import sys vi = sys.version_info if vi < (3, 8): raise RuntimeError('httptools require Python 3.8 or greater') else: import os.path import pathlib from setuptools import setup, Extension from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as build_ext CFLAGS = ['-O2'] ROOT = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent CYTHON_DEPENDENCY = 'Cython(>=0.29.24,<0.30.0)' class httptools_build_ext(build_ext): user_options = build_ext.user_options + [ ('cython-always', None, 'run cythonize() even if .c files are present'), ('cython-annotate', None, 'Produce a colorized HTML version of the Cython source.'), ('cython-directives=', None, 'Cythion compiler directives'), ('use-system-llhttp', None, 'Use the system provided llhttp, instead of the bundled one'), ('use-system-http-parser', None, 'Use the system provided http-parser, instead of the bundled one'), ] boolean_options = build_ext.boolean_options + [ 'cython-always', 'cython-annotate', 'use-system-llhttp', 'use-system-http-parser', ] def initialize_options(self): # initialize_options() may be called multiple times on the # same command object, so make sure not to override previously # set options. if getattr(self, '_initialized', False): return super().initialize_options() self.use_system_llhttp = False self.use_system_http_parser = False self.cython_always = False self.cython_annotate = None self.cython_directives = None def finalize_options(self): # finalize_options() may be called multiple times on the # same command object, so make sure not to override previously # set options. if getattr(self, '_initialized', False): return need_cythonize = self.cython_always cfiles = {} for extension in self.distribution.ext_modules: for i, sfile in enumerate(extension.sources): if sfile.endswith('.pyx'): prefix, ext = os.path.splitext(sfile) cfile = prefix + '.c' if os.path.exists(cfile) and not self.cython_always: extension.sources[i] = cfile else: if os.path.exists(cfile): cfiles[cfile] = os.path.getmtime(cfile) else: cfiles[cfile] = 0 need_cythonize = True if need_cythonize: try: import Cython except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( 'please install Cython to compile httptools from source') if Cython.__version__ < '0.29': raise RuntimeError( 'httptools requires Cython version 0.29 or greater') from Cython.Build import cythonize directives = {} if self.cython_directives: for directive in self.cython_directives.split(','): k, _, v = directive.partition('=') if v.lower() == 'false': v = False if v.lower() == 'true': v = True directives[k] = v self.distribution.ext_modules[:] = cythonize( self.distribution.ext_modules, compiler_directives=directives, annotate=self.cython_annotate) super().finalize_options() self._initialized = True def build_extensions(self): mod_parser, mod_url_parser = self.distribution.ext_modules if self.use_system_llhttp: mod_parser.libraries.append('llhttp') if sys.platform == 'darwin' and \ os.path.exists('/opt/local/include'): # Support macports on Mac OS X. mod_parser.include_dirs.append('/opt/local/include') else: mod_parser.include_dirs.append( str(ROOT / 'vendor' / 'llhttp' / 'include')) mod_parser.include_dirs.append( str(ROOT / 'vendor' / 'llhttp' / 'src')) mod_parser.sources.append('vendor/llhttp/src/api.c') mod_parser.sources.append('vendor/llhttp/src/http.c') mod_parser.sources.append('vendor/llhttp/src/llhttp.c') if self.use_system_http_parser: mod_url_parser.libraries.append('http_parser') if sys.platform == 'darwin' and \ os.path.exists('/opt/local/include'): # Support macports on Mac OS X. mod_url_parser.include_dirs.append('/opt/local/include') else: mod_url_parser.include_dirs.append( str(ROOT / 'vendor' / 'http-parser')) mod_url_parser.sources.append( 'vendor/http-parser/http_parser.c') super().build_extensions() with open(str(ROOT / '')) as f: long_description = with open(str(ROOT / 'httptools' / '')) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('__version__ ='): _, _, version = line.partition('=') VERSION = version.strip(" \n'\"") break else: raise RuntimeError( 'unable to read the version from httptools/') setup_requires = [] if (not (ROOT / 'httptools' / 'parser' / 'parser.c').exists() or '--cython-always' in sys.argv): # No Cython output, require Cython to build. setup_requires.append(CYTHON_DEPENDENCY) setup( name='httptools', version=VERSION, description='A collection of framework independent HTTP protocol utils.', long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type='text/markdown', url='', classifiers=[ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', ], platforms=['macOS', 'POSIX', 'Windows'], python_requires='>=3.8.0', zip_safe=False, author='Yury Selivanov', author_email='', license='MIT', packages=['httptools', 'httptools.parser'], cmdclass={ 'build_ext': httptools_build_ext, }, ext_modules=[ Extension( "httptools.parser.parser", sources=[ "httptools/parser/parser.pyx", ], extra_compile_args=CFLAGS, ), Extension( "httptools.parser.url_parser", sources=[ "httptools/parser/url_parser.pyx", ], extra_compile_args=CFLAGS, ), ], include_package_data=True, exclude_package_data={"": ["*.c", "*.h"]}, test_suite='tests.suite', setup_requires=setup_requires, extras_require={ 'test': [ CYTHON_DEPENDENCY ] } )