include("karaskel.lua") local tr = aegisub.gettext local utf8 = require "utf8" local re = require "" --local inspect = require "inspect" add_background = tr "Masaf/Add Backgrounds" remove_background_lines = tr "Masaf/Remove all Background lines" ------------ Corrections ------------- rtl_correction_script_name = tr "Masaf/Correction/Rtl Correction - All lines" rtl_correction_selected_line = tr "Masaf/Correction/Rtl Correction - Selected lines" rtl_correction_without_normalize = tr "Masaf/Correction/Rtl Correction without normalize" add_rle = tr "Masaf/Correction/Add RLE - Selected lines" undo_rtl_correction = tr "Masaf/Correction/Undo Rtl Correction - Selected lines" convert_numbers_to_english = tr "Masaf/Correction/Numbers to English" convert_numbers_to_arabic = tr "Masaf/Correction/Numbers to Arabic" convert_numbers_to_persian = tr "Masaf/Correction/Numbers to Persian" selected_numbers_to_english = tr "Masaf/Correction/Selected Numbers to English" selected_numbers_to_arabic = tr "Masaf/Correction/Selected Numbers to Arabic" selected_numbers_to_persian = tr "Masaf/Correction/Selected Numbers to Persian" ------------ Timing ------------- shift_start_line_forward = tr "Masaf/Timing/Shift start line forward" shift_start_line_backward = tr "Masaf/Timing/Shift start line backward" shift_end_line_forward = tr "Masaf/Timing/Shift end line forward" shift_end_line_backward = tr "Masaf/Timing/Shift end line backward" make_next_line_continuous = tr "Masaf/Timing/Make next line continuous" make_same_time = tr "Masaf/Timing/Make Same time" make_same_start_time = tr "Masaf/Timing/Make Same Start time" make_same_end_time = tr "Masaf/Timing/Make Same End time" ------------ Text Movements ------------- move_last_text_part = tr "Masaf/Text Movement/Move last text part" move_first_part_of_next = tr "Masaf/Text Movement/Move first part of next" move_last_word = tr "Masaf/Text Movement/Move last word" move_first_word_of_next = tr "Masaf/Text Movement/Move first word of next" shift_line_break = tr "Masaf/Text Movement/Shift Linebreak" shift_line_break_back = tr "Masaf/Text Movement/Shift Linebreak Back" split_script_name = tr "Masaf/Split line" split_at_index_script_name = tr "Masaf/Split line at Index" break_semi_long_lines = tr "Masaf/Break Semi Long lines" break_selected_line = tr "Masaf/Break Selected line" show_rtl_editor_script_name = tr "Masaf/Show Rtl Editor" remove_line_break_script_name = tr "Masaf/Remove line Breaks" remove_position_tags = tr "Masaf/Remove Position tags" select_playing_line = tr "Masaf/Select playing line" generate_srt_like_text = tr "Masaf/Generate SRT like text" ------------ Special Tags ------------ fix_line_position = tr "Masaf/Special Tags/Fix line Position" set_line_as_no_background = tr "Masaf/Special Tags/Set line as No Background" set_line_as_dont_correct_rtl = tr "Masaf/Special Tags/Set line as Don't Correct RTL" set_line_as_dont_remove = tr "Masaf/Special Tags/Set line as Don't Remove" ------------ Miscs ------------ unify_background_lines_script_name = tr "Masaf/Misc/Unify Background lines" add_code_to_selected_lines_script_name = tr "Masaf/Misc/Add Code to Selected lines" import_text_to_selected_lines = tr "Masaf/Misc/Import text to selected Lines" display_sum_of_times = tr "Masaf/Misc/Display sum of times" go_to_line = tr "Masaf/Misc/Go to line" script_description = tr "Some Aegisub automation scripts specially designed for Right-To-Left language subtitles" script_author = "Majid Shamkhani" script_version = "1.26.0" -- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Main Methods >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BgPatternRegex = [[\{\\p1.*?\}m (\d+(\.\d+)?) (\d+(\.\d+)?) l (\d+(\.\d+)?) (\d+(\.\d+)?) l (\d+(\.\d+)?) (\d+(\.\d+)?) l (\d+(\.\d+)?) (\d+(\.\d+)?) l (\d+(\.\d+)?) (\d+(\.\d+)?)]] PosPattern = "{\\pos%(.-%)}" BgPosPattern = "\\pos%(.-%)" SplitChars = {"||", "\\N", "%.", ",", "،", ";", "%?", "؟", "!", ":", "؛", "۔"} WeakChars = "~!@#\\$%\\^&\\*\\-\\+=;\\|×÷٪\\?؟\\\\" PunctuationMarks = [[%.,،%?؟:؛!;۔]] PunctuationMarksRegex = "[\\.,،\\?؟:؛!;۔]+" StartingBracketChars = [[%({%[<«“]] EndingsBracketChars = [[%)}%]>»”]] CodePattern = "({.-})" LastPunctuationMark = "([\\.,\\?!؟:،۔؛]\\s*$)" LreChar = utf8.char(0x202A) RleChar = utf8.char(0x202B) PdfChar = utf8.char(0x202C) FixedPosTag = "\\fixedpos" NoBgTag = "\\nobg" -- No Background DcrtlTag = "\\dcrtl" -- Dont Correct RTL Drl = "\\drl" -- Dont Remove Line -- ------------------------- AddBackground --------------------- function AddBackground(subs) if not videoLoaded() then return end local meta, styles = karaskel.collect_head(subs) -- start processing lines local i, n = 0, #subs n = subs.n local periorEndTime = "" local groupBackgroundIndex = -1 local groupCount = 0 local bgShape, doExit = getBackgroundLine(subs, styles) -- Missing background shape -- Adding new shape line and exit if doExit then return end -- Comment background line bgShape.comment = true subs[bgShape.i] = bgShape local positionTag = getPositionTag(bgShape.text) local secondForContinuousBackground, dialogOk = getNumberFromUser("\r\n Enter maximum second to make background continious: \r\n", 1) if not dialogOk then return end local lastLineStyle = nil while i < n do i = i + 1 aegisub.progress.task("Processing line " .. i .. "/" .. n) aegisub.progress.set(i / n * 100) local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment and shouldAddBackground(l) then -- remove already added background line if bgShape ~= nil and i ~= bgShape.i and isBackgroundLine(l) then if canRemoveBackground(l) then subs.delete(i) i = i - 1 n = n - 1 end goto continue end -- Set text style align to 5 once. if lastLineStyle == nil or lastLineStyle ~= then lastLineStyle = changeStyleAlignToFive(subs, styles, l) end if not string.find(l.text, FixedPosTag) then l.text = addPositionTag(l.text, positionTag) end subs[i] = l local startTimeEqualsPeriorEndTime = isStartTimeEqualsPeriorEndTime(l, periorEndTime, secondForContinuousBackground) if not startTimeEqualsPeriorEndTime then l.i = i l.comment = false local bgLine = generateBackground(l, bgShape) if groupBackgroundIndex ~= -1 and groupCount > 0 then setLastGroupBackgroundEndTime(subs, groupBackgroundIndex, periorEndTime) groupCount = 0 end subs.insert(i, bgLine) groupBackgroundIndex = i i = i + 1 n = n + 1 else groupCount = groupCount + 1 end periorEndTime = l.end_time ::continue:: end end if groupCount > 0 then setLastGroupBackgroundEndTime(subs, groupBackgroundIndex, periorEndTime) end aegisub.set_undo_point(add_background) end ------------------------------ Split Line ----------------------------- function Split(subs, selected) if #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] local textParts = {} local line = subs[index] local text = line.text local line2 = table.copy(line) -- Finding manual splittnig symbol -> || s, e = utf8.find(text, SplitChars[1]) if s then line.text = utf8.sub(text, 1, s - 1) line2.text = utf8.sub(text, e + 1, utf8.len(text)) line.text = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(trim(line.text)) line2.text = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(trim(line2.text)) changeLineTimeAfterSplit(text, line, line2) subs[index] = line subs.insert(index + 1, line2) goto continue end textParts = getSubtitleTextParts(text) s, e, idx = getFirstChar(text, textParts) if idx > 0 then -- Remove split char from end of text if idx <= 2 then line.text = utf8.sub(text, 1, s - 1) line2.text = utf8.sub(text, e + 1, utf8.len(text)) else line.text = utf8.sub(text, 1, e) line2.text = utf8.sub(text, e + 1, utf8.len(text)) end changeLineTimeAfterSplit(text, line, line2) line.text = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(trim(line.text)) line2.text = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(trim(line2.text)) subs[index] = line subs.insert(index + 1, line2) end ::continue:: aegisub.set_undo_point(split_script_name) return selected end -- -------------------------SplitAtIndex --------------------- function SplitAtIndex(subs, selected) if #selected > 1 then return end local line = subs[selected[1]] text = line.text line2 = table.copy(line) local idx, dialogOk = getNumberFromUser("\r\n Enter index of character that you want to split line on that character: \r\n", 2) if not dialogOk then return end local s, e, idx = getCharAtIndex(text, idx) if s then -- Remove split char from end of text if idx <= 2 then line.text = utf8.sub(text, 1, s - 1) line2.text = utf8.sub(text, e + 1, utf8.len(text)) else line.text = utf8.sub(text, 1, e) line2.text = utf8.sub(text, e + 1, utf8.len(text)) end changeLineTimeAfterSplit(text, line, line2) line.text = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(trim(line.text)) line2.text = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(trim(line2.text)) subs[selected[1]] = line subs.insert(selected[1] + 1, line2) end aegisub.set_undo_point(split_at_index_script_name) return selected end function BreakSemiLongLines(subs) if not videoLoaded() then return end local i, n = 0, #subs local meta, styles = karaskel.collect_head(subs) local videoWidth = getVideoWidth() n = subs.n while i < n do i = i + 1 local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment and notBreakedText(l.text) and not isBackgroundLine(l) then local textWidth = getTextWidth(l, styles) local breakToleranse = (videoWidth / 5) * 3 if textWidth >= breakToleranse then l.text = autoBreakLine(l.text) subs[i] = l end end end aegisub.set_undo_point(break_semi_long_lines) end function BreakSelectedLine(subs, selected) if #selected > 1 then return end local l = subs[selected[1]] local meta, styles = karaskel.collect_head(subs) if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment and notBreakedText(l.text) and not isBackgroundLine(l) then local textWidth = getTextWidth(l, styles) l.text = autoBreakLine(l.text) subs[selected[1]] = l end aegisub.set_undo_point(break_selected_line) end --------------------------- RtlCorrection --------------------- function RtlCorrection(subs) -- start processing lines local i, n = 0 n = subs.n while i < n do i = i + 1 local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment and canCorrectRtl(l.text) then if not isBackgroundLine(l) then local parts = getSubtitleTextParts(l.text) local text = "" for k = 1, #parts do local t = parts[k] t = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(t) text = text .. t end l.text = text subs[i] = l end end end aegisub.set_undo_point(rtl_correction_script_name) end ------------------------- Rtl Corrector Selected Line ----------------------- function RtlCorrectorSelectedLine(subs, selected) for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local line = subs[selected[i]] -- start processing lines if (not isBackgroundLine(line)) then line.text = rtlCorrectIfAllowed(line.text) subs[selected[i]] = line end end aegisub.set_undo_point(rtl_correction_selected_line) end ------------------------- Rtl Corrector without Normalize ----------------------- function RtlCorrectorWithoutNormalize(subs, selected) for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local line = subs[selected[i]] -- start processing lines if (not isBackgroundLine(line)) then line.text = rtlCorrectTextWithCode(line.text, true) subs[selected[i]] = line end end aegisub.set_undo_point(rtl_correction_without_normalize) end ---------------------- Add RLE ----------------------- function AddRle(subs, selected) for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local line = subs[selected[i]] -- start processing lines if (not isBackgroundLine(line)) then local text, code = removeRtlChars(line.text), "" local textParts = getSubtitleTextParts(text) code, text = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(text, textParts) text = addRleToBeginigOfLine(text) line.text = code .. text subs[selected[i]] = line end end aegisub.set_undo_point(add_rle) end ------------------------------ Undo Rtl Correction ---------------------------- function UndoRtlCorrection(subs, selected) for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local line = subs[selected[i]] line.text = removeRtlChars(line.text) subs[selected[i]] = line end aegisub.set_undo_point(undo_rtl_correction) end ------------------------------ Show Rtl Editor --------------------------------- function ShowRtlEditor(subs, selected) if #selected > 1 then return end local line = subs[selected[1]] local textParts = getSubtitleTextParts(line.text) local codeText, plainText = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(line.text, textParts) local sourceText = utf8.gsub(plainText, "\\N", "\n") local result, newText = openEditor(sourceText) if not result then return end -- Replace line break with \N newText = utf8.gsub(newText, "\n", "\\N") if canCorrectRtl(codeText) then newText = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(newText) end line.text = codeText .. newText subs[selected[1]] = line aegisub.set_undo_point(show_rtl_editor_script_name) end --------------------------- Unify Background lines ------------------------------ function UnifyBackgroundLines(subs, selected) local firstLine, firstLineIdx = getFirstSubtitleLine(subs) if not isBackgroundLine(firstLine) then return end -- start processing lines local i, n = 0 n = subs.n local lastBackgroundIdx = firstLineIdx while i < n do i = i + 1 local l = subs[i] -- Prevent moving first line (Background shape) if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and i ~= firstLineIdx then if isBackgroundLine(l) then lastBackgroundIdx = lastBackgroundIdx + 1 subs.insert(lastBackgroundIdx, l) i = i + 1 subs.delete(i) end end end aegisub.set_undo_point(unify_background_lines_script_name) end --------------------------- Add Code To Selected Lines ------------------------------ function AddCodeToSelectedLines(subs, selected) local code = getTextFromUser() if code == nil then return end for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local line = subs[selected[i]] line.text = code .. line.text subs[selected[i]] = line end aegisub.set_undo_point(add_code_to_selected_lines_script_name) end --------------------------- Remove line Breaks ------------------------------ function RemoveLineBreaks(subs, selected) for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local line = subs[selected[i]] line.text = utf8.gsub(line.text, "\\N", " ") line.text = removeDoubleSpace(line.text) subs[selected[i]] = line end aegisub.set_undo_point(remove_line_break_script_name) end ---------------------- Import Text to selected lines ------------------------- function ImportTextToSelectedLines(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 then return end local result, text = openEditor("") if not result then return end local texts = re.split(text, "\n") for i = 1, #selected, 1 do if i > table.getn(texts) then return end local line = subs[selected[i]] line.text = texts[i] subs[selected[i]] = line end aegisub.set_undo_point(import_text_to_selected_lines) end ---------------------- Select playing line ------------------------- function SelectPlayingLine(subs, selected) local vframe = aegisub.project_properties().video_position local fr2ms = aegisub.ms_from_frame local j = #selected if j < 1 or j == #subs then j = 1 end for i = j, #subs do local line = subs[i] if line.class == "dialogue" and line.start_time >= fr2ms(vframe) then selected = {i - 1} return selected end end if j > 1 then for i = 1, j do local line = subs[i] if line.class == "dialogue" and line.start_time >= fr2ms(vframe) then selected = {i - 1} return selected end end end end ---------------------- Make next line continuous ------------------------- function MakeNextLineContinuous(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 or #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] if index == subs.n then return end local line = subs[index] local nextLine = subs[index + 1] nextLine.start_time = line.end_time if nextLine.end_time == 0 then nextLine.end_time = line.end_time + (utf8.len(nextLine.text) * 100) end subs[index + 1] = nextLine selected = {index + 1} aegisub.set_undo_point(make_next_line_continuous) return selected end function MakeSameTime(subs, selected) if #selected < 2 then return end local firstLine = subs[selected[1]] for i = 2, #selected, 1 do local l = subs[selected[i]] l.start_time = firstLine.start_time l.end_time = firstLine.end_time subs[selected[i]] = l end aegisub.set_undo_point(make_same_time) end function MakeSameStartTime(subs, selected) if #selected < 2 then return end local firstLine = subs[selected[1]] for i = 2, #selected, 1 do local l = subs[selected[i]] l.start_time = firstLine.start_time subs[selected[i]] = l end aegisub.set_undo_point(make_same_start_time) end function MakeSameEndTime(subs, selected) if #selected < 2 then return end local firstLine = subs[selected[1]] for i = 2, #selected, 1 do local l = subs[selected[i]] l.end_time = firstLine.end_time subs[selected[i]] = l end aegisub.set_undo_point(make_same_end_time) end ---------------------- Start/End line shifter ------------------------- function ShiftStartLineForward(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 or #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] local line = subs[index] line.start_time = line.start_time + 100 subs[index] = line aegisub.set_undo_point(shift_start_line_forward) end function ShiftStartLineBackward(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 or #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] local line = subs[index] line.start_time = line.start_time - 100 subs[index] = line aegisub.set_undo_point(shift_start_line_backward) end function ShiftEndLineForward(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 or #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] local line = subs[index] line.end_time = line.end_time + 100 subs[index] = line aegisub.set_undo_point(shift_end_line_forward) end function ShiftEndLineBackward(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 or #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] local line = subs[index] line.end_time = line.end_time - 100 subs[index] = line aegisub.set_undo_point(shift_end_line_backward) end ---------------------- Move part of lines ------------------------- function MoveLastTextPart(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 or #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] if index == subs.n then return end local line = subs[index] local nextLine = subs[index + 1] local oldLine = table.copy(line) local text, code = removeRtlChars(line.text), "" local textParts = getSubtitleTextParts(text) code, text = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(text, textParts) local parts = getTextSplitCharsParts(text) if #parts == 0 then return end local textParts = getTextPartsBySplitCharIndexes(parts, text) text = "" for i = 1, #textParts - 1, 1 do text = text .. textParts[i] .. " " end local nextText, nextCode = removeRtlChars(trim(nextLine.text)), "" local nextTextParts = getSubtitleTextParts(nextText) nextCode, nextText = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(nextText, nextTextParts) nextText = textParts[#textParts] .. " " .. nextText line.text = code .. rtlCorrectIfAllowed(text) nextLine.text = nextCode .. rtlCorrectIfAllowed(nextText) changeLineTimeAfterMove(oldLine, line, nextLine) subs[index] = line subs[index + 1] = nextLine aegisub.set_undo_point(move_last_text_part) end function MoveFirstPartOfNext(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 or #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] if index == subs.n then return end local line = subs[index] local nextLine = subs[index + 1] local nextText, nextCode = "" nextText = removeRtlChars(nextLine.text) local nextTextParts = getSubtitleTextParts(nextText) nextCode, nextText = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(nextText, nextTextParts) local oldLine = table.copy(line) local parts = getTextSplitCharsParts(nextText) if #parts == 0 then return end local textParts = getTextPartsBySplitCharIndexes(parts, nextText) nextText = "" for i = 2, #textParts, 1 do nextText = nextText .. textParts[i] .. " " end nextText = nextCode .. nextText nextLine.text = rtlCorrectIfAllowed(nextText) local text = removeRtlChars(line.text) text = text .. " " .. trim(textParts[1]) line.text = rtlCorrectIfAllowed(text) changeLineTimeAfterMove(oldLine, line, nextLine) subs[index] = line subs[index + 1] = nextLine aegisub.set_undo_point(move_first_part_of_next) end ---------------------- Move words ------------------------- function MoveLastWord(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 or #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] if index == subs.n then return end local line = subs[index] local nextLine = subs[index + 1] local text = trim(removeRtlChars(line.text)) local oldLine = table.copy(line) local lastWord = getLastWord(text) if lastWord == nil then return end local textLen = utf8.len(text) line.text = utf8.sub(text, 1, textLen - utf8.len(lastWord) - 1) local nextText, nextCode = removeRtlChars(nextLine.text), "" local textParts = getSubtitleTextParts(nextText) nextCode, nextText = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(nextText, textParts) nextText = nextCode .. lastWord .. " " .. nextText line.text = rtlCorrectIfAllowed(trim(line.text)) nextLine.text = rtlCorrectIfAllowed(trim(nextText)) changeLineTimeAfterMove(oldLine, line, nextLine) subs[index] = line subs[index + 1] = nextLine aegisub.set_undo_point(move_last_word) end function MoveFirstWordOfNext(subs, selected) if #selected == 0 or #selected > 1 then return end local index = selected[1] if index == subs.n then return end local line = subs[index] local nextLine = subs[index + 1] local text, code = removeRtlChars(trim(nextLine.text)), "" local textParts = getSubtitleTextParts(text) code, text = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(text, textParts) local oldLine = table.copy(line) local firstWord = getFirstWord(text) if firstWord == nil then return end line.text = line.text .. " " .. firstWord line.text = rtlCorrectIfAllowed(line.text) text = code .. utf8.sub(text, utf8.len(firstWord) + 2, utf8.len(text)) nextLine.text = rtlCorrectIfAllowed(text) changeLineTimeAfterMove(oldLine, line, nextLine) subs[index] = line subs[index + 1] = nextLine aegisub.set_undo_point(move_first_word_of_next) end ---------------------- Remove Position Tags ------------------------- function RemovePositionTags(subs) for i = 1, #subs do local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and (not l.comment) and (not isBackgroundLine(l)) then l.text = removePosTag(l.text) subs[i] = l end end aegisub.set_undo_point(remove_position_tags) end ---------------------- Display sum of times ------------------------- function DisplaySumOfTimes(subs) local sum = 0 for i = 1, #subs do local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and (not l.comment) and (not isBackgroundLine(l)) then sum = sum + (l.end_time - l.start_time) end end local minutes = math.ceil(sum / 1000 / 60) local msg = "Total minutes = " .. tostring(minutes) msg = msg .. "\nTotal time = " .. secondsToClock(sum / 1000) showMessage(msg) end ---------------------- Generate SRT Like Text ------------------------- function GenerateSrtLikeText(subs) local sum = 0 local srtText = "" local lineNumber = 0 for i = 1, #subs do local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" then lineNumber = lineNumber + 1 if (not l.comment) and (not isBackgroundLine(l)) then srtText = srtText .. lineNumber .. "\n" srtText = srtText .. secondsToClock(l.start_time / 1000) .. " --> " .. secondsToClock(l.end_time / 1000) .. "\n" srtText = srtText .. replaceLineBreak(cleanTags(l.text)) .. "\n" srtText = srtText .. "\n" end end end openEditor(srtText) end ---------------------- Remove Background Lines ------------------------- function RemoveBackgroundLines(subs) local i, n = 0, #subs n = subs.n while i < n do i = i + 1 local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment and isBackgroundLine(l) then subs.delete(i) i = i - 1 n = n - 1 end end aegisub.set_undo_point(remove_background_lines) end ---------------------- Number Converters ------------------------- function ConvertNumbersToEnglish(subs) local i, n = 0 n = subs.n while i < n do i = i + 1 local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment then if not isBackgroundLine(l) then local parts = getSubtitleTextParts(l.text) local text = "" for k = 1, #parts do local t = parts[k] t = applyNumbersToEnglish(t) text = text .. t end l.text = text subs[i] = l end end end aegisub.set_undo_point(convert_numbers_to_english) end function SelectedNumbersToEnglish(subs, selected) for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local l = subs[selected[i]] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment then if not isBackgroundLine(l) then local parts = getSubtitleTextParts(l.text) local text = "" for k = 1, #parts do local t = parts[k] t = applyNumbersToEnglish(t) text = text .. t end l.text = text subs[selected[i]] = l end end end aegisub.set_undo_point(selected_numbers_to_english) end function ConvertNumbersToArabic(subs) local i, n = 0 n = subs.n while i < n do i = i + 1 local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment then if not isBackgroundLine(l) then local parts = getSubtitleTextParts(l.text) local text = "" for k = 1, #parts do local t = parts[k] t = applyNumbersToArabic(t) text = text .. t end l.text = text subs[i] = l end end end aegisub.set_undo_point(convert_numbers_to_arabic) end function SelectedNumbersToArabic(subs, selected) for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local l = subs[selected[i]] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment then if not isBackgroundLine(l) then local parts = getSubtitleTextParts(l.text) local text = "" for k = 1, #parts do local t = parts[k] t = applyNumbersToArabic(t) text = text .. t end l.text = text subs[selected[i]] = l end end end aegisub.set_undo_point(selected_numbers_to_arabic) end function ConvertNumbersToPersian(subs) local i, n = 0 n = subs.n while i < n do i = i + 1 local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment then if not isBackgroundLine(l) then local parts = getSubtitleTextParts(l.text) local text = "" for k = 1, #parts do local t = parts[k] t = applyNumbersToPersian(t) text = text .. t end l.text = text subs[i] = l end end end aegisub.set_undo_point(convert_numbers_to_arabic) end function SelectedNumbersToPersian(subs, selected) for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local l = subs[selected[i]] if l.class == "dialogue" and l.effect == "" and not l.comment then if not isBackgroundLine(l) then local parts = getSubtitleTextParts(l.text) local text = "" for k = 1, #parts do local t = parts[k] t = applyNumbersToPersian(t) text = text .. t end l.text = text subs[selected[i]] = l end end end aegisub.set_undo_point(selected_numbers_to_persian) end function FixLinePosition(subs, selected) addTag(subs, selected, FixedPosTag) aegisub.set_undo_point(fix_line_position) end function SetLineAsNoBackground(subs, selected) addTag(subs, selected, NoBgTag) aegisub.set_undo_point(set_line_as_no_background) end function SetLineAsDontCorrectRtl(subs, selected) addTag(subs, selected, DcrtlTag) aegisub.set_undo_point(set_line_as_dont_correct_rtl) end function SetLineAsDontRemove(subs, selected) addTag(subs, selected, Drl) aegisub.set_undo_point(set_line_as_dont_remove) end function ShiftLineBreak(subs, selected) if #selected > 1 then return end local line = subs[selected[1]] local text, code = removeRtlChars(line.text), "" local textParts = getSubtitleTextParts(text) code, text = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(text, textParts) text = utf8.gsub(text, "\\N", " \\N ") text = removeDoubleSpace(trim(text)) local parts = getWordList(text) local i = getFirstLineBreakIndex(parts) if i == 0 or i == #parts then return text end parts[i] = parts[i + 1] parts[i + 1] = "\\N" text = table.concat(parts, " ") if canCorrectRtl(code) then text = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(text) end line.text = code .. text subs[selected[1]] = line aegisub.set_undo_point(shift_line_break) end function ShiftLineBreakBack(subs, selected) if #selected > 1 then return end local line = subs[selected[1]] local text, code = removeRtlChars(line.text), "" local textParts = getSubtitleTextParts(text) code, text = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(text, textParts) text = utf8.gsub(text, "\\N", " \\N ") text = removeDoubleSpace(trim(text)) local parts = getWordList(text) local i = getFirstLineBreakIndex(parts) if i == 0 or i == 1 then return text end parts[i] = parts[i - 1] parts[i - 1] = "\\N" text = table.concat(parts, " ") if canCorrectRtl(code) then text = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(text) end line.text = code .. text subs[selected[1]] = line aegisub.set_undo_point(shift_line_break_back) end ---------------------------- Go to line ------------------------- function GoToLine(subs, selected) local lineNumber, dialogOk = getNumberFromUser("\r\n Enter Line number: \r\n", "") if not dialogOk then return end local currentLine = 0 for i = 1, #subs do local line = subs[i] if line.class == "dialogue" then currentLine = currentLine + 1 if currentLine == tonumber(lineNumber) then selected = {i} return selected end end end end ------------------------- End of Main Methods ------------------- -- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Related Methods >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------- AddBackground Methods ------------------ function generateBackground(line, bgShape) local bgLine = table.copy(line) bgLine.text = bgShape.text = return bgLine end function calcLineCount(line, styles) local text = line.text local videoWidth = getVideoWidth() local lineCount = 0 if text:match([[\N]]) ~= nil then local l = table.copy(line) local lineParts = re.split(text, "\\\\N+") for i, t in ipairs(lineParts) do l.text = t lineCount = lineCount + getNoneBreakedLineCount(l, videoWidth, styles) end else lineCount = getNoneBreakedLineCount(line, videoWidth, styles) end return lineCount end function getTextWidth(line, styles) local cleanedText = cleanTags(line.text) local w = aegisub.text_extents(styles[], cleanedText) return w end function getTextHeight(styles, line) local cleanedText = cleanTags(line.text) local w, h = aegisub.text_extents(styles[], cleanedText) return h end function getNoneBreakedLineCount(line, videoWidth, styles) local stringWidth = getTextWidth(line, styles) local margin = line.margin_l + line.margin_r local drawableWidth = videoWidth - margin return math.ceil(stringWidth / drawableWidth) end function getVideoWidth() local xres, yres = aegisub.video_size() return xres end function getVideoSize() local xres, yres = aegisub.video_size() return xres, yres end function getBackgroundLine(subs, styles) --aegisub.debug.out(subs[1].text) local firstLine, i = getFirstSubtitleLine(subs) if firstLine == nil or not isBackgroundLine(firstLine) then createBackgroundStyle(subs, styles) createBackgroundLine(subs, firstLine, i) showMessage( tr [[The background shape is missing and now added as first line of subtitle. Please do flowing steps: 1- Change background size and position if needed. 2- Use appropriate style for background. 3- Run command again. Note: The script will add background to all lines except lines containing {\nobg} command or lines with style name ended with _NoBg word (e.g OnScreenText_NoBg)]] ) return nil, true end return firstLine, false, i end function getFirstSubtitleLine(subs) for i, l in ipairs(subs) do if l.class == "dialogue" then l.i = i return l, i end end return nil, -1 end function isStartTimeEqualsPeriorEndTime(line, periorEndTime, secondForContinuousBackground) if periorEndTime == "" then return false end local diff = line.start_time - periorEndTime return diff < secondForContinuousBackground * 1000 end function setLastGroupBackgroundEndTime(subs, groupBackgroundIndex, periorEndTime) if groupBackgroundIndex == -1 then return end local line = subs[groupBackgroundIndex] line.end_time = periorEndTime subs[groupBackgroundIndex] = line end function createBackgroundStyle(subs, styles) local style = styles["TextBackground"] if style then -- Set existing background style align to 5 style.align = 5 updateStyle(subs,, style) return end style = { class = "style", section = "V4+ Styles", name = "TextBackground", fontname = "Arial", fontsize = "20", color1 = "&H46000000&", color2 = "&H000000FF&", color3 = "&H00000000&", color4 = "&H00000000&", bold = false, italic = false, underline = false, strikeout = false, scale_x = 100, scale_y = 100, spacing = 0, angle = 0, borderstyle = 1, outline = 0, shadow = 0, align = 5, margin_l = 10, margin_r = 10, margin_t = 10, margin_b = 10, encoding = 1 } subs.insert(styles.n, style) end function createBackgroundLine(subs, line, idx) local bgLine = table.copy(line) local videoW, videoH = getVideoSize() local margin = videoW / 64 local shapeHeight = margin * 7 = "TextBackground" bgLine.text = string.format( "{\\p1\\pos(%d,%d)}m 0 0 l %d 0 l %d %d l 0 %d l 0 0", videoW / 2, videoH - shapeHeight + margin, videoW - 1, videoW - 1, shapeHeight, shapeHeight ) subs.insert(idx, bgLine) end function isBackgroundLine(line) return re.match(line.text, BgPatternRegex) ~= nil end function videoLoaded() local w = getVideoWidth() if w == nil then showMessage([[No video loaded. Please "Open Video..." or "Use Dummy Video..." and try again.]]) return false end return true end function shouldAddBackground(line) return (not string.find(, "_nobg")) and (not string.find(line.text, NoBgTag)) or (string.find(, "_nobg") and (string.find(line.text, "\\addbg"))) end function getPositionTag(text) local pos = string.match(text, BgPosPattern) if pos ~= nil then return "{" .. pos .. "}" end return "" end function addPositionTag(text, positionTag) text = removePosTag(text) text = positionTag .. text return text end function changeStyleAlignToFive(subs, styles, line) local style = styles[] style.align = 5 style.outline = 0 style.shadow = 1 style.borderstyle = 1 updateStyle(subs,, style) return end function updateStyle(subs, styleName, style) for i = 1, #subs do local l = subs[i] if l.class == "style" and == styleName then subs[i] = style return end end end function canRemoveBackground(line) return not string.find(line.text, Drl) end --------------------- SplitLine Methods ---------------------------- function getFirstChar(text, textParts) local sStart = 0 local sEnd = 0 local idx = 0 local codeText, plainText = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(text, textParts) local codeLength = string.len(codeText) sStart = string.len(plainText) for i = 1, #SplitChars do local s, e = utf8.find(plainText, SplitChars[i]) if s ~= nil and s < sStart then sStart = s sEnd = e idx = i end end return sStart + codeLength, sEnd + codeLength, idx end function changeLineTimeAfterSplit(text, line1, line2) local start = line1.start_time local endt = line1.end_time local dur = endt - start --aegisub.log(dur) local l = dur / utf8.len(text) line1.end_time = start + utf8.len(line1.text) * l line2.start_time = line1.end_time return line1, line2 end function changeLineTimeAfterMove(oldLine, line1, line2) local start, endt, dur, l = 0 if line2.start_time == line2.end_time then start = oldLine.start_time endt = oldLine.end_time dur = endt - start l = dur / utf8.len(oldLine.text) line1.end_time = start + utf8.len(line1.text) * l else start = line1.start_time endt = line2.end_time dur = endt - start l = dur / (utf8.len(line1.text) + utf8.len(line2.text)) line1.end_time = start + utf8.len(line1.text) * l line2.start_time = line1.end_time end return line1, line2 end function getNumberFromUser(msg, defaultValue) local config = { {class = "label", label = msg, x = 0, y = 0}, {class = "intedit", name = "inputNumber", value = defaultValue, x = 0, y = 1} } local btn, result = aegisub.dialog.display(config, {"OK", "Cancel"}, {ok = "OK", cancel = "Cancel"}) if btn then local r = tonumber(result.inputNumber) return r, true end return 0, false end function getCharAtIndex(text, index) local parts = getTextSplitCharsParts(text) if #parts > 0 then if index > #parts then return nil end -- -1 means last index of array -- if idx == 0 then -- index = #parts -- end -- returns start, end, SplitCharIndex return parts[index][1], parts[index][2], parts[index][3] end return nil end function getTextFromUser() local config = { {class = "label", label = "\r\n Enter your code here: \r\n", x = 0, y = 0}, {class = "textbox", name = "txtCode", value = "{\\ }", x = 0, y = 1, width = 10} } local btn, result = aegisub.dialog.display(config, {"OK", "Cancel"}, {ok = "OK", cancel = "Cancel"}) if btn then return result.txtCode end return nil end function autoBreakLine(lineText) local text, code = removeRtlChars(lineText), "" text = removeDoubleSpace(text) local textParts = getSubtitleTextParts(text) code, text = getCodeAndPlainTextPart(text, textParts) local wordList = getWordList(trim(text)) local breakIndex = getCloserPunctuationMarkIndex(wordList) -- if there is no punctuationMarks near the break tolerance if breakIndex == 0 then -- break from middle of text breakIndex = math.floor(#wordList / 2) end wordList[breakIndex] = wordList[breakIndex] .. " \\N " text = table.concat(wordList, " ") if canCorrectRtl(code) then text = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(text) end return code .. text end function getCloserPunctuationMarkIndex(wordList) local tolerance = calcBreakTolerance(#wordList) local breakIndex = 0 local closerIndex = tolerance for i, t in ipairs(wordList) do if re.match(t, PunctuationMarksRegex) ~= nil then local idx = math.abs(math.floor(#wordList / 2) - i) if idx <= tolerance and idx < closerIndex then idx = closerIndex breakIndex = i end end end return breakIndex end function calcBreakTolerance(wordCount) local percent = 60 local x = math.floor((wordCount * percent) / 100) local tolerance = math.ceil(x / 2) return math.floor(wordCount / 2) - tolerance end function notBreakedText(text) return re.match(text, "\\\\N+") == nil end ----------------------- Rtl Correction Methods --------------------- function removeRtlChars(s) local lroChar = utf8.char(0x202D) local rloChar = utf8.char(0x202E) local replaced = utf8.gsub(s, RleChar, "") replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, PdfChar, "") replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, LreChar, "") replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, lroChar, "") replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, rloChar, "") return replaced end function addRleToEachNoneAlphabeticChars(s) -- All weak characters enclosed between numbers local weakCharsWithinNumbers = "(\\d)([" .. WeakChars .. "])(\\d)" local replaced = s while re.match(replaced, weakCharsWithinNumbers) ~= nil do replaced = re.sub(replaced, weakCharsWithinNumbers, "\\1" .. RleChar .. "\\2" .. PdfChar .. "\\3") end -- Make last punctuation mark RTL replaced = re.sub(replaced, LastPunctuationMark, PdfChar .. RleChar .. "\\1") replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, "\\N", "\\N" .. RleChar) return RleChar .. replaced end function addRleToBeginigOfLine(s) if isRtl(s) then s = utf8.gsub(s, "\\N", "\\N" .. RleChar) return RleChar .. s end return s end function removeSpacesBeforePunctuationMarks(s) local pattern = "(%s+)([{" .. PunctuationMarks .. "}])" local replaced = s while utf8.match(replaced, pattern) do replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, pattern, "%2") end return replaced end function addRequiredSpaceAfterPunctuationMarks(s) local pattern = "([{" .. PunctuationMarks .. "}])([^%s{" .. PunctuationMarks .. "}])" local replaced = s while utf8.match(replaced, pattern) do replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, pattern, "%1 %2") end return replaced end function removeSpaceAfterStartingBrackets(s) local pattern = "([{" .. StartingBracketChars .. "}])([%s]+)" local replaced = s while utf8.match(replaced, pattern) do replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, pattern, "%1") end return replaced end function removeSpaceBeforeEndingBrackets(s) local pattern = "([%s]+)([{" .. EndingsBracketChars .. "}])" local replaced = s while utf8.match(replaced, pattern) do replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, pattern, "%2") end return replaced end function addRequiredSpaceAfterEndingBrackets(s) local pattern = "([{" .. EndingsBracketChars .. "}])([^%s{" .. EndingsBracketChars .. PunctuationMarks .. StartingBracketChars .. '"}])' local replaced = s if utf8.match(replaced, pattern) then replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, pattern, "%1 %2") end return replaced end function addRequiredSpaceBeforeStartingBrackets(s) local pattern = "([^%s{" .. StartingBracketChars .. "}])([{" .. StartingBracketChars .. "}])" local replaced = s while utf8.match(replaced, pattern) do replaced = utf8.gsub(replaced, pattern, "%1 %2") end return replaced end function isRtl(s) local RtlChars = { "ء", "آ", "أ", "ا", "ب", "پ", "ت", "ة", "ث", "ج", "چ", "ح", "خ", "د", "ذ", "ر", "ز", "ژ", "س", "ش", "ص", "ض", "ط", "ظ", "ع", "غ", "ف", "ق", "ک", "ك", "گ", "ل", "م", "ن", "و", "ه", "ی", "ي", "۔" } local step = utf8.len(s) for i = 1, step do local ch = utf8.sub(s, i, i) --aegisub.log(i.." " for j = 1, #RtlChars do if RtlChars[j] == ch then return true end end end return false end function getSubtitleTextParts(s) local text = s local parts = {} local p1 = "^(%s*{.-})" local p2 = "^(.-)({.-})" local p3 = "({.-})" while string.match(text, p3) do while string.match(text, p1) do local a = string.match(text, p1) table.insert(parts, a) text = string.gsub(text, p1, "") end while string.match(text, p2) do local a, b = string.match(text, p2) table.insert(parts, a) table.insert(parts, b) text = string.gsub(text, p2, "") end end if utf8.len(text) > 0 then table.insert(parts, text) end return parts end function rtlCorrectNonCodeText(s, noNormalize) if utf8.match(s, CodePattern) == nil then if not noNormalize then s = removeRtlChars(s) s = removeDoubleSpace(s) s = removeSpacesBeforePunctuationMarks(s) s = addRequiredSpaceAfterPunctuationMarks(s) s = addRequiredSpaceBeforeStartingBrackets(s) s = removeSpaceAfterStartingBrackets(s) s = removeSpaceBeforeEndingBrackets(s) s = addRequiredSpaceAfterEndingBrackets(s) end if isRtl(s) then s = addRleToEachNoneAlphabeticChars(s) end end return s end function canCorrectRtl(text) -- dcrtl = dont correct rtl local canCorrect = not string.find(text, DcrtlTag) return canCorrect end function rtlCorrectTextWithCode(s, noNormalize) local parts = getSubtitleTextParts(s) local text = "" for k = 1, #parts do local t = parts[k] t = rtlCorrectNonCodeText(t, noNormalize) text = text .. t end return text end function rtlCorrectIfAllowed(s) if not canCorrectRtl(s) then return s end return rtlCorrectTextWithCode(s) end ------------------------------- Rtl Editor Methods ---------------------- function openEditor(str) local config = { {class = "label", label = "\r\n Press Ctrl+Shift to switch to Right to left mode \r\n", x = 0, y = 0}, {class = "textbox", name = "editor", value = str, x = 0, y = 1, width = 12, height = 8} } local btn, result = aegisub.dialog.display(config, {"OK", "Cancel"}, {ok = "OK", cancel = "Cancel"}) return btn, result.editor end ------------------------- Move methods ------------------------- function getTextSplitCharsParts(text) local parts = {} text = trim(text) for i = 1, #SplitChars do local txt = text local ln = 0 while txt ~= "" do local s, e = utf8.find(txt, SplitChars[i]) if s then table.insert(parts, {}) table.insert(parts[#parts], ln + s) table.insert(parts[#parts], ln + e) table.insert(parts[#parts], i) txt = utf8.sub(txt, e + 1, utf8.len(txt)) ln = ln + e else goto continue end end ::continue:: end -- if text not contains any SplitChars if #parts == 0 and text ~= "" then table.insert(parts, {}) table.insert(parts[#parts], 1) table.insert(parts[#parts], utf8.len(text)) table.insert(parts[#parts], 1) end table.sort(parts, compare) return parts end function getTextPartsBySplitCharIndexes(parts, text) if #parts == 0 then return nil end text = trim(text) local start = 1 local textParts = {} for i = 1, #parts do local part = utf8.sub(text, start, parts[i][2]) table.insert(textParts, part) start = parts[i][2] + 1 end -- text after last SplitChar if start <= utf8.len(text) then table.insert(textParts, utf8.sub(text, start)) end return textParts end function getLastWord(text) local words = {} for w in text:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(words, w) end if (#words == 0) then return nil end return words[#words] end function getFirstWord(text) local words = {} for w in text:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(words, w) end if (#words == 0) then return nil end return words[1] end function getFirstLineBreakIndex(parts) for i, t in ipairs(parts) do if utf8.find(t, "\\N") then return i end end return 0 end ------------------ Number Converter Methods ------------------- function applyNumbersToEnglish(text) -- Persian numbers to English if utf8.match(text, CodePattern) == nil then text = utf8.gsub(text, "۱", "1") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۲", "2") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۳", "3") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۴", "4") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۵", "5") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۶", "6") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۷", "7") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۸", "8") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۹", "9") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۰", "0") -- Arabic numbers to English text = utf8.gsub(text, "١", "1") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٢", "2") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٣", "3") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٤", "4") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٥", "5") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٦", "6") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٧", "7") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٨", "8") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٩", "9") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٠", "0") end return text end function applyNumbersToArabic(text) if utf8.match(text, CodePattern) == nil then -- Persian numbers to Arabic text = utf8.gsub(text, "۱", "١") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۲", "٢") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۳", "٣") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۴", "٤") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۵", "٥") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۶", "٦") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۷", "٧") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۸", "٨") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۹", "٩") text = utf8.gsub(text, "۰", "٠") -- English numbers to Arabic text = utf8.gsub(text, "1", "١") text = utf8.gsub(text, "2", "٢") text = utf8.gsub(text, "3", "٣") text = utf8.gsub(text, "4", "٤") text = utf8.gsub(text, "5", "٥") text = utf8.gsub(text, "6", "٦") text = utf8.gsub(text, "7", "٧") text = utf8.gsub(text, "8", "٨") text = utf8.gsub(text, "9", "٩") text = utf8.gsub(text, "0", "٠") end return text end function applyNumbersToPersian(text) if utf8.match(text, CodePattern) == nil then -- Arabic numbers to Persian text = utf8.gsub(text, "١", "۱") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٢", "۲") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٣", "۳") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٤", "۴") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٥", "۵") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٦", "۶") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٧", "۷") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٨", "۸") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٩", "۹") text = utf8.gsub(text, "٠", "۰") -- English numbers to Persian text = utf8.gsub(text, "1", "۱") text = utf8.gsub(text, "2", "۲") text = utf8.gsub(text, "3", "۳") text = utf8.gsub(text, "4", "۴") text = utf8.gsub(text, "5", "۵") text = utf8.gsub(text, "6", "۶") text = utf8.gsub(text, "7", "۷") text = utf8.gsub(text, "8", "۸") text = utf8.gsub(text, "9", "۹") text = utf8.gsub(text, "0", "۰") end return text end ------------------ Shared Methods ------------------- function cleanTags(text) return string.gsub(text, [[{\.-}]], "") end function showMessage(msg) local config = { {class = "label", label = "\r\n" .. msg .. "\r\n", x = 0, y = 0} } local btn, result = aegisub.dialog.display(config, {"OK"}, {ok = "OK"}) end function compare(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end function trim(s) local r = s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") return r end function removePosTag(text) return string.gsub(text, PosPattern, "") end function removeDoubleSpace(s) while string.match(s, "%s%s") ~= nil do s = string.gsub(s, "%s%s", " ") end return s end function secondsToClock(seconds) local seconds = tonumber(seconds) if seconds <= 0 then return "00:00:00" else local hours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds / 3600)) local mins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds / 60 - (hours * 60))) local secs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds - hours * 3600 - mins * 60)) return hours .. ":" .. mins .. ":" .. secs end end function replaceLineBreak(s) return utf8.gsub(s, "\\N", "\n") end function addTag(subs, selected, tag) for i = 1, #selected, 1 do local line = subs[selected[i]] line.text = "{" .. tag .. "}" .. line.text subs[selected[i]] = line end end function getCodeAndPlainTextPart(text, textParts) local plainText = "" local codeText = "" local codeIndex = 0 if #textParts > 0 then for i = 1, #textParts do if utf8.match(textParts[i], CodePattern) == nil then break end codeIndex = i codeText = codeText .. textParts[i] end if codeIndex > 0 then for i = codeIndex + 1, #textParts do plainText = plainText .. textParts[i] end else plainText = text end end return codeText, plainText end function getWordList(text) return re.split(text, " ") end ------------------------------ End of methods ------------------------------ aegisub.register_macro(add_background, tr "Adds background shape for subtitles", AddBackground) aegisub.register_macro(remove_background_lines, tr "Remove all Background lines", RemoveBackgroundLines) ------------ Corrections ------------- aegisub.register_macro(rtl_correction_script_name, tr "Correct Rtl display problems for all lines", RtlCorrection) aegisub.register_macro( rtl_correction_selected_line, tr "Corrert Rtl display problems for selected lines", RtlCorrectorSelectedLine ) aegisub.register_macro( rtl_correction_without_normalize, tr "Corrert Rtl display problems for selected lines without normalize text", RtlCorrectorWithoutNormalize ) aegisub.register_macro(add_rle, tr "Add RLE Control character to beginig of selected line", AddRle) aegisub.register_macro(undo_rtl_correction, tr "Undo Rtl correction", UndoRtlCorrection) aegisub.register_macro(convert_numbers_to_english, tr "Convert all numbers to English numbers", ConvertNumbersToEnglish) aegisub.register_macro(convert_numbers_to_arabic, tr "Convert all numbers to Arabic numbers", ConvertNumbersToArabic) aegisub.register_macro(convert_numbers_to_persian, tr "Convert all numbers to Persian numbers", ConvertNumbersToPersian) aegisub.register_macro( selected_numbers_to_english, tr "Convert selected line numbers to English numbers", SelectedNumbersToEnglish ) aegisub.register_macro( selected_numbers_to_arabic, tr "Convert selected line numbers to Arabic numbers", SelectedNumbersToArabic ) aegisub.register_macro( selected_numbers_to_persian, tr "Convert selected line numbers to Persian numbers", SelectedNumbersToPersian ) ------------ Timing ------------- aegisub.register_macro(shift_start_line_forward, tr "Shift line start time forward", ShiftStartLineForward) aegisub.register_macro(shift_start_line_backward, tr "Shift line start time backward", ShiftStartLineBackward) aegisub.register_macro(shift_end_line_forward, tr "Shift line end time forward", ShiftEndLineForward) aegisub.register_macro(shift_end_line_backward, tr "Shift line end time backward", ShiftEndLineBackward) aegisub.register_macro( make_next_line_continuous, tr "Make next line continuous with current line", MakeNextLineContinuous ) aegisub.register_macro(make_same_time, tr "Make same time", MakeSameTime) aegisub.register_macro(make_same_start_time, tr "Make same start time", MakeSameStartTime) aegisub.register_macro(make_same_end_time, tr "Make same end time", MakeSameEndTime) ------------ Text Movements ------------- aegisub.register_macro(move_last_text_part, tr "Move last text part to next line", MoveLastTextPart) aegisub.register_macro(move_first_part_of_next, tr "Move first part of next line to current line", MoveFirstPartOfNext) aegisub.register_macro(move_last_word, tr "Move last word to next line", MoveLastWord) aegisub.register_macro(move_first_word_of_next, tr "Move first word of next line to current line", MoveFirstWordOfNext) aegisub.register_macro(shift_line_break, tr "Shift Linebreak forward", ShiftLineBreak) aegisub.register_macro(shift_line_break_back, tr "Shift Linebreak back", ShiftLineBreakBack) aegisub.register_macro(split_script_name, tr "Split selected line", Split) aegisub.register_macro(split_at_index_script_name, tr "Split selected line at index", SplitAtIndex) aegisub.register_macro(break_semi_long_lines, tr "Break Semi-Long lines", BreakSemiLongLines) aegisub.register_macro(break_selected_line, tr "Break Selected line", BreakSelectedLine) aegisub.register_macro(show_rtl_editor_script_name, tr "Show Rtl editor", ShowRtlEditor) aegisub.register_macro(remove_line_break_script_name, tr "Remove line Breaks", RemoveLineBreaks) aegisub.register_macro(remove_position_tags, tr "Remove all position tags", RemovePositionTags) aegisub.register_macro(select_playing_line, tr "Select current playing line", SelectPlayingLine) aegisub.register_macro(generate_srt_like_text, tr "Generate SRT like text", GenerateSrtLikeText) ------------ Special Tags ------------ aegisub.register_macro(fix_line_position, tr "Prevent automatic change position by script", FixLinePosition) aegisub.register_macro( set_line_as_no_background, tr "Prevent automatic background generation by script", SetLineAsNoBackground ) aegisub.register_macro( set_line_as_dont_correct_rtl, tr "Prevent automatic Rtl correction by script", SetLineAsDontCorrectRtl ) aegisub.register_macro(set_line_as_dont_remove, tr "Prevent automatic line deletion by script", SetLineAsDontRemove) ------------ Miscs ------------ aegisub.register_macro(unify_background_lines_script_name, tr "Unify background lines", UnifyBackgroundLines) aegisub.register_macro(add_code_to_selected_lines_script_name, tr "Add code to selected lines", AddCodeToSelectedLines) aegisub.register_macro(import_text_to_selected_lines, tr "Import text to selected lines", ImportTextToSelectedLines) aegisub.register_macro(display_sum_of_times, tr "Display sum of times", DisplaySumOfTimes) aegisub.register_macro(go_to_line, tr "Go to line", GoToLine)