39400177059], [0.4880983576100001, 0.794259585028, 0.340375528991, -0.2472016459, 1.2851596168700001, 0.676095366399, 0.3377988079, 0.175882627033, 0.944473660458, 0.147690658786, 0.823948802858, 0.999620840564, 0.823948802858, -0.333185746048, -1.1401464859000001, 0.242096725888, -1.1667683764, -0.493524375259, 1.08212389649, -0.0631835610948, -0.682784193724, -0.44696603442500005, 0.385630318314, -0.311898883093, -1.8157331146900002, 0.955944489896, 0.533245245702, -0.34226938681900004, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5786021866809999, -3.6426188354800004, 0.228489493865, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.1444027084000001, 1.7863431754400003, 1.25879540039, 1.41797019072, -0.28975195664299996, -0.12287292484500001, 0.807123889296, 0.670465206646, 0.296783209375, 0.281847081198, 1.01791438918, 1.0642696757899999, 0.700185321755, -1.36723935248, 0.575551373304, 1.27611241956, -0.49678273570799997, 0.164439443601, 0.6567091688059999, 1.0716337899700001, 0.339041435814, -1.27341679403, 0.975422375012, -0.113200405808, -1.49226122128, -1.22426601162, -0.530354174998, 0.670538887616, -0.905152140249, -0.470306574629, -1.11889625131, -0.7855786804279999, -1.6009709200100002, -1.68117245601, -0.715011827288, -1.34814562625, -0.640169088273], [1.45421817343, 0.683053629076, 0.9566588554269999, 0.9696983332629999, 0.76788722753, 0.13691327886399998, 1.47301120553, 0.474657325198, 1.29034879369, -0.8475355032969999, 1.9530361788400001, 1.04166015418, 1.4109184539300001, -0.9406044958140001, 0.8553320256839999, 0.782775149227, -0.9663683120700001, -0.938037870731, 0.253728696631, 0.894906803512, 1.13737993365, -0.904525240659, 0.7945983323, -0.75853152872, -0.91084361453, -0.89644227308, -0.845235079066, -0.954067276646, -0.850233358544, -0.9510246694760001, -0.935974658267, -0.963486235859, -0.862029111084, -0.983463768239, -0.990748756681, -0.8965909590369999, -0.935039838176], [1.1391311392899999, 0.6201737953, 0.585705932075, 1.18418630954, 0.36553559320100004, -0.6399258835989999, 0.8783860617, 0.9836299387690001, 0.295429073854, 0.457909795634, 1.13719832347, 0.6800890292389999, 0.661574709961, 0.673918000717, 0.7351993653200001, 0.660806929723, -0.37580536938000003, 0.765301121001, 0.493299241887, 0.10619242393400001, 0.765197077937, -0.214010591595, 0.947720688434, -0.7198963433769999, 1.18189160481, -1.4348527252, -1.47810379695, 1.26400749014, -1.5906125940399998, -0.8059576403829999, -1.51984398247, -1.5345268028299999, -1.73835744583, -1.23754101756, -0.9718545112989999, -1.34063330052, -0.980561640906], [1.3071455191099999, 0.9493055255339999, 0.896193550659, 1.0143034536700002, 0.356884459404, -0.465588547243, 1.1903546757999999, 0.9865131002509999, 0.5399904885469999, 0.0526170304017, 1.50259340602, 1.4559001342299998, 1.3302831236900001, 0.610945088462, 0.950123630867, 0.7601538060969999, -1.5573227241999998, -0.534324892388, 0.6951270460600001, -0.34061268621699997, 0.115585913147, -0.458143067912, 0.44609506181100006, -0.318195518889, 0.133686223347, -1.3068855449299999, -0.667731202733, 0.594370346489, -0.291251381916, -0.12385766035700001, -1.49733325854, -1.0434631959899998, -1.5311829974000002, -1.58693273128, -1.6371161053, -1.25352417407, -1.27470589422], [2.28822707916, 0.5645130978, 0.178022762077, 0.733277450794, -0.18302675108600003, -0.660042421576, 1.2721558288700001, 1.8821158592400002, -0.6315936244120001, -0.296684831142, 2.28068858102, 1.1843751409999999, 1.4409726494100001, -0.7230396162080001, 2.11267857282, 0.453211602752, -0.61549796567, -0.722214489721, 0.31954408162799997, -0.8031684562279999, -0.690825529787, -0.764636979668, -0.579843294837, -0.692167907133, -0.6625029517319999, -0.753892516162, -0.717648327844, 0.17431043534899998, -0.7210275351209999, 0.573755801401, -0.7961942317470001, -0.676088087651, -0.8534076213349999, -0.7701346880650001, -0.81249382097, -0.644182866814, -0.687534428398], [1.3145003555099999, 0.9615117259039999, 2.50734281211, -0.577355946021, 1.13176480761, -0.49807531666199995, 0.967273724792, 1.39646885213, -0.7661134886929999, -0.38688765176, 2.88514666337, 1.03100201855, -0.445323857218, -0.609726498812, 1.38607434466, 1.03085603725, -0.392500472683, -0.713417970986, 0.754531562061, -0.172184331571, -0.725528025052, -0.0726836946497, -0.6364320183919999, -0.48986466803900003, -0.8235715129250001, -0.47453396827, -0.753870240016, -0.6037497902100001, -0.650658268443, -0.7698141677760001, -0.555649486595, -0.686009716636, -0.693811191413, -0.7388437567399999, -0.774296432837, -0.7760103810969999, -0.57956005045], [1.30149752319, 1.15308459293, 1.37043039822, -0.655398223338, 1.4510354376299999, 1.23903939594, 2.6485767021799997, -0.45197765992, -0.7320557134379999, -0.6963738680830001, 2.7806833208499997, 1.6751109387600003, -0.39430706326399995, 0.26683904541700004, 0.652688931116, 0.058508141061500006, -0.716961441471, -0.57604616033, -0.453351892103, -0.414215293367, 0.298109045823, -0.66326067617, -0.7009800331939999, -0.19073208009, -0.7036025780949999, -0.680031801585, -0.655105447628, -0.612663333397, -0.665805493007, -0.595898944414, -0.7115738502169999, -0.625354253605, -0.39031132255400003, -0.671528351313, -0.624634491726, -0.642049205516, -0.6713842953], [1.5371651165600002, 1.68370294502, 0.618918497371, 0.15960388977700002, 0.839205957894, -0.48478866381999997, 0.24780908276299998, -0.271364983431, -0.963928628513, -0.821008251154, 2.023030383, 1.39711994616, -0.729314985441, 2.0146267232099997, 0.12467449725, 0.217963825279, -0.625132156234, -0.895796075458, -0.252534296799, 0.146719465056, -0.244581680896, -0.361682960941, 1.26971983069, 0.560883392598, 0.393071327462, -0.726816835351, 1.9091497145700003, -0.62684849692, -1.1835644493100002, 0.24002105831300002, -1.06267360931, -1.1285920908, -1.1529650781, -0.9323887912309999, -0.9760755569130001, -0.984119568551, -0.9592084938], [1.45295180838, 1.0009119953, 1.18801462545, 0.09220392931530001, 0.7648177395479999, 0.319004195898, 0.729182004379, 0.31359292206, -0.590379970068, -0.785090050379, 1.3435883065399998, 1.4882199826499998, 0.288310034162, 0.994235817203, 1.08357078476, 0.9347439665539999, -0.178015527714, -1.2384071375499999, -0.19386482399099997, 0.660956694921, 0.161618510308, 0.680597169728, 1.03159626116, 0.20228735570700002, 0.279706281936, -1.4014783539500002, 0.744992777448, -0.100402571746, -1.4275458429799999, -0.0406099573301, -1.3552137474200001, -1.46012022004, -1.5579649290600002, -1.34276332911, -1.4355855306099998, -1.32449131177, -1.32316985968], [1.32831300214, 1.36417896285, 1.7452259072299998, 0.14707381128799998, 0.30129073282200003, -0.35036492234800004, 0.102011746692, -0.445207687962, 0.09617933464579999, -0.852583423331, 1.5787410528499999, 0.46040148306199996, -0.0076027104278100005, 1.5176175833399999, 0.0162469233666, 1.1082454014399998, -0.885078609948, -1.0318860161299999, 0.846130907165, 0.925542960087, -0.475367598713, 0.528523325178, 0.23104831857500002, 0.649032133093, -0.868325754639, -1.1768967695399999, 1.3303892170799998, -0.990396755874, -1.3012337152200002, 1.4954464407299999, -1.24393204674, -1.0314156062100002, -1.17991231331, -1.27718056018, -1.36056575045, -0.21665444398800002, -1.07703455862], [0.158696585477, 2.40526620566, 1.59734869625, 0.364424074418, -0.045964154917599996, -0.6643240706069999, -0.47100226343699997, -0.7735084008499999, -0.7923673075040001, -0.313230556021, 1.8058903886200002, -0.08286842150530001, -0.116541446365, 0.11262915015200001, -0.264010778106, 1.78962347966, -0.599907755197, -0.656388266518, -0.506212211296, 0.0982687019891, -0.19282483616700002, -0.117343319234, 3.13738579649, 1.3018009797299999, -0.6990521701610001, -0.65849197516, 0.8741563818420001, -0.610667423834, -0.771778255472, -0.430532641426, -0.6787601975349999, -0.781983617412, -0.756508857039, -0.735161407172, -0.740566400654, -0.47685810913500004, -0.708635597571], [1.4852481046500001, -0.27052927742, 1.4835324993, -0.509532413638, -0.348275586133, -0.759495273426, -0.535631444837, -0.442181609834, -0.6999522931190001, -0.34888346456999997, 2.825482362, 1.0308561743, -0.529336040803, 2.01767013227, 3.02984370394, 0.942269926529, -0.131517666161, -0.35738032891099997, -0.420272238029, -0.44509450061300004, -0.476441660933, -0.48641288236599994, -0.238878177882, -0.529488290283, -0.273990154377, -0.442427336016, -0.5119734429789999, -0.40787789895800003, -0.34100175529700005, 0.9742954926180001, -0.753484217685, -0.183279130786, -0.533488757308, -0.688867187625, -0.744547956869, -0.8506205051610001, -0.528336903593], [1.32285190218, -0.297463933584, 1.8516369980200003, -0.313817095319, -0.39622857001, -0.560380938512, -0.451155240344, 1.06011248192, -0.459336857194, -0.292569488309, 2.8865394355, -0.315654433922, -0.369660844644, 2.17812772097, 3.2496815119, -0.316047240588, -0.49233685798199994, -0.464128462398, -0.408056768583, 0.417259192778, -0.44056960428900005, -0.397113842793, -0.225493376703, -0.517352440408, -0.300860836576, -0.43272831386200006, -0.393440225794, -0.404014199573, -0.524759045995, -0.502451232059, -0.5641998038600001, -0.509157570971, -0.517598408415, -0.614898899076, -0.57568449539, -0.399424563789, -0.509625652329], [1.13739343612, -0.497678779952, 0.869682952331, -0.9613582144299999, 0.549662432163, 0.03662361388569999, -0.508954407766, 1.6332030726299998, -0.871357692591, 0.126375813477, 1.9561090748299998, 0.8378415232340001, 1.0527048754700001, 1.7840054651400004, 2.35292465437, 0.8694559790559999, -0.655054408415, 0.613928454367, -0.647778341857, 0.448046946228, -0.177013857935, -0.110479226607, -0.840917992014, -0.9598885062899999, 0.606700142087, -1.0280473448899998, -1.11369829471, -1.0294957040600001, -0.150660799944, 0.204484396404, -1.10470532139, -1.05829434291, -0.864703555281, -1.05015869935, -1.22074203754, -0.8442641623810001, 0.61610885853], [0.711966347193, 0.335119736373, 1.61821400321, -0.531853820152, -0.619405817476, -0.500501032592, 0.128510659526, 0.998302164542, -0.838248732519, 0.295594300955, 1.4159980791999998, 1.8620511558500001, 1.7533292084999998, 0.98320210145, 1.1725401700799998, 1.4381873083599999, -0.0491489984056, -0.619946314132, -0.31425364926, 1.62945892165, -0.7976811239920001, -0.532917394141, -0.7786353357790001, -0.813409278041, -0.691238121566, -0.914476677915, -0.936991399541, -0.7568990089669999, -0.8811440600660001, 1.8022113079299997, -0.99997667919, -0.895938040798, -0.147532329714, -0.9453785539, -0.964999677411, -0.7192872104170001, -0.894822208845], [0.874157269632, 0.904918750821, -0.235821765218, -0.7025063749420001, 0.5677308333209999, -0.600670948645, 0.655470549792, -0.22053139722800003, -0.245430257787, -0.8169045597300001, 1.2499139914, 2.52104429363, 1.31703328935, 1.93468315912, 1.56742967781, 2.03313372062, -0.562025786777, -0.62189981159, -0.45026290578, -0.787581307788, 0.272308590542, -0.6881042681589999, -0.634363015235, -0.39811791333999996, -0.28323355294, -0.821372929224, -0.775717366329, -0.788661429551, -0.835626670288, 0.887020142492, -0.9035134104620001, 1.0429186835, -0.9102058159090001, -0.8453168364929999, -0.9801165157889999, -0.7946922302130001, -0.925085882612], [-0.125888361225, -0.386694001344, -0.828009155481, -0.691229682253, 1.0342997225100001, 1.3519806340399998, -0.48508381511299997, -0.716656108116, -0.618541992809, -0.7940658094640001, 0.7344980665109999, 1.84005400718, 1.0988455978799998, 2.16054596186, 0.7685942780149999, 1.68044622073, -0.7219580478309999, 0.140182578946, 1.0018676125100001, -0.873900335853, 0.311044749047, -0.525849346617, -0.839324204803, 1.41977302399, -0.7782314676950001, -0.869074711782, -0.804455557083, -0.669481037844, -0.779227646127, 0.554883821685, -0.646403154441, 2.0669586471200003, -0.9223953350390001, -0.820265272192, -0.894288807782, -0.503474524326, -0.869476546796], [2.09458443239, 1.6163082850600001, 1.11337263269, -0.741261843883, -0.5502743901120001, 1.58311396526, -0.554531943279, -0.0808792866922, -0.21843772408599998, -0.266564107938, 1.26653694931, 1.2498247348, 0.294787858483, 1.45772095471, 2.1180822054900004, 0.39044404673699995, -0.685614297676, -0.0495178507142, 0.07093899754489999, -0.285416551228, -0.7871073766590001, -0.661638728357, -0.67361186486, 0.324853332138, -0.889176794003, -0.798164870238, -0.8686778979620001, -0.8065899569930001, -0.8299210074410001, -0.8266515389899999, -0.8012431136689999, 1.8762848256599998, -0.8792538667, -0.852976672555, -0.86464299677, -0.5704462327759999, -0.914252306684], [1.1463826375900001, 2.2962532263099997, 1.7779261092900003, -0.50742904378, 0.911752309071, 0.566331902384, 0.233320261177, -0.514884120181, -0.652259798022, 0.914207905159, 2.41133087935, 1.98305765915, 1.2355668304, 0.890167507442, 0.376585548204, -0.20985454655900002, -0.632097489539, -0.6923439286499999, 5.03053608096e-06, -0.49190878043999997, -0.525561713477, -0.700703299559, -0.6747983091580001, 0.9157308754729999, -0.668647129903, -0.7810260650509999, -0.792638260723, -0.688810426685, -0.767085434559, -0.662516375514, -0.802639856813, -0.788330590417, -0.8445352119249999, -0.798493938276, -0.869267419648, -0.800349306826, -0.792437635821], [1.16484754088, 2.46383032604, 0.23344818746100002, -0.153357131197, 1.77511111807, 0.8371245150509999, -0.07095549319950001, -0.922604441206, 0.588435606722, 0.8843303703030001, 1.85768631134, 0.5968662535629999, 0.608720717082, 1.6033614273199999, 0.0269521229894, -0.131619136691, -0.514548261062, -0.31852542566500003, -0.134314180216, -0.392963029375, 0.122672682412, -0.044912907901099995, -1.09182398573, 0.55348324395, -1.1379375301999999, -1.2942790180600001, -0.539398504934, -1.37858728139, -0.22799115006700002, 0.721646312743, -0.34205667318000005, -0.056055241919099996, -0.024067815481400003, -1.6341213768, -1.32068279683, -1.8266244936700002, -0.481090861152], [0.494480232121, 1.3880572531200002, -0.8740274877609999, 1.0106723582, 0.6869781149869999, 1.1031455347499999, 0.829462567318, -1.37387253761, 0.608241865757, 0.556060812708, 1.87683022567, 0.39492666026600004, 0.136487685157, 1.5392158435699999, 0.2010511486, 1.0106723582, -0.34192579902599995, -0.16793814410799998, 0.0324381056257, -0.197767971569, 0.400272413741, -1.4019139209600002, -1.35091474891, 2.1857470538299997, -1.29326724001, -1.60034877662, -0.0406318668591, -0.403290800601, -0.99109469066, -1.14767516921, 0.017608267185099998, 0.0102371770884, -0.581711217227, -1.06681701443, -1.14767516921, -1.0996992968100001, 0.59798617368], [-0.9017685680259999, 0.956324158379, 2.60198849395, 0.481113987896, 0.796711756704, 0.479772091898, -0.26452915931, 0.246212525625, -0.85818974548, -0.8533626826890001, 1.70713708831, 2.07753750322, -0.18656139158399998, 0.6817714236519999, 0.177523111923, 2.3112816501099998, -0.913727663127, -0.0930822417383, 0.612929972473, 0.152805580869, 0.367009606727, -0.866557908586, -0.335318113964, 0.427747816291, -0.8909505167370001, -0.9234097554709999, -0.5529701870979999, -0.9212191954260001, -0.510233418274, 0.966739488323, -1.02368228559, -0.948891541805, -0.9690367618279999, -0.51458860555, -0.9451836579039999, -0.844982824392, -0.726360031766], [-0.249074112767, 1.4142385554499999, 0.69070306887, 0.268234792843, 1.83459714224, 1.1104395731299999, -0.42391662988000006, 0.09957826445210001, 0.771252803752, -0.8257939740189999, -0.11535456895, 1.5154965884600002, 1.59733901085, -0.288507095178, 1.2944308507100002, 2.36662286173, -0.7917668888320001, -0.755472934889, 1.0094730894700001, 0.128316818654, -0.737546589857, -0.79504816684, -0.7536941935629999, 0.109986949417, -0.8175339621269999, -0.9077214143539999, -0.797396321046, -0.7497522639030001, -0.8517820939749999, 1.59554782787, -0.861497364276, -0.933378586402, -0.9136987980660001, -0.9589374694089999, -0.5708695280899999, -0.855437450947, -0.8520777905399999], [-0.401032966461, 2.76443834898, -0.307847526184, -0.435212302995, -0.374613639886, -0.270681470571, -0.33674124251599996, -0.390515347586, -0.22336193500100002, -0.6483559247380001, 2.24796115873, 1.95653449412, 0.48140334914599997, 1.45234443315, -0.22388791343800002, 2.6973383194, -0.581738976375, -0.396668661595, 0.205027759829, -0.538527824745, -0.680042347713, 0.08555753426339999, -0.543343525378, 0.0974308028462, -0.599353160674, -0.17221138502900002, -0.674823023219, -0.6652340317050001, -0.587467705381, 1.5245838424, -0.625851944603, -0.675118429088, -0.664042171391, -0.663714592605, -0.653171137903, -0.536181639185, -0.642879216911], [-0.012639733574600001, 0.218622214547, 0.937625553759, 1.87855048566, -0.36484029416, -0.218497421591, 1.2445274307799998, 0.8010023218089999, 0.591749900601, 1.06668453124, 0.122498793059, -0.43899813350199995, 0.235841761939, 0.295162488001, 0.9355643349609999, 0.0345705473234, 1.7281495231900001, -0.12122254259700001, -0.439229889829, 0.8540227285870001, 0.3972231613, -0.15397761115999997, 0.431624589141, 1.22521998384, 1.7864024960599998, -1.1399485442200001, -1.11913546588, -0.427964858263, -1.21386782626, 0.396335895543, -1.4034392700100002, -1.28198901491, -1.13764929127, -1.3439312555399998, -1.6308068748, -1.3703860048199998, -1.36285470893], [0.784121080398, 0.011108188416, 0.263307139538, 0.843136043589, -0.12496310528200001, 0.501978893337, 1.17181556948, 1.31500637164, 0.9208411930629999, 0.61180561296, -0.5319239738889999, -0.0236598456108, 0.421775593965, 0.163154516335, 1.16211609781, -0.116057266519, 1.1516728687200002, -0.17388571788499999, 1.1649773763200002, 0.757078935873, 0.9334850690819999, -0.236794469886, -0.378390131144, 0.934780081989, 0.9601553348999999, -1.4487231114599999, 0.5255735035, 0.0136562138118, -1.13970459403, 0.135002423248, -2.25026216276, -1.2821617013700002, -0.57522071792, -1.74044533151, -2.3036621949900002, -1.28294002163, -1.13775376209], [-0.11359220752, -0.14847035867699998, 0.751774220359, 0.476578414683, 0.624658103234, -0.012801271816799999, 1.6899937557499998, 0.39735582719400003, 1.76328311012, -0.310740299964, -0.370044321518, 0.70755195544, 0.060728679210099994, 0.487615218661, 0.6821979685490001, 0.6038116128100001, 1.02207284106, -0.901603954438, 0.802314828838, -0.372611640373, 0.5928894024679999, -0.488663254877, 0.565505444308, 1.02348884218, 0.271194326353, -1.28305515845, -0.057555593157099995, 0.752994602605, -1.03366292557, 1.14714226252, -0.514375768804, 0.078215504403, -0.797771847578, -2.25494766996, -1.7650633832900002, -1.75046766854, -2.32593959622], [1.1330987486700002, -0.6114373152970001, 1.5019780460799999, -0.691713957993, -0.941827641736, 0.44575453387599995, 1.8301268717099997, 0.766492727303, 0.576787544366, 0.0919485485207, 0.646654833928, -0.0211863849466, -0.586312256192, -1.14920524364, 1.55462584849, -1.08344719271, 1.2847625068000001, -0.8431256684630001, 0.129395937908, 0.441188593486, 1.30212686751, -0.549602160081, -0.466577228424, 1.6223641969799998, 1.65573196872, -1.0820722403899998, 0.34928652153000006, -0.41964250641999995, -0.985530983421, 0.832108597493, -1.15970776824, -1.0656078191, -1.13596035427, -0.997905015788, -1.0921552241099999, -0.142962029386, -1.13845390275], [0.5943975581759999, 0.600177710648, 0.601309679959, 0.710213877203, 0.7605619035160001, -1.0913541073200002, 0.700857357922, -0.14052777514599998, -0.0163966767107, 1.10280489546, -1.057038485, -1.9197161248599997, -0.45503533158500004, 0.805977387227, 0.376968674173, -1.08905353008, 1.6048469560299998, 0.5378865878360001, 0.513404333703, 0.492139169163, 1.4539778675200001, 0.0157807813571, 1.52084608363, 0.793339797479, 1.25359195721, -1.77558799562, 0.18719812051399998, 0.41192137101, -0.761877213724, 0.251513116959, -1.20585909185, -0.727772126757, 0.025097927792700002, -1.9199829852599999, -1.56542340163, -0.269147924824, -1.3200403441], [-1.0634657757700001, 1.26217297328, 0.991865693005, 0.153538300562, -0.9385462281970001, 0.8519837197769999, -0.465279015863, 0.853920438751, 1.50739680842, 0.862735444504, -1.3387615746100001, 0.7961710002619999, 1.35769038804, 0.7158308109010001, 0.7956467167419999, 0.332131177883, 1.4494360915, -1.00990356283, 0.9242565942859999, 0.597864671328, 0.251050731491, -0.750549113048, 0.37197085656900003, 0.223263704923, 0.22024868342599999, -1.40394058009, 1.20905601007, 0.9917131030249999, -1.2220963624299999, -0.33879835542, -1.35371265383, -0.678200334805, -1.46858865069, -1.23100018338, -1.1336153020200002, -1.21257083513, -1.11091539063], [0.835380797901, 0.624595775671, 0.550982080116, 0.844475035104, -0.21891976264199997, 0.563343005167, -0.462651503922, 0.18086644865899998, 0.603307556061, 2.8093945859, 0.236847247583, 0.5563565631740001, -0.0883738228905, 0.638640575695, 0.6468796564729999, -1.64788523911, 1.65996033083, -0.08311725992960001, 0.851914220347, 0.160931680632, -0.381955800796, -0.383899294665, 0.156000829073, 0.0357002826012, 0.165134721381, -0.0710494199867, 0.439693997501, 0.509917029237, -0.17798372985, 0.20201222806400002, -1.35009680546, -0.20712902769299998, -1.5045656751899998, -1.3610447355200002, -0.876909364048, -2.3664314177000003, -2.09032178777], [0.133737012794, -0.39234557772, 1.0471333733200001, -0.7291287886740001, -0.602386291576, -0.0805384746506, -0.0520517461046, 0.504081617399, -0.623850380147, 0.374731330571, 1.05607077014, -0.9373016005820001, -1.5044864259000001, 0.6098582962879999, 0.16669243975099998, 0.810673490672, 1.28404082513, 0.533275715028, 0.36001889283, 0.457130562697, 0.928254806364, 1.0318915451700001, 1.04315070705, 0.9550984665350001, 1.86202395595, 1.05933662641, 0.795949164375, 1.02368144825, -1.01926340378, -1.1223896340000001, -1.56632090375, -0.214240672309, -1.34634730134, -1.4604746418399999, -1.19665779314, -1.6040355994100002, -1.5850118118], [0.8514375729729999, -0.07349556991789999, 1.15432948037, 0.670434300818, 0.8213604859870001, 0.0713215043824, -0.9406942926999999, -0.8915721487100001, -0.375867111071, 0.681760797141, 0.20243880225299998, -0.801657020597, -0.454845279794, 1.3345833348, 0.596996516735, -0.584130520898, 0.356091143992, 0.341387307961, 0.264360053761, -0.506906538151, 1.38831298211, 0.550700007657, 1.35077120443, 0.881292923792, 1.8067522096000002, 0.285469057232, 0.326997848739, 1.25183347889, 0.0682064599968, -0.518639191092, -1.51440682185, -1.29639322278, -0.351361490013, -1.89007878729, -1.62137001062, -2.07646298462, -1.3589564835299999], [-0.0557781731571, -0.035873448682499996, 1.42036837405, 1.05878670342, -0.5911266095300001, -1.2664782088600002, 0.215401511413, 0.39452414682899994, -0.373138445893, -0.19112915745200001, 0.35947408991499996, -0.0978161070683, 0.7053171992280001, 0.642477796309, -0.05893107094330001, -0.971002090665, 1.9449825910499998, 1.8608870758400002, -0.035873448682499996, -0.100394109381, 0.366934625659, 0.675427893048, 1.55826271614, 0.330847880808, 1.76162415278, 0.859175094466, 0.20966690482099998, -0.11153905573799999, -1.5996300716799998, -0.792482772823, -1.3891601360699999, -0.529495673503, -0.521441569225, -0.943658267545, -1.22302877623, -1.4643571888, -2.01182437384], [1.4034134933899998, 0.278282199439, 0.0318565143703, 0.252450846279, 0.039523256638800006, 0.419511956082, 0.48076169543499997, 0.8645281762, -0.041297818234699996, 0.610233857828, 0.43181614472400004, -0.721102147344, -1.2248277221600001, 0.238758540477, 0.101126072709, -1.0828429674700002, 1.29261066948, -0.48770308588699995, 0.71953273309, 0.343624186333, 1.20883984564, 0.137143619392, 1.1454907186299998, 1.04955944885, 1.71553517245, 1.4661625295299998, -1.10560641424, 0.0950525949432, -0.07564348386, -1.45508863403, -1.8743079247999999, -1.66723889667, -1.53718664644, -0.731023184439, -1.76464015648, 0.6064723580420001, -1.16377754791], [0.654808811955, 0.527777420828, 0.549401689099, 1.2517962710100001, 0.24509475973, -0.286630870727, 1.13648672461, 0.452064785771, 0.12675653749399998, 0.943478945324, 0.49784005947300003, -0.111652405003, -1.08616337009, -0.849094493082, 1.26860141664, -0.334861723898, 1.08775009792, 1.43047024961, 0.36911750143399996, 0.228800926849, 0.9749758105580001, 0.0806050228285, 0.455452232722, -0.395655531271, 0.7562788266570001, 1.17726817715, 0.571260309046, 0.20961647257, -1.1907447228599999, -1.63737470325, -2.2894143536200002, -0.837345378337, -1.06262721823, -0.93525367366, -1.83313036246, -0.0188798201323, -2.12687442266], [0.924835394684, 0.125062200693, 1.3599124670200002, 0.490712869745, -0.214773998273, -0.204759642832, 0.692691417058, 0.10100901403200001, 1.15342052941, 0.7203343083339999, 0.709688099909, 0.499573430233, 0.7812710331300001, 0.48427739024800004, 0.304227985671, 0.00099702798211, 0.740648354711, -0.027802906847900002, 0.9812533148450001, 0.355166056599, 0.7066327902339999, 0.0562703575615, 1.26783085857, 0.9016826120620001, 0.0590803978264, 0.562078146667, -0.150237281624, 0.878427498495, -1.86800893975, -1.63930956255, -1.78909066443, -1.89764159943, -1.51057831527, -1.28167211043, -1.04547820965, -1.7563420545200001, -1.4713882700999998], [0.737708837236, -0.015512562173999999, 0.7719637062260001, 0.622692141259, 0.125102463046, 0.532256093647, 0.440437327452, 0.45271009712099997, 1.03462733295, 0.182460996483, 0.7543466691159999, 0.927992075844, 0.6825054210070001, 0.395357335031, 0.550668614769, 0.48951397775899996, 0.014016054463299999, 0.787652151504, 0.217229996313, 0.522967591389, 0.7739884871770001, 0.10192713770600001, 0.648535271809, 0.461424831285, 0.297051093719, -0.24300463761, 0.202951683517, 0.7221093668940001, -1.96863790997, -0.797443527875, -2.3505452635, -2.19344775183, -2.14947345333, -2.26029486089, 0.49070479905000003, -1.4489401246899998, -0.5136014619129999], [0.329289128429, -0.0933201919479, 0.450939999467, 1.0073709501299999, 0.531988307431, 0.5418077949100001, 0.8966372938510001, 0.334203877004, 0.22984638129700002, 0.79464875367, 1.1386044131, 1.06128303939, 0.77988782516, 0.41332699153499997, 0.512819787022, 0.37581074375699997, 1.053602285, 0.898639228098, 0.919072303639, 0.343035743587, 1.0976081362899999, -0.26961185630600004, 0.700641258017, 1.16829977108, -1.2697862135299998, -1.4032755227399998, 0.23783409894000002, 0.297605182423, -1.21948060882, -1.30027033361, -1.6290126273899999, -1.5354298754499998, -1.4396306486500001, -1.4586046477799999, -1.42374296482, -1.48373893224, -1.58889886993], [0.670295982705, 0.911825998742, 0.6570571681449999, 0.9438230968600001, 1.03860947957, 0.250393098401, 0.871455373234, 0.7623713142149999, 0.691156776229, 1.02785351325, 0.566655325031, 0.7865273585250001, 0.9238994568369999, 0.579967164539, 0.905256796113, 0.41024805689800004, 0.209272141552, 0.45343014291, 0.216102104099, 0.546521738282, 0.854507499849, 0.799017667367, -0.176979629558, 0.8934510961609999, -1.27848094937, -1.4655191405399999, -0.07955065653599999, 0.273938167312, -1.47439593153, -1.54349487592, -1.61390979072, -1.49719219046, -1.24873758371, -1.3990007152700001, -1.5613461287700001, -1.57497897378, -1.33004995067], [-0.0616251680965, 0.6501281294169999, 1.52792875004, 1.52637022775, 1.0352921625, 0.665455606866, 1.09604886236, 0.43931533103299997, 0.332146622928, 0.24955908567899998, 0.128519791054, 1.0011262104799998, 0.526078660296, 0.13167088739900001, 0.368390779306, 0.346468264138, 0.6798652587459999, 1.12621504371, 0.677176218424, 0.462210154566, 0.693088338187, 0.85498973005, -0.115221571229, 0.7346608072699999, -0.216972384337, -0.331251621234, 0.096798230644, -1.2274019428899998, -1.5752960761700001, -1.2807694134999998, -1.50399224037, -1.60371618868, -1.5874708856600002, -1.69948227616, -0.937362252814, -1.72210782895, -1.48683330276], [1.01180616199, 0.38312966111900004, 0.829762373292, 1.00672795826, 0.40380378241, -0.382624201271, 1.2416089631799998, 0.712428271293, 0.657935873601, 0.555666255853, 0.7002292026129999, 1.0104360427099999, 0.594233861838, 1.01697142064, 1.3573453513299998, 0.412007428503, 0.582380736897, 0.519915701596, -0.24371697944899998, -0.0074129395156000005, 0.9670474148520001, -0.418907895797, -0.0242213671214, 0.337482157206, 0.114223268747, 0.461510953332, -0.495843962523, 0.70158566622, -1.01803067343, -1.4544193542299997, -1.7086430522299998, -1.80316535099, -1.4971126806900001, -1.81640680278, -1.61719555605, -1.58952460885, -1.5010130825499999], [1.47386021715, -0.284366011528, 0.5484048121, 0.395165388654, 0.0334212885193, 0.248700113572, 1.5481766248, 0.16252959649499998, -0.368521397624, 0.262242688452, 1.67014562645, 1.5895403872100002, 0.222797305763, 0.324830867339, 1.26987632088, 0.288552267667, 0.349045729863, 0.359489663739, -0.201695705182, 0.278466209402, 0.444511129618, -0.012591735823200001, -0.5822870538530001, 0.676978387332, 0.469349673621, 0.18774890350200002, 0.612292890914, 1.1898224597700002, -1.47229820876, -0.96908972907, -1.8355320701599998, -1.0083176815200001, -1.64189847752, -1.7480054750099998, -1.7295878852700002, -1.3790284383000002, -1.37272868319], [1.0241056902399999, 0.6884068067489999, 0.19423196070300003, 0.872299940204, -0.137026295968, 0.0127565077387, 0.977892652239, 0.985734350961, 0.48894154319899996, 0.318594944285, 0.675407071741, 0.435336114617, 0.8639548892, 0.865078159557, 1.10761978162, -0.06869013037, 0.11244463257500001, 1.6191581620500002, -0.14103774874000002, 1.00189460846, 0.09271640215749999, -0.789384100554, -0.07625154134619999, 1.28756027505, -0.573867727473, -0.220009483151, -0.224799277505, 1.33564896261, -1.52775474322, -0.641059958779, -0.8627257072210001, -1.04441786659, -2.0171307875599997, -1.77709903893, -1.80406494533, -1.77933922151, -1.27512488172], [1.22364057073, 0.545775139689, 0.6159752613930001, 0.6918218910439999, -0.409168778719, -0.22373573616599998, 0.0295302826329, 0.323558791165, 0.956998168101, 0.868082376162, 0.609138007548, 1.03499674817, 0.966141333043, 0.47844358538599996, 1.03489177498, -0.193809978857, 0.820323073334, 0.8008960347740001, 0.797648864063, 0.868890669733, 0.288735334671, 0.443824476705, -1.22344022324, -0.040821000466, 1.55146834732, -0.837256100186, -0.24750796501400002, 1.13926661885, -1.07788299687, -1.4727242589899998, -1.50761034949, -1.43881651864, -1.4606778855000002, -1.4173960391799998, -1.47405741852, -1.49572493489, -1.56941716475], [0.45780210781999997, 0.189853610183, 0.411383112697, 1.17150670742, 0.38060387651600003, 0.32189678297400004, 0.135439183223, 0.300936567829, 0.00269096490384, 0.620677834796, 0.14101885568199998, 0.024342045256699998, 0.128228206709, 0.266784684251, 0.0414792460296, 0.233097347969, 0.947318678442, 1.03841078764, 0.353332851594, -0.297138863413, 0.47043053392800005, 0.556110298452, 1.4320298221, 0.611125970995, 1.24409122969, 1.2334718713700001, 0.396825028593, 0.419910022942, 0.497743532598, -1.01550595235, -1.8711351391900002, -1.7445457176099999, -2.2198615482, -1.64568562891, -1.5454290622600002, -1.61432329795, -2.07491655272], [0.88233525279, 0.215854816899, 0.24411014570599998, 0.85434344322, 0.500273593664, -0.03986453479219999, -0.117734469244, 0.468013341206, -0.0585857755308, 0.833759557517, 0.400948169415, -0.120038840699, 0.372398040311, -0.19460340976100002, 0.5019888384800001, 1.0644384203, 1.0277210906799998, -0.275576804577, 0.677046184094, 0.582109113465, 0.889662604228, 0.558595235097, 0.549393389808, 1.22221345395, 1.19520273219, 0.727425279899, -0.249671820905, 0.826465382961, 0.171390685256, -1.4644452629299998, -2.08156560726, -1.61373981151, -1.9693860369299998, -1.49054219856, -1.78683308569, -1.8444930853000001, -1.45860802746], [0.555962170337, 0.40003453706500003, 0.944393728655, 0.23759590492199997, -0.5187991116480001, 0.592765560443, 0.409971437511, 0.437332515047, 0.0514299527085, 0.9112409626010001, 0.264285295413, 0.122875329334, -0.480864668024, -0.449770617804, 0.7745070098819999, 0.536615202268, 1.17114019443, 0.793378240968, 0.03927559207569999, 0.439325252758, 0.910214085065, 0.404507159221, 0.785699975025, 0.8640492427940001, 1.0533915703, 1.05984055966, 0.448811716101, 0.377557328776, -0.225425656447, -0.9187073906409999, -2.4218829728, -1.0242907404600001, -1.9664746914099998, -0.511600551298, -1.9738205863599998, -2.1420181659999997, -1.9525453704700002], [0.697375270144, 0.325062533065, 0.89130088331, 0.5865621389869999, 0.20642221715300002, -0.167586585532, 0.563860142824, 0.7499111656730001, 0.45714495900300006, 0.8732340975, 0.77741165801, 0.30866547644000003, 0.578129216515, 0.41253105935, 0.8808084526000001, 0.19702011433299998, 1.03045200504, -0.0932220096081, 0.324946652806, 0.707446318094, 0.7572695621100001, 0.43507503697899996, 0.46205406815, 0.7119498463349999, 0.354164279887, 0.10339413247700001, 0.19659346429000002, 0.495474988256, 0.0521487216477, -0.6904377866820001, -1.74045093461, -2.3896653442, -0.8824139778569999, -1.9809393426900002, -2.2209189310900004, -1.9130456257700001, -2.0577279229400003], [-0.21799555359900002, -0.34321461825099997, 1.0131964114799998, 0.763450467085, -0.732545892572, -0.208404570233, 1.3778746433700002, 0.390984252767, -0.0995196980135, 0.8864450125669999, 0.44139321410300003, 1.07257707083, 0.561839883963, 0.50377646909, 0.782422396477, 0.219381581551, 1.17409511797, 0.359716838605, 0.044865454258399995, 0.187792976269, 0.17712870932, 0.970976019253, 0.734781452991, 0.837450735713, 0.966280854684, 0.430952698271, -0.09976654602, 0.89748821286, 0.180820602751, -1.33909042065, -1.8325182932900002, -1.9101011060099997, -1.33688502859, -1.37370219223, -1.8206122076400002, -1.8728357183500002, -1.7884992307900003], [0.338136743813, 0.338283409385, 0.6321909435499999, 0.5765310736020001, 0.64756743061, 0.985713752645, 0.645466745898, 1.3869553755200001, 0.270633486247, 0.36624631353500003, -0.241558073836, 0.09052987577400001, 0.09739348213780001, -0.24022724070700002, 0.280664384148, 0.530465528937, 1.27283586404, -0.832307024292, 0.0214155796483, 0.54623464601, 0.759950923917, 0.8275974229549999, 0.9426072001639999, 0.873268625557, 0.651519411492, 0.483579912571, 0.178447611334, 1.22330056576, -0.893614945474, -0.908731771696, -1.66739511101, -2.06052504345, -2.30274295041, -1.5872141270500002, -0.882169894703, -1.55386397387, -1.7971861527500002], [0.706469507801, -0.462299452271, 0.411520632303, 0.48667175562700005, 0.241006469196, 0.14682535300000002, 0.591295791708, 0.6718890125720001, 0.37195532875, 0.437376156046, 0.10423117563999999, 0.492081380296, 0.126471089703, 0.198892267579, 1.2834457246, 0.6873536619930001, 0.559354940652, 0.049488585345, 0.794141814841, 0.465060391819, 0.676551761177, 0.8705509283439999, -0.223653199443, 1.0207757739, 0.7046545856199999, 0.90455847755, 0.866663080337, 0.606794693336, -0.30536829132300003, -1.62323355343, -2.02560802871, -2.01959520931, -2.2582961767099996, -1.09224381707, -0.49266025342799996, -1.98678559771, -1.9863367603400002], [0.574979461892, 0.48103773913900005, 0.644025645951, 0.628774030004, -0.51120872883, 1.0146852801000001, -0.00574557548172, 0.410092703172, 0.445319679961, 0.388789081389, 0.773685427882, 0.33787085299099995, 0.693030991515, 0.37506215934, 0.626921947847, 0.0123982818939, 0.437078849756, 0.712473177191, 1.0254563538600001, 0.618012310197, 1.05106279278, 0.157942942206, 0.18402175561200002, 1.1498966315299999, 0.0914583374343, 0.39581389805600004, 0.369721053725, 0.223967800321, -0.448935272478, -0.0424509441134, -2.2926260009, -1.8426411267200002, -2.17145586425, -0.623298050539, -1.42065169035, -2.53193559431, -1.93263033778], [0.443344192213, 0.467978595963, 0.40910835852899996, 0.715819515635, 0.460351624894, 0.41529547150799995, 0.830658890292, 0.7953360350309999, 0.643388238521, 0.566616003107, 0.260660415098, 0.601122701184, 0.485128588851, -0.038326473598599996, 0.37031416223, -0.272954913297, 0.998021009172, 0.7332439369220001, 0.314897445808, 0.456727031634, 0.792709363219, 0.487926332911, 0.5708714252830001, 0.46506323973200003, 0.49672586168099997, 0.9815553052770001, 0.45881910267, 0.722605381483, -0.7761054818800001, -0.9723649110959999, -2.01399674434, -1.7402462198599997, -2.0540105432, -2.1097622761099997, -1.98873258087, -2.08085177896, -0.896936305632], [0.7523431699600001, 0.380689258598, 0.134596813875, 0.8064474913899999, -0.0580821159447, 0.394602810565, 0.934231938006, 0.910992497928, 0.839839425679, 0.7686538796179999, -0.18247039235399998, 0.442652242311, 0.796702395901, -0.585188160965, 0.774487356955, -0.165259862912, 0.9779771137000001, 0.371124245152, 0.146009882389, 0.639921788152, 0.8637047246610001, 0.43413524731299996, 0.7179563561869999, 0.6810720111249999, 0.476386627698, 0.905967913704, 0.40632290420199996, 0.751649411269, -0.41016937526299996, -1.72888154223, -1.84212037843, -1.6918056016799998, -1.86254670082, -1.76744094551, -1.7583013389900002, -1.7107351766, -1.54546591463], [0.55837210182, 0.555520086904, 0.41446289364, 0.348798498153, 0.823962124267, 0.164698151356, 0.6735972163799999, 0.7087462895819999, 0.697762010876, 0.7488322562819999, 0.5278041935760001, 0.440465103385, 0.690211285919, 0.0559318297939, 0.806135484396, 0.356612152901, 0.448139560008, -0.12656000533700001, 0.637749059262, 0.48960822808300003, 0.742187865784, 0.500694585415, 0.23831849300799998, 0.623362159724, 0.689264738669, 0.692472482127, 0.468128410754, 0.24735090467300003, -0.8997001083130001, -1.33710670702, -2.2716086790900003, -2.15495910372, -2.15578068198, -2.12326678395, -2.28027793831, -0.650929549971, -0.34899860904299995], [0.593591683546, 0.292624365251, 0.247441178414, 0.839754061037, 0.420104766847, 0.56988354552, 0.648056764351, 0.425328082132, 0.58850384776, 0.7815985187000001, 0.298237087322, 0.690289207717, 0.787818963091, 0.634426365574, 0.7954329108930001, 0.55664990813, 0.250047416876, 0.9576367078929999, 0.643587489246, 0.0905334685433, 0.130318378002, 0.5327695175980001, 0.6889421544200001, 0.745154533668, 0.680046957649, 0.642976283167, 0.286521594481, 0.489761744419, -1.75278006928, -1.2799802325, -1.7298313906099998, -1.7280686088, -1.87879922772, -1.8149450306000001, -1.7828011648400002, -1.7058306168700001, -1.6350011610100001], [0.6586881130510001, 0.545978043292, 0.335995410396, 1.01900846689, 0.21810560631200002, 0.271163984364, 0.733828159557, 0.655552475452, 0.218641207112, 0.7595878461669999, 0.622246919333, 0.843182249615, 0.633250464897, 0.6070128054199999, 0.695339479234, 0.335700490968, 0.563337611015, 0.55553750062, 0.546405167981, 0.48036355533, 0.706888795234, 0.136141734415, 0.5081097107320001, 0.763265864323, -0.0301385850481, 0.620728253772, 0.661976295181, 0.338097135057, -1.70574975756, -1.54768446962, -1.8030613043000001, -0.642340130877, -1.5418796416999998, -2.06794640914, -2.08203779502, -1.82492805445, -1.78836719803], [0.609067622553, 0.540759304495, 0.250629609745, 0.743407435779, 0.456887249729, 0.637733076955, 0.45655680174900004, 0.60494610105, 0.635685025741, 0.626948126414, 0.431958399403, 0.41220414656, 0.522555615247, 0.475388705287, 0.692220680616, 0.624464319622, 0.513146926071, 0.658656607265, 0.450888347946, 0.3964878954, 0.595290483713, 0.344647506872, 0.46429509454499995, 0.645071927138, 0.38342249067, 0.44289223310000003, 0.450768515162, 0.24019326366500002, -1.7574170633900001, -0.540735200537, -2.28585276833, -0.47208554061, -2.02580255483, -1.5584703126100001, -2.91583477425, -0.829924389499, -1.92105090844], [0.8612845748450001, 0.363383852369, 0.177729931096, 0.296772090009, 0.963696653006, 0.40530595553000004, 0.48685022958999996, 0.641015433146, 0.139681343683, 0.46383179251, -0.033563172174599996, 0.113046660906, 1.03546879798, 0.218983028803, 0.946798453467, 0.955937222952, 0.816030876182, -0.216020332251, 0.823093920637, 0.7629294077490001, 1.25062508487, -0.146130701469, 0.510481878618, 0.451088659278, -0.751127056892, 0.867075734026, 0.620490655778, 0.9300397376899999, -0.893235180685, -1.00738404256, -1.33753590943, -1.5209518912200002, -1.4740181881299999, -1.5113729729700003, -2.4408659036, -2.06486004128, -1.70457658205], [0.522134887036, 0.497297795673, 0.666323351937, 0.60908861515, 1.0154656372700002, 0.263382234735, 0.784269190705, 0.830477583082, 0.524377213851, 0.773231811674, 0.476092013965, 0.498529535172, 1.28960698724, 0.689572377518, 0.569900080437, 0.871480853071, 0.528061857505, -0.605245150006, 0.303715611313, 0.871173722804, 0.341054927562, 0.311817321548, 0.315965419258, 0.928590071052, -1.08174074776, 1.08000897095, 0.260474612266, 0.109961470785, -1.6220826590000001, -1.3854135005000001, -1.58887442876, -1.5613646603799998, -1.68448895454, -1.61516027382, -1.60427737947, -1.5770066945399999, -1.60639970479], [0.801952285338, 0.0255594555521, 0.728186255667, 0.9943016485770001, 0.9829198745990001, 0.8404343350040001, 0.0897382192718, 0.0820458683447, -0.36974182252099996, 1.1576777183700002, 0.563861126118, 0.22681406487599998, 0.8723781801270001, 1.20558894638, 0.153112658858, -0.11284624867999998, 1.09479890482, 0.309184653721, 0.262265745928, 0.797431300085, 0.923664792279, 0.9616250460100001, 0.29185964006299997, 0.470596378125, 0.10930529980499999, 0.540376036392, 0.442948136592, -0.273248562318, -0.926764057184, -1.17767152864, -1.53871425987, -1.9959260648800001, -1.7874864804099997, -1.84835501772, -1.8151042794, -1.27692277678, -1.8058454725], [1.1976080928100001, 0.9892805573799999, 0.679947948084, 0.168990825691, -0.044578123154999996, 0.00508879080454, 0.6253989288340001, 0.7029163667380001, 0.7338037025309999, 0.080778973803, 1.18021796941, 0.25147861145100003, 0.50587851697, 0.528962967286, 0.862171284826, 0.647500522723, -0.820604213595, 0.5077769509619999, 0.316773235123, 0.369903547922, 0.7863226552310001, 0.267998497385, 0.28036561990200004, 0.30670188191, -0.183752250872, 1.41434841123, 0.5908780469330001, 0.70341803304, 0.0612305639965, -1.4845671203, -1.6637833844, -1.82589180382, -1.7912958425999999, -1.74632918599, -1.72156130153, -1.7673445675200001, -1.7160337091799998], [0.212493719203, 0.0754696032051, 0.6757252781199999, 0.0712399661608, 0.573893127501, -0.358328724767, 0.554211815252, 0.55721265535, -0.255764490366, 0.7465545192630001, 0.362013580102, 0.229926836246, -0.225775568331, 0.581676590324, 0.9519172765180001, 0.9636046450929999, 1.66352110905, 0.168503221397, 0.634468867047, 0.8422616230169999, 0.77081771286, 0.754351509133, 0.260035878458, 0.469033623772, 0.279871940125, 0.8170255642030001, 0.37631383306999994, 0.780434361087, -1.87672676039, -0.35942712098000007, -2.2254037104799997, -2.1769617320599997, -0.517173590761, -1.79551469908, -0.848228586231, -1.8218789136099998, -1.9113949585099999], [0.367852600637, 0.443673018407, 0.886567618255, 0.6122127406719999, 0.619797154512, -0.328328831386, 0.525464331462, 1.2655820439, -0.005773632178699999, 1.06786543019, 0.5962183319100001, 0.26907886298300004, 0.676160467101, -0.231007208865, 0.673394435292, 0.53647276678, 1.21025625108, 0.0398112320764, 0.20831176373500002, 0.12065887656199999, 0.442130146078, 0.104404572193, 0.606434188762, 0.208968206406, 1.5507143384900002, 0.666110654663, 0.298487804084, -0.5185151761819999, -2.2042589263099996, -0.252572356186, -1.88501894308, -1.7607367610799998, -0.219939987636, -0.710426423364, -1.52519038236, -2.0528506560900004, -2.30200855152], [0.292046113233, 0.552901152068, 0.8784296963249999, 0.37063348603, 0.163183451899, 0.49229370842500003, 0.746354532169, 0.245603275856, 0.19168061666900002, 0.7600029113079999, 1.0723878847, 0.338525586083, 0.261700046513, 0.293027182667, -0.345177515631, 1.1043316387, 0.509568999444, 0.0692182201393, 0.927866651038, -0.0018964676279999999, 0.9278081294380001, 0.0006613545241469998, 0.723713809525, 0.061930615618400006, 1.24215286277, 1.2519492835500001, 0.0868650995335, 1.01524320699, -1.9676279911599999, -0.7290145086200001, -1.49677936961, -1.4386774117200003, -1.33179175244, -1.9080620416999998, -1.9997739539400001, -1.7225704539900002, -1.63870804879], [-0.049372080043, 0.066956021117, 0.47558987328999996, 0.324495510629, 0.408376014568, 0.0341795589053, 0.120549388124, 0.225272956575, -0.044483535169099996, 0.575380882108, 1.0148757240100001, 0.27477253577, 0.07888443601470001, 0.297559723878, -0.0037117504783600003, 0.905449220096, 0.959537545524, 0.737138442965, 0.684358933763, 0.421965363764, 0.61060265484, 0.521902950034, 0.4228302953, 0.501091443274, 1.14756361278, 1.03303388823, 0.360904436151, 1.00267616159, -1.82510891148, 1.03741045011, -1.81301647932, -1.7984920241099998, -1.83187265118, -1.9373266154900002, -2.00786524944, -1.4976652649200002, -1.43444346178], [-0.11007545492799999, 0.24581339669799998, 0.534740342099, 0.887000193774, 0.5576004044380001, 0.239030648097, 1.31866393581, 0.658216010503, 0.792856655937, 0.35875494329499996, -0.622789851545, 0.556586077853, 1.09251868957, 1.15380870095, 0.765054191048, 0.386980967335, 0.496794083887, 0.486351742021, -0.7435189788519999, 0.320248510962, 0.8820904944210001, 0.7046550780490001, 0.204674884459, 0.9217621100229999, 0.8047553450210001, 0.615310998142, 0.21636364011599998, -0.0431473068424, -1.39452306475, -1.6223878662, -1.8203424289599999, -1.89116383993, -0.45049041955200003, -1.8213557006, -1.9128323454499998, -1.99340352896, -0.774601257941], [0.6786421455699999, 0.292374877283, 0.138179641223, 1.5113560786899998, -0.504207515261, -0.28510378714400003, 0.659791899228, 0.958633256179, 1.17519234583, 0.17287235203499998, -0.9232617620290001, 0.46871805739699995, 0.671103709469, 0.780924884218, 0.616086319199, 0.85491241469, 1.30556656548, 1.23663531707, 0.0010394240413099999, 1.05124601199, -0.0168107671967, -0.08622579946869999, -0.311788176816, 0.6548845781539999, 0.725591058205, 0.672101282281, 0.0178032779403, 0.023620302208699998, -0.901067543804, -1.42155315292, -1.7955319994099999, -1.20139258938, -0.359546017261, -1.59855364076, -2.38445965552, -2.12600214848, -0.751771242942], [0.117789638375, 0.332136257761, 0.403095848344, 1.3196601958299998, -0.126710281398, 0.194654663614, 0.628185959922, 0.72390815579, -0.0179885648707, 0.567978288949, 0.542998348536, 1.3746443890600002, 0.624074822399, 0.40112763960500003, 1.35037262705, -0.21804425242699998, 1.7285344909599998, -0.24246046244600003, 0.295579480279, -0.6163249033739999, 0.154042213729, -0.06021057304880001, 0.689238940545, 0.755129781574, -0.013788258337999999, 0.8348092295819999, 0.9750694846439999, 0.339880654288, -2.0200969419, -2.5438234907, -0.961780881944, -0.9633101416050001, -0.706318071772, -1.2917359099299999, -1.1720349809100001, -1.6847278742899998, -1.71355552188], [1.44766866016, 0.711306849388, -0.056005093416, 1.08563083373, -0.029166276577599997, -0.299376678163, 0.7525570626899999, 1.79560492228, 0.469790056475, 0.8116110720180001, -0.139629843158, -0.148029445477, 0.779847499284, -0.700980071175, 1.55472879925, -0.013122222182, 0.626482156457, -1.13986572531, 0.601346891349, -0.210702189384, 1.14177662189, -0.235695141755, -0.260555759035, 0.879774146794, 0.04869401960630001, 1.22014157689, -0.28013347545, 1.10558612527, -1.38747255812, -1.3798800948199998, -1.5656969428, -1.759762153, -0.389627109834, -1.5171698749, -1.29944871687, -1.7515321706599998, -0.468695751434], [0.9734140760860001, 0.0992428069155, -1.22128784367, 0.6661317871419999, 0.0458329762775, 0.359796455986, 0.691381642497, 1.49232665511, 0.6998239895020001, 0.302636725435, -1.0192673888500001, -0.254914554126, 1.24254062619, 0.62367173482, 0.31377880631099997, 0.45057208535899995, 0.7639035247750001, -1.18993017674, 1.12941864548, 0.307421354259, 1.3280976228, -0.00218797208117, 0.0949151172016, 0.875167756907, 1.00122429006, 1.1690290032200001, 0.879216255061, 0.304258506426, -1.43483895404, -0.687417124726, -1.42966310419, -1.5928790195700002, -1.5525003337099998, -0.870543412005, -1.5381623254299999, -1.52947474856, -1.49073548613], [1.28798422441, 1.1707333514799998, 1.02368303471, 0.950938678082, -0.495691057609, -0.316183795576, 0.446095447103, 0.659607380615, 1.1198485868799999, -0.582178423054, 0.22763462636100001, 0.775998677748, 1.03858479741, 0.0762443905905, 1.19333701125, 0.79732970821, 0.701315173635, -1.0178996787799999, 1.20311642057, 0.216843399191, 0.220438842291, -0.766784773593, 0.343931639539, -0.277211869863, 0.8730662538930001, 0.40284972360200005, -0.33547690489, 1.39460264271, -1.4533715513999999, -0.491791130395, -1.6115065592500002, -1.5278354677700001, -1.39985867258, -1.4783927170700002, -1.4728320045299998, -1.36359853299, -1.53357087093], [0.6080444519529999, 0.023751028060499998, 0.775889167567, 0.9541431954180001, -0.232005918772, -0.40341368244099995, 1.18108652719, 0.88601083513, 0.917565423898, -0.175082079421, 0.431137682366, 0.877216635845, 1.29126263677, -1.02203025276, 1.2343489599200002, 0.039004227365099994, 0.8826862430769999, -1.66039003639, 0.7312612375599999, 0.917031892204, 0.46333468684699997, 0.00123635351472, 0.7395473114219999, 0.20042079343199998, 0.179404725937, 0.375426085097, 0.21331338719999998, 1.5824874640200002, -1.21516800015, -0.38476003521700003, -1.53207929342, -1.57745525664, -1.4347282695299999, -1.61599294051, -1.53717760615, -1.4986627879299999, -1.21666479246], [0.06837298146080001, 0.296946699114, 1.0189414283299998, 0.4954250075399999, -0.852463767381, 0.39453976783399997, 0.515786065038, 0.9168561262989999, 0.307061070581, -0.0852359196462, 0.980708673396, 0.8296639054639999, 0.389782597682, 0.528900592325, 1.09288065315, 0.317609618444, 1.4752728212600001, -1.4885817287, 0.510545792872, 0.747330398515, 0.9495593632780001, -0.351465131485, 1.10377044951, 1.20800047832, 1.39336087466, -0.731581796792, -0.126761460986, 0.484704450743, -1.39483747526, -1.1714652585299998, -0.821429232455, -1.4394120980399998, -1.56463090926, -1.4885651124500001, -1.5697924081, -1.4732098534, -1.46658766331], [1.21323678782, 0.569628277675, 1.01181355787, 0.483809888322, 0.0937861898143, 0.798618483965, 0.186184577218, 0.8209896930699999, 0.41316313928900006, 0.25189828838000006, 0.13330931278799998, 0.6716770674629999, 0.220080586245, -0.618333118864, 0.771694606364, 0.560828804716, 0.847639077308, -1.9673480064200002, 0.996406637521, 1.16098109412, 0.49443278148, -0.268446232064, 0.42796617423600003, 0.65999541419, 0.345202503882, 0.0356563381455, 0.6279541960320001, 0.7796588352320001, -1.61589180185, -0.0293005556006, -1.3659299104799998, -0.858859496945, -2.12510483215, -0.466009301063, -2.26832566576, -0.794429630456, -2.1986337615], [0.601633317121, 0.464766079282, 0.490092225203, 0.6188888885080001, 0.403161292824, 0.380636181494, 0.508093740561, 0.8742383916850001, 0.702904947457, 0.736085973269, -0.449932886655, 0.500730165132, 0.6217078976529999, 0.438801836711, 0.758901673214, 0.390971549773, 0.8754876231559999, -1.94533755088, 0.537727787811, 0.62321476439, 0.545286087569, 0.8352366062890001, 0.455068807654, 0.66401400514, 0.696829548364, 0.7572180567, 0.442145103667, 0.7582725638410001, -0.954973203984, -1.97540658232, -1.53727084856, -0.38254149226499995, -1.67916077581, -1.3804398732700003, -2.0680126804, -1.362300553, -1.94673866732], [0.115894897525, 0.811702115524, 0.324210040156, 0.469310412369, 0.32130365932, 0.917556967836, 0.657168345864, 0.527906465823, 0.33532961235500003, 0.183704691586, -0.16232591094499998, 0.669680887954, 0.780372633238, 0.252566370423, 0.644414428056, 0.24560201457699998, 0.513689485378, 1.2281221225499999, -0.08145665394360001, 0.208637964144, 0.951181740694, -0.19152200702599997, 0.554134973318, -0.274402728346, 1.01129860926, 1.22859598899, 0.922256143373, -0.115659938748, -2.4447021419999997, -0.865384272709, -2.5759463633200004, -0.46000831541500004, -1.90565241065, -0.880261704505, -0.35752778705, -2.32405722701, -1.2357331086499999], [0.411644789251, -0.08363436540989999, 0.10999783713300001, 1.23443011762, 0.030169639093499998, 0.521577720348, 0.443418656964, -0.224866499984, -0.0793124911434, -0.08065751776989999, 1.3099468545100001, 0.8683442414700001, 0.0759959978956, 1.3035297758600002, 0.8810308797149999, 0.376937027975, 0.17935174878899998, 1.8169915211099996, 0.536678898327, 0.7091798648090001, 0.7639788528479999, 0.21074336861200002, -0.470357288809, 0.768682107245, 0.7123602019609999, 0.040831361445699994, 0.0690873337108, -0.193843677784, -2.16346682697, -0.04625000114680001, -0.968345587423, -0.5409694511800001, -1.8611386839400001, -2.15631952903, -1.81055006312, -2.24438709985, -0.45080971313100004], [0.651419916601, 0.782871848416, 0.161752513915, 0.346949071057, 0.0752899865906, 1.1209396663700002, -0.337570927858, 0.7586705133730001, 0.32802502005999995, 0.46898304535700003, -0.714841509053, 0.6893572991850001, 0.50998458354, 0.581656293287, 1.2352531589700002, -0.028846091173400003, 0.871718625315, 0.79721740767, 0.554322125269, 0.631330067143, 0.679895273686, 0.146850667913, 0.296763650749, 0.732688717353, 0.783902009058, 0.22440688417399998, 0.880809220671, -0.213864659449, -0.6078890865550001, -1.7555738887, -2.56285469748, -1.95512687902, -1.1791120180399999, -0.446842356423, -0.521256010414, -1.2601455987799999, -2.72713384278], [0.204145051158, 0.625756775408, 0.740017605616, 1.18732291463, 0.282157656565, 0.652067865348, 1.28065904513, 1.1573593710899999, 0.852633992704, 0.131692788971, -0.408000578739, -0.115737170669, 0.9073592699099999, 0.29896509579999997, 0.540368786668, -0.552818406281, 0.773091048392, 0.0518231933732, -0.167563417705, 0.727454955105, 0.161779945412, 0.221334515785, 0.9702843893459999, 0.471129341247, 0.293386294544, 0.33092210712299996, 0.578526579095, 0.015286911358, 0.643174448468, -2.17969954622, -1.84014161838, -2.24894011031, -1.09684885289, -1.4303503079, -0.179973369927, -1.5198057763600001, -2.35882079287], [0.7818983078659999, 1.66083299341, 0.7116905260140001, 0.541716025611, 0.275674980937, 0.42228679747299996, 0.21696257700999996, 0.9001340546619999, 0.513486009795, 0.0268729696841, -1.77091115575, -0.031760463225699996, -0.106216546149, -0.138621836075, 0.819774675906, 0.18173386092799998, 0.330119977901, -0.114487698775, 0.450380949174, 0.6937564627249999, -0.136577930282, 0.664244229316, 0.573096390613, 0.707699517612, 1.17632881912, 1.01529163008, 0.0676054561835, 0.559399589437, -0.518726325463, -1.36719687963, -2.05041208855, -2.0669442039900003, -2.10040880944, -1.8671505021900001, -0.424943147488, 0.902282405993, -1.49891162044], [-0.227827109503, -0.13673335874099998, 0.148081114003, 0.49204786728699995, -0.71127475964, 0.9391171006579999, -0.590348934623, 0.639072709485, -0.42832312271, 1.03329001279, -0.103849960558, -0.708220595156, -0.856216907084, -1.2578060181100001, 0.9468275025120001, -0.49811782573299995, 1.7274716036099997, 0.337967655163, -0.046855933528899996, 0.110154594891, 1.5031342461500001, 1.08962219055, 1.17022690879, 1.31281594067, 1.2389558356700001, 1.75648502998, 0.41183173694200004, 0.685892437456, 0.276910498598, -1.1901690004899999, -1.47237754829, -1.1360609770999999, -1.14554445324, -1.12495838475, -1.37849437275, -1.49293577935, -1.31378994387], [0.548792251285, -0.0648700224667, 0.650429038294, 1.0542097355600002, 0.22804189208200001, -0.761531688444, 0.902964643828, 0.979779671365, -0.86288729521, 1.2024680208399998, -1.33567346553, 0.873891033593, -0.042719742073499996, -1.15544173203, 0.917454763421, 0.0180290625757, 1.2462649115100002, -0.6778637595129999, 0.316784937649, 0.50528721183, 1.4485343466, 0.628244610774, 1.03049082155, 0.6707065622330001, 1.0911414532100001, 1.53179304356, 0.043359294098399996, 0.44804542375399997, -0.8936677282080001, -1.27441031979, -1.32004848754, -1.22427220107, -1.28955937221, -1.4025324715799998, -1.25887551156, -1.4109310639800001, -1.3614278683899999], [0.651702781232, 0.516483287257, 0.536159028257, 0.264421638522, 0.7416779269339999, 1.6218210789200003, 0.04806889194680001, 0.574825775796, 0.0545930626444, 0.53250711113, -0.46343968168099997, -0.34208554181, -0.5035993578410001, -0.437320693147, 1.09018701825, 0.342093869662, 0.670864971386, 0.28953531236900004, 0.7844997676809999, 0.7344570907950001, 0.981013370714, 0.658021012853, 0.31310159008099997, 0.8495080424539999, 0.188700900596, 0.519341534895, 1.5550698437000001, 0.07171557408460001, -2.06384775125, -0.6715683523839999, -1.62139724174, -1.9657636895599997, -2.02404652321, -0.298306110294, -0.6470782018869999, -2.17632628004, -1.3755910572999999], [-0.16676349335100002, -1.17903180552, 0.05878393570880001, 0.496755304309, 0.7050864900079999, 0.8953292576549999, 0.500543560498, 0.9302701386869999, -0.9111686341509999, 1.16220932377, -0.207328598715, -0.321609531712, 0.235379549733, -0.12108974374800001, 0.7401001271150001, 0.570187293422, 1.34700975728, 0.9708069500220001, 0.0289445131306, 0.809647750161, 0.661832553606, 1.18384751976, 1.0582534660299998, 0.758279714818, 0.338459190779, 0.509762473928, 1.4646635182499999, -0.253260138366, -1.7899156240599998, -0.507186928253, -1.93780267847, -1.6203450134000001, -1.8396237430000002, -0.955588015107, -0.909185357407, -0.8592365146619999, -1.8470165687400002], [0.237840675525, -1.05438309553, 0.954689221594, -0.005359535296869999, 0.941606992086, 1.15959612475, 0.159902614009, 1.2522667196700001, -0.350997555004, 0.323513224461, -1.2454248113200002, -1.06966929788, -0.347845141109, -0.4346447871, 0.657004694574, 0.94498663665, 0.9391288605050001, -1.1837938435700002, 0.933221686388, 0.644750704392, 1.31538497803, 0.9834470741240001, 0.98280901699, 1.20678353722, 0.9379309596909999, 0.317501902954, 1.25376100832, 0.598626583257, -1.1951039208399998, -1.40598262713, -1.3030685394600001, -0.8791104472589999, -0.945089259824, -1.31166131664, -1.38977432931, -1.50697266379, -1.11587204412], [1.0465157976700001, 1.1496429749200001, 1.0342132867, 0.665349416093, 1.27437577292, 1.79226881938, 0.188501228614, 0.049098758255, -0.170620595451, -0.044773901973400004, 0.386341560571, 0.038163252277500004, 1.0022259037899999, 0.229877693098, 1.4126253668000002, -0.610570327779, 0.18176712705200002, 0.248206239764, 1.43559959451, 0.837509811628, 1.1803573344299998, -1.08436144354, -0.20154534557, 1.12112543516, -1.10420330745, -1.3883027226, 0.251485983781, -1.11166363042, -1.33129541037, -0.059751150455099995, -1.44065260609, -1.23404795656, -0.555263228013, -1.3153361610299998, -1.24772014246, -1.26424595129, -1.3608974763600001], [0.826043780878, 1.4152799129299998, 0.232468820977, 0.549332960317, 1.09496312424, 1.04065861437, 0.207162393293, 0.26293086640200003, -1.54697667821, 0.388446666034, 0.7254076464129999, 1.20387600253, 1.04482192989, 0.42378042554799994, 1.15430170844, 0.287796925963, 0.325289441673, -0.112903145205, 1.07682231587, 0.572326434933, 0.661910281895, -0.59468537349, 0.13856111233899998, 0.861953511058, -0.060594577774, 0.357208194011, -0.0766287847772, -0.444192855366, -1.19512164064, -0.0543491509704, -1.05216798896, -1.76612308564, -1.85716454655, -1.8430999778200001, -1.6606424483000002, -0.500267454616, -2.08642536168], [0.65897865092, -0.48405893145499995, 0.878066986864, 0.641275965568, 0.7343301553370001, 0.157956082188, 1.26766077892, -0.47447027841899997, -0.7020016390710001, 0.27032229234099997, 1.0698467276299999, 1.05469359414, 0.185738404145, 1.1159652262100002, 0.5119229486, 0.136593843567, 0.812058643699, -0.0526847756822, 0.640517780057, 0.11941609869799999, 1.85093534223, -1.2903869962, -0.08623698958210001, 2.39854790964, 0.664769139679, -1.09451461235, 0.519503133703, -0.9924095134559999, -1.33834584816, -0.8010934793960001, -1.312232425, -1.24349305531, -1.06634262089, -1.23561894808, -0.9984493906949999, -1.3202256597700002, -1.1965345406299999], [0.895394826633, 0.5523350604389999, 0.231314252365, -0.0820135210341, 0.683355883463, 0.9412606381090001, 0.5250341197649999, 0.6710734939190001, 0.43708111573700004, -0.0153303450159, -0.38121669092200006, 1.31460020727, 1.22347013537, 0.149539137145, 0.8233913043179999, 0.567260576297, 0.769817433838, 0.040177618986300005, 1.2208281647700001, -0.0261316823655, 0.6090594172899999, -0.0340911099631, 0.112519766579, 0.7157858991600001, -0.598455207892, 0.30575402753, 0.11998916988399999, 0.157003339721, -2.37545087099, 0.650024407984, -2.16536682426, -0.7417312610950001, -0.350282173891, -2.17528692689, -2.31504728693, -1.51388877333, -0.9417773219969999], [0.81615045285, 1.1398241818500001, 1.1144497623799998, 0.617015541221, 0.311149275178, 1.11438089822, 0.242633481625, 0.42568658526, 0.735239109558, 0.273853253466, 0.7337038437569999, 0.214135869727, 0.676518230798, 0.40296141074, 0.658986224501, 0.751013054225, 0.400709147454, -0.638116911863, 0.817940921145, 0.775281596212, 0.534074730472, -0.13130339139699998, 1.00212825809, 1.2003355289, -0.304298681161, 0.12470967494799999, -0.370141329854, -0.31263205531800004, -2.16704315875, -0.176811667353, -1.6644250862799999, -1.39231076794, -1.76521629882, -1.7645932806599998, -1.98932297708, -1.7360146521000002, -0.670650774009], [1.03590028971, 1.06471347157, 0.911174441103, -1.43780477546, 0.210174214813, 0.76071156945, 0.797278994654, 0.8424197257930001, 0.398734436253, 0.622899018047, 0.7286881714210001, 0.32045926200999997, 0.41742449777900004, -0.49900351008999994, 0.286751992228, 0.637457964961, 0.738972001461, -0.332252073195, 1.05888137996, 0.841653172316, 0.489490867316, -1.30612027611, 0.505033962285, 1.1350327197399999, 0.188417939379, 1.01527773374, 0.430000827916, -1.08533457612, -1.48581799371, 0.9956528509029999, -1.57333119151, -1.51942899678, -1.60209146646, -1.42721822243, -1.52663467902, -1.18921709181, -1.44894665213], [0.811628071564, -0.169296023906, 0.733696564798, -0.254971113447, 0.37810406650399997, -0.198208016307, 1.1217134235200001, 0.824692914335, 0.680750308204, 0.418914598115, 0.7826330921789999, 1.10357964605, 2.1287660830900004, 0.319828699794, 0.8639547293909999, 0.471490216894, 0.982351362483, 0.316355021641, 0.039279985508, 0.881381996057, 0.6605087734749999, -0.51854113936, 0.260634308308, 0.466218300511, -1.4538459439200002, -0.221875007022, -0.205520963922, -0.301709607195, -2.23491270982, -0.137321363212, -0.919782086151, -1.0490685180200001, -1.52073569602, -2.30517184561, -2.14369319258, -0.212802511055, -0.39902642487400003], [1.2310303690100002, 0.7334294612279999, 1.3081402624299998, -1.19364604675, 0.43725632376100004, 0.5703823997990001, 0.9564362028419999, 0.890031816625, 0.39594916375699996, -0.185362669004, 0.522520733688, 0.938945423274, 0.659374894438, 0.756128300233, 1.20456715543, 1.18456865384, 0.229917029132, -0.237440006596, 0.421154329026, 1.3193249818200001, 1.0636801682400001, -0.35020421723399997, -0.785741563751, 1.20110659209, -1.44429728324, -1.0003369683499999, -1.03565351076, -0.973332198478, -1.50030881331, 0.315658790228, -1.65354877408, -1.2171953710799999, -0.69812110478, -1.59288051121, -1.57295365882, -0.9308688809160001, 0.0322885274799], [0.410374885756, 0.894115130563, 0.8101406094329999, -0.67266958157, 0.45694821274499997, 0.5409308941350001, 1.1296202497399999, 1.1198360973600001, 0.948138775424, 0.738605045454, 0.19327659426600002, 0.8609763125100001, 1.09561372399, 0.102670501404, 1.1016713573999999, 0.663810817432, 1.2250735373700001, -1.66285762819, 0.424565578835, 0.819595631312, 0.9953948442110001, 0.324898876688, -0.7158196792620001, 0.8158500717239999, -0.203922727471, -1.26508164804, 0.689404114572, -0.18744879349399998, -1.5663818599200001, -0.37794898776299996, -1.4336127888799999, -1.26672240442, -1.14035342573, -1.51540906447, -1.21377455391, -1.5240913096700002, -1.6154174095200002], [0.28734205741, 1.5563791048299997, 0.847674341485, -1.2361520185, -0.19968965993, 0.0838644403158, 0.8328154575560001, 0.927899004638, 1.1953256108900001, 1.1237083593600001, -0.203107128028, 0.533888108386, 0.0454664527084, 1.3881354398899999, 0.325885825198, 0.737309542947, 1.1850562607200001, 0.0234568910707, -0.15963721624299998, 1.1850562607200001, 0.810313930794, 0.312306255162, 0.241964543171, 0.7158830693070001, -0.488033078468, -0.280675851681, 0.202396923334, -0.024089310659900002, -0.694597371464, -0.762352248626, -1.2836487395, -2.3214702310299997, -0.281632999487, -1.92062155658, -1.3418768211299998, -1.36406497137, -2.0004786771900003], [1.25650035806, 0.22322222513099998, 1.1497321226200001, 1.01624936025, 0.169186533583, 0.6756166739139999, 1.0116771094299999, 0.42353624093099995, 0.35389647962, 0.00981494561072, -0.239804111069, 1.0238941186900001, 1.57461442824, 0.15447556932499998, 0.486008690141, 0.464473051742, -0.837059149327, 1.19421327037, -0.15520174319399999, -0.6917536922040001, -0.07668709699239999, -0.467991444142, 1.14991748413, 0.639437475446, 0.193985658135, 1.08966375615, -1.21129563241, 1.00955949449, -0.501992363901, -0.933613403322, -1.99268094068, -0.50957252666, -1.7932280133900003, -1.7990039906900002, -1.94754709569, -0.9680249269329999, -1.14421891539], [0.816050418083, 1.34033619566, 1.26690958822, 1.3234365256899998, -0.47890849094099996, -0.0534255563401, 1.0262584199200002, 0.45171254205899997, -0.634195040449, 1.01232221483, 0.467251922244, 1.51873150106, -0.0377234825929, 0.263359928675, 0.354469313226, 0.054503966435, -0.74654567001, -0.0837106493363, -0.786169967458, -0.372127723315, 0.326087041886, 0.9285630811910001, 1.27576038198, 0.870445508891, 1.0691956598999999, 1.27231840663, -0.540899358035, 0.27992695135699996, -1.50062636822, -1.16700820471, -0.999663851231, -1.4134981908200002, -1.5675848340600003, -1.3445992825, -1.39492769428, -1.4266262082199999, -1.36939899541], [1.00583443359, -0.00046167737024, 1.65493509442, 1.3598977784200001, 0.46058903460600004, -0.212281111399, 0.467764226686, -0.8006962297, -0.790736615829, 0.608715716821, 1.4987813111000001, 1.2115499964799998, -0.00731197101505, 0.671534618426, 0.36412331342500004, 0.432026242632, -0.919847878679, -0.616836204836, 0.105979269684, 0.42936924854, 1.07000398441, -0.550876337054, 1.56118712755, 1.31553015435, -1.33831031296, 0.94877382933, 0.471658366511, 0.351219782168, -1.38995608393, -0.387239341066, -1.3571269957499998, -1.01655790661, -1.4336131509, -1.40653771865, -1.3058141401799999, -1.13488718279, -1.32038267043], [0.979265071067, -0.781931633018, 0.800841042131, 0.758334880993, 1.38295251974, 0.0493366706324, 0.932893673971, -1.2473754655299998, -0.695812215688, -0.256948465381, 1.0612260417200001, 1.48358750095, 0.0522320243507, -0.277710479259, 0.675101016466, -0.489750422444, -0.7907785925309999, 0.257682485505, 0.138243223241, 0.408324186633, 0.885474395684, -0.365985281204, 1.5795098753999999, 1.5502908967700002, 0.867437852994, 1.2600776283, -1.05930733597, 1.17769521829, -1.16684502013, -0.6481168782869999, -1.37791834804, -0.632483601695, -1.34144914234, -1.31616768141, -1.5505790304299998, -1.22639823988, -1.07494837162], [1.1994426608700002, -0.185461388215, 1.1503491560799999, 0.67108654234, 0.286600850999, 0.10298295269999999, -0.0482889536094, -0.0837146652275, -0.5161765249170001, 1.00293843748, 1.32030404464, 0.9029708087459999, 0.643377218191, -0.19743174910300001, 0.41606030859, 1.5479404831799999, -0.599082445056, -0.9150277871279999, 0.693329438708, -0.37321710076700004, 0.49612798449400003, 0.770834249621, 0.583060575993, 0.298260879203, 0.685331007685, -0.255739714098, 0.599348488393, 1.2785471551799998, -1.29696851476, 0.466234431655, -0.719593658815, -2.3310409394200002, -1.7027551006900001, -1.3172399340799998, -1.65960755292, -0.8657703506129999, -2.04801129533], [1.19458005499, 0.237965123336, 0.931085072833, 0.0227111093298, 1.14004639018, -0.169858259481, 0.228650929089, -0.146749376523, 0.5499667614429999, 1.41737845011, 1.39176185974, 1.06656963596, 1.00369269081, -0.864383272124, -0.07240118577480001, 1.0289478926200002, 0.038259173348, -0.712299067174, 1.14333327582, -0.344372698177, -0.30041279024900003, 0.4892833495100001, 0.6299516883030001, 0.647803499655, 0.357517250715, 0.198870483131, -0.21904585621199998, 0.602495411637, -2.2268314091, -0.08505604518200001, -1.43595504325, -0.5956291718010001, -1.1928956316, -1.32076714923, -1.85672830782, -2.5130331596, -0.264451679262], [0.24993408264000003, -0.0226819465112, -0.0808156018591, 0.550749981682, 0.6589074329810001, 0.752566730282, -0.13709514407, 1.28814724715, 0.260824812189, 0.369719202831, -0.128471073102, 0.0, 0.464576281888, 0.0, 0.0, 0.805262601934, 0.523876182153, 1.31668540639, 0.364823814142, 1.4382226097, -0.308512942622, 0.9896626637010001, 1.50753276454, 0.827825668628, 0.0, 0.128458270377, -0.887619126383, 0.127383882923, -0.873189875837, 0.09595996136260002, -2.0881635787799997, -1.9566353898700002, -0.249816271959, -2.2639221428, -1.26182840206, -1.11272102799, -1.3496470736500001], [-2.96347817459e-05, 0.150969995205, 1.12509752645, 1.23488481814, 0.9438282730099999, 0.747269980051, -0.524306925309, 0.152858343785, -0.582605421955, 0.16120686721799998, 0.304800801896, -0.0133922059917, -1.09286591875, -0.605070165293, 0.33278598474, 1.79443982131, 0.111288021663, 1.40265816353, 0.879979030556, 0.9894674016130001, 0.39771182519500003, 0.5594485133820001, 1.4373636337399998, 0.664653737112, 0.5683778629, -0.401115464115, 0.18089091135000002, 0.26236504718000003, -0.5307014614819999, 0.218618494911, -1.8833680585400001, -1.83920860523, -1.4336226195, -1.20142196009, -1.12401908975, -0.9781165717360001, -2.41112095242], [-0.240720005849, 0.8603201658130001, 0.706572661248, 2.19757507213, -0.0198792122566, 0.20933778048, 0.534535562232, 0.689442888717, 0.179103889091, 1.26154888049, -0.0658480755236, -0.45857293548699996, -0.214048654365, 0.382152447262, -1.23002998048, 0.501713646054, -0.000789750077746, 1.62272598005, -0.30390372811599997, 1.4316466077399999, -1.1263789988200001, 1.21862997933, 1.01314707006, 0.885132124436, -0.42165776783299996, -0.466182176561, -0.6798995018970001, 0.129438417383, 0.8352516416519999, 0.266312593491, -1.09649871265, -1.7146124843000001, -0.701731510301, -1.7934289348900003, -1.5141618573700002, -1.5141618573700002, -1.36208126348], [-1.59053509212, 0.788382874673, 0.636136109216, 0.441402430518, 1.0338933772799999, -1.4446891660899999, -0.38517849352399997, 0.190940701784, -0.6992489190729999, 0.44886424697300004, 0.84333604377, 0.7210172608959999, 0.7005839614309999, 0.863285042649, -0.640315815582, 1.3894357775, -0.291417301942, 0.254970620528, 1.16341687877, 0.74959697456, 0.8935388817990001, 0.354736541489, 1.3873102360299998, 1.4159138657700001, 0.39171079866499997, 0.208135465286, 0.7021504645640001, 0.44115729071500004, -1.5407714130799999, -0.9587210303370001, -1.6066637964300001, -1.55846632157, -1.5566083412399998, -0.0817076739132, -1.3187142127399998, -0.737122420795, -1.6097558464100001], [0.642403451377, 0.776284955063, -0.0588950643374, 0.9474731094700001, 0.27942511299199996, -0.9251360098710001, 0.307483200634, 0.42957881562399997, 0.927680399276, 1.7181969819099998, 1.14773955384, 1.47667375766, 0.569504134698, 0.512039093786, 1.1921562127, 0.020908986125299997, 0.145498740596, 0.8958264186730001, 0.889808963652, 0.220078951366, -1.4810509278, -1.67474915372, -0.691321791055, 0.6865924015270001, -0.9808337844239999, 0.279809301331, -0.47260757610799997, 0.276375723212, -1.66916748606, 0.626561431198, -0.46963614571400003, 0.6155040982, -0.811387657726, -1.78683904613, -1.6703043470299999, -1.44748015814, -1.4441946467700002], [0.380625412006, -0.42319281259499997, 1.22591276035, 0.663968607509, 0.280246709166, -0.876801398001, 0.438484259901, 0.868456042535, 1.2226848503399999, 1.37276716835, 0.212097514405, 0.552537080294, 0.5402984749840001, 0.5408386739159999, 0.662768657423, 0.791637097702, 0.8828642992919999, 0.812682716746, 0.935848073219, 0.26551433305, -1.16121790679, -0.212904880841, 0.207498738908, 0.326467369581, 0.707729148853, -0.194272002765, -1.18578854526, 0.12548768532500001, -1.2666076189, 0.0352049462934, -2.1696094669, 0.16173149136700002, -0.6286087698830001, -2.1681978651, -2.29681967358, -1.9616461616999998, 0.33131499081599997], [1.1842594968200002, 1.18646889125, 1.12220376354, 0.8967584405269999, 0.152107603803, -0.787588290131, 0.401003860599, 1.07328573511, 1.63466406519, 1.5011609032700002, 1.0409221074700001, 1.27194888662, 0.701366651547, 0.9802424148729999, 0.521737277915, 0.19876235013500002, 0.340919109644, -0.632128352533, 0.0313535023325, -0.165208574409, -0.5916249652669999, -0.17337555002500002, -1.0332953767, 0.939424955032, -1.40893815262, 0.5955584855899999, -0.16955714600299998, -1.07964856981, -1.42897130182, -0.667484650928, -1.07150118971, 0.234310793451, -1.4583335496, -1.63660593375, -1.5779538327399998, -0.814184304231, -1.31205955445], [1.12831961636, 0.8204735801240001, 0.8285900144930001, 0.955022730553, -0.21628064401799998, 0.405780007442, 1.01676910432, 0.940950059561, 0.6735557824259999, 1.6954884093, 0.796533372581, 1.25154558597, 0.10589239511399999, 0.0249693961603, 1.22668437227, -0.0036559296411399996, 1.27965737779, -1.16823466058, -0.0036992201771399997, 0.38260063107000003, 0.544239375536, 0.40787689278000006, -1.26190672238, 0.891082608874, -0.888829424226, 0.179682195997, 0.212249125102, -1.4078932324200002, -1.68253542755, -0.8726690671359999, -1.0825183170200001, -0.436223623507, -1.16640834109, -1.64213669935, -1.56445453815, -0.900198060113, -1.4703187264700002], [1.18013004639, 0.387842670177, 0.286087300538, 1.44989226192, 0.005533561190770001, -0.518054835686, -0.010005646497799999, 1.4240467801899999, 0.890075763311, 2.33857655618, 0.824647270692, 1.1235684691299999, -0.342382768574, 0.203018576508, 1.0799059094, -0.28185378908799996, 1.3937111204799997, 0.177975805754, 1.10735293107, -0.30024281483000004, -0.6559830964150001, -0.728944390984, 0.36455628796800005, 1.02671347529, -0.427741440242, 0.28807143298099996, -0.872873358351, -0.67914654868, -1.2306223583700002, -0.99686006934, -1.19632749177, -0.605882026913, -1.00453434856, -1.4155633433200001, -1.4246739618900002, -1.40244434588, -1.45756958379], [1.11798516965, 0.972219691389, 0.619388673673, 1.11133735585, -0.37788957349200003, 0.00029780656513599997, 0.973025170009, 0.8286928160420001, 0.7710749428300001, 1.4869205293799999, 0.809863445711, 0.868961516647, 1.33720088335, 0.699722090037, 0.0254360620329, 0.284649542616, 1.02352972554, 0.7364759748469999, -0.796397434922, 0.206926086195, -0.229796052802, -0.016165339560799998, 0.40275676801700006, -0.056269283175200004, -0.35790167384800003, -0.166644959902, -1.4299183992, 0.09249686446620001, -2.73903664791, -1.20337596829, -0.7247307592899999, -0.360127723851, -0.9362755967290001, -0.5932787407060001, -2.5747561451900003, -1.05245438078, -0.753942435206], [1.33875308927, 1.12864850873, 0.603383022705, 0.49458554735200005, -0.102452229856, 0.467273333757, 1.0294167384000001, 0.874368295041, 0.687394998343, 0.8860496816399999, 0.888835118916, 0.5479229138989999, 1.1841625812899998, -0.18518067519, 1.1224583119, 0.664090223567, 1.27000125506, -0.101146508851, 0.509243513854, 0.373705739784, 0.535844112023, -1.0008084543, -0.459104198036, 0.62722541764, -1.01386415134, 0.30613354305, -1.78762312151, 0.547505325258, -1.76796115199, -1.62224591563, -1.23061535109, -0.378444026877, -1.09835877472, -1.70013124053, -1.6442913681400002, -0.839755409058, -1.15501869437], [0.889638959507, 0.729038336947, 0.994786078534, -0.29156866930500003, 0.646151317197, 0.470673895615, 1.4524055548600001, 0.830726835381, 0.736647409762, -0.157058216231, 1.2928596126799998, 1.29089754163, 1.1881172716, 1.3884151608000002, 0.650606024821, 1.62204138024, -0.217860379214, -0.234994366279, -0.37878084623400005, 0.318081748279, -0.6111647790370001, 0.462275156395, 0.131349027043, 0.413706640824, 0.0592447972327, -0.48709523174099995, -1.24326935279, -0.473776263381, -1.8168966833700002, -0.047507457182700004, -1.5169400985600001, -0.9883001007109999, -1.47584035428, -1.2961167959200002, -1.5167250770700003, -1.27901936251, -1.5347487155300001], [0.785171805698, 1.41599545046, 1.05102303153, 0.0811867549245, -1.0728668819, 0.26078723859499997, 1.14311498382, -0.158817151677, 1.1061571931899998, 0.992037913644, 1.72998718824, 1.8617240586700001, 0.755015116965, 0.776145548685, 0.52185751295, 0.898860433025, 0.603604558246, -0.9529483897069999, -1.13721166243, 1.64673250426, -0.00432155704534, -0.14444831574300002, -0.30711491343, 0.528624091489, -0.851392765872, -0.37612533030199996, -1.0731516106399999, -0.5999356456480001, -1.1767551459399999, -0.40445512824900004, -1.2224971741600001, -1.2705547588600001, -1.10905412537, -0.659449647173, -1.115680475, -1.2907146214899998, -1.23053008377], [0.757529956996, 1.22027961316, 1.56775571993, 0.329297576968, 0.322179142837, -0.216378187031, 1.31378635937, 0.689558952716, 0.684119804889, 1.0229154386900001, 1.2771559813, 1.6752829939200002, 0.858120719532, 0.294690663252, -0.08191765695169999, 0.611562533552, 1.5698623921700001, -1.08185020009, 0.8842687958140001, 0.7909212792300001, -0.607905680114, 0.33187021333, -1.12233612875, -0.49326261952100003, -1.2052096643299999, -0.188887059923, -1.15301260479, -0.867560408185, -1.30815256235, -0.628882764873, -1.23842662823, 0.151244816788, -1.3062660127799999, -1.1893468384499999, -1.27345298531, -1.13802421808, -1.25153073468], [-0.423519078231, 1.1330683128499999, 1.42837767526, 0.979689727322, 0.453866334459, 0.13435340127, 1.6177350879700003, 0.610443323798, 0.658777699188, 0.674266602664, 1.20378747234, 1.57620324671, 0.0329824125563, 0.662078637142, 1.0697874726899999, 1.2701039112, 1.3809179638999998, 0.557256400563, -0.17208587719000001, 0.257184161745, -0.627599144623, 0.224299366701, -1.28330316356, 0.0397485636003, -0.9281800116009999, -1.11017003362, -0.484264495221, -1.2392053961299998, -1.20360179247, -0.553375081406, -1.5115518876700003, -0.118780984562, -1.28133516949, -1.23194384714, -1.22001203323, -1.3722215825, -1.2037781953], [-0.108468742922, 1.22190509009, 1.14852967586, 0.390896630514, -0.6616444681600001, 0.33700705960199995, 0.363144221668, 0.325777493613, 0.742593468399, 0.5336710712039999, 0.59088372944, 0.48926207295199997, 0.946731854432, 0.9247048266879999, 0.478567493158, 0.34269128792, 0.209129926794, 0.110216637916, 0.450902533978, 0.274048443872, 0.240287728532, -0.216413010292, 0.573841332683, 0.9032179292360001, -1.34060213508, 0.34602980753799994, -1.9206928100099998, 0.263204685235, -1.9737104562999999, 0.19080150553, -0.756813882495, 0.829369257987, -2.9987805282899997, -0.844788246922, -2.4745429265, 0.49678788836300003, -0.427746446233], [0.197942251278, 0.284261808745, 0.8158872458830001, 0.835394732614, 1.2201021784000001, 0.316672709935, -0.20938378493299997, -0.204376212613, 0.255145801579, 0.338289500211, 0.29160389918699997, 1.336904267, 1.27151585712, 0.9991109698, 0.910205968034, 1.49189284415, 0.120732694875, 0.52195603503, 0.31642987815, 0.38487987308399996, -0.057723907803, 0.0846421779308, -0.586962927477, 0.8615967583600002, -2.67537960546, -1.10890366166, 0.957305811515, -0.976477014186, -2.58802063273, 0.138681772915, -0.701270990803, -0.296644672673, -1.22603190668, -0.10251684932600001, -0.38316230469400003, -1.7755883285099998, -1.05871223626], [0.490583674986, 1.09436747923, 0.766681886112, 1.09931067031, 0.940044823205, 0.33132211140900003, 0.47715652874700004, 0.868471357206, 0.439983217799, -0.288752377408, 0.333868240333, 1.3426921528100002, 1.4857705483599999, 0.71427335184, 0.388423678737, 1.19614409974, 0.319534699611, 0.0559889383482, 1.13706140081, 0.495344816135, 0.561916835075, 0.044530929837899996, -1.67295596658, -0.187500489052, -1.32607545704, -1.99336598773, 0.607660200091, -1.25556901782, -1.67159294803, 0.41465557462700003, -0.775018024831, -0.9398130496189999, -1.99389157659, -0.7314202788899999, -1.15816930601, -1.14186362909, -0.469799106667], [0.460950112277, 0.802889903872, -0.073133935056, 0.650907684708, 0.575027244349, 0.597305134538, 0.657379199253, 0.691029669563, 0.627747954046, 0.7811390099809999, 0.34036281926600004, 0.713391879161, 0.808107167227, 1.0702913390100002, 0.5975967391570001, 0.9655279881919999, -0.554380630845, 0.871866692722, 0.8208464244149999, 0.49590402009900003, -0.0480253720818, 0.332303289208, -0.20323667323199998, 0.31612098953699996, -2.1116174516900004, -2.09541653149, 0.224595785731, -1.8541168716799998, -1.39110740979, 0.8306977418870001, -0.6909123725309999, 0.13194280984600001, -1.15606073673, -2.05227415518, -2.08810849815, -0.65174179166, 0.6062008320560001], [0.826880832616, 0.534898003931, 0.37883686645900005, 0.547198825087, 0.457573694295, 0.8899131809799999, 0.416249878674, 0.665006246739, 0.654039659643, 0.518488967187, 0.570952956478, 0.740574268683, 0.8440182522399999, 0.861274799905, 0.8375104575390001, 0.413285292281, 0.533335724764, 1.0134013083600002, 0.8596308329379999, 0.481521834211, 0.2673091944, 0.19938578903499998, -0.11485696504000001, 0.54965967005, -0.534933070811, -2.2234396297, 0.964044859115, -0.716213954945, -2.3363369338699997, -0.755789992021, -1.3588804651100002, -0.355070150731, -1.04257747665, -2.1026022714200003, -1.77271426152, -1.7430629517299998, 0.0314867279381], [-0.98423335461, 0.498071953469, 0.996997253133, 0.9306367963619999, -0.31921652538899997, 0.638031367012, 1.09286967761, 0.415384532141, 0.617217286465, 1.27639958308, 0.727479999746, 0.758820442715, 0.0746517489101, 0.8008527533930001, 1.1212204692799999, 0.24166958026500002, 0.703643468444, 1.3725509914200003, -0.219358401846, 0.624913093782, 1.05368375626, 0.465580513599, -1.59817691125, 1.00003214506, -0.855319439662, -1.6394167569799998, 0.490898298365, -0.8604433174480001, -0.367608536925, -0.406284747238, -0.46187718124899996, -0.0434956512988, -1.8315197608900002, -1.4993095574000002, -1.59820028558, -1.50135443365, -1.71579084909], [-1.0572261546100001, 0.95447699662, 0.726630433552, 1.1429987125399999, 0.665370222395, -0.42415699193000006, 1.0779006398100002, 0.752579009708, 0.825263476057, 0.9915322118369999, 0.895284598812, 1.22661446738, 0.891916544429, 0.775927103797, 0.7680462535600001, 0.600980168953, 0.400471752612, 0.801025395103, -0.0235811824798, -0.0115835640029, 0.798510934071, 1.04930857106, -0.96021990222, 0.996918452049, -1.6094047750100002, -1.6725154309799999, 0.399360096155, -0.921641452978, -1.4361203621, -1.0489644958600002, -0.850269138268, -0.9583158596879999, -1.6873722563299998, -1.28162261246, -1.6203509517599999, -0.5758901578410001, -0.601880751965], [-1.38702962396, 0.8315212873669999, 0.43127393818099996, 0.639926644657, 0.594358812208, 0.8893252651119999, 1.16795061589, 0.847665576497, 0.537642929185, 0.784497038727, 0.755405265891, 1.17497683995, 0.99124347073, 0.8749073071439999, 0.859808938522, 0.65594159953, 1.02516840849, 0.777678874126, 0.8373104011460001, 0.624822652807, 1.00380576328, -0.08051717807139999, -0.8199056577410001, -0.160588016177, -1.5561906775799998, -1.4124114717700003, -0.7420621804590001, -1.30274642535, -1.48247127611, 0.49507227754600003, -0.191276223595, -0.821073883469, -1.51700633417, -1.1983382541399998, -1.44809029451, -1.1345472249700002, -1.54604918491], [-0.405764114485, 0.738077396852, 0.7477194106039999, 0.628903100672, 1.2088352247, 0.502154853495, 1.50186072046, 0.579788440309, 0.504556247861, 1.01413426983, 0.0827581046958, 1.0987344751399999, 0.539292176879, 1.0385805907899999, 0.127630609364, 0.776895161894, -0.900906564501, 0.688752377646, 0.5893813865240001, 0.6769751973479999, 0.7076856451379999, -0.169488382031, -1.0636888442299999, 1.6175823749, -1.5409017250600001, -1.12708118596, 0.455731134542, -0.43172667088600003, -1.3920356787200001, 0.6021365168230001, -0.927519630119, -1.33594565515, -1.3345139519, -1.4592718060499998, -1.4931541542700002, -1.40385366766, -1.4423133854299999], [0.522124939075, 0.747823152995, 0.534521513206, 0.48156535830499997, 0.55436815984, 0.950027649903, 0.576861314788, 0.826633658345, 0.828348907595, 0.5432536912100001, 0.49844063881300005, 0.777710071759, 0.895902006878, 0.420388135026, 0.8119111022750001, 0.251479398196, 0.7500495118709999, -1.7457364717, 0.396028130515, 0.681729748151, 0.670498330708, 0.429388862155, 0.44838654703999997, 0.899206893692, -0.632935168163, -0.46157050626900004, 0.438445897972, -2.5703104963900003, -1.91781278877, -0.627767763223, -1.75268409745, 0.0556117943525, -1.37832748331, -2.01052764165, -1.37381369229, 0.234967958438, -0.7541872638770001], [0.455050437499, 1.13868570776, -0.154993060761, 1.24059779799, 1.1451756162, 0.274225166159, 0.6816129832950001, 0.8196380190360001, 0.7486951086910001, 1.07945542415, 0.298045182909, 0.858103753741, 0.542447081654, 0.349253876526, 0.77697989822, 0.42701829647399997, 0.260443979802, -0.43287404436800003, 0.7042842388799999, -0.229769122624, 0.656584990886, 0.153332857083, 0.222901991188, 0.879373599656, -1.7629113011700002, -1.56103961993, 0.449373741429, -1.78747623624, -1.95141787655, -0.0357706003899, -0.307245365372, 0.257830646841, -0.8888655121889999, -1.8350890310699999, -2.0975201639099996, 0.35266857896, -1.7268070404499998], [0.175579586387, 1.2997196050700002, 1.20909918016, 1.17109410065, -0.514965687365, 0.402763788037, 0.61746699453, 0.401631241683, 0.602840012093, 1.30223126691, 1.1049467069299999, 0.297042048548, -0.301607745343, -0.105423970271, 0.553455140246, 0.38896009575400003, 1.28119348703, 0.623510027846, 0.299305051688, 0.702779914381, 0.350666655733, 0.053810375509199995, -0.00856492839723, 0.384250207409, 0.13384504426899999, -2.00644314593, 0.143589539969, 0.6996037696240001, -1.69176158908, 0.2071813909, -2.00134376194, -0.524923319095, -1.9264878807900003, -0.88612912794, -1.87652294461, -1.8382696243099999, -0.7241215062899999], [0.550988026952, 0.6739592683310001, 0.477142728167, 0.7266100210269999, 0.374863492653, 0.664983829646, 0.413527461493, 0.631383919985, 0.451109036005, 0.66129384898, 0.524483422972, 0.689784013985, 0.452317943956, 0.638236741221, 0.584243538417, 0.443377647943, 0.43230419168000006, 0.6484105450559999, 0.426857077364, 0.36861863965999997, 0.500997574602, 0.384647212818, 0.576986576441, 0.6950308150650001, -0.226146501078, -2.22394807029, 0.415759021229, 0.255627917414, -1.4463728531400002, -0.24237538747200002, -1.83422707232, 0.006656136243379999, -2.8319324789099998, -1.27319151771, -2.7927104444200004, -0.132909475329, -0.666386848626], [1.4242794647400001, 1.3715694685600002, 0.34093030636699995, 0.311532770922, 0.448932821218, 0.7914116944410001, 0.23656205531, -0.12406911188200001, 0.133656290544, 0.654866305913, 0.9797709526299999, -0.270630921686, -0.112158483048, -0.303553449101, 0.379665216751, 0.19761055255999999, 2.37742880553, -0.660007895943, 0.452446105493, 1.58593981129, -0.333914430318, 0.822217080264, 0.48771505020499994, 0.45531741780100005, -0.470808122786, -1.31035623119, 0.62996501334, 0.7710090838439999, -1.42321402491, -0.35705761729099994, -1.5862714897699999, -0.476081951764, -1.60719997102, -1.77945675759, -1.65702011771, -1.1080048134799998, -1.27302087823], [0.84074164167, 0.9446697767910001, 1.06917707587, -0.273666666835, 0.228778824784, 0.9185891275229999, 0.31228851820799997, 1.03160247675, 0.317924288436, 0.883641477144, 1.12093132324, 0.59121088585, 0.37263700044799997, 0.9668477705769999, 1.0697268047600001, 0.566141569884, 0.400010142069, 0.09008768105010001, 0.33735363776999994, 0.36519677661, -0.0427318545656, 0.655894253158, 0.35920011566, 0.9443256716840001, -1.5712723379, -0.896513696112, 0.513564827378, -0.600981542811, -1.94115427453, -0.09929937703269999, -1.2143363068200002, -0.139357407891, -2.2724423055700003, -0.737463279974, -1.0820396431100001, -1.83492567088, -2.1943573032700003], [0.9314104441859999, 1.0513529514700002, 0.9847222608589999, 0.29790675865, -0.334054378272, 0.9966863652410001, -0.38347840583400006, 0.8935132173729999, 0.463567108889, 0.8293523479420001, -0.0801400529535, -0.627189463992, 0.463000139643, 0.43570498347099995, 1.26335804339, 0.271721569175, 1.12328286137, 0.899873006922, 0.179360789958, 0.8211401925049999, -0.259962285218, 0.883060062422, 0.62247576707, 1.06858721841, -1.5254837682799998, -1.2020022076, 0.758119799326, -0.689888417208, -1.4410867095500002, -1.58105038641, -1.5942178022, -0.793389179592, -1.70124241828, 1.0347470361, -0.868805532651, -1.6506579379700002, -1.54029397837], [0.52616999535, 0.244917885387, 0.486233099779, 0.49104142253, 0.7969461211390001, 1.21141559457, -0.169094598695, 0.07153513166889999, 0.514218730332, 0.489640650819, 0.18831081300799998, -0.882239894604, 0.383405528236, 0.571317562992, 1.14119321986, -0.8323118209550001, 0.667523756202, 0.43554205260300005, 1.16691377276, 0.730071690161, 0.894230213148, 0.769546629103, 0.0166020311571, 0.8608749577060001, -0.5838273377350001, 0.7380690038259999, 0.8848172259460001, -0.209359334453, -3.1649359835500004, -0.45345622316399997, -1.30408279189, -0.39035692161799995, 0.151324479125, -2.00183698445, -1.58738042593, -1.11661632176, -1.7363629286099997], [1.3654775599000002, 0.06479925514830001, 0.8370670013779999, 1.30671473339, 1.0061649577200003, 0.13438951045199998, 0.37497625941, 0.613962171954, 0.9785389974079999, 0.258112638507, 0.0851104010437, 0.0133589311576, 0.5046495614450001, -0.049161675181900004, 0.98777754907, -0.0366099730238, -0.666710375924, 0.18758827721700003, 0.706127723055, 0.8308289501989999, 0.746697479392, 0.403034035518, -0.851957645176, 0.7515452630889999, -1.24884590998, 0.23471343304099998, 1.41405790507, 1.01093586026, -1.9621846809799999, -0.750094818212, -0.689327102119, -0.7455011694320001, -0.342810086184, -2.03809627538, -1.71366038029, -1.7693231879499998, -1.95234517499], [0.906085820695, -0.121953051122, 0.43155519703699996, 0.690367844084, 0.9165733090829999, 0.8976745037520001, 0.49103029565800005, 0.53474279959, 0.710163605658, 0.189631044298, 0.956920658997, 0.781609620301, 0.478604629093, 0.548244186406, 0.576755477355, 0.289356270303, -0.327885736908, -0.636778649977, 0.722877803602, 0.451272553345, 0.8091330048980001, 0.580017136423, 0.20260554772599998, 0.7004978044589999, -1.04747829205, 0.838836055892, 0.652102938037, 0.869238481858, -1.35185004386, -1.73140805512, -1.9608005373700002, -0.09418441485290001, -1.9010488249700002, -1.8741893761700001, -1.9783909156200001, -0.253697733301, -1.9462309572099998], [0.961694063697, 0.642783549243, 0.39556644238600003, -0.105717885389, 0.838180958142, 0.5793018206130001, -1.28237674356, 1.0811718782, -0.127007701577, 0.777291933658, -0.896511225473, 0.603509614652, 0.8676334448659999, 0.41229096504, 1.14925802806, 1.27028514138, 0.590609330612, -0.056694829891, 1.7356518216999999, 0.837414213319, -0.197543877812, 0.368562796346, -1.16312737159, 0.0823144256832, -1.39323421201, 1.06916086006, 0.811538551674, 0.8507057743559999, -1.09233192494, -0.547268839125, -1.47584148123, -0.163265246223, -1.37770249135, -1.4839978281, -1.74878999104, -1.6481586852599999, -1.1653552791], [0.6712773792110001, 0.5021240269089999, 0.63181143121, 0.7362891152600001, 0.456859171115, 0.0509282089343, 0.760995892667, 0.32196063001200004, 0.842162060098, 0.46735839265900003, 0.643937684436, 0.8550207093529999, 0.583691157989, 0.481533037055, 1.05131211575, 0.16850002146899998, -0.045372597940300005, -0.0420777428969, 0.819073043538, 0.40491792291900003, 0.352099190114, 0.903252232604, -0.148895849445, 0.595149911038, -1.9886755994099998, 0.817432105601, -0.0253179259373, 0.36434179233, -1.73636331352, -0.157852403912, -0.509843789239, 0.8222436693809999, -1.6967773081900002, -2.1526043721900003, -2.14118733791, -1.7951167718599998, -1.8641858891999998], [0.334623209076, 0.524481663752, 0.744493132267, 0.896469052789, 0.680198443365, 0.24411348075599998, 0.5492584110800001, 0.936505559312, 0.24702039036899998, 0.943304521974, 0.190626343882, 1.1561661192200001, 0.86534605823, 0.584944950476, 1.06488222585, 0.499615672999, 0.946582268342, 0.9613173975020001, 0.132614652015, 0.7949646211820001, -1.3950759542700002, 0.7430635045890001, -1.28222504432, 0.339387335009, -1.8580448487599999, -0.227621197505, 0.446871509296, -0.224241644318, -1.7426453025599997, 0.166089600715, -0.41020111441600005, 0.454758721876, -1.69440013384, -1.6878091170200002, -1.71951739249, -1.70097035607, -1.50494674034], [-0.00109463919445, 1.50621556313, 0.7685019755429999, 0.784719112877, 0.961549689753, 1.23157766201, 0.599293055168, 0.893095023058, 0.483014079173, 1.20280263409, -0.7698437860840001, -0.0544272580848, 0.5689156604110001, 0.8587704924160001, 0.726589113187, 0.906124089099, 0.854354958134, 0.647363597617, 0.0345624200853, 0.0006734258952969999, 0.785115307567, 0.25078798652, 0.6586352439859999, -0.293199357168, -1.6444620786200002, 0.049930238193899995, 0.135740176268, -1.15463723359, -1.31694514598, 0.010234862707799998, -1.2254551831, 0.030088104582099998, -2.07994113867, -1.57557465254, -1.5871383536399999, -1.6052050166499998, -1.64073062816], [-0.237844639108, 0.645694840704, 0.37592753673900003, 0.592870312957, 0.123570120387, 0.552011741743, -0.236539080975, 0.8193812422329999, 0.705992129532, -0.319856331384, 0.569096681126, 0.320320508741, 0.499414153647, 0.993490600571, 0.920712679142, -0.04996743388730001, 0.44389570024700004, 0.17631341107700002, 0.184516257457, 0.56541271159, 0.490127447685, -0.165281078688, 0.588299549218, 0.7502354034440001, -2.39847731055, 0.053031197088099995, 0.61070315738, 0.7400131610449999, -1.5961507793, 1.12339127626, -0.536258226031, 0.352077384841, -1.74024435512, -2.64611354358, -2.6974343995999996, -0.8971205735340001, 0.32478854691], [1.23189963294, 0.520217122298, -0.033708907261799995, 0.147726070405, 0.164291183846, 0.101904300472, 0.36485362264700005, 0.0487506102762, 0.324030889258, 0.8894082637299999, 0.630337975375, 0.338066435574, 0.263124594849, 0.158904243921, 1.30867718544, 1.4333416836300001, -0.181718632937, -0.347341903872, 0.270598564238, 0.362646397769, 0.609615193289, -0.8395082515819999, 0.22631201755, 0.631146562707, 0.489365144855, 0.10718197183900001, 0.199677806459, 0.0377636567369, -2.50966778503, -0.206839474496, 0.34055775870399996, 0.505482257208, -2.9514017759900004, -3.0938262393000002, -1.0551197025799999, 0.170814516778, -0.657562989748], [1.1383907404200002, -0.49619984925899996, -0.432197853233, 0.33455712002300003, 0.00850723527976, 0.311836304984, 0.746438114199, 0.809104785793, 0.565508337784, 0.936685949865, 0.327967142943, 0.571855708645, 0.220423272065, 0.45451351722499994, 1.0083835141700002, 0.390143650954, 1.24791011908, 1.32805434071, -0.0323412154319, -0.041978623684900004, 0.960916864835, -0.519560847646, 0.0976224407285, 0.5599729550829999, 0.545550262948, 0.873677649105, 0.22738458519299998, -1.0864771177700001, -2.87704568185, 0.133572226284, -0.398821674053, -0.730883241868, -1.8703749434999999, -1.2623483069700001, -1.2897821191399998, -0.134407136918, -2.626558227], [0.46522030876000003, 1.23262631951, 1.03687951525, 0.378895875385, 0.0144776675265, 0.196404472694, 1.13356473453, 0.283255582864, 0.524073280518, 0.406523233333, 0.553697796872, -0.122992138721, 1.12211688772, -0.9176163848890001, 1.00630698067, 0.567151228919, 0.5909317395579999, -0.295438761582, -0.130992991246, 0.599527104849, 1.3690440362, -0.189443581933, -1.27378219939, 1.10734044357, -0.25667408546, -1.31314138827, -0.30305113730300004, 0.16812403552000002, -2.73413897577, 0.556078375985, -0.28136174421, 0.7625272527179999, -0.660765381576, -2.32575884517, -1.0571077873499999, -0.0801029512838, -2.1323985188], [0.238024726527, -0.549384835019, -0.5378206555889999, -0.415098184378, -1.38440048769, -0.341936849553, 0.354922862792, 1.15619762614, -0.0662028210466, 0.34938367123999997, 0.890669454843, 0.356728437893, 0.0, 1.30943848716, 1.0516681964, 0.794770922465, 0.594966583162, 0.518315190544, 1.1265723183, 0.0, 0.0, 1.34702722891, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5992291087089999, 0.8555025344439999, 0.424390244489, -0.305471970482, -0.147475605451, -0.9883755291249999, -0.48370479259599997, 1.3732691302000002, -1.19815035271, -1.1862490428399999, -1.56484595012, -2.11010779805, -2.0618518495599996], [1.31361853281, 0.10985868473799999, -1.1798232290100001, -0.994154068573, -0.578581126294, 0.0202290856803, 0.857548239859, 0.10985868473799999, 0.977923222658, 0.642013021651, 0.56041040846, 0.201788937708, 0.346585023468, 0.837516270354, 1.12877230343, 0.424818837003, 0.630837542969, 0.461863045277, 1.53823626708, 0.645514467314, 0.44571212984999997, 0.0, -0.59522753102, 1.03027028975, -1.09516054256, -0.253812016539, 0.335967526799, -0.0393217213467, 0.0486255858847, -0.20124960709800002, 0.0, 0.0, -2.16647323962, -0.937778704851, 0.0, -2.53177293708, -2.09461338349], [0.584209950663, -0.211364540906, 0.253742432081, -0.246818645238, 0.120082915822, 0.650231765689, -0.432345507116, 0.6049106381430001, 0.135739957054, 0.6584736525429999, -0.201917821546, 0.186272389882, 0.85697501111, -0.580264713278, 1.1319531708, 0.686387725425, 1.41579413391, 0.20952438535100001, 1.30553808439, 0.24168312246399998, 0.386675811282, 0.410668975308, 0.373196024953, 0.888309906418, 0.8155464638240001, 0.0198806269879, 0.468061553297, 0.706335103521, -1.56020632872, 0.627974739867, -0.354161474514, -0.0832741952476, -2.39122047125, -1.3775695617, -1.3277158589, -2.41500608496, -2.55630333741], [0.912949606294, 0.419081063864, 0.118670051429, -0.313262590756, 1.04459318984, 0.11573207352399999, 0.308851458892, 0.42966887103, 0.0675658659506, -0.0764560282807, -0.27853347458, 0.240368856939, 1.0761182471, 0.376635598173, -0.239613582374, 0.672124111779, 0.68558891995, 0.577044494757, 1.03858973688, 0.27441614050700003, 1.04034143691, 0.347045171653, 0.201648525497, 0.996892624051, 0.411237217194, 0.594045963122, -0.33120088603799996, 0.272420532873, -0.601864040685, 0.560225957091, -1.04766393858, 0.21498029315900002, -3.5179140978600003, -1.22128457436, -2.0506069992700002, -0.871494468381, -2.44694132729], [-0.6716840811300001, 1.21649983423, -1.24541331088, -0.6273013998260001, 0.865499473488, 0.626690095264, 0.186533944912, 0.858453401756, 0.694847185141, 0.8725239149160001, -0.500077896349, 0.75637458665, 0.48655816674400004, 0.923052306522, 0.23660539633400002, 0.989884540241, 0.606741546822, 0.45420680163000005, -0.409636725889, 0.691283592454, 0.931250191975, 0.312801929682, 0.0339748656269, 0.6732925865809999, 0.350678756113, 0.58379720119, 0.212142062559, 0.793064990872, -0.155608806087, -0.5492116740649999, 0.263013294494, -1.0933036011700001, -2.46941547012, -1.43586814311, -0.518235996325, -2.5055234783900002, -2.43849008284], [-1.1196524387200002, 0.9673601906810001, 0.7993801575470001, 1.16900988847, -0.7745963274969999, 0.31147440096900003, 0.977387070977, 1.0288538162899998, 0.598408185872, 1.10379003295, 0.161597273755, -0.495502429229, 1.03448648941, -1.4591350921000001, 0.976722704404, 1.2999948133900001, 0.400134120196, 1.5175568127599999, -0.890586426639, 1.24099617312, 0.378473603488, 0.602675296832, 0.49789060651600003, 0.522701448415, -0.7997292427570001, -1.38755537091, 1.3505588867299998, -0.560908235179, -0.489322014752, -1.32881778338, -1.1780838399200002, -1.05835342919, -1.5137922412399998, -0.54501579239, -1.17722666262, -1.24259455634, -0.918580089922], [0.472101997132, 0.34767929726400004, 0.639335920595, 1.06887171785, 0.097537874528, -0.9171846700730001, 0.8740346410700001, 0.725499287216, 1.18058206467, 0.147178480625, 0.802364948311, -0.489084906668, 0.98941435644, -1.11331940684, 0.058024793709500005, 1.22308068638, 0.35492745688, 0.182881959059, -0.157883290844, 1.45447774131, 0.127327367937, -0.611139764364, 1.26813967251, 1.92619409807, -0.107542249155, -0.0236722062145, 0.20458799213799997, 0.31060354570300003, -1.6737278768000001, -2.0938322792400004, -0.734167429596, -1.1786111442, 0.30644288854400004, -1.12163633618, -1.0129273734200002, -1.56392744791, -1.9626324064400003], [0.799794947472, 0.888983752882, 0.23214641754, 0.5481763210239999, 0.170404771242, 1.28706358573, -0.503662817879, 0.9330300569679999, 0.7136182259749999, 0.387436784064, 1.16901268799, 0.0660323325418, 0.897672923701, 1.32929349967, 0.430933543361, 0.5786378779219999, -0.10887099827400001, 0.403765205921, 0.621030919895, 0.22516951259, -0.275864354935, 0.176757509005, 0.682441682383, -0.775220664682, 0.26701416671100003, -0.413940086321, -0.9860948835250001, 0.16174220996, -2.31464139314, 0.353049163499, -1.9351419588499998, 0.872868785791, -0.733732925441, -1.94797006963, -2.42613477537, -0.029271460200999997, -1.7455304956], [1.08407280338, 0.364447321247, 0.893335135642, 0.0989013067154, 0.10349529493899999, -0.237314529111, 0.43399816621799997, 0.573201070098, 0.6754271483230001, -0.290328703374, 0.8559478312350001, 0.640570192387, 0.345430346739, 0.632146943477, 0.659587166895, 1.24800002332, 0.0228052936999, -0.792106364252, 0.246758002366, 0.159995164797, 0.294716540385, 0.0594897235317, 0.753811720955, -0.8463154252940001, 0.0980184962489, -0.12940360132099998, 0.44457502282600003, 0.288373800218, -0.648347708525, 0.7401478392120001, -3.00135698801, 0.8790920852490001, -0.301041636501, -3.47736614236, -1.61520960365, -0.194433557023, -1.06312018068], [1.3733806087, 1.16748115355, 0.80887391767, 0.7543062700290001, -0.361856279525, 0.375616136871, -0.27860821628000004, 0.020279677711599997, 0.33462686231600003, -1.52565274987, 0.5258934523600001, 0.356225434075, 1.2331239129, 1.1468499709200002, 0.842789343332, 1.51531203644, -1.11031670473, -1.1511658572499999, 0.539914914071, -0.11641126974000002, -0.622319174445, -0.581500318592, 0.748600399409, -0.16659179296499999, 1.3039423513400001, -0.158866986708, 0.542860001716, 0.7722444163809999, -0.00276598026188, 0.677382213388, -1.37655027146, 0.481627510067, -1.80376597289, -1.7527379848099998, -1.52552440986, -1.4844446661200001, -1.5022519477399998], [0.467448507836, -0.508154633562, 0.356578760836, 1.12319359331, -0.9622061434899999, -0.9882244447290001, 0.225494567747, 0.6920474279269999, 0.35841556420500004, 0.815686099754, 0.592080236133, 0.634071704696, 0.378115557518, 1.0161120222700002, 0.329691211805, 0.627703873299, 0.414263626068, -1.7457731557900003, 0.333406950451, 0.733077993319, 0.243368845036, 0.568680765612, 0.756694036631, 0.927110213968, 0.828336759576, 1.02744328812, 0.531601360142, -1.5737548572, -1.2787834542399998, 1.00081148717, -1.03733583621, 1.14317668348, -1.82572103875, -1.7309179623400002, -1.7373290343799999, -1.06604836211, -1.6703622140999999], [0.132611992432, 0.40260620434100003, -0.341340053473, 0.759367366209, -0.293228208265, -0.0419701341199, 0.660656738025, 0.364200109371, 0.892405737944, 0.695144926817, 1.01076943805, 0.620613325215, 0.602093162763, 1.34906295312, 0.510556049564, 0.947048055029, 0.10767972319800001, -0.9745759407019999, 1.4014105008500002, 0.534793703165, 0.905384690566, -0.11342009266799999, -0.414468214958, 0.925934937929, 0.648832458786, 0.150582406608, 0.7474278959180001, -0.834906998309, -2.7010340259099994, 0.17739301564800003, -1.1978220797, -0.0726461997433, -0.814931882319, -1.08095913377, -2.04842899786, -1.39924736227, -2.21759606747], [0.165670428343, -0.052798097397400004, 1.1601935131299999, -0.0779429855177, 0.484931671783, -0.7877117693369999, -0.10188989523900001, 0.2335491199, 0.594967962458, 0.0032684056219399998, 0.670302879674, 0.6399351905430001, 0.44792750637199996, 1.13854433205, 0.388193143874, -1.5141342757, 0.612040926806, -0.859728701577, 0.915934527643, 0.491111437787, 0.310267332546, 0.643187352529, 1.47341321884, 0.5634402697290001, 0.893744079066, 1.2173050826799998, -0.229539911433, 0.92117758188, -1.6293143797999998, 0.467623263666, -1.60041606231, 0.7942171880779999, -1.7318488750499998, -1.81900509475, -1.46602729104, -1.69432825234, -1.66626082351], [-0.197193846316, -0.587087308701, 0.181795778442, 0.61837237368, 1.08244873934, 0.20498222176699998, 1.66301897632, 1.22076887578, 0.396492703372, 0.518288644187, 0.616483750419, -0.01823202597, -0.0612245787206, 0.0737523923099, -0.641591449324, 1.0784042953, 1.11197772311, -1.35327533956, -0.46113457041199996, -0.8934030429340001, 0.693030717914, -0.0294779824567, 1.4006448603600001, -0.180942562335, 1.03087050796, -0.367488752406, 0.684581059156, 0.786849943179, -0.746114122095, -0.203221881546, -2.57407889395, 0.657466885061, 0.304990402165, -0.956782864181, -2.589089389, -1.0136886439, -1.4511935960100002], [2.43748996073, 0.842124614562, 0.8506102741220001, -1.1263392596600001, 1.50492294652, -0.605363822281, -0.296772480669, 0.576790895481, 0.6990167407179999, -0.0727767232455, 1.44793043486, 0.523618185493, 1.19724402942, 0.527740827324, -0.04692153484230001, -1.28901127756, 0.920859711687, -0.7774060384170001, 0.560876449503, 0.611244959935, 0.680703555222, 0.6897681247149999, -0.478361133525, 0.53312446661, -1.06206017935, 0.251784836014, -0.739385933397, 0.759128004147, -1.2541729463, -0.771001219857, -1.6050118855000002, -1.4404112832700002, -1.7571943677400002, -0.7121515115989999, 0.0178645099492, -1.28241348902, -0.316088440788], [1.5401498587, 0.577147671735, 0.771363438076, -0.883973268048, 0.998209973909, -0.673902765243, 0.21192470769299998, 0.995112796503, 0.821265623578, -0.792439477193, 0.885834949614, 0.6789575581489999, 1.14435208859, 1.11883448943, 0.721845815323, 0.0414439060989, -0.134236349262, -0.758798920354, 0.792146366841, 1.29015099136, 0.40966687308899996, 0.388113578302, 0.119153699909, 0.957971478126, -0.860093575386, -0.139417608661, 0.049778580038, 1.02437264607, -1.51652688766, -0.142297280685, -1.72736238088, -1.64626264576, -1.93476823599, -0.9153515208030001, -0.243389730142, -1.88247845338, -1.2864979917000001], [1.55558518404, 0.792130918357, 0.7940057083300001, 0.8424821796359999, 1.13618634968, -0.22691128382800002, 0.8353702290639999, 0.49987105593099995, 0.682791773407, -0.759540463909, 1.6826061386200002, 0.85987063184, 0.41860374369599995, 0.361707577134, -0.616335396129, -0.27811451800799997, 1.18408846987, -1.00535375353, -0.167595199514, -0.0948931372721, 0.8271725188310001, 0.285303141888, 1.5442268566600001, -1.1451599215000001, -0.936831191592, 1.21003880014, 0.753122248812, -0.24564794380999996, -1.48612217417, -0.335788475134, -1.40255408551, -1.0748558595, -1.29575961951, -1.27065114637, -1.2751790788700001, -1.01130688607, -1.6365633917299998], [1.30793298589, 1.0709835776, 0.514174929561, 1.2169922973, 0.508883767302, 0.66174418647, 0.41931155822099997, 1.0886216970799998, 0.501402818966, 0.896697507903, 1.57192422768, 0.220097931233, 1.4231774546200002, 0.504765196638, 0.294120579913, -1.22396804235, 0.29020555758, 0.0973670424305, -1.09427000059, 1.74763841873, 0.683788142409, 1.1487560023799999, -1.02463075428, 0.315025868979, -1.36410942669, -0.519169908591, -0.501974999181, -0.848853091168, -0.519230644786, -1.26623496271, -1.18091374014, -1.37981712007, -1.2959256603799998, -0.778969805724, -1.0926525574, -1.20996643417, -1.18292460067], [0.8724387843100001, 1.04882401345, 0.7681974426639999, 0.42811845338, 0.24633740337499999, 0.34783659494400004, 0.8875273341590001, 1.2235564495, 0.548237934037, 0.669857669492, 0.46878176431100005, 0.92535081388, 1.04292421456, 1.2164533323, 0.9631937590440001, -1.1504656423200001, 1.3804797745700002, -0.0189245621831, -1.16221887695, 1.09227796111, 0.458333776131, 0.6955163089380001, -1.01723459302, -1.1284197891399999, -1.06241317894, -1.00744701424, 1.1137748887899999, 0.790635436047, -1.3007689471, -1.30354011839, -1.22435965012, -0.778873162182, -1.19234253516, -1.27840138323, -1.24701176338, -1.1170625878, -1.19917030481], [0.395908172835, 1.83247910224, 0.921692493364, -1.07136191168, 1.22111594928, 1.09333782461, 1.37261552257, -0.234374423902, -0.604508447118, 0.47894595098000003, -0.034520689646199997, 1.40222709163, 1.39774331424, 1.1486951078899998, 1.16686266646, -0.9348449747769999, 1.0207321889, 1.1247412102299998, -0.6959546316099999, 0.525582424898, 0.279038737566, 0.926143441963, -0.613753987623, -1.0903062418, -1.0091566486, 0.0821512433832, 0.045719228351800006, -0.705411441267, -1.15046341194, -1.10504742773, -1.17005743441, -1.0483574014700001, -1.08070646805, -0.232587372805, -1.30505365702, -1.19129342591, -1.15797167403], [0.474667696584, 0.923300362542, -0.36767004338799997, 0.322622972498, 0.149699180558, 1.77922856064, 0.27872576555, 1.1959910544, -0.21161168327500002, 0.356634343022, 0.065064572814, 1.34866250484, 1.79351671652, 0.467779452814, 0.985252286875, -1.32926352011, 0.870302865479, -0.8797647453540001, -0.110515799938, -0.9229520797319999, 0.310932303552, 0.295494642124, 1.0848049302, -0.350910345625, -1.4467221543000002, 0.102168500109, 0.8456921472, 0.697397852176, -0.290940941002, -0.5662808475810001, -1.8487572067200002, -1.51368670638, -1.2014034548899999, -1.9259235582900003, 0.0, 0.149699180558, -1.53123480448], [0.163156822083, 1.14412582454, 0.7107970346610001, -0.983016884454, 0.45653819719300004, 1.4106647672100001, -0.19766181436299998, 1.05729646507, 0.741550207314, 0.905310584932, 0.57231232047, 1.74986171698, 1.29341989828, 0.717069516788, 0.712827258394, -1.5799169982499999, -1.4700351228200002, -0.49294262375200004, 1.14412582454, -0.27850635225299997, 0.21596110120099998, 0.76965146635, -0.0483187063257, -1.25889482959, 0.260348527329, 1.05204522484, 0.425023869674, 0.176336868431, -0.7649219856980001, -1.1863809926100002, -0.9520549445309999, -1.54343117226, -1.94412009643, -1.50927679818, -0.8977465936929999, 0.0111946091365, -0.582392190199], [0.726733749044, 0.510649671043, 0.7607494740270001, 0.22211315620000002, 0.421781159272, 0.164722187925, 0.328841032123, 0.826764607044, 0.824649861862, 0.260197085682, 0.520973428226, 1.31531947099, 0.718150514854, 0.7775553637360001, 1.1608163828799998, 0.55280960132, 0.422466258748, -2.11923184502, -0.0534449628072, 0.669508939319, -0.8745727427750001, -0.402143054475, 0.0651785984001, -0.10934488954800001, -2.1999161954799997, 0.767702795168, 0.491585291952, -0.524428438273, -1.91810349833, 0.576520572591, -1.2723217155, 0.23666494194200002, 0.354740326115, -2.09495418051, -0.607203170493, -2.22682072434, 0.725290947089], [0.8038173036249999, 0.449118841008, 0.878319501582, 0.447967416845, 0.167850912539, -0.571992672502, 0.065171978769, 1.0918430671100001, -0.12247352576300001, 0.5286482598100001, 0.8174962041380001, 1.5408150207299998, -0.222834308347, 0.606238389103, 1.62735036634, 0.25606632651, 0.678580101689, -0.767764922287, -0.955843544084, 0.82647805457, -0.10430625051, -0.5207188224189999, 1.2321099946, -1.3604246878400001, -0.057125219463099994, 1.3354321121500001, 0.398424180929, -0.009647405708090001, -1.7223683583200002, -0.0157333061195, -1.7803249202900002, 0.17028499447, -0.64763655644, -1.8414862717900002, -1.9034985549599999, -1.97229649652, 0.654462796858], [-1.37552071775, 1.6622655656, 1.2915774968, -0.20384208347, 0.696279618946, 1.05346546599, 0.9088038083259999, 0.0986171009109, -0.131864113157, 0.0478801225471, 0.867896911365, 1.58449313583, 1.24622555865, 0.40317391291999993, -0.625288951011, 0.0746686591214, 0.957682034806, 0.0367896270615, 0.422416617395, 1.3355111102200001, -0.153090749593, 0.263599849225, -0.8387789793379999, 0.213145961587, -0.7664392500849999, 0.624953963165, 0.7615099237080001, -0.486986211589, -1.27295057402, -0.175493389692, -1.87128607852, -0.6874735900360001, -1.33951823841, -1.7829307642200003, -1.1693933451799998, -2.04559646527, 0.37549705717299997], [-1.3383347595000001, 0.320241990403, 0.354327840253, 0.639545502917, 1.02144995966, 0.7119316977, 0.486613133512, 0.46735327528899995, 0.456786080047, 0.614852596892, -0.260760530167, 0.8287275472810001, 1.0700052557100002, 0.667652278058, 0.245161956122, -0.150128966768, 1.05333622311, 0.463335734194, 0.718774914701, 0.266323034137, -0.11547520623299999, 0.6898915323739999, 0.267647803235, 0.32523629517499997, -0.0992246341377, 0.636977628571, 0.479937514213, 0.147149859189, -2.62913009468, 0.0414640292538, -1.84782003133, -0.657383160912, -0.65869992375, -1.13424932966, -2.57436514365, -2.34490841072, 0.835756509507], [-0.773552156328, 1.2406153014, 1.2088718546700001, 0.635114704242, -0.388271280574, 1.44954688646, -0.5229686432840001, -0.33987443237, -1.78010808313, 0.684688540211, 1.00574121529, 1.19316188584, 0.566046331049, -0.7448454680869999, 1.1350841507, 0.372816586452, 1.1923132841600002, 0.04371411705350001, -0.265493899388, 1.6430183145500001, -0.157316693781, -0.337795737588, 0.14959858084, 0.425758818345, -1.7145061881700001, 0.529166839182, 0.879869635149, -1.09568048552, -1.7597172578, -0.536016842362, -1.5781511801700001, 0.33565260168600003, -1.0184620681299998, -1.7537017231799998, -0.766838665802, 0.0984960696937, 0.744025088692], [-0.176919098802, 0.161776539176, 0.48339769196500004, 0.43659681863600003, 0.439605562375, 0.158111835091, 0.22171288291900001, 0.6835902843800001, 0.44914138262100006, 0.315591108733, -0.7946553892139999, 0.36707044304799996, 1.28303503921, 0.35551253016199996, 0.617278656607, 1.00998205787, 0.973112749461, -1.9697920868099998, 0.44869142635, 0.6744556299660001, 0.955195816025, 0.744090428752, 0.662702555324, -2.70086694069, -0.0882739186302, 0.561175072906, 0.908703948809, 0.336083093117, -3.1717749103, -0.166589620748, -1.09629360453, -0.184858387461, -0.7425439476569999, 0.00848131673707, -0.553811145133, -1.55324913493, -0.0554666853244], [1.67075371005, 0.0665039183914, -0.368927452016, 1.07509671248, 0.768768433898, 0.32296769020300004, 0.353973041714, 1.8303506367, 1.01365332796, 0.025016659921200002, 0.334848362795, 0.668832488612, -1.156604559, -0.98660477797, 1.9233769215599998, 0.527384174037, 1.31834242807, -1.07287997259, 0.486606993732, 0.444454298553, 0.492332260512, 1.4052133071200001, -0.763408656474, 1.0171641925, -1.0856832352799999, -1.1623465663299999, 0.0319802621001, -1.0766493855600001, -1.05647330734, -0.129474865173, -1.12479798635, -1.05351581086, -1.1654231067, -1.0775668605, -1.2694014288600002, -0.054971529594, -1.1728903203], [1.75801716942, 0.567935812952, 0.996224100379, 1.2732174390200002, 1.2114048205399999, -1.01514151126, 0.340538340703, 1.60526879195, 1.23770607216, -0.0804695513602, -0.0782120402546, 0.235069464212, 0.204016214073, -1.5029973785, 1.2937307003299998, 0.5660431206300001, 0.434144760272, -0.9443046948109999, 0.658313820144, 1.17594412296, 1.0420057396200002, 0.37817352973000007, -0.556077095654, 0.485114153793, -0.413135171817, -1.45792510912, 0.589278881086, -0.438845541735, -1.3989238559000001, -0.513581553815, -0.463880840999, -0.676888239004, -1.37539889081, -1.2889906264700002, -1.28869245727, -1.26260596543, -1.29607652977], [0.8929769138500001, -1.03066735923, 1.18775249846, 0.176838893268, 1.86046583113, 0.805368077789, 1.4519584137000001, 0.8475518574070001, 0.886630829674, -0.43488120923199997, 1.40668606102, 0.626582921142, 0.228626268173, -0.527595728492, 1.20371130971, -0.54586386704, 1.37645883363, -1.0885694797299998, -0.194449392375, 0.165112157659, 1.1137419068899999, 0.511737010396, -0.35772877583800006, 1.19482658894, -0.9196425937430001, -1.27320354552, 0.349644251834, 0.173157261413, -1.2370497888, -0.846696362596, -1.1206707526000002, -1.20933938319, -1.23770778474, -1.22014025713, -1.28622953139, -1.04888121438, -0.880510860044], [2.01401174875, 0.45174369191799996, 0.894063109401, 0.9658983284780001, 1.70455242134, 0.103988022269, -0.007641365235840001, 0.604505427541, -0.49007082313100003, 1.4024259993500001, -0.9504793283230001, 0.374406940745, 0.207019876092, -0.973503773253, 0.517717033962, -1.44170074652, 1.36867958208, 0.9230822800499999, 0.243671859487, 1.19016059571, 0.6312775738359999, 0.3805806986, -0.45893861714699996, 0.398031770513, 1.0757995427200002, 0.254418919129, 0.0393197902846, -1.24913115848, -1.40610927195, -1.07612282687, -1.27314256082, -0.69997630954, -1.33156177304, -1.31018111679, -0.544944172756, -1.3017586240799999, -1.23009274432], [2.5818387341999998, 0.378810651856, 1.55154514852, 1.3611230922600002, 1.2324158708600002, 0.12220167125499999, 0.19691181483399997, 1.35135886819, -0.473959453042, 0.402792231706, -0.90251784376, -0.467729637954, -0.827863601301, -1.0880157406200002, 1.3803321748700002, -0.24043131513799998, 1.38846748896, -0.854561975511, -0.7322376896520001, 1.9296525367099997, 0.9509673497600001, -0.16983841046300002, -0.5868520049629999, -0.294453183892, 0.51446954192, -0.629079223805, 0.28817403656, -0.476352507012, -1.0580080202, -0.901607384673, -0.879017985723, -1.0722851658700001, -0.7405363322220001, -0.747261965926, -0.8566794126620001, -0.825894423638, -0.8058779344310001], [2.41736278059, -0.5444069619349999, 0.146997884566, -0.701339934422, 2.8666556303400004, 0.44770735788599997, 0.943819095923, 0.254271620208, 0.47690065465899995, 0.16119562685699998, -0.316592148249, 1.01518213903, 2.0842138978599998, -0.30025642930700003, 0.6287227142399999, 0.506404846727, -0.240425658538, -0.947054087503, -0.528374708806, 1.5229084452200001, 0.174688711247, -0.0283607776211, -0.605965373286, 0.8839054578409999, -1.05101884565, -0.439963287873, -0.7429227515889999, -0.656543580046, -0.503307061173, -1.24672571918, -0.70339047177, -0.911850338865, -0.907353787066, -0.8262432620710001, -0.643955749602, -0.928240350183, -0.756645578458], [1.12575464278, -0.6540949559220001, 0.30303211754299997, -0.638183009417, 2.68311607584, -0.583835654418, 1.2198630620200002, 1.4013138913, 1.80438482184, -0.503244302572, 0.695799540565, 0.415437848122, 1.17560083926, -0.550110718513, 1.4660621618799998, 1.6361792235100001, -0.475588568437, -0.546348955128, -0.521036904239, 1.8973537933000002, -0.618040834715, -0.5607268379429999, -0.35949537643600005, -0.681006311249, -0.704026780878, -0.659484113511, -0.7151630140459999, -0.635054171896, -0.7987808116840001, -0.6886394787190001, -0.7586260376530001, -0.703023704384, -0.773969845981, -0.72040356771, -0.666210706425, -0.599864943656, -0.708938412439], [1.7070351927599998, 0.113554271682, 0.243520182401, -0.40997563584200003, 1.2358648076799998, -0.658452865124, 0.964955964576, 0.6778494828370001, 1.00760551809, -0.21895406526500003, -0.9221891579350001, 2.24124109635, 1.29101638991, -0.994574455925, 1.9831286812200002, -0.568640267305, 0.97451210753, -0.871176204425, -0.49644713345799996, 0.9146728561599999, -0.530555322147, 0.41480327701999997, -0.8349371709819999, 0.577193810282, -0.982524438914, 0.820586736067, -0.915645637562, 1.27217341779, -0.858014380589, -0.9461486186799999, -0.8809240382100001, -0.9164540522310001, -0.9002199686669999, -1.00309404845, -0.8768952175660001, -0.634908024549, -1.0189830885200002], [1.03932228747, 0.851945302239, 0.926752332536, -0.197499897762, 0.0709187226952, -0.24450146135200002, 0.45147116616899996, 1.30496583105, 1.0540486373, 2.1804553883, 0.766605274788, 1.7398169397799998, -0.404806320436, 0.645183439391, 1.4473868614200003, 0.223074062474, 1.18932407466, -0.0988517962862, 1.0425557627, 0.264433986273, -0.7754492272490001, -0.221049084875, -1.14910342888, 0.255260694496, -0.915275248529, -0.285526420352, 0.0046460339806499995, -1.02625944525, -1.3431080702200002, -0.584345516604, -1.63305108335, -0.7677474571330001, -1.5323254256299998, -1.20283042733, -1.20226021268, -1.19408116613, -0.68009510765], [1.09038966207, 0.41493623068, 0.958845795472, -0.8501989045199999, 0.606684473725, -1.0422615284799999, 0.6007250173650001, 1.19867838458, 1.30350762502, 1.72789301009, 1.1046194898700001, 1.5833768393599998, -0.12895223183, 1.07603020598, 1.2957561974299998, 0.35733346399899996, 0.60160011603, -0.7424622865809999, 1.09661483491, 0.8657657881899999, -1.14185395801, -0.9626482216169999, -0.9757070881569999, 0.478943324253, -0.9842212124690001, -0.981805647306, 0.899231852233, -0.98967033816, -0.7607024090440001, -0.9485613725409999, -1.07877105821, -1.1407811869600002, -1.10961182626, -0.952321023792, -0.457937220044, -0.8700471069110001, -1.14241769037], [1.22611892749, -0.624396565943, 0.291361548305, -0.487547832011, 1.12133499969, -0.7980984032699999, 0.8663636069499999, 1.79039182957, 1.05639465246, 2.03042510759, 1.5435288059399999, 1.9424878856099999, -0.7801494240819999, -0.349588330002, 1.49874470294, 0.0894943158177, 0.70231243801, -0.267475759717, 1.38757955014, 0.769621789543, -0.676139534117, -0.8341978561319999, -0.9288075017149999, -0.388748596216, -0.887008779053, -0.487973247011, -0.803792916034, -0.8726646143469999, -0.652126012664, -1.0319961232700001, -1.01749803444, -0.810409274559, -0.534027139035, -0.8186134639910001, -0.6295606691100001, -0.84268271073, -0.792657372607], [0.718013336709, 0.345074053368, 1.26027285897, -0.36027267780999994, -0.24868016776299998, 0.537417948961, 0.73717545449, 0.837654358866, 0.746684899044, 0.899410335413, 1.7837670773099998, 2.03994212157, -0.302049049014, 0.651264079967, 2.2531227363900004, -0.714343344746, 0.269874774635, 1.4117731031999998, 0.362975758843, 1.33497858579, -0.564412980674, -0.732119666434, -0.9745560287270001, -0.361870734098, -0.880459018252, -0.5376541081, -0.9077917447149999, -1.06422046403, -0.949769015792, -1.0846251492399999, -1.0143158382100002, -0.611104588239, -1.1638094722399999, -0.8819927390379999, -0.90554328938, -0.9001855978769999, -1.0296258091500001], [-0.00850955270884, -0.709694466919, 0.27741925309, -0.780491118331, 1.43317384838, -0.791016516109, 0.7281224615180001, 0.875957398139, 1.61190558667, 1.6017733394, 1.02538957028, 1.7858781346200001, -0.21313995746800002, 0.8400195989939999, 1.83563236586, 1.01941841221, -0.774403197513, -0.286700486503, -0.307755716088, 1.41699358655, -0.732788856839, -0.949717778016, -0.658015867407, 0.03651258502680001, -0.795997900538, -0.8128250378309999, 1.7539437703299998, -0.8923128773260001, -0.586861045045, -0.8017320844329999, -0.7086495142560001, -0.850228529655, -0.9284142428479999, -1.0354147351, -0.9593051324799999, -0.7933172841130001, -0.864848013538], [0.458845298698, 1.19110756998, 0.8620491422750001, -0.56298652188, 0.576755823236, -0.7767593879860001, 0.9054518755609999, 0.8622504061640001, 0.832336870572, 0.9657813536100001, 0.669970616142, 1.56426336744, 0.616185476862, 0.689585061963, 1.14430242297, 0.828239820387, 1.05169945221, -1.4670583894100002, 0.788618940971, 0.0749361874826, -0.756613424813, 0.138927062211, -1.7672065895299998, -0.688255976935, -0.829313856305, 0.323319917698, 1.03631907663, -0.106245981977, -0.758209984489, 0.333931694258, -1.5139051945299997, 0.224666984554, -1.7861685589099998, -1.40650405794, -1.59239309211, -1.5591062532799997, -0.568817151795], [0.668975343583, 1.19076525138, 0.8587377562809999, -1.01155581656, 0.460906804204, 0.110783766542, 0.5524674744120001, 1.51790850081, 0.729696050776, 0.436262258701, 0.568808475777, 1.54012267701, 1.07678537114, -1.23182256363, 1.4444489234399998, 0.639750838296, 0.9580714292360001, -1.03058805035, 1.12405416052, 0.9783789212909999, -0.619671498893, 0.302208977585, -1.01192213499, 0.260865927441, -1.14470505514, -1.20019674638, 0.960751887592, -1.15035295394, -0.624543011577, -0.7308932168760001, -1.18926726721, 0.654022564987, -1.2451350714799998, -1.2319309573100001, -1.2106746940100002, -1.19838931429, -1.20312500837], [1.2770764795799998, 1.1446519799, 1.82649279467, -0.6351270693959999, 1.64284166765, 0.827410196882, 0.270983586982, 1.67652200898, -0.409182483464, 0.781826327721, 0.383590621294, 1.52359011092, -0.8678307384839999, -0.663700981701, 2.03618773712, 1.06927923821, -0.479402047139, -0.774560322701, -0.587538644298, 1.02513945074, -0.757638726588, 1.2047758148999999, -0.785739497934, -0.609946826114, -0.899663210069, -0.8885991092929999, -0.65012219581, -0.628785644872, -0.755958331285, -0.6729901617280001, -0.8995476218870001, -0.868182126557, -0.867485515114, -0.857306562949, -0.8214295324449999, -0.8229229317560001, -0.48670773396399997], [0.8332241371610001, 1.34040517665, 1.9666551630900002, -0.9544830327200001, 1.13031773809, -1.0137311104100002, 1.0699559432799999, 0.923304174716, 0.40094296378300004, 1.16829126956, 0.7203614943629999, 1.74509476526, -0.932448482108, -0.435945743221, 1.07410649134, 0.886798471426, -0.200962186179, -0.9690529700339999, -0.141495427979, 0.9797253388230001, -0.63931821641, 1.64927366733, -1.0378955056, -0.933650229083, -1.03451173346, -0.786720827885, 0.145883022562, -1.01214537799, -0.91462781325, -1.08674012704, 0.109317172174, -0.0319281291418, -1.13039935169, -0.9981478339200001, -1.0878339279, 0.214372642045, -1.01599160564], [0.782621764582, 1.60167087782, 0.0887137644233, -1.19283327628, 1.8171845114200003, 0.737723579932, 0.783659370261, 1.38874725736, -0.064921761059, 0.21057134899099997, 0.251226820035, 1.1369627702299998, 0.6204271925639999, 1.2054148705299998, 1.0925633831700001, 1.2744127140700001, -0.9860227270209999, -0.794401231172, 0.301368514309, 1.0213729641299998, 0.566366069538, 1.00430181672, -1.13660998574, -0.6167375322290001, -1.1632788523200002, -1.2229563828499999, 0.479614766158, -1.09525459765, -1.00584606348, -0.319431763568, -1.1596869762100002, -0.00240401838208, -1.42362291946, -0.9002946255390001, -1.2545753487, -1.04812702785, -0.9779192667319999], [1.3112881586299998, 1.43066092889, 1.54890345511, -0.828123500072, -0.7398918761200001, 0.589130909595, -0.33489620668000003, 1.17237288434, -0.36109058662, 0.37342480919699994, 1.43737175287, 1.3701202838799997, 0.947647241649, 0.6940789403100001, 1.9582023338599999, 1.71017856157, 0.7476213285879999, -0.815752199592, -0.33892221389300003, -0.6057270370100001, -0.8132968418529999, -0.789405821315, -0.9507993110959999, -0.033243329115800004, -0.982604962948, 1.29600501823, -0.6911915117640001, -0.8449275981829999, -0.941438259717, -0.7351209796250001, -1.0259766164, -0.7738104022810001, -1.0544845864, -1.10435757895, -0.931455086942, -0.5127639776699999, -0.37772612247500004], [1.3011993935600001, 0.7687698731810001, 0.105851818892, -0.468761798415, -0.652479234735, -0.248319659844, -0.38178092220700005, 1.9418975158400003, 0.333561801085, 0.9963350542239999, 0.36888310625200005, 1.40515879153, 0.740246394933, 0.257151800117, 1.27599616653, 1.5933846312, 1.25772382693, -0.6890192176819999, 2.40659179815, 0.0894975074864, -0.8134394093780001, -0.649121022139, -0.944795184762, -0.6897275692489999, -0.938758150907, 1.1996119949500001, -0.618180538764, -0.754878693842, -0.830755278685, -0.837539408198, -0.885885772405, -0.911402474359, -1.08264353059, -0.857845225557, -0.898329670076, -0.9585567728899999, -0.929641940185], [1.8152437117900002, 1.3695697389800001, 0.0668357048663, -0.355141365543, -0.9774915908499999, 0.385785082055, -0.621648026551, 0.532124606685, 0.9345632310100002, -0.824218421724, 1.10573790395, 2.11602579835, 1.83193844653, -0.835334055743, 1.74852706663, 1.54190895965, 0.354440579153, -0.841345406124, 0.5934528393330001, 1.3665588726499998, -0.545958307541, -0.6445115765199999, -0.905376843022, -0.7744242296930001, -0.0955614274985, -0.8450093189899999, 0.276176050307, -0.5093676296, -0.8116745296160001, -0.5747612239590001, -0.874797169386, -0.874926948108, -0.8218142276479999, -0.838665042929, -0.8824793775480001, -0.7395802003059999, -0.844801673036], [0.6784278468880001, 1.7230670771799999, 1.16595326788, -0.826050127247, 0.261378352918, -1.13789745544, 0.656290860695, 0.5993293063399999, 0.867973474501, 1.60768910515, 0.923986227332, 1.5638573576700001, 0.286266503162, 0.132595663522, 0.0836353426406, 0.24037807522500002, 2.2963666270900003, -1.2465617429, 0.42818260313400003, 1.06336892942, 0.062708168484, -1.1205765507799998, -0.9712358085989999, 0.14455735827, -1.25768377661, -1.27436064942, -0.624094917025, -0.902766110305, -1.13297068898, 0.0912216363274, -1.16437329093, 0.40564406230800004, -0.8321357391959999, -1.3276299604000001, -1.10623229854, 0.169811026193, -0.52811975598], [0.794492349641, 0.9479363168770001, 0.37667753513499996, -0.574689712159, -0.740231463937, -0.0832684434299, 0.379399430634, 0.741076114313, 1.0794316281999998, 0.694665097288, 0.675916403502, 0.965482133332, 1.01834319451, 0.9546947911120001, 0.937260780564, 0.737074233961, 0.975914780953, -1.8417000674200001, 0.7089492655949999, 0.97305023654, -0.507202125282, -1.1432624534, -1.92870703776, 0.09817712013900001, -1.83929816814, -1.7191696620599997, 0.554950124206, -1.6990758275600002, -1.18835030536, 0.484219394987, 0.147221744551, 0.250289440484, 0.20369529309599999, -1.95424466325, 0.0419641950161, 0.15416643345, 0.324151891677], [0.458084761507, 1.67947540856, 1.0425348994299999, -1.08440577577, -0.434367503122, 1.1956189176799998, -0.20452292761500002, 0.23042264243799998, 0.828439905606, 0.952743126179, 1.3873418424500001, 0.627775917093, 1.00146095835, 0.777375264773, 0.414791561189, 0.824873058921, 0.641495295022, -0.9468207776809999, -0.494854164832, 1.07747688909, 1.26796565971, 0.309661590975, -1.6533856299599998, -0.0477475381382, -1.63877491847, -1.4630218880399999, -0.685207823796, 0.0125087279627, -1.5628517509399997, -0.07086423369389999, -0.831780267235, -1.1079620883299999, 0.8282856363359999, -1.7018196268299999, -1.35358346951, 0.281557359835, -0.557919039115], [-0.35613828253799995, 1.61821073965, 1.06138178093, 1.17634222061, 0.7937919932449999, 0.589882701929, 1.19189813465, 1.17681622641, -0.352328045122, 0.99078714074, -0.19044155094, 0.412342062238, -0.239699693191, 0.429596497067, 0.827077387404, 0.6377952290300001, 0.755132974117, -1.5384885800499999, -0.906663275958, -0.5582128803490001, 0.9040430397679999, 1.28362865191, 0.966521889856, 0.164713012235, -0.442901094265, -1.6281879408700002, -0.740479025236, -0.0850703733421, -1.90773805913, -0.41936764181, -0.9998173698430001, -1.51705852833, -0.316351420661, 1.06010217317, -1.5791860320200002, -1.02237058662, -1.2395634747], [-0.015930002869999998, 0.6945740026549999, 1.25878270587, 0.8923310708490001, 0.943919422511, 1.00542135237, -0.207501362319, 1.6183212123, -1.17782685565, 0.9158423548479999, -1.0865040094399998, 0.523226986867, -1.02858634577, -0.22988917795299998, 1.8310773382099998, -0.17696613474300002, 1.64177500585, -1.33427828094, -0.396638968577, 0.8837432705130001, 0.319011445223, 1.7168528636200002, 1.4562546385, -0.379163679085, -0.976719651532, -1.20400410642, -0.32039126173300003, 0.09223971691230001, -1.1200803075299999, 0.0144131525278, -0.854622713637, -0.576547232879, -0.6138877574530001, -0.643951812249, -1.18124867293, -0.992982976745, -1.29006522917], [-0.66235940361, 0.38784719929899997, 1.6469373491100001, 2.11778529281, 1.51555645576, -0.840386407016, 1.01840087892, 0.347617608519, -0.552753056172, 1.68170556232, 0.136736031744, -0.420100079005, -0.271101328252, 0.0955033503698, 0.43903406840099996, 1.87308297271, 1.6251378697799999, -0.911619744353, -0.49184455141500005, 0.58256760568, -0.7124755741959999, 1.2613094313700002, -0.7260566152949999, -0.40531312354500004, -0.8076752008020001, -0.78286692918, 1.22394862215, -0.880100547324, -0.864397768234, -0.310766081212, -0.983103854338, -0.9056213393200001, -0.7876292120559999, -0.925073720917, -0.9071350854979999, -0.888949033853, -0.9158416433390001], [0.38685888375, 2.37442555312, 1.16033778935, 0.845226450951, -0.92902499843, -0.529622770884, 0.5450537287839999, 0.160589595909, 0.41489499774599997, 1.2647161677, -1.125303353, -0.555939290657, 0.89551141249, 0.23141684985, 0.47896748530100003, 0.9644662541600001, 1.04396710589, -0.963276582354, -0.236375887868, -0.333614064542, -0.6033462658690001, 1.35538473296, 0.481663446034, 1.27504833681, 0.6057240588880001, -0.46750145166, -0.576936907827, -0.916382303873, -1.91298181963, 0.458414761632, -2.06388468807, -1.43112512735, 0.7937747522949999, -0.773818711145, -0.5338297005170001, -1.03242961808, -0.751048821858], [-0.8944075037970001, 0.389810769333, 0.91922845418, -0.128821217745, 1.78342174431, -0.065769988647, 0.812350013466, 1.53265305093, 0.22611825961800003, 0.518626075555, -0.761152877969, 1.07560265011, 0.79628218212, 0.5627921792180001, -0.12387213722899999, 0.521411630763, -0.19419945666400001, -0.337723489508, 0.449952560863, 0.9233847059289999, 0.22220341273400002, 0.970561700613, 1.00660153926, 0.882264715145, -2.14673670435, 1.64512844222, -0.855057936297, -1.16360281081, -1.8339609622599997, -0.157650920538, -0.6923520821600001, -0.101589141325, -1.24479822084, -0.7877098437010001, -1.1973316937799998, -0.741347796021, -1.8103093027200001], [-1.35643153348, -0.0638592958142, 0.644618999316, -0.341151936592, 1.3527319833000002, -0.291021528515, 0.9146650495, 1.5488145881400002, 0.0699355790202, 0.546634475592, -0.7082511735089999, 1.33231085656, 0.7297519213160001, 0.780204296812, -0.244794574742, 0.468710430401, -0.40830879763000005, -0.821740981058, 0.226034080603, 0.6072500006270001, -0.0014720203712999997, 0.870733973837, 0.810631599155, 0.662755493349, -2.6021966615400003, 1.5105323706, -0.9492310582060001, -1.3685335760799997, 0.0, 0.0, -1.26443821245, -0.347133329878, -1.4252145017700002, 0.0, -0.882536516492, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.962617414001, 1.09458379075, 0.754778103417, 0.44957922594, 0.8088728680399999, 1.22322227379, 0.959699688625, 1.1034171454700001, 0.9426462414, -0.9772013701000001, 0.999937106169, -1.0304288917, 1.08756923251, 0.817880790837, -0.43255980734, 1.1857408629200001, 0.495073976344, 0.503353890778, 1.44270752462, -0.9584589154850001, -0.909382895686, 0.804932667082, 0.061409434725900006, 1.7738446299000001, -1.06744816944, 0.9571640785269999, -0.991771332766, -0.9249215537659999, -0.957061671178, -0.940416132531, -1.01491017426, -1.04758099263, -1.08373022866, -1.02237042335, -1.05922247956, -1.03676476842, -1.04956631097], [0.36457336939400004, 1.4715949197999998, 0.578639185385, 0.0846040130346, -0.280275058984, -0.133748280393, -0.29701662231, 0.302714438358, 0.6565164832989999, -0.488221359437, 0.44573123034999995, 1.52340082989, 0.0, 1.28359064828, 0.927489945439, -0.312020062521, -0.085426783258, 0.246818900759, 0.607989454741, 0.0, 0.0, 0.673231795338, 0.0, 0.0, 0.669748772323, 0.781515917516, -0.289387245795, -0.261238075323, -1.5799831375, -3.6674777433899997, -0.46056811674, 0.012791303754799999, -0.168095992471, -0.265224812483, 0.0, -1.47613374435, -0.866134172709], [0.318293623214, 0.457269903518, 0.536586374904, 0.6588232009189999, -0.969989202278, -0.719676197896, 0.258689344797, 0.271151591781, 0.841090821411, -0.542091128309, 0.49770015513000004, 0.779878286103, 0.5976072346519999, 1.42543638557, 1.0705435716399998, 0.9819466664309999, 0.168781355267, 0.18290966941, 0.10205902934599999, 0.9819466664309999, 1.00726278114, -0.0356118739326, 0.024539509896400004, 0.693652566132, 0.726281459877, 0.0231135996852, 0.6081115411399999, 0.51869802823, -1.78054167729, -3.52608499198, -0.769676332376, -0.174334241015, -0.0383522545774, -1.37752072467, -0.832835240134, -1.2658001847700002, -1.6998593174], [1.4501383480399999, 0.22972201865699998, -0.848271311058, 0.146709037488, 0.110838601725, 0.294732408773, -0.12784849216, -0.29489650577300003, 0.654484826179, 0.7005147534739999, 0.7960804878219999, 1.73451862819, 0.38835548660700003, 2.61321541993, 1.6929770113299998, 0.359080954597, 0.32873815726100003, 0.725543081089, 0.7734475448360001, -0.31535785307799996, -0.08705723944610001, -0.28245858013700004, -0.0535158848998, 0.31806177815000003, -0.660230489498, -0.430738346864, -0.11126337577400001, -0.474413928293, -1.20163271471, -2.2138044457799997, -0.8782636616320001, 0.536226489193, -0.20738195007, -0.982352079011, -1.8173415869799998, -1.71531350182, -1.15124308635], [0.6356391289609999, 0.783266067721, 0.613766511591, 0.7252367626199999, 0.149018623794, 0.68758605931, 0.0, 0.0, 1.16799814146, 0.0, 0.0, 0.07070715588189999, 0.189832398301, -0.13383017855, -0.0588699608851, 0.668577616372, 0.31931536395599996, 0.39918620201899996, 0.17482635684599998, 0.400274253244, -0.0944229966339, 0.0, 0.418602706815, -0.152157547744, 0.28625301459, 0.47758884803400004, 0.597279750241, 0.74951888225, -2.0846475199700003, -2.2826559309, 0.5823548904720001, 0.0, 0.0, -2.02279920961, 0.7712687136640001, -1.81243063896, -2.2262834648900003], [1.08116372151, 0.62746288783, 0.621094829286, 0.483520731894, 0.294198465375, 0.540501441265, -1.51557769482, -0.39981694840899995, 1.3453760304499998, -0.090505643783, -0.09535872867589999, 0.348836748431, 0.7563314231999999, -0.0510350198446, -0.38210282968099996, 0.15024889496, 1.11421602471, 0.35861624064900005, 0.505001445594, 0.413181646397, 0.371290704461, -0.0838079014932, 0.6865455812219999, -0.638611223033, -0.555908728442, 0.152603753045, 0.766333019409, 0.753871115008, -0.7018152269050001, -1.61544798588, -0.277383031697, 2.07904172438, -0.248795198922, -2.30112838898, 0.0, -2.11577986213, -2.37636201638], [0.8785945717550001, -0.461877395432, 0.6579722956899999, 0.968866166825, -0.296996480261, -0.670863946753, 0.870339942978, 0.167952341243, 2.48577166933, -0.8861070756589999, 0.963262683252, 1.41957499633, 0.20057881973299999, 0.5741694661819999, 1.79662956591, -0.695033020719, 0.27494284892799997, 0.26295926042, 0.431432807406, -0.498453521013, -0.627752019983, 0.0, 0.0135763377236, -0.795917160578, 0.0829878435327, -0.233246909495, 0.0692893607739, 0.446518456853, -0.7815493955159999, -1.14177096067, 0.0, 0.0, -0.013318305465100001, -1.28451368608, 0.0, -1.8009986958200002, -2.37702086143], [1.60291862127, -0.291785863894, -0.5966512205, -0.155071632344, 0.8953702445630001, -0.150176050485, 0.963377820561, 1.1913779762899999, 2.1199332446200003, -0.228415805131, 0.561656482666, 1.6244129921000001, 0.315552383572, -0.32428228904, 2.05581976374, -1.8916133670299997, 1.16604244472, -0.8006849134630001, 0.92225270049, -1.17818823003, -0.616337481494, -1.75021107787, 0.0806419934682, -0.387401800927, -1.29953036746, -0.673509304948, -0.020995374444, 0.272094830055, -1.08904543751, -1.35605522616, -0.031541820693, 0.602313632279, -0.19954719671799998, -0.052345310479, -0.41175644274000006, -0.0808042429552, -0.7878146740880001], [1.03046316675, 0.8550222572939999, -1.0928425165200002, 0.47428111716300003, -0.512532180709, 0.0480350024182, 1.06214520247, 0.645989998066, 0.71205669737, 1.23866138976, 1.10945794285, 1.0988912504100001, 0.933600015287, 0.974406963907, -1.56835450095, 0.519871144913, -0.24247661545200003, -0.132395175586, -1.73155806817, 0.390345527025, 0.44959818138700003, 0.44635121345600004, -1.70400291374, 0.7210259372519999, 0.288406507456, 1.25133533809, -0.732283712543, 0.279837790528, 0.563835884539, 0.632918104149, -0.507709410115, -0.492056024628, -1.47917757569, -0.33364636148000004, -1.7801646471700001, -1.47914767822, -1.93818925157], [0.880141976596, -0.42184967445200006, -0.337931474691, 0.335809136638, 0.0287205921885, -0.38349855047200004, 0.970691934878, 0.486302522183, 0.9017625039399999, 1.07491040309, 0.901502663371, -0.10259835136800001, 0.505743076753, 0.570824179265, 0.11310381696699999, 0.247052526283, 0.362974124123, -0.35986963473000005, -1.5419493432, 0.269703903884, -0.621451135531, 0.378286349653, 0.27197168485, 0.73398613655, 1.42240684403, 2.0001892292299996, -0.34242447653, 0.0248727117625, 1.39790119036, -1.1683169730399998, -2.1479226381400003, -2.13581137961, -0.331556420731, 0.447965734234, -2.06277691569, -0.880079861865, -1.48878641079], [0.0262100557596, -0.382011431677, -0.0434647938341, 0.348813434885, 0.780427375382, 0.398107001052, 1.39151596821, 1.1161611259, 1.20247225034, 1.10027424157, 0.956952092319, 0.775659852123, 0.61000178351, 0.6572785075240001, 0.769458669985, -0.21451536378, 0.995330411556, 0.8545499694059999, -1.9823280535699999, -0.157002801349, 0.12223798549699999, 0.541813079291, 0.308739024295, 0.306897137124, -0.7864009190219999, 0.463826896082, -0.305100735621, 0.379007748855, -1.03398019998, -0.108150024539, -2.22081745125, -0.43625913975, -0.43320082946800004, -1.8025579217200003, -2.084014805, 0.103655822469, -2.21958596257], [1.47958589272, 0.198356817616, 0.06987852148910001, 0.8849721760700001, 1.06309761341, -0.910269415767, 1.12547342005, -0.129619209098, 0.296594315562, 1.3625566698700002, 1.01959837794, 0.802381572479, 0.36119785422399997, 0.0082014894317, 0.984345786303, -0.247832140927, 1.4214592977899998, 0.973357159266, -1.41746629348, -0.47622002740099995, 0.558931403164, -0.26951415756499997, -1.2812635375, 0.8684409490170001, 0.8707655989299999, 0.887441685473, 0.332138350696, -1.3103206267, -1.2855758665600001, 0.026205109730799998, -1.61077817894, -1.26040308111, 0.100566314667, -1.5266624118599998, -0.992731715238, -1.47121882162, -1.50567089213], [0.231767665613, -1.19977919764, -0.9550490605419999, -1.25421815756, 1.80056835449, -0.45231831385399995, 0.653408461999, -0.00766160498243, 0.246640455384, 1.3126355865500001, 1.5003376810799998, 1.28124599848, 0.933069724823, 1.2796634555700002, -0.598964334864, -1.18642389931, 0.453925721425, -0.35787756965800005, -0.188104391469, 0.102810064047, 0.200347961298, 0.0, -2.29247580622, 0.41762626778899997, 0.683935988224, 0.934893647766, 0.241732888581, 0.656092453251, 0.465881478637, 0.82842579952, -1.8852806357799998, 0.0, 0.08256078631710001, -1.30570032097, -1.04253928274, -0.7197797579909999, -0.8613981072589999], [0.312528793621, -0.0518175211163, 0.496772785096, 0.418765522104, 0.604074134988, 0.632352014747, -0.5825921134250001, -0.908672602863, -0.874889463353, -0.5311660172079999, 0.454413528623, 1.26079460141, 0.7212300761470001, 1.34612546204, -0.366463837711, -1.03194319939, 1.74830120975, 1.02637790206, -0.0998980431809, 0.106316562643, -0.320104998371, 0.0661433613534, -1.5103921953200001, 0.35944941764, 1.0429764630399998, 2.00854289022, 0.993199350442, -0.0773259229802, 0.39867440571400004, 0.910119044285, -1.5043495613100002, 0.18947850482999998, -0.8490682217100001, -1.8851543712999999, -1.74573126462, -1.3685900128600001, -1.38847668405], [0.856956273153, -0.6783011085259999, 2.00712833664, 0.611579076598, -0.608218779324, -0.7900507808830001, 2.31646889225, 1.469777184, 1.7968429763299998, -0.822449640561, -0.365298419631, 2.08313531268, 1.12638331489, -0.576402397589, 1.22310958234, 0.6324587462219999, -0.223337131627, -0.7945349755169999, -0.5531239421140001, -0.434779576497, 0.704160108287, -0.7342544119609999, -0.654839644779, -0.613321856771, 0.000736327747835, -0.619523967769, -0.774495569681, 1.02988334799, -0.5811409343639999, -0.807266841354, -0.635584911509, -0.7832489734229999, -0.7364470675270001, -0.63807224975, -0.710691604923, -0.8391284831999999, -0.8841062098639999], [-0.549122875005, -0.844915127061, 1.6298800244100002, -0.308518929011, 0.15781184214500002, -0.0512656761597, 2.22453525868, 1.5090363595899998, 0.0536575560257, -0.446480488474, -0.20451771009, 1.8450513500299999, 1.6089090962600001, -0.896608519103, 1.3948244033300001, -0.239159271864, -0.754322811295, -0.751352802242, 0.47057253172700003, 1.16879144378, -0.318067578513, -0.762317684334, -0.7549394121780001, -0.9071773759209999, -0.873856740745, -0.8397054272139999, -0.746045630358, 1.80961484965, -0.831456043857, 1.28729830677, -0.857732338854, -0.885378657475, -0.919354160333, -0.402144791158, 0.213965121369, -0.900441336183, -0.329066756322], [0.8917903054790001, 0.865040738609, 2.21073247314, -0.42136161421400004, -0.194780368558, -0.604408793372, 2.2160776097099997, -0.410290825109, -0.547714628267, -0.455975539631, -0.31908207042500003, 3.23367610056, 0.775646084302, -0.466140907004, -0.491720156576, 0.25941239280699996, -0.48890889809199994, -0.603673816738, -0.442303020093, -0.149156992559, 2.6492708835900003, -0.39581059122, 0.040252022750400004, -0.503218144064, -0.520287623554, -0.392427744556, -0.493339385009, -0.40814723373000006, -0.405939046916, -0.48870208413500005, -0.5737259615910001, -0.544894141864, -0.5432835985310001, -0.5788729693029999, -0.61012467517, -0.494923330222, -0.5926844504500001], [-0.662850690063, 0.451687425263, 2.7400761218299996, 0.13393221394000002, 0.7315308113150001, -0.682541617358, 1.1888346828299998, 0.669920718552, -0.503609137951, -0.40283673724299995, -0.21623289535, 1.54072129321, 0.652294119097, 1.50764980838, 2.40305974454, -0.34655322916299997, -0.671219984945, -0.7049884198630001, -0.166838829718, 0.165462451864, 0.639779469239, 2.1326681607599998, -0.692485557744, -0.487901975374, -0.678217481669, -0.7352445996349999, -0.664590363917, -0.67130593721, -0.621844092077, -0.723456860364, -0.733409641555, -0.7513957670579999, -0.7611967811049999, -0.769225705016, -0.7650690534550001, -0.8223510812829999, -0.7222505817120001], [-0.7251413079860001, -0.839909598998, 1.01336524888, -1.06006045485, -0.837395265148, -0.43641859027900004, 2.3963756521, 1.09586472795, 0.331131462401, 0.434344917843, 0.358473442768, 1.79655885743, 0.60902849117, -0.947652215961, 0.835984545866, 0.483284302941, -0.9892405606, -0.114254926865, -0.822767015419, 1.1539871853399999, 0.562395694233, 1.60567468465, 0.679967533681, -1.0761648191600002, 1.53479776217, 1.0818510592200001, -1.0919524731399999, -0.187945581389, -0.711236603903, -0.86075596233, -0.949785173534, -0.9144205434839999, -0.94063367044, -0.8801058438510001, -0.964120135232, -0.9786567324519999, 0.355531906387], [-0.700553047182, -0.658572819926, 1.900774615, 0.0846897809351, 0.0841216438634, -0.7556296652210001, 1.5705860761300001, 0.371235531997, -0.462032364227, -0.522864881559, 0.933594919104, 1.1379259042399998, 1.5527181365600002, 2.18436043498, 0.0372603681431, 1.12198997469, 0.49041876506300003, 1.3659392044999998, 0.261094908449, -0.630230175578, -0.798238225706, 0.7655776962279999, 1.50415130303, -0.77150539861, -0.772658871656, -0.7993389554510001, -0.99287189644, 0.745966934562, -0.970271965559, -0.62272744111, -0.975648342409, -0.7330010695029999, -1.1033553514399999, -1.05319475297, -0.98327720216, -0.938812306822, -0.86762146395], [-0.497489928639, -1.9663308162400002, 0.387754304743, 0.120661632206, -0.125085057793, -0.239174443187, 0.681566328064, -0.422530663994, -0.919364302139, -0.08860173854520001, 1.14924150456, 0.736448830756, 0.918112924674, 1.2333411640799998, 0.384922889339, 1.0188830189700002, 0.302493283308, -0.063883542269, 0.692572928695, -0.571676122565, -0.0288199440686, 0.749878488864, 0.9958564479109999, -0.7556935420790001, 1.44970564841, 0.9549704884100001, 0.058302768110800006, 1.29382730073, -1.47555983847, 0.968199479233, -1.95153361057, 0.39250008605400005, -1.1488739987, -1.9175285323099998, -2.21287566036, 0.09513725510910001, -0.19935503031100002], [-0.618402627358, 1.2398640785500001, 0.16797024219700002, -0.222478043141, 1.1296345788, 1.3900609050100001, 1.7190917607099998, 2.090656687, 2.1460597345099997, -0.313643014692, -0.44790454910099997, 0.126430432289, 1.13510111407, -0.7776503178309999, 0.514430221871, -0.0307191674482, -0.282467816412, -0.0484325208782, -0.615337939495, -0.21786636593400002, 2.17146681053, -0.813131266954, -0.631771717939, 0.573414343585, -0.7512977991609999, -0.680889714421, -0.500088318293, -0.5560191430179999, -1.10349172847, 0.655037558638, -1.00847284412, -0.253963507165, -1.14937797091, -1.13898406846, -1.11354607435, -0.8135055385690001, -0.969776413645], [0.749902641297, 2.23358019529, 0.103492450012, 0.0513007911315, 0.8410577872920001, 2.02196853079, -0.9485119311299999, 0.979850995942, 1.02429800348, -1.02186138717, 1.25319412868, 0.752804611278, 0.688709922618, -0.841017410443, 0.7548160777580001, 1.08204764411, -1.0043724105299998, 0.894771017801, 0.0062146291658, -0.971284292338, 1.36801618253, -0.8560191767730001, -0.866997336287, -0.9829487763439999, -1.02139372964, -0.09840959287260001, 0.996527299694, -1.0126180753799998, -1.02798743131, -0.857828485817, 0.3014638785, 0.178777226564, -0.974456816353, -0.9275195661390001, -1.0400969986, -0.905297747014, -0.924172849801], [-0.287867277235, 1.35242954806, 0.831142855769, -0.705934272659, 0.0918621092099, 1.35627583074, 0.214335015098, 0.949386132798, 1.1200499691799999, -0.346120083227, -0.0564142251171, -1.09786193096, 1.10149806569, 0.8640670355519999, 1.2257244491200001, 0.349234405612, 0.69223221978, 0.0681151599133, 1.34730544479, 1.00019552707, 1.1684746681799998, -1.4962509168, -0.916728085746, 0.563642442329, -0.878124655897, -1.34208165003, 0.96077967684, -1.2743353636499999, -1.2518423025, 0.7710767411730001, -1.31642309824, -0.41315651677799997, -1.34819766687, -1.2637050930299998, -1.2189232511, 0.44712785568400004, -1.2609887627299998], [-0.8146911631110001, 0.0638803020232, 0.0662177202574, -1.01712270257, 1.05145821816, 1.61141744414, -0.274360476258, 0.114969624474, 1.03060750655, -0.370091172253, 1.39139431968, 0.726572053343, 0.904853657066, 1.32543389547, 0.468584327444, 0.8716235037379999, -1.03101649406, 0.910448598013, 1.4913253648, -0.568690992483, 1.0211231059399999, -0.794527455722, -1.0705050686700002, -0.0632467539458, -1.14913470603, -1.06202524465, 1.6030103302899998, -1.03049388968, -1.15652280817, 0.303031548523, -1.00249378985, -0.322317647581, -1.1733124427200001, -1.02415527335, -1.22614547276, 1.4118306902200002, -1.21692865628], [-0.13194768680400001, 0.812847253716, 0.31196961406199997, -1.21915040269, 0.869462162378, 1.89827481508, -0.11080568057199999, 0.11764190939300001, 0.323217373189, -1.3336500963700002, 1.02330723804, 0.8343401338140001, 1.01030659424, 0.8729362590459999, 0.030820670485400003, 0.0619677781898, 0.7788931550849999, 0.621659103072, 1.772831222, 0.980336324412, 0.873401451477, 0.160390124517, -0.652888482158, 0.7383442114129999, -2.23961136659, -2.13266610106, -0.0272462324253, -2.1975203595, -0.228931400793, -0.36922848922300006, 0.115123931637, -0.49679217205799997, -0.747046894455, -0.528404472194, -0.862119665624, -0.128960557533, -0.801101265203], [-0.0842623864967, 0.726570829252, 1.5781615448100001, -1.51778257975, 0.831387004743, 0.279300838403, -0.7493352760359999, 0.467149455616, 0.0647972814523, 0.230949325341, 1.17061630879, 0.753806130005, 0.383139541387, 1.82409005632, -0.265354155909, 0.8945898073649999, 0.0864079698498, -0.05713720552590001, 0.119846968455, -1.13059419723, 0.758458371928, -1.18605715229, -0.308869752354, 1.7800548985900002, -0.757303866615, -1.14565679772, 0.312148421498, -0.985777329694, -1.59662111594, 1.81104149988, -0.47212764428099996, 0.25583171924000003, -1.4147342731900001, -1.38110139574, -1.26804281832, 0.9023032942010001, -0.909893320019], [0.887837429136, 0.910071300051, 0.5505667694080001, 0.984340338036, 0.763760066618, 1.20313145666, 0.19441018133699997, 0.654291559017, 0.635321164234, 0.623952749145, 0.618316533897, 0.809771240688, 0.530628849936, 1.1174594491299998, 0.586441970552, 0.527768509092, 0.671246277366, 1.1710610847399998, 0.786281891309, 0.510917454102, 0.616124245814, 0.276979966847, -1.67586956057, 0.07984681158750001, -1.29506336137, -1.51616002989, -0.479327171177, -1.1186475204700002, 0.07427586586189999, -1.41747404743, -1.61989096252, -1.2939042514399999, 0.46917951407200004, -1.22312214171, -1.75914041754, -1.4514955941299998, -1.4038876203900001], [0.00665036446809, 0.627244047627, 0.644520434083, 0.357657844592, 0.783235999135, 0.619640390448, 0.539498574904, 0.501524156262, 0.151123506471, 0.47547066361199997, 0.553930901126, 0.703620590626, 0.669437033761, 0.247865421654, 0.7323828861470001, 0.356418594696, 0.45881572990599995, 0.439609184321, 0.483969943872, 0.7314872630660001, 0.685035497791, 0.53105412871, -1.8807561063799998, 0.595984974292, -2.62630346622, -2.58398984514, 0.61069512645, -0.7966230102159999, -0.379231581755, -0.23485714107099998, -1.861447935, -0.19385953758000002, 0.222232323511, 0.510984860483, -0.5130047696410001, 0.376297771494, -2.5463148205], [0.7651332923209999, 0.5449329604500001, 0.372649775828, 0.39593852857, -0.101247710915, 1.0709393598, 0.326692183004, 0.9055172424169999, 0.688526797287, 0.200170110415, -0.249830793969, 0.544885678975, 0.349707753896, 0.670848779471, 0.449555720198, 0.881377423141, 0.23710114448300001, 0.9185196477940001, 0.46273149098099997, 0.439379696273, 0.18706316044500002, 0.925659150383, -1.6816672317899999, 0.209475104517, -2.7258649281700005, -2.88823056092, -0.09748620697560001, 0.0921597856341, -2.65613263412, -0.595208828517, -0.638852781209, 0.22942525983800002, 0.0489345366634, 0.526456411071, -1.0616941561700002, -0.14185409157, 0.394288930474], [-0.35366015240800003, -0.17980010829799997, -0.32658924973700004, -0.583119738693, 1.5809939165200002, 1.14256772753, 1.17101671233, 0.861562076691, -0.515957452477, -0.0169073475217, 0.851071607545, 1.76939122308, 1.00144465375, 0.738269959624, 0.753968064093, -0.43751260625699995, -0.20744697577100002, 0.34919682415200004, -0.716331373338, 0.678994603405, 1.3821779971500001, -0.742008597159, -1.4336726948899998, 1.56674519349, -1.6121081499, -1.7066254220100001, -1.0498667965100001, -1.1587297141600001, -0.776469562707, -0.22318462908000003, 0.487567632865, -0.31372807827599997, 0.565828103506, 0.311385347696, -1.6234269165900002, 0.425845818807, -1.66088189646], [0.61570317303, 1.71489240029, -0.29245473778700004, 0.49062323315800005, -0.336317564622, 0.533894791565, 0.6043641241809999, 0.818808179312, 0.137890611153, 1.1799579174400001, -1.38819327433, 0.860076536341, 1.76193006905, 0.6959464996539999, 0.702758990109, -0.045649202405400005, -0.8120821928829999, 1.2743142651600001, 0.0210431235486, -0.592469270299, 0.1080301218, 0.896177746388, 0.6383864321399999, 0.761284241682, -1.53400373907, -0.972821181834, -1.0633661134799999, -1.64103307392, -1.7313256698700001, 0.908920699323, -0.917937593228, 0.41039481728, -1.15654565925, 0.378459440271, 0.07818052876239999, -1.4019203365000001, -1.70591833216], [1.20041858987, 0.8688171015449999, -0.058907565639899996, 0.023669043095299998, 0.787446041262, 0.45289596504199997, -0.7304515719470001, 0.5258489476129999, -0.272758850554, 0.133062530432, -0.548499108306, 0.119108526246, 1.24591847061, 1.30384016019, -0.330659317319, 1.1404461299600002, -0.961327249469, 0.124184471164, 2.1311153746000002, -0.11344836771700001, 1.42308518833, 1.3923291697799998, -0.836088158768, 0.9306396377299999, -1.16109811601, -1.23501350733, -1.13251005466, -0.9835032509639999, -1.3033994313, 0.6668215298260001, -0.684804976934, 0.911312569145, -1.30503174298, -1.32791917032, -1.4074230838, 0.39215717677699996, -1.3802730991999999], [0.491464564032, -0.7452061205830001, -0.39782996079899996, 0.405815015038, 2.8058640040099996, -0.29229810105099996, -0.0433899518112, 1.32455725587, 0.15483045812899998, 1.4439823067700002, 0.21311268846200002, -0.656056708967, -0.717934353952, 0.0438440530611, -1.21929495384, 0.6577117129, -0.431294061385, 0.277549189349, -0.197518676345, 0.419094978444, -0.6896596554369999, -0.5640725089249999, 0.7052668245360001, 0.7052668245360001, -1.7408516326499999, -1.53189457641, 0.929928460642, -0.148742925706, -1.9178729018599998, -0.582560976858, 0.859616274278, -0.151184661859, 1.14876649724, -1.9896217285, 0.107327383222, 1.23992786028, 0.0833581061448], [1.4929920115000002, -0.526724570263, -0.12895809629899999, 1.7677730985599998, 0.8732802358990001, -0.516593336943, 0.518587921056, 1.2583984383, -0.355230034202, 0.38247135634900004, 0.587650267106, 0.359898889027, -0.946772498953, 1.0552287392, 0.265985589552, -0.427127296914, 0.390694537763, 0.374037981438, 0.08521942575639999, 0.583509519299, 0.08681656401219999, -0.214724182767, 0.11570388284600001, 1.50282603216, -1.79530954605, -1.8197908876599997, 0.109242209548, -1.6968150639, -2.30718526979, 0.118475892511, 0.616978243246, 0.0911315440151, 0.126897434083, -2.0007342724400003, -1.07878227029, 1.07621320366, -0.025265690404500003], [1.8365227795599997, 0.334748830434, 0.41770653356, 2.6134310912400003, 1.4122333630500001, -0.181869693874, -0.642296603201, -0.48466595924999994, 0.119084357851, -0.107753192874, 0.989076643149, -0.41340780664800003, -0.046732219273300006, 0.813663128855, -1.06448908797, 0.5648486811469999, -0.416162954343, 0.246134694892, 0.7428118690719999, 0.263968608179, 1.59365561421, -0.46881066356299994, 0.482869716004, 1.1367917365200002, -0.9831162524279999, -1.20739503302, 0.169053494798, -0.535799668516, -2.20572622711, -0.264027616673, 0.0600239731663, 0.06071812431919999, -0.24468056626499998, -1.21083215496, -0.35024445427900003, -1.02231916765, -2.00701391812], [0.562435508829, -0.554559923969, -0.057530168864, 0.579103276539, 1.37312279665, -0.714935749785, -0.5710459562219999, 0.0107894798198, 0.149913980201, 0.747634230314, 0.941575093285, -0.498193320724, 0.116270693708, 0.29989758685, -1.35054381989, 0.9531093485079999, 0.494467288894, 0.9531093485079999, 1.09511875231, 0.633942755224, 1.5280582569699999, 0.382853556043, 0.85443869526, 1.96712914125, -1.3151963668200002, -1.35964725593, 0.506152024938, -0.900048100273, -2.17506682004, -0.278118288669, 0.131753515519, -0.345752887049, 0.17636911412, -2.6566256211400003, -0.673190494414, -0.123435696511, -0.8833539734289999], [0.18855371943500002, 0.765048587481, 0.30624251012, 0.73047169382, 0.735716718099, -0.259934934111, 0.08519978870850001, 0.405263937735, 1.13186817486, 0.15150908349099998, -0.042905517280400006, 0.770528428813, 0.5098760832379999, 0.7899970896080001, 0.253787758835, 1.56323211058, 0.584547998998, 0.37914001875, 1.0042562450599999, 0.42030994995, 1.6452128926499998, 0.08381167323699999, 0.413018401082, 1.05326994206, -0.9487339157189999, -1.59121281724, -0.105200225284, -0.627817042428, -2.42423599813, -0.608632676212, -0.0270685162642, -0.685880503793, -1.25107570112, -1.93739057691, 0.0, -1.4544057904899999, -2.00636859162], [-0.563983920194, -0.457499968698, -0.89651765439, 0.158067476426, 1.55083331942, -0.318327171297, 0.622945906739, 0.613030999789, 0.844993898347, 0.991362533946, 0.910212022743, 0.0948274823876, 0.427379033772, 0.09220307351280001, -0.548677963244, 1.47860024146, 0.0272406032194, 0.870327182534, 1.37733641294, 0.166208081444, 0.919473160554, -0.53365239948, -0.00998104348275, 1.8120840088999999, -1.3663373427399998, -2.27710315216, -0.47656458965099996, -0.766152656674, -1.96142237064, 0.849148306735, 0.0618794704783, 0.589659241912, -0.510866765718, -1.29093550489, 0.0, -0.868494509304, -1.6112954447], [-0.91010622776, 0.156271956643, -0.508193959721, -0.0850821272705, 1.51759130761, -0.468927680517, 0.455204389248, 0.992941521202, 0.7246681400399999, 1.53666466872, 1.0430518497, 0.228714990127, -0.27197123653099997, 0.08645612221480001, -1.11486643237, 1.3185486527399999, 0.384964218195, 0.185168938378, 1.03138285681, -0.334370128706, 2.0141354877400004, -0.0818955637485, 0.0876860616659, 0.36316492939000006, -2.35304953419, -1.39795205928, -0.546879155567, -0.511602718285, -1.8524974137, 1.1450143022100001, 0.506084816657, 0.42026244375200006, -0.578216533376, -1.14055558361, 0.0, -0.48811195299099996, -1.5536993454199999], [0.584929830135, -0.9307680894679999, -1.48819191307, 0.0154508530117, 1.43730730467, 1.8174476976099998, -1.16578689642, -0.601142967001, -0.333232653309, -0.09669210289480001, 0.10765958228900001, 2.66914375797, -0.225046958142, 1.4067074435, 0.196945818911, 0.66605648859, 0.677751657905, -0.18568618409899998, 0.7608451376500001, -0.347138805112, 0.00158442241563, 0.620082042274, -1.15343831138, 0.28328675231600003, -0.720531289138, -0.0938367274034, 0.508419874274, -1.6033945625, 0.0, 0.0, -0.18191195726700002, -1.9863695415400002, -0.012492775945899998, 0.0, -0.627956928839, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0730547156299999, -0.39373189235100003, -1.4779946258399999, 0.269045706698, 2.06231462084, 1.2648669380600002, 0.0418411203592, -0.5415975281090001, 0.479559867681, 0.46780586709399996, 1.22723353377, 1.81774733197, 0.032597356661099995, 0.449085980911, -0.5308008357949999, 1.28580833955, -0.398384969217, 0.48268912542099995, 1.1580344761299999, -0.0228474963531, 0.20675111027100002, -0.112874602326, -0.933701892597, 0.592870630735, -1.74902161271, -1.6874359257799998, 0.960340629575, -0.669867478131, -1.4304081188, 1.12595609424, -0.27315441473900004, -0.609561747015, 0.011464780753699999, -1.42164090883, -1.28355059091, -0.947513476385, -0.52498011047], [0.0385269182864, 0.593465238003, -1.78902625783, 0.637730750573, 2.02266882771, 0.5252307389109999, -0.031198466025700002, -0.031198466025700002, 1.47708854776, 1.67666302318, 0.956340674351, 0.07498765282339999, 1.04512999451, 0.593465238003, -0.448497293179, -0.6877636905940001, -0.805209149592, -0.7620735238799999, 0.867356417498, -0.37975649145499996, 0.719192736584, 0.795518654747, -1.19612170645, 0.623466840457, -1.45555676581, -1.83171966802, -0.5403973181930001, -1.50150400232, 0.0, 0.0, -0.28663389855099997, -0.582904174548, -0.317271380929, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.427147138949, 0.8245713366680001, -0.8573032558499999, 1.85713553409, 2.31715935405, 1.48346274889, -0.427958913045, -0.362857186049, 0.33424078648899996, 0.645427631805, -0.24369239737, -0.35279957753799995, 0.346163769299, 2.2025768384799997, -0.37825349252400003, -0.322105343543, -0.236876921979, 3.27721224951, -0.46533253154299997, -0.7731903423280001, -0.23669218816399998, -0.8282377401119999, -0.64190253363, -0.637950978933, -0.6067112882869999, -0.46187232507200005, -0.42584813790799997, -0.466867243243, -0.43132183366099996, -0.470866347768, -0.5645384164289999, -0.563441491079, -0.407098202163, -0.33021231599399997, -0.757287930784, -0.838850643169, -0.625027810079], [-0.460159522362, 1.6320206047699999, 0.856382552242, 0.559234656225, 1.6884716445299999, 1.62369032724, -0.8988920336570001, -0.486875795177, 1.1222809610100002, -0.321933016007, 0.932384019964, -0.821795096126, 1.532834475, 1.44290633764, -0.6048534876199999, 0.0154123003946, -0.509742461747, 1.6978199454700003, 1.256930976, -0.317862838024, 0.330827148631, 0.7291515196430001, -0.9286823540270001, -0.39499343600599995, -1.03543059153, -1.03250377424, 1.1515135578, -1.00684876346, -0.553321252344, -0.847921079565, -0.8188644475669999, -0.67047795817, -1.01879795, -1.0225293341700001, -0.958066559685, -0.954004044244, -0.907305230842], [-0.635347202883, -0.507924913732, -0.7287740343179999, -0.6229554312300001, 1.8335370589099997, 1.33387031809, -0.533710551519, -0.28958636159699996, 0.6899258750630001, -0.56590003272, -0.505416551729, 0.840030067164, 2.32906082856, 1.8851568763, -0.200682377879, 1.75323343616, -0.710945210588, 1.93360308806, -0.138164185414, -0.443390029106, -0.67555748509, -0.736639648583, -0.624976168543, -0.615373713091, -0.45829604662, -0.628348354377, 2.13980287441, -0.7346979756049999, -0.680355035405, 0.0703924536151, -0.58503286637, -0.658331389013, -0.8601322564, -0.21166128824799998, -0.00679015046492, -0.845411580398, -0.6042120353989999], [-0.078181129948, 0.0175716936875, 0.593834903975, -0.518881766312, 1.4594551237200002, 1.0978558169600001, -0.499902812052, 0.5005210389, 0.431020415426, -1.0678655913700001, -1.0569398326600001, -1.00681029283, 0.28675666292700003, 0.226825504513, 1.15510239732, 0.6927937084739999, 0.8211083525409999, -0.5993404668519999, 1.31280519931, 0.8812474257089999, 0.592946149199, 0.43280331137100003, 0.14417615810999998, 0.856303041666, 0.300874397882, 0.649373997878, 1.5155059249200002, 0.064675696809, -0.928113481299, 0.30258188433, -0.18850630007199998, -1.10399428097, -0.441974853039, -1.1905525324700001, -2.2514386401400004, -3.0820715468799995, -0.321565278724], [-0.06150602980830001, -0.32404530452799996, 0.809572740414, 0.548334894872, 1.57998428991, 1.07088904833, -0.663538902507, 0.631102233585, 0.00164048557726, 0.024059800101999998, -0.836778584669, -1.10386606144, -0.429386267093, -1.2521107710100001, 1.71752882454, 0.371454558742, 0.29526759746, 0.0765302023412, 1.62344721207, 0.9580444677750001, 1.3511514031799998, 0.896660740302, 0.0824724191635, 0.7038159272869999, -0.243390172815, -0.437908849724, 1.26252554084, -0.381814532155, -0.6881206399500001, -1.2007184417299999, -0.684535432722, -1.07552126873, 0.340435768464, -1.4664678735499999, -0.149192436039, -2.99548813976, -0.35052844673699995], [0.534303339114, -0.08831315717110001, 0.47994714562299995, -0.335937741318, 2.41618753494, 1.60562804536, -1.05851834815, -0.301255154533, 0.35781628416, -0.640218595336, -1.59744020387, -0.9720488286299999, -0.22885886691100002, -0.24774067363699998, -1.2814365914799999, 0.35781628416, 0.863481825969, 0.946887670737, 1.5079945842299998, 0.693401042088, -0.135042019978, -0.129468592028, 0.703449660389, 0.05959791219050001, -0.09371367102849999, 0.6318153051550001, 0.8172876688940001, 0.40330158085900003, 0.267610917719, 0.655034015093, -0.7179844306919999, 0.36759977057, -1.71412170664, -1.44509108991, -1.27450270347, -2.26196118431, 0.854492971855], [-0.655518212957, 0.45216065369499997, -0.7659979030699999, -1.30269725394, 2.8483818977, 0.003908833149030001, 0.238037196979, -0.303272806188, 0.7320529628039999, -0.40993988492, -1.05590576573, -0.117473416811, 0.46632897649, -0.22740146827399998, -0.517415806494, -0.466791330331, 0.575701283974, 0.10708994507000001, 0.39910188138, 0.686947550167, 0.832746506682, -0.267466664824, 0.0705034909024, 1.72378848631, -0.35702693409100006, 0.414644930456, 0.040557714872900004, 1.48168203125, -0.540408873067, 2.2385072934599997, -1.19250092014, -0.156351656781, -0.380402556663, -1.36230747664, 0.0, -1.7644425971000002, -1.46882010731], [0.747589309592, -0.07563757092989999, 0.300485860968, -2.20391680088, 0.713110662561, 0.7165465202339999, -1.6988914419299999, 0.719081850695, 0.09375852494069999, 1.2909027765899999, 0.617423873584, -0.08174268362430001, 0.0488651652401, -0.0837192254043, 0.9565208591509999, 0.0507470362106, 0.9081648568649999, -2.30023626795, 0.807084140788, 0.738505529963, 1.1065533109, 0.629403194559, -0.0667034173608, 0.8016209423639999, 1.30940283821, 0.422295789867, 1.19433855085, -0.55544632069, 0.0260402639604, -0.17212513641199997, -0.773658380438, -0.46343830083000004, -1.41508313276, -1.61863230044, -0.0790512617799, -2.00709988228, -0.603059734382], [-1.10140908452, -1.24348382097, -1.01539412272, -2.16878299824, 1.3709422759399998, -0.43681688181199996, -0.390159752518, 0.156838163892, -0.182550934635, 1.4055153632100001, 0.36649522793300005, -0.48856336720399995, -0.514718295924, 0.48562821709799997, -0.0726414235284, 1.01149302396, 0.744934535178, 0.8212740657359999, 2.00559030197, 0.5628590791170001, 0.400842975364, 0.43450308994099995, 0.580933762684, -0.021684657132200004, 0.9064076398370001, 1.2128173499600001, 0.6330400794650001, -0.260560945479, 0.36649522793300005, 0.679666673128, -2.1513935431999998, -0.163532878322, -0.0584739124697, -1.7248043067299998, 0.0, -1.7028706413699999, -0.448435485577], [0.273678579365, -1.2090208981000001, -1.49922006709, 0.9026621231749999, 0.442457987145, 1.5961538813999998, -0.258883589743, 0.6499172246, -0.5399234532, 1.12199892396, 0.737013861679, -0.273634638145, 0.24697825548799998, 0.0341604751995, 0.275863936829, 0.595353820229, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.49862346197, 1.3880473901100001, -1.37129942421, -0.0020854356147, 0.335934849411, -0.6366342413399999, 0.0, 1.3922648333, 0.5309622506180001, -0.5012517957779999, 0.475064806475, -0.42789432417499995, 0.24138145709000003, -0.277890511628, -1.55392875759, -2.61006731565, -1.63973192819, 0.0629482624017], [-0.0331774249111, -0.102025078364, -0.306387076443, -0.1712259452, 0.598366767824, 0.833842457684, -0.00471792580434, 1.2315875001799999, 0.156335430553, 0.561440955096, -0.0966220949793, -1.2852926024200002, 0.802463517513, 0.5852461313880001, -0.9117047952580001, 0.0208772326499, -0.6197098238840001, -0.358319563052, 0.51197748429, 1.7354160753599999, 1.4713852046399998, -0.08954153980900001, -0.045457176892, 1.9254417215000001, -0.72006277786, 0.177930114756, 0.667092702353, -0.7411633174079999, -0.07979287667280001, 0.25552995438000004, -0.636401842877, 1.08570982872, 0.491734651011, -2.36777055643, -2.2999600741, -2.33683121411, 0.0937859765844], [-0.34779843402599997, 0.0801771347489, -1.0349908989, 0.22402559566999997, 0.474983899093, 1.3026470123799998, 0.354593593833, 0.600244794897, -0.7436999412540001, -0.186209746998, 0.08212877666730001, -1.46891178176, 0.487551864435, -0.72782142192, 0.356265379778, 1.0975894346700001, -0.604765407809, -0.333176804703, -0.28274436245, 2.1933283679400004, 0.184037963051, 0.0, 2.1350340505500003, 1.7488749648, -0.12775219971, -1.04199806189, -0.34502072358, -0.6093963621549999, -0.294714668314, -0.85051972848, -0.7050948000980001, 0.0, 1.7633249184200002, -1.6843047234200001, -1.6464864324500001, -0.701092560421, 0.651691309389], [0.290119916244, 0.0761437811503, 0.437448493539, 0.122088965858, 0.929530473033, 1.0070868101000001, -0.024976042851299996, 0.490976256122, 0.732053275968, 0.316681709312, 0.469845228289, -2.68189539096, 0.272065752783, -0.11752391057299999, 0.42219225577200004, 0.31850505743, 0.18698831820300002, 0.358496893833, 1.02388005689, 1.19797194622, 0.3454260552, 0.36414739443300004, -0.152495989341, 0.234619658741, -0.5389063210580001, 0.07213161832260001, 0.48711665567199997, -0.0681272867022, 0.100667044835, -3.0173453344300003, 0.487384209095, -0.337331571775, 0.62553285765, -0.233444562259, -3.09422481826, -1.43405468678, 0.331225230299], [0.40065663209299995, 1.14681034747, 1.1820946202200002, 0.277103574025, 1.12959856379, 1.53464760537, -0.808148697581, -0.33565629999700003, -0.889649596039, 0.36615404407200003, 0.7039046008600001, -0.806227411019, -0.9167730491830001, -0.894163070033, -0.733072875774, 1.0540462939, -0.758311453836, -0.282514520838, 0.873260975607, 1.10952266865, 1.53210267539, 0.9001268369040001, 1.10087649176, 1.76795609503, -1.05300388706, -1.07082730612, 1.15265361517, -0.819753500825, -0.935305717376, -0.9491006323569999, -1.1069381969299998, -0.956869447533, 1.02422296831, -0.9703657109139999, -0.8687827196160001, -1.1654274279, -0.9348470876809999], [0.0648877024498, 0.7655545397660001, 0.29236032432799997, 0.7691318094390001, 1.9681835210299998, 0.36259473187299995, 0.24307095544500001, 0.583928970149, -0.561783848244, -0.09908171838549999, 0.5561496735320001, -0.9811693838109999, -0.07716064901360001, 0.24553358351100002, -0.133559993555, 1.63848618992, -0.8429252935349999, -0.9030639969769999, 0.294464936458, 0.773617459901, 0.511938631481, 1.65861173762, 0.486995059168, 1.7169845160400001, 0.359837383114, -0.43113874045100004, -0.37370015460600003, 0.325325846603, 0.414814973762, -1.20435326723, -1.0071622966399998, -2.0603529944799996, 0.16379513350299998, -0.22203996511100002, -2.35363587708, -1.7521031923500001, -1.1930363076200001], [0.961656549816, 0.45118051247900004, -0.013865382453100001, 1.23248631461, 1.47312057979, 0.865511624787, 0.335221955253, 0.33074359851, 0.343790805236, 0.609081292526, 1.03732904508, 1.08691527529, -0.247550698168, -1.4020989339399998, 0.524182779389, -0.0333514492553, 0.150688560403, -0.108120695167, 0.21602278216600002, 0.313100698184, 1.12645127768, 1.3836023353, 0.27471932306499997, 1.8006004166, 0.558109020685, 0.616587184654, -0.8072071757449999, -1.39449403884, -1.28778105562, -1.26937057669, -1.38546928627, -1.28600633565, -1.3295460509, -1.3241057763700002, -1.3055522931399999, -1.18086273291, -1.3157194503899998], [1.00433795345, 0.316711030706, 0.8859109321459999, -0.117269358428, 1.37934071779, 0.723862631196, 1.2948208211, 1.19333122563, -1.01891487142, 0.69272217773, 0.5129959336559999, -1.1053382848, -1.06118772894, -1.09680003837, 0.844622105914, 0.734436419993, 0.79181770781, -1.11831142001, 1.4002858560299998, 0.9199559502369999, 0.9880078456720001, 1.31994383816, 0.477557898107, 1.27175740442, -1.01310984963, 0.7206177337459999, -0.922168224611, -1.0557309615200001, -1.0663317422299998, -1.08469533864, -1.14131175777, -1.11246121611, -1.09621384441, -0.5657458721649999, -1.011703923, -0.794392906066, -1.09134884536], [-0.148348255395, 0.416413097725, -0.30962884394400003, 1.81839640593, 1.84121874393, 1.6782774842500001, 0.024580319171000002, 0.48560532284100005, -0.631339513389, -0.49421491656800004, 1.65074832604, -0.676311458502, -0.0734638938369, -0.9776575045, -0.510263041479, -0.0685228806199, 0.777245807163, -0.825473379012, 1.70898169609, 0.153885034413, 1.75785390595, 0.9206230948340001, -0.138318956329, 1.86139411056, -0.9382861834370001, -0.849840931648, -0.749941870675, -0.921448559135, -0.860193312102, -0.443009632689, -0.933713515802, -0.947495806984, -0.928954871368, -0.8268119527600001, 0.141736846248, -1.02454136982, -0.9591795451549999], [1.36614415911, -0.04967618871519999, 0.135542910276, 0.9006546343100001, 1.1101976626299999, 1.2658726976999999, -1.1348497411, -0.566103049707, -0.509049605244, 0.362778928661, -0.38850313480400006, -0.163092092667, 1.08054822088, -1.62795979123, 1.31358631113, 0.33106649308, 0.446346169097, 0.614639281831, 1.41597057181, 0.563598140617, 2.24327566192, 0.640789760212, -0.976103545195, 1.52380197505, -0.141084902791, -0.896737262723, -0.7339437193199999, -0.5531153632410001, -0.0402482806814, -1.6991868159399999, -0.922171067007, -0.148912745468, -1.03965581343, -0.547993791001, -1.49650645326, -1.3681389556299999, -0.311781259167], [1.84436253117, 0.264617941485, 0.09689509060080001, 0.0973245752486, 0.207767382938, 1.3338769205399998, -1.03554835688, 0.45764123467699996, 1.30228251123, -0.11362396762, -0.533299676499, -1.0478120023, 0.855915082887, -0.6523135898719999, 0.6918211004449999, 0.738384196612, -0.878525843117, -0.0386096886388, 1.92633635972, 0.7002723775390001, 1.8251820473500002, 0.740891501094, -0.971115377378, 0.968253396945, -1.0131459472600002, -1.42831167186, 1.28988044994, -0.9933920262999999, 0.440090103304, -1.23143646295, -1.3612673782499998, -0.434276572945, -0.218259636664, -0.8570160180740001, -1.3438147198700001, -0.739021240923, -0.891004626338], [0.613168509417, -0.7114666148469999, -1.0148848674200002, 0.08737462844689999, 0.435536330191, 0.7641798322600001, -0.9459813440070001, 0.135162189327, -0.279670795496, -0.122084126403, 0.351864866501, -1.46980562503, -1.18018675017, -0.0706244713033, 1.183172846, 0.390294797937, 0.303618598295, 1.62066191335, 1.68386204037, 0.9563603405519999, 1.6274491580300001, 0.31474935481800004, 0.19276933446199998, 2.19849106622, 0.9832657578499999, -1.25399397668, 0.949609630086, 0.0699445619422, 0.10156532817399999, -0.00896974143872, -1.56694847041, -1.3960186953, -1.0650804388, -0.622713648234, -1.2133468245299999, -0.877967631614, -1.16335706255], [0.792826098577, -0.258495837238, 1.30738650699, 0.797664803997, 2.2972986233, 1.31223858428, -0.607316258014, -0.7834237403190001, -0.6924463360619999, -0.7168633643600001, 0.334201640591, -0.42182029270000004, -0.328911131294, -0.527011991087, 1.6249597410699999, -0.5773785591030001, -0.661631824758, -0.469700648672, 1.41273198184, 1.3509935964700002, 0.820399364945, 1.4039552617299997, -0.649120533345, 1.6032280701100001, -0.7826820792929999, -0.7162067101999999, 1.43399611504, -0.739643771708, -0.707257110953, -0.6826098955230001, -1.00331835474, -0.7806175586130001, -1.06516849071, -0.9317592885250001, -0.8103914521600001, -0.82843439822, -0.7496707613439999], [1.07154148473, 0.350421898218, -0.634908195019, 1.42512258259, 2.07201723906, 1.74089179982, 0.46734615158799997, -0.522992493684, -0.718559038874, -0.557526323762, -0.532116186333, -0.758293944338, -0.530319424428, -0.656029810384, 1.57309463137, -0.7014881442640001, -0.598596376824, -0.447047001232, 1.6474351490399999, 0.8915332558490001, 1.50939259332, 1.14609329954, -0.504801797862, 1.3908306030700002, -0.754626061604, -0.692030940801, 1.33489391893, -0.728363005238, -0.813217580178, -0.835458628641, -0.8203740743800001, -0.713509258129, -0.830600266907, -0.8573076362459999, -0.794504163212, -0.802599714906, -0.815344539877], [0.35610254317900003, 1.2741203831399999, 1.19201618426, 0.702546177463, 1.9297393861099996, 1.46694996261, -0.09541511063110002, 0.161839749717, 0.260182991964, -0.949317193785, 0.762841858689, -0.9527666240870001, -0.9626424010299999, -0.87271703816, 1.03928995418, -0.35817362243900003, 0.035350190561, -0.579125618851, 1.5907282476, 0.86927974315, 1.27401459644, 1.0208936455700002, -0.966339842393, 1.11189685746, -0.973313145496, 0.50438925772, 1.14195086135, -0.859476852085, -0.995364972587, -0.73698289609, -1.15528940047, -0.995126756592, -1.08928162879, -1.01597574963, -1.10492513216, -0.974426256751, -1.05747234915], [0.805842452046, -0.319132096513, 0.31889093213, -0.574572570867, 1.74994902844, 1.4624401334700001, -0.532678566167, -0.6723115196259999, -0.697988805791, -0.651907151053, -0.476689468923, 0.0224754296339, -0.531272042943, -0.5419718131360001, 1.94707953926, -0.5914148112600001, -0.289841198887, -0.681050291663, 2.28361750677, -0.271242348962, 1.4892624078, 0.7954587891949999, -0.515022375108, 2.0869070995200003, -0.75243906778, -0.554037949594, 2.1470179482, -0.49551947877700003, -0.665866327736, -0.596122442432, -0.749835043451, -0.6280760553270001, -0.692093455338, -0.518785288082, -0.726406032147, -0.676190784814, -0.706474280089], [0.988669912952, -0.443129022446, -0.17492025325599997, -0.593766679973, 1.2852914875399999, 1.2322743721, -0.69430493594, -0.623259562609, 0.442462057714, -0.5601002584579999, -0.647315931029, -0.244608944201, -0.63110950377, -0.339848047692, 2.1044649678200003, 0.0865175230112, -0.582247486866, -0.59783446913, 2.6615853665099998, 1.00979276148, 1.74457721036, -0.555696027123, -0.423479519696, 1.8965595076, -0.744565408252, -0.675633147708, 1.72799971824, -0.36429918998800004, -0.731024175073, -0.656819481734, -0.686732728926, -0.7386772937970001, -0.623324291976, -0.657918751983, -0.710416150815, -0.7729458489650001, -0.7062177739219999], [0.911249333554, 0.570907668153, 0.39179050550300004, -0.8932778487549999, 1.71794591371, 1.8688897450400002, -0.8479764875929999, -0.712897740026, -0.8594894882100002, -0.820648815472, 0.367315481495, -0.882124596415, -0.8625168636589999, -0.822952207411, 1.5084050794600001, -0.373380882671, -0.860467908505, 0.5121718335509999, 1.1365473007, 1.52133279083, 1.41726445032, 0.602198377969, -0.697907876568, 1.6211781141600001, -0.8911729386239999, -0.767904122571, 1.57843590141, -0.8079755408820001, -0.78218478308, -0.775291499331, 0.7983311326360001, 0.159468605016, -0.518540764088, -1.04031644495, -1.0550492322299998, -0.481845384083, -0.9295108083779999], [0.782342641734, 1.24225537134, 0.20818173477200003, -0.0635329240772, 1.47586653579, 1.55441250088, -0.831516139522, -0.7297467992929999, -0.8273211170479999, -0.987393224806, 0.421658557869, -1.0402780084899999, -1.02016300345, -0.644864734135, 1.34911111366, -0.0561930073869, -0.8925042657150001, 1.4508510913600001, 1.14822365494, 0.9538914410320001, 1.48419308128, 0.84484663845, -1.0228803505600002, 1.3843533129299999, -0.840365720022, -1.12455253184, 1.3672585903799999, -0.650276511263, -1.043286355, -0.587329928098, 0.322616829703, 0.643013849451, -1.03876929956, -1.06281601918, -1.15005568076, -0.00665531356045, -1.0125760118], [0.887089983318, 0.587266977271, 0.5286044128040001, 0.106693234323, 1.34226010032, 1.31938036378, -0.6353212497590001, 0.138923689277, -0.660456504495, -1.3253917226, 0.924539221903, -1.00935325897, -0.328041942396, 0.11570467043199999, 1.1975905634000001, 0.315445670484, -1.38350527157, 1.1282067873000001, 0.9776679938510001, 0.952366370783, 1.33632266005, 0.906162339696, -1.41653047623, 0.9807117161040001, -1.39537660657, -1.2039376589700002, 1.2238549409100001, -1.2210340505, -1.4854372388600001, 0.299957051599, 0.231493210552, 0.49264157979999995, -0.17307202390299997, -1.21147387163, -1.48544023895, -1.2445868969399998, 0.186075474381], [1.77489791705, -0.204355184224, -0.843191841894, -0.490023579422, 1.8652512451900003, 0.488141991612, -0.6859048993469999, 0.316599606172, 0.855841033406, -0.826874733544, 1.6774798590600002, -0.927846646126, -0.8835464920720001, -0.9577774620239999, 1.23888638759, -0.960389531719, -0.870700234456, -0.392932701698, 0.611517693668, 1.50608897581, 1.37224323668, -0.589040200426, -0.767420868285, 1.6368455745200001, -0.57937629469, -0.963159550508, 1.6981072584799999, 0.836887142236, -0.883885223035, -0.713589775844, 0.40243902860200004, -0.20347948006900002, -0.126152116927, -0.8205849750149999, -0.833642100044, -0.882951765385, -0.874401293307], [-0.121772939165, -0.598599944499, 0.00629894856633, 1.12364622494, 1.8153804353299998, 1.92992453447, -0.492573413904, 0.927477397053, -0.566169027288, -0.0902515202018, -0.466360357835, 0.6659779109539999, -0.657676140229, -0.166294794334, 2.04164772696, -0.923968959269, -0.98167604123, -0.512802395078, 0.475669055395, 0.316194344054, 0.784069349532, 0.16837405743, 0.513558684049, 2.17192022179, -0.940929781606, -0.7649419240549999, 1.4969648894799998, -0.48308973112, -1.18564319105, -0.164967519748, -1.06123337778, -0.19507638704799998, -0.9114153754790001, 0.33026204489, -0.368206680612, -1.80914160037, -1.30457472299], [-0.5973000630749999, 0.704543681502, 0.267295863842, -0.466996059669, 2.5455081416, 2.08946748918, -0.605989796629, -0.585937908476, -0.58796853319, -0.591337963926, -0.595447348079, -0.5197701225069999, -0.5571240846809999, -0.584888854621, -0.587703792203, -0.06360818945419999, -0.653831937811, -0.514437550053, 2.46672292292, -0.554834853799, 1.2436139027600002, 1.55921724838, 0.730267916637, 1.2831872532700002, -0.645367776791, -0.594883888653, 1.96695281683, -0.531910455157, -0.571430008038, -0.510758546969, -0.49214315001500003, -0.5853772805049999, -0.604172002904, -0.532351218225, -0.518402530031, -0.632446434635, -0.5703568868209999], [-0.40846414800399994, -0.5181832210289999, -0.43746404465300004, -0.565942346788, 1.33756368955, 2.5485246953900003, -0.44068155479099996, -0.49367965339599995, -0.486589818995, -0.37092591660499996, -0.544027686127, -0.557229272314, -0.42019838034699997, -0.5467044228010001, -0.439333299864, -0.429355661594, -0.370978338522, -0.379099137298, 2.19014731564, 1.0804364841299998, -0.346807236207, 2.11028666312, -0.32235195192, 2.2841802794999997, -0.482043827109, -0.413680128781, 2.3381104765900003, -0.309097943815, -0.471265604996, -0.461049768891, -0.6126396988, -0.556487548168, -0.430278563244, -0.5837943088549999, -0.551478955853, -0.460784900256, -0.478632263908], [-0.534176673876, 0.428440721166, -0.454789278492, -0.506918517298, 2.5056208338999997, 2.58370814023, -0.475252313347, 0.260011081111, -0.40713365744499996, -0.543064583807, -0.5006600579739999, 0.219915569644, -0.487886321973, -0.640465491707, -0.365051129052, -0.6706868053289999, -0.63778920511, -0.6163039747460001, 1.2283522245799998, -0.423995004577, 0.38871716553, -0.635067643721, -0.0083384625712, 2.42657729276, 1.23606572203, -0.56311233954, 2.44590494512, -0.622035138869, -0.5709682964639999, -0.58972454974, -0.6276862915079999, -0.612364677586, -0.60154166062, -0.34284033112499995, -0.0430767172446, -0.598368522216, -0.64401605014], [0.550150087611, 1.3271432071, 0.410340890734, -0.7162836493179999, 1.7830491344, 1.64730967701, -0.995381494999, -1.04617605231, -0.225899796928, -0.9960715772650001, -0.947409750897, 0.7279629694399999, -0.994506257504, -0.282894527462, -0.374626308519, -0.304321535877, 0.038027265514699995, -0.535562957462, 2.24334365411, 0.9337039675830001, 0.658759020439, 0.504854594641, -0.537404861459, 2.0191174563099996, -0.37459736365699997, -1.1132233793700002, 1.5227966911000002, -1.05915483655, -0.895836898406, -1.08437086524, -0.8759673992329999, -0.058313640238100005, 0.530222239272, -1.24430822728, 0.482894173769, 0.0698027512665, -0.7871664003159999], [-0.31960405827, 1.0095249288600001, 0.530964411244, -0.7709152886470001, 2.24561448587, 1.89658414321, -0.73273944275, 0.8691668133480001, -0.898936729357, -0.812438830462, 0.346158993092, -0.8798064538200001, -0.9111150423029999, -0.9109570896539999, 1.2276759517799998, -0.221573979158, -0.778670109005, -0.8677333062379999, 1.60307865803, 1.8345447619400002, 1.643397504, 0.0714126356521, -0.674914860159, 0.22134611902399998, -0.21877625308600002, -0.851938041302, 1.3254216342899998, -0.8420594534579999, 0.138123896187, -0.8291928597949999, -0.875449661442, -0.6703731076839999, -0.9122432170550001, 0.840743111336, -0.301236538532, -0.628567624482, -0.894516101193], [0.402550480521, -0.39711158952, 0.6302948136050001, -0.679564700985, 1.95087125844, 1.7884656030500001, -0.556746535559, 0.28470466464, -0.696094112233, -0.565453670898, 1.25441090407, -0.805024780754, -0.707613182103, -0.830020442953, 1.52372719413, -0.0271492755302, -0.9465667225900001, -0.197809936502, -0.259637198824, 1.53815870175, 1.91832492152, 0.497630296742, -0.9074324401639999, -0.08976897743170001, -0.9154829365170001, -0.923983407062, 1.76873140555, -0.792418497791, -1.02476145934, -0.7099781063449999, -0.916518685496, -0.771106965609, 1.61647307236, 0.06724480157769999, 0.281447336492, -0.875920774441, -0.9268710558140001], [0.7478680457889999, 0.863696507758, 0.395355231157, -1.02251310405, 2.03348621052, 1.7464863979799998, -0.057808651743400004, 0.577580439708, -1.33497447155, 0.205336234396, 0.316450380662, -0.259009772755, -0.45317410741700004, -0.165626011919, 0.29716210333, -0.406875990114, -1.4848913738799998, -0.882384815623, 0.766867786322, 0.6044802349589999, 1.05011015599, 0.310002385721, -0.843562665354, 0.929365524586, -0.413639079886, -0.172679616492, 0.936792003536, -0.320851187411, 0.0, 0.0, -2.91515504686, -1.0496432223, 0.0017494749366199999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.676364734033, 0.818491895774, 1.18365517728, 0.845594421207, 2.0451352788599997, 2.62132310002, -0.45948731437, -0.49146667886600004, -0.5490300959009999, -0.512065069387, -0.230988837099, -0.389230877517, -0.49757310513999997, -0.608778947142, -0.492372040983, -0.360238534876, -0.458227436232, -0.568825776888, -0.44104687184299995, -0.49658584533399996, 2.47511384943, -0.454895434388, -0.313497392515, 2.53705150053, -0.605046992889, -0.513294095657, 1.5724986705500001, -0.442054325599, -0.49499388889799995, -0.34180145800800005, -0.503356989148, -0.556029543545, -0.627060642779, -0.46348964318400004, -0.461111244561, -0.621213933147, -0.46873614373000005], [0.161842652772, 0.47542115168899995, -0.30682343397399997, -0.147430123627, 2.50516609417, 2.0898254718000002, -0.476260063517, -0.468465944373, -0.5261064543739999, -0.641717279358, -0.485582395615, -0.5595562157, -0.661643094119, -0.497338059168, 1.44717968218, -0.46248400454599997, -0.544229801391, -0.634810020961, -0.448212266945, -0.325318539962, 2.56422410521, 0.824083286787, -0.425024917878, 2.16290310803, -0.5571430843140001, -0.48262230850000004, 1.6403478972799999, -0.44772668835, -0.663755555239, -0.581253032712, -0.6859344546799999, -0.692342538282, -0.617981032247, -0.734093362804, -0.624070964754, 0.506966279533, -0.6800340920569999], [-0.0828533475252, -0.33352654821, -0.299264837806, -0.38711359471199996, 3.83809663636, 3.0118361395099997, 0.876711524388, -0.35230738714000004, -0.35371455456399997, -0.439797374711, -0.35282498929399997, -0.377602908864, -0.255749212818, -0.40046773027800003, -0.38805441274499997, -0.429363631689, -0.325567653917, -0.323385098169, -0.32107770896, -0.355701233419, 2.35980560213, -0.297349709837, -0.321230959794, 1.27579242651, -0.434591920894, -0.422518089479, -0.37148200967, -0.364838433791, -0.37284959575300003, -0.19211358019000002, -0.317618401233, -0.3930939294, -0.494438401285, -0.320883354426, -0.48378290126199996, -0.352879794228, -0.44419902283], [-0.308775741525, -0.18373415707199997, -0.151405674092, -0.170625366619, 3.74333673333, 3.5975394887300003, -0.12368102939000002, -0.39550078220299995, -0.165677392107, -0.271638835339, -0.35871343171899994, -0.424136800815, -0.387849396278, -0.40943829967600004, -0.11941184327500001, -0.310483325646, -0.496422571584, -0.134223701626, -0.21972168436700001, -0.487543224478, 2.34405712841, -0.36928681427500004, 0.0552856190218, 0.0809811244865, -0.40223356825900003, -0.46082072978, 0.0403509193907, -0.235905119808, -0.399511188708, -0.458009380625, -0.32271416224300004, -0.315000000811, -0.36761355345299995, -0.366230685804, -0.33839313551399997, -0.24169898299000003, -0.46515043328999994], [-0.278892524328, -0.303521765458, -0.340610593311, -0.308336464031, 2.5910231395400003, 3.69991724726, -0.365795582707, -0.369934487101, -0.330577648968, -0.339176473389, -0.28602025039900003, -0.238706083191, -0.1557023733, -0.371127979278, -0.408145529871, -0.362244045814, -0.392415763863, -0.47780913770499994, -0.0994453215096, -0.318999113497, 1.99369772213, -0.270909471129, -0.353933010032, 2.77467945217, -0.388363142469, -0.314447015359, -0.339350647146, -0.23746114276500002, -0.34317496693899996, -0.253255755002, -0.447932711165, -0.45634342792800003, -0.46908276450099995, -0.316621775689, -0.42826822599799996, -0.327498256937, -0.365214110317], [0.205789575616, 0.40258380318000003, -0.6828528856460001, -0.6598322863530001, 1.9993620557499998, 2.32068995419, -0.442354127847, -0.46685842514, -0.376774772219, -0.45484435938199996, 0.717424902921, -0.29731508819200003, -0.29379952554, 0.162966336073, 2.06183289366, -0.533936838954, -0.62129021875, 0.36162394624300004, -0.401815236017, 1.12036195147, 2.27951505464, -0.7358680888410001, -0.47771807689199997, 1.8231763982099998, -0.8524187828669999, -0.7882458443029999, -0.732151883755, -0.7400033390109999, -0.771768204392, 1.4426637817200003, -0.8310796439749999, -0.588854305228, -0.775618331103, -0.6582127467050001, -0.766207336926, -0.6406507736379999, -0.307519531995], [1.37280284637, -0.15804242947799998, 0.255332644141, -0.596826724149, 2.49820112155, 2.84732278672, -0.529159020735, 0.306867224609, -0.131032955125, -0.17887994959000003, -0.291513770268, -0.038092412892699996, -0.48595376133100004, 2.37676301157, 1.3584816588, -0.5328050075249999, -0.481554776114, -0.623955730419, -0.569054773067, -0.0209208893195, -0.045438623422300005, -0.407230671919, -0.525868470266, 2.20131016546, -0.38017012005, -0.661791005237, -0.4772900668399999, -0.496902253147, -0.6399061327669999, -0.665233208536, -0.6792721533380001, -0.56699376898, -0.664015773317, -0.533653842116, -0.703707215585, -0.505558575626, -0.626257378059], [0.771322308611, -1.18468018951, 0.991699917084, -0.404441558219, 1.8989229066799997, 1.07964152059, -0.374395685774, -0.6175988538830001, -0.777665680611, -0.481989072642, -0.536596428249, 0.636959569669, 0.27161908045600003, 0.108955989569, 1.4442729626700002, -0.87219419654, 0.0241283223722, 0.589342763983, 0.6449894155929999, -0.146470902796, 0.863824169108, 1.11446047707, 0.501238011888, 1.7555102197599999, -0.218032162566, 1.90391333398, 0.991863630196, 0.216513811174, -1.45625201745, -1.20007994816, -0.951369809644, -0.669927210053, -1.2276249616700001, -1.26720571162, -1.37415214943, -0.653752354496, -1.39474951715], [0.58859562285, -1.0325260447700002, 1.4271553535400001, 0.00873331620269, 1.6411352392299998, 0.7991648488330001, -0.580130457039, -0.940052582973, 0.190415591997, -0.101432664168, 1.09242585375, -0.301667368325, 0.640439322261, 0.18681210741300003, 0.9050736348430001, -0.0902399044423, 0.15084302265900001, -1.49550582354, 1.04122694736, 1.5814264025, 1.3151608806100001, 0.201232176019, -0.512384278103, 1.23335520444, -0.906989246537, 0.755651072725, 1.3120567344399998, -0.876787631928, -1.90243988097, -0.274435033931, -0.076256199651, 0.34812795200900004, -1.39691323697, -1.4994565043599999, -1.0486553443100002, -0.915694788245, -1.46746429341], [0.883343577965, 1.18481834921, 0.896497464931, 1.4155744806600001, 0.730838556296, 1.3509620599599999, -0.599458465453, 0.0489005824726, 0.8278183375120001, -0.814541234664, 0.658645273389, -1.36268350136, -1.03043919292, 0.00161565829929, 0.8377193870119999, 1.15651769541, -0.020743309967200002, -0.915732019426, 1.25704154731, 0.261561980651, 0.667547243381, -0.109946020488, 0.391596731934, 1.30522700682, -1.62310010817, -1.59082249323, 1.0170293027600001, -1.5455691627, -0.940811510669, -0.0777568313435, 0.128224679889, -0.11289970601, -1.8128271105200002, -1.5718698977599999, 0.260156406442, 0.0349442644086, -1.18738002203], [1.4191924994100003, 0.672380480132, 0.311321220866, 0.656879603759, 0.010348586934, 0.70678945658, -0.16276734394300002, -1.71139432869, 0.386438011541, 0.437893969059, 0.371925628336, -1.6281889120500002, -1.58124743542, -1.74598543409, 1.17434310392, 0.9062007540520001, 0.68762065501, -1.74020111968, 0.7416003478309999, 1.22028450066, 1.12614591509, 0.54481779043, 0.19534816094500002, 1.21903168514, -1.1545623682200001, -0.895456583916, 1.29957758444, -0.0971397255902, -0.07615868654739999, -1.25254666293, -0.581948191028, 0.34298776242299994, -1.22874968565, 0.471332556609, 0.37595563894100004, 0.09295728681330001, -1.51502672116], [-0.5660436599409999, 1.85262750605, 2.2854338760900004, 1.9086336975099998, 1.7311932602900002, 0.8364494026379999, -0.666313558517, 1.62378959921, -0.716609487857, -0.208219614843, 1.6097775980899998, 0.174989567557, -0.51246866217, 0.00948581285369, 0.582365270583, -0.7464662932870001, 0.264707258527, 0.38900011976, -0.106056981103, -0.328934676984, 0.27278506567, 0.76892140654, -0.48093143870099997, 1.06569382476, -0.606494950566, -0.644158243223, -0.414328439096, -0.9442380697930001, -0.969151649365, -0.687212160845, -0.874280738355, -0.87189135766, -0.845766594835, -0.958264937754, -1.10536121579, -1.028832739, -1.0938277964399998], [0.043629959895, 0.43836484827399996, 1.38366077933, 1.7781391656999999, 1.41599363928, 0.663396234583, -1.48755138396, -0.128424956461, -0.359907492236, 0.685155256939, 0.272172495698, -0.17594819991500002, -0.225862717834, 0.310548045823, -0.602414624403, 0.168680979875, 0.378218279667, 1.2689899369600002, 0.580340739826, 0.681440091454, 0.5905096597739999, 0.43836484827399996, -1.1685253306399999, 1.32150539728, -1.12534858379, -0.657087931362, -0.11621421311899999, -1.1685253306399999, 0.0, 0.0, -2.3079507422, -1.37745913745, -1.5178897146, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.6988382432699999, 1.3503470738299999, 0.40718002125200004, 1.70673558884, 0.8781557748469999, 1.8745356472599999, -0.527934462465, 0.33810584372599994, -1.04302098281, 0.602539524143, -0.25324860160999996, 0.215442552876, -0.8686433365449999, -0.731545024842, 0.126830188546, 0.128950403873, 0.686987499299, -0.107932778132, 1.55876222753, 0.401594327394, 1.27465784685, 0.952493588207, 0.36504353728699995, 1.5243087284799999, -0.765373418213, -0.282463625609, 1.4427095131099998, -0.637138970847, -0.9369610131910001, -0.301550036573, -1.1575126104200002, -1.33602892595, -1.38470329963, -1.02446574393, -1.1712280328799998, -1.32695986145, -1.27983091898], [0.547356098042, 1.73188633445, 1.23127069866, 1.5948236891499998, 0.942032440868, 1.52426868899, -0.38892320243600004, 0.8740714273319999, 0.152578795697, 1.49081743447, -0.869410202056, -0.04731567078, 0.0959149281725, 0.594357915081, -0.13582306855100001, 0.09893832928570001, -0.224657575168, 0.495436430573, 1.33917623438, 0.324056971123, -0.0060600209504399994, 0.8711866772939999, -0.24968745954, 1.30340964151, -1.01519889091, -1.23990606661, 0.493721913557, -1.01464204306, -1.3490213217500002, -0.794339394718, -1.35230362794, -1.37202349023, -1.08687925319, -1.1863831619499998, -1.01299483239, -1.22348601016, -1.13624935623], [-0.552257149351, 1.79214944897, -0.41754326588699997, 1.86538520373, 2.0304534304299997, 2.13041942507, -0.7193130170990001, 0.0779104411097, -0.18099466978700002, 0.8584790835330001, -0.761923548357, -0.49362707494900004, -0.20341623650199997, 0.0450576976229, -0.557547191691, -0.697335124797, -0.919636842531, 1.50344801832, 1.9171690719299999, -0.564078810881, -0.620927072579, 0.992688306411, 0.8676590273100001, 1.22037967724, -0.854220531664, -0.854040622452, -0.795482206803, -0.901514801053, -0.6527887907450001, -0.775937662827, -0.855986589607, -0.7951793088079999, -0.498115657324, -0.28039247657, -0.0441376305394, -0.750096296429, -0.554706252438], [-0.784170802555, -0.212870565622, -0.145097753952, 1.45979052227, 1.12631802381, 1.41104329516, 0.00842207210126, 0.745831049308, 0.33656019108199997, 1.05384129287, -0.8829383510750001, -0.9903881002159999, 0.7056837568009999, -0.390238683212, 1.25981400591, -0.139535021716, -0.805681337333, 1.6309702432, 1.74430182819, 1.0752474272700001, 1.4784903629100001, -0.249088641269, 1.11633174079, -0.209155683096, -0.857729903443, -0.961997101287, 1.25782929211, -0.954979035232, -0.8749124340700001, -0.90061374, -1.02367079153, -0.982454778594, -1.17945533097, -1.1004305201, -0.567101399704, -1.08209958537, -1.11586554343], [-0.8884813957350001, 0.566268590422, 0.588399511927, 0.9779096018719999, 1.5699967773399999, 1.8870493418, -0.4811525739, 0.559478761223, -0.13515322495999998, 0.779970405068, 0.522348509902, -0.989128510675, -0.329051648065, 0.405422532967, 0.637465970575, -0.617167398433, 0.309847572209, 1.7908960989700002, -0.0205741648398, 0.5611055949930001, 1.2288380481899999, -0.815994513022, -0.662427387326, 1.4785794653, -1.0923734636799998, -1.61172837428, 1.5524710638600001, -1.3969259403999998, -0.20548041245, -0.404648735619, -0.740153151142, 0.32185800348, -0.814087954684, -0.813098117453, -0.643637097236, -1.83743120373, -1.2392105824600002], [-0.257433543787, 0.331561001157, 0.444919989978, 0.26754738427700003, 0.8828575220780001, 1.0696106131899998, 0.09269492476839998, -0.19006431470899998, 0.542648361626, -0.46469679656400004, 0.0107468138879, 0.298718726711, -0.0238145111813, 0.96431545765, 0.694021053714, 0.0893123449965, 0.228465553585, 1.48723257317, 0.897948787779, 0.784981093163, 0.960365501281, 0.563196595163, -1.0007777894399998, 0.546963173403, -0.866186859771, -3.1524924624199997, 1.2836749822700002, -1.3907754360799998, -0.7254055500229999, 0.506046490154, -0.18129773818300002, -0.238556242263, 0.265966344177, -0.45952906917499997, -0.41077116731700003, -3.00469482455, -0.847298982727], [-0.23953458800799998, 0.447177180566, -0.45939013572899995, 0.87170046255, 0.6510455395970001, 1.9843412111400003, -0.13706743547, -0.8015585920139999, 0.9572137475749999, 1.5635948990000001, 1.05242120474, 0.729910024645, 0.8297125135160001, -0.43960050980400006, 1.3219602375900001, 0.348891463342, -0.977086300734, 0.489430431791, 1.78309110461, 0.891044413606, 1.13714615346, 0.243081154439, -0.6465362723800001, -0.262897731561, -0.768097590003, -1.3863865570700002, 0.183997629925, -1.22264143759, -2.36140918306, -0.196915976443, -0.739510756072, -0.21832388027600003, -0.914522082958, -0.8546408201450001, -1.12970159779, -1.3121834324700001, -0.417754492523], [0.617074493236, 0.0366213961866, -0.0463310691027, 1.45404149032, 1.4092384374399998, 1.62527849575, -1.0399825188, -0.692012750944, 1.33711781063, 1.15661051448, 0.707919260389, 1.08461374351, 0.548338380142, 1.33080881051, 0.955438125742, -0.6563503029259999, -0.307957843738, 0.16922994854899998, 1.20591948116, -0.570426622524, 0.49207293365800003, 0.42721966836099995, -0.47158741501400003, 0.012221368994700001, -0.133738774598, -0.0318100005736, -0.216317355555, -0.164985010648, -1.78791440354, -0.042793840483, -0.6745466296539999, -0.10883978767100001, -0.710969889007, -1.7372369410799997, -1.5628666097, -2.18944234949, -1.4236542440200002], [-0.174187637421, -0.004565142933159999, 0.771101099961, 1.0776332985700001, 1.5568165409099999, 0.316581274821, -1.18487832155, 0.5527152712919999, 0.0057775182795299996, 2.04235430817, 0.886127367701, 0.452668553665, -0.240733597024, -0.22256500863, 0.392464460558, 0.46105180965099996, 0.502367389131, 1.19293161781, 0.8814378743960001, 0.7511091824510001, 0.521989170762, 1.1024303675799998, -0.22753048429, 0.250315795429, -0.9059971828769999, -1.13837488706, 0.0401999914574, -0.663243254549, -2.23602397945, -2.24922519378, 0.330779505037, -0.974490380902, -0.304496201829, -0.75001615087, 0.0, -0.9374049473980001, -1.8751200270599997], [-0.43610201063000004, -1.02578229298, 0.5095455610849999, 1.0853902363099999, 0.7041597710490001, 1.4299245830200003, 1.15195333897, 0.637656855911, -1.18021703143, 1.3335068561799999, -0.7833050291689999, -0.725157969512, -1.2493649733, -0.8306892697660001, 1.25962237111, 0.00217064330781, -0.263691085823, -1.3620435420500001, 1.2217961243100002, 0.617060900083, 0.371652718799, 0.6942755823639999, -0.72170900942, 1.33841052724, -0.8019454278489999, -0.989726204261, 1.75081920482, -1.02809575094, 1.9487448033900001, -0.042354689889, -0.857996671931, -0.43932795444899997, 0.354964115547, -0.884279274019, -0.637118668481, -0.89981302915, -1.25293430844], [0.6962921731389999, -0.6054890034, 1.2772257790100001, 1.39620605343, 1.6594280019799998, 0.046901632386, -0.9331350828839999, 0.578328944166, -0.8938140965799999, 1.3192713992799998, -0.770907421791, -0.8404886158920001, -0.905067761186, -0.7589791476440001, 0.0410324213548, -0.839617402769, -0.842813021144, -0.312879410473, 1.6234317226700001, 1.5411255778200001, 1.10599702264, 1.61821146549, -0.307996188006, 1.24562877488, -0.719759163729, 0.237396999597, 1.7445022604400002, -0.8052420227600001, 0.321713200015, -0.882718416995, -0.8476154957109999, -0.9110131290989999, -0.90408420316, -0.8150722018209999, -0.8776156358580001, -0.845929782038, -0.832456225347], [-0.489564164266, -0.592597538329, -0.5863567273260001, 3.14134627233, 0.419340748372, -0.484907394101, -0.191874539405, -0.46317182697899995, -0.64623482179, -0.0639101027483, -0.62848935302, -0.601729114601, -0.6441187943259999, -0.599330208513, -0.41625489735699994, -0.32182945627099996, -0.575884655999, -0.581407543301, -0.211041155422, 1.73364608977, 0.690822781115, 1.66541870557, -0.48049536162100004, 2.51088053793, -0.609073629001, -0.523203677101, 2.054492429, -0.14660124583599998, -0.571512750965, -0.552836007622, 0.404878578693, -0.375151679691, -0.6776931497249999, -0.618735602695, -0.5917949894219999, 1.20343301667, -0.578458772021], [-0.0177357769885, -0.5207190596069999, 0.116241391378, 0.061260828685099994, 3.07281559607, -0.626406681375, -0.628697626315, -0.152971880695, -0.609167201688, 0.15975612112, -0.6062748241929999, 0.23099123173500002, -0.713490624196, -0.5754404297300001, 2.6810454976400004, -0.43976740140500004, -0.505323549917, -0.637603800397, -0.563624951292, 2.4867811954400003, 0.269948932926, -0.469740641779, -0.551826399715, 1.48828466586, 0.8140782425759999, -0.244176456413, 1.65705394054, -0.48354714232600005, -0.663435249296, -0.5680502677, -0.636753225596, -0.0976845186334, -0.35897813528399997, -0.688223051377, -0.637189092285, -0.444589441135, -0.596840214647], [1.4139614857299998, -0.504323015471, 1.00224838948, -0.444187921779, 2.90084604747, -0.371998550187, -0.34254137153, 0.691434685654, -0.778819812072, -0.465259945224, -0.660078014287, 0.0181417836682, -0.6817554676659999, -0.83828824148, 2.2554113175099997, -0.25993771617600003, 0.616507546071, -0.10039902718100001, -0.394519951167, 1.6791625130899999, 1.44117472179, 1.9288924846400002, -0.0692282744018, -0.36508252552599996, -0.593791831471, -0.26267400269200003, 0.650991867252, -0.605320679151, -0.787657311347, -0.835608744885, -0.791771370716, -0.7029010710950001, -0.605083642961, -0.835225042553, -0.84453957716, -0.622098396957, -0.835681337218], [0.047973381842400006, -0.536968307466, 1.0200750642, 0.172016536579, 2.31647637961, 0.276183722381, 0.24342614858199998, -1.02951229193, -1.4200861995200003, -0.544133126998, -0.737563166462, 0.880211697125, 0.8865244048250001, -0.814342989898, 2.47746847363, -0.5314924331149999, -1.3352425756, -1.00080643696, 0.00428123439383, 0.636110695894, 1.30493676607, -0.95796067953, -0.0975608413737, 0.8232035882150001, -0.61069371203, -0.787140670054, 0.909100586423, -1.1094602289700002, 0.0, 0.0, -0.568679709498, 0.634763077621, -0.551108387992, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.96023352665, 1.55434765676, 0.223649863091, -1.17134964741, 2.1980343377700002, 0.37587592792499996, 0.905314685749, 0.68175024642, -0.579082287527, 1.40153664435, -0.638510064203, 0.703007390717, -0.9191022197600001, -0.8005732465629999, 1.09755406126, -0.475510591958, -0.863439225464, -0.7797179033130001, -0.42817562520499997, -0.153273159376, 2.09255689049, 0.0715952645177, -0.543766778644, -0.8631948743619999, -0.228077768728, -0.697878505142, 1.9913871242099996, -1.0839340916700002, -0.369106198999, -0.453022347937, -0.414634929877, -0.73630890657, -1.08702048437, -0.354956261151, -0.49430506959799997, -0.707586205353, -0.41431722672300003], [-0.539552146223, 0.794480225532, 1.3486839358000002, -0.790510242896, 1.8416644339, 1.07085377439, -0.103479713314, 0.852427413205, -0.7560789546969999, -0.755663089108, -0.0173105222182, 1.14550110611, -0.275015604878, -0.91545890016, 1.9362641085299999, 1.89663016854, 0.0628519019798, 0.08170393385260001, -0.260688277252, 2.20096201439, 0.9621525741570001, 0.161701744588, -0.813542590324, 1.26883395229, -0.842777183137, -0.968880842095, -0.591438417833, -0.7807200738240001, -0.822136062846, -0.618587184801, -0.960136834894, -0.886098139792, -0.712807815275, -0.8515000721629999, -0.7948232239059999, -0.6633024824600001, -0.9042029131839999], [1.01287160061, 2.0688683180400003, 1.32947254374, -0.7108337579449999, 1.43352957893, 0.482831952508, -0.7268055082189999, -0.0532322316182, -0.843829024683, -0.584004622667, -0.9308515362180001, -0.25243871053100003, -0.8642316892949999, -0.9329986184029999, 1.5576043329499998, 0.605005128224, 0.886158756648, -0.857597700659, -0.0166090825384, 1.85044093113, 0.487810405106, 1.00149766425, 0.200506258408, 1.63294010602, -0.9489461413200001, -0.9927018241969999, -0.143230939321, 0.179093582218, 1.1889355700700002, -1.08509957859, -1.10974956802, -0.904855582536, -1.0502100314799998, -1.05036131786, -0.639434122748, -0.17524927548099997, -1.04429586453], [-0.190977844826, 1.18279448624, 1.67973305822, -0.5937675607949999, 0.993320496006, 0.572529063412, 1.26341461845, -1.22412987779, 0.504054080062, 0.540647176663, -0.943878216186, 0.44118220504600003, 0.881737376363, 0.20211813661800002, 0.850769162961, 1.75773498063, 1.35956850406, -0.0649950067725, -0.397681414966, 1.3231818331799998, 0.43895594282, -1.3455195257600001, -0.42912693341499997, 1.74551492623, -0.694836468989, -0.22075932806999995, -0.19962377283399999, 0.350779932358, -1.26807721739, -1.29105274874, -1.14834463667, -1.2543999890100002, -1.31077337323, -0.669085077811, -0.9586502847920001, -0.896509609752, -0.9858470915270001], [0.608110681323, 0.601086204246, 0.9170941450669999, -1.0393979477600002, 0.870113003149, 0.834820067332, 0.7253211894589999, 1.03202312858, -1.10827363871, -0.434332885242, 1.35049304738, 0.0369763518314, -1.06171667221, -1.10241138029, 0.441061486318, 1.45093624757, 0.317121113219, -0.963082131831, -0.0875912067206, 1.08485800139, 1.0739592787299999, -1.12957841334, 0.664308148429, 1.42368669011, 1.5554423991400002, -0.85293873838, 0.9598885490029999, -0.939179213945, -1.08361617271, -1.10474131923, -1.1483617924299998, -1.2034831413299998, -1.1037394729899999, -0.586610487415, -1.0377832203, 1.15012655074, -1.11058844818], [0.0596634683218, -0.816244271744, -1.14129579454, 1.15810707592, 2.55824390836, -0.926634638609, -0.35709699573700004, -0.210545821156, -0.7329385930050001, 0.187608182531, 0.285620977416, -0.678792763565, 0.16612537770400002, 0.35440200100900004, -0.730673290641, 0.168953768076, -0.20180427679699997, 0.327723885819, 0.0792838869385, 0.6639466139469999, 0.264690081351, 0.0, 0.6663109704110001, 3.1640345711199998, -1.44817286998, -0.8101727411380001, -0.332427329597, -0.378456594569, 0.0, 0.0, 0.439672716262, 0.0, -0.455244030138, 0.0, -1.3238874739700002, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.175350188079, -0.00251117365859, -0.285651419745, 1.7076303622, 1.6815242469, 0.156048492268, 0.013012185848299999, -0.554299648151, 0.37945448270300003, 0.036828250272800005, 0.640223649073, 0.332977737299, 0.189964433651, 0.372811745713, 0.314194772951, 0.883791715174, 0.332977737299, 1.0316650167299999, 0.885968252975, 0.21872028265000001, -0.474369812706, -0.6497483870699999, -0.936527503716, 2.51636361396, -1.93649098282, -1.47819885366, -1.21844736972, -1.60359956924, 0.0, 0.0, -0.33806609170900004, 0.39086781910499996, -1.13842680724, 0.0, -1.29333698924, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.0549695145262, 0.710180362664, -0.908736424638, 0.49032061895900003, 0.8117683950679999, 0.279186340011, -0.053180461918, -0.730331715721, -1.54883508575, 1.48911540377, 0.9456002316869999, 0.223463216325, 0.142856606652, -0.07402901418819999, -1.3410313599099999, -0.0373548393567, -0.629359541091, 1.40576462192, 0.5519123049069999, 1.32086929131, 0.409283487092, 0.875280690086, 0.16425771873199999, 2.14973355387, -0.5425439040810001, -1.21082150208, 0.0528836807531, -0.649494386081, 0.0, 0.0, 0.234291680031, -0.9887745870970001, -0.8876898898799999, 0.0, -2.59961597751, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.58595167713, -0.965515452987, -0.963432497022, -1.00095591259, 1.6766506351800001, -0.9648225439939999, -0.42049901719899996, -0.315876256284, -0.768786313647, 1.71098157395, -0.0282829972048, -0.147383904724, 0.223005620874, 0.460368799347, 0.674318673191, -0.315876256284, 0.891448291724, 0.15086098318, 0.939973613407, 0.510365233855, 0.874356977796, 0.26877012108000004, 1.10242579963, 2.95894346102, 0.460368799347, -0.801783183293, -0.309919318977, -0.50810724697, 0.356211885056, 0.480051815567, -1.4245944578299998, -1.4408365135799999, -0.0183801972608, -0.104737460852, -1.8520379746200002, 0.514553154526, -0.315876256284], [-0.032789050874999996, 0.703083609867, 0.131779012328, 0.625942092707, 2.26780331435, 0.038735806956099995, 0.192627286378, 0.40752435290600003, -0.499444748237, 0.144110666224, 1.1651221437100001, -0.9852904539990001, -0.546329606147, 0.78741195727, 0.744210280475, -0.136932418501, -1.4122973167200001, -0.857178985943, -0.501782568288, 0.625942092707, 0.06925908152710002, 0.778241175993, -0.26852684942899996, 1.1368866988200002, 0.22654282143000004, -0.825920914481, 0.519069848787, -1.03298658416, 0.0, 0.0, -0.907664747827, 1.70687825974, -1.6781469004700003, 0.0, -2.5858793571, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.4699991907299998, -0.457633527742, -0.0879053987978, 0.533241266928, 1.89718784753, 0.04512298845269999, 0.27437142140099996, 0.8255953656999999, 1.63057521483, 1.4711109038699999, 0.636978683674, 0.381977114167, -0.500861876311, 0.272525625221, 1.32400736509, 1.04678612706, -0.245606162563, -0.489768462395, -0.193725158198, 1.2315000945399999, 0.06077498642799999, 0.986904595375, -0.160535237342, 0.38397721774300003, -0.164460567347, -0.884804762017, 0.93520310313, 0.9440780374050001, -0.26857156105700003, -1.1457471748499999, -0.35259983050800003, -1.18411738765, -0.824141310206, -1.51473926332, -1.7949297753, -2.20639704867, -0.935374263545], [-0.167360871633, -0.634737062776, -0.17777898778, -0.7606790374850001, 1.45768900287, -0.9105182734039999, -0.432391706933, -0.9602340693960001, 0.601642125708, 1.45768900287, 0.53183787101, -0.273626097277, 0.208499125712, 0.7496807276809999, 1.1465120006899998, 0.140698992952, -1.5236429681299999, 0.0554862790257, 0.24031576622900003, 0.810748447703, 1.7751415343099999, 0.554991496073, 0.995344738451, 2.25580917075, 0.546919326332, -1.02292819684, -0.49806929161200003, 1.0637042900799998, -0.432391706933, -0.880283406472, -0.454589965118, -0.519899652844, 0.790922495559, -1.5172572552399999, -1.72083347308, -1.6752154833000001, -0.82119488776], [-0.213147490178, -0.486024062592, -0.648624907401, -0.196135366752, 0.6529195827250001, -1.3515157849500001, -0.0789678483493, 0.157781842308, 1.40624604259, 0.14841111273, 0.452291308766, 0.040809122618199994, 1.2498332101799998, 0.09051607752730001, 2.13919890336, 0.14410882737199998, -0.493220539661, -0.35027858220200003, 0.419264785238, 1.1604076893000002, 0.973243919963, 1.92813900747, 0.36497488199, 1.5038193477500001, -0.37497458949, -0.694003867867, 0.133586051731, 0.523950740343, -0.0857817104575, -1.07989845318, -1.11693185857, -2.7679234669099997, -1.59249578779, 0.377092605194, -1.1043563352799999, -0.615021506181, -0.617292901357], [0.0277017418584, 1.13307990741, -0.137314197833, -0.24001102298000002, 3.23043676267, -0.25018309684, -0.654274274669, 0.378898739269, -0.23021979335700002, 0.520073754662, -0.246096367513, -0.305555087925, 0.5565011159440001, -0.841480044128, 3.01210349805, -0.281901833591, 0.38602075383900003, -0.069362003731, -0.338833648198, -0.38143045733900005, 0.258821653211, 0.9127623584469999, 0.439313061281, 0.0166006672614, -0.645683850224, -0.571582115656, -0.34479531828800003, -0.271350873128, 0.304068605539, -1.47530389368, -0.56989760599, -0.809631817633, -0.535831384473, 1.5151582161200001, -1.76056956275, -0.708052644762, -1.02217994087], [-0.07386343209360001, 0.166866056425, -0.406104523301, -0.43106508146899997, 2.1551684606, -0.940212041128, -0.129393125334, 0.723496347191, -0.712629798756, 1.644284461, 0.348674033345, -0.21440604044199998, 0.942473256129, 0.37624390849600003, 2.3785126479599996, -1.06454009856, -0.740495491137, -0.5025206510520001, 0.19171048725200002, 0.9834636661759999, 0.186294258838, 0.7723665106280001, 1.11623124394, 2.0659442389900002, -0.48438737497100004, -0.873092436463, -0.955645205089, -0.667328784348, -0.6605159121859999, -1.7522511892, -0.935902899303, -1.0177010072900001, -0.6330676277489999, 0.749167036865, 0.0370874337134, -1.21558505487, -0.427276272799], [-0.516917833484, 2.00248926598, 0.11989957985500001, -1.7756291916299998, 2.3849160400400002, 1.09949238876, -1.04789886244, -0.11310306269, 0.534365663441, 1.16503475082, -0.334847938036, -0.6199155549009999, -0.0024025452869, 1.08996876256, 0.508364123978, -0.360079046521, 0.0699067639051, -1.01029691212, 0.017274776693400003, -0.0182322605451, 0.555493039473, 0.928595875325, 1.3842269958700002, 1.6151917681499999, 0.08175288702269999, -0.439365432351, -0.253274543643, -0.561578224898, -0.22808659554299998, -2.1440465591900004, -0.437346887361, -1.50150980826, -0.924621200818, -0.04411525109759999, -0.124946455672, -1.24236999846, 0.143611483068], [1.0263290601200001, 1.28463008036, 0.8223713876309999, 1.6200016769, 1.0263290601200001, 1.2162840508200001, 0.8806013342260001, 0.19862841099300002, 0.09973395784469999, -1.0796722164499999, 0.182842888651, 0.815859455266, 0.875472262439, -0.401272848885, -0.518273700693, 0.0311729925646, 0.481316032294, 1.07554743445, 0.556436609574, -1.05676573766, -0.5269937293020001, 0.267652025453, -1.7395339819, -0.9454911216509999, -1.3216231733, 0.184580010057, -0.167547550225, -0.831835542412, 0.0, 0.0, -2.61837894038, -0.494483639541, -0.943916547369, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0919441277, 2.03317578885, 1.0686053572299998, 1.9176357604299998, 1.33523352257, 0.579465102671, 0.0, 0.0, 0.311709914986, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7400161391689999, 0.669128938872, -0.757153557727, -0.7234375262630001, 0.6542664249769999, -0.237254228335, -0.23145853016600001, -0.143962950319, -0.931795233541, -0.923558364206, -0.0516298589066, -0.24959492908199998, -0.671088970324, -1.74593947898, -0.18834778138, -0.677468880232, -0.658157568683, -0.32022198731, 0.373451046123, -2.21218622338, -1.55647474802, 0.0, 0.34208793648, 0.0, 0.121063428214, 1.04194732858], [1.27347012133, 1.0063070460899999, 0.645700545243, 1.20824309353, 0.370940431751, 0.510693868733, 0.539540012764, -1.2788705659000001, 0.932832950575, 0.684082225493, 0.480591129855, 1.24904668891, 0.49508978107600005, 0.25168562076900003, -1.2614878315, 1.04801469433, 1.34385536956, -1.10695709025, -1.1078592113799999, -1.3394619081, -1.25542459234, 0.823753080722, -1.19806456303, 1.2933278936100001, -1.1384994560500001, -1.12652172147, 0.732199859665, -1.07140878509, -1.2015257526, 0.6960203594679999, -1.23195157447, -1.27348198585, 0.33378588736, 0.582136259972, -1.3188860126200002, 0.080746706384, 0.328337423464], [0.693944752524, 0.568223676559, 0.8959935410200002, 0.71748727578, -0.10956648810900001, 0.27433069559, 0.8225829891959999, -0.0923291672618, -0.8771948826200001, 0.18674785665600002, -0.492652241209, 1.21391296621, 1.119969378, 0.7031422784420001, -1.1667279372600001, 2.8939891329100003, -0.476964235477, 0.810902573791, -1.06805897934, -1.12532000681, -0.35052412275300004, -0.6912725014740001, 0.718694506837, -0.6537608615389999, -0.90676140815, -0.8218798781550001, -1.14831660371, -0.31756650838399997, 0.0, 0.0, -1.5852891196599999, -1.0505965491299998, 1.31485986752, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.07215967509, 1.53665458666, 1.21860262085, 1.1922771147700002, -0.695103399323, 0.585715013044, -0.402989120357, 0.469478615739, 1.5152307038, 0.37844996066, -0.539131053855, -0.405179406408, -0.0350211979651, -1.36293784649, -0.5101839310949999, 0.970829189455, 0.321171100461, 0.0583905441082, 1.14908220366, -0.6598050419100001, -2.02664863086, 0.643150998717, -0.646662209258, -0.5101839310949999, -1.86984602379, -0.324108211879, 1.06080420003, 0.423331253401, 0.0, 0.0, -0.296840743277, -2.07530725094, -0.23537978193700002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.865920112993, 1.10090788171, 0.763120432289, 0.589941594139, 1.1178572267, 1.03364117396, 0.296707427789, 0.458444805039, 1.02603266365, 0.186786821756, -0.162198709635, -0.8899179055449999, -1.52186087138, -0.568499899483, -0.132072226516, 1.1265612662, -1.03766839911, 0.414499268913, -0.0521137771896, -1.60284357614, -1.5131786386500001, 1.46699922007, -0.6377381019080001, -0.0204256357592, -0.0328204262903, -0.341993457171, 0.16216396273199998, 0.635293834274, -0.538657994458, -0.6905002477509999, 0.393217257191, -3.44347084255, 1.4188701958399998, 0.350453176837, -0.0770361642292, 0.433344389055, -0.577765837368], [-0.264760431553, 0.461819731127, 1.20253432782, 0.8797227432170001, -0.318502377114, 1.21285946132, 0.48668758194, 0.2893088057, 0.397027071017, -0.0982677978273, 0.56618016859, 0.490136395355, 1.1021035451799999, 0.0630409624037, 0.720728356189, 0.314899358272, 0.514236627487, 0.796450224816, -0.0139909831171, 2.1281085483599997, -1.20441034859, 2.00177912913, -1.18462905128, -1.03727332979, -1.5119876104499999, -1.36147906655, 0.289580610664, -1.14099974762, -1.28177917103, 0.959800977428, -1.49314841678, -1.10161163796, 0.503370763348, -1.40611381823, -0.7162446014820001, -1.18026519954, -0.0649118004561], [-1.1774570483700002, -0.206690205141, 0.8870134168420001, 1.40048889476, 0.0930209661832, 1.7768509682099998, 1.61819054006, -0.363716822046, -0.49655314138499995, 0.153489873814, -0.042998210271300005, 1.03822342604, 0.0, -0.168758329323, 0.553376494067, -1.12372619416, 0.226948998327, 0.939186979464, 0.487191002352, 0.0, 0.0, 0.307699109371, 0.0, 0.0, -1.14126048033, -0.9764724558110001, 0.627739097594, -0.889199580108, -0.76122631588, 0.728553525654, -0.8150137885709999, -0.531172414549, 1.06229903241, -2.20359957473, 0.0, -1.86300617375, 0.8605784092829999], [0.77873429691, 1.05734117395, 0.399406414507, 1.24159727279, 0.617731216392, 0.647935834244, 1.25035305054, -1.3185278553, 0.42166091755199997, 0.8640890530959999, 1.00431851131, 1.5234807627000002, 0.8969903191099999, -0.361688862007, 0.809646509234, 0.602754425715, -1.26750644624, 1.1880256144299999, -1.1746417102700002, 0.0473040270794, 0.421584902761, -0.07085721124580001, -1.41778627977, 0.7852865841769999, -1.46649580689, -0.8341911702689999, 0.17517404339499998, -1.3587640793900002, 1.1877816163400001, 0.541725810234, -1.5341743088799997, -0.39518792335, -0.868643231858, -1.02941357573, -0.6238596520849999, -1.0919690562100002, -1.64921518697], [0.7888851409800001, 0.192412301564, 0.992981278333, 2.94181489392, 0.0, 0.6351010068649999, 1.17934695234, -0.48537593662600004, 0.0, 0.145270451832, 0.403317704475, 1.17182924075, 0.0285615661823, -0.629231342083, 0.560094564589, 0.0, -1.4781532723, -0.195373326895, 0.447133787465, 0.7201591626989999, -0.310894666005, 0.171206179436, -0.363853813498, -0.471040589296, -1.4056506323700002, -0.453521759677, 0.0, 0.0, 0.41667203840800004, 0.268708098842, -1.29372083676, -1.34399568621, 1.11748673159, -1.3826480871899998, 0.0, -0.94841285055, -1.41910830081], [1.12556671299, -0.717120488521, 0.540951863042, 1.2040892246400001, 1.09043656661, 1.44808063055, -0.6880154754410001, 1.50152910405, 0.490890450246, 1.16543640939, 0.854239486516, 0.8765663368850001, 0.38473395970700003, -1.13902261265, -0.287397545584, -1.2442918127299998, -1.0562423640799998, 0.872573080775, -0.532504800081, 1.2811523769700002, -0.845245051555, 0.591143944626, -0.868231083299, -0.761923268425, -1.0730672053299999, 1.09842756916, 1.08108768634, -1.20985946461, -1.48168601648, -0.0152845102483, -1.09150093409, -0.9229404432449999, 0.6746188482250001, -1.53934911968, -1.3599556924, 0.14811658413599998, 0.403997053589], [1.6002550460499998, 1.4203459487099999, 1.00151531549, 2.0203770891799997, 0.42861020453299997, 1.22827904757, -0.159192497004, 0.739603829243, 1.2935273549600002, 1.26044300271, 1.0359317463700002, -0.80979268105, -0.236240794908, -1.02350068701, -0.891295986405, 0.578459417356, -0.562721706491, -0.836951887668, 1.0768755051899999, 0.291632638398, -0.9405083360879999, 0.434488973574, -1.0167161473200002, -0.990909353679, -0.910946464898, -1.01003898729, 1.43206139111, -0.9786762770849999, -1.0448317821100002, -0.49424237711400004, -1.00164803355, 0.622805791573, 0.329272956395, -0.981825248159, -1.0696821475799998, -0.838236876204, -0.996526986793], [1.36136310804, 0.982345286446, 1.36136310804, 0.9963848639920001, 1.22723506448, 0.9218725095370001, 0.5374164802310001, 0.8718340152700002, -0.14133286424, 2.22671516672, -0.0483279217712, -1.3137418957200002, -1.02383983429, 0.0382696098468, -0.6615827934880001, -0.45174136031900003, -1.6329720085100001, -0.991477028321, 0.7129977385940001, -0.10538174156199999, -0.36218052123899996, 0.19775230975400002, -0.862939844894, -0.39716381550499996, 1.3526717053600001, 0.435730317351, 1.13011329625, 0.075497479396, -0.11624131966399999, -0.09981096732110001, -0.635582217026, -0.259075424528, -0.336545699198, -1.80608223938, 0.0, -1.75196173366, -1.4315808286899998], [-0.0436650178409, -0.80561848059, 0.622394120038, -0.012375552168399999, 2.62353092066, 0.905076312133, 0.5874507091260001, 0.7579209500290001, 1.7922717568200002, 1.48404721835, -0.67392872521, -0.6347425720809999, 0.37808589869099996, -0.43082132826, -1.8643265386400003, 1.32475304791, -1.7722275511599999, -0.7202493226960001, 1.0129668583, 0.133175630703, -0.687310255247, -0.687310255247, -0.42076616568, 1.2061791420499999, 0.668578056142, -0.754046502543, 0.563183423835, -0.40861360232, -0.23393424271699997, -0.39034839352300005, -0.6347425720809999, -0.577348809321, -0.291540432476, -1.5784349398, 0.0, -0.964881899907, 0.527619114721], [0.5462595672039999, -0.381479035122, 1.02944740577, 0.894444866998, 0.367505564067, 0.0294849027434, 0.7568809876970001, 1.09740837119, 2.72083180176, 1.8606103275599999, -0.389704526855, 0.0, -0.050853575577300004, 0.0, 0.0, 1.33961137665, -0.779481054593, -0.603222676848, 0.43058237367799995, -0.782358058493, -1.31741796903, -1.11922953961, -1.17991449406, 1.02944740577, 0.0, -0.302882049069, 0.935618216183, 0.115338713562, -0.14954378441299998, -0.139558158817, -1.0514219078799998, -1.44963424366, -0.9325906911049999, -0.899615425007, -1.14342592479, -0.7036000447480001, 0.22246127884199998], [0.0658468817161, -0.8850455068269999, 0.999456955627, 1.02014178868, -1.1580501564299999, 1.18088313009, 0.180973193321, 0.471988462885, 0.9314544500599999, 1.7723801523099998, -0.875850968828, -0.9235813226340001, 0.171971572267, 0.00690936648452, -2.4802756301900004, -0.609146476084, -0.37680724288199996, 0.682403655658, 2.3944736908400004, -0.131289441213, -1.19311063247, -0.317453677443, -0.506655177134, 1.05795458231, -0.452545684026, 0.397642618753, 0.305565263085, -0.9591242582989999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.6713804553180001, 0.62451391141, -0.724243045723, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.8187354942099998, 1.72197224241, -0.15335220819, 1.8247190148299999, 0.805550633642, 2.21644439087, -0.9036005504729999, -0.457842958866, -0.842837923805, 0.619556430315, 0.938282183097, -0.503903724395, -0.8556265865539999, -0.450805226892, 0.11331120544399999, -0.7779294042039999, -0.771161627588, -0.7157183389920001, -0.684241460331, 1.08261425586, -0.451445478712, -0.687195855123, 0.8941509896100001, 1.84298277527, -0.19651021890999998, 0.33744846343199997, 1.0736713024, 0.7688761697130001, -0.7851321322210001, -0.8133095098630001, -0.91028100094, -0.9090844647509999, -0.884943402518, -0.888757624016, -0.6536307059350001, -0.9298890802869999, -0.831116067532], [1.27861966631, 1.4533329751, 0.864603568812, 1.2044598103, 1.74426111998, -0.787131383619, -0.820961737765, -0.7274560994570001, -0.813400196135, 2.0240158911000004, 1.1204938319600002, -0.657246720842, -0.775270352644, -0.6820634286339999, -0.11150222527100001, -0.845102306895, -0.6456966906139999, -0.8246292428759999, -0.35589851511200005, 0.283895294148, -0.17307768560400003, 0.16232702172900002, 0.9996335661769999, 1.8605792390400002, -0.512627533764, -0.626717198086, 2.4504977432499997, -0.0838112562502, -0.7381767943590001, -0.06664209523339999, -0.743611628408, -0.8231786739579999, -0.785940749893, -0.6911580887630001, -0.821216297636, -0.562106216877, -0.7720966092139999], [0.311290176963, 1.2749576759399999, 0.599861242973, 2.5520072288, -0.0547440147761, 0.415375833431, -1.8946868515000002, 0.5652303150119999, -0.137320331484, -0.17675844368299998, 0.286504916203, -0.82402497315, -0.475913859688, 0.43065029346199996, -0.606995847089, -0.03190011107, -1.67548988104, -0.159405950646, -0.595358179606, 0.6562339567809999, 1.1034021422799998, -0.038343454244699995, -1.04989081755, 0.707690919699, -1.28763400097, 0.231658118758, 1.31927922532, 2.0768347608099997, 0.102341300559, 0.5652303150119999, -1.6109295489500002, -0.9082482827889999, 0.769832610054, -1.15958739505, 0.0, -0.555824721687, -0.725324367081], [-0.707555698104, 2.93262697553, 0.552271260456, -0.5966377741800001, 2.4128092945599997, 0.30383368713799996, -0.700405924795, -0.3012871614, -0.685353286015, -0.035840164835, 1.00903378985, -0.646742669255, -0.620190731546, -0.604438972209, -0.464808154455, -0.42236304343599995, -0.611585398441, -0.158416792196, 1.33198690391, -0.649874277495, -0.5558641093760001, -0.402019932218, -0.675860559313, 2.09013022238, -0.65421501704, -0.616702659682, 1.6711787769, -0.741281675425, -0.6272492970260001, -0.633883202204, 0.0221391455627, -0.524731697784, 1.56002572086, -0.630199326378, 0.436277913744, -0.523785730352, -0.531020435721], [-0.7568350674009999, 2.14391925713, -0.17777345490200003, 1.8852150735599997, 0.5104713234380001, 1.63391083852, 0.0134202734347, -0.7953356840520001, -0.809707309956, 1.16980924076, 1.82505837132, 1.2203654505200001, -0.557353088727, -0.781698856004, -0.23014620814800002, 0.117585929623, -0.805660869113, 1.6198702806799998, 0.634914898182, -0.9228454879610001, -0.716016011936, -0.858247276745, -0.207741369801, 0.150656163956, -0.8465525863169999, -0.18299547607299999, -0.7052149165420001, -0.8684829579410001, -0.738842865816, 1.00851076558, -0.762675435163, 1.6733411404799998, -0.8433386276549999, -0.8238147550980001, -0.597588925462, -0.765379318038, -0.85280245832], [0.38836698846900003, 2.9508597010799997, 1.62218077856, 2.12202707136, 1.07907386311, 1.00661812456, 0.47550750995700003, -0.6748067121410001, -0.22182803928800002, -0.43406574654700003, 0.0211260216109, 0.0784895028288, -0.759447632891, 0.9787871989799999, -0.7652248557879999, 0.568851829099, -0.913873212646, 1.6237346991400001, 1.17968396005, -0.623278179359, -0.711842738965, -0.952178352427, -0.14362054499000002, -0.810388298969, -0.7354923830300001, -0.481266561699, -0.381150951919, -0.667517165008, -0.795811751417, 0.9005758846100002, -0.847718046918, -0.857907877944, -0.776970729657, -0.8621642875550001, -0.822238163699, -0.9006506685510001, 0.143559767982], [-0.493418354106, 1.8810601976400003, 1.03589914156, 1.7355712675, 0.797149413997, 1.23978011019, -0.808016813127, -0.761583203456, -0.637117364304, 1.39731941157, -0.635451109599, -0.516193727798, -0.404073981111, -0.167138906547, -0.362816030619, -0.7660147204889999, -0.6760692268870001, 1.26012734376, -0.571462412436, -0.773281935268, -0.165445768094, -0.20345831251899998, -0.592151607278, 1.73524489879, -0.744723867365, -0.83023408021, -0.7086539425759999, -0.477740289905, -0.899021526403, 2.0251845087299998, -0.885329095835, -0.5797366924180001, 0.286240987474, -0.839419719251, -0.943856090739, -0.117736255739, 2.16656775287], [0.435041434732, 1.2998109341, -0.613899248455, 1.4068997887999999, 1.07690208579, 0.436358489349, -0.318716426739, 0.44080366893899997, -1.18747076192, 1.8333022339700003, 1.48030946927, -0.017324014792599998, 0.7435338197069999, 1.56843860602, -0.2986532306, -0.5082477053719999, -1.04051767519, 1.92748751303, -1.10058941176, -0.983132960944, -0.104238555885, 1.04337539744, -0.00773857017703, 0.17201244750599998, 0.182453640904, -0.686597969569, -1.0037757958, -1.04449914381, 1.04973699251, -0.842698765444, -1.02940881496, -1.0056258294299998, -1.38942603129, 0.16265982043500002, -1.1326518509299999, -1.3435619372299998, 0.399648357805], [0.366800766284, 1.9104729675499998, 0.491163149789, 1.18387324506, 1.3560734825100003, 0.912454976201, -0.870541008666, 0.201144872251, -0.7539122360680001, 1.87376079717, 0.81887228917, 0.7012119937610001, 0.32791576597399996, 0.899370785653, 0.167581225725, -0.278111192233, -1.0436019100799998, 1.4188790959, 0.00251696791414, -0.8472251459739999, -0.272044953832, 1.7870986427700002, -1.00734423921, 1.28086186829, -0.93796205903, -0.977413216611, -0.221111032691, -0.739264462269, -0.9103897128149999, -0.758934586873, -1.18314675066, 0.42478224011699994, -1.1174571448700001, -1.0465638381, -1.10562741795, -1.0743733633700001, -0.9798108608059999], [0.645155658795, 3.6018884605699997, -0.23644342508900001, 1.4358573637399998, 1.70442136812, -0.204140243767, -0.43466745266400003, -0.555527139513, -0.604013733425, 2.53327320692, 0.6899822949400001, 0.122284746117, -0.461968488276, -0.566770742501, -0.614223777592, -0.55948613623, -0.48649883647, 1.12276314666, -0.46732067520599996, -0.039406399062099993, -0.339817179837, 1.04851212399, -0.512913653151, 0.876140580372, -0.634115534718, -0.508607230714, -0.5091268435840001, -0.6242455056849999, -0.6406534154460001, -0.5461623380939999, -0.595584409539, -0.619653993636, -0.6467348912449999, -0.534923530191, -0.605555135362, -0.6315192140339999, -0.60019902518], [0.15973026402499998, 3.6379395195699997, -0.274859238824, 1.2463801181299998, 2.49996991133, -0.42093701850500004, -0.516852625941, 0.505731448206, -0.49239060016099995, 2.60857103165, -0.546008974981, 0.244071358569, -0.56487725509, -0.359676600608, -0.478697264, -0.626078901436, -0.283762475863, -0.42683768227799995, -0.320196484361, -0.548597535317, 0.505780206826, 0.09533971682749999, -0.461031841646, -0.15191132975500002, -0.44246699688100005, -0.51002032424, -0.176991980532, -0.51347435009, 1.08524898505, -0.655007565132, -0.337411760165, -0.6966082460259999, -0.6276422247060001, -0.538083522421, -0.597491112739, -0.48287396226199997, -0.537974686215], [-0.38798724831, 2.7125799284200003, 0.382705994061, 1.6614413767899998, 2.46085716132, 1.6187436528299999, -0.611784299365, 0.300840553271, -0.565977940692, 1.57941893425, -0.349604877892, 0.316981684001, -0.298938892925, 1.35180961053, 0.316695029188, -0.554934471171, -0.603847438718, 1.75481183849, -0.560658788838, -0.636589563376, -0.5880591398839999, 0.419416380222, -0.666813920141, -0.44376743875600005, -0.701170292927, -0.6537817617530001, -0.6727100956409999, -0.6250923081440001, -0.575679298456, -0.628851233978, -0.700632097672, -0.670933443549, -0.679843377424, -0.728998093906, -0.812231306954, -0.559716778322, -0.5976980345849999], [-0.17297076861699998, 3.13450578592, -0.299417874267, 0.00820103236467, 2.74717953658, 1.20004395916, -0.479371731656, -0.13627332069700002, -0.47677401274, 2.2715691992, -0.5060433505390001, -0.0841140452242, -0.484242160233, -0.419294813486, 0.108943472138, -0.587272786296, -0.31446149632599996, 2.04444627058, -0.492431989771, -0.534349436266, -0.540827752253, 1.26091926964, -0.475661041081, -0.30775338600900004, -0.441535405542, -0.49411288650799995, -0.5871331601659999, -0.45735958813600003, -0.43618318270499995, -0.528989138665, -0.515990114178, -0.572202248357, -0.5910749908649999, -0.548540161362, -0.588361870111, -0.13724801202, -0.565817801502], [-0.432936027702, 2.7675089003799997, -0.409262173052, -0.27903812119800003, 3.18465756122, 2.5559763582, -0.526977579497, -0.448181529024, -0.0699430435035, 2.2507863217299997, 0.00930132906212, -0.338107999609, -0.481424178639, -0.5201492107010001, -0.652844389446, -0.6233448977780001, -0.48658727823, -0.383991394089, -0.10528653350400001, -0.47626770952200004, 0.102066259472, 0.430337998213, -0.391702636084, -0.183522563889, 0.835920051074, -0.37216109723800006, -0.362019531273, -0.183556226298, -0.5960446835409999, -0.5651864546109999, -0.6240839406809999, -0.46425838985699996, -0.372201390123, -0.569508503997, -0.478705174004, -0.36040424564499995, -0.378857876615], [0.17449499411, -0.346019284842, -0.208408408777, 3.42704312831, -0.284693305937, 2.75291291237, -0.43944378438299997, -0.43576140556500004, -0.35478432261299997, -0.248725847085, 2.0919622501900004, -0.217844843451, -0.385737455315, -0.395063798252, -0.453805604098, -0.41144306262100006, -0.284717710509, -0.23750679397500002, -0.271592931454, -0.44565718852499997, 2.82621340148, -0.114602655582, -0.36365348655900004, -0.129574589608, -0.392728551832, -0.34899447338399997, -0.37014076423500003, -0.263818719325, -0.411349240598, -0.382775282546, -0.483251618873, -0.48787113327200005, -0.45095894630500005, -0.34101580516999996, -0.483306935903, -0.37719151637299997, -0.45018721949199997], [1.22944822685, 0.41220059992700003, 0.9716395735369999, 1.8592748578, 0.8150419506569999, 2.24154972863, -1.52922895768, -1.02761295065, -0.347749088432, 0.83334910382, 0.285735364739, 0.308800270827, 1.1137138597, 0.198282790772, -0.7947053549429999, -1.7003231783700001, -1.23215398757, -0.620075620049, -0.20676185561299998, 0.44299387585199995, 1.10186570985, 0.161637206272, 0.592166890603, 0.243472140236, -0.5735691938040001, -0.471209178847, -0.955066670086, -1.1727920483, 0.0, 0.0, -0.847633581708, -0.0325051963589, -1.29978528765, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.0938115913, 0.5722644741749999, -0.0692790805618, 0.8257670428210001, 1.04248172808, 0.398006924792, -1.2230824194299998, -1.6184046662, 0.299511974993, 1.2594208984200002, 1.09696064261, -0.688748120097, -0.660227803612, 0.09097738332350001, -1.64833437411, -0.5308177322550001, 0.83447465404, 0.907037783334, -1.39819551136, -0.828926334732, -0.118590375276, 0.563765727805, 0.279559580202, 1.11024855284, 2.06451901796, 1.84475124632, -0.137037425766, 0.5296123085159999, 1.31701493398, -0.230011292156, -0.759165921775, -0.175456507913, -1.49376501441, -0.41092707801, 0.43808799987499997, -1.30008705079, -1.0895945743200002], [0.288235701528, 0.939970465771, 0.527868911615, 2.70383772792, 0.7386416088150001, 1.47404168532, -1.10501115903, -0.785135158157, 0.7430567884720001, 1.18438663722, 0.90106860638, -1.3489155999000002, -1.3341458625, 0.568397872752, -0.711981988845, -0.513527828228, 0.748794785053, 0.485546618177, -0.7293651585609999, -1.35965481611, -0.45041727099699996, 0.162399211545, -0.650742412133, 0.606399973547, 0.559322401448, -0.616270271413, 0.0916354446352, 0.373600904389, 0.0, 0.0, -1.5258739647100001, -1.23679869544, -0.7293651585609999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.120372983187, -0.30669909940900003, -0.454123674267, 3.01439351808, 0.278498203859, -0.4566719787, -0.422156692001, -0.465230130042, -0.444018077315, 2.62500519456, -0.41440538203500005, -0.408279750521, -0.36275136590499996, -0.521609409817, -0.366902400491, -0.31484626755399997, -0.38955080819300003, -0.38951534263800003, -0.19012538494000003, -0.47194720183899996, -0.286108215446, 3.26655361378, -0.34273471100100006, 0.0415465726009, 2.0007201557700003, -0.166601812514, -0.47477192898000004, 0.582117776694, -0.44581482491499996, -0.38521723030999994, -0.470931218, -0.435712357276, -0.53052065205, -0.44938641491899994, -0.463260227085, -0.43964068904, -0.418928804948], [0.07532874846260001, -0.810332695423, -0.602771377089, 0.648605250853, -0.365936634323, -0.6604322041790001, -0.650411379587, -0.652012445429, -0.619522088258, 2.51764827616, 0.901247009939, -0.27474682430799996, -0.573130478189, 1.1747480489, -0.699312023663, 0.88751061017, -0.654794533381, 2.11516012624, -0.586708659784, -0.716413877102, 0.118791791174, 2.35122725567, -0.6871863869789999, 1.7642015939900002, 1.54195711875, 0.320198422549, -0.755312580691, -0.44491047018, -0.630315629995, -0.76569628632, -0.886722471236, -0.9821938691850001, -0.519425615824, 0.667760367882, -0.197712947414, -0.728632913547, -0.619750228657], [2.5543632813799997, 2.4373933873299998, 2.0710897583400003, 1.4757461599700001, -0.116595844778, -0.048473278327, -0.0988533056528, -0.538536384419, -0.689032411154, -0.637052288167, -0.634095347089, 0.196694851922, -0.36488695113499997, -0.725418184815, 1.0282674687, 0.994342316347, -0.111338515125, -0.5834136001910001, 1.90004600384, 1.4314522984600002, 0.5046103876560001, -0.689745647659, -0.578752122061, -0.6804008211929999, -0.62194265401, -0.662374415725, -0.36019780049999994, -0.6911319509020001, -0.678122302824, -0.600085838229, -0.605559638285, -0.716770080616, -0.705909514996, -0.687954076114, -0.668442281981, -0.42966025179799994, -0.669260406207], [1.64597643834, 1.81426391732, 1.55087692873, 1.54132783546, 1.2187168974200002, 0.78975425818, -0.619286215203, 0.11644695756100001, -0.924613375962, -0.24630646040999998, 1.4902797364899998, -0.7283309890369999, 1.43269568683, -0.8486202075470001, 1.48926448276, -0.115463495944, -0.925381136108, -0.971512389825, 0.5948239119600001, 1.24174562449, -0.111360892336, -1.06278166108, -0.681672945034, -0.410081156963, -0.9029081483220001, -0.779885899403, 1.0545108199700002, -0.534866848599, -0.9497235770389999, -0.927136016443, -0.939451166453, -0.804892944178, 0.306873899204, -0.158636650954, -0.8256236913339999, -0.938276081619, -0.8807454449079999], [0.395486046137, 2.1061928978299997, 1.0581496436, 1.3360625223, 0.7314517404800001, 1.01849785581, -0.9529025142499999, 0.7314517404800001, 0.428800567235, 0.753731732316, -0.848819158163, -0.400642792925, -0.163111909197, -1.01311298428, 0.860905434567, 0.40868742617799997, -1.6336212129799998, -0.594997525613, 1.0581496436, -0.285216045648, 0.929064494875, -0.608133614165, -0.633058478628, 1.3360625223, -0.9798757267299999, -0.680482843991, -0.5978455342019999, -0.669663785598, 0.0, 0.0, -2.28332233678, -0.8946831548559999, 0.0867953503134, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.557208190384, 2.36474701471, -0.589924191513, 1.80938825656, 0.0524716446326, 0.0813292678971, -0.682045721226, -0.6769226321549999, -0.6863344674490001, 2.24124187476, 0.129390775703, -0.602554126368, -0.688938289088, -0.7953282014219999, 2.02944982243, 2.33581827631, -0.6831051686540001, -0.44709477526999997, 0.8133413653650001, 0.06672882802130001, 0.352929703377, -0.43880678299500003, -0.6527832456939999, -0.653441200624, 0.375279452429, -0.760069096656, -0.743989798082, -0.7190474266240001, -0.648481060392, -0.844680980777, -0.7754445234460001, 0.133815032643, -0.706268541973, 0.995643597737, 0.145907404321, -0.885571619785, -0.8038586570890001], [-0.72510108332, 3.15467457776, 0.10801007102700001, 0.6902154791769999, 0.622639205353, 2.5683209469299997, -0.770582447955, 0.530132793213, -0.582700915831, 0.292174418988, -0.548380519577, -0.224031876927, -0.161882294421, 1.1247514831299998, 0.478366321947, 2.07833372006, -0.834138136713, -0.5845830476380001, -0.0996050742949, -0.558490570003, -0.12335142598400001, 0.015746902715200004, -0.7422531733200001, -0.9397247894949999, -1.00524473755, -0.9621110681720001, -0.00342489570764, -0.8485517720129999, -0.485200943317, 1.3560376530200002, -0.9254288528210001, -0.9103503510600001, 0.424202460443, -0.108030726606, 0.171440214584, -0.610833502985, -0.861044042631], [-0.186641282955, 1.9148213448299998, 0.37740322628899997, 0.721813751963, 0.781682785298, 1.7772434329900002, -1.94060096528, -0.08974709652389999, 0.0747154237011, 0.231444886857, 0.630088244923, -0.648519099908, 0.0, 0.9563100558700002, -0.951423182027, 0.9827279576100001, -0.9073319205249999, -0.497132417455, 0.7266818334909999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.796378198448, 0.0, 0.0, 0.654806291818, -0.266788464516, 0.296926238585, 0.847533101025, -0.0258123686533, -0.16270009242900002, -0.827641134765, -1.7975602573500002, 0.837429623169, 0.998440931336, -1.07181358659, -2.21865158189, -0.421327480444], [-0.560371196807, 2.1038531451, 1.56890726523, 0.245779010111, -0.39737407460900004, 3.00197977828, -0.272152860117, 0.107198709283, -0.241771862102, -0.601692793817, -0.461075162598, -0.150788303221, 0.0263641514829, -0.185077089643, -0.131893144572, 0.954908968718, -0.532880019243, -0.36342321636200003, 3.28242297797, -0.589076963536, 0.0728778498971, -0.23063557155, -0.622458875309, 1.2097723535200002, -0.5770844643199999, -0.500271112362, -0.208047838724, -0.628702876936, -0.631291955255, -0.743589160127, -0.725026351746, -0.457359811968, -0.609627365973, -0.523127514357, -0.19919988436, -0.712123724101, -0.717941015872], [-0.6909736422149999, 2.40337971367, 1.84696564833, 0.266764808803, -0.554204620212, 2.42123601273, -0.47459946423199995, -0.04990032956899999, 0.7807664381839999, -0.520749123333, -0.524875513533, -0.228869422219, -0.291430483338, -0.0472191751054, -0.08113598229039999, -0.22174756333700002, -0.317255392937, -0.5045744730789999, 2.3446083743, -0.5820288798359999, 2.43580352833, 0.46480478109300005, -0.343614094784, -0.28645497056999997, -0.5929977008699999, -0.486102754915, 0.7501069152940001, -0.589138884194, -0.664273191397, -0.7024522077490001, -0.7525121660259999, -0.5873268356369999, -0.69589191457, -0.727914368936, -0.7052380207179999, -0.8086175924719999, -0.68233745266], [-0.558365107686, 2.54491621377, 1.61996707988, 0.568571932222, -0.032040325062799996, 3.09501076782, -0.5960380073789999, -0.445987315067, -0.599159632755, -0.540466947777, -0.40724996274999997, -0.584836202506, -0.419108174067, -0.550841125414, -0.169086527916, 1.11449807105, -0.46552739225, -0.52618244773, 2.0263695411200002, 0.301016195634, 0.932267962963, -0.651306636992, -0.5712938995310001, -0.580396717733, -0.445647757203, -0.550218242198, -0.526005099036, -0.57352806051, -0.589552524264, -0.193207031618, -0.532114977804, -0.5772905923439999, -0.50330698953, -0.5099435074059999, -0.598233238157, -0.676732023357, 1.77104870159], [0.9655457641069999, 1.48676658688, 1.61028510351, -0.9359947837100001, 0.163015293519, 1.80771809528, -0.902956452173, -0.505394927848, -0.91119419951, -0.57744648607, -0.8038816809360001, -0.923665744447, -0.8802244987219999, -1.17826189924, -0.366636348793, 0.802796814562, 0.0627746190074, -0.887098673624, 2.01635099869, -0.58457176976, 1.2428313505, 1.27819861549, 1.4378411711899999, -0.968005120689, -0.9891143482420001, -0.98708421701, 1.6563012199, 0.20233709095600003, 0.585803195206, -0.34838010781499995, -0.883780245131, -0.32698414505600004, -0.481432139102, -0.849332946206, 0.0276837460713, -0.7316249834980001, 0.676816052719], [-0.7035689679100001, 1.37018565627, 1.9978185410900002, 1.18537015329, -0.565215011521, 1.21251578416, -0.238894028677, -0.5411255224189999, -0.8177576909090001, -0.5541462461550001, -0.616329501707, -0.661497223639, -0.69024077847, -0.711091778435, -0.169930256628, -0.807542311194, -0.537092559856, -0.7233808684499999, 2.65806747762, 0.401886381426, 0.814864441055, -0.554621471432, 0.45548977282700004, -0.741624581682, 1.0967302593500001, -0.643757350193, 2.45219674563, -0.747201044525, 0.7258295546789999, -0.6281394389630001, -0.843878249081, -0.126105733413, -0.7857571316699999, -0.80059122978, -0.422874661279, 1.01333074804, -0.7519218774429999], [2.17476289902, 1.64597823692, 2.7269622625300003, 2.17476289902, -1.3008830441700001, 0.792384075785, -0.35455222423, -0.08586479218240001, -0.987412670378, -0.315243429128, 0.0817910321869, -0.0629079620616, -0.49214511010300005, 0.374931219431, -0.199736329099, 0.207403003407, 0.0183637612254, 0.15589227489399998, -0.267508813275, -0.237463272416, -0.227803023445, 0.0, 0.0817910321869, -0.481625732962, -0.136703099497, 0.22008503866700002, -0.125810321463, -0.0761529120793, -0.195300347163, -0.101078457442, 0.0, 0.0, -0.24026976210200002, -1.92572510093, 0.0, -1.48932080179, -1.35160052935], [1.5974776053200002, 0.14260157340399998, 2.78295405182, 2.78295405182, -0.9404554074510001, 0.425353180083, -0.5283778844929999, 0.00344970994344, -1.12088669741, -0.0488677356017, 0.416418497129, -0.30714521316, 0.0, -0.285872213323, 0.0956724449337, -0.351069721602, 0.00344970994344, 0.0956724449337, -0.264756225635, 0.0, 0.0, 0.369282708281, 0.0, 0.0, 0.322097486259, 0.0956724449337, -0.49984317043300003, -0.0488677356017, 0.61468943358, 0.171577872967, -0.6509602426169999, 0.61468943358, -0.285872213323, -1.96819077663, -1.71018411121, -0.8702523633210001, -0.652410937123], [0.857637874536, 2.15298517634, 2.17514698174, 1.7285413616900003, -0.819293827096, -0.34951806031099997, -0.499718978252, 0.0490168912536, 0.044413565503699994, -1.18096705265, -1.8421602583099996, -1.7663260542099997, -0.668297767415, -0.457718709481, -1.16270963705, 0.678914127811, 0.5480521148659999, 0.778960909539, 1.0106303709200002, -0.150869931562, 0.372010252977, 0.129353202823, -0.0777859616325, 0.464727503724, -0.0662752890524, 0.35267647630099996, 0.29366179709199997, 0.701226247809, 0.396421595565, -0.17330381279800003, -0.477396496286, 1.523559647, 0.028812728287400002, -0.98253561577, -1.59847787764, -1.29454165191, -0.71885184434], [1.44484367618, 1.2154695795200001, 1.76226466567, 0.8046714590690001, -0.9921182575220001, 0.433181088015, -1.3982927226299997, -0.056526361010099994, 0.080707942126, -0.239985816164, -0.28942988077, -0.926278072699, 0.0600615048611, 0.494480793331, -1.4371748586700002, 1.9127190923599997, 0.949070160505, 1.2932001120899999, -0.158359785227, 1.24210922564, -0.912495828802, -1.3746343093399997, 1.6920943648299998, 0.294014505269, -0.7442258987450001, 0.140654356291, -0.5155723173960001, 0.010264047628000001, 0.0032157471508400003, 0.0560309213497, -0.571463939542, -0.609242676413, -1.8244164104299998, -1.05954582248, -1.26835919422, -0.47686276664300004, 0.965931676818], [0.538700489418, 3.90314927985, 2.13256074466, 2.56466809841, -0.332181737561, -0.0510683684201, 0.04219997555240001, -0.498820270301, -0.324464690955, -0.512152012309, 0.947903974141, -0.431050490179, -0.500251143938, -0.6956313343100001, -0.176122548193, -0.215338046993, -0.406193731401, -0.541761315668, 0.578657800587, -0.10422279639000001, -0.6052692463539999, 1.0537595003, -0.5696924746, -0.20447736441199998, -0.501816642783, -0.525415067986, 0.7436286292219999, -0.38342888350500004, -0.568849006461, -0.560807760375, -0.6761991471709999, -0.561522647703, -0.7048578317149999, -0.269220550066, -0.665505509745, -0.495740924731, -0.42316694790700005], [-0.53478353194, 3.20959921754, 2.3993949878, 1.8506475973099998, 0.10556808214999999, -0.369079235371, -0.43183627951700004, -0.302922624779, -0.47558867473300004, -0.11933705765699999, 1.93124750165, -0.35982882302, -0.644262042394, 1.33863697438, -0.399442377033, 0.256721835262, 0.833180555933, -0.494213210731, -0.25306397969300004, -0.576370979486, -0.22382471524300002, 1.3014617301, -0.509288529522, -0.7047329217530001, -0.591140511889, -0.67181723695, -0.637113225558, -0.52042055077, -0.651148970398, -0.537538602444, -0.736996628075, -0.642061677376, 0.759024114513, -0.7660617988070001, -0.6326466491889999, -0.6675087915510001, -0.532452970761], [-0.07948934940430001, 3.58414062691, 0.272797776517, 3.7568222136, 0.019041501223500002, -0.225451335902, -0.384439341135, -0.441168097602, -0.495054685662, 0.464696925679, -0.29044168376699997, -0.34974216530900004, 0.7625590902889999, -0.49219391799199996, -0.272518529443, 0.859079712502, 1.41836708081, 0.10796809476199999, 0.09503105087760001, -0.43226458030000003, -0.43299296764, -0.0315092839448, -0.459078684857, -0.346596376506, -0.508573836199, -0.16089832205000001, -0.46055808026199996, -0.525653488828, -0.586978273901, -0.6065904423480001, -0.483141103906, -0.579196744552, -0.497084518705, -0.572482410733, -0.621416568099, -0.5420806592149999, -0.462908624916], [-0.563334138867, 1.40433674639, 1.33209525378, 2.47007899519, -0.285442000847, -0.32344038896, 0.448001340026, -0.365210732962, -0.41773411200800004, -0.231786057695, 2.0222838443, -0.43548662319, -0.37793799396600003, -0.5566054432850001, -0.593146445608, -0.25973796979200003, 4.10310190808, -0.40908005744599996, -0.305173912139, -0.291726869276, -0.489201206717, -0.29865620692600003, -0.141122863748, -0.47569034932899995, -0.43128578769599996, -0.528182683471, -0.154134703042, -0.290678241393, -0.569088944299, -0.22290434050000002, -0.46935028995800004, -0.44450171849200004, -0.35989343071999996, -0.488057144498, -0.409702105346, -0.0676154289313, -0.523989896656], [0.801404762502, 2.39171552064, 1.25276214818, 1.68537279007, -0.105870183168, 0.844219870511, 0.727504457211, -0.733610136408, 1.16876322534, 0.383277805068, -0.811940003621, -0.100183234751, -0.355104700025, -0.131338925451, 0.877020339325, -0.889257926173, 1.7990601716599999, 0.4859469689, 0.213905276023, -1.03915288805, -1.06051345136, -0.0240722129155, -0.6328025788080001, 0.045252948146099994, -0.785311805405, 0.209509105581, -1.01770456226, -0.7018950337540001, 0.30976498031, 0.163750390079, -1.6027478344400001, -1.34423849748, -0.5021100166520001, -1.89268792597, 0.0, -0.77187791998, 1.14318907713], [0.914562129548, 1.6648422417500002, 0.93579786876, 2.0333900711000004, -1.30103032531, 0.535175303146, 0.0, 0.0, 1.00432440224, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8653770322669999, -0.581749856986, 1.07195854218, -0.125133121425, -1.10268637809, 1.48169395946, -0.454611005312, 0.115247384297, -0.47842937287, -0.651456125525, 1.00632879778, -0.276596491939, -1.1480178320299999, 0.519382239337, 0.138994294864, -0.596543900431, 0.0542917983846, -1.19144961791, 0.19231676596500002, -0.20548830474399998, -1.32404609351, 0.0, -1.5044345434, 0.0, -1.80089610754, 0.20888624594799998], [0.42410172947700003, 0.922546733777, 1.39116242371, 0.7941137897820001, 0.324133431458, 0.0743767449063, 0.892981404446, 1.14779407552, 1.03756665296, 0.757508859589, 0.25233546841800003, 0.483008174862, 1.17449086692, 0.390462280861, 0.8408456034209999, -0.40743471662, 0.42631055339100005, -0.5532752611949999, -0.686762698266, 0.222323203976, -0.409162799431, 0.229265861183, 0.16008686829500002, 0.601514088487, -0.390283146721, 0.40277064513800004, -0.28070648953, 1.01346994012, -1.3013019563200001, -0.349666240611, -2.32401775486, -2.3997188186400003, -1.93510068735, 0.0026389366481599998, 0.36632629341, -2.1507794416799997, -1.14392461954], [0.309347877982, 0.752739883817, 0.936663140398, 0.5156752510779999, 0.28405530331900003, 0.256898324683, 0.932007993369, 0.757719444954, -0.46044263460199997, -0.424287659345, 0.41210116114, 0.275284396575, 0.524481335256, 0.0507312043393, 0.23045662052700003, -0.0761694325915, -0.023258664053299998, -0.0170987045928, 0.0296364700702, 1.01058656253, 0.32852739642900003, -0.9634873595290001, 0.39473914342200006, 0.166421965805, -0.307122181696, 0.25024978975699996, 0.517027627965, 0.414532312653, 0.8350433523190001, 0.35740025209799997, -2.30128906289, -1.9724867648500002, -2.5637447671, 1.3058112186, 1.39070999997, -1.9197925329599996, -2.2096682648400003], [0.414430849419, 0.5856209963800001, 0.6610106333079999, 0.460763418788, 0.614936999451, -0.165337017752, 0.74396006135, 0.232663749738, -0.0895139452946, 0.573574866086, 0.387878701477, 0.424501189184, 0.5919874325310001, 0.0172519207257, -0.00838832389508, 0.295185417576, 0.0203985500875, 0.10023512296499999, -0.122984174606, 0.760481272758, 0.36942673180299995, 0.0541164568446, 1.0029124594399998, -0.064087603922, -0.741552965196, 0.884145495387, 0.12894319048800001, 0.796507082983, -0.045962118152800005, -0.871031415853, -1.3666981548600001, 0.08921347664939999, -3.84336059005, 0.49618692249799995, 0.228684023514, -3.34700936065, -0.269091351199], [0.0935744047964, 0.46300462128700004, 0.19550065565299998, 1.38642425129, -0.756162149973, -0.017228580456000002, 0.624897161793, 0.663149270733, -0.568508540458, 0.64515428129, -0.7961564959190001, 1.0686034831, 1.14259611298, 0.726783726157, 0.37481556621600004, 0.495507858364, 0.583175319538, 0.36122010790299997, -0.28397623494, 0.23592418266399998, 0.30273922696, 0.504805836526, 0.227431273343, -0.06697559837469999, -0.08944495633410002, 0.567408443154, 0.5200511190129999, 0.32085327588, 0.0609282963481, -1.91175172775, -3.10220305413, -2.37146134355, 0.256130276671, 0.711011180274, 0.7887513489110001, -2.0201190962799997, -1.33645350269], [-2.5370852592, -0.215799468026, 0.205543026116, -0.560631539339, 0.298105717718, 1.07109998749, -0.33206965386799997, 0.7561732148170001, 0.901415570539, 0.239218209558, 0.120840257083, -1.10132136897, 1.70030653382, 0.813639556165, 0.7617859313099999, 0.111471599732, 0.821751585249, 0.32714035646899997, 0.27716023998100003, 0.313379914395, 0.393583251453, 0.580483977656, 0.0752407701629, 0.7798165669120001, 0.209426135747, 1.01647374874, 0.428635538843, 0.902294596793, -0.483546626002, -0.485483160998, -2.15569495451, 0.271627840608, -2.29883512117, -0.08168716871000001, 0.22171242402199998, -2.27793035975, -1.0682418708299999], [-1.58481176415, 0.08722797922890001, -0.416674442953, -1.14677184819, 1.17070946949, 0.421411902174, 0.265189615747, 0.6238676381480001, 0.614720596682, -0.00564706025208, 0.399136137033, 0.683347313492, 1.1524663792899998, 1.4977908908200002, 0.683347313492, 0.175704403116, -0.723676879696, -1.0739890210299998, -0.14173607756200002, 0.8749029493539999, 0.257323291913, -0.4810745880899999, 0.47592982124300004, 0.22538994919100003, 0.8538237817479999, 0.984756470111, -0.13463615084799999, 0.5219852467239999, 0.0, 0.0, -2.6520028066099997, -1.39061147912, -2.2173990305, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.690921159275, 0.556131333656, 1.1165375528100001, 0.543599621876, -1.7330776607799998, -0.0167519763085, 0.275408245977, -0.11563354694, 0.313768960893, 0.387751590573, 0.543599621876, 0.722195650973, -0.0401858452392, 0.5538629793850001, 0.193001406394, -0.0029488866083400003, -0.437718644718, -0.308207228204, -0.737321696558, 0.524839767915, -0.5692399140209999, 0.139328165714, 1.02081156485, -0.106101651594, 1.23986727463, 1.05774075035, -0.22530879574999998, 0.564044104418, 0.0, 0.0, -1.5725800923700002, -3.8197874907, -0.758546321776, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.27041533737100004, 1.1070961305299998, 1.07758207738, 0.400176370638, -2.10058190895, -0.0441081646222, 0.67427905359, 0.787358635931, 0.677718023326, 0.0676492767428, 0.697959811019, 1.004659374, 0.471263857144, 0.469585971332, -0.0249192357883, -0.424026044846, -1.02097704237, -1.1453749876100001, -1.5966928266299998, 0.108817861249, -0.0340516470693, 0.327072026885, 0.503650458659, -0.159908924007, 1.8696265077599998, 0.858171701518, -0.396095682364, 0.42982291237099995, 0.0, 0.0, -0.716461979214, -1.65205930543, -2.48764763853, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.1324227194, 0.468434111035, 0.9498753266959999, 0.513559304952, -1.5774910673, 0.39711074770800003, 1.18064269641, 0.393689881235, 0.6333236843469999, 0.7572136506399999, 1.37895079337, 1.0519218456200001, 0.972426380323, 0.7850723283750001, -0.8302929107729999, -0.204621800459, -1.3073326539, -1.51343192287, -1.1388513728, 0.907380858169, -1.7540388288799997, 0.724998519364, 1.10504195136, -0.858120421511, -0.32730779721299996, -0.486376645304, 0.628757719327, -0.0215509018939, 0.435034056717, 0.473243063195, -1.7695259404199999, -1.58360268449, -0.47856469529299994, 1.3370138677799999, 0.924364562714, -0.884935004855, -1.41443342079], [0.256058315801, 0.755527947576, 0.8855056650030001, -1.0487470366, -0.489666365242, -0.793182227203, -0.022741615699800002, 0.628596012055, -0.252704706057, 0.39300587267, -0.7516163995559999, 0.9600977957969999, -0.0637008543211, -0.608197879045, 0.9600977957969999, 0.154047073126, 0.300940934857, 0.665558917605, 1.15338569612, 0.9802850631290001, 0.8912690471610001, 0.665558917605, 0.12299843124399999, -0.274555882388, 0.0968011499602, 0.624897901919, 0.491207777756, 0.561411396469, 0.0, 0.0, -1.9712986529299998, -2.2451068598500004, -3.0257332327599995, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.239058817977, 0.710125372179, 0.415845981846, -0.0962653602298, -0.258738347897, 0.0953093530689, -0.254229311585, 0.466396557139, -0.17343721279399998, 0.366050919498, 0.0944272518538, 0.38165961725599995, -0.105214218772, -0.46342544487099996, 0.595878933385, -0.0450474324749, 0.72967797014, 1.17647483823, 1.5639519144999998, 0.778592218494, 0.532679715882, 0.553002042378, -0.120510318032, -2.96901646182, -0.0450474324749, 0.8521535540970001, 0.302826282361, 0.435088734609, 0.0, 0.0, -1.33933240612, -2.93136711315, -1.48756901467, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.724009235589, 0.618698287091, 0.298381575193, 0.384949566999, -1.06316662345, -0.41057007430200004, 1.48835313355, 0.894902514964, 0.244284646908, 0.141034628221, 1.21894556152, 1.48604523753, -0.0366417912187, -0.47096906205399997, 0.44433882784199996, -0.687701105526, 0.809607221801, 0.899424279431, 0.16896630246199998, 0.151913858101, 0.7390048084899999, 0.07950157920539999, -0.7153944108020001, -1.41213612088, 0.0389867870637, 0.551868781237, 0.0406984603959, -0.06065419314230001, 0.0, 0.0, -2.53073867235, -2.48633411911, -1.54960912076, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.17854556654, 0.566906747108, 0.691715364607, 0.373744539297, -1.9038894466999998, -0.42899078229599996, -0.9920063672149999, 0.815708852802, -0.37148768867799997, 0.8136356607520001, 1.30082411059, 0.784532198047, -0.467638494845, -0.873760868178, 0.249498399296, -0.8468735927259999, 1.44389275903, -0.888855445109, 0.424330352037, 0.24484923080600002, 0.447532667873, 0.8243503406820001, 0.244267647418, -0.43261754655900003, 0.290563267109, -0.704242849772, -0.43133468958000004, 2.0656040296900002, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0274736226, -2.49033466147, -0.900995677956, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0104954482600002, 0.36641111406800003, 0.562128977874, 0.259369041013, -2.08010665508, -0.748652981615, 0.0500561419644, 0.6650624347190001, -0.0912130049983, 0.633685533444, 1.1276919838200001, 0.760167711181, -0.37346149191699995, -0.502457222793, 0.28314465257300003, -0.347237863168, 1.53395107743, -0.22027115724100002, 0.585392799339, 0.140079712226, 0.339161042088, 0.851475951357, 0.20733751345600002, -0.40665930801, 0.264549663323, -0.357170271303, -0.173953875451, 1.83077739276, 0.0, 0.0, -2.10289068822, -2.3444801239900004, -1.72238354711, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.921415274367, 0.06250156927299999, 0.6305405571880001, 0.412054360844, -0.864748883135, -0.18344835438700002, -0.159112866559, 0.104644431129, -0.7195873401199999, -0.415313506698, 0.453821569331, 0.730416728723, 0.479927786018, -0.24920083612100002, 0.9657304471029999, -0.6406298411779999, 1.6859747356099999, -1.0095513487899999, 0.901445827462, 0.12808657701099999, 0.997073528312, 0.975693983985, -0.04756859364030001, -0.389161333731, 0.151736262463, 0.17678640535300003, -0.35851724654600003, 1.37439255717, 0.0, 0.0, -1.2728648241399998, -3.5368812609800004, -1.30565636532, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.508560767683, -0.220833443021, 1.03705009549, 0.16348086574100001, -0.7067021080149999, 0.24262062020300001, -0.681540669902, 0.449050310766, -0.238343236381, 0.222668334999, 0.449050310766, -0.04543109035, -0.528965237007, -1.9514186764700001, -0.200881074093, 0.16348086574100001, 0.6499940068760001, 0.508560767683, 1.41145667319, 1.03705009549, 0.40067826203699997, 0.222668334999, 0.6499940068760001, -1.77510033717, -0.167256401061, 0.904912116247, 1.03705009549, 0.8180700955329999, 1.41145667319, 0.904912116247, -1.7037007359600003, -3.00965140701, -0.387921015843, -0.729112763278, -1.7134046827200002, 0.358936695353, 0.508560767683], [0.9107930532490001, 1.24593445246, 0.9107930532490001, 0.850931056569, -0.30378008748, -0.5592402271620001, -1.04045763569, -0.127277433318, 0.543841681065, -0.344779426244, -0.574119416408, -0.14134672307600002, -0.166985220293, -1.02688854192, 0.20531825512899998, -0.091811641022, 0.361252625067, -0.31859576128199996, 0.832034370309, 1.12580404222, 0.924964317, -0.459812653575, 1.31838557847, -1.07943264183, -0.458617762085, 0.47398391293000003, 1.9240182090400002, 0.869959288626, 0.0, 0.0, -1.91555584237, -2.3777106636500003, -1.5116022179700002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0411700259299999, 1.1711200067, 0.30037120241, 0.775282784031, 0.0639089570945, -0.58344403465, -0.036490401098300006, -0.305758086368, -0.41209070139700005, 0.553793357205, 1.4787615842700002, -0.34754834171899995, 0.136337357498, 1.10554728553, 0.25312606028900003, 1.0618680673, -0.318741606711, 0.326488913371, -0.613885486063, 0.988796009313, 0.6951583048469999, 0.71991639057, 0.9628451929459999, -1.19821593427, -0.531557304051, -0.380681012723, -0.19916160337000002, -0.527813253513, 0.0, 0.0, -1.45700048032, -3.42231751133, -1.29978574171, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.574843984565, 0.597175440618, -1.22108382077, -1.7662565079700001, 0.17276414315000002, -0.821351056718, 0.284454848709, 1.04267315824, 0.768965384518, 0.853571502178, 0.568112953277, 0.18367886137400002, -0.0362634361099, -0.851675843583, 1.3829621207700002, 0.24853675614100001, 1.10870320911, 1.2655797492899998, 1.31296573638, 0.856495739908, 1.32381660298, 0.981773854397, -0.5328074968450001, -0.956927908369, -0.644195067803, -0.637591963085, -0.974226958504, -0.972104243715, 0.0, 0.0, -1.008309415, -2.14262796777, -0.9616523593799999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.056569574197000004, 0.0257682930714, -0.20791011432999998, -0.201961522538, -0.142209830796, -0.279374063558, -0.47780096612800005, 0.08770653463839999, -0.130230431722, 1.78635856604, 0.42916698414899995, 0.359222272676, -0.540654152382, -0.522900264543, 0.586009124889, -0.532655748966, 0.955103538612, 0.8626472023430001, 1.82224801062, 0.523557252473, 0.328873334246, 1.43441791616, 0.00610170078222, 0.39327605967, -0.74946849634, 0.0574249257756, 0.20810351453200002, 0.0574249257756, 0.0, 0.0, -1.2829661966600001, -3.6748389449300003, -1.23700899776, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.148086467292, 0.81764452022, 0.559361447638, -1.7256816638699999, 0.498845024169, 0.136625071144, 1.1759300858600001, 0.287034192174, -1.0303635945799998, 0.12287506057499999, -0.172452343138, 0.840817351068, 1.3560128004700003, -0.196492777474, 1.08673558708, -0.968786070573, 0.835513605564, 0.18683969068599998, 0.414183852703, 0.48010476467299995, 1.0153699064200001, 0.525241686663, -0.23969677118000002, 0.314749081626, -0.568611036985, 0.741610231989, 0.434501328878, -0.5468954004959999, 0.0, 0.0, -2.10056127512, -2.9508797077900004, -1.1814881811, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.107462260526, 0.406247766543, 0.0655483686419, -0.6476303549319999, 1.44496581815, 1.1043259525, 0.556631227883, 0.832973780423, -1.62071301753, 1.42051747343, -0.205530040469, 0.50466172004, 0.7067698361470001, 0.426035367587, 0.857849621758, -0.767260837579, 0.7807302963330001, 0.394154019733, -0.11744309930600001, 1.00703723166, 0.404046596975, 0.141463440676, 0.43119467062100003, 0.538629501515, -1.16713114699, 0.234792613976, -0.432601728632, -0.9638407251540001, 0.0, 0.0, -2.31914347143, -2.21381315647, -1.69600546557, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.45493343125, 0.502287922307, 1.13293881404, 0.20778236709800002, 0.557526534099, 0.8459633752240001, 0.55864755561, 0.62306075205, -1.6089502329299998, 0.55864755561, -0.428373190456, 0.856357567623, 0.683689762035, -0.41528792017399996, 0.435018127434, -1.05809150279, 1.0852081140799998, 0.6364564796769999, 0.822826798859, -0.10996575793199999, 0.782939805187, 1.6337186965000001, 0.43147742675399997, -0.8622951179970001, -0.7612612532170001, -0.274416778975, -0.845108708555, -0.519953236946, 0.0, 0.0, -1.2163872583, -2.23411968169, -2.4752704454799996, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0710268025884, 0.880308612598, 0.38411473522399997, -1.95921809194, 0.7515918996909999, 0.158368036242, -0.0743345380931, 0.925288007598, -0.45991541161399996, 0.976994682924, -0.6994926136669999, -0.36247051136999997, -0.380602356699, 0.0521676596199, 1.39585005288, -1.76930609574, 1.38278749682, 0.446800054539, 0.124669347741, 0.934733925495, 1.1874564406, 0.690797175419, 0.47096752298600003, 0.294285489765, -0.47784783148800003, 0.41868144144599995, 0.39038642348999997, -0.161059680002, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8630076904, -1.33436395842, -2.39565702823, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.28338467955, 0.331932775358, -0.0825954900719, -0.5277674823690001, 0.737597168325, 0.595098967986, 0.168500632197, 0.48346726428900005, -0.222420123793, 1.51864568001, -0.0511273079004, -0.583005198554, 0.317135301664, -0.506329196285, 0.565794777465, -1.21147130614, 0.849820350934, 0.969116892961, 0.67358001707, 1.2044153586, 1.47059678997, 0.874166725125, 0.432777016889, 0.314092092268, -0.6359092829190001, 0.247539492054, -0.21588365219900002, -0.36170475697099996, 0.0, 0.0, -2.14016726312, -0.912725834491, -3.0197857288099996, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.24103176922, 0.56044494757, 0.320900691794, -0.83264932094, -0.058236226734999993, -0.369989580025, 0.49935791169200006, 0.21451177946699998, -0.80690802949, -0.0946080010413, 0.707333353318, 0.727812859463, 0.25990119951699997, 0.6349266738780001, 0.950920194202, -2.17115338741, 0.908946948119, 0.26815294593899996, 0.250736952567, 0.546892640845, 0.707333353318, 1.10141426407, 0.401562207041, 0.290798409016, -0.203876126518, 0.21451177946699998, 0.9214139800910001, 0.20276564231199998, 0.0, 0.0, -3.29238848527, -0.9307079580600001, -2.17115338741, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.09400642619, -0.26136880720100003, 0.739140056806, 0.156330028249, -0.19716452542100002, -0.39553381968400003, 0.924940649146, 1.0319920155700002, 0.49951710404700006, 0.8558995232009999, 0.11122968588, 0.47152397452699996, -0.44956984897, -0.69847725671, -0.24395639461399998, 0.328893233068, 1.87330806137, -0.334872318209, -0.46562850640500003, 0.956501232736, 0.49125103103600004, 0.131052583118, -0.43779924239699997, 0.536800904245, 0.513629226288, 1.12433136647, -0.434409104834, 0.169699916362, 0.0, 0.0, -0.210380512501, -3.34050372946, -2.35237009953, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.627940049151, 0.181317535096, 1.01999352421, -0.344428703076, 0.213392664396, -0.890653722586, 1.1593060875599999, 0.36627973979199996, -1.7684994353799999, 0.757618712377, 0.446021674169, 0.236005719713, -0.617514218584, 0.332112571798, 0.10929205464299999, -0.686179405861, 0.806349205507, 0.474118189317, 0.7163249489929999, 0.37027372829800004, -0.617514218584, 0.7879315574160001, 0.22769046540899998, -0.862952176848, 0.8654413992739999, 1.7325662114200002, -1.10567257215, 1.4894437594499998, 0.0, 0.0, -0.264278193913, -1.7895531935799998, -2.71629385913, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.565484166901, 0.963626270149, 0.438431339476, 0.447210002215, -0.254764368032, -0.319089941837, 0.721444418724, 0.663197382026, -1.63684889206, -0.34290773749700004, -0.538017692919, -0.418106580553, 0.0967148528073, 0.37562319942500005, -0.9165450694889999, -0.878774601909, 2.1353954700499997, 1.48908650725, 0.421662474857, 0.941722669176, 0.499172660543, 1.37436572831, -0.569092859126, 0.385329782012, 0.9256918518549999, 0.319403860401, -1.33568264972, -0.681508340497, 0.0, 0.0, 0.310767324166, -2.3743892589, -1.67763363401, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.335519166619, -0.194268032379, -0.167492838097, 0.047005238738099996, -0.14566744122000003, 0.592929162633, 0.8686205474250001, 0.166959557301, 0.352427283041, -0.15003508549300001, 0.417722340675, 0.594725314257, 0.762236773472, -0.40450985396899997, -0.174533744362, -0.232283630616, 0.9583434347959999, 1.2307479169, 1.29279921188, -0.372659028017, 0.065277896187, 1.25600872204, -0.94999480831, 0.33824775546700003, -0.9748427868449999, 0.601044617549, -0.11661825581499999, 0.23102959065900003, 0.0, 0.0, -4.05295534595, -0.817516190306, -1.3582674882499999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.12383359876700001, 0.258876981461, -0.0901207010657, -0.10988664019300001, 0.39185763800499995, 0.201694232566, 0.688137819587, 0.536197584865, 0.222459208528, 0.21809385594300001, 0.446588801311, 0.9750713868440001, 1.11847909716, 0.38618130880199997, 0.44862819669200005, 0.205905084347, 0.37516575560099996, 0.722802596896, 0.6519666624830001, -0.10833277383199999, 0.108290297694, 0.682039706594, -0.609626364503, -0.515637038223, -0.515637038223, 0.0905596201219, -0.43865196039099996, -0.2755661337, 0.0, 0.0, -4.7235656200400005, -0.262467715577, -0.9556702509810001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.295245615119, -0.145038357173, -1.23026289381, -1.15431294704, 0.7123570115119999, 0.9289165908149999, 0.13452295097300002, -0.0639611428981, -0.827288932552, -0.022005357510099997, 0.771375662587, 0.8082906472239999, 0.41088896861199997, 0.307037175126, -0.0859077490588, -0.7857752917120001, 1.77202720967, 0.8082906472239999, 1.71172711155, 0.278285182819, 0.966503687888, -0.214171523935, -1.6582738743399998, 1.3823674233399998, 0.41088896861199997, 0.343665467928, 0.005016216375350001, -0.9332765502570001, 0.0, 0.0, -2.35269696653, -0.062114297364300006, -1.9218294229599997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.329873731451, 0.0988442589332, 0.470739516101, 0.0621717667668, -1.89194165815, 0.6148647461300001, 0.652836651381, 0.732057980843, -0.0294798635972, -0.47294954419699997, 0.416561505836, 0.644834815827, 0.269680074358, 0.80574357309, 0.0988442589332, -0.444431856283, 0.49975167361699996, 0.657038145358, 1.66958148039, -0.56711464104, -0.16512700398, 1.23892791742, -0.20835935646499998, -0.263113163702, 0.265983957444, 1.71597692854, -0.32547153441599996, 0.280909587882, 0.0, 0.0, -2.3048298702700003, -1.7600214375, -2.43263517779, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5675702631139999, 0.955238448273, 1.1344871806499999, 0.999858406687, -0.67496780633, 0.5941037520260001, 0.160214120833, 0.24179631131999998, -0.27206969775, -0.245772435731, 0.21114922309099998, 0.823359206753, -0.177742904344, 0.676357417167, 0.515946999455, -0.683993179702, 0.503899280915, 0.36132142709799997, 0.456743244221, -0.43635253935199997, -0.543294968637, 1.03131479016, -0.332672275417, -0.339960836206, 1.0384033018899999, 1.39871654974, -0.564041237253, -0.106891946717, 0.0, 0.0, -2.2727266950400002, -2.44803023905, -2.57196316186, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.266628850189, -0.611223786392, -0.269999378921, 0.00598154677364, -0.274949721853, -0.22136706736499998, 0.809114290659, -0.403621774257, 0.382534507217, -1.05645755501, 0.22803955100099998, 0.8395642912610001, 0.559249563342, -0.290919233172, 0.46711810216300004, 0.162827083113, 1.69220379406, 1.16888200748, 1.16888200748, -0.383762569062, -0.042646074322300005, 0.961334641127, -1.0590535003200001, 0.29511460513300003, 0.628896615933, 1.74333914401, -0.21359877414, 0.0297308502282, 0.0, 0.0, -2.32896910241, -1.9653293445400002, -2.28754356941, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0641220421641, 0.616932712096, 0.423564920774, 0.394133099169, -0.8493026595890001, -0.0984108561985, 0.528191041898, 0.102436697465, 0.819185979367, -0.417902980823, 0.361636109732, 1.5189083205200002, 0.283891062947, 1.10574836222, 0.406042120427, 0.337944352845, 0.349556575904, -0.596856015406, 0.757139970761, -2.16226918841, -0.893592868944, 0.69146248746, -1.01573989599, -0.842854212862, 1.6584404955, 1.12756720168, -0.814724636669, 0.722432196445, 0.0, 0.0, -1.9869283929700001, -0.261724880974, -2.32902916054, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.133088734848, 0.372475719163, 0.574535840905, -0.05600053582359999, -0.8274349587100001, 0.545610156763, -0.372112255911, 1.1998234002200001, 0.22762293143399998, 0.27823634359099997, 0.42038513118799997, 0.7352845343960001, 0.5188920742809999, -0.24608929363600002, 0.0335589185713, -1.5384114101800002, 1.65584065782, 0.109892906311, 0.126828765018, -0.6745584250259999, 0.031476227373700004, 0.968325104867, 0.0457892399891, -1.1890777277700002, 1.6047691444799999, 0.47894884055, -0.12493018256100001, 0.293872459696, 0.0, 0.0, -2.01782786116, -0.015253050422, -3.29356143027, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.237777424361, -0.23344565644, -0.20072515466600002, -0.449651917947, -0.452503221623, 0.385187926989, 0.7390466288169999, 0.425127813722, -0.217037804328, -0.9581163132870001, -0.09658171048830001, 0.95090699911, 1.24552810945, 1.05553561169, 1.7161088626299998, -0.183500431593, 2.09048166316, 1.56937800205, 0.244438003435, -0.704893795117, 0.406225922438, 0.168349464362, -2.06453841113, -0.34306746409999994, -1.1861186781200002, 0.990181437227, -0.452503221623, -0.827083765511, 0.0, 0.0, -0.717539619669, -0.395840024727, -2.26557183035, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.143725379219, 0.242440080801, -0.320115922534, 1.1909126351700001, 0.41400004333800006, 1.0020941738299998, 0.152564539478, 1.0221241185299998, 0.873927004748, 0.827470222147, 0.292146153841, 0.837323964295, -0.202831851607, 1.0919291526100001, 0.762497127024, 0.5608917148870001, 0.043361566415599996, 0.495723765977, 2.14786887981, -1.15472699235, -0.627773800894, -1.76173254912, -1.2703035489399999, -1.16028950624, -0.9010885899200002, -0.180120030293, -0.034384167140800004, 0.0182230027952, 0.0, 0.0, -2.47081548276, -1.26062898405, -0.774412099078, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.19311520140799998, 0.33629012963, 0.534532193011, -0.0468162668789, 1.79368324785, 0.852000128918, -0.447091141743, -0.436083167619, 1.19400135966, 0.991808290676, 1.2726908679, 0.287884340131, 0.141308489052, 1.47894012017, -0.0791780405882, 0.12519248909800001, -0.24927633273400002, 0.118234621509, 1.07362090547, -1.3922421955500002, -0.0739436027664, 0.534532193011, -0.7863979660320001, -0.438705929823, -0.7524953280429999, 0.0787651241378, 0.324452952203, 0.170673976453, 0.0, 0.0, -2.50026442009, -1.9109052190400002, -2.0020966165700003, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.752536259691, 0.35004470697400003, 0.237932972365, 0.21670851758999998, 1.65790096907, -0.137872502644, 0.283333467863, 1.13110427684, 0.589427737795, 0.615312867421, -0.371105801032, 0.0903058591407, 0.34704408877, 0.441596911037, 0.7313585279629999, -0.6052803642979999, 0.996530466145, -0.117634911302, 0.129805099995, -0.385484023332, 0.814501196098, -0.6022686725940001, -1.3721462447600001, 0.697296815249, 0.288512958221, 0.23615509295, 0.21478771497, 0.061971691285699994, 0.0, 0.0, -2.56353135495, -2.8555894602099996, -1.8732548623199998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.9504951657809999, 1.65679258194, 1.3780417229100002, 1.08536421463, 0.35784064680100003, 0.15610870707, 0.299801300587, 0.360710308742, 0.5064195096199999, 0.403405910475, 0.119421467912, 0.427927844566, 0.302562195166, -0.48684724313600003, 0.607810591441, -0.5068728669520001, -0.42122521957500003, -0.08010076023900001, 0.5559890774740001, -0.280994455411, 0.934054803508, -0.45747712815499997, -0.8115897728720001, -0.7374761796349999, 0.64198937103, 0.5853396571280001, -0.294244635356, -0.222817771501, 0.0, 0.0, -3.11472584482, -2.28615540192, -1.62954779721, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.288283648898, -0.275670497809, 0.23204444605, 1.05813149957, 0.688349239973, -0.246094620214, 1.2195536789599999, 0.411684671176, 0.01743421678, -0.825618741886, 0.021398984103, 1.48385565975, 0.8943697445559999, -0.313877558933, 0.238956982571, 0.45561904484899995, 0.660890660588, 0.603984052489, 0.302224507163, -0.9356593683, 0.381717792429, -0.0800761180044, -0.8617378520290001, 0.778688936924, 0.407738414633, -0.176795785535, 0.271557026639, 0.549184556261, 0.0, 0.0, -0.655676476756, -3.16572714799, -2.85216629912, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.12317330136299999, 0.535238019302, 0.17465111747, -0.402254555227, 1.8121782555000001, -0.266127370769, 0.705536389828, 0.366326167649, 0.369197240762, -0.28950294105999996, -0.531675792367, 0.912734088994, 1.22149606488, -0.154636444997, 1.74522259879, 0.385977978948, 0.371804578963, 0.277772245479, 0.9572584432119999, -0.478224101893, 0.516470360757, 0.142994990447, -0.7802242323109999, 0.206946341732, 0.216213768098, -1.13712136082, -0.452562916856, -0.8053396556710001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.672443433307, -1.62171932407, -3.4493598228300004, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.366060375942, 0.012014122479499999, -0.682547119547, -0.549203012395, 1.20661767346, -0.42668217039899997, 0.725062373827, 0.123116686041, 1.81723833667, -0.22913226848, 0.492386999682, 0.232420229504, 0.672442642358, -1.0341293497600001, 0.292897000777, 1.20661767346, 0.9095129228659999, 0.763456765999, 1.0133260762899998, -1.70683906419, -0.259180644154, -0.188842210134, -1.35017690279, -0.123573896792, -0.576546946682, 0.682201022078, 0.32271750974, 1.4430511145500002, 0.0, 0.0, -1.1718722773799999, -2.5507291223900004, -1.4316845406299998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.20976488047, 0.324506532135, -0.468082295672, -0.9658324184679999, 0.862793748832, 0.9182216558319999, 0.452265547618, 1.235614972, 1.6399637803, 1.44174631308, 0.41916174892700003, 0.351867707257, 1.4593195021, 0.7536912507019999, 0.507495811819, 0.18286742997000002, -0.417933171462, -0.8636860906460001, 0.404155786817, -0.6692161250240001, -0.6155608833649999, -0.424451279832, 0.457047547174, 0.159954721595, -0.623072637778, 0.923822800063, -0.486033393753, -0.323155907161, -0.508806863075, 0.17279666298500002, -3.6810665673400003, -0.00593482175498, -0.18124079889400002, -1.05775639237, -1.4608238819400001, -0.908289892411, -0.216114978724], [1.4917886891699998, 0.027205028830499998, 0.918477309862, 0.200640238332, -0.7570836129790001, -0.0466560197745, 0.23480607774999998, 0.41375913747500004, 1.7410941376, 1.06885179826, 1.1610429183700002, 0.463404263371, 0.164840771025, -0.100857159115, 0.811629409805, -1.06515966406, 0.5456625757810001, -0.925904274871, 1.4084694218, -0.801334692985, -1.4278150278900001, -0.601806449151, 0.294191572797, -0.281820941138, 0.226832429687, -0.25313295887, -0.412908262006, 0.90427617626, 0.0, 0.0, -3.2153786059, -0.435688900924, -0.8153750793960001, 0.0, -0.9360503071200001, 0.0, 0.0], [1.15323364215, 0.454324577553, 0.29612933018000004, 0.719508138274, -0.29304467623799996, 0.198729501393, 0.318768131785, 0.47070035056599996, 0.524539805459, 0.842945516197, 0.46028492805699994, 0.9098833317659999, -0.452901816448, 0.631273660025, 1.06788076347, -0.355592880598, 0.5638435843330001, -1.04461178415, 0.568635296755, -0.199505090313, -0.074634406177, -0.260052946851, 0.9098833317659999, -0.473177127334, 0.423551572771, 0.423551572771, 0.5620185265559999, 0.526245392292, -1.03609757005, 0.524539805459, -3.9488067901, -0.893909657763, -0.223410155504, -1.7615661611500002, 0.0, -1.90584800482, 0.372688307917], [1.8968776198599997, 1.27953384897, 0.106451946725, -0.33588181789099997, 0.0193677392413, -1.20095798099, 0.0, 0.0, 0.682272153257, 0.0, 0.0, 0.402339613419, 0.682272153257, 0.345061606859, 1.6551016161399998, 0.662313448988, 0.586505168442, -0.147151701482, 0.319794869088, -0.10660855172700001, -0.014923927433499998, -1.17204610617, 0.580320863156, -0.11690136763, -0.102870256292, 0.7354318290340001, 0.374534538891, 0.302462912378, -1.7685292657700002, 0.269454806412, -3.2566238040599997, -0.29142880866, 0.0, -0.7881399439810001, 0.0, -0.925876683286, -0.672156518738], [2.3383891458200003, 1.58528485398, -0.874154825964, -0.20423816047899998, -0.09574380410660001, -0.0745817162127, 0.240506625737, -0.327459634999, 0.26874350795400004, 0.48877763616400005, 0.792336858797, 0.541490935998, -0.00364299251157, 0.862423568072, 1.2830715866700002, 0.373960589122, -0.122159645555, -0.213405720102, 0.790456253704, -0.7727271871860001, -0.656822199695, -0.739895718512, -0.40651151548000003, -0.285830095899, 0.0287032413121, 0.0702871717835, -0.0635646190617, -0.553830844058, 0.0, 0.0, -3.6857834947900003, 0.295662956453, -0.879742756961, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.679142356435, -0.0669634012138, -0.413707393795, -0.7158883962739999, -1.2545040846, -0.0694295582612, 0.150765864285, -0.14268653403200002, 1.45165377252, 0.178075206063, 0.24390049327500002, 0.663067042547, 0.326280800182, 0.689589521444, 0.316524293044, 0.8347490803669999, -0.61342749049, 0.9017159728849999, 0.383776011417, 0.183971184815, -1.4879935720100002, 0.676591279423, -0.042229083916800005, 0.251931929256, -0.6381401434430001, -0.707326198716, -0.418779177799, 0.502026954425, 0.0, 0.0, -3.8816645907300003, 1.5855685212600001, 0.43340934165100004, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.0651135718922, -0.0169147298002, -0.27440130623000003, -0.07072493351260001, 0.28796053073399996, -0.7964747850049999, -0.138624444819, -0.319470044266, 0.718212655866, -0.193667592629, -0.46149880129500004, -1.78381963441, 0.49901971423299996, 0.373165662842, -0.140458630339, 0.46973123628300006, -0.18921069665100002, 0.39578042215899994, 0.448035969003, 0.384360759965, 1.26857718078, 0.0790207990221, 1.33828106631, 1.47046005866, 0.865351417183, -0.33791806395, -0.151231745141, 0.422389502919, 0.0, 0.0, -4.15207675795, 0.239768737594, -0.16850997565200002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.058248847521800005, 0.309140374548, -1.0262404387000001, -1.54380338498, 0.223669551323, 0.742883729887, 1.05351993324, 1.5481698114500002, 1.93695514686, 0.0216903635493, -0.0892945854527, 0.627846653928, 0.5382422993779999, 1.11074390409, 0.41655011348300003, 0.42504308527400003, 1.0123353110200002, 0.813343272744, -0.110071064015, 0.447183852832, -0.362011992096, -0.246849864366, 0.191926736316, -1.8567774765599998, -1.7193195930200003, 0.008502141932069999, 0.253879052085, -0.0397047971035, 0.0, 0.0, -2.1644113152599997, -1.2786450977600001, -1.1862468770999999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.280115197671, 0.916002392923, -0.297598056133, 0.0598961861523, -0.280345820689, 0.928920681366, 0.713794371014, 0.168827137289, 1.58039091775, -0.208276836284, 0.7553147094339999, 0.744432457464, -0.17248206197299998, 0.373875584702, 1.47546377955, -0.141599637257, 0.821574060768, 0.316792207248, 0.506314473684, -0.785225095748, 0.141035290948, 0.223427415293, -0.772466746691, -1.3467468988999998, -2.2640715887000002, -0.308295547501, 1.2097186478200002, 1.2097186478200002, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9628801661399999, -0.824990186592, -2.44865373075, 0.0, -1.61198178553, 0.0, 0.0], [1.64329758961, -0.508837695929, 0.25708419985500003, -0.06346099101319999, -0.773757098995, -0.411369108174, -0.610591169393, 1.02345346509, 1.12865384686, -0.249354203058, 1.3206083251799998, 0.277180149815, 0.269000272181, 0.19521038102000002, 0.51692698528, 0.877519728876, -0.173473276917, 0.0595236898566, -0.243548967973, 0.5133213839199999, -0.126378956709, -0.39874034487800003, 0.978324319876, -1.7404920293000001, -1.32781483875, 0.0386038782475, 0.805137962244, 0.05419883359450001, 0.10455966220599999, 1.83748328597, -3.01649752036, -0.415339838669, -1.5784060891, -0.568147751672, 0.0, 1.38270929215, -1.07658737093], [0.266967549503, 1.27743187919, 1.46596537794, 1.45288397748, -0.972752164523, 0.666686523632, -1.0255125486499999, -0.546876793738, -1.56599866066, -1.2629674867899998, -0.9859754652030001, 0.692069205397, -0.822145805794, -0.06923388190089999, 1.15407515028, -1.5227655335499999, -1.45272022313, -1.7303459794599998, -0.276904346369, -0.344106665528, 0.7067216667039999, -0.809981696869, 0.954358163628, 1.6276753405700002, 1.76714864526, -0.768180285254, 0.848119854011, 0.284145548964, -0.221075736271, -0.475280625349, 0.126173693774, -0.928989124865, 0.9642880466760001, 0.786454389919, 0.062083471365999995, 0.36371714348899997, 0.31484739612199997], [0.7619941940449999, 1.56175237479, 1.5785029911200001, 1.21120163699, -1.37684577169, 0.998688663694, -1.05592152236, -0.5744452859660001, 0.132570625259, -0.634199413247, -1.00491768115, 0.532541836787, 0.0, 0.956174609346, 0.0414032932033, -0.834224264674, -1.04130352733, -0.319164885005, -0.109246315707, 0.0, 0.0, 0.650049962878, 0.0, 0.0, 1.3731068609200001, 0.445432919641, -0.41355492710999997, -0.108270497056, -0.6284949422, -1.19608455338, -0.160803319316, -2.49914612675, 1.56175237479, -0.57881953177, 0.0, -0.043024599595099994, 0.773294820838], [-0.11477251884600001, 1.28983254119, 1.64563271839, -0.0745970174768, -1.50209489616, 0.768032672476, 0.0, 0.0, -0.558373350213, 0.0, 0.0, 1.47723222757, -0.275015509738, 0.610037529603, 0.8038492183210001, -1.50748905317, 0.5113908078, -0.644967201299, -0.603900193023, 0.0828715458515, 0.06050224653030001, 1.16521175389, 0.00914357107122, -0.669341473991, 1.32832701061, 1.53956734419, -0.996074011999, -0.0761333698581, -0.10269529582999999, -0.631629764002, 0.0151055794874, -2.76910619462, 0.0, -0.495817811747, 0.0, 0.380882489842, -0.665611594856], [0.52423822841, 1.5098203086000002, 1.1056958298200001, 1.15182184424, -0.450381660789, 0.9418838251549999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.408508624246, 0.0, 0.0, 0.632357719827, -0.663921684302, 1.24454943023, 0.6212586942230001, -1.0801370579, -0.363622576717, 1.02944863792, 0.7521755955380001, -0.0930430828913, 0.0735673650882, 0.558286212557, -0.147363889679, -0.38322448935900005, 0.9002107228380001, 1.1624626659200001, -0.933185366399, -0.659419217526, -0.474063054819, -0.7921642330390001, -0.0356792749566, -3.3296480192, 0.0, -0.9717809428249999, 0.0, -0.914338706539, -0.507295199173], [0.462505799376, 1.3104266736499999, 1.45600355221, 1.3306267756399999, -0.87524727416, 0.974176933318, -0.836448611252, 0.15320494748, 0.108387103116, -0.009811632189159999, 0.241992048706, 1.21874986764, -0.587475418201, 1.04815448983, 0.40895455918799994, -1.14928106109, 0.742069007057, 0.270376789577, 0.555034583488, -0.14202576560799998, 0.270376789577, 0.938949666696, 0.10458786312400001, -0.0272859428372, 1.2911684694299999, 1.74502648305, -0.167568681599, 0.0562994261621, -0.57529810106, -1.45556143045, -0.684574407358, -2.39749293498, -1.9366141319099999, -0.707520902604, -1.27880300432, -0.530831468215, -1.32523106049], [0.290427081422, 1.1702623029, 1.41071548016, 1.21564241491, 0.047404348915400005, 1.02235651093, -1.01073236071, 0.294665269922, -0.321360659503, 0.0519566404464, -0.211965534811, 1.09067956619, -0.473946708975, 0.838323007712, 0.619001294801, -1.8280365686900002, 0.431785903455, 0.205992425396, 0.608746012602, -0.180690328902, 0.0324508500113, 1.0436528388500002, -0.519416055563, -0.397223565638, 1.67342208244, 1.39806128322, -0.275682433697, 0.0324508500113, -0.7756310698280001, -2.3375613611099997, -0.0185042937557, -1.2669133117, -2.47015255272, 0.06163566826780001, -0.34451584667199997, 0.294665269922, -1.40196445021], [-0.292417379966, 1.45649051837, 1.2052959375299999, 1.0762057970799999, -0.700983032181, 1.4221323982799998, -0.664909705321, -0.49524898511999993, 0.720323997749, -0.7582126108930001, 0.17554207691100002, 0.7451136600749999, -0.228283348877, 1.2731981268500001, 0.439275884238, -1.87288586064, 0.09554310959519999, 0.610013659022, 1.08883610111, -0.520094962129, 0.805618329464, 1.03840758435, -0.436496123917, -1.0679545334, 1.6273899321599998, 1.6230312069100001, -0.0969421734914, 0.28504734966899997, -0.539630133736, -0.689433975781, -0.189855513099, -2.18434911511, -1.11802739229, -0.7503951277330001, -1.25590297132, -1.03102620189, -0.7944165224779999], [-0.0867670543464, -0.34076494443000005, 0.212535504426, -0.39078820293000005, -0.28584163244399996, -0.13374409361300002, -0.16825936002300002, -0.500850619407, 1.3632931458200002, -0.6223128852600001, -0.324636685617, 1.55377473296, 0.48431219153300004, -0.39078820293000005, -0.29980260077, -0.6513703389100001, 1.94769638395, -0.63706773098, 1.5089098469100002, 0.67266254948, -0.184954829227, 0.105571262442, 0.945567654538, -0.526940651118, 1.34211552759, 1.5128553784999998, 0.67266254948, 0.842667719787, -0.254519156111, 0.284863905391, -0.832667232958, -2.44708295045, 0.34255662858, -1.9937827911400001, 0.0, -1.91530460064, -0.803798418089], [-0.183158479221, -1.2821510563299998, 0.33006281322, 0.07245765720200001, -0.8036395264399999, -0.362578118616, -0.8655045905159999, 0.501183157943, 0.501183157943, 0.779002038829, -0.620658057245, 0.179417022014, -0.6750971372660001, -0.0668579788764, 0.07757299107410001, -0.525385898449, 0.97157562494, 0.281374614042, -0.639547428917, 0.6227616838710001, -0.0998167801246, 0.9932038821200001, 0.540593913419, 0.196373353925, 1.03715650125, 1.7635699508000002, 0.586054920785, 0.44442831172200004, 0.21939654336599998, 0.323520141779, -0.7052159056180001, -3.5155612060300006, 2.5014681203999998, -0.666187215903, 0.0, -0.9194422183409999, -0.991554802754], [0.722817678142, 0.377491206347, 1.29558255796, 0.98554078155, -0.245673296769, 0.21865264494699999, -0.218955633013, -0.46065807867200004, -0.06530438201330001, -0.42917958813, -0.216316855533, 0.108147081623, 0.0555397588664, 0.0736319054459, 0.530320168489, 0.47817977732699996, -0.0586104329371, -1.3759806933399998, 0.911023657375, 0.051420764869099994, -0.532881379207, 0.20394309655600001, 1.32428533804, 1.66667467123, 0.948078464545, 0.8707672937000001, 0.103700094113, 1.00886420215, -0.17744739653799999, 0.9214925934839999, -1.8570415402, -3.2555494801200004, -0.344868090529, -0.6905508656899999, 0.0, -0.977902350926, -1.94923367315], [0.333964344701, -0.09980983854699998, 0.33632698400399996, 1.57834807119, -0.7466063835789999, -0.167734164837, 0.9349085568700001, -0.34370699997599996, -0.668653300811, -1.8228653992099997, -0.28363383861499997, 0.682480751534, 0.19291769889000002, 0.563789935605, 0.43303313542099997, -0.210541447227, 0.42029747875600004, -0.157599824275, 0.489572553288, 0.254023407989, 1.4068014679799998, 0.722309066012, 1.4595557054799997, -0.00018979472265599997, 1.04964737576, 1.4221398086100001, -0.8966274175110001, 0.431363651385, -0.12836454362400002, 0.950884458187, -1.26084856325, -2.55634092288, 0.15937533715, -1.8514739437999999, 0.0, -1.85824650717, -0.768496898774], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8487591728389999, -0.438104312201, 0.571979599144, 0.497853585215, 0.6956673324600001, 0.916621427854, -0.21221694917599998, 0.0015917357665899998, 0.0381055732202, -0.123182835721, 0.37689661114, -0.600344079954, 0.0523504171079, 0.529819443951, -0.570376827203, 1.0290706347399998, 0.88253731214, 1.44201760365, 0.7155274613529999, 0.020544090751200002, 1.01372431875, 0.7233341815800001, 0.499579037315, 0.427567000757, 0.08018914180650001, 0.200976859658, -0.168135014951, -4.01067088114, -0.127554546266, -1.07722820018, 0.0, -1.12617835003, -1.4132021987], [0.440777279789, 0.730662051335, 1.1647893302399999, 1.11607168379, -1.23971136145, -0.335852093902, 0.15691728784000003, 1.01185014366, 0.047671157684, 0.474486790986, 0.440777279789, 0.197719581034, -0.0548745858149, -0.0313367797578, -0.40628447802199996, 0.387363505895, 0.24028277071899998, 0.035591970833300006, 0.463243669573, 0.25967428228100004, 0.611769145441, 0.589052996847, 0.47760219542300003, 0.621064653731, 0.730662051335, 0.229542617561, 0.756960582969, 0.410047392276, 0.463243669573, 0.37450872998499996, -0.725513461228, -4.329680134599999, -0.282327532735, -1.09246682481, -1.07223326783, -1.286506408, -1.57554589245], [0.48724219173, -0.6046254492090001, 0.599902641712, 0.37138941805799996, -2.10528087113, -0.489999795731, 0.575137560656, 0.8767342160089999, -0.0448825151589, 0.963246911991, 0.10553347538899999, 0.585419785802, -0.024311971295599998, 0.313599466166, 0.258965751758, -0.664868023052, 1.2029903966600002, 0.258965751758, 0.730357378459, -0.0556248898345, 0.415690495412, 1.0855776987299999, 0.230590259828, 0.973779535008, -0.675781564853, -0.422313254086, 0.6951433830470001, 0.252307371072, 1.00218137686, 0.649496873592, -0.9206271602230001, -3.9447078374599998, -0.581420701897, -1.14688907904, 0.0, 0.118688390273, -1.071607217], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.990147022375, -0.414721585564, 0.673442557192, 1.7746257033300001, 0.715814586551, -0.17199872422499998, 0.29089876213000004, -0.109059919278, -0.9616479511480001, -0.22369873212699998, 0.477145263315, 0.498456868367, 0.131436820067, 0.152664929878, 0.5978840614100001, 0.0046408152603, -0.317732642067, 1.10602945346, -0.357523296418, -0.221659915341, 0.313149399393, 0.126227664123, 1.53629733581, 1.41469942486, 0.149474332717, 0.46004162615099997, 0.548416968797, -3.7260142808699994, -0.785466643382, -1.23665426549, 0.0, -0.44664752048999995, -1.00837407403], [0.326839718926, 0.5714625966319999, 0.8883643967820001, 0.1073465018, 0.0, 0.357594288521, 1.04791397818, 0.918688586286, 0.0, -0.114001554497, -0.217159695633, 0.353518240779, 0.171608556702, -0.610724971693, 0.119279000907, 0.0, 0.898847829425, 0.58533151468, -0.427203662222, 0.47807034790700004, -0.30874389013799997, 0.55554389737, 0.5407052425760001, -0.438271799399, -0.228026445794, 0.5134235022779999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.255654332278, 1.84229461104, -0.608536866686, -3.37632395263, 0.00792415846302, -0.746473959448, 0.0, -0.855252835458, -2.60969166793], [1.34395393036, -0.36728250058600004, 1.0416784357100002, 0.186117090173, -0.8531576123810001, -0.612083105466, -0.341793866638, 0.337394624428, -0.442614824767, -0.212636139739, 0.28756239688499996, 1.03120388344, -0.246795633179, 0.473085180708, -0.37592213565800003, -0.00322262873272, 0.0843905548264, -0.451356982754, -0.267985912555, 0.553780961571, 0.125906148847, 0.646906597877, 0.70134916109, 0.322910510792, 0.509462331022, 1.92908202681, 0.717797031786, 1.3420571438, 0.45683984847900005, -0.942571416982, 0.0149517147844, -4.05002896234, -0.749097578934, -1.7919384296, -0.638443140236, 0.40905537334799996, -0.168554076209], [0.030633715053, 0.200184686919, 0.338532648587, 1.1931090687700001, -0.40680032811899997, 1.31586460792, 0.09594947244589999, 0.049861418566199994, 1.03725503889, -0.128267492622, -0.626560040203, -0.33275179706999997, 0.0, 0.570602054327, 0.018692104229099997, 0.048389667063499994, -1.0404877535, 0.19289357108, 0.877334999609, 0.0, 0.0, 1.4983532296700002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.544329603702, -0.19823507140299998, 0.5219075673179999, 0.849666835934, 0.550256796052, -0.337204914801, 0.293505230412, -4.013539698380001, -0.426239731624, -1.1773165490700002, -1.04718031201, -0.849228453625, 0.35648982588100003], [-0.216675206649, 0.126905861811, -0.014690860594799997, 0.486951508473, -0.9638690558740001, 0.633038235709, -0.49257408688999993, 0.7827614402490001, 0.382150678693, 1.36887313682, -0.625211024534, 0.122451216275, 0.23056790714699998, 0.372334819291, 0.918893106786, -0.0270704575062, -1.20958788594, -0.776408349727, 0.0307599867565, 1.1624041931, 0.219457278963, 1.1186114223, -0.159281314929, 0.722739316471, 0.850337599725, -0.930687827801, 0.09224814049689999, 0.715996306885, 0.0, 0.0, -1.06293379588, -3.94200710639, 0.0835148167613, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.658906577856, -0.576424497239, 1.4356501467700002, 1.4050399253799999, -1.4191144659000001, 0.8243428229809999, 0.15274072978599998, -0.268295253895, 1.35334629122, -0.983970789661, 1.33086995403, 0.553245445333, -0.768594553997, 0.446843615805, -0.203560393268, -0.533649329705, 0.7580042157179999, 0.28203588511300004, -0.23443819581300002, 0.024262321877599996, -1.23086162047, 0.558497297661, 1.1556482560299999, -1.33350853013, 1.30864304375, 0.11658543424699999, 0.959464224173, 1.41955404412, 0.553245445333, 0.876831980653, -1.0625661260700001, -2.5458374031999997, -0.831156198035, -0.244166162654, -0.40234954381399995, -1.2630143152200002, -0.9544371230580001], [-0.112326470093, -0.12205228234400001, 0.908485791831, 1.7867027111200002, -1.35779361686, -0.7955042031990001, -0.792017208335, -0.906323992736, 0.018655456598099997, -0.716652530593, -0.544266324973, -0.17677227179299998, -0.503393193355, 1.2031830526, 1.04678689801, -0.6667729219749999, 0.761565266501, 0.6887857824920001, -0.770039286936, -1.04192698878, 0.295787244518, 1.27972383138, -0.115677407758, 0.649077413194, 2.0303481155700003, 0.41370305066, 1.33004492993, 0.395695428495, 1.07335531346, -0.211911527321, -0.367748631661, -2.90469045551, -1.51095487817, 0.284790463022, 0.43607322244400004, -0.605254002086, -0.380685777357], [0.889656401189, -0.526181190456, 0.6627652229150001, 0.137030980172, -1.15956905351, 0.0626463681428, -0.010431795635700002, -1.87381421127, -0.9135870352200002, -0.190404021796, 0.953364526282, -0.0854658987371, -0.255398448269, 0.7273942525239999, 0.113902490123, 0.30840716343, 1.29679148907, 0.0983543708711, -0.142476316066, -0.059866884396400005, 0.443684961901, 0.385748640437, 1.21026751344, 0.645073875123, -0.557906685822, 0.6352876254500001, 1.3403968266700002, 0.141439844015, 0.0, 0.0, -0.329046579629, -3.4442435905199997, 1.08094356626, 0.0, -1.58476440669, 0.0, 0.0], [0.413707894843, 0.402063528667, 0.413707894843, -0.20662203142299998, -0.730067210542, 0.982414629121, -0.07620376577480001, -0.45011568868600005, -0.41758122795900005, -0.7187274439749999, -0.377351836976, -0.0867540556398, 0.0442431038832, -0.472385377321, -0.48635950106299997, -1.27985933572, 0.290755670765, 0.843718529918, 0.631516533852, 0.24556221556, -0.146590980901, 1.95028169781, 0.6039101296280001, 1.0948502081799998, 0.7917382560089999, 1.80369495596, 0.326594203844, 0.00391027572107, 0.0, 0.0, -0.771213272994, -3.51460351144, -1.10823448818, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.379853633198, -1.4731421540799998, 0.122611051271, 0.39930329729599995, -0.540680031008, 0.613310504862, -0.566441985336, -0.559336034838, 0.472381743821, -0.0336849651294, -0.39932330221199996, -0.207660924098, -0.169081835088, -0.954454390313, -0.8046761126890001, -1.1582354986499999, -0.822664734962, 0.5459274451089999, -0.559336034838, 1.22502820184, 0.484066631646, 1.98296793661, 0.749740675324, 1.51656073476, 0.64182082065, 1.14788752679, 0.234480316897, 0.39930329729599995, 0.767861172698, -0.0274701935431, 0.8414022204639999, -3.73916295824, 0.23036674833, -0.283642371198, 0.950339336112, 0.20928726564800001, -0.8557997680060001], [-0.529938071869, 0.930482999904, 0.508751959358, 0.525628157117, 0.18471555156, 0.822257526996, 0.0, 0.0, 0.496951779507, 0.0, 0.0, -0.30808178639600003, -0.072194436019, 0.040256789278, -1.16758725372, -0.65027002547, 0.023326719355, 0.782784091057, 1.10185706629, -0.40261740401699997, -0.42846954021600003, 0.413603369525, 0.5511092142289999, -0.563741591021, 0.390297857055, 1.5777559771, -0.46277351513099996, -0.0005513540126490001, -0.3486959428, -0.665562760686, 0.328589434456, -4.30850166103, 0.0, 0.21364431976700002, 0.415703071363, 1.0136567247600001, -0.41238726629600003], [0.0970276026142, 0.29685709207899996, 0.38888725305, 0.597128316819, -0.24149062288000003, 0.9986108535529999, -0.5697754303329999, -0.122830545, -0.47964494376100003, 0.291734260449, -0.234067087965, -0.49984461317199996, -0.145287466933, -0.305704912801, -0.5708050792270001, -0.159081153816, -0.260108099167, -0.06918369001369999, 0.136087051137, 1.0333954116, 0.383184407362, 1.10605093095, 0.269720391101, 0.0392269026342, -0.31908250835499996, 0.3550377793, -0.124604627168, 0.264236791103, 0.875227423064, 1.2392213528899998, 0.397839851928, -5.08152115144, -0.490974217471, 0.6604535068240001, 0.0, 0.187184265234, 0.056894705815900004], [-0.189985786991, 0.564560690953, 0.7344454051379999, 0.400487378305, -1.26480755065, 0.6850544202619999, -1.25123517031, -1.0759279787, 1.15922205141, -0.9394391975380001, -0.857939909767, -0.8621959239210001, -0.42241357739600005, -0.8945604065620001, -1.7805874886099997, -0.11260032033, 0.39269225958899995, 0.629930701889, 0.994533895522, -0.101940360126, -0.388625183306, 1.3921796050100002, -0.230310700454, 0.342101331105, -0.865232727976, 1.55585445775, 0.21297557085000002, 0.652726884657, -0.34885000584200004, -0.084553567708, 1.58694462899, -2.57840071103, -1.01931012761, 0.522703726991, 0.731431282305, 1.26212693265, 1.44894547145], [0.11591405684, 0.8495131702230001, 0.339707787235, -0.8241864318179999, -0.06549763784070001, 0.12666877548699998, 0.5581584520449999, 0.569840543903, 0.17520516853300003, -0.2312344364, -0.305335771661, 1.02184125714, -0.0963119472068, 1.29692539894, 1.248114117, -0.486102787602, 1.10587882695, 0.25652513857500003, -0.396713933803, -0.044267758721699996, -0.126268768851, 0.294681802137, -0.40724644402800003, -0.531170948923, 0.603480598923, 0.10225620178, 0.406601166026, 0.370775831633, 0.0, 0.0, -1.36102128364, -4.30208460791, -0.264645534957, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.46658406333999997, 0.055104966693900005, -1.1112000184, -2.3809710144, 0.16138592509400002, 0.505581130181, -0.0269450456345, -0.334156386385, 0.900132194377, -0.7095068765070001, 0.335094589085, -0.025067827481, -0.34489465930299995, 0.171638472309, 0.785025885846, -0.20443768664700002, 0.494234359447, 1.15390546404, 1.00093419562, 0.135184735779, -0.324565589908, 0.321319731785, 0.129143825988, 1.08551122122, 0.8918630386299999, -0.186202896393, 0.584450678553, 0.4156040591, -0.535178673768, 0.0121332928274, 0.371913963051, -4.3223979450300005, -0.0327373765895, -0.40944591191299995, 0.121435303903, 1.00093419562, 0.781760742566], [-0.37729552473000005, 0.483006390512, 0.157711807029, -0.87526084552, 0.236503507414, 0.677911476357, -0.0667972576415, -0.138272016632, 0.236503507414, -0.213883050882, -0.290115228154, 0.691542381627, -0.630656113517, 1.27428531991, 0.153977028578, -0.440206439696, 0.809762255995, 0.913432868586, 1.20182372371, -0.579505756614, -0.7100709224189999, 1.20182372371, -0.703810947613, -0.6858229821259999, 0.763411135563, 1.7490343556799999, -0.44570008545400003, 0.345013594596, 0.0, 0.0, -0.348252038711, -3.851747432, -0.538346434979, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.2255568752, -0.24066880808899999, -0.46749348927900003, -0.403406989825, -1.02447224895, 0.38581322765, -0.308414466118, -0.634824274281, 0.239751420887, -0.47546478142, -0.5968164908879999, 0.798920672333, 0.588176833452, 0.412158993761, -0.133404680877, 0.28440059611499996, 1.2880659782500001, 1.3250904354700002, 1.9004112049900002, -0.730399522572, -0.485424211651, 1.77983126241, 0.268752779547, 0.013490661444399999, 0.6846304842800001, 1.37065484021, -0.7256580888940001, -0.340148965231, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0100254233749, -3.14717984636, -1.4108410745500002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.419432266319, 0.303923790834, 0.190161012795, -0.40540066289300003, -0.868518366783, 0.923578590055, 0.8081214998810001, 0.543195402931, 0.014623764435100002, 0.8707013115000001, 0.629825574779, 1.0356569341600002, 0.945894063764, 0.511206476512, -0.317545042692, 0.283619590484, 0.37203159360699994, 0.573478595521, 1.3129524529899999, -1.05964860071, -0.8658056892649999, 1.5422399639200002, -0.449601856086, -0.896374683378, 0.275150212776, 1.04646365175, -1.0423276773, -0.444118132923, 0.0, 0.0, -0.558865777641, -3.26719565271, -1.58799007399, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0158228437328, 0.320326552311, -0.0902830546457, -0.0335712497466, 1.21124217827, 0.559296276433, 0.046963668143, 0.9860983921809999, -0.105519552994, 0.46901285874, 0.533561388966, -0.9676447865819999, -0.459497150991, 0.0922539205072, -0.07911704125239999, 1.0049768951, -1.13818753784, -1.21875607525, -1.1110071633399998, 0.62988443115, -0.0670883819576, 0.964908056389, 1.43790834033, 0.824424964667, 0.481573464622, -0.247566509507, 0.264253689149, -0.35683048061899997, -0.32548034280099997, -1.0964766405700002, 0.768222633584, -3.7345522125999997, 1.61127314012, 0.20235820316300002, 0.0, 0.142630430991, -1.5354141478499999], [0.144681124923, 1.09804368287, 0.42817577013700003, -0.731576513083, -0.0582789535672, 0.297647801943, -0.23432913343800002, 0.30646896584399996, 0.132335350951, 1.25297281015, 1.00886899404, -0.257225599272, 0.0, 0.357011760384, 0.225752883783, 0.134984169642, 0.105042116411, 0.0947997464635, 0.16616581573699998, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5829821345500001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.762546576032, -0.0402959064015, 0.694293601575, 0.572826197299, -0.959271004421, -1.0865092822600002, 0.788913630451, -3.81029442986, 0.20730816133299998, -1.03364362935, 0.0, -0.666384602593, -1.48401224026], [-0.196768454284, -0.264534065333, -0.474495037337, 0.45758822482, 0.879566797349, -0.550434753662, 0.20902632054900003, 1.58738772512, -1.27309719729, 2.1718964236200002, 0.825827308981, -0.639427975283, -0.417020623935, -1.4595269029799998, -0.8770382193649999, 0.817149545397, -0.735347222547, -0.18964323347800002, -0.7697564597050001, 0.603441391747, 0.641955143705, 0.841998088928, 2.0337117192400003, 0.20902632054900003, -0.0145840870722, -0.457756149282, -0.595127428794, -0.171020430764, 0.0, 0.0, 0.264323425581, -2.79990017225, -0.183367612073, 0.0, 0.525947589851, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.703346739433, 0.6201777372330001, 0.264607413034, -0.288484167229, -0.332901558428, 0.8015613090929999, 0.203430255242, 0.660588876484, 1.5105959008200003, 1.31563420246, 1.4399624317299997, -0.014264197034200001, 0.195904639996, 0.32630022887, -0.579941203905, -0.6765136441940001, -2.37120725509, -1.33040050188, -0.938765403799, -0.542773227599, -0.30318287409600003, 1.2939769454799999, 0.6986396343719999, 0.226405622775, 0.254194940207, 0.289979405955, 0.04810977282380001, 1.6163599828600002, -1.35290266606, -1.67988667153, 1.3875936058200002, -2.03616010845, -0.567743879458, -0.45383011441200005, 0.0, 0.898229712619, 0.12005159472200001], [2.27603450954, -0.641578023321, -0.525889172504, -0.544224484169, 0.476429299005, -0.546746722265, 2.15303386852, 1.4634285265399998, -0.441209525086, -0.507583151937, -0.465639215717, -0.539971782956, 1.91918106915, -0.56380924421, 0.11628610223099999, -0.449128190216, -0.613167031802, -0.6001947370130001, -0.591308550321, 1.2087987279299999, 2.10027144852, -0.644109414885, -0.5464295546, -0.63095725445, -0.473705709354, 1.7961017083000002, 0.962957173904, 0.903581373307, -0.647506266843, -0.700934601636, -0.731006032242, -0.730430279108, -0.690804916321, -0.606398499921, -0.72442056972, -0.600840056504, -0.618110819846], [-0.162764727739, 0.43023592623499995, -0.18811020449299998, -1.10912901238, -0.15081873028200002, -0.97095457675, 1.4417896860400001, 0.748683031433, -0.395318729124, -0.243274738197, 0.926486989023, 0.0968099943712, 1.34530685505, -0.660092639651, 1.34530685505, -1.63125174338, -0.083785078938, -1.04463408975, -0.22857488957, -0.20422125545400002, 1.07114129258, 0.726523676286, -0.143569957322, 1.23882197278, 0.694101043245, 0.204634069593, 0.155177267697, 1.1260008158900001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.68940114209, -2.8271749151, 0.182056954955, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.087252802891, -1.55897829627, -0.7898157763629999, -0.027902508165500002, -0.69489920337, -0.358465435968, 0.651554104336, 1.0628686981, 1.4525932912700001, 0.6972201271969999, -0.194341961206, 1.06714323643, 1.8656537271400002, -1.2520855576899999, 1.15303436448, -0.30416845392299996, 1.62706227616, -0.500040357095, -0.46605082045100005, -1.2848857970999998, -0.42719018493699995, -0.285640628983, 0.9092799043359999, 0.884166928926, 0.576207876574, 0.452951075022, -0.21526079914000001, 2.31994709508, -0.83682816508, -1.122378446, 0.434614514728, -0.7127002371619999, -0.270242408976, -1.8494539454199999, -1.04703132976, -0.780573369496, -0.262616340135], [2.08462947158, -1.6083013585600001, 0.21105110157600002, -0.143516142673, -1.6124561133500002, -0.72316463458, -0.614784908349, -0.175900268539, 1.25242130052, 0.16505058716499998, 1.54060089676, -0.635948066796, 0.00624939421905, -1.66273489926, 0.48779604192500003, 0.19458246006700003, 0.370705405327, -1.17756923002, 0.161787667767, -0.7215595124690001, 0.389680916263, -0.438465341227, 0.31825518759599997, 0.9115313596279999, -0.32879449284400003, 0.18634260982099998, 0.21818840951699997, 3.05738806128, 0.29445674889699996, -0.645043927371, 0.6260931733489999, 0.857159680805, -0.346858141769, -1.25090788627, -0.89196288385, -0.8842758725579999, 0.528273206421], [0.9315476688169999, -2.07836898518, -1.6641233059399998, -0.37010418772500003, 0.292807041767, 0.34771537368600003, 0.657818306461, 1.12249040414, 0.844897341497, 0.8064507208310001, 1.65899792361, -0.33920251805, 0.573356316367, -0.358323762389, 0.38210632538500006, -0.6974927634579999, 0.706002974898, 0.101658587941, 0.117692997, 0.764270494361, 1.22611118616, 0.552718360775, 0.8141453333580001, 1.2363389391700002, 0.40062680822400004, 0.497278016471, -0.10270926309, 0.803150763294, -0.8521523598880001, -1.59331436132, -1.09799179266, -0.76635346392, -2.1053678204599997, -1.22051382186, -1.8449673250599998, -0.0968285695304, 0.349632416326], [0.611294943732, 0.283600587635, -0.375792835952, 0.534662853451, -0.009469022518959999, -1.34905003873, 1.4878105636599999, 1.77410474134, -0.302345979657, -1.3177340943, -1.04837372361, 0.661271832245, 1.69653634616, -0.380915271844, 0.713540898485, 1.81170353312, -0.774217809313, 0.39288315169200005, 0.241055724531, -0.132541161531, 0.159861745619, 0.14228482579399998, -0.42181612509599997, 0.194501656668, 2.18584355465, 0.764493408834, 0.035767927781800005, -0.20948554066599998, 1.1526914838700002, -0.9651391953990001, -0.516905273036, -0.9640186625480001, -1.3952850776899999, -0.8262391788179999, -0.901692322505, -1.4515172916999999, -1.50137117435], [-0.229642855462, 0.101763189118, 0.871305674842, -2.2824452176400003, 0.212087069156, -0.9348661289579999, 0.989069002985, 1.54716518266, 0.8127860565080001, -1.19802273092, 0.37143014452600004, 0.9064795077410001, 0.833043689689, 0.00292334960781, 1.4253649590700002, 0.47703400697, 1.47364399314, -0.4040610128, 0.798611384121, -0.652509221096, 0.7533497227920001, 0.0, -0.0271435981673, 0.096957518189, 1.26630031631, -1.1750001849299998, -0.20664425995400001, -0.27173292025199997, 0.693592250298, -1.33307923434, 0.0, 0.0, -0.919912033333, -1.0552635696600001, 0.0, -1.6201490628100002, -1.3224349873999999], [1.0376616627200002, -0.993318792944, -0.40728689886, -0.691684696951, -0.684824031413, 0.229694696316, -0.229156514015, 0.438125748762, 1.81125491271, -0.9391323280589999, 0.777590429366, -0.0990502292985, 0.038867527303, 0.704752071232, 2.40112355062, -0.538527782689, 1.3162691507100002, -0.169893681754, 1.9141006521200001, -0.490698648139, 0.0207753919613, -0.566093904422, -0.553307179114, 1.47094947796, 2.1516681651, -0.933024710086, -0.9283896688050001, -0.5328285310140001, 0.42892270307499997, -0.314423508815, -0.8606634310469999, -1.11517060376, -1.303418529, -1.08504981844, -0.775365711012, 0.05675520017530001, -0.587202140508], [-1.11378661549, -0.42720359435599997, -0.7931971258030001, -1.1819460286499999, -1.22373077396, 0.07365298923439999, 0.0, 0.0, 1.3327779883600002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8469691838429999, 0.425419902074, 1.1509028561799999, 2.00932749132, -0.106952758597, 1.1809000001, 0.833590974657, 1.66953671859, -1.2866222760200001, 0.28997085629, 0.0576609770106, 0.0976507606864, 0.91546211732, 0.782736885916, 0.961529464567, -0.005844138900699999, -0.157663395535, -0.15296204576, -0.176143360349, -0.7890373546770001, -1.67429639303, 0.0, -1.82375388857, -1.05443026332, -0.9761079012999999, 0.315588748173], [3.22562225389, -0.5443479970699999, -0.20770288215399998, -0.4710869944899999, 2.5618879729799997, -0.432359299776, 1.9720932405, -0.512820905033, -0.40262543934, -0.47172832053400005, 1.32421269209, -0.503713025425, -0.486431101824, -0.540242365166, 1.25663677766, -0.475685073177, -0.42568645498999996, -0.256599698381, -0.43134672993699996, 0.101263096986, 0.373952640256, -0.523991144135, -0.480584250625, 2.3393139562900003, -0.50180956591, -0.430016837315, -0.434806741203, -0.526984476182, -0.47802228669, -0.206247969128, -0.45101787935599996, -0.461969094162, -0.5234929712259999, -0.548056617613, -0.444274412356, -0.495966532128, -0.485365565324], [2.9884654584, -0.538010596891, -0.012353777892799999, -0.635253342011, 0.9071023890700001, -0.6526631298, -0.381606051176, -0.608039165236, 0.169941331802, -0.660562619709, 2.58949943677, 0.8320625082909999, -0.21826622873399998, 1.77469102613, 1.7952952517900003, -0.6370337087160001, -0.591223644301, -0.440356124223, -0.271908446336, 0.239895261853, 1.29478464205, -0.5732171558, -0.38949945644100004, 1.5804602796399998, -0.542869387593, -0.6358208364329999, -0.416279189666, -0.5985041231379999, -0.613384727422, -0.24389920946999996, -0.740060516002, -0.588912291035, -0.656059577834, -0.5660360594730001, -0.645022845707, -0.6727319068240001, -0.64262346793], [2.50890405541, -0.489575957567, -0.341280007276, -0.3021391444, 2.63911733212, 0.390429109119, -0.23642701085700002, -0.364995588751, -0.46161819836900003, -0.274612442631, 3.7166283529800004, -0.299891071215, -0.298872015399, -0.305097693543, -0.43469646157700004, -0.312443166631, -0.46347338895199997, 0.024317135937900004, -0.555571221081, -0.526910408807, 2.02741820934, -0.41216748099600004, -0.341343631989, 0.10176749877800001, -0.33099878390099996, -0.34950297119400003, -0.282667861472, -0.111437853262, -0.393917792553, -0.330391167894, -0.489322519128, -0.390950229909, -0.473517080067, -0.511624041361, -0.565247479479, -0.444189798927, -0.313699224502], [1.5980478679299999, -0.9635100027700001, -0.813403157026, 0.399601165747, 0.894085507938, -0.249020802075, 0.912015443078, -2.03008126439, 0.701973889427, -0.0105252428058, 1.78757679487, 1.56157857821, 0.7929879822820001, -0.32602136227, 0.00119814435584, -0.392554454802, 1.18453477074, -0.0585535580635, 0.9736609601039999, -0.372423951311, 1.39412740451, -1.5607110606, -0.673925946091, 1.9095631194099998, -1.16533592018, -0.461995274423, -0.394407179336, -0.77984047521, -1.0328074229200002, 0.8844501179600001, -0.480717520601, -0.122768619242, -0.948433110585, -0.637426960224, 0.0, -0.752832284322, -0.768106177297], [1.6301815139700002, -1.3474545969999998, -0.00165288145036, -0.344785303596, 1.77666753893, -0.0660407842925, 1.00915705298, -0.9767315610070001, -0.480204656473, 0.39389593313500004, 2.7769034812099997, 1.1296828140700002, 0.559635903352, -0.224481388748, 0.270199411378, -0.44073010890000003, 1.13395523891, 0.476215865709, 0.938177128651, -0.122036311346, 0.218714404357, -1.6463681749399999, -0.824832605766, 0.671013728538, -1.6262917369299998, -0.480204656473, -0.518703283309, -0.250052880912, -0.058548441902900004, 1.06044526968, -1.0286060745799999, 0.170040028327, 0.049444604444699995, -0.569918546337, -1.52687601417, -0.419145228694, -1.31066468081], [1.65588511081, -0.09117654079839999, 2.1731808148700003, -0.553440522843, 2.60213292879, -0.577253532561, -0.30494464901, -0.292482268171, -0.27622668895799996, -0.664336401483, 1.99004864574, -0.549350765323, -0.48875614548199997, -0.499055023903, -0.12944370533900001, -0.34211799307400004, -0.592331496097, -0.662418077615, 0.621191976026, 2.42847685887, -0.376612649413, 2.01266645313, -0.669502047996, -0.527925746399, -0.5119377600899999, -0.535329379953, 0.21743049250100002, -0.613057876848, -0.5134781434660001, 0.038868092905699994, -0.610074009073, -0.649311887561, -0.355360738269, -0.606724959745, -0.565495652111, -0.57363413164, -0.608102580427], [1.96853290988, -0.617429288753, 1.85584403771, 0.160374007371, 1.6597662278100003, -0.6941145953919999, 1.1429431115100002, -0.578448729274, -0.738928537703, -0.34973247141400005, 2.1584888307299996, 0.37581572774000005, -0.7102774466399999, -0.708382942202, -0.121773542367, 1.15941456982, -0.6812204959110001, -0.741982092211, 0.501513392438, 1.5381679526499998, 1.5071151064700001, -0.681777407498, -0.72805073012, -0.718831537671, 0.29015894198000003, -0.709642792087, 1.57695371131, -0.682956854012, -0.7113605273479999, -0.657491155337, -0.69854742244, -0.764865128182, -0.7470064161200001, -0.7100991994600001, -0.676288399399, -0.712695164193, -0.753185651689], [2.7046150263700004, -0.49300670849699996, 2.23622705583, -0.197615885452, -0.404748536832, -0.348268474946, -0.148457957227, 0.311414771892, -0.6665544446689999, -0.348615822855, 2.9676055943199997, 0.924266675494, -0.431273692765, -0.585725244719, -0.140393423316, -0.502995818158, -0.49622973930299996, -0.35800713633000003, -0.426903270943, 2.46724670857, -0.65598741567, -0.583420524263, -0.215577598604, -0.449600642989, 0.409888152357, -0.538837252468, -0.6224834986150001, -0.505155934549, -0.491227233734, 1.04898942063, -0.504644105729, -0.47485020224, -0.592161367907, -0.14694234761299999, -0.555318140489, -0.606288340275, -0.578962644313], [3.05337645292, -0.663419869132, -0.502261929191, -0.408258965611, 3.86378499118, -0.320286466057, -0.35435011805, -0.370496290224, -0.269777941938, -0.419882289766, 0.060066418922499996, -0.299642855121, -0.33686572492600003, -0.42645989982500004, -0.40060795553999995, -0.455047574279, -0.324903046007, 0.18912851278099999, -0.23812873415600003, -0.420474043164, 1.48231748043, -0.479281795771, -0.386803387703, -0.542339670355, -0.202568194509, -0.285803843622, -0.323864089658, -0.43448188507, -0.166900371327, 1.8189122343000002, -0.33148969047, -0.3714646653, -0.459575504151, -0.356645985721, -0.6740262582950001, 1.1511721655299998, -0.39264921111699996], [-0.20738918965, -0.120924611452, -0.315225659198, -0.21388009978, 4.73835566836, -0.14525602863099998, -0.174803807917, -0.29025591291700004, -0.263738877999, -0.255002737578, -0.13138265781, -0.250762333188, -0.200090081023, -0.31458996782, -0.31976570898400003, -0.275296855081, -0.16481633144000002, -0.292281157065, -0.16525630373, -0.264045381476, -0.106136478102, -0.28085559370499996, -0.106981077185, -0.153588597348, -0.265446012685, -0.227669590991, -0.22177269620700002, -0.287643511507, -0.229086048541, 3.39204046308, -0.23636300028999999, -0.351620968837, -0.274536135607, -0.324903466928, -0.244968837167, -0.169594831436, -0.284465582165], [2.3679146213599997, -0.819636259917, 0.288894658951, 0.515700839353, 2.9610459773400004, -0.70878180235, 0.0351507071531, -0.5138041677449999, -0.62552118901, -0.362298869441, 0.12797436044399998, -0.612547225864, -0.0827304488538, -0.756813325868, 0.945019932155, 0.77193961598, -0.333511420605, 2.4636433498500003, -0.0965314680082, -0.47887170369099996, 1.9569306064099998, -0.09771578599130001, -0.438965431871, -0.761559884427, 0.25860113784600003, -0.36967627458999996, -0.755039580254, -0.5411483656080001, -0.572569392394, -0.22952797391999996, -0.6933802058480001, -0.7768494951430001, -0.7217858104629999, -0.8369596417820001, 0.9810427553859999, -0.723965982544, -0.763666856042], [2.1139643597099997, 0.9616001300079999, -0.688745770443, 0.20044637206799998, -0.21376558098999998, -0.679068775716, -0.417058742528, -0.735591322022, -0.658207310708, -0.7257581887669999, 2.27353713621, -0.573347817973, -0.69444382837, -0.8157067592389999, -0.655693520347, -0.461745509248, -0.66686601069, 1.8795888492400004, 1.7394435391499998, 1.1085272831, -0.6712894031960001, -0.674697296275, 0.704554982532, -0.667793657236, -0.609408230544, 0.42770619858900005, -0.72263022691, 0.945696362749, -0.682290979754, 1.92736084937, -0.7410106467209999, -0.529105506959, 1.4033399843399998, -0.634548929468, -0.27440443405299997, -0.749603057712, -0.7429845412010001], [2.3513142017099997, -0.0976204604877, -1.00714409191, -0.985929244846, 0.475137162487, -0.105480850752, -0.944162083935, 0.047010690403, -0.258810573078, -0.462679102099, 1.1199602906000001, 1.0722011692, -0.550991095815, -0.813031219465, -0.09888536440910001, -1.02622392646, -0.224976575176, 1.25235041041, 0.34309003048500003, 1.32638682273, 0.7176050026880001, -0.5415037029349999, 0.301037776905, 0.436165324134, 0.349666022856, 0.903938301067, 1.3524989731600001, 0.422723299357, 0.062750879301, 1.52440010518, -1.85323804072, -0.22770040433400002, -0.22770040433400002, -1.1990263355, 0.0, -1.0445558836700002, -2.3885771027500002], [-0.345183740371, 0.625889505659, 0.0035150654490500003, -0.0779957122081, 0.132889257398, 0.601866003873, -1.5864539917700002, -1.5815429034200001, 0.628503856901, -0.17471391389899998, 2.64378912474, -0.576213172027, -1.56606389201, 0.993538601663, -1.04920794746, -1.0153878189799999, -0.7144156145209999, 2.0951325401400003, -0.228452131799, -0.23742320046999998, 1.29302217706, 1.08611398966, 0.44992990614699996, -0.18096556284899998, 0.0795876546189, -0.805884448076, 1.4073940478600002, 0.29208620822799997, -1.45477550729, -0.6393088203, 0.47840097703699996, 1.14117535794, -1.1270540322799998, 0.215455491575, -0.553417340606, 0.217884480496, -0.471714496106], [-0.21235000862700001, -0.799567910779, -0.461856950842, -0.704337287447, -0.643448470437, 0.627702652325, -0.134562643687, -0.8282527964120001, -0.551146096768, -0.150974122618, 2.46118781276, -0.229509120971, 0.776120544235, 1.07898668232, -1.2410238817, -0.6980800793999999, -0.11162426762, -0.255041204746, 1.0395349443000002, 0.0866587227455, 0.914278726646, 1.2323573037200002, 0.64635962141, 1.7612069442900002, -1.03331122843, -1.4240150578200002, 1.41356659655, -0.706898240068, 0.0, 0.0, -0.523984414546, 0.575710380066, -1.9036871484599998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.4145752816100001, -0.764167818609, 0.40610033211400004, -0.636147365048, 0.282003692357, -1.2390484802700001, 0.568766527112, -1.36594056336, -0.8972130555169999, -0.582114914514, 1.68221774435, -0.504197617496, -1.3237798416600002, 1.40773217225, 0.037432268350699995, -1.15238918915, 0.624413440699, 1.37371610429, 2.1472209171900003, 0.597415848068, 0.31382823359, 0.174408991325, -0.255864593217, 0.237018482339, 0.00709121370579, -0.770443180601, 0.44006543434100004, 0.238779266383, -0.924366285455, -0.35594431398500004, 1.03658103582, 1.30727870274, -1.2243867883, -0.991631195222, -1.21124639621, 1.30972999033, -1.40749408035], [1.00016299024, -0.055617126935999996, 0.47657987055699996, 1.03577010828, 0.6532109639329999, -1.28555787391, 0.456033311087, -1.5101086058000002, -1.55083548758, 0.229432255629, 0.8153935732170001, -0.0916353172212, -1.50226347338, 1.07879617354, -1.17738693333, -1.4162984941999999, 0.711487003408, 1.04536632785, 0.87574210192, 0.8644204872110001, 0.908720574169, 0.825633604462, 0.425703131467, 0.40670816821, 0.130440417202, -1.5680833938, 0.610440307528, 1.49380785947, -0.149673579614, -0.607404034155, 0.591330989616, 0.565034456386, -1.60926668667, -1.41481137991, -0.664604535346, 0.898854336558, -1.49552209009], [1.3184802519, -0.744379177159, 0.469301150439, -0.627269199238, 0.718536452502, 0.993016090186, 0.698265228718, 0.0422783155547, -1.45361719636, 0.291541570104, 0.8768483946150001, -1.3848970225900001, -1.61260688498, 1.10328257037, 0.752578124114, -1.4337527015, 0.201825838565, -0.746307088468, -0.0529991504577, 1.1016864429100002, 0.750283589621, 0.9680411517120001, 0.46340034015799997, 1.52494784546, 0.293581291357, -1.09425072035, -0.20012240115600002, -1.3583733543599998, -1.4325580365600001, 0.910033666877, 0.690657696364, 1.0763995709, -1.4506133169, -0.341124867663, -0.77241025409, 1.00985645016, -1.54956066074], [1.64029061926, 0.6872562901170001, 0.585282069518, 1.35396111304, -0.921221558723, 0.6454884077049999, -0.606697985776, -1.7909260397799998, -0.44370841950400003, 0.288500711882, 1.3804684190099998, 0.8764366019580001, -0.587850632896, 1.64029061926, 0.376759735779, 0.270816642652, 1.3366535191, -1.35512553275, 0.497403989599, -0.41633298546499997, 0.0729023554473, -0.594972961928, -0.535309219006, -0.238839455548, -1.21185512914, 0.130272642568, 1.15146006271, -0.627865876403, 0.0, 0.0, -1.9457526126400002, -0.327483255706, -1.33030213434, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0791911282100002, -1.20876660981, 1.2322142105, 0.57933029579, 0.12195197488600001, -0.628365538133, -1.29310082798, -1.9599146119, -0.0550183349684, -0.756529735922, 1.9389307089099996, 0.581285226165, -0.8217614956720001, 0.232772176067, 1.3891665881, -0.19929588554299998, 0.23676530269, 0.3073806723, 0.712053863511, 0.244774964585, 1.7058036568500001, -0.0326973241082, 0.07855489922610001, 0.32925341911, 0.828250296707, -0.172786022687, 0.392213290097, -0.17854385749200002, 0.0, 0.0, -1.6601773251899998, -1.15385931764, -1.8690757866599998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0247244743200001, 1.60808713447, 0.899717156769, 0.439562955246, -0.736194147482, 0.630967211474, -0.870255155598, -1.60571908853, -0.503732200585, 0.343890089485, 2.05499690505, 0.805196426757, -0.284234574434, 1.0891004063299998, 0.33757057009400004, -0.366689568248, 1.14032048999, 0.88138479486, 0.511869790948, 0.280806815396, -0.0894718671053, 0.753851138443, -0.606243459326, -0.574460743108, 0.243484673248, 1.17594070151, -0.64027597377, -0.667651404161, -0.71327807108, 0.280806815396, -0.315047638128, -0.37382439740199996, -3.3580355756599998, -0.442250122746, -1.1281175852399998, -0.69505546839, -0.531741508788], [1.1180493328899999, 0.559734846877, 0.850446400318, 0.660935877235, -0.470007110088, -1.08255073137, -1.00351098641, -0.247719141659, -0.346873990927, 0.715810427826, 1.74078287176, 0.11715495442099999, -0.35383860798600003, 1.54879625311, 0.104901663618, -0.292331021812, 2.42087023485, 1.81735147473, 0.27605223964000003, 0.321051612214, -0.31652027802, -0.10156482250900001, 0.62264941291, -0.651546410233, -0.0462627655839, 0.8920701746449999, -0.0462627655839, -0.530952164986, -0.32377904022799997, -0.733597051553, -0.446027734455, 0.48612224217, -2.22981749314, -0.7620858358759999, -0.893547964927, -1.8441319600200001, -1.52985214184], [1.26838416165, 0.0397363857232, 0.351888804141, 0.7325282292209999, -0.0550263878919, 0.383809559664, -0.759409004718, -1.7237367495200002, -2.00341652288, 0.152667017789, 2.7432594893099997, -0.33952188990800003, 0.0015149180644100002, 0.5437768349459999, -0.596263733885, -0.115293948277, 0.7284416353509999, 0.63850793294, 0.056243805271500004, 1.4441222598299999, 1.23186368155, 0.0, -0.388982894629, -0.934874948936, -0.8040175883840001, -0.330072670529, 0.687100514446, 0.20032873428800002, 0.271288210641, 0.701216122282, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0201502912400002, -1.10219568083, 0.0, -0.00871347664731, -0.995002508839], [1.6068131554299998, 1.8361769137900001, 1.04444610041, 0.939576177705, -0.594863966583, 0.217964348525, 0.504691308289, 0.695208432233, 0.402844684202, 0.291817094547, 1.8689233311000002, -0.044873525309199996, 0.265761191588, -0.48856019125, -0.0543321651761, -1.9671207766299998, 1.3946604161200002, -0.8706984338510001, -0.110248108988, 1.007577656, 1.22894152206, -0.275975620526, 1.12672386766, 0.608629107096, -0.847044892326, -0.828487631683, -0.859511510848, -0.0395551049882, -0.380713887312, -2.0785375890599997, -1.5878181631200001, -0.576514961664, -1.0833552956399999, -0.581549483952, -0.664129341688, -0.444086343547, -0.662778312599], [1.04059198845, 1.18185055424, 1.40241116041, 1.41860990123, 0.42652413602399997, 0.737247788894, 1.55219191148, 0.9839699637710001, 1.07522642749, 0.843670209506, 2.05322227134, -0.561681514564, -0.037805812728, -0.9148810840710001, 0.122105922041, -0.7989728160100001, -0.545579786723, -0.852342076615, -0.660795624704, 0.219477840912, -0.70871558589, -0.593853845253, 2.19640533194, -0.343263682382, -0.6359069470250001, -0.750256944242, -0.904558499749, 1.10883818813, -0.885874205778, -0.8753592123970001, -0.933920283827, -0.934029019198, -0.975999255725, -0.8434439660809999, -0.89859786113, -0.812566354334, -0.8939392174240001], [1.77825569292, 0.31675600995299996, -0.013748764158999999, 0.714338743956, 0.0029233300087399996, -0.614302723111, 1.39941865874, 0.40408195914800005, 1.02045103801, 1.6148919138999998, 1.66276820925, -0.5613096112879999, -1.19803332514, -2.2773812519, 0.6193386582729999, 0.0921373431294, 0.18581523995299998, -1.55727693512, 0.683998590472, 0.703995744771, 0.09059152479669999, -0.22172471879, -0.00021510017173, 0.10636964517999999, -0.620944681713, 0.153790519924, 0.40827759630500005, 1.54298769262, -2.39572912521, -0.7549716472720001, -0.47608773794500003, -0.367786323518, -1.21935158007, 0.5327630376529999, -0.7973807188950001, -0.472508034034, -0.48519887063699996], [1.41857443528, 1.1459561227700001, 0.23875021898899998, 1.34886662111, -1.26351459607, 0.205896023801, 0.05132543601819999, 0.9469669344859999, 0.820403472363, 0.8689750459669999, 1.8348492829799998, -0.9223820474359999, -1.02139367545, 0.134490239977, -0.7083731480750001, -1.13703281861, 0.05239760297709999, -1.45484595907, -0.368441319308, 0.625711879196, 0.46490335084299994, -0.911303732802, -0.054820878367300006, 0.16867370793900002, -1.27258561062, -1.51487659602, 0.371358792321, 1.29403925236, 0.21029538997400002, -1.26373286819, 0.562889233779, 0.094754000588, -1.43400387255, -1.4543393356299998, -0.454847174178, 0.434015836597, 1.9424007520599997], [2.29887236152, 1.63671864144, -0.124002802927, 0.0235264669744, -0.0405546313911, 0.0840139510289, -0.308441830071, 0.8447364340860001, -0.57720596391, 0.0694444297382, 4.7728696610000005, -0.37687120744, 0.0602929118566, -0.3806502179, -0.0554227200996, -0.42685651148500003, -0.158932347315, -0.618543618134, -0.216487614976, -0.32517468556699997, 0.317362870814, -0.498935235749, -0.437103345265, -0.131136005064, -0.257854841592, -0.24090644885600002, -0.346425861318, -0.29257282963799996, -0.307673516583, -0.298504937706, -0.462719292316, -0.479654036255, -0.633078448735, -0.584804931219, -0.5964928504029999, -0.482879133068, -0.44795186348000005], [-0.188032513569, 3.47746491196, -0.0692143998675, 0.06993524114210001, -0.39650218088, -0.156162484452, -0.353623741918, -0.410381088725, -0.0451637273269, -0.21978902299199998, 4.40282545235, -0.219474968507, -0.291369941534, -0.36526376134000005, -0.204631393302, -0.295540665111, -0.285967504268, -0.47237634425499997, -0.32162419033000006, -0.20506946930300002, -0.151442665613, -0.204476366406, -0.26379165699, -0.221578833506, -0.36971853419699996, -0.284260208069, -0.19052344572000002, -0.30359906315900004, -0.239136379556, -0.444688040623, -0.345223784613, -0.355489065532, 1.2602247439399998, -0.17558285368299997, -0.348834411019, -0.459044031238, -0.352873611779], [0.469036094063, 0.7843254621469999, 1.93687692365, -0.67715146312, -0.660346595022, 2.19982431317, -0.6218337818299999, -0.287749455224, -0.227973318729, 0.08000987316210001, 3.85350532391, -0.0235120506526, -0.589624196365, -0.708533501376, -0.244281556524, -0.18763663839699998, 0.25009453443, 0.49426532136699997, 0.0692527792163, 1.41178164803, 1.04632803035, -0.016802952575199998, -0.40947231876900003, 0.481041392302, -0.680076177102, -0.731220940117, -0.682965708855, -0.6551809260279999, -0.399546851131, -0.614563297753, -0.616342294804, -0.6060741828499999, -0.757580587731, -0.660355772995, -0.67192868674, -0.756251311345, -0.589337129773], [-0.48785630919399997, -0.501506046779, -0.294400181509, -0.101996796885, -0.141203842415, -0.7649556097519999, -0.92946308827, -1.01300556469, 0.202761251833, 0.40159993856, 0.600685766268, 2.4144523860900002, 2.4799515427400003, -0.939320887561, -1.0723925622, -1.18815738305, 0.370432883667, 1.46497822495, 1.37819892129, 1.79356003157, 0.659687118886, 0.378541582483, -1.1262521231, 0.153627794071, -0.101996796885, 0.180700106976, -0.816170378027, -0.13670617686699998, -0.177247692849, 1.0218440711299999, -0.816170378027, 0.503804708192, -0.11365761247400001, -1.35100115908, 0.0, -0.623345703234, -1.30802003585], [0.511478066736, -0.382952716501, -0.44466588587899997, 1.3290737653799998, 0.032438133667099994, -0.321353059921, -0.0954815968135, -1.3235282921200002, 1.0029720922299998, -0.504093354085, 2.05392223515, 1.13425372424, 0.52261399084, 0.295737478248, -3.5083053065900005, -0.250550475501, 1.53459789309, 1.61433579553, -0.0671288747637, 0.11765227160399999, 0.242022148705, -0.677878859145, 0.11765227160399999, -0.0671288747637, -1.69942286245, -0.22567192940900002, -0.31239442144, -0.0379055434251, -0.39642418163300003, -0.39642418163300003, 0.562747127739, 1.15040872224, -0.646968452755, -0.145592219802, 0.0, -0.531953625868, -0.186081002502], [1.1428131174299998, -0.22599370221099999, 0.912996715183, 1.26000031746, -0.567123466931, -0.24510317988400002, 2.29150667282, 0.8220720303039999, 0.538597962567, -0.87516475983, 1.40824929325, -0.465050181352, 0.967105219073, -0.984321152652, -1.51509403678, -0.242921419516, -0.212017229228, 0.159664861939, -0.21612081487, -0.8252526391480001, -1.02219135505, -0.775356772996, 0.150446586854, 2.21507197561, 1.00790023293, -0.187431254009, -0.372576130331, -0.431396061761, -0.292692124183, 1.2311904902700002, -1.33127922192, 1.1160909788, -0.721215259818, -0.602561322333, -1.32041012548, -0.264881354686, -1.52755288954], [-0.408400070962, -0.92344762358, 1.47363381659, 0.778077616768, -1.6232171577399999, -2.55235935745, 1.08485498699, 0.822631752222, 0.583036864154, 0.34165229549099996, 2.30191347255, 0.0440492584181, -0.968889139943, 0.428650090845, -0.168142076163, -1.32506924182, -0.0107823300434, -0.224990905861, 0.378771684264, -0.6327731187269999, 0.0877693527138, -0.9035044067069999, -0.535268906901, 0.469523053279, 0.62263417725, 0.00682005562139, 0.591343632496, 0.27642621223700004, 0.967162356637, 2.05668266234, -0.531662687901, 0.49680638237499997, -1.05756143775, -1.17525950939, -0.43784330302100005, -0.989835662106, 0.656567212811], [-0.9848878690799999, 0.8591099111980001, 0.699963733568, -0.982114126225, -0.95639251516, 0.253879550307, 1.65147028651, -0.939797909633, 0.658519846179, -0.5836098357639999, -0.49538523232799997, -0.616530637831, -0.9413165104700001, -0.464732156175, -0.835613971937, 0.947212960565, -0.29555034258900004, 0.0821126501815, -0.027375665085400003, 1.9284183077200001, -0.768420422544, -0.90304677934, 1.4027360098, 0.266026156931, 1.7690092212900002, -1.0304222434, 1.35761304925, -1.0449960812799999, 1.1987105297799998, 1.61407563468, -0.9472633095469999, 1.27531819432, -1.05287014488, -1.04326517334, -0.336517914033, -0.9205395649339999, 0.206472363288], [-1.2883917059899999, -0.7440311611120001, 1.22280964705, 0.0979987892911, -1.24001374048, -0.636503275933, 0.354822730972, -0.5658374386949999, 0.495458256612, -0.116796619079, 0.07548228773610001, -0.770190354748, -1.0992769461799998, 2.49574104509, 0.043634805248, 0.4354708326100001, -0.25150697022199997, -0.5952967906050001, -1.2613199913, 0.940209716519, -0.25455859342799997, -0.28979204812, 0.0848341397699, 0.00706974348446, 1.09421753365, -0.38467827239299995, 1.0853015984899999, -0.208286525251, 1.68972945478, 2.5930865342, -1.44174051662, 0.23388730821400003, -0.12208860079299999, -1.13956510999, 0.0, 0.629806119405, -1.1696858822], [-1.18857086143, 0.12378984451300001, 0.906590569727, -0.0833435140079, -0.944366573733, -1.25815998874, 0.0878887704422, 0.7580637172470001, 1.08697360096, -0.18026520064100002, 0.293751461462, 0.6225950354159999, 1.38673738039, 1.1391345827600001, -0.9290641142399999, 1.47667605636, 0.296552105361, -0.7431757556730001, -1.21108059874, 0.488336102363, -0.620998676407, -1.3447201015999999, -0.0494479058281, 0.482684138815, 1.85339905025, 1.8522615413699999, 1.03676309647, -0.876509047614, 0.371567850862, 1.37752409757, -1.34448936521, -1.2853755625499999, -0.9360508986339999, -0.9460970967200001, -1.33915439465, -0.429887480864, 0.06946813495069999], [0.529952625959, 0.178831894967, 0.49210100245300004, 1.39791394165, -1.4563439787999999, -1.13522074154, 0.181190212332, 0.878636551693, 0.0394373778094, 0.429989746192, 0.17615440716800002, -1.03831344857, -1.11051571785, 0.602733324288, -1.4592831723500002, 2.22466848305, -0.6287354506399999, 0.9964169945119999, -0.641431662676, 1.25110789658, -1.0589300628799998, 1.52371692151, -0.0025447028799099997, 1.12338893013, -0.18669036624899998, -0.127939281721, -0.900020339955, 0.08253829473289999, 0.0, 0.0, -1.30812492775, -0.442997697644, 0.973429676748, 0.0, -1.58511673028, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.392159862998, -0.367242520395, 0.89017868392, 1.33461406734, -0.931609512331, -0.6349586423420001, 0.660064623427, 1.01182348145, 0.18214459068799999, -0.6605484257, 1.0235874436299999, 0.141699865563, 0.785961046603, 0.42202894432599997, -0.890397253754, 1.54256575257, -2.27324130791, -0.408028681094, -0.573153192196, 1.34744009025, -0.0573972068891, 1.60355945369, -0.8973579114390001, 1.5851687947600002, -0.11187034364199999, 0.557132633106, 0.370103783257, -0.496049840987, 0.662904632117, -0.228094505508, -1.73324790808, 0.755788129763, -0.469693618775, -0.600073791337, -1.56740757539, -1.9024422510900003, 0.318208335389], [1.6765413596899998, -0.607222234992, -0.0610229266472, -0.515653809283, -0.267582861592, -0.688276278039, -0.467492373095, -0.740838348839, 0.434557946101, -0.7057306609209999, -0.537394342934, -0.7508647505930001, 1.8508614010900002, -0.809923390982, -0.753551753739, 2.89937540788, -0.638158255985, -0.661961052894, 1.5272772211599999, 2.32081395175, 0.726322351934, 0.045989421328, -0.494989734577, 1.2007910571, 1.20202188793, -0.69373057843, 0.713783521944, -0.735757027485, 0.195398607264, -0.467909902405, -0.735261276182, -0.714729816244, -0.683985465033, -0.539098131896, -0.582200003842, -0.606051495236, -0.33434766330800003], [0.52331356548, 0.260093687885, 0.398560665586, 0.41602425010099997, -0.616111150801, -1.97456067012, -0.140373533201, 0.46094979071500003, 0.623526373521, 0.981091388651, -0.986789346206, 0.133977501717, 0.689442954942, -1.00358020716, 0.37261503685099995, 1.3083317342799998, -1.42064299749, -0.670644479606, 1.42565228283, 0.8498703901700001, 0.756672591359, 1.02165197204, 0.7921466710330001, 1.8609696829499998, 0.5905826357980001, 0.24391780800299998, -1.27603090363, 0.5803556414800001, -1.24532973427, 0.852245813225, -1.55336905651, -0.220883943971, -1.08495534703, -1.3458720970500002, -1.38739928046, 0.9317849294689999, -1.14723462058], [0.8579081769760001, 0.429282032314, -0.703721815971, 1.4798026981299999, 0.6952731347810001, -0.010634856752500001, 0.7050540789480001, -3.0394640421099997, 0.7444714750579999, 0.011508366050400001, -0.0620717047403, -0.246882075619, -0.256950595638, 0.7956807668629999, 0.668350160262, 0.619704479107, -1.55352150443, -0.5083005198089999, 0.17748572900899998, 0.249687391024, 1.2000023328, 0.569473230512, 1.30375929442, 0.82378985261, 0.696819942006, -0.35535709949100003, 0.600711187454, 0.257402391984, -2.1181829310199998, 0.973489745805, -1.00071995206, 0.158298597857, 0.20281100087499998, -0.5787078123889999, -1.55820441208, -0.7063760537720001, -1.5216706889700002], [1.74988211823, 0.549741627483, 0.103912746998, 0.9133731558529999, 0.129434615411, -0.38092437228299997, 0.136406422031, -1.45243956461, 0.432891810335, -1.00218345561, -0.506973557834, 0.7597318162019999, 0.7707765679430001, 0.325031255962, 0.671865027623, 1.57195160315, 0.46961900462300005, -1.0149052313200002, -0.166572526844, -0.156536976046, 0.309550580951, -0.880159883676, 2.07446391774, 2.57953479591, -0.445313793573, -1.10213593941, -0.150877541148, -0.510791004156, -1.7716374563599997, 0.17463149541499998, -0.5201332590709999, 0.7494906779420001, -0.944340422549, -0.852109471512, -0.150877541148, -0.814063658168, -1.6493135844799998], [0.157885810483, -0.20919459683699998, -0.120887307258, 1.3315252074700001, 0.0, -0.8738507331029999, -0.100875007672, -2.5170604506, 0.0, 0.286797786741, 1.1193132317399999, 0.957032014614, 0.290799497861, -0.487546139428, 1.02426946018, 0.0, -0.9111426588320001, -0.0820636205243, -0.0271144503763, 1.4866570908, 0.581068689496, -0.596256221817, 0.6982901986929999, 2.33546042814, 0.0006956560607189999, -0.33313004342700003, 0.0, 0.0, -0.100875007672, -1.29196173613, -0.17127845629900001, 1.1614589907200001, -0.905705934826, -1.36922874883, -0.531740969497, 0.662680520229, -1.4640225001], [-0.46980563062700004, 0.57789061642, 0.303919571537, 1.33675136215, -1.74093475785, -1.31238865427, 0.43296315002400004, -0.196852504127, 1.54356594761, -1.2366390898200001, -0.726866575574, 0.288604879936, 0.558074453665, -0.359480832277, 0.420498862167, 0.470142427966, 1.33457788096, 0.216847713649, 0.0470617932307, 0.423421354739, 1.64139760506, 0.5476631713669999, 0.538172281906, 0.7049728179970001, 0.143517104612, -1.4126547086899999, 0.742429605863, 0.20105897356199998, 0.0, 0.0, -1.13831183316, -1.9899760970099998, -1.8896208910099999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.757039068936, 0.293703655682, 0.7422880635870001, 1.45910777051, -2.36001229822, -1.5423708845, -0.984796724334, -0.88463587263, 0.960873088545, -1.38024706491, -1.41571400029, 0.621590181025, 0.516041322279, 0.567459882767, 0.391990512265, -0.212991168267, 0.382865224871, 0.263960600839, 0.33022729864399997, 0.59024514488, 0.774470941418, -0.101112473694, 0.21880246778999998, 2.57539977393, 0.484266261462, 0.501885553939, -0.057026627994999995, 0.347591787694, 0.0, 0.0, -0.162412994625, -1.01190545577, -1.15250489796, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.69333644251, 0.699628374676, -0.00227521649519, 1.8010887454, -2.1767822583900003, 0.16044317340999997, 1.42741362344, -0.107178932388, 1.44245033473, -0.6947262216519999, -0.7467355368009999, -0.132721852505, 0.17141381677900003, 1.3239224827200002, -0.26724921448399996, 0.08810591784579999, -0.6335308363009999, -0.17916042120700001, 0.40662416677599994, 0.224486202956, 0.522530812603, 0.408519601051, 0.771558659918, 2.23687440253, 0.399351423231, -0.69615413967, 0.755655113504, 0.7587511229009999, -2.0877027831799997, 0.676171674887, -0.0169617164031, -1.38179758714, -0.9343389717630001, -1.4018867713299998, -0.7847202248899999, -0.210698278368, -1.12703224388], [-1.00788412025, 1.57709903686, 1.00816504293, 1.54120155852, -1.17946132732, 0.042585431056399996, -0.0717346873428, 0.28565566193, 1.39894551495, -1.1657938707100002, -0.7189240881910001, -0.716178154266, 0.34706275799099995, 2.1038075188900005, -0.47921621373999995, 1.05777563881, -1.08022244195, 2.02352933296, 0.886950124735, 0.0968009313035, -0.299969683425, -1.1991702951799998, -0.42603036736999994, 1.6506936047799998, 0.9350162398, -0.50103757018, 0.18266744379099997, -0.663967168661, 0.535854704845, -0.715597118985, -0.8177326193350001, -0.9003965886390001, -0.64714340055, -1.16711004689, -0.5622123662799999, -0.69846342734, -0.655564987552], [1.07464304533, 1.63385892544, 1.7290403923900002, 0.36752275198299994, -1.3776650313299998, -0.16624657799599998, 0.405903469931, -0.35432842475599996, 0.690404820343, -1.7411554127400002, -0.033702635203299997, 0.512730715863, 0.28260957814800003, 0.682211311941, 0.686746959493, 0.37414428176799996, -1.72105457842, -0.8862075975220001, -0.790288709096, -0.412708478288, -0.37873106124399997, -0.308948234397, -0.20078430148499998, 2.32156576213, 0.605905252053, -1.128509652, 0.285480956093, 0.013862765897299999, 0.0, 0.0, -1.5853859647, -1.09364504549, 0.512730715863, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.75076824479, 1.65256601407, -0.149169942798, -1.15569049369, -1.06146261558, 0.521030375009, -0.09619788335010002, 0.464533570767, -0.11979854094, -0.802457511592, 0.7674696659100001, -0.511379458027, -0.574556972064, 0.790624855687, -0.511379458027, -0.28330918109000003, -2.03831984337, -0.00971980288257, -0.423667021352, 1.28259216345, 1.6666870277099999, -0.8978129081489999, 0.528552382129, 1.4870896410299999, 0.485742872143, -0.22076010433, 1.4337004914200002, 0.50746587848, 0.0, 0.0, -2.29896452867, -0.966470478598, -0.217706438083, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.515748270441, -0.720794626697, 0.134585422344, -0.131774374287, -0.09363931388380001, -0.611058234251, 2.57676187248, 1.50309595238, -0.7332963755509999, -0.3057976444, -0.527706343401, 1.10073943459, -0.5694194847590001, -0.554019809155, -0.7712742621619999, 1.26283595464, 2.9188537074000003, -0.5197156501829999, -0.6851788216660001, 0.7019939986679999, 0.65180074392, -0.103823168806, 0.256976822074, -0.510177270549, -0.166956133544, 0.358856762263, -0.664903402482, -0.515342191533, -0.615672207957, -0.609621296629, -0.7563438705850001, -0.5463608029779999, -0.6935560169859999, -0.661613939594, -0.662042391996, 2.47333704256, -0.694001808844], [-0.447469144696, -0.46411101987, 3.16531919128, -0.44424363794, -0.475177869225, -0.42405999277900003, -0.48267694788099996, -0.5031967113620001, -0.466689817958, -0.47680267748000005, -0.542713069225, -0.49546220806, -0.479084121947, -0.5172876801240001, -0.498425343975, 1.1428290710200002, 2.8965427196599998, -0.527137696064, -0.344714323005, 1.15365151367, 1.45831322526, -0.450958440513, -0.47422057021, -0.456665360864, -0.053045404560900004, -0.501035342919, -0.508761809637, -0.5061366830039999, -0.516328017408, -0.44819054632399996, -0.437947683232, -0.458502902233, -0.44080445258900003, -0.450043688121, -0.131520286787, 1.8290692245599998, 1.7776885045400002], [-0.0332822982109, 1.5200150217, 1.41323990337, 0.214121669477, -0.882155784516, -0.7587831103589999, 0.669539879653, 1.31938229786, -0.6958157383210001, 1.4150935374899998, -2.2994021521, 0.256127335841, 0.23287812980099998, -1.5956317245200002, 1.00475686781, 1.27742065531, 0.690191680871, 0.151368044625, -0.08029741080310002, 1.1081143482200002, -0.0423882758605, 0.555631166237, -0.111088590698, 0.49984778496200005, 0.282869483689, -1.0283895600700002, -0.45804024140199995, 0.422081461462, 0.102766916332, -1.17553393338, -0.896950681153, -2.5703414805900002, -0.386761637346, -0.520226770064, -0.17008397235800002, 1.2267411397499999, -0.657013962694], [1.17700459574, 0.485595449809, 1.3247924929700001, 0.9843206947769999, -1.0170090378399999, -1.37809451916, 1.56691230954, 1.76097329912, 0.147308855336, 0.7312559657909999, -1.31202395615, -0.520837155918, 0.550258694119, -1.5620624371, 0.701624538551, 0.026313995728099997, 1.01529628142, 1.02187996338, -0.174036472242, 0.996406793126, 0.880452801193, -0.0163250078139, -0.64002954635, -0.217996422797, 1.00085223597, -0.373963179115, -0.594173197408, 0.631048612334, -1.7241443089700002, -0.061341392084300006, -1.46098218977, -0.492720472166, 0.550335348992, -1.53298162938, -1.44229459529, 0.0027285866892299998, -1.03434599503], [0.442304404345, -0.006918534047739999, 1.2951430797299999, -0.556398503394, -0.716007613602, -0.66697898948, -0.0405222008167, 1.7520951106799998, 1.26379215244, 0.142230575629, -0.7857428541529999, -0.60041907842, 1.46247089882, -0.32835626616700003, 0.0949599086125, 0.795066585368, 3.75385584176, -0.715293735569, -0.6750195924600001, 1.9150861856299999, -0.534005058071, 0.259076055333, 0.122970925075, -0.543547141248, -0.205277463071, 0.16829205608199999, -0.551236775827, -0.38844299081600003, -0.891473123087, -0.642257522994, -0.521247149049, -0.89039996971, -0.497643485766, -0.715369017253, -0.784099117533, -0.527607672527, -0.683079924432], [1.34653809871, 0.403360639767, 0.679347873773, -1.0448059229200002, -0.6123046822680001, -0.027863022667099998, 1.55540397234, 1.64679332617, 1.78975773748, 1.24841065277, -0.954636841692, 0.23103739854400002, 0.878695770927, -1.06428458987, 0.9481404434440001, 1.246657775, 1.1559497212999998, -1.12018303796, -0.12738902536399999, 1.05300972697, -1.23415305312, -0.170451763799, -0.057487406077300005, -0.00687380955459, -1.04280247352, -1.1278998201600001, -1.1869302263600001, -0.825044490677, -0.8664352533930001, -1.04839782417, -0.9848908378219999, -0.717397944618, 0.9671513017739999, -0.632585627888, -0.248883680354, 1.07703726155, -1.12559036625], [0.031248434601, -1.1134680911700001, 1.8057670047, -0.890317113191, -0.8473515093199999, 0.157593597457, 0.8989695465549999, 0.279086297474, -1.1100958169700001, -0.20871797206599998, 1.52200433533, 1.17431526031, 0.880672345019, -1.09106829047, 1.43887613909, 0.573715125064, 1.13696729706, -1.26286469683, -0.8291356310269999, 1.5650449255599999, -0.614744328045, -1.01192176469, -0.745489395175, -1.10234898599, -0.740970146402, -1.25923947565, -0.806813457051, -1.1750519649700002, 1.17209312911, 0.582416712034, -0.721633697193, 0.659467844132, 1.0562671805, 0.955300678172, 0.0590805223073, 0.682434795247, -1.1000888335299999], [-0.6760206737029999, 0.05239445233440001, 0.747984489718, 0.24957323201099998, -0.654680705501, -0.647470564889, 0.202467107614, 2.0556124903999997, -0.629388749555, 0.47701086831999995, 0.10539003854800001, -0.00634943618718, -0.7061838289740001, -0.720573007256, 2.14860646086, 1.5723301825, 2.47826320041, -0.688644161856, -0.602638304852, 2.18459447953, -0.641984484313, -0.656643540435, -0.45823978332500004, -0.708029908247, -0.715906130339, -0.649760698481, -0.720664402057, -0.31103003429000003, 1.58832379412, -0.7532047791590001, -0.682173792772, -0.71676839961, -0.7401434572750001, -0.0488016033509, -0.7398104165360001, 0.726968949132, -0.71440888253], [0.389976199361, 1.1441141100299999, 1.14709563704, 0.367725584198, -0.494066510756, 0.08984283308180001, 0.7234306238539999, 0.30122312294, -1.2234583014, 0.848543920968, 1.4053911965700001, 0.248896769673, 0.38866831762299997, 0.959032218477, 0.806791459041, 0.843811162475, 0.745758825221, 0.613535306624, -0.502112754381, 0.612155380553, -0.158541088782, -0.343336465565, -0.747402649235, -0.7679890403049999, -2.05971788473, -1.11425959746, -1.3084828065, -0.553335720978, 0.45341400553000005, -0.409294160828, -1.1263159395, 0.513864742813, 0.765720647342, -2.70074785511, 0.566850578821, 1.36493553264, -1.79171739936], [-0.889524174814, -0.7719677976549999, 1.6848006754, 0.40669525964500003, -0.398461650983, 0.775956818654, 1.34017529256, 0.43069786451700004, 1.1116923688299998, 0.644448838866, 0.770960785965, 0.6801396440790001, -1.70025175256, -1.8665279489500002, 1.9663602127500002, 1.48416031996, 1.1651158032200002, -0.208864590572, 0.202920483057, 0.5213824315519999, -0.498143157103, -0.480220683212, -0.268818116243, -0.631199929693, -1.0944533205700002, -1.94729525509, 0.265357290857, -0.461868650248, -1.4655957589500002, 0.00787062925559, 0.0647605713607, -0.460704647169, -0.373718368397, -1.3473519739300002, 0.552481261621, 1.04299125235, -0.254000028362], [-0.379208807916, -0.11558673142100001, 0.77314567542, 0.9924013489069999, 1.17874341463, 1.22482993761, 1.48458801357, 0.788990124782, 0.15684321915, 1.15020610734, 0.024645780848500002, 1.53121703199, 0.6582169929039999, -1.4196162865000002, 1.2976778629999999, 0.909814095007, 0.6928102893829999, -0.612400984539, -0.5990049296909999, -0.745785259563, 0.6705720706530001, 0.39660675563000003, -1.36336002118, 0.303601542131, -1.22124361672, -1.60928343984, -1.14892897459, -1.02362788162, 0.29498712397599997, -1.55814249708, -1.1144523658, -0.5037248178620001, -0.491795036066, -0.462065774172, 1.44701764541, -0.0105391427333, -1.5981484650400002], [0.371182488759, 1.2294279345299999, 0.6853615838539999, 0.106650640078, -0.820518538937, -0.896625851374, 1.52140229317, 0.584298229339, 1.28456564898, -0.40341297316, 1.4326226682499998, 1.8962460004, -1.0036601983, -0.8542986507610001, 2.37726130802, 0.40818575685900005, 1.81007080603, -0.7983427149019999, 0.22642206330200002, 0.701802340801, -0.528107024546, -0.706909508327, -0.22231773469000002, -0.783006990542, -0.0205356616745, -0.733400799761, -1.08563499669, 0.42192378104199996, 0.707899391352, -0.924044653153, -0.9608443778360001, -0.8725932719030001, -0.959909350262, -1.07515713668, -0.727522905333, -0.296483289184, -1.09199630674], [0.648307991053, 0.190595414558, 1.33448154, 0.36022330551, -1.5635120490799999, -1.34416371135, 0.0987094899497, 0.563824182191, -0.139234960252, -1.11546904414, 0.44621534622500003, 2.9033844453099995, 0.501571977264, -0.299891011294, 2.1400743170900003, -0.38812467642399995, 0.976061353098, 0.171658359247, -0.15040446417199999, 0.155364469868, -0.616704287954, 0.00167990095897, -0.51435750029, -1.31343647343, 0.31341356757800004, 0.0658443722727, -0.23921246556200002, -0.317880117182, 0.0, 0.0, -1.963384525, -0.165956475181, -0.739678270871, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.05963337160400001, 0.621229115242, 0.585984881257, -0.057229902028000004, -1.15932896363, -0.75032490501, 0.824301070469, 1.07666400412, 1.65949517518, 0.0647670123895, 1.25203086795, 1.90601417301, -0.131566373191, 0.413727224456, 0.0328315901226, -0.60646472845, 1.96529912181, -1.64551024951, 0.73001967107, -0.625395817242, -0.276664780669, -0.597608176875, -0.983815479119, -0.8418564527949999, -1.33935571752, 0.08503612710179999, 0.764864022467, 0.156138519975, 0.0, 0.0, -2.11362479827, -0.28983806711800003, -0.660184793586, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.595684446613, -0.866037051658, 0.11273030534499999, -0.969680447534, 0.122978859772, -0.429814097823, 1.2782042546899999, 0.7082795856630001, 0.88104428235, -1.44682538183, 1.3506489703, 0.926925075024, 0.35522492313299997, -0.36601849631300004, 1.57643465894, -0.120843605011, 1.37604848488, -0.16612331249099999, 0.0455373001754, -0.796294517113, -0.08099629805700001, -1.10836664708, 0.13452243317, 1.17113356256, 0.6001965294870001, -0.7683368351909999, 0.523219982444, -0.8231751873459999, 0.0, 0.0, -3.15870716328, -0.41929612462800003, -0.23829848919, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.518763391027, -0.29924590073199997, 1.2475782751, 0.616740326621, -2.22372942803, -2.00201840768, 0.811740708651, 1.08982210216, -0.784141549722, -0.338312584605, 1.0104671861499999, 1.26644064623, 0.870328807604, -0.315125973931, -0.04356273769180001, -0.240656277326, 1.88884824857, -0.457261929311, -0.288430622939, -0.13783386244999998, 0.0468272242497, 0.694266931248, -0.92305898567, -0.88547297067, -0.47777214733400003, 1.2062152648, -1.03906142698, 1.14405480747, 0.0, 0.0, -0.448444903541, 0.028594786376999998, -1.5365589976499998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.60983734227, 0.154481417519, 0.110163353146, 0.364630501725, -1.61900166791, -0.609765800569, 0.893779511471, 1.6239588953100002, -0.10655816652799999, 0.254382618231, -0.819981924096, 1.04579076537, 1.33549088805, -1.22863832655, 0.9303672380069999, -0.7456634132500001, 1.9023074571400003, 0.0494228435709, -1.98381847074, -0.24301633022, 0.199221965158, 0.163640095584, -1.44160088342, -0.23996919893899998, -0.307204441351, 0.471995921792, -0.426961287416, 1.04799000102, 0.0, 0.0, -1.54079117051, -0.653736202514, -0.19075353135099998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.08427712934, 0.5109608454460001, 1.6155564084600003, 1.0739613413299998, -1.4607657484, -1.90160050634, 0.629819304866, 0.7803025501019999, 0.9850650475480001, -1.31814471618, 0.588530596866, 0.249417336017, 1.06165518869, 0.367368953575, 0.931874558243, 0.0373084523165, 0.225167030592, -0.5928517662380001, 0.10047235986099999, 0.626452153596, -1.2483201956299999, -1.57148934352, -1.4273166859900002, -1.44382866894, 0.74372214294, -1.6723339351299997, -0.725401741586, -0.0807067224675, 0.429854456822, -1.04890203184, 0.284587509669, 0.274859569699, -0.5314748299600001, 0.521298105773, -0.246275597555, 0.768972323267, 0.37792912475100005], [1.48377018523, 1.5019539138299998, 1.45540789141, 1.32805054528, -0.638866926458, -0.895646950875, 1.3314319262799998, 1.31405231635, 1.3535461900999999, -0.638734841263, -0.674460684613, -0.707969497967, 0.120019759299, -1.0416503237899999, 1.4825534003999998, -1.08437027838, 1.52067799095, -0.859892288937, -0.861091862668, 0.479685745682, -0.590276385313, -0.382786153062, -0.598726635768, -0.613181159008, -0.845236035579, -0.7516624801620001, 0.205741450224, -0.859503638255, -0.809580637667, -1.00117741856, -0.923933996163, 1.18580799811, -0.00541994994923, -0.5312258974490001, -0.17164636682999998, 1.68058513187, -0.956244036302], [-1.51985333167, 1.55333016753, 1.17780751134, 1.50359747236, -0.0810988343642, -1.89269452941, 0.8355795211499999, 0.9285867695479999, -0.446391930624, 0.8808988455060001, 0.552446732892, 0.6032057627530001, -1.16411888223, -1.08671771321, 0.445582430378, 0.0492518146191, 1.01229952395, 0.038428568994999995, 0.64793271779, 0.892711128495, 0.5643937250509999, 1.2581635062799998, 0.23674635712499997, -1.48735375693, 0.901399211822, 0.744084789077, -0.105203438885, 0.267702700088, -1.76373397376, -1.3672537299, -0.8762506497700001, -0.200880298342, -0.302726135753, -1.4747455050999998, -0.41397528759400004, 0.437581934252, -1.34873319348], [0.144777425722, -0.39830562522299995, 0.25096441866, 0.8258313872640001, 0.0, -0.092576333093, 0.5927970347899999, -0.9987873245379999, 0.0, -0.488786531589, 0.61265536213, 1.3707751153100003, -1.0085519249600001, -1.5138121839899998, -0.929935535595, 0.0, 1.6288477683000002, 0.410756224523, 0.9502635470049999, 0.5168056340280001, -0.05732540399540001, 0.909633715691, -0.229929748591, -1.21479729295, 1.6217935679, 0.577985029195, 0.0, 0.0, -1.47370565868, 1.52161288111, -2.30510283589, 0.562506928887, 0.286254707356, -0.952596010586, 0.0, -0.53026554651, -0.589782791686], [0.8481176558939999, 1.9284253067900001, -0.43274447283699996, -0.586003065204, -0.18079711874200002, -1.37733421871, 1.65671146995, -0.265328026567, 0.498752820316, -0.41150979031199997, 0.7520417403399999, -0.11655120837, 0.0, -1.4205487309399998, 1.38221128288, -0.534974325553, -0.0326833817311, 0.490432677539, 0.406390804408, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.40695871919, -0.121095262483, -0.794419551023, 0.33861544065, -1.70303742875, 0.37906364636699996, -1.0358971514700002, 0.0, 1.49333377994, -1.09327370937, -0.323262982525, 0.568268567796, -1.71986348748], [1.65830614966, 0.684802566611, -0.207563875765, 1.2344074730299999, -1.4591081720399999, -1.67888625121, 0.36622010560199997, 1.17996050256, 0.319210952533, 1.44439196442, 0.960403286681, 1.2801497528599999, -0.51299431868, 1.06525429657, 2.06478350748, -1.13399898566, 1.24498441963, 0.045998507209400005, -0.7771794820899999, -0.619937873513, -0.4920277211, 0.0734272919058, 0.131937051371, -0.386796065665, -1.0838185625299999, -0.405942470561, -1.3613697717700002, -0.25500349483, 0.18611889396499998, 0.08119043872710001, -0.9094402071969999, 0.0795567819807, 0.667261919036, -0.24088682384500001, -2.1595702087, -0.859613529642, -0.224228047063], [1.32829627784, -0.62519115582, -1.40129788419, 1.51220433929, -0.543534858727, -0.990210118814, 1.26937308933, 0.07020673766739999, -0.229095445338, 1.9518725173900002, 2.59948053733, 1.8833310706200002, -0.165902185634, -0.42437206214699996, 0.613512939352, -0.5827060773789999, 0.0360280351617, 0.289245104485, -0.450266473176, 0.19252059239500002, -0.964506088062, 0.38045328649099996, -0.165902185634, -0.13113619088099998, -1.71150929269, -1.40129788419, -0.834735348573, -1.1117964227500001, 0.5017189692849999, 0.878542406398, -0.138789930179, 0.356416937685, 0.622124462822, -0.495321151008, -0.860833003284, -0.6941285634250001, -0.562794981628], [0.864373498651, -0.7171552458329999, -0.692130092314, 0.374184651844, -0.7339301706460001, -0.530277449567, 1.51728491917, 1.18223759504, -0.333158098244, 1.4647189223500001, 1.6539885059700001, 1.69620211519, 1.05412771329, -0.897701471232, 1.9503385404099998, -0.646890022544, -0.652377802198, -0.6923182985330001, 0.43783390375799996, 1.6987026439200001, -0.8153267461679999, 1.16889377415, -0.8048410458230001, -0.465165939894, -0.642468222, -0.907115441722, -0.7934488188590001, -0.790094565809, -0.429141178495, 0.408796821015, -0.904527083423, -0.863716656123, -0.872062556323, 1.2041960327799999, -0.694164810654, -0.9126999384610001, -0.885167982671], [2.68500027499, -0.908151792531, -0.093714965968, 0.38122805386299996, -0.680563163527, -0.7572753716959999, -0.77847859284, 2.57486560605, -0.7182395236750001, 1.59027558919, 0.347047599238, 0.286681548002, -0.7051687244570001, -0.778993761329, 1.16198511388, -0.767966370962, -0.521750363261, -0.852435067294, -0.344941753019, 1.3152374360899999, -0.692957281973, -0.545924853477, 1.06030979, -0.6008885973100001, 1.25123234604, 1.14621873035, -0.379360020558, -0.0025496362133400003, -0.6712472464229999, -0.598944880524, 0.217992044795, 1.13111120555, -0.862069553454, -0.8530114990629999, -0.9543153446889999, -0.617562791259, -0.462674182535], [2.5184942924400002, -0.654896681438, 0.16192796800999998, 1.9413231651599998, 0.33549575426899997, -0.624162489901, -0.30479174107900003, 1.9278260386000001, -0.657687166823, 1.3636048680000001, -0.678426604615, 1.29815776675, -0.680979929096, 1.9949838551099999, 0.763399184345, -0.536611263879, -0.7709262374250001, -0.7038347935889999, -0.595642474657, 1.7826422845400003, -0.423654277152, 0.612018083991, -0.37495170706000003, -0.603236480135, -0.22417726915600003, -0.737617676412, -0.648269936304, 0.665006143532, -0.59336273511, -0.634194072388, -0.620766960911, -0.728288268275, -0.636173111334, -0.682932257087, -0.77095861434, -0.783816701531, -0.6945199550650001], [0.374886339446, -0.865961641278, -0.65974252853, 1.80167009257, -0.754697462059, -0.580043730537, -0.703560287922, 0.759045166629, -0.7417594653030001, 1.35418603657, 0.533204397799, 2.2395759322099997, 1.6921406530399998, -0.833173116489, -0.38501740359, 1.4137974564700002, 1.71315199567, 1.5417508387399999, 0.955972277622, -0.278365068978, -0.7990931355930001, -0.884102361207, 0.360402085784, -0.776697092725, -0.26775468500300004, -0.21626348235800003, -0.759218057064, -0.802937586011, -0.667757035867, -0.563072301948, -0.932521992571, -0.446947959536, -0.506888476361, -0.980257501241, -0.829978383178, -0.8484137944419999, 1.3444412772299998], [0.286932523525, -0.7167330349459999, 0.300053460685, 2.0937907571700003, -1.08278788565, -0.574274702219, 0.168840237353, 1.01402723889, 0.219795476577, 1.0543272445999998, 0.46037955184699997, 0.825025089071, -0.627475348374, -0.0706770744308, -0.662040511188, 0.684170725264, 1.7038270215600002, 0.47593390192199997, 0.0405749908392, 0.187759705237, -0.834191268739, 0.35350875361199996, 0.9307511130789999, -0.059920596024900005, 0.0993405336032, -0.387724646946, -0.662040511188, 0.7789839679680001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.88887394384, -1.3731088876, -2.73817388166, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.7430736253, -0.412204890735, -0.533105759473, -0.0753513898828, -0.0250103285561, -0.99532406595, 1.01926742169, 0.867255424621, 0.631720982746, 0.6583216735140001, 1.1433017721799998, -0.29537563750999996, 0.0161404991509, -0.51062369578, 0.259468196437, 1.22084259535, 1.15604466484, 0.143569379472, -1.0200481504899999, -0.37921624900600004, -1.04824885091, 0.543778888244, 0.9984020323899999, -0.706355349732, -0.361579092288, 0.9714892440330001, -0.529639827732, 1.13006453214, 0.0, 0.0, -0.185707015999, 0.527368661629, -1.3534307468900002, 0.0, -3.5988885427999997, 0.0, 0.0], [0.06715885831969999, 0.722268281547, 0.358149542437, 1.03038856669, -0.920762649957, -1.7159289920899998, 0.145322625771, 0.5959092796809999, -0.144187642132, 0.815658397156, -1.11836782125, 0.675654132575, -0.443171320484, 0.07635665508810001, 0.508911736884, 1.43618553984, 1.84655746492, -0.219232177551, -0.510138825098, 0.736384001327, 0.036458521485099996, 0.975706740951, 0.815658397156, 0.49221052206999993, -0.391481570097, 0.313669798813, 0.162588439743, 0.34240309065200003, 0.0, 0.0, -0.800068157907, -1.27124751669, -1.69395015776, 0.0, -2.9250637620999997, 0.0, 0.0], [1.34185813403, 0.116451308682, 0.742233594733, 1.28321853362, -1.7063066442500001, -0.162816397233, 0.499340675787, 1.05887159662, 0.169783522245, 0.197041544691, 1.36569902412, -0.050449190772599996, -0.0373472275715, 1.4867961747999998, -0.698492872403, -0.7702248184360001, 1.3309784186700002, 0.297557122864, -1.22505573106, 0.545285414868, 0.504775337646, 0.016213330893099998, 0.454926637714, 1.00375242043, 0.0993792219618, 0.0872242079872, 0.23027267477, -0.156634774661, -0.893935588193, -1.00083555956, -1.18059717042, -0.0709187107807, 1.53025703775, -2.2311362776499997, -2.02197348727, -1.4639331738699999, -0.691258310759], [0.372595043432, 0.0677923086941, 0.00675696060131, 0.96389315659, -1.69411853185, -0.7460367806980001, 1.4507171291799998, 0.724010253512, -0.056815316075599996, -0.71593590619, 1.1746509214299998, 1.3389718457100002, 0.008706637139309999, 1.0503169617, -1.4225144062200001, 0.542340352357, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.206744392664, 0.8000893044320001, 0.0, 0.8672223916590001, 0.6823765064489999, -0.425288771034, 0.0, 0.531079716794, 1.0971214284, 0.125577244678, 0.114470725473, -0.806088562029, 0.0, -0.169967460115, -2.11142376152, -0.903243408082, -2.39992207915, -0.6740782979269999], [0.709266827402, 0.272537166376, 1.5550286440799999, 2.19138863365, -0.5377544189150001, -0.0667093593153, 1.10563908541, 1.10933617634, -1.18847745895, 0.691745819941, 0.709266827402, 1.64634491671, 0.43370381778300005, -0.126827233766, -1.15156760785, -0.83013952587, 0.834369252156, -0.727054405875, 0.34954129930100003, -0.159591115328, 0.00760043674392, -1.6501316708899998, 0.169703188475, -0.44054826079, 0.55522678331, -0.11761599976800001, -1.33848546139, -1.3732828136200002, 0.09628664370719998, -0.474721163945, 0.179352398697, 0.0779372017218, 1.44846644276, -2.12844829439, 0.0, -1.25896787551, -0.572418895793], [1.94505214333, -0.295849097568, -1.02946495089, 1.06528830608, -0.7131938072499999, 0.0689363628786, 2.15031062842, 0.840498113105, -0.978623048195, -0.836245822804, 0.786703346114, 1.56923494383, -0.788390911539, -0.0907514148844, -0.9540445741949999, -0.839471125709, 2.51328908631, 1.1162435802500001, -0.97658872425, -0.09104120626810001, -0.7597264368719999, -0.6717860312389999, 0.0061395533650500005, -1.18604137565, -0.88390811824, 0.8058665966940001, 0.797811437395, 0.10510707065099999, -0.0358524328207, -0.232055660202, 0.737429556079, 0.0607539498783, -0.752034529048, -1.04752456482, -0.880269240805, -0.930397944344, 0.404596343203], [1.7542215231599998, 0.7278686490549999, -1.0978562246999999, 1.46680334984, -0.455081517715, 0.386847545383, 1.7811802176099998, -0.0047013290931999996, -0.817899295036, -1.1198029808299998, 1.2166638286700002, 1.65024600935, -1.1811081036, 0.107116760423, -1.18997266957, -1.13883078573, 1.7062563853100001, 0.38339769010799996, -1.00220620506, 0.329866738099, -0.28408498449, 0.228608534084, 1.1391554125799999, -1.12739439809, -1.03570369741, 0.321624963401, 0.48330106785800003, 0.298388723035, -0.477134965144, -0.00992613950117, 0.916086892481, -0.146976974855, -0.9571707386239999, -1.1764351271, -1.12285159517, -1.29768646249, 0.745189903764], [-0.551175094319, -0.560787904974, -0.09918560933599999, 0.625864850422, -0.509577670592, -0.565802306789, 2.89741510644, -0.452851313138, -0.259732664161, -0.15543038933599998, 1.46064001597, 2.33169745174, -0.183591895793, 0.218289174042, -0.0146889099912, -0.335956350048, 1.05393614468, -0.45014220572999997, -0.5797896021360001, -0.6114247436320001, -0.388485769361, -0.522951282608, 2.5443785451700003, -0.539910023276, -0.41231916872100005, 1.5338721127300001, -0.627597875943, 1.27520505707, -0.6852175876819999, -0.639129501044, -0.7329242055480001, -0.6921657946809999, -0.7754257581530001, -0.6277716748100001, -0.72251922809, -0.594187268932, -0.650556659441], [-0.237883236161, 0.198070896639, 0.418536806592, 0.697469489019, 0.484229658983, 0.647947322906, -0.519885424224, 1.54712985652, -0.257628408898, 1.11539168448, -0.0427893575367, 1.2385225693200002, 1.23238144115, 0.653261769586, 1.6110141267700002, -0.727641799677, 2.10336966488, 0.011777140141799999, -1.7506295761000001, -0.439744215779, 0.712822144155, -0.262477271161, 0.124647771446, -0.464649030224, -1.2867355843000001, -0.429064020879, -0.436760628972, 0.519879997346, -1.65712689165, -2.36935890132, 0.272022695189, 0.515337577187, -0.06349362089169999, -0.8138262557260001, 0.0, -0.9453259726180001, -1.3987924161899998], [-0.270722889714, 0.859693390917, 1.5797899622799998, -0.40459630085000003, 0.477498208526, 0.057754295618199995, -0.47234843142800004, 1.3541924783200001, 1.19364518811, 0.162003248268, 1.36267944313, -1.27106130452, 1.2502038108700002, -1.04595108534, 2.42869534571, -1.20243343956, 2.0382230214, -1.2501337536700001, -0.5909110275289999, 0.123879214897, 0.12692714559, -1.83199111803, 0.036733529116599994, -0.24737607304900003, -1.81873478362, -1.0635698355399998, 0.344788724925, -0.569828592788, -0.601571798481, -0.466253985515, 0.227479159186, -0.00688564711651, -0.449376315368, -0.209264888796, 0.18271026625999998, 0.0334304462301, -0.0673156084426], [0.944019299304, -0.6548962387439999, 1.16964317905, -0.703670418151, -0.670670790529, -0.652578276656, -0.627830610506, 0.392313914621, 1.1573613905600002, -0.482876824583, -0.673142434203, 0.593509407878, 1.66883178573, -0.638072214317, 2.3024930120500002, 1.26053392011, 1.7626638444, -0.8222698668080001, -0.246813691711, -0.704045992934, -0.623792154309, -0.676013896546, 1.4644360994699999, -0.742803338121, -0.7144494965960001, -0.652980560805, 2.5878230094099997, -0.583117076615, 0.0591515512031, -0.6857217239419999, -0.7257303002159999, -0.575658177868, 0.11927967680299999, -0.591667361164, -0.637404480157, -0.699405959623, -0.6964482054819999], [1.00801387431, 0.956637806402, -0.177588680882, 1.49299272769, 1.1316542186399998, 0.543052134149, -1.17237141404, 0.521831853262, -1.12273373072, 1.19234591564, 0.693291570587, 0.9299430888689999, -0.75905549112, -1.02597602454, 1.54717190508, -1.33303973079, 1.69874248549, -0.212776458552, 0.9626098758570001, -0.296882587982, 1.26422245713, -1.23766264641, 0.6744814310100001, -1.06680712953, -1.10549356081, -1.0422066563799999, -0.9423047291299999, -1.14019940537, -0.7140829964509999, 0.5531527480740001, 0.0826000129134, 0.706251432295, 0.962789708745, -1.07464318115, -1.06126561236, -0.844625022577, -0.5920701873399999], [1.16981204129, -0.382595016373, 1.08817719165, 0.6597790859220001, -0.317993111717, -0.7843902777949999, -0.567892571369, 0.957185973802, -0.350749373218, 1.06730107187, 0.9833918856049999, -0.24133946176600002, -0.809363427378, -0.809363427378, 0.754169351267, -0.432085952153, 1.74685465694, 0.149706327042, -0.567892571369, -0.523513783757, -0.154438199881, -3.6240204153300004, 0.7919207584829999, 0.733543118725, -0.7215213487440001, -0.876359464484, -0.503651166171, 0.149706327042, 0.0734986299365, 0.24534306138, -0.0925717588252, 0.971460778003, 2.19902269047, -0.192428459311, -0.754421105228, -0.567892571369, -0.466389485807], [1.12462625808, 1.6695544802700002, -0.9031463901540001, 1.67734209382, 0.269145643622, 1.48359990181, -0.24394874954, 0.552904024628, 1.79132729695, 1.56543160519, 0.828556265077, -0.340452138429, -0.012371611115700001, -0.00731864053615, -0.29333530366300004, -0.470136090804, -0.0821959329547, -1.0093176740899998, -1.2541545713200002, -1.1645346825299998, 1.18081167676, -1.42756650563, -0.893564274374, -0.936135379948, 0.5681898896800001, 0.331921197313, -1.04363395504, -1.0403691962100001, -1.2633432462, 0.236682194792, -1.37282389419, 1.139507245, 0.286500504549, -0.330139755172, 0.712356241323, -0.0221178512231, -1.3078506757200001], [0.787179202403, 0.8345356471459999, -1.18999313427, 0.7954301497859999, 0.42358661810000003, 0.726424506981, 0.701804424278, 0.527398233802, 0.827313846817, 0.8750889542270001, 0.057717261542499995, -0.38842033849299995, -0.23885950364, -0.913201185464, 0.594212300377, -2.06507807661, 0.196526671863, 0.196504719513, 0.674217638336, 0.24506593010699998, 0.467723907583, -2.21769865086, 0.254006285801, 0.514803857257, 0.283876116098, -0.857909489031, 0.8957581366840001, 0.646584856994, 0.255672050993, -0.396544275854, -2.2203287514, 0.516648899969, 1.1516885586399999, -2.10293385807, 0.748244619765, 0.40675752879, -2.01380366015], [-1.6822871540399997, 0.433666144682, -0.313531962468, 0.6444290509939999, -0.408793653711, 0.39525133182300004, 1.0887335155600002, 1.1811873702, 0.8256139784700001, 0.772402062438, -1.6187259045500002, 0.840447832182, 0.8568232993899999, 0.39205308041599995, 0.672636282473, 0.18379636991599999, 1.11707438536, -1.63984075938, 0.8121212807729999, 0.351618897059, 0.674216078347, -2.10540899005, 0.8827491338050001, 0.558236151719, -0.288135431263, 0.69027654094, 0.434337677249, -1.3652493269400001, -1.1599231139200001, 0.182626557322, -1.59699106336, 0.16612079274900002, 0.436369457019, -0.148121607032, 0.9526992496340001, -1.70678449025, -1.51169306356], [0.0382769105069, 1.0192038098, 0.559950340915, -0.16821321955, -1.45184239639, 0.23947921309099998, 0.403002015721, 0.733185130073, -1.9422583253299999, 1.3450792709600001, 1.50225367085, 0.21498406796999997, 0.254596180279, 0.519346433803, 0.8593084647679999, -2.40924523729, -0.903145604243, -0.253034461309, -0.185743188812, 0.374148456656, 0.493024689049, 0.127580132341, 0.164944548115, 0.670531230861, 1.14089940077, -0.118373445482, -1.70939385252, -1.60348256966, 0.0, 0.0, -1.14678080025, 1.0145277963500001, 0.217191337948, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.1927776729100001, -0.613846042038, 0.500644232146, 0.893795830523, -1.61719142972, 1.0515202476899999, 0.821553808115, 1.11142537194, -0.518227766827, 0.394558078911, 1.30115143604, -1.96908493657, -0.23630036762899997, -0.22872773615800002, 0.269908751355, 1.40329183368, 0.276568309623, 0.12413326479499999, 0.61224502286, 2.47068673564, 0.196870901904, 0.311529274787, -0.58327373704, -0.8468519444079999, 0.2801151525, 0.762984062304, -0.572126842346, -0.101430177983, -0.912134780442, -0.6875895120800001, 0.0, -0.7800741231389999, -1.9233452455200002], [0.144641882328, 0.322741314932, -0.414813514977, 0.168951481259, 0.131291507512, 0.460987583377, 0.0, 0.0, -0.912631880298, 0.0, 0.0, 1.31890035958, 0.9008593369660001, 2.1190020226599997, 1.4439381545399999, -1.14182367237, -0.758093116744, -0.793536572465, -0.0618050594334, 0.962039566706, 0.962039566706, -0.48424769240000004, 0.110110534536, 1.4439381545399999, 1.31890035958, -1.24415320335, -1.2921065487999999, -1.41843552664, 0.545130511894, 1.31890035958, -1.0453714477200002, -0.7197282854610001, 0.0, -0.7417945916040001, -1.31886326168, -0.721902460975, -0.603065861791], [1.69290434606, 0.175323051827, -0.202178776201, 0.306328292973, -1.2266503936, 0.112901381181, 0.501569938824, -0.0372185205365, -0.21936245523400003, 0.9786169193250001, 0.97337956949, 1.83335485073, 0.484742189043, 2.1536900087, 2.01263956289, -1.19663360001, -0.8749789369230001, -1.61697376784, 0.180963184414, -0.0065420133987899995, 1.13061238318, -0.950229521538, -0.0512836194273, -0.260940570139, 0.631933583273, -1.1898053436700002, -1.02268464633, -1.66550014087, 0.7743444220460001, -0.256288098892, -0.536146775598, -0.0313029743829, -0.28076105420499997, -0.9655672208030001, 0.0, -1.0938169500200001, -0.258438304324], [-1.66955125272, -0.266824745099, -0.557652813812, -0.803877844272, 0.22811276329, -0.30298323039, 1.34854570611, 0.752368145544, -0.362286260547, 2.7597643220999997, 1.16413526649, 0.293624498076, 0.7260901309190001, 0.904798604508, 1.70107607995, -1.4369813113499998, -0.44218733543899996, 0.04346824117650001, -0.8867606245899999, 1.11912988362, 1.0212102838600001, -0.380798651369, -0.332397100445, 0.42759760245899997, -0.21020595241099999, -0.7905657906870001, -0.912219411037, -0.276222554608, 0.0, 0.0, -1.21651706346, -0.680479828857, -0.9614097570010001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.356584086042, -0.21925458679499998, -0.474945013529, -1.25152055451, -1.04927345973, -0.615756105411, 1.6265550429100002, 1.5166161342299997, -0.228829996899, 1.28555983377, 1.79035603, 0.585765771901, 1.2763393260200002, 0.40375017767399995, -0.7241989506119999, -0.803898310468, -1.7547400302200002, -0.645056422301, -0.9514233325920001, 1.01473544332, 0.351386475047, -1.5027542083399998, 1.8479268355200003, 0.6918371586229999, 0.0417514411746, 0.554012539195, -0.847517129391, -0.290304664202, 0.0, 0.0, -0.452351550773, -0.540957487024, -0.277226320535, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.334450329266, 0.38253691442599996, -0.46751970898999995, -0.7224895566670001, 1.24053052097, 1.17041740588, -1.09656067124, -1.15119536693, -1.0653573697399998, -0.225728158864, -1.3879648471000001, 0.47553146379199995, 0.472413411297, 1.7549272847, 1.50853369567, -0.43760053917499997, 0.23382106951499998, 0.994553770239, 1.48639552067, 1.63328038347, 1.3661609443, -0.625320304796, 0.787960640459, -0.125386760532, 0.170562569013, 0.994553770239, -1.1737160014, -0.730346019765, -0.11873591554000001, -0.330531124355, -1.18244468014, -0.229903094312, -1.0933792210100002, -1.98407770748, 0.0, -0.993653655679, 0.135281009801], [-0.38491308869, 0.6109496868500001, -0.304926165216, -1.1879508515600001, 0.8424141242829999, 0.395891198522, 0.6109496868500001, 0.634030013943, -0.13992378180099999, 1.15674392269, 0.5866794293959999, 0.7322130947900001, 1.19382061071, 0.9402568887839999, 1.7301148266900004, -0.468758351083, -0.522925256076, 0.0963681918997, 0.641650767803, 0.488739191019, 1.2519531853399999, -1.3051193674500001, 1.0571672050799998, 0.625981858115, -0.538821510944, 0.526733706552, -1.4292992094299999, -0.60602922159, 0.499719964613, 0.124187271948, -1.68482071614, 0.4313272348899999, -0.812997388194, -3.07365198286, -0.7908399966130001, -0.941502988247, -0.9854121848749999], [1.0250719532400001, -0.788612298493, -0.6410881618559999, -0.632693507984, -0.6343331456660001, -0.8159682949379999, -0.41347322225199995, 0.748478093136, -0.70649741617, -0.569615562968, 0.24034968618799998, 0.591428615596, -0.6011086531100001, 1.48463620011, 1.47319996982, -0.746839132845, -0.6373884665730001, -0.791781213629, 1.2436603963400001, 1.87297929154, 1.7926726191099998, 1.52931915669, 2.21315155806, -0.08349169200260001, -0.607491355122, 1.80813073186, -0.6228265758980001, -0.646298539095, -0.518586286865, -0.681293242058, -0.7046443345290001, -0.55429489519, -0.687561137092, -0.785592147329, -0.8034688873620001, -0.570447105057, -0.777682997613], [-0.328056935009, 0.288356807702, 0.22915172429000003, -2.39176475629, -0.542132731389, -0.143638686065, -0.421233359172, 1.18866350114, -0.576467866678, -0.130620893617, -0.93958828341, 1.53692007716, -0.565584375423, -0.576467866678, 1.93706142604, -1.66730647706, 0.289519135946, -0.791049146628, 0.335951392716, -0.480671109916, 0.576322377396, 0.658391128039, -0.8837852059610001, 2.2168439432400002, 0.9126056566769999, -0.625560627233, 0.616018207285, -1.1564116008499998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.47144190098899996, 0.8064122392659999, 0.156680403479, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.6075270718999999, -1.44536887741, -0.405467955012, -0.518434688869, -0.20538125040199998, -0.297320662124, 0.965790099823, 1.34740462676, -1.2548940714399999, 0.22243489605500003, -0.117915273874, 0.9995597670559999, 0.295329840104, 0.665319277239, 1.52246248085, -0.359983260228, 1.201263172, -2.4662503067299997, 0.365140538098, -0.07626018536019999, 0.39212739537600005, 0.902603368311, 0.19043123200399997, 0.264894042562, 1.07277334983, 1.1286732526899999, -1.19207706006, -0.763705795078, 0.0, 0.0, 0.754985200447, -1.63068660228, 0.0500805215525, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.17899681617899998, -0.0491041682271, 0.45777893263999997, -2.24391044991, 0.476296757046, 1.12834443324, 1.0610419792299999, 0.589647724737, -0.6972467679709999, -0.176595897363, 0.43237550535400004, 2.81044856235, 1.08164774681, -0.17476234745299998, 0.8680569291850001, -1.21097396841, -1.20078672021, -0.8949354829539999, -0.485913491985, -1.6958817191600002, -0.8110725296369999, -0.417188855313, 0.974919100193, -0.485913491985, 0.229706766277, 1.02463606138, -0.413381736557, -0.393106271133, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7323329349400001, -0.0790706848993, -0.616385666396, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.572240651206, 0.983483319049, -0.986434877676, -1.61301520032, -0.754919578116, 0.932636849685, 0.0, 0.0, -0.610560559617, 0.0, 0.0, 1.28262682826, 0.21622322593, 1.14002944415, 0.582330586017, 0.365203592874, -0.814651547754, 0.0127534309204, 0.92491757046, -0.12713929864700002, 0.360919512881, -0.16779016493, -0.164896872448, -1.25227326332, -1.0098152254700001, -0.697900888794, -2.6360022325599997, -1.6708881842299999, 1.7940821048500002, 0.707543654922, 0.9035836685449999, 0.8666485520039999, 0.0, -0.135127483417, 0.883750829924, -0.27918053469, 0.391622090316], [2.2236146249, 0.549120549964, -0.702225334781, -0.49468140411300004, -1.00032184745, -0.08730132687619999, 0.5535962074399999, -0.279886848251, 0.5535962074399999, 1.03608201985, 1.26850260823, -0.104476319128, 0.997222986334, 0.40944333546800005, -0.619284908969, -0.784779675489, 0.025770641598, -0.5311539385849999, 1.33035043781, 0.140926746263, 2.1397608471400003, 0.0, -0.375291638115, -0.881694419021, -1.31029757424, -0.256643244631, -0.602791543194, -1.89350984613, 1.52525858585, 0.41275380052199995, 0.0, 0.0, -0.874646881286, -1.30092122803, 0.0, -1.09803997648, 0.0319483559601], [1.00452139715, 0.125407726854, -0.43611890152500005, -0.256630139474, 0.9378937831399999, 1.12438903618, -0.5549838563, 0.412345126871, -0.95272466513, -0.8724933874140001, -1.19377479052, 1.9058561342299998, -0.424019447651, 0.905667009682, -0.46177323773400003, 1.01327770645, -0.0621049540241, 1.2817452697299998, -1.1252445136799998, 0.7588071609550001, 1.56692978667, 1.49081285285, -0.0833947162528, -1.29202609694, -0.7114883394410001, -0.8724933874140001, -1.7868986517400003, -0.652467093151, 0.0, 0.0, -0.34418716387599996, 0.8227076791869999, -1.26753732768, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.521153226253, -0.525218891452, -0.9073608204029999, -0.792828798443, 0.7214167932600001, 0.968177706204, -0.44077071350100006, 0.047293716277400005, -0.48798714059299997, -0.481570780902, -0.786059244289, 2.07111515605, -0.5859553001569999, 1.13299392559, -0.863174085448, 0.771449951463, -0.651331253063, 0.88972054305, 0.005754988330109999, 0.73767523288, 1.9368701299200002, 1.9821724436800001, -0.152449801935, -2.2234355856400003, -0.531863926633, -0.0852336897295, -0.44077071350100006, -0.44077071350100006, 0.0, 0.0, 0.391255674595, -1.6575296657499998, -0.122738362599, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.757917507493, 0.555153329594, -1.11761589035, -0.164585969496, 2.06963976742, 1.1941607974, 1.00903843406, -0.625545284382, 0.0973664314011, -0.274274815806, 1.08443660244, -0.32699159885699997, 0.0132072748612, -0.831280390335, -1.50075391193, -0.15463109319499999, -0.835235953837, 1.1783504922299999, -1.53693250638, 0.442745624595, 0.9072612126200001, -1.54842181273, 1.0134595043999999, 1.15724535788, 0.696796357986, -0.9314260974140001, -0.428229131078, -0.858120967292, 1.7322344326299999, 1.4747294891, -1.00298420773, -0.153442681605, 0.131754691515, 0.746322801086, -0.0398336204419, -1.51151085403, -0.904168306837], [1.5081938878299999, 1.35166941811, -0.700160902237, 0.0724420893352, 1.24646596757, 0.9064237774609999, 0.671535826508, -0.957846228345, -0.6056105061370001, -0.139491978128, 0.593612020753, -1.04644688749, -0.887534455546, -0.7306062104559999, -0.211992447383, 0.313193859009, -0.549065416224, 1.5290845235600001, -1.09886548187, -0.89449383261, 0.6440553024669999, -1.10079360002, -0.965026653264, 1.8370227397999999, 1.27013987008, -1.13923132099, -0.7184550324179999, -0.7401939594529999, 1.8548396809099998, 1.22363914626, -1.10469743421, -0.138679990298, -1.15395762585, -0.302239671019, 0.428577208639, 0.863972505123, -1.1294781894700001], [-0.354444047996, 2.5926935995, -0.38357551551700003, -0.302304943795, 3.02031279544, -0.318065010203, 2.46074075841, -0.403422144817, -0.402948908807, -0.363466906945, -0.32084899751400003, -0.32152250909499996, -0.358342885221, -0.40389119752499997, -0.38748481099699994, -0.39946264971600004, 3.01814793679, -0.364437955863, -0.352485739867, -0.43316071400300005, -0.29882182218000003, -0.24603116873300002, -0.361732928372, -0.425572727552, -0.318375620358, -0.375617306861, -0.388826082118, -0.333151565031, 0.7407715400849999, -0.32866497391, -0.429128534034, -0.391588107095, -0.41598773743100004, -0.37002475534199997, -0.419286793769, -0.42116195877499996, -0.438829610779], [0.42585954765600004, 0.0179429847237, 0.39372864414700004, 1.2771437509799999, 0.246872913169, 0.8241995941779999, 2.04620788106, 0.613515823851, 0.11360153406300001, -1.48108276943, 0.29142437619899997, 1.17536495528, 0.17597105546, -0.234838299722, -1.3805192943399998, 0.09361240835729999, 0.314765401153, -1.4110483559, -0.525590802053, -0.09711790722449999, -0.0903338337112, 0.358587111074, 1.04173507318, 0.686135585778, 1.2481084823, -0.450938109658, 0.382750290187, 1.0471824214299998, -1.84521293746, -0.649331368887, 1.4995502483899998, 0.305080951662, -1.30565069483, -1.6273716037600001, -0.530654241593, -0.8309518361730001, -2.11869897955], [0.12834602438200002, 0.705956044782, 0.9509195314100001, 0.332315312674, 0.593505447295, 0.360464071848, 1.7418501414200003, 0.670287378708, -0.21345027220899998, -2.21621911803, 0.282849774495, 1.7633109777200002, 0.996734565847, 0.045984563726, -1.78326531445, -0.0687435427509, -0.353691104992, -2.61746602304, -0.120251901575, -0.389124389625, 0.0590162165754, -1.18397911952, -0.09309396360210001, 0.14307384059699998, 0.21042645140799998, 0.25257716692800003, -0.389124389625, -1.3172883525499999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6129347517279999, 1.09198947574, -0.19684424531199998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.490346764497, -0.145831557192, 1.39085178125, 1.77840927358, 1.5881775253100001, -0.46314162235699996, 1.9674020985599998, -0.6992699059309999, -0.668580427571, 0.17633229457000002, 1.8690718321200002, 0.374407810547, -0.603212372046, -0.667278192142, -0.550967276408, -0.588857427193, 1.71423200676, -0.620460595213, -0.340522041616, -0.567950108939, 1.84535709722, -0.5763805981050001, -0.594770174469, 2.28051751727, -0.645310612275, -0.654615763066, -0.62094584378, 0.21459581355500001, -0.646524817802, -0.5225097679940001, -0.6557935424279999, -0.655860757377, -0.6851933610600001, -0.67790422509, -0.576430467261, -0.569229361191, -0.7114674677480001], [-2.0967657169400002, -0.7446478679009999, 0.0776221326196, 1.34845717588, 1.159632157, -0.255446028244, 1.8390471221400002, 0.23619641593199997, -0.561625241155, -0.09419860903510001, -0.38455620712, 0.10715641950400001, -0.38455620712, -0.11159318518, -0.591648429867, 0.353846372347, 0.5910292694470001, -2.0209815255700003, -0.7161201255130001, 0.8076883221510001, 1.57130995851, -0.0559353397382, 0.882762871328, 2.8282807422000005, -0.7161201255130001, -0.29083529763300003, -0.380147679816, -0.9253024066769999, -0.8230735785050001, -1.09491140049, 0.235718285308, 0.780269630344, -0.00206843428881, 0.7740423293719999, 0.325249577417, -1.12856804845, -0.539207326742], [0.276374348084, 1.37493501019, 0.425096783869, 1.32864512892, -0.880584528487, -0.5144006372259999, 1.0733687265799998, -1.0170109336700002, 1.08426257825, -0.829391250771, 0.527479109501, 1.4194753401499998, -1.23284285844, -1.1022609803499999, 1.2325065178299999, 1.4568657207799998, -1.17251744104, 0.10463333696, 1.6870927147299999, 0.8758671718209999, -1.00728450699, -0.9175810089219999, -0.679816510147, -1.091376117, -0.0331614087492, -1.01086873435, -1.18424932197, 0.600037639213, 0.9997437583700001, 1.56483191204, -0.506590838982, -0.46951769341000005, -0.954075200525, -0.361599616128, -0.598770356632, -1.1278560330299998, 0.6605401795170001], [-0.47215277704499997, -0.540379956014, 2.0478936711099998, -0.451004479297, -0.310245479931, -0.49699807087399994, 0.555750898777, -0.15870905289999998, -0.440769453005, -0.468926121832, -0.448068987478, -0.414708381589, -0.165018242314, -0.391938722462, 2.68908172153, -0.47045156483499995, -0.46885600890699997, -0.293722200724, 2.61454291867, 2.32710622056, -0.37860996337700004, -0.42045569381700004, -0.412332332481, -0.429706704689, -0.444193300818, -0.45210778406700003, -0.390489235127, -0.46616932059199995, -0.481139403763, 2.55081319167, -0.489799810625, -0.496623161486, -0.36766358303999996, -0.384291057843, -0.42072299934199997, -0.295687797086, -0.463246974947], [1.03497738692, -0.886016791512, 0.816052027317, -0.8385107079359999, -1.4272960669799999, -0.28048650196999997, 0.0, 0.0, 2.22061903595, 0.0, 0.0, 0.422039226218, -0.7241168994439999, -1.11608319415, 1.09834288265, 0.328429107249, 0.34099960624700004, -0.626701345664, 1.00488597152, 0.672743365546, 1.3034073913200002, -0.9121521654799999, 0.374237118517, -1.76614316143, -0.10649581412900001, -1.6787599252399998, -0.656980814846, -1.35142119255, 0.645960140876, 1.4592276527, 1.02538104726, -0.340155358637, 0.0, -0.579564090019, -0.35265487184199995, 0.305519757806, 0.590717183723], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -3.15014210813, -0.053810023696, 0.823881285639, 1.23297092153, -0.637347776315, 1.23029164616, -0.193598124898, 0.197595712221, -0.184879366722, -2.55887696937, -0.763723320974, -0.57929889922, -0.9668518464120001, -0.436979370802, 0.420415148065, 0.14073005672900002, -0.149063995247, 0.274742145443, -0.722546436158, -1.25005493097, 0.0467358382171, 0.36119329024999997, 0.541125673567, 0.910535959975, 0.29329133768800003, 0.24528736903099999, 1.4745773815, 1.23297092153, 0.5924709519479999, 0.295108681981, 0.5157373360059999, -0.199177801479, 1.01668931292], [0.151368922512, 0.885851029692, 0.21069146950999998, 0.482285495008, -1.05246087178, 0.168502202975, 0.5597397047029999, 0.921050508468, 0.699331884665, 0.20946375397599998, 0.117201049376, 1.01601243032, 0.469004333979, -2.50422859163, 1.6581724745700002, 0.353665082651, -2.9807950706099997, -0.175812222485, -0.22036220496999998, 0.236210475878, -0.977452002225, -1.33338765404, -1.54252660288, -1.03795259371, 0.259125690343, -0.0826753524672, -0.366367893285, 0.269799160571, 0.547790104971, 0.849179286339, 1.65370320805, 0.557499454251, -0.20328598127500003, -0.113405992766, 1.05707903918, -0.948878916709, 0.206865188834], [0.729345518203, 0.13741109320999997, 0.564095786282, -0.585707562244, -0.0473398061058, -0.0024869280277399998, 0.7472625355210001, 0.7905491226189999, 0.462196611713, 0.263850596294, 0.770107697958, 0.555624782674, 0.14895965345599999, -2.4563421539099997, 0.731705814935, 0.480362691017, -2.40068066137, -0.744957603291, 0.581264652284, 0.25359464845, 0.5120659650330001, -0.17333331447, -1.9834699773500002, 0.143559448991, 1.0592802484700001, 1.06956612237, 0.401271995337, -0.0679023830119, -0.567481630835, 0.701330871514, -0.228341260634, 0.770286288917, 0.0282017562682, 0.980762974575, -2.00674327541, -2.29862944315, 0.6807591237199999], [0.181555602257, 0.8232019526950001, 0.848891022853, -1.8125860298199998, -1.6728979279499998, 0.9187896554989999, 0.34521912481399997, 0.567763340721, 0.345426102975, -0.684984679611, 0.63528577761, 0.707985911007, 0.485672451431, 0.35536645884199997, 0.330216720812, 0.08144031972839999, -1.7428808650099998, -0.536967192883, 0.509749469749, 0.619817537642, 0.260606668683, 0.653207492387, 0.481858216805, -0.5360738902709999, -1.57526368129, 1.36648395857, 0.8825284867309999, -1.7727921815799998, 1.05765741051, 0.426679352187, -1.8275695193700001, -0.35394229544100003, -0.212912348202, 1.40587898206, 1.04296790561, -1.89585393852, -0.709525372242], [-0.600114421793, 0.419489818604, 0.327384286203, -0.626800212147, 0.615902972276, 0.819819968547, 0.250985817994, 0.621984376107, -0.0302570852003, -1.16354049736, 0.352811296266, -0.566824822124, -0.292885860691, -0.963940578375, -0.37696483643, -0.222375457201, -1.1578694466, -0.579851265123, -0.742215652944, 0.262933180675, 0.131694489842, 0.014464506813199999, 1.21907756113, -0.951399846999, -0.115817797213, -0.39036243732500003, 2.08464262694, 0.892107412361, 0.9642495545759999, -0.49212025501900003, -0.539977802472, -0.061485095817400005, -1.48665244336, 2.0897777305900003, 2.96296837936, -1.1653096827299998, -1.5035284813699998], [-1.0256136105700002, 1.6202268520899998, 0.9708158580189999, 0.440565844673, -1.08859036045, -0.062321797097, 1.6271299122100003, 0.831299198102, 0.235211032974, 0.43609986991599997, 0.393420074282, 0.671479826589, 1.22436312596, -1.8333084914700002, -0.366394398635, -0.0946245488962, -1.86920497982, 0.011730938651999999, -0.963042753712, 0.8879002609309999, -0.746137550679, 0.231168799022, 0.7012631629530001, -0.153776692574, -1.89222400815, 0.227144988582, 0.0459600990548, 0.841342891494, 1.11225604787, -0.136656067158, -1.13826878817, -1.72602607091, 0.306344793344, 0.965310681968, -0.097780151274, -1.5952076121799998, 1.00814362306], [-0.30832419065, 0.38354452032999997, 0.45563331928499995, 0.354022547136, -1.98199445604, -0.646170020471, 1.4878903364700002, -0.0746387097783, 0.118871970785, 0.753510605716, 0.704364927677, -0.35221057074100004, 0.946803442788, 0.531994643167, 0.5669109285499999, -0.6225358183290001, -0.7046673032649999, 0.184677954824, -0.5507445307769999, 0.169107933838, -0.0190368743207, -0.768748749516, 0.217937799258, -0.10917597218599999, -0.0980355895327, 0.09954662135949999, -0.450256365311, 0.918472549533, 0.901134364814, -1.16973534126, -1.19941450541, 1.61582585365, -0.09527459567579999, 1.8690134032900003, -0.26439789106, -3.5868333176, 0.7229310794480001], [0.7982634884, 0.428381865672, 2.29409168277, 1.0173297751700001, -0.8342842746089999, -0.937340452927, 1.04535302944, 0.570769007388, -0.583333888045, 0.294941020524, 0.191716104553, -0.7673027430930001, -0.561842015603, -0.991290773375, 0.595665356315, 0.456974895312, -0.433421229939, -0.71067731352, -0.662638755598, 1.6935566638400001, -0.904471821523, -0.7580432072509999, 2.2957424766099996, -0.9327200593200001, -1.00174930685, -1.0302806032, 0.989242958492, 0.927593353883, 1.41908726659, -0.9663386358470001, -1.0389548160200002, -0.932235338692, -0.68200700295, -0.21156505585299998, 1.05913098464, -0.14338269757400002, -0.9939599378139999], [-0.469497730871, 0.796528940964, 3.2517806081200002, 0.8322226603039999, -0.502281340842, -0.555936020481, 0.636595067725, -0.183339004797, -0.599050410042, -0.529094771252, 2.03083346468, -0.46960335545299997, -0.5898489006750001, -0.42463292899800004, -0.568636615795, -0.227240580029, -0.0296395899094, -0.582444313209, -0.557069202725, 1.7141787919, -0.48823196743, 0.0760927900117, 1.4809453707799998, -0.578405802957, -0.473047238429, -0.53849014302, 2.66691599884, -0.444583804261, 0.0355399052311, -0.62006013914, -0.594954523474, -0.623184105686, -0.702156954161, -0.475801301604, -0.603694848966, -0.541351569454, -0.549356434894], [-0.907236036929, -1.11075856445, 2.38917668775, -0.679334789076, -0.9272153024940001, -0.236363747073, 1.6124136538, 0.686315115281, -1.34683138574, 0.409193448104, 0.103784363219, -1.0038868843100002, -1.26436794082, -1.1409870202099999, 0.383123119477, 1.6841487256, 0.547879285932, -1.17014715271, 0.651141468653, 0.316782327844, -0.479224414315, -0.331132007461, -0.05133490232369999, -0.827080540655, 1.35198583984, 1.68395890435, 1.80472631039, -0.980136078798, 1.2077280537700001, -0.332898271068, -0.497154999287, -0.828950395738, -0.263789445741, 0.0154300935111, -0.37362766167499994, -0.253391523648, 0.158061667011], [-0.492392851426, 2.04210894675, 0.18809262141600003, 1.84526575725, -0.715497103357, 0.020523232611200003, 1.5510528838100002, 1.96206346648, -0.686758023989, -0.09696917603010001, 2.07419003435, 0.391468615208, -0.962904329622, 0.644603824445, -0.332830037767, -0.027186948275599997, -0.573663917337, -0.8058808943539999, -0.76360229866, 2.27003774368, -0.803096617983, -0.783337679112, -0.6153436909000001, -0.530472569885, -0.8568662433149999, -0.883241810627, 0.259308625492, -0.860385761499, -0.237708813125, 1.32811299294, -0.7196192787639999, -0.402565696555, -0.0685500528607, -0.7382254987279999, -0.284357769428, -0.741049769624, -0.594321911211], [0.45823499987899996, 1.00365793296, 0.400867367012, 0.6521317555699999, 1.2959855759799999, -1.1597469044, 1.2149747510700002, 1.17469630036, 1.10480268361, -1.13756594505, 1.78623445565, 1.2223863767899998, 0.688974212913, 1.0422681572799999, -1.20750380205, 0.562444770902, -1.0271256710299999, 0.47611451580799996, -0.0984913191175, 1.49194687704, -1.15991510954, -1.1305206839700002, -0.23267847328400001, -1.17787481094, -0.745247945617, -0.8925417370469999, -1.22131044923, 1.08189176001, -1.18911690566, -1.00579034578, 0.0359580507445, 0.44049189141199996, -1.2987124672600001, -0.368145829916, -0.570517820862, 0.5460643545480001, -1.05732056877], [-0.43622223003, -0.392417897837, 2.41705347145, -0.760137945846, -0.633719849944, -0.705053738616, 1.06970211215, 1.35802730709, 2.50675294491, -0.692035514953, -0.688733336954, -0.21417271708000002, 0.976572708035, 1.9180664299, 0.807089990624, 0.377032350274, -0.29061100870400003, -0.518439618315, -0.510310785323, 2.12226935322, -0.697617849713, -0.517866442341, -0.43006843026999997, -0.464347775458, -0.631147116791, -0.455073731167, 1.19965393774, -0.579107871277, -0.7526125160189999, -0.49872293513599997, -0.543398152615, -0.672490499405, -0.903246583915, 0.343629593616, -0.647762376143, -0.7722088607600001, -0.688324414394], [1.6816526319799998, -0.49320042016599996, 1.2470317376200002, -0.452746463857, -0.632814858553, -0.0528047328013, 1.7121961236, -0.617588444261, -0.185511090261, -0.511904646326, -0.146591771649, 0.0104321805485, -0.113963583074, 3.1344896060600003, 0.996566261188, 1.11366254493, -0.580073297028, 0.604370138477, 0.613946697849, 2.7709197834900006, -0.6614339719919999, -0.447354777454, -0.41631263915100003, -0.49720617836000003, -0.801397241931, -0.620798689615, -0.743852750901, -0.468720295355, -0.669843521213, -0.618586290458, -0.486579254571, -0.38285963809699997, -0.775703116983, -0.652054217743, -0.681652934207, -0.748880126697, -0.424832753047], [0.397206403032, -0.37131484505199996, 0.122532773244, 0.5677644060220001, -0.0129242498496, -0.19527564662900002, 0.690660294049, -0.13347358392300002, 3.57393160691, -0.09243862165169998, 0.8606475818970001, 0.125739224891, -0.43200824743999994, -1.2194425569, 0.42808610834, -0.8412607125139999, -0.475366805537, -0.0833860364914, -0.278617734246, 1.01365663248, -0.9048953361750001, 0.0, -0.293480166523, 0.439968895427, -0.91300391547, -0.20386955134100002, -0.243661818512, 0.147688486748, 1.01730135494, 1.94412515711, 0.0, 0.0, -0.424614024923, -1.08547050837, 0.0, -1.1862606375, -1.93854392605], [0.15057109172900002, -0.30632545679900003, -0.330094903915, 0.41902528366999997, -0.8528992254279999, -1.27953092552, 0.38736019509900005, 0.786896819754, 2.9017830926499997, 0.2788334364, 0.78217380095, -0.401297443265, 0.30425043116, -0.8528992254279999, -0.408623050168, -0.376512499438, 0.131843210632, 0.601085271189, 1.59445003595, 2.20551508346, -0.640457020324, -1.9112392542400003, 0.21269539082299999, 1.79388568807, -0.707108984234, 0.356450258276, -0.5621812925949999, -0.15618879399, -0.08533653538210001, 0.455374689392, 0.181224417112, -1.87007865758, -0.602443049818, -0.7610522339970001, -0.151442572433, -0.170834690106, -1.11687238164], [1.42507023165, -0.576291193377, -0.430546020231, -0.413089208909, 0.938427327833, -0.5720943169899999, -0.47702601475199996, 1.43756540244, 2.1762814798, -0.503526683228, 1.3466067473899999, -0.579102277639, -0.584682751704, 0.10110056511700001, -0.443644663447, -0.407723241858, -0.48985199815499997, 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-1.0519101536700002], [0.616931522195, -1.9990191108099997, 0.464497844107, -1.16064412548, 0.291560450014, -2.30481415666, -0.12244872678200001, -1.29218613674, 1.71728471979, 0.7486858713500001, 0.768836168176, -0.319192081738, -0.218652203756, 0.026084046578799997, 1.73471452893, -0.33051460766199997, -0.639413759428, -0.0763523956807, 0.121771810954, 1.18812145657, 0.425311007206, -0.22128515141199998, -0.6898633872050001, 0.256571879037, -0.473200349661, -0.19719369452399998, -0.413586389497, 0.7028168046369999, 0.497435758126, 1.3262633925, -0.59948154483, -0.086780741272, -2.02834080988, 0.816667256237, -1.1283085848, 1.6641345861399999, 0.933588855284], [1.2201676398899999, -0.649245949223, -0.776158055965, -1.42571163215, 0.48985900478200006, -0.5735920212160001, 0.15184572660999998, 0.41204068582, -0.789478935125, -1.08455101917, -0.669168825377, -0.44097924323, 1.39904125167, 1.4903336096700002, 0.934106798073, -0.604703629761, -0.22142354558200003, -0.054397152923800006, -1.20214757918, 0.688490241261, 0.565291254012, -1.09963877894, -0.19164654403099998, -0.261361999925, -1.3282868331, 1.00616197268, -1.21216796366, 1.4684100825600002, -0.153086024806, 1.5914941999, 0.9205088204430001, 2.0848413229400005, -1.5303797851899998, 0.177981654269, 0.408652023443, 0.6928381681579999, -1.43393893762], [0.562437327561, -0.16545060992900001, 0.0586556752701, -1.51332920796, -1.4667399004700001, -1.67738045101, 0.295009879343, 0.453168852874, 0.642018539644, 0.151966420494, 0.689035191444, 1.35210908817, 0.881343826146, 0.9841744165780001, 0.826429389534, 0.6181269898480001, -1.55541499943, 0.360498893116, -1.42936552225, 0.618864332028, -1.20254779516, -0.0609281980301, 0.37523049091, 0.334405018652, -1.6016453377000002, -0.516944768489, 0.601068791041, 1.17386262218, 0.8903065067749999, 0.44571735411799995, 0.950086200588, 1.24343889552, -1.2736523441399998, 0.677449309753, 0.578622819992, -1.60552978197, -1.69509791504]], \"links\": [], \"views\": [], 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Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\": \"#ff7f0e\", \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\": \"#eee\", \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\": \"#eee\", \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\": \"#ff7f0e\"}, \"cat-9\": {\"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\": \"#98df8a\", \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\": \"#98df8a\", \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\": \"#eee\", \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\": \"#eee\"}, \"cat-6\": {\"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

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Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\": \"#eee\", \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\": \"#404040\", \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\": \"#eee\"}, \"cat-7\": {\"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\": \"#eee\", \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\": \"#c5b0d5\", \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\": \"#c5b0d5\", \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\": \"#eee\"}, \"cat-4\": {\"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\": \"#eee\", \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\": \"#eee\", \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\": \"#1f77b4\", \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\": \"#1f77b4\"}, \"cat-5\": {\"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

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Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\": \"#FFDB58\", \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\": \"#FFDB58\"}, \"cat-2\": {\"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\": \"#e377c2\", \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\": \"#eee\", \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\": \"#eee\", \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\": \"#e377c2\"}, \"cat-3\": {\"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\": \"#eee\", \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\": \"#2ca02c\", \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\": \"#2ca02c\", \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\": \"#eee\"}, \"cat-0\": {\"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\": \"#dbdb8d\", \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\": \"#eee\", \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\": \"#dbdb8d\", \"Data-Type: Exp\": \"#ff7f0e\", \"Data-Type: phospho\": \"#c5b0d5\", \"Data-Type: AcK\": \"#393b79\", \"Data-Type: Rme1\": \"#404040\", \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\": \"#eee\", \"Data-Type: Kme1\": \"#98df8a\"}, \"cat-1\": {\"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\": \"#637939\", \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\": \"#eee\", \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\": \"#637939\", \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\": \"#eee\"}}}, \"row_cat_bars\": [67.98274769558105, 67.43567720005382, 63.39125282003352, 62.93300226040937, 54.213953005696766, 51.6080372763835, 50.90756544930091, 49.174196472555096, 49.10589641135278, 48.953702037374654], \"row_nodes\": [{\"cat_7_index\": 0, \"rank\": 939, \"ini\": 1110, \"cat_4_index\": 0, \"group\": [1108.0, 1017.0, 627.0, 254.0, 76.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1108, \"cat_0_index\": 0, \"cat_6_index\": 0, \"cat_2_index\": 0, \"cat_1_index\": 0, \"rankvar\": 680, \"cat_9_index\": 0, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 0, \"cat_3_index\": 0, \"cat_8_index\": 0, \"name\": \"SLC40A1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1, \"rank\": 198, \"ini\": 1109, \"cat_4_index\": 1, \"group\": [1109.0, 1018.0, 628.0, 254.0, 76.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1109, \"cat_0_index\": 1, \"cat_6_index\": 1, \"cat_2_index\": 1, \"cat_1_index\": 1, \"rankvar\": 903, \"cat_9_index\": 1, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1, \"cat_3_index\": 1, \"cat_8_index\": 1, \"name\": \"GPX3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 2, \"rank\": 129, \"ini\": 1108, \"cat_4_index\": 2, \"group\": [1110.0, 1019.0, 629.0, 255.0, 76.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1107, \"cat_0_index\": 2, \"cat_6_index\": 2, \"cat_2_index\": 2, \"cat_1_index\": 2, \"rankvar\": 854, \"cat_9_index\": 2, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 2, \"cat_3_index\": 2, \"cat_8_index\": 2, \"name\": \"RAB38\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 3, \"rank\": 764, \"ini\": 1107, \"cat_4_index\": 3, \"group\": [1106.0, 1015.0, 625.0, 253.0, 76.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1105, \"cat_0_index\": 3, \"cat_6_index\": 3, \"cat_2_index\": 3, \"cat_1_index\": 3, \"rankvar\": 200, \"cat_9_index\": 3, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 3, \"cat_3_index\": 3, \"cat_8_index\": 3, \"name\": \"TBL1XR1 AcK K102\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 4, \"rank\": 282, \"ini\": 1106, \"cat_4_index\": 4, \"group\": [1107.0, 1016.0, 626.0, 253.0, 76.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1106, \"cat_0_index\": 4, \"cat_6_index\": 4, \"cat_2_index\": 4, \"cat_1_index\": 4, \"rankvar\": 13, \"cat_9_index\": 4, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 4, \"cat_3_index\": 4, \"cat_8_index\": 4, \"name\": \"FRK phospho Y46\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 5, \"rank\": 709, \"ini\": 1105, \"cat_4_index\": 5, \"group\": [1103.0, 1012.0, 623.0, 251.0, 75.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1103, \"cat_0_index\": 5, \"cat_6_index\": 5, \"cat_2_index\": 5, \"cat_1_index\": 5, \"rankvar\": 1071, \"cat_9_index\": 5, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 5, \"cat_3_index\": 5, \"cat_8_index\": 5, \"name\": \"ALDOC phospho T52\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 6, \"rank\": 387, \"ini\": 1104, \"cat_4_index\": 6, \"group\": [1104.0, 1013.0, 623.0, 251.0, 75.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1104, \"cat_0_index\": 6, \"cat_6_index\": 6, \"cat_2_index\": 6, \"cat_1_index\": 6, \"rankvar\": 186, \"cat_9_index\": 6, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 6, \"cat_3_index\": 6, \"cat_8_index\": 6, \"name\": \"ALDOC phospho S45\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 7, \"rank\": 64, \"ini\": 1103, \"cat_4_index\": 7, \"group\": [1105.0, 1014.0, 624.0, 252.0, 75.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1102, \"cat_0_index\": 7, \"cat_6_index\": 7, \"cat_2_index\": 7, \"cat_1_index\": 7, \"rankvar\": 487, \"cat_9_index\": 7, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 7, \"cat_3_index\": 7, \"cat_8_index\": 7, \"name\": \"RAMP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 8, \"rank\": 239, \"ini\": 1102, \"cat_4_index\": 8, \"group\": [1100.0, 1009.0, 622.0, 250.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1100, \"cat_0_index\": 8, \"cat_6_index\": 8, \"cat_2_index\": 8, \"cat_1_index\": 8, \"rankvar\": 1000, \"cat_9_index\": 8, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 8, \"cat_3_index\": 8, \"cat_8_index\": 8, \"name\": \"OCIAD2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 9, \"rank\": 124, \"ini\": 1101, \"cat_4_index\": 9, \"group\": [1101.0, 1010.0, 622.0, 250.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1101, \"cat_0_index\": 9, \"cat_6_index\": 9, \"cat_2_index\": 9, \"cat_1_index\": 9, \"rankvar\": 1016, \"cat_9_index\": 9, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 9, \"cat_3_index\": 9, \"cat_8_index\": 9, \"name\": \"PRDX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 10, \"rank\": 715, \"ini\": 1100, \"cat_4_index\": 10, \"group\": [1102.0, 1011.0, 622.0, 250.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1099, \"cat_0_index\": 10, \"cat_6_index\": 10, \"cat_2_index\": 10, \"cat_1_index\": 10, \"rankvar\": 805, \"cat_9_index\": 10, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 10, \"cat_3_index\": 10, \"cat_8_index\": 10, \"name\": \"TXNIP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 11, \"rank\": 367, \"ini\": 1099, \"cat_4_index\": 11, \"group\": [1098.0, 1007.0, 621.0, 249.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1097, \"cat_0_index\": 11, \"cat_6_index\": 11, \"cat_2_index\": 11, \"cat_1_index\": 11, \"rankvar\": 829, \"cat_9_index\": 11, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 11, \"cat_3_index\": 11, \"cat_8_index\": 11, \"name\": \"ALCAM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 12, \"rank\": 964, \"ini\": 1098, \"cat_4_index\": 12, \"group\": [1099.0, 1008.0, 621.0, 249.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1098, \"cat_0_index\": 12, \"cat_6_index\": 12, \"cat_2_index\": 12, \"cat_1_index\": 12, \"rankvar\": 51, \"cat_9_index\": 12, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 12, \"cat_3_index\": 12, \"cat_8_index\": 12, \"name\": \"TNK1 phospho Y661\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 13, \"rank\": 929, \"ini\": 1097, \"cat_4_index\": 13, \"group\": [1095.0, 1004.0, 619.0, 248.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1095, \"cat_0_index\": 13, \"cat_6_index\": 13, \"cat_2_index\": 13, \"cat_1_index\": 13, \"rankvar\": 999, \"cat_9_index\": 13, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 13, \"cat_3_index\": 13, \"cat_8_index\": 13, \"name\": \"MYO5C\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 14, \"rank\": 65, \"ini\": 1096, \"cat_4_index\": 14, \"group\": [1096.0, 1005.0, 619.0, 248.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1096, \"cat_0_index\": 14, \"cat_6_index\": 1053, \"cat_2_index\": 14, \"cat_1_index\": 14, \"rankvar\": 494, \"cat_9_index\": 14, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 14, \"cat_3_index\": 14, \"cat_8_index\": 14, \"name\": \"FOXA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 15, \"rank\": 464, \"ini\": 1095, \"cat_4_index\": 15, \"group\": [1097.0, 1006.0, 620.0, 248.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1094, \"cat_0_index\": 15, \"cat_6_index\": 14, \"cat_2_index\": 15, \"cat_1_index\": 15, \"rankvar\": 484, \"cat_9_index\": 1034, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 15, \"cat_3_index\": 15, \"cat_8_index\": 15, \"name\": \"PLA2G4A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 16, \"rank\": 29, \"ini\": 1094, \"cat_4_index\": 16, \"group\": [1093.0, 1002.0, 617.0, 248.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1092, \"cat_0_index\": 16, \"cat_6_index\": 15, \"cat_2_index\": 16, \"cat_1_index\": 16, \"rankvar\": 912, \"cat_9_index\": 15, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 16, \"cat_3_index\": 16, \"cat_8_index\": 16, \"name\": \"SLC27A2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 17, \"rank\": 350, \"ini\": 1093, \"cat_4_index\": 17, \"group\": [1094.0, 1003.0, 618.0, 248.0, 74.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1093, \"cat_0_index\": 17, \"cat_6_index\": 16, \"cat_2_index\": 17, \"cat_1_index\": 17, \"rankvar\": 694, \"cat_9_index\": 16, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 17, \"cat_3_index\": 17, \"cat_8_index\": 17, \"name\": \"LIMCH1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 18, \"rank\": 468, \"ini\": 1092, \"cat_4_index\": 18, \"group\": [1091.0, 1000.0, 615.0, 247.0, 73.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1090, \"cat_0_index\": 18, \"cat_6_index\": 17, \"cat_2_index\": 18, \"cat_1_index\": 18, \"rankvar\": 751, \"cat_9_index\": 17, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 18, \"cat_3_index\": 18, \"cat_8_index\": 18, \"name\": \"EHF\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 19, \"rank\": 725, \"ini\": 1091, \"cat_4_index\": 19, \"group\": [1092.0, 1001.0, 616.0, 247.0, 73.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1091, \"cat_0_index\": 19, \"cat_6_index\": 18, \"cat_2_index\": 19, \"cat_1_index\": 19, \"rankvar\": 617, \"cat_9_index\": 18, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 19, \"cat_3_index\": 19, \"cat_8_index\": 19, \"name\": \"ALDH2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 20, \"rank\": 136, \"ini\": 1090, \"cat_4_index\": 20, \"group\": [1089.0, 998.0, 613.0, 246.0, 73.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1088, \"cat_0_index\": 20, \"cat_6_index\": 19, \"cat_2_index\": 20, \"cat_1_index\": 20, \"rankvar\": 627, \"cat_9_index\": 19, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 20, \"cat_3_index\": 20, \"cat_8_index\": 20, \"name\": \"SEPP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 21, \"rank\": 1003, \"ini\": 1089, \"cat_4_index\": 21, \"group\": [1090.0, 999.0, 614.0, 246.0, 73.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1089, \"cat_0_index\": 21, \"cat_6_index\": 20, \"cat_2_index\": 21, \"cat_1_index\": 21, \"rankvar\": 991, \"cat_9_index\": 20, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1055, \"cat_3_index\": 21, \"cat_8_index\": 21, \"name\": \"TSPAN8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 22, \"rank\": 762, \"ini\": 1088, \"cat_4_index\": 22, \"group\": [1086.0, 995.0, 610.0, 244.0, 72.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1086, \"cat_0_index\": 22, \"cat_6_index\": 21, \"cat_2_index\": 22, \"cat_1_index\": 22, \"rankvar\": 581, \"cat_9_index\": 21, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 21, \"cat_3_index\": 22, \"cat_8_index\": 22, \"name\": \"KCNS3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 23, \"rank\": 324, \"ini\": 1087, \"cat_4_index\": 23, \"group\": [1087.0, 996.0, 611.0, 244.0, 72.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1087, \"cat_0_index\": 23, \"cat_6_index\": 22, \"cat_2_index\": 23, \"cat_1_index\": 23, \"rankvar\": 688, \"cat_9_index\": 22, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 22, \"cat_3_index\": 23, \"cat_8_index\": 23, \"name\": \"SELENBP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 24, \"rank\": 262, \"ini\": 1086, \"cat_4_index\": 24, \"group\": [1088.0, 997.0, 612.0, 245.0, 72.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1085, \"cat_0_index\": 24, \"cat_6_index\": 23, \"cat_2_index\": 24, \"cat_1_index\": 24, \"rankvar\": 583, \"cat_9_index\": 23, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 23, \"cat_3_index\": 24, \"cat_8_index\": 24, \"name\": \"FGF13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 25, \"rank\": 192, \"ini\": 1085, \"cat_4_index\": 25, \"group\": [1084.0, 993.0, 608.0, 243.0, 72.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1083, \"cat_0_index\": 25, \"cat_6_index\": 24, \"cat_2_index\": 25, \"cat_1_index\": 25, \"rankvar\": 1038, \"cat_9_index\": 24, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 24, \"cat_3_index\": 25, \"cat_8_index\": 25, \"name\": \"GPC6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 26, \"rank\": 92, \"ini\": 1084, \"cat_4_index\": 26, \"group\": [1085.0, 994.0, 609.0, 243.0, 72.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1084, \"cat_0_index\": 26, \"cat_6_index\": 25, \"cat_2_index\": 26, \"cat_1_index\": 26, \"rankvar\": 934, \"cat_9_index\": 25, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 25, \"cat_3_index\": 26, \"cat_8_index\": 26, \"name\": \"KCTD12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 27, \"rank\": 616, \"ini\": 1083, \"cat_4_index\": 27, \"group\": [1082.0, 991.0, 606.0, 242.0, 71.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1081, \"cat_0_index\": 27, \"cat_6_index\": 26, \"cat_2_index\": 27, \"cat_1_index\": 27, \"rankvar\": 796, \"cat_9_index\": 26, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 26, \"cat_3_index\": 27, \"cat_8_index\": 27, \"name\": \"SEL1L3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 28, \"rank\": 1106, \"ini\": 1082, \"cat_4_index\": 28, \"group\": [1083.0, 992.0, 607.0, 242.0, 71.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1082, \"cat_0_index\": 28, \"cat_6_index\": 27, \"cat_2_index\": 28, \"cat_1_index\": 28, \"rankvar\": 711, \"cat_9_index\": 27, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 27, \"cat_3_index\": 28, \"cat_8_index\": 28, \"name\": \"HS6ST2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 29, \"rank\": 326, \"ini\": 1081, \"cat_4_index\": 29, \"group\": [1080.0, 989.0, 604.0, 241.0, 71.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1079, \"cat_0_index\": 29, \"cat_6_index\": 28, \"cat_2_index\": 29, \"cat_1_index\": 29, \"rankvar\": 389, \"cat_9_index\": 28, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 28, \"cat_3_index\": 29, \"cat_8_index\": 29, \"name\": \"SPINK1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 30, \"rank\": 1057, \"ini\": 1080, \"cat_4_index\": 30, \"group\": [1081.0, 990.0, 605.0, 241.0, 71.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1080, \"cat_0_index\": 30, \"cat_6_index\": 29, \"cat_2_index\": 30, \"cat_1_index\": 30, \"rankvar\": 1058, \"cat_9_index\": 29, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 29, \"cat_3_index\": 30, \"cat_8_index\": 30, \"name\": \"SFTA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 31, \"rank\": 502, \"ini\": 1079, \"cat_4_index\": 31, \"group\": [1076.0, 985.0, 601.0, 239.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1077, \"cat_0_index\": 31, \"cat_6_index\": 30, \"cat_2_index\": 31, \"cat_1_index\": 31, \"rankvar\": 793, \"cat_9_index\": 30, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 30, \"cat_3_index\": 31, \"cat_8_index\": 31, \"name\": \"LOC100505989\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 32, \"rank\": 881, \"ini\": 1078, \"cat_4_index\": 32, \"group\": [1077.0, 986.0, 601.0, 239.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1078, \"cat_0_index\": 32, \"cat_6_index\": 31, \"cat_2_index\": 32, \"cat_1_index\": 32, \"rankvar\": 998, \"cat_9_index\": 31, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 31, \"cat_3_index\": 32, \"cat_8_index\": 32, \"name\": \"LMO3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 33, \"rank\": 813, \"ini\": 1077, \"cat_4_index\": 33, \"group\": [1078.0, 987.0, 602.0, 239.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1076, \"cat_0_index\": 33, \"cat_6_index\": 32, \"cat_2_index\": 33, \"cat_1_index\": 33, \"rankvar\": 1046, \"cat_9_index\": 32, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 32, \"cat_3_index\": 33, \"cat_8_index\": 33, \"name\": \"SFTPA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 34, \"rank\": 834, \"ini\": 1076, \"cat_4_index\": 34, \"group\": [1074.0, 983.0, 600.0, 239.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1074, \"cat_0_index\": 34, \"cat_6_index\": 33, \"cat_2_index\": 34, \"cat_1_index\": 34, \"rankvar\": 838, \"cat_9_index\": 33, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 33, \"cat_3_index\": 34, \"cat_8_index\": 34, \"name\": \"FBP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 35, \"rank\": 761, \"ini\": 1075, \"cat_4_index\": 35, \"group\": [1075.0, 984.0, 600.0, 239.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1075, \"cat_0_index\": 35, \"cat_6_index\": 34, \"cat_2_index\": 35, \"cat_1_index\": 35, \"rankvar\": 858, \"cat_9_index\": 34, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 34, \"cat_3_index\": 35, \"cat_8_index\": 35, \"name\": \"TMEM45B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 36, \"rank\": 701, \"ini\": 1074, \"cat_4_index\": 36, \"group\": [1072.0, 981.0, 599.0, 239.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1072, \"cat_0_index\": 36, \"cat_6_index\": 35, \"cat_2_index\": 36, \"cat_1_index\": 36, \"rankvar\": 864, \"cat_9_index\": 35, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 35, \"cat_3_index\": 36, \"cat_8_index\": 36, \"name\": \"ST6GALNAC1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 37, \"rank\": 13, \"ini\": 1073, \"cat_4_index\": 37, \"group\": [1073.0, 982.0, 599.0, 239.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1073, \"cat_0_index\": 37, \"cat_6_index\": 36, \"cat_2_index\": 37, \"cat_1_index\": 37, \"rankvar\": 613, \"cat_9_index\": 36, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 36, \"cat_3_index\": 37, \"cat_8_index\": 37, \"name\": \"GPR160\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 38, \"rank\": 349, \"ini\": 1072, \"cat_4_index\": 38, \"group\": [1070.0, 979.0, 598.0, 238.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1070, \"cat_0_index\": 38, \"cat_6_index\": 37, \"cat_2_index\": 38, \"cat_1_index\": 38, \"rankvar\": 944, \"cat_9_index\": 37, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 37, \"cat_3_index\": 38, \"cat_8_index\": 38, \"name\": \"MUC1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 39, \"rank\": 961, \"ini\": 1071, \"cat_4_index\": 39, \"group\": [1071.0, 980.0, 598.0, 238.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1071, \"cat_0_index\": 39, \"cat_6_index\": 38, \"cat_2_index\": 39, \"cat_1_index\": 39, \"rankvar\": 48, \"cat_9_index\": 38, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 38, \"cat_3_index\": 39, \"cat_8_index\": 39, \"name\": \"MUC1 phospho Y1229\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 40, \"rank\": 444, \"ini\": 1070, \"cat_4_index\": 40, \"group\": [1068.0, 977.0, 597.0, 238.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1068, \"cat_0_index\": 40, \"cat_6_index\": 39, \"cat_2_index\": 40, \"cat_1_index\": 40, \"rankvar\": 503, \"cat_9_index\": 39, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 39, \"cat_3_index\": 40, \"cat_8_index\": 40, \"name\": \"MUC4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 41, \"rank\": 596, \"ini\": 1069, \"cat_4_index\": 41, \"group\": [1069.0, 978.0, 597.0, 238.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1069, \"cat_0_index\": 41, \"cat_6_index\": 40, \"cat_2_index\": 41, \"cat_1_index\": 41, \"rankvar\": 704, \"cat_9_index\": 40, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 40, \"cat_3_index\": 41, \"cat_8_index\": 41, \"name\": \"GPR116\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 42, \"rank\": 541, \"ini\": 1068, \"cat_4_index\": 42, \"group\": [1066.0, 975.0, 596.0, 238.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1066, \"cat_0_index\": 42, \"cat_6_index\": 41, \"cat_2_index\": 42, \"cat_1_index\": 42, \"rankvar\": 812, \"cat_9_index\": 41, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 41, \"cat_3_index\": 42, \"cat_8_index\": 42, \"name\": \"CHI3L1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 43, \"rank\": 561, \"ini\": 1067, \"cat_4_index\": 43, \"group\": [1067.0, 976.0, 596.0, 238.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1067, \"cat_0_index\": 43, \"cat_6_index\": 42, \"cat_2_index\": 43, \"cat_1_index\": 43, \"rankvar\": 611, \"cat_9_index\": 42, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 42, \"cat_3_index\": 43, \"cat_8_index\": 43, \"name\": \"LY96\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 44, \"rank\": 613, \"ini\": 1066, \"cat_4_index\": 44, \"group\": [1079.0, 988.0, 603.0, 240.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1065, \"cat_0_index\": 44, \"cat_6_index\": 43, \"cat_2_index\": 44, \"cat_1_index\": 44, \"rankvar\": 2, \"cat_9_index\": 43, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 43, \"cat_3_index\": 44, \"cat_8_index\": 44, \"name\": \"SRP14 phospho Y27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 45, \"rank\": 302, \"ini\": 1065, \"cat_4_index\": 45, \"group\": [1063.0, 972.0, 593.0, 237.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1063, \"cat_0_index\": 45, \"cat_6_index\": 44, \"cat_2_index\": 45, \"cat_1_index\": 45, \"rankvar\": 646, \"cat_9_index\": 44, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 44, \"cat_3_index\": 45, \"cat_8_index\": 45, \"name\": \"CLIC2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 46, \"rank\": 997, \"ini\": 1064, \"cat_4_index\": 46, \"group\": [1064.0, 973.0, 594.0, 237.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1064, \"cat_0_index\": 46, \"cat_6_index\": 45, \"cat_2_index\": 46, \"cat_1_index\": 46, \"rankvar\": 507, \"cat_9_index\": 45, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 45, \"cat_3_index\": 46, \"cat_8_index\": 46, \"name\": \"DPYSL3 phospho T85\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1040, \"rank\": 1090, \"ini\": 1063, \"cat_4_index\": 1063, \"group\": [1065.0, 974.0, 595.0, 237.0, 70.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1062, \"cat_0_index\": 47, \"cat_6_index\": 46, \"cat_2_index\": 47, \"cat_1_index\": 47, \"rankvar\": 862, \"cat_9_index\": 46, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 46, \"cat_3_index\": 47, \"cat_8_index\": 47, \"name\": \"SLFN11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 47, \"rank\": 593, \"ini\": 1062, \"cat_4_index\": 47, \"group\": [1060.0, 969.0, 590.0, 235.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1060, \"cat_0_index\": 48, \"cat_6_index\": 47, \"cat_2_index\": 48, \"cat_1_index\": 48, \"rankvar\": 780, \"cat_9_index\": 47, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 47, \"cat_3_index\": 48, \"cat_8_index\": 48, \"name\": \"SPRR1B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 48, \"rank\": 840, \"ini\": 1061, \"cat_4_index\": 48, \"group\": [1061.0, 970.0, 591.0, 235.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1061, \"cat_0_index\": 49, \"cat_6_index\": 48, \"cat_2_index\": 49, \"cat_1_index\": 49, \"rankvar\": 950, \"cat_9_index\": 48, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 48, \"cat_3_index\": 49, \"cat_8_index\": 49, \"name\": \"ZBED2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 49, \"rank\": 599, \"ini\": 1060, \"cat_4_index\": 49, \"group\": [1062.0, 971.0, 592.0, 236.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1059, \"cat_0_index\": 50, \"cat_6_index\": 49, \"cat_2_index\": 50, \"cat_1_index\": 50, \"rankvar\": 438, \"cat_9_index\": 49, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 49, \"cat_3_index\": 50, \"cat_8_index\": 50, \"name\": \"PTPLAD2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 50, \"rank\": 516, \"ini\": 1059, \"cat_4_index\": 50, \"group\": [1058.0, 967.0, 589.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1057, \"cat_0_index\": 51, \"cat_6_index\": 50, \"cat_2_index\": 51, \"cat_1_index\": 51, \"rankvar\": 804, \"cat_9_index\": 50, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 50, \"cat_3_index\": 51, \"cat_8_index\": 51, \"name\": \"DSG2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 51, \"rank\": 118, \"ini\": 1058, \"cat_4_index\": 51, \"group\": [1059.0, 968.0, 589.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1058, \"cat_0_index\": 52, \"cat_6_index\": 51, \"cat_2_index\": 52, \"cat_1_index\": 52, \"rankvar\": 789, \"cat_9_index\": 51, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 51, \"cat_3_index\": 52, \"cat_8_index\": 52, \"name\": \"DSC2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 52, \"rank\": 312, \"ini\": 1057, \"cat_4_index\": 52, \"group\": [1055.0, 964.0, 588.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1055, \"cat_0_index\": 53, \"cat_6_index\": 52, \"cat_2_index\": 53, \"cat_1_index\": 53, \"rankvar\": 725, \"cat_9_index\": 52, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 52, \"cat_3_index\": 53, \"cat_8_index\": 53, \"name\": \"CAPG\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 53, \"rank\": 603, \"ini\": 1056, \"cat_4_index\": 53, \"group\": [1056.0, 965.0, 588.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1056, \"cat_0_index\": 54, \"cat_6_index\": 53, \"cat_2_index\": 54, \"cat_1_index\": 54, \"rankvar\": 743, \"cat_9_index\": 53, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 53, \"cat_3_index\": 54, \"cat_8_index\": 54, \"name\": \"CDA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 54, \"rank\": 658, \"ini\": 1055, \"cat_4_index\": 54, \"group\": [1057.0, 966.0, 588.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1054, \"cat_0_index\": 55, \"cat_6_index\": 54, \"cat_2_index\": 55, \"cat_1_index\": 55, \"rankvar\": 744, \"cat_9_index\": 54, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1056, \"cat_3_index\": 55, \"cat_8_index\": 55, \"name\": \"IL20RB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 55, \"rank\": 850, \"ini\": 1054, \"cat_4_index\": 55, \"group\": [1049.0, 959.0, 586.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1052, \"cat_0_index\": 56, \"cat_6_index\": 55, \"cat_2_index\": 56, \"cat_1_index\": 56, \"rankvar\": 843, \"cat_9_index\": 55, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 54, \"cat_3_index\": 56, \"cat_8_index\": 56, \"name\": \"MPZL2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 56, \"rank\": 908, \"ini\": 1053, \"cat_4_index\": 56, \"group\": [1050.0, 959.0, 586.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1053, \"cat_0_index\": 57, \"cat_6_index\": 1054, \"cat_2_index\": 57, \"cat_1_index\": 57, \"rankvar\": 699, \"cat_9_index\": 56, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 55, \"cat_3_index\": 57, \"cat_8_index\": 57, \"name\": \"ARHGDIB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 57, \"rank\": 766, \"ini\": 1052, \"cat_4_index\": 57, \"group\": [1051.0, 960.0, 586.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1051, \"cat_0_index\": 58, \"cat_6_index\": 56, \"cat_2_index\": 58, \"cat_1_index\": 58, \"rankvar\": 737, \"cat_9_index\": 57, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 56, \"cat_3_index\": 58, \"cat_8_index\": 58, \"name\": \"SCEL\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 58, \"rank\": 548, \"ini\": 1051, \"cat_4_index\": 58, \"group\": [1052.0, 961.0, 586.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1050, \"cat_0_index\": 59, \"cat_6_index\": 57, \"cat_2_index\": 59, \"cat_1_index\": 59, \"rankvar\": 659, \"cat_9_index\": 58, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 57, \"cat_3_index\": 59, \"cat_8_index\": 59, \"name\": \"FAM83A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 59, \"rank\": 1006, \"ini\": 1050, \"cat_4_index\": 59, \"group\": [1053.0, 962.0, 586.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1049, \"cat_0_index\": 60, \"cat_6_index\": 58, \"cat_2_index\": 60, \"cat_1_index\": 60, \"rankvar\": 677, \"cat_9_index\": 59, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 58, \"cat_3_index\": 60, \"cat_8_index\": 60, \"name\": \"DMKN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 60, \"rank\": 22, \"ini\": 1049, \"cat_4_index\": 60, \"group\": [1045.0, 956.0, 585.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1047, \"cat_0_index\": 61, \"cat_6_index\": 59, \"cat_2_index\": 61, \"cat_1_index\": 61, \"rankvar\": 747, \"cat_9_index\": 60, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 59, \"cat_3_index\": 61, \"cat_8_index\": 1053, \"name\": \"LAMB3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 61, \"rank\": 102, \"ini\": 1048, \"cat_4_index\": 61, \"group\": [1046.0, 956.0, 585.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1048, \"cat_0_index\": 62, \"cat_6_index\": 1055, \"cat_2_index\": 62, \"cat_1_index\": 62, \"rankvar\": 1042, \"cat_9_index\": 61, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 60, \"cat_3_index\": 62, \"cat_8_index\": 61, \"name\": \"TACSTD2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 62, \"rank\": 174, \"ini\": 1047, \"cat_4_index\": 62, \"group\": [1047.0, 957.0, 585.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1046, \"cat_0_index\": 63, \"cat_6_index\": 60, \"cat_2_index\": 63, \"cat_1_index\": 63, \"rankvar\": 936, \"cat_9_index\": 62, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 61, \"cat_3_index\": 63, \"cat_8_index\": 62, \"name\": \"GRAMD3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 63, \"rank\": 151, \"ini\": 1046, \"cat_4_index\": 63, \"group\": [1048.0, 958.0, 585.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1045, \"cat_0_index\": 64, \"cat_6_index\": 61, \"cat_2_index\": 64, \"cat_1_index\": 64, \"rankvar\": 366, \"cat_9_index\": 63, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 62, \"cat_3_index\": 64, \"cat_8_index\": 63, \"name\": \"FGFBP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 64, \"rank\": 598, \"ini\": 1045, \"cat_4_index\": 64, \"group\": [1041.0, 953.0, 584.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1043, \"cat_0_index\": 65, \"cat_6_index\": 62, \"cat_2_index\": 65, \"cat_1_index\": 65, \"rankvar\": 695, \"cat_9_index\": 64, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 63, \"cat_3_index\": 65, \"cat_8_index\": 64, \"name\": \"GPR87\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 65, \"rank\": 790, \"ini\": 1044, \"cat_4_index\": 65, \"group\": [1042.0, 953.0, 584.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1044, \"cat_0_index\": 66, \"cat_6_index\": 63, \"cat_2_index\": 66, \"cat_1_index\": 66, \"rankvar\": 817, \"cat_9_index\": 65, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 64, \"cat_3_index\": 66, \"cat_8_index\": 65, \"name\": \"CST6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 66, \"rank\": 733, \"ini\": 1043, \"cat_4_index\": 66, \"group\": [1043.0, 954.0, 584.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1042, \"cat_0_index\": 67, \"cat_6_index\": 64, \"cat_2_index\": 67, \"cat_1_index\": 67, \"rankvar\": 814, \"cat_9_index\": 66, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 65, \"cat_3_index\": 67, \"cat_8_index\": 1054, \"name\": \"LAMC2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 67, \"rank\": 462, \"ini\": 1042, \"cat_4_index\": 67, \"group\": [1044.0, 955.0, 584.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1041, \"cat_0_index\": 68, \"cat_6_index\": 65, \"cat_2_index\": 68, \"cat_1_index\": 68, \"rankvar\": 788, \"cat_9_index\": 67, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

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\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 66, \"cat_3_index\": 68, \"cat_8_index\": 66, \"name\": \"UCA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 68, \"rank\": 390, \"ini\": 1041, \"cat_4_index\": 68, \"group\": [1039.0, 951.0, 584.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1039, \"cat_0_index\": 69, \"cat_6_index\": 66, \"cat_2_index\": 69, \"cat_1_index\": 69, \"rankvar\": 555, \"cat_9_index\": 68, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 67, \"cat_3_index\": 69, \"cat_8_index\": 67, \"name\": \"ERP27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 69, \"rank\": 474, \"ini\": 1040, \"cat_4_index\": 69, \"group\": [1040.0, 952.0, 584.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1040, \"cat_0_index\": 70, \"cat_6_index\": 67, \"cat_2_index\": 70, \"cat_1_index\": 70, \"rankvar\": 682, \"cat_9_index\": 69, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 68, \"cat_3_index\": 70, \"cat_8_index\": 1055, \"name\": \"CDH3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 70, \"rank\": 116, \"ini\": 1039, \"cat_4_index\": 70, \"group\": [1054.0, 963.0, 587.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1038, \"cat_0_index\": 71, \"cat_6_index\": 68, \"cat_2_index\": 71, \"cat_1_index\": 71, \"rankvar\": 470, \"cat_9_index\": 70, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 69, \"cat_3_index\": 71, \"cat_8_index\": 68, \"name\": \"TMPRSS11E\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 71, \"rank\": 1065, \"ini\": 1038, \"cat_4_index\": 71, \"group\": [1036.0, 948.0, 582.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1036, \"cat_0_index\": 1048, \"cat_6_index\": 69, \"cat_2_index\": 1052, \"cat_1_index\": 1050, \"rankvar\": 771, \"cat_9_index\": 71, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 70, \"cat_3_index\": 1050, \"cat_8_index\": 69, \"name\": \"SRPX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 72, \"rank\": 1030, \"ini\": 1037, \"cat_4_index\": 72, \"group\": [1037.0, 949.0, 582.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1037, \"cat_0_index\": 1049, \"cat_6_index\": 1056, \"cat_2_index\": 1053, \"cat_1_index\": 1051, \"rankvar\": 764, \"cat_9_index\": 1035, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 71, \"cat_3_index\": 1051, \"cat_8_index\": 70, \"name\": \"RAC2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 73, \"rank\": 600, \"ini\": 1036, \"cat_4_index\": 73, \"group\": [1034.0, 946.0, 582.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1034, \"cat_0_index\": 72, \"cat_6_index\": 70, \"cat_2_index\": 72, \"cat_1_index\": 72, \"rankvar\": 866, \"cat_9_index\": 72, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 72, \"cat_3_index\": 72, \"cat_8_index\": 71, \"name\": \"AIM2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 74, \"rank\": 743, \"ini\": 1035, \"cat_4_index\": 74, \"group\": [1035.0, 947.0, 582.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1035, \"cat_0_index\": 73, \"cat_6_index\": 71, \"cat_2_index\": 73, \"cat_1_index\": 73, \"rankvar\": 896, \"cat_9_index\": 73, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 73, \"cat_3_index\": 73, \"cat_8_index\": 72, \"name\": \"AFAP1-AS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 75, \"rank\": 212, \"ini\": 1034, \"cat_4_index\": 75, \"group\": [1038.0, 950.0, 583.0, 234.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1033, \"cat_0_index\": 74, \"cat_6_index\": 72, \"cat_2_index\": 74, \"cat_1_index\": 74, \"rankvar\": 490, \"cat_9_index\": 74, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 74, \"cat_3_index\": 74, \"cat_8_index\": 73, \"name\": \"S100A2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 76, \"rank\": 873, \"ini\": 1033, \"cat_4_index\": 76, \"group\": [1031.0, 943.0, 580.0, 233.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1031, \"cat_0_index\": 75, \"cat_6_index\": 73, \"cat_2_index\": 75, \"cat_1_index\": 75, \"rankvar\": 933, \"cat_9_index\": 75, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 75, \"cat_3_index\": 75, \"cat_8_index\": 74, \"name\": \"DHRS9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 77, \"rank\": 386, \"ini\": 1032, \"cat_4_index\": 77, \"group\": [1032.0, 944.0, 580.0, 233.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1032, \"cat_0_index\": 76, \"cat_6_index\": 74, \"cat_2_index\": 76, \"cat_1_index\": 76, \"rankvar\": 620, \"cat_9_index\": 76, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 76, \"cat_3_index\": 76, \"cat_8_index\": 75, \"name\": \"GPR110\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 78, \"rank\": 475, \"ini\": 1031, \"cat_4_index\": 78, \"group\": [1033.0, 945.0, 581.0, 233.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1030, \"cat_0_index\": 77, \"cat_6_index\": 75, \"cat_2_index\": 77, \"cat_1_index\": 77, \"rankvar\": 728, \"cat_9_index\": 77, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 77, \"cat_3_index\": 77, \"cat_8_index\": 76, \"name\": \"CRABP2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 79, \"rank\": 757, \"ini\": 1030, \"cat_4_index\": 79, \"group\": [1026.0, 938.0, 577.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1028, \"cat_0_index\": 78, \"cat_6_index\": 76, \"cat_2_index\": 78, \"cat_1_index\": 78, \"rankvar\": 300, \"cat_9_index\": 78, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 78, \"cat_3_index\": 78, \"cat_8_index\": 77, \"name\": \"KRT7 Rme1 R48\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 80, \"rank\": 920, \"ini\": 1029, \"cat_4_index\": 80, \"group\": [1027.0, 939.0, 577.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1029, \"cat_0_index\": 79, \"cat_6_index\": 77, \"cat_2_index\": 79, \"cat_1_index\": 79, \"rankvar\": 945, \"cat_9_index\": 79, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 79, \"cat_3_index\": 79, \"cat_8_index\": 78, \"name\": \"KRT7 Rme1 R20\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 81, \"rank\": 628, \"ini\": 1028, \"cat_4_index\": 81, \"group\": [1028.0, 940.0, 577.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1027, \"cat_0_index\": 80, \"cat_6_index\": 78, \"cat_2_index\": 80, \"cat_1_index\": 80, \"rankvar\": 175, \"cat_9_index\": 80, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 80, \"cat_3_index\": 80, \"cat_8_index\": 79, \"name\": \"KRT7 Rme1 R77\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 82, \"rank\": 215, \"ini\": 1027, \"cat_4_index\": 82, \"group\": [1029.0, 941.0, 578.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1026, \"cat_0_index\": 81, \"cat_6_index\": 79, \"cat_2_index\": 81, \"cat_1_index\": 81, \"rankvar\": 318, \"cat_9_index\": 81, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 81, \"cat_3_index\": 81, \"cat_8_index\": 80, \"name\": \"KRT7 Rme1 R46\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 83, \"rank\": 256, \"ini\": 1026, \"cat_4_index\": 83, \"group\": [1021.0, 935.0, 576.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1024, \"cat_0_index\": 82, \"cat_6_index\": 80, \"cat_2_index\": 82, \"cat_1_index\": 82, \"rankvar\": 619, \"cat_9_index\": 82, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 82, \"cat_3_index\": 82, \"cat_8_index\": 81, \"name\": \"KRT19 Rme1 R43\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 84, \"rank\": 397, \"ini\": 1025, \"cat_4_index\": 84, \"group\": [1022.0, 935.0, 576.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1025, \"cat_0_index\": 83, \"cat_6_index\": 81, \"cat_2_index\": 83, \"cat_1_index\": 83, \"rankvar\": 545, \"cat_9_index\": 83, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 83, \"cat_3_index\": 83, \"cat_8_index\": 82, \"name\": \"KRT19 Rme1 R24\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 85, \"rank\": 1013, \"ini\": 1024, \"cat_4_index\": 85, \"group\": [1023.0, 935.0, 576.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1023, \"cat_0_index\": 84, \"cat_6_index\": 82, \"cat_2_index\": 84, \"cat_1_index\": 84, \"rankvar\": 354, \"cat_9_index\": 84, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 84, \"cat_3_index\": 84, \"cat_8_index\": 83, \"name\": \"KRT19 Rme1 R51\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 86, \"rank\": 896, \"ini\": 1023, \"cat_4_index\": 86, \"group\": [1024.0, 936.0, 576.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1022, \"cat_0_index\": 85, \"cat_6_index\": 83, \"cat_2_index\": 85, \"cat_1_index\": 85, \"rankvar\": 894, \"cat_9_index\": 85, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 85, \"cat_3_index\": 85, \"cat_8_index\": 84, \"name\": \"KRT19 phospho S35\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 87, \"rank\": 760, \"ini\": 1022, \"cat_4_index\": 87, \"group\": [1025.0, 937.0, 576.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1021, \"cat_0_index\": 86, \"cat_6_index\": 84, \"cat_2_index\": 86, \"cat_1_index\": 86, \"rankvar\": 280, \"cat_9_index\": 86, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 86, \"cat_3_index\": 86, \"cat_8_index\": 85, \"name\": \"KRT19 Rme1 R32\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 88, \"rank\": 902, \"ini\": 1021, \"cat_4_index\": 88, \"group\": [1019.0, 933.0, 576.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1019, \"cat_0_index\": 87, \"cat_6_index\": 85, \"cat_2_index\": 87, \"cat_1_index\": 87, \"rankvar\": 411, \"cat_9_index\": 87, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 87, \"cat_3_index\": 87, \"cat_8_index\": 86, \"name\": \"TMEM154\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 89, \"rank\": 680, \"ini\": 1020, \"cat_4_index\": 89, \"group\": [1020.0, 934.0, 576.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1020, \"cat_0_index\": 88, \"cat_6_index\": 86, \"cat_2_index\": 88, \"cat_1_index\": 88, \"rankvar\": 391, \"cat_9_index\": 88, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 88, \"cat_3_index\": 88, \"cat_8_index\": 87, \"name\": \"AIM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 90, \"rank\": 707, \"ini\": 1019, \"cat_4_index\": 90, \"group\": [1030.0, 942.0, 579.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1018, \"cat_0_index\": 89, \"cat_6_index\": 87, \"cat_2_index\": 89, \"cat_1_index\": 89, \"rankvar\": 67, \"cat_9_index\": 89, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 89, \"cat_3_index\": 89, \"cat_8_index\": 88, \"name\": \"KRT7 Rme1 R64\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 91, \"rank\": 531, \"ini\": 1018, \"cat_4_index\": 91, \"group\": [1017.0, 931.0, 574.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1016, \"cat_0_index\": 90, \"cat_6_index\": 88, \"cat_2_index\": 90, \"cat_1_index\": 90, \"rankvar\": 371, \"cat_9_index\": 90, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 90, \"cat_3_index\": 90, \"cat_8_index\": 89, \"name\": \"FERMT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 92, \"rank\": 779, \"ini\": 1017, \"cat_4_index\": 92, \"group\": [1018.0, 932.0, 575.0, 232.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1017, \"cat_0_index\": 91, \"cat_6_index\": 89, \"cat_2_index\": 91, \"cat_1_index\": 91, \"rankvar\": 734, \"cat_9_index\": 91, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 91, \"cat_3_index\": 91, \"cat_8_index\": 90, \"name\": \"RIN2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 93, \"rank\": 43, \"ini\": 1016, \"cat_4_index\": 93, \"group\": [1015.0, 929.0, 572.0, 231.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1014, \"cat_0_index\": 92, \"cat_6_index\": 90, \"cat_2_index\": 92, \"cat_1_index\": 92, \"rankvar\": 1040, \"cat_9_index\": 92, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 92, \"cat_3_index\": 92, \"cat_8_index\": 91, \"name\": \"TNKS1BP1 phospho S1248\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 94, \"rank\": 57, \"ini\": 1015, \"cat_4_index\": 94, \"group\": [1016.0, 930.0, 573.0, 231.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1015, \"cat_0_index\": 93, \"cat_6_index\": 91, \"cat_2_index\": 93, \"cat_1_index\": 93, \"rankvar\": 166, \"cat_9_index\": 93, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 93, \"cat_3_index\": 93, \"cat_8_index\": 92, \"name\": \"MAST4 phospho S1449\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 95, \"rank\": 289, \"ini\": 1014, \"cat_4_index\": 95, \"group\": [1012.0, 926.0, 570.0, 230.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1012, \"cat_0_index\": 94, \"cat_6_index\": 92, \"cat_2_index\": 94, \"cat_1_index\": 94, \"rankvar\": 468, \"cat_9_index\": 94, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 94, \"cat_3_index\": 94, \"cat_8_index\": 93, \"name\": \"MIR205HG\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 96, \"rank\": 853, \"ini\": 1013, \"cat_4_index\": 96, \"group\": [1013.0, 927.0, 570.0, 230.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1013, \"cat_0_index\": 95, \"cat_6_index\": 93, \"cat_2_index\": 95, \"cat_1_index\": 95, \"rankvar\": 889, \"cat_9_index\": 95, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 95, \"cat_3_index\": 95, \"cat_8_index\": 94, \"name\": \"C10orf116\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 97, \"rank\": 979, \"ini\": 1012, \"cat_4_index\": 97, \"group\": [1014.0, 928.0, 571.0, 230.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1011, \"cat_0_index\": 96, \"cat_6_index\": 94, \"cat_2_index\": 96, \"cat_1_index\": 96, \"rankvar\": 0, \"cat_9_index\": 96, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 96, \"cat_3_index\": 96, \"cat_8_index\": 95, \"name\": \"CTTN phospho S113\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 98, \"rank\": 346, \"ini\": 1011, \"cat_4_index\": 98, \"group\": [1009.0, 923.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1009, \"cat_0_index\": 97, \"cat_6_index\": 95, \"cat_2_index\": 97, \"cat_1_index\": 97, \"rankvar\": 773, \"cat_9_index\": 97, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

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\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 97, \"cat_3_index\": 97, \"cat_8_index\": 1056, \"name\": \"JUP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 99, \"rank\": 957, \"ini\": 1010, \"cat_4_index\": 99, \"group\": [1010.0, 924.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1010, \"cat_0_index\": 98, \"cat_6_index\": 96, \"cat_2_index\": 98, \"cat_1_index\": 98, \"rankvar\": 413, \"cat_9_index\": 98, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 98, \"cat_3_index\": 98, \"cat_8_index\": 96, \"name\": \"KRT19\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 100, \"rank\": 4, \"ini\": 1009, \"cat_4_index\": 100, \"group\": [1011.0, 925.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1008, \"cat_0_index\": 99, \"cat_6_index\": 97, \"cat_2_index\": 99, \"cat_1_index\": 99, \"rankvar\": 722, \"cat_9_index\": 99, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 99, \"cat_3_index\": 99, \"cat_8_index\": 97, \"name\": \"CHMP4C\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 101, \"rank\": 412, \"ini\": 1008, \"cat_4_index\": 101, \"group\": [1004.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1006, \"cat_0_index\": 100, \"cat_6_index\": 98, \"cat_2_index\": 100, \"cat_1_index\": 100, \"rankvar\": 513, \"cat_9_index\": 100, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 100, \"cat_3_index\": 100, \"cat_8_index\": 98, \"name\": \"GRHL2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 102, \"rank\": 891, \"ini\": 1007, \"cat_4_index\": 102, \"group\": [1005.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1007, \"cat_0_index\": 101, \"cat_6_index\": 1057, \"cat_2_index\": 101, \"cat_1_index\": 101, \"rankvar\": 1039, \"cat_9_index\": 101, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 101, \"cat_3_index\": 101, \"cat_8_index\": 1057, \"name\": \"CDH1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 103, \"rank\": 1089, \"ini\": 1006, \"cat_4_index\": 103, \"group\": [1002.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1004, \"cat_0_index\": 102, \"cat_6_index\": 99, \"cat_2_index\": 102, \"cat_1_index\": 102, \"rankvar\": 879, \"cat_9_index\": 102, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 102, \"cat_3_index\": 102, \"cat_8_index\": 99, \"name\": \"TMC4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 104, \"rank\": 472, \"ini\": 1005, \"cat_4_index\": 104, \"group\": [1003.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1005, \"cat_0_index\": 103, \"cat_6_index\": 1058, \"cat_2_index\": 103, \"cat_1_index\": 103, \"rankvar\": 1026, \"cat_9_index\": 103, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 103, \"cat_3_index\": 103, \"cat_8_index\": 100, \"name\": \"ERBB3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 105, \"rank\": 123, \"ini\": 1004, \"cat_4_index\": 105, \"group\": [999.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1002, \"cat_0_index\": 104, \"cat_6_index\": 100, \"cat_2_index\": 104, \"cat_1_index\": 104, \"rankvar\": 477, \"cat_9_index\": 104, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 104, \"cat_3_index\": 104, \"cat_8_index\": 101, \"name\": \"RAB25\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 106, \"rank\": 48, \"ini\": 1003, \"cat_4_index\": 106, \"group\": [1000.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1003, \"cat_0_index\": 105, \"cat_6_index\": 101, \"cat_2_index\": 105, \"cat_1_index\": 105, \"rankvar\": 872, \"cat_9_index\": 105, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 105, \"cat_3_index\": 105, \"cat_8_index\": 102, \"name\": \"ESRP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 107, \"rank\": 524, \"ini\": 1002, \"cat_4_index\": 107, \"group\": [1001.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1001, \"cat_0_index\": 106, \"cat_6_index\": 102, \"cat_2_index\": 106, \"cat_1_index\": 106, \"rankvar\": 981, \"cat_9_index\": 106, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 106, \"cat_3_index\": 106, \"cat_8_index\": 103, \"name\": \"SPINT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 108, \"rank\": 773, \"ini\": 1001, \"cat_4_index\": 108, \"group\": [996.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 999, \"cat_0_index\": 107, \"cat_6_index\": 103, \"cat_2_index\": 107, \"cat_1_index\": 107, \"rankvar\": 710, \"cat_9_index\": 107, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 107, \"cat_3_index\": 107, \"cat_8_index\": 104, \"name\": \"CLDN7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 109, \"rank\": 928, \"ini\": 1000, \"cat_4_index\": 109, \"group\": [997.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1000, \"cat_0_index\": 108, \"cat_6_index\": 104, \"cat_2_index\": 108, \"cat_1_index\": 108, \"rankvar\": 794, \"cat_9_index\": 108, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 108, \"cat_3_index\": 108, \"cat_8_index\": 105, \"name\": \"ST14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 110, \"rank\": 14, \"ini\": 999, \"cat_4_index\": 110, \"group\": [998.0, 919.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 998, \"cat_0_index\": 109, \"cat_6_index\": 105, \"cat_2_index\": 109, \"cat_1_index\": 109, \"rankvar\": 874, \"cat_9_index\": 109, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 109, \"cat_3_index\": 109, \"cat_8_index\": 106, \"name\": \"CDS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 111, \"rank\": 748, \"ini\": 998, \"cat_4_index\": 111, \"group\": [993.0, 918.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 996, \"cat_0_index\": 110, \"cat_6_index\": 106, \"cat_2_index\": 110, \"cat_1_index\": 110, \"rankvar\": 908, \"cat_9_index\": 110, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 110, \"cat_3_index\": 110, \"cat_8_index\": 107, \"name\": \"BSPRY\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 112, \"rank\": 49, \"ini\": 997, \"cat_4_index\": 112, \"group\": [994.0, 918.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 997, \"cat_0_index\": 111, \"cat_6_index\": 107, \"cat_2_index\": 111, \"cat_1_index\": 111, \"rankvar\": 339, \"cat_9_index\": 111, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 111, \"cat_3_index\": 111, \"cat_8_index\": 108, \"name\": \"OVOL2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 113, \"rank\": 893, \"ini\": 996, \"cat_4_index\": 113, \"group\": [995.0, 918.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 995, \"cat_0_index\": 112, \"cat_6_index\": 108, \"cat_2_index\": 112, \"cat_1_index\": 112, \"rankvar\": 870, \"cat_9_index\": 112, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1057, \"cat_3_index\": 112, \"cat_8_index\": 109, \"name\": \"MAPK13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 114, \"rank\": 187, \"ini\": 995, \"cat_4_index\": 114, \"group\": [991.0, 917.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 993, \"cat_0_index\": 113, \"cat_6_index\": 1059, \"cat_2_index\": 113, \"cat_1_index\": 113, \"rankvar\": 967, \"cat_9_index\": 113, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 112, \"cat_3_index\": 113, \"cat_8_index\": 110, \"name\": \"EPCAM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 115, \"rank\": 218, \"ini\": 994, \"cat_4_index\": 115, \"group\": [992.0, 917.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 994, \"cat_0_index\": 114, \"cat_6_index\": 109, \"cat_2_index\": 114, \"cat_1_index\": 114, \"rankvar\": 1021, \"cat_9_index\": 114, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 113, \"cat_3_index\": 114, \"cat_8_index\": 111, \"name\": \"MAL2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 116, \"rank\": 1087, \"ini\": 993, \"cat_4_index\": 116, \"group\": [987.0, 915.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 991, \"cat_0_index\": 115, \"cat_6_index\": 110, \"cat_2_index\": 115, \"cat_1_index\": 115, \"rankvar\": 385, \"cat_9_index\": 115, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 114, \"cat_3_index\": 115, \"cat_8_index\": 112, \"name\": \"ESRP2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 117, \"rank\": 219, \"ini\": 992, \"cat_4_index\": 117, \"group\": [988.0, 915.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 992, \"cat_0_index\": 116, \"cat_6_index\": 111, \"cat_2_index\": 116, \"cat_1_index\": 116, \"rankvar\": 407, \"cat_9_index\": 116, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 115, \"cat_3_index\": 116, \"cat_8_index\": 113, \"name\": \"GALNT3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 118, \"rank\": 620, \"ini\": 991, \"cat_4_index\": 118, \"group\": [989.0, 915.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 990, \"cat_0_index\": 117, \"cat_6_index\": 112, \"cat_2_index\": 117, \"cat_1_index\": 117, \"rankvar\": 378, \"cat_9_index\": 117, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 116, \"cat_3_index\": 117, \"cat_8_index\": 114, \"name\": \"CLDN4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 119, \"rank\": 1097, \"ini\": 990, \"cat_4_index\": 119, \"group\": [990.0, 916.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 989, \"cat_0_index\": 118, \"cat_6_index\": 113, \"cat_2_index\": 118, \"cat_1_index\": 118, \"rankvar\": 720, \"cat_9_index\": 118, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 117, \"cat_3_index\": 118, \"cat_8_index\": 115, \"name\": \"EXPH5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 120, \"rank\": 644, \"ini\": 989, \"cat_4_index\": 120, \"group\": [1006.0, 920.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 988, \"cat_0_index\": 119, \"cat_6_index\": 114, \"cat_2_index\": 119, \"cat_1_index\": 119, \"rankvar\": 953, \"cat_9_index\": 119, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 118, \"cat_3_index\": 119, \"cat_8_index\": 116, \"name\": \"SH3YL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 121, \"rank\": 77, \"ini\": 988, \"cat_4_index\": 121, \"group\": [1007.0, 921.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 987, \"cat_0_index\": 120, \"cat_6_index\": 115, \"cat_2_index\": 120, \"cat_1_index\": 120, \"rankvar\": 869, \"cat_9_index\": 120, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 119, \"cat_3_index\": 120, \"cat_8_index\": 117, \"name\": \"LSR\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 122, \"rank\": 363, \"ini\": 987, \"cat_4_index\": 122, \"group\": [985.0, 913.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 985, \"cat_0_index\": 121, \"cat_6_index\": 116, \"cat_2_index\": 121, \"cat_1_index\": 121, \"rankvar\": 501, \"cat_9_index\": 121, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 120, \"cat_3_index\": 121, \"cat_8_index\": 118, \"name\": \"C19orf46\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 123, \"rank\": 364, \"ini\": 986, \"cat_4_index\": 123, \"group\": [986.0, 914.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 986, \"cat_0_index\": 122, \"cat_6_index\": 117, \"cat_2_index\": 122, \"cat_1_index\": 122, \"rankvar\": 267, \"cat_9_index\": 122, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 121, \"cat_3_index\": 122, \"cat_8_index\": 119, \"name\": \"EPN3 phospho T495\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 124, \"rank\": 883, \"ini\": 985, \"cat_4_index\": 124, \"group\": [1008.0, 922.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 984, \"cat_0_index\": 123, \"cat_6_index\": 118, \"cat_2_index\": 123, \"cat_1_index\": 123, \"rankvar\": 649, \"cat_9_index\": 123, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 122, \"cat_3_index\": 123, \"cat_8_index\": 120, \"name\": \"KRTCAP3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 125, \"rank\": 703, \"ini\": 984, \"cat_4_index\": 125, \"group\": [982.0, 910.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 982, \"cat_0_index\": 124, \"cat_6_index\": 119, \"cat_2_index\": 124, \"cat_1_index\": 124, \"rankvar\": 884, \"cat_9_index\": 124, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

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\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1058, \"cat_3_index\": 124, \"cat_8_index\": 121, \"name\": \"TC2N\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 126, \"rank\": 555, \"ini\": 983, \"cat_4_index\": 126, \"group\": [983.0, 911.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 983, \"cat_0_index\": 125, \"cat_6_index\": 1060, \"cat_2_index\": 125, \"cat_1_index\": 125, \"rankvar\": 432, \"cat_9_index\": 125, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 123, \"cat_3_index\": 125, \"cat_8_index\": 122, \"name\": \"ERBB3 phospho S686\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 127, \"rank\": 1067, \"ini\": 982, \"cat_4_index\": 127, \"group\": [984.0, 912.0, 569.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 981, \"cat_0_index\": 126, \"cat_6_index\": 120, \"cat_2_index\": 126, \"cat_1_index\": 126, \"rankvar\": 448, \"cat_9_index\": 126, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 124, \"cat_3_index\": 126, \"cat_8_index\": 123, \"name\": \"BIK\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 128, \"rank\": 323, \"ini\": 981, \"cat_4_index\": 128, \"group\": [980.0, 908.0, 568.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 979, \"cat_0_index\": 127, \"cat_6_index\": 121, \"cat_2_index\": 127, \"cat_1_index\": 127, \"rankvar\": 382, \"cat_9_index\": 127, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

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\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 125, \"cat_3_index\": 127, \"cat_8_index\": 124, \"name\": \"MYO6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 129, \"rank\": 636, \"ini\": 980, \"cat_4_index\": 129, \"group\": [981.0, 909.0, 568.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 980, \"cat_0_index\": 128, \"cat_6_index\": 122, \"cat_2_index\": 128, \"cat_1_index\": 128, \"rankvar\": 472, \"cat_9_index\": 128, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

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\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 126, \"cat_3_index\": 128, \"cat_8_index\": 125, \"name\": \"TJP2 phospho S325\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 130, \"rank\": 583, \"ini\": 979, \"cat_4_index\": 130, \"group\": [978.0, 906.0, 567.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 977, \"cat_0_index\": 129, \"cat_6_index\": 123, \"cat_2_index\": 129, \"cat_1_index\": 129, \"rankvar\": 716, \"cat_9_index\": 129, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 127, \"cat_3_index\": 129, \"cat_8_index\": 126, \"name\": \"MACC1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 131, \"rank\": 120, \"ini\": 978, \"cat_4_index\": 131, \"group\": [979.0, 907.0, 567.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 978, \"cat_0_index\": 130, \"cat_6_index\": 124, \"cat_2_index\": 130, \"cat_1_index\": 130, \"rankvar\": 591, \"cat_9_index\": 130, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 128, \"cat_3_index\": 130, \"cat_8_index\": 127, \"name\": \"LOC100506098\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 132, \"rank\": 810, \"ini\": 977, \"cat_4_index\": 132, \"group\": [974.0, 902.0, 565.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 975, \"cat_0_index\": 131, \"cat_6_index\": 125, \"cat_2_index\": 131, \"cat_1_index\": 131, \"rankvar\": 923, \"cat_9_index\": 131, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 129, \"cat_3_index\": 131, \"cat_8_index\": 128, \"name\": \"RASEF\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 133, \"rank\": 7, \"ini\": 976, \"cat_4_index\": 133, \"group\": [975.0, 903.0, 565.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 976, \"cat_0_index\": 132, \"cat_6_index\": 126, \"cat_2_index\": 132, \"cat_1_index\": 132, \"rankvar\": 1044, \"cat_9_index\": 132, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 130, \"cat_3_index\": 132, \"cat_8_index\": 129, \"name\": \"ELF3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 134, \"rank\": 998, \"ini\": 975, \"cat_4_index\": 134, \"group\": [972.0, 901.0, 565.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 973, \"cat_0_index\": 133, \"cat_6_index\": 127, \"cat_2_index\": 133, \"cat_1_index\": 133, \"rankvar\": 930, \"cat_9_index\": 133, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 131, \"cat_3_index\": 133, \"cat_8_index\": 130, \"name\": \"C1orf116\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 135, \"rank\": 261, \"ini\": 974, \"cat_4_index\": 135, \"group\": [973.0, 901.0, 565.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 974, \"cat_0_index\": 134, \"cat_6_index\": 128, \"cat_2_index\": 134, \"cat_1_index\": 134, \"rankvar\": 392, \"cat_9_index\": 134, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 132, \"cat_3_index\": 134, \"cat_8_index\": 131, \"name\": \"TMC5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 136, \"rank\": 40, \"ini\": 973, \"cat_4_index\": 136, \"group\": [976.0, 904.0, 565.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 972, \"cat_0_index\": 135, \"cat_6_index\": 129, \"cat_2_index\": 135, \"cat_1_index\": 135, \"rankvar\": 756, \"cat_9_index\": 135, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 133, \"cat_3_index\": 135, \"cat_8_index\": 132, \"name\": \"TSPAN1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 137, \"rank\": 25, \"ini\": 972, \"cat_4_index\": 137, \"group\": [977.0, 905.0, 566.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 971, \"cat_0_index\": 136, \"cat_6_index\": 130, \"cat_2_index\": 136, \"cat_1_index\": 136, \"rankvar\": 909, \"cat_9_index\": 136, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 134, \"cat_3_index\": 136, \"cat_8_index\": 133, \"name\": \"ATP8B1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 138, \"rank\": 654, \"ini\": 971, \"cat_4_index\": 138, \"group\": [968.0, 898.0, 563.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 969, \"cat_0_index\": 137, \"cat_6_index\": 131, \"cat_2_index\": 137, \"cat_1_index\": 137, \"rankvar\": 832, \"cat_9_index\": 137, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 135, \"cat_3_index\": 137, \"cat_8_index\": 134, \"name\": \"PRSS8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1041, \"rank\": 870, \"ini\": 970, \"cat_4_index\": 139, \"group\": [969.0, 898.0, 563.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 970, \"cat_0_index\": 1050, \"cat_6_index\": 132, \"cat_2_index\": 1054, \"cat_1_index\": 1052, \"rankvar\": 1051, \"cat_9_index\": 138, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 136, \"cat_3_index\": 1052, \"cat_8_index\": 135, \"name\": \"S100A14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 139, \"rank\": 886, \"ini\": 969, \"cat_4_index\": 140, \"group\": [970.0, 899.0, 563.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 968, \"cat_0_index\": 138, \"cat_6_index\": 133, \"cat_2_index\": 138, \"cat_1_index\": 138, \"rankvar\": 836, \"cat_9_index\": 139, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 137, \"cat_3_index\": 138, \"cat_8_index\": 136, \"name\": \"STEAP4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 140, \"rank\": 101, \"ini\": 968, \"cat_4_index\": 141, \"group\": [971.0, 900.0, 564.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 967, \"cat_0_index\": 139, \"cat_6_index\": 134, \"cat_2_index\": 139, \"cat_1_index\": 139, \"rankvar\": 372, \"cat_9_index\": 140, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 138, \"cat_3_index\": 139, \"cat_8_index\": 137, \"name\": \"FXYD3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 141, \"rank\": 424, \"ini\": 967, \"cat_4_index\": 142, \"group\": [965.0, 895.0, 561.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 965, \"cat_0_index\": 140, \"cat_6_index\": 135, \"cat_2_index\": 140, \"cat_1_index\": 140, \"rankvar\": 464, \"cat_9_index\": 141, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 139, \"cat_3_index\": 140, \"cat_8_index\": 138, \"name\": \"SPINT2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 142, \"rank\": 3, \"ini\": 966, \"cat_4_index\": 143, \"group\": [966.0, 896.0, 561.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 966, \"cat_0_index\": 141, \"cat_6_index\": 136, \"cat_2_index\": 141, \"cat_1_index\": 141, \"rankvar\": 1037, \"cat_9_index\": 142, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 140, \"cat_3_index\": 141, \"cat_8_index\": 1058, \"name\": \"DSP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 143, \"rank\": 41, \"ini\": 965, \"cat_4_index\": 144, \"group\": [967.0, 897.0, 562.0, 229.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 964, \"cat_0_index\": 142, \"cat_6_index\": 137, \"cat_2_index\": 142, \"cat_1_index\": 142, \"rankvar\": 928, \"cat_9_index\": 143, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

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\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 141, \"cat_3_index\": 142, \"cat_8_index\": 139, \"name\": \"ELOVL7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 144, \"rank\": 131, \"ini\": 964, \"cat_4_index\": 145, \"group\": [962.0, 892.0, 559.0, 228.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 962, \"cat_0_index\": 143, \"cat_6_index\": 138, \"cat_2_index\": 143, \"cat_1_index\": 143, \"rankvar\": 703, \"cat_9_index\": 144, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 142, \"cat_3_index\": 143, \"cat_8_index\": 140, \"name\": \"CGN phospho S134\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 145, \"rank\": 731, \"ini\": 963, \"cat_4_index\": 146, \"group\": [963.0, 893.0, 559.0, 228.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 963, \"cat_0_index\": 144, \"cat_6_index\": 139, \"cat_2_index\": 144, \"cat_1_index\": 144, \"rankvar\": 1056, \"cat_9_index\": 145, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 143, \"cat_3_index\": 144, \"cat_8_index\": 141, \"name\": \"CGN phospho S131\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 146, \"rank\": 712, \"ini\": 962, \"cat_4_index\": 147, \"group\": [964.0, 894.0, 560.0, 228.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 961, \"cat_0_index\": 145, \"cat_6_index\": 140, \"cat_2_index\": 145, \"cat_1_index\": 145, \"rankvar\": 899, \"cat_9_index\": 1036, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 144, \"cat_3_index\": 145, \"cat_8_index\": 142, \"name\": \"STIM1 phospho S512\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 147, \"rank\": 51, \"ini\": 961, \"cat_4_index\": 148, \"group\": [960.0, 890.0, 557.0, 227.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 959, \"cat_0_index\": 146, \"cat_6_index\": 141, \"cat_2_index\": 146, \"cat_1_index\": 146, \"rankvar\": 826, \"cat_9_index\": 146, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 145, \"cat_3_index\": 146, \"cat_8_index\": 143, \"name\": \"PPP1R14C\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 148, \"rank\": 83, \"ini\": 960, \"cat_4_index\": 149, \"group\": [961.0, 891.0, 558.0, 227.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 960, \"cat_0_index\": 147, \"cat_6_index\": 142, \"cat_2_index\": 147, \"cat_1_index\": 147, \"rankvar\": 112, \"cat_9_index\": 147, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 146, \"cat_3_index\": 147, \"cat_8_index\": 144, \"name\": \"THUMPD1 phospho S119\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 149, \"rank\": 501, \"ini\": 959, \"cat_4_index\": 150, \"group\": [957.0, 887.0, 555.0, 226.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 957, \"cat_0_index\": 148, \"cat_6_index\": 143, \"cat_2_index\": 148, \"cat_1_index\": 148, \"rankvar\": 781, \"cat_9_index\": 148, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 147, \"cat_3_index\": 148, \"cat_8_index\": 145, \"name\": \"SLC2A10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 150, \"rank\": 5, \"ini\": 958, \"cat_4_index\": 151, \"group\": [958.0, 888.0, 555.0, 226.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 958, \"cat_0_index\": 149, \"cat_6_index\": 144, \"cat_2_index\": 149, \"cat_1_index\": 149, \"rankvar\": 444, \"cat_9_index\": 149, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 148, \"cat_3_index\": 149, \"cat_8_index\": 146, \"name\": \"PPL\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1042, \"rank\": 217, \"ini\": 957, \"cat_4_index\": 1064, \"group\": [959.0, 889.0, 556.0, 226.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 956, \"cat_0_index\": 150, \"cat_6_index\": 145, \"cat_2_index\": 150, \"cat_1_index\": 150, \"rankvar\": 828, \"cat_9_index\": 150, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 149, \"cat_3_index\": 150, \"cat_8_index\": 147, \"name\": \"MX1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 151, \"rank\": 562, \"ini\": 956, \"cat_4_index\": 152, \"group\": [954.0, 884.0, 553.0, 226.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 954, \"cat_0_index\": 151, \"cat_6_index\": 146, \"cat_2_index\": 151, \"cat_1_index\": 151, \"rankvar\": 745, \"cat_9_index\": 151, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 150, \"cat_3_index\": 151, \"cat_8_index\": 148, \"name\": \"ALPP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 152, \"rank\": 509, \"ini\": 955, \"cat_4_index\": 153, \"group\": [955.0, 885.0, 553.0, 226.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 955, \"cat_0_index\": 152, \"cat_6_index\": 147, \"cat_2_index\": 152, \"cat_1_index\": 152, \"rankvar\": 600, \"cat_9_index\": 152, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 151, \"cat_3_index\": 152, \"cat_8_index\": 149, \"name\": \"VGLL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 153, \"rank\": 699, \"ini\": 954, \"cat_4_index\": 154, \"group\": [956.0, 886.0, 554.0, 226.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 953, \"cat_0_index\": 153, \"cat_6_index\": 148, \"cat_2_index\": 153, \"cat_1_index\": 153, \"rankvar\": 759, \"cat_9_index\": 153, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 152, \"cat_3_index\": 153, \"cat_8_index\": 150, \"name\": \"KLK6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 154, \"rank\": 1086, \"ini\": 953, \"cat_4_index\": 155, \"group\": [950.0, 880.0, 550.0, 224.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 951, \"cat_0_index\": 154, \"cat_6_index\": 149, \"cat_2_index\": 154, \"cat_1_index\": 154, \"rankvar\": 337, \"cat_9_index\": 154, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 153, \"cat_3_index\": 154, \"cat_8_index\": 151, \"name\": \"SCEL phospho T437\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 155, \"rank\": 1022, \"ini\": 952, \"cat_4_index\": 156, \"group\": [951.0, 881.0, 550.0, 224.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 952, \"cat_0_index\": 155, \"cat_6_index\": 150, \"cat_2_index\": 155, \"cat_1_index\": 155, \"rankvar\": 234, \"cat_9_index\": 155, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 154, \"cat_3_index\": 155, \"cat_8_index\": 152, \"name\": \"LMO7 phospho T913\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 156, \"rank\": 695, \"ini\": 951, \"cat_4_index\": 157, \"group\": [952.0, 882.0, 551.0, 224.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 950, \"cat_0_index\": 156, \"cat_6_index\": 151, \"cat_2_index\": 156, \"cat_1_index\": 156, \"rankvar\": 320, \"cat_9_index\": 156, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 155, \"cat_3_index\": 156, \"cat_8_index\": 153, \"name\": \"LMO7 phospho S1197\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 157, \"rank\": 23, \"ini\": 950, \"cat_4_index\": 158, \"group\": [948.0, 878.0, 549.0, 224.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 948, \"cat_0_index\": 157, \"cat_6_index\": 152, \"cat_2_index\": 157, \"cat_1_index\": 157, \"rankvar\": 582, \"cat_9_index\": 157, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 156, \"cat_3_index\": 157, \"cat_8_index\": 154, \"name\": \"TJP3 phospho S203\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 158, \"rank\": 148, \"ini\": 949, \"cat_4_index\": 159, \"group\": [949.0, 879.0, 549.0, 224.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 949, \"cat_0_index\": 158, \"cat_6_index\": 153, \"cat_2_index\": 158, \"cat_1_index\": 158, \"rankvar\": 203, \"cat_9_index\": 158, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 157, \"cat_3_index\": 158, \"cat_8_index\": 155, \"name\": \"KIAA1217 phospho T1633\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 159, \"rank\": 859, \"ini\": 948, \"cat_4_index\": 160, \"group\": [946.0, 876.0, 548.0, 224.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 946, \"cat_0_index\": 159, \"cat_6_index\": 154, \"cat_2_index\": 159, \"cat_1_index\": 159, \"rankvar\": 1083, \"cat_9_index\": 159, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 158, \"cat_3_index\": 159, \"cat_8_index\": 1059, \"name\": \"INADL phospho S455\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 160, \"rank\": 429, \"ini\": 947, \"cat_4_index\": 161, \"group\": [947.0, 877.0, 548.0, 224.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 947, \"cat_0_index\": 160, \"cat_6_index\": 155, \"cat_2_index\": 160, \"cat_1_index\": 160, \"rankvar\": 381, \"cat_9_index\": 160, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 159, \"cat_3_index\": 160, \"cat_8_index\": 156, \"name\": \"EPS8L1 phospho T187\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 161, \"rank\": 340, \"ini\": 946, \"cat_4_index\": 162, \"group\": [953.0, 883.0, 552.0, 225.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 945, \"cat_0_index\": 161, \"cat_6_index\": 156, \"cat_2_index\": 161, \"cat_1_index\": 161, \"rankvar\": 229, \"cat_9_index\": 161, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 160, \"cat_3_index\": 161, \"cat_8_index\": 157, \"name\": \"SHROOM3 phospho T1012\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 162, \"rank\": 830, \"ini\": 945, \"cat_4_index\": 163, \"group\": [943.0, 873.0, 546.0, 223.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 943, \"cat_0_index\": 162, \"cat_6_index\": 157, \"cat_2_index\": 162, \"cat_1_index\": 162, \"rankvar\": 276, \"cat_9_index\": 162, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 161, \"cat_3_index\": 162, \"cat_8_index\": 158, \"name\": \"INF2 phospho S1227\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 163, \"rank\": 274, \"ini\": 944, \"cat_4_index\": 164, \"group\": [944.0, 874.0, 546.0, 223.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 944, \"cat_0_index\": 163, \"cat_6_index\": 158, \"cat_2_index\": 163, \"cat_1_index\": 163, \"rankvar\": 317, \"cat_9_index\": 163, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 162, \"cat_3_index\": 163, \"cat_8_index\": 159, \"name\": \"EPS8L2 phospho S240\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 164, \"rank\": 360, \"ini\": 943, \"cat_4_index\": 165, \"group\": [945.0, 875.0, 547.0, 223.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 942, \"cat_0_index\": 164, \"cat_6_index\": 159, \"cat_2_index\": 164, \"cat_1_index\": 164, \"rankvar\": 543, \"cat_9_index\": 164, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 163, \"cat_3_index\": 164, \"cat_8_index\": 160, \"name\": \"LY75\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 165, \"rank\": 993, \"ini\": 942, \"cat_4_index\": 166, \"group\": [940.0, 870.0, 545.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 940, \"cat_0_index\": 165, \"cat_6_index\": 1061, \"cat_2_index\": 165, \"cat_1_index\": 165, \"rankvar\": 92, \"cat_9_index\": 165, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 164, \"cat_3_index\": 165, \"cat_8_index\": 1060, \"name\": \"PKP4 phospho Y1168\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 166, \"rank\": 492, \"ini\": 941, \"cat_4_index\": 167, \"group\": [941.0, 871.0, 545.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 941, \"cat_0_index\": 166, \"cat_6_index\": 160, \"cat_2_index\": 166, \"cat_1_index\": 166, \"rankvar\": 14, \"cat_9_index\": 166, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 165, \"cat_3_index\": 166, \"cat_8_index\": 161, \"name\": \"PACSIN2 phospho Y388\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 167, \"rank\": 398, \"ini\": 940, \"cat_4_index\": 168, \"group\": [942.0, 872.0, 545.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 939, \"cat_0_index\": 167, \"cat_6_index\": 161, \"cat_2_index\": 167, \"cat_1_index\": 167, \"rankvar\": 77, \"cat_9_index\": 167, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 166, \"cat_3_index\": 167, \"cat_8_index\": 1061, \"name\": \"MLLT4 phospho Y1189\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 168, \"rank\": 273, \"ini\": 939, \"cat_4_index\": 169, \"group\": [938.0, 868.0, 544.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 937, \"cat_0_index\": 168, \"cat_6_index\": 162, \"cat_2_index\": 168, \"cat_1_index\": 168, \"rankvar\": 45, \"cat_9_index\": 168, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 167, \"cat_3_index\": 168, \"cat_8_index\": 162, \"name\": \"ERBB2IP phospho Y1104\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 169, \"rank\": 955, \"ini\": 938, \"cat_4_index\": 170, \"group\": [939.0, 869.0, 544.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 938, \"cat_0_index\": 169, \"cat_6_index\": 163, \"cat_2_index\": 169, \"cat_1_index\": 169, \"rankvar\": 85, \"cat_9_index\": 169, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 168, \"cat_3_index\": 169, \"cat_8_index\": 163, \"name\": \"ARPP19 phospho Y59\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1043, \"rank\": 621, \"ini\": 937, \"cat_4_index\": 1065, \"group\": [936.0, 866.0, 543.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 935, \"cat_0_index\": 170, \"cat_6_index\": 164, \"cat_2_index\": 170, \"cat_1_index\": 170, \"rankvar\": 32, \"cat_9_index\": 1037, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 169, \"cat_3_index\": 170, \"cat_8_index\": 164, \"name\": \"CFL1 phospho Y140\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 170, \"rank\": 889, \"ini\": 936, \"cat_4_index\": 171, \"group\": [937.0, 867.0, 543.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 936, \"cat_0_index\": 171, \"cat_6_index\": 165, \"cat_2_index\": 171, \"cat_1_index\": 171, \"rankvar\": 29, \"cat_9_index\": 170, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 170, \"cat_3_index\": 171, \"cat_8_index\": 165, \"name\": \"C9orf169 phospho Y12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 171, \"rank\": 145, \"ini\": 935, \"cat_4_index\": 172, \"group\": [932.0, 862.0, 542.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 933, \"cat_0_index\": 172, \"cat_6_index\": 166, \"cat_2_index\": 172, \"cat_1_index\": 172, \"rankvar\": 12, \"cat_9_index\": 171, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1059, \"cat_3_index\": 172, \"cat_8_index\": 166, \"name\": \"MAPK13 phospho Y182\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 172, \"rank\": 746, \"ini\": 934, \"cat_4_index\": 173, \"group\": [933.0, 863.0, 542.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 934, \"cat_0_index\": 173, \"cat_6_index\": 167, \"cat_2_index\": 173, \"cat_1_index\": 173, \"rankvar\": 16, \"cat_9_index\": 172, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 171, \"cat_3_index\": 173, \"cat_8_index\": 167, \"name\": \"CTTN phospho Y104\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 173, \"rank\": 305, \"ini\": 933, \"cat_4_index\": 174, \"group\": [934.0, 864.0, 542.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 932, \"cat_0_index\": 174, \"cat_6_index\": 168, \"cat_2_index\": 174, \"cat_1_index\": 174, \"rankvar\": 76, \"cat_9_index\": 173, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 172, \"cat_3_index\": 174, \"cat_8_index\": 168, \"name\": \"TJP2 phospho Y261\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1044, \"rank\": 990, \"ini\": 932, \"cat_4_index\": 175, \"group\": [935.0, 865.0, 542.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 931, \"cat_0_index\": 175, \"cat_6_index\": 1062, \"cat_2_index\": 175, \"cat_1_index\": 175, \"rankvar\": 99, \"cat_9_index\": 1038, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1060, \"cat_3_index\": 175, \"cat_8_index\": 169, \"name\": \"PRKCD phospho Y374\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 174, \"rank\": 479, \"ini\": 931, \"cat_4_index\": 176, \"group\": [928.0, 858.0, 540.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 929, \"cat_0_index\": 176, \"cat_6_index\": 169, \"cat_2_index\": 176, \"cat_1_index\": 176, \"rankvar\": 129, \"cat_9_index\": 174, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 173, \"cat_3_index\": 176, \"cat_8_index\": 170, \"name\": \"KRT7 phospho Y40\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 175, \"rank\": 93, \"ini\": 930, \"cat_4_index\": 177, \"group\": [929.0, 859.0, 540.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 930, \"cat_0_index\": 177, \"cat_6_index\": 170, \"cat_2_index\": 177, \"cat_1_index\": 177, \"rankvar\": 154, \"cat_9_index\": 1039, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 174, \"cat_3_index\": 177, \"cat_8_index\": 1062, \"name\": \"F11R phospho Y280\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 176, \"rank\": 602, \"ini\": 929, \"cat_4_index\": 178, \"group\": [930.0, 860.0, 540.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 928, \"cat_0_index\": 178, \"cat_6_index\": 171, \"cat_2_index\": 178, \"cat_1_index\": 178, \"rankvar\": 126, \"cat_9_index\": 175, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 175, \"cat_3_index\": 178, \"cat_8_index\": 171, \"name\": \"KRT7 phospho Y268\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 177, \"rank\": 664, \"ini\": 928, \"cat_4_index\": 179, \"group\": [931.0, 861.0, 541.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 927, \"cat_0_index\": 179, \"cat_6_index\": 172, \"cat_2_index\": 179, \"cat_1_index\": 179, \"rankvar\": 984, \"cat_9_index\": 176, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 176, \"cat_3_index\": 179, \"cat_8_index\": 1063, \"name\": \"PKP3 phospho S95\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 178, \"rank\": 193, \"ini\": 927, \"cat_4_index\": 180, \"group\": [925.0, 855.0, 538.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 925, \"cat_0_index\": 180, \"cat_6_index\": 173, \"cat_2_index\": 180, \"cat_1_index\": 180, \"rankvar\": 116, \"cat_9_index\": 177, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 177, \"cat_3_index\": 180, \"cat_8_index\": 1064, \"name\": \"CTNND1 phospho Y904\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 179, \"rank\": 892, \"ini\": 926, \"cat_4_index\": 181, \"group\": [926.0, 856.0, 538.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 926, \"cat_0_index\": 181, \"cat_6_index\": 174, \"cat_2_index\": 181, \"cat_1_index\": 181, \"rankvar\": 187, \"cat_9_index\": 178, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 178, \"cat_3_index\": 181, \"cat_8_index\": 172, \"name\": \"CLDN4 phospho Y208\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 180, \"rank\": 608, \"ini\": 925, \"cat_4_index\": 182, \"group\": [927.0, 857.0, 539.0, 222.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 924, \"cat_0_index\": 182, \"cat_6_index\": 175, \"cat_2_index\": 182, \"cat_1_index\": 182, \"rankvar\": 20, \"cat_9_index\": 179, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 179, \"cat_3_index\": 182, \"cat_8_index\": 1065, \"name\": \"PLEKHA7 phospho Y1011\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 181, \"rank\": 214, \"ini\": 924, \"cat_4_index\": 183, \"group\": [922.0, 852.0, 535.0, 221.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 922, \"cat_0_index\": 183, \"cat_6_index\": 176, \"cat_2_index\": 183, \"cat_1_index\": 183, \"rankvar\": 969, \"cat_9_index\": 180, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 180, \"cat_3_index\": 183, \"cat_8_index\": 173, \"name\": \"NRIP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 182, \"rank\": 482, \"ini\": 923, \"cat_4_index\": 184, \"group\": [923.0, 853.0, 536.0, 221.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 923, \"cat_0_index\": 184, \"cat_6_index\": 177, \"cat_2_index\": 184, \"cat_1_index\": 184, \"rankvar\": 131, \"cat_9_index\": 181, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1061, \"cat_3_index\": 184, \"cat_8_index\": 174, \"name\": \"CD46 phospho Y321\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 183, \"rank\": 487, \"ini\": 922, \"cat_4_index\": 185, \"group\": [924.0, 854.0, 537.0, 221.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 921, \"cat_0_index\": 185, \"cat_6_index\": 178, \"cat_2_index\": 185, \"cat_1_index\": 185, \"rankvar\": 127, \"cat_9_index\": 182, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 181, \"cat_3_index\": 185, \"cat_8_index\": 175, \"name\": \"LSR phospho Y551\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 184, \"rank\": 787, \"ini\": 921, \"cat_4_index\": 186, \"group\": [919.0, 849.0, 533.0, 220.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 919, \"cat_0_index\": 186, \"cat_6_index\": 179, \"cat_2_index\": 186, \"cat_1_index\": 186, \"rankvar\": 79, \"cat_9_index\": 183, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 182, \"cat_3_index\": 186, \"cat_8_index\": 1066, \"name\": \"MLLT4 phospho Y1230\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 185, \"rank\": 956, \"ini\": 920, \"cat_4_index\": 187, \"group\": [920.0, 850.0, 533.0, 220.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 920, \"cat_0_index\": 1051, \"cat_6_index\": 180, \"cat_2_index\": 1055, \"cat_1_index\": 1053, \"rankvar\": 87, \"cat_9_index\": 184, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1062, \"cat_3_index\": 1053, \"cat_8_index\": 176, \"name\": \"EGFR phospho Y1197\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 186, \"rank\": 436, \"ini\": 919, \"cat_4_index\": 188, \"group\": [921.0, 851.0, 534.0, 220.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 918, \"cat_0_index\": 187, \"cat_6_index\": 181, \"cat_2_index\": 187, \"cat_1_index\": 187, \"rankvar\": 150, \"cat_9_index\": 1040, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 183, \"cat_3_index\": 187, \"cat_8_index\": 177, \"name\": \"ALDOA phospho Y3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 187, \"rank\": 973, \"ini\": 918, \"cat_4_index\": 189, \"group\": [917.0, 847.0, 532.0, 220.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 916, \"cat_0_index\": 188, \"cat_6_index\": 1063, \"cat_2_index\": 188, \"cat_1_index\": 188, \"rankvar\": 285, \"cat_9_index\": 1041, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 184, \"cat_3_index\": 188, \"cat_8_index\": 178, \"name\": \"PTPN11 phospho Y584\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 188, \"rank\": 395, \"ini\": 917, \"cat_4_index\": 190, \"group\": [918.0, 848.0, 532.0, 220.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 917, \"cat_0_index\": 189, \"cat_6_index\": 1064, \"cat_2_index\": 189, \"cat_1_index\": 189, \"rankvar\": 137, \"cat_9_index\": 1042, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 185, \"cat_3_index\": 189, \"cat_8_index\": 179, \"name\": \"PTPN11 phospho Y546\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 189, \"rank\": 587, \"ini\": 916, \"cat_4_index\": 191, \"group\": [915.0, 845.0, 531.0, 220.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 914, \"cat_0_index\": 190, \"cat_6_index\": 182, \"cat_2_index\": 190, \"cat_1_index\": 190, \"rankvar\": 78, \"cat_9_index\": 185, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 186, \"cat_3_index\": 190, \"cat_8_index\": 1067, \"name\": \"PKP3 phospho Y84\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 190, \"rank\": 417, \"ini\": 915, \"cat_4_index\": 192, \"group\": [916.0, 846.0, 531.0, 220.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 915, \"cat_0_index\": 191, \"cat_6_index\": 183, \"cat_2_index\": 191, \"cat_1_index\": 191, \"rankvar\": 56, \"cat_9_index\": 186, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 187, \"cat_3_index\": 191, \"cat_8_index\": 180, \"name\": \"GAB1 phospho Y659\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 191, \"rank\": 558, \"ini\": 914, \"cat_4_index\": 193, \"group\": [911.0, 841.0, 528.0, 219.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 912, \"cat_0_index\": 192, \"cat_6_index\": 1065, \"cat_2_index\": 192, \"cat_1_index\": 192, \"rankvar\": 9, \"cat_9_index\": 187, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 188, \"cat_3_index\": 192, \"cat_8_index\": 181, \"name\": \"SDC4 phospho Y197\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 192, \"rank\": 843, \"ini\": 913, \"cat_4_index\": 194, \"group\": [912.0, 842.0, 528.0, 219.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 913, \"cat_0_index\": 193, \"cat_6_index\": 184, \"cat_2_index\": 193, \"cat_1_index\": 193, \"rankvar\": 35, \"cat_9_index\": 1043, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 189, \"cat_3_index\": 193, \"cat_8_index\": 182, \"name\": \"MAPK3 phospho Y204\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 193, \"rank\": 927, \"ini\": 912, \"cat_4_index\": 195, \"group\": [913.0, 843.0, 529.0, 219.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 911, \"cat_0_index\": 1052, \"cat_6_index\": 185, \"cat_2_index\": 1056, \"cat_1_index\": 1054, \"rankvar\": 558, \"cat_9_index\": 188, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 190, \"cat_3_index\": 1054, \"cat_8_index\": 183, \"name\": \"SUN2 phospho T107\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 194, \"rank\": 580, \"ini\": 911, \"cat_4_index\": 196, \"group\": [914.0, 844.0, 530.0, 219.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 910, \"cat_0_index\": 1053, \"cat_6_index\": 186, \"cat_2_index\": 1057, \"cat_1_index\": 1055, \"rankvar\": 433, \"cat_9_index\": 189, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 191, \"cat_3_index\": 1055, \"cat_8_index\": 184, \"name\": \"CTSH\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 195, \"rank\": 1109, \"ini\": 910, \"cat_4_index\": 197, \"group\": [908.0, 838.0, 525.0, 218.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 908, \"cat_0_index\": 194, \"cat_6_index\": 187, \"cat_2_index\": 194, \"cat_1_index\": 194, \"rankvar\": 1108, \"cat_9_index\": 190, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 192, \"cat_3_index\": 194, \"cat_8_index\": 185, \"name\": \"SLFN12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1045, \"rank\": 768, \"ini\": 909, \"cat_4_index\": 1066, \"group\": [909.0, 839.0, 526.0, 218.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 909, \"cat_0_index\": 195, \"cat_6_index\": 188, \"cat_2_index\": 195, \"cat_1_index\": 195, \"rankvar\": 891, \"cat_9_index\": 191, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 193, \"cat_3_index\": 195, \"cat_8_index\": 186, \"name\": \"BST2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 196, \"rank\": 89, \"ini\": 908, \"cat_4_index\": 198, \"group\": [910.0, 840.0, 527.0, 218.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 907, \"cat_0_index\": 196, \"cat_6_index\": 189, \"cat_2_index\": 196, \"cat_1_index\": 196, \"rankvar\": 408, \"cat_9_index\": 192, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 194, \"cat_3_index\": 196, \"cat_8_index\": 187, \"name\": \"CLIC3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 197, \"rank\": 739, \"ini\": 907, \"cat_4_index\": 199, \"group\": [905.0, 835.0, 522.0, 218.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 905, \"cat_0_index\": 197, \"cat_6_index\": 190, \"cat_2_index\": 197, \"cat_1_index\": 197, \"rankvar\": 959, \"cat_9_index\": 193, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 195, \"cat_3_index\": 197, \"cat_8_index\": 188, \"name\": \"LY6K\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 198, \"rank\": 322, \"ini\": 906, \"cat_4_index\": 200, \"group\": [906.0, 836.0, 523.0, 218.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 906, \"cat_0_index\": 1054, \"cat_6_index\": 191, \"cat_2_index\": 1058, \"cat_1_index\": 1056, \"rankvar\": 616, \"cat_9_index\": 194, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 196, \"cat_3_index\": 1056, \"cat_8_index\": 189, \"name\": \"SUN2 phospho S12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 199, \"rank\": 266, \"ini\": 905, \"cat_4_index\": 201, \"group\": [907.0, 837.0, 524.0, 218.0, 69.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 904, \"cat_0_index\": 198, \"cat_6_index\": 192, \"cat_2_index\": 198, \"cat_1_index\": 198, \"rankvar\": 901, \"cat_9_index\": 195, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 197, \"cat_3_index\": 198, \"cat_8_index\": 190, \"name\": \"FAM176A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 200, \"rank\": 1071, \"ini\": 904, \"cat_4_index\": 202, \"group\": [902.0, 832.0, 519.0, 216.0, 68.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 902, \"cat_0_index\": 199, \"cat_6_index\": 193, \"cat_2_index\": 199, \"cat_1_index\": 199, \"rankvar\": 459, \"cat_9_index\": 196, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 198, \"cat_3_index\": 199, \"cat_8_index\": 191, \"name\": \"ZNF83\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 201, \"rank\": 863, \"ini\": 903, \"cat_4_index\": 203, \"group\": [903.0, 833.0, 520.0, 216.0, 68.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 903, \"cat_0_index\": 200, \"cat_6_index\": 194, \"cat_2_index\": 200, \"cat_1_index\": 200, \"rankvar\": 162, \"cat_9_index\": 197, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 199, \"cat_3_index\": 200, \"cat_8_index\": 192, \"name\": \"PTTG1IP phospho Y174\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 202, \"rank\": 763, \"ini\": 902, \"cat_4_index\": 204, \"group\": [904.0, 834.0, 521.0, 217.0, 68.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 901, \"cat_0_index\": 201, \"cat_6_index\": 195, \"cat_2_index\": 201, \"cat_1_index\": 201, \"rankvar\": 715, \"cat_9_index\": 198, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 200, \"cat_3_index\": 201, \"cat_8_index\": 193, \"name\": \"SCEL Kme1 K109\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 203, \"rank\": 288, \"ini\": 901, \"cat_4_index\": 205, \"group\": [900.0, 830.0, 517.0, 215.0, 67.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 899, \"cat_0_index\": 202, \"cat_6_index\": 196, \"cat_2_index\": 202, \"cat_1_index\": 202, \"rankvar\": 972, \"cat_9_index\": 199, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 201, \"cat_3_index\": 202, \"cat_8_index\": 194, \"name\": \"NDRG1 phospho S344\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 204, \"rank\": 931, \"ini\": 900, \"cat_4_index\": 206, \"group\": [901.0, 831.0, 518.0, 215.0, 67.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 900, \"cat_0_index\": 203, \"cat_6_index\": 197, \"cat_2_index\": 203, \"cat_1_index\": 203, \"rankvar\": 44, \"cat_9_index\": 200, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 202, \"cat_3_index\": 203, \"cat_8_index\": 195, \"name\": \"EHBP1L1 phospho S310\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 205, \"rank\": 105, \"ini\": 899, \"cat_4_index\": 207, \"group\": [898.0, 828.0, 515.0, 214.0, 67.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 897, \"cat_0_index\": 204, \"cat_6_index\": 198, \"cat_2_index\": 204, \"cat_1_index\": 204, \"rankvar\": 221, \"cat_9_index\": 201, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 203, \"cat_3_index\": 204, \"cat_8_index\": 196, \"name\": \"PDLIM5 phospho S232\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 206, \"rank\": 1001, \"ini\": 898, \"cat_4_index\": 208, \"group\": [899.0, 829.0, 516.0, 214.0, 67.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 898, \"cat_0_index\": 205, \"cat_6_index\": 199, \"cat_2_index\": 205, \"cat_1_index\": 205, \"rankvar\": 493, \"cat_9_index\": 202, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 204, \"cat_3_index\": 205, \"cat_8_index\": 197, \"name\": \"PDLIM5 phospho S228\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 207, \"rank\": 645, \"ini\": 897, \"cat_4_index\": 209, \"group\": [896.0, 826.0, 514.0, 213.0, 66.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 895, \"cat_0_index\": 206, \"cat_6_index\": 200, \"cat_2_index\": 206, \"cat_1_index\": 206, \"rankvar\": 180, \"cat_9_index\": 203, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 205, \"cat_3_index\": 206, \"cat_8_index\": 198, \"name\": \"TAGLN2 phospho T190\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 208, \"rank\": 489, \"ini\": 896, \"cat_4_index\": 210, \"group\": [897.0, 827.0, 514.0, 213.0, 66.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 896, \"cat_0_index\": 207, \"cat_6_index\": 201, \"cat_2_index\": 207, \"cat_1_index\": 207, \"rankvar\": 635, \"cat_9_index\": 204, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 206, \"cat_3_index\": 207, \"cat_8_index\": 199, \"name\": \"TAGLN2 phospho S185\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 209, \"rank\": 67, \"ini\": 895, \"cat_4_index\": 211, \"group\": [894.0, 824.0, 512.0, 212.0, 65.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 893, \"cat_0_index\": 208, \"cat_6_index\": 202, \"cat_2_index\": 208, \"cat_1_index\": 208, \"rankvar\": 198, \"cat_9_index\": 205, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 207, \"cat_3_index\": 208, \"cat_8_index\": 200, \"name\": \"PLEKHA6 phospho S461\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 210, \"rank\": 582, \"ini\": 894, \"cat_4_index\": 212, \"group\": [895.0, 825.0, 513.0, 212.0, 65.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 894, \"cat_0_index\": 209, \"cat_6_index\": 203, \"cat_2_index\": 209, \"cat_1_index\": 209, \"rankvar\": 188, \"cat_9_index\": 206, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 208, \"cat_3_index\": 209, \"cat_8_index\": 201, \"name\": \"DLGAP4 phospho T718\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 211, \"rank\": 347, \"ini\": 893, \"cat_4_index\": 213, \"group\": [891.0, 821.0, 510.0, 211.0, 65.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 891, \"cat_0_index\": 210, \"cat_6_index\": 204, \"cat_2_index\": 210, \"cat_1_index\": 210, \"rankvar\": 260, \"cat_9_index\": 207, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 209, \"cat_3_index\": 210, \"cat_8_index\": 202, \"name\": \"RBL2 phospho T642\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 212, \"rank\": 800, \"ini\": 892, \"cat_4_index\": 214, \"group\": [892.0, 822.0, 510.0, 211.0, 65.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 892, \"cat_0_index\": 211, \"cat_6_index\": 205, \"cat_2_index\": 211, \"cat_1_index\": 211, \"rankvar\": 297, \"cat_9_index\": 208, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 210, \"cat_3_index\": 211, \"cat_8_index\": 203, \"name\": \"RBL2 phospho S639\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 213, \"rank\": 76, \"ini\": 891, \"cat_4_index\": 215, \"group\": [893.0, 823.0, 511.0, 211.0, 65.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 890, \"cat_0_index\": 212, \"cat_6_index\": 206, \"cat_2_index\": 212, \"cat_1_index\": 212, \"rankvar\": 1032, \"cat_9_index\": 209, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 211, \"cat_3_index\": 212, \"cat_8_index\": 204, \"name\": \"SYTL1 phospho S216\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 214, \"rank\": 314, \"ini\": 890, \"cat_4_index\": 216, \"group\": [889.0, 819.0, 508.0, 210.0, 64.0, 15.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 888, \"cat_0_index\": 213, \"cat_6_index\": 207, \"cat_2_index\": 213, \"cat_1_index\": 213, \"rankvar\": 323, \"cat_9_index\": 210, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 212, \"cat_3_index\": 213, \"cat_8_index\": 205, \"name\": \"RCL phospho S123\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 215, \"rank\": 729, \"ini\": 889, \"cat_4_index\": 217, \"group\": [890.0, 820.0, 509.0, 210.0, 64.0, 15.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 889, \"cat_0_index\": 214, \"cat_6_index\": 208, \"cat_2_index\": 214, \"cat_1_index\": 214, \"rankvar\": 84, \"cat_9_index\": 211, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 213, \"cat_3_index\": 214, \"cat_8_index\": 206, \"name\": \"DIS3L2 phospho T15\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 216, \"rank\": 433, \"ini\": 888, \"cat_4_index\": 218, \"group\": [887.0, 817.0, 506.0, 209.0, 64.0, 15.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 886, \"cat_0_index\": 215, \"cat_6_index\": 209, \"cat_2_index\": 215, \"cat_1_index\": 215, \"rankvar\": 222, \"cat_9_index\": 212, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 214, \"cat_3_index\": 215, \"cat_8_index\": 207, \"name\": \"ARHGAP29 phospho T1010\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 217, \"rank\": 495, \"ini\": 887, \"cat_4_index\": 219, \"group\": [888.0, 818.0, 507.0, 209.0, 64.0, 15.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 887, \"cat_0_index\": 216, \"cat_6_index\": 210, \"cat_2_index\": 216, \"cat_1_index\": 216, \"rankvar\": 94, \"cat_9_index\": 213, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 215, \"cat_3_index\": 216, \"cat_8_index\": 208, \"name\": \"ARHGAP29 phospho S1029\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 218, \"rank\": 249, \"ini\": 886, \"cat_4_index\": 220, \"group\": [884.0, 814.0, 504.0, 208.0, 63.0, 15.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 884, \"cat_0_index\": 1055, \"cat_6_index\": 211, \"cat_2_index\": 1059, \"cat_1_index\": 1057, \"rankvar\": 153, \"cat_9_index\": 214, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 216, \"cat_3_index\": 1057, \"cat_8_index\": 1068, \"name\": \"TRIP6 Rme1 R179\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 219, \"rank\": 624, \"ini\": 885, \"cat_4_index\": 221, \"group\": [885.0, 815.0, 504.0, 208.0, 63.0, 15.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 885, \"cat_0_index\": 1056, \"cat_6_index\": 212, \"cat_2_index\": 1060, \"cat_1_index\": 1058, \"rankvar\": 152, \"cat_9_index\": 215, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 217, \"cat_3_index\": 1058, \"cat_8_index\": 1069, \"name\": \"TRIP6 Rme1 R111\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 220, \"rank\": 792, \"ini\": 884, \"cat_4_index\": 222, \"group\": [886.0, 816.0, 505.0, 208.0, 63.0, 15.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 883, \"cat_0_index\": 217, \"cat_6_index\": 213, \"cat_2_index\": 217, \"cat_1_index\": 217, \"rankvar\": 845, \"cat_9_index\": 216, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 218, \"cat_3_index\": 217, \"cat_8_index\": 209, \"name\": \"ERBB2IP phospho S1239\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 221, \"rank\": 371, \"ini\": 883, \"cat_4_index\": 223, \"group\": [882.0, 812.0, 502.0, 207.0, 62.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 881, \"cat_0_index\": 218, \"cat_6_index\": 214, \"cat_2_index\": 218, \"cat_1_index\": 218, \"rankvar\": 5, \"cat_9_index\": 217, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 219, \"cat_3_index\": 218, \"cat_8_index\": 210, \"name\": \"BGN AcK K209\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 222, \"rank\": 111, \"ini\": 882, \"cat_4_index\": 224, \"group\": [883.0, 813.0, 503.0, 207.0, 62.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 882, \"cat_0_index\": 219, \"cat_6_index\": 215, \"cat_2_index\": 219, \"cat_1_index\": 219, \"rankvar\": 68, \"cat_9_index\": 218, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 220, \"cat_3_index\": 219, \"cat_8_index\": 211, \"name\": \"RPS10 phospho Y127\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 223, \"rank\": 31, \"ini\": 881, \"cat_4_index\": 225, \"group\": [880.0, 810.0, 500.0, 206.0, 62.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 879, \"cat_0_index\": 1057, \"cat_6_index\": 1066, \"cat_2_index\": 1061, \"cat_1_index\": 1059, \"rankvar\": 10, \"cat_9_index\": 1044, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 221, \"cat_3_index\": 1059, \"cat_8_index\": 212, \"name\": \"PTK2 phospho S574\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 224, \"rank\": 6, \"ini\": 880, \"cat_4_index\": 226, \"group\": [881.0, 811.0, 501.0, 206.0, 62.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 880, \"cat_0_index\": 220, \"cat_6_index\": 216, \"cat_2_index\": 220, \"cat_1_index\": 220, \"rankvar\": 488, \"cat_9_index\": 219, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 222, \"cat_3_index\": 220, \"cat_8_index\": 1070, \"name\": \"PKP2 phospho S172\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 225, \"rank\": 1092, \"ini\": 879, \"cat_4_index\": 227, \"group\": [878.0, 808.0, 498.0, 205.0, 62.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 877, \"cat_0_index\": 221, \"cat_6_index\": 1067, \"cat_2_index\": 221, \"cat_1_index\": 221, \"rankvar\": 451, \"cat_9_index\": 220, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 223, \"cat_3_index\": 221, \"cat_8_index\": 213, \"name\": \"UTRN phospho S2482\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 226, \"rank\": 543, \"ini\": 878, \"cat_4_index\": 228, \"group\": [879.0, 809.0, 499.0, 205.0, 62.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 878, \"cat_0_index\": 222, \"cat_6_index\": 217, \"cat_2_index\": 222, \"cat_1_index\": 222, \"rankvar\": 958, \"cat_9_index\": 221, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 224, \"cat_3_index\": 222, \"cat_8_index\": 214, \"name\": \"STX12 phospho S218\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 227, \"rank\": 1074, \"ini\": 877, \"cat_4_index\": 229, \"group\": [873.0, 803.0, 494.0, 203.0, 61.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 875, \"cat_0_index\": 223, \"cat_6_index\": 218, \"cat_2_index\": 223, \"cat_1_index\": 223, \"rankvar\": 40, \"cat_9_index\": 222, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 225, \"cat_3_index\": 223, \"cat_8_index\": 215, \"name\": \"KIAA1522 phospho T162\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 228, \"rank\": 679, \"ini\": 876, \"cat_4_index\": 230, \"group\": [874.0, 804.0, 494.0, 203.0, 61.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 876, \"cat_0_index\": 224, \"cat_6_index\": 219, \"cat_2_index\": 224, \"cat_1_index\": 224, \"rankvar\": 34, \"cat_9_index\": 223, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 226, \"cat_3_index\": 224, \"cat_8_index\": 216, \"name\": \"KIAA1522 phospho S161\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 229, \"rank\": 265, \"ini\": 875, \"cat_4_index\": 231, \"group\": [875.0, 805.0, 495.0, 203.0, 61.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 874, \"cat_0_index\": 1058, \"cat_6_index\": 220, \"cat_2_index\": 225, \"cat_1_index\": 1060, \"rankvar\": 3, \"cat_9_index\": 224, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 227, \"cat_3_index\": 1060, \"cat_8_index\": 217, \"name\": \"AKT2 phospho S474\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 230, \"rank\": 254, \"ini\": 874, \"cat_4_index\": 232, \"group\": [876.0, 806.0, 496.0, 203.0, 61.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 873, \"cat_0_index\": 1059, \"cat_6_index\": 1068, \"cat_2_index\": 1062, \"cat_1_index\": 1061, \"rankvar\": 15, \"cat_9_index\": 1045, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 228, \"cat_3_index\": 1061, \"cat_8_index\": 218, \"name\": \"PTK2 phospho Y570\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1046, \"rank\": 1045, \"ini\": 873, \"cat_4_index\": 1067, \"group\": [877.0, 807.0, 497.0, 204.0, 61.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 872, \"cat_0_index\": 225, \"cat_6_index\": 221, \"cat_2_index\": 226, \"cat_1_index\": 225, \"rankvar\": 815, \"cat_9_index\": 225, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 229, \"cat_3_index\": 225, \"cat_8_index\": 219, \"name\": \"LSM14A phospho S178\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 231, \"rank\": 852, \"ini\": 872, \"cat_4_index\": 233, \"group\": [870.0, 800.0, 491.0, 201.0, 59.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 870, \"cat_0_index\": 226, \"cat_6_index\": 222, \"cat_2_index\": 227, \"cat_1_index\": 226, \"rankvar\": 929, \"cat_9_index\": 226, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 230, \"cat_3_index\": 226, \"cat_8_index\": 220, \"name\": \"FOLR1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 232, \"rank\": 104, \"ini\": 871, \"cat_4_index\": 234, \"group\": [871.0, 801.0, 492.0, 201.0, 59.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 871, \"cat_0_index\": 1060, \"cat_6_index\": 223, \"cat_2_index\": 1063, \"cat_1_index\": 1062, \"rankvar\": 173, \"cat_9_index\": 227, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 231, \"cat_3_index\": 1062, \"cat_8_index\": 221, \"name\": \"ARHGAP5 phospho T1129\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 233, \"rank\": 860, \"ini\": 870, \"cat_4_index\": 235, \"group\": [872.0, 802.0, 493.0, 202.0, 60.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 869, \"cat_0_index\": 227, \"cat_6_index\": 224, \"cat_2_index\": 228, \"cat_1_index\": 227, \"rankvar\": 248, \"cat_9_index\": 228, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 232, \"cat_3_index\": 227, \"cat_8_index\": 222, \"name\": \"ERCC5 phospho S384\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 234, \"rank\": 329, \"ini\": 869, \"cat_4_index\": 236, \"group\": [866.0, 796.0, 488.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 867, \"cat_0_index\": 228, \"cat_6_index\": 225, \"cat_2_index\": 229, \"cat_1_index\": 228, \"rankvar\": 566, \"cat_9_index\": 229, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 233, \"cat_3_index\": 228, \"cat_8_index\": 223, \"name\": \"PRR12 phospho T738\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 235, \"rank\": 685, \"ini\": 868, \"cat_4_index\": 237, \"group\": [867.0, 797.0, 488.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 868, \"cat_0_index\": 229, \"cat_6_index\": 226, \"cat_2_index\": 230, \"cat_1_index\": 229, \"rankvar\": 763, \"cat_9_index\": 230, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 234, \"cat_3_index\": 229, \"cat_8_index\": 224, \"name\": \"KMT2B phospho T278\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 236, \"rank\": 263, \"ini\": 867, \"cat_4_index\": 238, \"group\": [868.0, 798.0, 489.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 866, \"cat_0_index\": 230, \"cat_6_index\": 227, \"cat_2_index\": 231, \"cat_1_index\": 230, \"rankvar\": 1024, \"cat_9_index\": 231, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 235, \"cat_3_index\": 230, \"cat_8_index\": 225, \"name\": \"PHACTR2 phospho S23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 237, \"rank\": 15, \"ini\": 866, \"cat_4_index\": 239, \"group\": [862.0, 792.0, 487.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 864, \"cat_0_index\": 231, \"cat_6_index\": 228, \"cat_2_index\": 232, \"cat_1_index\": 231, \"rankvar\": 146, \"cat_9_index\": 232, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 236, \"cat_3_index\": 231, \"cat_8_index\": 226, \"name\": \"EIF4B phospho S219\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 238, \"rank\": 122, \"ini\": 865, \"cat_4_index\": 240, \"group\": [863.0, 793.0, 487.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 865, \"cat_0_index\": 232, \"cat_6_index\": 229, \"cat_2_index\": 233, \"cat_1_index\": 232, \"rankvar\": 497, \"cat_9_index\": 233, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 237, \"cat_3_index\": 232, \"cat_8_index\": 227, \"name\": \"DYNC1I2 phospho S97\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 239, \"rank\": 828, \"ini\": 864, \"cat_4_index\": 241, \"group\": [864.0, 794.0, 487.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 863, \"cat_0_index\": 233, \"cat_6_index\": 230, \"cat_2_index\": 234, \"cat_1_index\": 233, \"rankvar\": 1022, \"cat_9_index\": 234, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 238, \"cat_3_index\": 233, \"cat_8_index\": 228, \"name\": \"TMEM245 phospho T36\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 240, \"rank\": 1033, \"ini\": 863, \"cat_4_index\": 242, \"group\": [865.0, 795.0, 487.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 862, \"cat_0_index\": 234, \"cat_6_index\": 231, \"cat_2_index\": 235, \"cat_1_index\": 234, \"rankvar\": 495, \"cat_9_index\": 235, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 239, \"cat_3_index\": 234, \"cat_8_index\": 229, \"name\": \"TMPO phospho S354\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 241, \"rank\": 755, \"ini\": 862, \"cat_4_index\": 243, \"group\": [860.0, 790.0, 487.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 860, \"cat_0_index\": 235, \"cat_6_index\": 232, \"cat_2_index\": 236, \"cat_1_index\": 235, \"rankvar\": 364, \"cat_9_index\": 236, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 240, \"cat_3_index\": 235, \"cat_8_index\": 230, \"name\": \"TMPO phospho Y351\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 242, \"rank\": 643, \"ini\": 861, \"cat_4_index\": 244, \"group\": [861.0, 791.0, 487.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 861, \"cat_0_index\": 236, \"cat_6_index\": 233, \"cat_2_index\": 237, \"cat_1_index\": 236, \"rankvar\": 846, \"cat_9_index\": 237, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 241, \"cat_3_index\": 236, \"cat_8_index\": 231, \"name\": \"EIF4G2 phospho T508\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 243, \"rank\": 855, \"ini\": 860, \"cat_4_index\": 245, \"group\": [869.0, 799.0, 490.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 859, \"cat_0_index\": 237, \"cat_6_index\": 234, \"cat_2_index\": 238, \"cat_1_index\": 237, \"rankvar\": 214, \"cat_9_index\": 238, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 242, \"cat_3_index\": 237, \"cat_8_index\": 232, \"name\": \"FUBP1 phospho T153\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 244, \"rank\": 1078, \"ini\": 859, \"cat_4_index\": 246, \"group\": [857.0, 787.0, 485.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 857, \"cat_0_index\": 238, \"cat_6_index\": 235, \"cat_2_index\": 239, \"cat_1_index\": 238, \"rankvar\": 542, \"cat_9_index\": 239, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 243, \"cat_3_index\": 238, \"cat_8_index\": 233, \"name\": \"LIG1 phospho T233\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 245, \"rank\": 71, \"ini\": 858, \"cat_4_index\": 247, \"group\": [858.0, 788.0, 485.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 858, \"cat_0_index\": 239, \"cat_6_index\": 236, \"cat_2_index\": 240, \"cat_1_index\": 239, \"rankvar\": 476, \"cat_9_index\": 240, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 244, \"cat_3_index\": 239, \"cat_8_index\": 234, \"name\": \"CDC5L phospho T424\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 246, \"rank\": 985, \"ini\": 857, \"cat_4_index\": 248, \"group\": [859.0, 789.0, 486.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 856, \"cat_0_index\": 240, \"cat_6_index\": 237, \"cat_2_index\": 241, \"cat_1_index\": 240, \"rankvar\": 324, \"cat_9_index\": 241, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 245, \"cat_3_index\": 240, \"cat_8_index\": 235, \"name\": \"BAG3 phospho T285\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 247, \"rank\": 875, \"ini\": 856, \"cat_4_index\": 249, \"group\": [852.0, 783.0, 484.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 854, \"cat_0_index\": 241, \"cat_6_index\": 238, \"cat_2_index\": 242, \"cat_1_index\": 241, \"rankvar\": 1060, \"cat_9_index\": 242, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 246, \"cat_3_index\": 241, \"cat_8_index\": 236, \"name\": \"RRAGC phospho T394\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 248, \"rank\": 1094, \"ini\": 855, \"cat_4_index\": 250, \"group\": [853.0, 783.0, 484.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 855, \"cat_0_index\": 242, \"cat_6_index\": 239, \"cat_2_index\": 243, \"cat_1_index\": 242, \"rankvar\": 349, \"cat_9_index\": 243, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 247, \"cat_3_index\": 242, \"cat_8_index\": 237, \"name\": \"GIGYF2 phospho S258\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 249, \"rank\": 344, \"ini\": 854, \"cat_4_index\": 251, \"group\": [854.0, 784.0, 484.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 853, \"cat_0_index\": 243, \"cat_6_index\": 240, \"cat_2_index\": 244, \"cat_1_index\": 243, \"rankvar\": 970, \"cat_9_index\": 244, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 248, \"cat_3_index\": 243, \"cat_8_index\": 238, \"name\": \"SRRM2 phospho T1492\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 250, \"rank\": 182, \"ini\": 853, \"cat_4_index\": 252, \"group\": [855.0, 785.0, 484.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 852, \"cat_0_index\": 244, \"cat_6_index\": 241, \"cat_2_index\": 245, \"cat_1_index\": 244, \"rankvar\": 557, \"cat_9_index\": 245, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 249, \"cat_3_index\": 244, \"cat_8_index\": 239, \"name\": \"VPS41 phospho S249\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 251, \"rank\": 752, \"ini\": 852, \"cat_4_index\": 253, \"group\": [856.0, 786.0, 484.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 851, \"cat_0_index\": 245, \"cat_6_index\": 242, \"cat_2_index\": 246, \"cat_1_index\": 245, \"rankvar\": 220, \"cat_9_index\": 246, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 250, \"cat_3_index\": 245, \"cat_8_index\": 240, \"name\": \"PPP4R2 phospho T173\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 252, \"rank\": 457, \"ini\": 851, \"cat_4_index\": 254, \"group\": [850.0, 781.0, 484.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 849, \"cat_0_index\": 246, \"cat_6_index\": 243, \"cat_2_index\": 247, \"cat_1_index\": 246, \"rankvar\": 439, \"cat_9_index\": 247, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 251, \"cat_3_index\": 246, \"cat_8_index\": 241, \"name\": \"RTN4 phospho S107\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 253, \"rank\": 441, \"ini\": 850, \"cat_4_index\": 255, \"group\": [851.0, 782.0, 484.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 850, \"cat_0_index\": 247, \"cat_6_index\": 244, \"cat_2_index\": 248, \"cat_1_index\": 247, \"rankvar\": 926, \"cat_9_index\": 248, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 252, \"cat_3_index\": 247, \"cat_8_index\": 242, \"name\": \"HNRNPK phospho S284\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 254, \"rank\": 466, \"ini\": 849, \"cat_4_index\": 256, \"group\": [848.0, 779.0, 484.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 847, \"cat_0_index\": 248, \"cat_6_index\": 245, \"cat_2_index\": 249, \"cat_1_index\": 248, \"rankvar\": 38, \"cat_9_index\": 249, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 253, \"cat_3_index\": 248, \"cat_8_index\": 1071, \"name\": \"CCM2 phospho S393\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 255, \"rank\": 713, \"ini\": 848, \"cat_4_index\": 257, \"group\": [849.0, 780.0, 484.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 848, \"cat_0_index\": 249, \"cat_6_index\": 246, \"cat_2_index\": 250, \"cat_1_index\": 249, \"rankvar\": 161, \"cat_9_index\": 250, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 254, \"cat_3_index\": 249, \"cat_8_index\": 1072, \"name\": \"CCM2 phospho S384\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 256, \"rank\": 977, \"ini\": 847, \"cat_4_index\": 258, \"group\": [846.0, 777.0, 483.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 845, \"cat_0_index\": 250, \"cat_6_index\": 247, \"cat_2_index\": 251, \"cat_1_index\": 250, \"rankvar\": 504, \"cat_9_index\": 251, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 255, \"cat_3_index\": 250, \"cat_8_index\": 243, \"name\": \"TRAF3IP1 phospho S476\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 257, \"rank\": 361, \"ini\": 846, \"cat_4_index\": 259, \"group\": [847.0, 778.0, 483.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 846, \"cat_0_index\": 251, \"cat_6_index\": 248, \"cat_2_index\": 252, \"cat_1_index\": 251, \"rankvar\": 1057, \"cat_9_index\": 252, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 256, \"cat_3_index\": 251, \"cat_8_index\": 244, \"name\": \"FLII phospho S436\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 258, \"rank\": 720, \"ini\": 845, \"cat_4_index\": 260, \"group\": [844.0, 775.0, 482.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 843, \"cat_0_index\": 252, \"cat_6_index\": 249, \"cat_2_index\": 253, \"cat_1_index\": 252, \"rankvar\": 574, \"cat_9_index\": 253, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 257, \"cat_3_index\": 252, \"cat_8_index\": 1073, \"name\": \"PARD3 phospho S1337\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 259, \"rank\": 851, \"ini\": 844, \"cat_4_index\": 261, \"group\": [845.0, 776.0, 482.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 844, \"cat_0_index\": 253, \"cat_6_index\": 250, \"cat_2_index\": 254, \"cat_1_index\": 253, \"rankvar\": 230, \"cat_9_index\": 254, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1063, \"cat_3_index\": 253, \"cat_8_index\": 245, \"name\": \"BRD4 phospho S1117\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 260, \"rank\": 362, \"ini\": 843, \"cat_4_index\": 262, \"group\": [842.0, 773.0, 481.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 841, \"cat_0_index\": 254, \"cat_6_index\": 251, \"cat_2_index\": 255, \"cat_1_index\": 254, \"rankvar\": 624, \"cat_9_index\": 255, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 258, \"cat_3_index\": 254, \"cat_8_index\": 246, \"name\": \"WDR33 Rme1 R1144\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 261, \"rank\": 1010, \"ini\": 842, \"cat_4_index\": 263, \"group\": [843.0, 774.0, 481.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 842, \"cat_0_index\": 255, \"cat_6_index\": 252, \"cat_2_index\": 256, \"cat_1_index\": 255, \"rankvar\": 532, \"cat_9_index\": 256, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 259, \"cat_3_index\": 255, \"cat_8_index\": 247, \"name\": \"KMT2D phospho S2296\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 262, \"rank\": 493, \"ini\": 841, \"cat_4_index\": 264, \"group\": [840.0, 771.0, 480.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 839, \"cat_0_index\": 256, \"cat_6_index\": 253, \"cat_2_index\": 257, \"cat_1_index\": 256, \"rankvar\": 1087, \"cat_9_index\": 257, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 260, \"cat_3_index\": 256, \"cat_8_index\": 248, \"name\": \"FIP1L1 phospho S554\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 263, \"rank\": 856, \"ini\": 840, \"cat_4_index\": 265, \"group\": [841.0, 772.0, 480.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 840, \"cat_0_index\": 257, \"cat_6_index\": 254, \"cat_2_index\": 258, \"cat_1_index\": 257, \"rankvar\": 498, \"cat_9_index\": 258, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 261, \"cat_3_index\": 257, \"cat_8_index\": 249, \"name\": \"EIF4B phospho S425\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 264, \"rank\": 552, \"ini\": 839, \"cat_4_index\": 266, \"group\": [838.0, 770.0, 480.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 837, \"cat_0_index\": 258, \"cat_6_index\": 255, \"cat_2_index\": 259, \"cat_1_index\": 258, \"rankvar\": 258, \"cat_9_index\": 259, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 262, \"cat_3_index\": 258, \"cat_8_index\": 250, \"name\": \"EIF4B phospho T427\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 265, \"rank\": 54, \"ini\": 838, \"cat_4_index\": 267, \"group\": [839.0, 770.0, 480.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 838, \"cat_0_index\": 259, \"cat_6_index\": 256, \"cat_2_index\": 260, \"cat_1_index\": 259, \"rankvar\": 651, \"cat_9_index\": 260, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 263, \"cat_3_index\": 259, \"cat_8_index\": 251, \"name\": \"EIF4B phospho S424\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 266, \"rank\": 950, \"ini\": 837, \"cat_4_index\": 268, \"group\": [833.0, 766.0, 479.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 835, \"cat_0_index\": 260, \"cat_6_index\": 257, \"cat_2_index\": 261, \"cat_1_index\": 260, \"rankvar\": 629, \"cat_9_index\": 261, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 264, \"cat_3_index\": 260, \"cat_8_index\": 252, \"name\": \"THRAP3 phospho S243\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 267, \"rank\": 759, \"ini\": 836, \"cat_4_index\": 269, \"group\": [834.0, 766.0, 479.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 836, \"cat_0_index\": 261, \"cat_6_index\": 258, \"cat_2_index\": 262, \"cat_1_index\": 261, \"rankvar\": 232, \"cat_9_index\": 262, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 265, \"cat_3_index\": 261, \"cat_8_index\": 253, \"name\": \"LUC7L3 phospho T238\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 268, \"rank\": 528, \"ini\": 835, \"cat_4_index\": 270, \"group\": [835.0, 767.0, 479.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 834, \"cat_0_index\": 262, \"cat_6_index\": 259, \"cat_2_index\": 263, \"cat_1_index\": 262, \"rankvar\": 418, \"cat_9_index\": 263, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 266, \"cat_3_index\": 262, \"cat_8_index\": 254, \"name\": \"CTDSPL2 phospho S104\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 269, \"rank\": 85, \"ini\": 834, \"cat_4_index\": 271, \"group\": [836.0, 768.0, 479.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 833, \"cat_0_index\": 263, \"cat_6_index\": 260, \"cat_2_index\": 264, \"cat_1_index\": 263, \"rankvar\": 1070, \"cat_9_index\": 264, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 267, \"cat_3_index\": 263, \"cat_8_index\": 255, \"name\": \"PHF3 phospho S1952\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 270, \"rank\": 315, \"ini\": 833, \"cat_4_index\": 272, \"group\": [837.0, 769.0, 479.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 832, \"cat_0_index\": 264, \"cat_6_index\": 261, \"cat_2_index\": 265, \"cat_1_index\": 264, \"rankvar\": 1096, \"cat_9_index\": 265, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 268, \"cat_3_index\": 264, \"cat_8_index\": 256, \"name\": \"RBM15B phospho T631\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 271, \"rank\": 391, \"ini\": 832, \"cat_4_index\": 273, \"group\": [830.0, 763.0, 478.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 830, \"cat_0_index\": 265, \"cat_6_index\": 262, \"cat_2_index\": 266, \"cat_1_index\": 265, \"rankvar\": 172, \"cat_9_index\": 266, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 269, \"cat_3_index\": 265, \"cat_8_index\": 257, \"name\": \"SRRM1 phospho T220\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 272, \"rank\": 894, \"ini\": 831, \"cat_4_index\": 274, \"group\": [831.0, 764.0, 478.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 831, \"cat_0_index\": 266, \"cat_6_index\": 263, \"cat_2_index\": 267, \"cat_1_index\": 266, \"rankvar\": 1105, \"cat_9_index\": 267, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 270, \"cat_3_index\": 266, \"cat_8_index\": 258, \"name\": \"SRRM1 phospho S874\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 273, \"rank\": 106, \"ini\": 830, \"cat_4_index\": 275, \"group\": [832.0, 765.0, 478.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 829, \"cat_0_index\": 267, \"cat_6_index\": 264, \"cat_2_index\": 268, \"cat_1_index\": 267, \"rankvar\": 633, \"cat_9_index\": 268, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 271, \"cat_3_index\": 267, \"cat_8_index\": 259, \"name\": \"FRYL phospho T1959\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 274, \"rank\": 538, \"ini\": 829, \"cat_4_index\": 276, \"group\": [827.0, 760.0, 477.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 827, \"cat_0_index\": 268, \"cat_6_index\": 265, \"cat_2_index\": 269, \"cat_1_index\": 268, \"rankvar\": 1008, \"cat_9_index\": 269, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 272, \"cat_3_index\": 268, \"cat_8_index\": 260, \"name\": \"RPGR phospho S961\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 275, \"rank\": 507, \"ini\": 828, \"cat_4_index\": 277, \"group\": [828.0, 761.0, 477.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 828, \"cat_0_index\": 269, \"cat_6_index\": 266, \"cat_2_index\": 270, \"cat_1_index\": 269, \"rankvar\": 509, \"cat_9_index\": 270, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 273, \"cat_3_index\": 269, \"cat_8_index\": 261, \"name\": \"PCMTD2 phospho T274\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 276, \"rank\": 196, \"ini\": 827, \"cat_4_index\": 278, \"group\": [829.0, 762.0, 477.0, 200.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 826, \"cat_0_index\": 270, \"cat_6_index\": 267, \"cat_2_index\": 271, \"cat_1_index\": 270, \"rankvar\": 932, \"cat_9_index\": 271, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 274, \"cat_3_index\": 270, \"cat_8_index\": 262, \"name\": \"USP34 phospho S3406\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 277, \"rank\": 228, \"ini\": 826, \"cat_4_index\": 279, \"group\": [824.0, 757.0, 476.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 824, \"cat_0_index\": 271, \"cat_6_index\": 268, \"cat_2_index\": 272, \"cat_1_index\": 271, \"rankvar\": 304, \"cat_9_index\": 272, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 275, \"cat_3_index\": 271, \"cat_8_index\": 263, \"name\": \"WNK1 phospho S1978\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 278, \"rank\": 995, \"ini\": 825, \"cat_4_index\": 280, \"group\": [825.0, 758.0, 476.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 825, \"cat_0_index\": 1061, \"cat_6_index\": 269, \"cat_2_index\": 273, \"cat_1_index\": 1063, \"rankvar\": 602, \"cat_9_index\": 273, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 276, \"cat_3_index\": 1063, \"cat_8_index\": 264, \"name\": \"MAP2K2 phospho S293\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 279, \"rank\": 670, \"ini\": 824, \"cat_4_index\": 281, \"group\": [826.0, 759.0, 476.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 823, \"cat_0_index\": 272, \"cat_6_index\": 270, \"cat_2_index\": 274, \"cat_1_index\": 272, \"rankvar\": 312, \"cat_9_index\": 274, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 277, \"cat_3_index\": 272, \"cat_8_index\": 265, \"name\": \"SURF2 phospho T190\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 280, \"rank\": 646, \"ini\": 823, \"cat_4_index\": 282, \"group\": [818.0, 753.0, 475.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 821, \"cat_0_index\": 273, \"cat_6_index\": 271, \"cat_2_index\": 275, \"cat_1_index\": 273, \"rankvar\": 767, \"cat_9_index\": 275, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 278, \"cat_3_index\": 273, \"cat_8_index\": 266, \"name\": \"SART1 phospho S448\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 281, \"rank\": 411, \"ini\": 822, \"cat_4_index\": 283, \"group\": [819.0, 753.0, 475.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 822, \"cat_0_index\": 274, \"cat_6_index\": 272, \"cat_2_index\": 276, \"cat_1_index\": 274, \"rankvar\": 1019, \"cat_9_index\": 276, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 279, \"cat_3_index\": 274, \"cat_8_index\": 267, \"name\": \"RBM12B phospho S839\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 282, \"rank\": 714, \"ini\": 821, \"cat_4_index\": 284, \"group\": [820.0, 753.0, 475.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 820, \"cat_0_index\": 275, \"cat_6_index\": 273, \"cat_2_index\": 277, \"cat_1_index\": 275, \"rankvar\": 644, \"cat_9_index\": 277, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 280, \"cat_3_index\": 275, \"cat_8_index\": 268, \"name\": \"RSF1 phospho S1345\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 283, \"rank\": 942, \"ini\": 820, \"cat_4_index\": 285, \"group\": [821.0, 754.0, 475.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 819, \"cat_0_index\": 276, \"cat_6_index\": 274, \"cat_2_index\": 278, \"cat_1_index\": 276, \"rankvar\": 204, \"cat_9_index\": 278, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 281, \"cat_3_index\": 276, \"cat_8_index\": 269, \"name\": \"PHAX phospho S364\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 284, \"rank\": 303, \"ini\": 819, \"cat_4_index\": 286, \"group\": [822.0, 755.0, 475.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 818, \"cat_0_index\": 277, \"cat_6_index\": 275, \"cat_2_index\": 279, \"cat_1_index\": 277, \"rankvar\": 1009, \"cat_9_index\": 279, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 282, \"cat_3_index\": 277, \"cat_8_index\": 270, \"name\": \"MPRIP phospho S301\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 285, \"rank\": 1040, \"ini\": 818, \"cat_4_index\": 287, \"group\": [823.0, 756.0, 475.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 817, \"cat_0_index\": 278, \"cat_6_index\": 276, \"cat_2_index\": 280, \"cat_1_index\": 278, \"rankvar\": 328, \"cat_9_index\": 280, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 283, \"cat_3_index\": 278, \"cat_8_index\": 271, \"name\": \"KIAA0930 phospho T293\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 286, \"rank\": 542, \"ini\": 817, \"cat_4_index\": 288, \"group\": [815.0, 751.0, 474.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 815, \"cat_0_index\": 279, \"cat_6_index\": 277, \"cat_2_index\": 281, \"cat_1_index\": 279, \"rankvar\": 307, \"cat_9_index\": 281, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 284, \"cat_3_index\": 279, \"cat_8_index\": 272, \"name\": \"NUP98 phospho T670\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 287, \"rank\": 117, \"ini\": 816, \"cat_4_index\": 289, \"group\": [816.0, 751.0, 474.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 816, \"cat_0_index\": 280, \"cat_6_index\": 278, \"cat_2_index\": 282, \"cat_1_index\": 280, \"rankvar\": 322, \"cat_9_index\": 282, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 285, \"cat_3_index\": 280, \"cat_8_index\": 273, \"name\": \"FNBP4 phospho T479\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 288, \"rank\": 11, \"ini\": 815, \"cat_4_index\": 290, \"group\": [817.0, 752.0, 474.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 814, \"cat_0_index\": 281, \"cat_6_index\": 279, \"cat_2_index\": 283, \"cat_1_index\": 281, \"rankvar\": 848, \"cat_9_index\": 283, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 286, \"cat_3_index\": 281, \"cat_8_index\": 274, \"name\": \"BCLAF1 phospho S268\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 289, \"rank\": 39, \"ini\": 814, \"cat_4_index\": 291, \"group\": [813.0, 749.0, 474.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 812, \"cat_0_index\": 282, \"cat_6_index\": 280, \"cat_2_index\": 284, \"cat_1_index\": 282, \"rankvar\": 302, \"cat_9_index\": 284, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 287, \"cat_3_index\": 282, \"cat_8_index\": 275, \"name\": \"TCOF1 phospho T1358\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 290, \"rank\": 251, \"ini\": 813, \"cat_4_index\": 292, \"group\": [814.0, 750.0, 474.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 813, \"cat_0_index\": 283, \"cat_6_index\": 281, \"cat_2_index\": 285, \"cat_1_index\": 283, \"rankvar\": 292, \"cat_9_index\": 285, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 288, \"cat_3_index\": 283, \"cat_8_index\": 276, \"name\": \"NSRP1 phospho T275\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 291, \"rank\": 846, \"ini\": 812, \"cat_4_index\": 293, \"group\": [811.0, 747.0, 474.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 810, \"cat_0_index\": 284, \"cat_6_index\": 282, \"cat_2_index\": 286, \"cat_1_index\": 284, \"rankvar\": 233, \"cat_9_index\": 286, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 289, \"cat_3_index\": 284, \"cat_8_index\": 277, \"name\": \"RBMX phospho S208\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 292, \"rank\": 816, \"ini\": 811, \"cat_4_index\": 294, \"group\": [812.0, 748.0, 474.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 811, \"cat_0_index\": 285, \"cat_6_index\": 283, \"cat_2_index\": 287, \"cat_1_index\": 285, \"rankvar\": 264, \"cat_9_index\": 287, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 290, \"cat_3_index\": 285, \"cat_8_index\": 278, \"name\": \"DIDO1 phospho S1974\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 293, \"rank\": 494, \"ini\": 810, \"cat_4_index\": 295, \"group\": [807.0, 744.0, 473.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 808, \"cat_0_index\": 286, \"cat_6_index\": 284, \"cat_2_index\": 288, \"cat_1_index\": 286, \"rankvar\": 1027, \"cat_9_index\": 288, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 291, \"cat_3_index\": 286, \"cat_8_index\": 279, \"name\": \"PPP1R7 phospho S27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 294, \"rank\": 293, \"ini\": 809, \"cat_4_index\": 296, \"group\": [808.0, 744.0, 473.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 809, \"cat_0_index\": 287, \"cat_6_index\": 285, \"cat_2_index\": 289, \"cat_1_index\": 287, \"rankvar\": 1014, \"cat_9_index\": 289, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 292, \"cat_3_index\": 287, \"cat_8_index\": 280, \"name\": \"PPP1R7 phospho S24\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 295, \"rank\": 972, \"ini\": 808, \"cat_4_index\": 297, \"group\": [809.0, 745.0, 473.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 807, \"cat_0_index\": 288, \"cat_6_index\": 286, \"cat_2_index\": 290, \"cat_1_index\": 288, \"rankvar\": 685, \"cat_9_index\": 290, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 293, \"cat_3_index\": 288, \"cat_8_index\": 281, \"name\": \"ZDHHC5 phospho T348\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 296, \"rank\": 430, \"ini\": 807, \"cat_4_index\": 298, \"group\": [810.0, 746.0, 473.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 806, \"cat_0_index\": 289, \"cat_6_index\": 287, \"cat_2_index\": 291, \"cat_1_index\": 289, \"rankvar\": 265, \"cat_9_index\": 291, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 294, \"cat_3_index\": 289, \"cat_8_index\": 282, \"name\": \"MKI67IP phospho S247\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 297, \"rank\": 450, \"ini\": 806, \"cat_4_index\": 299, \"group\": [805.0, 742.0, 472.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 804, \"cat_0_index\": 1062, \"cat_6_index\": 288, \"cat_2_index\": 1064, \"cat_1_index\": 1064, \"rankvar\": 1059, \"cat_9_index\": 292, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 295, \"cat_3_index\": 1064, \"cat_8_index\": 283, \"name\": \"SPAG9 phospho S705\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 298, \"rank\": 967, \"ini\": 805, \"cat_4_index\": 300, \"group\": [806.0, 743.0, 472.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 805, \"cat_0_index\": 290, \"cat_6_index\": 289, \"cat_2_index\": 292, \"cat_1_index\": 290, \"rankvar\": 367, \"cat_9_index\": 293, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 296, \"cat_3_index\": 290, \"cat_8_index\": 284, \"name\": \"MICAL3 phospho S1221\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 299, \"rank\": 638, \"ini\": 804, \"cat_4_index\": 301, \"group\": [801.0, 738.0, 470.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 802, \"cat_0_index\": 291, \"cat_6_index\": 290, \"cat_2_index\": 293, \"cat_1_index\": 291, \"rankvar\": 762, \"cat_9_index\": 294, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 297, \"cat_3_index\": 291, \"cat_8_index\": 285, \"name\": \"PPIC\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 300, \"rank\": 684, \"ini\": 803, \"cat_4_index\": 302, \"group\": [802.0, 739.0, 470.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 803, \"cat_0_index\": 292, \"cat_6_index\": 291, \"cat_2_index\": 294, \"cat_1_index\": 292, \"rankvar\": 315, \"cat_9_index\": 295, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 298, \"cat_3_index\": 292, \"cat_8_index\": 286, \"name\": \"IK phospho T42\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 301, \"rank\": 167, \"ini\": 802, \"cat_4_index\": 303, \"group\": [803.0, 740.0, 470.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 801, \"cat_0_index\": 293, \"cat_6_index\": 292, \"cat_2_index\": 295, \"cat_1_index\": 293, \"rankvar\": 251, \"cat_9_index\": 296, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 299, \"cat_3_index\": 293, \"cat_8_index\": 287, \"name\": \"CDK13 phospho T494\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 302, \"rank\": 88, \"ini\": 801, \"cat_4_index\": 304, \"group\": [804.0, 741.0, 471.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 800, \"cat_0_index\": 294, \"cat_6_index\": 293, \"cat_2_index\": 296, \"cat_1_index\": 294, \"rankvar\": 54, \"cat_9_index\": 297, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 300, \"cat_3_index\": 294, \"cat_8_index\": 288, \"name\": \"SIN3B phospho T262\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 303, \"rank\": 409, \"ini\": 800, \"cat_4_index\": 305, \"group\": [798.0, 735.0, 469.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 798, \"cat_0_index\": 295, \"cat_6_index\": 294, \"cat_2_index\": 297, \"cat_1_index\": 295, \"rankvar\": 140, \"cat_9_index\": 298, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 301, \"cat_3_index\": 295, \"cat_8_index\": 289, \"name\": \"SRRM2 phospho S1329\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 304, \"rank\": 10, \"ini\": 799, \"cat_4_index\": 306, \"group\": [799.0, 736.0, 469.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 799, \"cat_0_index\": 296, \"cat_6_index\": 295, \"cat_2_index\": 298, \"cat_1_index\": 296, \"rankvar\": 717, \"cat_9_index\": 299, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 302, \"cat_3_index\": 296, \"cat_8_index\": 290, \"name\": \"SRGAP1 phospho S497\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 305, \"rank\": 564, \"ini\": 798, \"cat_4_index\": 307, \"group\": [800.0, 737.0, 469.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 797, \"cat_0_index\": 297, \"cat_6_index\": 296, \"cat_2_index\": 299, \"cat_1_index\": 297, \"rankvar\": 206, \"cat_9_index\": 300, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 303, \"cat_3_index\": 297, \"cat_8_index\": 291, \"name\": \"CCDC86 phospho S219\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 306, \"rank\": 837, \"ini\": 797, \"cat_4_index\": 308, \"group\": [796.0, 733.0, 468.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 795, \"cat_0_index\": 298, \"cat_6_index\": 297, \"cat_2_index\": 300, \"cat_1_index\": 298, \"rankvar\": 277, \"cat_9_index\": 301, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 304, \"cat_3_index\": 298, \"cat_8_index\": 1074, \"name\": \"PARD3 phospho T1347\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 307, \"rank\": 17, \"ini\": 796, \"cat_4_index\": 309, \"group\": [797.0, 734.0, 468.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 796, \"cat_0_index\": 299, \"cat_6_index\": 298, \"cat_2_index\": 301, \"cat_1_index\": 299, \"rankvar\": 375, \"cat_9_index\": 302, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 305, \"cat_3_index\": 299, \"cat_8_index\": 292, \"name\": \"IRF2BP1 phospho T377\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 308, \"rank\": 78, \"ini\": 795, \"cat_4_index\": 310, \"group\": [794.0, 731.0, 467.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 793, \"cat_0_index\": 300, \"cat_6_index\": 299, \"cat_2_index\": 302, \"cat_1_index\": 300, \"rankvar\": 331, \"cat_9_index\": 303, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 306, \"cat_3_index\": 300, \"cat_8_index\": 293, \"name\": \"RPLP2 phospho S64\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 309, \"rank\": 407, \"ini\": 794, \"cat_4_index\": 311, \"group\": [795.0, 732.0, 467.0, 199.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 794, \"cat_0_index\": 301, \"cat_6_index\": 300, \"cat_2_index\": 303, \"cat_1_index\": 301, \"rankvar\": 528, \"cat_9_index\": 304, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 307, \"cat_3_index\": 301, \"cat_8_index\": 294, \"name\": \"NCOR1 phospho S2120\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 310, \"rank\": 91, \"ini\": 793, \"cat_4_index\": 312, \"group\": [791.0, 728.0, 465.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 791, \"cat_0_index\": 302, \"cat_6_index\": 301, \"cat_2_index\": 304, \"cat_1_index\": 302, \"rankvar\": 575, \"cat_9_index\": 305, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 308, \"cat_3_index\": 302, \"cat_8_index\": 295, \"name\": \"SEPT9 phospho T49\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 311, \"rank\": 345, \"ini\": 792, \"cat_4_index\": 313, \"group\": [792.0, 729.0, 465.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 792, \"cat_0_index\": 303, \"cat_6_index\": 302, \"cat_2_index\": 305, \"cat_1_index\": 303, \"rankvar\": 585, \"cat_9_index\": 306, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 309, \"cat_3_index\": 303, \"cat_8_index\": 296, \"name\": \"FOXO1 phospho S256\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 312, \"rank\": 900, \"ini\": 791, \"cat_4_index\": 314, \"group\": [793.0, 730.0, 466.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 790, \"cat_0_index\": 304, \"cat_6_index\": 303, \"cat_2_index\": 306, \"cat_1_index\": 304, \"rankvar\": 1053, \"cat_9_index\": 307, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 310, \"cat_3_index\": 304, \"cat_8_index\": 297, \"name\": \"TAF15 phospho S180\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 313, \"rank\": 1042, \"ini\": 790, \"cat_4_index\": 315, \"group\": [788.0, 725.0, 464.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 788, \"cat_0_index\": 305, \"cat_6_index\": 304, \"cat_2_index\": 307, \"cat_1_index\": 305, \"rankvar\": 253, \"cat_9_index\": 308, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 311, \"cat_3_index\": 305, \"cat_8_index\": 298, \"name\": \"TANC1 phospho S1503\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 314, \"rank\": 520, \"ini\": 789, \"cat_4_index\": 316, \"group\": [789.0, 726.0, 464.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 789, \"cat_0_index\": 306, \"cat_6_index\": 305, \"cat_2_index\": 308, \"cat_1_index\": 306, \"rankvar\": 235, \"cat_9_index\": 309, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 312, \"cat_3_index\": 306, \"cat_8_index\": 299, \"name\": \"HNRNPK phospho Y280\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 315, \"rank\": 1095, \"ini\": 788, \"cat_4_index\": 317, \"group\": [790.0, 727.0, 464.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 787, \"cat_0_index\": 307, \"cat_6_index\": 306, \"cat_2_index\": 309, \"cat_1_index\": 307, \"rankvar\": 255, \"cat_9_index\": 310, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 313, \"cat_3_index\": 307, \"cat_8_index\": 300, \"name\": \"LASP1 phospho T104\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 316, \"rank\": 718, \"ini\": 787, \"cat_4_index\": 318, \"group\": [785.0, 722.0, 463.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 785, \"cat_0_index\": 308, \"cat_6_index\": 307, \"cat_2_index\": 310, \"cat_1_index\": 308, \"rankvar\": 748, \"cat_9_index\": 311, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 314, \"cat_3_index\": 308, \"cat_8_index\": 301, \"name\": \"MAF1 phospho S75\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1047, \"rank\": 271, \"ini\": 786, \"cat_4_index\": 1068, \"group\": [786.0, 723.0, 463.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 786, \"cat_0_index\": 309, \"cat_6_index\": 308, \"cat_2_index\": 311, \"cat_1_index\": 309, \"rankvar\": 250, \"cat_9_index\": 312, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 315, \"cat_3_index\": 309, \"cat_8_index\": 302, \"name\": \"EEF1G phospho T46\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 317, \"rank\": 52, \"ini\": 785, \"cat_4_index\": 319, \"group\": [787.0, 724.0, 463.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 784, \"cat_0_index\": 310, \"cat_6_index\": 309, \"cat_2_index\": 312, \"cat_1_index\": 310, \"rankvar\": 249, \"cat_9_index\": 313, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 316, \"cat_3_index\": 310, \"cat_8_index\": 303, \"name\": \"RNF213 phospho T303\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 318, \"rank\": 857, \"ini\": 784, \"cat_4_index\": 320, \"group\": [783.0, 720.0, 462.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 782, \"cat_0_index\": 311, \"cat_6_index\": 310, \"cat_2_index\": 313, \"cat_1_index\": 311, \"rankvar\": 599, \"cat_9_index\": 314, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 317, \"cat_3_index\": 311, \"cat_8_index\": 304, \"name\": \"TNKS1BP1 phospho S851\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 319, \"rank\": 408, \"ini\": 783, \"cat_4_index\": 321, \"group\": [784.0, 721.0, 462.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 783, \"cat_0_index\": 312, \"cat_6_index\": 311, \"cat_2_index\": 314, \"cat_1_index\": 312, \"rankvar\": 165, \"cat_9_index\": 315, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 318, \"cat_3_index\": 312, \"cat_8_index\": 305, \"name\": \"EHBP1L1 phospho S462\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 320, \"rank\": 917, \"ini\": 782, \"cat_4_index\": 322, \"group\": [781.0, 719.0, 462.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 780, \"cat_0_index\": 313, \"cat_6_index\": 312, \"cat_2_index\": 315, \"cat_1_index\": 313, \"rankvar\": 724, \"cat_9_index\": 1046, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 319, \"cat_3_index\": 313, \"cat_8_index\": 1075, \"name\": \"PDPK1 phospho T245\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 321, \"rank\": 384, \"ini\": 781, \"cat_4_index\": 323, \"group\": [782.0, 719.0, 462.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 781, \"cat_0_index\": 314, \"cat_6_index\": 313, \"cat_2_index\": 316, \"cat_1_index\": 314, \"rankvar\": 398, \"cat_9_index\": 1047, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 320, \"cat_3_index\": 314, \"cat_8_index\": 1076, \"name\": \"PDPK1 phospho S241\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 322, \"rank\": 673, \"ini\": 780, \"cat_4_index\": 324, \"group\": [777.0, 717.0, 461.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 778, \"cat_0_index\": 315, \"cat_6_index\": 314, \"cat_2_index\": 317, \"cat_1_index\": 315, \"rankvar\": 1052, \"cat_9_index\": 316, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 321, \"cat_3_index\": 315, \"cat_8_index\": 306, \"name\": \"LMNA phospho T409\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 323, \"rank\": 177, \"ini\": 779, \"cat_4_index\": 325, \"group\": [778.0, 717.0, 461.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 779, \"cat_0_index\": 316, \"cat_6_index\": 315, \"cat_2_index\": 318, \"cat_1_index\": 316, \"rankvar\": 910, \"cat_9_index\": 317, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 322, \"cat_3_index\": 316, \"cat_8_index\": 307, \"name\": \"LMNA phospho S407\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 324, \"rank\": 807, \"ini\": 778, \"cat_4_index\": 326, \"group\": [779.0, 717.0, 461.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 777, \"cat_0_index\": 317, \"cat_6_index\": 316, \"cat_2_index\": 319, \"cat_1_index\": 317, \"rankvar\": 332, \"cat_9_index\": 318, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 323, \"cat_3_index\": 317, \"cat_8_index\": 308, \"name\": \"LMNA phospho S414\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 325, \"rank\": 1005, \"ini\": 777, \"cat_4_index\": 327, \"group\": [780.0, 718.0, 461.0, 198.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 776, \"cat_0_index\": 318, \"cat_6_index\": 317, \"cat_2_index\": 320, \"cat_1_index\": 318, \"rankvar\": 261, \"cat_9_index\": 319, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 324, \"cat_3_index\": 318, \"cat_8_index\": 309, \"name\": \"LMNA phospho T24\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 326, \"rank\": 321, \"ini\": 776, \"cat_4_index\": 328, \"group\": [775.0, 715.0, 459.0, 197.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 774, \"cat_0_index\": 319, \"cat_6_index\": 318, \"cat_2_index\": 321, \"cat_1_index\": 319, \"rankvar\": 313, \"cat_9_index\": 320, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 325, \"cat_3_index\": 319, \"cat_8_index\": 310, \"name\": \"PACS1 phospho T504\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 327, \"rank\": 393, \"ini\": 775, \"cat_4_index\": 329, \"group\": [776.0, 716.0, 460.0, 197.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 775, \"cat_0_index\": 320, \"cat_6_index\": 319, \"cat_2_index\": 322, \"cat_1_index\": 320, \"rankvar\": 314, \"cat_9_index\": 321, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 326, \"cat_3_index\": 320, \"cat_8_index\": 311, \"name\": \"ARHGEF12 phospho T736\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 328, \"rank\": 922, \"ini\": 774, \"cat_4_index\": 330, \"group\": [773.0, 713.0, 457.0, 197.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 772, \"cat_0_index\": 321, \"cat_6_index\": 320, \"cat_2_index\": 323, \"cat_1_index\": 321, \"rankvar\": 427, \"cat_9_index\": 322, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 327, \"cat_3_index\": 321, \"cat_8_index\": 312, \"name\": \"USP8 phospho T577\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 329, \"rank\": 854, \"ini\": 773, \"cat_4_index\": 331, \"group\": [774.0, 714.0, 458.0, 197.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 773, \"cat_0_index\": 322, \"cat_6_index\": 321, \"cat_2_index\": 324, \"cat_1_index\": 322, \"rankvar\": 1094, \"cat_9_index\": 323, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 328, \"cat_3_index\": 322, \"cat_8_index\": 313, \"name\": \"C9orf142 phospho S148\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 330, \"rank\": 497, \"ini\": 772, \"cat_4_index\": 332, \"group\": [769.0, 710.0, 455.0, 195.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 770, \"cat_0_index\": 323, \"cat_6_index\": 322, \"cat_2_index\": 325, \"cat_1_index\": 323, \"rankvar\": 1028, \"cat_9_index\": 324, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 329, \"cat_3_index\": 323, \"cat_8_index\": 314, \"name\": \"RPS28 phospho T28\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 331, \"rank\": 832, \"ini\": 771, \"cat_4_index\": 333, \"group\": [770.0, 710.0, 455.0, 195.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 771, \"cat_0_index\": 324, \"cat_6_index\": 323, \"cat_2_index\": 326, \"cat_1_index\": 324, \"rankvar\": 856, \"cat_9_index\": 325, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 330, \"cat_3_index\": 324, \"cat_8_index\": 315, \"name\": \"RPS28 phospho S23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 332, \"rank\": 911, \"ini\": 770, \"cat_4_index\": 334, \"group\": [771.0, 711.0, 455.0, 195.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 769, \"cat_0_index\": 325, \"cat_6_index\": 324, \"cat_2_index\": 327, \"cat_1_index\": 325, \"rankvar\": 181, \"cat_9_index\": 326, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 331, \"cat_3_index\": 325, \"cat_8_index\": 316, \"name\": \"EIF3A phospho T574\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 333, \"rank\": 179, \"ini\": 769, \"cat_4_index\": 335, \"group\": [767.0, 708.0, 454.0, 195.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 767, \"cat_0_index\": 326, \"cat_6_index\": 325, \"cat_2_index\": 328, \"cat_1_index\": 326, \"rankvar\": 319, \"cat_9_index\": 327, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 332, \"cat_3_index\": 326, \"cat_8_index\": 317, \"name\": \"TXLNA phospho S218\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 334, \"rank\": 717, \"ini\": 768, \"cat_4_index\": 336, \"group\": [768.0, 709.0, 454.0, 195.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 768, \"cat_0_index\": 327, \"cat_6_index\": 326, \"cat_2_index\": 329, \"cat_1_index\": 327, \"rankvar\": 287, \"cat_9_index\": 328, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 333, \"cat_3_index\": 327, \"cat_8_index\": 318, \"name\": \"EPN1 phospho S473\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 335, \"rank\": 381, \"ini\": 767, \"cat_4_index\": 337, \"group\": [772.0, 712.0, 456.0, 196.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 766, \"cat_0_index\": 328, \"cat_6_index\": 327, \"cat_2_index\": 330, \"cat_1_index\": 328, \"rankvar\": 227, \"cat_9_index\": 329, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 334, \"cat_3_index\": 328, \"cat_8_index\": 319, \"name\": \"CASC3 phospho S66\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 336, \"rank\": 338, \"ini\": 766, \"cat_4_index\": 338, \"group\": [765.0, 706.0, 453.0, 194.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 764, \"cat_0_index\": 329, \"cat_6_index\": 328, \"cat_2_index\": 331, \"cat_1_index\": 329, \"rankvar\": 900, \"cat_9_index\": 330, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 335, \"cat_3_index\": 329, \"cat_8_index\": 320, \"name\": \"TACC3 phospho T59\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 337, \"rank\": 143, \"ini\": 765, \"cat_4_index\": 339, \"group\": [766.0, 707.0, 453.0, 194.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 765, \"cat_0_index\": 330, \"cat_6_index\": 329, \"cat_2_index\": 332, \"cat_1_index\": 330, \"rankvar\": 552, \"cat_9_index\": 331, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 336, \"cat_3_index\": 330, \"cat_8_index\": 321, \"name\": \"MKI67 phospho T844\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 338, \"rank\": 255, \"ini\": 764, \"cat_4_index\": 340, \"group\": [763.0, 704.0, 452.0, 194.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 762, \"cat_0_index\": 331, \"cat_6_index\": 330, \"cat_2_index\": 333, \"cat_1_index\": 331, \"rankvar\": 330, \"cat_9_index\": 332, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 337, \"cat_3_index\": 331, \"cat_8_index\": 322, \"name\": \"MTA2 phospho T534\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 339, \"rank\": 451, \"ini\": 763, \"cat_4_index\": 341, \"group\": [764.0, 705.0, 452.0, 194.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 763, \"cat_0_index\": 332, \"cat_6_index\": 331, \"cat_2_index\": 334, \"cat_1_index\": 332, \"rankvar\": 96, \"cat_9_index\": 333, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 338, \"cat_3_index\": 332, \"cat_8_index\": 323, \"name\": \"AHCTF1 phospho S1900\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1048, \"rank\": 200, \"ini\": 762, \"cat_4_index\": 1069, \"group\": [761.0, 702.0, 451.0, 194.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 760, \"cat_0_index\": 1063, \"cat_6_index\": 332, \"cat_2_index\": 335, \"cat_1_index\": 333, \"rankvar\": 1088, \"cat_9_index\": 334, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 339, \"cat_3_index\": 333, \"cat_8_index\": 324, \"name\": \"STMN1 phospho S38\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1049, \"rank\": 721, \"ini\": 761, \"cat_4_index\": 1070, \"group\": [762.0, 703.0, 451.0, 194.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 761, \"cat_0_index\": 1064, \"cat_6_index\": 333, \"cat_2_index\": 336, \"cat_1_index\": 334, \"rankvar\": 811, \"cat_9_index\": 335, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 340, \"cat_3_index\": 334, \"cat_8_index\": 325, \"name\": \"STMN1 phospho S25\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 340, \"rank\": 477, \"ini\": 760, \"cat_4_index\": 342, \"group\": [758.0, 699.0, 449.0, 194.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 758, \"cat_0_index\": 333, \"cat_6_index\": 334, \"cat_2_index\": 337, \"cat_1_index\": 335, \"rankvar\": 859, \"cat_9_index\": 336, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 341, \"cat_3_index\": 335, \"cat_8_index\": 326, \"name\": \"MSH6 phospho S14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 341, \"rank\": 127, \"ini\": 759, \"cat_4_index\": 343, \"group\": [759.0, 700.0, 449.0, 194.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 759, \"cat_0_index\": 334, \"cat_6_index\": 335, \"cat_2_index\": 338, \"cat_1_index\": 336, \"rankvar\": 653, \"cat_9_index\": 337, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 342, \"cat_3_index\": 336, \"cat_8_index\": 327, \"name\": \"ATN1 phospho S168\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 342, \"rank\": 1081, \"ini\": 758, \"cat_4_index\": 344, \"group\": [760.0, 701.0, 450.0, 194.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 757, \"cat_0_index\": 335, \"cat_6_index\": 336, \"cat_2_index\": 339, \"cat_1_index\": 337, \"rankvar\": 197, \"cat_9_index\": 338, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 343, \"cat_3_index\": 337, \"cat_8_index\": 328, \"name\": \"KDM3B phospho T614\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 343, \"rank\": 257, \"ini\": 757, \"cat_4_index\": 345, \"group\": [756.0, 697.0, 448.0, 193.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 755, \"cat_0_index\": 336, \"cat_6_index\": 337, \"cat_2_index\": 340, \"cat_1_index\": 338, \"rankvar\": 630, \"cat_9_index\": 339, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 344, \"cat_3_index\": 338, \"cat_8_index\": 329, \"name\": \"OXSR1 phospho T189\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 344, \"rank\": 356, \"ini\": 756, \"cat_4_index\": 346, \"group\": [757.0, 698.0, 448.0, 193.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 756, \"cat_0_index\": 337, \"cat_6_index\": 338, \"cat_2_index\": 341, \"cat_1_index\": 339, \"rankvar\": 480, \"cat_9_index\": 340, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 345, \"cat_3_index\": 339, \"cat_8_index\": 330, \"name\": \"MTOR phospho S2454\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 345, \"rank\": 632, \"ini\": 755, \"cat_4_index\": 347, \"group\": [754.0, 696.0, 447.0, 193.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 753, \"cat_0_index\": 338, \"cat_6_index\": 339, \"cat_2_index\": 342, \"cat_1_index\": 340, \"rankvar\": 1077, \"cat_9_index\": 341, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 346, \"cat_3_index\": 340, \"cat_8_index\": 331, \"name\": \"RPS6KA3 phospho Y234\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 346, \"rank\": 814, \"ini\": 754, \"cat_4_index\": 348, \"group\": [755.0, 696.0, 447.0, 193.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 754, \"cat_0_index\": 339, \"cat_6_index\": 340, \"cat_2_index\": 343, \"cat_1_index\": 341, \"rankvar\": 802, \"cat_9_index\": 342, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 347, \"cat_3_index\": 341, \"cat_8_index\": 332, \"name\": \"RPS6KA3 phospho T231\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 347, \"rank\": 574, \"ini\": 753, \"cat_4_index\": 349, \"group\": [752.0, 694.0, 446.0, 192.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 751, \"cat_0_index\": 340, \"cat_6_index\": 341, \"cat_2_index\": 344, \"cat_1_index\": 342, \"rankvar\": 821, \"cat_9_index\": 343, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 348, \"cat_3_index\": 342, \"cat_8_index\": 333, \"name\": \"SUPT5H phospho T791\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 348, \"rank\": 518, \"ini\": 752, \"cat_4_index\": 350, \"group\": [753.0, 695.0, 446.0, 192.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 752, \"cat_0_index\": 1065, \"cat_6_index\": 342, \"cat_2_index\": 1065, \"cat_1_index\": 1065, \"rankvar\": 305, \"cat_9_index\": 344, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 349, \"cat_3_index\": 1065, \"cat_8_index\": 334, \"name\": \"ARHGAP5 phospho S1124\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 349, \"rank\": 70, \"ini\": 751, \"cat_4_index\": 351, \"group\": [750.0, 693.0, 445.0, 192.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 749, \"cat_0_index\": 341, \"cat_6_index\": 343, \"cat_2_index\": 345, \"cat_1_index\": 343, \"rankvar\": 819, \"cat_9_index\": 345, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 350, \"cat_3_index\": 343, \"cat_8_index\": 335, \"name\": \"SUPT5H phospho Y787\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 350, \"rank\": 47, \"ini\": 750, \"cat_4_index\": 352, \"group\": [751.0, 693.0, 445.0, 192.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 750, \"cat_0_index\": 342, \"cat_6_index\": 344, \"cat_2_index\": 346, \"cat_1_index\": 344, \"rankvar\": 523, \"cat_9_index\": 346, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 351, \"cat_3_index\": 344, \"cat_8_index\": 336, \"name\": \"SUPT5H phospho T806\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 351, \"rank\": 815, \"ini\": 749, \"cat_4_index\": 353, \"group\": [747.0, 690.0, 444.0, 192.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 747, \"cat_0_index\": 343, \"cat_6_index\": 345, \"cat_2_index\": 347, \"cat_1_index\": 345, \"rankvar\": 446, \"cat_9_index\": 347, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 352, \"cat_3_index\": 345, \"cat_8_index\": 337, \"name\": \"IWS1 phospho T725\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 352, \"rank\": 82, \"ini\": 748, \"cat_4_index\": 354, \"group\": [748.0, 691.0, 444.0, 192.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 748, \"cat_0_index\": 344, \"cat_6_index\": 346, \"cat_2_index\": 348, \"cat_1_index\": 346, \"rankvar\": 520, \"cat_9_index\": 348, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 353, \"cat_3_index\": 346, \"cat_8_index\": 338, \"name\": \"CENPT phospho T27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 353, \"rank\": 780, \"ini\": 747, \"cat_4_index\": 355, \"group\": [749.0, 692.0, 444.0, 192.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 746, \"cat_0_index\": 345, \"cat_6_index\": 347, \"cat_2_index\": 349, \"cat_1_index\": 347, \"rankvar\": 290, \"cat_9_index\": 349, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 354, \"cat_3_index\": 347, \"cat_8_index\": 339, \"name\": \"EIF4G1 phospho T211\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 354, \"rank\": 735, \"ini\": 746, \"cat_4_index\": 356, \"group\": [745.0, 688.0, 443.0, 192.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 744, \"cat_0_index\": 346, \"cat_6_index\": 348, \"cat_2_index\": 350, \"cat_1_index\": 348, \"rankvar\": 491, \"cat_9_index\": 350, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 355, \"cat_3_index\": 348, \"cat_8_index\": 340, \"name\": \"EIF4G1 phospho T207\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 355, \"rank\": 152, \"ini\": 745, \"cat_4_index\": 357, \"group\": [746.0, 689.0, 443.0, 192.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 745, \"cat_0_index\": 347, \"cat_6_index\": 349, \"cat_2_index\": 351, \"cat_1_index\": 349, \"rankvar\": 1097, \"cat_9_index\": 351, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 356, \"cat_3_index\": 349, \"cat_8_index\": 341, \"name\": \"EIF4G1 phospho T205\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1050, \"rank\": 283, \"ini\": 744, \"cat_4_index\": 1071, \"group\": [742.0, 685.0, 442.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 742, \"cat_0_index\": 348, \"cat_6_index\": 350, \"cat_2_index\": 352, \"cat_1_index\": 350, \"rankvar\": 254, \"cat_9_index\": 352, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 357, \"cat_3_index\": 350, \"cat_8_index\": 342, \"name\": \"ZC3HAV1 phospho T393\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 356, \"rank\": 258, \"ini\": 743, \"cat_4_index\": 358, \"group\": [743.0, 686.0, 442.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 743, \"cat_0_index\": 349, \"cat_6_index\": 351, \"cat_2_index\": 353, \"cat_1_index\": 351, \"rankvar\": 308, \"cat_9_index\": 353, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 358, \"cat_3_index\": 351, \"cat_8_index\": 343, \"name\": \"TANK phospho T213\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 357, \"rank\": 180, \"ini\": 742, \"cat_4_index\": 359, \"group\": [744.0, 687.0, 442.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 741, \"cat_0_index\": 350, \"cat_6_index\": 352, \"cat_2_index\": 354, \"cat_1_index\": 352, \"rankvar\": 303, \"cat_9_index\": 354, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 359, \"cat_3_index\": 352, \"cat_8_index\": 344, \"name\": \"ARHGAP21 phospho T1073\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 358, \"rank\": 948, \"ini\": 741, \"cat_4_index\": 360, \"group\": [740.0, 683.0, 441.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 739, \"cat_0_index\": 351, \"cat_6_index\": 353, \"cat_2_index\": 355, \"cat_1_index\": 353, \"rankvar\": 272, \"cat_9_index\": 355, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 360, \"cat_3_index\": 353, \"cat_8_index\": 345, \"name\": \"FAM21C phospho T437\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 359, \"rank\": 21, \"ini\": 740, \"cat_4_index\": 361, \"group\": [741.0, 684.0, 441.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 740, \"cat_0_index\": 352, \"cat_6_index\": 354, \"cat_2_index\": 356, \"cat_1_index\": 354, \"rankvar\": 310, \"cat_9_index\": 356, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 361, \"cat_3_index\": 354, \"cat_8_index\": 346, \"name\": \"EIF2B4 phospho T86\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 360, \"rank\": 280, \"ini\": 739, \"cat_4_index\": 362, \"group\": [737.0, 680.0, 440.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 737, \"cat_0_index\": 353, \"cat_6_index\": 355, \"cat_2_index\": 357, \"cat_1_index\": 355, \"rankvar\": 284, \"cat_9_index\": 357, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 362, \"cat_3_index\": 355, \"cat_8_index\": 347, \"name\": \"PPP1R18 phospho T199\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 361, \"rank\": 675, \"ini\": 738, \"cat_4_index\": 363, \"group\": [738.0, 681.0, 440.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 738, \"cat_0_index\": 354, \"cat_6_index\": 356, \"cat_2_index\": 358, \"cat_1_index\": 356, \"rankvar\": 244, \"cat_9_index\": 358, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 363, \"cat_3_index\": 356, \"cat_8_index\": 348, \"name\": \"ANLN phospho S323\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 362, \"rank\": 980, \"ini\": 737, \"cat_4_index\": 364, \"group\": [739.0, 682.0, 440.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 736, \"cat_0_index\": 355, \"cat_6_index\": 357, \"cat_2_index\": 359, \"cat_1_index\": 357, \"rankvar\": 279, \"cat_9_index\": 359, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 364, \"cat_3_index\": 357, \"cat_8_index\": 349, \"name\": \"ZCCHC6 phospho T64\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 363, \"rank\": 331, \"ini\": 736, \"cat_4_index\": 365, \"group\": [734.0, 677.0, 438.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 734, \"cat_0_index\": 356, \"cat_6_index\": 358, \"cat_2_index\": 360, \"cat_1_index\": 358, \"rankvar\": 219, \"cat_9_index\": 360, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 365, \"cat_3_index\": 358, \"cat_8_index\": 350, \"name\": \"RITA1 phospho T93\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 364, \"rank\": 954, \"ini\": 735, \"cat_4_index\": 366, \"group\": [735.0, 678.0, 438.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 735, \"cat_0_index\": 357, \"cat_6_index\": 359, \"cat_2_index\": 361, \"cat_1_index\": 359, \"rankvar\": 266, \"cat_9_index\": 361, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 366, \"cat_3_index\": 359, \"cat_8_index\": 351, \"name\": \"FAM21A phospho T437\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 365, \"rank\": 1041, \"ini\": 734, \"cat_4_index\": 367, \"group\": [736.0, 679.0, 439.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 733, \"cat_0_index\": 358, \"cat_6_index\": 360, \"cat_2_index\": 362, \"cat_1_index\": 360, \"rankvar\": 326, \"cat_9_index\": 362, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 367, \"cat_3_index\": 360, \"cat_8_index\": 352, \"name\": \"TCOF1 phospho T974\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 366, \"rank\": 36, \"ini\": 733, \"cat_4_index\": 368, \"group\": [732.0, 675.0, 437.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 731, \"cat_0_index\": 359, \"cat_6_index\": 361, \"cat_2_index\": 363, \"cat_1_index\": 361, \"rankvar\": 496, \"cat_9_index\": 363, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 368, \"cat_3_index\": 361, \"cat_8_index\": 353, \"name\": \"VPRBP phospho T706\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 367, \"rank\": 301, \"ini\": 732, \"cat_4_index\": 369, \"group\": [733.0, 676.0, 437.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 732, \"cat_0_index\": 360, \"cat_6_index\": 362, \"cat_2_index\": 364, \"cat_1_index\": 362, \"rankvar\": 508, \"cat_9_index\": 364, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 369, \"cat_3_index\": 362, \"cat_8_index\": 354, \"name\": \"FBXL19 phospho T225\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 368, \"rank\": 1103, \"ini\": 731, \"cat_4_index\": 370, \"group\": [730.0, 673.0, 436.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 729, \"cat_0_index\": 361, \"cat_6_index\": 363, \"cat_2_index\": 365, \"cat_1_index\": 363, \"rankvar\": 576, \"cat_9_index\": 365, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 370, \"cat_3_index\": 363, \"cat_8_index\": 355, \"name\": \"DHX38 phospho T1217\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 369, \"rank\": 984, \"ini\": 730, \"cat_4_index\": 371, \"group\": [731.0, 674.0, 436.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 730, \"cat_0_index\": 362, \"cat_6_index\": 364, \"cat_2_index\": 366, \"cat_1_index\": 364, \"rankvar\": 352, \"cat_9_index\": 366, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 371, \"cat_3_index\": 364, \"cat_8_index\": 356, \"name\": \"CINP phospho T10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 370, \"rank\": 130, \"ini\": 729, \"cat_4_index\": 372, \"group\": [728.0, 671.0, 435.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 727, \"cat_0_index\": 363, \"cat_6_index\": 365, \"cat_2_index\": 367, \"cat_1_index\": 365, \"rankvar\": 834, \"cat_9_index\": 367, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 372, \"cat_3_index\": 365, \"cat_8_index\": 357, \"name\": \"USP6NL phospho S617\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 371, \"rank\": 609, \"ini\": 728, \"cat_4_index\": 373, \"group\": [729.0, 672.0, 435.0, 191.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 728, \"cat_0_index\": 364, \"cat_6_index\": 366, \"cat_2_index\": 368, \"cat_1_index\": 366, \"rankvar\": 241, \"cat_9_index\": 368, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 373, \"cat_3_index\": 366, \"cat_8_index\": 358, \"name\": \"PUF60 phospho T60\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 372, \"rank\": 467, \"ini\": 727, \"cat_4_index\": 374, \"group\": [725.0, 668.0, 433.0, 190.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 725, \"cat_0_index\": 365, \"cat_6_index\": 367, \"cat_2_index\": 369, \"cat_1_index\": 367, \"rankvar\": 775, \"cat_9_index\": 369, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 374, \"cat_3_index\": 367, \"cat_8_index\": 359, \"name\": \"WHSC1 phospho T544\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 373, \"rank\": 890, \"ini\": 726, \"cat_4_index\": 375, \"group\": [726.0, 669.0, 433.0, 190.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 726, \"cat_0_index\": 366, \"cat_6_index\": 368, \"cat_2_index\": 370, \"cat_1_index\": 368, \"rankvar\": 835, \"cat_9_index\": 370, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 375, \"cat_3_index\": 368, \"cat_8_index\": 360, \"name\": \"KIF18B phospho S645\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 374, \"rank\": 1098, \"ini\": 725, \"cat_4_index\": 376, \"group\": [727.0, 670.0, 434.0, 190.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 724, \"cat_0_index\": 367, \"cat_6_index\": 369, \"cat_2_index\": 371, \"cat_1_index\": 369, \"rankvar\": 639, \"cat_9_index\": 371, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 376, \"cat_3_index\": 369, \"cat_8_index\": 361, \"name\": \"MTA2 phospho S548\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 375, \"rank\": 432, \"ini\": 724, \"cat_4_index\": 377, \"group\": [722.0, 665.0, 431.0, 190.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 722, \"cat_0_index\": 368, \"cat_6_index\": 370, \"cat_2_index\": 372, \"cat_1_index\": 370, \"rankvar\": 519, \"cat_9_index\": 372, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 377, \"cat_3_index\": 370, \"cat_8_index\": 362, \"name\": \"SSBP3 phospho T360\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 376, \"rank\": 246, \"ini\": 723, \"cat_4_index\": 378, \"group\": [723.0, 666.0, 431.0, 190.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 723, \"cat_0_index\": 369, \"cat_6_index\": 371, \"cat_2_index\": 373, \"cat_1_index\": 371, \"rankvar\": 373, \"cat_9_index\": 373, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 378, \"cat_3_index\": 371, \"cat_8_index\": 363, \"name\": \"BRWD1 phospho T687\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 377, \"rank\": 98, \"ini\": 722, \"cat_4_index\": 379, \"group\": [724.0, 667.0, 432.0, 190.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 721, \"cat_0_index\": 370, \"cat_6_index\": 372, \"cat_2_index\": 374, \"cat_1_index\": 372, \"rankvar\": 176, \"cat_9_index\": 374, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 379, \"cat_3_index\": 372, \"cat_8_index\": 364, \"name\": \"SPEN phospho T1619\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 378, \"rank\": 115, \"ini\": 721, \"cat_4_index\": 380, \"group\": [719.0, 662.0, 428.0, 189.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 719, \"cat_0_index\": 371, \"cat_6_index\": 373, \"cat_2_index\": 375, \"cat_1_index\": 373, \"rankvar\": 202, \"cat_9_index\": 375, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 380, \"cat_3_index\": 373, \"cat_8_index\": 365, \"name\": \"RAI1 phospho T1136\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 379, \"rank\": 304, \"ini\": 720, \"cat_4_index\": 381, \"group\": [720.0, 663.0, 429.0, 189.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 720, \"cat_0_index\": 372, \"cat_6_index\": 374, \"cat_2_index\": 376, \"cat_1_index\": 374, \"rankvar\": 686, \"cat_9_index\": 376, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 381, \"cat_3_index\": 374, \"cat_8_index\": 366, \"name\": \"MDC1 phospho S1570\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 380, \"rank\": 1007, \"ini\": 719, \"cat_4_index\": 382, \"group\": [721.0, 664.0, 430.0, 189.0, 58.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 718, \"cat_0_index\": 373, \"cat_6_index\": 375, \"cat_2_index\": 377, \"cat_1_index\": 375, \"rankvar\": 110, \"cat_9_index\": 377, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 382, \"cat_3_index\": 375, \"cat_8_index\": 367, \"name\": \"CNN3 phospho S215\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 381, \"rank\": 100, \"ini\": 718, \"cat_4_index\": 383, \"group\": [714.0, 657.0, 425.0, 188.0, 57.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 716, \"cat_0_index\": 374, \"cat_6_index\": 376, \"cat_2_index\": 378, \"cat_1_index\": 376, \"rankvar\": 609, \"cat_9_index\": 378, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 383, \"cat_3_index\": 376, \"cat_8_index\": 368, \"name\": \"TNS3 phospho S850\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 382, \"rank\": 389, \"ini\": 717, \"cat_4_index\": 384, \"group\": [715.0, 658.0, 425.0, 188.0, 57.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 717, \"cat_0_index\": 375, \"cat_6_index\": 377, \"cat_2_index\": 379, \"cat_1_index\": 377, \"rankvar\": 723, \"cat_9_index\": 379, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 384, \"cat_3_index\": 377, \"cat_8_index\": 369, \"name\": \"MTMR10 phospho S751\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 383, \"rank\": 146, \"ini\": 716, \"cat_4_index\": 385, \"group\": [716.0, 659.0, 425.0, 188.0, 57.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 715, \"cat_0_index\": 376, \"cat_6_index\": 378, \"cat_2_index\": 380, \"cat_1_index\": 378, \"rankvar\": 226, \"cat_9_index\": 380, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 385, \"cat_3_index\": 378, \"cat_8_index\": 370, \"name\": \"MAF1 phospho S85\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 384, \"rank\": 1017, \"ini\": 715, \"cat_4_index\": 386, \"group\": [717.0, 660.0, 426.0, 188.0, 57.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 714, \"cat_0_index\": 377, \"cat_6_index\": 379, \"cat_2_index\": 381, \"cat_1_index\": 379, \"rankvar\": 461, \"cat_9_index\": 381, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 386, \"cat_3_index\": 379, \"cat_8_index\": 371, \"name\": \"MADD phospho S813\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 385, \"rank\": 448, \"ini\": 714, \"cat_4_index\": 387, \"group\": [718.0, 661.0, 427.0, 188.0, 57.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 713, \"cat_0_index\": 378, \"cat_6_index\": 380, \"cat_2_index\": 382, \"cat_1_index\": 380, \"rankvar\": 208, \"cat_9_index\": 382, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 387, \"cat_3_index\": 380, \"cat_8_index\": 372, \"name\": \"CTDP1 phospho T391\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 386, \"rank\": 946, \"ini\": 713, \"cat_4_index\": 388, \"group\": [711.0, 654.0, 422.0, 187.0, 57.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 711, \"cat_0_index\": 379, \"cat_6_index\": 381, \"cat_2_index\": 383, \"cat_1_index\": 381, \"rankvar\": 942, \"cat_9_index\": 383, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 388, \"cat_3_index\": 381, \"cat_8_index\": 373, \"name\": \"GULP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 387, \"rank\": 822, \"ini\": 712, \"cat_4_index\": 389, \"group\": [712.0, 655.0, 423.0, 187.0, 57.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 712, \"cat_0_index\": 380, \"cat_6_index\": 382, \"cat_2_index\": 384, \"cat_1_index\": 382, \"rankvar\": 259, \"cat_9_index\": 384, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 389, \"cat_3_index\": 382, \"cat_8_index\": 374, \"name\": \"FLVCR1 phospho T69\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 388, \"rank\": 858, \"ini\": 711, \"cat_4_index\": 390, \"group\": [713.0, 656.0, 424.0, 187.0, 57.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 710, \"cat_0_index\": 381, \"cat_6_index\": 383, \"cat_2_index\": 385, \"cat_1_index\": 383, \"rankvar\": 335, \"cat_9_index\": 385, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 390, \"cat_3_index\": 383, \"cat_8_index\": 375, \"name\": \"GOLGA3 phospho S878\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 389, \"rank\": 811, \"ini\": 710, \"cat_4_index\": 391, \"group\": [708.0, 651.0, 420.0, 186.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 708, \"cat_0_index\": 382, \"cat_6_index\": 384, \"cat_2_index\": 386, \"cat_1_index\": 384, \"rankvar\": 212, \"cat_9_index\": 386, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 391, \"cat_3_index\": 384, \"cat_8_index\": 376, \"name\": \"PRRC2C Rme1 R2719\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 390, \"rank\": 1070, \"ini\": 709, \"cat_4_index\": 392, \"group\": [709.0, 652.0, 420.0, 186.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 709, \"cat_0_index\": 383, \"cat_6_index\": 385, \"cat_2_index\": 387, \"cat_1_index\": 385, \"rankvar\": 237, \"cat_9_index\": 387, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 392, \"cat_3_index\": 385, \"cat_8_index\": 377, \"name\": \"CHTF8 Rme1 R494\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 391, \"rank\": 144, \"ini\": 708, \"cat_4_index\": 393, \"group\": [710.0, 653.0, 421.0, 186.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 707, \"cat_0_index\": 384, \"cat_6_index\": 386, \"cat_2_index\": 388, \"cat_1_index\": 386, \"rankvar\": 1025, \"cat_9_index\": 388, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 393, \"cat_3_index\": 386, \"cat_8_index\": 378, \"name\": \"CEP170 phospho S1019\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 392, \"rank\": 975, \"ini\": 707, \"cat_4_index\": 394, \"group\": [705.0, 648.0, 418.0, 185.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 705, \"cat_0_index\": 385, \"cat_6_index\": 387, \"cat_2_index\": 389, \"cat_1_index\": 387, \"rankvar\": 534, \"cat_9_index\": 389, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 394, \"cat_3_index\": 387, \"cat_8_index\": 379, \"name\": \"SIRT6 phospho S338\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 393, \"rank\": 560, \"ini\": 706, \"cat_4_index\": 395, \"group\": [706.0, 649.0, 418.0, 185.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 706, \"cat_0_index\": 386, \"cat_6_index\": 388, \"cat_2_index\": 390, \"cat_1_index\": 388, \"rankvar\": 236, \"cat_9_index\": 390, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 395, \"cat_3_index\": 388, \"cat_8_index\": 380, \"name\": \"MEF2D phospho S446\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 394, \"rank\": 878, \"ini\": 705, \"cat_4_index\": 396, \"group\": [707.0, 650.0, 419.0, 185.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 704, \"cat_0_index\": 387, \"cat_6_index\": 389, \"cat_2_index\": 391, \"cat_1_index\": 389, \"rankvar\": 454, \"cat_9_index\": 391, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 396, \"cat_3_index\": 389, \"cat_8_index\": 381, \"name\": \"KIDINS220 phospho S1555\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 395, \"rank\": 372, \"ini\": 704, \"cat_4_index\": 397, \"group\": [703.0, 646.0, 416.0, 184.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 702, \"cat_0_index\": 388, \"cat_6_index\": 390, \"cat_2_index\": 392, \"cat_1_index\": 390, \"rankvar\": 216, \"cat_9_index\": 392, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 397, \"cat_3_index\": 390, \"cat_8_index\": 382, \"name\": \"PRRC2A Rme1 R232\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 396, \"rank\": 61, \"ini\": 703, \"cat_4_index\": 398, \"group\": [704.0, 647.0, 417.0, 184.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 703, \"cat_0_index\": 1066, \"cat_6_index\": 1069, \"cat_2_index\": 1066, \"cat_1_index\": 1066, \"rankvar\": 177, \"cat_9_index\": 393, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 398, \"cat_3_index\": 1066, \"cat_8_index\": 383, \"name\": \"BAG4 Rme1 R108\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 397, \"rank\": 521, \"ini\": 702, \"cat_4_index\": 399, \"group\": [701.0, 644.0, 414.0, 183.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 700, \"cat_0_index\": 389, \"cat_6_index\": 391, \"cat_2_index\": 393, \"cat_1_index\": 391, \"rankvar\": 189, \"cat_9_index\": 394, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 399, \"cat_3_index\": 391, \"cat_8_index\": 384, \"name\": \"ZZEF1 phospho S1518\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 398, \"rank\": 183, \"ini\": 701, \"cat_4_index\": 400, \"group\": [702.0, 645.0, 415.0, 183.0, 56.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 701, \"cat_0_index\": 390, \"cat_6_index\": 392, \"cat_2_index\": 394, \"cat_1_index\": 392, \"rankvar\": 348, \"cat_9_index\": 1048, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 400, \"cat_3_index\": 392, \"cat_8_index\": 385, \"name\": \"AKAP10 phospho S187\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 399, \"rank\": 639, \"ini\": 700, \"cat_4_index\": 401, \"group\": [699.0, 642.0, 412.0, 182.0, 55.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 698, \"cat_0_index\": 391, \"cat_6_index\": 393, \"cat_2_index\": 395, \"cat_1_index\": 393, \"rankvar\": 419, \"cat_9_index\": 395, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 401, \"cat_3_index\": 393, \"cat_8_index\": 386, \"name\": \"C3orf14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 400, \"rank\": 478, \"ini\": 699, \"cat_4_index\": 402, \"group\": [700.0, 643.0, 413.0, 182.0, 55.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 699, \"cat_0_index\": 392, \"cat_6_index\": 394, \"cat_2_index\": 396, \"cat_1_index\": 394, \"rankvar\": 880, \"cat_9_index\": 396, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 402, \"cat_3_index\": 394, \"cat_8_index\": 387, \"name\": \"LMNB2 phospho T34\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 401, \"rank\": 1011, \"ini\": 698, \"cat_4_index\": 403, \"group\": [697.0, 640.0, 410.0, 181.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 696, \"cat_0_index\": 393, \"cat_6_index\": 395, \"cat_2_index\": 397, \"cat_1_index\": 395, \"rankvar\": 670, \"cat_9_index\": 397, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 403, \"cat_3_index\": 395, \"cat_8_index\": 388, \"name\": \"RAI1 phospho S1164\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 402, \"rank\": 369, \"ini\": 697, \"cat_4_index\": 404, \"group\": [698.0, 641.0, 411.0, 181.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 697, \"cat_0_index\": 394, \"cat_6_index\": 396, \"cat_2_index\": 398, \"cat_1_index\": 396, \"rankvar\": 718, \"cat_9_index\": 398, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 404, \"cat_3_index\": 396, \"cat_8_index\": 389, \"name\": \"NCBP1 phospho S7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 403, \"rank\": 480, \"ini\": 696, \"cat_4_index\": 405, \"group\": [695.0, 638.0, 409.0, 181.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 694, \"cat_0_index\": 395, \"cat_6_index\": 397, \"cat_2_index\": 399, \"cat_1_index\": 397, \"rankvar\": 607, \"cat_9_index\": 399, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 405, \"cat_3_index\": 397, \"cat_8_index\": 390, \"name\": \"PNN phospho T657\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 404, \"rank\": 882, \"ini\": 695, \"cat_4_index\": 406, \"group\": [696.0, 639.0, 409.0, 181.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 695, \"cat_0_index\": 396, \"cat_6_index\": 398, \"cat_2_index\": 400, \"cat_1_index\": 398, \"rankvar\": 985, \"cat_9_index\": 400, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 406, \"cat_3_index\": 398, \"cat_8_index\": 391, \"name\": \"ATF7 phospho T337\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 405, \"rank\": 99, \"ini\": 694, \"cat_4_index\": 407, \"group\": [691.0, 635.0, 408.0, 181.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 692, \"cat_0_index\": 397, \"cat_6_index\": 399, \"cat_2_index\": 401, \"cat_1_index\": 399, \"rankvar\": 806, \"cat_9_index\": 401, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 407, \"cat_3_index\": 399, \"cat_8_index\": 392, \"name\": \"TRIM33 phospho S1119\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 406, \"rank\": 313, \"ini\": 693, \"cat_4_index\": 408, \"group\": [692.0, 635.0, 408.0, 181.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 693, \"cat_0_index\": 398, \"cat_6_index\": 400, \"cat_2_index\": 402, \"cat_1_index\": 400, \"rankvar\": 525, \"cat_9_index\": 402, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 408, \"cat_3_index\": 400, \"cat_8_index\": 393, \"name\": \"IWS1 phospho S720\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 407, \"rank\": 1052, \"ini\": 692, \"cat_4_index\": 409, \"group\": [693.0, 636.0, 408.0, 181.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 691, \"cat_0_index\": 399, \"cat_6_index\": 401, \"cat_2_index\": 403, \"cat_1_index\": 401, \"rankvar\": 755, \"cat_9_index\": 403, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 409, \"cat_3_index\": 401, \"cat_8_index\": 394, \"name\": \"ATRX phospho S84\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 408, \"rank\": 188, \"ini\": 691, \"cat_4_index\": 410, \"group\": [694.0, 637.0, 408.0, 181.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 690, \"cat_0_index\": 400, \"cat_6_index\": 402, \"cat_2_index\": 404, \"cat_1_index\": 402, \"rankvar\": 799, \"cat_9_index\": 404, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 410, \"cat_3_index\": 402, \"cat_8_index\": 395, \"name\": \"WDR33 Rme1 R1035\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 409, \"rank\": 884, \"ini\": 690, \"cat_4_index\": 411, \"group\": [688.0, 633.0, 406.0, 180.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 688, \"cat_0_index\": 401, \"cat_6_index\": 403, \"cat_2_index\": 405, \"cat_1_index\": 403, \"rankvar\": 1104, \"cat_9_index\": 405, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 411, \"cat_3_index\": 403, \"cat_8_index\": 396, \"name\": \"PRKAA1 phospho Y500\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 410, \"rank\": 19, \"ini\": 689, \"cat_4_index\": 412, \"group\": [689.0, 633.0, 406.0, 180.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 689, \"cat_0_index\": 402, \"cat_6_index\": 404, \"cat_2_index\": 406, \"cat_1_index\": 404, \"rankvar\": 746, \"cat_9_index\": 406, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 412, \"cat_3_index\": 404, \"cat_8_index\": 397, \"name\": \"PRKAA1 phospho S496\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 411, \"rank\": 1012, \"ini\": 688, \"cat_4_index\": 413, \"group\": [690.0, 634.0, 407.0, 180.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 687, \"cat_0_index\": 403, \"cat_6_index\": 405, \"cat_2_index\": 407, \"cat_1_index\": 405, \"rankvar\": 733, \"cat_9_index\": 407, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 413, \"cat_3_index\": 405, \"cat_8_index\": 1077, \"name\": \"MLLT4 phospho S1799\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 412, \"rank\": 1031, \"ini\": 687, \"cat_4_index\": 414, \"group\": [686.0, 631.0, 405.0, 180.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 685, \"cat_0_index\": 404, \"cat_6_index\": 406, \"cat_2_index\": 408, \"cat_1_index\": 406, \"rankvar\": 626, \"cat_9_index\": 408, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 414, \"cat_3_index\": 406, \"cat_8_index\": 398, \"name\": \"PANK2 phospho S189\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 413, \"rank\": 627, \"ini\": 686, \"cat_4_index\": 415, \"group\": [687.0, 632.0, 405.0, 180.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 686, \"cat_0_index\": 405, \"cat_6_index\": 407, \"cat_2_index\": 409, \"cat_1_index\": 407, \"rankvar\": 678, \"cat_9_index\": 409, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 415, \"cat_3_index\": 407, \"cat_8_index\": 399, \"name\": \"ARHGEF12 phospho S1288\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 414, \"rank\": 1084, \"ini\": 685, \"cat_4_index\": 416, \"group\": [684.0, 629.0, 403.0, 179.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 683, \"cat_0_index\": 406, \"cat_6_index\": 408, \"cat_2_index\": 410, \"cat_1_index\": 408, \"rankvar\": 500, \"cat_9_index\": 410, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 416, \"cat_3_index\": 408, \"cat_8_index\": 400, \"name\": \"TCOF1 phospho S1350\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 415, \"rank\": 259, \"ini\": 684, \"cat_4_index\": 417, \"group\": [685.0, 630.0, 404.0, 179.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 684, \"cat_0_index\": 407, \"cat_6_index\": 1070, \"cat_2_index\": 411, \"cat_1_index\": 409, \"rankvar\": 262, \"cat_9_index\": 411, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1064, \"cat_3_index\": 409, \"cat_8_index\": 401, \"name\": \"KANK1 phospho T1334\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 416, \"rank\": 797, \"ini\": 683, \"cat_4_index\": 418, \"group\": [681.0, 626.0, 402.0, 178.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 681, \"cat_0_index\": 408, \"cat_6_index\": 409, \"cat_2_index\": 412, \"cat_1_index\": 410, \"rankvar\": 395, \"cat_9_index\": 412, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 417, \"cat_3_index\": 410, \"cat_8_index\": 402, \"name\": \"SMG1 phospho S3556\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 417, \"rank\": 414, \"ini\": 682, \"cat_4_index\": 419, \"group\": [682.0, 627.0, 402.0, 178.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 682, \"cat_0_index\": 409, \"cat_6_index\": 410, \"cat_2_index\": 413, \"cat_1_index\": 411, \"rankvar\": 347, \"cat_9_index\": 413, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 418, \"cat_3_index\": 411, \"cat_8_index\": 403, \"name\": \"PPP1R16A phospho S60\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 418, \"rank\": 420, \"ini\": 681, \"cat_4_index\": 420, \"group\": [683.0, 628.0, 402.0, 178.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 680, \"cat_0_index\": 410, \"cat_6_index\": 411, \"cat_2_index\": 414, \"cat_1_index\": 412, \"rankvar\": 875, \"cat_9_index\": 414, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 419, \"cat_3_index\": 412, \"cat_8_index\": 404, \"name\": \"PDXDC1 phospho S779\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 419, \"rank\": 35, \"ini\": 680, \"cat_4_index\": 421, \"group\": [678.0, 623.0, 399.0, 177.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 678, \"cat_0_index\": 411, \"cat_6_index\": 412, \"cat_2_index\": 415, \"cat_1_index\": 413, \"rankvar\": 443, \"cat_9_index\": 415, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 420, \"cat_3_index\": 413, \"cat_8_index\": 405, \"name\": \"TBC1D4 phospho S588\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 420, \"rank\": 771, \"ini\": 679, \"cat_4_index\": 422, \"group\": [679.0, 624.0, 400.0, 177.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 679, \"cat_0_index\": 412, \"cat_6_index\": 413, \"cat_2_index\": 416, \"cat_1_index\": 414, \"rankvar\": 167, \"cat_9_index\": 416, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 421, \"cat_3_index\": 414, \"cat_8_index\": 406, \"name\": \"CTDSPL2 phospho S9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 421, \"rank\": 292, \"ini\": 678, \"cat_4_index\": 423, \"group\": [680.0, 625.0, 401.0, 177.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 677, \"cat_0_index\": 413, \"cat_6_index\": 414, \"cat_2_index\": 417, \"cat_1_index\": 415, \"rankvar\": 655, \"cat_9_index\": 417, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 422, \"cat_3_index\": 415, \"cat_8_index\": 407, \"name\": \"SNIP1 phospho S128\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 422, \"rank\": 940, \"ini\": 677, \"cat_4_index\": 424, \"group\": [676.0, 621.0, 398.0, 176.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 675, \"cat_0_index\": 414, \"cat_6_index\": 415, \"cat_2_index\": 418, \"cat_1_index\": 416, \"rankvar\": 1065, \"cat_9_index\": 418, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 423, \"cat_3_index\": 416, \"cat_8_index\": 408, \"name\": \"ELMSAN1 phospho S461\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 423, \"rank\": 652, \"ini\": 676, \"cat_4_index\": 425, \"group\": [677.0, 622.0, 398.0, 176.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 676, \"cat_0_index\": 415, \"cat_6_index\": 416, \"cat_2_index\": 419, \"cat_1_index\": 417, \"rankvar\": 675, \"cat_9_index\": 419, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 424, \"cat_3_index\": 417, \"cat_8_index\": 409, \"name\": \"ANP32B phospho T244\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 424, \"rank\": 839, \"ini\": 675, \"cat_4_index\": 426, \"group\": [673.0, 618.0, 397.0, 176.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 673, \"cat_0_index\": 416, \"cat_6_index\": 417, \"cat_2_index\": 420, \"cat_1_index\": 418, \"rankvar\": 370, \"cat_9_index\": 420, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 425, \"cat_3_index\": 418, \"cat_8_index\": 410, \"name\": \"USP39 phospho S97\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 425, \"rank\": 740, \"ini\": 674, \"cat_4_index\": 427, \"group\": [674.0, 619.0, 397.0, 176.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 674, \"cat_0_index\": 417, \"cat_6_index\": 418, \"cat_2_index\": 421, \"cat_1_index\": 419, \"rankvar\": 7, \"cat_9_index\": 421, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 426, \"cat_3_index\": 419, \"cat_8_index\": 411, \"name\": \"FIP1L1 phospho S559\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 426, \"rank\": 1014, \"ini\": 673, \"cat_4_index\": 428, \"group\": [675.0, 620.0, 397.0, 176.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 672, \"cat_0_index\": 418, \"cat_6_index\": 419, \"cat_2_index\": 422, \"cat_1_index\": 420, \"rankvar\": 401, \"cat_9_index\": 422, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 427, \"cat_3_index\": 420, \"cat_8_index\": 412, \"name\": \"PUM1 phospho T112\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 427, \"rank\": 242, \"ini\": 672, \"cat_4_index\": 429, \"group\": [671.0, 616.0, 396.0, 176.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 670, \"cat_0_index\": 419, \"cat_6_index\": 420, \"cat_2_index\": 423, \"cat_1_index\": 421, \"rankvar\": 184, \"cat_9_index\": 423, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 428, \"cat_3_index\": 421, \"cat_8_index\": 413, \"name\": \"LARP1 phospho S1067\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 428, \"rank\": 484, \"ini\": 671, \"cat_4_index\": 430, \"group\": [672.0, 617.0, 396.0, 176.0, 54.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 671, \"cat_0_index\": 420, \"cat_6_index\": 421, \"cat_2_index\": 424, \"cat_1_index\": 422, \"rankvar\": 306, \"cat_9_index\": 424, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 429, \"cat_3_index\": 422, \"cat_8_index\": 414, \"name\": \"HDGF phospho S202\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 429, \"rank\": 490, \"ini\": 670, \"cat_4_index\": 431, \"group\": [669.0, 614.0, 394.0, 175.0, 53.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 668, \"cat_0_index\": 421, \"cat_6_index\": 422, \"cat_2_index\": 425, \"cat_1_index\": 423, \"rankvar\": 8, \"cat_9_index\": 425, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 430, \"cat_3_index\": 423, \"cat_8_index\": 415, \"name\": \"GOLGA3 phospho S107\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 430, \"rank\": 812, \"ini\": 669, \"cat_4_index\": 432, \"group\": [670.0, 615.0, 395.0, 175.0, 53.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 669, \"cat_0_index\": 422, \"cat_6_index\": 423, \"cat_2_index\": 426, \"cat_1_index\": 424, \"rankvar\": 1045, \"cat_9_index\": 426, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 431, \"cat_3_index\": 424, \"cat_8_index\": 416, \"name\": \"ARHGAP21 phospho S476\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 431, \"rank\": 234, \"ini\": 668, \"cat_4_index\": 433, \"group\": [666.0, 611.0, 393.0, 174.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 666, \"cat_0_index\": 423, \"cat_6_index\": 424, \"cat_2_index\": 427, \"cat_1_index\": 425, \"rankvar\": 289, \"cat_9_index\": 427, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 432, \"cat_3_index\": 425, \"cat_8_index\": 417, \"name\": \"AUP1 phospho S354\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 432, \"rank\": 296, \"ini\": 667, \"cat_4_index\": 434, \"group\": [667.0, 612.0, 393.0, 174.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 667, \"cat_0_index\": 424, \"cat_6_index\": 425, \"cat_2_index\": 428, \"cat_1_index\": 426, \"rankvar\": 242, \"cat_9_index\": 428, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 433, \"cat_3_index\": 426, \"cat_8_index\": 418, \"name\": \"ATXN2L phospho S559\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 433, \"rank\": 874, \"ini\": 666, \"cat_4_index\": 435, \"group\": [668.0, 613.0, 393.0, 174.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 665, \"cat_0_index\": 425, \"cat_6_index\": 426, \"cat_2_index\": 429, \"cat_1_index\": 427, \"rankvar\": 257, \"cat_9_index\": 429, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 434, \"cat_3_index\": 427, \"cat_8_index\": 419, \"name\": \"NONO phospho T450\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 434, \"rank\": 1044, \"ini\": 665, \"cat_4_index\": 436, \"group\": [664.0, 609.0, 392.0, 174.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 663, \"cat_0_index\": 426, \"cat_6_index\": 427, \"cat_2_index\": 430, \"cat_1_index\": 428, \"rankvar\": 247, \"cat_9_index\": 430, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 435, \"cat_3_index\": 428, \"cat_8_index\": 420, \"name\": \"USP6NL phospho S585\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 435, \"rank\": 772, \"ini\": 664, \"cat_4_index\": 437, \"group\": [665.0, 610.0, 392.0, 174.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 664, \"cat_0_index\": 427, \"cat_6_index\": 428, \"cat_2_index\": 431, \"cat_1_index\": 429, \"rankvar\": 455, \"cat_9_index\": 431, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 436, \"cat_3_index\": 429, \"cat_8_index\": 421, \"name\": \"PRR12 phospho T224\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1051, \"rank\": 1066, \"ini\": 663, \"cat_4_index\": 1072, \"group\": [662.0, 607.0, 391.0, 174.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 661, \"cat_0_index\": 428, \"cat_6_index\": 429, \"cat_2_index\": 432, \"cat_1_index\": 430, \"rankvar\": 955, \"cat_9_index\": 432, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 437, \"cat_3_index\": 430, \"cat_8_index\": 422, \"name\": \"STAT1 phospho S727\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 436, \"rank\": 765, \"ini\": 662, \"cat_4_index\": 438, \"group\": [663.0, 608.0, 391.0, 174.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 662, \"cat_0_index\": 429, \"cat_6_index\": 430, \"cat_2_index\": 433, \"cat_1_index\": 431, \"rankvar\": 561, \"cat_9_index\": 433, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 438, \"cat_3_index\": 431, \"cat_8_index\": 423, \"name\": \"RABEP1 phospho T480\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 437, \"rank\": 1, \"ini\": 661, \"cat_4_index\": 439, \"group\": [660.0, 605.0, 390.0, 174.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 659, \"cat_0_index\": 430, \"cat_6_index\": 431, \"cat_2_index\": 434, \"cat_1_index\": 432, \"rankvar\": 288, \"cat_9_index\": 434, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 439, \"cat_3_index\": 432, \"cat_8_index\": 424, \"name\": \"RBM26 phospho S127\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 438, \"rank\": 406, \"ini\": 660, \"cat_4_index\": 440, \"group\": [661.0, 606.0, 390.0, 174.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 660, \"cat_0_index\": 431, \"cat_6_index\": 432, \"cat_2_index\": 435, \"cat_1_index\": 433, \"rankvar\": 252, \"cat_9_index\": 435, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 440, \"cat_3_index\": 433, \"cat_8_index\": 425, \"name\": \"KANK2 phospho T168\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 439, \"rank\": 573, \"ini\": 659, \"cat_4_index\": 441, \"group\": [655.0, 600.0, 387.0, 173.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 657, \"cat_0_index\": 432, \"cat_6_index\": 433, \"cat_2_index\": 436, \"cat_1_index\": 434, \"rankvar\": 269, \"cat_9_index\": 436, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 441, \"cat_3_index\": 434, \"cat_8_index\": 426, \"name\": \"SPEN phospho T1140\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 440, \"rank\": 32, \"ini\": 658, \"cat_4_index\": 442, \"group\": [656.0, 601.0, 387.0, 173.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 658, \"cat_0_index\": 433, \"cat_6_index\": 434, \"cat_2_index\": 437, \"cat_1_index\": 435, \"rankvar\": 268, \"cat_9_index\": 437, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 442, \"cat_3_index\": 435, \"cat_8_index\": 427, \"name\": \"SPEN phospho S2101\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 441, \"rank\": 633, \"ini\": 657, \"cat_4_index\": 443, \"group\": [657.0, 602.0, 387.0, 173.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 656, \"cat_0_index\": 434, \"cat_6_index\": 435, \"cat_2_index\": 438, \"cat_1_index\": 436, \"rankvar\": 296, \"cat_9_index\": 438, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 443, \"cat_3_index\": 436, \"cat_8_index\": 428, \"name\": \"CCDC86 phospho S18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 442, \"rank\": 211, \"ini\": 656, \"cat_4_index\": 444, \"group\": [658.0, 603.0, 388.0, 173.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 655, \"cat_0_index\": 435, \"cat_6_index\": 436, \"cat_2_index\": 439, \"cat_1_index\": 437, \"rankvar\": 341, \"cat_9_index\": 439, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 444, \"cat_3_index\": 437, \"cat_8_index\": 429, \"name\": \"CUTC phospho S17\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 443, \"rank\": 625, \"ini\": 655, \"cat_4_index\": 445, \"group\": [659.0, 604.0, 389.0, 173.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 654, \"cat_0_index\": 436, \"cat_6_index\": 437, \"cat_2_index\": 440, \"cat_1_index\": 438, \"rankvar\": 19, \"cat_9_index\": 440, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 445, \"cat_3_index\": 438, \"cat_8_index\": 430, \"name\": \"CHD9 phospho S550\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 444, \"rank\": 297, \"ini\": 654, \"cat_4_index\": 446, \"group\": [652.0, 597.0, 384.0, 172.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 652, \"cat_0_index\": 437, \"cat_6_index\": 438, \"cat_2_index\": 441, \"cat_1_index\": 439, \"rankvar\": 774, \"cat_9_index\": 441, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 446, \"cat_3_index\": 439, \"cat_8_index\": 431, \"name\": \"TBC1D14 phospho S91\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1052, \"rank\": 604, \"ini\": 653, \"cat_4_index\": 447, \"group\": [653.0, 598.0, 385.0, 172.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 653, \"cat_0_index\": 438, \"cat_6_index\": 439, \"cat_2_index\": 442, \"cat_1_index\": 440, \"rankvar\": 614, \"cat_9_index\": 442, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1065, \"cat_3_index\": 440, \"cat_8_index\": 432, \"name\": \"NFKB1 phospho S903\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1053, \"rank\": 667, \"ini\": 652, \"cat_4_index\": 448, \"group\": [654.0, 599.0, 386.0, 172.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 651, \"cat_0_index\": 439, \"cat_6_index\": 440, \"cat_2_index\": 443, \"cat_1_index\": 441, \"rankvar\": 65, \"cat_9_index\": 443, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1066, \"cat_3_index\": 441, \"cat_8_index\": 433, \"name\": \"NFKB1 phospho S907\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 445, \"rank\": 711, \"ini\": 651, \"cat_4_index\": 449, \"group\": [650.0, 595.0, 382.0, 171.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 649, \"cat_0_index\": 440, \"cat_6_index\": 441, \"cat_2_index\": 444, \"cat_1_index\": 442, \"rankvar\": 800, \"cat_9_index\": 444, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 447, \"cat_3_index\": 442, \"cat_8_index\": 434, \"name\": \"EYA4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 446, \"rank\": 925, \"ini\": 650, \"cat_4_index\": 450, \"group\": [651.0, 596.0, 383.0, 171.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 650, \"cat_0_index\": 441, \"cat_6_index\": 442, \"cat_2_index\": 445, \"cat_1_index\": 443, \"rankvar\": 338, \"cat_9_index\": 445, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 448, \"cat_3_index\": 443, \"cat_8_index\": 435, \"name\": \"HIVEP1 phospho S537\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 447, \"rank\": 867, \"ini\": 649, \"cat_4_index\": 451, \"group\": [648.0, 593.0, 380.0, 170.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 647, \"cat_0_index\": 442, \"cat_6_index\": 443, \"cat_2_index\": 446, \"cat_1_index\": 444, \"rankvar\": 640, \"cat_9_index\": 446, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 449, \"cat_3_index\": 444, \"cat_8_index\": 436, \"name\": \"ZC3H7A phospho T210\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 448, \"rank\": 938, \"ini\": 648, \"cat_4_index\": 452, \"group\": [649.0, 594.0, 381.0, 170.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 648, \"cat_0_index\": 443, \"cat_6_index\": 444, \"cat_2_index\": 447, \"cat_1_index\": 445, \"rankvar\": 637, \"cat_9_index\": 447, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 450, \"cat_3_index\": 445, \"cat_8_index\": 437, \"name\": \"ARHGEF11 phospho T668\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 449, \"rank\": 140, \"ini\": 647, \"cat_4_index\": 453, \"group\": [645.0, 590.0, 378.0, 169.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 645, \"cat_0_index\": 444, \"cat_6_index\": 445, \"cat_2_index\": 448, \"cat_1_index\": 446, \"rankvar\": 239, \"cat_9_index\": 1049, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 451, \"cat_3_index\": 446, \"cat_8_index\": 438, \"name\": \"PRKAR2A phospho T54\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 450, \"rank\": 66, \"ini\": 646, \"cat_4_index\": 454, \"group\": [646.0, 591.0, 378.0, 169.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 646, \"cat_0_index\": 445, \"cat_6_index\": 446, \"cat_2_index\": 449, \"cat_1_index\": 447, \"rankvar\": 316, \"cat_9_index\": 448, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 452, \"cat_3_index\": 447, \"cat_8_index\": 439, \"name\": \"NUMA1 phospho S2003\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 451, \"rank\": 1108, \"ini\": 645, \"cat_4_index\": 455, \"group\": [647.0, 592.0, 379.0, 169.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 644, \"cat_0_index\": 446, \"cat_6_index\": 447, \"cat_2_index\": 450, \"cat_1_index\": 448, \"rankvar\": 211, \"cat_9_index\": 449, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 453, \"cat_3_index\": 448, \"cat_8_index\": 440, \"name\": \"GORASP2 phospho S441\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 452, \"rank\": 930, \"ini\": 644, \"cat_4_index\": 456, \"group\": [643.0, 588.0, 377.0, 168.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 642, \"cat_0_index\": 1067, \"cat_6_index\": 448, \"cat_2_index\": 1067, \"cat_1_index\": 1067, \"rankvar\": 164, \"cat_9_index\": 450, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 454, \"cat_3_index\": 1067, \"cat_8_index\": 441, \"name\": \"IRS2 Rme1 R412\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 453, \"rank\": 808, \"ini\": 643, \"cat_4_index\": 457, \"group\": [644.0, 589.0, 377.0, 168.0, 52.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 643, \"cat_0_index\": 1068, \"cat_6_index\": 449, \"cat_2_index\": 1068, \"cat_1_index\": 1068, \"rankvar\": 499, \"cat_9_index\": 451, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 455, \"cat_3_index\": 1068, \"cat_8_index\": 442, \"name\": \"IRS2 phospho T527\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 454, \"rank\": 705, \"ini\": 642, \"cat_4_index\": 458, \"group\": [640.0, 585.0, 375.0, 167.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 640, \"cat_0_index\": 447, \"cat_6_index\": 450, \"cat_2_index\": 451, \"cat_1_index\": 449, \"rankvar\": 693, \"cat_9_index\": 452, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 456, \"cat_3_index\": 449, \"cat_8_index\": 443, \"name\": \"RSRC2 phospho S104\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 455, \"rank\": 510, \"ini\": 641, \"cat_4_index\": 459, \"group\": [641.0, 586.0, 375.0, 167.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 641, \"cat_0_index\": 448, \"cat_6_index\": 451, \"cat_2_index\": 452, \"cat_1_index\": 450, \"rankvar\": 1029, \"cat_9_index\": 453, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 457, \"cat_3_index\": 450, \"cat_8_index\": 444, \"name\": \"EHBP1 phospho S1058\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1054, \"rank\": 821, \"ini\": 640, \"cat_4_index\": 1073, \"group\": [642.0, 587.0, 376.0, 167.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 639, \"cat_0_index\": 449, \"cat_6_index\": 452, \"cat_2_index\": 453, \"cat_1_index\": 451, \"rankvar\": 671, \"cat_9_index\": 454, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 458, \"cat_3_index\": 451, \"cat_8_index\": 445, \"name\": \"OAS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 456, \"rank\": 1101, \"ini\": 639, \"cat_4_index\": 460, \"group\": [636.0, 581.0, 373.0, 167.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 637, \"cat_0_index\": 450, \"cat_6_index\": 453, \"cat_2_index\": 454, \"cat_1_index\": 452, \"rankvar\": 886, \"cat_9_index\": 455, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 459, \"cat_3_index\": 452, \"cat_8_index\": 446, \"name\": \"CCDC68\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 457, \"rank\": 250, \"ini\": 638, \"cat_4_index\": 461, \"group\": [637.0, 582.0, 373.0, 167.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 638, \"cat_0_index\": 451, \"cat_6_index\": 454, \"cat_2_index\": 455, \"cat_1_index\": 453, \"rankvar\": 604, \"cat_9_index\": 456, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1067, \"cat_3_index\": 453, \"cat_8_index\": 447, \"name\": \"CFH\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 458, \"rank\": 114, \"ini\": 637, \"cat_4_index\": 462, \"group\": [638.0, 583.0, 373.0, 167.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 636, \"cat_0_index\": 452, \"cat_6_index\": 455, \"cat_2_index\": 456, \"cat_1_index\": 454, \"rankvar\": 1086, \"cat_9_index\": 457, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 460, \"cat_3_index\": 454, \"cat_8_index\": 448, \"name\": \"FAS\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 459, \"rank\": 683, \"ini\": 636, \"cat_4_index\": 463, \"group\": [639.0, 584.0, 374.0, 167.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 635, \"cat_0_index\": 453, \"cat_6_index\": 456, \"cat_2_index\": 457, \"cat_1_index\": 455, \"rankvar\": 687, \"cat_9_index\": 458, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 461, \"cat_3_index\": 455, \"cat_8_index\": 449, \"name\": \"SDPR\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 460, \"rank\": 24, \"ini\": 635, \"cat_4_index\": 464, \"group\": [634.0, 579.0, 371.0, 166.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 633, \"cat_0_index\": 454, \"cat_6_index\": 457, \"cat_2_index\": 458, \"cat_1_index\": 456, \"rankvar\": 159, \"cat_9_index\": 459, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 462, \"cat_3_index\": 456, \"cat_8_index\": 450, \"name\": \"PEX1 phospho S1216\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 461, \"rank\": 865, \"ini\": 634, \"cat_4_index\": 465, \"group\": [635.0, 580.0, 372.0, 166.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 634, \"cat_0_index\": 455, \"cat_6_index\": 458, \"cat_2_index\": 459, \"cat_1_index\": 457, \"rankvar\": 708, \"cat_9_index\": 460, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 463, \"cat_3_index\": 457, \"cat_8_index\": 451, \"name\": \"INF2 phospho S433\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 462, \"rank\": 426, \"ini\": 633, \"cat_4_index\": 466, \"group\": [630.0, 575.0, 368.0, 165.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 631, \"cat_0_index\": 456, \"cat_6_index\": 459, \"cat_2_index\": 460, \"cat_1_index\": 458, \"rankvar\": 246, \"cat_9_index\": 461, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 464, \"cat_3_index\": 458, \"cat_8_index\": 452, \"name\": \"CDC42EP4 phospho S174\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 463, \"rank\": 69, \"ini\": 632, \"cat_4_index\": 467, \"group\": [631.0, 576.0, 368.0, 165.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 632, \"cat_0_index\": 457, \"cat_6_index\": 460, \"cat_2_index\": 461, \"cat_1_index\": 459, \"rankvar\": 80, \"cat_9_index\": 462, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 465, \"cat_3_index\": 459, \"cat_8_index\": 453, \"name\": \"ATP1A1 phospho Y260\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 464, \"rank\": 186, \"ini\": 631, \"cat_4_index\": 468, \"group\": [632.0, 577.0, 369.0, 165.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 630, \"cat_0_index\": 458, \"cat_6_index\": 461, \"cat_2_index\": 462, \"cat_1_index\": 460, \"rankvar\": 939, \"cat_9_index\": 463, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 466, \"cat_3_index\": 460, \"cat_8_index\": 454, \"name\": \"AKAP13 Kme1 K1670\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 465, \"rank\": 1008, \"ini\": 630, \"cat_4_index\": 469, \"group\": [633.0, 578.0, 370.0, 165.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 629, \"cat_0_index\": 459, \"cat_6_index\": 462, \"cat_2_index\": 463, \"cat_1_index\": 461, \"rankvar\": 1061, \"cat_9_index\": 464, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 467, \"cat_3_index\": 461, \"cat_8_index\": 455, \"name\": \"METTL7B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 466, \"rank\": 804, \"ini\": 629, \"cat_4_index\": 470, \"group\": [628.0, 573.0, 366.0, 164.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 627, \"cat_0_index\": 460, \"cat_6_index\": 463, \"cat_2_index\": 464, \"cat_1_index\": 462, \"rankvar\": 325, \"cat_9_index\": 465, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 468, \"cat_3_index\": 462, \"cat_8_index\": 456, \"name\": \"SLC12A7 phospho S96\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 467, \"rank\": 385, \"ini\": 628, \"cat_4_index\": 471, \"group\": [629.0, 574.0, 367.0, 164.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 628, \"cat_0_index\": 461, \"cat_6_index\": 464, \"cat_2_index\": 465, \"cat_1_index\": 463, \"rankvar\": 62, \"cat_9_index\": 1050, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 469, \"cat_3_index\": 463, \"cat_8_index\": 457, \"name\": \"ALDOA phospho Y204\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1055, \"rank\": 1035, \"ini\": 627, \"cat_4_index\": 1074, \"group\": [625.0, 570.0, 365.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 625, \"cat_0_index\": 1069, \"cat_6_index\": 1071, \"cat_2_index\": 1069, \"cat_1_index\": 1069, \"rankvar\": 656, \"cat_9_index\": 1051, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1068, \"cat_3_index\": 1069, \"cat_8_index\": 458, \"name\": \"ITGA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 468, \"rank\": 80, \"ini\": 626, \"cat_4_index\": 472, \"group\": [626.0, 571.0, 365.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 626, \"cat_0_index\": 462, \"cat_6_index\": 465, \"cat_2_index\": 466, \"cat_1_index\": 464, \"rankvar\": 388, \"cat_9_index\": 466, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 470, \"cat_3_index\": 464, \"cat_8_index\": 459, \"name\": \"EREG\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1056, \"rank\": 416, \"ini\": 625, \"cat_4_index\": 1075, \"group\": [623.0, 569.0, 365.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 623, \"cat_0_index\": 1070, \"cat_6_index\": 466, \"cat_2_index\": 1070, \"cat_1_index\": 1070, \"rankvar\": 590, \"cat_9_index\": 1052, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1069, \"cat_3_index\": 1070, \"cat_8_index\": 460, \"name\": \"F2RL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 469, \"rank\": 1000, \"ini\": 624, \"cat_4_index\": 473, \"group\": [624.0, 569.0, 365.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 624, \"cat_0_index\": 463, \"cat_6_index\": 1072, \"cat_2_index\": 467, \"cat_1_index\": 465, \"rankvar\": 447, \"cat_9_index\": 1053, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1070, \"cat_3_index\": 465, \"cat_8_index\": 461, \"name\": \"PLAU\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 470, \"rank\": 1037, \"ini\": 623, \"cat_4_index\": 474, \"group\": [627.0, 572.0, 365.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 622, \"cat_0_index\": 464, \"cat_6_index\": 467, \"cat_2_index\": 468, \"cat_1_index\": 466, \"rankvar\": 994, \"cat_9_index\": 1054, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 471, \"cat_3_index\": 466, \"cat_8_index\": 462, \"name\": \"SERPINA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 471, \"rank\": 569, \"ini\": 622, \"cat_4_index\": 475, \"group\": [621.0, 567.0, 364.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 620, \"cat_0_index\": 465, \"cat_6_index\": 468, \"cat_2_index\": 469, \"cat_1_index\": 467, \"rankvar\": 634, \"cat_9_index\": 467, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1071, \"cat_3_index\": 467, \"cat_8_index\": 463, \"name\": \"CFB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 472, \"rank\": 245, \"ini\": 621, \"cat_4_index\": 476, \"group\": [622.0, 568.0, 364.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 621, \"cat_0_index\": 466, \"cat_6_index\": 469, \"cat_2_index\": 470, \"cat_1_index\": 468, \"rankvar\": 729, \"cat_9_index\": 468, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 472, \"cat_3_index\": 468, \"cat_8_index\": 464, \"name\": \"PDZK1IP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 473, \"rank\": 553, \"ini\": 620, \"cat_4_index\": 477, \"group\": [617.0, 564.0, 362.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 618, \"cat_0_index\": 467, \"cat_6_index\": 470, \"cat_2_index\": 471, \"cat_1_index\": 469, \"rankvar\": 544, \"cat_9_index\": 469, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 473, \"cat_3_index\": 469, \"cat_8_index\": 465, \"name\": \"CXCL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 474, \"rank\": 941, \"ini\": 619, \"cat_4_index\": 478, \"group\": [618.0, 564.0, 362.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 619, \"cat_0_index\": 468, \"cat_6_index\": 471, \"cat_2_index\": 472, \"cat_1_index\": 470, \"rankvar\": 807, \"cat_9_index\": 470, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 474, \"cat_3_index\": 470, \"cat_8_index\": 466, \"name\": \"CXCL2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 475, \"rank\": 722, \"ini\": 618, \"cat_4_index\": 479, \"group\": [619.0, 565.0, 362.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 617, \"cat_0_index\": 469, \"cat_6_index\": 472, \"cat_2_index\": 473, \"cat_1_index\": 471, \"rankvar\": 350, \"cat_9_index\": 471, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 475, \"cat_3_index\": 471, \"cat_8_index\": 467, \"name\": \"IL8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1057, \"rank\": 231, \"ini\": 617, \"cat_4_index\": 480, \"group\": [620.0, 566.0, 363.0, 163.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 616, \"cat_0_index\": 1071, \"cat_6_index\": 473, \"cat_2_index\": 1071, \"cat_1_index\": 1071, \"rankvar\": 549, \"cat_9_index\": 472, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 476, \"cat_3_index\": 1071, \"cat_8_index\": 468, \"name\": \"CCL20\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 476, \"rank\": 334, \"ini\": 616, \"cat_4_index\": 481, \"group\": [613.0, 561.0, 360.0, 162.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 614, \"cat_0_index\": 470, \"cat_6_index\": 474, \"cat_2_index\": 474, \"cat_1_index\": 472, \"rankvar\": 426, \"cat_9_index\": 473, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 477, \"cat_3_index\": 472, \"cat_8_index\": 469, \"name\": \"HLA-DRB1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 477, \"rank\": 413, \"ini\": 615, \"cat_4_index\": 482, \"group\": [614.0, 561.0, 360.0, 162.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 615, \"cat_0_index\": 471, \"cat_6_index\": 475, \"cat_2_index\": 475, \"cat_1_index\": 473, \"rankvar\": 589, \"cat_9_index\": 474, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 478, \"cat_3_index\": 473, \"cat_8_index\": 470, \"name\": \"HLA-DRA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 478, \"rank\": 953, \"ini\": 614, \"cat_4_index\": 483, \"group\": [615.0, 562.0, 360.0, 162.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 613, \"cat_0_index\": 472, \"cat_6_index\": 476, \"cat_2_index\": 476, \"cat_1_index\": 474, \"rankvar\": 937, \"cat_9_index\": 475, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 479, \"cat_3_index\": 474, \"cat_8_index\": 471, \"name\": \"HLA-DMA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 479, \"rank\": 523, \"ini\": 613, \"cat_4_index\": 484, \"group\": [616.0, 563.0, 361.0, 162.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 612, \"cat_0_index\": 473, \"cat_6_index\": 477, \"cat_2_index\": 477, \"cat_1_index\": 475, \"rankvar\": 663, \"cat_9_index\": 476, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 480, \"cat_3_index\": 475, \"cat_8_index\": 472, \"name\": \"ACSL5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 480, \"rank\": 606, \"ini\": 612, \"cat_4_index\": 485, \"group\": [610.0, 558.0, 358.0, 161.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 610, \"cat_0_index\": 474, \"cat_6_index\": 478, \"cat_2_index\": 478, \"cat_1_index\": 476, \"rankvar\": 822, \"cat_9_index\": 477, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1072, \"cat_3_index\": 476, \"cat_8_index\": 473, \"name\": \"CTSS\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 481, \"rank\": 901, \"ini\": 611, \"cat_4_index\": 486, \"group\": [611.0, 559.0, 358.0, 161.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 611, \"cat_0_index\": 475, \"cat_6_index\": 479, \"cat_2_index\": 479, \"cat_1_index\": 477, \"rankvar\": 948, \"cat_9_index\": 478, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 481, \"cat_3_index\": 477, \"cat_8_index\": 474, \"name\": \"CEACAM6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 482, \"rank\": 888, \"ini\": 610, \"cat_4_index\": 487, \"group\": [612.0, 560.0, 359.0, 161.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 609, \"cat_0_index\": 476, \"cat_6_index\": 480, \"cat_2_index\": 480, \"cat_1_index\": 478, \"rankvar\": 974, \"cat_9_index\": 479, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 482, \"cat_3_index\": 478, \"cat_8_index\": 475, \"name\": \"TNFSF10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 483, \"rank\": 959, \"ini\": 609, \"cat_4_index\": 488, \"group\": [607.0, 555.0, 356.0, 161.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 607, \"cat_0_index\": 477, \"cat_6_index\": 481, \"cat_2_index\": 481, \"cat_1_index\": 479, \"rankvar\": 1005, \"cat_9_index\": 480, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 483, \"cat_3_index\": 479, \"cat_8_index\": 476, \"name\": \"LCN2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 484, \"rank\": 567, \"ini\": 608, \"cat_4_index\": 489, \"group\": [608.0, 556.0, 356.0, 161.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 608, \"cat_0_index\": 478, \"cat_6_index\": 482, \"cat_2_index\": 482, \"cat_1_index\": 480, \"rankvar\": 423, \"cat_9_index\": 481, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 484, \"cat_3_index\": 480, \"cat_8_index\": 477, \"name\": \"KIAA1522 phospho S929\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 485, \"rank\": 272, \"ini\": 607, \"cat_4_index\": 490, \"group\": [609.0, 557.0, 357.0, 161.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 606, \"cat_0_index\": 479, \"cat_6_index\": 483, \"cat_2_index\": 483, \"cat_1_index\": 481, \"rankvar\": 648, \"cat_9_index\": 482, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 485, \"cat_3_index\": 481, \"cat_8_index\": 478, \"name\": \"KIF13B phospho S1410\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 486, \"rank\": 788, \"ini\": 606, \"cat_4_index\": 491, \"group\": [604.0, 552.0, 354.0, 161.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 604, \"cat_0_index\": 1072, \"cat_6_index\": 484, \"cat_2_index\": 1072, \"cat_1_index\": 1072, \"rankvar\": 1066, \"cat_9_index\": 483, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1073, \"cat_3_index\": 1072, \"cat_8_index\": 479, \"name\": \"PTGS2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 487, \"rank\": 119, \"ini\": 605, \"cat_4_index\": 492, \"group\": [605.0, 553.0, 354.0, 161.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 605, \"cat_0_index\": 480, \"cat_6_index\": 485, \"cat_2_index\": 484, \"cat_1_index\": 482, \"rankvar\": 435, \"cat_9_index\": 484, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 486, \"cat_3_index\": 482, \"cat_8_index\": 480, \"name\": \"SDR16C5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 488, \"rank\": 126, \"ini\": 604, \"cat_4_index\": 493, \"group\": [606.0, 554.0, 355.0, 161.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 603, \"cat_0_index\": 481, \"cat_6_index\": 486, \"cat_2_index\": 485, \"cat_1_index\": 483, \"rankvar\": 390, \"cat_9_index\": 485, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 487, \"cat_3_index\": 483, \"cat_8_index\": 481, \"name\": \"SLC6A14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 489, \"rank\": 1100, \"ini\": 603, \"cat_4_index\": 494, \"group\": [599.0, 547.0, 351.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 601, \"cat_0_index\": 1073, \"cat_6_index\": 1073, \"cat_2_index\": 1073, \"cat_1_index\": 1073, \"rankvar\": 560, \"cat_9_index\": 1055, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1074, \"cat_3_index\": 1073, \"cat_8_index\": 482, \"name\": \"THBS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 490, \"rank\": 506, \"ini\": 602, \"cat_4_index\": 495, \"group\": [600.0, 548.0, 351.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 602, \"cat_0_index\": 482, \"cat_6_index\": 487, \"cat_2_index\": 486, \"cat_1_index\": 484, \"rankvar\": 924, \"cat_9_index\": 486, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 488, \"cat_3_index\": 484, \"cat_8_index\": 483, \"name\": \"PRSS23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 491, \"rank\": 230, \"ini\": 601, \"cat_4_index\": 496, \"group\": [601.0, 549.0, 351.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 600, \"cat_0_index\": 483, \"cat_6_index\": 1074, \"cat_2_index\": 487, \"cat_1_index\": 485, \"rankvar\": 1076, \"cat_9_index\": 487, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 489, \"cat_3_index\": 485, \"cat_8_index\": 484, \"name\": \"PPP1R12A phospho S507\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 492, \"rank\": 1025, \"ini\": 600, \"cat_4_index\": 497, \"group\": [602.0, 550.0, 352.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 599, \"cat_0_index\": 1074, \"cat_6_index\": 1075, \"cat_2_index\": 1074, \"cat_1_index\": 1074, \"rankvar\": 949, \"cat_9_index\": 1056, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 490, \"cat_3_index\": 1074, \"cat_8_index\": 1078, \"name\": \"TGFB2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 493, \"rank\": 1093, \"ini\": 599, \"cat_4_index\": 498, \"group\": [603.0, 551.0, 353.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 598, \"cat_0_index\": 484, \"cat_6_index\": 488, \"cat_2_index\": 488, \"cat_1_index\": 486, \"rankvar\": 399, \"cat_9_index\": 488, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 491, \"cat_3_index\": 486, \"cat_8_index\": 485, \"name\": \"ADM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 494, \"rank\": 649, \"ini\": 598, \"cat_4_index\": 499, \"group\": [597.0, 545.0, 349.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 596, \"cat_0_index\": 485, \"cat_6_index\": 489, \"cat_2_index\": 489, \"cat_1_index\": 487, \"rankvar\": 705, \"cat_9_index\": 1057, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 492, \"cat_3_index\": 487, \"cat_8_index\": 486, \"name\": \"SLC16A3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 495, \"rank\": 435, \"ini\": 597, \"cat_4_index\": 500, \"group\": [598.0, 546.0, 350.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 597, \"cat_0_index\": 486, \"cat_6_index\": 490, \"cat_2_index\": 490, \"cat_1_index\": 488, \"rankvar\": 1091, \"cat_9_index\": 489, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 493, \"cat_3_index\": 488, \"cat_8_index\": 487, \"name\": \"AAK1 phospho T389\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 496, \"rank\": 592, \"ini\": 596, \"cat_4_index\": 501, \"group\": [593.0, 541.0, 347.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 594, \"cat_0_index\": 487, \"cat_6_index\": 491, \"cat_2_index\": 491, \"cat_1_index\": 489, \"rankvar\": 1092, \"cat_9_index\": 490, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 494, \"cat_3_index\": 489, \"cat_8_index\": 488, \"name\": \"CTGF\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 497, \"rank\": 86, \"ini\": 595, \"cat_4_index\": 502, \"group\": [594.0, 542.0, 347.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 595, \"cat_0_index\": 488, \"cat_6_index\": 492, \"cat_2_index\": 492, \"cat_1_index\": 490, \"rankvar\": 683, \"cat_9_index\": 491, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 495, \"cat_3_index\": 490, \"cat_8_index\": 489, \"name\": \"ERF phospho T526\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 498, \"rank\": 885, \"ini\": 594, \"cat_4_index\": 503, \"group\": [595.0, 543.0, 347.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 593, \"cat_0_index\": 489, \"cat_6_index\": 493, \"cat_2_index\": 493, \"cat_1_index\": 491, \"rankvar\": 855, \"cat_9_index\": 1058, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 496, \"cat_3_index\": 491, \"cat_8_index\": 490, \"name\": \"DOCK1 phospho S1743\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 499, \"rank\": 107, \"ini\": 593, \"cat_4_index\": 504, \"group\": [591.0, 539.0, 346.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 591, \"cat_0_index\": 490, \"cat_6_index\": 494, \"cat_2_index\": 494, \"cat_1_index\": 492, \"rankvar\": 1072, \"cat_9_index\": 492, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 497, \"cat_3_index\": 492, \"cat_8_index\": 491, \"name\": \"SEMA3C\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 500, \"rank\": 469, \"ini\": 592, \"cat_4_index\": 505, \"group\": [592.0, 540.0, 346.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 592, \"cat_0_index\": 491, \"cat_6_index\": 495, \"cat_2_index\": 495, \"cat_1_index\": 493, \"rankvar\": 1064, \"cat_9_index\": 493, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 498, \"cat_3_index\": 493, \"cat_8_index\": 492, \"name\": \"PLK2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 501, \"rank\": 1028, \"ini\": 591, \"cat_4_index\": 506, \"group\": [588.0, 537.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 589, \"cat_0_index\": 492, \"cat_6_index\": 1076, \"cat_2_index\": 496, \"cat_1_index\": 494, \"rankvar\": 593, \"cat_9_index\": 494, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 499, \"cat_3_index\": 494, \"cat_8_index\": 493, \"name\": \"EPHA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 502, \"rank\": 176, \"ini\": 590, \"cat_4_index\": 507, \"group\": [589.0, 537.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 590, \"cat_0_index\": 493, \"cat_6_index\": 496, \"cat_2_index\": 497, \"cat_1_index\": 495, \"rankvar\": 952, \"cat_9_index\": 495, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 500, \"cat_3_index\": 495, \"cat_8_index\": 494, \"name\": \"CCND1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 503, \"rank\": 1026, \"ini\": 589, \"cat_4_index\": 508, \"group\": [585.0, 536.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 587, \"cat_0_index\": 494, \"cat_6_index\": 497, \"cat_2_index\": 498, \"cat_1_index\": 496, \"rankvar\": 760, \"cat_9_index\": 496, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 501, \"cat_3_index\": 496, \"cat_8_index\": 495, \"name\": \"GPRC5A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 504, \"rank\": 220, \"ini\": 588, \"cat_4_index\": 509, \"group\": [586.0, 536.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 588, \"cat_0_index\": 495, \"cat_6_index\": 498, \"cat_2_index\": 499, \"cat_1_index\": 497, \"rankvar\": 968, \"cat_9_index\": 497, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 502, \"cat_3_index\": 497, \"cat_8_index\": 496, \"name\": \"C19orf33\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 505, \"rank\": 247, \"ini\": 587, \"cat_4_index\": 510, \"group\": [587.0, 536.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 586, \"cat_0_index\": 496, \"cat_6_index\": 499, \"cat_2_index\": 500, \"cat_1_index\": 498, \"rankvar\": 1006, \"cat_9_index\": 498, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 503, \"cat_3_index\": 498, \"cat_8_index\": 497, \"name\": \"C10orf47\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 506, \"rank\": 795, \"ini\": 586, \"cat_4_index\": 511, \"group\": [581.0, 534.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 584, \"cat_0_index\": 497, \"cat_6_index\": 500, \"cat_2_index\": 501, \"cat_1_index\": 499, \"rankvar\": 707, \"cat_9_index\": 499, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 504, \"cat_3_index\": 499, \"cat_8_index\": 498, \"name\": \"ZFP36L1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 507, \"rank\": 663, \"ini\": 585, \"cat_4_index\": 512, \"group\": [582.0, 534.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 585, \"cat_0_index\": 498, \"cat_6_index\": 501, \"cat_2_index\": 502, \"cat_1_index\": 500, \"rankvar\": 587, \"cat_9_index\": 500, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 505, \"cat_3_index\": 500, \"cat_8_index\": 499, \"name\": \"NCEH1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 508, \"rank\": 139, \"ini\": 584, \"cat_4_index\": 513, \"group\": [583.0, 534.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 583, \"cat_0_index\": 499, \"cat_6_index\": 502, \"cat_2_index\": 503, \"cat_1_index\": 501, \"rankvar\": 1078, \"cat_9_index\": 501, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 506, \"cat_3_index\": 501, \"cat_8_index\": 500, \"name\": \"SMAGP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 509, \"rank\": 1062, \"ini\": 583, \"cat_4_index\": 514, \"group\": [584.0, 535.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 582, \"cat_0_index\": 500, \"cat_6_index\": 503, \"cat_2_index\": 504, \"cat_1_index\": 502, \"rankvar\": 638, \"cat_9_index\": 502, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 507, \"cat_3_index\": 502, \"cat_8_index\": 501, \"name\": \"EMP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 510, \"rank\": 563, \"ini\": 582, \"cat_4_index\": 515, \"group\": [577.0, 532.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 580, \"cat_0_index\": 501, \"cat_6_index\": 504, \"cat_2_index\": 505, \"cat_1_index\": 503, \"rankvar\": 833, \"cat_9_index\": 503, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 508, \"cat_3_index\": 503, \"cat_8_index\": 502, \"name\": \"LATS2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 511, \"rank\": 97, \"ini\": 581, \"cat_4_index\": 516, \"group\": [578.0, 532.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 581, \"cat_0_index\": 502, \"cat_6_index\": 505, \"cat_2_index\": 506, \"cat_1_index\": 504, \"rankvar\": 1075, \"cat_9_index\": 504, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 509, \"cat_3_index\": 504, \"cat_8_index\": 503, \"name\": \"RRAS\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 512, \"rank\": 470, \"ini\": 580, \"cat_4_index\": 517, \"group\": [579.0, 532.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 579, \"cat_0_index\": 503, \"cat_6_index\": 506, \"cat_2_index\": 507, \"cat_1_index\": 505, \"rankvar\": 368, \"cat_9_index\": 505, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 510, \"cat_3_index\": 505, \"cat_8_index\": 504, \"name\": \"CRIM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 513, \"rank\": 530, \"ini\": 579, \"cat_4_index\": 518, \"group\": [575.0, 532.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 577, \"cat_0_index\": 504, \"cat_6_index\": 507, \"cat_2_index\": 508, \"cat_1_index\": 506, \"rankvar\": 1002, \"cat_9_index\": 506, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1075, \"cat_3_index\": 506, \"cat_8_index\": 505, \"name\": \"TNFRSF12A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 514, \"rank\": 163, \"ini\": 578, \"cat_4_index\": 519, \"group\": [576.0, 532.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 578, \"cat_0_index\": 1075, \"cat_6_index\": 1077, \"cat_2_index\": 1075, \"cat_1_index\": 1075, \"rankvar\": 553, \"cat_9_index\": 507, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 511, \"cat_3_index\": 1075, \"cat_8_index\": 506, \"name\": \"CYR61\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 515, \"rank\": 660, \"ini\": 577, \"cat_4_index\": 520, \"group\": [573.0, 532.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 575, \"cat_0_index\": 505, \"cat_6_index\": 508, \"cat_2_index\": 509, \"cat_1_index\": 507, \"rankvar\": 485, \"cat_9_index\": 508, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 512, \"cat_3_index\": 507, \"cat_8_index\": 507, \"name\": \"LOC100507507\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 516, \"rank\": 170, \"ini\": 576, \"cat_4_index\": 521, \"group\": [574.0, 532.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 576, \"cat_0_index\": 506, \"cat_6_index\": 509, \"cat_2_index\": 510, \"cat_1_index\": 508, \"rankvar\": 1018, \"cat_9_index\": 509, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 513, \"cat_3_index\": 508, \"cat_8_index\": 508, \"name\": \"GPX8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 517, \"rank\": 270, \"ini\": 575, \"cat_4_index\": 522, \"group\": [580.0, 533.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 574, \"cat_0_index\": 507, \"cat_6_index\": 510, \"cat_2_index\": 511, \"cat_1_index\": 509, \"rankvar\": 726, \"cat_9_index\": 510, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 514, \"cat_3_index\": 509, \"cat_8_index\": 509, \"name\": \"ITGB5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 518, \"rank\": 774, \"ini\": 574, \"cat_4_index\": 523, \"group\": [568.0, 530.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 572, \"cat_0_index\": 508, \"cat_6_index\": 511, \"cat_2_index\": 512, \"cat_1_index\": 510, \"rankvar\": 608, \"cat_9_index\": 511, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 515, \"cat_3_index\": 510, \"cat_8_index\": 510, \"name\": \"CAV2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 519, \"rank\": 943, \"ini\": 573, \"cat_4_index\": 524, \"group\": [569.0, 530.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 573, \"cat_0_index\": 509, \"cat_6_index\": 512, \"cat_2_index\": 513, \"cat_1_index\": 511, \"rankvar\": 541, \"cat_9_index\": 1059, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1076, \"cat_3_index\": 511, \"cat_8_index\": 511, \"name\": \"CAV1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 520, \"rank\": 737, \"ini\": 572, \"cat_4_index\": 525, \"group\": [570.0, 530.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 571, \"cat_0_index\": 510, \"cat_6_index\": 513, \"cat_2_index\": 514, \"cat_1_index\": 512, \"rankvar\": 696, \"cat_9_index\": 512, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1077, \"cat_3_index\": 512, \"cat_8_index\": 512, \"name\": \"ANXA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 521, \"rank\": 1076, \"ini\": 571, \"cat_4_index\": 526, \"group\": [565.0, 530.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 569, \"cat_0_index\": 511, \"cat_6_index\": 514, \"cat_2_index\": 515, \"cat_1_index\": 513, \"rankvar\": 356, \"cat_9_index\": 513, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 516, \"cat_3_index\": 513, \"cat_8_index\": 513, \"name\": \"YAP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 522, \"rank\": 2, \"ini\": 570, \"cat_4_index\": 527, \"group\": [566.0, 530.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 570, \"cat_0_index\": 512, \"cat_6_index\": 515, \"cat_2_index\": 516, \"cat_1_index\": 514, \"rankvar\": 1102, \"cat_9_index\": 514, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 517, \"cat_3_index\": 514, \"cat_8_index\": 514, \"name\": \"MYOF\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 523, \"rank\": 378, \"ini\": 569, \"cat_4_index\": 528, \"group\": [567.0, 530.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 568, \"cat_0_index\": 513, \"cat_6_index\": 1078, \"cat_2_index\": 517, \"cat_1_index\": 515, \"rankvar\": 842, \"cat_9_index\": 515, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 518, \"cat_3_index\": 515, \"cat_8_index\": 515, \"name\": \"S100A10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1058, \"rank\": 914, \"ini\": 568, \"cat_4_index\": 529, \"group\": [563.0, 530.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 566, \"cat_0_index\": 514, \"cat_6_index\": 516, \"cat_2_index\": 518, \"cat_1_index\": 516, \"rankvar\": 905, \"cat_9_index\": 516, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1078, \"cat_3_index\": 516, \"cat_8_index\": 516, \"name\": \"TNFRSF1A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 524, \"rank\": 264, \"ini\": 567, \"cat_4_index\": 530, \"group\": [564.0, 530.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 567, \"cat_0_index\": 515, \"cat_6_index\": 517, \"cat_2_index\": 519, \"cat_1_index\": 517, \"rankvar\": 679, \"cat_9_index\": 517, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1079, \"cat_3_index\": 517, \"cat_8_index\": 517, \"name\": \"OSMR\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 525, \"rank\": 533, \"ini\": 566, \"cat_4_index\": 531, \"group\": [571.0, 530.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 565, \"cat_0_index\": 516, \"cat_6_index\": 518, \"cat_2_index\": 520, \"cat_1_index\": 518, \"rankvar\": 672, \"cat_9_index\": 518, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 519, \"cat_3_index\": 518, \"cat_8_index\": 518, \"name\": \"DRAM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 526, \"rank\": 1039, \"ini\": 565, \"cat_4_index\": 532, \"group\": [572.0, 531.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 564, \"cat_0_index\": 517, \"cat_6_index\": 519, \"cat_2_index\": 521, \"cat_1_index\": 519, \"rankvar\": 384, \"cat_9_index\": 519, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 520, \"cat_3_index\": 519, \"cat_8_index\": 519, \"name\": \"WWTR1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 527, \"rank\": 184, \"ini\": 564, \"cat_4_index\": 533, \"group\": [561.0, 529.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 562, \"cat_0_index\": 518, \"cat_6_index\": 520, \"cat_2_index\": 522, \"cat_1_index\": 520, \"rankvar\": 1015, \"cat_9_index\": 520, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 521, \"cat_3_index\": 520, \"cat_8_index\": 520, \"name\": \"RAB32\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 528, \"rank\": 252, \"ini\": 563, \"cat_4_index\": 534, \"group\": [562.0, 529.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 563, \"cat_0_index\": 519, \"cat_6_index\": 521, \"cat_2_index\": 523, \"cat_1_index\": 521, \"rankvar\": 977, \"cat_9_index\": 521, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 522, \"cat_3_index\": 521, \"cat_8_index\": 521, \"name\": \"UPP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 529, \"rank\": 87, \"ini\": 562, \"cat_4_index\": 535, \"group\": [559.0, 528.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 560, \"cat_0_index\": 520, \"cat_6_index\": 522, \"cat_2_index\": 524, \"cat_1_index\": 522, \"rankvar\": 987, \"cat_9_index\": 522, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 523, \"cat_3_index\": 522, \"cat_8_index\": 522, \"name\": \"GPR126\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1059, \"rank\": 529, \"ini\": 561, \"cat_4_index\": 1076, \"group\": [560.0, 528.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 561, \"cat_0_index\": 521, \"cat_6_index\": 523, \"cat_2_index\": 525, \"cat_1_index\": 523, \"rankvar\": 853, \"cat_9_index\": 523, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 524, \"cat_3_index\": 523, \"cat_8_index\": 523, \"name\": \"MICA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 530, \"rank\": 442, \"ini\": 560, \"cat_4_index\": 536, \"group\": [557.0, 527.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 558, \"cat_0_index\": 522, \"cat_6_index\": 524, \"cat_2_index\": 526, \"cat_1_index\": 524, \"rankvar\": 978, \"cat_9_index\": 524, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 525, \"cat_3_index\": 524, \"cat_8_index\": 1079, \"name\": \"AJUBA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 531, \"rank\": 132, \"ini\": 559, \"cat_4_index\": 537, \"group\": [558.0, 527.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 559, \"cat_0_index\": 523, \"cat_6_index\": 525, \"cat_2_index\": 527, \"cat_1_index\": 525, \"rankvar\": 1100, \"cat_9_index\": 525, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 526, \"cat_3_index\": 525, \"cat_8_index\": 1080, \"name\": \"AJUBA phospho S69\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 532, \"rank\": 674, \"ini\": 558, \"cat_4_index\": 538, \"group\": [590.0, 538.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 557, \"cat_0_index\": 524, \"cat_6_index\": 526, \"cat_2_index\": 528, \"cat_1_index\": 526, \"rankvar\": 776, \"cat_9_index\": 526, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 527, \"cat_3_index\": 526, \"cat_8_index\": 524, \"name\": \"MYOF phospho S731\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 533, \"rank\": 976, \"ini\": 557, \"cat_4_index\": 539, \"group\": [555.0, 525.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 555, \"cat_0_index\": 525, \"cat_6_index\": 527, \"cat_2_index\": 529, \"cat_1_index\": 527, \"rankvar\": 898, \"cat_9_index\": 527, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 528, \"cat_3_index\": 527, \"cat_8_index\": 525, \"name\": \"AHNAK2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 534, \"rank\": 243, \"ini\": 556, \"cat_4_index\": 540, \"group\": [556.0, 526.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 556, \"cat_0_index\": 526, \"cat_6_index\": 528, \"cat_2_index\": 530, \"cat_1_index\": 528, \"rankvar\": 861, \"cat_9_index\": 528, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 529, \"cat_3_index\": 528, \"cat_8_index\": 526, \"name\": \"TRIM6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 535, \"rank\": 576, \"ini\": 555, \"cat_4_index\": 541, \"group\": [552.0, 523.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 553, \"cat_0_index\": 527, \"cat_6_index\": 529, \"cat_2_index\": 531, \"cat_1_index\": 529, \"rankvar\": 820, \"cat_9_index\": 529, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1080, \"cat_3_index\": 529, \"cat_8_index\": 527, \"name\": \"NT5E\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1060, \"rank\": 668, \"ini\": 554, \"cat_4_index\": 1077, \"group\": [553.0, 523.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 554, \"cat_0_index\": 528, \"cat_6_index\": 530, \"cat_2_index\": 532, \"cat_1_index\": 530, \"rankvar\": 641, \"cat_9_index\": 530, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 530, \"cat_3_index\": 530, \"cat_8_index\": 528, \"name\": \"FOSL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 536, \"rank\": 1091, \"ini\": 553, \"cat_4_index\": 542, \"group\": [554.0, 524.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 552, \"cat_0_index\": 529, \"cat_6_index\": 531, \"cat_2_index\": 533, \"cat_1_index\": 531, \"rankvar\": 369, \"cat_9_index\": 531, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 531, \"cat_3_index\": 531, \"cat_8_index\": 529, \"name\": \"DKK1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 537, \"rank\": 276, \"ini\": 552, \"cat_4_index\": 543, \"group\": [550.0, 522.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 550, \"cat_0_index\": 530, \"cat_6_index\": 532, \"cat_2_index\": 534, \"cat_1_index\": 532, \"rankvar\": 893, \"cat_9_index\": 1060, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 532, \"cat_3_index\": 532, \"cat_8_index\": 530, \"name\": \"TIMP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 538, \"rank\": 749, \"ini\": 551, \"cat_4_index\": 544, \"group\": [551.0, 522.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 551, \"cat_0_index\": 531, \"cat_6_index\": 1079, \"cat_2_index\": 535, \"cat_1_index\": 533, \"rankvar\": 669, \"cat_9_index\": 532, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 533, \"cat_3_index\": 533, \"cat_8_index\": 531, \"name\": \"LGALS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 539, \"rank\": 351, \"ini\": 550, \"cat_4_index\": 545, \"group\": [548.0, 520.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 548, \"cat_0_index\": 532, \"cat_6_index\": 533, \"cat_2_index\": 536, \"cat_1_index\": 534, \"rankvar\": 596, \"cat_9_index\": 533, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 534, \"cat_3_index\": 534, \"cat_8_index\": 532, \"name\": \"SLC25A43\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 540, \"rank\": 631, \"ini\": 549, \"cat_4_index\": 546, \"group\": [549.0, 521.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 549, \"cat_0_index\": 533, \"cat_6_index\": 534, \"cat_2_index\": 537, \"cat_1_index\": 535, \"rankvar\": 727, \"cat_9_index\": 534, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 535, \"cat_3_index\": 535, \"cat_8_index\": 533, \"name\": \"PLA2G16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 541, \"rank\": 427, \"ini\": 548, \"cat_4_index\": 547, \"group\": [545.0, 517.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 546, \"cat_0_index\": 534, \"cat_6_index\": 535, \"cat_2_index\": 538, \"cat_1_index\": 536, \"rankvar\": 830, \"cat_9_index\": 535, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

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\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 536, \"cat_3_index\": 536, \"cat_8_index\": 534, \"name\": \"RNF135\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 542, \"rank\": 341, \"ini\": 547, \"cat_4_index\": 548, \"group\": [546.0, 518.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 547, \"cat_0_index\": 535, \"cat_6_index\": 536, \"cat_2_index\": 539, \"cat_1_index\": 537, \"rankvar\": 668, \"cat_9_index\": 536, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 537, \"cat_3_index\": 537, \"cat_8_index\": 535, \"name\": \"PYGL\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 543, \"rank\": 691, \"ini\": 546, \"cat_4_index\": 549, \"group\": [547.0, 519.0, 345.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 545, \"cat_0_index\": 536, \"cat_6_index\": 537, \"cat_2_index\": 540, \"cat_1_index\": 538, \"rankvar\": 877, \"cat_9_index\": 537, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 538, \"cat_3_index\": 538, \"cat_8_index\": 536, \"name\": \"RAB31\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 544, \"rank\": 9, \"ini\": 545, \"cat_4_index\": 550, \"group\": [543.0, 515.0, 344.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 543, \"cat_0_index\": 537, \"cat_6_index\": 538, \"cat_2_index\": 541, \"cat_1_index\": 539, \"rankvar\": 919, \"cat_9_index\": 538, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 539, \"cat_3_index\": 539, \"cat_8_index\": 537, \"name\": \"LOC100288911\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 545, \"rank\": 1072, \"ini\": 544, \"cat_4_index\": 551, \"group\": [544.0, 516.0, 344.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 544, \"cat_0_index\": 538, \"cat_6_index\": 539, \"cat_2_index\": 542, \"cat_1_index\": 540, \"rankvar\": 514, \"cat_9_index\": 539, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 540, \"cat_3_index\": 540, \"cat_8_index\": 538, \"name\": \"PTRF\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 546, \"rank\": 1061, \"ini\": 543, \"cat_4_index\": 552, \"group\": [540.0, 512.0, 344.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 541, \"cat_0_index\": 539, \"cat_6_index\": 540, \"cat_2_index\": 543, \"cat_1_index\": 541, \"rankvar\": 818, \"cat_9_index\": 540, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 541, \"cat_3_index\": 541, \"cat_8_index\": 539, \"name\": \"CTSL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 547, \"rank\": 915, \"ini\": 542, \"cat_4_index\": 553, \"group\": [541.0, 513.0, 344.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 542, \"cat_0_index\": 540, \"cat_6_index\": 541, \"cat_2_index\": 544, \"cat_1_index\": 542, \"rankvar\": 402, \"cat_9_index\": 1061, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 542, \"cat_3_index\": 542, \"cat_8_index\": 540, \"name\": \"PAPSS2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 548, \"rank\": 879, \"ini\": 541, \"cat_4_index\": 554, \"group\": [542.0, 514.0, 344.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 540, \"cat_0_index\": 541, \"cat_6_index\": 542, \"cat_2_index\": 545, \"cat_1_index\": 543, \"rankvar\": 697, \"cat_9_index\": 541, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 543, \"cat_3_index\": 543, \"cat_8_index\": 541, \"name\": \"PMP22\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 549, \"rank\": 655, \"ini\": 540, \"cat_4_index\": 555, \"group\": [537.0, 509.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 538, \"cat_0_index\": 542, \"cat_6_index\": 543, \"cat_2_index\": 546, \"cat_1_index\": 544, \"rankvar\": 1103, \"cat_9_index\": 542, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 544, \"cat_3_index\": 544, \"cat_8_index\": 542, \"name\": \"ABCC3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 550, \"rank\": 809, \"ini\": 539, \"cat_4_index\": 556, \"group\": [538.0, 510.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 539, \"cat_0_index\": 543, \"cat_6_index\": 544, \"cat_2_index\": 547, \"cat_1_index\": 545, \"rankvar\": 913, \"cat_9_index\": 543, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 545, \"cat_3_index\": 545, \"cat_8_index\": 543, \"name\": \"SQRDL\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 551, \"rank\": 159, \"ini\": 538, \"cat_4_index\": 557, \"group\": [539.0, 511.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 537, \"cat_0_index\": 1076, \"cat_6_index\": 545, \"cat_2_index\": 1076, \"cat_1_index\": 1076, \"rankvar\": 421, \"cat_9_index\": 544, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1081, \"cat_3_index\": 1076, \"cat_8_index\": 544, \"name\": \"EDN1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 552, \"rank\": 402, \"ini\": 537, \"cat_4_index\": 558, \"group\": [534.0, 507.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 535, \"cat_0_index\": 544, \"cat_6_index\": 546, \"cat_2_index\": 548, \"cat_1_index\": 546, \"rankvar\": 540, \"cat_9_index\": 545, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 546, \"cat_3_index\": 546, \"cat_8_index\": 545, \"name\": \"TCIRG1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1061, \"rank\": 227, \"ini\": 536, \"cat_4_index\": 559, \"group\": [535.0, 507.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 536, \"cat_0_index\": 545, \"cat_6_index\": 547, \"cat_2_index\": 549, \"cat_1_index\": 547, \"rankvar\": 579, \"cat_9_index\": 546, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1082, \"cat_3_index\": 547, \"cat_8_index\": 546, \"name\": \"IER3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 553, \"rank\": 37, \"ini\": 535, \"cat_4_index\": 560, \"group\": [536.0, 508.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 534, \"cat_0_index\": 546, \"cat_6_index\": 548, \"cat_2_index\": 550, \"cat_1_index\": 548, \"rankvar\": 527, \"cat_9_index\": 1062, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 547, \"cat_3_index\": 548, \"cat_8_index\": 547, \"name\": \"TFPI\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 554, \"rank\": 549, \"ini\": 534, \"cat_4_index\": 561, \"group\": [532.0, 505.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 532, \"cat_0_index\": 1077, \"cat_6_index\": 549, \"cat_2_index\": 1077, \"cat_1_index\": 1077, \"rankvar\": 690, \"cat_9_index\": 547, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 548, \"cat_3_index\": 1077, \"cat_8_index\": 548, \"name\": \"MET\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 555, \"rank\": 1004, \"ini\": 533, \"cat_4_index\": 562, \"group\": [533.0, 506.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 533, \"cat_0_index\": 1078, \"cat_6_index\": 550, \"cat_2_index\": 1078, \"cat_1_index\": 1078, \"rankvar\": 902, \"cat_9_index\": 548, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 549, \"cat_3_index\": 1078, \"cat_8_index\": 549, \"name\": \"NRP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 556, \"rank\": 1034, \"ini\": 532, \"cat_4_index\": 563, \"group\": [530.0, 503.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 530, \"cat_0_index\": 547, \"cat_6_index\": 1080, \"cat_2_index\": 551, \"cat_1_index\": 549, \"rankvar\": 809, \"cat_9_index\": 549, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 550, \"cat_3_index\": 549, \"cat_8_index\": 550, \"name\": \"TGFBI\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 557, \"rank\": 836, \"ini\": 531, \"cat_4_index\": 564, \"group\": [531.0, 504.0, 343.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 531, \"cat_0_index\": 548, \"cat_6_index\": 551, \"cat_2_index\": 552, \"cat_1_index\": 550, \"rankvar\": 621, \"cat_9_index\": 550, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 551, \"cat_3_index\": 550, \"cat_8_index\": 551, \"name\": \"RAI14 phospho T297\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 558, \"rank\": 1046, \"ini\": 530, \"cat_4_index\": 565, \"group\": [528.0, 501.0, 342.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 528, \"cat_0_index\": 549, \"cat_6_index\": 552, \"cat_2_index\": 553, \"cat_1_index\": 551, \"rankvar\": 1035, \"cat_9_index\": 551, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 552, \"cat_3_index\": 551, \"cat_8_index\": 552, \"name\": \"ERRFI1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 559, \"rank\": 923, \"ini\": 529, \"cat_4_index\": 566, \"group\": [529.0, 502.0, 342.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 529, \"cat_0_index\": 550, \"cat_6_index\": 553, \"cat_2_index\": 554, \"cat_1_index\": 552, \"rankvar\": 878, \"cat_9_index\": 552, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 553, \"cat_3_index\": 552, \"cat_8_index\": 553, \"name\": \"C15orf48\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 560, \"rank\": 590, \"ini\": 528, \"cat_4_index\": 567, \"group\": [526.0, 499.0, 342.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 526, \"cat_0_index\": 551, \"cat_6_index\": 554, \"cat_2_index\": 555, \"cat_1_index\": 553, \"rankvar\": 915, \"cat_9_index\": 553, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 554, \"cat_3_index\": 553, \"cat_8_index\": 1081, \"name\": \"CLDN1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 561, \"rank\": 27, \"ini\": 527, \"cat_4_index\": 568, \"group\": [527.0, 500.0, 342.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 527, \"cat_0_index\": 552, \"cat_6_index\": 555, \"cat_2_index\": 556, \"cat_1_index\": 554, \"rankvar\": 481, \"cat_9_index\": 554, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1083, \"cat_3_index\": 554, \"cat_8_index\": 554, \"name\": \"BIRC3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 562, \"rank\": 511, \"ini\": 526, \"cat_4_index\": 569, \"group\": [524.0, 497.0, 341.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 524, \"cat_0_index\": 553, \"cat_6_index\": 556, \"cat_2_index\": 557, \"cat_1_index\": 555, \"rankvar\": 1095, \"cat_9_index\": 555, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 555, \"cat_3_index\": 555, \"cat_8_index\": 555, \"name\": \"EHBP1L1 phospho S964\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 563, \"rank\": 554, \"ini\": 525, \"cat_4_index\": 570, \"group\": [525.0, 498.0, 341.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 525, \"cat_0_index\": 554, \"cat_6_index\": 557, \"cat_2_index\": 558, \"cat_1_index\": 556, \"rankvar\": 765, \"cat_9_index\": 556, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 556, \"cat_3_index\": 556, \"cat_8_index\": 556, \"name\": \"EHBP1L1 phospho S1257\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 564, \"rank\": 568, \"ini\": 524, \"cat_4_index\": 571, \"group\": [521.0, 494.0, 340.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 522, \"cat_0_index\": 555, \"cat_6_index\": 558, \"cat_2_index\": 559, \"cat_1_index\": 557, \"rankvar\": 209, \"cat_9_index\": 557, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 557, \"cat_3_index\": 557, \"cat_8_index\": 557, \"name\": \"PPFIA1 phospho S1139\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 565, \"rank\": 286, \"ini\": 523, \"cat_4_index\": 572, \"group\": [522.0, 495.0, 340.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 523, \"cat_0_index\": 556, \"cat_6_index\": 559, \"cat_2_index\": 560, \"cat_1_index\": 558, \"rankvar\": 782, \"cat_9_index\": 558, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 558, \"cat_3_index\": 558, \"cat_8_index\": 558, \"name\": \"AKAP13 phospho S1895\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 566, \"rank\": 1107, \"ini\": 522, \"cat_4_index\": 573, \"group\": [523.0, 496.0, 340.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 521, \"cat_0_index\": 557, \"cat_6_index\": 560, \"cat_2_index\": 561, \"cat_1_index\": 559, \"rankvar\": 606, \"cat_9_index\": 559, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 559, \"cat_3_index\": 559, \"cat_8_index\": 559, \"name\": \"LIMA1 phospho S490\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 567, \"rank\": 1085, \"ini\": 521, \"cat_4_index\": 574, \"group\": [596.0, 544.0, 348.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 520, \"cat_0_index\": 558, \"cat_6_index\": 561, \"cat_2_index\": 562, \"cat_1_index\": 560, \"rankvar\": 467, \"cat_9_index\": 1063, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 560, \"cat_3_index\": 560, \"cat_8_index\": 560, \"name\": \"TFPI2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1062, \"rank\": 1102, \"ini\": 520, \"cat_4_index\": 1078, \"group\": [518.0, 491.0, 338.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 518, \"cat_0_index\": 559, \"cat_6_index\": 562, \"cat_2_index\": 563, \"cat_1_index\": 561, \"rankvar\": 623, \"cat_9_index\": 560, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 561, \"cat_3_index\": 561, \"cat_8_index\": 561, \"name\": \"IFIH1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1063, \"rank\": 1069, \"ini\": 519, \"cat_4_index\": 1079, \"group\": [519.0, 492.0, 338.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 519, \"cat_0_index\": 560, \"cat_6_index\": 563, \"cat_2_index\": 564, \"cat_1_index\": 562, \"rankvar\": 483, \"cat_9_index\": 561, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 562, \"cat_3_index\": 562, \"cat_8_index\": 562, \"name\": \"ISG15\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1064, \"rank\": 206, \"ini\": 518, \"cat_4_index\": 1080, \"group\": [515.0, 489.0, 337.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 516, \"cat_0_index\": 561, \"cat_6_index\": 564, \"cat_2_index\": 565, \"cat_1_index\": 563, \"rankvar\": 1054, \"cat_9_index\": 562, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 563, \"cat_3_index\": 563, \"cat_8_index\": 563, \"name\": \"DDX60\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 568, \"rank\": 337, \"ini\": 517, \"cat_4_index\": 575, \"group\": [516.0, 489.0, 337.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 517, \"cat_0_index\": 562, \"cat_6_index\": 565, \"cat_2_index\": 566, \"cat_1_index\": 564, \"rankvar\": 362, \"cat_9_index\": 563, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 564, \"cat_3_index\": 564, \"cat_8_index\": 564, \"name\": \"DDX60L\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1065, \"rank\": 133, \"ini\": 516, \"cat_4_index\": 1081, \"group\": [517.0, 490.0, 337.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 515, \"cat_0_index\": 563, \"cat_6_index\": 566, \"cat_2_index\": 567, \"cat_1_index\": 565, \"rankvar\": 997, \"cat_9_index\": 564, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 565, \"cat_3_index\": 565, \"cat_8_index\": 565, \"name\": \"IFIT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 569, \"rank\": 278, \"ini\": 515, \"cat_4_index\": 576, \"group\": [513.0, 487.0, 337.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 513, \"cat_0_index\": 564, \"cat_6_index\": 1081, \"cat_2_index\": 568, \"cat_1_index\": 566, \"rankvar\": 784, \"cat_9_index\": 565, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 566, \"cat_3_index\": 566, \"cat_8_index\": 566, \"name\": \"SDC4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 570, \"rank\": 190, \"ini\": 514, \"cat_4_index\": 577, \"group\": [514.0, 488.0, 337.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 514, \"cat_0_index\": 1079, \"cat_6_index\": 1082, \"cat_2_index\": 1079, \"cat_1_index\": 1079, \"rankvar\": 940, \"cat_9_index\": 1064, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 567, \"cat_3_index\": 1079, \"cat_8_index\": 567, \"name\": \"ITGA3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 571, \"rank\": 647, \"ini\": 513, \"cat_4_index\": 578, \"group\": [511.0, 485.0, 337.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 511, \"cat_0_index\": 565, \"cat_6_index\": 567, \"cat_2_index\": 569, \"cat_1_index\": 567, \"rankvar\": 515, \"cat_9_index\": 566, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 568, \"cat_3_index\": 567, \"cat_8_index\": 568, \"name\": \"NFKBIZ\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 572, \"rank\": 60, \"ini\": 512, \"cat_4_index\": 579, \"group\": [512.0, 486.0, 337.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 512, \"cat_0_index\": 566, \"cat_6_index\": 568, \"cat_2_index\": 570, \"cat_1_index\": 568, \"rankvar\": 412, \"cat_9_index\": 567, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 569, \"cat_3_index\": 568, \"cat_8_index\": 569, \"name\": \"ALDH1A3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1066, \"rank\": 805, \"ini\": 511, \"cat_4_index\": 1082, \"group\": [509.0, 484.0, 337.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 509, \"cat_0_index\": 567, \"cat_6_index\": 569, \"cat_2_index\": 571, \"cat_1_index\": 569, \"rankvar\": 851, \"cat_9_index\": 568, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 570, \"cat_3_index\": 569, \"cat_8_index\": 570, \"name\": \"GBP3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 573, \"rank\": 50, \"ini\": 510, \"cat_4_index\": 580, \"group\": [510.0, 484.0, 337.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 510, \"cat_0_index\": 1080, \"cat_6_index\": 570, \"cat_2_index\": 1080, \"cat_1_index\": 1080, \"rankvar\": 434, \"cat_9_index\": 1065, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1084, \"cat_3_index\": 1080, \"cat_8_index\": 571, \"name\": \"F3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 574, \"rank\": 556, \"ini\": 509, \"cat_4_index\": 581, \"group\": [520.0, 493.0, 339.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 508, \"cat_0_index\": 568, \"cat_6_index\": 571, \"cat_2_index\": 572, \"cat_1_index\": 570, \"rankvar\": 415, \"cat_9_index\": 569, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 571, \"cat_3_index\": 570, \"cat_8_index\": 572, \"name\": \"TPBG\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1067, \"rank\": 113, \"ini\": 508, \"cat_4_index\": 1083, \"group\": [507.0, 482.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 506, \"cat_0_index\": 569, \"cat_6_index\": 572, \"cat_2_index\": 573, \"cat_1_index\": 571, \"rankvar\": 827, \"cat_9_index\": 570, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1085, \"cat_3_index\": 571, \"cat_8_index\": 573, \"name\": \"CD55\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 575, \"rank\": 662, \"ini\": 507, \"cat_4_index\": 582, \"group\": [508.0, 483.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 507, \"cat_0_index\": 570, \"cat_6_index\": 573, \"cat_2_index\": 574, \"cat_1_index\": 572, \"rankvar\": 731, \"cat_9_index\": 571, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 572, \"cat_3_index\": 572, \"cat_8_index\": 574, \"name\": \"SERPINB1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 576, \"rank\": 63, \"ini\": 506, \"cat_4_index\": 583, \"group\": [505.0, 480.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 504, \"cat_0_index\": 571, \"cat_6_index\": 574, \"cat_2_index\": 575, \"cat_1_index\": 573, \"rankvar\": 813, \"cat_9_index\": 572, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 573, \"cat_3_index\": 573, \"cat_8_index\": 575, \"name\": \"VAMP8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 577, \"rank\": 559, \"ini\": 505, \"cat_4_index\": 584, \"group\": [506.0, 481.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 505, \"cat_0_index\": 1081, \"cat_6_index\": 575, \"cat_2_index\": 1081, \"cat_1_index\": 1081, \"rankvar\": 539, \"cat_9_index\": 573, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 574, \"cat_3_index\": 1081, \"cat_8_index\": 576, \"name\": \"LGALS3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 578, \"rank\": 806, \"ini\": 504, \"cat_4_index\": 585, \"group\": [501.0, 477.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 502, \"cat_0_index\": 572, \"cat_6_index\": 576, \"cat_2_index\": 576, \"cat_1_index\": 574, \"rankvar\": 529, \"cat_9_index\": 574, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 575, \"cat_3_index\": 574, \"cat_8_index\": 577, \"name\": \"NTN4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1068, \"rank\": 1077, \"ini\": 503, \"cat_4_index\": 586, \"group\": [502.0, 477.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 503, \"cat_0_index\": 1082, \"cat_6_index\": 577, \"cat_2_index\": 1082, \"cat_1_index\": 1082, \"rankvar\": 547, \"cat_9_index\": 575, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 576, \"cat_3_index\": 1082, \"cat_8_index\": 578, \"name\": \"ANXA3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 579, \"rank\": 723, \"ini\": 502, \"cat_4_index\": 587, \"group\": [503.0, 478.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 501, \"cat_0_index\": 573, \"cat_6_index\": 578, \"cat_2_index\": 577, \"cat_1_index\": 575, \"rankvar\": 691, \"cat_9_index\": 576, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 577, \"cat_3_index\": 575, \"cat_8_index\": 579, \"name\": \"KRT7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 580, \"rank\": 1049, \"ini\": 501, \"cat_4_index\": 588, \"group\": [504.0, 479.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 500, \"cat_0_index\": 574, \"cat_6_index\": 579, \"cat_2_index\": 578, \"cat_1_index\": 576, \"rankvar\": 844, \"cat_9_index\": 577, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 578, \"cat_3_index\": 576, \"cat_8_index\": 580, \"name\": \"KRT80\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 581, \"rank\": 996, \"ini\": 500, \"cat_4_index\": 589, \"group\": [499.0, 475.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 498, \"cat_0_index\": 575, \"cat_6_index\": 580, \"cat_2_index\": 579, \"cat_1_index\": 577, \"rankvar\": 441, \"cat_9_index\": 578, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 579, \"cat_3_index\": 577, \"cat_8_index\": 581, \"name\": \"S100A6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 582, \"rank\": 801, \"ini\": 499, \"cat_4_index\": 590, \"group\": [500.0, 476.0, 336.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 499, \"cat_0_index\": 576, \"cat_6_index\": 581, \"cat_2_index\": 580, \"cat_1_index\": 578, \"rankvar\": 916, \"cat_9_index\": 579, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 580, \"cat_3_index\": 578, \"cat_8_index\": 582, \"name\": \"SFN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 583, \"rank\": 328, \"ini\": 498, \"cat_4_index\": 591, \"group\": [496.0, 473.0, 335.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 496, \"cat_0_index\": 577, \"cat_6_index\": 1083, \"cat_2_index\": 581, \"cat_1_index\": 579, \"rankvar\": 823, \"cat_9_index\": 580, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 581, \"cat_3_index\": 579, \"cat_8_index\": 583, \"name\": \"FXYD5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 584, \"rank\": 966, \"ini\": 497, \"cat_4_index\": 592, \"group\": [497.0, 473.0, 335.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 497, \"cat_0_index\": 578, \"cat_6_index\": 582, \"cat_2_index\": 582, \"cat_1_index\": 580, \"rankvar\": 416, \"cat_9_index\": 581, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 582, \"cat_3_index\": 580, \"cat_8_index\": 584, \"name\": \"S100A11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 585, \"rank\": 750, \"ini\": 496, \"cat_4_index\": 593, \"group\": [498.0, 474.0, 335.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 495, \"cat_0_index\": 579, \"cat_6_index\": 583, \"cat_2_index\": 583, \"cat_1_index\": 581, \"rankvar\": 673, \"cat_9_index\": 582, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 583, \"cat_3_index\": 581, \"cat_8_index\": 585, \"name\": \"CTSZ\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 586, \"rank\": 1018, \"ini\": 495, \"cat_4_index\": 594, \"group\": [494.0, 471.0, 335.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 493, \"cat_0_index\": 580, \"cat_6_index\": 584, \"cat_2_index\": 584, \"cat_1_index\": 582, \"rankvar\": 351, \"cat_9_index\": 583, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 584, \"cat_3_index\": 582, \"cat_8_index\": 586, \"name\": \"AHR\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 587, \"rank\": 207, \"ini\": 494, \"cat_4_index\": 595, \"group\": [495.0, 472.0, 335.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 494, \"cat_0_index\": 581, \"cat_6_index\": 1084, \"cat_2_index\": 585, \"cat_1_index\": 583, \"rankvar\": 559, \"cat_9_index\": 584, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 585, \"cat_3_index\": 583, \"cat_8_index\": 587, \"name\": \"CYP1B1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 588, \"rank\": 298, \"ini\": 493, \"cat_4_index\": 596, \"group\": [490.0, 467.0, 334.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 491, \"cat_0_index\": 582, \"cat_6_index\": 585, \"cat_2_index\": 586, \"cat_1_index\": 584, \"rankvar\": 852, \"cat_9_index\": 585, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 586, \"cat_3_index\": 584, \"cat_8_index\": 588, \"name\": \"NQO1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 589, \"rank\": 641, \"ini\": 492, \"cat_4_index\": 597, \"group\": [491.0, 468.0, 334.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 492, \"cat_0_index\": 583, \"cat_6_index\": 586, \"cat_2_index\": 587, \"cat_1_index\": 585, \"rankvar\": 537, \"cat_9_index\": 586, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 587, \"cat_3_index\": 585, \"cat_8_index\": 589, \"name\": \"AGPAT9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 590, \"rank\": 1082, \"ini\": 491, \"cat_4_index\": 598, \"group\": [492.0, 469.0, 334.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 490, \"cat_0_index\": 584, \"cat_6_index\": 587, \"cat_2_index\": 588, \"cat_1_index\": 586, \"rankvar\": 342, \"cat_9_index\": 587, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 588, \"cat_3_index\": 586, \"cat_8_index\": 590, \"name\": \"TM4SF1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1069, \"rank\": 1075, \"ini\": 490, \"cat_4_index\": 1084, \"group\": [493.0, 470.0, 334.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 489, \"cat_0_index\": 585, \"cat_6_index\": 588, \"cat_2_index\": 589, \"cat_1_index\": 587, \"rankvar\": 783, \"cat_9_index\": 588, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 589, \"cat_3_index\": 587, \"cat_8_index\": 591, \"name\": \"IFITM2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 591, \"rank\": 640, \"ini\": 489, \"cat_4_index\": 599, \"group\": [486.0, 464.0, 334.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 487, \"cat_0_index\": 586, \"cat_6_index\": 589, \"cat_2_index\": 590, \"cat_1_index\": 588, \"rankvar\": 636, \"cat_9_index\": 589, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 590, \"cat_3_index\": 588, \"cat_8_index\": 592, \"name\": \"NMI\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 592, \"rank\": 1036, \"ini\": 488, \"cat_4_index\": 600, \"group\": [487.0, 464.0, 334.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 488, \"cat_0_index\": 587, \"cat_6_index\": 590, \"cat_2_index\": 591, \"cat_1_index\": 589, \"rankvar\": 657, \"cat_9_index\": 590, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1086, \"cat_3_index\": 589, \"cat_8_index\": 593, \"name\": \"CASP4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 593, \"rank\": 172, \"ini\": 487, \"cat_4_index\": 601, \"group\": [488.0, 465.0, 334.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 486, \"cat_0_index\": 588, \"cat_6_index\": 591, \"cat_2_index\": 592, \"cat_1_index\": 590, \"rankvar\": 964, \"cat_9_index\": 591, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 591, \"cat_3_index\": 590, \"cat_8_index\": 594, \"name\": \"EPAS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 594, \"rank\": 868, \"ini\": 486, \"cat_4_index\": 602, \"group\": [489.0, 466.0, 334.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 485, \"cat_0_index\": 589, \"cat_6_index\": 592, \"cat_2_index\": 593, \"cat_1_index\": 591, \"rankvar\": 595, \"cat_9_index\": 592, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 592, \"cat_3_index\": 591, \"cat_8_index\": 595, \"name\": \"PPAP2C\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 595, \"rank\": 434, \"ini\": 485, \"cat_4_index\": 603, \"group\": [483.0, 461.0, 332.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 483, \"cat_0_index\": 590, \"cat_6_index\": 593, \"cat_2_index\": 594, \"cat_1_index\": 592, \"rankvar\": 990, \"cat_9_index\": 593, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 593, \"cat_3_index\": 592, \"cat_8_index\": 596, \"name\": \"FAT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 596, \"rank\": 244, \"ini\": 484, \"cat_4_index\": 604, \"group\": [484.0, 462.0, 332.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 484, \"cat_0_index\": 591, \"cat_6_index\": 594, \"cat_2_index\": 595, \"cat_1_index\": 593, \"rankvar\": 1101, \"cat_9_index\": 594, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 594, \"cat_3_index\": 593, \"cat_8_index\": 597, \"name\": \"TNS3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 597, \"rank\": 445, \"ini\": 483, \"cat_4_index\": 605, \"group\": [485.0, 463.0, 333.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 482, \"cat_0_index\": 592, \"cat_6_index\": 595, \"cat_2_index\": 596, \"cat_1_index\": 594, \"rankvar\": 730, \"cat_9_index\": 595, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 595, \"cat_3_index\": 594, \"cat_8_index\": 598, \"name\": \"AMIGO2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 598, \"rank\": 916, \"ini\": 482, \"cat_4_index\": 606, \"group\": [481.0, 459.0, 331.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 480, \"cat_0_index\": 593, \"cat_6_index\": 596, \"cat_2_index\": 597, \"cat_1_index\": 595, \"rankvar\": 179, \"cat_9_index\": 596, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 596, \"cat_3_index\": 595, \"cat_8_index\": 599, \"name\": \"PTMA AcK K103\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 599, \"rank\": 517, \"ini\": 481, \"cat_4_index\": 607, \"group\": [482.0, 460.0, 331.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 481, \"cat_0_index\": 594, \"cat_6_index\": 597, \"cat_2_index\": 598, \"cat_1_index\": 596, \"rankvar\": 207, \"cat_9_index\": 597, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 597, \"cat_3_index\": 596, \"cat_8_index\": 600, \"name\": \"IQSEC2 phospho S383\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 600, \"rank\": 519, \"ini\": 480, \"cat_4_index\": 608, \"group\": [478.0, 456.0, 330.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 478, \"cat_0_index\": 595, \"cat_6_index\": 598, \"cat_2_index\": 599, \"cat_1_index\": 597, \"rankvar\": 355, \"cat_9_index\": 598, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 598, \"cat_3_index\": 597, \"cat_8_index\": 601, \"name\": \"FAM114A1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 601, \"rank\": 738, \"ini\": 479, \"cat_4_index\": 609, \"group\": [479.0, 457.0, 330.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 479, \"cat_0_index\": 596, \"cat_6_index\": 599, \"cat_2_index\": 600, \"cat_1_index\": 598, \"rankvar\": 456, \"cat_9_index\": 599, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 599, \"cat_3_index\": 598, \"cat_8_index\": 602, \"name\": \"PON2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 602, \"rank\": 1064, \"ini\": 478, \"cat_4_index\": 610, \"group\": [480.0, 458.0, 330.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 477, \"cat_0_index\": 597, \"cat_6_index\": 600, \"cat_2_index\": 601, \"cat_1_index\": 599, \"rankvar\": 353, \"cat_9_index\": 600, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 600, \"cat_3_index\": 599, \"cat_8_index\": 603, \"name\": \"STOM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 603, \"rank\": 96, \"ini\": 477, \"cat_4_index\": 611, \"group\": [476.0, 454.0, 328.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 475, \"cat_0_index\": 598, \"cat_6_index\": 601, \"cat_2_index\": 602, \"cat_1_index\": 600, \"rankvar\": 343, \"cat_9_index\": 601, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 601, \"cat_3_index\": 600, \"cat_8_index\": 604, \"name\": \"EFEMP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 604, \"rank\": 410, \"ini\": 476, \"cat_4_index\": 612, \"group\": [477.0, 455.0, 329.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 476, \"cat_0_index\": 599, \"cat_6_index\": 602, \"cat_2_index\": 603, \"cat_1_index\": 601, \"rankvar\": 516, \"cat_9_index\": 602, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 602, \"cat_3_index\": 601, \"cat_8_index\": 605, \"name\": \"NAA50 AcK K34\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 605, \"rank\": 161, \"ini\": 475, \"cat_4_index\": 613, \"group\": [472.0, 450.0, 326.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 473, \"cat_0_index\": 600, \"cat_6_index\": 603, \"cat_2_index\": 604, \"cat_1_index\": 602, \"rankvar\": 510, \"cat_9_index\": 603, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 603, \"cat_3_index\": 602, \"cat_8_index\": 606, \"name\": \"HES1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 606, \"rank\": 690, \"ini\": 474, \"cat_4_index\": 614, \"group\": [473.0, 451.0, 326.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 474, \"cat_0_index\": 601, \"cat_6_index\": 604, \"cat_2_index\": 605, \"cat_1_index\": 603, \"rankvar\": 790, \"cat_9_index\": 604, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 604, \"cat_3_index\": 603, \"cat_8_index\": 607, \"name\": \"PHLDA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 607, \"rank\": 539, \"ini\": 473, \"cat_4_index\": 615, \"group\": [474.0, 452.0, 326.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 472, \"cat_0_index\": 602, \"cat_6_index\": 605, \"cat_2_index\": 606, \"cat_1_index\": 604, \"rankvar\": 772, \"cat_9_index\": 605, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 605, \"cat_3_index\": 604, \"cat_8_index\": 608, \"name\": \"DUSP6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1070, \"rank\": 904, \"ini\": 472, \"cat_4_index\": 1085, \"group\": [469.0, 447.0, 325.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 470, \"cat_0_index\": 603, \"cat_6_index\": 606, \"cat_2_index\": 607, \"cat_1_index\": 605, \"rankvar\": 410, \"cat_9_index\": 606, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 606, \"cat_3_index\": 605, \"cat_8_index\": 609, \"name\": \"APOBEC3B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 608, \"rank\": 983, \"ini\": 471, \"cat_4_index\": 616, \"group\": [470.0, 448.0, 325.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 471, \"cat_0_index\": 604, \"cat_6_index\": 607, \"cat_2_index\": 608, \"cat_1_index\": 606, \"rankvar\": 761, \"cat_9_index\": 607, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 607, \"cat_3_index\": 606, \"cat_8_index\": 610, \"name\": \"RHBDF1 phospho S390\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1071, \"rank\": 456, \"ini\": 470, \"cat_4_index\": 1086, \"group\": [471.0, 449.0, 325.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 469, \"cat_0_index\": 605, \"cat_6_index\": 608, \"cat_2_index\": 609, \"cat_1_index\": 607, \"rankvar\": 989, \"cat_9_index\": 608, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 608, \"cat_3_index\": 607, \"cat_8_index\": 611, \"name\": \"MB21D1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 609, \"rank\": 784, \"ini\": 469, \"cat_4_index\": 617, \"group\": [475.0, 453.0, 327.0, 160.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 468, \"cat_0_index\": 606, \"cat_6_index\": 609, \"cat_2_index\": 610, \"cat_1_index\": 608, \"rankvar\": 357, \"cat_9_index\": 609, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 609, \"cat_3_index\": 608, \"cat_8_index\": 612, \"name\": \"MTM1 phospho S593\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 610, \"rank\": 201, \"ini\": 468, \"cat_4_index\": 618, \"group\": [466.0, 445.0, 323.0, 159.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 466, \"cat_0_index\": 607, \"cat_6_index\": 610, \"cat_2_index\": 611, \"cat_1_index\": 609, \"rankvar\": 914, \"cat_9_index\": 610, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 610, \"cat_3_index\": 609, \"cat_8_index\": 613, \"name\": \"STEAP2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 611, \"rank\": 95, \"ini\": 467, \"cat_4_index\": 619, \"group\": [467.0, 445.0, 323.0, 159.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 467, \"cat_0_index\": 608, \"cat_6_index\": 611, \"cat_2_index\": 612, \"cat_1_index\": 610, \"rankvar\": 983, \"cat_9_index\": 611, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 611, \"cat_3_index\": 610, \"cat_8_index\": 614, \"name\": \"STEAP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 612, \"rank\": 18, \"ini\": 466, \"cat_4_index\": 620, \"group\": [468.0, 446.0, 324.0, 159.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 465, \"cat_0_index\": 609, \"cat_6_index\": 612, \"cat_2_index\": 613, \"cat_1_index\": 611, \"rankvar\": 863, \"cat_9_index\": 612, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 612, \"cat_3_index\": 611, \"cat_8_index\": 615, \"name\": \"LIF\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 613, \"rank\": 68, \"ini\": 465, \"cat_4_index\": 621, \"group\": [463.0, 442.0, 322.0, 159.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 463, \"cat_0_index\": 610, \"cat_6_index\": 613, \"cat_2_index\": 614, \"cat_1_index\": 612, \"rankvar\": 511, \"cat_9_index\": 613, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1087, \"cat_3_index\": 612, \"cat_8_index\": 616, \"name\": \"PPARG\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 614, \"rank\": 1104, \"ini\": 464, \"cat_4_index\": 622, \"group\": [464.0, 443.0, 322.0, 159.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 464, \"cat_0_index\": 1083, \"cat_6_index\": 614, \"cat_2_index\": 1083, \"cat_1_index\": 1083, \"rankvar\": 808, \"cat_9_index\": 614, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 613, \"cat_3_index\": 1083, \"cat_8_index\": 1082, \"name\": \"TRIP6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 615, \"rank\": 687, \"ini\": 463, \"cat_4_index\": 623, \"group\": [465.0, 444.0, 322.0, 159.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 462, \"cat_0_index\": 611, \"cat_6_index\": 615, \"cat_2_index\": 615, \"cat_1_index\": 613, \"rankvar\": 883, \"cat_9_index\": 615, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 614, \"cat_3_index\": 613, \"cat_8_index\": 617, \"name\": \"GABRE\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 616, \"rank\": 165, \"ini\": 462, \"cat_4_index\": 624, \"group\": [461.0, 440.0, 321.0, 159.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 460, \"cat_0_index\": 612, \"cat_6_index\": 616, \"cat_2_index\": 616, \"cat_1_index\": 614, \"rankvar\": 281, \"cat_9_index\": 1066, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 615, \"cat_3_index\": 614, \"cat_8_index\": 618, \"name\": \"ALDOA phospho T9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 617, \"rank\": 899, \"ini\": 461, \"cat_4_index\": 625, \"group\": [462.0, 441.0, 321.0, 159.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 461, \"cat_0_index\": 613, \"cat_6_index\": 617, \"cat_2_index\": 617, \"cat_1_index\": 615, \"rankvar\": 409, \"cat_9_index\": 1067, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 616, \"cat_3_index\": 615, \"cat_8_index\": 619, \"name\": \"ALDOA phospho S336\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 618, \"rank\": 595, \"ini\": 460, \"cat_4_index\": 626, \"group\": [457.0, 436.0, 318.0, 158.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 458, \"cat_0_index\": 614, \"cat_6_index\": 618, \"cat_2_index\": 618, \"cat_1_index\": 616, \"rankvar\": 361, \"cat_9_index\": 616, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 617, \"cat_3_index\": 616, \"cat_8_index\": 620, \"name\": \"PSMB8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 619, \"rank\": 1009, \"ini\": 459, \"cat_4_index\": 627, \"group\": [458.0, 437.0, 318.0, 158.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 459, \"cat_0_index\": 615, \"cat_6_index\": 619, \"cat_2_index\": 619, \"cat_1_index\": 617, \"rankvar\": 1033, \"cat_9_index\": 617, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 618, \"cat_3_index\": 617, \"cat_8_index\": 621, \"name\": \"PSMB9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 620, \"rank\": 823, \"ini\": 458, \"cat_4_index\": 628, \"group\": [455.0, 434.0, 317.0, 158.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 456, \"cat_0_index\": 616, \"cat_6_index\": 620, \"cat_2_index\": 620, \"cat_1_index\": 618, \"rankvar\": 363, \"cat_9_index\": 618, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 619, \"cat_3_index\": 618, \"cat_8_index\": 622, \"name\": \"MOCOS\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 621, \"rank\": 383, \"ini\": 457, \"cat_4_index\": 629, \"group\": [456.0, 435.0, 317.0, 158.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 457, \"cat_0_index\": 617, \"cat_6_index\": 621, \"cat_2_index\": 621, \"cat_1_index\": 619, \"rankvar\": 422, \"cat_9_index\": 619, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 620, \"cat_3_index\": 619, \"cat_8_index\": 623, \"name\": \"HSBP1L1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 622, \"rank\": 614, \"ini\": 456, \"cat_4_index\": 630, \"group\": [459.0, 438.0, 319.0, 158.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 455, \"cat_0_index\": 618, \"cat_6_index\": 622, \"cat_2_index\": 622, \"cat_1_index\": 620, \"rankvar\": 753, \"cat_9_index\": 620, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 621, \"cat_3_index\": 620, \"cat_8_index\": 624, \"name\": \"BACE2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 623, \"rank\": 969, \"ini\": 455, \"cat_4_index\": 631, \"group\": [460.0, 439.0, 320.0, 158.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 454, \"cat_0_index\": 619, \"cat_6_index\": 623, \"cat_2_index\": 623, \"cat_1_index\": 621, \"rankvar\": 383, \"cat_9_index\": 621, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 622, \"cat_3_index\": 621, \"cat_8_index\": 625, \"name\": \"RAB34\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 624, \"rank\": 999, \"ini\": 454, \"cat_4_index\": 632, \"group\": [452.0, 431.0, 316.0, 157.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 452, \"cat_0_index\": 620, \"cat_6_index\": 624, \"cat_2_index\": 624, \"cat_1_index\": 622, \"rankvar\": 791, \"cat_9_index\": 622, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 623, \"cat_3_index\": 622, \"cat_8_index\": 626, \"name\": \"PRKCDBP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 625, \"rank\": 306, \"ini\": 453, \"cat_4_index\": 633, \"group\": [453.0, 432.0, 316.0, 157.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 453, \"cat_0_index\": 621, \"cat_6_index\": 625, \"cat_2_index\": 625, \"cat_1_index\": 623, \"rankvar\": 1063, \"cat_9_index\": 623, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 624, \"cat_3_index\": 623, \"cat_8_index\": 627, \"name\": \"IGFBP6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 626, \"rank\": 1055, \"ini\": 452, \"cat_4_index\": 634, \"group\": [454.0, 433.0, 316.0, 157.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 451, \"cat_0_index\": 622, \"cat_6_index\": 626, \"cat_2_index\": 626, \"cat_1_index\": 624, \"rankvar\": 460, \"cat_9_index\": 624, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 625, \"cat_3_index\": 624, \"cat_8_index\": 628, \"name\": \"GLIS3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 627, \"rank\": 540, \"ini\": 451, \"cat_4_index\": 635, \"group\": [450.0, 429.0, 315.0, 157.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 449, \"cat_0_index\": 1084, \"cat_6_index\": 627, \"cat_2_index\": 1084, \"cat_1_index\": 1084, \"rankvar\": 397, \"cat_9_index\": 1068, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1088, \"cat_3_index\": 1084, \"cat_8_index\": 629, \"name\": \"PDGFA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 628, \"rank\": 694, \"ini\": 450, \"cat_4_index\": 636, \"group\": [451.0, 430.0, 315.0, 157.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 450, \"cat_0_index\": 623, \"cat_6_index\": 628, \"cat_2_index\": 627, \"cat_1_index\": 625, \"rankvar\": 975, \"cat_9_index\": 625, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 626, \"cat_3_index\": 625, \"cat_8_index\": 630, \"name\": \"GFPT2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 629, \"rank\": 594, \"ini\": 449, \"cat_4_index\": 637, \"group\": [447.0, 426.0, 314.0, 157.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 447, \"cat_0_index\": 624, \"cat_6_index\": 629, \"cat_2_index\": 628, \"cat_1_index\": 626, \"rankvar\": 895, \"cat_9_index\": 626, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 627, \"cat_3_index\": 626, \"cat_8_index\": 631, \"name\": \"MILR1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 630, \"rank\": 138, \"ini\": 448, \"cat_4_index\": 638, \"group\": [448.0, 427.0, 314.0, 157.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 448, \"cat_0_index\": 625, \"cat_6_index\": 630, \"cat_2_index\": 629, \"cat_1_index\": 627, \"rankvar\": 449, \"cat_9_index\": 627, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1089, \"cat_3_index\": 627, \"cat_8_index\": 632, \"name\": \"CFI\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 631, \"rank\": 933, \"ini\": 447, \"cat_4_index\": 639, \"group\": [449.0, 428.0, 314.0, 157.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 446, \"cat_0_index\": 626, \"cat_6_index\": 631, \"cat_2_index\": 630, \"cat_1_index\": 628, \"rankvar\": 706, \"cat_9_index\": 628, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 628, \"cat_3_index\": 628, \"cat_8_index\": 633, \"name\": \"MIR100HG\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1072, \"rank\": 1099, \"ini\": 446, \"cat_4_index\": 1087, \"group\": [442.0, 423.0, 313.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 444, \"cat_0_index\": 627, \"cat_6_index\": 632, \"cat_2_index\": 631, \"cat_1_index\": 629, \"rankvar\": 603, \"cat_9_index\": 629, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 629, \"cat_3_index\": 629, \"cat_8_index\": 634, \"name\": \"IFIT3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1073, \"rank\": 330, \"ini\": 445, \"cat_4_index\": 1088, \"group\": [443.0, 423.0, 313.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 445, \"cat_0_index\": 628, \"cat_6_index\": 633, \"cat_2_index\": 632, \"cat_1_index\": 630, \"rankvar\": 664, \"cat_9_index\": 630, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 630, \"cat_3_index\": 630, \"cat_8_index\": 635, \"name\": \"IFI44\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 632, \"rank\": 534, \"ini\": 444, \"cat_4_index\": 640, \"group\": [444.0, 423.0, 313.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 443, \"cat_0_index\": 629, \"cat_6_index\": 634, \"cat_2_index\": 633, \"cat_1_index\": 631, \"rankvar\": 798, \"cat_9_index\": 631, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 631, \"cat_3_index\": 631, \"cat_8_index\": 636, \"name\": \"IFI27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 633, \"rank\": 415, \"ini\": 443, \"cat_4_index\": 641, \"group\": [445.0, 424.0, 313.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 442, \"cat_0_index\": 630, \"cat_6_index\": 635, \"cat_2_index\": 634, \"cat_1_index\": 632, \"rankvar\": 442, \"cat_9_index\": 632, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 632, \"cat_3_index\": 632, \"cat_8_index\": 637, \"name\": \"RARRES3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1074, \"rank\": 693, \"ini\": 442, \"cat_4_index\": 1089, \"group\": [446.0, 425.0, 313.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 441, \"cat_0_index\": 631, \"cat_6_index\": 636, \"cat_2_index\": 635, \"cat_1_index\": 633, \"rankvar\": 692, \"cat_9_index\": 633, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 633, \"cat_3_index\": 633, \"cat_8_index\": 638, \"name\": \"IFI44L\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 634, \"rank\": 53, \"ini\": 441, \"cat_4_index\": 642, \"group\": [440.0, 421.0, 313.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 439, \"cat_0_index\": 632, \"cat_6_index\": 637, \"cat_2_index\": 636, \"cat_1_index\": 634, \"rankvar\": 906, \"cat_9_index\": 634, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 634, \"cat_3_index\": 634, \"cat_8_index\": 639, \"name\": \"SP140L\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1075, \"rank\": 461, \"ini\": 440, \"cat_4_index\": 1090, \"group\": [441.0, 422.0, 313.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 440, \"cat_0_index\": 633, \"cat_6_index\": 638, \"cat_2_index\": 637, \"cat_1_index\": 635, \"rankvar\": 966, \"cat_9_index\": 635, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 635, \"cat_3_index\": 635, \"cat_8_index\": 640, \"name\": \"IFI16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 635, \"rank\": 607, \"ini\": 439, \"cat_4_index\": 643, \"group\": [437.0, 418.0, 312.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 437, \"cat_0_index\": 634, \"cat_6_index\": 639, \"cat_2_index\": 638, \"cat_1_index\": 636, \"rankvar\": 647, \"cat_9_index\": 636, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 636, \"cat_3_index\": 636, \"cat_8_index\": 641, \"name\": \"CARD16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1076, \"rank\": 232, \"ini\": 438, \"cat_4_index\": 1091, \"group\": [438.0, 419.0, 312.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 438, \"cat_0_index\": 635, \"cat_6_index\": 640, \"cat_2_index\": 639, \"cat_1_index\": 637, \"rankvar\": 612, \"cat_9_index\": 637, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 637, \"cat_3_index\": 637, \"cat_8_index\": 642, \"name\": \"GBP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 636, \"rank\": 615, \"ini\": 437, \"cat_4_index\": 644, \"group\": [439.0, 420.0, 312.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 436, \"cat_0_index\": 636, \"cat_6_index\": 641, \"cat_2_index\": 640, \"cat_1_index\": 638, \"rankvar\": 424, \"cat_9_index\": 638, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 638, \"cat_3_index\": 638, \"cat_8_index\": 643, \"name\": \"CARD6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 637, \"rank\": 423, \"ini\": 436, \"cat_4_index\": 645, \"group\": [434.0, 415.0, 311.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 434, \"cat_0_index\": 637, \"cat_6_index\": 642, \"cat_2_index\": 641, \"cat_1_index\": 639, \"rankvar\": 577, \"cat_9_index\": 639, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 639, \"cat_3_index\": 639, \"cat_8_index\": 644, \"name\": \"ERAP2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1077, \"rank\": 203, \"ini\": 435, \"cat_4_index\": 1092, \"group\": [435.0, 416.0, 311.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 435, \"cat_0_index\": 638, \"cat_6_index\": 643, \"cat_2_index\": 642, \"cat_1_index\": 640, \"rankvar\": 521, \"cat_9_index\": 640, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 640, \"cat_3_index\": 640, \"cat_8_index\": 645, \"name\": \"IFITM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 638, \"rank\": 732, \"ini\": 434, \"cat_4_index\": 646, \"group\": [436.0, 417.0, 311.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 433, \"cat_0_index\": 639, \"cat_6_index\": 644, \"cat_2_index\": 643, \"cat_1_index\": 641, \"rankvar\": 831, \"cat_9_index\": 1069, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1090, \"cat_3_index\": 641, \"cat_8_index\": 646, \"name\": \"PLAT\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 639, \"rank\": 8, \"ini\": 433, \"cat_4_index\": 647, \"group\": [431.0, 412.0, 310.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 431, \"cat_0_index\": 640, \"cat_6_index\": 645, \"cat_2_index\": 644, \"cat_1_index\": 642, \"rankvar\": 1013, \"cat_9_index\": 641, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 641, \"cat_3_index\": 642, \"cat_8_index\": 647, \"name\": \"SAMD9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 640, \"rank\": 802, \"ini\": 432, \"cat_4_index\": 648, \"group\": [432.0, 413.0, 310.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 432, \"cat_0_index\": 641, \"cat_6_index\": 646, \"cat_2_index\": 645, \"cat_1_index\": 643, \"rankvar\": 938, \"cat_9_index\": 642, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 642, \"cat_3_index\": 643, \"cat_8_index\": 648, \"name\": \"LGALS3BP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 641, \"rank\": 1105, \"ini\": 431, \"cat_4_index\": 649, \"group\": [433.0, 414.0, 310.0, 156.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 430, \"cat_0_index\": 642, \"cat_6_index\": 647, \"cat_2_index\": 646, \"cat_1_index\": 644, \"rankvar\": 918, \"cat_9_index\": 643, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 643, \"cat_3_index\": 644, \"cat_8_index\": 649, \"name\": \"DHRS3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 642, \"rank\": 44, \"ini\": 430, \"cat_4_index\": 650, \"group\": [427.0, 408.0, 307.0, 155.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 428, \"cat_0_index\": 643, \"cat_6_index\": 648, \"cat_2_index\": 647, \"cat_1_index\": 645, \"rankvar\": 1023, \"cat_9_index\": 644, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 644, \"cat_3_index\": 645, \"cat_8_index\": 650, \"name\": \"PHLDB2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 643, \"rank\": 611, \"ini\": 429, \"cat_4_index\": 651, \"group\": [428.0, 409.0, 307.0, 155.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 429, \"cat_0_index\": 644, \"cat_6_index\": 649, \"cat_2_index\": 648, \"cat_1_index\": 646, \"rankvar\": 795, \"cat_9_index\": 645, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 645, \"cat_3_index\": 646, \"cat_8_index\": 651, \"name\": \"PHLDB2 phospho T574\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1078, \"rank\": 978, \"ini\": 428, \"cat_4_index\": 1093, \"group\": [429.0, 410.0, 308.0, 155.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 427, \"cat_0_index\": 1085, \"cat_6_index\": 650, \"cat_2_index\": 1085, \"cat_1_index\": 1085, \"rankvar\": 1030, \"cat_9_index\": 646, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1091, \"cat_3_index\": 1085, \"cat_8_index\": 652, \"name\": \"IL6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 644, \"rank\": 829, \"ini\": 427, \"cat_4_index\": 652, \"group\": [430.0, 411.0, 309.0, 155.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 426, \"cat_0_index\": 645, \"cat_6_index\": 651, \"cat_2_index\": 649, \"cat_1_index\": 647, \"rankvar\": 556, \"cat_9_index\": 647, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 646, \"cat_3_index\": 647, \"cat_8_index\": 653, \"name\": \"TMEM45A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 645, \"rank\": 833, \"ini\": 426, \"cat_4_index\": 653, \"group\": [424.0, 406.0, 305.0, 154.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 424, \"cat_0_index\": 646, \"cat_6_index\": 652, \"cat_2_index\": 650, \"cat_1_index\": 648, \"rankvar\": 377, \"cat_9_index\": 648, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 647, \"cat_3_index\": 648, \"cat_8_index\": 654, \"name\": \"STAT3 phospho Y705\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 646, \"rank\": 589, \"ini\": 425, \"cat_4_index\": 654, \"group\": [425.0, 406.0, 305.0, 154.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 425, \"cat_0_index\": 647, \"cat_6_index\": 653, \"cat_2_index\": 651, \"cat_1_index\": 649, \"rankvar\": 183, \"cat_9_index\": 649, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 648, \"cat_3_index\": 649, \"cat_8_index\": 655, \"name\": \"STAT3 phospho Y704\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 647, \"rank\": 642, \"ini\": 424, \"cat_4_index\": 655, \"group\": [426.0, 407.0, 306.0, 154.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 423, \"cat_0_index\": 648, \"cat_6_index\": 654, \"cat_2_index\": 652, \"cat_1_index\": 650, \"rankvar\": 1017, \"cat_9_index\": 650, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 649, \"cat_3_index\": 650, \"cat_8_index\": 656, \"name\": \"CXorf61\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 648, \"rank\": 437, \"ini\": 423, \"cat_4_index\": 656, \"group\": [421.0, 403.0, 304.0, 153.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 421, \"cat_0_index\": 649, \"cat_6_index\": 655, \"cat_2_index\": 653, \"cat_1_index\": 651, \"rankvar\": 104, \"cat_9_index\": 651, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 650, \"cat_3_index\": 651, \"cat_8_index\": 657, \"name\": \"LMNA phospho S326\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 649, \"rank\": 399, \"ini\": 422, \"cat_4_index\": 657, \"group\": [422.0, 404.0, 304.0, 153.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 422, \"cat_0_index\": 650, \"cat_6_index\": 656, \"cat_2_index\": 654, \"cat_1_index\": 652, \"rankvar\": 466, \"cat_9_index\": 652, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 651, \"cat_3_index\": 652, \"cat_8_index\": 658, \"name\": \"HDAC3 phospho S424\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 650, \"rank\": 876, \"ini\": 421, \"cat_4_index\": 658, \"group\": [423.0, 405.0, 304.0, 153.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 420, \"cat_0_index\": 651, \"cat_6_index\": 657, \"cat_2_index\": 655, \"cat_1_index\": 653, \"rankvar\": 645, \"cat_9_index\": 653, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 652, \"cat_3_index\": 653, \"cat_8_index\": 1083, \"name\": \"PLEC phospho T4030\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 651, \"rank\": 544, \"ini\": 420, \"cat_4_index\": 659, \"group\": [419.0, 401.0, 303.0, 153.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 418, \"cat_0_index\": 652, \"cat_6_index\": 658, \"cat_2_index\": 656, \"cat_1_index\": 654, \"rankvar\": 4, \"cat_9_index\": 654, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 653, \"cat_3_index\": 654, \"cat_8_index\": 659, \"name\": \"NDNL2 phospho S60\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 652, \"rank\": 572, \"ini\": 419, \"cat_4_index\": 660, \"group\": [420.0, 402.0, 303.0, 153.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 419, \"cat_0_index\": 653, \"cat_6_index\": 659, \"cat_2_index\": 657, \"cat_1_index\": 655, \"rankvar\": 294, \"cat_9_index\": 655, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 654, \"cat_3_index\": 655, \"cat_8_index\": 660, \"name\": \"LMNA phospho T19\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 653, \"rank\": 194, \"ini\": 418, \"cat_4_index\": 661, \"group\": [417.0, 399.0, 301.0, 152.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 416, \"cat_0_index\": 654, \"cat_6_index\": 660, \"cat_2_index\": 658, \"cat_1_index\": 656, \"rankvar\": 224, \"cat_9_index\": 656, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 655, \"cat_3_index\": 656, \"cat_8_index\": 661, \"name\": \"UIMC1 phospho S171\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1079, \"rank\": 191, \"ini\": 417, \"cat_4_index\": 1094, \"group\": [418.0, 400.0, 302.0, 152.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 417, \"cat_0_index\": 655, \"cat_6_index\": 661, \"cat_2_index\": 659, \"cat_1_index\": 657, \"rankvar\": 867, \"cat_9_index\": 657, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 656, \"cat_3_index\": 657, \"cat_8_index\": 662, \"name\": \"PML phospho S480\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 654, \"rank\": 428, \"ini\": 416, \"cat_4_index\": 662, \"group\": [415.0, 397.0, 299.0, 151.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 414, \"cat_0_index\": 656, \"cat_6_index\": 662, \"cat_2_index\": 660, \"cat_1_index\": 658, \"rankvar\": 1031, \"cat_9_index\": 658, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 657, \"cat_3_index\": 658, \"cat_8_index\": 663, \"name\": \"INPP4B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 655, \"rank\": 137, \"ini\": 415, \"cat_4_index\": 663, \"group\": [416.0, 398.0, 300.0, 151.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 415, \"cat_0_index\": 657, \"cat_6_index\": 663, \"cat_2_index\": 661, \"cat_1_index\": 659, \"rankvar\": 1043, \"cat_9_index\": 659, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 658, \"cat_3_index\": 659, \"cat_8_index\": 664, \"name\": \"PDGFC\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 656, \"rank\": 781, \"ini\": 414, \"cat_4_index\": 664, \"group\": [413.0, 395.0, 298.0, 151.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 412, \"cat_0_index\": 658, \"cat_6_index\": 664, \"cat_2_index\": 662, \"cat_1_index\": 660, \"rankvar\": 988, \"cat_9_index\": 660, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 659, \"cat_3_index\": 660, \"cat_8_index\": 665, \"name\": \"ARHGAP29\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 657, \"rank\": 677, \"ini\": 413, \"cat_4_index\": 665, \"group\": [414.0, 396.0, 298.0, 151.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 413, \"cat_0_index\": 659, \"cat_6_index\": 665, \"cat_2_index\": 663, \"cat_1_index\": 661, \"rankvar\": 550, \"cat_9_index\": 661, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 660, \"cat_3_index\": 661, \"cat_8_index\": 666, \"name\": \"IGFBP3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 658, \"rank\": 786, \"ini\": 412, \"cat_4_index\": 666, \"group\": [411.0, 393.0, 296.0, 150.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 410, \"cat_0_index\": 660, \"cat_6_index\": 666, \"cat_2_index\": 664, \"cat_1_index\": 662, \"rankvar\": 231, \"cat_9_index\": 662, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 661, \"cat_3_index\": 662, \"cat_8_index\": 667, \"name\": \"PPP2R5A phospho S42\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 659, \"rank\": 55, \"ini\": 411, \"cat_4_index\": 667, \"group\": [412.0, 394.0, 297.0, 150.0, 51.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 411, \"cat_0_index\": 661, \"cat_6_index\": 667, \"cat_2_index\": 665, \"cat_1_index\": 663, \"rankvar\": 754, \"cat_9_index\": 663, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 662, \"cat_3_index\": 663, \"cat_8_index\": 668, \"name\": \"PPP2R5A phospho S38\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 660, \"rank\": 42, \"ini\": 410, \"cat_4_index\": 668, \"group\": [406.0, 388.0, 292.0, 149.0, 50.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 408, \"cat_0_index\": 662, \"cat_6_index\": 668, \"cat_2_index\": 666, \"cat_1_index\": 664, \"rankvar\": 360, \"cat_9_index\": 664, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 663, \"cat_3_index\": 664, \"cat_8_index\": 669, \"name\": \"LOC100506377\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 661, \"rank\": 1073, \"ini\": 409, \"cat_4_index\": 669, \"group\": [407.0, 389.0, 292.0, 149.0, 50.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 409, \"cat_0_index\": 663, \"cat_6_index\": 669, \"cat_2_index\": 667, \"cat_1_index\": 665, \"rankvar\": 1082, \"cat_9_index\": 665, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 664, \"cat_3_index\": 665, \"cat_8_index\": 670, \"name\": \"G0S2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 662, \"rank\": 310, \"ini\": 408, \"cat_4_index\": 670, \"group\": [408.0, 390.0, 293.0, 149.0, 50.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 407, \"cat_0_index\": 664, \"cat_6_index\": 670, \"cat_2_index\": 668, \"cat_1_index\": 666, \"rankvar\": 393, \"cat_9_index\": 666, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 665, \"cat_3_index\": 666, \"cat_8_index\": 671, \"name\": \"BCL2A1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 663, \"rank\": 222, \"ini\": 407, \"cat_4_index\": 671, \"group\": [409.0, 391.0, 294.0, 149.0, 50.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 406, \"cat_0_index\": 665, \"cat_6_index\": 671, \"cat_2_index\": 669, \"cat_1_index\": 667, \"rankvar\": 429, \"cat_9_index\": 667, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 666, \"cat_3_index\": 667, \"cat_8_index\": 672, \"name\": \"NCF2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 664, \"rank\": 937, \"ini\": 406, \"cat_4_index\": 672, \"group\": [410.0, 392.0, 295.0, 149.0, 50.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 405, \"cat_0_index\": 666, \"cat_6_index\": 672, \"cat_2_index\": 670, \"cat_1_index\": 668, \"rankvar\": 943, \"cat_9_index\": 668, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 667, \"cat_3_index\": 668, \"cat_8_index\": 673, \"name\": \"NEXN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1080, \"rank\": 355, \"ini\": 405, \"cat_4_index\": 1095, \"group\": [404.0, 386.0, 290.0, 148.0, 50.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 403, \"cat_0_index\": 1086, \"cat_6_index\": 1085, \"cat_2_index\": 1086, \"cat_1_index\": 1086, \"rankvar\": 564, \"cat_9_index\": 669, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 668, \"cat_3_index\": 1086, \"cat_8_index\": 674, \"name\": \"ICAM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 665, \"rank\": 103, \"ini\": 404, \"cat_4_index\": 673, \"group\": [405.0, 387.0, 291.0, 148.0, 50.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 404, \"cat_0_index\": 667, \"cat_6_index\": 673, \"cat_2_index\": 671, \"cat_1_index\": 669, \"rankvar\": 570, \"cat_9_index\": 670, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 669, \"cat_3_index\": 669, \"cat_8_index\": 675, \"name\": \"MICB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 666, \"rank\": 318, \"ini\": 403, \"cat_4_index\": 674, \"group\": [402.0, 384.0, 288.0, 147.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 401, \"cat_0_index\": 668, \"cat_6_index\": 674, \"cat_2_index\": 672, \"cat_1_index\": 670, \"rankvar\": 380, \"cat_9_index\": 671, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 670, \"cat_3_index\": 670, \"cat_8_index\": 676, \"name\": \"FAM113B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 667, \"rank\": 208, \"ini\": 402, \"cat_4_index\": 675, \"group\": [403.0, 385.0, 289.0, 147.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 402, \"cat_0_index\": 669, \"cat_6_index\": 675, \"cat_2_index\": 673, \"cat_1_index\": 671, \"rankvar\": 615, \"cat_9_index\": 672, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 671, \"cat_3_index\": 671, \"cat_8_index\": 677, \"name\": \"LXN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 668, \"rank\": 1083, \"ini\": 401, \"cat_4_index\": 676, \"group\": [398.0, 380.0, 286.0, 146.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 399, \"cat_0_index\": 670, \"cat_6_index\": 676, \"cat_2_index\": 674, \"cat_1_index\": 672, \"rankvar\": 882, \"cat_9_index\": 673, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 672, \"cat_3_index\": 672, \"cat_8_index\": 678, \"name\": \"MLPH\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 669, \"rank\": 112, \"ini\": 400, \"cat_4_index\": 677, \"group\": [399.0, 381.0, 286.0, 146.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 400, \"cat_0_index\": 671, \"cat_6_index\": 677, \"cat_2_index\": 675, \"cat_1_index\": 673, \"rankvar\": 654, \"cat_9_index\": 674, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 673, \"cat_3_index\": 673, \"cat_8_index\": 679, \"name\": \"AGR2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 670, \"rank\": 295, \"ini\": 399, \"cat_4_index\": 678, \"group\": [400.0, 382.0, 286.0, 146.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 398, \"cat_0_index\": 672, \"cat_6_index\": 678, \"cat_2_index\": 676, \"cat_1_index\": 674, \"rankvar\": 605, \"cat_9_index\": 675, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 674, \"cat_3_index\": 674, \"cat_8_index\": 680, \"name\": \"FAM107B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 671, \"rank\": 1059, \"ini\": 398, \"cat_4_index\": 679, \"group\": [401.0, 383.0, 287.0, 146.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 397, \"cat_0_index\": 673, \"cat_6_index\": 679, \"cat_2_index\": 677, \"cat_1_index\": 675, \"rankvar\": 643, \"cat_9_index\": 676, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 675, \"cat_3_index\": 675, \"cat_8_index\": 681, \"name\": \"GDF15\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 672, \"rank\": 522, \"ini\": 397, \"cat_4_index\": 680, \"group\": [394.0, 376.0, 283.0, 145.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 395, \"cat_0_index\": 674, \"cat_6_index\": 680, \"cat_2_index\": 678, \"cat_1_index\": 676, \"rankvar\": 588, \"cat_9_index\": 677, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 676, \"cat_3_index\": 676, \"cat_8_index\": 682, \"name\": \"S100A16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 673, \"rank\": 799, \"ini\": 396, \"cat_4_index\": 681, \"group\": [395.0, 377.0, 283.0, 145.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 396, \"cat_0_index\": 675, \"cat_6_index\": 681, \"cat_2_index\": 679, \"cat_1_index\": 677, \"rankvar\": 458, \"cat_9_index\": 678, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 677, \"cat_3_index\": 677, \"cat_8_index\": 683, \"name\": \"MGST1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 674, \"rank\": 741, \"ini\": 395, \"cat_4_index\": 682, \"group\": [396.0, 378.0, 284.0, 145.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 394, \"cat_0_index\": 676, \"cat_6_index\": 682, \"cat_2_index\": 680, \"cat_1_index\": 678, \"rankvar\": 578, \"cat_9_index\": 679, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 678, \"cat_3_index\": 678, \"cat_8_index\": 684, \"name\": \"S100A13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 675, \"rank\": 197, \"ini\": 394, \"cat_4_index\": 683, \"group\": [397.0, 379.0, 285.0, 145.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 393, \"cat_0_index\": 677, \"cat_6_index\": 683, \"cat_2_index\": 681, \"cat_1_index\": 679, \"rankvar\": 594, \"cat_9_index\": 680, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 679, \"cat_3_index\": 679, \"cat_8_index\": 685, \"name\": \"MTUS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 676, \"rank\": 532, \"ini\": 393, \"cat_4_index\": 684, \"group\": [392.0, 374.0, 281.0, 144.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 391, \"cat_0_index\": 678, \"cat_6_index\": 684, \"cat_2_index\": 682, \"cat_1_index\": 680, \"rankvar\": 758, \"cat_9_index\": 681, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 680, \"cat_3_index\": 680, \"cat_8_index\": 686, \"name\": \"NDRG1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 677, \"rank\": 526, \"ini\": 392, \"cat_4_index\": 685, \"group\": [393.0, 375.0, 282.0, 144.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 392, \"cat_0_index\": 679, \"cat_6_index\": 685, \"cat_2_index\": 683, \"cat_1_index\": 681, \"rankvar\": 719, \"cat_9_index\": 682, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 681, \"cat_3_index\": 681, \"cat_8_index\": 687, \"name\": \"PON3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1081, \"rank\": 820, \"ini\": 391, \"cat_4_index\": 686, \"group\": [390.0, 372.0, 280.0, 143.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 389, \"cat_0_index\": 680, \"cat_6_index\": 686, \"cat_2_index\": 684, \"cat_1_index\": 682, \"rankvar\": 1073, \"cat_9_index\": 683, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 682, \"cat_3_index\": 682, \"cat_8_index\": 688, \"name\": \"KRT8 Rme1 R23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1082, \"rank\": 992, \"ini\": 390, \"cat_4_index\": 687, \"group\": [391.0, 373.0, 280.0, 143.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 390, \"cat_0_index\": 681, \"cat_6_index\": 687, \"cat_2_index\": 685, \"cat_1_index\": 683, \"rankvar\": 865, \"cat_9_index\": 684, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 683, \"cat_3_index\": 683, \"cat_8_index\": 689, \"name\": \"KRT8 Rme1 R18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1083, \"rank\": 147, \"ini\": 389, \"cat_4_index\": 688, \"group\": [387.0, 369.0, 279.0, 143.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 387, \"cat_0_index\": 682, \"cat_6_index\": 688, \"cat_2_index\": 686, \"cat_1_index\": 684, \"rankvar\": 346, \"cat_9_index\": 685, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 684, \"cat_3_index\": 684, \"cat_8_index\": 690, \"name\": \"KRT8 Rme1 R47\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1084, \"rank\": 981, \"ini\": 388, \"cat_4_index\": 689, \"group\": [388.0, 370.0, 279.0, 143.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 388, \"cat_0_index\": 683, \"cat_6_index\": 689, \"cat_2_index\": 687, \"cat_1_index\": 685, \"rankvar\": 340, \"cat_9_index\": 686, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 685, \"cat_3_index\": 685, \"cat_8_index\": 691, \"name\": \"KRT8 Rme1 R32\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 678, \"rank\": 932, \"ini\": 387, \"cat_4_index\": 690, \"group\": [389.0, 371.0, 279.0, 143.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 386, \"cat_0_index\": 684, \"cat_6_index\": 690, \"cat_2_index\": 688, \"cat_1_index\": 686, \"rankvar\": 333, \"cat_9_index\": 687, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 686, \"cat_3_index\": 686, \"cat_8_index\": 692, \"name\": \"KRT18 Rme1 R14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 679, \"rank\": 392, \"ini\": 386, \"cat_4_index\": 691, \"group\": [385.0, 368.0, 279.0, 143.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 384, \"cat_0_index\": 685, \"cat_6_index\": 691, \"cat_2_index\": 689, \"cat_1_index\": 687, \"rankvar\": 301, \"cat_9_index\": 688, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 687, \"cat_3_index\": 687, \"cat_8_index\": 693, \"name\": \"KRT18 Rme1 R55\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 680, \"rank\": 536, \"ini\": 385, \"cat_4_index\": 692, \"group\": [386.0, 368.0, 279.0, 143.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 385, \"cat_0_index\": 686, \"cat_6_index\": 692, \"cat_2_index\": 690, \"cat_1_index\": 688, \"rankvar\": 243, \"cat_9_index\": 689, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 688, \"cat_3_index\": 688, \"cat_8_index\": 694, \"name\": \"KRT18 Rme1 R45\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 681, \"rank\": 235, \"ini\": 384, \"cat_4_index\": 693, \"group\": [382.0, 365.0, 276.0, 142.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 382, \"cat_0_index\": 687, \"cat_6_index\": 693, \"cat_2_index\": 691, \"cat_1_index\": 689, \"rankvar\": 194, \"cat_9_index\": 690, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 689, \"cat_3_index\": 689, \"cat_8_index\": 695, \"name\": \"MISP phospho S397\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 682, \"rank\": 216, \"ini\": 383, \"cat_4_index\": 694, \"group\": [383.0, 366.0, 277.0, 142.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 383, \"cat_0_index\": 688, \"cat_6_index\": 694, \"cat_2_index\": 692, \"cat_1_index\": 690, \"rankvar\": 344, \"cat_9_index\": 691, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 690, \"cat_3_index\": 690, \"cat_8_index\": 696, \"name\": \"MISP phospho S394\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 683, \"rank\": 311, \"ini\": 382, \"cat_4_index\": 695, \"group\": [384.0, 367.0, 278.0, 142.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 381, \"cat_0_index\": 689, \"cat_6_index\": 695, \"cat_2_index\": 693, \"cat_1_index\": 691, \"rankvar\": 89, \"cat_9_index\": 692, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 691, \"cat_3_index\": 691, \"cat_8_index\": 697, \"name\": \"KIAA1522 phospho S979\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 684, \"rank\": 79, \"ini\": 381, \"cat_4_index\": 696, \"group\": [379.0, 362.0, 273.0, 141.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 379, \"cat_0_index\": 690, \"cat_6_index\": 696, \"cat_2_index\": 694, \"cat_1_index\": 692, \"rankvar\": 379, \"cat_9_index\": 693, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 692, \"cat_3_index\": 692, \"cat_8_index\": 698, \"name\": \"GDPD3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 685, \"rank\": 156, \"ini\": 380, \"cat_4_index\": 697, \"group\": [380.0, 363.0, 274.0, 141.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 380, \"cat_0_index\": 691, \"cat_6_index\": 697, \"cat_2_index\": 695, \"cat_1_index\": 693, \"rankvar\": 571, \"cat_9_index\": 694, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 693, \"cat_3_index\": 693, \"cat_8_index\": 699, \"name\": \"S100P\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 686, \"rank\": 963, \"ini\": 379, \"cat_4_index\": 698, \"group\": [381.0, 364.0, 275.0, 141.0, 49.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 378, \"cat_0_index\": 692, \"cat_6_index\": 698, \"cat_2_index\": 696, \"cat_1_index\": 694, \"rankvar\": 1048, \"cat_9_index\": 695, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1092, \"cat_3_index\": 694, \"cat_8_index\": 700, \"name\": \"HOPX\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 687, \"rank\": 949, \"ini\": 378, \"cat_4_index\": 699, \"group\": [375.0, 358.0, 270.0, 139.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 376, \"cat_0_index\": 693, \"cat_6_index\": 699, \"cat_2_index\": 697, \"cat_1_index\": 695, \"rankvar\": 922, \"cat_9_index\": 696, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 694, \"cat_3_index\": 695, \"cat_8_index\": 701, \"name\": \"NQO2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 688, \"rank\": 109, \"ini\": 377, \"cat_4_index\": 700, \"group\": [376.0, 359.0, 270.0, 139.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 377, \"cat_0_index\": 694, \"cat_6_index\": 700, \"cat_2_index\": 698, \"cat_1_index\": 696, \"rankvar\": 406, \"cat_9_index\": 697, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 695, \"cat_3_index\": 696, \"cat_8_index\": 702, \"name\": \"PTGR1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 689, \"rank\": 1021, \"ini\": 376, \"cat_4_index\": 701, \"group\": [377.0, 360.0, 271.0, 139.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 375, \"cat_0_index\": 695, \"cat_6_index\": 701, \"cat_2_index\": 699, \"cat_1_index\": 697, \"rankvar\": 469, \"cat_9_index\": 698, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 696, \"cat_3_index\": 697, \"cat_8_index\": 703, \"name\": \"EIF4B phospho S406\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 690, \"rank\": 965, \"ini\": 375, \"cat_4_index\": 702, \"group\": [378.0, 361.0, 272.0, 140.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 374, \"cat_0_index\": 696, \"cat_6_index\": 702, \"cat_2_index\": 700, \"cat_1_index\": 698, \"rankvar\": 291, \"cat_9_index\": 699, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 697, \"cat_3_index\": 698, \"cat_8_index\": 704, \"name\": \"RB1CC1 phospho T646\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 691, \"rank\": 630, \"ini\": 374, \"cat_4_index\": 703, \"group\": [373.0, 356.0, 268.0, 138.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 372, \"cat_0_index\": 697, \"cat_6_index\": 703, \"cat_2_index\": 701, \"cat_1_index\": 699, \"rankvar\": 632, \"cat_9_index\": 700, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 698, \"cat_3_index\": 699, \"cat_8_index\": 705, \"name\": \"EPDR1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 692, \"rank\": 320, \"ini\": 373, \"cat_4_index\": 704, \"group\": [374.0, 357.0, 269.0, 138.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 373, \"cat_0_index\": 698, \"cat_6_index\": 704, \"cat_2_index\": 702, \"cat_1_index\": 700, \"rankvar\": 299, \"cat_9_index\": 701, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 699, \"cat_3_index\": 700, \"cat_8_index\": 706, \"name\": \"CCDC9 phospho T83\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 693, \"rank\": 205, \"ini\": 372, \"cat_4_index\": 705, \"group\": [369.0, 352.0, 265.0, 136.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 370, \"cat_0_index\": 1087, \"cat_6_index\": 705, \"cat_2_index\": 1087, \"cat_1_index\": 1087, \"rankvar\": 217, \"cat_9_index\": 702, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 700, \"cat_3_index\": 1087, \"cat_8_index\": 707, \"name\": \"IRS2 phospho S523\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 694, \"rank\": 895, \"ini\": 371, \"cat_4_index\": 706, \"group\": [370.0, 353.0, 265.0, 136.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 371, \"cat_0_index\": 699, \"cat_6_index\": 706, \"cat_2_index\": 703, \"cat_1_index\": 701, \"rankvar\": 712, \"cat_9_index\": 703, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 701, \"cat_3_index\": 701, \"cat_8_index\": 708, \"name\": \"ENAH phospho T493\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 695, \"rank\": 46, \"ini\": 370, \"cat_4_index\": 707, \"group\": [371.0, 354.0, 266.0, 136.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 369, \"cat_0_index\": 700, \"cat_6_index\": 707, \"cat_2_index\": 704, \"cat_1_index\": 702, \"rankvar\": 228, \"cat_9_index\": 704, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 702, \"cat_3_index\": 702, \"cat_8_index\": 709, \"name\": \"SUV420H1 AcK K20\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 696, \"rank\": 775, \"ini\": 369, \"cat_4_index\": 708, \"group\": [372.0, 355.0, 267.0, 137.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 368, \"cat_0_index\": 701, \"cat_6_index\": 708, \"cat_2_index\": 705, \"cat_1_index\": 703, \"rankvar\": 414, \"cat_9_index\": 705, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 703, \"cat_3_index\": 703, \"cat_8_index\": 710, \"name\": \"ETFB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 697, \"rank\": 936, \"ini\": 368, \"cat_4_index\": 709, \"group\": [367.0, 350.0, 263.0, 135.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 366, \"cat_0_index\": 702, \"cat_6_index\": 709, \"cat_2_index\": 706, \"cat_1_index\": 704, \"rankvar\": 768, \"cat_9_index\": 706, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 704, \"cat_3_index\": 704, \"cat_8_index\": 711, \"name\": \"CSGALNACT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 698, \"rank\": 728, \"ini\": 367, \"cat_4_index\": 710, \"group\": [368.0, 351.0, 264.0, 135.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 367, \"cat_0_index\": 703, \"cat_6_index\": 710, \"cat_2_index\": 707, \"cat_1_index\": 705, \"rankvar\": 960, \"cat_9_index\": 707, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 705, \"cat_3_index\": 705, \"cat_8_index\": 712, \"name\": \"NUDT21 AcK K23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 699, \"rank\": 317, \"ini\": 366, \"cat_4_index\": 711, \"group\": [364.0, 347.0, 262.0, 135.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 364, \"cat_0_index\": 704, \"cat_6_index\": 1086, \"cat_2_index\": 708, \"cat_1_index\": 706, \"rankvar\": 652, \"cat_9_index\": 708, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1093, \"cat_3_index\": 706, \"cat_8_index\": 713, \"name\": \"IL18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 700, \"rank\": 1023, \"ini\": 365, \"cat_4_index\": 712, \"group\": [365.0, 348.0, 262.0, 135.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 365, \"cat_0_index\": 705, \"cat_6_index\": 711, \"cat_2_index\": 709, \"cat_1_index\": 707, \"rankvar\": 770, \"cat_9_index\": 709, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 706, \"cat_3_index\": 707, \"cat_8_index\": 714, \"name\": \"NNMT\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 701, \"rank\": 342, \"ini\": 364, \"cat_4_index\": 713, \"group\": [366.0, 349.0, 262.0, 135.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 363, \"cat_0_index\": 706, \"cat_6_index\": 712, \"cat_2_index\": 710, \"cat_1_index\": 708, \"rankvar\": 502, \"cat_9_index\": 710, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 707, \"cat_3_index\": 708, \"cat_8_index\": 715, \"name\": \"CYP24A1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 702, \"rank\": 240, \"ini\": 363, \"cat_4_index\": 714, \"group\": [361.0, 344.0, 260.0, 135.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 361, \"cat_0_index\": 707, \"cat_6_index\": 713, \"cat_2_index\": 711, \"cat_1_index\": 709, \"rankvar\": 437, \"cat_9_index\": 711, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 708, \"cat_3_index\": 709, \"cat_8_index\": 716, \"name\": \"IGFBP4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 703, \"rank\": 90, \"ini\": 362, \"cat_4_index\": 715, \"group\": [362.0, 345.0, 260.0, 135.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 362, \"cat_0_index\": 708, \"cat_6_index\": 714, \"cat_2_index\": 712, \"cat_1_index\": 710, \"rankvar\": 667, \"cat_9_index\": 712, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 709, \"cat_3_index\": 710, \"cat_8_index\": 717, \"name\": \"S100A4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1085, \"rank\": 382, \"ini\": 361, \"cat_4_index\": 1096, \"group\": [363.0, 346.0, 261.0, 135.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 360, \"cat_0_index\": 709, \"cat_6_index\": 715, \"cat_2_index\": 713, \"cat_1_index\": 711, \"rankvar\": 486, \"cat_9_index\": 1070, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 710, \"cat_3_index\": 711, \"cat_8_index\": 718, \"name\": \"CLU\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 704, \"rank\": 498, \"ini\": 360, \"cat_4_index\": 716, \"group\": [356.0, 341.0, 258.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 358, \"cat_0_index\": 710, \"cat_6_index\": 716, \"cat_2_index\": 714, \"cat_1_index\": 712, \"rankvar\": 947, \"cat_9_index\": 713, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 711, \"cat_3_index\": 712, \"cat_8_index\": 719, \"name\": \"LOC344887\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 705, \"rank\": 656, \"ini\": 359, \"cat_4_index\": 717, \"group\": [357.0, 341.0, 258.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 359, \"cat_0_index\": 711, \"cat_6_index\": 717, \"cat_2_index\": 715, \"cat_1_index\": 713, \"rankvar\": 738, \"cat_9_index\": 714, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 712, \"cat_3_index\": 713, \"cat_8_index\": 720, \"name\": \"ABCC2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 706, \"rank\": 75, \"ini\": 358, \"cat_4_index\": 718, \"group\": [358.0, 341.0, 258.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 357, \"cat_0_index\": 712, \"cat_6_index\": 718, \"cat_2_index\": 716, \"cat_1_index\": 714, \"rankvar\": 803, \"cat_9_index\": 715, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 713, \"cat_3_index\": 714, \"cat_8_index\": 721, \"name\": \"KYNU\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 707, \"rank\": 496, \"ini\": 357, \"cat_4_index\": 719, \"group\": [354.0, 340.0, 258.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 355, \"cat_0_index\": 713, \"cat_6_index\": 719, \"cat_2_index\": 717, \"cat_1_index\": 715, \"rankvar\": 650, \"cat_9_index\": 1071, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 714, \"cat_3_index\": 715, \"cat_8_index\": 722, \"name\": \"CYP4F11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 708, \"rank\": 514, \"ini\": 356, \"cat_4_index\": 720, \"group\": [355.0, 340.0, 258.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 356, \"cat_0_index\": 714, \"cat_6_index\": 720, \"cat_2_index\": 718, \"cat_1_index\": 716, \"rankvar\": 631, \"cat_9_index\": 716, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 715, \"cat_3_index\": 716, \"cat_8_index\": 723, \"name\": \"ALDH3A1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 709, \"rank\": 798, \"ini\": 355, \"cat_4_index\": 721, \"group\": [351.0, 339.0, 258.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 353, \"cat_0_index\": 715, \"cat_6_index\": 721, \"cat_2_index\": 719, \"cat_1_index\": 717, \"rankvar\": 951, \"cat_9_index\": 717, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 716, \"cat_3_index\": 717, \"cat_8_index\": 724, \"name\": \"AKR1C1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 710, \"rank\": 777, \"ini\": 354, \"cat_4_index\": 722, \"group\": [352.0, 339.0, 258.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 354, \"cat_0_index\": 716, \"cat_6_index\": 722, \"cat_2_index\": 720, \"cat_1_index\": 718, \"rankvar\": 1067, \"cat_9_index\": 718, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 717, \"cat_3_index\": 718, \"cat_8_index\": 725, \"name\": \"AKR1C2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 711, \"rank\": 336, \"ini\": 353, \"cat_4_index\": 723, \"group\": [353.0, 339.0, 258.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 352, \"cat_0_index\": 717, \"cat_6_index\": 723, \"cat_2_index\": 721, \"cat_1_index\": 719, \"rankvar\": 1074, \"cat_9_index\": 719, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 718, \"cat_3_index\": 719, \"cat_8_index\": 726, \"name\": \"AKR1C3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 712, \"rank\": 1054, \"ini\": 352, \"cat_4_index\": 724, \"group\": [359.0, 342.0, 258.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 351, \"cat_0_index\": 718, \"cat_6_index\": 1087, \"cat_2_index\": 722, \"cat_1_index\": 720, \"rankvar\": 1050, \"cat_9_index\": 720, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1094, \"cat_3_index\": 720, \"cat_8_index\": 727, \"name\": \"SPP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 713, \"rank\": 676, \"ini\": 351, \"cat_4_index\": 725, \"group\": [360.0, 343.0, 259.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 350, \"cat_0_index\": 719, \"cat_6_index\": 724, \"cat_2_index\": 723, \"cat_1_index\": 721, \"rankvar\": 1079, \"cat_9_index\": 721, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 719, \"cat_3_index\": 721, \"cat_8_index\": 728, \"name\": \"SRXN1 Rme1 R16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 714, \"rank\": 734, \"ini\": 350, \"cat_4_index\": 726, \"group\": [347.0, 335.0, 257.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 348, \"cat_0_index\": 720, \"cat_6_index\": 725, \"cat_2_index\": 724, \"cat_1_index\": 722, \"rankvar\": 887, \"cat_9_index\": 722, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 720, \"cat_3_index\": 722, \"cat_8_index\": 729, \"name\": \"LINC00473\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 715, \"rank\": 141, \"ini\": 349, \"cat_4_index\": 727, \"group\": [348.0, 336.0, 257.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 349, \"cat_0_index\": 721, \"cat_6_index\": 726, \"cat_2_index\": 725, \"cat_1_index\": 723, \"rankvar\": 440, \"cat_9_index\": 723, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 721, \"cat_3_index\": 723, \"cat_8_index\": 730, \"name\": \"LOC100292680\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 716, \"rank\": 275, \"ini\": 348, \"cat_4_index\": 728, \"group\": [349.0, 337.0, 257.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 347, \"cat_0_index\": 722, \"cat_6_index\": 727, \"cat_2_index\": 726, \"cat_1_index\": 724, \"rankvar\": 462, \"cat_9_index\": 724, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 722, \"cat_3_index\": 724, \"cat_8_index\": 731, \"name\": \"CPS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 717, \"rank\": 960, \"ini\": 347, \"cat_4_index\": 729, \"group\": [350.0, 338.0, 257.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 346, \"cat_0_index\": 723, \"cat_6_index\": 728, \"cat_2_index\": 727, \"cat_1_index\": 725, \"rankvar\": 885, \"cat_9_index\": 725, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 723, \"cat_3_index\": 725, \"cat_8_index\": 732, \"name\": \"C21orf63\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 718, \"rank\": 987, \"ini\": 346, \"cat_4_index\": 730, \"group\": [344.0, 332.0, 256.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 344, \"cat_0_index\": 724, \"cat_6_index\": 729, \"cat_2_index\": 728, \"cat_1_index\": 726, \"rankvar\": 1001, \"cat_9_index\": 726, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 724, \"cat_3_index\": 726, \"cat_8_index\": 733, \"name\": \"CA12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 719, \"rank\": 74, \"ini\": 345, \"cat_4_index\": 731, \"group\": [345.0, 333.0, 256.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 345, \"cat_0_index\": 725, \"cat_6_index\": 730, \"cat_2_index\": 729, \"cat_1_index\": 727, \"rankvar\": 359, \"cat_9_index\": 727, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 725, \"cat_3_index\": 727, \"cat_8_index\": 734, \"name\": \"AKR1B10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 720, \"rank\": 388, \"ini\": 344, \"cat_4_index\": 732, \"group\": [346.0, 334.0, 256.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 343, \"cat_0_index\": 726, \"cat_6_index\": 731, \"cat_2_index\": 730, \"cat_1_index\": 728, \"rankvar\": 113, \"cat_9_index\": 728, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 726, \"cat_3_index\": 728, \"cat_8_index\": 735, \"name\": \"PDZD8 phospho S538\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 721, \"rank\": 221, \"ini\": 343, \"cat_4_index\": 733, \"group\": [340.0, 329.0, 254.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 341, \"cat_0_index\": 727, \"cat_6_index\": 732, \"cat_2_index\": 731, \"cat_1_index\": 729, \"rankvar\": 465, \"cat_9_index\": 729, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 727, \"cat_3_index\": 729, \"cat_8_index\": 736, \"name\": \"INSL4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 722, \"rank\": 753, \"ini\": 342, \"cat_4_index\": 734, \"group\": [341.0, 329.0, 254.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 342, \"cat_0_index\": 728, \"cat_6_index\": 733, \"cat_2_index\": 732, \"cat_1_index\": 730, \"rankvar\": 769, \"cat_9_index\": 730, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 728, \"cat_3_index\": 730, \"cat_8_index\": 737, \"name\": \"RSPO3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 723, \"rank\": 791, \"ini\": 341, \"cat_4_index\": 735, \"group\": [337.0, 328.0, 254.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 339, \"cat_0_index\": 729, \"cat_6_index\": 1088, \"cat_2_index\": 733, \"cat_1_index\": 731, \"rankvar\": 1055, \"cat_9_index\": 1072, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 729, \"cat_3_index\": 731, \"cat_8_index\": 738, \"name\": \"FGB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 724, \"rank\": 463, \"ini\": 340, \"cat_4_index\": 736, \"group\": [338.0, 328.0, 254.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 340, \"cat_0_index\": 730, \"cat_6_index\": 1089, \"cat_2_index\": 734, \"cat_1_index\": 732, \"rankvar\": 750, \"cat_9_index\": 1073, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 730, \"cat_3_index\": 732, \"cat_8_index\": 739, \"name\": \"FGG\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 725, \"rank\": 719, \"ini\": 339, \"cat_4_index\": 737, \"group\": [339.0, 328.0, 254.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 338, \"cat_0_index\": 731, \"cat_6_index\": 1090, \"cat_2_index\": 735, \"cat_1_index\": 733, \"rankvar\": 957, \"cat_9_index\": 1074, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1095, \"cat_3_index\": 733, \"cat_8_index\": 740, \"name\": \"FGA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 726, \"rank\": 657, \"ini\": 338, \"cat_4_index\": 738, \"group\": [342.0, 330.0, 254.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 337, \"cat_0_index\": 732, \"cat_6_index\": 734, \"cat_2_index\": 736, \"cat_1_index\": 734, \"rankvar\": 786, \"cat_9_index\": 731, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 731, \"cat_3_index\": 734, \"cat_8_index\": 741, \"name\": \"GCNT3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 727, \"rank\": 623, \"ini\": 337, \"cat_4_index\": 739, \"group\": [343.0, 331.0, 255.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 336, \"cat_0_index\": 733, \"cat_6_index\": 735, \"cat_2_index\": 737, \"cat_1_index\": 735, \"rankvar\": 825, \"cat_9_index\": 732, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 732, \"cat_3_index\": 735, \"cat_8_index\": 742, \"name\": \"CP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 728, \"rank\": 173, \"ini\": 336, \"cat_4_index\": 740, \"group\": [335.0, 326.0, 253.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 334, \"cat_0_index\": 734, \"cat_6_index\": 736, \"cat_2_index\": 738, \"cat_1_index\": 736, \"rankvar\": 1049, \"cat_9_index\": 733, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 733, \"cat_3_index\": 736, \"cat_8_index\": 743, \"name\": \"EID3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 729, \"rank\": 945, \"ini\": 335, \"cat_4_index\": 741, \"group\": [336.0, 327.0, 253.0, 134.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 335, \"cat_0_index\": 735, \"cat_6_index\": 737, \"cat_2_index\": 739, \"cat_1_index\": 737, \"rankvar\": 963, \"cat_9_index\": 1075, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 734, \"cat_3_index\": 737, \"cat_8_index\": 744, \"name\": \"SLC7A11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 730, \"rank\": 637, \"ini\": 334, \"cat_4_index\": 742, \"group\": [333.0, 324.0, 251.0, 133.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 332, \"cat_0_index\": 736, \"cat_6_index\": 738, \"cat_2_index\": 740, \"cat_1_index\": 738, \"rankvar\": 660, \"cat_9_index\": 734, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 735, \"cat_3_index\": 738, \"cat_8_index\": 745, \"name\": \"DUSP4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 731, \"rank\": 864, \"ini\": 333, \"cat_4_index\": 743, \"group\": [334.0, 325.0, 252.0, 133.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 333, \"cat_0_index\": 737, \"cat_6_index\": 1091, \"cat_2_index\": 741, \"cat_1_index\": 739, \"rankvar\": 739, \"cat_9_index\": 1076, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1096, \"cat_3_index\": 739, \"cat_8_index\": 746, \"name\": \"SERPINE2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 732, \"rank\": 724, \"ini\": 332, \"cat_4_index\": 744, \"group\": [331.0, 322.0, 249.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 330, \"cat_0_index\": 738, \"cat_6_index\": 739, \"cat_2_index\": 742, \"cat_1_index\": 740, \"rankvar\": 850, \"cat_9_index\": 735, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1097, \"cat_3_index\": 740, \"cat_8_index\": 747, \"name\": \"C3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 733, \"rank\": 1096, \"ini\": 331, \"cat_4_index\": 745, \"group\": [332.0, 323.0, 250.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 331, \"cat_0_index\": 739, \"cat_6_index\": 740, \"cat_2_index\": 743, \"cat_1_index\": 741, \"rankvar\": 18, \"cat_9_index\": 736, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 736, \"cat_3_index\": 741, \"cat_8_index\": 748, \"name\": \"PROSER2 phospho T146\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 734, \"rank\": 696, \"ini\": 330, \"cat_4_index\": 746, \"group\": [327.0, 318.0, 247.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 328, \"cat_0_index\": 740, \"cat_6_index\": 741, \"cat_2_index\": 744, \"cat_1_index\": 742, \"rankvar\": 610, \"cat_9_index\": 737, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 737, \"cat_3_index\": 742, \"cat_8_index\": 749, \"name\": \"AVPI1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 735, \"rank\": 1060, \"ini\": 329, \"cat_4_index\": 747, \"group\": [328.0, 319.0, 247.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 329, \"cat_0_index\": 741, \"cat_6_index\": 742, \"cat_2_index\": 745, \"cat_1_index\": 743, \"rankvar\": 601, \"cat_9_index\": 738, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 738, \"cat_3_index\": 743, \"cat_8_index\": 750, \"name\": \"PTGES\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 736, \"rank\": 842, \"ini\": 328, \"cat_4_index\": 748, \"group\": [329.0, 320.0, 247.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 327, \"cat_0_index\": 742, \"cat_6_index\": 743, \"cat_2_index\": 746, \"cat_1_index\": 744, \"rankvar\": 921, \"cat_9_index\": 739, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 739, \"cat_3_index\": 744, \"cat_8_index\": 751, \"name\": \"RHOV\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 737, \"rank\": 847, \"ini\": 327, \"cat_4_index\": 749, \"group\": [330.0, 321.0, 248.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 326, \"cat_0_index\": 743, \"cat_6_index\": 744, \"cat_2_index\": 747, \"cat_1_index\": 745, \"rankvar\": 1090, \"cat_9_index\": 740, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 740, \"cat_3_index\": 745, \"cat_8_index\": 752, \"name\": \"ABCG2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 738, \"rank\": 909, \"ini\": 326, \"cat_4_index\": 750, \"group\": [325.0, 316.0, 246.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 324, \"cat_0_index\": 744, \"cat_6_index\": 745, \"cat_2_index\": 748, \"cat_1_index\": 746, \"rankvar\": 1085, \"cat_9_index\": 741, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 741, \"cat_3_index\": 746, \"cat_8_index\": 753, \"name\": \"OPN3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 739, \"rank\": 125, \"ini\": 325, \"cat_4_index\": 751, \"group\": [326.0, 317.0, 246.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 325, \"cat_0_index\": 745, \"cat_6_index\": 746, \"cat_2_index\": 749, \"cat_1_index\": 747, \"rankvar\": 979, \"cat_9_index\": 742, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 742, \"cat_3_index\": 747, \"cat_8_index\": 754, \"name\": \"ME1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 740, \"rank\": 223, \"ini\": 324, \"cat_4_index\": 752, \"group\": [322.0, 313.0, 244.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 322, \"cat_0_index\": 746, \"cat_6_index\": 747, \"cat_2_index\": 750, \"cat_1_index\": 748, \"rankvar\": 897, \"cat_9_index\": 743, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 743, \"cat_3_index\": 748, \"cat_8_index\": 755, \"name\": \"RBM47 Rme1 R405\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 741, \"rank\": 166, \"ini\": 323, \"cat_4_index\": 753, \"group\": [323.0, 314.0, 244.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 323, \"cat_0_index\": 747, \"cat_6_index\": 748, \"cat_2_index\": 751, \"cat_1_index\": 749, \"rankvar\": 565, \"cat_9_index\": 744, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 744, \"cat_3_index\": 749, \"cat_8_index\": 1084, \"name\": \"PLEC phospho S4396\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 742, \"rank\": 926, \"ini\": 322, \"cat_4_index\": 754, \"group\": [324.0, 315.0, 245.0, 132.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 321, \"cat_0_index\": 748, \"cat_6_index\": 749, \"cat_2_index\": 752, \"cat_1_index\": 750, \"rankvar\": 274, \"cat_9_index\": 745, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 745, \"cat_3_index\": 750, \"cat_8_index\": 756, \"name\": \"PROSER2 Rme1 R320\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 743, \"rank\": 869, \"ini\": 321, \"cat_4_index\": 755, \"group\": [319.0, 310.0, 242.0, 131.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 319, \"cat_0_index\": 749, \"cat_6_index\": 750, \"cat_2_index\": 753, \"cat_1_index\": 751, \"rankvar\": 713, \"cat_9_index\": 746, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 746, \"cat_3_index\": 751, \"cat_8_index\": 757, \"name\": \"HSPB8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 744, \"rank\": 982, \"ini\": 320, \"cat_4_index\": 756, \"group\": [320.0, 311.0, 242.0, 131.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 320, \"cat_0_index\": 750, \"cat_6_index\": 751, \"cat_2_index\": 754, \"cat_1_index\": 752, \"rankvar\": 971, \"cat_9_index\": 1077, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 747, \"cat_3_index\": 752, \"cat_8_index\": 758, \"name\": \"SRGN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 745, \"rank\": 359, \"ini\": 319, \"cat_4_index\": 757, \"group\": [321.0, 312.0, 243.0, 131.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 318, \"cat_0_index\": 751, \"cat_6_index\": 752, \"cat_2_index\": 755, \"cat_1_index\": 753, \"rankvar\": 530, \"cat_9_index\": 747, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 748, \"cat_3_index\": 753, \"cat_8_index\": 759, \"name\": \"NID2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 746, \"rank\": 62, \"ini\": 318, \"cat_4_index\": 758, \"group\": [315.0, 306.0, 239.0, 130.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 316, \"cat_0_index\": 752, \"cat_6_index\": 753, \"cat_2_index\": 756, \"cat_1_index\": 754, \"rankvar\": 345, \"cat_9_index\": 748, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 749, \"cat_3_index\": 754, \"cat_8_index\": 760, \"name\": \"TDO2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 747, \"rank\": 618, \"ini\": 317, \"cat_4_index\": 759, \"group\": [316.0, 307.0, 239.0, 130.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 317, \"cat_0_index\": 753, \"cat_6_index\": 754, \"cat_2_index\": 757, \"cat_1_index\": 755, \"rankvar\": 847, \"cat_9_index\": 749, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 750, \"cat_3_index\": 755, \"cat_8_index\": 761, \"name\": \"C1S\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 748, \"rank\": 316, \"ini\": 316, \"cat_4_index\": 760, \"group\": [317.0, 308.0, 240.0, 130.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 315, \"cat_0_index\": 754, \"cat_6_index\": 755, \"cat_2_index\": 758, \"cat_1_index\": 756, \"rankvar\": 86, \"cat_9_index\": 750, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 751, \"cat_3_index\": 756, \"cat_8_index\": 762, \"name\": \"TXNRD1 phospho Y281\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 749, \"rank\": 861, \"ini\": 315, \"cat_4_index\": 761, \"group\": [318.0, 309.0, 241.0, 130.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 314, \"cat_0_index\": 755, \"cat_6_index\": 756, \"cat_2_index\": 759, \"cat_1_index\": 757, \"rankvar\": 698, \"cat_9_index\": 751, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 752, \"cat_3_index\": 757, \"cat_8_index\": 763, \"name\": \"SLC16A4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 750, \"rank\": 45, \"ini\": 314, \"cat_4_index\": 762, \"group\": [311.0, 302.0, 236.0, 129.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 312, \"cat_0_index\": 756, \"cat_6_index\": 757, \"cat_2_index\": 760, \"cat_1_index\": 758, \"rankvar\": 376, \"cat_9_index\": 752, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 753, \"cat_3_index\": 758, \"cat_8_index\": 764, \"name\": \"ANKRD29\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 751, \"rank\": 241, \"ini\": 313, \"cat_4_index\": 763, \"group\": [312.0, 303.0, 236.0, 129.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 313, \"cat_0_index\": 757, \"cat_6_index\": 758, \"cat_2_index\": 761, \"cat_1_index\": 759, \"rankvar\": 676, \"cat_9_index\": 753, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 754, \"cat_3_index\": 759, \"cat_8_index\": 765, \"name\": \"CLMP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 752, \"rank\": 284, \"ini\": 312, \"cat_4_index\": 764, \"group\": [313.0, 304.0, 237.0, 129.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 311, \"cat_0_index\": 1088, \"cat_6_index\": 1092, \"cat_2_index\": 1088, \"cat_1_index\": 1088, \"rankvar\": 479, \"cat_9_index\": 1078, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 755, \"cat_3_index\": 1088, \"cat_8_index\": 766, \"name\": \"VEGFC\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 753, \"rank\": 688, \"ini\": 311, \"cat_4_index\": 765, \"group\": [314.0, 305.0, 238.0, 129.0, 48.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 310, \"cat_0_index\": 758, \"cat_6_index\": 759, \"cat_2_index\": 762, \"cat_1_index\": 760, \"rankvar\": 841, \"cat_9_index\": 754, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 756, \"cat_3_index\": 760, \"cat_8_index\": 1085, \"name\": \"GJA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1086, \"rank\": 566, \"ini\": 310, \"cat_4_index\": 766, \"group\": [306.0, 297.0, 232.0, 127.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 308, \"cat_0_index\": 759, \"cat_6_index\": 760, \"cat_2_index\": 763, \"cat_1_index\": 761, \"rankvar\": 6, \"cat_9_index\": 755, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 757, \"cat_3_index\": 761, \"cat_8_index\": 767, \"name\": \"KRT8 AcK K11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1087, \"rank\": 1079, \"ini\": 309, \"cat_4_index\": 767, \"group\": [307.0, 298.0, 232.0, 127.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 309, \"cat_0_index\": 760, \"cat_6_index\": 761, \"cat_2_index\": 764, \"cat_1_index\": 762, \"rankvar\": 185, \"cat_9_index\": 756, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 758, \"cat_3_index\": 762, \"cat_8_index\": 768, \"name\": \"KRT8 AcK K101\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 754, \"rank\": 934, \"ini\": 308, \"cat_4_index\": 768, \"group\": [308.0, 299.0, 233.0, 127.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 307, \"cat_0_index\": 761, \"cat_6_index\": 762, \"cat_2_index\": 765, \"cat_1_index\": 763, \"rankvar\": 178, \"cat_9_index\": 757, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 759, \"cat_3_index\": 763, \"cat_8_index\": 769, \"name\": \"HIPK3 phospho Y359\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1088, \"rank\": 439, \"ini\": 307, \"cat_4_index\": 1097, \"group\": [309.0, 300.0, 234.0, 127.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 306, \"cat_0_index\": 762, \"cat_6_index\": 763, \"cat_2_index\": 766, \"cat_1_index\": 764, \"rankvar\": 518, \"cat_9_index\": 758, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 760, \"cat_3_index\": 764, \"cat_8_index\": 770, \"name\": \"DDX3X Rme1 R88\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 755, \"rank\": 471, \"ini\": 306, \"cat_4_index\": 769, \"group\": [310.0, 301.0, 235.0, 128.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 305, \"cat_0_index\": 763, \"cat_6_index\": 764, \"cat_2_index\": 767, \"cat_1_index\": 765, \"rankvar\": 156, \"cat_9_index\": 759, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 761, \"cat_3_index\": 765, \"cat_8_index\": 771, \"name\": \"NUCKS1 AcK K188\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 756, \"rank\": 368, \"ini\": 305, \"cat_4_index\": 770, \"group\": [303.0, 294.0, 229.0, 126.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 303, \"cat_0_index\": 764, \"cat_6_index\": 765, \"cat_2_index\": 768, \"cat_1_index\": 766, \"rankvar\": 618, \"cat_9_index\": 760, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 762, \"cat_3_index\": 766, \"cat_8_index\": 772, \"name\": \"TFG Rme1 R400\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1089, \"rank\": 253, \"ini\": 304, \"cat_4_index\": 1098, \"group\": [304.0, 295.0, 230.0, 126.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 304, \"cat_0_index\": 765, \"cat_6_index\": 766, \"cat_2_index\": 769, \"cat_1_index\": 767, \"rankvar\": 358, \"cat_9_index\": 761, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 763, \"cat_3_index\": 767, \"cat_8_index\": 773, \"name\": \"HNRNPUL1 Rme1 R685\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1090, \"rank\": 110, \"ini\": 303, \"cat_4_index\": 1099, \"group\": [305.0, 296.0, 231.0, 126.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 302, \"cat_0_index\": 766, \"cat_6_index\": 767, \"cat_2_index\": 770, \"cat_1_index\": 768, \"rankvar\": 956, \"cat_9_index\": 762, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 764, \"cat_3_index\": 768, \"cat_8_index\": 774, \"name\": \"ENO1 AcK K81\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 757, \"rank\": 730, \"ini\": 302, \"cat_4_index\": 771, \"group\": [300.0, 291.0, 227.0, 125.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 300, \"cat_0_index\": 767, \"cat_6_index\": 768, \"cat_2_index\": 771, \"cat_1_index\": 769, \"rankvar\": 586, \"cat_9_index\": 763, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 765, \"cat_3_index\": 769, \"cat_8_index\": 775, \"name\": \"LMNA AcK K420\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1091, \"rank\": 897, \"ini\": 301, \"cat_4_index\": 1100, \"group\": [301.0, 292.0, 227.0, 125.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 301, \"cat_0_index\": 768, \"cat_6_index\": 769, \"cat_2_index\": 772, \"cat_1_index\": 770, \"rankvar\": 554, \"cat_9_index\": 764, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 766, \"cat_3_index\": 770, \"cat_8_index\": 776, \"name\": \"ENO1 AcK K256\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 758, \"rank\": 290, \"ini\": 300, \"cat_4_index\": 772, \"group\": [302.0, 293.0, 228.0, 125.0, 47.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 299, \"cat_0_index\": 769, \"cat_6_index\": 770, \"cat_2_index\": 773, \"cat_1_index\": 771, \"rankvar\": 1012, \"cat_9_index\": 765, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 767, \"cat_3_index\": 771, \"cat_8_index\": 777, \"name\": \"CEBPB phospho T235\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 759, \"rank\": 348, \"ini\": 299, \"cat_4_index\": 773, \"group\": [296.0, 287.0, 224.0, 123.0, 46.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 297, \"cat_0_index\": 770, \"cat_6_index\": 771, \"cat_2_index\": 774, \"cat_1_index\": 772, \"rankvar\": 31, \"cat_9_index\": 766, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 768, \"cat_3_index\": 772, \"cat_8_index\": 1086, \"name\": \"PKP3 phospho Y176\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 760, \"rank\": 438, \"ini\": 298, \"cat_4_index\": 774, \"group\": [297.0, 288.0, 224.0, 123.0, 46.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 298, \"cat_0_index\": 771, \"cat_6_index\": 772, \"cat_2_index\": 775, \"cat_1_index\": 773, \"rankvar\": 93, \"cat_9_index\": 767, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 769, \"cat_3_index\": 773, \"cat_8_index\": 778, \"name\": \"FAM83B phospho S838\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 761, \"rank\": 744, \"ini\": 297, \"cat_4_index\": 775, \"group\": [298.0, 289.0, 225.0, 123.0, 46.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 296, \"cat_0_index\": 772, \"cat_6_index\": 773, \"cat_2_index\": 776, \"cat_1_index\": 774, \"rankvar\": 1003, \"cat_9_index\": 768, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 770, \"cat_3_index\": 774, \"cat_8_index\": 779, \"name\": \"GSTT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1092, \"rank\": 277, \"ini\": 296, \"cat_4_index\": 776, \"group\": [299.0, 290.0, 226.0, 124.0, 46.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 295, \"cat_0_index\": 773, \"cat_6_index\": 1093, \"cat_2_index\": 777, \"cat_1_index\": 775, \"rankvar\": 75, \"cat_9_index\": 1079, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1098, \"cat_3_index\": 775, \"cat_8_index\": 780, \"name\": \"PRKCD phospho Y313\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 762, \"rank\": 841, \"ini\": 295, \"cat_4_index\": 777, \"group\": [294.0, 285.0, 222.0, 122.0, 46.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 293, \"cat_0_index\": 774, \"cat_6_index\": 774, \"cat_2_index\": 778, \"cat_1_index\": 776, \"rankvar\": 147, \"cat_9_index\": 769, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 771, \"cat_3_index\": 776, \"cat_8_index\": 781, \"name\": \"KRT7 Rme1 R329\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 763, \"rank\": 727, \"ini\": 294, \"cat_4_index\": 778, \"group\": [295.0, 286.0, 223.0, 122.0, 46.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 294, \"cat_0_index\": 775, \"cat_6_index\": 775, \"cat_2_index\": 779, \"cat_1_index\": 777, \"rankvar\": 522, \"cat_9_index\": 770, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 772, \"cat_3_index\": 777, \"cat_8_index\": 782, \"name\": \"HNRNPA1 Rme1 R336\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 764, \"rank\": 307, \"ini\": 293, \"cat_4_index\": 779, \"group\": [291.0, 282.0, 219.0, 120.0, 45.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 291, \"cat_0_index\": 776, \"cat_6_index\": 776, \"cat_2_index\": 780, \"cat_1_index\": 778, \"rankvar\": 1069, \"cat_9_index\": 771, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 773, \"cat_3_index\": 778, \"cat_8_index\": 783, \"name\": \"SLC12A8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 765, \"rank\": 824, \"ini\": 292, \"cat_4_index\": 780, \"group\": [292.0, 283.0, 220.0, 120.0, 45.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 292, \"cat_0_index\": 777, \"cat_6_index\": 777, \"cat_2_index\": 781, \"cat_1_index\": 779, \"rankvar\": 66, \"cat_9_index\": 772, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 774, \"cat_3_index\": 779, \"cat_8_index\": 784, \"name\": \"SLC12A8 phospho T485\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 766, \"rank\": 629, \"ini\": 291, \"cat_4_index\": 781, \"group\": [289.0, 280.0, 217.0, 119.0, 45.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 289, \"cat_0_index\": 778, \"cat_6_index\": 778, \"cat_2_index\": 782, \"cat_1_index\": 780, \"rankvar\": 742, \"cat_9_index\": 773, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 775, \"cat_3_index\": 780, \"cat_8_index\": 785, \"name\": \"KCNK1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 767, \"rank\": 570, \"ini\": 290, \"cat_4_index\": 782, \"group\": [290.0, 281.0, 218.0, 119.0, 45.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 290, \"cat_0_index\": 779, \"cat_6_index\": 779, \"cat_2_index\": 783, \"cat_1_index\": 781, \"rankvar\": 52, \"cat_9_index\": 774, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 776, \"cat_3_index\": 781, \"cat_8_index\": 786, \"name\": \"CHD8 phospho S2519\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 768, \"rank\": 447, \"ini\": 289, \"cat_4_index\": 783, \"group\": [293.0, 284.0, 221.0, 121.0, 45.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 288, \"cat_0_index\": 780, \"cat_6_index\": 780, \"cat_2_index\": 784, \"cat_1_index\": 782, \"rankvar\": 860, \"cat_9_index\": 775, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 777, \"cat_3_index\": 782, \"cat_8_index\": 787, \"name\": \"GSTO2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 769, \"rank\": 835, \"ini\": 288, \"cat_4_index\": 784, \"group\": [286.0, 277.0, 214.0, 117.0, 44.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 286, \"cat_0_index\": 781, \"cat_6_index\": 781, \"cat_2_index\": 785, \"cat_1_index\": 783, \"rankvar\": 474, \"cat_9_index\": 776, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 778, \"cat_3_index\": 783, \"cat_8_index\": 788, \"name\": \"SERPINB5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 770, \"rank\": 30, \"ini\": 287, \"cat_4_index\": 785, \"group\": [287.0, 278.0, 215.0, 117.0, 44.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 287, \"cat_0_index\": 782, \"cat_6_index\": 782, \"cat_2_index\": 786, \"cat_1_index\": 784, \"rankvar\": 275, \"cat_9_index\": 777, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 779, \"cat_3_index\": 784, \"cat_8_index\": 789, \"name\": \"RANBP10 phospho S365\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 771, \"rank\": 537, \"ini\": 286, \"cat_4_index\": 786, \"group\": [284.0, 275.0, 213.0, 116.0, 44.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 284, \"cat_0_index\": 783, \"cat_6_index\": 783, \"cat_2_index\": 787, \"cat_1_index\": 785, \"rankvar\": 278, \"cat_9_index\": 778, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 780, \"cat_3_index\": 785, \"cat_8_index\": 790, \"name\": \"DCP1A phospho T531\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 772, \"rank\": 421, \"ini\": 285, \"cat_4_index\": 787, \"group\": [285.0, 276.0, 213.0, 116.0, 44.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 285, \"cat_0_index\": 784, \"cat_6_index\": 784, \"cat_2_index\": 788, \"cat_1_index\": 786, \"rankvar\": 205, \"cat_9_index\": 779, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 781, \"cat_3_index\": 786, \"cat_8_index\": 791, \"name\": \"DCP1A phospho S525\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 773, \"rank\": 358, \"ini\": 284, \"cat_4_index\": 788, \"group\": [288.0, 279.0, 216.0, 118.0, 44.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 283, \"cat_0_index\": 785, \"cat_6_index\": 785, \"cat_2_index\": 789, \"cat_1_index\": 787, \"rankvar\": 27, \"cat_9_index\": 780, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 782, \"cat_3_index\": 787, \"cat_8_index\": 792, \"name\": \"DCP1A phospho T528\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 774, \"rank\": 796, \"ini\": 283, \"cat_4_index\": 789, \"group\": [280.0, 271.0, 210.0, 113.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 281, \"cat_0_index\": 786, \"cat_6_index\": 786, \"cat_2_index\": 790, \"cat_1_index\": 788, \"rankvar\": 871, \"cat_9_index\": 781, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 783, \"cat_3_index\": 788, \"cat_8_index\": 793, \"name\": \"CA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 775, \"rank\": 394, \"ini\": 282, \"cat_4_index\": 790, \"group\": [281.0, 272.0, 210.0, 113.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 282, \"cat_0_index\": 787, \"cat_6_index\": 787, \"cat_2_index\": 791, \"cat_1_index\": 789, \"rankvar\": 526, \"cat_9_index\": 782, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 784, \"cat_3_index\": 789, \"cat_8_index\": 794, \"name\": \"GDA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 776, \"rank\": 708, \"ini\": 281, \"cat_4_index\": 791, \"group\": [282.0, 273.0, 211.0, 114.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 280, \"cat_0_index\": 788, \"cat_6_index\": 788, \"cat_2_index\": 792, \"cat_1_index\": 790, \"rankvar\": 334, \"cat_9_index\": 783, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 785, \"cat_3_index\": 790, \"cat_8_index\": 795, \"name\": \"DARS2 phospho S242\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1093, \"rank\": 952, \"ini\": 280, \"cat_4_index\": 792, \"group\": [283.0, 274.0, 212.0, 115.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 279, \"cat_0_index\": 789, \"cat_6_index\": 789, \"cat_2_index\": 793, \"cat_1_index\": 791, \"rankvar\": 1047, \"cat_9_index\": 784, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 786, \"cat_3_index\": 791, \"cat_8_index\": 796, \"name\": \"DEFB1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 777, \"rank\": 1015, \"ini\": 279, \"cat_4_index\": 793, \"group\": [277.0, 268.0, 207.0, 112.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 277, \"cat_0_index\": 1089, \"cat_6_index\": 790, \"cat_2_index\": 1089, \"cat_1_index\": 1089, \"rankvar\": 1004, \"cat_9_index\": 785, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 787, \"cat_3_index\": 1089, \"cat_8_index\": 797, \"name\": \"FAM110C\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 778, \"rank\": 128, \"ini\": 278, \"cat_4_index\": 794, \"group\": [278.0, 269.0, 208.0, 112.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 278, \"cat_0_index\": 790, \"cat_6_index\": 791, \"cat_2_index\": 794, \"cat_1_index\": 792, \"rankvar\": 453, \"cat_9_index\": 786, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 788, \"cat_3_index\": 792, \"cat_8_index\": 1087, \"name\": \"GJB2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 779, \"rank\": 653, \"ini\": 277, \"cat_4_index\": 795, \"group\": [279.0, 270.0, 209.0, 112.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 276, \"cat_0_index\": 791, \"cat_6_index\": 792, \"cat_2_index\": 795, \"cat_1_index\": 793, \"rankvar\": 700, \"cat_9_index\": 787, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 789, \"cat_3_index\": 793, \"cat_8_index\": 798, \"name\": \"TRIM29\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 780, \"rank\": 944, \"ini\": 276, \"cat_4_index\": 796, \"group\": [275.0, 266.0, 206.0, 111.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 274, \"cat_0_index\": 792, \"cat_6_index\": 793, \"cat_2_index\": 796, \"cat_1_index\": 794, \"rankvar\": 993, \"cat_9_index\": 788, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 790, \"cat_3_index\": 794, \"cat_8_index\": 799, \"name\": \"DTX4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 781, \"rank\": 28, \"ini\": 275, \"cat_4_index\": 797, \"group\": [276.0, 267.0, 206.0, 111.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 275, \"cat_0_index\": 793, \"cat_6_index\": 794, \"cat_2_index\": 797, \"cat_1_index\": 795, \"rankvar\": 430, \"cat_9_index\": 789, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 791, \"cat_3_index\": 795, \"cat_8_index\": 800, \"name\": \"SLPI\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 782, \"rank\": 1020, \"ini\": 274, \"cat_4_index\": 798, \"group\": [272.0, 263.0, 205.0, 111.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 272, \"cat_0_index\": 794, \"cat_6_index\": 795, \"cat_2_index\": 798, \"cat_1_index\": 796, \"rankvar\": 980, \"cat_9_index\": 790, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 792, \"cat_3_index\": 796, \"cat_8_index\": 801, \"name\": \"PI3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 783, \"rank\": 919, \"ini\": 273, \"cat_4_index\": 799, \"group\": [273.0, 264.0, 205.0, 111.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 273, \"cat_0_index\": 795, \"cat_6_index\": 796, \"cat_2_index\": 799, \"cat_1_index\": 797, \"rankvar\": 941, \"cat_9_index\": 791, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 793, \"cat_3_index\": 797, \"cat_8_index\": 802, \"name\": \"CSTA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1094, \"rank\": 299, \"ini\": 272, \"cat_4_index\": 800, \"group\": [270.0, 262.0, 205.0, 111.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 270, \"cat_0_index\": 796, \"cat_6_index\": 797, \"cat_2_index\": 800, \"cat_1_index\": 798, \"rankvar\": 563, \"cat_9_index\": 792, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1099, \"cat_3_index\": 798, \"cat_8_index\": 803, \"name\": \"S100A9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1095, \"rank\": 778, \"ini\": 271, \"cat_4_index\": 801, \"group\": [271.0, 262.0, 205.0, 111.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 271, \"cat_0_index\": 797, \"cat_6_index\": 798, \"cat_2_index\": 801, \"cat_1_index\": 799, \"rankvar\": 792, \"cat_9_index\": 793, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1100, \"cat_3_index\": 799, \"cat_8_index\": 804, \"name\": \"S100A8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 784, \"rank\": 585, \"ini\": 270, \"cat_4_index\": 802, \"group\": [274.0, 265.0, 205.0, 111.0, 43.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 269, \"cat_0_index\": 798, \"cat_6_index\": 799, \"cat_2_index\": 802, \"cat_1_index\": 800, \"rankvar\": 911, \"cat_9_index\": 794, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 794, \"cat_3_index\": 800, \"cat_8_index\": 805, \"name\": \"NCCRP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 785, \"rank\": 601, \"ini\": 269, \"cat_4_index\": 803, \"group\": [268.0, 260.0, 203.0, 110.0, 42.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 267, \"cat_0_index\": 799, \"cat_6_index\": 800, \"cat_2_index\": 803, \"cat_1_index\": 801, \"rankvar\": 661, \"cat_9_index\": 795, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 795, \"cat_3_index\": 801, \"cat_8_index\": 806, \"name\": \"UPK1B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 786, \"rank\": 989, \"ini\": 268, \"cat_4_index\": 804, \"group\": [269.0, 261.0, 204.0, 110.0, 42.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 268, \"cat_0_index\": 800, \"cat_6_index\": 801, \"cat_2_index\": 804, \"cat_1_index\": 802, \"rankvar\": 39, \"cat_9_index\": 796, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 796, \"cat_3_index\": 802, \"cat_8_index\": 1088, \"name\": \"PLEC phospho S4389\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 787, \"rank\": 1016, \"ini\": 267, \"cat_4_index\": 805, \"group\": [266.0, 258.0, 201.0, 109.0, 41.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 265, \"cat_0_index\": 801, \"cat_6_index\": 802, \"cat_2_index\": 805, \"cat_1_index\": 803, \"rankvar\": 473, \"cat_9_index\": 797, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 797, \"cat_3_index\": 803, \"cat_8_index\": 807, \"name\": \"LPHN2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 788, \"rank\": 665, \"ini\": 266, \"cat_4_index\": 806, \"group\": [267.0, 259.0, 202.0, 109.0, 41.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 266, \"cat_0_index\": 802, \"cat_6_index\": 803, \"cat_2_index\": 806, \"cat_1_index\": 804, \"rankvar\": 108, \"cat_9_index\": 798, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 798, \"cat_3_index\": 804, \"cat_8_index\": 808, \"name\": \"MICALL1 phospho T318\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 789, \"rank\": 827, \"ini\": 265, \"cat_4_index\": 807, \"group\": [264.0, 256.0, 199.0, 108.0, 41.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 263, \"cat_0_index\": 803, \"cat_6_index\": 804, \"cat_2_index\": 807, \"cat_1_index\": 805, \"rankvar\": 1036, \"cat_9_index\": 799, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 799, \"cat_3_index\": 805, \"cat_8_index\": 809, \"name\": \"MFAP5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 790, \"rank\": 400, \"ini\": 264, \"cat_4_index\": 808, \"group\": [265.0, 257.0, 200.0, 108.0, 41.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 264, \"cat_0_index\": 804, \"cat_6_index\": 805, \"cat_2_index\": 808, \"cat_1_index\": 806, \"rankvar\": 524, \"cat_9_index\": 800, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 800, \"cat_3_index\": 806, \"cat_8_index\": 810, \"name\": \"TNNC1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 791, \"rank\": 233, \"ini\": 263, \"cat_4_index\": 809, \"group\": [260.0, 252.0, 196.0, 107.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 261, \"cat_0_index\": 805, \"cat_6_index\": 806, \"cat_2_index\": 809, \"cat_1_index\": 807, \"rankvar\": 580, \"cat_9_index\": 1080, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1101, \"cat_3_index\": 807, \"cat_8_index\": 811, \"name\": \"THBD\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 792, \"rank\": 1038, \"ini\": 262, \"cat_4_index\": 810, \"group\": [261.0, 253.0, 196.0, 107.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 262, \"cat_0_index\": 806, \"cat_6_index\": 807, \"cat_2_index\": 810, \"cat_1_index\": 808, \"rankvar\": 965, \"cat_9_index\": 801, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 801, \"cat_3_index\": 808, \"cat_8_index\": 812, \"name\": \"FOXQ1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 793, \"rank\": 1058, \"ini\": 261, \"cat_4_index\": 811, \"group\": [262.0, 254.0, 197.0, 107.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 260, \"cat_0_index\": 807, \"cat_6_index\": 808, \"cat_2_index\": 811, \"cat_1_index\": 809, \"rankvar\": 81, \"cat_9_index\": 802, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 802, \"cat_3_index\": 809, \"cat_8_index\": 813, \"name\": \"TNS4 phospho S350\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 794, \"rank\": 459, \"ini\": 260, \"cat_4_index\": 812, \"group\": [263.0, 255.0, 198.0, 107.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 259, \"cat_0_index\": 808, \"cat_6_index\": 809, \"cat_2_index\": 812, \"cat_1_index\": 810, \"rankvar\": 709, \"cat_9_index\": 803, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 803, \"cat_3_index\": 810, \"cat_8_index\": 814, \"name\": \"TIMP3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 795, \"rank\": 817, \"ini\": 259, \"cat_4_index\": 813, \"group\": [258.0, 250.0, 194.0, 106.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 257, \"cat_0_index\": 809, \"cat_6_index\": 810, \"cat_2_index\": 813, \"cat_1_index\": 811, \"rankvar\": 954, \"cat_9_index\": 804, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 804, \"cat_3_index\": 811, \"cat_8_index\": 815, \"name\": \"AQP3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 796, \"rank\": 366, \"ini\": 258, \"cat_4_index\": 814, \"group\": [259.0, 251.0, 195.0, 106.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 258, \"cat_0_index\": 810, \"cat_6_index\": 811, \"cat_2_index\": 814, \"cat_1_index\": 812, \"rankvar\": 199, \"cat_9_index\": 805, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 805, \"cat_3_index\": 812, \"cat_8_index\": 816, \"name\": \"ZNF609 phospho S576\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 797, \"rank\": 794, \"ini\": 257, \"cat_4_index\": 815, \"group\": [253.0, 245.0, 191.0, 105.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 255, \"cat_0_index\": 811, \"cat_6_index\": 812, \"cat_2_index\": 815, \"cat_1_index\": 813, \"rankvar\": 837, \"cat_9_index\": 806, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 806, \"cat_3_index\": 813, \"cat_8_index\": 817, \"name\": \"KRT86\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 798, \"rank\": 565, \"ini\": 256, \"cat_4_index\": 816, \"group\": [254.0, 246.0, 191.0, 105.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 256, \"cat_0_index\": 812, \"cat_6_index\": 813, \"cat_2_index\": 816, \"cat_1_index\": 814, \"rankvar\": 702, \"cat_9_index\": 807, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 807, \"cat_3_index\": 814, \"cat_8_index\": 818, \"name\": \"KRT81\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 799, \"rank\": 845, \"ini\": 255, \"cat_4_index\": 817, \"group\": [255.0, 247.0, 191.0, 105.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 254, \"cat_0_index\": 813, \"cat_6_index\": 814, \"cat_2_index\": 817, \"cat_1_index\": 815, \"rankvar\": 873, \"cat_9_index\": 808, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 808, \"cat_3_index\": 815, \"cat_8_index\": 819, \"name\": \"TFF1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 800, \"rank\": 818, \"ini\": 254, \"cat_4_index\": 818, \"group\": [256.0, 248.0, 192.0, 105.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 253, \"cat_0_index\": 814, \"cat_6_index\": 815, \"cat_2_index\": 818, \"cat_1_index\": 816, \"rankvar\": 801, \"cat_9_index\": 809, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 809, \"cat_3_index\": 816, \"cat_8_index\": 820, \"name\": \"PDE4B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 801, \"rank\": 831, \"ini\": 253, \"cat_4_index\": 819, \"group\": [257.0, 249.0, 193.0, 105.0, 40.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 252, \"cat_0_index\": 815, \"cat_6_index\": 816, \"cat_2_index\": 819, \"cat_1_index\": 817, \"rankvar\": 904, \"cat_9_index\": 810, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 810, \"cat_3_index\": 817, \"cat_8_index\": 821, \"name\": \"COL4A6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 802, \"rank\": 871, \"ini\": 252, \"cat_4_index\": 820, \"group\": [249.0, 241.0, 188.0, 103.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 250, \"cat_0_index\": 816, \"cat_6_index\": 817, \"cat_2_index\": 820, \"cat_1_index\": 818, \"rankvar\": 213, \"cat_9_index\": 811, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 811, \"cat_3_index\": 818, \"cat_8_index\": 822, \"name\": \"NCOR1 phospho T568\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 803, \"rank\": 396, \"ini\": 251, \"cat_4_index\": 821, \"group\": [250.0, 242.0, 188.0, 103.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 251, \"cat_0_index\": 817, \"cat_6_index\": 818, \"cat_2_index\": 821, \"cat_1_index\": 819, \"rankvar\": 155, \"cat_9_index\": 812, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 812, \"cat_3_index\": 819, \"cat_8_index\": 823, \"name\": \"MCM4 phospho T102\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 804, \"rank\": 1002, \"ini\": 250, \"cat_4_index\": 822, \"group\": [251.0, 243.0, 189.0, 103.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 249, \"cat_0_index\": 818, \"cat_6_index\": 819, \"cat_2_index\": 822, \"cat_1_index\": 820, \"rankvar\": 1089, \"cat_9_index\": 813, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 813, \"cat_3_index\": 820, \"cat_8_index\": 824, \"name\": \"SF3B2 Rme1 R222\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 805, \"rank\": 581, \"ini\": 249, \"cat_4_index\": 823, \"group\": [252.0, 244.0, 190.0, 104.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 248, \"cat_0_index\": 819, \"cat_6_index\": 820, \"cat_2_index\": 823, \"cat_1_index\": 821, \"rankvar\": 992, \"cat_9_index\": 814, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 814, \"cat_3_index\": 821, \"cat_8_index\": 825, \"name\": \"CUL1 phospho S6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 806, \"rank\": 912, \"ini\": 248, \"cat_4_index\": 824, \"group\": [245.0, 237.0, 186.0, 102.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 246, \"cat_0_index\": 820, \"cat_6_index\": 821, \"cat_2_index\": 824, \"cat_1_index\": 822, \"rankvar\": 1062, \"cat_9_index\": 815, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 815, \"cat_3_index\": 822, \"cat_8_index\": 826, \"name\": \"IL1A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 807, \"rank\": 460, \"ini\": 247, \"cat_4_index\": 825, \"group\": [246.0, 238.0, 186.0, 102.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 247, \"cat_0_index\": 821, \"cat_6_index\": 822, \"cat_2_index\": 825, \"cat_1_index\": 823, \"rankvar\": 546, \"cat_9_index\": 816, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 816, \"cat_3_index\": 823, \"cat_8_index\": 827, \"name\": \"KRT17\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 808, \"rank\": 225, \"ini\": 246, \"cat_4_index\": 826, \"group\": [247.0, 239.0, 186.0, 102.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 245, \"cat_0_index\": 822, \"cat_6_index\": 823, \"cat_2_index\": 826, \"cat_1_index\": 824, \"rankvar\": 400, \"cat_9_index\": 817, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 817, \"cat_3_index\": 824, \"cat_8_index\": 828, \"name\": \"KRT6A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 809, \"rank\": 682, \"ini\": 245, \"cat_4_index\": 827, \"group\": [248.0, 240.0, 187.0, 102.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 244, \"cat_0_index\": 823, \"cat_6_index\": 824, \"cat_2_index\": 827, \"cat_1_index\": 825, \"rankvar\": 787, \"cat_9_index\": 818, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 818, \"cat_3_index\": 825, \"cat_8_index\": 829, \"name\": \"INHBA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 810, \"rank\": 782, \"ini\": 244, \"cat_4_index\": 828, \"group\": [243.0, 235.0, 185.0, 102.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 242, \"cat_0_index\": 824, \"cat_6_index\": 825, \"cat_2_index\": 828, \"cat_1_index\": 826, \"rankvar\": 336, \"cat_9_index\": 819, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 819, \"cat_3_index\": 826, \"cat_8_index\": 830, \"name\": \"ZNF622 phospho S174\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 811, \"rank\": 785, \"ini\": 243, \"cat_4_index\": 829, \"group\": [244.0, 236.0, 185.0, 102.0, 39.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 243, \"cat_0_index\": 825, \"cat_6_index\": 826, \"cat_2_index\": 829, \"cat_1_index\": 827, \"rankvar\": 134, \"cat_9_index\": 820, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 820, \"cat_3_index\": 827, \"cat_8_index\": 831, \"name\": \"TPD52L2 phospho S134\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 812, \"rank\": 204, \"ini\": 242, \"cat_4_index\": 830, \"group\": [239.0, 231.0, 183.0, 101.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 240, \"cat_0_index\": 826, \"cat_6_index\": 827, \"cat_2_index\": 830, \"cat_1_index\": 828, \"rankvar\": 533, \"cat_9_index\": 821, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1102, \"cat_3_index\": 828, \"cat_8_index\": 832, \"name\": \"ADORA2B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 813, \"rank\": 826, \"ini\": 241, \"cat_4_index\": 831, \"group\": [240.0, 232.0, 183.0, 101.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 241, \"cat_0_index\": 827, \"cat_6_index\": 828, \"cat_2_index\": 831, \"cat_1_index\": 829, \"rankvar\": 752, \"cat_9_index\": 822, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 821, \"cat_3_index\": 829, \"cat_8_index\": 833, \"name\": \"MYC\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 814, \"rank\": 591, \"ini\": 240, \"cat_4_index\": 832, \"group\": [241.0, 233.0, 183.0, 101.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 239, \"cat_0_index\": 828, \"cat_6_index\": 829, \"cat_2_index\": 832, \"cat_1_index\": 830, \"rankvar\": 931, \"cat_9_index\": 823, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 822, \"cat_3_index\": 830, \"cat_8_index\": 834, \"name\": \"CSDA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 815, \"rank\": 158, \"ini\": 239, \"cat_4_index\": 833, \"group\": [242.0, 234.0, 184.0, 101.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 238, \"cat_0_index\": 829, \"cat_6_index\": 830, \"cat_2_index\": 833, \"cat_1_index\": 831, \"rankvar\": 404, \"cat_9_index\": 824, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 823, \"cat_3_index\": 831, \"cat_8_index\": 835, \"name\": \"RGS10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 816, \"rank\": 825, \"ini\": 238, \"cat_4_index\": 834, \"group\": [237.0, 229.0, 181.0, 100.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 236, \"cat_0_index\": 830, \"cat_6_index\": 831, \"cat_2_index\": 834, \"cat_1_index\": 832, \"rankvar\": 572, \"cat_9_index\": 825, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 824, \"cat_3_index\": 832, \"cat_8_index\": 836, \"name\": \"RPL39L\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 817, \"rank\": 365, \"ini\": 237, \"cat_4_index\": 835, \"group\": [238.0, 230.0, 182.0, 100.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 237, \"cat_0_index\": 831, \"cat_6_index\": 832, \"cat_2_index\": 835, \"cat_1_index\": 833, \"rankvar\": 60, \"cat_9_index\": 826, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 825, \"cat_3_index\": 833, \"cat_8_index\": 837, \"name\": \"HNRNPK phospho Y323\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 818, \"rank\": 458, \"ini\": 236, \"cat_4_index\": 836, \"group\": [234.0, 226.0, 179.0, 99.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 234, \"cat_0_index\": 832, \"cat_6_index\": 833, \"cat_2_index\": 836, \"cat_1_index\": 834, \"rankvar\": 136, \"cat_9_index\": 827, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 826, \"cat_3_index\": 834, \"cat_8_index\": 838, \"name\": \"EEF1A1 phospho Y177\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 819, \"rank\": 1051, \"ini\": 235, \"cat_4_index\": 837, \"group\": [235.0, 227.0, 179.0, 99.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 235, \"cat_0_index\": 833, \"cat_6_index\": 834, \"cat_2_index\": 837, \"cat_1_index\": 835, \"rankvar\": 11, \"cat_9_index\": 1081, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 827, \"cat_3_index\": 835, \"cat_8_index\": 1089, \"name\": \"ACTB phospho Y198\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 820, \"rank\": 58, \"ini\": 234, \"cat_4_index\": 838, \"group\": [236.0, 228.0, 180.0, 99.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 233, \"cat_0_index\": 834, \"cat_6_index\": 835, \"cat_2_index\": 838, \"cat_1_index\": 836, \"rankvar\": 810, \"cat_9_index\": 828, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 828, \"cat_3_index\": 836, \"cat_8_index\": 839, \"name\": \"HK2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 821, \"rank\": 476, \"ini\": 233, \"cat_4_index\": 839, \"group\": [230.0, 222.0, 177.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 231, \"cat_0_index\": 835, \"cat_6_index\": 836, \"cat_2_index\": 839, \"cat_1_index\": 837, \"rankvar\": 135, \"cat_9_index\": 1082, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 829, \"cat_3_index\": 837, \"cat_8_index\": 840, \"name\": \"CRK phospho Y251\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 822, \"rank\": 704, \"ini\": 232, \"cat_4_index\": 840, \"group\": [231.0, 223.0, 177.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 232, \"cat_0_index\": 836, \"cat_6_index\": 837, \"cat_2_index\": 840, \"cat_1_index\": 838, \"rankvar\": 95, \"cat_9_index\": 829, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 830, \"cat_3_index\": 838, \"cat_8_index\": 841, \"name\": \"CRKL phospho Y251\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 823, \"rank\": 504, \"ini\": 231, \"cat_4_index\": 841, \"group\": [232.0, 224.0, 177.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 230, \"cat_0_index\": 837, \"cat_6_index\": 838, \"cat_2_index\": 841, \"cat_1_index\": 839, \"rankvar\": 63, \"cat_9_index\": 830, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1103, \"cat_3_index\": 839, \"cat_8_index\": 842, \"name\": \"ANXA2 phospho Y30\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 824, \"rank\": 557, \"ini\": 230, \"cat_4_index\": 842, \"group\": [227.0, 221.0, 176.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 228, \"cat_0_index\": 838, \"cat_6_index\": 839, \"cat_2_index\": 842, \"cat_1_index\": 840, \"rankvar\": 118, \"cat_9_index\": 831, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 831, \"cat_3_index\": 840, \"cat_8_index\": 843, \"name\": \"AXL phospho Y703\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 825, \"rank\": 512, \"ini\": 229, \"cat_4_index\": 843, \"group\": [228.0, 221.0, 176.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 229, \"cat_0_index\": 839, \"cat_6_index\": 840, \"cat_2_index\": 843, \"cat_1_index\": 841, \"rankvar\": 105, \"cat_9_index\": 832, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 832, \"cat_3_index\": 841, \"cat_8_index\": 844, \"name\": \"AXL phospho Y702\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 826, \"rank\": 401, \"ini\": 228, \"cat_4_index\": 844, \"group\": [229.0, 221.0, 176.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 227, \"cat_0_index\": 840, \"cat_6_index\": 841, \"cat_2_index\": 844, \"cat_1_index\": 842, \"rankvar\": 58, \"cat_9_index\": 833, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 833, \"cat_3_index\": 842, \"cat_8_index\": 845, \"name\": \"AXL phospho Y866\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 827, \"rank\": 648, \"ini\": 227, \"cat_4_index\": 845, \"group\": [225.0, 219.0, 175.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 225, \"cat_0_index\": 841, \"cat_6_index\": 842, \"cat_2_index\": 845, \"cat_1_index\": 843, \"rankvar\": 961, \"cat_9_index\": 834, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 834, \"cat_3_index\": 843, \"cat_8_index\": 846, \"name\": \"RSL1D1 phospho T340\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 828, \"rank\": 905, \"ini\": 226, \"cat_4_index\": 846, \"group\": [226.0, 220.0, 175.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 226, \"cat_0_index\": 842, \"cat_6_index\": 843, \"cat_2_index\": 846, \"cat_1_index\": 844, \"rankvar\": 24, \"cat_9_index\": 835, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 835, \"cat_3_index\": 844, \"cat_8_index\": 847, \"name\": \"DDX56 phospho S526\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 829, \"rank\": 991, \"ini\": 225, \"cat_4_index\": 847, \"group\": [233.0, 225.0, 178.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 224, \"cat_0_index\": 843, \"cat_6_index\": 844, \"cat_2_index\": 847, \"cat_1_index\": 845, \"rankvar\": 102, \"cat_9_index\": 836, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 836, \"cat_3_index\": 845, \"cat_8_index\": 848, \"name\": \"LASP1 AcK K205\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 830, \"rank\": 38, \"ini\": 224, \"cat_4_index\": 848, \"group\": [223.0, 217.0, 174.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 222, \"cat_0_index\": 844, \"cat_6_index\": 845, \"cat_2_index\": 848, \"cat_1_index\": 846, \"rankvar\": 91, \"cat_9_index\": 837, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 837, \"cat_3_index\": 846, \"cat_8_index\": 849, \"name\": \"SGK223 phospho Y413\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 831, \"rank\": 431, \"ini\": 223, \"cat_4_index\": 849, \"group\": [224.0, 218.0, 174.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 223, \"cat_0_index\": 1090, \"cat_6_index\": 846, \"cat_2_index\": 1090, \"cat_1_index\": 1090, \"rankvar\": 41, \"cat_9_index\": 1083, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 838, \"cat_3_index\": 1090, \"cat_8_index\": 850, \"name\": \"BCAR1 phospho Y387\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 832, \"rank\": 651, \"ini\": 222, \"cat_4_index\": 850, \"group\": [220.0, 214.0, 173.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 220, \"cat_0_index\": 845, \"cat_6_index\": 847, \"cat_2_index\": 849, \"cat_1_index\": 847, \"rankvar\": 111, \"cat_9_index\": 1084, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 839, \"cat_3_index\": 847, \"cat_8_index\": 1090, \"name\": \"TLN1 phospho Y436\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 833, \"rank\": 742, \"ini\": 221, \"cat_4_index\": 851, \"group\": [221.0, 215.0, 173.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 221, \"cat_0_index\": 846, \"cat_6_index\": 848, \"cat_2_index\": 850, \"cat_1_index\": 848, \"rankvar\": 37, \"cat_9_index\": 838, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 840, \"cat_3_index\": 848, \"cat_8_index\": 1091, \"name\": \"PXN phospho Y118\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 834, \"rank\": 332, \"ini\": 220, \"cat_4_index\": 852, \"group\": [222.0, 216.0, 173.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 219, \"cat_0_index\": 847, \"cat_6_index\": 849, \"cat_2_index\": 851, \"cat_1_index\": 849, \"rankvar\": 100, \"cat_9_index\": 839, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 841, \"cat_3_index\": 849, \"cat_8_index\": 851, \"name\": \"PPP1CA phospho Y306\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 835, \"rank\": 710, \"ini\": 219, \"cat_4_index\": 853, \"group\": [217.0, 212.0, 173.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 217, \"cat_0_index\": 848, \"cat_6_index\": 850, \"cat_2_index\": 852, \"cat_1_index\": 850, \"rankvar\": 82, \"cat_9_index\": 840, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 842, \"cat_3_index\": 850, \"cat_8_index\": 1092, \"name\": \"PXN phospho Y88\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 836, \"rank\": 209, \"ini\": 218, \"cat_4_index\": 854, \"group\": [218.0, 212.0, 173.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 218, \"cat_0_index\": 1091, \"cat_6_index\": 1094, \"cat_2_index\": 1091, \"cat_1_index\": 1091, \"rankvar\": 114, \"cat_9_index\": 1085, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 843, \"cat_3_index\": 1091, \"cat_8_index\": 852, \"name\": \"PTK2 phospho Y576\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 837, \"rank\": 862, \"ini\": 217, \"cat_4_index\": 855, \"group\": [219.0, 213.0, 173.0, 98.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 216, \"cat_0_index\": 849, \"cat_6_index\": 851, \"cat_2_index\": 853, \"cat_1_index\": 851, \"rankvar\": 61, \"cat_9_index\": 841, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 844, \"cat_3_index\": 851, \"cat_8_index\": 853, \"name\": \"PEAK1 phospho Y531\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 838, \"rank\": 268, \"ini\": 216, \"cat_4_index\": 856, \"group\": [214.0, 209.0, 170.0, 97.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 214, \"cat_0_index\": 850, \"cat_6_index\": 852, \"cat_2_index\": 854, \"cat_1_index\": 852, \"rankvar\": 59, \"cat_9_index\": 842, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 845, \"cat_3_index\": 852, \"cat_8_index\": 854, \"name\": \"MAPK9 phospho Y185\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 839, \"rank\": 333, \"ini\": 215, \"cat_4_index\": 857, \"group\": [215.0, 210.0, 171.0, 97.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 215, \"cat_0_index\": 1092, \"cat_6_index\": 853, \"cat_2_index\": 1092, \"cat_1_index\": 1092, \"rankvar\": 141, \"cat_9_index\": 1086, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 846, \"cat_3_index\": 1092, \"cat_8_index\": 855, \"name\": \"MAPK14 phospho Y182\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 840, \"rank\": 236, \"ini\": 214, \"cat_4_index\": 858, \"group\": [216.0, 211.0, 172.0, 97.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 213, \"cat_0_index\": 851, \"cat_6_index\": 854, \"cat_2_index\": 855, \"cat_1_index\": 853, \"rankvar\": 123, \"cat_9_index\": 1087, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 847, \"cat_3_index\": 853, \"cat_8_index\": 856, \"name\": \"PIK3R2 phospho Y464\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 841, \"rank\": 962, \"ini\": 213, \"cat_4_index\": 859, \"group\": [210.0, 206.0, 167.0, 96.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 211, \"cat_0_index\": 852, \"cat_6_index\": 855, \"cat_2_index\": 856, \"cat_1_index\": 854, \"rankvar\": 107, \"cat_9_index\": 843, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 848, \"cat_3_index\": 854, \"cat_8_index\": 1093, \"name\": \"PARD3 phospho Y388\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 842, \"rank\": 803, \"ini\": 212, \"cat_4_index\": 860, \"group\": [211.0, 206.0, 167.0, 96.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 212, \"cat_0_index\": 853, \"cat_6_index\": 856, \"cat_2_index\": 857, \"cat_1_index\": 855, \"rankvar\": 33, \"cat_9_index\": 844, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 849, \"cat_3_index\": 855, \"cat_8_index\": 857, \"name\": \"CTTN phospho Y162\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 843, \"rank\": 380, \"ini\": 211, \"cat_4_index\": 861, \"group\": [212.0, 207.0, 168.0, 96.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 210, \"cat_0_index\": 854, \"cat_6_index\": 857, \"cat_2_index\": 858, \"cat_1_index\": 856, \"rankvar\": 43, \"cat_9_index\": 845, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 850, \"cat_3_index\": 856, \"cat_8_index\": 858, \"name\": \"CDKL5 phospho Y171\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 844, \"rank\": 935, \"ini\": 210, \"cat_4_index\": 862, \"group\": [205.0, 202.0, 166.0, 96.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 208, \"cat_0_index\": 855, \"cat_6_index\": 858, \"cat_2_index\": 859, \"cat_1_index\": 857, \"rankvar\": 132, \"cat_9_index\": 846, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 851, \"cat_3_index\": 857, \"cat_8_index\": 859, \"name\": \"HSP90AA1 phospho Y284\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 845, \"rank\": 747, \"ini\": 209, \"cat_4_index\": 863, \"group\": [206.0, 202.0, 166.0, 96.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 209, \"cat_0_index\": 856, \"cat_6_index\": 859, \"cat_2_index\": 860, \"cat_1_index\": 858, \"rankvar\": 73, \"cat_9_index\": 1088, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 852, \"cat_3_index\": 858, \"cat_8_index\": 1094, \"name\": \"ACTB phospho Y53\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 846, \"rank\": 354, \"ini\": 208, \"cat_4_index\": 864, \"group\": [207.0, 203.0, 166.0, 96.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 207, \"cat_0_index\": 1093, \"cat_6_index\": 1095, \"cat_2_index\": 1093, \"cat_1_index\": 1093, \"rankvar\": 143, \"cat_9_index\": 847, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 853, \"cat_3_index\": 1093, \"cat_8_index\": 860, \"name\": \"ADAM9 phospho Y769\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 847, \"rank\": 485, \"ini\": 207, \"cat_4_index\": 865, \"group\": [208.0, 204.0, 166.0, 96.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 206, \"cat_0_index\": 857, \"cat_6_index\": 860, \"cat_2_index\": 861, \"cat_1_index\": 859, \"rankvar\": 98, \"cat_9_index\": 1089, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 854, \"cat_3_index\": 859, \"cat_8_index\": 861, \"name\": \"CAP1 phospho Y31\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 848, \"rank\": 353, \"ini\": 206, \"cat_4_index\": 866, \"group\": [209.0, 205.0, 166.0, 96.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 205, \"cat_0_index\": 1094, \"cat_6_index\": 861, \"cat_2_index\": 1094, \"cat_1_index\": 1094, \"rankvar\": 23, \"cat_9_index\": 848, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 855, \"cat_3_index\": 1094, \"cat_8_index\": 862, \"name\": \"FER phospho Y402\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 849, \"rank\": 535, \"ini\": 205, \"cat_4_index\": 867, \"group\": [213.0, 208.0, 169.0, 96.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 204, \"cat_0_index\": 858, \"cat_6_index\": 862, \"cat_2_index\": 862, \"cat_1_index\": 860, \"rankvar\": 22, \"cat_9_index\": 1090, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 856, \"cat_3_index\": 860, \"cat_8_index\": 863, \"name\": \"SHC1 phospho Y427\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 850, \"rank\": 135, \"ini\": 204, \"cat_4_index\": 868, \"group\": [203.0, 200.0, 165.0, 95.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 202, \"cat_0_index\": 859, \"cat_6_index\": 863, \"cat_2_index\": 863, \"cat_1_index\": 861, \"rankvar\": 145, \"cat_9_index\": 849, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 857, \"cat_3_index\": 861, \"cat_8_index\": 864, \"name\": \"FAM129B phospho S574\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 851, \"rank\": 308, \"ini\": 203, \"cat_4_index\": 869, \"group\": [204.0, 201.0, 165.0, 95.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 203, \"cat_0_index\": 860, \"cat_6_index\": 864, \"cat_2_index\": 864, \"cat_1_index\": 862, \"rankvar\": 46, \"cat_9_index\": 850, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 858, \"cat_3_index\": 862, \"cat_8_index\": 865, \"name\": \"ATP1A1 phospho Y55\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1096, \"rank\": 202, \"ini\": 202, \"cat_4_index\": 870, \"group\": [201.0, 198.0, 164.0, 95.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 200, \"cat_0_index\": 861, \"cat_6_index\": 865, \"cat_2_index\": 865, \"cat_1_index\": 863, \"rankvar\": 55, \"cat_9_index\": 851, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 859, \"cat_3_index\": 863, \"cat_8_index\": 866, \"name\": \"RIPK2 phospho Y381\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 852, \"rank\": 505, \"ini\": 201, \"cat_4_index\": 871, \"group\": [202.0, 199.0, 164.0, 95.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 201, \"cat_0_index\": 862, \"cat_6_index\": 866, \"cat_2_index\": 866, \"cat_1_index\": 864, \"rankvar\": 121, \"cat_9_index\": 852, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1104, \"cat_3_index\": 864, \"cat_8_index\": 867, \"name\": \"ANXA1 phospho Y207\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 853, \"rank\": 154, \"ini\": 200, \"cat_4_index\": 872, \"group\": [198.0, 195.0, 162.0, 95.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 198, \"cat_0_index\": 863, \"cat_6_index\": 867, \"cat_2_index\": 867, \"cat_1_index\": 865, \"rankvar\": 115, \"cat_9_index\": 853, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 860, \"cat_3_index\": 865, \"cat_8_index\": 1095, \"name\": \"TJP1 phospho Y1524\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 854, \"rank\": 379, \"ini\": 199, \"cat_4_index\": 873, \"group\": [199.0, 196.0, 162.0, 95.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 199, \"cat_0_index\": 1095, \"cat_6_index\": 1096, \"cat_2_index\": 1095, \"cat_1_index\": 1095, \"rankvar\": 103, \"cat_9_index\": 1091, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1105, \"cat_3_index\": 1095, \"cat_8_index\": 868, \"name\": \"LYN phospho Y397\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1097, \"rank\": 577, \"ini\": 198, \"cat_4_index\": 1101, \"group\": [200.0, 197.0, 163.0, 95.0, 38.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 197, \"cat_0_index\": 1096, \"cat_6_index\": 1097, \"cat_2_index\": 1096, \"cat_1_index\": 1096, \"rankvar\": 64, \"cat_9_index\": 1092, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 861, \"cat_3_index\": 1096, \"cat_8_index\": 1096, \"name\": \"ITGB1 phospho Y783\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 855, \"rank\": 838, \"ini\": 197, \"cat_4_index\": 874, \"group\": [194.0, 191.0, 159.0, 93.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 195, \"cat_0_index\": 864, \"cat_6_index\": 868, \"cat_2_index\": 868, \"cat_1_index\": 866, \"rankvar\": 489, \"cat_9_index\": 854, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 862, \"cat_3_index\": 866, \"cat_8_index\": 869, \"name\": \"SEMA4B phospho S825\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 856, \"rank\": 370, \"ini\": 196, \"cat_4_index\": 875, \"group\": [195.0, 192.0, 159.0, 93.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 196, \"cat_0_index\": 865, \"cat_6_index\": 1098, \"cat_2_index\": 869, \"cat_1_index\": 867, \"rankvar\": 157, \"cat_9_index\": 855, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 863, \"cat_3_index\": 867, \"cat_8_index\": 870, \"name\": \"EPHA2 phospho S897\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 857, \"rank\": 499, \"ini\": 195, \"cat_4_index\": 876, \"group\": [191.0, 188.0, 158.0, 93.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 193, \"cat_0_index\": 866, \"cat_6_index\": 869, \"cat_2_index\": 870, \"cat_1_index\": 868, \"rankvar\": 293, \"cat_9_index\": 856, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 864, \"cat_3_index\": 868, \"cat_8_index\": 871, \"name\": \"TAP1 phospho T545\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 858, \"rank\": 866, \"ini\": 194, \"cat_4_index\": 877, \"group\": [192.0, 189.0, 158.0, 93.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 194, \"cat_0_index\": 867, \"cat_6_index\": 870, \"cat_2_index\": 871, \"cat_1_index\": 869, \"rankvar\": 71, \"cat_9_index\": 857, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 865, \"cat_3_index\": 869, \"cat_8_index\": 872, \"name\": \"RHBDF2 phospho S113\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 859, \"rank\": 300, \"ini\": 193, \"cat_4_index\": 878, \"group\": [193.0, 190.0, 158.0, 93.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 192, \"cat_0_index\": 868, \"cat_6_index\": 871, \"cat_2_index\": 872, \"cat_1_index\": 870, \"rankvar\": 83, \"cat_9_index\": 858, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 866, \"cat_3_index\": 870, \"cat_8_index\": 873, \"name\": \"FRMD8 phospho S408\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 860, \"rank\": 1029, \"ini\": 192, \"cat_4_index\": 879, \"group\": [196.0, 193.0, 160.0, 93.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 191, \"cat_0_index\": 869, \"cat_6_index\": 872, \"cat_2_index\": 873, \"cat_1_index\": 871, \"rankvar\": 133, \"cat_9_index\": 859, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 867, \"cat_3_index\": 871, \"cat_8_index\": 874, \"name\": \"BCLAF1 phospho T355\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 861, \"rank\": 988, \"ini\": 191, \"cat_4_index\": 880, \"group\": [197.0, 194.0, 161.0, 94.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 190, \"cat_0_index\": 870, \"cat_6_index\": 873, \"cat_2_index\": 874, \"cat_1_index\": 872, \"rankvar\": 139, \"cat_9_index\": 860, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 868, \"cat_3_index\": 872, \"cat_8_index\": 875, \"name\": \"FAM117B phospho T396\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 862, \"rank\": 770, \"ini\": 190, \"cat_4_index\": 881, \"group\": [188.0, 185.0, 155.0, 92.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 188, \"cat_0_index\": 871, \"cat_6_index\": 874, \"cat_2_index\": 875, \"cat_1_index\": 873, \"rankvar\": 88, \"cat_9_index\": 861, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 869, \"cat_3_index\": 873, \"cat_8_index\": 876, \"name\": \"SHB phospho Y268\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 863, \"rank\": 913, \"ini\": 189, \"cat_4_index\": 882, \"group\": [189.0, 186.0, 156.0, 92.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 189, \"cat_0_index\": 872, \"cat_6_index\": 875, \"cat_2_index\": 876, \"cat_1_index\": 874, \"rankvar\": 195, \"cat_9_index\": 862, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 870, \"cat_3_index\": 874, \"cat_8_index\": 1097, \"name\": \"PARD3 phospho Y1080\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 864, \"rank\": 994, \"ini\": 188, \"cat_4_index\": 883, \"group\": [190.0, 187.0, 157.0, 92.0, 37.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 187, \"cat_0_index\": 873, \"cat_6_index\": 876, \"cat_2_index\": 877, \"cat_1_index\": 875, \"rankvar\": 327, \"cat_9_index\": 863, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 871, \"cat_3_index\": 875, \"cat_8_index\": 877, \"name\": \"PHLDA2 phospho S42\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 865, \"rank\": 610, \"ini\": 187, \"cat_4_index\": 884, \"group\": [186.0, 183.0, 153.0, 91.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 185, \"cat_0_index\": 874, \"cat_6_index\": 877, \"cat_2_index\": 878, \"cat_1_index\": 876, \"rankvar\": 1084, \"cat_9_index\": 864, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 872, \"cat_3_index\": 876, \"cat_8_index\": 878, \"name\": \"PINX1 phospho T164\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1098, \"rank\": 343, \"ini\": 186, \"cat_4_index\": 1102, \"group\": [187.0, 184.0, 154.0, 91.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 186, \"cat_0_index\": 875, \"cat_6_index\": 878, \"cat_2_index\": 879, \"cat_1_index\": 877, \"rankvar\": 130, \"cat_9_index\": 865, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 873, \"cat_3_index\": 877, \"cat_8_index\": 879, \"name\": \"DDX1 phospho S362\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 866, \"rank\": 285, \"ini\": 185, \"cat_4_index\": 885, \"group\": [184.0, 181.0, 152.0, 90.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 183, \"cat_0_index\": 876, \"cat_6_index\": 879, \"cat_2_index\": 880, \"cat_1_index\": 878, \"rankvar\": 36, \"cat_9_index\": 1093, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 874, \"cat_3_index\": 878, \"cat_8_index\": 1098, \"name\": \"TLN1 phospho S1725\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 867, \"rank\": 848, \"ini\": 184, \"cat_4_index\": 886, \"group\": [185.0, 182.0, 152.0, 90.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 184, \"cat_0_index\": 877, \"cat_6_index\": 880, \"cat_2_index\": 881, \"cat_1_index\": 879, \"rankvar\": 122, \"cat_9_index\": 866, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 875, \"cat_3_index\": 879, \"cat_8_index\": 880, \"name\": \"MDH1 phospho S111\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 868, \"rank\": 210, \"ini\": 183, \"cat_4_index\": 887, \"group\": [181.0, 180.0, 152.0, 90.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 181, \"cat_0_index\": 878, \"cat_6_index\": 881, \"cat_2_index\": 882, \"cat_1_index\": 880, \"rankvar\": 1099, \"cat_9_index\": 1094, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 876, \"cat_3_index\": 880, \"cat_8_index\": 1099, \"name\": \"ACTB phospho T318\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 869, \"rank\": 527, \"ini\": 182, \"cat_4_index\": 888, \"group\": [182.0, 180.0, 152.0, 90.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 182, \"cat_0_index\": 879, \"cat_6_index\": 882, \"cat_2_index\": 883, \"cat_1_index\": 881, \"rankvar\": 986, \"cat_9_index\": 1095, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 877, \"cat_3_index\": 881, \"cat_8_index\": 1100, \"name\": \"ACTB phospho S33\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 870, \"rank\": 181, \"ini\": 181, \"cat_4_index\": 889, \"group\": [183.0, 180.0, 152.0, 90.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 180, \"cat_0_index\": 880, \"cat_6_index\": 883, \"cat_2_index\": 884, \"cat_1_index\": 882, \"rankvar\": 740, \"cat_9_index\": 867, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 878, \"cat_3_index\": 882, \"cat_8_index\": 881, \"name\": \"XRCC5 phospho S526\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 871, \"rank\": 287, \"ini\": 180, \"cat_4_index\": 890, \"group\": [178.0, 177.0, 149.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 178, \"cat_0_index\": 881, \"cat_6_index\": 884, \"cat_2_index\": 885, \"cat_1_index\": 883, \"rankvar\": 283, \"cat_9_index\": 868, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 879, \"cat_3_index\": 883, \"cat_8_index\": 882, \"name\": \"NOP2 phospho S812\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 872, \"rank\": 418, \"ini\": 179, \"cat_4_index\": 891, \"group\": [179.0, 178.0, 150.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 179, \"cat_0_index\": 882, \"cat_6_index\": 885, \"cat_2_index\": 886, \"cat_1_index\": 884, \"rankvar\": 238, \"cat_9_index\": 869, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 880, \"cat_3_index\": 884, \"cat_8_index\": 883, \"name\": \"MLH1 phospho S477\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 873, \"rank\": 224, \"ini\": 178, \"cat_4_index\": 892, \"group\": [176.0, 175.0, 148.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 176, \"cat_0_index\": 883, \"cat_6_index\": 886, \"cat_2_index\": 887, \"cat_1_index\": 885, \"rankvar\": 282, \"cat_9_index\": 870, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 881, \"cat_3_index\": 885, \"cat_8_index\": 884, \"name\": \"PEX14 phospho S232\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 874, \"rank\": 716, \"ini\": 177, \"cat_4_index\": 893, \"group\": [177.0, 176.0, 148.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 177, \"cat_0_index\": 884, \"cat_6_index\": 887, \"cat_2_index\": 888, \"cat_1_index\": 886, \"rankvar\": 263, \"cat_9_index\": 871, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 882, \"cat_3_index\": 886, \"cat_8_index\": 885, \"name\": \"C2CD5 phospho T285\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 875, \"rank\": 481, \"ini\": 176, \"cat_4_index\": 894, \"group\": [170.0, 169.0, 146.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 174, \"cat_0_index\": 885, \"cat_6_index\": 888, \"cat_2_index\": 889, \"cat_1_index\": 887, \"rankvar\": 163, \"cat_9_index\": 872, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 883, \"cat_3_index\": 887, \"cat_8_index\": 886, \"name\": \"G3BP2 Rme1 R457\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 876, \"rank\": 157, \"ini\": 175, \"cat_4_index\": 895, \"group\": [171.0, 170.0, 146.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 175, \"cat_0_index\": 886, \"cat_6_index\": 889, \"cat_2_index\": 890, \"cat_1_index\": 888, \"rankvar\": 816, \"cat_9_index\": 873, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 884, \"cat_3_index\": 888, \"cat_8_index\": 887, \"name\": \"SLC4A1AP phospho S82\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 877, \"rank\": 550, \"ini\": 174, \"cat_4_index\": 896, \"group\": [172.0, 171.0, 146.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 173, \"cat_0_index\": 887, \"cat_6_index\": 890, \"cat_2_index\": 891, \"cat_1_index\": 889, \"rankvar\": 245, \"cat_9_index\": 874, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 885, \"cat_3_index\": 889, \"cat_8_index\": 888, \"name\": \"BCAR3 phospho T130\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 878, \"rank\": 849, \"ini\": 173, \"cat_4_index\": 897, \"group\": [173.0, 172.0, 146.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 172, \"cat_0_index\": 888, \"cat_6_index\": 891, \"cat_2_index\": 892, \"cat_1_index\": 890, \"rankvar\": 169, \"cat_9_index\": 875, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 886, \"cat_3_index\": 890, \"cat_8_index\": 889, \"name\": \"BCL9L Rme1 R680\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 879, \"rank\": 754, \"ini\": 172, \"cat_4_index\": 898, \"group\": [174.0, 173.0, 146.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 171, \"cat_0_index\": 889, \"cat_6_index\": 892, \"cat_2_index\": 893, \"cat_1_index\": 891, \"rankvar\": 109, \"cat_9_index\": 876, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 887, \"cat_3_index\": 891, \"cat_8_index\": 890, \"name\": \"LYAR phospho S276\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 880, \"rank\": 20, \"ini\": 171, \"cat_4_index\": 899, \"group\": [175.0, 174.0, 147.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 170, \"cat_0_index\": 890, \"cat_6_index\": 893, \"cat_2_index\": 894, \"cat_1_index\": 892, \"rankvar\": 777, \"cat_9_index\": 1096, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 888, \"cat_3_index\": 892, \"cat_8_index\": 1101, \"name\": \"VCL phospho S288\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 881, \"rank\": 634, \"ini\": 170, \"cat_4_index\": 900, \"group\": [168.0, 167.0, 145.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 168, \"cat_0_index\": 891, \"cat_6_index\": 894, \"cat_2_index\": 895, \"cat_1_index\": 893, \"rankvar\": 170, \"cat_9_index\": 877, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 889, \"cat_3_index\": 893, \"cat_8_index\": 891, \"name\": \"MARK3 phospho S583\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 882, \"rank\": 446, \"ini\": 169, \"cat_4_index\": 901, \"group\": [169.0, 168.0, 145.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 169, \"cat_0_index\": 892, \"cat_6_index\": 895, \"cat_2_index\": 896, \"cat_1_index\": 894, \"rankvar\": 120, \"cat_9_index\": 878, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 890, \"cat_3_index\": 894, \"cat_8_index\": 892, \"name\": \"ARHGEF17 phospho S914\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 883, \"rank\": 357, \"ini\": 168, \"cat_4_index\": 902, \"group\": [166.0, 165.0, 143.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 166, \"cat_0_index\": 893, \"cat_6_index\": 896, \"cat_2_index\": 897, \"cat_1_index\": 895, \"rankvar\": 935, \"cat_9_index\": 879, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 891, \"cat_3_index\": 895, \"cat_8_index\": 893, \"name\": \"TOMM34 phospho S186\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 884, \"rank\": 171, \"ini\": 167, \"cat_4_index\": 903, \"group\": [167.0, 166.0, 144.0, 88.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 167, \"cat_0_index\": 894, \"cat_6_index\": 897, \"cat_2_index\": 898, \"cat_1_index\": 896, \"rankvar\": 917, \"cat_9_index\": 880, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 892, \"cat_3_index\": 896, \"cat_8_index\": 894, \"name\": \"FARSA phospho S301\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 885, \"rank\": 449, \"ini\": 166, \"cat_4_index\": 904, \"group\": [180.0, 179.0, 151.0, 89.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 165, \"cat_0_index\": 895, \"cat_6_index\": 898, \"cat_2_index\": 899, \"cat_1_index\": 897, \"rankvar\": 196, \"cat_9_index\": 881, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 893, \"cat_3_index\": 897, \"cat_8_index\": 895, \"name\": \"TRIP12 phospho S424\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 886, \"rank\": 951, \"ini\": 165, \"cat_4_index\": 905, \"group\": [163.0, 162.0, 141.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 163, \"cat_0_index\": 896, \"cat_6_index\": 899, \"cat_2_index\": 900, \"cat_1_index\": 898, \"rankvar\": 101, \"cat_9_index\": 882, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 894, \"cat_3_index\": 898, \"cat_8_index\": 896, \"name\": \"EEF1A1 phospho Y29\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 887, \"rank\": 440, \"ini\": 164, \"cat_4_index\": 906, \"group\": [164.0, 163.0, 141.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 164, \"cat_0_index\": 897, \"cat_6_index\": 900, \"cat_2_index\": 901, \"cat_1_index\": 899, \"rankvar\": 536, \"cat_9_index\": 883, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 895, \"cat_3_index\": 899, \"cat_8_index\": 897, \"name\": \"ACTR8 phospho S412\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 888, \"rank\": 279, \"ini\": 163, \"cat_4_index\": 907, \"group\": [161.0, 160.0, 141.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 161, \"cat_0_index\": 898, \"cat_6_index\": 901, \"cat_2_index\": 902, \"cat_1_index\": 900, \"rankvar\": 171, \"cat_9_index\": 884, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 896, \"cat_3_index\": 900, \"cat_8_index\": 898, \"name\": \"XRCC6 phospho S319\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 889, \"rank\": 783, \"ini\": 162, \"cat_4_index\": 908, \"group\": [162.0, 161.0, 141.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 162, \"cat_0_index\": 899, \"cat_6_index\": 902, \"cat_2_index\": 903, \"cat_1_index\": 901, \"rankvar\": 271, \"cat_9_index\": 885, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 897, \"cat_3_index\": 901, \"cat_8_index\": 899, \"name\": \"LARP4B phospho S736\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 890, \"rank\": 503, \"ini\": 161, \"cat_4_index\": 909, \"group\": [165.0, 164.0, 142.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 160, \"cat_0_index\": 900, \"cat_6_index\": 903, \"cat_2_index\": 904, \"cat_1_index\": 902, \"rankvar\": 505, \"cat_9_index\": 886, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 898, \"cat_3_index\": 902, \"cat_8_index\": 900, \"name\": \"NACA phospho S1995\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 891, \"rank\": 898, \"ini\": 160, \"cat_4_index\": 910, \"group\": [159.0, 158.0, 140.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 158, \"cat_0_index\": 901, \"cat_6_index\": 904, \"cat_2_index\": 905, \"cat_1_index\": 903, \"rankvar\": 26, \"cat_9_index\": 887, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 899, \"cat_3_index\": 903, \"cat_8_index\": 901, \"name\": \"KIAA0556 phospho T1175\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 892, \"rank\": 1068, \"ini\": 159, \"cat_4_index\": 911, \"group\": [160.0, 159.0, 140.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 159, \"cat_0_index\": 902, \"cat_6_index\": 905, \"cat_2_index\": 906, \"cat_1_index\": 904, \"rankvar\": 927, \"cat_9_index\": 888, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 900, \"cat_3_index\": 904, \"cat_8_index\": 902, \"name\": \"HSPE1 phospho S37\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 893, \"rank\": 248, \"ini\": 158, \"cat_4_index\": 912, \"group\": [156.0, 155.0, 139.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 156, \"cat_0_index\": 903, \"cat_6_index\": 906, \"cat_2_index\": 907, \"cat_1_index\": 905, \"rankvar\": 21, \"cat_9_index\": 889, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 901, \"cat_3_index\": 905, \"cat_8_index\": 903, \"name\": \"MDH2 phospho Y161\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1099, \"rank\": 149, \"ini\": 157, \"cat_4_index\": 1103, \"group\": [157.0, 156.0, 139.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 157, \"cat_0_index\": 904, \"cat_6_index\": 907, \"cat_2_index\": 908, \"cat_1_index\": 906, \"rankvar\": 49, \"cat_9_index\": 1097, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 902, \"cat_3_index\": 906, \"cat_8_index\": 904, \"name\": \"CFL1 phospho Y117\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1100, \"rank\": 756, \"ini\": 156, \"cat_4_index\": 1104, \"group\": [158.0, 157.0, 139.0, 87.0, 36.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 155, \"cat_0_index\": 905, \"cat_6_index\": 908, \"cat_2_index\": 909, \"cat_1_index\": 907, \"rankvar\": 106, \"cat_9_index\": 1098, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 903, \"cat_3_index\": 907, \"cat_8_index\": 905, \"name\": \"CFL1 phospho Y82\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 894, \"rank\": 681, \"ini\": 155, \"cat_4_index\": 913, \"group\": [152.0, 151.0, 136.0, 85.0, 35.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 153, \"cat_0_index\": 906, \"cat_6_index\": 909, \"cat_2_index\": 910, \"cat_1_index\": 908, \"rankvar\": 273, \"cat_9_index\": 890, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 904, \"cat_3_index\": 908, \"cat_8_index\": 906, \"name\": \"THOC5 AcK K24\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 895, \"rank\": 1019, \"ini\": 154, \"cat_4_index\": 914, \"group\": [153.0, 152.0, 136.0, 85.0, 35.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 154, \"cat_0_index\": 907, \"cat_6_index\": 910, \"cat_2_index\": 911, \"cat_1_index\": 909, \"rankvar\": 30, \"cat_9_index\": 891, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 905, \"cat_3_index\": 909, \"cat_8_index\": 907, \"name\": \"RPS10 Rme1 R160\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 896, \"rank\": 686, \"ini\": 153, \"cat_4_index\": 915, \"group\": [154.0, 153.0, 137.0, 85.0, 35.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 152, \"cat_0_index\": 908, \"cat_6_index\": 911, \"cat_2_index\": 912, \"cat_1_index\": 910, \"rankvar\": 168, \"cat_9_index\": 892, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 906, \"cat_3_index\": 910, \"cat_8_index\": 908, \"name\": \"EEF2 AcK K259\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1101, \"rank\": 486, \"ini\": 152, \"cat_4_index\": 1105, \"group\": [155.0, 154.0, 138.0, 86.0, 35.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 151, \"cat_0_index\": 909, \"cat_6_index\": 912, \"cat_2_index\": 913, \"cat_1_index\": 911, \"rankvar\": 309, \"cat_9_index\": 893, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 907, \"cat_3_index\": 911, \"cat_8_index\": 909, \"name\": \"PCBP2 phospho S50\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 897, \"rank\": 551, \"ini\": 151, \"cat_4_index\": 916, \"group\": [150.0, 149.0, 134.0, 83.0, 34.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 149, \"cat_0_index\": 910, \"cat_6_index\": 913, \"cat_2_index\": 914, \"cat_1_index\": 912, \"rankvar\": 766, \"cat_9_index\": 894, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 908, \"cat_3_index\": 912, \"cat_8_index\": 910, \"name\": \"TM4SF18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 898, \"rank\": 910, \"ini\": 150, \"cat_4_index\": 917, \"group\": [151.0, 150.0, 135.0, 84.0, 34.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 150, \"cat_0_index\": 911, \"cat_6_index\": 914, \"cat_2_index\": 915, \"cat_1_index\": 913, \"rankvar\": 17, \"cat_9_index\": 895, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 909, \"cat_3_index\": 913, \"cat_8_index\": 911, \"name\": \"MPZL1 phospho Y263\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 899, \"rank\": 16, \"ini\": 149, \"cat_4_index\": 918, \"group\": [147.0, 146.0, 131.0, 81.0, 33.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 147, \"cat_0_index\": 912, \"cat_6_index\": 915, \"cat_2_index\": 916, \"cat_1_index\": 914, \"rankvar\": 642, \"cat_9_index\": 896, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 910, \"cat_3_index\": 914, \"cat_8_index\": 912, \"name\": \"C11orf68 Rme1 R29\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 900, \"rank\": 465, \"ini\": 148, \"cat_4_index\": 919, \"group\": [148.0, 147.0, 132.0, 81.0, 33.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 148, \"cat_0_index\": 913, \"cat_6_index\": 916, \"cat_2_index\": 917, \"cat_1_index\": 915, \"rankvar\": 684, \"cat_9_index\": 897, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 911, \"cat_3_index\": 915, \"cat_8_index\": 913, \"name\": \"KIAA0754 phospho T122\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 901, \"rank\": 921, \"ini\": 147, \"cat_4_index\": 920, \"group\": [149.0, 148.0, 133.0, 82.0, 33.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 146, \"cat_0_index\": 1097, \"cat_6_index\": 1099, \"cat_2_index\": 1097, \"cat_1_index\": 1097, \"rankvar\": 457, \"cat_9_index\": 898, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 912, \"cat_3_index\": 1097, \"cat_8_index\": 1102, \"name\": \"MYADM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 902, \"rank\": 736, \"ini\": 146, \"cat_4_index\": 921, \"group\": [145.0, 144.0, 129.0, 80.0, 32.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 144, \"cat_0_index\": 914, \"cat_6_index\": 917, \"cat_2_index\": 918, \"cat_1_index\": 916, \"rankvar\": 839, \"cat_9_index\": 1099, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1106, \"cat_3_index\": 916, \"cat_8_index\": 914, \"name\": \"PROS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 903, \"rank\": 578, \"ini\": 145, \"cat_4_index\": 922, \"group\": [146.0, 145.0, 130.0, 80.0, 32.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 145, \"cat_0_index\": 1098, \"cat_6_index\": 918, \"cat_2_index\": 1098, \"cat_1_index\": 1098, \"rankvar\": 225, \"cat_9_index\": 899, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 913, \"cat_3_index\": 1098, \"cat_8_index\": 915, \"name\": \"IRS1 phospho S277\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 904, \"rank\": 59, \"ini\": 144, \"cat_4_index\": 923, \"group\": [143.0, 142.0, 127.0, 79.0, 32.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 142, \"cat_0_index\": 1099, \"cat_6_index\": 919, \"cat_2_index\": 1099, \"cat_1_index\": 1099, \"rankvar\": 907, \"cat_9_index\": 900, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 914, \"cat_3_index\": 1099, \"cat_8_index\": 916, \"name\": \"BMP4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 905, \"rank\": 726, \"ini\": 143, \"cat_4_index\": 924, \"group\": [144.0, 143.0, 128.0, 79.0, 32.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 143, \"cat_0_index\": 915, \"cat_6_index\": 920, \"cat_2_index\": 919, \"cat_1_index\": 917, \"rankvar\": 190, \"cat_9_index\": 901, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 915, \"cat_3_index\": 917, \"cat_8_index\": 917, \"name\": \"FAM120A phospho S513\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 906, \"rank\": 659, \"ini\": 142, \"cat_4_index\": 925, \"group\": [140.0, 139.0, 126.0, 78.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 140, \"cat_0_index\": 916, \"cat_6_index\": 921, \"cat_2_index\": 920, \"cat_1_index\": 918, \"rankvar\": 868, \"cat_9_index\": 902, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 916, \"cat_3_index\": 918, \"cat_8_index\": 918, \"name\": \"IGFBP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1102, \"rank\": 666, \"ini\": 141, \"cat_4_index\": 926, \"group\": [141.0, 140.0, 126.0, 78.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 141, \"cat_0_index\": 917, \"cat_6_index\": 922, \"cat_2_index\": 921, \"cat_1_index\": 919, \"rankvar\": 840, \"cat_9_index\": 903, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 917, \"cat_3_index\": 919, \"cat_8_index\": 919, \"name\": \"MMP7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 907, \"rank\": 325, \"ini\": 140, \"cat_4_index\": 927, \"group\": [142.0, 141.0, 126.0, 78.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 139, \"cat_0_index\": 918, \"cat_6_index\": 923, \"cat_2_index\": 922, \"cat_1_index\": 920, \"rankvar\": 666, \"cat_9_index\": 904, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 918, \"cat_3_index\": 920, \"cat_8_index\": 920, \"name\": \"TM4SF4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 908, \"rank\": 1080, \"ini\": 139, \"cat_4_index\": 928, \"group\": [138.0, 137.0, 125.0, 78.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 137, \"cat_0_index\": 919, \"cat_6_index\": 924, \"cat_2_index\": 923, \"cat_1_index\": 921, \"rankvar\": 256, \"cat_9_index\": 905, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 919, \"cat_3_index\": 921, \"cat_8_index\": 921, \"name\": \"EPS8 phospho T317\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 909, \"rank\": 793, \"ini\": 138, \"cat_4_index\": 929, \"group\": [139.0, 138.0, 125.0, 78.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 138, \"cat_0_index\": 920, \"cat_6_index\": 925, \"cat_2_index\": 924, \"cat_1_index\": 922, \"rankvar\": 1034, \"cat_9_index\": 906, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 920, \"cat_3_index\": 922, \"cat_8_index\": 922, \"name\": \"EPS8 phospho S685\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 910, \"rank\": 309, \"ini\": 137, \"cat_4_index\": 930, \"group\": [135.0, 134.0, 123.0, 77.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 135, \"cat_0_index\": 921, \"cat_6_index\": 926, \"cat_2_index\": 925, \"cat_1_index\": 923, \"rankvar\": 452, \"cat_9_index\": 907, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 921, \"cat_3_index\": 923, \"cat_8_index\": 923, \"name\": \"ANXA10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 911, \"rank\": 377, \"ini\": 136, \"cat_4_index\": 931, \"group\": [136.0, 135.0, 123.0, 77.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 136, \"cat_0_index\": 922, \"cat_6_index\": 927, \"cat_2_index\": 926, \"cat_1_index\": 924, \"rankvar\": 584, \"cat_9_index\": 908, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 922, \"cat_3_index\": 924, \"cat_8_index\": 924, \"name\": \"CXCL5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1103, \"rank\": 267, \"ini\": 135, \"cat_4_index\": 932, \"group\": [137.0, 136.0, 124.0, 77.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 134, \"cat_0_index\": 923, \"cat_6_index\": 928, \"cat_2_index\": 927, \"cat_1_index\": 925, \"rankvar\": 551, \"cat_9_index\": 909, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 923, \"cat_3_index\": 925, \"cat_8_index\": 925, \"name\": \"CXCL6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 912, \"rank\": 887, \"ini\": 134, \"cat_4_index\": 933, \"group\": [132.0, 131.0, 121.0, 76.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 132, \"cat_0_index\": 924, \"cat_6_index\": 929, \"cat_2_index\": 928, \"cat_1_index\": 926, \"rankvar\": 920, \"cat_9_index\": 910, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 924, \"cat_3_index\": 926, \"cat_8_index\": 926, \"name\": \"CDH17\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 913, \"rank\": 547, \"ini\": 133, \"cat_4_index\": 934, \"group\": [133.0, 132.0, 121.0, 76.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 133, \"cat_0_index\": 925, \"cat_6_index\": 930, \"cat_2_index\": 929, \"cat_1_index\": 927, \"rankvar\": 732, \"cat_9_index\": 911, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 925, \"cat_3_index\": 927, \"cat_8_index\": 927, \"name\": \"UGT2B4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 914, \"rank\": 454, \"ini\": 132, \"cat_4_index\": 935, \"group\": [134.0, 133.0, 122.0, 76.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 131, \"cat_0_index\": 926, \"cat_6_index\": 931, \"cat_2_index\": 930, \"cat_1_index\": 928, \"rankvar\": 592, \"cat_9_index\": 1100, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 926, \"cat_3_index\": 928, \"cat_8_index\": 928, \"name\": \"SLC7A7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 915, \"rank\": 376, \"ini\": 131, \"cat_4_index\": 936, \"group\": [130.0, 129.0, 119.0, 75.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 129, \"cat_0_index\": 927, \"cat_6_index\": 932, \"cat_2_index\": 931, \"cat_1_index\": 929, \"rankvar\": 662, \"cat_9_index\": 912, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 927, \"cat_3_index\": 929, \"cat_8_index\": 929, \"name\": \"RNF128\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 916, \"rank\": 422, \"ini\": 130, \"cat_4_index\": 937, \"group\": [131.0, 130.0, 120.0, 75.0, 31.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 130, \"cat_0_index\": 928, \"cat_6_index\": 933, \"cat_2_index\": 932, \"cat_1_index\": 930, \"rankvar\": 321, \"cat_9_index\": 913, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 928, \"cat_3_index\": 930, \"cat_8_index\": 930, \"name\": \"SLC4A2 phospho T309\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 917, \"rank\": 689, \"ini\": 129, \"cat_4_index\": 938, \"group\": [128.0, 127.0, 117.0, 74.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 127, \"cat_0_index\": 929, \"cat_6_index\": 934, \"cat_2_index\": 933, \"cat_1_index\": 931, \"rankvar\": 425, \"cat_9_index\": 914, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 929, \"cat_3_index\": 931, \"cat_8_index\": 931, \"name\": \"HSPA1B Rme1 R469\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 918, \"rank\": 153, \"ini\": 128, \"cat_4_index\": 939, \"group\": [129.0, 128.0, 118.0, 74.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 128, \"cat_0_index\": 930, \"cat_6_index\": 935, \"cat_2_index\": 934, \"cat_1_index\": 932, \"rankvar\": 138, \"cat_9_index\": 915, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 930, \"cat_3_index\": 932, \"cat_8_index\": 932, \"name\": \"WIPF2 phospho T212\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 919, \"rank\": 575, \"ini\": 127, \"cat_4_index\": 940, \"group\": [125.0, 124.0, 115.0, 73.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 125, \"cat_0_index\": 931, \"cat_6_index\": 936, \"cat_2_index\": 935, \"cat_1_index\": 933, \"rankvar\": 785, \"cat_9_index\": 916, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 931, \"cat_3_index\": 933, \"cat_8_index\": 933, \"name\": \"HOXB6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 920, \"rank\": 452, \"ini\": 126, \"cat_4_index\": 941, \"group\": [126.0, 125.0, 115.0, 73.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 126, \"cat_0_index\": 932, \"cat_6_index\": 937, \"cat_2_index\": 936, \"cat_1_index\": 934, \"rankvar\": 420, \"cat_9_index\": 917, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 932, \"cat_3_index\": 934, \"cat_8_index\": 934, \"name\": \"HOXB7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 921, \"rank\": 1053, \"ini\": 125, \"cat_4_index\": 942, \"group\": [127.0, 126.0, 116.0, 73.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 124, \"cat_0_index\": 933, \"cat_6_index\": 938, \"cat_2_index\": 937, \"cat_1_index\": 935, \"rankvar\": 374, \"cat_9_index\": 918, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 933, \"cat_3_index\": 935, \"cat_8_index\": 935, \"name\": \"BAMBI\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 922, \"rank\": 571, \"ini\": 124, \"cat_4_index\": 943, \"group\": [123.0, 122.0, 113.0, 72.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 122, \"cat_0_index\": 934, \"cat_6_index\": 939, \"cat_2_index\": 938, \"cat_1_index\": 936, \"rankvar\": 117, \"cat_9_index\": 919, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 934, \"cat_3_index\": 936, \"cat_8_index\": 936, \"name\": \"SEPT9 phospho T235\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 923, \"rank\": 483, \"ini\": 123, \"cat_4_index\": 944, \"group\": [124.0, 123.0, 114.0, 72.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 123, \"cat_0_index\": 935, \"cat_6_index\": 940, \"cat_2_index\": 939, \"cat_1_index\": 937, \"rankvar\": 142, \"cat_9_index\": 920, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 935, \"cat_3_index\": 937, \"cat_8_index\": 937, \"name\": \"EHBP1 phospho S710\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 924, \"rank\": 789, \"ini\": 122, \"cat_4_index\": 945, \"group\": [120.0, 119.0, 111.0, 72.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 120, \"cat_0_index\": 936, \"cat_6_index\": 941, \"cat_2_index\": 940, \"cat_1_index\": 938, \"rankvar\": 857, \"cat_9_index\": 921, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

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\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 936, \"cat_3_index\": 938, \"cat_8_index\": 938, \"name\": \"LASP1 phospho S82\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 925, \"rank\": 880, \"ini\": 121, \"cat_4_index\": 946, \"group\": [121.0, 120.0, 111.0, 72.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 121, \"cat_0_index\": 937, \"cat_6_index\": 942, \"cat_2_index\": 941, \"cat_1_index\": 939, \"rankvar\": 450, \"cat_9_index\": 922, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 937, \"cat_3_index\": 939, \"cat_8_index\": 939, \"name\": \"LASP1 phospho S146\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 926, \"rank\": 294, \"ini\": 120, \"cat_4_index\": 947, \"group\": [122.0, 121.0, 112.0, 72.0, 30.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 119, \"cat_0_index\": 938, \"cat_6_index\": 943, \"cat_2_index\": 942, \"cat_1_index\": 940, \"rankvar\": 223, \"cat_9_index\": 923, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 938, \"cat_3_index\": 940, \"cat_8_index\": 940, \"name\": \"LASP1 phospho T68\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 927, \"rank\": 1048, \"ini\": 119, \"cat_4_index\": 948, \"group\": [116.0, 115.0, 108.0, 71.0, 29.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 117, \"cat_0_index\": 939, \"cat_6_index\": 944, \"cat_2_index\": 943, \"cat_1_index\": 941, \"rankvar\": 757, \"cat_9_index\": 924, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 939, \"cat_3_index\": 941, \"cat_8_index\": 941, \"name\": \"PMEPA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 928, \"rank\": 903, \"ini\": 118, \"cat_4_index\": 949, \"group\": [117.0, 116.0, 108.0, 71.0, 29.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 118, \"cat_0_index\": 940, \"cat_6_index\": 945, \"cat_2_index\": 944, \"cat_1_index\": 942, \"rankvar\": 1010, \"cat_9_index\": 925, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 940, \"cat_3_index\": 942, \"cat_8_index\": 942, \"name\": \"ARL14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 929, \"rank\": 142, \"ini\": 117, \"cat_4_index\": 950, \"group\": [118.0, 117.0, 109.0, 71.0, 29.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 116, \"cat_0_index\": 941, \"cat_6_index\": 1100, \"cat_2_index\": 945, \"cat_1_index\": 943, \"rankvar\": 797, \"cat_9_index\": 1101, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 941, \"cat_3_index\": 943, \"cat_8_index\": 1103, \"name\": \"ITGA6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 930, \"rank\": 500, \"ini\": 116, \"cat_4_index\": 951, \"group\": [119.0, 118.0, 110.0, 71.0, 29.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 115, \"cat_0_index\": 1100, \"cat_6_index\": 1101, \"cat_2_index\": 1100, \"cat_1_index\": 1100, \"rankvar\": 995, \"cat_9_index\": 926, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 942, \"cat_3_index\": 1100, \"cat_8_index\": 943, \"name\": \"SOX9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 931, \"rank\": 352, \"ini\": 115, \"cat_4_index\": 952, \"group\": [113.0, 112.0, 106.0, 70.0, 29.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 113, \"cat_0_index\": 942, \"cat_6_index\": 946, \"cat_2_index\": 946, \"cat_1_index\": 944, \"rankvar\": 405, \"cat_9_index\": 927, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 943, \"cat_3_index\": 944, \"cat_8_index\": 944, \"name\": \"SERPINA3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 932, \"rank\": 924, \"ini\": 114, \"cat_4_index\": 953, \"group\": [114.0, 113.0, 106.0, 70.0, 29.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 114, \"cat_0_index\": 943, \"cat_6_index\": 947, \"cat_2_index\": 947, \"cat_1_index\": 945, \"rankvar\": 1098, \"cat_9_index\": 928, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 944, \"cat_3_index\": 945, \"cat_8_index\": 945, \"name\": \"KRT23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 933, \"rank\": 155, \"ini\": 113, \"cat_4_index\": 954, \"group\": [115.0, 114.0, 107.0, 70.0, 29.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 112, \"cat_0_index\": 944, \"cat_6_index\": 948, \"cat_2_index\": 948, \"cat_1_index\": 946, \"rankvar\": 562, \"cat_9_index\": 929, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 945, \"cat_3_index\": 946, \"cat_8_index\": 946, \"name\": \"RARRES1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 934, \"rank\": 906, \"ini\": 112, \"cat_4_index\": 955, \"group\": [111.0, 110.0, 104.0, 68.0, 28.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 110, \"cat_0_index\": 945, \"cat_6_index\": 949, \"cat_2_index\": 949, \"cat_1_index\": 947, \"rankvar\": 240, \"cat_9_index\": 930, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 946, \"cat_3_index\": 947, \"cat_8_index\": 947, \"name\": \"RALY phospho T286\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 935, \"rank\": 702, \"ini\": 111, \"cat_4_index\": 956, \"group\": [112.0, 111.0, 105.0, 69.0, 28.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 111, \"cat_0_index\": 946, \"cat_6_index\": 950, \"cat_2_index\": 950, \"cat_1_index\": 948, \"rankvar\": 298, \"cat_9_index\": 931, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 947, \"cat_3_index\": 948, \"cat_8_index\": 948, \"name\": \"EPS8L2 phospho T303\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 936, \"rank\": 26, \"ini\": 110, \"cat_4_index\": 957, \"group\": [109.0, 108.0, 102.0, 66.0, 27.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 108, \"cat_0_index\": 947, \"cat_6_index\": 951, \"cat_2_index\": 951, \"cat_1_index\": 949, \"rankvar\": 386, \"cat_9_index\": 932, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 948, \"cat_3_index\": 949, \"cat_8_index\": 949, \"name\": \"MKNK1 Rme1 R455\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 937, \"rank\": 94, \"ini\": 109, \"cat_4_index\": 958, \"group\": [110.0, 109.0, 103.0, 67.0, 27.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 109, \"cat_0_index\": 948, \"cat_6_index\": 952, \"cat_2_index\": 952, \"cat_1_index\": 950, \"rankvar\": 1041, \"cat_9_index\": 933, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 949, \"cat_3_index\": 950, \"cat_8_index\": 950, \"name\": \"PHAX phospho S368\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 938, \"rank\": 229, \"ini\": 108, \"cat_4_index\": 959, \"group\": [106.0, 105.0, 99.0, 64.0, 27.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 106, \"cat_0_index\": 949, \"cat_6_index\": 953, \"cat_2_index\": 953, \"cat_1_index\": 951, \"rankvar\": 506, \"cat_9_index\": 934, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 950, \"cat_3_index\": 951, \"cat_8_index\": 951, \"name\": \"ERVMER34-1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 939, \"rank\": 34, \"ini\": 107, \"cat_4_index\": 960, \"group\": [107.0, 106.0, 100.0, 64.0, 27.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 107, \"cat_0_index\": 950, \"cat_6_index\": 954, \"cat_2_index\": 954, \"cat_1_index\": 952, \"rankvar\": 329, \"cat_9_index\": 935, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 951, \"cat_3_index\": 952, \"cat_8_index\": 952, \"name\": \"DTNA phospho T504\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 940, \"rank\": 872, \"ini\": 106, \"cat_4_index\": 961, \"group\": [108.0, 107.0, 101.0, 65.0, 27.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 105, \"cat_0_index\": 1101, \"cat_6_index\": 955, \"cat_2_index\": 1101, \"cat_1_index\": 1101, \"rankvar\": 538, \"cat_9_index\": 936, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 952, \"cat_3_index\": 1101, \"cat_8_index\": 953, \"name\": \"SEMA3A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 941, \"rank\": 150, \"ini\": 105, \"cat_4_index\": 962, \"group\": [104.0, 103.0, 97.0, 63.0, 26.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 103, \"cat_0_index\": 951, \"cat_6_index\": 956, \"cat_2_index\": 955, \"cat_1_index\": 953, \"rankvar\": 160, \"cat_9_index\": 937, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 953, \"cat_3_index\": 953, \"cat_8_index\": 954, \"name\": \"BCLAF1 AcK K335\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 942, \"rank\": 213, \"ini\": 104, \"cat_4_index\": 963, \"group\": [105.0, 104.0, 98.0, 63.0, 26.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 104, \"cat_0_index\": 952, \"cat_6_index\": 957, \"cat_2_index\": 956, \"cat_1_index\": 954, \"rankvar\": 714, \"cat_9_index\": 938, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 954, \"cat_3_index\": 954, \"cat_8_index\": 955, \"name\": \"VGLL4 phospho S52\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 943, \"rank\": 453, \"ini\": 103, \"cat_4_index\": 964, \"group\": [102.0, 101.0, 95.0, 61.0, 25.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 101, \"cat_0_index\": 953, \"cat_6_index\": 958, \"cat_2_index\": 957, \"cat_1_index\": 955, \"rankvar\": 689, \"cat_9_index\": 939, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 955, \"cat_3_index\": 955, \"cat_8_index\": 956, \"name\": \"LUM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 944, \"rank\": 597, \"ini\": 102, \"cat_4_index\": 965, \"group\": [103.0, 102.0, 96.0, 62.0, 25.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 102, \"cat_0_index\": 954, \"cat_6_index\": 959, \"cat_2_index\": 958, \"cat_1_index\": 956, \"rankvar\": 517, \"cat_9_index\": 940, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 956, \"cat_3_index\": 956, \"cat_8_index\": 957, \"name\": \"LOC100506687\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1104, \"rank\": 291, \"ini\": 101, \"cat_4_index\": 1106, \"group\": [99.0, 98.0, 92.0, 60.0, 25.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 99, \"cat_0_index\": 955, \"cat_6_index\": 960, \"cat_2_index\": 959, \"cat_1_index\": 957, \"rankvar\": 701, \"cat_9_index\": 941, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 957, \"cat_3_index\": 957, \"cat_8_index\": 958, \"name\": \"MAVS phospho S222\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 945, \"rank\": 745, \"ini\": 100, \"cat_4_index\": 966, \"group\": [100.0, 99.0, 93.0, 60.0, 25.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 100, \"cat_0_index\": 1102, \"cat_6_index\": 1102, \"cat_2_index\": 1102, \"cat_1_index\": 1102, \"rankvar\": 396, \"cat_9_index\": 942, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 958, \"cat_3_index\": 1102, \"cat_8_index\": 959, \"name\": \"MAP2K1 phospho S218\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 946, \"rank\": 513, \"ini\": 99, \"cat_4_index\": 967, \"group\": [101.0, 100.0, 94.0, 60.0, 25.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 98, \"cat_0_index\": 956, \"cat_6_index\": 961, \"cat_2_index\": 960, \"cat_1_index\": 958, \"rankvar\": 201, \"cat_9_index\": 943, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 959, \"cat_3_index\": 958, \"cat_8_index\": 960, \"name\": \"CARHSP1 phospho S58\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 947, \"rank\": 819, \"ini\": 98, \"cat_4_index\": 968, \"group\": [95.0, 94.0, 89.0, 59.0, 24.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 96, \"cat_0_index\": 957, \"cat_6_index\": 962, \"cat_2_index\": 961, \"cat_1_index\": 959, \"rankvar\": 53, \"cat_9_index\": 944, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 960, \"cat_3_index\": 959, \"cat_8_index\": 961, \"name\": \"DOCK5 phospho S1742\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 948, \"rank\": 374, \"ini\": 97, \"cat_4_index\": 969, \"group\": [96.0, 95.0, 89.0, 59.0, 24.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 97, \"cat_0_index\": 958, \"cat_6_index\": 1103, \"cat_2_index\": 962, \"cat_1_index\": 960, \"rankvar\": 149, \"cat_9_index\": 1102, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 961, \"cat_3_index\": 960, \"cat_8_index\": 962, \"name\": \"ABL1 phospho Y185\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 949, \"rank\": 579, \"ini\": 96, \"cat_4_index\": 970, \"group\": [97.0, 96.0, 90.0, 59.0, 24.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 95, \"cat_0_index\": 959, \"cat_6_index\": 963, \"cat_2_index\": 963, \"cat_1_index\": 961, \"rankvar\": 1007, \"cat_9_index\": 945, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 962, \"cat_3_index\": 961, \"cat_8_index\": 963, \"name\": \"KHNYN phospho S10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 950, \"rank\": 339, \"ini\": 95, \"cat_4_index\": 971, \"group\": [98.0, 97.0, 91.0, 59.0, 24.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 94, \"cat_0_index\": 960, \"cat_6_index\": 1104, \"cat_2_index\": 964, \"cat_1_index\": 962, \"rankvar\": 471, \"cat_9_index\": 946, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 963, \"cat_3_index\": 962, \"cat_8_index\": 964, \"name\": \"RGCC\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 951, \"rank\": 508, \"ini\": 94, \"cat_4_index\": 972, \"group\": [93.0, 92.0, 87.0, 58.0, 24.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 92, \"cat_0_index\": 961, \"cat_6_index\": 964, \"cat_2_index\": 965, \"cat_1_index\": 963, \"rankvar\": 50, \"cat_9_index\": 947, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 964, \"cat_3_index\": 963, \"cat_8_index\": 965, \"name\": \"MCFD2 phospho S34\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 952, \"rank\": 669, \"ini\": 93, \"cat_4_index\": 973, \"group\": [94.0, 93.0, 88.0, 58.0, 24.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 93, \"cat_0_index\": 962, \"cat_6_index\": 965, \"cat_2_index\": 966, \"cat_1_index\": 964, \"rankvar\": 42, \"cat_9_index\": 948, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 965, \"cat_3_index\": 964, \"cat_8_index\": 966, \"name\": \"HEXIM2 phospho T46\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 953, \"rank\": 515, \"ini\": 92, \"cat_4_index\": 974, \"group\": [91.0, 90.0, 85.0, 57.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 90, \"cat_0_index\": 1103, \"cat_6_index\": 966, \"cat_2_index\": 1103, \"cat_1_index\": 1103, \"rankvar\": 741, \"cat_9_index\": 949, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 966, \"cat_3_index\": 1103, \"cat_8_index\": 967, \"name\": \"CCBE1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 954, \"rank\": 419, \"ini\": 91, \"cat_4_index\": 975, \"group\": [92.0, 91.0, 86.0, 57.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 91, \"cat_0_index\": 963, \"cat_6_index\": 967, \"cat_2_index\": 967, \"cat_1_index\": 965, \"rankvar\": 573, \"cat_9_index\": 950, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 967, \"cat_3_index\": 965, \"cat_8_index\": 968, \"name\": \"GREM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 955, \"rank\": 1047, \"ini\": 90, \"cat_4_index\": 976, \"group\": [89.0, 88.0, 83.0, 56.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 88, \"cat_0_index\": 964, \"cat_6_index\": 968, \"cat_2_index\": 968, \"cat_1_index\": 966, \"rankvar\": 976, \"cat_9_index\": 951, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 968, \"cat_3_index\": 966, \"cat_8_index\": 969, \"name\": \"PLIN2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 956, \"rank\": 612, \"ini\": 89, \"cat_4_index\": 977, \"group\": [90.0, 89.0, 84.0, 56.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 89, \"cat_0_index\": 965, \"cat_6_index\": 969, \"cat_2_index\": 969, \"cat_1_index\": 967, \"rankvar\": 365, \"cat_9_index\": 952, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 969, \"cat_3_index\": 967, \"cat_8_index\": 970, \"name\": \"ABCA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 957, \"rank\": 986, \"ini\": 88, \"cat_4_index\": 978, \"group\": [87.0, 86.0, 81.0, 56.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 86, \"cat_0_index\": 966, \"cat_6_index\": 970, \"cat_2_index\": 970, \"cat_1_index\": 968, \"rankvar\": 1080, \"cat_9_index\": 953, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 970, \"cat_3_index\": 968, \"cat_8_index\": 971, \"name\": \"IL7R\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 958, \"rank\": 1056, \"ini\": 87, \"cat_4_index\": 979, \"group\": [88.0, 87.0, 82.0, 56.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 87, \"cat_0_index\": 967, \"cat_6_index\": 1105, \"cat_2_index\": 971, \"cat_1_index\": 969, \"rankvar\": 849, \"cat_9_index\": 954, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 971, \"cat_3_index\": 969, \"cat_8_index\": 972, \"name\": \"TNC\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 959, \"rank\": 33, \"ini\": 86, \"cat_4_index\": 980, \"group\": [84.0, 83.0, 78.0, 54.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 84, \"cat_0_index\": 968, \"cat_6_index\": 971, \"cat_2_index\": 972, \"cat_1_index\": 970, \"rankvar\": 973, \"cat_9_index\": 955, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 972, \"cat_3_index\": 970, \"cat_8_index\": 973, \"name\": \"SLC43A3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 960, \"rank\": 769, \"ini\": 85, \"cat_4_index\": 981, \"group\": [85.0, 84.0, 79.0, 54.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 85, \"cat_0_index\": 969, \"cat_6_index\": 972, \"cat_2_index\": 973, \"cat_1_index\": 971, \"rankvar\": 735, \"cat_9_index\": 956, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 973, \"cat_3_index\": 971, \"cat_8_index\": 974, \"name\": \"LOX\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 961, \"rank\": 72, \"ini\": 84, \"cat_4_index\": 982, \"group\": [86.0, 85.0, 80.0, 55.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 83, \"cat_0_index\": 970, \"cat_6_index\": 973, \"cat_2_index\": 974, \"cat_1_index\": 972, \"rankvar\": 962, \"cat_9_index\": 957, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 974, \"cat_3_index\": 972, \"cat_8_index\": 1104, \"name\": \"PTPRK\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 962, \"rank\": 473, \"ini\": 83, \"cat_4_index\": 983, \"group\": [82.0, 81.0, 76.0, 53.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 81, \"cat_0_index\": 971, \"cat_6_index\": 974, \"cat_2_index\": 975, \"cat_1_index\": 973, \"rankvar\": 597, \"cat_9_index\": 958, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 975, \"cat_3_index\": 973, \"cat_8_index\": 975, \"name\": \"STC2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 963, \"rank\": 907, \"ini\": 82, \"cat_4_index\": 984, \"group\": [83.0, 82.0, 77.0, 53.0, 23.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 82, \"cat_0_index\": 972, \"cat_6_index\": 975, \"cat_2_index\": 976, \"cat_1_index\": 974, \"rankvar\": 1011, \"cat_9_index\": 1103, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1107, \"cat_3_index\": 974, \"cat_8_index\": 976, \"name\": \"MGLL\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 964, \"rank\": 970, \"ini\": 81, \"cat_4_index\": 985, \"group\": [78.0, 77.0, 72.0, 52.0, 22.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 79, \"cat_0_index\": 973, \"cat_6_index\": 976, \"cat_2_index\": 977, \"cat_1_index\": 975, \"rankvar\": 749, \"cat_9_index\": 959, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 976, \"cat_3_index\": 975, \"cat_8_index\": 977, \"name\": \"ADRB2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 965, \"rank\": 199, \"ini\": 80, \"cat_4_index\": 986, \"group\": [79.0, 78.0, 73.0, 52.0, 22.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 80, \"cat_0_index\": 974, \"cat_6_index\": 977, \"cat_2_index\": 978, \"cat_1_index\": 976, \"rankvar\": 97, \"cat_9_index\": 960, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 977, \"cat_3_index\": 976, \"cat_8_index\": 978, \"name\": \"SND1 phospho Y109\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 966, \"rank\": 692, \"ini\": 79, \"cat_4_index\": 987, \"group\": [80.0, 79.0, 74.0, 52.0, 22.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 78, \"cat_0_index\": 975, \"cat_6_index\": 978, \"cat_2_index\": 979, \"cat_1_index\": 977, \"rankvar\": 57, \"cat_9_index\": 961, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 978, \"cat_3_index\": 977, \"cat_8_index\": 979, \"name\": \"SP110 phospho S244\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 967, \"rank\": 619, \"ini\": 78, \"cat_4_index\": 988, \"group\": [81.0, 80.0, 75.0, 52.0, 22.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 77, \"cat_0_index\": 976, \"cat_6_index\": 979, \"cat_2_index\": 980, \"cat_1_index\": 978, \"rankvar\": 128, \"cat_9_index\": 962, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 979, \"cat_3_index\": 978, \"cat_8_index\": 980, \"name\": \"TWISTNB phospho T322\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 968, \"rank\": 327, \"ini\": 77, \"cat_4_index\": 989, \"group\": [76.0, 75.0, 70.0, 51.0, 22.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 75, \"cat_0_index\": 977, \"cat_6_index\": 980, \"cat_2_index\": 981, \"cat_1_index\": 979, \"rankvar\": 90, \"cat_9_index\": 963, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 980, \"cat_3_index\": 979, \"cat_8_index\": 981, \"name\": \"EPB41L2 phospho Y623\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 969, \"rank\": 546, \"ini\": 76, \"cat_4_index\": 990, \"group\": [77.0, 76.0, 71.0, 51.0, 22.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 76, \"cat_0_index\": 978, \"cat_6_index\": 981, \"cat_2_index\": 982, \"cat_1_index\": 980, \"rankvar\": 74, \"cat_9_index\": 1104, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1108, \"cat_3_index\": 980, \"cat_8_index\": 982, \"name\": \"CAV1 phospho Y14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 970, \"rank\": 269, \"ini\": 75, \"cat_4_index\": 991, \"group\": [74.0, 73.0, 68.0, 50.0, 22.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 73, \"cat_0_index\": 979, \"cat_6_index\": 982, \"cat_2_index\": 983, \"cat_1_index\": 981, \"rankvar\": 1020, \"cat_9_index\": 964, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 981, \"cat_3_index\": 981, \"cat_8_index\": 983, \"name\": \"EFNB2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 971, \"rank\": 404, \"ini\": 74, \"cat_4_index\": 992, \"group\": [75.0, 74.0, 69.0, 50.0, 22.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 74, \"cat_0_index\": 1104, \"cat_6_index\": 1106, \"cat_2_index\": 1104, \"cat_1_index\": 1104, \"rankvar\": 622, \"cat_9_index\": 965, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 982, \"cat_3_index\": 1104, \"cat_8_index\": 1105, \"name\": \"SNAI2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 972, \"rank\": 12, \"ini\": 73, \"cat_4_index\": 993, \"group\": [71.0, 70.0, 65.0, 47.0, 21.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 71, \"cat_0_index\": 980, \"cat_6_index\": 983, \"cat_2_index\": 984, \"cat_1_index\": 982, \"rankvar\": 403, \"cat_9_index\": 966, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 983, \"cat_3_index\": 982, \"cat_8_index\": 984, \"name\": \"DSE\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 973, \"rank\": 319, \"ini\": 72, \"cat_4_index\": 994, \"group\": [72.0, 71.0, 66.0, 48.0, 21.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 72, \"cat_0_index\": 981, \"cat_6_index\": 984, \"cat_2_index\": 985, \"cat_1_index\": 983, \"rankvar\": 125, \"cat_9_index\": 967, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 984, \"cat_3_index\": 983, \"cat_8_index\": 985, \"name\": \"FAM21B phospho T342\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 974, \"rank\": 260, \"ini\": 71, \"cat_4_index\": 995, \"group\": [73.0, 72.0, 67.0, 49.0, 21.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 70, \"cat_0_index\": 982, \"cat_6_index\": 985, \"cat_2_index\": 986, \"cat_1_index\": 984, \"rankvar\": 1, \"cat_9_index\": 968, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 985, \"cat_3_index\": 984, \"cat_8_index\": 986, \"name\": \"SLC25A5 Kme1 K166\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 975, \"rank\": 0, \"ini\": 70, \"cat_4_index\": 996, \"group\": [68.0, 67.0, 63.0, 46.0, 20.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 68, \"cat_0_index\": 983, \"cat_6_index\": 986, \"cat_2_index\": 987, \"cat_1_index\": 985, \"rankvar\": 779, \"cat_9_index\": 969, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 986, \"cat_3_index\": 985, \"cat_8_index\": 987, \"name\": \"TNKS1BP1 phospho S1545\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 976, \"rank\": 1027, \"ini\": 69, \"cat_4_index\": 997, \"group\": [69.0, 68.0, 63.0, 46.0, 20.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 69, \"cat_0_index\": 984, \"cat_6_index\": 987, \"cat_2_index\": 988, \"cat_1_index\": 986, \"rankvar\": 436, \"cat_9_index\": 970, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 987, \"cat_3_index\": 986, \"cat_8_index\": 988, \"name\": \"OSBPL11 phospho S189\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 977, \"rank\": 650, \"ini\": 68, \"cat_4_index\": 998, \"group\": [70.0, 69.0, 64.0, 46.0, 20.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 67, \"cat_0_index\": 985, \"cat_6_index\": 1107, \"cat_2_index\": 989, \"cat_1_index\": 987, \"rankvar\": 824, \"cat_9_index\": 971, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 988, \"cat_3_index\": 987, \"cat_8_index\": 989, \"name\": \"DPP4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1105, \"rank\": 588, \"ini\": 67, \"cat_4_index\": 1107, \"group\": [66.0, 65.0, 61.0, 45.0, 20.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 65, \"cat_0_index\": 986, \"cat_6_index\": 988, \"cat_2_index\": 990, \"cat_1_index\": 988, \"rankvar\": 531, \"cat_9_index\": 972, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 989, \"cat_3_index\": 988, \"cat_8_index\": 990, \"name\": \"APOBEC3G\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1106, \"rank\": 56, \"ini\": 66, \"cat_4_index\": 1108, \"group\": [67.0, 66.0, 62.0, 45.0, 20.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 66, \"cat_0_index\": 987, \"cat_6_index\": 989, \"cat_2_index\": 991, \"cat_1_index\": 989, \"rankvar\": 387, \"cat_9_index\": 973, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 990, \"cat_3_index\": 989, \"cat_8_index\": 991, \"name\": \"ANPEP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 978, \"rank\": 134, \"ini\": 65, \"cat_4_index\": 999, \"group\": [64.0, 63.0, 59.0, 44.0, 19.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 63, \"cat_0_index\": 988, \"cat_6_index\": 990, \"cat_2_index\": 992, \"cat_1_index\": 990, \"rankvar\": 394, \"cat_9_index\": 974, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 991, \"cat_3_index\": 990, \"cat_8_index\": 992, \"name\": \"CDC42EP5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 979, \"rank\": 403, \"ini\": 64, \"cat_4_index\": 1000, \"group\": [65.0, 64.0, 60.0, 44.0, 19.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 64, \"cat_0_index\": 1105, \"cat_6_index\": 991, \"cat_2_index\": 1105, \"cat_1_index\": 1105, \"rankvar\": 148, \"cat_9_index\": 1105, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 992, \"cat_3_index\": 1105, \"cat_8_index\": 993, \"name\": \"MAPK1 phospho Y187\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 980, \"rank\": 697, \"ini\": 63, \"cat_4_index\": 1001, \"group\": [62.0, 61.0, 57.0, 43.0, 19.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 61, \"cat_0_index\": 989, \"cat_6_index\": 992, \"cat_2_index\": 993, \"cat_1_index\": 991, \"rankvar\": 193, \"cat_9_index\": 975, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 993, \"cat_3_index\": 991, \"cat_8_index\": 994, \"name\": \"CLIC5 AcK K333\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 981, \"rank\": 164, \"ini\": 62, \"cat_4_index\": 1002, \"group\": [63.0, 62.0, 58.0, 43.0, 19.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 62, \"cat_0_index\": 990, \"cat_6_index\": 993, \"cat_2_index\": 994, \"cat_1_index\": 992, \"rankvar\": 192, \"cat_9_index\": 976, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 994, \"cat_3_index\": 992, \"cat_8_index\": 995, \"name\": \"TAX1BP3 phospho T86\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 982, \"rank\": 237, \"ini\": 61, \"cat_4_index\": 1003, \"group\": [59.0, 58.0, 55.0, 41.0, 18.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 59, \"cat_0_index\": 991, \"cat_6_index\": 994, \"cat_2_index\": 995, \"cat_1_index\": 993, \"rankvar\": 1107, \"cat_9_index\": 977, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 995, \"cat_3_index\": 993, \"cat_8_index\": 996, \"name\": \"TBC1D5 phospho S730\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 983, \"rank\": 758, \"ini\": 60, \"cat_4_index\": 1004, \"group\": [60.0, 59.0, 55.0, 41.0, 18.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 60, \"cat_0_index\": 992, \"cat_6_index\": 995, \"cat_2_index\": 996, \"cat_1_index\": 994, \"rankvar\": 151, \"cat_9_index\": 978, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 996, \"cat_3_index\": 994, \"cat_8_index\": 997, \"name\": \"LPIN1 phospho S162\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 984, \"rank\": 586, \"ini\": 59, \"cat_4_index\": 1005, \"group\": [61.0, 60.0, 56.0, 42.0, 18.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 58, \"cat_0_index\": 993, \"cat_6_index\": 996, \"cat_2_index\": 997, \"cat_1_index\": 995, \"rankvar\": 295, \"cat_9_index\": 979, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 997, \"cat_3_index\": 995, \"cat_8_index\": 998, \"name\": \"ZNF185 phospho S519\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 985, \"rank\": 160, \"ini\": 58, \"cat_4_index\": 1006, \"group\": [56.0, 56.0, 53.0, 40.0, 18.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 56, \"cat_0_index\": 994, \"cat_6_index\": 997, \"cat_2_index\": 998, \"cat_1_index\": 996, \"rankvar\": 475, \"cat_9_index\": 980, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 998, \"cat_3_index\": 996, \"cat_8_index\": 999, \"name\": \"LOC654433\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 986, \"rank\": 678, \"ini\": 57, \"cat_4_index\": 1007, \"group\": [57.0, 56.0, 53.0, 40.0, 18.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 57, \"cat_0_index\": 995, \"cat_6_index\": 998, \"cat_2_index\": 999, \"cat_1_index\": 997, \"rankvar\": 569, \"cat_9_index\": 981, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 999, \"cat_3_index\": 997, \"cat_8_index\": 1000, \"name\": \"LOC100509100\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 987, \"rank\": 491, \"ini\": 56, \"cat_4_index\": 1008, \"group\": [58.0, 57.0, 54.0, 40.0, 18.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 55, \"cat_0_index\": 996, \"cat_6_index\": 999, \"cat_2_index\": 1000, \"cat_1_index\": 998, \"rankvar\": 463, \"cat_9_index\": 982, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1000, \"cat_3_index\": 998, \"cat_8_index\": 1001, \"name\": \"LOC730755\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 988, \"rank\": 671, \"ini\": 55, \"cat_4_index\": 1009, \"group\": [53.0, 53.0, 50.0, 38.0, 17.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 53, \"cat_0_index\": 1106, \"cat_6_index\": 1000, \"cat_2_index\": 1106, \"cat_1_index\": 1106, \"rankvar\": 270, \"cat_9_index\": 983, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1001, \"cat_3_index\": 1106, \"cat_8_index\": 1106, \"name\": \"TRIP6 Rme1 R236\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 989, \"rank\": 405, \"ini\": 54, \"cat_4_index\": 1010, \"group\": [54.0, 54.0, 51.0, 38.0, 17.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 54, \"cat_0_index\": 997, \"cat_6_index\": 1001, \"cat_2_index\": 1001, \"cat_1_index\": 999, \"rankvar\": 778, \"cat_9_index\": 984, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1002, \"cat_3_index\": 999, \"cat_8_index\": 1002, \"name\": \"ABLIM3 phospho S504\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 990, \"rank\": 706, \"ini\": 53, \"cat_4_index\": 1011, \"group\": [55.0, 55.0, 52.0, 39.0, 17.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 52, \"cat_0_index\": 998, \"cat_6_index\": 1002, \"cat_2_index\": 1002, \"cat_1_index\": 1000, \"rankvar\": 892, \"cat_9_index\": 985, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1003, \"cat_3_index\": 1000, \"cat_8_index\": 1107, \"name\": \"CDH11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1107, \"rank\": 947, \"ini\": 52, \"cat_4_index\": 1109, \"group\": [51.0, 51.0, 48.0, 37.0, 17.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 50, \"cat_0_index\": 1107, \"cat_6_index\": 1003, \"cat_2_index\": 1107, \"cat_1_index\": 1107, \"rankvar\": 598, \"cat_9_index\": 986, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): True

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1004, \"cat_3_index\": 1107, \"cat_8_index\": 1003, \"name\": \"PYCARD\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 991, \"rank\": 767, \"ini\": 51, \"cat_4_index\": 1012, \"group\": [52.0, 52.0, 49.0, 37.0, 17.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 51, \"cat_0_index\": 999, \"cat_6_index\": 1108, \"cat_2_index\": 1003, \"cat_1_index\": 1001, \"rankvar\": 478, \"cat_9_index\": 1106, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1005, \"cat_3_index\": 1001, \"cat_8_index\": 1004, \"name\": \"CD44 phospho S697\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 992, \"rank\": 1088, \"ini\": 50, \"cat_4_index\": 1013, \"group\": [48.0, 48.0, 45.0, 34.0, 16.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 48, \"cat_0_index\": 1000, \"cat_6_index\": 1004, \"cat_2_index\": 1004, \"cat_1_index\": 1002, \"rankvar\": 925, \"cat_9_index\": 987, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1006, \"cat_3_index\": 1002, \"cat_8_index\": 1005, \"name\": \"CAMK2N1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 993, \"rank\": 971, \"ini\": 49, \"cat_4_index\": 1014, \"group\": [49.0, 49.0, 46.0, 35.0, 16.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 49, \"cat_0_index\": 1001, \"cat_6_index\": 1005, \"cat_2_index\": 1005, \"cat_1_index\": 1003, \"rankvar\": 548, \"cat_9_index\": 988, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1007, \"cat_3_index\": 1003, \"cat_8_index\": 1006, \"name\": \"C2orf74\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 994, \"rank\": 375, \"ini\": 48, \"cat_4_index\": 1015, \"group\": [50.0, 50.0, 47.0, 36.0, 16.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 47, \"cat_0_index\": 1002, \"cat_6_index\": 1006, \"cat_2_index\": 1006, \"cat_1_index\": 1004, \"rankvar\": 946, \"cat_9_index\": 989, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1008, \"cat_3_index\": 1004, \"cat_8_index\": 1007, \"name\": \"LDOC1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 995, \"rank\": 185, \"ini\": 47, \"cat_4_index\": 1016, \"group\": [46.0, 46.0, 43.0, 33.0, 15.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 45, \"cat_0_index\": 1003, \"cat_6_index\": 1007, \"cat_2_index\": 1007, \"cat_1_index\": 1005, \"rankvar\": 144, \"cat_9_index\": 990, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1009, \"cat_3_index\": 1005, \"cat_8_index\": 1008, \"name\": \"SUPT5H phospho Y802\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 996, \"rank\": 698, \"ini\": 46, \"cat_4_index\": 1017, \"group\": [47.0, 47.0, 44.0, 33.0, 15.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 46, \"cat_0_index\": 1004, \"cat_6_index\": 1008, \"cat_2_index\": 1008, \"cat_1_index\": 1006, \"rankvar\": 191, \"cat_9_index\": 991, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1010, \"cat_3_index\": 1006, \"cat_8_index\": 1009, \"name\": \"SLK phospho T193\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 997, \"rank\": 108, \"ini\": 45, \"cat_4_index\": 1018, \"group\": [44.0, 44.0, 42.0, 33.0, 15.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 43, \"cat_0_index\": 1005, \"cat_6_index\": 1009, \"cat_2_index\": 1009, \"cat_1_index\": 1007, \"rankvar\": 158, \"cat_9_index\": 992, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1011, \"cat_3_index\": 1007, \"cat_8_index\": 1010, \"name\": \"KIAA1522 phospho T185\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 998, \"rank\": 1032, \"ini\": 44, \"cat_4_index\": 1019, \"group\": [45.0, 45.0, 42.0, 33.0, 15.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 44, \"cat_0_index\": 1006, \"cat_6_index\": 1010, \"cat_2_index\": 1010, \"cat_1_index\": 1008, \"rankvar\": 311, \"cat_9_index\": 993, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1012, \"cat_3_index\": 1008, \"cat_8_index\": 1011, \"name\": \"EPN1 phospho S454\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 999, \"rank\": 918, \"ini\": 43, \"cat_4_index\": 1020, \"group\": [42.0, 42.0, 40.0, 32.0, 15.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 41, \"cat_0_index\": 1108, \"cat_6_index\": 1109, \"cat_2_index\": 1108, \"cat_1_index\": 1108, \"rankvar\": 25, \"cat_9_index\": 1107, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): True

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1013, \"cat_3_index\": 1108, \"cat_8_index\": 1012, \"name\": \"PTK2 phospho Y397\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1000, \"rank\": 974, \"ini\": 42, \"cat_4_index\": 1021, \"group\": [43.0, 43.0, 41.0, 32.0, 15.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 42, \"cat_0_index\": 1007, \"cat_6_index\": 1011, \"cat_2_index\": 1011, \"cat_1_index\": 1009, \"rankvar\": 47, \"cat_9_index\": 994, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1014, \"cat_3_index\": 1009, \"cat_8_index\": 1013, \"name\": \"HSP90AB1 phospho Y619\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1001, \"rank\": 226, \"ini\": 41, \"cat_4_index\": 1022, \"group\": [39.0, 39.0, 37.0, 30.0, 15.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 39, \"cat_0_index\": 1008, \"cat_6_index\": 1012, \"cat_2_index\": 1012, \"cat_1_index\": 1010, \"rankvar\": 286, \"cat_9_index\": 995, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1015, \"cat_3_index\": 1010, \"cat_8_index\": 1014, \"name\": \"FZD6 phospho T607\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1002, \"rank\": 488, \"ini\": 40, \"cat_4_index\": 1023, \"group\": [40.0, 40.0, 38.0, 30.0, 15.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 40, \"cat_0_index\": 1009, \"cat_6_index\": 1013, \"cat_2_index\": 1013, \"cat_1_index\": 1011, \"rankvar\": 512, \"cat_9_index\": 996, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1016, \"cat_3_index\": 1011, \"cat_8_index\": 1015, \"name\": \"EIF4G1 phospho S704\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1108, \"rank\": 281, \"ini\": 39, \"cat_4_index\": 1024, \"group\": [41.0, 41.0, 39.0, 31.0, 15.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 38, \"cat_0_index\": 1109, \"cat_6_index\": 1014, \"cat_2_index\": 1109, \"cat_1_index\": 1109, \"rankvar\": 482, \"cat_9_index\": 997, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): True

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): True

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): True

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): True

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1017, \"cat_3_index\": 1109, \"cat_8_index\": 1016, \"name\": \"CCL2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1003, \"rank\": 81, \"ini\": 38, \"cat_4_index\": 1025, \"group\": [36.0, 36.0, 34.0, 27.0, 14.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 36, \"cat_0_index\": 1010, \"cat_6_index\": 1015, \"cat_2_index\": 1014, \"cat_1_index\": 1012, \"rankvar\": 70, \"cat_9_index\": 998, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1018, \"cat_3_index\": 1012, \"cat_8_index\": 1017, \"name\": \"SLC38A10 phospho S685\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1004, \"rank\": 175, \"ini\": 37, \"cat_4_index\": 1026, \"group\": [37.0, 37.0, 35.0, 28.0, 14.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 37, \"cat_0_index\": 1011, \"cat_6_index\": 1016, \"cat_2_index\": 1015, \"cat_1_index\": 1013, \"rankvar\": 69, \"cat_9_index\": 999, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1019, \"cat_3_index\": 1013, \"cat_8_index\": 1018, \"name\": \"MAPK8 phospho Y185\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1005, \"rank\": 443, \"ini\": 36, \"cat_4_index\": 1027, \"group\": [38.0, 38.0, 36.0, 29.0, 14.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 35, \"cat_0_index\": 1012, \"cat_6_index\": 1017, \"cat_2_index\": 1016, \"cat_1_index\": 1014, \"rankvar\": 119, \"cat_9_index\": 1000, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1020, \"cat_3_index\": 1014, \"cat_8_index\": 1019, \"name\": \"PGK1 phospho Y196\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1006, \"rank\": 776, \"ini\": 35, \"cat_4_index\": 1028, \"group\": [34.0, 34.0, 32.0, 26.0, 13.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 33, \"cat_0_index\": 1013, \"cat_6_index\": 1018, \"cat_2_index\": 1017, \"cat_1_index\": 1015, \"rankvar\": 182, \"cat_9_index\": 1001, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1021, \"cat_3_index\": 1015, \"cat_8_index\": 1020, \"name\": \"TP53I11 phospho S14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1007, \"rank\": 545, \"ini\": 34, \"cat_4_index\": 1029, \"group\": [35.0, 35.0, 33.0, 26.0, 13.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 34, \"cat_0_index\": 1014, \"cat_6_index\": 1019, \"cat_2_index\": 1018, \"cat_1_index\": 1016, \"rankvar\": 210, \"cat_9_index\": 1002, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1022, \"cat_3_index\": 1016, \"cat_8_index\": 1021, \"name\": \"EPN1 phospho T470\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1008, \"rank\": 661, \"ini\": 33, \"cat_4_index\": 1030, \"group\": [32.0, 32.0, 31.0, 25.0, 12.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 31, \"cat_0_index\": 1015, \"cat_6_index\": 1020, \"cat_2_index\": 1019, \"cat_1_index\": 1017, \"rankvar\": 72, \"cat_9_index\": 1003, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1023, \"cat_3_index\": 1017, \"cat_8_index\": 1108, \"name\": \"TNS1 phospho Y1404\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1009, \"rank\": 1024, \"ini\": 32, \"cat_4_index\": 1031, \"group\": [33.0, 33.0, 31.0, 25.0, 12.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 32, \"cat_0_index\": 1016, \"cat_6_index\": 1021, \"cat_2_index\": 1020, \"cat_1_index\": 1018, \"rankvar\": 124, \"cat_9_index\": 1004, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): True

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1024, \"cat_3_index\": 1018, \"cat_8_index\": 1109, \"name\": \"TNS1 phospho Y1323\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1010, \"rank\": 525, \"ini\": 31, \"cat_4_index\": 1032, \"group\": [29.0, 29.0, 28.0, 23.0, 10.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 29, \"cat_0_index\": 1017, \"cat_6_index\": 1022, \"cat_2_index\": 1021, \"cat_1_index\": 1019, \"rankvar\": 890, \"cat_9_index\": 1108, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1025, \"cat_3_index\": 1019, \"cat_8_index\": 1022, \"name\": \"GRB14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1011, \"rank\": 425, \"ini\": 30, \"cat_4_index\": 1033, \"group\": [30.0, 30.0, 29.0, 23.0, 10.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 30, \"cat_0_index\": 1018, \"cat_6_index\": 1023, \"cat_2_index\": 1022, \"cat_1_index\": 1020, \"rankvar\": 736, \"cat_9_index\": 1005, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1026, \"cat_3_index\": 1020, \"cat_8_index\": 1023, \"name\": \"FLRT3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1012, \"rank\": 751, \"ini\": 29, \"cat_4_index\": 1034, \"group\": [31.0, 31.0, 30.0, 24.0, 11.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 28, \"cat_0_index\": 1019, \"cat_6_index\": 1024, \"cat_2_index\": 1023, \"cat_1_index\": 1021, \"rankvar\": 982, \"cat_9_index\": 1006, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1027, \"cat_3_index\": 1021, \"cat_8_index\": 1024, \"name\": \"XIST\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1013, \"rank\": 84, \"ini\": 28, \"cat_4_index\": 1035, \"group\": [27.0, 27.0, 26.0, 22.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 26, \"cat_0_index\": 1020, \"cat_6_index\": 1025, \"cat_2_index\": 1024, \"cat_1_index\": 1022, \"rankvar\": 1106, \"cat_9_index\": 1007, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1028, \"cat_3_index\": 1022, \"cat_8_index\": 1025, \"name\": \"SVIL Rme1 R1203\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1014, \"rank\": 672, \"ini\": 27, \"cat_4_index\": 1036, \"group\": [28.0, 28.0, 27.0, 22.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 27, \"cat_0_index\": 1021, \"cat_6_index\": 1026, \"cat_2_index\": 1025, \"cat_1_index\": 1023, \"rankvar\": 28, \"cat_9_index\": 1008, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1029, \"cat_3_index\": 1023, \"cat_8_index\": 1026, \"name\": \"STAT6 phospho Y641\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1015, \"rank\": 189, \"ini\": 26, \"cat_4_index\": 1037, \"group\": [25.0, 25.0, 24.0, 21.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 24, \"cat_0_index\": 1022, \"cat_6_index\": 1027, \"cat_2_index\": 1026, \"cat_1_index\": 1024, \"rankvar\": 445, \"cat_9_index\": 1009, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1030, \"cat_3_index\": 1024, \"cat_8_index\": 1027, \"name\": \"SLCO1B3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1016, \"rank\": 622, \"ini\": 25, \"cat_4_index\": 1038, \"group\": [26.0, 26.0, 25.0, 21.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 25, \"cat_0_index\": 1023, \"cat_6_index\": 1028, \"cat_2_index\": 1027, \"cat_1_index\": 1025, \"rankvar\": 721, \"cat_9_index\": 1010, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1031, \"cat_3_index\": 1025, \"cat_8_index\": 1028, \"name\": \"MAP2K4 phospho S257\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1017, \"rank\": 73, \"ini\": 24, \"cat_4_index\": 1039, \"group\": [22.0, 22.0, 21.0, 18.0, 8.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 22, \"cat_0_index\": 1024, \"cat_6_index\": 1029, \"cat_2_index\": 1028, \"cat_1_index\": 1026, \"rankvar\": 417, \"cat_9_index\": 1011, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1032, \"cat_3_index\": 1026, \"cat_8_index\": 1029, \"name\": \"EPHX4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1018, \"rank\": 958, \"ini\": 23, \"cat_4_index\": 1040, \"group\": [23.0, 23.0, 22.0, 19.0, 8.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 23, \"cat_0_index\": 1025, \"cat_6_index\": 1030, \"cat_2_index\": 1029, \"cat_1_index\": 1027, \"rankvar\": 1081, \"cat_9_index\": 1012, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1033, \"cat_3_index\": 1027, \"cat_8_index\": 1030, \"name\": \"BHMT2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1019, \"rank\": 168, \"ini\": 22, \"cat_4_index\": 1041, \"group\": [24.0, 24.0, 23.0, 20.0, 8.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 21, \"cat_0_index\": 1026, \"cat_6_index\": 1031, \"cat_2_index\": 1030, \"cat_1_index\": 1028, \"rankvar\": 174, \"cat_9_index\": 1013, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1034, \"cat_3_index\": 1028, \"cat_8_index\": 1031, \"name\": \"GPRC5C phospho S431\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1020, \"rank\": 877, \"ini\": 21, \"cat_4_index\": 1042, \"group\": [19.0, 19.0, 18.0, 16.0, 7.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 19, \"cat_0_index\": 1027, \"cat_6_index\": 1032, \"cat_2_index\": 1031, \"cat_1_index\": 1029, \"rankvar\": 218, \"cat_9_index\": 1014, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1035, \"cat_3_index\": 1029, \"cat_8_index\": 1032, \"name\": \"TCEAL5 Rme1 R182\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1021, \"rank\": 162, \"ini\": 20, \"cat_4_index\": 1043, \"group\": [20.0, 20.0, 19.0, 16.0, 7.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 20, \"cat_0_index\": 1028, \"cat_6_index\": 1033, \"cat_2_index\": 1032, \"cat_1_index\": 1030, \"rankvar\": 567, \"cat_9_index\": 1015, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1036, \"cat_3_index\": 1030, \"cat_8_index\": 1033, \"name\": \"TCEAL3 phospho S65\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1022, \"rank\": 635, \"ini\": 19, \"cat_4_index\": 1044, \"group\": [21.0, 21.0, 20.0, 17.0, 7.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 18, \"cat_0_index\": 1029, \"cat_6_index\": 1034, \"cat_2_index\": 1033, \"cat_1_index\": 1031, \"rankvar\": 535, \"cat_9_index\": 1016, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1037, \"cat_3_index\": 1031, \"cat_8_index\": 1034, \"name\": \"SH3BGRL\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1023, \"rank\": 121, \"ini\": 18, \"cat_4_index\": 1045, \"group\": [17.0, 17.0, 16.0, 14.0, 6.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 16, \"cat_0_index\": 1030, \"cat_6_index\": 1035, \"cat_2_index\": 1034, \"cat_1_index\": 1032, \"rankvar\": 876, \"cat_9_index\": 1017, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1038, \"cat_3_index\": 1032, \"cat_8_index\": 1035, \"name\": \"DIAPH2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1024, \"rank\": 178, \"ini\": 17, \"cat_4_index\": 1046, \"group\": [18.0, 18.0, 17.0, 15.0, 6.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 17, \"cat_0_index\": 1031, \"cat_6_index\": 1036, \"cat_2_index\": 1035, \"cat_1_index\": 1033, \"rankvar\": 658, \"cat_9_index\": 1018, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1039, \"cat_3_index\": 1033, \"cat_8_index\": 1036, \"name\": \"MYC AcK K148\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1025, \"rank\": 584, \"ini\": 16, \"cat_4_index\": 1047, \"group\": [15.0, 15.0, 14.0, 12.0, 6.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 14, \"cat_0_index\": 1032, \"cat_6_index\": 1037, \"cat_2_index\": 1036, \"cat_1_index\": 1034, \"rankvar\": 1109, \"cat_9_index\": 1019, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1040, \"cat_3_index\": 1034, \"cat_8_index\": 1037, \"name\": \"AK4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1026, \"rank\": 335, \"ini\": 15, \"cat_4_index\": 1048, \"group\": [16.0, 16.0, 15.0, 13.0, 6.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 15, \"cat_0_index\": 1033, \"cat_6_index\": 1038, \"cat_2_index\": 1037, \"cat_1_index\": 1035, \"rankvar\": 1093, \"cat_9_index\": 1020, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1041, \"cat_3_index\": 1035, \"cat_8_index\": 1038, \"name\": \"NASP phospho T390\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1109, \"rank\": 373, \"ini\": 14, \"cat_4_index\": 1049, \"group\": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 10.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 12, \"cat_0_index\": 1034, \"cat_6_index\": 1039, \"cat_2_index\": 1038, \"cat_1_index\": 1036, \"rankvar\": 881, \"cat_9_index\": 1021, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): True

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1042, \"cat_3_index\": 1036, \"cat_8_index\": 1039, \"name\": \"PTX3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1027, \"rank\": 617, \"ini\": 13, \"cat_4_index\": 1050, \"group\": [13.0, 13.0, 12.0, 10.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 13, \"cat_0_index\": 1035, \"cat_6_index\": 1040, \"cat_2_index\": 1039, \"cat_1_index\": 1037, \"rankvar\": 888, \"cat_9_index\": 1109, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): True

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): True

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1109, \"cat_3_index\": 1037, \"cat_8_index\": 1040, \"name\": \"SERPINB2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1028, \"rank\": 968, \"ini\": 12, \"cat_4_index\": 1051, \"group\": [14.0, 14.0, 13.0, 11.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 11, \"cat_0_index\": 1036, \"cat_6_index\": 1041, \"cat_2_index\": 1040, \"cat_1_index\": 1038, \"rankvar\": 681, \"cat_9_index\": 1022, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1043, \"cat_3_index\": 1038, \"cat_8_index\": 1041, \"name\": \"MCAM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1029, \"rank\": 455, \"ini\": 11, \"cat_4_index\": 1052, \"group\": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 8.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 9, \"cat_0_index\": 1037, \"cat_6_index\": 1042, \"cat_2_index\": 1041, \"cat_1_index\": 1039, \"rankvar\": 625, \"cat_9_index\": 1023, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1044, \"cat_3_index\": 1039, \"cat_8_index\": 1042, \"name\": \"LIPG\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1030, \"rank\": 1050, \"ini\": 10, \"cat_4_index\": 1053, \"group\": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 10, \"cat_0_index\": 1038, \"cat_6_index\": 1043, \"cat_2_index\": 1042, \"cat_1_index\": 1040, \"rankvar\": 1068, \"cat_9_index\": 1024, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1045, \"cat_3_index\": 1040, \"cat_8_index\": 1043, \"name\": \"MECOM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1031, \"rank\": 700, \"ini\": 9, \"cat_4_index\": 1054, \"group\": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 7.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 7, \"cat_0_index\": 1039, \"cat_6_index\": 1044, \"cat_2_index\": 1043, \"cat_1_index\": 1041, \"rankvar\": 665, \"cat_9_index\": 1025, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1046, \"cat_3_index\": 1041, \"cat_8_index\": 1044, \"name\": \"FBXL13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1032, \"rank\": 195, \"ini\": 8, \"cat_4_index\": 1055, \"group\": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0, 7.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 8, \"cat_0_index\": 1040, \"cat_6_index\": 1045, \"cat_2_index\": 1044, \"cat_1_index\": 1042, \"rankvar\": 431, \"cat_9_index\": 1026, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1047, \"cat_3_index\": 1042, \"cat_8_index\": 1045, \"name\": \"VAMP5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1033, \"rank\": 238, \"ini\": 7, \"cat_4_index\": 1056, \"group\": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 5, \"cat_0_index\": 1041, \"cat_6_index\": 1046, \"cat_2_index\": 1045, \"cat_1_index\": 1043, \"rankvar\": 215, \"cat_9_index\": 1027, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1048, \"cat_3_index\": 1043, \"cat_8_index\": 1046, \"name\": \"TP53BP1 phospho T855\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1034, \"rank\": 1063, \"ini\": 6, \"cat_4_index\": 1057, \"group\": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 5.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 6, \"cat_0_index\": 1042, \"cat_6_index\": 1047, \"cat_2_index\": 1046, \"cat_1_index\": 1044, \"rankvar\": 568, \"cat_9_index\": 1028, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1049, \"cat_3_index\": 1044, \"cat_8_index\": 1047, \"name\": \"PAFAH1B2 phospho S2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1035, \"rank\": 169, \"ini\": 5, \"cat_4_index\": 1058, \"group\": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 6.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 4, \"cat_0_index\": 1043, \"cat_6_index\": 1048, \"cat_2_index\": 1047, \"cat_1_index\": 1045, \"rankvar\": 428, \"cat_9_index\": 1029, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1050, \"cat_3_index\": 1045, \"cat_8_index\": 1048, \"name\": \"KRBOX1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1036, \"rank\": 626, \"ini\": 4, \"cat_4_index\": 1059, \"group\": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 2, \"cat_0_index\": 1044, \"cat_6_index\": 1049, \"cat_2_index\": 1048, \"cat_1_index\": 1046, \"rankvar\": 674, \"cat_9_index\": 1030, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1051, \"cat_3_index\": 1046, \"cat_8_index\": 1049, \"name\": \"ARL4C\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1037, \"rank\": 1043, \"ini\": 3, \"cat_4_index\": 1060, \"group\": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 3, \"cat_0_index\": 1045, \"cat_6_index\": 1050, \"cat_2_index\": 1049, \"cat_1_index\": 1047, \"rankvar\": 996, \"cat_9_index\": 1031, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1052, \"cat_3_index\": 1047, \"cat_8_index\": 1050, \"name\": \"SAE1 phospho S185\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1038, \"rank\": 844, \"ini\": 2, \"cat_4_index\": 1061, \"group\": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 0, \"cat_0_index\": 1046, \"cat_6_index\": 1051, \"cat_2_index\": 1050, \"cat_1_index\": 1048, \"rankvar\": 492, \"cat_9_index\": 1032, \"cat-8\": \"cell junction organization (GO:0034330): False

Pval 6.01695193068e-13

\", \"cat-9\": \"coagulation (GO:0050817): False

Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

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Pval 6.01695193068e-13

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Pval 2.42362426942e-12

\", \"cat-6\": \"regulation of cell adhesion (GO:0030155): False

Pval 1.76421845446e-12

\", \"cat-7\": \"response to other organism (GO:0051707): False

Pval 3.05680273491e-12

\", \"cat-4\": \"response to virus (GO:0009615): False

Pval 1.39533204211e-13

\", \"cat-5\": \"regulation of response to wounding (GO:1903034): False

Pval 1.6534152072e-12

\", \"cat-2\": \"positive regulation of cell migration (GO:0030335): False

Pval 5.96363356913e-15

\", \"cat-3\": \"positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017): False

Pval 8.84970060658e-15

\", \"cat-0\": \"positive regulation of cellular component movement (GO:0051272): False

Pval 6.72349152359e-16

\", \"cat-1\": \"positive regulation of cell motility (GO:2000147): False

Pval 8.19533275797e-16

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-0.593192670775, -1.13877277643, -2.53036002687], [0.917397987113, 1.40451873046, -0.189988599982, -1.5975343211700002, -0.251793674932, 0.884814255859, -1.65717986913, -0.8114231996889999, 0.21391871335299997, -0.702787798107, 0.711968192235, 0.673744839509, -0.286609409588, -0.383493635847, 1.1362173183, -1.7992257325599998, 1.0948755206899998, -1.47862295178, 0.856261863221, 0.9225981815250001, -0.47544835103, 0.376862578704, -1.1598188941399998, -1.16324869496, 0.0569074428, 0.571252802029, 0.36489634585, -0.671552135965, 1.2028829856299998, 2.24003792477, -0.325466884017, 0.210743164242, -0.537782125216, -0.771992112775, 0.0, -0.916889029312, 1.34095857391], [0.334385484243, 1.33576884471, 1.18740855547, -4.02614405842, -1.03629496325, 0.591453731896, -0.930680347777, -0.28283971156599996, 0.267938523353, -0.37865903707500004, -0.310484266849, 0.677935993793, -0.015858477277799998, 0.355656338982, 0.701558306362, -0.694291857193, 1.03477163491, 0.417535828888, 0.5618925252100001, 0.125727022258, 0.8958162362630001, -0.19597919170000003, 0.454199586012, -0.749743314598, 0.592242865934, -0.14316164340600002, 0.532545902619, -0.202718930004, 0.88114771127, 1.6344766248, -0.909983917556, 0.57338341977, -0.9327811459659999, -1.59229643752, -0.568997246548, -0.024971054282700002, -0.159959535763], [-0.648101680297, 0.07753997388679999, 0.210552466058, -1.39412545111, -0.141682742941, 0.702963311511, -0.737771299668, 0.6645714991089999, 1.27381054569, -0.349715841133, -3.37723211762, -0.18085455027, 0.286568996977, 0.631176401824, 0.191200577489, 0.792642297489, 0.799156585131, -0.21092348464400001, -0.22059113610300002, -1.08341462371, -1.7450265320299998, -1.59225294516, 0.886720468044, 1.12894501851, -0.368360246567, 0.875221864996, 0.48784641984300003, 1.5360600516299998, 0.989869440316, -0.13062408147, -0.224109645091, 0.6980106800110001, -0.428049337121, -1.1526602241, -0.00123414314021, 0.6249284651479999, 1.12894501851], [-0.621051397903, 0.489111217365, 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-0.270172934742, 1.2011620836599999, -0.314523557959, -0.29547070669799996, 0.0, 0.0, -0.6590371166210001, 0.629332103472, -1.1909212577500001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0800064078233, 1.85577591028, 0.689894641727, -0.228585269073, -0.664269978758, -0.17302610027100002, -1.62225025652, -0.631912714907, 1.5791248521899999, -1.33004037496, -1.1142492136, 1.3563566578, 0.11723187582399999, 1.00214704892, -0.0422894856056, -0.7777945582119999, 0.20072970765099998, 0.5296872866610001, 0.764893309589, -0.675515880985, -1.01453951411, 1.3862767268, -0.25828362699900004, -0.428455262783, -0.207119330686, 0.91606747467, -0.0607829263641, -0.19549483528, 0.0, 0.0, 0.354340724545, 0.779911668774, 0.628855101673, 0.0, -2.8166900658099996, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.56676736317, -0.0161195874042, -0.39992644600599997, -1.48915620157, -0.160414872314, 0.467294413474, -1.4377302986000002, -0.544399189303, 0.45856294351099997, -1.2223038392299999, -0.549761982494, 1.1601465122, 0.25837554943700003, 0.871731461397, 0.41935078463200004, 1.35563930259, -0.335854231975, 1.79828811242, 0.45856294351099997, -0.7630941076279999, -1.6637187783899998, 0.364866498922, -1.14262049392, -0.587225469472, -0.036645628127699996, 2.21016775303, -0.37663863864, 0.6400798244899999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.253146384663, 1.0972234272799999, 0.985233986014, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.470665301443, -0.5215375008959999, -0.397619639014, -0.47803622920500005, -0.220643453841, -0.463887931403, -0.42870032924400003, -0.52759995383, -0.033679391251500004, -0.474254229449, 2.58989869348, -0.418201087508, -0.32346022840599997, -0.433946364494, -0.413524889736, -0.0144268280274, -0.429566945583, -0.584773463552, -0.259050941148, -0.49111270298, -0.399781490974, -0.547375465678, -0.572174704448, 2.34542572796, -0.465014918787, -0.48713928637599996, -0.46439212448600004, -0.405462213477, -0.40832133026999995, -0.26094580246, -0.5011094065339999, 1.1525743996, 2.40159305805, 0.6267523160440001, -0.364917146088, 3.2771177269300003, -0.132040621472], [0.949248409519, 1.34584047764, -0.629475880111, -0.23486761550700003, -0.34307513864, 0.6527349828469999, -1.58615206726, -0.980645200483, -0.960641957322, -0.0546089204012, 1.14184781886, -0.411610059102, -0.767772929844, 0.421619691074, 0.838332044586, -0.507463442384, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8176808379870001, -0.49140064350699997, -1.0454984788600001, -1.6358834201299999, 1.83076213495, 0.9629990751459999, 0.0, 0.6823382199079999, 0.3799293074, -0.10456519695800001, 1.2667071307, -0.581545130982, -1.43240688808, 0.576810173667, -0.9224038705230001, 0.0, 2.20622038858, 0.252307823213], [0.985133589575, 0.050461040884, 0.045583097033, -0.45174028590899995, -1.38921498982, -0.013419640116700002, -0.43445493433300003, -0.0867338061711, -1.3572789578100002, 0.43422917325000004, 0.345645382076, -0.34834243905, -0.791267614178, 0.358469686892, -0.511202749476, 0.239045060522, -0.18843174936299997, -0.0179561108358, -0.940943081126, 0.622374866507, 0.181458903446, 0.0, -2.24967509318, 1.7953278804900001, 0.203913795363, 0.294150332113, 0.825042630572, 1.1869695932, 1.61225472861, 1.4104303470100001, -0.0062942330558199994, 0.0, 2.1909265963799998, -1.2169445214899999, -1.4799732818900002, 0.246888958745, -1.5444321748700003], [0.9481742190379999, 0.0675658331309, -1.6953176536599999, 0.128744198563, -1.0751390219299999, -0.553288784719, -0.128974384433, -0.299234256692, 0.17287698057300002, 0.203497054568, 0.18911798582400002, 0.514092670549, 0.19420709347800003, -0.0822704072812, -0.0653056641571, 0.27392051361200004, 1.0845358894700001, -0.023057334040599998, -0.94470630855, -0.15962274490999998, 0.660148291324, 0.0, -1.7799619628099999, 1.71458447561, -0.26699292947700004, 1.8217063625599998, -0.296050183664, -0.0066582228760299995, 0.0, 0.0, 0.648589726369, 0.0, 1.59442340747, 0.0, -2.8396048429400005, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.910033104131, 1.45053961878, -0.71098147281, -0.787687541616, 2.8682779844, 0.177859854862, -0.604884766855, 1.03226233155, -0.818810085926, 0.406986307738, -0.802417906333, -0.786739726521, -1.03288291265, -0.9942814167799999, 0.206329876908, -0.28273277325, 0.5890661904119999, -0.305919196915, -0.824556607243, 1.4754793957499999, -0.7393175872050001, -0.451581429209, 0.651849525023, -0.348868506833, -0.767460686274, -0.202318090196, -0.649715060812, 1.73759943852, -0.43075251251400004, -0.559579519197, 0.659834814884, 1.4643666299200002, -0.732984696837, -0.825201560891, 0.518777750409, 2.0541267876900005, -0.7236493458519999], [-2.5940005148, -1.05547104262, -1.0192798915299999, -1.07859854137, 1.99303223024, 1.0583592873, 1.08165155016, 1.09473312395, -1.1298089169299999, -0.667675132122, 0.7336603231990001, -0.131395029455, 0.0558578466433, -0.25159753532699997, -0.5364803611600001, -1.3123957777200002, -0.0150903055923, -0.681502062606, -0.456953515141, 1.33971561418, -0.777366889815, 1.40507470099, -0.339355026391, -0.412659433274, -0.7666117545919999, -0.6994886335959999, 1.08165155016, -0.23204105828299998, -0.002024962066, 0.563800492999, 0.7793341824500001, 0.6946300818019999, 0.0331395018331, 0.25171392666, 0.0, 2.00853227743, -0.0150903055923], [-2.0710649180400003, -0.016994844768100002, -2.18398736521, 0.9892205041969999, 1.12656316175, 0.476598985723, -0.146168531617, -1.10730533025, 0.627654104237, -0.42623649941799996, 0.104480069295, 1.4111621021399998, -0.520723216484, 0.46976985237499996, 0.679692479965, 0.320952440039, -0.674024144165, 0.458757473049, -0.40647081486500003, 1.0981136421100002, -1.6818306230899998, 1.04999600671, -0.93193416018, 0.24669482178899999, 0.20561878146200002, -1.37211894814, 0.7305614968440001, -0.7680637635430001, 0.0, 0.0, 1.57762901074, 1.0303334452, -0.296875217851, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.963270561231, -0.840224329393, -0.858868093811, -0.157236145041, 1.5250461931600001, -1.21546550052, -0.0868243588945, 0.249171779646, -0.15354877236, -0.39242246818599996, -0.996786995563, -0.420468577893, -1.06603003181, 0.0434053609343, 0.280110669717, 1.72030688336, 0.8084388184029999, 0.8084388184029999, -0.975120919529, 0.0798560581685, -1.6173354716, 0.8491066545479999, -1.9611499910799999, 0.261845447205, 1.17258427971, 0.249171779646, -0.254168982348, 0.521264073979, 0.0, 0.0, 2.27051279262, 1.31336066805, -0.193699078281, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.00259191526, -0.009160143409530001, -0.98882222379, -1.0112016799799999, 0.30697240673, -1.06483389648, 0.367767352327, -0.974055264149, 0.944943962009, -0.621088461109, -0.9254200856479999, -0.691469531477, -0.969525498064, 1.16241114668, -0.9441873013619999, 2.02481374556, -0.781591260207, -1.11522584236, 1.26124961184, 0.595124558697, -0.6820064241830001, -0.586474357622, -0.882386335367, 2.1879796542400003, 2.3839965779799996, -0.0830148772509, 1.5290489354700003, -0.268654571725, 0.478571090551, -0.174164993194, 0.399547677717, -0.454814051508, -1.02502388484, 0.369963676222, 0.137798091061, 0.737261772264, 0.368262339647], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5509020459600003, -1.55692357371, 1.7683546386200002, -1.05895277, 0.133785346642, -0.6753144758830001, -0.341968014416, -0.12373229073200001, -0.267533972685, 0.017422591569299997, 0.26368048855799997, 1.9996996355400003, -0.815016570354, -1.4916565279499998, -0.9849674655060001, 0.938436963224, -0.14703815691, -1.19221343238, -0.9369425741480001, 0.9360208524250001, 0.5010446144030001, -1.5109255988799999, 0.0320774774758, 1.4665913329299998, -0.14166157993200001, -0.16628010036, 1.08624617418, -1.30242692198, 0.947770751137, 0.011220706201500001, 0.0, 0.820309417723, 0.23999098924000004], [-0.270293248431, -0.32394641805999996, -0.356677569431, -1.14551702945, 2.2551301165599997, -0.813495769475, -1.18799285895, -0.720702259838, 0.16647007659399998, 0.9843500696240001, -0.447590604252, -0.843860733531, -0.418629768345, -0.808214909713, 0.740926218988, 0.453009835409, -1.5474615158899998, -0.823511957386, -0.328847484683, 3.0738473019300003, 0.7062762734100001, 0.0, -1.27979594068, 1.5087961910499998, 0.20514483236499997, -0.880056734111, -0.37204734781800003, -0.145456458322, -0.621366996598, 0.20728896323100002, -0.0775985237743, 0.0, -0.0319763149666, 0.777979122117, 0.672811900255, 0.48133140106600003, 1.21167814111], [0.0495002738765, -0.615762241052, -0.555647977848, -2.44971772344, 2.06086632673, -0.694178995825, -0.28486916022500003, -1.41963889742, 0.847549751192, 0.816720903107, 0.462017733623, -1.124866841, -0.9870092051999999, 0.498675501785, -0.788465663872, 0.726876394143, -0.842041616462, -0.43293177367299995, 1.1283467034399999, 0.773704755493, 0.656409140818, 0.403834025896, -1.14817316239, 1.8661529092099998, -0.228797369657, -0.9870092051999999, 0.336281451373, 0.9195678774060001, -1.24180501587, -1.13614310506, 1.50958441095, 0.907082831604, 0.895973678444, -0.497094055324, 0.236261564333, 0.165795936945, 0.172949839159], [0.380223953904, 0.849581450852, 1.0451177570299999, -0.835929781418, 1.9542525195099998, 1.05625373378, -1.14848484515, 1.16788556813, -0.7060417937829999, 0.564755625942, -1.31316971111, 0.945137888257, -0.850108215844, 1.09656653252, 0.6103221289590001, 0.223489537397, -0.375400383984, 0.733221282658, -0.0421335292871, -1.11741762779, -1.12261832594, 0.0159480478544, -0.832737686987, 0.0026275621001799997, -0.923025878608, -1.80130263373, 0.8959876083920001, -1.65441656734, -1.8379791185699998, 0.22355473961999997, -0.14557568300100002, 0.308918990722, 0.27571276518599996, 1.16630007523, 1.54666357431, 0.524048799384, -0.880228359196], [-0.9912004818979999, 0.19049278539500003, -0.19282958516399998, -1.3981027146899998, 1.93177153257, 1.52617759486, -1.10927051838, 0.433374711346, 1.44781916616, 0.8287866808840001, 0.34707530892300004, -0.660867206896, -0.677168779208, 0.782236176243, 0.436179548628, -0.149026859607, 0.8224954528749999, 1.1065810360400001, 0.5432139903350001, 0.105908273874, -1.22520558981, -1.3809228055399998, -1.3007358188200002, -0.9183479447399999, 0.607478594664, -1.41990433794, 1.42091195731, -1.46557605646, -0.804928825376, 0.6466533162420001, 1.3883124069100001, -0.282099158863, -0.38909631056500005, -0.172848882226, 0.6136076336199999, 0.763024635795, -1.40396892651], [-0.299552379762, -0.48179268556500005, 1.03335534795, -0.892023106944, 1.5612163949200002, 1.1415222519200001, -0.675784606894, -0.732831176494, 0.007348643980949999, 1.11568372515, -0.746567616887, -0.8474149748890001, -0.354769441074, 1.8214306666599998, -0.282770624995, 0.9419152328039999, 2.66547340731, 0.17615809980500002, -0.734116068201, 0.837839508744, -0.688510985242, 2.23795292236, -0.529267618781, -0.41031932363000007, -0.755931996406, -0.7623231728200001, 1.52374475715, -0.746231265721, -0.681712354941, -0.69253459236, -0.7514757216719999, -0.34270870521200003, -0.813064796964, 0.207888571128, -0.8211256266150001, -0.455078233793, -0.77362245402], [-1.08504144198, 0.405119420774, -1.6063750316, 0.47550285389200003, 0.814316014772, 1.42964417806, -0.436923820513, 0.40281134664800006, 0.591171428124, 1.4890844445500002, -0.258968687724, 0.173347494243, -0.420720499898, 0.529983684695, 0.5407748726039999, -0.24406005870499997, 1.16211121311, 0.806168680646, -0.291134054848, 2.2060269728599997, 0.7826486301469999, -0.44004744523, -1.5091654144799997, 0.182765182643, 0.279218828539, -0.472308678951, -0.209389244205, -0.508763465163, -2.66542565001, -1.48883139866, 0.389971615387, -1.07276730463, -1.6063750316, 0.616654514842, 0.966797770054, -0.21227337542599997, 0.284451457023], [-0.139884933356, -0.71425020643, -1.04240869847, -1.04813324909, 1.2292077404000001, 1.2692410597700001, -1.7697368605200001, -0.5518158896600001, -1.9828547157099998, 2.38439361124, 0.223238624418, 0.0, 0.613204705191, 0.0, 0.0, -0.198511941616, -0.43698743905799997, 0.431473616505, 0.593793047317, -0.0697814553402, -1.08588939238, -1.2556196925799998, 0.753593292745, 0.48729126451099997, 0.0, 0.678695149676, 1.3264439863600002, 0.701722595745, -0.406165802481, 0.165732366348, -1.1136526723, 0.505520261537, 0.0027415502716, 0.9108990668529999, 0.0, -1.23368436266, 0.7721853727689999], [-0.446711802384, -1.47608125994, -0.877548004358, -1.22226595067, 1.61389367491, 0.512616224119, -1.8230176183400002, -0.107555503089, -0.541257711354, 1.37727049954, -0.384008148988, 0.131434808605, -0.970077562762, 1.38284581787, -0.160719190821, 1.36392459736, 0.370761035959, 0.750543190167, 0.007749210952560001, -0.57545221604, -0.784959071799, -0.612015360252, -0.69299921278, -0.306269209478, 1.3704967380200002, 1.23876388169, 0.953608241292, 1.3486448361599999, 0.0, 0.0, -1.65126346692, -0.431273052242, 0.640921585578, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.640442324158, -1.2859064769600002, 0.266388374323, -1.1243028989200001, 1.35075040169, -0.120143502783, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9071324989489999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.531439106561, 0.706336326886, 0.93536657905, -1.60067272648, -0.581754702232, 1.19966134567, 1.31674434294, 0.176898787884, -1.2079971733900001, -1.88263789808, 0.0, -1.01977149644, -0.9566356152, 1.3041663006200002, 0.620318500407, 0.258940941732, 0.826143367322, 1.7648865907599998, 0.398978647369, 0.12421671476700001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.614174755001, 0.172727483375, -1.2979365930600002, 0.0571953402767], [-0.694854916192, -1.30988552889, 0.9016126985680001, -1.28244073766, 1.0593886902299998, -1.2781929159899998, -0.00930021262511, -1.27016322834, -1.2652817069, 1.38527726557, 0.24630614521299998, 1.29427357412, -1.27084564165, 0.9243021999950001, 0.409092855129, 1.33805731407, -1.2201361055, 0.864998746187, 0.634532393207, 0.8534044973710001, 0.16227696353, -1.2616442872, -1.0735561823100002, 1.35954549696, 0.7090548076469999, 0.444942640149, 0.80531066712, 0.872476911712, 0.353267972483, 0.632009878439, 0.642505742571, -1.21200263681, 0.189520546614, -1.26867555884, 0.6500186429770001, -1.0160335265, -1.2991634644399999], [-1.45094006057, -1.80243364415, 0.12054729569700001, -0.0135978624232, -1.24664127842, -0.757301013099, 0.0496473579183, -1.41979799185, -1.76951444447, 0.674510796891, 0.5293363112380001, -0.05260187513, -0.232247210563, 0.573394040696, -0.0417871675693, 1.5534123188, 0.0341843584593, 1.14777330775, 1.21719264888, -0.105881803161, -1.2410508701, 0.650097575135, -0.39652404280299997, 0.24300752300099998, -0.190613299253, 1.62811159229, 1.3569516902, 1.21034481811, 0.989160341489, 0.975753852993, 0.0636141366902, 0.272917772777, 0.9268931074779999, -0.838065417059, 0.16596505429000002, -2.20243839298, -0.621379527181], [-0.24020336200999998, 0.176968193837, -0.0151297277399, -0.224051320099, 1.3083665145999999, 0.659534469552, -0.769772524342, -0.224051320099, 0.0566539769802, 0.581446074429, -0.348188836155, -0.161959118231, -0.115000657233, 0.7177705386959999, -0.316458504207, 0.606831881981, 0.016794110788, 0.667945945394, -0.8992640155789999, -0.282497756855, -5.17957429075, 0.600938084678, 0.553911557458, 0.43364952839299997, 0.545965514733, 0.539376775144, -0.146114287227, 0.6300081734440001, -0.0160931779158, 0.382556416129, 0.511855738159, -0.613053464965, 0.505366011949, 0.09043968691269999, -0.370320185545, -0.23099965894000002, 0.5663530146329999], [-0.7976196212379999, 0.726039701778, -0.439919759189, -0.6908834289489999, 1.2731667710899999, 2.19504712909, -0.5426334980259999, -0.7702564498019999, -0.498458659624, 1.37964905972, 0.0293616622907, 0.710766113557, -0.16165928533600002, -0.07186095457880001, -0.696567446976, 1.2302038027200002, -0.395599329558, 0.991939552154, -1.5059455716499999, 0.586000246089, -2.54673531319, 0.527920453966, -0.319570357515, -0.995441075148, 0.33435889988699996, -0.395599329558, 0.051547809918, -1.28059343033, 1.0034523170799998, 0.843800554039, -0.535888534905, 1.31042594371, -0.00614303388105, 0.33435889988699996, -1.25836376951, -1.06202658259, 1.44372651459], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.18585318846, -0.671393818173, -0.49985519651199994, -0.320012139762, -1.3527893865, 2.44135020635, 1.9033762296, -0.316975422909, -0.723535123234, 0.971844220026, -1.10973592582, -0.264508332361, -1.33401929981, -0.272147310655, -0.603686639238, -0.573653911727, -0.972732004375, 0.394320513315, -0.360301445179, -0.9567220800380001, 0.478280730698, -0.13884388432800002, 0.0772696392044, -1.71781238822, 0.953446993791, 2.0270972958, 0.418991241602, -0.0606411264164, 0.12911518989600002, 0.588487437415, 0.0, -0.299273834903, 0.9792063839949999], [0.16320600874500002, -0.313074705549, 0.281086507491, 0.724979540702, 1.3313837559000001, 0.9191038335439999, -0.07502738181339999, 0.8170950293029999, 0.15010725766799998, 1.22393366388, 0.7329621317120001, -0.281508862203, -0.14488841173, 0.17597842221700002, -0.264717343695, 0.758722316761, -2.2638661358000003, -1.7933426227900002, -1.7068924812900002, 1.03560564813, -0.19667230323399998, 0.89774110533, 0.21402423107700003, 0.140502578165, 0.25243039359200004, -2.0696543992, 1.74647805816, 1.26596311684, -0.159913781316, -0.357916041993, 0.155232414224, 0.6974311292550001, -0.27344521512200004, -1.41185413477, 0.0, -1.6125112329499998, -0.7586820892370001], [0.737926607342, 0.400267326901, 1.0009879455500001, 1.0742163120100001, 0.221649309894, 0.626865539213, 0.53624966252, 1.167760686, 0.406017720841, 0.846296652644, 1.69990406523, -1.1476418261799999, -0.420308110811, 0.0331667584315, -1.8209649227000002, 0.8618371350249999, -2.02449098055, -2.1353175758700003, -0.958100869494, 0.250212425018, 0.0124327121846, 0.0615014496258, 0.00853562513674, -0.300747315464, -0.43811629263999996, -1.90490071248, 1.2408477519, 0.942486920598, 0.507858734782, 0.446673443608, -0.453831841296, 0.859025970342, 0.9630783514040001, -1.4016032813600001, -0.906551771041, -0.24010613460299998, -0.753117471684], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.17862804550900002, 0.35019523954000004, 0.10648776404100001, 0.9238653451600001, -0.150751263296, 0.651679781574, 0.36021316011999993, -0.482995539032, 0.37793889834600003, -0.976443493023, -2.1436855401700003, 1.0118840237, -1.9094043471400002, -2.45030410061, -1.6760211641100002, 0.37793889834600003, 0.5968225461869999, 0.5968225461869999, 0.580986926898, 0.826099483932, -1.2968433341299999, -1.07724907926, 1.15105070698, 1.28890170006, 0.97298196838, 0.426826979468, -0.0731080865665, 0.430663683648, 0.840040257657, -0.219486186984, 0.0, -0.0576062147841, 0.46387039337499997], [-0.0292801248598, 0.215067465034, 0.231580086254, 0.8399960015360001, -0.361299273496, 1.20742775402, 0.350076449318, -0.539219716031, 1.3537898783700002, 0.339368711702, 0.32983591956, -0.146499017151, -0.813117019375, 0.906989543398, -1.30525173528, 0.356168494322, -2.7497461566400005, -2.13297682434, 0.8871807736849999, -0.124631560585, 0.269752464603, 0.485578188898, -0.443178695245, 1.5960703724, -0.600134437371, -1.6712376877500001, 1.49944975336, 0.507739160281, 0.860800282834, 0.535193218947, -0.968132986769, 0.7993743947959999, -0.614027740211, -1.09015045486, 0.0, -0.700176050632, 0.717620567267], [0.865399809632, 0.9495383476739999, 1.09372048294, -1.34247342, 1.06364973574, -1.59606583968, 0.723036930096, 0.8594199242020001, 0.0242591721373, 0.0639931857634, 1.12958755838, 1.0828906085799999, 1.08185045115, -1.5921785062399998, 0.894658826133, 0.397993853429, -1.5547210097100002, -1.05755839306, 0.572320158771, 0.871024817823, 0.445482138681, 0.114981294821, 0.176640195341, -1.5956236708000002, -1.27197685251, -1.5889878743299999, 0.183476681004, 0.359087886694, -1.37224598873, 1.04750893994, 0.629993828688, 0.796639285282, 0.724619601001, -1.2841373125700002, -0.882983265749, -0.728507651025, -0.28431392949400003], [-0.9099676661700001, 0.376366160571, 0.06597674102199999, 0.0608975383366, 0.21174289496399998, -0.11553132361, 0.87741250245, -0.851521854207, 0.022309907167599997, 0.21672796400699998, 1.70703512865, 1.5671617131600002, 0.105809788769, -1.4339229388499999, -0.34111565303, 0.838311823822, -2.1079892618700002, -1.3098180994, 0.103269920965, 0.854901715793, 1.07748983867, 0.838311823822, 0.282819871645, -0.430090408143, -1.53069094056, -1.8460224686400002, 0.939172573282, 1.26668918789, -0.256742144415, 1.5606809637099999, 0.568114439582, 0.465150776271, -0.265174266285, 0.022309907167599997, 0.0, -0.9099676661700001, -1.72010849038], [-0.137852035024, 0.307255672275, -0.11892173770400001, 0.392018192324, 1.16687851073, 0.016583527117700003, -0.16971310401999998, 0.834770351981, 0.513171645371, 1.2020465040600001, 0.34108130192100006, -1.17563637115, -1.02705256428, -0.964970704831, 0.261197152403, 1.8956470938699999, -0.7725349621080001, 0.148334213328, 0.382018016643, -0.10751859737299999, 0.410629439532, 1.7281173408099997, 0.0578452351894, 0.30045978858100003, -0.47333847588999994, -0.39075747638700004, 0.513171645371, 1.32754714174, -0.185876418011, -1.08657790469, -0.09996434810039999, 0.582929521076, 1.4087744797200001, -2.14402147706, -0.47333847588999994, -2.33696642005, -2.1254357014900003], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.08805732525, -0.976487935414, 0.79885554343, 0.772180039667, 0.683521268572, 0.10335647227900001, 0.0793218534283, -1.28772077828, -1.18679106191, -0.904455350662, -0.39951837994, 0.40451226908, 0.46458523778899996, 0.47134978303900005, 0.496335671611, 0.0885048569029, -0.0973563966164, 0.544956203251, 0.45124306979999995, 1.06212944344, -0.027105413355900002, -0.07933315131839999, 0.240811264833, 0.242560734695, -0.52296435432, -1.39140422338, 0.47134978303900005, 1.4109424148299998, 1.53584556009, -1.6971111859999999, 0.0, -1.5521405267500001, -2.2880300370900004], [-0.515712676676, 0.6274834958209999, 0.08788178497929999, -0.671029652695, 1.07311309161, -1.02004257498, 0.821429073164, 0.63140099904, 1.5871939878499999, 0.333338447555, 0.439840024015, -1.37619491002, -1.3872231929799999, -1.17324530966, 0.019923304134400004, 1.1552706585999999, 0.353068242923, 0.977408622659, 0.875567847333, -1.81082437218, 1.16017911734, 0.8136490186030001, -0.558860538182, 0.08788178497929999, -0.493858337141, -0.18006064232400001, 0.821429073164, 0.825023935504, -0.0908241863752, -1.22070204269, -0.6285046871459999, 0.86816376891, 2.07491139727, -0.995956606627, -1.8696915397999998, -0.378813699282, -1.2626127067], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.01987437233, -0.8504495798139999, 0.019247855219, -0.388881636486, 0.608049063876, -0.333188838974, 0.363303814688, -1.8622116898400003, -0.279714226272, -0.509719362469, -2.14294645599, 1.64540331704, 0.154182459416, 0.37445101747500004, 0.796869603665, 0.190770007894, 1.8995451769599998, 0.9176037644299999, 1.1415570241700002, 0.33732844114200006, -0.7643532829180001, 0.197185139234, 1.15213553016, 1.2760410801, -0.406451642931, -0.103057821769, 0.653760768959, 0.154182459416, 0.889226223479, -1.27083725718, 0.0, -1.31411536375, -1.52504121659], [-1.1481207252299999, -0.920425717121, -0.123582792973, -0.732290160045, 0.257903736321, -0.735005290065, -0.409276792831, 0.351641552959, -0.642368161669, 0.65117752559, 1.4460413708500002, -1.1230858339, -0.327940334184, -1.8122494523599997, -0.7629407606499999, 0.60783581333, -1.22399956392, 0.306535899035, -0.39340966313000003, 1.3507365599399999, -0.304584744833, 1.5765195131299998, -0.4705040375, 0.07593408441260001, -0.09942971169569999, -0.7496095002779999, 0.615470943511, 1.71058708938, 0.501764962153, -0.44112066946199996, 0.701843389196, 1.9018873649099999, 2.3830719136200003, 0.212289971499, -0.532414988031, -1.74180489681, 0.04292210684930001], [-0.09603373188400001, -0.138888648038, 0.26024062407, -0.118158897126, -1.5267799496899999, 0.230893547217, -1.22235934891, 0.38102957514200003, 0.124667470975, 0.0843025901008, -0.0651718353213, -0.468047230571, -0.0925549023752, -0.8737923282610001, -0.544027687835, -0.0222264087902, -0.720511147174, 0.503169086384, 0.619052832789, 0.648379308094, 0.351988986747, 2.5033386160599997, 0.029008337365799997, 0.37854652796899996, -0.228672135906, -0.0390090845117, 0.5771239101460001, 0.8715808781000001, 0.302370349195, -0.64681456686, -0.311363533915, 1.7345252636000001, 3.11381986417, -1.2347098081799999, -1.53219389046, -1.63871874385, -1.19400388848], [-1.1399878456399999, 1.55317156041, 0.28193204640700004, -0.80756304327, -0.303835818943, -0.231411163445, -0.752954256059, 0.44168711213999995, -0.287198477042, 0.51464588614, -0.931478178675, -0.526666785713, -0.798541917195, -1.38153462731, 1.01307622588, -0.0647596082597, -0.7242632904909999, -0.80756304327, 0.543891940089, 1.66146644947, 1.8840012533700001, 1.40593307197, -0.533664513178, -0.354703383013, -0.421577829103, -1.31363104538, 0.38158998249, 0.744917805206, 0.9245828286900001, -0.981281090308, 0.6546493988009999, 1.3633427539899998, 1.94794127717, -0.07594222440260001, -1.11446416974, 0.143508585388, -1.9073158671500001], [-0.926479541672, -0.561728959862, -0.171644416718, 0.305448050901, 2.0606272024, -0.7435607146969999, 1.09314783667, 1.07339310865, -0.719459505451, -0.07631634090219999, 0.87242018297, -0.480416023784, -1.0858544349400001, 0.656618945632, 0.701145537141, 0.08422115525979999, -0.5743408605529999, -0.36726768892899997, 1.0636478449200002, -0.39554529198700006, 1.79295759988, 0.483151290273, -0.167738882657, -2.06851482344, 0.53786525473, 0.319695216283, 0.667899041028, 1.23068700889, 0.0486671358038, 0.202861449407, -0.830106189056, 0.0320644715469, 1.67951764021, -1.2367222281899999, -1.8041172238599998, -1.57120147568, -1.12502137022], [-0.988043164214, -1.08026572104, 0.167787445046, -0.602098049695, 0.632252636844, -1.66093343398, -0.662849417622, -0.399252043402, -0.617050983009, 1.4532649129100002, 0.36810164660899997, -0.138938212362, -0.544347055451, 0.132373398486, 0.167787445046, 0.412980853299, 0.274712268155, -0.163008780188, 1.7721229706900001, 1.33012297616, 2.52192992107, 0.5268515498659999, 0.353538813362, -1.3894096832299998, -0.0327184530687, 0.38263919289899995, 1.15824751232, 2.43069808533, -0.861668703787, -1.08467392824, -0.217409650769, 0.151394868687, -0.45039212719, -0.93430435671, -1.00938958452, -0.26254357587099997, -1.13750957244], [-0.723084012674, -1.09795881795, -0.639059091108, 0.349952139579, 2.20413462855, -1.82290355352, -0.133831839783, 0.973588680744, 0.531851471823, 0.699636663057, -0.196908107542, -0.668791804699, 0.566276030633, -0.46711716684199994, 0.183561980651, 0.0495880176716, -0.34788707621200005, -0.6859865618100001, 0.111242226897, 1.7574262009700001, 1.5155794722799998, 1.25396150519, 1.35589519557, -1.1007143338299998, -0.362694483402, -0.519476397734, 0.07413519799910001, 1.1935481900700002, -0.178722144507, -0.427081481875, 0.36876684782200003, 0.0218061845711, 1.4911661585299998, -1.46764338705, -1.9181410566900003, -0.873201300108, -1.07091417526], [-0.9364024659100001, -0.06476774772590001, -0.356282838741, -1.0321487919, 0.963545860053, -0.366041778958, -0.38055608615000003, 1.06517223619, 0.136877821534, -0.039409193322400005, -0.7179794560100001, -0.9292914007709999, 0.298726047741, -1.03827482406, 1.06517223619, 0.809982405786, -1.04286130097, -0.9701955205410001, -0.228136578236, 1.85021636901, 2.24090117035, -0.574174059955, 2.05654105345, 0.39437707388300003, 0.43158907912, -0.529679699771, -0.23662868073399998, 1.6567543478, -0.992704814609, -1.5266279081099998, 0.361059139449, 0.202821863511, 1.50422521657, -0.13943084172800002, -1.2033707611, -0.859402186789, -0.8735949845559999], [-0.826910831664, -0.22462311877399999, -0.534874569737, -1.5167031075400002, 0.7966316380940001, 0.46595759521200003, 0.288220340021, 0.43002164178400004, 0.938942896628, 0.028391508876299997, 0.326871825035, -0.09704425031950001, -0.28509572559, -0.43616831071999995, 0.299725566199, 0.653332866449, -0.0732347729722, -1.5578018414300001, -0.0293272791077, 1.5750440113799997, 0.11568611578099999, 0.263731473345, 0.24371607646899998, -1.1367735943200001, 0.08586561286260001, -0.35975427692100004, 2.2744003102900003, 2.34110958069, -0.52204000857, -0.0864327297115, 0.362856531253, 0.663643962391, 1.5750440113799997, -1.62159928211, -1.73147186787, -1.51373266211, -1.1756053346700002], [-1.30876886933, -0.683445311379, -0.23567202978399998, -0.7422926564040001, -0.417109222661, 0.660268090877, 0.473344133706, 0.562103485469, 1.65483144206, 0.942147955422, 0.375341809677, -0.632528626643, -0.288504628954, -0.934589388381, -0.565527296705, -0.796838887237, -0.36925228276699995, -0.671154122371, -0.580373363031, 0.798445528077, -0.09157138219080001, 1.33218862823, 0.635346277466, -1.17527026919, 1.20234292295, 0.147174952824, 2.08703635978, 1.38467813815, -0.610464920818, 0.8208857898090001, 0.133560278224, -0.15742468060999998, 1.61971423497, -0.365724842349, -1.5636573633200002, -2.61215156549, -0.0270883180826], [-1.26462935846, -0.308186384237, -0.763435103521, -0.377682833414, 1.0591135226100001, 0.737782111561, 0.29733720462900004, 1.4130206686700002, 1.2086638935, 0.685918762477, -0.301615713564, -1.12138552004, -0.721532187952, 0.258091989368, 0.566573963449, 0.938495275901, -1.81329410002, -1.21549434324, -0.8064723481939999, -0.24187107118099999, -0.348889181396, 0.553610730353, 0.49375312858599996, -1.01468767898, 0.769615470398, -0.8978874512389999, 0.6982648785529999, 2.0079226372, -1.15026380512, -0.9266558475579999, 1.21419082944, 0.649075474666, 2.2347418432299997, -0.0575540654668, -0.664049909308, -1.4186258950900001, -0.371959586611], [-0.64895859717, -0.0630420126034, -0.0722374831995, -0.379153782851, 0.891839956259, 0.7411926110879999, 0.409560956579, 0.7064744198559999, 1.9509379913, 0.290262086534, -1.1695995301200002, -1.09052847854, -0.11483312274900001, -0.8751148803509999, -0.328811518827, 0.7170706753689999, -1.23895992688, -1.3460119268900002, -0.959017621301, -0.0389180932015, -0.0032949975238099997, 0.40552918873899996, 0.6783546909710001, -0.09905698629349999, 0.499973037812, -0.776391529739, 1.9626651952599998, 1.9626651952599998, -1.7872105714400002, -0.57684512553, 1.4588877783399998, 0.494540430717, 1.61926053551, -0.8569700470280001, -0.504654487494, -1.58787471712, -0.271729312733], [-0.8612594739049999, -1.2797384478899998, -1.13027933909, 0.06248005596509999, 0.27019858498000004, -0.27546156098, 1.17919842082, 0.650913834184, 1.34507308546, 0.92614099672, 0.46671421769199994, -0.409071317338, 0.380233357319, 0.8116874164319999, -0.410902905835, 0.245006059578, -0.7102512707109999, -0.932734759716, -0.8748392737890001, 0.787644440144, -0.48470100469899996, -0.113065728606, 0.438253096278, -1.6390008529299998, 0.9218649238009999, -0.89608225829, 1.61956963478, 1.3525372735499999, -1.6949794971599998, -0.27173527202, 0.850716034989, 0.6472588693770001, 2.45498911406, -0.458664813623, -0.21916591545400002, -1.64634182176, -1.10220390235], [-0.940193396544, -0.464047438937, -0.382761717905, -0.368053603311, 1.7226553096400001, 1.16956690302, -0.130464633933, 0.30181142048099996, 1.8412240244, -0.226190690298, -0.616203331721, -0.424760999709, -0.00881430156654, -0.38767399938, 0.46414716422700003, 0.487916330369, -1.31283828185, -1.0241372156, -0.911887373598, 1.31244055245, 0.46414716422700003, 1.4343629636200002, 0.779835777119, 0.00435125647963, 0.600716100647, -0.9782398032140001, 1.2470392321100001, 1.2470392321100001, -0.651441856647, -0.9610339250509999, 0.0680534720555, 1.7226553096400001, 0.353627295756, -0.800249544808, -1.19894537395, -1.2086786289899998, -2.22497339135], [-1.7235089044999998, 1.11418147711, -0.137407472753, -2.28223489312, 0.281890772704, 0.416232521993, -0.30391471342099996, -0.15735671226, 1.1260998054, 0.683456448546, 0.952462860157, 0.0348552717861, -0.907272141321, 0.52019567618, -0.815407723652, 1.3071019737, -1.14976163441, -0.732283470954, -0.52766316632, -0.180844127454, 0.403694043609, 1.9157856843599999, 0.9097246861399999, -0.519099609153, 0.18328954006499998, -0.237277119782, 2.0474282756, 1.61515090365, -0.761265240653, -0.114578166774, 0.19878119068300001, 0.781640528754, -0.137407472753, -1.26674461933, -1.1641087620200001, -1.3667570203400001, -0.007078689491979999], [0.817168961206, 0.626162676312, 0.419963909129, 1.14650684884, -1.4057265706200002, 0.808424887617, 1.06465421088, 0.668580446999, 0.7244579343340001, 0.49911081439599997, 0.562489823223, -1.03871402146, -0.510411704062, -1.4026939226, 0.18706252585900002, -0.6846980709530001, -1.10699715277, -1.7595481869299998, -0.481968695445, 0.491746952145, -0.501695599977, 0.781550877295, -0.233122250566, -1.0622683477600001, 0.834615339157, -0.236351493726, 1.77637004595, 2.46622406236, -0.570063410033, -0.326713540984, -0.23499870282, -0.660309101898, 1.6480808842299999, -1.0928626525, -0.5756739966809999, -1.52630074685, -0.11205303129899999], [-0.808292496687, -0.0949350597454, -1.6491706249200002, -0.39731176455600004, 0.7765164868369999, -0.3916853417, 0.46455674481299997, -0.05838463690719999, 0.42171539325900004, 1.83779225685, 1.01082711955, -0.461002871013, -0.0861847184379, -0.930606338354, 0.482805317259, -0.22676926035300002, -1.02285997586, -1.68277245616, -1.31131022091, 1.04960164873, -0.40108972462399994, 1.00664297184, 0.906502143898, 0.351584259912, 0.231033392125, -0.594495923866, 0.454465854673, 1.46820419849, -1.28261955798, -0.9813359502969999, 1.40052798759, -1.0133586996500001, 1.2854578750799999, 0.40042247052, 1.3970431036200002, 0.525117727258, -2.07663133029], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.588172136726, 0.0, 0.38524793201499996, 1.4900597424899997, -0.416797956579, 1.04148056923, 1.3578196087, -0.938751554101, -1.44711829287, -1.1606173094, -0.945473583054, 0.38524793201499996, -1.3423910808300001, -1.0188751655600001, 0.322832964251, 0.582402676442, 0.293417692033, 0.0, 0.738415030142, -0.391462645727, 0.08047233462119999, -0.588498668834, 0.48916203314999995, 1.30449393745, -0.641710719587, -0.641710719587, 0.6361635662080001, 0.0, 1.23660220775, -0.176038937718, 1.62700910537, -0.434576550845, -2.4149762838999997], [0.612070758513, -0.061268689883, -0.965395455709, -1.4299801207499998, 0.45494162571999996, 0.871103045365, 0.586898723713, 0.662787954156, 0.265409144134, 1.5325921168, 1.1793156331, -1.25963792064, -0.6425979102480001, -0.27806341276, 0.38829324406599997, 0.367813176617, -1.40700019896, 0.25931632460000004, -0.454794698648, -0.728028076326, -1.2059134887, 0.432811962465, 0.937224868778, 0.0444792139651, -0.7653630055189999, -0.5101706564090001, 2.27920597848, -0.242761473566, -1.81844099812, -0.599722488551, 1.93562239757, 0.274710233539, 1.40018261492, 0.180853780676, 0.40973744378700006, -1.3016415617700001, -1.40459008439], [-0.542069329009, 1.4840833891999998, 0.527156938203, -0.49720938751000004, 1.4894777693999999, 0.759989265546, -0.76341922271, 0.565605559796, 0.372554032773, -0.34096321923100004, -2.10739977746, -0.352719121172, -0.251945631795, -1.48698453604, -0.846762822024, 1.1200383870200001, -0.404299568454, -1.6634102376299997, -1.2055686751899999, 1.12554613872, -1.05458744013, -0.669574166264, 0.7689062774400001, -1.45308887354, -0.0600341880808, -0.493686452207, 0.6955063042980001, 1.5619930816799998, 0.824476373163, -1.31431312572, 0.5160342748569999, 1.08945304059, 1.18567284846, 0.8402979701809999, 0.482376507856, 0.727092569743, -0.628224954767], [0.16955839340700002, -0.175197027152, 0.5663884150999999, 0.007966439535180002, 1.04497780016, 0.704460415835, -1.0971859814799998, 0.919946273585, 1.20462871452, -0.965630804893, -1.3927885042800001, -1.62150540101, -0.846783117385, -1.20452269361, -1.28876464191, 1.6539911626100001, -0.347163123926, -0.284492322169, -1.14283068476, 0.0166583339878, 0.632686990981, -0.423364038495, 0.0799329609836, -1.07944124134, 1.09426440934, -0.609513431436, 1.62806334503, 1.94833161711, 0.0, 0.0, 0.24174282613, 0.9796799771570001, -0.414095061602, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.1458774522600002, 0.623277456519, 1.9211789419799998, 1.6682080748800001, 1.47333269949, 0.235467156016, -0.279115758948, 0.285222723059, 0.328960632324, -1.61612667831, -1.3828771667, -1.67638093044, -0.735251580873, -1.26266057279, -0.8794283835369999, 0.489968325537, -1.48742359884, -0.537539445042, -1.33569084498, -0.5408417468600001, -0.785206505793, -0.220095617211, 0.395167925845, 0.015266526913700002, -0.41168966672300006, -0.128235922511, -0.0547392649528, 0.618907558192, 0.495974635003, -0.022088729605, 0.832442058571, 1.5333646842500002, 2.23980956699, 0.0789195881674, -0.714119324433, -0.107667579857, -0.20416668758099998], [0.927141425932, 1.7011441346, 1.01417139096, 0.5505221695920001, 2.8136266729900004, 0.146586325918, -1.06067879301, -0.31703939718400004, 1.54424132346, -0.0528030071627, -0.995752627795, -1.23720805815, -0.8391274854690001, -1.41196990805, 0.0821163268823, 1.62273384502, -1.14739981336, -0.618921221261, -0.5044625362080001, -0.11339299161699999, -0.266201620753, -0.5680879252409999, 0.09450389039689999, -0.172901697529, -0.35868322825800003, -0.947529741912, 0.568011358671, 1.54424132346, -0.6660381020939999, -1.49142111527, 0.541793708066, 0.34911886028800004, 1.1023645836, -0.11339299161699999, -0.612952368938, -0.363962162416, -0.742390546548], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0866648046400003, 0.156625814737, -0.36735493857100004, 0.029520436092599998, 2.0866648046400003, 0.0149931640967, -0.245432442307, -0.0668499549433, -0.724706695575, -0.0572382214139, 0.12537073627999998, 2.0866648046400003, -0.55949759168, -0.317940400866, -0.5278059204150001, -0.375057519446, -0.735578890847, -0.102131053808, -0.426662431219, -0.492913682658, 0.0518568789714, -0.5159364125320001, 2.0866648046400003, 2.0866648046400003, -0.686587337623, -0.180921954597, -0.37288211601800003, 0.156625814737, 0.156625814737, -1.69724213988, -0.688221865806, -1.8185195522400002, -0.165461560411], [0.983413250977, 1.01271884178, 1.48248891484, -0.188122269901, 1.56267871767, 0.7110026696960001, -0.730580155779, 0.346732249309, 1.81718747757, 0.253528765883, -0.277701578619, -0.37638215321999996, -1.11954338105, -0.08809772476660001, -1.09206899457, 1.48493759125, -0.37638215321999996, -1.04101809889, -0.75516188595, -1.14420932661, -1.42714743845, -0.640744456137, -0.444867731014, -0.527481755139, -0.268059602467, -1.17675656815, 1.30120057527, 0.995198657722, -1.0179289704899999, -0.6289580996459999, 0.929560518952, 1.3443737784399998, 0.699466155038, -0.818830053825, 1.10654880848, -1.80714591363, -0.0838486613561], [-0.6463701510540001, -0.5822305069829999, -0.706360854017, 0.7644843055439999, 1.8972346845599997, -0.60656855443, -0.6935006993709999, -0.8039706349019999, 0.289831215912, -0.695018223486, -0.7071875166570001, -0.580696277169, -0.681217699671, -0.764571052834, -0.592160697632, 1.6442904670200003, -0.6865818456380001, 0.531027016106, -0.630506204002, 1.8249771487, -0.43588912517300005, 2.1233549389, -0.146114230915, 1.07648640138, 1.89422550322, 1.45455845783, -0.453680694299, 1.2711395860799999, -0.6248257275460001, -0.676173656447, 1.28251023907, -0.800107307352, -0.7733286112119999, -0.770912751622, -0.747293588112, -0.558122567063, -0.6907307867460001], [0.162912562048, 0.559584741229, 0.49211004810099995, 0.303288715953, 2.21122116245, 0.249243254754, -0.172451537842, -0.261311008485, 1.05374078113, -1.08897484105, -0.561221079807, -1.8545858315400001, -0.0484558866246, -0.899154878064, -1.6274954928999998, 1.5669278938, 0.216065000852, -0.163502722414, 0.0309066749558, 0.587024803544, -0.34182686357000003, 1.11050465169, 0.910024200669, 1.4782698999200001, 0.10325904473099999, -0.147157945696, 0.949577083106, 1.13349642839, -1.41584617301, -2.17888977982, 0.676857373676, 0.336808319185, -0.7476783803749999, -1.16218174967, 0.0, -0.663944960886, -0.797143508431], [1.55998564252, 1.03919326138, 1.02109773334, 0.8055835539759999, 1.54166912301, -0.360021165155, 0.527045971008, 0.39669030399599997, 0.9404220621070001, 1.52794705954, 0.113125084145, -1.6461701952399999, -0.764116821613, -1.6728718243599998, -1.8032169375099998, 0.485081341043, -0.61653340418, -1.4624893449399998, -1.1012720968, -0.717767183278, -0.733042376685, -1.10457059766, 0.134923334697, -0.217705645112, -1.07995532015, -0.755868819448, 0.600342270564, 0.808441893122, -0.7094207760500001, -0.34271916989699996, 0.37677978887100005, -0.133384368244, 1.9621296773400003, -0.338072176149, 0.6873315381790001, 1.0013794935, 0.030029090138599997], [0.32207940076200003, 0.185179826749, -0.588886749546, -0.898028894416, 0.983429583404, 0.5621086669690001, -0.156062265659, 1.13884862454, 0.342137132, 2.52371141309, 0.157755738256, -1.67205338145, -0.984377935143, -1.61616973285, -0.264360901723, 0.347535578389, -0.559169211784, -0.412401235435, -2.75382090543, 0.359968587314, -0.620669704787, -0.06423052354230001, 0.591768658946, -0.536885328658, 0.316766871331, 0.30666210151900003, -0.00562401560316, 0.827203748681, -1.4496056199399998, -1.32691755691, 0.877579603242, 0.00143156409514, 1.6332350620200002, 0.309716315493, 0.827203748681, 0.6983427829600001, 0.596598954426], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.32637636418099997, -0.821635026524, 0.843501515051, -0.34114411851899995, 1.07983553897, 0.5803125134830001, -0.49437094544699994, -1.4393519013299998, -0.475408713098, -0.196742891093, -0.64005957206, -0.235144276481, -0.196742891093, -1.4582415943200002, -0.857657741997, -0.8099323597910001, -0.514780185124, -1.51781669967, -0.162393522787, 0.512613704527, 1.32351950221, -0.35813696871699996, 0.5490834299449999, 0.062109342825999996, 0.61601877331, -0.756975397078, 0.387283970568, -1.03886415994, 2.9887671499699997, 0.920562377607, -0.192271377178, 2.1299330008200004, 0.840505887149], [-0.0593678925445, -0.0559178842392, -0.6062737614989999, -0.79112208995, 0.314552950428, -0.494682506369, 0.553356470511, 0.746913210606, 0.585666679117, 0.694197250939, -0.0134668134272, -2.38619771967, -0.671160399727, -0.618295016676, -2.4595080852, 1.13154160295, -1.39512190632, -0.183529669801, -0.0361009267395, -0.718995082407, 0.277057450139, -0.709257325373, 0.651747243195, -0.5127249544820001, 0.30107854188, 0.6259125915179999, 0.416292654858, 1.09968775977, -0.875131153944, -0.731292695912, 0.323271625544, -0.481622964105, 2.88233765838, 0.865442554527, 0.39710094865699996, 1.5828149837799999, 0.350796671589], [0.497180221506, 1.3382007003299998, 0.091836126474, 0.0874278390518, -0.27213883521, -0.661517191025, -0.668918005437, 1.52898977241, 0.44519480274400003, 1.29001165958, 0.186507203248, -2.08109767851, -0.502156062336, -2.36903286273, -0.36957921360699997, -0.265304709054, -0.8311917963330001, 0.362029302198, -0.629887585813, 0.00418167471796, 0.6765889636750001, 0.0, 1.4438545672799998, -0.870306383002, 1.4286303920299999, 0.46073000183799995, 1.2278890975599999, 1.53204922514, -0.614304674608, 0.319143771876, -1.11932374725, 0.0, 0.310969256465, -0.23993232496800002, -0.7121388734749999, 0.671832068188, -1.69641670295], [0.481753079618, 1.2445748453899999, -0.1680024711, -0.743823439999, 0.92227236489, -0.551863811432, 0.285814595659, 1.08693293287, -0.444969109244, 1.25056010096, 0.277304783402, -1.7646190879599997, -1.6619614868500001, -1.4828894791299998, -0.5692619413960001, -0.287340636908, -0.785644766024, -0.9347019703049999, -0.974545672638, -0.347226523533, 0.576076324751, 0.9824846645649999, 1.30299645276, -2.07082611233, 1.51310035312, 0.33774773450900003, 0.48893852667800003, 1.2413915629999999, -0.720198138145, -0.08849435601069999, 0.30739101910100003, 1.42869137792, 0.8765572179950001, 0.037667768237, -0.616778043716, 1.00328562229, -1.4323942809799999], [0.603708341675, 0.949494903993, -0.674846992422, -1.66041635126, 1.3921754691, -0.679697864567, 0.547965967166, 0.865446938895, 0.462651127755, 1.21522011351, 0.20860521195099999, -1.6929824244999998, -0.989825155452, -1.80480916067, -1.5446003057700002, 0.0506811990992, -0.47664297319, -0.842287783829, 0.014166751726, -0.878979234086, 0.369647650758, 0.0, 0.489062888662, -1.9017675250400001, 0.439134290599, -0.213939131908, 1.27605059681, 0.8307457417120001, 0.04434926479949999, 0.536659851316, -0.577272042947, 0.0, 0.74538698618, 1.21522011351, -0.05667268701230001, 1.9686023745400003, -0.23023615111200002], [0.41206466289000004, -0.144193812338, -0.33114704869600003, -0.591367143703, 1.8906249023, -0.8611138200339999, -0.11478425359899999, 1.04102905381, 0.5982396418779999, 0.9010686752600001, 0.705672933831, -1.82388428069, -1.4668551840000001, -0.7597385429219999, -0.663389765542, 1.76782515178, 0.0270295735648, -0.0469377534455, -0.559606051457, -1.01249687568, -0.24276643123599997, -0.19886657752300002, 0.43827683758, -2.30513807212, 0.8558225279, 0.086656684298, 1.74525789811, 2.2461166021200003, -0.386071466553, -0.597408980925, -0.892010908044, -0.19509942077, 0.7894825438169999, 0.0270295735648, -0.225031353637, 0.595304008058, -0.709593527844], [0.39858008886, 0.605450494128, -0.279726077106, -0.6292798824970001, 1.20492970073, -0.70093538095, 0.223067433183, 0.99535306874, 0.744842108063, 0.9011953095190001, 0.173547872608, -1.10272589905, -1.17308967308, -1.3940804863999998, -0.359700126923, 1.36979335611, -1.0904214572700002, -0.8798830718539999, -0.654414698113, -0.49680556526, 0.48822263028000007, 0.0, 0.5416781108659999, -0.0502806549486, 0.448687276508, 0.351941994927, 1.6159548100299999, 2.91570456725, -1.70660588049, -0.859677836027, 0.0, 0.0, 0.436570392452, -0.694627147015, 0.0, -0.324474733398, -1.01879064387], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.13927976126, -0.8404921554639999, 0.179530699772, -0.00282086496795, 1.03301596001, 2.22992167629, 0.209831099303, -0.942160394016, -1.67158088269, -1.2199066757600001, -0.598193081341, -0.600600487857, -0.6865992031139999, -0.7435784947699999, -0.8162137934029999, -1.3056674343, 0.272122783643, -0.403150304498, 0.5775499922439999, -0.18957334418299998, 0.2978425975, -0.8404921554639999, -0.18957334418299998, 0.503916174801, -1.1379682358399998, -0.18957334418299998, 0.08546289373770001, 1.55137315562, 1.25563362012, 1.78926139272, 0.255605029243, 1.8806599912000002, -0.882862631436], [0.24128907142499997, 0.35981134053099995, -1.21901763636, -0.42311308009000004, 1.100310423, -0.751380577711, -0.12690708062, 1.7778867378799998, 0.008324632222439999, 2.6252205148599996, 0.81766221551, -1.0719808678899998, -1.6305019170299997, -0.75535497832, -0.424742029726, -0.0023450238804, -1.01709688306, -0.29631553838, -0.48139865506499996, -0.7218837916930001, -1.33574315475, -0.740624521445, 0.548500897218, -0.7846272950200001, 1.7803469763599997, -0.18015103897, 0.316343334875, 0.62829268329, -0.759259512281, 0.9179418070909999, -0.292330398258, 0.651468146021, 1.13653681102, -0.0494177231716, -0.554382771438, 1.8498350554799998, -1.1411961716299999], [0.07072829349569999, -0.33685669490099995, 0.626998076108, 0.206274374648, 0.528752332633, -0.285386264537, 0.846578392456, 0.285728997184, 0.565870684656, -1.8966929616900003, -0.0701728766473, -2.3081549695, 0.0, -3.4981633952399998, -0.990641895435, 0.39583495113399997, 0.316580517529, 0.0314656020524, -0.465283580969, 0.0, 0.0, -0.804783686834, 0.0, 0.0, 1.03122584566, 0.636319733046, 1.0086553551000002, 0.561478506317, 0.021826425775900004, 0.478184556092, 0.374016113553, 0.278064610192, 0.954920794164, 1.11177646952, 0.5242962027229999, -0.0461697323174, -0.153270775973], [-0.676384165728, -0.07020335318139999, 1.0206841574799999, 0.0571176920591, -0.43208339261000006, 0.160615296224, 0.504546544869, 2.00337853417, 0.445500977086, 0.213421085042, 0.144298787693, -2.45290825115, 0.0, -3.27172917523, -0.7184680539489999, 1.3644389767700003, -0.287771016792, 0.0762006952027, -0.76125936562, 0.0, 0.0, 0.101659415167, 0.0, 0.0, 0.611722451458, -0.603993108836, 0.982231237822, 1.5130204763400001, 0.584446096331, -0.194699454104, -0.38473523306900004, -0.0247976014867, 0.37883997375, 0.039132211188, -0.185805585148, 0.292164679867, -0.428581531617], [-0.116101615065, -0.264449273602, 0.6827868126250001, -0.50741428591, 2.39212802834, -0.367856038601, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9202933746680001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.9564088821099999, -1.07776566307, -1.3541260747400001, -1.39709583088, 0.126972303005, -0.35747940997199995, -1.10443123374, -0.7712811922600001, -0.881720026085, 0.790305778646, -0.220650489536, 1.0724053279899999, 0.729008950932, 1.3306023302299999, 0.0868655206801, 1.39429492852, 2.02434841587, -0.18846408071899998, -0.450319181536, 0.358676855672, -0.220650489536, 0.0, 0.0358830331907, 0.327096019638, 0.09173028315960001, -1.12718419581], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7967432177680001, -0.7078730387309999, -0.835833909695, 0.0377653155712, 1.56437107811, -0.36886293451800006, -0.307669021889, -1.0936705391700001, -1.33417374953, -2.24174220863, -1.27044016287, 0.511647998698, 0.8163242136869999, 0.45460771259099997, 0.26354792205600003, -1.59428294668, -0.0408855974787, -0.221317793776, 1.1904156260299998, 0.639587648803, 1.0806814054, 0.271773326411, 1.77856211538, 1.6731504634099998, 0.0557524723204, 0.08326063763830001, -0.32759032884, -1.31018691787, 1.3501949550299999, -0.0408855974787, 0.0, -0.39433360789099997, -0.47863775386299995], [-1.45901718776, -0.17627810540999997, -0.317980328013, 0.139780129344, 0.496072717669, -1.2640480596299999, 0.9830122023639999, 0.25616827113699997, 0.950816456626, 0.07596068458619999, 0.0954316872302, -1.7377092945900001, -0.39736889676700005, -1.73360874604, 0.740346475957, -0.230121797867, -1.91950296927, -0.792808230367, 0.9325194916320001, 0.172567245256, 0.20515875487, 0.0, 1.07645206875, 0.67377143855, 1.61401408306, -0.2592429478, 1.60681256405, 1.76757305721, 0.0, 0.0, -0.680782645689, 0.0, -0.629367101645, 0.0, -0.18862101744100002, 0.0, 0.0], [0.519946974499, 0.511180921779, -0.688954803879, 1.43812597216, 0.8475667735279999, -0.320911960535, -0.5009715102800001, 0.7547069653740001, -0.292485539305, 0.275458354899, 0.10914324815899999, -0.301746705009, -2.0459171756, -0.015290289505700001, 0.0313304483609, 2.136877111, -2.48214677676, -1.7212801768900001, -1.18000170428, 0.632651918295, -0.11180018916, 0.460836564499, 1.054288764, 0.580754468556, 0.379032540117, -1.3783795568700001, -1.1270905071500001, 0.168091205465, -0.5764881687210001, -0.35644691228799996, -0.116739739454, 1.01285623996, 1.43812597216, 1.2462043904100002, -0.626079822676, 0.751796073892, -0.506243368781], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.6979636556600002, -1.5171431132700002, -0.774354270757, 1.1609923749700002, -0.35045033314400004, 0.9483461780560001, 0.563888232695, 0.40341408921099997, -1.57951184988, 0.9987737041820001, 0.138763360525, 0.198463049038, -1.6960491432, -1.6857847427500001, -1.4112981084399998, -0.260710458242, -0.239214475881, -0.46276909507700004, -0.579056737356, -0.219381645255, -0.18877465644400002, -0.694139527508, 0.734010952302, 0.27133356113, 0.0687514181786, -0.452493359788, 1.58596591257, 0.602554393828, 2.1651434138999996, 0.198463049038, 0.0, 1.01351445941, -0.639210287714], [0.184635455037, 0.303270039886, -0.019919820133099998, -0.0990200039756, 0.13292182051100002, -0.14136165844100002, 0.130910869681, 0.618537621347, -0.421021531874, 0.829505556774, 0.5027203325490001, -1.5084526794400002, 0.0, 0.634518724923, 0.129040473708, 0.9377063200700001, -0.569491266247, -1.90227866373, -0.022233502053, 0.0, 0.0, 1.05960563457, 0.0, 0.0, 0.233509582233, -1.49373735927, 0.142319744333, -0.182822768143, -0.0110277295003, -1.31234425028, -2.2097123552099998, 0.267111429213, 2.1818189079900003, 0.612346268724, 1.6290348504199998, 1.03485840611, -1.67094844979], [-0.40351491966700004, -0.194483951857, -1.01447635057, -0.626614487029, 0.49270449025300006, 0.111143333836, -0.63772277111, 0.0696285634167, -0.589441789817, 0.276107254331, -0.332446549648, -2.35051704396, -0.9877789986750001, -0.116919582745, -0.7467327249150001, 0.9074142117180001, -0.578567801613, -1.58685431898, -0.0452253437983, 1.248167918, 0.247369886179, 1.31209584804, 0.24478771789599998, -0.39967493104400004, -0.386609220496, -0.506915390996, 0.399650045841, -0.0125116121519, 0.696447513133, -0.576211251258, -1.8512927358000002, 1.01542448701, 1.95563621688, 1.32805223168, 1.7398966495800001, 2.09102939397, -0.191043985652], [-0.566831761969, -0.351973678601, 0.5835755804730001, 0.37430306853100004, 1.33347616148, 0.4998351494899999, -0.267219291789, 1.58207123882, 0.395747472939, 0.166625510461, -0.343731980813, -1.15739878198, -0.296092379126, -0.195980833156, -1.6758101192299997, 0.32348783024300004, -3.69972714086, -0.246857977225, -0.28321018033900003, 0.148339851148, 0.414999346559, 0.596971287519, -0.00812800335624, -0.580307623708, -0.36526929382600004, -0.329808017528, 0.8386374728229999, 1.0975054497499999, 0.6858191621100002, 0.6282854469160001, 0.0480103171079, -2.09090416898, 1.58698029158, 0.24751006988899998, -0.293618327853, 0.21435603692000002, 0.986332815581], [0.287340744547, 0.456158338441, 0.560956270899, 0.636261870258, 0.045633233735800006, 0.706272113318, 0.155102742466, 0.49457843298799997, 0.138212161073, 0.158582771375, -0.0349152099009, -0.0742554569961, -0.289637409173, 0.269361211358, -0.184680372455, 0.37955460375100003, -5.06815846826, 0.027182577801000002, 0.0787167172005, -0.09000700546080001, -0.0333955879862, 0.205156231603, 0.012721597223, -0.688085997184, 0.254642690225, -0.135871151458, 0.438874455732, 0.429904070218, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0742554569961, -0.126953122763, 1.06500240442, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.335060292976, -0.624399081309, 1.06879154631, 1.73284704042, -2.1133647570500003, 0.677577694399, 0.620327911097, 0.961866680502, 0.08995352793030001, 0.566958981204, -0.203947559359, -0.34318757642, -0.46659606404799997, 0.784089428612, -0.120983583201, 1.11540018581, -2.18147777879, -0.247879144688, 0.5501365916100001, -1.2864804314700002, -0.312547590266, 1.00336927727, -0.285438419805, -0.131765314389, -0.523363209097, -0.775960070051, 0.141357454333, 0.518807138323, 0.0, 0.0, -0.916722794632, -1.21493818265, 2.25262839238, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.507925244105, 0.0, -0.182252987734, -0.455150210445, -0.256831668837, 0.165412561667, -0.343551271958, -0.815148622908, -0.692623464099, 0.198793270056, 0.456134202854, 0.783502456913, -3.33560044883, -0.7824984432369999, -0.34095361540700003, 0.0532064090539, -0.5102294517, 0.0, -0.284496481669, 2.8957279412199997, -0.218408697874, -0.40206637987300003, 0.2450830909, 0.142197404409, 0.814137949304, 0.40061805904299996, -0.560924831715, 0.0, 1.3837553890099998, 0.348263325622, -0.870231012914, 0.595698586354, 1.06051169869], [-0.123008974565, 0.547644068407, -0.502278450573, 0.322665758069, 0.524307952577, 0.38951325369199996, -0.326606433474, -1.18975010917, -2.07773190508, -1.0891420119, -0.9513516884029999, -0.671300722876, -0.167279986154, 1.11510572863, -0.622092758686, 0.18112399098499998, -3.3554992058499997, -0.24237049635000002, -0.132943385951, 0.502605625213, -0.006700233499970001, -0.532849433508, 0.102925708364, 0.968181901153, 0.14530101933, -0.36212475788099996, -0.151196709364, -0.46046746881800005, 1.32154632598, -0.187353745266, 0.788680342971, 0.28124710280299997, 1.8737612703599997, 1.33826819585, 0.990496439296, 0.0700419494049, 1.6886318442800001], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.546145147881, -0.558253984454, -0.863439540824, 0.666806161285, -0.42949584568599997, 0.822602133609, -0.131535505822, -1.13374130159, -0.398679232858, -1.10578426395, 0.223102063821, 0.263022548199, -0.139443000374, 0.959686882238, 0.354492770678, -0.57212208702, 1.46202839439, 0.12761216903, 1.72600407152, 2.2072740817, 0.271235663962, -0.23019372111900002, -1.55022399507, -0.607383569613, 0.733164546852, -1.19517590484, -0.81639554301, 1.6323723668799999, 1.9589854574, -0.8349036005399999, -1.15656354924, -0.11098626772299999, -1.02792324994], [0.07508553479619999, -0.48934892962300003, 0.025446523747799998, 0.315886426916, -0.039376981690699996, -1.57374928752, -0.41420567238899997, 0.519377911805, 1.39126975289, -0.202605192726, 0.022745118859599997, -1.06542760428, -0.951069413352, -0.478471886011, 0.38739069860200004, 1.33367793893, 0.497754655721, 1.8208361367800001, 0.7768782591310001, -0.774253239362, -0.22338548832600003, -0.0138593353621, -0.0203269519418, 2.44478292992, -0.705650761688, 0.0027236244035700003, -0.16181120864, -0.41832365099200003, -0.242176032542, -1.4681255006799998, -0.435346996421, 0.8263301971979999, 2.8574470681, -1.24311935534, -0.28943003656800004, -1.1072214823200002, -0.980347770022], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.61663334854, -0.692288596794, -1.60937697041, -0.443020506848, 0.5584214250039999, 1.6370616916999998, 0.155325309988, -1.7281066190599998, -0.360547202599, -0.0991373738687, 0.119756755766, 1.56101050194, -0.282864587257, 0.7392875204580001, 1.00603671115, -1.45534979858, 0.143290884137, 0.6456002551919999, 0.236147734923, 1.6677431135499998, -0.552476186115, -0.679876086836, -0.667867604917, 0.110003332937, -1.08592656245, -1.6226082089700002, 1.17009932928, 0.318371130683, 2.0193962448, 0.497254260603, 0.0, 0.229731431983, -0.9184579808490001], [-1.6107612291, -0.701655328616, -1.8781812286099997, -1.48744260915, 0.760081491471, -0.799962793309, -0.530615173385, 0.142539990835, 1.15684607958, -0.0445582157905, 0.15183510599000002, -1.16376615708, 0.263150319441, -0.724307270011, -0.109750602543, 1.6887623786200001, -0.0386279020117, 1.5708170687799998, 0.301459107397, -0.46566456613799995, -0.20215225348000002, 0.176736892663, 0.538380972569, 2.2495439602, -1.01301523253, -0.210238541208, -0.674035361303, -0.208114343628, -1.07652434356, -1.34249901509, 0.691626474236, 0.591067096469, 2.09733218428, -0.198253723948, 0.7044081778219999, 0.6143097098070001, 0.781228880333], [0.136356878647, 0.34862057955, -0.46651603437, -0.324465506262, 0.989559754842, -1.38354643782, -0.45396915653700004, 0.0951878550186, 0.933023697712, -0.059397601467399995, 0.0803893462341, -1.8697069046099999, -0.36129122818099996, -1.0889509889, -0.5851852907639999, 1.53633248479, -0.189754717715, 1.37213403796, 0.0338268236782, -0.607567937493, 0.0613014860829, -0.514528793116, 0.266585689162, 1.12072627361, -1.51093955149, -0.596717506353, -1.1240531039700001, -0.801434186207, -1.1438069859200002, -1.20118424824, 0.502837779934, 2.00572764474, 2.34635130784, 0.28203624575999997, -0.245261089387, 1.27899191786, 1.13828746537], [-1.5172898205599998, -1.38474124915, -1.02423699859, -1.14931337837, 0.0780201439892, -0.7808629190549999, 0.10252912247500001, 1.33500050771, -0.07795350311180001, 1.5864137272999999, 1.15763925389, -1.8960569060699999, -0.514120849581, -1.17433078972, -1.22407603797, 0.306405002003, -0.17555618906599998, 0.35816755238000003, 0.49335830436000006, -0.15285683785499998, 0.15961320566099998, 0.913367293585, 1.18463671948, 1.74150860567, -1.47922726178, -0.443627732041, -0.540532740211, -0.9658818696960001, -0.355064888727, -0.565871149291, 0.430890576235, 0.579528509521, 1.6437250780000001, 0.6679073106319999, 0.48141829453400004, 1.4213917064, 0.780080207016], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.566121260203, 0.0223478705173, -0.26092717751, 0.21003191397999998, -0.998460936605, -0.353586283882, -0.868143363585, -1.46415854235, 0.08821688400800001, -1.0410164393999999, -0.612394426322, -1.2012032512100002, -1.00517688498, -0.23639391813900001, -0.552257323318, 0.925319962432, 0.648761721647, 0.136497496494, 1.0889680206799999, 1.4122962668799999, -0.16889242272500002, -0.723751952545, -0.861976462265, -0.27471571763700003, -0.255624137612, -0.7394860053899999, 1.8041339024400003, 1.69810131627, 2.1190056057900004, 1.3983535165600003, 0.0, 1.54569922634, -0.9134471983660001], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.475861248254, -0.705861103792, -0.791656338162, -0.11305189561, -1.38542316688, 0.0471899413083, -1.0121342708299998, -0.9762600122799998, -0.343977888908, -0.6761760177680001, -0.46806988362400004, -1.27058453551, -0.8670813795029999, -0.66430044459, 0.033233865870599996, 0.380476333814, 2.09821473543, 0.7898353161310001, 2.4325568888499998, 1.38189344398, 0.39693350225900004, -0.593909109273, -0.8610182395029999, -0.709654175434, 0.3321475441, 0.0184082542393, 1.55155135879, 1.1966928138, 1.6687336507799997, -0.279125503216, 0.0, 0.461611908376, -0.595334344583], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.506473204292, -0.7098618809899999, 0.277802476536, 0.653148970996, -0.369839369409, 1.64045713605, -0.053361112526199996, -2.53849338626, -0.514179544053, -0.911763863064, -0.6645573642, -0.8937046257889999, -0.34519060815499997, -0.514179544053, -0.874896150588, 0.420702025006, -0.148917287999, 0.738964102285, -0.0330062622989, 1.03777169027, 0.227773036457, -1.1607704447, -0.119101125394, -0.05702240126, -0.0330062622989, -0.780726699939, 1.84550199135, 0.0495286435035, 1.32929101461, 1.73102921526, 0.0, 2.07697873143, -0.799897896488], [-0.30255003897599997, 0.697340632737, -0.274666043008, -0.09836772193280001, 0.5633597330160001, -0.018030524468400002, -0.7547538270149999, -0.30255003897599997, -0.629271523711, 0.244744214254, -0.18353935266399998, -1.51226504833, -0.663109499247, -0.354777194859, 0.164138433597, -0.980666034249, -0.7912921985150001, -0.133570349411, -0.125626926734, -0.7490654362610001, 0.831404791331, 0.744630038559, 1.01174712762, 0.912584599931, -0.732055714757, -0.974684782103, -1.41425060593, -1.7842148014700001, -0.293398664259, -1.33536211857, 1.55527009493, 1.4306269027, 2.5669447871099997, 1.15239733848, 1.64100658477, 1.36579809509, -0.47392492868], [-0.8621703106980001, -0.175146006797, -0.632219320176, -0.479470700391, 2.0807225645, -0.792488698391, -1.24238566776, 0.0249590935891, 0.463523572372, 1.14223423564, 0.05233213555959999, -2.0416003637, -0.671777052687, -0.539946536564, -0.325182416183, 0.185432879487, -0.980385550164, -0.054406186939400004, 0.151562676526, -0.655055041533, 1.68853752045, -0.271772883286, 1.4350596166, 0.752946440474, -0.824255725051, -0.84212530918, 0.159574632779, -0.32231661985300003, -0.492291603526, -1.68412430939, 0.256097063174, 0.9008296886, 2.5277501137400002, 0.8129601261220001, 0.488715544334, 1.24830517631, -0.482422777996], [-0.378604486193, 0.731207922164, 0.638712130958, 0.7515211820990001, -0.243754773673, -0.555897946622, -0.618406035541, -0.160757212515, 0.616325361054, -1.2098830304000001, -0.8490505814129999, -1.80318808525, -0.33943311291100003, -0.9932836816889999, -0.748275406641, 0.47803030080700004, -1.7272943364700002, -0.836974988809, -0.358027983036, 0.017130204893200003, 0.249525441283, 0.7926152019059999, 0.37006398369000004, 0.8539110261759999, -0.422990162284, -1.0006367033399999, -0.603063061077, -0.299595242735, -0.24819291910500002, -1.8911446485699999, 1.5925138890200001, 1.8236927068400002, 1.6177421248700001, 1.1368161668799999, 1.8448416183099996, 1.37546516415, 0.398339973181], [-0.17105083117199998, -0.158306163786, 0.0122989502088, -0.40385097922300006, -0.0900254763865, -1.35406216195, -1.262019286, 0.22308914732700003, 0.606731106294, 0.455381195903, -0.6441255136, -1.87513527115, -0.388564361774, -1.30863870294, -0.127074295363, 0.9014942066349999, -0.127074295363, 0.550333405048, -0.249321517967, -0.310774782361, 0.627851849579, 0.491184674873, 0.8806189752179999, 1.9483112045700002, -0.875217855385, -0.6669806916969999, -0.628965580154, -0.0798638698838, -0.694485326593, -2.43278511073, 1.1162727377600001, 1.1968832952, 1.35372628607, 0.8507862506370001, 1.27117971906, 2.0269366729900002, -0.664757603899], [0.597001410349, 0.422173233366, 0.802813327375, 0.422173233366, 0.0, -0.937174950432, -0.465612736413, 1.14930841932, 0.0, 0.88915252997, -0.244232328863, -1.4156235972, -1.26108763337, -1.31254561456, 0.385647211442, 0.0, 0.058007031496699994, -0.474834267862, -0.903885027202, -0.44373843657300005, 0.477528670031, -0.0632949688007, 0.7470240350749999, -0.362615436831, -0.756458091049, -0.857634129684, 0.0, 0.0, -0.137396510393, -1.70409970287, 0.782616119873, 1.9412884194, 3.02921669302, -0.223000717014, 0.48930907059900003, 0.17014978172800002, -0.800175037298], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.401178402404, -1.22020679872, -0.7513958393089999, 0.658661220528, 1.23662450202, 1.01907477575, 0.190242544342, -0.933436446637, -2.01831320037, -1.1489503647, -0.0697450358295, 0.159419087262, -0.823060910105, -0.6772997225090001, -0.2520719761, -0.775948700782, -0.246356158479, -0.914724222621, -0.431743674973, 0.898755653005, 0.106614806708, -0.35501040618, 0.717888950168, -0.387745872207, 0.248820471754, -0.8538233059100001, -0.076197547034, 0.8421962857969999, 3.45443517121, 0.648144929467, 0.0, 0.9771262561390001, 0.37684712591200004], [0.866843638719, 0.380853425265, 1.0197532384299999, 1.0155905943899999, 0.591806542198, -1.80429541347, -0.946545790379, 0.26402669747900004, 0.292234788785, -0.142536819338, 0.0637382227388, -2.15278762997, -0.632816956537, -1.36540520915, -0.928567051558, 0.5499635087520001, -0.9701025085639999, -0.242278363457, -0.834396295993, -0.0502791419591, 0.134342573421, -0.9035608662369999, 1.42937587451, 1.99372327535, -0.329769924966, -0.798528752678, -0.714026614684, -0.0846554530696, 0.0586895580461, -0.8438187985050001, 0.201274757891, -0.43509246736999996, 2.63946670397, 0.7537128363940001, 0.0263609983702, 1.2579796508299999, 0.639727172349], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.18186050259599998, 0.0, -1.1455030369399999, -0.162803262323, 1.17986218651, -1.59260362564, -2.13558124182, -1.8815024029799998, -0.318607661152, 0.392538619781, -0.870849187664, 0.73630734139, -0.688130464899, 0.960790718036, -0.7297979380060001, -0.0711807068059, -0.625421094098, 0.0, 0.7991954068539999, 1.1831783647, 0.504549460246, 0.16477288457800002, 0.36291728972, 0.24015585496300002, -0.613757109631, -1.01597058216, -0.116143338653, 0.0, 2.27739762189, 1.02108713457, 1.04353985551, 0.311076498641, 0.608621912779], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.422440781086, 0.0, -0.472913095886, 0.6286369195, 0.8110787778219999, -0.25669709409, -1.8674664803, -3.2505176733099996, -0.906072079323, -0.0759876428631, 0.139892120537, 1.2027149653799998, -0.6783051254119999, -0.038293318839500004, -0.24448361980900002, 0.832672268071, -0.433505075986, 0.0, -0.000496767978155, 0.168155990626, -0.374329149605, -0.274471349887, 0.563029287764, -0.312540518259, -0.0968921570232, -1.24017670129, 0.458683052542, 0.0, 2.0501083614099995, 0.701252662699, 1.10129625064, 0.29436136144200004, 1.14882505034], [-0.752937888216, 0.21188211657000003, -0.101298853275, 0.216745420495, 1.07036701339, 0.48875589218599996, 0.47790082995800004, 0.038677263259099995, 0.250335416829, -0.440360015149, -1.79889662585, -1.2407727544299998, 0.623710960034, 1.04324298359, -1.20563876748, 1.64228299676, -0.5731382676860001, -0.34343166151999993, -0.669644508793, 0.7442804067540001, -0.587066245266, 0.662770223301, 0.034105883857900005, 0.757425527683, -0.7889027790340001, -1.1765454238600002, -0.399559208958, -1.0231638704100001, -0.304836803127, -0.484254763708, 0.08957311726089999, 0.483354287047, 3.69075892614, 0.737105044243, 0.0, -1.11019778237, -0.262628090237], [0.463956592025, 1.01360010018, -0.641245843821, 0.691932094913, 0.6432304225209999, 0.686628112506, -1.05974697905, -0.585935174114, 1.3173814355, -0.081919150784, -0.6889058436130001, -1.5420685588799998, 0.259799447729, -1.6760643336899999, -0.401642801907, -0.17307499184900002, -0.5425892021859999, 0.47129848908999994, -0.7976871318690001, 0.0540126806831, -1.2672885955700002, 1.4082919729799999, -0.602192104928, 1.21181639213, -1.6413262242200002, -0.971321461159, -0.135287961369, 0.368309240241, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7426689504430001, 1.06878388487, 2.40658654321, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.748005191485, -0.5199721771600001, -0.7032868501109999, -0.0800086484259, -0.916417647669, -0.645960339634, -0.476958999943, -0.774158114271, -0.926962559482, 1.7702538070400002, -0.655366021661, -0.8432237576739999, -0.8850574358650001, -1.02540569588, -0.6593777905579999, -0.230082579372, -0.938913863672, 0.837753308413, 0.919856226476, 0.667441269914, -0.08186709549610001, 0.87712017091, 0.811784844726, 1.65590821792, 2.51464586117, -0.949641069571, -0.809656531724, 1.28429198131, -0.05388690182630001, -0.693552952129, 0.0648857056673, -0.708607585805, 1.67892490303, 1.8927935369799997, 0.578892242453, -0.795462274173, -0.432719992424], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.435796817293, -1.15553470464, -2.79650637653, 0.22720258153900003, -0.208808291776, 1.33776115964, 0.169156200979, -1.2793316646600001, -0.7873872641390001, -1.37387619284, -1.3162573605299999, 0.767810614096, -0.358663110281, -0.756085049809, -0.278214052843, 0.622441169903, -0.300250068041, 1.8512271091599999, 0.873648046306, 1.11636989466, 0.593741007263, -0.565879188094, -0.758310204392, 0.82142611455, -0.23297729135499998, 0.34043040601499996, 1.01480920326, 0.46840848192199996, 1.76651073537, 0.647888575704, -0.475707021444, 0.236075542364, -0.646915818651], [0.281998736265, -1.14164731078, -0.297547033901, -1.48195640428, -0.792010086257, 0.332726346801, -1.05214855169, 0.748525790546, 0.3089358621, 1.6644819552, -0.7344597524490001, -1.02746759949, -1.06980932913, -0.883027963537, -0.33751208642700004, -1.23961228641, -0.310993577106, 0.893864605096, 0.453751526994, 0.62939575749, 1.41249417109, 1.05882370954, 0.17260335199700003, 1.8388974373400002, 1.38478804914, -0.023339181959799997, -0.354553892165, 0.19796473751600002, -1.40080722986, -0.405781422771, 0.483287462871, 0.551969608334, 1.65834547264, -1.75784936917, 1.5107456449599999, -0.332541438766, -0.9405357097700001], [0.331589464072, -0.335420979369, -0.357049017817, -0.418428020467, -0.399226302638, -0.21257918803, -1.7150920973500001, 0.258017387231, 0.16879212823800002, 1.7043465746200002, -1.09146257714, -2.20288753948, -0.9936100469879999, -1.0165462424, -0.759223286207, -1.24129042155, -0.042000396035099995, 1.8452238800299998, 0.420266297222, 0.0266926581539, -0.640473747294, 1.1103757678, 0.549396701977, 2.05037403656, 0.87527124846, -0.296720919706, -0.183305844113, -0.340253830939, -0.863695919196, 0.0277828392522, 0.6585806864930001, 1.38044811348, 1.7998698222999998, -0.285311618428, 1.12410453787, -0.08004456711239999, -0.856509581486], [-0.08947550468639999, 0.45597922891900006, -0.126879914263, 0.710823432939, 0.466868107245, -0.322765857497, -0.42461869014799997, -0.137634099221, -0.044526940017800005, -0.16621030740700002, 0.07561437388960002, -2.0832301098299997, 1.60280921558, -0.8260440667990001, -0.459781639423, 1.8950044528499999, -0.13251996423100001, 0.7853439528309999, 1.52557238846, 0.05192171228590001, -1.4678333700100001, -0.5306723875980001, 0.46162717695100003, 0.872164302992, 0.182881162962, -0.8500855541519999, -0.446959801859, -0.290837134688, -1.5512916078799999, -1.69169522113, 0.557351733847, 0.5640593247029999, 0.47534120941299995, 2.23737376931, 0.0, 0.576161297591, -1.8538346719499998], [-0.0174428050236, -0.126322889864, -0.24804412809999998, 1.23333049976, -0.811864704401, -0.301367117801, 0.5224914569219999, 0.0858259192702, 0.407600576782, -0.00643359996287, 0.49108367664499997, -0.935006281751, 1.13084380198, -1.8278541663099999, -1.8978543110599997, 0.0605227095884, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.433279496519, -1.07226500066, -0.22705759168900003, 0.990464185602, 0.49765740336099995, 0.30635126226500003, 0.0, 0.133218903601, 0.470098921346, -1.57459020965, -1.9083398855200002, 1.43012016246, 0.407600576782, 0.228251345698, 1.7278123716900002, -1.12299802703, 2.01063346051, -0.48974601196900003], [-1.06415306581, -0.7066999855570001, -0.79246118447, 0.0411090477596, -0.20099365747099998, 0.141925485794, 1.23333079823, 0.7435433922079999, 0.868817474144, 0.5206458871490001, -0.0510746687567, -1.06728722892, -0.00307674684229, -0.250912661273, -0.138671368033, 0.19830970420699998, -1.1417381920799998, -0.9571586350489999, -0.41972018349, 2.1080379492400003, 0.05777486692000001, 0.0, 1.52689071198, 0.41074554037, -0.7426589557879999, 0.020972146974700002, -0.565800369862, 0.0647633184011, -1.9269348631, -2.20284874789, 0.439148331565, 0.0, 1.82711188847, 2.13223701289, 0.360994019912, 0.09507860364489999, -0.559245665462], [-0.8204445097849999, -0.752127750943, -0.855818674436, 0.144251447945, -0.764296690177, -0.432760166276, -0.493361998328, 0.8208398399779999, -0.239867922854, 1.04380644138, -0.30915626354000003, -1.16327846217, 1.04613719495, -0.34478733797399996, -0.313507016087, -0.0388778615219, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5913523980650001, -1.1919976077299999, 0.0, 2.16053505032, 0.504990766334, 0.373088611257, 0.0, -1.02100400453, -0.0454256588481, -0.997644530737, -2.5776773152900003, 0.900356532821, 0.0, 1.8449805729700002, 1.1322080429799999, 0.83884743897, 0.8208398399779999, 0.139799593276], [-0.34041085526299997, 0.226672974427, 0.366530901117, 0.7774331242620001, -0.968338448142, -1.4132496758500002, 0.757415449757, 0.844634921716, -0.908089400925, 0.951805619469, -2.28984274645, -1.91567558628, 0.0699813740181, 0.8248996542370001, 0.507607054194, 0.966274826519, 0.09981130833630002, -0.299351642347, 0.477173544074, -1.9007550817299999, 0.48028002136299996, 0.210941241849, 0.7050538646610001, 0.857033143907, 0.7843770146719999, 0.279632597932, 0.068619175421, 0.43794111700099997, -1.7522986916999999, -2.4577171113599996, 0.7985915016580001, 0.0337446763795, 0.24531183815699997, 1.1487983637399999, 0.869165571249, 0.34090384783600003, 0.115094512108], [-1.13075652736, -0.25001013181299997, -0.9177627704160001, -0.82105390558, 1.1590188409, -0.766552218147, -0.8463510503839999, 0.09550885300069999, 0.49787069065, -0.359430919774, -1.6678706557499998, -1.4793038809399999, 0.84637480713, -1.49347097225, 0.030435875130699997, 0.19220914460000002, -0.23805736075999998, 0.9902489896690001, 0.514617576937, 0.30128987991399997, 1.5609282516799998, 0.271290333593, 1.12652906321, 0.779323972404, -0.411526663632, -0.0377415092634, 1.07945005683, 0.793024844995, -0.45923862772299995, -1.1963171039700002, -0.05164137870709999, -0.154784224873, 2.48004580445, -0.37359193154299997, -1.9806572927200001, 1.5458328055700001, 0.372119334943], [-1.0965607792299998, -1.4708463538699998, -0.121170489096, -1.43564964581, 1.00725442293, -1.22924537449, -0.9642359364990001, -0.469252116668, 0.448263541926, 0.245919605403, -1.17291506759, -1.43110107911, -1.13507893162, -1.8060861072499999, -0.893683103942, 0.195958978596, 1.6571615471099999, 1.2158238563600001, -0.388841413255, 1.31236571187, -0.39181863495999997, 0.0882878503007, 1.46218479306, 0.439644206259, -0.292331584724, -0.07341010538210001, 1.2506481796, 0.60319314679, 0.210116336801, -0.718051087103, 1.32535645283, 1.05465989465, 1.31508124115, 0.425627518737, 0.0, 0.9237949290909999, -0.09106440284910002], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.527690816803, 0.0, -0.48311721103, 0.695985168698, 0.41598102608599996, -1.26490607176, -1.77545283387, -0.906250810667, 0.432659484798, -2.39494149087, -0.556914489234, 0.030723678985200002, 0.516268644106, 0.30947344577799996, -1.8973548966299998, 0.820614391135, -0.507372781573, 0.0, 2.45003231018, 0.409377684533, 0.44416608327600005, 0.41598102608599996, 0.39237239836300003, 0.282449365702, -0.426989155168, -0.06414246713880001, -0.933520697966, 0.0, 1.14325088759, 0.585183933209, -0.35747159693999997, 0.645600747532, 1.05062340999], [-0.34745782135700004, -0.9564619355930001, -0.0018872427286900002, 0.503661712296, -0.902069830642, 0.560633066055, -1.3069284508499999, 1.06327477914, 0.854880456914, 0.46737084070600005, -0.8269137654979999, -0.934229953195, -0.402455061845, -3.6911560740800007, -0.467447936629, 0.14247670389699998, -0.18140012327799998, 0.322773763798, -1.31210317547, 1.49607679165, -0.05511910803230001, 0.46737084070600005, 0.17346929679200002, -1.1051563575799999, 0.745139161749, -0.157030873819, 1.04063846747, 0.0792033515277, -0.429636155641, -0.781126602182, 0.624782814818, 0.5869087640030001, 0.5089471071399999, 1.41382040912, 0.585435729626, 1.5442634826, 0.6774529284049999], [-0.12732494371, -0.711190403047, -1.43863716114, 0.388200544091, -1.1065097054100002, -0.255501947582, -0.44940099451000004, -0.0552573320129, 0.926355194622, 1.1779182289799999, -0.435191980877, 0.12065215254, -0.376226654958, -2.67826781528, 0.479390541478, -1.24787524086, 0.123089693111, 1.54726501756, -0.6888218612029999, 0.847273650483, -1.4292729590399997, 0.0, 0.599376265048, 0.865656777622, 0.656305093495, -0.35734766200999996, -0.300718979622, 0.645801332105, -1.15776194605, -1.54059232123, 0.391529254269, 0.0, 0.944719376341, 0.840614369686, 1.52025080727, 1.06081938467, 1.22068222518], [0.510031692903, 0.0181956969826, -0.495925096263, 0.39447345358999997, 0.288158549419, -0.930644875405, -1.0066520475299998, 1.53448619064, 0.599034166705, 0.875012467907, -1.1708166977299999, -0.026849960923799997, -0.842568881299, -2.02597679502, -0.630000279131, -0.11334434441400001, 0.36745535071999996, -0.578627509924, 0.11473922211, 0.510031692903, 0.9229569940100001, 0.0, 0.972386487666, 0.551622258008, -0.699013475039, 0.278301895069, 0.7041404143719999, 0.0302590282112, -0.495925096263, -3.5185679265599994, -0.101464431932, 0.0, -0.164852573482, 1.51505844382, 0.93497171509, 1.11254990251, 0.5673643682680001], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.196405102736, -0.296074856895, 0.7707100787360001, 1.5760961632799997, 0.677984989096, 1.8622994648900002, -0.107633932949, -1.77676073283, -1.17140261987, -1.81925723633, -1.9804982913900002, 0.53407488324, 0.9689573820659999, 0.36720682947800004, 0.361823313186, 0.380839035733, 0.0244532382805, 0.240653251019, -0.296074856895, 0.0013077583249600001, -1.5090145884600001, 0.240653251019, -0.0999540124461, 0.838696929058, -0.332184172653, -1.1654938241700001, 1.1434321985100002, 1.1009455554, 0.545302650264, -0.7226299839939999, 0.6878573605, 0.430426439858, -1.6731467658], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.42710325433799995, -1.3095408338799999, 0.891941054297, 1.3726374329, 0.121624362482, 0.26558940559300004, -0.49545817061999997, -2.3488924304, -1.11488643744, -1.66542559931, -1.18353254344, 0.738009763589, 1.0521945729, -0.245622691965, 0.7113838121430001, 0.312974315416, -0.966936997652, -0.572448199354, 0.38110262553, -0.04765546389880001, 0.47490991841200003, 0.196184508669, 1.38402185852, 0.514737260057, -0.027071572816300002, -1.5883989538299998, 0.617385418515, 1.7678055408700002, 1.51027664079, -0.434066265581, 0.0, -0.0431886586634, -0.6967569261769999], [-1.1407378223, 0.016202142357299998, -0.535136928129, 0.305599121873, -0.463266172147, -1.26441262202, 0.924924456558, -0.00776425447186, 1.76763960571, -0.661572245352, -1.11075934509, -1.9208760585, -1.28623027846, -1.03446650102, -0.733537924266, 0.593514920691, 2.18289919916, 0.688022492042, -0.0930738359674, 0.7216542240360001, -1.00788396475, 0.446813550347, 0.657649794141, -0.235371005442, 0.10976511219, -0.6153338074600001, 0.366616221445, -0.2973036394, -0.07312325364139999, -1.03446650102, 0.688359290936, 2.73468005358, -0.54967915639, 0.383859021566, 1.4048777079399999, 0.10976511219, -0.0378467109436], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.535299125133, -0.576543353562, 1.8396986508900002, 1.6208829155200002, 1.3948694709799998, 0.039928128775900004, -1.7002092972100002, -1.7370363086200002, -1.9283957989900002, -1.5567897752200002, -0.11144830812, 0.923351431044, 1.5805850531299999, -0.474237674494, -0.358397384305, 0.123601150624, -0.17243393450800001, -0.262789483067, -0.010063001390100001, -0.355236553913, 0.25356301511999996, 0.42150505103200003, -0.39639002277900004, 0.91731418721, -0.256113161758, -0.674942604288, 0.0377457284705, -0.285012322857, -0.0395253826516, 0.974977048894, -0.41993462968, 1.78026702683, -1.12808898625], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.56283048862, -1.2903119179, 0.7767451743189999, 0.63992822434, 0.630171080267, -1.34770515801, -1.78548858051, -0.579790397471, -0.386805010861, -1.7411248553999998, 0.866251195222, 0.164488911903, 2.06052441372, -0.282741810187, -0.774045529696, 1.0518839532700002, -1.12838479393, 0.7538077104800001, 0.582444049445, 0.5016273211460001, 0.32671185829, -1.42415752294, -0.242143854955, 0.35061343903700004, 0.600488098733, -1.56098477825, 0.38870585208, -0.113382226798, 1.01503764545, 0.533309659557, 0.6738915546430001, 1.86609727224, -0.56283048862], [-1.74443883064, -0.881994093796, -0.635566316713, -0.981775734695, -0.551480451743, -1.21520138353, -0.23407552312199997, 1.71019769206, 0.0397162576456, 0.130201684633, 0.0324873593131, -0.179824873384, -0.502966211022, -0.630650193163, 0.669588518983, -0.607825949736, -2.3301768602200004, -1.20968259823, 0.0258344898983, 0.927665381557, 0.413328185259, 0.40069465330700005, 0.945455485233, -0.474220473164, 1.20906876609, -0.789282044085, 0.113698752718, 1.2734990450900001, -0.41102833081900003, -1.1833613411, 1.09662264714, 0.927665381557, 2.36524892599, -0.24513201403999998, 0.878421321661, 0.5182618295579999, 1.1310268454999999], [-0.40296605395, -1.12967812146, 0.352813779307, -0.48908375317100006, -0.463200786589, -1.26401667887, 0.207687988606, 0.610412195053, 1.40600633896, -1.52994682752, -0.287174646027, -0.252621177006, 0.549684075183, -0.320582839771, -0.09796578524980001, 0.278503024972, -1.52437480508, -0.766130757534, -1.1920947547, -1.10834547301, 1.82988012632, -0.794598817287, 1.8341507172599998, 0.459514967888, -0.19401006219300002, 0.299348686991, 0.8284691879530001, -0.5076937156600001, -0.592720467982, -1.76189740938, 1.29315224748, 0.6888831465999999, 1.8341507172599998, -0.20682036423500003, 0.8899408491799999, -0.204142553139, 1.7274678008000002], [0.270506940775, -0.654939407484, -0.47262535326000005, -0.0575527611981, -0.550256437639, -1.0510297593, 0.380791915326, 1.82105611333, 0.79813386972, -0.43359966251599996, -2.4010143457099997, -0.937102766909, -0.6694131498170001, -0.46937994845700004, 0.9056390586830001, -0.153785841398, -0.30723499458000003, -0.42359108032700005, -1.13536707846, 0.60819312069, 2.7384081395599997, 0.0, 1.37682761477, 1.08127941558, 1.12903474131, -0.94534752781, 0.0589583773488, 0.00641652863924, 0.0037171170738800005, -0.7757626151270001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7737259754699999, 0.195774855241, 0.0, 0.43931412163999994, -1.14977517516], [-1.20902125324, -1.47964667117, -1.00196916041, -0.9408201943150001, -1.70936919037, -1.05380079063, 0.276238358759, 0.690390932287, 1.0710215921100001, -1.35292282454, -0.22764434206599998, -0.903827242728, -0.41164731346, -0.48068719325000003, 0.8946668428039999, 0.044536665894, 0.526735891339, -1.92820436814, 0.312159427348, 0.8838848491410001, 1.26021631088, 0.151396374146, 1.58650425545, 0.8364648570119999, 1.7431141481999999, -0.07239909433029999, 0.63195040396, 0.163118857644, 0.0, 0.0, 0.146710126401, 0.314582650284, 1.238267095, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.69454908463, -0.888640415257, -0.395960653996, -1.25792975514, 0.272976136253, -1.6509555790900001, 0.9521345069689999, 1.38502848097, 1.33191647294, -0.430346939168, -0.674630746675, -0.247880968366, -0.653828023672, -0.637841040314, 0.54408782385, -0.42351923083099996, 0.920309670997, -1.5763939194799998, -0.504907720563, -0.718444635017, -0.253939778035, -0.985539443291, 0.949772856035, 0.636714096926, 0.675284281963, -0.480662167443, 1.93422654651, 0.634319282258, -0.30688629081999996, -1.12411633054, -0.376310139736, 0.279268232538, 1.3064648911599999, 1.0332135283700001, 2.16799968928, 0.7726037471330001, -0.513037382083], [-0.39491454809500004, 0.0656437367054, -1.01144264544, -0.9806261137090001, 0.321308539186, -2.5392338275, -0.41527970975699996, 1.62676597115, -0.164826357254, 0.303039607456, -0.208941516882, -0.7506392474279999, -1.7233183091, -1.09629552571, 0.579642856013, -0.34574614822599997, 0.367925739902, -0.92318219599, 0.656577108087, 0.11411112615, -0.235186628812, -1.0181858830500001, 1.0001697697799998, 1.01745919919, 0.40045093341, 0.484074381767, 0.375098478079, 0.968217142508, 0.5690778532649999, -0.467160411251, -0.418316632088, 2.04402369271, 1.79353945623, 0.311724593795, 0.0, 1.23359875242, -1.53915323751], [-1.7135518331200001, -0.8965607185179999, -0.164514736606, -0.674698502943, -0.105811267059, -2.06821580874, 0.05870947723830001, 0.625767936741, 1.9007385601, 0.273862802976, -1.0543242637, -1.7706754194599998, -1.10218061498, -0.329925401627, -1.53631352926, 1.4084423531499999, 1.3072695995399999, 0.655249582964, 0.291049885999, -0.468850882666, -0.455325521917, -0.30077604307100003, 0.34382769152500003, 1.01276184177, 0.705267127506, 0.291049885999, 0.200649480473, 1.7562741820900003, 0.407444146973, -1.10000762828, -0.650759398973, 0.209988783585, 1.38701511369, 0.41040145305299996, 0.050475125393900006, 1.3730152104, -0.27676867022199997], [-1.38985707839, -0.290268241863, -0.120997579427, -0.187824816914, -1.41953354889, -1.65175185182, 0.470417673713, 0.0970050626523, 1.8579157451900001, -0.553486287389, 0.20872556894400002, -1.1575914148100002, -1.07979119722, -0.452042619626, 0.28096447227, 1.40111509738, -0.46797283109, 0.89345115201, 0.49969414199600004, -1.12642989605, -0.16142187539, 0.0, -0.657929252494, 1.62065156699, -0.29872281681699997, 0.220984166347, -0.16464342082, 0.0272701754675, -0.39458219530500005, -1.26204536666, -0.84530497426, 0.0, 1.93103670699, 1.0102412677700001, 1.6525938098800002, 1.63112823706, -0.120997579427], [0.36897011075400005, -1.24773272873, -0.21996924549000002, -0.00471670369628, 0.924976739607, -1.1973637444399998, 0.655188412804, 1.15483354857, 1.3558268932799997, -1.5803430062200001, -1.20466590537, -0.332521569186, 0.123218115691, 0.11877252309599999, 0.823478901541, 0.994543339422, -1.5436149021799999, -0.548211900282, -0.831773315178, 0.343475139989, -0.973029866701, -0.635331824669, 0.563560197312, 1.44695472081, 0.706073424191, -1.13029189079, 0.737666324136, 0.469511583444, -0.10026599698899999, -1.5577969356799999, 0.275777385084, 0.793953241853, 2.77445777564, -0.433894433328, 0.503237607828, -0.43192746040799995, -1.16102455572], [0.07992841589039999, -0.0008875135655089999, -0.225326596098, -1.3532253923700002, 0.704564674996, -1.5592936545700002, 0.599391607935, 1.25921895364, 1.0091505620299999, -0.718382149965, -0.35587297443899996, -1.43874618706, -1.82249945943, -0.42689688989600005, 1.18315828346, 0.71333984697, -1.13952164387, -0.236342457502, -0.371408522293, -0.442573742104, -0.782705044202, -0.129978125832, -1.07429235747, 1.3321700323899999, 0.9245952645700001, -0.803337842885, 0.552327246713, 1.03317060535, 0.026676644674400004, -0.755107367633, 0.8973703367479999, 0.8285084275300001, 3.0397366105900003, 0.23741099224399997, -0.48648903280699995, 0.261052027355, -0.5588835790860001], [1.30902948267, 0.286293618441, -0.378375106216, -0.619000025145, 0.522280192423, -1.35464974123, 0.28437134745000003, 0.47441843008900003, 1.54224725516, -0.567744879428, 0.0434976643559, -0.724516810898, -1.13927402136, -0.652923612956, 0.169869571717, 0.583321596402, -1.38358537602, -0.0379001497253, -0.186975037377, -1.02231443856, 0.336161161281, -0.411364825123, 1.02801859654, -0.43686075553900006, 0.604174983879, -0.831144878935, 0.377763853344, 0.480540927389, -0.757284588679, -1.88725641418, 0.6460217040330001, 0.630868468431, 3.11117645704, -0.47900491796000005, 1.9751357391799997, -0.61033538787, -0.924680082622], [1.10492567759, 0.8733471367579999, 0.599867746908, 0.6509030120220001, -0.39748793306999997, -1.2339643544399999, 0.00649122252997, 1.0797919468700001, -0.0505664247908, -0.748897469761, -1.44788201734, -1.4148284376499998, -1.41201239361, -0.145844291715, 0.0617371755861, -0.159512343469, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.33935248637800003, 0.296665891293, 0.0, -0.231756923318, 1.28971983167, 0.994916444085, 0.0, 0.478620720646, 0.656845633514, -0.577315461997, -1.3548866398100001, -1.21157076012, 0.0, 2.5145954759299998, -0.640148607273, 0.994916444085, 0.621450084161, -1.53747287167], [-0.47267410073, -0.306364525439, -0.499257476633, -0.510043807634, -1.5208714182499998, -1.17929938102, 0.120813122272, 1.08081622411, 1.00805225805, -1.4500985146599998, -1.62894862148, -0.773467167576, 0.425372211903, -0.129547762029, 1.3069388424600001, 0.26070484039999997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.624082627166, 0.207439079646, -0.20373535619000002, 0.302736586232, 1.6983219914200003, 0.398639741338, 0.0, 0.678069408354, 0.17935019086800003, -0.768047423968, -2.0432991455500003, -0.108912814411, -0.245904895522, 2.56203676184, 0.307427435665, 0.737225990403, 0.920031021992, -0.977585923037], [-1.1715229554100002, -0.835493987181, 1.3492669225999998, 0.05334424555509999, -0.434042959208, -0.714261650193, 0.7934826081759999, 0.7634215994779999, 0.5025057177009999, -0.616945862387, -0.515493982186, -1.62514497125, -1.2071717633, -0.503348845139, -0.467988559513, 2.3678259832700004, -0.587323056271, -0.357802184055, -0.11058268204600001, 0.10222118453500001, -0.62825174447, 0.129221052269, 0.0370434373719, -0.619691249261, -0.479901551572, -1.7764607797599998, 1.17410942869, 0.9811289767970001, -0.522379790489, -0.725994939639, 2.4058034680700002, 1.67762849564, 0.852671418266, 0.45556619708000007, 0.0, 0.731415696398, -0.47685291855800005], [-1.5667587725999998, -0.670863816367, 0.00498238190426, -0.498481297514, -0.911817428697, -0.537434699285, -0.127314430999, 2.58221262387, -0.284395002083, -0.0650385942931, -0.34382713734, -1.5329314810199999, -1.30137446992, -1.0247608268600001, -0.527719607987, 1.08137058384, -0.0166255475967, -0.215744330904, -0.684023777294, -0.332473427425, 0.53240586688, 0.0536990822905, -0.09309706709599999, -0.41228240781400005, 0.284792040977, -0.440707664191, 0.7235925625640001, 0.9794627916490001, 1.17593829356, -0.24070476001999996, 1.06326731485, 0.9932114583660001, 1.6971030502200002, 0.31667578122699996, 0.0, 2.1514033869599998, -1.81174067185], [-0.13167005622300001, -0.359588707297, 0.23430210127700002, 0.333120631497, -0.737924061612, 0.500359543944, -0.226619858743, 1.0575232804999999, 0.324681104746, -0.0870457974196, -0.375722893037, -0.8228599985889999, -1.99861113723, -0.937212980853, -0.713671962746, 1.8919248618200002, -1.1399344233600002, -1.6943382573299999, -0.222720236054, -0.837582619579, -0.801559856188, 0.357727912419, 0.259628589276, 0.0488827934391, -0.202410768812, -0.8760262336929999, 1.7091382135799997, 0.513117868828, 0.710681622401, 0.924010932439, 0.6723244247779999, -1.3923062656, 1.9662632601299999, -0.629767280965, 0.0566149822655, 2.4557701500099998, 0.17150112197], [-0.00890209314569, -0.112585934454, 0.291198772638, 0.461067677557, -3.52673307977, -1.6587439730700002, -0.030155788403599997, 0.365488909324, 0.34266341271300005, -0.933674069912, -0.225208099632, -0.720846167592, -0.936662537779, -0.227108340746, -0.387606938102, 0.8986973977539999, -0.597829467544, -0.500530793731, -0.317126913414, -0.0007795245903560002, 1.20343601515, 0.6195801954869999, 0.513019311396, -0.117217812113, 0.939256617977, -0.7020056702590001, 0.542923731805, 0.9784420945960001, 0.237769887095, -0.0359166066096, 0.787676490457, 2.6333108896, 1.1303032254899998, -0.22920584670299998, 0.0015182550710999998, 0.734291196405, -1.41180442295], [0.389439165081, -0.491470854982, -0.232801290373, -0.564104729648, -2.0506271211400002, -3.32983630424, 0.0365569452295, 1.06778110407, 0.45466516038099997, -1.20141997824, -0.291831352487, -0.6044492474059999, -0.8647611158190001, -0.6044492474059999, 0.8064993361570001, 1.45399116691, -0.813722170976, -0.0345761998919, -0.129465499556, 0.618269606307, 0.23341786553000002, 0.271931556487, 1.10179701294, 0.500245520357, 0.7664871424040001, -0.438618295406, 0.695025683671, 1.4665570291499999, -0.462566248848, -0.956361330156, 0.405915480973, 0.686159851349, 1.5507974134399998, 0.724644557042, -0.32547334720800003, 1.06778110407, -0.901428367749], [0.470428256065, -0.0934816044511, -0.7275841464560001, 0.0509547431393, -2.2675686909, -2.36117615491, -0.147680669482, 0.500371707802, 0.35436251742700003, -0.12458182719000001, -1.20633874405, -0.867577670401, -2.95127750556, -1.10299931532, 0.450763149038, 0.65477548932, 0.012223489564200002, -0.250477833233, -0.299427992691, -0.748209419136, 0.325626131083, 0.14475835526900002, 0.0741770353018, 0.0784657752207, 0.743773700964, 0.29015944073000005, 0.6720310377779999, 0.192323132856, 1.32668569698, -0.262274154119, 0.876756643973, 1.32394693876, 0.866953809873, 0.6938405147650001, 0.809503898272, 1.30359142691, 1.1941828368], [-0.265206802794, -0.0137045112252, -0.0417807526137, -0.622181419969, -2.19937522056, -1.89075612245, -0.904815621638, -0.5734627760750001, 0.20379979725800001, -1.75368122562, 0.426629738689, -0.868157782783, -0.694233470365, -1.13364726529, 0.0677251139704, 0.531802249443, -0.166125795569, 0.6747342139679999, 0.0529824398359, -0.00139868272608, 1.8091954260599998, -0.06512314210839999, 0.39164550026999995, 1.23988906123, -0.665478383513, -0.7108811049160001, -0.141820098506, -0.354590807661, 1.32629137709, 0.651174065738, 1.11239693744, 2.6257436757900003, 0.20788218043900003, -0.516445266559, 0.576750901584, 1.5312841776100001, 0.152939396524], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.15639037184, 0.669876414546, -0.595729457792, 1.05125654688, -0.25775055464200003, -0.939539793723, -1.17473747352, 0.591865986712, -0.216086053323, 0.54937532276, 1.75149466408, -0.0649898382833, -0.530554942657, 0.102991346852, -0.31449601619600004, 0.921268185494, -0.858563600403, 0.256259179265, 0.515842708671, 0.8650812631489999, 0.330931358697, -0.552695578843, -0.193040733369, -0.285905118178, 1.64994739325, -0.961108656077, 0.327391517084, 0.741008501801, 2.0857856199, -3.1200396977700002, -0.20049661643599997, -0.765279870251, -0.222971635827], [-2.0799649970900003, -0.33861251549500004, 0.275046704692, 0.827868864865, -1.37290049311, -0.14005452087200002, -1.2162685257999999, 0.784892209213, 0.427749536832, -1.9654202745099998, -1.40061750898, 0.15139568522500002, -1.06996636359, 0.298019404265, 1.52425004479, 0.35878204095399996, -1.05640041609, -0.680621705002, 0.7517409342810001, -0.379113421353, 0.157719108044, 0.360731746356, 1.32872658396, 0.46425587709, 0.5233270782580001, -0.18916360564100002, 0.510205948832, 1.0271354612899999, 1.5118159948299998, 0.603492242882, 0.335894468103, -0.25883618833, 1.71295721899, -1.63102009801, 0.829951609838, 0.352957224014, -1.3399553537200002], [-2.64573731961, -1.7414660936300002, -0.18421553849599998, -0.34993983340400003, -0.375599040073, 0.284570809816, 0.136005878947, 1.0089814082200002, 0.539713206135, -0.8785865513860001, -1.07180060184, -0.613476975114, -1.1376437847399998, -0.305115525904, 1.9767193794, 0.908903352164, -0.828251784219, -0.555907918719, -0.466794401472, 0.856145310337, -1.02220997668, -0.16029559266100002, -0.8878740163590001, 1.19522761412, 0.411240427583, -0.736503177274, -0.137205862156, 0.7482521718970001, 0.8890579724079999, -0.777302006584, 1.1215133126, 1.0167681085, 2.17254485031, 0.133694722913, 0.605435535088, 0.708955749805, 0.162196190083], [-1.0177927718200002, -0.581555475586, 0.09889129510099999, 0.119333558521, -1.16291387157, -0.62147337844, -1.1164655561799999, 0.77589170043, 0.7003776185799999, -1.36942782118, -3.17377748361, 0.119333558521, -0.022840980350799997, 0.537525327014, 1.0746499887899998, 0.533636277753, -0.36809870258199995, -0.22152950454, -0.113101716666, 0.293256755112, -0.759638402201, 0.14661465312799998, 0.200074061719, 1.0274918799500001, -0.648712583487, -0.590651126496, -0.28193468637200003, -0.122960051389, 1.0732306916, -0.973726714754, 1.54556575081, 1.0913300773799999, 2.4305835568400003, -0.514377694716, 1.41421158551, 0.13004126361999999, 0.34893892155999995], [-0.931652392666, -1.18669753936, 1.2760919333, -0.76129107341, 0.0, -0.239901234907, -0.48400190449600006, -0.624903762987, 0.0, -0.0739557209635, -2.0342645731599998, 0.128008439699, -1.11506949889, 1.6204440445, -0.220764581305, 0.0, 0.548966849058, 0.869927441469, -0.917140026539, -0.401967935168, 0.00528648466752, 0.267346958094, -0.701012319425, 1.9698548809599998, -0.09457802689719999, -1.3906182128100002, 0.0, 0.0, 1.3912470788299998, 0.23268546895599998, 0.687424426622, -0.840427517342, 1.27396875485, -0.605261413656, 0.571978078351, 1.94815367253, -0.16787677790999997], [-1.31212073827, -1.92921005498, -0.794518200337, -0.251811204259, 1.57951404519, 0.47811192079099996, 0.511633555056, 0.393007326695, 1.5112332806600002, -1.6676233624899999, -0.367649330077, 0.6349610492600001, -0.24778923401500003, 0.8751192368359999, -0.966008296496, 0.27220602267, 0.137684960261, 0.189767394821, -1.6474947235799997, -0.915505921527, -0.629275750863, -1.14240549089, 0.343269606605, -0.35483035506800004, -0.334594675724, 0.619580107548, 1.08534801862, 0.801474576496, 0.015311392662899999, -0.485026978608, 0.12937415406400002, 2.8636425896900004, 0.806200427333, -0.169919906267, 0.0437831085509, 1.02996202265, -1.10540057302], [-1.02673296813, -1.13297364883, 0.141261629838, 0.818290513154, 0.9065871234749999, 0.08952354967970001, 0.570427501255, -0.006214582502659999, 2.18819350059, -0.837344932765, -0.92578913301, 0.15044875601, -0.7001981689229999, -0.033466094968, -1.46222675721, 0.577116638667, 0.506410114664, 0.20140159907000002, -1.07192021793, -1.9693657056, -0.49442596405100003, -1.13762776804, 0.0678481920942, -0.0821981080799, -0.840135740925, 0.403950805869, 1.28873541919, 0.998278387189, -0.211048475018, -0.5428528948920001, -0.15183953931299998, 3.0141346597500003, 0.5224567560010001, 0.00823404967009, 0.40645785026000003, 0.925428688206, -1.15882503443], [0.0892956235429, -2.24781947033, 1.3119481397200001, 1.8141594064700002, 0.0656995774522, 0.705636804369, 0.835415883541, 0.152851102048, 1.5332887447499999, -1.3198729490999999, -0.262084069653, -1.0699889430299998, -0.720857474351, -0.515770494468, -1.44417921696, 0.649970945839, 0.35731581391999995, 0.398115879454, -0.536856805215, -0.7850837642, -2.05261026181, 0.457382391893, -0.482603942703, 0.111851687599, -0.8891806259530001, -0.0573226966679, 1.0950632118899999, 0.7041433350220001, -0.14568369048399998, -0.660532917366, 1.80061551866, 1.3119481397200001, -0.929093018927, -0.0890412422601, 1.18130989827, -0.199343782469, -0.16808673822700002], [0.549330222057, -2.3831892246, 0.820685136696, 0.239004817165, 2.3247651177599997, 0.404583966397, -0.521085458664, 0.780529067138, -1.43960658284, -1.2299404078899998, 0.795668074484, 0.155279472883, -1.24896590238, -0.660586244411, -0.278642457983, -0.025436505333599996, 0.6903388435950001, 0.763010123821, -0.5967826527269999, 0.08604170253860001, -1.98997173432, -0.7449703009559999, 0.00782570844096, 0.626940086353, 0.306872857154, 0.292134753352, 0.23639737509199998, 1.1796252270299998, -0.987051628275, -1.03767821018, 1.0834196252700001, 1.81873246438, 0.175526195179, -0.0964940416011, 0.0, 0.654458342006, -0.750767826616], [-0.568758125543, -1.24858946629, -0.0217331000031, 0.16446998754, 0.621292125422, -1.07849495277, 0.0879260330999, 1.6505432662600001, -0.10825234359099999, -2.22371589907, 0.339982364892, -0.279468834971, 0.16822292793299998, 0.627911795223, 0.0769071226522, -0.8433273392389999, -1.0792249462799999, -1.5091317843399998, -1.49584351736, -0.8841224607439999, -1.8568016386500001, -0.0675066041001, 0.8282950044930001, 0.00203586577465, 0.536083784624, 0.238553181613, 0.7371421917700001, 1.0980967109100002, 0.741703968414, 1.3724174265399998, 1.6788766989500001, 1.81213229377, -1.04163319565, 0.732897008553, 0.365783924486, -0.258011446264, 0.683341971952], [0.369074222426, -0.978565563039, 1.1912671099799998, 0.108855909569, 0.07210254161889999, -0.819164168966, 0.8176698298649999, 0.29830859819600003, 0.194971563358, -1.80562868504, -0.9957200225700001, -2.20629883509, -0.119600844659, -1.00125231666, -1.4811493162399998, 0.455639100464, -0.641344651533, -0.989438737074, -0.513760444732, -0.8246885843539999, -1.04166849677, 0.0, 1.3137693739299998, 1.0972526402399998, 1.27589675902, 1.3614851679299997, 1.98128648842, 1.26866428281, 0.342716410129, 0.6260239257010001, -0.629017860683, 0.0, -0.183419197802, 0.536460589039, 0.0611798836931, -0.0716341728036, 0.929727501609], [0.399780473622, -0.997621125313, 0.581163496228, 0.211182864764, -0.7334957122619999, -1.1462386169499998, 0.970452884809, 0.8792154899879999, 1.6754132321899997, -1.4158904252899998, 0.030081814199200002, -2.0897873070200004, 0.273963912614, -1.5503433902200001, -2.2286550749400003, 0.641879471987, -0.056815156199199995, 0.012282617690700002, -0.981191440036, -0.517212060131, 0.009319536027700002, 0.0, 1.76982835385, 1.23604910253, -0.437583441814, 0.897518565354, 1.20401711674, 0.18002347487599998, 0.425342873174, 0.303928898431, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8469397825339999, -0.578441507828, 0.0, -0.175236957911, 0.36012825431199996], [0.850680309401, -0.0529808758713, 1.02870520044, 0.486333733409, -1.22064724323, -1.31239559903, 0.7922792237559999, 0.524590674768, 0.830037592938, -1.13469079085, -1.41576071854, -0.546700756483, 0.7247597372650001, -1.63193924408, -1.30887806505, -0.312755726435, 0.150502551461, -0.888590501482, -1.26960961919, -1.7935310613900002, -0.6978916772679999, -0.947218554148, 1.78222266475, 0.7218029452429999, 1.5306971185799998, 0.562354174385, 0.0121745263907, 1.76350049425, 0.5967701332, -0.545210095068, 0.705994835197, 1.08891912333, 0.572515648839, 0.0367516390768, 1.06872887675, -0.399988321148, -0.351532354158], [0.456184866018, -1.01480758688, 0.641518449314, -0.00583356149403, -0.8866395405769999, -0.821146274406, 0.0501791257561, 1.3219696252600002, 0.735213474428, -1.9938986878, -0.931313736084, -0.949362681188, -0.300334675689, 0.164462293269, 0.44810031337300005, 0.8024327737279999, -0.10195294787900001, 0.07810727605050001, -1.75974141632, -0.8359098216859999, -0.8267437912350001, -0.47532284682, 1.71779074959, 1.30229835577, 1.1232771970200002, 0.355268125719, 0.382274227496, 0.9342012654970001, -0.017096699134299998, -0.13352722550999999, 1.14432109793, 1.61102749054, 1.49549720551, -1.6002543470800001, 0.0, -0.7624286226270001, -1.34780944986], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.182181033993, -1.25180918552, 0.828883155031, 0.414084871542, 1.98026809238, -1.04401750582, -0.771041118898, -1.6691862447799999, -0.9983632574339999, 0.0961399406308, -0.685980551972, 0.39968844568899997, 0.18244063959800003, 0.216536818803, -0.625380285694, -0.487961705718, -0.237266539244, -0.465770465585, 1.3523961013499999, 1.00493870613, 1.16756812553, 0.496906088075, 1.04609925063, 1.3523961013499999, 0.0697156111497, -0.592875554533, 0.9332335587809999, 1.5344762235799998, -0.17591533025800002, -1.32113014886, 0.0, -0.41591309870300003, -2.15097970325], [1.06271701698, -0.607588548776, 0.5880559931189999, 1.0202755382700002, -1.71321299194, -1.34082130642, 1.605323949, 0.784888839781, 1.49289314558, -2.62929666823, -0.936329332352, -1.49075301644, -0.972135104482, 0.32056578248000006, -0.98788030595, 0.385151632836, -0.158271544588, 0.16339302833, -0.910518037271, -0.143780782761, -0.736680084076, 0.646316661436, 0.8815038389480001, 1.38984975725, 0.419479221161, -0.117873351076, 0.6178365821790001, 0.656020533016, -0.276834960827, 0.413087708496, 0.566660842785, 1.0003717410100001, 0.925647260458, -0.45778623349500003, -0.0160583375293, 0.150935826305, -1.59515429322], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.719901457379, -1.1883234527700002, 0.918442729504, 2.02590084396, 1.2782771957799999, -2.00942268905, 0.144067773928, -1.76998435192, 0.028314160921800002, -0.44099025998400004, 0.062761169653, 0.06774046216969999, -0.335178176275, 1.26056984698, -0.7033930766680001, -0.884250559058, -0.645752783735, -1.29015330542, 1.75581144337, 0.109829051962, -0.675544247166, 0.420721591455, 0.363947476255, 0.612209454763, 0.434391845711, -0.00818670058536, 0.639453348181, 1.57201792774, 0.671298635324, -1.47604280937, 0.0, -0.303481307936, 0.0848502196571], [-0.18163727881299999, -2.30456510192, -0.652174902846, -0.186000581481, 0.8596659340180001, -1.29053205986, 0.520071247148, 0.480893863748, 1.32716335342, -1.33941187104, -0.32090293962, -0.379308440646, 0.699201140965, -0.652174902846, 0.174656553222, 0.43575774594300004, -0.712910261771, 0.203020990638, -1.16120221935, -1.9145815672, -1.7989754799000002, -1.22075293021, 1.49875142196, 1.8530337499599998, 1.26192016544, 0.0173609479609, 0.513500429889, 1.0668811099200002, -0.305435469436, -0.10940803977800001, 0.884108336694, 0.0404645942727, 1.04888643051, 0.71091543588, 0.8064603613850001, -0.279680275208, 0.406940508951], [0.0397477210776, -1.32087185453, 0.276526751927, 0.8758004200399999, -0.327104882605, -1.8676581000999999, -0.15364317118100002, -0.162047214952, 0.9999018177079999, -1.9003198584099998, -0.760922132767, -1.4944195638999997, 0.28708631204, -0.483093445687, -0.7394098362100001, 0.21002073188200002, -0.9845275407999999, 0.309925959263, -0.46856959216300004, -1.76410768852, -1.05576101899, -0.944280986534, 0.8941529710420001, 1.37780105725, 0.602004744961, 0.257566166446, 1.0415489744600002, 1.0085882128399999, 0.47861044390600005, -0.749735601557, 0.29297664568000004, 0.942373933638, 1.9416429182599997, 1.41587511193, 0.768443581113, -0.130944704181, 1.28682271762], [0.231235601446, -1.35287649655, -0.243225121836, 0.20974678942699998, 0.8486481351180001, -0.477693604877, -0.129460596676, 0.28603633446, 1.15265982758, -2.1339835583, -0.943426992339, -1.59637981352, -0.618252897547, -0.896575855621, -0.612141038793, 0.48947178456699997, -0.877161375599, -0.0286380752715, -1.04301324282, -1.1218996593000001, -1.27059738184, -0.328190213585, 0.910157944207, 1.82480723363, 0.459305821209, -0.44720639191000006, 0.19837401148699998, 0.48414305479900005, 0.392193543067, 1.33273754713, 0.10184344059, 1.30712335524, 2.70197843987, 0.0771840699689, 0.600394709476, 0.854404028329, -0.34172335520999997], [-0.532962257163, -2.06002163531, 0.111275329067, -0.100005965263, 0.255036062678, 0.0448742692643, 0.413523515536, 0.31371763586, 2.0242075759400002, -1.4388184774000001, -0.633648685513, -1.82880241443, -0.25632424480599997, -0.100005965263, 0.125207988125, 1.31771967876, -0.942832207655, -0.0076054709062700005, -0.940792218336, 0.132819460078, -0.373282354772, -0.6714156376579999, 1.12486322946, 0.996426909831, 0.873995430705, 0.304864326578, 1.2271706572499999, 1.8328197963, 0.307405416348, 0.270120742007, -0.9597878243860001, 1.03677829384, 1.5490498206099999, 0.029289305633, -1.64196140557, -1.1511730284700001, -0.651725650972], [-0.344127514367, -1.39219532414, 0.289076261152, 0.073897904539, 1.1582346641299999, -1.0990265412, -0.0813834060245, 0.5143980020310001, 1.06342046628, -1.48573780664, -0.583226016449, -1.4111127141799997, -0.256746361724, -0.696752805084, -0.22353659597300002, 0.9738313495659999, -0.7611472049079999, 0.466754508648, -0.580523864983, -0.248385198461, -0.611481371176, -1.01436640742, 0.964425545231, 0.838716818149, 0.33701917352300004, 0.212347760886, 0.579586571951, 1.1289263985299998, 0.697594021017, -0.242626069206, 0.920751541213, 2.3469481763599997, 2.46903101281, -0.39788915342799996, -1.57329881479, -0.772235902957, -1.25916110292], [0.0900846797689, -2.62946196282, 0.36754232967699996, 0.9036703800650001, -0.12304610858, -2.32566245895, -0.30036689073199996, 0.14502109513699998, 0.750332426329, -1.17842822957, -0.271670086258, -1.5466484436399999, 0.23324652949299998, 0.118450562358, -0.802675090617, 1.4782415804499998, 0.07870323782319999, 0.834067899999, -0.6801950797669999, 0.231705228275, -0.172870534204, -1.23533880044, 1.0113383327399998, 1.795188723, 0.337227780177, 0.328782337328, 0.0177742956229, 0.793947537992, 0.969413569356, 0.421535833151, -0.7754091505149999, 1.33426872841, 1.5787010007100002, -0.00043665786004400006, -0.19865103888900001, -0.537280711647, -1.04110284337], [-1.2084326773799998, -1.28045396236, -0.017748397011799998, 0.493213786327, -0.13715591535399999, -1.5444843769799999, 1.23209614735, 2.07741569031, 0.35789748686399997, 0.928727992405, -0.14726674581399998, -0.596349338779, -1.0006135517499999, -0.431652884168, -0.9366774991050001, 0.419088210088, -1.3065269963600001, 0.189050842677, -1.33610745611, -0.00952200597564, -0.09702115174760001, -1.0197639063500001, 1.4283984947200001, 1.8783658979099997, 1.17454064852, -0.157275939029, 0.871966247292, 1.17454064852, 0.0, 0.0, -0.827144211206, -0.544462981171, 0.37335790365099997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.170179141107, -0.669504244679, 1.1725181035799999, 0.870224183209, 0.0113303173788, -0.839001429587, 0.556389878331, 0.7214905087379999, 0.582464236741, -1.49551723806, -0.19976588272, -1.15995802949, -1.3851197516999998, 0.582464236741, -1.18879601749, 1.06033298943, -1.9280816339700002, 0.46931378644199995, -1.5474666790399998, 1.04858497963, -0.566068735295, -1.41667839375, 1.8399811385, 1.8291717037900002, 1.4079533570200002, 0.0712693046082, 0.655572732753, 0.582464236741, 0.08585079963020001, 0.0934940483682, -0.44359487169600004, -0.9257600866, 1.10503765914, -0.18730445738200002, 0.096148367884, -1.15294945142, 0.433689475329], [-0.0646726415541, -2.15493464637, -0.0157197794061, 0.0345742661895, 2.2945280389300002, 0.0273935680364, 0.645075171477, 0.502297451097, -0.18243884732299998, -2.30260001674, -0.403769198645, -1.6736971395, -0.886638826237, 0.40010133172300005, -1.01965769782, -0.211620195516, -0.912709000845, 0.031157035335, -1.5367662023100002, -0.660973707537, 0.479703298445, -1.20294746168, 1.56908534968, 0.680791144908, 0.698084326189, 0.279426616969, 0.713509799208, 0.349393955095, -0.0835760321175, 0.625804258383, 0.344130892601, 0.9133576765289999, 1.55076269867, 0.665232136286, 0.256167598005, -0.698083461047, 0.9502282408930001], [-0.452135639634, -1.6692352133300001, -0.529340895524, -0.29057518465, 2.39044179255, -1.00964801675, 1.16415867931, -0.28477557714699997, 1.32427215881, -1.76959434979, -1.6159363253799999, -0.323305613063, 0.441209737819, 0.160372678474, -1.2024818947, 0.600946936633, -0.990496265283, 0.552018671863, -0.853413531205, 0.740068355113, -1.8234652392500001, -0.794812412424, 0.320044944834, 1.05615397871, 0.49179629110399997, -0.626424576566, 0.71959715769, -0.157636032555, 0.130767377833, -0.0165422468186, -0.0902003357832, 0.7940213129000001, 0.743761141496, 1.16643704375, 0.581642903947, -0.533141736931, 1.65544992395], [0.422511208954, -1.31712641553, 0.0882377937282, 0.86284072598, 0.554884687328, -0.65318199422, 1.12573712554, -1.20096481806, 0.788877760953, -0.988920131441, -0.7643604967300001, -1.89775412031, -0.41046029622, -0.657941808611, -1.6963990904100001, -0.284016113314, -0.016103771309100002, 0.658164754651, -1.52926740166, -0.453931267994, -0.974484043056, -0.620190943834, 1.77331761525, 0.766268345642, 1.20767325927, -0.281810698131, 0.705498219298, 0.21020937928, -0.0839587742172, -0.527800486436, 0.430655106647, 0.386416998707, 1.5027161197, 0.7362839685349999, 0.684742769816, -0.9276170519399999, 2.38125388414], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.15114979259, -0.707419836426, 0.100808566381, -0.386801495621, 0.45692735024, -1.6994684990900002, -1.47019275718, -1.6198039368200001, -0.04377542455490001, -1.0046708123399999, -1.70694950222, -0.0753736787203, -0.418504117193, -0.948836243424, -0.717584248946, -0.530991047928, -0.129177747154, -0.350245544797, 0.651261096205, 1.6972975526700003, 0.483581314601, -0.0476580101305, 1.38829749588, 0.198648068603, -0.277139916167, -0.986745566451, 1.53815378149, 1.13977902248, 0.727617238516, 0.75995704787, 1.29681461556, -0.23597010586999997, 1.7670155479299998], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.796568542522, -0.8302324211959999, 0.917249680114, 0.618614528045, 1.4182563924, -1.7050396461200001, -1.6879878995700002, -1.7248360867099997, -0.250693368675, -0.12334079187899999, -1.5817795368799998, 0.56611131065, 0.113785153783, 0.35937607466399996, -1.08998101794, -1.06409922716, -1.44690235657, -0.0306665015297, 0.579422925378, 1.0829682843700001, 0.38982818955799997, 0.22670734794300001, 0.515001851386, -0.0973417808054, 0.200803630306, -0.6891654311130001, 0.6427821099350001, 1.82229934612, 1.1375010802399999, 0.396441751928, 0.12231064216700001, 0.12953509987700002, 1.8796392098099997], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.22152172442, -0.731543361741, 1.6650937313999998, 0.612883111785, -0.31607045445799997, -0.769196359544, -1.9087991446900001, -0.676420402992, -1.3842004824899998, -0.388335023188, -1.7994787750299999, -0.346858270308, -0.897942429685, -0.754197548639, -1.21935014411, 0.040668327424499995, -1.09910572505, -1.15924826114, 1.70087959993, 1.25255065034, 0.6727649278769999, -0.0160961037045, 0.6925998618800001, 0.754566615949, 0.402287762861, 0.139568875101, 1.32105135587, 0.381084132484, 0.713595368609, 0.707575284386, 0.0, 0.12505530822, 1.0630958482100001], [-0.8031339640090001, -1.79857382472, -0.6255329424830001, -0.329200715463, 0.354073490298, -0.24651788596000002, 1.91279630566, 0.8834496637899999, 0.645220284365, -1.00166682203, -0.46906146889600003, -1.06280647562, 0.69625082514, -0.0058299439555799994, -1.4605742488, -1.29076456268, 0.346370316689, 0.242440429675, -1.7046967692700001, -0.57619451206, -0.9352806740620001, -0.81073907638, 1.6351914804700003, 2.2065286483, 1.4686455455200003, 0.166395873462, -0.31815254370499996, -0.487411236771, 0.790024683498, 0.908805311268, -0.366595164799, 1.6351914804700003, 0.46118282988799997, 0.547464097975, -0.18289418018599998, -0.33992776429, -0.08447649033150001], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.9992737484, 0.0851353617713, 0.351314813352, 1.32689658935, 0.505695435202, -1.3950286109999999, -0.583194912253, -2.10754481235, -0.583194912253, -0.7160480417560001, -1.21740800219, -0.114064445791, -1.4191298704299997, -0.21069201602499998, -0.620379596908, -0.139328279512, -0.609705031021, 0.322316414255, 0.682134216576, 2.67636249575, 0.39043727681100004, -0.344067658433, 0.613674488266, -0.381948175008, -1.3950286109999999, 0.12669064224, 1.05467047918, 0.495241744673, -0.18514065930999998, 0.407274046039, 0.0, 0.948129322408, 0.036656560959], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.28364431362, -1.18612317104, 0.456773487727, 1.21124207644, 0.644635157997, -0.405553381465, -0.7029399603990001, -1.82146796977, -1.48970488359, -1.51449568035, -0.614069313033, 0.444121628202, -0.211873038123, 0.17305714410700002, -0.443889154573, -0.18428910081099997, -0.41659558062700003, -0.339905757222, 1.67815069359, 2.42285033437, 0.132665918238, 0.0542013481288, 0.293121766124, 0.07986354703660001, -1.7991121266799999, -0.151486863203, 0.366642457418, 0.17106839801100002, 0.33681288743199994, 0.0019311854112, 0.0, 0.540415280172, -0.00969164314361], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.6848513647299999, 0.397497728915, 1.67673452695, 0.505915494051, 0.6731527011990001, -1.6470669588100002, -0.806273978649, -0.953712907821, -0.49595850511100004, 0.664131771615, -1.77476763378, 0.8337460150020001, -1.5429248976700003, 0.57350852728, -0.977753283696, -1.32528698225, -1.23836119813, -0.489049273583, -0.142687069682, 2.0665223391599996, -0.560611331135, -0.579088932518, 0.683629278149, 0.555157920205, -0.130908142731, -1.09046814988, 1.02140291329, 0.664131771615, 0.8800512584360001, 0.44644886850000004, 0.232352932676, 0.220487203671, -0.0248033700027], [0.546760204141, -0.856066894841, -0.017240975909200002, 1.14050854324, 0.797538287027, 0.153046322146, 1.34527625054, 0.08595335083210001, 1.31013074894, -1.27387497207, 0.043252862712000004, -2.9595620686900004, 1.02715709346, 0.42378907576200003, -0.554940789497, 0.228272440734, -0.890234130736, -0.49454360959399996, -0.606795169344, -0.637581911153, -0.990422875361, -0.653442226587, 0.365510017884, 1.2953914283299999, 1.87034861531, -1.5554568202899999, -0.209952900238, 0.6519380988660001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0631841804739, 0.099791791252, 0.252266032668, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.09295908212880001, -0.47952746636200005, 0.131640315243, 0.0324814028409, 1.17426782272, -0.252661241362, 0.46743801799400003, 0.32859254138300004, -0.06303423465710001, -0.7351799779930001, -0.0472310499866, -4.752329067840001, -0.252561562551, -0.133633434473, -1.263443826, 0.11613308089199999, -0.00422967316767, 0.367238119249, -0.533358390676, 0.252622274202, -0.38832627584, -0.20953165866, 0.9888628354250001, 1.01367131792, 0.769644007326, 0.15853355554600002, 0.616193174274, 0.25347134410300004, 0.11117092305500001, -0.6839162943260001, 0.334618725493, 0.0513897366216, 1.2541386733600002, 0.363065106641, 0.0, -0.456925653551, 1.3777577510299999], [-2.71246929816, -1.44155942207, -1.97598189458, -1.9106750470599998, 0.907314018083, -1.60260741208, 0.507235390801, 0.887457161629, 1.57449809264, 0.905347906403, 0.495325726139, -0.392549657437, -0.0152590267987, -0.17372006820099997, 0.38783347875299995, 1.07316864874, 0.20347666378100002, 0.17331307022599998, 0.0180800118985, -0.44433098373, 0.34639352864699996, 0.45962125296000006, 0.281346935614, 0.382952912047, -0.38297405668799994, -0.25830614482700004, 0.967303359589, 0.903181378801, -0.281421456237, -0.6036881211249999, -0.25686452479899996, 0.51752669173, 2.05979239417, 0.263990411756, -1.24154919235, 0.344338256008, 0.0344590157338], [-2.89295153593, -2.4210491208900002, -2.21336812878, -1.72387650525, 0.497405465765, -0.709786848723, 0.763536668185, 0.09524861697280002, 1.98307764552, 0.45981594327200004, 0.13408532142899998, -0.171815491947, 0.661698698958, 0.18078293445399998, 0.206223820218, -0.048903503734300004, 0.410024293388, 0.186348557541, 0.140538635079, 0.42144725797, -0.146918943022, -0.18399893737700002, 0.567539497175, -0.0761848391818, 0.325535277342, 0.33907608085900004, 0.689836650848, 0.819517702417, -0.0437450717366, 0.447527109037, -0.501281217178, -0.4840655871, 1.15139881745, 1.03815385698, -0.9920038219509999, -0.170582367226, 1.26171306917], [-2.61310204621, -1.9863330064500002, -1.9427234723400002, -1.11976304512, 1.2075032122, -0.7013840055789999, 1.28335693721, 1.04391580671, 1.4596865645, 1.1125400058600001, 1.00589408399, -0.816301480525, 0.6973185046629999, 0.936496165106, -0.283655509309, 0.278735392775, -0.454754149731, -0.311321020941, -0.500843502889, 0.783478288475, -0.173676617289, -1.0378467356899999, 0.745404226574, -0.894707439332, 1.17304598002, -0.16904890447, 0.592883596189, 1.15190405252, 0.7605134445209999, -0.531031401849, -0.264218136215, -0.896732013831, -0.156710100987, 0.20083905238400002, -0.0851712121136, -0.13057836283399998, 0.636386850004], [-1.9379727473700001, -1.93320220698, -1.22488028913, -1.1551030762899999, 1.5414001082799997, -0.642814853694, 0.459263827462, -0.106145936394, 1.78464338949, 2.13749101187, 0.496455117124, -1.66093621144, -0.747193541116, -0.271414142867, 0.334690864855, 0.735019833358, 0.14886378412999998, 0.430365908469, 0.612081088548, -0.16863908067000002, -0.09861987679630001, -1.0573035228299998, 0.860542899888, 1.7748161101400002, -0.499976783845, -0.19387914662300001, 0.617335965561, 0.201726920698, -0.241623314797, -0.000465339157872, 0.26941237960700004, -0.248049624461, 1.25608304559, -0.9093979410299998, 0.0, -0.7933498214560001, 0.230775201891], [-1.87002188824, -1.91361216525, -1.01590983092, -1.1393959666, 1.76718347542, -0.5130878829159999, 0.551494773444, -0.075846527883, 0.8280343003180001, -0.8720946782889999, -1.1150909242799998, -1.1584481693100002, -1.17909403698, -0.08592260105289999, -0.968624696151, -0.21496147865200002, 0.19414802444899998, 0.0157239110165, -0.300717066992, -0.53953929028, -1.5977758146, -0.35872106298399997, 1.22013554077, 0.457517833082, 1.1213057233200001, 0.010917184638100002, 0.5435902341350001, 0.362010366221, 0.48333637264, -0.206837574096, 0.7703587647419999, 0.464101413893, 1.2907132032100002, 1.6149346401700002, 0.555309553221, 1.19467112156, 1.68021521921], [-1.5570853091999999, -2.00012837283, -1.19696931598, -1.3040823956, 1.8281086704599998, -1.48460019667, 0.721460268796, 0.696220132244, 1.04348846475, 0.503703512484, 0.232464423343, -0.958231872318, -0.864748725847, -0.419164291719, -0.8217341558589999, 1.55533974024, -0.22958523679200002, 0.390915140524, -0.343897255357, -0.68126983348, -1.48460019667, 0.0, 0.681034231002, 1.0294029053, -0.172825261878, -0.186281412785, 1.1260475644299999, 0.983548486417, 0.233748898123, 0.151889037006, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9682477227449999, 1.19051374618, 0.0, 0.532178851449, -0.163107962504], [-2.22898866913, -1.4087250315600002, -0.746878643492, -0.7852191589049999, 2.50462247376, -0.186449271114, 0.971583324472, -0.222062081736, 0.0777925157075, -0.6429829848699999, -0.122144155777, -1.5290490696599999, 0.7550289000429999, -1.1083363793799998, -0.7116934194910001, -0.34943372945699996, -0.736807356906, -0.219301708631, -0.45309722997100005, -0.53754770327, -0.020844086353, 0.0361629079126, 0.77965994258, 0.262474748484, 0.20008428611200002, 0.31799282981800003, 1.0485703341700001, 0.433398594076, -0.693403965065, -0.432537469846, 0.37215889847499994, 0.0247432190765, 3.0519917204, 1.3090481076, 0.226698765458, 0.41086662090899995, 0.352623925563], [-1.35120129471, -1.98855974431, -0.5873206689630001, -1.2024969350499999, 0.112517204221, -1.7318469692099998, 0.277287321531, 2.0980888906, 1.3871817637700001, 0.652382331229, 1.13467971965, -0.542291005354, -1.6732438886200003, -0.30385688542399997, -0.664424331372, -0.06336609117809999, 0.00714519564183, -0.285642965696, -0.8385962256820001, -0.8607484780660001, -0.875902274087, -0.653772230229, 0.20866719045200002, -0.689094570357, 0.944423497623, -0.743028798643, 0.8078835489399999, 0.6962551475100001, 1.5397107608899998, 1.1237082675299999, -0.4099069006, 0.9669989873459999, 1.3182883886799999, 0.9070314896680001, 0.446349003487, 0.38327454670999994, 0.453427002074], [-2.10314414348, -1.9586343397200001, -1.37646029429, -1.31013470484, 0.286469182925, -1.59240115669, 1.97315845967, 1.7813432620599996, 0.247358001848, 0.337240962747, 1.05592212626, -0.5345215419680001, -0.618106624279, -0.203536227563, -0.614412811614, -0.049593459698999996, 0.380050903868, 0.262968306061, -0.37492141560900005, -0.495585944579, -1.02990283489, 0.0, -0.218532188704, -0.0659250000844, 0.310119552738, 0.5520189535310001, 0.0894295705744, -0.010960870733700001, 0.661979042469, 0.50869174745, 0.0, 0.0, 1.66015060981, 1.3576455819799997, 0.0, 0.385331926075, 0.7068953686789999], [-1.4687130542, -2.08264439593, -1.34195989035, -1.30733896202, -0.054350519112400006, -1.26449393564, 0.760266091711, 0.31423582041, 1.2614842672700002, 0.301484169714, 0.29951622574700004, -1.27085574835, -0.799252098299, -0.9733413837010001, 0.29951622574700004, 0.117474863896, -1.0181613452399998, 0.69405025973, 1.87318525417, -0.8176673502399999, -1.35907205434, -0.861484724867, 0.403087295978, -0.345382802057, -0.468602344783, 0.285803139189, 0.8845395580200001, 0.754427161214, 1.04953779486, 0.8845395580200001, 1.31533820655, -0.448582934662, 1.34968958283, 0.994046292914, 0.611575089132, 0.265910686168, 1.16219600052], [-1.45545731701, -0.7889512418529999, -0.49993983703999995, -0.289640995109, 0.0, -1.4431785482700001, 1.02556785965, 1.1745193193, 0.0, 1.73858274502, 0.9761988507889999, 0.122731417336, -1.26216840548, -0.41528819421999996, 0.580779099502, 0.0, -0.0690702534247, -0.16255132707999997, 0.43501101313699997, -0.99422591588, -0.813838314138, -1.14182729002, -0.804160322302, -1.65039095799, 0.109795813881, 0.113337129456, 0.0, 0.0, -0.369977873636, -0.508408864668, 0.464877766513, 0.01720191101, 2.38054273271, 1.7896116418599999, 0.605873946587, 0.9245556102789999, 0.209888801105], [-1.8826611626900003, -2.2424963279099996, -0.9391388017, -0.9774295765659999, -0.284551787471, 0.336958427623, 0.359116628115, -0.021219071737000002, -0.229378028277, -0.198281168596, -0.595173098951, -2.2111491813599997, -0.265189063788, 1.01752317621, 0.711849987167, 0.0820711603956, -1.3085091502500001, -0.110460066864, -0.215548566148, 0.364100635644, -0.5837315602359999, 0.09846378472010002, 0.796000615658, 1.48481995681, 0.711849987167, -0.294070061998, 0.49411120279299997, 0.826200609869, 0.35559751534, 0.21632834828000003, -0.00048288443209699994, 0.6726794279170001, 2.8970889689, 0.85811685366, -0.47509194919299996, -0.608967634172, 1.16065185607], [-2.74726965869, -2.09718345665, -1.69393528128, -1.62308351371, -0.40669074871, -0.7820742198639999, 0.373306131258, 0.454258688834, -0.12559012422399998, -0.0667782667586, -0.313845477564, 0.278586438009, -0.32807448717099996, 1.1655031789899999, 1.57981914178, -0.22903762720100002, -0.8252078621019999, 0.45692498895499994, 0.8350289301189999, -0.397602977126, -0.750192097825, 0.154107510459, -0.500407845839, 0.566282938958, 0.982996482729, -0.09013779479499999, 0.824598453624, 1.10244198043, 0.810259910316, 0.300792183572, 0.25458163110800003, -0.37910337874300004, 1.5500791513999999, 1.48224627488, -1.0542953188500002, 0.546616850595, 0.692079271106], [-1.1297390846700002, -0.373056143468, -1.60328429313, -1.7965716051400002, 0.782520601837, -0.0960695438317, 0.376813996639, 0.503402005259, 1.34865868666, -0.237088093532, -1.05708894114, 0.234443974637, 0.725821711224, 0.665384517009, 0.14258209935000002, 0.126487514464, -1.8612667288999998, -1.56519977074, -1.17408682267, 0.638223585356, -1.44569552178, 0.189568334938, -0.48062607008, 0.0153558263671, 0.49627714661899996, -0.253538276667, 0.7379367344840001, 2.12762084132, -0.507167386826, -0.360951493018, 0.65400772844, 0.285709554134, 1.41281220301, 1.9781138472400002, -0.18651735709000003, -0.431766623663, 1.1179728473700001], [-2.25572454852, -2.16517937355, -1.56540744129, -1.4010426039500001, -0.311112087311, -2.07824679807, 0.5537929302669999, 0.373090669833, 1.0929271074200002, -0.656083355529, 1.08359310022, -0.298927766548, 0.11411858654000001, -0.10709685928099999, 0.0397547053137, 1.26352542817, 0.22175438135000003, 0.5125682274310001, 0.8171232692389999, 0.19186854222, 0.9417054057600001, -0.264567468216, 0.716307495324, 1.85977782175, 0.137897006682, -0.06930601130960001, 0.613876036885, 0.585076919728, 1.29485038304, 0.434892324521, -0.128088445965, 0.0426993552573, 0.538142501771, -0.561924871299, 0.0, -0.0646802250887, -1.5019543428], [-2.31389393087, -1.10535120043, -0.298055844229, -0.613608046812, 0.038919075213599996, -2.32018460609, 0.518013023604, 0.27115051255, 0.9455211245749999, -1.2118568463, -0.0396489674225, -0.361931410866, 0.43801519978, -0.398136232646, 0.572099845934, 1.10920923546, -0.7908566552320001, 0.171429538444, 0.441537960683, 0.506516975697, 1.4996862802500002, 0.526150489807, 0.551000894152, 2.8814891312299995, 0.0698127707653, -1.13764008765, 0.239382976025, 0.308659347044, 0.675339490475, -0.34797987016599996, -0.29856015850900003, -0.041565259350199994, 0.660309940863, 0.155462805092, -0.309494457491, 0.8128536080519999, -1.80379665163], [-2.76897221501, -2.25167893929, -2.36637276486, -1.15058613439, -0.206860939443, -1.4980321092500002, 0.912803681722, 1.2361267073200002, -0.127577088472, 0.785247007257, 0.7897473434260001, -0.487226164357, -0.361470796797, -0.0536287005404, 0.243744251371, 0.0770462805769, 0.499943890106, 0.520023275436, 0.22811297644099998, 1.5483158141799997, 0.0339325076808, 0.16313831759199998, 0.0713934436423, 1.23246361241, 0.0678342090639, -0.165412878283, 0.680222408716, -0.167585865964, 0.5410613080359999, 0.526720967939, 0.9727606865880001, 0.42737067837, 0.7117476793899999, 0.30798464820599997, 0.0, 0.282165978332, -1.25450307716], [-2.27411851853, -1.2481438929700002, -0.941737739262, -1.42804883331, -1.65684185987, -1.47974511742, 1.25245236315, 0.7157386548379999, 1.0439530802399999, 0.26075974593699996, 1.38619010553, -1.5709161497, 0.268183508075, -0.9915575801350001, -0.971027167279, 0.180542591582, -0.120191578607, -0.0744105033438, 0.137986758979, 0.39056685468900004, 1.06015039524, 1.03569670563, 1.6509719395299998, 1.26682687286, -0.20114616919300002, -0.57267142577, 0.307688090129, 0.287417898948, 0.7398878922579999, 0.43950347737499995, -0.396193254819, 0.131003954738, 0.9232100856550001, 0.58040834967, -1.3021820674200002, 0.54817012389, 0.621622408679], [-1.20109427286, -1.73111895722, -0.617917352321, -0.674206820606, -0.40689240303900004, -1.58889559334, -0.794016728778, 0.758836578784, -1.1288333993000002, -0.5216307974669999, 0.074953936881, -0.476636514015, -0.885698110512, 0.228600669155, 0.338820356733, 1.23977626391, -0.0599748029975, -0.39115101834399996, -0.10007047884999999, 1.36160842394, 1.2335912018200001, -0.166280889502, 1.32103642312, 1.15071197925, 1.66024216222, -0.27464784848499996, 1.25293733218, 1.00946929509, 1.1247799058399999, -0.030877357099900003, -0.49059619336800003, 1.2097819174700002, 0.7229154441590001, -1.4164961941799998, -1.63844766776, 1.0288547578899998, -1.1214332484], [-2.58817276282, -1.7376007148, -1.70408660187, -1.55906723971, 0.729255302875, -0.697176905936, -0.187782668788, 0.7665412454870001, -0.17587495574, 2.43449646199, 0.523301134645, -0.415061021223, -0.786118894797, 0.696718808965, 0.43704611501100005, -0.04325554374969999, -0.8494222440350001, -0.531738287599, 0.432610211764, 0.387532824592, 1.1464579631799998, 0.604741471813, 0.358104083401, -0.737866215043, 0.21865946642499998, -0.409962666885, 1.2185449806, 0.816640929224, 0.960027113527, 0.7931406852089999, 0.053756372693300004, 0.19710979752399999, 1.28018915077, -0.132851307609, -0.483924142118, 0.371884777479, -1.38679672445], [-2.46869076717, -1.6726403922100002, -1.47467229336, -1.99774521575, 0.684164578504, -0.642347103736, -0.7641731927869999, 0.0785744616968, 0.467053190226, 0.680398409788, -1.4083457598500002, -0.650227756063, 0.28089633766, 0.296732973768, 0.313870855243, 0.467053190226, -0.255554662316, 0.121730635768, 0.6357033714779999, 0.598512654614, 0.7536737951540001, 0.795705843966, 1.28037669973, 1.03107294814, 0.565698118463, 0.41055986858099996, 1.82306960252, 1.46141760676, 0.0385020565574, 0.135509962683, -0.274181802595, 0.155725674442, 1.5181085400499998, -0.510342016887, -1.20742670201, -0.272928626512, -0.9948350847799998], [-1.8586788332700002, -1.37325981561, -1.51238717403, -1.5759679991100002, 1.00409873236, -1.13209643817, 0.590615650618, 1.7830072135799997, 1.13400972936, 1.46981078999, -0.495487311913, -0.466473853582, -0.6852814946979999, -0.356415300224, 0.593056159088, 0.621690381163, -0.7180907639949999, 0.41031879484, -0.39942446392700004, -0.36009043934699997, 1.2306677396799999, 1.16310803645, 0.7992227004610001, 1.20761804646, 0.8365669652399998, -0.202988674016, 0.315062731323, 0.286554140378, 0.633231708737, -0.23061743010699998, -0.614920467231, -0.623545537342, 1.80864743159, -0.9609526933499999, -1.1254613686700001, -0.0638606460036, -1.13128624672], [-0.549719692249, -0.8534641984739999, -0.8348889113, -0.652205359029, 0.796638306912, -1.37309667222, 0.408867492608, 1.7829555030000002, 0.513488865848, 0.843778490961, -2.0267856761000003, -1.0085115029, -0.779410380021, -0.714287351968, 0.781440888767, 0.24389270368500002, 0.910430698241, 0.612207427996, -0.0192154987257, 0.132471152631, 1.68133649768, 0.417972313086, 1.5005724696, 1.5353279106600002, 0.614964753498, 0.0075596892667399995, 0.0834831082897, -0.0316925968715, 0.431820381165, -0.631685098394, -1.17214164676, -1.03349657501, 1.9151747383200002, -0.435224279438, -1.6367872267599999, -0.383177426831, -1.07859329916], [-1.7809797936099998, -1.7208767086099996, -1.47136974655, -1.57865562743, 0.43507963159999996, -1.35681679385, 0.123225280144, 0.404448943199, 1.122725006, 0.10679454486300001, 0.34614993819300005, -0.421591043876, 0.0649969293197, -0.14055265461799998, 0.5736010966399999, 1.02087878522, -0.07773061859389999, 0.8197004047349999, 0.053393590308099995, -0.235576333952, 1.21017139024, 0.14756318486, 1.01699015406, 2.27614858328, -0.0286521783621, -0.37282871679799995, 0.285673261089, -0.22815167336300002, 0.0398069007519, -1.58573960568, -0.46596819893200003, 0.619489535486, 2.6020694480400004, -0.0847969900755, -1.11136292889, -0.232110157057, -0.375146837772], [-1.7075088782299999, -1.07789869577, -1.04452233985, -1.10131932721, 0.898080400766, -0.7460285826909999, 0.0106429190591, 0.433436444576, 0.509872389965, 0.012380965285100002, 0.0169144851595, -1.1692114951, -0.138939417981, 0.125794277699, 0.193315687706, 0.48276247410499995, -0.591220847625, 0.522407254924, -0.00738577136329, -0.48468559978200004, 0.184665500956, 0.349300001092, 0.9683987318100001, 2.02764475039, -0.019021735958900002, -0.42498418815399996, 0.229729529454, -0.06983555824360001, -0.837751506091, -1.75814101205, 0.405052432898, 1.47347740451, 3.6152739495899997, 0.0828916643566, -0.427309498426, -0.527864108119, -0.408412701653], [-1.14025967479, -0.869870355088, -1.02200386308, -1.39817152964, 0.423226258187, -2.0277353751700002, -1.05951202119, -0.42784937692100006, 1.5213210522, 0.151970084993, -0.40362000343099996, -0.0872545371586, -0.040133393146099997, 0.590308915342, 2.02902500697, 1.27142786396, -0.9181701802009999, -0.275722983343, 0.09447713244030001, -0.500081281427, 0.35530289049, -0.19503422800200002, 0.948866301252, 1.7253705111200002, 1.4519188985299998, -0.453305815342, -0.0229151388853, 0.863250352624, -0.795235077316, -1.4973478226399999, -0.165687719556, 1.21072643504, 1.7318379154900003, 0.165731901485, -0.326887992048, 0.07672694079789999, -0.9846900925509999], [-1.07126327511, -0.921429936062, -1.0312210612100001, -0.493539972491, 0.910071126741, -1.9504909950099998, 1.38280316836, 1.65363046769, 0.556774003769, 0.119995308905, -0.98190343559, -0.888479853308, 0.813504339675, 0.6501773879230001, 1.29648391291, -0.60776207298, 0.30516724525, -0.288228228641, -0.669191340211, 1.4139871189300002, -1.52483641977, -0.212061956752, 0.108229981951, 1.98329624941, 0.653386137548, -0.842805424012, 0.813504339675, -0.22822296174000004, -0.8493256895550001, -1.37237832641, 0.275804828794, 0.985739743627, -0.20031601219099998, -0.563686215887, 0.938280862423, 1.0385240731299998, -1.20221711979], [-1.13764789621, -1.71404255566, -1.8987179661700002, -0.941925643158, 0.569968021907, 0.104544793441, 0.733786620305, 1.9353493817299998, 0.524538135345, 1.59706448064, -0.8137147310799999, -0.735486891462, 0.014471223744299998, -0.0961823962197, -0.0115559345194, 0.32047857407499997, 0.5604731893639999, -1.57204177238, -0.338344444442, 0.590802531999, -1.53692411545, -0.21180474839299998, 1.49432953504, 1.3336450314200001, 0.7061886414059999, -1.35379836029, 0.513819231556, 1.1427775977299999, 0.12201212724300001, -1.03775923993, 0.318468915042, -1.00589503201, 0.417085481253, 0.911795446319, -0.73192067915, 1.08617993161, 0.139983515358], [-1.8860151246, -1.6542234705599999, -1.24166926749, -1.05676066777, 1.27034509367, -0.380846758728, -0.197435229131, 0.677601793445, -0.227752869247, 0.848623192314, 0.44430453032300005, -1.6044787408899999, 1.08513816717, -0.765019976451, -0.564203853582, 2.2980826348099996, -0.533640513467, -1.14161857045, -0.237380957904, 0.9222382551459999, -0.43461903839500005, 1.00850448829, 1.7703364786099998, 0.6866090822290001, -1.04165037893, -0.38593474787, -0.133770345095, 0.211863450968, -0.0586252781683, -0.9746960593619999, 0.0361019320323, 0.52869681244, 0.888068161214, 1.7466219338099997, -0.227752869247, 0.389925783057, -0.0649670721935], [-1.93916747813, -1.3007573352500001, -0.8991418961550001, 0.0466210594293, 1.08005798153, -0.6607005409510001, 0.027985229974000003, 1.11004725211, 0.37608904760399997, 1.54551750171, 0.34083677269699997, -2.0760743402400004, 0.528960513139, -0.45305985754699996, -2.1461255375099997, 0.752001121844, -0.301377461109, -0.673548626999, -0.48256755607600005, 0.668319432649, 0.485753278702, 0.655776622287, 1.12013055331, -0.513323120654, -0.203633401939, -0.11747338064400001, -0.478361785991, 0.50806968291, 0.0, 0.0, 0.694235487819, 1.9275822296599998, 0.9197868042399999, 0.0, -0.542458252414, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.69506272733, -0.554836513296, -0.252013972182, -0.8009452301559999, 0.697532164903, -1.28732108161, 0.8285045936509999, 1.44560396942, 0.7450286802889999, 1.750718531, 0.497955534895, -1.4109787823299997, 0.013730387132399999, -1.18077698949, -2.55968105533, 0.806975412188, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.041191774794099995, 0.651455154261, -0.565119526714, 0.692254520707, 0.975120548899, -0.684111548611, 0.0, 1.04437539975, 1.0092840941799999, -0.666962427193, -0.21386766087900003, -1.2759407676, 0.586870562395, 1.47767900159, 0.570993167758, -0.977430424946, -0.666962427193, -0.0432623629475], [-1.1912384072799997, -0.46792062555799996, -1.1850870958, -1.5536043710799998, 1.6477185330000002, -0.974077109349, 0.0690292585212, 1.6269446917299997, 1.29022322898, 1.34647534316, 0.270643048103, -1.40942864459, -0.579686072402, -0.8089741952230001, 0.352310823039, 1.56044855926, -0.445110497853, 0.599267974916, -0.155287897019, -0.0170704759892, -0.799386454186, 0.119816682242, -0.0968395105789, -0.079405959527, -0.11654657439999999, -0.8577816003540001, 0.300172452764, 1.2655191403100001, -0.371144474294, -1.24771561605, 0.292475667236, 0.345240037293, 2.89202469027, 0.210625779433, -0.647875058648, -0.6939325366419999, -0.49082273344800004], [-0.280782593002, 0.181667333189, -0.741226704938, -1.11306277986, 2.04876713585, -1.69918621405, -0.6879407177369999, 1.1298204861399999, 1.9343297857900004, 1.4919070815200002, -0.101101992369, -0.544536338435, 0.0, -0.38592333117399996, 0.5167259413440001, 1.31502376669, -0.355180616628, -0.5041129619129999, -0.6419249947119999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8321989718, 0.0, 0.0, -0.056966609917400005, -0.8441988528200001, 0.033927040980700006, 0.463176080754, -0.468112878135, -1.88210126092, 0.588945198203, 0.297268281568, 1.8307175068500001, 0.202031077738, 0.0, 0.020800915879400004, -0.9165498140870001], [-1.38170233197, -1.18062022551, -1.0185597707, -0.7420254350759999, 0.654546141997, -0.118258257861, 0.0213637641414, 2.6686416138799998, 0.11720529891300001, 1.71454298204, 0.135036609256, -1.10703007681, -0.887982606187, -1.02852201745, 0.202743844703, 2.29920486701, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.379392799572, -0.985141428474, -0.171486789507, -0.269322077976, 0.380497177625, -0.16813839337699998, 0.0, 0.672026907104, 0.08886015704110001, -0.744571738794, -1.18062022551, 0.2700706334, 0.679908450218, 0.843016627767, 1.49549325046, 0.283835469128, -0.320729976116, -0.8428896437700001], [-0.936522300562, 0.5058851775859999, 0.274029064882, -0.06451170320749999, 0.0863347347462, -0.720910052803, 0.511960916846, 2.52701256608, 1.8117717660400001, -0.12016220433199999, -0.44937385063100005, -1.1157672694499998, -0.5813593424769999, -0.8283634206749999, -0.036228506868, 1.24416127457, 0.227487238377, -0.307825385693, -0.141894505793, 0.09036007236089999, 0.863239570711, 1.00968265144, 2.05324666807, 0.987488030394, -1.91085604858, -0.860748120828, -0.342404777421, -0.48637996942199996, -1.0641779338600001, -1.8321325925799998, 0.532168412947, 0.9611134765289999, 0.08275450118819999, -0.342404777421, -0.106800001834, 0.0863347347462, -1.60620809307], [-1.27207751008, -0.823743578234, -0.684199095326, -0.273359484989, 0.014506430412899998, -0.0460387346629, -0.936544577131, 0.8924965165809999, 1.19502859374, -0.06955671182310001, 0.788601148424, -0.914751659287, -0.372624501804, -0.757913250754, -0.946580172926, 0.732429911436, -0.681400661033, 1.2337037579999999, 0.788601148424, 0.39213756643700004, 2.4111719693099998, -0.20342202331700002, 0.697852101329, 1.57932422315, -1.68715988706, 0.531712687553, 0.613176874815, 0.126277828367, -1.32189055059, -2.19896966926, 0.42663831553599996, 0.952371034885, 0.48669434579899995, 0.248236886736, -0.9015678935410001, 1.11827809474, -1.13743947386], [-0.9793603041519999, -0.745052532657, -0.9556566084829999, 0.138557185523, 0.972189550645, -1.3113579995, -0.78058866407, 0.33929023044600004, 0.956449721693, 0.643204042647, 0.08592377285189999, -1.9278611285299998, 0.576315100377, -1.43864730257, -0.480193846381, 0.191376242466, 0.0767412374558, 1.20996084456, -0.24398964498000003, 1.5601479568, 1.2783506219, 0.0, 2.27007303366, 1.16964846844, -0.0825115983943, -0.217348718734, 0.247240925931, 0.655880644531, -1.74776459183, -1.1182006259200001, 0.606155653262, 0.0, -0.151362464067, 0.622665760491, 0.32119984480999997, -0.137437431661, -1.60403737658], [-1.39782680852, -0.948773002151, -1.30402673677, -0.317046997687, 1.81787864253, -0.288934564775, -0.17887595058699998, 0.6839374846780001, 0.6946296364319999, 1.15611855328, 0.026635522023, -2.7043622902099997, 0.279705812067, -1.72186733637, -1.66648583496, 0.93650641484, -0.08435361599860002, 0.544661254354, -0.659716182328, -0.0109726218961, 0.578494088521, 0.571294100674, 1.4432187141400001, 1.1036493301299999, -1.0879233442899998, -0.561708924003, 0.600140830072, 0.8251720677779999, -0.8047150152920001, -0.564183865648, 0.804542078211, 0.23800026061700003, 0.24338336064, 1.1967220796, 0.763858895405, 0.452940147839, -0.659716182328], [-0.492529097114, -0.713682066768, -0.219356872498, -1.21566035413, 1.89204967947, -0.22587825297800002, -0.603976602536, 0.314651037084, 0.573334382526, 0.919212944372, 0.591133547526, -1.40575745539, 0.0424791704936, -1.0286875954999999, 0.199843779267, 1.74379072968, 0.0303728224659, 0.0303728224659, 0.0764073047035, 1.5294144856999998, 0.826874928734, 1.3833631187200002, 1.17994342445, 1.65667308206, -0.9797163677259999, -0.579028989517, 0.09636007597410001, 0.558443323748, -2.22789444574, -1.6909281083599998, -0.6812368191150001, 0.271570551617, 0.7033297354889999, -0.29417520609700004, -0.9918972138750001, -0.105910558534, -1.16330494067], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.33608391238, -0.704583231355, -1.41602412504, 0.527576692921, -0.512503260119, 1.3494070903400002, 0.40037608368699995, -1.0136148303899999, -0.18000058814199998, -2.6786411162599997, -0.8058954417380001, 1.07840307766, 0.100357812395, 0.128886824866, 0.169781630143, 0.19839028284600002, 1.1423357541299999, -0.18000058814199998, 1.4303418777599999, 0.443891968492, -0.107112041309, 0.052026290046, 0.438165303853, 1.63072622507, -0.0905571053599, -1.5734737054899999, 0.16137778634400002, 0.40649022299599996, 0.8545989489129999, -0.618689702159, -0.769870082181, 0.7245423035680001, -1.9227942707199999], [-0.649153833027, -0.978979334129, -1.7032836671899998, -0.266504548591, 0.528688161513, -0.7225117450920001, 0.6188227821010001, 0.43983891065499997, -0.551746411866, 1.9045791449200002, 1.67019184434, -0.742278694772, 0.39641814729900005, -0.73646249659, -1.2389251631, -0.449638657923, 0.37353425899899995, 1.2825597609000001, -0.481463635003, 0.284770552031, -0.111966476819, -0.416544950871, 2.25476209928, 0.7728529816930001, -0.111966476819, 0.0670688405394, -0.38646197746, 0.858166329756, -1.58813184132, -1.35408959905, 2.37293408803, -0.35879404991700004, 0.48978035420599997, -0.0922417946186, 0.161112009943, -1.0183715281899999, -0.516563383851], [-1.7734931952500002, -1.72037123977, -0.229608172466, -0.417537649681, 0.676596292606, -1.1634818994, 0.197597043746, 1.67736015288, 0.289947608121, 1.68652192135, 1.25456623604, 0.003955508091800001, 0.201040878237, -1.11171838966, -0.658302974603, 1.22700604116, 1.03576934764, 0.013276995405999999, -1.4268844827, 0.271033909837, -0.312993671912, 0.0, 0.726189866223, -0.824553511584, 0.9077227465009999, -0.36275011152900005, -0.09941645340710001, 0.9633884677619999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9581662272370001, 0.0, -0.284264592656, 0.0, -1.70476289822, 0.0, 0.0], [-2.7944868226099997, -1.9502057819099998, 0.888236884516, 0.558550518667, 0.6365257407930001, -0.8824516712649999, 0.618070434282, 1.2265390196500001, 1.14995095577, 1.17171393092, -0.00103885030775, -0.485394538101, 0.163272837239, -0.7687574732060001, -1.04254437468, 0.651812418412, 0.56978749287, 0.337121317096, -0.5535050214899999, 0.28867847882, -0.260015718434, -1.1217910980299999, -0.8520442712080001, 2.3377230636200004, -0.24011538708500002, 0.0338299347986, 0.13268529576500002, -0.14723298454000003, 0.0, 0.0, 0.19386416184900002, -0.506185091822, 0.647406599635, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.8249071789500002, -2.5881609866999997, -0.883424994171, 0.68755213942, 0.574391213085, -0.134194443212, 1.76640157783, 1.86078066241, -0.9407017091859999, 0.40745550319300006, 0.791865594363, 0.189812151001, -0.322280809932, 0.294027072171, -0.613384273745, 0.9876094084810001, 1.2943882322, 1.04429245577, -0.525520092954, -0.9699561801369999, -1.1517050796700001, -1.2348557204000001, -1.05015916088, 1.0418207706799998, 0.371102575522, -0.43289365249, 0.910776679734, 0.161026968486, 0.678969188364, -0.492833712382, 0.376831106133, 0.897933622231, -0.48957098556900003, 0.234608569483, 0.0, 0.234608569483, -1.1517050796700001], [-1.75697047995, -0.269511891263, 1.01142919205, 1.9752144268, -0.06739663195590001, -0.757579181967, 0.707219171014, 1.1457265556899998, 0.444600832747, 1.24101181282, -0.24255902355999998, -0.637064086942, 0.201047390662, 0.394440502575, -0.042505713923, 0.542445882754, 1.25818495652, -0.38284083234399996, -0.0729405994458, -1.17151080529, -0.582479029727, -2.1423914189900004, 0.035691679614, 1.33722708157, 0.0136314693121, -0.394324952129, 0.34412123871600003, 0.39236233678800003, 0.0, 0.0, -2.5617916321400003, 0.0983294791162, -0.0608177291096, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-2.32584320551, -2.9018190602900003, -1.54664925282, -0.599798861966, 1.65536661866, -0.0790803468215, 0.8088546348890001, 0.453233888403, -0.882379269237, 0.39969190906700003, 0.813164054931, -0.25419910382399996, 0.45748763572800005, 0.0934055472415, 0.08185240752, 0.45530938541199995, 0.117760857741, -0.773526212046, -0.35848319639799997, 0.548026645032, -0.0387386471145, -0.493009056158, 0.8615074725, 1.3706231941999998, -0.37342387564199997, 0.014097908835499998, 0.163679018751, 1.05431040801, 0.9415567500669999, 0.499742968532, -0.8513806132520001, 1.7278058106, -0.301088645396, 0.6530052132899999, -1.5325039451299998, 0.706777025084, -0.565336062877], [-1.6086261583, -2.58209215634, -0.166841705241, 0.37738512449699996, 0.438183579099, -0.6283998154420001, 1.17797382502, 0.221158040271, 0.956722035734, 0.04835437494440001, 0.641755513337, -0.028946926693599998, 0.462129858386, 0.274006737005, -0.520643487603, 0.324578479445, 0.703002643976, -1.64810752958, 0.782001219088, -0.520643487603, -0.44746429726099995, -1.68789127898, 1.43703056117, 0.985564228549, -1.0384809822499999, -1.1814919210400001, 0.673859702334, 0.641755513337, -0.520643487603, 0.610677952765, 0.271337646584, 2.2153281665, 1.4091712056999999, -0.9662694777840001, -0.578875891214, -0.166841705241, -0.35971609955899997], [-0.834827865251, -2.38707992907, -0.198853950413, 0.76997317844, 0.0, -0.381510662576, 0.286003452567, 0.314880511792, 0.0, -0.44311218569, 0.247287179189, -0.26665437116, 0.0564877051749, -0.777575114764, -3.88473439911, 0.0, 0.39379179449600005, -0.0789327071215, -0.058570418972100004, 0.32750205946600003, -0.17731693452199998, -0.0789327071215, 1.27356597493, 0.9664421743070001, 0.0228027591885, -0.0978284768098, 0.0, 0.0, 0.158876253173, 0.171484402764, 0.8451239130320001, 1.5340794166999998, 1.00438170987, 0.414844057357, 0.6329661575559999, 0.0564877051749, 0.18894931741], [0.17555304171799999, -3.9267562325300003, -0.623165228741, -0.297559464936, 0.0, -0.457752295613, 0.0835752098023, 0.34949779698100003, 0.0, -0.26164578499, 0.666613251897, -0.314419008749, -0.412228295103, -0.435234895715, -0.95726846015, 0.0, 0.668341868845, 0.030645073031599995, -0.92089223361, -0.36046648763800004, -0.842803244412, -0.468558664453, 0.352983743968, -0.189174965422, -0.032690765734799995, -0.435234895715, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9533499795679999, 0.110613124983, 1.18568656521, 0.421611626281, 1.19119615095, 0.707963633145, 1.3594040595200003, 0.965529373018, 1.7132864246000001], [-0.80330340153, -3.8643292783099996, 0.440271860221, 0.315147102977, -0.293903136504, -0.057413325231400004, -0.025356547217299998, 0.799190234851, 0.7906375169490001, -0.6998806518870001, -0.293903136504, -0.39341420745300004, 0.0, -0.474589722723, -1.32568721427, 0.52921155882, 1.7507904868700002, -0.134347655372, 0.7633454394120001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1401885726, 0.034374455373999996, 1.0051471816600002, 0.04424626061030001, 0.7185731555570001, 1.0625151048, -0.621384738627, 0.0, 0.185306979555, -0.459300656915, -0.587928429026, 0.42142173594099996, 0.034374455373999996], [-1.51295779554, 0.17652334745200002, 0.36290839579899997, -2.57938155534, -0.077858231003, -2.20916725132, -0.671557394457, 0.08109186440880001, -0.20591902872600001, 0.552401269767, -0.0573194083997, -0.548780014466, -2.43510229216, 0.8009234209280001, 0.332781782723, 1.0253273838299999, -0.044679737732699995, -1.01146012296, 0.21312307491799998, 0.655350562441, -1.36081877058, 0.951644971424, 0.35101713795100004, -0.209042838757, 0.43523555874700004, 0.816011560386, 0.6143865207060001, -0.416410847901, 0.998182433723, -0.013653430832200001, 0.655617159532, 1.26956343014, 1.15319123081, -0.70784371335, 0.852313292815, 0.579591889607, 1.18476614543], [-0.0917529756002, -0.035958132930099994, 0.374561078678, -1.95343139836, 1.67673058669, -0.213229434482, 1.9040494828, 2.09953424504, -1.26878771049, 0.598676863714, -0.112960278356, 0.0, -2.37379796902, 0.0, 0.0, -1.11337605083, 0.486214634705, -0.14644065119400002, -0.07329469903210001, -0.30454607495499997, 0.035232554370199995, 0.00862734286273, 0.472531474905, -0.585248437866, 0.0, 0.608107426849, -0.948539067083, -0.0681615266671, 0.453394654604, -0.5247252337389999, -0.015353891154100002, 0.765329444467, 1.7916157866099998, -0.968053356751, -0.101994778102, -0.81850901965, 0.443555109969], [-0.490496231634, -0.35573257799900004, -0.5316638399170001, -1.5509289255899998, 0.8635775546600001, -0.6139904117530001, 0.731762346551, 0.8820584604170001, 0.064636931511, 2.98097483429, 2.3920425254, -0.388332166673, -0.123216315426, -0.10918742975299998, -0.218111394557, 0.136630404, 0.466455716432, -1.4418251752200002, -0.25084082209499997, -0.648195184368, 1.04032911221, -0.974468566814, -0.35573257799900004, -0.782922915323, -1.32096466051, -0.294556997828, -0.379147013579, -1.07591412525, 0.216602916967, -0.892699729841, -0.33826150882399997, 0.368511659764, 1.9551803217200001, -0.694593790261, 0.374003186798, 0.176706248414, 1.18231014207], [-1.97441522475, -2.05214431397, -1.4263005864899998, -1.63372606951, 0.278173849848, -0.6842926696130001, 1.51385627641, 1.31999411003, 0.926948949261, 1.6810246265, 1.39040088489, -0.283154941962, -0.11377332307299999, -0.179425099731, 0.851773717257, 0.755338607568, 0.0638282755214, -1.18095459934, -0.189071392336, -0.338499586222, -0.32790814174000005, 0.09837804410369999, -0.40856114273500005, -0.25186571483000003, -0.85280924717, -1.19906765171, 0.6809056963060001, -0.223014693884, -0.654106136206, -0.783143390668, 0.979179235433, 1.00038863019, 0.8172851415119999, -0.39249953331200005, 0.312811019382, 1.2223632545999998, 1.2560831404200001], [-1.28235868931, -1.1054478320899999, -0.439358702232, -0.05644518853490001, 1.2275104709, -0.599945289451, 0.656106627621, 2.27436085092, -0.7770462700290001, 1.7156264348299999, 1.5354565799000002, 1.16588190245, -1.22947141442, -0.199012555935, 0.16244462028599999, -1.2487565837399999, 0.6353464883950001, -1.18750805136, -0.153641431872, -1.09869680331, 0.539959434331, -0.0587891847071, -0.204031070803, -1.2083161908, 0.278138569502, -1.3491660961399998, 1.49233874035, 0.502343111137, 0.973863803293, 1.0027020870399999, -0.41850178725000003, -0.16988674545899998, 0.525525225043, -0.507447066165, 0.0, 0.0729294920297, -1.4667074844299999], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.584836072113, -2.7529246447799998, -0.363107252355, 0.175829844819, 1.6645689904700003, -0.639326276532, 0.417491357944, -0.889123817386, -0.7800843990790001, -0.442064443829, 0.645971360531, 2.0452871598, -0.667639147745, 0.298631573917, 0.49417303579300004, -0.575999248212, 0.832635082949, 0.434209276661, 0.741905296587, 2.14570685745, 0.335449409105, -0.718165802371, 0.746174728511, 0.600944004212, 0.773275687908, -0.5609498326619999, -0.502738293122, 0.437307859337, 0.37207991572800003, -0.8368716539059999, -1.6160560022100001, -0.38268430418000005, -0.849070251247], [-1.9233244955500002, -0.939062281782, -0.223761927568, 0.102894497997, -0.44583515223000003, -1.8795700331099998, 0.266061422053, -0.898151856177, 2.30123746866, -1.9420811929900001, -0.426494309982, -0.707627336946, -0.129525895755, 0.378155465519, -0.464352229398, 1.8373300022799999, -1.34048281628, 0.60290105567, 0.317048426637, 0.148072631469, 0.482968824394, 0.135094063943, 0.504244258304, 0.389332430066, -0.325263854743, 0.255520035957, 1.9707537221400002, 1.4308262298899999, 1.47442009787, 0.11959389059699999, 0.11572067647800001, -0.786689324339, 0.275496279454, -0.748538648694, 0.10060106398499999, 0.593913226615, -0.621424414432], [-0.15085868684599998, -0.553340327508, -0.0587621350379, 0.375889604176, -1.5933347340000001, -0.16858512541499998, -0.33211841594999997, 0.28814598489, 1.7886432301900002, 0.7742270855490001, -0.143650401044, -0.08910255285839999, -0.6643579203059999, 0.435720941971, 0.328971529201, 2.48338151835, -1.13765178285, -0.42590911989299995, -0.0440990868867, -0.41571941869400003, -1.17143106015, 0.202935742176, 0.060312593610699995, 0.5471323020009999, 0.44619288492, -0.596254567628, 1.61233326447, 2.98628640396, -0.7069192090649999, -1.33593416252, -0.590674083059, -1.6001842029700002, 0.7183542248520001, -0.008650031830009999, -0.686003069621, 0.0639586787271, -0.6389458948910001], [0.0956947790806, 0.605550997654, -0.393353349093, 0.029492030122899998, -0.8460296566590001, -0.596072617484, -0.379857198174, -0.114115307309, 2.98009384551, -1.00643290748, -0.633867373292, -0.28544827801399997, -0.297037424087, 0.340498069541, -0.15037263127599998, 2.03217917142, -0.128972992832, 0.386605237616, 0.877649208354, -0.588172059272, -0.7593545388959999, 0.32549486575500003, 0.058507267726400004, -0.0270567688669, 0.784980729767, 0.386605237616, 1.25729931919, 1.62460307257, 0.45261900443899994, 1.15757244271, -0.0576948342641, -2.33032871633, -0.70786259669, -0.685080447243, -1.82633187818, -0.7020801810160001, -0.879923522617], [-0.68629375545, 1.8401898714700002, -0.741902348918, -0.676691795036, -0.633820788121, -0.75130186575, -0.671186965529, 0.929526662262, 1.3562531933000002, 0.330775845038, -0.629419378377, -0.664757030201, 0.7744139811949999, 1.83660764252, -0.7232599534190001, 1.70776395878, -0.717633657763, -0.5895457633969999, -0.680463380305, -0.637210797911, 1.27141583644, 1.71205494475, -0.601413047038, 1.29829829917, -0.597906478821, -0.714010940098, 0.928532848317, 1.90773363875, -0.787833730217, -0.819972773456, -0.7450126184870001, -0.679346055326, -0.766171040074, -0.541174834697, -0.765999678739, 0.7325371972020001, -0.8037752420569999], [0.059194715970800005, -1.75426404183, 0.1247601126, 0.15595572875, 0.44122044604599997, -0.709639936797, 0.8981212782369999, 0.586835335738, 2.41543335958, -0.8183901910179999, -0.157509660008, -0.905279019041, 0.0, -0.204560755498, -0.571402875113, 0.798639898099, 1.14619068046, 1.4917093391, -0.8033724240510001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.7647093642900002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.489938866136, 0.551600155141, 1.71655099149, 1.4917093391, -0.8236863585969999, -1.0764932511799998, -0.39672147938100005, -0.282431897978, -0.519463050409, -0.7188488622679999, 0.0, -0.8936501649240001, 0.032563085917599995], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.32571907608600004, -1.0236286433, 0.36151746373099997, 0.9606701737510001, 2.5123732923400004, 0.49126861093099994, 0.9606701737510001, 0.451757733288, -0.40346421454400005, 0.262159131874, -0.149832538893, 1.2085673050599999, 0.123455865878, -0.249195018691, 0.8421494182439999, -0.20394339929699998, -0.294286377394, -1.2217799493100001, -0.760371741242, -0.937450914779, 1.09072980641, -0.149832538893, 1.51970624919, 1.2085673050599999, -0.26039380210900004, -0.489062073686, -2.2635307237799998, -1.14409983775, 0.49126861093099994, -1.20759733186, 0.0, -0.970932076896, -1.0811790341], [-0.511299299974, -0.732886123729, -0.6882487799879999, -0.51965481543, 1.4371608661200002, -0.593935979368, -0.6906486224160001, -0.515736537232, 1.8824272824000001, -0.5823500124059999, -0.509094868057, -0.587022016858, -0.6618285467589999, -0.533226006734, -0.430954460946, 1.4645389312000001, -0.654856464496, -0.486122921002, -0.431607964948, -0.616523054668, -0.512742225828, 0.976730685759, -0.641007488227, -0.600643090471, 2.34479829643, -0.62591923406, -0.56089329767, 2.24223340605, 1.4015215585799998, 1.89778599936, 0.33694111496699997, 0.0495705098448, -0.701539440513, 1.34395142555, -0.715717456962, -0.604803915672, -0.668397451834], [-0.339182487774, -0.36264470132700005, -0.380026462593, -0.560468147044, 2.28830461139, -0.38901969586900004, -0.30570396397599997, -0.452659653707, 2.97793451525, -0.43942425463699997, -0.39135721579599997, -0.43647280063500005, -0.486992060043, -0.594801871777, -0.40640936752400003, 1.4010714343000001, -0.448411335388, -0.32613518017299997, -0.407620535961, -0.37427385198, -0.507363508856, 2.06352563647, -0.45657969088600003, -0.331727825143, -0.35103664504500004, -0.483728585145, -0.529527100228, 1.91335525258, -0.392100352889, 2.50623362896, -0.386625484821, -0.5017053834440001, -0.501613535039, -0.37219957221699995, -0.358419235242, -0.43807113866400005, -0.438123435125], [-0.407841475373, 0.805171159687, -0.327090121793, -0.284950522012, -0.324172750899, 0.108485444058, -0.45745041740099995, -0.480933480314, 3.05053216879, -0.41469897884999996, -0.636290980693, -0.517118788829, -0.514518701338, -0.493207529689, -0.45133339338600004, 0.564801707816, -0.468813527033, -0.420509174358, 0.262757907927, -0.546451594035, -0.294758124757, -0.142927561238, -0.49305070623, -0.19502476881099998, 2.45569397115, -0.298534160908, -0.440195291325, 2.94410586036, -0.538705424292, -0.416241303475, -0.5888693849960001, -0.476751521412, -0.514585067207, 2.2816267503, -0.5480798306419999, -0.46908808172600003, -0.310982307051], [-0.26341101906, -0.450050519538, -0.35844198713500003, -0.329118979877, -0.447129435157, 0.187717636379, -0.10235252102299999, -0.46499388218599996, 2.64208892677, -0.490602442027, 3.17218210273, -0.38462151696099994, -0.409547910291, -0.39559709749899996, -0.406300488281, 1.7577932390200002, -0.268963109928, -0.302163008224, -0.457187402627, -0.496164685621, -0.242119785191, -0.561968855606, -0.41710105515600004, -0.48586256925800003, -0.378059955026, -0.436125330293, -0.38993187625200004, 3.2013059231700005, 0.6235698230569999, -0.37572627837800004, -0.5585164452179999, -0.355517518512, -0.315475649651, 0.373544435294, -0.537347527527, -0.43751963803099997, -0.440283596887], [0.374172703299, 0.612356246425, -0.045989519353, -0.546198934528, -1.17176381053, -1.01677889452, -0.415055056651, -1.00907053423, 0.883804664578, 2.24103895716, 0.883804664578, -2.16461171991, 0.354038434921, -0.227397499247, -1.2365483011299998, 0.864938554094, 0.55852705237, 1.49011648508, 0.142084152635, 0.293672650031, 2.0208899318999998, -0.0737917399598, 0.404557500299, 0.16656955422, 0.7501491536020001, -0.38507066716, -0.448131193829, 1.8695841969999998, -1.2281220699600002, -0.252909013782, -0.12005610875700001, 0.0501436819168, -1.4463576388100001, -1.09211860293, 0.511710858023, -1.05385004121, -0.538338095657], [0.46510117566200004, 0.946901937921, -0.0370780499285, -0.6973989561660001, -1.57251237398, -1.32223375465, -0.5740176724189999, -1.29298239923, 0.645264787177, 1.23637493818, 0.6511523928499999, -1.6126079133200002, -0.45713397503, 1.19336576083, 0.025248454745, 0.627859005007, 0.496869924622, 1.6811498302399999, 0.269845887084, -0.46868904070399997, 1.42862563656, -0.0490734672308, -0.282558974176, -0.643947288029, 2.5981678153, -0.557667291621, -0.87491766963, 1.63597198643, -0.714897799556, 0.304499465982, -0.14497555483400001, -0.249867109794, -1.8186426895200003, -0.653236059133, 0.215212930318, -0.534740582827, 0.137566692878], [-0.718303320802, 0.7903676340539999, 0.339600009102, -0.9336774396359999, 0.7020071648109999, -0.178143460807, -0.396860368292, -1.10918370336, 2.38876252965, 0.29662815907900003, 0.913851433259, -0.0614137626127, 0.0, 1.5972481636000002, 0.191520780549, 1.01549418627, 0.36267058440899996, 1.1969454463200002, 0.227086483891, 0.0, 0.0, -1.31683290512, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7140580065979999, 0.717782737426, -0.644922626735, -0.166903154126, -1.5593554484999999, 0.39673631975199997, -1.33001445151, 0.334076778249, -1.1493949805700001, -2.21925964425, 0.0, -0.41601311989399997, 0.0154419691985], [-0.844936901734, -0.585324710796, -1.36013838046, -0.263940308555, 1.27733255184, -0.05954238306469999, 1.3823592411399999, 0.10039935557600001, 0.762669521231, 0.29268228305300004, 1.44624905102, -2.31936191088, -2.19646828997, 0.855981012306, 0.421550302541, 1.59258166076, -0.684100395744, 0.0031641055130500004, 0.8504373846690001, 0.645510054067, -1.8828673741599997, -0.20423971722800002, -0.43649067000200004, -1.0412586965700001, -0.242034626467, 0.134827666066, 0.591190793762, 0.24168400235399998, -0.543908698848, 1.08364814036, 0.288640229581, 1.01607156414, 0.410727554911, -0.234427440377, 0.0, -1.29097289912, 0.792306929084], [1.04621298275, 0.299053448629, -3.27699298365, 0.465284167745, -0.344455980936, -1.36175049921, 0.371497306175, 0.3502992289, 0.918040936655, 0.29714236104200004, 0.830290740714, -2.5305796525799997, 0.27419518779, 0.057794467146800005, 0.764594319842, 0.16877421046100002, -1.25010135637, 0.465284167745, 0.259963504431, 0.363741625037, 0.428290825858, 0.18606240128499998, 0.7001209393699999, -1.84196963311, 0.399695635206, 0.899345458757, 0.477795149746, 0.806415452589, 0.581846338926, 1.12446014491, 0.210382238043, -0.255588117612, -1.49783166551, -0.0578929863089, -0.532594332125, -0.498458708947, 0.7016326766159999], [-0.9497072941179999, -0.62483767502, -0.239294778482, 0.934246810155, -0.670521455943, -1.0396941401000002, 0.434488293633, 1.08485669266, -0.158756457318, 0.71413421773, 0.8413477550120001, -2.26990838284, -1.15994673581, 0.30580987755399996, -0.72715990677, 1.0256694855600001, -1.48415846879, -0.825121308721, -1.37147064937, 0.473607332192, 0.016317198626700002, 1.5876637215600002, 1.11871141199, -0.35334900287199994, 1.5195571104499999, 0.38000913066299996, -0.158756457318, 0.413344087521, 0.26176101885999997, -1.41838445213, 0.7831949761489999, 0.999727051089, 1.3669512757700002, 1.12919050605, 0.0, -0.643644138767, -1.29587664888], [-1.149683313, -0.0076295879813599995, -0.597873161656, 0.254582523429, -1.9759565736900002, -0.767747103608, -1.21750386628, -0.0817641124047, 0.146687913193, -0.33821599005900005, 0.134753204884, -2.1699108690799997, -0.313821653857, 0.107946911451, 0.8900159101899999, 1.0017780613200002, -1.1167268211799999, -0.40846228138400004, -0.326131398671, 0.947486637544, 1.7272062061200002, 1.27725149695, 1.17553402955, -0.0167271073175, -0.135237278838, -0.0167271073175, -0.25773055863, -0.857659072007, 1.4349276589, -0.506223622945, 1.6710751612, 0.759186631761, 1.49673698924, 1.0056764983600002, 0.0, -0.264606869782, -1.5045074844], [-1.2350329021, -0.985052696257, -0.587833037802, 0.246235361326, 0.0463326906586, -0.8943728302089999, 0.107046353233, 0.26271452938, 0.132742092812, 0.14519304757999998, 1.29201981311, -0.8164414444949999, 1.11822734275, -0.27785979561, -0.0597235234291, 1.94126033721, -1.07538938016, -0.899487598917, 0.40451458465499995, 0.554620028565, -0.587833037802, 0.856761064867, -1.33031312957, 0.0689828313468, -0.414513356294, -0.556499029766, -0.130727003485, 1.01541977406, 0.42838110515100003, -1.7814360147, 2.49454677183, 0.07030668992589999, -0.19053637689800001, 2.34196528624, 0.0, -0.426188754035, -1.27802979318], [-1.8148048451900003, 0.005944099468310001, -0.271620436678, -0.239359668313, -1.8957749707, -1.99721846824, -0.851798336362, 0.163059876627, 1.41856289685, 0.601284666069, -0.450543315737, -1.5229047052200002, 0.044214467173199996, 0.317868229306, 0.5768017616350001, 1.68789760648, -0.377270726515, 0.110664283161, 0.0608222737048, 0.054168659084199995, -0.112912897219, 0.407787503701, 0.767836050463, 0.0762140544624, -0.34007808310800003, -0.905691420687, -0.44528203300499997, 0.750876953478, 0.0, 0.0, 0.996767952828, 1.1988058238400001, 2.4112545970299997, 0.0, -0.425571848396, 0.0, 0.0], [-3.21702297736, -0.43224826853799997, 0.999494600394, 1.2522682195700001, -1.9623407908900001, -0.7773719871279999, -0.26862149845600003, -0.35510614051899997, 0.7296904744130001, -0.14320661861099998, -0.36541188877499997, -0.310839863732, 0.786080078142, 0.8360996788439999, -0.321637404436, 1.48342756243, -0.442382781726, 0.38272228429899996, 0.0852355539027, 0.359662721638, -0.646936246874, 0.47813603002099997, 0.246082405572, 0.643695311914, 0.18577719096099998, 0.18577719096099998, -1.84345828461, 0.7652218327850001, 1.06065101421, 0.08750875772080001, -0.0982015198374, 1.57048956354, 1.65576855182, -0.5038202920920001, -0.566834708091, -0.573133847982, -0.9652139034739999], [-0.778517191323, -1.44934609839, -0.40517671990099996, 0.0381266286502, -1.04828224923, -1.46111714264, -0.918199150481, -2.0021101592200004, 0.621915649131, 0.164147409967, 0.15138515873199998, -1.29510775447, -0.185998478969, 1.2896378238600001, -0.116031847314, 2.81022823078, -0.824185301333, 1.02988067433, 0.20157406785100002, 0.289858923184, -0.0571622800259, -0.380889229045, 0.715779496309, -0.35084749326700004, -0.458902157698, -0.25291185826900003, 0.6424954551259999, 0.69599928158, 0.0, 0.0, 1.52916485757, 1.32112818641, -0.144992125427, 0.0, 0.628455393516, 0.0, 0.0], [-2.62533987284, -0.384823824853, -0.607141946355, -0.213375124859, -0.11097817397399999, 1.3776717927899997, -1.27777639491, 0.27446219642700004, 0.7589442568449999, -1.5830566695800001, -0.337554990459, -0.980608493878, -0.34904520507700004, 0.881943677661, 0.0720319296641, 1.3690622960799999, -1.1192627365899999, 0.07607230763839999, -0.8301996691310001, 0.48864083267499997, 0.821878817406, 0.369621734221, 0.36323411809600004, -0.801341366556, -0.057180207365, 0.634955410265, 0.420164013245, -0.104823855369, 0.612653694532, -0.331003492064, 1.01819466999, 1.77617596399, -2.31318805385, 1.62376826491, 0.901477135652, -0.161820155045, 0.347567120663], [-1.1192521055700002, 0.378289043178, 0.17965936176300001, 0.925064246946, -1.3342982531999998, 0.211556141353, 0.368497144464, -0.36001541144, 1.1811352284299999, -1.2132518099299998, -0.203576067522, -2.0519238338799997, 0.605391553585, 0.886594129696, -1.02815581024, 1.1602440784299999, -2.5514346132299996, 0.5384008523439999, -0.12473905697799999, -0.45658431493699997, -0.346541322002, 0.941608193608, 0.828193201322, 0.34348026476599997, -0.08548280143419999, 0.200305457927, -1.2221400675799998, 0.206290013466, 0.743381909342, -1.3575817588999999, -0.08504229591769999, 1.76044836413, -0.942585381026, 0.561644427211, 1.36379573104, -0.276398634055, 1.3750241948500002], [-0.634498590953, 2.37703613981, -0.5467922984019999, 1.5125965798700003, -0.582623464213, -0.313387273529, -0.610356671021, 1.8103070282900002, 1.56276010792, 1.00222636957, -0.653608754213, -0.580063611997, -0.358598145853, -0.310394968133, -0.521752686851, 3.32566928598, -0.597653163714, -0.556879229791, -0.5804388210729999, -0.31134001623700003, 0.66697523825, -0.5746186569789999, 1.3221657440799999, -0.154716507016, -0.461991924691, -0.570930055127, -0.584653027872, -0.599815429613, -0.429425754368, -0.610042869255, -0.675505664497, 0.307471341597, -0.646980407461, -0.408792897963, -0.726318652922, 0.278600017936, -0.5636283095610001], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.68994959015, -0.15547069892, -0.775312467402, -0.0599065157405, 2.40227136162, -0.879896322159, -1.1406241127299999, -0.5443968303360001, -0.22782162560199998, -0.7729770085169999, -0.736308371312, 3.24677731686, -0.612286947092, -0.140066925635, -0.537228719977, 0.394834284952, 0.317482700357, 0.22189571478599998, 0.401854412975, 0.0960130304854, -0.534899367995, -0.238165291857, -0.46328533860200005, 0.7573440612469999, -0.276913471339, -0.860862603592, 1.42936407317, 1.8008646394499999, -0.94264003229, -0.15547069892, 0.0, 0.412089715578, -0.736308371312], [0.154685141562, 0.416766365536, -0.49588379957199996, 0.637410051999, -0.371524513282, -1.38752487966, -1.38261350199, -0.441075068907, 0.9725189584139999, 1.9444966100099998, 0.657030472522, -0.629027561524, 1.0078893388799999, -0.18667321647399998, 0.00712524796142, 2.9926710320099996, 0.408361580969, 0.597632771162, -0.253234110949, 0.260470487909, -0.0605223933683, 0.668142514837, 0.844564702078, 0.7293087534, 0.621928524917, -0.732093601887, -1.37562512222, 0.122419691704, -1.1318093064599999, -1.31944440609, 1.29510735252, -0.16296488322799998, -1.3457912516, -0.110081603934, -0.94763517831, -0.377449080718, -1.62755611821], [-0.121295656634, -1.1049357395000001, -1.5363671727200001, -0.319284129434, -0.329523736123, -0.20045906314800002, -0.47686942361100004, 1.04307663146, 1.12581006474, 0.5056790591470001, -0.971096562376, 0.416025542053, 0.0, -0.0113847214655, 0.0100895563757, 3.07510267681, 0.158384734369, 1.26573728869, -0.7584142521930001, 0.0, 0.0, 1.4686491235199999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.030566650951400005, 0.16016656442299998, 0.193089034945, 0.7728596232070001, -1.19529410846, -1.5363671727200001, 0.842003983462, -1.2813712523899998, 0.0973027461139, 0.2749600807, -0.274462094098, 0.218254437442, -1.54063271354], [-0.41061465355, -0.0656604593806, -0.947980181612, -0.5357961673139999, 0.189010569055, -1.3551290838999999, -0.8323262619830001, -0.669067214558, 1.95893957187, -0.645360708011, -0.923826119366, -0.78679008947, 0.0, -0.04085665725, 0.764824544526, 2.28853725765, -0.40702455311700003, 0.31437799921, -0.565586070176, 0.0, 0.0, 0.20535973737799998, 0.0, 0.0, -1.19933924374, -0.706722868372, -1.0333292827, -0.9832208054029999, -0.174708923125, -0.185957625484, 1.1187900999200002, -0.5072889609269999, 0.996673163741, 0.507450159955, 1.04329881886, 1.5453198076499999, 2.04400419961], [0.337803361246, 1.4975852546000001, -0.320237134134, 0.292701750062, 0.427047675009, -1.7145137770899999, -0.316861596331, 0.630518273851, 0.878485416249, -0.54476348323, -0.282759611386, -1.2583039106799998, -0.425691726549, 0.0649407593307, 0.9960237936040001, 1.8119284412099999, -0.6940240416850001, 0.21218433217, -0.296718843377, -1.19337414351, -0.024423665166500002, -1.4589859366, -0.0103230136519, -0.513611327493, -0.6098237737359999, -1.19337414351, -1.52237333305, -0.422032233762, -1.18509660146, -0.757308389203, 1.9032023988900002, 0.427047675009, 2.20024932812, 0.167041782625, 0.41274379687299995, 1.31019433786, 1.17490230888], [-0.151005263784, 0.521900365617, 0.0923201394578, -0.682176987145, -0.763816642718, -0.622992702427, -0.409598431871, 0.480791820303, 1.16602130684, -0.325068230774, 0.344116649783, -0.241142988389, -0.710610608295, -0.822644805037, 1.9007939347999998, 0.964095413266, -0.025563114911000002, -0.833088627993, -0.852393944574, 0.888651388694, -0.845293964895, -1.10900484776, 0.946139317508, 1.7627094407799997, -0.942032873137, -0.977067677925, -0.5864963353679999, -0.78073526518, 0.0841113496617, 0.214935215726, -1.0534508770200002, -0.668805545986, -0.812376796452, -0.886360943873, 0.9955324830969999, 2.0077682726, 2.73184037739], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.10898320029, -0.766951393529, -0.9030045419399999, 0.233501834172, 1.8421927420500002, 0.878800146279, -0.0517210897549, -0.72444760847, -1.38682399968, -1.0570561895200001, 0.446838806298, 0.7328593588510001, -0.401135477438, 1.00133741502, 0.960218999707, -0.21919266394, -1.51283517424, -0.7613660908319999, -0.343040492109, 0.672111423172, -0.369074062721, -0.17224140776500002, 0.422801349097, -0.159338760287, -0.144417846614, -0.964722047862, -0.8650075753700001, -1.6502851316100002, 2.25607541292, 0.426274683908, 0.0, -0.42654213331699997, 0.8972083152279999], [1.1892553857200001, -0.9831240883140001, -0.67699078329, 0.471985174258, 1.22343741971, -0.42555155238700004, -0.42266967031499997, -1.5548178862600002, 1.87036424593, -1.40860249436, -1.4797423799399998, -0.647736021183, -0.567310014919, -0.66690485887, 1.61410375691, 0.40243891784100005, -0.12275753253699999, -0.6798863956389999, 0.5215112201309999, -0.5031725843879999, -1.08890686251, -1.3754200825799998, 0.40243891784100005, 0.657737611585, 1.87036424593, -0.567310014919, -0.051174905812900004, 1.32365245646, -0.19708213214, -0.46029160267999997, -0.455727515546, -0.533845990005, 2.2146518837999998, 0.451811089735, -0.491362205022, 0.43514168860299995, 0.71149355917], [-0.720223282792, -0.8686910609020001, -0.661115015313, -0.591523284316, -0.6452069405749999, -0.6921324556749999, 1.3210718453, -0.353810329104, 1.43306993671, 1.1180431313799999, 0.165671379007, 1.7239192644499999, -0.030809979265200002, -0.433785820446, -0.16858459207600002, -0.591156441664, 0.274381433169, -0.855499355763, -0.847110742607, -0.634455795713, -0.745687148047, -0.803021891151, -0.8611472153919999, -0.618180878322, -0.696496095088, -0.751159443394, -0.740886765388, -0.432513521261, 1.44329493058, -0.0884075269277, -0.0378027479993, -0.473603149552, 2.53005355534, 1.5533683172600001, -0.7150343828769999, 1.23941657224, 2.25575549617], [0.0421458227346, -1.80266292969, -1.10143553716, -0.204278815042, 0.142716634261, -0.627528962191, 0.0369917720878, 0.406750635626, 0.695490505088, 0.764015261584, 0.975836233288, 0.158283821435, 0.206297194549, 1.21293434415, -0.24928266890599998, 0.058876134134900004, -0.113262223118, -0.323425180181, 0.0804136418063, -0.380666750919, -0.623476914973, -1.3968566067, -0.645375978315, 0.0488215401004, -1.7786275331299999, -0.16468959893100002, -0.6075478155430001, -0.0735369406976, 0.426383950966, 1.06473515319, 0.986794304126, -2.93434688885, 1.08966570426, 0.579996814443, -0.013953362543799998, 1.94523562638, 2.1185696126900004], [0.0737175941862, -0.021667346648499997, -2.28994408263, 0.0637065525817, 0.702788898532, -1.9749992135099999, 0.198168705024, 0.138899970857, 0.232435721747, 0.619214507955, -0.0970265435476, 0.636572105087, -0.46674582037, 0.677221337332, 0.124132599347, 0.553557805696, 0.898627317799, 0.680751323794, 0.066797251839, 0.36911732049199997, 0.318028218658, -2.06495686553, 0.24817684656, 0.74683789996, 0.0215266136147, 0.06894191472460001, 0.770820889459, -1.7379472871200001, 0.315909180859, 0.517772633314, -2.2609751833700003, -2.23677568803, 0.9383828097679999, 0.5659127583110001, 0.698547685168, 1.42195957732, 0.482511990772], [-0.00360619125887, 0.115342896593, -0.005833932727070001, 1.65128512498, -0.0974121555008, -1.76720970095, 1.4174524942299997, 0.24976580208299998, 0.33394873386199997, -0.005833932727070001, 0.488625517899, 0.589130212917, 0.381537414226, 0.518626693516, 1.3957203249599999, -1.12881589591, 1.7307415883000001, -0.794440906557, -0.0974121555008, -2.15350585407, -0.701503319869, 0.00396269880558, -1.6476723107700002, 1.50353132003, -1.2306369627, 1.42155764662, -0.340516194679, -0.752019520558, 0.548856506851, -1.8261753492700001, 0.255526470675, 0.12039188181, 0.48717743422399995, -0.8564672932240001, 0.236732631276, -0.734543931274, 0.693692213702], [0.5943590397990001, 0.0662239534963, -0.660511550864, -0.424696653511, -0.651771607599, 0.0957172562453, -0.283606938897, -1.31227756236, 1.8232109238900003, -0.539965446062, 0.782501658865, 0.11351146041400001, -0.662190955073, -0.689535800106, 1.0143937410400001, 0.492848021478, 0.65686852646, -0.8056518165659999, -1.25012095424, -1.1033347073200002, -0.21507352913199998, -1.29723687074, -1.38877034698, 1.5599665604700002, -1.47556546534, 1.9519426407599998, -0.7615590478300001, -1.4730248217, 0.7061729400489999, 0.944610373613, 1.6617831751299998, -0.134208509999, 0.16426441016499999, 0.07844497311780001, 0.9978719080130001, -0.142066354495, 1.56647737581], [0.33336870529199997, -1.2529387455399998, -1.07139475951, 0.198441592572, -0.030505055245500002, -1.31396338463, 0.631843385093, 2.6871717510699997, -1.02403264748, -1.08417450748, -1.26958661121, -1.15648896509, 0.800357201031, 1.4931212442700001, 0.147864542659, -0.48755995732900004, 1.05379809181, 1.08309419274, -1.0289671140999999, -1.15913072673, -1.0366907461900001, 0.0277358980687, 1.06225545525, -0.007761027318130001, 0.331307243502, 0.782927930654, -1.18299042085, 0.283459082403, -1.01435276377, -0.0338087642122, 1.30604440877, -0.936904378591, -0.08771308578600001, 1.18698594889, 0.500258887184, 0.245089152187, 1.02383894762], [-0.927516124469, -1.09288667832, -0.762847531399, 0.416792289166, -0.390636049464, -1.06070507729, 1.62080893813, 1.2908092447700001, 1.26938713609, 0.7202135676170001, -0.8050245539640001, -1.05523236134, 0.61418741109, 0.42544550855499996, -0.9117557963070001, -0.854248137767, 1.13108054933, -0.447451903583, -0.9313106971100001, -0.712947768346, -0.7764703362459999, -0.271770299758, -0.607884512947, -0.843504661202, 1.4058417495299997, 1.57926551623, -0.9439889604039999, 0.72948866879, -0.835462385978, 0.654281207806, 1.4021932722400001, -1.0270691635100002, -0.927157136179, 1.26503161984, 1.35871623549, -0.989517191398, 1.2918444123100001], [-0.8101293798520001, -1.74085999192, -1.60728853516, 0.130668520675, -1.5106936797200001, -1.5940730833, 0.768118906648, 1.3995930283000002, 1.04665652565, 0.7949632444399999, 0.40453948437700005, -1.39668790686, 0.791568175703, 0.6868523967110001, 0.199379918185, -0.979158946056, 0.9942076710269999, 0.0418966659856, -0.101800797467, -0.665176693935, -1.41954277417, -1.8032625489200003, 0.44298596662100004, 1.01362559677, 0.251835510964, 0.757536149152, -0.277390922496, 0.961163747129, -0.984011863276, -0.612433285576, 1.5198739508899999, 0.12317376445599999, 1.11265918388, 0.00957950049297, 1.0682037091299998, 0.105110208353, 0.8783185831720001], [-1.4213473427, -1.5253772969, -1.23087049404, 0.0735492164688, 0.426332317759, -1.4071960234099998, 0.732593639876, 1.2542368577, 1.05572271535, 0.540513612483, -1.27673160513, -1.0916685012, 0.11943081691299999, 0.183921766474, 0.200234485781, 0.534251152848, 2.0550225888599996, -0.5378355852000001, 0.571220791504, -1.28019840516, -0.19444571804299998, -1.38067413805, 0.561346285025, 0.95451482926, -1.3289034396700001, 0.8615832794239999, -1.4708774155200002, 1.31075471356, -0.39100244335199996, 0.660629537051, 0.9428290631899999, -1.38622311257, 0.28574661001400004, 0.48849476516999996, 0.630473294206, 0.8039844958869999, 0.675964686136], [-1.13250838685, -1.0727319031799998, -0.989668478115, 0.330486363885, -0.802605366691, -1.1524175342799998, -0.37414239622699996, -0.136865319315, 1.20769559941, 0.801717826419, -1.0679517461399999, -0.9151118039820001, -0.459010433894, 0.018246506127900002, 0.53565401014, 0.323302628172, 0.247813065755, 1.5086410619100001, -1.15402487931, -0.9351912186779999, -1.07326254194, -1.1177695234, -0.16830084426, 0.553803729164, 0.15697355122099999, 1.21468041446, -1.06120883183, 0.765868026197, -0.9356689588680001, 1.16740287051, 2.20635278326, -1.196950414, 1.06035380213, -0.244001449921, 1.53878057194, 1.5737233821399998, 0.7778958380509999], [-1.06746371809, -1.23862700787, -1.04768762994, -0.833485685568, -1.07495477647, -1.02087229265, 0.870617398137, 1.68148392713, 1.1579507361799999, 0.16585056882000002, -1.1016609860200002, -0.720524706755, 0.666297633501, 0.785326930537, 0.6611263045, 1.01367519557, 1.2746470453299998, 1.4463121187299999, 0.5805099717600001, -0.994996269824, -1.13032537557, -0.136820825993, -0.21197618227499998, -1.08524236066, 0.148769017936, 1.24448444411, -1.1861431944299998, 0.792278979473, -1.0486901773000001, -1.2139019257299999, 1.0527801521200002, -1.06845045723, 0.795399318902, -0.774074810391, 0.27270651353500003, 0.9782428463989999, 1.3674392801100002], [0.6133618957399999, -0.8010886863750001, -0.857356503971, 0.9130929212819999, -0.491671243561, -0.953959835343, 1.11140101129, 1.74889487498, -0.7015512475110001, -0.676132329938, -0.07223836027319999, -0.9864381592720001, -0.922313151828, -0.85632029146, 1.34475339831, -0.231276237354, 0.544513609456, -0.8506261296600001, -0.647315322004, 1.3463184463799998, -0.229462269388, -0.883449221948, -0.895956254499, -0.8750279090440001, -0.8378439500229999, 1.79397274192, -0.9332622891769999, -0.6949253051100001, -0.551345734961, -0.30787298985399997, 1.7522457563999998, -0.115300548296, 0.861803501575, 0.7364275100669999, 2.1388627002700002, 1.2860450212899999, -0.818959418107], [-0.398315515668, -0.849621230548, -0.323455467859, -0.185175811897, -1.6981923879499998, 1.0206349160200001, 0.8620179294399999, 0.842521997353, 1.28138551989, 1.06321170933, 0.735379616618, -0.747076590546, 0.246496195342, 0.7618887391179999, 0.48049944940899997, -1.5566042755399998, 0.020369648036599998, -1.9086235809999998, -1.0279060230700001, 0.592157550646, -0.5734646471679999, 0.31639816635400003, 0.748995896296, -2.24170681155, -0.294710142135, 0.5453921961779999, 0.8850527118799999, 0.625163781215, 1.01768587406, -1.90162283186, 0.488590883288, -0.658914520343, 1.1262935600200001, -0.963645937959, 1.50226415486, -0.014031387222799998, 0.18066666696199998], [-1.95574930318, -0.251196765404, -0.540230733031, -1.26342357754, -0.14874924587000002, 0.113038146811, 1.85454121738, 0.161748519891, 0.732731777838, -0.003952926016, -0.356135397155, 0.0, 0.544037358069, 0.0, 0.0, -1.92668874447, 1.3230474898, -0.237006451631, -0.089351345559, -0.421347568806, -0.648315945971, -0.540230733031, 0.736185986726, -1.1929573734799999, 0.0, 1.04477256386, 0.885968630168, 2.04895877539, -0.122442294517, 0.07222145261139999, -0.544790094019, -1.28950850994, 2.13644057742, -0.122442294517, 0.47751037749700004, -0.689248506495, 0.212564937186], [0.134428545136, -0.9557154656929999, -0.977499730949, -1.05746122439, -0.920835980032, -0.892059916373, -0.678609156795, 0.6765352491509999, 1.3950089490900002, 0.741575256443, -0.124260378413, -0.9892233477050001, -0.268642967395, -0.9567404787639999, -0.676994749306, 1.2106094308600002, 1.33138672579, 0.659741316925, 0.500689091268, -0.992556425509, 0.7107515470710001, -1.10016232628, -1.07377097719, -0.898070025527, 0.355298628309, -0.56240181099, -0.654802954469, -0.0442503242069, -0.962648705524, 0.573875405415, 0.9648609997750001, -1.01574466826, 2.6933339240099996, 0.0803408953468, 0.946792109348, 0.836011667398, 1.99121187244], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.7715055234000001, -0.866669635458, 0.091596639749, 0.116324835172, 1.46602360407, 0.829951368829, -0.775400870748, -1.25383143403, -1.01631907827, -0.784931435563, -0.929078618207, 0.858786424767, 1.7509446038900003, 0.138452640637, 0.265226755692, 1.32091417754, 0.480047459883, -1.21420687256, -0.565307757389, -0.8269007322669999, 0.525008190316, -0.312789568533, 0.226715742183, 0.686216751918, -0.5724973499379999, 0.17589731233800002, 0.6075871275399999, -0.597557405205, 2.1998841492900003, -0.616149659754, 0.0745520316362, -1.4322382311500002, 1.7212543570299998], [-1.28414241169, -1.34883944699, 0.875636865931, 0.8990844163580001, -0.8020958606990001, -1.25453072932, 0.738176545015, 0.212248180965, 0.798517331727, 0.322165077375, -1.35906283086, -1.2464908290799999, -1.3661358172100002, -1.3565144656400001, -0.016669243179, 1.2681154803499999, 1.3651949757600002, 0.132990717505, 1.29551152306, 1.35579380366, 0.576948453225, 0.25463250565699996, 0.38219948859700004, -1.21798808307, 0.583441291231, -1.4603418142299998, 0.497282786853, 0.8504680747769999, 0.134974119182, 0.999859621949, -0.310276110223, -1.491499219, -0.135274966346, -1.43255453984, 1.20782873363, 0.479831442442, 0.8515149321359999], [1.23718524116, -0.461217185439, 0.482145971604, -1.34585883476, -1.43100749027, -1.1270999036700002, 0.0588253408876, 0.321785094486, 0.289772399818, -0.140466124992, -0.6555591577800001, -0.330180972124, 1.1114127490999999, 0.8425472511229999, 0.110321239288, 1.2356059619700002, 0.880995372807, -0.9707903389749999, -0.490291118319, 0.43173331762199996, -1.5143597835499998, 0.0936096433956, -0.567765888014, -1.17363111272, 1.59354877595, -2.2150555677900003, -1.33250117199, 0.200645154709, -0.85596100346, 0.490999161088, 1.5317343774799999, 1.45901155574, 0.762426239049, 0.146532320142, -0.167608561434, -0.263173404389, 1.7616904522799999], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.339397917779, -1.09922071307, 0.7163500816859999, 1.58199522688, 0.505125453487, 0.161891594245, -0.9535357877339999, -0.273970479996, 0.565595461879, 0.346118199209, -0.431243125567, 0.856892986448, 0.23836217896499998, -0.357048964816, -1.37062152754, -0.120297834373, 0.27713556202100004, -0.025885988495400004, 0.606602697787, -0.05499504863080001, 0.655017047836, -2.39334748063, -0.318602164811, -1.41840600333, -1.66655532492, 0.0015291571221500001, 0.9070760108679999, 1.5857105651499999, 1.9522691352400001, -1.07859144277, 0.0, -0.8955085040799999, 1.16076111415], [-0.23295516267299998, -1.34098462122, 0.0442948106559, 0.712326888857, -2.73349955682, -0.209394302614, -0.28356159897, -0.116891252062, 2.57159001213, 0.0649765510607, -0.711972612148, 0.44372330274300004, -0.199948064063, 0.632497867751, -0.242652563339, -1.4986740858200003, -0.793907293432, 0.730772722676, -0.42738490571099996, -0.46352794395400004, -1.3134235653, -0.5685633002780001, 0.252002498277, 0.407340248709, -0.478311797268, -0.024418454515299996, -0.34026805381700004, -0.32175125916499997, -0.288261301369, -0.296591070726, 1.2718760839299998, 0.0504841863156, -0.303679606561, 1.3594917717, 2.17305008977, 1.5157875281, 0.9604078091439999], [-0.6903494366349999, -1.0270929886, -0.391081877002, -0.439391447817, -1.3437674481200002, -0.7707361606990001, 0.239309849823, -0.692831916977, 1.5137101125299999, -0.10190491248299999, 0.38543061886200003, -0.241503093426, -0.38746891653800003, -0.223228536547, -1.72313182571, -1.1440741587999999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.255075996775, -0.707400332842, 0.0, 1.1484478703, 0.776038495079, -1.2235790789899998, 0.0, -0.20226429419300002, -0.011891325074100002, 0.42021583214599995, 0.235627680221, 0.604172342947, 0.0, 0.0344929940828, 2.49867112483, 2.5627346045599997, 0.361817373451, 0.796104848379], [0.264427621357, 1.11465286958, -1.31375967601, -0.26235120591899996, -1.94474520912, -0.54046788436, 0.273329655276, -0.7199577971979999, 2.51708155539, 0.35716230679399996, 0.49117330000200005, -0.563530225979, 0.182413649174, 1.45269028285, -1.7996658145900002, -0.186804699928, -0.0127210846627, 0.287874721033, -0.875576099754, -0.650907512698, -0.663535960761, -0.489191213783, -0.6261741422980001, 1.10956352285, -1.55778764937, -0.464387775132, 0.008847868459399999, 0.0275768668568, -0.534339347415, -0.296663500426, -0.209398287624, 0.195978484404, 0.235257996369, 1.1877646560100001, 2.5377537013900002, 0.985900984083, 0.482515045148], [-0.20543910927200001, -0.6020048324939999, 0.259410484677, 0.272082654935, -2.03713194439, -0.29423715218400004, -0.184397877243, -0.8300497360760001, 2.27516862858, -1.22146449537, 1.37945220796, 0.0560234495949, -1.09607791851, -0.6996445418070001, -0.918423413175, -1.3019274139, -0.0489129789984, 2.3902357373500003, -0.913163965875, -0.482772012544, -1.67691651104, 0.0694629300674, 0.17356527067299998, 0.08844151556669999, 0.12771105658, 0.35420304444, -0.439736631496, 0.19972393547000003, 0.963506534243, 0.740082910774, 0.838730909425, -0.982578459039, 0.0713551299623, -0.0027873534940100002, 1.1326767861799998, 1.22442861785, 1.3214045425799998], [-1.26499387815, 0.049964721319599996, -0.251115528997, 0.340062560921, -1.7402184844599997, -1.26844848615, -0.45211681320200003, -1.07744473787, 1.8270045218900002, -1.13589139693, -0.38216229460199996, -0.22709925146899998, -0.464734608063, -0.0896722898498, -1.20012746999, -0.8278622001199999, 0.868231837157, 1.16630315267, -0.053177903235999996, 0.0871216472444, 0.21781795536100002, -0.7545453823970001, 0.0922269010546, -0.564878559709, -1.08055256456, 0.7657412123039999, 0.07683219745860001, 0.049964721319599996, 1.80170505949, 1.65761646322, 0.308817379063, -1.60997054965, -0.016278715627600002, 0.61764834401, 1.8194027095599996, 1.63209674134, 1.08273298964], [0.0903592327888, 0.427219286645, 0.356760732611, -0.16010472337200002, -1.6981470517100001, -1.52819004455, -0.20205400190699999, 0.6865923533589999, 2.25307271676, 0.010108025864, 0.473864168687, 0.890723188402, 0.184347829604, 0.380120481607, -0.463191476692, -3.2098996509599997, 0.842979254526, -0.951585539887, -0.35706634766900003, 0.730662700821, -0.132617316225, -0.433474374251, 0.466502942905, -0.554876085398, 0.617982083999, -0.14065215466800002, 0.11520272062100001, -0.26062811700800004, -0.616698880538, -0.270150455613, 0.656210462187, -1.35721929762, -0.309126551345, 0.801027528187, 2.42385784116, -0.252631742043, 0.49072026072499997], [-0.0177868261362, -0.250470151979, -0.164414028171, 0.19797645351399998, -2.3920228835499997, -0.0177868261362, -0.771545450625, -0.713166540486, 1.7981128161400002, -0.138485156892, -0.285293922438, -0.127366843638, -0.331664967047, 0.79280482286, 0.621663663221, -0.34713065197, -0.559609932579, 0.123043874375, 0.130234484912, 0.0390513846579, -1.8123583070599998, 0.0, -0.44338904774599996, 0.43868157825099996, 0.10060885563699999, -0.513620052271, -1.07118375984, 0.232092842905, 0.215518830853, 0.481005921313, 2.95353270485, 0.0, -0.036967342949599996, 1.12796854, 2.32794971119, -0.821843376226, -0.7641404169249999], [-0.0602862086653, -0.032926037539999994, -0.414401269931, 0.812621587506, -2.4385540051900003, -0.0149837264469, 0.08106199599219999, -0.347197191012, 2.22372528493, -0.642257996041, 0.27969657312199997, 0.66101388481, 0.7252885466329999, 0.448824404675, 0.8050284774009999, -0.461176675277, -0.453203474252, 0.308645924802, 1.0422419184799998, 0.8936820481899999, -0.37846688239299997, -0.311518524956, -3.0170213447099994, 0.9865620710780001, -1.20085996081, -1.13123508449, -0.80002856936, -0.565700484199, -0.248300342551, 0.5747325915129999, 0.9507265703650001, -0.571484086049, -0.25825998920000004, 1.43004539521, 1.30150507824, -0.11312973050200001, -0.0644107693784], [-0.07821271252930001, 0.102196966724, -0.25696148697, 0.361534040023, -1.67435727193, 0.49727600221900004, 0.0787510991283, 1.0266565881999998, 2.5663836238799997, 0.34935915907399995, 0.396970750228, 0.312101921289, -0.76458997494, 1.15308327627, -0.737076910798, 0.5689814567629999, -0.515398731807, 0.396970750228, 0.67927755845, 0.47521778224100003, -1.59098485761, -1.8674822780400002, 0.554049364468, 0.38917421985699996, 0.209992781404, -0.515398731807, -1.5206166412600002, -1.08501178687, -0.28363752184999996, 0.595545301608, 0.361950031555, -0.865601113581, -1.14354444175, 2.27158991975, 0.853104268926, -1.4208961248899998, 0.11960372435799999], [-0.7673191245550001, -0.810905782497, 0.159553194715, 0.273960177704, 0.176651520176, -0.018287460627599998, 0.185422189572, -0.611875346554, 2.4837937602799998, 0.28853505951999997, 0.105820723656, 0.247144613851, -0.24895592700599997, -0.09257172122960002, -0.038895584227699995, -0.217740153906, 2.0506557541999997, 0.62856247229, 0.9639305167159999, -1.26331570024, -1.8207325137700001, -0.154712599476, -0.217740153906, 0.07502036353189999, -1.0815547993, -1.1223998236200001, -0.172362831305, -0.52380914384, -0.30242288438000003, -0.733667481123, 1.64959491162, -1.1178146510100002, 0.36913485164800003, 0.807611740426, 2.15433178208, 0.6975755467910001, -2.0002154962], [-0.43970445412299997, 0.22848040897799998, 0.425038487324, 0.550403367992, -3.72476264273, -0.691362797966, -0.769187523811, -0.642980985883, 0.16469512082, -0.5594078104300001, -0.8758496981080001, 0.464116736557, -0.7408432068549999, -0.166624791856, -0.11115934137399999, -1.45807447894, 0.368559276299, 0.325825665907, -0.21495214008400002, 0.28516875398499997, 0.20854329792100001, -0.149457781236, 0.0734412549174, 0.583337290554, 0.278990168444, 0.44927740671000005, -0.12135143052200001, -0.249497074329, -0.517292828936, 0.22353380470800002, 0.8291998752799999, -1.01032009433, 1.9615839181, 0.8189739301450001, 2.39226118909, 1.5502224468999999, 0.261176680881], [-0.377716753569, 0.765621008738, 0.37385711827, -0.42516354987099997, -4.19746676407, -0.6805855780589999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.545850967485, 0.0, 0.0, -0.500075168378, -0.7127755634469999, 0.6651432778540001, 0.441923811831, 0.140086266741, -0.51040388101, -0.0334156694919, -0.232727495843, -0.8369978175830001, -0.052392058330800004, 0.0, 0.09917608231319999, 0.09316541732719999, -0.333348050953, 0.19847817873799997, -0.42516354987099997, 0.0326807040856, 0.05710719523630001, 1.49790489496, 0.32690530056899997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.669388810327, 1.3049313050799998, 1.230351959, 0.875659601919], [0.62277616399, 0.750762371398, 0.27109704109, 0.165952590974, -2.3018599213099997, -1.36524632679, -0.67057571823, -1.65399193012, -0.551911887545, -1.30107998945, -1.49457184816, 0.513848057851, -1.64230603056, 0.962971074593, 1.05544899243, -0.026371672118700003, 0.328789048562, 0.37485716928199997, 0.908544572352, -0.9251274475329999, -1.30107998945, -0.28966123562, -0.5946065832899999, -0.184136780068, 0.419542409418, 0.845646019699, -0.667964680831, -0.387888604507, 0.246723901618, 0.130605546237, 1.66634644393, 0.7761581624160001, 0.339740488917, 1.23774080881, 1.2662901781, 1.32025468085, 1.15428492308], [0.8544178325239999, 0.605828384744, -0.330773428484, 0.408921072271, -2.3657039542800002, -0.725452340862, -0.248443494333, -2.02619684624, -0.9361821587190001, -1.1587606457600002, -0.7691848690880001, 0.364538356059, -1.7848168221, 0.00670262393962, -0.359577423704, 0.183527476149, 0.756583918842, 0.8129175127860001, 0.777879518129, -0.270741471317, -0.341497573432, -0.26736541843199996, 0.8492363136200001, 0.522109472298, -0.814912473516, 0.70409581302, -1.66007387861, -0.785362302439, 0.382246574715, -0.275580781047, 1.4932933425, 0.638100246045, 0.432768996977, 1.1073778015, 1.5851481640600003, 1.60128117699, 1.0336512852], [-0.19440542778900002, 0.7431565195730001, -0.154591957731, -0.981304931846, -1.87704531496, 0.0187789715228, -0.7252519616590001, -1.6440061210799999, 0.6892616685609999, -1.0998722531899998, -0.7626786250030001, 0.0643433332775, -1.0482041744, 0.412324110294, 0.255221030292, -1.53747798988, -0.939795255679, 0.37127630728, 0.195851112375, -0.539060264818, -0.34369103130900003, -0.16949245309799998, -0.131034787922, 0.9618937293050001, -0.459238476196, 0.859835322453, -0.63873930857, -1.63384226025, 0.0321732758621, 1.7633100279700002, 0.8068440304160001, 0.485907943242, 1.96036325333, 0.83792945768, 1.79679854375, 1.21104605308, 1.4134179051], [0.855290547123, 0.632072698029, -0.5008273199350001, -0.785347052345, -1.52523703725, 0.406702524397, -1.09722442427, -1.19505510537, 0.508950571246, 0.44229549667499996, 0.410555830859, -0.511782350606, -0.320676003647, 1.11578158253, -0.08722088487360001, -0.9711123481020001, -1.96001749035, 0.251282261734, 0.356713301285, -0.49644836349, -1.1789893028799998, 0.0835424216352, 0.537566764331, 0.817313920598, -0.8813126161560001, 0.175664566597, -1.26617733874, -1.94787291436, -0.61143089809, 0.586740432023, 0.823761917483, 0.6489733942270001, 1.12059849653, 0.565158962839, 2.52526126304, 1.3584859345700002, 1.11401856272], [0.114462708354, 0.241960449038, -0.917505731029, -0.5061229072510001, -1.42578039529, 1.7039774539599999, -0.634786000646, -0.8587055527140001, 1.2483791710299998, -0.582430434395, -1.48373533886, 0.436444727108, 0.331172749938, -0.6997582958990001, -0.43413920732600003, -1.74806231093, -1.11404331449, -0.238309131135, 0.821409597266, -0.502542077478, -0.512089028793, 0.0, -0.231718100161, 0.00224548777109, 0.0678711440195, -1.2300706063200002, 0.0918454325099, -1.35913773572, 0.511616871199, 1.3019635011200001, 1.4131290534099998, 0.0, 0.735995482839, 1.94454110492, 1.6252421781400002, 0.8795935454230001, 1.0070855103899998], [-0.521506669309, 1.6612249626, 0.633613723456, 0.31492109853100003, -2.1810199571099997, -0.9365574082610001, -3.02462197158, -1.0106401028899998, 1.03466934425, -0.837407467799, -0.346704776639, -1.8099843775400002, -0.184239151212, 0.777649541859, -0.621703869443, -0.20252984266, -0.612819206691, 0.626105589086, 0.311251779861, -0.123823514636, -0.058263976677, -1.11380872672, 0.524809476117, 0.35095015605499996, 0.297199028061, -0.540014096857, 0.285887384086, 0.605273357231, 0.49765853029, 0.185694950253, 0.503782586429, 0.9931350942839999, 1.96199989789, 0.448639307875, 0.629859577424, 0.819827822218, 0.661491908171], [-0.20295563807300002, 1.4973086971, 0.549395952686, -0.504351852606, -3.45779509242, -0.924032281085, -1.0400524763799999, -0.9186109983740001, 0.9538281089689999, -1.42690094366, -0.504351852606, 0.016518872236299997, -0.0550792099965, 0.324036400882, -0.679702028944, -0.7206185162469999, 0.027803199728099998, 0.48167581586900005, -0.148629084505, -0.338061471823, 0.20469980887800002, -0.24486517929200002, 0.0632902596936, 0.135367290211, -0.142665703777, 0.708617391874, -0.47974103117, -0.587807053466, 0.7563379929999999, 1.95657967405, 0.432464233371, 1.4052904132100001, 2.4141609050799997, 0.12278817466700001, 0.145940604916, 0.314484634844, -0.134368016856], [-1.6399353732, -0.7116905311, 0.105917640945, 1.05820961469, -3.0575701965499995, -0.811127638493, 0.353441137416, -1.0953928714, 0.7787881461120001, 0.0421256873658, 0.19069297082699999, -0.995370590453, 1.9636782539500002, 1.10418282892, 0.131695379277, -0.155751785558, -0.429753551507, -0.526231879246, -0.253355120612, -0.126963375133, -2.06850421599, -0.191527424713, 1.25665897957, -0.196523888421, 0.448504295294, 0.20270036696199997, 0.205479473945, 0.642899842579, 0.861517441837, 1.02839301149, 0.382004064604, 0.8815129905660001, -1.2209365797, 0.269726695151, -0.329288094168, 1.27751739762, 0.624276897123], [0.495332064578, -0.528157402169, 0.299049332351, 0.734280487116, -1.61407335024, -0.088374106171, -0.942392647453, -0.27107394842599997, 1.0151333663, 0.574748473479, -0.748868047625, -0.563781736238, 1.06068270064, -0.327937702429, -0.134723411054, -2.0841210388299998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.62254409347, -0.128869255162, -1.0873573073, 0.825030067598, 0.880427619919, 0.00582810021455, 0.0, -0.0906616172243, 0.957978901843, 0.24215110691, 1.69935492335, -0.739047954572, 0.332744387717, -1.4685412108899998, 1.0505138648299999, -0.9073320705750001, 1.08758598771, 2.08701551526], [0.7216778217479999, -1.1692635442000001, 0.6602187105830001, 0.5857552737539999, -0.0501028019814, -0.568418781846, 0.827288986737, 0.330479842756, 1.0603176008, -1.85484289314, 0.887464495356, 0.6602187105830001, -2.42721792747, -1.69426322166, 0.0509834724319, 0.50755896265, 1.1643205764700002, 0.835579591843, -0.33987167187399997, 0.0137699356005, 0.32820575785399997, -0.840304343832, 1.9131095732700003, 1.39864343871, -0.302130192794, 0.263696511242, 0.644239606591, -1.5107117407100001, -0.276818220439, -2.0909500953, 0.663012939393, 0.285340482429, 0.357263274982, 0.167237248434, -0.776215541295, -0.465144108584, 0.0398722709149], [0.381608568578, -0.501872194345, 0.11380517532, 0.285712607651, -1.98384485801, -0.338097187021, 0.0593375083864, -0.590959362275, 0.8355332148129999, -0.410720102494, 0.0890422061658, 0.216701464711, -4.285722163469999, 0.025417938055699998, 0.261575404056, -0.160402936301, 0.906543815152, 0.9721506404960001, 0.574287113208, 0.311306856861, -0.144147398672, 0.0, 0.721788689962, 0.715436353651, -0.0582351650409, 1.0567140960899999, -0.116470748238, 0.16628018527000002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.372751723259, 0.0, 0.12742516579000002, 0.0, 0.397053388391, 0.0, 0.0], [0.8689874788709999, -0.237287647589, 0.20938464789099998, 0.17641976258499997, -1.64313921879, -0.469220212857, -1.32158256046, -0.132987519778, 2.6663970114, -1.42440932479, -0.952389023824, 0.767478568357, -0.431791121163, 0.150903540033, -0.595666673789, 1.25106589566, -0.09822206923489998, 1.21680361918, 0.8426145730750001, -0.170695892822, -0.397273307073, -1.14595283495, 0.509363224369, -0.225860645156, 0.7733328810500001, 0.511356427827, -0.857821289383, -0.231287223402, 0.0, 0.0, 0.333955799707, -2.08920383816, 0.7378972155769999, 0.0, 1.4088297576299997, 0.0, 0.0], [0.47512139828500005, 0.289675153904, 0.20739910811700002, 1.24935153632, -2.0939358119099998, -1.40032135964, -0.648656127446, -0.20406047511599998, 1.10740850113, -2.0294829998, 1.2519889288600001, -0.231530656708, -1.64421351244, 0.0908525732628, 0.09283331559489999, 1.6091467555899999, 0.180145225964, 0.6091207458519999, 0.502406834061, -0.6828385658409999, -0.24211724214299998, 0.188683554001, -0.888039325221, -0.0122890696407, 1.4642172855200002, 1.3266673696200002, 0.0360026764954, 0.334140688664, 0.384690791042, 0.245177759701, 0.524103682101, -0.9410671427700001, 1.00467283644, -1.21640134749, 0.0, 0.887500827394, -1.8263539117400003], [-0.0534232705023, -0.8752314539659999, -0.44791502832900004, 0.08600531137970001, -0.534876470928, -0.677743247156, 1.32139609296, 0.9323198251970001, 2.47045717725, 0.0508180739166, 0.7046326878210001, 0.166868511634, -0.020437910204599997, 0.796850683793, -1.40406379926, 1.0513500780299998, 0.191470807259, -0.15243470613, -0.469152764469, -1.2163859036, -1.3609034892899998, -0.688211338868, 1.54527247826, 1.55644889716, 0.217861261913, -2.189178729, -1.7587850715400002, -0.21374392762400002, -1.27419097842, 1.00641432092, -0.364043797954, 0.074976438864, 0.7419367924, -0.155984885921, -0.398810030906, 0.531198822419, 0.8092385428929999], [-1.09617073469, -1.35890467474, 0.07594099712730001, -0.543848730905, -0.97874437237, -1.20938121835, 0.44015245566100003, 0.910880686851, 2.7271710873900004, -1.23480348669, 0.632997733852, 0.553722651425, -0.956274960324, -0.500039198426, -0.349820734856, 0.828753864777, -0.9386748403919999, -0.11212689035399999, -0.892324696154, 0.5310209566390001, -0.8318857040659999, -0.653048917953, 2.1950457356, 0.247859284289, -0.38282055761100003, -0.6312820964379999, -1.3794005554700002, 0.0401676011238, 0.536330478157, -0.197698885202, 1.23858778989, 0.771080633558, 0.199934139874, 0.87316369266, 1.8386285526, -0.659437103175, 0.26525001668000003], [0.15977585915200002, -1.33761268657, 0.319183456313, 0.0391710849252, -1.7952436748700003, -0.9417448757790001, 1.62459860914, 0.25120742599199997, 1.86196339871, -1.14182482898, 0.0263223803732, 0.847101688294, -0.808006739252, 0.125041948967, 1.1862173493100001, -0.154973934305, 1.1028345128, 0.429120765462, 0.44691047140699997, -1.31092422835, -1.64350155196, -1.57395272541, 0.14935590157, -0.573020140166, -0.7518733501270001, -0.146511589978, -0.00775070925051, 0.056310594263, -0.548174085348, 1.8778492419400001, 0.7750077363969999, 0.509902101471, 1.42045075689, 1.4949358808700002, -0.622774384467, -0.7451432858220001, -0.60022837363], [0.7248060752490001, -0.6663579051749999, 0.144438155716, 0.0618848905643, -2.3553438833900002, -1.4961347314200002, -0.276576310685, -0.35275368377599997, 2.07810480302, -0.301020135002, 0.587945304326, 0.814268329173, -0.756659889013, -1.3034390952200001, 0.715143774216, 0.144438155716, 0.0881553740786, -0.186129101582, -0.195448605579, 0.398473836873, -0.24385667188299998, 0.0, 1.5758212049, 0.49493238451899996, -0.375358400164, 0.8023842036609999, -1.24518089275, 0.75094973426, -1.81541876877, 0.75094973426, 1.45566159869, 0.0, 0.814268329173, 1.4065855723899998, -1.25169919537, -0.180575161963, -0.80725902904], [-0.962614884087, -0.803786230999, 0.613094283918, 1.12196799906, -0.447124903727, -0.63543045881, -0.5976608789060001, -1.34508130521, 0.39326876923299997, -1.45386564046, -0.721258575065, 1.00629420343, -1.56183051671, 0.20090451226599998, -1.34508130521, -2.1588691073599997, 1.48546280243, 0.17504725587099998, 1.18075159189, 0.0237728520535, 1.0751190678, 0.0, 0.644758567362, -0.579273518689, 0.343699972957, 2.36171130992, 0.331840813387, 0.5175728320849999, -0.206159669677, 0.0085170280447, 1.16458941032, 0.0, -0.480105442747, 0.563623107073, 0.0870377709917, 0.922611619574, -0.923503332019], [-1.5254636916, -0.73409821147, 1.51289588339, 0.297796357025, -1.0060545465100001, 0.633192858247, -1.0060545465100001, 1.5370872829299997, -1.6016164924599998, -1.45909469704, -1.5135887376100001, 1.3054340773, -0.221704661948, -0.221704661948, -1.09095303245, -1.4737905991, 0.7767851930230001, -0.553849488273, -0.476208137764, -0.0390575808911, -0.476208137764, 0.201901905389, 1.1774631391, -0.262617671697, 1.52938236053, 0.8279317218600001, -0.947268444526, -1.01950680193, 0.967740303556, 0.741036416881, 1.17401276654, 1.07884887113, -0.58411750854, 0.6916710720029999, 0.864426016485, 0.467359889824, 0.427991534822], [-0.7474196510500001, -0.432779354278, -0.6601360254990001, 1.1082841103899999, -1.19831177237, -0.288851192278, -0.08082857699360001, -2.33044854873, -0.176143951571, -0.852273763992, -0.571928233598, 0.0, -0.7570687247939999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.590423831273, 1.51008400431, -0.737351937767, -0.379504762378, -0.70987157403, -0.220142666019, 0.151838529329, 1.2994535852700002, 1.2524419778799998, 0.0, 0.08175477700730001, -1.28716527275, -0.253600047703, 0.38796083806500004, 1.80028618858, 0.9299411295479999, 2.05159970408, -0.0721392617343, 1.61729174734, 0.0, 0.08175477700730001, 0.073697779999], [-0.84039813581, -1.34126514064, 0.14468985726199998, -0.17271917646499998, -2.6914762003900004, -0.13260548329500002, -0.377881173599, -0.31170888256900003, -0.8112785575110001, -0.293507303726, -0.796097030158, 0.0, -0.512030616056, 0.0, 0.0, 0.010581877183, 1.08607992881, -1.15757232965, 0.0439871974759, -0.10785226521600001, 0.0055614944196199995, 1.58023561868, 0.7747151218970001, 1.08607992881, 0.0, 0.596049550505, 0.156277674964, -0.23838576889199997, 1.3853960162399999, 2.51167617369, 0.207977527922, 0.40825526534999995, -1.27209993464, 1.64979194539, -0.28293809056999997, -0.42788890651100003, 0.12034981711100001], [-0.502389646231, -0.432112707052, -0.32911699683699996, -0.324516877707, -0.367740450479, -0.44976793236999996, -0.370970703185, -0.433683467279, -0.437300552716, -0.410056760918, -0.386810406844, -0.466773119181, -0.403010024461, -0.44279547178499995, -0.43514206595399996, -0.417077077099, -0.46525769198600003, -0.359715166791, -0.452612349335, -0.436421704642, -0.38148148687100003, -0.5092230264909999, 2.3217709428999997, -0.426624766923, -0.383362311479, 2.6573114486700002, -0.45067020974600003, -0.00870833070081, 1.77293804738, 2.7330578836400004, -0.47900620581500003, -0.516825585751, -0.5581703279, 2.31968573502, 1.3112875787, -0.507570512954, -0.571137698829], [-0.663709669471, -0.960384379786, -1.2908146085799999, 0.8401411814740001, -0.802581928021, -1.56267052416, 1.20070957029, -1.5131303415600001, -0.325714965876, -0.5912194785270001, -0.555223126934, -1.5194551357799997, -1.3387777502399998, 0.5790057232060001, -0.509167734418, -0.0483999893057, 1.7270663485599997, -1.02226292402, -0.655280886904, -0.719864491124, 1.05770298415, 1.02180594005, 1.15964901189, -0.314555464926, 0.512464003369, 1.28805407098, 0.694770221805, 1.03149626034, 1.2082616910500001, 0.151393850393, 0.491471160335, 0.409285897544, -1.4613312699399998, -0.503188853363, 0.793893826155, 1.6545291172299998, 0.536032664109], [-1.8096288623599996, -2.17214280896, 0.846306912164, -0.303262328638, -0.42237535932, -0.738784708229, 0.321971736484, -0.7122781048540001, -0.821052981458, 0.0150617562799, -0.759541058117, -0.0806641408604, -1.18998845214, -0.00469108777659, -1.07632745105, -0.129603443038, 1.7274336751800001, -2.12099738481, -0.443667234535, 0.43150346290299996, 0.391687240735, 0.7861620921950001, 0.32602650662099997, 0.309568782801, -0.35357142883000003, 0.06618108647280001, 0.788703023566, 2.17060094165, 1.9014996897, 0.480678399695, 0.885063747537, -0.270505209615, 0.0252719411912, 0.475985322099, 0.478238791463, 1.50834925468, -0.527212318825], [0.7779668333390001, -1.9995900326, 1.53611642264, 0.472470417742, -0.658172858884, -1.8596974078200001, 0.652977942492, -1.72476465966, 0.503266616159, 0.138118645168, -0.882614229078, -1.6936889466999998, -1.9298203288999998, 1.5262940127700002, -1.65220259177, -0.27242517602099997, 1.0141009967799999, 0.383242700872, 0.7804008812019999, -0.177140847194, 0.0361713942345, -0.206801372927, 0.923478951979, -0.5802161139800001, 0.0456011858325, 0.7020315858130001, -0.129885275034, 1.68523256377, 0.355358459925, -0.52080050038, 0.268622733402, 0.479368354564, 0.6810304484119999, 0.011584312390900001, 0.619527514773, -0.178545373004, 0.8734027397030001], [-0.875018745203, -0.913636926867, 0.244292381198, 0.0788710692537, -0.956188194719, -0.925661630885, 1.27722382623, -0.859219959347, -0.918422957821, -0.43175095944200004, -1.04510002037, -0.45823256616999997, -0.6709616475410001, -0.798849982514, -1.02780375425, 0.482719404997, 1.0734943911100001, -0.178383205408, -0.8466449867020001, -0.543648567594, 1.1179008990100001, -0.500564067295, -0.37963671564400003, -0.8354664129780001, 0.0838217832857, 0.647562054679, 2.16856189702, 0.95635872535, -0.782019939871, 2.94987577162, 1.23022043656, 1.8910686400099999, 0.3559020779, 0.15576443748299998, -0.479529495322, 0.050954448261, -0.337851508038], [-0.562289324924, -1.03580944796, 0.794770885708, -0.446120380396, -3.12676944306, -1.2710332386499998, 0.8507604601440001, -1.31404206978, 0.361762882136, -1.14852159404, -1.32124802381, 0.617872619231, -0.262656727412, 0.946667340941, -1.0810817909100001, 0.688843092508, 1.17455582979, -0.114984139775, 0.00798282473506, 0.12007122897700001, -0.685406704769, 0.0378260608981, -0.38921138111599995, -0.139777619212, -0.270464050251, 1.03572436921, 0.50530687399, 1.9004455605500001, 0.14807333828400002, 1.3515106289899999, 1.3022822921700001, 0.6383949002970001, 0.17966399264400001, -0.736595447643, 0.180788839344, 1.4159601570700002, -0.35325279393], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.057950191758399994, 0.0509396317461, 0.975844417993, -1.9196102466900002, -1.2663050493899999, -1.8495816607799997, -1.35936101434, -0.8924087156270001, -0.0075185743331, -0.650245293421, -0.713169302034, -0.00474432808626, -0.826166745632, 0.0820439422733, 0.135363157945, 0.795658712191, 0.200101099837, 0.146723790918, -0.278248325323, 0.51635755069, -0.372239120427, 0.373919793012, -1.26069204065, -0.157155724217, 0.316985304859, 0.294433863521, 2.3438505469299997, 0.284591688092, 0.21008251737300002, 1.2111368941399998, 0.0, 2.04316242281, 1.63420099838], [-0.248288510429, 0.236900348845, 0.630831015448, -0.629119896456, 0.053139582900300006, -0.681063084847, 0.254036576368, -1.3465556481999998, -0.8605354443629999, -1.86460332376, -1.31868004479, 0.159360977762, -0.12948764897700002, -0.13678636489600002, -1.4165197092, -0.210574772946, 0.304100296185, -0.636161307244, -0.511259993209, -0.6935811916329999, -0.697034989061, -0.521379677772, -0.288129531319, 1.16037872821, -1.09159048993, 0.721941918045, -0.6850414010770001, -0.0047607722012799995, 2.3997052457, 1.25229193184, 2.1380908206, 1.36258613811, 0.5522454644129999, 0.349631209314, -0.0759593436781, 2.19100250263, 0.280870389625], [-0.501984285524, -0.174729705858, 0.167414412507, -0.8082598163150001, -0.044810689561099994, 0.132760974506, -2.0998662784, -0.31025409994, -0.579484648898, -1.5373238297, -2.2020946021400003, -0.765993456683, -0.294062453994, -1.23146644154, -1.1465046498, -0.125600534064, 0.8826245533020001, 0.500679547854, -0.302731460882, -0.111954183093, 0.20085504019499997, -0.6187908022649999, 0.352176811919, 0.689899582304, -0.938256187793, 0.7415661871729999, 0.115150366615, 0.30939436313499996, 1.90966724993, 1.2803992460100002, 0.47978296388, -0.4174685055, 1.13165893078, 1.8297322288099998, 0.212695294149, 1.54221388709, 1.7329649917900003], [-0.260915758603, -1.67655217487, 1.38290730903, -1.7402739757099999, 1.27144348552, 0.232450038989, -1.5601054844100002, -1.3516891793799999, -0.247242743936, -1.4089656262099999, -0.326563084784, -0.802001269745, -0.8795755497650001, -0.11644880748299999, 0.886315116247, 0.665830070497, -0.619296478843, -0.103358308852, 0.30201881354000004, 1.18993585893, 0.667476483902, -1.41500346688, -0.974730907345, 0.559386295806, -1.5992376722200001, 0.04246057522609999, -0.30054618352699997, -0.131265536611, 0.381976203839, 0.731056497859, 1.4114510904799997, 1.0228514214, 0.426133893808, 0.722747588294, 0.7139677083179999, 1.5222238268900001, 1.3811399306], [-0.0401533843165, -0.224422288213, 0.39309902929799995, 0.212064973959, 0.0572077549245, -0.256868138639, 0.0766117769202, -0.671791329866, -0.29275339864300004, -1.75359338056, -0.884963042119, 0.172683977698, 0.831534089038, -0.307484216604, -1.14095986132, -1.00207761872, 0.495067574164, -0.553689528399, -0.38014431135, 0.557178265688, 0.579645702971, -1.71108174534, 1.22127376924, 1.26883061382, -0.09959370010929999, -0.84273911272, -0.654980197219, -1.7982943336400001, 0.0464712431697, 0.25529198723900004, 2.18537704854, 2.0582747773400003, -0.603539086243, -0.15829793693900002, 0.8510864076629999, -0.351039738013, 2.46676735729], [-0.577259859899, -0.5936946267000001, 0.785231687312, 0.767345140235, -0.327287486997, -1.08963779675, -0.9631262569779999, -1.3359776887200001, -0.611810258636, -1.4334205194799998, -0.8753300716769999, -0.5604396932769999, 0.16498700584599998, 0.103480086324, -0.788171629576, -0.7468657427359999, 0.464118543332, -0.424699226511, 0.71002468485, 0.7770421881199999, 0.5930074048489999, -3.20862398815, 1.25894364259, 1.25894364259, -0.327287486997, 0.294097965154, 0.004877609558409999, -0.765816712342, 0.900276753933, 1.09994683431, 1.20194211675, 1.0347901105700001, 0.0621112166291, 0.9245775211399999, 1.47455042903, 1.2188783844700002, -0.469723922156], [-0.9768267750920001, 0.7586456972069999, -0.46682307008699997, -0.938483707142, -0.465784121447, -0.712125645186, 0.09785419309110001, -0.746850451372, 0.6776733704860001, -0.7144849732490001, -0.270563092247, -0.0453476392692, 0.142097457402, -2.36060645537, 0.9341740764319999, 0.45371544405500003, 0.12995137386800001, -0.292449495173, 1.08863267105, 1.2555070537100002, -1.4979413674000002, -1.97323433776, 0.10725398123600001, -1.03090651431, -0.57738831267, -0.32407105792700003, 0.239217813389, -1.22505200887, 0.781952856535, 0.660876643266, 1.11027469825, 1.59174179093, 0.256523461274, -0.051194832832899995, 1.26851384639, 0.8697827133299999, 2.24574471551], [-1.25090697773, -1.7863274627099999, -0.852534122392, -1.0432702994, 0.18297403029800002, -0.418931740441, -0.682015417765, 0.0277287393623, 1.4052022867200002, -0.571274767627, -0.345863239129, -0.778351028959, -0.668093451515, -1.33276968451, -0.31013239498100004, -0.143035562058, 0.6075886668680001, 1.20752334574, 0.864658722436, 1.27442003604, -0.487038966364, -1.4400835259, 1.27442003604, -1.453074851, -0.7806759399050001, 0.26464715903700003, -1.19239368494, 0.918004140584, 0.096790804281, 1.07629330435, 1.4690969941499998, -0.175224362015, 0.33212792111699996, 0.242404551141, 1.58493997478, 1.48948168393, 1.39369508247], [-0.6574110462780001, 0.183145237576, -0.749579394275, -0.6878087668870001, -0.57486275731, 0.730041946203, -1.31272060041, -1.40960030084, 1.1885544451799999, -1.17774941146, -1.2452776747, -0.6410902661060001, -0.128645957171, -1.11184180731, -0.500142940225, -0.17576869281399998, 1.15065548187, 1.43471327289, 0.865701529813, -0.17331371222800002, -0.006930184469430001, 1.0432915743, -0.104022370055, -0.365173061449, -1.90827850104, 0.7357839259610001, -1.08580004418, -0.748624649654, 0.8028535269570001, 1.3073345062700001, 1.7222149395900002, 1.0142109048, -0.22248107752799998, 0.18616876159600002, 0.286453857641, -0.0710643999049, 2.40706370565], [1.6728519253799998, 0.0004773239875369999, -0.723639140115, -0.764337729963, 0.5554098344730001, -0.756288782817, -0.778827882904, -0.795645062243, -0.392652506548, 0.2858909417, -0.254030794378, -0.423778788719, -0.7503718850300001, -0.840244421743, 0.80766219956, -0.0125017568909, -0.786413554771, -0.7311760677220001, 0.925400887639, -0.220082260511, 0.00876671550864, -0.523365360118, -0.510128221392, -0.616834731686, 0.7977015762649999, -0.826451024991, -0.7335399595280001, -0.64253155867, -0.799505279948, -0.634422807642, 1.42743112979, 0.921586546884, -0.594812976141, 1.9486502257799998, 2.7972673127900003, 2.4811095842900004, -0.5186236495750001], [-0.350492505356, -0.547855627927, -0.628682270705, -0.428040945093, -0.5613374944789999, -0.403446772526, -0.58086491225, -0.510153121107, -0.497487353594, -0.511397606837, -0.47132218104900003, -0.387992013604, -0.543940069076, -0.548516865922, -0.412633577382, 2.17554634518, -0.545721530808, -0.434300689659, -0.386629609585, -0.491552630639, -0.503923229273, -0.480382858116, -0.113112542981, -0.49349044605, 1.3848930287799999, -0.412318631068, -0.433711098218, -0.388170383672, -0.36889447516199997, -0.514419822708, 1.7095004326499998, 2.1228413483099997, -0.403350124309, 1.35477498147, 3.0218041049599997, 2.07326715663, -0.48848600883000004], [-0.9859502823530001, -0.9367136999619999, -0.991224245621, -0.8106365178049999, 1.2216688897799999, -0.8644344424079999, 0.13850379859200002, 0.19460130925799998, -0.241533180654, -0.596591538747, -0.9784419896269999, 0.09025788714569999, 0.0791037361936, 0.178082403238, 0.36685557928900003, -0.900118457125, -0.945513411471, -0.167558197082, 0.8413557521420001, -0.8488863466259999, 1.9110500828499999, -0.5223039854879999, -0.904868476046, -0.917247843427, -0.954486194848, -0.907554873009, -0.650126072554, 0.508319607207, 0.943585427656, -0.963919084589, 1.56281104012, 1.33717166446, -0.149089158853, 1.5334313810299998, 2.37326404449, 1.85293860199, 0.10419679284399999], [-0.5815553673730001, -0.7359497813570001, -0.524341154423, -0.32703397468199996, -0.420495743285, -0.7753721291169999, -0.0155971465753, -0.615722712526, 1.00398287347, -0.746561999938, -0.26660397195700003, 0.5848771803689999, -0.313989976547, 0.0125255696304, -0.36992090629100005, -0.389245971985, -0.527287932095, -0.615856376159, -0.580825271895, -0.48517097041, -0.519547796803, -0.716296172698, -0.48222812402099996, -0.597876370981, -0.534827571937, -0.673292425812, -0.7914684879620001, 0.0402720058589, 2.1993249557, 0.798874904352, -0.189371664221, -0.473858983394, 2.14173221633, 3.0344867892500003, 1.4403783507199999, 2.35072260855, -0.336878469787], [-0.6572580613210001, -0.78105907955, -0.76502773085, -0.5139718377120001, -0.709290004116, -0.650673513079, -0.538591358382, -0.5676177189989999, 0.296021007266, 1.0682960011700002, -0.64858261118, -0.692177821424, -0.7266267511810001, 0.425499824313, -0.131475963448, 0.578539973185, -0.5925924854119999, -0.658616770136, -0.627937785568, -0.7434063332780001, -0.673843272573, 0.256166964003, -0.732500807939, -0.715673576679, -0.62764245511, -0.682033267377, 0.017635252433900003, -0.588219613186, 2.60774564142, 0.42370802706200006, 0.15772520791, -0.6612605910399999, 1.5557724177, 1.5897042832700001, 2.15333774423, 2.65134226698, 0.904584798587], [-0.527352811022, -0.544570593424, -0.522609927932, -0.493394598276, -0.44041939107, -0.5723889517840001, -0.536305879976, -0.5318436759440001, -0.43883365322499995, -0.624828496845, -0.507903926603, -0.480291630156, -0.49113829444300006, 0.665466473169, -0.523505333658, -0.54476034828, -0.455869093071, -0.467215840467, -0.394292654039, -0.580901236021, -0.560675542662, -0.532584411696, -0.361760567632, -0.49056161757600003, 1.01696905997, -0.541278050183, -0.5616302467800001, -0.316275241546, 1.86307262009, -0.575177952843, 0.289620907959, 0.600108279158, 2.147527997, 2.6373826281599997, 2.60427089997, 2.24865498134, -0.45470387965899994], [-0.8050147304880001, -0.681378025822, -0.617580100495, -0.65088734373, -0.555738068613, -0.693502327747, -0.784070449197, -0.663995372425, -0.09193849156339999, -0.808037508804, -0.6370789970390001, -0.770743897422, -0.639760566108, 0.302541536851, -0.731830381153, 1.0827036157899999, -0.628931740604, 0.431256852162, -0.701252066085, -0.786327278012, -0.6353729508020001, -0.724304013678, -0.618139832823, -0.6290156445180001, 1.8505881283099996, -0.773907634313, -0.615070068315, 0.0085604970653, 2.0353743778999998, 1.23722441867, 0.296770812148, 1.5037405379299997, 1.5153901301600001, 1.7955993680700002, 1.63673010504, 2.0283078038699998, -0.480910694203], [-0.46511364485699996, 0.0318233642802, -0.569308818604, -0.466600619625, -0.587854698353, -0.67476237587, -0.60114807172, -0.568742432857, 0.42557179331999995, -0.43700823743999995, -0.246995155356, -0.726297254826, -0.141067440991, -0.253222569473, -0.54087580145, -0.49849871801299994, -0.574897987844, -0.6516548558690001, -0.174991174718, -0.178242376019, -0.6902228395569999, -0.556670098894, -0.152420052008, -0.595737701577, 1.30278336157, -0.627635234145, 0.31192572933, -0.371024580826, 1.27110197222, 0.00429000080965, -0.07698946589210001, -0.41813135303300003, 1.99799159463, -0.47861637159599996, 1.95069357529, 4.1567490851899995, 0.871799454774], [-0.328319951683, -0.348426401979, -0.35841758886200004, -0.332114373356, -0.353206374622, -0.29140920165600004, -0.27551530085000003, -0.437961740559, -0.319007150703, -0.38024244865400003, -0.293353571661, -0.36622987083700004, -0.33981569258100003, -0.41881360492200004, -0.37858052928499997, -0.41034311208999996, -0.42463864492, -0.30767987143500003, -0.268241692589, -0.376058144228, -0.325252336022, -0.362427379145, -0.21417408390999998, -0.26468785833299996, -0.41797583615999995, -0.44481873413199996, -0.362958991593, -0.35627146840199997, 2.56036777033, -0.37172050945600005, -0.328522206514, 1.1046444271200002, 0.184382930209, 0.0531074400965, 3.22276797633, 3.72959033685, -0.39767620980400004], [-0.474751207186, -0.45515620378, -0.395045561861, -0.39063445858199997, -0.44092019934199994, -0.471625995939, -0.471345308381, -0.476595127837, -0.421708788322, -0.470878053534, -0.423190450514, -0.458534912286, -0.392802989582, -0.47060029416199994, -0.457100937697, -0.456827361448, -0.468274477734, -0.494790458263, -0.36875045023100006, -0.466863510322, -0.413170615819, -0.5324201601690001, -0.261852413376, -0.488586886747, -0.45723312438600006, -0.479085759314, -0.405727584938, -0.360299705001, 3.21712346032, 0.622061570721, -0.48627069150200003, 1.65174191632, 0.690558537775, 2.37323694428, 2.56607891789, 2.00139076816, -0.31114842721700003], [-0.41991881407700005, -0.475006834174, -0.496559799072, -0.386181791068, -0.500696339792, -0.420979045097, -0.506968540132, -0.538763072734, -0.441181425252, -0.46004441887599995, -0.36661650937299994, -0.429284121438, -0.421251401689, -0.43397977304799995, -0.55539202242, 0.593838013835, -0.44857664660499996, -0.41415613253, -0.428727410167, -0.535669565776, -0.478103540622, -0.445169989556, -0.492686816346, -0.42835786906400003, -0.532680442181, -0.5001104331740001, -0.484357343894, -0.351924450986, 2.82258439728, 1.89269100325, 0.737100780682, 0.9011382364689999, -0.29053743482, 2.72756354166, 3.0007839959099996, 0.48005134909999997, -0.471869334227], [-0.492052634329, -0.54571371165, -0.441478868151, -0.256708553221, -0.410947042063, -0.478270778426, -0.517673212403, -0.475253186201, -0.21933865062, -0.168317896215, -0.250396742093, -0.44544891076399995, -0.543595718374, -0.492525486026, -0.535954749799, -0.322531646087, -0.5374941885010001, -0.45432345439800004, -0.485482188503, -0.42981613002400004, 1.7805558376700001, -0.232324923702, -0.41218511511699996, 0.00457939933349, -0.445596220092, -0.501877379353, -0.484832228262, -0.36913536965099997, 3.5254067146, 0.22997672731, 1.1703134527099999, -0.39897844029299995, -0.426470184182, 2.6436827965000003, 2.5832460523400003, -0.225617851286, 0.06258047933569999], [-0.72261335971, 0.31195617997499997, -0.503265636322, -0.38532657146, -0.509129742746, -0.483925129939, 0.18291362461, -0.45244338064999995, -0.26386409558699997, -0.573847180943, -0.540566622474, -0.535675265115, -0.486561504251, 0.0577022394214, -0.54237693667, -0.517239628204, -0.690666232542, -0.47850281611199996, -0.6498406848780001, -0.69380249978, 1.6906027680899998, -0.490332848347, -0.55936869413, -0.582804986047, -0.761061971163, -0.447641187161, 0.501018675691, 0.0744247795173, 2.49114533505, 2.35069383102, -0.016473472056700002, -0.436196572947, -0.793247827403, 1.7947007240000001, 1.66793213495, 2.6594809700099997, -0.665796415687], [-0.48420232757200005, -0.323925749105, -0.525634625615, -0.49858797038400005, -0.7041967369140001, -0.5788539379, -0.48123818862400003, -0.48998929704099997, -0.546538814983, -0.491961495346, -0.49048498919600003, -0.468325713968, -0.560927239457, -0.44858370295199995, -0.549578058802, -0.547777210872, -0.493959841273, -0.477080716711, -0.566136179578, 0.9055332165539999, -0.539508442633, -0.458043022495, -0.415308350338, -0.289211164611, 2.87668116597, -0.419748439103, -0.495037457103, -0.017760460312, 3.23887858358, -0.43451238793700003, 1.51686239585, 0.808047649057, -0.28297356591, 1.58199278449, 0.9899733459550001, 1.7595123288999999, -0.597395383628], [-0.591407179119, -0.724543059902, -0.604453597515, -0.645883586183, -0.645791272371, -0.6920193277240001, -0.646491506411, -0.590106680143, -0.599974801527, -0.6787810767229999, -0.676890669971, -0.624662667126, -0.6433127590869999, 0.11846802534499999, -0.681100630125, -0.679387646017, -0.60995550073, -0.664022574841, -0.640167785109, 1.5137206000299999, -0.652072664411, -0.578186490257, -0.5005631827929999, 0.42732752588, 1.93715550133, -0.66618271805, -0.611957134369, 1.03863274339, 2.78165126287, 0.0178842463504, 1.59692146301, 1.0433042726100001, 0.21691597794, 1.68223608713, 1.35284014068, 1.64239119417, -0.7215345302420001], [-0.24798861101199998, -0.610101170458, -0.398648774852, -0.40786927580700005, -0.49307909821900003, -0.465723562174, -0.468003097963, -0.475489049233, -0.307031354387, -0.51107138568, -0.49324951011699997, -0.565385752148, -0.468238244252, -0.504952049313, -0.46262295087099997, -0.33609930870099997, -0.47576845835299997, -0.43246502434699996, -0.36375417214, 0.0798849889053, -0.429115434622, -0.5528925681369999, -0.5410865645740001, -0.44324634337499996, 2.17709221896, -0.510519206865, 0.0342909534025, -0.406587313568, 3.2598003451700004, -0.331404128917, -0.197935648585, 0.870203920131, 0.7650525858439999, 3.16296433695, 1.88551856664, 0.13681860839, -0.471298465721], [-0.48912536334600004, -0.716029868167, -0.5120980341260001, -0.556119379282, -0.669611597531, -0.511556445791, -0.666833459447, -0.366461497791, -0.43818224257700006, -0.604183934991, -0.460305895503, -0.584231759232, -0.662246098647, -0.651188883626, -0.049103030465900005, -0.21817338185899998, -0.514958665797, -0.489466097729, -0.47948642317100004, 0.029445211546299997, -0.237977479067, -0.679895114929, -0.6188980241359999, 0.249397710186, 2.1158299865, 2.24061409097, -0.248563302159, -0.020655552341200003, 0.176968852743, -0.345064403294, 1.06697064823, -0.0264229301109, -0.690828845759, 2.9776584285100003, 1.68627101729, 2.51511432148, -0.55060255657], [-1.1402778064499999, 0.287013648704, 0.137505431117, -0.9573296871070001, -0.787657906418, -0.883516453196, 0.307331062368, -1.06560341561, 0.278100471329, -1.00060790064, -0.501906131478, -0.0257599715993, -1.0679401162100002, 0.120009626584, -0.452538888491, 1.12967805037, -1.1009113576799998, -0.186605401468, -0.884996058919, 1.19654414444, -0.822774931619, -1.08483168916, -0.31476494965199997, -0.978603208382, -1.1475615896100002, -0.865727672512, 0.029926822806299998, 1.2394024424099999, 1.8204777313099998, 0.185193519634, 1.1545429413400001, 0.981942922415, 1.13646220002, 2.57688325188, 1.36098906812, 1.29517098579, 0.0327408155719], [-0.863488106768, 0.175860700861, -0.8925854826620001, -0.892335596506, -0.897488421377, -0.928413029947, -0.570377869069, -0.536712172129, 0.823874863143, -0.7969489764669999, -0.7329762057100001, 1.0268590152200001, -0.9491760802179999, 1.47679387898, -0.703591125641, 0.116757359181, -0.949088476451, -0.839814983811, -0.8762988412880001, 0.641162127076, -0.604652005289, -0.981138051432, -0.24918559750100003, 0.41654463155999993, -0.785753406488, -0.8643483470409999, 0.7991892704160001, 0.109605923772, 1.95316353855, -0.173667320405, 1.64554985091, 1.42258964634, 0.5348887044349999, 1.3593938204700002, 1.64528991186, 1.9916900478, -1.05117319437], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7091775403120001, 0.0, -1.1209793114700002, -0.392459587469, -0.256622658257, -0.0335020755207, -1.09843355487, -0.17334407415199998, 0.0491915109033, 0.690891975354, -0.45769025980300004, 0.37256818822099996, -1.6017700102799999, -0.9681569559450001, -0.438132984865, 0.534183022757, -1.94123438917, 0.0, 0.402849383636, -0.147916879356, -0.319323080338, -0.835072148566, 0.0212959681163, 0.061323106916899996, 1.39808096433, -1.35616082763, 1.2176332045799998, 0.0, 0.517287706356, 2.15159623773, 2.0951883479099997, 1.2447708233900001, -0.325239182827], [-0.743592016562, -0.339683646866, 0.295210609892, -0.6023235551, 0.20242121940699997, 0.6237593489800001, -1.77427859643, -0.7098969427159999, -1.26788419991, 0.30087095292300003, -1.05024335606, -0.275818452717, 0.00639870816157, 0.145967682238, -1.07357584619, 0.029251692810900003, -0.877271928521, -0.296756402363, 0.12373451662599999, 0.41334243271300003, -2.2575639265, 0.508235837664, 0.164163383084, -0.2637490338, -0.0907772889439, -0.414349422053, -0.54932185142, -0.333678589573, 1.72278731072, -0.7820579678380001, 0.957684793956, 1.1721272436599999, 0.49614756775700003, 2.67039190395, 1.88531064855, 1.65852219794, 0.326494972554], [-0.679015679324, -0.805143148699, -0.7905756037780001, -0.792788625497, -0.802468323423, -0.626209891051, -0.563973199388, -0.924820136902, -0.600397741932, -0.743919243927, 0.052831057667800004, -0.659924958851, -0.7141854567300001, -0.679973935905, -0.805925885847, 0.260526781378, -0.8738519064470001, 0.973002762038, -0.806422338871, 0.897142581433, -0.737557374508, -0.695721266789, -0.12381760722999999, -0.7672303831300001, -0.7318748618590001, -0.563906740573, 0.26808093328899996, 0.24133722471900002, 1.76831880289, 0.994141777254, 1.7944746065700001, 1.0689806506100001, 2.2980336118, 1.28040715631, 2.07127897696, -0.177180627102, 1.6983280148500002], [-0.580500263522, -0.531667733391, -0.632162711168, -0.578745838412, -0.617072067742, -0.521894364913, -0.522440548556, -0.6217030975360001, -0.429008833396, -0.595557157186, -0.547253373321, -0.571651638514, -0.59670071161, -0.581162321346, -0.557070053993, -0.585216230217, -0.258159664981, -0.62218121916, -0.5752195508160001, 0.461903312235, -0.06596152233710001, -0.33340532107500004, -0.388794867399, -0.5021141921060001, -0.5905284427, -0.596196152673, 0.8918696506939999, -0.485924431443, 1.7594016489400002, -0.632319647559, 1.9874397884700001, 1.0094065706200002, 2.8847300765599995, 1.3705194578400002, 2.01199274007, -0.42006120908699995, 2.16340992072], [-0.7535574612970001, -0.787152714435, -0.485393765922, -0.8426096240100001, -0.474291299638, -0.650325223216, -0.721191102781, -1.04499098044, 0.96482347778, -0.974856329934, -0.350787672806, -0.988288775899, -1.05439459746, -0.883284735309, -0.8086790121449999, 0.19606421354000003, -1.0949209746200002, 0.279071436252, -0.529570633091, 0.879062694131, -0.783827969158, -0.7931162182539999, -0.0906245168833, -0.045725469119100005, -0.809489980801, -0.364841635196, 0.122412537882, 0.235319281398, 2.0330484702400002, -0.149666315098, 1.14938048965, 1.41668627746, 1.89913797786, 0.954428488336, 1.6615168098100002, 1.9609893243799998, 1.7296455287799999], [-0.22777931639600002, -0.672783446827, -0.705200615578, -0.6927994425130001, -0.7212945839489999, -0.65988095938, -0.656057174355, -0.7197213137980001, -0.7386535089, -0.669910034027, -0.631750568576, -0.7246090419239999, -0.689210811906, -0.72351722867, 0.329650225226, -0.379845491682, -0.534302926118, -0.7442414746259999, -0.625924313039, 0.558557896789, -0.7370534137260001, -0.688726567993, -0.29854442250999996, -0.634841020194, -0.6844509381080001, -0.622649221655, 1.48382852067, 0.46522737272, 1.8276835039200001, -0.307752721143, 1.5060619354299998, 1.5847811832799998, 1.99337504875, 2.41495292187, 1.85244613508, 1.27465535625, 0.20028045761399998], [-0.715331527683, -0.36604972182400003, -0.709786425125, -0.19034610226100002, -0.7554329594310001, -0.889622168756, 0.8070695619079999, -0.770847890026, 0.39784781086599996, -0.5847523164790001, -0.436780459311, -0.806085994121, -0.793821999877, -0.782793154502, -0.332173463101, -0.634684374207, -0.478243168285, -0.216427969386, -0.6728114994609999, -0.746467619435, -0.344101683205, -0.752755856639, -0.2002358154, -0.475595040926, -0.08777704487099999, -0.6767067067489999, 0.1610094356, -0.027557003831199998, 1.91664912896, 0.805584428907, 1.6735389927200002, 2.5106580138799997, 2.9155669705, -0.356598049062, 0.9537642274220001, -0.17775371977200002, 1.8398511629700003], [-0.576626589246, -0.553457497895, -0.490372973085, -0.549425115231, -0.497009028883, -0.48774174785400004, -0.519482207599, -0.59051773424, -0.544736370523, -0.47274096438600005, -0.495004391656, -0.5477479924440001, -0.57467794499, -0.506332302883, -0.511349006419, -0.499366955091, -0.544584833992, -0.463322591214, -0.480068933321, -0.472413894335, -0.418955716589, -0.5908603578930001, -0.48392889318599996, -0.22166270698600002, -0.535679729717, -0.56154581582, -0.5711779399360001, -0.526068047479, 2.20119046123, 2.0708650445099996, 1.7604093524700002, 1.8324914143900002, 1.2299750543299999, 1.35824472913, 1.9326179556099998, 2.3795191849400004, -0.478454913723], [-0.626700186514, -0.522983965069, -0.478510306546, -0.40114389613300006, -0.550074750173, -0.598327294221, -0.491378254712, -0.616582724233, -0.511445411561, -0.546544226655, -0.477434619437, -0.565928799176, -0.47696832387800003, -0.567375384516, -0.539675619057, -0.569887377082, -0.487637610357, -0.508371726108, -0.668455021196, 0.574760486849, -0.5305598287169999, -0.556322863945, -0.215730965746, -0.5600256783259999, -0.636324625537, -0.6289412013260001, -0.476782052372, -0.40750097668000007, 1.04564663096, 0.778881573359, 2.05519090784, 2.12930065085, 1.6835660944400002, 1.80673309086, 2.42906208158, 2.27899221634, -0.5645200438100001], [-0.567406093588, -0.561138929718, -0.550026377603, -0.5029134662120001, -0.546950513217, -0.540583305595, -0.626700293711, -0.583087951672, -0.570401634385, -0.552266299487, -0.550080728295, -0.543575960514, -0.48933012201700005, 1.37450950264, -0.5361087526030001, -0.576630800869, -0.48008232771700005, -0.491566196064, -0.499507649837, -0.581594510089, -0.569538276047, -0.534436386618, -0.291786038557, -0.526922523688, -0.57630132986, -0.537699352059, -0.493839786518, -0.525217451093, 0.994493311697, 0.672530874555, 2.26794686059, 2.24749801393, 1.60996054841, 2.2512179099700003, 2.28301883657, 1.24008052105, -0.535563321764], [-0.5452967542080001, -0.616551001706, -0.633590309647, -0.5867679093370001, 0.149974571981, 0.110364113856, -0.741774915067, -0.67033310533, -0.454199715448, -0.6269803576690001, -0.40899472849600005, -0.263036978865, -0.508436048046, -0.382887258979, -0.625462944337, -0.6029325901829999, -0.620656475417, -0.6274470244579999, -0.490689774746, -0.628818666608, -0.600578858224, -0.7028540093610001, -0.721794312824, -0.521312170818, -0.014048854018600001, -0.562707206524, -0.6316684185970001, -0.604624132914, 1.03094743929, 1.9596262892400003, 0.537585121156, 1.75677051477, 1.9849044053, 2.6490170168700002, 1.2190420158700002, 2.5451960941900005, 0.45101693930299996], [-0.693343037628, -0.53162223973, -0.548924460151, -0.560529334031, 1.27306701167, -0.650509561602, -0.664772537214, -0.6513575192809999, -0.07158825510939999, -0.615551011806, -0.671638443304, -0.613557340317, -0.614896481384, -0.6914654986450001, -0.56923279906, -0.6019410435670001, -0.651251286595, -0.347623800222, -0.496969822835, -0.654875382323, -0.613095094865, -0.681114094311, -0.560595205912, -0.562483787002, -0.6847518974819999, -0.684211214992, -0.504290359131, -0.40893376765199996, 0.77667098735, 1.39971541183, 2.10924428506, 1.98954403564, 1.3334018468000002, 1.73931465653, 1.46628941829, 2.39358235248, 1.12029527049], [-0.289206451159, -0.711159954804, -0.5958639972909999, -0.576053013636, -0.5973558332460001, -0.604522556107, -0.597255290568, -0.652992618767, -0.571979676485, -0.555514793921, -0.6190615029100001, -0.581766283389, -0.582738762064, -0.681829006144, -0.626593032651, 0.453144638734, -0.502790349354, -0.650971235396, -0.65104528372, -0.631585859767, -0.649047337663, -0.624923888325, -0.469616020953, -0.565906015579, -0.291218323737, -0.604067057014, -0.710517296874, -0.476456999124, 1.6118365052, 1.63108906938, 1.8776801777400003, 1.94473467132, 1.6598082701899999, 1.7244409080400003, 1.85460291573, 1.9279311365599998, 0.98677014775], [-0.526505558416, -0.548935609249, -0.579461075579, -0.509180401448, -0.532715174768, -0.637329917878, -0.588236517363, -0.600445394509, -0.56166083955, -0.6072470806310001, -0.6146385593289999, -0.496134087156, -0.553854342715, -0.540287974834, -0.5165829814549999, -0.300034032715, -0.501361949358, -0.602119130203, -0.516483638979, -0.601622987122, -0.513835550007, -0.516766295364, -0.6299523869770001, -0.589691927329, -0.480441961085, -0.50905230943, -0.574743588904, -0.516466844692, 1.7170594293399999, 1.4908375407499999, 2.01756614853, 2.0378217662, 1.807116657, 0.6693142638130001, 1.93152247074, 2.15914767854, 1.43540216213], [-0.250158855503, -0.816340840063, -0.677479340009, -0.571987899613, -0.599603762193, -0.528779508495, -0.680541509618, -0.600501415075, -0.77369860346, -0.525239180427, -0.498289108107, -0.690803991375, -0.697777562365, -0.645028350261, -0.530337364586, -0.867236082367, -0.664721774332, -0.617600119482, -0.46717063005500004, -0.762323832939, -0.46856273696199996, -0.600843156369, 0.341250061688, -0.862006136918, 0.5193992397280001, -0.295618828229, -0.607227759052, -0.49141237933700005, 1.2276599346200001, 1.19005163109, 2.0326939422, 1.7653535454499998, 1.5973229826, 1.57142234472, 1.8815781766599997, 1.8964676679299999, 1.7680912005], [-0.630530794852, -0.758004826065, -0.645493893953, -0.594022996861, -0.701708788503, -0.717111207341, -0.7439125799869999, -0.692316689873, -0.186162159425, -0.535961484088, -0.5111849984000001, -0.7276663557969999, -0.7055843918170001, -0.7169362171100001, -0.6908548862330001, -0.341963297781, -0.173010434613, -0.517778892586, -0.47388544133, -0.322772565839, -0.5444913357710001, -0.7839603442919999, 0.0385310346222, -0.771072539173, -0.350719366344, -0.6415449340789999, -0.585567321364, 0.46814065791599996, 2.0839668467099997, 0.651767701888, 1.785553178, 2.26334617699, 1.01797553676, 1.0795663607100001, 1.64236854843, 2.2987827233099996, 1.73421997814], [-0.602817315081, -0.704899215552, -0.7217053615000001, -0.656805912134, -0.436002568921, -0.778863368374, -0.8620335000689999, 0.09757497588330001, -0.832524949426, -0.74140061784, -0.726648875344, -0.6894776812450001, -0.594526530734, -0.734470805424, -0.803982249831, 0.56135852545, -0.6849979560160001, -0.276001688023, -0.6645349719210001, -0.8014910745749999, -0.6757942285449999, -0.507843650559, -0.07078085429150001, -0.5705159014410001, -0.23808528017799999, -0.637159060917, -0.610167576642, 0.405934180026, 1.7500279208, 0.659048505333, 1.6532289328799998, 1.59145442816, 1.71990304912, 1.77624436026, 2.17774965413, 1.7274311713599997, 1.5035754911800001], [-1.0469539078799999, -0.90716053448, -0.8858300944249999, -0.693700629249, -0.545678085272, -0.27020077838100004, -1.0337851768100002, -0.68016219342, -0.45360673579300004, -0.818853694183, -0.550935134494, -0.962489329109, -0.587295025861, -0.756425805898, -0.915630965995, 0.214081584025, 0.46462706913999996, -0.573037762015, -0.329267783607, -0.523435579765, -0.298190096631, -0.923819735844, -0.0287877630981, -0.743807058299, -0.08493562528200001, -0.290287180978, -0.259243796505, -0.0583973029273, 0.9549253283700001, 1.43131468473, 2.0685027430500003, 1.67180572495, 1.96531318993, 1.60847568083, 1.84686283417, 1.3611355740900002, 1.6348733629199999], [-0.584979208468, -0.6972699496610001, -0.628793152293, -0.305801824202, -0.638639806814, -0.614004588323, -0.636242227914, -0.719125463203, -0.6177257908680001, -0.209511301021, -0.49806411454300004, -0.662528402464, -0.44466176098300003, -0.663926831333, -0.634245833718, -0.659064491772, -0.662570807973, -0.699040022318, -0.519890087169, -0.616214439463, -0.183596293793, -0.613347541164, -0.609735925889, -0.5932330358300001, -0.43563129339699996, -0.531204734653, 0.34359328430299996, -0.573610720281, 1.48863970728, 0.9579638245730001, 1.37143755049, 2.15784962376, 2.60024343046, 1.6880227878999998, 1.9821797991599999, 1.36503193627, 1.29769770532], [-0.734851216962, -0.806724930239, -0.773763714433, -0.680321012173, -0.714324054835, -0.747843790904, -0.753810350345, -0.6978672450069999, -0.841504789089, 0.6065798924279999, 0.289124143831, -0.737863289416, -0.6985541573549999, -0.7215101921879999, -0.775761577551, -0.0268822725943, -0.8253500091570001, -0.766780595228, -0.613914686361, -0.666816926512, -0.6353176764230001, -0.68680143376, -0.6949409631460001, -0.796219695879, 0.561531017151, -0.39976843959700004, -0.7447412270029999, 1.0518445269499999, 1.58897296426, 1.40903601014, 1.6324969998899999, 1.29821924384, 1.7527859878, 1.5906476436399999, 1.80161611283, 1.49921014958, 1.46016955383], [0.910455978633, -0.691883007957, -0.45787819982199995, -0.755690019255, -0.582050192316, -0.6963259279590001, -0.421364211976, -0.979268984339, -0.8902665592710001, -0.7577349505230001, -0.44474278081, -0.956327534274, -0.733826235079, 0.210239345267, -0.890041274983, 0.0119011870553, -0.5274669474539999, -0.7647120385680001, -0.270740929864, -0.813118458977, -0.26521249825300003, -0.22531924607599998, -0.20160835489599999, -0.8085869944040001, -0.32375615124400003, -0.41281349636200004, -0.950794619393, -0.49411590618900003, 1.57221680808, 0.845265878717, 2.18873584493, 1.68433440991, 2.3092197879099996, 1.30531769176, 1.1684765402700001, 1.8794922488699999, 1.2299897988500001], [1.19952870814, -0.442142446262, -0.764538482097, -0.00792409258404, -0.708018326054, -0.7351033689219999, -0.826052111736, -0.872840047163, -0.817466728458, -0.34272943830499997, -0.6639358669600001, -0.7669544103899999, -0.7800575000910001, -0.8538536440700001, -0.7366911519689999, 0.195502519978, -0.851209483792, -0.80189926321, -0.797843698169, -0.759585507377, -0.206208861835, -0.684840100018, 0.20188582417, -0.932931295708, -0.338620127092, 0.0528745615664, -0.702937420304, -0.253293915186, 1.3829204887600002, 1.2099251860299998, 1.22367815022, 1.9019669560099999, 1.5910953106999999, 1.39409628614, 1.71651616711, 2.3225761732900003, 1.25511095563], [-0.609545637437, -0.180753742416, -0.6355297875110001, -0.575458222166, -0.606239324348, -0.563926543756, -0.569454400774, -0.531167532616, -0.497605826214, -0.641811160575, -0.617284298096, -0.705609040825, -0.688640515211, 0.009547780556940002, -0.755139295434, 0.265291013232, -0.49036065355700004, -0.432108719233, -0.653136512386, -0.336152718732, -0.618792460743, -0.224420364664, -0.5038402811739999, -0.45492674524899995, -0.7545898448749999, -0.596575325617, -0.7332336286810001, -0.5512405669470001, 1.40584410257, -0.0285576332502, 2.5084715366099997, 1.90561291293, 2.59131194875, 1.5616958668399998, 1.4741562957499998, 1.5646517073500001, 1.2695176179], [-0.420184502403, -0.584058282398, -0.119165604024, -0.397144743803, -0.524564572427, -0.658523820027, -0.521766565967, -0.576672975016, -0.67154352963, -0.635723222364, -0.562037384691, -0.41271491505900004, -0.5297087388530001, -0.476493224104, -0.343345005659, -0.154379625077, -0.556826147301, -0.5494390748929999, -0.646045090698, -0.500944120482, -0.288887354309, -0.408486355541, -0.44862479736199995, -0.663982160968, -0.549583806973, -0.5568689491659999, -0.419946665235, -0.42008477847, 0.324459842474, 0.262299179176, 3.10436552566, 2.1636820198, 2.07942853401, 0.894472577756, 1.7336035842299997, 2.42306573485, 0.612369014955], [0.00820695022519, -0.47954421978999995, -0.644800220938, -0.552895923633, -0.464781868297, -0.635213109853, -0.497611120471, -0.5553151961389999, -0.37327570361999995, -0.611083273293, -0.473722679029, -0.5789370870620001, -0.507332716211, -0.57789265408, -0.5446299549620001, -0.5995533910840001, -0.47089317994999996, -0.48250675224899997, -0.516634410224, -0.610159779749, -0.652374416026, -0.413798155289, -0.502365491636, -0.44009667784100004, -0.576239653849, -0.49344306369900004, -0.6411628464169999, -0.5856768000320001, 1.57711944167, 1.79418880037, 2.28300375368, 2.4784965492200004, -0.101131976382, 0.9335581243340001, 1.8267026424900001, 1.96144513982, 1.7203509199900002], [-0.7068010735699999, 0.6237311114490001, -0.6808576487360001, -0.674190310204, -0.6965251588150001, -0.6995990280850001, -0.7200470966179999, -0.697528579151, -0.7354128650030001, 0.52614848378, -0.15623936270199998, -0.695111862739, -0.717036040507, 0.0911780922592, -0.763809183448, -0.7307726422769999, -0.624812011376, -0.657017669622, -0.5435154841359999, -0.776181387994, -0.735158034403, -0.7190659391740001, -0.676489748882, 0.394438830796, -0.7258744085369999, -0.469741429002, -0.796084015679, -0.605421827753, 2.35395535313, 1.1076576019600002, 1.6955987081000001, 1.7521504286900003, 1.62298749151, 1.2804597825200001, 1.8680804620400002, 1.4526091832899999, 1.23429727889], [0.517997739976, -0.7244323090520001, -0.5307876014280001, -0.43657238220399996, -0.600013930651, -0.6819339373819999, -0.6858168933869999, -0.662041977167, -0.7210969368699999, -0.584845369827, -0.700181679385, -0.6830843523260001, -0.627466458943, -0.699530445766, -0.769350805655, -0.388977080749, -0.635800000256, -0.677260896146, -0.571186086917, -0.666513096868, -0.583718911676, -0.619733793093, -0.343016219224, -0.7405762535609999, 1.4351326852000001, -0.561608259148, -0.297588763013, 0.166039704194, 1.7653477318700002, 1.01825663149, 1.48586192621, 1.42999273097, 0.162183638466, 1.9480246288599998, 1.9261295874700002, 2.7941428413200002, 0.54402459467], [-0.677722551983, -0.0694494122562, -0.7444869258750001, -0.885874244553, -0.9100681975499999, -0.7463087260719999, -0.573328099906, 0.400287679545, -0.202199221884, -0.72372677331, -0.949934096069, -0.460490873318, 0.7830956080779999, 0.522149652346, -1.0112135401200002, -0.37713277322300004, -0.548436115654, -0.948799725533, -1.07413790514, -0.854328365248, -0.827980056796, -0.999552344923, 0.525334594313, -0.862753842422, -0.420954182185, -0.670233920914, -0.626237864643, 0.128282587549, 1.4400959048, 2.1528940636000002, 1.6554689566799998, 1.3769807110899999, 1.24642710531, 1.68526222514, 1.41752343768, 1.48958749251, 1.34195974093], [0.268773952762, -0.9270303241429999, 0.20290128899, -0.9819907982930001, -0.221414327838, -0.272095520391, -0.9541347395280001, -0.6369127885670001, -0.992551301564, -1.01274223562, -0.7945867957539999, -0.725093400317, -0.779859929788, 0.048514428619999994, -1.0171607264, -0.405751849507, -0.819123383588, -0.724671893881, -0.880025891717, -0.22858467811900002, 0.694884204355, 0.7504859889100001, 0.117785865146, -1.13665176714, -0.817630009559, -0.978541168934, -0.49989776859800006, 0.19282521642900002, 1.9070104344599998, 1.08546206678, 1.3646325027000001, 1.5824547887, 2.01303783558, 0.8949566733319999, 1.4711232161, 1.63915990299, 1.57244293338], [-0.49328743475500003, -0.645111187811, -0.59297829247, -0.615013140184, -0.522141682434, -0.48476398108499996, -0.608526057235, -0.632366883361, -0.653514136748, -0.648843118509, 0.846750670379, -0.508875013859, -0.525394248493, -0.6217497263239999, -0.7018264481290001, -0.093898122488, -0.694732063797, -0.640965718846, -0.578955151455, -0.491324853277, -0.454896856625, -0.665234947259, 0.182463290039, -0.146020400672, -0.551691884758, -0.573465550409, -0.575499797697, -0.539664238408, 1.28543726599, -0.44592058120800004, 2.2001000361500003, 1.96524268305, 1.09364947213, 0.6355340100010001, 2.74364539066, 2.18347462994, 1.57036406995], [-0.570406177328, -0.7908696531649999, -0.692827018205, -0.6986007675720001, -0.416094737015, -0.711851099989, -0.79108956617, -0.814269039613, -0.653754124312, -0.665673960095, 1.48411155662, -0.816834997407, -0.70624492525, -0.8544906231460001, -0.662655780361, 0.233915307282, -0.699765985121, -0.701580382186, -0.28300375388, -0.777093641437, -0.670355949284, -0.721111778939, 1.04939496656, -0.802879474228, 0.11797799762, -0.185347229227, -0.776283773921, -0.630395139418, 0.9850807426379999, 1.48730741137, 1.9733408617500001, 1.64200312555, 1.17819282546, 0.711527788289, 1.53722490877, 1.4170862965900002, 2.27631578876], [-0.434287277301, -1.3268521307899999, -1.0681245479600001, -1.05530781402, -1.10222768134, -0.817503200739, -0.359206938301, -0.661185592889, -1.00484401943, -0.7433877972409999, 0.29410881386599996, -0.995480355287, -0.963488321989, -0.9915623090189999, 0.163619021432, 0.180302785414, -0.378671329613, 0.232715885756, -0.414765067598, -0.221000091195, 0.594379153639, -0.8206074167120001, 0.548561722702, -0.636490823592, -0.701912090195, -0.591688858516, 0.801746999754, -0.679588846671, 1.2568719963200001, 0.7975597821520001, 1.81953968621, 1.39687947332, 1.6353711051299997, 0.9350635770569999, 1.9268438179499998, 1.40028201276, 1.98433667693], [-0.6012456903010001, -0.646415423407, -0.625645248292, -0.538201945223, -0.598512282209, -0.6308145022070001, -0.6394887437210001, -0.636822191241, -0.664793592444, -0.720797222497, -0.622441658938, 0.197220186534, -0.677630965729, 1.5324012636200002, -0.550480909758, -0.148646904479, -0.586242085623, -0.603405345731, -0.481737449853, -0.599116174695, -0.580927064557, -0.5566075141, 0.265611284489, -0.53612503731, -0.581666312255, -0.636846303101, -0.6340717952489999, -0.716415439999, 1.7269713672, 0.155197051113, 0.379276782943, 2.6538876964400004, 1.5236278346799998, 0.563252464182, 1.8948233382799997, 2.3906234526700003, 1.53220508076], [0.831467299985, -0.8084328140549999, -0.33734678251999994, -0.5803291328069999, -0.545638928755, -0.515233257284, -0.7134534277869999, -0.683786351694, -0.54945662247, -0.596803400796, -0.392810830807, -0.6880165329729999, -0.494126026043, -0.573374107214, -0.7026219896610001, 0.940786695062, -0.520771752057, -0.6171909625590001, -0.460905733553, -0.46123620888300004, -0.579606551652, -0.6622695445669999, -0.343584079753, -0.7200294501010001, -0.369792083671, -0.459865294335, -0.626845597932, -0.772144099376, 2.49339133821, -0.013568794781100001, 1.37728200484, 1.52241308486, 2.11471804975, 0.345023628559, 0.873003341745, 1.59349973564, 2.69765517944], [0.446157604928, -0.814925128417, -0.253787604985, 0.055701632487000004, -0.864195976607, -0.228489859177, -0.469502956677, -0.537251335285, -0.854647675061, -0.939858250562, -0.7733571383660001, -0.4781428019100001, -0.6916037689929999, -0.844711264314, -1.00644003722, 1.58375232285, -0.756002271556, -0.969379004904, -0.6861091027699999, 0.853941724875, -0.827676123405, -0.590661411141, 0.1323683711, -0.96194243406, -0.38156610649899997, -0.9913708030130001, -0.5753978959030001, -0.615377219581, 2.02965673699, 0.9508200314049999, 1.54333371572, 1.68213823211, 0.9452809839659999, 1.5763931927000001, 1.3240588093799999, 1.1419957409100001, 1.84679707098], [-0.680216989371, -0.22138841710499998, -0.725358196942, -0.952181449421, 0.365029662799, -0.8373689293880001, -0.695275564543, -0.844455803873, -0.994861187176, -0.790868881577, -0.674428184096, 0.42205573924999995, -0.92220188469, -0.666567329768, -0.7225855794499999, 1.0901432777, -0.905365392252, -0.595325207712, -0.294455614748, 0.943325329861, -0.6853873886399999, -1.0931687815100002, -0.878067045383, -0.663188946644, 0.559424521105, -0.8535734031100001, -0.685340716488, 0.334828891517, 1.6232209225999998, 1.06658453696, 1.75780687743, 0.9737881458259999, 2.03302185836, 0.457174588482, 1.1157789291700002, 2.04432527002, 1.59512234281], [-0.669096679512, 0.126625531505, 0.499279622254, -0.729400091319, -0.591078767284, -0.19211158674000003, -0.671859076799, -0.6204020330309999, -0.829309025442, -0.701747657385, -0.448625566579, -0.694918676455, -0.72151916718, -0.667421941278, -0.654634553109, -0.6118307886, -0.7110784215549999, -0.12504783539, -0.816139924194, -0.245851096145, -0.615759531409, -0.782343807081, 0.411658612548, -0.7181959195350001, -0.581687732628, -0.707058714957, 0.600404569244, -0.664386652622, 1.53888523982, 0.323884136326, 1.05693508671, 1.8764736268200002, 0.25429516321400003, 2.60666507747, 2.08630197639, 2.49030955538, 0.8997870485580001], [-0.689302484125, -0.534621852459, 1.7194421020500001, -0.641576576564, -0.39259853969499997, -0.681067151389, -0.6893555978210001, -0.589967949442, -0.7737581382809999, -0.681077990919, -0.37549050987300003, -0.7467758388240001, -0.37901118914000004, -0.328866440512, -0.521023120397, 1.03421147263, -0.7202303724150001, -0.513191018168, -0.554584472443, -0.5896552290079999, -0.376849244929, -0.560851888551, -0.5841503738189999, -0.7854323118340001, -0.686259286144, -0.07898438686139998, -0.541525006987, -0.773132697414, 1.15091472782, -0.124000411982, 0.9216722227899999, 0.951435403607, 1.15597245241, 2.21081370343, 2.91803231897, 2.1175633968, 0.733282279497], [-0.764496913211, -1.0664232862899998, -1.16605413708, -0.96174429376, -1.04121783226, -1.0335948209499999, -0.8764120776629999, -0.515475552624, -1.0685472171600001, -0.6340317268410001, -0.17079878089699999, -1.0154925327700002, -1.08816449271, -0.974430830631, -0.006530819573089999, 0.8110710353630001, 0.7627289327719999, -0.625211660787, -0.9152601098790001, -0.082374734233, -0.626650049466, 0.11563606918500001, 0.181875342147, -0.42016082935500004, 1.0272075232200002, 0.269834027768, -0.46806417211999995, -0.20412850289099999, 1.7224479479700001, 0.310764005809, 1.5741702023299997, 1.65217586646, 1.26449678577, 1.43316131926, 1.86457215915, 0.893698260272, 1.84142589569], [-0.730335012656, -1.0186224933399999, -0.978567243598, -0.261351399661, -0.788321484645, -0.8547818952480001, -0.669927856548, -0.892782126859, -0.14895018467499999, -0.986011820109, -0.780526375285, -0.954526249228, -0.877311120192, -0.920362422072, -0.76840998343, 1.2332555058499999, -1.1094874024299999, -1.01580402393, -0.392774040379, -1.03857599673, 0.25292476357500004, -0.718989793071, -0.276218316237, -0.499428369669, 1.5465886358399998, 0.687208712856, 0.444913612751, 0.24837617519699998, 1.1410545570200001, 1.34472495201, 1.50438880451, 1.3383659464, 1.56119365651, 0.98188546543, 1.39376866701, 1.59422095425, 1.4091952007799997], [-0.506622559863, 0.406785917362, -1.18648053252, -0.911428297935, -1.05519738668, -0.995153624221, -0.8548220468790001, -1.10755277164, -1.12333620396, 0.153447129077, -0.5950472688189999, -1.03034265075, -1.20286310266, -1.13748121191, -1.33810591354, 0.274039514065, 0.26542397917, -0.33470180361900004, -0.62241068517, 0.138835195284, -0.7795521506890001, -1.09958992878, 0.00685974959014, 0.471805759281, 1.113398685, 0.41294911533600004, 0.76494816258, 0.311178248855, 0.8500575306999999, 0.453527035093, 1.1870742274700001, 2.17458389164, 1.7263897530599999, 1.2804766894600002, 1.07732099316, 1.8804501774400002, 0.9311363860240001], [-0.22400379779899998, -0.6177833987820001, -0.131941090535, -0.504512268079, -0.966618012142, -1.1405863191299999, -1.09270707706, -1.13069363568, -1.05535267209, -0.346530719512, 0.0669636404997, -1.15234987412, -1.0826978195499999, 0.718680888203, 0.511052531493, 0.607698115823, -1.13622995589, 0.274701463097, -1.1272561224700002, -0.266290802023, -0.524801841489, -1.1039081385, -0.7962417026890001, 0.13500782599000002, 1.7775377878799998, -0.158066001365, 0.7682566145999999, -1.06980453868, 1.26113933279, -0.35242244845, 1.27803878082, 1.19268619033, 1.3908317683200002, 1.2311527876700001, 1.75966120278, 1.71584357164, 1.2915457340899998], [-0.743779782467, -0.371903421109, 0.128951461967, -0.0722605833942, -0.280906105777, 1.0460103146700002, -1.0165357364899998, -0.9255589422030001, -1.04013709354, 0.7136682784720001, -0.35045029301799996, -1.02784012985, -0.859245738835, -0.97666119408, -1.0177210966099999, 1.04409321744, -0.9602908037829999, 1.14527274921, -0.7720777577240001, -0.616056284404, -0.35254613931900003, 0.40612375998800004, -0.806040080274, -0.7799572973700001, -0.930438629698, -0.9507269187080001, -0.177888320773, -0.8969148093889999, 1.15968013994, 0.21284903720400003, 1.29113468724, 1.69282650082, 1.77098898518, 0.323636196266, 1.1023232908299998, 2.35271891019, 1.5356596294100002], [-0.702307059973, 0.0405033560579, -0.0745036185353, 0.423232845405, -0.0745036185353, -0.183030560324, -1.1639336352299998, -1.009480121, -0.39715372201399995, 0.0229431204262, -1.13426845326, -1.2587351222799998, -1.1905101227600001, 0.301147262483, -0.72858766674, 0.10526579954500001, -0.539089863839, 0.295553634916, -0.221415153717, -1.1166022444700001, -1.18466653455, -0.149796168491, -1.10353509191, -0.581404664464, 0.00131904856063, -0.8934847469230001, -0.44521412545100003, 0.28871429715, 1.24825784903, 0.330862821177, 1.91866893324, 1.4204359583200001, 0.308973336009, 1.24444604199, 2.30171143806, 2.24909583442, 1.65109071768], [-1.08361941989, -1.01705630393, -1.15697520951, 0.017816006687099997, 0.506756274318, -1.03373734731, -0.125816264844, -1.1781590835, 0.203574157269, -0.9999587713249999, -0.115079093482, 0.16869756423, -0.35189079854599997, -0.528590732299, -0.7737610427089999, 1.59786819319, -1.07881877406, 0.018669894367500002, -0.794920051663, -1.0477420094499998, -1.1812350005299999, -1.0635194351000001, -0.542534362097, 0.565152358667, -0.138826325848, -1.12645338713, 0.35968415215099997, 0.7001818954800001, 1.33628131288, 0.044631244491, 1.29848364411, 0.977413399577, 1.7352757309, 0.477249397188, 1.78988781001, 1.80140483908, 1.7396655386400002], [1.01647950096, -1.053106981, -0.965919739461, -1.0079956369399998, -0.7496613478740001, -0.942278319306, -0.947126040683, -1.0505454440100002, -0.141411507073, -0.249541208101, -0.8946236266840001, -0.9843441120980001, -0.939701120062, -0.763265281776, 0.562870203764, 0.165985562103, 0.182603217528, -0.855654919044, 1.12942054651, -0.10244936747700001, -0.403022744634, 0.0319974736032, -0.321559805669, -0.898803933789, -0.8805963065889999, -1.03709409082, -0.0890864302495, 0.41286720414300004, 2.00734566665, 0.0228678930632, 1.05989881596, 0.557384371694, 1.15143763897, 1.22048798609, 1.76346865192, 2.37111423272, 1.62155899766], [-0.743394446276, -0.667318117136, -0.6987107179559999, -0.464686519945, 0.0, -1.3298435638400001, -0.6987107179559999, -1.69779371155, 0.0, -0.134309105418, -0.537380831608, -1.10954241752, -1.23740806778, 0.197895167353, -0.384754369327, 0.0, 0.247863280799, -0.739442030307, 0.351227921946, 0.0006268648838489999, 0.304315202651, -0.540550228871, 0.131425236885, 0.76724214611, -1.7534486272799998, -0.349985288793, 0.0, 0.0, 0.48209456802699996, 0.9218442833280001, 1.7952843793900002, 0.913722498289, 0.46845335766, 1.6020984785799999, 1.55567434625, 1.80361371285, 1.54389731655], [-0.49904905979599995, 2.04472367178, -0.279474656214, -0.956993802665, -0.49761578043000004, -0.282510012306, 0.354218602685, -0.569653300258, -0.688630969004, -0.0371375789474, 1.21840216077, -0.718292360862, -0.8054172684630001, -0.7577959372959999, 0.34030131022699994, -0.303137249557, 0.047642643420099995, -1.00429002412, -0.858106515658, -0.827489770691, -0.819388496173, -0.842164154271, -0.883347214504, -0.94114882437, -0.7691208418850001, -0.823744766523, -0.706420612752, -0.907088213722, 1.41985531868, 0.267589100356, 1.5477997229700002, 2.00558615589, 1.8708289303099999, 1.02562408851, 1.3582377897799998, 1.54246712469, 0.734740790397], [-0.301133936071, 0.22881092586500001, -0.9252633855560001, -0.8202127190170001, -0.8459182610439999, -0.8034934701629999, -0.11650008584, -0.7450375977979999, -0.8179392538529999, 0.335612649925, -0.7022640943039999, -0.5840659483030001, -0.7901718548209999, -0.8153452904970001, 0.07476900274389998, 0.699758992078, -0.673482739508, -0.9184879567990001, -0.798095257844, -0.6638576542019999, -0.632300705714, -0.693886615439, -0.578180596366, -0.26454115423700003, 1.4109903276700002, -0.48909664716300005, -0.8274285572560001, 0.809923081622, 0.179358980687, 0.8621664911049999, 1.7535063482700002, 0.60454193305, 1.98281553033, 1.77354740438, 2.4926853906799997, -0.422229791307, 2.0204465147], [-0.0591677690718, 0.476131951699, -0.861315094903, -1.09523986939, -1.06562224111, -0.7753113677689999, 0.578836935245, -1.5882272953100003, -1.3583775784799998, 0.270470528406, -0.160815169396, -1.32864705981, -1.06483363859, -0.438686907836, -0.146825727533, 0.195502345955, -1.41988042389, 0.158226511001, -0.956662641113, -0.297005397707, -0.46600801148000004, -1.10077190586, 0.517764051411, -0.0441219666269, 0.824563441878, 0.33945185247000004, -0.277217791496, 0.71960880154, 0.0350806241724, 1.1724561555600002, 1.7150839703100003, 0.775555565238, 2.00932033174, 1.47507982437, 2.1247456572799996, -0.372977774785, 1.48983708388], [-0.694378526745, -0.599572729531, -0.6724781637289999, -0.697442206131, -0.6697638038170001, -0.62486395144, -0.676858433132, -0.788641648776, -0.6577299939410001, -0.7273641250660001, -0.6720058444399999, -0.656101968393, -0.7363062115979999, -0.525987352357, 0.42660783695, 0.5128715430290001, -0.676082058301, -0.6994421831190001, -0.542093932099, -0.631713565124, -0.431731118315, -0.622604198843, 0.26086755457, -0.5442597128369999, -0.11664692085999999, -0.184021791387, -0.37502131572499997, 0.689096821619, 1.8258306056, 1.6368595942, 1.39704193539, 0.94923355783, 2.61349091531, 1.8833522069599997, 2.5097282715900002, -0.624715859663, 0.14284677232], [0.382490477496, 0.139293861968, -0.642845327763, -0.594196413777, -0.584749396591, -0.602008847296, -0.669316571044, -0.626902556112, -0.5350740103630001, -0.359307898388, 0.0148137426858, -0.5045291233160001, -0.42249361056699997, 1.65783573056, -0.701235599747, -0.613603064169, -0.642002405128, -0.641956517727, -0.625823995468, -0.5378156792750001, -0.6235077151730001, -0.663792720018, -0.469936636704, -0.527732439463, -0.573926170749, -0.715664500536, -0.695303722905, 0.962741221585, 2.18518119409, 0.14329846793099998, 2.1235515195700003, -0.6733017472059999, 2.09156676027, -0.30484451316399996, 0.511244739553, 2.35301746694, 1.98683599999], [0.568697644238, -0.7126769827789999, -0.724421224988, -0.13657215093699998, -0.778163269562, -0.7072545539489999, -0.6711220409020001, -0.664508871938, -0.658934134465, -0.677473190775, -0.38044642004600004, -0.647887940049, -0.7590619974420001, -0.808899475314, -0.804402954438, -0.183723933125, -0.505883237508, -0.580479510147, -0.638817739301, -0.844784838451, -0.494818958953, -0.7667477568269999, 0.678862204765, 0.283075133892, -0.6998083089480001, -0.6448088138579999, -0.739099116531, 1.70702029609, 2.54888120611, 0.486289425106, 1.46799177269, 0.993030730606, 2.229535392, 1.0924774243200002, -0.114775940128, 2.05806961649, 1.2316425150499999], [-0.5658863999889999, -0.591634963409, -0.36425461372100004, -0.458167851536, -0.489290668363, -0.566263439098, -0.675294525371, -0.5993313991120001, -0.64194996484, 0.912004365222, -0.47834181022100003, -0.609961588216, -0.5068537495359999, -0.708777386161, -0.55495805025, 1.08990898045, -0.534127296799, -0.429205253201, -0.626694341979, -0.338557058382, -0.542514182084, -0.559407847935, -0.3768856868, -0.583375335396, -0.6117973532509999, -0.53488242673, -0.569364940723, -0.550745939702, 1.28537983199, 2.5801100462799997, 2.4668116345200004, 2.47419308218, 1.90919393002, 0.714348054077, 1.11696640069, -0.488515555885, 0.00812330326836], [-0.327432550979, 0.6424377889549999, -0.5216468105, -0.598903301176, -0.502597808788, -0.600686757032, -0.563760118125, -0.623347622081, -0.6500698667539999, -0.607800352219, -0.571547238544, -0.583383751485, -0.506058334978, -0.507227077316, -0.553199856833, 1.26726991831, -0.52233382122, -0.588374880621, -0.5904520204479999, -0.661728071569, -0.636335645902, 0.306291759664, -0.53156988246, -0.467005109453, -0.685479388203, -0.648435125869, -0.457657418336, -0.60985164486, 1.52988332474, 3.02323860193, 1.36494006722, 2.59287545798, 0.817887740411, -0.57152476273, 0.5767334921689999, 2.01801905065, 0.548832016447], [-0.615664222754, -1.4385005907799997, -1.09844916431, -0.96764207344, -0.0195884455096, 0.134117842992, -0.78083215788, -0.7954941549269999, -0.477584482588, -0.365132387175, 0.502464934081, -0.26272988661999996, -0.15419080398, -0.061797668037499996, -0.8166485163330001, 0.992052226077, -0.8942821940539999, -0.08730934988299999, -0.536737543714, -0.595293805595, -1.70599038028, -0.322640107744, -0.44057007973800005, -0.6321556636819999, -0.328355091834, -0.598654483035, 0.628947565751, 0.369047890703, 2.2967658564099995, 2.39997692733, 0.74782773171, 2.30176503389, 1.8844395593, 0.586249185334, -0.19329723386300002, 0.671451905773, 0.674433828399], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.258404187266, -0.866116475721, -0.5136000972070001, -0.615383613866, 0.0309923588689, -1.23371116062, -0.811723024157, -1.08013420693, -0.8213127209469999, -0.408500483278, -1.5663086458700002, -0.6028940785629999, -0.7582432889149999, -1.09849943038, -0.54997370611, -0.17081822385200002, 0.0732821339482, 0.560611114735, -0.096535941701, -0.18497449432100002, 0.08604894226839999, -0.38436019692699996, 0.418507100533, 0.461953623504, 2.0598411901299998, 2.0598411901299998, 1.47844778389, 2.90077200295, -0.08837068332360001, -0.0734042714162, 0.679600902163, 0.618486250019, 0.7548843382289999], [-0.402902039925, -0.399557582069, -0.454391759808, -0.32393051185800004, -0.42936122923000003, -0.38235244910800004, -0.481550239964, -0.449404344415, -0.249865298631, -0.511233041932, 0.0067384586116199996, -0.487869100839, -0.40344664892800003, -0.510413980067, -0.17903927367, 1.68569819518, -0.52865569624, -0.18880625072299997, -0.37124006223800005, -0.250572108739, -0.428441731583, -0.445310109272, -0.534217797662, -0.36243823546099996, -0.509560544459, -0.547239538583, -0.45792312489500003, -0.08237815768989999, -0.431358666, 0.792626974832, -0.319089184877, 1.09641514054, 2.4254313668900003, -0.5118157843069999, -0.476380214057, 3.9280495009400003, 2.17578507023], [-0.0987480294136, -0.396162796878, -0.17073904337200002, -0.311922317243, -0.475288364391, -0.423680348361, -0.45091903299900005, -0.541742383861, -0.515728091082, -0.513542541527, -0.430568308992, -0.5236336887690001, -0.520938816406, -0.406146028199, -0.5434009608070001, -0.29649941747499997, -0.370881727232, -0.525426404198, -0.0770322194242, -0.42736562666, -0.47848398680299997, -0.48375875568800003, -0.24761148780900002, -0.254097032993, -0.38492189121799997, -0.437864736429, -0.43152038964699996, -0.0345884839813, 0.429740444769, 2.54741643224, 0.101582246609, 1.67895094935, 3.60607263303, -0.568938708978, 0.653812223574, 2.79286060635, -0.468283915079], [-0.561161722042, -0.312805928098, -0.5399616624019999, -0.34033741210100005, -0.5690243752899999, -0.415780645105, -0.452839901576, -0.608224742473, -0.5335048576829999, -0.486953003323, -0.565512023298, -0.5725923258110001, -0.628608978795, -0.538855365135, -0.5349379381430001, -0.535617034466, -0.34410222680299996, -0.524602852336, -0.323815571573, -0.489732362459, -0.5248859509699999, -0.45967625135799994, -0.446238994545, -0.407415335765, -0.497641536925, -0.5635218228800001, -0.531413672181, -0.38549136058, 0.26977758837, 1.5154189538799998, 0.8991296799959999, 1.81943001037, 2.7062407367900003, 1.5031901140900001, -0.0800869368679, 2.2122483708500003, 2.84990733663], [-0.459630351532, -0.534434111078, -0.45080726720299996, -0.40671226542499994, -0.44604943812200004, -0.562138085375, -0.441404598974, -0.423891499784, -0.514443060992, -0.466388646945, -0.347053581123, -0.48385375944700004, -0.494716788519, -0.272966218588, -0.5152554313800001, -0.496766602865, -0.329608207827, -0.45754173943800003, -0.468857749233, -0.441887188504, -0.431951221407, -0.53254425236, -0.464773095111, -0.477529726544, -0.561631332334, -0.473054031963, -0.544258789898, -0.443927813909, -0.262439096332, 2.37411971639, 1.17376776633, 2.4420532115799998, 2.7751284737199997, 0.024530487766299996, 0.234986829094, 2.5085981558, 1.67333131153], [-0.441581078043, -0.410609923614, -0.39287678437299994, -0.288687474909, -0.124204412293, -0.268291812686, -0.38070623231600004, -0.44166156721699995, -0.40515383734800003, -0.365509974419, -0.272783501226, -0.37305632527099997, -0.336908342748, -0.19822696827999997, -0.421754729489, -0.319148210186, -0.2896214438, -0.336295839765, -0.521223152582, -0.509349036263, -0.295421081418, -0.443467174968, -0.38657752493, -0.427867980413, -0.529941995121, -0.524574250631, -0.48883264027900003, -0.492126806962, -0.424178238887, 2.65404825984, -0.15315990185699999, 2.01596787889, 2.58467542602, -0.467534419574, -0.431009021351, 1.6770240408000001, 3.23062607767], [-0.694595467824, -0.148984161352, -0.51932171861, -0.7690555763760001, -0.46312680182300003, -0.5201456938610001, -0.261556177953, -0.518568076752, 0.937593028583, -0.610689193674, -0.619438374872, -0.576746492944, -0.76594820794, -0.5416642935399999, -0.389041316282, -0.15143410792099998, -0.685970835345, -0.302625995975, -0.3619839618, -0.5134337389670001, -0.8129807348370001, -0.455195246334, -0.438354305804, -0.255665756178, -0.6288733066650001, -0.7066532491140001, -0.430635215777, -0.269119459975, 0.582193502797, 1.4470695768700002, 1.7539590860499998, 1.89403585567, 1.69940381652, -0.422285567333, 0.0855391230385, 3.27295184541, 2.1613472009], [-0.482272834351, -0.519291824123, -0.36019288078199996, -0.47462928015699996, -0.481694398244, -0.461701970026, -0.565763362539, -0.530347967134, -0.527423088379, -0.5104633048789999, -0.42589189329599997, -0.4845050635, -0.44556332631800005, -0.554539123049, -0.32850001647, -0.535876729446, -0.530163751813, -0.49152689098700003, -0.39841387552199997, -0.41235989637599996, -0.413188865319, -0.34449727492, -0.419606466554, -0.528861810034, -0.077744279774, -0.43977804417099997, -0.395017405546, -0.48004935543000005, -0.45263258925, 1.88751035479, 2.84271330701, 2.5859862307, 2.58822444684, -0.373632309504, 1.15580157449, 1.6934938579499998, 0.692400106111], [-0.32696781929900004, -0.463885727515, -0.302136897387, -0.378830811361, -0.582419436156, -0.41209933791299996, -0.433161887786, -0.591495655182, -0.303838175491, -0.384073780755, -0.387166018835, -0.45728189196999997, -0.47865593245899996, -0.432586978507, -0.387713960921, -0.552820401937, -0.45363584937, -0.382392825752, -0.0569199163475, -0.416082275005, -0.48607660035899997, -0.507979432319, -0.505007960363, -0.527738177057, -0.19834173655, -0.4721994394, -0.35152906928499994, -0.48240593554, -0.430796591419, 1.5247496999599999, 2.79766098547, 1.30693842148, 3.37550929764, -0.494753392271, 0.12300401990700001, 1.09314017391, 2.4199913161400004], [-0.200835134844, -0.71929442193, 0.263289072773, -0.49582934857699995, -0.337249193784, 1.34969767213, -0.6796555673549999, -0.355110590286, -0.49182973263, -0.26018787434, -1.12052417406, -0.449044945941, -0.28650585299000003, -0.7583819275779999, -0.39787888598000004, -0.285264630779, -0.309610286448, -0.7465650303820001, -0.0628247476045, -0.261843570221, -0.7631214394920001, -0.6971849451600001, -0.331962730542, -0.549146933664, -0.562307297239, -0.746995445347, -0.731550529288, -0.47143421992299994, -0.397585895972, 0.988337648502, 2.50469726629, 1.4917060262200001, 2.30757490808, -0.7939370621330001, 1.12005122422, 1.7466941858900003, 2.49161441039], [0.18153754997299998, 0.180075742007, -0.71779588246, -0.901264370865, -0.8086427574639999, -0.241845627482, -1.24709392335, -0.43683914693400006, -1.1182677509799999, 0.211140981986, -1.2722450974, -0.277570018059, 0.185900263383, 0.155649323095, -0.18387671792399998, 0.014129543330299999, 0.716102464508, -0.304729084037, -0.6649612550899999, -0.55079219596, -1.08537085965, 0.211140981986, -0.604929939722, -0.891140348515, 0.219670480967, -0.457120940436, -1.3186819562799998, -0.750798821696, -0.268499146979, 1.25766725201, 2.17647989665, 1.65209230669, 1.93241778689, 0.161739167224, 1.55533109187, 0.632040170584, 2.65935083813], [-0.647174193747, -0.7397743835699999, -0.618542716735, -0.7512327062080001, -0.450167209752, -0.0635861661318, -0.846958687974, -0.735949599457, -0.513217857795, -0.275381279102, -0.615344062508, -0.64673993454, -0.58782300669, -0.634604964167, -0.650639523931, 0.40024638450499994, 0.832607772083, 0.10282351645400001, 1.2426524138500001, -0.66116035186, -0.8098703286390001, -0.788940394949, 0.444496620519, 0.439970901242, 1.0412294897499998, -0.7459346467300001, -0.718309640722, -0.7219469258939999, -0.62465780528, 0.471235135416, 1.23637314229, 1.91674219754, 2.47718236356, -0.7671147409260001, -0.22377243824499998, 1.2303804623799999, 3.0029031659500003], [-0.13967331673299999, 0.485193169946, 1.4505667997100002, -0.20845742980700002, -0.9144811721430001, 0.30941588136799997, -0.727129286369, 0.5257182192800001, -0.8404118792409999, -1.08468876061, -1.0977676613, -0.334870654331, 0.25557134132, -1.13399986201, 0.344767424059, 1.16863552677, -0.393853392588, -0.893179101503, 0.11043479349400001, -0.231017466034, -0.70404372927, 0.37038820879900003, -0.9721033040189999, -0.874432786663, -1.02420582449, -0.47129997821599995, -1.10478747057, -0.9642167958769999, -0.928603313877, 1.71415246748, 1.48950461179, 1.82006545125, 2.42744030417, -0.15201197200799998, 0.738838281977, 1.7921389436900002, 0.19240373255999998], [-0.889841138473, -1.18154873629, -0.005627115695359999, -1.1691469924299998, -1.1476107131, -1.07698538238, 0.39721018561300003, 0.042098010698999995, -1.02721174389, -1.1314325855299998, -0.077573502686, -0.186572456138, 0.30783241733000005, -0.247156446857, 0.6039874254609999, 0.582404777928, -1.18485006467, -0.6741568297930001, -0.217816749349, 1.21627557455, -0.07683554840260001, -1.26123423839, -0.400967641361, -0.9089968918960001, -1.11548367434, -1.11709562546, 0.0915969394757, 0.687118609768, 1.52596965976, 0.471968410264, 1.662489015, 1.46024754751, 0.5074816399600001, 1.4413896878999999, 0.359836103799, 1.26829150922, 2.47194656287], [-0.887224472674, -1.15712612664, 1.2076109163600002, -0.5039620222160001, -1.05892127874, -1.15776621931, 0.0, 0.0, -0.587513341406, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0012071497287100001, 0.262002359669, -0.620816955436, 0.09578845357860001, 0.152278296951, -0.7437023615989999, -2.38376874653, 0.0415003176793, -0.152195793346, -0.37710312896700005, -0.760367125001, -0.0723719893936, -0.435574950897, -0.516793211901, -0.76718474413, 0.103054728721, 0.233450500159, 1.65824236321, 0.17655577692299998, 1.92084521384, 1.10563928078, 0.0, 1.2253521730799999, 0.449810649111, 1.9708610579299999, 1.5781932304700002], [-0.364879417669, -1.19606241906, 0.12959374017, -1.5713985153, -0.966132290381, -0.258653405136, 0.997326186283, 0.264645643622, -0.420247389444, -0.847146238509, -0.603332829578, 0.379979183015, 0.223223731421, -1.7459929102400003, 0.188607437471, -0.12911533633400002, -0.031249720127400002, -1.48156752162, 0.053883004555199995, -0.622017879871, -0.153016726454, -0.9960689794600001, -0.39496541973800003, -0.122573278134, -0.269269898131, -1.44311433627, -0.801233624993, -0.0918730567158, 2.08530377754, 0.7778971723739999, 1.60966837646, 1.27867427944, 1.92211712133, 1.3491115516999999, 0.509211838882, 1.22060453434, 1.52006361459], [-0.0604859729661, -0.17826789413199998, 0.675684597534, 0.24045100511, -0.771180817273, -0.48914618455700004, 0.32215686007, -0.0337361765176, -0.831558821901, -0.784180791724, 0.0896542499089, -1.49143270837, -0.0618908072788, -0.68916837021, -0.447460106871, 1.6550468936700002, -1.9233938507700001, -1.0326219212799999, 0.059933547600600004, -0.171511595612, -0.852267502693, -0.005068139165, -0.08762979669189999, 0.175252674029, -1.7645411297599998, -2.09600757223, 0.0248779641629, 0.260424036815, 1.28080841127, 0.407467556134, 1.7677982207599998, 1.4933209500100002, 0.205256722216, 0.995564838028, 0.763172727444, 1.7520682776400003, 1.60261062759], [-0.39533553633900004, 0.0361478928772, 0.732653066618, -1.35794395038, -1.06919114541, -1.44246864699, 0.788427818018, 0.0268013830578, 1.18142291418, -1.2556117909, 0.9040893034999999, 0.240737229589, 0.7330339983290001, -1.27862696244, -0.526959483547, 0.6966276541140001, -1.0643183939399998, -1.0909173885299999, -1.39210739495, 0.511781635825, -1.00244818784, -0.8710179903829999, 0.313593703274, -1.1470856598999999, -0.934214889681, -0.875046233767, 0.21470689598200002, 0.469608773635, 1.08569411835, 1.13242830939, 1.5978491418, 1.2641042515899998, 0.679224110211, -0.840590522625, 1.17249400623, 1.02311896966, 1.7393390014099996], [0.456472608434, 0.44848467149800003, -1.30229881283, -0.621229220637, -0.8484409141660001, 0.392199285739, -0.193083958002, -0.543015451595, -1.0304658962, -0.32517675575800004, -1.46640398574, 0.499851520775, 0.643842723455, -0.23898221483600002, 0.591716929228, 1.3521312672499999, -0.124429478149, -1.9671180543200002, -0.6109286235629999, -1.2223753508, -0.81927251573, -1.16822074295, -0.11496002775900001, -0.753455398696, -0.160560659123, 0.498171039182, -0.9539518992880001, -0.323570129375, 1.30279433391, 1.26546493484, 1.9630406151700002, 1.52912472535, 0.887751205884, -0.8648709424600001, 0.811476962825, 1.18034129446, 1.82994691398], [-0.00835737105422, -0.666850352462, -0.616918323133, -0.6811705337549999, -0.7113112373630001, -0.7086123236220001, -0.600605302187, -0.697406518777, -0.390234007905, -0.806389505673, -0.7989446477509999, -0.581479673102, 0.24587020894699999, -0.671133018538, 0.98769533979, 1.72383256305, -0.651802314512, -0.76838210605, 1.61741354421, -0.653794091601, -0.653927443441, -0.6719974147300001, -0.6062772713, -0.167534309421, -0.754431697191, -0.682625715789, -0.7854591108460001, -0.695857831069, 0.399047377064, 2.14202234049, 2.1637305325, 1.6527268116299998, 1.18291499608, -0.754180400695, 0.6442330647519999, 1.39949060428, 1.62670513917], [0.20244486737599998, -1.20464627236, -1.17259146999, -0.8511245677150001, -1.1654572791600002, -0.880707178809, 0.8150070372949999, -0.381223128909, -0.987468163721, 0.142537204552, -1.0124534966399998, 0.0736926341344, 1.04754348485, -0.6610296711729999, 0.306939367766, 1.35069588951, -1.09737040219, -1.07587301498, -0.9088115044349999, -0.7947732821150001, 0.8020541071070001, 0.607374299533, 0.0971040423727, -0.909243942097, 0.493578885395, -1.01816752755, -0.886030408098, -1.10750568565, 0.7644753155349999, 2.04817785065, 1.24152290007, 1.66634652585, 0.29773450547200003, 1.05653315891, 0.0298672001532, 1.4714816234099999, 1.5993660956600002], [-0.683246937905, -0.46717471562299995, -0.564424649988, -0.23657806355799998, -0.507257142652, -0.44754724662100004, -0.633916607664, -0.683459802323, -0.42381029591499997, -0.632348943972, -0.7025280028800001, -0.53531301539, -0.6569150957509999, -0.76443388358, -0.57211630315, -0.508444161392, -0.536354510198, -0.5572357677440001, -0.636805400386, -0.44948813639799995, -0.598980591691, -0.744775027063, 0.0175038684148, 2.89961846862, -0.77087517229, -0.726335718166, 1.4665843879700002, -0.514356998491, 0.978506821426, 0.958810870574, 0.879474646906, 1.1399442234700001, 1.51493999321, 0.44040440453999996, 1.8372492513499998, 2.5967403648400005, -0.17505511053800002], [-0.574381183745, -0.572407946906, -0.669560585786, -0.458894594507, -0.565257939498, -0.569177202818, -0.402566238493, -0.7220328453829999, 1.38741661498, -0.598320467806, -0.779901502007, -0.568885177371, -0.579364566414, -0.5972189342149999, -0.318976991171, -0.520762687827, -0.634336777632, -0.620689811403, -0.49067289110699996, 0.112348967084, -0.49490653123899997, -0.7220887237960001, 0.0287747826381, -0.627958864126, -0.364751615557, -0.715062620696, 1.6468941009399998, -0.16788176157499998, 1.1183562241, -0.00595583778192, 2.03074187205, -0.04396336271819999, 2.34558466171, 0.598596117135, 2.9122772909599997, 1.8364375660900003, -0.631450536109], [-0.644924456393, -1.20234324646, -0.0644192644899, -0.6360070301349999, -2.25483179797, -0.57847423431, -0.237193746254, 0.49624468277500006, -0.219102166941, -0.9013514766320001, -0.185236756891, -0.0602544175724, 0.7428261819140001, 0.28044672424199996, -0.898771901165, -1.06408801164, 1.17734818585, -1.5626469875, -0.6886786341660001, -1.01370643306, -0.22261055367600002, -0.838057481732, 1.1598776930299999, -0.47140839278700003, -0.676484999012, -0.6081922875569999, 0.9705163933600001, 1.06228813025, 0.172925105476, 0.111144265397, 1.9414572780400001, 1.70134861474, 1.2908711448999999, 0.35390925381399996, 1.5464893328100002, 1.7387344379299998, 0.28235685182], [-1.24163460612, -0.22061101685600001, -0.502587645559, -0.272345382206, -0.560122459498, 0.0328084898193, -0.553736522125, -0.223406632398, 0.487118431531, -1.12743173648, -0.23308721176, 0.359900845397, 0.669740762565, 1.01025452785, -1.18270732159, 0.427646220796, -0.36886510291, 0.510378401162, -0.819341881044, 0.0008622576939289999, -0.719336980979, -1.0220320136, -0.72737210736, -0.812171911745, -1.07312965323, -0.770403131236, -1.02347091767, -0.691450208917, 0.648665834939, -0.011740962123799999, 1.29132116715, 1.1344016336, 0.938121455737, 0.957466602917, 0.979271656938, 0.8779212534790001, 3.83110586383], [-0.7764332758600001, -0.4905594655899999, 0.12689450125, -1.19800831734, -0.44931678928900004, -0.45109779011000006, -0.308953809387, -0.47929942813799997, 0.112491473189, -0.497270395332, -0.43167179620499996, 0.009071283148299998, -0.0699188794497, 0.39437172970600004, -0.556013404881, 0.7426134969149999, -0.10274054112099999, -0.741770013976, -0.08339395409139999, -0.5617218849710001, -0.22382166650600002, -0.17685731115400002, -0.7731427172249999, -2.02230311435, -0.0758751880079, -1.2382386497, 0.402670398781, -0.251732815871, 0.950865528434, 1.00310203223, 0.884926282243, 0.581531064039, -0.6239096453490001, 2.3877071879700003, 1.18317377668, 0.123121573645, 3.68151052567], [-0.49730638746000005, -0.407263860835, -0.373402823327, -0.377073831956, -0.433858166538, -0.41175851480400005, -0.362665094995, -0.404585047069, -0.339436723283, -0.361761107715, -0.332091896866, -0.359064315334, -0.324706056731, -0.501484730156, -0.447104473616, -0.321819927051, -0.182181141204, 0.108243734166, -0.217350684848, -0.403326543958, -0.288049344454, -0.416840282947, -0.395778334448, -0.295466647167, -0.425080107336, -0.43740163936099996, -0.478508620898, -0.316937047345, -0.32208117881299997, -0.36482309073200003, 1.70705114329, 0.511752417902, -0.0911885570953, 4.122588867119999, 1.8520571078099999, -0.263209639294, 2.8519125473400004], [-0.506903281468, -0.41131675310599997, -0.43262915808700003, -0.440848614338, -0.400848450164, -0.418874911087, -0.513514642008, -0.399430146517, -0.443460282892, -0.413139513912, -0.597514121624, -0.47945264430699996, -0.48600560729, -0.426185420166, -0.47528857401, -0.561182189225, -0.6002869241800001, -0.354980953593, -0.010372639675, -0.278599110953, -0.461968523666, -0.512684098965, -0.34360370348, -0.614930111781, -0.5117659595849999, -0.563898757096, -0.588101300466, -0.40348336959799996, 2.42060197501, -0.590304186116, 1.41610234016, 2.3868157435499997, 0.668398395381, 2.21581742087, 2.00949722725, -0.40988276863300005, 2.5342236157799998], [-0.41244378371299995, 1.7737512764400003, -0.283215765482, 0.264477819462, -0.7643075176540001, 0.028120810058900002, -0.7462001493729999, -0.596898554686, 0.17172232241500002, -0.752423806682, -0.885355810997, 0.831581572403, 1.0198876349600001, -0.892077958652, -0.470484818676, -0.6460980574490001, -0.688597828611, 0.747170184641, -1.03438307588, -1.05174270864, -0.849580322352, -0.270736961644, -0.740093375774, -0.7027284821500001, -0.8989858393279999, -0.787583387554, -0.482562268402, -0.9439497752949999, 2.14636053474, 0.443693104644, -1.05360003884, 1.40431495722, 1.15670295379, 1.5328422069, 1.02683020715, 1.22275719438, 2.1838375086400004], [-0.414442352647, -1.98969534853, -0.976952595404, -1.00458101361, -0.7340722050480001, -0.866888620817, 0.154783660404, 0.675596574331, 0.329592124579, -0.35577981458400004, -0.0229194213978, 0.641945622458, 0.11999677126399999, 0.06411242828290001, 0.0161410206892, -1.34115006145, 1.43294848516, -0.170662826653, -0.6569950554990001, -1.08830450562, -1.29024834631, -1.80539110725, -0.316071873121, -0.523483628798, 0.371902131644, 0.737754960359, -0.8375176357140001, 0.40016836376000003, 0.203728186177, -0.21540327034600001, 1.46839889963, 1.88381250538, 0.359734735153, 1.1931964517, 1.0703201852700002, 1.21417649748, 2.27225007908], [-0.37154265359, -0.45628295400300006, -0.616944423742, -0.42012340247900004, -1.33507313193, -0.37630940404299995, -0.0544390251861, -0.937858414882, 1.19710595103, -0.499153551398, -0.0872041851, -0.952481089631, 0.235700252714, -0.8434068077069999, -0.48248343030199997, -0.332954415047, 0.43156610826999997, 0.237128527703, 0.20792924417999997, -0.629752010497, -1.64931968373, -1.8457379614900002, -0.261566659657, -0.586600752869, -0.10422987166000001, -0.314385534404, -0.13709628711400001, -0.0256298543326, 0.09265149103430001, 0.823434873371, 1.8408282736400001, 1.9791673868900002, -0.5694404439490001, 1.76575362472, 0.949050745272, 1.63527258607, 2.49442688385], [-0.7838660030850001, -0.775823420384, -0.313022710757, -0.134869701456, -1.4209098953100001, -1.26890683341, 0.0, 0.0, -0.154211612835, 0.0, 0.0, 0.13938231830800002, -0.7427489001440001, 0.0271821794294, -0.18073888178, -0.788857727917, 0.901878046717, -0.735886080925, -1.0109737922, 0.227504005513, 0.37813348188900003, -0.641332970169, -0.06901170709, -1.69998001618, -0.373481393407, -0.246296534481, 0.296186949637, -0.220333941251, 0.137196340547, 0.462836606877, 1.9924694673099999, 0.940377442991, 0.0, 0.0675875310338, 1.29871877867, 1.71795810499, 2.97384086886], [-0.634196899979, -0.8295375013259999, -0.940350481541, -0.627001497899, -0.029137863623599998, 0.11132124095200001, 0.49147824048699995, -0.14789916725, 0.8176635178749999, 0.6728132437540001, -0.455593218913, -0.252428776671, -0.165764376213, -0.5777952319690001, 0.0218815902375, -1.10421024003, 2.12960980518, -0.396165948794, -1.8243895158599999, 0.15793935352900002, -0.312683881571, -1.03462289736, -1.3911656688799998, -2.94122176356, 0.698293891509, 0.588082297712, -0.356053007963, 0.32243058917100004, 0.540012805332, 0.8318661276379999, 1.66281733381, 1.82980389083, 0.49643944605499996, 0.6504377933600001, 0.39806176259000003, 0.40316945117299996, 1.1960955582200001], [-1.0314909755600001, -1.0263413603, -0.998509765227, 1.34041543627, -0.822919126627, -0.9597238878129999, 0.604084770033, -0.53626964126, -0.8050641004119999, 1.5572084016799999, -0.47121629414399996, -0.9227421052500001, -0.7603800543000001, 0.8625113587440001, -1.04775485282, 0.249944950227, -0.333354370127, -0.922000037475, -0.999947420201, -0.985927041371, -0.9840386329200002, -0.945124123218, -0.228619583832, -0.832524391365, -0.028644479263, 0.9751445998489999, -0.909790779629, 0.721863302625, 0.532897608517, 0.77004149889, 2.2139972934, 1.65482517444, 0.981818345572, 0.43524894792499996, 0.81813970533, 1.3389821050700002, 1.4952595245500002], [-0.215113305784, -0.32954935306099997, -0.010790850575700001, 0.272405263517, -1.53497785597, -0.562007868577, -0.870014667708, -0.042005679354800006, 0.232680201799, -0.250199162654, -2.00488910914, 0.161466356206, -0.47855411616000004, -0.964267516508, -0.981339536947, -0.910326976969, 0.7176946660060001, -0.661991492156, -0.7516726353200001, 0.0654348683275, -1.20162537961, 0.426803265888, -0.009045939328540002, -0.993654321547, 1.74814561152, 0.33710749533699996, -0.120122438919, 0.20055990092599998, 0.13268604286, -0.0176925748817, 2.21983267327, -0.854007788952, 0.37252790458000007, 1.82866603935, 2.05941974384, 1.52965984028, 1.45875869641], [-0.637569350085, -0.0169382870539, -0.43751896170800003, 0.19763624317200001, -1.1329876996700001, 0.09870171111469998, -0.75123504377, 0.282509932852, 0.187698304839, 0.151679350188, -1.62125665481, 0.18429199999499998, -0.7471323338600001, -0.816518908404, -0.623677938951, -1.11821172888, -0.442870435192, -1.21539808773, -0.998135018786, -0.0714266130339, -1.2550652938299998, 0.0, -0.14767072378499999, -0.580124688119, 1.54840332644, -0.18628911812399998, -0.302303003107, -0.11429509622999999, 0.29591412114, 0.0551041161479, 1.9760121156700001, 0.0, 0.7281907845469999, 2.08821736845, 1.79432979743, 1.8793288081400001, 1.748607005], [-0.509928906049, -0.135406931952, 0.361579205568, 1.0154104431200002, -2.14465163243, -0.27913088522, -0.908535485389, -0.415153742611, -0.563015519336, -0.521023907873, -0.927323249473, 0.711943546723, 0.42561904505599996, 0.41787907435000005, -0.804841461997, -0.945886701098, 0.198179047426, 0.205862019839, -0.135406931952, -0.11440637972, -0.246120278603, -0.11440637972, -0.670508077711, -1.5410458122600001, -0.4739344336, -0.372059990091, -0.908535485389, -0.804841461997, 0.361579205568, -0.5884511337080001, 2.46801359267, 1.24410512312, 0.33979398541100003, 2.1346619649400003, 2.22769512575, 1.45796992919, 0.554323479448], [-0.396416173583, 0.555314189441, -1.0204101298100001, -0.864424700501, -0.7439441449680001, -0.672170240221, 0.351655734062, -0.507588531421, 0.46599004898400004, -0.0677878212015, 0.07681777498310001, -0.405151285679, 0.21710409097199998, -1.9470843811099998, -0.452917908368, -0.22272538759, -0.362911692917, 0.271086442693, -0.599491597175, -0.316582237172, -1.6268455106200002, -0.536807045652, -0.39077519836999997, 0.360307258469, -0.0393561894272, -0.599491597175, -0.7892394629389999, -0.90094146528, -0.545951278641, -0.170180384784, 1.9925041479199999, 0.8958106757590001, 2.07826179747, 1.1932111513700001, 2.29770408714, 2.0396708895900004, 1.3837560757499998], [-0.6117572159100001, -0.09645429979430001, -0.255220491306, 0.33248434788000003, -0.883044360088, 0.639334521893, -0.34492408902599997, -0.021669984073299998, 0.334151807685, -0.190112958544, 0.9256399994239999, -0.599569725647, -0.110932153432, -1.78285078887, -0.6587627118980001, -0.0795365715065, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.338021702563, -2.3046362753, 0.0, -0.66644359361, -0.452155412179, 0.0457353349304, 0.0, -0.932467840167, -0.058014885151000006, -0.331189994095, -0.846671918165, 1.45149509045, 0.0, 1.5212302216100002, 2.07079959155, 1.94735936343, 1.48290430757, 0.8133023849050001], [-0.487306997216, -1.0665194616299998, -1.1881098894, -0.710808353042, -0.9362715375220001, -1.16958187889, -0.610370845607, -0.129984314882, 0.643976055578, 0.432205752789, -0.132974252595, -0.724774280881, -0.7162520535870001, -1.6369512100299999, -1.02863086148, -0.82915623492, 0.6931818772339999, 0.267222229663, -1.38473444247, 0.374717402168, -0.951013715971, 0.218125578117, 1.0085196391700002, -0.168599280245, 0.5791268996069999, 0.0952446209846, -0.610370845607, 0.412985459868, -0.206640072932, -0.638652407756, 1.32984384539, 0.337785195713, 1.70807073769, 2.02883733938, 2.01997226366, 1.5889440198299998, 1.5889440198299998], [0.141811797485, -0.48312854454099996, -1.1526889172299999, -0.231947340542, -0.946291024736, -0.371436117171, -0.34708106658, 0.058973052661199996, 0.365952278829, 0.944695826024, 0.174536211432, -1.2182584515600001, 0.790467365654, -0.541070394875, -1.82432208216, -0.886574649565, 0.144240266288, 0.959478346665, -1.44239350435, -0.697027250431, -1.4566027872999998, -0.259188592554, 0.30880742708299996, -1.22302106061, 0.8962400636360001, -0.083059956759, -0.7786563038359999, 0.127331307542, -0.058110259140300005, -1.17159232822, 1.60835963678, 0.8556331706270001, 1.6652903932700003, 1.70999685954, 1.54185186289, 1.42913601242, 1.44964875334], [-0.583808801823, -0.252206397785, -0.47905879650100003, -0.503235141031, -0.296292260065, 0.2411958316, -0.972621565453, -0.8779700554209999, -0.42920561258, -0.298909110095, -0.250694559804, -0.058414026333599996, 0.432550915682, 0.479576336356, -0.14892541288, -0.20849619610800002, -0.620567694414, -0.053779743695400006, -1.1459452242100001, -0.606928153604, -1.8206738373900002, -0.640744836474, -0.279105571394, -0.697865116491, -0.12717270371099998, -0.556574501918, -0.345778900211, -1.05076035836, -0.277264841439, 0.416088251091, 1.61256774849, 0.562919285397, 1.20554098943, 2.23496133943, 2.9810410726599996, 1.4088610550100003, 2.00769659403], [-0.507144836671, -0.43839613409199996, -1.14786783981, -0.7119208694339999, -0.921434064378, 0.136967844315, -0.544034716992, -0.6087010803980001, 0.31192447700599996, -0.398533167975, -0.385949422456, -0.0951548408044, -0.33751054997100005, 1.07528724586, -1.08060103415, -0.841047607911, 0.370594380291, -0.159274721899, -0.775011126889, -0.775011126889, -1.17068654131, -0.435154238812, -0.645188818057, -0.5239416699539999, -0.460093453802, -0.251932664388, -0.554149550178, -0.169386426946, 0.9108194796979999, -0.45630139564800004, 1.7359689013799997, 0.198940401668, 0.9653431735100001, 1.64095626023, 2.62673731488, 2.1117150301, 2.3091733908700003], [-1.15962115724, -0.831998676664, -0.593295142267, -0.616188472006, 0.807285829119, 0.0235491122694, -0.395220199722, -0.7079554445139999, 0.917178471248, 0.261445259363, -0.528829585357, -0.388792052811, 0.0606170169773, -0.427392888738, -0.547888141201, -0.15270820155200002, -0.123153504821, -0.664726744716, -0.542079540462, -0.954704618081, -2.06190056146, -0.35823323965000003, 0.0836123245973, -0.19169844293, -0.25348296032400003, -0.887308612815, -0.0345826747621, -0.305320518848, 0.21354247425500003, 0.0693540517146, 2.16623936705, -0.282751948543, 0.522506339204, 1.7708237694, 2.93414081411, 2.34605862603, 0.833479874139], [-0.606184987439, -0.855761627912, -0.235485416738, -0.6450421949390001, 0.8734570204340001, -0.06050874050130001, -0.540571831443, -0.363151241326, 1.03646696244, 0.39278489592699994, -0.411411625799, -0.6389858623269999, -0.158095773522, -0.976129836796, -0.922126771364, 0.11073264245400001, -0.191049085554, -0.7137783490880001, -0.6905992527920001, -1.11063633051, -2.05324306419, -0.427257577976, 0.20015421593600002, -0.61665361399, -0.515182763132, -1.1273639603399999, 0.21072914822799999, -0.135358079283, 0.423650815818, 0.44100494553, 1.98962032415, 0.35321930720899997, 0.446042924568, 1.8212277066, 2.62962650459, 2.34824151207, 0.7176190610250001], [0.0587294566715, -0.123857129758, -0.152478480645, -0.07283786405949999, -1.0301005567000001, -0.5867540322, -0.47428647078, -0.350274005024, 0.0557432468616, 0.0303167981436, 0.8493855754, -0.629916169656, 0.0411510158157, -0.526062609746, -1.50862821213, -0.47428647078, -1.24109656892, -0.260065037474, -1.70325052493, 0.6210219258199999, -0.952339095949, -0.826147671826, -0.076721245011, -0.38879879818499996, 0.163042950788, -1.49466131646, -0.419746579578, -0.304577094323, 0.565257420633, 0.41604691986500003, 2.2852291818, 0.220600277225, 1.17317163881, 1.91966270751, 2.66253023066, 1.2604748320999999, 1.2745217560200002], [-0.258543367525, 0.35732828274000006, -0.563446272124, -0.277971033918, -0.597878528554, -0.535604687069, -1.21214145927, -1.33445266858, 0.8278557199779999, -0.39381311749, -0.40057954812299995, -0.24149366084600002, 0.0, -0.274594544361, -0.22056092485599998, -0.8015088994, -0.7503389692129999, 0.39918906090499995, 0.22688569440499998, 0.0, 0.0, -1.3443818987799998, 0.0, 0.0, -0.7704847137890001, -0.701999047377, -0.668503087236, 0.052634380405, -0.730250741868, 0.40528097286799997, 1.94273289067, 0.150778699957, 0.16507718204000002, 1.96936253442, 2.95261439675, 1.31536112995, 1.31344622529], [-0.41360535157899997, -0.37702342235200004, -0.32109838369800003, 0.136449293037, -0.7474245654199999, -0.116952139548, -1.52570588943, -1.5801373663799998, 0.948625772104, -1.64240028722, -1.1514385312100002, 0.296134044224, -0.08111557565260001, 0.357061877604, -0.0004941789558849999, -0.273345569676, 0.49847245465000006, -0.211055504157, -0.468657689224, 0.24743735884100002, -0.555204083565, -0.736836200417, 0.217009773622, 0.107066826743, -0.124209164877, -0.45983531018999996, -0.114193181569, -1.02251125309, -0.560151718104, 0.10795841788300001, 2.0132201038299997, -0.129400808227, -0.568903624357, 2.27205247939, 2.2961800481599997, 1.49574256, 2.18828878882], [0.0532054176119, -0.327398439474, -0.723307888983, -0.780065842454, -1.29474724864, -0.934051290772, -0.428633351247, -0.694776563081, 0.503099143689, -0.400074179129, 0.08499333778280001, 0.253998341001, -0.585767655401, -0.164800488508, 0.44827182218199996, -1.1099279147499999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.354432257644, -0.9739807686830001, -0.981320963995, -0.751437656698, -0.43711782378499997, -0.09355607128869999, 0.0, -0.557506570514, -0.500177745004, -0.0187786168167, 0.40657486419100003, 2.87789109172, 0.105511559372, 0.466023766604, 0.235259841157, 2.90638957019, 1.6456217419799999, 1.41615432411], [-0.36125691738300003, -0.5702756936150001, -0.34867490451899996, -0.190607084388, -0.0311141134744, -0.526343393786, -1.4035704531200002, -0.515462457161, -0.8113867665819999, -0.8929368844069999, -0.637321639863, -0.41148250152099997, -0.535871910241, -0.170993293906, -1.122867804, -0.14232756437400002, -0.832716665248, 0.644218458997, 0.34638120998300004, 1.35112279583, -0.931057222037, -0.516575412879, 0.145056423557, -0.341882068999, 0.19678806672000002, -0.5449951434229999, -0.31171712253600004, -0.282821514181, -0.017676502362500002, -0.15547932195699998, 2.66554749227, -1.0283102038299998, 0.53741254414, 2.4014667867200004, 2.16721504865, 2.04188293986, 1.13863279308], [-0.507424630146, -0.566611888096, -0.275594334408, -0.254967977768, -0.44437595964800003, -0.626973604871, -1.48364451283, -0.598795381024, -0.8067621593250001, -1.1651948294299999, -0.573404967306, -0.265200553261, -0.6952338129889999, -0.0109170400077, -1.18681039135, 0.0226110101398, -0.9135162806880001, 0.80890240358, 0.46092271261600004, 1.6577495318900002, -0.9109161314830001, 0.10252028207599999, 0.200186699386, -0.587741334366, 0.254578711929, -0.52247020694, -0.259887838083, -0.347827928421, -0.0219620949731, -0.24119208332199998, 2.79609569092, -0.6429666789440001, 0.629698328508, 2.27083743928, 1.6914861889200001, 1.9429557782599998, 1.0718478421700002], [-0.119223335827, -0.362167828967, -0.35308397905, -0.568172824229, -0.185911939155, -1.3308107169399999, -1.0091626344, -0.49815869916999994, -0.496828494194, -0.481970836572, -1.06782673181, -0.618731658275, -0.684181959174, -0.185911939155, -0.46630332149899995, 0.605037200631, -0.324462546356, -0.218519196384, -0.226174549474, -0.188149293508, -0.294529945445, -1.54016325959, 0.660456449913, -0.218519196384, 0.37353735874300004, -0.37420065795400004, -0.391968915489, 0.209841502679, -0.169676974929, -0.24883552654399999, 3.19818799023, -0.732490930783, 1.0789997348, 1.8781767248299999, 2.20919778949, 1.9034939173099998, 1.23920922261], [-0.638354632098, -0.792107530544, -0.588642498543, -0.378905025897, -0.361037116512, -1.18945010006, -0.833513241446, -0.7955616262440001, 0.11238911860300001, -0.943622804616, -0.962661473653, 0.11737401364399999, -0.515495658328, -0.5804432894100001, -1.14021664183, 0.178461974718, -0.244503382205, 0.11737401364399999, 0.202988820511, 0.194529842176, -0.6093926581629999, -0.475636736593, 0.397921024079, 0.281331168079, -1.01361939662, 0.7408028385, -0.434482554861, -0.685616581778, 0.154784198633, 0.00101434130804, 2.5952705915900003, 0.113717734551, 0.622674515604, 0.314200040394, 1.9519512861200001, 3.08927403143, 1.9972033958099997], [0.19664369527399997, 0.020855225462599998, -0.05184984628819999, -0.226453484322, -0.659060872736, -0.19465349881299998, -1.0345189047299999, -1.4690336446599999, -0.891849622778, -0.556295297927, -1.1953579914799999, -0.40769670684500003, -0.9151461951469999, -0.174454299192, 0.0040295294937, -0.488257806869, -0.42674252949600006, -0.662717283961, -0.540274649114, 1.4002708699200002, -0.569971783504, -0.27211862582400004, 0.0719410825698, 0.43131264927599994, 0.274802822601, -0.10292194986, -0.670118675082, -0.7662953605760001, -0.4252401914, -0.622430149907, 1.4078252782, 0.217000503896, 0.32394470532499997, 1.9112433714, 2.4511891432799997, 2.94380640606, 1.6685940877599998], [0.115048409093, 0.854577940748, -0.007792700670149999, 0.232186609211, -1.07993990934, 0.4840823038, -1.07452909204, -1.1258975691700002, -0.757792503406, -0.7021788647930001, -0.9924639886769999, -0.280756803009, -0.7761348912839999, -0.076881465007, 0.70180422299, -1.00601067251, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.29266855330499997, -0.6423815447919999, -0.675361417107, -0.458543496786, -0.179974265689, 0.0942081605433, 0.0, -0.6423815447919999, -0.41663881863499996, -0.969849072093, -0.6002662045080001, 1.1603688439700002, -0.18359225224, 2.09168769592, 2.57731470132, 1.48531363727, 2.06849194809, 1.07695115691], [0.46539787484800005, -0.0113382687554, -0.139761856402, 0.297913249046, -1.0897863405200001, -0.15930360444, -0.34726088194, -0.270614712137, 0.09533167946260002, -0.612867449075, -0.561531624934, -0.6959840954269999, -0.972035862861, 0.737355947049, -0.607147169497, 0.320677872953, -0.08619924560560001, -0.17094466186700003, -0.118720781994, -0.236077617301, -0.8119856679090001, -0.0038862596785199997, 0.0345004162911, -0.319262411807, -0.0160316494094, 0.0278023945918, -0.332428721439, -0.398834328033, -3.05014846644, -0.9288098784119999, 1.58662968014, -0.46959685035099996, 0.792527570258, 2.243660649, 2.1275088159599997, 1.5998209664200003, 2.08143129021], [-1.1202158458700002, -0.7397573737250001, -1.5626628569799998, -1.3598252418999999, -0.478808838902, 0.352906267565, -0.674062679432, -0.870270652561, -0.28308973531, 0.71353621384, -0.38960727773000003, -0.795294608275, -0.00495552985706, -0.824102763119, -0.16351900749, 0.247357584367, -0.7397573737250001, -0.0479929272482, -0.8165908193629999, 0.8094444239759999, -0.195256854361, 0.437002827997, 1.3400611907200002, 0.505921400708, 0.25235696083799997, -1.5862336253100002, -0.664132792381, -0.9298274558349999, -0.199512075726, -0.116612817814, 1.2885458805, -0.105683211207, 0.8345830774519999, 1.9465991418400002, 2.20032668957, 2.11462276282, 1.62450794192], [-0.6925589814319999, -0.573709750183, -0.499601254349, -0.544526586565, -1.19717311066, -1.2930197055700001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.321273764566, 0.0, 0.0, -0.45716876180200006, -0.0402665166539, -0.5348987907339999, -0.443903713182, -0.314696939168, -0.744131981409, -0.0581666638355, -0.532258898495, 0.30386150090999997, -0.0757254723349, -0.310924360024, 0.44790756804399995, -0.0818892170549, -0.240241125777, -0.381701694876, -0.809950183044, -0.540857503986, -0.615626904266, 0.30386150090999997, 1.77446820835, -0.327214330868, 0.0, 2.39316902498, 2.06892506816, 2.39316902498, 1.9461243145200002], [-0.348770270452, -0.526311014153, -0.495915673876, -0.313238738918, -0.677646408012, -0.43403379625200006, -0.49254178881300004, -0.590033713728, -0.4896624957, -0.0586992556411, -0.474938785634, -0.315310523274, -0.47267157155100004, -0.5068219135149999, -0.507873566154, 0.795020322132, -0.491144552227, -0.27555977281, -0.329647958746, -0.459061982865, -0.34963451687200003, -0.478732185538, -0.307076111759, -0.48310442422399996, 1.11610334111, -0.515345744421, -0.459122159174, -0.281810658556, -0.503801062798, 0.601825714559, -0.583244679847, -0.498123284758, 0.0760234651552, 1.2794459145100001, 2.9418766295, 2.95011218723, 2.95947103606], [-0.635284164744, 1.51128406692, -0.448962737484, -0.645411931078, -0.7557915838160001, -0.571253245363, -0.655343802511, -0.656809897752, -0.752211159302, -0.10280131172800001, -0.593440123658, -0.516924020907, -0.548234704173, 1.46036563981, -0.698602739035, 0.132565075058, -0.6542543597380001, -0.18928980054000002, -0.6622811532680001, -0.642637792164, 0.20254763767700001, -0.6950045058930001, -0.569321009303, -0.47597887028200003, -0.5487360170310001, -0.309729101613, -0.5899870308290001, -0.48567833913, 0.259870492378, 0.10214437794, 2.00613907136, -0.044572443113900004, -0.7544911088089999, 2.31357385624, 2.66596652068, 1.7783734066999999, 1.7702028085], [-0.255459841137, 0.708406734638, -0.793880973092, -0.818185836267, -0.416056333477, -0.144388143584, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1361297564700001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.37416749591399995, -0.371873693825, 0.544432542656, -0.7635610045669999, 0.585231737241, -1.0621517208700002, -0.489317780538, -0.177750848657, 0.357713638229, -0.32514061207199996, -1.61349674352, -0.0171971852157, 0.66827586091, -1.07233189659, -0.43558415788099997, -0.715474821813, -0.76825096223, -1.11462131521, -0.52154851251, 1.2795553504200001, -0.570871828804, 0.0, 1.43628385109, 2.42766578822, 1.19579279408, 2.48182365383], [0.149068710295, -0.574681286451, -0.438229676448, -0.50763544449, -0.5058324381629999, -0.41237195498499996, -0.449373201797, -0.71637432648, -0.5264247883209999, -0.46088325672799996, -0.657634968298, -0.649225309007, -0.36562432746699997, -0.36602619893700006, -0.472917169647, -0.260973006412, -0.160960593193, -0.39330215617, -0.340008868947, 0.20440384660500002, -0.223962069082, 0.498257965925, -0.34839572701899996, -0.443902619528, -0.589272926017, -0.45141733100599996, -0.644431352887, 0.45439412247500005, 0.23839476258900003, -0.4350198349600001, -0.22309106254799999, -0.5552894204300001, 2.96051534339, 2.3282483941799996, 1.20406682416, 3.6856624847800004, 0.450248861012], [-0.514203674854, 0.00453679854166, 0.28156258253000005, 0.20456692987300001, -1.49345435951, 0.0871013990643, -0.380660396449, -0.279585496481, -0.824547357931, -0.699925354759, -0.287529235555, -0.44633268796899994, -0.415105753347, 0.331820703456, -1.57797494624, -0.212985600515, -1.29415190744, -0.0438444102882, 0.014336385511499999, 0.129371649787, -0.6500188863180001, 0.0171670047983, -0.543543872175, 0.205520159428, -0.305375159816, 0.6757635787340001, -1.1237740306200001, -0.871566086455, 0.451399232186, -0.450115835613, 0.838913796543, -0.895297958014, 1.71366278315, 2.74785194351, 1.08759459506, 2.44047435141, 2.07834911675], [-0.6005883956570001, 0.46465352604500004, -1.2194549484200001, -1.37069315845, 1.5210375037000001, -0.8549006051829999, -0.0663359102557, -1.2835632330600002, -0.0071217605261, -0.249958466085, -0.40343446482100004, -1.19666198193, -0.811951171738, -1.19666198193, 0.386564163309, -0.9802418255930001, -0.475590123526, -0.5806793125649999, -0.956271716811, 1.2767240387, -0.18974553504799999, -0.202115294118, 0.555585845519, 0.21004161659099999, -0.883016674453, 0.550836840336, -0.224332887101, 0.356279328881, -0.9802418255930001, -0.229651779825, 2.15378814854, -0.152644675789, 1.32070151514, 1.72442831127, 1.7270479165200001, 1.1062887711700002, 1.76188020275], [0.533640485381, 0.599307391872, -0.480542655637, -0.578345091552, 0.876186608267, 0.0786437961251, 0.0, 0.0, 0.156362429507, 0.0, 0.0, -0.804713675557, -0.569837283737, -0.811056767913, -0.581983684637, -1.09019897485, -0.734198875823, -0.955607432367, -1.4049643113299999, 0.173021251554, -0.645376442684, 0.0, -0.172075127392, -0.159974363757, -0.014812019965899998, -0.07461682942039999, -0.8062259845819999, -1.06579748227, 0.0622631229261, -0.649338953918, 2.46079358305, 0.0, 0.0, 1.05403483253, 2.00775236942, 1.6968323661700002, 1.9008277205700002], [-0.135952903362, -0.357996958027, -2.06043089226, -1.26417961825, 1.94651690039, 1.4955315709600001, -0.8736345536679999, -0.587554584145, -0.984295121426, 1.11466328692, -0.441159458714, -0.540554138245, -1.11547093889, 0.22526118413600002, 0.41151479751100006, -0.396553894692, -0.430405917244, -0.7428609388930001, -0.8530227946080001, 1.0360186902, -1.09772982456, -0.530550698504, 0.309887880599, -0.183324551305, 0.502161682747, -0.025941679305500003, -0.565964163238, -0.43786492567699997, -0.6870430223280001, -0.7104608790260001, 0.538380304049, 0.38417274502300003, 1.19086436386, 1.7203838945099998, 2.05814315292, 1.88912830104, 0.200323701498], [0.032239580536000005, -0.222306443118, -0.623417943645, -0.474020388335, -0.618396507755, 0.133012185439, -0.815294964621, -0.6413610938359999, -0.47051821481899997, 0.689330252746, -0.474786863047, -0.5880985151870001, -0.769844268861, -0.821741564429, 0.384143860805, 0.00727497450424, -0.5787787757980001, 1.1346298188200001, -0.558308083999, -0.558203149961, -0.35223189086999995, -0.633311968775, -0.8251382336130001, -0.39118123862899995, 0.932325548117, -0.6763702825300001, -0.541251170194, -0.8033929354289999, -0.435226160458, 0.057667835333199996, 2.65862848294, 1.96116443964, 0.570190769445, -0.5493955343, 0.362384305279, 3.5378593807699996, 0.961724757838], [-0.523872637661, -0.487283356093, -0.7623580812430001, -0.683777220363, -0.612598497567, -0.759731780197, -0.606277754629, -0.809680618966, -0.197240235324, -0.197658135683, 1.07623665222, 0.8831709742899999, -0.673278643328, -0.701857258397, 0.810314022904, 0.173279501408, -0.484293341394, -0.6937924051909999, -0.6718300260369999, -0.769703693626, -0.718033744701, -0.722609597704, 0.293321769503, -0.673884832749, 0.594848963677, 0.309339983842, -0.604291948257, -0.07123898878210001, -0.6373965177790001, -0.21979710892499998, 2.66720632089, 2.26487586846, 1.8425041310599997, -0.331241233057, 0.826761052911, 2.67077328758, -0.798904871077], [1.1037591829200002, 0.57623229954, -0.10374503231799999, -0.544381011277, -1.14514028677, -0.17865483274099997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.44967163166599994, 0.0, 0.0, 0.163039613219, -0.9420930977249999, 0.09592441737, 0.43601442867, 0.21183657292999997, -1.0061146296899999, -0.236467887124, 0.297374777167, -1.17603090218, -0.9140884966299999, -0.5196816556270001, -0.874764579258, -0.7031282852580001, -0.9140884966299999, -0.45132006449400003, -0.586559756767, -1.10008382324, 0.6296441700959999, 0.5740701392199999, 2.09843121975, 0.443798277393, 0.0, -1.22664734016, 0.829774001861, 2.75210646675, 1.9613129793400002], [-0.615872721506, -1.27879610347, -0.146916585188, 0.152942469925, -1.38670854235, 0.144649495181, -1.09580202893, -1.10468261684, 0.46061554186399994, -1.4858349885, -2.0052485518900003, 0.6846414026659999, 0.522799720139, 0.265000168266, 0.254731831348, -0.5469285025739999, 0.28767147750100003, 0.492305794688, 0.7657330808130001, -0.803780227378, -1.04464101299, -0.925105288436, 0.300025247762, -0.041651057066, -0.0053532367719900005, -0.549849579838, -0.822001513905, 0.0524913708535, -0.146916585188, 0.7857676235340001, 1.76138255284, 0.127152484414, 0.22760529353300002, 1.42479319676, 1.1885395807799999, 2.9740044183200003, 1.13323639163], [0.0398701492716, -0.612782380576, 0.127997743878, 0.0993989816178, -1.6852830201, -0.10662553462200001, -1.1811345245799998, -1.02367552765, -0.29887092059799997, -1.13133070715, 0.0664501449169, 1.09039268472, -0.17252122051399998, 0.9944473010539999, -0.488355720198, 0.22019542874899997, 0.526090436285, 0.10544967904100001, 0.187146770654, -0.9604792241079999, -1.13513074696, -0.725614396794, -0.46999770411700004, -0.39885806905500004, -0.688361010607, -0.11812822863700001, 0.24892760358000002, 0.0398701492716, 0.5653886471899999, 1.2150407661, 0.591127876032, -0.22599703034200003, 0.333665932689, 0.134374258833, -0.670426566876, 4.2537159002300005, 1.2540220793799999], [0.43250006749799996, -1.2249266807799999, -0.8834999689830001, -0.615513228691, -0.811668397879, 0.379789315238, -0.5713914791529999, -0.9142249986390001, -0.743725981163, -0.745497185863, -0.210413210674, 0.8254202810969999, -0.0355519002441, 1.35227650889, -0.0355519002441, 0.84982645057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.383947507085, -1.05749429006, -1.05961046972, -0.19837058497699997, -0.055716262369, -0.620038399941, 0.0, -0.627914271926, -0.752720157958, -0.706258612833, -1.35118908762, 1.9871443052400002, 0.262174167185, 1.55508516848, 0.638439023897, 0.344909320517, 2.76658406689, 1.44318088713], [1.13750606885, -0.558626791187, -0.535757399403, -0.675592199949, -0.587378578706, -0.548569897368, -0.63153301235, -0.6814212578990001, -0.6407800426560001, 1.5553058384099998, -0.7083601049860001, -0.535415057904, -0.563711297197, -0.597225931227, 0.44672623612400003, -0.57544669846, -0.588164494643, 0.268617764881, -0.481765409975, -0.66703856085, -0.119609468389, -0.518504802954, -0.498141198547, -0.559375697232, -0.34077894868, -0.6242077751, -0.66139999499, -0.554806064127, 0.91970176739, 0.492044304305, -0.44688576405599995, 1.6252697731799999, -0.0025401053723299997, 0.802905624456, 0.436541984736, 2.9884611027999997, 3.22995608908], [1.00352408987, -0.601014018712, -0.539394513788, -0.427064085107, -0.323218050381, 0.303325911015, -0.517648943104, -0.610854473415, -0.555556981183, -0.662669058175, -0.290834588114, -0.586449560477, -0.592697368688, -0.489772096597, -0.42419101304799994, -0.474044927315, -0.469898360055, -0.29300637557799997, -0.5097378048879999, -0.0559282868076, -0.511190540488, -0.69764340645, -0.319600843251, -0.545305789005, -0.500794074749, -0.56245590758, -0.119855446554, -0.0104294439379, -0.605826336027, 1.3950901583200002, 0.54917423776, 1.8787727279400004, -0.440045166052, 2.9861486572600002, -0.513024227257, 2.29158949634, 2.84252640828], [-0.317500020555, -0.931421425785, 0.300944201068, 0.631056184096, -0.140776727684, 0.5822859633349999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0743475563707, 0.0, 0.0, -0.750309617881, -1.4123246040600002, 0.18613522950599998, 0.6577949930070001, -1.2831752446, -0.452590858553, -0.8346948559299999, -0.558890164779, -0.667287869672, -1.3219718520700001, -0.126416559279, -0.6375590419680001, -0.232020341416, 0.38390175831100004, -0.012787762493200001, -0.937732558937, -0.78493746239, 0.446449553375, -0.213052679286, 1.2492393414, 0.69217644213, 0.0, 1.54202544067, 0.0, 3.11283119042, 1.9049569063900003], [-0.518358348549, -0.41839465149899996, -0.31832780560699997, -0.46214392957199996, -0.415453775981, -0.501702077472, -0.5761313352040001, -0.626499141761, -0.492071829483, 0.322511583322, -0.539562236732, -0.580476621888, -0.499295082227, -0.139362296637, -0.588848113945, -0.521434111016, -0.603254946801, 0.645555055627, -0.5177298207109999, -0.420090939884, -0.500043194712, -0.55407505219, 0.247726972159, 0.41705033135200004, -0.398525464, -0.277755171837, -0.54409228453, -0.11001645090800001, 0.634897286475, -0.301547982619, 1.79566805146, 1.8775699327700002, -0.274420970511, 2.2012521344400002, -0.492186880115, 4.153528742330001, -0.10395957353900001], [-0.390951131793, -0.357731106312, -0.414019345719, -0.23099779069200002, -0.178924102316, -0.360581388469, 0.978627993868, -0.36692307032899996, -0.340493561239, -0.398049405507, -0.201977163505, -0.45359516078100004, -0.38283501213200005, -0.404823724145, -0.45943366725699997, 0.0233362041383, -0.369128054876, -0.41164559102799997, -0.30253595403, -0.464292993392, -0.457553160294, -0.311661559508, -0.192181702533, -0.278322924668, -0.40126439837899996, -0.332603165115, -0.48488765356299995, -0.355930020593, -0.495088580888, -0.0707800604476, -0.436584384262, 2.56249504193, 0.95063932035, 2.1094005004799996, -0.18197450510899998, 4.3476212707599995, -0.48434999263899997], [-1.08077591115, -1.08059162679, -1.08831790026, -1.00581116184, -0.696132947385, -0.9613297787559999, -0.8596144339640001, -1.0062825045200001, 0.508735886098, -0.688989397245, -0.54152799267, -1.1327197980600001, -0.841771759437, -0.915366020423, -1.10142385933, 1.10334606502, 0.06537354771869999, -0.936584035048, 0.17667218525400002, 2.23213482383, 1.36427752361, -0.471547021361, -0.08473365366939999, -1.09787182901, 0.585753077098, 0.731992332132, -0.9321617168, 0.40638060882, 1.30212154954, 0.676620958724, 1.5528692724000002, 1.3664919735299998, 1.21082738377, 0.88862593358, 1.28799341983, 0.580534893449, 0.48280191331999994], [0.303584018758, -1.2171521270799999, -1.3179292586700002, -1.29760043824, -0.5603651149719999, -1.3577656794, 0.797934525474, -1.28631228319, 0.6450209711980001, 0.645802540971, -1.18834041521, -1.25188394405, -1.2491499748600001, -0.899900374714, 0.6243833353930001, 0.34741635791599995, 0.713028597832, -1.0925790553, -1.3036177629899999, 0.405356984616, 0.412206204605, 0.9729360040520001, -0.621083173769, -1.14484891672, 0.329900044907, 1.06749298401, -1.3125162208, 1.2144014136499999, 0.9533567280949999, 0.767405266366, 1.24075747142, 0.849409092, 1.22103141285, 1.21522492131, 1.15205883348, 0.956271792723, 0.266065238356], [0.590130297904, -0.6942285384569999, -0.7576741742190001, -0.974946053033, -0.7893956165189999, -0.791942091602, -0.46342864832599995, -0.9116693385860001, -0.423817975315, -0.747469565992, -0.755003896869, -0.8245334511679999, -0.678419814259, -0.7892503551919999, 0.47992427063, -0.751511022232, -0.7310330267399999, -0.8707700215299999, 0.152651050958, -0.22769757632800003, 1.51246214209, -0.246485258195, 1.34179273812, -0.663893681551, 1.06915318393, -0.599218826831, -0.766011844254, -0.59305457438, 1.50291616192, 2.50898400815, 1.4832283000100002, 1.99152409461, -0.06936107911669999, 1.4738209783899998, 1.2596326013799999, 0.411601375765, -0.657004773161], [-0.110863183813, 0.156895813178, -0.504661972478, -1.26447623677, -1.18996167359, -1.35771637385, 0.111901155026, 0.11295122755899999, 0.9047175755769999, 0.645996887936, -1.21285817703, -1.08771776903, -1.01259656444, -1.28649710407, 0.134809316345, -0.655226916277, -0.7047707373459999, -1.19452076729, 0.585152697484, 0.47918302158500004, 0.929335558949, -1.26929439442, -0.858243673954, -1.28136979678, 0.502470711587, 0.307791927057, -0.0392894282064, -0.704320397851, 1.4081375464800001, 1.3751967020200002, 1.41924707209, 2.01095776335, 0.624168591504, 0.990820500898, 1.42719169981, 1.50403438433, 0.103425014441], [0.284737317299, 0.7806875583600001, -1.15079056485, -0.98309998919, -0.948275548028, -0.952683123692, -0.783030020081, 0.11209216978299999, 0.0503313265895, 0.0691689821722, -1.05716023991, 0.047836973367099994, -0.850414220159, -1.27468309611, 0.944681906257, -0.439039789196, -0.941997734216, -0.966665661269, -0.985766279584, -0.578028656917, -1.1961566931, 0.557075682102, 0.877440144326, -1.05855343669, 2.03252037986, 1.4776268738499998, -0.7937752504350001, -1.09744663615, 0.11981880710899999, 1.4508586162600001, 0.83902187916, 1.13219329784, 1.5295788700100001, 0.561677108498, 1.36177999079, 0.269542369818, 1.55889668614], [-0.633965335527, 0.46054804377999997, -0.9443648135320001, -0.7506796648690001, -0.6889612610279999, -0.971416613784, -0.727254464774, 0.290552343574, -0.0647059364367, -0.7554099887119999, -0.253586771714, -0.453482035051, -0.428987046322, 0.23853936485100002, -0.821630628337, -0.37750423326, 1.79438921784, -0.304373081724, -0.971086164253, -0.642965912907, -0.995011489143, -1.0225155713299998, -0.406118714881, -0.47376295778899996, 3.12183224366, -0.259423044494, -1.0297109151600001, -0.353751365196, 0.818686352785, 1.20917033029, 1.45954760078, 1.8813530757599997, 0.9415774180600001, -0.350382337653, 0.527862393469, 1.6530424906299999, 0.283949472388], [-0.7772104101549999, -0.8326967988770001, -0.6240112947399999, -0.624430095057, -0.65630937115, -0.7706923097759999, -0.790315186403, -0.193841160975, 1.3106389758299999, -0.430646534847, -0.678418109311, -0.628000918816, -0.737647250343, -0.959084856777, -0.645700252933, -0.199593664984, 1.49373063741, -0.821462664046, -0.658141316398, -0.863852603544, -0.00798492747461, -0.649277444416, 0.029308383598700003, -0.625700700933, 2.02206119786, 0.465091911092, -0.6753351511839999, 0.276288400971, 0.426160625444, -0.706003580043, 3.41246355697, 0.9246103955220001, 1.19221302221, -0.0602722695617, 1.15632110027, 1.12595342392, 0.781787241656], [-1.07356012191, 0.753138820667, -0.329184455195, -1.06496959502, -0.443300685354, -1.7434245778400002, -1.9531843207799997, 0.0796542793435, 0.271542367601, 0.605623554193, 0.5348510990609999, -0.340667623094, -0.21863690092799998, 0.24648495052799999, -0.37675623290700005, 0.291600639539, 0.46627297261100004, -0.571790582359, -1.79556837345, -1.91305835183, 0.250647406106, -0.369029813975, 0.633757401228, -0.45236417961099995, 1.21838191285, 0.638928339764, -0.635045255433, 0.231478946873, 1.7282013227500002, 0.352390227249, 0.49910179192500004, 1.5910022286, 0.666376726844, 0.64763796532, 1.3839333444, 1.7577789198099998, -1.56824414758], [-0.47770779431500004, -0.957450211171, -0.5699691722429999, 0.074556377029, 1.09204125546, 1.4790403926700002, -0.47770779431500004, -0.47770779431500004, 0.0507203393132, -0.957450211171, 0.39547200815800004, 0.09723123005339998, -1.2042985606, -0.11625016933, -0.536628531089, -0.773857831021, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9184073980130001, -0.72805258035, -2.1699737569799997, -0.190716669973, -0.397594014256, -0.743165269351, 0.0, -0.369053378358, -0.5699691722429999, 0.261714250732, 0.7262634543440001, 1.7070352501, 2.6256041504599996, 0.823024978318, 0.958624819564, 1.72715159906, 0.9366130435600001, -0.319132839738], [-0.719891470043, 0.175758681851, -1.28554677491, 0.0662194798317, 0.0, 0.455295417352, -0.495993554049, -2.42752881441, 0.0, -0.721789412087, -0.15380421254, -0.0430410961075, 0.11552974999500001, -0.284136722158, 0.184313173839, 0.0, -0.870186900297, 0.34982493657799996, -0.039268833959800006, -0.3563029632, -1.1940750355, -1.4013308607799997, -0.395800809553, -0.0552430134775, -1.01525700222, -0.208365028737, 0.0, 0.0, 0.044786765651599995, 0.600268687931, 1.2266638994399999, 2.37921079261, 1.79935792819, 0.8004089614030001, 1.3622053015399997, 1.6277645287399998, 0.479954199075], [-0.7309581226270001, -0.63274314539, -0.606266208507, -0.885061205453, 0.6834885585539999, 1.25621965074, -0.91441831036, -1.02890833941, -0.976988146998, -0.81735207333, 0.727281159862, -0.449393857757, -0.437619963766, 0.244960912435, -0.129500669858, -0.028663367330999997, -0.947705899659, -0.963521178141, -0.934019903104, 0.176007388769, -0.194108295841, -0.8683846028579999, -0.7288995395129999, 0.457886332674, -0.86616660085, -0.9232283991689999, 0.9527761823119999, -0.9271940019249999, -0.9206495097509999, 0.696848786064, 0.819797720274, 1.60467469741, 1.1875004035299999, 2.58057062828, 1.1202926322799998, 1.59540113859, 1.8080451498299999], [-0.31449858122499996, -0.13661833632099998, -0.218264827188, -0.17213989231199997, 1.50062361412, 1.25809996852, -1.58812120665, -2.29327421838, -0.414979019148, -1.50316361878, -0.503623884191, -0.0493261818031, -0.8383911059100001, 1.96501231507, -0.8197859386669999, -0.47366573258, -0.17747434796199998, -0.660104330455, 0.044160867665, -0.6891391896610001, -0.6891391896610001, -0.395632678649, -0.10824753574200001, -0.82963487833, -0.28172453785100005, -0.31449858122499996, 0.7873438614630001, -0.127123462661, 1.00830548062, 0.906159633663, 0.713412238525, 1.47842192611, -0.32127459296, 0.213859451595, 0.687045898856, 2.7182741564099997, 0.639126455712], [-0.510983677479, -0.565006321593, -0.499364901948, -0.575525955283, -0.484245493943, -0.528378901993, -0.509978284481, -0.436914996971, -0.557580399723, -0.565811041391, -0.570971788513, -0.46517951302199995, -0.422586626502, 1.8233184269, -0.525248197386, -0.461122468496, -0.501130927451, -0.468418662236, -0.40646638625299997, -0.5972432548359999, -0.493116161497, -0.553120488547, -0.316244019964, -0.484405120352, -0.557050338697, -0.504352340398, 1.98992177624, -0.5358777959350001, -0.49232309696000004, 2.15214477423, -0.455560374976, 2.49463159488, 1.87703854096, 1.7019795527300001, 1.96852423625, 0.477091121864, -0.44044248722199997], [-0.556507963096, -0.553031895544, -0.43485568373800004, -0.514541948093, -0.5770185985540001, -0.46903719475199995, -0.4825413083899999, -0.601769597009, -0.516736145951, -0.553513091923, -0.530278078166, -0.563746078682, -0.45779319134999996, 1.8265587529099998, -0.544202518282, -0.49016589382200004, -0.449340198979, -0.382962832366, -0.445810104888, -0.5897018689679999, -0.548519238788, -0.48695131472099995, -0.500538269053, -0.40596697271, -0.532731963591, -0.521899282243, 2.07547702926, -0.609741393002, -0.4416414171, 2.2670371295, -0.440936550848, 1.90187535075, 1.9711517814700001, 2.22729160527, 1.41049785094, 1.07542597328, -0.5528348787640001], [-0.705613312762, -0.484585011398, 1.68907901598, -0.527662598634, -0.728368740807, 2.24506078661, -0.600690780216, 0.193035700781, -0.48671661004100003, -0.929105509398, -0.7158859235609999, -0.68594553802, -0.228019857174, 1.3363346609, 0.10468716438999999, -0.36204922626999997, -0.535905698847, -0.397916844436, -0.205874405273, -0.38787597352799996, -0.746941621131, -0.258848919256, -0.569840790082, 0.756351477477, -0.9100339289120001, -0.8717192600049999, -0.7557538622650001, -0.38695871233, -0.849526337157, 0.0678553245198, 1.68934954933, 2.0213041819099997, -0.42054670416999995, 1.99637427824, 2.35554558698, -0.426486187363, -0.276105374077], [-0.24631299077799998, 0.09325948936650001, -0.310291962288, -0.0838830471615, -0.450790660092, 1.15937860111, -0.654117911724, -0.721539659125, 1.2556530813, -0.138368214524, -0.564433323443, -1.33014504136, 0.761672762758, 1.2433932511399999, -1.23454591637, -0.826225619702, -0.6733666709280001, -0.48859419002099996, -0.530955249724, -0.240424462317, -0.62190754898, -0.0222278194382, 0.09325948936650001, 1.2675033656899999, -1.11699990009, -1.0315052576000001, -0.496789867256, -0.638404816601, -1.02809689944, -1.11023231675, 0.504438167838, 1.9499928763999999, 0.408999143765, 2.54695003256, 2.39320173835, 0.754966143878, 0.127491202176], [-0.060109624889, 0.460324634002, -0.293055848917, -2.8840240016500003, 0.763410426105, 0.0333201539692, 0.24821309544300002, 0.555544139052, -0.314022647763, 1.19105129952, -0.712718374525, -0.884352249612, -0.12119096012700001, -1.3609613299399999, -1.64350991712, -0.941597506785, 0.679243970521, -0.15502265131100001, -1.38291070199, -1.02879298646, -0.6737078858300001, -0.197722137851, 0.87585265186, -1.15884784016, -0.043181281871199996, 0.477133868063, 1.24960471163, -0.7731025609309999, 0.07634160923069999, 0.31104063916499997, 0.7275730354800001, 0.598132155015, 1.5813593802300001, 1.38818562948, 1.19484351081, 1.5631756227000002, 0.65447997545], [-0.250263477829, -0.672686714565, -1.85865091965, -2.2036004225799997, 0.804459908548, -0.6348475413920001, 1.4486981642200003, 0.263160957069, -0.543945650997, 0.973411608183, -0.282210575413, -1.7675515711900003, -0.778143120095, -0.337971634824, -0.432478700609, 0.556593311133, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.631455914666, -0.173978008138, -0.551833056052, 1.4863678521, -1.1044919852500001, -0.280495324713, 0.0, -0.533814866356, 0.498110382513, -0.541662695353, 0.254168790316, 0.762945347499, 1.2609912383700002, 1.3665246757499998, 0.4904753982, 1.02216195098, 1.89390221227, 0.498110382513], [-0.110677533798, 0.868123733864, -1.3310166346799999, -0.9824170086059999, -0.32392158358600004, -1.4460381332299999, 0.5446508069470001, -1.15029795529, -1.47445223943, 0.22818349687, 0.270000145053, -1.1174389840899999, -0.254303295731, 0.30999873964499997, -0.463131735471, -1.1829054283, 0.593110688073, -0.343302044317, -1.25319327703, -1.54457965779, -1.0176904569, 0.710674064303, 0.7957937008759999, -0.850208698729, -0.641819555094, 0.30693923809, 0.33676041302599996, 0.39040880110699994, 1.62488087401, 0.7642389342199999, 0.194930999399, 0.9567572674279999, 1.1943612535700001, 2.22499427128, 1.5982211211000001, 0.110320965182, 1.46404470805], [0.0323114412816, 0.21998486508499998, 0.698062574807, 0.8550862740940001, 0.45375868146399995, 1.86739913467, -1.6483059121899999, -1.09371813738, -1.67807175896, -1.1309740020299999, -0.914839616469, -0.41519511758199995, -0.30374721795000004, 0.29439201881, 0.356347554995, 0.044509657847499995, -0.672846700546, -0.61523915977, 1.03688389079, 0.0425404092746, -0.787811654499, 0.441648430386, 0.0921191172188, -0.036925749315, 0.356347554995, -0.06271639341, -1.29763714903, -1.1309740020299999, -0.22009764705200002, -1.06811758497, 1.4659083832700002, 2.46441158535, -0.324261577952, 2.46967622676, 0.41202547221999997, 0.0989209317653, -0.300854823955], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.21135429167599998, 1.3689602189399999, -1.38808518846, -1.32911307322, -0.7880166881749999, -0.423511062952, -0.6098528531499999, -0.509999922583, -0.0761520780716, 0.798669940871, 0.22206647797200002, -1.08615095646, -0.514602244417, -1.4349372188, 0.18044502844500002, -0.05122686702330001, 0.5221447067989999, 1.78058951926, 0.306376823126, 0.275807197505, 0.7020553237100001, -1.02500492498, -0.9951033015200001, -1.16603204616, 0.21831568838100002, 0.21629996312, 2.90262158246, 1.7847279513900003, -0.468470168741, 0.356556552064, 0.0, 0.405673663193, 0.0363022491559], [-0.9037623023899999, -0.641816369027, -0.609282073865, -0.313449072213, -0.641816369027, 0.131033273038, -1.21263707886, -1.09345791335, -1.0241336127299998, -1.11829220134, -1.17910951578, 0.469385979253, -1.045373409, 0.148074895928, 0.819993552247, -1.14450446953, 0.674300633118, 0.890066858773, 1.8204624533000002, -0.628516435985, -0.766732231221, 0.8262936718430001, -0.257237845096, -0.6750446331559999, 0.8619103030320001, 0.8185212679359999, -1.045373409, -1.22296331939, 0.129859960693, 0.47990282277400004, 1.7863317051400003, 1.2546370245, -0.5731537489999999, 2.38219446276, 0.530373339591, 0.9950862553219999, 1.0782275506999999], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.7268250298219999, 0.0485651136333, -1.29715608516, -0.7268250298219999, -1.5293524445700002, -0.703638156772, -1.45642652319, 0.592809968821, -0.474373084741, -0.106106822749, -0.3665437856, -1.69656545539, 0.195078006188, 1.28817310749, 0.353539578655, 0.300716997627, 0.208448213409, 1.8618963571200002, 0.722098473165, 0.369419878072, 0.5132724155839999, -0.305745760933, -1.5293524445700002, -1.7687637632700002, -0.0494927112801, -0.12807633772, 1.60112801433, 1.7467937613799998, 0.22640889772199999, 0.961937699685, 1.17203911085, 0.883703320331, -0.18078547847399998], [-0.061283376016899996, 0.0938504874336, 0.7465324172600001, 1.0250463092, -0.793338300913, 0.815285730002, -1.32292042109, -1.36402595714, -0.819589955409, -0.929555295076, -1.20680750801, 0.178315986448, -0.844456904917, -0.183529363361, -0.32136633388, -1.4345058866799998, 0.769999206464, -0.0137299283064, 0.39498184386999996, -0.646938495912, 0.106354281127, 0.514824515348, -0.14532937646299998, 0.136583868741, -0.183529363361, -0.163799091199, -1.36402595714, -1.2915306713099999, -0.483036339824, 0.6900028306739999, 1.87140614023, 2.9833420939599997, -0.38580747035199997, 1.0709267408, 1.09868321984, -0.213237537366, 1.6762078623299999], [0.854032607259, -0.634719114804, 0.571874449912, 1.11625699885, -0.21652801954599998, 0.809246284288, -0.513458927424, -1.1935673364100001, -1.34816630841, -0.595138799633, -0.45795935951300004, -0.960972734566, -0.7629457233560001, -1.09559607572, -2.0081822136, -1.5559814899200002, 0.7633985623530001, 0.039106817110900007, 0.18091129601, -0.6957025781630001, 0.135406475778, 0.5613535468190001, 0.500798888531, 0.488903019943, -0.199953560987, 0.00940281455615, -0.573274108375, -0.830184431898, 0.500798888531, 0.448160230061, 1.48534391921, 2.3496167586700003, 0.5348576820800001, 1.0160290469700002, 1.2959472829799998, -1.6227182765500001, 1.60360348896], [-0.426071842168, 0.00188793455376, 0.33522019776, 1.29815753889, 0.123645288308, 0.937645909081, -0.538740888836, -1.23057520134, -0.322155689761, -0.845681189391, -1.06882262039, -1.9250015648099998, -0.780358356204, -1.27774636476, -0.9060032894619999, -0.6921377904989999, -0.036747560181800004, 0.648628689243, 0.357253385439, -0.924484564834, -0.022492855622600002, 1.12686795482, 0.488922936491, 0.064211775938, -0.426071842168, -0.9060032894619999, -0.6921377904989999, -0.662147549983, -0.8250096791949999, 0.180207064148, 2.2641195937900003, 2.68677170263, 0.255477515959, 0.300434369195, 1.4287360224399999, 0.99359181815, 1.01661023274], [-1.2129427317700001, -0.810871597849, 0.43393436770000005, 0.48065216779200004, -0.15477327384099998, 0.622866613292, -1.81411895977, -1.77557644158, -1.15251349071, -0.748682546926, -0.687906824421, -0.646105424705, -0.9019207462919999, -0.985999705758, -0.959423912305, -0.959423912305, 0.88057354831, 1.19192555425, 1.14550171236, -0.358209787688, 0.028887381597199998, 1.20615191503, 0.569354354603, -0.278201640267, -0.646105424705, 0.305857639746, -0.278201640267, -0.119608571536, 0.7612260164839999, 0.918846216645, 1.65846043149, 2.77597512235, -0.00579706736084, 0.708248188784, 1.26194235252, -0.136964671038, -0.317055211849], [1.2970875599200002, -0.7127924307089999, 1.3617954456999999, 1.1804514528, -0.8001444791429999, 0.5768007486550001, -1.68263973865, -1.3564052497299999, -0.65644209311, -1.21864031725, -1.08134546603, -0.644034672943, 0.014342300671099999, -0.8456484946899999, -0.125661428803, -1.43871405895, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.37630649644, 0.7645201294059999, 1.06984785946, 1.1705125433399999, 0.224332931509, -0.221181050953, 0.0, -0.241741286997, -1.5242500588499999, 0.758505865794, 0.224332931509, 1.2970875599200002, 2.31436404089, -0.312142138473, 0.327229135584, 0.0, 0.054915659442600004, -0.150649695777], [0.7203855807260001, -0.372063977698, 0.344385854341, 0.710872445879, -0.540278779018, 0.966678650106, -1.8632172820500001, -2.2811091926, -1.63045091528, -1.2194720261299998, -0.715963540155, -1.24809197645, -1.07605452204, -0.43679197304, -0.918206365236, -0.591949752783, 2.12763198682, 0.164286576767, 1.17367872826, 0.809209154643, 0.377537659921, 0.403181281944, 1.19460572241, 1.3229495340000001, -0.8455781763789999, 0.44847005254699995, -0.0865781387332, -0.0534266928315, 0.437191069216, 0.431723682621, 0.946698265064, 1.10771377465, -0.06441252361769999, 0.00496676072555, 0.0, -0.7482395963699999, 0.999718649772], [-1.66045957442, -0.427852660404, -0.112441922292, -0.059521801759, -0.762687822149, 0.7728814922759999, -0.9525592186030001, -0.596614370744, -0.8060798090369999, 0.331697095329, -0.496312997221, -0.17470431085299998, -0.902916409028, 1.29019034368, -0.5293941974009999, -0.630549257016, 0.560519402103, 0.859714625625, 0.5192503744820001, -1.3612398462000002, -0.388396544135, 0.958785652699, -0.496312997221, 0.253549240762, -0.9525592186030001, 0.38507421077, -0.762687822149, -1.7289641927700001, 0.8081058810439999, 0.413014221671, 1.64989535711, 3.07293525824, 1.34208413212, 1.05246564418, -0.059521801759, -0.991323159729, 0.582937001395], [0.122709348363, -1.12848702568, 1.06713873685, 2.2210676073299997, 0.623210635606, 0.324349410292, -1.29064054271, -2.31640152156, -1.63327792286, 0.353584157429, -0.317810863414, -0.20054004195, -0.37163063696099996, 0.434420420503, -1.70498499847, -1.13405379176, 0.079908050366, 0.177899736093, 1.58666302709, -0.282587781784, 0.162381663199, -0.655938915836, 0.8029893040009999, 0.830705980491, 0.8029893040009999, -0.14205628633700002, -0.093767470918, -0.208929964848, 0.0, 0.0, 1.42580276576, 0.6658276596639999, -0.20054004195, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.513179731833, -0.5267323998610001, 0.0187319465742, 0.354574780692, 0.581595919561, 1.42319727113, -0.5267323998610001, -0.0221510353162, -0.747351906957, -0.0221510353162, -0.797416839115, -0.9550076463070001, -1.6487610673700002, -0.42777969945, -0.581535315299, -0.581535315299, -0.013845455510700001, 0.128207152913, 0.523332634204, -1.2157578224299999, -0.860004987597, -0.103960644557, -0.126773746698, -0.659377413619, -0.39589488567599995, 0.0350240331989, -0.747351906957, -0.6847479203829999, -0.44717263639300003, -1.47081342461, 1.6170599056600001, 2.4785268175099997, 0.79643178926, 2.5168753661500003, 1.4640651575799999, 1.47628524689, 0.662127215108], [-1.0510959956100001, -0.9839133107170001, -0.258280371057, 0.38849094264899997, 0.0541268575447, 0.37658308863300005, -0.258280371057, 0.145833197708, -0.117111403425, 0.023511921087400002, -0.586300958118, -0.37221595707099997, -0.586300958118, -0.7024145394760001, -0.487022285791, -0.889936859183, -0.150312477848, -0.9839133107170001, -0.076499014427, -0.0443810346093, 0.0864585677764, 0.855516822499, 0.751375867677, 0.023511921087400002, 0.0338985009843, -0.759911333733, -0.182201385819, -0.41955140417099995, -0.858925005255, -2.90921326436, 1.43764858998, 2.75533447361, 0.77369908684, 2.5331408784200002, 0.919432904941, 1.03190214881, 0.487315470311], [-0.333257338071, -0.303998850425, -0.577911337315, -0.105302486681, 0.726653109307, 0.409701247627, -0.44371733968599997, -0.964768075525, -0.772319669294, -1.4429977204700002, -1.20659660005, -0.731240902617, 0.0, -1.13012977704, -0.06619166924459999, -0.742465103959, 0.347246337134, -0.151819057446, 0.081425851969, 0.0, 0.0, 0.533212190812, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5977625668240001, 0.8153144040160001, 0.0954278639122, 0.510804246319, -0.930307499743, -2.18013481235, 1.7260016516499999, 2.20038372953, 0.885967995644, 1.6310387984999999, 1.32775227583, 1.32177050861, 0.0682205958885], [-1.4934085101199999, -2.76682430765, -0.49282714591300003, -0.38866102510300005, 0.400913290931, -0.258482869105, -0.305787196527, -0.23314875522599998, -0.157426516629, -0.41873662855099997, -0.659061473355, -0.6821158750399999, 0.0, -0.6168290697500001, -0.659061473355, -0.37581997393600003, 0.345399510202, -0.38866102510300005, 0.182059172759, 0.0, 0.0, 0.549929483321, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0510135199775, -0.0619212882694, -0.18767456372000002, -0.23314875522599998, 0.667897980864, -1.33590741712, 1.5527466433000001, 1.84246960686, 0.224484434201, 2.04953104322, 1.35530463299, 1.51464279013, 1.08113880091], [-1.13860411283, -1.01093738908, -0.27926233563499997, 0.00332837428622, -0.388492662044, -0.45047256644100003, -0.5410973349930001, -0.5900437963790001, -0.294305263246, -0.857220593487, -0.517248513108, -0.517248513108, -0.622080735228, -0.891660048682, -0.744502159508, -0.5410973349930001, 0.810531038875, -0.71453039502, -0.27926233563499997, -0.00842923459158, -0.162693892067, 0.09459516257600001, 0.40309277287100004, 0.411557418925, -0.5900437963790001, -0.196475321263, -0.36663028246699997, -0.622080735228, 0.164811802122, -1.8152483019499999, 1.8709423670599996, 1.8157713375599998, 0.553116647193, 1.8335403252900002, 2.14993546916, 2.31270677502, 1.71573816243], [-0.5070262161169999, -0.191566908207, 0.130248563004, 0.532382998924, 0.0341592489353, -0.419085498235, 0.301125421083, -1.1661421108, -0.144949980317, -1.2606310352399999, -1.38733650746, -1.0812624762, -0.738389545606, -0.82109758146, 0.7401033344399999, -1.61049277, 0.459697545132, -0.478522245833, -0.253130278803, 0.028664107888199997, -0.7804747598399999, 0.7895431527750001, 0.33736500763300004, 1.24900711316, -0.652690135964, 0.08343444278519999, -0.9357484557790001, -0.927490147136, 0.144822540673, -0.927490147136, 1.07143752303, 2.7141841817500003, 0.380751101092, 2.50936331574, 1.6192534972, 0.61696504173, 0.541018663152], [-0.967982072344, -1.09870538788, -0.807639081146, -0.23515856212699998, 1.45786703151, 1.01893380375, -1.19716480122, -1.14447274452, -0.06197679026240001, -1.18492981074, -1.5566957590600001, -1.4540105722999999, -0.85123840684, -0.21503502043900002, -0.21503502043900002, -0.0141464524241, -0.04509072195640001, -0.06197679026240001, 0.2688162682, -0.382515307795, -0.979771107353, 0.595938096354, -0.391250816259, -0.0267722063663, 0.078587019262, -0.391250816259, 0.6099561596149999, 0.30959546186000003, 0.0542805592392, -0.382515307795, 1.33796617775, 1.78933745346, 0.201560254636, 3.18260342713, 1.0181776793600001, 1.25447100122, 0.48724316245800003], [-1.14105551802, -0.8004451242380001, -0.36289262671800004, -0.201914531354, 1.89283581629, 0.60157821841, -0.717300523874, -1.07752117062, -0.548447968217, -1.21485638704, -1.16946089843, -1.66445246736, -0.452423617958, -1.68275462162, -0.742445086636, -0.469435043291, -0.501188719501, 0.11311592670199999, 0.677008589345, -0.00575523362558, -0.620527822853, 0.438106825212, 0.116856400727, 0.92251764677, -0.732230995869, 0.5092478816570001, -0.036404162061699996, 0.34019384000299996, -0.16096380722200002, -0.600581270295, 1.7998266720200002, 2.40921957008, 0.636910849248, 1.77547497626, 1.1469860686, 0.735446779787, 0.787731535694], [-1.18953128314, -0.684570952509, -0.5733673485230001, -0.5733673485230001, 0.566137729016, 0.15476883887700002, -1.4715221141200001, -1.3155261197700001, -0.495469807385, -1.4071726355, -1.7368853862599998, -1.02090081777, 0.048189930707400006, -0.784765379673, -1.0899041775799998, 0.06098625453869999, 0.212829606978, -0.281051112923, 0.0353820536246, 0.5326648186249999, -0.517001608926, 1.29292569485, 0.811803968804, 0.5504940251129999, -0.0559494507881, -0.416552728539, 0.469640063309, -0.15561180037, 0.203825384887, -0.07634222860230001, 1.47684837304, 3.1859766931299998, -0.027100891213199998, 1.2889108285, 1.4230402125600001, 1.0161251544499998, 0.542043561108], [-0.676235818698, -0.579034143823, 0.343271126958, 0.299359822871, 1.4147851279700001, 0.323750976472, -1.05549286621, -0.8759464072509999, -0.380368463817, -0.830989029736, -1.10610542565, -1.34078275542, 0.0, -1.10610542565, -1.30377777279, -0.371202615307, 0.320601501289, -0.5419727363229999, 0.350738630447, 0.0, 0.0, 0.825009854805, 0.0, 0.0, -0.846586294264, -0.39008727346, -0.288402841247, -0.380368463817, -0.299110746991, -0.380368463817, 1.51351910649, 2.3350062610599998, 0.219043569522, 2.5166251000499997, 1.32307209828, 0.815807712454, 0.152346655601], [-1.2539088669299998, -0.787602693918, 0.36014153761900003, 0.178653933753, 0.628569844283, -0.34903874083499997, -1.03196991769, -0.770044938135, -0.534996245819, -0.8286825384790001, -1.0474200061799999, -1.3071124459, -0.265844011228, -1.39539409721, -0.9202251330779999, -0.004753227914020001, 0.205860321784, -0.057817686387599994, 0.9588880741079999, -0.22958401164099998, 0.0193505854878, 0.24774340925799998, 1.10891085371, 0.19719386909699999, -0.38657386250500003, -0.207395326594, -0.470212421156, -0.470212421156, -0.770044938135, -0.804231120904, 1.7011892815600003, 2.18093147503, 0.421087325034, 3.17865900995, 1.18219298539, 1.10891085371, 0.214781292019], [-1.0972073391500001, -0.681069525502, 0.28646613852200004, 0.8719124922560001, 1.4423488463999998, 0.683199241185, -1.2025544247600002, -0.9847874213760001, -0.843698409667, -1.1295105989299998, -0.49603261563199996, -1.71886761975, -0.434171255255, -0.880955321585, -1.32258653965, 0.263885767886, 0.293152170624, 0.378224727694, 0.7001119919769999, -0.585583040303, -0.621007556865, 0.33283493425, 0.23345269281999997, -0.181282401871, -0.843698409667, -0.434171255255, -0.456981536996, -0.51705814874, -0.010198488608200001, -0.35720044460600003, 1.4304030174200002, 2.03496841645, 0.29891294103, 2.91323926018, 0.6154187170750001, 1.3436877874000002, 0.676403211002], [-1.3649200205399998, -0.781331369056, 0.36568422477799994, 0.326179042187, 0.337030636348, 0.0668537191454, -0.89036503654, -0.563774796735, -0.781331369056, -0.715754065247, -0.68682476025, -1.3425382765600002, -0.795644200423, -1.64103126492, -0.958742287511, -0.549025833142, 0.526517039355, 0.288987972388, 0.699596632861, -0.795644200423, -0.316570867109, 0.444491075471, 0.26972768223099997, -0.48074640729699997, -0.39284955060000004, 0.0289268795812, -0.563774796735, -0.365641904207, 0.103911599715, 0.041595339933800005, 1.91756238245, 2.39600402951, 0.0289268795812, 2.83074095896, 0.978159056828, 1.5511540649899997, 0.784461790026], [-1.28028919957, -0.9420685330580001, 0.0779722534938, 0.296294802885, 0.542745251727, 0.641363945109, -0.851380811985, -0.634442571571, -0.8102160764569999, -0.651321505267, -0.765624848032, -1.3665807866400002, -0.469669629683, -1.56760047375, -1.13894662573, -0.221428893224, 0.37923563943000005, 0.164371434136, 0.8613613872939999, -0.346886012428, -0.739591642295, 0.796690075448, 0.032089789530199996, -0.07858348815930001, -0.296784304319, -0.209931037742, -0.514832386961, -0.61330052437, -0.346886012428, -0.538593737605, 1.76746833477, 2.5313675645400004, 0.410899452241, 2.71869148732, 1.09038667345, 1.31108136962, 0.762939640262], [-1.27161248962, -0.6083469924530001, 0.42315947609300003, 0.22193059787799999, 0.0648967062311, 0.0014341921082800001, -1.34209448025, -0.7843158145389999, -0.7443478146789999, -0.0866380950809, -1.00303083299, -1.05164363375, -0.8054906948880001, -1.34209448025, -0.7224303327830001, -0.558547519194, 0.519551277643, 0.268103726935, 1.41786098795, -0.678429599314, -0.558547519194, 1.24301864875, 0.035655220535599996, -0.373710286959, -0.17622210282200002, 0.36827949638, -0.7443478146789999, -0.427302991906, -0.407356660439, -0.17622210282200002, 1.7183660377400003, 2.54158109721, -0.11624681316199999, 2.8067867789, 0.729411145254, 1.22736856873, 0.391575113443], [-0.679253348635, -0.41631545731799996, 0.26762316224800003, 0.34949058746699996, -0.0356841555098, 0.37105983125299996, -0.912270717966, -0.585219019289, -0.7257309851129999, -0.785120680773, -0.654119674381, -1.0585205704, -1.4039506392200003, -1.18697546737, -0.774301241874, -0.912270717966, 0.590071012281, 0.34313862281999996, 1.38586527211, -1.10479944217, -1.14532614995, 0.43430343033999996, -0.387753824019, -0.747854562176, -0.10627949604699999, 0.34949058746699996, -0.520540045432, -0.239611910399, 0.260910291962, -0.00378417409705, 1.43856484503, 2.677835064, 0.24015709655900003, 2.6856944139700003, 0.817104749004, 1.5694055664500002, 0.6049677471480001], [-0.7353547668529999, -0.164840754912, 0.632616616321, 0.712627536328, 0.546890224775, 0.453424554882, -0.869206170402, -0.6326314306399999, -1.50145273133, -0.869206170402, -0.7691810545290001, -1.22446109877, 0.0858346838873, -1.38275144975, -1.07950362134, -0.9471750813609999, -0.153355025067, -0.28958371923799997, 0.89991757219, 0.0450686425131, -0.174773192703, 0.340340156911, 0.566508952844, 0.237698804945, 0.469601219359, -1.0304556647, -1.26069796284, -0.810764425349, -0.47761976893799996, -0.08847381176110002, 1.74201449378, 2.0331503194400002, 0.185642900266, 2.97398929347, 0.6046252523969999, 1.34949558263, 0.5820410939630001], [-0.395866913673, -0.13922961059800001, 0.0145007814617, 0.651336284701, 0.9773353926739999, 0.97405381183, -0.913201267071, -0.468483784964, -0.7011425268170001, -0.8727658439, -0.640111986243, -1.29885528376, -1.34711852317, -1.10667966817, -1.59641633174, -0.8727658439, 0.535282122655, -0.229162478834, 0.12663226888499998, -0.0840936813247, -0.116251040873, 0.230523410072, 0.377927929668, -0.809193430859, -0.348400095104, -0.13922961059800001, -0.913201267071, -0.7150545403630001, 0.47451631210100004, 0.037577461212699996, 1.97789356426, 1.8665194507, 0.09137406652660002, 2.82502322462, 0.0, 1.56939225499, 0.9773353926739999], [-1.21515841621, -0.500209268442, 0.273583981074, 0.498000284912, 0.5490913570629999, -0.576745749315, -1.6381771024599998, -1.17211516462, -0.405466546795, -0.9347918431799999, -1.4102971503100001, -1.1341396830700001, -0.52925213309, -1.58238650619, 0.179825846044, -0.500209268442, 0.8723200766470001, 0.8723200766470001, 0.6902834130959999, -0.37616533606200003, 0.0544549125915, 0.707969590806, 0.5828784520929999, 0.226722793128, -0.34987931555600005, -0.0762490434674, -0.8001632680249999, 0.0113605168995, -0.37616533606200003, 0.226722793128, 1.56206971913, 2.90758663027, -0.34987931555600005, 2.4660315663900003, 0.51375670295, 0.72111121707, 0.0113605168995], [-1.1825713013799999, -0.8194242368699999, 0.434407525091, 0.137470822897, 0.706881260493, -0.152672888697, -1.26106728741, -1.09066477221, -0.230267676921, -0.9855552992319999, -0.726965220782, -2.0732530763, 0.101577566837, -2.44132682371, -0.316039603746, -0.0458655470677, 0.309169735634, 0.503402527239, 0.7671040340090001, 0.16313520445000002, 0.35566109066299995, 0.742412930301, 0.56961186681, 0.232262566537, -0.773177096997, -0.0810329764601, -0.36072049173500004, 0.137470822897, -0.37735696824299997, 0.211434937322, 1.6032575332799999, 2.4776466985599996, -0.2154391216, 2.4266352176400003, 0.334943694639, 0.881888052821, 0.0370263012354], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.14653229919299998, 0.08875843409760001, -1.05192547713, -0.8059828629160001, -0.7276514460879999, -1.18334483362, -0.7276514460879999, -0.37776944317199995, -1.1489819884799999, -1.05192547713, -1.5433518757, -1.33267434359, -0.405409764304, -0.451771672891, 0.328933606023, -0.5923492249100001, 0.09807161071139998, 0.235027732513, 0.8062271624680001, 0.0219267742975, -0.349787377521, -0.27361997866300003, -0.15696863124500002, -0.286359760954, 0.344097695941, 0.40750116363899996, 1.72917367808, 2.1197963245099998, -0.208496125616, 2.14496002549, 1.5930296032100002, 1.5279262357299999, 1.3771239825200001], [-0.847247565729, -0.5513649336509999, -0.5104354493150001, -0.402556884048, -0.37859264452299995, -0.248159090607, -1.2835597222600001, -1.09988732119, -0.143843992348, -1.1303464589499999, -1.42553269185, -0.988684956197, -0.9071712902269999, -0.516595866487, -1.8375412483000002, -0.040717546094, -0.360151366804, 0.384793119598, 0.413994872509, 0.365474392633, -0.873008221471, 0.36237427746, 0.102930617276, -0.41729390101499997, -0.43816986245399997, 0.393566541802, 0.0988396334064, 0.082172811541, 0.577362456378, 0.786282658949, 1.74672516129, 0.6865481862139999, 0.982043722507, 2.84676976998, 1.87507603229, 1.33031573308, 1.3655910266100002], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.7310632918000002, -0.578733353804, -1.0613310944399998, -0.557902705696, -1.4462770526700002, 0.222404488427, -0.845998298866, -1.57419815732, -0.800003762146, -1.5600460281200001, -0.310380056568, -0.197834260313, -0.22403031395599998, -0.0353412921035, -0.540698557397, 0.28599836516399996, -0.9908285185369999, 0.320470990029, 0.04505590623380001, -0.10059210685, 0.121064466162, -0.17232157136, -0.548999214559, -0.244670738226, -0.368244893104, -0.450666805791, 1.416585919, 1.37371580307, 0.7287430148749999, 2.5019310994599997, 1.93805040502, 1.21557964363, 0.7084353889659999], [-1.0781747240000001, -1.2437998267200001, -0.7723338866859999, -0.516481093295, 2.50803864577, -0.813295265509, -0.532049067275, 0.017732952856400003, -0.8333270367129999, -0.643579343689, -0.874746256231, -0.547795581198, -0.9453410582780001, -0.813681512985, -0.138309532253, -0.564159611286, -0.368771372236, -0.438632538009, -0.874746256231, -0.7130230555239999, -0.643579343689, 0.057541573758500004, 1.07742109094, -0.502017738265, 0.157958261127, -0.756026117005, 0.157958261127, 0.057541573758500004, 0.46334164141999995, 0.057541573758500004, 1.7649495790799998, 1.5546644204799998, 0.34027498992399996, 2.43615502547, 1.41850410993, 1.36848512575, 1.1757613919299998], [-1.2070745794600002, 0.104191005629, -0.45266309551600004, -0.27156322797, 2.51640459118, 0.218469015592, -0.7645133068559999, -0.72274886656, -0.823318207975, -0.7375929937989999, -0.339989395859, -1.2757903123899998, -0.679355757747, -1.3663842839200002, -0.40437874633500004, -0.313871271253, -0.9138949352660001, -0.0289044378743, -0.8893658774269999, 0.497596399571, -0.8383632802050001, -0.111043290303, 0.47828249303000003, 0.5049254207230001, -0.36553580761200005, -0.37665362239100003, -0.7507092805519999, -0.700299912706, 0.625957640254, -0.829915478505, 1.94477372622, 1.70609451039, 1.33561317985, 1.48918118885, 0.786006626804, 1.3284451332, 1.6279890371899999], [-1.23123269948, 0.00165796992915, -0.529535755823, -0.45301448936000005, 2.13205774008, -0.538578560123, -0.6764751179140001, -0.659514598969, -0.12292394750800001, -0.34334331033200005, -0.7978239547820001, -1.9707936640700001, -0.711917049743, -1.46941672605, 0.0231773795119, 0.0297187416242, -0.231043335163, 0.019316510036, -0.422591722025, -0.13790511047700002, -0.526037741107, 0.12015062148, 0.458181167594, 0.8014592447660001, -0.35124078519199997, -0.481867002854, -0.491011656206, 0.206215382018, 0.568280131698, -0.975100842114, 2.69255800006, 2.6741977659200002, 0.827105744597, 1.18366389968, 0.0263266833456, 1.0201371474, 0.337163939563], [-1.1890251891799999, -1.01323887948, -0.203317058222, -0.0165807883672, 1.3829261346000001, -0.382794017355, -1.41459907099, -0.686318927216, -0.241360336245, -0.5719334811919999, -0.467113890598, -0.334837138689, -1.01996808878, -1.54030817199, -0.15319645027999998, -0.326440908269, -0.276949799718, -0.5888113542600001, -0.39774238593, 0.8628650341349999, -0.403126807029, -0.07151608117760001, 0.673957398822, 0.009344118437219998, 0.431856346791, -0.241360336245, -0.753743745548, -0.760933250052, -0.194489776014, -0.650571193206, 2.03422208963, 2.91379254175, 0.232674718115, 2.13707040581, 1.0346679656, 1.4220260316600002, 0.764874340683], [-1.6998470515900002, -0.953662274681, 0.06905631045539999, -0.17876516452100003, 0.623404234265, -0.547935647053, -0.663067335827, -0.0460405944598, -0.0664775295452, 0.28917432327, -0.116556935023, -1.6998470515900002, -0.404915812724, -1.6778582943399998, -1.0554038091700002, 0.07804671030839999, -0.21395865592500002, -0.390040998009, -0.48868538035099995, -0.12753047898199998, -0.2857408556, 0.602255781521, 0.9499949525700001, 0.06905631045539999, -1.2758177340799999, -0.921282971932, -0.17876516452100003, 0.127202661263, 0.00226828375457, 0.0138203514521, 1.12761370597, 2.91639065969, 0.805469443495, 2.4068837289, 0.971721494518, 1.50357429156, 0.43626649648000004], [-0.16964564081099998, -0.234454922965, -0.034747925805900005, 0.348393944164, -0.505912996322, -0.798622936482, -0.525732916761, 0.0819997260129, -0.810141820283, 0.5419501356149999, -0.368718104099, -1.05925992831, -0.0397233950898, -1.8623095863499999, -1.9179217059599998, -0.14006771208799998, 0.117319696226, -0.21338664691700002, -0.290025164119, -0.158634907217, -0.898671109356, 0.0957527733317, 0.823142288647, -0.368718104099, -0.525732916761, -0.505912996322, -1.0112876065799998, -0.5590400478800001, -0.24408942091299998, -0.40069393349200005, 2.13055097659, 2.19323632983, 1.0166818746100001, 2.1285119743000003, 1.1857533507200002, 2.03503606546, 0.945123309499], [-1.11536906024, -0.557744517474, -0.383962319986, 0.09482549732719998, -0.7211003002869999, -0.463805992434, 0.302370295347, -0.17219660339200002, 0.535817858295, 0.464655903103, -0.230378664091, -1.0580846298, -0.942509810365, -0.748024964932, -1.52231343761, -0.557744517474, -0.446228125362, -0.628347033585, -0.328674509918, -0.643033776849, -1.13929240205, 0.457774815313, -0.504474801118, 0.258628439808, -0.524840072359, -0.686828955705, -0.34469258996, -0.504474801118, 0.18287074458099997, 0.023554304630999997, 1.18434461674, 3.21311017772, 1.3787690307299998, 2.1288083972, 1.08490922029, 1.4582546636200002, 1.45542792142], [-0.72731904618, -0.7252662238600001, -0.477613762506, 0.09989713665069999, -0.388705527583, -0.073140664025, -0.7027692994399999, -0.187255956643, -0.19119023036899999, -0.229522759808, 0.134315040691, -0.9491612356799999, -1.19231618692, -2.0012303408400003, 0.21907298318799998, -0.21309897470199998, -0.7650542809540001, -0.46038716950499997, -0.947373573211, 0.340939527037, -0.49500872914800004, 0.14307574174100002, -0.143546957498, -0.67120012854, -0.8367418628919999, -0.453928202012, -0.7096313644939999, -0.241640012842, 0.6693625341080001, 0.0704986620403, 2.58255059665, 1.14974512629, 0.976723781533, 2.35891228771, 1.82021280062, 1.71924651345, 1.4985497579299998], [-0.817879480742, -0.987391476048, -0.656878538052, 0.14579609102399999, -0.567905581818, 0.06759154162480001, -0.9547090371789999, -0.257341126719, 0.32935757891399997, 0.349671097307, -0.471379926792, -1.3783409165, -0.228860541127, -2.02403282114, -0.35154930338699997, 0.10426231271299999, -0.948882387077, -0.817879480742, -0.732080063815, -0.162420897642, -0.331467714099, 0.559820398187, 0.378196804116, 0.596826766424, -0.186511183891, -0.8160701557260001, -0.192651592328, 0.153922528006, -0.47933314555699996, -0.679858222492, 2.9716366743799996, 1.25767731577, 0.7917422506530001, 2.1151192175299998, 1.40519103431, 1.4234067115, 1.3932052704100002], [-0.527751412794, -0.482616305386, -0.464980143588, -0.47223168333099996, -0.583104449631, -0.39781369077100004, -0.540999781293, -0.477561331016, -0.570897704749, -0.0957715818698, -0.481458079046, -0.512124184524, -0.40671039639300005, -0.576281548066, -0.47114325439599997, -0.46236356206999996, -0.37243576510799997, -0.47246653106799996, -0.419849552483, -0.471343614004, -0.518498740409, -0.45988657536000005, 1.06042858044, -0.579362898183, -0.504871002489, -0.43642766774400005, -0.435099053623, -0.47682681597800003, -0.49379086982799997, -0.22214019309, 2.75214727506, 2.79135288768, 0.304540756109, 1.2637500617200002, 1.8494558018, 0.616385294598, 2.74874773089], [-0.09433214014340001, -0.642715261157, -0.0907042445147, -1.00207061026, -0.083820621573, 0.030383090509700002, -0.706959398527, -0.108987277519, 0.0392640175711, 0.151243410652, -0.409469133077, -0.909333562641, -1.1126423465100002, -1.2721609864, -0.550724986476, -1.4838113991600002, 0.259915354056, -1.5177993683500002, -0.37069262523400004, 0.38056371533100003, -0.409469133077, -0.329657246432, 0.38263284457900004, -1.1712834651200001, 0.0881388925408, -0.0658226433411, -0.5491534606790001, 0.271750825363, -0.34441302313600003, -0.0679107598079, 2.54084283948, 2.0408148976, 0.9539377613619999, 2.18749474965, 0.526853598796, 1.40689351586, 2.0332041797900002], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.23244240846500003, 0.261632493212, -0.212307915837, 0.09955844586069999, -0.303568278479, -0.33286982636100004, -0.947457844596, -2.13389746646, -0.746968469577, -1.31501443544, -0.80839236299, -0.468911300053, -0.15729418122000002, -0.36415668520800004, -0.947457844596, -0.624785893229, -0.342008529244, -0.274095672583, 1.7817831761900003, -0.853717043689, -0.104200862216, 0.265200974616, -0.5364242133, 0.643610164665, -0.38275351244000005, 0.147914420661, 2.22541254643, 1.85476592496, 1.06561880918, 1.8237618372, 0.0, 0.319921791755, 1.59954416127], [-0.630712969634, 0.455777331699, -0.308343945266, -1.00341909426, -0.0404953530109, -0.645952224345, -0.44060577607600004, -0.210286892975, -0.00011025922358700002, -0.681482622171, -1.68037309663, -0.6898112825020001, 0.195984765382, -1.33343992474, -0.38314244469400005, -0.9596557480500001, -1.31881876838, -0.0769263686138, -0.33765151030999996, 0.273076183576, -0.641770831818, -0.25620058522100003, 1.49431426773, 0.544574091277, 0.421076616291, -0.35207277652400004, -0.76823303208, 0.123535424551, -0.527963827637, -0.632590233102, 1.2325450167299998, 3.1257779648, 1.6740431462099998, 2.16035883884, 0.935865917674, 0.676538874485, 0.606591128017], [-0.137386103432, 0.035803150115, -0.321331144742, -0.18361477583299998, 0.192799310132, -0.217367365177, -0.157053461253, 0.36592686164800003, 0.983977228549, 0.47353307057599997, -0.678766417702, -1.36035338867, -0.5860205240899999, -1.23093371463, -1.0197640744399998, -0.762041790877, -0.253841939362, -0.458406228606, -0.907478214273, -0.739672368971, -1.15533817119, 0.0456613862053, 1.3704631877700002, -1.46053996764, -0.192625435551, -0.330622922933, -0.46053883213, 0.18161629294599999, -0.196846754386, -1.3412312994, 1.15853480951, 2.69762518814, 1.16271776625, 1.8067884307099997, 2.26351127022, 0.842484865871, 0.570332076649], [-0.381233099617, -0.25946985475699996, 0.883003975952, 0.380823476802, 0.326077742756, -0.123888041763, -0.515139240438, -0.327841728774, -0.536722145303, -0.24463687826900002, -0.103876720128, -0.515139240438, -0.295123246226, -0.789288539739, 0.14960821704299998, 0.40759266008, 0.459974360937, -0.24463687826900002, 1.2579863754, -0.789288539739, -3.7981343039599995, 0.125888852113, 0.13872587076600001, -0.0912159811483, 0.597177742747, -0.215134292778, -0.36403606286300005, -1.62057491264, -0.2759230038, -0.327841728774, 1.71586316854, 2.1513563483700002, 0.21733759088100002, 2.1534041412000002, 0.237564725811, 0.46715097297799996, 0.14960821704299998], [-0.8562403831409999, -0.0147440920789, 0.138347403768, 0.42425216775799995, 0.0267897951078, 0.196472880673, -0.9742929138259999, 0.0383104143818, -0.04656307077380001, 0.156911433824, -0.35221212708800004, -0.20714915324799998, -0.5319076623960001, -0.9742929138259999, -0.40587532225, 1.00535735253, -0.20714915324799998, -0.755681556711, 0.509783073913, 0.11798890885199999, -2.32822850227, 0.246662004503, -0.0147440920789, -0.109385957925, -0.519319322543, -0.30198676549000003, -0.313305371621, -2.8880816156200004, 0.239567135595, -0.755681556711, 1.78983133712, 1.95291351963, 0.584564708952, 2.15841027967, 0.746742562977, 1.66772368248, 0.5562128711159999], [-0.843765939951, 0.829671435267, 0.112765888732, 0.26241997999899996, 0.38478722148, 0.114153980408, -0.564077825331, -0.270145526373, -0.119155019229, 0.599144728692, -0.228340775689, -0.270145526373, -1.2106578752500001, -1.0460000811599999, -0.0667815868327, 0.325550615176, 0.35677411096199996, -2.68602478108, 0.275419880748, -0.593152005862, -1.68877378822, -0.362783201009, 0.293071563598, 0.0762038898347, 0.112765888732, -0.39201202471600005, -0.33805887989600003, -0.0667815868327, -0.270145526373, -1.7361436279799998, 1.3844327966799999, 2.80916207122, 0.170657290122, 2.0076114092400004, 1.17884898588, 1.08865161653, 0.370852224841], [-0.800438677972, -0.6567169929, 0.864049189356, 0.850865059843, -0.239286282846, 0.121454560697, -0.839581590319, -0.6096741821580001, -0.48341479575199997, -0.990822858528, -0.0738120230469, 0.147030823983, -0.755244215951, -0.443407298798, -1.95396247778, -0.710545505543, 0.406354540788, -0.405359248375, 0.208951520544, -0.443407298798, -0.910053380808, 0.08652243257000002, 0.167803603948, 0.167803603948, 0.630510512933, -1.6244927258200001, -1.6244927258200001, -0.102187041411, 0.167803603948, -0.30025150104000004, 1.71081772947, 2.4446868998099998, 0.406354540788, 2.4043372109599996, 0.658007601224, 1.6107994738999998, 0.912997914958], [-0.6967324274339999, -1.02559922565, 0.160256142143, 0.6528644502090001, 0.7293585249410001, 0.514673470271, -0.421733670826, -0.269675615674, -0.229460510693, -1.892368856, -0.525438095693, 0.019174495630700002, -0.6673048673699999, -0.47361617776, -1.02559922565, -0.229460510693, 0.710378964708, -0.607129018777, 0.571881662191, -0.314192831756, -2.64673833043, -1.1108521484799998, 0.418241871376, 0.14598679371, -0.153566268249, -0.0349541043246, -0.19259014585, -0.607129018777, 0.5474777819, -0.6967324274339999, 1.3911189088100002, 2.4746187164099998, 0.246232017577, 2.172246673, 1.1630363752500001, 1.35584884749, 0.5474777819], [-0.0571408611349, -0.552700029083, 0.811656381874, -0.941728869406, 0.871206867036, -0.39094265494, 0.021803351497599998, -0.6344021077090001, -2.11693743165, 0.148023975431, 0.864497277991, -0.941728869406, 0.0, -2.45329074142, 0.330981674545, 1.1375729085200001, 0.146323598748, -0.0822589176896, 1.39077225658, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5426364496580001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.174860240749, -0.608788266688, -1.1951593493600001, -0.887302950527, 0.254708728095, -0.146462252836, 1.29148683627, 2.10102620255, 0.044546906606099994, 1.7605081161200002, 0.340908296281, -0.0435988888712, -0.09580497851839999], [-1.25265517895, -0.2165098868, 0.7850609964659999, -0.448433846472, 1.55933220301, -0.6246047820639999, -0.794630987329, -0.842794646818, -0.725168948531, -0.448433846472, 0.6503982029240001, -1.3687518732799997, 0.530718407107, -1.8642553569999998, 0.225705867857, 0.5110034925620001, 1.01605819043, -0.26774423568000005, 1.01305737988, -0.6803632669499999, -0.47405825527900003, 0.07981273052910001, 0.6029311748699999, -0.108091827142, 1.01605819043, -0.534396671385, -0.638924749618, -1.3687518732799997, -0.638924749618, -1.7053951923500001, 1.8766307519599998, 1.7367584332599997, -0.312355142376, 2.1606543066799997, 0.281593818218, 0.581886128793, 0.687585042419], [-1.0356180719499999, 0.6747450345530001, 0.069334895243, -0.48621946586599996, 1.8704868657299998, 0.234610044945, -1.4603242104799998, -1.4254341601700002, -0.723291871159, -1.08293392845, 0.8327785275399999, -1.6627475011300001, -1.0555637547399999, -1.32671952071, 0.0349342658321, 1.708544695, -0.7717169868529999, 0.203717768607, 0.7502665352429999, 0.856170141326, 0.0581189955989, 0.702419666875, -0.253971320946, -0.322013727603, -0.335797111662, -1.08293392845, -0.0357839823065, -1.24580055294, -0.20024043970400002, -0.16717794902799998, 1.56162210824, 2.0519789489, 0.018309041449, 1.6272637673299999, 0.302899524299, 0.711285139107, 0.404802518346], [-0.643095491223, -0.366657331774, 0.8654303833050001, 0.40528608433700003, 0.293866152181, 0.236280897245, -0.9368849839929999, -0.21977710131099998, -0.266250406815, -0.707052203725, 0.23237385373000002, -1.7476471802000002, 0.741205864515, -2.1381523514, -1.12935534724, 0.39599642443800004, 0.240969663513, -1.57759310022, 0.540902559322, -0.5049889781620001, -0.420627235406, 0.798379076434, 0.41286939625600005, -0.291163176683, 0.378287735149, -0.519878545259, -0.563086040046, -0.749702051254, -0.32825185827, -0.242462302436, 1.93332410492, 2.10511438795, -0.594650230141, 2.59878363755, -0.302894013518, 1.2614228394, 0.8096768688320001], [-0.590722046978, -0.744915862059, 1.24676365045, -0.012400729396, 0.07157314700619999, 0.310097965461, -1.14735050619, -0.754114862631, -0.835453043941, -0.40182975697800005, 1.34134665586, -2.30018326284, 0.899082409252, -2.3388470898700002, -1.204408806, -0.19779346938499998, -0.0412856052066, -0.55360083088, 0.404742034764, 0.311440583221, -0.525826576842, -0.13663129625, 0.0629794504275, 0.651891753212, 0.288710318704, -0.522301188525, -0.428089103441, -0.344770128263, -0.142460299556, -0.723048071953, 1.6688656938, 1.44358794286, 0.0494447433045, 2.33557954604, 1.3658081881, 0.8791435299160001, 0.61497492482], [-1.2845534899, -0.569622883699, 0.620835251533, 0.21880486729899998, 0.28093352911200004, 0.0994088237974, -0.505076421694, -0.204177631558, -0.272929218788, -0.280714310257, 0.407828861509, -1.8492648833099996, 0.0, -2.07759702635, -1.4388702831400002, 0.21227229510200002, -0.19578495133999999, -0.026984743224400004, 0.312820219288, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.262861606688, 0.06793194460640001, -0.49839630253999995, 0.407828861509, -0.34607145663500005, -0.824113749081, 1.37715194518, 0.0, 0.666132414764, 3.08873262352, 0.0994088237974, 1.43110041656, 0.82010486725], [-0.250764926713, -0.552672711148, 0.9756804555959999, 0.421160517476, 1.39676188766, 0.688658566826, -0.9291914022550001, -0.631868730301, -0.42467231566799996, -1.9587013445400003, -0.66250043069, -1.52791242407, 0.5209563062979999, -1.5484666059099998, -1.22599180142, 0.48285617731700003, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.116792993134, -0.453776722318, 0.0, 0.44389468311499997, 0.44389468311499997, 0.652642122315, 0.0, -0.48955538493, -0.302875072927, -0.466163844627, -0.37593385960000003, 1.63722345431, 0.0, -0.528098848467, 2.55442932555, 0.592700925962, 1.4161682950299999, 0.218912018136], [-0.7911235795139999, -0.8517405363609999, -0.518086763594, 0.154915177961, 0.070933215966, -0.461798571205, -1.1066404127200002, -0.731617598239, -0.601299437293, -0.09230311236330001, -0.947393882836, -1.60073360472, 0.09402135464739998, 0.08572502370889999, -0.831057220068, 1.0010536695, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.141332615668, -0.532670081413, 0.10285661372000002, 0.9649588902770001, 0.35730283959799997, 0.036506604653099996, 0.0, -0.571046946425, -0.0627438912975, -1.1013768267200001, -1.35361718843, 1.0480510811700001, 0.9923408896860001, 1.7224243772499999, 2.7157408119700004, 1.18889836466, 2.0424078264900003, -0.281554472393], [-0.8991423949189999, -0.749485675405, -0.632041423507, -0.344970038663, 0.623582014829, -0.54843789945, -0.395157255059, -0.143094670155, -0.8180714778110001, 0.49915332629500003, 1.06873927923, -2.1932949092, -0.102435760961, -0.35645551328, -2.3402663576599996, 0.776255368439, -0.042279035873600004, 0.7799314965809999, -0.210268344283, 0.119384134081, -0.285248290523, 0.284470487479, 0.635005566276, 0.847111840955, -0.7710488642960001, -0.36501376136999997, -0.789937092764, 0.595022440454, -0.895843594047, -0.376366377406, 1.13931456717, 1.48788172967, 0.7799314965809999, 3.31403461742, 0.449248335541, 0.276808431804, -0.41701639616999997], [-1.02203244307, -0.882545800968, -1.3280109681399999, 0.06220631967569999, -0.48392652662600005, -1.16637137891, -0.043016607819800004, -0.055933610257800005, 0.0532825576243, 0.16511510477299998, -0.417129860511, -2.47216010475, 0.00818199417406, -1.5730957502200003, -0.896808153751, 0.370961566263, -0.7226874937369999, 0.727330482827, -1.08322195817, 0.521735862548, -0.055933610257800005, 0.363098243429, 1.05746749643, 0.173601782132, -0.319771533849, -0.137852332943, -0.47240141938999997, 1.3761604030899999, -0.417129860511, -0.534786957015, 1.9603362440799998, 1.8003757633400002, 1.8112902233000001, 0.959719867025, 0.909755789056, 1.56358463766, 0.200612033466], [-0.510590749087, -0.8779057356960001, -0.29719912738800003, 0.5620461515190001, -0.284298674373, -0.795915609009, -1.27266876078, -0.684872296233, -1.1712414217799998, 0.5082330932810001, -0.309519798096, -1.1992092912, -1.19758478951, -0.444282255472, -0.37967287733599997, 0.5620461515190001, -0.48533245901999994, -0.6953239707150001, -0.696733250518, -0.0132036203287, -0.585673114074, 1.57710295101, 1.01673506379, 0.629217573984, 0.08430738072010001, -1.10243586004, -1.14186258032, 0.186959533797, 1.53311257929, -0.13500412450899998, 0.912047606695, 2.5472141301400004, 0.0183574753619, 2.37881019402, 1.7673840960799998, -0.0659271592868, 0.0628835435679], [-0.7202518635590001, -1.01299545291, -0.706151615247, -0.282226210398, -0.22434762493299998, 0.22644686805, -1.23864815799, 0.574030204215, -1.82192577874, 0.155949235918, 0.0879580362529, -0.38173951646, -0.075243552439, -0.221414582769, -0.38173951646, -1.63623520255, -0.22803766128400002, -1.01299545291, -1.3019375766299999, 0.653099641355, -0.157431975791, 1.25866801081, 1.46309404651, 0.9900058886399999, 0.006184708143579999, -0.451200840344, -1.1147898599700001, -1.60297138799, 1.09889034405, 0.394364418617, 0.9018964204009999, 2.5669856773400004, 0.17772670909000002, 1.53615022931, 0.8597271170890001, 0.374245668714, 1.24686060487], [-1.9150606265, -0.542360221218, 0.345870829507, 0.0469599853512, -0.758291248924, -0.444146931123, -0.9212190846170001, -0.5910797587259999, -0.9212190846170001, 0.234103593503, 0.0313548361947, -1.3305994241399999, 0.722933519201, -1.6007351192200001, -0.174992754189, -0.0841680494771, -0.312445181769, 0.17795687983199998, 0.7321495183769999, 0.46252706505900004, 0.476997239622, 1.21884404718, 0.8610128596690001, 0.905983258211, 0.109186161174, -1.47996176781, -1.8569942246400002, -0.522091300798, -0.5910797587259999, 0.6177011054689999, 1.7451051042099996, 2.10239999743, 0.391364945779, 2.27033902345, 0.5012785613440001, 0.440743713833, -0.34836770791199995], [-1.57996586411, -1.3057883833600001, -0.426147352865, 0.0757453660863, 0.464696951743, -0.612826437715, -1.81831546413, -1.4949332791799999, -0.611773872792, -1.2246798086, -0.9624230171870001, -0.359851158235, -0.0243224461506, -0.9765808443880001, -0.0639043978903, -0.160902291062, 0.9155883731550001, 0.25240024866300004, 0.628962200688, 0.408395094365, 0.739780267565, 0.718061793292, 1.0900480831200001, 1.6108828110299998, 0.14938794701400002, 0.060314952602199996, -0.7595834431119999, -0.7595834431119999, 0.0757453660863, -0.0739976531327, 0.7110424226369999, 2.45033820991, -0.912120659943, 2.39963811021, 0.812324292232, 0.550454878473, 0.0138924480788], [-1.51287233148, -1.4115858256600002, 0.517300361986, 0.649363711089, 0.606581171722, 0.24462302766199998, -1.59750671181, -0.016542641966500002, -0.50034549096, 1.29848745547, -0.724532065748, 0.235166038838, -1.03707960036, -0.27532613577799997, -0.687652497842, -0.016542641966500002, 0.941198624472, 0.36100732647399997, -0.564709863349, -0.457024589591, -0.125425879953, 0.252661555446, 1.6297655618, 0.007135141580060001, -1.4658629379700001, -0.7919367484909999, -1.7965043615799998, -0.10341454490499999, 0.591919945994, -1.4658629379700001, 0.7743247814040001, 2.31130375517, -0.303034734414, 1.1857059153799998, 1.25894352732, 0.755092429076, 1.2331822109000001], [0.7543670221009999, -0.0387033040149, -0.474661728018, 0.635099295891, 1.5410601280399998, 0.492338906355, -0.800033462218, -0.854782815721, -1.40869224597, 0.221724387613, -0.262194955656, -1.17398353611, -0.6468752963600001, -1.40582222944, -0.198556148959, -1.42782389315, -0.15186936250900002, 0.489020076395, -0.6165403848969999, 0.47484475570900003, -1.17639588025, 0.6522690935459999, 1.1185571112000001, 0.863587994043, 0.221724387613, -0.055132507094400006, -1.39764232121, -0.808828784329, -0.442551751191, -0.5500784190300001, 1.75615253247, 2.5690477842700004, -0.172576502564, 1.71618792234, -0.49340618227399996, 1.41212287431, -0.360952560937], [0.082300399715, -0.25690486055399997, 0.244430552882, 0.40436576388000006, 2.1106230807700004, 0.0781186529936, -0.835317523273, -1.5458229701700001, -2.0697213998299997, -1.0026639592, 0.151607658964, -1.19081609302, 0.12136827881, -0.8398181589120001, -0.00241976165816, -1.30725860858, -0.311155013887, -0.07013286833339999, -0.0985700027444, 0.114378476276, -0.570442021752, 0.297868622453, 0.541937639687, 1.4587469871599998, 0.49764564315, 0.179380770827, -0.183321527896, 0.325744916219, -2.16864927411, -0.835317523273, 1.4250577709, 2.18765171656, 0.287057030017, 0.472920176544, 1.4571993145200002, -0.126769375524, 0.9766974903899999], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.614359998831, 0.203273583179, -0.627857999396, 0.335192813227, -0.745161870159, 0.44457222663199997, -0.962999645803, -1.7581129290000002, -1.5558644431600002, -2.01866645996, -0.57889113642, -0.207827445379, 0.360314557406, -0.329037535364, -0.399550298561, 0.40495790860799996, -1.06909408607, -0.389592922356, -0.154035671008, -0.103628335988, -0.640982435996, -0.705009947219, 0.385977385641, -0.169669663812, 0.9363266596969999, 0.027038005354800002, 1.26311137797, 2.32255867429, 1.03798625864, 1.48360744401, 0.0, 1.9823459333400002, 0.614359998831], [0.807733775677, 0.472440934533, 1.06069815497, 1.06069815497, 0.559798424636, -0.161926026971, -1.0992402047399998, -0.39761690843, -0.6888764386310001, 0.270870708039, -0.6888764386310001, -1.5957559996500001, -1.16106681347, -1.56467794724, -0.6038361124589999, -0.54338441467, -0.918924524568, -0.7015279871160001, -1.18059385419, -0.679770297524, -0.534274049324, 0.0290779922624, 0.7892237412600001, 0.0622435180728, -0.30894961685600003, -0.881971770643, -0.525745698158, -0.15635252524, 1.14488293191, -0.704725297747, 1.66380184764, 2.93026249189, 1.2882783982200001, 0.51808959067, 1.1366768871600001, 1.21376193341, 0.0895534409341], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.55314227218, -1.31296403904, -0.589845568054, -0.47079999743699996, -0.9665548433939999, 0.901269141225, 0.486645290237, -1.00864097219, -1.4450553956299999, -1.31845527456, -0.811847909316, -0.6316217965049999, -0.9164806183140001, -1.60231114745, -0.5215372675819999, 0.73574614558, -0.31389600351, -0.6316217965049999, 0.966371038636, 0.622956532359, -0.47641963150399996, -1.29330746423, 0.7204589405740001, -0.01775236246, 1.17129751134, 1.4362866374399998, 1.21684820904, 1.47899325587, 0.9946785149770001, 1.48553444864, 0.0, 1.30002056714, 0.25886358244], [-0.043805946826599995, -0.234732800224, -0.9086878421610001, -0.33885460614600005, -0.417038455651, -0.664203301143, -1.37835140357, 0.0282931043701, -0.257231281633, 1.0372875299, -0.7524889938680001, -1.4611963163, -1.34588330801, -1.85090626283, -1.2718980260400001, -0.501481279613, -0.417038455651, -0.483816776413, -1.1746442955, 0.277092472913, 0.37195758585600003, 0.6016793922689999, 0.468408802433, -0.59069007338, -0.06622282920469999, 0.0334752764418, 0.321201877152, 0.148473361771, 0.182301559196, 0.22001312885699997, 1.7057153942899999, 2.64569042539, 0.6733630946279999, 1.7374698754299998, 1.21643432353, 1.70842982067, 0.78188522906], [-0.091412926249, -0.208469812652, -0.583876078275, 0.0134096712812, 0.178821597952, -0.483968707829, -1.15320417809, 0.079003743746, -0.259925113906, 1.16399262378, -1.13959849472, -1.73615703872, -1.02012609031, -1.6730361152899997, -1.3404823683700002, -1.09300611642, -0.558025723089, -1.22981890162, -0.762681710725, -0.267615145956, 0.591074599067, 0.687045555353, 1.30793419462, -0.267615145956, 0.40246327778700003, 0.025514530236999997, -0.161367344804, 0.025514530236999997, -0.0690731360028, -0.25213233056999995, 1.61708097038, 1.7720501159, 0.7626143753679999, 1.59799240859, 1.0746127515200001, 2.36163093882, 0.6908365949230001], [-0.320060686827, -0.634452234164, -0.702073903695, -1.0114981633600002, -0.295574887687, -0.0150259931847, -1.33298544599, -0.173166130352, -0.44834530339900003, 0.318637217468, -0.5493723043050001, -1.34320800677, -1.14961947645, -1.6170872003299999, -1.2860742207, -0.573699520774, -0.732885748407, -1.0885653801700002, -0.566275575193, 0.338425016799, 0.128713976631, 1.34681937028, 0.09674422086869999, 0.0658952039033, 0.575404160688, -0.461984910541, -0.0412670101106, 0.20428249757599998, 0.298311077159, 0.20428249757599998, 2.2732093789400003, 2.1120381276599995, 0.463765965145, 1.5617709800200001, 1.4232574531600002, 1.92991564221, 1.0017493163200002], [0.268688910906, -0.590573058214, -0.721767334994, -0.07719259084430001, -1.1994726592, -0.21724735306999995, 0.0, 0.0, -1.1379677959999999, 0.0, 0.0, -1.3649110328999998, -1.00567365419, -1.30938246084, -0.6781452717149999, -0.763696424684, -0.40329790179200004, -0.7857880792219999, -2.21471836807, 0.5053572657450001, 0.7022832964210001, 0.770509613447, 0.42767189409100004, -1.00567365419, 0.500963081264, 0.39004907490900004, 0.557604092842, 0.48346849738700004, 0.446593760552, 0.694901245596, 1.8621502109299999, 2.10371543452, 0.0, 1.22470803858, 0.7034750838339999, 1.24750895679, 0.585859182126], [0.12697727730900002, -0.532251272687, -0.901572332115, -0.185049878442, 0.665232511672, 1.2760536743000002, -0.736573926946, 0.747466609017, -0.0980350741824, 1.23485508528, -0.599391170793, -1.8720079951299997, -0.963369822905, -2.2326078746999998, -0.0796370844055, -1.08122074011, -0.7008626648199999, -1.3837642077599999, -1.1795384768100001, 0.38500599838699995, 0.553724941175, 0.834187253902, 0.72535247015, -0.8324148557979999, 0.808222546619, -0.09938154213770001, 0.36531136450900004, 0.732586151754, -0.7717409461139999, -0.517824802562, 1.58721640984, 1.96783968958, 0.0736648714894, 0.542603628125, 0.152864690391, 2.02847595683, -0.0403964618973], [-0.877970509313, -1.4788615148700002, -0.608850403439, -0.475017637623, -0.10498944857899999, -0.623644466366, -0.43926129042499995, -0.169510212229, -0.447406662877, -0.143285972213, 0.31307642568300004, -1.67188964449, -0.542502364043, -1.43329974651, -1.80080933465, -0.307991401625, -1.1149871425, -1.1768930124299999, -0.9498296494, 0.307646316317, 0.779858994509, 1.44748109107, 1.9627482332599997, 0.0934767447767, 0.49542676234099997, 0.130203643596, 1.59019928514, 1.01716861295, -0.669978761272, 0.36977728228900003, 1.7132504332499998, 1.15560451973, 0.668047256324, 0.7287899713179999, 0.55145927609, 1.6941956002, 0.018568726019], [-0.16783791565900003, -0.32462237855, -0.260618017353, -0.315856935033, 0.344065776584, -0.38497989395000004, -1.3966583331, -1.38750990974, -0.25714400263500004, -1.39305682259, -0.612541143295, -1.20535076619, -0.9526234487819999, -0.694489020372, -0.42301343438600003, 0.175466638592, -1.29244878347, -1.30419659797, -0.726107566251, -0.269377898327, 0.282734045259, 0.6101950838260001, 1.69034642271, -0.0980277292072, 0.254340084688, -0.583168092572, -0.34694411400799996, 0.874750697939, 0.262380154398, -0.161822105947, 2.27493650244, 1.7815877693900002, 0.452570176938, 1.4306374264300001, 0.747126138423, 2.22911723343, 1.1481407583299998], [-0.0035921028749999998, 0.177518874661, -0.8832993473980001, -0.899417188935, 0.7078800681470001, 0.552375102114, -0.8808244265299999, 0.0702257943084, -0.49128267284500005, 0.828624128067, -0.456060980153, -0.71286649624, -1.4339175055700002, -0.632369145765, -0.154779854135, -0.8229964832150001, -0.644449224163, -0.134130071371, -2.9378029561699996, -0.351010867552, 0.265246084664, 0.188458555867, 0.7256725816320001, -0.329624489608, 0.465437315674, 1.45763411764, -0.193512461365, 0.133206784264, -0.8105517271259999, -0.256668143558, 0.787518437784, 3.1535223962299996, 1.03196099431, 0.561331969909, -0.401071962297, 0.899342097558, 1.42427280404], [-0.433726052508, -0.469970950276, 0.15066711437000002, 0.8252343511560001, 0.18782385247400002, 0.710426377061, -0.606143292094, 0.9750935174099999, 0.208678175937, -0.505606300964, -1.65474003479, -0.302767825157, -1.53327940149, -1.1442899456, -0.757095376935, 0.21379569437100002, -0.4279786583199999, -0.9744563799429999, -0.724854288034, 0.749329602542, -0.727879690014, 0.364221195422, -0.45103382350000004, -1.27630651486, -0.228244789511, -0.577424743542, 0.0274693210525, -0.4279786583199999, 0.128837092146, -1.5772255639100001, 1.2144635906899999, 1.85551425565, 2.09663380121, 0.8252343511560001, 1.72074398065, 2.17723628431, 0.36959973215999997], [-1.04378490609, -1.00917771733, -0.494741919949, -0.24889360032299998, 0.906162234458, 0.338646027356, -0.9299547051289999, -0.419524199303, 0.97110952922, -0.284054329062, -1.92001061259, -0.8717369416609999, -0.7702969049799999, -0.8078073096870001, 0.365172138275, 0.62958291497, -1.65101056489, -1.13753170699, -0.223334893138, -0.0412733518074, 0.37016701758299997, 1.00545572613, 0.10136397385399999, -0.153037101487, 0.15353336390900002, -1.42640257477, -0.0341465551716, 1.1089409930399998, 0.0965295633313, -1.40601962269, 1.00450805573, 2.2208439094099997, 2.0180572299, 1.3787654196599999, 0.568763219472, 1.17780865619, 0.45732954453599994], [-0.516895978236, -0.32685551085700004, 0.19520655810499998, 0.46501932084200004, 0.422673609771, 0.07456434414419999, -0.204121764961, -0.157665962271, -0.222093516442, -4.396024952139999, -0.41886252145499997, -0.171200057755, -0.280406300354, -0.516895978236, -0.8545258742919999, -0.35547567513000006, 0.584375213153, 0.19520655810499998, 0.5673652135180001, -0.280406300354, -0.129759961029, 0.7599307664849999, 0.361388473095, 0.43041578378, -0.204121764961, 0.233728284576, -0.47977780273000004, -1.4759280420700003, -0.129759961029, -0.5614644260320001, 0.923965340859, 1.60945781954, 0.370203671017, 2.0220792441900004, 0.872548254809, 1.0318827588600001, 0.562231135487], [0.8757330838580001, 0.0964401767047, 0.0667511444667, 1.7549845198400003, 0.885048557766, 0.563515275283, -0.462359302796, -0.15579222660800002, -0.446914950516, -2.3639047941599998, 0.027527145027099995, -0.6978577790549999, 0.697406340777, -0.904994962147, -0.734884698542, 0.31290290947099997, 0.522170069641, -1.4621321319100002, 0.036768920435800004, -1.03305888052, -1.97116347518, -0.389626982644, -0.491947917001, -0.326369733638, 0.12440154172399999, 0.7504039261550001, -0.260702035447, -0.5087949182829999, -0.462359302796, -1.38889836072, 1.82151136958, 1.91767057243, 0.338499307085, 1.91767057243, 0.338499307085, 0.8622484720290001, 0.151609240183], [0.40626560248000004, 1.4598637731400002, -0.146114491731, 0.8292021702369999, 0.303280440651, 0.377523968042, 0.269729274334, -0.8665138469939999, 0.0652699881925, -3.09146751076, 0.0015829849857100001, -0.8597737773649999, -0.37460383369499994, -0.929837428788, -0.9029873787870001, -0.454705013729, -0.156086294864, -1.89549887748, -0.571800085478, -0.230227331393, -0.9974847303650001, 1.12196828197, 0.413592409615, 0.624760831822, -0.811120853414, 0.0906870508849, 0.127178260413, 0.758984407153, -0.50944412699, -0.674447702614, 1.72553372988, 1.7177580376100001, -0.466809280637, 1.5754742128, 0.168754685021, 0.526926658001, 1.3745857978600002], [0.38911716321, 1.1759367710200002, 0.414907367781, 0.859007561312, 0.5364047835469999, 0.17717188180399998, 0.023892052076699997, -0.8753521080619999, -0.48150100505300003, -1.88983836061, 0.181678176329, -1.44081024231, 0.0, -1.32934427524, -0.829236755465, -0.884784448497, 0.159576284476, -0.6899477349600001, 0.696282262439, 0.0, 0.0, 0.48807424260300003, 0.0, 0.0, -0.44917260095399997, -0.000605730844485, -0.44917260095399997, 0.322294952495, -1.3197011805, -1.57261594618, 1.8212825642200001, 1.18734927618, -0.254211696918, 2.0405208379, 0.29205446495799997, -0.120829506954, 1.82157355113], [0.6528517775129999, 0.0109381034222, -0.268792493958, 0.556324956768, 0.453477065366, 0.0697455215475, 0.22134920742, -1.0847779377700002, -0.184448657782, -1.6659601662799999, -0.8353129159460001, -1.13377235448, 0.0, -1.3509530275900001, -1.2915469621200002, -0.65308733813, -0.446419728636, -1.0371492542899998, -0.8931477391439999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6179933435399999, 0.0, 0.0, -1.10707049003, -1.29938841303, 0.379341413609, 1.10901384506, 0.759561955337, 0.329449087536, 1.78231355629, 0.766416914571, 0.43616206635899996, 2.24600596722, 0.517617641745, 0.622421837516, 1.72084321838], [-0.752379409078, -0.7236420961210001, -0.07831414482560001, 0.706703297444, 0.362247693838, -0.33151918965300003, -0.418584028958, -1.0416738751999999, 0.11475037052, -1.7991467502200003, -2.05187213931, 0.0, -0.477233931428, 0.0, 0.0, -1.32969495534, -0.195980953368, -0.332511615708, -0.649811965498, 0.266504829193, -0.752379409078, 0.154477774177, 0.203973300499, 1.9446163165700001, 0.0, 0.6673905734560001, -0.0982224170818, 0.8721472579289999, -0.955013419355, -1.0238560178, 1.0180227478200001, 0.7751622911689999, 1.64168275273, 1.79633870585, 1.43356002369, -0.195980953368, 1.2502393365], [-0.47537088497900004, -1.4162268404499998, -1.7758548904900002, 0.34975888078, 1.65875279442, -0.051479325438199997, 0.0524922876607, -0.832312821073, 0.08018402146010001, -1.73080655215, -1.11856839881, 0.184199302097, -0.583806509963, -1.08016497591, 0.0218797467415, -0.8560964839249999, 0.621722878662, -0.5778844923049999, -0.642064369036, 1.1558385507, -1.21198059713, -0.0250083018143, -0.170795690421, 1.03329715699, -0.203681857359, 0.646392864519, 0.390788559662, 0.273829347401, -1.04186614459, -0.9681963735169999, 1.63048467012, 0.308585660574, 1.2216771299299998, 1.06738206947, 1.78452262275, 0.24592044048, 2.03445652495], [-0.846502532026, -1.1285478962, -0.5405906938399999, 1.8457312380500002, 0.898409208556, 0.968512823656, 0.411832654877, -1.06625908972, 0.09243365638769999, -2.33179779481, -1.0289650410200002, 0.0, -0.623157201504, 0.0, 0.0, -0.141633137593, -0.28958090235100004, 0.281320795719, -0.49006934056699997, 0.323444332071, -1.059440074, -0.08075279260610001, 0.221776192612, 0.939264481169, 0.0, -0.134299634759, 0.0979769341945, 0.517666820494, -1.43920484456, -1.6110979104700003, 1.92312638275, 1.0914423430700002, -0.18958391375, 1.44409591417, 1.19341513215, 0.153888945852, 0.597144944009], [-0.941520149903, -0.815634138201, -0.480533371854, 0.69528169939, 0.53069347946, -1.0627443358600002, 0.224800139082, 0.014613918807899999, 0.16822099499899998, -1.4140498439200002, 0.25593675351, 0.0, -1.16324476132, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9092275722130001, 1.13060023743, -0.524598499199, -1.91724101015, 0.41853484261699997, -0.733971138664, -0.332388571738, -0.15582867619899998, 0.961605281268, 0.0, -0.359774644608, 0.958469061779, 1.39835161055, -1.3206618959899998, -1.61621658801, 0.860680160486, 0.109283081644, 1.18774073207, 1.7696819398199999, 1.85381794469, 0.8991801567350001, 0.310143163497], [-0.555269640624, -1.30692090142, -0.5427032360890001, 0.460238314424, 0.998537990527, 0.483831508187, 0.579737344974, 0.11539575978800001, 0.318318141188, -0.46982247101700003, -0.0238822216081, -0.667233048898, -1.4134238267299999, -0.199316291686, -0.5982429576870001, -1.5317108592200002, 0.0222842204693, -0.281062802565, -0.578180669284, -0.204606970403, -1.70977342772, 0.055400521126199996, 0.513427068732, 1.5857859834099999, -1.44187714875, -0.16633117363, 0.746547935519, 0.019521438323900003, -1.5908887677099999, -1.33695134967, 2.08547196525, 1.74535423372, 0.6813731005050001, 0.937671510797, 1.8824040096099999, 0.69995615538, 0.6869405627740001], [-0.463360983309, -0.597164158708, -0.198057343464, 0.213683920818, 0.7630012335870001, -0.147577077819, 0.34417606329800005, -0.270528981868, 0.190899243596, -1.14721335131, -0.978812738144, -1.4915641360299998, -0.841973336453, -0.330250596302, -1.4915641360299998, -1.6650081153799998, -0.500481481306, -0.430975081603, -0.100814579757, -0.0827045469506, -1.43747139234, 0.6889414343260001, 0.147185063487, 1.35843144678, -1.2512860651200002, 0.123011318047, 0.692773365711, 0.523999598113, -1.11441975599, -0.32358929243, 1.10032286906, 0.390157505616, 1.22060136483, 1.69523948141, 2.12798118615, 1.69706834064, 1.5873437148500003], [-0.6902733698899999, -0.7757692108259999, -0.342138526693, 0.35899576836099995, 0.180549997087, 0.119794815368, 0.816483399366, -0.284690206847, 0.103174875591, -1.99600000223, -0.38495651189999996, -0.741551060616, -1.16423601793, -0.595688556303, 0.017202378026, -1.12859651464, -0.333712424473, -0.172040336149, -0.116786718244, 0.6475697782500001, -0.928101558695, -0.20961779924600002, 0.611202670902, 1.11577512492, -2.04089238865, 0.17699938623, 0.6721693206630001, -0.052291564052499996, -1.01182423986, -0.277625643599, 2.59971693719, -0.8469368647609999, 0.6928274412700001, 0.916349111755, 1.6599106297400001, 1.64586209646, 1.7591457844099998], [-1.24826439584, -0.528210921793, -0.5891767987600001, 0.44980964103999993, 0.838810715258, -0.542516384049, 0.306177496844, -0.743358534782, 0.07965872652139999, -1.4997326541999998, -0.867057948765, -1.25333981391, -1.15144499719, -1.52709613402, -0.627019895091, -1.7692782396900002, 1.26716536134, -0.0593630282752, -0.950775044532, -0.216594241351, -0.560836410104, -0.29070736727200003, 0.48725268023400004, 1.49055505599, -0.9371112769490001, 1.30074561565, 0.547430377088, 0.9704315295550001, -0.5648032618159999, 0.0104072842847, 1.5648298804499998, 0.464164068618, 1.4138571099000001, 1.16592409151, 0.7109151816079999, 1.58260797636, 1.27594455614], [-0.5991409881449999, -0.388176447399, -0.48816008206100003, -0.42904601492100003, 1.33646053596, 0.156263512909, 0.153315105803, -0.9672535439, 0.420247891166, -1.9033755461400002, 0.321426933799, -2.42982842635, -0.625355709008, -0.694389046743, 0.0318390670413, -0.880352288892, 0.0318390670413, -0.165650299876, -0.16872493589899998, -0.778697270116, -0.622544909855, 0.446397104983, 0.178239251237, 1.80636712498, -0.9590601910500001, 0.414915715681, 0.47305645323299994, 0.6716175171050001, -1.3645051199200002, -1.00317884254, 2.5000534070400002, 0.658181832177, 1.0115145943500001, 0.7248481149860001, 1.0397763309999999, 1.33089016465, 0.760189937681], [-0.658227269067, -0.321980863428, 0.0633468791872, 0.25587026731400003, 0.9876569603380001, -0.20136958838, 0.837965341659, -0.6628662597739999, 0.48777917178499997, -1.87851396257, -1.2048000056100001, -1.1683304189700001, -0.40717336785400005, -0.362360253527, -1.31324337187, -1.23112587251, -0.242785293229, -0.0712114661865, 0.37121103921099996, 0.421187683611, -1.2048000056100001, 0.0, -0.09568125663360001, 1.39928110769, -1.15456969646, 0.6854483377539999, 0.9805703056730001, 0.7858929773190001, 0.0, 0.0, 1.10854596326, 0.0, 1.39303202657, 0.0, 2.4012508903, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.5385942510180001, -0.48390404986599994, -0.436754339328, 0.11209538255200001, 0.574829215651, -0.5101822233919999, 0.479576790263, -1.14236409552, -0.961192624033, -0.327822578722, -0.549029824858, -0.790742444167, 0.0, -1.17188532031, 0.0609346956229, -1.7453025432599998, 1.01737611194, 0.48930600582199996, -0.48155829335199996, 0.0, 0.0, -0.947573107462, 0.0, 0.0, -0.168265731448, 0.693945461058, -0.224803480655, -0.22257170986299998, -1.3600872548299998, -1.29570032906, 1.46424089334, 0.956187375545, 1.5511599853600002, 1.8693995833400001, 2.00310552623, 1.23688459714, 0.849292577285], [-1.30369797184, -0.8029607484669999, -0.340052377831, -0.143030660117, 1.0325206801, -0.292999321351, 0.047942806525800005, -1.18556243827, -0.023923199654999998, -1.8175057436900002, -1.33556446231, -0.955887609446, 0.0, -1.22851315957, -0.388805929695, -0.570580844593, 0.653433787766, 0.821772074535, 0.383879668212, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9315485537229999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.757438885081, 0.756250376733, 0.265671189956, 0.057131165039, -0.30585456159, -0.31718515649, 1.98426420124, 0.214952439872, 0.853389216487, 2.01478773645, 2.12404653408, 0.8987823373280001, 0.592287409386], [0.230646723651, -0.9832144894570001, -0.796271759241, -0.0314264119279, 0.354356464315, -1.34113295194, 0.5570740809579999, -0.866107734454, 0.00818085221911, -1.08353152741, -1.12701449671, -0.9549963589120001, 0.0, -1.86042811591, -0.0813835116602, -0.782313533294, 0.9174000080850001, -0.8018489888510001, -0.041727198542499996, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.32988703628, 0.483081431075, 0.542368691399, 0.091260728194, 0.449907156722, 0.038867250997900005, 1.7674151734599999, 0.0, 0.552204159706, 1.71033042753, 1.7922652095700002, 1.19319290396, 1.39273285276], [-0.044247471824900006, -0.669605849927, -0.646345463009, 0.1464814991, -0.8329986107999999, -0.214579915951, 0.814898194524, -0.302718940118, -0.8781886653640001, -1.07199913994, -0.44761731192599996, 0.07281597876439999, 0.0, -0.18499992246599997, 0.9906655080969999, -2.9095835335299998, 0.804837516077, -0.0921210446102, 0.357304533373, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.45722053323399997, 0.894786383014, 0.06049371703530001, -0.612353117381, -0.42481389898500005, -0.371217953392, -1.0950488765200002, 0.0, 0.884477155851, 2.0406635458, 1.88547930102, 1.4384411592500002, 0.8643157570669999], [-0.528062519491, -0.748690749672, -0.942711362791, 0.524123747997, -0.8224656345929999, -0.32151372899999997, 0.944884704436, -0.528062519491, 1.41739230794, -0.930454432326, -0.254849001287, -0.183228999465, -0.336523302329, -1.19704701378, 0.137512729089, -3.27301578519, 0.561900656315, -0.222108599382, -0.128231697412, 0.124968533076, -1.00370418808, -0.033844704344099995, -0.611526968556, 1.32556507998, -0.817279736076, 1.6309509943, 0.683869053372, 0.238192910606, -0.9631028581200001, -0.43717077420100003, 0.7845456766419999, 0.36673209161799997, 0.255813838572, 1.48672068883, 1.68495654697, 0.754038029565, 1.3614269862900001], [-1.65135298343, -0.194097752481, -0.178258231407, 0.335789045348, -0.666706087971, 0.222682170639, 0.463478021222, 0.105130754417, -0.14173646269, -0.101942417557, 0.986198061624, 0.105130754417, 0.1929741388, -1.16081736875, -1.8377385936000001, -0.5945958565899999, -1.85251088819, -0.782329622553, -0.194097752481, 0.14345525035700002, -0.114313777341, 0.598352694371, 0.619298858881, -0.616933276282, -1.5900338808, -1.70408785091, -0.46151857726400003, -0.120738712152, 0.7962268256839999, 1.67711600084, 1.28950318975, 1.5406840046999999, 2.3262009282, 1.15885525692, 0.30104248857099997, 1.00323347889, 0.0984581688191], [-0.7870458890270001, -0.198501485446, -0.08534737707569999, 0.665804653459, -0.39993714721100004, 0.322971320576, 0.0, 0.0, 0.454206570066, 0.0, 0.0, -0.680106690426, 0.386180684793, -0.615132509868, -1.96508880461, -0.837180199428, -0.141926297778, -1.04414835382, 0.370331185792, 0.248554920297, 0.522836779512, 0.783178300916, 0.263771139349, 0.27759927712099997, -1.4839132163799997, -2.59527713028, -0.656104966856, -0.703118970397, -0.122792126869, 0.625907227786, 1.5138026127500002, 2.18555943901, 0.0, 0.53292713086, 1.01038551166, 0.542973397776, 1.6086310137399997], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.47054112723700003, -0.24686403372, -0.350947480856, 0.0414417360731, -0.0527189750848, 0.0721376997454, 1.76751994235, -0.368208050453, 0.115245311554, 0.34068322782099997, -0.860723511962, 0.554777927984, -0.555342089053, -2.8387111717, -1.28579596654, 0.93957328573, 0.398408753434, 0.35839351759099997, 0.0751691432744, 0.137593591721, -0.964125588655, -2.67567882379, 0.8193897073909999, -0.480046415077, 0.617026249656, -0.233707224294, 1.2670588434899999, 0.780683533469, 0.108539604114, 1.40695167131, 0.0, 0.94594729021, 0.636869421505], [-0.516541074118, -1.02311357723, -0.920497272973, -1.4924754318200002, -0.120894562502, -0.100534628803, -0.2772826001, -0.37083150834299994, 1.17883526857, -1.00036474261, -0.666785799257, -1.19705256281, 0.0, -1.6621315629799998, -0.699459395223, 0.335470886274, 0.5913735777470001, -0.9618799949869999, -0.327745266964, 0.0, 0.0, -0.011445841321299999, 0.0, 0.0, -1.51033564883, 0.102946781658, 0.169021256591, 0.758404613546, 0.634370093059, 1.38230353847, 1.23551388586, 1.6706907466799998, 1.48648676137, 1.3133365429000001, -0.6399673957850001, 1.34133088614, 1.2992540278], [-1.16830233677, -1.44918011349, -1.1136761297600002, -0.57193261882, -0.832455647884, 0.0578116501021, 0.8153508740090001, -0.2954569785, 1.71321101314, -0.170533425106, -0.20640437538400003, -0.543633048237, 0.253156369863, -1.3468671944600001, -0.6545451468419999, -1.48722533396, -1.3141020813200002, -1.2143669148899998, 0.272947842663, 0.7610007980619999, -0.430410945175, 1.15923257471, 0.5890762838979999, -0.32485381502, -0.604377473411, -0.6584936134839999, 0.933797234587, 0.6950825403640001, 0.192980468439, 1.04332724126, 2.0745311386700003, 1.53986022111, 0.676681836935, 1.0971355334100001, -0.32485381502, -0.958350565588, 1.7948379519], [0.7917180781190001, -0.008355072906279999, -1.3444003915600002, -0.632826706089, -1.39892056516, 1.4288186666299998, -1.04660154253, -0.0823604757745, 0.45976176795900003, 0.973029513207, 0.115030727689, -1.4565493859999998, -1.54866366123, -1.04193674949, 0.253343056157, 0.470447869379, -1.53756534112, -1.40557923329, 0.998374078873, -0.521588804039, 0.41257285113000003, -1.4754523259999999, 0.7228961835600001, 0.18682764260200002, -0.49480916662600005, -0.633869400714, 0.8479830948810001, -0.958570176002, 1.50514391319, 0.884139290252, 1.14812932284, 1.0789753857200002, 0.398517732513, 1.11584020851, 1.1193630990799999, 1.28425867394, -0.607122157697], [2.3377770402799998, 0.208573829795, -0.753703818987, -0.783862792105, -0.666457410391, -0.7702634985629999, -0.861205381409, -0.0268863961883, -0.700792330804, -0.844923258218, -0.691433930812, -0.8509548589720001, -0.877353411585, -0.886985167458, -0.73562581874, 0.20637890485100002, -0.674489097322, -0.8624997828990001, 1.4906193758700002, -0.110540081326, -0.458894993864, -0.540591567213, 0.7246875052399999, -0.535269528534, -0.60247662459, -0.879966771359, 0.42920530700099996, 0.853501132941, 1.5598016782, 1.6587364740900001, 1.5310443809799998, 2.19745435449, 0.255777156038, -0.514491896622, -0.537224055397, 1.7894529301400002, -0.07611759655889999], [1.01108388211, -1.0348348764700002, -0.834236287705, -1.0817383244499998, 1.00003899258, 0.7126833589049999, -1.0032603377299998, 0.692010832208, 0.7472841347, 1.24419677468, -0.00622031464128, -1.10098898984, -0.466972970792, -0.235030290812, 0.159598210149, 1.2462749505600001, -1.15160863479, 0.70270405879, 1.35022568616, 0.833086205019, -1.04681353941, -0.971282515791, -0.98525178455, -0.716413532208, -1.10417976643, -1.02775644995, -1.10153054155, -1.01937461215, 1.2371847170399999, -0.940023690168, 1.0324818576500001, 1.29755459725, 0.660118736755, 1.17631707016, -0.0675391778022, 1.8429266669599997, -1.05071409441], [-0.458192300743, 0.201495849538, -0.268703277813, -0.34293744403000004, -0.527357434758, -0.416320171245, -0.467732943493, -0.5272414580170001, 0.40133112926299996, -0.4581289378399999, -0.364319594928, -0.467263944866, -0.516392258182, -0.6728516709550001, -0.421832178023, -0.522058146295, 0.668569828018, -0.326003142593, -0.544429211064, -0.510851398654, -0.464900848046, -0.5239873203809999, -0.308914394081, -0.15649097190199998, -0.497006038714, -0.418705897672, -0.495110809041, -0.0980200249063, 2.72670156361, 0.538168974644, 2.36054432219, 2.5678954604900004, -0.45779119094, -0.564798687002, -0.482912884566, 3.09679748832, -0.280250035316], [-0.266389734238, -0.5024367225399999, -0.318490308485, -0.25640125274799996, -0.24415939121599997, -0.410466299526, -0.333895365476, -0.393829038424, -0.5182794263589999, -0.231938688183, -0.291142392948, -0.38973264184, -0.300202684536, -0.46669333769599997, -0.31288553371100003, -0.33333243806699997, -0.301265063859, -0.37693230732, -0.227028246226, -0.42783854003300004, -0.296025551578, -0.34660160036, -0.381416795303, -0.428296788557, -0.343522482091, -0.29834797514, -0.326975423007, -0.31172014590999997, 2.77312261085, -0.359297812798, 2.92380229793, 2.8231140169200004, -0.230629645316, -0.355804990211, -0.393993295185, 2.78276698834, -0.326833995152], [-0.381659856532, -0.497783799554, -0.417731980609, -0.380861937922, -0.400768738469, -0.39613573543, -0.42034904086999997, -0.270927926055, -0.398378366039, -0.439395893798, -0.49920369994999997, -0.43962709283, -0.408666722958, -0.45906811191200003, -0.559159247921, -0.477759143891, -0.318019785452, -0.367629458697, -0.241725796626, -0.36951739615699997, -0.24454811651500002, -0.10741212879499999, -0.11132559533500001, -0.303587326861, -0.493631239381, -0.420756176726, -0.445231695703, -0.32370051483600004, 0.822691990229, -0.412789396427, 2.6735767043900003, 3.63948960616, 2.1604631593, -0.0332874635683, -0.0676255949058, 2.34118918693, -0.529145666281], [-0.100484646116, -0.528181519299, -0.146086586301, -0.492426251639, -0.555706931492, -0.553689246458, 0.015095189471499999, 1.8741504525200001, -0.45436740462700004, -0.568619397126, -0.47282375630900003, -0.42291441017, -0.5885806718609999, -0.591397013194, -0.464732998437, -0.455430397684, -0.459367218903, -0.421275009, -0.511717188889, 1.3502724687999998, -0.421136937956, -0.546052737188, -0.44803820743699996, -0.7449884744699999, 0.378511522601, -0.465995142294, -0.5444975131600001, -0.377789815973, 3.3589926374, -0.46745643694899996, 1.8225868202200002, 2.9277900942199997, 0.259547149971, -0.26135640363400003, -0.398229463247, 0.930997416028, -0.45460197142], [-0.731377073071, -0.102175819039, 0.337165901471, -0.627226804093, -0.48005345362400004, -0.42426171206, -0.585547131282, -0.49416918431699997, -0.517650063838, -0.381609009598, -0.552987257351, -0.592951049916, -0.663706522745, -0.567827005805, -0.385845873656, 0.389233973648, 1.97599318464, -0.576428901806, -0.555824737367, -0.667591840606, -0.361480374166, -0.6282265135899999, -0.38380408079000006, -0.31326780120000003, -0.562175586813, -0.46426055461800003, -0.587769928588, -0.450960913311, 2.7402080573000003, -0.428190450062, 1.12562804529, 1.1459136209899998, 2.53169198805, 1.45476578761, -0.23467682400400003, 2.36079450065, -0.739348592335], [-0.688319847237, -0.41301829051399996, -0.5233229553809999, -0.571212284852, 1.81276943806, -0.271134188709, -0.38912258927599996, -0.48291494549999997, 0.23508629030699998, -0.578738529713, -0.15186869897500002, -0.260207252258, -0.47781214138899997, -0.48605264758199995, -0.338340375211, -0.488190888577, -0.377942254104, -0.08530257139239998, -0.484464614965, -0.502346387211, -0.438614085158, -0.748060362278, -0.38306878279600004, -0.6213710976829999, -0.667399814239, -0.695872845349, -0.6492888726330001, -0.463445645414, 3.1189918873799996, 2.04454547395, 0.776048137703, -0.203736691222, -0.019646054355799997, -0.385498785664, 1.3545387394, 3.0842479951099997, 0.420086537719], [0.968884739258, -0.5113085625630001, -0.425585705653, -0.5763783311249999, 1.08917262482, -0.467948539958, -0.43816432677199996, -0.60209277495, -0.416096903076, -0.420697586863, -0.393014191724, -0.579007047039, -0.42165857645099997, -0.498810957606, -0.580962208368, -0.284083220785, -0.220249810577, -0.556198842579, -0.39205837338, -0.35141713253, 2.1490411469, -0.549624036233, 0.41842947207099995, -0.0750348031512, -0.36815127948, -0.44037977406999995, -0.441872970897, -0.350573357815, 3.51135808681, -0.060565230321399995, 0.352598668705, 0.973385445653, -0.7223875555060001, -0.43493747025300006, -0.567567823441, 3.10523009675, -0.421272887805], [0.37201444819300006, 1.0059328221500001, -0.528705294332, -0.30751708415999995, -0.43529435343999995, -0.7493075073090001, -0.449762784644, -0.7134764626100001, -0.647524940774, -0.574352207051, -0.7138400132780001, -0.504695456495, -0.6035054291399999, -0.613938281931, 2.81915754634, 0.207915866496, -0.7224739266169999, -0.5403632630699999, 0.221076179317, -0.147220014009, -0.678967923384, -0.507217070485, -0.5247355645180001, -0.490622116884, -0.59079554287, -0.5738785398189999, -0.564687956813, -0.524244743449, 3.54851101392, 0.33380566039299997, 2.03388423128, 0.0109782012248, 0.194639903616, 0.597195075511, 1.07693089207, 0.8287779573530001, -0.543693320782], [-0.9964601975730001, -0.8741779832529999, -0.9474881112029999, -0.8790957085150001, 0.58310636974, -0.7837581389839999, -0.862993551618, -0.938478024124, 1.3144671295, -0.8024919575630001, -0.8781079870499999, 0.891040543453, -0.8028370336130001, 0.620638741285, 0.672396494533, 1.16359946248, -0.839161900006, -0.8795425846100001, -0.568501682338, 0.41000139643399997, -0.405519809938, 0.6230923834000001, -0.91356624793, -0.62814345755, -0.291847269187, 1.49177722775, -0.7400739124, -0.812674050291, 1.7868005454700002, -0.139461998417, 2.26466927364, -0.822245864799, 1.72407605607, 0.154711941491, 1.7095348332, 0.882361959085, -0.485646886558], [-0.26483611080499997, -0.203786370991, -0.303152667007, -0.0183256107033, -0.029338011466200003, -0.652080050613, -0.0128904756718, -0.585035046401, 0.0187472050353, 0.323412010277, -0.0511471240883, 0.0, -3.2006005287800003, 0.0, 0.0, 0.398058326489, 0.26108191979, -0.165138517626, 0.057646511476699996, -1.6386998147799998, -0.879864645354, 0.17367616981400003, -1.16135684691, -1.7581798198599998, 0.0, -0.0154558146584, -0.203786370991, -0.19313807728799998, 0.6636983788090001, 0.716130027825, 1.5807296684999999, 0.9203429515889999, 0.743819540642, 1.21976809256, 1.4924617068500001, 1.46691296513, 1.30032642921], [-0.7609042498880001, -1.1623908189899999, -0.9728366924390001, 1.1905018422600002, 0.0, 0.30670775592599997, -1.07437681166, -1.3408593814399998, 0.0, 0.010806225310500002, -0.665578694687, 0.482913489533, -1.43804953926, 1.17254861529, 1.1420864714, 0.0, 0.222887673009, -0.7944383382770001, -0.61528112058, -1.03305545803, -0.156232570643, -0.645989804541, -1.28155561115, -0.7944383382770001, 0.343294731507, -0.287921975978, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1905018422600002, 1.48127843838, 1.66459908015, -0.365020817015, -0.538378917012, 1.85628117371, 1.22487916591, 1.04337376713, 0.594648868078], [-0.298928920714, -0.311628656204, -1.0423603857100001, -0.9604813385619999, 1.06349603768, -1.06192941942, -0.263947145803, -0.7101366462890001, 0.823488181507, 1.22771839419, -1.02348477471, -1.220381175, -1.0209517024299999, 1.48264672086, 1.08067670972, 0.200310811476, 0.6625046267570001, -1.06832808986, -0.99631822164, -0.958034413653, -1.00809155459, 1.29054571624, -0.845314606725, -0.8879647710070001, 1.67770474468, -0.7329283556389999, -0.277426875741, -0.8458412515070001, 0.255744736765, -0.168590066199, 1.65327368901, 0.6247236987579999, -0.275066946948, 1.47633207593, 1.37389223935, 1.55056734725, -0.46549041181699996], [-0.190238034359, -2.0099089913, -1.77628421838, -1.72126892245, 0.7745273590780001, 0.876211088392, -1.4480074123299997, -0.09825777615700002, -0.0199319804698, -1.8772804062900001, -1.9773843382, -1.08350661093, -0.09223467375779999, 0.220022966719, -0.42915442953, 0.437450821896, -0.425156004262, 0.0813133600598, -0.36045720937700004, 0.817607794966, 0.138144124802, -0.655733026452, -0.283285804202, 0.842777702282, 1.5147558090600002, 0.509846885004, -0.155177416985, 0.172750874971, 0.9651221257989999, 0.677323883253, 1.09054226106, 0.392867481405, 1.12869906164, 0.831433518703, 0.7188175314899999, 1.61278912789, 0.800263476965], [-1.41359513429, -2.2511232542700004, -1.04336870451, -0.503640674782, 0.44731918072, -0.714959610714, -1.10409282566, 0.771886625007, 0.289608374115, -1.01014431625, -1.23878604757, -1.5048298525600001, -0.36201131587800006, -1.01014431625, 1.55983793248, -0.6386841306000001, 0.266691479294, -1.0754447139899999, -0.11696151810699999, 0.044830026879699995, 0.0606112266526, -0.899386678529, 0.45726935399199997, 0.438197270918, 0.49741349403800006, -0.525745051687, 0.45726935399199997, 0.0606112266526, 1.21726724816, 0.519797998876, 1.16938748761, 1.62978394674, 0.489113165091, 1.3804151717, 1.7740427493000002, 1.20402160895, 0.677543224475], [-1.49068873822, -1.3690745081400002, -1.45014389439, 0.6666744635540001, 0.878155846955, 0.5306607234880001, -1.44894997731, -0.8836959801369999, -0.791115686513, 0.00807403568592, -0.549547592816, -1.48926038803, -0.799525309701, 0.8215269583120001, 0.857889225444, -0.410206836059, -1.09959388998, 0.63026337633, -0.446352554669, -0.0829633497178, -1.3483950910100002, -0.785893870252, -1.06975949738, 0.3127761743, 1.9245912944099999, 0.373142458418, 0.637769102785, -0.596116159157, 1.5527852157700002, 0.469217497165, 1.11491782021, 0.651460479771, 0.880387553487, 1.3658961072799998, 1.09221067752, 1.35291286329, -0.010028550704399999], [-0.7088473109669999, -0.606210980836, -0.482501857935, -0.634485320554, 0.71375540749, -0.50424193556, -0.670269427132, -0.780122152763, -0.415986201523, -0.666603635005, -0.69808211192, -0.726817656613, -0.523674188487, 0.350659304735, 1.7686351248900003, -0.7295533895370001, -0.5159691406920001, -0.748395750052, -0.590414822935, 0.623606258298, -0.0335577360893, -0.702079971629, -0.7630017741399999, 1.87152208056, 1.21834739671, -0.50374923366, -0.177897794896, -0.148000913578, 1.1246899400200001, -0.7283308588869999, 2.08545369549, -0.769619728062, -0.6670148948560001, 1.66080765155, 2.46581506273, -0.885715594207, 1.49785246004], [0.42422216461400003, -1.51090064155, -0.199918370396, -0.5134642962100001, -0.8713420692530001, -1.30979361363, -1.6449069384900001, 0.379874792893, 1.44606578195, 0.46986860355800003, -1.60827246654, -0.0692886502392, 0.275971038343, 0.8860036922069999, -0.0452622827188, -1.5597279378, -0.477621573297, -1.52127100151, 0.280709334757, 0.459135635855, -0.144418869717, -1.6147406348, -0.614278677063, 0.375729199365, 0.7028834503839999, 0.578148601217, 0.909138510391, -1.6236228614100001, 0.9882906819149999, 0.535068138847, 1.60958579951, 0.326928516529, 0.161832208691, 1.00538148311, 1.5788173673500001, 0.771245546256, 1.16393033689], [-0.0380184578047, -1.9280511978900001, -0.122088995056, 0.148964009472, -0.104826116521, -0.0251743907947, -1.47420675852, -0.250386210604, 1.5043971670200003, 0.634451746358, -1.7501320760599999, -0.117042377053, -0.426732474111, 0.968001060447, -0.40062374574299997, -1.98092268398, -0.260018746687, -1.9738964959999998, 0.18080680650699998, 0.7093848971060001, -0.170223395902, -1.7431357101700002, 0.08888380362819999, 0.46173195221100005, 0.634236821618, 0.454744841459, 0.642289300939, -1.5995397608500002, 0.717608596376, 0.307781052302, 1.13401705373, 0.693856841714, 1.1288172118700002, 0.722471140079, 1.11887719972, 0.950008054805, 1.1636900364], [0.725857360054, -0.0836308450335, -0.9624428781100001, -0.190507143145, 0.276908018144, -0.966565356648, -1.2852313527600001, -1.65107665893, -1.2598033202399999, -1.3399940910500001, 0.230850872734, -0.628103683826, -1.5970973121899998, -0.5675173900370001, -0.931072064861, -0.597334548833, -0.309942138001, -0.628103683826, 0.595406229697, -0.169919941217, 1.39884971924, 0.8215627809639999, 0.194372387044, 1.79523892844, -0.823975561699, 1.0391348734399999, -0.835717540041, -0.6570266351430001, 0.24211448480099998, 0.432776496161, 0.570319440634, 1.0289922116399999, 0.410726836073, 1.69959520095, 1.55465688714, 0.402138791594, 2.06556062684], [0.510875600277, -0.42475845658600003, -0.8839320502060001, -0.12433685228599999, -0.42125157732900004, -0.0107656282235, 0.38304427472900004, -1.7133334959900002, -0.8790219403030001, 0.180275063392, 0.08865823710349999, -0.612187284427, -0.417895653828, -0.475092196369, -0.8690952514470001, -0.0170533189527, 0.180275063392, -0.5207369622160001, 0.107980184701, -0.13678930527799998, -0.052311647007499996, 0.0, 0.581714835381, 1.40440735384, -1.7682743355900001, -0.160050681392, -1.51702466652, -0.9448783744670001, 0.18740799673900002, 2.21296139977, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9529539203749999, 2.7041404728200003, 0.0, 1.2254994389799998, 1.22859583692], [1.4861264671399999, 0.027399521585, -1.99798533779, -1.83988602478, -0.42337418833800006, -0.45150611755099995, -0.19969811141199997, -0.306989956965, -0.195971355735, -0.044239648105300004, -0.293531851871, -0.927423172721, -0.994057204261, -1.16259238337, 0.012949812441399998, -0.137275273033, 0.273081907871, -0.530073258772, -0.010670131644800001, -0.510307351295, -0.768369457291, 0.0035723812875900003, 0.200817037615, 0.624511523483, -1.28178909456, 0.414797144294, -1.09477119526, -0.7335699176170001, 0.138946982271, 0.9312358512710001, 1.33619583671, 0.9146791552050001, 2.27588186101, 0.21424207397999998, 1.9583656870900001, 1.6325154455700002, 1.45876234355], [1.1627715224600002, -0.16797859376600002, -1.3308565125, -1.58980604753, -0.369183566793, -0.6126157046, -0.39211922505400004, -0.533493972992, -0.130389390026, -0.321401350099, -0.389456056361, -1.10299827587, -0.601606466126, -0.940710539764, 0.504185486933, 0.0193050098198, 0.35994335323, -0.9239243547139999, -0.188565178774, -0.07374600904039999, -1.28400759291, -0.41356958920599995, 0.621738381754, 1.29835091996, -1.74541688314, 0.397880680335, -1.14309529075, -0.7851256843359999, 0.292834429353, 1.11723309282, 0.953521858487, 0.576138335377, 1.9143581460699999, 0.370505617946, 1.69138999964, 2.00371110216, 1.756198348], [0.35903691357199996, -0.701513226023, -1.639115788, -1.166919133, -0.0680417739729, -1.05262428188, 0.0, 0.0, 0.16386475725400002, 0.0, 0.0, -0.987438517033, -0.402548681461, -0.62835591878, 0.8579033902500001, 0.285154124148, 0.157093008635, -0.6968420649250001, -0.21997118338500002, 0.05097666268519999, -2.3619283158599997, -0.166034901077, 0.728190793397, 1.40663305343, -1.3730993641999998, 0.293213588819, -0.768372276072, -0.604689665796, 0.622941858163, 1.2623135941899999, 0.713000141884, 0.596642991067, 0.0, 0.605667958248, 0.975987488433, 1.9435618541, 1.81531291319], [1.73873016436, -0.910000972886, -0.8248265177609999, -0.770843403202, -0.8545872984909999, -0.9065476890559999, -0.8646561033140001, -0.875981746347, -0.900852640918, -0.955525606577, 1.09089049222, 0.425571403106, -0.261496123152, -0.9306239960089999, -0.49718349991099997, -0.125187084619, -0.624524977677, -0.930998630475, 1.5186218410299999, -0.44167314565300003, 0.8803690850299999, -0.224772881715, 1.5777536618, 0.40670271665200003, -0.8381381262980001, -0.918703671114, 0.884179379394, -0.955598620015, -0.7671479161750001, 1.3798983236500002, 1.77864837312, 0.724077023921, 2.01293238125, -0.9569888965760001, 1.2975190243299999, 0.241045800967, 0.379919877096], [0.11605956860099999, 0.228978394267, -1.1712136259, 0.029600049446, -0.262232123942, -2.0090098270200003, -0.707245814331, -1.90106268178, 1.2594061773, 0.275420440319, 0.17431548181099998, -0.249584163014, -0.623879896748, -1.10223848975, -0.34730219782099997, -0.286373563647, -2.09745192989, -0.648251823324, 1.23695291645, -0.7879412967530001, -0.674490817052, 0.285058493583, 0.993857236033, 1.67515145442, -1.25991502474, -0.352903111014, 0.251213647762, -0.335993527839, 0.372546748672, 0.548914268004, 1.5099053691100002, 0.991518987576, 1.86001057663, 0.631077287193, 0.9659929441640001, 0.478825631173, 0.9322842420469999], [0.29189625399, -0.16984301119000003, -2.16645452152, -0.917970399623, 0.136225473314, 1.2687879226799998, -0.529048087349, -1.22524393228, 0.224639862239, -1.15449030222, -0.999042787516, -0.820780981403, -0.0733863051355, -0.592873481278, -0.313253010694, 0.0869484897264, -0.577877564416, 0.644081213186, 0.93786144298, -0.20187310180799997, -0.6190023061550001, -0.507974885641, 0.012794506675, 1.18971673912, -1.64196564065, -1.03590744655, -0.362104691766, -0.592873481278, 0.40035280075199997, 1.9120938301700001, 1.1841347841399998, 2.2187714109, 2.0211751188599996, 0.7388972371070001, 0.29189625399, 0.20279536154199998, 0.7388972371070001], [-0.825423570545, -0.49859849956600005, -1.55478187995, 0.26481669545000003, 0.09220205838880001, 0.8794679564740001, 0.064930531839, -0.08598581992979999, 0.510023652144, -0.49859849956600005, 0.127663729949, -0.9299810243000001, 0.064930531839, 0.6794737773199999, -0.577651926393, 0.467208206064, 0.581553640999, 0.0195470801887, -0.300844775374, -0.36489219893700003, -1.82451531137, -1.08006778839, 0.397639996498, -0.14831299763, -1.65162779447, -1.5378131945, -0.443408446981, -0.36489219893700003, 1.06690695537, 1.63087985236, 1.38443310665, 2.4404046913, 2.20243757268, -0.0077786629945, -0.732336728311, -0.592617779824, 1.1456090624600002], [1.2976004146, -0.363531764533, -1.8144151193, -0.5080566747199999, -0.119985135932, 0.138521760293, -0.452612814194, -0.236939115763, 0.255917010629, 0.242520041338, -0.59192359562, -0.465524453416, -0.0119544545024, -0.400462230843, -0.771015816612, 0.536286802082, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.232994506314, -1.9238737459900002, 0.45055129684100004, 1.00482683267, 0.157876678941, -1.18621444889, 0.0, -0.834997249227, -0.400462230843, 0.437067725157, 0.621564427113, 1.12425669932, 0.959124022437, 2.4877726611099997, 0.33918200184, 0.5192128048560001, -2.12608659737, 1.8687687748400004], [0.916068099641, -0.33407681497200004, -1.1459395951, -0.296318817906, 1.3998879607899999, 0.08807087313260001, -0.557966956715, -0.715772453502, -0.25409526812399996, 0.0496244833899, 0.36614372872699996, -0.5465517185909999, 0.206962100904, 0.629149880151, 0.372789537566, 0.885166132609, 0.6587895500509999, 0.36614372872699996, 0.865999067104, -1.7963437125900001, -1.5290391363299998, -0.9586940603899999, 0.178020670977, 0.8250523278540001, -1.8181796149, 0.372789537566, -0.700680149735, -0.775540334535, 0.6811800551639999, 0.621399948626, 0.136820276577, 1.54184092123, 1.85875233414, -0.557966956715, -0.213060592568, -2.47785705588, 1.6574320236200002], [-0.0462266109141, -0.668050700201, -0.21020446630399997, -0.579129981473, -0.9175997691150001, 0.017620942962599997, 0.25910993989, -0.0355870141206, 0.666672296757, -0.668050700201, 0.46901048390199995, -0.21020446630399997, 0.1875759851, 0.790132735934, -0.0123865336283, 0.176971043365, -0.08215758727260002, -0.8132257485050001, 1.14639308834, -0.337289502363, -2.18187549285, -1.6612544638100002, 0.114335123412, 0.378999676733, -0.797074659943, -0.478455869133, -0.5976082690519999, -0.280322289119, 0.0, 0.0, 1.57874746276, 1.56719632864, 3.2239390165099997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.101740745218, -1.01141555355, -0.964630404047, 0.76141778049, -0.895735488204, -0.08497050832039998, 0.378789688703, -0.34074674267899996, -0.19224946127599998, -0.101740745218, -0.310252671567, -0.40134626184600003, -0.374835441407, 0.659356801293, -0.374835441407, 0.00818718802378, 0.0312538283826, -1.4569236779499999, -0.0273450630449, -0.38780228301799996, 0.25691203738400004, -0.8773150193610001, 0.76141778049, 0.799882679836, -1.09115603169, -0.573544820071, -0.573544820071, -1.65666751889, 0.0, 0.0, 1.7018963634900002, 2.27943088068, 2.6707256911200004, 0.0, 1.48952797895, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5962631484309999, 0.115842097294, 0.42694721955799997, 1.11590814048, -0.07929704782060001, -1.08668929433, -0.389078105855, 0.058741723614, 0.115842097294, 0.784238812671, 0.173625667655, -0.0100923716257, -1.22355997917, -0.207734558531, -0.747957350927, -0.339493005927, 0.0160856120415, 0.19375293211300001, 0.9357482822669999, -0.6476566119080001, -2.21086885865, 0.448761009245, -0.07929704782060001, 0.46767360359399995, -0.6838469365469999, -3.0456552476999996, -0.207734558531, -0.36598721435099996, -0.936464115558, 0.250656858795, 0.634625327618, 1.9138117245200001, 2.17264969176, 0.848495615082, -0.787123478915, 0.267918756372, 1.51094746377], [-0.9094215663070001, 0.663187481097, -0.141641818325, 1.46966814247, -0.530188119832, -0.399738925395, -0.5866524764050001, -1.6194074784799999, 0.299192117826, 0.31857588315, 0.143292437538, -0.325542572361, -0.342396997382, 0.571598931404, -2.14214849979, 0.611131977522, 0.8821703948630001, 1.1072781554100002, -0.295720330436, -0.467217695575, -1.4887090724899998, 0.444796487919, 0.58163957202, 0.444796487919, -1.9590248082, -1.8594609284, 0.28722469236299997, -0.35605711806100004, -0.0075337528877, 0.753752247421, 0.200472914351, 2.38629756501, 0.571598931404, 1.6575540994, 0.855962163645, -0.734926478608, -0.0844020437898], [1.19783018488, 0.0568962943162, 0.6745105593199999, 0.338351932441, 0.0959073307684, -0.137149679498, -0.18305052820099998, -1.38837515757, 0.454462603453, -1.16484429793, -0.407302368159, -1.6661859382799997, -0.947072281313, -0.39563054458700003, -1.24990200348, -0.9637952032780001, -1.6364115338, 0.7878793421349999, -0.9401893062540001, -1.44092692771, -1.10057219133, 0.325934498568, 0.852256325756, 1.53645765734, -0.0314971653755, -0.702101243845, -0.727250127174, 0.026042995343, -0.151935114754, 0.0907425510575, 1.0643773836100001, 2.1334797845, 1.0453442897, 1.2504813805, 1.21272408011, 0.700124002859, 1.39038841591], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.11960941685799999, -0.48251107259099996, -0.9513886894879999, -0.404693766727, 0.794879581728, -0.669938966949, -0.44116866022699996, -0.777462737949, -1.36516971152, -1.09034185093, -0.106709034403, -1.09034185093, 0.7166361551, 0.9023946983319999, -0.525150009155, -0.612660623815, -0.612660623815, 0.991390766835, 0.6113946893100001, 0.348576822998, -1.26809278467, -1.90157251505, -0.106709034403, 0.261915299914, -0.44116866022699996, 0.794879581728, 1.8873746241599998, 2.7357847852099995, 0.40063440096999997, 1.8033261919099999, 0.20418710632399997, 0.29518610201900003, -0.0204296305463], [3.0578367897000005, -0.633073176363, 1.47754945352, -0.633073176363, -0.489564647562, -0.424805657196, -0.375773903914, -0.489564647562, 1.35554540271, -0.71272727408, -0.452024921567, -0.429746763443, -0.633073176363, -0.71272727408, -0.5305098356100001, -1.24818013283, -0.273776077184, 0.30147853151799997, -0.13456156799900001, -0.202643361941, -1.04220877781, 0.0504876931582, 0.021314942233, 0.194353255819, -0.610665937369, -0.71272727408, -0.35227366524400006, -2.1826621773599997, 0.279320869529, 0.639910115181, 0.48339882680699997, 2.3871246997499997, 0.356945625072, 0.539478443737, -0.00523618362256, 0.31371871799199996, 1.82313624281], [3.7811733354800006, 0.14182527707, -1.40069244187, -0.110665043354, 0.35220409064, -0.224261166188, -0.900773255548, -0.6861493362309999, -0.5836860519579999, -1.04871929683, -0.454064787469, -0.949910154946, -0.211405952519, -0.35740372515, -0.484918955027, -0.809310675511, 0.617008086227, 0.12394404644899999, -0.454064787469, -0.0166506462583, -0.211405952519, 0.317828669235, 0.8321728557879999, 0.7219984264489999, 0.454371651254, -0.809310675511, -0.6861493362309999, -1.27225002018, -0.900773255548, 0.420341744319, 0.915524128382, 2.1359382282, 0.0116503831062, 0.472104381792, 0.454371651254, -0.7242292408650001, 1.5443378015399998], [-1.30362766657, -1.25460943081, -0.077854068452, 0.7018150525200001, -1.18696267501, -1.13328145073, -0.576688194449, -0.70195539715, -1.22371991708, 1.0426308009899998, -0.668253031066, -1.2306145170899998, -1.1272427692, -1.2383938479, -1.32777624608, -1.18618512609, 0.786523705576, 0.6859452176540001, 0.317981333368, -1.15768204215, 0.559582762006, -0.7197199312549999, 0.9160716531309999, 0.964795234735, 0.978701989084, 1.57468708747, -1.12885088173, 1.03008398892, 0.150459878987, 0.7462959215530001, 1.24635706891, 1.02238533265, 1.0155817796200002, 0.9303087889370001, 0.8397374016779999, 0.900239850549, 0.833232344457], [-1.70417227106, -0.885390795615, 0.477890333571, 0.246040982425, 0.112379848352, -0.09953003184550001, -0.0938217934825, -0.552748470315, -1.1456597882700001, -1.1497513652, -1.73877129304, -0.6010800311550001, -0.399495327863, -0.655536833313, -1.33496599976, -0.9442030655079999, -0.183420014545, 0.949531281661, 0.11468041191299999, -0.831452221514, 2.1282216914300003, -0.0910970817007, -0.168087199982, -0.5700133629, 0.268791224965, 0.82166914156, -0.7935496728010001, 0.8520468289859999, -0.509747069799, 0.157849432289, 2.5048553730700003, 0.5938446411230001, 0.128362561457, 1.20835778099, 1.6617800426700002, 0.8460475955140001, 1.38014451769], [-0.7449090209899999, -0.7546567009, -0.6763408940889999, -0.5848217414060001, -0.7267427881470001, -0.665737079274, -0.726021106213, -0.681075949057, -0.620307698891, 0.314486685963, -0.655414043336, -0.7004089384639999, -0.666538983745, -0.6986892881810001, -0.759068619492, -0.6806154717, 1.87171906398, 1.06088646716, -0.722422323246, -0.6530234117620001, -0.5443302185610001, -0.743095670785, 0.8921685262610001, -0.649643154983, 0.40186892290799997, 1.85145485137, 0.47957375488399995, 1.6110503731499999, -0.715022596521, -0.635849692135, 0.820704044918, 0.534071811632, 2.44398812932, 1.8094054068799998, -0.26697427756299996, -0.591019413651, 1.77135104468], [-0.895551995062, -0.992244789253, -1.1101413885200002, -0.740856774317, -1.09018085527, -0.9620827537250001, 0.8603428983120001, -1.0339163979600001, 0.108011119911, -0.827696240371, -0.130571340332, -0.848872481658, -0.938003126977, -1.03976427277, -1.2131424211, -0.206263431031, 1.3126443166600001, 1.0676104797700001, -1.14195918551, -0.0212586843232, 0.913099501169, 0.741044898137, 1.68383179925, 1.42994128269, 1.5638031169600002, 0.34036803311700004, -1.07109849457, 1.4561795891, -0.9916659497470001, 0.996346003537, -1.04268168191, 1.37702074784, -0.21590833825999997, 1.1036213572600002, 0.280926970363, 0.308648885466, 0.9704196031260001], [-1.8684758759, -1.12566163864, 0.5410494891790001, -0.925567450861, -0.09243233994689999, 0.646002197017, 0.0, 0.0, -0.7400507434389999, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0798019136900003, -0.598000975995, -0.488139629595, -0.365301407529, -0.27322149504, 0.638647053821, -0.0319791213036, -1.5849751480899998, 0.7768934171999999, 0.9555091452069999, 0.226372369214, -0.121575341756, -0.837013282803, 1.79880162096, -0.7334894634129999, 0.160116958057, 0.485882611937, 0.8681596396410001, 0.19201514329, 0.84403606911, -0.410575793119, 0.0, 2.33071355961, 0.0, 0.950747725438, 0.8613146214470001], [-1.0587985902600001, -1.1679681432100002, 0.0263127890606, 0.715814961629, -1.24052008549, -0.389004661381, -0.424723683846, 0.288329178673, 0.266340565546, -1.03311330182, -0.373827666746, -1.9562971687200001, -0.8480466109999999, 0.0185155420179, -1.52483087621, -0.7250030672229999, 0.185083004952, 0.9169285428030001, -1.0943587214, -0.705537195004, -0.296376130345, 0.9754382910070001, -0.815257739453, 0.4461928504, 1.61604032056, 0.6871721682269999, 0.436526678817, 0.546515427549, -0.220664858651, -0.13727799456700002, 0.9989393973, -0.105948491083, -0.766312507342, 2.14698725475, 2.27493649028, 0.899918852417, 1.43787517775], [-0.915714498336, -1.02684528088, -1.08384708316, -0.9821580098129999, 0.532879392486, -1.07789266171, 0.07425952086950001, -1.10099390346, -1.11151695369, 1.04756731579, -0.9371662871009999, -1.17769198406, -1.04449828449, -1.14639428112, -1.09962405649, -0.239025297693, -0.827910793169, -1.16075319954, 0.668236515788, 0.929990020038, 0.751237227454, 0.8511971193089999, 0.829855837962, 0.9676218746200002, 0.9292001515889999, 0.172077126324, -1.0966492561599999, 1.2041173883399998, 1.28244415543, -1.03393926372, 1.4579951995700002, 1.21813106379, 0.658031637918, 1.13743098304, 1.41382931584, -0.14144094447, 1.07796019291], [-0.23723214892299999, -1.47748213684, -0.9614187408670001, -0.513010935522, 0.8046188118440001, -0.0649372175085, -1.51485006271, -0.363422416311, -0.377311857617, -0.256368082356, -1.3192579451000002, -0.596965822586, -0.468324012858, -0.8481105577850001, -0.6208574732500001, 0.725144224507, -1.5655604669999998, -0.9983161455480001, -0.102657355802, -0.131154421416, 0.600804148837, 0.226225013253, 0.8747608866650001, 0.705017684164, 1.5460092781900001, -0.900715921145, 0.0987050821184, 0.164897909121, 0.5613533444309999, 0.175423130381, 0.690667037888, 1.06777500839, -0.20611471903, 2.1805259416599996, 1.7473610217099997, -1.0862187686, 2.44099868562], [0.484253982804, -1.2675116291, -1.23921584903, -0.547716962702, -0.584134287901, -1.22225170384, -0.84710689433, 0.8004793319560001, -1.39129812782, 0.9922619413830001, -1.1696317970999999, -1.41246167535, -0.9957427825749999, -0.22731876690699998, -1.3465153050799998, -0.632298687261, -1.13595151003, -0.31783411645799997, 0.0205058345845, 0.6485797924319999, 1.26706939083, 1.00485654766, 0.47809440926200003, 0.7210170074310001, 1.2306700695000001, 0.59831254122, 0.18309877186, 1.56744593446, -0.278305722766, -0.390596301285, 1.46727691057, 1.0474401978499999, -0.740655870589, 1.8984560605, -0.57883484918, 1.31046321511, 0.605100899873], [-0.97509646847, -0.579609505828, -0.879196839891, -1.1821768757100002, -0.475323471341, -1.12863738505, 0.130873943057, -0.348388826355, -0.319211908015, 1.6665184008, 0.978918745167, -2.1305233365, 0.45775253164499996, -0.9973349635400001, -1.79452205554, -0.360154986006, -0.796082703885, 0.133866362921, -0.835897218393, 0.444841560507, 1.20485456704, -0.46612692427100005, 0.545107789754, 0.579522047549, -0.06090147954630001, -1.1167223530500001, -0.9029258830529999, 0.657466642019, 0.461362460767, 1.52796336732, 0.839138926927, 0.24743346957100001, -0.107796699462, 1.3255133558399999, 1.81034734578, 0.850516287853, 1.5946320793900002], [-0.37691153478600004, -1.06652779216, 0.43916254325900006, -1.44432711384, 0.285479263011, 0.292562612261, 0.270104726473, 0.5017161366699999, -0.335288532894, -0.47071878408, -0.141305228494, -2.1582045479099996, -3.3143934008, -0.610827432232, -1.61588018856, -1.05066447631, 0.214843314122, -0.6589055947110001, 0.444067268755, 0.154609447039, 0.8712468474700001, 0.168177870621, 0.464307022069, 0.752506208818, 0.42513130323200005, 0.151860768884, 0.520725475532, 0.303342848967, 0.794097603733, -0.7363827608310001, 1.3285490038299999, 0.29632158485, 0.641712467173, 1.2377523190700002, 1.39071879824, 0.842072479127, 1.18926947441], [0.261907476606, -0.0447341942089, -0.8641931577680001, -2.28883178698, -0.80457786919, 0.057133838404099996, -0.17122673202, -0.18313571738899997, -0.41788765333000005, -0.65546613549, 0.228527661794, -1.3614500064, -2.50787100342, -1.32789743779, 0.04831236776, -1.4381322152399998, 0.011351455936300001, 0.527360230738, 0.711303646294, -1.23825081763, 0.669595943124, 0.21784738126400002, 0.792109367569, 0.241523578368, 0.771027102905, 0.310499077404, 0.722388244229, 0.30242323106400004, 1.20798919969, 1.35658372216, 1.65774767978, 1.88198631302, 0.863232474638, -0.8101096664059999, 0.019017733996, 0.536680534544, 0.7172161319760001], [-0.9370931342569999, -0.9806850627179999, -0.249691858026, -1.8174962100599998, -0.6325856891170001, -0.35816590123099995, -2.0059347685900004, -0.406010962435, -0.660946038046, 0.133752709052, -1.1867778260600002, -1.60925159145, -1.61738133335, -1.20552890487, -1.15941115199, 0.0739549399008, 0.931737480149, -0.8238417884360001, -0.33996504752400003, 0.454381698557, 0.456870228237, 0.434508712302, 0.6227950265600001, 0.583794948801, 0.42235369317599997, 0.7985390694850001, 0.38381034823, 0.6854185106899999, 1.08489112985, 1.12672765121, 0.516481012813, 1.13735920585, 1.45828297705, 1.34666953436, 1.33925145779, 1.13820727796, 0.8609796561349999], [-0.669682095027, -1.8494373659999999, -0.551977696214, -0.109674740409, -0.6906638065880001, 0.411343692659, -1.3043646243, -0.326349637297, -1.8246723787099999, -0.7927359735070001, -0.318392018326, -1.44036580967, -0.52812792971, -0.655117747204, -0.994120014561, -1.12837098114, 0.550186291003, -0.392849904442, 0.194903535698, -0.0134516859458, -0.5672199742399999, 1.3031235929, -0.624046345589, -0.33983777786499997, 0.277320558562, 0.563386423486, 1.2577839553, 0.142402856717, 1.3617036129100002, 0.541332929173, 0.791274265193, 1.7965551287200001, 1.90476130468, 1.24019273984, 1.87462926658, 0.186737150716, 0.7238212026109999], [0.484185907222, -1.36510199449, -0.51613048623, -1.17212689877, 0.564328642439, 0.486043691168, -1.89458037145, -0.220636679767, -1.1091649789700002, -0.0483305362661, -0.8086216125300001, -1.4156256084399998, -1.6795127597, -1.3355842404, -0.182313250942, 0.198241994899, -1.61887196401, -1.70123556198, 0.7899166929989999, 1.0118776415700002, 0.488638690965, 0.9908854201980001, -0.561701852698, 0.439001947683, 0.269431243599, 0.394101816247, 0.996127024902, -0.449461476523, 1.13502954956, 0.812269077616, 1.02092696615, 1.02279212225, 1.29994842162, 0.78082682155, 0.783038469104, 0.9870703281659999, 1.12431780324], [-1.75524075254, -1.8419578449, 0.8863206430380001, 0.585384054134, -1.16384209892, 0.638170253676, -1.6962589517500002, -1.1580891560100002, -0.44141948397299996, -1.23759673334, -0.819203176632, -1.7290725361300001, -1.75586208976, -1.54732412919, 0.6181730822879999, -0.39004979112599997, -0.425512540289, -0.541712293778, 0.762560478929, 0.954008596408, 0.6717347417, 0.8599679318019999, 0.39773569001599995, 0.8133724868860001, 0.415994538863, 0.768095323749, 0.7990490968780001, 0.634557903117, 0.459549534874, 0.8886405604819999, 0.9211711020119999, 0.640380314304, 0.973378937735, 0.681712325355, 0.7814526200030001, 0.53062689409, 0.8211044680030001], [-1.1213065472900001, -1.02924937199, -0.7920275280519999, -0.807215646511, -0.535803562282, -0.8959980181470001, -0.981088031675, -1.0826250507, -0.00834290778083, -0.9158058276809999, -0.410292241985, -0.918577076534, -0.9246282211810001, -0.842179324364, -0.17750677253699998, 0.340994566818, -0.712686526284, -0.0247531367996, 0.10502199145199999, -0.559579270592, -0.38867446408, -0.854269732028, 1.1242350404299999, -0.665427624089, 0.859454603362, 1.7877115081200001, 0.6917725476600001, 1.7159736182499998, 1.6922273311200002, 0.33898374231299994, -0.509912923753, 0.8313969817569999, 1.9060287840799999, -0.159282614604, 2.496247079, 0.739340372246, 0.6878442543179999], [0.7775480608159999, -0.9178065171780001, -1.02153848164, -0.7895471703039999, 0.125731351962, -0.82844969942, -0.7484186310959999, -0.711260083265, -0.851651634893, -0.49139515635700004, -0.137243670558, -0.821487531417, -0.808374866311, -0.8323720699480001, 0.26604353551, -0.828199954527, -0.806003877193, -0.6997030325329999, -0.451252368706, -0.8496716658490001, -0.0674399730606, -0.854503594578, 0.87174421499, 1.3208014056, 0.113933551387, 1.1261030387100002, 1.5803360863999998, 1.1061017533600002, 1.8895885200599998, -0.609000132133, -0.8199006989309999, 0.271256431023, 1.2861011517799998, 1.9636553417099998, 2.31541837741, -0.8970438273739999, 0.827901816557], [0.177522927108, -0.956656050527, -0.13137484171, -0.819244769682, 1.3487573811200002, -0.96142811719, -0.91369608849, 0.472645708891, -1.07405570769, 1.17673460375, -0.580858830645, -0.9936842579530001, -0.9237814347750001, -1.0666775624, 0.996279281601, -1.05073355745, 0.8275628647059999, -0.9618564669840001, -0.7832391479690001, -1.0103493752, -0.415623750003, -0.9764711105089999, 0.818341413982, -0.897303660765, 0.131907272099, 0.8765507801569999, 0.256005623159, 0.235107001056, 1.67204974817, -1.01880502285, -1.06029284019, 0.939480704975, 1.74446775347, 1.2394691010799999, 1.90284355638, 1.23267988941, 0.547726981871], [0.395473433627, -0.8077800676989999, -1.5095850824500001, -0.316341702598, -0.781548182185, -0.735836447226, -1.23061256778, -0.66150796694, -1.5080110749700002, 0.934195444583, -1.54133097351, -1.59844286252, -1.42445030441, -0.470700312633, 0.39798251580899996, -0.501547819141, 0.18599154076299998, -0.430020893954, 0.359917008314, -1.3542609973, -0.00763811029915, 0.37928626315999997, 1.0288507926600001, 1.04519206176, 0.82231459477, 1.25940226679, 0.639633808905, 0.914028441025, 1.3159140097600002, -0.7446310764149999, 1.6701836247100001, 1.08075949411, 0.315572243552, -0.07249791090810001, 1.9486393324000002, 0.09190646246439999, 0.911501013768], [-0.7530912915510001, -0.180417985315, -1.1375831511499999, 0.35094789142, -1.14936007132, -1.2537806304999999, -0.8206153248289999, -0.986691390119, -0.6761011823659999, 1.17504316137, -1.19736267146, -1.177251957, -1.0594080641299999, -0.711099727509, 1.17612641258, 0.625234520426, 0.8800084226279999, -1.1538126736799998, 0.449564075364, -0.126066176743, -0.45020893851899996, 0.706515935684, 0.731913227634, -1.07586578425, 1.28280924384, 2.0408064863299997, 0.787402358327, 0.401798379147, 1.8571944902200002, -0.0142209478086, 0.9001338003899999, 1.40939246287, -1.33002841017, 0.6857252107340001, -1.08184611906, 0.304673727639, 0.569522690881], [0.07450185931919999, 0.163524166853, 0.111214621742, -1.4431500514500002, -0.521935897003, -1.4201111197299998, 0.434848641311, 0.254252254283, -1.5893758413499999, 0.6171895253899999, -0.97729323967, -1.39300510676, -1.51259037959, -1.4121447315399998, 1.08459413328, 0.407190352611, 1.05693139433, -1.36082848169, -1.0832429539200001, 1.2502278979, 0.49543920711499995, 0.365085225198, 0.813176203618, 0.542006597776, 0.20175802389800002, 0.6812036666560001, 0.0170642939239, 0.818267286848, 1.10239512359, -1.61181754984, 0.669157736511, 0.682049658721, -1.53012034982, 1.25940875865, 0.604438231003, 0.6507964600280001, 1.49889438183], [-0.542948244983, -0.699534796673, -0.6098965840389999, -0.7329263911939999, -0.557699618125, -0.822609368174, -0.808538152329, -0.923471697324, -0.7429075365469999, -0.7883329172600001, -0.7753599490109999, -0.683135400228, -0.971707235915, -0.758570711611, 0.7629498533589999, -0.046079215023400004, 1.4171590406, -0.675953547622, -0.80708961286, 1.30946732375, -0.410836056238, -0.762601241177, 0.0111543917295, -0.9410371397920001, -0.216061171315, 0.358194982436, 0.714108474977, 1.4446465221, 2.2985081695700003, -0.363164200722, 1.0311873762000001, 0.204184336367, -0.6883154608159999, 2.0747342459, 2.4816030370099997, 0.724565947741, 0.496312547236], [-0.902006137539, -0.972517345174, -1.02745432909, -0.915100723823, -0.9209417997830001, -0.891450553862, -0.6836519133869999, -0.980152619199, -0.714306716619, -1.03421739179, -0.653251467072, -0.886288980757, -0.867442366266, -0.8256278246009999, -0.925393274137, 0.117520769309, -0.8951595069499999, 0.10176023028799999, -0.334148614856, 1.7756054617099997, 1.45682683464, 1.60643893319, 0.0200586883241, 1.64101275088, 1.7011971590600001, -0.908207971064, 1.1083829760500001, 1.12828081068, 0.6716192724719999, 0.7625657978479999, 0.964844390929, 0.313634061277, -0.592621363465, 1.47515742882, 1.21732902062, 0.38529740984300004, -0.517591096515], [-0.193263469661, -0.941456822106, -0.9089797757879999, -0.913958569288, -0.843995335228, -0.932863157463, -0.853690195927, -0.981141933623, -0.9881588069089999, -0.9357414411660001, 0.735523000951, -0.779182143661, -0.851319589617, -1.0484627306899998, -0.8362670199250001, 0.9342867211049999, -0.959266717352, -0.8827457307240001, -0.77725114869, 1.00258732254, 0.032247608991900004, 1.7691294626299998, -0.922007271948, 0.29346778773800003, 1.25049690236, 0.5452254841659999, 0.46502676284100003, 1.73518747873, 1.16643749172, -0.25441496757599996, 1.17503245699, 0.35315608223399997, 0.841573817056, 1.4568319957, 1.05977234695, 1.8918868102200002, -0.903702705561], [-1.4295053928700001, -1.3086583165, -0.252695445951, 0.106930268231, -0.10076885508500001, -1.4147050834900001, -0.890370782035, -1.03406793271, -0.258192569509, -1.28305831034, -0.0222464593701, 0.637609572588, -1.4602568727899998, -1.5320663031900001, -0.39477825941100003, 1.28164165505, -1.4780000985600001, 0.716682346123, 0.554770664627, 1.72511073629, 0.564453556341, -0.44259810638, -0.641361223388, 0.19516295711599999, 0.9509726254109999, -1.52563557287, 0.203886014965, 0.452643871664, 1.38066660318, -0.0158505680494, 1.03026852509, 0.246591184414, 1.11233197184, 0.9046406775120001, 1.05057691861, 1.6730910289899998, 0.696784974446], [-1.21615744107, -0.39829523193599997, -0.157239913619, 0.0607333398592, -0.8623469203599999, -0.101304730817, 0.170106347958, -1.5614339686899998, -0.413447409269, -0.159478378966, -1.27921331074, -0.724023481631, -0.305674900913, -0.24597810699099998, -0.138274399373, 1.1127218341399998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.39442386641599997, -0.7219302728, -0.457434485063, -0.878496774098, -1.3032125538500001, 1.09168752016, 0.0, 0.00931324686297, 1.67346526171, 0.333966245969, 0.142200139695, -0.0828630170048, 0.167843505668, 1.5300692694999998, 3.10364329782, -0.204717712047, 1.9331797152799999, 0.27701715102499996], [-1.1495366683200001, -0.27135951831300004, -0.0445411140084, 0.32726708814, -1.2728538253, -0.581229507148, 0.08678386913689999, -2.11568306701, -0.6575397276100001, -0.64888211836, -1.37469806769, -0.500034632268, 0.0, -0.558766215945, 0.164937811775, 0.810912584977, -1.82389367719, 0.366746585729, 0.682261888675, 0.0, 0.0, 0.20741371208599998, 0.0, 0.0, 1.4942555094799999, 0.162609978075, -0.179845810584, 1.4196057021200001, -0.046341436517000005, -0.179845810584, 0.052306619797400006, 0.211918234704, 1.1007057796100002, 2.5954174325599997, 0.0619004567473, 1.65945716908, 0.00055077415178], [0.8783648346330001, -0.597443743949, -0.59897169915, -0.408256957173, -0.503958269174, -0.510021191015, -0.399426024436, -0.5225717414100001, -0.506057078547, -0.5001243707949999, -0.569331236307, -0.526547391835, -0.47272172224, -0.5868491520269999, -0.609949790795, 2.79294654488, -0.5774138501, -0.328113207006, -0.5083542309, -0.557202645493, -0.400892993291, -0.48756118358999995, -0.47432330059600003, -0.435900254552, 1.9714406895099998, -0.5894045348529999, -0.67503046301, 2.4257697347400002, 1.18956057488, -0.60883830091, 0.185107769916, -0.5837075310859999, 1.5646425340399999, -0.24812879053599998, -0.489918223436, 2.30531346067, 0.963873734938], [-0.616561213449, -0.876474454865, -0.816470370942, -0.6571587332050001, -0.753196227614, -0.555057654998, -0.521777604408, -0.6568403458959999, -0.642127588852, -0.7513394564210001, -0.7454599598980001, -0.513933812988, -0.5949409998049999, -0.758751479506, -0.573834138629, -0.35600743199199997, 0.437349730017, -0.354228479511, -0.490391560845, -0.42692579939900005, 0.879893864684, 2.1429856885799996, -0.165435683124, -0.623050289879, 2.5140596124, -0.517843994053, -0.579488965001, 2.41635110759, 1.9257886441, 0.5283875814, 0.438470988872, -0.43954749235600005, 1.4279948977599999, -0.623344411138, -0.43274923298, 1.17612459672, 1.15553066963], [-0.7773677998109999, -0.43277035305699996, -0.196959920853, -0.474987634375, -0.5333209077269999, 1.43349569834, -0.378742452601, -0.424659740035, -0.45109571686899996, -0.421822218852, -0.486874195581, -0.506394562101, -0.282053552165, -0.0304075711413, -0.458946499525, -0.49592594782099997, -0.175794323641, 0.0333257257951, -0.379447628961, -0.463413520541, -0.0225681797961, -0.455267648701, -0.601172977047, -0.46332835693400004, -0.415328629467, -0.44232603517200003, -0.40743065424, -0.473014767898, -0.16769021994, -0.318263273343, -0.22122124228300002, 1.05028496391, 2.9314383731499998, 0.292056017016, 4.2405928602900005, 0.5385352250959999, 0.838867666873], [-0.696087636858, 2.16122844445, -0.230323284989, -0.48003427768299994, -0.554114472245, -0.557223977639, -0.616549284036, -0.628551379497, -0.44886152394199996, -0.557644767433, -0.509590472072, -0.515400297583, -0.586907317146, -0.607742466469, -0.28632011384399997, 2.47455942307, -0.52308954993, -0.46081467862400005, -0.337767468393, -0.571508630687, -0.511057686365, -0.541215801887, 0.552444622125, -0.6196012714010001, -0.531440259615, -0.602445762326, -0.362107685699, -0.587478965631, -0.396759775672, 0.646282764319, -0.641126132532, 1.67810323405, 2.45934842702, 1.20282418922, 2.52747651463, 0.44649843020499996, -0.187001108904], [-0.339846823803, -0.40550687608, -0.393400761289, -0.455279042865, -0.507378608702, -0.332641188249, -0.306571184661, -0.420702203645, -0.469442105255, -0.376927992932, -0.316601647735, -0.43515290505800003, -0.537032725947, 0.521231174515, -0.43270721509, 0.67634898493, -0.17846111138, -0.45935451878999994, -0.513967513837, -0.165625030421, -0.321756401892, -0.412066461246, -0.12488745874099999, -0.469810121439, -0.512352387866, -0.316083998598, -0.37316745393399997, -0.397254315367, 0.139126744857, -0.28163101097800003, 0.320205872762, -0.18931101708200002, 3.1884714351300003, 3.2529905361299996, 3.13980028379, -0.408149212059, -0.385105737169], [-0.536561796296, -0.432491100863, -0.46627968964199995, -0.476485541291, -0.519104492238, -0.394029852183, -0.48844008655599996, -0.513608540816, -0.424323055901, -0.49855824324299997, -0.486523210821, -0.606280893281, -0.44823134556199995, -0.471310737632, -0.454889355347, 0.48432249258599996, 0.751897442497, -0.393403574003, -0.5114838400330001, 1.25092863031, -0.492806815172, -0.412357298495, -0.188841659259, -0.44612866862800005, -0.597850163865, -0.484363672313, -0.284616571405, -0.121411841273, 0.799983513645, 1.24875227359, -0.568651345229, -0.426484196143, 3.2946096790400006, 2.7150701108099997, 2.6292972296, -0.5305164499480001, -0.498827334635], [-0.9716033556720001, 0.195848474143, -0.9870039312200001, -0.994841361153, -0.760808910575, -1.1264113799200002, -0.947527573701, -1.11082040062, 0.196842690468, -0.846942934523, 0.360353709792, -0.857727505705, -0.923079217911, -0.250755866246, -0.30823103856, -0.24311810294599998, 0.969044129026, 0.47387654091799997, -0.9572443400830001, 0.437416281681, -1.0258396058600001, -0.9834649945389999, 0.7194345934790001, -0.49377228608, -0.802723465272, 0.678988720662, 0.16686696534700002, 1.3879617061000002, 1.2640793673000001, 0.306219865945, 0.240138444241, 0.347930122566, 2.28584093935, 2.72618820091, 1.90008963667, -0.289313654334, 0.22410953632599998], [-0.531219961127, -0.655854594917, -0.5969685938600001, -0.603901305512, -0.256699877165, -0.657845266683, -0.6280652815860001, -0.667836668932, -0.633249197502, -0.657017922513, 0.48856101902800003, -0.654161863161, -0.6206844585469999, -0.630892908491, -0.634705659625, -0.488412709235, -0.552832625629, -0.639704564406, 0.14139643272500002, -0.018309825011599997, 0.414773612398, -0.613392136505, 1.31476228486, -0.498572703882, -0.6709602335620001, -0.658133996183, 2.20187746601, -0.494008294951, 0.983787774764, 0.609235533506, -0.669653141901, 0.261967629296, 2.89754736866, 2.32776512976, 2.1675943419, -0.627802181335, 0.551617379323], [-0.414193389984, -0.40090087283500003, 1.11153341193, -0.36534327986000004, -0.111147453794, -0.238869823592, -0.480725572928, -0.36504845077799997, -0.414810448622, -0.555095386985, -0.460992848757, -0.284088823119, -0.507609272375, -0.380172963508, -0.10771691465500001, -0.37738578746, -0.32182694568500003, -0.186851670854, -0.334759968636, 2.0171014869599997, -0.436127468104, -0.292441035103, -0.452756814777, -0.46798764134, -0.521082084632, -0.299097705857, 1.7026180456, -0.544878846863, -0.234053368561, -0.46402662905599995, -0.542592551449, -0.40796361858900004, -0.308360161532, 3.57729424703, 3.18958852339, 0.0771052994838, -0.396333214094], [-0.344955880703, -0.233873354969, -0.249644515231, -0.221411544334, -0.274023652848, -0.159967690883, -0.287871040745, -0.272896954241, -0.256083990802, -0.267115156229, -0.285363481288, -0.186272173002, -0.17754523723700003, -0.286703466561, -0.26436077117, -0.283406694034, -0.18162441023899997, -0.18814406482700002, -0.229106633794, -0.151099786781, -0.283099079112, -0.224152304201, -0.0811244666722, -0.278710195005, -0.248252649418, -0.261938107143, -0.298317895034, -0.21146305766100001, -0.264558336461, -0.13436123785499998, -0.196215419217, -0.137739761537, -0.321724927574, 4.34272764858, 3.8845648310300005, -0.208248560335, -0.275915982461], [-0.6196494946850001, -0.5413760196890001, -0.0584392536886, -0.032861260255999995, -0.243565159434, 0.780969331917, -0.49464344923299997, -0.130388429026, -0.403731128305, -0.378980632522, -0.539074734351, -0.5719795726720001, -0.540735376347, -0.49709719536700003, 0.101326313093, -0.49382519163099997, -0.630914140116, -0.419688178214, -0.527334739774, 2.06132790449, -0.525154601734, -0.36563389623000003, 0.29616864286, -0.499215733085, -0.12202875208200001, -0.535972644835, -0.546105384361, -0.50490349609, -0.531941930475, -0.109437646398, -0.596814255561, -0.584065042385, 1.7226893779199999, 2.25923177023, 3.80667239609, 1.48181107466, -0.464639472712], [-0.0864822480349, 0.503703369383, 1.2983718467299998, 0.552130221623, -0.559792580832, 0.41318813270099997, -0.7304855073919999, -0.012962261434200002, -0.795946051683, -0.269653771918, -1.5849891876100002, -0.377126930973, -0.486334992789, -0.40125344481499997, 1.3875003868900002, -0.977682965863, 0.834870901515, -0.9022314096170001, -0.583663372014, 1.0381654031899998, -1.40334364274, -0.325755646781, 0.7454409540360001, -1.3532309151800002, 0.313912584191, -1.75585148168, -0.0696045523795, 1.16586962326, 0.27687792581, -0.24407092030299998, 0.20885959777600002, -0.819003990221, 2.04937860457, 1.30010229245, 2.5173287898099996, -1.0249810727600002, 0.158746313082], [-0.8384313007709999, -0.0290711016703, 0.027736174161099997, -0.9086707877529999, -2.2657373295200003, -1.5306536400400002, -1.62124908477, -0.177490294731, -0.427972884176, 0.49639585091300004, -0.240373862871, -0.038761605953900005, -0.519713282066, 0.0384942030799, -0.745039694111, -0.155542964446, 1.02274375969, -0.041017586001300003, -0.435002634411, 2.46319229093, -0.0517178234669, 0.254401113971, 0.418895791141, 1.37746331831, -0.574734121491, 0.483536583512, -0.137597891063, -0.374353706927, -0.20518402276099998, 0.182302841162, 1.62471320711, -1.79102314338, 1.16522184749, 1.8817968861400003, 1.38204943915, -0.0160186226475, 0.306414078266], [-0.188723856166, -0.581954184638, -0.510938030018, -0.8188644362469999, -0.8502353334939999, 0.576253177913, -1.39420239151, -0.83531230214, -0.874013500247, -0.0165450663107, -0.546255400952, 0.20550300440299998, 0.0, -0.37983092378600003, -0.544782022493, -1.00941784519, 1.69176818946, 1.02935800771, 0.058102081547300004, 0.0, 0.0, -0.356135975221, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0268070597261, 0.39284494223800004, -0.528154651408, -0.769063740096, -0.947638623902, 1.48132657847, 0.374566770502, -0.704275789587, 0.134158376506, 3.4745767643, 1.34214073076, 0.820396735061, 0.248541654821], [-0.553405352967, -0.36744441694799995, -0.568190680186, -0.40673180092, -0.601796311104, -0.458729217008, -0.551731542339, 0.615027778681, -0.294357562133, -0.46258991011399997, -0.553964440229, -0.630249941403, -0.40038972669699996, -0.284106478621, 1.55599234669, 2.75866669714, -0.644042486097, -0.473698030684, -0.308217979561, -0.341690165783, -0.5095187285189999, -0.541811194604, -0.471732597379, -0.48161153124300005, -0.572496572408, -0.63257544531, -0.497557022048, -0.174641564288, 0.21660045386799998, -0.39483336564099997, -0.632193517387, -0.547231810192, 0.325540217307, 3.2152747590900006, 2.3698151796599998, 1.33083318156, 0.9697887778319999], [-0.438396695248, -0.556605548776, -0.399635292178, -0.367179364344, -0.240513607209, -0.295652882299, -0.373188318059, -0.413312621898, -0.222952394675, -0.318714019937, -0.460177848319, -0.338043928433, -0.290126599726, -0.43754721600100005, -0.43762848486199996, 3.51757049994, -0.107559946484, -0.394767946319, -0.09032600585110001, -0.0971657689394, -0.254749385795, -0.48346357355400005, -0.25175067463399997, -0.20361919149500002, -0.516946893547, -0.124201942303, -0.3145374594, -0.321644640971, -0.264221051941, 2.76588295263, -0.45699243842200005, -0.581511160098, -0.391463927814, -0.0618879446292, 3.0295839343199997, 1.6072399347400002, -0.41379254747199995], [-0.304405941393, -1.06706072564, 0.224856372733, 0.363685120678, -0.9114003063889999, -0.903279215925, -1.01050891328, 0.997174818965, -0.954969346264, -1.11918867091, -0.862231107966, 0.36714138449199996, -0.0501145315377, -1.0829968664, -0.0759101139388, 1.6431804305700002, 0.657143217573, -0.466324855153, -0.9039617554170001, 1.15781309716, -1.11907356968, -0.999568380724, 0.0209389591439, -0.952643118285, 1.30274489918, -0.999980916414, 1.16271242911, -0.975546648005, -1.11217986702, 1.11470715146, 1.05783531468, 0.943939965677, 0.84168866512, 0.618853773963, 1.62875458996, 2.15603866905, -0.38786400915799996], [-0.7235133474259999, -0.772226145293, -0.7169078553399999, -0.680918363239, -0.7888141831659999, -0.0759780701075, -0.052239250374099995, -0.765725968258, -0.75704389822, -0.543740555786, -0.7079186469840001, -0.723435186779, -0.705639878812, -0.7452834729180001, 1.05167201079, 0.82317137628, 1.42577675768, -0.477614079405, -0.7007341055940001, -0.7264995978899998, -0.5568697097959999, -0.705182657372, -0.6392374549809999, -0.722993744249, 1.9048864813799997, -0.663979519832, 2.23239060264, -0.716267525154, -0.653906704002, 0.718762695473, -0.7382691969769999, 0.31904364027, 1.45113199831, 1.28099901985, 1.6770940630700002, 1.88525091217, 1.29075956004], [-0.9275108973270001, -0.6028317614350001, -1.8793862716, -1.34336817379, 1.46912672646, 1.1742987901200002, -0.973375522073, -0.490386714912, -1.00012977096, 0.41859673511, -1.11211046871, -0.383844307244, -0.524614755782, -0.393344989453, -0.748690998187, -0.42632973356, -0.621983370657, -0.439982447037, -0.476787603209, -0.261196962303, -0.965973199631, 0.262344736901, 0.148223327179, -0.274140220974, -0.7209297107629999, -0.0676212628462, -0.6319699674979999, -0.351486774424, 1.28175468466, 1.07047326539, 1.4154658495899999, 1.05492778059, 0.914652725842, 2.0013287977500003, 1.96107573273, 0.789007656273, 1.6567190757899999], [-0.515815862065, -0.10104628474999999, -0.392435467918, -0.32427761304200003, 1.56014334019, 1.20949006456, 0.0, 0.0, -0.10104628474999999, 0.0, 0.0, -1.00646294737, -0.7649097115819999, -1.0174104261799999, -1.48691154182, -0.023919545680400004, -1.08854717154, -0.920359411743, -1.031449852, -0.319080297117, -1.23268772631, 0.394315517423, -0.0787177773936, -0.43313410899300003, -1.28560523036, -0.612446599601, -0.287742699851, 0.056275694839399995, 0.9904600205290001, 0.779371939128, 1.12194347385, 0.462354280048, 0.0, 2.0764636906400002, 2.08516217807, 0.8322849304369999, 1.45574143036], [-0.442890433823, -1.16468052172, -2.01442641426, -1.2994125380600001, 1.95031554842, 1.0758638493100001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.10698565994, 0.0, 0.0, -0.442890433823, -0.0537580256398, -0.690089497489, -1.20922739846, 0.18440760307700002, -0.08555506490589998, -0.00720129292592, -0.924552701489, -0.409596263873, -1.41156400472, -0.222347901846, -0.189228708308, -0.436277252845, -0.12359389624500002, 0.659071273551, -0.0996776590666, 0.340478952818, 0.850975658928, 0.669140925235, 1.5037054546200002, 1.92088153063, 0.0, 0.5289601073560001, 0.9178946888299999, -0.0622510747977, 1.79451115146], [-1.5826931026100002, -0.943494108305, -0.574114222365, -0.38978409909999995, 2.74117728549, 0.055642325301199995, 0.292855069348, 0.13384811078199998, 0.564108043161, 0.365593820465, 0.30717111135499997, -0.13684506643, -0.66640779985, -0.7408070399519999, -1.5089536194, -1.7295834710799998, -0.181570418745, -0.778994869022, -1.29155533392, -0.343524026825, -0.6941346270759999, -0.13684506643, 0.7922580970800001, 0.40717322709700005, -1.36120302886, -0.8660086694050001, 0.30717111135499997, 0.09939520631549999, 1.4299237258000002, 1.06789538412, 0.729416177043, 1.15477240665, 2.06574179295, 1.08024055142, 0.7922580970800001, -0.354357738556, -0.105765234878], [-0.0553664975023, -0.263485017403, -0.374033460128, -0.0670098543176, 2.17554975347, 0.722793208177, -1.20639403295, -0.0394218556622, -1.56471013442, 1.0986529717, -0.399205061913, -0.941918059604, -0.8860522609720001, 0.112017992718, -0.165617235965, 0.37869935428, -1.89279936395, -0.58877765974, -1.5969584398199999, -0.35754811931900005, -1.2794456324899999, 0.187863121268, 0.5766177520369999, -0.153574309423, -0.0653956091211, -0.12444668589000002, -0.6921801833589999, -0.297025709199, 0.31046840647, -0.45011276613999995, 1.5572939865900002, 1.27705127407, 2.07402369413, 1.8858456517099997, 0.0, 0.9732115265369999, 0.131389256127], [-0.681442537308, -0.221086389518, -0.41692290325099995, -0.750769739941, 3.15378174506, 2.06414854332, -0.08440891631000001, 0.389377879443, -0.8659694851749999, 0.8004238778470001, -0.95839958713, -1.15931410889, -0.266876432574, -0.6852963507400001, -0.904745554938, 0.0730021833262, -0.618401429905, -0.887268414373, -0.461991137778, -0.313551699693, -1.0601157767799998, -0.571530611076, 0.5672376050069999, -0.23763827528099998, -0.42087951727, -0.231110917487, 0.214144281175, 0.25332664971200003, 0.0, 0.0, 0.640036607222, 1.6224946021000002, 1.9134974551800001, 0.0, 0.106248356022, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.40432136651600004, -0.333031367229, -1.07970710582, -0.6853611176250001, 1.0198646492, 1.46852603137, -1.069520946, 0.058791188541199996, -0.457062456468, 1.8392300109200002, -0.538699914946, 0.0, -0.306783570222, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0593036038547, -1.12634535089, -0.34714980146799995, -0.94120342846, -0.83428322701, -2.1198124845299997, -0.205381841119, -0.25477466152399997, -0.6881696909280001, 0.0, -0.425984220969, -0.425984220969, -0.129354188545, 1.22358784733, 1.4874480949700002, 0.26305903231, 0.820781007226, 2.42090835808, 0.586869654872, 0.0, -0.0533637910883, 1.29653248136], [-0.042280759722999994, 0.0768925745649, -0.25084179891999997, -0.018903690280099996, 1.26534487964, 0.805554134871, -1.56168893394, -0.653675002938, -0.997921360467, 0.759885342214, -1.6491832078400002, -0.773188969088, 0.0836000330485, 0.280006935609, -0.584678191899, -0.37139355355, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9836339548849999, -1.43800106579, -0.621881633746, -0.0702438224355, -0.369760895968, -0.246089855995, 0.0, -1.55096570697, -0.49389284608499995, 0.7136442214669999, 0.5888740325999999, 0.867921012667, 1.49652205291, 2.89201811496, 0.678111593012, 0.799959722667, 0.0398712333029, 1.33001936698], [-1.56374539479, -2.2540374006099997, -0.78054851295, -2.01749821682, -1.10434388331, 0.779442667511, -1.13398484107, 0.408170034795, 0.0317930800791, 0.17050101286, -1.11290388594, -0.307850601063, 0.10530073047800001, 0.891829983195, 0.0834979621666, 0.660218176919, -1.0735635634899998, 1.0507090857299999, -0.544068477737, 0.346609395154, 0.365953988557, 0.09395422819039999, -0.18147113725800001, 0.537590136648, -0.7063982483110001, -0.196219685447, -1.46945754476, -0.191278773932, 1.40738505178, 1.7909686094, 1.05826306123, 1.2159642047499999, 0.618533465388, 0.469358740141, -0.138990927445, 1.30354921732, 1.38676826264], [-0.0737628895944, -0.327820979866, 0.10344295083999999, -1.49492203122, 0.318986091985, 1.52522811004, -1.05425123066, 0.449135183987, 0.482764801655, -0.08439514733439998, -1.0433872576, -1.27920278643, 0.220258370592, 0.177390262872, -0.0813295535695, 0.956544632785, -1.35014822641, -0.6731324274930001, -1.11234766962, 0.119230102203, -1.51011019847, 0.744768410459, -0.641096238886, 0.270446751657, -1.65222854564, -0.990913777222, -1.52817820102, -0.620634230819, 1.64087722932, 1.15124343557, 0.8361530731669999, 1.6831189332799998, 1.2548626675, 0.608701309027, 1.2316023106799998, 1.11991552348, 0.623191240755], [-1.3428144892700002, -1.5878892278999999, -0.286682744897, -0.429931951435, 1.01406406947, 0.47199704096199996, 0.0184272640577, -0.594002152793, -0.126576786399, 0.421169331674, -0.638220544054, -0.30282176527800003, 0.506400325636, 0.334104549915, -0.6934747990379999, -0.393851408477, -0.7150502761480001, -0.928260837068, -0.36443008260799997, 1.00046160044, -2.32439308325, 0.887588881328, -1.56082875652, 0.265214575401, -1.1054423315200002, 0.267816124534, -1.00906841601, 1.30497234186, 2.06763192992, 1.0739006611, 1.39449888801, 1.9193602554700002, 0.277999783107, 0.0979568815669, -0.5771106575, 0.9677619926180001, 0.6895238131029999], [0.146610102638, 1.0631474650900001, -0.0414938615144, 0.498818485599, 2.34547429307, 1.1158711511700001, -0.720892806086, -0.15540386528, 0.644300529339, 0.205252543688, -0.36983824968400003, -1.6312335859, 0.157293408905, -2.43480847229, -1.6580480954299999, 0.448308146596, -0.0414938615144, -1.41843338421, -1.09547440954, 0.093612144978, 0.0681826135784, 0.489639700197, 0.841770377247, 0.886617047696, -1.5390276916799999, -0.942722596292, 0.550047211809, 0.055474603037800004, -0.49650915740400003, -0.15540386528, 0.850995668577, 1.87812158988, 0.6548158089, 0.722742340641, 0.010791248362499999, -1.0720647469700002, 0.044962168081199995], [0.569572798481, 0.143123393111, -0.0288744104688, 0.0722799148761, 2.52938152782, 1.92827553061, -0.733630476355, -0.654606864939, 0.7203389488699999, 0.23715815338500001, -0.932718396079, -0.837686793593, -0.258416579272, -0.826931490518, -1.03203897907, 0.447919065281, -0.326424349145, -0.846802390518, -0.277520647964, -0.40767283754100003, -1.4413385725299999, -0.517547067273, -0.043785899705499995, 0.0687845493105, -0.6140256803809999, -0.633292847848, 0.702401838354, 0.620652095556, 0.17549057817400002, -0.801073367693, 1.03162138877, 1.0354986933900001, -0.000126382099614, 0.625658387314, 0.9857573518709999, -2.67686892467, 1.9974687425], [0.6885022804359999, 0.493040616399, -0.9505826427099999, -0.393156596338, 2.0731429745299996, 1.0791312711399998, -1.05767500768, -0.251623064065, 0.356812397215, -0.0022739636989200004, 0.42263444263800004, -1.23563542038, -0.7934509825489999, -0.278432847427, -1.4747936426800001, 0.169084203766, -0.349494916769, -0.451265407874, -0.676701705023, -0.523254306049, -0.333129239273, 0.793406844282, 0.122458731578, 1.02634958424, -1.7803350938099998, -1.4747936426800001, -0.305590488366, -0.49624897984399996, 0.0, 0.0, 1.42043742489, 2.34424994588, 0.7174183022130001, 0.0, 1.12176892802, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0721077087100002, 0.69075962997, -1.5158848967700003, -1.02232613422, 1.54066043181, 0.516030505457, -0.0322875807087, 0.441357487007, 0.822574127894, 0.0225759967252, 0.94693085037, -0.571554778851, -0.571554778851, 0.0474953838244, -1.5158848967700003, 0.554779751398, -0.610596731915, -0.959691851726, -0.17191904462699997, 0.037007864855900005, -0.266379307287, 0.42147375479000004, -0.159868685629, 1.33078506335, -2.04207883748, -2.30828057252, 0.009932446316929999, -0.266379307287, 1.01705056683, 0.9531828184550001, 0.11266005138, 2.33814998964, 0.508135535204, -0.343365194077, -0.343365194077, -1.40671234221, 0.7244801710109999], [0.296618099204, -0.214146604418, -2.52331064213, -1.74052391724, 1.88597229496, -0.17275719802499998, -0.7330920942110001, -0.081204921968, 0.707873310686, -0.8113673971690001, 0.519855379076, -0.5791177086, 0.296618099204, -0.35837332703, -1.8040081119, 0.0503191079225, 0.326509924891, -0.457854076597, -0.0319505222871, 0.475700818865, 0.07665783160339999, -0.791346203188, 0.6484072620319999, 1.2832929638200001, -1.60740051687, -0.773030635353, -0.55943016107, -0.55943016107, 0.755417603363, 0.519855379076, 0.968807366831, 2.5283663779900003, 0.0503191079225, 0.8782774926540001, 0.900152237069, 0.533713204909, 0.0956103370435], [-1.8155125936400003, -1.30624580537, -1.99066760738, -1.08701838768, 1.33995074936, 2.1043030176900004, 0.0, 0.0, 0.42219248600500003, 0.0, 0.0, -0.462349030323, 1.00506944195, -0.747434723061, -1.76406691848, 0.220591963075, -0.573498083543, -0.674027774035, -0.136120187202, 1.03885144501, 1.05636376239, -0.8352850196100001, 0.9080068974690001, 1.0497206751100001, -0.269832485728, -0.8747852538009999, 0.122216300397, 0.0015843337966400001, -0.061874846851399996, 0.206165451626, 0.535018374461, 1.2837156051899998, 0.0, 0.9080068974690001, 0.19212409106699999, -0.190380251164, 0.395217475807], [-1.04227098242, -1.10615481161, -0.8539301191140001, -0.302205315244, 1.9876255482299998, 2.41761225827, -0.31754088589400004, -0.40592715137100005, 0.36095848668499997, 0.36575331411399997, -0.8736500138619999, -1.3616747116499999, 1.4113447138799997, -0.8257365636439999, -1.5133642703299999, 0.39325809632200004, -1.3330819259, -0.493600145132, 0.0165015160102, -0.21657062176999997, -0.351851183878, -0.888735682702, 1.27044484174, 1.3152785223999999, -1.9404448540099999, -0.815895924861, 0.305805732969, 0.499091159234, 0.7905801971259999, 0.9695493165960001, 0.462343901441, 0.728750324473, -0.30991494579900003, 0.812403636582, 0.285186209476, -0.169985223735, 0.73004755737], [-0.7849532721950001, -0.8025862837809999, -0.584134648006, -0.277228564375, -0.488262297147, -0.25256116382, -0.850969322656, -0.9598339766349999, -0.384164379783, 0.497659191999, -0.242247630731, 0.131734305055, -0.405206663033, 0.7933587728820001, -1.59285819943, 1.57373319877, 0.112572309123, -0.36883007057499995, 0.719381647065, -1.46448698824, 0.414904343025, 0.0972545958185, 0.152578052804, -0.6882935929590001, -1.47814068598, 0.33265248002799996, -2.74028307484, 0.591738962111, 1.95231829072, 0.517665693521, 0.562557106193, 1.42327819057, -0.192287916389, 1.68071914636, 0.715907648211, 1.28315066703, 1.0041641292899999], [0.282396502691, -0.542206431546, -2.08309756432, -0.40250234708899996, 1.03270872499, 1.41067636472, -1.21186829856, -2.0552590964, -0.27287947395100004, 0.920467953358, 1.28434285254, -0.563251275901, -0.0434530060836, 0.557511408252, -0.629006371391, 0.9445072336299999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.40802664322, -0.501205922583, 0.134769130863, -0.0165082143975, -0.35649335773900004, -0.8108001973219999, 0.0, -1.16146292121, -0.65390478964, 1.96592628955, 1.01628733313, 0.401026870035, 1.2483033794, -0.48418562649999997, 0.648274333675, 0.6926645035150001, -0.415829152624, 1.07207781014], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.897183668641, 0.650980221381, -0.640528248494, -0.8998001953560001, -0.596625424437, -1.97888047691, -1.71179234263, -1.08708698781, -0.040502132506, 1.03857694075, -0.0570412367265, -0.17781683542100002, -0.49917834193300004, -0.07968005664649999, 0.142712200706, 0.0569104906264, 0.09226248745190001, 1.9545649582, 0.213727410005, -1.7905108772299998, -0.040502132506, -0.48700239615099994, -1.0318007024, -0.26601637086999996, 0.407471476721, 1.4747457037600002, 2.33966760001, 1.02092567741, 0.8346781869230001, 0.291235819199, 0.300592280958, 0.221846438218, 1.24105053435], [-0.07480944613110001, 0.06322881185069999, 0.07443795004989999, 0.555731699912, 0.167381944504, 0.47941306688, -0.924921199181, -0.49193338540700005, 0.215646383595, -0.736729834882, -0.987384002351, -0.924921199181, 0.0916403583477, 0.517819258499, -0.36493222449600005, 0.555731699912, -2.4001717626700003, -1.0499056959200002, -1.0043238590299999, -0.558203532741, 0.341174865567, 0.789967199545, 0.519449234902, -0.596666889756, 0.24164557171999998, -1.3727577287000001, -0.46370825659299997, -0.0244313077562, 0.0, 0.0, 2.44878090205, 1.9716207203099998, 1.83330452562, 0.0, 1.1088261315299999, 0.0, 0.0], [0.884396276428, 1.8267392120700001, -0.636491069399, 0.535610059317, 0.0442521903017, 0.204777181829, -1.08428888434, -1.0908311272799998, -0.275123123475, 0.39323974114200005, -2.12947930757, -1.61375411691, -0.923344861944, -0.386456471213, 0.23303762341200002, -1.5840923379299998, -1.02004426304, 1.00300640714, -0.749420330547, 0.30106586552700004, 1.24286660681, 1.58845668062, 1.42354966421, -0.925327036784, 0.224666931316, -1.1303880528799999, -0.25487876275800003, 0.76699239972, -0.631722469485, -0.325409817718, 1.49856099514, 0.9488033004, 0.542701138945, 0.9162932842389999, 0.0, -0.36292041083800003, 0.5449568855479999], [0.20208296776, -0.31199647508699996, -0.90610701969, 1.79943748183, -0.44750457955, 0.7091902455660001, -0.6050056351950001, 0.0763812417683, -0.9379826550910001, -0.578069161739, 0.305946534225, 0.480649630273, -0.76423883128, -1.15352404147, -0.555978103168, 0.793216498179, -0.844996472749, -0.11998342050899999, -0.828595097641, -0.8845762633130001, -0.770485001649, -0.482699514911, 1.2304418835200002, -0.978312422131, -0.581858832121, -1.07410120552, 0.20595548438, -0.416586581264, -0.282880382494, -0.20278605597600002, 1.86237282619, 0.883305787369, 0.511418287313, -0.21381005614100002, 3.16713295639, -0.358275365127, 2.07282134906], [0.0665890265974, -0.8016787383580001, 0.573182113893, 1.5317847679299998, 0.346725342023, 1.39206309412, -1.34121504625, 0.04066846206, -0.729281542897, -0.72776800801, 0.0485511482977, -0.911050422527, -0.359394257688, -0.6101645923800001, 0.604046491418, 0.0636618031635, -0.323639869954, -0.9704341929799999, -2.92441247997, 0.051367325692400004, -0.353267502839, -0.36395847121200003, 0.346725342023, -0.252719374453, -0.306041232098, -0.7841259429440001, 0.26775285798500004, 0.0359386978456, -0.17156565976, -1.04665865573, 2.06867333288, 2.45575021559, 0.39532282534100005, -0.357184351636, 1.48202594587, 0.9975624253730001, 0.5661691235790001], [0.31689056778200003, 0.963289482912, -0.347278798662, 1.30925931267, -0.8449126169939999, 2.5441238030599997, -1.04570759294, -0.306148129657, -0.968158344552, -0.890228658336, -0.593018277245, -0.8774255904549999, -0.496696869163, -0.904734797326, 0.304873960563, 0.6972955832, 1.6490114311500002, -1.08727376314, -0.810153725462, 0.58575276851, 0.546047628979, -0.347109715182, -0.932767614751, -1.00362638555, -0.9534764477330001, -0.9496854181190001, -0.7812037413959999, -0.923956919312, 0.9779452385340001, 0.16852704425099999, 1.6792078496899998, 0.700290696825, 0.864657081866, -0.9812050261319999, 1.4255742861200003, -0.0138027919982, 1.3258244879899999], [-0.561596671462, 2.18008574764, -0.645673477461, -0.5812745564440001, -0.722416049277, 1.0332267024200001, -0.6718918164200001, 0.19817041937600002, -0.42493032956200005, -0.38255131375699997, -0.543969835887, -0.8139769984119999, -0.815401870741, -0.771617151293, 2.11146676667, -0.361712003003, -0.808355658355, -0.559410949749, -0.128134191039, 0.895003764917, 1.59902438471, 1.3909045538299998, -0.467199248298, -0.632127605993, -0.8386726555930001, -0.9296398669660001, -0.7908988834299999, -0.7581017531209999, 1.1593709102, -0.541504939464, -0.154151013042, 1.2622836535100002, -0.530364983846, -0.688341006566, 1.1406809498100001, -0.27798711441999996, 2.4316840905], [-0.549552153623, 1.15807050562, -0.564253629286, 0.36078934853100003, -0.237505997117, 1.12920179029, -0.634388122896, -0.33968839749799995, 1.4330806877899998, -1.29428304142, -1.67593515037, 0.6721687978290001, 0.00901362710192, 1.02454654609, 2.8220924166000003, -0.903031434058, -0.159453181273, 0.0683075074718, -0.022871580611700002, 0.701793199409, -0.410001504709, -1.16597674045, -0.287960048511, -0.834879012244, -1.0207693727, -0.350975269813, -1.08830040437, -0.560198096018, -0.574810556447, -0.671672027851, 0.648511746546, 2.23871903741, 0.32099810023200004, -0.17237199340999998, 0.368317793562, -0.9643585264229999, 1.52762513662], [-1.35069389338, 0.8585388967409999, 0.541907311977, -1.47848611101, 0.644125007634, -0.617377570061, -0.340244111023, -1.21263420015, 0.150537110897, -0.48525247143600003, 1.09140452015, 0.0, -0.35235001931599996, 0.0, 0.0, 0.103399329631, -1.21263420015, -0.254016729683, 0.971485099505, -0.9204570865799999, -1.88365290725, -0.693156727388, -0.230773500951, 0.07329544220869999, 0.0, -0.70152402671, -0.624569189551, -0.153437052859, 0.0638780039688, -1.129339935, 1.8685515076299999, 1.25815381366, 1.41276592185, 1.5733729271399999, 1.6027198382199999, 0.351273295308, 1.0751917059799998], [-0.439067866323, 0.6855639108310001, -0.0683095212331, -0.027127438795500003, -0.270105232671, -0.20887349599399999, 0.348787945914, -0.456041350312, 0.7860812690379999, 1.3275088942, 0.527754453121, 0.19756734434300002, -1.03582918692, -0.9726081867030001, -0.708136859086, -0.913075349972, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.9937610656799998, -1.14329809263, 1.0171974045999999, 0.0344436257405, -0.803396191911, -1.8062964794599998, 0.0, -0.42997408306100005, -0.782810842602, -0.145014760261, -0.8433988439069999, 1.0975341084399999, 1.59811463262, 2.1999536358099996, 1.2675730106999998, 1.24073926872, -0.37399286812700006, 1.09229821157], [-0.897092881733, 1.0029549858, -0.6786579979080001, 1.32980380492, -0.743055626001, -0.7856536594660001, -0.7839360936059999, -0.823742309772, -0.793517078177, 1.1829564697, -0.8043672359110001, 1.27789789549, 0.15772566185, -0.778009164033, 0.511281666381, -0.836362764055, -0.698315635537, 1.4327886610799998, -0.65005323497, -0.784991434729, -0.770578864301, -0.84565318434, 0.0115794629845, -0.836331489301, -0.305335257769, -0.499481658391, 1.1369058488400001, -0.786781732575, -0.770554499085, -0.779236152644, 2.3011940325, 1.5815219367, 1.59678474405, 0.374032044093, 1.30457707909, -0.839397506188, 1.28910116702], [0.0156684003251, 0.531069622258, -0.892487287792, -0.8717074544069999, 0.649730705018, -0.299296140951, 0.579899721068, -0.726979335895, 0.168749995156, 0.81740573844, 1.54163999225, 0.462477890976, 0.9369442400489999, -0.32303887636, -1.9373015307900003, -0.06505268967540001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.161915361196, -0.299296140951, 0.0, -0.164858159555, -0.0448042235051, -2.62088727585, 0.0, 0.171402297221, -0.709591882542, -1.4772079133000002, -0.758642732561, -0.6926524372830001, 0.0, 0.838715917109, 1.26061157677, 1.5014530212700001, 0.450678889238, 1.79544071308], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.325189113767, -0.7737482542309999, 0.236449147839, -0.140681389844, 0.508557414626, -0.118096475418, -0.10067847314600001, 1.05161278061, 0.6863342003399999, -0.35431781315399996, -1.5052037278400001, -1.38017683538, 0.22966249786499998, 0.325189113767, -0.77777754515, -1.13744233825, -0.712638667825, -0.47941805803000004, 1.2794639859799999, 1.29033301781, -1.6033088698700002, 0.499565736971, -0.177597482161, 0.374987756141, -1.5333719121899998, -1.16321613711, -0.14188856342800002, 0.631996798399, 2.10657556712, 2.3765582067, 0.15948119668, -0.923880794215, 0.941486802622], [-1.8425931313, -1.7896991225299999, -1.39801775914, -0.581521388556, 0.602759048798, -0.45806482165600004, -0.68158728279, -0.278899952885, -0.0109723558069, 0.622564288835, -1.02204423551, -0.08683182675730002, -1.08453563912, -1.1159101575, 0.7379898773190001, -0.051387257262000004, 0.10440459487400001, 0.9431816950130001, 0.379771064838, 0.053185064191, -1.14728981243, -0.173722848744, 0.237007129653, -0.29386682292, -1.0124699906299999, -0.33723277296899995, -0.031180888171999998, 0.361923302782, -0.060800302951300005, -0.16417753528100001, 0.777200791373, 0.951184784451, 0.676409076796, 3.20796828999, 0.998792440042, 1.69199553444, 1.27646892151], [-0.8329359727310001, -0.365627096803, -0.754563299735, -0.929172574829, 2.4690212614400004, -0.796547836589, -1.32105058113, -1.0048724980700001, 0.38795496428900006, -1.20071907642, -1.25083466936, -1.33655620445, -1.12541613053, -0.293399228703, 1.1456355947499999, 1.02782656344, -0.0505147164449, 0.5086394869699999, -0.06035237896890001, -0.38822642214, -0.41577192591300005, -0.0977540043027, -0.09680073005719998, -1.1165623567899998, -0.670887431254, 0.384472146307, 0.298367293013, 0.503843511867, 0.568438521316, -0.0771006617722, 0.789374399867, 0.767500851302, -0.208631447612, 2.7105793616100002, 0.0557175264833, 1.4324072766100002, 1.3445184853299998], [-1.8155420760900003, -0.978619891493, -1.5749084871599999, -1.3090865939899998, 2.67768938914, -0.7470808146619999, 0.17981132420899998, -0.941908352432, -0.0984799316392, 1.01571378345, -0.354400482358, -0.274503546939, -0.08933941060259999, -1.59245794238, 0.546048717157, 0.49978769003300005, -0.679606163028, -0.38237649833899995, -0.09420604508469999, 1.39628049113, -0.36348264994999996, 0.505794810418, 1.14213194215, -0.133996052819, -0.49832090035800003, 0.0985720204985, -1.33056160745, 0.0337332463864, -0.38237649833899995, -0.113840484572, 1.83423981994, 1.2716720106100001, -0.217344230634, 1.60453076459, 0.215365045462, 0.511271169344, 0.439796435802], [-1.6003607643900002, -1.42660141615, -1.3618947346999999, -1.01515603283, 2.22941682797, -0.984405862709, -0.497085685294, -0.0729920426558, -0.814848162823, 1.16073703721, -0.144124236606, -1.0543656947700002, -0.44714940735500003, -1.28481755215, -0.25772484427299996, -0.06543649358869999, -0.331686965511, -0.10625470752499999, -0.36381737461499997, 0.5553817550419999, 0.233892961782, -0.0552631205636, 1.1083808450900001, 0.0038366372405799994, -0.989448655658, -0.115272209202, -0.32120576509300003, 0.3079344958, 0.187126915368, -0.07754973491610001, 1.4836922936899999, 0.31946738502099997, 0.372315924014, 2.01627935596, 0.0, 2.36163849854, 1.04736053065], [-1.24749822149, -1.2054872956799998, -0.675174241175, 0.197503229368, 1.7017659973100001, -0.9106546894320001, -1.38829185659, -0.944289304162, -0.19451922691399998, 2.0449817032700004, 0.09796850123989999, -0.9507094938189999, 0.45003765757799996, -1.25786360991, 0.022294426750300002, 0.880199845572, -0.462861282172, -0.400838265058, 0.0656951082222, 1.4114831547799997, -0.7744260029350001, -0.0028988399935300003, 1.01915454909, -0.0364283785786, -1.25240771035, -0.23586793554299998, -0.19046960324099999, 0.0499040347583, -1.13254027107, -1.2706930185, 1.9675971847, 0.17137148242800002, 0.424415381104, 1.26969478241, 0.8161309111939999, 1.81993356776, 0.123787729081], [-0.554020280486, -1.02649837018, -1.1048180118700002, -0.43774944611, 2.2137357674099998, -0.37831524323, -1.53221761921, -0.43014670124300003, 0.575155675927, 0.364661901319, 0.45016883303599997, -1.37467370764, -0.458502978684, -2.25594037849, 0.28375019112, 0.910896131688, -0.331141840397, 0.516128000778, -0.313495797719, 1.1086313895, -0.535018456079, -0.0259829428315, -0.168993531512, 0.540385188379, -0.941138612502, -0.833742624046, -0.23485643496599998, -0.127620034111, -0.549764923441, -0.7618315251379999, 1.43945597464, 1.32203645471, -0.385563934585, 2.15252172747, 1.61709546557, 0.536389028889, 0.731021664032], [-1.65810444389, -0.5273772591629999, -0.853103815707, -1.41692295433, 0.347458799286, -0.260062435909, -1.27176515677, 0.166640606361, 0.5423157222280001, 0.670345590923, 0.354763058174, 0.00388178935349, 0.601803685714, -0.620007756659, 0.0292484497782, 0.277557892126, -0.8214682213079999, 0.662992905479, -0.9426943405320001, 0.07070093466539999, -1.5906288922799998, -0.5114132005659999, 0.8766498397370001, 1.33904756445, -1.60935283615, -0.7517722562270001, -0.0191071417355, 0.18284606436700002, 0.314963597038, -1.64980881863, 1.5515512960799998, 1.47638793472, -0.12740464555199998, 1.9935656500799999, 0.20400264842799998, 1.07849649929, 1.8857736471200002], [-1.4722955381, 0.44187787062600004, 0.271036990561, -0.569490171557, 0.46670405863200004, -0.677143025633, -0.217634090608, -0.12926302291, -0.0791348078678, -0.0922533394977, 0.244087944806, -1.8086730340700001, 0.309744475, -3.08780470518, -0.519009339276, -0.044834985127300005, -0.788627581707, 0.512601511911, -0.360323512485, 1.1518392184200001, -0.708677063457, -0.454976227201, -0.712190533669, 0.175225668275, -0.43836834020900006, -0.788627581707, 0.24623421724, -0.327887067712, -0.243840700141, -0.009947659224379998, 1.92665996353, 1.33224458332, 1.74403659914, 1.7256528700099998, 0.905820109609, 1.3001370184, 0.777099227861], [-1.9253925036900001, 0.0159712517826, -0.558125708237, -0.565901484775, 0.576338574622, -0.0109184957687, -0.467838457505, -1.95812010787, 0.595022829512, -0.63620427947, 2.43401483205, -1.13287531866, -0.26903279865699997, -1.59844245488, 0.09915431318989999, 0.45476540238000007, -0.6872872046430001, 0.177681179047, -0.276513310101, -0.26903279865699997, -0.797232676411, -0.63620427947, -0.370713565137, 0.061146355534399996, -0.41677884316799996, -0.543979750207, 0.111883704634, 0.09915431318989999, -0.41266449382299997, -0.0890815050502, 0.875760640983, 1.07190277946, 0.77365665955, 2.6009298897299997, 0.932085892278, 1.21246411706, 1.5304073011700001], [-1.3798764242500001, -0.0521862532202, -0.588616469474, -0.417761652977, 0.0, -1.0062169031200001, -0.10036821213500001, -0.0690604587423, 0.0, 0.34590578733599997, 0.1436731176, -0.985640404885, -0.751313587216, -2.12694688489, 0.8926864827509999, 0.0, 0.33526359603, -0.563122293864, -0.103298941649, 0.0347090848049, -0.7300132402189999, 0.0, 0.17284782348400002, 0.08272038835539999, 0.09520154004360001, -0.226934124066, 0.0, 0.0, -0.6744707747609999, -1.19617131243, 0.627242090557, 0.0, 0.658628229943, 2.34112918274, 1.8060929229299998, 1.47529183526, 1.96060585605], [-0.943614640599, 0.021519606321099997, -0.129901434901, -1.21867496347, 1.07775466596, -0.481028305356, -0.9117361970550001, -0.289709264686, 0.46727269675399996, -0.337275717507, -0.178848877071, -1.15956172077, 0.265441799784, -1.8081284430700002, 0.0739385391917, 0.210854712445, -0.642014975725, -1.00088339116, 0.119240515864, 0.738466903967, -0.26784744182, -0.9117361970550001, 0.318722141806, 1.01980384014, 0.32565467782699997, -1.3897217111500002, -0.0194409435426, -0.215629418521, -0.980938183699, -1.2047515638500002, 0.640416602667, 0.0758152393717, 0.962771868613, 2.77358379161, 2.04249183599, 1.2516602057200001, 1.70603374697], [-1.7515646346200002, -0.7919403293549999, -0.9384390853839999, -1.85275804405, 1.2344646986399999, 0.219346107874, 0.210561927679, 0.352545491932, 0.576936827852, 0.9364835121789999, 0.6888382087880001, -0.866126636394, 0.0, -1.7729251371099999, 0.122624593924, -0.7225068353919999, -0.376316458319, -0.133476792374, -0.8807607717329999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.225002401204, 0.0, 0.0, -0.523150242602, -0.77017952588, 0.225002401204, 0.151681392448, -1.05234080526, -0.248020023764, 1.03970131604, 0.163015792159, 0.0582181737955, 2.07467012572, 1.32305490468, 1.2775092157999999, 1.80084823032], [-0.280493698035, 1.2788576473200002, -1.08677122642, -1.2849915146700002, 0.502913379532, -0.22148184978500002, -0.31481391476799997, -0.447049035515, -0.682406134771, 1.0396942183, 1.18165007045, -1.4645304116100002, 0.0, -2.11695935558, 0.09093979722110002, 0.8052950809720001, 0.271908846926, 0.523652612142, 0.201174415051, 0.0, 0.0, -0.119611393919, 0.0, 0.0, -1.18817235945, -0.624999653103, -0.062823294957, -0.895642677869, -1.4501994773299998, -0.609812326163, 2.16299502802, -0.12593394203, 0.674870039152, 0.872361307383, 0.747921085116, 0.971168409804, 1.65129032857], [-1.91366655687, -1.010570655, -0.638678455756, -0.7813836448289999, 0.597615521338, -0.192682760259, -0.24555344368, 0.08588460395510002, 0.345644235274, 1.8588627007700003, 1.0507015205299999, -0.468708079054, 1.24392252595, -1.16931702701, 0.170563037938, 1.6256476002000002, -1.1845304605299998, -0.945434299215, -1.0921904599799999, -1.2094342511299998, -0.7356903589020001, 0.236005732362, 0.8568558847750001, -0.602879782421, -0.144940702653, -1.0832976930299998, -0.226635635, -0.314098828867, -0.58454895779, -0.871247811999, 1.14871055585, -0.022574940304299997, 0.359515890862, 1.7041278535, 1.7041278535, 1.2111406142399999, 1.23873867324], [-0.614978182123, -0.14169491071100002, -0.917521385905, -1.15399363495, 1.2130255862700001, -0.29696803733800003, 0.0535896066646, -0.13157053489499998, 1.0819619089, 2.2353762851599996, -0.446368220493, -0.0352178234813, 1.25997897492, -0.222569895035, -0.0191067302601, 1.7035731267299998, -1.4501819297100003, -1.19341028516, -0.17620125554699997, -1.3685231018900001, -0.80032594988, -0.242647461664, 1.33274700204, -0.783543650582, -1.2175062463700002, -0.8059385475540001, -0.7046478054699999, -0.307629698504, -0.346171456599, -1.2640337640000001, 1.28080568854, 0.261769708723, 0.357666736679, 1.1426454388299998, 1.73454374341, 1.3115866783499999, -0.328519977077], [-0.030572592920400002, -0.0140230760934, -0.184026021041, -0.130970767691, 1.8685553267700001, -0.0176727644798, -1.3017878519200001, -0.595041202265, -0.025433580196599997, 2.3455029509400003, -0.110317610148, -0.785115609875, 0.823311454842, -0.529855462628, 0.36270485758000004, 2.22517708834, -0.628140971163, -0.601937298441, 0.10846289908399999, -1.02389972336, -1.57630788471, -0.6210223709830001, -0.15343794392500001, 0.047043028520599994, -1.08649386725, -0.42261408958999996, -1.1063983904, -1.2164870571600002, 0.330116569277, -0.799748298018, -0.289709397105, 0.551863749056, -0.253038064036, 2.21664771137, 1.6983164349899997, 0.338740943311, 0.587608881318], [-0.49130161461000005, -0.318825100665, -0.919686473189, -0.9624445690889999, 1.4540188707100001, -0.20523722539500003, 0.0126314233469, -0.7380080265000001, -0.256436363816, 0.637374037136, 0.743807351063, -0.8557970249079999, 0.600643293117, 0.149670075335, 0.581143050128, 0.9356534259720001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.26644408199999997, -0.748902870838, 0.0, 0.0446209887134, -0.713543202647, 0.663987792078, 0.0, -0.550069280613, -1.18677838809, -1.50287997259, -1.5715815262000001, -0.314422476738, 0.0, 0.312030080553, 3.15528516189, 0.24451402826299998, 0.17958182716200002, 1.8873967924200001], [-0.7147955738070001, -0.52394525475, -1.0133723853299998, -1.12259864922, 2.03818952882, 0.31567723547, -0.944139022408, -0.344208109213, 0.318211792585, 0.553459329469, -0.249279118877, 0.027884727139499996, 0.0, -0.418812014277, 0.608583519309, 0.8970656295649999, -1.07348813349, -0.8246062663689999, -0.21351738242499999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5962654418159999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.155249609596, -1.16917376428, 0.5710172526, -0.0435142801583, -1.8701749544, -1.1028046371200002, 0.8422776149600001, 0.869401008674, -0.10179532689099999, 2.99464703624, 0.8712427315260001, 0.33558708225999995, 0.927996216601], [-2.18797504428, -2.08451386278, -0.51939519517, -1.4924689255399999, -0.35072174015600005, -1.5527664436700002, -0.341496772754, -0.42944547882100004, -0.44050777354500004, 0.48178794801200003, 1.19283657777, -1.03632112735, 0.0, -0.7852471347930001, 0.29071459625999996, 1.37164438523, 0.112552214715, 0.304468282172, 0.806379343528, 0.0, 0.0, -0.394742372882, 0.0, 0.0, 0.843931291506, -0.40254534750200005, -0.564187084289, 0.38359140543399994, 0.015404657665899999, -0.128449897255, 1.9094935718000001, 0.445978776779, 0.529908156149, 1.4181946053299999, 1.3577641605000002, 0.6715369538429999, 0.57459727408], [-2.72395613001, -2.05145876848, -1.56731867175, -1.09191131455, 0.390542794541, -0.412705055815, -0.8861462151430001, -0.7655024554350001, -0.159646923851, 0.455714824256, -0.532786584071, -0.295685947937, 0.390542794541, 1.58658369845, 0.37739665644299997, 0.44174991457900004, -0.462706607173, 0.13307218807, -0.269846290733, 0.431502188714, 0.196585802932, -0.20962527857500002, 0.298122493107, 0.888390152933, 1.2390525565200001, -0.863967394596, 0.00709641710769, 0.594642500744, 0.0, 0.0, 1.41580919716, 1.4693994117500002, 0.662929154911, 0.0, 1.31413089138, 0.0, 0.0], [-2.27071629434, -0.9642673370010001, -1.69642645221, -1.07522479047, 0.919513285212, -0.46692745321, -0.880619252964, -0.182713473939, -1.2190507272700002, 1.84535637104, 0.6455005598219999, 0.0172577515388, 0.0, -0.46349728246399996, 2.05937892509, 0.628648004429, 0.32445240864, 1.40281369125, -0.511976456682, 0.0, 0.0, -0.24225588427499997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.058558144541300004, -0.436454093809, -0.543307491967, 0.7082258576430001, -0.546509823802, -0.648985550517, 1.0301749685600001, 1.05873120175, -0.540787188669, 1.47194332796, 0.0950395357255, 0.2537798753, 0.17034564508400002], [-1.0178725154200001, -0.08759483516540001, 0.11474054147900001, 0.41428366656300003, 2.70217016894, 0.056124771374, -1.16571779589, -1.5619751426100001, -1.42578169526, -0.8184325919419999, 0.11849953610099999, -0.0398918365504, -0.665884178997, -0.29792376719700003, 1.3318475676100001, 0.14253155843499998, -0.218062616358, -0.0663499189595, -1.0621264080700001, -0.104065550012, -0.7218307898199999, 1.00070476922, 0.363868263851, 0.148319181386, 0.10917298030099999, -0.42734275556999995, -0.18039082734099998, -0.509071514806, 0.36002858664000004, -0.971640789591, 1.21799977685, -0.165092057658, -0.873396023524, 3.3247563406200005, 0.869149622007, 0.28438149631299997, -0.17813521694], [-1.3464342607, -1.04742599892, -1.3701862287200002, -0.38200364526600006, 1.9795428390599998, -0.569669936294, -0.313473575274, 0.11020446153300001, -0.41016531857199995, 0.373492704846, -0.158097079069, -0.255344727086, 0.351949796308, -0.41401821693999996, 0.22159712498700002, 0.687767430703, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.17431949596500002, -0.0374680085212, 1.2890840353200002, 0.535378411786, 0.7456511615539999, -0.0572584401196, 0.0, -1.14219577338, -0.643553035947, 0.371085541288, -2.00431366399, 1.3625257683399998, -1.4877773270899999, -0.208632398409, 2.53978438941, 1.2130536784700001, 0.8347701574699999, -0.593550370833], [-0.8787025181620001, 0.000631874613475, -0.30219478191300003, -0.137133388651, 3.29096858087, 0.362982684411, -0.04333350873369999, 1.0404420578799998, -0.942887046848, 1.39989317822, -0.6269033950199999, -1.0634936624, -0.22213733811500003, -1.55676490185, 0.93397149594, -0.45807391916100004, -0.318508003975, -0.0965656779996, -0.908810212517, 0.23931407578699998, 0.424387763845, 1.38351458508, 0.908230923633, -0.371057411848, -0.0338788466167, -0.119294231873, -0.5199612782399999, -0.501501665342, 0.358851401472, -1.26457704311, -1.04751808338, -0.0338788466167, 0.48517434884599997, 2.4950895910299997, -0.799110832755, -0.6957462690360001, -0.38141969748099996], [-0.570029273762, -0.41280304649599997, -0.314699265688, 0.17533974522999998, 2.8864957322099998, 0.21252983746399998, -0.890617783641, 0.155634337075, -1.71213744972, 0.502318806427, -0.283617129224, -1.25445613384, -0.502860106868, -0.9115693801549999, 1.41511213083, -0.5415501397370001, 0.36498358567100003, -0.634436786637, -0.540019429632, 0.16524161164, -0.44890640802000004, 1.3545381271599999, 0.84011247005, 0.378717862258, -0.18988966369899998, 0.00972683826957, -1.1301126253899998, -0.692200891099, 0.07631665871280001, -1.31540698035, 1.1112555467, 1.23537652579, 0.28194163051800003, 2.45695123178, 0.0, -0.612592364213, -0.664687819601], [-1.2677102595999998, -0.797208606829, -0.7111641527339999, -0.696531548769, 3.2455575531800003, -0.026003440595800002, -0.574400671507, 0.19060725628699998, -1.09379818275, 0.605501118103, -1.0772855239799999, -1.1863395223100002, 0.545548855569, -0.7512096895479999, 0.208475737298, -0.294655525735, -0.494627079257, -0.311580657167, -0.5563253367809999, 0.139819615145, -0.38682204867200004, 0.32329610449900004, -0.0739293211534, 0.898904957344, -0.728060176611, -0.169957744641, -0.480675368632, -0.440891583877, 0.195354231678, -1.27897115603, 0.611629049448, 1.0244085038700002, 0.481719629876, 2.72565667071, 1.7625578023700001, 0.39005582395000005, 0.049054687841499994], [0.16834567593199998, -0.44750895283299996, -0.837384485654, 0.251982372505, 1.8087763607900003, -0.258005872076, -0.873988827411, -0.7683906072229999, -1.57035475435, 0.472169864245, -0.799144069023, -1.11897057438, -0.615291354041, -1.29394405251, 0.113955489424, -1.57035475435, 0.366443031277, 1.24462814332, -0.07898048204689999, 0.165017929967, 0.5452251466800001, 1.31276108419, 1.7837521863699999, 0.664336000628, 0.322536199368, 0.322536199368, -0.7927035611390001, 0.808144753486, -0.5242756429559999, 0.276224482993, 1.47878532366, -0.437975121734, -1.3661483974700002, 2.31189574947, 0.142162514767, 0.308941397036, -1.51519839629], [-0.0578398143154, -0.980808805189, -0.526088039655, 0.6262536489899999, 2.0843601063999997, -0.586961347253, -0.912044863201, 0.0723603695758, -0.0773699328413, 0.0424084513689, 0.73814354253, -1.16995493297, 0.048360553603400004, -2.19737069887, -0.785033410212, -0.12532390819, -0.035725886990999996, 0.23358032681899998, -0.49701263942400004, 0.126833031157, 0.293229339563, 1.13345946745, 1.0647199816500001, -0.597711480708, 0.0401758846548, -0.391502199008, -0.22477275901799998, 0.044516454783300005, -1.3791908394999999, -1.9054653067299998, 1.42416812014, -0.0491920876339, 0.852360687147, 2.92604267371, 0.8994308322869999, 0.368984778768, -0.520019298895], [-0.732267964279, -1.37649605588, 0.1563865915, 0.42841354559199996, 0.658657525018, 0.314514415434, -1.5343782725200001, 0.166234543857, -0.477588816502, 1.0262053233600001, -0.436870827628, -1.32947218465, -1.06931381384, -1.87580807744, -0.73773429998, -0.818659474249, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0992917142899998, -0.16688482674900001, 0.83034974949, 0.51392891669, -0.844546663059, 0.35038445873400004, 0.0, -0.0861373885933, -0.584129232121, -0.9171530689390001, -0.6501106994770001, 1.12595725685, 0.8702108698350001, 0.8434778330060001, 2.78952980598, 0.56298314609, 1.10865931238, 0.7923666577959999], [0.28360574159699997, 0.101232434007, -0.410825717435, -0.708738189057, 1.0095932059700001, -0.244170977656, 0.13126635732, 0.206973448033, -0.8697686013570001, 0.7589617373309999, -0.263395821285, -1.05237012255, -0.44872578533, -2.17123682618, -0.60290950419, -0.7109576607989999, -1.26052115884, -0.5267512390519999, -0.843743773312, 0.382115474825, 0.8745157871729999, 0.0, 2.1207696636, -0.640197161422, 0.804321331278, -0.028968174471100002, -0.33873663306, 0.498241735403, -0.6959595946170001, -0.318559239121, 0.0, 0.0, 0.602454441778, 2.99346361453, 0.0, 1.56519930246, -0.19617809556200003], [-0.559231869847, -0.861067887841, -0.41563270722900003, -0.547052935085, 2.37029810255, -0.7903184239650001, 0.207899542396, 0.8355723951980001, -0.378913605366, 1.2635276679, 0.28438567492100003, -0.777795601075, 0.0, -2.0715205130400003, 1.7488479363799998, -0.482369796648, 0.0983184569547, -0.457531320022, -0.427846170461, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.11778205319499999, -0.31667590327100004, -0.167849551268, 0.61067231929, -0.724500393689, -1.0464248924, -0.5265760395260001, 0.0, 0.509634202986, 2.68194031479, 0.24984616597399997, -0.0398844940599, -0.387532727729], [-1.5534850862, -1.14652240349, -1.26779265116, -0.833056338556, 1.7643286554099997, -0.751652988748, -0.11669891810699999, 0.6980672462790001, 0.560241856014, 1.5361750674899999, 0.524958392094, -0.87573978215, -0.578076424403, -2.20608648686, 1.3075557796, 0.037430670791, 0.244760624643, -0.0516643590391, -0.39532675289, 1.27294089252, -0.284722839289, 0.0, 0.584574056418, -0.225044370245, 0.370255554241, -0.525328422265, 0.31760907182799997, 0.533237963518, -1.3691510368700002, -1.7846004738099999, 0.266585828521, 0.0, 0.724608276567, 1.86842105431, 0.7540079844490001, 0.5809688699059999, 0.0182214894961], [-1.26866776485, -0.623389501194, -0.8448482619259999, 0.17284518690099998, 0.0731196916752, 0.470021433374, -0.391996765209, 0.923283721744, 0.615113861376, 1.14613452202, 0.148746210983, -0.6125098942239999, 0.0731196916752, -0.770780264852, 0.963457147621, -0.8386068660670001, 0.260138406055, -0.519962137107, -1.4510495724799999, 1.7677575033500001, -1.19138595317, 0.0, -0.0281170896257, -0.35347268509700003, 0.401742240405, -0.530907365841, 0.476946888468, 1.3576816626, -1.4850390796200001, -1.7649044307700001, 0.5569240516439999, 0.0, 0.307939397677, 2.9883437787700005, 0.112193269707, 0.766753379505, -0.9066244135179999], [-0.5617630167050001, -0.268381918716, -0.794542769251, 0.9770364067910001, 1.1689744583700001, -0.605492804719, 0.19241212449499998, 0.8322007737839999, -0.137395312088, 1.8033114560900003, 0.216183095214, -1.29895943109, -1.3863899022, -1.80342142312, 0.13165144502599999, -0.148422294635, 0.738974456207, -0.033630704158299995, -1.35078163932, 0.337235537659, -0.607797286706, 0.896123662773, 1.12471908896, 1.32079600532, -0.0467848558403, -0.311770715982, -0.389017479497, 0.232684134408, -1.29510471608, -1.2385197034200002, 0.6037100453450001, 0.545422762865, -0.669089963519, 2.9954527618199998, -0.556510051681, 0.232684134408, -0.845796360794], [0.289088353671, 0.517118966505, -0.32434156369100003, 0.42468820274999997, 1.4622265711899998, -0.025153379907700002, -0.9062342126620001, 0.154005031988, -1.4583292752, 0.196732436672, -0.915004437712, -1.68058612238, -0.37997982259999996, -1.86758562792, 1.3963636321500001, 0.252722341578, -0.0794054280475, -0.7004588684340001, 0.123125672334, 0.442684626282, 1.19257417762, 0.03499779382630001, 1.4072131329, 0.75347500301, -0.6961863764480001, -1.30074057469, -0.41548495151799997, -0.507917777205, 0.155777894736, -0.80501812198, 0.30336854874200003, 2.47130630753, 0.126608711636, 2.1041504954400003, -0.676155630604, 0.26379666491099996, -1.33344239448], [-0.0945221791606, -0.809554127878, -0.634923794332, 0.980166639437, 1.6531267566999999, -0.582497853635, -0.774543421629, 0.762832585228, -1.09787356801, 0.438161815154, 0.109148586579, -0.44581585023599996, -0.06389300655539999, -0.666238336261, 0.37784030667199997, 0.206830891559, -0.0476730157539, -0.908489687307, -0.9418427837890001, 2.5024869236700003, 1.38411283231, 0.311995766122, 1.6819886242500002, -0.763075477025, -0.244391833592, -0.053396281407699996, -1.20734945712, -0.854585102364, -0.17553599147399998, -1.8259575573099998, -0.0992955574457, 1.6389866475900001, 1.11269519339, 1.5395042574700002, -0.858231872606, -0.44581585023599996, -1.104375221], [-0.164225981188, 0.7328148000939999, 0.0183724876024, -0.8418978727580001, 1.7734296003799999, -0.792683217298, -0.06276571835580001, 0.6501151674019999, -0.595377822487, 0.453005996954, 0.23170089961999998, -2.13945360348, -0.493584153802, -0.830035242827, 1.9189586772, 0.6908508582699999, -1.2918524909, -0.619576402676, -0.5333285261590001, 0.13572947694700002, 0.18989422218899998, -0.838483854307, 0.953273613553, -0.16732939673900002, 1.66296322056, -0.745527395404, -1.25681056668, -0.334644202003, -0.536712760784, -1.2678520358299998, 0.556131352074, -0.179824501447, 1.11022922268, 2.6966191488, 0.35202933223000005, 0.129373282041, -0.563525613463], [-0.660989262418, 0.164735814194, -0.251309455489, -0.8932690320960001, 0.988133440877, -3.22097688561, -0.756527419125, -0.305851320171, 0.0313034218159, 0.0784859615266, 0.9495839799339999, -1.33660590452, 0.217080027169, -0.462775255511, -0.37134714770099997, 0.840351659708, -1.19828057746, -0.634806529853, -0.539648433731, 1.01888366955, 0.55514421589, 0.0, 0.735259282429, -0.116332478718, 0.0335385383665, -0.601804136046, 0.335216041371, 0.402226791016, -0.38788093220200004, -0.425468198031, 0.0, 0.0, 1.14530983, 2.43185844404, 0.0, 1.37380302132, 0.862958829472], [-0.19432678072999998, 0.674319646576, -0.326434989802, 0.014599436213799999, 1.8828412559, -0.189158280799, -0.057773811769599996, 1.43592496591, 0.264608075235, -1.2881948757600001, -0.9466975667829999, -1.4396116563499999, -0.168314406709, -1.1831341505600002, -0.508482636668, 0.954538067586, -0.29897413883499996, -0.951108667181, -0.9288082219470001, 1.5900520619299998, 0.258571793059, -1.2369652743700001, 0.670568163019, -1.2597642725700002, -0.143067033066, -0.057773811769599996, -0.28727078036, 0.8745289603149999, -0.506798537405, -0.7719618920389999, 0.37813447776299997, -0.56872383358, -0.599085673942, 3.0188369376999997, 0.485251081977, -0.17507236376899998, 1.58472873359], [-1.55437992102, -0.278898505697, 0.2826407149, 0.529939247183, 0.775135820849, -0.114284662553, -0.132457465011, 0.868161905566, 0.250914601499, 0.707749175998, 0.74958431366, -0.20229102485800002, 0.287994411906, -1.2377225762000001, 0.027435321817900003, 0.508827508972, 0.949233469809, 0.336343160731, -0.0575392011417, -0.06384738056520001, -0.933554761386, -0.0444468850197, -0.0382233164354, -0.14552852715, -0.329160096977, -0.321305880594, -0.58384421973, -0.23388632318100003, -1.55437992102, -3.75723651384, 1.3003607569700002, 1.20297776534, 0.8390855442190001, 2.12416526543, -0.42275207497100004, 0.871895201549, -0.606704929052], [-1.40813401334, -1.92743285104, 0.16625498082999998, 0.8173672977770001, 1.9286065184299999, -0.680873675003, -0.33559404401799997, -0.19036978074299998, -0.0542769591305, 0.0119654227144, -0.37035077675300004, -0.409114837445, 0.0, -0.7645335171940001, 0.480512704106, 0.046676133599, 0.686839948036, -0.974489458882, 0.07772662615289999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.7928917447920001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.409114837445, -0.134628650723, -0.134628650723, 0.27537041813499996, -0.388787510321, -2.32137581408, 0.681361577623, 2.36635714722, 0.563654239752, 1.87762681384, -0.134628650723, 1.11014697089, 0.340758973235], [-0.696138091752, 0.913036577648, -0.102800155687, 0.405529776224, 2.18813139221, 0.0594106365709, -1.00950414608, 0.026846290567799996, 1.63070534768, -0.25603722389600003, -0.16892268794, -0.733642250714, -0.45320717567100005, -1.61451509, -0.567396297879, 0.7332386072429999, 0.286018529885, 0.8709363639200001, 0.20471723276599998, 0.450170689795, -0.983775133143, 0.8360861295149999, -0.0222567776975, -0.38447537773199997, -1.26163976877, 0.24883527972, 0.745693137493, 0.64549467315, -1.00950414608, -2.58209101863, 0.34644502461599996, 1.75138044833, 0.232231007174, 1.5579467075799998, -1.5026457107299998, -0.014277436939, -0.770025362746], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.586616386651, 1.16978274379, 0.154758308236, -0.46442210813999996, -0.374050697765, -0.179498410679, -0.21490185538800002, 0.0654460974154, -1.39146434998, -0.28016630456700004, -0.500373092806, 2.15078409565, 0.327307888812, -0.0254881829008, 0.0779013368412, -1.08034223511, -1.88828627917, 0.544262819017, -0.34625484992, -0.292254319577, -0.42928815714, -0.11079297810000001, -0.632533633395, -0.08837990722149999, -0.483300702611, -2.40044290098, 1.7854322333500001, 1.9582909891099998, 0.939327179859, 1.4157592623500002, 0.0, 0.19901254594099999, -0.19244092158300002], [-1.0207067301000001, -0.7967510145899999, -0.309611340681, -0.198950284879, 0.579040202144, 0.529406986153, 0.0, 0.0, -0.604647350567, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5484135396909999, -1.04305583684, -0.939735383267, -0.8823177587190001, 0.171648105167, 2.1768939302000003, 1.3655157971, 1.19269796218, -1.29442109516, -1.5449049883000001, 0.0, -0.7684807979330001, -1.14294047686, 0.37010504045599996, 1.05536830777, -0.29273620662300004, -0.274613022074, -0.21343937179900002, -0.566357326334, 0.857407691166, 0.0, 0.0, 2.28185176845, 0.643071764861, 0.973542838951, 0.245532129823], [-1.61966185787, -0.959379497949, 1.0517980658700001, -0.11954201828500001, 0.0, -0.8578461967759999, 0.140539724622, 0.312755492425, 0.0, -0.168067794898, 0.48479494125600003, -1.1337476888299998, -0.125921276203, -1.24870777125, -2.29161537438, 0.0, 0.5427251248080001, 0.679550631711, 1.4227907152700001, -0.6908355574099999, -0.947206708942, 0.0, -0.0154786935121, -0.7398673875480001, -0.256418833693, 1.1088843723000001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.276367056272, -0.587639299027, 0.5427251248080001, 0.0, 1.0547723319700002, 2.2690772257900003, 1.04818861034, 0.8908812662379999, 0.488819385419], [-0.627260212524, -0.860047348573, 0.114132523807, 0.502301523398, 0.904974876849, -0.109137986588, 0.0, 0.0, 0.48171854730700003, 0.0, 0.0, -0.3064758101, -0.7378132954350001, -0.978254924712, -0.343789871098, 0.332212570974, 0.635035453186, 0.494122180339, 0.587442407597, -0.768914429957, -3.6332610606599998, 0.0, -0.17855512305100002, -0.24087271550500003, 0.522511733421, 0.410739423226, 0.487934726579, 0.45538116611, -0.37172040952299995, -1.69945858123, 0.99086114578, 0.0, 0.0, 1.6616732005700001, 0.9599607154979999, 1.10364530835, 0.21091426596500001], [-1.95028657676, -0.38455941012100003, 0.6582229099229999, 0.204514232995, 1.77364487412, -0.823626132825, -0.657767868744, 0.651826879411, -0.138768940663, 1.2123970798100001, 0.742013695717, -0.8800887265999999, 0.215926197434, -1.81222100848, -0.671593238209, 1.3305932694700002, 0.391737511648, -0.0036329968933299997, 1.41789725532, -0.333732840222, -0.934008072736, 0.0, 0.28401049912, -1.20501499233, 0.29314899592300003, -0.244032749364, -0.720427488228, -0.179872138603, -0.184991561006, -1.50100123645, 0.0, 0.0, 0.10742846712000001, 2.1667129862, 0.0, 1.44320061187, -0.267649487856], [-1.0487911101, -0.647103886845, -0.462615615677, -0.384313564972, 1.47440164127, -0.101096350512, -1.38346503829, -0.8130314677830001, -0.49628898493999996, 0.028239308281400005, -0.137509323661, -2.2684245925599997, -0.18674561717399998, -1.35814422113, -0.888344768136, 1.5847324481, 0.89779891, 0.986768710545, 1.5941742136000001, -0.0132522655048, -0.978009077995, 0.718697200308, 1.14711370323, -1.02390966535, 1.09792868159, 0.437426891757, -0.664790562928, -0.133231049765, 0.868766251628, -1.54493652095, 1.41302685734, 1.08606636111, -0.16877532665300002, 1.5326317426499998, -0.0324452215966, 0.0896689398126, -0.222217628704], [-0.19386747081099998, -0.7934750223899999, -0.58917353305, -0.863863804134, 1.8793824845599998, -0.616202724936, -0.5152773293490001, 0.0658284925344, -0.43476755414800006, 1.2265981298100002, -0.537284931481, -0.878361930776, -1.11916204236, -1.5991606733700001, -0.278630259027, 0.505406126674, 1.37465584831, 0.3070209639, 0.325908624754, -0.992145902365, -1.5400531597100002, 0.0526480496462, -1.07517168008, -0.66138994267, -0.509609105924, 0.0103388060143, -0.0292298190041, -0.370365305992, 1.33056362764, 0.6855179928849999, 0.0184857933693, 3.11400239675, -0.219652907905, 1.7049332178, 0.865676443379, 0.268437874826, 0.0814402266351], [-0.150188317487, -0.018979837165400002, -0.116009212918, -0.251623135929, 1.42401125855, -0.42965054024, 0.10492694394200001, 0.0907345315918, 0.46975925104599997, 0.263220760349, 0.992008509652, -0.826860996851, -0.64988877585, 0.253944206529, -1.4020360826299998, 1.0553863541600002, 1.30717897403, -0.519486421932, -0.291521654253, -0.892353418481, -2.72793007852, -0.9637039165610001, -1.16794158416, -1.64507451671, -1.33413626295, -0.43803787272100003, 0.7992628006739999, 0.38867656896200004, 0.871369014881, 0.116482080978, 0.902906909622, 2.01340090349, 0.36070139567299997, 1.69187759961, 0.0, 0.667173742191, 0.05240081943080001], [-0.782488374685, 0.29819950348900004, 1.7694760855, -0.0684346640496, 1.5096329512900002, -0.334214305366, 0.163666687323, -0.29176353730099996, -0.304595156402, 1.1113221390299999, 0.943015483066, -1.4672784727500001, 0.163666687323, -2.4828750460699998, -0.5675650200119999, 0.474617805179, 0.833595742433, -0.324140304343, -0.21184262114900002, -1.90409310277, -1.01538511926, 1.6008632073500002, 0.25402248019699997, -0.715212486169, -0.7298344225319999, 0.37166361083899996, 0.41170167204499997, 0.545082832302, 0.782807526347, -0.888730806707, 0.534190028052, 1.61443440365, 0.167976036678, 1.1009717953799998, -0.722289028971, -0.20438833900400002, -1.6357758699399998], [0.167181790419, -0.530964353368, -0.232610103545, 0.7106335919779999, 1.55109637947, -0.0159623969758, -0.834319935053, -0.132693540857, -1.1627177763299998, 0.13441520492999998, 0.19726817192999999, 0.202068958214, 1.2798595284799998, -1.0224805286399998, 1.11542490501, 0.7058856483939999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7749646582080001, -0.332373238043, 0.54647205974, 2.7720322882599997, -0.8020293157539999, 0.32280258797899997, 0.0, -0.73484802301, -0.4986953003399999, 0.359817059064, -1.42528490866, 0.918041199457, -0.510360249617, -1.59387175148, 0.54647205974, -1.7513790066400001, 0.750048932138, -1.47389459511], [-0.504466937384, -1.00766713228, -0.891183645006, 0.19521335187199998, 3.0801986456700003, -0.795945038571, -0.8473706130869999, -0.232841977989, -0.609582418995, 0.872265936669, -0.008475477534839999, -0.8594490425929999, -0.00381100150235, -2.38490986713, 2.29978391817, 0.0354599897749, 0.809055708083, 0.208036964096, 0.8228424141480001, 0.365429471617, -0.0727484685925, 0.0, 0.911728813476, -0.232841977989, -0.592135808527, -0.159819227849, -0.48985779302500004, -0.241763616439, 0.0, 0.0, 0.23932173106, 0.0, -0.0510548081614, 0.0, 0.146587908014, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.526401119768, -0.0913670688141, 0.37511684136999995, -0.6889341300949999, -0.346361573561, -1.7731278063299998, 0.577454790282, -2.57166031996, -1.3488506325799998, -0.716154032257, -2.06549412545, 0.544689212049, 0.101588279989, 1.5892632577099999, 0.209641073809, -0.108708375834, -0.525166087932, 0.343483661038, -0.5446356114909999, 0.35952518060599997, 1.4358376649000002, -0.23829180993000001, 0.363889193905, -0.776146080425, 0.0194177960849, -0.590832830657, 0.821536298568, 1.69828848012, 1.5136547670700002, 0.0235900539464, 0.1478630101, 0.899166812484, 0.835322991522], [0.404431812064, -1.08364950552, -0.336415394163, 0.872101368753, 1.4854522493900002, -0.434003153145, -0.565914701735, -1.8810172163699999, -0.664732302556, -1.20081408065, 0.33624820796099997, -2.19668603642, -1.25061270677, -0.660307712367, -0.9150607767200001, -0.270594600648, -0.353583779206, 0.841484525062, 0.072327620465, 0.252493187921, 0.264368448824, 0.406403152478, 0.820523394146, -1.08826873029, 2.29779027763, -0.449417208591, 0.350129386071, 0.541295893893, -0.8191967367749999, 0.386549339636, 1.4394681519799999, 1.3833905801, 1.10833622302, 0.297794653825, -0.668919740306, -0.232942486636, 1.51154839565], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.73091067026, -0.7828721062299999, 1.3023498718700002, -0.00960922483352, 0.0738675035046, -0.528355152836, 1.6478993713799999, -2.1837350111, -1.95816465875, -0.328303927452, -1.14294403354, -0.560626236154, -0.328303927452, -0.0661158050187, 0.44394298325900006, -0.73117858404, 0.128295404764, 0.4883674674600001, 1.27819665551, -0.11216342366399999, 0.254828535846, -0.73117858404, 1.54478533209, -0.244954376622, -0.185856271831, -0.648726700882, 0.041287533642, 2.33478619066, -0.0576142816032, 0.25873804542, -1.0660229453299999, 0.542234553938, -0.403764868223], [0.44051685916100003, 0.49073572629100004, 0.16391759794000002, 1.2534077908299999, 0.411581309044, 0.585614278055, 0.0022130345122, 0.614773769275, -0.44235788498899997, 0.531226318175, -0.729228907862, -2.29014275495, 0.110043001928, -2.7044693093900003, -1.7237050145599997, -0.275629193596, -0.36560363398100004, 0.0458406239911, 1.16858287808, 0.13435965173699999, -0.257492115582, 0.123566401278, -0.163409158242, 0.598303163293, -0.519414214416, -0.5939621979249999, -0.8310333025740001, -0.257492115582, 0.0, 0.0, 1.98079419648, 1.38936038018, 1.1091028234, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.000969433104717, 0.29779089981199997, 0.644071220953, 1.1705241658399999, -0.49843329770000006, 0.9025970424449999, -0.284189626024, -0.5389942214819999, -0.195705388771, -0.5389942214819999, -0.8602784485320001, -2.47098308312, 0.24809971880800002, -0.695693116998, -0.666986148636, -0.31410644780200003, -0.47024734468999996, 1.23508874052, 1.6282340662099999, 0.0678944923586, 0.39939505392499997, -0.218936188056, 0.930954898202, 0.599281330725, 0.821998045661, -0.5389942214819999, -1.50177889968, -2.04318453623, -1.50177889968, -0.41508343961099997, 1.47513709901, 2.27687131657, 0.759336031025, -0.123671437036, 0.23458645509599999, 0.702781414394, -0.517572457654], [1.71368132492, 0.715178778574, 0.793455367439, 0.6261230592279999, 0.13002047210200002, 0.17611728172600002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.512138054841, 0.0, 0.0, -3.06869658921, -0.8983325278309999, -1.80824744371, -1.77764460573, -0.20271974434, -0.646972879233, -0.486961580601, -0.224659291616, -0.396760897071, 0.287032096648, 0.788916225332, 0.727862391286, -0.646972879233, 1.30827467142, -0.6149641251300001, 0.00660678442762, 0.139075381424, -0.716484269787, -0.396760897071, 0.8395107340860001, 1.31472199244, 0.0, 0.8646300949369999, 1.01776008653, -0.10485507616, 0.0299280093652], [1.58571052605, 1.7702672120599996, 2.11912659593, 1.8714160605599999, -0.254659296182, 0.736786682192, 0.0, 0.0, -0.115176151341, 0.0, 0.0, -1.6667776813600002, -1.90097424307, -0.688553843723, -0.271772297528, -0.120570517477, 0.20583804842, 0.21422701745, -0.689906023283, -1.4142871911500001, -1.36532579524, -0.254659296182, -0.317845689847, -0.041066013132099996, -0.0042209061918, 0.014448408828799999, -0.8344249121610001, -0.612207322548, 0.134137867173, -1.02231127303, 0.975819816047, 0.7619124704019999, 0.0, 0.375370093027, 0.0, 0.565315900009, 0.24436175529800003], [0.8351106499250001, 0.489681558476, 1.5613184400600002, 1.34702562779, -0.310309165158, -0.443731884944, -0.5475719034040001, -0.0792896011043, -1.4214318938100001, 0.251724700057, 0.737128551591, -0.597825947175, -0.908631368159, -0.6305333815209999, -0.701430827585, -1.02073418528, 1.5224529312200001, 1.3414572769, -1.70725504364, 0.0556294510166, -0.745731203737, -0.23124244823399998, 0.682486994923, -1.8350094645599997, 0.7057238825550001, -0.15709802248500002, -1.94996945803, -1.36047806026, -0.174408705671, -0.46704903812299997, 0.07823335565219999, 0.504980417495, 0.285028313259, 0.907953585597, 1.43684326959, 1.05842822732, 1.4885243694299999], [-0.26747590764, 0.819567315175, -0.9196006187970001, -0.187299256981, 0.268158645207, 0.374533353209, -0.0093039581103, 0.894680567007, -0.316432756729, 0.13835278383400001, -0.158324560714, -1.18883344405, -0.693154063433, -1.6180472211599999, -0.7732611430069999, 0.433208105942, -0.9305987464830001, 1.4855008027, -1.76075409351, 0.60376912382, -1.01769647236, -0.734850965393, 0.186405916751, -0.419320792787, 1.25094672284, -0.600275464819, -1.1457923671899999, -0.65378207578, -0.370348859674, -1.2697236917799999, 1.8169780099400001, 0.357356656294, 1.2851206600299998, 1.6347567439500001, -0.0713065099713, 2.00103653835, 1.5558110253100002], [0.20703657289400001, 1.15995357968, -0.202888201184, 1.18308942191, 0.11094489611300001, -0.162211445984, -0.025350555490799998, -0.1299904018, -0.615377831055, 0.921282046333, 0.7112990454100001, -1.5124550279299998, -1.39702526183, -1.4909034485600001, -0.915240219747, -0.363303256059, -0.259879193343, 0.995406826225, -0.035748780891, -0.08576979563100001, -1.35969110119, -0.639815783251, 0.0368912521174, -0.66828082109, 0.985041626542, -0.553970072904, -1.20317930248, -0.191332569776, -1.27656626851, -1.66606638427, 1.85623615778, 1.22938504309, 1.07533264296, 2.3847899778799997, 0.641958444819, 0.690262845538, 0.566135343694], [-0.682173051996, 0.330563267679, 2.1256301366900003, 0.681705620499, 0.30792644784, -0.6263864920269999, -0.220465758239, -0.85928150796, -0.593992587292, 0.08957550650810002, 2.44709270463, -1.5321539546399998, -0.9759289369130001, -0.9379429493350001, -0.522457423147, 1.76708893985, -0.34319919119000003, 0.08645838056420001, -1.0329287453899998, -0.00011004095654100001, -0.649549507448, -0.34319919119000003, 0.648568847379, 0.474748952962, 2.46335059858, -0.802366511865, -1.06913689238, -0.532398516758, -0.528241568099, -1.2518668726, 0.735808872984, 0.867751466337, -0.926198948582, 0.717876292096, 0.0412613140379, 0.276042102429, 0.368529196939], [-0.167480462046, 0.568623377221, 0.630255796524, 0.7630469229189999, 0.12132798335799999, -0.442296784234, -0.664861419222, 0.106357777421, 0.421954349435, 0.574953112161, 2.6438997079299997, -0.820584215201, 0.973425187097, -2.15480882713, -0.212672678756, -0.689865481778, 0.6392986949189999, 0.0849734503328, -0.366071021425, 0.7552118400669999, 0.0783668023376, -0.18012487252599998, 0.09910496384169999, -0.5309689488699999, 1.6695119286500002, -0.48421878778399996, -0.713147643171, -1.21496164146, -1.37269237666, -2.26338685454, 0.435130392795, 1.3367897851700001, -0.212672678756, 1.52224246561, -0.913159832315, 0.726037482098, -0.746537494014], [-0.419748375826, -0.280075819535, -0.10048589259299999, -0.5512575225190001, 0.434850006943, -0.380897115435, -0.517263039718, -0.21370937285, -1.63862911619, -0.275657057009, 0.7645307961910001, -2.2092608514200003, 1.8521170304900003, -1.26219459621, -0.188333115873, 1.90555246946, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.808627168558, 0.164913895343, 0.35957978335199997, 1.10280553421, 0.808627168558, 1.28620473074, 0.0, -1.82314719309, -0.411313018967, -0.11850009569900001, -0.741701958779, 1.5380777908, 0.338957479781, -0.049190400508000005, 1.05081603001, 0.0, -0.365593938425, -0.868701403786], [-1.13906528279, -0.451701351839, 1.26882122044, 0.1073111275, 0.40673681324199995, -0.26604438423, -0.248866661026, -0.9847100619220001, -1.0990801560299999, -0.320904368784, 1.8222439083400002, -1.8364224998400003, 1.5529235749099999, -1.1710318873299999, -0.177843039252, 1.4281665088100002, -1.5108064767700002, -0.624599860051, 1.41348479596, -0.0410575767055, 0.129230658191, 0.21436637467300002, 0.148088765344, 0.332154443491, 1.29928037021, -1.0564861347, -0.949875848207, -0.226992393631, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5777472894600002, 0.729043578182, -0.324111445657, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.434486268521, -0.4563890971399999, -0.421321612997, -0.32345743409600003, -0.401374724053, -0.401337206745, -0.41181909473899997, -0.441018759859, -0.442296588183, -0.416723782861, -0.454368202126, -0.42183061648000003, -0.261324851693, -0.193511476848, -0.478710775709, -0.461082680407, -0.41295581318700003, -0.381318642942, -0.21919571417599998, -0.36990274195699996, -0.302614609429, -0.298374593622, -0.48138962352, -0.323545347789, -0.300373090243, -0.37973731639200003, -0.360929945695, -0.242448605937, 2.7181256326999996, -0.07048998281600001, 0.246465197773, -0.35727060822800005, -0.498495836264, 2.55179908551, 0.44882739964100005, 3.8389720194800003, 1.6159063095500001], [0.0051375817723, -0.34668216003700003, -0.08946699667050001, -0.22235769947099998, -0.8488162271809999, 0.330505762235, -0.09736002928120001, -0.402692644574, -0.766028226944, -0.407685392879, -0.261441792234, -0.7248250878749999, -0.520006309006, -0.648367843399, -0.49414047094400004, -0.6822292202240001, -0.518561628088, -0.8444964599510001, 0.39655987835100004, -0.129018568164, -0.18231107143, -0.507934567072, -1.0107158317899998, 0.0969412342409, -0.611367370871, -0.409935063754, 0.588596550426, -0.243301904283, 2.57100354542, 2.6562674539400004, -0.922709844712, -0.164113279896, -0.666821869296, 1.54915688584, 0.0, 2.3008737135599997, 2.2283449542400002], [-1.01270958626, -1.01479667, 0.694845398831, 0.40298005605899995, -1.03489197121, 0.089181158572, -1.1170954361499998, 0.0795817571546, -0.956225706248, -0.519548304288, -0.162821608847, 0.24662097676800002, 0.0, 0.0335633440031, -0.182264333292, -0.530764157257, -0.198692276618, -0.891803373963, -0.38302738286700005, 0.0, 0.0, 1.05912512723, 0.0, 0.0, 0.263742493766, -0.226012411946, 0.726956675151, 0.299144077115, 2.24130538796, 2.27126444482, -0.36588227520800004, -2.2785628795400004, -0.7793425613770001, 1.07938917738, 0.0, 1.7575489563900002, 0.40919190385700005], [-0.212100910799, -0.489563968271, 0.686847516576, 1.6573300079799997, -0.114272795373, 0.711167006283, -0.251306233777, -0.57751157503, -0.733172750451, -0.7573011607950001, -0.9952535062279999, 0.53944270368, -0.65377750658, 1.56033001169, 1.31075014189, -0.49712289251900005, 0.19239643630999997, -0.831012267094, 0.648393958677, -0.7766528437610001, -1.5069614122400001, -1.6147226769799998, -0.8147890146100001, -0.36719502757399997, -1.07506723309, -0.584861497306, -0.341535409367, -0.9648772423530001, 1.20671055123, 1.33884686264, -0.8147890146100001, 0.293632024902, 0.0518469664262, 2.55158428136, 0.0, 1.56033001169, 0.664238457452], [0.516591551316, -0.900941221524, 0.359573601205, 0.5460535465030001, -0.939122637544, 0.380345332456, -0.968468026552, -1.7098883695700002, -2.13019814617, -0.212923373568, 0.6322967907720001, 0.644555316283, -0.278164724327, 1.7688417988799998, 1.53799602846, -1.12882550205, -0.28097786667, 0.795020653963, 0.32885653543000004, 0.396307392439, -0.227375583559, -0.846534654331, -0.23547888475200002, -0.49154817018200003, -0.794545843108, 0.489590464749, 0.29778705522, 0.0831399527493, 0.596334519623, 1.42356669831, -1.79536754055, -0.600617919969, -0.24841009107099998, 2.6914697231299995, 0.0, 0.0162787482871, 0.28478284573199997], [-1.8427923502099999, 0.38099984787600005, 1.4020461518399998, -0.0020656906660999996, 0.457747390351, 0.633210416011, -0.974633951275, 0.634500602085, -0.43456251653800004, -0.015106661179, -1.3797215921200001, -1.7289235945200003, -1.51721050206, 0.7882032114409999, 0.014144588016899998, 0.259096933034, -0.632456421968, -0.574203066888, 1.22100676295, 1.2243767540600001, 1.09080173161, -1.40573169777, -0.401352910331, -0.109947025164, -1.5241072678299998, -1.5302987927, 0.9503715623000001, -0.335564252844, 1.29787232067, 1.50311224801, -0.140697125085, 0.334785188842, -0.0313539977917, 0.995769236516, 0.282897245836, 1.5434398273199998, -0.43365260183399995], [-1.0420051420299998, 1.10527120204, 1.7214428020099997, -1.16440139319, -0.7385863567409999, 1.15402451358, -0.0113832016056, -1.03188922781, -0.835561856633, -0.753936989894, -0.928341427439, -0.966921858866, -0.974286096978, -1.14511341143, 0.238415597568, -0.073419619418, -0.817366279681, -0.9094823653599999, 1.85747344912, 1.18103193256, 0.229815981426, -1.09479968116, -1.03996442263, -0.694516535325, 1.26603063234, -0.513076251296, 0.44309684965400004, -0.7574532376690001, 0.691565327641, 0.8888354285250001, 0.546756906347, 1.67232535553, 0.665022013158, 1.10654232338, 0.459351676763, 1.35269809773, -1.0871947342200001], [-0.655861055005, -0.874899834706, 0.0356200342843, -0.8601842991840001, -0.0604459597004, 1.96334597977, -0.7896044498970001, -0.799079376363, -0.66864468595, -0.8340838561849999, -0.696313540812, -0.743345727047, -0.729398393255, -0.890371733232, 1.7788811010699999, -0.340462505544, -0.637224709059, -0.755008625333, 0.185682015796, 1.8440291678099998, -0.39032327017800006, -0.572828182139, -0.678024902613, -0.463845700403, -0.823175128547, -0.7478264653300001, 1.7972530488099998, -0.745305255317, 1.6884069316499999, 1.78469084588, -0.22528924743, -0.10829414103700001, 1.6302292432799999, 1.4283570537, -0.134938726927, 0.8288523365199999, 0.259432012629], [-0.7257641082449999, -0.233835769877, -0.40295210854, -0.654317987149, -0.450895821378, -0.693393852014, -0.873634723179, -0.8045902877600001, -0.637619521636, -0.9024938405060001, -0.13910057554400002, -0.8111014504109999, -0.638312304898, -0.964596554311, -0.7990930220229999, 0.7803817027399998, -0.8749230667110001, -0.245981421573, -0.87753642073, 1.27518450831, 1.85423464741, -0.772519478344, -0.778832861651, -0.919005637874, -0.700360018267, -0.9106033491429999, 1.27736174776, -0.7261552224519999, 0.829654870546, 1.64920135778, 1.3344260883499999, 1.82491497088, 0.9487647022650001, 1.25936604976, 0.39469976093500003, 1.73814428404, 1.37128471344], [0.544875826565, 0.453221361709, -0.7678869235950001, -0.946241763583, -0.9604820446310001, 1.11331361127, -0.410607003284, -0.914283445723, -0.141986771421, -0.948005247032, -0.9599143409550001, -0.392385693865, -0.74288208794, -0.6639154704860001, -0.05763686200069999, 0.0377880887558, -1.00118117271, -1.05615457304, 1.16619883614, 0.632990641242, 0.868280731527, -1.11179765063, -0.8879544754880001, -0.960746871547, -1.0224505283299998, -1.07494764479, 1.19993230607, -1.0680200364799999, 1.14064303874, 2.39980877827, 0.9075060623100001, 1.59498658977, -0.21138562870299998, 1.42843227481, 1.30284901749, 1.02214719908, 0.487891872469], [0.15010922478900002, 0.0508293739185, 0.138616983976, 0.723949243713, 0.11022150866800001, -0.160540197333, -0.16696700181500002, 0.463548746524, -0.9475625704709999, -0.0803060986683, -1.23734645153, -0.430182058535, -0.322875185364, -1.81353757535, -0.350896846109, 0.5332517458120001, -1.5398331250900001, -2.07973298132, -0.909436119548, 0.546967420441, 2.48634613676, -1.15429237979, -0.0219507325451, -0.7339916134639999, -0.15239270780300002, -1.0242223375900001, 0.410561888886, -0.443553918883, -0.319056013602, 1.23067169911, 0.21573222842099998, 0.659674953207, 0.742188589798, 1.9846905705400002, 0.415815715273, 1.31464899582, 1.71085088916], [0.39218665375699996, 1.1505965002399998, -0.30983097164, 0.775132726677, 1.34977670091, 1.45697299738, -0.876698410689, 0.255994433744, 0.5556606135409999, 0.438642722283, -0.39799182044799997, -0.235795960685, -0.489715452574, -0.402370279182, -0.104460167638, -0.901125124717, -0.348402029646, -2.18721202907, 0.8758693117090001, -1.4814778133500002, -0.366205553036, -0.16234520017, -0.889965277676, -0.483330354063, -1.19960826802, -0.9904259592569999, 1.177894391, -0.468690652219, 1.39782842315, 2.42905097496, 0.0240340151411, -0.0537413676949, -0.18599293086100002, -1.9394813820599996, 0.157699244331, 0.650012189763, 1.38751510611], [0.883599236106, 0.156629548683, 0.292260323133, -0.7495466458050001, 0.14330461006, 0.762226487756, 0.0, 0.0, 1.60557150823, 0.0, 0.0, -0.36261204549599996, -0.671068705263, -0.653927247841, -1.06771566475, 0.645671746007, -2.05106137159, -2.02874266671, 0.0997893109309, -0.575025879928, 0.351871884616, 0.189009219349, -0.0934042618777, -0.337972641671, -0.43966656634400003, -1.56515966655, -0.28300315853, -0.9587367729330001, 0.7603151592049999, 2.48881766292, 1.12866504694, 0.683291100321, 0.0, -0.17749450004099998, 0.0, 0.859938068369, 0.9641768826970001], [-0.0341799620046, -0.251058682275, 0.188676853831, -0.023336821284599997, 1.7313048420500001, 0.45182942878999993, 0.0, 0.0, 0.764359584099, 0.0, 0.0, -1.4714662991999998, -1.2649857977299999, 1.2022896165799999, 0.059230594331199996, -1.74168204283, -2.19393485732, -1.12417540119, 0.796055225342, 0.0470869603509, -0.42232698097300003, -0.7275179993619999, -0.30051182879599997, -0.627831975421, 0.106561466228, 0.5441877102179999, -0.0741753781568, -1.32145209797, 1.40229524442, 1.4458235119999998, -0.263480835548, 0.518107577433, 0.0, -0.0586698267834, 0.0, 1.24808292777, 1.3948952434], [0.20303475023899997, 0.695228959832, 0.677509947434, 0.367683234824, 0.805325569567, 0.191090499491, -0.621262845454, -1.5228176953700001, 2.41857372582, -0.116197016498, -0.19829434955800002, -0.432110094605, -0.81416620991, -0.326100603105, 0.0369300331514, 0.812730057382, -0.7741199284870001, -0.13435395873199998, -0.116197016498, -1.30295492906, 0.000440193971436, -1.46909942125, 0.60232753593, -2.59849815708, -1.13564653148, -0.17443053230099997, 0.853673041863, 1.6871402534200002, 0.721549202876, 1.4070614088799998, -0.946487043131, 0.35011787191200006, 0.520701897382, 0.77514023699, -1.56558706993, 0.52512346257, 0.59694151893], [0.210346737603, -0.0876081178792, 0.918153840679, -0.462317829525, 0.0, -0.817614053995, -0.515620808646, -0.045947608704699994, 0.0, 0.5526194255820001, -0.112161222733, -0.430703077632, -1.88009604817, -1.59558632011, 0.336046032894, 0.0, -0.534170313077, -0.23790325374200003, -0.133515744434, -0.6839283191769999, 0.053361899377800004, -0.115870899644, 0.41811591508699997, -2.6418192736700004, -0.781444356558, 0.708865171925, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0983235929700004, 1.50742643833, 0.319068275324, 1.8278008492700002, 0.943287752486, 0.29441517425999997, -0.443739889101, -0.0296311614722, 1.36184719248], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.564408188073, 0.773707465817, -0.226979338683, 0.556732454501, -0.19382769333500002, -1.22745948338, -1.48317119907, -0.444541862057, -1.5555356904, -1.07516322505, -1.50819654313, -0.530639270219, 0.621827379748, 0.353053412876, 0.503649179965, -0.0568894970632, -1.4132033970500002, 1.16419920346, -0.288027656706, -0.69325713838, -0.7236351959199999, 0.311962975085, -0.256894852465, 0.096981222722, 0.03998608565930001, -0.0434710772746, 1.4259756121, 3.2353793824699997, 0.23371863915600002, 0.610124458915, 1.28839944686, 0.550901068249, -0.610113055469], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.23781317371, 0.426065774569, -0.699893727423, -1.37011077118, -0.324225147175, -1.14743194187, -1.39683999721, -0.851362443518, -1.24612324377, -0.7720478250210001, -1.5633569736000001, -0.324225147175, 1.11510943238, 0.5188998967399999, 1.4322326295200003, -1.0383609333, -1.14743194187, -0.0411562931868, 0.41169470744000003, -0.024959738435299996, -0.699893727423, 0.9937892695110001, 0.6023040016100001, 0.128590005805, 0.742864880458, 0.238910462151, 1.65021616449, 1.9604844234099998, 0.44168911089100005, 1.5290539128799998, 0.0, -0.144857063579, -0.637440929832], [-0.15601099726, 0.22808696960900002, 1.02887178677, 0.9961627545980001, -0.0108505837311, 0.611399886641, -1.07140002475, -0.0777457069868, -0.6170703425949999, -1.3714229276199998, -1.8144076400799998, -0.650953303285, -0.590296763938, -0.949061062084, -0.626998170418, -0.6878974714020001, 0.7697281246590001, -0.296963032873, -0.0593367326675, -0.102376708618, -0.499903219745, 1.63610619197, 0.620775286107, 0.487205489457, 0.212838639428, 0.516598554132, 0.6839550723610001, -0.0839392114247, -0.31042919600499996, -3.01190641859, 1.64527751008, 2.12459895952, -0.296963032873, 0.41071693450999996, 1.3886549983399998, 0.52990109366, -0.6049457048870001], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9493331693539999, -0.501729658032, -0.797952759461, 1.7030573534, 0.84708757271, -0.9660760551659999, -2.9610006105199997, -1.18681710676, -1.17213954216, -0.6814725910430001, -0.629264138335, 0.571494960525, -0.177083030759, -0.025950802886099997, -0.11461517090399999, 0.318656010576, -0.31790887346700003, 0.287189980592, -0.06536610465909999, -0.242234697641, 0.526595706032, -0.33726515288599995, 0.913389923237, 1.0399814614799998, 0.160693815461, 0.204634749733, 1.04392120838, 2.61279218022, -0.126436103588, 0.783153677264, 0.590628440788, 0.598701696583, -0.9493331693539999], [-1.1940233557, 0.34397293768799997, -0.08783367056010001, 0.20740520070799998, -1.2064376138500001, -0.20917521281800003, -1.0709083976, -0.535389303512, 0.527236868499, -2.41195166837, -2.19868428052, -0.5320464509830001, -0.8983073255830001, -0.907359483603, -0.33453389247800003, -1.21159702104, 1.14735185407, 0.9497581231960001, 0.733667836523, 0.274204686871, 0.389717478349, 0.532511768443, 0.103777130712, -0.642242032705, 0.534225928387, 0.9341988832510001, 0.252827077776, 0.627050075155, 1.18072165533, 1.5380318014399998, 1.02729219893, 2.30477780933, -0.9269182347499999, 0.528940842982, -0.015489353807600002, 0.595651345899, -0.350424205666], [-1.0345383775299999, -1.2810355871799999, -0.6730893048659999, 0.0263732893335, 1.65001786852, 0.5385415846980001, -1.2810355871799999, 0.9726740386339999, 0.437129234167, 0.23728470815400002, -1.09335659134, -1.3214899912, -0.6927539458959999, -1.7477771947999998, -0.0040195592014599995, 0.301587132234, -0.203286964287, 0.533251791139, -0.5037166768110001, 0.0449695452587, -1.44839522243, 1.84033435991, 1.28504813361, -0.05484781231000001, 0.548028210503, 1.0170658775900001, 0.18523050187600001, -0.011488852014200001, 0.0, 0.0, 1.09894273395, 1.7175150006600002, -1.08316234317, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.16700259908, -0.999864803103, -1.15340682286, -0.21731316578200002, 0.134267452972, 0.004350604516819999, -0.585635438645, 0.725469809085, 0.236671834259, -0.334713993983, -0.713861800476, -1.2684002565, -0.6569276107859999, -0.230590888867, -0.575920285602, 1.0551390339, 0.908153711204, -0.452304297906, -0.580695062828, 1.79440919855, 0.25964322473, 1.9169193156, 0.623440828986, -0.7564798395260001, 1.27398856109, 0.616621799165, 0.09723081949830001, -0.028023789215700003, -0.580695062828, -0.211351049714, 1.21644960176, 2.29896016618, 0.253216602229, 0.436560193129, 0.0, -0.699436357542, -2.63886963162], [-0.8862046121930001, -0.41247345148000003, 0.0022729963580100003, -0.47657823428199997, 1.6158313477700001, -0.77884143193, -1.26701019417, 0.00557978109237, -0.605192754716, 0.494266172362, -0.47374323447, -0.582388710766, -0.733294474479, -0.768938922521, 0.0628905413843, 0.16824416764400002, 0.577636632966, -0.6351592719820001, -0.45579645020000004, 0.0741858181468, -0.390427131485, 0.844869832219, 0.9820433328270001, 2.13438051887, -0.622443139416, -0.684674098199, -0.536253387502, -0.549703282581, 0.932171760388, -0.018983889069299997, 0.20682699364100002, 4.0514393124, -0.605192754716, 0.6530256840199999, -0.39942849304300004, -0.16805139139699998, -0.7548855815009999], [-0.0847398239123, -0.8004969025380001, -0.7215058287739999, -0.18892420212000002, 1.19368402201, -0.152189164278, -1.4880459037600002, -1.00834006001, -1.03683347421, -0.0030210093994099997, -1.7885059595599997, 0.0, -0.251135554237, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0759593078961, 0.653999635176, -0.644610314899, -0.5069824032460001, 0.788149059941, -0.0013243678048299999, 0.7095889755920001, 1.22099667715, 1.57233784671, 0.0, -0.942813131409, -0.426588915681, -0.545458673534, 0.546021935559, 0.154712369483, 0.466223106172, 3.55299448736, -0.515638374035, 0.212521196045, -0.0777315484584, 0.694532632212, -0.50491702366], [-0.7681828386990001, -0.683952186486, 0.448817852335, 0.49183319102, 2.0958579792900003, -0.285424611248, -1.11545501156, -0.683952186486, -0.9633300369230001, -0.505804162745, -1.0529149123600001, -0.638648248265, -0.731717833389, -1.03891531544, -0.516720547782, -0.276878630216, 0.839737826663, -0.214014354151, 0.144144907907, -0.335375996902, -0.9633300369230001, 0.7505826077359999, 0.166628547368, 1.10748629177, -0.17927022831599998, -0.460534617552, -0.577049056857, -0.600018015317, 1.34093037446, -0.450341633103, 0.900417499313, 3.3165196778099997, -0.791431554589, 2.05559362499, 0.502167821302, 0.0793680947339, -0.406824281398], [0.749256871025, 0.5645128416690001, 0.774173459954, 0.758094595219, 1.00860684853, 0.219105036342, -1.1233563981799999, -1.14599975982, -0.369102085669, -0.481853442137, -1.40582523149, -0.5577670851259999, 0.0, -0.74131755588, -0.753594414234, 0.251354350456, 0.111806889244, -0.734551978338, -0.64377648353, 0.0, 0.0, 1.24003387233, 0.0, 0.0, -1.3235125432200001, -1.30533076401, -0.280939754466, -0.256124825415, 1.33524206354, 0.577936369843, 0.837169877043, 2.9261595108700003, -1.46163693383, 0.878446445288, 0.0, 0.0923766832937, 0.26041354068399997], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.61681138633, -0.535966097076, -0.276666199577, -0.421821158169, -1.1215681746200001, -0.98432286234, -0.050604721031099996, -0.978251464206, -0.590559971534, -0.700321066418, -0.454360321633, -0.048219440804500004, -0.744100559122, -0.358139848297, -0.98432286234, 0.039522994913, -0.874663302863, 0.273646253038, 1.60901840458, 1.00942546119, -0.0768429767173, -0.492017096818, 0.780644426428, 0.353365837152, 0.8811358064700001, -0.636576141717, 0.06894224152039999, 3.86187385763, 0.240773179624, 0.8156271682999999, 0.704280739868, 1.24800228417, -0.940123003265], [-0.277652377171, 0.211739984379, 0.235279972438, 0.40923759455200004, 0.7361610249539999, -0.7698374234190001, -1.09257944386, -0.128102834389, 0.375385716971, 0.883720988567, -0.428849799177, -1.14616493526, -0.6908966750200001, -0.607106063148, 0.152928513766, 0.529724299535, -0.9593839923530001, -0.41985426259999997, -1.35357367495, -0.5295695003890001, 0.189625803195, 0.47797981824100005, 0.529724299535, 0.897724181943, -0.25823061024300004, -1.22545890549, -0.112445756071, 0.8617272303200001, -0.935463118277, -1.55275779833, 0.755969147679, 4.04987016682, -0.640236681732, 0.801869759323, 0.833529777018, 0.7426837048299999, -0.54671813219], [-0.241473830274, -1.14480392881, -0.5703597968140001, 1.92832612621, 1.39736615634, -0.999236566796, -0.42242676869, -0.101790909498, -0.144080103639, 0.0884031079187, 0.642355294333, -1.0334615999799999, -0.17614834617199998, -0.538563557994, -0.781064424435, -0.547080678344, 0.34704144655599994, 1.23167396105, -1.03807089907, -0.459021890378, -1.3970969073800001, 0.0043809965868199996, 1.34708890972, 0.018847952165299997, -0.232138611679, -0.294734456758, -0.010402634167499999, 0.0342028937951, 0.0, 0.0, -0.135911897808, 3.5340771505, -0.55177612669, 0.0, 0.245879940201, 0.0, 0.0], [0.811636518915, 0.304796327601, 1.10379977516, 0.705625974668, -0.131508777088, -0.849599423286, -0.810452417578, 0.9398300378309999, -0.5465637972730001, 0.418970605078, -0.279401435156, -0.29259620739, -1.2940649026100002, -0.230432414862, 1.10379977516, 0.212017774496, -0.523198983849, -0.599999526739, -1.07455245898, -1.57246865464, -0.9331818306890001, 0.560507134858, -0.566183139399, -1.15773268423, 0.995045263786, -0.790123754201, -0.8043866291940001, -0.166356449791, 0.326365037829, -0.504055225847, 0.376643125421, 3.7563074391199995, 1.1379817027899999, 0.511166739489, 0.0, 0.655654783713, -0.793289303112], [-1.2112939337000002, -0.64292769819, -0.6316731226210001, -0.789308765128, 0.532310857294, -0.6894311640559999, -1.04853838749, 0.0603044958451, -0.5513014627830001, 1.1071120426799999, -0.898375954502, 0.08681607547980001, -0.589203756514, -0.807320680421, 1.17077029914, -0.213963033095, 1.0247550778299999, 1.11445203592, 0.502026440962, -0.0157994824504, 0.414902223289, 1.50372887343, 1.0934474778399998, 0.0434414359585, 0.143463143239, -0.476473464844, -0.441720192843, 0.199096443249, 0.0, 0.0, -0.276018856549, 3.21646795714, -1.2359521469499999, 0.0, -1.69379277715, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.538496923386, 0.0432025820274, 0.910377595991, 0.112262440249, -0.664714376553, -0.729086885141, -0.634991786358, 0.788954905961, -0.451785113394, -0.119194331702, -1.18786684465, 0.775842053096, -0.153442520136, -0.0420915798107, -0.334130498651, -0.634991786358, 1.2692857585, -0.831222068921, -0.32265234534299997, -0.417760866567, 0.265874327774, 2.76709231823, -0.22658211368500003, 1.149616087, -0.11054748764599999, -0.530309823208, 0.7030481500010001, 0.211419290134, 0.455062975081, -0.992243447562, -0.464871191044, 3.2662191172400004, -0.7577123059540001, 0.49682131340400004, -1.53871591474, -0.00913425300325, -1.5225344509], [-1.65976847795, 0.35870991662, 0.7651916127689999, 0.8434349346340001, -0.09807608803760001, -0.8236855501739999, -1.0012888130500002, -1.04964953068, -0.347832124094, 0.47729638014799997, -0.950639071979, -0.7202872435050001, -0.6419454863499999, -0.28174335111, 0.47729638014799997, -1.3620928197600002, 0.47729638014799997, 1.5132255210499999, 0.664500495474, -0.855621662807, 1.6284561169299998, 1.57894706024, 0.00933983224466, -0.0601448435465, -0.6419454863499999, -0.8143535726369999, -0.319187137101, 0.521094832507, -0.25352670281399997, 1.59248772833, 0.559483148505, 3.03682815083, -0.477210414073, 0.15064256677, -1.17375470108, -0.560738990121, -0.560738990121], [-0.0158613544209, 0.698180019086, 0.787061521639, 1.30492771643, 0.264619627562, -0.21816043289700002, -1.47333358572, -1.57956871443, 0.486884067134, -0.309091070846, -1.6315204642399999, 0.40213526565700003, -1.10630579979, -0.877589503206, -0.36765022577699996, -1.1460345262, 1.04237373813, 0.9930959901790001, -0.0414992234838, -0.877589503206, 0.918110850237, 0.9930959901790001, 0.0558597519778, -0.309091070846, -0.493895690873, -0.0158613544209, -0.463209472837, 0.155166674288, -0.877589503206, 0.8368324877500001, 0.394426545279, 3.4820949981300005, -0.432430418882, 1.23110533294, -0.568539961454, -0.568539961454, -0.672608738403], [-0.00115884807302, 0.18883511980599998, 1.31315751405, 1.57289427072, -0.111147129364, 0.56745444413, 0.980291669857, -0.91416669552, 0.0227549293082, -1.47328624352, -0.91416669552, 0.7493506317290001, -0.655670116412, -0.279399193919, -0.00115884807302, -0.8842538421639999, 0.481173407573, 0.660038394959, 0.501775613873, -1.08842817199, -0.00115884807302, 1.1844757643500001, -0.520071306944, -0.520071306944, -0.06747856289269999, -0.520071306944, -0.430199425951, -0.159820242629, -0.548517315117, 0.8788350923389999, 0.5891626911469999, 3.6880870176, -0.853054845874, -0.210450593792, -0.68455760662, -0.655670116412, -1.8843292987], [-1.4169145439500002, -0.169134815662, -1.1819883604799999, -0.519591943201, 0.669167341008, -0.976547658855, -1.6346781167299997, 0.126077337411, 0.664721703483, 0.318306051438, 0.273768212614, 1.33245045586, 0.982348470115, -1.10232172741, -1.6434603518200002, 0.113719160565, 1.0884446589499999, 1.7940937942700002, 0.6353986045800001, 0.07049613668169999, -1.26585596381, 1.18063920703, 0.905470966416, -1.0433500714, -0.566885459786, -0.681277848846, -0.0514829198652, 0.251589228823, -0.0810027569745, -0.7648448215479999, -0.32119460418, 2.8309073177099995, 0.7303887873270001, 0.503891028745, -0.6427856163210001, 0.219078074106, -0.627638956299], [-0.9794463861299999, -1.7380716235299998, -0.034022090258900003, 0.361089164255, 1.04396771582, -0.791331152444, -0.570949179771, -0.570949179771, 0.008189625351229999, -1.24010843438, -0.526421507066, -0.00938133382218, 0.0, -0.299062553476, -1.1553919644700001, -0.207597928855, 0.890379484198, 1.45216534579, 0.0787645988761, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9172041538150001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.17499052413600003, -0.034022090258900003, -0.39938633276600005, 0.322107243382, -0.14957591010500002, 1.3914867591, -2.01669044262, 2.43000918785, 0.008189625351229999, 1.12477402124, -0.9046161305410001, 1.7830691731900001, -0.00938133382218], [-3.1290576805400003, -0.0639445607089, -0.319017491893, 0.180096293169, 0.29298130638799996, -1.29936392565, -0.8024896459499999, -0.557505677737, 0.29298130638799996, 0.334218109126, -0.423653610886, -0.423653610886, 0.0, -0.714391686625, 0.317052965116, 0.0340621617548, 0.640885552124, 1.32364449265, 0.123414338715, 0.0, 0.0, 1.35653914716, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8024896459499999, -1.19193319034, -0.557505677737, 0.38202408110200003, -0.423653610886, 1.45368419044, 0.632260928758, 2.6391608436099996, 0.403163097962, 0.699098594906, -0.47002060027599996, 0.261458964136, -0.188045757443], [-1.10792464761, -1.80643710091, -0.35577387221, 0.0139984677979, 0.08809143536800002, -1.3642640264700001, -1.03440905399, -0.13128219113700001, 0.883028099421, 0.199319745491, -0.238262868351, -0.27429256585, -0.321254664297, -0.35577387221, -0.27429256585, 0.9375669825849999, 1.5522630311599999, 1.20261233718, 0.5927751913170001, -0.42605857553000004, 0.30022968815400003, 0.967902536265, 0.998141334639, 0.616742126191, -0.618461699353, -1.32007012292, -0.8143025911599999, 0.772140299412, -1.32007012292, 1.2229709331299998, 0.532459713906, 3.2069773679900004, 0.32721003107200003, -0.09455528407050001, -0.8673647403129999, -0.767487803911, -0.922090952024], [-2.05486135396, -0.900081450906, -0.489544878446, 0.0109541422019, -0.135954557418, -1.30205330645, -0.489544878446, -0.614767484599, -0.21986401702, 0.0109541422019, -0.374875431159, -0.614767484599, -1.2274871247499999, -0.973108015077, 0.0109541422019, -0.5310027444, 1.1799237288700002, 1.05682629138, 0.22565436138099998, -0.450117493722, 0.467379091756, 0.732677728977, 0.25087415928, 0.811252462629, -0.766367494444, 0.186463533606, -0.489544878446, 0.355226240298, -0.21986401702, 0.892046200468, 2.2867695791900005, 2.5793021240200003, 0.22565436138099998, 0.25087415928, -1.71344752274, 2.02251354227, 0.0109541422019], [-1.97877868032, -3.39600124665, -0.566851068085, 0.229691003315, 0.0077286471905399995, -0.9609408516719999, 0.757704827314, 0.0077286471905399995, 0.178793208411, 0.576423404008, 0.135100065143, -0.714952106028, -0.637840710315, -1.10632304692, -0.714952106028, -0.604349584223, 0.615440319821, 1.0318230011799998, 0.0077286471905399995, -0.17210966197, 0.909913527676, 0.554455608509, 0.34765030406499997, 0.31188356544, -1.23390937834, -0.9466248157639999, -0.251519530389, -0.093753844596, 0.271993048763, 0.949799027185, 1.12954381661, 2.21284927143, 0.705309601277, 1.3672776062099998, 0.203730309431, 0.554455608509, 0.31188356544], [-2.3322730651900003, -1.9748514566, -1.64893229272, -1.41674357218, -0.0156589291553, -0.82626626619, -0.750225415722, -0.313328976446, -0.504841011486, 0.0872955037368, 0.438045733836, -0.300564962368, -0.981478536098, -0.306864355108, -0.139238075044, -0.24212268787799998, 0.184234463017, 0.8516947025570001, 1.14289407226, 0.202337789819, 0.34977829439999997, 0.5417889155110001, 0.38176028904200004, 0.292782037237, 0.6839114626430001, 0.417235745471, 0.512835399507, 0.649317534026, 0.307588100789, 1.1620559959399999, 0.5788396507720001, 3.4066063182599997, 0.07056851435019999, 0.26482053531800004, 0.0, -0.19804259447900002, -0.574958861821], [-2.05240588092, -1.7723907274700001, -1.50274783868, -1.28056674059, -0.6790948583580001, -0.784096468508, -0.379305061391, -0.15997737163200001, 0.923548635453, -0.154509827427, -0.709888018141, -1.29181595707, -0.106797091368, 0.44167528931100003, -0.7569285063429999, 0.832108118881, 0.043854088446699996, 0.25617435523800003, 0.561004044488, 0.15202789615, 1.21302168367, 0.049316621589800005, 0.871624020129, 0.944203094145, 0.762540142747, -0.08806854859060001, -0.789779243226, 0.84610356992, 0.514879563707, -0.008190164991869999, -0.0691032653801, 3.41137170278, 0.936868293996, 0.647805392947, -0.282910641973, -0.055741901747, -0.483808399796], [-1.9859248354799999, -2.3553372947, -1.12471559502, -1.21229929263, -0.16238240882000002, -1.19925159715, 0.140598339819, -0.942526486736, -0.0807285490825, -0.9542000945899999, -0.5606224388359999, -0.00595809324917, 0.0, -0.679270368827, -0.7855969720899999, -0.362095349597, 0.230215216501, 0.35990847478, 1.25846629869, 0.0, 0.0, 0.470267752099, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8043530332369999, 0.8383893525139999, 0.306606225746, 0.558048575851, 0.8633120091259999, 1.93104611773, 0.403105756442, 1.61289931477, -0.323523150856, 1.06822503163, 0.028032364725599997, 0.9075583175130001, 0.953400346504], [0.496027842378, 0.124605292886, -1.0030537374, -1.460176036, 1.4610587670200001, -1.1631856224600001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.355704778303, 0.0, 0.0, -1.6039664582799997, 0.107081073041, -1.38869013264, 0.05698408476149999, 0.442041259477, -0.6871351136759999, 0.24941117795899997, -0.0333211229739, -0.023956064508799998, 1.3784567112700001, -0.22565727187800003, 1.59692864266, 1.7789101234599998, -1.15060842984, -0.7110136940009999, 0.07809160422989998, 0.5229370942480001, -0.156403989712, -0.885667608144, 0.966469282467, 2.32274561625, 0.0, -0.570237799553, 0.0, -0.193917631429, -0.680462637929], [-1.02515628661, -0.25583304870900003, -0.764758352754, -0.573726211151, 1.36424317847, -1.47313862576, -0.7129126090819999, -1.4463798194600002, 0.0673858719932, -0.355871843784, -0.628769351256, 0.449517365071, 0.463566113989, -0.7129126090819999, -0.16890669996899998, 0.478441666233, 0.384399627102, 0.00829341154382, -1.13790925002, 0.981662277693, 1.05092287494, 0.533848969028, 0.897677670121, 1.5806634072999999, -1.29835398849, -2.1786519207499997, 0.708723250497, 1.48773056144, 0.0, 0.0, 0.796481927014, 1.64862914439, -0.16890669996899998, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.75631895913, -1.29861832123, -0.37263778178499996, -0.412532436163, 0.160685116624, -0.285877917964, 0.191689813412, -0.26931026650199996, -0.20381922123500001, -0.685215988513, 0.249847331644, -1.80660664312, 1.28509027576, -0.868481362864, -1.14748807541, 1.08361611274, -0.6061489775469999, 0.0834890917536, -0.0384096819288, 1.7628787928599998, 0.7368500027339999, 0.0241043104787, 0.32760977567, 0.697528875436, -0.39661479102499997, -0.916193666557, 0.10333866081, -0.426340343411, 0.0, 0.0, 2.02132438741, 2.44365944332, 0.318902443747, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-2.61159553995, -1.70896072694, -0.751795277163, -0.533842101039, 0.6097368599899999, -1.59161247787, 0.047306224735400006, -0.295190912967, 0.329450455859, -0.622459785571, -0.828048790834, 0.452386743331, 1.14135642239, -0.449869903846, -0.652439180546, -0.247408773646, 0.0871517857443, 0.48013443974500003, 0.00505185269199, 0.905170013477, 0.7243483318539999, 0.638728608963, 1.12302241329, 1.04721513317, -0.584066852535, -0.509175017628, -0.269606456444, -0.533842101039, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1028473245700001, 1.8572100301099999, -0.347177890255, 0.0, 1.98597514835, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.35157424106, -0.518450859225, 0.013337610606500001, 0.39683987899499995, 0.22139353585000002, -0.692077442453, -0.333291636359, -0.971398301364, -0.613005804423, -0.285796961244, -0.128675304912, 1.3466715362600001, -0.417427474678, 0.11862412352499999, -0.468827470198, 0.013337610606500001, 0.49237278621200004, 0.7693298597470001, -0.6648159032859999, -0.518450859225, 0.42761044904600004, 1.9020080927, 0.550915799964, 0.013337610606500001, -0.613005804423, -1.1827337958700002, -1.8207080985799997, -0.09599546980589999, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2840139553799998, 3.3216574312000002, -0.19521485358100002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.330818005312, -1.1648263295, 0.277143368472, 0.009549654775610001, 1.39841979584, 0.230886714817, 0.0, 0.0, -0.133656005729, 0.0, 0.0, 2.24845008937, -1.0272440816500001, -0.307968299738, -0.8441714673559999, -1.1648263295, 0.24718164961199998, 0.467529042752, 0.293205045835, -0.410099999221, -0.686959175583, 1.2320073861799998, 0.687907455116, -0.741013491897, -1.33638708844, -0.741013491897, -1.25028914434, -0.451487616972, -1.28226110319, 0.135626027095, 0.9476980928030001, 2.31080205493, 0.0, 1.33318264316, 1.1217324407200002, -0.544664217252, -0.523635613905], [-0.28966321130100003, -0.713422033217, 1.27790603324, 0.9751798007770001, -0.736570407617, -1.09536739581, 0.0, 0.0, -0.192224521744, 0.0, 0.0, 2.96725561259, -1.2535318162, 0.279609827062, -1.0451448567000001, -0.8702061208059999, 0.821351193776, 1.12540491907, -0.26827257475, 1.23335486197, -0.896302980422, 1.4365170465900001, 0.0253403076718, -0.250912958149, -0.386569436653, -0.34508488352899996, -0.713422033217, -0.896302980422, -1.2155658007799999, -0.896302980422, 0.386521344636, 1.53543192588, 0.0, 0.415021364409, 0.0586985534129, 0.319992584708, -0.792718384058], [-2.97640635866, 0.14698333984, -0.050264964797599995, -0.12758015904300002, -0.37579701971999996, -0.0972769014932, 0.12829102369200002, -0.666590199916, -0.44994305283, 0.6850146772519999, -0.625135148498, 1.2682305884, 0.31629694070000003, 1.0862339177200002, 0.948949495564, -0.841221905689, 0.45843669492600003, 1.19166350915, -0.266059711733, -1.26349115408, 0.6988959145129999, 0.970558418448, -1.12431157288, -1.12431157288, 0.871255968865, 0.103926944832, -1.7246709092599999, 0.408666269798, 0.0, 0.0, 0.578128401299, 1.85161349557, -8.49690753914e-05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.8533867441299998, -0.621055801143, -0.848465185959, -0.874318651816, -0.971797535219, -1.62412607755, 0.8448986014200001, 0.0961029528579, 1.1855491360200001, -0.0791269951426, 0.479152388339, 0.0, -0.369212877199, 0.0, 0.0, 0.432230218912, -0.24308544244000002, -0.0430008736044, 1.09252091789, -0.860427725097, 0.972983421446, 0.7129877529620001, -0.48193002985100003, -0.290290110745, 0.0, 0.187892732673, -0.00370063867671, 0.576337219141, 0.0490161318144, 0.920620916953, 0.275101134946, 3.0345996208200003, 1.36657810917, -0.798010605086, 0.0, -1.34224826727, -0.9223876944320001], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.1311153066600002, -0.964234833195, 1.14476892352, -0.0297606964458, -0.191705971847, -0.21428078528900002, 0.765396991602, 0.0836792663138, 0.29878735438299997, -0.06097014504769999, 0.026489087489499998, -0.873751123749, -0.296185505491, -0.682473261414, 0.45252739686899995, -0.09940726760669999, 1.36895301209, 0.873650131781, 0.052498100306900004, 0.172844322665, -0.26091508091, -0.643340392769, -0.501051022248, -0.551851941025, -0.847819373412, -0.025024449013299997, 0.644588691056, 3.8782773935300003, 1.04360358189, -1.14895937428, 0.0, -0.7678060306710001, -1.51541169243], [-1.34024484028, -0.38533977388499996, -1.2119557592799999, -0.7784410606919999, -0.942491074174, -0.6418674988899999, -0.0411173405205, -0.9788125146459999, 1.5184588658899998, 1.32325187201, 0.67477443661, -0.583968646117, 1.02158984437, 1.00064903892, -1.8180226101400003, -0.186572478506, -0.869008265223, -0.1887263495, 0.239889236657, -0.7874487656839999, 0.0611841241139, 1.20501946612, 1.2226674933600001, 0.24488154015799998, -0.962361855977, 0.0632440710298, -0.35639281463699996, -0.795546958109, 0.0, 0.0, 0.703777305345, 2.22903918572, 1.35989212596, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.235034325504, 0.241119390567, 0.976669878655, 0.798502315978, 0.412247861087, 1.14639314365, 1.7024241339200001, -0.965076379416, 0.28693960163800003, 1.10808160433, -0.9536199647229999, 1.1015644136, -0.624074087513, -0.347647239519, 0.446167233332, -1.18353971949, -0.0180510988331, -0.148102345429, -0.109257571477, -1.42773808265, -0.523483275554, -1.03707759806, -0.828055009399, -0.243294109015, -2.46652685257, -0.227272671371, 1.38478044189, 2.20700041735, 0.658404566462, -0.49487418688100004, 0.0, -0.38738377449, -0.7202553615880001], [-0.710048197511, -0.19034673324, -0.222199410484, -0.219997332766, -1.9670614808900002, -1.7593286018599998, -0.490611987117, 0.45863632561000006, 0.44677065802500004, 0.44108094040299994, 0.24153320310100002, 0.34184789050700004, -0.43925232162199995, 0.319272361507, 0.444122437645, 0.061246962423400005, 0.980244371099, -0.532515408079, 0.8374711041189999, -0.22646618122200002, -0.342126440066, 1.2558940192899999, -0.20393771388, 0.0345174750424, 0.0244352644532, -0.15166740580600002, -0.665783531718, -0.15390286067, 0.136713403956, -1.5901088641299999, 2.97151870412, 2.2709797460099996, 0.720507175758, -2.11662456442, 0.0, 0.24516291661400003, -0.249975924199], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.6963421998989999, -1.03395845333, -1.6514094105700001, 1.1464503996100002, 0.537347021524, 1.33956830805, -0.121418359131, -0.591041344424, -0.0180391729904, -0.469125592255, -0.0767833071979, 0.30259444683200004, -0.6807002656919999, -0.8859078089519999, -0.628945263893, -1.13247175064, 0.44266328868500004, 1.06638309824, 0.963634351227, 1.04006652143, -0.41245581008000004, -0.924873519597, -0.5854948436330001, -1.34119573631, 1.10015050619, -1.51509561347, 1.46672021462, 2.26748938394, 1.5006740997799999, -0.271149697896, 0.0, 0.11706659133300001, -0.254400081504], [0.641812061827, 0.164528290867, -0.263843360187, -0.41074436205700005, -0.130289238593, 0.116048085173, -0.316872791237, -0.23678434467700002, 0.575566103494, 0.0286447922296, 0.6148622709889999, -0.011387871377000001, -0.7456011749600001, -0.606438254676, -1.16906290578, -1.7936547145099997, 0.20780824181899998, -0.658939203817, -0.7105462969349999, -0.477398700924, 0.506316445241, 0.262213010435, -0.383685400699, -0.09362236799560002, -0.929053731838, -0.14627987933599998, 0.21200304794799998, -0.671776251264, 1.9031321901299998, -2.03197077547, 1.57749067713, 2.3311366157299998, 0.7679911573379999, -1.7010576430500002, 0.8364430321259999, 0.316219254696, 2.4267939922], [-0.882120073585, 0.34194863340000003, -0.671736097725, -0.38319157004199994, 1.1819454278200001, -0.34957018949199997, -0.09276024906580001, -0.23689152478, 1.59607611151, -0.397752474931, 0.466862416781, -0.618112037238, 1.37712796234, -0.513034964745, 0.904659285106, 1.08981793238, -2.0993963574000003, -1.6588645703100002, -1.23367095, -0.397752474931, -0.137230938819, -0.979822027089, -0.177508140896, 0.7686215613680001, -0.524037676225, -0.321189350434, -0.8545280023049999, 0.512967445316, 0.683653843582, -1.54376548709, 0.790434230626, 2.3771457794999997, 1.30185383955, 1.2697991905500001, 0.425246212334, -1.0126492112799999, -0.0025755037866599995], [-2.2115712895299997, -2.01683106333, -0.46515548496299997, 0.733720409808, 0.385525334141, 0.42729210956200003, -0.606456532156, 0.415503829731, -0.390711989634, -0.643196719766, 0.514208297372, -0.440565591162, 0.404231116676, 0.465478339542, -0.243937242736, 0.415503829731, -1.24692820685, -0.788886336676, -0.900251210889, -0.429613059741, 0.92034976582, -0.27807209593000004, -0.136721011295, 0.6083839398349999, -0.0607512513445, -0.687279693605, -0.177391983545, 1.19710668614, -0.701416335377, -0.6487739215730001, 1.8049378459, 2.59022024173, 2.38332793873, 0.586241600609, 0.079191670768, -0.23493002268899998, -0.621781913311], [-0.32783400416999997, 0.49616479640199995, 0.278806734425, 0.12008906039999999, 0.229698862817, 0.970782771397, 0.0482415862205, 0.684233835458, -0.0733421527099, -0.0948640863663, -0.11960776351399999, 0.0963210261777, 0.481648860489, 0.396253375629, 1.34555275925, -0.45351450028800006, -1.8669881819099998, -1.54846850186, -1.14029727867, -0.33949224814999995, -0.864459832715, 0.937735197394, 0.18404201935199999, 1.5600415697799999, 0.44034890890600004, -1.3670377801299998, -0.648268873457, -0.0349213565183, 0.648327236391, -0.937107536778, 1.4270224707499999, 2.31385790052, 1.0336638865899999, -0.30279690356899996, -1.6326337479100002, -2.26856214432, 0.327364034681], [-0.00425971271671, 0.0833028681729, 0.46277959335600005, 0.30395875959, -1.19094334118, 1.26683297837, -0.383585208926, -0.023093189094799998, -0.6518548684619999, -0.285979622443, 0.6719615733750001, 0.393520975187, -1.08536103414, 0.447074286832, 0.0611730097317, -0.617403455371, 2.0773235471200002, 0.6719615733750001, -0.982302899286, 1.868334451, 0.185955538574, 0.0, 0.357967646761, 0.935396078285, 1.04920518816, -1.12022861334, -1.2217933116500002, -2.55968980462, -1.5385464155700002, -1.08536103414, 0.609043584582, 0.0, 1.07357682988, 0.512788819007, -1.01629332902, 0.7825215591240001, -0.0479830205205], [-0.050275556314000006, -0.41767543687799996, -0.5156797633820001, -0.138268737938, -1.2991049942200001, -0.218043757968, 0.062415285763, -0.43128297101499996, 1.10028613299, -0.571452519455, 2.45376070579, 0.0, -0.30766821288199997, 0.0, 0.0, -0.858436590961, 2.11392390823, 0.41755600438100005, -0.794015212648, 0.758410296062, -0.670797381201, -1.09912322971, -0.728661594746, 0.25956075345699997, 0.0, -1.13180116949, -0.670797381201, -1.7184928727000002, -0.893488795096, -0.499778234137, 1.56150142467, 1.59228257699, 0.5771551145970001, 0.329123635793, -0.15967363276799998, 0.821177052387, 1.12736515362], [-1.3059782373, 1.11542547552, 0.0223214781692, 0.43713305176600004, -1.24588641579, -1.04317400317, 0.14457411723, -0.0272223806613, 0.7427933254440001, -0.7584762875290001, 0.39923900534199996, -0.14148914248400002, -0.94181732424, -1.47037033123, 1.7909377428, 0.17605338913899998, -0.114370152679, 1.58233118419, -0.492636679094, 2.1907511691900003, -0.332961895251, 0.484712093001, -1.03755187233, 0.7262274188719999, -1.89946724278, -0.35825727079, 0.44136244118999995, -0.06360461552709999, -0.383815092307, -1.7869649933400003, 1.3642103477599998, 0.780831126839, 1.75197937526, 0.114847192639, -0.392292118322, -0.21425560744199998, -0.255138272103], [-0.634317131019, -0.984793211671, -0.935562396398, -0.8083622384360001, -0.8800446409029999, -0.8368015709280001, -0.564211485808, 0.216293186762, -1.00379294427, 0.953951863765, -0.7925698754359999, -0.866258593588, -0.893428912175, -0.900587791895, -0.985094543703, 0.58199786169, 2.0595677260599996, 0.42833006579300004, -0.614032142505, 0.883030271251, -0.904800456443, -0.9903253258399999, 1.13267253302, 0.6028645706229999, 0.59496411491, 0.47539983886200005, 0.232237711752, -0.615632835355, 0.7213000269600001, -0.881244839974, -0.5916455233519999, 1.8317436130900002, 0.762285884934, 1.7415342059999999, 1.9090598559999998, 1.41577162618, -0.8594984979610001], [-0.8925748573469999, -1.19545439266, -1.31771581052, -1.06899101561, -1.1713120137000002, -1.73453909676, 0.417952724472, 2.20354293253, -0.0428583296283, 1.1471344864200002, -0.74021689011, -0.024119175872400003, -0.010911629222600002, 0.433913736089, -1.12871795833, 0.443615853169, 1.8625356116499998, -0.548471566008, -0.540242917001, 1.57016102133, -0.20696904141, -0.151199331155, 1.4478492243599999, 0.618700932812, -0.0291865523069, 0.19303726066100002, -0.6828604884899999, -0.8617361674740001, -0.717330730412, -1.10274907013, 0.536187802385, 0.7130472122239999, 0.174744089819, 0.5191504702899999, 0.927800981012, 1.8009062551099997, -0.842123560176], [-0.896222189623, -0.361666251108, -0.7642886998620001, 0.7711105109280001, -0.705909317142, -0.796801886398, 0.544477270188, -0.584466866602, 0.113206453989, 1.00768489926, -0.8459286543950001, -0.439374921839, -0.5582340759960001, 1.3613597231799999, -0.9422692529269999, -0.474410132602, 1.3196287120399999, 1.4680605085299998, -0.727745570969, 1.25699403006, -0.7703842408149999, -0.735150155174, -0.473214806316, -0.701795255385, -0.357375123207, -0.628311247845, -1.0206783994, -0.7167217755509999, -1.05584186629, -0.526669569359, -0.26646593777399996, 2.7325106132999997, 1.14504668658, -0.34072830939000004, 1.78112124002, 1.81595030632, 0.37350355157399995], [0.116352302172, -2.2246522494, -0.235560849075, 0.631633903392, -0.7977758181999999, -0.8184882575920001, -0.957810223457, 0.221673272972, -0.401960006936, 1.66162581287, 0.508395813393, -0.307877616795, -0.823472186255, 0.709455809902, 0.34734466959700006, -0.173791315136, 2.50781382511, 0.407160940306, -0.892365355313, -0.9798100700679999, -1.32525958638, -0.561020497841, 0.719843646892, -0.165034362441, -1.26572247256, -0.260618035122, -0.155937156808, -0.0602762231702, 0.0, 0.0, 1.33151556543, 1.8353376220200002, 0.849266792686, 0.0, 0.560012305793, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.9714069583930001, -1.0707956952700002, 0.624365693038, -0.151845192645, -1.29525295345, 0.27364075778999997, -0.870641448819, -0.870641448819, -0.342509099771, -0.415724475872, -0.9714069583930001, -0.620992627638, 0.0770462079924, -0.319424351805, -1.9022615465700001, -1.51488367603, 2.56791586124, 2.47030508444, 0.7438856215909999, 1.45433024234, -0.144902471319, 0.524579205042, 0.600356043761, -0.396249440163, -1.4469763069600001, 0.408584902345, 0.33853124797399997, -0.877483796074, 0.188953219249, 0.637754600169, 0.0701573598997, 1.2037580687, 0.359352692839, 0.247792599018, 0.594343040164, 0.9014398354790001, -0.10369383508300001], [-1.57777893169, -1.30903156814, 0.669498969028, 1.39153707044, -0.288342251895, -0.675246061885, -1.29235873613, -0.038767456337300006, -0.786327084409, -0.163777124762, -0.527913145927, 0.0628172461508, -1.0701068873100001, -0.11442495164699999, -1.0205283710700002, -0.0438139273401, 1.9015472295400002, 2.49613593868, -1.14798985146, 0.66515958435, -1.57777893169, 1.0322539935200001, -0.552278320551, -0.720950054541, -0.481313949638, -0.11442495164699999, -0.683284426045, -0.009889187920309999, 0.279446585796, -0.019501235063, 1.37353940754, 0.5725649978289999, 0.7521317388500001, -0.17542164434500002, 0.533779228116, 0.7561420252959999, 1.9046950362900001], [-0.48459690690800006, 0.783629700616, -0.323768693173, -0.441520054617, -0.394415496335, 3.5291007880800005, -0.0926390415654, 0.233873035165, -0.07746210400760001, -0.434213711941, 0.030611562020799996, 0.417336676544, 2.90994483489, -0.37301824991800003, -0.36577164610299995, -0.293205732046, -0.267628165518, -0.339357268817, -0.411084505278, -0.20625535375300003, -0.39717888534699997, -0.458196997627, -0.40514375561800003, -0.34850431513499996, -0.445607032759, -0.5554159260029999, -0.562837546011, -0.294439246175, -0.321848648857, -0.156860183535, -0.52114448842, -0.38164304791500003, -0.332743056847, -0.551896933747, -0.459962094273, -0.327063197993, 3.12092568893], [-0.407999027522, 0.052926860157, -1.3740634655300001, 1.3828614018, -1.6520665721, 1.08166410125, 0.9440333122139999, -1.9536759352200002, 1.28132223655, -0.832350153033, -0.169626551195, 0.00783848502094, 0.323710444706, 0.0649238077563, -0.9500501754970001, 0.0474550548461, 0.138279999593, -1.5771611701600001, 0.63586334861, 1.19637050655, 0.05113248476480001, -0.036339657390199995, -1.01115797904, 1.5801030735600001, -0.692626786172, -0.161362408554, -0.880317473089, 0.308742496121, -0.431678538988, 1.43507753887, 0.909931405874, 0.9257681614759999, -0.605878966374, -0.8872020772020001, 0.443370634172, -1.20526983861, 2.01745142176], [-0.6222062538750001, -1.35213802561, -0.929107324308, -0.685233285221, -1.0937887897, 1.15045292282, 0.6130293646280001, -0.972698484313, 1.4567485566799998, -0.38611298203, 0.439964890185, -0.9338495710250001, 0.0, 0.947936564738, -0.698663472264, 0.253061245103, -1.38317175473, -1.30362556766, 2.1572223587, 0.0, 0.0, -0.6877084209700001, 0.0, 0.0, -0.534367427839, -0.34987695498599997, 0.8040421625669999, 0.07542510269489999, 0.263763543645, -0.544958883521, 0.385633451071, -0.330626800131, 0.12060892137599999, 1.99713372382, 0.0, 0.330301702633, 1.81280948752], [-0.5802786501199999, -1.5395928934999998, -0.786951144829, -0.6857161630799999, -1.0309996602200002, 1.1946950689, 0.768186233998, -0.706970747509, 1.61649667961, -0.261107348244, 0.597456369622, -1.31690385782, 0.6505480503600001, 0.949798832863, -0.701784163919, 0.30389563757599997, -1.4526727242700002, -1.31690385782, 2.37760619095, -0.8340264502529999, -0.0201538734123, -0.842014919089, -0.539421568087, -0.27857368252500003, -0.6521080880960001, -0.418916362849, 0.885259368421, 0.18418207797299999, 0.475211289572, -0.695099110158, 0.38389093034599997, -0.711264201295, 0.201377883342, 1.9723168789099996, 0.725492696504, 0.249323027451, 1.8357222507099997], [-1.4388001670100001, -0.0593434374849, -0.7902702956300001, 0.051758818764100004, 1.2822893307799998, 0.767201736301, 0.08103320592739999, 0.43318412943499995, 0.331494788631, -0.130298101918, -0.412829337609, 0.431362709335, 0.486872721875, 0.21132213926899998, -0.0357021722284, 0.312658379478, -1.21657339864, -3.57470204936, 0.8675522606209999, -0.450267833621, 0.559658657491, -1.38613078349, -0.673090999162, 0.17355100818, -0.7105860215199999, -0.5153322950379999, -0.42762240320100003, 0.111608798977, -0.7577250177509999, -0.350315270333, 1.34558043731, -0.34174734810900004, 0.800814431293, 2.09662801392, 1.2822893307799998, 0.346510858698, 1.2979651750299999], [-0.44247770734499997, 0.227293986715, 0.184842440974, -0.382001432377, -1.4611824484399998, 0.696981154304, -0.899624322692, -0.410053242539, 1.19949869396, -1.14623452698, -0.306327466191, -0.7886107035100001, 0.0, -0.7396881280200001, 0.0511758107233, -1.4312052832700002, -1.47863002723, -1.8569027869999999, 0.142914204961, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.6695294308200002, 0.41642812213299996, 0.9767370474700001, 0.9233188303450001, -0.284194640587, -0.611045005137, 0.8055615413799999, 0.0, 1.05305632601, 0.08567875366769999, 0.401022966252, 1.3075552878899999, 2.0965831237], [-1.21492544715, -1.23458211933, 0.132506829024, -0.332553397469, -1.91332692752, -0.0223975659168, -0.0120923958607, -0.22631141364399998, 1.0575573421100002, -0.604528452302, -0.48202296602399997, -0.650485121716, -0.215623547929, -0.682874004868, -2.42463501434, -0.143882698036, -1.45823955826, -0.622833172743, 1.25651947756, 0.17581449467000002, 0.626320462081, 0.278762255442, 0.0735433108, 0.36317784384900004, 0.37674479903200003, 0.225547591658, 0.825926106429, -0.366682134721, 1.0501500020799999, 0.5951540808219999, 1.59452841067, 0.322871825672, -0.6640401142319999, -0.26300468016199996, 1.1386666663299998, 0.488799864035, 2.95244936995], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.35242987366, 0.31067169103500003, -2.27614518578, -2.05284400929, -0.607747233563, -0.583426422582, -0.597150316543, 0.262442354072, -0.351396628103, -0.292477788157, -1.29927279576, -0.851732092457, 0.531654718626, 0.186634408338, -0.26001151323000005, 1.2405147719, 1.80122056685, -0.251179162912, 0.18931776698600003, -1.16059102612, 0.31910042025199997, 0.683402745392, 1.68276672711, -0.0954607572209, -0.071947024269, -0.19143345165999998, 1.00788777993, 0.36184600181000004, -0.16355667392999998, 0.155890596062, 1.8587809907, 0.45337222170900005, 1.41329819447], [-0.7806297703919999, 0.0997198267406, 0.00115245159141, -0.112057183565, -2.06726780936, 0.561504051931, -1.8977461477200002, -1.42443394408, -1.53386019864, -1.19565936376, 0.595010359257, 0.0639640433978, 1.05777998482, 1.25302644035, -1.3269707975700002, -0.247511250524, -1.5126233820299997, 1.7656768298900003, -0.308029600252, 0.38212921290299995, 0.8912871952500001, 0.0151923486818, -0.240754519408, 0.026522075901200003, -0.0760446612238, 0.04374898149109999, 0.8383476741320001, -0.220548548328, 0.44070751791199997, -0.377785797353, 1.8826434511, -0.670234654505, 0.6258926036300001, 0.865505625614, 0.275032058645, 1.8710798393, 0.43623505616999997], [-0.740785063762, -0.677555653118, -0.704628055822, -0.39610913531400005, -0.701275791524, -0.633197330055, -0.606629886066, -0.6645781624830001, 1.0690097085799999, -0.6890451436130001, -0.595216371959, 1.0719815740899998, 0.169692710573, -0.6653989142100001, -0.709454365414, -0.822949650913, -0.681894576766, 1.53201343428, -0.6817591630679999, -0.7440246555940001, 1.58865564041, -0.742719102153, -0.556217226897, -0.696307866079, 1.97195858467, 1.947369111, 2.0708266065400003, -0.675749792579, 1.26476984939, -0.7525402131910001, 1.3188800261, -0.734639245882, 0.270882405466, -0.691082034393, -0.6913187499410001, 1.3800565237399998, 0.59897997597], [-0.668973509767, -0.705357381129, -0.651273632225, -0.436919460007, -0.6326253801439999, -0.605471812759, -0.634099726858, -0.6680348829739999, 1.1775527405600001, -0.7231210251819999, -0.6281751275399999, 1.3020879238299998, 0.0805189688161, -0.650751315455, -0.725360570026, -0.694631610319, -0.5781882754159999, -0.592522337194, -0.621770045532, -0.6753444746610001, 1.48066827118, -0.6777277987720001, -0.673340500367, -0.641216394388, 1.75151957197, 1.4973787524200002, 1.9565719567299997, -0.691953416866, 0.748497538793, -0.7390118833660001, 1.69469467541, -0.581846523586, 1.64221361856, -0.7191865908499999, -0.716882467182, 1.79608058449, 1.2060015398100001], [1.3613283347799998, -0.676582921145, -0.9230115094419999, 0.204350308664, -0.8002382002399999, -0.6699543516350001, -0.6966698242129999, -0.6419101890869999, 1.29135975661, -0.810916701098, -0.952092955386, 1.37271179153, -0.733319470861, -0.8530026303630001, -0.721028623636, -0.9583442463869999, -0.652229391841, 1.33554815329, 1.3444391538299998, -0.880440419234, 1.25866021905, -0.8317420408220001, -0.550021016489, -0.86534896884, 1.39522759939, 1.3186217715100002, 1.51360066934, -0.460153399488, 1.2325142293200002, -0.6836923115000001, 1.3247475096799999, -0.8322033312270001, -0.85798134266, -0.6638391537039999, -0.574768254673, 1.24281266161, 1.09356909536], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0030871004453, -0.517889286154, -1.03154446796, -0.951452601743, 1.16595450246, -1.1628611550499999, -2.2541994607099998, 0.669423174406, -0.22527901599300001, -0.35491200299900005, -0.877296817534, -1.29500112901, -0.749283111832, 1.132962043, -1.54575363674, 1.44175416563, 0.852784345098, -0.0532427876721, 0.387153317786, -1.2020210306, 1.5454083057799999, 0.9871091207029999, 1.11595991031, -0.13143241541, 0.670035323705, -0.560615911946, 1.1872706959700001, 0.533705539532, 0.8555173627930001, -1.1507922483, 0.154731931558, 0.972757464671, 0.38796277581699995], [-0.625749250291, -0.120154737832, -1.57194417841, -0.122155627566, 1.3926961108200002, -0.874701277894, -0.61189162208, -1.0114005949299998, -0.7946684302570001, -1.14892351744, 0.061584064242400004, 0.17466586368, -0.9799231832690001, -0.365886369326, -1.00708516544, -0.876684620773, -1.19585751441, 1.96122296468, -0.177820281246, 0.9049884229940001, 1.3884821240799998, -0.8619238779039999, 0.0161481299605, 0.44511662621799997, 0.7227572123199999, 0.24615119989999998, -0.206953542834, 1.9377924307599999, 1.75286119787, -0.479001069116, 0.06584959486330001, -1.05849580362, 0.552495697997, 1.85069752259, 1.4134913265600002, -0.781638245896, -0.014141578995399999], [-1.00837982032, -0.7669900771089999, -0.679943788105, -0.419235840632, 1.02229192178, 1.4654983594799997, -1.1213192242899999, -0.577060257461, -1.04249618099, -0.8994861816869999, -0.9670706265860001, 0.7582059987459999, -1.02940002125, -0.8074049095360001, -0.445540361802, 1.70444785142, -0.975848918336, 0.739944224905, -0.364761106401, 0.294680756193, 1.4467980775799998, -0.97494263221, 0.344795343537, -0.463941439191, -1.13989104339, -0.923586237741, 0.389573575074, -0.788818455439, 1.66427747775, -0.571398137324, 1.62708288806, 0.7652194175139999, 1.41368448565, 1.51284313695, 1.30550037365, -0.623820718881, 0.136492090395], [0.44025777939599997, 1.06074578743, 0.46538908318800004, 1.4652121253200001, -0.163514402875, 0.36216480284, -1.6023672580200001, -1.13343972088, 0.314558373058, -2.6353952554199997, -1.23337680149, -0.296775874704, -0.8621864566299999, -0.163514402875, -2.23299299939, -0.823289047563, 0.8906930338979999, 0.653588126146, -0.5001703750050001, 0.07282318217230001, 0.314558373058, 0.0, 0.755439252644, 0.833846446453, 1.06074578743, -0.599358603465, -0.52984798335, -0.52984798335, -0.296775874704, 0.855248273072, 0.0457132289927, 0.0, 1.35805814286, 1.73439063773, 0.314558373058, 0.736563572299, -0.13170134135199998], [0.577894770119, 0.458111711627, 0.672152721563, 0.7600797562630001, -0.112221648987, -0.154345793092, -1.6120154590399998, -0.815003742349, -2.10870890618, -1.8740607744599997, -1.2213441333, -0.5829647745840001, 0.582339102769, -0.206711254234, -0.6178748958370001, -0.458184456453, 0.326861547077, 0.419500548009, 0.901614969717, 1.36153887666, 0.447639535972, 0.507002157398, 0.7823412087360001, -0.363703318895, 1.4782736246500001, 0.577894770119, -1.1334737972799998, -0.810390543122, 0.422243305894, -0.124207291286, 0.457724635931, -0.86374413912, -1.1562748009200001, 2.14598871336, -1.0703311659399999, 0.646792826205, 1.75956611301], [1.40440775796, 1.1939623012799998, 1.00064569016, 1.25651986606, -1.5214616954299998, -0.320120612912, -1.07885316544, 0.425325077957, -1.75381694993, -0.732741620978, 0.309757628464, -0.24622642511700002, -0.15686381536900001, -0.271221384006, -0.7356124406119999, 0.466834307714, -1.21416011729, -0.8195552537, 0.13450488071699998, -0.6572920161399999, -1.5335045378100003, -1.04872052877, 1.0570927594, -0.438355237645, 0.612131830299, -1.10236048063, -0.23329542879299997, 0.08031284667510001, 1.19870536879, 0.457025878304, 0.5194161453899999, -1.26392330639, 1.23355756624, 2.05413873958, 0.0, 1.52728512336, 0.196461248618], [-0.19804590114999998, -0.379678909534, -0.19804590114999998, 0.10335328358, -0.6859985551189999, -0.155789914571, -1.7785757872, -0.182356644956, -0.25713479446, -0.541833652596, -1.42042148757, -2.49076174064, -0.711284315456, 0.35033445771399996, -0.112835397745, 0.473314605737, -0.07326707706119999, -0.977396154463, 0.49874753092699997, 0.554104610781, 0.549962889895, -1.4059170885299999, 0.833766821593, 0.7650914017370001, 1.5903541619, 0.143149131926, 0.7279497643999999, 0.7650914017370001, 1.08212138731, 0.17692483735700001, 1.72934939595, -0.395677888436, 2.321408239, 0.818362387088, -1.65211122679, 0.6755797813910001, -0.541833652596], [0.178178042685, -0.397528218683, -0.17607692373, -0.5372822307440001, 0.0476070065493, -1.18202702205, -1.29392166297, -1.04486502479, -1.20663558123, -0.636991383707, -1.10573388609, -0.553452773138, -0.08369322182639999, -0.676690139385, -0.409272934477, -0.042671185776899996, 1.26475618714, 0.349630242657, 1.23727519683, 0.260264944379, -0.27056926379900004, -1.00318608479, 0.9279021427840001, 0.737767838554, 0.3623094829, 0.616926781064, -0.625065012731, -0.676690139385, -0.303273738073, 0.232843123919, 2.75556957022, 0.23928372465999997, 2.0421589886400002, 0.248420886811, -1.9007613740400002, 2.03598279511, 0.589510846489], [-0.8490213607279999, 0.501459861648, -0.458722118142, 0.521704073635, -0.899182033599, 0.0981642887354, -1.0766231474099999, -1.62765737001, -0.054585888719, 0.550089239649, -0.424429355961, -0.0327723251477, -0.411998929632, 1.19492073791, 0.607226130148, -0.114548725002, -0.735598787076, -1.09254239998, 1.84253997502, 0.310051499095, -0.017124006886200003, -0.49973060395499996, -0.9723666727339999, -0.265694414482, -1.39326945893, -0.283135755148, 0.9551080507340001, -0.0743547957737, 0.597862200948, 0.636305171488, 2.22407877775, -1.35081892611, 0.210408906517, 0.49227960026199996, -1.8032680314700003, 2.09448490634, 1.6007616870200003], [1.5498095028499999, 0.28899319096299997, 0.035234196627300006, -0.153299008155, -0.13101438963, -0.132171469114, -1.26529189642, -1.05867339471, -0.262357932706, -0.6169883618349999, 0.22047951553800002, 0.0648991531276, -0.560794908294, 0.490225259891, 0.0961460014607, -1.55363543717, 2.22877438981, 1.93296631273, 0.569074595866, 0.44996950135499997, -0.543798310678, -0.110788574893, -0.375937263398, -0.484719183947, 0.588768154087, 0.662196785436, -0.719312048918, 0.406375766873, -1.08199795653, -0.407915310108, 1.00265477721, -3.0556862840099996, -0.387315348621, -0.13101438963, 0.0, 1.09550073862, 1.35064362632], [0.23741469860800002, 0.10946921313100001, -0.25995598180199997, 0.146296079426, 0.18459952705200003, 0.36994712806, -0.781824363565, -0.660826468574, -0.204817984817, -0.0402231438358, -0.32016611514000004, 0.04889346510530001, -0.27500315680599996, 0.377394623833, -0.165355498869, -0.46534847980800004, 1.3977276892500001, 1.54453455451, 0.745088694266, 0.486214115317, -0.66693653841, -0.117263319704, -0.409957626791, 0.179979530909, 0.7239292399930001, 1.02559572529, -0.0995263818649, -0.68823188872, -0.061978237904400005, -3.4807582677499997, 0.518228955401, -3.0641528211299995, -0.026469886817099997, 0.141210481813, 1.3755253397, 1.31766714092, 0.859079959734], [0.465654280295, 0.394337094381, 0.402407915352, 0.913489314056, -0.244520474232, -0.290980124428, -1.88458229051, -0.324040122491, -0.902215431829, -0.557497835076, -1.05212545018, 1.2524321099299998, -0.688955048108, 0.233140658453, -0.261404496263, -0.536653972079, 0.721614076121, 0.31494497803000004, 0.320808543668, 0.915205989481, -0.9461349699060001, -0.153083651054, -0.643090812459, 0.269753312267, -0.463030329833, 0.38343258201700003, -0.397833263386, -1.04924616574, -0.794642875847, -2.69763496382, 2.0990483968599998, -0.655117288852, 0.035848501556300004, 1.18294379646, 1.16421866314, 1.622898445, 1.8506109090400003], [0.207548012125, 1.1292579989799998, 0.62198766078, -0.9697015311489999, 0.131565414097, 0.576700213692, -0.396713038989, -1.4889954485299999, -0.182882476259, -0.876632139366, -0.803836491752, 0.011625561991299998, -0.827039667166, 0.57324467986, 0.0893457493217, -1.83460429342, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.18273046617, -0.787339063716, -0.26536734051, 0.0422420931325, -0.25976947621999996, 0.261132649196, 0.0, -0.229539092438, 0.111103944335, -0.584674857119, 0.25028509746100003, 1.06125947281, -2.65008665247, 0.8585814952590001, 1.0793843889, 2.39628198836, 0.861414985271, 1.71148969736], [-0.139845806562, 1.07541069287, 0.58723901602, 0.401624989991, 0.191339544909, -0.159481273003, -0.476925170588, -1.5916608912, -1.1903456161900001, -1.66762994067, -1.0775229588200002, 0.263400933371, -0.6334383784350001, 0.15683536483899999, 0.465491360618, -1.68165848734, -0.518512957702, -0.549130104492, 0.266994435143, -0.08902951182610001, -1.26443862612, -0.8882749195819999, -0.8934322329600001, 0.422577578626, 2.05999025901, 1.00159542244, 0.632159196885, -0.553924386954, 0.18565552972, -0.0127989896221, 0.6721058122079999, -0.792335841205, 0.477406954362, 0.19420677265, 2.38060420788, 2.32470523136, 0.421042790384], [-0.71508393444, 1.71024409014, 1.01243305496, -0.47316035803999995, -0.802603791517, -0.701985232448, 0.5552355551020001, -0.715505995499, -0.676391016942, -0.09469746590269999, -0.460987798129, -0.6748001714120001, -0.8283096453059999, -0.677076794965, -0.623895962355, -0.24468349889000002, 2.46344878818, 1.2437208065899998, -0.730879042711, 1.40406299905, -0.743264626692, 1.90576715086, -0.622793819103, -0.7680500342309999, 0.592452682851, -0.366713255357, -0.7584525594050001, -0.605599814798, -0.73850860801, -0.515107303648, -0.640584746472, -0.6877701476279999, 1.19585874074, -0.35111351408, 1.31632385249, 2.19091581729, -0.37244440026500003], [-0.571431673498, 0.874190570249, 0.821208784005, -0.35842660846100005, -1.38062985292, 0.48591816601300003, -0.287976603803, 0.319305471347, -0.375429334469, -0.7852020021349999, -1.49476932917, -1.38620953977, -1.83979023602, -1.34198603879, 0.0817135717216, -0.00737820890308, 1.33686036241, 0.529701974184, -0.30805269733699997, 1.31255487179, -1.2107555916500001, -0.234830412394, 0.821208784005, -0.604130713853, 2.22017404538, 0.981289832506, 0.163961273616, 0.44710212391500004, 0.28538821097399997, 0.04416021393899999, -0.0901252398886, -1.9921688614099997, -0.30805269733699997, 0.568087735127, 1.8134916913799999, 1.0960614467, 0.374966512542], [-0.045466286284099995, -1.22126808254, -0.189918458908, 0.7408716342199999, -1.2556284759, -1.49370470084, -0.303446017482, -0.618025845268, -1.1407213277700001, -1.29037311376, -0.48749514046099995, 1.63542676504, 1.20109164709, -0.205666672736, 1.5483355678400001, -0.741748286305, 1.1827400264499999, -0.205666672736, 0.23024773325800002, 0.8527658125290001, -1.26540327623, 0.0, 0.865359343076, 0.167808358876, 0.816336212733, -1.57582563808, -0.41255077597499995, -1.4765331552, 0.327616602609, -0.0040325027830399995, 0.550146293027, 0.0, -0.4472715769100001, 1.12804763904, 1.14081899955, 2.01113861691, -0.0180052460811], [-1.60609008727, -0.0527971296755, -1.03098076753, -0.232242879742, 0.144937595004, -1.2792377191600002, -0.770501204779, -0.316477994054, 0.0801267616427, -0.242325600422, 1.01586893593, 2.43007512403, 0.0, -0.703284041407, -1.06334140726, -0.94578256515, 0.31682524181999994, 0.0984107774615, 0.562888560747, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.851398735371, -0.15277297474999998, -0.386940780773, -1.5855828920500001, -0.605612731915, -0.257762445332, 0.851398735371, 0.0, 0.388865591315, 1.14686925956, 2.0596457332, 1.61606714364, -0.331644973844], [-0.776879493354, -0.34705187976199997, 0.5201963265330001, 1.2754253303, 0.6780591199699999, 1.15978396811, -0.966968377784, -0.491723406287, -0.966968377784, -0.491723406287, -1.03293578173, -1.34966854847, -0.8042455452989999, 0.133353355246, -0.207215574144, -1.0961112885, 1.58259022063, 1.48695342446, 0.8065653353100001, -0.41083603435099997, -1.23297575895, 0.0, -0.126393961688, -0.254111464384, 0.480684943359, 0.050997164683300004, -1.1113353153, -1.16213122448, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2190744904100002, 0.0, 1.5179864753299999, 0.0, 1.9176052841999998, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.126157310471, -0.769379642756, -0.954751821803, 0.0742157023389, 2.10336525001, 1.5713221413299998, -1.78099758407, -1.03060216589, -2.1037627813900004, 0.276851619188, -0.417200297946, -0.155209100059, 0.0, -1.13211314151, -0.153185730259, -1.40085941835, 0.932495439101, 1.37113342714, 0.049255084355800005, 0.0, 0.0, -0.274929175157, 0.0, 0.0, -0.17161929070999998, -0.027940883113199998, -0.0530513794613, -1.2916155862899998, 0.387619472323, -0.401276742171, 1.31200029467, 0.119356652998, 1.28728076505, 0.5158897504959999, 1.0077019876100002, 0.393218348573, 0.842946116215], [0.25977048786999996, -0.40253935409599995, -0.282467644874, -0.147843090985, 1.01870283821, 2.23757848902, -0.39095041854, 0.04825141936169999, -1.4333255281400001, 1.3175828356000001, 0.218128405515, -0.652285234092, 0.0, -0.66788938747, -1.4269216749200002, -0.8655247901629999, -1.236733256, -0.26125196999, 0.564714131277, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9800930132879999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0554009973714, -0.652285234092, -0.799048339102, -0.128450477061, -0.615184656168, 0.300614196329, 1.5846899475999998, -1.7793001420900003, 0.985205292485, 0.152646074639, 1.9112573203, 0.8296026003370001, 1.23794917515], [1.00129952482, -1.27252646124, -0.9344980932200001, 0.394309861589, -0.530010587675, 1.4903636094, -1.29485568567, 0.636297592663, -1.18214945195, 0.9909463908859999, -0.225624801982, -1.2266198515200002, 1.44106255802, 1.4086642279100001, 0.506372471649, -1.41854912252, -1.18674080779, 1.57727451853, 0.227339464998, -0.8384987142010001, -0.916382823175, 0.795544071011, -0.8631518456589999, 0.833432311182, 0.965313926528, -0.4811399216100001, -1.02215685656, -1.18203479834, -0.594893238092, 1.002308824, -0.95512054235, -0.600942084495, 0.7974584388279999, 1.07701650689, 1.06397856764, -0.306805636476, 0.8237184579719999], [1.30927936729, -0.323168703284, -0.634230434531, -0.462456762918, 0.209990915124, -0.596630974163, -0.6131698352130001, 1.65795739616, -0.535911156995, -0.498618041121, -0.5860964651899999, -0.596504227052, -0.481874794508, -0.542936033783, -0.49367630688999997, 1.12939294516, -0.57004775533, -0.534687649826, -0.607018157158, 1.06830270839, -0.49521130327, -0.543706338182, -0.38540106715800004, -0.535072568175, 3.6193525716900004, -0.518616022592, -0.39999522530000003, -0.57981383071, 1.2962192701200002, -0.322791735861, -0.628594163548, 0.341430007897, 0.766414474697, -0.5347007454689999, -0.33698133219000004, 2.49553130415, -0.535959330251], [1.54865475121, -0.45809195857100005, -0.43399364404299995, -0.201323664131, -0.062187844242900005, -0.46659252463600004, -0.431363669816, -0.48350738173, -0.46918325079400003, -0.176242733526, -0.44144759492700003, -0.45325242412, -0.420153219041, -0.48324643510799997, -0.413160344573, -0.50448246927, 3.02557126598, -0.41786516267800006, -0.191950093715, 2.36049328505, -0.46425178392800004, -0.39468900098399995, -0.326299417084, -0.43766563682899995, 2.7683479060900003, -0.440323190781, -0.325854959218, -0.39257632338200005, 0.31534286987599996, -0.47906315666199994, -0.34780523752400005, -0.49193051241499997, -0.48004824784199995, -0.402816887184, -0.440840840991, 2.4059927585, -0.49219322696900003], [-1.10439472127, -0.09621349198149999, -0.942817420229, -1.00608084009, 1.30592355966, -0.34949646242, -0.911424319775, -0.43876012619800003, -0.29574861903599997, -0.478055294789, -0.291267843692, -0.489178167285, 0.7414277560670001, 1.2847005880700002, -1.2836991533, 0.9726242427490001, -0.7437013422419999, 0.567437679469, -1.12537089442, -0.131711804935, -0.987587334998, -1.4837719282100001, 0.0672173387639, -0.549644914659, 2.44122744642, -1.20117528949, -0.085526611238, -0.327027638746, 2.1349997158500003, 1.3454474545, -0.612972151965, 0.19655384035999998, 1.22368715674, -0.110805661545, 0.7276217270730001, 1.5326415300299998, 0.504921996761], [-0.425023286588, 0.445926171709, -0.841225131429, -0.770822553679, 2.01700801315, -0.7279493405840001, -0.576364214932, -0.712309773438, -0.720350640267, -0.6457663600720001, -0.527218801055, -0.796314352939, -0.685924466111, -0.783246268133, -0.551379866145, 1.42290384238, -0.692998424526, -0.7543180622560001, -0.642608027845, 0.9537761129250001, 0.12147123140300001, -0.712772054468, -0.573753915102, -0.6741969962909999, 2.04600115011, -0.646614698694, 1.5030997202399998, -0.78639224934, 2.0868936125, 1.50700264252, -0.480122244934, 1.08220237053, -0.771993430363, 0.7306775235070001, 1.1126995088200002, 1.22333041698, -0.7533271575749999], [-0.163945385566, -0.545078246321, -0.537120261149, -0.42829450979199996, -0.388373080503, -0.411895394684, -0.44130408051299996, -0.549259128536, -0.146533056797, -0.418844221366, -0.461533595122, 1.79733675925, -0.46841116664099997, -0.17547829440999999, -0.487828488253, -0.46056151249, -0.117332922665, -0.482410199302, -0.40178643048199997, -0.437274977589, -0.355419595135, 1.50938711396, -0.655701018135, -0.554849472636, 2.1733809586, -0.520633670191, -0.44795572102700004, 0.611942816932, 3.7257801221300006, -0.352345774846, -0.56064257533, -0.519669697903, -0.14133548505899998, 0.228457956482, 2.3955180607299997, -0.34772345820600004, -0.46226236744099997], [-0.884471567279, -1.01124227361, -0.7591282776170001, -0.53787018693, -0.626406315603, -0.6977624042939999, 0.741200065851, 0.439714012654, -0.836688553189, -0.10364912818199999, -0.7843924751870001, 1.75389633368, -0.913131621435, -0.870606854217, 1.59040410002, 1.29604038531, -0.804416573416, -1.03076221077, -0.692058975822, 1.52737148947, 0.48057544530900004, -0.9313466377490001, 0.563936125217, -0.7307069769050001, 1.97231376879, -0.8589861966850001, -0.847053628477, -0.298218440179, 1.95358268208, -0.513405614909, 0.9663275502399999, -0.581595526692, -0.5783499543399999, 1.53283503028, 1.2180825654, 0.11260988504899999, -0.256639045862], [-0.210855058459, -0.38486597696, -0.36008230123400004, -0.262685937984, -0.317819946427, -0.311419566992, -0.409139777531, -0.275268908135, -0.32400026851, -0.326004038164, -0.20982850225299998, -0.190143578067, -0.138110790249, -0.375700134509, -0.310568829805, -0.266949832765, -0.324148296781, -0.261819887528, -0.227219271825, -0.271610738232, -0.358793150817, -0.274848076807, -0.17251970650600001, -0.378598312526, 3.49872319144, -0.280635358309, -0.33805331252, -0.286997170992, -0.0319818933559, -0.322483687685, -0.23579810561700001, -0.158421289846, -0.194369473253, 1.48541223637, 4.33397128984, -0.22093232401500001, -0.30543321298799997], [-0.40644193343400004, -0.35379172676799997, -0.37513001236500004, -0.301678500072, -0.360267695142, -0.293044546588, -0.36195311774800004, -0.314692337979, -0.35113148672899996, -0.322556804702, -0.30957265922, -0.326930649988, -0.319662044825, -0.386222398046, -0.401853698769, 0.19311759180399998, -0.19241037344599998, -0.28717752457199996, -0.418279146065, -0.349122467009, 0.9771078448999999, -0.340098989161, -0.185752727687, -0.21304660931699998, 4.43386632796, -0.417818661835, -0.320195501965, -0.35634124928800004, -0.298722342298, 0.360605519594, -0.30104036455, -0.38989570339, -0.40763516633900004, -0.34810436909000003, 1.13735484691, -0.313443746315, 3.2219624235400004], [1.01310061861, -0.252667098984, 0.776174267439, 0.235032899364, -0.274266012121, -1.13307178164, 0.7298182265109999, 0.040168799035300004, -0.0411270500963, -0.329193796867, -0.735083175073, -0.196937314715, -0.07191070050639999, 0.576513661427, 0.36273370354400003, 1.1234441796799999, 1.0883958617, 1.1556753553399999, -0.212812383662, 0.0360501042576, -0.384440684463, 0.464640485622, 0.606360174301, 0.818232549474, 0.77549303884, -0.26970962631400003, -3.9475710887699997, 0.47784060054, 0.507612839068, 0.7443283088320001, -0.24206820858300002, 0.46160245878300005, 0.142613681771, -2.30978600224, 0.0, -1.3875281530599999, -0.347658737052], [1.15732384364, -0.8769578021979999, 0.35940087299900003, 1.33923984812, -1.01941695176, 0.393300695188, -0.371325414622, -0.101947183824, -0.415337994823, 0.520746556386, -1.26380177135, 0.462786248244, 0.145422164809, 0.598981139833, -0.9038673588420001, 1.69369014426, 0.7703425795219999, 1.2770977679, -0.33437528424199997, -1.0853356833299999, -1.24790800761, 0.19154067346200002, 2.1088257064700002, 0.18537995790800002, 0.019466902919400002, 0.182865788316, -3.2483648617900003, 0.24826632660599998, -0.739358674803, -0.476613542161, -0.20234263448800002, -0.527876294794, 1.32129363418, -0.155878582996, 0.5105963978320001, -0.895051363768, 0.379192158807], [-0.0687796376821, -0.153224109698, 0.549408592628, 0.6977820354019999, -0.892263425089, -0.282974117234, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8886195460900004, 0.0, 0.0, 0.321395834019, -0.401808732346, 0.299221394235, -0.573156818197, 2.62699746427, 0.964545579256, 0.250936297197, 0.44516556771899995, -0.573156818197, -0.38790120567599995, -0.663989960164, -0.19464316100499998, 0.9001863832729999, -0.041751909257300004, 0.346662676191, -2.95606267925, -1.1134681409799998, -0.463019276837, -0.892263425089, 0.499997957254, 1.36936925687, 0.0, 0.503221155727, 0.8564634381239999, 0.9845089683, -0.0687796376821], [1.6328069924200002, -0.7100524015590001, 0.137127414113, 1.32766760925, 1.32766760925, 0.336433822773, -0.108361579253, -1.67252151887, -1.9427724977599998, -0.45345628040700003, 0.20814897832, -0.613970135048, -0.540535050415, 0.0589328886109, -0.206388462179, 1.79912571691, -0.658461431575, 0.370056460769, 0.0182439403972, 0.29357017913899996, -0.00309341360881, -0.563186974971, 1.1438375110899999, 2.59357627289, -1.0159620563299998, -0.061665185891699996, -1.60397668831, -0.9006638991249999, 0.666126900348, 0.29357017913899996, -0.47843583878300006, 0.295293216772, 1.00664224344, -0.536677545494, 0.264488514775, -1.65504187271, -0.04809361810480001], [-0.0308031595078, -0.0549859331448, 0.8408068079019999, -0.315450262887, 1.25962678171, -0.17820952429900003, -0.12243615935300001, -1.75825429004, -0.382776020313, -0.334450188988, 2.39868821235, -0.473953267284, 0.133018487763, 2.05507011024, -1.9504222877200001, 1.3477600419799998, 0.422088890807, 0.404789629104, -0.489521453215, -0.20002985979000001, -0.40897903868600005, -1.19778249775, 0.58972127957, 1.6272077100100002, -0.307010154667, 1.2694757307200002, 0.24609349754700002, -0.256741308088, -0.624515769784, -0.5500104890349999, -0.503046042094, 0.427224328804, 0.661070613904, -1.1650599454000001, -0.919776101291, -1.84342023461, 0.384991865537], [-0.40737917982, -0.042478649239300004, -0.333528317609, -0.53616695801, -0.15937236852199999, -0.9972604547939999, -1.19620379531, -1.3769845878, -0.009316297414290001, -0.0128539808235, -0.53616695801, 1.15775324349, 0.269300056755, 2.71340943903, 0.590319844576, 1.4469474110499998, 1.49528657964, 0.624363980699, 0.0478602394566, 0.60652788971, -0.53616695801, -0.280316918149, -0.276074381658, 0.665798329211, -0.700480090108, -0.768695587069, -0.177185177266, -0.7152335075740001, 0.762490899766, -0.12784798663, -0.138700448634, 2.7669807179299997, -1.2283387908399999, -0.0453591595477, 0.0, -1.43513051028, -1.1097975681899999], [0.38565935483900005, -0.836220645398, -0.951913431601, 0.260637566701, -0.759542034766, -0.943372127986, -1.1724624878799998, -0.16496924822200001, 0.43233703541599994, 0.855234918093, 0.158437930108, 0.629198158352, 0.288229263799, 0.793278069873, -0.180029284793, 2.2657548793599998, 1.59299598283, 0.9408699058609999, -0.5720525224549999, 0.0180404734665, -1.1469408674400001, 0.874245174567, 1.18283682787, 0.187175817012, -2.16497424185, -0.78749686314, -1.20077177734, 0.052819952325999994, 0.5800779671199999, -0.528854750915, 0.531566185137, 2.34630762988, -0.976560213101, -0.43041967942599996, -1.32114222792, -0.734865891749, 0.496885203357], [1.00317850548, -0.662106161142, -1.9868524964200003, -0.613647520717, -0.181008212279, -0.8012965945300001, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1195381200599999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.22251681187, 0.355670699137, 2.23722586397, -0.728440051946, 2.32458362198, 1.0962514255, 0.8324427831199999, -0.156049320936, -0.945830172236, -1.2766496974, -0.551798185737, -0.035951769618800006, 0.387117172209, -0.33610632922399997, -0.507854225968, -0.267744138621, -0.139105263928, -0.139105263928, 2.0311706545700003, -0.265231963004, 0.757204352289, 0.0, -0.829535002692, -0.884015453502, -0.591393382897, -0.46717880347400004], [1.36731304236, -0.926505133782, -2.53283670707, -1.15781336249, 0.464248006102, 0.8091218528919999, -0.600025737635, -0.8822888822799998, 0.334672320452, -0.243934554044, 1.10373621035, 0.288708194627, -0.21862805921700001, 1.8504802421400002, 0.68221928402, 1.03931129597, 0.858219065811, 1.18567893325, -0.8868790717020001, -0.96830663642, -1.6568623921599999, -0.7556193605679999, 0.585751565871, 0.271173891481, -1.57040078889, 0.335688396548, -0.806148176357, -0.836092758452, -0.0741743768037, 1.4150563665, 0.622428212211, 1.54349720821, 0.08133741670139999, 0.00127355343817, -0.836092758452, 0.0554829443563, 0.057210753023100004], [1.6876408148299997, -0.20561340547499998, -0.913826679083, -0.0555005038574, -1.1792652679, -0.187305651706, -0.661426971059, -1.1375075246700002, -0.369558522945, -0.145512995833, 0.833738840719, -0.528283013141, -0.5446548855650001, 2.70199023796, 0.0478794199294, 2.18321384178, -0.0555005038574, 0.831349772291, -0.9007967123, -1.24825129783, -1.91517371335, -0.260668546217, 0.160275477905, 0.290736177279, -1.3585148359700001, -0.193406512017, -1.27935662816, -0.186713858336, 1.6623989807, 0.628811395478, 0.35151017012100005, 0.7802157970039999, 0.671624537025, 0.11553687671299999, -0.186713858336, -0.264720224434, 0.831349772291], [1.6542561069100001, -0.5733501201619999, -1.00699591379, 0.045977567389599995, -0.922218141745, -1.1560315320399999, -0.0633327375231, 0.269049964534, -0.336727411096, 0.496285065005, -0.32193254184799996, 0.707736468511, -0.840498582506, 1.42647905994, -0.42963880526299997, 2.24127941196, 0.664173834922, 0.169264529411, -0.530842172063, 1.1596301601299999, 1.08100723703, -0.163165490473, -0.033984122579099996, 0.535796685121, -1.10889918597, -1.2629448753799999, -1.49193362129, -0.5532106508619999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0849570619529, 1.17390437091, 1.23155221838, 0.0, -1.9757297136099998, 0.0, 0.0], [1.33383556162, -1.05388886602, 0.614186647478, 0.0034100997161900003, -1.93588657068, -0.987807776216, -0.641012582363, -2.6125802447, -1.87498326358, -0.39599892217, 1.7244901638799999, 0.443501097483, -0.241735590481, 0.540602624959, -1.02753973415, 0.8873987236480001, 1.49631515651, 0.180625206541, -0.308888729148, -0.505321013581, -0.0699627362522, 0.427838154992, 0.14466709382200002, 0.230904318187, -0.455763015324, 0.8845401276360001, 0.443501097483, -0.242877109873, 0.8075489228489999, 1.0815458091399999, -0.6225863674759999, 1.42500411894, 1.43771386279, 0.210535280079, -1.0623599510100001, 0.0688309654326, -0.347802560166], [1.8643464589400003, -0.278798248373, -0.871753823885, 0.71813753523, -1.3389842744, -1.6899439024899998, -0.9877887444429999, -1.0939060374, -0.445779067521, -0.304048220289, -0.517838080417, 0.5516742445080001, 0.0, 1.7020278926899999, -0.352692688238, 0.978222676814, 1.12059006285, 0.417382842275, 0.14831446554000002, 0.0, 0.0, -0.258186429074, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0630690395582, 0.14831446554000002, 0.6805013330959999, -0.649085449441, -1.2257914730700001, 0.624026836637, -0.6337495671500001, 1.96715919787, 0.794825060715, 0.326284713583, 0.573065483037, 0.166145847787, -2.1957421504799997], [0.0742380334027, 0.00487768316483, -0.24358990925000001, -0.019655493956099997, 1.89316739811, 0.6884245372390001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.163954148413, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8444333382629999, -0.090088044255, 0.7887688808939999, -1.3246263366, -0.24358990925000001, -0.21168149410999998, -0.133977398272, 0.938128010276, 0.909297823607, -1.7226888602200001, -0.415186912141, 1.10113810547, 1.44181434344, 0.395579442835, -0.609229130091, 0.835086723611, -2.08008953109, -1.7226888602200001, 0.338760330973, 0.289313011387, 2.0105646916900004, 0.0, 0.477413369024, -0.742886084398, -1.14297552948, -0.803139701959], [1.0088665835200001, 1.3500388705000002, -0.280299038085, -0.601626960994, 0.13312100147199998, -0.160426899117, 0.194963216574, 0.473901940999, 0.697906586418, 1.9754131810599997, 0.316737336503, -0.16360598670999998, 1.28008233466, 0.717719387793, -2.09154252797, -0.0846989862731, 1.01831367078, -0.44271798286200004, 0.12720138061, 0.7675183900399999, -1.4998092092200002, 0.531298949515, 0.6815507976749999, 0.7089355429719999, -1.20110074542, -0.12385943298100001, -0.986283050263, -1.4132900396, -0.16360598670999998, 0.0651721718436, -0.0776856346473, 1.91272477023, -0.7884768334460001, -0.07856756615589999, -0.8250998718350001, -2.52746328725, -0.45130607361999997], [0.40128801141099996, -1.20028108808, 0.330457622046, 0.539203437302, 1.02731877268, -0.357472177191, 0.539203437302, 0.808700538632, -0.265465645627, 0.0960768116508, 0.191719271878, -0.294640387973, -0.840689157205, -0.598421600175, -0.598421600175, 0.437629272276, 0.792120629542, -0.7143914063310001, 0.14421754101, -0.32531760803000004, -0.32531760803000004, -0.951041347912, 0.9340968435100001, 0.25324111128000004, 0.315576504059, 0.506356634253, -0.265465645627, -4.09958682551, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0039985124, 1.5611188410499999, 1.07200803436, 0.0, -0.11781972878699999, 0.0, 0.0], [0.127903392169, -1.64518803212, -0.11715267406999999, -0.0241337179852, -0.403178167591, -1.1655015767299999, 0.523431530259, -0.6414537201439999, 0.955692737137, -0.32067312084399996, 0.23876406550999998, 0.11394978597000001, 0.0516818399674, 0.618526475022, -0.9932482324359999, 0.648145750642, 0.8690798561929999, -2.03225388466, 0.11394978597000001, -0.0411842720346, -1.7274426297299998, -0.17277605392200002, 0.454504818, 0.381326044316, 0.142298996063, -0.6414537201439999, 0.20696086997299998, -3.03101412847, 0.608810982816, 0.6776485026019999, 0.341960298012, 1.83602086875, 0.478793007175, 1.67164385667, 0.454504818, -0.191729187626, 1.63278483729], [-1.46429650511, 0.332396509038, -0.91942772035, -0.6850169561789999, 1.63561940639, 0.39584310789399996, -1.22793196449, -0.941420956809, 1.1231190274, -0.8957905717419999, -1.02825632938, -0.476928781499, 0.528111111881, 0.357647216479, -1.1497859025900001, 1.4651744507100002, 1.1284047679, 0.7578856159340001, 0.0167244679756, 0.418269548889, -2.0274926786200003, -1.69259176415, 1.25542377869, -0.134459823643, 0.692105832622, 0.695718382949, -0.555543768764, -0.8533930748180001, -0.193891239388, 1.36740021223, 0.245689846891, 1.29548402847, 1.26855951771, -0.707074589292, -0.21353425323300002, -0.792255023217, 0.97951507323], [0.159463525175, -1.09365596494, 0.282038650309, 0.9145621172799998, -0.209293158148, 1.41021759009, -0.8211148984819999, -0.7858679069140001, 0.705537633188, -1.40702729651, -1.68709740176, -0.5105097299229999, -0.316333467599, -0.189384432607, -0.390826654476, 1.7515336282700003, 1.7563138915, -0.66908996723, 1.20403239452, 0.835046899448, -0.625941832805, -1.5120897191100002, 0.572540904459, -0.0197801359968, 0.5315501815899999, -0.26191009350600003, 0.162856768144, -0.701098377837, -1.76566677099, 0.8140286380580001, 0.112692758626, 1.8086051072999998, -0.00202458184751, -0.439447432791, -1.20302266838, -0.22315545595300001, 1.8133172598400003], [1.3997988911700001, -0.8678124898559999, -0.546670664542, -0.679577712529, -0.323536986993, 2.14922916243, -0.783716828189, -0.0476222139322, 1.6196615678200001, -0.858717932975, 1.3130939290399999, -0.728846022493, 0.545710900843, -0.73941941324, -0.734228938288, 2.64641735155, -0.8443672738789999, -0.116519983356, -0.8020056164399999, 1.25511594388, -0.65861300968, -0.749699701779, 0.907469586617, -0.762211317225, -0.162338174405, -0.702745122878, -0.763616135382, -0.23438753271600002, -0.6815337009990001, 1.0786116695499999, -0.227283998407, 1.33270957223, -0.815837672134, 1.08860082963, -0.720581921866, -0.914886480767, 0.130357440196], [-1.43664917771, -1.5902457337399998, 1.2714150262000001, 0.0444919548974, -1.3939566165600001, -1.29781085624, 1.27684591859, -0.390236326082, 0.5800181733209999, -1.41053376904, 0.9677063057449999, -0.42298719332900003, -0.327701755335, 1.01195514802, -1.5618401550999998, 1.08428888767, -1.29509541005, -0.046348771802000005, -1.1253147947, 0.699698375352, -1.07857004072, -1.1661769439799998, -0.156123485873, 0.727872350855, 0.321301379147, 0.869458301584, -1.4985291678900001, 0.566939205173, 0.9247194994140001, -0.219377578025, 0.830144962359, 1.02026470073, 0.887612999, 0.6745306430339999, 0.8182636640250001, 1.00157610923, 0.838394171815], [-1.06970806002, -1.5605828080200002, -0.917907067209, -1.07336149018, -1.01284078232, -1.15913631867, 0.591479279314, -0.267759135426, 0.34613722623599996, -1.0596347387799998, 1.4361750601700003, 0.130763101889, 1.03051883267, 1.4955217589399998, -0.160424545252, 0.486292910386, -1.0937213930299998, -0.328067659997, -0.960888186764, -0.5441709624759999, -0.622295883011, -1.8183370454199999, 0.184677585131, -0.9209347182109999, -1.07967636668, -0.31655536980300003, 0.119863127452, 0.9097493777619999, 1.18427201952, 0.549540766008, 0.121713538132, 0.7598154902600001, 0.9946146184579999, 1.54095806542, 0.9230280669769999, 1.4453140209600002, 1.7155676855700002], [0.284352729712, -1.0863264597799998, 0.248433100441, -0.504192445007, 0.604766897125, -0.5070463388750001, 1.3799755028799998, -0.39156117891900005, -0.08043815509880001, -0.268221008333, 1.6173850124899998, -1.1282121165299999, 1.63358175934, 2.1964738047799997, -0.194621001437, 0.0872093314373, -0.33607083649499997, -1.3094579498799999, -0.7348910971439999, 0.18095228574, -1.66803369167, -0.658068367481, -0.20863452868000001, -0.9706695952, -1.6091480774200002, -0.95918544198, -1.3792382609399998, -0.475335114959, 1.9970863163599997, 0.536225832742, 0.44716455667800004, 0.7315608845010001, 1.6244302028, 0.525472284753, 0.193946042643, -0.004312267831590001, 0.184647389248], [0.320318020965, -0.44140234516500004, -0.647771096133, -0.639143820919, -0.624453429821, -0.945512035006, -0.265645337916, -0.916415038726, -0.819705933468, -0.13160027565500002, 1.22567486315, -0.6002889903499999, -0.611311712104, 1.5980129872600002, -0.634215848697, 1.8428455035599998, -0.793084613994, -0.646214170497, -0.8197531547110001, 0.9733295846610001, -0.901563728635, -0.47954152175399994, -0.39696578031199997, -0.773190258556, -0.887513804296, 0.318452552645, -0.8113729887190001, 1.3697794255000002, 2.09320519755, 2.0053232554900005, -0.767807036877, -0.637554803176, 0.822531984214, 0.312443534884, 1.4540413779199999, -0.768020220157, 1.6240896578400001], [-1.03757216761, -0.612589577037, 0.495798405378, -1.2356683316600001, 0.642925774434, 0.974907892852, 0.9744046734790001, 0.776026085441, 0.6981430608560001, -1.18205581521, 0.727481187042, 0.662689145124, 0.511198276933, 0.8540435283169999, -1.19464066692, -0.477554030871, -1.14247181261, -1.09064701089, 0.44479273027599997, -0.680666860185, -1.32679713831, 0.315169340009, -1.17704642892, -1.1345095913299998, 0.989898686364, -1.29915646764, -1.233167278, 0.961351056184, 0.95994670048, 0.38031853666, 0.330730319406, 0.09880199386260001, 1.85130737691, 0.138504886287, -0.0642207018895, 2.32765425312, -1.22733003032], [0.980006186599, 1.1277312266700001, 0.122420900449, -1.3510588188600001, -0.16284797723400002, -0.361291033323, -0.695941652466, -2.06874384618, 0.7315263534090001, -0.243375576987, 0.250647293622, 0.271314086345, -0.45535099970799997, 1.2026909719299999, -0.288003817189, -1.5770656969799999, 1.03659481667, 2.25773355194, -1.10683878912, -0.475312301259, -0.9098929542730001, -0.18481055436299998, -1.25681304139, -0.740530259846, -0.9361193615360001, -0.802658248015, -0.520215953937, -0.19119290969500002, -0.15305962512399998, 0.5024435373430001, 0.854155976048, 2.00633178914, 0.192016892353, 0.49604340016500004, 0.297751762289, 0.10280813769099999, 2.04890653483], [0.520772181266, 0.529687388279, 0.062088954224500004, -0.462489212809, 0.547096128695, 0.0160945194027, -0.468646693579, -1.8358618819599999, -0.289204406746, -1.24066131732, 1.12366877767, 0.0, -1.42111833431, 0.0, 0.0, -1.21431149537, -0.78039011594, 1.40586738245, -0.828861755281, -0.186041729863, -0.892521135971, -1.3751344511899999, -0.425980721369, -1.1109523505299999, 0.0, -1.00185971052, -0.139782690846, -0.061671057893, 0.42311421922200004, 1.8670672473099998, 0.589732810424, 1.6523698759799998, 0.430884354899, 1.05614499949, 0.8897781264110001, 0.9550377677390001, 1.66608432804], [0.980262768809, 0.576219051112, -0.826766533963, -0.32973035166299997, 0.185744989884, -1.08515648561, -1.26271988747, -0.776819532855, -0.0208366075204, -0.955999797845, 1.01377127698, 0.119900141655, 0.0645766669891, 0.460281430375, -0.37081758862400005, 0.45225616135200003, -1.0299916988, -0.0475985755119, -0.826627220792, 1.00733611558, -0.939848695985, -1.1903471561599999, -1.10251389192, -1.20198718681, -0.9873272706659999, -1.10238011437, -1.03864987402, 0.8821087973299999, -0.641610102955, 0.286467028999, 1.08206287045, 1.25339777415, 2.13528936063, 0.7032066973810001, 0.664485016524, 1.9176425147299998, 1.95271991063], [-1.17944984173, 0.144647108888, -1.60195832867, -0.376027318218, 0.747331626911, 0.66861834888, 0.256079325267, -1.20592513261, -1.15512800609, -0.992646369396, -1.10862825117, -1.05016937069, -1.06709364827, 1.8037213908099996, -0.7222557836300001, 1.06331225559, -0.926377425984, 1.70197463722, -2.2677759903599997, 0.17948141954900002, -0.9016204313510001, -0.39014065636100004, 0.342485973365, 0.26438522641999995, -0.151315281242, 0.570627365055, 0.02911563283, 0.252042734039, 1.1239553585200002, 0.9448764912530001, 0.330629213075, 1.6044231193399998, 1.33083985517, 0.09178972631560002, -0.0787075651128, 0.702896568471, 1.02198602392], [1.10719394418, 0.044748624712500004, -1.88420709681, -0.924353185746, -1.06304880145, 0.974051983523, -0.42267096828, -1.01741203336, -0.0939205327083, -0.617479308275, 0.7312587782150001, -0.54158060533, -0.572340407449, 1.58378910563, -0.246453849881, -0.63225352453, 0.45111344588200003, 0.85477597651, -1.90459547091, 0.326507701381, -1.46523217244, -0.49883778715099997, -0.259308650281, 0.30897978012899996, -0.714231210265, 0.774423704929, -0.296438545017, -0.908811975729, 0.458957107504, -0.18488121786400002, -0.39190616503799997, 2.5877890526900003, 1.87356188055, 0.012170970326000001, 1.19764700052, 0.255330356312, 1.09766409552], [-0.5236402112830001, 0.968191863357, -0.820971227816, -0.620380529748, -0.696786436689, -0.736669542343, -0.5339811377979999, -0.548975623172, 0.101744847868, -0.553269818514, 2.4190530906400003, -0.7303690426189999, -0.5727089436739999, 0.8954221702130001, -0.700916562431, -0.321277107364, -0.6083937978, 2.1805895653, -0.643648324048, -0.705651304519, -0.736795575046, -0.7027394949060001, 0.513735535294, -0.732771044271, -0.0466989677376, -0.144039928543, -0.7781956148549999, -0.335729992744, -0.0605404241936, 1.8473562598400002, 1.75607395222, 1.93315614488, -0.564544636004, -0.601227532887, -0.545758382955, 1.96397681793, -0.012619043573100001], [-0.500636976456, -0.595735877943, -0.5050233924499999, -0.0282030162033, -0.07473668810310001, 0.7218822854000001, -0.7776570889579999, -0.49638410811800004, -0.418823184412, -0.552452986574, 1.00149985177, -0.27449467777, -0.10723440528599999, 1.87140862593, -0.726197045793, -0.44774922238000003, -0.7591890814579999, 2.27319347425, -0.5947510840770001, -0.64945374119, -0.5756066913260001, -0.778967104993, -0.5222178933470001, -0.7233699668179999, -0.650785855039, -0.704933664876, -0.6170982186339999, -0.699505288933, -0.6172091880889999, 1.58379741569, 2.2868508838099997, 0.317441375963, 1.11263600127, -0.7393904012710001, -0.8294975988259999, 1.96688415102, 1.8317103842299998], [-0.838322982913, 0.718374529454, -0.8558362510699999, 0.381634971796, -0.934374930021, -0.8818930477770001, 0.940633217969, -0.886509931991, 0.375078175648, -0.609676438081, 1.63074373553, 1.20746981811, 1.4897470360299998, 1.5455951650600002, -0.7003874731309999, 0.950995504461, -0.7326607729000001, 2.0348077462200003, -0.732600437246, -0.856389891028, -0.9473007577629999, -0.7466794, -0.894299023528, -0.703711726302, -0.888837922849, -0.881072482888, -0.9366300354100001, -0.9820902956299999, -0.8418161759139999, 1.70001244466, 0.629891086734, 1.1439817472700002, 0.904539947299, -0.837455597557, -0.172736253773, 0.24297446879999998, 0.964802232746], [-0.898042342251, -0.928209145784, -0.9909524268619999, -0.42006249207199997, -1.21708722812, 0.620958559735, 0.555260240033, 0.022119982570700004, 0.46157375196199996, -1.13188330076, 1.31379277471, 0.751199063805, 0.506886540086, 1.96193485379, -0.728262197967, 0.498495265598, -1.10314131521, 1.46862644657, -0.00027102267222000004, -0.870853634172, -0.527742123233, -1.11254614912, -0.648829536329, -0.143218192826, 0.23483900258, -1.13411981327, -0.9102709320219999, -1.00917202806, -1.17286611031, 1.89180915217, 1.2737312972600001, 1.6474458093200002, -0.233965170342, -0.751544420273, 0.259466049788, 1.1017579308399998, 1.36314286083], [0.20371182707899999, -0.9279289699969999, -0.858906349458, 0.286372184551, -0.0358269175834, -1.4927892673299998, 0.00477964922414, -1.23781818289, 0.23869243843899998, -0.834941725479, 0.783701780543, 0.648241514368, 0.9786300478290001, 1.3507159407499998, -0.484069147073, 1.580383804, -1.48285332308, 1.45713611569, -0.8068362760860001, 0.17988468370900002, -1.13476373692, -1.68889715218, -0.48542754601000004, -0.304546062901, -0.9512022305850001, 0.38874092476800004, -0.548814593117, -1.39243521208, -0.492309497143, 1.50527752508, 0.9779194484679999, 1.0911961151799998, 1.13467506491, -0.7627276312190001, 0.36218736553900005, 1.33031902343, 1.4205283675799998], [-1.57335695386, 0.359185319469, -1.39222307806, 0.236517883859, 0.525900952571, 0.396371922907, 0.967239325597, -0.897197534013, 0.711237803132, -0.263823952475, 1.03627116333, 0.654533366545, 0.791744902253, 0.790855856933, -1.46026083159, 0.379569013679, -1.4350865126499999, 0.746807186293, -1.0541592186, -1.22965790027, -1.32027191641, -1.46102260007, -0.974249705553, -0.0260618169349, -1.04879939668, -0.296404932101, -1.5465365526100001, -0.299033269915, 0.48616975853699995, 1.640663003, 1.1912858434, 1.40967209023, 0.654976706335, 0.628539555062, 0.41193944239200003, 1.08170237278, 1.17696270347], [-0.85285778477, 0.40025642111299997, -0.36802777192900005, -0.9850380300210001, -0.748592267177, 0.048596866841, 0.10733204646500001, -0.420036691641, -0.7513616686229999, -0.6966372773880001, 1.23244657488, 0.0733187432837, 0.515886172043, 1.0124584270399999, -0.680766399975, 0.010272665232700002, -0.8028003293289999, 0.0102651749655, -1.33827403586, -0.051288841867, -1.06141029206, -1.00666792418, -0.558982645544, -1.0719351161200001, -1.16805821396, -1.2035466004200002, -0.6247347074449999, -0.7410515655500001, 0.906272904297, 1.7322701051700002, 1.80214930428, 1.956313983, -0.0329951127024, 1.7465465543799998, 1.74016984027, 0.48306032588299996, 1.38744716741], [-0.43966054103600005, -0.203932414555, 0.9289626421130001, -0.8212978986470001, -0.134125355419, -0.55529756492, -0.11783262249000001, -0.12210184830600002, -0.9098654061310001, -0.5204507023430001, 0.9510094753049999, 0.43604567123000004, 0.0, 1.31847792457, -1.28347721224, 0.515753970541, -0.350550745185, 0.20615975301199999, -0.963777192173, 0.0, 0.0, -0.9762612912340001, 0.0, 0.0, -1.9424832137299999, -1.09861446903, -1.74115565095, -0.24977569560899998, -0.59655462247, 1.14360238254, 1.92616080301, 1.53358051433, -0.350550745185, 1.30099562141, 1.09912343516, 1.2546932602299998, 0.763199738213], [0.678437929685, -0.950830305124, -0.921258515214, -0.9091606855869999, -0.894109294272, 1.4432298831200001, 0.928221546002, -0.941827657995, 0.616606284536, -0.9256344275799999, 1.12443939484, 1.0042289222399998, -0.7267756066, 1.58712345002, -0.89662877965, 0.488548995358, -0.877900366129, 0.959650104156, -0.892707418892, -0.664030080665, -0.68017860668, -0.8697740617399999, -0.863727023829, -0.91931779825, -0.9468560498469999, -0.879627798742, -0.8971188217739999, -0.9240441794609999, 0.773471635021, 1.8378093444499999, 1.8567865328400002, 1.6826953144299999, -0.09869823945489999, 0.63139763957, 0.10775657570399999, 0.9924525547830001, -0.0326503892611], [-0.495220166888, 0.0845510802383, -0.648493606093, -0.27419236149799997, 1.3671530329600001, 0.9886013508120001, 0.238396596562, -0.352981808983, -0.433406083326, 0.470548186082, 0.634082521752, -0.0308451273264, -0.572488192398, 1.58046930616, -0.152275934448, 0.35002181099, -1.09595335264, 2.03459748451, -0.356687678522, 0.0434109318035, -0.5969505243819999, -0.971524614393, -1.01731211748, -1.1240766413299998, -0.522593411394, -0.9715380882410001, -1.01432260751, -0.8315526699600001, -0.7590847027069999, 2.93431872009, -0.0876031495236, 1.1480688301100002, 1.8357234918599998, -1.05380378844, 0.0313608206407, 0.638288607889, -1.01668614497], [-0.6734405407840001, -0.640270566814, -0.7279680013150001, -0.7283570711740001, -0.422632505901, 1.38921630898, -0.835497659701, -0.648978657656, -0.262000525389, -0.655329474891, -0.125278112053, 0.7669483155850001, -0.28508189071, 1.57677518865, -0.410437478477, 2.2743475171900003, -0.587310812944, 2.36676929367, -0.515897720537, -0.649892835786, 0.0165696845019, -0.7199449999169999, -0.529177246182, -0.56169967731, -0.709983179069, -0.6593975675689999, -0.588298995971, -0.753795165948, 1.4357583147100001, 2.24428139563, -0.6535876390609999, 1.82641166072, 0.217704109401, -0.703812476691, -0.7202257832, 0.549446293084, 0.104068502922], [-0.533440819635, -0.47257309330200004, -0.49394076163, -0.457580427725, -0.290488937377, 1.50738506752, -0.444882637823, -0.56558631021, 0.954439081825, -0.5404706060260001, 1.00788749338, -0.032497917658, -0.35863081911600003, 3.3399150890900002, -0.494266586981, -0.443457674065, -0.405444716383, 1.4562210885100002, -0.375614987722, -0.475946743296, -0.4042823971, -0.345671951207, -0.38397366116400006, -0.35175245796800003, -0.394259612447, -0.282985033327, -0.402516465467, -0.499357085944, -0.304787135457, -0.39318605968599996, 0.42486584354699997, -0.0716538748513, -0.462470940935, -0.6100139545009999, -0.48374984274099997, 3.5862996249699997, -0.50152977711], [-0.47777684469099996, -0.457658619987, -0.38735451272200006, -0.33261240584699997, -0.326179967151, -0.46068503987099996, -0.451032233204, -0.488062834819, -0.386965579392, -0.5179173572110001, -0.305019401123, 1.03775684396, -0.423955731941, 3.8657574626, -0.514315316, 0.08856401552740001, -0.43041721099299995, 0.505763463961, -0.541069261887, -0.263075793686, -0.384661538347, -0.5013555388750001, -0.509419423245, -0.440294561836, -0.370182328346, -0.405431096734, -0.44099516040700004, -0.478737769305, -0.415590553885, 1.5571705643399998, 1.7592001674700002, 1.69186699226, -0.529031516043, -0.524143401954, -0.657715034682, 2.33615994474, -0.42058342068300003], [1.02291998508, 0.789160988026, -1.7791081198900003, 0.24830153421700002, -0.578177220044, -0.553118508323, -0.10946239949000001, -1.06065483094, -0.5440986419839999, -0.11163521858200001, 0.8283634432379999, 0.12394774330700001, 0.0, 2.9472009152200003, -2.0692374402200002, 0.130131125526, -1.7685134441900003, 1.28437218365, 0.0274690799218, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0666854030337, 0.0, 0.0, -0.91615509565, -0.414190038306, -0.0332136483415, -0.618087399076, 0.597103042234, 1.58807266273, -0.0529517303721, 0.785744927775, 0.120050689052, -0.15337195090800002, -0.564101032737, 0.442099617613, 0.324453378424], [-0.393986652197, -0.427465985827, -0.509555018564, -0.358270285634, -0.54295961098, -0.434290615582, -0.541974729913, -0.441383462227, -0.35821966974799996, -0.385266055431, -0.27919218853100003, -0.522405303952, -0.270072341228, -0.46377838992299997, -0.35870879896200003, -0.49639346913099996, -0.26965227668, -0.365245343909, -0.465490342171, -0.5118038776380001, -0.41912051427100006, -0.481417316541, -0.37904455889399996, -0.259981804227, -0.556383700756, -0.499995711841, -0.37158935927299996, -0.321137620361, -0.0486391941425, 3.39488960137, 1.0827592513700002, 2.34762185367, -0.34919301244, 3.0550677896900003, -0.214591653891, 1.57841413002, 0.838456238748], [-0.49455688975400003, -0.42353148178499994, -0.553957807556, -0.502425066527, -0.476663510035, -0.419425120147, -0.47382839433300006, -0.43810696806500005, -0.5410493486779999, -0.464672122543, 1.8014721351299998, -0.43856670726400004, -0.465701291893, -0.414737293298, -0.399094125484, -0.44698574581399997, -0.579838683047, -0.48545254063999993, -0.320474940055, -0.21045044385699999, -0.524262850396, -0.434606485609, -0.377035584274, -0.447925168021, -0.433156433103, -0.475914929455, -0.506055527604, -0.441873597222, -0.509912935481, 2.67337423076, 2.2903533660799997, 2.30314835156, 0.545244918439, 2.19731205539, -0.471691655828, 1.8806696910299998, -0.519621100625], [-0.405686721651, -0.39527814217699997, -0.346596613764, -0.312574863793, -0.202801299943, -0.329643110398, -0.35677874631800005, -0.401707942886, -0.38397289369099996, -0.39762657910800003, -0.34865819259999997, -0.40878668879600005, -0.3284417259, -0.369859855379, -0.384728983239, -0.33645209571400003, -0.400801395318, -0.363444872505, -0.37484206755800004, -0.41195086655999996, -0.320500885929, -0.36115912641500003, -0.335333159173, -0.343318072706, -0.35201728189099996, -0.35243370105899996, -0.370845431402, -0.346804443403, -0.417678529841, 3.2297305024500003, 2.7747241715499995, 3.0799183875900003, -0.455756567253, 0.51173865728, -0.276969505163, 1.96866812335, -0.37132948069], [-0.37699077452699997, -0.36576791522299995, -0.336925139233, -0.331819420804, -0.348948794156, -0.369856006158, -0.330592545382, -0.356178017109, -0.373743812008, -0.35817569709700003, -0.264586027131, -0.34714312585999996, -0.39641946203199996, -0.431428674538, -0.320781678696, -0.39006377162100003, -0.33629360347099996, -0.24914925235399998, -0.275488981858, -0.329448059177, -0.280298926442, -0.379937137056, -0.28063916978, -0.386462432048, -0.286155110674, -0.354229288038, -0.40791189609899997, -0.379764429951, -0.351244661061, 2.95648524986, 3.0058567300599996, 3.12678617606, -0.36190389538199996, -0.31126968837900004, -0.244960846514, 2.13546462941, -0.310014545526], [-0.528266587443, -0.44512105186000006, -0.393026455481, -0.397804099573, -0.475772460792, -0.545315518431, -0.425313459476, -0.42270527052100004, -0.61463488524, -0.524905459766, -0.304326123129, -0.50958609705, -0.413584103973, -0.547008765771, -0.356089795445, 0.023435712424400002, -0.419235180043, -0.318967495082, -0.380177492782, -0.255260000795, -0.446269485194, -0.371863458094, -0.24565801426699999, 0.40781957757299997, -0.49198312769100006, -0.581084719883, 0.33034587288, -0.47869658421899997, -0.101855942832, 2.2235687783599998, 2.5005124389200004, 3.1880492657099997, 0.934483494076, -0.338384781558, -0.585477246773, 2.79588291986, -0.48572439663500006], [-0.0122124381494, -0.48676745092, -0.408957894192, -0.577558497112, 1.74153372217, 0.0192233788529, -0.35688194750600005, -0.570373067268, -0.558874362125, -0.5285744254510001, 0.304520993594, -0.529143681306, -0.619944375903, -0.5698608247110001, -0.38003153944300005, -0.608394358791, -0.430756270959, 0.39032074479999995, -0.478396144471, -0.466755344646, -0.122857269072, -0.579857010162, -0.474071027948, -0.509039915191, -0.582210343691, -0.541530916776, -0.487947187632, -0.577706731688, -0.49725702068300004, 2.55588097591, 2.4930260073299997, 2.6437910962799998, -0.516135439449, 0.138952621017, 0.167699164594, 2.49706956587, -0.479922785175], [0.433569754528, 0.0849993077984, -0.514743200036, -0.650277373537, 1.19709661232, -0.5901115872730001, 0.0783279376057, -0.667246138336, -0.58539618722, -0.616961942171, 0.8767019476219999, -0.337440378002, -0.403836797766, -0.212378124404, -0.540177245964, -0.102930254966, -0.442942528071, 0.44901765603200006, -0.397997036588, 0.271512963724, 0.125847074009, -0.6891816356999999, -0.6885028368520001, -0.7864943672050001, -0.723854664761, -0.764676292391, -0.745581053476, -0.7215629143860001, -0.834974197002, 1.56518453658, 2.67260142654, 2.6564075701400003, -0.680159401725, -0.6716607436390001, -0.821854237755, 1.50843687248, 2.2712374798500004], [-0.526799365212, -0.397179516109, -0.415832896343, -0.441068345356, -0.37217545744099995, 1.5646904337600003, -0.507419078487, -0.497857634793, -0.723121965704, -0.544421802801, -0.45900064869900004, -0.469509178458, -0.480295735376, -0.22716052704, -0.31025746377700003, -0.08595277499710001, -0.441937404444, -0.45730109558, -0.44214099207400004, -0.591434401712, -0.633258206654, -0.325518464236, -0.684490091922, -0.635695877038, -0.375155729217, -0.42665353400899997, -0.414333343406, -0.499437456861, -0.5287688737340001, 2.7282843195999997, 2.11583084649, 2.1061626762400003, 0.610653241193, -0.501511449783, 0.18231563099, 1.14136897163, 2.96638319136], [-0.253167467111, -0.47997715690399995, -0.456383350526, -0.49622898669200005, -0.43618889057800003, -0.376079576093, -0.44713706384900004, -0.387385511761, -0.401960003332, -0.430884429197, -0.408480212974, -0.485827316612, -0.47656573750299996, -0.482052500759, -0.45593101651600004, -0.537172458427, -0.453866538336, -0.349007144103, -0.462880621523, -0.392753959893, -0.41210854343599995, -0.49697751094400006, -0.44754392299900003, -0.46480062647299997, -0.420436076959, -0.417508381295, -0.415079299366, -0.47466585417199997, 0.716930829527, 3.26363931984, 2.52051168595, 2.96632226737, 0.445862027507, -0.143285716605, 0.9927028589329999, -0.2724306985, 1.7287975843099999], [-0.47867171519199997, -0.498493018856, -0.416706750262, -0.39224619576700004, -0.513439499574, -0.310757241979, -0.577421075789, -0.48637482834, -0.40470017153399995, -0.40796446012599996, -0.27313552043, 0.112694082195, -0.363825085101, -0.487218803435, 0.502281439998, -0.143158606379, -0.380623846557, 1.20072568703, 0.22046594975699998, -0.458566395149, -0.469537596439, -0.509531662162, -0.421077182914, -0.387976451196, -0.575576394152, -0.509087114785, -0.377251745727, -0.23215499647799998, -0.522538472488, 2.86360739429, 1.96130160426, 2.70935040438, -0.5472968167319999, -0.430727090612, -0.5124649149399999, -0.499629559319, 3.0177266505], [-0.494516851766, -0.45558479142499997, -0.36991143896300005, -0.29859494593, -0.502777587868, -0.240911058103, -0.48179920838600004, -0.47731839474200005, -0.39738800338200003, -0.36368600392800005, 0.6468197866600001, -0.359191607122, -0.337610135225, 1.42870899929, -0.41710749536499997, 1.26235600822, -0.60187653814, -0.3030763029, -0.37643570357199996, -0.39882510197400006, -0.461464127479, -0.406727785913, -0.395467344206, -0.35407292816799996, -0.33504346084000003, -0.365452358379, -0.463578754216, -0.36589462615, -0.329619432393, 3.4714422306, 2.8260572811199998, 2.56795002741, -0.454951816053, -0.41457505054899996, -0.588851371961, -0.540939211232, 0.149915103035], [-0.308889682808, -0.320794382137, -0.113024014486, -0.215600187385, -0.35105316983999996, -0.267591666257, -0.308284591387, -0.329220332879, -0.327803006372, -0.25521417336999996, -0.34587352402800003, -0.31625566939800004, -0.30622685889, -0.313527487173, -0.35216057147299995, -0.137732089862, -0.262822091112, -0.341943592292, -0.173943754313, -0.352190615211, -0.232726699175, 0.18072257030900002, -0.203969571278, -0.325201324096, -0.252060107985, -0.298287932949, -0.234670054636, -0.283063137053, -0.297191072978, 4.90463123396, 1.74144045899, 2.47597506049, -0.280853604618, -0.248720509342, -0.373678212729, -0.329657284785, -0.242538351438], [0.0875334650943, -0.38985239424199997, -0.609130567039, -0.69786537653, -0.8975513674590001, -0.60881821405, -0.14322049277100002, -0.0358624331323, -0.30977847443100004, -0.573123385661, 1.7168219015900001, 0.47688996522699995, -0.12067158175899999, 0.650846144297, -0.7045097833089999, 0.49350363823700005, -0.65987677228, -0.53958103059, -0.630307887205, -0.82882786655, -0.578640028161, -0.7853284631380001, -0.025620654855, -0.658511555985, -0.43445087645400005, -0.577452768076, -0.70134906854, -0.378059475271, -0.826816164562, 2.53091365877, 2.26107679876, 2.28912004135, -0.042915873587, 1.35200476595, -0.7340234222769999, -0.5078320491430001, 2.14126764778], [-0.586698865731, 0.471510047712, -0.602305273394, -0.549745324869, -0.0256777298547, -0.6566272267859999, -0.568521465059, 0.7621630423549999, 1.3794353420899998, -0.672334068175, -0.311755471645, 0.538505964712, -0.364770131103, -0.667359287754, 0.206092406218, 0.029780449038200003, -0.567624735366, -0.666345569325, -0.520691834645, -0.5547316937969999, 1.73061786694, -0.587159646835, -0.590519761975, -0.685962152176, -0.6959657927159999, -0.644441635966, -0.682748272955, -0.33457765621, -0.6800818127230001, 2.2580488880900003, 1.91445959437, 2.44425908558, -0.6914142687100001, -0.35942727763300003, -0.762439123242, 2.57297097515, -0.27791758361200003], [-0.451581729192, 1.17412498254, -0.756884642086, -0.8625574891519999, 0.158250466935, -0.8013704160549999, -0.21554401032900003, -0.720512671166, 1.53750493593, -0.562976643228, -0.20614409968199998, -0.6561881574639999, 0.9478108990369999, -0.7026995379690001, 0.6284326839500001, 1.86369740104, -0.731027518675, -0.8859918485539999, -0.459303546091, -0.685205475293, 0.41229938060000004, -0.701778008521, -0.777843490003, -0.702925007576, -0.793986803566, -0.8572429222969999, 0.525319640906, -0.763675104026, -0.713135264263, 1.8861812715900002, 1.4020380385799998, 2.88092059723, 0.028643193701599998, -0.6991225350570001, -0.76621835982, 0.9881973666480001, 1.04049442137], [-0.767978658349, 0.209089282425, -0.7703392444230001, -1.2958911640000002, 0.607145002679, 0.700986004051, -0.522263012981, -0.528751359877, -0.266934208615, -0.7014027134309999, 0.7529988201469999, 0.550327957745, 0.7980897229739999, 1.90596307148, -0.103252455297, 0.738744411477, -1.04130255669, -0.557321294403, -0.618256697515, 0.586848350347, -1.07383048207, -1.3442416501700003, -0.912415288382, -1.25153366743, -1.0705223184000001, -1.1348635682100001, 0.6700199623499999, 0.0258369698575, -1.20456745944, 1.7278440803, 1.73413549403, 1.9812886992299998, 0.9090148065629999, 0.194708460427, -0.526230928851, 1.5962263885799999, 0.00263124387055], [-0.558663219354, -0.6824473840240001, -0.60014580747, -0.491585972007, 0.5524477955629999, 1.43088765993, -0.661018609151, -0.7296018473620001, -0.319812560963, -0.448550898781, -0.156910251875, 0.7717755204539999, 1.28452758056, 1.01880620725, -0.553469812181, 2.3467498968, -0.41162981878, -0.22294011068300001, 0.160653050026, -0.548725708485, -0.546741672246, -0.349516888781, -0.566440438527, -0.314525319949, -0.5931902684089999, -0.608945054685, -0.544550525279, -0.571158759051, -0.735198063767, 0.7124074416130001, 1.1978183495799999, 3.75530995785, -0.769009946799, -0.643508031112, -0.738605669255, 0.773240934523, -0.637731755176], [0.563904155347, -0.576045304418, -0.58377314843, -0.64981729029, -0.43070590512900003, 2.26703843098, -0.45009430233000003, -0.6406657773650001, -0.8320903260889999, -0.457907284562, 1.1947693456200001, -0.6196157752970001, -0.606189308825, -0.7726694866949999, -0.596173445625, 0.44339523340000003, -0.49115967975100006, -0.559997031828, -0.119785071831, -0.66537728673, 1.36835151701, -0.689872285654, -0.6254485891229999, -0.742568897141, -0.594803340492, -0.670748888211, -0.662006151508, -0.5418225590510001, 1.54630956739, 2.16611862945, 1.89186304993, 2.3668198612, -0.423227837485, -0.5592048517, 0.313847564382, -0.6830584088930001, 1.1224108797399999], [0.7585919473139999, -0.9072747262690001, -0.344017597933, -0.301232570388, -0.757545159954, 0.5973792108079999, -0.006788078952510001, 0.228015876965, -1.19334148967, 1.4889918921399998, 1.73874188383, -0.609315919891, -1.78509779493, -0.39685021617399996, -0.9580480314290001, -0.25865042430999996, -1.07170537221, -0.6053635091790001, -0.290866380513, -0.744131795051, 0.44072484820600005, 1.23109333525, -0.554245334822, -0.968582861573, -0.757545159954, -0.405005825268, 0.358133489438, -1.00007800451, 0.040063924629099995, 0.610170005449, 1.02591181012, 3.2530718898799997, 1.12321457173, 0.686678701124, 0.0, -0.201406231092, 0.536309097186], [-1.12640046979, -0.38065826528999996, -0.193620112135, 0.22587660328200002, -0.5350446545359999, 0.295434430609, 0.0, 0.0, 0.591874141717, 0.0, 0.0, -0.306782805187, -0.821810811777, -0.411775788872, -0.9483262792720001, -0.7300434418880001, 1.92054959612, -0.38065826528999996, -2.26352889415, -0.519652679542, -0.23650996236900002, -0.218027872012, 0.036863217258, -0.008133959307979999, 0.036863217258, -0.07668287587730001, -0.389601940385, -0.646066161325, -0.720873780634, 3.01537168171, 1.53850468425, 0.036863217258, 0.0, 0.8722520727359999, 0.0, 1.22839416421, 1.1153519932200002], [-0.334553537626, -0.0028805736976500003, -0.42613580309, -0.498264678535, -0.642446218878, -0.514398503054, -0.6644658824, -0.667767302533, -0.144219512504, -0.07297872322210001, 2.4275504803, 1.11968677707, -0.509579093262, 2.0640645384200003, 2.1546508823900004, 1.3565232333500001, 0.851060154143, -0.499023673365, -0.426722157703, -0.681895804647, -0.586342295743, -0.632334582843, -0.327880189643, -0.705193938967, -0.557998712187, -0.635196366627, -0.560145568464, -0.654350098852, -0.650503799234, 1.8423929439900002, -0.706611351443, 1.48868061585, -0.675136395775, 1.6488648156299999, -0.7769018418699999, -0.7292085561120001, -0.670339278864], [-0.045728114294800004, 0.5090761909679999, 2.3981909684900002, -0.511542201293, -0.600904528903, -0.8049272550159999, -0.577953721812, -0.7166446785089999, -0.778748899236, -0.33761058755400003, 2.00179405063, -0.7197195794589999, -0.6651687395279999, -0.0304457834192, 1.92714199064, 0.508499250789, -0.8649412258660001, -0.727365621821, -0.802902843622, 0.107978405503, -0.8471784911470001, -0.775707649065, -0.514085517463, -0.713488820611, -0.638175937342, -0.670324136505, -0.755622035167, -0.681899517005, -0.528250544917, 1.7478052813900002, 1.13030079521, 1.9075762568999999, 1.20533520609, 1.25479307368, -0.41296053545, -0.636336361389, 0.660141856103], [-0.8116290001800001, 1.30555846033, 1.07376098463, 0.7255515487090001, -0.761809667625, -0.915746054912, -0.634174940273, -0.509125225316, 0.8258610791590001, 0.287900185467, 1.31494642114, 1.2282058172299999, 1.66616000451, -0.690773959039, 0.44114202981299994, 1.00384518499, -0.39912491001100003, -0.778944773084, -0.662343392062, -0.729841584088, -0.9752403872550001, -0.821753874373, -0.41666544245, -1.24331651593, -0.930843225162, -0.893961831871, -1.1069318767899998, -0.9001952716889999, -1.1401149950700002, 1.26139765884, 0.867995576539, 2.1777332512, -0.838438274633, -0.18121206219, -0.247289182804, 0.681301852372, 1.7281163918900002], [-0.572075140383, -0.09146044950519999, -0.5348749340919999, -0.578761528635, -0.229538880267, -0.48231199729099994, -0.479048615518, -0.467742290481, -0.36075854849399996, -0.457412073073, 3.22875791866, -0.481775495083, -0.509071319844, 1.4437589764200003, -0.601310940806, -0.591102099372, -0.375100802847, -0.40730980466600003, -0.468032470858, 0.45796064947400006, -0.26957969235199997, -0.65466741129, -0.579328629828, -0.561501151059, 2.03913924121, -0.5822370633730001, 1.3281723297399999, -0.547476616169, -0.49801590648599997, 2.02334812491, -0.29682451880399996, 2.1145825692099995, -0.552381633499, -0.487537793982, -0.587413901688, 1.2824253169, -0.613493416786], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.6264398490399998, -0.40796349538800003, -0.153723342799, -1.00217320496, -1.25698988891, -0.0102062640501, 0.8649306858069999, 0.8434755839920001, 0.12111301955499999, 2.4400160126, -1.3513419208700002, -0.11678299357100001, -0.275091234927, -1.59029023554, 0.592655995634, -0.0980407832831, -0.8543717892739999, -0.585488667773, -0.7260750239849999, 1.0275695119200001, 0.655342426123, -0.060976725996, 0.0433045906476, -1.0191203225, 0.131801541734, 0.7862245631649999, 0.817822666931, 2.06765962933, 1.26853515094, -0.780929935271, -0.988046619479, 0.0433045906476, 1.20029632859], [-0.567527623191, -0.288582140125, -0.739771461639, -0.803804617227, -0.837274109839, 2.24127195526, -0.712239512615, -0.14689776851, 0.0813908166174, 0.0921969361408, 1.85584355158, 1.4862928318200002, -0.627018977548, 1.75628007222, -0.8246316528509999, -0.24104769774999998, -0.589159793921, -0.612772020044, -0.569213423994, 0.420125580256, 1.6413791624599998, -0.809598442887, -0.436600590926, -0.910223022133, -0.7497241904009999, -0.8226306167380001, -0.469655189812, -0.493981284912, 0.666755510276, -0.493998594006, 0.879015350305, 2.7422773723900002, -0.722193290414, -0.177414749385, -0.130411643728, 0.797483225707, -0.883939950431], [0.63511774423, 0.804808978715, 0.554725688882, 0.802715578945, -1.12718263009, -0.46472810204, 0.455474862192, -1.2687502999, 0.091368202046, -0.213525496719, 1.57664334014, 0.9805861692110001, 0.25549432797, 1.59748013279, -0.342491728536, -0.8286004025079999, -0.723247861367, -2.05464283932, -0.486296701586, 0.151253929359, 0.5433210248179999, -0.467990988006, -0.150431566668, -2.3490525526400003, 0.0602087093771, -1.1541664384499999, 0.416909743169, -0.730116581787, 0.0, 0.0, 1.49402503887, 1.80221892958, -0.23013870772300002, 0.0, 0.36901049702699995, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.0798181382786, 0.303122637436, -0.7483660530859999, 0.715990060581, -1.0643252590899999, -0.0012901687931300002, 0.189526513604, 1.5490925822100001, 0.9958349260770001, 0.200216098021, -0.9918727332799999, 0.43900405937200004, 0.022689229114200002, 0.219451939514, -0.337612255658, 0.7912293866619999, 0.6798631345839999, 0.647340113807, 0.0700515706485, -2.65997778748, -1.6928579505899999, -0.9351802159110001, -0.8188502247589999, -0.06030411430240001, -0.784398442789, -1.3422466280899998, -1.32201280688, -0.9528964343459999, 1.33407137869, 0.818006739011, 1.14862984065, 0.672807751306, 0.107147081744, -0.8665318108589999, 1.86728262653, 0.41248975235, 1.4746936022900001], [-0.318459100916, 0.425488810216, -0.987662433107, 0.8200070307699999, -0.788251109725, 0.268722230684, -0.194532416362, 1.05788941902, 1.0120093057200001, -0.251718613242, -1.44978176762, 0.33138859684300004, 0.11467869286599999, 0.0842770439538, -0.454309676249, 0.761548096266, 0.7117011033789999, 0.8073083967679999, 0.09594095196969998, -1.66959663732, -1.4472928492200001, -0.975211080709, -0.855368162491, 0.0103157789953, -1.0239300232700002, -1.0994525351200002, -1.59954854403, -1.1987573210100002, 1.37096683019, 0.8928252198029999, 1.2196416997700001, 0.599954558866, -0.111497613042, -0.9560057569670001, 2.0824489280700003, 0.783855728875, 1.93040721738], [0.0819135917359, 0.674449017326, -0.173240029907, 0.614557218123, -2.98639041855, 0.48902590171599997, -0.268193486562, 0.34312571251199997, 0.47760902749300005, -0.272640314014, 0.05883722604719999, 0.592057357214, 0.483364832733, 0.8960971978290001, 0.09134909181489999, 0.482654310809, -0.7325155199, 1.03559055886, -0.22472225336999999, -0.845551470676, -3.13353604293, -0.952077192121, -0.124110616033, 0.22033308264100002, 0.06961174223889999, -1.4000705074000002, -1.10079231899, -0.800968241791, 0.831283734571, 0.411026769007, 0.757990221039, 1.01792571299, 1.18297475686, -0.140035549679, 0.36330106917599997, 0.324571270088, 1.6551945590900001], [-0.114348057142, 0.0207662810534, -0.335236935351, 0.7513453443320001, -1.1033353577200002, -0.543414503299, 0.0, 0.0, -0.851239890038, 0.0, 0.0, 0.446402242974, -0.864556464719, 0.24451693688999998, -1.02272796618, 0.251733763532, 0.540317276079, 2.9107995173799996, 0.0600965190137, -0.635357485055, -1.55768082766, -1.54692449908, 0.08260101396580001, 1.07614361283, -0.0747046978966, -0.174730297276, 0.560134861274, -2.08299938406, 1.5087206772100001, -0.13413853733, 1.05274495077, 0.791255294289, 0.0, -0.06954623789230001, -0.149753844308, -0.410582669899, 1.37369936331], [0.8691019395020001, -0.484937151487, -0.5854836277359999, -0.43967424797, 0.298254962575, -0.303559753934, -0.4284112936300001, -0.48219195445, -0.6957481445739999, -0.7153183085420001, 0.206894503637, -0.393294526357, -0.471431406708, 1.8690892315599998, -0.618346834868, 0.789154672246, -0.527835028447, 1.73659174194, -0.48314830398599995, -0.7144319620690001, 0.225598245081, -0.33876590973399995, -0.338161729452, -0.379050518507, -0.289567218625, -0.505307504313, -0.67999260905, -0.124810702151, 0.587909328465, 1.72013132942, -0.774673367111, 1.8984022064300001, -0.951584030765, -0.727642078528, -0.764203601323, -0.566159551458, 3.58260320492], [0.521937187106, -0.26094564655200003, -0.636839780431, 0.9470427019580001, -0.788846719256, 0.673242375386, -0.30650570431699997, -0.213059921928, 0.599299147036, -0.535073192078, -0.41402328218900003, 0.856931430042, -0.95456207346, 1.32122112879, -0.48457912916199997, 0.8133648245890001, -0.664532182274, 0.7301133201379999, 0.29368457714, -1.16509014006, -1.4727520259600002, 0.0, -1.43812325771, -0.994388145368, -0.49039041483900003, -0.40567201567, -0.615735408718, 0.19019437511, 1.6004951386200001, 2.13710787317, 0.282344256611, 0.0, 0.656022951872, -1.45213318575, -0.30650570431699997, -0.7112866470389999, 2.6880432895], [1.05108104798, 0.35595087997100006, -0.127171320001, -0.346501293433, -1.1813151858, 0.0206228685277, -0.183562006119, -0.595723511465, -0.115527771911, 0.619614641336, -0.912371370816, 0.184401740557, -0.573409492148, 1.15572092663, -0.506300420002, -0.32015137446999997, 1.7387597352700002, 0.236197082078, 0.0144283127015, -0.815348304874, -0.9320291176200001, 0.0, -0.621143698889, 0.184401740557, -0.82819603701, 0.48721416216200003, -0.187179078079, 0.246122759821, -0.40523624998499996, 0.7015072434849999, 1.43033632772, 0.0, -0.8201472892389999, 0.133061701111, -1.04812768078, -1.76747373782, 3.72749377055], [0.8848935077269999, 0.85464455219, -1.49988982333, -1.1698642024700001, -1.6068443019, 0.325680466738, 0.44347248520000004, -0.936882658951, 1.5897069243900002, 1.01944617902, 0.00818233743305, 0.148684872727, 0.0290313492643, 0.062424831453, 1.7784565053599999, -1.0222813808600002, 0.107753794938, 1.13292198485, 0.45772716300800004, 0.475137783403, -0.907964810687, -0.462269280289, -0.9491355210100001, -0.303895556307, -0.715851236723, -0.7880374905349999, 0.726322656658, -0.7758615141069999, 0.55483176728, 1.72393145441, -0.584720998427, 2.10118392178, -1.45672645501, -1.48881560476, 0.06824209451299999, -0.57680276017, 0.753166963187], [0.7418406178679999, 0.383142124507, -0.35828667592299995, -0.258260069505, -1.70682209088, 0.295981807117, 0.0414498224266, -1.21981801532, 0.6737063814049999, 0.471664070898, -0.47837577571999995, 1.31920739184, 0.8135737479, 1.78421887901, 1.44742050567, 0.0781352264774, 0.40206186327, 1.30558879714, 0.575025379956, -0.08448731289110001, -1.8540199764400003, -0.0810326406912, -2.1070677518400003, 0.06362717060499999, 0.789690646984, -0.254304837799, -0.232935994212, -0.202969389897, 0.634569189865, -0.10856047366299999, -0.470693373517, 1.20404072537, -1.30227305342, -1.93559928342, 0.0, -1.31463026716, 0.945192633994], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.4746244347, 0.10489915572000001, 0.519532580925, -2.07046411143, 2.1109026498900003, 0.47673375006000007, -0.22776563817099998, 1.46023887528, 0.583000898853, 1.08135924146, 0.257562233426, -0.699460898722, 0.549128284437, -0.314243492352, -0.434649067803, -0.998917932083, -1.373533069, -0.0534804025967, -0.668280298152, 0.08479267211889999, -1.7987702436300002, -1.02385722044, 0.029825284264400002, -0.263426224706, 1.00022491979, 1.55028517666, 0.17002418544599998, 1.37864379808, -0.9928739901960001, 0.252997735435, 0.0, -0.026502568764700002, 0.8106981509029999], [1.71188291743, -0.36106116667099997, -1.07659345796, 0.34130989753799995, -1.3746833446899998, 0.732599242578, 0.231797489823, -0.017833254687599998, 0.642822047004, 0.875820692793, -1.38725881001, -0.925214551051, 0.878672905743, 1.06536985874, 0.584738834203, 0.09623267736839998, -1.52348941706, 1.03473643372, 0.928245142596, 0.210360966292, -1.06633452572, -1.46087428387, -0.456065537158, 0.151037490123, -1.3199806597200001, -1.57563497945, -0.8315329317579999, -0.004782502369399999, 1.2586810587100001, 0.740432639963, -1.37019217721, 1.2688349171700002, -0.224974422323, -0.808451561716, 0.330612503228, 1.06103433794, 1.63973553046], [1.21711927615, 0.804077831551, -0.858692316607, -0.690480011567, -0.12065954825400001, -0.10280597663100001, -0.370272341647, -2.93261086561, 0.727417386303, -1.0041127702200001, 0.590848685942, 0.74842855542, 0.38110997385, 0.66625244137, 0.231925464108, 0.48329545156000003, -0.19346973745299997, -0.7816285333580001, -1.20483148629, -0.50030868713, -0.48441591125100003, -0.28623971673799997, -0.27456931644, -0.284411557539, -0.28091954766, -0.171901288903, 0.534527457552, -0.427858154777, 0.4897193153, 2.34655777428, -0.7326320645540001, 0.44885969046199997, 0.879434314426, -1.24096073037, -0.722679460619, 0.334830851635, 2.7820555537000002], [-0.68737425397, 0.45189261252999996, -0.21883307886599998, -1.0552345732100001, -0.9883967794840001, 0.0243256765362, 0.177264286723, -0.5267409599930001, -0.153433945775, -0.263177738073, -0.74601581402, 0.0060081658947299995, 0.55011038368, 0.54249984648, -1.35738257008, 1.81828934572, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.430872584141, -0.480061692184, -0.967711478146, 0.030368569353200002, -0.258951791662, -0.34640905329099997, 0.0, 0.5341607069659999, -1.6851983335799998, 0.861899739507, 2.09807385319, 0.6474457399600001, 0.495654273802, 0.250213884037, -2.00086335565, -0.139884819732, 1.3480794827899998, 2.4702562546799998], [0.178053392335, -0.532435960321, 0.0602151565959, -0.191790489776, -1.77537569285, 0.22751071861400002, -0.234743733975, -1.8897203282099997, -0.578682212077, -0.14797926731, 0.162121887587, 0.357342836238, 0.71049833199, 0.71049833199, -0.5700432123100001, 1.0793015865, -0.877051893154, -0.866147661417, -1.56267783329, 0.272460700329, 1.21195085505, -0.670757149231, 1.54539539931, 0.053263785226, -0.433329182218, -0.9383653956290001, 0.626184744703, 0.178053392335, 1.83254853585, 1.05600819557, -0.164740928304, 0.259755090422, 1.96080732131, -2.3433289507799997, 0.23453623425500003, -0.319754639186, 1.3804180338299998], [-0.6908074978129999, -0.823410978447, -0.797961773884, 0.8642026635879999, -0.9485854136669999, -0.5768529597100001, -0.140346508924, -0.925803069788, -0.514162185991, -0.323725062194, -0.794489735369, 1.06648474452, -0.844320003958, 1.84923721104, -0.823435180324, 1.50064547491, -0.8778019045990001, -0.665557493315, 0.47325391925099997, -0.8208553533140001, -0.474819242317, -0.88570614456, 1.61989743157, -0.370706025181, 0.736857506164, -0.614284885937, -0.799505108967, -0.69710882884, 0.07790648375869999, 1.21890165031, 0.0830358854318, -0.8063323654000001, 2.0739060282499997, -0.651044744656, 0.7238066439640001, 1.3318811320200001, 2.24760569238], [-0.9568443596580001, -0.838845834574, -0.69122521634, -0.810712598871, -0.8307142585519999, -0.782677547282, 0.699518938981, 0.735566457997, 1.04342944994, -0.854019840451, -0.795050891583, 1.43358467797, 1.9676660116799998, 1.2937984008, 0.695485879007, 1.3421865360799998, -0.840667874174, 0.486957846336, -0.7178277456300001, -0.890707434038, -0.722688663997, -0.69084589302, -0.741764281172, -0.660624501215, 0.9346613044959999, -0.76006944815, -0.8556202951399999, -0.749175303842, 0.6613301478670001, 1.27966847297, 1.4110409618700002, 1.38563488379, -0.810517303696, -0.84699833508, 1.8036470370500002, -0.439810041327, -0.8867693390260001], [-0.786376061923, -0.7850178351579999, -0.752030675121, -0.771054315822, -0.739641265258, -0.785444238782, 0.5694757112300001, 0.9954193498139999, 1.11491028779, -0.8008049284309999, -0.770441660449, 1.38847177623, 1.6220399347, 1.5108589288999998, 0.940448839475, 1.37897293706, -0.713311758627, 0.966949359075, -0.794025646989, -0.7558784669230001, -0.81273068432, -0.8705023080750001, -0.7759487860100001, -0.759615918674, 1.05026428132, -0.8162330637890001, -0.834848079441, -0.760095658026, -0.209816560609, 1.5497742563299999, 1.28990227139, 1.63790801926, -0.742530707155, -0.765781698144, 1.2922388842299999, -0.741271532456, -0.764232986637], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.30748734914299997, -0.5386893500859999, 1.36060746881, 0.366207961887, 0.9912942875299999, -2.07725328809, -2.20366227102, 0.548329128118, 1.26884677065, 1.0871671152200002, 0.46017171418799996, 1.67111283937, -0.465211377131, 0.558891655077, -1.07859618686, 0.224903724968, -0.182936298189, 0.23650775561299997, -0.666053932966, -0.484331979305, 0.5417187768289999, -1.27814792412, -1.1793910919700001, -0.860325094059, -0.275275044976, 0.311494861539, 1.1296777815999999, 1.6845311316799998, -0.182936298189, -0.433261165511, 0.873840333466, 0.13187257875999997, -1.23361723369], [-1.20164092889, 0.10905626164999999, -0.522524193014, -0.620149155504, -2.1849389632900005, -0.41584006376599997, 1.4729276238799998, 0.77963545309, -0.08650967627689998, -1.17985850023, 0.772617227889, 0.8090239891329999, 0.511453359554, 1.06079540343, 0.458043948435, 0.368532959251, -1.04395134145, 1.15768764082, 1.9366545063499998, -0.8059452462700001, 0.117785616954, -1.45744295338, -0.36351750479500006, -0.39820189505500003, 0.46779027631700004, 0.46396214948, -1.18666641101, -1.04395134145, 0.0, 0.0, 0.38471502104099997, 1.8435049172799998, -0.203048180189, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.9761193886990001, -0.49851512107199997, 0.17584050508699997, -2.30403877135, -1.06338673654, -0.493825416737, 0.923614727139, -0.333096499859, 1.05464997516, 0.673636125688, 0.7909336579520001, -0.351874206051, 1.1208306837200002, 1.38643340716, 0.553993873854, 0.594424285614, 0.303815673811, -0.6812774032279999, 0.170060542087, -1.32367859171, -0.7441498505320001, -0.36615783196, -1.2088257610200002, -0.815811775777, -0.112225728737, 0.07127718179789999, -1.16550589765, -0.393407188121, 2.16258373018, 1.14777473155, 1.1972954536, 2.0993559721599997, 0.032352520592499996, -1.5318935503400002, -0.207238659023, -0.104218583089, 0.21637391433400002], [-0.8504039261640001, -0.5179622775689999, 0.151594781309, -2.15184579785, -0.9245936316500001, -0.629935853412, 0.7856909771780001, -0.250812951285, 1.10883573071, 0.547069856506, 0.621598037449, -0.8929292251340001, 1.10513616658, 1.30397715643, 0.38183749513400006, 0.6898288672480001, 0.245593783059, -0.669686325418, 0.10405019539100001, -1.42056171196, -0.811478392759, -0.493963999512, -1.23745554543, -0.8650298510860001, -0.21092592960999998, 0.0108104547591, -1.01927653588, -0.249152857122, 2.26309188825, 1.17875362301, 1.3274179386700002, 2.31982682562, 0.198254819648, -1.19027046845, -0.13329282431, -0.192986386138, 0.369195893789], [-0.67561389491, 0.092634576186, -0.163053028031, -1.80777643408, -2.12503058287, -1.15139596937, 0.487574551378, -0.0121347071472, 1.37067613658, 0.148847779198, 0.467078853791, -0.618172938644, 0.44825405559299997, 1.21182692171, -0.501681244047, 0.5239799859650001, 0.680289195536, -0.17742883709899998, -0.557860009883, -0.525404973117, -0.345712767092, -0.41670913834299994, -0.271663380623, -0.498670585836, 0.11818124685100001, 0.937245952262, -0.838928493663, -0.501681244047, 2.14510654825, 1.46709380138, 0.625325177889, 2.2331850130400004, 1.64765279849, -1.10913525544, -0.982066828382, -0.6670726285409999, -0.657759652936], [-0.7766053617540001, -0.7984034787190001, -0.8882563689059999, -0.778975313588, -0.826823912372, -0.741256231759, -0.6096741247, 0.18214022880800002, 0.838071869719, -0.723050506054, -0.6795835982089999, -0.414052511449, 0.752437473268, 1.7989872646, -0.363264310217, 1.040337354, -0.772886210403, 0.0498709486202, -0.318846958285, -0.445306315408, -0.0525784049194, -0.750283397796, -0.541902637188, -0.7358938180060001, 0.841526723713, 1.29289374993, -0.8753324847499999, -0.5300687871800001, 1.17448237563, 1.6019728299399998, -0.3666827271, 1.8514587577400001, 1.31759965102, -0.78074174369, -0.853774544801, 2.78084527413, -0.898380753873], [-1.37266046291, 0.368505709793, -1.09087798442, -1.1944230387399999, -0.916834893112, -0.6750279674040001, -0.563226471311, 0.571071870142, 0.574270273259, 0.406138537367, -0.981545298525, -1.2972295278100001, -1.27609022241, 0.646597250924, 0.498532389686, 0.23027264434500003, -0.599597976765, 1.1463367585700002, 0.12149388239499999, -1.27446008989, -0.5617993970130001, -1.24427430456, -0.048117817378099996, 1.53546525797, 0.861924439978, -0.555976820544, -1.1572175778899998, -0.341703173104, 0.30042548234600003, 1.1527321481100001, 2.29951195904, 1.8194681545200002, 1.3817926842, -0.0201193941127, -0.29840691004000003, 1.35424287794, 0.20080700736600002], [-0.1878080261, -1.17890151122, -1.2147103740799998, -0.0206286826341, -0.0556826129224, -1.34629887596, -0.8414955020909999, 1.7549709210099997, -0.772702554032, 0.709421421834, -0.318635262834, -1.10382710801, -0.966348413222, 1.39745403282, 1.2983859817, -0.155978277588, 0.260992830134, 1.67186953551, -0.0923490864249, -1.34039556558, -0.124688154337, 0.112819784934, -1.09458924824, 0.260708316899, 2.14556371664, -1.19706648259, -0.5866028542930001, -0.929404663705, 0.219647041189, 1.2407103091299998, 0.759744530603, 1.3183950873399999, 1.65186766708, -0.625826780624, 0.048894320052899995, -0.380935971691, -0.31656948868], [0.436876382395, -0.6869192534999999, -2.93200125854, -1.5367857999799999, -0.42105577901600005, -0.265277352652, -0.886601553308, 0.756183118052, 0.476738886148, 0.57345455675, -0.06202300005059999, -0.14612330398, 0.5528891651650001, 0.892622156268, -0.140703951376, 0.353747890881, 1.21792780006, 0.8041369234119999, 0.148934143248, 0.49927894062600003, 0.534046921144, 0.365296190397, -0.17610767702100003, 0.5984937103360001, 0.786081333714, 0.0709590402568, -3.61851555645, 0.811484381816, 0.651948744567, 0.34276683869900004, 0.228193579827, 0.44736510670100005, 0.143598807465, -0.389800450862, 0.593736324669, 0.358002245893, -1.38284825175], [-1.6698095801100001, -1.52633909993, -2.0501586352000003, -1.23954466276, -0.622253480522, -1.07043085832, -0.060286719999900006, 1.23835717362, 1.0122877736, 1.05176959565, 0.062305529065, 1.62142264516, 0.504806015769, 0.8919842874339999, -2.10006125741, 0.12396972692199999, -0.0255955885208, 0.9330107817059999, 0.9287254196220001, 0.0682887065914, -0.0158566508152, -0.0440884043879, -0.491365458944, 0.764464975309, 1.0058575238, -1.3580280837099998, -1.21606343828, 0.558975022659, 1.1503549903399999, 0.302439390357, 0.31271057797699997, 0.504440149119, -0.610821582059, -0.0243227786081, 1.0027152191600002, 0.900029823047, -0.813889047326], [-2.2247727185499997, 0.270820926172, 0.44533099041999996, -2.08407777521, -0.511990442257, -2.21057863885, 0.7341135187960001, -0.0450116225072, 0.566222051993, -0.138866506594, -2.29349135194, -2.27753635042, 0.262968587556, 0.625543142193, 0.516107589454, 0.7442055100380001, 0.715762556154, 0.725419075407, -0.0792679832452, 1.1375745673, -0.119898384974, -0.019139395317200002, -0.21441945468600002, 0.871731895794, 0.16877455442400002, 0.709524636208, -0.41988955859099997, -0.09987647881989999, -1.00916275561, 0.919013771661, 0.975348273838, 0.511947245805, 0.513056978396, 0.405786096351, 0.514089998704, 0.583086065248, 0.831551385656], [-0.460333158008, -0.871329855243, 0.8165286728290001, -0.649584855251, -1.62915838144, -1.20982319842, 0.790522286284, 1.30750473448, 1.45981422384, -0.422629035669, -1.44017863921, -1.44957007903, 0.9477240298459999, 1.4253262172999999, 1.30497235983, 0.9833901411139999, 0.442906155207, -0.386460486592, 0.43846569132299995, 1.07909555206, -1.19783589109, 0.44332601558300005, -0.352075610088, 1.3685166128200001, 0.0891646135828, -1.51754341856, -1.31808368243, 0.0388408242759, 0.152076506927, 0.917353884678, -0.490603476233, 0.504721053218, -0.264687398298, -0.234767575403, -0.40013604368199995, 1.3678082819400001, -1.58325707248], [0.0622807675446, 0.8501450895980001, 0.33397124318300003, 1.7972760955900002, -0.517037613535, 0.569465847007, 0.176236263822, -0.238263132031, 0.8048757298100001, 0.118052182888, 2.5624688568200003, -1.16117629344, -1.35164810667, 0.186182904906, -0.0780610093072, 0.629119934239, 0.0386286961895, 2.34001662612, 0.36826364452200006, -1.64640083416, -1.6742763817299997, 0.6913973298170001, -1.2115382001000001, -1.3806678817299998, -0.834501094502, 0.277034798884, -0.84083168573, -0.798050482536, -0.6165498916359999, -0.436340272138, 0.824126229536, 0.49951013906, 0.55246565264, -0.22927038401799998, 0.0, -0.677847479367, 0.010942710456999998], [0.568299104292, 0.5276270941350001, 0.626831564932, -0.014880347159, -2.50352333375, -0.9057842398899999, 1.00315446358, 1.23552266885, 0.062148018039999996, 0.6299538650500001, 1.8191252398599997, -0.713512724164, -1.2003957138799999, -1.34905170581, -0.259655340043, 0.110802594232, 0.380984459194, 1.21881615644, 0.34958411703500003, -1.95854095622, 0.23043353804000002, 0.433567146045, -0.431059346324, 0.8552822907690001, -0.931662367153, -0.08454102787180001, -0.30707278095, -0.855220676355, 0.6570712406220001, 0.062148018039999996, 0.7100110563750001, 0.430824997506, 2.06164046679, -1.2249945843, 0.0, -0.00893837165301, -1.2249945843], [-0.442948955931, -0.259555499611, 1.46806232259, 1.2173130103799998, -0.307171402031, -0.45933005172700003, 2.36091021979, 1.03886971338, -1.4308014975, -0.000108080019409, 0.834560054752, 0.698914592624, 0.165617930739, -1.25869207681, -1.3411897174, -0.959983672473, 0.280585101818, 1.15836622752, -0.626741617241, -1.0630831951200002, -1.0184161166399999, 0.934479701094, -0.283864506319, 0.140478365309, -0.8352734524050001, 0.954874119312, -1.47856972755, -0.555466912579, 0.0, 0.0, 1.25584215187, 0.585671471667, -0.7733485014920001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.516516900606, 0.259218480752, 1.03472628144, 0.581469989564, -2.1072946646, 0.9176649642929999, 0.161031684762, 0.207921622729, -1.66610701079, 1.11136216673, 1.23628002301, -0.0276205625087, -1.12754468213, 0.024481155195, -0.8850143118070001, -0.9503758659379999, 0.9900280949760001, 0.647011563413, 0.420702818772, -1.66481237783, -1.23454680547, 0.808825683962, -0.656155343165, -0.833913360634, -0.035800754141699996, 1.1744613360299998, -1.0799973043100002, -1.49377052065, 0.7139056724259999, -0.313465411812, 0.638886555698, 1.49528620973, 1.70675210029, 0.07720769002210001, 0.0, -0.8696506379819999, 0.222328619368], [0.45100884143700004, 0.6997578528210001, 0.457852787827, -0.535249704278, -1.4505994297999998, 0.249767371327, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8524320175210001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.14083901431600002, -1.67166110279, 1.09918460536, -1.04151391594, -1.7950021533400002, 0.566131886802, -0.285989393029, 1.6426828750600002, -1.03268203494, -1.3962656053600002, 0.37171727654799996, -0.707085810215, -0.427105339653, 1.4849954971500001, 1.62300147064, -1.0749596721899999, -1.06228906319, -0.07628463878939999, -0.06113962299319999, 1.24991361067, 0.361399095745, 0.0, 0.599307338595, 0.9192355489390001, 0.32152251764, 1.23194191314], [0.388190269663, -0.496538530624, 1.15154935143, -0.275736343155, -0.385151836034, -0.22809067630199997, 0.388190269663, 0.15249941837099998, -1.034484667, 0.312493269148, 0.0168697704447, 0.54292429171, -2.20449276612, 0.2834529052, -0.0104826707944, -1.6154621681099999, 1.08668692458, 0.0295532325894, -0.0868024241455, -1.2847715917, -1.9270914441999998, -0.400976581558, -0.34015788848899997, -0.392620985634, 0.9979985678030001, 0.8575244798180001, -1.07116604293, -0.488578951114, 0.679917260828, 2.2240289603599996, 1.7769683398500002, 1.6290038160799998, 1.20928479095, -0.555966881387, -1.0468571818799999, 0.614832243307, -0.496538530624], [0.7194183659810001, 1.8412185560900003, 1.7753240448199998, 0.654662339441, 1.14589082057, 1.4765243893200002, -0.869073544488, -0.51287533055, -1.27127762064, -1.03029753198, -1.55742192118, -1.14219569611, -0.546263867881, -1.03029753198, -1.30677685323, -1.1836447555299998, -0.5344048087309999, 0.045708144283600004, 0.8133831984729999, -0.680259451358, -0.226233343155, -0.118878654388, 0.227699226182, -1.0626788975900001, -0.915430269661, 0.595255531449, -0.52370875815, -0.40476945025300004, 0.46338270998099995, 1.29316391468, 0.770605648118, 1.5227191519299998, 1.8412185560900003, 0.259140831245, -0.486674465921, -0.433773181033, 0.39162050517999997], [0.282265597875, 1.42956194815, 1.4343182218700001, 0.856767065891, 0.40606650329300004, 2.07453649735, -0.0838696437748, 0.154588746827, -1.6956917193399998, 0.505802773362, -0.569183621473, -0.41450133649099996, -0.912392141295, 0.680368558592, -0.052922743252, -1.61820346046, -1.24967565301, -0.386271784772, 0.498611504922, -0.7970406351980001, -0.775548103171, 0.0842065128325, -0.482311057574, -0.954713961447, 0.0252824358568, 0.282265597875, -1.17912733163, -0.37374996074699995, 0.0, 0.0, 0.32016483474199997, 1.08605637468, 2.41333345923, 0.0, -0.988993479711, 0.0, 0.0], [0.45202025694200004, 1.1041382743, 1.51153105409, 1.45981443368, -1.87447656914, 0.324406433305, -0.20137986124600002, -0.279926629937, -0.748238520196, -1.0987188468, -0.0586879922552, -1.28389337895, -0.528171862934, -1.35475074141, -1.5618098558200002, -0.8644608261550001, -0.6797201366560001, -0.0964964541887, -0.612080360007, -0.113109350418, 0.358767723558, 2.33188015571, 0.0207250143922, -0.10104417508199999, -0.7411765793809999, -0.42765122789000004, -0.822739337965, -0.489424199844, 1.9611617934999999, 1.12458981246, 1.4176937606400002, 0.346287269026, -0.34976431642399997, 0.388230937297, 0.0, 0.731208157577, 0.7552661462260001], [0.631400375865, -0.543426384672, 0.5163544591979999, 0.0108447214412, -1.6524071377200003, -0.43521806465499996, -2.0901862454599995, 0.26474784443300003, -2.07353074168, 0.9952164122499999, -0.154070295352, -0.56665918615, -0.20044712783500002, -1.3729055545200002, -0.47577323597099996, -0.11784955478800001, 0.10544520134199999, 1.2501673541, -1.4141186388100002, 0.637858586938, 0.7024241354359999, 0.945298388028, 0.837006746082, -0.012105010468, -1.0322288636399999, 0.683393969118, -1.19295744534, -0.177737928324, 1.4459347334700001, 0.173155143439, 0.43696485493299997, 2.1098502092599998, 0.302880646279, -0.496328560762, -0.618142777186, 1.38999215561, 1.1871568161100001], [-0.456029823983, -0.175048797265, -0.0075695752206400005, 0.416494293569, -2.13520754846, 0.5922842039339999, 0.123490190776, 1.6483485713600001, -2.10982094677, 0.9744089642679999, 1.28357463308, -0.179818897352, -0.441937520605, 0.245609223928, -1.000557959, -2.0435775399700002, -0.784675974257, 0.429857497019, 0.142598120231, -0.427878620099, 0.0753570897034, 1.16795480644, 0.142598120231, -1.2697015495200001, -0.294642018456, -0.565776200963, -0.427878620099, -1.40548184, 0.694654715965, 0.598104228901, 0.38600564554, 0.411706867183, -0.44685845246000006, 0.31904848226, 0.888981167273, 1.90626385879, 1.72512120403], [-0.7705903877660001, -0.0791973686255, -0.0397814550191, 0.17428943513700001, -1.41095940641, -1.5051721618399998, 0.354110257341, -0.0991939822016, 0.109318907732, -1.21007448525, -0.1187745949, -0.22212032428800002, 0.34391702795199997, 0.533085264391, -0.205005069211, -0.378616585424, -0.0322863298176, -0.279247649734, 0.403542182149, 1.6709866602599999, 2.08025341602, 1.02091837139, 0.8154154743909999, -3.50301459383, 1.05252152565, 0.0663255851976, 0.862061443035, 0.5693348843580001, 0.22132855855300002, 0.273738142431, 0.331517958896, 0.394674368554, 1.1606328746899999, -0.567381621769, 0.0, -0.6635079993190001, -1.35304832275], [-0.31055780597800003, 0.043606909548699994, 0.263527594862, -0.240251455015, 0.16763214398600002, -0.8565455922319999, -0.425044724089, 0.559453999829, -0.131466499346, -1.10599495839, -0.399097393697, 0.24958051166700002, -0.030753188576599998, 0.0602185473989, 0.232929381977, -0.439867231416, -0.7373992818, -0.9923217466519999, -0.808954661311, 0.744728874688, 3.08793290031, 0.252420024618, 0.992256109531, -3.34921547181, 0.33744290769900004, -0.520895262774, 0.744728874688, 0.367243006206, 1.1425565230099999, 0.268498283814, 0.8825162691930001, 1.1425565230099999, 0.923536342889, -1.19605441874, 0.0, -0.349607676295, -0.569338360819], [-0.151488196697, 0.519754166701, 0.222576105269, -0.583788728581, 0.0, -0.783229702756, -0.0869527501778, -1.18180229168, 0.0, -0.171420056519, 0.104530444642, 0.448848497918, 0.197228243415, 0.531684557822, 1.38965319498, 0.0, -0.42031954867, -0.189988318364, 0.824613591607, 1.6010242658899998, 1.7225950366599998, 1.29463216241, 0.23929895130999998, -3.21253792427, 0.139987896282, -0.303175180466, 0.0, 0.0, 0.218730099424, 0.058136726624, 0.248439150213, 1.4813305554499998, 0.0450064979903, -1.2558355044, -0.809310163587, -0.628448431892, -1.5097733465399998], [0.135023220238, 0.288290763742, 0.33616828207500005, 0.52820766576, 0.460389028511, -0.08437054773019999, -0.8446409755140001, -0.607462130955, 0.116622533693, -0.7272406636100001, -0.23514539328899997, -0.18953711787500002, 0.37946315251, -0.773993048602, -0.555809744762, -0.0362164490144, -0.12705789214500002, -0.69314763163, 0.603984634542, 0.6661598536710001, 2.4520406978200002, 0.5503856094340001, 1.13602072376, -3.4922547240099995, -0.9815318329680001, -0.667610099696, 0.799081993601, 0.24786371186700001, 0.23625217757599998, 1.4218054561700002, 1.0695498112000001, 1.58148832875, -1.13565596735, -0.52681301221, 0.011617428584700001, 0.0746699681966, -1.4165978103499999], [-0.582687364693, 0.591496617962, 0.848511116512, 0.206660252219, -0.430668320912, -0.9200824321340001, 0.669997746024, -0.17729683478799999, -0.5411187914150001, -0.294541087955, -0.448130559138, -1.0781165772799999, 0.230865914252, -0.63403238508, -0.12661301956499998, -0.59818915423, -0.8248062732699999, -0.8706528324299999, 0.380814584467, 1.21224542156, 1.69505699695, -0.00434825765157, 0.571228559254, -2.3000072695, 1.1114123597799999, 0.23313877384, -0.040094823843800004, 1.29475348252, -1.0736910696, -0.803340258965, 1.9610226626400002, 2.01567523505, 1.83610340437, -0.526467177578, -0.364519110971, -1.07569618654, -1.14388333988], [-0.35852678497699997, 0.351282570673, 0.934915154839, -0.16505815670600002, -1.3858354055500002, -0.033274391513799996, -0.00809257231462, 0.323860887428, 1.35673823932, -0.7949995747220001, -0.797152356561, -0.0017555495660799998, 0.014925459722799999, -0.2665381861, -0.398535342548, -0.607731912619, -1.21132792723, -1.0954032932100002, -1.02236615222, -0.126235213003, 0.504651776784, 1.53054168273, -0.0723953289755, -1.9766664879, -0.37452623212700004, 0.5914761113600001, 2.28144846682, 1.0801316617399999, 0.300235283943, -0.0627006358907, 1.2363089761700001, 2.2262056027200003, 1.4365985475999998, -1.36667714475, -0.804785916697, -0.828603894192, -0.41013196247199996], [-1.80331800535, 0.878076281514, 1.3285831884700001, -0.664527992189, -0.710066244051, 0.8302622345880001, -0.100702139843, 0.8346986818109999, -0.0491363252197, -1.0292692457400001, -0.376297571999, 0.43899268015299997, 0.045783542539, 0.242541990472, 0.25177995766600003, -2.00684110116, -0.473377047218, -0.470367474137, -0.506370721317, 0.405378407466, 0.493082919353, 1.3724028064200002, -0.167296821178, -1.32298034155, 0.590285699327, 0.882806161896, 1.11442019945, -0.271867148442, 0.08043394400550001, -0.43232355845, 1.4990849796099999, 1.8220562319, 1.41119403301, -1.8789390002000002, 0.0, -1.50015106843, -0.7580321331540001], [-0.40007789807899996, 0.246180394965, 0.106018498852, -0.605525496756, 0.207743631811, 0.663806523006, -0.343371775576, 0.892499503126, 0.0031301237648199997, 0.173996529174, 0.0846838332282, 0.46692839833800004, 0.623102588851, -0.00324187327093, 1.2431817031799999, -0.411221478975, -0.41678598441799997, -0.44694644758999996, 0.0922092156756, 0.7916658713789999, 2.2792553611099997, 1.4059382750799998, 0.359010331615, -3.3129682806, 0.212856790587, 0.10346631523399999, 0.892499503126, 0.304808057761, -0.00111906322384, -0.860868301843, 0.228962783882, 0.648287974325, 0.834435450031, -1.9675628223900001, -1.45812381872, -1.1953058169, -1.44154859977], [-0.466604552666, 0.117476717527, 0.636969429512, -0.0341033534229, -0.0282523252515, 0.949086206523, 0.013334011338799998, 0.6540723284619999, 0.911395922415, -0.22470790232299998, -0.178488270205, -0.055580332167, 0.511501100357, -0.0573045479089, 0.645903590627, -0.38602079467399997, -0.49920450668399996, -0.558801383578, -0.0140567742605, 0.19222790290300001, 1.6325389915900002, 1.1100842015799999, 0.307225108786, -2.29313361956, -0.144859740713, 0.591296589785, 1.32727518479, 0.536370470042, 0.0763451289944, -0.63078338945, 0.467930260351, 1.8214518592, 0.7028437216560001, -2.6623052931099997, -1.9622523946400001, -1.7459160196599999, -1.2629535261700002], [-0.22727927223000002, 0.668050346905, 0.977696843557, -0.222704753055, 0.0584520158247, -0.47326242780100003, -0.0710131878823, 1.15849881473, 0.790252840948, -0.363923601229, 0.63017250096, -0.019853096388, 0.24403707042300002, -0.254469098667, 0.643513551461, -0.179430681417, -1.8253001827000002, -0.778132106037, 0.179172691049, -1.1956053362399999, 1.74020593158, 1.0915646997700001, 0.931258053997, -2.13790444601, -0.631044787096, 1.00842779856, 1.7160939655399998, -0.219779117441, 0.211049615235, -1.22744289514, 1.27235898844, 0.226162598455, 1.18879512904, -2.1081742883400003, -1.04019379231, -0.775379206138, -0.9848711803550001], [-0.07067718504989999, 0.55356553681, 0.7492846516859999, 0.919007498742, 1.0560689431299999, 0.295075599837, 1.27026204625, 0.681113419189, 0.9515492581799999, -0.196923624307, 0.076076005669, -0.376760995655, -0.376760995655, -0.56276618702, -0.9230806047519999, 0.138720415943, 0.765296410298, 0.198387865493, 0.198387865493, -0.985226468605, 1.78453804002, 0.133478636212, -0.11687178718499999, -4.241738778999999, -0.716675562014, -0.0992909991144, 0.123603072306, -0.0758769137392, -1.15678924845, -0.416556910405, 0.616852817194, 0.791023357586, 0.6985605794349999, -0.224985261481, 0.487359512236, -0.935322747909, -1.01190726138], [-0.5810192296209999, -0.386216525432, 0.847672631295, 1.4622119878400002, 1.67491436391, 0.77521057506, -0.6787727739939999, 0.568603179327, 0.015202633746200001, -0.7205704356460001, -0.842288083826, -1.34178058525, -1.5543753758399999, -1.19068670379, -1.3603354225600002, 0.565856417182, 0.23817875750700002, -0.39574927494499995, 0.180730862723, -0.122226992891, 0.270155287794, 0.8309894065410001, 1.04294297996, -2.69785477621, 0.565856417182, 0.49729840578699996, 0.9077579114799998, 1.06369302172, -0.5922843853149999, -0.46610293683700005, 0.543925946195, 1.58220456628, 1.34813185091, 0.254031908262, -0.22125202661899998, -0.885420484711, -1.1986330972299999], [0.8097256762980001, 1.17582204752, 1.27369031995, 1.15598036294, 0.45650062330200003, 0.258202048367, 0.20702067685400002, 0.45650062330200003, -0.801932737692, 0.541494535322, -0.137441468614, -0.152764259824, -0.564136613046, 0.430119017362, 0.921283309281, 0.29665185937399996, -0.09191439995639998, -0.011720283951900001, 0.163195422003, 0.177882794015, 0.835224120297, -0.899953684052, 0.8687888977, -4.68563508692, 0.0818908535245, 0.310951130199, -0.714910001899, -0.281581247496, 0.16643132678, 0.273098467205, -0.67599949915, 0.731079930906, -0.822239086726, -0.874079511937, -0.38788505210199997, 0.126949444015, -0.616290553146], [1.29335527813, -0.274597933739, 1.1576694496, 0.780024076332, 0.307984113442, -0.327355235025, 0.879077843759, -0.713721259457, -0.115939766028, -0.132963504964, 0.261673970092, 0.45474464758999994, -1.10024096799, 1.59560901482, -0.1651774304, 0.252932601049, 0.902304669153, 0.056898494697, -2.38724545937, -0.34739512698299996, 2.14086692283, -0.766269568299, -0.270268863766, -2.93843046122, 0.9848742592290001, 1.05887893721, 0.539432770476, 0.521680852409, 0.7196074391249999, -0.542358708052, -0.944886706462, -0.138932945749, -0.565404550976, -0.816058271307, -0.14262793147, -0.718592622726, -0.499148025967], [-0.164406488785, -0.0921618431911, -0.9593850955700001, -1.5392176949, 0.601974042811, 0.047743734469, 0.130429629296, 0.722301638692, 0.14567456937999998, -2.2349317903, 0.31248388526299997, 0.358525650618, -0.140147594195, 0.35448420677000003, 0.42215025458800004, -2.2648041992400003, 0.373806400965, 1.2908151258, 0.515661080025, 0.991001381306, 0.49537712451000004, 0.722449995491, 0.778273078109, -3.02196103051, 0.13446084164, -0.08025748897080001, 0.227362892624, -0.143595610845, 0.17096684581500002, 0.831256918529, 0.35038137390199997, 0.625900413541, 0.9473947137630001, 0.387542194296, -2.0592098118, -0.170243561482, 0.931904217596], [-2.5520220024599998, -1.24644794199, -0.329330478882, -1.3907639463199999, -0.7418498329809999, -1.18454765109, 0.475385055185, 0.09842197639900001, -0.752233280196, -0.827580422845, -0.199989119156, 0.498290574841, 0.119046648224, 0.7113153951629999, 0.267726978638, -0.14770950965399998, -1.0036985920200001, -0.548540429221, -0.28791696503499997, 1.62300524938, 0.222512081437, 1.04591011302, -0.29676085818500003, -0.626244268831, 1.19256620046, 0.0536978964004, 2.2540546890099997, 1.40469293345, 0.60047548597, 1.23939194295, 0.960178480948, 0.849857911943, 0.8459119999600001, 0.04751097460519999, -1.6906625481600002, -0.154418556105, -0.529236184847], [-2.52300114428, -0.818344614901, -0.298165157593, -0.642404413442, -0.206607137271, -2.10167395678, -0.146535277702, -0.381720649261, -0.262178120187, 0.314925088417, -1.2673742947600002, -0.0407450142455, 0.0151317177939, -0.032903461973599994, -0.270114070248, 0.750841070691, -0.62461825017, -0.298165157593, -0.48684277846100005, 2.01928832752, 0.392713580384, 0.285063297537, -0.966761842771, -0.656393296349, 0.9032378999070001, 0.07582784371939999, 2.20825860188, 1.75792097245, -0.099058686196, 0.692805242323, 0.863482202559, 0.833358010795, 1.9035712776499998, 0.13830967570900002, -0.780724330485, -0.0109029316967, -0.23950022297899998], [-1.85517871999, -1.0704046951100001, -0.8805795303309999, -1.08117548209, 0.35944244217, -1.73046879436, 0.292961876367, -0.7884057451180001, -0.0869194746552, -1.5884026081799998, -1.01673607786, -0.488628807605, -0.7226353891789999, 0.0576750113738, 0.766327792566, 0.0836983907791, -0.029374765594500002, -1.00392935768, 0.486955271718, 0.6982474558570001, 0.314446134429, 1.08349543915, 0.37734391813600004, -0.0869194746552, 1.99440332748, 0.036296797817500004, 0.7235207436769999, 1.49645093925, 0.0675757251991, 0.632686340031, 1.71800440848, 2.47034466722, 0.480048222197, 0.048411448639, -0.712624776471, -0.33651383814999997, -0.7094388155060001], [-0.204625604932, -0.132886462916, -0.579476948548, -1.9812934225599999, 1.38228687762, -0.9419612393539999, 0.158272096798, -0.9003543399099999, 0.04750165887609999, -0.19002653973499997, -1.4093406335299998, -1.1412435709200002, -0.11959854438300001, -0.478253872433, -0.7736579566339999, -1.00311321763, -1.16134229895, -1.5278010063299998, -0.18760227707899998, 2.0391401550999997, 0.460267836054, 0.695056741453, 0.196188662256, -0.9661435929819999, 1.35661162585, 0.0081904099565, 0.9276046268639999, 1.8818203133700002, -0.316944599266, 1.1940092366, 1.5311035302899998, 1.0676860104299999, 1.18961367046, 0.22070175768599998, -0.5223570935, -0.310101509784, 0.49206952170900004], [-1.5834153324200002, -1.75075744936, -1.36264539482, -1.33881842516, 1.4744844696200001, -0.290811629642, 0.480335387856, 0.797322876408, 0.203114744615, 0.913351508853, -0.12997648343499998, -0.35956218482600005, -0.8826702236120001, 0.328299964983, -1.4208984621399998, -0.173976570878, -0.46861970895599997, -1.04999555885, -0.00984228247877, 0.286158110251, 0.453170806383, 0.165244607583, -0.21453475639800001, -0.605380970112, 0.9083996844050001, 0.405528609825, 1.40884874463, 1.44270313886, 0.8284468835430001, 0.330600708821, -0.21909849943100002, 0.666989937119, 2.5889974473299997, 0.0129488246828, -2.07805848786, -0.23197767319, 0.4760936378], [-1.87602259832, -1.78519276251, -1.2214082646200002, -0.826944810951, 1.18976557207, -0.058639658827, 0.44124407002, 0.48010287474, 0.0702407702782, 0.481848651734, 0.121417796849, -1.40502694148, -0.70744923641, -0.5897006476910001, -2.28186637243, -0.139587486168, -0.200632484619, -0.378528413429, 0.216709876617, 0.345640080403, 0.39163332534699996, 0.738348896223, -0.139587486168, -0.5183817264689999, 0.0609590716711, 0.244648309654, 1.10214279201, 1.37454158504, 0.9712704666069999, 0.473281659766, 0.5553418381440001, 1.8023613188699998, 2.10730697028, 0.108671940427, -1.71237987146, -0.0349121660049, 0.598783060798], [-1.20976401276, -0.43086398972499995, -0.6586453567130001, -0.6808230791600001, 0.0859543917395, 0.338866979063, 0.815712997317, 0.9607466057520001, -0.559437240327, -1.0769588574700002, -0.685185742039, -1.57200435601, -0.405562703028, -0.259618807038, -0.419490840787, 0.293446002498, -1.15078176161, -0.724783149663, -0.702963254726, 0.686035112419, 0.020683225666099998, 0.8636585550460001, 0.33177727068199997, -1.54166207896, 0.533122004886, -0.244100759488, 1.41157924562, 2.0118327854299998, 0.5696162497389999, 1.11813781854, -0.0458510585034, 2.0082594717099997, 2.4844552408, -0.11525152679600001, -1.5183119784799999, -0.550192774162, 0.018369370552], [-0.561710052291, -0.119356103294, 0.6192968940479999, 0.982188770247, 0.457394986508, 0.285013613633, 0.182858510222, 0.317645919243, -1.0478679003799998, -0.915420974123, -0.6599600554, -0.129305997018, -1.4829039718500001, 0.681509172118, 0.19674246754299998, -0.922899208988, -0.9845398595810001, -0.333393733356, -0.684101759975, -1.19355035884, -0.735709861446, 0.7538714451880001, -0.682420134358, -2.56231268242, 1.33206660471, -0.129305997018, 0.622036182302, 0.583649675295, 0.423694724068, 1.9282386132700002, 1.52831630836, 2.30519535486, 1.44197731377, -0.441044449926, -0.631738671843, -0.133305236155, -0.290849547129], [-1.8029319389400003, -0.7203419291159999, -0.141056680963, -0.162280300593, 2.2229252700799997, 0.125995637178, 0.0873908134364, -0.282256330959, -1.012892892, -0.605580728254, -0.45822272245800005, -0.812904235053, -1.2475674755700001, -0.0697647653265, -1.0065657643500001, -0.288007561844, -0.289872585209, 0.414297053332, 0.35157957068000006, -0.521452485126, -0.0406227911392, 0.42455383233099997, -0.7502966139689999, -2.04701616525, 0.0401821651669, 0.48060807505, 1.26663068669, 1.12969285266, 1.0023163950799998, 1.2476466593200002, 0.653394549254, 2.99577778569, 0.6914554025, 0.178533138335, -0.7621976915049999, 0.314432499099, -0.605580728254], [-1.31818563976, -1.7591245070900001, -0.277780191502, 0.04916783643619999, 0.0626074195198, 1.04556695059, -0.33512662025400003, 0.264312998818, -0.804332190719, -1.0750747704, -0.533163264045, -0.190646726224, -0.0680888158746, 1.01640376669, 0.396448247007, -0.056781466931999994, -0.703506719807, 0.610607330452, -1.1275213800100001, -0.04814677428880001, -1.0992307275, -0.17662660512800002, 0.0678816513449, -1.32657540162, 1.1488635001899998, 0.474846608252, 1.7455072242700003, 1.77580106507, 0.110878601553, -0.056781466931999994, 1.5738195894799998, 2.22728931806, 1.6336854981, -0.470509307939, -1.15617751164, -0.26078806959199996, -1.3595194485799997], [-0.730156754102, -0.208761415339, -0.264641220725, -0.790708943632, -0.296901006578, 0.23221448380999998, 0.292437870612, -0.23217104800500002, -0.352049438597, -0.878203503108, -0.336924076403, -0.477815775404, -0.6931493966240001, 0.377947458764, -0.5046779171729999, -0.23217104800500002, -1.77700762822, -1.1842063180700002, -0.643090663687, 1.15342242232, -0.300284247696, 0.37153115776, -0.317936472906, -1.3533118188799997, 1.22629857505, -1.1370647235200002, 1.91930691127, 1.1385346123, 0.827523643615, 2.22746416675, 1.57550447633, 1.7415414503599997, 1.40060444845, -0.8353059702619999, -0.10344809551300001, -1.38058855151, 0.546244356579], [-1.31692897252, -0.6884414024609999, -0.48418081792499995, -0.755438743225, -1.08135807656, 0.38560134152, 0.472527973235, -0.358654001992, 0.00928027125126, -1.25598421675, -0.15922497455700002, -0.358654001992, -0.11162711957499999, 1.4231327603600001, 0.152259321348, -0.814458464862, -0.608665289564, -1.52955152544, -0.554859900023, 0.967809047211, 0.405944242236, 0.867376931932, -0.19596263682, -0.8239232128039999, 1.4268147630899999, -1.27234179279, 1.12762128265, 1.14540013671, 0.9712294684739999, 1.3983751318200002, 1.9107949444299999, 1.5112282837600002, 0.640527605866, -0.572534680735, -1.2532629661599999, -1.66994378609, 1.0500730769600002], [-0.941885298865, -0.8876162356389999, 0.353457333816, -0.033131202333700004, -0.293179888672, 0.623210268598, 0.626401853112, 0.460071043717, -0.6653415488319999, -0.699385398351, -0.34117451518299996, 0.5485860692319999, -0.972910617278, 1.48583326366, 0.0841706046597, -0.922484099465, -1.0991236092899999, -1.39338961157, -1.35307167039, 0.290154503933, -1.08273874334, 1.8749704243, -1.02039666316, -2.38206783353, 0.6987693470090001, -0.651986579058, 1.8538683120800001, 1.11365524447, 0.385084732855, 0.746762667853, 1.26091288047, 0.435010329014, 1.15770146789, 0.00593907638702, 1.2090582609, -0.625035869433, 0.151301700425], [-1.52868166289, -0.9748754054880001, -0.46331251607, 0.028250716841700003, -2.47522001378, -0.996669967009, 0.221501643086, -0.496267732834, -0.7626034352, -0.745237842382, -0.933134215845, -0.276846111834, -0.186451393757, -0.0359723725523, -0.507212613245, -0.58736096357, -0.654003886327, -0.79335983234, -0.0465415144984, 0.519750165589, 0.330363015608, 1.18024177354, -0.07313196765810001, -1.17743380876, 0.39575768401, -0.436695008483, 0.37046838241400004, 0.415978630852, 1.48011284663, 1.13138794164, 1.7420953939, 2.77700147648, 1.18927783652, 0.367787924254, 0.6121755868050001, 0.263100779298, 1.1257604670499999], [-1.14119514193, 0.023325154169099995, 0.0550651913059, -0.0466208995671, -3.8118462514, -0.40646114108000003, 0.413158205329, -0.47994306127999997, -0.014698666490400001, -1.8665773160099999, -0.6201123910949999, -0.640176249478, 0.0050895709598599995, 0.48639266499899997, -0.5361223621819999, -0.7239933207160001, -0.29341407777899997, -0.11756013173299999, 0.17983322646299998, 1.1674768200599999, -0.210894106591, 0.633793899724, -0.0895946182761, -0.7107722052169999, 0.680743228672, -0.29952245964, 1.6055432441799997, 0.9364694903730001, 0.5305762456, 1.4780815739700002, 1.54819111037, 1.39776613841, 0.541352712201, 0.18162561452, 0.16114523498400002, -0.572446036584, 0.556321110751], [-1.7094032327000002, -1.06810098979, -1.0957751451200002, -1.01213047204, -1.01982568438, -0.80414555317, 0.952063134895, 1.13436275385, 0.167597749963, -0.259595020663, 0.157666354529, -0.808426303932, 0.247514867666, 0.526729005641, -0.737768804001, -0.027013605746900003, -0.034795479304999995, -0.429201601423, -0.693667009642, 0.41889164872900003, 0.308325555424, 0.029585765321, 0.710861358634, -1.36656757384, 0.570380636603, -0.0980768946612, -0.015336837893199999, 0.252003379649, 0.5180195847160001, 3.25508534726, 0.13242145962000001, 0.401229436128, 2.0521492798299996, -0.5833786872160001, -1.42989196924, -0.29656031678000006, 1.65477386309], [-1.3888286497600002, -0.8130311999709999, -0.008902141498, -0.395480815527, -0.6446168782689999, 0.09019575102289999, 0.481893669887, 0.140277942084, -1.12282327686, -0.580856736479, 0.04069227474380001, -0.35771154074199996, -0.346271388794, -0.5490834168959999, -0.895873368369, -0.196828586655, 0.877429941037, -0.0102598458691, -1.47706730133, 1.42837267132, 0.488319580557, 0.545312390307, 0.165082736991, -0.583105214802, -0.429069642433, 0.021616620705400002, 1.0850847800299999, 0.314493503165, 2.63840652073, 1.98818099385, 0.282713810898, 1.02427997764, 0.653493218922, -1.8503119497, -0.668535868039, -1.6896235493599998, 1.74243498746], [-0.08638264107310001, 1.1760035956000001, 0.23065518754, -0.337857305948, -0.7755190708159999, 1.12524247476, -0.603435501932, -0.0403320100911, -1.53286485971, -0.66545315985, -1.6211815394799998, -2.32936782496, -0.15422015319399998, -0.497182206775, -1.01451048293, -0.730724566609, -0.0303904556797, -0.317988998023, 0.0663221282507, 1.39037908494, 0.20675708948600002, 0.745286855676, 0.890705381059, -1.4589812071200001, 0.9382744881389999, 0.35672223059600006, 0.47769724806999997, 1.05559125344, 0.571589102966, 1.2882915851999999, 0.611946447412, 2.05429569642, 1.4801568239700003, 0.20992925793699999, -1.27892706472, -1.0050527682600001, -0.395474114276], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8440307725409999, -0.038144322244599994, 0.807140257141, 1.5023695649000002, 0.9044211748909999, 0.00684778656401, -1.8734634126599998, -1.64783185813, 0.19954615517000002, 0.604951545185, 0.312313217298, -0.557370324151, -0.455982640027, -0.26961212549, -1.48139574599, 0.00251528166356, -0.259026885957, -0.134201806788, 0.658925905972, -1.10244611007, 0.7199044826469999, -0.66819244428, 0.240036078517, 1.58009889884, 0.0733367117744, -0.137977357684, 0.116951131975, 1.3391465341600002, 2.5990576201900004, 0.25966323091800003, -1.8893805158099997, -0.7348297312440001, 0.16666047525699998], [-1.13253256637, 0.37607901361400004, -0.228198912496, -1.38364076192, -0.6820764490160001, -2.25399474252, -1.23505557409, -0.738137226886, 1.03559937439, 0.700139389458, 1.06532880083, -0.6802660988889999, -0.28797735371100003, -0.069607279866, -0.485687050414, 0.684938690373, -0.49529852268200003, 0.507258650105, -0.315458109532, 0.743700684897, 1.00031157082, 0.462597338347, 0.9389901739480001, -1.35253965968, 0.814785302807, -0.10715050583900002, 2.3588939949200003, 1.11527303094, 0.355625659559, 1.96856979222, -0.0908284056485, 0.503071079125, -0.967069014586, -1.0259801746, 0.0, -1.10672629204, 0.0070621544366300006], [-0.962471773549, 0.123899117735, 0.25831005986, -1.18199828993, -0.384118493664, -0.710639335661, -0.017226121464200002, -0.410689265986, -0.816047164248, 0.377374171269, 0.116924743557, -0.365441151107, -0.0738910345817, -0.148388961312, -0.6976499859540001, -0.39750603777500004, -1.0397394920899998, -0.19453188237, -0.203408283719, 1.8109884787400001, 1.1214291813600001, 1.0737223089399999, 0.290630280522, -1.2619449395, 0.9969327829960001, 0.334909386756, 2.28009001309, 1.3136912409700001, 0.641926253995, 1.9154774385900002, 0.397826312038, 1.0002509582799999, 0.63992148999, -1.732006514, -0.903294323652, -1.48865656141, -1.7046546067100001], [-0.6864017359929999, -0.557754527383, -0.261440549179, -1.15931559827, -0.5481980925419999, -1.02484487627, 0.5803228955740001, 0.716545596549, -0.146601555444, 1.13580916611, 1.2550933702399998, 0.526444207355, -0.309061409567, 0.0483822405989, 0.556820530567, -2.20661851625, -0.125797987041, -0.436323834059, -0.0699065759828, 1.26738019379, 0.197359494288, 0.0, 0.929289953281, -1.60188696231, 2.20396779518, 0.602383708406, 1.6354532120700003, 0.201152918654, 0.332693936493, 1.00630196974, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8375735202150001, -1.28812308628, 0.0, -1.5084241690399998, -0.42712819308], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.642600787297, 0.0, -0.67610718475, -0.1404441435, -0.188224316882, -0.123935374284, -0.7674027672879999, -0.203780328235, -0.532482749343, 0.310920753744, -0.528847309873, -0.165735317842, -1.02495035752, 0.221330295531, -0.7133063394600001, 0.626733753544, -0.532482749343, 0.0, -0.09972662982550001, -0.961909530794, 0.134379190358, 0.535485675944, 2.36989011992, 1.5017850444299998, 1.4342346860799997, 1.03258148068, 0.469236585501, 0.0, 1.9836595357700002, -1.9102503809400002, 0.155335764189, -1.8344647753599999, -1.01412341775], [-1.04061447564, -0.636798232672, -0.7885315450579999, -0.88171092627, -0.337438221787, -1.10628284745, 0.26621705011700003, -0.464026173689, 0.500258789141, -0.538941748234, -0.379695851887, -0.31782721028099997, -0.538941748234, 0.041280983967300004, -0.620323070837, -0.0404501797747, -0.8642379957780001, 0.0392661399354, 0.00605473330154, 0.6636169871109999, 0.0460809910721, 0.0, 0.170510192466, -1.16158470881, 0.748819340151, 0.37066960168499996, 2.0515313632799996, 1.58966363112, 1.0952961039700002, 1.6239622602700001, 0.0, 0.0, 2.4911668844999997, -1.65936206477, 0.0, -1.42292415489, 1.0952961039700002], [-0.49575681180200004, 2.08286871433, -1.06839910529, -0.7802815195489999, -0.9060138791560001, 0.473406845336, -0.909179142922, 0.43440924449100005, -0.821275844095, 0.607524628039, 1.19155993202, -0.79296553719, -0.896723730499, -0.9561268984460001, 0.892339174544, 1.36074871478, -0.948544145011, -0.542437180866, 0.564160565475, -0.281637918677, 0.364818346238, 1.88016885595, 1.66082368014, 0.8891310473, 1.42567514808, -1.02716852133, 0.00758340162843, -0.953561213098, -0.47141239720600003, 0.435022600455, -0.748489065306, -0.584201006904, 1.8069284386900002, -0.0307248116062, -0.9753873983399999, -0.8192306438410001, -1.06765256637], [-0.716033952891, 0.6571927963790001, 0.236069083495, -1.6614608997600002, -2.01937308751, -1.17585505871, 0.556097992427, -1.4847340375100002, -0.06184909869030001, -0.53945045314, 0.642663869172, -0.314595226552, -0.330528475291, -0.626500759721, 0.501400283897, 0.6122642748, -0.389963793896, -1.0148498226, -0.510101310875, 0.182867030777, 1.2853714332600001, 2.43792740386, 1.76416391374, -0.285369419146, -0.13770235426400002, -0.282505887001, 0.6364182601330001, 0.0019356399526600002, -0.999733430011, 1.95388491407, 0.195868391838, -0.114800042202, 2.0194430409799997, -0.679100239467, -0.0185159296017, -0.385714009683, 0.0651689597468], [0.344420576691, 0.648068211309, -0.7389713566089999, -1.07004825979, -1.06876127135, -1.24632856825, 0.680550262844, 0.75757573519, -1.14401298724, -1.1411740164700002, -0.111714669648, 0.623319441062, -1.02589250713, -1.20539683515, 1.19287207169, 0.8834146534299999, -1.03996555984, -1.14864055761, -0.8000792965510001, 0.399094010995, -0.411862376747, 0.979856712573, 0.0272936153809, -1.2272463889, -0.620158923766, 0.763400798542, -1.35914917058, 0.6958138235100001, 1.69394713826, 1.05262220079, 0.850674593019, 0.618233042718, 1.9277529487, 1.2427337059299999, 1.06380302201, 0.20385987276999998, -1.28990369179], [-1.06583408232, -1.2190177697799998, 0.0213708754977, 0.196277845288, -1.17382952474, -1.1467253831, 0.772012867254, 0.806955229627, -1.1431344345399999, -1.26857334111, 1.4554989729299999, 0.314445767962, -1.1811038025299998, 0.326227080344, 0.8984512898620001, -0.167556773677, -0.732288884572, -0.844313294375, -0.358878127755, -1.19021005624, 1.51853759064, 1.62297002676, -0.23286807701099999, -0.7175100800929999, -0.0569343123599, -0.915267003665, -0.691125433865, 0.255202168525, 1.8966378529199999, 1.20565455225, 0.700220902115, 1.7465912853499999, 1.0050772326100001, 0.541461240713, 0.0, -0.0181771987583, -1.16024520016], [-0.69145427051, -0.995306502368, 0.326212490192, 0.878334798135, -2.31421001439, 1.43150703092, -1.3132094678, -1.12158429878, -1.68212050886, -0.8982630269930001, -0.530801657164, 0.7289527617749999, 0.349899203592, 0.7189880943800001, -0.133114127118, 1.34391818367, -1.47608674365, 0.286058032593, 0.360463801141, 0.388858883339, -0.348187542912, 1.1673574560200002, 0.17704333288, -0.5120849724140001, -1.02589341192, -0.10008204244100001, 0.386802050477, -0.0359809585948, 1.70866436996, 1.4595997773700002, 0.027490166587099997, 1.5423380734799998, 1.3316430577399998, -0.313484249868, -1.0331085263200002, -0.518022210449, 0.42886296830700005], [0.018415252304200002, 0.018415252304200002, 0.207083644075, 0.12743656071599999, -0.619127338305, 0.46677040977300005, -0.7245649970300001, -1.12066611138, -0.165623119642, -0.012577632234, -0.050776493749299996, 1.0519098261700002, 2.0790626994799997, 1.40496411523, 0.13447003136, 1.45396686079, -0.418370824291, 1.16584582849, 0.587711540248, -0.349992354741, -0.168446496368, 1.20284003982, -0.27381665234499997, -0.9260220383679999, -1.61871922087, -1.22980375516, 0.6212614723709999, -0.504766953216, 0.8450552807260001, 1.89662771604, -1.06724189847, 1.42354598913, -0.26605453266, -1.45887891894, -1.6935577180899999, -1.3281846826200001, -0.708190780519], [0.31444843153499996, 0.497307109885, -0.17238719535799998, 0.8513189128120001, 1.0232327131799999, 1.3441100387399998, -1.2432181409999998, -1.97861102783, 0.17604549824700003, -1.1966258492100001, -1.18709712778, 0.026560897557799997, 0.446626236836, 1.7670878848299998, 0.9613732580299998, -0.778555230759, -1.6233527584099998, 0.9706376863889999, 1.8804584882099997, 0.865380924799, 0.401284436928, -0.40559700180799996, 0.090730783379, -0.29574115341999996, 0.231733122984, -0.169471433023, 0.681432267957, -0.21196796562800002, 0.543795896119, 0.988385379826, 0.07815102214399999, 0.409855369573, 0.22295533685600002, -1.64849670171, -1.5971330828499999, -1.70480632912, -0.559850698907], [-0.39914194560099997, -0.0948296661165, -0.23318418259799997, 0.794956546735, -0.5446931862600001, 1.10148266618, -1.5222895883899998, -1.44128479747, 1.2284570108, -0.32244093366099996, -0.8470953882160001, 0.720545391198, 0.784958509228, 0.9576315935519999, 1.19319254225, 0.799670127328, -1.42452942333, 0.410058888528, 2.10175754463, -0.043395732848199996, -0.23523677191, 0.368220575956, 0.0303132633577, -0.06526099529059999, -0.589315921279, -0.43743685574600005, -0.15092084434699998, -0.397313875308, 0.994075760459, 0.8095089616760001, -0.115955592979, 0.693521388451, 0.7571923491339999, -2.5002609379700003, -1.3618859995700001, -1.91058658063, 0.891516100043], [0.07499813514999999, -0.690884336622, -0.14696392817099999, 0.6460658036110001, -0.14696392817099999, -0.715885185038, -0.558569666037, -0.951965296912, -0.232645082745, -0.0990895057522, -0.41062324180699994, -0.0607392167599, 1.58482292944, 0.0544852293982, -0.195797853536, 0.783884239244, -0.701579970715, 0.391637786376, 0.453280521696, 0.259731458815, -0.579902942461, 1.16106679972, 1.10737316741, 0.444647488663, 0.213025712699, 0.669641815737, -1.4720616106, 0.304831723334, 1.50424604311, 1.9630698710799999, -0.22039490164, 1.25119870994, -1.0285970979999999, -1.12346162292, -2.02904557925, -2.73189155783, 1.2290550895399999], [-1.4184075084099999, -1.8085032466799997, -0.980533634629, -0.522296501628, 0.538722581355, -0.034885500595499996, -0.873131581069, -0.964328370886, 0.20206213667999998, 0.0200730956171, -0.646481409108, 0.133630676016, 1.7400400965, 0.21739269708, -0.0244921780017, 0.7931983089569999, -1.73379897055, -0.731038641417, -0.558391483113, 0.641675612061, -0.00378975805325, 0.95835589505, 1.42047168537, 0.728703307511, 0.430648320287, -0.255021016879, -0.986906531268, 0.332453955361, 1.36999959659, 1.80883350983, 0.8116764405210001, 1.33054337524, -0.40894325075800003, -0.286160313481, -1.02473902691, -1.74398466751, 1.5273523009099998], [-0.468239117849, -1.20196697101, 0.524848467216, 0.283431668089, 0.40003698233400004, 0.874485859743, -1.3675828327200001, -0.5421350964989999, -1.58467525782, -0.503115818938, 0.0945103709144, -0.8907297607960001, -0.579264901423, 0.942719681257, -0.9087157473459999, 0.08065143521700001, -1.03428077252, -0.162506870252, 0.105571907242, -0.09505804688519999, 0.5673944436789999, 0.847857422198, -0.00631484378805, -0.0865068945831, -1.3788959646899999, -0.242569428422, 0.73968354669, -1.67945631778, 2.0186091285799996, 2.8132496258399997, 0.0317819064388, 1.6466784602700002, 0.992715981232, 0.07038303651889999, -0.955180102527, -0.365836224546, 1.01842104693], [-0.20325298859299998, -0.6199616901389999, 0.0918738185847, -0.08471908731139999, 0.08443850815819999, 0.38336589661200005, -0.35087909708099996, -0.781271127905, 0.62414460116, 0.9268956467, -0.526282965695, -0.803798834542, 0.0, 0.6764259377799999, -0.483627691429, -0.408878547051, -1.31078918515, 0.155261560074, 0.37284024026600004, 0.0, 0.0, -0.41805950853600005, 0.0, 0.0, -1.17101630592, -0.6602728225600001, 0.027514556120799998, -0.33107745670600003, 1.9691469556299999, 1.84814698181, -1.08766640296, 2.2913697848299996, 1.62457396434, -0.262744288707, -1.25248982002, -1.67824430562, 1.3590336738600002], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.694790520648, -0.00151023344132, -1.0889499114899999, -1.0889499114899999, -0.271521630097, -0.347120991498, 1.19519419831, -0.224939859438, -0.133482753697, -0.023314806609900002, -1.1392190178200001, -0.77945945167, -1.01061349761, 0.856250851397, -0.510093363808, -0.38821796756800003, 0.796353434198, 0.0898756937785, 0.793656489048, -0.931499109461, -0.0913168401587, 0.186860493133, 0.29329584718699997, -0.38183657768600004, 2.92350122327, 2.2756600535900002, -1.19054076245, -0.187267905956, 2.0756265090599997, 0.335021317097, -0.9575883221520001, -0.626017442228, 0.246954766895], [-1.08840150566, -0.212746653005, 0.38406443217299996, 0.475200843267, -1.77818711198, -0.08585246009780001, 1.08686310431, -0.81522647098, 0.37753444708000006, -0.10978174397700001, -1.41179228667, -0.80496359345, -0.833609694436, -1.1477443969499999, -0.617537744041, 0.577580851157, -1.69832780308, 1.5334746953799998, -0.144220347854, 0.318408998191, -1.37986866366, 0.20196696342999998, -0.715048747636, 0.131909709247, 1.52968910012, -0.46091370238300006, 0.49062743613999993, 1.75842179958, 1.6158983340900002, 1.3352710729700001, 0.641379532498, 0.8693828881929999, 0.0930898637277, -0.492639984418, 0.0, -1.08840150566, 1.4645003443900002], [-2.24617740437, 0.18088545388500002, 0.17654117253899998, 0.261695250836, -0.211933245807, 1.4440455952200002, 0.172432279462, -0.920166104902, 2.02884999438, -0.9590905866480001, -1.60031521136, -0.105073201214, 0.323256811026, -0.568186824727, 0.656046599474, -0.023658227267400002, -0.128459196847, 1.2285643650799998, 0.09736520750639999, -1.14388932555, -0.568186824727, 0.282039712387, 0.609190634514, 0.7537745214239999, -0.601546583338, -0.426370617508, -0.335681534133, 0.497377884357, 0.782864706875, 2.9637632169300003, -1.43599530541, -0.157340714046, 0.205012148152, -0.388634706549, 0.192307397561, -1.52026484188, 0.48495750468099996], [-0.22151555766800002, -0.324529944599, 0.306278429619, 0.43451999628999993, 0.111901492781, 0.40636632178599996, -0.458831170803, -1.6545903290900001, -1.33527557626, -0.517695838373, -0.39494548379600003, 0.440407452501, -0.297129528293, 0.9165021697299999, -0.5770776633470001, -0.47808775897699995, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.24702688525400002, -1.69218991343, -1.02712393171, 0.269437543913, 0.510697744263, 1.25885987882, 0.0, -0.121715871742, 1.00847482356, 1.9831329236500002, 0.931133691567, -1.29782086199, 2.2460146030400003, 1.6848655425299999, -1.08861456726, 0.0, -0.994644472817, -0.273831029145], [-0.06971663972969999, -1.09798890495, 0.159834910023, 1.15147399785, 0.0832220235684, 0.284297405101, -1.4696867388100001, -1.88730829979, -0.943987090209, -0.595564451681, -0.00990166913341, 0.159834910023, 0.333470313224, -0.162483616042, -0.953468683188, -0.21000826395799999, 0.516563921217, -0.48277484446099994, 0.6777288326299999, -0.22680704743400001, -0.342499458155, -0.307398277971, -0.116584273787, -1.07787003339, -0.0668055107477, 0.25133650772300004, 0.8688783049200002, 0.501791167176, 2.23654508063, 0.627662890083, -0.341742668168, 3.55933162335, 1.17933849222, -0.9197825272869999, -0.942078187511, 0.275152336911, -0.64200553024], [1.3724855958700002, 0.170934872278, 1.12363593213, 0.505518805702, -0.116102218299, 0.224767259227, -1.32382565192, -0.597367307523, -1.02889216847, -0.581871628196, -1.28936554266, -0.305338460396, -0.06944193520150001, -0.06944193520150001, -0.193245130376, -0.858721128096, -0.385806226598, -0.9644781256910001, -0.479783166224, 0.07521083095150001, -0.09858220442739998, 0.776676485948, 0.478013942972, -0.83679975169, 1.7178205521, -0.249210684164, 0.9141452552570001, 0.06428201471469999, 1.5934195617700002, 0.8688277410169999, -2.1570850407299997, 1.91383345961, 2.23720055972, -1.13972016739, 0.0, -0.623120580139, -0.66857381587], [0.523757956401, 0.185602232676, 0.0291513718073, 0.10240457957900001, 0.0473292369414, 0.17618477978100003, -1.8623061873500002, -1.8103593242299998, -0.48761191183499997, -1.7092119778200001, -1.7192856917900001, 0.462269352376, 1.0653350943200002, 0.589308870224, -0.547927671905, -0.473956765763, 1.3317253865799998, -0.039367900480900005, 0.201513953704, 2.15020362293, 1.04673514998, -0.322047991636, 0.706919947851, -0.384427609282, 0.298694403048, -0.07334316527460001, 0.03606930685780001, -0.495824087171, 1.21475794515, 1.28335865301, -1.10227718657, 1.88842052811, -1.36105352686, -1.34264437021, 0.48852872845, 0.21168475224599997, -0.308310483856], [0.361196155762, -0.11952049504899999, 0.38919027549, -0.652995181438, -1.41018769221, 0.113422319488, -1.8372595186099998, -1.5262732862600001, -1.82889276417, -1.1715172297799998, -1.00453369019, 0.13586708958, 0.0, 1.11559462919, 0.8667231659479999, -0.813458776514, 0.552492616587, 0.31186853480300003, -0.0654589730973, 0.0, 0.0, -0.155173113808, 0.0, 0.0, 0.680975690106, 0.634325154799, 0.251717064594, -0.266284598868, 2.17741311743, 1.3705230034399998, -0.38423081348899996, 2.08469455791, -0.117633077654, -0.22483660774, 0.520277092269, 0.8088248945630001, -0.796849543077], [-0.041817642674599996, 0.00567701130602, 0.740744167431, -0.557814283244, 0.764721357741, 1.9560844096799999, -1.43897432651, 0.15602050427300002, -1.4249139636300001, 0.790536898916, -1.5901226877799999, 0.7718155416850001, 0.146167032571, 0.07565842639560001, 0.5060419034170001, -0.663046331141, 0.743833382935, -0.118538546181, -0.0465323634921, -0.293243120542, -1.71792836752, 1.51697611211, 0.38854753882799997, -0.982825229137, 0.729437912731, -0.40673782589900004, -0.19237703498199998, -0.46314023357100004, 0.914891269208, 1.78377023863, -0.646128945783, 1.6481059882700002, 0.684198823262, -2.23865991773, -1.1377485335200002, -0.46725695683300006, 0.10457779078700001], [0.296265050657, -0.457133090972, 0.156646953319, -2.40766383527, 0.149816811203, 0.791015087104, -1.1326002542799998, 0.676193661235, -1.13801846482, 0.749126348579, -0.804663098957, 0.120555371937, -0.7268095655769999, 0.0634185273785, 1.24750888965, -0.875056433019, 0.186345084295, -2.10193022254, 0.18852772561500003, 1.17594664662, -1.06793338081, -0.164386027805, 0.14117609669700001, -0.045848398951000006, 0.130042004125, 0.873810327631, -0.203782282583, 0.34836259135, 1.2125999438700001, 0.44331051118500003, -0.0190840135856, 2.34323859275, 2.0166201728099997, -1.35450777514, -0.0308422335149, -1.00338974336, 0.22312242319000003], [0.07424791412949999, -0.801121805455, -0.553330949678, -0.812516535205, -0.81241430373, -0.7738197622759999, -0.739596696268, -0.844523626011, -0.8452574848119999, 0.8578531263060001, -0.798822317218, -0.853218580906, -0.7574382483930001, -0.7996209706149999, -0.09636825753789999, -0.34879552666599994, -0.7891458441760001, -0.41314520030199997, 0.731095697091, 1.5470526113299998, -0.757581756425, 1.08478876128, -0.5266816520650001, -0.7206161991240001, 1.89202720259, -0.7041002964480001, -0.827402973768, -0.8065338341249999, 2.18604108365, 1.8247320145900001, 0.980605289535, 0.612299363969, 1.62202955872, -0.743880339039, 1.45585877634, 1.12275551509, 0.13454624562200002], [-0.599305589958, -0.619279889341, -0.504825088503, -0.513310871426, -0.5278390364500001, -0.46172469426299995, -0.531138024745, -0.42130134024099997, -0.472063704887, -0.561977023397, -0.318594395595, -0.389403955117, 0.165140089741, -0.444176039106, -0.556966860154, 0.0341669834905, -0.504602196518, -0.416035575497, -0.531265124577, -0.433460401773, -0.286013381594, -0.667125967026, -0.072623043268, -0.445236761971, 2.95994671357, -0.34779277839699996, -0.5277974486370001, -0.620662567296, 2.78785727885, 0.841257460605, -0.291471197923, 1.8187729253799998, 2.0718193459400003, -0.44639514610500003, 2.15107777336, 0.19013716889499999, -0.507787636065], [-1.5106913897799998, -1.3991540291, -0.5823509125899999, -0.29473299122900004, -1.82861673146, -0.874653089346, -1.2881672089, 0.39488986734, -1.21581024064, -0.253476885059, -0.510236098991, -0.19615110770599997, 0.344092786621, -0.8656278381810001, 0.321437667113, -0.653720458134, 0.5877496153, 0.299238057053, 0.10892851001599999, 1.03801545958, -0.537952330637, 0.6088675027220001, -0.0436742150463, 1.00643093926, 0.411317085096, -0.587942321619, -0.186441623982, 0.261221833032, 2.52325425651, 0.5578899758560001, 0.14830891062100002, 2.77124060161, 1.64177599222, 0.1835602214, 0.0, 0.10431886842900001, -0.483138677369], [-0.965692941418, -0.74251813818, 0.531168721357, 0.783881907429, -0.23761983082899998, 0.76657949803, -0.433929113021, -0.00232884832662, -2.01610163806, 1.3438501928100002, -0.521440204224, 0.47050213338, -0.795784594312, -1.10124575884, -1.68605332389, -0.558575114684, -0.23761983082899998, -1.04734484438, 0.328449618595, -0.75263357779, -1.5125796465999999, 0.445657402148, 0.340685780761, -0.005821789482069999, -0.416537664049, 0.315053343111, 0.550288958006, -0.08057802096439999, 2.52676174981, 1.82454990436, 0.9174117557870001, 1.6022867860499999, 0.883420944811, -0.34429693338600004, 0.11644679794700001, 0.9360014909569999, -1.22429517209], [-0.8009637141500001, -1.36264488809, -0.11876509868799999, 0.0305973240958, -1.2516207984899999, -1.66860900949, -0.931403956156, -0.452241429935, -0.398149950218, -0.22372560724399998, 0.895726748953, 0.403281992086, -0.786110717197, 0.805768909695, -0.279043553986, 0.9233235792129999, 0.613152765831, 0.917722237141, -0.14803688413, -0.412142992284, -1.29708892985, -0.43664694666500004, -0.99320594159, -1.1225254920799999, 0.7484179576729999, -1.1404814135799999, -0.799692292533, 0.298778433728, 1.65654512688, 1.65892507583, 1.25780319116, 1.8243897043200001, 1.3609660449399998, -1.28412561236, 0.267534992801, 1.3165509087799998, 0.9277402355850001], [-0.321744084721, -1.6964047957, -0.603602363908, -0.5425168460890001, -0.42378679712800005, -0.448819938342, 0.0, 0.0, -2.44823534102, 0.0, 0.0, 0.404094959372, -0.779881488375, 0.7001169492899999, 0.7001169492899999, -0.005270198042100001, 1.19203420476, 0.443251725421, -0.118371103822, -0.479467951754, -1.8731708213999998, -0.015500798423799998, -0.6532392065020001, -1.22694585666, 1.6886075787200001, 0.564099360683, -0.0589164786071, -0.457936326109, 1.6886075787200001, 1.6886075787200001, 0.0343971384696, 0.539103027942, 0.0, 0.7001169492899999, -0.183885445408, 0.85519963919, 1.13934220215], [-0.12605475437799998, -1.18653912197, -0.27351342085999997, 0.131655806983, -1.7190364707900003, -0.185374943939, -0.753980919438, -1.2236219692299999, -1.61171609241, -0.133640949786, 0.30198540919, -0.303854590516, -0.534576564959, 0.254336788746, 0.48078290952799996, 0.031894893528299995, 0.807326861455, 0.475372276979, 0.910121885459, -0.22954563331500002, -0.9266717373989999, 0.8571297824420001, -0.549017159885, -0.822672746432, -0.0669195799864, 0.23527478879299998, 0.107118178662, 0.0706839351594, 2.89323261254, 2.30421981163, 0.015034156446, 0.30618562560699997, -1.27952730278, -1.5370197099399998, 1.24973874349, 0.667701603235, 1.3634875981299999], [-0.7383885290019999, -1.00132126612, -0.117252391257, 0.338091235297, 0.13569279324, -0.0643328533543, -1.2983249760299997, -0.82953734833, -0.885809283308, 0.14879467417199999, -0.665623190237, -0.7094506700579999, -1.03027913895, -0.32818802598200003, -1.24705213067, -1.00801299202, 0.611254818397, 0.8058200246160001, 0.0604180419099, -0.330581730244, 0.262809077628, 0.6395318356840001, -0.621466528042, -0.787003274368, -0.515109560725, -0.35754618696900003, -0.879555275009, -0.35109751426299995, 2.84726717934, 2.25889516899, 0.570301499798, 0.946699674842, -0.911549085584, 1.2070846624200002, 1.14177319702, 0.7001216632189999, 2.00292640395], [0.462608746079, 0.370436232879, -0.969380678533, 0.599183760358, -0.12442464571100001, -1.1580478493000002, -1.30557740877, -1.16513273317, -1.21870614166, -1.02964528509, -0.11189608765999999, 0.440177419413, -0.7272555025390001, -1.3411763938299999, 0.264261944023, 1.3311508686, -1.28642156269, 0.609394027541, 1.7434144180200002, 0.189510575949, 0.6931245729250001, 0.9359575069059999, 0.61345213216, -0.9652758282889999, -0.059105303194500004, -1.11275352933, 1.5352576082, -0.595001171822, -1.29462140277, 1.726911021, 1.28991246205, 1.4514843344, -0.291783845623, -0.567899299803, -0.429749542263, 1.50665147656, -0.00903489501596], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.39043452734, -2.2979294873800002, -0.201362294964, -0.443010910121, -0.878293616209, -0.38262147815700004, 0.44612936024300004, -0.543028435843, -0.437605755957, -0.42068864651999993, 0.26256512099, -0.262632427888, -1.6941527698199998, -2.6564362729799997, 1.2076823556, 0.280483128231, -0.312859052067, 0.362709353958, -0.00815286358133, 0.163555582642, 0.115725828174, -0.74137548964, 0.290561687282, -0.415808586124, 0.155617536639, 1.55609814872, 1.55959178495, 1.12835267176, -0.679661715509, 0.593642378983, 0.441753107541, 1.20257291426, 1.21814431545], [-0.103785203957, -0.701846809146, -0.556884588134, -0.6546896189779999, 1.9268848545800001, 2.1337134710799996, -0.7229882570300001, -0.7118182584080001, -0.7355394094840001, -0.728004484908, -0.7593062116789999, -0.744378296003, -0.731463594643, -0.644330550221, -0.720486990758, -0.8012753597600001, -0.6779102677940001, -0.683377611722, 1.79940493682, 1.4948928874599998, 1.63474384326, 0.10556708936300001, -0.325685329649, -0.41859531558300006, -0.700729601779, 0.0621395955574, 2.2403627835799997, 0.370899273972, -0.720035459698, 1.54411350817, 0.12232104977, 1.00327433471, -0.06329722715819999, -0.783866928321, 0.71806067308, -0.757869031473, -0.708213895115], [0.9701707333059999, -0.190689165105, 0.0365587016293, -0.484860660909, 1.27042623359, -0.7825226185709999, -0.8330438719230001, 0.144951917076, -1.6880435992200002, -0.752451541503, -1.49551560824, -0.14401588371500001, 0.485706199951, 0.42288068429700004, -0.00451023338665, -1.40859610246, -0.874851245102, -0.738462830924, 2.1116287583599997, 1.37372593884, 1.0174647282, 0.7755906989839999, 0.497505598951, -0.933062639333, -0.549949216503, -0.06115738031330001, 1.39853755593, 1.21821884617, 0.0, 0.0, 0.19637129849100002, 0.755617097288, -1.73362239384, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.0497913243501, -0.6277406164630001, -0.436503161258, -0.880428381874, 1.5486358158700002, 1.7436245287099998, -0.750461468161, -0.91852593994, -0.8902829759280001, -0.752958954259, 2.52103831371, -0.89422866873, -0.949551338129, -0.900634552954, -1.00460540206, -0.392723403278, -0.7654371658399999, -0.9583424053849999, 1.39440892562, -0.919327565931, 1.28746707375, -0.43042035787, 0.505976436034, -0.283904246428, -0.576960354665, 0.268663714653, 0.919003227972, -0.7062982873989999, 1.14943235806, 1.3942953654299999, 1.18939884028, -0.19372069389899998, 1.33119026116, -0.49245104026500003, -0.593380487676, 0.795578386903, -0.680034455406], [0.5418575519650001, -0.7447410860729999, -0.861999403328, -0.827746727808, 1.47885519142, 0.81692403763, -0.872869743154, -0.92563803763, -0.972573445836, -0.869268774502, 0.342879140793, -0.8999821761869999, -0.929935727287, -0.502908881016, -0.31509665784, 0.435431122883, -0.9357947262459999, -0.887701177193, 0.30932662971, 0.587674418789, 2.0939467791900004, -0.5685768443729999, -0.878201610118, 0.7851207898270001, 1.8619111371900001, 1.44319845665, 0.73062159704, -0.9415283269020001, -0.937657335818, 1.61941320201, 0.453237681871, -0.650907860456, -0.037392790480100004, -0.9221088071369999, -0.9041501632510001, 1.2443173224200001, 1.64206524324], [0.292097250548, -1.08019246511, 0.296240543331, -0.918096827703, 0.765918093666, -1.23941367944, -1.03608909844, -1.401388681, -1.2951562113500001, 0.871900518122, 0.5455613770009999, -0.30075662161, -1.27574535624, -1.3060540145200001, 0.881585931095, 0.608861744332, -0.884448201667, -0.900403936632, -0.5833608837250001, -0.335193219023, 0.9613344469600001, -1.2076650678899998, 0.503774218476, -1.08390969404, 1.04117782646, 0.978971406868, 1.0989552656700001, -1.07256060315, 1.1223909711, 0.658857623471, 1.17891763598, 0.982117808931, 1.0005262898799998, -1.19010268287, 1.6389190952000001, 1.3538971811700002, 0.32853201615899996], [0.143924341273, -1.12765720316, 0.155168254409, 0.290917910055, -0.573033193226, -0.35083137976499995, -0.619293644871, -1.53396890296, -0.7121231552889999, 0.18472610399, -0.11169405719, -1.12765720316, 0.341915794969, -1.39578216146, 0.467693428271, 1.09801013844, -3.3123873168799998, 0.0266923369869, 0.109154049779, -0.415204826555, 0.8751674040180001, 0.05702175351580001, 0.221370169914, 1.38284283321, 1.00204025213, -0.053817670477400006, 0.964821047605, 0.755455849649, 0.602817913322, -0.8033104006559999, 0.234904484717, 1.63469053914, 0.954391015588, -1.7156269321700002, 1.20803159939, 0.570315413723, 0.570315413723], [2.22569097005, -0.872276397939, -0.717545839719, -0.8750875, 1.0257062826899999, -0.84443060751, -0.84271702907, -0.488679222094, -0.841110443698, 0.40914465474100004, 0.657914235356, -0.274805148795, -0.576217570972, -0.9581867628309999, -0.7727846709649999, 0.0398226065498, -0.92847816679, 1.8876852295099997, -0.612294506999, -0.751025659819, 1.31628312276, -0.864745212249, -0.846051834039, 1.69210978632, -0.7619890704819999, -0.952129265862, 0.574443312396, -0.805058285013, 1.7903029553299998, -0.023179979527500002, -0.411413897033, 1.57226009426, 0.0167785523542, -0.7746970312610001, 0.813183700762, 1.38072448403, 0.39285411557300004], [1.35517472667, -1.2954226736799999, -1.02352486296, 0.435506621883, -0.000668219571233, -1.1314556545899999, 0.161295754007, -1.3515135001899998, -1.18221335511, 0.679737511186, 1.74594211366, 0.724066865395, -0.11335653345999999, -0.026936386867400002, 1.0362532365100001, -1.3385383553599999, -1.4783633319100002, -1.1166218279, -1.2804514239, -1.33149322466, 0.9316020906479999, 0.21612663760499998, 0.868446699857, 1.1972191576200002, 0.252614547571, 0.85470254102, 1.1005612229000001, 0.8694688129350001, 0.893615945216, -1.24650746038, 0.736281324895, 0.738967321463, -1.56125258447, 0.11393707688100001, 0.446481497438, -0.646200414528, 0.766518104175], [1.36640636861, 0.8464717708849999, 0.553762859463, 1.01835163088, 1.79581570635, 0.0402891940307, -0.933705010925, -1.7769258588499999, -1.9813176476299998, -1.5774663282299999, -0.273566845128, 0.255672299308, 0.20400193226100002, -1.4511906996000001, -0.249225036132, 0.138829949618, 0.832111815498, -0.0171764380706, 0.6942769664790001, 1.18291754296, 0.615839231472, 0.141442931885, -0.481816446379, 0.608561059342, 0.466131855861, -2.74479355345, 0.155919822297, -0.0313001221068, 0.9093524733949999, -0.546323793252, 0.682773505598, 0.209414818051, -0.6518766165609999, -1.27956024295, 0.403773984255, 0.9054270428669999, -0.0313001221068], [0.9362842319720001, 0.442322445604, 0.6750305916859999, 0.258571432839, 0.732509563305, -1.05742716411, 0.9695877756479999, -0.6629381321369999, -1.55863037373, -0.55163734702, 0.42118700876500004, -0.119046100987, 0.332161402706, -0.621028159205, 0.179362427632, 0.882322804598, 0.579198836871, -0.7892081116130001, 0.433686828761, 0.042597638656999996, -0.512041855252, 0.42916561343500004, -0.686601848027, 0.058208047719599997, 0.7250066126770001, -0.471273076644, 0.306771349689, 0.787815088854, 1.21813943986, 0.59945542866, -0.17539919329999998, 0.10861962710100001, -0.621028159205, -4.421765468299999, -0.390116666712, 1.24795163662, 0.272185822576], [-0.374436620625, 0.032251272510099994, 0.42403956803599996, 0.684886560462, 0.100686900479, -0.5097308117530001, 0.367232133073, -1.14010040358, 0.419027008221, -0.134605494549, 0.021403336457000002, -0.288105681233, 0.182670626439, 0.380652552654, -0.878709595704, 0.558570053117, -0.0352480471159, 0.845075677201, -0.480817326396, 0.889862426268, -0.0765401908019, 0.15497859787499998, 0.288095162781, -0.35820396583499997, -0.204894823884, -3.03094767477, 0.058666516970800005, -2.22613816407, 0.533861916291, 0.855824307824, 1.4340372690099998, 1.1045796819, 0.399629347502, -2.70979816912, 0.9805708436049999, 1.7435344646200002, -0.011859253864500001], [-0.330520874584, -1.4136712511899998, 0.020300222865599998, 0.252432857424, 0.0, 1.20687719714, -0.613107565651, -0.296591698252, 0.0, -0.35978773589199997, -0.43990524758500005, 0.0313433739422, -0.0858432605315, -0.11287079199200001, -0.20476241661800001, 0.0, 0.500365906484, -0.0993774371835, 0.233255405454, 0.7665402151080001, -0.480133945969, 0.6052078344080001, 1.1129851565100002, 0.825205755619, 0.008124652633540001, -0.382159984891, 0.0, 0.0, -0.613107565651, 0.052161804121199994, 0.617580195305, 1.46906977655, 0.27107986749699997, 0.937877591075, -4.32497801183, 0.318398035219, 0.528011940461], [-0.315616204568, -0.109650065705, 0.271575391482, 0.406442088082, 0.8254557390389999, 1.22881479392, -0.236818471187, -0.5569077156669999, -1.1027343799, -1.4323392557700003, -2.3930378261099996, 0.505412284399, 0.108360888944, 1.57948781566, -0.043820111334300006, -0.870860641639, -0.535236338915, -0.6443278525230001, 0.843834049431, 2.10837565183, 0.531068694648, -0.0697405557251, 0.7888976169249999, 0.48473143642399996, 0.418649615527, 0.307587980619, -0.456767070133, -0.48816697111199997, -1.3459875096599998, -0.17066573888599998, 0.36813417154, 2.34353626009, 0.22846164527399998, 0.0483463971518, -1.72967135242, -1.4323392557700003, 0.537514796034], [-0.946144433301, -2.60152423676, 0.40135198546899997, 0.802399183935, 0.23781128245799998, 1.01387717033, -1.15469614817, 0.252647039332, -0.916604530831, -0.923587223843, 0.226174500875, 0.706942015123, 0.674036912553, -1.28931073105, 0.34898910966200003, -1.18756499437, 0.46912523266999995, 0.0980285632807, 0.49596781078999996, 0.921047839696, 0.882177245108, -0.525422699547, -0.15888317475299998, -0.9443765611280001, 0.223668049515, 0.652636094918, 0.428365334989, 0.617516067646, -1.1598172149500001, 0.24982612399999998, 0.352622010664, 2.49943762216, 1.79644359056, -1.0956688872, -1.4085404903299998, 0.5416410830489999, -0.5805905425460001], [0.8356914745139999, 0.8497019043680001, 1.3946931228900001, 1.2482897395, -0.721691740553, 1.37379115493, 0.164984612851, 0.0462113688033, 1.00006473521, -0.237295434534, 0.6655648549859999, 0.563593438864, -1.37406617734, 0.817005369359, -0.341988887889, -1.6740664934, -0.328515643482, -0.8052603638320001, -0.135599207412, 0.7221142909839999, 1.0560313176, 0.661027686933, 0.0248272408292, -1.22887663032, -0.348192802972, -1.46196268658, 0.379501781029, -0.426111325449, -1.4729157116299998, -1.5189908135899999, 0.439266598359, 1.6967908371399998, 1.4509725339200001, -0.7299069136699999, -1.7876778218599998, -0.991391220649, 0.194385812104], [1.36075843963, 0.492909349456, 0.182439837478, 0.97462654457, 0.0, 0.5498375588759999, -0.477670048755, -1.2807195783399998, 0.0, -0.293929302724, 0.217404635428, 0.26988174607099996, -0.0708813067782, 0.863375330607, -0.126395333465, 0.0, -0.161324436852, -0.419143197288, -0.427417048438, -0.560430547049, 0.567381910811, -0.411406480555, 0.5422720453750001, 0.0642258332329, -0.443463362919, -0.842062014201, 0.0, 0.0, -0.683267244695, 0.217404635428, 0.876369829943, 1.6544585622299999, 1.79063390468, -1.33125315624, -2.4221492620400005, -2.2459580305, 1.5734901870200002], [0.547078541477, 0.99537681252, 1.22508553881, 1.68604407454, 0.0, 1.02926777355, -0.452820853557, -0.8762188403229999, 0.0, -0.79169766186, -0.317160959132, 0.80125842816, -1.7799815131299999, 2.01846627749, 0.0467962020263, 0.0, -0.464293435682, -0.666777711003, 0.251871125231, -0.0821757585083, 0.538645842313, 0.0, -0.14678105979699999, -1.28444450875, 1.03763356699, -0.48123774053999996, 0.0, 0.0, -0.022514943174, -0.000664920087683, -0.8102634762980001, 0.0, 0.196539116454, -0.14678105979699999, -2.13692701073, -1.2667187705399998, 1.3533969233399998], [-1.1843068324200001, 0.20254302056600001, 0.0887054745998, 1.07940467503, 0.7010754266120001, 1.1389163759799998, -1.23434806786, 0.170048072764, -0.262578843077, 0.810823810414, -0.180674292882, -0.34715705722199997, -0.0922062637488, 1.41820401414, -0.933276715097, 0.78241968481, -0.8230545642579999, -0.778653067559, -0.7876760950120001, -0.328728131808, -0.793560372736, -0.151312861509, -0.270455946792, 0.282252901731, -0.19212054995900002, -0.732808733318, 0.529406710935, -0.115498231381, 1.08513397429, -0.17378938227899998, 0.029143964106900004, 0.553905737968, 3.3724563465900004, -1.0859190521200002, -1.1631477268000001, -2.0906175570700003, 1.4774501543799998], [-0.5204018591139999, -0.339931527927, 0.59894009339, 1.32923535876, 0.41382777372699997, 1.7410213514, 0.367577100732, -0.577356161628, 0.130341017484, -1.36826275694, -1.24118590684, -0.130497342497, -0.00037451593341199994, 0.596134682083, 0.7516893989489999, -0.837316236056, -0.731503324262, -1.43335898584, -0.0220712764734, 0.130341017484, 0.45489819552199995, 0.28953435706, 0.55984010747, -0.7525119327159999, 0.146743179493, -0.688728203264, 0.45489819552199995, -0.460364851141, 0.933196411755, 1.0995318434899999, -0.554002163663, 1.0604122125700002, 2.75771377664, -1.34158528811, -1.58076259944, -2.0103756597699998, 0.774714518071], [-1.53944326683, 0.272914261105, -1.5262392706299999, 1.24569232802, 1.35980738813, 0.707112636647, 0.5315633261280001, -0.19119814042199998, 0.221791373012, 1.0176575869600002, 0.35088133694, 0.867940354701, 0.420917949982, 0.836697864025, -1.59514166221, -0.595216683448, -1.22069409572, 0.831685593442, 0.31111770229200003, 0.37839685655999994, 0.8670077599930001, 1.61033004324, -0.424918755797, -1.6458550492200001, 0.20854761942000002, -1.42666007919, 0.306667714755, 0.0835685693142, -1.7710680999500001, 0.5717040879899999, 0.34386472608699997, 0.49826083484, 0.344361125462, -1.68206096569, -1.7264120348400003, 0.523384663647, 0.633034401229], [-1.23745794012, 0.386075478464, -0.597509878396, 0.710539870037, 0.588990353559, 1.1781738661599999, 0.7632584426729999, -0.256322024811, 0.113249670787, 0.576656814431, 0.328450687385, 0.676429379262, 0.341939261493, 1.09814354065, -1.52646721544, 0.417032334405, -1.51085364781, 0.9963622193330001, -0.606409346742, -1.5028970536500001, 1.47435033949, 0.5966422487049999, -0.31354450033500003, 1.04561399426, -1.7381523439300002, -1.5288907011500001, 1.3076506354200002, -0.47173407369099996, -1.5461710852500001, 0.6539899893810001, 0.463660312232, 0.722306894694, 0.182039988093, -1.5623099765600001, -1.5433497980500002, 0.9245491749200001, 0.39596409010300004], [-0.169356693561, -0.0241022816536, -0.667707647535, 0.607386880617, 0.41311913541199996, 0.488398766898, 0.39668317724299995, 0.547762857144, 0.633279587333, -0.5356358902430001, 0.48623280739299996, 0.647530976561, 0.126120516601, 0.670687760866, 0.05482906499009999, 0.6613896963170001, -3.1316217140599996, 1.3087334689899999, 0.55390825107, 0.297871160855, -0.245972157003, 0.110695251587, -1.1308281213299998, -0.6836151147830001, -1.11308631313, 0.562578771569, 0.599019837937, -1.05783665419, 0.0, 0.0, 0.630472885853, 0.965803775133, 0.8609188312330001, 0.0, -2.8636608741100003, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.343839698054, -0.0644872007833, -0.641154422083, 0.0934218236337, 1.5830708036399999, 3.5310092548100003, -0.7982895263709999, -0.782489465231, -1.06326851686, 1.67298870713, -0.7909741661, -0.16825945766, -0.49277931006000003, -0.662116094565, -0.761023155722, 0.20531025704199998, -0.157982452358, -0.301673677738, -0.185235706433, 0.045273730246, -0.308616713568, 0.219087136827, 0.139174395342, -0.049810903941000004, -1.1730052007, 0.443864640811, 0.292942716131, -0.40870352600599996, -0.415058543657, 0.148564660646, 1.5368169497100002, 1.7115840913100002, 0.178632041092, -0.7179265337980001, -2.10055633419, -0.24956154985399998, 0.8350709473469999], [0.910759390722, -0.107280341007, -1.5708275884799998, 0.429710720631, 1.88459663896, 1.43644835815, -0.741600989622, -1.11095479181, -1.34688469791, 1.27041711199, 0.358479653167, 0.398204114689, 0.459477182729, 0.36056701056999996, -0.5999490978459999, 0.022493311090799998, -0.682424445774, 0.319706912771, -0.152039130931, 0.009411378459410001, -1.1527820126700001, -0.663127410818, 0.454484915724, 1.7268979646, -1.0944651113, -1.660869266, -0.735656673443, -1.2347199909, -0.60341100944, 1.8643310342900001, 0.545355077432, 0.984712390632, 0.5220047432129999, -0.678756626268, -1.4132597291999998, 0.702366458822, 0.8885845447740001], [-0.8688804773309999, 1.12039290348, -0.542270546416, -0.42532064631899996, 1.81278868426, 2.50559949797, 0.0326524515316, -0.7716452707279999, -0.7307676748090001, -0.75030024061, -0.792619750721, -0.752681749062, -0.835896480353, -0.012458144521000001, -0.9300820971889999, 0.7247355937600001, -0.7079807304979999, 1.54234122722, -0.847994543291, -0.590854997442, 1.00120963105, 0.133797948136, 0.152659914728, 1.59109018068, -0.790996967781, -0.7232584744130001, 1.07648040551, -0.8432000527060001, -0.9244634158380001, 0.937228255775, 1.17062070025, 1.27352032995, -0.868770529275, -0.791857668016, -0.86601259561, 1.02156386972, -0.7283685410959999], [-0.658271903016, 0.280958176994, -0.530621478175, -0.637032526926, 1.96371424461, 1.75283737496, -0.7198876393320001, -0.718281538124, -0.591137387816, -0.787387045783, 1.33975020544, -0.7499671742470001, -0.763086512287, -0.596207540476, 0.6785846497820001, -0.854021083486, -0.8364705550470001, 1.54648541447, -0.0667319780283, -0.760112632489, 1.7715295975599998, -0.879517094762, -0.6544638940559999, 0.476288360538, -0.687377535775, -0.855914782123, -0.757640840475, -0.850159612966, -0.78862954397, 1.23839546087, 1.2662405602200002, 1.53729067023, 1.46118202025, -0.7925699186, -0.834064462782, 1.02905158536, 0.027246359467000002], [-0.6226095645399999, -0.148525941146, 0.657297384167, 1.0267115712700001, 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-0.378927922171, 1.07453144036, 1.1672898275799999, -1.0027483571100002, -0.345410126253, 0.7754825766660001, 0.6373109894619999], [-0.6103769046859999, 0.340406151628, 0.0564341249339, -0.601817751509, -0.997900923757, 1.7342487794900001, -0.48761344605400003, 1.75195562714, 1.72439767866, 1.20270614721, -0.84169694692, -0.498729768499, 1.18021534025, 1.67995968355, -0.552108473513, 0.714205501481, -0.866541919057, -0.0208740435383, -0.8760313655230001, -0.9299849644949999, 0.380926224514, -0.793838020002, -0.653037334505, 1.1455897785100002, -0.689463775732, -0.896388070584, -0.9598464692730001, -0.824432500361, -0.9589872558499999, -0.371230116218, 0.161940529314, 1.7652168556299999, 1.26447170781, -1.0021816376200001, -0.8783838247769999, 1.1179095726700001, -0.909118190314], [-0.302964960669, -0.42333736807800004, 0.0138110607288, -0.305118324528, -0.403563582756, 2.1961906106, -0.241167747002, -0.561745109841, 1.5548306173500002, -0.43913421576300005, -0.24908465465399998, -0.500088956829, 2.4659326319, 3.06817407347, 0.440771505339, 0.162416028594, -0.648476496719, 2.30224876645, -0.510009898613, -0.51077405823, 1.0067958669600001, -0.45039036960900003, -0.29213296161999996, -0.36083971529700004, -0.524385925013, -0.585987113011, -0.304965103472, -0.305774013365, -0.647144203154, -0.558435048611, -0.6157873924, -0.49081689405699996, -0.620127196411, -0.5617032780610001, -0.7391483400290001, -0.56478180525, -0.49328642835000003], [-0.419760888859, -0.144608954198, -0.22317182425999998, -0.434140673375, -0.464030185632, 1.4731717601499998, 1.3767563168599999, -1.12218550154, 2.3556996170200004, -0.8214175497759999, -0.624717617271, -0.489150955801, 1.54899359361, 2.63391569003, -0.480547890101, 0.571612028633, -0.639524557592, 1.27587273045, -0.336959201779, 1.4072762527200002, 1.21861533004, 0.367003007492, -0.034646371899300005, -0.500680520586, -0.580019987496, -0.9910986555419999, -0.292063126781, -0.382421359722, -1.03603154918, -1.22558642998, -0.41955019177, 0.661842499839, -0.21436801434900002, -0.662038289898, -0.492018302997, -0.732731888439, -1.12728833801], [-0.90074316986, -0.13454656716399999, 0.242943549025, -0.769103754251, -0.863943870279, 1.74092316937, -0.0602798699213, -0.715251618733, 2.0634969302400004, -0.162818632031, -0.947557406664, -0.817098188761, 1.01204041612, 1.67747018676, -0.6890544966159999, -0.681147580351, -0.9045790165950001, 1.95619286465, -0.27181622007, -0.754860932301, 0.964921533128, -0.9335404149330001, -0.501556201013, 1.20362284919, -0.671714166152, -0.796730589922, -0.861687609956, -0.9373370578679999, -0.72274893697, 1.6462909151499998, 0.646411082704, 0.47650998412600004, -0.760676570899, -1.06720536017, 0.510314276792, 0.320728378878, 1.46413209534], [-1.5330610071700002, -1.64703715826, -0.56628767658, -0.529554841947, -0.290661682142, 1.0426984822, 0.21211565624, -0.970733952757, 1.21105326482, -1.17302944291, -1.51967426914, -0.211140767582, 0.8602723008700002, 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-1.8962883879900003, 0.901425312271], [-0.859283071057, 0.21647500572099998, -0.09070124229599999, 0.296869101962, 0.947013663084, 0.682222461673, -1.67367378954, -0.5558355695699999, 1.8433659544499998, -0.544787122592, -0.4205189054, 0.0, -0.567316264011, 0.0, 0.0, -0.333333331703, 1.21627106725, -0.753298894469, -0.8659737676379999, 1.42227310259, 0.234337265222, 0.0, 1.29357634741, -0.826378856153, 0.0, 0.475745226783, 0.733591155844, -0.753298894469, -0.916126069275, -1.5141109211000001, -0.30787898560800003, 0.0, 1.90354847131, 0.8624425723119999, -0.210292594595, -1.82827040034, 0.8933472842100001], [-0.209466944659, 0.120219585942, 0.230881650464, 0.193901777385, -0.033435538624800004, 0.794964986791, -2.31647386721, -1.59154544041, -0.282735822988, -0.34461824326800006, -1.06380889146, 1.04867465029, 0.0, 0.74590857217, -0.0785490786322, 0.0656328982327, 0.301291203994, 0.5461075579379999, -0.27376755460700003, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8036503970599997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.67401124617, 0.036125601263000004, 1.18342238898, 0.157975370645, 0.498719091535, -0.13418976239299998, -1.55877369424, -1.3349462395799998, 2.0814625129, 1.45045859426, 0.0, -0.390646926114, 1.28685071229], [-2.03547949687, 0.103038351042, 0.5246104380259999, -0.23871939461599997, -0.254356183413, 0.7856949122589999, 0.895208499772, -2.6276248973400005, 0.499428984744, 0.022693625986200002, 0.612220747377, 0.671657364587, 0.644478282101, 0.675794469805, -0.20672088450399997, -0.0793968319588, -0.687531115293, 0.195159164727, -0.0287468678161, 0.08959598287380001, -0.115993309261, -2.5257968279700003, 0.606728528551, -0.727798229248, 0.5636788623269999, 0.9912387909870001, 0.9048826765629999, 0.20330274153900002, -1.8491600660099998, 0.261638223818, 0.174239283035, 0.681017572151, 1.06772169456, 0.560419749624, 0.9861552928149999, -2.05862015018, 0.7153400151980001], [-0.05830129896630001, -0.531258625486, -1.42683723864, 1.19680986329, 0.56956988999, 0.39771381162, -0.279904488118, -0.40242667922700004, -0.710893011561, -0.9180889462270001, 0.392220356653, -0.9180889462270001, 0.223025691575, 0.924499021747, -0.36687946378499997, 1.0966469649, -0.944033774803, -2.19743116097, -0.067301545863, -0.21644670095, 0.428655093596, -1.68878320686, 1.89067318667, 0.664743690095, -1.9568801233500002, 0.228413002042, 1.2326641657600002, 1.54594635875, -1.37559255265, -0.238255841324, 1.19920376925, 0.9392011299449999, 0.848425787679, 0.604435141499, -0.481698987153, -0.37510136498, 0.771357032087], [-1.00491936907, -0.18610268277699998, 1.193719966, 0.739251648949, -0.664738369711, -1.01578423224, -1.24629642608, -1.00491936907, 0.876791987192, -0.41303911269500004, -0.706925101501, -0.840658566692, -0.164503283917, 2.13729139969, -1.11094072838, 0.230189219067, 0.8638399391889999, -1.06934250921, -1.64301413484, 0.529078625202, 0.397774966169, -0.859313699121, 1.15441446833, 0.793525275452, -0.965069618795, -0.965069618795, 2.21054617428, 0.645774842144, 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Pval 3.33895862475e-07

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\": \"#eee\", \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

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Pval 4.90717096428e-19

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Pval 4.90717096428e-19

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\": \"#eee\", \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\": \"#e377c2\"}, \"cat-3\": {\"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

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Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\": \"#2ca02c\"}, \"cat-0\": {\"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

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Pval 7.56284032604e-21

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Pval 3.12975824896e-07

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Pval 8.57080979732e-08

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\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

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Pval 7.56284032604e-21

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Pval 3.33895862475e-07

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Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

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Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1, \"cat_3_index\": 1, \"cat_8_index\": 1, \"name\": \"VDAC1 AcK K224\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1109, \"rank\": 602, \"ini\": 1152, \"cat_4_index\": 2, \"group\": [1153.0, 1060.0, 703.0, 282.0, 89.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1151, \"cat_0_index\": 2, \"cat_6_index\": 1094, \"cat_2_index\": 2, \"cat_1_index\": 2, \"rankvar\": 251, \"cat_9_index\": 2, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 2, \"cat_3_index\": 2, \"cat_8_index\": 2, \"name\": \"LMNA Rme1 R644\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 2, \"rank\": 859, \"ini\": 1151, \"cat_4_index\": 3, \"group\": [1148.0, 1055.0, 700.0, 282.0, 89.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1149, \"cat_0_index\": 3, \"cat_6_index\": 2, \"cat_2_index\": 3, \"cat_1_index\": 3, \"rankvar\": 371, \"cat_9_index\": 3, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 3, \"cat_3_index\": 3, \"cat_8_index\": 3, \"name\": \"RBM19 phospho S489\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 3, \"rank\": 740, \"ini\": 1150, \"cat_4_index\": 4, \"group\": [1149.0, 1056.0, 700.0, 282.0, 89.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1150, \"cat_0_index\": 4, \"cat_6_index\": 3, \"cat_2_index\": 4, \"cat_1_index\": 4, \"rankvar\": 98, \"cat_9_index\": 4, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 4, \"cat_3_index\": 4, \"cat_8_index\": 4, \"name\": \"DIEXF phospho S10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 4, \"rank\": 990, \"ini\": 1149, \"cat_4_index\": 5, \"group\": [1150.0, 1057.0, 701.0, 282.0, 89.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1148, \"cat_0_index\": 5, \"cat_6_index\": 4, \"cat_2_index\": 5, \"cat_1_index\": 5, \"rankvar\": 652, \"cat_9_index\": 5, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 5, \"cat_3_index\": 5, \"cat_8_index\": 5, \"name\": \"ZNF652 phospho S197\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 5, \"rank\": 406, \"ini\": 1148, \"cat_4_index\": 6, \"group\": [1154.0, 1061.0, 704.0, 283.0, 89.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1147, \"cat_0_index\": 6, \"cat_6_index\": 5, \"cat_2_index\": 6, \"cat_1_index\": 6, \"rankvar\": 566, \"cat_9_index\": 6, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 6, \"cat_3_index\": 6, \"cat_8_index\": 6, \"name\": \"GOLGA8A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 6, \"rank\": 431, \"ini\": 1147, \"cat_4_index\": 7, \"group\": [1146.0, 1053.0, 698.0, 281.0, 88.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1145, \"cat_0_index\": 7, \"cat_6_index\": 6, \"cat_2_index\": 7, \"cat_1_index\": 7, \"rankvar\": 829, \"cat_9_index\": 7, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 7, \"cat_3_index\": 7, \"cat_8_index\": 1078, \"name\": \"FAM129A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 7, \"rank\": 260, \"ini\": 1146, \"cat_4_index\": 8, \"group\": [1147.0, 1054.0, 699.0, 281.0, 88.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1146, \"cat_0_index\": 8, \"cat_6_index\": 7, \"cat_2_index\": 8, \"cat_1_index\": 8, \"rankvar\": 611, \"cat_9_index\": 8, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 8, \"cat_3_index\": 8, \"cat_8_index\": 7, \"name\": \"PLEKHM1 phospho S482\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 8, \"rank\": 588, \"ini\": 1145, \"cat_4_index\": 9, \"group\": [1144.0, 1051.0, 696.0, 280.0, 88.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1143, \"cat_0_index\": 9, \"cat_6_index\": 8, \"cat_2_index\": 9, \"cat_1_index\": 9, \"rankvar\": 356, \"cat_9_index\": 9, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 9, \"cat_3_index\": 9, \"cat_8_index\": 8, \"name\": \"CANX phospho S583\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 9, \"rank\": 205, \"ini\": 1144, \"cat_4_index\": 10, \"group\": [1145.0, 1052.0, 697.0, 280.0, 88.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1144, \"cat_0_index\": 10, \"cat_6_index\": 9, \"cat_2_index\": 10, \"cat_1_index\": 10, \"rankvar\": 962, \"cat_9_index\": 10, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 10, \"cat_3_index\": 10, \"cat_8_index\": 9, \"name\": \"C5orf30 phospho S132\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 10, \"rank\": 457, \"ini\": 1143, \"cat_4_index\": 11, \"group\": [1141.0, 1048.0, 693.0, 278.0, 87.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1141, \"cat_0_index\": 11, \"cat_6_index\": 10, \"cat_2_index\": 11, \"cat_1_index\": 11, \"rankvar\": 944, \"cat_9_index\": 11, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 11, \"cat_3_index\": 11, \"cat_8_index\": 1079, \"name\": \"RPS6KB1 phospho S447\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 11, \"rank\": 472, \"ini\": 1142, \"cat_4_index\": 12, \"group\": [1142.0, 1049.0, 694.0, 278.0, 87.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1142, \"cat_0_index\": 12, \"cat_6_index\": 11, \"cat_2_index\": 12, \"cat_1_index\": 12, \"rankvar\": 277, \"cat_9_index\": 12, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 12, \"cat_3_index\": 12, \"cat_8_index\": 10, \"name\": \"GTF2I phospho S674\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 12, \"rank\": 497, \"ini\": 1141, \"cat_4_index\": 13, \"group\": [1143.0, 1050.0, 695.0, 279.0, 87.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1140, \"cat_0_index\": 13, \"cat_6_index\": 12, \"cat_2_index\": 13, \"cat_1_index\": 13, \"rankvar\": 71, \"cat_9_index\": 13, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 13, \"cat_3_index\": 13, \"cat_8_index\": 11, \"name\": \"TAGLN2 phospho Y8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1110, \"rank\": 762, \"ini\": 1140, \"cat_4_index\": 14, \"group\": [1139.0, 1046.0, 691.0, 277.0, 87.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1138, \"cat_0_index\": 14, \"cat_6_index\": 1095, \"cat_2_index\": 14, \"cat_1_index\": 14, \"rankvar\": 156, \"cat_9_index\": 14, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 14, \"cat_3_index\": 14, \"cat_8_index\": 12, \"name\": \"LMNA phospho S307\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 13, \"rank\": 627, \"ini\": 1139, \"cat_4_index\": 1060, \"group\": [1140.0, 1047.0, 692.0, 277.0, 87.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1139, \"cat_0_index\": 1015, \"cat_6_index\": 13, \"cat_2_index\": 1058, \"cat_1_index\": 1037, \"rankvar\": 76, \"cat_9_index\": 15, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1010, \"cat_3_index\": 1060, \"cat_8_index\": 1080, \"name\": \"HNRNPD phospho Y244\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 14, \"rank\": 735, \"ini\": 1138, \"cat_4_index\": 15, \"group\": [1137.0, 1044.0, 689.0, 275.0, 86.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1136, \"cat_0_index\": 15, \"cat_6_index\": 14, \"cat_2_index\": 15, \"cat_1_index\": 15, \"rankvar\": 908, \"cat_9_index\": 16, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 15, \"cat_3_index\": 15, \"cat_8_index\": 13, \"name\": \"CHST9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 15, \"rank\": 965, \"ini\": 1137, \"cat_4_index\": 16, \"group\": [1138.0, 1045.0, 690.0, 276.0, 86.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1137, \"cat_0_index\": 16, \"cat_6_index\": 15, \"cat_2_index\": 16, \"cat_1_index\": 16, \"rankvar\": 195, \"cat_9_index\": 17, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 16, \"cat_3_index\": 16, \"cat_8_index\": 14, \"name\": \"UQCRFS1P1 phospho T46\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 16, \"rank\": 284, \"ini\": 1136, \"cat_4_index\": 17, \"group\": [1135.0, 1042.0, 687.0, 274.0, 86.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1134, \"cat_0_index\": 17, \"cat_6_index\": 16, \"cat_2_index\": 17, \"cat_1_index\": 17, \"rankvar\": 298, \"cat_9_index\": 18, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 17, \"cat_3_index\": 17, \"cat_8_index\": 15, \"name\": \"ZNF446 phospho T327\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 17, \"rank\": 528, \"ini\": 1135, \"cat_4_index\": 18, \"group\": [1136.0, 1043.0, 688.0, 274.0, 86.0, 13.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1135, \"cat_0_index\": 18, \"cat_6_index\": 17, \"cat_2_index\": 18, \"cat_1_index\": 18, \"rankvar\": 11, \"cat_9_index\": 19, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 18, \"cat_3_index\": 18, \"cat_8_index\": 16, \"name\": \"IL17RA phospho S629\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 18, \"rank\": 388, \"ini\": 1134, \"cat_4_index\": 19, \"group\": [1133.0, 1040.0, 685.0, 272.0, 85.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1132, \"cat_0_index\": 19, \"cat_6_index\": 18, \"cat_2_index\": 19, \"cat_1_index\": 19, \"rankvar\": 810, \"cat_9_index\": 20, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 19, \"cat_3_index\": 19, \"cat_8_index\": 17, \"name\": \"CCNA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 19, \"rank\": 1073, \"ini\": 1133, \"cat_4_index\": 20, \"group\": [1134.0, 1041.0, 686.0, 273.0, 85.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1133, \"cat_0_index\": 20, \"cat_6_index\": 19, \"cat_2_index\": 20, \"cat_1_index\": 20, \"rankvar\": 321, \"cat_9_index\": 21, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 20, \"cat_3_index\": 20, \"cat_8_index\": 18, \"name\": \"FAM195A Rme1 R65\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 20, \"rank\": 779, \"ini\": 1132, \"cat_4_index\": 21, \"group\": [1131.0, 1038.0, 683.0, 271.0, 84.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1130, \"cat_0_index\": 21, \"cat_6_index\": 20, \"cat_2_index\": 21, \"cat_1_index\": 21, \"rankvar\": 47, \"cat_9_index\": 22, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 21, \"cat_3_index\": 21, \"cat_8_index\": 19, \"name\": \"IDH1 AcK K81\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 21, \"rank\": 975, \"ini\": 1131, \"cat_4_index\": 22, \"group\": [1132.0, 1039.0, 684.0, 271.0, 84.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1131, \"cat_0_index\": 22, \"cat_6_index\": 21, \"cat_2_index\": 22, \"cat_1_index\": 22, \"rankvar\": 41, \"cat_9_index\": 23, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 22, \"cat_3_index\": 22, \"cat_8_index\": 20, \"name\": \"PIK3R2 phospho Y449\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 22, \"rank\": 982, \"ini\": 1130, \"cat_4_index\": 23, \"group\": [1129.0, 1036.0, 681.0, 269.0, 83.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1128, \"cat_0_index\": 23, \"cat_6_index\": 22, \"cat_2_index\": 23, \"cat_1_index\": 23, \"rankvar\": 653, \"cat_9_index\": 24, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 23, \"cat_3_index\": 23, \"cat_8_index\": 21, \"name\": \"CRISPLD1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 23, \"rank\": 706, \"ini\": 1129, \"cat_4_index\": 24, \"group\": [1130.0, 1037.0, 682.0, 270.0, 83.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1129, \"cat_0_index\": 24, \"cat_6_index\": 23, \"cat_2_index\": 24, \"cat_1_index\": 24, \"rankvar\": 119, \"cat_9_index\": 25, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 24, \"cat_3_index\": 24, \"cat_8_index\": 22, \"name\": \"STAU2 Rme1 R131\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 24, \"rank\": 796, \"ini\": 1128, \"cat_4_index\": 25, \"group\": [1127.0, 1034.0, 679.0, 268.0, 83.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1126, \"cat_0_index\": 25, \"cat_6_index\": 24, \"cat_2_index\": 25, \"cat_1_index\": 25, \"rankvar\": 295, \"cat_9_index\": 26, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 25, \"cat_3_index\": 25, \"cat_8_index\": 23, \"name\": \"GPI AcK K142\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 25, \"rank\": 980, \"ini\": 1127, \"cat_4_index\": 26, \"group\": [1128.0, 1035.0, 680.0, 268.0, 83.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1127, \"cat_0_index\": 26, \"cat_6_index\": 25, \"cat_2_index\": 26, \"cat_1_index\": 26, \"rankvar\": 1040, \"cat_9_index\": 27, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 26, \"cat_3_index\": 26, \"cat_8_index\": 24, \"name\": \"UFL1 Rme1 R433\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 26, \"rank\": 561, \"ini\": 1126, \"cat_4_index\": 27, \"group\": [1123.0, 1030.0, 675.0, 265.0, 82.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1124, \"cat_0_index\": 27, \"cat_6_index\": 26, \"cat_2_index\": 27, \"cat_1_index\": 27, \"rankvar\": 765, \"cat_9_index\": 28, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 27, \"cat_3_index\": 27, \"cat_8_index\": 25, \"name\": \"ASS1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 27, \"rank\": 27, \"ini\": 1125, \"cat_4_index\": 28, \"group\": [1124.0, 1031.0, 676.0, 265.0, 82.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1125, \"cat_0_index\": 28, \"cat_6_index\": 27, \"cat_2_index\": 28, \"cat_1_index\": 28, \"rankvar\": 945, \"cat_9_index\": 29, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 28, \"cat_3_index\": 28, \"cat_8_index\": 26, \"name\": \"SLC16A14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 28, \"rank\": 581, \"ini\": 1124, \"cat_4_index\": 29, \"group\": [1125.0, 1032.0, 677.0, 266.0, 82.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1123, \"cat_0_index\": 29, \"cat_6_index\": 28, \"cat_2_index\": 29, \"cat_1_index\": 29, \"rankvar\": 763, \"cat_9_index\": 1103, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 29, \"cat_3_index\": 29, \"cat_8_index\": 27, \"name\": \"WNT5A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 29, \"rank\": 162, \"ini\": 1123, \"cat_4_index\": 30, \"group\": [1126.0, 1033.0, 678.0, 267.0, 82.0, 12.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1122, \"cat_0_index\": 30, \"cat_6_index\": 29, \"cat_2_index\": 30, \"cat_1_index\": 30, \"rankvar\": 826, \"cat_9_index\": 30, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 30, \"cat_3_index\": 30, \"cat_8_index\": 28, \"name\": \"MYO9A phospho S1733\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 30, \"rank\": 850, \"ini\": 1122, \"cat_4_index\": 31, \"group\": [1120.0, 1027.0, 672.0, 263.0, 81.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1120, \"cat_0_index\": 31, \"cat_6_index\": 30, \"cat_2_index\": 31, \"cat_1_index\": 31, \"rankvar\": 147, \"cat_9_index\": 31, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 31, \"cat_3_index\": 31, \"cat_8_index\": 29, \"name\": \"MKI67 phospho T391\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 31, \"rank\": 857, \"ini\": 1121, \"cat_4_index\": 32, \"group\": [1121.0, 1028.0, 673.0, 263.0, 81.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1121, \"cat_0_index\": 32, \"cat_6_index\": 31, \"cat_2_index\": 32, \"cat_1_index\": 32, \"rankvar\": 34, \"cat_9_index\": 32, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 32, \"cat_3_index\": 32, \"cat_8_index\": 30, \"name\": \"CASKIN2 phospho T853\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 32, \"rank\": 32, \"ini\": 1120, \"cat_4_index\": 33, \"group\": [1122.0, 1029.0, 674.0, 264.0, 81.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1119, \"cat_0_index\": 33, \"cat_6_index\": 32, \"cat_2_index\": 33, \"cat_1_index\": 33, \"rankvar\": 2, \"cat_9_index\": 33, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 33, \"cat_3_index\": 33, \"cat_8_index\": 31, \"name\": \"RABEP1 phospho S407\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 33, \"rank\": 1098, \"ini\": 1119, \"cat_4_index\": 34, \"group\": [1118.0, 1025.0, 670.0, 262.0, 81.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1117, \"cat_0_index\": 34, \"cat_6_index\": 33, \"cat_2_index\": 34, \"cat_1_index\": 34, \"rankvar\": 764, \"cat_9_index\": 34, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 34, \"cat_3_index\": 34, \"cat_8_index\": 32, \"name\": \"PLAGL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 34, \"rank\": 642, \"ini\": 1118, \"cat_4_index\": 35, \"group\": [1119.0, 1026.0, 671.0, 262.0, 81.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1118, \"cat_0_index\": 35, \"cat_6_index\": 34, \"cat_2_index\": 35, \"cat_1_index\": 35, \"rankvar\": 367, \"cat_9_index\": 35, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 35, \"cat_3_index\": 35, \"cat_8_index\": 33, \"name\": \"SETDB1 phospho S1066\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 35, \"rank\": 445, \"ini\": 1117, \"cat_4_index\": 36, \"group\": [1115.0, 1022.0, 667.0, 260.0, 80.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1115, \"cat_0_index\": 36, \"cat_6_index\": 35, \"cat_2_index\": 36, \"cat_1_index\": 36, \"rankvar\": 446, \"cat_9_index\": 36, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 36, \"cat_3_index\": 36, \"cat_8_index\": 34, \"name\": \"SCRIB phospho S1285\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 36, \"rank\": 1041, \"ini\": 1116, \"cat_4_index\": 37, \"group\": [1116.0, 1023.0, 668.0, 260.0, 80.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1116, \"cat_0_index\": 37, \"cat_6_index\": 36, \"cat_2_index\": 37, \"cat_1_index\": 37, \"rankvar\": 384, \"cat_9_index\": 37, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 37, \"cat_3_index\": 37, \"cat_8_index\": 35, \"name\": \"PHC3 phospho S842\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 37, \"rank\": 217, \"ini\": 1115, \"cat_4_index\": 1061, \"group\": [1117.0, 1024.0, 669.0, 261.0, 80.0, 11.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1114, \"cat_0_index\": 1016, \"cat_6_index\": 37, \"cat_2_index\": 1059, \"cat_1_index\": 1038, \"rankvar\": 128, \"cat_9_index\": 38, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1011, \"cat_3_index\": 1061, \"cat_8_index\": 1081, \"name\": \"PABPC1 Rme1 R436\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 38, \"rank\": 760, \"ini\": 1114, \"cat_4_index\": 38, \"group\": [1111.0, 1018.0, 665.0, 259.0, 79.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1112, \"cat_0_index\": 38, \"cat_6_index\": 38, \"cat_2_index\": 38, \"cat_1_index\": 38, \"rankvar\": 353, \"cat_9_index\": 39, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 38, \"cat_3_index\": 38, \"cat_8_index\": 36, \"name\": \"RACGAP1 phospho T606\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 39, \"rank\": 1150, \"ini\": 1113, \"cat_4_index\": 39, \"group\": [1112.0, 1019.0, 665.0, 259.0, 79.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1113, \"cat_0_index\": 39, \"cat_6_index\": 39, \"cat_2_index\": 39, \"cat_1_index\": 39, \"rankvar\": 370, \"cat_9_index\": 40, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 39, \"cat_3_index\": 39, \"cat_8_index\": 37, \"name\": \"PHIP phospho S683\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 40, \"rank\": 694, \"ini\": 1112, \"cat_4_index\": 40, \"group\": [1113.0, 1020.0, 665.0, 259.0, 79.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1111, \"cat_0_index\": 40, \"cat_6_index\": 40, \"cat_2_index\": 40, \"cat_1_index\": 40, \"rankvar\": 160, \"cat_9_index\": 41, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 40, \"cat_3_index\": 40, \"cat_8_index\": 38, \"name\": \"BRIP1 phospho S116\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 41, \"rank\": 137, \"ini\": 1111, \"cat_4_index\": 41, \"group\": [1114.0, 1021.0, 666.0, 259.0, 79.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1110, \"cat_0_index\": 41, \"cat_6_index\": 41, \"cat_2_index\": 41, \"cat_1_index\": 41, \"rankvar\": 354, \"cat_9_index\": 42, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 41, \"cat_3_index\": 41, \"cat_8_index\": 39, \"name\": \"ANKZF1 phospho T607\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 42, \"rank\": 810, \"ini\": 1110, \"cat_4_index\": 42, \"group\": [1109.0, 1016.0, 663.0, 258.0, 79.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1108, \"cat_0_index\": 42, \"cat_6_index\": 42, \"cat_2_index\": 42, \"cat_1_index\": 42, \"rankvar\": 515, \"cat_9_index\": 43, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 42, \"cat_3_index\": 42, \"cat_8_index\": 40, \"name\": \"CYBA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 43, \"rank\": 96, \"ini\": 1109, \"cat_4_index\": 43, \"group\": [1110.0, 1017.0, 664.0, 258.0, 79.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1109, \"cat_0_index\": 43, \"cat_6_index\": 43, \"cat_2_index\": 43, \"cat_1_index\": 43, \"rankvar\": 348, \"cat_9_index\": 44, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 43, \"cat_3_index\": 43, \"cat_8_index\": 1082, \"name\": \"HCFC1 Rme1 R524\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 44, \"rank\": 63, \"ini\": 1108, \"cat_4_index\": 44, \"group\": [1105.0, 1012.0, 661.0, 257.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1106, \"cat_0_index\": 1017, \"cat_6_index\": 44, \"cat_2_index\": 44, \"cat_1_index\": 44, \"rankvar\": 678, \"cat_9_index\": 45, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 44, \"cat_3_index\": 44, \"cat_8_index\": 41, \"name\": \"WDR33 Rme1 R1257\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 45, \"rank\": 143, \"ini\": 1107, \"cat_4_index\": 1062, \"group\": [1106.0, 1013.0, 661.0, 257.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1107, \"cat_0_index\": 1018, \"cat_6_index\": 45, \"cat_2_index\": 1060, \"cat_1_index\": 1039, \"rankvar\": 151, \"cat_9_index\": 46, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1012, \"cat_3_index\": 1062, \"cat_8_index\": 42, \"name\": \"SNRPA Rme1 R152\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 46, \"rank\": 376, \"ini\": 1106, \"cat_4_index\": 1063, \"group\": [1107.0, 1014.0, 661.0, 257.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1105, \"cat_0_index\": 1019, \"cat_6_index\": 46, \"cat_2_index\": 1061, \"cat_1_index\": 1040, \"rankvar\": 828, \"cat_9_index\": 47, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1013, \"cat_3_index\": 1063, \"cat_8_index\": 43, \"name\": \"RBMX Rme1 R172\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 47, \"rank\": 1001, \"ini\": 1105, \"cat_4_index\": 45, \"group\": [1108.0, 1015.0, 662.0, 257.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1104, \"cat_0_index\": 44, \"cat_6_index\": 47, \"cat_2_index\": 45, \"cat_1_index\": 45, \"rankvar\": 149, \"cat_9_index\": 48, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 45, \"cat_3_index\": 45, \"cat_8_index\": 1083, \"name\": \"HCFC1 Rme1 R855\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 48, \"rank\": 493, \"ini\": 1104, \"cat_4_index\": 46, \"group\": [1102.0, 1009.0, 659.0, 256.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1102, \"cat_0_index\": 45, \"cat_6_index\": 48, \"cat_2_index\": 46, \"cat_1_index\": 46, \"rankvar\": 1046, \"cat_9_index\": 49, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 46, \"cat_3_index\": 46, \"cat_8_index\": 44, \"name\": \"MEAF6 AcK K69\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 49, \"rank\": 86, \"ini\": 1103, \"cat_4_index\": 47, \"group\": [1103.0, 1010.0, 659.0, 256.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1103, \"cat_0_index\": 46, \"cat_6_index\": 49, \"cat_2_index\": 47, \"cat_1_index\": 47, \"rankvar\": 734, \"cat_9_index\": 50, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 47, \"cat_3_index\": 47, \"cat_8_index\": 45, \"name\": \"TERF2IP phospho S203\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 50, \"rank\": 1146, \"ini\": 1102, \"cat_4_index\": 1064, \"group\": [1104.0, 1011.0, 660.0, 256.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1101, \"cat_0_index\": 1020, \"cat_6_index\": 50, \"cat_2_index\": 1062, \"cat_1_index\": 1041, \"rankvar\": 1115, \"cat_9_index\": 51, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 48, \"cat_3_index\": 1064, \"cat_8_index\": 46, \"name\": \"SFPQ Rme1 R681\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 51, \"rank\": 450, \"ini\": 1101, \"cat_4_index\": 1065, \"group\": [1100.0, 1007.0, 657.0, 255.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1099, \"cat_0_index\": 1021, \"cat_6_index\": 51, \"cat_2_index\": 1063, \"cat_1_index\": 1042, \"rankvar\": 1044, \"cat_9_index\": 52, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1014, \"cat_3_index\": 1065, \"cat_8_index\": 47, \"name\": \"HNRNPA2B1 Rme1 R266\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 52, \"rank\": 170, \"ini\": 1100, \"cat_4_index\": 48, \"group\": [1101.0, 1008.0, 658.0, 255.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1100, \"cat_0_index\": 47, \"cat_6_index\": 52, \"cat_2_index\": 48, \"cat_1_index\": 48, \"rankvar\": 399, \"cat_9_index\": 53, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 49, \"cat_3_index\": 48, \"cat_8_index\": 48, \"name\": \"CCT7 Rme1 R535\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 53, \"rank\": 1039, \"ini\": 1099, \"cat_4_index\": 49, \"group\": [1098.0, 1005.0, 656.0, 255.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1097, \"cat_0_index\": 1022, \"cat_6_index\": 53, \"cat_2_index\": 49, \"cat_1_index\": 49, \"rankvar\": 1096, \"cat_9_index\": 54, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 50, \"cat_3_index\": 49, \"cat_8_index\": 49, \"name\": \"WDR33 Rme1 R1262\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 54, \"rank\": 149, \"ini\": 1098, \"cat_4_index\": 1066, \"group\": [1099.0, 1006.0, 656.0, 255.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1098, \"cat_0_index\": 1023, \"cat_6_index\": 54, \"cat_2_index\": 1064, \"cat_1_index\": 1043, \"rankvar\": 1014, \"cat_9_index\": 55, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1015, \"cat_3_index\": 1066, \"cat_8_index\": 1084, \"name\": \"SRSF1 Rme1 R109\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 55, \"rank\": 721, \"ini\": 1097, \"cat_4_index\": 50, \"group\": [1093.0, 1000.0, 653.0, 254.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1095, \"cat_0_index\": 48, \"cat_6_index\": 55, \"cat_2_index\": 50, \"cat_1_index\": 50, \"rankvar\": 657, \"cat_9_index\": 1104, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 51, \"cat_3_index\": 50, \"cat_8_index\": 50, \"name\": \"HNRNPAB Rme1 R322\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 56, \"rank\": 287, \"ini\": 1096, \"cat_4_index\": 1067, \"group\": [1094.0, 1001.0, 653.0, 254.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1096, \"cat_0_index\": 1024, \"cat_6_index\": 56, \"cat_2_index\": 1065, \"cat_1_index\": 1044, \"rankvar\": 373, \"cat_9_index\": 56, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1016, \"cat_3_index\": 1067, \"cat_8_index\": 51, \"name\": \"ALYREF Rme1 R38\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 57, \"rank\": 549, \"ini\": 1095, \"cat_4_index\": 1068, \"group\": [1090.0, 998.0, 653.0, 254.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1093, \"cat_0_index\": 1025, \"cat_6_index\": 57, \"cat_2_index\": 1066, \"cat_1_index\": 1045, \"rankvar\": 1002, \"cat_9_index\": 57, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1017, \"cat_3_index\": 1068, \"cat_8_index\": 1085, \"name\": \"SRSF1 Rme1 R97\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 58, \"rank\": 974, \"ini\": 1094, \"cat_4_index\": 1069, \"group\": [1091.0, 998.0, 653.0, 254.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1094, \"cat_0_index\": 1026, \"cat_6_index\": 58, \"cat_2_index\": 1067, \"cat_1_index\": 1046, \"rankvar\": 633, \"cat_9_index\": 58, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1018, \"cat_3_index\": 1069, \"cat_8_index\": 52, \"name\": \"ALYREF Rme1 R197\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 59, \"rank\": 46, \"ini\": 1093, \"cat_4_index\": 1070, \"group\": [1092.0, 999.0, 653.0, 254.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1092, \"cat_0_index\": 1027, \"cat_6_index\": 59, \"cat_2_index\": 1068, \"cat_1_index\": 1047, \"rankvar\": 941, \"cat_9_index\": 59, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1019, \"cat_3_index\": 1070, \"cat_8_index\": 53, \"name\": \"FUS Rme1 R218\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 60, \"rank\": 121, \"ini\": 1092, \"cat_4_index\": 51, \"group\": [1095.0, 1002.0, 653.0, 254.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1091, \"cat_0_index\": 49, \"cat_6_index\": 60, \"cat_2_index\": 51, \"cat_1_index\": 51, \"rankvar\": 476, \"cat_9_index\": 60, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 52, \"cat_3_index\": 51, \"cat_8_index\": 54, \"name\": \"ZNF598 Rme1 R324\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 61, \"rank\": 5, \"ini\": 1091, \"cat_4_index\": 52, \"group\": [1096.0, 1003.0, 654.0, 254.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1090, \"cat_0_index\": 50, \"cat_6_index\": 61, \"cat_2_index\": 52, \"cat_1_index\": 52, \"rankvar\": 561, \"cat_9_index\": 61, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 53, \"cat_3_index\": 52, \"cat_8_index\": 55, \"name\": \"DIDO1 Rme1 R1835\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 62, \"rank\": 478, \"ini\": 1090, \"cat_4_index\": 1071, \"group\": [1097.0, 1004.0, 655.0, 254.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1089, \"cat_0_index\": 1028, \"cat_6_index\": 62, \"cat_2_index\": 1069, \"cat_1_index\": 1048, \"rankvar\": 888, \"cat_9_index\": 62, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1020, \"cat_3_index\": 1071, \"cat_8_index\": 56, \"name\": \"ALYREF Rme1 R50\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 63, \"rank\": 278, \"ini\": 1089, \"cat_4_index\": 53, \"group\": [1087.0, 995.0, 651.0, 253.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1087, \"cat_0_index\": 51, \"cat_6_index\": 63, \"cat_2_index\": 53, \"cat_1_index\": 53, \"rankvar\": 529, \"cat_9_index\": 63, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 54, \"cat_3_index\": 53, \"cat_8_index\": 1086, \"name\": \"NPM1 AcK K250\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 64, \"rank\": 637, \"ini\": 1088, \"cat_4_index\": 54, \"group\": [1088.0, 996.0, 651.0, 253.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1088, \"cat_0_index\": 52, \"cat_6_index\": 64, \"cat_2_index\": 54, \"cat_1_index\": 54, \"rankvar\": 19, \"cat_9_index\": 64, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 55, \"cat_3_index\": 54, \"cat_8_index\": 1087, \"name\": \"LARP4B Rme1 R419\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 65, \"rank\": 1105, \"ini\": 1087, \"cat_4_index\": 55, \"group\": [1089.0, 997.0, 652.0, 253.0, 78.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1086, \"cat_0_index\": 53, \"cat_6_index\": 65, \"cat_2_index\": 55, \"cat_1_index\": 55, \"rankvar\": 797, \"cat_9_index\": 65, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 56, \"cat_3_index\": 55, \"cat_8_index\": 57, \"name\": \"MTCH1 Rme1 R29\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 66, \"rank\": 231, \"ini\": 1086, \"cat_4_index\": 1072, \"group\": [1085.0, 993.0, 649.0, 252.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1084, \"cat_0_index\": 1029, \"cat_6_index\": 66, \"cat_2_index\": 1070, \"cat_1_index\": 1049, \"rankvar\": 947, \"cat_9_index\": 66, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1021, \"cat_3_index\": 1072, \"cat_8_index\": 1088, \"name\": \"HNRNPU AcK K565\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 67, \"rank\": 1145, \"ini\": 1085, \"cat_4_index\": 1073, \"group\": [1086.0, 994.0, 650.0, 252.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1085, \"cat_0_index\": 1030, \"cat_6_index\": 67, \"cat_2_index\": 1071, \"cat_1_index\": 1050, \"rankvar\": 31, \"cat_9_index\": 67, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1022, \"cat_3_index\": 1073, \"cat_8_index\": 58, \"name\": \"PABPN1 Rme1 R259\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 68, \"rank\": 1010, \"ini\": 1084, \"cat_4_index\": 1074, \"group\": [1083.0, 991.0, 648.0, 252.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1082, \"cat_0_index\": 1031, \"cat_6_index\": 68, \"cat_2_index\": 1072, \"cat_1_index\": 1051, \"rankvar\": 1112, \"cat_9_index\": 68, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 57, \"cat_3_index\": 1074, \"cat_8_index\": 59, \"name\": \"SFPQ Rme1 R695\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 69, \"rank\": 281, \"ini\": 1083, \"cat_4_index\": 1075, \"group\": [1084.0, 992.0, 648.0, 252.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1083, \"cat_0_index\": 1032, \"cat_6_index\": 69, \"cat_2_index\": 1073, \"cat_1_index\": 1052, \"rankvar\": 378, \"cat_9_index\": 69, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 58, \"cat_3_index\": 1075, \"cat_8_index\": 60, \"name\": \"SFPQ Rme1 R242\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 70, \"rank\": 360, \"ini\": 1082, \"cat_4_index\": 56, \"group\": [1081.0, 989.0, 647.0, 252.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1080, \"cat_0_index\": 54, \"cat_6_index\": 70, \"cat_2_index\": 56, \"cat_1_index\": 56, \"rankvar\": 211, \"cat_9_index\": 70, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 59, \"cat_3_index\": 56, \"cat_8_index\": 61, \"name\": \"YTHDC1 phospho S515\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 71, \"rank\": 447, \"ini\": 1081, \"cat_4_index\": 57, \"group\": [1082.0, 990.0, 647.0, 252.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1081, \"cat_0_index\": 55, \"cat_6_index\": 71, \"cat_2_index\": 57, \"cat_1_index\": 57, \"rankvar\": 1051, \"cat_9_index\": 71, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 60, \"cat_3_index\": 57, \"cat_8_index\": 62, \"name\": \"SDPR phospho T260\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 72, \"rank\": 132, \"ini\": 1080, \"cat_4_index\": 58, \"group\": [1079.0, 987.0, 645.0, 251.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1078, \"cat_0_index\": 56, \"cat_6_index\": 72, \"cat_2_index\": 58, \"cat_1_index\": 58, \"rankvar\": 428, \"cat_9_index\": 72, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 61, \"cat_3_index\": 58, \"cat_8_index\": 63, \"name\": \"ANGPT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 73, \"rank\": 548, \"ini\": 1079, \"cat_4_index\": 59, \"group\": [1080.0, 988.0, 646.0, 251.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1079, \"cat_0_index\": 57, \"cat_6_index\": 73, \"cat_2_index\": 59, \"cat_1_index\": 59, \"rankvar\": 324, \"cat_9_index\": 1105, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 62, \"cat_3_index\": 59, \"cat_8_index\": 64, \"name\": \"PTPN23 Rme1 R1595\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 74, \"rank\": 860, \"ini\": 1078, \"cat_4_index\": 60, \"group\": [1077.0, 985.0, 643.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1076, \"cat_0_index\": 58, \"cat_6_index\": 74, \"cat_2_index\": 60, \"cat_1_index\": 60, \"rankvar\": 621, \"cat_9_index\": 1106, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 63, \"cat_3_index\": 60, \"cat_8_index\": 65, \"name\": \"HNRNPAB Rme1 R245\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 75, \"rank\": 178, \"ini\": 1077, \"cat_4_index\": 61, \"group\": [1078.0, 986.0, 644.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1077, \"cat_0_index\": 59, \"cat_6_index\": 75, \"cat_2_index\": 61, \"cat_1_index\": 61, \"rankvar\": 758, \"cat_9_index\": 73, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 64, \"cat_3_index\": 61, \"cat_8_index\": 66, \"name\": \"HIST1H3A Kme1 K9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 76, \"rank\": 943, \"ini\": 1076, \"cat_4_index\": 62, \"group\": [1075.0, 983.0, 642.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1074, \"cat_0_index\": 60, \"cat_6_index\": 76, \"cat_2_index\": 62, \"cat_1_index\": 62, \"rankvar\": 240, \"cat_9_index\": 74, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 65, \"cat_3_index\": 62, \"cat_8_index\": 67, \"name\": \"FOXK2 Rme1 R144\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 77, \"rank\": 704, \"ini\": 1075, \"cat_4_index\": 63, \"group\": [1076.0, 984.0, 642.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1075, \"cat_0_index\": 61, \"cat_6_index\": 77, \"cat_2_index\": 63, \"cat_1_index\": 63, \"rankvar\": 864, \"cat_9_index\": 75, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 66, \"cat_3_index\": 63, \"cat_8_index\": 68, \"name\": \"EZH1 Kme1 K736\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 78, \"rank\": 770, \"ini\": 1074, \"cat_4_index\": 64, \"group\": [1072.0, 980.0, 641.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1072, \"cat_0_index\": 62, \"cat_6_index\": 1096, \"cat_2_index\": 64, \"cat_1_index\": 64, \"rankvar\": 290, \"cat_9_index\": 76, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1023, \"cat_3_index\": 64, \"cat_8_index\": 69, \"name\": \"RPL5 Kme1 K164\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 79, \"rank\": 1087, \"ini\": 1073, \"cat_4_index\": 1076, \"group\": [1073.0, 981.0, 641.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1073, \"cat_0_index\": 1033, \"cat_6_index\": 78, \"cat_2_index\": 1074, \"cat_1_index\": 1053, \"rankvar\": 708, \"cat_9_index\": 77, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1024, \"cat_3_index\": 1076, \"cat_8_index\": 70, \"name\": \"POLR2B Kme1 K1052\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 80, \"rank\": 202, \"ini\": 1072, \"cat_4_index\": 65, \"group\": [1074.0, 982.0, 641.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1071, \"cat_0_index\": 63, \"cat_6_index\": 79, \"cat_2_index\": 65, \"cat_1_index\": 65, \"rankvar\": 307, \"cat_9_index\": 78, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1025, \"cat_3_index\": 65, \"cat_8_index\": 71, \"name\": \"POLR3B Kme1 K1013\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 81, \"rank\": 736, \"ini\": 1071, \"cat_4_index\": 66, \"group\": [1070.0, 978.0, 641.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1069, \"cat_0_index\": 64, \"cat_6_index\": 80, \"cat_2_index\": 66, \"cat_1_index\": 66, \"rankvar\": 755, \"cat_9_index\": 79, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 67, \"cat_3_index\": 66, \"cat_8_index\": 72, \"name\": \"UBE2C Kme1 K18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 82, \"rank\": 695, \"ini\": 1070, \"cat_4_index\": 67, \"group\": [1071.0, 979.0, 641.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1070, \"cat_0_index\": 65, \"cat_6_index\": 81, \"cat_2_index\": 67, \"cat_1_index\": 67, \"rankvar\": 244, \"cat_9_index\": 80, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 68, \"cat_3_index\": 67, \"cat_8_index\": 73, \"name\": \"C10orf12 Kme1 K1037\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 83, \"rank\": 296, \"ini\": 1069, \"cat_4_index\": 68, \"group\": [1068.0, 976.0, 640.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1067, \"cat_0_index\": 66, \"cat_6_index\": 82, \"cat_2_index\": 68, \"cat_1_index\": 68, \"rankvar\": 263, \"cat_9_index\": 81, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 69, \"cat_3_index\": 68, \"cat_8_index\": 74, \"name\": \"C8orf33 Rme1 R27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 84, \"rank\": 320, \"ini\": 1068, \"cat_4_index\": 69, \"group\": [1069.0, 977.0, 640.0, 250.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1068, \"cat_0_index\": 67, \"cat_6_index\": 83, \"cat_2_index\": 69, \"cat_1_index\": 69, \"rankvar\": 506, \"cat_9_index\": 82, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 70, \"cat_3_index\": 69, \"cat_8_index\": 1089, \"name\": \"GCN1L1 Kme1 K1663\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 85, \"rank\": 350, \"ini\": 1067, \"cat_4_index\": 70, \"group\": [1065.0, 973.0, 638.0, 249.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1065, \"cat_0_index\": 68, \"cat_6_index\": 84, \"cat_2_index\": 70, \"cat_1_index\": 70, \"rankvar\": 97, \"cat_9_index\": 83, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 71, \"cat_3_index\": 70, \"cat_8_index\": 75, \"name\": \"PLEKHA5 Rme1 R424\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 86, \"rank\": 467, \"ini\": 1066, \"cat_4_index\": 1077, \"group\": [1066.0, 974.0, 638.0, 249.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1066, \"cat_0_index\": 1034, \"cat_6_index\": 85, \"cat_2_index\": 1075, \"cat_1_index\": 1054, \"rankvar\": 178, \"cat_9_index\": 84, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1026, \"cat_3_index\": 1077, \"cat_8_index\": 76, \"name\": \"PABPN1 Rme1 R277\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 87, \"rank\": 319, \"ini\": 1065, \"cat_4_index\": 71, \"group\": [1063.0, 971.0, 637.0, 249.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1063, \"cat_0_index\": 69, \"cat_6_index\": 86, \"cat_2_index\": 71, \"cat_1_index\": 71, \"rankvar\": 130, \"cat_9_index\": 85, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 72, \"cat_3_index\": 71, \"cat_8_index\": 77, \"name\": \"TXLNG Rme1 R24\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 88, \"rank\": 279, \"ini\": 1064, \"cat_4_index\": 72, \"group\": [1064.0, 972.0, 637.0, 249.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1064, \"cat_0_index\": 70, \"cat_6_index\": 87, \"cat_2_index\": 72, \"cat_1_index\": 72, \"rankvar\": 162, \"cat_9_index\": 86, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 73, \"cat_3_index\": 72, \"cat_8_index\": 78, \"name\": \"BYSL Rme1 R8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 89, \"rank\": 696, \"ini\": 1063, \"cat_4_index\": 73, \"group\": [1067.0, 975.0, 639.0, 249.0, 77.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1062, \"cat_0_index\": 71, \"cat_6_index\": 88, \"cat_2_index\": 73, \"cat_1_index\": 73, \"rankvar\": 10, \"cat_9_index\": 87, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 74, \"cat_3_index\": 73, \"cat_8_index\": 79, \"name\": \"UBE2K Kme1 K18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 90, \"rank\": 0, \"ini\": 1062, \"cat_4_index\": 74, \"group\": [1061.0, 969.0, 635.0, 248.0, 76.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1060, \"cat_0_index\": 72, \"cat_6_index\": 89, \"cat_2_index\": 74, \"cat_1_index\": 74, \"rankvar\": 627, \"cat_9_index\": 88, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 75, \"cat_3_index\": 74, \"cat_8_index\": 80, \"name\": \"NBN AcK K544\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 91, \"rank\": 107, \"ini\": 1061, \"cat_4_index\": 75, \"group\": [1062.0, 970.0, 636.0, 248.0, 76.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1061, \"cat_0_index\": 1035, \"cat_6_index\": 90, \"cat_2_index\": 75, \"cat_1_index\": 75, \"rankvar\": 186, \"cat_9_index\": 89, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 76, \"cat_3_index\": 75, \"cat_8_index\": 81, \"name\": \"CSTF2T Rme1 R311\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 92, \"rank\": 218, \"ini\": 1060, \"cat_4_index\": 76, \"group\": [1059.0, 967.0, 634.0, 247.0, 76.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1058, \"cat_0_index\": 73, \"cat_6_index\": 91, \"cat_2_index\": 76, \"cat_1_index\": 76, \"rankvar\": 161, \"cat_9_index\": 90, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1027, \"cat_3_index\": 76, \"cat_8_index\": 82, \"name\": \"CREBBP AcK K1744\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 93, \"rank\": 30, \"ini\": 1059, \"cat_4_index\": 77, \"group\": [1060.0, 968.0, 634.0, 247.0, 76.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1059, \"cat_0_index\": 74, \"cat_6_index\": 92, \"cat_2_index\": 77, \"cat_1_index\": 77, \"rankvar\": 1101, \"cat_9_index\": 91, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1028, \"cat_3_index\": 77, \"cat_8_index\": 83, \"name\": \"CREBBP AcK K1741\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 94, \"rank\": 608, \"ini\": 1058, \"cat_4_index\": 78, \"group\": [1056.0, 964.0, 632.0, 246.0, 76.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1056, \"cat_0_index\": 75, \"cat_6_index\": 93, \"cat_2_index\": 78, \"cat_1_index\": 78, \"rankvar\": 802, \"cat_9_index\": 92, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 77, \"cat_3_index\": 78, \"cat_8_index\": 84, \"name\": \"MGA phospho S924\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 95, \"rank\": 547, \"ini\": 1057, \"cat_4_index\": 79, \"group\": [1057.0, 965.0, 632.0, 246.0, 76.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1057, \"cat_0_index\": 76, \"cat_6_index\": 94, \"cat_2_index\": 79, \"cat_1_index\": 79, \"rankvar\": 44, \"cat_9_index\": 93, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 78, \"cat_3_index\": 79, \"cat_8_index\": 85, \"name\": \"MGA phospho S534\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 96, \"rank\": 554, \"ini\": 1056, \"cat_4_index\": 80, \"group\": [1058.0, 966.0, 633.0, 246.0, 76.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1055, \"cat_0_index\": 77, \"cat_6_index\": 95, \"cat_2_index\": 80, \"cat_1_index\": 80, \"rankvar\": 70, \"cat_9_index\": 94, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 79, \"cat_3_index\": 80, \"cat_8_index\": 86, \"name\": \"RCOR1 phospho S257\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 97, \"rank\": 615, \"ini\": 1055, \"cat_4_index\": 1078, \"group\": [1054.0, 962.0, 631.0, 245.0, 76.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1053, \"cat_0_index\": 1036, \"cat_6_index\": 96, \"cat_2_index\": 1076, \"cat_1_index\": 1055, \"rankvar\": 12, \"cat_9_index\": 95, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1029, \"cat_3_index\": 1078, \"cat_8_index\": 87, \"name\": \"SF3B2 Rme1 R515\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 98, \"rank\": 382, \"ini\": 1054, \"cat_4_index\": 81, \"group\": [1055.0, 963.0, 631.0, 245.0, 76.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1054, \"cat_0_index\": 78, \"cat_6_index\": 97, \"cat_2_index\": 81, \"cat_1_index\": 81, \"rankvar\": 723, \"cat_9_index\": 96, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 80, \"cat_3_index\": 81, \"cat_8_index\": 88, \"name\": \"ZNF219 phospho S114\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 99, \"rank\": 1004, \"ini\": 1053, \"cat_4_index\": 1079, \"group\": [1051.0, 959.0, 629.0, 244.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1051, \"cat_0_index\": 1037, \"cat_6_index\": 98, \"cat_2_index\": 1077, \"cat_1_index\": 1056, \"rankvar\": 217, \"cat_9_index\": 97, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1030, \"cat_3_index\": 1079, \"cat_8_index\": 89, \"name\": \"SF3B2 Rme1 R884\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 100, \"rank\": 758, \"ini\": 1052, \"cat_4_index\": 1080, \"group\": [1052.0, 960.0, 629.0, 244.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1052, \"cat_0_index\": 1038, \"cat_6_index\": 99, \"cat_2_index\": 1078, \"cat_1_index\": 1057, \"rankvar\": 922, \"cat_9_index\": 98, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1031, \"cat_3_index\": 1080, \"cat_8_index\": 90, \"name\": \"HNRNPA2B1 Rme1 R350\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 101, \"rank\": 595, \"ini\": 1051, \"cat_4_index\": 1081, \"group\": [1053.0, 961.0, 630.0, 244.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1050, \"cat_0_index\": 1039, \"cat_6_index\": 100, \"cat_2_index\": 1079, \"cat_1_index\": 1058, \"rankvar\": 190, \"cat_9_index\": 99, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 81, \"cat_3_index\": 1081, \"cat_8_index\": 91, \"name\": \"HNRNPH3 Rme1 R138\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 102, \"rank\": 671, \"ini\": 1050, \"cat_4_index\": 82, \"group\": [1048.0, 956.0, 628.0, 244.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1048, \"cat_0_index\": 79, \"cat_6_index\": 101, \"cat_2_index\": 82, \"cat_1_index\": 82, \"rankvar\": 524, \"cat_9_index\": 100, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 82, \"cat_3_index\": 82, \"cat_8_index\": 92, \"name\": \"HNRNPUL2 Rme1 R738\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 103, \"rank\": 118, \"ini\": 1049, \"cat_4_index\": 83, \"group\": [1049.0, 957.0, 628.0, 244.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1049, \"cat_0_index\": 80, \"cat_6_index\": 102, \"cat_2_index\": 83, \"cat_1_index\": 83, \"rankvar\": 502, \"cat_9_index\": 101, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 83, \"cat_3_index\": 83, \"cat_8_index\": 93, \"name\": \"HNRNPUL2 Rme1 R695\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 104, \"rank\": 401, \"ini\": 1048, \"cat_4_index\": 84, \"group\": [1050.0, 958.0, 628.0, 244.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1047, \"cat_0_index\": 81, \"cat_6_index\": 103, \"cat_2_index\": 84, \"cat_1_index\": 84, \"rankvar\": 576, \"cat_9_index\": 102, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 84, \"cat_3_index\": 84, \"cat_8_index\": 94, \"name\": \"UBE2M Rme1 R169\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1111, \"rank\": 317, \"ini\": 1047, \"cat_4_index\": 85, \"group\": [1045.0, 953.0, 626.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1045, \"cat_0_index\": 1040, \"cat_6_index\": 104, \"cat_2_index\": 85, \"cat_1_index\": 1059, \"rankvar\": 121, \"cat_9_index\": 103, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 85, \"cat_3_index\": 85, \"cat_8_index\": 95, \"name\": \"SON Rme1 R950\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 105, \"rank\": 950, \"ini\": 1046, \"cat_4_index\": 1082, \"group\": [1046.0, 954.0, 626.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1046, \"cat_0_index\": 1041, \"cat_6_index\": 105, \"cat_2_index\": 1080, \"cat_1_index\": 1060, \"rankvar\": 158, \"cat_9_index\": 104, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 86, \"cat_3_index\": 1082, \"cat_8_index\": 96, \"name\": \"DDX5 Rme1 R20\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 106, \"rank\": 403, \"ini\": 1045, \"cat_4_index\": 86, \"group\": [1047.0, 955.0, 627.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1044, \"cat_0_index\": 1042, \"cat_6_index\": 106, \"cat_2_index\": 86, \"cat_1_index\": 85, \"rankvar\": 104, \"cat_9_index\": 105, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1032, \"cat_3_index\": 86, \"cat_8_index\": 1090, \"name\": \"EIF4G1 Rme1 R694\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 107, \"rank\": 521, \"ini\": 1044, \"cat_4_index\": 1083, \"group\": [1043.0, 951.0, 625.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1042, \"cat_0_index\": 1043, \"cat_6_index\": 107, \"cat_2_index\": 1081, \"cat_1_index\": 1061, \"rankvar\": 674, \"cat_9_index\": 106, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1033, \"cat_3_index\": 1083, \"cat_8_index\": 97, \"name\": \"HNRNPA2B1 Rme1 R228\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 108, \"rank\": 198, \"ini\": 1043, \"cat_4_index\": 1084, \"group\": [1044.0, 952.0, 625.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1043, \"cat_0_index\": 1044, \"cat_6_index\": 108, \"cat_2_index\": 1082, \"cat_1_index\": 1062, \"rankvar\": 724, \"cat_9_index\": 107, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1034, \"cat_3_index\": 1084, \"cat_8_index\": 98, \"name\": \"HNRNPA2B1 Rme1 R213\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 109, \"rank\": 921, \"ini\": 1042, \"cat_4_index\": 1085, \"group\": [1041.0, 949.0, 625.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1040, \"cat_0_index\": 1045, \"cat_6_index\": 109, \"cat_2_index\": 1083, \"cat_1_index\": 1063, \"rankvar\": 1148, \"cat_9_index\": 108, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1035, \"cat_3_index\": 1085, \"cat_8_index\": 99, \"name\": \"PABPN1 Rme1 R238\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 110, \"rank\": 361, \"ini\": 1041, \"cat_4_index\": 1086, \"group\": [1042.0, 950.0, 625.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1041, \"cat_0_index\": 1046, \"cat_6_index\": 110, \"cat_2_index\": 1084, \"cat_1_index\": 1064, \"rankvar\": 1032, \"cat_9_index\": 109, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1036, \"cat_3_index\": 1086, \"cat_8_index\": 100, \"name\": \"HNRNPK Rme1 R286\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 111, \"rank\": 386, \"ini\": 1040, \"cat_4_index\": 87, \"group\": [1038.0, 946.0, 623.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1038, \"cat_0_index\": 1047, \"cat_6_index\": 111, \"cat_2_index\": 87, \"cat_1_index\": 1065, \"rankvar\": 175, \"cat_9_index\": 110, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 87, \"cat_3_index\": 87, \"cat_8_index\": 101, \"name\": \"RBM15B Rme1 R95\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 112, \"rank\": 603, \"ini\": 1039, \"cat_4_index\": 88, \"group\": [1039.0, 947.0, 623.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1039, \"cat_0_index\": 82, \"cat_6_index\": 112, \"cat_2_index\": 88, \"cat_1_index\": 86, \"rankvar\": 181, \"cat_9_index\": 111, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 88, \"cat_3_index\": 88, \"cat_8_index\": 102, \"name\": \"KNOP1 Rme1 R430\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 113, \"rank\": 751, \"ini\": 1038, \"cat_4_index\": 89, \"group\": [1040.0, 948.0, 624.0, 243.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1037, \"cat_0_index\": 83, \"cat_6_index\": 113, \"cat_2_index\": 89, \"cat_1_index\": 87, \"rankvar\": 742, \"cat_9_index\": 112, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 89, \"cat_3_index\": 89, \"cat_8_index\": 103, \"name\": \"DDX17 Rme1 R100\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 114, \"rank\": 224, \"ini\": 1037, \"cat_4_index\": 1087, \"group\": [1034.0, 942.0, 620.0, 242.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1035, \"cat_0_index\": 1048, \"cat_6_index\": 114, \"cat_2_index\": 1085, \"cat_1_index\": 1066, \"rankvar\": 24, \"cat_9_index\": 113, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1037, \"cat_3_index\": 1087, \"cat_8_index\": 104, \"name\": \"HNRNPM Rme1 R503\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1112, \"rank\": 485, \"ini\": 1036, \"cat_4_index\": 90, \"group\": [1035.0, 943.0, 620.0, 242.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1036, \"cat_0_index\": 84, \"cat_6_index\": 115, \"cat_2_index\": 90, \"cat_1_index\": 88, \"rankvar\": 1, \"cat_9_index\": 114, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 90, \"cat_3_index\": 90, \"cat_8_index\": 105, \"name\": \"CHAMP1 Rme1 R398\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 115, \"rank\": 130, \"ini\": 1035, \"cat_4_index\": 91, \"group\": [1036.0, 944.0, 621.0, 242.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1034, \"cat_0_index\": 85, \"cat_6_index\": 116, \"cat_2_index\": 91, \"cat_1_index\": 89, \"rankvar\": 351, \"cat_9_index\": 115, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 91, \"cat_3_index\": 91, \"cat_8_index\": 106, \"name\": \"UBN2 AcK K1148\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 116, \"rank\": 1049, \"ini\": 1034, \"cat_4_index\": 92, \"group\": [1037.0, 945.0, 622.0, 242.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1033, \"cat_0_index\": 86, \"cat_6_index\": 1097, \"cat_2_index\": 92, \"cat_1_index\": 90, \"rankvar\": 63, \"cat_9_index\": 116, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 92, \"cat_3_index\": 92, \"cat_8_index\": 107, \"name\": \"NUP153 phospho S330\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 117, \"rank\": 476, \"ini\": 1033, \"cat_4_index\": 93, \"group\": [1032.0, 940.0, 618.0, 241.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1031, \"cat_0_index\": 87, \"cat_6_index\": 117, \"cat_2_index\": 93, \"cat_1_index\": 91, \"rankvar\": 676, \"cat_9_index\": 117, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 93, \"cat_3_index\": 93, \"cat_8_index\": 108, \"name\": \"RBP7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 118, \"rank\": 530, \"ini\": 1032, \"cat_4_index\": 94, \"group\": [1033.0, 941.0, 619.0, 241.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1032, \"cat_0_index\": 1049, \"cat_6_index\": 118, \"cat_2_index\": 94, \"cat_1_index\": 92, \"rankvar\": 219, \"cat_9_index\": 118, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 94, \"cat_3_index\": 94, \"cat_8_index\": 109, \"name\": \"KIN Rme1 R36\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 119, \"rank\": 638, \"ini\": 1031, \"cat_4_index\": 95, \"group\": [1030.0, 938.0, 617.0, 241.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1029, \"cat_0_index\": 88, \"cat_6_index\": 1098, \"cat_2_index\": 95, \"cat_1_index\": 93, \"rankvar\": 545, \"cat_9_index\": 119, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 95, \"cat_3_index\": 95, \"cat_8_index\": 110, \"name\": \"HSPA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 120, \"rank\": 1070, \"ini\": 1030, \"cat_4_index\": 96, \"group\": [1031.0, 939.0, 617.0, 241.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1030, \"cat_0_index\": 89, \"cat_6_index\": 1099, \"cat_2_index\": 96, \"cat_1_index\": 94, \"rankvar\": 940, \"cat_9_index\": 120, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 96, \"cat_3_index\": 96, \"cat_8_index\": 111, \"name\": \"HSPA2 Rme1 R472\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 121, \"rank\": 15, \"ini\": 1029, \"cat_4_index\": 1088, \"group\": [1027.0, 935.0, 614.0, 239.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1027, \"cat_0_index\": 1050, \"cat_6_index\": 119, \"cat_2_index\": 1086, \"cat_1_index\": 1067, \"rankvar\": 331, \"cat_9_index\": 121, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1038, \"cat_3_index\": 1088, \"cat_8_index\": 112, \"name\": \"HNRNPA1 AcK K52\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 122, \"rank\": 166, \"ini\": 1028, \"cat_4_index\": 97, \"group\": [1028.0, 936.0, 615.0, 239.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1028, \"cat_0_index\": 90, \"cat_6_index\": 120, \"cat_2_index\": 97, \"cat_1_index\": 95, \"rankvar\": 275, \"cat_9_index\": 122, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 97, \"cat_3_index\": 97, \"cat_8_index\": 113, \"name\": \"CSNK1G1 AcK K49\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 123, \"rank\": 849, \"ini\": 1027, \"cat_4_index\": 98, \"group\": [1025.0, 933.0, 613.0, 239.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1025, \"cat_0_index\": 91, \"cat_6_index\": 121, \"cat_2_index\": 98, \"cat_1_index\": 96, \"rankvar\": 293, \"cat_9_index\": 123, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 98, \"cat_3_index\": 98, \"cat_8_index\": 114, \"name\": \"SIN3A AcK K875\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 124, \"rank\": 433, \"ini\": 1026, \"cat_4_index\": 1089, \"group\": [1026.0, 934.0, 613.0, 239.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1026, \"cat_0_index\": 1051, \"cat_6_index\": 122, \"cat_2_index\": 1087, \"cat_1_index\": 1068, \"rankvar\": 57, \"cat_9_index\": 124, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 99, \"cat_3_index\": 1089, \"cat_8_index\": 115, \"name\": \"RALY AcK K165\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 125, \"rank\": 1060, \"ini\": 1025, \"cat_4_index\": 99, \"group\": [1029.0, 937.0, 616.0, 240.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1024, \"cat_0_index\": 92, \"cat_6_index\": 123, \"cat_2_index\": 99, \"cat_1_index\": 97, \"rankvar\": 600, \"cat_9_index\": 125, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 100, \"cat_3_index\": 99, \"cat_8_index\": 116, \"name\": \"NXN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 126, \"rank\": 616, \"ini\": 1024, \"cat_4_index\": 1090, \"group\": [1022.0, 930.0, 610.0, 238.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1022, \"cat_0_index\": 1052, \"cat_6_index\": 124, \"cat_2_index\": 1088, \"cat_1_index\": 1069, \"rankvar\": 903, \"cat_9_index\": 126, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 101, \"cat_3_index\": 1090, \"cat_8_index\": 117, \"name\": \"SF1 Rme1 R537\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 127, \"rank\": 1109, \"ini\": 1023, \"cat_4_index\": 100, \"group\": [1023.0, 931.0, 611.0, 238.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1023, \"cat_0_index\": 93, \"cat_6_index\": 125, \"cat_2_index\": 100, \"cat_1_index\": 98, \"rankvar\": 332, \"cat_9_index\": 127, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 102, \"cat_3_index\": 100, \"cat_8_index\": 118, \"name\": \"HSPA9 Rme1 R513\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 128, \"rank\": 752, \"ini\": 1022, \"cat_4_index\": 101, \"group\": [1024.0, 932.0, 612.0, 238.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1021, \"cat_0_index\": 94, \"cat_6_index\": 1100, \"cat_2_index\": 101, \"cat_1_index\": 99, \"rankvar\": 3, \"cat_9_index\": 128, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1039, \"cat_3_index\": 101, \"cat_8_index\": 119, \"name\": \"RPL13 Rme1 R74\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 129, \"rank\": 251, \"ini\": 1021, \"cat_4_index\": 102, \"group\": [1019.0, 927.0, 607.0, 237.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1019, \"cat_0_index\": 95, \"cat_6_index\": 1101, \"cat_2_index\": 102, \"cat_1_index\": 100, \"rankvar\": 533, \"cat_9_index\": 129, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1040, \"cat_3_index\": 102, \"cat_8_index\": 120, \"name\": \"RPL35 AcK K43\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 130, \"rank\": 971, \"ini\": 1020, \"cat_4_index\": 103, \"group\": [1020.0, 928.0, 608.0, 237.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1020, \"cat_0_index\": 96, \"cat_6_index\": 126, \"cat_2_index\": 103, \"cat_1_index\": 101, \"rankvar\": 308, \"cat_9_index\": 130, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 103, \"cat_3_index\": 103, \"cat_8_index\": 121, \"name\": \"AASDHPPT AcK K151\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 131, \"rank\": 113, \"ini\": 1019, \"cat_4_index\": 104, \"group\": [1021.0, 929.0, 609.0, 237.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1018, \"cat_0_index\": 97, \"cat_6_index\": 127, \"cat_2_index\": 104, \"cat_1_index\": 102, \"rankvar\": 302, \"cat_9_index\": 131, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1041, \"cat_3_index\": 104, \"cat_8_index\": 122, \"name\": \"PTRF Kme1 K312\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 132, \"rank\": 237, \"ini\": 1018, \"cat_4_index\": 1091, \"group\": [1016.0, 924.0, 605.0, 236.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1016, \"cat_0_index\": 1053, \"cat_6_index\": 128, \"cat_2_index\": 1089, \"cat_1_index\": 1070, \"rankvar\": 265, \"cat_9_index\": 132, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1042, \"cat_3_index\": 1091, \"cat_8_index\": 1091, \"name\": \"PABPC1 Rme1 R385\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 133, \"rank\": 282, \"ini\": 1017, \"cat_4_index\": 105, \"group\": [1017.0, 925.0, 605.0, 236.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1017, \"cat_0_index\": 98, \"cat_6_index\": 129, \"cat_2_index\": 105, \"cat_1_index\": 103, \"rankvar\": 120, \"cat_9_index\": 133, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 104, \"cat_3_index\": 105, \"cat_8_index\": 123, \"name\": \"FOXK1 Rme1 R161\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 134, \"rank\": 220, \"ini\": 1016, \"cat_4_index\": 106, \"group\": [1018.0, 926.0, 606.0, 236.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1015, \"cat_0_index\": 99, \"cat_6_index\": 130, \"cat_2_index\": 106, \"cat_1_index\": 104, \"rankvar\": 527, \"cat_9_index\": 134, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 105, \"cat_3_index\": 106, \"cat_8_index\": 124, \"name\": \"UFM1 Rme1 R15\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 135, \"rank\": 179, \"ini\": 1015, \"cat_4_index\": 107, \"group\": [1014.0, 922.0, 603.0, 236.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1013, \"cat_0_index\": 100, \"cat_6_index\": 131, \"cat_2_index\": 107, \"cat_1_index\": 105, \"rankvar\": 256, \"cat_9_index\": 135, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 106, \"cat_3_index\": 107, \"cat_8_index\": 125, \"name\": \"SEC16A Rme1 R1036\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 136, \"rank\": 311, \"ini\": 1014, \"cat_4_index\": 108, \"group\": [1015.0, 923.0, 604.0, 236.0, 75.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1014, \"cat_0_index\": 101, \"cat_6_index\": 132, \"cat_2_index\": 108, \"cat_1_index\": 106, \"rankvar\": 213, \"cat_9_index\": 136, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 107, \"cat_3_index\": 108, \"cat_8_index\": 1092, \"name\": \"EIF4G2 Rme1 R360\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 137, \"rank\": 187, \"ini\": 1013, \"cat_4_index\": 109, \"group\": [1012.0, 920.0, 601.0, 235.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1011, \"cat_0_index\": 102, \"cat_6_index\": 133, \"cat_2_index\": 109, \"cat_1_index\": 107, \"rankvar\": 822, \"cat_9_index\": 137, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 108, \"cat_3_index\": 109, \"cat_8_index\": 126, \"name\": \"TFPT Rme1 R68\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 138, \"rank\": 544, \"ini\": 1012, \"cat_4_index\": 110, \"group\": [1013.0, 921.0, 602.0, 235.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1012, \"cat_0_index\": 103, \"cat_6_index\": 134, \"cat_2_index\": 110, \"cat_1_index\": 108, \"rankvar\": 814, \"cat_9_index\": 138, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 109, \"cat_3_index\": 110, \"cat_8_index\": 127, \"name\": \"TAF15 Rme1 R431\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 139, \"rank\": 818, \"ini\": 1011, \"cat_4_index\": 111, \"group\": [1010.0, 918.0, 599.0, 235.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1009, \"cat_0_index\": 1054, \"cat_6_index\": 135, \"cat_2_index\": 111, \"cat_1_index\": 109, \"rankvar\": 281, \"cat_9_index\": 139, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 110, \"cat_3_index\": 111, \"cat_8_index\": 128, \"name\": \"XRN2 Rme1 R895\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 140, \"rank\": 988, \"ini\": 1010, \"cat_4_index\": 1092, \"group\": [1011.0, 919.0, 600.0, 235.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1010, \"cat_0_index\": 1055, \"cat_6_index\": 136, \"cat_2_index\": 1090, \"cat_1_index\": 1071, \"rankvar\": 58, \"cat_9_index\": 140, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1043, \"cat_3_index\": 1092, \"cat_8_index\": 129, \"name\": \"CSTF2 Rme1 R303\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 141, \"rank\": 831, \"ini\": 1009, \"cat_4_index\": 112, \"group\": [1008.0, 916.0, 597.0, 234.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1007, \"cat_0_index\": 104, \"cat_6_index\": 137, \"cat_2_index\": 112, \"cat_1_index\": 110, \"rankvar\": 886, \"cat_9_index\": 141, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 111, \"cat_3_index\": 112, \"cat_8_index\": 130, \"name\": \"WDR36 Rme1 R800\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 142, \"rank\": 649, \"ini\": 1008, \"cat_4_index\": 113, \"group\": [1009.0, 917.0, 598.0, 234.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1008, \"cat_0_index\": 1056, \"cat_6_index\": 138, \"cat_2_index\": 113, \"cat_1_index\": 111, \"rankvar\": 329, \"cat_9_index\": 142, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 112, \"cat_3_index\": 113, \"cat_8_index\": 131, \"name\": \"RBM27 Rme1 R455\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 143, \"rank\": 1147, \"ini\": 1007, \"cat_4_index\": 1093, \"group\": [1006.0, 914.0, 596.0, 234.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1005, \"cat_0_index\": 1057, \"cat_6_index\": 139, \"cat_2_index\": 1091, \"cat_1_index\": 1072, \"rankvar\": 1000, \"cat_9_index\": 143, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1044, \"cat_3_index\": 1093, \"cat_8_index\": 1093, \"name\": \"NCBP2 Rme1 R146\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 144, \"rank\": 473, \"ini\": 1006, \"cat_4_index\": 1094, \"group\": [1007.0, 915.0, 596.0, 234.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1006, \"cat_0_index\": 1058, \"cat_6_index\": 140, \"cat_2_index\": 1092, \"cat_1_index\": 1073, \"rankvar\": 297, \"cat_9_index\": 144, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1045, \"cat_3_index\": 1094, \"cat_8_index\": 132, \"name\": \"HNRNPA1 Rme1 R140\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 145, \"rank\": 330, \"ini\": 1005, \"cat_4_index\": 1095, \"group\": [1003.0, 911.0, 595.0, 234.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1003, \"cat_0_index\": 1059, \"cat_6_index\": 141, \"cat_2_index\": 1093, \"cat_1_index\": 1074, \"rankvar\": 808, \"cat_9_index\": 145, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 113, \"cat_3_index\": 1095, \"cat_8_index\": 133, \"name\": \"SFPQ Rme1 R706\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 146, \"rank\": 952, \"ini\": 1004, \"cat_4_index\": 1096, \"group\": [1004.0, 912.0, 595.0, 234.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1004, \"cat_0_index\": 1060, \"cat_6_index\": 142, \"cat_2_index\": 1094, \"cat_1_index\": 1075, \"rankvar\": 736, \"cat_9_index\": 146, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1046, \"cat_3_index\": 1096, \"cat_8_index\": 134, \"name\": \"NUDT21 Rme1 R15\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 147, \"rank\": 658, \"ini\": 1003, \"cat_4_index\": 1097, \"group\": [1005.0, 913.0, 595.0, 234.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1002, \"cat_0_index\": 1061, \"cat_6_index\": 143, \"cat_2_index\": 1095, \"cat_1_index\": 1076, \"rankvar\": 584, \"cat_9_index\": 147, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1047, \"cat_3_index\": 1097, \"cat_8_index\": 135, \"name\": \"HNRNPA3 Rme1 R354\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1113, \"rank\": 234, \"ini\": 1002, \"cat_4_index\": 114, \"group\": [1001.0, 909.0, 594.0, 234.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1000, \"cat_0_index\": 1062, \"cat_6_index\": 144, \"cat_2_index\": 114, \"cat_1_index\": 1077, \"rankvar\": 49, \"cat_9_index\": 148, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 114, \"cat_3_index\": 114, \"cat_8_index\": 136, \"name\": \"SON Rme1 R1022\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 148, \"rank\": 163, \"ini\": 1001, \"cat_4_index\": 1098, \"group\": [1002.0, 910.0, 594.0, 234.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1001, \"cat_0_index\": 1063, \"cat_6_index\": 145, \"cat_2_index\": 1096, \"cat_1_index\": 1078, \"rankvar\": 248, \"cat_9_index\": 149, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1048, \"cat_3_index\": 1098, \"cat_8_index\": 137, \"name\": \"HNRNPM Rme1 R496\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 149, \"rank\": 970, \"ini\": 1000, \"cat_4_index\": 115, \"group\": [998.0, 906.0, 591.0, 233.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 998, \"cat_0_index\": 105, \"cat_6_index\": 146, \"cat_2_index\": 115, \"cat_1_index\": 112, \"rankvar\": 326, \"cat_9_index\": 150, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 115, \"cat_3_index\": 115, \"cat_8_index\": 138, \"name\": \"YLPM1 Rme1 R636\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 150, \"rank\": 678, \"ini\": 999, \"cat_4_index\": 116, \"group\": [999.0, 907.0, 592.0, 233.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 999, \"cat_0_index\": 106, \"cat_6_index\": 147, \"cat_2_index\": 116, \"cat_1_index\": 113, \"rankvar\": 342, \"cat_9_index\": 151, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 116, \"cat_3_index\": 116, \"cat_8_index\": 139, \"name\": \"GATAD2A Rme1 R293\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 151, \"rank\": 134, \"ini\": 998, \"cat_4_index\": 117, \"group\": [1000.0, 908.0, 593.0, 233.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 997, \"cat_0_index\": 107, \"cat_6_index\": 148, \"cat_2_index\": 117, \"cat_1_index\": 114, \"rankvar\": 799, \"cat_9_index\": 152, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 117, \"cat_3_index\": 117, \"cat_8_index\": 140, \"name\": \"ACTR8 phospho S132\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 152, \"rank\": 335, \"ini\": 997, \"cat_4_index\": 118, \"group\": [994.0, 902.0, 588.0, 232.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 995, \"cat_0_index\": 108, \"cat_6_index\": 149, \"cat_2_index\": 118, \"cat_1_index\": 115, \"rankvar\": 424, \"cat_9_index\": 153, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 118, \"cat_3_index\": 118, \"cat_8_index\": 1094, \"name\": \"HCFC1 Rme1 R847\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 153, \"rank\": 1118, \"ini\": 996, \"cat_4_index\": 119, \"group\": [995.0, 903.0, 588.0, 232.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 996, \"cat_0_index\": 1064, \"cat_6_index\": 150, \"cat_2_index\": 119, \"cat_1_index\": 116, \"rankvar\": 539, \"cat_9_index\": 154, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 119, \"cat_3_index\": 119, \"cat_8_index\": 141, \"name\": \"CPSF6 Rme1 R194\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1114, \"rank\": 213, \"ini\": 995, \"cat_4_index\": 120, \"group\": [996.0, 904.0, 589.0, 232.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 994, \"cat_0_index\": 109, \"cat_6_index\": 151, \"cat_2_index\": 120, \"cat_1_index\": 117, \"rankvar\": 397, \"cat_9_index\": 155, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 120, \"cat_3_index\": 120, \"cat_8_index\": 142, \"name\": \"TUBA1A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 154, \"rank\": 475, \"ini\": 994, \"cat_4_index\": 1099, \"group\": [997.0, 905.0, 590.0, 232.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 993, \"cat_0_index\": 1065, \"cat_6_index\": 152, \"cat_2_index\": 1097, \"cat_1_index\": 1079, \"rankvar\": 508, \"cat_9_index\": 156, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1049, \"cat_3_index\": 1099, \"cat_8_index\": 1095, \"name\": \"HNRNPA0 Rme1 R189\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 155, \"rank\": 1017, \"ini\": 993, \"cat_4_index\": 121, \"group\": [991.0, 899.0, 585.0, 230.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 991, \"cat_0_index\": 110, \"cat_6_index\": 153, \"cat_2_index\": 121, \"cat_1_index\": 118, \"rankvar\": 208, \"cat_9_index\": 157, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 121, \"cat_3_index\": 121, \"cat_8_index\": 1096, \"name\": \"CIRBP Rme1 R145\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 156, \"rank\": 1027, \"ini\": 992, \"cat_4_index\": 122, \"group\": [992.0, 900.0, 586.0, 230.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 992, \"cat_0_index\": 111, \"cat_6_index\": 154, \"cat_2_index\": 122, \"cat_1_index\": 119, \"rankvar\": 460, \"cat_9_index\": 158, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 122, \"cat_3_index\": 122, \"cat_8_index\": 143, \"name\": \"SIRT6 phospho T294\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 157, \"rank\": 830, \"ini\": 991, \"cat_4_index\": 123, \"group\": [989.0, 897.0, 584.0, 230.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 989, \"cat_0_index\": 1066, \"cat_6_index\": 155, \"cat_2_index\": 1098, \"cat_1_index\": 1080, \"rankvar\": 1111, \"cat_9_index\": 159, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1050, \"cat_3_index\": 123, \"cat_8_index\": 144, \"name\": \"KHSRP Rme1 R442\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 158, \"rank\": 552, \"ini\": 990, \"cat_4_index\": 124, \"group\": [990.0, 898.0, 584.0, 230.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 990, \"cat_0_index\": 112, \"cat_6_index\": 156, \"cat_2_index\": 123, \"cat_1_index\": 120, \"rankvar\": 392, \"cat_9_index\": 160, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 123, \"cat_3_index\": 124, \"cat_8_index\": 1097, \"name\": \"CIRBP Rme1 R154\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 159, \"rank\": 334, \"ini\": 989, \"cat_4_index\": 125, \"group\": [993.0, 901.0, 587.0, 231.0, 74.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 988, \"cat_0_index\": 113, \"cat_6_index\": 157, \"cat_2_index\": 124, \"cat_1_index\": 121, \"rankvar\": 146, \"cat_9_index\": 161, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 124, \"cat_3_index\": 125, \"cat_8_index\": 145, \"name\": \"SIPA1L2 phospho S148\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 160, \"rank\": 127, \"ini\": 988, \"cat_4_index\": 126, \"group\": [984.0, 893.0, 580.0, 228.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 986, \"cat_0_index\": 114, \"cat_6_index\": 158, \"cat_2_index\": 125, \"cat_1_index\": 122, \"rankvar\": 1080, \"cat_9_index\": 162, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 125, \"cat_3_index\": 126, \"cat_8_index\": 1098, \"name\": \"FMR1 Rme1 R474\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 161, \"rank\": 1089, \"ini\": 987, \"cat_4_index\": 127, \"group\": [985.0, 893.0, 580.0, 228.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 987, \"cat_0_index\": 115, \"cat_6_index\": 159, \"cat_2_index\": 126, \"cat_1_index\": 123, \"rankvar\": 643, \"cat_9_index\": 163, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 126, \"cat_3_index\": 127, \"cat_8_index\": 1099, \"name\": \"FMR1 Rme1 R471\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1115, \"rank\": 84, \"ini\": 986, \"cat_4_index\": 128, \"group\": [986.0, 894.0, 581.0, 228.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 985, \"cat_0_index\": 116, \"cat_6_index\": 160, \"cat_2_index\": 127, \"cat_1_index\": 124, \"rankvar\": 551, \"cat_9_index\": 164, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 127, \"cat_3_index\": 128, \"cat_8_index\": 146, \"name\": \"DYNC1LI2 Rme1 R397\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 162, \"rank\": 1097, \"ini\": 985, \"cat_4_index\": 129, \"group\": [987.0, 895.0, 582.0, 228.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 984, \"cat_0_index\": 117, \"cat_6_index\": 161, \"cat_2_index\": 128, \"cat_1_index\": 125, \"rankvar\": 344, \"cat_9_index\": 165, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 128, \"cat_3_index\": 129, \"cat_8_index\": 147, \"name\": \"SNX3 Rme1 R43\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 163, \"rank\": 896, \"ini\": 984, \"cat_4_index\": 130, \"group\": [988.0, 896.0, 583.0, 229.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 983, \"cat_0_index\": 118, \"cat_6_index\": 162, \"cat_2_index\": 129, \"cat_1_index\": 126, \"rankvar\": 861, \"cat_9_index\": 166, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 129, \"cat_3_index\": 130, \"cat_8_index\": 148, \"name\": \"CNBP Rme1 R34\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 164, \"rank\": 39, \"ini\": 983, \"cat_4_index\": 131, \"group\": [981.0, 890.0, 578.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 981, \"cat_0_index\": 119, \"cat_6_index\": 163, \"cat_2_index\": 130, \"cat_1_index\": 127, \"rankvar\": 305, \"cat_9_index\": 167, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 130, \"cat_3_index\": 131, \"cat_8_index\": 149, \"name\": \"PPFIBP1 Rme1 R527\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 165, \"rank\": 891, \"ini\": 982, \"cat_4_index\": 132, \"group\": [982.0, 891.0, 578.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 982, \"cat_0_index\": 120, \"cat_6_index\": 164, \"cat_2_index\": 131, \"cat_1_index\": 128, \"rankvar\": 260, \"cat_9_index\": 168, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 131, \"cat_3_index\": 132, \"cat_8_index\": 150, \"name\": \"NUFIP2 Rme1 R291\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1116, \"rank\": 949, \"ini\": 981, \"cat_4_index\": 133, \"group\": [983.0, 892.0, 579.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 980, \"cat_0_index\": 121, \"cat_6_index\": 165, \"cat_2_index\": 132, \"cat_1_index\": 129, \"rankvar\": 910, \"cat_9_index\": 169, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 132, \"cat_3_index\": 133, \"cat_8_index\": 151, \"name\": \"MAP7D1 Rme1 R326\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 166, \"rank\": 553, \"ini\": 980, \"cat_4_index\": 134, \"group\": [977.0, 886.0, 577.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 978, \"cat_0_index\": 122, \"cat_6_index\": 166, \"cat_2_index\": 133, \"cat_1_index\": 130, \"rankvar\": 352, \"cat_9_index\": 170, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 133, \"cat_3_index\": 134, \"cat_8_index\": 152, \"name\": \"RAVER1 Rme1 R534\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 167, \"rank\": 104, \"ini\": 979, \"cat_4_index\": 135, \"group\": [978.0, 887.0, 577.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 979, \"cat_0_index\": 123, \"cat_6_index\": 167, \"cat_2_index\": 134, \"cat_1_index\": 131, \"rankvar\": 79, \"cat_9_index\": 171, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 134, \"cat_3_index\": 135, \"cat_8_index\": 153, \"name\": \"AKT1S1 Rme1 R51\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 168, \"rank\": 95, \"ini\": 978, \"cat_4_index\": 136, \"group\": [979.0, 888.0, 577.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 977, \"cat_0_index\": 124, \"cat_6_index\": 168, \"cat_2_index\": 135, \"cat_1_index\": 132, \"rankvar\": 659, \"cat_9_index\": 172, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 135, \"cat_3_index\": 136, \"cat_8_index\": 154, \"name\": \"FUBP3 Rme1 R337\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 169, \"rank\": 494, \"ini\": 977, \"cat_4_index\": 137, \"group\": [980.0, 889.0, 577.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 976, \"cat_0_index\": 125, \"cat_6_index\": 169, \"cat_2_index\": 136, \"cat_1_index\": 133, \"rankvar\": 202, \"cat_9_index\": 173, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 136, \"cat_3_index\": 137, \"cat_8_index\": 155, \"name\": \"BTF3 Rme1 R19\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 170, \"rank\": 567, \"ini\": 976, \"cat_4_index\": 138, \"group\": [974.0, 883.0, 576.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 974, \"cat_0_index\": 126, \"cat_6_index\": 170, \"cat_2_index\": 137, \"cat_1_index\": 134, \"rankvar\": 369, \"cat_9_index\": 174, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 137, \"cat_3_index\": 138, \"cat_8_index\": 156, \"name\": \"SP3 Rme1 R611\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 171, \"rank\": 413, \"ini\": 975, \"cat_4_index\": 139, \"group\": [975.0, 884.0, 576.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 975, \"cat_0_index\": 127, \"cat_6_index\": 171, \"cat_2_index\": 138, \"cat_1_index\": 135, \"rankvar\": 912, \"cat_9_index\": 175, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 138, \"cat_3_index\": 139, \"cat_8_index\": 157, \"name\": \"ING5 Rme1 R126\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 172, \"rank\": 893, \"ini\": 974, \"cat_4_index\": 140, \"group\": [976.0, 885.0, 576.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 973, \"cat_0_index\": 128, \"cat_6_index\": 172, \"cat_2_index\": 139, \"cat_1_index\": 136, \"rankvar\": 1065, \"cat_9_index\": 176, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 139, \"cat_3_index\": 140, \"cat_8_index\": 158, \"name\": \"SAFB2 Rme1 R835\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 173, \"rank\": 440, \"ini\": 973, \"cat_4_index\": 141, \"group\": [971.0, 880.0, 575.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 971, \"cat_0_index\": 1067, \"cat_6_index\": 173, \"cat_2_index\": 140, \"cat_1_index\": 137, \"rankvar\": 1070, \"cat_9_index\": 177, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 140, \"cat_3_index\": 141, \"cat_8_index\": 159, \"name\": \"WDR33 Rme1 R1067\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 174, \"rank\": 75, \"ini\": 972, \"cat_4_index\": 1100, \"group\": [972.0, 881.0, 575.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 972, \"cat_0_index\": 1068, \"cat_6_index\": 174, \"cat_2_index\": 1099, \"cat_1_index\": 1081, \"rankvar\": 795, \"cat_9_index\": 178, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 141, \"cat_3_index\": 1100, \"cat_8_index\": 160, \"name\": \"SFPQ Rme1 R693\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 175, \"rank\": 719, \"ini\": 971, \"cat_4_index\": 142, \"group\": [973.0, 882.0, 575.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 970, \"cat_0_index\": 129, \"cat_6_index\": 175, \"cat_2_index\": 141, \"cat_1_index\": 138, \"rankvar\": 620, \"cat_9_index\": 179, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 142, \"cat_3_index\": 142, \"cat_8_index\": 161, \"name\": \"DDX17 Rme1 R684\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 176, \"rank\": 43, \"ini\": 970, \"cat_4_index\": 143, \"group\": [969.0, 878.0, 574.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 968, \"cat_0_index\": 130, \"cat_6_index\": 176, \"cat_2_index\": 142, \"cat_1_index\": 139, \"rankvar\": 69, \"cat_9_index\": 180, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 143, \"cat_3_index\": 143, \"cat_8_index\": 162, \"name\": \"LARP4 Rme1 R443\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 177, \"rank\": 503, \"ini\": 969, \"cat_4_index\": 144, \"group\": [970.0, 879.0, 574.0, 227.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 969, \"cat_0_index\": 131, \"cat_6_index\": 177, \"cat_2_index\": 143, \"cat_1_index\": 140, \"rankvar\": 1122, \"cat_9_index\": 181, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 144, \"cat_3_index\": 144, \"cat_8_index\": 163, \"name\": \"CCT4 Rme1 R19\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 178, \"rank\": 640, \"ini\": 968, \"cat_4_index\": 1101, \"group\": [966.0, 875.0, 572.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 966, \"cat_0_index\": 1069, \"cat_6_index\": 178, \"cat_2_index\": 1100, \"cat_1_index\": 1082, \"rankvar\": 873, \"cat_9_index\": 182, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1051, \"cat_3_index\": 1101, \"cat_8_index\": 164, \"name\": \"HNRNPA2B1 Rme1 R238\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 179, \"rank\": 686, \"ini\": 967, \"cat_4_index\": 145, \"group\": [967.0, 876.0, 572.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 967, \"cat_0_index\": 132, \"cat_6_index\": 179, \"cat_2_index\": 144, \"cat_1_index\": 141, \"rankvar\": 907, \"cat_9_index\": 183, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 145, \"cat_3_index\": 145, \"cat_8_index\": 165, \"name\": \"COPA Rme1 R965\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 180, \"rank\": 379, \"ini\": 966, \"cat_4_index\": 146, \"group\": [962.0, 871.0, 571.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 964, \"cat_0_index\": 133, \"cat_6_index\": 180, \"cat_2_index\": 145, \"cat_1_index\": 142, \"rankvar\": 956, \"cat_9_index\": 184, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 146, \"cat_3_index\": 146, \"cat_8_index\": 166, \"name\": \"SUCLA2 Rme1 R106\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 181, \"rank\": 48, \"ini\": 965, \"cat_4_index\": 147, \"group\": [963.0, 872.0, 571.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 965, \"cat_0_index\": 134, \"cat_6_index\": 181, \"cat_2_index\": 146, \"cat_1_index\": 143, \"rankvar\": 239, \"cat_9_index\": 185, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 147, \"cat_3_index\": 147, \"cat_8_index\": 167, \"name\": \"NEK1 Rme1 R472\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 182, \"rank\": 777, \"ini\": 964, \"cat_4_index\": 148, \"group\": [964.0, 873.0, 571.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 963, \"cat_0_index\": 135, \"cat_6_index\": 182, \"cat_2_index\": 147, \"cat_1_index\": 144, \"rankvar\": 285, \"cat_9_index\": 186, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 148, \"cat_3_index\": 148, \"cat_8_index\": 168, \"name\": \"BAD Rme1 R161\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 183, \"rank\": 12, \"ini\": 963, \"cat_4_index\": 149, \"group\": [965.0, 874.0, 571.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 962, \"cat_0_index\": 136, \"cat_6_index\": 183, \"cat_2_index\": 148, \"cat_1_index\": 145, \"rankvar\": 168, \"cat_9_index\": 187, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 149, \"cat_3_index\": 149, \"cat_8_index\": 169, \"name\": \"DCAF10 Rme1 R134\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 184, \"rank\": 427, \"ini\": 962, \"cat_4_index\": 150, \"group\": [968.0, 877.0, 573.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 961, \"cat_0_index\": 1070, \"cat_6_index\": 184, \"cat_2_index\": 149, \"cat_1_index\": 146, \"rankvar\": 641, \"cat_9_index\": 188, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1052, \"cat_3_index\": 150, \"cat_8_index\": 1100, \"name\": \"EIF4G1 Rme1 R1042\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 185, \"rank\": 235, \"ini\": 961, \"cat_4_index\": 151, \"group\": [959.0, 869.0, 569.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 959, \"cat_0_index\": 137, \"cat_6_index\": 185, \"cat_2_index\": 150, \"cat_1_index\": 147, \"rankvar\": 118, \"cat_9_index\": 189, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 150, \"cat_3_index\": 151, \"cat_8_index\": 170, \"name\": \"PITPNM1 Rme1 R1230\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 186, \"rank\": 338, \"ini\": 960, \"cat_4_index\": 152, \"group\": [960.0, 869.0, 569.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 960, \"cat_0_index\": 138, \"cat_6_index\": 186, \"cat_2_index\": 151, \"cat_1_index\": 148, \"rankvar\": 173, \"cat_9_index\": 190, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 151, \"cat_3_index\": 152, \"cat_8_index\": 171, \"name\": \"PITPNM1 Rme1 R1211\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 187, \"rank\": 351, \"ini\": 959, \"cat_4_index\": 153, \"group\": [961.0, 870.0, 570.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 958, \"cat_0_index\": 139, \"cat_6_index\": 187, \"cat_2_index\": 152, \"cat_1_index\": 149, \"rankvar\": 216, \"cat_9_index\": 191, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 152, \"cat_3_index\": 153, \"cat_8_index\": 172, \"name\": \"CDC42BPB Rme1 R671\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 188, \"rank\": 936, \"ini\": 958, \"cat_4_index\": 154, \"group\": [957.0, 867.0, 567.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 956, \"cat_0_index\": 140, \"cat_6_index\": 188, \"cat_2_index\": 153, \"cat_1_index\": 150, \"rankvar\": 64, \"cat_9_index\": 192, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 153, \"cat_3_index\": 154, \"cat_8_index\": 173, \"name\": \"OSBPL10 Rme1 R38\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 189, \"rank\": 677, \"ini\": 957, \"cat_4_index\": 155, \"group\": [958.0, 868.0, 568.0, 226.0, 73.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 957, \"cat_0_index\": 141, \"cat_6_index\": 189, \"cat_2_index\": 154, \"cat_1_index\": 151, \"rankvar\": 341, \"cat_9_index\": 193, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 154, \"cat_3_index\": 155, \"cat_8_index\": 174, \"name\": \"ETFA Rme1 R223\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 190, \"rank\": 901, \"ini\": 956, \"cat_4_index\": 1102, \"group\": [953.0, 863.0, 565.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 954, \"cat_0_index\": 1071, \"cat_6_index\": 190, \"cat_2_index\": 1101, \"cat_1_index\": 1083, \"rankvar\": 532, \"cat_9_index\": 194, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1053, \"cat_3_index\": 1102, \"cat_8_index\": 175, \"name\": \"RBMX Rme1 R125\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 191, \"rank\": 734, \"ini\": 955, \"cat_4_index\": 1103, \"group\": [954.0, 864.0, 565.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 955, \"cat_0_index\": 1072, \"cat_6_index\": 191, \"cat_2_index\": 1102, \"cat_1_index\": 1084, \"rankvar\": 1084, \"cat_9_index\": 195, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1054, \"cat_3_index\": 1103, \"cat_8_index\": 176, \"name\": \"ALYREF Rme1 R63\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 192, \"rank\": 399, \"ini\": 954, \"cat_4_index\": 156, \"group\": [955.0, 865.0, 565.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 953, \"cat_0_index\": 142, \"cat_6_index\": 192, \"cat_2_index\": 155, \"cat_1_index\": 152, \"rankvar\": 1037, \"cat_9_index\": 1107, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 155, \"cat_3_index\": 156, \"cat_8_index\": 177, \"name\": \"SART3 Rme1 R906\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 193, \"rank\": 1075, \"ini\": 953, \"cat_4_index\": 157, \"group\": [956.0, 866.0, 566.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 952, \"cat_0_index\": 143, \"cat_6_index\": 193, \"cat_2_index\": 156, \"cat_1_index\": 153, \"rankvar\": 365, \"cat_9_index\": 196, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 156, \"cat_3_index\": 157, \"cat_8_index\": 178, \"name\": \"ZDHHC5 Rme1 R617\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 194, \"rank\": 52, \"ini\": 952, \"cat_4_index\": 158, \"group\": [950.0, 860.0, 564.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 950, \"cat_0_index\": 144, \"cat_6_index\": 194, \"cat_2_index\": 157, \"cat_1_index\": 154, \"rankvar\": 991, \"cat_9_index\": 197, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 157, \"cat_3_index\": 158, \"cat_8_index\": 179, \"name\": \"MTMR14 Rme1 R638\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 195, \"rank\": 789, \"ini\": 951, \"cat_4_index\": 159, \"group\": [951.0, 861.0, 564.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 951, \"cat_0_index\": 145, \"cat_6_index\": 195, \"cat_2_index\": 158, \"cat_1_index\": 155, \"rankvar\": 235, \"cat_9_index\": 198, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 158, \"cat_3_index\": 159, \"cat_8_index\": 180, \"name\": \"AKAP8 Rme1 R233\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 196, \"rank\": 705, \"ini\": 950, \"cat_4_index\": 1104, \"group\": [952.0, 862.0, 564.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 949, \"cat_0_index\": 1073, \"cat_6_index\": 196, \"cat_2_index\": 1103, \"cat_1_index\": 1085, \"rankvar\": 1004, \"cat_9_index\": 199, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1055, \"cat_3_index\": 1104, \"cat_8_index\": 181, \"name\": \"HNRNPH2 Rme1 R233\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 197, \"rank\": 665, \"ini\": 949, \"cat_4_index\": 160, \"group\": [946.0, 856.0, 562.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 947, \"cat_0_index\": 146, \"cat_6_index\": 197, \"cat_2_index\": 159, \"cat_1_index\": 156, \"rankvar\": 496, \"cat_9_index\": 200, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 159, \"cat_3_index\": 160, \"cat_8_index\": 182, \"name\": \"ZGPAT Rme1 R370\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 198, \"rank\": 690, \"ini\": 948, \"cat_4_index\": 161, \"group\": [947.0, 857.0, 562.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 948, \"cat_0_index\": 1074, \"cat_6_index\": 198, \"cat_2_index\": 160, \"cat_1_index\": 157, \"rankvar\": 254, \"cat_9_index\": 201, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1056, \"cat_3_index\": 161, \"cat_8_index\": 1101, \"name\": \"EIF4G1 Rme1 R675\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 199, \"rank\": 515, \"ini\": 947, \"cat_4_index\": 162, \"group\": [948.0, 858.0, 562.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 946, \"cat_0_index\": 147, \"cat_6_index\": 199, \"cat_2_index\": 161, \"cat_1_index\": 1086, \"rankvar\": 772, \"cat_9_index\": 202, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 160, \"cat_3_index\": 162, \"cat_8_index\": 183, \"name\": \"PPIG phospho T358\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 200, \"rank\": 1085, \"ini\": 946, \"cat_4_index\": 163, \"group\": [949.0, 859.0, 563.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 945, \"cat_0_index\": 148, \"cat_6_index\": 200, \"cat_2_index\": 162, \"cat_1_index\": 158, \"rankvar\": 125, \"cat_9_index\": 203, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 161, \"cat_3_index\": 163, \"cat_8_index\": 184, \"name\": \"HBA2 AcK K17\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 201, \"rank\": 569, \"ini\": 945, \"cat_4_index\": 164, \"group\": [943.0, 853.0, 560.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 943, \"cat_0_index\": 1075, \"cat_6_index\": 201, \"cat_2_index\": 163, \"cat_1_index\": 1087, \"rankvar\": 439, \"cat_9_index\": 204, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 162, \"cat_3_index\": 164, \"cat_8_index\": 185, \"name\": \"ZNF326 Rme1 R235\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 202, \"rank\": 1128, \"ini\": 944, \"cat_4_index\": 165, \"group\": [944.0, 854.0, 560.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 944, \"cat_0_index\": 1076, \"cat_6_index\": 202, \"cat_2_index\": 164, \"cat_1_index\": 1088, \"rankvar\": 372, \"cat_9_index\": 205, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 163, \"cat_3_index\": 165, \"cat_8_index\": 186, \"name\": \"RBM39 Rme1 R109\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 203, \"rank\": 1033, \"ini\": 943, \"cat_4_index\": 166, \"group\": [945.0, 855.0, 561.0, 225.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 942, \"cat_0_index\": 1077, \"cat_6_index\": 203, \"cat_2_index\": 165, \"cat_1_index\": 1089, \"rankvar\": 485, \"cat_9_index\": 206, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 164, \"cat_3_index\": 166, \"cat_8_index\": 187, \"name\": \"KIAA1429 Rme1 R1723\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 204, \"rank\": 328, \"ini\": 942, \"cat_4_index\": 167, \"group\": [938.0, 848.0, 557.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 940, \"cat_0_index\": 1078, \"cat_6_index\": 204, \"cat_2_index\": 166, \"cat_1_index\": 1090, \"rankvar\": 334, \"cat_9_index\": 207, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 165, \"cat_3_index\": 167, \"cat_8_index\": 1102, \"name\": \"TARDBP Rme1 R293\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 205, \"rank\": 685, \"ini\": 941, \"cat_4_index\": 1105, \"group\": [939.0, 849.0, 557.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 941, \"cat_0_index\": 1079, \"cat_6_index\": 205, \"cat_2_index\": 1104, \"cat_1_index\": 1091, \"rankvar\": 1074, \"cat_9_index\": 208, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1057, \"cat_3_index\": 1105, \"cat_8_index\": 188, \"name\": \"HNRNPA1 Rme1 R352\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 206, \"rank\": 74, \"ini\": 940, \"cat_4_index\": 168, \"group\": [940.0, 850.0, 557.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 939, \"cat_0_index\": 149, \"cat_6_index\": 206, \"cat_2_index\": 167, \"cat_1_index\": 159, \"rankvar\": 358, \"cat_9_index\": 209, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1058, \"cat_3_index\": 168, \"cat_8_index\": 189, \"name\": \"AIMP2 Rme1 R26\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 207, \"rank\": 268, \"ini\": 939, \"cat_4_index\": 169, \"group\": [941.0, 851.0, 558.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 938, \"cat_0_index\": 150, \"cat_6_index\": 207, \"cat_2_index\": 168, \"cat_1_index\": 160, \"rankvar\": 650, \"cat_9_index\": 210, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1059, \"cat_3_index\": 169, \"cat_8_index\": 190, \"name\": \"TRIM33 Rme1 R515\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 208, \"rank\": 458, \"ini\": 938, \"cat_4_index\": 170, \"group\": [942.0, 852.0, 559.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 937, \"cat_0_index\": 151, \"cat_6_index\": 208, \"cat_2_index\": 169, \"cat_1_index\": 161, \"rankvar\": 712, \"cat_9_index\": 211, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 166, \"cat_3_index\": 170, \"cat_8_index\": 1103, \"name\": \"HCFC1 Rme1 R1253\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 209, \"rank\": 657, \"ini\": 937, \"cat_4_index\": 1106, \"group\": [936.0, 846.0, 556.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 935, \"cat_0_index\": 1080, \"cat_6_index\": 209, \"cat_2_index\": 1105, \"cat_1_index\": 1092, \"rankvar\": 878, \"cat_9_index\": 212, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 167, \"cat_3_index\": 1106, \"cat_8_index\": 191, \"name\": \"PNN Rme1 R54\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 210, \"rank\": 228, \"ini\": 936, \"cat_4_index\": 1107, \"group\": [937.0, 847.0, 556.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 936, \"cat_0_index\": 1081, \"cat_6_index\": 210, \"cat_2_index\": 1106, \"cat_1_index\": 1093, \"rankvar\": 1008, \"cat_9_index\": 213, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 168, \"cat_3_index\": 1107, \"cat_8_index\": 192, \"name\": \"DDX5 Rme1 R502\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 211, \"rank\": 693, \"ini\": 935, \"cat_4_index\": 171, \"group\": [934.0, 844.0, 555.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 933, \"cat_0_index\": 1082, \"cat_6_index\": 211, \"cat_2_index\": 170, \"cat_1_index\": 162, \"rankvar\": 1140, \"cat_9_index\": 214, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 169, \"cat_3_index\": 171, \"cat_8_index\": 193, \"name\": \"XRN2 Rme1 R946\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 212, \"rank\": 746, \"ini\": 934, \"cat_4_index\": 172, \"group\": [935.0, 845.0, 555.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 934, \"cat_0_index\": 1083, \"cat_6_index\": 212, \"cat_2_index\": 171, \"cat_1_index\": 163, \"rankvar\": 994, \"cat_9_index\": 215, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 170, \"cat_3_index\": 172, \"cat_8_index\": 194, \"name\": \"XRN2 Rme1 R883\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 213, \"rank\": 973, \"ini\": 933, \"cat_4_index\": 1108, \"group\": [931.0, 842.0, 554.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 931, \"cat_0_index\": 1084, \"cat_6_index\": 213, \"cat_2_index\": 1107, \"cat_1_index\": 1094, \"rankvar\": 563, \"cat_9_index\": 216, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1060, \"cat_3_index\": 1108, \"cat_8_index\": 195, \"name\": \"HNRNPA2B1 Rme1 R325\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 214, \"rank\": 756, \"ini\": 932, \"cat_4_index\": 1109, \"group\": [932.0, 842.0, 554.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 932, \"cat_0_index\": 1085, \"cat_6_index\": 214, \"cat_2_index\": 1108, \"cat_1_index\": 1095, \"rankvar\": 1071, \"cat_9_index\": 217, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1061, \"cat_3_index\": 1109, \"cat_8_index\": 196, \"name\": \"HNRNPA2B1 Rme1 R203\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 215, \"rank\": 349, \"ini\": 931, \"cat_4_index\": 173, \"group\": [933.0, 843.0, 554.0, 224.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 930, \"cat_0_index\": 1086, \"cat_6_index\": 215, \"cat_2_index\": 172, \"cat_1_index\": 164, \"rankvar\": 880, \"cat_9_index\": 218, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 171, \"cat_3_index\": 173, \"cat_8_index\": 1104, \"name\": \"KHDRBS1 Rme1 R442\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 216, \"rank\": 188, \"ini\": 930, \"cat_4_index\": 174, \"group\": [929.0, 840.0, 552.0, 223.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 928, \"cat_0_index\": 152, \"cat_6_index\": 216, \"cat_2_index\": 173, \"cat_1_index\": 165, \"rankvar\": 846, \"cat_9_index\": 219, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1062, \"cat_3_index\": 174, \"cat_8_index\": 1105, \"name\": \"EPRS Rme1 R1152\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 217, \"rank\": 744, \"ini\": 929, \"cat_4_index\": 175, \"group\": [930.0, 841.0, 553.0, 223.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 929, \"cat_0_index\": 153, \"cat_6_index\": 217, \"cat_2_index\": 174, \"cat_1_index\": 166, \"rankvar\": 1083, \"cat_9_index\": 220, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 172, \"cat_3_index\": 175, \"cat_8_index\": 1106, \"name\": \"EIF4E2 Rme1 R241\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 218, \"rank\": 453, \"ini\": 928, \"cat_4_index\": 1110, \"group\": [926.0, 837.0, 550.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 926, \"cat_0_index\": 1087, \"cat_6_index\": 218, \"cat_2_index\": 1109, \"cat_1_index\": 1096, \"rankvar\": 868, \"cat_9_index\": 221, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1063, \"cat_3_index\": 1110, \"cat_8_index\": 197, \"name\": \"HNRNPA2B1 AcK K59\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 219, \"rank\": 847, \"ini\": 927, \"cat_4_index\": 176, \"group\": [927.0, 838.0, 550.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 927, \"cat_0_index\": 154, \"cat_6_index\": 1102, \"cat_2_index\": 175, \"cat_1_index\": 167, \"rankvar\": 170, \"cat_9_index\": 222, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 173, \"cat_3_index\": 176, \"cat_8_index\": 198, \"name\": \"ARID1A AcK K980\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 220, \"rank\": 828, \"ini\": 926, \"cat_4_index\": 177, \"group\": [928.0, 839.0, 551.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 925, \"cat_0_index\": 155, \"cat_6_index\": 219, \"cat_2_index\": 176, \"cat_1_index\": 168, \"rankvar\": 212, \"cat_9_index\": 223, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1064, \"cat_3_index\": 177, \"cat_8_index\": 1107, \"name\": \"EIF4H Rme1 R191\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 221, \"rank\": 85, \"ini\": 925, \"cat_4_index\": 1111, \"group\": [923.0, 835.0, 549.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 923, \"cat_0_index\": 1088, \"cat_6_index\": 220, \"cat_2_index\": 1110, \"cat_1_index\": 1097, \"rankvar\": 587, \"cat_9_index\": 224, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1065, \"cat_3_index\": 1111, \"cat_8_index\": 199, \"name\": \"FUS Rme1 R514\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 222, \"rank\": 518, \"ini\": 924, \"cat_4_index\": 178, \"group\": [924.0, 835.0, 549.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 924, \"cat_0_index\": 156, \"cat_6_index\": 221, \"cat_2_index\": 177, \"cat_1_index\": 169, \"rankvar\": 66, \"cat_9_index\": 225, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 174, \"cat_3_index\": 178, \"cat_8_index\": 200, \"name\": \"DDX42 Rme1 R814\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 223, \"rank\": 1143, \"ini\": 923, \"cat_4_index\": 179, \"group\": [925.0, 836.0, 549.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 922, \"cat_0_index\": 157, \"cat_6_index\": 222, \"cat_2_index\": 178, \"cat_1_index\": 170, \"rankvar\": 232, \"cat_9_index\": 226, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1066, \"cat_3_index\": 179, \"cat_8_index\": 201, \"name\": \"PSMC6 AcK K206\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 224, \"rank\": 883, \"ini\": 922, \"cat_4_index\": 180, \"group\": [921.0, 833.0, 547.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 920, \"cat_0_index\": 158, \"cat_6_index\": 223, \"cat_2_index\": 179, \"cat_1_index\": 171, \"rankvar\": 842, \"cat_9_index\": 227, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 175, \"cat_3_index\": 180, \"cat_8_index\": 202, \"name\": \"TAGLN2 Rme1 R196\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 225, \"rank\": 424, \"ini\": 921, \"cat_4_index\": 1112, \"group\": [922.0, 834.0, 548.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 921, \"cat_0_index\": 1089, \"cat_6_index\": 224, \"cat_2_index\": 1111, \"cat_1_index\": 1098, \"rankvar\": 717, \"cat_9_index\": 228, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1067, \"cat_3_index\": 1112, \"cat_8_index\": 203, \"name\": \"HNRNPF Rme1 R212\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 226, \"rank\": 24, \"ini\": 920, \"cat_4_index\": 181, \"group\": [917.0, 829.0, 545.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 918, \"cat_0_index\": 159, \"cat_6_index\": 225, \"cat_2_index\": 180, \"cat_1_index\": 172, \"rankvar\": 301, \"cat_9_index\": 229, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1068, \"cat_3_index\": 181, \"cat_8_index\": 204, \"name\": \"EEF1G AcK K52\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 227, \"rank\": 1122, \"ini\": 919, \"cat_4_index\": 182, \"group\": [918.0, 830.0, 545.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 919, \"cat_0_index\": 160, \"cat_6_index\": 226, \"cat_2_index\": 181, \"cat_1_index\": 173, \"rankvar\": 964, \"cat_9_index\": 230, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1069, \"cat_3_index\": 182, \"cat_8_index\": 205, \"name\": \"EEF1G AcK K220\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 228, \"rank\": 481, \"ini\": 918, \"cat_4_index\": 183, \"group\": [919.0, 831.0, 545.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 917, \"cat_0_index\": 161, \"cat_6_index\": 227, \"cat_2_index\": 182, \"cat_1_index\": 174, \"rankvar\": 837, \"cat_9_index\": 231, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 176, \"cat_3_index\": 183, \"cat_8_index\": 206, \"name\": \"G3BP2 Rme1 R432\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 229, \"rank\": 838, \"ini\": 917, \"cat_4_index\": 1113, \"group\": [920.0, 832.0, 546.0, 222.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 916, \"cat_0_index\": 1090, \"cat_6_index\": 228, \"cat_2_index\": 1112, \"cat_1_index\": 1099, \"rankvar\": 224, \"cat_9_index\": 232, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1070, \"cat_3_index\": 1113, \"cat_8_index\": 207, \"name\": \"CD2BP2 Rme1 R181\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 230, \"rank\": 907, \"ini\": 916, \"cat_4_index\": 184, \"group\": [915.0, 827.0, 543.0, 221.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 914, \"cat_0_index\": 162, \"cat_6_index\": 229, \"cat_2_index\": 183, \"cat_1_index\": 175, \"rankvar\": 457, \"cat_9_index\": 1108, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 177, \"cat_3_index\": 184, \"cat_8_index\": 208, \"name\": \"SPR AcK K230\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1117, \"rank\": 571, \"ini\": 915, \"cat_4_index\": 185, \"group\": [916.0, 828.0, 544.0, 221.0, 72.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 915, \"cat_0_index\": 163, \"cat_6_index\": 230, \"cat_2_index\": 184, \"cat_1_index\": 176, \"rankvar\": 0, \"cat_9_index\": 1109, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 178, \"cat_3_index\": 185, \"cat_8_index\": 209, \"name\": \"MYH9 AcK K74\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 231, \"rank\": 1076, \"ini\": 914, \"cat_4_index\": 186, \"group\": [912.0, 824.0, 540.0, 220.0, 71.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 912, \"cat_0_index\": 164, \"cat_6_index\": 231, \"cat_2_index\": 185, \"cat_1_index\": 177, \"rankvar\": 46, \"cat_9_index\": 233, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 179, \"cat_3_index\": 186, \"cat_8_index\": 210, \"name\": \"PROSER2 Rme1 R414\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 232, \"rank\": 215, \"ini\": 913, \"cat_4_index\": 187, \"group\": [913.0, 825.0, 541.0, 220.0, 71.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 913, \"cat_0_index\": 165, \"cat_6_index\": 232, \"cat_2_index\": 186, \"cat_1_index\": 178, \"rankvar\": 338, \"cat_9_index\": 234, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 180, \"cat_3_index\": 187, \"cat_8_index\": 211, \"name\": \"ARHGAP21 Rme1 R574\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 233, \"rank\": 1047, \"ini\": 912, \"cat_4_index\": 188, \"group\": [914.0, 826.0, 542.0, 220.0, 71.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 911, \"cat_0_index\": 166, \"cat_6_index\": 233, \"cat_2_index\": 187, \"cat_1_index\": 179, \"rankvar\": 36, \"cat_9_index\": 235, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 181, \"cat_3_index\": 188, \"cat_8_index\": 212, \"name\": \"SIPA1L1 phospho Y159\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 234, \"rank\": 1046, \"ini\": 911, \"cat_4_index\": 189, \"group\": [910.0, 822.0, 538.0, 219.0, 71.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 909, \"cat_0_index\": 167, \"cat_6_index\": 234, \"cat_2_index\": 188, \"cat_1_index\": 180, \"rankvar\": 451, \"cat_9_index\": 1110, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 182, \"cat_3_index\": 189, \"cat_8_index\": 1108, \"name\": \"ATXN2 Rme1 R640\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 235, \"rank\": 905, \"ini\": 910, \"cat_4_index\": 190, \"group\": [911.0, 823.0, 539.0, 219.0, 71.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 910, \"cat_0_index\": 168, \"cat_6_index\": 235, \"cat_2_index\": 189, \"cat_1_index\": 181, \"rankvar\": 1090, \"cat_9_index\": 236, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 183, \"cat_3_index\": 190, \"cat_8_index\": 213, \"name\": \"TNRC18 phospho S2771\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 236, \"rank\": 892, \"ini\": 909, \"cat_4_index\": 191, \"group\": [907.0, 819.0, 535.0, 218.0, 71.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 907, \"cat_0_index\": 169, \"cat_6_index\": 236, \"cat_2_index\": 190, \"cat_1_index\": 182, \"rankvar\": 179, \"cat_9_index\": 237, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 184, \"cat_3_index\": 191, \"cat_8_index\": 214, \"name\": \"RASIP1 phospho S41\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 237, \"rank\": 885, \"ini\": 908, \"cat_4_index\": 192, \"group\": [908.0, 820.0, 536.0, 218.0, 71.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 908, \"cat_0_index\": 170, \"cat_6_index\": 237, \"cat_2_index\": 191, \"cat_1_index\": 183, \"rankvar\": 89, \"cat_9_index\": 238, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 185, \"cat_3_index\": 192, \"cat_8_index\": 215, \"name\": \"EEPD1 phospho S16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 238, \"rank\": 661, \"ini\": 907, \"cat_4_index\": 193, \"group\": [909.0, 821.0, 537.0, 218.0, 71.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 906, \"cat_0_index\": 171, \"cat_6_index\": 238, \"cat_2_index\": 192, \"cat_1_index\": 184, \"rankvar\": 27, \"cat_9_index\": 1111, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 186, \"cat_3_index\": 193, \"cat_8_index\": 216, \"name\": \"PANK2 phospho S203\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 239, \"rank\": 1065, \"ini\": 906, \"cat_4_index\": 194, \"group\": [905.0, 817.0, 533.0, 216.0, 70.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 904, \"cat_0_index\": 172, \"cat_6_index\": 239, \"cat_2_index\": 193, \"cat_1_index\": 185, \"rankvar\": 781, \"cat_9_index\": 239, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 187, \"cat_3_index\": 194, \"cat_8_index\": 217, \"name\": \"OXCT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 240, \"rank\": 692, \"ini\": 905, \"cat_4_index\": 195, \"group\": [906.0, 818.0, 534.0, 217.0, 70.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 905, \"cat_0_index\": 173, \"cat_6_index\": 240, \"cat_2_index\": 194, \"cat_1_index\": 186, \"rankvar\": 233, \"cat_9_index\": 240, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 188, \"cat_3_index\": 195, \"cat_8_index\": 218, \"name\": \"CENPV phospho S47\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 241, \"rank\": 160, \"ini\": 904, \"cat_4_index\": 196, \"group\": [902.0, 814.0, 531.0, 214.0, 70.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 902, \"cat_0_index\": 174, \"cat_6_index\": 241, \"cat_2_index\": 195, \"cat_1_index\": 187, \"rankvar\": 714, \"cat_9_index\": 241, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 189, \"cat_3_index\": 196, \"cat_8_index\": 219, \"name\": \"SEPT9 Rme1 R10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 242, \"rank\": 23, \"ini\": 903, \"cat_4_index\": 197, \"group\": [903.0, 815.0, 531.0, 214.0, 70.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 903, \"cat_0_index\": 175, \"cat_6_index\": 242, \"cat_2_index\": 196, \"cat_1_index\": 188, \"rankvar\": 1028, \"cat_9_index\": 242, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 190, \"cat_3_index\": 197, \"cat_8_index\": 220, \"name\": \"AVL9 Rme1 R588\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 243, \"rank\": 150, \"ini\": 902, \"cat_4_index\": 198, \"group\": [904.0, 816.0, 532.0, 215.0, 70.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 901, \"cat_0_index\": 176, \"cat_6_index\": 243, \"cat_2_index\": 197, \"cat_1_index\": 189, \"rankvar\": 313, \"cat_9_index\": 243, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 191, \"cat_3_index\": 198, \"cat_8_index\": 1109, \"name\": \"GIGYF2 Rme1 R149\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 244, \"rank\": 262, \"ini\": 901, \"cat_4_index\": 1114, \"group\": [899.0, 811.0, 528.0, 212.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 899, \"cat_0_index\": 1091, \"cat_6_index\": 244, \"cat_2_index\": 1113, \"cat_1_index\": 1100, \"rankvar\": 229, \"cat_9_index\": 244, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1071, \"cat_3_index\": 1114, \"cat_8_index\": 1110, \"name\": \"DHX9 Rme1 R1174\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 245, \"rank\": 681, \"ini\": 900, \"cat_4_index\": 199, \"group\": [900.0, 812.0, 529.0, 212.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 900, \"cat_0_index\": 177, \"cat_6_index\": 245, \"cat_2_index\": 198, \"cat_1_index\": 190, \"rankvar\": 726, \"cat_9_index\": 245, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 192, \"cat_3_index\": 199, \"cat_8_index\": 221, \"name\": \"CHD8 phospho S2046\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 246, \"rank\": 1135, \"ini\": 899, \"cat_4_index\": 200, \"group\": [897.0, 809.0, 526.0, 212.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 897, \"cat_0_index\": 178, \"cat_6_index\": 246, \"cat_2_index\": 199, \"cat_1_index\": 191, \"rankvar\": 700, \"cat_9_index\": 246, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 193, \"cat_3_index\": 200, \"cat_8_index\": 222, \"name\": \"SRRT phospho T544\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 247, \"rank\": 426, \"ini\": 898, \"cat_4_index\": 201, \"group\": [898.0, 810.0, 527.0, 212.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 898, \"cat_0_index\": 179, \"cat_6_index\": 247, \"cat_2_index\": 200, \"cat_1_index\": 192, \"rankvar\": 824, \"cat_9_index\": 247, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 194, \"cat_3_index\": 201, \"cat_8_index\": 223, \"name\": \"RBM12B phospho S591\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 248, \"rank\": 916, \"ini\": 897, \"cat_4_index\": 202, \"group\": [901.0, 813.0, 530.0, 213.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 896, \"cat_0_index\": 180, \"cat_6_index\": 248, \"cat_2_index\": 201, \"cat_1_index\": 193, \"rankvar\": 975, \"cat_9_index\": 248, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 195, \"cat_3_index\": 202, \"cat_8_index\": 224, \"name\": \"HORMAD1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 249, \"rank\": 40, \"ini\": 896, \"cat_4_index\": 203, \"group\": [895.0, 807.0, 524.0, 211.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 894, \"cat_0_index\": 181, \"cat_6_index\": 249, \"cat_2_index\": 202, \"cat_1_index\": 194, \"rankvar\": 38, \"cat_9_index\": 249, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 196, \"cat_3_index\": 203, \"cat_8_index\": 225, \"name\": \"CDK16 Rme1 R19\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1118, \"rank\": 625, \"ini\": 895, \"cat_4_index\": 204, \"group\": [896.0, 808.0, 525.0, 211.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 895, \"cat_0_index\": 182, \"cat_6_index\": 250, \"cat_2_index\": 203, \"cat_1_index\": 195, \"rankvar\": 193, \"cat_9_index\": 250, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 197, \"cat_3_index\": 204, \"cat_8_index\": 226, \"name\": \"AXIN1 phospho T60\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 250, \"rank\": 1059, \"ini\": 894, \"cat_4_index\": 205, \"group\": [891.0, 803.0, 521.0, 210.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 892, \"cat_0_index\": 183, \"cat_6_index\": 251, \"cat_2_index\": 204, \"cat_1_index\": 196, \"rankvar\": 990, \"cat_9_index\": 251, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 198, \"cat_3_index\": 205, \"cat_8_index\": 227, \"name\": \"TPTE\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 251, \"rank\": 680, \"ini\": 893, \"cat_4_index\": 206, \"group\": [892.0, 804.0, 521.0, 210.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 893, \"cat_0_index\": 184, \"cat_6_index\": 252, \"cat_2_index\": 205, \"cat_1_index\": 197, \"rankvar\": 796, \"cat_9_index\": 252, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 199, \"cat_3_index\": 206, \"cat_8_index\": 228, \"name\": \"COX7B2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 252, \"rank\": 1104, \"ini\": 892, \"cat_4_index\": 207, \"group\": [893.0, 805.0, 522.0, 210.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 891, \"cat_0_index\": 185, \"cat_6_index\": 253, \"cat_2_index\": 206, \"cat_1_index\": 198, \"rankvar\": 1146, \"cat_9_index\": 253, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 200, \"cat_3_index\": 207, \"cat_8_index\": 229, \"name\": \"DSCR8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 253, \"rank\": 536, \"ini\": 891, \"cat_4_index\": 208, \"group\": [894.0, 806.0, 523.0, 210.0, 69.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 890, \"cat_0_index\": 186, \"cat_6_index\": 254, \"cat_2_index\": 207, \"cat_1_index\": 199, \"rankvar\": 588, \"cat_9_index\": 254, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 201, \"cat_3_index\": 208, \"cat_8_index\": 230, \"name\": \"GTSF1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 254, \"rank\": 13, \"ini\": 890, \"cat_4_index\": 209, \"group\": [888.0, 800.0, 519.0, 208.0, 68.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 888, \"cat_0_index\": 187, \"cat_6_index\": 255, \"cat_2_index\": 208, \"cat_1_index\": 200, \"rankvar\": 953, \"cat_9_index\": 255, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 202, \"cat_3_index\": 209, \"cat_8_index\": 231, \"name\": \"PAK4 phospho T478\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 255, \"rank\": 935, \"ini\": 889, \"cat_4_index\": 210, \"group\": [889.0, 801.0, 519.0, 208.0, 68.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 889, \"cat_0_index\": 188, \"cat_6_index\": 256, \"cat_2_index\": 209, \"cat_1_index\": 201, \"rankvar\": 992, \"cat_9_index\": 256, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 203, \"cat_3_index\": 210, \"cat_8_index\": 232, \"name\": \"PAK4 phospho S488\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 256, \"rank\": 711, \"ini\": 888, \"cat_4_index\": 211, \"group\": [890.0, 802.0, 520.0, 209.0, 68.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 887, \"cat_0_index\": 189, \"cat_6_index\": 257, \"cat_2_index\": 210, \"cat_1_index\": 202, \"rankvar\": 75, \"cat_9_index\": 257, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 204, \"cat_3_index\": 211, \"cat_8_index\": 233, \"name\": \"LSR phospho S464\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 257, \"rank\": 499, \"ini\": 887, \"cat_4_index\": 212, \"group\": [886.0, 798.0, 517.0, 206.0, 67.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 885, \"cat_0_index\": 190, \"cat_6_index\": 258, \"cat_2_index\": 211, \"cat_1_index\": 203, \"rankvar\": 357, \"cat_9_index\": 258, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 205, \"cat_3_index\": 212, \"cat_8_index\": 234, \"name\": \"BCL9 Rme1 R1254\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 258, \"rank\": 995, \"ini\": 886, \"cat_4_index\": 213, \"group\": [887.0, 799.0, 518.0, 207.0, 67.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 886, \"cat_0_index\": 191, \"cat_6_index\": 259, \"cat_2_index\": 212, \"cat_1_index\": 204, \"rankvar\": 1007, \"cat_9_index\": 259, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 206, \"cat_3_index\": 213, \"cat_8_index\": 235, \"name\": \"RRP12 phospho S1284\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 259, \"rank\": 7, \"ini\": 885, \"cat_4_index\": 214, \"group\": [883.0, 795.0, 514.0, 204.0, 66.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 883, \"cat_0_index\": 192, \"cat_6_index\": 260, \"cat_2_index\": 213, \"cat_1_index\": 205, \"rankvar\": 322, \"cat_9_index\": 260, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 207, \"cat_3_index\": 214, \"cat_8_index\": 236, \"name\": \"ZFR AcK K509\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 260, \"rank\": 782, \"ini\": 884, \"cat_4_index\": 215, \"group\": [884.0, 796.0, 515.0, 204.0, 66.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 884, \"cat_0_index\": 193, \"cat_6_index\": 261, \"cat_2_index\": 214, \"cat_1_index\": 206, \"rankvar\": 336, \"cat_9_index\": 261, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 208, \"cat_3_index\": 215, \"cat_8_index\": 237, \"name\": \"HIST1H2BK AcK K12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 261, \"rank\": 196, \"ini\": 883, \"cat_4_index\": 216, \"group\": [885.0, 797.0, 516.0, 205.0, 66.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 882, \"cat_0_index\": 194, \"cat_6_index\": 262, \"cat_2_index\": 215, \"cat_1_index\": 207, \"rankvar\": 310, \"cat_9_index\": 262, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 209, \"cat_3_index\": 216, \"cat_8_index\": 238, \"name\": \"NCOA2 AcK K780\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1119, \"rank\": 186, \"ini\": 882, \"cat_4_index\": 217, \"group\": [880.0, 792.0, 512.0, 203.0, 66.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 880, \"cat_0_index\": 195, \"cat_6_index\": 263, \"cat_2_index\": 216, \"cat_1_index\": 208, \"rankvar\": 94, \"cat_9_index\": 263, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 210, \"cat_3_index\": 217, \"cat_8_index\": 239, \"name\": \"SMC3 AcK K105\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 262, \"rank\": 887, \"ini\": 881, \"cat_4_index\": 218, \"group\": [881.0, 793.0, 512.0, 203.0, 66.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 881, \"cat_0_index\": 196, \"cat_6_index\": 1103, \"cat_2_index\": 217, \"cat_1_index\": 209, \"rankvar\": 1085, \"cat_9_index\": 264, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 211, \"cat_3_index\": 218, \"cat_8_index\": 240, \"name\": \"ARID1A phospho S1609\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1120, \"rank\": 271, \"ini\": 880, \"cat_4_index\": 219, \"group\": [882.0, 794.0, 513.0, 203.0, 66.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 879, \"cat_0_index\": 197, \"cat_6_index\": 264, \"cat_2_index\": 218, \"cat_1_index\": 210, \"rankvar\": 199, \"cat_9_index\": 1112, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 212, \"cat_3_index\": 219, \"cat_8_index\": 241, \"name\": \"WEE1 phospho T644\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 263, \"rank\": 356, \"ini\": 879, \"cat_4_index\": 220, \"group\": [878.0, 790.0, 510.0, 202.0, 66.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 877, \"cat_0_index\": 198, \"cat_6_index\": 265, \"cat_2_index\": 219, \"cat_1_index\": 211, \"rankvar\": 598, \"cat_9_index\": 265, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 213, \"cat_3_index\": 220, \"cat_8_index\": 242, \"name\": \"HIST2H2BF AcK K21\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 264, \"rank\": 972, \"ini\": 878, \"cat_4_index\": 221, \"group\": [879.0, 791.0, 511.0, 202.0, 66.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 878, \"cat_0_index\": 199, \"cat_6_index\": 266, \"cat_2_index\": 220, \"cat_1_index\": 212, \"rankvar\": 1114, \"cat_9_index\": 266, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 214, \"cat_3_index\": 221, \"cat_8_index\": 243, \"name\": \"HDAC5 phospho S1108\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 265, \"rank\": 480, \"ini\": 877, \"cat_4_index\": 222, \"group\": [876.0, 788.0, 508.0, 201.0, 65.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 875, \"cat_0_index\": 200, \"cat_6_index\": 267, \"cat_2_index\": 221, \"cat_1_index\": 213, \"rankvar\": 556, \"cat_9_index\": 1113, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 215, \"cat_3_index\": 222, \"cat_8_index\": 244, \"name\": \"SLITRK6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 266, \"rank\": 613, \"ini\": 876, \"cat_4_index\": 223, \"group\": [877.0, 789.0, 509.0, 201.0, 65.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 876, \"cat_0_index\": 201, \"cat_6_index\": 268, \"cat_2_index\": 222, \"cat_1_index\": 214, \"rankvar\": 92, \"cat_9_index\": 267, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 216, \"cat_3_index\": 223, \"cat_8_index\": 245, \"name\": \"MPLKIP Rme1 R57\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 267, \"rank\": 920, \"ini\": 875, \"cat_4_index\": 224, \"group\": [874.0, 786.0, 506.0, 201.0, 65.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 873, \"cat_0_index\": 202, \"cat_6_index\": 269, \"cat_2_index\": 223, \"cat_1_index\": 215, \"rankvar\": 536, \"cat_9_index\": 268, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1072, \"cat_3_index\": 224, \"cat_8_index\": 246, \"name\": \"YWHAZ AcK K11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 268, \"rank\": 402, \"ini\": 874, \"cat_4_index\": 225, \"group\": [875.0, 787.0, 507.0, 201.0, 65.0, 9.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 874, \"cat_0_index\": 203, \"cat_6_index\": 270, \"cat_2_index\": 224, \"cat_1_index\": 216, \"rankvar\": 174, \"cat_9_index\": 269, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 217, \"cat_3_index\": 225, \"cat_8_index\": 247, \"name\": \"PCNA AcK K80\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 269, \"rank\": 90, \"ini\": 873, \"cat_4_index\": 226, \"group\": [871.0, 783.0, 504.0, 199.0, 64.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 871, \"cat_0_index\": 204, \"cat_6_index\": 271, \"cat_2_index\": 225, \"cat_1_index\": 217, \"rankvar\": 83, \"cat_9_index\": 270, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 218, \"cat_3_index\": 226, \"cat_8_index\": 248, \"name\": \"HNRNPUL2 Rme1 R747\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 270, \"rank\": 60, \"ini\": 872, \"cat_4_index\": 227, \"group\": [872.0, 784.0, 504.0, 199.0, 64.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 872, \"cat_0_index\": 205, \"cat_6_index\": 272, \"cat_2_index\": 226, \"cat_1_index\": 218, \"rankvar\": 513, \"cat_9_index\": 271, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 219, \"cat_3_index\": 227, \"cat_8_index\": 249, \"name\": \"HNRNPUL2 Rme1 R666\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 271, \"rank\": 979, \"ini\": 871, \"cat_4_index\": 228, \"group\": [873.0, 785.0, 505.0, 200.0, 64.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 870, \"cat_0_index\": 206, \"cat_6_index\": 273, \"cat_2_index\": 227, \"cat_1_index\": 219, \"rankvar\": 549, \"cat_9_index\": 272, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 220, \"cat_3_index\": 228, \"cat_8_index\": 250, \"name\": \"NOV\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 272, \"rank\": 266, \"ini\": 870, \"cat_4_index\": 229, \"group\": [869.0, 781.0, 502.0, 198.0, 63.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 868, \"cat_0_index\": 207, \"cat_6_index\": 274, \"cat_2_index\": 228, \"cat_1_index\": 220, \"rankvar\": 143, \"cat_9_index\": 273, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 221, \"cat_3_index\": 229, \"cat_8_index\": 251, \"name\": \"SLTM Rme1 R1017\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 273, \"rank\": 919, \"ini\": 869, \"cat_4_index\": 230, \"group\": [870.0, 782.0, 503.0, 198.0, 63.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 869, \"cat_0_index\": 208, \"cat_6_index\": 1104, \"cat_2_index\": 229, \"cat_1_index\": 221, \"rankvar\": 703, \"cat_9_index\": 274, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 222, \"cat_3_index\": 230, \"cat_8_index\": 252, \"name\": \"NUP98 phospho S1060\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 274, \"rank\": 373, \"ini\": 868, \"cat_4_index\": 231, \"group\": [866.0, 778.0, 499.0, 196.0, 62.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 866, \"cat_0_index\": 209, \"cat_6_index\": 275, \"cat_2_index\": 230, \"cat_1_index\": 222, \"rankvar\": 479, \"cat_9_index\": 275, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 223, \"cat_3_index\": 231, \"cat_8_index\": 253, \"name\": \"ST6GALNAC5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 275, \"rank\": 984, \"ini\": 867, \"cat_4_index\": 232, \"group\": [867.0, 779.0, 500.0, 196.0, 62.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 867, \"cat_0_index\": 210, \"cat_6_index\": 276, \"cat_2_index\": 231, \"cat_1_index\": 223, \"rankvar\": 959, \"cat_9_index\": 276, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 224, \"cat_3_index\": 232, \"cat_8_index\": 254, \"name\": \"RECQL4 phospho S27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 276, \"rank\": 628, \"ini\": 866, \"cat_4_index\": 233, \"group\": [868.0, 780.0, 501.0, 197.0, 62.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 865, \"cat_0_index\": 211, \"cat_6_index\": 277, \"cat_2_index\": 232, \"cat_1_index\": 224, \"rankvar\": 942, \"cat_9_index\": 277, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 225, \"cat_3_index\": 233, \"cat_8_index\": 255, \"name\": \"TUSC1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 277, \"rank\": 1079, \"ini\": 865, \"cat_4_index\": 234, \"group\": [864.0, 776.0, 497.0, 194.0, 61.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 863, \"cat_0_index\": 212, \"cat_6_index\": 278, \"cat_2_index\": 233, \"cat_1_index\": 225, \"rankvar\": 646, \"cat_9_index\": 278, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 226, \"cat_3_index\": 234, \"cat_8_index\": 256, \"name\": \"MBOAT2 phospho T474\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 278, \"rank\": 648, \"ini\": 864, \"cat_4_index\": 235, \"group\": [865.0, 777.0, 498.0, 195.0, 61.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 864, \"cat_0_index\": 213, \"cat_6_index\": 279, \"cat_2_index\": 234, \"cat_1_index\": 226, \"rankvar\": 654, \"cat_9_index\": 279, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1073, \"cat_3_index\": 235, \"cat_8_index\": 1111, \"name\": \"EIF4EBP1 phospho S112\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 279, \"rank\": 776, \"ini\": 863, \"cat_4_index\": 236, \"group\": [861.0, 773.0, 494.0, 192.0, 60.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 861, \"cat_0_index\": 214, \"cat_6_index\": 280, \"cat_2_index\": 235, \"cat_1_index\": 227, \"rankvar\": 966, \"cat_9_index\": 280, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 227, \"cat_3_index\": 236, \"cat_8_index\": 257, \"name\": \"ZNF880\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 280, \"rank\": 723, \"ini\": 862, \"cat_4_index\": 237, \"group\": [862.0, 774.0, 495.0, 192.0, 60.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 862, \"cat_0_index\": 215, \"cat_6_index\": 281, \"cat_2_index\": 236, \"cat_1_index\": 228, \"rankvar\": 775, \"cat_9_index\": 281, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 228, \"cat_3_index\": 237, \"cat_8_index\": 258, \"name\": \"LOC100128252\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 281, \"rank\": 757, \"ini\": 861, \"cat_4_index\": 238, \"group\": [857.0, 769.0, 491.0, 192.0, 60.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 859, \"cat_0_index\": 216, \"cat_6_index\": 282, \"cat_2_index\": 237, \"cat_1_index\": 229, \"rankvar\": 472, \"cat_9_index\": 282, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 229, \"cat_3_index\": 238, \"cat_8_index\": 259, \"name\": \"ZSCAN18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 282, \"rank\": 332, \"ini\": 860, \"cat_4_index\": 239, \"group\": [858.0, 770.0, 491.0, 192.0, 60.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 860, \"cat_0_index\": 217, \"cat_6_index\": 283, \"cat_2_index\": 238, \"cat_1_index\": 230, \"rankvar\": 1023, \"cat_9_index\": 283, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 230, \"cat_3_index\": 239, \"cat_8_index\": 260, \"name\": \"ZNF542\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 283, \"rank\": 1021, \"ini\": 859, \"cat_4_index\": 240, \"group\": [859.0, 771.0, 492.0, 192.0, 60.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 858, \"cat_0_index\": 218, \"cat_6_index\": 284, \"cat_2_index\": 239, \"cat_1_index\": 231, \"rankvar\": 452, \"cat_9_index\": 284, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 231, \"cat_3_index\": 240, \"cat_8_index\": 261, \"name\": \"LOC100507372\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 284, \"rank\": 1082, \"ini\": 858, \"cat_4_index\": 241, \"group\": [860.0, 772.0, 493.0, 192.0, 60.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 857, \"cat_0_index\": 219, \"cat_6_index\": 285, \"cat_2_index\": 240, \"cat_1_index\": 232, \"rankvar\": 437, \"cat_9_index\": 285, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 232, \"cat_3_index\": 241, \"cat_8_index\": 262, \"name\": \"ZNF415\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 285, \"rank\": 709, \"ini\": 857, \"cat_4_index\": 242, \"group\": [863.0, 775.0, 496.0, 193.0, 60.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 856, \"cat_0_index\": 220, \"cat_6_index\": 286, \"cat_2_index\": 241, \"cat_1_index\": 233, \"rankvar\": 948, \"cat_9_index\": 286, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 233, \"cat_3_index\": 242, \"cat_8_index\": 263, \"name\": \"ZNF883\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 286, \"rank\": 577, \"ini\": 856, \"cat_4_index\": 243, \"group\": [855.0, 767.0, 489.0, 191.0, 59.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 854, \"cat_0_index\": 221, \"cat_6_index\": 287, \"cat_2_index\": 242, \"cat_1_index\": 234, \"rankvar\": 386, \"cat_9_index\": 287, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 234, \"cat_3_index\": 243, \"cat_8_index\": 264, \"name\": \"EEF1A2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 287, \"rank\": 1108, \"ini\": 855, \"cat_4_index\": 244, \"group\": [856.0, 768.0, 490.0, 191.0, 59.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 855, \"cat_0_index\": 222, \"cat_6_index\": 288, \"cat_2_index\": 243, \"cat_1_index\": 235, \"rankvar\": 226, \"cat_9_index\": 288, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 235, \"cat_3_index\": 244, \"cat_8_index\": 265, \"name\": \"UTP14A phospho S437\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1121, \"rank\": 822, \"ini\": 854, \"cat_4_index\": 245, \"group\": [852.0, 764.0, 487.0, 189.0, 58.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 852, \"cat_0_index\": 223, \"cat_6_index\": 289, \"cat_2_index\": 244, \"cat_1_index\": 236, \"rankvar\": 893, \"cat_9_index\": 289, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 236, \"cat_3_index\": 245, \"cat_8_index\": 266, \"name\": \"MAP7D2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1122, \"rank\": 948, \"ini\": 853, \"cat_4_index\": 246, \"group\": [853.0, 765.0, 487.0, 189.0, 58.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 853, \"cat_0_index\": 224, \"cat_6_index\": 290, \"cat_2_index\": 245, \"cat_1_index\": 237, \"rankvar\": 231, \"cat_9_index\": 290, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 237, \"cat_3_index\": 246, \"cat_8_index\": 267, \"name\": \"MAP7D2 phospho S304\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 288, \"rank\": 941, \"ini\": 852, \"cat_4_index\": 247, \"group\": [854.0, 766.0, 488.0, 190.0, 58.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 851, \"cat_0_index\": 225, \"cat_6_index\": 291, \"cat_2_index\": 246, \"cat_1_index\": 238, \"rankvar\": 756, \"cat_9_index\": 291, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 238, \"cat_3_index\": 247, \"cat_8_index\": 268, \"name\": \"BCAT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 289, \"rank\": 1142, \"ini\": 851, \"cat_4_index\": 248, \"group\": [850.0, 762.0, 485.0, 188.0, 57.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 849, \"cat_0_index\": 226, \"cat_6_index\": 292, \"cat_2_index\": 247, \"cat_1_index\": 239, \"rankvar\": 419, \"cat_9_index\": 292, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 239, \"cat_3_index\": 248, \"cat_8_index\": 269, \"name\": \"MDK\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 290, \"rank\": 131, \"ini\": 850, \"cat_4_index\": 249, \"group\": [851.0, 763.0, 486.0, 188.0, 57.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 850, \"cat_0_index\": 227, \"cat_6_index\": 293, \"cat_2_index\": 248, \"cat_1_index\": 240, \"rankvar\": 123, \"cat_9_index\": 293, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 240, \"cat_3_index\": 249, \"cat_8_index\": 270, \"name\": \"PKP3 Rme1 R261\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 291, \"rank\": 301, \"ini\": 849, \"cat_4_index\": 250, \"group\": [845.0, 757.0, 482.0, 186.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 847, \"cat_0_index\": 228, \"cat_6_index\": 294, \"cat_2_index\": 249, \"cat_1_index\": 241, \"rankvar\": 594, \"cat_9_index\": 294, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 241, \"cat_3_index\": 250, \"cat_8_index\": 271, \"name\": \"UBE3A phospho S218\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 292, \"rank\": 41, \"ini\": 848, \"cat_4_index\": 251, \"group\": [846.0, 758.0, 482.0, 186.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 848, \"cat_0_index\": 229, \"cat_6_index\": 295, \"cat_2_index\": 250, \"cat_1_index\": 242, \"rankvar\": 42, \"cat_9_index\": 295, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 242, \"cat_3_index\": 251, \"cat_8_index\": 272, \"name\": \"ARIH2 phospho S353\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 293, \"rank\": 509, \"ini\": 847, \"cat_4_index\": 252, \"group\": [847.0, 759.0, 482.0, 186.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 846, \"cat_0_index\": 230, \"cat_6_index\": 296, \"cat_2_index\": 251, \"cat_1_index\": 243, \"rankvar\": 426, \"cat_9_index\": 296, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 243, \"cat_3_index\": 252, \"cat_8_index\": 273, \"name\": \"FASN AcK K1582\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 294, \"rank\": 612, \"ini\": 846, \"cat_4_index\": 253, \"group\": [843.0, 755.0, 481.0, 186.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 844, \"cat_0_index\": 231, \"cat_6_index\": 297, \"cat_2_index\": 252, \"cat_1_index\": 244, \"rankvar\": 406, \"cat_9_index\": 297, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 244, \"cat_3_index\": 253, \"cat_8_index\": 274, \"name\": \"RUVBL2 phospho S220\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 295, \"rank\": 172, \"ini\": 845, \"cat_4_index\": 254, \"group\": [844.0, 756.0, 481.0, 186.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 845, \"cat_0_index\": 232, \"cat_6_index\": 298, \"cat_2_index\": 253, \"cat_1_index\": 245, \"rankvar\": 668, \"cat_9_index\": 298, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 245, \"cat_3_index\": 254, \"cat_8_index\": 275, \"name\": \"PELP1 phospho S1033\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 296, \"rank\": 710, \"ini\": 844, \"cat_4_index\": 255, \"group\": [848.0, 760.0, 483.0, 186.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 843, \"cat_0_index\": 233, \"cat_6_index\": 299, \"cat_2_index\": 254, \"cat_1_index\": 246, \"rankvar\": 746, \"cat_9_index\": 299, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 246, \"cat_3_index\": 255, \"cat_8_index\": 276, \"name\": \"OGFR phospho S361\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1123, \"rank\": 1077, \"ini\": 843, \"cat_4_index\": 1115, \"group\": [840.0, 752.0, 479.0, 185.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 841, \"cat_0_index\": 1092, \"cat_6_index\": 300, \"cat_2_index\": 1114, \"cat_1_index\": 1101, \"rankvar\": 303, \"cat_9_index\": 300, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1074, \"cat_3_index\": 1115, \"cat_8_index\": 277, \"name\": \"SMC1A phospho S360\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1124, \"rank\": 285, \"ini\": 842, \"cat_4_index\": 256, \"group\": [841.0, 753.0, 479.0, 185.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 842, \"cat_0_index\": 234, \"cat_6_index\": 301, \"cat_2_index\": 255, \"cat_1_index\": 247, \"rankvar\": 923, \"cat_9_index\": 301, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 247, \"cat_3_index\": 256, \"cat_8_index\": 278, \"name\": \"NUMA1 phospho S395\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 297, \"rank\": 1023, \"ini\": 841, \"cat_4_index\": 257, \"group\": [842.0, 754.0, 480.0, 185.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 840, \"cat_0_index\": 235, \"cat_6_index\": 302, \"cat_2_index\": 256, \"cat_1_index\": 248, \"rankvar\": 954, \"cat_9_index\": 302, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 248, \"cat_3_index\": 257, \"cat_8_index\": 279, \"name\": \"PPM1G phospho S183\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 298, \"rank\": 783, \"ini\": 840, \"cat_4_index\": 258, \"group\": [849.0, 761.0, 484.0, 187.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 839, \"cat_0_index\": 236, \"cat_6_index\": 303, \"cat_2_index\": 257, \"cat_1_index\": 249, \"rankvar\": 883, \"cat_9_index\": 303, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 249, \"cat_3_index\": 258, \"cat_8_index\": 280, \"name\": \"GPS1 phospho T479\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 299, \"rank\": 559, \"ini\": 839, \"cat_4_index\": 259, \"group\": [838.0, 750.0, 478.0, 184.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 837, \"cat_0_index\": 237, \"cat_6_index\": 1105, \"cat_2_index\": 258, \"cat_1_index\": 250, \"rankvar\": 832, \"cat_9_index\": 304, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 250, \"cat_3_index\": 259, \"cat_8_index\": 281, \"name\": \"NUP93 phospho S438\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 300, \"rank\": 461, \"ini\": 838, \"cat_4_index\": 260, \"group\": [839.0, 751.0, 478.0, 184.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 838, \"cat_0_index\": 238, \"cat_6_index\": 304, \"cat_2_index\": 259, \"cat_1_index\": 251, \"rankvar\": 18, \"cat_9_index\": 305, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 251, \"cat_3_index\": 260, \"cat_8_index\": 282, \"name\": \"MSH2 phospho S717\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 301, \"rank\": 1088, \"ini\": 837, \"cat_4_index\": 1116, \"group\": [836.0, 749.0, 477.0, 184.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 835, \"cat_0_index\": 1093, \"cat_6_index\": 305, \"cat_2_index\": 1115, \"cat_1_index\": 1102, \"rankvar\": 1132, \"cat_9_index\": 306, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1075, \"cat_3_index\": 1116, \"cat_8_index\": 283, \"name\": \"SRSF3 phospho T70\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 302, \"rank\": 861, \"ini\": 836, \"cat_4_index\": 261, \"group\": [837.0, 749.0, 477.0, 184.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 836, \"cat_0_index\": 239, \"cat_6_index\": 306, \"cat_2_index\": 260, \"cat_1_index\": 252, \"rankvar\": 1143, \"cat_9_index\": 307, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1076, \"cat_3_index\": 261, \"cat_8_index\": 284, \"name\": \"DARS phospho T52\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 303, \"rank\": 49, \"ini\": 835, \"cat_4_index\": 1117, \"group\": [833.0, 746.0, 476.0, 184.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 833, \"cat_0_index\": 1094, \"cat_6_index\": 307, \"cat_2_index\": 1116, \"cat_1_index\": 1103, \"rankvar\": 455, \"cat_9_index\": 308, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1077, \"cat_3_index\": 1117, \"cat_8_index\": 1112, \"name\": \"DHX9 phospho S688\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 304, \"rank\": 899, \"ini\": 834, \"cat_4_index\": 262, \"group\": [834.0, 747.0, 476.0, 184.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 834, \"cat_0_index\": 240, \"cat_6_index\": 308, \"cat_2_index\": 261, \"cat_1_index\": 253, \"rankvar\": 711, \"cat_9_index\": 309, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 252, \"cat_3_index\": 262, \"cat_8_index\": 285, \"name\": \"ATP1A1 phospho S653\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 305, \"rank\": 508, \"ini\": 833, \"cat_4_index\": 263, \"group\": [835.0, 748.0, 476.0, 184.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 832, \"cat_0_index\": 241, \"cat_6_index\": 309, \"cat_2_index\": 262, \"cat_1_index\": 254, \"rankvar\": 291, \"cat_9_index\": 310, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1078, \"cat_3_index\": 263, \"cat_8_index\": 286, \"name\": \"POLR3E phospho S162\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 306, \"rank\": 730, \"ini\": 832, \"cat_4_index\": 264, \"group\": [831.0, 744.0, 475.0, 184.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 830, \"cat_0_index\": 242, \"cat_6_index\": 310, \"cat_2_index\": 263, \"cat_1_index\": 255, \"rankvar\": 592, \"cat_9_index\": 311, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1079, \"cat_3_index\": 264, \"cat_8_index\": 287, \"name\": \"TAF12 phospho S51\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 307, \"rank\": 61, \"ini\": 831, \"cat_4_index\": 265, \"group\": [832.0, 745.0, 475.0, 184.0, 56.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 831, \"cat_0_index\": 243, \"cat_6_index\": 311, \"cat_2_index\": 264, \"cat_1_index\": 256, \"rankvar\": 957, \"cat_9_index\": 312, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 253, \"cat_3_index\": 265, \"cat_8_index\": 288, \"name\": \"RBM14 phospho S623\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 308, \"rank\": 579, \"ini\": 830, \"cat_4_index\": 266, \"group\": [829.0, 742.0, 473.0, 183.0, 55.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 828, \"cat_0_index\": 244, \"cat_6_index\": 312, \"cat_2_index\": 265, \"cat_1_index\": 257, \"rankvar\": 572, \"cat_9_index\": 1114, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 254, \"cat_3_index\": 266, \"cat_8_index\": 289, \"name\": \"SART3 phospho S769\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 309, \"rank\": 102, \"ini\": 829, \"cat_4_index\": 267, \"group\": [830.0, 743.0, 474.0, 183.0, 55.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 829, \"cat_0_index\": 245, \"cat_6_index\": 313, \"cat_2_index\": 266, \"cat_1_index\": 258, \"rankvar\": 264, \"cat_9_index\": 313, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 255, \"cat_3_index\": 267, \"cat_8_index\": 290, \"name\": \"CSDE1 phospho S123\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 310, \"rank\": 911, \"ini\": 828, \"cat_4_index\": 268, \"group\": [827.0, 740.0, 471.0, 182.0, 54.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 826, \"cat_0_index\": 246, \"cat_6_index\": 314, \"cat_2_index\": 267, \"cat_1_index\": 259, \"rankvar\": 972, \"cat_9_index\": 314, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 256, \"cat_3_index\": 268, \"cat_8_index\": 291, \"name\": \"ADO Rme1 R28\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 311, \"rank\": 592, \"ini\": 827, \"cat_4_index\": 269, \"group\": [828.0, 741.0, 472.0, 182.0, 54.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 827, \"cat_0_index\": 247, \"cat_6_index\": 315, \"cat_2_index\": 268, \"cat_1_index\": 260, \"rankvar\": 13, \"cat_9_index\": 315, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 257, \"cat_3_index\": 269, \"cat_8_index\": 292, \"name\": \"RHNO1 phospho S232\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 312, \"rank\": 193, \"ini\": 826, \"cat_4_index\": 270, \"group\": [825.0, 738.0, 469.0, 181.0, 54.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 824, \"cat_0_index\": 248, \"cat_6_index\": 316, \"cat_2_index\": 269, \"cat_1_index\": 261, \"rankvar\": 99, \"cat_9_index\": 316, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 258, \"cat_3_index\": 270, \"cat_8_index\": 293, \"name\": \"SMC6 phospho T1083\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 313, \"rank\": 1068, \"ini\": 825, \"cat_4_index\": 271, \"group\": [826.0, 739.0, 470.0, 181.0, 54.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 825, \"cat_0_index\": 249, \"cat_6_index\": 317, \"cat_2_index\": 270, \"cat_1_index\": 262, \"rankvar\": 316, \"cat_9_index\": 317, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 259, \"cat_3_index\": 271, \"cat_8_index\": 294, \"name\": \"ASH2L phospho S623\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 314, \"rank\": 647, \"ini\": 824, \"cat_4_index\": 272, \"group\": [823.0, 736.0, 467.0, 180.0, 53.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 822, \"cat_0_index\": 250, \"cat_6_index\": 318, \"cat_2_index\": 271, \"cat_1_index\": 263, \"rankvar\": 679, \"cat_9_index\": 318, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 260, \"cat_3_index\": 272, \"cat_8_index\": 295, \"name\": \"RTKN Rme1 R14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 315, \"rank\": 115, \"ini\": 823, \"cat_4_index\": 273, \"group\": [824.0, 737.0, 468.0, 180.0, 53.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 823, \"cat_0_index\": 1095, \"cat_6_index\": 319, \"cat_2_index\": 272, \"cat_1_index\": 264, \"rankvar\": 931, \"cat_9_index\": 319, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 261, \"cat_3_index\": 273, \"cat_8_index\": 296, \"name\": \"HNRPLL phospho S61\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 316, \"rank\": 35, \"ini\": 822, \"cat_4_index\": 274, \"group\": [821.0, 734.0, 465.0, 179.0, 53.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 820, \"cat_0_index\": 1096, \"cat_6_index\": 320, \"cat_2_index\": 273, \"cat_1_index\": 1104, \"rankvar\": 585, \"cat_9_index\": 320, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 262, \"cat_3_index\": 274, \"cat_8_index\": 1113, \"name\": \"THRAP3 phospho S444\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 317, \"rank\": 714, \"ini\": 821, \"cat_4_index\": 275, \"group\": [822.0, 735.0, 466.0, 179.0, 53.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 821, \"cat_0_index\": 251, \"cat_6_index\": 321, \"cat_2_index\": 274, \"cat_1_index\": 265, \"rankvar\": 294, \"cat_9_index\": 321, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 263, \"cat_3_index\": 275, \"cat_8_index\": 297, \"name\": \"RECQL phospho T605\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 318, \"rank\": 156, \"ini\": 820, \"cat_4_index\": 276, \"group\": [819.0, 732.0, 463.0, 177.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 818, \"cat_0_index\": 252, \"cat_6_index\": 322, \"cat_2_index\": 275, \"cat_1_index\": 266, \"rankvar\": 300, \"cat_9_index\": 322, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 264, \"cat_3_index\": 276, \"cat_8_index\": 298, \"name\": \"TLN1 phospho S1201\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 319, \"rank\": 780, \"ini\": 819, \"cat_4_index\": 277, \"group\": [820.0, 733.0, 464.0, 178.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 819, \"cat_0_index\": 253, \"cat_6_index\": 323, \"cat_2_index\": 276, \"cat_1_index\": 267, \"rankvar\": 870, \"cat_9_index\": 323, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 265, \"cat_3_index\": 277, \"cat_8_index\": 299, \"name\": \"FILIP1L phospho T986\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 320, \"rank\": 464, \"ini\": 818, \"cat_4_index\": 278, \"group\": [816.0, 729.0, 460.0, 176.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 816, \"cat_0_index\": 254, \"cat_6_index\": 324, \"cat_2_index\": 277, \"cat_1_index\": 268, \"rankvar\": 106, \"cat_9_index\": 324, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 266, \"cat_3_index\": 278, \"cat_8_index\": 300, \"name\": \"MAP2K6 phospho Y203\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 321, \"rank\": 1035, \"ini\": 817, \"cat_4_index\": 279, \"group\": [817.0, 730.0, 461.0, 176.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 817, \"cat_0_index\": 255, \"cat_6_index\": 325, \"cat_2_index\": 278, \"cat_1_index\": 269, \"rankvar\": 287, \"cat_9_index\": 325, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 267, \"cat_3_index\": 279, \"cat_8_index\": 301, \"name\": \"AKAP10 phospho S52\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 322, \"rank\": 490, \"ini\": 816, \"cat_4_index\": 280, \"group\": [818.0, 731.0, 462.0, 176.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 815, \"cat_0_index\": 256, \"cat_6_index\": 326, \"cat_2_index\": 279, \"cat_1_index\": 270, \"rankvar\": 686, \"cat_9_index\": 326, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 268, \"cat_3_index\": 280, \"cat_8_index\": 302, \"name\": \"CCND2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 323, \"rank\": 318, \"ini\": 815, \"cat_4_index\": 281, \"group\": [813.0, 726.0, 457.0, 175.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 813, \"cat_0_index\": 257, \"cat_6_index\": 327, \"cat_2_index\": 280, \"cat_1_index\": 271, \"rankvar\": 582, \"cat_9_index\": 327, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 269, \"cat_3_index\": 281, \"cat_8_index\": 303, \"name\": \"PLCB4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1125, \"rank\": 617, \"ini\": 814, \"cat_4_index\": 282, \"group\": [814.0, 727.0, 458.0, 175.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 814, \"cat_0_index\": 258, \"cat_6_index\": 328, \"cat_2_index\": 281, \"cat_1_index\": 272, \"rankvar\": 453, \"cat_9_index\": 328, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 270, \"cat_3_index\": 282, \"cat_8_index\": 304, \"name\": \"HAUS6 phospho T584\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 324, \"rank\": 1022, \"ini\": 813, \"cat_4_index\": 283, \"group\": [815.0, 728.0, 459.0, 175.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 812, \"cat_0_index\": 259, \"cat_6_index\": 329, \"cat_2_index\": 282, \"cat_1_index\": 273, \"rankvar\": 444, \"cat_9_index\": 329, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 271, \"cat_3_index\": 283, \"cat_8_index\": 305, \"name\": \"FOXD1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 325, \"rank\": 89, \"ini\": 812, \"cat_4_index\": 284, \"group\": [811.0, 724.0, 455.0, 174.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 810, \"cat_0_index\": 260, \"cat_6_index\": 330, \"cat_2_index\": 283, \"cat_1_index\": 274, \"rankvar\": 487, \"cat_9_index\": 330, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 272, \"cat_3_index\": 284, \"cat_8_index\": 306, \"name\": \"RAB3B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 326, \"rank\": 19, \"ini\": 811, \"cat_4_index\": 285, \"group\": [812.0, 725.0, 456.0, 174.0, 52.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 811, \"cat_0_index\": 261, \"cat_6_index\": 331, \"cat_2_index\": 284, \"cat_1_index\": 275, \"rankvar\": 767, \"cat_9_index\": 331, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 273, \"cat_3_index\": 285, \"cat_8_index\": 307, \"name\": \"REPS1 phospho Y275\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 327, \"rank\": 662, \"ini\": 810, \"cat_4_index\": 286, \"group\": [807.0, 720.0, 452.0, 173.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 808, \"cat_0_index\": 262, \"cat_6_index\": 332, \"cat_2_index\": 285, \"cat_1_index\": 276, \"rankvar\": 140, \"cat_9_index\": 332, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 274, \"cat_3_index\": 286, \"cat_8_index\": 308, \"name\": \"STAU2 Rme1 R137\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 328, \"rank\": 913, \"ini\": 809, \"cat_4_index\": 287, \"group\": [808.0, 721.0, 452.0, 173.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 809, \"cat_0_index\": 263, \"cat_6_index\": 333, \"cat_2_index\": 286, \"cat_1_index\": 277, \"rankvar\": 792, \"cat_9_index\": 333, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1080, \"cat_3_index\": 287, \"cat_8_index\": 1114, \"name\": \"MAPKAPK2 phospho T334\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 329, \"rank\": 526, \"ini\": 808, \"cat_4_index\": 1118, \"group\": [809.0, 722.0, 453.0, 173.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 807, \"cat_0_index\": 1097, \"cat_6_index\": 334, \"cat_2_index\": 1117, \"cat_1_index\": 1105, \"rankvar\": 494, \"cat_9_index\": 334, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1081, \"cat_3_index\": 1118, \"cat_8_index\": 309, \"name\": \"PCF11 phospho S494\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 330, \"rank\": 632, \"ini\": 807, \"cat_4_index\": 288, \"group\": [810.0, 723.0, 454.0, 173.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 806, \"cat_0_index\": 264, \"cat_6_index\": 335, \"cat_2_index\": 287, \"cat_1_index\": 278, \"rankvar\": 416, \"cat_9_index\": 335, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 275, \"cat_3_index\": 288, \"cat_8_index\": 310, \"name\": \"CLGN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 331, \"rank\": 147, \"ini\": 806, \"cat_4_index\": 289, \"group\": [805.0, 718.0, 450.0, 172.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 804, \"cat_0_index\": 265, \"cat_6_index\": 336, \"cat_2_index\": 288, \"cat_1_index\": 279, \"rankvar\": 917, \"cat_9_index\": 336, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 276, \"cat_3_index\": 289, \"cat_8_index\": 311, \"name\": \"PPP1R12A phospho S802\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 332, \"rank\": 1014, \"ini\": 805, \"cat_4_index\": 290, \"group\": [806.0, 719.0, 451.0, 172.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 805, \"cat_0_index\": 266, \"cat_6_index\": 337, \"cat_2_index\": 289, \"cat_1_index\": 280, \"rankvar\": 821, \"cat_9_index\": 337, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 277, \"cat_3_index\": 290, \"cat_8_index\": 312, \"name\": \"HBB phospho T39\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 333, \"rank\": 915, \"ini\": 804, \"cat_4_index\": 291, \"group\": [802.0, 715.0, 447.0, 171.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 802, \"cat_0_index\": 267, \"cat_6_index\": 338, \"cat_2_index\": 290, \"cat_1_index\": 281, \"rankvar\": 466, \"cat_9_index\": 338, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 278, \"cat_3_index\": 291, \"cat_8_index\": 313, \"name\": \"NMU\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 334, \"rank\": 748, \"ini\": 803, \"cat_4_index\": 292, \"group\": [803.0, 716.0, 448.0, 171.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 803, \"cat_0_index\": 1098, \"cat_6_index\": 339, \"cat_2_index\": 291, \"cat_1_index\": 1106, \"rankvar\": 557, \"cat_9_index\": 339, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 279, \"cat_3_index\": 292, \"cat_8_index\": 314, \"name\": \"DHX16 phospho S348\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 335, \"rank\": 707, \"ini\": 802, \"cat_4_index\": 1119, \"group\": [804.0, 717.0, 449.0, 171.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 801, \"cat_0_index\": 1099, \"cat_6_index\": 340, \"cat_2_index\": 1118, \"cat_1_index\": 1107, \"rankvar\": 1098, \"cat_9_index\": 340, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 280, \"cat_3_index\": 1119, \"cat_8_index\": 315, \"name\": \"SART1 phospho T430\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 336, \"rank\": 641, \"ini\": 801, \"cat_4_index\": 293, \"group\": [799.0, 712.0, 445.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 799, \"cat_0_index\": 268, \"cat_6_index\": 341, \"cat_2_index\": 292, \"cat_1_index\": 282, \"rankvar\": 609, \"cat_9_index\": 341, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 281, \"cat_3_index\": 293, \"cat_8_index\": 316, \"name\": \"RBP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 337, \"rank\": 340, \"ini\": 800, \"cat_4_index\": 294, \"group\": [800.0, 713.0, 445.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 800, \"cat_0_index\": 269, \"cat_6_index\": 342, \"cat_2_index\": 293, \"cat_1_index\": 283, \"rankvar\": 728, \"cat_9_index\": 342, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 282, \"cat_3_index\": 294, \"cat_8_index\": 317, \"name\": \"DLK1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 338, \"rank\": 169, \"ini\": 799, \"cat_4_index\": 295, \"group\": [801.0, 714.0, 446.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 798, \"cat_0_index\": 270, \"cat_6_index\": 343, \"cat_2_index\": 294, \"cat_1_index\": 284, \"rankvar\": 458, \"cat_9_index\": 343, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 283, \"cat_3_index\": 295, \"cat_8_index\": 318, \"name\": \"GABRB3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1126, \"rank\": 535, \"ini\": 798, \"cat_4_index\": 296, \"group\": [797.0, 710.0, 444.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 796, \"cat_0_index\": 271, \"cat_6_index\": 344, \"cat_2_index\": 295, \"cat_1_index\": 285, \"rankvar\": 606, \"cat_9_index\": 344, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 284, \"cat_3_index\": 296, \"cat_8_index\": 319, \"name\": \"EYA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 339, \"rank\": 157, \"ini\": 797, \"cat_4_index\": 297, \"group\": [798.0, 711.0, 444.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 797, \"cat_0_index\": 272, \"cat_6_index\": 345, \"cat_2_index\": 296, \"cat_1_index\": 286, \"rankvar\": 509, \"cat_9_index\": 345, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 285, \"cat_3_index\": 297, \"cat_8_index\": 320, \"name\": \"ELAVL2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 340, \"rank\": 725, \"ini\": 796, \"cat_4_index\": 298, \"group\": [795.0, 709.0, 444.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 794, \"cat_0_index\": 273, \"cat_6_index\": 346, \"cat_2_index\": 297, \"cat_1_index\": 287, \"rankvar\": 898, \"cat_9_index\": 346, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 286, \"cat_3_index\": 298, \"cat_8_index\": 321, \"name\": \"DACH1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 341, \"rank\": 909, \"ini\": 795, \"cat_4_index\": 299, \"group\": [796.0, 709.0, 444.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 795, \"cat_0_index\": 274, \"cat_6_index\": 347, \"cat_2_index\": 298, \"cat_1_index\": 288, \"rankvar\": 1033, \"cat_9_index\": 347, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 287, \"cat_3_index\": 299, \"cat_8_index\": 322, \"name\": \"NELL2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 342, \"rank\": 611, \"ini\": 794, \"cat_4_index\": 300, \"group\": [793.0, 707.0, 444.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 792, \"cat_0_index\": 275, \"cat_6_index\": 348, \"cat_2_index\": 299, \"cat_1_index\": 289, \"rankvar\": 806, \"cat_9_index\": 348, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 288, \"cat_3_index\": 300, \"cat_8_index\": 323, \"name\": \"LINC00461\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 343, \"rank\": 244, \"ini\": 793, \"cat_4_index\": 301, \"group\": [794.0, 708.0, 444.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 793, \"cat_0_index\": 276, \"cat_6_index\": 349, \"cat_2_index\": 300, \"cat_1_index\": 290, \"rankvar\": 430, \"cat_9_index\": 1115, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 289, \"cat_3_index\": 301, \"cat_8_index\": 324, \"name\": \"DCX\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 344, \"rank\": 310, \"ini\": 792, \"cat_4_index\": 302, \"group\": [789.0, 704.0, 443.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 790, \"cat_0_index\": 277, \"cat_6_index\": 350, \"cat_2_index\": 301, \"cat_1_index\": 291, \"rankvar\": 570, \"cat_9_index\": 349, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 290, \"cat_3_index\": 302, \"cat_8_index\": 325, \"name\": \"STMN2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 345, \"rank\": 387, \"ini\": 791, \"cat_4_index\": 303, \"group\": [790.0, 704.0, 443.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 791, \"cat_0_index\": 278, \"cat_6_index\": 351, \"cat_2_index\": 302, \"cat_1_index\": 292, \"rankvar\": 546, \"cat_9_index\": 350, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 291, \"cat_3_index\": 303, \"cat_8_index\": 326, \"name\": \"NEUROD1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 346, \"rank\": 1064, \"ini\": 790, \"cat_4_index\": 304, \"group\": [791.0, 705.0, 443.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 789, \"cat_0_index\": 279, \"cat_6_index\": 352, \"cat_2_index\": 303, \"cat_1_index\": 293, \"rankvar\": 1026, \"cat_9_index\": 351, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 292, \"cat_3_index\": 304, \"cat_8_index\": 327, \"name\": \"IGSF11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 347, \"rank\": 998, \"ini\": 789, \"cat_4_index\": 305, \"group\": [792.0, 706.0, 443.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 788, \"cat_0_index\": 280, \"cat_6_index\": 353, \"cat_2_index\": 304, \"cat_1_index\": 294, \"rankvar\": 1127, \"cat_9_index\": 352, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 293, \"cat_3_index\": 305, \"cat_8_index\": 328, \"name\": \"CNTN1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 348, \"rank\": 258, \"ini\": 788, \"cat_4_index\": 306, \"group\": [785.0, 701.0, 441.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 786, \"cat_0_index\": 281, \"cat_6_index\": 354, \"cat_2_index\": 305, \"cat_1_index\": 295, \"rankvar\": 550, \"cat_9_index\": 353, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 294, \"cat_3_index\": 306, \"cat_8_index\": 329, \"name\": \"C14orf23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 349, \"rank\": 141, \"ini\": 787, \"cat_4_index\": 307, \"group\": [786.0, 701.0, 441.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 787, \"cat_0_index\": 282, \"cat_6_index\": 355, \"cat_2_index\": 306, \"cat_1_index\": 296, \"rankvar\": 481, \"cat_9_index\": 354, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 295, \"cat_3_index\": 307, \"cat_8_index\": 330, \"name\": \"FOXG1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 350, \"rank\": 668, \"ini\": 786, \"cat_4_index\": 308, \"group\": [787.0, 702.0, 441.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 785, \"cat_0_index\": 283, \"cat_6_index\": 356, \"cat_2_index\": 307, \"cat_1_index\": 297, \"rankvar\": 927, \"cat_9_index\": 355, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 296, \"cat_3_index\": 308, \"cat_8_index\": 331, \"name\": \"GAP43\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 351, \"rank\": 1009, \"ini\": 785, \"cat_4_index\": 309, \"group\": [788.0, 703.0, 442.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 784, \"cat_0_index\": 284, \"cat_6_index\": 357, \"cat_2_index\": 308, \"cat_1_index\": 298, \"rankvar\": 955, \"cat_9_index\": 356, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 297, \"cat_3_index\": 309, \"cat_8_index\": 332, \"name\": \"SIX3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 352, \"rank\": 937, \"ini\": 784, \"cat_4_index\": 310, \"group\": [783.0, 699.0, 440.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 782, \"cat_0_index\": 285, \"cat_6_index\": 358, \"cat_2_index\": 309, \"cat_1_index\": 299, \"rankvar\": 1077, \"cat_9_index\": 357, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 298, \"cat_3_index\": 310, \"cat_8_index\": 333, \"name\": \"PKIA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 353, \"rank\": 784, \"ini\": 783, \"cat_4_index\": 311, \"group\": [784.0, 700.0, 440.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 783, \"cat_0_index\": 286, \"cat_6_index\": 359, \"cat_2_index\": 310, \"cat_1_index\": 300, \"rankvar\": 897, \"cat_9_index\": 358, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 299, \"cat_3_index\": 311, \"cat_8_index\": 334, \"name\": \"KLHL13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 354, \"rank\": 299, \"ini\": 782, \"cat_4_index\": 312, \"group\": [781.0, 698.0, 439.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 780, \"cat_0_index\": 287, \"cat_6_index\": 360, \"cat_2_index\": 311, \"cat_1_index\": 301, \"rankvar\": 22, \"cat_9_index\": 359, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 300, \"cat_3_index\": 312, \"cat_8_index\": 335, \"name\": \"AKAP8 phospho S328\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 355, \"rank\": 1144, \"ini\": 781, \"cat_4_index\": 313, \"group\": [782.0, 698.0, 439.0, 170.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 781, \"cat_0_index\": 288, \"cat_6_index\": 361, \"cat_2_index\": 312, \"cat_1_index\": 302, \"rankvar\": 914, \"cat_9_index\": 360, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 301, \"cat_3_index\": 313, \"cat_8_index\": 336, \"name\": \"AKAP8 phospho S323\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 356, \"rank\": 867, \"ini\": 780, \"cat_4_index\": 314, \"group\": [774.0, 692.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 778, \"cat_0_index\": 289, \"cat_6_index\": 362, \"cat_2_index\": 313, \"cat_1_index\": 303, \"rankvar\": 993, \"cat_9_index\": 361, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 302, \"cat_3_index\": 314, \"cat_8_index\": 337, \"name\": \"SLC16A10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 357, \"rank\": 155, \"ini\": 779, \"cat_4_index\": 315, \"group\": [775.0, 692.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 779, \"cat_0_index\": 290, \"cat_6_index\": 363, \"cat_2_index\": 314, \"cat_1_index\": 304, \"rankvar\": 393, \"cat_9_index\": 362, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 303, \"cat_3_index\": 315, \"cat_8_index\": 338, \"name\": \"EBF1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 358, \"rank\": 94, \"ini\": 778, \"cat_4_index\": 316, \"group\": [776.0, 693.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 777, \"cat_0_index\": 291, \"cat_6_index\": 364, \"cat_2_index\": 315, \"cat_1_index\": 305, \"rankvar\": 432, \"cat_9_index\": 363, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 304, \"cat_3_index\": 316, \"cat_8_index\": 339, \"name\": \"KIAA1211\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 359, \"rank\": 877, \"ini\": 777, \"cat_4_index\": 317, \"group\": [777.0, 694.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 776, \"cat_0_index\": 292, \"cat_6_index\": 365, \"cat_2_index\": 316, \"cat_1_index\": 306, \"rankvar\": 989, \"cat_9_index\": 364, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 305, \"cat_3_index\": 317, \"cat_8_index\": 340, \"name\": \"RTN1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 360, \"rank\": 906, \"ini\": 776, \"cat_4_index\": 318, \"group\": [778.0, 695.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 775, \"cat_0_index\": 293, \"cat_6_index\": 366, \"cat_2_index\": 317, \"cat_1_index\": 307, \"rankvar\": 865, \"cat_9_index\": 1116, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 306, \"cat_3_index\": 318, \"cat_8_index\": 341, \"name\": \"POU4F1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 361, \"rank\": 308, \"ini\": 775, \"cat_4_index\": 319, \"group\": [767.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 773, \"cat_0_index\": 294, \"cat_6_index\": 367, \"cat_2_index\": 318, \"cat_1_index\": 308, \"rankvar\": 454, \"cat_9_index\": 365, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 307, \"cat_3_index\": 319, \"cat_8_index\": 342, \"name\": \"SYT4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 362, \"rank\": 343, \"ini\": 774, \"cat_4_index\": 320, \"group\": [768.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 774, \"cat_0_index\": 1100, \"cat_6_index\": 368, \"cat_2_index\": 319, \"cat_1_index\": 309, \"rankvar\": 523, \"cat_9_index\": 366, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 308, \"cat_3_index\": 320, \"cat_8_index\": 343, \"name\": \"ELAVL4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 363, \"rank\": 1102, \"ini\": 773, \"cat_4_index\": 321, \"group\": [769.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 772, \"cat_0_index\": 295, \"cat_6_index\": 369, \"cat_2_index\": 320, \"cat_1_index\": 310, \"rankvar\": 1107, \"cat_9_index\": 367, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 309, \"cat_3_index\": 321, \"cat_8_index\": 344, \"name\": \"SOX11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 364, \"rank\": 506, \"ini\": 772, \"cat_4_index\": 322, \"group\": [765.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 770, \"cat_0_index\": 296, \"cat_6_index\": 370, \"cat_2_index\": 321, \"cat_1_index\": 311, \"rankvar\": 599, \"cat_9_index\": 368, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1082, \"cat_3_index\": 322, \"cat_8_index\": 345, \"name\": \"ESRRG\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 365, \"rank\": 122, \"ini\": 771, \"cat_4_index\": 323, \"group\": [766.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 771, \"cat_0_index\": 297, \"cat_6_index\": 371, \"cat_2_index\": 322, \"cat_1_index\": 312, \"rankvar\": 450, \"cat_9_index\": 369, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 310, \"cat_3_index\": 323, \"cat_8_index\": 346, \"name\": \"NOL4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 366, \"rank\": 391, \"ini\": 770, \"cat_4_index\": 324, \"group\": [755.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 768, \"cat_0_index\": 298, \"cat_6_index\": 372, \"cat_2_index\": 323, \"cat_1_index\": 313, \"rankvar\": 565, \"cat_9_index\": 370, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 311, \"cat_3_index\": 324, \"cat_8_index\": 347, \"name\": \"SCG3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 367, \"rank\": 484, \"ini\": 769, \"cat_4_index\": 325, \"group\": [756.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 769, \"cat_0_index\": 299, \"cat_6_index\": 373, \"cat_2_index\": 324, \"cat_1_index\": 314, \"rankvar\": 688, \"cat_9_index\": 371, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 312, \"cat_3_index\": 325, \"cat_8_index\": 348, \"name\": \"INSM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 368, \"rank\": 309, \"ini\": 768, \"cat_4_index\": 326, \"group\": [757.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 767, \"cat_0_index\": 300, \"cat_6_index\": 374, \"cat_2_index\": 325, \"cat_1_index\": 315, \"rankvar\": 501, \"cat_9_index\": 372, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 313, \"cat_3_index\": 326, \"cat_8_index\": 349, \"name\": \"CRMP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 369, \"rank\": 543, \"ini\": 767, \"cat_4_index\": 327, \"group\": [758.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 766, \"cat_0_index\": 301, \"cat_6_index\": 375, \"cat_2_index\": 326, \"cat_1_index\": 316, \"rankvar\": 614, \"cat_9_index\": 373, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 314, \"cat_3_index\": 327, \"cat_8_index\": 350, \"name\": \"KIF5C\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 370, \"rank\": 524, \"ini\": 766, \"cat_4_index\": 328, \"group\": [759.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 765, \"cat_0_index\": 302, \"cat_6_index\": 376, \"cat_2_index\": 327, \"cat_1_index\": 317, \"rankvar\": 730, \"cat_9_index\": 374, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 315, \"cat_3_index\": 328, \"cat_8_index\": 351, \"name\": \"PPM1E\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 371, \"rank\": 764, \"ini\": 765, \"cat_4_index\": 329, \"group\": [760.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 764, \"cat_0_index\": 303, \"cat_6_index\": 377, \"cat_2_index\": 328, \"cat_1_index\": 318, \"rankvar\": 803, \"cat_9_index\": 375, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 316, \"cat_3_index\": 329, \"cat_8_index\": 352, \"name\": \"HES6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 372, \"rank\": 882, \"ini\": 764, \"cat_4_index\": 330, \"group\": [761.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 763, \"cat_0_index\": 304, \"cat_6_index\": 378, \"cat_2_index\": 329, \"cat_1_index\": 319, \"rankvar\": 938, \"cat_9_index\": 376, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 317, \"cat_3_index\": 330, \"cat_8_index\": 353, \"name\": \"CHGA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 373, \"rank\": 1057, \"ini\": 763, \"cat_4_index\": 331, \"group\": [762.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 762, \"cat_0_index\": 305, \"cat_6_index\": 379, \"cat_2_index\": 330, \"cat_1_index\": 320, \"rankvar\": 1082, \"cat_9_index\": 377, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 318, \"cat_3_index\": 331, \"cat_8_index\": 354, \"name\": \"BEX1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 374, \"rank\": 954, \"ini\": 762, \"cat_4_index\": 332, \"group\": [753.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 760, \"cat_0_index\": 306, \"cat_6_index\": 380, \"cat_2_index\": 331, \"cat_1_index\": 321, \"rankvar\": 936, \"cat_9_index\": 378, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 319, \"cat_3_index\": 332, \"cat_8_index\": 355, \"name\": \"GNG4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 375, \"rank\": 238, \"ini\": 761, \"cat_4_index\": 333, \"group\": [754.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 761, \"cat_0_index\": 307, \"cat_6_index\": 381, \"cat_2_index\": 332, \"cat_1_index\": 322, \"rankvar\": 640, \"cat_9_index\": 379, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 320, \"cat_3_index\": 333, \"cat_8_index\": 356, \"name\": \"CHGB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 376, \"rank\": 666, \"ini\": 760, \"cat_4_index\": 334, \"group\": [751.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 758, \"cat_0_index\": 308, \"cat_6_index\": 382, \"cat_2_index\": 333, \"cat_1_index\": 323, \"rankvar\": 811, \"cat_9_index\": 380, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 321, \"cat_3_index\": 334, \"cat_8_index\": 357, \"name\": \"BEND5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 377, \"rank\": 1025, \"ini\": 759, \"cat_4_index\": 335, \"group\": [752.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 759, \"cat_0_index\": 309, \"cat_6_index\": 383, \"cat_2_index\": 334, \"cat_1_index\": 324, \"rankvar\": 1095, \"cat_9_index\": 381, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 322, \"cat_3_index\": 335, \"cat_8_index\": 358, \"name\": \"TAGLN3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 378, \"rank\": 315, \"ini\": 758, \"cat_4_index\": 336, \"group\": [763.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 757, \"cat_0_index\": 310, \"cat_6_index\": 384, \"cat_2_index\": 335, \"cat_1_index\": 325, \"rankvar\": 638, \"cat_9_index\": 382, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 323, \"cat_3_index\": 336, \"cat_8_index\": 359, \"name\": \"ST18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 379, \"rank\": 635, \"ini\": 757, \"cat_4_index\": 337, \"group\": [764.0, 687.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 756, \"cat_0_index\": 311, \"cat_6_index\": 385, \"cat_2_index\": 336, \"cat_1_index\": 326, \"rankvar\": 987, \"cat_9_index\": 383, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 324, \"cat_3_index\": 337, \"cat_8_index\": 360, \"name\": \"SH3GL2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 380, \"rank\": 682, \"ini\": 756, \"cat_4_index\": 338, \"group\": [770.0, 688.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 755, \"cat_0_index\": 312, \"cat_6_index\": 386, \"cat_2_index\": 337, \"cat_1_index\": 327, \"rankvar\": 675, \"cat_9_index\": 384, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 325, \"cat_3_index\": 338, \"cat_8_index\": 361, \"name\": \"JAKMIP2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 381, \"rank\": 298, \"ini\": 755, \"cat_4_index\": 339, \"group\": [771.0, 689.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 754, \"cat_0_index\": 313, \"cat_6_index\": 387, \"cat_2_index\": 338, \"cat_1_index\": 328, \"rankvar\": 639, \"cat_9_index\": 385, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 326, \"cat_3_index\": 339, \"cat_8_index\": 362, \"name\": \"CPLX1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 382, \"rank\": 111, \"ini\": 754, \"cat_4_index\": 340, \"group\": [772.0, 690.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 753, \"cat_0_index\": 314, \"cat_6_index\": 388, \"cat_2_index\": 339, \"cat_1_index\": 329, \"rankvar\": 389, \"cat_9_index\": 386, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 327, \"cat_3_index\": 340, \"cat_8_index\": 363, \"name\": \"SNAP25\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 383, \"rank\": 264, \"ini\": 753, \"cat_4_index\": 341, \"group\": [748.0, 686.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 751, \"cat_0_index\": 315, \"cat_6_index\": 389, \"cat_2_index\": 340, \"cat_1_index\": 330, \"rankvar\": 507, \"cat_9_index\": 387, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 328, \"cat_3_index\": 341, \"cat_8_index\": 364, \"name\": \"CXCR4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 384, \"rank\": 158, \"ini\": 752, \"cat_4_index\": 342, \"group\": [749.0, 686.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 752, \"cat_0_index\": 316, \"cat_6_index\": 390, \"cat_2_index\": 341, \"cat_1_index\": 331, \"rankvar\": 499, \"cat_9_index\": 388, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 329, \"cat_3_index\": 342, \"cat_8_index\": 365, \"name\": \"KIF1A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 385, \"rank\": 307, \"ini\": 751, \"cat_4_index\": 343, \"group\": [750.0, 686.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 750, \"cat_0_index\": 317, \"cat_6_index\": 391, \"cat_2_index\": 342, \"cat_1_index\": 332, \"rankvar\": 860, \"cat_9_index\": 389, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 330, \"cat_3_index\": 343, \"cat_8_index\": 366, \"name\": \"TMSB15B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 386, \"rank\": 216, \"ini\": 750, \"cat_4_index\": 344, \"group\": [773.0, 691.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 749, \"cat_0_index\": 318, \"cat_6_index\": 392, \"cat_2_index\": 343, \"cat_1_index\": 333, \"rankvar\": 589, \"cat_9_index\": 390, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 331, \"cat_3_index\": 344, \"cat_8_index\": 367, \"name\": \"PCDH8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 387, \"rank\": 819, \"ini\": 749, \"cat_4_index\": 345, \"group\": [745.0, 684.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 747, \"cat_0_index\": 319, \"cat_6_index\": 393, \"cat_2_index\": 344, \"cat_1_index\": 334, \"rankvar\": 1016, \"cat_9_index\": 391, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 332, \"cat_3_index\": 345, \"cat_8_index\": 368, \"name\": \"FXYD6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 388, \"rank\": 341, \"ini\": 748, \"cat_4_index\": 346, \"group\": [746.0, 684.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 748, \"cat_0_index\": 320, \"cat_6_index\": 394, \"cat_2_index\": 345, \"cat_1_index\": 335, \"rankvar\": 813, \"cat_9_index\": 392, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 333, \"cat_3_index\": 346, \"cat_8_index\": 369, \"name\": \"SV2A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 389, \"rank\": 726, \"ini\": 747, \"cat_4_index\": 347, \"group\": [747.0, 685.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 746, \"cat_0_index\": 321, \"cat_6_index\": 395, \"cat_2_index\": 346, \"cat_1_index\": 336, \"rankvar\": 647, \"cat_9_index\": 393, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 334, \"cat_3_index\": 347, \"cat_8_index\": 370, \"name\": \"RRAGD\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 390, \"rank\": 1003, \"ini\": 746, \"cat_4_index\": 348, \"group\": [743.0, 683.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 744, \"cat_0_index\": 322, \"cat_6_index\": 396, \"cat_2_index\": 347, \"cat_1_index\": 337, \"rankvar\": 1094, \"cat_9_index\": 394, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 335, \"cat_3_index\": 348, \"cat_8_index\": 371, \"name\": \"RGS16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 391, \"rank\": 931, \"ini\": 745, \"cat_4_index\": 349, \"group\": [744.0, 683.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 745, \"cat_0_index\": 323, \"cat_6_index\": 397, \"cat_2_index\": 348, \"cat_1_index\": 338, \"rankvar\": 999, \"cat_9_index\": 395, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 336, \"cat_3_index\": 349, \"cat_8_index\": 372, \"name\": \"INHBE\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 392, \"rank\": 1100, \"ini\": 744, \"cat_4_index\": 350, \"group\": [739.0, 679.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 742, \"cat_0_index\": 324, \"cat_6_index\": 398, \"cat_2_index\": 349, \"cat_1_index\": 339, \"rankvar\": 493, \"cat_9_index\": 396, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 337, \"cat_3_index\": 350, \"cat_8_index\": 373, \"name\": \"TMSB15A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 393, \"rank\": 439, \"ini\": 743, \"cat_4_index\": 351, \"group\": [740.0, 680.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 743, \"cat_0_index\": 325, \"cat_6_index\": 399, \"cat_2_index\": 350, \"cat_1_index\": 340, \"rankvar\": 672, \"cat_9_index\": 397, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 338, \"cat_3_index\": 351, \"cat_8_index\": 374, \"name\": \"TUBB2B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 394, \"rank\": 1051, \"ini\": 742, \"cat_4_index\": 352, \"group\": [741.0, 681.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 741, \"cat_0_index\": 326, \"cat_6_index\": 400, \"cat_2_index\": 351, \"cat_1_index\": 341, \"rankvar\": 438, \"cat_9_index\": 398, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 339, \"cat_3_index\": 352, \"cat_8_index\": 375, \"name\": \"ELOVL4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 395, \"rank\": 181, \"ini\": 741, \"cat_4_index\": 353, \"group\": [742.0, 682.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 740, \"cat_0_index\": 327, \"cat_6_index\": 401, \"cat_2_index\": 352, \"cat_1_index\": 342, \"rankvar\": 637, \"cat_9_index\": 399, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 340, \"cat_3_index\": 353, \"cat_8_index\": 376, \"name\": \"ZNF711\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 396, \"rank\": 1040, \"ini\": 740, \"cat_4_index\": 354, \"group\": [737.0, 677.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 738, \"cat_0_index\": 328, \"cat_6_index\": 402, \"cat_2_index\": 353, \"cat_1_index\": 343, \"rankvar\": 809, \"cat_9_index\": 400, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 341, \"cat_3_index\": 354, \"cat_8_index\": 377, \"name\": \"SETBP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 397, \"rank\": 738, \"ini\": 739, \"cat_4_index\": 355, \"group\": [738.0, 678.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 739, \"cat_0_index\": 329, \"cat_6_index\": 403, \"cat_2_index\": 354, \"cat_1_index\": 344, \"rankvar\": 951, \"cat_9_index\": 401, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 342, \"cat_3_index\": 355, \"cat_8_index\": 378, \"name\": \"DYRK1A phospho Y321\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 398, \"rank\": 1055, \"ini\": 738, \"cat_4_index\": 356, \"group\": [779.0, 696.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 737, \"cat_0_index\": 330, \"cat_6_index\": 404, \"cat_2_index\": 355, \"cat_1_index\": 345, \"rankvar\": 398, \"cat_9_index\": 402, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 343, \"cat_3_index\": 356, \"cat_8_index\": 379, \"name\": \"SLAIN1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 399, \"rank\": 527, \"ini\": 737, \"cat_4_index\": 357, \"group\": [735.0, 675.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 735, \"cat_0_index\": 331, \"cat_6_index\": 405, \"cat_2_index\": 356, \"cat_1_index\": 346, \"rankvar\": 911, \"cat_9_index\": 403, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 344, \"cat_3_index\": 357, \"cat_8_index\": 380, \"name\": \"TCF4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 400, \"rank\": 128, \"ini\": 736, \"cat_4_index\": 358, \"group\": [736.0, 676.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 736, \"cat_0_index\": 332, \"cat_6_index\": 406, \"cat_2_index\": 357, \"cat_1_index\": 347, \"rankvar\": 109, \"cat_9_index\": 404, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 345, \"cat_3_index\": 358, \"cat_8_index\": 381, \"name\": \"PRKACA phospho T198\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 401, \"rank\": 465, \"ini\": 735, \"cat_4_index\": 359, \"group\": [780.0, 697.0, 438.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 734, \"cat_0_index\": 333, \"cat_6_index\": 407, \"cat_2_index\": 358, \"cat_1_index\": 348, \"rankvar\": 552, \"cat_9_index\": 405, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 346, \"cat_3_index\": 359, \"cat_8_index\": 382, \"name\": \"PGBD5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 402, \"rank\": 781, \"ini\": 734, \"cat_4_index\": 360, \"group\": [732.0, 673.0, 437.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 732, \"cat_0_index\": 334, \"cat_6_index\": 408, \"cat_2_index\": 359, \"cat_1_index\": 349, \"rankvar\": 921, \"cat_9_index\": 406, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 347, \"cat_3_index\": 360, \"cat_8_index\": 383, \"name\": \"BEX4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 403, \"rank\": 516, \"ini\": 733, \"cat_4_index\": 361, \"group\": [733.0, 673.0, 437.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 733, \"cat_0_index\": 335, \"cat_6_index\": 409, \"cat_2_index\": 360, \"cat_1_index\": 350, \"rankvar\": 401, \"cat_9_index\": 407, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 348, \"cat_3_index\": 361, \"cat_8_index\": 384, \"name\": \"BEX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 404, \"rank\": 532, \"ini\": 732, \"cat_4_index\": 362, \"group\": [734.0, 674.0, 437.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 731, \"cat_0_index\": 336, \"cat_6_index\": 410, \"cat_2_index\": 361, \"cat_1_index\": 351, \"rankvar\": 817, \"cat_9_index\": 408, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 349, \"cat_3_index\": 362, \"cat_8_index\": 385, \"name\": \"NRN1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 405, \"rank\": 153, \"ini\": 731, \"cat_4_index\": 363, \"group\": [730.0, 671.0, 436.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 729, \"cat_0_index\": 337, \"cat_6_index\": 411, \"cat_2_index\": 362, \"cat_1_index\": 352, \"rankvar\": 423, \"cat_9_index\": 1117, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 350, \"cat_3_index\": 363, \"cat_8_index\": 386, \"name\": \"PTPRZ1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 406, \"rank\": 384, \"ini\": 730, \"cat_4_index\": 364, \"group\": [731.0, 672.0, 436.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 730, \"cat_0_index\": 338, \"cat_6_index\": 412, \"cat_2_index\": 363, \"cat_1_index\": 353, \"rankvar\": 593, \"cat_9_index\": 409, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 351, \"cat_3_index\": 364, \"cat_8_index\": 387, \"name\": \"RNF182\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 407, \"rank\": 924, \"ini\": 729, \"cat_4_index\": 365, \"group\": [726.0, 667.0, 435.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 727, \"cat_0_index\": 339, \"cat_6_index\": 413, \"cat_2_index\": 364, \"cat_1_index\": 354, \"rankvar\": 863, \"cat_9_index\": 410, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 352, \"cat_3_index\": 365, \"cat_8_index\": 388, \"name\": \"CALCB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 408, \"rank\": 342, \"ini\": 728, \"cat_4_index\": 366, \"group\": [727.0, 668.0, 435.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 728, \"cat_0_index\": 340, \"cat_6_index\": 414, \"cat_2_index\": 365, \"cat_1_index\": 355, \"rankvar\": 629, \"cat_9_index\": 411, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 353, \"cat_3_index\": 366, \"cat_8_index\": 389, \"name\": \"PCSK1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 409, \"rank\": 304, \"ini\": 727, \"cat_4_index\": 367, \"group\": [728.0, 669.0, 435.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 726, \"cat_0_index\": 341, \"cat_6_index\": 415, \"cat_2_index\": 366, \"cat_1_index\": 356, \"rankvar\": 525, \"cat_9_index\": 412, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 354, \"cat_3_index\": 367, \"cat_8_index\": 390, \"name\": \"MATR3 phospho T150\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 410, \"rank\": 466, \"ini\": 726, \"cat_4_index\": 368, \"group\": [729.0, 670.0, 435.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 725, \"cat_0_index\": 342, \"cat_6_index\": 416, \"cat_2_index\": 367, \"cat_1_index\": 357, \"rankvar\": 214, \"cat_9_index\": 413, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 355, \"cat_3_index\": 368, \"cat_8_index\": 391, \"name\": \"EWSR1 Rme1 R300\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 411, \"rank\": 295, \"ini\": 725, \"cat_4_index\": 369, \"group\": [723.0, 664.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 723, \"cat_0_index\": 343, \"cat_6_index\": 417, \"cat_2_index\": 368, \"cat_1_index\": 358, \"rankvar\": 553, \"cat_9_index\": 414, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 356, \"cat_3_index\": 369, \"cat_8_index\": 392, \"name\": \"RCAN2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 412, \"rank\": 910, \"ini\": 724, \"cat_4_index\": 370, \"group\": [724.0, 665.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 724, \"cat_0_index\": 344, \"cat_6_index\": 418, \"cat_2_index\": 369, \"cat_1_index\": 359, \"rankvar\": 915, \"cat_9_index\": 415, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 357, \"cat_3_index\": 370, \"cat_8_index\": 393, \"name\": \"SLC35D3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 413, \"rank\": 222, \"ini\": 723, \"cat_4_index\": 371, \"group\": [717.0, 661.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 721, \"cat_0_index\": 345, \"cat_6_index\": 419, \"cat_2_index\": 370, \"cat_1_index\": 360, \"rankvar\": 448, \"cat_9_index\": 416, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 358, \"cat_3_index\": 371, \"cat_8_index\": 394, \"name\": \"PDZRN3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 414, \"rank\": 495, \"ini\": 722, \"cat_4_index\": 372, \"group\": [718.0, 661.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 722, \"cat_0_index\": 346, \"cat_6_index\": 420, \"cat_2_index\": 371, \"cat_1_index\": 361, \"rankvar\": 664, \"cat_9_index\": 417, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 359, \"cat_3_index\": 372, \"cat_8_index\": 395, \"name\": \"HEPACAM2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 415, \"rank\": 620, \"ini\": 721, \"cat_4_index\": 373, \"group\": [719.0, 661.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 720, \"cat_0_index\": 347, \"cat_6_index\": 421, \"cat_2_index\": 372, \"cat_1_index\": 362, \"rankvar\": 702, \"cat_9_index\": 418, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 360, \"cat_3_index\": 373, \"cat_8_index\": 396, \"name\": \"SCGB2A1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 416, \"rank\": 1013, \"ini\": 720, \"cat_4_index\": 374, \"group\": [720.0, 661.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 719, \"cat_0_index\": 348, \"cat_6_index\": 422, \"cat_2_index\": 373, \"cat_1_index\": 363, \"rankvar\": 1056, \"cat_9_index\": 419, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 361, \"cat_3_index\": 374, \"cat_8_index\": 397, \"name\": \"DYNC1I1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 417, \"rank\": 477, \"ini\": 719, \"cat_4_index\": 375, \"group\": [714.0, 660.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 717, \"cat_0_index\": 349, \"cat_6_index\": 423, \"cat_2_index\": 374, \"cat_1_index\": 364, \"rankvar\": 663, \"cat_9_index\": 420, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 362, \"cat_3_index\": 375, \"cat_8_index\": 398, \"name\": \"MIAT\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 418, \"rank\": 357, \"ini\": 718, \"cat_4_index\": 376, \"group\": [715.0, 660.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 718, \"cat_0_index\": 350, \"cat_6_index\": 424, \"cat_2_index\": 375, \"cat_1_index\": 365, \"rankvar\": 613, \"cat_9_index\": 421, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 363, \"cat_3_index\": 376, \"cat_8_index\": 399, \"name\": \"PCP4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 419, \"rank\": 854, \"ini\": 717, \"cat_4_index\": 377, \"group\": [716.0, 660.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 716, \"cat_0_index\": 351, \"cat_6_index\": 425, \"cat_2_index\": 376, \"cat_1_index\": 366, \"rankvar\": 833, \"cat_9_index\": 422, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 364, \"cat_3_index\": 377, \"cat_8_index\": 400, \"name\": \"MT1G\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 420, \"rank\": 598, \"ini\": 716, \"cat_4_index\": 1120, \"group\": [721.0, 662.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 715, \"cat_0_index\": 1101, \"cat_6_index\": 426, \"cat_2_index\": 1119, \"cat_1_index\": 1108, \"rankvar\": 443, \"cat_9_index\": 423, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 365, \"cat_3_index\": 1120, \"cat_8_index\": 401, \"name\": \"RALY phospho S106\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 421, \"rank\": 87, \"ini\": 715, \"cat_4_index\": 378, \"group\": [722.0, 663.0, 433.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 714, \"cat_0_index\": 352, \"cat_6_index\": 427, \"cat_2_index\": 377, \"cat_1_index\": 367, \"rankvar\": 381, \"cat_9_index\": 424, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 366, \"cat_3_index\": 378, \"cat_8_index\": 402, \"name\": \"KIT\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 422, \"rank\": 788, \"ini\": 714, \"cat_4_index\": 379, \"group\": [725.0, 666.0, 434.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 713, \"cat_0_index\": 353, \"cat_6_index\": 428, \"cat_2_index\": 378, \"cat_1_index\": 368, \"rankvar\": 530, \"cat_9_index\": 425, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 367, \"cat_3_index\": 379, \"cat_8_index\": 403, \"name\": \"SCG5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 423, \"rank\": 11, \"ini\": 713, \"cat_4_index\": 380, \"group\": [709.0, 655.0, 431.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 711, \"cat_0_index\": 354, \"cat_6_index\": 429, \"cat_2_index\": 379, \"cat_1_index\": 369, \"rankvar\": 521, \"cat_9_index\": 426, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 368, \"cat_3_index\": 380, \"cat_8_index\": 404, \"name\": \"DPYSL3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 424, \"rank\": 793, \"ini\": 712, \"cat_4_index\": 381, \"group\": [710.0, 656.0, 431.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 712, \"cat_0_index\": 355, \"cat_6_index\": 430, \"cat_2_index\": 380, \"cat_1_index\": 370, \"rankvar\": 204, \"cat_9_index\": 427, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 369, \"cat_3_index\": 381, \"cat_8_index\": 405, \"name\": \"DPYSL3 phospho S265\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 425, \"rank\": 1151, \"ini\": 711, \"cat_4_index\": 382, \"group\": [711.0, 657.0, 431.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 710, \"cat_0_index\": 356, \"cat_6_index\": 431, \"cat_2_index\": 381, \"cat_1_index\": 371, \"rankvar\": 671, \"cat_9_index\": 428, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 370, \"cat_3_index\": 382, \"cat_8_index\": 406, \"name\": \"ENO2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 426, \"rank\": 164, \"ini\": 710, \"cat_4_index\": 383, \"group\": [712.0, 658.0, 431.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 709, \"cat_0_index\": 357, \"cat_6_index\": 432, \"cat_2_index\": 382, \"cat_1_index\": 372, \"rankvar\": 405, \"cat_9_index\": 429, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 371, \"cat_3_index\": 383, \"cat_8_index\": 407, \"name\": \"DPYSL3 Rme1 R60\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 427, \"rank\": 1125, \"ini\": 709, \"cat_4_index\": 384, \"group\": [713.0, 659.0, 432.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 708, \"cat_0_index\": 358, \"cat_6_index\": 433, \"cat_2_index\": 383, \"cat_1_index\": 373, \"rankvar\": 402, \"cat_9_index\": 1118, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 372, \"cat_3_index\": 384, \"cat_8_index\": 408, \"name\": \"UGT8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 428, \"rank\": 731, \"ini\": 708, \"cat_4_index\": 385, \"group\": [706.0, 652.0, 430.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 706, \"cat_0_index\": 359, \"cat_6_index\": 434, \"cat_2_index\": 384, \"cat_1_index\": 374, \"rankvar\": 540, \"cat_9_index\": 430, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 373, \"cat_3_index\": 385, \"cat_8_index\": 409, \"name\": \"NEURL1B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 429, \"rank\": 371, \"ini\": 707, \"cat_4_index\": 386, \"group\": [707.0, 653.0, 430.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 707, \"cat_0_index\": 360, \"cat_6_index\": 435, \"cat_2_index\": 385, \"cat_1_index\": 375, \"rankvar\": 581, \"cat_9_index\": 431, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 374, \"cat_3_index\": 386, \"cat_8_index\": 410, \"name\": \"FGF9\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 430, \"rank\": 976, \"ini\": 706, \"cat_4_index\": 387, \"group\": [708.0, 654.0, 430.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 705, \"cat_0_index\": 361, \"cat_6_index\": 436, \"cat_2_index\": 386, \"cat_1_index\": 376, \"rankvar\": 414, \"cat_9_index\": 1119, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 375, \"cat_3_index\": 387, \"cat_8_index\": 411, \"name\": \"CADM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 431, \"rank\": 212, \"ini\": 705, \"cat_4_index\": 388, \"group\": [703.0, 649.0, 428.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 703, \"cat_0_index\": 362, \"cat_6_index\": 437, \"cat_2_index\": 387, \"cat_1_index\": 377, \"rankvar\": 662, \"cat_9_index\": 432, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 376, \"cat_3_index\": 388, \"cat_8_index\": 412, \"name\": \"RAB3C\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 432, \"rank\": 582, \"ini\": 704, \"cat_4_index\": 389, \"group\": [704.0, 650.0, 428.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 704, \"cat_0_index\": 363, \"cat_6_index\": 438, \"cat_2_index\": 388, \"cat_1_index\": 378, \"rankvar\": 630, \"cat_9_index\": 433, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 377, \"cat_3_index\": 389, \"cat_8_index\": 413, \"name\": \"NAP1L3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 433, \"rank\": 809, \"ini\": 703, \"cat_4_index\": 390, \"group\": [705.0, 651.0, 429.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 702, \"cat_0_index\": 364, \"cat_6_index\": 439, \"cat_2_index\": 389, \"cat_1_index\": 379, \"rankvar\": 891, \"cat_9_index\": 434, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 378, \"cat_3_index\": 390, \"cat_8_index\": 414, \"name\": \"CEP250 phospho S2229\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 434, \"rank\": 452, \"ini\": 702, \"cat_4_index\": 391, \"group\": [700.0, 646.0, 426.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 700, \"cat_0_index\": 365, \"cat_6_index\": 440, \"cat_2_index\": 390, \"cat_1_index\": 380, \"rankvar\": 1117, \"cat_9_index\": 435, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 379, \"cat_3_index\": 391, \"cat_8_index\": 415, \"name\": \"MYB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 435, \"rank\": 396, \"ini\": 701, \"cat_4_index\": 392, \"group\": [701.0, 647.0, 426.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 701, \"cat_0_index\": 366, \"cat_6_index\": 441, \"cat_2_index\": 391, \"cat_1_index\": 381, \"rankvar\": 789, \"cat_9_index\": 436, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 380, \"cat_3_index\": 392, \"cat_8_index\": 416, \"name\": \"HIPK1 phospho Y352\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 436, \"rank\": 208, \"ini\": 700, \"cat_4_index\": 393, \"group\": [698.0, 644.0, 426.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 698, \"cat_0_index\": 367, \"cat_6_index\": 442, \"cat_2_index\": 392, \"cat_1_index\": 382, \"rankvar\": 440, \"cat_9_index\": 437, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 381, \"cat_3_index\": 393, \"cat_8_index\": 417, \"name\": \"FAM123A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 437, \"rank\": 1062, \"ini\": 699, \"cat_4_index\": 394, \"group\": [699.0, 645.0, 426.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 699, \"cat_0_index\": 368, \"cat_6_index\": 443, \"cat_2_index\": 393, \"cat_1_index\": 383, \"rankvar\": 1124, \"cat_9_index\": 438, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 382, \"cat_3_index\": 394, \"cat_8_index\": 418, \"name\": \"IGSF21\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 438, \"rank\": 996, \"ini\": 698, \"cat_4_index\": 395, \"group\": [702.0, 648.0, 427.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 697, \"cat_0_index\": 369, \"cat_6_index\": 444, \"cat_2_index\": 394, \"cat_1_index\": 384, \"rankvar\": 1022, \"cat_9_index\": 439, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 383, \"cat_3_index\": 395, \"cat_8_index\": 419, \"name\": \"NMNAT2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 439, \"rank\": 689, \"ini\": 697, \"cat_4_index\": 396, \"group\": [693.0, 639.0, 423.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 695, \"cat_0_index\": 370, \"cat_6_index\": 445, \"cat_2_index\": 395, \"cat_1_index\": 385, \"rankvar\": 1100, \"cat_9_index\": 1120, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 384, \"cat_3_index\": 396, \"cat_8_index\": 420, \"name\": \"STK11 phospho S31\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 440, \"rank\": 659, \"ini\": 696, \"cat_4_index\": 397, \"group\": [694.0, 640.0, 423.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 696, \"cat_0_index\": 371, \"cat_6_index\": 446, \"cat_2_index\": 396, \"cat_1_index\": 386, \"rankvar\": 677, \"cat_9_index\": 440, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 385, \"cat_3_index\": 397, \"cat_8_index\": 421, \"name\": \"FAF1 phospho T580\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 441, \"rank\": 195, \"ini\": 695, \"cat_4_index\": 398, \"group\": [695.0, 641.0, 423.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 694, \"cat_0_index\": 372, \"cat_6_index\": 447, \"cat_2_index\": 397, \"cat_1_index\": 387, \"rankvar\": 134, \"cat_9_index\": 441, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 386, \"cat_3_index\": 398, \"cat_8_index\": 422, \"name\": \"RNF34 phospho S169\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 442, \"rank\": 1043, \"ini\": 694, \"cat_4_index\": 399, \"group\": [696.0, 642.0, 424.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 693, \"cat_0_index\": 373, \"cat_6_index\": 448, \"cat_2_index\": 398, \"cat_1_index\": 388, \"rankvar\": 892, \"cat_9_index\": 442, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 387, \"cat_3_index\": 399, \"cat_8_index\": 423, \"name\": \"ULK1 phospho S556\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 443, \"rank\": 939, \"ini\": 693, \"cat_4_index\": 400, \"group\": [697.0, 643.0, 425.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 692, \"cat_0_index\": 374, \"cat_6_index\": 449, \"cat_2_index\": 399, \"cat_1_index\": 389, \"rankvar\": 889, \"cat_9_index\": 443, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 388, \"cat_3_index\": 400, \"cat_8_index\": 424, \"name\": \"RIMS2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 444, \"rank\": 297, \"ini\": 692, \"cat_4_index\": 401, \"group\": [690.0, 637.0, 422.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 690, \"cat_0_index\": 375, \"cat_6_index\": 450, \"cat_2_index\": 400, \"cat_1_index\": 390, \"rankvar\": 390, \"cat_9_index\": 444, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 389, \"cat_3_index\": 401, \"cat_8_index\": 425, \"name\": \"TP53BP1 phospho S1219\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 445, \"rank\": 420, \"ini\": 691, \"cat_4_index\": 402, \"group\": [691.0, 637.0, 422.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 691, \"cat_0_index\": 376, \"cat_6_index\": 451, \"cat_2_index\": 401, \"cat_1_index\": 391, \"rankvar\": 306, \"cat_9_index\": 445, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 390, \"cat_3_index\": 402, \"cat_8_index\": 426, \"name\": \"TP53BP1 phospho S1216\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 446, \"rank\": 591, \"ini\": 690, \"cat_4_index\": 403, \"group\": [692.0, 638.0, 422.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 689, \"cat_0_index\": 377, \"cat_6_index\": 452, \"cat_2_index\": 402, \"cat_1_index\": 392, \"rankvar\": 1133, \"cat_9_index\": 446, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 391, \"cat_3_index\": 403, \"cat_8_index\": 427, \"name\": \"BCL7C phospho S126\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 447, \"rank\": 504, \"ini\": 689, \"cat_4_index\": 404, \"group\": [688.0, 635.0, 421.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 687, \"cat_0_index\": 378, \"cat_6_index\": 453, \"cat_2_index\": 403, \"cat_1_index\": 393, \"rankvar\": 735, \"cat_9_index\": 447, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 392, \"cat_3_index\": 404, \"cat_8_index\": 428, \"name\": \"VDAC3 AcK K63\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 448, \"rank\": 691, \"ini\": 688, \"cat_4_index\": 405, \"group\": [689.0, 636.0, 421.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 688, \"cat_0_index\": 379, \"cat_6_index\": 454, \"cat_2_index\": 404, \"cat_1_index\": 394, \"rankvar\": 78, \"cat_9_index\": 448, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 393, \"cat_3_index\": 405, \"cat_8_index\": 429, \"name\": \"RUVBL1 AcK K171\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1127, \"rank\": 959, \"ini\": 687, \"cat_4_index\": 406, \"group\": [686.0, 634.0, 421.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 685, \"cat_0_index\": 380, \"cat_6_index\": 455, \"cat_2_index\": 405, \"cat_1_index\": 395, \"rankvar\": 492, \"cat_9_index\": 1121, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 394, \"cat_3_index\": 406, \"cat_8_index\": 430, \"name\": \"DOCK7 AcK K1962\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 449, \"rank\": 874, \"ini\": 686, \"cat_4_index\": 407, \"group\": [687.0, 634.0, 421.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 686, \"cat_0_index\": 381, \"cat_6_index\": 456, \"cat_2_index\": 406, \"cat_1_index\": 396, \"rankvar\": 503, \"cat_9_index\": 449, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 395, \"cat_3_index\": 407, \"cat_8_index\": 431, \"name\": \"AHCY AcK K408\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 450, \"rank\": 68, \"ini\": 685, \"cat_4_index\": 408, \"group\": [683.0, 632.0, 421.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 683, \"cat_0_index\": 382, \"cat_6_index\": 457, \"cat_2_index\": 407, \"cat_1_index\": 397, \"rankvar\": 591, \"cat_9_index\": 450, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 396, \"cat_3_index\": 408, \"cat_8_index\": 432, \"name\": \"MATR3 phospho S14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 451, \"rank\": 286, \"ini\": 684, \"cat_4_index\": 409, \"group\": [684.0, 632.0, 421.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 684, \"cat_0_index\": 383, \"cat_6_index\": 458, \"cat_2_index\": 408, \"cat_1_index\": 398, \"rankvar\": 462, \"cat_9_index\": 451, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 397, \"cat_3_index\": 409, \"cat_8_index\": 433, \"name\": \"FASN phospho S1174\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 452, \"rank\": 243, \"ini\": 683, \"cat_4_index\": 410, \"group\": [681.0, 631.0, 421.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 681, \"cat_0_index\": 384, \"cat_6_index\": 459, \"cat_2_index\": 409, \"cat_1_index\": 399, \"rankvar\": 838, \"cat_9_index\": 452, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 398, \"cat_3_index\": 410, \"cat_8_index\": 434, \"name\": \"GPS1 phospho S474\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 453, \"rank\": 1124, \"ini\": 682, \"cat_4_index\": 411, \"group\": [682.0, 631.0, 421.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 682, \"cat_0_index\": 385, \"cat_6_index\": 460, \"cat_2_index\": 410, \"cat_1_index\": 400, \"rankvar\": 1006, \"cat_9_index\": 453, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 399, \"cat_3_index\": 411, \"cat_8_index\": 435, \"name\": \"GPS1 phospho S468\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 454, \"rank\": 129, \"ini\": 681, \"cat_4_index\": 1121, \"group\": [685.0, 633.0, 421.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 680, \"cat_0_index\": 1102, \"cat_6_index\": 461, \"cat_2_index\": 1120, \"cat_1_index\": 1109, \"rankvar\": 1145, \"cat_9_index\": 454, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 400, \"cat_3_index\": 1121, \"cat_8_index\": 436, \"name\": \"RALY phospho S295\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 455, \"rank\": 534, \"ini\": 680, \"cat_4_index\": 412, \"group\": [678.0, 629.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 678, \"cat_0_index\": 386, \"cat_6_index\": 462, \"cat_2_index\": 411, \"cat_1_index\": 401, \"rankvar\": 165, \"cat_9_index\": 455, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 401, \"cat_3_index\": 412, \"cat_8_index\": 1115, \"name\": \"PRKDC phospho T2609\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 456, \"rank\": 981, \"ini\": 679, \"cat_4_index\": 413, \"group\": [679.0, 629.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 679, \"cat_0_index\": 387, \"cat_6_index\": 463, \"cat_2_index\": 412, \"cat_1_index\": 402, \"rankvar\": 1099, \"cat_9_index\": 456, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 402, \"cat_3_index\": 413, \"cat_8_index\": 437, \"name\": \"BPTF phospho S817\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 457, \"rank\": 1032, \"ini\": 678, \"cat_4_index\": 414, \"group\": [680.0, 630.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 677, \"cat_0_index\": 388, \"cat_6_index\": 464, \"cat_2_index\": 413, \"cat_1_index\": 403, \"rankvar\": 279, \"cat_9_index\": 457, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 403, \"cat_3_index\": 414, \"cat_8_index\": 438, \"name\": \"NT5C3A phospho S278\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 458, \"rank\": 1083, \"ini\": 677, \"cat_4_index\": 415, \"group\": [674.0, 627.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 675, \"cat_0_index\": 389, \"cat_6_index\": 465, \"cat_2_index\": 414, \"cat_1_index\": 404, \"rankvar\": 721, \"cat_9_index\": 458, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 404, \"cat_3_index\": 415, \"cat_8_index\": 439, \"name\": \"CTR9 phospho S943\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 459, \"rank\": 344, \"ini\": 676, \"cat_4_index\": 416, \"group\": [675.0, 627.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 676, \"cat_0_index\": 390, \"cat_6_index\": 466, \"cat_2_index\": 415, \"cat_1_index\": 405, \"rankvar\": 739, \"cat_9_index\": 459, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 405, \"cat_3_index\": 416, \"cat_8_index\": 440, \"name\": \"CTR9 phospho S941\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 460, \"rank\": 17, \"ini\": 675, \"cat_4_index\": 1122, \"group\": [676.0, 627.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 674, \"cat_0_index\": 1103, \"cat_6_index\": 467, \"cat_2_index\": 1121, \"cat_1_index\": 1110, \"rankvar\": 929, \"cat_9_index\": 460, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 406, \"cat_3_index\": 1122, \"cat_8_index\": 441, \"name\": \"TRA2A phospho S20\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 461, \"rank\": 265, \"ini\": 674, \"cat_4_index\": 417, \"group\": [677.0, 628.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 673, \"cat_0_index\": 391, \"cat_6_index\": 1106, \"cat_2_index\": 416, \"cat_1_index\": 406, \"rankvar\": 691, \"cat_9_index\": 461, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 407, \"cat_3_index\": 417, \"cat_8_index\": 442, \"name\": \"LMNB1 phospho S534\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1128, \"rank\": 908, \"ini\": 673, \"cat_4_index\": 418, \"group\": [671.0, 624.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 671, \"cat_0_index\": 392, \"cat_6_index\": 468, \"cat_2_index\": 417, \"cat_1_index\": 407, \"rankvar\": 849, \"cat_9_index\": 462, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 408, \"cat_3_index\": 418, \"cat_8_index\": 443, \"name\": \"TUBB phospho S115\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 462, \"rank\": 1052, \"ini\": 672, \"cat_4_index\": 419, \"group\": [672.0, 625.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 672, \"cat_0_index\": 393, \"cat_6_index\": 1107, \"cat_2_index\": 418, \"cat_1_index\": 408, \"rankvar\": 246, \"cat_9_index\": 463, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 409, \"cat_3_index\": 419, \"cat_8_index\": 444, \"name\": \"NUP93 phospho S783\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 463, \"rank\": 323, \"ini\": 671, \"cat_4_index\": 420, \"group\": [673.0, 626.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 670, \"cat_0_index\": 394, \"cat_6_index\": 469, \"cat_2_index\": 419, \"cat_1_index\": 409, \"rankvar\": 1034, \"cat_9_index\": 464, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 410, \"cat_3_index\": 420, \"cat_8_index\": 445, \"name\": \"CAD phospho T1410\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 464, \"rank\": 210, \"ini\": 670, \"cat_4_index\": 421, \"group\": [668.0, 621.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 668, \"cat_0_index\": 395, \"cat_6_index\": 470, \"cat_2_index\": 420, \"cat_1_index\": 410, \"rankvar\": 830, \"cat_9_index\": 465, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1083, \"cat_3_index\": 421, \"cat_8_index\": 446, \"name\": \"PSMA2 AcK K92\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 465, \"rank\": 1127, \"ini\": 669, \"cat_4_index\": 422, \"group\": [669.0, 622.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 669, \"cat_0_index\": 396, \"cat_6_index\": 471, \"cat_2_index\": 421, \"cat_1_index\": 1111, \"rankvar\": 182, \"cat_9_index\": 466, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 411, \"cat_3_index\": 422, \"cat_8_index\": 447, \"name\": \"PPIG phospho S636\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 466, \"rank\": 116, \"ini\": 668, \"cat_4_index\": 423, \"group\": [670.0, 623.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 667, \"cat_0_index\": 397, \"cat_6_index\": 472, \"cat_2_index\": 422, \"cat_1_index\": 411, \"rankvar\": 403, \"cat_9_index\": 467, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 412, \"cat_3_index\": 423, \"cat_8_index\": 448, \"name\": \"CHRDL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 467, \"rank\": 487, \"ini\": 667, \"cat_4_index\": 424, \"group\": [666.0, 619.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 665, \"cat_0_index\": 398, \"cat_6_index\": 473, \"cat_2_index\": 423, \"cat_1_index\": 412, \"rankvar\": 778, \"cat_9_index\": 468, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 413, \"cat_3_index\": 424, \"cat_8_index\": 449, \"name\": \"EYA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 468, \"rank\": 1008, \"ini\": 666, \"cat_4_index\": 425, \"group\": [667.0, 620.0, 420.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 666, \"cat_0_index\": 399, \"cat_6_index\": 474, \"cat_2_index\": 424, \"cat_1_index\": 413, \"rankvar\": 112, \"cat_9_index\": 469, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1084, \"cat_3_index\": 425, \"cat_8_index\": 450, \"name\": \"GTF3C2 phospho S165\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 469, \"rank\": 257, \"ini\": 665, \"cat_4_index\": 426, \"group\": [664.0, 617.0, 419.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 663, \"cat_0_index\": 400, \"cat_6_index\": 475, \"cat_2_index\": 425, \"cat_1_index\": 414, \"rankvar\": 410, \"cat_9_index\": 1122, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 414, \"cat_3_index\": 426, \"cat_8_index\": 1116, \"name\": \"DACT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 470, \"rank\": 50, \"ini\": 664, \"cat_4_index\": 427, \"group\": [665.0, 618.0, 419.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 664, \"cat_0_index\": 401, \"cat_6_index\": 476, \"cat_2_index\": 426, \"cat_1_index\": 415, \"rankvar\": 625, \"cat_9_index\": 470, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 415, \"cat_3_index\": 427, \"cat_8_index\": 451, \"name\": \"CAD phospho S133\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 471, \"rank\": 267, \"ini\": 663, \"cat_4_index\": 428, \"group\": [661.0, 614.0, 417.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 661, \"cat_0_index\": 402, \"cat_6_index\": 477, \"cat_2_index\": 427, \"cat_1_index\": 416, \"rankvar\": 1126, \"cat_9_index\": 471, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 416, \"cat_3_index\": 428, \"cat_8_index\": 452, \"name\": \"PHB2 AcK K89\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 472, \"rank\": 22, \"ini\": 662, \"cat_4_index\": 429, \"group\": [662.0, 615.0, 417.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 662, \"cat_0_index\": 403, \"cat_6_index\": 478, \"cat_2_index\": 428, \"cat_1_index\": 417, \"rankvar\": 6, \"cat_9_index\": 472, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 417, \"cat_3_index\": 429, \"cat_8_index\": 453, \"name\": \"PIP4K2B phospho S131\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 473, \"rank\": 358, \"ini\": 661, \"cat_4_index\": 430, \"group\": [663.0, 616.0, 418.0, 169.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 660, \"cat_0_index\": 404, \"cat_6_index\": 479, \"cat_2_index\": 429, \"cat_1_index\": 418, \"rankvar\": 669, \"cat_9_index\": 473, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 418, \"cat_3_index\": 430, \"cat_8_index\": 1117, \"name\": \"NPM1 AcK K267\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 474, \"rank\": 754, \"ini\": 660, \"cat_4_index\": 431, \"group\": [658.0, 611.0, 415.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 658, \"cat_0_index\": 405, \"cat_6_index\": 480, \"cat_2_index\": 430, \"cat_1_index\": 419, \"rankvar\": 916, \"cat_9_index\": 474, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 419, \"cat_3_index\": 431, \"cat_8_index\": 454, \"name\": \"DSCR6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 475, \"rank\": 1099, \"ini\": 659, \"cat_4_index\": 432, \"group\": [659.0, 612.0, 415.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 659, \"cat_0_index\": 406, \"cat_6_index\": 481, \"cat_2_index\": 431, \"cat_1_index\": 420, \"rankvar\": 1087, \"cat_9_index\": 1123, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 420, \"cat_3_index\": 432, \"cat_8_index\": 455, \"name\": \"ISL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 476, \"rank\": 728, \"ini\": 658, \"cat_4_index\": 433, \"group\": [660.0, 613.0, 416.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 657, \"cat_0_index\": 407, \"cat_6_index\": 482, \"cat_2_index\": 432, \"cat_1_index\": 421, \"rankvar\": 100, \"cat_9_index\": 475, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 421, \"cat_3_index\": 433, \"cat_8_index\": 456, \"name\": \"MATR3 phospho S533\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 477, \"rank\": 408, \"ini\": 657, \"cat_4_index\": 434, \"group\": [655.0, 608.0, 413.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 655, \"cat_0_index\": 408, \"cat_6_index\": 483, \"cat_2_index\": 433, \"cat_1_index\": 422, \"rankvar\": 718, \"cat_9_index\": 476, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1085, \"cat_3_index\": 434, \"cat_8_index\": 457, \"name\": \"MED14 phospho S617\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 478, \"rank\": 967, \"ini\": 656, \"cat_4_index\": 435, \"group\": [656.0, 609.0, 413.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 656, \"cat_0_index\": 409, \"cat_6_index\": 484, \"cat_2_index\": 434, \"cat_1_index\": 423, \"rankvar\": 725, \"cat_9_index\": 477, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 422, \"cat_3_index\": 435, \"cat_8_index\": 458, \"name\": \"DAZAP1 phospho T86\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1129, \"rank\": 574, \"ini\": 655, \"cat_4_index\": 436, \"group\": [657.0, 610.0, 414.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 654, \"cat_0_index\": 410, \"cat_6_index\": 1108, \"cat_2_index\": 435, \"cat_1_index\": 424, \"rankvar\": 228, \"cat_9_index\": 478, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 423, \"cat_3_index\": 436, \"cat_8_index\": 459, \"name\": \"CDK1 phospho S39\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 479, \"rank\": 808, \"ini\": 654, \"cat_4_index\": 437, \"group\": [652.0, 605.0, 412.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 652, \"cat_0_index\": 411, \"cat_6_index\": 485, \"cat_2_index\": 436, \"cat_1_index\": 425, \"rankvar\": 1086, \"cat_9_index\": 1124, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 424, \"cat_3_index\": 437, \"cat_8_index\": 460, \"name\": \"FAT3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 480, \"rank\": 656, \"ini\": 653, \"cat_4_index\": 438, \"group\": [653.0, 606.0, 412.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 653, \"cat_0_index\": 412, \"cat_6_index\": 486, \"cat_2_index\": 437, \"cat_1_index\": 426, \"rankvar\": 738, \"cat_9_index\": 479, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 425, \"cat_3_index\": 438, \"cat_8_index\": 461, \"name\": \"CHN2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 481, \"rank\": 541, \"ini\": 652, \"cat_4_index\": 439, \"group\": [654.0, 607.0, 412.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 651, \"cat_0_index\": 413, \"cat_6_index\": 487, \"cat_2_index\": 438, \"cat_1_index\": 427, \"rankvar\": 32, \"cat_9_index\": 480, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 426, \"cat_3_index\": 439, \"cat_8_index\": 462, \"name\": \"PFN2 phospho S92\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 482, \"rank\": 832, \"ini\": 651, \"cat_4_index\": 440, \"group\": [650.0, 603.0, 411.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 649, \"cat_0_index\": 414, \"cat_6_index\": 488, \"cat_2_index\": 439, \"cat_1_index\": 428, \"rankvar\": 1052, \"cat_9_index\": 481, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 427, \"cat_3_index\": 440, \"cat_8_index\": 463, \"name\": \"DLX5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 483, \"rank\": 863, \"ini\": 650, \"cat_4_index\": 441, \"group\": [651.0, 604.0, 411.0, 168.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 650, \"cat_0_index\": 415, \"cat_6_index\": 489, \"cat_2_index\": 440, \"cat_1_index\": 429, \"rankvar\": 998, \"cat_9_index\": 482, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 428, \"cat_3_index\": 441, \"cat_8_index\": 464, \"name\": \"CALB1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 484, \"rank\": 846, \"ini\": 649, \"cat_4_index\": 442, \"group\": [647.0, 600.0, 409.0, 167.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 647, \"cat_0_index\": 416, \"cat_6_index\": 490, \"cat_2_index\": 441, \"cat_1_index\": 430, \"rankvar\": 965, \"cat_9_index\": 483, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 429, \"cat_3_index\": 442, \"cat_8_index\": 465, \"name\": \"CDH2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 485, \"rank\": 1121, \"ini\": 648, \"cat_4_index\": 443, \"group\": [648.0, 601.0, 409.0, 167.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 648, \"cat_0_index\": 417, \"cat_6_index\": 491, \"cat_2_index\": 442, \"cat_1_index\": 431, \"rankvar\": 495, \"cat_9_index\": 484, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 430, \"cat_3_index\": 443, \"cat_8_index\": 466, \"name\": \"TSPYL5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 486, \"rank\": 643, \"ini\": 647, \"cat_4_index\": 444, \"group\": [645.0, 598.0, 408.0, 167.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 645, \"cat_0_index\": 418, \"cat_6_index\": 492, \"cat_2_index\": 443, \"cat_1_index\": 432, \"rankvar\": 896, \"cat_9_index\": 1125, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 431, \"cat_3_index\": 444, \"cat_8_index\": 467, \"name\": \"NPTX1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 487, \"rank\": 1015, \"ini\": 646, \"cat_4_index\": 445, \"group\": [646.0, 599.0, 408.0, 167.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 646, \"cat_0_index\": 419, \"cat_6_index\": 493, \"cat_2_index\": 444, \"cat_1_index\": 433, \"rankvar\": 531, \"cat_9_index\": 485, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 432, \"cat_3_index\": 445, \"cat_8_index\": 468, \"name\": \"SYT1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 488, \"rank\": 1072, \"ini\": 645, \"cat_4_index\": 446, \"group\": [649.0, 602.0, 410.0, 167.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 644, \"cat_0_index\": 420, \"cat_6_index\": 494, \"cat_2_index\": 445, \"cat_1_index\": 434, \"rankvar\": 1119, \"cat_9_index\": 486, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 433, \"cat_3_index\": 446, \"cat_8_index\": 469, \"name\": \"ARMCX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 489, \"rank\": 171, \"ini\": 644, \"cat_4_index\": 447, \"group\": [642.0, 595.0, 406.0, 166.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 642, \"cat_0_index\": 421, \"cat_6_index\": 495, \"cat_2_index\": 446, \"cat_1_index\": 435, \"rankvar\": 404, \"cat_9_index\": 487, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 434, \"cat_3_index\": 447, \"cat_8_index\": 470, \"name\": \"PCLO\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 490, \"rank\": 978, \"ini\": 643, \"cat_4_index\": 448, \"group\": [643.0, 596.0, 406.0, 166.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 643, \"cat_0_index\": 422, \"cat_6_index\": 496, \"cat_2_index\": 447, \"cat_1_index\": 436, \"rankvar\": 1025, \"cat_9_index\": 488, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 435, \"cat_3_index\": 448, \"cat_8_index\": 471, \"name\": \"LOC728392\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 491, \"rank\": 405, \"ini\": 642, \"cat_4_index\": 449, \"group\": [644.0, 597.0, 407.0, 166.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 641, \"cat_0_index\": 423, \"cat_6_index\": 497, \"cat_2_index\": 448, \"cat_1_index\": 437, \"rankvar\": 1027, \"cat_9_index\": 489, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 436, \"cat_3_index\": 449, \"cat_8_index\": 472, \"name\": \"ROBO1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 492, \"rank\": 146, \"ini\": 641, \"cat_4_index\": 450, \"group\": [638.0, 591.0, 403.0, 165.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 639, \"cat_0_index\": 424, \"cat_6_index\": 498, \"cat_2_index\": 449, \"cat_1_index\": 438, \"rankvar\": 236, \"cat_9_index\": 490, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 437, \"cat_3_index\": 450, \"cat_8_index\": 473, \"name\": \"TMEM163 phospho T16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 493, \"rank\": 510, \"ini\": 640, \"cat_4_index\": 451, \"group\": [639.0, 592.0, 403.0, 165.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 640, \"cat_0_index\": 425, \"cat_6_index\": 1109, \"cat_2_index\": 450, \"cat_1_index\": 439, \"rankvar\": 207, \"cat_9_index\": 491, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 438, \"cat_3_index\": 451, \"cat_8_index\": 474, \"name\": \"LMNB1 phospho T76\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 494, \"rank\": 878, \"ini\": 639, \"cat_4_index\": 452, \"group\": [640.0, 593.0, 404.0, 165.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 638, \"cat_0_index\": 426, \"cat_6_index\": 499, \"cat_2_index\": 451, \"cat_1_index\": 440, \"rankvar\": 790, \"cat_9_index\": 492, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 439, \"cat_3_index\": 452, \"cat_8_index\": 475, \"name\": \"PELI2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 495, \"rank\": 1120, \"ini\": 638, \"cat_4_index\": 453, \"group\": [641.0, 594.0, 405.0, 165.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 637, \"cat_0_index\": 427, \"cat_6_index\": 500, \"cat_2_index\": 452, \"cat_1_index\": 441, \"rankvar\": 682, \"cat_9_index\": 493, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 440, \"cat_3_index\": 453, \"cat_8_index\": 476, \"name\": \"FXYD3 phospho T76\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 496, \"rank\": 881, \"ini\": 637, \"cat_4_index\": 454, \"group\": [636.0, 590.0, 402.0, 165.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 635, \"cat_0_index\": 428, \"cat_6_index\": 501, \"cat_2_index\": 453, \"cat_1_index\": 442, \"rankvar\": 958, \"cat_9_index\": 494, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 441, \"cat_3_index\": 454, \"cat_8_index\": 477, \"name\": \"DPP10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 497, \"rank\": 914, \"ini\": 636, \"cat_4_index\": 455, \"group\": [637.0, 590.0, 402.0, 165.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 636, \"cat_0_index\": 429, \"cat_6_index\": 502, \"cat_2_index\": 454, \"cat_1_index\": 443, \"rankvar\": 963, \"cat_9_index\": 495, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 442, \"cat_3_index\": 455, \"cat_8_index\": 478, \"name\": \"LOC389023\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 498, \"rank\": 815, \"ini\": 635, \"cat_4_index\": 456, \"group\": [634.0, 588.0, 401.0, 164.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 633, \"cat_0_index\": 430, \"cat_6_index\": 503, \"cat_2_index\": 455, \"cat_1_index\": 444, \"rankvar\": 825, \"cat_9_index\": 496, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 443, \"cat_3_index\": 456, \"cat_8_index\": 479, \"name\": \"RASD1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 499, \"rank\": 70, \"ini\": 634, \"cat_4_index\": 457, \"group\": [635.0, 589.0, 401.0, 164.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 634, \"cat_0_index\": 431, \"cat_6_index\": 504, \"cat_2_index\": 456, \"cat_1_index\": 445, \"rankvar\": 976, \"cat_9_index\": 497, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 444, \"cat_3_index\": 457, \"cat_8_index\": 480, \"name\": \"FASN AcK K436\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 500, \"rank\": 292, \"ini\": 633, \"cat_4_index\": 458, \"group\": [631.0, 585.0, 399.0, 163.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 631, \"cat_0_index\": 432, \"cat_6_index\": 505, \"cat_2_index\": 457, \"cat_1_index\": 446, \"rankvar\": 793, \"cat_9_index\": 498, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 445, \"cat_3_index\": 458, \"cat_8_index\": 481, \"name\": \"SLC25A5 Kme1 K52\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 501, \"rank\": 219, \"ini\": 632, \"cat_4_index\": 459, \"group\": [632.0, 586.0, 399.0, 163.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 632, \"cat_0_index\": 433, \"cat_6_index\": 506, \"cat_2_index\": 458, \"cat_1_index\": 447, \"rankvar\": 215, \"cat_9_index\": 499, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 446, \"cat_3_index\": 459, \"cat_8_index\": 482, \"name\": \"PIP4K2C Kme1 K390\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 502, \"rank\": 1136, \"ini\": 631, \"cat_4_index\": 460, \"group\": [633.0, 587.0, 400.0, 163.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 630, \"cat_0_index\": 434, \"cat_6_index\": 507, \"cat_2_index\": 459, \"cat_1_index\": 448, \"rankvar\": 1069, \"cat_9_index\": 500, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 447, \"cat_3_index\": 460, \"cat_8_index\": 483, \"name\": \"WASF3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 503, \"rank\": 300, \"ini\": 630, \"cat_4_index\": 461, \"group\": [627.0, 581.0, 396.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 628, \"cat_0_index\": 435, \"cat_6_index\": 508, \"cat_2_index\": 460, \"cat_1_index\": 449, \"rankvar\": 1072, \"cat_9_index\": 501, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 448, \"cat_3_index\": 461, \"cat_8_index\": 484, \"name\": \"ENSA AcK K114\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 504, \"rank\": 729, \"ini\": 629, \"cat_4_index\": 462, \"group\": [628.0, 582.0, 396.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 629, \"cat_0_index\": 436, \"cat_6_index\": 509, \"cat_2_index\": 461, \"cat_1_index\": 450, \"rankvar\": 205, \"cat_9_index\": 502, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 449, \"cat_3_index\": 462, \"cat_8_index\": 485, \"name\": \"PCNXL3 Rme1 R274\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 505, \"rank\": 112, \"ini\": 628, \"cat_4_index\": 463, \"group\": [625.0, 579.0, 395.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 626, \"cat_0_index\": 437, \"cat_6_index\": 510, \"cat_2_index\": 462, \"cat_1_index\": 451, \"rankvar\": 761, \"cat_9_index\": 503, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 450, \"cat_3_index\": 463, \"cat_8_index\": 486, \"name\": \"HIST1H1E AcK K106\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 506, \"rank\": 545, \"ini\": 627, \"cat_4_index\": 464, \"group\": [626.0, 580.0, 395.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 627, \"cat_0_index\": 438, \"cat_6_index\": 511, \"cat_2_index\": 463, \"cat_1_index\": 452, \"rankvar\": 238, \"cat_9_index\": 504, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 451, \"cat_3_index\": 464, \"cat_8_index\": 487, \"name\": \"TAGLN Rme1 R183\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 507, \"rank\": 645, \"ini\": 626, \"cat_4_index\": 465, \"group\": [619.0, 573.0, 393.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 624, \"cat_0_index\": 439, \"cat_6_index\": 512, \"cat_2_index\": 464, \"cat_1_index\": 453, \"rankvar\": 843, \"cat_9_index\": 1126, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 452, \"cat_3_index\": 465, \"cat_8_index\": 488, \"name\": \"MFF phospho Y148\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 508, \"rank\": 441, \"ini\": 625, \"cat_4_index\": 466, \"group\": [620.0, 574.0, 393.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 625, \"cat_0_index\": 440, \"cat_6_index\": 513, \"cat_2_index\": 465, \"cat_1_index\": 454, \"rankvar\": 564, \"cat_9_index\": 505, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 453, \"cat_3_index\": 466, \"cat_8_index\": 489, \"name\": \"ANK1 phospho S1686\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 509, \"rank\": 977, \"ini\": 624, \"cat_4_index\": 467, \"group\": [621.0, 575.0, 393.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 623, \"cat_0_index\": 441, \"cat_6_index\": 514, \"cat_2_index\": 466, \"cat_1_index\": 455, \"rankvar\": 463, \"cat_9_index\": 506, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 454, \"cat_3_index\": 467, \"cat_8_index\": 490, \"name\": \"NEBL Rme1 R96\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 510, \"rank\": 1011, \"ini\": 623, \"cat_4_index\": 468, \"group\": [622.0, 576.0, 393.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 622, \"cat_0_index\": 442, \"cat_6_index\": 515, \"cat_2_index\": 467, \"cat_1_index\": 456, \"rankvar\": 815, \"cat_9_index\": 507, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 455, \"cat_3_index\": 468, \"cat_8_index\": 491, \"name\": \"SERPINA3 phospho T35\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 511, \"rank\": 42, \"ini\": 622, \"cat_4_index\": 469, \"group\": [623.0, 577.0, 393.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 621, \"cat_0_index\": 443, \"cat_6_index\": 516, \"cat_2_index\": 468, \"cat_1_index\": 457, \"rankvar\": 137, \"cat_9_index\": 508, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 456, \"cat_3_index\": 469, \"cat_8_index\": 492, \"name\": \"RCSD1 phospho S351\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 512, \"rank\": 634, \"ini\": 621, \"cat_4_index\": 470, \"group\": [624.0, 578.0, 394.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 620, \"cat_0_index\": 444, \"cat_6_index\": 517, \"cat_2_index\": 469, \"cat_1_index\": 458, \"rankvar\": 346, \"cat_9_index\": 509, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 457, \"cat_3_index\": 470, \"cat_8_index\": 493, \"name\": \"MDM1 phospho S314\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 513, \"rank\": 259, \"ini\": 620, \"cat_4_index\": 471, \"group\": [629.0, 583.0, 397.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 619, \"cat_0_index\": 445, \"cat_6_index\": 518, \"cat_2_index\": 470, \"cat_1_index\": 459, \"rankvar\": 573, \"cat_9_index\": 510, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 458, \"cat_3_index\": 471, \"cat_8_index\": 494, \"name\": \"ENAH phospho S136\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 514, \"rank\": 585, \"ini\": 619, \"cat_4_index\": 472, \"group\": [630.0, 584.0, 398.0, 162.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 618, \"cat_0_index\": 446, \"cat_6_index\": 519, \"cat_2_index\": 471, \"cat_1_index\": 460, \"rankvar\": 30, \"cat_9_index\": 511, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 459, \"cat_3_index\": 472, \"cat_8_index\": 495, \"name\": \"DOCK1 phospho T1772\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 515, \"rank\": 1112, \"ini\": 618, \"cat_4_index\": 473, \"group\": [615.0, 569.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 616, \"cat_0_index\": 447, \"cat_6_index\": 1110, \"cat_2_index\": 472, \"cat_1_index\": 461, \"rankvar\": 1029, \"cat_9_index\": 512, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 460, \"cat_3_index\": 473, \"cat_8_index\": 496, \"name\": \"COL6A3 AcK K1772\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 516, \"rank\": 380, \"ini\": 617, \"cat_4_index\": 474, \"group\": [616.0, 570.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 617, \"cat_0_index\": 448, \"cat_6_index\": 1111, \"cat_2_index\": 473, \"cat_1_index\": 462, \"rankvar\": 382, \"cat_9_index\": 513, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 461, \"cat_3_index\": 474, \"cat_8_index\": 497, \"name\": \"COL4A1 AcK K1496\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 517, \"rank\": 946, \"ini\": 616, \"cat_4_index\": 475, \"group\": [617.0, 571.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 615, \"cat_0_index\": 449, \"cat_6_index\": 520, \"cat_2_index\": 474, \"cat_1_index\": 463, \"rankvar\": 169, \"cat_9_index\": 514, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 462, \"cat_3_index\": 475, \"cat_8_index\": 498, \"name\": \"ECHDC1 AcK K217\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 518, \"rank\": 1050, \"ini\": 615, \"cat_4_index\": 476, \"group\": [613.0, 568.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 613, \"cat_0_index\": 450, \"cat_6_index\": 521, \"cat_2_index\": 475, \"cat_1_index\": 464, \"rankvar\": 206, \"cat_9_index\": 515, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 463, \"cat_3_index\": 476, \"cat_8_index\": 499, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K44\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 519, \"rank\": 862, \"ini\": 614, \"cat_4_index\": 477, \"group\": [614.0, 568.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 614, \"cat_0_index\": 451, \"cat_6_index\": 522, \"cat_2_index\": 476, \"cat_1_index\": 465, \"rankvar\": 610, \"cat_9_index\": 516, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 464, \"cat_3_index\": 477, \"cat_8_index\": 500, \"name\": \"HIST1H1C phospho S36\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 520, \"rank\": 294, \"ini\": 613, \"cat_4_index\": 478, \"group\": [618.0, 572.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 612, \"cat_0_index\": 452, \"cat_6_index\": 523, \"cat_2_index\": 477, \"cat_1_index\": 466, \"rankvar\": 1068, \"cat_9_index\": 517, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 465, \"cat_3_index\": 478, \"cat_8_index\": 501, \"name\": \"SLC25A24 AcK K336\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 521, \"rank\": 1117, \"ini\": 612, \"cat_4_index\": 479, \"group\": [610.0, 566.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 610, \"cat_0_index\": 453, \"cat_6_index\": 1112, \"cat_2_index\": 478, \"cat_1_index\": 467, \"rankvar\": 526, \"cat_9_index\": 518, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 466, \"cat_3_index\": 479, \"cat_8_index\": 502, \"name\": \"COL6A3 AcK K2532\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 522, \"rank\": 664, \"ini\": 611, \"cat_4_index\": 480, \"group\": [611.0, 566.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 611, \"cat_0_index\": 454, \"cat_6_index\": 524, \"cat_2_index\": 479, \"cat_1_index\": 468, \"rankvar\": 475, \"cat_9_index\": 519, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 467, \"cat_3_index\": 480, \"cat_8_index\": 503, \"name\": \"ATP5H AcK K149\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 523, \"rank\": 732, \"ini\": 610, \"cat_4_index\": 481, \"group\": [612.0, 567.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 609, \"cat_0_index\": 455, \"cat_6_index\": 525, \"cat_2_index\": 480, \"cat_1_index\": 469, \"rankvar\": 834, \"cat_9_index\": 520, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 468, \"cat_3_index\": 481, \"cat_8_index\": 504, \"name\": \"DES Rme1 R37\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 524, \"rank\": 483, \"ini\": 609, \"cat_4_index\": 482, \"group\": [605.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 607, \"cat_0_index\": 456, \"cat_6_index\": 526, \"cat_2_index\": 481, \"cat_1_index\": 470, \"rankvar\": 80, \"cat_9_index\": 521, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 469, \"cat_3_index\": 482, \"cat_8_index\": 505, \"name\": \"SERPINA1 AcK K298\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 525, \"rank\": 489, \"ini\": 608, \"cat_4_index\": 483, \"group\": [606.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 608, \"cat_0_index\": 457, \"cat_6_index\": 527, \"cat_2_index\": 482, \"cat_1_index\": 471, \"rankvar\": 1152, \"cat_9_index\": 522, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 470, \"cat_3_index\": 483, \"cat_8_index\": 506, \"name\": \"HBA2 AcK K91\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 526, \"rank\": 712, \"ini\": 607, \"cat_4_index\": 484, \"group\": [607.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 606, \"cat_0_index\": 458, \"cat_6_index\": 528, \"cat_2_index\": 483, \"cat_1_index\": 472, \"rankvar\": 946, \"cat_9_index\": 523, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 471, \"cat_3_index\": 484, \"cat_8_index\": 507, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K97\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 527, \"rank\": 123, \"ini\": 606, \"cat_4_index\": 485, \"group\": [601.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 604, \"cat_0_index\": 459, \"cat_6_index\": 529, \"cat_2_index\": 484, \"cat_1_index\": 473, \"rankvar\": 482, \"cat_9_index\": 524, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 472, \"cat_3_index\": 485, \"cat_8_index\": 508, \"name\": \"HBB AcK K145\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 528, \"rank\": 33, \"ini\": 605, \"cat_4_index\": 486, \"group\": [602.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 605, \"cat_0_index\": 460, \"cat_6_index\": 530, \"cat_2_index\": 485, \"cat_1_index\": 474, \"rankvar\": 1091, \"cat_9_index\": 525, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 473, \"cat_3_index\": 486, \"cat_8_index\": 509, \"name\": \"HBA2 AcK K100\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 529, \"rank\": 918, \"ini\": 604, \"cat_4_index\": 487, \"group\": [603.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 603, \"cat_0_index\": 461, \"cat_6_index\": 531, \"cat_2_index\": 486, \"cat_1_index\": 475, \"rankvar\": 1113, \"cat_9_index\": 526, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 474, \"cat_3_index\": 487, \"cat_8_index\": 510, \"name\": \"HBA2 AcK K140\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 530, \"rank\": 798, \"ini\": 603, \"cat_4_index\": 488, \"group\": [604.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 602, \"cat_0_index\": 462, \"cat_6_index\": 532, \"cat_2_index\": 487, \"cat_1_index\": 476, \"rankvar\": 774, \"cat_9_index\": 527, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 475, \"cat_3_index\": 488, \"cat_8_index\": 511, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K426\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 531, \"rank\": 1115, \"ini\": 602, \"cat_4_index\": 489, \"group\": [608.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 601, \"cat_0_index\": 463, \"cat_6_index\": 533, \"cat_2_index\": 488, \"cat_1_index\": 477, \"rankvar\": 673, \"cat_9_index\": 528, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 476, \"cat_3_index\": 489, \"cat_8_index\": 512, \"name\": \"HBB AcK K96\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 532, \"rank\": 498, \"ini\": 601, \"cat_4_index\": 490, \"group\": [609.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 600, \"cat_0_index\": 464, \"cat_6_index\": 1113, \"cat_2_index\": 489, \"cat_1_index\": 478, \"rankvar\": 325, \"cat_9_index\": 529, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 477, \"cat_3_index\": 490, \"cat_8_index\": 513, \"name\": \"COL6A3 AcK K2464\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 533, \"rank\": 83, \"ini\": 600, \"cat_4_index\": 491, \"group\": [599.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 598, \"cat_0_index\": 465, \"cat_6_index\": 534, \"cat_2_index\": 490, \"cat_1_index\": 479, \"rankvar\": 456, \"cat_9_index\": 530, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 478, \"cat_3_index\": 491, \"cat_8_index\": 514, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K223\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 534, \"rank\": 327, \"ini\": 599, \"cat_4_index\": 492, \"group\": [600.0, 565.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 599, \"cat_0_index\": 466, \"cat_6_index\": 535, \"cat_2_index\": 491, \"cat_1_index\": 480, \"rankvar\": 624, \"cat_9_index\": 531, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 479, \"cat_3_index\": 492, \"cat_8_index\": 515, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K161\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 535, \"rank\": 1129, \"ini\": 598, \"cat_4_index\": 1123, \"group\": [597.0, 563.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 596, \"cat_0_index\": 1104, \"cat_6_index\": 536, \"cat_2_index\": 1122, \"cat_1_index\": 1112, \"rankvar\": 278, \"cat_9_index\": 532, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1086, \"cat_3_index\": 1123, \"cat_8_index\": 516, \"name\": \"PABPN1 Rme1 R17\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 536, \"rank\": 749, \"ini\": 597, \"cat_4_index\": 493, \"group\": [598.0, 564.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 597, \"cat_0_index\": 467, \"cat_6_index\": 537, \"cat_2_index\": 492, \"cat_1_index\": 481, \"rankvar\": 409, \"cat_9_index\": 533, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 480, \"cat_3_index\": 493, \"cat_8_index\": 517, \"name\": \"MFAP1 phospho S133\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1130, \"rank\": 1007, \"ini\": 596, \"cat_4_index\": 494, \"group\": [595.0, 561.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 594, \"cat_0_index\": 468, \"cat_6_index\": 538, \"cat_2_index\": 493, \"cat_1_index\": 482, \"rankvar\": 252, \"cat_9_index\": 534, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 481, \"cat_3_index\": 494, \"cat_8_index\": 518, \"name\": \"TUBA1A AcK K394\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 537, \"rank\": 715, \"ini\": 595, \"cat_4_index\": 495, \"group\": [596.0, 562.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 595, \"cat_0_index\": 469, \"cat_6_index\": 539, \"cat_2_index\": 494, \"cat_1_index\": 483, \"rankvar\": 854, \"cat_9_index\": 535, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 482, \"cat_3_index\": 495, \"cat_8_index\": 519, \"name\": \"HIST1H4A AcK K16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 538, \"rank\": 663, \"ini\": 594, \"cat_4_index\": 496, \"group\": [592.0, 560.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 592, \"cat_0_index\": 470, \"cat_6_index\": 540, \"cat_2_index\": 495, \"cat_1_index\": 484, \"rankvar\": 862, \"cat_9_index\": 536, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 483, \"cat_3_index\": 496, \"cat_8_index\": 520, \"name\": \"HIST2H2BF AcK K121\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 539, \"rank\": 1020, \"ini\": 593, \"cat_4_index\": 497, \"group\": [593.0, 560.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 593, \"cat_0_index\": 471, \"cat_6_index\": 541, \"cat_2_index\": 496, \"cat_1_index\": 485, \"rankvar\": 433, \"cat_9_index\": 537, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 484, \"cat_3_index\": 497, \"cat_8_index\": 521, \"name\": \"HIST1H2BK AcK K121\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 540, \"rank\": 601, \"ini\": 592, \"cat_4_index\": 498, \"group\": [594.0, 560.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 591, \"cat_0_index\": 472, \"cat_6_index\": 542, \"cat_2_index\": 497, \"cat_1_index\": 486, \"rankvar\": 656, \"cat_9_index\": 538, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 485, \"cat_3_index\": 498, \"cat_8_index\": 522, \"name\": \"TPI1 AcK K225\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 541, \"rank\": 775, \"ini\": 591, \"cat_4_index\": 499, \"group\": [589.0, 559.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 589, \"cat_0_index\": 473, \"cat_6_index\": 543, \"cat_2_index\": 498, \"cat_1_index\": 487, \"rankvar\": 1131, \"cat_9_index\": 539, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 486, \"cat_3_index\": 499, \"cat_8_index\": 523, \"name\": \"APCS AcK K162\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 542, \"rank\": 1140, \"ini\": 590, \"cat_4_index\": 500, \"group\": [590.0, 559.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 590, \"cat_0_index\": 474, \"cat_6_index\": 544, \"cat_2_index\": 499, \"cat_1_index\": 488, \"rankvar\": 514, \"cat_9_index\": 1127, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 487, \"cat_3_index\": 500, \"cat_8_index\": 524, \"name\": \"ACTB AcK K328\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 543, \"rank\": 1114, \"ini\": 589, \"cat_4_index\": 501, \"group\": [591.0, 559.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 588, \"cat_0_index\": 475, \"cat_6_index\": 545, \"cat_2_index\": 500, \"cat_1_index\": 489, \"rankvar\": 484, \"cat_9_index\": 540, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 488, \"cat_3_index\": 501, \"cat_8_index\": 525, \"name\": \"BPTF Rme1 R2155\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 544, \"rank\": 98, \"ini\": 588, \"cat_4_index\": 502, \"group\": [587.0, 558.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 586, \"cat_0_index\": 476, \"cat_6_index\": 546, \"cat_2_index\": 501, \"cat_1_index\": 490, \"rankvar\": 522, \"cat_9_index\": 541, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 489, \"cat_3_index\": 502, \"cat_8_index\": 526, \"name\": \"HIST1H3A AcK K4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 545, \"rank\": 372, \"ini\": 587, \"cat_4_index\": 503, \"group\": [588.0, 558.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 587, \"cat_0_index\": 477, \"cat_6_index\": 547, \"cat_2_index\": 502, \"cat_1_index\": 491, \"rankvar\": 602, \"cat_9_index\": 542, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 490, \"cat_3_index\": 503, \"cat_8_index\": 527, \"name\": \"HIST1H3A AcK K23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 546, \"rank\": 889, \"ini\": 586, \"cat_4_index\": 504, \"group\": [584.0, 555.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 584, \"cat_0_index\": 478, \"cat_6_index\": 548, \"cat_2_index\": 503, \"cat_1_index\": 492, \"rankvar\": 928, \"cat_9_index\": 543, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 491, \"cat_3_index\": 504, \"cat_8_index\": 528, \"name\": \"UBE2QL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 547, \"rank\": 853, \"ini\": 585, \"cat_4_index\": 505, \"group\": [585.0, 556.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 585, \"cat_0_index\": 479, \"cat_6_index\": 549, \"cat_2_index\": 504, \"cat_1_index\": 493, \"rankvar\": 1092, \"cat_9_index\": 544, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 492, \"cat_3_index\": 505, \"cat_8_index\": 1118, \"name\": \"HIST1H1B AcK K35\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 548, \"rank\": 1119, \"ini\": 584, \"cat_4_index\": 506, \"group\": [586.0, 557.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 583, \"cat_0_index\": 480, \"cat_6_index\": 550, \"cat_2_index\": 505, \"cat_1_index\": 494, \"rankvar\": 201, \"cat_9_index\": 545, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 493, \"cat_3_index\": 506, \"cat_8_index\": 529, \"name\": \"BTBD1 Rme1 R79\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 549, \"rank\": 519, \"ini\": 583, \"cat_4_index\": 507, \"group\": [582.0, 553.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 581, \"cat_0_index\": 481, \"cat_6_index\": 551, \"cat_2_index\": 506, \"cat_1_index\": 495, \"rankvar\": 934, \"cat_9_index\": 546, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 494, \"cat_3_index\": 507, \"cat_8_index\": 1119, \"name\": \"PRKDC AcK K4048\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 550, \"rank\": 747, \"ini\": 582, \"cat_4_index\": 508, \"group\": [583.0, 554.0, 392.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 582, \"cat_0_index\": 482, \"cat_6_index\": 552, \"cat_2_index\": 507, \"cat_1_index\": 496, \"rankvar\": 510, \"cat_9_index\": 547, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 495, \"cat_3_index\": 508, \"cat_8_index\": 530, \"name\": \"PPAT AcK K81\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 551, \"rank\": 368, \"ini\": 581, \"cat_4_index\": 509, \"group\": [579.0, 551.0, 391.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 579, \"cat_0_index\": 483, \"cat_6_index\": 553, \"cat_2_index\": 508, \"cat_1_index\": 497, \"rankvar\": 909, \"cat_9_index\": 548, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 496, \"cat_3_index\": 509, \"cat_8_index\": 531, \"name\": \"PRELP AcK K277\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 552, \"rank\": 826, \"ini\": 580, \"cat_4_index\": 510, \"group\": [580.0, 551.0, 391.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 580, \"cat_0_index\": 484, \"cat_6_index\": 554, \"cat_2_index\": 509, \"cat_1_index\": 498, \"rankvar\": 569, \"cat_9_index\": 549, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 497, \"cat_3_index\": 510, \"cat_8_index\": 532, \"name\": \"PRDX2 AcK K29\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 553, \"rank\": 59, \"ini\": 579, \"cat_4_index\": 511, \"group\": [581.0, 552.0, 391.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 578, \"cat_0_index\": 485, \"cat_6_index\": 555, \"cat_2_index\": 510, \"cat_1_index\": 499, \"rankvar\": 875, \"cat_9_index\": 550, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 498, \"cat_3_index\": 511, \"cat_8_index\": 533, \"name\": \"HBB AcK K60\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 554, \"rank\": 683, \"ini\": 578, \"cat_4_index\": 512, \"group\": [577.0, 549.0, 391.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 576, \"cat_0_index\": 486, \"cat_6_index\": 556, \"cat_2_index\": 511, \"cat_1_index\": 500, \"rankvar\": 429, \"cat_9_index\": 551, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 499, \"cat_3_index\": 512, \"cat_8_index\": 534, \"name\": \"BGN AcK K254\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 555, \"rank\": 393, \"ini\": 577, \"cat_4_index\": 513, \"group\": [578.0, 550.0, 391.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 577, \"cat_0_index\": 487, \"cat_6_index\": 557, \"cat_2_index\": 512, \"cat_1_index\": 501, \"rankvar\": 400, \"cat_9_index\": 552, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 500, \"cat_3_index\": 513, \"cat_8_index\": 535, \"name\": \"ASPN AcK K137\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 556, \"rank\": 415, \"ini\": 576, \"cat_4_index\": 514, \"group\": [574.0, 546.0, 390.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 574, \"cat_0_index\": 488, \"cat_6_index\": 558, \"cat_2_index\": 513, \"cat_1_index\": 502, \"rankvar\": 129, \"cat_9_index\": 553, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 501, \"cat_3_index\": 514, \"cat_8_index\": 536, \"name\": \"SCP2 AcK K132\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 557, \"rank\": 629, \"ini\": 575, \"cat_4_index\": 515, \"group\": [575.0, 547.0, 390.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 575, \"cat_0_index\": 489, \"cat_6_index\": 559, \"cat_2_index\": 514, \"cat_1_index\": 503, \"rankvar\": 982, \"cat_9_index\": 554, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 502, \"cat_3_index\": 515, \"cat_8_index\": 537, \"name\": \"PSAP AcK K414\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 558, \"rank\": 1116, \"ini\": 574, \"cat_4_index\": 516, \"group\": [576.0, 548.0, 390.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 573, \"cat_0_index\": 490, \"cat_6_index\": 560, \"cat_2_index\": 515, \"cat_1_index\": 504, \"rankvar\": 383, \"cat_9_index\": 555, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 503, \"cat_3_index\": 516, \"cat_8_index\": 538, \"name\": \"TALDO1 AcK K314\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 559, \"rank\": 624, \"ini\": 573, \"cat_4_index\": 517, \"group\": [570.0, 543.0, 389.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 571, \"cat_0_index\": 491, \"cat_6_index\": 561, \"cat_2_index\": 516, \"cat_1_index\": 505, \"rankvar\": 628, \"cat_9_index\": 556, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 504, \"cat_3_index\": 517, \"cat_8_index\": 539, \"name\": \"MFAP4 AcK K100\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 560, \"rank\": 1069, \"ini\": 572, \"cat_4_index\": 518, \"group\": [571.0, 543.0, 389.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 572, \"cat_0_index\": 492, \"cat_6_index\": 562, \"cat_2_index\": 517, \"cat_1_index\": 506, \"rankvar\": 1050, \"cat_9_index\": 557, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 505, \"cat_3_index\": 518, \"cat_8_index\": 540, \"name\": \"HIST1H4A AcK K91\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 561, \"rank\": 523, \"ini\": 571, \"cat_4_index\": 519, \"group\": [572.0, 544.0, 389.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 570, \"cat_0_index\": 493, \"cat_6_index\": 563, \"cat_2_index\": 518, \"cat_1_index\": 507, \"rankvar\": 20, \"cat_9_index\": 558, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 506, \"cat_3_index\": 519, \"cat_8_index\": 541, \"name\": \"MYH10 AcK K1256\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 562, \"rank\": 110, \"ini\": 570, \"cat_4_index\": 520, \"group\": [573.0, 545.0, 389.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 569, \"cat_0_index\": 494, \"cat_6_index\": 564, \"cat_2_index\": 519, \"cat_1_index\": 508, \"rankvar\": 45, \"cat_9_index\": 559, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 507, \"cat_3_index\": 520, \"cat_8_index\": 542, \"name\": \"MYH11 AcK K1256\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1131, \"rank\": 459, \"ini\": 569, \"cat_4_index\": 521, \"group\": [567.0, 540.0, 388.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 567, \"cat_0_index\": 1105, \"cat_6_index\": 565, \"cat_2_index\": 520, \"cat_1_index\": 1113, \"rankvar\": 273, \"cat_9_index\": 560, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 508, \"cat_3_index\": 521, \"cat_8_index\": 543, \"name\": \"SON AcK K16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 563, \"rank\": 697, \"ini\": 568, \"cat_4_index\": 522, \"group\": [568.0, 541.0, 388.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 568, \"cat_0_index\": 495, \"cat_6_index\": 566, \"cat_2_index\": 521, \"cat_1_index\": 509, \"rankvar\": 932, \"cat_9_index\": 561, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 509, \"cat_3_index\": 522, \"cat_8_index\": 544, \"name\": \"ACAT2 AcK K170\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 564, \"rank\": 416, \"ini\": 567, \"cat_4_index\": 523, \"group\": [569.0, 542.0, 388.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 566, \"cat_0_index\": 496, \"cat_6_index\": 567, \"cat_2_index\": 522, \"cat_1_index\": 510, \"rankvar\": 985, \"cat_9_index\": 562, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 510, \"cat_3_index\": 523, \"cat_8_index\": 545, \"name\": \"PRDM10 AcK K658\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1132, \"rank\": 753, \"ini\": 566, \"cat_4_index\": 524, \"group\": [564.0, 537.0, 386.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 564, \"cat_0_index\": 497, \"cat_6_index\": 1114, \"cat_2_index\": 523, \"cat_1_index\": 511, \"rankvar\": 571, \"cat_9_index\": 1128, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 511, \"cat_3_index\": 524, \"cat_8_index\": 546, \"name\": \"STMN1 AcK K53\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 565, \"rank\": 652, \"ini\": 565, \"cat_4_index\": 525, \"group\": [565.0, 538.0, 386.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 565, \"cat_0_index\": 498, \"cat_6_index\": 568, \"cat_2_index\": 524, \"cat_1_index\": 512, \"rankvar\": 925, \"cat_9_index\": 563, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 512, \"cat_3_index\": 525, \"cat_8_index\": 547, \"name\": \"HLTF Rme1 R27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 566, \"rank\": 151, \"ini\": 564, \"cat_4_index\": 526, \"group\": [562.0, 535.0, 385.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 562, \"cat_0_index\": 499, \"cat_6_index\": 569, \"cat_2_index\": 525, \"cat_1_index\": 513, \"rankvar\": 1042, \"cat_9_index\": 564, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 513, \"cat_3_index\": 526, \"cat_8_index\": 548, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K598\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 567, \"rank\": 82, \"ini\": 563, \"cat_4_index\": 527, \"group\": [563.0, 536.0, 385.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 563, \"cat_0_index\": 500, \"cat_6_index\": 570, \"cat_2_index\": 526, \"cat_1_index\": 514, \"rankvar\": 680, \"cat_9_index\": 565, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 514, \"cat_3_index\": 527, \"cat_8_index\": 549, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K286\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 568, \"rank\": 135, \"ini\": 562, \"cat_4_index\": 528, \"group\": [566.0, 539.0, 387.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 561, \"cat_0_index\": 501, \"cat_6_index\": 571, \"cat_2_index\": 527, \"cat_1_index\": 515, \"rankvar\": 751, \"cat_9_index\": 566, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 515, \"cat_3_index\": 528, \"cat_8_index\": 550, \"name\": \"PEA15 phospho S104\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 569, \"rank\": 293, \"ini\": 561, \"cat_4_index\": 529, \"group\": [560.0, 533.0, 384.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 559, \"cat_0_index\": 502, \"cat_6_index\": 572, \"cat_2_index\": 528, \"cat_1_index\": 516, \"rankvar\": 1108, \"cat_9_index\": 567, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1087, \"cat_3_index\": 529, \"cat_8_index\": 551, \"name\": \"EEF1A1 AcK K392\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 570, \"rank\": 607, \"ini\": 560, \"cat_4_index\": 530, \"group\": [561.0, 534.0, 384.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 560, \"cat_0_index\": 503, \"cat_6_index\": 573, \"cat_2_index\": 529, \"cat_1_index\": 517, \"rankvar\": 1024, \"cat_9_index\": 568, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 516, \"cat_3_index\": 530, \"cat_8_index\": 552, \"name\": \"ECH1 AcK K231\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 571, \"rank\": 868, \"ini\": 559, \"cat_4_index\": 531, \"group\": [556.0, 529.0, 382.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 557, \"cat_0_index\": 504, \"cat_6_index\": 574, \"cat_2_index\": 530, \"cat_1_index\": 518, \"rankvar\": 107, \"cat_9_index\": 569, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 517, \"cat_3_index\": 531, \"cat_8_index\": 553, \"name\": \"ZC3H7A Rme1 R334\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 572, \"rank\": 397, \"ini\": 558, \"cat_4_index\": 532, \"group\": [557.0, 530.0, 382.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 558, \"cat_0_index\": 505, \"cat_6_index\": 575, \"cat_2_index\": 531, \"cat_1_index\": 519, \"rankvar\": 407, \"cat_9_index\": 570, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1088, \"cat_3_index\": 532, \"cat_8_index\": 1120, \"name\": \"ELAVL1 Rme1 R217\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 573, \"rank\": 437, \"ini\": 557, \"cat_4_index\": 533, \"group\": [558.0, 531.0, 382.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 556, \"cat_0_index\": 506, \"cat_6_index\": 576, \"cat_2_index\": 532, \"cat_1_index\": 520, \"rankvar\": 189, \"cat_9_index\": 571, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 518, \"cat_3_index\": 533, \"cat_8_index\": 554, \"name\": \"PRRC2C Rme1 R255\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 574, \"rank\": 246, \"ini\": 556, \"cat_4_index\": 534, \"group\": [549.0, 524.0, 381.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 554, \"cat_0_index\": 507, \"cat_6_index\": 577, \"cat_2_index\": 533, \"cat_1_index\": 521, \"rankvar\": 771, \"cat_9_index\": 572, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 519, \"cat_3_index\": 534, \"cat_8_index\": 555, \"name\": \"H3F3A Kme1 K36\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 575, \"rank\": 925, \"ini\": 555, \"cat_4_index\": 535, \"group\": [550.0, 524.0, 381.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 555, \"cat_0_index\": 508, \"cat_6_index\": 578, \"cat_2_index\": 534, \"cat_1_index\": 522, \"rankvar\": 776, \"cat_9_index\": 573, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 520, \"cat_3_index\": 535, \"cat_8_index\": 556, \"name\": \"H3F3A Kme1 K27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 576, \"rank\": 329, \"ini\": 554, \"cat_4_index\": 536, \"group\": [551.0, 524.0, 381.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 553, \"cat_0_index\": 509, \"cat_6_index\": 579, \"cat_2_index\": 535, \"cat_1_index\": 523, \"rankvar\": 560, \"cat_9_index\": 574, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 521, \"cat_3_index\": 536, \"cat_8_index\": 557, \"name\": \"HIST1H3A Kme1 K79\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 577, \"rank\": 1093, \"ini\": 553, \"cat_4_index\": 537, \"group\": [552.0, 525.0, 381.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 552, \"cat_0_index\": 510, \"cat_6_index\": 580, \"cat_2_index\": 536, \"cat_1_index\": 524, \"rankvar\": 132, \"cat_9_index\": 575, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 522, \"cat_3_index\": 537, \"cat_8_index\": 558, \"name\": \"HIST1H3A Kme1 K37\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 578, \"rank\": 1092, \"ini\": 552, \"cat_4_index\": 538, \"group\": [553.0, 526.0, 381.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 551, \"cat_0_index\": 511, \"cat_6_index\": 581, \"cat_2_index\": 537, \"cat_1_index\": 525, \"rankvar\": 635, \"cat_9_index\": 576, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 523, \"cat_3_index\": 538, \"cat_8_index\": 559, \"name\": \"HIST1H3A Kme1 K27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 579, \"rank\": 961, \"ini\": 551, \"cat_4_index\": 539, \"group\": [554.0, 527.0, 381.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 550, \"cat_0_index\": 512, \"cat_6_index\": 582, \"cat_2_index\": 538, \"cat_1_index\": 526, \"rankvar\": 498, \"cat_9_index\": 577, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 524, \"cat_3_index\": 539, \"cat_8_index\": 560, \"name\": \"PIK3C3 Kme1 K287\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 580, \"rank\": 152, \"ini\": 550, \"cat_4_index\": 540, \"group\": [555.0, 528.0, 381.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 549, \"cat_0_index\": 513, \"cat_6_index\": 583, \"cat_2_index\": 539, \"cat_1_index\": 527, \"rankvar\": 798, \"cat_9_index\": 578, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 525, \"cat_3_index\": 540, \"cat_8_index\": 561, \"name\": \"PHIP AcK K1399\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 581, \"rank\": 501, \"ini\": 549, \"cat_4_index\": 1124, \"group\": [559.0, 532.0, 383.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 548, \"cat_0_index\": 1106, \"cat_6_index\": 584, \"cat_2_index\": 1123, \"cat_1_index\": 1114, \"rankvar\": 900, \"cat_9_index\": 579, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1089, \"cat_3_index\": 1124, \"cat_8_index\": 562, \"name\": \"HNRNPL Kme1 K34\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 582, \"rank\": 564, \"ini\": 548, \"cat_4_index\": 541, \"group\": [547.0, 522.0, 380.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 546, \"cat_0_index\": 514, \"cat_6_index\": 585, \"cat_2_index\": 540, \"cat_1_index\": 528, \"rankvar\": 420, \"cat_9_index\": 580, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 526, \"cat_3_index\": 541, \"cat_8_index\": 563, \"name\": \"DDX24 AcK K17\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 583, \"rank\": 9, \"ini\": 547, \"cat_4_index\": 1125, \"group\": [548.0, 523.0, 380.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 547, \"cat_0_index\": 1107, \"cat_6_index\": 586, \"cat_2_index\": 1124, \"cat_1_index\": 1115, \"rankvar\": 698, \"cat_9_index\": 581, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1090, \"cat_3_index\": 1125, \"cat_8_index\": 564, \"name\": \"HNRNPH1 Rme1 R233\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 584, \"rank\": 687, \"ini\": 546, \"cat_4_index\": 542, \"group\": [545.0, 520.0, 379.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 544, \"cat_0_index\": 515, \"cat_6_index\": 587, \"cat_2_index\": 541, \"cat_1_index\": 529, \"rankvar\": 543, \"cat_9_index\": 1129, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 527, \"cat_3_index\": 542, \"cat_8_index\": 1121, \"name\": \"CLU AcK K123\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 585, \"rank\": 953, \"ini\": 545, \"cat_4_index\": 543, \"group\": [546.0, 521.0, 379.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 545, \"cat_0_index\": 516, \"cat_6_index\": 588, \"cat_2_index\": 542, \"cat_1_index\": 530, \"rankvar\": 374, \"cat_9_index\": 582, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 528, \"cat_3_index\": 543, \"cat_8_index\": 565, \"name\": \"BGN AcK K219\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 586, \"rank\": 947, \"ini\": 544, \"cat_4_index\": 544, \"group\": [542.0, 518.0, 378.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 542, \"cat_0_index\": 517, \"cat_6_index\": 589, \"cat_2_index\": 543, \"cat_1_index\": 531, \"rankvar\": 971, \"cat_9_index\": 583, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 529, \"cat_3_index\": 544, \"cat_8_index\": 566, \"name\": \"HADHA AcK K60\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 587, \"rank\": 21, \"ini\": 543, \"cat_4_index\": 545, \"group\": [543.0, 518.0, 378.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 543, \"cat_0_index\": 518, \"cat_6_index\": 590, \"cat_2_index\": 544, \"cat_1_index\": 532, \"rankvar\": 82, \"cat_9_index\": 584, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 530, \"cat_3_index\": 545, \"cat_8_index\": 567, \"name\": \"HADHA AcK K214\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 588, \"rank\": 1071, \"ini\": 542, \"cat_4_index\": 546, \"group\": [544.0, 519.0, 378.0, 161.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 541, \"cat_0_index\": 519, \"cat_6_index\": 591, \"cat_2_index\": 545, \"cat_1_index\": 533, \"rankvar\": 103, \"cat_9_index\": 585, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 531, \"cat_3_index\": 546, \"cat_8_index\": 568, \"name\": \"HADHA AcK K326\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 589, \"rank\": 325, \"ini\": 541, \"cat_4_index\": 547, \"group\": [538.0, 514.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 539, \"cat_0_index\": 520, \"cat_6_index\": 592, \"cat_2_index\": 546, \"cat_1_index\": 534, \"rankvar\": 269, \"cat_9_index\": 586, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 532, \"cat_3_index\": 547, \"cat_8_index\": 569, \"name\": \"ALDH4A1 AcK K93\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 590, \"rank\": 904, \"ini\": 540, \"cat_4_index\": 548, \"group\": [539.0, 515.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 540, \"cat_0_index\": 521, \"cat_6_index\": 593, \"cat_2_index\": 547, \"cat_1_index\": 535, \"rankvar\": 631, \"cat_9_index\": 587, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 533, \"cat_3_index\": 548, \"cat_8_index\": 570, \"name\": \"ACAT1 AcK K174\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 591, \"rank\": 1030, \"ini\": 539, \"cat_4_index\": 549, \"group\": [540.0, 516.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 538, \"cat_0_index\": 522, \"cat_6_index\": 594, \"cat_2_index\": 548, \"cat_1_index\": 536, \"rankvar\": 249, \"cat_9_index\": 588, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 534, \"cat_3_index\": 549, \"cat_8_index\": 571, \"name\": \"TXNRD2 AcK K153\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 592, \"rank\": 875, \"ini\": 538, \"cat_4_index\": 550, \"group\": [541.0, 517.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 537, \"cat_0_index\": 523, \"cat_6_index\": 595, \"cat_2_index\": 549, \"cat_1_index\": 537, \"rankvar\": 280, \"cat_9_index\": 589, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 535, \"cat_3_index\": 550, \"cat_8_index\": 572, \"name\": \"HSPA9 AcK K567\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 593, \"rank\": 272, \"ini\": 537, \"cat_4_index\": 551, \"group\": [534.0, 510.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 535, \"cat_0_index\": 524, \"cat_6_index\": 596, \"cat_2_index\": 550, \"cat_1_index\": 538, \"rankvar\": 505, \"cat_9_index\": 590, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 536, \"cat_3_index\": 551, \"cat_8_index\": 573, \"name\": \"SHMT2 AcK K464\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 594, \"rank\": 851, \"ini\": 536, \"cat_4_index\": 552, \"group\": [535.0, 511.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 536, \"cat_0_index\": 525, \"cat_6_index\": 597, \"cat_2_index\": 551, \"cat_1_index\": 539, \"rankvar\": 1147, \"cat_9_index\": 591, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 537, \"cat_3_index\": 552, \"cat_8_index\": 574, \"name\": \"DLD AcK K420\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 595, \"rank\": 62, \"ini\": 535, \"cat_4_index\": 553, \"group\": [536.0, 512.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 534, \"cat_0_index\": 526, \"cat_6_index\": 598, \"cat_2_index\": 552, \"cat_1_index\": 540, \"rankvar\": 754, \"cat_9_index\": 592, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 538, \"cat_3_index\": 553, \"cat_8_index\": 575, \"name\": \"SHMT2 AcK K103\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 596, \"rank\": 675, \"ini\": 534, \"cat_4_index\": 554, \"group\": [532.0, 508.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 532, \"cat_0_index\": 527, \"cat_6_index\": 599, \"cat_2_index\": 553, \"cat_1_index\": 541, \"rankvar\": 885, \"cat_9_index\": 593, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 539, \"cat_3_index\": 554, \"cat_8_index\": 576, \"name\": \"ATP5B AcK K522\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 597, \"rank\": 933, \"ini\": 533, \"cat_4_index\": 555, \"group\": [533.0, 509.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 533, \"cat_0_index\": 528, \"cat_6_index\": 600, \"cat_2_index\": 554, \"cat_1_index\": 542, \"rankvar\": 1116, \"cat_9_index\": 594, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 540, \"cat_3_index\": 555, \"cat_8_index\": 577, \"name\": \"ACOT13 AcK K127\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 598, \"rank\": 221, \"ini\": 532, \"cat_4_index\": 556, \"group\": [537.0, 513.0, 377.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 531, \"cat_0_index\": 529, \"cat_6_index\": 601, \"cat_2_index\": 555, \"cat_1_index\": 543, \"rankvar\": 5, \"cat_9_index\": 595, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 541, \"cat_3_index\": 556, \"cat_8_index\": 578, \"name\": \"DLD AcK K273\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 599, \"rank\": 820, \"ini\": 531, \"cat_4_index\": 557, \"group\": [529.0, 505.0, 376.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 529, \"cat_0_index\": 530, \"cat_6_index\": 602, \"cat_2_index\": 556, \"cat_1_index\": 544, \"rankvar\": 102, \"cat_9_index\": 596, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 542, \"cat_3_index\": 557, \"cat_8_index\": 579, \"name\": \"SLC25A6 AcK K33\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 600, \"rank\": 182, \"ini\": 530, \"cat_4_index\": 558, \"group\": [530.0, 506.0, 376.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 530, \"cat_0_index\": 531, \"cat_6_index\": 603, \"cat_2_index\": 557, \"cat_1_index\": 545, \"rankvar\": 101, \"cat_9_index\": 597, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 543, \"cat_3_index\": 558, \"cat_8_index\": 580, \"name\": \"FH AcK K80\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 601, \"rank\": 1054, \"ini\": 529, \"cat_4_index\": 559, \"group\": [531.0, 507.0, 376.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 528, \"cat_0_index\": 532, \"cat_6_index\": 604, \"cat_2_index\": 558, \"cat_1_index\": 546, \"rankvar\": 7, \"cat_9_index\": 598, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 544, \"cat_3_index\": 559, \"cat_8_index\": 581, \"name\": \"PRDX3 AcK K91\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 602, \"rank\": 326, \"ini\": 528, \"cat_4_index\": 560, \"group\": [527.0, 503.0, 375.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 526, \"cat_0_index\": 533, \"cat_6_index\": 605, \"cat_2_index\": 559, \"cat_1_index\": 547, \"rankvar\": 26, \"cat_9_index\": 599, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 545, \"cat_3_index\": 560, \"cat_8_index\": 582, \"name\": \"TRAP1 AcK K424\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 603, \"rank\": 1044, \"ini\": 527, \"cat_4_index\": 561, \"group\": [528.0, 504.0, 375.0, 160.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 527, \"cat_0_index\": 534, \"cat_6_index\": 606, \"cat_2_index\": 560, \"cat_1_index\": 548, \"rankvar\": 836, \"cat_9_index\": 600, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 546, \"cat_3_index\": 561, \"cat_8_index\": 583, \"name\": \"ACOT9 AcK K103\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 604, \"rank\": 626, \"ini\": 526, \"cat_4_index\": 562, \"group\": [524.0, 500.0, 373.0, 159.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 524, \"cat_0_index\": 535, \"cat_6_index\": 607, \"cat_2_index\": 561, \"cat_1_index\": 549, \"rankvar\": 644, \"cat_9_index\": 601, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 547, \"cat_3_index\": 562, \"cat_8_index\": 584, \"name\": \"RBM14 phospho T206\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 605, \"rank\": 199, \"ini\": 525, \"cat_4_index\": 563, \"group\": [525.0, 501.0, 373.0, 159.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 525, \"cat_0_index\": 536, \"cat_6_index\": 608, \"cat_2_index\": 562, \"cat_1_index\": 550, \"rankvar\": 86, \"cat_9_index\": 602, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 548, \"cat_3_index\": 563, \"cat_8_index\": 585, \"name\": \"EEA1 phospho S18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 606, \"rank\": 631, \"ini\": 524, \"cat_4_index\": 564, \"group\": [526.0, 502.0, 374.0, 159.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 523, \"cat_0_index\": 537, \"cat_6_index\": 609, \"cat_2_index\": 563, \"cat_1_index\": 551, \"rankvar\": 163, \"cat_9_index\": 603, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1091, \"cat_3_index\": 564, \"cat_8_index\": 586, \"name\": \"NCOR2 Rme1 R1661\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 607, \"rank\": 964, \"ini\": 523, \"cat_4_index\": 565, \"group\": [522.0, 498.0, 371.0, 159.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 521, \"cat_0_index\": 538, \"cat_6_index\": 610, \"cat_2_index\": 564, \"cat_1_index\": 552, \"rankvar\": 177, \"cat_9_index\": 1130, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 549, \"cat_3_index\": 565, \"cat_8_index\": 587, \"name\": \"HNRNPAB Rme1 R248\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 608, \"rank\": 630, \"ini\": 522, \"cat_4_index\": 1126, \"group\": [523.0, 499.0, 372.0, 159.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 522, \"cat_0_index\": 1108, \"cat_6_index\": 611, \"cat_2_index\": 1125, \"cat_1_index\": 1116, \"rankvar\": 960, \"cat_9_index\": 604, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1092, \"cat_3_index\": 1126, \"cat_8_index\": 588, \"name\": \"ALYREF Rme1 R204\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 609, \"rank\": 745, \"ini\": 521, \"cat_4_index\": 566, \"group\": [519.0, 495.0, 368.0, 157.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 519, \"cat_0_index\": 539, \"cat_6_index\": 612, \"cat_2_index\": 565, \"cat_1_index\": 553, \"rankvar\": 768, \"cat_9_index\": 605, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 550, \"cat_3_index\": 566, \"cat_8_index\": 589, \"name\": \"IGFBP2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 610, \"rank\": 522, \"ini\": 520, \"cat_4_index\": 567, \"group\": [520.0, 496.0, 369.0, 157.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 520, \"cat_0_index\": 540, \"cat_6_index\": 613, \"cat_2_index\": 566, \"cat_1_index\": 554, \"rankvar\": 681, \"cat_9_index\": 606, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 551, \"cat_3_index\": 567, \"cat_8_index\": 590, \"name\": \"SCG2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 611, \"rank\": 1149, \"ini\": 519, \"cat_4_index\": 568, \"group\": [521.0, 497.0, 370.0, 158.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 518, \"cat_0_index\": 541, \"cat_6_index\": 614, \"cat_2_index\": 567, \"cat_1_index\": 555, \"rankvar\": 1018, \"cat_9_index\": 607, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 552, \"cat_3_index\": 568, \"cat_8_index\": 591, \"name\": \"METTL7A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 612, \"rank\": 903, \"ini\": 518, \"cat_4_index\": 569, \"group\": [514.0, 491.0, 366.0, 156.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 516, \"cat_0_index\": 542, \"cat_6_index\": 615, \"cat_2_index\": 568, \"cat_1_index\": 556, \"rankvar\": 905, \"cat_9_index\": 608, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 553, \"cat_3_index\": 569, \"cat_8_index\": 592, \"name\": \"SNCAIP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 613, \"rank\": 623, \"ini\": 517, \"cat_4_index\": 570, \"group\": [515.0, 491.0, 366.0, 156.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 517, \"cat_0_index\": 543, \"cat_6_index\": 616, \"cat_2_index\": 569, \"cat_1_index\": 557, \"rankvar\": 744, \"cat_9_index\": 609, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 554, \"cat_3_index\": 570, \"cat_8_index\": 593, \"name\": \"KCNA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 614, \"rank\": 716, \"ini\": 516, \"cat_4_index\": 571, \"group\": [516.0, 492.0, 366.0, 156.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 515, \"cat_0_index\": 544, \"cat_6_index\": 617, \"cat_2_index\": 570, \"cat_1_index\": 558, \"rankvar\": 1010, \"cat_9_index\": 610, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 555, \"cat_3_index\": 571, \"cat_8_index\": 594, \"name\": \"PCSK2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 615, \"rank\": 512, \"ini\": 515, \"cat_4_index\": 572, \"group\": [517.0, 493.0, 366.0, 156.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 514, \"cat_0_index\": 545, \"cat_6_index\": 618, \"cat_2_index\": 571, \"cat_1_index\": 559, \"rankvar\": 538, \"cat_9_index\": 611, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 556, \"cat_3_index\": 572, \"cat_8_index\": 595, \"name\": \"RGS4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 616, \"rank\": 482, \"ini\": 514, \"cat_4_index\": 573, \"group\": [518.0, 494.0, 367.0, 156.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 513, \"cat_0_index\": 546, \"cat_6_index\": 619, \"cat_2_index\": 572, \"cat_1_index\": 560, \"rankvar\": 577, \"cat_9_index\": 612, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 557, \"cat_3_index\": 573, \"cat_8_index\": 596, \"name\": \"AMPH\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 617, \"rank\": 183, \"ini\": 513, \"cat_4_index\": 574, \"group\": [512.0, 489.0, 365.0, 156.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 511, \"cat_0_index\": 547, \"cat_6_index\": 1115, \"cat_2_index\": 573, \"cat_1_index\": 561, \"rankvar\": 469, \"cat_9_index\": 613, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 558, \"cat_3_index\": 574, \"cat_8_index\": 597, \"name\": \"GAS2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 618, \"rank\": 355, \"ini\": 512, \"cat_4_index\": 575, \"group\": [513.0, 490.0, 365.0, 156.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 512, \"cat_0_index\": 548, \"cat_6_index\": 620, \"cat_2_index\": 574, \"cat_1_index\": 562, \"rankvar\": 568, \"cat_9_index\": 614, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 559, \"cat_3_index\": 575, \"cat_8_index\": 598, \"name\": \"NTS\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 619, \"rank\": 578, \"ini\": 511, \"cat_4_index\": 576, \"group\": [510.0, 487.0, 363.0, 155.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 509, \"cat_0_index\": 549, \"cat_6_index\": 621, \"cat_2_index\": 575, \"cat_1_index\": 563, \"rankvar\": 866, \"cat_9_index\": 615, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 560, \"cat_3_index\": 576, \"cat_8_index\": 599, \"name\": \"PPP2R2B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 620, \"rank\": 1028, \"ini\": 510, \"cat_4_index\": 577, \"group\": [511.0, 488.0, 364.0, 155.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 510, \"cat_0_index\": 550, \"cat_6_index\": 622, \"cat_2_index\": 576, \"cat_1_index\": 564, \"rankvar\": 997, \"cat_9_index\": 616, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 561, \"cat_3_index\": 577, \"cat_8_index\": 600, \"name\": \"PABPC4L\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 621, \"rank\": 727, \"ini\": 509, \"cat_4_index\": 578, \"group\": [507.0, 484.0, 361.0, 154.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 507, \"cat_0_index\": 551, \"cat_6_index\": 623, \"cat_2_index\": 577, \"cat_1_index\": 565, \"rankvar\": 250, \"cat_9_index\": 617, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 562, \"cat_3_index\": 578, \"cat_8_index\": 601, \"name\": \"PRKACA phospho T202\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 622, \"rank\": 91, \"ini\": 508, \"cat_4_index\": 579, \"group\": [508.0, 485.0, 361.0, 154.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 508, \"cat_0_index\": 552, \"cat_6_index\": 624, \"cat_2_index\": 578, \"cat_1_index\": 566, \"rankvar\": 142, \"cat_9_index\": 618, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 563, \"cat_3_index\": 579, \"cat_8_index\": 602, \"name\": \"CIT phospho T709\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 623, \"rank\": 825, \"ini\": 507, \"cat_4_index\": 580, \"group\": [509.0, 486.0, 362.0, 154.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 506, \"cat_0_index\": 553, \"cat_6_index\": 625, \"cat_2_index\": 579, \"cat_1_index\": 567, \"rankvar\": 933, \"cat_9_index\": 1131, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 564, \"cat_3_index\": 580, \"cat_8_index\": 603, \"name\": \"SDC2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 624, \"rank\": 739, \"ini\": 506, \"cat_4_index\": 581, \"group\": [503.0, 480.0, 358.0, 153.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 504, \"cat_0_index\": 554, \"cat_6_index\": 626, \"cat_2_index\": 580, \"cat_1_index\": 568, \"rankvar\": 895, \"cat_9_index\": 619, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 565, \"cat_3_index\": 581, \"cat_8_index\": 604, \"name\": \"GSTA4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 625, \"rank\": 378, \"ini\": 505, \"cat_4_index\": 582, \"group\": [504.0, 481.0, 358.0, 153.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 505, \"cat_0_index\": 555, \"cat_6_index\": 627, \"cat_2_index\": 581, \"cat_1_index\": 569, \"rankvar\": 465, \"cat_9_index\": 620, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 566, \"cat_3_index\": 582, \"cat_8_index\": 605, \"name\": \"MAN1C1 phospho S164\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1133, \"rank\": 125, \"ini\": 504, \"cat_4_index\": 583, \"group\": [505.0, 482.0, 359.0, 153.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 503, \"cat_0_index\": 556, \"cat_6_index\": 628, \"cat_2_index\": 582, \"cat_1_index\": 570, \"rankvar\": 435, \"cat_9_index\": 1132, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 567, \"cat_3_index\": 583, \"cat_8_index\": 606, \"name\": \"MAP2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 626, \"rank\": 469, \"ini\": 503, \"cat_4_index\": 584, \"group\": [506.0, 483.0, 360.0, 153.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 502, \"cat_0_index\": 557, \"cat_6_index\": 629, \"cat_2_index\": 583, \"cat_1_index\": 571, \"rankvar\": 740, \"cat_9_index\": 621, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 568, \"cat_3_index\": 584, \"cat_8_index\": 607, \"name\": \"NDN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 627, \"rank\": 942, \"ini\": 502, \"cat_4_index\": 585, \"group\": [501.0, 479.0, 357.0, 153.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 500, \"cat_0_index\": 558, \"cat_6_index\": 630, \"cat_2_index\": 584, \"cat_1_index\": 572, \"rankvar\": 377, \"cat_9_index\": 622, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 569, \"cat_3_index\": 585, \"cat_8_index\": 608, \"name\": \"LOC100506965\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 628, \"rank\": 1095, \"ini\": 501, \"cat_4_index\": 586, \"group\": [502.0, 479.0, 357.0, 153.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 501, \"cat_0_index\": 559, \"cat_6_index\": 631, \"cat_2_index\": 585, \"cat_1_index\": 573, \"rankvar\": 1060, \"cat_9_index\": 623, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 570, \"cat_3_index\": 586, \"cat_8_index\": 609, \"name\": \"LOC100506948\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 629, \"rank\": 563, \"ini\": 500, \"cat_4_index\": 587, \"group\": [499.0, 477.0, 355.0, 152.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 498, \"cat_0_index\": 560, \"cat_6_index\": 1116, \"cat_2_index\": 586, \"cat_1_index\": 574, \"rankvar\": 968, \"cat_9_index\": 624, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 571, \"cat_3_index\": 587, \"cat_8_index\": 610, \"name\": \"PRKCQ phospho T538\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 630, \"rank\": 669, \"ini\": 499, \"cat_4_index\": 588, \"group\": [500.0, 478.0, 356.0, 152.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 499, \"cat_0_index\": 561, \"cat_6_index\": 632, \"cat_2_index\": 587, \"cat_1_index\": 575, \"rankvar\": 253, \"cat_9_index\": 625, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 572, \"cat_3_index\": 588, \"cat_8_index\": 611, \"name\": \"PKN2 phospho T816\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 631, \"rank\": 673, \"ini\": 498, \"cat_4_index\": 589, \"group\": [496.0, 475.0, 354.0, 152.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 496, \"cat_0_index\": 562, \"cat_6_index\": 633, \"cat_2_index\": 588, \"cat_1_index\": 576, \"rankvar\": 1031, \"cat_9_index\": 626, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1093, \"cat_3_index\": 589, \"cat_8_index\": 612, \"name\": \"PRKCA phospho Y504\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 632, \"rank\": 276, \"ini\": 497, \"cat_4_index\": 590, \"group\": [497.0, 475.0, 354.0, 152.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 497, \"cat_0_index\": 563, \"cat_6_index\": 634, \"cat_2_index\": 589, \"cat_1_index\": 577, \"rankvar\": 396, \"cat_9_index\": 627, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1094, \"cat_3_index\": 590, \"cat_8_index\": 613, \"name\": \"PRKCA phospho T497\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 633, \"rank\": 597, \"ini\": 496, \"cat_4_index\": 591, \"group\": [498.0, 476.0, 354.0, 152.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 495, \"cat_0_index\": 564, \"cat_6_index\": 635, \"cat_2_index\": 590, \"cat_1_index\": 578, \"rankvar\": 176, \"cat_9_index\": 628, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1095, \"cat_3_index\": 591, \"cat_8_index\": 614, \"name\": \"PRKCA phospho T501\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 634, \"rank\": 67, \"ini\": 495, \"cat_4_index\": 592, \"group\": [494.0, 473.0, 352.0, 152.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 493, \"cat_0_index\": 565, \"cat_6_index\": 636, \"cat_2_index\": 591, \"cat_1_index\": 579, \"rankvar\": 375, \"cat_9_index\": 629, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 573, \"cat_3_index\": 592, \"cat_8_index\": 615, \"name\": \"LONRF2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 635, \"rank\": 385, \"ini\": 494, \"cat_4_index\": 1127, \"group\": [495.0, 474.0, 353.0, 152.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 494, \"cat_0_index\": 1109, \"cat_6_index\": 637, \"cat_2_index\": 1126, \"cat_1_index\": 1117, \"rankvar\": 979, \"cat_9_index\": 630, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1096, \"cat_3_index\": 1127, \"cat_8_index\": 616, \"name\": \"HNRNPL Rme1 R46\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 636, \"rank\": 872, \"ini\": 493, \"cat_4_index\": 593, \"group\": [492.0, 471.0, 351.0, 151.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 491, \"cat_0_index\": 566, \"cat_6_index\": 638, \"cat_2_index\": 592, \"cat_1_index\": 580, \"rankvar\": 1015, \"cat_9_index\": 631, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1097, \"cat_3_index\": 593, \"cat_8_index\": 617, \"name\": \"PRKRA phospho S18\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 637, \"rank\": 841, \"ini\": 492, \"cat_4_index\": 594, \"group\": [493.0, 472.0, 351.0, 151.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 492, \"cat_0_index\": 567, \"cat_6_index\": 639, \"cat_2_index\": 593, \"cat_1_index\": 581, \"rankvar\": 995, \"cat_9_index\": 632, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 574, \"cat_3_index\": 594, \"cat_8_index\": 618, \"name\": \"ARVCF phospho T642\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 638, \"rank\": 460, \"ini\": 491, \"cat_4_index\": 595, \"group\": [490.0, 469.0, 350.0, 151.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 489, \"cat_0_index\": 568, \"cat_6_index\": 640, \"cat_2_index\": 594, \"cat_1_index\": 582, \"rankvar\": 284, \"cat_9_index\": 633, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 575, \"cat_3_index\": 595, \"cat_8_index\": 619, \"name\": \"TPD52L2 phospho T173\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 639, \"rank\": 280, \"ini\": 490, \"cat_4_index\": 596, \"group\": [491.0, 470.0, 350.0, 151.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 490, \"cat_0_index\": 569, \"cat_6_index\": 641, \"cat_2_index\": 595, \"cat_1_index\": 583, \"rankvar\": 943, \"cat_9_index\": 634, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 576, \"cat_3_index\": 596, \"cat_8_index\": 620, \"name\": \"RHBDD1 phospho S314\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 640, \"rank\": 429, \"ini\": 489, \"cat_4_index\": 597, \"group\": [488.0, 467.0, 349.0, 151.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 487, \"cat_0_index\": 570, \"cat_6_index\": 642, \"cat_2_index\": 596, \"cat_1_index\": 584, \"rankvar\": 43, \"cat_9_index\": 635, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 577, \"cat_3_index\": 597, \"cat_8_index\": 621, \"name\": \"NFIA phospho S280\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 641, \"rank\": 917, \"ini\": 488, \"cat_4_index\": 598, \"group\": [489.0, 468.0, 349.0, 151.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 488, \"cat_0_index\": 571, \"cat_6_index\": 643, \"cat_2_index\": 597, \"cat_1_index\": 585, \"rankvar\": 155, \"cat_9_index\": 636, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 578, \"cat_3_index\": 598, \"cat_8_index\": 622, \"name\": \"CEP128 phospho S331\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 642, \"rank\": 932, \"ini\": 487, \"cat_4_index\": 599, \"group\": [486.0, 465.0, 347.0, 150.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 485, \"cat_0_index\": 572, \"cat_6_index\": 644, \"cat_2_index\": 598, \"cat_1_index\": 586, \"rankvar\": 924, \"cat_9_index\": 637, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 579, \"cat_3_index\": 599, \"cat_8_index\": 623, \"name\": \"SLC2A1 phospho S490\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 643, \"rank\": 928, \"ini\": 486, \"cat_4_index\": 600, \"group\": [487.0, 466.0, 348.0, 150.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 486, \"cat_0_index\": 573, \"cat_6_index\": 645, \"cat_2_index\": 599, \"cat_1_index\": 587, \"rankvar\": 619, \"cat_9_index\": 638, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 580, \"cat_3_index\": 600, \"cat_8_index\": 624, \"name\": \"CAMK2G phospho T287\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 644, \"rank\": 1152, \"ini\": 485, \"cat_4_index\": 1128, \"group\": [484.0, 463.0, 345.0, 150.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 483, \"cat_0_index\": 1110, \"cat_6_index\": 646, \"cat_2_index\": 1127, \"cat_1_index\": 1118, \"rankvar\": 470, \"cat_9_index\": 639, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1098, \"cat_3_index\": 1128, \"cat_8_index\": 625, \"name\": \"HNRNPUL1 Rme1 R181\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 645, \"rank\": 609, \"ini\": 484, \"cat_4_index\": 601, \"group\": [485.0, 464.0, 346.0, 150.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 484, \"cat_0_index\": 574, \"cat_6_index\": 647, \"cat_2_index\": 600, \"cat_1_index\": 588, \"rankvar\": 271, \"cat_9_index\": 640, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 581, \"cat_3_index\": 601, \"cat_8_index\": 626, \"name\": \"TMEM119 phospho S212\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 646, \"rank\": 289, \"ini\": 483, \"cat_4_index\": 602, \"group\": [482.0, 461.0, 344.0, 149.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 481, \"cat_0_index\": 575, \"cat_6_index\": 648, \"cat_2_index\": 601, \"cat_1_index\": 589, \"rankvar\": 636, \"cat_9_index\": 641, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1099, \"cat_3_index\": 602, \"cat_8_index\": 627, \"name\": \"LAT phospho S224\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 647, \"rank\": 717, \"ini\": 482, \"cat_4_index\": 603, \"group\": [483.0, 462.0, 344.0, 149.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 482, \"cat_0_index\": 576, \"cat_6_index\": 649, \"cat_2_index\": 602, \"cat_1_index\": 590, \"rankvar\": 1120, \"cat_9_index\": 642, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 582, \"cat_3_index\": 603, \"cat_8_index\": 628, \"name\": \"FGD5 phospho S744\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 648, \"rank\": 44, \"ini\": 481, \"cat_4_index\": 604, \"group\": [478.0, 457.0, 341.0, 147.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 479, \"cat_0_index\": 577, \"cat_6_index\": 650, \"cat_2_index\": 603, \"cat_1_index\": 591, \"rankvar\": 516, \"cat_9_index\": 643, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 583, \"cat_3_index\": 604, \"cat_8_index\": 629, \"name\": \"INA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 649, \"rank\": 449, \"ini\": 480, \"cat_4_index\": 1129, \"group\": [479.0, 458.0, 341.0, 147.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 480, \"cat_0_index\": 1111, \"cat_6_index\": 651, \"cat_2_index\": 1128, \"cat_1_index\": 1119, \"rankvar\": 645, \"cat_9_index\": 644, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 584, \"cat_3_index\": 1129, \"cat_8_index\": 630, \"name\": \"PRPF4B phospho Y849\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1134, \"rank\": 1081, \"ini\": 479, \"cat_4_index\": 605, \"group\": [480.0, 459.0, 342.0, 147.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 478, \"cat_0_index\": 578, \"cat_6_index\": 652, \"cat_2_index\": 604, \"cat_1_index\": 592, \"rankvar\": 1139, \"cat_9_index\": 1133, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 585, \"cat_3_index\": 605, \"cat_8_index\": 631, \"name\": \"NEFH\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 650, \"rank\": 670, \"ini\": 478, \"cat_4_index\": 606, \"group\": [481.0, 460.0, 343.0, 148.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 477, \"cat_0_index\": 579, \"cat_6_index\": 653, \"cat_2_index\": 605, \"cat_1_index\": 593, \"rankvar\": 1151, \"cat_9_index\": 645, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 586, \"cat_3_index\": 606, \"cat_8_index\": 632, \"name\": \"C17orf104\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 651, \"rank\": 927, \"ini\": 477, \"cat_4_index\": 607, \"group\": [476.0, 455.0, 339.0, 146.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 475, \"cat_0_index\": 580, \"cat_6_index\": 654, \"cat_2_index\": 606, \"cat_1_index\": 594, \"rankvar\": 39, \"cat_9_index\": 646, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 587, \"cat_3_index\": 607, \"cat_8_index\": 633, \"name\": \"ILF2 Rme1 R16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 652, \"rank\": 106, \"ini\": 476, \"cat_4_index\": 608, \"group\": [477.0, 456.0, 340.0, 146.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 476, \"cat_0_index\": 581, \"cat_6_index\": 655, \"cat_2_index\": 607, \"cat_1_index\": 595, \"rankvar\": 1130, \"cat_9_index\": 647, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 588, \"cat_3_index\": 608, \"cat_8_index\": 634, \"name\": \"PRPSAP2 phospho S198\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 653, \"rank\": 856, \"ini\": 475, \"cat_4_index\": 609, \"group\": [472.0, 451.0, 336.0, 145.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 473, \"cat_0_index\": 582, \"cat_6_index\": 656, \"cat_2_index\": 608, \"cat_1_index\": 596, \"rankvar\": 1005, \"cat_9_index\": 648, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 589, \"cat_3_index\": 609, \"cat_8_index\": 635, \"name\": \"PNMAL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 654, \"rank\": 821, \"ini\": 474, \"cat_4_index\": 610, \"group\": [473.0, 452.0, 336.0, 145.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 474, \"cat_0_index\": 583, \"cat_6_index\": 657, \"cat_2_index\": 609, \"cat_1_index\": 597, \"rankvar\": 497, \"cat_9_index\": 1134, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 590, \"cat_3_index\": 610, \"cat_8_index\": 636, \"name\": \"HEYL phospho T256\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 655, \"rank\": 31, \"ini\": 473, \"cat_4_index\": 611, \"group\": [474.0, 453.0, 337.0, 145.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 472, \"cat_0_index\": 584, \"cat_6_index\": 658, \"cat_2_index\": 610, \"cat_1_index\": 598, \"rankvar\": 583, \"cat_9_index\": 649, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 591, \"cat_3_index\": 611, \"cat_8_index\": 637, \"name\": \"PRAME\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 656, \"rank\": 610, \"ini\": 472, \"cat_4_index\": 612, \"group\": [475.0, 454.0, 338.0, 145.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 471, \"cat_0_index\": 585, \"cat_6_index\": 659, \"cat_2_index\": 611, \"cat_1_index\": 599, \"rankvar\": 719, \"cat_9_index\": 650, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 592, \"cat_3_index\": 612, \"cat_8_index\": 638, \"name\": \"PAK4 phospho S474\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 657, \"rank\": 945, \"ini\": 471, \"cat_4_index\": 613, \"group\": [470.0, 449.0, 334.0, 144.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 469, \"cat_0_index\": 586, \"cat_6_index\": 660, \"cat_2_index\": 612, \"cat_1_index\": 600, \"rankvar\": 709, \"cat_9_index\": 651, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 593, \"cat_3_index\": 613, \"cat_8_index\": 639, \"name\": \"CENPV\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 658, \"rank\": 655, \"ini\": 470, \"cat_4_index\": 614, \"group\": [471.0, 450.0, 335.0, 144.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 470, \"cat_0_index\": 587, \"cat_6_index\": 661, \"cat_2_index\": 613, \"cat_1_index\": 601, \"rankvar\": 986, \"cat_9_index\": 652, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 594, \"cat_3_index\": 614, \"cat_8_index\": 640, \"name\": \"ID2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 659, \"rank\": 471, \"ini\": 469, \"cat_4_index\": 615, \"group\": [466.0, 445.0, 333.0, 144.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 467, \"cat_0_index\": 588, \"cat_6_index\": 662, \"cat_2_index\": 614, \"cat_1_index\": 602, \"rankvar\": 1153, \"cat_9_index\": 653, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 595, \"cat_3_index\": 615, \"cat_8_index\": 641, \"name\": \"CHN1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 660, \"rank\": 743, \"ini\": 468, \"cat_4_index\": 616, \"group\": [467.0, 446.0, 333.0, 144.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 468, \"cat_0_index\": 589, \"cat_6_index\": 663, \"cat_2_index\": 615, \"cat_1_index\": 603, \"rankvar\": 706, \"cat_9_index\": 654, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 596, \"cat_3_index\": 616, \"cat_8_index\": 642, \"name\": \"SUV39H1 phospho S391\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 661, \"rank\": 26, \"ini\": 467, \"cat_4_index\": 617, \"group\": [468.0, 447.0, 333.0, 144.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 466, \"cat_0_index\": 590, \"cat_6_index\": 664, \"cat_2_index\": 616, \"cat_1_index\": 604, \"rankvar\": 980, \"cat_9_index\": 655, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 597, \"cat_3_index\": 617, \"cat_8_index\": 643, \"name\": \"MLLT11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 662, \"rank\": 792, \"ini\": 466, \"cat_4_index\": 618, \"group\": [469.0, 448.0, 333.0, 144.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 465, \"cat_0_index\": 591, \"cat_6_index\": 665, \"cat_2_index\": 617, \"cat_1_index\": 605, \"rankvar\": 632, \"cat_9_index\": 656, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 598, \"cat_3_index\": 618, \"cat_8_index\": 644, \"name\": \"UCHL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 663, \"rank\": 92, \"ini\": 465, \"cat_4_index\": 619, \"group\": [463.0, 442.0, 331.0, 143.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 463, \"cat_0_index\": 592, \"cat_6_index\": 666, \"cat_2_index\": 618, \"cat_1_index\": 606, \"rankvar\": 368, \"cat_9_index\": 657, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 599, \"cat_3_index\": 619, \"cat_8_index\": 645, \"name\": \"PRDM13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 664, \"rank\": 750, \"ini\": 464, \"cat_4_index\": 620, \"group\": [464.0, 443.0, 331.0, 143.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 464, \"cat_0_index\": 593, \"cat_6_index\": 667, \"cat_2_index\": 619, \"cat_1_index\": 607, \"rankvar\": 857, \"cat_9_index\": 658, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 600, \"cat_3_index\": 620, \"cat_8_index\": 646, \"name\": \"NUDT11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 665, \"rank\": 724, \"ini\": 463, \"cat_4_index\": 621, \"group\": [465.0, 444.0, 332.0, 143.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 462, \"cat_0_index\": 594, \"cat_6_index\": 668, \"cat_2_index\": 620, \"cat_1_index\": 608, \"rankvar\": 847, \"cat_9_index\": 659, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 601, \"cat_3_index\": 621, \"cat_8_index\": 647, \"name\": \"OLFM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 666, \"rank\": 226, \"ini\": 462, \"cat_4_index\": 622, \"group\": [461.0, 440.0, 329.0, 142.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 460, \"cat_0_index\": 595, \"cat_6_index\": 669, \"cat_2_index\": 621, \"cat_1_index\": 609, \"rankvar\": 1138, \"cat_9_index\": 660, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 602, \"cat_3_index\": 622, \"cat_8_index\": 648, \"name\": \"LHX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 667, \"rank\": 805, \"ini\": 461, \"cat_4_index\": 623, \"group\": [462.0, 441.0, 330.0, 142.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 461, \"cat_0_index\": 596, \"cat_6_index\": 670, \"cat_2_index\": 622, \"cat_1_index\": 610, \"rankvar\": 425, \"cat_9_index\": 661, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 603, \"cat_3_index\": 623, \"cat_8_index\": 649, \"name\": \"LHFP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 668, \"rank\": 1138, \"ini\": 460, \"cat_4_index\": 624, \"group\": [459.0, 438.0, 327.0, 142.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 458, \"cat_0_index\": 597, \"cat_6_index\": 671, \"cat_2_index\": 623, \"cat_1_index\": 611, \"rankvar\": 478, \"cat_9_index\": 662, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 604, \"cat_3_index\": 624, \"cat_8_index\": 650, \"name\": \"FAM171A1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 669, \"rank\": 443, \"ini\": 459, \"cat_4_index\": 625, \"group\": [460.0, 439.0, 328.0, 142.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 459, \"cat_0_index\": 598, \"cat_6_index\": 672, \"cat_2_index\": 624, \"cat_1_index\": 612, \"rankvar\": 575, \"cat_9_index\": 663, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 605, \"cat_3_index\": 625, \"cat_8_index\": 651, \"name\": \"CNRIP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 670, \"rank\": 194, \"ini\": 458, \"cat_4_index\": 626, \"group\": [456.0, 435.0, 325.0, 141.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 456, \"cat_0_index\": 599, \"cat_6_index\": 673, \"cat_2_index\": 625, \"cat_1_index\": 613, \"rankvar\": 823, \"cat_9_index\": 664, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 606, \"cat_3_index\": 626, \"cat_8_index\": 652, \"name\": \"SLC10A4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 671, \"rank\": 1132, \"ini\": 457, \"cat_4_index\": 627, \"group\": [457.0, 436.0, 325.0, 141.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 457, \"cat_0_index\": 600, \"cat_6_index\": 674, \"cat_2_index\": 626, \"cat_1_index\": 614, \"rankvar\": 1062, \"cat_9_index\": 665, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 607, \"cat_3_index\": 627, \"cat_8_index\": 653, \"name\": \"LOC100127983\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 672, \"rank\": 144, \"ini\": 456, \"cat_4_index\": 628, \"group\": [458.0, 437.0, 326.0, 141.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 455, \"cat_0_index\": 601, \"cat_6_index\": 675, \"cat_2_index\": 627, \"cat_1_index\": 615, \"rankvar\": 818, \"cat_9_index\": 666, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 608, \"cat_3_index\": 628, \"cat_8_index\": 654, \"name\": \"COCH\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 673, \"rank\": 275, \"ini\": 455, \"cat_4_index\": 629, \"group\": [454.0, 434.0, 324.0, 141.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 453, \"cat_0_index\": 602, \"cat_6_index\": 676, \"cat_2_index\": 628, \"cat_1_index\": 616, \"rankvar\": 218, \"cat_9_index\": 667, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 609, \"cat_3_index\": 629, \"cat_8_index\": 655, \"name\": \"CHD7 phospho T2554\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 674, \"rank\": 428, \"ini\": 454, \"cat_4_index\": 630, \"group\": [455.0, 434.0, 324.0, 141.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 454, \"cat_0_index\": 603, \"cat_6_index\": 677, \"cat_2_index\": 629, \"cat_1_index\": 617, \"rankvar\": 84, \"cat_9_index\": 668, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 610, \"cat_3_index\": 630, \"cat_8_index\": 656, \"name\": \"CHD7 phospho T2551\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 675, \"rank\": 339, \"ini\": 453, \"cat_4_index\": 631, \"group\": [452.0, 432.0, 322.0, 140.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 451, \"cat_0_index\": 604, \"cat_6_index\": 678, \"cat_2_index\": 630, \"cat_1_index\": 618, \"rankvar\": 548, \"cat_9_index\": 669, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 611, \"cat_3_index\": 631, \"cat_8_index\": 657, \"name\": \"CDO1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 676, \"rank\": 531, \"ini\": 452, \"cat_4_index\": 632, \"group\": [453.0, 433.0, 323.0, 140.0, 51.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 452, \"cat_0_index\": 605, \"cat_6_index\": 679, \"cat_2_index\": 631, \"cat_1_index\": 619, \"rankvar\": 696, \"cat_9_index\": 670, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 612, \"cat_3_index\": 632, \"cat_8_index\": 658, \"name\": \"LIN28B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 677, \"rank\": 209, \"ini\": 451, \"cat_4_index\": 633, \"group\": [449.0, 429.0, 319.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 449, \"cat_0_index\": 606, \"cat_6_index\": 680, \"cat_2_index\": 632, \"cat_1_index\": 620, \"rankvar\": 421, \"cat_9_index\": 671, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 613, \"cat_3_index\": 633, \"cat_8_index\": 659, \"name\": \"CRABP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 678, \"rank\": 99, \"ini\": 450, \"cat_4_index\": 634, \"group\": [450.0, 430.0, 320.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 450, \"cat_0_index\": 607, \"cat_6_index\": 681, \"cat_2_index\": 633, \"cat_1_index\": 621, \"rankvar\": 415, \"cat_9_index\": 672, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 614, \"cat_3_index\": 634, \"cat_8_index\": 660, \"name\": \"LPL\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 679, \"rank\": 785, \"ini\": 449, \"cat_4_index\": 635, \"group\": [445.0, 426.0, 318.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 447, \"cat_0_index\": 608, \"cat_6_index\": 682, \"cat_2_index\": 634, \"cat_1_index\": 622, \"rankvar\": 978, \"cat_9_index\": 673, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 615, \"cat_3_index\": 635, \"cat_8_index\": 661, \"name\": \"CHRNA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1135, \"rank\": 829, \"ini\": 448, \"cat_4_index\": 636, \"group\": [446.0, 426.0, 318.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 448, \"cat_0_index\": 609, \"cat_6_index\": 683, \"cat_2_index\": 635, \"cat_1_index\": 623, \"rankvar\": 1066, \"cat_9_index\": 674, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 616, \"cat_3_index\": 636, \"cat_8_index\": 662, \"name\": \"NEFM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 680, \"rank\": 786, \"ini\": 447, \"cat_4_index\": 637, \"group\": [447.0, 427.0, 318.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 446, \"cat_0_index\": 610, \"cat_6_index\": 684, \"cat_2_index\": 636, \"cat_1_index\": 624, \"rankvar\": 977, \"cat_9_index\": 675, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 617, \"cat_3_index\": 637, \"cat_8_index\": 663, \"name\": \"HRASLS\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1136, \"rank\": 955, \"ini\": 446, \"cat_4_index\": 638, \"group\": [448.0, 428.0, 318.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 445, \"cat_0_index\": 611, \"cat_6_index\": 685, \"cat_2_index\": 637, \"cat_1_index\": 625, \"rankvar\": 805, \"cat_9_index\": 1135, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 618, \"cat_3_index\": 638, \"cat_8_index\": 664, \"name\": \"NEFL\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 681, \"rank\": 993, \"ini\": 445, \"cat_4_index\": 639, \"group\": [442.0, 423.0, 317.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 443, \"cat_0_index\": 612, \"cat_6_index\": 686, \"cat_2_index\": 638, \"cat_1_index\": 626, \"rankvar\": 1103, \"cat_9_index\": 676, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 619, \"cat_3_index\": 639, \"cat_8_index\": 665, \"name\": \"SLC38A5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 682, \"rank\": 870, \"ini\": 444, \"cat_4_index\": 640, \"group\": [443.0, 424.0, 317.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 444, \"cat_0_index\": 613, \"cat_6_index\": 687, \"cat_2_index\": 639, \"cat_1_index\": 627, \"rankvar\": 1118, \"cat_9_index\": 677, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 620, \"cat_3_index\": 640, \"cat_8_index\": 666, \"name\": \"OTX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 683, \"rank\": 651, \"ini\": 443, \"cat_4_index\": 641, \"group\": [444.0, 425.0, 317.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 442, \"cat_0_index\": 614, \"cat_6_index\": 688, \"cat_2_index\": 640, \"cat_1_index\": 628, \"rankvar\": 747, \"cat_9_index\": 678, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 621, \"cat_3_index\": 641, \"cat_8_index\": 667, \"name\": \"NPW\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 684, \"rank\": 451, \"ini\": 442, \"cat_4_index\": 642, \"group\": [451.0, 431.0, 321.0, 139.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 441, \"cat_0_index\": 615, \"cat_6_index\": 689, \"cat_2_index\": 641, \"cat_1_index\": 629, \"rankvar\": 380, \"cat_9_index\": 679, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 622, \"cat_3_index\": 642, \"cat_8_index\": 668, \"name\": \"LOXL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 685, \"rank\": 488, \"ini\": 441, \"cat_4_index\": 1130, \"group\": [440.0, 421.0, 315.0, 138.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 439, \"cat_0_index\": 1112, \"cat_6_index\": 690, \"cat_2_index\": 1129, \"cat_1_index\": 1120, \"rankvar\": 1011, \"cat_9_index\": 680, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1100, \"cat_3_index\": 1130, \"cat_8_index\": 669, \"name\": \"SRRM1 phospho S752\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 686, \"rank\": 1037, \"ini\": 440, \"cat_4_index\": 643, \"group\": [441.0, 422.0, 316.0, 138.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 440, \"cat_0_index\": 616, \"cat_6_index\": 691, \"cat_2_index\": 642, \"cat_1_index\": 630, \"rankvar\": 159, \"cat_9_index\": 681, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 623, \"cat_3_index\": 643, \"cat_8_index\": 1122, \"name\": \"GNB2L1 phospho T50\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 687, \"rank\": 1101, \"ini\": 439, \"cat_4_index\": 644, \"group\": [438.0, 419.0, 313.0, 137.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 437, \"cat_0_index\": 617, \"cat_6_index\": 692, \"cat_2_index\": 643, \"cat_1_index\": 631, \"rankvar\": 1129, \"cat_9_index\": 682, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 624, \"cat_3_index\": 644, \"cat_8_index\": 670, \"name\": \"ST8SIA1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 688, \"rank\": 448, \"ini\": 438, \"cat_4_index\": 645, \"group\": [439.0, 420.0, 314.0, 137.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 438, \"cat_0_index\": 618, \"cat_6_index\": 693, \"cat_2_index\": 644, \"cat_1_index\": 632, \"rankvar\": 853, \"cat_9_index\": 683, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 625, \"cat_3_index\": 645, \"cat_8_index\": 671, \"name\": \"PENK\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 689, \"rank\": 1107, \"ini\": 437, \"cat_4_index\": 646, \"group\": [436.0, 417.0, 311.0, 136.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 435, \"cat_0_index\": 619, \"cat_6_index\": 694, \"cat_2_index\": 645, \"cat_1_index\": 633, \"rankvar\": 1009, \"cat_9_index\": 684, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 626, \"cat_3_index\": 646, \"cat_8_index\": 672, \"name\": \"LRRC34\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 690, \"rank\": 507, \"ini\": 436, \"cat_4_index\": 647, \"group\": [437.0, 418.0, 312.0, 136.0, 50.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 436, \"cat_0_index\": 620, \"cat_6_index\": 695, \"cat_2_index\": 646, \"cat_1_index\": 634, \"rankvar\": 858, \"cat_9_index\": 1136, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 627, \"cat_3_index\": 647, \"cat_8_index\": 673, \"name\": \"EPB41L3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 691, \"rank\": 994, \"ini\": 435, \"cat_4_index\": 648, \"group\": [432.0, 413.0, 309.0, 135.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 433, \"cat_0_index\": 1113, \"cat_6_index\": 696, \"cat_2_index\": 647, \"cat_1_index\": 1121, \"rankvar\": 950, \"cat_9_index\": 685, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 628, \"cat_3_index\": 648, \"cat_8_index\": 674, \"name\": \"PRPF38B phospho T479\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 692, \"rank\": 956, \"ini\": 434, \"cat_4_index\": 649, \"group\": [433.0, 414.0, 309.0, 135.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 434, \"cat_0_index\": 1114, \"cat_6_index\": 697, \"cat_2_index\": 648, \"cat_1_index\": 1122, \"rankvar\": 187, \"cat_9_index\": 686, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 629, \"cat_3_index\": 649, \"cat_8_index\": 675, \"name\": \"PRPF38B phospho S475\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 693, \"rank\": 486, \"ini\": 433, \"cat_4_index\": 650, \"group\": [434.0, 415.0, 309.0, 135.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 432, \"cat_0_index\": 621, \"cat_6_index\": 698, \"cat_2_index\": 649, \"cat_1_index\": 635, \"rankvar\": 126, \"cat_9_index\": 687, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 630, \"cat_3_index\": 650, \"cat_8_index\": 676, \"name\": \"PPP2R5D phospho S90\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 694, \"rank\": 766, \"ini\": 432, \"cat_4_index\": 651, \"group\": [435.0, 416.0, 310.0, 135.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 431, \"cat_0_index\": 622, \"cat_6_index\": 699, \"cat_2_index\": 650, \"cat_1_index\": 636, \"rankvar\": 670, \"cat_9_index\": 688, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1101, \"cat_3_index\": 651, \"cat_8_index\": 1123, \"name\": \"EIF3C phospho T911\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 695, \"rank\": 375, \"ini\": 431, \"cat_4_index\": 1131, \"group\": [430.0, 411.0, 308.0, 135.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 429, \"cat_0_index\": 1115, \"cat_6_index\": 700, \"cat_2_index\": 1130, \"cat_1_index\": 1123, \"rankvar\": 335, \"cat_9_index\": 689, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1102, \"cat_3_index\": 1131, \"cat_8_index\": 677, \"name\": \"HNRNPL AcK K59\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 696, \"rank\": 394, \"ini\": 430, \"cat_4_index\": 652, \"group\": [431.0, 412.0, 308.0, 135.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 430, \"cat_0_index\": 623, \"cat_6_index\": 701, \"cat_2_index\": 651, \"cat_1_index\": 637, \"rankvar\": 150, \"cat_9_index\": 690, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 631, \"cat_3_index\": 652, \"cat_8_index\": 678, \"name\": \"ZC3HC1 phospho S407\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 697, \"rank\": 492, \"ini\": 429, \"cat_4_index\": 653, \"group\": [428.0, 409.0, 308.0, 135.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 427, \"cat_0_index\": 624, \"cat_6_index\": 702, \"cat_2_index\": 652, \"cat_1_index\": 1124, \"rankvar\": 124, \"cat_9_index\": 691, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 632, \"cat_3_index\": 653, \"cat_8_index\": 679, \"name\": \"ZNF638 phospho T483\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 698, \"rank\": 290, \"ini\": 428, \"cat_4_index\": 654, \"group\": [429.0, 410.0, 308.0, 135.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 428, \"cat_0_index\": 625, \"cat_6_index\": 703, \"cat_2_index\": 653, \"cat_1_index\": 638, \"rankvar\": 255, \"cat_9_index\": 692, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 633, \"cat_3_index\": 654, \"cat_8_index\": 680, \"name\": \"SCAF4 phospho S1037\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 699, \"rank\": 540, \"ini\": 427, \"cat_4_index\": 655, \"group\": [425.0, 406.0, 306.0, 134.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 425, \"cat_0_index\": 626, \"cat_6_index\": 704, \"cat_2_index\": 654, \"cat_1_index\": 639, \"rankvar\": 436, \"cat_9_index\": 693, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 634, \"cat_3_index\": 655, \"cat_8_index\": 681, \"name\": \"UCP2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 700, \"rank\": 572, \"ini\": 426, \"cat_4_index\": 656, \"group\": [426.0, 407.0, 306.0, 134.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 426, \"cat_0_index\": 627, \"cat_6_index\": 705, \"cat_2_index\": 655, \"cat_1_index\": 640, \"rankvar\": 385, \"cat_9_index\": 694, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 635, \"cat_3_index\": 656, \"cat_8_index\": 682, \"name\": \"CPE\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 701, \"rank\": 930, \"ini\": 425, \"cat_4_index\": 657, \"group\": [427.0, 408.0, 307.0, 134.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 424, \"cat_0_index\": 628, \"cat_6_index\": 706, \"cat_2_index\": 656, \"cat_1_index\": 641, \"rankvar\": 412, \"cat_9_index\": 695, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 636, \"cat_3_index\": 657, \"cat_8_index\": 683, \"name\": \"NCOA2 phospho T773\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 702, \"rank\": 837, \"ini\": 424, \"cat_4_index\": 658, \"group\": [423.0, 404.0, 305.0, 133.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 422, \"cat_0_index\": 1116, \"cat_6_index\": 707, \"cat_2_index\": 657, \"cat_1_index\": 642, \"rankvar\": 745, \"cat_9_index\": 696, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1103, \"cat_3_index\": 658, \"cat_8_index\": 684, \"name\": \"TNKS1BP1 phospho S1621\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 703, \"rank\": 1016, \"ini\": 423, \"cat_4_index\": 659, \"group\": [424.0, 405.0, 305.0, 133.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 423, \"cat_0_index\": 1117, \"cat_6_index\": 708, \"cat_2_index\": 658, \"cat_1_index\": 643, \"rankvar\": 394, \"cat_9_index\": 697, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1104, \"cat_3_index\": 659, \"cat_8_index\": 1124, \"name\": \"EIF4B phospho S409\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 704, \"rank\": 1029, \"ini\": 422, \"cat_4_index\": 660, \"group\": [420.0, 401.0, 304.0, 133.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 420, \"cat_0_index\": 629, \"cat_6_index\": 709, \"cat_2_index\": 659, \"cat_1_index\": 644, \"rankvar\": 154, \"cat_9_index\": 698, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 637, \"cat_3_index\": 660, \"cat_8_index\": 685, \"name\": \"ABLIM1 phospho S455\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 705, \"rank\": 252, \"ini\": 421, \"cat_4_index\": 661, \"group\": [421.0, 402.0, 304.0, 133.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 421, \"cat_0_index\": 630, \"cat_6_index\": 710, \"cat_2_index\": 660, \"cat_1_index\": 645, \"rankvar\": 1061, \"cat_9_index\": 699, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 638, \"cat_3_index\": 661, \"cat_8_index\": 686, \"name\": \"ABLIM1 phospho S452\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 706, \"rank\": 374, \"ini\": 420, \"cat_4_index\": 662, \"group\": [422.0, 403.0, 304.0, 133.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 419, \"cat_0_index\": 631, \"cat_6_index\": 711, \"cat_2_index\": 661, \"cat_1_index\": 646, \"rankvar\": 1063, \"cat_9_index\": 700, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 639, \"cat_3_index\": 662, \"cat_8_index\": 687, \"name\": \"ABLIM1 phospho S458\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 707, \"rank\": 802, \"ini\": 419, \"cat_4_index\": 663, \"group\": [418.0, 399.0, 303.0, 133.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 417, \"cat_0_index\": 632, \"cat_6_index\": 712, \"cat_2_index\": 662, \"cat_1_index\": 647, \"rankvar\": 200, \"cat_9_index\": 701, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 640, \"cat_3_index\": 663, \"cat_8_index\": 688, \"name\": \"SCEL phospho S68\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 708, \"rank\": 227, \"ini\": 418, \"cat_4_index\": 664, \"group\": [419.0, 400.0, 303.0, 133.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 418, \"cat_0_index\": 633, \"cat_6_index\": 713, \"cat_2_index\": 663, \"cat_1_index\": 648, \"rankvar\": 431, \"cat_9_index\": 702, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 641, \"cat_3_index\": 664, \"cat_8_index\": 689, \"name\": \"RSRC2 phospho S105\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 709, \"rank\": 605, \"ini\": 417, \"cat_4_index\": 665, \"group\": [416.0, 397.0, 301.0, 132.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 415, \"cat_0_index\": 634, \"cat_6_index\": 714, \"cat_2_index\": 664, \"cat_1_index\": 649, \"rankvar\": 780, \"cat_9_index\": 703, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 642, \"cat_3_index\": 665, \"cat_8_index\": 690, \"name\": \"PRKD2 phospho S710\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 710, \"rank\": 1042, \"ini\": 416, \"cat_4_index\": 666, \"group\": [417.0, 398.0, 302.0, 132.0, 49.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 416, \"cat_0_index\": 1118, \"cat_6_index\": 715, \"cat_2_index\": 1131, \"cat_1_index\": 1125, \"rankvar\": 268, \"cat_9_index\": 704, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1105, \"cat_3_index\": 666, \"cat_8_index\": 691, \"name\": \"LSM1 phospho Y133\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 711, \"rank\": 646, \"ini\": 415, \"cat_4_index\": 667, \"group\": [413.0, 394.0, 298.0, 131.0, 48.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 413, \"cat_0_index\": 635, \"cat_6_index\": 716, \"cat_2_index\": 665, \"cat_1_index\": 650, \"rankvar\": 258, \"cat_9_index\": 705, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 643, \"cat_3_index\": 667, \"cat_8_index\": 692, \"name\": \"HNRNPUL2 Rme1 R656\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 712, \"rank\": 529, \"ini\": 414, \"cat_4_index\": 668, \"group\": [414.0, 395.0, 299.0, 131.0, 48.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 414, \"cat_0_index\": 636, \"cat_6_index\": 717, \"cat_2_index\": 666, \"cat_1_index\": 651, \"rankvar\": 136, \"cat_9_index\": 706, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 644, \"cat_3_index\": 668, \"cat_8_index\": 693, \"name\": \"KDM1A phospho S69\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 713, \"rank\": 768, \"ini\": 413, \"cat_4_index\": 669, \"group\": [415.0, 396.0, 300.0, 131.0, 48.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 412, \"cat_0_index\": 637, \"cat_6_index\": 1117, \"cat_2_index\": 667, \"cat_1_index\": 652, \"rankvar\": 311, \"cat_9_index\": 707, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 645, \"cat_3_index\": 669, \"cat_8_index\": 694, \"name\": \"HMGB2 AcK K59\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 714, \"rank\": 923, \"ini\": 412, \"cat_4_index\": 670, \"group\": [410.0, 391.0, 295.0, 130.0, 48.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 410, \"cat_0_index\": 638, \"cat_6_index\": 718, \"cat_2_index\": 668, \"cat_1_index\": 653, \"rankvar\": 477, \"cat_9_index\": 708, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 646, \"cat_3_index\": 670, \"cat_8_index\": 695, \"name\": \"BEX5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 715, \"rank\": 365, \"ini\": 411, \"cat_4_index\": 671, \"group\": [411.0, 392.0, 296.0, 130.0, 48.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 411, \"cat_0_index\": 639, \"cat_6_index\": 719, \"cat_2_index\": 669, \"cat_1_index\": 654, \"rankvar\": 729, \"cat_9_index\": 709, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 647, \"cat_3_index\": 671, \"cat_8_index\": 1125, \"name\": \"EEFSEC Rme1 R556\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 716, \"rank\": 421, \"ini\": 410, \"cat_4_index\": 672, \"group\": [412.0, 393.0, 297.0, 130.0, 48.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 409, \"cat_0_index\": 640, \"cat_6_index\": 720, \"cat_2_index\": 670, \"cat_1_index\": 655, \"rankvar\": 687, \"cat_9_index\": 710, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 648, \"cat_3_index\": 672, \"cat_8_index\": 696, \"name\": \"ARNT2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 717, \"rank\": 37, \"ini\": 409, \"cat_4_index\": 673, \"group\": [408.0, 389.0, 293.0, 129.0, 48.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 407, \"cat_0_index\": 641, \"cat_6_index\": 721, \"cat_2_index\": 671, \"cat_1_index\": 656, \"rankvar\": 408, \"cat_9_index\": 711, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 649, \"cat_3_index\": 673, \"cat_8_index\": 697, \"name\": \"CXCR7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 718, \"rank\": 794, \"ini\": 408, \"cat_4_index\": 674, \"group\": [409.0, 390.0, 294.0, 129.0, 48.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 408, \"cat_0_index\": 642, \"cat_6_index\": 722, \"cat_2_index\": 672, \"cat_1_index\": 657, \"rankvar\": 616, \"cat_9_index\": 712, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 650, \"cat_3_index\": 674, \"cat_8_index\": 698, \"name\": \"UBXN7 phospho S288\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 719, \"rank\": 698, \"ini\": 407, \"cat_4_index\": 1132, \"group\": [405.0, 386.0, 290.0, 128.0, 47.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 405, \"cat_0_index\": 1119, \"cat_6_index\": 723, \"cat_2_index\": 1132, \"cat_1_index\": 1126, \"rankvar\": 220, \"cat_9_index\": 713, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1106, \"cat_3_index\": 1132, \"cat_8_index\": 699, \"name\": \"NHP2L1 AcK K21\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 720, \"rank\": 525, \"ini\": 406, \"cat_4_index\": 675, \"group\": [406.0, 387.0, 291.0, 128.0, 47.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 406, \"cat_0_index\": 643, \"cat_6_index\": 724, \"cat_2_index\": 673, \"cat_1_index\": 658, \"rankvar\": 210, \"cat_9_index\": 714, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1107, \"cat_3_index\": 675, \"cat_8_index\": 700, \"name\": \"TRIM33 Rme1 R535\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 721, \"rank\": 894, \"ini\": 405, \"cat_4_index\": 676, \"group\": [407.0, 388.0, 292.0, 128.0, 47.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 404, \"cat_0_index\": 644, \"cat_6_index\": 725, \"cat_2_index\": 674, \"cat_1_index\": 659, \"rankvar\": 800, \"cat_9_index\": 715, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 651, \"cat_3_index\": 676, \"cat_8_index\": 701, \"name\": \"IRX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 722, \"rank\": 898, \"ini\": 404, \"cat_4_index\": 677, \"group\": [403.0, 384.0, 288.0, 127.0, 47.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 402, \"cat_0_index\": 1120, \"cat_6_index\": 726, \"cat_2_index\": 675, \"cat_1_index\": 660, \"rankvar\": 68, \"cat_9_index\": 716, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 652, \"cat_3_index\": 677, \"cat_8_index\": 702, \"name\": \"RNASEL AcK K684\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 723, \"rank\": 345, \"ini\": 403, \"cat_4_index\": 678, \"group\": [404.0, 385.0, 289.0, 127.0, 47.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 403, \"cat_0_index\": 645, \"cat_6_index\": 727, \"cat_2_index\": 676, \"cat_1_index\": 661, \"rankvar\": 230, \"cat_9_index\": 717, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 653, \"cat_3_index\": 678, \"cat_8_index\": 703, \"name\": \"PKP2 Rme1 R125\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1137, \"rank\": 322, \"ini\": 402, \"cat_4_index\": 679, \"group\": [400.0, 381.0, 286.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 400, \"cat_0_index\": 646, \"cat_6_index\": 728, \"cat_2_index\": 677, \"cat_1_index\": 662, \"rankvar\": 459, \"cat_9_index\": 718, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 654, \"cat_3_index\": 679, \"cat_8_index\": 1126, \"name\": \"GAPDH AcK K227\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 724, \"rank\": 142, \"ini\": 401, \"cat_4_index\": 680, \"group\": [401.0, 382.0, 286.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 401, \"cat_0_index\": 647, \"cat_6_index\": 729, \"cat_2_index\": 678, \"cat_1_index\": 663, \"rankvar\": 1045, \"cat_9_index\": 719, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 655, \"cat_3_index\": 680, \"cat_8_index\": 704, \"name\": \"BRD1 AcK K23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 725, \"rank\": 600, \"ini\": 400, \"cat_4_index\": 681, \"group\": [396.0, 377.0, 285.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 398, \"cat_0_index\": 648, \"cat_6_index\": 730, \"cat_2_index\": 679, \"cat_1_index\": 664, \"rankvar\": 877, \"cat_9_index\": 720, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 656, \"cat_3_index\": 681, \"cat_8_index\": 705, \"name\": \"TPI1 AcK K92\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1138, \"rank\": 556, \"ini\": 399, \"cat_4_index\": 682, \"group\": [397.0, 378.0, 285.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 399, \"cat_0_index\": 649, \"cat_6_index\": 731, \"cat_2_index\": 680, \"cat_1_index\": 665, \"rankvar\": 328, \"cat_9_index\": 721, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 657, \"cat_3_index\": 682, \"cat_8_index\": 1127, \"name\": \"GAPDH AcK K117\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1139, \"rank\": 702, \"ini\": 398, \"cat_4_index\": 683, \"group\": [398.0, 379.0, 285.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 397, \"cat_0_index\": 650, \"cat_6_index\": 732, \"cat_2_index\": 681, \"cat_1_index\": 666, \"rankvar\": 791, \"cat_9_index\": 722, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 658, \"cat_3_index\": 683, \"cat_8_index\": 1128, \"name\": \"GAPDH AcK K194\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 726, \"rank\": 455, \"ini\": 397, \"cat_4_index\": 684, \"group\": [399.0, 380.0, 285.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 396, \"cat_0_index\": 651, \"cat_6_index\": 733, \"cat_2_index\": 682, \"cat_1_index\": 667, \"rankvar\": 713, \"cat_9_index\": 723, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 659, \"cat_3_index\": 684, \"cat_8_index\": 706, \"name\": \"PKM AcK K266\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 727, \"rank\": 145, \"ini\": 396, \"cat_4_index\": 685, \"group\": [402.0, 383.0, 287.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 395, \"cat_0_index\": 652, \"cat_6_index\": 734, \"cat_2_index\": 683, \"cat_1_index\": 668, \"rankvar\": 848, \"cat_9_index\": 724, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 660, \"cat_3_index\": 685, \"cat_8_index\": 707, \"name\": \"MIF AcK K78\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 728, \"rank\": 672, \"ini\": 395, \"cat_4_index\": 686, \"group\": [393.0, 374.0, 283.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 393, \"cat_0_index\": 653, \"cat_6_index\": 1118, \"cat_2_index\": 684, \"cat_1_index\": 669, \"rankvar\": 1137, \"cat_9_index\": 725, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 661, \"cat_3_index\": 686, \"cat_8_index\": 1129, \"name\": \"TPR AcK K713\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 729, \"rank\": 254, \"ini\": 394, \"cat_4_index\": 687, \"group\": [394.0, 375.0, 283.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 394, \"cat_0_index\": 654, \"cat_6_index\": 1119, \"cat_2_index\": 685, \"cat_1_index\": 670, \"rankvar\": 850, \"cat_9_index\": 726, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 662, \"cat_3_index\": 687, \"cat_8_index\": 708, \"name\": \"LMNB1 AcK K271\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 730, \"rank\": 88, \"ini\": 393, \"cat_4_index\": 688, \"group\": [390.0, 372.0, 283.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 391, \"cat_0_index\": 655, \"cat_6_index\": 1120, \"cat_2_index\": 686, \"cat_1_index\": 671, \"rankvar\": 25, \"cat_9_index\": 727, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1108, \"cat_3_index\": 688, \"cat_8_index\": 709, \"name\": \"RPS3 AcK K108\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 731, \"rank\": 302, \"ini\": 392, \"cat_4_index\": 689, \"group\": [391.0, 372.0, 283.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 392, \"cat_0_index\": 656, \"cat_6_index\": 735, \"cat_2_index\": 687, \"cat_1_index\": 672, \"rankvar\": 919, \"cat_9_index\": 728, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 663, \"cat_3_index\": 689, \"cat_8_index\": 710, \"name\": \"NAT10 AcK K426\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 732, \"rank\": 653, \"ini\": 391, \"cat_4_index\": 690, \"group\": [392.0, 373.0, 283.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 390, \"cat_0_index\": 657, \"cat_6_index\": 736, \"cat_2_index\": 688, \"cat_1_index\": 673, \"rankvar\": 157, \"cat_9_index\": 729, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 664, \"cat_3_index\": 690, \"cat_8_index\": 711, \"name\": \"PGK1 AcK K291\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 733, \"rank\": 57, \"ini\": 390, \"cat_4_index\": 691, \"group\": [395.0, 376.0, 284.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 389, \"cat_0_index\": 658, \"cat_6_index\": 737, \"cat_2_index\": 689, \"cat_1_index\": 674, \"rankvar\": 188, \"cat_9_index\": 730, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 665, \"cat_3_index\": 691, \"cat_8_index\": 712, \"name\": \"VDAC2 AcK K39\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 734, \"rank\": 816, \"ini\": 389, \"cat_4_index\": 692, \"group\": [387.0, 369.0, 282.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 387, \"cat_0_index\": 659, \"cat_6_index\": 738, \"cat_2_index\": 690, \"cat_1_index\": 675, \"rankvar\": 737, \"cat_9_index\": 731, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 666, \"cat_3_index\": 692, \"cat_8_index\": 713, \"name\": \"PGK1 AcK K323\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 735, \"rank\": 1126, \"ini\": 388, \"cat_4_index\": 693, \"group\": [388.0, 370.0, 282.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 388, \"cat_0_index\": 660, \"cat_6_index\": 739, \"cat_2_index\": 691, \"cat_1_index\": 676, \"rankvar\": 906, \"cat_9_index\": 732, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 667, \"cat_3_index\": 693, \"cat_8_index\": 714, \"name\": \"ALDOA AcK K147\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 736, \"rank\": 558, \"ini\": 387, \"cat_4_index\": 694, \"group\": [389.0, 371.0, 282.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 386, \"cat_0_index\": 661, \"cat_6_index\": 740, \"cat_2_index\": 692, \"cat_1_index\": 677, \"rankvar\": 894, \"cat_9_index\": 733, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 668, \"cat_3_index\": 694, \"cat_8_index\": 715, \"name\": \"ENO1 AcK K193\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 737, \"rank\": 555, \"ini\": 386, \"cat_4_index\": 695, \"group\": [385.0, 367.0, 281.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 384, \"cat_0_index\": 662, \"cat_6_index\": 741, \"cat_2_index\": 693, \"cat_1_index\": 678, \"rankvar\": 35, \"cat_9_index\": 734, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 669, \"cat_3_index\": 695, \"cat_8_index\": 716, \"name\": \"PDIA4 AcK K211\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 738, \"rank\": 47, \"ini\": 385, \"cat_4_index\": 696, \"group\": [386.0, 368.0, 281.0, 126.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 385, \"cat_0_index\": 663, \"cat_6_index\": 742, \"cat_2_index\": 694, \"cat_1_index\": 679, \"rankvar\": 198, \"cat_9_index\": 735, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 670, \"cat_3_index\": 696, \"cat_8_index\": 717, \"name\": \"ALDOA AcK K200\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 739, \"rank\": 97, \"ini\": 384, \"cat_4_index\": 697, \"group\": [382.0, 364.0, 278.0, 125.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 382, \"cat_0_index\": 664, \"cat_6_index\": 743, \"cat_2_index\": 695, \"cat_1_index\": 680, \"rankvar\": 180, \"cat_9_index\": 736, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 671, \"cat_3_index\": 697, \"cat_8_index\": 718, \"name\": \"CCT8 AcK K318\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 740, \"rank\": 1130, \"ini\": 383, \"cat_4_index\": 698, \"group\": [383.0, 365.0, 279.0, 125.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 383, \"cat_0_index\": 665, \"cat_6_index\": 744, \"cat_2_index\": 696, \"cat_1_index\": 681, \"rankvar\": 138, \"cat_9_index\": 737, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 672, \"cat_3_index\": 698, \"cat_8_index\": 719, \"name\": \"DYRK1A phospho S324\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 741, \"rank\": 412, \"ini\": 382, \"cat_4_index\": 699, \"group\": [384.0, 366.0, 280.0, 125.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 381, \"cat_0_index\": 666, \"cat_6_index\": 745, \"cat_2_index\": 697, \"cat_1_index\": 682, \"rankvar\": 113, \"cat_9_index\": 738, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 673, \"cat_3_index\": 699, \"cat_8_index\": 720, \"name\": \"PPIA AcK K82\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 742, \"rank\": 962, \"ini\": 381, \"cat_4_index\": 700, \"group\": [379.0, 361.0, 276.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 379, \"cat_0_index\": 667, \"cat_6_index\": 746, \"cat_2_index\": 698, \"cat_1_index\": 683, \"rankvar\": 705, \"cat_9_index\": 739, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1109, \"cat_3_index\": 700, \"cat_8_index\": 721, \"name\": \"PSMA7 AcK K52\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 743, \"rank\": 20, \"ini\": 380, \"cat_4_index\": 701, \"group\": [380.0, 362.0, 276.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 380, \"cat_0_index\": 668, \"cat_6_index\": 1121, \"cat_2_index\": 699, \"cat_1_index\": 684, \"rankvar\": 237, \"cat_9_index\": 740, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 674, \"cat_3_index\": 701, \"cat_8_index\": 722, \"name\": \"CFL1 AcK K114\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 744, \"rank\": 53, \"ini\": 379, \"cat_4_index\": 702, \"group\": [376.0, 358.0, 276.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 377, \"cat_0_index\": 669, \"cat_6_index\": 1122, \"cat_2_index\": 700, \"cat_1_index\": 685, \"rankvar\": 741, \"cat_9_index\": 741, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1110, \"cat_3_index\": 702, \"cat_8_index\": 723, \"name\": \"RPS29 AcK K13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 745, \"rank\": 1066, \"ini\": 378, \"cat_4_index\": 703, \"group\": [377.0, 359.0, 276.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 378, \"cat_0_index\": 670, \"cat_6_index\": 747, \"cat_2_index\": 701, \"cat_1_index\": 686, \"rankvar\": 364, \"cat_9_index\": 742, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 675, \"cat_3_index\": 703, \"cat_8_index\": 724, \"name\": \"DDX17 AcK K109\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 746, \"rank\": 139, \"ini\": 377, \"cat_4_index\": 704, \"group\": [378.0, 360.0, 276.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 376, \"cat_0_index\": 671, \"cat_6_index\": 748, \"cat_2_index\": 702, \"cat_1_index\": 687, \"rankvar\": 461, \"cat_9_index\": 743, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 676, \"cat_3_index\": 704, \"cat_8_index\": 725, \"name\": \"ENO1 AcK K406\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 747, \"rank\": 136, \"ini\": 376, \"cat_4_index\": 705, \"group\": [381.0, 363.0, 277.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 375, \"cat_0_index\": 672, \"cat_6_index\": 749, \"cat_2_index\": 703, \"cat_1_index\": 688, \"rankvar\": 926, \"cat_9_index\": 744, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1111, \"cat_3_index\": 705, \"cat_8_index\": 726, \"name\": \"EEF1A1 AcK K386\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 748, \"rank\": 248, \"ini\": 375, \"cat_4_index\": 706, \"group\": [373.0, 355.0, 275.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 373, \"cat_0_index\": 673, \"cat_6_index\": 1123, \"cat_2_index\": 704, \"cat_1_index\": 689, \"rankvar\": 607, \"cat_9_index\": 745, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1112, \"cat_3_index\": 706, \"cat_8_index\": 727, \"name\": \"RPL23 AcK K13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 749, \"rank\": 369, \"ini\": 374, \"cat_4_index\": 707, \"group\": [374.0, 356.0, 275.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 374, \"cat_0_index\": 674, \"cat_6_index\": 1124, \"cat_2_index\": 705, \"cat_1_index\": 690, \"rankvar\": 245, \"cat_9_index\": 746, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1113, \"cat_3_index\": 707, \"cat_8_index\": 728, \"name\": \"RPL14 AcK K85\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 750, \"rank\": 969, \"ini\": 373, \"cat_4_index\": 708, \"group\": [375.0, 357.0, 275.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 372, \"cat_0_index\": 1121, \"cat_6_index\": 750, \"cat_2_index\": 706, \"cat_1_index\": 1127, \"rankvar\": 222, \"cat_9_index\": 747, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 677, \"cat_3_index\": 708, \"cat_8_index\": 729, \"name\": \"WBP11 Kme1 K169\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 751, \"rank\": 1058, \"ini\": 372, \"cat_4_index\": 709, \"group\": [369.0, 352.0, 274.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 370, \"cat_0_index\": 675, \"cat_6_index\": 1125, \"cat_2_index\": 707, \"cat_1_index\": 691, \"rankvar\": 21, \"cat_9_index\": 748, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1114, \"cat_3_index\": 709, \"cat_8_index\": 730, \"name\": \"RPS8 AcK K148\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 752, \"rank\": 1063, \"ini\": 371, \"cat_4_index\": 710, \"group\": [370.0, 352.0, 274.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 371, \"cat_0_index\": 676, \"cat_6_index\": 1126, \"cat_2_index\": 708, \"cat_1_index\": 692, \"rankvar\": 289, \"cat_9_index\": 749, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1115, \"cat_3_index\": 710, \"cat_8_index\": 731, \"name\": \"RPL10A AcK K106\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 753, \"rank\": 573, \"ini\": 370, \"cat_4_index\": 711, \"group\": [371.0, 353.0, 274.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 369, \"cat_0_index\": 1122, \"cat_6_index\": 751, \"cat_2_index\": 709, \"cat_1_index\": 693, \"rankvar\": 288, \"cat_9_index\": 750, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1116, \"cat_3_index\": 711, \"cat_8_index\": 732, \"name\": \"EIF4A1 AcK K174\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 754, \"rank\": 1067, \"ini\": 369, \"cat_4_index\": 712, \"group\": [372.0, 354.0, 274.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 368, \"cat_0_index\": 677, \"cat_6_index\": 752, \"cat_2_index\": 710, \"cat_1_index\": 694, \"rankvar\": 1013, \"cat_9_index\": 1137, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 678, \"cat_3_index\": 712, \"cat_8_index\": 733, \"name\": \"ACTB AcK K61\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 755, \"rank\": 223, \"ini\": 368, \"cat_4_index\": 1133, \"group\": [367.0, 350.0, 273.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 366, \"cat_0_index\": 1123, \"cat_6_index\": 753, \"cat_2_index\": 1133, \"cat_1_index\": 1128, \"rankvar\": 884, \"cat_9_index\": 751, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1117, \"cat_3_index\": 1133, \"cat_8_index\": 1130, \"name\": \"HNRNPU AcK K551\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 756, \"rank\": 769, \"ini\": 367, \"cat_4_index\": 713, \"group\": [368.0, 351.0, 273.0, 124.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 367, \"cat_0_index\": 678, \"cat_6_index\": 754, \"cat_2_index\": 711, \"cat_1_index\": 695, \"rankvar\": 395, \"cat_9_index\": 752, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 679, \"cat_3_index\": 713, \"cat_8_index\": 734, \"name\": \"EP400 AcK K1553\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 757, \"rank\": 957, \"ini\": 366, \"cat_4_index\": 1134, \"group\": [364.0, 347.0, 270.0, 123.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 364, \"cat_0_index\": 1124, \"cat_6_index\": 755, \"cat_2_index\": 1134, \"cat_1_index\": 1129, \"rankvar\": 984, \"cat_9_index\": 753, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1118, \"cat_3_index\": 1134, \"cat_8_index\": 1131, \"name\": \"SRSF1 AcK K174\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 758, \"rank\": 435, \"ini\": 365, \"cat_4_index\": 714, \"group\": [365.0, 348.0, 271.0, 123.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 365, \"cat_0_index\": 679, \"cat_6_index\": 756, \"cat_2_index\": 712, \"cat_1_index\": 696, \"rankvar\": 262, \"cat_9_index\": 754, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 680, \"cat_3_index\": 714, \"cat_8_index\": 735, \"name\": \"ING4 AcK K236\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 759, \"rank\": 985, \"ini\": 364, \"cat_4_index\": 715, \"group\": [366.0, 349.0, 272.0, 123.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 363, \"cat_0_index\": 680, \"cat_6_index\": 757, \"cat_2_index\": 713, \"cat_1_index\": 697, \"rankvar\": 1109, \"cat_9_index\": 755, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 681, \"cat_3_index\": 715, \"cat_8_index\": 736, \"name\": \"FOXK1 phospho Y463\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1140, \"rank\": 423, \"ini\": 363, \"cat_4_index\": 716, \"group\": [360.0, 343.0, 267.0, 122.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 361, \"cat_0_index\": 681, \"cat_6_index\": 758, \"cat_2_index\": 714, \"cat_1_index\": 698, \"rankvar\": 794, \"cat_9_index\": 1138, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 682, \"cat_3_index\": 716, \"cat_8_index\": 737, \"name\": \"MYH9 AcK K1445\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 760, \"rank\": 64, \"ini\": 362, \"cat_4_index\": 717, \"group\": [361.0, 344.0, 267.0, 122.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 362, \"cat_0_index\": 682, \"cat_6_index\": 1127, \"cat_2_index\": 715, \"cat_1_index\": 699, \"rankvar\": 95, \"cat_9_index\": 756, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 683, \"cat_3_index\": 717, \"cat_8_index\": 738, \"name\": \"FBN1 AcK K666\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1141, \"rank\": 639, \"ini\": 361, \"cat_4_index\": 718, \"group\": [362.0, 345.0, 268.0, 122.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 360, \"cat_0_index\": 683, \"cat_6_index\": 1128, \"cat_2_index\": 716, \"cat_1_index\": 700, \"rankvar\": 473, \"cat_9_index\": 757, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 684, \"cat_3_index\": 718, \"cat_8_index\": 739, \"name\": \"LMNA AcK K270\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1142, \"rank\": 140, \"ini\": 360, \"cat_4_index\": 719, \"group\": [363.0, 346.0, 269.0, 122.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 359, \"cat_0_index\": 684, \"cat_6_index\": 1129, \"cat_2_index\": 717, \"cat_1_index\": 701, \"rankvar\": 145, \"cat_9_index\": 758, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 685, \"cat_3_index\": 719, \"cat_8_index\": 740, \"name\": \"NEK6 phospho T210\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 761, \"rank\": 787, \"ini\": 359, \"cat_4_index\": 720, \"group\": [357.0, 340.0, 266.0, 122.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 357, \"cat_0_index\": 685, \"cat_6_index\": 759, \"cat_2_index\": 718, \"cat_1_index\": 702, \"rankvar\": 23, \"cat_9_index\": 759, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 686, \"cat_3_index\": 720, \"cat_8_index\": 741, \"name\": \"TIMP3 AcK K99\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 762, \"rank\": 36, \"ini\": 358, \"cat_4_index\": 721, \"group\": [358.0, 341.0, 266.0, 122.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 358, \"cat_0_index\": 686, \"cat_6_index\": 760, \"cat_2_index\": 719, \"cat_1_index\": 703, \"rankvar\": 14, \"cat_9_index\": 760, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 687, \"cat_3_index\": 721, \"cat_8_index\": 742, \"name\": \"TIMP3 AcK K68\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 763, \"rank\": 583, \"ini\": 357, \"cat_4_index\": 722, \"group\": [359.0, 342.0, 266.0, 122.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 356, \"cat_0_index\": 687, \"cat_6_index\": 761, \"cat_2_index\": 720, \"cat_1_index\": 704, \"rankvar\": 8, \"cat_9_index\": 761, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 688, \"cat_3_index\": 722, \"cat_8_index\": 743, \"name\": \"HBA2 AcK K41\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1143, \"rank\": 177, \"ini\": 356, \"cat_4_index\": 723, \"group\": [355.0, 338.0, 265.0, 122.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 354, \"cat_0_index\": 688, \"cat_6_index\": 762, \"cat_2_index\": 721, \"cat_1_index\": 705, \"rankvar\": 274, \"cat_9_index\": 1139, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 689, \"cat_3_index\": 723, \"cat_8_index\": 744, \"name\": \"MYH9 AcK K1642\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 764, \"rank\": 364, \"ini\": 355, \"cat_4_index\": 724, \"group\": [356.0, 339.0, 265.0, 122.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 355, \"cat_0_index\": 689, \"cat_6_index\": 1130, \"cat_2_index\": 722, \"cat_1_index\": 706, \"rankvar\": 952, \"cat_9_index\": 762, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 690, \"cat_3_index\": 724, \"cat_8_index\": 745, \"name\": \"HMGB1 AcK K12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 765, \"rank\": 839, \"ini\": 354, \"cat_4_index\": 725, \"group\": [352.0, 335.0, 263.0, 121.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 352, \"cat_0_index\": 690, \"cat_6_index\": 1131, \"cat_2_index\": 723, \"cat_1_index\": 707, \"rankvar\": 716, \"cat_9_index\": 763, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 691, \"cat_3_index\": 725, \"cat_8_index\": 746, \"name\": \"A2M AcK K1162\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 766, \"rank\": 741, \"ini\": 353, \"cat_4_index\": 726, \"group\": [353.0, 336.0, 263.0, 121.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 353, \"cat_0_index\": 691, \"cat_6_index\": 763, \"cat_2_index\": 724, \"cat_1_index\": 708, \"rankvar\": 317, \"cat_9_index\": 764, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1119, \"cat_3_index\": 726, \"cat_8_index\": 747, \"name\": \"NCOR2 Rme1 R1737\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 767, \"rank\": 239, \"ini\": 352, \"cat_4_index\": 727, \"group\": [354.0, 337.0, 264.0, 121.0, 46.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 351, \"cat_0_index\": 692, \"cat_6_index\": 764, \"cat_2_index\": 725, \"cat_1_index\": 709, \"rankvar\": 605, \"cat_9_index\": 765, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 692, \"cat_3_index\": 727, \"cat_8_index\": 748, \"name\": \"HYPK AcK K35\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 768, \"rank\": 117, \"ini\": 351, \"cat_4_index\": 728, \"group\": [350.0, 333.0, 261.0, 120.0, 45.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 349, \"cat_0_index\": 693, \"cat_6_index\": 765, \"cat_2_index\": 726, \"cat_1_index\": 710, \"rankvar\": 234, \"cat_9_index\": 766, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 693, \"cat_3_index\": 728, \"cat_8_index\": 749, \"name\": \"CTTN AcK K309\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 769, \"rank\": 333, \"ini\": 350, \"cat_4_index\": 729, \"group\": [351.0, 334.0, 262.0, 120.0, 45.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 350, \"cat_0_index\": 694, \"cat_6_index\": 766, \"cat_2_index\": 727, \"cat_1_index\": 711, \"rankvar\": 9, \"cat_9_index\": 1140, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 694, \"cat_3_index\": 729, \"cat_8_index\": 750, \"name\": \"ACTR3 AcK K348\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 770, \"rank\": 844, \"ini\": 349, \"cat_4_index\": 730, \"group\": [347.0, 330.0, 259.0, 119.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 347, \"cat_0_index\": 695, \"cat_6_index\": 767, \"cat_2_index\": 728, \"cat_1_index\": 712, \"rankvar\": 261, \"cat_9_index\": 767, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 695, \"cat_3_index\": 730, \"cat_8_index\": 751, \"name\": \"VPS13C Rme1 R3519\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 771, \"rank\": 619, \"ini\": 348, \"cat_4_index\": 731, \"group\": [348.0, 331.0, 259.0, 119.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 348, \"cat_0_index\": 696, \"cat_6_index\": 768, \"cat_2_index\": 729, \"cat_1_index\": 713, \"rankvar\": 661, \"cat_9_index\": 768, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 696, \"cat_3_index\": 731, \"cat_8_index\": 752, \"name\": \"SNF8 Rme1 R4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 772, \"rank\": 684, \"ini\": 347, \"cat_4_index\": 732, \"group\": [349.0, 332.0, 260.0, 119.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 346, \"cat_0_index\": 697, \"cat_6_index\": 769, \"cat_2_index\": 730, \"cat_1_index\": 714, \"rankvar\": 286, \"cat_9_index\": 769, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1120, \"cat_3_index\": 732, \"cat_8_index\": 753, \"name\": \"TRIM33 Rme1 R591\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 773, \"rank\": 644, \"ini\": 346, \"cat_4_index\": 733, \"group\": [344.0, 327.0, 257.0, 118.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 344, \"cat_0_index\": 698, \"cat_6_index\": 770, \"cat_2_index\": 731, \"cat_1_index\": 715, \"rankvar\": 40, \"cat_9_index\": 770, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1121, \"cat_3_index\": 733, \"cat_8_index\": 754, \"name\": \"YWHAZ AcK K49\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 774, \"rank\": 273, \"ini\": 345, \"cat_4_index\": 734, \"group\": [345.0, 328.0, 257.0, 118.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 345, \"cat_0_index\": 699, \"cat_6_index\": 771, \"cat_2_index\": 732, \"cat_1_index\": 716, \"rankvar\": 973, \"cat_9_index\": 771, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 697, \"cat_3_index\": 734, \"cat_8_index\": 755, \"name\": \"NEBL Rme1 R795\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 775, \"rank\": 713, \"ini\": 344, \"cat_4_index\": 735, \"group\": [346.0, 329.0, 258.0, 118.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 343, \"cat_0_index\": 700, \"cat_6_index\": 772, \"cat_2_index\": 733, \"cat_1_index\": 717, \"rankvar\": 167, \"cat_9_index\": 772, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 698, \"cat_3_index\": 735, \"cat_8_index\": 756, \"name\": \"PPP1R14A Rme1 R21\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 776, \"rank\": 614, \"ini\": 343, \"cat_4_index\": 736, \"group\": [342.0, 325.0, 255.0, 117.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 341, \"cat_0_index\": 701, \"cat_6_index\": 773, \"cat_2_index\": 734, \"cat_1_index\": 718, \"rankvar\": 54, \"cat_9_index\": 773, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 699, \"cat_3_index\": 736, \"cat_8_index\": 757, \"name\": \"DDX17 Rme1 R81\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 777, \"rank\": 10, \"ini\": 342, \"cat_4_index\": 737, \"group\": [343.0, 326.0, 256.0, 117.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 342, \"cat_0_index\": 702, \"cat_6_index\": 774, \"cat_2_index\": 735, \"cat_1_index\": 719, \"rankvar\": 1053, \"cat_9_index\": 774, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1122, \"cat_3_index\": 737, \"cat_8_index\": 758, \"name\": \"PSMA7 phospho S216\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 778, \"rank\": 173, \"ini\": 341, \"cat_4_index\": 738, \"group\": [340.0, 323.0, 254.0, 117.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 339, \"cat_0_index\": 703, \"cat_6_index\": 775, \"cat_2_index\": 736, \"cat_1_index\": 1130, \"rankvar\": 417, \"cat_9_index\": 775, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 700, \"cat_3_index\": 738, \"cat_8_index\": 759, \"name\": \"RTCB AcK K496\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 779, \"rank\": 986, \"ini\": 340, \"cat_4_index\": 739, \"group\": [341.0, 324.0, 254.0, 117.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 340, \"cat_0_index\": 704, \"cat_6_index\": 776, \"cat_2_index\": 737, \"cat_1_index\": 720, \"rankvar\": 667, \"cat_9_index\": 776, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 701, \"cat_3_index\": 739, \"cat_8_index\": 760, \"name\": \"PPIA AcK K155\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 780, \"rank\": 417, \"ini\": 339, \"cat_4_index\": 740, \"group\": [338.0, 321.0, 252.0, 116.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 337, \"cat_0_index\": 705, \"cat_6_index\": 777, \"cat_2_index\": 738, \"cat_1_index\": 721, \"rankvar\": 701, \"cat_9_index\": 777, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 702, \"cat_3_index\": 740, \"cat_8_index\": 761, \"name\": \"MDH1 AcK K239\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 781, \"rank\": 542, \"ini\": 338, \"cat_4_index\": 741, \"group\": [339.0, 322.0, 253.0, 116.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 338, \"cat_0_index\": 706, \"cat_6_index\": 778, \"cat_2_index\": 739, \"cat_1_index\": 722, \"rankvar\": 759, \"cat_9_index\": 778, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 703, \"cat_3_index\": 741, \"cat_8_index\": 762, \"name\": \"ANXA2 AcK K169\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 782, \"rank\": 790, \"ini\": 337, \"cat_4_index\": 742, \"group\": [336.0, 319.0, 251.0, 116.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 335, \"cat_0_index\": 1125, \"cat_6_index\": 779, \"cat_2_index\": 740, \"cat_1_index\": 723, \"rankvar\": 164, \"cat_9_index\": 779, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 704, \"cat_3_index\": 742, \"cat_8_index\": 763, \"name\": \"WDR33 AcK K46\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 783, \"rank\": 120, \"ini\": 336, \"cat_4_index\": 743, \"group\": [337.0, 320.0, 251.0, 116.0, 44.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 336, \"cat_0_index\": 707, \"cat_6_index\": 780, \"cat_2_index\": 741, \"cat_1_index\": 724, \"rankvar\": 62, \"cat_9_index\": 780, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 705, \"cat_3_index\": 743, \"cat_8_index\": 764, \"name\": \"NEBL AcK K23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 784, \"rank\": 584, \"ini\": 335, \"cat_4_index\": 744, \"group\": [333.0, 316.0, 249.0, 115.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 333, \"cat_0_index\": 708, \"cat_6_index\": 781, \"cat_2_index\": 742, \"cat_1_index\": 725, \"rankvar\": 622, \"cat_9_index\": 781, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 706, \"cat_3_index\": 744, \"cat_8_index\": 765, \"name\": \"RALYL\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 785, \"rank\": 514, \"ini\": 334, \"cat_4_index\": 745, \"group\": [334.0, 317.0, 249.0, 115.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 334, \"cat_0_index\": 709, \"cat_6_index\": 782, \"cat_2_index\": 743, \"cat_1_index\": 726, \"rankvar\": 339, \"cat_9_index\": 782, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 707, \"cat_3_index\": 745, \"cat_8_index\": 766, \"name\": \"TSC2 phospho T23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 786, \"rank\": 78, \"ini\": 333, \"cat_4_index\": 746, \"group\": [335.0, 318.0, 250.0, 115.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 332, \"cat_0_index\": 710, \"cat_6_index\": 783, \"cat_2_index\": 744, \"cat_1_index\": 727, \"rankvar\": 55, \"cat_9_index\": 783, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 708, \"cat_3_index\": 746, \"cat_8_index\": 767, \"name\": \"RANGAP1 phospho S442\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 787, \"rank\": 14, \"ini\": 332, \"cat_4_index\": 747, \"group\": [331.0, 314.0, 247.0, 114.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 330, \"cat_0_index\": 711, \"cat_6_index\": 784, \"cat_2_index\": 745, \"cat_1_index\": 728, \"rankvar\": 320, \"cat_9_index\": 784, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 709, \"cat_3_index\": 747, \"cat_8_index\": 768, \"name\": \"HOMEZ phospho T451\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 788, \"rank\": 1012, \"ini\": 331, \"cat_4_index\": 748, \"group\": [332.0, 315.0, 248.0, 114.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 331, \"cat_0_index\": 712, \"cat_6_index\": 785, \"cat_2_index\": 746, \"cat_1_index\": 729, \"rankvar\": 340, \"cat_9_index\": 785, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 710, \"cat_3_index\": 748, \"cat_8_index\": 769, \"name\": \"CCDC6 phospho S254\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 789, \"rank\": 348, \"ini\": 330, \"cat_4_index\": 749, \"group\": [328.0, 311.0, 244.0, 113.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 328, \"cat_0_index\": 713, \"cat_6_index\": 786, \"cat_2_index\": 747, \"cat_1_index\": 730, \"rankvar\": 684, \"cat_9_index\": 786, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 711, \"cat_3_index\": 749, \"cat_8_index\": 770, \"name\": \"DOCK4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 790, \"rank\": 400, \"ini\": 329, \"cat_4_index\": 750, \"group\": [329.0, 312.0, 245.0, 113.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 329, \"cat_0_index\": 714, \"cat_6_index\": 787, \"cat_2_index\": 748, \"cat_1_index\": 731, \"rankvar\": 801, \"cat_9_index\": 787, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 712, \"cat_3_index\": 750, \"cat_8_index\": 771, \"name\": \"FRMD3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 791, \"rank\": 873, \"ini\": 328, \"cat_4_index\": 751, \"group\": [330.0, 313.0, 246.0, 113.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 327, \"cat_0_index\": 715, \"cat_6_index\": 788, \"cat_2_index\": 749, \"cat_1_index\": 732, \"rankvar\": 1003, \"cat_9_index\": 788, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 713, \"cat_3_index\": 751, \"cat_8_index\": 772, \"name\": \"TSPAN7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 792, \"rank\": 587, \"ini\": 327, \"cat_4_index\": 752, \"group\": [325.0, 308.0, 242.0, 113.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 325, \"cat_0_index\": 716, \"cat_6_index\": 789, \"cat_2_index\": 750, \"cat_1_index\": 733, \"rankvar\": 757, \"cat_9_index\": 1141, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 714, \"cat_3_index\": 752, \"cat_8_index\": 773, \"name\": \"NRCAM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 793, \"rank\": 56, \"ini\": 326, \"cat_4_index\": 753, \"group\": [326.0, 309.0, 242.0, 113.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 326, \"cat_0_index\": 717, \"cat_6_index\": 790, \"cat_2_index\": 751, \"cat_1_index\": 734, \"rankvar\": 816, \"cat_9_index\": 789, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 715, \"cat_3_index\": 753, \"cat_8_index\": 774, \"name\": \"DNAJC12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 794, \"rank\": 888, \"ini\": 325, \"cat_4_index\": 754, \"group\": [327.0, 310.0, 243.0, 113.0, 43.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 324, \"cat_0_index\": 718, \"cat_6_index\": 791, \"cat_2_index\": 752, \"cat_1_index\": 735, \"rankvar\": 1057, \"cat_9_index\": 790, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 716, \"cat_3_index\": 754, \"cat_8_index\": 775, \"name\": \"IRS2 Rme1 R429\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 795, \"rank\": 594, \"ini\": 324, \"cat_4_index\": 755, \"group\": [322.0, 305.0, 239.0, 112.0, 42.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 322, \"cat_0_index\": 719, \"cat_6_index\": 792, \"cat_2_index\": 753, \"cat_1_index\": 736, \"rankvar\": 648, \"cat_9_index\": 791, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 717, \"cat_3_index\": 755, \"cat_8_index\": 776, \"name\": \"PPIP5K1 phospho S1152\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 796, \"rank\": 269, \"ini\": 323, \"cat_4_index\": 756, \"group\": [323.0, 306.0, 240.0, 112.0, 42.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 323, \"cat_0_index\": 720, \"cat_6_index\": 793, \"cat_2_index\": 754, \"cat_1_index\": 737, \"rankvar\": 74, \"cat_9_index\": 792, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 718, \"cat_3_index\": 756, \"cat_8_index\": 777, \"name\": \"GPRC5C phospho S398\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 797, \"rank\": 517, \"ini\": 322, \"cat_4_index\": 757, \"group\": [324.0, 307.0, 241.0, 112.0, 42.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 321, \"cat_0_index\": 721, \"cat_6_index\": 794, \"cat_2_index\": 755, \"cat_1_index\": 738, \"rankvar\": 77, \"cat_9_index\": 793, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 719, \"cat_3_index\": 757, \"cat_8_index\": 778, \"name\": \"NKD2 phospho S299\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 798, \"rank\": 1110, \"ini\": 321, \"cat_4_index\": 758, \"group\": [320.0, 303.0, 237.0, 111.0, 42.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 319, \"cat_0_index\": 1126, \"cat_6_index\": 795, \"cat_2_index\": 756, \"cat_1_index\": 1131, \"rankvar\": 766, \"cat_9_index\": 794, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 720, \"cat_3_index\": 758, \"cat_8_index\": 779, \"name\": \"THOC2 phospho S1234\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 799, \"rank\": 468, \"ini\": 320, \"cat_4_index\": 759, \"group\": [321.0, 304.0, 238.0, 111.0, 42.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 320, \"cat_0_index\": 722, \"cat_6_index\": 796, \"cat_2_index\": 757, \"cat_1_index\": 739, \"rankvar\": 87, \"cat_9_index\": 795, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 721, \"cat_3_index\": 759, \"cat_8_index\": 780, \"name\": \"PHF10 phospho T352\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 800, \"rank\": 806, \"ini\": 319, \"cat_4_index\": 760, \"group\": [317.0, 300.0, 235.0, 110.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 317, \"cat_0_index\": 723, \"cat_6_index\": 797, \"cat_2_index\": 758, \"cat_1_index\": 740, \"rankvar\": 276, \"cat_9_index\": 796, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 722, \"cat_3_index\": 760, \"cat_8_index\": 781, \"name\": \"TAGLN Rme1 R197\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 801, \"rank\": 425, \"ini\": 318, \"cat_4_index\": 761, \"group\": [318.0, 301.0, 235.0, 110.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 318, \"cat_0_index\": 724, \"cat_6_index\": 798, \"cat_2_index\": 759, \"cat_1_index\": 741, \"rankvar\": 144, \"cat_9_index\": 797, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 723, \"cat_3_index\": 761, \"cat_8_index\": 782, \"name\": \"MYLK phospho T1624\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 802, \"rank\": 968, \"ini\": 317, \"cat_4_index\": 762, \"group\": [319.0, 302.0, 236.0, 110.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 316, \"cat_0_index\": 725, \"cat_6_index\": 799, \"cat_2_index\": 760, \"cat_1_index\": 742, \"rankvar\": 1047, \"cat_9_index\": 798, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 724, \"cat_3_index\": 762, \"cat_8_index\": 783, \"name\": \"KANK2 Rme1 R105\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 803, \"rank\": 866, \"ini\": 316, \"cat_4_index\": 763, \"group\": [315.0, 298.0, 233.0, 110.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 314, \"cat_0_index\": 726, \"cat_6_index\": 800, \"cat_2_index\": 761, \"cat_1_index\": 743, \"rankvar\": 267, \"cat_9_index\": 799, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1123, \"cat_3_index\": 763, \"cat_8_index\": 784, \"name\": \"PSMF1 Rme1 R231\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 804, \"rank\": 270, \"ini\": 315, \"cat_4_index\": 764, \"group\": [316.0, 299.0, 234.0, 110.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 315, \"cat_0_index\": 727, \"cat_6_index\": 801, \"cat_2_index\": 762, \"cat_1_index\": 744, \"rankvar\": 694, \"cat_9_index\": 800, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 725, \"cat_3_index\": 764, \"cat_8_index\": 1132, \"name\": \"LSM14A Rme1 R269\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 805, \"rank\": 1137, \"ini\": 314, \"cat_4_index\": 765, \"group\": [313.0, 296.0, 231.0, 109.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 312, \"cat_0_index\": 728, \"cat_6_index\": 1132, \"cat_2_index\": 763, \"cat_1_index\": 745, \"rankvar\": 67, \"cat_9_index\": 801, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1124, \"cat_3_index\": 765, \"cat_8_index\": 785, \"name\": \"RPL5 AcK K283\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 806, \"rank\": 174, \"ini\": 313, \"cat_4_index\": 766, \"group\": [314.0, 297.0, 232.0, 109.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 313, \"cat_0_index\": 729, \"cat_6_index\": 802, \"cat_2_index\": 764, \"cat_1_index\": 746, \"rankvar\": 318, \"cat_9_index\": 802, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 726, \"cat_3_index\": 766, \"cat_8_index\": 786, \"name\": \"NOLC1 AcK K415\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 807, \"rank\": 167, \"ini\": 312, \"cat_4_index\": 767, \"group\": [307.0, 291.0, 228.0, 108.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 310, \"cat_0_index\": 730, \"cat_6_index\": 803, \"cat_2_index\": 765, \"cat_1_index\": 747, \"rankvar\": 471, \"cat_9_index\": 803, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 727, \"cat_3_index\": 767, \"cat_8_index\": 787, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K499\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 808, \"rank\": 109, \"ini\": 311, \"cat_4_index\": 768, \"group\": [308.0, 291.0, 228.0, 108.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 311, \"cat_0_index\": 731, \"cat_6_index\": 804, \"cat_2_index\": 766, \"cat_1_index\": 748, \"rankvar\": 266, \"cat_9_index\": 804, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 728, \"cat_3_index\": 768, \"cat_8_index\": 788, \"name\": \"SLC25A3 Kme1 K112\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 809, \"rank\": 184, \"ini\": 310, \"cat_4_index\": 769, \"group\": [309.0, 292.0, 228.0, 108.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 309, \"cat_0_index\": 732, \"cat_6_index\": 805, \"cat_2_index\": 767, \"cat_1_index\": 749, \"rankvar\": 379, \"cat_9_index\": 805, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 729, \"cat_3_index\": 769, \"cat_8_index\": 789, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K229\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 810, \"rank\": 77, \"ini\": 309, \"cat_4_index\": 770, \"group\": [310.0, 293.0, 228.0, 108.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 308, \"cat_0_index\": 733, \"cat_6_index\": 806, \"cat_2_index\": 768, \"cat_1_index\": 750, \"rankvar\": 33, \"cat_9_index\": 806, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 730, \"cat_3_index\": 770, \"cat_8_index\": 790, \"name\": \"AHSG phospho S138\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 811, \"rank\": 855, \"ini\": 308, \"cat_4_index\": 771, \"group\": [305.0, 289.0, 227.0, 108.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 306, \"cat_0_index\": 734, \"cat_6_index\": 807, \"cat_2_index\": 769, \"cat_1_index\": 751, \"rankvar\": 283, \"cat_9_index\": 807, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 731, \"cat_3_index\": 771, \"cat_8_index\": 791, \"name\": \"ASPM Rme1 R8\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 812, \"rank\": 430, \"ini\": 307, \"cat_4_index\": 772, \"group\": [306.0, 290.0, 227.0, 108.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 307, \"cat_0_index\": 735, \"cat_6_index\": 808, \"cat_2_index\": 770, \"cat_1_index\": 752, \"rankvar\": 782, \"cat_9_index\": 808, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 732, \"cat_3_index\": 772, \"cat_8_index\": 792, \"name\": \"AKAP8L Rme1 R171\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 813, \"rank\": 560, \"ini\": 306, \"cat_4_index\": 773, \"group\": [311.0, 294.0, 229.0, 108.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 305, \"cat_0_index\": 736, \"cat_6_index\": 809, \"cat_2_index\": 771, \"cat_1_index\": 753, \"rankvar\": 166, \"cat_9_index\": 809, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 733, \"cat_3_index\": 773, \"cat_8_index\": 793, \"name\": \"NACA AcK K2005\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 814, \"rank\": 618, \"ini\": 305, \"cat_4_index\": 774, \"group\": [312.0, 295.0, 230.0, 108.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 304, \"cat_0_index\": 737, \"cat_6_index\": 810, \"cat_2_index\": 772, \"cat_1_index\": 754, \"rankvar\": 330, \"cat_9_index\": 810, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 734, \"cat_3_index\": 774, \"cat_8_index\": 794, \"name\": \"GATAD2A Rme1 R539\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 815, \"rank\": 999, \"ini\": 304, \"cat_4_index\": 775, \"group\": [303.0, 287.0, 225.0, 107.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 302, \"cat_0_index\": 738, \"cat_6_index\": 811, \"cat_2_index\": 773, \"cat_1_index\": 755, \"rankvar\": 153, \"cat_9_index\": 811, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 735, \"cat_3_index\": 775, \"cat_8_index\": 795, \"name\": \"TPM3 AcK K162\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 816, \"rank\": 6, \"ini\": 303, \"cat_4_index\": 776, \"group\": [304.0, 288.0, 226.0, 107.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 303, \"cat_0_index\": 739, \"cat_6_index\": 812, \"cat_2_index\": 774, \"cat_1_index\": 756, \"rankvar\": 626, \"cat_9_index\": 812, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 736, \"cat_3_index\": 776, \"cat_8_index\": 796, \"name\": \"CALM3 Kme1 K116\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 817, \"rank\": 929, \"ini\": 302, \"cat_4_index\": 777, \"group\": [300.0, 284.0, 224.0, 107.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 300, \"cat_0_index\": 740, \"cat_6_index\": 813, \"cat_2_index\": 775, \"cat_1_index\": 757, \"rankvar\": 660, \"cat_9_index\": 813, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 737, \"cat_3_index\": 777, \"cat_8_index\": 797, \"name\": \"NUCKS1 phospho S19\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 818, \"rank\": 840, \"ini\": 301, \"cat_4_index\": 778, \"group\": [301.0, 285.0, 224.0, 107.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 301, \"cat_0_index\": 741, \"cat_6_index\": 814, \"cat_2_index\": 776, \"cat_1_index\": 758, \"rankvar\": 974, \"cat_9_index\": 814, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 738, \"cat_3_index\": 778, \"cat_8_index\": 798, \"name\": \"NCF2 phospho T233\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 819, \"rank\": 277, \"ini\": 300, \"cat_4_index\": 779, \"group\": [302.0, 286.0, 224.0, 107.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 299, \"cat_0_index\": 742, \"cat_6_index\": 815, \"cat_2_index\": 777, \"cat_1_index\": 759, \"rankvar\": 441, \"cat_9_index\": 815, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 739, \"cat_3_index\": 779, \"cat_8_index\": 799, \"name\": \"KANK3 phospho S293\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 820, \"rank\": 347, \"ini\": 299, \"cat_4_index\": 1135, \"group\": [298.0, 282.0, 222.0, 106.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 297, \"cat_0_index\": 1127, \"cat_6_index\": 816, \"cat_2_index\": 1135, \"cat_1_index\": 1132, \"rankvar\": 704, \"cat_9_index\": 816, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1125, \"cat_3_index\": 1135, \"cat_8_index\": 800, \"name\": \"SF3B2 Rme1 R502\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 821, \"rank\": 354, \"ini\": 298, \"cat_4_index\": 780, \"group\": [299.0, 283.0, 223.0, 106.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 298, \"cat_0_index\": 743, \"cat_6_index\": 817, \"cat_2_index\": 778, \"cat_1_index\": 760, \"rankvar\": 105, \"cat_9_index\": 817, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 740, \"cat_3_index\": 780, \"cat_8_index\": 801, \"name\": \"ALB phospho T551\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 822, \"rank\": 422, \"ini\": 297, \"cat_4_index\": 781, \"group\": [294.0, 278.0, 221.0, 106.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 295, \"cat_0_index\": 744, \"cat_6_index\": 818, \"cat_2_index\": 779, \"cat_1_index\": 761, \"rankvar\": 139, \"cat_9_index\": 818, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 741, \"cat_3_index\": 781, \"cat_8_index\": 802, \"name\": \"SASH3 phospho S7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 823, \"rank\": 240, \"ini\": 296, \"cat_4_index\": 782, \"group\": [295.0, 279.0, 221.0, 106.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 296, \"cat_0_index\": 745, \"cat_6_index\": 819, \"cat_2_index\": 780, \"cat_1_index\": 762, \"rankvar\": 707, \"cat_9_index\": 819, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 742, \"cat_3_index\": 782, \"cat_8_index\": 803, \"name\": \"PRX phospho S1439\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 824, \"rank\": 206, \"ini\": 295, \"cat_4_index\": 783, \"group\": [296.0, 280.0, 221.0, 106.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 294, \"cat_0_index\": 746, \"cat_6_index\": 820, \"cat_2_index\": 781, \"cat_1_index\": 763, \"rankvar\": 488, \"cat_9_index\": 820, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 743, \"cat_3_index\": 783, \"cat_8_index\": 804, \"name\": \"PLXNC1 phospho S978\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 825, \"rank\": 960, \"ini\": 294, \"cat_4_index\": 784, \"group\": [297.0, 281.0, 221.0, 106.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 293, \"cat_0_index\": 747, \"cat_6_index\": 1133, \"cat_2_index\": 782, \"cat_1_index\": 764, \"rankvar\": 913, \"cat_9_index\": 821, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 744, \"cat_3_index\": 784, \"cat_8_index\": 805, \"name\": \"TJP1 phospho S1111\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 826, \"rank\": 902, \"ini\": 293, \"cat_4_index\": 785, \"group\": [291.0, 275.0, 220.0, 106.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 291, \"cat_0_index\": 748, \"cat_6_index\": 821, \"cat_2_index\": 783, \"cat_1_index\": 765, \"rankvar\": 315, \"cat_9_index\": 822, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 745, \"cat_3_index\": 785, \"cat_8_index\": 806, \"name\": \"PABPC4 Rme1 R509\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 827, \"rank\": 381, \"ini\": 292, \"cat_4_index\": 786, \"group\": [292.0, 276.0, 220.0, 106.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 292, \"cat_0_index\": 749, \"cat_6_index\": 1134, \"cat_2_index\": 784, \"cat_1_index\": 766, \"rankvar\": 1055, \"cat_9_index\": 823, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 746, \"cat_3_index\": 786, \"cat_8_index\": 807, \"name\": \"ARID1A Rme1 R1276\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 828, \"rank\": 1078, \"ini\": 291, \"cat_4_index\": 787, \"group\": [293.0, 277.0, 220.0, 106.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 290, \"cat_0_index\": 750, \"cat_6_index\": 822, \"cat_2_index\": 785, \"cat_1_index\": 767, \"rankvar\": 196, \"cat_9_index\": 824, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 747, \"cat_3_index\": 787, \"cat_8_index\": 808, \"name\": \"PIKFYVE phospho T253\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 829, \"rank\": 79, \"ini\": 290, \"cat_4_index\": 1136, \"group\": [289.0, 273.0, 218.0, 105.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 288, \"cat_0_index\": 1128, \"cat_6_index\": 823, \"cat_2_index\": 1136, \"cat_1_index\": 1133, \"rankvar\": 50, \"cat_9_index\": 825, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1126, \"cat_3_index\": 1136, \"cat_8_index\": 809, \"name\": \"RBMX Rme1 R164\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 830, \"rank\": 18, \"ini\": 289, \"cat_4_index\": 788, \"group\": [290.0, 274.0, 219.0, 105.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 289, \"cat_0_index\": 751, \"cat_6_index\": 824, \"cat_2_index\": 786, \"cat_1_index\": 768, \"rankvar\": 56, \"cat_9_index\": 1142, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 748, \"cat_3_index\": 788, \"cat_8_index\": 810, \"name\": \"RTN4 phospho S111\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 831, \"rank\": 1090, \"ini\": 288, \"cat_4_index\": 789, \"group\": [287.0, 271.0, 217.0, 105.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 286, \"cat_0_index\": 752, \"cat_6_index\": 825, \"cat_2_index\": 787, \"cat_1_index\": 769, \"rankvar\": 60, \"cat_9_index\": 826, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 749, \"cat_3_index\": 789, \"cat_8_index\": 811, \"name\": \"BRD1 AcK K523\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 832, \"rank\": 463, \"ini\": 287, \"cat_4_index\": 790, \"group\": [288.0, 272.0, 217.0, 105.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 287, \"cat_0_index\": 753, \"cat_6_index\": 826, \"cat_2_index\": 788, \"cat_1_index\": 770, \"rankvar\": 117, \"cat_9_index\": 827, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 750, \"cat_3_index\": 790, \"cat_8_index\": 812, \"name\": \"HBA2 phospho Y25\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 833, \"rank\": 1036, \"ini\": 286, \"cat_4_index\": 791, \"group\": [283.0, 267.0, 214.0, 103.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 284, \"cat_0_index\": 754, \"cat_6_index\": 827, \"cat_2_index\": 789, \"cat_1_index\": 771, \"rankvar\": 37, \"cat_9_index\": 828, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 751, \"cat_3_index\": 791, \"cat_8_index\": 813, \"name\": \"TNS1 phospho Y366\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 834, \"rank\": 366, \"ini\": 285, \"cat_4_index\": 792, \"group\": [284.0, 268.0, 214.0, 103.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 285, \"cat_0_index\": 755, \"cat_6_index\": 828, \"cat_2_index\": 790, \"cat_1_index\": 772, \"rankvar\": 91, \"cat_9_index\": 829, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 752, \"cat_3_index\": 792, \"cat_8_index\": 814, \"name\": \"TAGLN phospho T191\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 835, \"rank\": 370, \"ini\": 284, \"cat_4_index\": 793, \"group\": [285.0, 269.0, 215.0, 103.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 283, \"cat_0_index\": 756, \"cat_6_index\": 829, \"cat_2_index\": 791, \"cat_1_index\": 773, \"rankvar\": 88, \"cat_9_index\": 830, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 753, \"cat_3_index\": 793, \"cat_8_index\": 815, \"name\": \"TAGLN phospho S166\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 836, \"rank\": 1074, \"ini\": 283, \"cat_4_index\": 794, \"group\": [286.0, 270.0, 216.0, 104.0, 41.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 282, \"cat_0_index\": 757, \"cat_6_index\": 830, \"cat_2_index\": 792, \"cat_1_index\": 774, \"rankvar\": 48, \"cat_9_index\": 831, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 754, \"cat_3_index\": 794, \"cat_8_index\": 816, \"name\": \"HBB phospho Y131\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 837, \"rank\": 759, \"ini\": 282, \"cat_4_index\": 795, \"group\": [279.0, 263.0, 211.0, 101.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 280, \"cat_0_index\": 758, \"cat_6_index\": 831, \"cat_2_index\": 793, \"cat_1_index\": 775, \"rankvar\": 96, \"cat_9_index\": 832, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 755, \"cat_3_index\": 795, \"cat_8_index\": 817, \"name\": \"CHTF8 Rme1 R186\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 838, \"rank\": 249, \"ini\": 281, \"cat_4_index\": 796, \"group\": [280.0, 264.0, 211.0, 101.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 281, \"cat_0_index\": 759, \"cat_6_index\": 832, \"cat_2_index\": 794, \"cat_1_index\": 776, \"rankvar\": 197, \"cat_9_index\": 833, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 756, \"cat_3_index\": 796, \"cat_8_index\": 818, \"name\": \"CHTF8 Rme1 R172\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 839, \"rank\": 742, \"ini\": 280, \"cat_4_index\": 797, \"group\": [281.0, 265.0, 212.0, 101.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 279, \"cat_0_index\": 760, \"cat_6_index\": 833, \"cat_2_index\": 795, \"cat_1_index\": 777, \"rankvar\": 61, \"cat_9_index\": 834, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 757, \"cat_3_index\": 797, \"cat_8_index\": 819, \"name\": \"CHTF8 Rme1 R266\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 840, \"rank\": 65, \"ini\": 279, \"cat_4_index\": 798, \"group\": [282.0, 266.0, 213.0, 102.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 278, \"cat_0_index\": 761, \"cat_6_index\": 1135, \"cat_2_index\": 796, \"cat_1_index\": 778, \"rankvar\": 133, \"cat_9_index\": 835, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 758, \"cat_3_index\": 798, \"cat_8_index\": 820, \"name\": \"TJP2 Rme1 R1176\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 841, \"rank\": 722, \"ini\": 278, \"cat_4_index\": 799, \"group\": [276.0, 260.0, 208.0, 100.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 276, \"cat_0_index\": 1129, \"cat_6_index\": 834, \"cat_2_index\": 797, \"cat_1_index\": 1134, \"rankvar\": 363, \"cat_9_index\": 1143, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 759, \"cat_3_index\": 799, \"cat_8_index\": 821, \"name\": \"RBFOX2 Rme1 R297\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 842, \"rank\": 419, \"ini\": 277, \"cat_4_index\": 800, \"group\": [277.0, 261.0, 209.0, 100.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 277, \"cat_0_index\": 762, \"cat_6_index\": 835, \"cat_2_index\": 798, \"cat_1_index\": 779, \"rankvar\": 203, \"cat_9_index\": 836, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 760, \"cat_3_index\": 800, \"cat_8_index\": 822, \"name\": \"DDX42 Rme1 R12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 843, \"rank\": 159, \"ini\": 276, \"cat_4_index\": 801, \"group\": [278.0, 262.0, 210.0, 100.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 275, \"cat_0_index\": 763, \"cat_6_index\": 836, \"cat_2_index\": 799, \"cat_1_index\": 780, \"rankvar\": 1019, \"cat_9_index\": 837, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 761, \"cat_3_index\": 801, \"cat_8_index\": 823, \"name\": \"FARP2 phospho T22\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 844, \"rank\": 283, \"ini\": 275, \"cat_4_index\": 802, \"group\": [273.0, 257.0, 205.0, 99.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 273, \"cat_0_index\": 764, \"cat_6_index\": 1136, \"cat_2_index\": 800, \"cat_1_index\": 781, \"rankvar\": 981, \"cat_9_index\": 838, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 762, \"cat_3_index\": 802, \"cat_8_index\": 824, \"name\": \"HMGB2 AcK K182\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 845, \"rank\": 242, \"ini\": 274, \"cat_4_index\": 1137, \"group\": [274.0, 258.0, 206.0, 99.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 274, \"cat_0_index\": 1130, \"cat_6_index\": 837, \"cat_2_index\": 1137, \"cat_1_index\": 1135, \"rankvar\": 489, \"cat_9_index\": 839, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 763, \"cat_3_index\": 1137, \"cat_8_index\": 825, \"name\": \"HNRNPH3 Rme1 R323\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 846, \"rank\": 291, \"ini\": 273, \"cat_4_index\": 803, \"group\": [275.0, 259.0, 207.0, 99.0, 40.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 272, \"cat_0_index\": 1131, \"cat_6_index\": 838, \"cat_2_index\": 801, \"cat_1_index\": 1136, \"rankvar\": 749, \"cat_9_index\": 840, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 764, \"cat_3_index\": 803, \"cat_8_index\": 1133, \"name\": \"THRAP3 Rme1 R66\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 847, \"rank\": 703, \"ini\": 272, \"cat_4_index\": 804, \"group\": [270.0, 254.0, 202.0, 97.0, 39.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 270, \"cat_0_index\": 765, \"cat_6_index\": 1137, \"cat_2_index\": 802, \"cat_1_index\": 782, \"rankvar\": 299, \"cat_9_index\": 841, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 765, \"cat_3_index\": 804, \"cat_8_index\": 826, \"name\": \"SPTAN1 phospho S2066\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 848, \"rank\": 1134, \"ini\": 271, \"cat_4_index\": 805, \"group\": [271.0, 255.0, 203.0, 97.0, 39.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 271, \"cat_0_index\": 766, \"cat_6_index\": 1138, \"cat_2_index\": 803, \"cat_1_index\": 783, \"rankvar\": 259, \"cat_9_index\": 842, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 766, \"cat_3_index\": 805, \"cat_8_index\": 827, \"name\": \"SPTAN1 phospho S1550\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 849, \"rank\": 34, \"ini\": 270, \"cat_4_index\": 806, \"group\": [272.0, 256.0, 204.0, 98.0, 39.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 269, \"cat_0_index\": 767, \"cat_6_index\": 1139, \"cat_2_index\": 804, \"cat_1_index\": 784, \"rankvar\": 1035, \"cat_9_index\": 843, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 767, \"cat_3_index\": 806, \"cat_8_index\": 1134, \"name\": \"TPR AcK K748\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 850, \"rank\": 214, \"ini\": 269, \"cat_4_index\": 807, \"group\": [266.0, 250.0, 199.0, 95.0, 38.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 267, \"cat_0_index\": 768, \"cat_6_index\": 839, \"cat_2_index\": 805, \"cat_1_index\": 785, \"rankvar\": 491, \"cat_9_index\": 844, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 768, \"cat_3_index\": 807, \"cat_8_index\": 828, \"name\": \"NPTX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 851, \"rank\": 992, \"ini\": 268, \"cat_4_index\": 808, \"group\": [267.0, 251.0, 199.0, 95.0, 38.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 268, \"cat_0_index\": 769, \"cat_6_index\": 840, \"cat_2_index\": 806, \"cat_1_index\": 786, \"rankvar\": 1036, \"cat_9_index\": 845, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1127, \"cat_3_index\": 808, \"cat_8_index\": 1135, \"name\": \"HSPB1 Rme1 R12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 852, \"rank\": 586, \"ini\": 267, \"cat_4_index\": 809, \"group\": [268.0, 252.0, 200.0, 95.0, 38.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 266, \"cat_0_index\": 770, \"cat_6_index\": 841, \"cat_2_index\": 807, \"cat_1_index\": 787, \"rankvar\": 949, \"cat_9_index\": 846, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 769, \"cat_3_index\": 809, \"cat_8_index\": 829, \"name\": \"KAL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1144, \"rank\": 80, \"ini\": 266, \"cat_4_index\": 810, \"group\": [269.0, 253.0, 201.0, 96.0, 38.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 265, \"cat_0_index\": 771, \"cat_6_index\": 842, \"cat_2_index\": 808, \"cat_1_index\": 788, \"rankvar\": 172, \"cat_9_index\": 847, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 770, \"cat_3_index\": 810, \"cat_8_index\": 830, \"name\": \"DYNC1H1 phospho S1230\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 853, \"rank\": 442, \"ini\": 265, \"cat_4_index\": 811, \"group\": [264.0, 248.0, 197.0, 94.0, 38.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 263, \"cat_0_index\": 772, \"cat_6_index\": 843, \"cat_2_index\": 809, \"cat_1_index\": 789, \"rankvar\": 689, \"cat_9_index\": 848, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 771, \"cat_3_index\": 811, \"cat_8_index\": 831, \"name\": \"RHEB phospho S175\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 854, \"rank\": 45, \"ini\": 264, \"cat_4_index\": 812, \"group\": [265.0, 249.0, 198.0, 94.0, 38.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 264, \"cat_0_index\": 773, \"cat_6_index\": 844, \"cat_2_index\": 810, \"cat_1_index\": 790, \"rankvar\": 547, \"cat_9_index\": 849, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 772, \"cat_3_index\": 812, \"cat_8_index\": 832, \"name\": \"CDK14 phospho S95\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 855, \"rank\": 771, \"ini\": 263, \"cat_4_index\": 813, \"group\": [262.0, 246.0, 195.0, 92.0, 37.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 261, \"cat_0_index\": 774, \"cat_6_index\": 845, \"cat_2_index\": 811, \"cat_1_index\": 791, \"rankvar\": 1059, \"cat_9_index\": 850, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 773, \"cat_3_index\": 813, \"cat_8_index\": 833, \"name\": \"AZGP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 856, \"rank\": 4, \"ini\": 262, \"cat_4_index\": 814, \"group\": [263.0, 247.0, 196.0, 93.0, 37.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 262, \"cat_0_index\": 775, \"cat_6_index\": 846, \"cat_2_index\": 812, \"cat_1_index\": 792, \"rankvar\": 762, \"cat_9_index\": 851, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 774, \"cat_3_index\": 814, \"cat_8_index\": 834, \"name\": \"TPD52 phospho S144\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 857, \"rank\": 474, \"ini\": 261, \"cat_4_index\": 815, \"group\": [259.0, 244.0, 193.0, 91.0, 36.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 259, \"cat_0_index\": 776, \"cat_6_index\": 847, \"cat_2_index\": 813, \"cat_1_index\": 793, \"rankvar\": 72, \"cat_9_index\": 1144, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 775, \"cat_3_index\": 815, \"cat_8_index\": 835, \"name\": \"ATP7A phospho T327\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 858, \"rank\": 1056, \"ini\": 260, \"cat_4_index\": 816, \"group\": [260.0, 244.0, 193.0, 91.0, 36.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 260, \"cat_0_index\": 777, \"cat_6_index\": 848, \"cat_2_index\": 814, \"cat_1_index\": 794, \"rankvar\": 427, \"cat_9_index\": 1145, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 776, \"cat_3_index\": 816, \"cat_8_index\": 836, \"name\": \"ATP7A phospho S330\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 859, \"rank\": 168, \"ini\": 259, \"cat_4_index\": 817, \"group\": [261.0, 245.0, 194.0, 91.0, 36.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 258, \"cat_0_index\": 778, \"cat_6_index\": 849, \"cat_2_index\": 815, \"cat_1_index\": 795, \"rankvar\": 812, \"cat_9_index\": 852, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1128, \"cat_3_index\": 817, \"cat_8_index\": 837, \"name\": \"GTF3C1 phospho S739\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 860, \"rank\": 100, \"ini\": 258, \"cat_4_index\": 818, \"group\": [257.0, 242.0, 191.0, 90.0, 36.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 256, \"cat_0_index\": 779, \"cat_6_index\": 850, \"cat_2_index\": 816, \"cat_1_index\": 796, \"rankvar\": 17, \"cat_9_index\": 853, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 777, \"cat_3_index\": 818, \"cat_8_index\": 838, \"name\": \"KMT2A phospho S2098\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 861, \"rank\": 175, \"ini\": 257, \"cat_4_index\": 819, \"group\": [258.0, 243.0, 192.0, 90.0, 36.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 257, \"cat_0_index\": 780, \"cat_6_index\": 851, \"cat_2_index\": 817, \"cat_1_index\": 797, \"rankvar\": 634, \"cat_9_index\": 854, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1129, \"cat_3_index\": 819, \"cat_8_index\": 839, \"name\": \"DCP1A phospho S534\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 862, \"rank\": 835, \"ini\": 256, \"cat_4_index\": 820, \"group\": [255.0, 240.0, 189.0, 89.0, 35.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 254, \"cat_0_index\": 781, \"cat_6_index\": 852, \"cat_2_index\": 818, \"cat_1_index\": 798, \"rankvar\": 221, \"cat_9_index\": 855, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 778, \"cat_3_index\": 820, \"cat_8_index\": 840, \"name\": \"ATAD5 phospho S621\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 863, \"rank\": 444, \"ini\": 255, \"cat_4_index\": 821, \"group\": [256.0, 241.0, 190.0, 89.0, 35.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 255, \"cat_0_index\": 782, \"cat_6_index\": 853, \"cat_2_index\": 819, \"cat_1_index\": 799, \"rankvar\": 387, \"cat_9_index\": 856, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 779, \"cat_3_index\": 821, \"cat_8_index\": 841, \"name\": \"ATAD2 phospho S1302\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 864, \"rank\": 1061, \"ini\": 254, \"cat_4_index\": 822, \"group\": [251.0, 237.0, 187.0, 88.0, 35.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 252, \"cat_0_index\": 783, \"cat_6_index\": 854, \"cat_2_index\": 820, \"cat_1_index\": 800, \"rankvar\": 1078, \"cat_9_index\": 857, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 780, \"cat_3_index\": 822, \"cat_8_index\": 842, \"name\": \"DDX3Y\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 865, \"rank\": 795, \"ini\": 253, \"cat_4_index\": 823, \"group\": [252.0, 237.0, 187.0, 88.0, 35.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 253, \"cat_0_index\": 784, \"cat_6_index\": 855, \"cat_2_index\": 821, \"cat_1_index\": 801, \"rankvar\": 835, \"cat_9_index\": 858, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 781, \"cat_3_index\": 823, \"cat_8_index\": 843, \"name\": \"EIF1AY\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 866, \"rank\": 263, \"ini\": 252, \"cat_4_index\": 824, \"group\": [253.0, 238.0, 187.0, 88.0, 35.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 251, \"cat_0_index\": 785, \"cat_6_index\": 1140, \"cat_2_index\": 822, \"cat_1_index\": 802, \"rankvar\": 535, \"cat_9_index\": 859, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1130, \"cat_3_index\": 824, \"cat_8_index\": 844, \"name\": \"RPS4Y1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 867, \"rank\": 1031, \"ini\": 251, \"cat_4_index\": 825, \"group\": [254.0, 239.0, 188.0, 88.0, 35.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 250, \"cat_0_index\": 786, \"cat_6_index\": 856, \"cat_2_index\": 823, \"cat_1_index\": 803, \"rankvar\": 242, \"cat_9_index\": 860, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 782, \"cat_3_index\": 825, \"cat_8_index\": 845, \"name\": \"DDX3Y Rme1 R615\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 868, \"rank\": 869, \"ini\": 250, \"cat_4_index\": 826, \"group\": [249.0, 235.0, 185.0, 86.0, 34.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 248, \"cat_0_index\": 787, \"cat_6_index\": 857, \"cat_2_index\": 824, \"cat_1_index\": 804, \"rankvar\": 1088, \"cat_9_index\": 861, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 783, \"cat_3_index\": 826, \"cat_8_index\": 846, \"name\": \"GLDC\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 869, \"rank\": 720, \"ini\": 249, \"cat_4_index\": 827, \"group\": [250.0, 236.0, 186.0, 87.0, 34.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 249, \"cat_0_index\": 788, \"cat_6_index\": 858, \"cat_2_index\": 825, \"cat_1_index\": 805, \"rankvar\": 512, \"cat_9_index\": 862, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 784, \"cat_3_index\": 827, \"cat_8_index\": 847, \"name\": \"TMEM98\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 870, \"rank\": 1, \"ini\": 248, \"cat_4_index\": 828, \"group\": [246.0, 232.0, 182.0, 84.0, 33.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 246, \"cat_0_index\": 789, \"cat_6_index\": 859, \"cat_2_index\": 826, \"cat_1_index\": 806, \"rankvar\": 304, \"cat_9_index\": 863, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 785, \"cat_3_index\": 828, \"cat_8_index\": 848, \"name\": \"SPARCL1 phospho S295\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 871, \"rank\": 593, \"ini\": 247, \"cat_4_index\": 829, \"group\": [247.0, 233.0, 183.0, 84.0, 33.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 247, \"cat_0_index\": 790, \"cat_6_index\": 860, \"cat_2_index\": 827, \"cat_1_index\": 807, \"rankvar\": 752, \"cat_9_index\": 864, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 786, \"cat_3_index\": 829, \"cat_8_index\": 849, \"name\": \"FOXK1 phospho T436\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 872, \"rank\": 886, \"ini\": 246, \"cat_4_index\": 830, \"group\": [248.0, 234.0, 184.0, 85.0, 33.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 245, \"cat_0_index\": 791, \"cat_6_index\": 1141, \"cat_2_index\": 828, \"cat_1_index\": 808, \"rankvar\": 366, \"cat_9_index\": 865, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 787, \"cat_3_index\": 830, \"cat_8_index\": 850, \"name\": \"RANBP2 phospho T1396\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 873, \"rank\": 576, \"ini\": 245, \"cat_4_index\": 831, \"group\": [243.0, 229.0, 179.0, 82.0, 32.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 243, \"cat_0_index\": 792, \"cat_6_index\": 861, \"cat_2_index\": 829, \"cat_1_index\": 809, \"rankvar\": 841, \"cat_9_index\": 866, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 788, \"cat_3_index\": 831, \"cat_8_index\": 851, \"name\": \"SLX4 phospho S1185\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 874, \"rank\": 8, \"ini\": 244, \"cat_4_index\": 832, \"group\": [244.0, 230.0, 180.0, 82.0, 32.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 244, \"cat_0_index\": 793, \"cat_6_index\": 862, \"cat_2_index\": 830, \"cat_1_index\": 810, \"rankvar\": 468, \"cat_9_index\": 867, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 789, \"cat_3_index\": 832, \"cat_8_index\": 852, \"name\": \"CHCHD3 phospho S113\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 875, \"rank\": 773, \"ini\": 243, \"cat_4_index\": 833, \"group\": [245.0, 231.0, 181.0, 83.0, 32.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 242, \"cat_0_index\": 794, \"cat_6_index\": 863, \"cat_2_index\": 831, \"cat_1_index\": 811, \"rankvar\": 447, \"cat_9_index\": 1146, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 790, \"cat_3_index\": 833, \"cat_8_index\": 853, \"name\": \"KIF14 phospho S1292\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 876, \"rank\": 462, \"ini\": 242, \"cat_4_index\": 834, \"group\": [240.0, 226.0, 177.0, 81.0, 31.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 240, \"cat_0_index\": 795, \"cat_6_index\": 864, \"cat_2_index\": 832, \"cat_1_index\": 812, \"rankvar\": 319, \"cat_9_index\": 868, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 791, \"cat_3_index\": 834, \"cat_8_index\": 854, \"name\": \"HSP90B1 phospho S64\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 877, \"rank\": 1006, \"ini\": 241, \"cat_4_index\": 835, \"group\": [241.0, 227.0, 177.0, 81.0, 31.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 241, \"cat_0_index\": 796, \"cat_6_index\": 865, \"cat_2_index\": 833, \"cat_1_index\": 813, \"rankvar\": 1149, \"cat_9_index\": 869, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1131, \"cat_3_index\": 835, \"cat_8_index\": 855, \"name\": \"HARS2 phospho S35\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1145, \"rank\": 1086, \"ini\": 240, \"cat_4_index\": 836, \"group\": [242.0, 228.0, 178.0, 81.0, 31.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 239, \"cat_0_index\": 797, \"cat_6_index\": 866, \"cat_2_index\": 834, \"cat_1_index\": 814, \"rankvar\": 844, \"cat_9_index\": 1147, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 792, \"cat_3_index\": 836, \"cat_8_index\": 1136, \"name\": \"FLNA phospho T48\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 878, \"rank\": 456, \"ini\": 239, \"cat_4_index\": 837, \"group\": [238.0, 224.0, 176.0, 81.0, 31.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 237, \"cat_0_index\": 798, \"cat_6_index\": 867, \"cat_2_index\": 835, \"cat_1_index\": 815, \"rankvar\": 257, \"cat_9_index\": 870, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 793, \"cat_3_index\": 837, \"cat_8_index\": 856, \"name\": \"PHB phospho S101\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 879, \"rank\": 1094, \"ini\": 238, \"cat_4_index\": 838, \"group\": [239.0, 225.0, 176.0, 81.0, 31.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 238, \"cat_0_index\": 799, \"cat_6_index\": 868, \"cat_2_index\": 836, \"cat_1_index\": 816, \"rankvar\": 859, \"cat_9_index\": 871, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 794, \"cat_3_index\": 838, \"cat_8_index\": 857, \"name\": \"CECR5 phospho S77\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 880, \"rank\": 922, \"ini\": 237, \"cat_4_index\": 839, \"group\": [236.0, 222.0, 174.0, 80.0, 31.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 235, \"cat_0_index\": 800, \"cat_6_index\": 869, \"cat_2_index\": 837, \"cat_1_index\": 817, \"rankvar\": 874, \"cat_9_index\": 872, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 795, \"cat_3_index\": 839, \"cat_8_index\": 858, \"name\": \"FAM26F\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 881, \"rank\": 337, \"ini\": 236, \"cat_4_index\": 840, \"group\": [237.0, 223.0, 175.0, 80.0, 31.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 236, \"cat_0_index\": 801, \"cat_6_index\": 870, \"cat_2_index\": 838, \"cat_1_index\": 818, \"rankvar\": 920, \"cat_9_index\": 873, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 796, \"cat_3_index\": 840, \"cat_8_index\": 859, \"name\": \"TIMM44 phospho S180\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 882, \"rank\": 520, \"ini\": 235, \"cat_4_index\": 841, \"group\": [234.0, 220.0, 172.0, 79.0, 30.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 233, \"cat_0_index\": 802, \"cat_6_index\": 871, \"cat_2_index\": 839, \"cat_1_index\": 819, \"rankvar\": 296, \"cat_9_index\": 874, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 797, \"cat_3_index\": 841, \"cat_8_index\": 860, \"name\": \"KCTD21 phospho S43\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 883, \"rank\": 16, \"ini\": 234, \"cat_4_index\": 842, \"group\": [235.0, 221.0, 173.0, 79.0, 30.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 234, \"cat_0_index\": 803, \"cat_6_index\": 872, \"cat_2_index\": 840, \"cat_1_index\": 820, \"rankvar\": 16, \"cat_9_index\": 875, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 798, \"cat_3_index\": 842, \"cat_8_index\": 861, \"name\": \"SARG Kme1 K480\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 884, \"rank\": 103, \"ini\": 233, \"cat_4_index\": 843, \"group\": [230.0, 216.0, 169.0, 77.0, 29.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 231, \"cat_0_index\": 804, \"cat_6_index\": 1142, \"cat_2_index\": 841, \"cat_1_index\": 821, \"rankvar\": 15, \"cat_9_index\": 876, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 799, \"cat_3_index\": 843, \"cat_8_index\": 862, \"name\": \"DCN AcK K130\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 885, \"rank\": 229, \"ini\": 232, \"cat_4_index\": 844, \"group\": [231.0, 217.0, 169.0, 77.0, 29.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 232, \"cat_0_index\": 805, \"cat_6_index\": 873, \"cat_2_index\": 842, \"cat_1_index\": 822, \"rankvar\": 171, \"cat_9_index\": 877, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 800, \"cat_3_index\": 844, \"cat_8_index\": 863, \"name\": \"COX5A phospho T48\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 886, \"rank\": 314, \"ini\": 231, \"cat_4_index\": 845, \"group\": [232.0, 218.0, 170.0, 77.0, 29.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 230, \"cat_0_index\": 806, \"cat_6_index\": 874, \"cat_2_index\": 843, \"cat_1_index\": 823, \"rankvar\": 185, \"cat_9_index\": 878, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 801, \"cat_3_index\": 845, \"cat_8_index\": 864, \"name\": \"CCT2 phospho T23\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 887, \"rank\": 190, \"ini\": 230, \"cat_4_index\": 846, \"group\": [233.0, 219.0, 171.0, 78.0, 29.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 229, \"cat_0_index\": 807, \"cat_6_index\": 875, \"cat_2_index\": 844, \"cat_1_index\": 824, \"rankvar\": 1054, \"cat_9_index\": 879, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 802, \"cat_3_index\": 846, \"cat_8_index\": 865, \"name\": \"QPRT\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 888, \"rank\": 1002, \"ini\": 229, \"cat_4_index\": 847, \"group\": [228.0, 214.0, 167.0, 76.0, 28.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 227, \"cat_0_index\": 808, \"cat_6_index\": 1143, \"cat_2_index\": 845, \"cat_1_index\": 825, \"rankvar\": 777, \"cat_9_index\": 880, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 803, \"cat_3_index\": 847, \"cat_8_index\": 866, \"name\": \"COL1A2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 889, \"rank\": 192, \"ini\": 228, \"cat_4_index\": 848, \"group\": [229.0, 215.0, 168.0, 76.0, 28.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 228, \"cat_0_index\": 809, \"cat_6_index\": 876, \"cat_2_index\": 846, \"cat_1_index\": 826, \"rankvar\": 388, \"cat_9_index\": 881, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 804, \"cat_3_index\": 848, \"cat_8_index\": 867, \"name\": \"POSTN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 890, \"rank\": 557, \"ini\": 227, \"cat_4_index\": 849, \"group\": [226.0, 212.0, 165.0, 75.0, 28.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 225, \"cat_0_index\": 810, \"cat_6_index\": 877, \"cat_2_index\": 847, \"cat_1_index\": 827, \"rankvar\": 1104, \"cat_9_index\": 882, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 805, \"cat_3_index\": 849, \"cat_8_index\": 868, \"name\": \"TSPAN12\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 891, \"rank\": 938, \"ini\": 226, \"cat_4_index\": 850, \"group\": [227.0, 213.0, 166.0, 75.0, 28.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 226, \"cat_0_index\": 811, \"cat_6_index\": 878, \"cat_2_index\": 848, \"cat_1_index\": 828, \"rankvar\": 882, \"cat_9_index\": 883, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 806, \"cat_3_index\": 850, \"cat_8_index\": 869, \"name\": \"BCHE\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 892, \"rank\": 312, \"ini\": 225, \"cat_4_index\": 851, \"group\": [224.0, 210.0, 163.0, 74.0, 28.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 223, \"cat_0_index\": 812, \"cat_6_index\": 879, \"cat_2_index\": 849, \"cat_1_index\": 829, \"rankvar\": 528, \"cat_9_index\": 884, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 807, \"cat_3_index\": 851, \"cat_8_index\": 870, \"name\": \"ZFPM2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 893, \"rank\": 621, \"ini\": 224, \"cat_4_index\": 852, \"group\": [225.0, 211.0, 164.0, 74.0, 28.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 224, \"cat_0_index\": 813, \"cat_6_index\": 880, \"cat_2_index\": 850, \"cat_1_index\": 830, \"rankvar\": 831, \"cat_9_index\": 885, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 808, \"cat_3_index\": 852, \"cat_8_index\": 871, \"name\": \"LAYN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 894, \"rank\": 733, \"ini\": 223, \"cat_4_index\": 853, \"group\": [222.0, 208.0, 161.0, 73.0, 28.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 221, \"cat_0_index\": 814, \"cat_6_index\": 881, \"cat_2_index\": 851, \"cat_1_index\": 831, \"rankvar\": 623, \"cat_9_index\": 886, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 809, \"cat_3_index\": 853, \"cat_8_index\": 872, \"name\": \"TCEAL7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 895, \"rank\": 884, \"ini\": 222, \"cat_4_index\": 854, \"group\": [223.0, 209.0, 162.0, 73.0, 28.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 222, \"cat_0_index\": 815, \"cat_6_index\": 1144, \"cat_2_index\": 852, \"cat_1_index\": 832, \"rankvar\": 1102, \"cat_9_index\": 887, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 810, \"cat_3_index\": 854, \"cat_8_index\": 873, \"name\": \"COL11A1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 896, \"rank\": 230, \"ini\": 221, \"cat_4_index\": 855, \"group\": [219.0, 205.0, 158.0, 72.0, 27.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 219, \"cat_0_index\": 816, \"cat_6_index\": 882, \"cat_2_index\": 853, \"cat_1_index\": 833, \"rankvar\": 337, \"cat_9_index\": 888, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 811, \"cat_3_index\": 855, \"cat_8_index\": 874, \"name\": \"MARCKS phospho S170\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 897, \"rank\": 599, \"ini\": 220, \"cat_4_index\": 856, \"group\": [220.0, 206.0, 159.0, 72.0, 27.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 220, \"cat_0_index\": 817, \"cat_6_index\": 883, \"cat_2_index\": 854, \"cat_1_index\": 834, \"rankvar\": 1134, \"cat_9_index\": 889, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 812, \"cat_3_index\": 856, \"cat_8_index\": 875, \"name\": \"CBL phospho S833\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 898, \"rank\": 204, \"ini\": 219, \"cat_4_index\": 857, \"group\": [221.0, 207.0, 160.0, 72.0, 27.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 218, \"cat_0_index\": 818, \"cat_6_index\": 884, \"cat_2_index\": 855, \"cat_1_index\": 835, \"rankvar\": 152, \"cat_9_index\": 890, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 813, \"cat_3_index\": 857, \"cat_8_index\": 876, \"name\": \"GOPC phospho S280\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 899, \"rank\": 1038, \"ini\": 218, \"cat_4_index\": 858, \"group\": [217.0, 203.0, 156.0, 71.0, 26.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 216, \"cat_0_index\": 819, \"cat_6_index\": 885, \"cat_2_index\": 856, \"cat_1_index\": 836, \"rankvar\": 869, \"cat_9_index\": 891, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 814, \"cat_3_index\": 858, \"cat_8_index\": 877, \"name\": \"RAB21 phospho T200\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 900, \"rank\": 650, \"ini\": 217, \"cat_4_index\": 859, \"group\": [218.0, 204.0, 157.0, 71.0, 26.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 217, \"cat_0_index\": 820, \"cat_6_index\": 886, \"cat_2_index\": 857, \"cat_1_index\": 837, \"rankvar\": 902, \"cat_9_index\": 892, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 815, \"cat_3_index\": 859, \"cat_8_index\": 878, \"name\": \"NBEAL2 phospho S2739\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 901, \"rank\": 871, \"ini\": 216, \"cat_4_index\": 860, \"group\": [214.0, 200.0, 153.0, 70.0, 25.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 214, \"cat_0_index\": 821, \"cat_6_index\": 887, \"cat_2_index\": 858, \"cat_1_index\": 838, \"rankvar\": 359, \"cat_9_index\": 893, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 816, \"cat_3_index\": 860, \"cat_8_index\": 879, \"name\": \"UGP2 phospho S13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 902, \"rank\": 76, \"ini\": 215, \"cat_4_index\": 861, \"group\": [215.0, 201.0, 154.0, 70.0, 25.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 215, \"cat_0_index\": 822, \"cat_6_index\": 888, \"cat_2_index\": 859, \"cat_1_index\": 839, \"rankvar\": 988, \"cat_9_index\": 894, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 817, \"cat_3_index\": 861, \"cat_8_index\": 880, \"name\": \"PEA15 phospho S116\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 903, \"rank\": 69, \"ini\": 214, \"cat_4_index\": 862, \"group\": [211.0, 197.0, 152.0, 70.0, 25.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 212, \"cat_0_index\": 823, \"cat_6_index\": 889, \"cat_2_index\": 860, \"cat_1_index\": 840, \"rankvar\": 81, \"cat_9_index\": 895, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 818, \"cat_3_index\": 862, \"cat_8_index\": 881, \"name\": \"LRCH4 phospho S513\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 904, \"rank\": 197, \"ini\": 213, \"cat_4_index\": 863, \"group\": [212.0, 198.0, 152.0, 70.0, 25.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 213, \"cat_0_index\": 824, \"cat_6_index\": 890, \"cat_2_index\": 861, \"cat_1_index\": 841, \"rankvar\": 845, \"cat_9_index\": 896, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 819, \"cat_3_index\": 863, \"cat_8_index\": 882, \"name\": \"KIAA1211L phospho T837\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 905, \"rank\": 51, \"ini\": 212, \"cat_4_index\": 864, \"group\": [213.0, 199.0, 152.0, 70.0, 25.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 211, \"cat_0_index\": 825, \"cat_6_index\": 891, \"cat_2_index\": 862, \"cat_1_index\": 842, \"rankvar\": 996, \"cat_9_index\": 897, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 820, \"cat_3_index\": 864, \"cat_8_index\": 883, \"name\": \"GNL1 phospho S68\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 906, \"rank\": 604, \"ini\": 211, \"cat_4_index\": 865, \"group\": [216.0, 202.0, 155.0, 70.0, 25.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 210, \"cat_0_index\": 826, \"cat_6_index\": 892, \"cat_2_index\": 863, \"cat_1_index\": 843, \"rankvar\": 192, \"cat_9_index\": 898, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 821, \"cat_3_index\": 865, \"cat_8_index\": 884, \"name\": \"LBH phospho S63\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 907, \"rank\": 362, \"ini\": 210, \"cat_4_index\": 866, \"group\": [209.0, 195.0, 150.0, 69.0, 25.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 208, \"cat_0_index\": 827, \"cat_6_index\": 893, \"cat_2_index\": 864, \"cat_1_index\": 844, \"rankvar\": 935, \"cat_9_index\": 899, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 822, \"cat_3_index\": 866, \"cat_8_index\": 885, \"name\": \"UBE2T phospho S184\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 908, \"rank\": 550, \"ini\": 209, \"cat_4_index\": 867, \"group\": [210.0, 196.0, 151.0, 69.0, 25.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 209, \"cat_0_index\": 828, \"cat_6_index\": 894, \"cat_2_index\": 865, \"cat_1_index\": 845, \"rankvar\": 115, \"cat_9_index\": 900, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 823, \"cat_3_index\": 867, \"cat_8_index\": 886, \"name\": \"IQSEC1 phospho S180\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 909, \"rank\": 29, \"ini\": 208, \"cat_4_index\": 868, \"group\": [207.0, 193.0, 148.0, 68.0, 24.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 206, \"cat_0_index\": 829, \"cat_6_index\": 895, \"cat_2_index\": 866, \"cat_1_index\": 846, \"rankvar\": 141, \"cat_9_index\": 901, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 824, \"cat_3_index\": 868, \"cat_8_index\": 887, \"name\": \"TNS1 phospho Y903\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 910, \"rank\": 848, \"ini\": 207, \"cat_4_index\": 869, \"group\": [208.0, 194.0, 149.0, 68.0, 24.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 207, \"cat_0_index\": 1132, \"cat_6_index\": 896, \"cat_2_index\": 867, \"cat_1_index\": 847, \"rankvar\": 852, \"cat_9_index\": 902, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1132, \"cat_3_index\": 869, \"cat_8_index\": 888, \"name\": \"TNKS1BP1 phospho S1620\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 911, \"rank\": 126, \"ini\": 206, \"cat_4_index\": 870, \"group\": [205.0, 191.0, 146.0, 67.0, 24.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 204, \"cat_0_index\": 830, \"cat_6_index\": 897, \"cat_2_index\": 868, \"cat_1_index\": 848, \"rankvar\": 183, \"cat_9_index\": 903, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 825, \"cat_3_index\": 870, \"cat_8_index\": 889, \"name\": \"ALB AcK K219\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 912, \"rank\": 566, \"ini\": 205, \"cat_4_index\": 871, \"group\": [206.0, 192.0, 147.0, 67.0, 24.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 205, \"cat_0_index\": 831, \"cat_6_index\": 898, \"cat_2_index\": 869, \"cat_1_index\": 849, \"rankvar\": 733, \"cat_9_index\": 904, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 826, \"cat_3_index\": 871, \"cat_8_index\": 890, \"name\": \"CAMK2D phospho T287\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 913, \"rank\": 958, \"ini\": 204, \"cat_4_index\": 872, \"group\": [202.0, 188.0, 143.0, 65.0, 23.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 202, \"cat_0_index\": 832, \"cat_6_index\": 899, \"cat_2_index\": 870, \"cat_1_index\": 850, \"rankvar\": 537, \"cat_9_index\": 905, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 827, \"cat_3_index\": 872, \"cat_8_index\": 891, \"name\": \"TCF20 phospho S1792\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 914, \"rank\": 207, \"ini\": 203, \"cat_4_index\": 873, \"group\": [203.0, 189.0, 144.0, 65.0, 23.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 203, \"cat_0_index\": 833, \"cat_6_index\": 900, \"cat_2_index\": 871, \"cat_1_index\": 851, \"rankvar\": 1064, \"cat_9_index\": 1148, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 828, \"cat_3_index\": 873, \"cat_8_index\": 892, \"name\": \"MYCBP2 phospho S3467\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 915, \"rank\": 865, \"ini\": 202, \"cat_4_index\": 874, \"group\": [204.0, 190.0, 145.0, 66.0, 23.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 201, \"cat_0_index\": 834, \"cat_6_index\": 901, \"cat_2_index\": 872, \"cat_1_index\": 852, \"rankvar\": 890, \"cat_9_index\": 906, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 829, \"cat_3_index\": 874, \"cat_8_index\": 893, \"name\": \"CLDN10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 916, \"rank\": 73, \"ini\": 201, \"cat_4_index\": 875, \"group\": [197.0, 183.0, 138.0, 63.0, 22.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 199, \"cat_0_index\": 835, \"cat_6_index\": 902, \"cat_2_index\": 873, \"cat_1_index\": 853, \"rankvar\": 608, \"cat_9_index\": 907, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 830, \"cat_3_index\": 875, \"cat_8_index\": 1137, \"name\": \"CDKN2A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 917, \"rank\": 81, \"ini\": 200, \"cat_4_index\": 876, \"group\": [198.0, 184.0, 139.0, 63.0, 22.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 200, \"cat_0_index\": 836, \"cat_6_index\": 903, \"cat_2_index\": 874, \"cat_1_index\": 854, \"rankvar\": 786, \"cat_9_index\": 908, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 831, \"cat_3_index\": 876, \"cat_8_index\": 894, \"name\": \"KHDRBS3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 918, \"rank\": 997, \"ini\": 199, \"cat_4_index\": 877, \"group\": [199.0, 185.0, 140.0, 63.0, 22.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 198, \"cat_0_index\": 837, \"cat_6_index\": 904, \"cat_2_index\": 875, \"cat_1_index\": 855, \"rankvar\": 658, \"cat_9_index\": 909, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1133, \"cat_3_index\": 877, \"cat_8_index\": 895, \"name\": \"NCOR2 phospho S67\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 919, \"rank\": 346, \"ini\": 198, \"cat_4_index\": 878, \"group\": [200.0, 186.0, 141.0, 63.0, 22.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 197, \"cat_0_index\": 838, \"cat_6_index\": 905, \"cat_2_index\": 876, \"cat_1_index\": 856, \"rankvar\": 544, \"cat_9_index\": 910, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 832, \"cat_3_index\": 878, \"cat_8_index\": 896, \"name\": \"FAR2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 920, \"rank\": 1048, \"ini\": 197, \"cat_4_index\": 879, \"group\": [201.0, 187.0, 142.0, 64.0, 22.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 196, \"cat_0_index\": 839, \"cat_6_index\": 906, \"cat_2_index\": 877, \"cat_1_index\": 857, \"rankvar\": 467, \"cat_9_index\": 911, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 833, \"cat_3_index\": 879, \"cat_8_index\": 897, \"name\": \"PKIB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 921, \"rank\": 944, \"ini\": 196, \"cat_4_index\": 880, \"group\": [194.0, 180.0, 136.0, 62.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 194, \"cat_0_index\": 840, \"cat_6_index\": 907, \"cat_2_index\": 878, \"cat_1_index\": 858, \"rankvar\": 939, \"cat_9_index\": 912, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 834, \"cat_3_index\": 880, \"cat_8_index\": 898, \"name\": \"PKP4 phospho S438\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 922, \"rank\": 842, \"ini\": 195, \"cat_4_index\": 881, \"group\": [195.0, 181.0, 136.0, 62.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 195, \"cat_0_index\": 841, \"cat_6_index\": 908, \"cat_2_index\": 879, \"cat_1_index\": 859, \"rankvar\": 243, \"cat_9_index\": 913, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 835, \"cat_3_index\": 881, \"cat_8_index\": 899, \"name\": \"PKP4 phospho S395\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 923, \"rank\": 1131, \"ini\": 194, \"cat_4_index\": 882, \"group\": [196.0, 182.0, 137.0, 62.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 193, \"cat_0_index\": 842, \"cat_6_index\": 1145, \"cat_2_index\": 880, \"cat_1_index\": 860, \"rankvar\": 983, \"cat_9_index\": 914, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 836, \"cat_3_index\": 882, \"cat_8_index\": 900, \"name\": \"SATB1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1146, \"rank\": 772, \"ini\": 193, \"cat_4_index\": 883, \"group\": [192.0, 178.0, 134.0, 61.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 191, \"cat_0_index\": 843, \"cat_6_index\": 909, \"cat_2_index\": 881, \"cat_1_index\": 861, \"rankvar\": 490, \"cat_9_index\": 915, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 837, \"cat_3_index\": 883, \"cat_8_index\": 901, \"name\": \"MARK1 phospho S666\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 924, \"rank\": 551, \"ini\": 192, \"cat_4_index\": 884, \"group\": [193.0, 179.0, 135.0, 61.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 192, \"cat_0_index\": 844, \"cat_6_index\": 910, \"cat_2_index\": 882, \"cat_1_index\": 862, \"rankvar\": 555, \"cat_9_index\": 916, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 838, \"cat_3_index\": 884, \"cat_8_index\": 902, \"name\": \"ABCC5 phospho S67\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 925, \"rank\": 963, \"ini\": 191, \"cat_4_index\": 885, \"group\": [190.0, 176.0, 133.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 189, \"cat_0_index\": 845, \"cat_6_index\": 911, \"cat_2_index\": 883, \"cat_1_index\": 863, \"rankvar\": 1076, \"cat_9_index\": 917, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 839, \"cat_3_index\": 885, \"cat_8_index\": 903, \"name\": \"FREM2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 926, \"rank\": 987, \"ini\": 190, \"cat_4_index\": 886, \"group\": [191.0, 177.0, 133.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 190, \"cat_0_index\": 846, \"cat_6_index\": 912, \"cat_2_index\": 884, \"cat_1_index\": 864, \"rankvar\": 1043, \"cat_9_index\": 918, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 840, \"cat_3_index\": 886, \"cat_8_index\": 904, \"name\": \"PRR15L\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 927, \"rank\": 1103, \"ini\": 189, \"cat_4_index\": 887, \"group\": [186.0, 172.0, 132.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 187, \"cat_0_index\": 847, \"cat_6_index\": 913, \"cat_2_index\": 885, \"cat_1_index\": 865, \"rankvar\": 1093, \"cat_9_index\": 919, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 841, \"cat_3_index\": 887, \"cat_8_index\": 905, \"name\": \"ENPP5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 928, \"rank\": 241, \"ini\": 188, \"cat_4_index\": 888, \"group\": [187.0, 173.0, 132.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 188, \"cat_0_index\": 848, \"cat_6_index\": 914, \"cat_2_index\": 886, \"cat_1_index\": 866, \"rankvar\": 855, \"cat_9_index\": 920, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 842, \"cat_3_index\": 888, \"cat_8_index\": 906, \"name\": \"CLDN3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 929, \"rank\": 864, \"ini\": 187, \"cat_4_index\": 889, \"group\": [188.0, 174.0, 132.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 186, \"cat_0_index\": 849, \"cat_6_index\": 915, \"cat_2_index\": 887, \"cat_1_index\": 867, \"rankvar\": 445, \"cat_9_index\": 921, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 843, \"cat_3_index\": 889, \"cat_8_index\": 907, \"name\": \"ENPP4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 930, \"rank\": 38, \"ini\": 186, \"cat_4_index\": 890, \"group\": [189.0, 175.0, 132.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 185, \"cat_0_index\": 850, \"cat_6_index\": 916, \"cat_2_index\": 888, \"cat_1_index\": 868, \"rankvar\": 732, \"cat_9_index\": 922, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 844, \"cat_3_index\": 890, \"cat_8_index\": 908, \"name\": \"HOOK1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 931, \"rank\": 245, \"ini\": 185, \"cat_4_index\": 891, \"group\": [183.0, 169.0, 131.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 183, \"cat_0_index\": 851, \"cat_6_index\": 917, \"cat_2_index\": 889, \"cat_1_index\": 869, \"rankvar\": 1136, \"cat_9_index\": 923, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 845, \"cat_3_index\": 891, \"cat_8_index\": 909, \"name\": \"RAPGEF5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 932, \"rank\": 1026, \"ini\": 184, \"cat_4_index\": 892, \"group\": [184.0, 170.0, 131.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 184, \"cat_0_index\": 852, \"cat_6_index\": 918, \"cat_2_index\": 890, \"cat_1_index\": 870, \"rankvar\": 194, \"cat_9_index\": 924, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 846, \"cat_3_index\": 892, \"cat_8_index\": 910, \"name\": \"RAPGEF5 phospho T207\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 933, \"rank\": 940, \"ini\": 183, \"cat_4_index\": 893, \"group\": [185.0, 171.0, 131.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 182, \"cat_0_index\": 853, \"cat_6_index\": 919, \"cat_2_index\": 891, \"cat_1_index\": 871, \"rankvar\": 879, \"cat_9_index\": 925, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 847, \"cat_3_index\": 893, \"cat_8_index\": 911, \"name\": \"TOX3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 934, \"rank\": 895, \"ini\": 182, \"cat_4_index\": 894, \"group\": [181.0, 167.0, 130.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 180, \"cat_0_index\": 854, \"cat_6_index\": 920, \"cat_2_index\": 892, \"cat_1_index\": 872, \"rankvar\": 851, \"cat_9_index\": 926, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 848, \"cat_3_index\": 894, \"cat_8_index\": 912, \"name\": \"TTC39A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 935, \"rank\": 305, \"ini\": 181, \"cat_4_index\": 895, \"group\": [182.0, 168.0, 130.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 181, \"cat_0_index\": 855, \"cat_6_index\": 921, \"cat_2_index\": 893, \"cat_1_index\": 873, \"rankvar\": 520, \"cat_9_index\": 927, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 849, \"cat_3_index\": 895, \"cat_8_index\": 913, \"name\": \"PARM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 936, \"rank\": 108, \"ini\": 180, \"cat_4_index\": 896, \"group\": [178.0, 164.0, 128.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 178, \"cat_0_index\": 856, \"cat_6_index\": 922, \"cat_2_index\": 894, \"cat_1_index\": 874, \"rankvar\": 376, \"cat_9_index\": 928, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 850, \"cat_3_index\": 896, \"cat_8_index\": 914, \"name\": \"AGR3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 937, \"rank\": 203, \"ini\": 179, \"cat_4_index\": 897, \"group\": [179.0, 165.0, 128.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 179, \"cat_0_index\": 857, \"cat_6_index\": 923, \"cat_2_index\": 895, \"cat_1_index\": 875, \"rankvar\": 483, \"cat_9_index\": 929, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 851, \"cat_3_index\": 897, \"cat_8_index\": 915, \"name\": \"CLIC6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 938, \"rank\": 303, \"ini\": 178, \"cat_4_index\": 898, \"group\": [180.0, 166.0, 129.0, 60.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 177, \"cat_0_index\": 858, \"cat_6_index\": 924, \"cat_2_index\": 896, \"cat_1_index\": 876, \"rankvar\": 108, \"cat_9_index\": 930, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 852, \"cat_3_index\": 898, \"cat_8_index\": 916, \"name\": \"PLEKHA1 phospho S380\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 939, \"rank\": 701, \"ini\": 177, \"cat_4_index\": 899, \"group\": [174.0, 161.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 175, \"cat_0_index\": 859, \"cat_6_index\": 925, \"cat_2_index\": 897, \"cat_1_index\": 877, \"rankvar\": 720, \"cat_9_index\": 931, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 853, \"cat_3_index\": 899, \"cat_8_index\": 917, \"name\": \"HMP19\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 940, \"rank\": 383, \"ini\": 176, \"cat_4_index\": 900, \"group\": [175.0, 161.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 176, \"cat_0_index\": 860, \"cat_6_index\": 926, \"cat_2_index\": 898, \"cat_1_index\": 878, \"rankvar\": 567, \"cat_9_index\": 932, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 854, \"cat_3_index\": 900, \"cat_8_index\": 918, \"name\": \"PROM1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 941, \"rank\": 438, \"ini\": 175, \"cat_4_index\": 901, \"group\": [170.0, 160.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 173, \"cat_0_index\": 861, \"cat_6_index\": 927, \"cat_2_index\": 899, \"cat_1_index\": 879, \"rankvar\": 486, \"cat_9_index\": 933, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 855, \"cat_3_index\": 901, \"cat_8_index\": 919, \"name\": \"ASCL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 942, \"rank\": 824, \"ini\": 174, \"cat_4_index\": 902, \"group\": [171.0, 160.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 174, \"cat_0_index\": 862, \"cat_6_index\": 928, \"cat_2_index\": 900, \"cat_1_index\": 880, \"rankvar\": 1067, \"cat_9_index\": 934, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 856, \"cat_3_index\": 902, \"cat_8_index\": 920, \"name\": \"GRP\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 943, \"rank\": 804, \"ini\": 173, \"cat_4_index\": 903, \"group\": [172.0, 160.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 172, \"cat_0_index\": 863, \"cat_6_index\": 929, \"cat_2_index\": 901, \"cat_1_index\": 881, \"rankvar\": 887, \"cat_9_index\": 935, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 857, \"cat_3_index\": 903, \"cat_8_index\": 921, \"name\": \"NKAIN2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 944, \"rank\": 454, \"ini\": 172, \"cat_4_index\": 904, \"group\": [173.0, 160.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 171, \"cat_0_index\": 864, \"cat_6_index\": 930, \"cat_2_index\": 902, \"cat_1_index\": 882, \"rankvar\": 665, \"cat_9_index\": 936, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 858, \"cat_3_index\": 904, \"cat_8_index\": 922, \"name\": \"DDC\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 945, \"rank\": 737, \"ini\": 171, \"cat_4_index\": 905, \"group\": [176.0, 162.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 170, \"cat_0_index\": 865, \"cat_6_index\": 931, \"cat_2_index\": 903, \"cat_1_index\": 883, \"rankvar\": 1048, \"cat_9_index\": 937, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 859, \"cat_3_index\": 905, \"cat_8_index\": 923, \"name\": \"RASSF6\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 946, \"rank\": 580, \"ini\": 170, \"cat_4_index\": 906, \"group\": [166.0, 158.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 168, \"cat_0_index\": 866, \"cat_6_index\": 932, \"cat_2_index\": 904, \"cat_1_index\": 884, \"rankvar\": 683, \"cat_9_index\": 938, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 860, \"cat_3_index\": 906, \"cat_8_index\": 924, \"name\": \"TFF3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 947, \"rank\": 533, \"ini\": 169, \"cat_4_index\": 907, \"group\": [167.0, 158.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 169, \"cat_0_index\": 867, \"cat_6_index\": 933, \"cat_2_index\": 905, \"cat_1_index\": 885, \"rankvar\": 872, \"cat_9_index\": 939, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 861, \"cat_3_index\": 907, \"cat_8_index\": 925, \"name\": \"SCN3A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 948, \"rank\": 389, \"ini\": 168, \"cat_4_index\": 908, \"group\": [168.0, 158.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 167, \"cat_0_index\": 868, \"cat_6_index\": 934, \"cat_2_index\": 906, \"cat_1_index\": 886, \"rankvar\": 480, \"cat_9_index\": 940, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 862, \"cat_3_index\": 908, \"cat_8_index\": 926, \"name\": \"FAM3B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 949, \"rank\": 823, \"ini\": 167, \"cat_4_index\": 909, \"group\": [164.0, 157.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 165, \"cat_0_index\": 869, \"cat_6_index\": 935, \"cat_2_index\": 907, \"cat_1_index\": 887, \"rankvar\": 1012, \"cat_9_index\": 941, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 863, \"cat_3_index\": 909, \"cat_8_index\": 927, \"name\": \"KLK11\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 950, \"rank\": 1080, \"ini\": 166, \"cat_4_index\": 910, \"group\": [165.0, 157.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 166, \"cat_0_index\": 870, \"cat_6_index\": 936, \"cat_2_index\": 908, \"cat_1_index\": 888, \"rankvar\": 1144, \"cat_9_index\": 942, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 864, \"cat_3_index\": 910, \"cat_8_index\": 928, \"name\": \"CALCA\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 951, \"rank\": 479, \"ini\": 165, \"cat_4_index\": 911, \"group\": [169.0, 159.0, 126.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 164, \"cat_0_index\": 871, \"cat_6_index\": 937, \"cat_2_index\": 909, \"cat_1_index\": 889, \"rankvar\": 727, \"cat_9_index\": 943, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 865, \"cat_3_index\": 911, \"cat_8_index\": 929, \"name\": \"PLEKHB1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 952, \"rank\": 513, \"ini\": 164, \"cat_4_index\": 912, \"group\": [162.0, 155.0, 125.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 162, \"cat_0_index\": 872, \"cat_6_index\": 938, \"cat_2_index\": 910, \"cat_1_index\": 890, \"rankvar\": 542, \"cat_9_index\": 944, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 866, \"cat_3_index\": 912, \"cat_8_index\": 930, \"name\": \"FOXA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 953, \"rank\": 247, \"ini\": 163, \"cat_4_index\": 913, \"group\": [163.0, 156.0, 125.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 163, \"cat_0_index\": 873, \"cat_6_index\": 939, \"cat_2_index\": 911, \"cat_1_index\": 891, \"rankvar\": 596, \"cat_9_index\": 945, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 867, \"cat_3_index\": 913, \"cat_8_index\": 931, \"name\": \"LOC100505946\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 954, \"rank\": 539, \"ini\": 162, \"cat_4_index\": 914, \"group\": [160.0, 153.0, 124.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 160, \"cat_0_index\": 874, \"cat_6_index\": 940, \"cat_2_index\": 912, \"cat_1_index\": 892, \"rankvar\": 1001, \"cat_9_index\": 946, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 868, \"cat_3_index\": 914, \"cat_8_index\": 932, \"name\": \"CADPS2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 955, \"rank\": 436, \"ini\": 161, \"cat_4_index\": 915, \"group\": [161.0, 154.0, 124.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 161, \"cat_0_index\": 875, \"cat_6_index\": 941, \"cat_2_index\": 913, \"cat_1_index\": 893, \"rankvar\": 612, \"cat_9_index\": 947, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 869, \"cat_3_index\": 915, \"cat_8_index\": 933, \"name\": \"CEACAM5\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 956, \"rank\": 390, \"ini\": 160, \"cat_4_index\": 916, \"group\": [158.0, 151.0, 122.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 158, \"cat_0_index\": 876, \"cat_6_index\": 942, \"cat_2_index\": 914, \"cat_1_index\": 894, \"rankvar\": 517, \"cat_9_index\": 948, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 870, \"cat_3_index\": 916, \"cat_8_index\": 934, \"name\": \"SYT13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 957, \"rank\": 410, \"ini\": 159, \"cat_4_index\": 1138, \"group\": [159.0, 152.0, 123.0, 58.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 159, \"cat_0_index\": 1133, \"cat_6_index\": 943, \"cat_2_index\": 1138, \"cat_1_index\": 1137, \"rankvar\": 362, \"cat_9_index\": 949, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1134, \"cat_3_index\": 1138, \"cat_8_index\": 1138, \"name\": \"PABPC1 Rme1 R419\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 958, \"rank\": 124, \"ini\": 158, \"cat_4_index\": 917, \"group\": [177.0, 163.0, 127.0, 59.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 157, \"cat_0_index\": 877, \"cat_6_index\": 944, \"cat_2_index\": 915, \"cat_1_index\": 895, \"rankvar\": 53, \"cat_9_index\": 950, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 871, \"cat_3_index\": 917, \"cat_8_index\": 935, \"name\": \"DNPEP phospho S109\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 959, \"rank\": 688, \"ini\": 157, \"cat_4_index\": 918, \"group\": [155.0, 148.0, 119.0, 57.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 155, \"cat_0_index\": 878, \"cat_6_index\": 945, \"cat_2_index\": 916, \"cat_1_index\": 896, \"rankvar\": 871, \"cat_9_index\": 951, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 872, \"cat_3_index\": 918, \"cat_8_index\": 936, \"name\": \"HLA-DQB1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 960, \"rank\": 537, \"ini\": 156, \"cat_4_index\": 919, \"group\": [156.0, 149.0, 120.0, 57.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 156, \"cat_0_index\": 879, \"cat_6_index\": 946, \"cat_2_index\": 917, \"cat_1_index\": 897, \"rankvar\": 769, \"cat_9_index\": 952, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 873, \"cat_3_index\": 919, \"cat_8_index\": 937, \"name\": \"SHISA2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 961, \"rank\": 1045, \"ini\": 155, \"cat_4_index\": 920, \"group\": [157.0, 150.0, 121.0, 57.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 154, \"cat_0_index\": 880, \"cat_6_index\": 947, \"cat_2_index\": 918, \"cat_1_index\": 898, \"rankvar\": 1073, \"cat_9_index\": 953, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 874, \"cat_3_index\": 920, \"cat_8_index\": 938, \"name\": \"WFDC2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 962, \"rank\": 253, \"ini\": 154, \"cat_4_index\": 921, \"group\": [153.0, 146.0, 117.0, 56.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 152, \"cat_0_index\": 881, \"cat_6_index\": 948, \"cat_2_index\": 919, \"cat_1_index\": 899, \"rankvar\": 695, \"cat_9_index\": 954, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 875, \"cat_3_index\": 921, \"cat_8_index\": 939, \"name\": \"TMEM47\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 963, \"rank\": 590, \"ini\": 153, \"cat_4_index\": 922, \"group\": [154.0, 147.0, 118.0, 56.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 153, \"cat_0_index\": 882, \"cat_6_index\": 949, \"cat_2_index\": 920, \"cat_1_index\": 900, \"rankvar\": 227, \"cat_9_index\": 955, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 876, \"cat_3_index\": 922, \"cat_8_index\": 940, \"name\": \"PPP2R5A phospho S49\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 964, \"rank\": 843, \"ini\": 152, \"cat_4_index\": 923, \"group\": [151.0, 144.0, 115.0, 55.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 150, \"cat_0_index\": 883, \"cat_6_index\": 950, \"cat_2_index\": 921, \"cat_1_index\": 901, \"rankvar\": 748, \"cat_9_index\": 956, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 877, \"cat_3_index\": 923, \"cat_8_index\": 941, \"name\": \"CPNE4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 965, \"rank\": 28, \"ini\": 151, \"cat_4_index\": 924, \"group\": [152.0, 145.0, 116.0, 55.0, 21.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 151, \"cat_0_index\": 884, \"cat_6_index\": 951, \"cat_2_index\": 922, \"cat_1_index\": 902, \"rankvar\": 85, \"cat_9_index\": 957, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 878, \"cat_3_index\": 924, \"cat_8_index\": 942, \"name\": \"DYRK2 phospho Y382\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 966, \"rank\": 983, \"ini\": 150, \"cat_4_index\": 925, \"group\": [147.0, 141.0, 113.0, 54.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 148, \"cat_0_index\": 885, \"cat_6_index\": 952, \"cat_2_index\": 923, \"cat_1_index\": 903, \"rankvar\": 1110, \"cat_9_index\": 958, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 879, \"cat_3_index\": 925, \"cat_8_index\": 943, \"name\": \"PAK6 phospho T564\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 967, \"rank\": 814, \"ini\": 149, \"cat_4_index\": 926, \"group\": [148.0, 141.0, 113.0, 54.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 149, \"cat_0_index\": 886, \"cat_6_index\": 953, \"cat_2_index\": 924, \"cat_1_index\": 904, \"rankvar\": 519, \"cat_9_index\": 959, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 880, \"cat_3_index\": 926, \"cat_8_index\": 944, \"name\": \"PAK6 phospho S560\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 968, \"rank\": 185, \"ini\": 148, \"cat_4_index\": 927, \"group\": [149.0, 142.0, 113.0, 54.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 147, \"cat_0_index\": 887, \"cat_6_index\": 954, \"cat_2_index\": 925, \"cat_1_index\": 905, \"rankvar\": 722, \"cat_9_index\": 960, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 881, \"cat_3_index\": 927, \"cat_8_index\": 945, \"name\": \"TSTD1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 969, \"rank\": 432, \"ini\": 147, \"cat_4_index\": 928, \"group\": [150.0, 143.0, 114.0, 54.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 146, \"cat_0_index\": 888, \"cat_6_index\": 955, \"cat_2_index\": 926, \"cat_1_index\": 906, \"rankvar\": 131, \"cat_9_index\": 961, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 882, \"cat_3_index\": 928, \"cat_8_index\": 946, \"name\": \"LIMA1 phospho S61\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 970, \"rank\": 622, \"ini\": 146, \"cat_4_index\": 929, \"group\": [144.0, 138.0, 110.0, 53.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 144, \"cat_0_index\": 889, \"cat_6_index\": 956, \"cat_2_index\": 927, \"cat_1_index\": 907, \"rankvar\": 901, \"cat_9_index\": 962, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 883, \"cat_3_index\": 929, \"cat_8_index\": 947, \"name\": \"CRYM\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 971, \"rank\": 161, \"ini\": 145, \"cat_4_index\": 930, \"group\": [145.0, 139.0, 111.0, 53.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 145, \"cat_0_index\": 890, \"cat_6_index\": 957, \"cat_2_index\": 928, \"cat_1_index\": 908, \"rankvar\": 292, \"cat_9_index\": 963, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 884, \"cat_3_index\": 930, \"cat_8_index\": 948, \"name\": \"VPS26B phospho S327\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 972, \"rank\": 395, \"ini\": 144, \"cat_4_index\": 931, \"group\": [146.0, 140.0, 112.0, 53.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 143, \"cat_0_index\": 891, \"cat_6_index\": 958, \"cat_2_index\": 929, \"cat_1_index\": 909, \"rankvar\": 309, \"cat_9_index\": 964, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1135, \"cat_3_index\": 931, \"cat_8_index\": 1139, \"name\": \"EIF4H phospho S230\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 973, \"rank\": 274, \"ini\": 143, \"cat_4_index\": 932, \"group\": [140.0, 134.0, 107.0, 52.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 141, \"cat_0_index\": 892, \"cat_6_index\": 959, \"cat_2_index\": 930, \"cat_1_index\": 910, \"rankvar\": 1039, \"cat_9_index\": 965, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1136, \"cat_3_index\": 932, \"cat_8_index\": 1140, \"name\": \"EPRS phospho T467\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 974, \"rank\": 812, \"ini\": 142, \"cat_4_index\": 933, \"group\": [141.0, 135.0, 107.0, 52.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 142, \"cat_0_index\": 893, \"cat_6_index\": 960, \"cat_2_index\": 931, \"cat_1_index\": 911, \"rankvar\": 312, \"cat_9_index\": 966, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 885, \"cat_3_index\": 933, \"cat_8_index\": 949, \"name\": \"CUL5 phospho S34\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 975, \"rank\": 674, \"ini\": 141, \"cat_4_index\": 934, \"group\": [142.0, 136.0, 108.0, 52.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 140, \"cat_0_index\": 894, \"cat_6_index\": 961, \"cat_2_index\": 932, \"cat_1_index\": 912, \"rankvar\": 93, \"cat_9_index\": 967, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 886, \"cat_3_index\": 934, \"cat_8_index\": 950, \"name\": \"BCL10 phospho T52\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 976, \"rank\": 505, \"ini\": 140, \"cat_4_index\": 935, \"group\": [143.0, 137.0, 109.0, 52.0, 20.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 139, \"cat_0_index\": 895, \"cat_6_index\": 962, \"cat_2_index\": 933, \"cat_1_index\": 913, \"rankvar\": 418, \"cat_9_index\": 968, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 887, \"cat_3_index\": 935, \"cat_8_index\": 951, \"name\": \"SORL1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 977, \"rank\": 189, \"ini\": 139, \"cat_4_index\": 936, \"group\": [136.0, 130.0, 103.0, 51.0, 19.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 137, \"cat_0_index\": 896, \"cat_6_index\": 1146, \"cat_2_index\": 934, \"cat_1_index\": 914, \"rankvar\": 1128, \"cat_9_index\": 969, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 888, \"cat_3_index\": 936, \"cat_8_index\": 952, \"name\": \"RANBP2 phospho S1835\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 978, \"rank\": 225, \"ini\": 138, \"cat_4_index\": 937, \"group\": [137.0, 131.0, 104.0, 51.0, 19.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 138, \"cat_0_index\": 897, \"cat_6_index\": 963, \"cat_2_index\": 935, \"cat_1_index\": 915, \"rankvar\": 241, \"cat_9_index\": 970, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 889, \"cat_3_index\": 937, \"cat_8_index\": 953, \"name\": \"NAV2 phospho S1970\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 979, \"rank\": 676, \"ini\": 137, \"cat_4_index\": 938, \"group\": [138.0, 132.0, 105.0, 51.0, 19.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 136, \"cat_0_index\": 898, \"cat_6_index\": 964, \"cat_2_index\": 936, \"cat_1_index\": 916, \"rankvar\": 784, \"cat_9_index\": 971, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 890, \"cat_3_index\": 938, \"cat_8_index\": 954, \"name\": \"BRPF1 phospho T56\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 980, \"rank\": 700, \"ini\": 136, \"cat_4_index\": 939, \"group\": [139.0, 133.0, 106.0, 51.0, 19.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 135, \"cat_0_index\": 899, \"cat_6_index\": 965, \"cat_2_index\": 937, \"cat_1_index\": 917, \"rankvar\": 710, \"cat_9_index\": 972, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 891, \"cat_3_index\": 939, \"cat_8_index\": 955, \"name\": \"KISS1R\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 981, \"rank\": 1113, \"ini\": 135, \"cat_4_index\": 940, \"group\": [132.0, 127.0, 101.0, 50.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 133, \"cat_0_index\": 900, \"cat_6_index\": 966, \"cat_2_index\": 938, \"cat_1_index\": 918, \"rankvar\": 1097, \"cat_9_index\": 973, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 892, \"cat_3_index\": 940, \"cat_8_index\": 956, \"name\": \"NKX2-1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 982, \"rank\": 66, \"ini\": 134, \"cat_4_index\": 941, \"group\": [133.0, 127.0, 101.0, 50.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 134, \"cat_0_index\": 901, \"cat_6_index\": 967, \"cat_2_index\": 939, \"cat_1_index\": 919, \"rankvar\": 464, \"cat_9_index\": 974, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 893, \"cat_3_index\": 941, \"cat_8_index\": 957, \"name\": \"SFTA3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 983, \"rank\": 589, \"ini\": 133, \"cat_4_index\": 942, \"group\": [134.0, 128.0, 101.0, 50.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 132, \"cat_0_index\": 902, \"cat_6_index\": 968, \"cat_2_index\": 940, \"cat_1_index\": 920, \"rankvar\": 225, \"cat_9_index\": 975, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 894, \"cat_3_index\": 942, \"cat_8_index\": 958, \"name\": \"NKX2-1 Rme1 R121\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 984, \"rank\": 55, \"ini\": 132, \"cat_4_index\": 943, \"group\": [135.0, 129.0, 102.0, 50.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 131, \"cat_0_index\": 903, \"cat_6_index\": 969, \"cat_2_index\": 941, \"cat_1_index\": 921, \"rankvar\": 51, \"cat_9_index\": 976, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 895, \"cat_3_index\": 943, \"cat_8_index\": 959, \"name\": \"RABL6 phospho Y726\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 985, \"rank\": 201, \"ini\": 131, \"cat_4_index\": 944, \"group\": [128.0, 124.0, 99.0, 49.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 129, \"cat_0_index\": 904, \"cat_6_index\": 970, \"cat_2_index\": 942, \"cat_1_index\": 922, \"rankvar\": 867, \"cat_9_index\": 977, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 896, \"cat_3_index\": 944, \"cat_8_index\": 960, \"name\": \"MARCKSL1 phospho T148\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 986, \"rank\": 633, \"ini\": 130, \"cat_4_index\": 945, \"group\": [129.0, 124.0, 99.0, 49.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 130, \"cat_0_index\": 905, \"cat_6_index\": 971, \"cat_2_index\": 943, \"cat_1_index\": 923, \"rankvar\": 391, \"cat_9_index\": 978, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 897, \"cat_3_index\": 945, \"cat_8_index\": 961, \"name\": \"MARCKSL1 phospho S151\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 987, \"rank\": 470, \"ini\": 129, \"cat_4_index\": 946, \"group\": [130.0, 125.0, 99.0, 49.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 128, \"cat_0_index\": 906, \"cat_6_index\": 972, \"cat_2_index\": 944, \"cat_1_index\": 924, \"rankvar\": 597, \"cat_9_index\": 979, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 898, \"cat_3_index\": 946, \"cat_8_index\": 962, \"name\": \"MARCKSL1 phospho S71\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 988, \"rank\": 211, \"ini\": 128, \"cat_4_index\": 947, \"group\": [131.0, 126.0, 100.0, 49.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 127, \"cat_0_index\": 907, \"cat_6_index\": 973, \"cat_2_index\": 945, \"cat_1_index\": 925, \"rankvar\": 580, \"cat_9_index\": 980, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 899, \"cat_3_index\": 947, \"cat_8_index\": 963, \"name\": \"SOX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 989, \"rank\": 1053, \"ini\": 127, \"cat_4_index\": 948, \"group\": [126.0, 122.0, 97.0, 48.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 125, \"cat_0_index\": 908, \"cat_6_index\": 974, \"cat_2_index\": 946, \"cat_1_index\": 926, \"rankvar\": 617, \"cat_9_index\": 981, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 900, \"cat_3_index\": 948, \"cat_8_index\": 964, \"name\": \"ID4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 990, \"rank\": 1123, \"ini\": 126, \"cat_4_index\": 949, \"group\": [127.0, 123.0, 98.0, 48.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 126, \"cat_0_index\": 909, \"cat_6_index\": 975, \"cat_2_index\": 947, \"cat_1_index\": 927, \"rankvar\": 586, \"cat_9_index\": 982, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 901, \"cat_3_index\": 949, \"cat_8_index\": 965, \"name\": \"GPNMB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 991, \"rank\": 800, \"ini\": 125, \"cat_4_index\": 950, \"group\": [124.0, 120.0, 95.0, 47.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 123, \"cat_0_index\": 910, \"cat_6_index\": 976, \"cat_2_index\": 948, \"cat_1_index\": 928, \"rankvar\": 504, \"cat_9_index\": 983, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 902, \"cat_3_index\": 950, \"cat_8_index\": 966, \"name\": \"SGCE\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 992, \"rank\": 807, \"ini\": 124, \"cat_4_index\": 951, \"group\": [125.0, 121.0, 96.0, 47.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 124, \"cat_0_index\": 911, \"cat_6_index\": 977, \"cat_2_index\": 949, \"cat_1_index\": 929, \"rankvar\": 1150, \"cat_9_index\": 984, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 903, \"cat_3_index\": 951, \"cat_8_index\": 967, \"name\": \"PEG10\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 993, \"rank\": 404, \"ini\": 123, \"cat_4_index\": 952, \"group\": [122.0, 118.0, 93.0, 46.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 121, \"cat_0_index\": 912, \"cat_6_index\": 978, \"cat_2_index\": 950, \"cat_1_index\": 930, \"rankvar\": 904, \"cat_9_index\": 985, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 904, \"cat_3_index\": 952, \"cat_8_index\": 968, \"name\": \"ZNF518B\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 994, \"rank\": 1018, \"ini\": 122, \"cat_4_index\": 953, \"group\": [123.0, 119.0, 94.0, 46.0, 18.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 122, \"cat_0_index\": 913, \"cat_6_index\": 979, \"cat_2_index\": 951, \"cat_1_index\": 931, \"rankvar\": 969, \"cat_9_index\": 986, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 905, \"cat_3_index\": 953, \"cat_8_index\": 969, \"name\": \"CTHRC1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 995, \"rank\": 718, \"ini\": 121, \"cat_4_index\": 954, \"group\": [119.0, 115.0, 90.0, 44.0, 17.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 119, \"cat_0_index\": 914, \"cat_6_index\": 980, \"cat_2_index\": 952, \"cat_1_index\": 932, \"rankvar\": 345, \"cat_9_index\": 987, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 906, \"cat_3_index\": 954, \"cat_8_index\": 970, \"name\": \"KRT13 Rme1 R27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 996, \"rank\": 799, \"ini\": 120, \"cat_4_index\": 1139, \"group\": [120.0, 116.0, 91.0, 44.0, 17.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 120, \"cat_0_index\": 1134, \"cat_6_index\": 981, \"cat_2_index\": 1139, \"cat_1_index\": 1138, \"rankvar\": 355, \"cat_9_index\": 988, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1137, \"cat_3_index\": 1139, \"cat_8_index\": 1141, \"name\": \"HNRNPA0 Rme1 R284\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 997, \"rank\": 411, \"ini\": 119, \"cat_4_index\": 955, \"group\": [121.0, 117.0, 92.0, 45.0, 17.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 118, \"cat_0_index\": 915, \"cat_6_index\": 982, \"cat_2_index\": 953, \"cat_1_index\": 933, \"rankvar\": 73, \"cat_9_index\": 989, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 907, \"cat_3_index\": 955, \"cat_8_index\": 971, \"name\": \"STAT5A phospho Y694\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 998, \"rank\": 570, \"ini\": 118, \"cat_4_index\": 956, \"group\": [116.0, 112.0, 87.0, 43.0, 16.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 116, \"cat_0_index\": 916, \"cat_6_index\": 983, \"cat_2_index\": 954, \"cat_1_index\": 934, \"rankvar\": 360, \"cat_9_index\": 990, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 908, \"cat_3_index\": 956, \"cat_8_index\": 972, \"name\": \"TLK2 phospho T78\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 999, \"rank\": 119, \"ini\": 117, \"cat_4_index\": 957, \"group\": [117.0, 113.0, 88.0, 43.0, 16.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 117, \"cat_0_index\": 917, \"cat_6_index\": 984, \"cat_2_index\": 955, \"cat_1_index\": 935, \"rankvar\": 111, \"cat_9_index\": 1149, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 909, \"cat_3_index\": 957, \"cat_8_index\": 973, \"name\": \"ARL3 phospho S58\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1000, \"rank\": 316, \"ini\": 116, \"cat_4_index\": 958, \"group\": [118.0, 114.0, 89.0, 43.0, 16.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 115, \"cat_0_index\": 918, \"cat_6_index\": 985, \"cat_2_index\": 956, \"cat_1_index\": 936, \"rankvar\": 937, \"cat_9_index\": 991, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 910, \"cat_3_index\": 958, \"cat_8_index\": 974, \"name\": \"RIPK1 phospho S320\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1001, \"rank\": 1148, \"ini\": 115, \"cat_4_index\": 959, \"group\": [114.0, 110.0, 86.0, 42.0, 16.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 113, \"cat_0_index\": 919, \"cat_6_index\": 986, \"cat_2_index\": 957, \"cat_1_index\": 937, \"rankvar\": 1079, \"cat_9_index\": 992, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 911, \"cat_3_index\": 959, \"cat_8_index\": 975, \"name\": \"RBM14 phospho Y576\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1002, \"rank\": 699, \"ini\": 114, \"cat_4_index\": 960, \"group\": [115.0, 111.0, 86.0, 42.0, 16.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 114, \"cat_0_index\": 920, \"cat_6_index\": 987, \"cat_2_index\": 958, \"cat_1_index\": 938, \"rankvar\": 90, \"cat_9_index\": 993, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 912, \"cat_3_index\": 960, \"cat_8_index\": 976, \"name\": \"RBM14 phospho S562\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1003, \"rank\": 803, \"ini\": 113, \"cat_4_index\": 961, \"group\": [111.0, 107.0, 83.0, 41.0, 15.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 111, \"cat_0_index\": 921, \"cat_6_index\": 988, \"cat_2_index\": 959, \"cat_1_index\": 939, \"rankvar\": 314, \"cat_9_index\": 994, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 913, \"cat_3_index\": 961, \"cat_8_index\": 977, \"name\": \"MPLKIP Rme1 R117\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1004, \"rank\": 546, \"ini\": 112, \"cat_4_index\": 962, \"group\": [112.0, 108.0, 84.0, 41.0, 15.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 112, \"cat_0_index\": 922, \"cat_6_index\": 989, \"cat_2_index\": 960, \"cat_1_index\": 940, \"rankvar\": 562, \"cat_9_index\": 995, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 914, \"cat_3_index\": 962, \"cat_8_index\": 978, \"name\": \"HIST1H1C phospho T31\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1005, \"rank\": 667, \"ini\": 111, \"cat_4_index\": 963, \"group\": [113.0, 109.0, 85.0, 41.0, 15.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 110, \"cat_0_index\": 923, \"cat_6_index\": 990, \"cat_2_index\": 961, \"cat_1_index\": 941, \"rankvar\": 961, \"cat_9_index\": 996, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 915, \"cat_3_index\": 963, \"cat_8_index\": 979, \"name\": \"PPP6R3 phospho T631\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1006, \"rank\": 2, \"ini\": 110, \"cat_4_index\": 1140, \"group\": [105.0, 101.0, 80.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 108, \"cat_0_index\": 1135, \"cat_6_index\": 991, \"cat_2_index\": 1140, \"cat_1_index\": 1139, \"rankvar\": 361, \"cat_9_index\": 997, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1138, \"cat_3_index\": 1140, \"cat_8_index\": 980, \"name\": \"HNRNPA3 Rme1 R286\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1007, \"rank\": 54, \"ini\": 109, \"cat_4_index\": 964, \"group\": [106.0, 102.0, 80.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 109, \"cat_0_index\": 924, \"cat_6_index\": 992, \"cat_2_index\": 962, \"cat_1_index\": 942, \"rankvar\": 347, \"cat_9_index\": 998, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 916, \"cat_3_index\": 964, \"cat_8_index\": 1142, \"name\": \"CIRBP Rme1 R121\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1008, \"rank\": 926, \"ini\": 108, \"cat_4_index\": 965, \"group\": [107.0, 103.0, 80.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 107, \"cat_0_index\": 925, \"cat_6_index\": 993, \"cat_2_index\": 963, \"cat_1_index\": 943, \"rankvar\": 191, \"cat_9_index\": 999, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 917, \"cat_3_index\": 965, \"cat_8_index\": 981, \"name\": \"FUBP1 Rme1 R359\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1009, \"rank\": 180, \"ini\": 107, \"cat_4_index\": 966, \"group\": [108.0, 104.0, 80.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 106, \"cat_0_index\": 926, \"cat_6_index\": 994, \"cat_2_index\": 964, \"cat_1_index\": 944, \"rankvar\": 1121, \"cat_9_index\": 1000, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 918, \"cat_3_index\": 966, \"cat_8_index\": 1143, \"name\": \"SERBP1 Rme1 R181\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1010, \"rank\": 25, \"ini\": 106, \"cat_4_index\": 967, \"group\": [109.0, 105.0, 81.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 105, \"cat_0_index\": 1136, \"cat_6_index\": 995, \"cat_2_index\": 965, \"cat_1_index\": 945, \"rankvar\": 574, \"cat_9_index\": 1001, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 919, \"cat_3_index\": 967, \"cat_8_index\": 1144, \"name\": \"KHDRBS1 Rme1 R331\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1011, \"rank\": 836, \"ini\": 105, \"cat_4_index\": 968, \"group\": [103.0, 99.0, 79.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 103, \"cat_0_index\": 927, \"cat_6_index\": 996, \"cat_2_index\": 966, \"cat_1_index\": 946, \"rankvar\": 876, \"cat_9_index\": 1002, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 920, \"cat_3_index\": 968, \"cat_8_index\": 982, \"name\": \"TAF15 Rme1 R483\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1012, \"rank\": 1139, \"ini\": 104, \"cat_4_index\": 969, \"group\": [104.0, 100.0, 79.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 104, \"cat_0_index\": 928, \"cat_6_index\": 997, \"cat_2_index\": 967, \"cat_1_index\": 947, \"rankvar\": 327, \"cat_9_index\": 1003, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 921, \"cat_3_index\": 969, \"cat_8_index\": 983, \"name\": \"TAF15 Rme1 R206\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1013, \"rank\": 154, \"ini\": 103, \"cat_4_index\": 970, \"group\": [100.0, 97.0, 79.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 101, \"cat_0_index\": 929, \"cat_6_index\": 998, \"cat_2_index\": 968, \"cat_1_index\": 948, \"rankvar\": 779, \"cat_9_index\": 1004, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 922, \"cat_3_index\": 970, \"cat_8_index\": 984, \"name\": \"TAF15 Rme1 R187\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1014, \"rank\": 352, \"ini\": 102, \"cat_4_index\": 971, \"group\": [101.0, 97.0, 79.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 102, \"cat_0_index\": 930, \"cat_6_index\": 999, \"cat_2_index\": 969, \"cat_1_index\": 949, \"rankvar\": 1075, \"cat_9_index\": 1005, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 923, \"cat_3_index\": 971, \"cat_8_index\": 985, \"name\": \"TAF15 Rme1 R185\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1015, \"rank\": 502, \"ini\": 101, \"cat_4_index\": 972, \"group\": [102.0, 98.0, 79.0, 39.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 100, \"cat_0_index\": 931, \"cat_6_index\": 1000, \"cat_2_index\": 970, \"cat_1_index\": 950, \"rankvar\": 856, \"cat_9_index\": 1006, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 924, \"cat_3_index\": 972, \"cat_8_index\": 986, \"name\": \"TAF15 Rme1 R459\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1016, \"rank\": 105, \"ini\": 100, \"cat_4_index\": 973, \"group\": [98.0, 95.0, 78.0, 38.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 98, \"cat_0_index\": 932, \"cat_6_index\": 1001, \"cat_2_index\": 971, \"cat_1_index\": 951, \"rankvar\": 918, \"cat_9_index\": 1007, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 925, \"cat_3_index\": 973, \"cat_8_index\": 987, \"name\": \"KRT7 Rme1 R13\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1017, \"rank\": 58, \"ini\": 99, \"cat_4_index\": 974, \"group\": [99.0, 96.0, 78.0, 38.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 99, \"cat_0_index\": 933, \"cat_6_index\": 1002, \"cat_2_index\": 972, \"cat_1_index\": 952, \"rankvar\": 1135, \"cat_9_index\": 1008, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 926, \"cat_3_index\": 974, \"cat_8_index\": 988, \"name\": \"FAM208A phospho S1103\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1018, \"rank\": 801, \"ini\": 98, \"cat_4_index\": 975, \"group\": [96.0, 93.0, 76.0, 37.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 96, \"cat_0_index\": 934, \"cat_6_index\": 1003, \"cat_2_index\": 973, \"cat_1_index\": 953, \"rankvar\": 511, \"cat_9_index\": 1009, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 927, \"cat_3_index\": 975, \"cat_8_index\": 989, \"name\": \"SEC16A phospho S164\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1019, \"rank\": 261, \"ini\": 97, \"cat_4_index\": 976, \"group\": [97.0, 94.0, 77.0, 37.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 97, \"cat_0_index\": 935, \"cat_6_index\": 1004, \"cat_2_index\": 974, \"cat_1_index\": 954, \"rankvar\": 651, \"cat_9_index\": 1010, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 928, \"cat_3_index\": 976, \"cat_8_index\": 990, \"name\": \"ACLY phospho S451\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1020, \"rank\": 1005, \"ini\": 96, \"cat_4_index\": 977, \"group\": [110.0, 106.0, 82.0, 40.0, 14.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 95, \"cat_0_index\": 936, \"cat_6_index\": 1005, \"cat_2_index\": 975, \"cat_1_index\": 955, \"rankvar\": 558, \"cat_9_index\": 1011, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 929, \"cat_3_index\": 977, \"cat_8_index\": 991, \"name\": \"GSTP1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1021, \"rank\": 858, \"ini\": 95, \"cat_4_index\": 1141, \"group\": [92.0, 90.0, 74.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 93, \"cat_0_index\": 1137, \"cat_6_index\": 1006, \"cat_2_index\": 1141, \"cat_1_index\": 1140, \"rankvar\": 820, \"cat_9_index\": 1012, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1139, \"cat_3_index\": 1141, \"cat_8_index\": 992, \"name\": \"HNRNPA1 Rme1 R206\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1022, \"rank\": 176, \"ini\": 94, \"cat_4_index\": 1142, \"group\": [93.0, 90.0, 74.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 94, \"cat_0_index\": 1138, \"cat_6_index\": 1007, \"cat_2_index\": 1142, \"cat_1_index\": 1141, \"rankvar\": 1038, \"cat_9_index\": 1013, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1140, \"cat_3_index\": 1142, \"cat_8_index\": 993, \"name\": \"HNRNPA1 Rme1 R194\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1023, \"rank\": 660, \"ini\": 93, \"cat_4_index\": 978, \"group\": [94.0, 91.0, 74.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 92, \"cat_0_index\": 1139, \"cat_6_index\": 1008, \"cat_2_index\": 976, \"cat_1_index\": 956, \"rankvar\": 783, \"cat_9_index\": 1014, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 930, \"cat_3_index\": 978, \"cat_8_index\": 1145, \"name\": \"KHDRBS1 Rme1 R340\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1024, \"rank\": 414, \"ini\": 92, \"cat_4_index\": 979, \"group\": [95.0, 92.0, 75.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 91, \"cat_0_index\": 1140, \"cat_6_index\": 1009, \"cat_2_index\": 977, \"cat_1_index\": 957, \"rankvar\": 1081, \"cat_9_index\": 1015, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 931, \"cat_3_index\": 979, \"cat_8_index\": 1146, \"name\": \"KHDRBS1 Rme1 R320\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1025, \"rank\": 538, \"ini\": 91, \"cat_4_index\": 980, \"group\": [89.0, 88.0, 73.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 89, \"cat_0_index\": 937, \"cat_6_index\": 1010, \"cat_2_index\": 978, \"cat_1_index\": 958, \"rankvar\": 642, \"cat_9_index\": 1016, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 932, \"cat_3_index\": 980, \"cat_8_index\": 994, \"name\": \"EWSR1 Rme1 R486\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1026, \"rank\": 200, \"ini\": 90, \"cat_4_index\": 981, \"group\": [90.0, 88.0, 73.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 90, \"cat_0_index\": 938, \"cat_6_index\": 1011, \"cat_2_index\": 979, \"cat_1_index\": 959, \"rankvar\": 970, \"cat_9_index\": 1017, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 933, \"cat_3_index\": 981, \"cat_8_index\": 995, \"name\": \"EWSR1 Rme1 R471\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1027, \"rank\": 1084, \"ini\": 89, \"cat_4_index\": 982, \"group\": [91.0, 89.0, 73.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 88, \"cat_0_index\": 939, \"cat_6_index\": 1012, \"cat_2_index\": 980, \"cat_1_index\": 960, \"rankvar\": 1030, \"cat_9_index\": 1018, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 934, \"cat_3_index\": 982, \"cat_8_index\": 996, \"name\": \"SAFB Rme1 R749\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1028, \"rank\": 313, \"ini\": 88, \"cat_4_index\": 1143, \"group\": [86.0, 85.0, 72.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 86, \"cat_0_index\": 1141, \"cat_6_index\": 1013, \"cat_2_index\": 1143, \"cat_1_index\": 1142, \"rankvar\": 770, \"cat_9_index\": 1019, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1141, \"cat_3_index\": 1143, \"cat_8_index\": 1147, \"name\": \"HNRNPD Rme1 R278\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1029, \"rank\": 763, \"ini\": 87, \"cat_4_index\": 1144, \"group\": [87.0, 86.0, 72.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 87, \"cat_0_index\": 1142, \"cat_6_index\": 1014, \"cat_2_index\": 1144, \"cat_1_index\": 1143, \"rankvar\": 685, \"cat_9_index\": 1020, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1142, \"cat_3_index\": 1144, \"cat_8_index\": 1148, \"name\": \"HNRNPD Rme1 R272\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1030, \"rank\": 359, \"ini\": 86, \"cat_4_index\": 1145, \"group\": [88.0, 87.0, 72.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 85, \"cat_0_index\": 1143, \"cat_6_index\": 1015, \"cat_2_index\": 1145, \"cat_1_index\": 1144, \"rankvar\": 827, \"cat_9_index\": 1021, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1143, \"cat_3_index\": 1145, \"cat_8_index\": 1149, \"name\": \"HNRNPD Rme1 R282\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1031, \"rank\": 1024, \"ini\": 85, \"cat_4_index\": 1146, \"group\": [83.0, 83.0, 71.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 83, \"cat_0_index\": 1144, \"cat_6_index\": 1016, \"cat_2_index\": 1146, \"cat_1_index\": 1145, \"rankvar\": 1142, \"cat_9_index\": 1022, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1144, \"cat_3_index\": 1146, \"cat_8_index\": 997, \"name\": \"FUS Rme1 R503\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1032, \"rank\": 951, \"ini\": 84, \"cat_4_index\": 983, \"group\": [84.0, 83.0, 71.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 84, \"cat_0_index\": 940, \"cat_6_index\": 1017, \"cat_2_index\": 981, \"cat_1_index\": 961, \"rankvar\": 649, \"cat_9_index\": 1023, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 935, \"cat_3_index\": 983, \"cat_8_index\": 998, \"name\": \"API5 Rme1 R500\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1033, \"rank\": 191, \"ini\": 83, \"cat_4_index\": 1147, \"group\": [85.0, 84.0, 71.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 82, \"cat_0_index\": 1145, \"cat_6_index\": 1018, \"cat_2_index\": 1147, \"cat_1_index\": 1146, \"rankvar\": 1049, \"cat_9_index\": 1024, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 936, \"cat_3_index\": 1147, \"cat_8_index\": 999, \"name\": \"TRA2B Rme1 R241\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1034, \"rank\": 336, \"ini\": 82, \"cat_4_index\": 1148, \"group\": [81.0, 81.0, 70.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 80, \"cat_0_index\": 1146, \"cat_6_index\": 1019, \"cat_2_index\": 1148, \"cat_1_index\": 1147, \"rankvar\": 422, \"cat_9_index\": 1025, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1145, \"cat_3_index\": 1148, \"cat_8_index\": 1000, \"name\": \"HNRNPA3 Rme1 R214\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1035, \"rank\": 233, \"ini\": 81, \"cat_4_index\": 1149, \"group\": [82.0, 82.0, 70.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 81, \"cat_0_index\": 1147, \"cat_6_index\": 1020, \"cat_2_index\": 1149, \"cat_1_index\": 1148, \"rankvar\": 743, \"cat_9_index\": 1026, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1146, \"cat_3_index\": 1149, \"cat_8_index\": 1001, \"name\": \"FUS Rme1 R242\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1036, \"rank\": 811, \"ini\": 80, \"cat_4_index\": 984, \"group\": [79.0, 79.0, 68.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 78, \"cat_0_index\": 941, \"cat_6_index\": 1021, \"cat_2_index\": 982, \"cat_1_index\": 962, \"rankvar\": 715, \"cat_9_index\": 1027, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 937, \"cat_3_index\": 984, \"cat_8_index\": 1002, \"name\": \"HNRNPUL2 Rme1 R684\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1037, \"rank\": 434, \"ini\": 79, \"cat_4_index\": 985, \"group\": [80.0, 80.0, 69.0, 36.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 79, \"cat_0_index\": 942, \"cat_6_index\": 1022, \"cat_2_index\": 983, \"cat_1_index\": 963, \"rankvar\": 967, \"cat_9_index\": 1028, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 938, \"cat_3_index\": 985, \"cat_8_index\": 1003, \"name\": \"CCDC14 phospho S96\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1038, \"rank\": 1096, \"ini\": 78, \"cat_4_index\": 986, \"group\": [77.0, 77.0, 66.0, 35.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 76, \"cat_0_index\": 943, \"cat_6_index\": 1023, \"cat_2_index\": 984, \"cat_1_index\": 964, \"rankvar\": 534, \"cat_9_index\": 1029, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 939, \"cat_3_index\": 986, \"cat_8_index\": 1004, \"name\": \"SAFB Rme1 R751\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1039, \"rank\": 398, \"ini\": 77, \"cat_4_index\": 987, \"group\": [78.0, 78.0, 67.0, 35.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 77, \"cat_0_index\": 944, \"cat_6_index\": 1024, \"cat_2_index\": 985, \"cat_1_index\": 965, \"rankvar\": 272, \"cat_9_index\": 1030, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 940, \"cat_3_index\": 987, \"cat_8_index\": 1150, \"name\": \"ILF3 Rme1 R609\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1040, \"rank\": 797, \"ini\": 76, \"cat_4_index\": 988, \"group\": [74.0, 74.0, 64.0, 34.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 74, \"cat_0_index\": 945, \"cat_6_index\": 1025, \"cat_2_index\": 986, \"cat_1_index\": 966, \"rankvar\": 343, \"cat_9_index\": 1031, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 941, \"cat_3_index\": 988, \"cat_8_index\": 1005, \"name\": \"PABPC4 Rme1 R518\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1041, \"rank\": 834, \"ini\": 75, \"cat_4_index\": 1150, \"group\": [75.0, 75.0, 64.0, 34.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 75, \"cat_0_index\": 1148, \"cat_6_index\": 1026, \"cat_2_index\": 1150, \"cat_1_index\": 1149, \"rankvar\": 500, \"cat_9_index\": 1032, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1147, \"cat_3_index\": 1150, \"cat_8_index\": 1006, \"name\": \"HNRNPA1 Rme1 R225\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1042, \"rank\": 165, \"ini\": 74, \"cat_4_index\": 989, \"group\": [76.0, 76.0, 65.0, 34.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 73, \"cat_0_index\": 946, \"cat_6_index\": 1027, \"cat_2_index\": 987, \"cat_1_index\": 967, \"rankvar\": 270, \"cat_9_index\": 1033, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 942, \"cat_3_index\": 989, \"cat_8_index\": 1007, \"name\": \"NCL Rme1 R694\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1043, \"rank\": 511, \"ini\": 73, \"cat_4_index\": 1151, \"group\": [72.0, 72.0, 63.0, 34.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 71, \"cat_0_index\": 1149, \"cat_6_index\": 1028, \"cat_2_index\": 1151, \"cat_1_index\": 1150, \"rankvar\": 28, \"cat_9_index\": 1034, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1148, \"cat_3_index\": 1151, \"cat_8_index\": 1151, \"name\": \"HNRNPD Rme1 R345\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1044, \"rank\": 367, \"ini\": 72, \"cat_4_index\": 1152, \"group\": [73.0, 73.0, 63.0, 34.0, 13.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 72, \"cat_0_index\": 1150, \"cat_6_index\": 1029, \"cat_2_index\": 1152, \"cat_1_index\": 1151, \"rankvar\": 223, \"cat_9_index\": 1035, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1149, \"cat_3_index\": 1152, \"cat_8_index\": 1008, \"name\": \"HNRNPA3 Rme1 R246\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1045, \"rank\": 232, \"ini\": 71, \"cat_4_index\": 990, \"group\": [70.0, 70.0, 61.0, 33.0, 12.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 69, \"cat_0_index\": 947, \"cat_6_index\": 1030, \"cat_2_index\": 988, \"cat_1_index\": 968, \"rankvar\": 604, \"cat_9_index\": 1036, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 943, \"cat_3_index\": 990, \"cat_8_index\": 1009, \"name\": \"CYB5R2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1046, \"rank\": 852, \"ini\": 70, \"cat_4_index\": 991, \"group\": [71.0, 71.0, 62.0, 33.0, 12.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 70, \"cat_0_index\": 948, \"cat_6_index\": 1031, \"cat_2_index\": 989, \"cat_1_index\": 969, \"rankvar\": 699, \"cat_9_index\": 1037, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 944, \"cat_3_index\": 991, \"cat_8_index\": 1010, \"name\": \"CMAS Rme1 R16\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1047, \"rank\": 255, \"ini\": 69, \"cat_4_index\": 992, \"group\": [68.0, 68.0, 59.0, 32.0, 11.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 67, \"cat_0_index\": 949, \"cat_6_index\": 1032, \"cat_2_index\": 990, \"cat_1_index\": 970, \"rankvar\": 930, \"cat_9_index\": 1038, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 945, \"cat_3_index\": 992, \"cat_8_index\": 1011, \"name\": \"ARMCX1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1048, \"rank\": 407, \"ini\": 68, \"cat_4_index\": 993, \"group\": [69.0, 69.0, 60.0, 32.0, 11.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 68, \"cat_0_index\": 950, \"cat_6_index\": 1033, \"cat_2_index\": 991, \"cat_1_index\": 971, \"rankvar\": 350, \"cat_9_index\": 1039, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 946, \"cat_3_index\": 993, \"cat_8_index\": 1012, \"name\": \"DAZAP1 Rme1 R253\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1147, \"rank\": 890, \"ini\": 67, \"cat_4_index\": 994, \"group\": [66.0, 66.0, 57.0, 31.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 65, \"cat_0_index\": 951, \"cat_6_index\": 1034, \"cat_2_index\": 992, \"cat_1_index\": 972, \"rankvar\": 1106, \"cat_9_index\": 1040, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 947, \"cat_3_index\": 994, \"cat_8_index\": 1013, \"name\": \"NUMA1 phospho T2000\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1148, \"rank\": 1153, \"ini\": 66, \"cat_4_index\": 995, \"group\": [67.0, 67.0, 58.0, 31.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 66, \"cat_0_index\": 952, \"cat_6_index\": 1035, \"cat_2_index\": 993, \"cat_1_index\": 973, \"rankvar\": 601, \"cat_9_index\": 1041, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 948, \"cat_3_index\": 995, \"cat_8_index\": 1014, \"name\": \"NUMA1 phospho S1887\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1049, \"rank\": 774, \"ini\": 65, \"cat_4_index\": 996, \"group\": [64.0, 64.0, 56.0, 31.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 63, \"cat_0_index\": 953, \"cat_6_index\": 1036, \"cat_2_index\": 994, \"cat_1_index\": 974, \"rankvar\": 449, \"cat_9_index\": 1042, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 949, \"cat_3_index\": 996, \"cat_8_index\": 1015, \"name\": \"TMPO phospho T160\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1149, \"rank\": 71, \"ini\": 64, \"cat_4_index\": 997, \"group\": [65.0, 65.0, 56.0, 31.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 64, \"cat_0_index\": 954, \"cat_6_index\": 1037, \"cat_2_index\": 995, \"cat_1_index\": 975, \"rankvar\": 1017, \"cat_9_index\": 1043, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 950, \"cat_3_index\": 997, \"cat_8_index\": 1016, \"name\": \"NUMA1 phospho T2015\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1050, \"rank\": 392, \"ini\": 63, \"cat_4_index\": 998, \"group\": [62.0, 62.0, 55.0, 30.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 61, \"cat_0_index\": 955, \"cat_6_index\": 1038, \"cat_2_index\": 996, \"cat_1_index\": 976, \"rankvar\": 785, \"cat_9_index\": 1044, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 951, \"cat_3_index\": 998, \"cat_8_index\": 1017, \"name\": \"RSF1 phospho T1305\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1051, \"rank\": 148, \"ini\": 62, \"cat_4_index\": 999, \"group\": [63.0, 63.0, 55.0, 30.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 62, \"cat_0_index\": 956, \"cat_6_index\": 1039, \"cat_2_index\": 997, \"cat_1_index\": 977, \"rankvar\": 750, \"cat_9_index\": 1045, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 952, \"cat_3_index\": 999, \"cat_8_index\": 1018, \"name\": \"RSF1 phospho S1310\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1052, \"rank\": 331, \"ini\": 61, \"cat_4_index\": 1000, \"group\": [59.0, 59.0, 53.0, 29.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 59, \"cat_0_index\": 957, \"cat_6_index\": 1040, \"cat_2_index\": 998, \"cat_1_index\": 978, \"rankvar\": 434, \"cat_9_index\": 1046, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 953, \"cat_3_index\": 1000, \"cat_8_index\": 1019, \"name\": \"IRF2BP1 phospho S436\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1053, \"rank\": 596, \"ini\": 60, \"cat_4_index\": 1001, \"group\": [60.0, 60.0, 53.0, 29.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 60, \"cat_0_index\": 958, \"cat_6_index\": 1041, \"cat_2_index\": 999, \"cat_1_index\": 979, \"rankvar\": 148, \"cat_9_index\": 1047, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 954, \"cat_3_index\": 1001, \"cat_8_index\": 1020, \"name\": \"BCLAF1 phospho S690\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1054, \"rank\": 93, \"ini\": 59, \"cat_4_index\": 1002, \"group\": [61.0, 61.0, 54.0, 29.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 58, \"cat_0_index\": 959, \"cat_6_index\": 1042, \"cat_2_index\": 1000, \"cat_1_index\": 980, \"rankvar\": 282, \"cat_9_index\": 1048, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 955, \"cat_3_index\": 1002, \"cat_8_index\": 1021, \"name\": \"KANSL1 phospho S1045\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1055, \"rank\": 876, \"ini\": 58, \"cat_4_index\": 1003, \"group\": [57.0, 57.0, 51.0, 27.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 56, \"cat_0_index\": 960, \"cat_6_index\": 1043, \"cat_2_index\": 1001, \"cat_1_index\": 981, \"rankvar\": 333, \"cat_9_index\": 1049, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 956, \"cat_3_index\": 1003, \"cat_8_index\": 1022, \"name\": \"N4BP2 phospho T1210\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1056, \"rank\": 879, \"ini\": 57, \"cat_4_index\": 1004, \"group\": [58.0, 58.0, 52.0, 28.0, 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 57, \"cat_0_index\": 961, \"cat_6_index\": 1044, \"cat_2_index\": 1002, \"cat_1_index\": 982, \"rankvar\": 1123, \"cat_9_index\": 1050, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1150, \"cat_3_index\": 1004, \"cat_8_index\": 1023, \"name\": \"CDK9 phospho S347\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1057, \"rank\": 791, \"ini\": 56, \"cat_4_index\": 1005, \"group\": [54.0, 54.0, 49.0, 26.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 54, \"cat_0_index\": 962, \"cat_6_index\": 1045, \"cat_2_index\": 1003, \"cat_1_index\": 983, \"rankvar\": 114, \"cat_9_index\": 1051, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 957, \"cat_3_index\": 1005, \"cat_8_index\": 1024, \"name\": \"ZMYM4 phospho T217\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1058, \"rank\": 897, \"ini\": 55, \"cat_4_index\": 1006, \"group\": [55.0, 55.0, 49.0, 26.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 55, \"cat_0_index\": 963, \"cat_6_index\": 1147, \"cat_2_index\": 1004, \"cat_1_index\": 984, \"rankvar\": 788, \"cat_9_index\": 1052, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 958, \"cat_3_index\": 1006, \"cat_8_index\": 1025, \"name\": \"LMNB1 phospho T575\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1059, \"rank\": 817, \"ini\": 54, \"cat_4_index\": 1007, \"group\": [56.0, 56.0, 50.0, 26.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 53, \"cat_0_index\": 964, \"cat_6_index\": 1148, \"cat_2_index\": 1005, \"cat_1_index\": 985, \"rankvar\": 349, \"cat_9_index\": 1053, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 959, \"cat_3_index\": 1007, \"cat_8_index\": 1026, \"name\": \"NUP133 phospho S27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1060, \"rank\": 133, \"ini\": 53, \"cat_4_index\": 1008, \"group\": [52.0, 52.0, 48.0, 26.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 51, \"cat_0_index\": 965, \"cat_6_index\": 1046, \"cat_2_index\": 1006, \"cat_1_index\": 986, \"rankvar\": 603, \"cat_9_index\": 1054, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 960, \"cat_3_index\": 1008, \"cat_8_index\": 1027, \"name\": \"PDPK1 phospho Y248\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1061, \"rank\": 813, \"ini\": 52, \"cat_4_index\": 1009, \"group\": [53.0, 53.0, 48.0, 26.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 52, \"cat_0_index\": 966, \"cat_6_index\": 1047, \"cat_2_index\": 1007, \"cat_1_index\": 987, \"rankvar\": 135, \"cat_9_index\": 1055, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 961, \"cat_3_index\": 1009, \"cat_8_index\": 1028, \"name\": \"CENPF phospho S3150\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1062, \"rank\": 912, \"ini\": 51, \"cat_4_index\": 1010, \"group\": [50.0, 50.0, 46.0, 25.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 49, \"cat_0_index\": 967, \"cat_6_index\": 1048, \"cat_2_index\": 1008, \"cat_1_index\": 988, \"rankvar\": 518, \"cat_9_index\": 1056, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 962, \"cat_3_index\": 1010, \"cat_8_index\": 1029, \"name\": \"PPFIA1 phospho S708\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1063, \"rank\": 1111, \"ini\": 50, \"cat_4_index\": 1011, \"group\": [51.0, 51.0, 47.0, 25.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 50, \"cat_0_index\": 968, \"cat_6_index\": 1049, \"cat_2_index\": 1009, \"cat_1_index\": 989, \"rankvar\": 541, \"cat_9_index\": 1057, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 963, \"cat_3_index\": 1011, \"cat_8_index\": 1030, \"name\": \"CEP170 phospho S1205\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1064, \"rank\": 568, \"ini\": 49, \"cat_4_index\": 1012, \"group\": [46.0, 46.0, 43.0, 23.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 47, \"cat_0_index\": 969, \"cat_6_index\": 1050, \"cat_2_index\": 1010, \"cat_1_index\": 990, \"rankvar\": 690, \"cat_9_index\": 1058, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 964, \"cat_3_index\": 1012, \"cat_8_index\": 1031, \"name\": \"GPX7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1065, \"rank\": 654, \"ini\": 48, \"cat_4_index\": 1013, \"group\": [47.0, 47.0, 43.0, 23.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 48, \"cat_0_index\": 970, \"cat_6_index\": 1051, \"cat_2_index\": 1011, \"cat_1_index\": 991, \"rankvar\": 819, \"cat_9_index\": 1059, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 965, \"cat_3_index\": 1013, \"cat_8_index\": 1032, \"name\": \"GPC3\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1066, \"rank\": 991, \"ini\": 47, \"cat_4_index\": 1014, \"group\": [48.0, 48.0, 44.0, 23.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 46, \"cat_0_index\": 971, \"cat_6_index\": 1149, \"cat_2_index\": 1012, \"cat_1_index\": 992, \"rankvar\": 323, \"cat_9_index\": 1060, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 966, \"cat_3_index\": 1014, \"cat_8_index\": 1152, \"name\": \"TPR Rme1 R2111\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1150, \"rank\": 306, \"ini\": 46, \"cat_4_index\": 1015, \"group\": [49.0, 49.0, 45.0, 24.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 45, \"cat_0_index\": 972, \"cat_6_index\": 1052, \"cat_2_index\": 1013, \"cat_1_index\": 993, \"rankvar\": 840, \"cat_9_index\": 1150, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 967, \"cat_3_index\": 1015, \"cat_8_index\": 1033, \"name\": \"SRGAP2 phospho S206\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1067, \"rank\": 377, \"ini\": 45, \"cat_4_index\": 1016, \"group\": [44.0, 44.0, 41.0, 22.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 43, \"cat_0_index\": 973, \"cat_6_index\": 1053, \"cat_2_index\": 1014, \"cat_1_index\": 994, \"rankvar\": 753, \"cat_9_index\": 1061, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 968, \"cat_3_index\": 1016, \"cat_8_index\": 1034, \"name\": \"C7orf46\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1068, \"rank\": 900, \"ini\": 44, \"cat_4_index\": 1017, \"group\": [45.0, 45.0, 42.0, 22.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 44, \"cat_0_index\": 974, \"cat_6_index\": 1054, \"cat_2_index\": 1015, \"cat_1_index\": 995, \"rankvar\": 110, \"cat_9_index\": 1062, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 969, \"cat_3_index\": 1017, \"cat_8_index\": 1035, \"name\": \"GTSE1 phospho S435\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1069, \"rank\": 138, \"ini\": 43, \"cat_4_index\": 1018, \"group\": [42.0, 42.0, 40.0, 22.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 41, \"cat_0_index\": 975, \"cat_6_index\": 1055, \"cat_2_index\": 1016, \"cat_1_index\": 996, \"rankvar\": 1125, \"cat_9_index\": 1063, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 970, \"cat_3_index\": 1018, \"cat_8_index\": 1036, \"name\": \"TPX2 phospho T369\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1070, \"rank\": 606, \"ini\": 42, \"cat_4_index\": 1019, \"group\": [43.0, 43.0, 40.0, 22.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 42, \"cat_0_index\": 976, \"cat_6_index\": 1056, \"cat_2_index\": 1017, \"cat_1_index\": 997, \"rankvar\": 1105, \"cat_9_index\": 1151, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 971, \"cat_3_index\": 1019, \"cat_8_index\": 1037, \"name\": \"GSK3B phospho Y216\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1071, \"rank\": 565, \"ini\": 41, \"cat_4_index\": 1020, \"group\": [40.0, 40.0, 38.0, 21.0, 8.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 39, \"cat_0_index\": 977, \"cat_6_index\": 1057, \"cat_2_index\": 1018, \"cat_1_index\": 998, \"rankvar\": 692, \"cat_9_index\": 1064, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 972, \"cat_3_index\": 1020, \"cat_8_index\": 1038, \"name\": \"QPCT\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1072, \"rank\": 708, \"ini\": 40, \"cat_4_index\": 1021, \"group\": [41.0, 41.0, 39.0, 21.0, 8.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 40, \"cat_0_index\": 978, \"cat_6_index\": 1058, \"cat_2_index\": 1019, \"cat_1_index\": 999, \"rankvar\": 247, \"cat_9_index\": 1065, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 973, \"cat_3_index\": 1021, \"cat_8_index\": 1039, \"name\": \"PYGB phospho T210\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1073, \"rank\": 636, \"ini\": 39, \"cat_4_index\": 1022, \"group\": [38.0, 38.0, 36.0, 20.0, 8.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 37, \"cat_0_index\": 979, \"cat_6_index\": 1059, \"cat_2_index\": 1020, \"cat_1_index\": 1000, \"rankvar\": 773, \"cat_9_index\": 1066, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1151, \"cat_3_index\": 1022, \"cat_8_index\": 1040, \"name\": \"NR0B1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1074, \"rank\": 1106, \"ini\": 38, \"cat_4_index\": 1023, \"group\": [39.0, 39.0, 37.0, 20.0, 8.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 38, \"cat_0_index\": 980, \"cat_6_index\": 1060, \"cat_2_index\": 1021, \"cat_1_index\": 1001, \"rankvar\": 65, \"cat_9_index\": 1067, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 974, \"cat_3_index\": 1023, \"cat_8_index\": 1041, \"name\": \"TNS2 phospho Y483\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1075, \"rank\": 778, \"ini\": 37, \"cat_4_index\": 1024, \"group\": [36.0, 36.0, 34.0, 19.0, 8.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 35, \"cat_0_index\": 981, \"cat_6_index\": 1061, \"cat_2_index\": 1022, \"cat_1_index\": 1002, \"rankvar\": 839, \"cat_9_index\": 1068, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): True

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 975, \"cat_3_index\": 1024, \"cat_8_index\": 1153, \"name\": \"TESC\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1076, \"rank\": 256, \"ini\": 36, \"cat_4_index\": 1025, \"group\": [37.0, 37.0, 35.0, 19.0, 8.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 36, \"cat_0_index\": 982, \"cat_6_index\": 1062, \"cat_2_index\": 1023, \"cat_1_index\": 1003, \"rankvar\": 578, \"cat_9_index\": 1069, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 976, \"cat_3_index\": 1025, \"cat_8_index\": 1042, \"name\": \"ALDH1A1\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1077, \"rank\": 1000, \"ini\": 35, \"cat_4_index\": 1026, \"group\": [32.0, 32.0, 30.0, 16.0, 7.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 33, \"cat_0_index\": 983, \"cat_6_index\": 1063, \"cat_2_index\": 1024, \"cat_1_index\": 1004, \"rankvar\": 442, \"cat_9_index\": 1070, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 977, \"cat_3_index\": 1026, \"cat_8_index\": 1043, \"name\": \"C9orf125\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1078, \"rank\": 496, \"ini\": 34, \"cat_4_index\": 1027, \"group\": [33.0, 33.0, 31.0, 16.0, 7.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 34, \"cat_0_index\": 984, \"cat_6_index\": 1150, \"cat_2_index\": 1025, \"cat_1_index\": 1005, \"rankvar\": 1041, \"cat_9_index\": 1071, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 978, \"cat_3_index\": 1027, \"cat_8_index\": 1044, \"name\": \"NUP210 phospho T1844\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1079, \"rank\": 1091, \"ini\": 33, \"cat_4_index\": 1028, \"group\": [34.0, 34.0, 32.0, 17.0, 7.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 32, \"cat_0_index\": 985, \"cat_6_index\": 1064, \"cat_2_index\": 1026, \"cat_1_index\": 1006, \"rankvar\": 1089, \"cat_9_index\": 1072, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 979, \"cat_3_index\": 1028, \"cat_8_index\": 1045, \"name\": \"THSD7A\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1080, \"rank\": 500, \"ini\": 32, \"cat_4_index\": 1029, \"group\": [35.0, 35.0, 33.0, 18.0, 7.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 31, \"cat_0_index\": 986, \"cat_6_index\": 1151, \"cat_2_index\": 1027, \"cat_1_index\": 1007, \"rankvar\": 590, \"cat_9_index\": 1073, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1152, \"cat_3_index\": 1029, \"cat_8_index\": 1046, \"name\": \"GSPT2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1151, \"rank\": 321, \"ini\": 31, \"cat_4_index\": 1030, \"group\": [29.0, 29.0, 27.0, 14.0, 6.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 29, \"cat_0_index\": 987, \"cat_6_index\": 1065, \"cat_2_index\": 1028, \"cat_1_index\": 1008, \"rankvar\": 693, \"cat_9_index\": 1074, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 980, \"cat_3_index\": 1030, \"cat_8_index\": 1047, \"name\": \"PCM1 phospho S121\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1081, \"rank\": 288, \"ini\": 30, \"cat_4_index\": 1031, \"group\": [30.0, 30.0, 28.0, 14.0, 6.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 30, \"cat_0_index\": 988, \"cat_6_index\": 1066, \"cat_2_index\": 1029, \"cat_1_index\": 1009, \"rankvar\": 655, \"cat_9_index\": 1075, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 981, \"cat_3_index\": 1031, \"cat_8_index\": 1048, \"name\": \"CSPP1 phospho S901\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1082, \"rank\": 324, \"ini\": 29, \"cat_4_index\": 1032, \"group\": [31.0, 31.0, 29.0, 15.0, 6.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 28, \"cat_0_index\": 989, \"cat_6_index\": 1067, \"cat_2_index\": 1030, \"cat_1_index\": 1010, \"rankvar\": 697, \"cat_9_index\": 1076, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 982, \"cat_3_index\": 1032, \"cat_8_index\": 1049, \"name\": \"MEST\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1083, \"rank\": 409, \"ini\": 28, \"cat_4_index\": 1033, \"group\": [26.0, 26.0, 24.0, 12.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 26, \"cat_0_index\": 1151, \"cat_6_index\": 1068, \"cat_2_index\": 1031, \"cat_1_index\": 1011, \"rankvar\": 122, \"cat_9_index\": 1077, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): True

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1153, \"cat_3_index\": 1033, \"cat_8_index\": 1050, \"name\": \"TNKS1BP1 phospho S1631\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1084, \"rank\": 353, \"ini\": 27, \"cat_4_index\": 1034, \"group\": [27.0, 27.0, 25.0, 12.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 27, \"cat_0_index\": 990, \"cat_6_index\": 1069, \"cat_2_index\": 1032, \"cat_1_index\": 1012, \"rankvar\": 804, \"cat_9_index\": 1078, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 983, \"cat_3_index\": 1034, \"cat_8_index\": 1051, \"name\": \"PDCD4 phospho S457\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1085, \"rank\": 767, \"ini\": 26, \"cat_4_index\": 1153, \"group\": [28.0, 28.0, 26.0, 13.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 25, \"cat_0_index\": 1152, \"cat_6_index\": 1070, \"cat_2_index\": 1153, \"cat_1_index\": 1152, \"rankvar\": 411, \"cat_9_index\": 1079, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): True

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): True

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 984, \"cat_3_index\": 1153, \"cat_8_index\": 1052, \"name\": \"HNRNPH3 Rme1 R129\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1086, \"rank\": 1034, \"ini\": 25, \"cat_4_index\": 1035, \"group\": [23.0, 23.0, 21.0, 11.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 23, \"cat_0_index\": 991, \"cat_6_index\": 1071, \"cat_2_index\": 1033, \"cat_1_index\": 1013, \"rankvar\": 666, \"cat_9_index\": 1080, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 985, \"cat_3_index\": 1035, \"cat_8_index\": 1053, \"name\": \"SPTBN1 phospho S2128\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1087, \"rank\": 418, \"ini\": 24, \"cat_4_index\": 1036, \"group\": [24.0, 24.0, 22.0, 11.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 24, \"cat_0_index\": 992, \"cat_6_index\": 1152, \"cat_2_index\": 1034, \"cat_1_index\": 1014, \"rankvar\": 127, \"cat_9_index\": 1081, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 986, \"cat_3_index\": 1036, \"cat_8_index\": 1054, \"name\": \"SPTAN1 phospho S1041\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1088, \"rank\": 236, \"ini\": 23, \"cat_4_index\": 1037, \"group\": [25.0, 25.0, 23.0, 11.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 22, \"cat_0_index\": 993, \"cat_6_index\": 1072, \"cat_2_index\": 1035, \"cat_1_index\": 1015, \"rankvar\": 4, \"cat_9_index\": 1082, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 987, \"cat_3_index\": 1037, \"cat_8_index\": 1055, \"name\": \"SPTBN1 phospho T2320\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1089, \"rank\": 966, \"ini\": 22, \"cat_4_index\": 1038, \"group\": [21.0, 21.0, 19.0, 11.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 20, \"cat_0_index\": 1153, \"cat_6_index\": 1073, \"cat_2_index\": 1036, \"cat_1_index\": 1153, \"rankvar\": 899, \"cat_9_index\": 1083, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): True

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): True

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 988, \"cat_3_index\": 1038, \"cat_8_index\": 1056, \"name\": \"RBM15B phospho S237\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1090, \"rank\": 101, \"ini\": 21, \"cat_4_index\": 1039, \"group\": [22.0, 22.0, 20.0, 11.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 21, \"cat_0_index\": 994, \"cat_6_index\": 1074, \"cat_2_index\": 1037, \"cat_1_index\": 1016, \"rankvar\": 413, \"cat_9_index\": 1084, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 989, \"cat_3_index\": 1039, \"cat_8_index\": 1057, \"name\": \"INTS1 phospho S87\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1091, \"rank\": 3, \"ini\": 20, \"cat_4_index\": 1040, \"group\": [18.0, 18.0, 17.0, 9.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 18, \"cat_0_index\": 995, \"cat_6_index\": 1075, \"cat_2_index\": 1038, \"cat_1_index\": 1017, \"rankvar\": 1058, \"cat_9_index\": 1085, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 990, \"cat_3_index\": 1040, \"cat_8_index\": 1058, \"name\": \"AP1M2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1152, \"rank\": 679, \"ini\": 19, \"cat_4_index\": 1041, \"group\": [19.0, 19.0, 17.0, 9.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 19, \"cat_0_index\": 996, \"cat_6_index\": 1076, \"cat_2_index\": 1039, \"cat_1_index\": 1018, \"rankvar\": 595, \"cat_9_index\": 1152, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 991, \"cat_3_index\": 1041, \"cat_8_index\": 1059, \"name\": \"MAP7\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1092, \"rank\": 755, \"ini\": 18, \"cat_4_index\": 1042, \"group\": [20.0, 20.0, 18.0, 10.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 17, \"cat_0_index\": 997, \"cat_6_index\": 1077, \"cat_2_index\": 1040, \"cat_1_index\": 1019, \"rankvar\": 116, \"cat_9_index\": 1086, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 992, \"cat_3_index\": 1042, \"cat_8_index\": 1060, \"name\": \"COBL phospho S324\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1153, \"rank\": 72, \"ini\": 17, \"cat_4_index\": 1043, \"group\": [16.0, 16.0, 15.0, 8.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 15, \"cat_0_index\": 998, \"cat_6_index\": 1078, \"cat_2_index\": 1041, \"cat_1_index\": 1020, \"rankvar\": 554, \"cat_9_index\": 1153, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): True

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): True

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 993, \"cat_3_index\": 1043, \"cat_8_index\": 1061, \"name\": \"PARD3 phospho S1335\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1093, \"rank\": 446, \"ini\": 16, \"cat_4_index\": 1044, \"group\": [17.0, 17.0, 16.0, 8.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 16, \"cat_0_index\": 999, \"cat_6_index\": 1079, \"cat_2_index\": 1042, \"cat_1_index\": 1021, \"rankvar\": 559, \"cat_9_index\": 1087, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 994, \"cat_3_index\": 1044, \"cat_8_index\": 1062, \"name\": \"KRT8 phospho S39\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1094, \"rank\": 363, \"ini\": 15, \"cat_4_index\": 1045, \"group\": [14.0, 14.0, 13.0, 8.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 13, \"cat_0_index\": 1000, \"cat_6_index\": 1080, \"cat_2_index\": 1043, \"cat_1_index\": 1022, \"rankvar\": 618, \"cat_9_index\": 1088, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 995, \"cat_3_index\": 1045, \"cat_8_index\": 1063, \"name\": \"LGSN\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1095, \"rank\": 989, \"ini\": 14, \"cat_4_index\": 1046, \"group\": [15.0, 15.0, 14.0, 8.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 14, \"cat_0_index\": 1001, \"cat_6_index\": 1081, \"cat_2_index\": 1044, \"cat_1_index\": 1023, \"rankvar\": 1021, \"cat_9_index\": 1089, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 996, \"cat_3_index\": 1046, \"cat_8_index\": 1064, \"name\": \"GPX2\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1096, \"rank\": 1133, \"ini\": 13, \"cat_4_index\": 1047, \"group\": [11.0, 11.0, 10.0, 7.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 11, \"cat_0_index\": 1002, \"cat_6_index\": 1082, \"cat_2_index\": 1045, \"cat_1_index\": 1024, \"rankvar\": 184, \"cat_9_index\": 1090, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 997, \"cat_3_index\": 1047, \"cat_8_index\": 1065, \"name\": \"EPPK1 Rme1 R2603\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1097, \"rank\": 880, \"ini\": 12, \"cat_4_index\": 1048, \"group\": [12.0, 12.0, 11.0, 7.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 12, \"cat_0_index\": 1003, \"cat_6_index\": 1083, \"cat_2_index\": 1046, \"cat_1_index\": 1025, \"rankvar\": 209, \"cat_9_index\": 1091, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 998, \"cat_3_index\": 1048, \"cat_8_index\": 1066, \"name\": \"EPB41L4B Rme1 R24\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1098, \"rank\": 761, \"ini\": 11, \"cat_4_index\": 1049, \"group\": [13.0, 13.0, 12.0, 7.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 10, \"cat_0_index\": 1004, \"cat_6_index\": 1084, \"cat_2_index\": 1047, \"cat_1_index\": 1026, \"rankvar\": 807, \"cat_9_index\": 1092, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 999, \"cat_3_index\": 1049, \"cat_8_index\": 1067, \"name\": \"MB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1099, \"rank\": 575, \"ini\": 10, \"cat_4_index\": 1050, \"group\": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 6.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 8, \"cat_0_index\": 1005, \"cat_6_index\": 1085, \"cat_2_index\": 1048, \"cat_1_index\": 1027, \"rankvar\": 731, \"cat_9_index\": 1093, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1000, \"cat_3_index\": 1050, \"cat_8_index\": 1068, \"name\": \"KRT4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1100, \"rank\": 1019, \"ini\": 9, \"cat_4_index\": 1051, \"group\": [8.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 9, \"cat_0_index\": 1006, \"cat_6_index\": 1086, \"cat_2_index\": 1049, \"cat_1_index\": 1028, \"rankvar\": 579, \"cat_9_index\": 1094, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1001, \"cat_3_index\": 1051, \"cat_8_index\": 1069, \"name\": \"KRT4 Rme1 R56\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1101, \"rank\": 250, \"ini\": 8, \"cat_4_index\": 1052, \"group\": [9.0, 9.0, 8.0, 6.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 7, \"cat_0_index\": 1007, \"cat_6_index\": 1087, \"cat_2_index\": 1050, \"cat_1_index\": 1029, \"rankvar\": 474, \"cat_9_index\": 1095, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1002, \"cat_3_index\": 1052, \"cat_8_index\": 1070, \"name\": \"INHBB\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1102, \"rank\": 833, \"ini\": 7, \"cat_4_index\": 1053, \"group\": [10.0, 10.0, 9.0, 6.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 6, \"cat_0_index\": 1008, \"cat_6_index\": 1088, \"cat_2_index\": 1051, \"cat_1_index\": 1030, \"rankvar\": 29, \"cat_9_index\": 1096, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1003, \"cat_3_index\": 1053, \"cat_8_index\": 1071, \"name\": \"KRT4 Rme1 R27\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1103, \"rank\": 491, \"ini\": 6, \"cat_4_index\": 1054, \"group\": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 4, \"cat_0_index\": 1009, \"cat_6_index\": 1089, \"cat_2_index\": 1052, \"cat_1_index\": 1031, \"rankvar\": 881, \"cat_9_index\": 1097, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1004, \"cat_3_index\": 1054, \"cat_8_index\": 1072, \"name\": \"GALNT14\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1104, \"rank\": 827, \"ini\": 5, \"cat_4_index\": 1055, \"group\": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 5, \"cat_0_index\": 1010, \"cat_6_index\": 1090, \"cat_2_index\": 1053, \"cat_1_index\": 1032, \"rankvar\": 59, \"cat_9_index\": 1098, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1005, \"cat_3_index\": 1055, \"cat_8_index\": 1073, \"name\": \"XPC phospho S351\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1105, \"rank\": 765, \"ini\": 4, \"cat_4_index\": 1056, \"group\": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 3, \"cat_0_index\": 1011, \"cat_6_index\": 1091, \"cat_2_index\": 1054, \"cat_1_index\": 1033, \"rankvar\": 52, \"cat_9_index\": 1099, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1006, \"cat_3_index\": 1056, \"cat_8_index\": 1074, \"name\": \"ZNF106 phospho S1328\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1106, \"rank\": 114, \"ini\": 3, \"cat_4_index\": 1057, \"group\": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 2, \"cat_0_index\": 1012, \"cat_6_index\": 1153, \"cat_2_index\": 1055, \"cat_1_index\": 1034, \"rankvar\": 1141, \"cat_9_index\": 1100, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): True

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1007, \"cat_3_index\": 1057, \"cat_8_index\": 1075, \"name\": \"MST4\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1107, \"rank\": 934, \"ini\": 2, \"cat_4_index\": 1058, \"group\": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 0, \"cat_0_index\": 1013, \"cat_6_index\": 1092, \"cat_2_index\": 1056, \"cat_1_index\": 1035, \"rankvar\": 615, \"cat_9_index\": 1101, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1008, \"cat_3_index\": 1058, \"cat_8_index\": 1076, \"name\": \"L3MBTL3 phospho S608\"}, {\"cat_7_index\": 1108, \"rank\": 1141, \"ini\": 1, \"cat_4_index\": 1059, \"group\": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"clust\": 1, \"cat_0_index\": 1014, \"cat_6_index\": 1093, \"cat_2_index\": 1057, \"cat_1_index\": 1036, \"rankvar\": 787, \"cat_9_index\": 1102, \"cat-8\": \"posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression (GO:0010608): False

Pval 3.33895862475e-07

\", \"cat-9\": \"cellular component morphogenesis (GO:0032989): False

Pval 3.12975824896e-07

\", \"cat-6\": \"cellular component disassembly (GO:0022411): False

Pval 1.07621922106e-08

\", \"cat-7\": \"microtubule cytoskeleton organization (GO:0000226): False

Pval 8.57080979732e-08

\", \"cat-4\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile (GO:0000377): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-5\": \"gene expression (GO:0010467): False

Pval 9.92720153218e-17

\", \"cat-2\": \"RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions (GO:0000375): False

Pval 5.06270100515e-20

\", \"cat-3\": \"mRNA splicing, via spliceosome (GO:0000398): False

Pval 4.90717096428e-19

\", \"cat-0\": \"mRNA processing (GO:0006397): False

Pval 8.77869017316e-23

\", \"cat-1\": \"RNA splicing (GO:0008380): False

Pval 7.56284032604e-21

\", \"cat_5_index\": 1009, \"cat_3_index\": 1059, \"cat_8_index\": 1077, \"name\": \"ENAH phospho S125\"}], \"col_nodes\": [{\"cat_3_index\": 0, \"group\": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 17.0, 14.0, 8.0, 5.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"name\": \"H2405\", \"clust\": 18, \"cat_2_index\": 0, \"cat-4\": \"mut-KRAS: false\", \"cat_0_index\": 0, \"cat-2\": \"mut-EGFR: false\", \"cat-3\": \"mut-RB1: false\", \"rank\": 1, \"cat-1\": \"mut-TP53: false\", \"ini\": 37, \"cat-0\": \"Histology: NSCLC\", \"cat_1_index\": 0, \"rankvar\": 15, \"cat_4_index\": 0}, {\"cat_3_index\": 1, \"group\": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0, 18.0, 14.0, 8.0, 5.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"name\": \"H1666\", \"clust\": 19, \"cat_2_index\": 1, \"cat-4\": \"mut-KRAS: false\", \"cat_0_index\": 1, \"cat-2\": \"mut-EGFR: false\", \"cat-3\": \"mut-RB1: false\", \"rank\": 2, \"cat-1\": \"mut-TP53: false\", \"ini\": 36, \"cat-0\": \"Histology: NSCLC\", \"cat_1_index\": 1, \"rankvar\": 10, \"cat_4_index\": 1}, {\"cat_3_index\": 2, \"group\": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 19.0, 15.0, 9.0, 5.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"name\": \"HCC44\", \"clust\": 20, \"cat_2_index\": 2, \"cat-4\": \"mut-KRAS: false\", \"cat_0_index\": 2, \"cat-2\": \"mut-EGFR: false\", \"cat-3\": \"mut-RB1: false\", \"rank\": 6, \"cat-1\": \"mut-TP53: false\", \"ini\": 35, \"cat-0\": \"Histology: NSCLC\", \"cat_1_index\": 2, \"rankvar\": 3, \"cat_4_index\": 2}, {\"cat_3_index\": 3, \"group\": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0, 20.0, 15.0, 9.0, 5.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"name\": \"CAL-12T\", \"clust\": 21, \"cat_2_index\": 3, \"cat-4\": \"mut-KRAS: false\", \"cat_0_index\": 3, \"cat-2\": \"mut-EGFR: false\", \"cat-3\": \"mut-RB1: false\", \"rank\": 12, \"cat-1\": \"mut-TP53: true\", \"ini\": 34, \"cat-0\": \"Histology: NSCLC\", \"cat_1_index\": 13, \"rankvar\": 9, \"cat_4_index\": 3}, {\"cat_3_index\": 4, \"group\": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 30.0, 25.0, 17.0, 10.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"name\": \"H1944\", \"clust\": 28, \"cat_2_index\": 4, \"cat-4\": \"mut-KRAS: true\", \"cat_0_index\": 4, \"cat-2\": 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