{ "utorrent": { "containers": { "utorrent": { "image": "dbarton/utorrent", "launch_order": 1, "ports": { "8080": { "description": "Port for utorrent Web interface. Suggested default: 8080.", "host_default": 8080, "label": "WebUI port", "procotol": "tcp", "ui": true } }, "6881": { "description": "Port for incoming data. You may need to open it(protocol: udp) on your firewall. Suggested default: 6881. Should NOT be changed", "host_default": 6881, "label": "uTorrent port", "procotol": "udp", "ui": true }, "volumes": { "/media": { "description": "Directory for your downloaded media.", "label": "Downloaded Data" }, "/settings": { "description": "Holds all the utorrent settings files and databases.", "label": "uTorrent Settings" } } } }, "description": "BitTorrent client by [dbarton and Mahmoud87]", "more_info": "

uTorrent WebUI Logins.

Username: admin / Password: (Leave it blank). You can always change the logins after your first sign in, go to settings >> WebUI.

", "ui": { "slug": "gui" }, "volume_add_support": true, "website": "https://hub.docker.com/r/dbarton/utorrent/", "version": "alpha" } }