function ctsAchievement(achievement, difficultyChecker = true){ if ((difficultyChecker && campaignTrail_temp.difficulty_level_multiplier<=1)||!difficultyChecker) if(campaignTrail_temp.CTS){ unlockAchievement(achievement); } } campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8908, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Senate Republicans, still aching from November's elections, have deposed Minority Leader Lott after he praised Senator Thurmond's 1948 Presidential run. Installed in his place to lead the 41 other senators is Bill Frist, an administration ally. You can't hide your disappointment, but this does give you an opportunity to distance yourself from previous administrations.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8925, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "This year's State of the Union promises to be a tough one. Since the Democratic wave of 2002, your agenda has been dead in the water. You have precious few achievements you can call your own and plenty of liberals on TV calling for you to abandon your \"compassionate conservative\" ideals for more of the same Washington mumbo jumbo. How are you approaching this year's Address?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8945, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Well first it was Lott, now Hastert's up for the chopping block. It's relayed to you that Hastert has been accused of paying to keep folks hush about his pursuit of underaged male pages. Early polling shows that half of the country believes Hastert should resign, though luckily they aren't the ones in control of the Republican caucus. What's your say on these rumors?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8955, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Act—a combination of policies in line with supply-side doctrine—has been a major priority for you. While the bill has enjoyed overwhelming support among Republicans, Democrats have been uneasy due to studies projecting dramatic increases to the deficit and household inequality. They're all just doubters, you muse to yourself, but with liberals in control of the House, you need to win some skeptics to pass this bill. How do you close the deal?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8961, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "In 2001, the Pentagon’s Inspector General notified Congress of a $2.3 trillion discrepency in the department’s budget. While your Administration has explained that this is a result of poor record-keeping, House Democrats have wasted no opportunity in inflating this into a scandal, suggesting you and Secretary of Defense Rumsfield “cooked the books.” You find the suggestion absurd, offensive even, but the continued investigations are dragging down your support. How do you quiet these nuts?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8968, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "In 2000, you made overhauling Social Security to extend its solvency a major campaign pledge, vowing to lead a “bipartisan effort” to give individuals the opportunity to invest part of their payroll taxes. However, your efforts have stalled. Republicans are leery of touching an issue that could terrify retirees sensitive into voting D. Democrats, meanwhile, have their own proposals to encourage younger, low-income workers to invest more to extend the program’s solvency. Do you try to salvage your package?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8975, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Although long forgotten by policymakers after the Soviet retreat in 1989, Afghanistan is once again a source of international tensions and a sudden distraction from your domestic agenda. The CIA-backed Northern Alliance insurgents have gained momentum against the Taliban regime, creating a refugee crisis in Pakistan. Meanwhile, the terrorist group al-Qaeda has gained a foothold in Xinjiang. All of this has greatly alarmed Russia and China, who refuse to intervene unilaterally, but are seeking ways to deal with the rising threat. How will you handle this?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8984, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The US Supreme Court, in a 5–4 decision, has struck down a Texas ban on sexual relations between same-sex adults. The decision is the opposite of the narrow, cautious ruling that most expected, paving the way to challenges of the military’s ban on open homosexuality as well as state and federal restrictions on the ability of homosexuals to pursue child care and employment. Naturally, the religious right is outraged and looking to you for guidance in these frightening times. What do you say to reassure them?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8997, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are approached by Dick with startling information. According to the Iraqi National Congress exile group, Saddam has obtained a series of “aluminum tubes” for the purposes of enriching uranium. CIA satellites, meanwhile, have picked up trailer-like facilities that some analysts believe could be mobile units intended to produce biological weapons. If proven, these stories suggest that Iraq has not abandoned its quest for WMDs but has been secretly accelerating it. This information needs to be acted upon now, Cheney argues. He looks to you for your response.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9004, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "After an avalanche of bad news, you finally have something to celebrate: Californians successfully recalled their scandal-ridden Democrat governor and replaced him with actor-turned-Republican politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. Given that many Americans currently associate the Republican Party with stodgy old men like Dick, Arnold could be just the thing it needs to reinvent itself. How are you using “the Governator” in the coming months?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9013, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "At your Administration’s urging, the UN Security Council passed a resolution offering Saddam’s Iraq “a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations” and submit to weapon inspections. Although Iraq allowed inspectors to visit some sites, its officials are evasive on larger questions about its full capabilities. Both Cheney and Powell consider this a “material breach” of its obligations and believe the US is within its rights to respond. They look for your direction on next steps.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9020, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Today, a Senate committee released its report investigating Enron's collapse, detailing the firm’s history of risky accounting, conflicts of interests, and deceptive practices. The report also details many ties between the company and your Administration, describing calls between your advisors and Enron executives to limit the blowback from the collapse. The new details on top of your close friendship with the company’s former CEO resurface old questions. How will you address this?\t", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9029, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It’s the moment of truth. Cheney’s people have shepharded through Congress an expansive Authorization for the Use of Military Force against the government of Saddam Hussein. Committee hearings have spawned disruptions from activists along with growing protests in major cities. Liberals like Paul Wellstone have promised to oppose the bill while Senators like Clinton and Lieberman have been unusually quiet, still deciding which way to fall. Everyone is now waiting for your signal. Do you push Congress to greenlight an invasion of Iraq or do you pull back?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9036, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The differences between you and your vice president have been no secret and there’s been much speculation about whether Dick will remain on the ticket for ’04 or return to Haliburton. Today, you hear from Dick that, after much thought and deliberation, he is interested in seeking another term as Vice President. He believes that there’s simply too much at stake given the instability in the Middle East and US commitments around the globe. What do you have to say about it?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9042, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When he agreed to become your running mate in 2000, Dick said he severed all ties with his former employer, Halliburton. However, as you scan the newspaper, you bitterly realize how hard these statements are to believe. This year, he’s on track to receive almost $400,000 in deferred compensation from his time as CEO. Meanwhile, Halliburton has received many lucrative contracts, including many related to the US military’s activities in Saudi Arabia, and is the subject of multiple whistleblower complaints. At the behest of Sen. Dorgan, Senate leaders are now debating whether to open an investigation into these ties. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 8990, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It seems you’ve had enough. You can’t just sit on the sidelines while activists take to the streets to champion the erosion of the sacred institution of marriage. Massachusetts was the first to go, and while there’s no political threat to it nationwide just yet, with conservatism on the ropes, how should this topic be addressed?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9050, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE SELECTED AT CONVENTION", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9052, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9061, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "DEM CANDIDATE SPECIFIC Q - The Dem’s specific method of attacking Bush", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9063, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The liberals in the media love to harp on a handful of topics, you think to yourself as you laugh with the press pool in the back of your plane, but your Administration has been one of the busiest in history. You’ve had so many successes that it’s hard, at times, to count them all. Aside from the few big-ticket items, which issues do you make a focus this campaign season?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9072, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Campaigning is exhausting. Every day a new city, you and Laura to be happy and full of life. To your immense relief, Arnie in California has offered to lighten the load by organizing a rally on your behalf. He wants to know where he should go to act as your surrogate:", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9074, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "DEM CANDIDATE SPECIFIC Q - Any campaign drama you can extort", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9076, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "DEM CANDIDATE SPECIFIC Q - The coalition the democrat is trying to make", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9078, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You go to Crawford to escape the chaos of the campaign, only for it to follow you home. Outside your ranch is a collection of protestors, spiky-haired men and women holding signs that allude to your relationship with Hastert, your involvement in Enron, and countless other sins. One woman brandishes a sign that simply reads, \"WE HATE YOU\" beneath a smiling face. Its sight makes you wince but Turd Blossom believes these radicals could be an opportunity to throw the Democrats off balance.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9080, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "DEM CANDIDATE SPECIFIC Q- The culture of the campaign and how to play off of it", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9082, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It is your final week on the road. You meet all kinds of people—scared mothers, self-described centrists, evangelical conspiracists—you are whatever people want you to be. At some stops, you are a good ol' boy, laying your drawl on thick. At other stops, you ape a pseudo-intellectualism common on Sunday Shows. One final push, Turd Flower says. Where are you?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9084, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "### ALT QUESTIONS", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9085, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Act—a combination of tax cuts, job training, and other policies in line with supply-side doctrine—has been a major legislative priority for you. While the bill has enjoyed overwhelming support among Republicans, Democrats have been uneasy due to studies from the Congressional Budget Office projecting dramatic increases to the deficit and household inequality. The CBO’s just another doubter, you muse to yourself, but with liberals in control of the House, you will need to win some skeptics to pass this bill. How do you close the deal?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9091, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "In 2001, the Pentagon’s Inspector General notified Congress of a $2.3 trillion discrepency in the department’s budget. While your Administration has explained that this is a result of poor record-keeping, House Democrats have wasted no opportunity in inflating this into a scandal, suggesting you and Secretary of Defense Rumsfield “cooked the books.” You find the suggestion absurd, offensive even, but the continued investigations are dragging down your support. How do you quiet these nuts?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9098, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "In 2000, you made overhauling Social Security to extend its solvency a major campaign pledge, vowing to lead a “bipartisan effort” to give individuals the opportunity to invest part of their payroll taxes. However, your efforts have stalled. Republicans are leery of touching an issue that could terrify retirees sensitive into voting D. Democrats, meanwhile, have their own proposals to encourage younger, low-income workers to invest more to extend the program’s solvency. Do you try to salvage your package?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9105, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "In 2000, you made overhauling Social Security to extend its solvency a major campaign pledge, vowing to lead a “bipartisan effort” to give individuals the opportunity to invest part of their payroll taxes. However, your efforts have stalled. Republicans are leery of touching an issue that could terrify retirees sensitive into voting D. Democrats, meanwhile, have their own proposals to encourage younger, low-income workers to invest more to extend the program’s solvency. Do you try to salvage your package?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9112, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Although long forgotten by policymakers after the Soviet retreat in 1989, Afghanistan is once again a source of international tensions and a sudden distraction from your domestic agenda. The CIA-backed Northern Alliance insurgents have gained momentum against the Taliban regime, creating a refugee crisis in Pakistan. Meanwhile, the terrorist group al-Qaeda has gained a foothold in Xinjiang. All of this has greatly alarmed Russia and China, who refuse to intervene unilaterally, but are seeking ways to deal with the rising threat. How will you handle this?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9121, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "After an avalanche of bad news, you finally have something to celebrate: Californians successfully recalled their scandal-ridden Democrat governor and replaced him with actor-turned-Republican politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. Given that many Americans currently associate the Republican Party with stodgy old men like Dick, Arnold could be just the thing it needs to reinvent itself. How are you using “the Governator” in the coming months?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9148, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "After an avalanche of bad news, you finally have something to celebrate: Californians successfully recalled their scandal-ridden Democrat governor and replaced him with actor-turned-Republican politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. Given that many Americans currently associate the Republican Party with stodgy old men like Dick, Arnold could be just the thing it needs to reinvent itself. How are you using “the Governator” in the coming months?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9175, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "After an avalanche of bad news, you finally have something to celebrate: Californians successfully recalled their scandal-ridden Democrat governor and replaced him with actor-turned-Republican politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. Given that many Americans currently associate the Republican Party with stodgy old men like Dick, Arnold could be just the thing it needs to reinvent itself. How are you using “the Governator” in the coming months?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9184, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "After an avalanche of bad news, you finally have something to celebrate: Californians successfully recalled their scandal-ridden Democrat governor and replaced him with actor-turned-Republican politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. Given that many Americans currently associate the Republican Party with stodgy old men like Dick, Arnold could be just the thing it needs to reinvent itself. How are you using “the Governator” in the coming months?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9202, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "After an avalanche of bad news, you finally have something to celebrate: Californians successfully recalled their scandal-ridden Democrat governor and replaced him with actor-turned-Republican politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. Given that many Americans currently associate the Republican Party with stodgy old men like Dick, Arnold could be just the thing it needs to reinvent itself. How are you using “the Governator” in the coming months?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9211, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "After an avalanche of bad news, you finally have something to celebrate: Californians successfully recalled their scandal-ridden Democrat governor and replaced him with actor-turned-Republican politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. Given that many Americans currently associate the Republican Party with stodgy old men like Dick, Arnold could be just the thing it needs to reinvent itself. How are you using “the Governator” in the coming months?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10366, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "After an avalanche of bad news, you finally have something to celebrate: Californians successfully recalled their scandal-ridden Democrat governor and replaced him with actor-turned-Republican politician Arnold Schwarzenegger. Given that many Americans currently associate the Republican Party with stodgy old men like Dick, Arnold could be just the thing it needs to reinvent itself. How are you using “the Governator” in the coming months?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9220, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "At your Administration’s urging, the UN Security Council passed a resolution offering Saddam’s Iraq “a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations” and submit to weapon inspections. Although Iraq allowed inspectors to visit some sites, its officials are evasive on larger questions about its full capabilities. Both Cheney and Powell consider this a “material breach” of its obligations and believe the US is within its rights to respond. They look for your direction on next steps.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9227, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "At your Administration’s urging, the UN Security Council passed a resolution offering Saddam’s Iraq “a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations” and submit to weapon inspections. Although Iraq allowed inspectors to visit some sites, its officials are evasive on larger questions about its full capabilities. Both Cheney and Powell consider this a “material breach” of its obligations and believe the US is within its rights to respond. They look for your direction on next steps.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9234, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "At your Administration’s urging, the UN Security Council passed a resolution offering Saddam’s Iraq “a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations” and submit to weapon inspections. Although Iraq allowed inspectors to visit some sites, its officials are evasive on larger questions about its full capabilities. Both Cheney and Powell consider this a “material breach” of its obligations and believe the US is within its rights to respond. They look for your direction on next steps.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9241, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Today, a Senate committee released its report investigating Enron's collapse, detailing the firm’s history of risky accounting, conflicts of interests, and deceptive practices. The report also details many ties between the company and your Administration, describing calls between your advisors and Enron executives to limit the blowback from the collapse. The new details on top of your close friendship with the company’s former CEO resurface old questions. How will you address this?\t", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9250, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Today, a Senate committee released its report investigating Enron's collapse, detailing the firm’s history of risky accounting, conflicts of interests, and deceptive practices. The report also details many ties between the company and your Administration, describing calls between your advisors and Enron executives to limit the blowback from the collapse. The new details on top of your close friendship with the company’s former CEO resurface old questions. How will you address this?\t", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9259, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Today, a Senate committee released its report investigating Enron's collapse, detailing the firm’s history of risky accounting, conflicts of interests, and deceptive practices. The report also details many ties between the company and your Administration, describing calls between your advisors and Enron executives to limit the blowback from the collapse. The new details on top of your close friendship with the company’s former CEO resurface old questions. How will you address this?\t", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9268, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Today, a Senate committee released its report investigating Enron's collapse, detailing the firm’s history of risky accounting, conflicts of interests, and deceptive practices. The report also details many ties between the company and your Administration, describing calls between your advisors and Enron executives to limit the blowback from the collapse. The new details on top of your close friendship with the company’s former CEO resurface old questions. How will you address this?\t", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9277, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Today, a Senate committee released its report investigating Enron's collapse, detailing the firm’s history of risky accounting, conflicts of interests, and deceptive practices. The report also details many ties between the company and your Administration, describing calls between your advisors and Enron executives to limit the blowback from the collapse. The new details on top of your close friendship with the company’s former CEO resurface old questions. How will you address this?\t", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9286, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Today, a Senate committee released its report investigating Enron's collapse, detailing the firm’s history of risky accounting, conflicts of interests, and deceptive practices. The report also details many ties between the company and your Administration, describing calls between your advisors and Enron executives to limit the blowback from the collapse. The new details on top of your close friendship with the company’s former CEO resurface old questions. How will you address this?\t", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9295, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It’s the moment of truth. Cheney’s people have shepharded through Congress an expansive Authorization for the Use of Military Force against the government of Saddam Hussein. Committee hearings have spawned disruptions from activists along with growing protests in major cities. Liberals like Paul Wellstone have promised to oppose the bill while Senators like Clinton and Lieberman have been unusually quiet, still deciding which way to fall. Everyone is now waiting for your signal. Do you push Congress to greenlight an invasion of Iraq or do you pull back?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9300, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "A combination of bad press, weariness from the scandals of your administration, and a yearning to return to the private sector has led to Vice President Cheney confiding in you that he will not seek the office of Vice President again at the Republican National Convention this year. Your advisors and cabinet, believing that relations with Congress are on the ropes, have advised you to tap Bill Frist for the role - you’re inclined to agree. What do you have to say about it?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9303, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When he agreed to become your running mate in 2000, Dick said he severed all ties with his former employer, Halliburton. However, as you scan the newspaper, you bitterly realize how hard these statements are to believe. This year, he’s on track to receive almost $400,000 in deferred compensation from his time as CEO. Meanwhile, Halliburton has received many lucrative contracts, including many related to the US military’s activities in Saudi Arabia, and is the subject of multiple whistleblower complaints. At the behest of Sen. Dorgan, Senate leaders are now debating whether to open an investigation into these ties. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9317, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When he agreed to become your running mate in 2000, Dick said he severed all ties with his former employer, Halliburton. However, as you scan the newspaper, you bitterly realize how hard these statements are to believe. This year, he’s on track to receive almost $400,000 in deferred compensation from his time as CEO. Meanwhile, Halliburton has received many lucrative contracts, including many related to the US military’s activities in Saudi Arabia, and is the subject of multiple whistleblower complaints. At the behest of Sen. Dorgan, Senate leaders are now debating whether to open an investigation into these ties. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9324, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When he agreed to become your running mate in 2000, Dick said he severed all ties with his former employer, Halliburton. However, as you scan the newspaper, you bitterly realize how hard these statements are to believe. This year, he’s on track to receive almost $400,000 in deferred compensation from his time as CEO. Meanwhile, Halliburton has received many lucrative contracts, including many related to the US military’s activities in Saudi Arabia, and is the subject of multiple whistleblower complaints. At the behest of Sen. Dorgan, Senate leaders are now debating whether to open an investigation into these ties. How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9331, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When the chattering class aren’t mocking you, they speculate endlessly about your adversary for the upcoming election. Already, various Democrats have launched campaigns. Unfortunately, early polling suggests that almost every candidate still in contention will be a formidable opponent, partly due to divisions in the Republican Party. One night in the Oval Office, you and Rove try to brainstorm ways you might unite the party and save your re-election campaign.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9340, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When the chattering class aren’t mocking you, they speculate endlessly about your adversary for the upcoming election. Already, various Democrats have launched campaigns. Unfortunately, early polling suggests that almost every candidate still in contention will be a formidable opponent, partly due to divisions in the Republican Party. One night in the Oval Office, you and Rove try to brainstorm ways you might unite the party and save your re-election campaign.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9349, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When the chattering class aren’t mocking you, they speculate endlessly about your adversary for the upcoming election. Already, various Democrats have launched campaigns. Unfortunately, early polling suggests that almost every candidate still in contention will be a formidable opponent, partly due to divisions in the Republican Party. One night in the Oval Office, you and Rove try to brainstorm ways you might unite the party and save your re-election campaign.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9358, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When the chattering class aren’t mocking you, they speculate endlessly about your adversary for the upcoming election. Already, various Democrats have launched campaigns. Unfortunately, early polling suggests that almost every candidate still in contention will be a formidable opponent, partly due to divisions in the Republican Party. One night in the Oval Office, you and Rove try to brainstorm ways you might unite the party and save your re-election campaign.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9367, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When the chattering class aren’t mocking you, they speculate endlessly about your adversary for the upcoming election. Already, various Democrats have launched campaigns. Unfortunately, early polling suggests that almost every candidate still in contention will be a formidable opponent, partly due to divisions in the Republican Party. One night in the Oval Office, you and Rove try to brainstorm ways you might unite the party and save your re-election campaign.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9376, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When the chattering class aren’t mocking you, they speculate endlessly about your adversary for the upcoming election. Already, various Democrats have launched campaigns. Unfortunately, early polling suggests that almost every candidate still in contention will be a formidable opponent, partly due to divisions in the Republican Party. One night in the Oval Office, you and Rove try to brainstorm ways you might unite the party and save your re-election campaign.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9385, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When the chattering class aren’t mocking you, they speculate endlessly about your adversary for the upcoming election. Already, various Democrats have launched campaigns. Unfortunately, early polling suggests that almost every candidate still in contention will be a formidable opponent, partly due to divisions in the Republican Party. One night in the Oval Office, you and Rove try to brainstorm ways you might unite the party and save your re-election campaign.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9394, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "When the chattering class aren’t mocking you, they speculate endlessly about your adversary for the upcoming election. Already, various Democrats have launched campaigns. Unfortunately, early polling suggests that almost every candidate still in contention will be a formidable opponent, partly due to divisions in the Republican Party. One night in the Oval Office, you and Rove try to brainstorm ways you might unite the party and save your re-election campaign.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9676, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "## DEM SPECIFIC QUESTIONS", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9677, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "## SHARPTON Qs", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9678, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Republican operatives froth at the mouth. Afraid of the \"rally around the flag\" effect, many prominent Democrats sat out the primaries, leading to controversial preacher and left-wing insurgent Al Sharpton to seize the Democratic nomination. He names Bob Graham as his running mate, potentially a move by the party's establishment wing to temper Sharpton's radicalism. You receive a slew of dirty ads with which you can use the demolish this ticket. The only question is which.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9679, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Sharpton has had trouble dredging up things to slam you on, but there are always two things: Your background, and the war going on overseas. Trying to play off his childhood, he's used his coming from the slums as a motivational story against your upbringing and has attacked your military expansion as an example of America being controlled by \"Big MIC corporations.\" How do you respond?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9680, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You walk into the room - Rove is staring into the TV as Sharpton gives an interview on CBS, Karl's own face completely deadpan. He snarls, then decides to look at you. You sit down a second later, and he mutters something under his breath. Something about exploiting Sharpton's campaign, he says. He talks about racial divisions, rumors of Sharpton's inexperience, and... a lot more. ", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9681, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, standing on a stage. Across from you is another podium, Sharpton looks so angry, so furious. He hates you with every fiber of his being. The crowd is full, and the moderators are rambling on about guidelines for tonight. Opening statements are about to begin. What's the strategy, Dubya?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9682, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Election day is closing in, George. Rove walks in, campaign strategy documents in hand. You need to dismantle his personality, he says. He's still just a little bit too personable, or something like that. You need to mudsling. You must.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9683, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "## LIEBERMAN Qs", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9684, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Joe Lieberman saunters onto the podium at the DNC. Embarrassing rumors that he would choose John McCain as his running mate proved to be false as Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is brought on his team. His speech is run of the mill, except for an out-of-place line where he accuses you of weakness on the international stage. What's the game plan?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9685, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "“Our opponents are decent, and they are likable men,\" says Lieberman before retirees in Florida. \"I am proud to call many my friends... but a good friend speaks out when something's wrong. Republicans risk squandering our accomplishments with reckless tax plans and even more reckless neglect of the global situation. I know some say I'm an old horse because I have 30 years of experience.\" He pauses for laughter that doesn't arrive. \"But this old horse doesn't think our peace and prosperity should be left to the birds.\" Do you respond to this light critique?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9686, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "From the day Lieberman triumphed in the primary, there's been rumors that he wanted John McCain, not Landrieu, as his running mate. The idea of your old rival going turncoat eats away at you. You wake up some nights haunted by visions of McCain endorsing his old friend to spite you. Something needs to be done to get your house in order or, failing that, wreck Lieberman's.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9687, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "It's days before the debate in Tempe, Arizona. Over the past few weeks, you've watched as Lieberman eschewed support from traditional Democratic Party constituencies—younger, minority, and urban voters—in favor of appeals to older voters, suburbanites, and working class whites. It's a fragile cohort, one that you could help shatter at the debate, if you wanted.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9688, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Throughout the campaign, your opponent has been called many things. \"Dick Cheney's Favorite Democrat.\" \"Republican Lite.\" \"George Bush 2.0.\" The perceived similarities between you both have contributed to overwhelming feelings of apathy and bitterness. There's been many reports of Americans voting third party or not at all. In the campaign's final stretch, you and Rove debate whether this development helps or harms you and what, if anything, you should do in response.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9689, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "## WELLSTONE Qs", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9690, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Liberal darling Paul Wellstone has taken the Democratic nomination by surprise. Along with his running mate, Max Cleland, a strong emphasis is made on attacking your administration for its “radically-conservative ethos.” What hay will you make at his selection?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9691, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "To your delight, Wellstone’s biggest stumbling block has been to his left. Liberal magazine Mother Jones has published an op-ed excoriating him for his vote in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act. Wellstone has reversed course, and now supports same-sex marriage, but several highly charged meetings with activists have made headlines. How do you want to exploit this divide?\n\n", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9692, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "One of Wellstone's major themes of his campaign has been the issue of privacy. Your conservative stance on abortion, some eyebrow-raising actions against a handful of antiwar demonstrators at home, and broad expansions of the intelligence community's powers are all characterized by Wellstone as a \"surveillance state.\" How do you counter these charges?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9693, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Trade has become one of the campaign's major issues, and as a proud opponent of NAFTA, Wellstone has been over performing in the industrial Midwest. But it's no secret that many Democrats are uncomfortable with renewed protectionism, while some of your own voters are skeptical of free trade agreements. How do you wish to approach the topic?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9694, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Beyond anything else, the main theme of the campaign has been war. A deluge of op-eds have lamented how national security has become just another culture war, while others insist the problem goes back a lot further than Wellstone's candidacy. With election day just around the corner, how do you plan to focus on this topic in the home stretch?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9695, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "## EDWARDS Qs", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9696, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "At the Democratic National Convention, Senator John Edwards, with his boyish looks and million-dollar smile, strides onto the stage as he's announced as the Democratic nominee for '04. Pennsylvania Governor and so-called America's Mayor Ed Rendell as his running mate. His acceptance speech is full of populist tirades on your so-called elitism. What's the move, George?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9697, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Populism is in vogue. Edwards is in the heart of the Rust Belt, some place like Cleveland. Since 2000, he bemoans, America has endured an elitist administration. You’re out of touch, a daddy’s boy. He’s been there, always, with the people. You find yourself staring deeply into the screen before Rove shuts it off. You cannot be sidestepped like this, you have to kick back.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9698, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "John Edwards persistently touts himself as an outsider, a rebel against the byzantine system of Washington and it's elite. You see through the charade, but it hardly fazes him; he revels in it. He's launched attacks on you, just as he did on fellow primary contenders, saying you're beholden to your backers. The debate looms ahead, and you must kneecap him.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9699, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "\"I campaigned against NAFTA, against the deals with Chile and Singapore...\" Edwards proclaims with a sense of virtue at a town hall in Derry, New Hampshire, facing a group of weary working-class people. \"NAFTA was a promise, to each and every one of us. It was a promise of economic growth, competition with Japan, China, those places.\" He gestures outside. \"Look around your own county—how many paper mills have shut? How many livelihoods have to be shipped overseas before we can finally say 'enough'?\" You must either justify yourself, or expose Edwards and his charade.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9700, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Six years ago, Edwards projected urbanity and professionalism during his North Carolina Senate campaign. Today, he's transformed into a folksy, charming populist, a quintessential good ol' boy. It's a total act, and your own folksy charm is losing ground. As the campaign nears its end, Rove insists you must cut through the façade and reaffirm the authenticity that sets you apart.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9701, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "## GORE Qs", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9702, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "A newly-bearded Al Gore walks down the aisle at the Democratic National convention. Flanked by his staff, his running mate J.R. Biden, and all the Democratic big-wigs, he gives a speech about the need to fight for the environment, the economy, and the American people against the “failed policies” of the Bush Administration. It looks like it'll be a rematch. What's the strategy here?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9703, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Old wounds never heal. Predictably, several of Gore's top campaign surrogates have insisted that the former Vice President won the 2000 election, and that the Supreme Court \"stole\" the presidency. Once again, the nation is plunged into the agonizing debate over hanging chads and the Florida recount. Governor Bush, how do you respond to these accusations?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9704, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Earlier this year, Al Gore finalized a divorce agreement with his wife, Tipper, best known for her work with parents' groups against explicit material in media. Not exactly an amicable split, the material provided ample material for supermarket tabloids as well as conservative blogs. Do you want to mention the drama while campaigning?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9705, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "An Atari Democrat in the iPod age, Gore has taken an innovative approach to campaigning, showing a Steve Jobs style slideshow to audiences around the nation about the perils of global warming. Greener than ever, Gore has also been working closely with environmentalist groups, even those outside the mainstream. How do you want to play into this?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9706, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Beyond anything else, the dominant issue of the campaign is the war. Railing against your \"diplomatic inexperience\" and \"armchair military strategy,\" Gore has harshly criticized your actions as president for squandering global goodwill the Clinton administration had stored up. How do you want to focus on the war in these final days? ", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9707, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "## CLINTON Qs", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9708, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Hillary Clinton and running mate Mark Warner are introduced at the Democratic National Convention by her husband, the philanderer. Her speech is a strange mix of nostalgia for the Clinton Administration while stressing the need for change and reform, mostly from your faulty policies. Already, the buzz about the first female nominee is the talk of the town. How will you attack Hillary?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9709, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "There are no longer any hopes for civility. You and Hillary have been viciously attacking each other for weeks over personal and professional faults. The general theme of Clinton's attack ads, however, center on your lack of accomplishments. Citing her experiences in the 90s and her career as Senator, she vows to end the Washington gridlock that has proven so insurmountable for you. She sneers at you from a million televisions. You yearn for a response.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9710, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The slog of the campaign continues. After Clinton puts out an attack ad about your 1976 drunk driving arrest, you go on a rampage. Why not hit back at Clinton where it hurts? Why not get Turd Blosson to exploit the hundreds of conspiracy theories that have floated around the awful woman her entire life?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9711, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "She's in your country, with your people. Hillary is in rural Indiana with Evan Bayh. She's in a bar in Tennessee. She's shaking hands with the white blue-collar voters. She's in and out of the old union towns that form the backbone of her support. The debate is coming up and to win, you'll have to demolish her coalition. Demolish her.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9712, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Turd Blossom believes that your greatest asset against Hillary is personality. While you’ve been praised for your trademark Texan warmth, Hillary has often been seen as cool and calculated. “Aloof,” the TIME magazine tuts. “For as long as she’s been around, Sen. Clinton has struggled to be relatable.” Is there anything you do in these final weeks to force further contrast between the two of you?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9713, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "## KENNEDY Qs", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9714, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You've been ravaged by scandals. You've lost large swathes of your cabinet. Washington is in a death spiral. It's amid this that the unthinkable happens: Ted Kennedy stands at the Democratic National Convention accepting the nomination for president. You watch, transfixed, as he and his running mate Roy Barnes rip into your \"unprecedented corruption and incompetence.\" He's comparing you to Nixon. He's comparing you to Hoover. He's reveling in the cheers of the crowd, already forgetting his failing health and personal failings. Watching, something in you snaps. You will not lose to this man. You must destroy him.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9715, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "A contemptuous Rummy on 60 Minutes. Endless leaks from the Naval Observatory. A steady drip of revelations about misused funds and missing dollars. Ted Kennedy stands above it all, concocting a story that you are dangerous and out of control. \"At least his father had a head on his shoulders,\" he mutters one evening to the press. \"I couldn't tell you what this current Administration is thinking or what it will do next. It's frightening— like someone's asleep at the wheel.\" The invocation of your Poppy, of cars can't be an accident. You need to prove you have things under control.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9716, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The curtains are drawn in the Residence. You are watching television, staring as Ted Kennedy hobbles down an asphalt street waving. This man—a 72-year-old relic—is a old, tired, out-of-step liberal. Focus groups show that Americans are uncomfortable with his age, his decrepit appearance. You just have to find a way to bring it to the fore; make this an election about your vitality versus his infirmity. The only question is how.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9717, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You feel haggard, waking up in your campaign bus after only three hours of rest. It's getting harder and harder to pretend to exude your famous Texas sunshine, but you must. Turd Blossom has shown you surveys about Ted Kennedy's electoral coalition. It's expansive—including young and old, the highly educated and working poor, black voters who believe the Camelot tripe about civil rights. In Arizona, there is a debate scheduled between you two. If you can put yourself together, Rove says, you could dislodge one of these groups, dampen his support. You just need to push yourself a little further...", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9718, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Back in 2000, you had to make some moral compromises to deal with John McCain. Suggestions were made. Lies were spread. A few well-timed push polls and stories in the media helped voters believe that McCain had a daughter out of wedlock, that his wife was addicted to drugs, that he turned traitor in Vietnam. It was a desperate move, but it worked. Now against Kennedy you find yourself in desperate circumstances again. It would be so easy to go to Drudge or another friendly outlet with a \"leak\" to sink his campaign. The only question is what.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9719, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You were supposed to get some help from Arnie this campaign season. Instead, Kennedy’s nomination complicates things. Arnie’s wife, Maria Shriver, is Ted’s niece. One day, you’re flipping through the rolodex with Rove onboard Air Force One to find another Republican celebrity with the kind of star power that Arnie has. You need someone, anyone, to turn this around.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9728, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The campaign is over. Dick stands in the door of the Oval. Rummy sits on the couch. Wolfowitz is seated in the chair next to your own. “You know, George,” Cheney says, “the freedom agenda can’t be restrained to just Iraq and Afghanistan.” Wolfowitz clears his throat. “It’s only complete with final victory of the democratic zone of peace over our entire planet.” You find yourself nodding along. “If there’s even a 1% chance…” You feel something approaching a crescendo.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9737, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "### ALT DEM Qs", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9746, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Republican operatives froth at the mouth. Afraid of the \"rally around the flag\" effect, many prominent Democrats sat out the primaries, leading to controversial preacher and left-wing insurgent Al Sharpton to seize the Democratic nomination. He names Bob Graham as his running mate, potentially a move by the party's establishment wing to temper Sharpton's radicalism. You receive a slew of dirty ads with which you can use the demolish this ticket. The only question is which.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9755, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Republican operatives froth at the mouth. Afraid of the \"rally around the flag\" effect, many prominent Democrats sat out the primaries, leading to controversial preacher and left-wing insurgent Al Sharpton to seize the Democratic nomination. He names Bob Graham as his running mate, potentially a move by the party's establishment wing to temper Sharpton's radicalism. You receive a slew of dirty ads with which you can use the demolish this ticket. The only question is which.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9764, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Republican operatives froth at the mouth. Afraid of the \"rally around the flag\" effect, many prominent Democrats sat out the primaries, leading to controversial preacher and left-wing insurgent Al Sharpton to seize the Democratic nomination. He names Bob Graham as his running mate, potentially a move by the party's establishment wing to temper Sharpton's radicalism. You receive a slew of dirty ads with which you can use the demolish this ticket. The only question is which.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9781, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Joe Lieberman saunters onto the podium at the DNC. Embarrassing rumors that he would choose John McCain as his running mate proved to be false as Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is brought on his team. His speech is run of the mill, except for an out-of-place line where he accuses you of weakness on the international stage. What's the game plan?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9790, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Joe Lieberman saunters onto the podium at the DNC. Embarrassing rumors that he would choose John McCain as his running mate proved to be false as Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is brought on his team. His speech is run of the mill, except for an out-of-place line where he accuses you of weakness on the international stage. What's the game plan?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9799, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Joe Lieberman saunters onto the podium at the DNC. Embarrassing rumors that he would choose John McCain as his running mate proved to be false as Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is brought on his team. His speech is run of the mill, except for an out-of-place line where he accuses you of weakness on the international stage. What's the game plan?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9808, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Joe Lieberman saunters onto the podium at the DNC. Embarrassing rumors that he would choose John McCain as his running mate proved to be false as Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is brought on his team. His speech is run of the mill, except for an out-of-place line where he accuses you of weakness on the international stage. What's the game plan?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9817, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Joe Lieberman saunters onto the podium at the DNC. Embarrassing rumors that he would choose John McCain as his running mate proved to be false as Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is brought on his team. His speech is run of the mill, except for an out-of-place line where he accuses you of weakness on the international stage. What's the game plan?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9826, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Joe Lieberman saunters onto the podium at the DNC. Embarrassing rumors that he would choose John McCain as his running mate proved to be false as Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is brought on his team. His speech is run of the mill, except for an out-of-place line where he accuses you of weakness on the international stage. What's the gameplan?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9843, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Liberal darling Paul Wellstone has taken the Democratic nomination by surprise. Along with his running mate, Max Cleland, a strong emphasis is made on attacking your administration for its “radically-conservative ethos.” What hay will you make at his selection?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9852, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Liberal darling Paul Wellstone has taken the Democratic nomination by surprise. Along with his running mate, Max Cleland, a strong emphasis is made on attacking your administration for its “radically-conservative ethos.” What hay will you make at his selection?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9861, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Liberal darling Paul Wellstone has taken the Democratic nomination by surprise. Along with his running mate, Max Cleland, a strong emphasis is made on attacking your administration for its “radically-conservative ethos.” What hay will you make at his selection?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9870, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Liberal darling Paul Wellstone has taken the Democratic nomination by surprise. Along with his running mate, Max Cleland, a strong emphasis is made on attacking your administration for its “radically-conservative ethos.” What hay will you make at his selection?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9879, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Liberal darling Paul Wellstone has taken the Democratic nomination by surprise. Along with his running mate, Max Cleland, a strong emphasis is made on attacking your administration for its “radically-conservative ethos.” What hay will you make at his selection?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9888, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Liberal darling Paul Wellstone has taken the Democratic nomination by surprise. Along with his running mate, Max Cleland, a strong emphasis is made on attacking your administration for its “radically-conservative ethos.” What hay will you make at his selection?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9905, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "At the Democratic National Convention, Senator John Edwards, with his boyish looks and million-dollar smile, strides onto the stage as he's announced as the Democratic nominee for '04. Pennsylvania Governor and so-called America's Mayor Ed Rendell as his running mate. His acceptance speech is full of populist tirades on your so-called elitism. What's the move, George?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9914, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "At the Democratic National Convention, Senator John Edwards, with his boyish looks and million-dollar smile, strides onto the stage as he's announced as the Democratic nominee for '04. Pennsylvania Governor and so-called America's Mayor Ed Rendell as his running mate. His acceptance speech is full of populist tirades on your so-called elitism. What's the move, George?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9923, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "At the Democratic National Convention, Senator John Edwards, with his boyish looks and million-dollar smile, strides onto the stage as he's announced as the Democratic nominee for '04. Pennsylvania Governor and so-called America's Mayor Ed Rendell as his running mate. His acceptance speech is full of populist tirades on your so-called elitism. What's the move, George?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9940, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "A newly-bearded Al Gore walks down the aisle at the Democratic National convention. Flanked by his staff, his running mate J.R. Biden, and all the Democratic big-wigs, he gives a speech about the need to fight for the environment, the economy, and the American people against the “failed policies” of the Bush Administration. It looks like it'll be a rematch. What's the strategy here?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9957, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Hillary Clinton and running mate Mark Warner are introduced at the Democratic National Convention by her husband, the philanderer. Her speech is a strange mix of nostalgia for the Clinton Administration while stressing the need for change and reform, mostly from your faulty policies. Already, the buzz about the first female nominee is the talk of the town. How will you attack Hillary?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9966, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Hillary Clinton and running mate Mark Warner are introduced at the Democratic National Convention by her husband, the philanderer. Her speech is a strange mix of nostalgia for the Clinton Administration while stressing the need for change and reform, mostly from your faulty policies. Already, the buzz about the first female nominee is the talk of the town. How will you attack Hillary?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9975, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Hillary Clinton and running mate Mark Warner are introduced at the Democratic National Convention by her husband, the philanderer. Her speech is a strange mix of nostalgia for the Clinton Administration while stressing the need for change and reform, mostly from your faulty policies. Already, the buzz about the first female nominee is the talk of the town. How will you attack Hillary?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 9992, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You've been ravaged by scandals. You've lost large swathes of your cabinet. Washington is in a death spiral. It's amid this that the unthinkable happens: Ted Kennedy stands at the Democratic National Convention accepting the nomination for president. You watch, transfixed, as he and his running mate Roy Barnes rip into your \"unprecedented corruption and incompetence.\" He's comparing you to Nixon. He's comparing you to Hoover. He's reveling in the cheers of the crowd, already forgetting his failing health and personal failings. Watching, something in you snaps. You will not lose to this man. You must destroy him.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10015, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "## THAT ONE RNC Q :donutgrab:", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10016, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10035, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10044, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10053, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10062, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10071, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10080, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10089, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10098, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10107, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10116, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10125, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10134, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10152, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10170, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10188, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 10206, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are standing back stage at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden, feeding off the energy of several thousand close supporters. On the television, you hear the call for the keynote speaker. Who did you try to get to speak on your behalf this year?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 11273, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You go to Crawford to escape the chaos of the campaign, only for it to follow you home. Outside your ranch is a collection of protestors, spiky-haired men and women holding signs that allude to your relationship with Hastert, your involvement in Enron, and countless other sins. One woman brandishes a sign that simply reads, \"WE HATE YOU\" beneath a smiling face. Its sight makes you wince but Turd Blossom believes these radicals could be an opportunity to throw the Democrats off balance.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 11283, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You go to Crawford to escape the chaos of the campaign, only for it to follow you home. Outside your ranch is a collection of protestors, spiky-haired men and women holding signs that allude to your relationship with Hastert, your involvement in Enron, and countless other sins. One woman brandishes a sign that simply reads, \"WE HATE YOU\" beneath a smiling face. Its sight makes you wince but Turd Blossom believes these radicals could be an opportunity to throw the Democrats off balance.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 11293, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You go to Crawford to escape the chaos of the campaign, only for it to follow you home. Outside your ranch is a collection of protestors, spiky-haired men and women holding signs that allude to your relationship with Hastert, your involvement in Enron, and countless other sins. One woman brandishes a sign that simply reads, \"WE HATE YOU\" beneath a smiling face. Its sight makes you wince but Turd Blossom believes these radicals could be an opportunity to throw the Democrats off balance.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 12075, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The US Supreme Court, in a 5–4 decision, has struck down a Texas ban on sexual relations between same-sex adults. The decision is the opposite of the narrow, cautious ruling that most expected, paving the way to challenges of the military’s ban on open homosexuality as well as state and federal restrictions on the ability of homosexuals to pursue child care and employment. Naturally, the religious right is outraged and looking to you for guidance in these frightening times. What do you say to reassure them?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 12105, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The US Supreme Court, in a 5–4 decision, has struck down a Texas ban on sexual relations between same-sex adults. The decision is the opposite of the narrow, cautious ruling that most expected, paving the way to challenges of the military’s ban on open homosexuality as well as state and federal restrictions on the ability of homosexuals to pursue child care and employment. Naturally, the religious right is outraged and looking to you for guidance in these frightening times. What do you say to reassure them?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 12125, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The US Supreme Court, in a 5–4 decision, has struck down a Texas ban on sexual relations between same-sex adults. The decision is the opposite of the narrow, cautious ruling that most expected, paving the way to challenges of the military’s ban on open homosexuality as well as state and federal restrictions on the ability of homosexuals to pursue child care and employment. Naturally, the religious right is outraged and looking to you for guidance in these frightening times. What do you say to reassure them?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 12145, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "The US Supreme Court, in a 5–4 decision, has struck down a Texas ban on sexual relations between same-sex adults. The decision is the opposite of the narrow, cautious ruling that most expected, paving the way to challenges of the military’s ban on open homosexuality as well as state and federal restrictions on the ability of homosexuals to pursue child care and employment. Naturally, the religious right is outraged and looking to you for guidance in these frightening times. What do you say to reassure them?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 12189, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are approached by Dick with startling information. According to the Iraqi National Congress exile group, Saddam has obtained a series of “aluminum tubes” for the purposes of enriching uranium. CIA satellites, meanwhile, have picked up trailer-like facilities that some analysts believe could be mobile units intended to produce biological weapons. If proven, these stories suggest that Iraq has not abandoned its quest for WMDs but has been secretly accelerating it. This information needs to be acted upon now, Cheney argues. He looks to you for your response.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 12206, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are approached by Dick with startling information. According to the Iraqi National Congress exile group, Saddam has obtained a series of “aluminum tubes” for the purposes of enriching uranium. CIA satellites, meanwhile, have picked up trailer-like facilities that some analysts believe could be mobile units intended to produce biological weapons. If proven, these stories suggest that Iraq has not abandoned its quest for WMDs but has been secretly accelerating it. This information needs to be acted upon now, Cheney argues. He looks to you for your response.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 12223, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "You are approached by Dick with startling information. According to the Iraqi National Congress exile group, Saddam has obtained a series of “aluminum tubes” for the purposes of enriching uranium. CIA satellites, meanwhile, have picked up trailer-like facilities that some analysts believe could be mobile units intended to produce biological weapons. If proven, these stories suggest that Iraq has not abandoned its quest for WMDs but has been secretly accelerating it. This information needs to be acted upon now, Cheney argues. He looks to you for your response.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 12748, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Joe Lieberman saunters onto the podium at the DNC. Embarrassing rumors that he would choose John McCain as his running mate proved to be false as Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is brought on his team. His speech is run of the mill, except for an out-of-place line where he accuses you of weakness on the international stage. What's the game plan?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 12784, "fields": { "priority": 0, "description": "Liberal darling Paul Wellstone has taken the Democratic nomination by surprise. Along with his running mate, Max Cleland, a strong emphasis is made on attacking your administration for its “radically-conservative ethos.” What hay will you make at his selection?", "likelihood": 1 } } ] campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8909, "fields": { "question": 8908, "description": "We'll have to take any chance we can to emphasize our differences with the toxic Congress of the 90's that Lott embodied. We were elected as moderate problem solvers that could break through the Washington gridlock and dog gonnit we'll show the country we're just that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8913, "fields": { "question": 8908, "description": "We can't just go and ignore those folks that kept the heart of conservatism bleeding through the Clinton years. Lott had to go, but that's all petty behind the scenes nonsense to the voters. We'll have to be stressing to the concerned citizen that we won't be quitting all because the fundamentals were against us." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8920, "fields": { "question": 8908, "description": "Bringing attention to this whole ordeal will just divide our conservative movement and put it in a worse place than it already is. I'm looking forward to working with Senator Frist to deliver for the American people, just as I was with Senator Lott. These branding of who's the true conservative will not persist, we as a party above all must be united." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8926, "fields": { "question": 8925, "description": "The circumstances demand that I find common ground with these people. Get Danny Boy to draw up a speech about how we want to be a uniter and end Washington gridlock. Even if that means compromising on some things, I gotta get the country moving." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8927, "fields": { "question": 8925, "description": "If the Ann Richards wannabes think we're gonna give up now, they got another thing coming. Get Turd Blossom to help us with a rip-roaring address about the right to life and faith and the success we're seeing with No Child Left Behind. If the Dems don't like it, too bad." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8928, "fields": { "question": 8925, "description": "I'm the commander. That's the one thing Congress can never take away. I want Frum to whip us up an address focused on our new American internationalism, how we're punishing criminals like Kim Jong Il while erasing old rivalries in Russia and China." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8929, "fields": { "question": 8925, "description": "Listen, folks need to trust the people in charge and right now, they don't. We need to talk about a pivot this year toward accountability and decency, like Poppy would. Ask Ari to throw together some stuff about how we're making Washington more open and all that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8946, "fields": { "question": 8945, "description": "Denny Hastert isn't like those Washington politicians who only blow hot air. He has a long list of accomplishments and I'm proud to stand by him. I'll continue to stand by the man who has it in him to be the next Speaker of the House." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8948, "fields": { "question": 8945, "description": "Laura and I have been dismayed by this whole thing. I know Denny wants all the facts to come out and he wants to make sure these children up there on Capitol Hill are protected, but we time to do that. We need time for an investigation. I'm confident the Minority Leader will provide what leadership he can to law enforcement here." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8950, "fields": { "question": 8945, "description": "Denny's a good man. Can you believe what Democrats are doing to him right now? His reputation? I want as much as anyone to come out swinging for him, but with all the other liberal scandalizing, I just can't afford to. I just have to hope Denny has it in him to fight back on his own." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8956, "fields": { "question": 8955, "description": "You bet I'm gonna go out there and pull every relationship I have to get this thing passed. I'll be talking the ears off of Blue Dogs about bipartisanship and how they need to work with me if they want to keep their seats. This can really be a thing where we make the pie higher, get a win that benefits everyone." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8957, "fields": { "question": 8955, "description": "I think I misunderestimated the opposition here. Of course, I'm gonna ask our people to whip for the bill, but I don't wanna get our people's hopes up too much that this thing will pass. For now, let's just move onto the next item on my agenda and see if we can win over some new friends in the Democrat Party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8962, "fields": { "question": 8961, "description": "Do we want to spend the next year being forced chasing our tail? Tell Rummy to work with the Democrats to find some projects that didn’t keep all their reciepts in order. None of our people need to suffer if we just cooperate. This isn’t hard. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8964, "fields": { "question": 8961, "description": "If there was any wrong-doing, it’s only cause it’s what everyone else has been doing for years. Look at Clinton! Get Rummy to fess up to some mistakes and say we’ll make it a priority to plug the holes in the engine." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8965, "fields": { "question": 8961, "description": "You know, Rummy’s been great. I’ve got nothing against Rummy, but these Dems are just out of control. They’ll keep swinging the axe unless we give ’em a head to mount on a wall. I gotta sacrifice him. The buck stops there, you know." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8969, "fields": { "question": 8968, "description": "You bet I’m gonna. Fixing Social Security is part of my mandate. It’s why I got elected. If Dems don’t wanna get on board with free-market reform before the train leaves the station, then I guess they’ll have to catch the next one. That’s what I’m saying. Anyways." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8970, "fields": { "question": 8968, "description": "We gotta to tread lightly. Tread lightly and carry a big stick. I’ll talk to Stenholm and Kolbe about reviving their grand bargain from 2000 to fix this mess. A compromise that lets some invest while guaranteeing minimum benefits… it’s something at least." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8971, "fields": { "question": 8968, "description": "Hell no. You see the number of fires we’re fighting? Add another log to the pile and the whole thing could collapse. Best to let this thing lie for now and come back in 2005." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8976, "fields": { "question": 8975, "description": "Hell, what do we have the UN around for if not this kind of shit? Ring up Pootie-Poot and Hu to see if we can’t come together for some kinda UN operation that fixes this for everyone. These guys aren’t stupid. They understand that sometimes in order to get peace, you need war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8977, "fields": { "question": 8975, "description": "This thing isn’t hard. Just tell Brother George to start pumping more stuff over to those rebels, the Northern Allegiance fellas. We did this in the ’80s. Just do it again. Just keep it covert. No boots on the ground." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8978, "fields": { "question": 8975, "description": "Can someone explain to me why Pakistan can’t just take in more refugees? Get that cockamanie Musharraf bastard on the line. I’ll talk to him myself. If Pakistan wants some assistance, I’ll give ’em it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8979, "fields": { "question": 8975, "description": "The solution’s obvious. Take the fight to the Taliban. Smoke ’em out. They can’t run and they can’t hide. I don’t care about the UN, I want this done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8985, "fields": { "question": 8984, "description": "This is nothing short than an assault on the sanctity of marriage. My Administration is looking at all means to protect American families from this judicial overreach. We will not compromise on our values." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8986, "fields": { "question": 8984, "description": "People know my position. I believe that marriage is a sacred bond that only exists between one man and one woman and that same-sex relations are sinful by nature. Still, we live in a constitutional system. We gotta accommodate the Court and accept their rulings. I promise American families to be their advocate even as I uphold the law." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8991, "fields": { "question": 8990, "description": "There can be no compromise when it comes to protecting our families. If an amendment is what it takes, then we push, and we vote, and we pray that we can push that amendment through the Congress. After that, I’m sure we can whip the states into passing it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8993, "fields": { "question": 8990, "description": "Politics is, well, it’s local. That’s what they say, and we could get some backlash if we try and run this nation-wide. We should work with our guys to try and turn the issue statewide, whip up local support for some state referendums like the one in Michigan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8995, "fields": { "question": 8990, "description": "Same-sex marriage is sinful stuff. Absolutely abhorrent to my sensibilities and to the sensibilities of millions of Americans out there. If we put some stuff about this in our rallies and speeches we can drive up turnout and take back congress. Have Bart write up some lines we can use out there on the trail." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8998, "fields": { "question": 8997, "description": "It don’t surprise me one bit, not after all the terrorizing Saddam’s been doing. I have to be out front making the case against him, laying out all the stops. I’ll do an address in the Oval. I’ll send folks out to the Sunday Shows. I’ll talk to our friends and allies about the need to stop Saddam before there’s a mushroom cloud over New York or Tel Aviv." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9000, "fields": { "question": 8997, "description": "We gotta handle this stuff smart. Your average coastal liberal isn't going to believe a single thing I say, but if we hand these papers over to other people, reporters and all that, they can make the case for us. Vice, you know reliable folks over at the New York Times, right? How 'bout a leak?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9001, "fields": { "question": 8997, "description": "This stuff is crazy, but we need more before we go public. I wanna go back to the CIA, the DIA, whomever, and nudge them for something firmer. Instead of a few pipes and trailers, can we encourage them to find some uranium? Maybe anthrax? Something we can use to spook Congress later." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9005, "fields": { "question": 9004, "description": "Arnie’s a hell of a guy. A real problem solver. He made his whole campaign about getting California working again, sorta like I did in Texas. That can be our whole slogan for ’04. Arnie and I out front, talking about how we’re getting things done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9006, "fields": { "question": 9004, "description": "The liberal press have been doomsaying for months and then what happens? A Republican overthrows the Democratic establishment in California. Is there any better sign that we need to keep the course and appeal to the base? Get Turd Blossom to draw up a real powerful address about how California is Ground Zero of a conservative explosion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9007, "fields": { "question": 9004, "description": "Arnie’s a lot like me in that he’s the kind of guy you wanna have a beer with. Let’s not complicate this too much with poll-tested bullshit. Just invite him to DC and let the press see us having a good time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9008, "fields": { "question": 9004, "description": "What the recall shows is that Americans have had enough of stale Democrat ideas. We should be using Arnie to launch a whole assault against do-nothing liberals and their obstructionist tactics." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9014, "fields": { "question": 9013, "description": "What’s needed now is international support, a real coalition of the willing kinda thing. With the whole world behind us, it’ll be clear to Saddam: You surrender, or we will." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9015, "fields": { "question": 9013, "description": "When in the world has the United Nations ever amounted to anything? No, what matters is showing American resolve. Let’s do rallies across America to show the whole country’s with us in this crusade against terror." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9016, "fields": { "question": 9013, "description": "We’re making good progress but let’s not forget how quick the Dems in Congress tried to sideline us. We need to spend these weeks massaging egos, repeating things over and over and over again to people on the Hill to kind of catapult the propaganda." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9021, "fields": { "question": 9020, "description": "This Enron stuff… it doesn’t resignate with people when there’s so much chaos around the globe. They got more important things to worry about. Let’s talk about nucular proliferation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9022, "fields": { "question": 9020, "description": "I didn’t know about these calls between Lay and McNally. I didn’t know about these Enron briefings to Light Bulb about Venezuela. He’s one of Dick’s guys anyways. I’ll fire the big names to let people know these things aren’t acceptable and promise to do better going forward. It worked for Reagan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9023, "fields": { "question": 9020, "description": "If you bump into a Democrat, you might ask them a simple question: What’s your plan to protect this country? Instead of giving you an answer, they smear the other guy. That’s all this report is. It’s a phony smear attack written by liberals to drag conservatives to their level." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9024, "fields": { "question": 9020, "description": "Nothing in this report refutiates what we’ve been saying all along. No official did anything to bail out Enron. I’m grateful to Baucus for producing a report that shows we acted appropriately and responsibly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9030, "fields": { "question": 9029, "description": "I got no time for second thoughts. Push the bill. Ride or die." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9033, "fields": { "question": 9029, "description": "The opposition to this thing is too much. Pull the breaks before we run this train off a cliff." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9037, "fields": { "question": 9036, "description": "I’ve worked with Vice President Cheney for almost four years now and have counted on his calm and steady judgment in difficult days. I am honored to have him at my side and look forward to having him with me as we mount a global war on those who would seek to threaten our freedom. Together, Dick and I will continue fighting for you and your families." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9038, "fields": { "question": 9036, "description": "I’ve worked with Vice President Cheney for a long time and treasured his input over these past few years. I’ve never known a man to exude so much integrity and have been proud to call him a partner. This week, he let me know his intention to retire to spend time with his family. I respect his wishes and wish him the best of luck in this latest chapter of his life. He will always have my gratitude, my friendship, and my prayers. To take hs place, I’m proud to announce that Bill Frist, a man of great integrity, sound judgment, and experience is my choice to be the next vice president of the Unted States." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9043, "fields": { "question": 9042, "description": "What I learned in Texas is if you give the Dems an inch, they’ll take a mile. Attack. Attack. Attack. Don’t give this thing an ounce of credibility." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9045, "fields": { "question": 9042, "description": "This Halliburton shit’s been a bomb under our feet since Day One. If we play ball, it’ll blow our legs off. We need to convince Dem leaders not to touch this thing, at least not until the election’s over." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9046, "fields": { "question": 9042, "description": "Dealing with Congress is a matter of give and take. Give them a little cooperation and they’ll let us help define the narrative. No need to blow this outta proposition.\t" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9051, "fields": { "question": 9050, "description": "put description here" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9053, "fields": { "question": 9052, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9054, "fields": { "question": 9052, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9055, "fields": { "question": 9052, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9056, "fields": { "question": 9052, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9062, "fields": { "question": 9061, "description": "put description here" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9064, "fields": { "question": 9063, "description": "It was so early that most folks forgot about it, but my consequences on education can’t be beat. No Child Left Behind was groundbreaking, bipartisan, and conflated the bigotry of soft expectations." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9065, "fields": { "question": 9063, "description": "In the debate about the rights of the unborn, we asked people to broaden the circle of their moral concern. Under my leadership, America banned partial-birth abortions and stopped federal dollars from going to any group that provides abortion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9066, "fields": { "question": 9063, "description": "As a man once said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” My Administration has provided historic tax relief to homeowners and small businesses. The number of women and minority-owner businesses has grown at twice the rate of others." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9067, "fields": { "question": 9063, "description": "My presidency has been one with acts of mercy. Giving is up. Service is up. I signed an EO on Day One to ban discrimination against faith-based groups. Jim Dobson and I talk just about every day about ways we can restore faith and decency to our culture." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9073, "fields": { "question": 9072, "description": "Arnie should talk about the strength of our national situation. Just the other day, I met a mother working three jobs. It's... uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, people are just fantastic for doing that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9075, "fields": { "question": 9074, "description": "put description here" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9077, "fields": { "question": 9076, "description": "put description here" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9079, "fields": { "question": 9078, "description": "You know, it's this kind of stuff that undermines our society and the integrity of the Office. It's one thing to hold a rally in DC, but following folks home... it's terrorizing. It's obstructing the peace. I call liberals to condemn this." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9081, "fields": { "question": 9080, "description": "put description here" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9083, "fields": { "question": 9082, "description": "A diner of some kind in Cleveland. Maybe it's Detroit... or Gary. Who cares. It's the Midwest, folks. All these people look the same. Hungry. Tired. Anyways, I'm out here asking for your vote... Laying out a positive agenda and positive vibes. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9086, "fields": { "question": 9085, "description": "You bet I’m gonna go out there and pull every relationship I have to get this thing passed. I’ll be talking the ears off of Blue Dogs about bipartisanship and how they need to work with me if they want to keep their seats. This can really be a thing where we make the pie higher, get a win that benefits everyone." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9087, "fields": { "question": 9085, "description": "I think I misunderestimated the opposition here. Of course, I’m gonna ask our people to whip for the bill, but I don’t wanna get our people’s hopes up too much that this thing will pass. For now, let’s just move onto the next item on my agenda and see if we can win over some new friends in the Democrat Party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9092, "fields": { "question": 9091, "description": "Do we want to spend the next year being forced chasing our tail? Tell Rummy to work with the Democrats to find some projects that didn’t keep all their reciepts in order. None of our people need to suffer if we just cooperate. This isn’t hard. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9094, "fields": { "question": 9091, "description": "If there was any wrong-doing, it’s only cause it’s what everyone else has been doing for years. Look at Clinton! Get Rummy to fess up to some mistakes ad say we’ll make it a priority to plug the holes in the engine." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9096, "fields": { "question": 9091, "description": "You know, Rummy’s been great. I’ve got nothing against Rummy, but these Dems are just out of control. They’ll keep swinging the axe unless we give ’em a head to mount on a wall. I gotta sacrifice him. The buck stops there, you know." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9099, "fields": { "question": 9098, "description": "You bet I’m gonna. Fixing Social Security is part of my mandate. It’s why I got elected. If Dems don’t wanna get on board with free-market reform before the train leaves the station, then I guess they’ll have to catch the next one. That’s what I’m saying. Anyways." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9101, "fields": { "question": 9098, "description": "We gotta to tread lightly. Tread lightly and carry a big stick. I’ll talk to Stenholm and Kolbe about reviving their grand bargain from 2000 to fix this mess. A compromise that lets some invest while guaranteeing minimum benefits… it’s something at least." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9103, "fields": { "question": 9098, "description": "Hell no. You see the number of fires we’re fighting? Add another log to the pile and the whole thing could collapse. Best to let this thing lie for now and come back in 2005." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9106, "fields": { "question": 9105, "description": "You bet I’m gonna. Fixing Social Security is part of my mandate. It’s why I got elected. If Dems don’t wanna get on board with free-market reform before the train leaves the station, then I guess they’ll have to catch the next one. That’s what I’m saying. Anyways." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9108, "fields": { "question": 9105, "description": "We gotta to tread lightly. Tread lightly and carry a big stick. I’ll talk to Stenholm and Kolbe about reviving their grand bargain from 2000 to fix this mess. A compromise that lets some invest while guaranteeing minimum benefits… it’s something at least." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9110, "fields": { "question": 9105, "description": "Hell no. You see the number of fires we’re fighting? Add another log to the pile and the whole thing could collapse. Best to let this thing lie for now and come back in 2005." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9113, "fields": { "question": 9112, "description": "Hell, what do we have the UN around for if not this kind of shit? Ring up Pootie-Poot in Russia and Hu in China to see if we can’t come together for some kinda UN operation that fixes this for everyone. These guys aren’t stupid. They understand that sometimes in order to get peace, you need war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9115, "fields": { "question": 9112, "description": "This thing isn’t hard. Just tell Brother George to start pumping more stuff over to those rebels, the Northern Allegiance fellas. We did this in the ’80s. Just do it again. Just keep it covert. No boots on the ground." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9117, "fields": { "question": 9112, "description": "Can someone explain to me why Pakistan can’t just take in more refugees? Get that cockamanie Musharraf bastard on the line. I’ll talk to him myself. If Pakistan wants some assistance, I’ll give ’em it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9119, "fields": { "question": 9112, "description": "The solution’s obvious. Take the fight to the Taliban. Smoke ’em out. They can’t run and they can’t hide. I don’t care about the UN, I want this done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9122, "fields": { "question": 9121, "description": "Arnie’s a hell of a guy. A real problem solver. He made his whole campaign about getting California working again, sorta like I did in Texas. That can be our whole slogan for ’04. Arnie and I out front, talking about how we’re getting things done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9124, "fields": { "question": 9121, "description": "The liberal press have been doomsaying for months and then what happens? A Republican overthrows the Democratic establishment in California. Is there any better sign that we need to keep the course and appeal to the base? Get Turd Blossom to draw up a real powerful address about how California is Ground Zero of a conservative explosion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9126, "fields": { "question": 9121, "description": "Arnie’s a lot like me in that he’s the kind of guy you wanna have a beer with. Let’s not complicate this too much with poll-tested bullshit. Just invite him to DC and let the press see us having a good time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9128, "fields": { "question": 9121, "description": "What the recall shows is that Americans have had enough of stale Democrat ideas. We should be using Arnie to launch a whole assault against do-nothing liberals and their obstructionist tactics." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9149, "fields": { "question": 9148, "description": "Arnie’s a hell of a guy. A real problem solver. He made his whole campaign about getting California working again, sorta like I did in Texas. That can be our whole slogan for ’04. Arnie and I out front, talking about how we’re getting things done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9151, "fields": { "question": 9148, "description": "The liberal press have been doomsaying for months and then what happens? A Republican overthrows the Democratic establishment in California. Is there any better sign that we need to keep the course and appeal to the base? Get Turd Blossom to draw up a real powerful address about how California is Ground Zero of a conservative explosion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9153, "fields": { "question": 9148, "description": "Arnie’s a lot like me in that he’s the kind of guy you wanna have a beer with. Let’s not complicate this too much with poll-tested bullshit. Just invite him to DC and let the press see us having a good time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9155, "fields": { "question": 9148, "description": "What the recall shows is that Americans have had enough of stale Democrat ideas. We should be using Arnie to launch a whole assault against do-nothing liberals and their obstructionist tactics." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9176, "fields": { "question": 9175, "description": "Arnie’s a hell of a guy. A real problem solver. He made his whole campaign about getting California working again, sorta like I did in Texas. That can be our whole slogan for ’04. Arnie and I out front, talking about how we’re getting things done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9178, "fields": { "question": 9175, "description": "The liberal press have been doomsaying for months and then what happens? A Republican overthrows the Democratic establishment in California. Is there any better sign that we need to keep the course and appeal to the base? Get Turd Blossom to draw up a real powerful address about how California is Ground Zero of a conservative explosion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9180, "fields": { "question": 9175, "description": "Arnie’s a lot like me in that he’s the kind of guy you wanna have a beer with. Let’s not complicate this too much with poll-tested bullshit. Just invite him to DC and let the press see us having a good time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9182, "fields": { "question": 9175, "description": "What the recall shows is that Americans have had enough of stale Democrat ideas. We should be using Arnie to launch a whole assault against do-nothing liberals and their obstructionist tactics." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9185, "fields": { "question": 9184, "description": "Arnie’s a hell of a guy. A real problem solver. He made his whole campaign about getting California working again, sorta like I did in Texas. That can be our whole slogan for ’04. Arnie and I out front, talking about how we’re getting things done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9187, "fields": { "question": 9184, "description": "The liberal press have been doomsaying for months and then what happens? A Republican overthrows the Democratic establishment in California. Is there any better sign that we need to keep the course and appeal to the base? Get Turd Blossom to draw up a real powerful address about how California is Ground Zero of a conservative explosion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9189, "fields": { "question": 9184, "description": "Arnie’s a lot like me in that he’s the kind of guy you wanna have a beer with. Let’s not complicate this too much with poll-tested bullshit. Just invite him to DC and let the press see us having a good time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9191, "fields": { "question": 9184, "description": "What the recall shows is that Americans have had enough of stale Democrat ideas. We should be using Arnie to launch a whole assault against do-nothing liberals and their obstructionist tactics." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9203, "fields": { "question": 9202, "description": "Arnie’s a hell of a guy. A real problem solver. He made his whole campaign about getting California working again, sorta like I did in Texas. That can be our whole slogan for ’04. Arnie and I out front, talking about how we’re getting things done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9205, "fields": { "question": 9202, "description": "The liberal press have been doomsaying for months and then what happens? A Republican overthrows the Democratic establishment in California. Is there any better sign that we need to keep the course and appeal to the base? Get Turd Blossom to draw up a real powerful address about how California is Ground Zero of a conservative explosion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9207, "fields": { "question": 9202, "description": "Arnie’s a lot like me in that he’s the kind of guy you wanna have a beer with. Let’s not complicate this too much with poll-tested bullshit. Just invite him to DC and let the press see us having a good time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9209, "fields": { "question": 9202, "description": "What the recall shows is that Americans have had enough of stale Democrat ideas. We should be using Arnie to launch a whole assault against do-nothing liberals and their obstructionist tactics." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9212, "fields": { "question": 9211, "description": "Arnie’s a hell of a guy. A real problem solver. He made his whole campaign about getting California working again, sorta like I did in Texas. That can be our whole slogan for ’04. Arnie and I out front, talking about how we’re getting things done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9214, "fields": { "question": 9211, "description": "The liberal press have been doomsaying for months and then what happens? A Republican overthrows the Democratic establishment in California. Is there any better sign that we need to keep the course and appeal to the base? Get Turd Blossom to draw up a real powerful address about how California is Ground Zero of a conservative explosion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9216, "fields": { "question": 9211, "description": "Arnie’s a lot like me in that he’s the kind of guy you wanna have a beer with. Let’s not complicate this too much with poll-tested bullshit. Just invite him to DC and let the press see us having a good time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9218, "fields": { "question": 9211, "description": "What the recall shows is that Americans have had enough of stale Democrat ideas. We should be using Arnie to launch a whole assault against do-nothing liberals and their obstructionist tactics." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9221, "fields": { "question": 9220, "description": "What’s needed now is international support, a real coalition of the willing kinda thing. With the whole world behind us, it’ll be clear to Saddam: You surrender, or we will." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9223, "fields": { "question": 9220, "description": "When in the world has the United Nations ever amounted to anything? No, what matters is showing American resolve. Let’s do rallies across America to show the whole country’s with us in this crusade against terror." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9225, "fields": { "question": 9220, "description": "We’re making good progress but let’s not forget how quick the Dems in Congress tried to sideline us. We need to spend these weeks massaging egos, repeating things over and over and over again to people on the Hill to kind of catapult the propaganda." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9228, "fields": { "question": 9227, "description": "What’s needed now is international support, a real coalition of the willing kinda thing. With the whole world behind us, it’ll be clear to Saddam: You surrender, or we will." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9230, "fields": { "question": 9227, "description": "When in the world has the United Nations ever amounted to anything? No, what matters is showing American resolve. Let’s do rallies across America to show the whole country’s with us in this crusade against terror." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9232, "fields": { "question": 9227, "description": "We’re making good progress but let’s not forget how quick the Dems in Congress tried to sideline us. We need to spend these weeks massaging egos, repeating things over and over and over again to people on the Hill to kind of catapult the propaganda." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9235, "fields": { "question": 9234, "description": "What’s needed now is international support, a real coalition of the willing kinda thing. With the whole world behind us, it’ll be clear to Saddam: You surrender, or we will." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9237, "fields": { "question": 9234, "description": "When in the world has the United Nations ever amounted to anything? No, what matters is showing American resolve. Let’s do rallies across America to show the whole country’s with us in this crusade against terror." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9239, "fields": { "question": 9234, "description": "We’re making good progress but let’s not forget how quick the Dems in Congress tried to sideline us. We need to spend these weeks massaging egos, repeating things over and over and over again to people on the Hill to kind of catapult the propaganda." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9242, "fields": { "question": 9241, "description": "This Enron stuff… it doesn’t resignate with people when there’s so much chaos around the globe. They got more important things to worry about. Let’s talk about nucular proliferation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9244, "fields": { "question": 9241, "description": "I didn’t know about these calls between Lay and McNally. I didn’t know about these Enron briefings to Light Bulb about Venezuela. He’s one of Dick’s guys anyways. I’ll fire the big names to let people know these things aren’t acceptable and promise to do better going forward. It worked for Reagan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9246, "fields": { "question": 9241, "description": "If you bump into a Democrat, you might ask them a simple question: What’s your plan to protect this country? Instead of giving you an answer, they smear the other guy. That’s all this report is. It’s a phony smear attack written by liberals to drag conservatives to their level." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9248, "fields": { "question": 9241, "description": "Nothing in this report refutiates what we’ve been saying all along. No official did anything to bail out Enron. I’m grateful to Baucus for producing a report that shows we acted appropriately and responsibly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9251, "fields": { "question": 9250, "description": "This Enron stuff… it doesn’t resignate with people when there’s so much chaos around the globe. They got more important things to worry about. Let’s talk about nucular proliferation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9253, "fields": { "question": 9250, "description": "I didn’t know about these calls between Lay and McNally. I didn’t know about these Enron briefings to Light Bulb about Venezuela. He’s one of Dick’s guys anyways. I’ll fire the big names to let people know these things aren’t acceptable and promise to do better going forward. It worked for Reagan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9255, "fields": { "question": 9250, "description": "If you bump into a Democrat, you might ask them a simple question: What’s your plan to protect this country? Instead of giving you an answer, they smear the other guy. That’s all this report is. It’s a phony smear attack written by liberals to drag conservatives to their level." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9257, "fields": { "question": 9250, "description": "Nothing in this report refutiates what we’ve been saying all along. No official did anything to bail out Enron. I’m grateful to Baucus for producing a report that shows we acted appropriately and responsibly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9260, "fields": { "question": 9259, "description": "This Enron stuff… it doesn’t resignate with people when there’s so much chaos around the globe. They got more important things to worry about. Let’s talk about nucular proliferation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9262, "fields": { "question": 9259, "description": "I didn’t know about these calls between Lay and McNally. I didn’t know about these Enron briefings to Light Bulb about Venezuela. He’s one of Dick’s guys anyways. I’ll fire the big names to let people know these things aren’t acceptable and promise to do better going forward. It worked for Reagan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9264, "fields": { "question": 9259, "description": "If you bump into a Democrat, you might ask them a simple question: What’s your plan to protect this country? Instead of giving you an answer, they smear the other guy. That’s all this report is. It’s a phony smear attack written by liberals to drag conservatives to their level." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9266, "fields": { "question": 9259, "description": "Nothing in this report refutiates what we’ve been saying all along. No official did anything to bail out Enron. I’m grateful to Baucus for producing a report that shows we acted appropriately and responsibly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9269, "fields": { "question": 9268, "description": "This Enron stuff… it doesn’t resignate with people when there’s so much chaos around the globe. They got more important things to worry about. Let’s talk about nucular proliferation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9271, "fields": { "question": 9268, "description": "I didn’t know about these calls between Lay and McNally. I didn’t know about these Enron briefings to Light Bulb about Venezuela. He’s one of Dick’s guys anyways. I’ll fire the big names to let people know these things aren’t acceptable and promise to do better going forward. It worked for Reagan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9273, "fields": { "question": 9268, "description": "If you bump into a Democrat, you might ask them a simple question: What’s your plan to protect this country? Instead of giving you an answer, they smear the other guy. That’s all this report is. It’s a phony smear attack written by liberals to drag conservatives to their level." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9275, "fields": { "question": 9268, "description": "Nothing in this report refutiates what we’ve been saying all along. No official did anything to bail out Enron. I’m grateful to Baucus for producing a report that shows we acted appropriately and responsibly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9278, "fields": { "question": 9277, "description": "This Enron stuff… it doesn’t resignate with people when there’s so much chaos around the globe. They got more important things to worry about. Let’s talk about nucular proliferation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9280, "fields": { "question": 9277, "description": "I didn’t know about these calls between Lay and McNally. I didn’t know about these Enron briefings to Light Bulb about Venezuela. He’s one of Dick’s guys anyways. I’ll fire the big names to let people know these things aren’t acceptable and promise to do better going forward. It worked for Reagan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9282, "fields": { "question": 9277, "description": "If you bump into a Democrat, you might ask them a simple question: What’s your plan to protect this country? Instead of giving you an answer, they smear the other guy. That’s all this report is. It’s a phony smear attack written by liberals to drag conservatives to their level." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9284, "fields": { "question": 9277, "description": "Nothing in this report refutiates what we’ve been saying all along. No official did anything to bail out Enron. I’m grateful to Baucus for producing a report that shows we acted appropriately and responsibly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9287, "fields": { "question": 9286, "description": "This Enron stuff… it doesn’t resignate with people when there’s so much chaos around the globe. They got more important things to worry about. Let’s talk about nucular proliferation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9289, "fields": { "question": 9286, "description": "I didn’t know about these calls between Lay and McNally. I didn’t know about these Enron briefings to Light Bulb about Venezuela. He’s one of Dick’s guys anyways. I’ll fire the big names to let people know these things aren’t acceptable and promise to do better going forward. It worked for Reagan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9291, "fields": { "question": 9286, "description": "If you bump into a Democrat, you might ask them a simple question: What’s your plan to protect this country? Instead of giving you an answer, they smear the other guy. That’s all this report is. It’s a phony smear attack written by liberals to drag conservatives to their level." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9293, "fields": { "question": 9286, "description": "Nothing in this report refutiates what we’ve been saying all along. No official did anything to bail out Enron. I’m grateful to Baucus for producing a report that shows we acted appropriately and responsibly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9296, "fields": { "question": 9295, "description": "I got no time for second thoughts. Push the bill. Ride or die." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9298, "fields": { "question": 9295, "description": "The opposition to this thing is too much. Pull the breaks before we run this train off a cliff." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9301, "fields": { "question": 9300, "description": "I’ve worked with Vice President Cheney for nigh-on four years now. I’ve never known a man to exude so much intergrity, and I’m proud to call him my partner. He has given so much to this nation, and he deserves to enjoy his retirement with his family. He will always have my gratitude, my friendship, and my prayers. The excellent judgement that he displayed in the office of Vice President has been used to vet his successor, and he can retire happily knowing that America will be in safe hands. So I’m proud to announce that Bill Frist, a man of great integrity, sound judgment, and experience, is my choice to be the next vice president of the United States." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9304, "fields": { "question": 9303, "description": "What I learned in Texas is if you give the Dems an inch, they’ll take a mile. Attack. Attack. Attack. Don’t give this thing an ounce of credibility." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9306, "fields": { "question": 9303, "description": "This Halliburton shit’s been a bomb under our feet since Day One. If we play ball, it’ll blow our legs off. We need to convince Dem leaders not to touch this thing, at least not until the election’s over." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9308, "fields": { "question": 9303, "description": "Dealing with Congress is a matter of give and take. Give them a little cooperation and they’ll let us help define the narrative. No need to blow this outta proposition.\t" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9318, "fields": { "question": 9317, "description": "What I learned in Texas is if you give the Dems an inch, they’ll take a mile. Attack. Attack. Attack. Don’t give this thing an ounce of credibility." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9320, "fields": { "question": 9317, "description": "This Halliburton shit’s been a bomb under our feet since Day One. If we play ball, it’ll blow our legs off. We need to convince Dem leaders not to touch this thing, at least not until the election’s over." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9322, "fields": { "question": 9317, "description": "Dealing with Congress is a matter of give and take. Give them a little cooperation and they’ll let us help define the narrative. No need to blow this outta proposition.\t" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9325, "fields": { "question": 9324, "description": "What I learned in Texas is if you give the Dems an inch, they’ll take a mile. Attack. Attack. Attack. Don’t give this thing an ounce of credibility." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9327, "fields": { "question": 9324, "description": "This Halliburton shit’s been a bomb under our feet since Day One. If we play ball, it’ll blow our legs off. We need to convince Dem leaders not to touch this thing, at least not until the election’s over." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9329, "fields": { "question": 9324, "description": "Dealing with Congress is a matter of give and take. Give them a little cooperation and they’ll let us help define the narrative. No need to blow this outta proposition.\t" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9332, "fields": { "question": 9331, "description": "These liberals aren’t the same folks Poppy dealt with. They’re radicals. Socialistic, even. The consequences of a Democrat victory would too great for any conservative to stay home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9333, "fields": { "question": 9331, "description": "The president has the greatest responsibility of all: making decisions about who lives and who dies. Over the last four years, I think I’ve shown courage and resolutitude. I’ve kept America safe by thwarting its adversaries around the globe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9334, "fields": { "question": 9331, "description": "Conservatives wanted a president who got things done instead of accepting business as usual. By working with Congress, I’ve achieved small-government policies that have led to the embetterment of all folks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9335, "fields": { "question": 9331, "description": "Republicans gotta ask: Who do they trust this November? I’m the only guy whose got credibility, who is acting ethnically to eliminate special-interest groups and bring transparency to Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9341, "fields": { "question": 9340, "description": "These liberals aren’t the same folks Poppy dealt with. They’re radicals. Socialistic, even. The consequences of a Democrat victory would too great for any conservative to stay home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9343, "fields": { "question": 9340, "description": "The president has the greatest responsibility of all: making decisions about who lives and who dies. Over the last four years, I think I’ve shown courage and resolutitude. I’ve kept America safe by thwarting its adversaries around the globe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9345, "fields": { "question": 9340, "description": "Conservatives wanted a president who got things done instead of accepting business as usual. By working with Congress, I’ve achieved small-government policies that have led to the embetterment of all folks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9347, "fields": { "question": 9340, "description": "Republicans gotta ask: Who do they trust this November? I’m the only guy whose got credibility, who is acting ethnically to eliminate special-interest groups and bring transparency to Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9350, "fields": { "question": 9349, "description": "These liberals aren’t the same folks Poppy dealt with. They’re radicals. Socialistic, even. The consequences of a Democrat victory would too great for any conservative to stay home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9352, "fields": { "question": 9349, "description": "The president has the greatest responsibility of all: making decisions about who lives and who dies. Over the last four years, I think I’ve shown courage and resolutitude. I’ve kept America safe by thwarting its adversaries around the globe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9354, "fields": { "question": 9349, "description": "Conservatives wanted a president who got things done instead of accepting business as usual. By working with Congress, I’ve achieved small-government policies that have led to the embetterment of all folks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9356, "fields": { "question": 9349, "description": "Republicans gotta ask: Who do they trust this November? I’m the only guy whose got credibility, who is acting ethnically to eliminate special-interest groups and bring transparency to Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9359, "fields": { "question": 9358, "description": "These liberals aren’t the same folks Poppy dealt with. They’re radicals. Socialistic, even. The consequences of a Democrat victory would too great for any conservative to stay home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9361, "fields": { "question": 9358, "description": "The president has the greatest responsibility of all: making decisions about who lives and who dies. Over the last four years, I think I’ve shown courage and resolutitude. I’ve kept America safe by thwarting its adversaries around the globe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9363, "fields": { "question": 9358, "description": "Conservatives wanted a president who got things done instead of accepting business as usual. By working with Congress, I’ve achieved small-government policies that have led to the embetterment of all folks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9365, "fields": { "question": 9358, "description": "Republicans gotta ask: Who do they trust this November? I’m the only guy whose got credibility, who is acting ethnically to eliminate special-interest groups and bring transparency to Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9368, "fields": { "question": 9367, "description": "These liberals aren’t the same folks Poppy dealt with. They’re radicals. Socialistic, even. The consequences of a Democrat victory would too great for any conservative to stay home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9370, "fields": { "question": 9367, "description": "The president has the greatest responsibility of all: making decisions about who lives and who dies. Over the last four years, I think I’ve shown courage and resolutitude. I’ve kept America safe by thwarting its adversaries around the globe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9372, "fields": { "question": 9367, "description": "Conservatives wanted a president who got things done instead of accepting business as usual. By working with Congress, I’ve achieved small-government policies that have led to the embetterment of all folks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9374, "fields": { "question": 9367, "description": "Republicans gotta ask: Who do they trust this November? I’m the only guy whose got credibility, who is acting ethnically to eliminate special-interest groups and bring transparency to Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9377, "fields": { "question": 9376, "description": "These liberals aren’t the same folks Poppy dealt with. They’re radicals. Socialistic, even. The consequences of a Democrat victory would too great for any conservative to stay home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9379, "fields": { "question": 9376, "description": "The president has the greatest responsibility of all: making decisions about who lives and who dies. Over the last four years, I think I’ve shown courage and resolutitude. I’ve kept America safe by thwarting its adversaries around the globe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9381, "fields": { "question": 9376, "description": "Conservatives wanted a president who got things done instead of accepting business as usual. By working with Congress, I’ve achieved small-government policies that have led to the embetterment of all folks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9383, "fields": { "question": 9376, "description": "Republicans gotta ask: Who do they trust this November? I’m the only guy whose got credibility, who is acting ethnically to eliminate special-interest groups and bring transparency to Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9386, "fields": { "question": 9385, "description": "These liberals aren’t the same folks Poppy dealt with. They’re radicals. Socialistic, even. The consequences of a Democrat victory would too great for any conservative to stay home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9388, "fields": { "question": 9385, "description": "The president has the greatest responsibility of all: making decisions about who lives and who dies. Over the last four years, I think I’ve shown courage and resolutitude. I’ve kept America safe by thwarting its adversaries around the globe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9390, "fields": { "question": 9385, "description": "Conservatives wanted a president who got things done instead of accepting business as usual. By working with Congress, I’ve achieved small-government policies that have led to the embetterment of all folks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9392, "fields": { "question": 9385, "description": "Republicans gotta ask: Who do they trust this November? I’m the only guy whose got credibility, who is acting ethnically to eliminate special-interest groups and bring transparency to Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9395, "fields": { "question": 9394, "description": "These liberals aren’t the same folks Poppy dealt with. They’re radicals. Socialistic, even. The consequences of a Democrat victory would too great for any conservative to stay home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9397, "fields": { "question": 9394, "description": "The president has the greatest responsibility of all: making decisions about who lives and who dies. Over the last four years, I think I’ve shown courage and resolutitude. I’ve kept America safe by thwarting its adversaries around the globe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9399, "fields": { "question": 9394, "description": "Conservatives wanted a president who got things done instead of accepting business as usual. By working with Congress, I’ve achieved small-government policies that have led to the embetterment of all folks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9401, "fields": { "question": 9394, "description": "Republicans gotta ask: Who do they trust this November? I’m the only guy whose got credibility, who is acting ethnically to eliminate special-interest groups and bring transparency to Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9572, "fields": { "question": 9072, "description": "Finding Jesus was the best thing that ever happened to me. You know, it took me talking to Arth—. I mean, the Reverand Billy Graham to really turn me around. It'd be a hell of a thing to see Arnie out there, on TV, talking about the importance of faith to a healthy society." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9573, "fields": { "question": 9072, "description": "It's all about defense. Security. How about that… some of that action-hero, Terminator tough stuff? Get us in good with the macho man image, you know?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9574, "fields": { "question": 9072, "description": "Arnie's a good Republican and, even better, he's one that people trust. Can't we get him talking about me and Reagan and stuff like that? Red meat for the conservative base." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9639, "fields": { "question": 9082, "description": "Some bar in a place like Tennessee, Kentucky, or Arkansas. These are my people. It takes an animal to know an animal. I'm not admitting I'm an animal with a week to go but... you fellas got a non-alcoholic beer?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9640, "fields": { "question": 9082, "description": "You know what they say? Go west young man... Yeah. You know, I'm out there with folks in the fields of California or Nevada. Maybe some Plains town with only one traffic stop. I'm gonna act like I'm having a good time. Ha ha. Just a joke. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9641, "fields": { "question": 9082, "description": "Poppy always used to scold me for taking chances, but where better to take chances than in Jersey City? ...Or is this Pennsylvania? Could be Maryland... I don't care. I'm hear for the Chamber luncheon. Someone tell all these reporters that if I lose, they'll all be out of a job. Heh." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9720, "fields": { "question": 9719, "description": "Nancy! God, where would the party be without Nancy Reagan? It’s a hell of a shame about Ron, but Nancy’s a real gem as far as women are concerned. She’ll get the conservatives clapping on their feet." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9721, "fields": { "question": 9719, "description": "If we can’t get Arnie, then we need the next best thing: Bruce Willis. Die Hard fella. Action hero, tough guy. He was at the convention in 2000 and can really get people’s blood boiling. Remind people it’s us versus they." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9722, "fields": { "question": 9719, "description": "The Reverend himself, Billy Graham would be great for this. It’s all about faith. It’s all about faith. A little fire from the good preacher to remind people the darkness we’re up against would be great." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9723, "fields": { "question": 9719, "description": "Well, shit. You think Poppy’d come out? We can… I don’t know… tell some story about how a strong family helps a strong nation. Whatever." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9729, "fields": { "question": 9728, "description": "My patience ran out on Bashar a long time ago. The whole region is destabilized because of one man’s tyranny. He facilitates terror groups. He’s trying to make nucular weapons, suiciders go from his country to Iraq. He’s unfit to lead, he’s only in there because his dad was president. He must go." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9730, "fields": { "question": 9728, "description": "This isn’t all about oil, it’s about nuclear weapons in the hands of dictators. If you look at a picture from the sky of the Korean Peninsula at night, South Korea is filled with lights and energy and vitality and a booming economy; North Korea is dark. Kim needs to go. Tell the South we’re goin’ in." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9731, "fields": { "question": 9728, "description": "You remember what Poppy did with Noriega? That was an easy one. They had to blast the rock music to get him out. Get Abrams, tell him to do that in Venezuela with that nut Hugo. I know it took a little legwork back in the eighties. Make it clear every option’s on the table." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9732, "fields": { "question": 9728, "description": "Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East. Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase His people’s enemies before a new age begins. Tell Rummy I want to take a look at his plans for Iran." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9738, "fields": { "question": 9678, "description": "When you look at the places, the, uh... the things Sharpton has represented, it's really indicative of what he wants to turn this country into. A descriptive place of racial inequality, with no economic opportunity at all." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9739, "fields": { "question": 9678, "description": "He's run for mayor. He's run for senator. He's run for president. He's got a punch card for every office in the country. I gotta to say, I admire the man's persistence, but there comes a time when you've got to ask yourself, how many swings does a batter get before you call him out?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9740, "fields": { "question": 9678, "description": "Jesse Jackson and Sharpton have been movin' in the same circles, sharing stages, praising one another... Look, the company Al keeps speaks volumes. America's strength is built on its diversity of faiths and traditions, a belief that the Reverend clearly does not share." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9741, "fields": { "question": 9678, "description": "Does anybody remember Tawana Brawley? Sharpton was out there during the whole fiasco saying that the government was in cahoots with the Klan, Mafia and IRA. This guy has made a career out of stirring the pot and making up accusations with no substance. He's doing it again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9747, "fields": { "question": 9746, "description": "When you look at the places, the, uh... the things Sharpton has represented, it's really indicative of what he wants to turn this country into. A descriptive place of racial inequality, with no economic opportunity at all." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9749, "fields": { "question": 9746, "description": "He's run for mayor. He's run for senator. He's run for president. He's got a punch card for every office in the country. I gotta to say, I admire the man's persistence, but there comes a time when you've got to ask yourself, how many swings does a batter get before you call him out?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9751, "fields": { "question": 9746, "description": "Jesse Jackson and Sharpton have been movin' in the same circles, sharing stages, praising one another... Look, the company Al keeps speaks volumes. America's strength is built on its diversity of faiths and traditions, a belief that the Reverend clearly does not share." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9753, "fields": { "question": 9746, "description": "Does anybody remember Tawana Brawley? Sharpton was out there during the whole fiasco saying that the government was in cahoots with the Klan, Mafia and IRA. This guy has made a career out of stirring the pot and making up accusations with no substance. He's doing it again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9756, "fields": { "question": 9755, "description": "When you look at the places, the, uh... the things Sharpton has represented, it's really indicative of what he wants to turn this country into. A descriptive place of racial inequality, with no economic opportunity at all." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9758, "fields": { "question": 9755, "description": "He's run for mayor. He's run for senator. He's run for president. He's got a punch card for every office in the country. I gotta to say, I admire the man's persistence, but there comes a time when you've got to ask yourself, how many swings does a batter get before you call him out?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9760, "fields": { "question": 9755, "description": "Jesse Jackson and Sharpton have been movin' in the same circles, sharing stages, praising one another... Look, the company Al keeps speaks volumes. America's strength is built on its diversity of faiths and traditions, a belief that the Reverend clearly does not share." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9762, "fields": { "question": 9755, "description": "Does anybody remember Tawana Brawley? Sharpton was out there during the whole fiasco saying that the government was in cahoots with the Klan, Mafia and IRA. This guy has made a career out of stirring the pot and making up accusations with no substance. He's doing it again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9765, "fields": { "question": 9764, "description": "When you look at the places, the, uh... the things Sharpton has represented, it's really indicative of what he wants to turn this country into. A descriptive place of racial inequality, with no economic opportunity at all." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9767, "fields": { "question": 9764, "description": "He's run for mayor. He's run for senator. He's run for president. He's got a punch card for every office in the country. I gotta to say, I admire the man's persistence, but there comes a time when you've got to ask yourself, how many swings does a batter get before you call him out?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9769, "fields": { "question": 9764, "description": "Jesse Jackson and Sharpton have been movin' in the same circles, sharing stages, praising one another... Look, the company Al keeps speaks volumes. America's strength is built on its diversity of faiths and traditions, a belief that the Reverend clearly does not share." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9771, "fields": { "question": 9764, "description": "Does anybody remember Tawana Brawley? Sharpton was out there during the whole fiasco saying that the government was in cahoots with the Klan, Mafia and IRA. This guy has made a career out of stirring the pot and making up accusations with no substance. He's doing it again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9773, "fields": { "question": 9684, "description": "Joe likes to talk about how he's a problem solver and a deal maker when I've been doin' deal-making just fine these past few years. We got so many accomplishments and there's many, many more that America's gonna have to deal with." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9774, "fields": { "question": 9684, "description": "It's the insider-outsider stuff that's key here. Joe's been in Washington for decades and I'm the hot new thing. Heh. We need vibrant leadership not tired ideas." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9775, "fields": { "question": 9684, "description": "Joe's a good guy and I'm glad the Democrats have gone ahead with him over a firebreathing lunatic like Al Sharpton, you know what I'm saying? I think the two of us can really live in harmony." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9776, "fields": { "question": 9684, "description": "I think he gave us the biggest clue in the book with that keynote speech. What's different between Joe and I is that he's the candidate of war and I'm the candidate of anti-war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9782, "fields": { "question": 9781, "description": "Joe likes to talk about how he's a problem solver and a deal maker when I've been doin' deal-making just fine these past few years. We got so many accomplishments and there's many, many more that America's gonna have to deal with." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9784, "fields": { "question": 9781, "description": "It's the insider-outsider stuff that's key here. Joe's been in Washington for decades and I'm the hot new thing. Heh. We need vibrant leadership not tired ideas." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9786, "fields": { "question": 9781, "description": "Joe's a good guy and I'm glad the Democrats have gone ahead with him over a firebreathing lunatic like Al Sharpton, you know what I'm saying? I think the two of us can really live in harmony." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9788, "fields": { "question": 9781, "description": "I think he gave us the biggest clue in the book with that keynote speech. What's different between Joe and I is that he's the candidate of war and I'm the candidate of anti-war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9791, "fields": { "question": 9790, "description": "Joe likes to talk about how he's a problem solver and a deal maker when I've been doin' deal-making just fine these past few years. We got so many accomplishments and there's many, many more that America's gonna have to deal with." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9793, "fields": { "question": 9790, "description": "It's the insider-outsider stuff that's key here. Joe's been in Washington for decades and I'm the hot new thing. Heh. We need vibrant leadership not tired ideas." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9795, "fields": { "question": 9790, "description": "Joe's a good guy and I'm glad the Democrats have gone ahead with him over a firebreathing lunatic like Al Sharpton, you know what I'm saying? I think the two of us can really live in harmony." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9797, "fields": { "question": 9790, "description": "I think he gave us the biggest clue in the book with that keynote speech. What's different between Joe and I is that he's the candidate of war and I'm the candidate of anti-war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9800, "fields": { "question": 9799, "description": "Joe likes to talk about how he's a problem solver and a deal maker when I've been doin' deal-making just fine these past few years. We got so many accomplishments and there's many, many more that America's gonna have to deal with." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9802, "fields": { "question": 9799, "description": "It's the insider-outsider stuff that's key here. Joe's been in Washington for decades and I'm the hot new thing. Heh. We need vibrant leadership not tired ideas." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9804, "fields": { "question": 9799, "description": "Joe's a good guy and I'm glad the Democrats have gone ahead with him over a firebreathing lunatic like Al Sharpton, you know what I'm saying? I think the two of us can really live in harmony." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9806, "fields": { "question": 9799, "description": "I think he gave us the biggest clue in the book with that keynote speech. What's different between Joe and I is that he's the candidate of war and I'm the candidate of anti-war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9809, "fields": { "question": 9808, "description": "Joe likes to talk about how he's a problem solver and a deal maker when I've been doin' deal-making just fine these past few years. We got so many accomplishments and there's many, many more that America's gonna have to deal with." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9811, "fields": { "question": 9808, "description": "It's the insider-outsider stuff that's key here. Joe's been in Washington for decades and I'm the hot new thing. Heh. We need vibrant leadership not tired ideas." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9813, "fields": { "question": 9808, "description": "Joe's a good guy and I'm glad the Democrats have gone ahead with him over a firebreathing lunatic like Al Sharpton, you know what I'm saying? I think the two of us can really live in harmony." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9815, "fields": { "question": 9808, "description": "I think he gave us the biggest clue in the book with that keynote speech. What's different between Joe and I is that he's the candidate of war and I'm the candidate of anti-war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9818, "fields": { "question": 9817, "description": "Joe likes to talk about how he's a problem solver and a deal maker when I've been doin' deal-making just fine these past few years. We got so many accomplishments and there's many, many more that America's gonna have to deal with." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9820, "fields": { "question": 9817, "description": "It's the insider-outsider stuff that's key here. Joe's been in Washington for decades and I'm the hot new thing. Heh. We need vibrant leadership not tired ideas." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9822, "fields": { "question": 9817, "description": "Joe's a good guy and I'm glad the Democrats have gone ahead with him over a firebreathing lunatic like Al Sharpton, you know what I'm saying? I think the two of us can really live in harmony." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9824, "fields": { "question": 9817, "description": "I think he gave us the biggest clue in the book with that keynote speech. What's different between Joe and I is that he's the candidate of war and I'm the candidate of anti-war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9827, "fields": { "question": 9826, "description": "Joe likes to talk about how he's a problem solver and a deal maker when I've been doin' deal-making just fine these past few years. We got so many accomplishments and there's many, many more that America's gonna have to deal with." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9829, "fields": { "question": 9826, "description": "It's the insider-outsider stuff that's key here. Joe's been in Washington for decades and I'm the hot new thing. Heh. We need vibrant leadership not tired ideas." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9831, "fields": { "question": 9826, "description": "Joe's a good guy and I'm glad the Democrats have gone ahead with him over a firebreathing lunatic like Al Sharpton, you know what I'm saying? I think the two of us can really live in harmony." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9833, "fields": { "question": 9826, "description": "I think he gave us the biggest clue in the book with that keynote speech. What's different between Joe and I is that he's the candidate of war and I'm the candidate of anti-war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9835, "fields": { "question": 9690, "description": "This guy is the real radical. He was part of that Student Democrat Society, and now he's trying to raise taxes, put everyone on welfare, expand the nanny state, I mean this guy's crazy. We need to push back hard." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9836, "fields": { "question": 9690, "description": "This is the same Wellstone who voted against our troops defending a fledgling democracy from the next Hitler in the Middle East. He's no different now. Have you seen these rallies he's at, with these protesters? They're crazy. Get some people to dig into any statements there, see what they can find. Maybe we can come up with something." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9837, "fields": { "question": 9690, "description": "The real issue this election isn't going to be how we vote, but how we pray. We gotta keep that close. When you look at my record, we've done more for our Evangelical communities than any other president, and do you really think a guy like Wellstone would stand up for them? We're completely different." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9838, "fields": { "question": 9690, "description": "You know, he claims he's against the war, but he's supported plenty of Democrat Wars. He voted for the attack on Kosovo, the nation-building disaster in Somalia, and even Clinton's bombing of Iraq. He's just another liberal interventionist who's angry that America is standing tall again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9844, "fields": { "question": 9843, "description": "This guy is the real radical. He was part of that Student Democrat Society, and now he's trying to raise taxes, put everyone on welfare, expand the nanny state, I mean this guy's crazy. We need to push back hard." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9846, "fields": { "question": 9843, "description": "This is the same Wellstone who voted against our troops defending a fledgling democracy from the next Hitler in the Middle East. He's no different now. Have you seen these rallies he's at, with these protesters? They're crazy. Get some people to dig into any statements there, see what they can find. Maybe we can come up with something." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9848, "fields": { "question": 9843, "description": "The real issue this election isn't going to be how we vote, but how we pray. We gotta keep that close. When you look at my record, we've done more for our Evangelical communities than any other president, and do you really think a guy like Wellstone would stand up for them? We're completely different." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9850, "fields": { "question": 9843, "description": "You know, he claims he's against the war, but he's supported plenty of Democrat Wars. He voted for the attack on Kosovo, the nation-building disaster in Somalia, and even Clinton's bombing of Iraq. He's just another liberal interventionist who's angry that America is standing tall again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9853, "fields": { "question": 9852, "description": "This guy is the real radical. He was part of that Student Democrat Society, and now he's trying to raise taxes, put everyone on welfare, expand the nanny state, I mean this guy's crazy. We need to push back hard." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9855, "fields": { "question": 9852, "description": "This is the same Wellstone who voted against our troops defending a fledgling democracy from the next Hitler in the Middle East. He's no different now. Have you seen these rallies he's at, with these protesters? They're crazy. Get some people to dig into any statements there, see what they can find. Maybe we can come up with something." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9857, "fields": { "question": 9852, "description": "The real issue this election isn't going to be how we vote, but how we pray. We gotta keep that close. When you look at my record, we've done more for our Evangelical communities than any other president, and do you really think a guy like Wellstone would stand up for them? We're completely different." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9859, "fields": { "question": 9852, "description": "You know, he claims he's against the war, but he's supported plenty of Democrat Wars. He voted for the attack on Kosovo, the nation-building disaster in Somalia, and even Clinton's bombing of Iraq. He's just another liberal interventionist who's angry that America is standing tall again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9862, "fields": { "question": 9861, "description": "This guy is the real radical. He was part of that Student Democrat Society, and now he's trying to raise taxes, put everyone on welfare, expand the nanny state, I mean this guy's crazy. We need to push back hard." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9864, "fields": { "question": 9861, "description": "This is the same Wellstone who voted against our troops defending a fledgling democracy from the next Hitler in the Middle East. He's no different now. Have you seen these rallies he's at, with these protesters? They're crazy. Get some people to dig into any statements there, see what they can find. Maybe we can come up with something." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9866, "fields": { "question": 9861, "description": "The real issue this election isn't going to be how we vote, but how we pray. We gotta keep that close. When you look at my record, we've done more for our Evangelical communities than any other president, and do you really think a guy like Wellstone would stand up for them? We're completely different." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9868, "fields": { "question": 9861, "description": "You know, he claims he's against the war, but he's supported plenty of Democrat Wars. He voted for the attack on Kosovo, the nation-building disaster in Somalia, and even Clinton's bombing of Iraq. He's just another liberal interventionist who's angry that America is standing tall again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9871, "fields": { "question": 9870, "description": "This guy is the real radical. He was part of that Student Democrat Society, and now he's trying to raise taxes, put everyone on welfare, expand the nanny state, I mean this guy's crazy. We need to push back hard." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9873, "fields": { "question": 9870, "description": "This is the same Wellstone who voted against our troops defending a fledgling democracy from the next Hitler in the Middle East. He's no different now. Have you seen these rallies he's at, with these protesters? They're crazy. Get some people to dig into any statements there, see what they can find. Maybe we can come up with something." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9875, "fields": { "question": 9870, "description": "The real issue this election isn't going to be how we vote, but how we pray. We gotta keep that close. When you look at my record, we've done more for our Evangelical communities than any other president, and do you really think a guy like Wellstone would stand up for them? We're completely different." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9877, "fields": { "question": 9870, "description": "You know, he claims he's against the war, but he's supported plenty of Democrat Wars. He voted for the attack on Kosovo, the nation-building disaster in Somalia, and even Clinton's bombing of Iraq. He's just another liberal interventionist who's angry that America is standing tall again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9880, "fields": { "question": 9879, "description": "This guy is the real radical. He was part of that Student Democrat Society, and now he's trying to raise taxes, put everyone on welfare, expand the nanny state, I mean this guy's crazy. We need to push back hard." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9882, "fields": { "question": 9879, "description": "This is the same Wellstone who voted against our troops defending a fledgling democracy from the next Hitler in the Middle East. He's no different now. Have you seen these rallies he's at, with these protesters? They're crazy. Get some people to dig into any statements there, see what they can find. Maybe we can come up with something." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9884, "fields": { "question": 9879, "description": "The real issue this election isn't going to be how we vote, but how we pray. We gotta keep that close. When you look at my record, we've done more for our Evangelical communities than any other president, and do you really think a guy like Wellstone would stand up for them? We're completely different." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9886, "fields": { "question": 9879, "description": "You know, he claims he's against the war, but he's supported plenty of Democrat Wars. He voted for the attack on Kosovo, the nation-building disaster in Somalia, and even Clinton's bombing of Iraq. He's just another liberal interventionist who's angry that America is standing tall again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9889, "fields": { "question": 9888, "description": "This guy is the real radical. He was part of that Student Democrat Society, and now he's trying to raise taxes, put everyone on welfare, expand the nanny state, I mean this guy's crazy. We need to push back hard." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9891, "fields": { "question": 9888, "description": "This is the same Wellstone who voted against our troops defending a fledgling democracy from the next Hitler in the Middle East. He's no different now. Have you seen these rallies he's at, with these protesters? They're crazy. Get some people to dig into any statements there, see what they can find. Maybe we can come up with something." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9893, "fields": { "question": 9888, "description": "The real issue this election isn't going to be how we vote, but how we pray. We gotta keep that close. When you look at my record, we've done more for our Evangelical communities than any other president, and do you really think a guy like Wellstone would stand up for them? We're completely different." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9895, "fields": { "question": 9888, "description": "You know, he claims he's against the war, but he's supported plenty of Democrat Wars. He voted for the attack on Kosovo, the nation-building disaster in Somalia, and even Clinton's bombing of Iraq. He's just another liberal interventionist who's angry that America is standing tall again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9897, "fields": { "question": 9696, "description": " When it gets down to brass tacks, he's still the same. You ask him where he stands on an issue, and you get this well-rehearsed, lawyerly dance. You can't fake authenticity. Edwards ain't the real deal, I'm realer and I actually make deals." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9898, "fields": { "question": 9696, "description": "Johnny says I don’t understand the struggles of the everyday folks. I’ve stood with Americans, worked with Americans, and listened to Americans. I’m gonna shake hands, kiss babies, you get the gist. Because that’s where the real America is – not in some fancy office or exclusive cocktail party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9899, "fields": { "question": 9696, "description": "I've noticed that he talks a lot about the so-called \"Two Americans.\" I've been all over this great land, and I've only seen one America – an America where folks are trying to get ahead, put food on their families, and make a better life. He's trying to incite a class war with that kind of talk." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9900, "fields": { "question": 9696, "description": "The Presidency is not a place for on-the-job training. Edwards has only been in the senate since '98, that's not even two terms! Being in the big chair is about leading, and leading ain't something you learn in a few years. You gotta be the commander." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9906, "fields": { "question": 9905, "description": " When it gets down to brass tacks, he's still the same. You ask him where he stands on an issue, and you get this well-rehearsed, lawyerly dance. You can't fake authenticity. Edwards ain't the real deal, I'm realer and I actually make deals." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9908, "fields": { "question": 9905, "description": "Johnny says I don't understand the struggles of the everyday folks. I've stood with Americans, worked with Americans, and listened to Americans. I'm gonna shake hands, kiss babies, you get the gist. Because that's where the real America is – not in some fancy office or exclusive cocktail party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9910, "fields": { "question": 9905, "description": "I've noticed that he talks a lot about the so-called \"Two Americans.\" I've been all over this great land, and I've only seen one America – an America where folks are trying to get ahead, put food on their families, and make a better life. He's trying to incite a class war with that kind of talk." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9912, "fields": { "question": 9905, "description": "The Presidency is not a place for on-the-job training. Edwards has only been in the senate since '98, that's not even two terms! Being in the big chair is about leading, and leading ain't something you learn in a few years. You gotta be the commander." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9915, "fields": { "question": 9914, "description": " When it gets down to brass tacks, he's still the same. You ask him where he stands on an issue, and you get this well-rehearsed, lawyerly dance. You can't fake authenticity. Edwards ain't the real deal, I'm realer and I actually make deals." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9917, "fields": { "question": 9914, "description": "Johnny says I don't understand the struggles of the everyday folks. I've stood with Americans, worked with Americans, and listened to Americans. I'm gonna shake hands, kiss babies, you get the gist. Because that's where the real America is – not in some fancy office or exclusive cocktail party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9919, "fields": { "question": 9914, "description": "I've noticed that he talks a lot about the so-called \"Two Americans.\" I've been all over this great land, and I've only seen one America – an America where folks are trying to get ahead, put food on their families, and make a better life. He's trying to incite a class war with that kind of talk." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9921, "fields": { "question": 9914, "description": "The Presidency is not a place for on-the-job training. Edwards has only been in the senate since '98, that's not even two terms! Being in the big chair is about leading, and leading ain't something you learn in a few years. You gotta be the commander." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9924, "fields": { "question": 9923, "description": " When it gets down to brass tacks, he's still the same. You ask him where he stands on an issue, and you get this well-rehearsed, lawyerly dance. You can't fake authenticity. Edwards ain't the real deal, I'm realer and I actually make deals." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9926, "fields": { "question": 9923, "description": "Johnny says I don't understand the struggles of the everyday folks. I've stood with Americans, worked with Americans, and listened to Americans. I'm gonna shake hands, kiss babies, you get the gist. Because that's where the real America is – not in some fancy office or exclusive cocktail party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9928, "fields": { "question": 9923, "description": "I've noticed that he talks a lot about the so-called \"Two Americans.\" I've been all over this great land, and I've only seen one America – an America where folks are trying to get ahead, put food on their families, and make a better life. He's trying to incite a class war with that kind of talk." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9930, "fields": { "question": 9923, "description": "The Presidency is not a place for on-the-job training. Edwards has only been in the senate since '98, that's not even two terms! Being in the big chair is about leading, and leading ain't something you learn in a few years. You gotta be the commander." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9932, "fields": { "question": 9702, "description": "I know the man likes recycling, but do we really need another Gore campaign? He lost! I don't understand where these losers come from. The American people rejected him four years ago, and they'll do it again. If a guy like that can't take a hint, I don't know how he can expect to be respected as commander-in-chief." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9933, "fields": { "question": 9702, "description": "Does this nation really need another four years of the Clinton administration? Because that's what you would be getting with Al Gore back in the White House. He'd make Whitewater look like jaywalking, and with everything else..." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9934, "fields": { "question": 9702, "description": "The people Al surrounds himself with are crazy, I mean, this is a guy who thinks we should all start biking to work, eating kale, and hugging trees. That's not the American way. Do you really think he can look after our troops in harm's way?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9935, "fields": { "question": 9702, "description": "Let's get down to Earth, this guy is just an empty suit. First he said he was a social conservative, then he was some environmental hero, now he's some corporate beard. Nobody can keep track. Let's get some ads of me down at the ranch going." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9941, "fields": { "question": 9940, "description": "I know the man likes recycling, but do we really need another Gore campaign? He lost! I don't understand where these losers come from. The American people rejected him four years ago, and they'll do it again. If a guy like that can't take a hint, I don't know how he can expect to be respected as commander-in-chief." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9943, "fields": { "question": 9940, "description": "Does this nation really need another four years of the Clinton administration? Because that's what you would be getting with Al Gore back in the White House. He'd make Whitewater look like jaywalking, and with everything else..." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9945, "fields": { "question": 9940, "description": "The people Al surrounds himself with are crazy, I mean, this is a guy who thinks we should all start biking to work, eating kale, and hugging trees. That's not the American way. Do you really think he can look after our troops in harm's way?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9947, "fields": { "question": 9940, "description": "Let's get down to Earth, this guy is just an empty suit. First he said he was a social conservative, then he was some environmental hero, now he's some corporate beard. Nobody can keep track. Let's get some ads of me down at the ranch going." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9949, "fields": { "question": 9708, "description": "I could get in trouble for saying it, but I have to tell it like it is. She's a flip flopper. She's carpet bagging, y'know. You don't know which way she stands except with herself." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9950, "fields": { "question": 9708, "description": "Hillary's running on getting things working? She reaches across the aisle, but when's she gotten stuff done? She's a freshman senator!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9951, "fields": { "question": 9708, "description": "I dunno if America can handle four more years of Bill and Hillary in the White House. You folks remember Mogadishu? The stuff in the Balkans? Let me say with certitude that we won't got more peace with them around." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9952, "fields": { "question": 9708, "description": "The W. doesn't stand for women. It stands for Walker. I've had one of the best Administration for women in history. I got Condi. I got Laura. I got so many woman jobs, they're gonna start calling me a feminist pretty soon." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9958, "fields": { "question": 9957, "description": "I could get in trouble for saying it, but I have to tell it like it is. She's a flip flopper. She's carpet bagging, y'know. You don't know which way she stands except with herself." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9960, "fields": { "question": 9957, "description": "Hillary's running on getting things working? She reaches across the aisle, but when's she gotten stuff done? She's a freshman senator!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9962, "fields": { "question": 9957, "description": "I dunno if America can handle four more years of Bill and Hillary in the White House. You folks remember Mogadishu? The stuff in the Balkans? Let me say with certitude that we won't got more peace with them around." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9964, "fields": { "question": 9957, "description": "The W. doesn't stand for women. It stands for Walker. I've had one of the best Administration for women in history. I got Condi. I got Laura. I got so many woman jobs, they're gonna start calling me a feminist pretty soon." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9967, "fields": { "question": 9966, "description": "I could get in trouble for saying it, but I have to tell it like it is. She's a flip flopper. She's carpet bagging, y'know. You don't know which way she stands except with herself." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9969, "fields": { "question": 9966, "description": "Hillary's running on getting things working? She reaches across the aisle, but when's she gotten stuff done? She's a freshman senator!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9971, "fields": { "question": 9966, "description": "I dunno if America can handle four more years of Bill and Hillary in the White House. You folks remember Mogadishu? The stuff in the Balkans? Let me say with certitude that we won't got more peace with them around." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9973, "fields": { "question": 9966, "description": "The W. doesn't stand for women. It stands for Walker. I've had one of the best Administration for women in history. I got Condi. I got Laura. I got so many woman jobs, they're gonna start calling me a feminist pretty soon." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9976, "fields": { "question": 9975, "description": "I could get in trouble for saying it, but I have to tell it like it is. She's a flip flopper. She's carpet bagging, y'know. You don't know which way she stands except with herself." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9978, "fields": { "question": 9975, "description": "Hillary's running on getting things working? She reaches across the aisle, but when's she gotten stuff done? She's a freshman senator!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9980, "fields": { "question": 9975, "description": "I dunno if America can handle four more years of Bill and Hillary in the White House. You folks remember Mogadishu? The stuff in the Balkans? Let me say with certitude that we won't got more peace with them around." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9982, "fields": { "question": 9975, "description": "The W. doesn't stand for women. It stands for Walker. I've had one of the best Administration for women in history. I got Condi. I got Laura. I got so many woman jobs, they're gonna start calling me a feminist pretty soon." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9984, "fields": { "question": 9714, "description": "You know it's funny how much a Democrat like Kennedy talks about his love for women given his history. He's a drunk. A killer. Got away by paying people off. Heh. You folks better get used to hearing the word \"Chappaquidick\" because I'm gonna have there be no shortage of that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9985, "fields": { "question": 9714, "description": "You know what's the real story about Ted Kennedy? He's a Washington creature. Slimy, you know what I mean? That's what these Enron hearings are all about. Exploiting his proposition. I want these things shut down and I want us going full force against the insiderism." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9986, "fields": { "question": 9714, "description": "The Kennedys were born with silver spoons. That's what I reckon what makes them so comfortable taking what they want. Heh. Funny. It's probably why Ted's so gung-ho about socializing medicine. He wants to steal your health care plans from you and let the government-run panels decide who lives and dies." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9987, "fields": { "question": 9714, "description": "A young guy like me? No, I'm not too worried about Ted Kennedy. He's, what, 72 years old? He'll probably keel over dead on the debate stage. They'll need a tow too. Just a joke. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9993, "fields": { "question": 9992, "description": "You know it's funny how much a Democrat like Kennedy talks about his love for women given his history. He's a drunk. A killer. Got away by paying people off. Heh. You folks better get used to hearing the word \"Chappaquidick\" because I'm gonna have there be no shortage of that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9995, "fields": { "question": 9992, "description": "You know what's the real story about Ted Kennedy? He's a Washington creature. Slimy, you know what I mean? That's what these Enron hearings are all about. Exploiting his proposition. I want these things shut down and I want us going full force against the insiderism." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9997, "fields": { "question": 9992, "description": "The Kennedys were born with silver spoons. That's what I reckon what makes them so comfortable taking what they want. Heh. Funny. It's probably why Ted's so gung-ho about socializing medicine. He wants to steal your health care plans from you and let the government-run panels decide who lives and dies." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 9999, "fields": { "question": 9992, "description": "A young guy like me? No, I'm not too worried about Ted Kennedy. He's, what, 72 years old? He'll probably keel over dead on the debate stage. They'll need a tow too. Just a joke. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10001, "fields": { "question": 9679, "description": "Let's get one thing clear, here, okay? This war, it's not some pointless thing. We're fighting for freedom against the regimes of the world, and I'll make damn sure we secure democracy across the globe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10002, "fields": { "question": 9679, "description": "Look, there seems to be some sort of mistake, here. My daddy never once gave me my career. I worked towards it myself. How d'ya think I won the Texas governor's seat? That was my hard work. None of it was given to me." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10003, "fields": { "question": 9679, "description": "Sharpton's aiming to bash everyday corporations to divert attention from his radical agenda of dismantling the family unit and pushing red policies. Don't let him into the White House!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10004, "fields": { "question": 9679, "description": "I have nothin' to hide, but there's also more important things going on at home. We had so much success here at home in this first term, and now we're gonna throw it away over some vague idea of an \"M-I-C?\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10005, "fields": { "question": 9697, "description": "I've had it up to here with this high-and-mighty act. I want ads out the ass, showcasing my time in the National Guard, my businesses. Make it clear that I earned my stripes, no handouts from Poppy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10006, "fields": { "question": 9697, "description": "I want every misstep out there, every questionable move, everything that makes Edwards look like the hypocrite he is. Let's throw it right back in his face. If he's gonna play the realness card, we'll show the folks just how genuine he really is." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10007, "fields": { "question": 9697, "description": "He'll yap about being your ally, claiming he's fought for you, understands you. But deep down, he's just another one of those Democrats. John Edwards doesn't give a damn about you—never has, never will." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10017, "fields": { "question": 10016, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10022, "fields": { "question": 10016, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10025, "fields": { "question": 10016, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10029, "fields": { "question": 10016, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10036, "fields": { "question": 10035, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10038, "fields": { "question": 10035, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10040, "fields": { "question": 10035, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10042, "fields": { "question": 10035, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10045, "fields": { "question": 10044, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10047, "fields": { "question": 10044, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10049, "fields": { "question": 10044, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10051, "fields": { "question": 10044, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10054, "fields": { "question": 10053, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10056, "fields": { "question": 10053, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10058, "fields": { "question": 10053, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10060, "fields": { "question": 10053, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10063, "fields": { "question": 10062, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10065, "fields": { "question": 10062, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10067, "fields": { "question": 10062, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10069, "fields": { "question": 10062, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10072, "fields": { "question": 10071, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10074, "fields": { "question": 10071, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10076, "fields": { "question": 10071, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10078, "fields": { "question": 10071, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10081, "fields": { "question": 10080, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10083, "fields": { "question": 10080, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10085, "fields": { "question": 10080, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10087, "fields": { "question": 10080, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10090, "fields": { "question": 10089, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10092, "fields": { "question": 10089, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10094, "fields": { "question": 10089, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10096, "fields": { "question": 10089, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10099, "fields": { "question": 10098, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10101, "fields": { "question": 10098, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10103, "fields": { "question": 10098, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10105, "fields": { "question": 10098, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10108, "fields": { "question": 10107, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10110, "fields": { "question": 10107, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10112, "fields": { "question": 10107, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10114, "fields": { "question": 10107, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10117, "fields": { "question": 10116, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10119, "fields": { "question": 10116, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10121, "fields": { "question": 10116, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10123, "fields": { "question": 10116, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10126, "fields": { "question": 10125, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10128, "fields": { "question": 10125, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10130, "fields": { "question": 10125, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10132, "fields": { "question": 10125, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10135, "fields": { "question": 10134, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10140, "fields": { "question": 10134, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10143, "fields": { "question": 10134, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10147, "fields": { "question": 10134, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10153, "fields": { "question": 10152, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10158, "fields": { "question": 10152, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10161, "fields": { "question": 10152, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10165, "fields": { "question": 10152, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10171, "fields": { "question": 10170, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10176, "fields": { "question": 10170, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10179, "fields": { "question": 10170, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10183, "fields": { "question": 10170, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10189, "fields": { "question": 10188, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10194, "fields": { "question": 10188, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10197, "fields": { "question": 10188, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10201, "fields": { "question": 10188, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10207, "fields": { "question": 10206, "description": "Zell Miller, the new Senator in Georgia, is whip smart and fantastic at pointing out liberal hypocrisies. I asked him to talk about how far the party has fallen since the days of Kennedy and all the ways its become outta touch with the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10212, "fields": { "question": 10206, "description": "Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10215, "fields": { "question": 10206, "description": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s got two things going for her. First, she’s a Texan. B., she’s a woman. Third, she’s not an ideologue. I asked her to go on stage to make conservatism appealing to all kinds of folks so we’re attracting more than just the nuts." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10219, "fields": { "question": 10206, "description": "Poppy. Is there any question? The old bastard, ha ha, you know, he’s always had high standards. He’s always had high standards, even when I was a kid. He didn’t even wanna speak in 2000. Ha. But that’s just family, you know. He’ll put together a good speech now. I know it. He has to." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10226, "fields": { "question": 9680, "description": "Raise hell about him bein' in prison for ninety days, back in 2001. Hell, it wasn't even that long ago. Make sure to mix it into footage of him protestin' cops." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10227, "fields": { "question": 9680, "description": "Racial division. Easy peasy. Smash him on that. Take footage of him supportin' Affirmative Action and it should spook everyone left in the party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10228, "fields": { "question": 9680, "description": "No, no. We can beat Sharpton on bread-and-butter issues. Let's not drag this into the gutter. Besides, ain't he a preacher? He could whoop me. You never know." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10229, "fields": { "question": 9680, "description": "Sharpton hates the troops! Spread that message loud and wide. Use footage of him protesting wars and targeting practices, I'm sure. It'll make moderates think twice about voting for him." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10230, "fields": { "question": 9681, "description": "There's a lot of God-fearing folk who don't support the radical things this fellow does. He's way out there on homosexuality. What kind of preacher doesn't want to defend the sanctity of marriage? He's forgotten his own background." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10231, "fields": { "question": 9682, "description": "No, no. Rove, I'm sick of you. I - I don't mean that, but, er... stayin' high and mighty has worked every time. I'm not doing this. Roll out a few more ads on our domestic stuff, and that's all. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10232, "fields": { "question": 9685, "description": "He wants a clean fight about the issues? Too bad. Discredit him. Make him just another Democrat, anti-family radicalizer. Make something up if you have to. I don't care." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10233, "fields": { "question": 9685, "description": "Things are more peacable than they've ever been. It's only 'cause of my deciding that we've been able to keep us our of wars and restore chaos." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10234, "fields": { "question": 9685, "description": "My tax cuts have given Americans greater control over their pocketbooks and we're seeing the benefits. The economy's about ready to explode it's growing so much." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10235, "fields": { "question": 9685, "description": "Look... do we need to swing back? Me and Joe are two peas in a pod. \"Amigos\" is what they say down in Texas. I'll disagree but this should be a positive campaign, not an un-positive one." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10240, "fields": { "question": 9686, "description": "You think I'd vote for the guy if the shoes was on the other feet? Hell no. This is a bomb waiting to detonate. We need to attack McCain as a RINO and a traitor before he attacks us." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10241, "fields": { "question": 9686, "description": "What was it that Hogan said during the convention about \"party unity\"? He and I haven't had a great relationship since 2000, but that doesn't mean we can't play nice. Set up a meeting to stop him from doing something stupid." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10242, "fields": { "question": 9686, "description": "Good riddance, I say. We'll use our surrogates to really drum up the divisions in the Democratic—. I mean, Democrat Party. What kind of guy is Lieberman if he's collusion with the enemy?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10243, "fields": { "question": 9686, "description": "Mary Landrieu's the key to this whole thing. Get Roger on the line and tell him to get one of his reporters at Fox to really needle her about Joe. How does she feel about being the third wheel in this bicycle?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10248, "fields": { "question": 9687, "description": "There's a chance for real opportunism here. I oughta target Joe where he's weakest, show the Sharpton and Ron Paul nuts that I'm the candidate of peace and Lieberman's the one emboldenizing the Cheney types." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10249, "fields": { "question": 9687, "description": "Joe's a good guy, at least as far as Democrats are concerned, and we don't need to make this debate stuff into more than it is. Me attacking would be like putting a baby in with a wild cat anyways. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10250, "fields": { "question": 9687, "description": "I'm telling you, there's one thing that gets people in line and that's fear. We go to the debate, people up about abortion and stem-cell research and the homosexuals, and Joe's whole thing falls apart." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10251, "fields": { "question": 9687, "description": "People think it stands for Walker but the W. in George W. Bush stands for \"worker.\" I'm gonna tell folks we got the most work-friendly economy in history. They'll be doing three times as much when I'm done. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10256, "fields": { "question": 9688, "description": "I understand unhappiness. I was one. Still, these things don't change no matter what you do. Best to just live and let lie." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10257, "fields": { "question": 9688, "description": "I don't wanna be the Gore of '04, ya'know what I'm saying? I don't need no Nader situation keeping me from the White House. Tell our folks to ramp up Get Out the Vote in swing states. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10258, "fields": { "question": 9688, "description": "This is more of a they problem than our's. In fact, we oughta hammer on this point to keep liberals at home. Talk about how much me and Joe got in common." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10259, "fields": { "question": 9688, "description": "Joe's a great guy but, come on, we're not the same. Hell, I can think of maybe two policies right now where we don't agree. Climate for one. We should be showin' that off so the Ron Paul nuts don't sit this out out." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10264, "fields": { "question": 9691, "description": "Jeez, I mean, is this really necessary? Mother who? Look, let’s just stick to the butter-and-bread issues. Talk about our plan to cut taxes even further, how the economy is exploding, how we’re putting families to work. Those are the issues." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10265, "fields": { "question": 9691, "description": "I don’t want to say anything about it, but this could be great if we get some wedge between them, you know what I mean? I mean we all remember Nader. If those minor parties gained support…we’d be in a good spot." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10266, "fields": { "question": 9691, "description": "We should mention this a lot. You know, these are the types of people that party caters to now. They’re not like the rest of us. I don’t think hardworking Americans want a president beholden to a couple special interest groups." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10267, "fields": { "question": 9691, "description": "Division is always good for us. We don’t need to make this about who he’s meeting with, but whoever they are, they’re mad aren’t they? The Dems are always falling apart, that’s nothing new. But we should show how united our own party is in supporting their president." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10272, "fields": { "question": 9692, "description": "Abortion's a winning issue for us, we can't back down here. Remember the Right to Life march earlier this year? Let's try to get something like that going again. This isn't a campaign issue, it's about faith." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10273, "fields": { "question": 9693, "description": "The freer the trade, the freer the people, you know what I mean? There was a smart man who once said that there has never been a war between two countries with a McDonald's. It's all part of making this zone of peace, from the Middle East to Mexico. That's the future." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10274, "fields": { "question": 9694, "description": "Well, let's ask, where were we when our country needed us? I was serving this nation in uniform, while Wellstone was spitting on troops returning from Vietnam. The FBI thought he was a threat to national security. This is a real dangerous guy, he's a radical. Do you really want someone who was palling around with the Weather Underground and Democratic Society Students in the White House?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10275, "fields": { "question": 9698, "description": "Edwards talks about being an outsider, but who's pullin' his strings? Big donors and fancy fundraisers, that's who. I'm here for the people, not the special interests." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10276, "fields": { "question": 9698, "description": "My policies have put money back in the pockets of hard-working Americans. Tax cuts that helped families, small businesses – the backbone of this nation. Can John say the same?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10277, "fields": { "question": 9698, "description": "Where's the depth, the detailed plan? In the modern world, you need a roadmap, not vague notions. I've worn traditional Chinese clothes with Jiang Zemin, given African leaders Stetson hats—I've been out there. Edwards hasn't. America can't afford that uncertainty." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10278, "fields": { "question": 9698, "description": "He's all style and no substance. Americans want someone they can kick back and have a beer with, someone who gets them. You can't trust a man who's all show and no soul." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10283, "fields": { "question": 9699, "description": "He was buddy-buddy with those trade deals, now he's out? Horseshit. He voted for the China agreement when it came up, he was all for it. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10284, "fields": { "question": 9699, "description": "Go for the running mate, Rendell. He's in bed with big oil. Dig up his financial ties, say that he's profiting while selling America's natural resources abroad or outsourcing jobs to foreigners, some shit like that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10285, "fields": { "question": 9699, "description": "It ain't NAFTA causing the issue; it's the competition overseas. But maybe Perot had a point. Time to renegotiate, give a heads-up to the boys up north and our amigos down south – we gotta get this done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10286, "fields": { "question": 9699, "description": "No dice. NAFTA is a blessing for America's economy. Edwards can bitch and moan all he wants, but we're not changing a damn thing. It's working for us, and we're keeping it that way." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10291, "fields": { "question": 9700, "description": "All Edwards is anger, I'm sweet. America, at its best, is compassionate. I'll raise my head above the fray and be kind." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10292, "fields": { "question": 9700, "description": "I'm cranking my Texan charm up to eleven. I've been toning down the accent in press interviews, but that's over now. Everyone gets the full Bush experience—nothing less." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10293, "fields": { "question": 9700, "description": "He's fake, always has been, blare ads in Middle America highlighting that. Who's the real John Edwards?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10298, "fields": { "question": 9703, "description": "We need to reach out to Al privately, tell him to rein these people in. They don't have a clue what they're talking about. I mean these people are saying that our own elections are fraudulent, or that I'm not a legitimate president. It's damaging, it hurts our country." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10299, "fields": { "question": 9704, "description": "He's not Princess Di, you know what I mean? What does anyone care if he got a divorce, that's not worth talking about. This issue's about my agenda, we gotta focus on that. Talk about how we're repairing social security some more." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10300, "fields": { "question": 9705, "description": "You know most of those green groups are pro-nucular now right? We all saw ``The China Syndrome``, we know how dangerous those things are. I want to give a big speech about nucular non-proliferation. Start talking about how we would have a Chernobyl a week with Gore in office." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10301, "fields": { "question": 9706, "description": "He's only saying that now because it's popular. Gore voted another President Bush to take out Saddam, and now he's getting cold feet? He's a flip-flopper." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10302, "fields": { "question": 9709, "description": "Now, I gotta ask, what gridlock is Hillary gonna resolve? We all remember how she manhandled the health care stuff. I'm not sure she could rename a highway, let alone a budget." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10303, "fields": { "question": 9709, "description": "Now the liberals are gonna tear my head off for this one, but she's a woman of a certain age. In the world we live in, with those hormones... I wouldn't trust her on the Hill or anywhere. We could wind up in a crazy situation. You know what I'm sayin?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10304, "fields": { "question": 9709, "description": "Hillary's a candidate of special interests. If she passes anything, it's only 'cause she sold herself to the highest bidder. She's branded like a cow." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10309, "fields": { "question": 9710, "description": "You want to dig up the past, how about we start talkin' about Whitewater? Huh? How about Travelgate? How about Filegate? We all know that the Clintons have been funneling money into their pockets their whole lives." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10310, "fields": { "question": 9710, "description": "The Clintons just started up a big foundation in New York. Why? It's so they can accept cash from crackpot dictators everywhere from Zimbabwe to Kalamazoo." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10311, "fields": { "question": 9710, "description": "You know, the nuts think she's killed folks. Don Henry. Vince Foster. Ron Brown. We shouldn't say that too loud, but I mean is it really so crazy to suggest that?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10312, "fields": { "question": 9710, "description": "Hit her where it hurts: Bill. America hasn't forgotten about Monica or Paula Jones. It hasn't forgotten about Juanita Broaddrick or those rumors about a love child. And Hillary enabled it!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10317, "fields": { "question": 9711, "description": "There is more than a few differences between Hillary and I. I'm not just talkin' about the pantsuits or the fifteen thousand dollar dresses she wore back in the 90s. I'm talkin' about how she and Bill have always liked fancy living over hard work." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10318, "fields": { "question": 9711, "description": "Listen to that Michael Moore wingnut and he'll tell you, right out, there's not much difference between us. Hillary's problem isn't with regular Americans, it's with radical liberals who don't want to vote her at all. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10319, "fields": { "question": 9711, "description": "She only got elected there, what, four years ago, but Hillary's always had what we call in Texas \"New York values.\" Now, maybe there are certain fads in Manhattan, but those things don't fly in real American families." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10320, "fields": { "question": 9711, "description": "When it's 3 AM and your kids are in bed, who do you want answering that red phone in the White House? This election is gonna decide who answers that call. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10325, "fields": { "question": 9712, "description": "We know these people out at the networks, right? CNN, ABC, FOX? Invite them to the White House and I'll charm their pants on them, tell 'em to rein in the liberal bias when it comes to me and Hillary." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10326, "fields": { "question": 9712, "description": "You know what would look real nice on TV, right now? \"At Home with George.\" We'll get a guy, not a political reporter, someone reliable, and have him follow me ad Laura around. Show people what a real marriage looks like. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10327, "fields": { "question": 9712, "description": "Since an early age, people were always saying I was born to entertain. I should be doing more of that. Let me loose with real voters and I'll win 'em over. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10328, "fields": { "question": 9712, "description": "The world's changing. You see Drudge? A guy put that whole thing on the World Wide Web from his basement all by himself. It's incredible. We should be goin' online. MySpace. Videos stuff. Reach voters without the network mumbo jumbo. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10333, "fields": { "question": 9715, "description": "I couldn't tell you what this guy is talkin' about. Seems like just the other day the two of us were two peed in a pod over No Child Left Behind. Now, suddenly, he's changing his tune. It's almost enough to hurt my feelings!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10334, "fields": { "question": 9715, "description": "I think it's unfortunate that this great Lion of the Senate has stooped to this level. What happened to civility? Finding common ground? Did he leave it locked inside his car and send it over a bridge? " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10335, "fields": { "question": 9715, "description": "If he's confused, it's only cause he's seein' what uncompromised leadership looks like for the first time in his life. This cowboy conservative's unshackled. I don't let myself get branded by liberal special interest groups like Ted here." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10336, "fields": { "question": 9715, "description": "Lot of words from Ted Kennedy's big mouth, but we got our own. We'll get on TV, radio, whatever, and bury the bastard in shit. We'll put up so many stories people won't know what to focus on." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10341, "fields": { "question": 9716, "description": "I don't want this getting too complicated. Let's just take every opportunity to have me doin' sports, being active. People will get the contrast." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10342, "fields": { "question": 9716, "description": "Kennedy's weakness is that he's been in Washington for decades. I'm an outsider. I haven't had my strength sapped by Washington yet. Get me back to Crawford so people can see me in my elements." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10343, "fields": { "question": 9716, "description": "The Republican Party is full of young, fresh faces. We got celebrities the Democrats are jealous of. I wanna show that conservatives are the party of rock 'n roll and country while Kennedy's got... I don't know what." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10344, "fields": { "question": 9716, "description": "We gotta hit people over the head with it. I want attack ads asking about Kennedy's health, askin' when he's gonna croak. Talk about the pills and the booze and he's always been a drunk too weak to do anything about it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10349, "fields": { "question": 9717, "description": "I'm not beaten down. I'm not broken. I'm as good as ever. I'm gonna stroll up to the debate stage blazing. I'll attack every which way. I'll go after everything. The bastard won't see it coming." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10350, "fields": { "question": 9717, "description": "I'm fine. It's fine. I just gotta get through this thing with a smile on my face. Texas sunshine, remember? Just gotta... you know." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10351, "fields": { "question": 9717, "description": "I'm not gonna let this get to me. I just gotta put my facts out there. Explicate myself to people. Get issues across. They'll come around when they hear about the issues. I know it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10352, "fields": { "question": 9717, "description": "I can't do this. I can't do this. Tell the moderators I'm sick or some emergency came up. I need time to rest." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10357, "fields": { "question": 9718, "description": "The dumb, fat bastard is dying. We all know that. We just gotta create the facts to prove it. Who wouldn't believe it if we said he collapsed before he was supposed to go campaigning? How do we know he doesn't have a team of nurses up at his mansion treating stuff we don't know about?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10358, "fields": { "question": 9718, "description": "The Kennedys have been dirty money from the start. Connected to the mob. Lying. It wouldn't be hard to tell folks the IRS is looking into his financial recordings cause he's been accepting bribes or laundering money." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10359, "fields": { "question": 9718, "description": "The most awful things are based in the truth. His ex-wife just got put under special care cause of the drug stuff, yeah? Conservationship? What if we, heh, had some people imply that she was the reason she became an alcoholic in the first place? Pushed it on her. Ruined her." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10360, "fields": { "question": 9718, "description": "He's a sick old bastard who has a history with women and drugs. Would it be hard for people to believe he's at it again? Ted Cokeddy, cheatin' on his wife. Our people could mock up some photos if needed, right?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10367, "fields": { "question": 10366, "description": "Arnie’s a hell of a guy. A real problem solver. He made his whole campaign about getting California working again, sorta like I did in Texas. That can be our whole slogan for ’04. Arnie and I out front, talking about how we’re getting things done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10369, "fields": { "question": 10366, "description": "The liberal press have been doomsaying for months and then what happens? A Republican overthrows the Democratic establishment in California. Is there any better sign that we need to keep the course and appeal to the base? Get Turd Blossom to draw up a real powerful address about how California is Ground Zero of a conservative explosion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10371, "fields": { "question": 10366, "description": "Arnie’s a lot like me in that he’s the kind of guy you wanna have a beer with. Let’s not complicate this too much with poll-tested bullshit. Just invite him to DC and let the press see us having a good time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 10373, "fields": { "question": 10366, "description": "What the recall shows is that Americans have had enough of stale Democrat ideas. We should be using Arnie to launch a whole assault against do-nothing liberals and their obstructionist tactics." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11066, "fields": { "question": 9084, "description": "put description here" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11202, "fields": { "question": 9681, "description": "Al Sharpton is a goddamned racialist. He hates white people, he hates America. If he had his way, we'd have a race war right here in our backyard. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11203, "fields": { "question": 9681, "description": "Look. I'm not a dumbass. He's a preacher - he can beat me like hell, orally, if I try to go on the attack in front of 'em. Stick to our domestic accomplishments. Beat him there." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11204, "fields": { "question": 9681, "description": "I can hit Sharpton on his anti-military activism. It's less of a minefield than his, uh... racial, things, and if I win, I win big." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11209, "fields": { "question": 9682, "description": "Fine, fine! I get it. Drag it all up. Tawana Brawley, Crown Heights, I don't care. You have free reign over this. Imitate Pop's campaign for that matter. Whatever make's ya happy, Rove." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11210, "fields": { "question": 9682, "description": "Why don't, uh... why don't we place this on the middle route? We don't need to sink into the depths, here. Just keep up the attacks on his past statements, like what he said about the gays. Those'll just be fine." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11213, "fields": { "question": 9692, "description": "What the Democrats did in the last administration with surveillance was horrible. Racial profiling at airports, secret evidence. That's a real surveillance state, and we reformed all of that. It sounds like the Senator wants to return to the days of harrassing Americans for their faith." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11214, "fields": { "question": 9692, "description": "We're not playing around, we all remember how those radicals destroyed Seattle under Clinton. If some kids who disrespect our troops want to break the law, they'll be treated like any common criminal. If Wellstone wants to side against our law enforcement, it wouldn't be the first time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11215, "fields": { "question": 9692, "description": "What we're doing is securing our country. Making sure children are safe before they're born, that criminals are arrested before they can ruin our cities, that terrorists are caught before they commit their evil deeds. That's what this is all about." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11220, "fields": { "question": 9693, "description": "We're not walking back from this. It's a cornerstone. But we can try to win over those blue-collar voters with other issues, right? They're patriotic people. Talk about supporting our troops, law enforcement, you know the types. Wave some flags." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11227, "fields": { "question": 9693, "description": "Let's back off the free trade mumbo jumbo a little bit. We can't just flip a switch and bring those jobs back, but those people in the Rust Belt, you know, they kind of got screwed a little. We've got to get them working somehow. Try to find a way." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11228, "fields": { "question": 9693, "description": "I don't see why we can't focus on creating more jobs here. This trade stuff, it didn't really work out for everyone. Come up with some initiatives about bringing manufacturing back. Don't spook the Chinese, but we can balance this." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11231, "fields": { "question": 9694, "description": "When you get these different groups of people fighting with each other, it's enitre civilizations, you know what I mean? They're clashing because they don't work together. The enemies we're facing with, it's the face of true evil. They're not like us. They want to kill people like us." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11232, "fields": { "question": 9694, "description": "You got to speak to people where they're at. Don't get lost talking about missile defense systems or violations of treaties, this is about our troops. Go all out, we need to honor our men in uniform putting their lives on the line to defend this country. The other guy fundamentally disrespects them, and I'm the commander-in-chief. We've gotta make that clear." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11233, "fields": { "question": 9694, "description": "We gotta shake the misconceptions here, this guy is just totally misexperienced to be president. I've gone toe-to-toe with dictators, restored our military, and taken decisive action when necessary. Let's do some interviews with the liberal media and set this straight." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11238, "fields": { "question": 9703, "description": "We didn't steal anything, I want to get our people on every station countering this slander. You can't let this go by, they're lying right through their teeth. We need to be real damn forceful about this." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11239, "fields": { "question": 9703, "description": "Just ignore these people, it's not worth getting into anything about it. We need to keep talking about our compassionate conservatism. Investing in social security, putting food on our families, and keeping the homeland safe. Al will get the message. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11240, "fields": { "question": 9703, "description": "Try to focus on how many of these loons Gore is surrounding himself with. Who are these people? Some of them are well-known, but I don't recognize half the faces here. Get Turd Blossom to dig into them, I want to see what he can find." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11245, "fields": { "question": 9704, "description": "Tipper was a smart gal, she knew how things worked. I'm not saying we should campaign with her or anything, but why don't we start talking a little more about violence in movies or video games. The base will eat it up." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11246, "fields": { "question": 9704, "description": "We shouldn't mention it directly, but get some of our people to talk about how importance each candidates' own morality is this election. Not just what they believe in, but how they live it. That's gonna be the defining issue, we should give a speech on it. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11247, "fields": { "question": 9704, "description": "Look, we gotta be quiet about this, but try to see if anything happened between them that just pushed her over the edge. Al is such a dull guy, try to find out what makes him tick. There's gotta be something under there. We know it didn't end well." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11252, "fields": { "question": 9705, "description": "I get it, it's a real issue. But we don't need more regulations strangling free enterprise. If Gore got elected, you would have small businesses going under because they can't keep up with all the red tape. The best way to protect the environment is to let the markets handle it. That's how it's done. Otherwise we'll be up to our neck in owls." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11253, "fields": { "question": 9705, "description": "He keeps talking about this \"global warming\" thing, but the science just isn't there. I was an oilman, I know how fossil fuels work, and he doesn't get it. Climate change is natural, this whole hoax was just invented by the liberal media." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11254, "fields": { "question": 9705, "description": "We can be modern too. Get us a slideshow, make it about education reform. That's gonna be the real issue. We can make it casual though, really innovate, you know what I mean? You've all seen Steve Jobs, get on something like that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11259, "fields": { "question": 9706, "description": "This is all just disrespectful to our troops. He's spitting in their faces with this kind of rhetoric. I don't think they need to listen to some liberal bureaucrats in Washington talking down to them. Let's do some more rallies honoring our military." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11260, "fields": { "question": 9706, "description": "It's gonna be a lot better for us if we start talking about the meat and butter issues. The bread and potatoes. Get some ads going about how we're protecting the sanctity of marriage and supporting our families. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11261, "fields": { "question": 9706, "description": "When you look at who we're at war with, people gotta remember that they're not like us. They're different kinds of people. This is the first war of a new millennia, but it's the kind that's been fought for thousands of years. You can't turn your back on that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11266, "fields": { "question": 9078, "description": "These kind of people don't have our interests at heart. Three decades ago, they'd be right up there with Hanoi Fonda on that gun hating our troops. I ask all patriotic Americans to counter these left-job nuts by showing their support for their country." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11267, "fields": { "question": 9078, "description": "Look, it's intolerance plain and simple. We got loony lefties, protected by the teachers' unions, telling our kids it's okay to hate anyone they don't agree with. I call on our media to make our public forums safe for conservatives." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11268, "fields": { "question": 9078, "description": "Look, Turd Blossom, I'm beat. Let them protest. They'll tire out and go home eventually. We don't need a lotta hooplah over nothing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11274, "fields": { "question": 11273, "description": "You know, it's this kind of stuff that undermines our society and the integrity of the Office. It's one thing to hold a rally in DC, but following folks home... it's terrorizing. It's obstructing the peace. I call liberals to condemn this." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11277, "fields": { "question": 11273, "description": "These kind of people don't have our interests at heart. Three decades ago, they'd be right up there with Hanoi Fonda on that gun hating our troops. I ask all patriotic Americans to counter these left-job nuts by showing their support for their country." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11279, "fields": { "question": 11273, "description": "Look, it's intolerance plain and simple. We got loony lefties, protected by the teachers' unions, telling our kids it's okay to hate anyone they don't agree with. I call on our media to make our public forums safe for conservatives." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11281, "fields": { "question": 11273, "description": "Look, Turd Blossom, I'm beat. Let them protest. They'll tire out and go home eventually. We don't need a lotta hooplah over nothing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11284, "fields": { "question": 11283, "description": "You know, it's this kind of stuff that undermines our society and the integrity of the Office. It's one thing to hold a rally in DC, but following folks home... it's terrorizing. It's obstructing the peace. I call liberals to condemn this." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11287, "fields": { "question": 11283, "description": "These kind of people don't have our interests at heart. Three decades ago, they'd be right up there with Hanoi Fonda on that gun hating our troops. I ask all patriotic Americans to counter these left-job nuts by showing their support for their country." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11289, "fields": { "question": 11283, "description": "Look, it's intolerance plain and simple. We got loony lefties, protected by the teachers' unions, telling our kids it's okay to hate anyone they don't agree with. I call on our media to make our public forums safe for conservatives." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11291, "fields": { "question": 11283, "description": "Look, Turd Blossom, I'm beat. Let them protest. They'll tire out and go home eventually. We don't need a lotta hooplah over nothing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11294, "fields": { "question": 11293, "description": "You know, it's this kind of stuff that undermines our society and the integrity of the Office. It's one thing to hold a rally in DC, but following folks home... it's terrorizing. It's obstructing the peace. I call liberals to condemn this." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11297, "fields": { "question": 11293, "description": "These kind of people don't have our interests at heart. Three decades ago, they'd be right up there with Hanoi Fonda on that gun hating our troops. I ask all patriotic Americans to counter these left-job nuts by showing their support for their country." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11299, "fields": { "question": 11293, "description": "Look, it's intolerance plain and simple. We got loony lefties, protected by the teachers' unions, telling our kids it's okay to hate anyone they don't agree with. I call on our media to make our public forums safe for conservatives." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11301, "fields": { "question": 11293, "description": "Look, Turd Blossom, I'm beat. Let them protest. They'll tire out and go home eventually. We don't need a lotta hooplah over nothing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 11863, "fields": { "question": 9700, "description": "He's out there trying to be this smooth operator, like a James Bond or something. Got that suave playboy vibe going on. But just because he's got the charm doesn't mean he's not playing a different kind of field, if you catch my drift." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12076, "fields": { "question": 12075, "description": "This is nothing short than an assault on the sanctity of marriage. My Administration is looking at all means to protect American families from this judicial overreach. We will not compromise on our values." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12095, "fields": { "question": 12075, "description": "People know my position. I believe that marriage is a sacred bond that only exists between one man and one woman and that same-sex relations are sinful by nature. Still, we live in a constitutional system. We gotta accommodate the Court and accept their rulings. I promise American families to be their advocate even as I uphold the law." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12106, "fields": { "question": 12105, "description": "This is nothing short than an assault on the sanctity of marriage. My Administration is looking at all means to protect American families from this judicial overreach. We will not compromise on our values." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12120, "fields": { "question": 12105, "description": "People know my position. I believe that marriage is a sacred bond that only exists between one man and one woman and that same-sex relations are sinful by nature. Still, we live in a constitutional system. We gotta accommodate the Court and accept their rulings. I promise American families to be their advocate even as I uphold the law." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12126, "fields": { "question": 12125, "description": "This is nothing short than an assault on the sanctity of marriage. My Administration is looking at all means to protect American families from this judicial overreach. We will not compromise on our values." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12140, "fields": { "question": 12125, "description": "People know my position. I believe that marriage is a sacred bond that only exists between one man and one woman and that same-sex relations are sinful by nature. Still, we live in a constitutional system. We gotta accommodate the Court and accept their rulings. I promise American families to be their advocate even as I uphold the law." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12146, "fields": { "question": 12145, "description": "This is nothing short than an assault on the sanctity of marriage. My Administration is looking at all means to protect American families from this judicial overreach. We will not compromise on our values." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12160, "fields": { "question": 12145, "description": "People know my position. I believe that marriage is a sacred bond that only exists between one man and one woman and that same-sex relations are sinful by nature. Still, we live in a constitutional system. We gotta accommodate the Court and accept their rulings. I promise American families to be their advocate even as I uphold the law." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12190, "fields": { "question": 12189, "description": "It don’t surprise me one bit, not after all the terrorizing Saddam’s been doing. I have to be out front making the case against him, laying out all the stops. I’ll do an address in the Oval. I’ll send folks out to the Sunday Shows. I’ll talk to our friends and allies about the need to stop Saddam before there’s a mushroom cloud over New York or Tel Aviv." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12195, "fields": { "question": 12189, "description": "We gotta handle this stuff smart. Your average coastal liberal isn't going to believe a single thing I say, but if we hand these papers over to other people, reporters and all that, they can make the case for us. Vice, you know reliable folks over at the New York Times, right? How 'bout a leak?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12201, "fields": { "question": 12189, "description": "This stuff is crazy, but we need more before we go public. I wanna go back to the CIA, the DIA, whomever, and nudge them for something firmer. Instead of a few pipes and trailers, can we encourage them to find some uranium? Maybe anthrax? Something we can use to spook Congress later." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12207, "fields": { "question": 12206, "description": "It don’t surprise me one bit, not after all the terrorizing Saddam’s been doing. I have to be out front making the case against him, laying out all the stops. I’ll do an address in the Oval. I’ll send folks out to the Sunday Shows. I’ll talk to our friends and allies about the need to stop Saddam before there’s a mushroom cloud over New York or Tel Aviv." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12212, "fields": { "question": 12206, "description": "We gotta handle this stuff smart. Your average coastal liberal isn't going to believe a single thing I say, but if we hand these papers over to other people, reporters and all that, they can make the case for us. Vice, you know reliable folks over at the New York Times, right? How 'bout a leak?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12218, "fields": { "question": 12206, "description": "This stuff is crazy, but we need more before we go public. I wanna go back to the CIA, the DIA, whomever, and nudge them for something firmer. Instead of a few pipes and trailers, can we encourage them to find some uranium? Maybe anthrax? Something we can use to spook Congress later." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12224, "fields": { "question": 12223, "description": "It don’t surprise me one bit, not after all the terrorizing Saddam’s been doing. I have to be out front making the case against him, laying out all the stops. I’ll do an address in the Oval. I’ll send folks out to the Sunday Shows. I’ll talk to our friends and allies about the need to stop Saddam before there’s a mushroom cloud over New York or Tel Aviv." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12229, "fields": { "question": 12223, "description": "We gotta handle this stuff smart. Your average coastal liberal isn't going to believe a single thing I say, but if we hand these papers over to other people, reporters and all that, they can make the case for us. Vice, you know reliable folks over at the New York Times, right? How 'bout a leak?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12235, "fields": { "question": 12223, "description": "This stuff is crazy, but we need more before we go public. I wanna go back to the CIA, the DIA, whomever, and nudge them for something firmer. Instead of a few pipes and trailers, can we encourage them to find some uranium? Maybe anthrax? Something we can use to spook Congress later." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12749, "fields": { "question": 12748, "description": "Joe likes to talk about how he's a problem solver and a deal maker when I've been doin' deal-making just fine these past few years. We got so many accomplishments and there's many, many more that America's gonna have to deal with." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12758, "fields": { "question": 12748, "description": "It's the insider-outsider stuff that's key here. Joe's been in Washington for decades and I'm the hot new thing. Heh. We need vibrant leadership not tired ideas." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12765, "fields": { "question": 12748, "description": "Joe's a good guy and I'm glad the Democrats have gone ahead with him over a firebreathing lunatic like Al Sharpton, you know what I'm saying? I think the two of us can really live in harmony." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12774, "fields": { "question": 12748, "description": "I think he gave us the biggest clue in the book with that keynote speech. What's different between Joe and I is that he's the candidate of war and I'm the candidate of anti-war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12785, "fields": { "question": 12784, "description": "This guy is the real radical. He was part of that Student Democrat Society, and now he's trying to raise taxes, put everyone on welfare, expand the nanny state, I mean this guy's crazy. We need to push back hard." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12792, "fields": { "question": 12784, "description": "This is the same Wellstone who voted against our troops defending a fledgling democracy from the next Hitler in the Middle East. He's no different now. Have you seen these rallies he's at, with these protesters? They're crazy. Get some people to dig into any statements there, see what they can find. Maybe we can come up with something." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12801, "fields": { "question": 12784, "description": "The real issue this election isn't going to be how we vote, but how we pray. We gotta keep that close. When you look at my record, we've done more for our Evangelical communities than any other president, and do you really think a guy like Wellstone would stand up for them? We're completely different." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 12810, "fields": { "question": 12784, "description": "You know, he claims he's against the war, but he's supported plenty of Democrat Wars. He voted for the attack on Kosovo, the nation-building disaster in Somalia, and even Clinton's bombing of Iraq. He's just another liberal interventionist who's angry that America is standing tall again." } } ] campaignTrail_temp.states_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 181, "fields": { "name": "Alabama", "abbr": "AL", "electoral_votes": 9, "popular_votes": 1883449, "poll_closing_time": 120, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 182, "fields": { "name": "Alaska", "abbr": "AK", "electoral_votes": 3, "popular_votes": 312598, "poll_closing_time": 420, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 183, "fields": { "name": "Arizona", "abbr": "AZ", "electoral_votes": 10, "popular_votes": 2012585, "poll_closing_time": 180, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 184, "fields": { "name": "Arkansas", "abbr": "AR", "electoral_votes": 6, "popular_votes": 1054945, "poll_closing_time": 150, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 185, "fields": { "name": "California", "abbr": "CA", "electoral_votes": 55, "popular_votes": 12421353, "poll_closing_time": 300, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 186, "fields": { "name": "Colorado", "abbr": "CO", "electoral_votes": 9, "popular_votes": 2130330, "poll_closing_time": 180, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 187, "fields": { "name": "Connecticut", "abbr": "CT", "electoral_votes": 7, "popular_votes": 1578769, "poll_closing_time": 120, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 188, "fields": { "name": "Delaware", "abbr": "DE", "electoral_votes": 3, "popular_votes": 375190, "poll_closing_time": 120, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 189, "fields": { "name": "Florida", "abbr": "FL", "electoral_votes": 27, "popular_votes": 7609810, "poll_closing_time": 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"popular_votes": 2468002, "poll_closing_time": 0, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 195, "fields": { "name": "Iowa", "abbr": "IA", "electoral_votes": 7, "popular_votes": 1506908, "poll_closing_time": 240, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 196, "fields": { "name": "Kansas", "abbr": "KS", "electoral_votes": 6, "popular_votes": 1187756, "poll_closing_time": 240, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 197, "fields": { "name": "Kentucky", "abbr": "KY", "electoral_votes": 8, "popular_votes": 1795882, "poll_closing_time": 0, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 198, "fields": { "name": "Louisiana", "abbr": "LA", "electoral_votes": 9, "popular_votes": 1943106, "poll_closing_time": 180, "winner_take_all_flg": 1, "election": 9 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.state", "pk": 199, "fields": { "name": 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0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12791, "fields": { "answer": 12785, "state": 194, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12796, "fields": { "answer": 12792, "state": 215, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.07 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12797, "fields": { "answer": 12792, "state": 205, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.04 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12798, "fields": { "answer": 12792, "state": 214, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12799, "fields": { "answer": 12792, "state": 221, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12800, "fields": { "answer": 12792, "state": 194, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12805, "fields": { "answer": 12801, "state": 215, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.07 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12806, "fields": { "answer": 12801, "state": 205, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.04 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12807, "fields": { "answer": 12801, "state": 221, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12808, "fields": { "answer": 12801, "state": 214, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12809, "fields": { "answer": 12801, "state": 194, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12814, "fields": { "answer": 12810, "state": 215, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.07 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12815, "fields": { "answer": 12810, "state": 205, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.04 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12816, "fields": { "answer": 12810, "state": 214, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12817, "fields": { "answer": 12810, "state": 221, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_score_state", "pk": 12818, "fields": { "answer": 12810, "state": 194, "candidate": 77, "affected_candidate": 78, "state_multiplier": 0.15 } } ] campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8910, "fields": { "answer": 8909, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Actions speak louder than words here. Frist will be able to whip the votes you need, but your personal unpopularity will prove troublesome to efforts to peel votes from the Daschle's grip." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8914, "fields": { "answer": 8913, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is a betrayal of your 'compromiser' image and if you listen to early polling, something you'll quickly be walking back on. Unless you plan on bucking Rove and planning a conservative crusade of your own, this kind of talk is going to sting before it gets any better." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8921, "fields": { "answer": 8920, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You took a hit and you've shown the American people you're still committed to deliver to them. This kind of leadership makes the Lott issue water under the bridge as the shrunken Republican ranks welcome its conservative fighter." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8930, "fields": { "answer": 8926, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Playing into your compromiser image earns praise from the New York Times, which is enamored by your pledge to \"get Washington working again.\" It is less well-received by conservatives like Ann Coulter, who struggle to spin an address that seems like a spit in their faces." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8931, "fields": { "answer": 8927, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You deliver the usual bromides about faith and limited government. The Drudge Report's headline of \"BUSH: NO SURRENDER\" the next day is almost good enough to make you forget McCain mouthing \"What the fuck was that?\" to one of his Democrat friends as you leave the chamber." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8932, "fields": { "answer": 8928, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Frum's description of the world as a \"many-headed hydra\" thrills the foreign policy establishment. It also gets the attention of North Korea and Iraq. North Korea cuts a hotline with the South, playing into your hands. The CIA picks up strange signals from Baghdad that Rummy leaks to cow the base." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8933, "fields": { "answer": 8929, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's schoolboyish, coming to the Capitol crying about unnamed scandals. The true believers tell themselves you're taking a stand against Clintonite corruption, but with investigations into Enron and missing defense dollars, it's clear you're trying to make amends for your own sins.\t\t" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8947, "fields": { "answer": 8946, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You never mention the scandal, but showing up at fundraisers with the man gets the point across. The Republican base is thrilled you're fighting back, but new revelations about young boys continue to dot papers across the country. A disgusted Speaker Gephardt cancels a meeting to discuss your tax bill." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8951, "fields": { "answer": 8950, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The press misinterpret your silence as condemnation and, after a few painful days, a tearful Hastert resigns. You watch the liberals on MSNBC talk about how you gave Republicans \"permission\" to drop Denny. The injustice eats you up. If it weren't for your agenda, you think you'd break Gephardt's nose." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8959, "fields": { "answer": 8957, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The bill fails, ending your hopes of expanding on your first round of tax cuts. It's a bitter disappointment, but you tell yourself that there are far more important battles to come. You can still be the champion of conservatism that your father and your party want. You can still be the hero here." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8960, "fields": { "answer": 8956, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "As the Speaker gavels in, you pray to the Lord on High. He rewards you with silence. Only a few scattered Democrats cross the aisle. The bill fails. That evening on Fox, the phrase \"BLACK EYE FOR BUSH\" appears floating beside Bill O'Reilly's head. You turn off the television before you can see any more." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8963, "fields": { "answer": 8962, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Cooperation yields a damning report from the House Armed Services Committee. There’s no suggestion of willful wrong-doing but investigators list off a dozen cases of negligence from you and Rummy. Furious rebuttals that Dems exploited your transparency for a partisan witch hunt are drowned by the press circus that follows." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8966, "fields": { "answer": 8964, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The suggestion that he “surrender” to House investigators pisses off Rummy and he accuses you of being “just like your goddamn daddy.” Still he goes along, reading out a prepared apology like a man in a hostage video. The scene delights the liberal press who spend the next few weeks replaying clips to mock you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8967, "fields": { "answer": 8965, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you finally fire Rummy, pandemonium ensues. The gossip rags talk about a major cabinet shake-up. Liberals like Paul Wellstone offer muted praise. Your party’s intellectuals are rendered apoplectic with rage. You can only hope the anger dissipates as Heritage suggests conservatives might stay home in November." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8972, "fields": { "answer": 8971, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Washington breathes a collective sigh of relief when the word “reform” leaves your weekly talking points. Their attitude is best expressed by Poppy in one of your weekly calls—there’s enough going on in the Capitol as is. Better to step back and get your own house in order before making some new mess." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8973, "fields": { "answer": 8970, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There are many sleepless nights spent trying to woo New Democrats, but they refuse to budge. There’s too much bad blood, too much distaste for you. Senator Clinton puts the final nail in the coffin when she describes the bill as a “betrayal” of the bipartisan efforts she led in the 90s. The compromise dies in committee." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8974, "fields": { "answer": 8969, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Democrats deploy the word “privatization,” unleashing an avalanche of opposition. Republicans in vulnerable seats are overwhelmed with calls and letters demanding they oppose your package. The package dies ignobly in both the House and Senate, a humiliating blow to your image as a “problem solver.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8980, "fields": { "answer": 8976, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Months of diplomatic haggling finally results in an inefficient and ill-equipped UN peacekeeping task force deployed along the border with Pakistan. A FOX News graphic reads: “AFGHANISTAN: ANOTHER MOGADISHU?”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8981, "fields": { "answer": 8977, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The blowback from Tenet’s program will be felt for years. The Northern Alliance leader, Ahmad Massoud is assassinated, an infuriated Russia wrecks their oil exports, and the ABM treaty appears dead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8982, "fields": { "answer": 8978, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The refugee crisis along the border ebbs, but al-Qaeda grows increasingly bolder, sending alarming numbers of foreign fighters into Xinjiang. Infuriated by your inaction, China launches a punitive trade war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8983, "fields": { "answer": 8979, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The Taliban face crushing losses after a major bombing campaign, although several US planes are shot down by the very same Stingers the CIA had sent into the country less than twenty years ago. A long reconstruction effort now stretches ahead, but how much grief could one pissant country offer?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8988, "fields": { "answer": 8985, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is the expected stance from you and one that gets evangelicals on their feet cheering. Still, as you return from prayer dinners and rallies, you cannot help but notice a certain unhappiness from your vice president. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that his expression in cabinet meetings is one of disgust and loathing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8989, "fields": { "answer": 8986, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It’s not obvious, but the astute members of the press detect a shift. The president is no longer talking about upholding family values but conceding to the Court. “Has Dick Cheney been whispering in Bush’s ear?” they ask. Whatever the cause, allies like Jerry Falwell warn of coming collapse, facilitated by “moral cowardice.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8992, "fields": { "answer": 8991, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This didn’t pass. The powerful chair of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, whipped enough support during the submission hearings to turn it into a humiliating show for the Administration. It leaves conservatives across the country braying for blood, and donating to your campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8994, "fields": { "answer": 8993, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It begins in California, where Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger promises to pass such a proposition during his first term. Soon enough, with your encouragement, Republican governors and legislatures put their own props in the works. They’re expected to be voted on alongside the presidential ballot in 2004." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8996, "fields": { "answer": 8995, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This energizes the Christian Right, and keeps them motivated and going to your rallies. A lack of actual action on the issue causes some whispers, but your supporters are confident an amendment will be passed when you flip Congress." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 8999, "fields": { "answer": 8998, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The drums of war thunder from the White House. It serves as the signal to mobilize a vast conservative media network and their viewers in support of a pre-emptive war. It also serves to mobilize an array of liberal groups against your warnings. A poll from Gallup finds a majority of liberal voters skeptical of US intel and opposed to war with Iraq." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9002, "fields": { "answer": 9000, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On the front page of the Times reads the headline, “U.S. INTEL SAYS HUSSEIN INTENSIFIES QUEST FOR A-BOMB PARTS.” While light on details, the piece nonetheless leads to a steady drip of op-eds and news commentary about the threat posed by Saddam, nudging the country’s educated elite toward war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9003, "fields": { "answer": 9001, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Dick glowers but otherwise accedes to your demand. A few weeks later, an intelligence assessment arrives on your desk, conveniently containing information on an alleged attempt by Saddam to purchase yellowcake uranium in Niger. A classified briefing on this “new” threat is given to the Gang of Eight." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9009, "fields": { "answer": 9008, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Turd Blossom and his deep-pocketed supporters blankets the airwaves in attacks on Democrats big and small, highlighting the ineptitude of men like Gray Davis to address the issues of their constituents. It doesn’t win new converts, but it does reinforce a message your party’s pushed for some time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9010, "fields": { "answer": 9007, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The press is clearly delighted by the two of you walking around DC like a couple of tourists, but it's not enough to make people forget your deteriorating credibility. SNL broadcasts a cruel skit in which several Democratic “predators” hunt down and eliminate the members of your Administration. You try not to show how much it hurts you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9011, "fields": { "answer": 9006, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "“No surrender” is the talking point that goes out. Your aides use Terminator imagery to portray you as an unrelenting conservative with an implacable commitment to conservatism. The message thrills the true believers while reinforcing your negative reputation among committed Democrats." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9012, "fields": { "answer": 9005, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "What exactly are you getting done, Mr. President? Aside from No Child Left Behind and some early tax cuts, your agenda has been a bust. Rove struggles to find ornaments to pin on your Charlie Brown Christmas tree of a presidency. On television and radio, the liberals snicker at your haplessness. Even Arnie seems embarrassed to be around you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9017, "fields": { "answer": 9016, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There’s only so much good classified briefings can do, but your continued engagements reinforce the importance of this issue to legislators on the Hill. Lieberman is quoted as saying that the intelligence you share is “deeply concerning” and “persuasive.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9018, "fields": { "answer": 9015, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The American war machine is slow to start, but the crowds grow as you move from city to city. Sure, some question why Saddam has suddenly become this great threat after his shellacking in the Gulf War and why they are only hearing about WMDs now, but Americans have never been reluctant to accept a new villain into their lives." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9019, "fields": { "answer": 9014, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell gives a PowerPoint presentation to the UNSC, holding up a model vial of weaponized anthrax and the other intel you’ve spent months fabricating. The presentation doesn’t change the opinion of permanent members, but it does harden the UN’s position toward Iraq and lets liberals pretend you at least tried to get UN authorization." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9025, "fields": { "answer": 9024, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A few sweet words to investigators don’t make up for the scandals that have haunted your Administration. While the news media seems eager to move on, there’s a growing activist contingent outraged by what they see as flagrant corruption. Karl’s comparisons between you and Warren Harding might be true, but not in a way either of you want." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9026, "fields": { "answer": 9023, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "So much for compassionate conservatism. The fiery response thrills the Republican Party base and pisses off everyone else. Baucus subpoenas Karl Rove to explain his regular calls with Lay in an excrutiating hearing that lasts several hours." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9027, "fields": { "answer": 9022, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The mea culpa comes as a shock to an increasingly polarized country. Of course, it leads to several days of negative headlines on webblogs and in hardcore liberal publications, but you aren’t doing this to appease those people. You’re doing this for the editorials in the New York Times and Washington Post praising you for your “honesty and courage.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9028, "fields": { "answer": 9021, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The next few weeks see a steady drip of stories about the report from CNN and MSNBC. With neither the White House nor Congress providing new info, it eventually slips out of the headlines. Meanwhile, your speech on nuclear weapons is met with a yawn from the Beltway class, though a few observers raise their eyebrows at a line about the Middle East." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9034, "fields": { "answer": 9033, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The consequences are immediate. Paul Wolfowitz resigns, followed by Ari Fleischer and Elliott Abrams. Dozens of other staffers across the government depart in the coming week and Dick Cheney stops showing up to meetings. According to “anonymous sources close to the vice president,” you “lack the stuff.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9035, "fields": { "answer": 9030, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The House resoundingly defeats the resolution 239-193. You feel the sting of the humiliation in every camera flash as you stride across the White House lawn. It takes all your effort to stop hot, angry tears from streaming down your face. Dick won’t return your calls in the aftermath. Wolowitz and Fleischer resign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9039, "fields": { "answer": 9038, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It feels good to hit back at those who insist you’re a puppet, but the pleasure is short-lived. A political firestorm erupts, exacerbated by leaks from “anonymous sources” revealing embarrassing details about your Administration. The only bright spot is Frist himself, who proves capable of dousing the flames in Congress." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9040, "fields": { "answer": 9037, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The announcement is accepted without much note from the mainstream press. From party insiders and the Democrat Party, you hear the usual jokes. Dick Cheney’s the real president. You’re just the moron behind the desk. You put on a good face, but the remarks leave you bitter and angry." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9044, "fields": { "answer": 9043, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You unleash a vicious broadside on your critics in the Senate that briefly catches them off guard. While they do open an investigation, you set the tone of the coverage. America becomes more divided and Halliburton becomes just another partisan issue. You wish Poppy wasn’t disappointed but, then again, when has he ever approved of you?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9048, "fields": { "answer": 9045, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Tangent Man gets you in a room with Daschle, Reid, Mikulski, and Dorgan where your begging is met with concealed loathing. The Senate authorizes an investigation into Halliburton that turns up lucrative contracts, overcharging, and apparent retaliation against staffers who raised alarm. Protestors rally outside the White House fence." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9049, "fields": { "answer": 9046, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The Senate opens an investigation and your Press Secretary Ari-Bob promises full cooperation. Subsequent hearings unveil some shady practices, overcharging and overly lucrative contracts, that further tar the White House. Dick Cheney seems more and more like a slimy creature from the muck and you his hapless enabler." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9057, "fields": { "answer": 9053, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You called Zell Miller but he declined the offer, citing a sudden illness. Instead the man who trots on stage is John McCain who delivers a bland address about the importance of party unity without mentioning your name once. Your face feels hot as he walks off stage, past you, without any acknowledgment." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9058, "fields": { "answer": 9054, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell has never been a true believer. It was a mistake to let him into the White House, you fume, as he struggles to point out your successes on the international stage. No one gives you credit for tearing apart Clinton’s deal with North Korea or helping Putin in Russia. It’s not fair. You’re just as much a statesman as your daddy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9059, "fields": { "answer": 9056, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9060, "fields": { "answer": 9055, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you were elected in 2000, it was on the promise of a more compassionate conservatism. That has clearly failed. While you've had some successes, Washington remains more divided than ever. Hutchinson's proclamations about you bringing people together to put an end to obstructionism ring false to the assembled crowds. You are a Republican president first, not the “uniter” you once hoped to be." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9068, "fields": { "answer": 9064, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The welfare of children is something appealing to virtually all Americans. An internal watchdog finds no changes in student achievement. Growing numbers of low-income schools find themselves trapped in a death spiral due to government-imposed sanctions." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9069, "fields": { "answer": 9065, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your Administration’s hostility toward reproductive health care has been a dream for the Pro-Life Movement. The sudden limits on contraception causes a surge in unwanted pregnancies and maternal deaths nationwide." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9070, "fields": { "answer": 9066, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Highlighting your work cutting taxes and regulations gives the Chamber of Commerce something to cheer. Roughly 21% of all home loans are now categorized as “subprime.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9071, "fields": { "answer": 9067, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Evangelical voters across the nation appreciate the explicit appeal to their interests. In Waverly, Ohio, police discover the mutilated body of a local gay man shoved inside a trash can." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9088, "fields": { "answer": 9087, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The bill fails, ending your hopes of expanding on your first round of tax cuts. It’s a bitter disappointment, but you tell yourself that there are far more important battles to come. You can still be the champion of conservatism that your father and your party want. You can still be the hero here." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9089, "fields": { "answer": 9086, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "As the Speaker gavels in, you pray to the Lord on High. He rewards you with Lipinski leading a dozen other Dems across the aisle, allowing your bill to pass by the thinnest of margins. The next week, you make a great show of signing the bill on the South Lawn of the White House. “TAX RELIEF FOR ALL AMERICANS” reads the WSJ editorial." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9093, "fields": { "answer": 9092, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Cooperation yields a slim report from the House Armed Services Committee. It excoriates the Pentagon for lax accounting but, luckily, it takes a sweeping view of the problem—blaming systemic forces. Kerry introduces a bill to rein in Defense, one sure to piss off Cheney, but you and Rummy live to fight another day." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9095, "fields": { "answer": 9094, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The suggestion that he “surrender” to House investigators pisses off Rummy and he accuses you of being “just like your goddamn daddy.” Still he goes along, reading out a prepared apology like a man in a hostage video. The scene delights the liberal press who spend the next few weeks replaying clips to mock you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9097, "fields": { "answer": 9096, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you finally fire Rummy, pandemonium ensues. The gossip rags talk about a major cabinet shake-up. Liberals like Paul Wellstone offer muted praise. Your party’s intellectuals are rendered apoplectic with rage. You can only hope the anger dissipates as Heritage suggests conservatives might stay home in November." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9100, "fields": { "answer": 9099, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Democrats deploy the word “privatization,” unleashing an avalanche of opposition. Republicans in vulnerable seats are overwhelmed with calls and letters demanding they oppose your package. The package dies ignobly in both the House and Senate, a humiliating blow to your image as a “problem solver.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9102, "fields": { "answer": 9101, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The compromise wins over an unexpected advocate—Senator Clinton. Describing your work as a continuation of “what she and Bill worked toward,” she throws her weight behind the bill and helps it pass with bipartisan support. She stands behind you as you sign the bill and is photographed accepting your signing pen." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9104, "fields": { "answer": 9103, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Washington breathes a collective sigh of relief when the word “reform” leaves your weekly talking points. Their attitude is best expressed by Poppy in one of your weekly calls—there’s enough going on in the Capitol as is. Better to step back and get your own house in order before making some new mess." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9107, "fields": { "answer": 9106, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You pull every string you have with Blue Dogs, spending all the political capital you’ve accumulated and promising them part of the spoils. Despite furious opposition from the likes of Sen. Edwards, the bill barely passes in both chambers. You watch, exhausted, as Brit Hume fetes you as a “New Reagan” on Fox." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9109, "fields": { "answer": 9108, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The compromise wins over an unexpected advocate—Senator Clinton. Describing your work as a continuation of “what she and Bill worked toward,” she throws her weight behind the bill and helps it pass with bipartisan support. She stands behind you as you sign the bill and is photographed accepting your signing pen." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9111, "fields": { "answer": 9110, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Washington breathes a collective sigh of relief when the word “reform” leaves your weekly talking points. Their attitude is best expressed by Poppy in one of your weekly calls—there’s enough going on in the Capitol as is. Better to step back and get your own house in order before making some new mess." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9114, "fields": { "answer": 9113, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Months of diplomatic haggling finally results in an inefficient and ill-equipped UN peacekeeping task force deployed along the border with Pakistan. A FOX News graphic reads: “AFGHANISTAN: ANOTHER MOGADISHU?”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9116, "fields": { "answer": 9115, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The blowback from Tenet’s program will be felt for years. The Northern Alliance leader, Ahmad Massoud is assassinated, an infuriated Russia wrecks their oil exports, and the ABM treaty appears dead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9118, "fields": { "answer": 9117, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The refugee crisis along the border ebbs, but al-Qaeda grows increasingly bolder, sending alarming numbers of foreign fighters into Xinjiang. Infuriated by your inaction, China launches a punitive trade war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9120, "fields": { "answer": 9119, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Rummy’s departure has left an administrative void at the Pentagon, one that leads to mistakes. The US suffers a few casualties. It takes longer to reach Kabul. Several planes are shot down by Stingers, Stingers that the CIA sent less than twenty years ago. Still, US forces take Kabul and the Taliban flee to the countryside." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9123, "fields": { "answer": 9122, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "“Radical Moderates” is the talking point that goes out across the nation. Great effort is taken to connect Arnold’s efforts to work with the California legislature to your own attempts to work with a Democratic House. It isn’t a perfect fit, but emphasizing cooperation softens your image with the public and Congress." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9125, "fields": { "answer": 9124, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Rove leans into Arnie’s macho image to emphasize your own credentials as commander-in-chief. On television and radio, you become a kind of new action hero, a political Conan the Barbarian. It doesn’t matter that you aren’t the most articulate guy when you’ve got those Ayatollah cockamamies quaking in their robes." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9127, "fields": { "answer": 9126, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The press has a field day with images of you and Arnold Schwarzenegger walking down the halls of the White House laughing. Saturday Night Lives commemorates the occasion with a light-hearted skit in which The Terminator and “the Bushinator” travel back in time to 2000 to destroy several Florida vote counting machines." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9129, "fields": { "answer": 9128, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Turd Blossom and his deep-pocketed supporters blankets the airwaves in attacks on Democrats big and small, highlighting the ineptitude of men like Gray Davis to address the issues of their constituents. It doesn’t win new converts, but it does reinforce a message your party’s pushed for some time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9150, "fields": { "answer": 9149, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "“Radical Moderates” is the talking point that goes out across the nation. Great effort is taken to connect Arnold’s efforts to work with the California legislature to your own attempts to work with a Democratic House. It isn’t a perfect fit, but emphasizing cooperation softens your image with the public and Congress." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9152, "fields": { "answer": 9151, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "“No surrender” is the talking point that goes out. Your aides use Terminator imagery to portray you as an unrelenting conservative with an implacable commitment to conservatism. The message thrills the true believers while reinforcing your negative reputation among committed Democrats." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9154, "fields": { "answer": 9153, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The press is clearly delighted by the two of you walking around DC like a couple of tourists, but it's not enough to make people forget your deteriorating credibility. SNL broadcasts a cruel skit in which several Democratic “predators” hunt down and eliminate the members of your Administration. You try not to show how much it hurts you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9156, "fields": { "answer": 9155, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Turd Blossom and his deep-pocketed supporters blankets the airwaves in attacks on Democrats big and small, highlighting the ineptitude of men like Gray Davis to address the issues of their constituents. It doesn’t win new converts, but it does reinforce a message your party’s pushed for some time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9177, "fields": { "answer": 9176, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "“Radical Moderates” is the talking point that goes out across the nation. Great effort is taken to connect Arnold’s efforts to work with the California legislature to your own attempts to work with a Democratic House. It isn’t a perfect fit, but emphasizing cooperation softens your image with the public and Congress." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9179, "fields": { "answer": 9178, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Rove leans into Arnie’s macho image to emphasize your own credentials as commander-in-chief. On television and radio, you become a kind of new action hero, a political Conan the Barbarian. It doesn’t matter that you aren’t the most articulate guy when you’ve got those Ayatollah cockamamies quaking in their robes." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9181, "fields": { "answer": 9180, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The press is clearly delighted by the two of you walking around DC like a couple of tourists, but it's not enough to make people forget your deteriorating credibility. SNL broadcasts a cruel skit in which several Democratic “predators” hunt down and eliminate the members of your Administration. You try not to show how much it hurts you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9183, "fields": { "answer": 9182, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Turd Blossom and his deep-pocketed supporters blankets the airwaves in attacks on Democrats big and small, highlighting the ineptitude of men like Gray Davis to address the issues of their constituents. It doesn’t win new converts, but it does reinforce a message your party’s pushed for some time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9186, "fields": { "answer": 9185, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "“Radical Moderates” is the talking point that goes out across the nation. Great effort is taken to connect Arnold’s efforts to work with the California legislature to your own attempts to work with a Democratic House. It isn’t a perfect fit, but emphasizing cooperation softens your image with the public and Congress." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9188, "fields": { "answer": 9187, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "“No surrender” is the talking point that goes out. Your aides use Terminator imagery to portray you as an unrelenting conservative with an implacable commitment to conservatism. The message thrills the true believers while reinforcing your negative reputation among committed Democrats." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9190, "fields": { "answer": 9189, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The press has a field day with images of you and Arnold Schwarzenegger walking down the halls of the White House laughing. Saturday Night Lives commemorates the occasion with a light-hearted skit in which The Terminator and “the Bushinator” travel back in time to 2000 to destroy several Florida vote counting machines." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9192, "fields": { "answer": 9191, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Turd Blossom and his deep-pocketed supporters blankets the airwaves in attacks on Democrats big and small, highlighting the ineptitude of men like Gray Davis to address the issues of their constituents. It doesn’t win new converts, but it does reinforce a message your party’s pushed for some time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9204, "fields": { "answer": 9203, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "What exactly are you getting done, Mr. President? Aside from No Child Left Behind and some early tax cuts, your agenda has been a bust. Rove struggles to find ornaments to pin on your Charlie Brown Christmas tree of a presidency. On television and radio, the liberals snicker at your haplessness. Even Arnie seems embarrassed to be around you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9206, "fields": { "answer": 9205, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Rove leans into Arnie’s macho image to emphasize your own credentials as commander-in-chief. On television and radio, you become a kind of new action hero, a political Conan the Barbarian. It doesn’t matter that you aren’t the most articulate guy when you’ve got those Ayatollah cockamamies quaking in their robes." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9208, "fields": { "answer": 9207, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The press is clearly delighted by the two of you walking around DC like a couple of tourists, but it's not enough to make people forget your deteriorating credibility. SNL broadcasts a cruel skit in which several Democratic “predators” hunt down and eliminate the members of your Administration. You try not to show how much it hurts you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9210, "fields": { "answer": 9209, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Turd Blossom and his deep-pocketed supporters blankets the airwaves in attacks on Democrats big and small, highlighting the ineptitude of men like Gray Davis to address the issues of their constituents. It doesn’t win new converts, but it does reinforce a message your party’s pushed for some time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9213, "fields": { "answer": 9212, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "What exactly are you getting done, Mr. President? Aside from No Child Left Behind and some early tax cuts, your agenda has been a bust. Rove struggles to find ornaments to pin on your Charlie Brown Christmas tree of a presidency. On television and radio, the liberals snicker at your haplessness. Even Arnie seems embarrassed to be around you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9215, "fields": { "answer": 9214, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "“No surrender” is the talking point that goes out. Your aides use Terminator imagery to portray you as an unrelenting conservative with an implacable commitment to conservatism. The message thrills the true believers while reinforcing your negative reputation among committed Democrats." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9217, "fields": { "answer": 9216, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The press has a field day with images of you and Arnold Schwarzenegger walking down the halls of the White House laughing. Saturday Night Lives commemorates the occasion with a light-hearted skit in which The Terminator and “the Bushinator” travel back in time to 2000 to destroy several Florida vote counting machines." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9219, "fields": { "answer": 9218, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Turd Blossom and his deep-pocketed supporters blankets the airwaves in attacks on Democrats big and small, highlighting the ineptitude of men like Gray Davis to address the issues of their constituents. It doesn’t win new converts, but it does reinforce a message your party’s pushed for some time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9222, "fields": { "answer": 9221, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell's PowerPoint presentation to the UN hardens the majority position toward Iraq and lets liberal hawks pretend you at least tried to get UN authorization. Unfortunately, it also undoes your efforts to repair ties with Russia, who now sees you as attempting to harm their interests in Iraq without due cause. Putin condemns the episode.\t\t" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9224, "fields": { "answer": 9223, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The American war machine is slow to start, but the crowds grow as you move from city to city. Sure, some question why Saddam has suddenly become this great threat after his shellacking in the Gulf War and why they are only hearing about WMDs now, but Americans have never been reluctant to accept a new villain into their lives." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9226, "fields": { "answer": 9225, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There’s only so much good classified briefings can do, but your continued engagements reinforce the importance of this issue to legislators on the Hill. Lieberman is quoted as saying that the intelligence you share is “deeply concerning” and “persuasive.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9229, "fields": { "answer": 9228, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell's PowerPoint presentation to the UN hardens the majority position toward Iraq and lets liberal hawks pretend you at least tried to get UN authorization. Unfortunately, it also undoes your efforts to repair ties with Russia, who now sees you as attempting to harm their interests in Iraq without due cause. Putin condemns the episode.\t\t" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9231, "fields": { "answer": 9230, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Large enthusiastic crowds greet you in Columbus, West Chester, and Orlando. They hang off your every word, uncritically absorbing the commander-in-chief’s warnings of Saddam’s “attacks on freedom.” Reflecting on it later, the New York Times editorial board describes the spectacle as “Wilsonian.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9233, "fields": { "answer": 9232, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There’s only so much good classified briefings can do, but your continued engagements reinforce the importance of this issue to legislators on the Hill. Lieberman is quoted as saying that the intelligence you share is “deeply concerning” and “persuasive.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9236, "fields": { "answer": 9235, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell gives a PowerPoint presentation to the UNSC, holding up a model vial of weaponized anthrax and the other intel you’ve spent months fabricating. The presentation doesn’t change the opinion of permanent members, but it does harden the UN’s position toward Iraq and lets liberals pretend you at least tried to get UN authorization." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9238, "fields": { "answer": 9237, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Large enthusiastic crowds greet you in Columbus, West Chester, and Orlando. They hang off your every word, uncritically absorbing the commander-in-chief’s warnings of Saddam’s “attacks on freedom.” Reflecting on it later, the New York Times editorial board describes the spectacle as “Wilsonian.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9240, "fields": { "answer": 9239, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There’s only so much good classified briefings can do, but your continued engagements reinforce the importance of this issue to legislators on the Hill. Lieberman is quoted as saying that the intelligence you share is “deeply concerning” and “persuasive.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9243, "fields": { "answer": 9242, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your speech on nuclear weapons, combined with images of troops in Afghanistan, contributes to an overall image of a terrifying and unstable world. Enron winds up buried by the Beltway chattering class’s dark fantasies about nuclear terrorism in the Middle East, about rogue states and mushroom clouds rising over Times Square." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9245, "fields": { "answer": 9244, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The mea culpa comes as a shock to an increasingly polarized country. You earn plaudits from the New York Times editorial board for your “courage and transparency” but your actions also become fodder for late-night television. With Rummy, Lay, and McNally gone, Conan spends his opening monologue wondering who’s next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9247, "fields": { "answer": 9246, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "So much for compassionate conservatism. The fiery response thrills the Republican Party base and pisses off everyone else. Baucus subpoenas Karl Rove to explain his regular calls with Lay in an excrutiating hearing that lasts several hours." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9249, "fields": { "answer": 9248, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A little sugar helps the medicine go down. Though radical Democrats still have questions about your awareness and involvement, Baucus thanks you for your cooperation with investigators and is sated when you promise nominal transparency reforms at the White House. Soon, your ties to Enron are forgotten by everyone except a few online bloggers." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9252, "fields": { "answer": 9251, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your speech on nuclear weapons, combined with images of troops in Afghanistan, contributes to an overall image of a terrifying and unstable world. Enron winds up buried by the Beltway chattering class’s dark fantasies about nuclear terrorism in the Middle East, about rogue states and mushroom clouds rising over Times Square." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9254, "fields": { "answer": 9253, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The mea culpa comes as a shock to an increasingly polarized country. Of course, it leads to several days of negative headlines on webblogs and in hardcore liberal publications, but you aren’t doing this to appease those people. You’re doing this for the editorials in the New York Times and Washington Post praising you for your “honesty and courage.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9256, "fields": { "answer": 9255, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "So much for compassionate conservatism. The fiery response thrills the Republican Party base and pisses off everyone else. Baucus subpoenas Karl Rove to explain his regular calls with Lay in an excrutiating hearing that lasts several hours." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9258, "fields": { "answer": 9257, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A little sugar helps the medicine go down. Though radical Democrats still have questions about your awareness and involvement, Baucus thanks you for your cooperation with investigators and is sated when you promise nominal transparency reforms at the White House. Soon, your ties to Enron are forgotten by everyone except a few online bloggers." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9261, "fields": { "answer": 9260, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your speech on nuclear weapons, combined with images of troops in Afghanistan, contributes to an overall image of a terrifying and unstable world. Enron winds up buried by the Beltway chattering class’s dark fantasies about nuclear terrorism in the Middle East, about rogue states and mushroom clouds rising over Times Square." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9263, "fields": { "answer": 9262, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The mea culpa comes as a shock to an increasingly polarized country. You earn plaudits from the New York Times editorial board for your “courage and transparency” but your actions also become fodder for late-night television. With Rummy, Lay, and McNally gone, Conan spends his opening monologue wondering who’s next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9265, "fields": { "answer": 9264, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "So much for compassionate conservatism. The fiery response thrills the Republican Party base and pisses off everyone else. Baucus subpoenas Karl Rove to explain his regular calls with Lay in an excrutiating hearing that lasts several hours." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9267, "fields": { "answer": 9266, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A few sweet words to investigators don’t make up for the scandals that have haunted your Administration. While the news media seems eager to move on, there’s a growing activist contingent outraged by what they see as flagrant corruption. Karl’s comparisons between you and Warren Harding might be true, but not in a way either of you want." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9270, "fields": { "answer": 9269, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your speech on nuclear weapons, combined with images of troops in Afghanistan, contributes to an overall image of a terrifying and unstable world. Enron winds up buried by the Beltway chattering class’s dark fantasies about nuclear terrorism in the Middle East, about rogue states and mushroom clouds rising over Times Square." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9272, "fields": { "answer": 9271, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The mea culpa comes as a shock to an increasingly polarized country. Of course, it leads to several days of negative headlines on webblogs and in hardcore liberal publications, but you aren’t doing this to appease those people. You’re doing this for the editorials in the New York Times and Washington Post praising you for your “honesty and courage.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9274, "fields": { "answer": 9273, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "So much for compassionate conservatism. The fiery response thrills the Republican Party base and pisses off everyone else. Baucus subpoenas Karl Rove to explain his regular calls with Lay in an excrutiating hearing that lasts several hours." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9276, "fields": { "answer": 9275, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A few sweet words to investigators don’t make up for the scandals that have haunted your Administration. While the news media seems eager to move on, there’s a growing activist contingent outraged by what they see as flagrant corruption. Karl’s comparisons between you and Warren Harding might be true, but not in a way either of you want." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9279, "fields": { "answer": 9278, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The next few weeks see a steady drip of stories about the report from CNN and MSNBC. With neither the White House nor Congress providing new info, it eventually slips out of the headlines. Meanwhile, your speech on nuclear weapons is met with a yawn from the Beltway class, though a few observers raise their eyebrows at a line about the Middle East." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9281, "fields": { "answer": 9280, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The mea culpa comes as a shock to an increasingly polarized country. You earn plaudits from the New York Times editorial board for your “courage and transparency” but your actions also become fodder for late-night television. With Rummy, Lay, and McNally gone, Conan spends his opening monologue wondering who’s next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9283, "fields": { "answer": 9282, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "So much for compassionate conservatism. The fiery response thrills the Republican Party base and pisses off everyone else. Baucus subpoenas Karl Rove to explain his regular calls with Lay in an excrutiating hearing that lasts several hours." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9285, "fields": { "answer": 9284, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A little sugar helps the medicine go down. Though radical Democrats still have questions about your awareness and involvement, Baucus thanks you for your cooperation with investigators and is sated when you promise nominal transparency reforms at the White House. Soon, your ties to Enron are forgotten by everyone except a few online bloggers." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9288, "fields": { "answer": 9287, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The next few weeks see a steady drip of stories about the report from CNN and MSNBC. With neither the White House nor Congress providing new info, it eventually slips out of the headlines. Meanwhile, your speech on nuclear weapons is met with a yawn from the Beltway class, though a few observers raise their eyebrows at a line about the Middle East." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9290, "fields": { "answer": 9289, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The mea culpa comes as a shock to an increasingly polarized country. You earn plaudits from the New York Times editorial board for your “courage and transparency” but your actions also become fodder for late-night television. With Rummy, Lay, and McNally gone, Conan spends his opening monologue wondering who’s next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9292, "fields": { "answer": 9291, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "So much for compassionate conservatism. The fiery response thrills the Republican Party base and pisses off everyone else. Baucus subpoenas Karl Rove to explain his regular calls with Lay in an excrutiating hearing that lasts several hours." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9294, "fields": { "answer": 9293, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A few sweet words to investigators don’t make up for the scandals that have haunted your Administration. While the news media seems eager to move on, there’s a growing activist contingent outraged by what they see as flagrant corruption. Karl’s comparisons between you and Warren Harding might be true, but not in a way either of you want." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9297, "fields": { "answer": 9296, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The Senate votes 72-28. The House vote is only slightly closer. Two months later, Americans watch on television as rockets rain upon Baghdad. They cheer the black and flashing greens. You, looking on from the Situation Room with a grinning Cheney, feel nothing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9299, "fields": { "answer": 9298, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The consequences are immediate. Paul Wolfowitz resigns, followed by Ari Fleischer and Elliott Abrams. Dozens of other staffers across the government depart in the coming week and Dick Cheney stops showing up to meetings. According to “anonymous sources close to the vice president,” you “lack the stuff.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9302, "fields": { "answer": 9301, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The media circus around Dick Cheney’s retirement has overshadowed Frist’s selection much more than you’d like, although Frist himself assures you that dealing with Congress will be smooth sailing from here on out." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9305, "fields": { "answer": 9304, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You unleash a vicious broadside on your critics in the Senate that briefly catches them off guard. While they do open an investigation, you set the tone of the coverage. America becomes more divided and Halliburton becomes just another partisan issue. You wish Poppy wasn’t disappointed but, then again, when has he ever approved of you?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9307, "fields": { "answer": 9306, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Tangent Man gets you in a room with Daschle, Reid, Mikulski, and Dorgan where you pathetically beg, arguing an investigation will destroy confidence in the government and seem like a partisan attack so close to the election. It’s clear that there’s clear divisions among them, but they begrudgingly punt the issue to the FBI and let the issue drop." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9309, "fields": { "answer": 9308, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The Senate opens an investigation and your Press Secretary Ari-Bob promises full cooperation. Subsequent hearings unveil some shady practices, overcharging and overly lucrative contracts, but the Sunday Shows accept your explanations that this was the result of “neglectful” career staff as opposed to anything directed by the Naval Observatory." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9319, "fields": { "answer": 9318, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You unleash a vicious broadside on your critics in the Senate that briefly catches them off guard. While they do open an investigation, you set the tone of the coverage. America becomes more divided and Halliburton becomes just another partisan issue. You wish Poppy wasn’t disappointed but, then again, when has he ever approved of you?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9321, "fields": { "answer": 9320, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Tangent Man gets you in a room with Daschle, Reid, Mikulski, and Dorgan where your pathetic begging is met with concealed loathing. The Senate authorizes an investigation into Halliburton that turns up lucrative contracts, overcharging, and apparent retaliation against career staffers who raised alarm. Protestors rally outside the White House fence." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9323, "fields": { "answer": 9322, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The Senate opens an investigation and your Press Secretary Ari-Bob promises full cooperation. Subsequent hearings unveil some shady practices, overcharging and overly lucrative contracts, but the Sunday Shows accept your explanations that this was the result of “neglectful” career staff as opposed to anything directed by the Naval Observatory." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9326, "fields": { "answer": 9325, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You unleash a vicious broadside on your critics in the Senate that briefly catches them off guard. While they do open an investigation, you set the tone of the coverage. America becomes more divided and Halliburton becomes just another partisan issue. You wish Poppy wasn’t disappointed but, then again, when has he ever approved of you?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9328, "fields": { "answer": 9327, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Tangent Man gets you in a room with Daschle, Reid, Mikulski, and Dorgan where you pathetically beg, arguing an investigation will destroy confidence in the government and seem like a partisan attack so close to the election. It’s clear that there’s clear divisions among them, but they begrudgingly punt the issue to the FBI and let the issue drop." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9330, "fields": { "answer": 9329, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The Senate opens an investigation and your Press Secretary Ari-Bob promises full cooperation. Subsequent hearings unveil some shady practices, overcharging and overly lucrative contracts, that further tar the White House. Dick Cheney seems more and more like a slimy creature from the muck and you his hapless enabler." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9336, "fields": { "answer": 9332, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Visions of abortions on demand, homosexual adoptions, and lazy welfare recipients terrify your naysayers into submission. The messaging also runs completely counter to your vision of a compassionate conservative movement and alienates undecided independents. Whatever happened to the nice, friendly George Bush?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9337, "fields": { "answer": 9333, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This message is a dud. With a few exceptions, the world seems like a quiet and stable place and there is little reason for most Americans to be afraid of anything. Instead of rallying conservatives, your messaging inflames Ron Paul’s idiosyncratic acolytes who believe now is the time to cut the Pentagon budget." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9338, "fields": { "answer": 9334, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There’s no escaping the constant feeling of Washington dysfunction, even among the party’s true believers. By highlighting Congress, you succeed in making party intellectuals despair at the impossibility of passing any meaningful reforms, of restoring common sense to DC. The Reagan Revolution, once so shiny and full of promise, appears dead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9339, "fields": { "answer": 9335, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "After Hastert, the Pentagon, Enron, and a dozen other scandals, conservatives struggle to accept this line with a straight face. The best Jerry Falwell can say is that, at the very least, you haven’t yet cheated on your wife or had sex with an intern." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9342, "fields": { "answer": 9341, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Visions of abortions on demand, homosexual adoptions, and lazy welfare recipients terrify your naysayers into submission. The messaging also runs completely counter to your vision of a compassionate conservative movement and alienates undecided independents. Whatever happened to the nice, friendly George Bush?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9344, "fields": { "answer": 9343, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your term has proven that the world is violent, bleak, and unstable and the party quickly rallies around your status as commander-in-chief. Without your leadership, partisans murmur, tragedy could befall the country. America could find itself overwhelmed by a foreign adversary. It could become victim of an attack by foreigners like Usama Bin Ladin." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9346, "fields": { "answer": 9345, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It seemed like an impossible task after the midterms but you’ve slowly rebuilt relationships across the aisle. Are these alliances shaky? Absolutely. Are signs of stress already appearing? Of course. Still, you have created a brief window where conservatives can pretend Washington is functional, efficient, and getting smaller." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9348, "fields": { "answer": 9347, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It has not been easy but your openness and candor have made it seem like you’re turning the page on the scandals of the Clinton era. Sure, the facts might tell a different story, but it’s easy for party members to dismiss those inconsistencies as “typical liberal media bias.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9351, "fields": { "answer": 9350, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Visions of abortions on demand, homosexual adoptions, and lazy welfare recipients terrify your naysayers into submission. The messaging also runs completely counter to your vision of a compassionate conservative movement and alienates undecided independents. Whatever happened to the nice, friendly George Bush?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9353, "fields": { "answer": 9352, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your term has proven that the world is violent, bleak, and unstable and the party quickly rallies around your status as commander-in-chief. Without your leadership, partisans murmur, tragedy could befall the country. America could find itself overwhelmed by a foreign adversary. It could become victim of an attack by foreigners like Usama Bin Ladin." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9355, "fields": { "answer": 9354, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It seemed like an impossible task after the midterms but you’ve slowly rebuilt relationships across the aisle. Are these alliances shaky? Absolutely. Are signs of stress already appearing? Of course. Still, you have created a brief window where conservatives can pretend Washington is functional, efficient, and getting smaller.\t\t" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9357, "fields": { "answer": 9356, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "After Hastert, the Pentagon, Enron, and a dozen other scandals, conservatives struggle to accept this line with a straight face. The best Jerry Falwell can say is that, at the very least, you haven’t yet cheated on your wife or had sex with an intern." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9360, "fields": { "answer": 9359, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Visions of abortions on demand, homosexual adoptions, and lazy welfare recipients terrify your naysayers into submission. The messaging also runs completely counter to your vision of a compassionate conservative movement and alienates undecided independents. Whatever happened to the nice, friendly George Bush?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9362, "fields": { "answer": 9361, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your term has proven that the world is violent, bleak, and unstable and the party quickly rallies around your status as commander-in-chief. Without your leadership, partisans murmur, tragedy could befall the country. America could find itself overwhelmed by a foreign adversary. It could become victim of an attack by foreigners like Usama Bin Ladin.\t" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9364, "fields": { "answer": 9363, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There’s no escaping the constant feeling of Washington dysfunction, even among the party’s true believers. By highlighting Congress, you succeed in making party intellectuals despair at the impossibility of passing any meaningful reforms, of restoring common sense to DC. The Reagan Revolution, once so shiny and full of promise, appears dead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9366, "fields": { "answer": 9365, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It has not been easy but your openness and candor have made it seem like you’re turning the page on the scandals of the Clinton era. Sure, the facts might tell a different story, but it’s easy for party members to dismiss those inconsistencies as “typical liberal media bias.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9369, "fields": { "answer": 9368, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Visions of abortions on demand, homosexual adoptions, and lazy welfare recipients terrify your naysayers into submission. The messaging also runs completely counter to your vision of a compassionate conservative movement and alienates undecided independents. Whatever happened to the nice, friendly George Bush?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9371, "fields": { "answer": 9370, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your term has proven that the world is violent, bleak, and unstable and the party quickly rallies around your status as commander-in-chief. Without your leadership, partisans murmur, tragedy could befall the country. America could find itself overwhelmed by a foreign adversary. It could become victim of an attack by foreigners like Usama Bin Ladin." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9373, "fields": { "answer": 9372, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There’s no escaping the constant feeling of Washington dysfunction, even among the party’s true believers. By highlighting Congress, you succeed in making party intellectuals despair at the impossibility of passing any meaningful reforms, of restoring common sense to DC. The Reagan Revolution, once so shiny and full of promise, appears dead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9375, "fields": { "answer": 9374, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "After Hastert, the Pentagon, Enron, and a dozen other scandals, conservatives struggle to accept this line with a straight face. The best Jerry Falwell can say is that, at the very least, you haven’t yet cheated on your wife or had sex with an intern." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9378, "fields": { "answer": 9377, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Visions of abortions on demand, homosexual adoptions, and lazy welfare recipients terrify your naysayers into submission. The messaging also runs completely counter to your vision of a compassionate conservative movement and alienates undecided independents. Whatever happened to the nice, friendly George Bush?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9380, "fields": { "answer": 9379, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This message is a dud. With a few exceptions, the world seems like a quiet and stable place and there is little reason for most Americans to be afraid of anything. Instead of rallying conservatives, your messaging inflames Ron Paul’s idiosyncratic acolytes who believe now is the time to cut the Pentagon budget." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9382, "fields": { "answer": 9381, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It seemed like an impossible task after the midterms but you’ve slowly rebuilt relationships across the aisle. Are these alliances shaky? Absolutely. Are signs of stress already appearing? Of course. Still, you have created a brief window where conservatives can pretend Washington is functional, efficient, and getting smaller." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9384, "fields": { "answer": 9383, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "After Hastert, the Pentagon, Enron, and a dozen other scandals, conservatives struggle to accept this line with a straight face. The best Jerry Falwell can say is that, at the very least, you haven’t yet cheated on your wife or had sex with an intern." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9387, "fields": { "answer": 9386, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Visions of abortions on demand, homosexual adoptions, and lazy welfare recipients terrify your naysayers into submission. The messaging also runs completely counter to your vision of a compassionate conservative movement and alienates undecided independents. Whatever happened to the nice, friendly George Bush?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9389, "fields": { "answer": 9388, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This message is a dud. With a few exceptions, the world seems like a quiet and stable place and there is little reason for most Americans to be afraid of anything. Instead of rallying conservatives, your messaging inflames Ron Paul’s idiosyncratic acolytes who believe now is the time to cut the Pentagon budget." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9391, "fields": { "answer": 9390, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There’s no escaping the constant feeling of Washington dysfunction, even among the party’s true believers. By highlighting Congress, you succeed in making party intellectuals despair at the impossibility of passing any meaningful reforms, of restoring common sense to DC. The Reagan Revolution, once so shiny and full of promise, appears dead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9393, "fields": { "answer": 9392, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It has not been easy but your openness and candor have made it seem like you’re turning the page on the scandals of the Clinton era. Sure, the facts might tell a different story, but it’s easy for party members to dismiss those inconsistencies as “typical liberal media bias.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9396, "fields": { "answer": 9395, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Visions of abortions on demand, homosexual adoptions, and lazy welfare recipients terrify your naysayers into submission. The messaging also runs completely counter to your vision of a compassionate conservative movement and alienates undecided independents. Whatever happened to the nice, friendly George Bush?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9398, "fields": { "answer": 9397, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This message is a dud. With a few exceptions, the world seems like a quiet and stable place and there is little reason for most Americans to be afraid of anything. Instead of rallying conservatives, your messaging inflames Ron Paul’s idiosyncratic acolytes who believe now is the time to cut the Pentagon budget." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9400, "fields": { "answer": 9399, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It seemed like an impossible task after the midterms but you’ve slowly rebuilt relationships across the aisle. Are these alliances shaky? Absolutely. Are signs of stress already appearing? Of course. Still, you have created a brief window where conservatives can pretend Washington is functional, efficient, and getting smaller." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9402, "fields": { "answer": 9401, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "After Hastert, the Pentagon, Enron, and a dozen other scandals, conservatives struggle to accept this line with a straight face. The best Jerry Falwell can say is that, at the very least, you haven't yet cheated on your wife or had sex with an intern." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9575, "fields": { "answer": 9073, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Arnold is America incarnate. He is so strong, so capable. He grips his wife's knee while sitting on the stage of a talk show. He expresses his hope that all people might have the same opportunities as him. Within you, something stirs." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9576, "fields": { "answer": 9573, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "His cool expression. The broadness of his shoulder. Arnie looks every bit the part as he gazes into millions of living rooms and recalls his childhood in Soviet-occupied Austria. \"You can't reason with people blinded by hate,\" he says before an illuminated American flag. You nod along." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9577, "fields": { "answer": 9572, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Before the cameras, Arnold looks beatific, a muscle-bound St. Sebastian. It doesn't matter how uncomfortable he looks discussing life as a Catholic schoolboy memorizing Bible verses and catechisms. All that matters is how solemnly he calls Christians to have a servant's heart, to \"serve something larger than yourself.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9578, "fields": { "answer": 9574, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Arnie is playing the role of the comedian, of the star. He smirks as he stands before the teleprompter, perfectly reading off the line, \"Don't be economic girle men!\" His smile, the sureness of his expression, sends a chill down your spine." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9642, "fields": { "answer": 9083, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's all plastic smiles as you shake oil-stained hands. People murmur about lost jobs and declining opportunities. It isn't like what it was when they grew up. Things are changing. You nod to communicate sympathy and tell them their concerns are very important. The sky outside the window is black. You see nothing beside your own reflection." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9643, "fields": { "answer": 9639, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You are hooting and hollering with the good ol' boys, sliding behind the bar for a moment to pretend to serve them. The men appreciate the display and laugh raucously as you fill their glasses. You grip your own non-alcoholic beer tight as you return to your seat and chat casually with reporters. No one notices." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9644, "fields": { "answer": 9640, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "People talk to you about the lack of doctors in this forgotten corner of the world. Women have to drive hours to see an OBGYN. Some have died or... You are saved by a reporter asking for a photo of you replicating American Gothic. You squeeze a woman tight and smile for the cameras." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9645, "fields": { "answer": 9641, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A luncheon with the local chamber of commerce reveals hundreds of car salesmen eager to shake your hand. The men here are, almost without exception, rich, white, and doughy. The backbone of the Republican Party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9724, "fields": { "answer": 9723, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There are hollow grins as Poppy and Barbara accompany you around the country, like two parents taking their wayward toddler on a roadtrip. Your mother relishes telling people about the time you told the Queen you were the family’s “black sheep.” Poppy says nothing to you when he doesn’t have to. Somehow that’s worse." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9725, "fields": { "answer": 9722, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The official story is that this isn’t a campaign event. You’re just attending one of Graham’s Crusades as a concerned citizen. You’re just talking about the decline of faith and how some people don’t support prayer. If people leave and vote a certain way, that’s on them." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9726, "fields": { "answer": 9721, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "“It’s for the country,” the normally quiet Willis rambles after bringing a crowd of conservatives to its feet. “I’m not really a Republican. I’m an independent. I just think we can’t leave things to chance.” You humor these pretensions and leave him with a signed hat." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9727, "fields": { "answer": 9720, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "She looks so small and fragile talking on a stage about her husband. How long before all the towering figures of the party are gone and it’s just you? After the event, she begs you to provide federal funds for stem cell research. You give her a clap on the shoulder and walk away." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9733, "fields": { "answer": 9729, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Syria’s Soviet-era air defenses will prove stubbornly resilient, even to massive U.S. air strikes, blunting the “shock and awe” effect, frustrating the Pentagon’s plans. You have to rely on shadowy and unvetted militants on the ground paving the road to Damascus." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9734, "fields": { "answer": 9730, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "South Korea’s military scrambles to put together enough last-minute defenses to ward off an enormous missile barrage from the North. Bill O’Reilly salivates at what supporters are calling your “MacArthur Moment,” as regime TV tells its citizens armageddon is imminent." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9735, "fields": { "answer": 9731, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Elliot Abrams, Otto Reich, and John Negroponte ramp up weapons shipments to a Colombian paramilitary unit along the border, and begin training for an invasion. Buried in the depths of the White House, the comatose Contra network gasps to life." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9736, "fields": { "answer": 9732, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "With warships steaming towards the Persian Gulf, and American troops amassing near Iran’s borders, you find yourself spending more time in seclusion at Crawford. No Eisenhower-esque order to “go in” was ever made, and yet we will. It cannot be stopped." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9742, "fields": { "answer": 9738, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Sharpton calls it what it is, racism, plain and simple. It's unbelievable, he says while the talking heads feign sympathy, that the President would attack a boy from the American slum. His polls see a rise." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9743, "fields": { "answer": 9739, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "True enough, Sharpton has a track record of consistent failure. He's never even won an election. Blue Dogs come out in droves to deny him endorsements. Zell Miller on Meet The Press questions why the party hastily endorsed him, branding him a radical loser." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9744, "fields": { "answer": 9740, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ads bombard the south and midwest and nationwide. The headline? Al Sharpton is a radical race nationalist. There's pictures of him marching with Jesse Jackson, pictures of him with Louis Farrakhan, all spliced with quotes of his rhetoric. You laugh as he dotters on TV, claiming these ties aren't true." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9745, "fields": { "answer": 9741, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your personality is the death of you, George. Sharpton goes through the entire thing on Bill Maher, and is able to explain his points articulately. If the African-American community distrusted you before, they hate you now." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9748, "fields": { "answer": 9747, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You don't use a slur but you don't need to. The right-wing media takes your cues. Fox News darkens the skin of Sharpton's portrait when it comes on screen. Bill O'Reilly performs an exaggerated accent for his millions of listeners. Eventually, the liberals at SNL decide they want in on the gag too, having Sharpton show up in a skit in a purple suit." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9750, "fields": { "answer": 9749, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "True enough, Sharpton has a track record of consistent failure. He's never even won an election. Blue Dogs come out in droves to deny him endorsements. Zell Miller on Meet The Press questions why the party hastily endorsed him, branding him a radical loser." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9752, "fields": { "answer": 9751, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ads bombard the south and midwest and nationwide. The headline? Al Sharpton is a radical race nationalist. There's pictures of him marching with Jesse Jackson, pictures of him with Louis Farrakhan, all spliced with quotes of his rhetoric. You laugh as he dotters on TV, claiming these ties aren't true." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9754, "fields": { "answer": 9753, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Sharpton is on some radio show in the Bronx, calling you a mudslinger for dragging the Brawley case back up. But Brawley scares the shit out of Middle America, and his efforts to block it out have blown up in his face. It is true to a degree, though - you've now brought the race into the gutter." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9757, "fields": { "answer": 9756, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You don't use a slur but you don't need to. The right-wing media takes your cues. Fox News darkens the skin of Sharpton's portrait when it comes on screen. Bill O'Reilly performs an exaggerated accent for his millions of listeners. Eventually, the liberals at SNL decide they want in on the gag too, having Sharpton show up in a skit in a purple suit." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9759, "fields": { "answer": 9758, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "True enough, Sharpton has a track record of consistent failure. He's never even won an election. Blue Dogs come out in droves to deny him endorsements. Zell Miller on Meet The Press questions why the party hastily endorsed him, branding him a radical loser." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9761, "fields": { "answer": 9760, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ads bombard the south and midwest and nationwide. The headline? Al Sharpton is a radical race nationalist. There's pictures of him marching with Jesse Jackson, pictures of him with Louis Farrakhan, all spliced with quotes of his rhetoric. You laugh as he dotters on TV, claiming these ties aren't true." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9763, "fields": { "answer": 9762, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Sharpton is on some radio show in the Bronx, calling you a mudslinger for dragging the Brawley case back up. But Brawley scares the shit out of Middle America, and his efforts to block it out have blown up in his face. It is true to a degree, though - you've now brought the race into the gutter." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9766, "fields": { "answer": 9765, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Sharpton calls it what it is, racism, plain and simple. It's unbelievable, he says while the talking heads feign sympathy, that the President would attack a boy from the American slum. His polls see a rise." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9768, "fields": { "answer": 9767, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "True enough, Sharpton has a track record of consistent failure. He's never even won an election. Blue Dogs come out in droves to deny him endorsements. Zell Miller on Meet The Press questions why the party hastily endorsed him, branding him a radical loser." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9770, "fields": { "answer": 9769, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ads bombard the south and midwest and nationwide. The headline? Al Sharpton is a radical race nationalist. There's pictures of him marching with Jesse Jackson, pictures of him with Louis Farrakhan, all spliced with quotes of his rhetoric. You laugh as he dotters on TV, claiming these ties aren't true." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9772, "fields": { "answer": 9771, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your personality is the death of you, George. Sharpton goes through the entire thing on Bill Maher, and is able to explain his points articulately. If the African-American community distrusted you before, they hate you now." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9777, "fields": { "answer": 9776, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "No one quite expected you to become the \"peace\" candidate given your father and your current vice president, but it's now part of your identity. People are happy and content, which only makes your father's continued disappointment all the more infuriating. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9778, "fields": { "answer": 9775, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hearing your praise makes veteran DNC operatives wince but Joe Lieberman is unfazed. He thanks you for your remarks and tells the press he thinks you are a \"well-meaning\" man. Discontent with this tepid contest grows in the fringes of the Republican and Democratic ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9779, "fields": { "answer": 9774, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "In the Washington Post is a political cartoon of you and Frist as dull-eyed toddlers bouncing on the elder Lieberman's knee. \"Time to put the kids to bed,\" reads the caption beneath. You frown and angrily turn the page." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9780, "fields": { "answer": 9773, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You promise to enact an even broader conservative agenda in your second term, to transform America, to make it unrecognizable. The press look at these promises and asks, \"What is there left to be done? Where is the appetite on the Hill?\" You've spent your load and, for those watching at home, it's unclear what comes next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9783, "fields": { "answer": 9782, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You stand before America and promise to march it unflinchingly toward oblivion. The press continue to celebrate you as a \"problem-solver\" and a a \"real go-getter.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9785, "fields": { "answer": 9784, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"YOUNG GUNS\" reads a lavish editorial in the Wall Street Journal, celebrating your youth and vitality and that of your running mate. The piece runs parallel to a mocking piece on Lieberman's age and frailness. Is America really ready for another geriatic sexagenarian to become president? You hope Poppy doesn't see the article." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9787, "fields": { "answer": 9786, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hearing your praise makes veteran DNC operatives wince but Joe Lieberman is unfazed. He thanks you for your remarks and tells the press he thinks you are a \"well-meaning\" man. Discontent with this tepid contest grows in the fringes of the Republican and Democratic ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9789, "fields": { "answer": 9788, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You've been stoking the fires of war for four years and done nothing with it. America yearns for conflict. It salivates over the prospect of bombs detonating over foreign cities and the stars and stripes waving in the breeze. If you won't give it to them, these people are willing to follow Joe Lieberman into the bowels of hell." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9792, "fields": { "answer": 9791, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You stand before America and promise to march it unflinchingly toward oblivion. The press continue to celebrate you as a \"problem-solver\" and a a \"real go-getter.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9794, "fields": { "answer": 9793, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"YOUNG GUNS\" reads a lavish editorial in the Wall Street Journal, celebrating your youth and vitality and that of your running mate. The piece runs parallel to a mocking piece on Lieberman's age and frailness. Is America really ready for another geriatic sexagenarian to become president? You hope Poppy doesn't see the article." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9796, "fields": { "answer": 9795, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hearing your praise makes veteran DNC operatives wince but Joe Lieberman is unfazed. He thanks you for your remarks and tells the press he thinks you are a \"well-meaning\" man. Discontent with this tepid contest grows in the fringes of the Republican and Democratic ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9798, "fields": { "answer": 9797, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "No one quite expected you to become the \"peace\" candidate given your father and your current vice president, but it's now part of your identity. People are happy and content, which only makes your father's continued disappointment all the more infuriating. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9801, "fields": { "answer": 9800, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You stand before America and promise to march it unflinchingly toward oblivion. The press continue to celebrate you as a \"problem-solver\" and a a \"real go-getter.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9803, "fields": { "answer": 9802, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "In the Washington Post is a political cartoon of you and Frist as dull-eyed toddlers bouncing on the elder Lieberman's knee. \"Time to put the kids to bed,\" reads the caption beneath. You frown and angrily turn the page." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9805, "fields": { "answer": 9804, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hearing your praise makes veteran DNC operatives wince but Joe Lieberman is unfazed. He thanks you for your remarks and tells the press he thinks you are a \"well-meaning\" man. Discontent with this tepid contest grows in the fringes of the Republican and Democratic ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9807, "fields": { "answer": 9806, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "No one quite expected you to become the \"peace\" candidate given your father and your current vice president, but it's now part of your identity. People are happy and content, which only makes your father's continued disappointment all the more infuriating. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9810, "fields": { "answer": 9809, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You promise to enact an even broader conservative agenda in your second term, to transform America, to make it unrecognizable. The press look at these promises and asks, \"What is there left to be done? Where is the appetite on the Hill?\" You've spent your load and, for those watching at home, it's unclear what comes next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9812, "fields": { "answer": 9811, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"YOUNG GUNS\" reads a lavish editorial in the Wall Street Journal, celebrating your youth and vitality and that of your running mate. The piece runs parallel to a mocking piece on Lieberman's age and frailness. Is America really ready for another geriatic sexagenarian to become president? You hope Poppy doesn't see the article." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9814, "fields": { "answer": 9813, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hearing your praise makes veteran DNC operatives wince but Joe Lieberman is unfazed. He thanks you for your remarks and tells the press he thinks you are a \"well-meaning\" man. Discontent with this tepid contest grows in the fringes of the Republican and Democratic ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9816, "fields": { "answer": 9815, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You've been stoking the fires of war for four years and done nothing with it. America yearns for conflict. It salivates over the prospect of bombs detonating over foreign cities and the stars and stripes waving in the breeze. If you won't give it to them, these people are willing to follow Joe Lieberman into the bowels of hell." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9819, "fields": { "answer": 9818, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You promise to enact an even broader conservative agenda in your second term, to transform America, to make it unrecognizable. The press look at these promises and asks, \"What is there left to be done? Where is the appetite on the Hill?\" You've spent your load and, for those watching at home, it's unclear what comes next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9821, "fields": { "answer": 9820, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "In the Washington Post is a political cartoon of you and Frist as dull-eyed toddlers bouncing on the elder Lieberman's knee. \"Time to put the kids to bed,\" reads the caption beneath. You frown and angrily turn the page." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9823, "fields": { "answer": 9822, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hearing your praise makes veteran DNC operatives wince but Joe Lieberman is unfazed. He thanks you for your remarks and tells the press he thinks you are a \"well-meaning\" man. Discontent with this tepid contest grows in the fringes of the Republican and Democratic ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9825, "fields": { "answer": 9824, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You've been stoking the fires of war for four years and done nothing with it. America yearns for conflict. It salivates over the prospect of bombs detonating over foreign cities and the stars and stripes waving in the breeze. If you won't give it to them, these people are willing to follow Joe Lieberman into the bowels of hell." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9828, "fields": { "answer": 9827, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You promise to enact an even broader conservative agenda in your second term, to transform America, to make it unrecognizable. The press look at these promises and asks, \"What is there left to be done? Where is the appetite on the Hill?\" You've spent your load and, for those watching at home, it's unclear what comes next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9830, "fields": { "answer": 9829, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"YOUNG GUNS\" reads a lavish editorial in the Wall Street Journal, celebrating your youth and vitality and that of your running mate. The piece runs parallel to a mocking piece on Lieberman's age and frailness. Is America really ready for another geriatic sexagenarian to become president? You hope Poppy doesn't see the article." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9832, "fields": { "answer": 9831, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hearing your praise makes veteran DNC operatives wince but Joe Lieberman is unfazed. He thanks you for your remarks and tells the press he thinks you are a \"well-meaning\" man. Discontent with this tepid contest grows in the fringes of the Republican and Democratic ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9834, "fields": { "answer": 9833, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "No one quite expected you to become the \"peace\" candidate given your father and your current vice president, but it's now part of your identity. People are happy and content, which only makes your father's continued disappointment all the more infuriating. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9839, "fields": { "answer": 9835, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is a no-brainer. Wellstone is flying high due to your sheer unpopularity, but as more voters find out about his stances on major issues—no matter how much you've blown them out of proportion—his numbers fall slightly. Rove murmurs that it won't be enough." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9840, "fields": { "answer": 9836, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your staffers struggle to find anything damning. A state senator standing next to Wellstone at a rally last year argued you were waging \"dumb wars,\" which some of your advisors say could be twisted into tacit support for calling U.S. troops stupid. You tell them to forget it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9841, "fields": { "answer": 9837, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Appalled by your new tone, the Wellstone campaign publicly accuses you of deploying antisemitic dogwhistles against someone who would be the first Jewish president. Humiliated, you trot out an official apology a week later, after a vicious media cycle." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9842, "fields": { "answer": 9838, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Flustered, Wellstone is unable to explain the fundamental difference between Clinton's wars and yours. Cable news talking heads speak in hushed tones about the \"New Bush,\" and what this change means for the war effort." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9845, "fields": { "answer": 9844, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is a no-brainer. Wellstone is flying high due to your sheer unpopularity, but as more voters find out about his stances on major issues—no matter how much you've blown them out of proportion—his numbers fall slightly. Rove murmurs that it won't be enough." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9847, "fields": { "answer": 9846, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "At an antiwar rally last year, Wellstone shared a stage with Susan Sarandon, who told the crowd that American soldiers were \"putting Muslim children in harm's way.\" With that, your staffers spin that Wellstone agreed U.S. troops were baby-killers, and the Senate considers censuring him." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9849, "fields": { "answer": 9848, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Plenty of Wellstone's supporters are disgusted, and charge you with antisemitic dogwhistles, but you deflect the accusations as the media pays little attention to your new tone. Plenty of your supporters like what they hear.from you about morality." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9851, "fields": { "answer": 9850, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Wellstone is left confused by your bizarre attempt to outflank him as the antiwar candidate, and even some of your own supporters can't see where you're coming from on this one. Charges of hypocrisy are one thing, but this is a reach." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9854, "fields": { "answer": 9853, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is a no-brainer. Wellstone is flying high due to your sheer unpopularity, but as more voters find out about his stances on major issues—no matter how much you've blown them out of proportion—his numbers fall slightly. Rove murmurs that it won't be enough." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9856, "fields": { "answer": 9855, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "At an antiwar rally last year, Wellstone shared a stage with Susan Sarandon, who told the crowd that American soldiers were \"putting Muslim children in harm's way.\" With that, your staffers spin that Wellstone agreed U.S. troops were baby-killers, and the Senate considers censuring him." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9858, "fields": { "answer": 9857, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Plenty of Wellstone's supporters are disgusted, and charge you with antisemitic dogwhistles, but you deflect the accusations as the media pays little attention to your new tone. Plenty of your supporters like what they hear.from you about morality." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9860, "fields": { "answer": 9859, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Flustered, Wellstone is unable to explain the fundamental difference between Clinton's wars and yours. Cable news talking heads speak in hushed tones about the \"New Bush,\" and what this change means for the war effort." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9863, "fields": { "answer": 9862, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is a no-brainer. Wellstone is flying high due to your sheer unpopularity, but as more voters find out about his stances on major issues—no matter how much you've blown them out of proportion—his numbers fall slightly. Rove murmurs that it won't be enough." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9865, "fields": { "answer": 9864, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "At an antiwar rally last year, Wellstone shared a stage with Susan Sarandon, who told the crowd that American soldiers were \"putting Muslim children in harm's way.\" With that, your staffers spin that Wellstone agreed U.S. troops were baby-killers, and the Senate considers censuring him." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9867, "fields": { "answer": 9866, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Appalled by your new tone, the Wellstone campaign publicly accuses you of deploying antisemitic dogwhistles against someone who would be the first Jewish president. Humiliated, you trot out an official apology a week later, after a vicious media cycle." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9869, "fields": { "answer": 9868, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Flustered, Wellstone is unable to explain the fundamental difference between Clinton's wars and yours. Cable news talking heads speak in hushed tones about the \"New Bush,\" and what this change means for the war effort." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9872, "fields": { "answer": 9871, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is a no-brainer. Wellstone is flying high due to your sheer unpopularity, but as more voters find out about his stances on major issues—no matter how much you've blown them out of proportion—his numbers fall slightly. Rove murmurs that it won't be enough." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9874, "fields": { "answer": 9873, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your staffers struggle to find anything damning. A state senator standing next to Wellstone at a rally last year argued you were waging \"dumb wars,\" which some of your advisors say could be twisted into tacit support for calling U.S. troops stupid. You tell them to forget it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9876, "fields": { "answer": 9875, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Plenty of Wellstone's supporters are disgusted, and charge you with antisemitic dogwhistles, but you deflect the accusations as the media pays little attention to your new tone. Plenty of your supporters like what they hear.from you about morality." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9878, "fields": { "answer": 9877, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Wellstone is left confused by your bizarre attempt to outflank him as the antiwar candidate, and even some of your own supporters can't see where you're coming from on this one. Charges of hypocrisy are one thing, but this is a reach." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9881, "fields": { "answer": 9880, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is a no-brainer. Wellstone is flying high due to your sheer unpopularity, but as more voters find out about his stances on major issues—no matter how much you've blown them out of proportion—his numbers fall slightly. Rove murmurs that it won't be enough." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9883, "fields": { "answer": 9882, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your staffers struggle to find anything damning. A state senator standing next to Wellstone at a rally last year argued you were waging \"dumb wars,\" which some of your advisors say could be twisted into tacit support for calling U.S. troops stupid. You tell them to forget it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9885, "fields": { "answer": 9884, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Appalled by your new tone, the Wellstone campaign publicly accuses you of deploying antisemitic dogwhistles against someone who would be the first Jewish president. Humiliated, you trot out an official apology a week later, after a vicious media cycle." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9887, "fields": { "answer": 9886, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Wellstone is left confused by your bizarre attempt to outflank him as the antiwar candidate, and even some of your own supporters can't see where you're coming from on this one. Charges of hypocrisy are one thing, but this is a reach." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9890, "fields": { "answer": 9889, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is a no-brainer. Wellstone is flying high due to your sheer unpopularity, but as more voters find out about his stances on major issues—no matter how much you've blown them out of proportion—his numbers fall slightly. Rove murmurs that it won't be enough." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9892, "fields": { "answer": 9891, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your staffers struggle to find anything damning. A state senator standing next to Wellstone at a rally last year argued you were waging \"dumb wars,\" which some of your advisors say could be twisted into tacit support for calling U.S. troops stupid. You tell them to forget it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9894, "fields": { "answer": 9893, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Plenty of Wellstone's supporters are disgusted, and charge you with antisemitic dogwhistles, but you deflect the accusations as the media pays little attention to your new tone. Plenty of your supporters like what they hear.from you about morality." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9896, "fields": { "answer": 9895, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Flustered, Wellstone is unable to explain the fundamental difference between Clinton's wars and yours. Cable news talking heads speak in hushed tones about the \"New Bush,\" and what this change means for the war effort." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9901, "fields": { "answer": 9897, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "All it takes is one interview on Meet The Press to crash this angle. Edwards with his graceful swooning is beamed into homes across the country. He even makes the interviewees laugh." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9902, "fields": { "answer": 9898, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "These rallies only work so well. You speak on the issues, but Edwards is speaking to crowds double the size of yours. And George, they're fired up." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9903, "fields": { "answer": 9899, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The idea of John Edwards as a class warrior waging a people's war is echoed by the Limbaugh crowd. Rush calls him 'John Redwards.' He's transformed into a loony left-winger, eager to snatch your hard-earned dollars with his grubby paws. The noise is ignored by all but the devoted." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9904, "fields": { "answer": 9900, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Surrounded by the Democrat old guard – Daschle, Kennedy, Byrd, Inouye – Edwards takes a jab at your experience, noting your time as Texas Governor is similar to his before you ran. He wraps it up by declaring he won't just be playing President, unlike you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9907, "fields": { "answer": 9906, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On SNL, Fallon plays Edwards as a yuppie stockbroker wearing a human mask. \"FEED ME A STRAY CAT,\" he says through an enormous, leering grin. The audience roars with laughter." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9909, "fields": { "answer": 9908, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Air Force One blitzes across the nation to prove that America is still Bush Country. Edwards may be good on TV, but your bread and butter is getting out there - with the people. And the people seem to agree." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9911, "fields": { "answer": 9910, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The idea of John Edwards as a class warrior waging a people's war is echoed by the Limbaugh crowd. Rush calls him 'John Redwards.' He's transformed into a loony left-winger, eager to snatch your hard-earned dollars with his grubby paws. The noise is ignored by all but the devoted." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9913, "fields": { "answer": 9912, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Surrounded by the Democrat old guard – Daschle, Kennedy, Byrd, Inouye – Edwards takes a jab at your experience, noting your time as Texas Governor is similar to his before you ran. He wraps it up by declaring he won't just be playing President, unlike you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9916, "fields": { "answer": 9915, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "All it takes is one interview on Meet The Press to crash this angle. Edwards with his graceful swooning is beamed into homes across the country. He even makes the interviewees laugh." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9918, "fields": { "answer": 9917, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Air Force One blitzes across the nation to prove that America is still Bush Country. Edwards may be good on TV, but your bread and butter is getting out there - with the people. And the people seem to agree." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9920, "fields": { "answer": 9919, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The idea of John Edwards as a class warrior waging a people's war is echoed by the Limbaugh crowd. Rush calls him 'John Redwards.' He's transformed into a loony left-winger, eager to snatch your hard-earned dollars with his grubby paws. The noise is ignored by all but the devoted." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9922, "fields": { "answer": 9921, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Surrounded by the Democrat old guard – Daschle, Kennedy, Byrd, Inouye – Edwards takes a jab at your experience, noting your time as Texas Governor is similar to his before you ran. He wraps it up by declaring he won't just be playing President, unlike you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9925, "fields": { "answer": 9924, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On SNL, Fallon plays Edwards as a yuppie stockbroker wearing a human mask. \"FEED ME A STRAY CAT,\" he says through an enormous, leering grin. The audience roars with laughter." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9927, "fields": { "answer": 9926, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "These rallies only work so well. You speak on the issues, but Edwards is speaking to crowds double the size of yours. And George, they're fired up." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9929, "fields": { "answer": 9928, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The idea of John Edwards as a class warrior waging a people's war is echoed by the Limbaugh crowd. Rush calls him 'John Redwards.' He's transformed into a loony left-winger, eager to snatch your hard-earned dollars with his grubby paws. The noise is ignored by all but the devoted." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9931, "fields": { "answer": 9930, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Surrounded by the Democrat old guard – Daschle, Kennedy, Byrd, Inouye – Edwards takes a jab at your experience, noting your time as Texas Governor is similar to his before you ran. He wraps it up by declaring he won't just be playing President, unlike you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9936, "fields": { "answer": 9935, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Shot in a Texas bar, your most popular ad shows you sitting down to have a drink with some local patrons watching a Cowboys game. It's a hit. \"Can you see yourself having a beer with Al Gore?\" " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9937, "fields": { "answer": 9934, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Delegates at the RNC burn bicycles outside in protest, while Gore's supporters clutch pearls at you stoking the flames of division. For the rest of the country, the prospect of a Bush-Gore rematch is more exhausting than polarizing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9938, "fields": { "answer": 9933, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You don't even have to say the name \"Monica.\" While Clinton left office with high approval ratings, his scandals are still a bête noire for the conservative movement. Even some liberals are having second thoughts about another four years of exhaustion. Tying Gore to that can't hurt." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9939, "fields": { "answer": 9932, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Gore accuses you of stoking divisions, and he appears to have the upper hand. A spate of scathing attack ads prepped by Rove are stopped from airing at the last second, and your campaign is forced to recalibrate." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9942, "fields": { "answer": 9941, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Gore accuses you of playing dirty, but he struggles to find a counterattack that sticks, and his numbers take a dip. SNL quickly parodies his new look with a skit portraying him as a depressive bearded loner." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9944, "fields": { "answer": 9943, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You don't even have to say the name \"Monica.\" While Clinton left office with high approval ratings, his scandals are still a bête noire for the conservative movement. Even some liberals are having second thoughts about another four years of exhaustion. Tying Gore to that can't hurt." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9946, "fields": { "answer": 9945, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Delegates at the RNC burn bicycles outside in protest, while Gore's supporters clutch pearls at you stoking the flames of division. For the rest of the country, the prospect of a Bush-Gore rematch is more exhausting than polarizing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9948, "fields": { "answer": 9947, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Shot in a Texas bar, your most popular ad shows you sitting down to have a drink with some local patrons watching a Cowboys game. It's a hit. \"Can you see yourself having a beer with Al Gore?\" " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9953, "fields": { "answer": 9952, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Condi walks stiffly across the stage, displeased with being used as a political prop. She's thinks she's better than this. She finds this exercise demeaning. Planned Parenthood sends mailers reminding women you shut down networks to inform women of their labor rights, that you've cut access to reproductive healthcare." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9954, "fields": { "answer": 9951, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's a curveball no one expected, George the Dove against Hillary the Hawk. While anonymous sources in the Naval Observatory pout and whine, you derive smug satisfaction out of winning the fanatic support of Ron Paul's gaggle of lunatics. Activists like Pat Buchanan and Phyllis Schlafly trill at you putting America first." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9955, "fields": { "answer": 9950, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The days of 2000 when you could party with reporters in the back of your plane are long gone. Now, your face inspires frustration, scorn. \"Maybe what we need is some change,\" says a man with the Boston Globe. It doesn't matter that there's nothing new about Clinton, that she's haunted DC for years. The liberals in the press just want you gone." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9956, "fields": { "answer": 9949, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"How many times has Hillary reinvented herself?\" the rags sneer. Once it was Hillary the Hippie, then it was Hillary the Hick, still later it was Hillary of the Haute Couture. What is Hillary as Senator? Is she liberal? Conservative? Is she even a New Yorker? No one knows. A flustered Clinton accuses you of being a carpet-bagger yourself. It falls flat." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9959, "fields": { "answer": 9958, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"How many times has Hillary reinvented herself?\" the rags sneer. Once it was Hillary the Hippie, then it was Hillary the Hick, still later it was Hillary of the Haute Couture. What is Hillary as Senator? Is she liberal? Conservative? Is she even a New Yorker? No one knows. A flustered Clinton accuses you of being a carpet-bagger yourself. It falls flat." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9961, "fields": { "answer": 9960, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Campaign challenges are built on discontent, on disatisfaction with the Establishment. For your part, you've been effective in lulling the American press into a daze. Even if you haven't passed a single thing, they enjoy your smiling face, your humorous misspeaking. Hillary gets hard policy questions while you get asked about your favorite cowboy movie." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9963, "fields": { "answer": 9962, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's as if you pitched straight over home plate. Hillary, in a slim, daisy-colored pantsuit, stands on the steps of the Capitol and castigates you for letting thugs and criminals go unpunished around the globe. It was she, she proudly proclaims, who convinced her husband to bomb Serbia. An anonymous source at the Naval Observatory expresses approval." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9965, "fields": { "answer": 9964, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Condi walks stiffly across the stage, displeased with being used as a political prop. She's thinks she's better than this. She finds this exercise demeaning. Planned Parenthood sends mailers reminding women you shut down networks to inform women of their labor rights, that you've cut access to reproductive healthcare." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9968, "fields": { "answer": 9967, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"How many times has Hillary reinvented herself?\" the rags sneer. Once it was Hillary the Hippie, then it was Hillary the Hick, still later it was Hillary of the Haute Couture. What is Hillary as Senator? Is she liberal? Conservative? Is she even a New Yorker? No one knows. A flustered Clinton accuses you of being a carpet-bagger yourself. It falls flat." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9970, "fields": { "answer": 9969, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Campaign challenges are built on discontent, on disatisfaction with the Establishment. For your part, you've been effective in lulling the American press into a daze. Even if you haven't passed a single thing, they enjoy your smiling face, your humorous misspeaking. Hillary gets hard policy questions while you get asked about your favorite cowboy movie." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9972, "fields": { "answer": 9971, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's a curveball no one expected, George the Dove against Hillary the Hawk. While anonymous sources in the Naval Observatory pout and whine, you derive smug satisfaction out of winning the fanatic support of Ron Paul's gaggle of lunatics. Activists like Pat Buchanan and Phyllis Schlafly trill at you putting America first." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9974, "fields": { "answer": 9973, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Condi walks stiffly across the stage, displeased with being used as a political prop. She's thinks she's better than this. She finds this exercise demeaning. Planned Parenthood sends mailers reminding women you shut down networks to inform women of their labor rights, that you've cut access to reproductive healthcare." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9977, "fields": { "answer": 9976, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"How many times has Hillary reinvented herself?\" the rags sneer. Once it was Hillary the Hippie, then it was Hillary the Hick, still later it was Hillary of the Haute Couture. What is Hillary as Senator? Is she liberal? Conservative? Is she even a New Yorker? No one knows. A flustered Clinton accuses you of being a carpet-bagger yourself. It falls flat." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9979, "fields": { "answer": 9978, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The days of 2000 when you could party with reporters in the back of your plane are long gone. Now, your face inspires frustration, scorn. \"Maybe what we need is some change,\" says a man with the Boston Globe. It doesn't matter that there's nothing new about Clinton, that she's haunted DC for years. The liberals in the press just want you gone." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9981, "fields": { "answer": 9980, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's as if you pitched straight over home plate. Hillary, in a slim, daisy-colored pantsuit, stands on the steps of the Capitol and castigates you for letting thugs and criminals go unpunished around the globe. It was she, she proudly proclaims, who convinced her husband to bomb Serbia. An anonymous source at the Naval Observatory expresses approval." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9983, "fields": { "answer": 9982, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Condi walks stiffly across the stage, displeased with being used as a political prop. She's thinks she's better than this. She finds this exercise demeaning. Planned Parenthood sends mailers reminding women you shut down networks to inform women of their labor rights, that you've cut access to reproductive healthcare." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9988, "fields": { "answer": 9987, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ted Kennedy lumbers down the halls of the Senate. His speech during the Enron hearings is slower than it once was. He isn't out as late for campaign rallies. You, on the other hand, undertake the difficult task of doing photo ops of you jogging with Frist. The View praises your \"energetic leadership\" over a still of you throwing a football. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9989, "fields": { "answer": 9986, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The doubters at the mainstream press call your remarks \"outrageous,\" but the phrase \"death panel\" becomes popular with the demagogues on talk radio and late-night cable news. Doctors report terror among elderly patients, which suits you just fine. Kennedy's careful explanations of his policy fail to reach the fearful converted." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9990, "fields": { "answer": 9985, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your private calls to end the hearings go unnoticed. Instead, there is the continual dribble of damaging leaks. How many Americans lost their 401(k)s investing in Enron? How much of people's pensions wound up in the pockets of your friends? You don't have an answer. Maybe your ignorance is for the best." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9991, "fields": { "answer": 9984, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Gwen Kopechne lives alone in a tiny home in the Ponocos, surrounded by remnants of the daughter she lost in Ted Kennedy's car. The late-night attack ads she sees gives her no comfort, nor does Kennedy's attempts to deflect by bringing up your own driving. All she wants is someone to say they're sorry. All she wants is to know how her little girl died." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9994, "fields": { "answer": 9993, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Gwen Kopechne lives alone in a tiny home in the Ponocos, surrounded by remnants of the daughter she lost in Ted Kennedy's car. The late-night attack ads she sees gives her no comfort, nor does Kennedy's attempts to deflect by bringing up your own driving. All she wants is someone to say they're sorry. All she wants is to know how her little girl died." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9996, "fields": { "answer": 9995, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There are late night phone calls to members of the special committee investigating Enron, a few good ol' boys. The two of you laugh about tough re-elections campaign. Promises are made about the kinds of seats the party might prioritize this year. An agreement is made to halt the hearings in the interests of promoting an \"interest-based campaign.\" " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9998, "fields": { "answer": 9997, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The doubters at the mainstream press call your remarks \"outrageous,\" but the phrase \"death panel\" becomes popular with the demagogues on talk radio and late-night cable news. Doctors report terror among elderly patients, which suits you just fine. Kennedy's careful explanations of his policy fail to reach the fearful converted." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10000, "fields": { "answer": 9999, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ted Kennedy lumbers down the halls of the Senate. His speech during the Enron hearings is slower than it once was. He isn't out as late for campaign rallies. You, on the other hand, undertake the difficult task of doing photo ops of you jogging with Frist. The View praises your \"energetic leadership\" over a still of you throwing a football. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10009, "fields": { "answer": 10006, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ads illustrating his substantial yearly earnings flash on TV. The question it underscores is pointed—is this a man of the people? Another shows Edwards, his hair blown upward then flipped. Each flip highlights contradictions, changes in policy, whatever. It culminates with a derisive message: \"John Edwards—any way the wind blows.\" Both hit the mark." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10010, "fields": { "answer": 10005, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"George Bush, All American\" goes to air. It's a flop. Everyone knows your claims of being down in the dirt with the rest of them is bullshit. Simultaneously, the service controversy is resurrected, with vets on TV questioning whether you dodged the draft thanks to dear old dad." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10023, "fields": { "answer": 10022, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Monsters prowl the earth, preying on the weak and innocent, sucking the blood of their people. What better testament is there to your leadership than the slaying of beasts like Saddam and the Taliban? The crowds roar as Powell praises your resolve. You glow with pride. Your vice president mutters something about Iran." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10026, "fields": { "answer": 10025, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism. That’s what it’s all about. Your image. Your brand. Hutchinson is one of the best advocates for it. She praises you crossing the aisle to find solutions to help American women. What does it matter that your gag on USAID providing reproductive healthcare has condemned millions of women to the gutter to wretch and die?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10030, "fields": { "answer": 10029, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10034, "fields": { "answer": 10017, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell launches into a broadside of the Democrat Party. For years, he shouts, they’ve tried to obstruct our president. They’ve stood in the doorway of progress! The stadium erupts as he shouts, “That is why we need to re-elect my friend, George W. Bush.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10037, "fields": { "answer": 10036, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell launches into a broadside of the Democrat Party. For years, he shouts, they’ve tried to obstruct our president. They’ve stood in the doorway of progress! The stadium erupts as he shouts, “That is why we need to re-elect my friend, George W. Bush.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10039, "fields": { "answer": 10038, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Monsters prowl the earth, preying on the weak and innocent, sucking the blood of their people. What better testament is there to your leadership than the slaying of beasts like Saddam and the Taliban? The crowds roar as Powell praises your resolve. You glow with pride. Your vice president mutters something about Iran." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10041, "fields": { "answer": 10040, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you were elected in 2000, it was on the promise of a more compassionate conservatism. That has clearly failed. While you've had some successes, Washington remains more divided than ever. Hutchinson's proclamations about you bringing people together to put an end to obstructionism ring false to the assembled crowds. You are a Republican president first, not the “uniter” you once hoped to be." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10043, "fields": { "answer": 10042, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10046, "fields": { "answer": 10045, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell launches into a broadside of the Democrat Party. For years, he shouts, they’ve tried to obstruct our president. They’ve stood in the doorway of progress! The stadium erupts as he shouts, “That is why we need to re-elect my friend, George W. Bush.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10048, "fields": { "answer": 10047, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell stands proudly on the stage and points to the instability in the MIddle East. We cannot change the horse halfway through, he intones, in his typical martial way. We cannot surrender to those who wish to see America defeated. The crowds in the stadium nod along and you swell with pride as Colin refers to you as commander-in-chief." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10050, "fields": { "answer": 10049, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism. That’s what it’s all about. Your image. Your brand. Hutchinson is one of the best advocates for it. She praises you crossing the aisle to find solutions to help American women. What does it matter that your gag on USAID providing reproductive healthcare has condemned millions of women to the gutter to wretch and die?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10052, "fields": { "answer": 10051, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10055, "fields": { "answer": 10054, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell launches into a broadside of the Democrat Party. For years, he shouts, they’ve tried to obstruct our president. They’ve stood in the doorway of progress! The stadium erupts as he shouts, “That is why we need to re-elect my friend, George W. Bush.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10057, "fields": { "answer": 10056, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell stands proudly on the stage and points to the instability in the MIddle East. We cannot change the horse halfway through, he intones, in his typical martial way. We cannot surrender to those who wish to see America defeated. The crowds in the stadium nod along and you swell with pride as Colin refers to you as commander-in-chief." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10059, "fields": { "answer": 10058, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you were elected in 2000, it was on the promise of a more compassionate conservatism. That has clearly failed. While you've had some successes, Washington remains more divided than ever. Hutchinson's proclamations about you bringing people together to put an end to obstructionism ring false to the assembled crowds. You are a Republican president first, not the “uniter” you once hoped to be." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10061, "fields": { "answer": 10060, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10064, "fields": { "answer": 10063, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell launches into a broadside of the Democrat Party. For years, he shouts, they’ve tried to obstruct our president. They’ve stood in the doorway of progress! The stadium erupts as he shouts, “That is why we need to re-elect my friend, George W. Bush.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10066, "fields": { "answer": 10065, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It was a mistake to let Powell into the White House, you fume, as he struggles to point out your successes on the world stage. No one gives you credit for tearing apart Clinton’s deal with North Korea or helping Putin in Russia.It’s not fair. You’re just as much a statesman as Poppy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10068, "fields": { "answer": 10067, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism. That’s what it’s all about. Your image. Your brand. Hutchinson is one of the best advocates for it. She praises you crossing the aisle to find solutions to help American women. What does it matter that your gag on USAID providing reproductive healthcare has condemned millions of women to the gutter to wretch and die?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10070, "fields": { "answer": 10069, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10073, "fields": { "answer": 10072, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell launches into a broadside of the Democrat Party. For years, he shouts, they’ve tried to obstruct our president. They’ve stood in the doorway of progress! The stadium erupts as he shouts, “That is why we need to re-elect my friend, George W. Bush.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10075, "fields": { "answer": 10074, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It was a mistake to let Powell into the White House, you fume, as he struggles to point out your successes on the world stage. No one gives you credit for tearing apart Clinton’s deal with North Korea or helping Putin in Russia. It’s not fair. You’re just as much a statesman as Poppy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10077, "fields": { "answer": 10076, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you were elected in 2000, it was on the promise of a more compassionate conservatism. That has clearly failed. While you've had some successes, Washington remains more divided than ever. Hutchinson's proclamations about you bringing people together to put an end to obstructionism ring false to the assembled crowds. You are a Republican president first, not the “uniter” you once hoped to be." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10079, "fields": { "answer": 10078, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10082, "fields": { "answer": 10081, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell Miller strolls onto the stage and delivers a rolicking address pointing to your handful of achievements and castigating Democrats for sinking others. He tells the audience how the Democrat Party has lost its way. There are cheers as he exits the stage. His slight smile sustains you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10084, "fields": { "answer": 10083, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Monsters prowl the earth, preying on the weak and innocent, sucking the blood of their people. What better testament is there to your leadership than the slaying of beasts like Saddam and the Taliban? The crowds roar as Powell praises your resolve. You glow with pride. Your vice president mutters something about Iran." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10086, "fields": { "answer": 10085, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism. That’s what it’s all about. Your image. Your brand. Hutchinson is one of the best advocates for it. She praises you crossing the aisle to find solutions to help American women. What does it matter that your gag on USAID providing reproductive healthcare has condemned millions of women to the gutter to wretch and die?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10088, "fields": { "answer": 10087, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10091, "fields": { "answer": 10090, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell Miller strolls onto the stage and delivers a rolicking address pointing to your handful of achievements and castigating Democrats for sinking others. He tells the audience how the Democrat Party has lost its way. There are cheers as he exits the stage. His slight smile sustains you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10093, "fields": { "answer": 10092, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Monsters prowl the earth, preying on the weak and innocent, sucking the blood of their people. What better testament is there to your leadership than the slaying of beasts like Saddam and the Taliban? The crowds roar as Powell praises your resolve. You glow with pride. Your vice president mutters something about Iran." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10095, "fields": { "answer": 10094, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you were elected in 2000, it was on the promise of a more compassionate conservatism. That has clearly failed. While you've had some successes, Washington remains more divided than ever. Hutchinson's proclamations about you bringing people together to put an end to obstructionism ring false to the assembled crowds. You are a Republican president first, not the “uniter” you once hoped to be." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10097, "fields": { "answer": 10096, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10100, "fields": { "answer": 10099, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell Miller strolls onto the stage and delivers a rolicking address pointing to your handful of achievements and castigating Democrats for sinking others. He tells the audience how the Democrat Party has lost its way. There are cheers as he exits the stage. His slight smile sustains you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10102, "fields": { "answer": 10101, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell stands proudly on the stage and points to the instability in the MIddle East. We cannot change the horse halfway through, he intones, in his typical martial way. We cannot surrender to those who wish to see America defeated. The crowds in the stadium nod along and you swell with pride as Colin refers to you as commander-in-chief." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10104, "fields": { "answer": 10103, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism. That’s what it’s all about. Your image. Your brand. Hutchinson is one of the best advocates for it. She praises you crossing the aisle to find solutions to help American women. What does it matter that your gag on USAID providing reproductive healthcare has condemned millions of women to the gutter to wretch and die?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10106, "fields": { "answer": 10105, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10109, "fields": { "answer": 10108, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell Miller strolls onto the stage and delivers a rolicking address pointing to your handful of achievements and castigating Democrats for sinking others. He tells the audience how the Democrat Party has lost its way. There are cheers as he exits the stage. His slight smile sustains you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10111, "fields": { "answer": 10110, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell stands proudly on the stage and points to the instability in the MIddle East. We cannot change the horse halfway through, he intones, in his typical martial way. We cannot surrender to those who wish to see America defeated. The crowds in the stadium nod along and you swell with pride as Colin refers to you as commander-in-chief." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10113, "fields": { "answer": 10112, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you were elected in 2000, it was on the promise of a more compassionate conservatism. That has clearly failed. While you've had some successes, Washington remains more divided than ever. Hutchinson's proclamations about you bringing people together to put an end to obstructionism ring false to the assembled crowds. You are a Republican president first, not the “uniter” you once hoped to be." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10115, "fields": { "answer": 10114, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10118, "fields": { "answer": 10117, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell Miller strolls onto the stage and delivers a rolicking address pointing to your handful of achievements and castigating Democrats for sinking others. He tells the audience how the Democrat Party has lost its way. There are cheers as he exits the stage. His slight smile sustains you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10120, "fields": { "answer": 10119, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It was a mistake to let Powell into the White House, you fume, as he struggles to point out your successes on the world stage. No one gives you credit for tearing apart Clinton’s deal with North Korea or helping Putin in Russia. It’s not fair. You’re just as much a statesman as Poppy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10122, "fields": { "answer": 10121, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism. That’s what it’s all about. Your image. Your brand. Hutchinson is one of the best advocates for it. She praises you crossing the aisle to find solutions to help American women. What does it matter that your gag on USAID providing reproductive healthcare has condemned millions of women to the gutter to wretch and die?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10124, "fields": { "answer": 10123, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10127, "fields": { "answer": 10126, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Zell Miller strolls onto the stage and delivers a rolicking address pointing to your handful of achievements and castigating Democrats for sinking others. He tells the audience how the Democrat Party has lost its way. There are cheers as he exits the stage. His slight smile sustains you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10129, "fields": { "answer": 10128, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It was a mistake to let Powell into the White House, you fume, as he struggles to point out your successes on the world stage. No one gives you credit for tearing apart Clinton’s deal with North Korea or helping Putin in Russia. It’s not fair. You’re just as much a statesman as Poppy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10131, "fields": { "answer": 10130, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you were elected in 2000, it was on the promise of a more compassionate conservatism. That has clearly failed. While you've had some successes, Washington remains more divided than ever. Hutchinson's proclamations about you bringing people together to put an end to obstructionism ring false to the assembled crowds. You are a Republican president first, not the “uniter” you once hoped to be." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10133, "fields": { "answer": 10132, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10136, "fields": { "answer": 10135, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You called Zell Miller but he declined the offer, citing a sudden illness. Instead the man who trots on stage is John McCain who delivers a bland address about the importance of party unity without mentioning your name once. Your face feels hot as he walks off stage, past you, without any acknowledgment." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10141, "fields": { "answer": 10140, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Monsters prowl the earth, preying on the weak and innocent, sucking the blood of their people. What better testament is there to your leadership than the slaying of beasts like Saddam and the Taliban? The crowds roar as Powell praises your resolve. You glow with pride. Your vice president mutters something about Iran." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10144, "fields": { "answer": 10143, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism. That’s what it’s all about. Your image. Your brand. Hutchinson is one of the best advocates for it. She praises you crossing the aisle to find solutions to help American women. What does it matter that your gag on USAID providing reproductive healthcare has condemned millions of women to the gutter to wretch and die?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10148, "fields": { "answer": 10147, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10154, "fields": { "answer": 10153, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You called Zell Miller but he declined the offer, citing a sudden illness. Instead the man who trots on stage is John McCain who delivers a bland address about the importance of party unity without mentioning your name once. Your face feels hot as he walks off stage, past you, without any acknowledgment." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10159, "fields": { "answer": 10158, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Monsters prowl the earth, preying on the weak and innocent, sucking the blood of their people. What better testament is there to your leadership than the slaying of beasts like Saddam and the Taliban? The crowds roar as Powell praises your resolve. You glow with pride. Your vice president mutters something about Iran." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10162, "fields": { "answer": 10161, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you were elected in 2000, it was on the promise of a more compassionate conservatism. That has clearly failed. While you've had some successes, Washington remains more divided than ever. Hutchinson's proclamations about you bringing people together to put an end to obstructionism ring false to the assembled crowds. You are a Republican president first, not the “uniter” you once hoped to be." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10166, "fields": { "answer": 10165, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10172, "fields": { "answer": 10171, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You called Zell Miller but he declined the offer, citing a sudden illness. Instead the man who trots on stage is John McCain who delivers a bland address about the importance of party unity without mentioning your name once. Your face feels hot as he walks off stage, past you, without any acknowledgment." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10177, "fields": { "answer": 10176, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell stands proudly on the stage and points to the instability in the Middle East. We cannot change the horse halfway through, he intones, in his typical martial way. We cannot surrender to those who wish to see America defeated. The crowds in the stadium nod along and you swell with pride as Colin refers to you as commander-in-chief." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10180, "fields": { "answer": 10179, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism. That’s what it’s all about. Your image. Your brand. Hutchinson is one of the best advocates for it. She praises you crossing the aisle to find solutions to help American women. What does it matter that your gag on USAID providing reproductive healthcare has condemned millions of women to the gutter to wretch and die?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10184, "fields": { "answer": 10183, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10190, "fields": { "answer": 10189, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You called Zell Miller but he declined the offer, citing a sudden illness. Instead the man who trots on stage is John McCain who delivers a bland address about the importance of party unity without mentioning your name once. Your face feels hot as he walks off stage, past you, without any acknowledgment." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10195, "fields": { "answer": 10194, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell stands proudly on the stage and points to the instability in the Middle East. We cannot change the horse halfway through, he intones, in his typical martial way. We cannot surrender to those who wish to see America defeated. The crowds in the stadium nod along and you swell with pride as Colin refers to you as commander-in-chief." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10198, "fields": { "answer": 10197, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When you were elected in 2000, it was on the promise of a more compassionate conservatism. That has clearly failed. While you've had some successes, Washington remains more divided than ever. Hutchinson's proclamations about you bringing people together to put an end to obstructionism ring false to the assembled crowds. You are a Republican president first, not the “uniter” you once hoped to be." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10202, "fields": { "answer": 10201, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10208, "fields": { "answer": 10207, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You called Zell Miller but he declined the offer, citing a sudden illness. Instead the man who trots on stage is John McCain who delivers a bland address about the importance of party unity without mentioning your name once. Your face feels hot as he walks off stage, past you, without any acknowledgment." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10213, "fields": { "answer": 10212, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Powell has never been a true believer. It was a mistake to let him into the White House, you fume, as he struggles to point out your successes on the international stage. No one gives you credit for tearing apart Clinton’s deal with North Korea or helping Putin in Russia. It’s not fair. You’re just as much a statesman as your daddy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10216, "fields": { "answer": 10215, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Compassionate conservatism. That’s what it’s all about. Your image. Your brand. Hutchinson is one of the best advocates for it. She praises you crossing the aisle to find solutions to help American women. What does it matter that your gag on USAID providing reproductive healthcare has condemned millions of women to the gutter to wretch and die?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10220, "fields": { "answer": 10219, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your father’s face is enormous on the stadium screen. Behind the platitudes about you being a good son and the cliches and legacy and tradition, what you see in his eyes is complete and total disappointment. Jeb would have done a better job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10236, "fields": { "answer": 10232, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Did you know Joe supports partial-birth abortions? A mother grasps her child. Did you know that he'd make Americans choose between their faith and their job? A California doctor clutches the cross around her neck. \"Say No to Joe,\" goes the ad series pummeling the South and Midwest. A sputtering Lieberman calls the ads \"lies\" as you reap their success." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10237, "fields": { "answer": 10233, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "In his dulcet tones, Lieberman speaks about a clash of civilizations, the threat of Islamic terrorists. He recalls the bombing of the WTC by Bin Laden in '93. Didn't your father fail to pick up on warnings of that attack? Who knows what he's planning now? The NYT publishes a full-page spread fantasizing about what a \"new attack\" might look like." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10238, "fields": { "answer": 10234, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "He smiles softly before tut-tutting about the deficit and weak economic projections. \"My opponent's like a kid who gets the keys to his daddy's sports car. He doesn't know how to care for it, and it doesn't take long for the engine to rot. Instead of giveaways to the rich, I want us investing in workers at home.\" You seethe at the comparison." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10239, "fields": { "answer": 10235, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's a new age of bipartisanship, the Sunday Shows croon, of consensus. Isn't it nice to have an election where people are respectful, where the candidates are nice to each other? You and Joe gracefully skate through the next few weeks. Neither of you touch the many crises bubbling beneath the surface." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10244, "fields": { "answer": 10240, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "In 2000, your people spread lies about McCain's wife being a drug addict and his daughter being a bastard. You also insinuated he was gay. It doesn't take much for you to restart old attacks. It also doesn't take McCain much time to publish an op-ed titled \"Why I'm Leaving the Republican Party\" endorsing Lieberman and villifying you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10245, "fields": { "answer": 10241, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "McCain's face is unreadable as you question him about his future in the party, about his future plans. All he'll say is that \"respect two ways, George. You get what you put in.\" It takes you grovelling for his stony expression to crack into a smirk. No, he says once you've disgraced himself, he has no plans to involve himself in the presidential contest." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10246, "fields": { "answer": 10242, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You seed a few pieces across the right-wing press about how Lieberman is a poor symbol of his party, but it isn't like Democrats were ignorant before. Your efforts can only exacerbate the divisions that already exist. None except the simple-minded will think your efforts here are in good faith." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10247, "fields": { "answer": 10243, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "FOX reporters follow Mary Landrieu around the country. She is nonplussed. \"I don't know what you're hoping to find here,\" she shrugs. \"Joe's been a mentor of mine since I got on the Hill. Who he's friends with is his business.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10252, "fields": { "answer": 10248, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Political gravity seems to switch as you dismiss Lieberman as \"reckless\" and he politely accuses you of \"negligence\" in world affairs. Though his demure questions about why you ran with Cheney in 2000 do some damage, you are thrilled when Rove hands you a print-out of Daily Kos, arguing that voting for you is the \"moral\" position." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10253, "fields": { "answer": 10249, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A calm, friendly discussion takes place where neither of you say anything and no one watching learns anything new. A few nights later on Comedy Central, a cartoon airs in which a patronizing, foul-mouthed child argues that, sometimes in elections, both sides are bad and people shouldn't feel pressured to vote." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10254, "fields": { "answer": 10250, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Lieberman is flustered as you accuse him of wanting to kill the unborn and destroy the sanctity of marriage. \"I never said that,\" he struggles to be heard. He seems on the verge of tears. \"I don't understand why you're saying these things. We've worked together. Please...\" You give him no aid. The newspapers the next day show him wiping his eyes." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10255, "fields": { "answer": 10251, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You argue that your tax cuts fostered job creation and put money back into the hands of working families, a claim so tortured and absurd that Lieberman is able to collapse it with some light prodding. \"Might as well say your tax cuts helped Santa and the Easter Bunny.\" He says. The audience chuckles. You feel your face grow red with anger." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10260, "fields": { "answer": 10256, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On Saturday Night Live, a skit starring you and Joe as conjoined twins. \"It's time for us to get serious and find new, conservative solutions to help American families,\" says Will Ferrell dressed as you. Chris Parnell as Lieberman replies, \"My opponent is a good man... and I agree with everything he just said.\" Dull laughter follows. You change the channel." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10261, "fields": { "answer": 10257, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Volunteers knock on the doors of homes in decaying Rust Belt towns and overpriced housing developments along the coast. This election is too important to stay home, they chatter. There's so much at stake. They feign concern or force themselves to believe they have these people's interests at heart. Can we count on your vote?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10262, "fields": { "answer": 10258, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Resentment grows. Disillusionment is on the rise. The shining, upbeat faces of you and your opponent hide the presence of something dark taking root online and in neglected American communities. Some great beast slouches toward Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10263, "fields": { "answer": 10259, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There are new speeches highlighting your pro-business credentials and your stand against environmental regulation. The CATO Institute celebrates the possibility of a fraction of a percent of additional growth in ten years at the cost of permanent loss of global biodiversity." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10268, "fields": { "answer": 10264, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Most of your voters don’t know what Mother Jones is either. In any event, after some private haggling, Wellstone’s struggles with his base fade away, and both of you launch headfirst into the campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10269, "fields": { "answer": 10265, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Rove’s smoke signals are picked up by a couple of mega-donors, who cut some checks to groups associated with eccentric third parties on the ballot in swing states. But your own attempts at subtle messages fall flat after telling a crowd in Ohio to vote for whoever they want." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10270, "fields": { "answer": 10266, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The ad-men get the message, and a couple TV spots crosscut pictures of Wellstone in college with a mix of footage from clubs that makes your own advisors blush. You smile at the final shot framing your head as the fifth on Mount Rushmore." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10271, "fields": { "answer": 10267, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Like you said, hitting on a theme of Democratic disunity is nothing new for Republican candidates, even though Wellstone clears up his mess with the activist wing of the party quickly. In an attempt to get the campaign going, he starts bringing up Hastert in every stump speech." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10279, "fields": { "answer": 10275, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Edwards merely chuckles, the attack sliding off him effortlessly. He then turns to you with a sly grin, his eyes penetrating your soul. \"It's always funny when a Republican attempts to lecture me on special interests.\" The remainder of his response blurs into a haze, and you sense the heat on your face." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10280, "fields": { "answer": 10276, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Americans have a soft spot for tax cuts, and post-debate Fox runs a piece claiming he openly advocates for hikes. It's not true, of course, but the insinuation - the very idea, sticks. On MSNBC, a visibly frustrated Edwards vehemently refutes the claim, but the damage is done." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10281, "fields": { "answer": 10277, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Edwards always struggled with foreign policy, and he can't convincingly deny you've got the upper-hand. Roughly a week post-debate, you spot him in Europe, hobnobbing with Chirac, Blair, and Schröder, trying to catch-up. You sense Chirac's grimacing unease, and it reassures you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10282, "fields": { "answer": 10278, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You come out swinging, and so does John. The debate descends into mud-slinging as you both quickly drop the rehersals. It gets so chaotic that Jim Lehrer has to intervene, putting an end to nearly five minutes of incessant finger-pointing and noise." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10287, "fields": { "answer": 10283, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Edwards goes on a morning show, doesn't matter what one, and spills his heart out about how he couldn't have possibly known that things would get this bad. At the end, he shifts to face the camera, seemingly speaking directly to America, asserting they \"deserve better.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10288, "fields": { "answer": 10284, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Meetings with British Gas through law-firm Ballard Spahr, deals for drilling on shoals—all are dredged up. Progressives can only watch in horror as the media exposes the industry's self-proclaimed \"best ally.\" Rendell, for his part, reportedly goes ballistic, with reports of chairs being hurled at walls. You feel no shame about your own ties." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10289, "fields": { "answer": 10285, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Right after wrapping up a call with the freshly appointed Prime Minister Harper, you endure a scolding from Poppy over the phone. He labels your policy shift disgraceful and demands you retract it. Meanwhile, Edwards jests that you've suddenly \"seen the light\" but dismisses it as a purely political maneuver. So does everyone else." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10290, "fields": { "answer": 10286, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You stand your ground, zeroing in on rallying support from key trade states like New Mexico and Florida. Meanwhile, Edwards revels in a sense of validation – to those in the trenches, his words are sounding more authentic with each passing day. George Bush, he claims, doesn't care about working-class folks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10294, "fields": { "answer": 10291, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You briefly halt the bombing campaign against Edwards and instead shift toward positivity and understanding. It's inspirational in some respects, but the favor is not returned by Edwards who continues to hammer you relentlessly. A man graffitis a billboard with your smiling face and that of Frist, Powell, and Condi with the words, \"FOUR MORE FEARS.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10295, "fields": { "answer": 10292, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "SNL airs a charm-off skit with Will Ferrell as you and Will Forte as Edwards. They comically shove each other for the spotlight, exchanging exaggerated claims about being raised in the \"real America.\" Forte declares, \"I'm genuine, America, raised in the heartland, just like you!\" Ferrell retorts with a fake Texan twang, \"Nuh-uh Johnny, I'm the realest!\" The audience is in stitches." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10296, "fields": { "answer": 10293, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ads pummel Edwards in the Midwest and Great Plains, putting cracks in an image that many in the region where many were already uncomfortable with the man. Focus groups suggest that there's something unnerving about the man. \"It's his eyes,\" mutters one woman. \"It feels like he could gut you and feel nothing.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10306, "fields": { "answer": 10302, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "\"I made a lot of mistakes.\" Hillary gives a pained pause. A slight grimace. \"I learned from those mistakes. At least I hope I did.\" You raise a fist in triumph in the White House late one night. You have no similar regrets about your own tenure." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10307, "fields": { "answer": 10303, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The gallingly sexist remark sends your campaign sputtering. Sure, a few bigots on daytime radio get a laugh out of your bluntness, your \"telling it like it is,\" but this is the only praise you receive. Condi has no comment. A uncomfortable Hutchinson describes your attack as \"inelegant.\" Your own mother calls you to apologize." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10308, "fields": { "answer": 10304, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You attempt to saunter up to the line of acceptability and trip over your own shoelaces. This remark has deeply sexist and objectifying undertones. Still, many have been uncomfortable with the Clintons’ dealing, and Fox jumps to your defense. Their editors slap together a picture of \"Clinton the Cow.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10313, "fields": { "answer": 10309, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Decades-old tax receipts. Transcripts of Hillary's testimonies. Pictures of homes in Arkansas. The mainstream media chatter about Hillary's dishonesty, how she's \"untrustworthy.\" Just like in the 90s, though, the medicine fails to take. Americans find numbers boring. They don't care about people cooking the books." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10314, "fields": { "answer": 10310, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Drudge posts an expose about galas. It projects images of Arab businessmen, their skin subtly altered to be darker. Whispers reverberate through right-wing forums, mixing with stranger online tales about a New World Order and Agenda 21, but fails to penetrate elsewhere. A defiant Hillary calls your conspiracy-mongering desperate." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10315, "fields": { "answer": 10311, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hillary's voice cracks as she talks about her friend Vince Foster, then it hardens into something sharp. Lethal. Her expression could turn a man to stone. You watch powerless as ever-darker ads about you both clog the airwaves, as your opposing camps come to near-blows in the streets. The press feigns horror while gleefully profiting off the spectacle. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10316, "fields": { "answer": 10312, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A haggard Monica begging tabloids to leave her alone. A weeping Broaddrick sitting next to Matt Lauer. A woman in Des Moines calling Hillary a \"bitch\" on national television. America loves destroying women. You're just giving them what they want." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10321, "fields": { "answer": 10317, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You see the irritation behind her practiced casualness. \"You know, I won't pretend I enjoy dressing up every now and then, but I also know what it's like to sit down at the kitchen table and balance a checkbook.\" She leans against her lectern and turns to you. \"How about you, George? You ever had to worry about making end's meet?\" The audience laughs at you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10322, "fields": { "answer": 10318, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "An odd thing happens in Tempe, Arizona—you and Hillary start agreeing. You both describe marriage as \"a sacred bond between a man and a woman.\" You both roll your eyes as the \"radicals\" who would toss out NAFTA or the crime bills. The pundits compliment both your performances, but Daily Kos-reading liberals are consumed by despair." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10323, "fields": { "answer": 10319, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You don't need to say the words \"homosexual\" and \"abortion\" for Fox to get the cue. After the debate, Middle America is blanketed with fearmongering stories about men kissing in Greenwich Village and about Brooklyn women seeking \"partial-birth abortions.\" No one seems to care that Hillary doesn't support either of these things." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10324, "fields": { "answer": 10320, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On the debate stage in Tempe, Arizona, you and Hillary wage trench warfare. You say you're the decider. Clinton asks about the last time you attended a National Security Council meeting. You both emerge from the fray battered and wounded, having won no new territory. Neither of you go to shake the other's hand." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10329, "fields": { "answer": 10325, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You're charming enough, awing execs with the usual symbols of the presidency and your own carefully crafted persona. The visit is less well-received by journalists who, desperate to prove their independence, take an even harder line. Clinton luxuriates in your suffering." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10330, "fields": { "answer": 10326, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On the cover of People are you and Laura. It's perfect. Wholesome. There's talk about her renovations, how you spend time together. It's fluff, but it's a sharp contrast to the Clintons—who are rarely seen together on the trail. You make a vulgar joke about why Bill isn't around that sends aides into hysterics and makes Condi leave the room. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10331, "fields": { "answer": 10327, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A mother approaches you at a campaign stop, sobbing about how her husband lost her job and now they can only pay for their mortgage by taking out additional loans. You reach through the crowd and embrace her. The picture appears the next morning on major newspapers. It will be the only help she receives." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10332, "fields": { "answer": 10328, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You experiment with a web series—\"Bush Country,\" notable because it often involves you and other aides manning the camera, rambling about what you see. The Clintonites aren't sure what to make of it. Neither are you. The viewers seem to be a few angry young men looking for a savior. Their obsessiveness, the way they assume intimacy, unnerves you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10337, "fields": { "answer": 10333, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There is no shortage of videos of you and Ted back in 2001 embracing. They open old wounds, agitating teachers' unions and liberals. Still, the blade cuts both ways. Evangelicals are reminded how much you surrendered to appease liberals like Kennedy. They still seethe over you cutting out vouchers in the name of \"compromise.\" Such a dirty word. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10338, "fields": { "answer": 10334, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's a message sure to send the Sunday Shows into hysterics about \"the future of our democracy.\" For all others, it is significantly less compelling. Conservatives find the demand for \"common ground\" a Freudian slip. Liberals on the other hand deride your complaints as whining from a man already seeking the destruction of American society." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10339, "fields": { "answer": 10335, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Rush roars with enthusiasm at your refusal to back down. His endorsement is followed by countless other conservative pundits and congressmen in deep-red seats. It does little to expand your coalition, however. Your rallies grow ever whiter and more male. The attendees become angrier, ready to be unleashed." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10340, "fields": { "answer": 10336, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You are on FOX. Frist is on ABC. Party surrogates take talk radio while the press office leaks to the papers. There are a dizzing array of attacks and rebuttals, each strange and contradictory. It is impossible for Ted Kennedy to defend his statement because no one understands what exactly he's defending against. His voice vanishes beneath the noise." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10345, "fields": { "answer": 10341, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "While it's not subtle, it does the job just fine. You jogging, playing touch football in Crawford, shooting hoops with school children gets played against Kennedy's slow, uneven gait. \"why did he even run?\" some message boards ask. \"dude's about to die of a heart attack lol.\" An image macro of Kennedy wincing after tripping at a skate park goes viral. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10346, "fields": { "answer": 10342, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your attempt to flip the script on Kennedy's greatest asset backfires catastrophically. Suddenly, questions from the 2000 campaign about your experience, your short, unexceptional career as governor are back in the news. McCain seems to relish the opportunity, telling his reporter friends that he \"was worried something like this might happen.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10347, "fields": { "answer": 10343, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You strum a guitar with Toby Keith. You high-five Chuck Norris. Dale Earnhardt Jr. shoots an ad endorsing you for NASCAR fans. Over the course of a few weeks, you rack up an endless series of tacky endorsements that redirect coverage from Ted's attacks. Interesting switch for the party that often castigates celebrities who \"get political.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10348, "fields": { "answer": 10344, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's one thing to play up Kennedy's poor health. Explicitly talking about his death in ads, on the other hand, is ghastly to most the country. Polls suggest you've done damage to Kennedy's image but an enormous wave of public condemnation forces you to cut the campaign after only a week. Justice O'Connor, in an off cuff remark, describes it as \"repugnant.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10353, "fields": { "answer": 10349, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A rolicking debate takes place in which you attack Kennedy as being too liberal, too conservative, too experienced, too lacking in executive experience. Your arguments are scattershot and contradictory and the moderators seem bewildered, almost fearful. It's all people can talk about after. Kennedy's own attacks on you are barely a blip in the coverage." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10354, "fields": { "answer": 10350, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On SNL, Ferrell as you stands on a debate stage. Every time the moderators ask him a question, he laughs. Every time Kennedy attacks him, he laughs. Every time an audience member questions his record, he laughs. He laughs so much tears pour down his face. He's chuckling and crying as suited Republican operatives take him away in a strait jacket. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10355, "fields": { "answer": 10351, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You feel outside your body on the debate stage, feebly trying to \"lay out the facts\" as Kennedy scoffs and shouts in his Boston accent. He seems to take up so much of the stage; his body looms. When the debate is over, all of the clips are of him talking, with you relegated to pale-faced reaction shots. You look drained of vitality." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10356, "fields": { "answer": 10352, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The last-minute withdrawal sends the networks scrambling. In the debate's place emerges a strange episode in which Ted Kennedy appears on stage, answering questions, while pointing to an empty chair representing you. The talking heads aren't sure what to make of it and you turn off the television before they can reach an agreement." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10361, "fields": { "answer": 10357, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Right-wing bloggers publish shocking exposes about a Kennedy health cover-up, which FOX launders with quotes from \"anonymous sources,\" before it's picked up by the respectable press. Even as Ted Kennedy publishes his physicals and his doctors state the story is baseless, the piece reinforces fears that people already have. Convenient." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10362, "fields": { "answer": 10358, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Drudge's homepage reads \"KENNEDY UNDER FIRE: IRS INVESTIGATING TAXES\" which purports that an indictment is imminent for Ted Kennedy owning to pervasive financial crimes. While titillating to the usual far-right rubes, there's been no hints of foul play around Kennedy's finances. No mainstream outlet picks it up. The story is quickly forgotten." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10363, "fields": { "answer": 10359, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "No major paper touches the story but tabloids like the National Enquirer and New York Post publish your salacious trash. It is laughed about by Limbaugh and Ingraham and seeps quietly into the web. Through an intermediary, you hear that Kennedy is furious. Attacking him is one thing. Attacking his family is another. He seeks your annihilation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10364, "fields": { "answer": 10360, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Some low-res pictures of a man looking like Ted Kennedy with a young woman spread across the web. While it spreads quickly, the effect is not as you planned. \"lawl. wish i could get me some of that,\" goes one post on emabumsworld. A host of vile and objectifying but similarly positive messages follow soon after. \"this is why nice guys never win.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10365, "fields": { "answer": 8948, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's an answer that acknowledges both sides while leaving neither happy. Nonetheless, your appeal to process is seen as what a polarized Washington needs. You play along, trying to seem dignified in meetings with Democrats as stories about assaulted children fill newspapers." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10368, "fields": { "answer": 10367, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "What exactly are you getting done, Mr. President? Aside from No Child Left Behind and some early tax cuts, your agenda has been a bust. Rove struggles to find ornaments to pin on your Charlie Brown Christmas tree of a presidency. On television and radio, the liberals snicker at your haplessness. Even Arnie seems embarrassed to be around you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10370, "fields": { "answer": 10369, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Rove leans into Arnie's macho image to emphasize your own credentials as commander-in-chief. On television and radio, you become a kind of new action hero, a political Conan the Barbarian. It doesn't matter that you aren't the most articulate guy when you've got those Ayatollah cockamamies quaking in their robes." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10372, "fields": { "answer": 10371, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The press has a field day with images of you and Arnold Schwarzenegger walking down the halls of the White House laughing. Saturday Night Lives commemorates the occasion with a light-hearted skit in which The Terminator and “the Bushinator” travel back in time to 2000 to destroy several Florida vote counting machines." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 10374, "fields": { "answer": 10373, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Turd Blossom and his deep-pocketed supporters blankets the airwaves in attacks on Democrats big and small, highlighting the ineptitude of men like Gray Davis to address the issues of their constituents. It doesn’t win new converts, but it does reinforce a message your party’s pushed for some time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11193, "fields": { "answer": 10001, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This resonates. With the surge of patriotism across America, it's relatively straightforward to dismiss Sharpton's critique of the military establishment as downright unpatriotic.." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11194, "fields": { "answer": 10002, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The issue is, Sharpton feels so real. He's suffered, he's toiled, he worked to be where he is. Can you say the same?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11195, "fields": { "answer": 10003, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This deflection is somewhat effective, but it does zilch to alter the landscape or turn the situation to your advantage. You must attack. Tear into Sharpton, grind him into dust." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11196, "fields": { "answer": 10004, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your primary boast of domestic accomplishments proves effective, especially against Sharpton. The notion of a Military-Industrial Complex is also swiftly debunked, as military generals goosestep victories across the globe. America likes winners." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11197, "fields": { "answer": 10226, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This does manage to scare remaining white moderates off from Sharpton, who see him walking out of that prison in New York for protesting America's military as the final straw. Some do claim that it was a protest, but it doesn't matter. You've got the upper hand. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11198, "fields": { "answer": 10227, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The Solid South is solidly behind you already, but Sharpton is forced to pivot further into minority appeal. Those votes were never in your pocket anyway." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11199, "fields": { "answer": 10228, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It's not only Fox singing your praises. Most networks commend your domestic achievements, while juxtaposing images of Sharpton shouting to the heavens. It ignites a new sense of zeal within you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11200, "fields": { "answer": 10229, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Sharpton flops on this big time. Try as he might, visiting soldiers and camps to drum up the idea that he isn't so opposed to them, it doesn't work." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11201, "fields": { "answer": 10230, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Driving a wedge inside your opponents' tenuous coalition is a no-brainer, but your vague platitudes about religion and seeming insinuation about Sharpton's race inflame Democrats. After finally securing some hefty endorsements, Sharpton enjoys a rare week of positive press." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11205, "fields": { "answer": 11202, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "With the zeal of a preacher and the righteous fire of a prophet, Sharpton replies, \"Mr. Bush, you mistake my calls for racial solidarity with black supremacy. If you think the two are the same, Mr. Bush, I doubt there was really any hope for you in the first place.\" It's all they talk about on the networks afterward." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11206, "fields": { "answer": 11203, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "To the shock of many - including yourself - you manage to hold out against Sharpton. He attempts a few zingers, but you're able to competently defend your domestic achievements, besides a classic Bushism in accidentally calling your own tax program bad. The public, at least, views it as a draw." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11207, "fields": { "answer": 11204, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Everything is going well and fine until Sharpton finally counters, accusing you of politicizing the military. The crowd finally cheers with his line; the next day, NYT proclaims Sharpton as the big winner." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11208, "fields": { "answer": 10231, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You go high. The ads roll out, no mention of Sharpton. Instead they talk up the accolades, how Bush loves the troops, how he's keeping the world safe, introducing tax cuts, making America proud, et cetera. You smile a little when you see the word 'President' before your name." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11211, "fields": { "answer": 11209, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "In the way of Willie Horton, Brawley ads blitz the country through a middleman PAC. Al Sharpton, they say, lied about the case to make money. The Sharpton campaign, you hear, has gone into total panic mode, and is trying desperately to save face. You laugh with Rove into the night." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11212, "fields": { "answer": 11210, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The ads are calm, they chastise him as a progressive hypocrite, too radical for our times. Truth is, a lot of liberals don't care about the hypocrisy, they just want you out. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11216, "fields": { "answer": 10272, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Wellstone doubles down too, asserting that no politician has the right to decide what's in the best interest of a mother, while you dig your heels in and accuse Democrats of disregarding the sanctity of life. Your bases feed off each other, and it's unclear who's come out on top." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11217, "fields": { "answer": 11213, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You performed quite well with Arab Americans in 2000, but the conflict in the Middle East has complicated matters. By keeping vague about which religions have been targeted, your warnings are music to the ears of Evangelicals." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11218, "fields": { "answer": 11214, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your invocation of Wellstone's antiwar background and his brushes with the FBI turns into another round of headlines, albeit a point of personal pride for his campaign. Meanwhile, some of the cases assembled by your Justice Department against protesters quietly fall apart." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11219, "fields": { "answer": 11215, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Some of Wellstone's younger staffers joke that you've taken your playbook straight from The Minority Report, and its concept of \"precrime.\" The campaign's attempt to draw in Steven Spielberg for a short TV spot falls flat." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11224, "fields": { "answer": 10273, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Wellstone seizes on your McInternationalism, connecting the dots between your wars and your trade agreements to rally support. Tom Friedman's latest column accuses you of misinterpreting his thesis, and recounts a conversation with a taxi driver who's voting for Wellstone." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11225, "fields": { "answer": 11220, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A half-hearted Nixonian ploy, but it changes the narrative. NBC News interviews a couple of hand-picked voters in Ohio, who tell reporters Wellstone \"hates America.\" Rove thinks this is just a mirage, but you tune him out." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11229, "fields": { "answer": 11227, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Reading from a script in Pennsylvania, you tell a group of assembly line workers on the factory floor that they need to \"learn to code\" or they'll get left behind. You could hear a pin drop, and you wonder what moron came up with this idea." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11230, "fields": { "answer": 11228, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You field a dozen different calls from world leaders in East Asia and Latin America, wondering whether this is just campaign rhetoric gone overboard, or the sign of a pivot for the second term. Rove claims your numbers in the Midwest have ticked up." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11234, "fields": { "answer": 10274, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Returning to the most divisive period in American history since the Civil War shows that some wounds have never healed. Invoking memories of 1968, Chicago, and Gene McCarthy, Wellstone counterattacks with a passion as protests take an ugly turn. You feel walled in." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11235, "fields": { "answer": 11231, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A parade of self-serious columnists translate your comments into their usual verbose rhetoric about crusades, the decline of the West, and whispers of demographic changes. Election watchers speak of a new fervor they detect in the crowds at your rallies." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11236, "fields": { "answer": 11232, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A series of rallies across the south fills you with a sense of zeal you haven't felt all season. It gives you life. You feel a hundred feet tall. No one can stand in your way. Not any tinpot dictator, not any terrorist, not any country. Their fate is in your hands." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11237, "fields": { "answer": 11233, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Trying to command the presence of a wartime president is a tall order, yet the press is overawed anyway. Wellstone feels small. The protests are quieter. For the first time since taking office, you feel powerful. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11241, "fields": { "answer": 10298, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Angling for sympathy is an uphill battle after the past couple years. Although Gore's people don't respond directly, but his most passionate surrogates quickly find their schedules dried up. You get the message." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11242, "fields": { "answer": 11238, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "A bitter public feud between your campaign and Gore's dominates headlines, as the two of you trade accusations over the recount process. The argument devolves into outright conspiracy theories as networks start inviting on guests who insist that nobody voted for either candidate in the 2000 election, and that the entire race was a hoax. " } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11243, "fields": { "answer": 11239, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Gore does not, in fact, get the message, and by the end of the week Jesse Jackson is carefully explaining to Matt Lauer how your brother stole Florida's twenty-five electoral votes. You change channels to Shark Week." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11244, "fields": { "answer": 11240, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Sure enough, a couple online bloggers slipped through. Your campaign quickly points to these low-level surrogates' conspiracy theories about your father and the JFK assassination, and by the end of the week nobody's talking about Florida." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11248, "fields": { "answer": 10299, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Privately, Gore is relieved you're not making this a campaign issue. But he's outright delighted that you're relitigating the tortuous social security debate. His campaign sinks a fortune into ad spending in Florida." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11249, "fields": { "answer": 11245, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Your administration's allies in Congress spearhead an investigation into the smash hit, Grand Theft Auto, accusing its developers of ruining young peoples' developing minds, all but losing the youth vote. Al hits back by recording an ad with Eminem." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11250, "fields": { "answer": 11246, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hardly subtle, your speech on morality does wonders with your base, galvanizing a bloc of voters who were starting to doubt your commitments. Gore responds by sneering that you're running for the presidency \"in 1804, not 2004.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11251, "fields": { "answer": 11247, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Rove reports back with a dossier as thick as the one your CIA briefer has about Saddam. After weeks of extensive research, your team has found nothing, except that Al spends his time alone, without friends. You toss the report in the trash." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11255, "fields": { "answer": 10300, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The reassessment of nuclear energy by green activists is confusing to most voters, who vividly remember Three Mile Island and other disasters. But the links between these groups to Gore is tenuous at best." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11256, "fields": { "answer": 11252, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Some conservative diehards are taken aback by your acceptance of the premise that environmental protection is a top issue. But your solutions are substantially different from Gore's, and sure to help you with top donors." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11257, "fields": { "answer": 11253, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Many in the scientific community push back hard at your outright denial of man-made climate change, and it leads to weeks of negative headlines. But in coal country, your message hardly falls on deaf ears." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11258, "fields": { "answer": 11254, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Walking out in a black turtleneck and jeans to an auditorium in Pennsylvania, you immediately feel out of place. Stammering through the presentation on No Child Left Behind, the slideshow breaks right after you promise \"one more thing.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11262, "fields": { "answer": 10301, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Gore's vote for the Gulf War has come back to haunt him many times, and his rehearsed answers aren't quite as effective when there's another ongoing war. Even with that, it's unlikely you'll swing any doves away." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11263, "fields": { "answer": 11259, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "When in doubt, hug the flag. Bellowing \"God bless America\" to adoring crowds across the country, it's almost good enough to make you forget you're still at war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11264, "fields": { "answer": 11260, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "As is often said, elections rarely revolve around foreign policy. But when the nation is at war, global issues will suck up all attention. Your attempts to redirect focus to your conservative agenda do little to stop Gore seizing on the war issue." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11265, "fields": { "answer": 11261, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Comparing your military adventures to the crusades raises eyebrows, but it's not out of line with what some of the nation's leading pundits have been harping on. In an interview with Bill Maher, he drones on about some crisis in Europe while you feel like nodding off." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11269, "fields": { "answer": 9079, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The National Review castigates these protestors as besmirching the office, snidely asking \"when it became cool not to salute our commander-in-chief.\" The stupidity of the piece is noticed by Daily Kos, who reposts it, and then becomes the subject of jeering on liberal email chains. \"FWD: FWD: FWD: READ THIS SLOP\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11270, "fields": { "answer": 11266, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Limbaugh and a few conservative pundits are thrilled by the opportunity to throw new slurs at Jane Fonda but, for anyone under the age of 40, this talk is incoherent. America today is enjoying an unprecedented period of peace and prosperity. No one believes that a protest against you is an attack on America's defense, let alone its troops." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11271, "fields": { "answer": 11267, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Is our nation losing its capacity for reason, for simple debate? The talking heads chatter incessently about polarization and radicalization and the breakdown of civil society. They're talking more to themselves that to anyone else. Few Americans change their habits and America continues its slump toward Election Day." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11272, "fields": { "answer": 11268, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You and Laura take a swim and then work on a jigsaw puzzle late into the night. Throughout it all, you hear the jeers of the protestors outside your gates. Your motorcade passes through them as you leave. Their looks of hate cause you to squeeze Laua's hand tighter. She kisses you on the cheek. \"I'm sorry, Bushie.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11275, "fields": { "answer": 11274, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There are weepy editorials in the WSJ and NYT about how politics is infecting every part of life and how society has lost its perspective. Your opponent does not acknowledge the call to condemn the protestors, but several Blue Dogs in competitive seats come out and offer far more vicious criticism than you could have imagined." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11278, "fields": { "answer": 11277, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Limbaugh and a few conservative pundits are thrilled by the opportunity to throw new slurs at Jane Fonda but, for anyone under the age of 40, this talk is incoherent. America today is enjoying an unprecedented period of peace and prosperity. No one believes that a protest against you is an attack on America's defense, let alone its troops." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11280, "fields": { "answer": 11279, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Is our nation losing its capacity for reason, for simple debate? The talking heads chatter incessently about polarization and radicalization and the breakdown of civil society. They're talking more to themselves that to anyone else. Few Americans change their habits and America continues its slump toward Election Day." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11282, "fields": { "answer": 11281, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You and Laura take a swim and then work on a jigsaw puzzle late into the night. Throughout it all, you hear the jeers of the protestors outside your gates. Your motorcade passes through them as you leave. Their looks of hate cause you to squeeze Laua's hand tighter. She kisses you on the cheek. \"I'm sorry, Bushie.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11285, "fields": { "answer": 11284, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The National Review castigates these protestors as besmirching the office, snidely asking \"when it became cool not to salute our commander-in-chief.\" The stupidity of the piece is noticed by Daily Kos, who reposts it, and then becomes the subject of jeering on liberal email chains. \"FWD: FWD: FWD: READ THIS SLOP\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11288, "fields": { "answer": 11287, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ann Coulter thunders about how anti-war liberals are \"traitors\" and their protests could constitute \"offering comfort to the enemy.\" Peggy Noonan lashes out at the Democrats as \"dividers in a time of war.\" Even the liberal CNN tut-tuts about how these \"radicals\" are overreaching agitators, \"undermining America's war footing.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11290, "fields": { "answer": 11289, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Is our nation losing its capacity for reason, for simple debate? The talking heads chatter incessently about polarization and radicalization and the breakdown of civil society. They're talking more to themselves that to anyone else. Few Americans change their habits and America continues its slump toward Election Day." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11292, "fields": { "answer": 11291, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You and Laura take a swim and then work on a jigsaw puzzle late into the night. Throughout it all, you hear the jeers of the protestors outside your gates. Your motorcade passes through them as you leave. Their looks of hate cause you to squeeze Laua's hand tighter. She kisses you on the cheek. \"I'm sorry, Bushie.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11295, "fields": { "answer": 11294, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "There are weepy editorials in the WSJ and NYT about how politics is infecting every part of life and how society has lost its perspective. Your opponent does not acknowledge the call to condemn the protestors, but several Blue Dogs in competitive seats come out and offer far more vicious criticism than you could have imagined." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11298, "fields": { "answer": 11297, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Ann Coulter thunders about how anti-war liberals are \"traitors\" and their protests could constitute \"offering comfort to the enemy.\" Peggy Noonan lashes out at the Democrats as \"dividers in a time of war.\" Even the liberal CNN tut-tuts about how these \"radicals\" are overreaching agitators, \"undermining America's war footing.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11300, "fields": { "answer": 11299, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Is our nation losing its capacity for reason, for simple debate? The talking heads chatter incessantly about polarization and radicalization and the breakdown of civil society. They're talking more to themselves that to anyone else. Few Americans change their habits and America continues its slump toward Election Day." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11302, "fields": { "answer": 11301, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You and Laura take a swim and then work on a jigsaw puzzle late into the night. Throughout it all, you hear the jeers of the protestors outside your gates. Your motorcade passes through them as you leave. Their looks of hate cause you to squeeze Laua's hand tighter. She kisses you on the cheek. \"I'm sorry, Bushie.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11819, "fields": { "answer": 10007, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The issue is, John charms America with the same old feel-good rhetoric we heard from Reagan or Clinton. He makes you feel like he's one of you. However, the base sees through his accolades. You think you're different, you think you care." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 11864, "fields": { "answer": 11863, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Edwards explodes in anger, revealing his wife's battle with cancer. Following a move straight from the Clinton playbook, he dispatches her to every network. On TV, you see him, holding his wife's hand. Accusing the seemingly devoted family man with a cancer-ridden wife of infidelity makes you look horrible." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12077, "fields": { "answer": 12076, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is the expected stance from you and one that gets evangelicals on their feet cheering. Still, as you return from prayer dinners and rallies, you cannot help but notice a certain unhappiness from your vice president. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that his expression in cabinet meetings is one of disgust and loathing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12096, "fields": { "answer": 12095, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It’s not obvious, but the astute members of the press detect a shift. The president is no longer talking about upholding family values but conceding to the Court. “Has Dick Cheney been whispering in Bush’s ear?” they ask. Whatever the cause, allies like Jerry Falwell warn of coming collapse, facilitated by “moral cowardice.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12107, "fields": { "answer": 12106, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is the expected stance from you and one that gets evangelicals on their feet cheering. Still, as you return from prayer dinners and rallies, you cannot help but notice a certain unhappiness from your vice president. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that his expression in cabinet meetings is one of disgust and loathing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12121, "fields": { "answer": 12120, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It’s not obvious, but the astute members of the press detect a shift. The president is no longer talking about upholding family values but conceding to the Court. “Has Dick Cheney been whispering in Bush’s ear?” they ask. Whatever the cause, allies like Jerry Falwell warn of coming collapse, facilitated by “moral cowardice.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12127, "fields": { "answer": 12126, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is the expected stance from you and one that gets evangelicals on their feet cheering. Still, as you return from prayer dinners and rallies, you cannot help but notice a certain unhappiness from your vice president. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that his expression in cabinet meetings is one of disgust and loathing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12141, "fields": { "answer": 12140, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It’s not obvious, but the astute members of the press detect a shift. The president is no longer talking about upholding family values but conceding to the Court. “Has Dick Cheney been whispering in Bush’s ear?” they ask. Whatever the cause, allies like Jerry Falwell warn of coming collapse, facilitated by “moral cowardice.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12147, "fields": { "answer": 12146, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is the expected stance from you and one that gets evangelicals on their feet cheering. Still, as you return from prayer dinners and rallies, you cannot help but notice a certain unhappiness from your vice president. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that his expression in cabinet meetings is one of disgust and loathing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12161, "fields": { "answer": 12160, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "It’s not obvious, but the astute members of the press detect a shift. The president is no longer talking about upholding family values but conceding to the Court. “Has Dick Cheney been whispering in Bush’s ear?” they ask. Whatever the cause, allies like Jerry Falwell warn of coming collapse, facilitated by “moral cowardice.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12191, "fields": { "answer": 12190, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The drums of war thunder from the White House. It serves as the signal to mobilize a vast conservative media network and their viewers in support of a pre-emptive war. It also serves to mobilize an array of liberal groups against your warnings. A poll from Gallup finds a majority of liberal voters skeptical of US intel and opposed to war with Iraq." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12196, "fields": { "answer": 12195, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On the front page of the Times reads the headline, “U.S. INTEL SAYS HUSSEIN INTENSIFIES QUEST FOR A-BOMB PARTS.” While light on details, the piece nonetheless leads to a steady drip of op-eds and news commentary about the threat posed by Saddam, nudging the country’s educated elite toward war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12202, "fields": { "answer": 12201, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Dick glowers but otherwise accedes to your demand. A few weeks later, an intelligence assessment arrives on your desk, conveniently containing information on an alleged attempt by Saddam to purchase yellowcake uranium in Niger. A classified briefing on this “new” threat is given to the Gang of Eight." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12208, "fields": { "answer": 12207, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The drums of war thunder from the White House. It serves as the signal to mobilize a vast conservative media network and their viewers in support of a pre-emptive war. It also serves to mobilize an array of liberal groups against your warnings. A poll from Gallup finds a majority of liberal voters skeptical of US intel and opposed to war with Iraq." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12213, "fields": { "answer": 12212, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On the front page of the Times reads the headline, “U.S. INTEL SAYS HUSSEIN INTENSIFIES QUEST FOR A-BOMB PARTS.” While light on details, the piece nonetheless leads to a steady drip of op-eds and news commentary about the threat posed by Saddam, nudging the country’s educated elite toward war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12219, "fields": { "answer": 12218, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Dick glowers but otherwise accedes to your demand. A few weeks later, an intelligence assessment arrives on your desk, conveniently containing information on an alleged attempt by Saddam to purchase yellowcake uranium in Niger. A classified briefing on this “new” threat is given to the Gang of Eight." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12225, "fields": { "answer": 12224, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "The drums of war thunder from the White House. It serves as the signal to mobilize a vast conservative media network and their viewers in support of a pre-emptive war. It also serves to mobilize an array of liberal groups against your warnings. A poll from Gallup finds a majority of liberal voters skeptical of US intel and opposed to war with Iraq." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12230, "fields": { "answer": 12229, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "On the front page of the Times reads the headline, “U.S. INTEL SAYS HUSSEIN INTENSIFIES QUEST FOR A-BOMB PARTS.” While light on details, the piece nonetheless leads to a steady drip of op-eds and news commentary about the threat posed by Saddam, nudging the country’s educated elite toward war." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12236, "fields": { "answer": 12235, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Dick glowers but otherwise accedes to your demand. A few weeks later, an intelligence assessment arrives on your desk, conveniently containing information on an alleged attempt by Saddam to purchase yellowcake uranium in Niger. A classified briefing on this “new” threat is given to the Gang of Eight." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12750, "fields": { "answer": 12749, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You stand before America and promise to march it unflinchingly toward oblivion. The press continue to celebrate you as a \"problem-solver\" and a a \"real go-getter.\"" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12759, "fields": { "answer": 12758, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "In the Washington Post is a political cartoon of you and Frist as dull-eyed toddlers bouncing on the elder Lieberman's knee. \"Time to put the kids to bed,\" reads the caption beneath. You frown and angrily turn the page." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12766, "fields": { "answer": 12765, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Hearing your praise makes veteran DNC operatives wince but Joe Lieberman is unfazed. He thanks you for your remarks and tells the press he thinks you are a \"well-meaning\" man. Discontent with this tepid contest grows in the fringes of the Republican and Democratic ranks." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12775, "fields": { "answer": 12774, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "You've been stoking the fires of war for four years and done nothing with it. America yearns for conflict. It salivates over the prospect of bombs detonating over foreign cities and the stars and stripes waving in the breeze. If you won't give it to them, these people are willing to follow Joe Lieberman into the bowels of hell." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12786, "fields": { "answer": 12785, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "This is a no-brainer. Wellstone is flying high due to your sheer unpopularity, but as more voters find out about his stances on major issues—no matter how much you've blown them out of proportion—his numbers fall slightly. Rove murmurs that it won't be enough." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12793, "fields": { "answer": 12792, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "At an antiwar rally last year, Wellstone shared a stage with Susan Sarandon, who told the crowd that American soldiers were \"putting Muslim children in harm's way.\" With that, your staffers spin that Wellstone agreed U.S. troops were baby-killers, and the Senate considers censuring him." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12802, "fields": { "answer": 12801, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Appalled by your new tone, the Wellstone campaign publicly accuses you of deploying antisemitic dogwhistles against someone who would be the first Jewish president. Humiliated, you trot out an official apology a week later, after a vicious media cycle." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 12811, "fields": { "answer": 12810, "candidate": 77, "answer_feedback": "Wellstone is left confused by your bizarre attempt to outflank him as the antiwar candidate, and even some of your own supporters can't see where you're coming from on this one. Charges of hypocrisy are one thing, but this is a reach." } } ] campaignTrail_temp.jet_data = [{} ] let newAd = true; function getRandomItem(items) { return items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]; } const ads = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] e.cyoa = true var ConRep = 0; var Cred = 0; var Jingo = 0; var Wins = 0; var Wars = 0; var RummyGone = 0; var EnronFlop = 0 ; var HelpedRussia = 0; var Dem = 0; //clinton = 1, gore = 2, edwards = 3, wellstone = 4, lieberman = 5, sharpton = 6, kennedy = 7 var VicePres = 0; // cheney = 0, frist = 1 e.noCounter = 0 e = campaignTrail_temp campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = ' '; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = ' '; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_state_id = '469'; campaignTrail_temp.player_answers = []; campaignTrail_temp.player_visits = []; campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_flg = 1; campaignTrail_temp.game_start_logging_id = '3662479'; const targetNode = document.getElementById("game_window"); const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }; function onGameWindowChanged(mutationList, observer) { updateQuestionBanner(); } const observer = new MutationObserver(onGameWindowChanged); observer.observe(targetNode, config); e.VPisCandidate = 0; function updateQuestionBanner() { let questionBanner = document.getElementById("campaign_sign"); if(!questionBanner || questionBanner.nodeName != "DIV") return; let img = document.createElement('img'); if(e.VPisCandidate == 0) { img.src = ''; } else if(e.VPisCandidate == 1){ img.src = ''; } questionBanner.replaceWith(img); } function tunnel(new_q){ return e.questions_json[>]; } function switcheroo1() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Hillary" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Clinton" e.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#4E809C" } function switcheroo2() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Al" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Gore" campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#cc4545" var id => campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#1a3170" } function switcheroo3() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "John" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Edwards" e.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#6e7096" } function switcheroo4() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Paul" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Wellstone" e.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#5478c7" } function switcheroo5() { var id => campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Joe" campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Lieberman" campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#524970" } function switcheroo6() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Al" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Sharpton" e.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#808fd1" } function switcheroo7() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Edward" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Kennedy" e.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#4b5a82" var id => campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#8f3838" } // 3rd party function switcheroo8() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Ron" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Paul" } function switcheroo9() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Jesse" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Ventura" campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#826187" } function switcheroo10() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Bob" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Dornan" campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#b08293" } function switcheroo11() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Ted" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Turner" campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#547558" } function switcheroo12() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Lowell" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Weicker" campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#cfa25b" } function switcheroo13() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Ralph" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Nader" } function switcheroo14() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "John" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Anderson" campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#ebe8a0" } function switcheroo15() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Christopher" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Hitchens" campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[id].fields.color_hex = "#4d3852" } function switcheroo16() { var id => e.candidate_json[id].fields.first_name = "Roseanne" e.candidate_json[id].fields.last_name = "Barr" } cyoAdventure = function(a) { ans = campaignTrail_temp.player_answers[campaignTrail_temp.player_answers.length-1]; e.noCounter += 1 if(newAd) { newAd = false; campaignTrail_temp.banner1.src = getRandomItem(ads); = "visible"; campaignTrail_temp.banner2.src = getRandomItem(ads); = "visible"; } else { newAd = true; } // points from Questions if(ans == 9086){ ConRep -= 1; } if(ans == 8965 || ans == 9096 ){ RummyGone += 1; Cred += 2; } if(ans == 9101 || ans == 9106 || ans == 9108){ ConRep -= 1; } if(ans == 9103 || ans == 9111 || ans == 9111){ ConRep += 1; } if(ans == 8909 ){ ConRep += 2; } if(ans == 8920 ){ ConRep += 1; } if(ans == 8926 ){ ConRep += 2; } if(ans == 8927 ){ ConRep -= 1; } if(ans == 8928 ){ HelpedRussia += 1; } if(ans == 8928 ){ Jingo += 2; } if(ans == 8929 ){ Cred += 1; } if(ans == 8946 ){ ConRep -= 3; } if(ans == 8950 ){ ConRep += 1; } if(ans == 8948 ){ Cred += 1; } if(ans == 8957 ){ ConRep += 1; } if(ans == 8971 ){ ConRep += 1; } if(ans == 9302 ){ ConRep += 2; } if(ans == 9087 ){ ConRep += 1; } if(ans == 8957 ){ ConRep += 1; } if(ans == 9086 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9239 || ans == 9016 || ans == 9225 || ans == 9232 ){ Wins += 1; Cred += 1; } if(ans == 9101 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9106 ){ Wins += 2; } if(ans == 9108 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 8976 ){ Cred += 1; } if(ans == 8977 ){ Jingo += 1; } if(ans == 8979 ){ Jingo += 2; } if(ans == 9119 ){ Jingo += 1; } if(ans == 8979 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9296 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 8926 ){ // SOTU win // Wins += 1; } if(ans == 8986 || ans == 12095 || ans == 12120 || ans == 12140 || ans == 12160 ){ Cred += 1; } if(ans == 8998 || ans == 12190 || ans == 12207 || ans == 12224 ){ Jingo += 1; } if(ans == 9000 || ans == 12195 || ans == 12212 || ans == 12229 ){ Jingo += 2; } if(ans == 9001 || ans == 12201 || ans == 12218 || ans == 12235 ){ Jingo += 1; Cred += 1; } if(ans == 9242 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9244 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9244 || ans == 9262 || ans == 9280 || ans == 9290 ){ EnronFlop += 1; } if(ans == 9248 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9251 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9253 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9260 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9022 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9271 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9284 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 9289 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 8993 ){ Wins += 1; } if(ans == 8979 ){ Wars += 1; } if(ans == 9119 ){ Wars += 1; } if(ans == 9296 ){ Wars += 1; } if (ans == 8991 || ans == 8993 || ans == 8995) { if((VicePres == 1)&&(RummyGone == 1)&&(EnronFlop == 1)){ switcheroo7(); Dem += 7; if(ConRep < 5){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9992); } else if(ConRep >= 5){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9714); } } else if(Wins < 3 && Wars == 0){ switcheroo1(); Dem += 1; if((Cred < 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9708); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9957); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9966); } else if((Cred < 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9975); } } else if(Wins < 3 && Wars > 0){ switcheroo2(); Dem += 2; if(Cred < 4){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9702); } else if(Cred >= 4){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9940); } } else if(Wins > 2 && Wins < 5 && Wars == 0){ switcheroo3(); Dem += 3; if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep < 4)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9696); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep >= 4)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9905); } else if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep >= 4)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9914); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep < 4)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9923); } } else if(Wins > 2 && Wins < 5 && Wars > 0){ switcheroo4(); Dem += 4; if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep < 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ // 000 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9690); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ // 111 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9843); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ // 110 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9852); } else if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ // 010 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9861); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep < 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ // 101 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9870); } else if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep < 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ // 001 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9879); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep < 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ // 100 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9888); } else if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ // 011 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(12784); } } else if(Wins > 4 && Wars == 0){ switcheroo5(); Dem += 5; if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep < 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ // 000 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9684); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ // 111 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9781); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ // 110 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9790); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep < 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ // 100 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9799); } else if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ // 011 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9808); } else if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep < 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ // 001 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9817); } else if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Jingo < 2)){ // 010 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9826); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep < 4) && (Jingo >= 2)){ // 101 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(12748); } } else if(Wins > 4 && Wars > 0){ switcheroo6(); Dem += 6; if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep < 4)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9678); } else if((Cred < 4) && (ConRep >= 4)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9764); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep < 4)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9755); } else if((Cred >= 4) && (ConRep >= 4)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9746); } } } /* if(ans == 9410 ){ Dem += 1; if((Cred < 5) && (Jingo > 2)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9708); } else if((Cred > 4) && (Jingo < 3)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9957); } else if((Cred > 4) && (Jingo > 2)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9966); } else if((Cred < 4) && (Jingo < 3)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(9975); } } if(ans == 9411 ){ Dem += 2; } if(ans == 9412 ){ Dem += 3; } if(ans == 9413 ){ Dem += 4; } if(ans == 9414 ){ Dem += 5; } if(ans == 9415 ){ Dem += 6; } if(ans == 9416 ){ Dem += 7; } */ // 3rd party if((Jingo == 0 ) && (e.noCounter == 7)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[7] = tunnel(8984); switcheroo8(); } else if((Jingo == 1 ) && (e.noCounter == 7)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[7] = tunnel(12075); switcheroo9(); } else if((Jingo == 2 ) && (e.noCounter == 7)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[7] = tunnel(12105); switcheroo10(); } else if((Jingo == 3 ) && (e.noCounter == 7)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[7] = tunnel(12125); switcheroo11(); } else if((Jingo >= 4 ) && (e.noCounter == 7)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[7] = tunnel(12145); switcheroo12(); } if((Cred == 0 ) && (e.noCounter == 8)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[8] = tunnel(8997); switcheroo15(); } else if((Cred == 1 ) && (e.noCounter == 8)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[8] = tunnel(12189); switcheroo16(); } else if((Cred == 2 ) && (e.noCounter == 8)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[8] = tunnel(12206); switcheroo13(); } else if((Cred >= 3 ) && (e.noCounter == 8)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[8] = tunnel(12223); switcheroo14(); } if(ans == 9301 || ans == 9038 ){ campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name="Frist" campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url="" vpTable["George W. Bush"] = "Bill Frist"; e.VPisCandidate += 1; VicePres += 1; if((Jingo < 2) && (ConRep < 3) && (Cred < 3)){ // 000 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9331); } else if((Jingo >= 2) && (ConRep >= 3) && (Cred >= 3)){ // 111 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9340); } else if((Jingo >= 2) && (ConRep >= 3) && (Cred < 3)){ // 110 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9349); } else if((Jingo >= 2) && (ConRep < 3) && (Cred >= 3)){ // 101 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9358); } else if((Jingo >= 2) && (ConRep < 3) && (Cred < 3)){ // 100 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9367); } else if((Jingo < 2) && (ConRep >= 3) && (Cred >= 3)){ // 011 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9376); } else if((Jingo < 2) && (ConRep < 3) && (Cred >= 3)){ // 001 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9385); } else if((Jingo < 2) && (ConRep >= 3) && (Cred < 3)){ // 010 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9394); } } if(ans == 9729 || ans == 9730 || ans == 9731 || ans == 9732){ Wars += 1; } // Alt Outcome Questions // Successful Tax Cut if((ConRep > 1) && ((ans == 8946) || (ans == 8948) || (ans == 8950)) && (e.noCounter == 3)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[3] = tunnel(9085); } // Pentagon Funds if(ConRep > 1 && Cred > 0 && (e.noCounter == 4)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[4] = tunnel(9091); } // Social Security Reform if(ConRep >= 3 && (e.noCounter == 5)){ // Both Available campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[5] = tunnel(9105); } else if(ConRep > 1 && (e.noCounter == 5) ){ // Compromise Available campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[5] = tunnel(9098); } // Taliban and the UN if(RummyGone == 1 && (e.noCounter == 6)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[6] = tunnel(9112); } // Arnie Reaction // 000 if((Wins >= 2) && (Jingo >= 2) && (Cred >= 2) && (e.noCounter == 9)){ // 111 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(9121); } else if((Wins >= 2) && (Jingo < 2) && (Cred < 2) && (e.noCounter == 9)){ // 100 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(9148); } else if((Wins >= 2) && (Jingo >= 2) && (Cred < 2) && (e.noCounter == 9)){ // 110 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(9175); } else if((Wins >= 2) && (Jingo < 2) && (Cred >= 2) && (e.noCounter == 9)){ //101 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(9184); } else if((Wins < 2) && (Jingo >= 2) && (Cred < 2) && (e.noCounter == 9)){ //010 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(9202); } else if((Wins < 2) && (Jingo < 2) && (Cred >= 2) && (e.noCounter == 9)){ // 001 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(9211); } else if((Wins < 2) && (Jingo >= 2) && (Cred >= 2) && (e.noCounter == 9)){ // 011 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(10366); } // Iraq if((HelpedRussia == 1) && (Jingo < 2) && (e.noCounter == 10)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[10] = tunnel(9220); } else if((HelpedRussia == 1) && (Jingo >= 2) && (e.noCounter == 10)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[10] = tunnel(9227); } else if((HelpedRussia == 0) && (Jingo >= 2) && (e.noCounter == 10)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[10] = tunnel(9234); } // Enron Hearings if((Jingo >= 2) && (RummyGone == 1) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 11)){ //111 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[11] = tunnel(9241); } else if((Jingo >= 2) && (RummyGone == 0) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 11)){ //101 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[11] = tunnel(9250); } else if((Jingo >= 2) && (RummyGone == 1) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 11)){ //110 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[11] = tunnel(9259); } else if((Jingo >= 2) && (RummyGone == 0) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 11)){ //100 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[11] = tunnel(9268); } else if((Jingo < 2) && (RummyGone == 1) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 11)){ //011 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[11] = tunnel(9277); } else if((Jingo < 2) && (RummyGone == 1) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 11)){ //010 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[11] = tunnel(9286); } // Iraq War if((ConRep >= 3) && (Jingo >= 2) && (Cred >= 1) && (e.noCounter == 12)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[12] = tunnel(9295); } // Vice Presidenct if(Wars == 0 && (e.noCounter == 13)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[13] = tunnel(9300); } else if(Wars > 0 && (e.noCounter == 13)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[13] = tunnel(9036); } // Cheney and Halliburton if((VicePres == 0) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 14)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9303); vpTable["George W. Bush"] = "Dick Cheney"; } else if((VicePres == 0) && (ConRep < 4) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 14)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9317); vpTable["George W. Bush"] = "Dick Cheney"; } else if((VicePres == 0) && (ConRep >= 4) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 14)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9324); vpTable["George W. Bush"] = "Dick Cheney"; } else if((VicePres == 0) && (ConRep < 4) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 14)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9042); vpTable["George W. Bush"] = "Dick Cheney"; } // The Reinvention of George W. Bush /* MOVED TO VP Switcharoo if((VicePres == 1) && (Jingo < 2) && (ConRep < 4) && (Cred < 4)){ // 000 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9331); } else if((VicePres == 1) && (Jingo > 1) && (ConRep > 3) && (Cred > 3)){ // 111 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9340); } else if((VicePres == 1) && (Jingo > 1) && (ConRep > 3) && (Cred < 4)){ // 110 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9349); } else if((VicePres == 1) && (Jingo > 1) && (ConRep < 4) && (Cred > 3)){ // 101 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9358); } else if((VicePres == 1) && (Jingo > 1) && (ConRep < 4) && (Cred < 4)){ // 100 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9367); } else if((VicePres == 1) && (Jingo < 2) && (ConRep > 3) && (Cred > 3)){ // 011 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9376); } else if((VicePres == 1) && (Jingo < 2) && (ConRep < 4) && (Cred < 4)){ // 001 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9385); } else if((VicePres == 1) && (Jingo < 2) && (ConRep > 3) && (Cred < 4)){ // 010 campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[14] = tunnel(9394); } */ // THE DREADED RNC QUESTION if((Wins > 4)&& (Wars == 2) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10016); } else if((Wins > 4)&& (Wars == 2) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10035); } else if((Wins > 4)&& (Wars == 1) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10044); } else if((Wins > 4)&& (Wars == 1) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10053); } else if((Wins > 4)&& (Wars == 0) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10062); } else if((Wins > 4)&& (Wars == 0) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10071); } else if((Wins > 1 && Wins < 5)&& (Wars == 2) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10080); } else if((Wins > 1 && Wins < 5)&& (Wars == 2) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10089); } else if((Wins > 1 && Wins < 5)&& (Wars == 1) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10098); } else if((Wins > 1 && Wins < 5)&& (Wars == 1) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10107); } else if((Wins > 1 && Wins < 5)&& (Wars == 0) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10116); } else if((Wins > 1 && Wins < 5)&& (Wars == 0) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10125); } else if((Wins == 0)&& (Wars == 2) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10134); } else if((Wins == 0)&& (Wars == 2) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10152); } else if((Wins == 0)&& (Wars == 1) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10170); } else if((Wins == 0)&& (Wars == 1) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10188); } else if((Wins == 0)&& (Wars == 0) && (Cred < 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(10206); } else if((Wins == 0)&& (Wars == 0) && (Cred >= 3) && (e.noCounter == 17)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[17] = tunnel(9052); } // Crawford Protests // if((Cred >= 3) && (Wars == 0) && (e.noCounter == 23)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[23] = tunnel(11273); } else if((Cred < 3) && (Wars >= 1) && (e.noCounter == 23)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[23] = tunnel(11283); } else if((Cred >= 3) && (Wars >= 1) && (e.noCounter == 23)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[23] = tunnel(11293); } // 3rd War!!! if((VicePres == 0) && (RummyGone == 0) && (Jingo >= 4) && (Wars == 2) && (e.noCounter == 25)){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[25] = tunnel(9728); } // Democrat Questions if(Dem == 1){ // Clinton // Convention Above campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(9709); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[21] = tunnel(9710); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[22] = tunnel(9711); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(9712); ctsAchievement("I'm With Her"); } if(Dem == 2){ // Gore // Convention Above campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(9703); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[21] = tunnel(9704); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[22] = tunnel(9705); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(9706); ctsAchievement("Oops!...I Did It Again"); } if(Dem == 3){ // Convention Above campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(9697); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[21] = tunnel(9698); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[22] = tunnel(9699); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(9700); ctsAchievement("Boy Orator"); } if(Dem == 4){ // Wellstone // Convention Above campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(9691); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[21] = tunnel(9692); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[22] = tunnel(9693); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(9694); ctsAchievement("Clear Skies"); } if(Dem == 5){ // Lieberman // Convention Above campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(9685); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[21] = tunnel(9686); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[22] = tunnel(9687); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(9688); ctsAchievement("D.I.N.O."); } if(Dem == 6){ // Sharpton // Convention Above campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(9679); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[21] = tunnel(9680); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[22] = tunnel(9681); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(9682); ctsAchievement("Now is the Time"); } if(Dem == 7){ // Kennedy // Convention Above campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(9715); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[20] = tunnel(9719); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[21] = tunnel(9716); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[22] = tunnel(9717); campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(9718); ctsAchievement("Far from Crawford"); } // in-game achievements if ((e.player_answers.includes(9101)||e.player_answers.includes(9108)) && e.player_answers.includes(9296)) { // hillary votes for iraq and soc sec ctsAchievement("Goldwater Girl"); } if ((e.player_answers.includes(8965)||e.player_answers.includes(9096)) && e.player_answers.includes(9296)) { // no rumsfeld but iraq ctsAchievement("Known Unknowns"); } if (e.player_answers.includes(9086) && e.player_answers.includes(9106)) { // no compromise on bills ctsAchievement("Decision Points"); } if (e.player_answers.includes(9038)) { // replace cheney when you didnt have to ctsAchievement("SAM239"); } if (e.player_answers.includes(9092)) { // avoid blame for pentagon ctsAchievement("Loose Change"); } } let vpName = "ERROR YOU DIDN'T SET ME"; vpTable = { "George W. Bush" : vpName, "Paul Wellstone" : "Max Cleland", "Al Gore" : "J.R. Biden", "Hillary Clinton" : "Mark Warner", "Joe Lieberman" : "Mary Landrieu", "John Edwards" : "Ed Rendell", "Al Sharpton" : "Bob Graham", "Edward Kennedy" : "Roy Barnes", "Ron Paul" : "Dean Ahmad", "Jesse Ventura" : "Richard Lamm", "Bob Dornan" : "Chuck Baldwin", "Ted Turner" : "Lincoln Chafee", "Lowell Weicker" : "Michael Forbes", "Ralph Nader" : "Peter Camejo", "John Anderson" : "Pete McCloskey", "Christopher Hitchens" : "Andrew Breitbart", "Roseanne Barr" : "Erin Brockovich", } vpTableHistorical = { "Edward Kennedy" : "Roy Barnes", "Shrub" : "Bill Frist", "Roseanne Barr" : "Erin Brockovich", "Bob Dornan" : "Chuck Baldwin", } HistHexcolour=["#4b5a82","#8f3838","#4EAF41","#b08293"]; HistName=["Edward Kennedy","Shrub","Roseanne Barr","Bob Dornan"]; HistEV=[451,87,0,0]; HistPV=["69,984,107","33,817,273","864,566","819,720"]; HistPVP=["58.1%","40.8%","0.4%","0.4%"]; function onGameWindowChangeCandidates() { const resultsTableHolder = document.getElementById("overall_details_container"); if(!resultsTableHolder || resultsTableHolder.classList.contains("done")) { return; } resultsTableHolder.classList.add("done"); const resultsTable = resultsTableHolder.childNodes[3].childNodes[3].children[0]; for(let i = 0; i < resultsTable.children.length; i++) { const row = resultsTable.children[i]; let name = row.firstChild.innerText; row.insertCell(1); if(name) { name = name.replaceAll("-", "").trim(); console.log("name is:" + name) } if(i == 0) { row.children[1].innerHTML = `Running Mate`; } else { row.children[1].innerHTML = vpTable[name]; } } const resultsTableHistorical = resultsTableHolder.childNodes[5].childNodes[3].children[0]; for(let i = 0; i < resultsTableHistorical.children.length; i++) { const row = resultsTableHistorical.children[i]; let name = row.childNodes[1].innerText; row.insertCell(1); if(name) { name = name.replaceAll("-", "").trim(); } if(i == 0) { row.children[1].innerHTML = `Running Mate`; } else { row.children[1].innerHTML = vpTableHistorical[name]; } } } const gameWindowNode = document.getElementById("game_window"); const candidateWatcherConfig = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }; const candidateObserver = new MutationObserver(onGameWindowChangeCandidates); candidateObserver.observe(gameWindowNode, candidateWatcherConfig); // constructs endings based on header and pages construct = (a = 1) => { = + a < e.pages.length ? + a : 0 let html = e.header; html += e.pages[] + "
"; if ( > 0) { html += `` } if ( < e.pages.length - 1) { html += `` } for (i in e.executable) { if (e.executable[i][0] == { e.executable[i][1](); } } if (e.image == true) setTimeout(()=>{ candImg = $(".person_image")[0] if (candImg) { candImg.remove() console.log("TRYING"); $("#final_results_description")[0].style = ` text-align:left; width: 72%; height:71%; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; overflow: auto; ` console.log("RESULTS UPDATED"); } }, 10) else if (e.image) setTimeout(()=>{ candImg = $(".person_image")[0]; if (candImg) { candImg.src = e.image; console.log("TRYING"); $("#final_results_description")[0].style = ` text-align:left; width: 72%; height:71%; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; overflow: auto; ` console.log("RESULTS UPDATED"); } }, 10) return html; } endingConstructor = (a = 1) => { $("#final_results_description")[0].innerHTML = construct(a); } // ENDINGS -- this is slightly more reliable than the ending code method e.multiple_endings = true; e.header = "


"; e.pages = ["

This is an error handler

"]; = 0; endingPicker = (out, totv, aa, quickstats) => { //out = "win", "loss", or "tie" for your candidate //totv = total votes in entire election //aa = all final overall results data //quickstat = relevant data on candidate performance (format: your candidate's electoral vote count, your candidate's popular vote share, your candidate's raw vote total) /* e.header = "

" e.pages = ["

", "

"] */ e.pages = [] e.header = ""; e.executable = [] //LANDSLIDE DEFEAT if (quickstats[0] <= 138 && Dem == 1) { // Landslide Defeat - Clinton e.pages.push(`

The Need for Honorable Men

Something had broken. Ruptured. George was sure he was dying inside the small, makeshift green room in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC. It was the only thing that explained his inability to move, his inability to act. He sat in a chair before an illuminated vanity, doubled over as if in pain, ignoring both the muted television and the feed of the building’s increasingly dismal election night party. Talking heads mouthed silently over pictures of cheering crowds in New York and Chicago. A map of the country displayed an ever-expanding Democratic wave penetrating into the heart of what had once been Bush country.

George wracked his brain to figure out where the night had gone wrong. He remembered meeting with Condi at the White House and her frowning when he expressed his hope that they called his victory early. He remembered sitting in the back of his limousine with Rove as Rove grimaced at exit poll numbers. He remembered Laura and his girls talking in exaggerated terms about the successes he had already had, about the good he had done since coming to Washington. He’d willed himself to ignore the implications of these interactions, had told himself he’d prove them wrong.

There was an ache in his chest. He drew his body in closer.

Advisors entered and left his green room, attempting to nudge him without broaching the topic directly. What did he think about calling up his opponent, Card hinted, an hour after the full extent of the calamity became clear. Maybe he could talk with his running mate about how to talk sense to the increasingly sparse and heartbroken crowds at his party, offered Fletcher. Did he want to talk to Roger at Fox and maybe work out some plan for the next few days? Nothing moved him. All his certainty, his swagger, his confidence, had vanished. He was hollow and used up.


Bush did not move from his near-fetal position.

“Sir, um. It’s Blake Gottesman.” There was a pause. George listened as his bag man shifted his weight uncomfortably in the doorway. “I don’t want to bother you while you, um…” He broke off. “Your father is on the phone. He demanded to talk to you.”

The ache spread, cancer-like. He wanted more than anything to vanish, but instead he unfolded his body and cast a desperate look at his assistant. “Poppy is…?”

Blake deposited a black device in George’s hand. He stared at the weight and then at Blake.

“You… need to take it off hold, Mr. President.”

George wiped his face with his sleeve and cleared his throat. Then he took the call off hold and spoke in the most normal voice he could manage. “Hi, Poppy.”

“George,” the voice on the other end of the receiver rumbled like an approaching storm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

George was silent. He stood up from his chair. Blake, sensing danger, retreated into the hallway. “I’m uh… I’m watching the returns, Poppy. Our people… They umm… they don’t think…”

He trailed off, expecting his father to interrupt, but the old man was silent. Somehow, that was worse.

“There’s still votes to count. I don’t want to do anything I’m gonna regret after 2000,” he offered weakly.

“Pathetic.” Poppy’s voice was loud and sharp. A clap of thunder. “Bullshit.”

“Poppy, please…”

“Do you think no one’s noticed you sitting there crying your eyes out? You’re in there going, ‘Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Poor me.’” George was aware he was breathing heavy and gripping the phone so hard that his knuckles had started to crack. “The results are bad enough, but do you know how humiliating your bellyaching is? For the party? For your mother? For Jeb?”

His voice was barely more than a whisper. “But in ‘92 you…”

“That was Perot. I would have killed Clinton without him. I won in a landslide in ‘88.”

George felt as if there was a fire burning under his skin. His head felt warm. He was sure at any moment, he would self-immolate. “Poppy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He forced himself to breathe but it was suddenly ragged. “I don’t know what—. It’s all coming apart, Poppy. It’s all coming apart.” His vision blurred. “It’s all coming apart and I don’t know what to do. They’re gonna destroy everything.”

“You were given so many chances, Junior. You were given so, so many chances. At Princeton. At Harvard. In Texas. There are people who would kill for everything you got, all the opportunities. And you fucked it. If I’d known this was how you’d turn out, I never would have let you get this far.” On the phone, Poppy was breathing hard. “Get out there and concede or you won’t like what happens next. I promise you.”


“Grow up.”

There was a loud click. The line went dead. George stood in silence looking at the phone. In his mind, he saw himself crying. He saw himself shattering the phone against the wall. He saw himself calling back and screaming into his father’s ear. Instead, he opened the phone carefully and dialed his opponent. He put on his best mask of confidence as they answered. As he laughed and joked in his fake cowboy confidence, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const clintonWin = new Playlist(); const clintonWinSong = new Song( "Not Ready To Make Nice", "The Chicks", "", "" ); clintonWin.addSong(clintonWinSong); changePlaylist(clintonWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 138 && Dem == 2) { // Landslide Defeat - Gore e.pages.push(`

The Need for Honorable Men

Something had broken. Ruptured. George was sure he was dying inside the small, makeshift green room in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC. It was the only thing that explained his inability to move, his inability to act. He sat in a chair before an illuminated vanity, doubled over as if in pain, ignoring both the muted television and the feed of the building’s increasingly dismal election night party. Talking heads mouthed silently over pictures of cheering crowds in New York and Chicago. A map of the country displayed an ever-expanding Democratic wave penetrating into the heart of what had once been Bush country.

George wracked his brain to figure out where the night had gone wrong. He remembered meeting with Condi at the White House and her frowning when he expressed his hope that they called his victory early. He remembered sitting in the back of his limousine with Rove as Rove grimaced at exit poll numbers. He remembered Laura and his girls talking in exaggerated terms about the successes he had already had, about the good he had done since coming to Washington. He’d willed himself to ignore the implications of these interactions, had told himself he’d prove them wrong.

There was an ache in his chest. He drew his body in closer.

Advisors entered and left his green room, attempting to nudge him without broaching the topic directly. What did he think about calling up his opponent, Card hinted, an hour after the full extent of the calamity became clear. Maybe he could talk with his running mate about how to talk sense to the increasingly sparse and heartbroken crowds at his party, offered Fletcher. Did he want to talk to Roger at Fox and maybe work out some plan for the next few days? Nothing moved him. All his certainty, his swagger, his confidence, had vanished. He was hollow and used up.


Bush did not move from his near-fetal position.

“Sir, um. It’s Blake Gottesman.” There was a pause. George listened as his bag man shifted his weight uncomfortably in the doorway. “I don’t want to bother you while you, um…” He broke off. “Your father is on the phone. He demanded to talk to you.”

The ache spread, cancer-like. He wanted more than anything to vanish, but instead he unfolded his body and cast a desperate look at his assistant. “Poppy is…?”

Blake deposited a black device in George’s hand. He stared at the weight and then at Blake.

“You… need to take it off hold, Mr. President.”

George wiped his face with his sleeve and cleared his throat. Then he took the call off hold and spoke in the most normal voice he could manage. “Hi, Poppy.”

“George,” the voice on the other end of the receiver rumbled like an approaching storm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

George was silent. He stood up from his chair. Blake, sensing danger, retreated into the hallway. “I’m uh… I’m watching the returns, Poppy. Our people… They umm… they don’t think…”

He trailed off, expecting his father to interrupt, but the old man was silent. Somehow, that was worse.

“There’s still votes to count. I don’t want to do anything I’m gonna regret after 2000,” he offered weakly.

“Pathetic.” Poppy’s voice was loud and sharp. A clap of thunder. “Bullshit.”

“Poppy, please…”

“Do you think no one’s noticed you sitting there crying your eyes out? You’re in there going, ‘Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Poor me.’” George was aware he was breathing heavy and gripping the phone so hard that his knuckles had started to crack. “The results are bad enough, but do you know how humiliating your bellyaching is? For the party? For your mother? For Jeb?”

His voice was barely more than a whisper. “But in ‘92 you…”

“That was Perot. I would have killed Clinton without him. I won in a landslide in ‘88.”

George felt as if there was a fire burning under his skin. His head felt warm. He was sure at any moment, he would self-immolate. “Poppy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He forced himself to breathe but it was suddenly ragged. “I don’t know what—. It’s all coming apart, Poppy. It’s all coming apart.” His vision blurred. “It’s all coming apart and I don’t know what to do. They’re gonna destroy everything.”

“You were given so many chances, Junior. You were given so, so many chances. At Princeton. At Harvard. In Texas. There are people who would kill for everything you got, all the opportunities. And you fucked it. If I’d known this was how you’d turn out, I never would have let you get this far.” On the phone, Poppy was breathing hard. “Get out there and concede or you won’t like what happens next. I promise you.”


“Grow up.”

There was a loud click. The line went dead. George stood in silence looking at the phone. In his mind, he saw himself crying. He saw himself shattering the phone against the wall. He saw himself calling back and screaming into his father’s ear. Instead, he opened the phone carefully and dialed his opponent. He put on his best mask of confidence as they answered. As he laughed and joked in his fake cowboy confidence, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const goreWin = new Playlist(); const goreWinSong = new Song( "Beautiful Enemy", "Dar Williams", ",1000_QL80_.jpg", "" ); goreWin.addSong(goreWinSong); changePlaylist(goreWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 138 && Dem == 3) { // Landslide Defeat - Edwards e.pages.push(`

The Need for Honorable Men

Something had broken. Ruptured. George was sure he was dying inside the small, makeshift green room in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC. It was the only thing that explained his inability to move, his inability to act. He sat in a chair before an illuminated vanity, doubled over as if in pain, ignoring both the muted television and the feed of the building’s increasingly dismal election night party. Talking heads mouthed silently over pictures of cheering crowds in New York and Chicago. A map of the country displayed an ever-expanding Democratic wave penetrating into the heart of what had once been Bush country.

George wracked his brain to figure out where the night had gone wrong. He remembered meeting with Condi at the White House and her frowning when he expressed his hope that they called his victory early. He remembered sitting in the back of his limousine with Rove as Rove grimaced at exit poll numbers. He remembered Laura and his girls talking in exaggerated terms about the successes he had already had, about the good he had done since coming to Washington. He’d willed himself to ignore the implications of these interactions, had told himself he’d prove them wrong.

There was an ache in his chest. He drew his body in closer.

Advisors entered and left his green room, attempting to nudge him without broaching the topic directly. What did he think about calling up his opponent, Card hinted, an hour after the full extent of the calamity became clear. Maybe he could talk with his running mate about how to talk sense to the increasingly sparse and heartbroken crowds at his party, offered Fletcher. Did he want to talk to Roger at Fox and maybe work out some plan for the next few days? Nothing moved him. All his certainty, his swagger, his confidence, had vanished. He was hollow and used up.


Bush did not move from his near-fetal position.

“Sir, um. It’s Blake Gottesman.” There was a pause. George listened as his bag man shifted his weight uncomfortably in the doorway. “I don’t want to bother you while you, um…” He broke off. “Your father is on the phone. He demanded to talk to you.”

The ache spread, cancer-like. He wanted more than anything to vanish, but instead he unfolded his body and cast a desperate look at his assistant. “Poppy is…?”

Blake deposited a black device in George’s hand. He stared at the weight and then at Blake.

“You… need to take it off hold, Mr. President.”

George wiped his face with his sleeve and cleared his throat. Then he took the call off hold and spoke in the most normal voice he could manage. “Hi, Poppy.”

“George,” the voice on the other end of the receiver rumbled like an approaching storm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

George was silent. He stood up from his chair. Blake, sensing danger, retreated into the hallway. “I’m uh… I’m watching the returns, Poppy. Our people… They umm… they don’t think…”

He trailed off, expecting his father to interrupt, but the old man was silent. Somehow, that was worse.

“There’s still votes to count. I don’t want to do anything I’m gonna regret after 2000,” he offered weakly.

“Pathetic.” Poppy’s voice was loud and sharp. A clap of thunder. “Bullshit.”

“Poppy, please…”

“Do you think no one’s noticed you sitting there crying your eyes out? You’re in there going, ‘Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Poor me.’” George was aware he was breathing heavy and gripping the phone so hard that his knuckles had started to crack. “The results are bad enough, but do you know how humiliating your bellyaching is? For the party? For your mother? For Jeb?”

His voice was barely more than a whisper. “But in ‘92 you…”

“That was Perot. I would have killed Clinton without him. I won in a landslide in ‘88.”

George felt as if there was a fire burning under his skin. His head felt warm. He was sure at any moment, he would self-immolate. “Poppy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He forced himself to breathe but it was suddenly ragged. “I don’t know what—. It’s all coming apart, Poppy. It’s all coming apart.” His vision blurred. “It’s all coming apart and I don’t know what to do. They’re gonna destroy everything.”

“You were given so many chances, Junior. You were given so, so many chances. At Princeton. At Harvard. In Texas. There are people who would kill for everything you got, all the opportunities. And you fucked it. If I’d known this was how you’d turn out, I never would have let you get this far.” On the phone, Poppy was breathing hard. “Get out there and concede or you won’t like what happens next. I promise you.”


“Grow up.”

There was a loud click. The line went dead. George stood in silence looking at the phone. In his mind, he saw himself crying. He saw himself shattering the phone against the wall. He saw himself calling back and screaming into his father’s ear. Instead, he opened the phone carefully and dialed his opponent. He put on his best mask of confidence as they answered. As he laughed and joked in his fake cowboy confidence, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const edwardsWin = new Playlist(); const edwardsWinSong = new Song( "Bad Day", "R.E.M.", "", "" ); edwardsWin.addSong(edwardsWinSong); changePlaylist(edwardsWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 138 && Dem == 4) { // Landslide Defeat - Wellstone e.pages.push(`

The Need for Honorable Men

Something had broken. Ruptured. George was sure he was dying inside the small, makeshift green room in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC. It was the only thing that explained his inability to move, his inability to act. He sat in a chair before an illuminated vanity, doubled over as if in pain, ignoring both the muted television and the feed of the building’s increasingly dismal election night party. Talking heads mouthed silently over pictures of cheering crowds in New York and Chicago. A map of the country displayed an ever-expanding Democratic wave penetrating into the heart of what had once been Bush country.

George wracked his brain to figure out where the night had gone wrong. He remembered meeting with Condi at the White House and her frowning when he expressed his hope that they called his victory early. He remembered sitting in the back of his limousine with Rove as Rove grimaced at exit poll numbers. He remembered Laura and his girls talking in exaggerated terms about the successes he had already had, about the good he had done since coming to Washington. He’d willed himself to ignore the implications of these interactions, had told himself he’d prove them wrong.

There was an ache in his chest. He drew his body in closer.

Advisors entered and left his green room, attempting to nudge him without broaching the topic directly. What did he think about calling up his opponent, Card hinted, an hour after the full extent of the calamity became clear. Maybe he could talk with his running mate about how to talk sense to the increasingly sparse and heartbroken crowds at his party, offered Fletcher. Did he want to talk to Roger at Fox and maybe work out some plan for the next few days? Nothing moved him. All his certainty, his swagger, his confidence, had vanished. He was hollow and used up.


Bush did not move from his near-fetal position.

“Sir, um. It’s Blake Gottesman.” There was a pause. George listened as his bag man shifted his weight uncomfortably in the doorway. “I don’t want to bother you while you, um…” He broke off. “Your father is on the phone. He demanded to talk to you.”

The ache spread, cancer-like. He wanted more than anything to vanish, but instead he unfolded his body and cast a desperate look at his assistant. “Poppy is…?”

Blake deposited a black device in George’s hand. He stared at the weight and then at Blake.

“You… need to take it off hold, Mr. President.”

George wiped his face with his sleeve and cleared his throat. Then he took the call off hold and spoke in the most normal voice he could manage. “Hi, Poppy.”

“George,” the voice on the other end of the receiver rumbled like an approaching storm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

George was silent. He stood up from his chair. Blake, sensing danger, retreated into the hallway. “I’m uh… I’m watching the returns, Poppy. Our people… They umm… they don’t think…”

He trailed off, expecting his father to interrupt, but the old man was silent. Somehow, that was worse.

“There’s still votes to count. I don’t want to do anything I’m gonna regret after 2000,” he offered weakly.

“Pathetic.” Poppy’s voice was loud and sharp. A clap of thunder. “Bullshit.”

“Poppy, please…”

“Do you think no one’s noticed you sitting there crying your eyes out? You’re in there going, ‘Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Poor me.’” George was aware he was breathing heavy and gripping the phone so hard that his knuckles had started to crack. “The results are bad enough, but do you know how humiliating your bellyaching is? For the party? For your mother? For Jeb?”

His voice was barely more than a whisper. “But in ‘92 you…”

“That was Perot. I would have killed Clinton without him. I won in a landslide in ‘88.”

George felt as if there was a fire burning under his skin. His head felt warm. He was sure at any moment, he would self-immolate. “Poppy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He forced himself to breathe but it was suddenly ragged. “I don’t know what—. It’s all coming apart, Poppy. It’s all coming apart.” His vision blurred. “It’s all coming apart and I don’t know what to do. They’re gonna destroy everything.”

“You were given so many chances, Junior. You were given so, so many chances. At Princeton. At Harvard. In Texas. There are people who would kill for everything you got, all the opportunities. And you fucked it. If I’d known this was how you’d turn out, I never would have let you get this far.” On the phone, Poppy was breathing hard. “Get out there and concede or you won’t like what happens next. I promise you.”


“Grow up.”

There was a loud click. The line went dead. George stood in silence looking at the phone. In his mind, he saw himself crying. He saw himself shattering the phone against the wall. He saw himself calling back and screaming into his father’s ear. Instead, he opened the phone carefully and dialed his opponent. He put on his best mask of confidence as they answered. As he laughed and joked in his fake cowboy confidence, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const wellstoneWin = new Playlist(); const wellstoneWinSong = new Song( "21 Guns", "Green Day", "", "" ); wellstoneWin.addSong(wellstoneWinSong); changePlaylist(wellstoneWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 138 && Dem == 5) { // Landslide Defeat - Lieberman e.pages.push(`

The Need for Honorable Men

Something had broken. Ruptured. George was sure he was dying inside the small, makeshift green room in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC. It was the only thing that explained his inability to move, his inability to act. He sat in a chair before an illuminated vanity, doubled over as if in pain, ignoring both the muted television and the feed of the building’s increasingly dismal election night party. Talking heads mouthed silently over pictures of cheering crowds in New York and Chicago. A map of the country displayed an ever-expanding Democratic wave penetrating into the heart of what had once been Bush country.

George wracked his brain to figure out where the night had gone wrong. He remembered meeting with Condi at the White House and her frowning when he expressed his hope that they called his victory early. He remembered sitting in the back of his limousine with Rove as Rove grimaced at exit poll numbers. He remembered Laura and his girls talking in exaggerated terms about the successes he had already had, about the good he had done since coming to Washington. He’d willed himself to ignore the implications of these interactions, had told himself he’d prove them wrong.

There was an ache in his chest. He drew his body in closer.

Advisors entered and left his green room, attempting to nudge him without broaching the topic directly. What did he think about calling up his opponent, Card hinted, an hour after the full extent of the calamity became clear. Maybe he could talk with his running mate about how to talk sense to the increasingly sparse and heartbroken crowds at his party, offered Fletcher. Did he want to talk to Roger at Fox and maybe work out some plan for the next few days? Nothing moved him. All his certainty, his swagger, his confidence, had vanished. He was hollow and used up.


Bush did not move from his near-fetal position.

“Sir, um. It’s Blake Gottesman.” There was a pause. George listened as his bag man shifted his weight uncomfortably in the doorway. “I don’t want to bother you while you, um…” He broke off. “Your father is on the phone. He demanded to talk to you.”

The ache spread, cancer-like. He wanted more than anything to vanish, but instead he unfolded his body and cast a desperate look at his assistant. “Poppy is…?”

Blake deposited a black device in George’s hand. He stared at the weight and then at Blake.

“You… need to take it off hold, Mr. President.”

George wiped his face with his sleeve and cleared his throat. Then he took the call off hold and spoke in the most normal voice he could manage. “Hi, Poppy.”

“George,” the voice on the other end of the receiver rumbled like an approaching storm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

George was silent. He stood up from his chair. Blake, sensing danger, retreated into the hallway. “I’m uh… I’m watching the returns, Poppy. Our people… They umm… they don’t think…”

He trailed off, expecting his father to interrupt, but the old man was silent. Somehow, that was worse.

“There’s still votes to count. I don’t want to do anything I’m gonna regret after 2000,” he offered weakly.

“Pathetic.” Poppy’s voice was loud and sharp. A clap of thunder. “Bullshit.”

“Poppy, please…”

“Do you think no one’s noticed you sitting there crying your eyes out? You’re in there going, ‘Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Poor me.’” George was aware he was breathing heavy and gripping the phone so hard that his knuckles had started to crack. “The results are bad enough, but do you know how humiliating your bellyaching is? For the party? For your mother? For Jeb?”

His voice was barely more than a whisper. “But in ‘92 you…”

“That was Perot. I would have killed Clinton without him. I won in a landslide in ‘88.”

George felt as if there was a fire burning under his skin. His head felt warm. He was sure at any moment, he would self-immolate. “Poppy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He forced himself to breathe but it was suddenly ragged. “I don’t know what—. It’s all coming apart, Poppy. It’s all coming apart.” His vision blurred. “It’s all coming apart and I don’t know what to do. They’re gonna destroy everything.”

“You were given so many chances, Junior. You were given so, so many chances. At Princeton. At Harvard. In Texas. There are people who would kill for everything you got, all the opportunities. And you fucked it. If I’d known this was how you’d turn out, I never would have let you get this far.” On the phone, Poppy was breathing hard. “Get out there and concede or you won’t like what happens next. I promise you.”


“Grow up.”

There was a loud click. The line went dead. George stood in silence looking at the phone. In his mind, he saw himself crying. He saw himself shattering the phone against the wall. He saw himself calling back and screaming into his father’s ear. Instead, he opened the phone carefully and dialed his opponent. He put on his best mask of confidence as they answered. As he laughed and joked in his fake cowboy confidence, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const liebermanWin = new Playlist(); const liebermanWinSong = new Song( "Another Day in America", "Laurie Anderson", "", "" ); liebermanWin.addSong(liebermanWinSong); changePlaylist(liebermanWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 138 && Dem == 6) { // Landslide Defeat - Sharpton e.pages.push(`

The Need for Honorable Men

Something had broken. Ruptured. George was sure he was dying inside the small, makeshift green room in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC. It was the only thing that explained his inability to move, his inability to act. He sat in a chair before an illuminated vanity, doubled over as if in pain, ignoring both the muted television and the feed of the building’s increasingly dismal election night party. Talking heads mouthed silently over pictures of cheering crowds in New York and Chicago. A map of the country displayed an ever-expanding Democratic wave penetrating into the heart of what had once been Bush country.

George wracked his brain to figure out where the night had gone wrong. He remembered meeting with Condi at the White House and her frowning when he expressed his hope that they called his victory early. He remembered sitting in the back of his limousine with Rove as Rove grimaced at exit poll numbers. He remembered Laura and his girls talking in exaggerated terms about the successes he had already had, about the good he had done since coming to Washington. He’d willed himself to ignore the implications of these interactions, had told himself he’d prove them wrong.

There was an ache in his chest. He drew his body in closer.

Advisors entered and left his green room, attempting to nudge him without broaching the topic directly. What did he think about calling up his opponent, Card hinted, an hour after the full extent of the calamity became clear. Maybe he could talk with his running mate about how to talk sense to the increasingly sparse and heartbroken crowds at his party, offered Fletcher. Did he want to talk to Roger at Fox and maybe work out some plan for the next few days? Nothing moved him. All his certainty, his swagger, his confidence, had vanished. He was hollow and used up.


Bush did not move from his near-fetal position.

“Sir, um. It’s Blake Gottesman.” There was a pause. George listened as his bag man shifted his weight uncomfortably in the doorway. “I don’t want to bother you while you, um…” He broke off. “Your father is on the phone. He demanded to talk to you.”

The ache spread, cancer-like. He wanted more than anything to vanish, but instead he unfolded his body and cast a desperate look at his assistant. “Poppy is…?”

Blake deposited a black device in George’s hand. He stared at the weight and then at Blake.

“You… need to take it off hold, Mr. President.”

George wiped his face with his sleeve and cleared his throat. Then he took the call off hold and spoke in the most normal voice he could manage. “Hi, Poppy.”

“George,” the voice on the other end of the receiver rumbled like an approaching storm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

George was silent. He stood up from his chair. Blake, sensing danger, retreated into the hallway. “I’m uh… I’m watching the returns, Poppy. Our people… They umm… they don’t think…”

He trailed off, expecting his father to interrupt, but the old man was silent. Somehow, that was worse.

“There’s still votes to count. I don’t want to do anything I’m gonna regret after 2000,” he offered weakly.

“Pathetic.” Poppy’s voice was loud and sharp. A clap of thunder. “Bullshit.”

“Poppy, please…”

“Do you think no one’s noticed you sitting there crying your eyes out? You’re in there going, ‘Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Poor me.’” George was aware he was breathing heavy and gripping the phone so hard that his knuckles had started to crack. “The results are bad enough, but do you know how humiliating your bellyaching is? For the party? For your mother? For Jeb?”

His voice was barely more than a whisper. “But in ‘92 you…”

“That was Perot. I would have killed Clinton without him. I won in a landslide in ‘88.”

George felt as if there was a fire burning under his skin. His head felt warm. He was sure at any moment, he would self-immolate. “Poppy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He forced himself to breathe but it was suddenly ragged. “I don’t know what—. It’s all coming apart, Poppy. It’s all coming apart.” His vision blurred. “It’s all coming apart and I don’t know what to do. They’re gonna destroy everything.”

“You were given so many chances, Junior. You were given so, so many chances. At Princeton. At Harvard. In Texas. There are people who would kill for everything you got, all the opportunities. And you fucked it. If I’d known this was how you’d turn out, I never would have let you get this far.” On the phone, Poppy was breathing hard. “Get out there and concede or you won’t like what happens next. I promise you.”


“Grow up.”

There was a loud click. The line went dead. George stood in silence looking at the phone. In his mind, he saw himself crying. He saw himself shattering the phone against the wall. He saw himself calling back and screaming into his father’s ear. Instead, he opened the phone carefully and dialed his opponent. He put on his best mask of confidence as they answered. As he laughed and joked in his fake cowboy confidence, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const sharptonWin = new Playlist(); const sharptonWinSong = new Song( "The Party's Over", "Wynton Marsalis", "", "" ); sharptonWin.addSong(sharptonWinSong); changePlaylist(sharptonWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 138 && Dem == 7) { // Landslide Defeat - Kennedy e.pages.push(`

The Need for Honorable Men

Something had broken. Ruptured. George was sure he was dying inside the small, makeshift green room in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC. It was the only thing that explained his inability to move, his inability to act. He sat in a chair before an illuminated vanity, doubled over as if in pain, ignoring both the muted television and the feed of the building’s increasingly dismal election night party. Talking heads mouthed silently over pictures of cheering crowds in New York and Chicago. A map of the country displayed an ever-expanding Democratic wave penetrating into the heart of what had once been Bush country.

George wracked his brain to figure out where the night had gone wrong. He remembered meeting with Condi at the White House and her frowning when he expressed his hope that they called his victory early. He remembered sitting in the back of his limousine with Rove as Rove grimaced at exit poll numbers. He remembered Laura and his girls talking in exaggerated terms about the successes he had already had, about the good he had done since coming to Washington. He’d willed himself to ignore the implications of these interactions, had told himself he’d prove them wrong.

There was an ache in his chest. He drew his body in closer.

Advisors entered and left his green room, attempting to nudge him without broaching the topic directly. What did he think about calling up his opponent, Card hinted, an hour after the full extent of the calamity became clear. Maybe he could talk with his running mate about how to talk sense to the increasingly sparse and heartbroken crowds at his party, offered Fletcher. Did he want to talk to Roger at Fox and maybe work out some plan for the next few days? Nothing moved him. All his certainty, his swagger, his confidence, had vanished. He was hollow and used up.


Bush did not move from his near-fetal position.

“Sir, um. It’s Blake Gottesman.” There was a pause. George listened as his bag man shifted his weight uncomfortably in the doorway. “I don’t want to bother you while you, um…” He broke off. “Your father is on the phone. He demanded to talk to you.”

The ache spread, cancer-like. He wanted more than anything to vanish, but instead he unfolded his body and cast a desperate look at his assistant. “Poppy is…?”

Blake deposited a black device in George’s hand. He stared at the weight and then at Blake.

“You… need to take it off hold, Mr. President.”

George wiped his face with his sleeve and cleared his throat. Then he took the call off hold and spoke in the most normal voice he could manage. “Hi, Poppy.”

“George,” the voice on the other end of the receiver rumbled like an approaching storm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

George was silent. He stood up from his chair. Blake, sensing danger, retreated into the hallway. “I’m uh… I’m watching the returns, Poppy. Our people… They umm… they don’t think…”

He trailed off, expecting his father to interrupt, but the old man was silent. Somehow, that was worse.

“There’s still votes to count. I don’t want to do anything I’m gonna regret after 2000,” he offered weakly.

“Pathetic.” Poppy’s voice was loud and sharp. A clap of thunder. “Bullshit.”

“Poppy, please…”

“Do you think no one’s noticed you sitting there crying your eyes out? You’re in there going, ‘Boo hoo. Boo hoo. Poor me.’” George was aware he was breathing heavy and gripping the phone so hard that his knuckles had started to crack. “The results are bad enough, but do you know how humiliating your bellyaching is? For the party? For your mother? For Jeb?”

His voice was barely more than a whisper. “But in ‘92 you…”

“That was Perot. I would have killed Clinton without him. I won in a landslide in ‘88.”

George felt as if there was a fire burning under his skin. His head felt warm. He was sure at any moment, he would self-immolate. “Poppy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He forced himself to breathe but it was suddenly ragged. “I don’t know what—. It’s all coming apart, Poppy. It’s all coming apart.” His vision blurred. “It’s all coming apart and I don’t know what to do. They’re gonna destroy everything.”

“You were given so many chances, Junior. You were given so, so many chances. At Princeton. At Harvard. In Texas. There are people who would kill for everything you got, all the opportunities. And you fucked it. If I’d known this was how you’d turn out, I never would have let you get this far.” On the phone, Poppy was breathing hard. “Get out there and concede or you won’t like what happens next. I promise you.”


“Grow up.”

There was a loud click. The line went dead. George stood in silence looking at the phone. In his mind, he saw himself crying. He saw himself shattering the phone against the wall. He saw himself calling back and screaming into his father’s ear. Instead, he opened the phone carefully and dialed his opponent. He put on his best mask of confidence as they answered. As he laughed and joked in his fake cowboy confidence, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const kennedyWin = new Playlist(); const kennedyWinSong = new Song( "Still", "Ben Folds", "", "" ); kennedyWin.addSong(kennedyWinSong); changePlaylist(kennedyWin); } // NORMAL DEFEAT if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && quickstats[0] >= 139 && Dem == 1) { // Defeat - Clinton e.pages.push(`

Beneath the Great Seal

George had started the night off in high spirits. His election night party in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC had attracted a large, enthusiastic crowd. Rove had told him that the exit polls in key battleground states seemed to be tilted in their favor. Anderson Cooper, one of his least favorite television personalities, had looked unusually unkempt standing outside a rain-soaked polling station in Michigan. All of these seemed to be good signs.

He had been in such a good mood from these developments that he had missed the first signs of distress, of the sea liner hitting the iceberg. There was not an immediate call for his victory, as Card had predicted, and every news update seemed to remove victory further from his grasp. Swing states tilted right, then left, then further left still. Votes from cities washed away at their margins elsewhere. He caught Rove nervously cleaning his fingernails with his teeth the one time he emerged from his makeshift green room. He shot the man a thumbs up before grabbing a slice of pizza and scampering back to his makeshift green room to hide. He needed to keep his spirits up. He needed to keep smiling.

He was still forcing himself to smile by 2:00 AM. While Fox still held out, CNN and MSNBC had called it: George W. Bush had lost the presidency. There were no words coming out of the muted television in his green room, but he could read their lips just fine. “LOSER. LOSER. LOSER.” Even the crowds at his own party seemed to be sarcastic with their chanting, which reverberated through the building. “DON’T BACK DOWN. DON’T BACK DOWN. BACK—.”


George forced himself to turn, to look at the intruder with a warm smile instead of bashing in his face with his fist. He gave a light chuckle, “Oh, Blake, how ya holding up?”

Blake Gottesman, his bag man, gave a nervous grimace. “Um, fine, sir. I uh…” He shifted from foot to foot like an overlarge child. Behind his grin, George watched the scene. He wondered what he had ever seen in the child. “Your father called. President B—. I mean—. Uh.”

Blake extended a small, black cellphone from his pocket. George’s smile widened because if he did anything else, he was sure he would scream or break down crying. How had this happened? How had it come to this? In the corner of his eye, he could see the talking heads continue their crusade against him. The whole world was determined to tear him down and now Poppy…

The thought of his father caused all the anger in him to melt into something far more awful and pathetic.

“Well, heck, thanks. I suppose I oughta see what’s got his goat.”

He took the phone from Blake as the boy retreated to the hall. He stared for a moment at the black device and then, before he could think twice, took it off hold.

“Looks like your luck finally ran out, Junior,” came the crackle of a voice through the receiver.

George’s voice was not his campaign-trained, cowboy twang but something childish. Cloying. “It wasn’t luck, Poppy. I worked hard.”

“Mhm. Sure.”

“And we don’t know it’s over yet. There’s still votes to be counted in—.”

“No, George, there’s not. Jeb can’t bail you out of this one,” There was a long pause. George thought he could hear the clinking of a glass being set on a table followed by a sigh. “What a goddamn mess. What a waste.”

George said nothing.

“A generation of political capital squandered on idiot ambitions. If you had listened to me at any point in the last four years, we wouldn’t be here now. I should have known after Cheney weaseled his way onto the ticket, after the shitshow you pulled with North Korea…”

George stared intensely at his feet. He could actually feel himself sinking, could see the fragments of his presidency floating on the waves and turning into junk.

“Your brother never would have gotten himself here.”

“Poppy, I—.” There was so much he wanted to say, but instead he heard himself mutter, “I know.”

“Well, at least you’re finally being honest with yourself. Christ.” Another pause. Another clink of the glass. “I guess we have work to do. I’m sure Rove’s people will have you doing all kinds of tricks tonight to keep the people at your election party from rioting, but Jeb and I will call tomorrow to figure out next steps. Just don’t screw up anything else before we can talk again, okay?”

Bush nodded and then, aware that it wouldn’t carry, spoke into the phone. “Okay, Poppy. I should probably go now.” He rubbed his face. “I love you. Make sure to tell mother I said the same to her.”

Through the static, there was a grunt. “Okay, George. Night.”

The line went dead. George stood in silence in his room for several minutes, wallowing in his desolation. Then, slowly, he reassembled his mask of confidence. He forced himself to stroll out his door, past Blake and Rove and throngs of pitying aides. He spoke briefly with his handlers about what to say to the crowd and allowed a woman to fix his smeared make-up. When all was done, he found Laura, looped his arm into her’s, and pecked her on the cheek—a gesture he had once seen his father do. Then, without any further hesitation, George stepped out onto the stage before the disappointed crowd. Blinded by the stage lights, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const clintonWin = new Playlist(); const clintonWinSong = new Song( "Not Ready To Make Nice", "The Chicks", "", "" ); clintonWin.addSong(clintonWinSong); changePlaylist(clintonWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && quickstats[0] >= 139 && Dem == 2) { // Defeat - Gore e.pages.push(`

Beneath the Great Seal

George had started the night off in high spirits. His election night party in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC had attracted a large, enthusiastic crowd. Rove had told him that the exit polls in key battleground states seemed to be tilted in their favor. Anderson Cooper, one of his least favorite television personalities, had looked unusually unkempt standing outside a rain-soaked polling station in Michigan. All of these seemed to be good signs.

He had been in such a good mood from these developments that he had missed the first signs of distress, of the sea liner hitting the iceberg. There was not an immediate call for his victory, as Card had predicted, and every news update seemed to remove victory further from his grasp. Swing states tilted right, then left, then further left still. Votes from cities washed away at their margins elsewhere. He caught Rove nervously cleaning his fingernails with his teeth the one time he emerged from his makeshift green room. He shot the man a thumbs up before grabbing a slice of pizza and scampering back to his makeshift green room to hide. He needed to keep his spirits up. He needed to keep smiling.

He was still forcing himself to smile by 2:00 AM. While Fox still held out, CNN and MSNBC had called it: George W. Bush had lost the presidency. There were no words coming out of the muted television in his green room, but he could read their lips just fine. “LOSER. LOSER. LOSER.” Even the crowds at his own party seemed to be sarcastic with their chanting, which reverberated through the building. “DON’T BACK DOWN. DON’T BACK DOWN. BACK—.”


George forced himself to turn, to look at the intruder with a warm smile instead of bashing in his face with his fist. He gave a light chuckle, “Oh, Blake, how ya holding up?”

Blake Gottesman, his bag man, gave a nervous grimace. “Um, fine, sir. I uh…” He shifted from foot to foot like an overlarge child. Behind his grin, George watched the scene. He wondered what he had ever seen in the child. “Your father called. President B—. I mean—. Uh.”

Blake extended a small, black cellphone from his pocket. George’s smile widened because if he did anything else, he was sure he would scream or break down crying. How had this happened? How had it come to this? In the corner of his eye, he could see the talking heads continue their crusade against him. The whole world was determined to tear him down and now Poppy…

The thought of his father caused all the anger in him to melt into something far more awful and pathetic.

“Well, heck, thanks. I suppose I oughta see what’s got his goat.”

He took the phone from Blake as the boy retreated to the hall. He stared for a moment at the black device and then, before he could think twice, took it off hold.

“Looks like your luck finally ran out, Junior,” came the crackle of a voice through the receiver.

George’s voice was not his campaign-trained, cowboy twang but something childish. Cloying. “It wasn’t luck, Poppy. I worked hard.”

“Mhm. Sure.”

“And we don’t know it’s over yet. There’s still votes to be counted in—.”

“No, George, there’s not. Jeb can’t bail you out of this one,” There was a long pause. George thought he could hear the clinking of a glass being set on a table followed by a sigh. “What a goddamn mess. What a waste.”

George said nothing.

“A generation of political capital squandered on idiot ambitions. If you had listened to me at any point in the last four years, we wouldn’t be here now. I should have known after Cheney weaseled his way onto the ticket, after the shitshow you pulled with North Korea…”

George stared intensely at his feet. He could actually feel himself sinking, could see the fragments of his presidency floating on the waves and turning into junk.

“Your brother never would have gotten himself here.”

“Poppy, I—.” There was so much he wanted to say, but instead he heard himself mutter, “I know.”

“Well, at least you’re finally being honest with yourself. Christ.” Another pause. Another clink of the glass. “I guess we have work to do. I’m sure Rove’s people will have you doing all kinds of tricks tonight to keep the people at your election party from rioting, but Jeb and I will call tomorrow to figure out next steps. Just don’t screw up anything else before we can talk again, okay?”

Bush nodded and then, aware that it wouldn’t carry, spoke into the phone. “Okay, Poppy. I should probably go now.” He rubbed his face. “I love you. Make sure to tell mother I said the same to her.”

Through the static, there was a grunt. “Okay, George. Night.”

The line went dead. George stood in silence in his room for several minutes, wallowing in his desolation. Then, slowly, he reassembled his mask of confidence. He forced himself to stroll out his door, past Blake and Rove and throngs of pitying aides. He spoke briefly with his handlers about what to say to the crowd and allowed a woman to fix his smeared make-up. When all was done, he found Laura, looped his arm into her’s, and pecked her on the cheek—a gesture he had once seen his father do. Then, without any further hesitation, George stepped out onto the stage before the disappointed crowd. Blinded by the stage lights, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const goreWin = new Playlist(); const goreWinSong = new Song( "Beautiful Enemy", "Dar Williams", ",1000_QL80_.jpg", "" ); goreWin.addSong(goreWinSong); changePlaylist(goreWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && quickstats[0] >= 139 && Dem == 3) { // Defeat - Edwards e.pages.push(`

Beneath the Great Seal

George had started the night off in high spirits. His election night party in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC had attracted a large, enthusiastic crowd. Rove had told him that the exit polls in key battleground states seemed to be tilted in their favor. Anderson Cooper, one of his least favorite television personalities, had looked unusually unkempt standing outside a rain-soaked polling station in Michigan. All of these seemed to be good signs.

He had been in such a good mood from these developments that he had missed the first signs of distress, of the sea liner hitting the iceberg. There was not an immediate call for his victory, as Card had predicted, and every news update seemed to remove victory further from his grasp. Swing states tilted right, then left, then further left still. Votes from cities washed away at their margins elsewhere. He caught Rove nervously cleaning his fingernails with his teeth the one time he emerged from his makeshift green room. He shot the man a thumbs up before grabbing a slice of pizza and scampering back to his makeshift green room to hide. He needed to keep his spirits up. He needed to keep smiling.

He was still forcing himself to smile by 2:00 AM. While Fox still held out, CNN and MSNBC had called it: George W. Bush had lost the presidency. There were no words coming out of the muted television in his green room, but he could read their lips just fine. “LOSER. LOSER. LOSER.” Even the crowds at his own party seemed to be sarcastic with their chanting, which reverberated through the building. “DON’T BACK DOWN. DON’T BACK DOWN. BACK—.”


George forced himself to turn, to look at the intruder with a warm smile instead of bashing in his face with his fist. He gave a light chuckle, “Oh, Blake, how ya holding up?”

Blake Gottesman, his bag man, gave a nervous grimace. “Um, fine, sir. I uh…” He shifted from foot to foot like an overlarge child. Behind his grin, George watched the scene. He wondered what he had ever seen in the child. “Your father called. President B—. I mean—. Uh.”

Blake extended a small, black cellphone from his pocket. George’s smile widened because if he did anything else, he was sure he would scream or break down crying. How had this happened? How had it come to this? In the corner of his eye, he could see the talking heads continue their crusade against him. The whole world was determined to tear him down and now Poppy…

The thought of his father caused all the anger in him to melt into something far more awful and pathetic.

“Well, heck, thanks. I suppose I oughta see what’s got his goat.”

He took the phone from Blake as the boy retreated to the hall. He stared for a moment at the black device and then, before he could think twice, took it off hold.

“Looks like your luck finally ran out, Junior,” came the crackle of a voice through the receiver.

George’s voice was not his campaign-trained, cowboy twang but something childish. Cloying. “It wasn’t luck, Poppy. I worked hard.”

“Mhm. Sure.”

“And we don’t know it’s over yet. There’s still votes to be counted in—.”

“No, George, there’s not. Jeb can’t bail you out of this one,” There was a long pause. George thought he could hear the clinking of a glass being set on a table followed by a sigh. “What a goddamn mess. What a waste.”

George said nothing.

“A generation of political capital squandered on idiot ambitions. If you had listened to me at any point in the last four years, we wouldn’t be here now. I should have known after Cheney weaseled his way onto the ticket, after the shitshow you pulled with North Korea…”

George stared intensely at his feet. He could actually feel himself sinking, could see the fragments of his presidency floating on the waves and turning into junk.

“Your brother never would have gotten himself here.”

“Poppy, I—.” There was so much he wanted to say, but instead he heard himself mutter, “I know.”

“Well, at least you’re finally being honest with yourself. Christ.” Another pause. Another clink of the glass. “I guess we have work to do. I’m sure Rove’s people will have you doing all kinds of tricks tonight to keep the people at your election party from rioting, but Jeb and I will call tomorrow to figure out next steps. Just don’t screw up anything else before we can talk again, okay?”

Bush nodded and then, aware that it wouldn’t carry, spoke into the phone. “Okay, Poppy. I should probably go now.” He rubbed his face. “I love you. Make sure to tell mother I said the same to her.”

Through the static, there was a grunt. “Okay, George. Night.”

The line went dead. George stood in silence in his room for several minutes, wallowing in his desolation. Then, slowly, he reassembled his mask of confidence. He forced himself to stroll out his door, past Blake and Rove and throngs of pitying aides. He spoke briefly with his handlers about what to say to the crowd and allowed a woman to fix his smeared make-up. When all was done, he found Laura, looped his arm into her’s, and pecked her on the cheek—a gesture he had once seen his father do. Then, without any further hesitation, George stepped out onto the stage before the disappointed crowd. Blinded by the stage lights, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const edwardsWin = new Playlist(); const edwardsWinSong = new Song( "Bad Day", "R.E.M.", "", "" ); edwardsWin.addSong(edwardsWinSong); changePlaylist(edwardsWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && quickstats[0] >= 139 && Dem == 4) { // Defeat - Wellstone e.pages.push(`

Beneath the Great Seal

George had started the night off in high spirits. His election night party in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC had attracted a large, enthusiastic crowd. Rove had told him that the exit polls in key battleground states seemed to be tilted in their favor. Anderson Cooper, one of his least favorite television personalities, had looked unusually unkempt standing outside a rain-soaked polling station in Michigan. All of these seemed to be good signs.

He had been in such a good mood from these developments that he had missed the first signs of distress, of the sea liner hitting the iceberg. There was not an immediate call for his victory, as Card had predicted, and every news update seemed to remove victory further from his grasp. Swing states tilted right, then left, then further left still. Votes from cities washed away at their margins elsewhere. He caught Rove nervously cleaning his fingernails with his teeth the one time he emerged from his makeshift green room. He shot the man a thumbs up before grabbing a slice of pizza and scampering back to his makeshift green room to hide. He needed to keep his spirits up. He needed to keep smiling.

He was still forcing himself to smile by 2:00 AM. While Fox still held out, CNN and MSNBC had called it: George W. Bush had lost the presidency. There were no words coming out of the muted television in his green room, but he could read their lips just fine. “LOSER. LOSER. LOSER.” Even the crowds at his own party seemed to be sarcastic with their chanting, which reverberated through the building. “DON’T BACK DOWN. DON’T BACK DOWN. BACK—.”


George forced himself to turn, to look at the intruder with a warm smile instead of bashing in his face with his fist. He gave a light chuckle, “Oh, Blake, how ya holding up?”

Blake Gottesman, his bag man, gave a nervous grimace. “Um, fine, sir. I uh…” He shifted from foot to foot like an overlarge child. Behind his grin, George watched the scene. He wondered what he had ever seen in the child. “Your father called. President B—. I mean—. Uh.”

Blake extended a small, black cellphone from his pocket. George’s smile widened because if he did anything else, he was sure he would scream or break down crying. How had this happened? How had it come to this? In the corner of his eye, he could see the talking heads continue their crusade against him. The whole world was determined to tear him down and now Poppy…

The thought of his father caused all the anger in him to melt into something far more awful and pathetic.

“Well, heck, thanks. I suppose I oughta see what’s got his goat.”

He took the phone from Blake as the boy retreated to the hall. He stared for a moment at the black device and then, before he could think twice, took it off hold.

“Looks like your luck finally ran out, Junior,” came the crackle of a voice through the receiver.

George’s voice was not his campaign-trained, cowboy twang but something childish. Cloying. “It wasn’t luck, Poppy. I worked hard.”

“Mhm. Sure.”

“And we don’t know it’s over yet. There’s still votes to be counted in—.”

“No, George, there’s not. Jeb can’t bail you out of this one,” There was a long pause. George thought he could hear the clinking of a glass being set on a table followed by a sigh. “What a goddamn mess. What a waste.”

George said nothing.

“A generation of political capital squandered on idiot ambitions. If you had listened to me at any point in the last four years, we wouldn’t be here now. I should have known after Cheney weaseled his way onto the ticket, after the shitshow you pulled with North Korea…”

George stared intensely at his feet. He could actually feel himself sinking, could see the fragments of his presidency floating on the waves and turning into junk.

“Your brother never would have gotten himself here.”

“Poppy, I—.” There was so much he wanted to say, but instead he heard himself mutter, “I know.”

“Well, at least you’re finally being honest with yourself. Christ.” Another pause. Another clink of the glass. “I guess we have work to do. I’m sure Rove’s people will have you doing all kinds of tricks tonight to keep the people at your election party from rioting, but Jeb and I will call tomorrow to figure out next steps. Just don’t screw up anything else before we can talk again, okay?”

Bush nodded and then, aware that it wouldn’t carry, spoke into the phone. “Okay, Poppy. I should probably go now.” He rubbed his face. “I love you. Make sure to tell mother I said the same to her.”

Through the static, there was a grunt. “Okay, George. Night.”

The line went dead. George stood in silence in his room for several minutes, wallowing in his desolation. Then, slowly, he reassembled his mask of confidence. He forced himself to stroll out his door, past Blake and Rove and throngs of pitying aides. He spoke briefly with his handlers about what to say to the crowd and allowed a woman to fix his smeared make-up. When all was done, he found Laura, looped his arm into her’s, and pecked her on the cheek—a gesture he had once seen his father do. Then, without any further hesitation, George stepped out onto the stage before the disappointed crowd. Blinded by the stage lights, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const wellstoneWin = new Playlist(); const wellstoneWinSong = new Song( "21 Guns", "Green Day", "", "" ); wellstoneWin.addSong(wellstoneWinSong); changePlaylist(wellstoneWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && quickstats[0] >= 139 && Dem == 5) { // Defeat - Lieberman e.pages.push(`

Beneath the Great Seal

George had started the night off in high spirits. His election night party in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC had attracted a large, enthusiastic crowd. Rove had told him that the exit polls in key battleground states seemed to be tilted in their favor. Anderson Cooper, one of his least favorite television personalities, had looked unusually unkempt standing outside a rain-soaked polling station in Michigan. All of these seemed to be good signs.

He had been in such a good mood from these developments that he had missed the first signs of distress, of the sea liner hitting the iceberg. There was not an immediate call for his victory, as Card had predicted, and every news update seemed to remove victory further from his grasp. Swing states tilted right, then left, then further left still. Votes from cities washed away at their margins elsewhere. He caught Rove nervously cleaning his fingernails with his teeth the one time he emerged from his makeshift green room. He shot the man a thumbs up before grabbing a slice of pizza and scampering back to his makeshift green room to hide. He needed to keep his spirits up. He needed to keep smiling.

He was still forcing himself to smile by 2:00 AM. While Fox still held out, CNN and MSNBC had called it: George W. Bush had lost the presidency. There were no words coming out of the muted television in his green room, but he could read their lips just fine. “LOSER. LOSER. LOSER.” Even the crowds at his own party seemed to be sarcastic with their chanting, which reverberated through the building. “DON’T BACK DOWN. DON’T BACK DOWN. BACK—.”


George forced himself to turn, to look at the intruder with a warm smile instead of bashing in his face with his fist. He gave a light chuckle, “Oh, Blake, how ya holding up?”

Blake Gottesman, his bag man, gave a nervous grimace. “Um, fine, sir. I uh…” He shifted from foot to foot like an overlarge child. Behind his grin, George watched the scene. He wondered what he had ever seen in the child. “Your father called. President B—. I mean—. Uh.”

Blake extended a small, black cellphone from his pocket. George’s smile widened because if he did anything else, he was sure he would scream or break down crying. How had this happened? How had it come to this? In the corner of his eye, he could see the talking heads continue their crusade against him. The whole world was determined to tear him down and now Poppy…

The thought of his father caused all the anger in him to melt into something far more awful and pathetic.

“Well, heck, thanks. I suppose I oughta see what’s got his goat.”

He took the phone from Blake as the boy retreated to the hall. He stared for a moment at the black device and then, before he could think twice, took it off hold.

“Looks like your luck finally ran out, Junior,” came the crackle of a voice through the receiver.

George’s voice was not his campaign-trained, cowboy twang but something childish. Cloying. “It wasn’t luck, Poppy. I worked hard.”

“Mhm. Sure.”

“And we don’t know it’s over yet. There’s still votes to be counted in—.”

“No, George, there’s not. Jeb can’t bail you out of this one,” There was a long pause. George thought he could hear the clinking of a glass being set on a table followed by a sigh. “What a goddamn mess. What a waste.”

George said nothing.

“A generation of political capital squandered on idiot ambitions. If you had listened to me at any point in the last four years, we wouldn’t be here now. I should have known after Cheney weaseled his way onto the ticket, after the shitshow you pulled with North Korea…”

George stared intensely at his feet. He could actually feel himself sinking, could see the fragments of his presidency floating on the waves and turning into junk.

“Your brother never would have gotten himself here.”

“Poppy, I—.” There was so much he wanted to say, but instead he heard himself mutter, “I know.”

“Well, at least you’re finally being honest with yourself. Christ.” Another pause. Another clink of the glass. “I guess we have work to do. I’m sure Rove’s people will have you doing all kinds of tricks tonight to keep the people at your election party from rioting, but Jeb and I will call tomorrow to figure out next steps. Just don’t screw up anything else before we can talk again, okay?”

Bush nodded and then, aware that it wouldn’t carry, spoke into the phone. “Okay, Poppy. I should probably go now.” He rubbed his face. “I love you. Make sure to tell mother I said the same to her.”

Through the static, there was a grunt. “Okay, George. Night.”

The line went dead. George stood in silence in his room for several minutes, wallowing in his desolation. Then, slowly, he reassembled his mask of confidence. He forced himself to stroll out his door, past Blake and Rove and throngs of pitying aides. He spoke briefly with his handlers about what to say to the crowd and allowed a woman to fix his smeared make-up. When all was done, he found Laura, looped his arm into her’s, and pecked her on the cheek—a gesture he had once seen his father do. Then, without any further hesitation, George stepped out onto the stage before the disappointed crowd. Blinded by the stage lights, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const liebermanWin = new Playlist(); const liebermanWinSong = new Song( "Another Day in America", "Laurie Anderson", "", "" ); liebermanWin.addSong(liebermanWinSong); changePlaylist(liebermanWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && quickstats[0] >= 139 && Dem == 6) { // Defeat - Sharpton e.pages.push(`

Beneath the Great Seal

George had started the night off in high spirits. His election night party in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC had attracted a large, enthusiastic crowd. Rove had told him that the exit polls in key battleground states seemed to be tilted in their favor. Anderson Cooper, one of his least favorite television personalities, had looked unusually unkempt standing outside a rain-soaked polling station in Michigan. All of these seemed to be good signs.

He had been in such a good mood from these developments that he had missed the first signs of distress, of the sea liner hitting the iceberg. There was not an immediate call for his victory, as Card had predicted, and every news update seemed to remove victory further from his grasp. Swing states tilted right, then left, then further left still. Votes from cities washed away at their margins elsewhere. He caught Rove nervously cleaning his fingernails with his teeth the one time he emerged from his makeshift green room. He shot the man a thumbs up before grabbing a slice of pizza and scampering back to his makeshift green room to hide. He needed to keep his spirits up. He needed to keep smiling.

He was still forcing himself to smile by 2:00 AM. While Fox still held out, CNN and MSNBC had called it: George W. Bush had lost the presidency. There were no words coming out of the muted television in his green room, but he could read their lips just fine. “LOSER. LOSER. LOSER.” Even the crowds at his own party seemed to be sarcastic with their chanting, which reverberated through the building. “DON’T BACK DOWN. DON’T BACK DOWN. BACK—.”


George forced himself to turn, to look at the intruder with a warm smile instead of bashing in his face with his fist. He gave a light chuckle, “Oh, Blake, how ya holding up?”

Blake Gottesman, his bag man, gave a nervous grimace. “Um, fine, sir. I uh…” He shifted from foot to foot like an overlarge child. Behind his grin, George watched the scene. He wondered what he had ever seen in the child. “Your father called. President B—. I mean—. Uh.”

Blake extended a small, black cellphone from his pocket. George’s smile widened because if he did anything else, he was sure he would scream or break down crying. How had this happened? How had it come to this? In the corner of his eye, he could see the talking heads continue their crusade against him. The whole world was determined to tear him down and now Poppy…

The thought of his father caused all the anger in him to melt into something far more awful and pathetic.

“Well, heck, thanks. I suppose I oughta see what’s got his goat.”

He took the phone from Blake as the boy retreated to the hall. He stared for a moment at the black device and then, before he could think twice, took it off hold.

“Looks like your luck finally ran out, Junior,” came the crackle of a voice through the receiver.

George’s voice was not his campaign-trained, cowboy twang but something childish. Cloying. “It wasn’t luck, Poppy. I worked hard.”

“Mhm. Sure.”

“And we don’t know it’s over yet. There’s still votes to be counted in—.”

“No, George, there’s not. Jeb can’t bail you out of this one,” There was a long pause. George thought he could hear the clinking of a glass being set on a table followed by a sigh. “What a goddamn mess. What a waste.”

George said nothing.

“A generation of political capital squandered on idiot ambitions. If you had listened to me at any point in the last four years, we wouldn’t be here now. I should have known after Cheney weaseled his way onto the ticket, after the shitshow you pulled with North Korea…”

George stared intensely at his feet. He could actually feel himself sinking, could see the fragments of his presidency floating on the waves and turning into junk.

“Your brother never would have gotten himself here.”

“Poppy, I—.” There was so much he wanted to say, but instead he heard himself mutter, “I know.”

“Well, at least you’re finally being honest with yourself. Christ.” Another pause. Another clink of the glass. “I guess we have work to do. I’m sure Rove’s people will have you doing all kinds of tricks tonight to keep the people at your election party from rioting, but Jeb and I will call tomorrow to figure out next steps. Just don’t screw up anything else before we can talk again, okay?”

Bush nodded and then, aware that it wouldn’t carry, spoke into the phone. “Okay, Poppy. I should probably go now.” He rubbed his face. “I love you. Make sure to tell mother I said the same to her.”

Through the static, there was a grunt. “Okay, George. Night.”

The line went dead. George stood in silence in his room for several minutes, wallowing in his desolation. Then, slowly, he reassembled his mask of confidence. He forced himself to stroll out his door, past Blake and Rove and throngs of pitying aides. He spoke briefly with his handlers about what to say to the crowd and allowed a woman to fix his smeared make-up. When all was done, he found Laura, looped his arm into her’s, and pecked her on the cheek—a gesture he had once seen his father do. Then, without any further hesitation, George stepped out onto the stage before the disappointed crowd. Blinded by the stage lights, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const sharptonWin = new Playlist(); const sharptonWinSong = new Song( "The Party's Over", "Wynton Marsalis", "", "" ); sharptonWin.addSong(sharptonWinSong); changePlaylist(sharptonWin); } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && quickstats[0] >= 139 && Dem == 7) { // Defeat - Kennedy e.pages.push(`

Beneath the Great Seal

George had started the night off in high spirits. His election night party in the Reagan Building in Downtown DC had attracted a large, enthusiastic crowd. Rove had told him that the exit polls in key battleground states seemed to be tilted in their favor. Anderson Cooper, one of his least favorite television personalities, had looked unusually unkempt standing outside a rain-soaked polling station in Michigan. All of these seemed to be good signs.

He had been in such a good mood from these developments that he had missed the first signs of distress, of the sea liner hitting the iceberg. There was not an immediate call for his victory, as Card had predicted, and every news update seemed to remove victory further from his grasp. Swing states tilted right, then left, then further left still. Votes from cities washed away at their margins elsewhere. He caught Rove nervously cleaning his fingernails with his teeth the one time he emerged from his makeshift green room. He shot the man a thumbs up before grabbing a slice of pizza and scampering back to his makeshift green room to hide. He needed to keep his spirits up. He needed to keep smiling.

He was still forcing himself to smile by 2:00 AM. While Fox still held out, CNN and MSNBC had called it: George W. Bush had lost the presidency. There were no words coming out of the muted television in his green room, but he could read their lips just fine. “LOSER. LOSER. LOSER.” Even the crowds at his own party seemed to be sarcastic with their chanting, which reverberated through the building. “DON’T BACK DOWN. DON’T BACK DOWN. BACK—.”


George forced himself to turn, to look at the intruder with a warm smile instead of bashing in his face with his fist. He gave a light chuckle, “Oh, Blake, how ya holding up?”

Blake Gottesman, his bag man, gave a nervous grimace. “Um, fine, sir. I uh…” He shifted from foot to foot like an overlarge child. Behind his grin, George watched the scene. He wondered what he had ever seen in the child. “Your father called. President B—. I mean—. Uh.”

Blake extended a small, black cellphone from his pocket. George’s smile widened because if he did anything else, he was sure he would scream or break down crying. How had this happened? How had it come to this? In the corner of his eye, he could see the talking heads continue their crusade against him. The whole world was determined to tear him down and now Poppy…

The thought of his father caused all the anger in him to melt into something far more awful and pathetic.

“Well, heck, thanks. I suppose I oughta see what’s got his goat.”

He took the phone from Blake as the boy retreated to the hall. He stared for a moment at the black device and then, before he could think twice, took it off hold.

“Looks like your luck finally ran out, Junior,” came the crackle of a voice through the receiver.

George’s voice was not his campaign-trained, cowboy twang but something childish. Cloying. “It wasn’t luck, Poppy. I worked hard.”

“Mhm. Sure.”

“And we don’t know it’s over yet. There’s still votes to be counted in—.”

“No, George, there’s not. Jeb can’t bail you out of this one,” There was a long pause. George thought he could hear the clinking of a glass being set on a table followed by a sigh. “What a goddamn mess. What a waste.”

George said nothing.

“A generation of political capital squandered on idiot ambitions. If you had listened to me at any point in the last four years, we wouldn’t be here now. I should have known after Cheney weaseled his way onto the ticket, after the shitshow you pulled with North Korea…”

George stared intensely at his feet. He could actually feel himself sinking, could see the fragments of his presidency floating on the waves and turning into junk.

“Your brother never would have gotten himself here.”

“Poppy, I—.” There was so much he wanted to say, but instead he heard himself mutter, “I know.”

“Well, at least you’re finally being honest with yourself. Christ.” Another pause. Another clink of the glass. “I guess we have work to do. I’m sure Rove’s people will have you doing all kinds of tricks tonight to keep the people at your election party from rioting, but Jeb and I will call tomorrow to figure out next steps. Just don’t screw up anything else before we can talk again, okay?”

Bush nodded and then, aware that it wouldn’t carry, spoke into the phone. “Okay, Poppy. I should probably go now.” He rubbed his face. “I love you. Make sure to tell mother I said the same to her.”

Through the static, there was a grunt. “Okay, George. Night.”

The line went dead. George stood in silence in his room for several minutes, wallowing in his desolation. Then, slowly, he reassembled his mask of confidence. He forced himself to stroll out his door, past Blake and Rove and throngs of pitying aides. He spoke briefly with his handlers about what to say to the crowd and allowed a woman to fix his smeared make-up. When all was done, he found Laura, looped his arm into her’s, and pecked her on the cheek—a gesture he had once seen his father do. Then, without any further hesitation, George stepped out onto the stage before the disappointed crowd. Blinded by the stage lights, George tried not to imagine what the future would hold.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const kennedyWin = new Playlist(); const kennedyWinSong = new Song( "Still", "Ben Folds", "", "" ); kennedyWin.addSong(kennedyWinSong); changePlaylist(kennedyWin); } //DEADLOCK if (quickstats[0] == 269 && Dem == 1) { // Deadlock - Clinton e.pages.push(`

To Labor in Government

A calamity had taken place. A catastrophe. A car crash in slow motion.

It hadn’t started like this. Early in the night, the obvious states had come in. Alabama and New York had slotted into their obvious columns. The crowds at the George W. Bush Election Night Party inside the Reagan Building had watched as Republican and Democratic electoral votes grew higher and higher. They were there as the nation tiptoed to a precipice and then, at some point past 2:00 AM, flung itself off it. Though CNN, FOX, and MSNBC had refused to call it, the old fogeys at CBS had taken a bold step into the unknown—the election was tied 269-269. For the first time since 1800, the House of Representatives would pick the president.

The enormity of the event had not yet reached those gathered in the Reagan Building. Decked in their “W” hats and American flag-patterned outfits, they looked confused more than anything. George W. Bush could see them murmuring through a tiny monitor in his makeshift green room. They were growing anxious as word spread that his opponent was planning to address their own supporters within the next few minutes. His own silence was becoming noticeable, concerning, but he could not move himself to act. For the first time in a long time, he felt sapped of his certainty.


George jumped at the sudden intrusion. He spun to see, not Rove, not his running mate, but Blake Gottesman—his bag man. The boy, gangly with spots of acne, shifted his weight from side to side like a child trying to hold in his bladder.

“Sorry for bothering, Mr. President, but um…” George became aware of a phone in the boy’s hand. His mind jumped between a dozen possibilities. “It’s your father. You told me to tell you if he called tonight?”

George blinked. Then, as if in a dream, he beckoned for the boy to approach and took the phone from him with a shaky hand. Blake took a step backward and then vanished from the green room as George took the call off hold.

“Hi Poppy,” said George. His voice seemed distant.

From thousands of miles away came the voice of George’s father, harsh and clipped. “I’ve been on the phone with Jeb. He’s been talking with his people and he thinks that ABC is right. This thing’s going for a tie or, at the very least, an extended recount.” There was a rumble that George recognized as a sigh. “This is worse than 2000. What a goddamn mess.”

“We don’t know that yet,” murmured George. His voice seemed strangely child-like, sullen. He had a brief flash of being back in elementary school, trying to explain his report card. “There’s still absentee ballots. There’s still military ballots, you know what I’m saying? There could be fraud. K-Karl says—.”

“Jesus Christ, listen to yourself. ‘Voter fraud.’” The voice was high-pitched, mocking. “Give me a break.”

“O-okay. Maybe there’s not fraud. Maybe… I mean, we don’t gotta resignate—. I mean, I we don’t have to resign ourselves to this. There’s gonna be a run-off. We could still win in the House. That’s what happens next, right? We can still come out on top.”

He was so desperate. If Poppy could just say one positive thing, if he could give him one reassurance, everything would be okay.

Instead, there was a long and deafening silence on the other end of the receiver. “No, George. The Democrats are probably going to win the House.” He let the sentence sit there, moldering. “They’ll get sworn in and then, on January 6th, they’ll vote down the line for the Democrat. You will lose. You will be evicted from the White House. There is no reprieve coming. Christ is not going to descend from the heavens to save you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

He was quiet. He remembered how he’d come home to Poppy drunk one night when he was in his 30s. He remembered the disgusted look on his father’s face.

“Answer me when I talk to you. Do you understand?”

George swallowed. “Yeah… Poppy. I understand.”

“Good. Jeb and I will call you tomorrow about how we can play this, but what’s important right now is you get out there. You tell the people at the Reagan Center that these results are not what you wanted but you are following them closely and you will respect the will of the voters, whatever that may be. Do you understand?”


“Okay. Well, if you ever listened to me, you would have done this hours ago.” Poppy gave a huff. "Just get out there before things get any worse. Don’t forget, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

And then, without ceremony, Poppy hung up. Bush allowed himself to listen to the silence for several moments. Then, he reconstructed his smile. He pretended to be jovial as he walked through rows of sullen aides. He wrapped his arm around Laura and kissed her gently on the cheek, a gesture he’d seen his father do many times before. Then, he stepped out onto the stage before the crowd. He could hear their voices but, with the stage lights blaring, he could not see their faces.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const clintonWin = new Playlist(); const clintonWinSong = new Song( "Not Ready To Make Nice", "The Chicks", "", "" ); clintonWin.addSong(clintonWinSong); changePlaylist(clintonWin); } if (quickstats[0] == 269 && Dem == 2) { // Deadlock - Gore e.pages.push(`

To Labor in Government

A calamity had taken place. A catastrophe. A car crash in slow motion.

It hadn’t started like this. Early in the night, the obvious states had come in. Alabama and New York had slotted into their obvious columns. The crowds at the George W. Bush Election Night Party inside the Reagan Building had watched as Republican and Democratic electoral votes grew higher and higher. They were there as the nation tiptoed to a precipice and then, at some point past 2:00 AM, flung itself off it. Though CNN, FOX, and MSNBC had refused to call it, the old fogeys at CBS had taken a bold step into the unknown—the election was tied 269-269. For the first time since 1800, the House of Representatives would pick the president.

The enormity of the event had not yet reached those gathered in the Reagan Building. Decked in their “W” hats and American flag-patterned outfits, they looked confused more than anything. George W. Bush could see them murmuring through a tiny monitor in his makeshift green room. They were growing anxious as word spread that his opponent was planning to address their own supporters within the next few minutes. His own silence was becoming noticeable, concerning, but he could not move himself to act. For the first time in a long time, he felt sapped of his certainty.


George jumped at the sudden intrusion. He spun to see, not Rove, not his running mate, but Blake Gottesman—his bag man. The boy, gangly with spots of acne, shifted his weight from side to side like a child trying to hold in his bladder.

“Sorry for bothering, Mr. President, but um…” George became aware of a phone in the boy’s hand. His mind jumped between a dozen possibilities. “It’s your father. You told me to tell you if he called tonight?”

George blinked. Then, as if in a dream, he beckoned for the boy to approach and took the phone from him with a shaky hand. Blake took a step backward and then vanished from the green room as George took the call off hold.

“Hi Poppy,” said George. His voice seemed distant.

From thousands of miles away came the voice of George’s father, harsh and clipped. “I’ve been on the phone with Jeb. He’s been talking with his people and he thinks that ABC is right. This thing’s going for a tie or, at the very least, an extended recount.” There was a rumble that George recognized as a sigh. “This is worse than 2000. What a goddamn mess.”

“We don’t know that yet,” murmured George. His voice seemed strangely child-like, sullen. He had a brief flash of being back in elementary school, trying to explain his report card. “There’s still absentee ballots. There’s still military ballots, you know what I’m saying? There could be fraud. K-Karl says—.”

“Jesus Christ, listen to yourself. ‘Voter fraud.’” The voice was high-pitched, mocking. “Give me a break.”

“O-okay. Maybe there’s not fraud. Maybe… I mean, we don’t gotta resignate—. I mean, I we don’t have to resign ourselves to this. There’s gonna be a run-off. We could still win in the House. That’s what happens next, right? We can still come out on top.”

He was so desperate. If Poppy could just say one positive thing, if he could give him one reassurance, everything would be okay.

Instead, there was a long and deafening silence on the other end of the receiver. “No, George. The Democrats are probably going to win the House.” He let the sentence sit there, moldering. “They’ll get sworn in and then, on January 6th, they’ll vote down the line for the Democrat. You will lose. You will be evicted from the White House. There is no reprieve coming. Christ is not going to descend from the heavens to save you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

He was quiet. He remembered how he’d come home to Poppy drunk one night when he was in his 30s. He remembered the disgusted look on his father’s face.

“Answer me when I talk to you. Do you understand?”

George swallowed. “Yeah… Poppy. I understand.”

“Good. Jeb and I will call you tomorrow about how we can play this, but what’s important right now is you get out there. You tell the people at the Reagan Center that these results are not what you wanted but you are following them closely and you will respect the will of the voters, whatever that may be. Do you understand?”


“Okay. Well, if you ever listened to me, you would have done this hours ago.” Poppy gave a huff. "Just get out there before things get any worse. Don’t forget, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

And then, without ceremony, Poppy hung up. Bush allowed himself to listen to the silence for several moments. Then, he reconstructed his smile. He pretended to be jovial as he walked through rows of sullen aides. He wrapped his arm around Laura and kissed her gently on the cheek, a gesture he’d seen his father do many times before. Then, he stepped out onto the stage before the crowd. He could hear their voices but, with the stage lights blaring, he could not see their faces.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const goreWin = new Playlist(); const goreWinSong = new Song( "Beautiful Enemy", "Dar Williams", ",1000_QL80_.jpg", "" ); goreWin.addSong(goreWinSong); changePlaylist(goreWin); } if (quickstats[0] == 269 && Dem == 3) { // Deadlock - Edwards e.pages.push(`

To Labor in Government

A calamity had taken place. A catastrophe. A car crash in slow motion.

It hadn’t started like this. Early in the night, the obvious states had come in. Alabama and New York had slotted into their obvious columns. The crowds at the George W. Bush Election Night Party inside the Reagan Building had watched as Republican and Democratic electoral votes grew higher and higher. They were there as the nation tiptoed to a precipice and then, at some point past 2:00 AM, flung itself off it. Though CNN, FOX, and MSNBC had refused to call it, the old fogeys at CBS had taken a bold step into the unknown—the election was tied 269-269. For the first time since 1800, the House of Representatives would pick the president.

The enormity of the event had not yet reached those gathered in the Reagan Building. Decked in their “W” hats and American flag-patterned outfits, they looked confused more than anything. George W. Bush could see them murmuring through a tiny monitor in his makeshift green room. They were growing anxious as word spread that his opponent was planning to address their own supporters within the next few minutes. His own silence was becoming noticeable, concerning, but he could not move himself to act. For the first time in a long time, he felt sapped of his certainty.


George jumped at the sudden intrusion. He spun to see, not Rove, not his running mate, but Blake Gottesman—his bag man. The boy, gangly with spots of acne, shifted his weight from side to side like a child trying to hold in his bladder.

“Sorry for bothering, Mr. President, but um…” George became aware of a phone in the boy’s hand. His mind jumped between a dozen possibilities. “It’s your father. You told me to tell you if he called tonight?”

George blinked. Then, as if in a dream, he beckoned for the boy to approach and took the phone from him with a shaky hand. Blake took a step backward and then vanished from the green room as George took the call off hold.

“Hi Poppy,” said George. His voice seemed distant.

From thousands of miles away came the voice of George’s father, harsh and clipped. “I’ve been on the phone with Jeb. He’s been talking with his people and he thinks that ABC is right. This thing’s going for a tie or, at the very least, an extended recount.” There was a rumble that George recognized as a sigh. “This is worse than 2000. What a goddamn mess.”

“We don’t know that yet,” murmured George. His voice seemed strangely child-like, sullen. He had a brief flash of being back in elementary school, trying to explain his report card. “There’s still absentee ballots. There’s still military ballots, you know what I’m saying? There could be fraud. K-Karl says—.”

“Jesus Christ, listen to yourself. ‘Voter fraud.’” The voice was high-pitched, mocking. “Give me a break.”

“O-okay. Maybe there’s not fraud. Maybe… I mean, we don’t gotta resignate—. I mean, I we don’t have to resign ourselves to this. There’s gonna be a run-off. We could still win in the House. That’s what happens next, right? We can still come out on top.”

He was so desperate. If Poppy could just say one positive thing, if he could give him one reassurance, everything would be okay.

Instead, there was a long and deafening silence on the other end of the receiver. “No, George. The Democrats are probably going to win the House.” He let the sentence sit there, moldering. “They’ll get sworn in and then, on January 6th, they’ll vote down the line for the Democrat. You will lose. You will be evicted from the White House. There is no reprieve coming. Christ is not going to descend from the heavens to save you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

He was quiet. He remembered how he’d come home to Poppy drunk one night when he was in his 30s. He remembered the disgusted look on his father’s face.

“Answer me when I talk to you. Do you understand?”

George swallowed. “Yeah… Poppy. I understand.”

“Good. Jeb and I will call you tomorrow about how we can play this, but what’s important right now is you get out there. You tell the people at the Reagan Center that these results are not what you wanted but you are following them closely and you will respect the will of the voters, whatever that may be. Do you understand?”


“Okay. Well, if you ever listened to me, you would have done this hours ago.” Poppy gave a huff. "Just get out there before things get any worse. Don’t forget, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

And then, without ceremony, Poppy hung up. Bush allowed himself to listen to the silence for several moments. Then, he reconstructed his smile. He pretended to be jovial as he walked through rows of sullen aides. He wrapped his arm around Laura and kissed her gently on the cheek, a gesture he’d seen his father do many times before. Then, he stepped out onto the stage before the crowd. He could hear their voices but, with the stage lights blaring, he could not see their faces.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const edwardsWin = new Playlist(); const edwardsWinSong = new Song( "Bad Day", "R.E.M.", "", "" ); edwardsWin.addSong(edwardsWinSong); changePlaylist(edwardsWin); } if (quickstats[0] == 269 && Dem == 4) { // Deadlock - Wellstone e.pages.push(`

To Labor in Government

A calamity had taken place. A catastrophe. A car crash in slow motion.

It hadn’t started like this. Early in the night, the obvious states had come in. Alabama and New York had slotted into their obvious columns. The crowds at the George W. Bush Election Night Party inside the Reagan Building had watched as Republican and Democratic electoral votes grew higher and higher. They were there as the nation tiptoed to a precipice and then, at some point past 2:00 AM, flung itself off it. Though CNN, FOX, and MSNBC had refused to call it, the old fogeys at CBS had taken a bold step into the unknown—the election was tied 269-269. For the first time since 1800, the House of Representatives would pick the president.

The enormity of the event had not yet reached those gathered in the Reagan Building. Decked in their “W” hats and American flag-patterned outfits, they looked confused more than anything. George W. Bush could see them murmuring through a tiny monitor in his makeshift green room. They were growing anxious as word spread that his opponent was planning to address their own supporters within the next few minutes. His own silence was becoming noticeable, concerning, but he could not move himself to act. For the first time in a long time, he felt sapped of his certainty.


George jumped at the sudden intrusion. He spun to see, not Rove, not his running mate, but Blake Gottesman—his bag man. The boy, gangly with spots of acne, shifted his weight from side to side like a child trying to hold in his bladder.

“Sorry for bothering, Mr. President, but um…” George became aware of a phone in the boy’s hand. His mind jumped between a dozen possibilities. “It’s your father. You told me to tell you if he called tonight?”

George blinked. Then, as if in a dream, he beckoned for the boy to approach and took the phone from him with a shaky hand. Blake took a step backward and then vanished from the green room as George took the call off hold.

“Hi Poppy,” said George. His voice seemed distant.

From thousands of miles away came the voice of George’s father, harsh and clipped. “I’ve been on the phone with Jeb. He’s been talking with his people and he thinks that ABC is right. This thing’s going for a tie or, at the very least, an extended recount.” There was a rumble that George recognized as a sigh. “This is worse than 2000. What a goddamn mess.”

“We don’t know that yet,” murmured George. His voice seemed strangely child-like, sullen. He had a brief flash of being back in elementary school, trying to explain his report card. “There’s still absentee ballots. There’s still military ballots, you know what I’m saying? There could be fraud. K-Karl says—.”

“Jesus Christ, listen to yourself. ‘Voter fraud.’” The voice was high-pitched, mocking. “Give me a break.”

“O-okay. Maybe there’s not fraud. Maybe… I mean, we don’t gotta resignate—. I mean, I we don’t have to resign ourselves to this. There’s gonna be a run-off. We could still win in the House. That’s what happens next, right? We can still come out on top.”

He was so desperate. If Poppy could just say one positive thing, if he could give him one reassurance, everything would be okay.

Instead, there was a long and deafening silence on the other end of the receiver. “No, George. The Democrats are probably going to win the House.” He let the sentence sit there, moldering. “They’ll get sworn in and then, on January 6th, they’ll vote down the line for the Democrat. You will lose. You will be evicted from the White House. There is no reprieve coming. Christ is not going to descend from the heavens to save you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

He was quiet. He remembered how he’d come home to Poppy drunk one night when he was in his 30s. He remembered the disgusted look on his father’s face.

“Answer me when I talk to you. Do you understand?”

George swallowed. “Yeah… Poppy. I understand.”

“Good. Jeb and I will call you tomorrow about how we can play this, but what’s important right now is you get out there. You tell the people at the Reagan Center that these results are not what you wanted but you are following them closely and you will respect the will of the voters, whatever that may be. Do you understand?”


“Okay. Well, if you ever listened to me, you would have done this hours ago.” Poppy gave a huff. "Just get out there before things get any worse. Don’t forget, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

And then, without ceremony, Poppy hung up. Bush allowed himself to listen to the silence for several moments. Then, he reconstructed his smile. He pretended to be jovial as he walked through rows of sullen aides. He wrapped his arm around Laura and kissed her gently on the cheek, a gesture he’d seen his father do many times before. Then, he stepped out onto the stage before the crowd. He could hear their voices but, with the stage lights blaring, he could not see their faces.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const wellstoneWin = new Playlist(); const wellstoneWinSong = new Song( "21 Guns", "Green Day", "", "" ); wellstoneWin.addSong(wellstoneWinSong); changePlaylist(wellstoneWin); } if (quickstats[0] == 269 && Dem == 5) { // Deadlock - Lieberman e.pages.push(`

To Labor in Government

A calamity had taken place. A catastrophe. A car crash in slow motion.

It hadn’t started like this. Early in the night, the obvious states had come in. Alabama and New York had slotted into their obvious columns. The crowds at the George W. Bush Election Night Party inside the Reagan Building had watched as Republican and Democratic electoral votes grew higher and higher. They were there as the nation tiptoed to a precipice and then, at some point past 2:00 AM, flung itself off it. Though CNN, FOX, and MSNBC had refused to call it, the old fogeys at CBS had taken a bold step into the unknown—the election was tied 269-269. For the first time since 1800, the House of Representatives would pick the president.

The enormity of the event had not yet reached those gathered in the Reagan Building. Decked in their “W” hats and American flag-patterned outfits, they looked confused more than anything. George W. Bush could see them murmuring through a tiny monitor in his makeshift green room. They were growing anxious as word spread that his opponent was planning to address their own supporters within the next few minutes. His own silence was becoming noticeable, concerning, but he could not move himself to act. For the first time in a long time, he felt sapped of his certainty.


George jumped at the sudden intrusion. He spun to see, not Rove, not his running mate, but Blake Gottesman—his bag man. The boy, gangly with spots of acne, shifted his weight from side to side like a child trying to hold in his bladder.

“Sorry for bothering, Mr. President, but um…” George became aware of a phone in the boy’s hand. His mind jumped between a dozen possibilities. “It’s your father. You told me to tell you if he called tonight?”

George blinked. Then, as if in a dream, he beckoned for the boy to approach and took the phone from him with a shaky hand. Blake took a step backward and then vanished from the green room as George took the call off hold.

“Hi Poppy,” said George. His voice seemed distant.

From thousands of miles away came the voice of George’s father, harsh and clipped. “I’ve been on the phone with Jeb. He’s been talking with his people and he thinks that ABC is right. This thing’s going for a tie or, at the very least, an extended recount.” There was a rumble that George recognized as a sigh. “This is worse than 2000. What a goddamn mess.”

“We don’t know that yet,” murmured George. His voice seemed strangely child-like, sullen. He had a brief flash of being back in elementary school, trying to explain his report card. “There’s still absentee ballots. There’s still military ballots, you know what I’m saying? There could be fraud. K-Karl says—.”

“Jesus Christ, listen to yourself. ‘Voter fraud.’” The voice was high-pitched, mocking. “Give me a break.”

“O-okay. Maybe there’s not fraud. Maybe… I mean, we don’t gotta resignate—. I mean, I we don’t have to resign ourselves to this. There’s gonna be a run-off. We could still win in the House. That’s what happens next, right? We can still come out on top.”

He was so desperate. If Poppy could just say one positive thing, if he could give him one reassurance, everything would be okay.

Instead, there was a long and deafening silence on the other end of the receiver. “No, George. The Democrats are probably going to win the House.” He let the sentence sit there, moldering. “They’ll get sworn in and then, on January 6th, they’ll vote down the line for the Democrat. You will lose. You will be evicted from the White House. There is no reprieve coming. Christ is not going to descend from the heavens to save you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

He was quiet. He remembered how he’d come home to Poppy drunk one night when he was in his 30s. He remembered the disgusted look on his father’s face.

“Answer me when I talk to you. Do you understand?”

George swallowed. “Yeah… Poppy. I understand.”

“Good. Jeb and I will call you tomorrow about how we can play this, but what’s important right now is you get out there. You tell the people at the Reagan Center that these results are not what you wanted but you are following them closely and you will respect the will of the voters, whatever that may be. Do you understand?”


“Okay. Well, if you ever listened to me, you would have done this hours ago.” Poppy gave a huff. "Just get out there before things get any worse. Don’t forget, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

And then, without ceremony, Poppy hung up. Bush allowed himself to listen to the silence for several moments. Then, he reconstructed his smile. He pretended to be jovial as he walked through rows of sullen aides. He wrapped his arm around Laura and kissed her gently on the cheek, a gesture he’d seen his father do many times before. Then, he stepped out onto the stage before the crowd. He could hear their voices but, with the stage lights blaring, he could not see their faces.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const liebermanWin = new Playlist(); const liebermanWinSong = new Song( "Another Day in America", "Laurie Anderson", "", "" ); liebermanWin.addSong(liebermanWinSong); changePlaylist(liebermanWin); } if (quickstats[0] == 269 && Dem == 6) { // Deadlock - Sharpton e.pages.push(`

To Labor in Government

A calamity had taken place. A catastrophe. A car crash in slow motion.

It hadn’t started like this. Early in the night, the obvious states had come in. Alabama and New York had slotted into their obvious columns. The crowds at the George W. Bush Election Night Party inside the Reagan Building had watched as Republican and Democratic electoral votes grew higher and higher. They were there as the nation tiptoed to a precipice and then, at some point past 2:00 AM, flung itself off it. Though CNN, FOX, and MSNBC had refused to call it, the old fogeys at CBS had taken a bold step into the unknown—the election was tied 269-269. For the first time since 1800, the House of Representatives would pick the president.

The enormity of the event had not yet reached those gathered in the Reagan Building. Decked in their “W” hats and American flag-patterned outfits, they looked confused more than anything. George W. Bush could see them murmuring through a tiny monitor in his makeshift green room. They were growing anxious as word spread that his opponent was planning to address their own supporters within the next few minutes. His own silence was becoming noticeable, concerning, but he could not move himself to act. For the first time in a long time, he felt sapped of his certainty.


George jumped at the sudden intrusion. He spun to see, not Rove, not his running mate, but Blake Gottesman—his bag man. The boy, gangly with spots of acne, shifted his weight from side to side like a child trying to hold in his bladder.

“Sorry for bothering, Mr. President, but um…” George became aware of a phone in the boy’s hand. His mind jumped between a dozen possibilities. “It’s your father. You told me to tell you if he called tonight?”

George blinked. Then, as if in a dream, he beckoned for the boy to approach and took the phone from him with a shaky hand. Blake took a step backward and then vanished from the green room as George took the call off hold.

“Hi Poppy,” said George. His voice seemed distant.

From thousands of miles away came the voice of George’s father, harsh and clipped. “I’ve been on the phone with Jeb. He’s been talking with his people and he thinks that ABC is right. This thing’s going for a tie or, at the very least, an extended recount.” There was a rumble that George recognized as a sigh. “This is worse than 2000. What a goddamn mess.”

“We don’t know that yet,” murmured George. His voice seemed strangely child-like, sullen. He had a brief flash of being back in elementary school, trying to explain his report card. “There’s still absentee ballots. There’s still military ballots, you know what I’m saying? There could be fraud. K-Karl says—.”

“Jesus Christ, listen to yourself. ‘Voter fraud.’” The voice was high-pitched, mocking. “Give me a break.”

“O-okay. Maybe there’s not fraud. Maybe… I mean, we don’t gotta resignate—. I mean, I we don’t have to resign ourselves to this. There’s gonna be a run-off. We could still win in the House. That’s what happens next, right? We can still come out on top.”

He was so desperate. If Poppy could just say one positive thing, if he could give him one reassurance, everything would be okay.

Instead, there was a long and deafening silence on the other end of the receiver. “No, George. The Democrats are probably going to win the House.” He let the sentence sit there, moldering. “They’ll get sworn in and then, on January 6th, they’ll vote down the line for the Democrat. You will lose. You will be evicted from the White House. There is no reprieve coming. Christ is not going to descend from the heavens to save you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

He was quiet. He remembered how he’d come home to Poppy drunk one night when he was in his 30s. He remembered the disgusted look on his father’s face.

“Answer me when I talk to you. Do you understand?”

George swallowed. “Yeah… Poppy. I understand.”

“Good. Jeb and I will call you tomorrow about how we can play this, but what’s important right now is you get out there. You tell the people at the Reagan Center that these results are not what you wanted but you are following them closely and you will respect the will of the voters, whatever that may be. Do you understand?”


“Okay. Well, if you ever listened to me, you would have done this hours ago.” Poppy gave a huff. "Just get out there before things get any worse. Don’t forget, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

And then, without ceremony, Poppy hung up. Bush allowed himself to listen to the silence for several moments. Then, he reconstructed his smile. He pretended to be jovial as he walked through rows of sullen aides. He wrapped his arm around Laura and kissed her gently on the cheek, a gesture he’d seen his father do many times before. Then, he stepped out onto the stage before the crowd. He could hear their voices but, with the stage lights blaring, he could not see their faces.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const sharptonWin = new Playlist(); const sharptonWinSong = new Song( "The Party's Over", "Wynton Marsalis", "", "" ); sharptonWin.addSong(sharptonWinSong); changePlaylist(sharptonWin); } if (quickstats[0] == 269 && Dem == 7) { // Deadlock - Kennedy e.pages.push(`

To Labor in Government

A calamity had taken place. A catastrophe. A car crash in slow motion.

It hadn’t started like this. Early in the night, the obvious states had come in. Alabama and New York had slotted into their obvious columns. The crowds at the George W. Bush Election Night Party inside the Reagan Building had watched as Republican and Democratic electoral votes grew higher and higher. They were there as the nation tiptoed to a precipice and then, at some point past 2:00 AM, flung itself off it. Though CNN, FOX, and MSNBC had refused to call it, the old fogeys at CBS had taken a bold step into the unknown—the election was tied 269-269. For the first time since 1800, the House of Representatives would pick the president.

The enormity of the event had not yet reached those gathered in the Reagan Building. Decked in their “W” hats and American flag-patterned outfits, they looked confused more than anything. George W. Bush could see them murmuring through a tiny monitor in his makeshift green room. They were growing anxious as word spread that his opponent was planning to address their own supporters within the next few minutes. His own silence was becoming noticeable, concerning, but he could not move himself to act. For the first time in a long time, he felt sapped of his certainty.


George jumped at the sudden intrusion. He spun to see, not Rove, not his running mate, but Blake Gottesman—his bag man. The boy, gangly with spots of acne, shifted his weight from side to side like a child trying to hold in his bladder.

“Sorry for bothering, Mr. President, but um…” George became aware of a phone in the boy’s hand. His mind jumped between a dozen possibilities. “It’s your father. You told me to tell you if he called tonight?”

George blinked. Then, as if in a dream, he beckoned for the boy to approach and took the phone from him with a shaky hand. Blake took a step backward and then vanished from the green room as George took the call off hold.

“Hi Poppy,” said George. His voice seemed distant.

From thousands of miles away came the voice of George’s father, harsh and clipped. “I’ve been on the phone with Jeb. He’s been talking with his people and he thinks that ABC is right. This thing’s going for a tie or, at the very least, an extended recount.” There was a rumble that George recognized as a sigh. “This is worse than 2000. What a goddamn mess.”

“We don’t know that yet,” murmured George. His voice seemed strangely child-like, sullen. He had a brief flash of being back in elementary school, trying to explain his report card. “There’s still absentee ballots. There’s still military ballots, you know what I’m saying? There could be fraud. K-Karl says—.”

“Jesus Christ, listen to yourself. ‘Voter fraud.’” The voice was high-pitched, mocking. “Give me a break.”

“O-okay. Maybe there’s not fraud. Maybe… I mean, we don’t gotta resignate—. I mean, I we don’t have to resign ourselves to this. There’s gonna be a run-off. We could still win in the House. That’s what happens next, right? We can still come out on top.”

He was so desperate. If Poppy could just say one positive thing, if he could give him one reassurance, everything would be okay.

Instead, there was a long and deafening silence on the other end of the receiver. “No, George. The Democrats are probably going to win the House.” He let the sentence sit there, moldering. “They’ll get sworn in and then, on January 6th, they’ll vote down the line for the Democrat. You will lose. You will be evicted from the White House. There is no reprieve coming. Christ is not going to descend from the heavens to save you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

He was quiet. He remembered how he’d come home to Poppy drunk one night when he was in his 30s. He remembered the disgusted look on his father’s face.

“Answer me when I talk to you. Do you understand?”

George swallowed. “Yeah… Poppy. I understand.”

“Good. Jeb and I will call you tomorrow about how we can play this, but what’s important right now is you get out there. You tell the people at the Reagan Center that these results are not what you wanted but you are following them closely and you will respect the will of the voters, whatever that may be. Do you understand?”


“Okay. Well, if you ever listened to me, you would have done this hours ago.” Poppy gave a huff. "Just get out there before things get any worse. Don’t forget, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

And then, without ceremony, Poppy hung up. Bush allowed himself to listen to the silence for several moments. Then, he reconstructed his smile. He pretended to be jovial as he walked through rows of sullen aides. He wrapped his arm around Laura and kissed her gently on the cheek, a gesture he’d seen his father do many times before. Then, he stepped out onto the stage before the crowd. He could hear their voices but, with the stage lights blaring, he could not see their faces.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const kennedyWin = new Playlist(); const kennedyWinSong = new Song( "Still", "Ben Folds", "", "" ); kennedyWin.addSong(kennedyWinSong); changePlaylist(kennedyWin); } // NORMAL VICTORY if (quickstats[0] <= 399 && quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 1) { //Normal Victory - Clinton e.pages.push(`

No Greater Privilege

The excitement had been building for hours inside the Reagan Building in downtown DC. First, the noncompetitive states had come in—Alabama, South Carolina, Utah—inspiring mild cheers from their partisans. Then, there’d been a raft of Republican-leaning states. These had been no great surprises; there were no stunning upsets from what the forecasters had predicted. Still, their number had steadily grown—173 to 188 to 191. The crowds had watched the screens at his Election Night party, bouncing between despair and anticipation, until finally, after midnight, CNN called it. There were still votes to be counted, but according to their projections: George W. Bush had avoided defeat. A cheer went up through the building.

He could hear their shouts echoing through the building, but the sensation George felt in his makeshift green room was exhaustion. It had been a hard four years and an even harder campaign. His body felt ragged, overused. He imagined himself as a rag doll struggling itself stitched together after weeks of being jerked around.

George was aware of a shape standing in the door. He turned and saw his personal assistant, a beanpole of a man, holding a cell phone. He forced himself to smile. “Hey, Blake, is that there the rebels calling to offer their surrender?”

His wry tone flew over the boy’s head. “Uh, no. I, uh, was able to get through to President Bush like you—. I mean, I was able to get through to your father. I know you’d wanted to talk to him before…”

George offered some vague Texan platitude, took the phone, and ushered the boy away. Then, he took a breath and took the call off hold. “Heya, Poppy. Glad you stayed up.”

There was the sound of breathing on the other end. A hand setting a glass on a coaster. “Your mother went to bed, but I’ve been talking to Jeb.” A pause as the voice on the other end took another sip of his drink. “He’ll probably want to call you when things settle down.”

“Oh!” He dulled his intelligence, willed himself to be more dense. “Well, I’ll be looking forward to that. I really will.” He wandered around the green room, busying himself by adjusting make-up bottles and peering into the tiny monitor that displayed the happy crowds in the atrium. They were playing some country song now to fill the time, something by Toby Keith. “Pretty big night. Good for everyone.”

“I suppose you managed to clear the bar and win an election.”

“Yeah, yeah… It’s gonna be a real game change from here on out, Poppy. No more having to worry about legacy, you know what I mean?” He continued staring into the tiny monitor. He wished they would cheer louder, make themselves heard to Poppy over the phone. “Things are gonna be different these next few years.”

There was a long pause. George was sure their call had been disconnected. Then, in a voice that mixed with the static came a low rumble. “No, George. It’s not.”

In the background, Toby Keith’s preening about family and country values suddenly seemed hollow and sarcastic. George gripped the phone hard.

“You’ve made your choices. There are no ‘new beginnings.’ There are no ‘fresh starts.’ You made your choices. You set this country down a path. By winning, all you did was guarantee that you’ll be the one dealing with the consequences of your actions. Nothing else.”


“No one’s going to bail you out of your messes for you, Junior. This isn’t Yale.”

George was quiet and stared at his feet. He swallowed to bury the heavy feeling in his throat. “Hey, Poppy, I, uh, I got to go. The crowd out here is getting pretty rowdy and they’re tellin’ me I should give my victory speech before things get out of hand. Let’s talk about this stuff later, okay?”

There was an exasperated sigh through the receiver followed by the sound of someone downing the remainder of his bourbon. “Alright. Well, I should get to bed anyway. Don’t forget that Jeb will call you. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

“Okay, love you Poppy,” said George, only to be interrupted by the sound of the call disconnecting. He let the drone of the silent telephone bore into him. He allowed himself a few brief moments of quiet before putting back on his mask of cowboy confidence and exiting his room. He forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWinClinton = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Hallelujah", "Leonard Cohen", "", "" ); bushWinClinton.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWinClinton); } if (quickstats[0] <= 399 && quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 2) { //Normal Victory - Gore e.pages.push(`

No Greater Privilege

The excitement had been building for hours inside the Reagan Building in downtown DC. First, the noncompetitive states had come in—Alabama, South Carolina, Utah—inspiring mild cheers from their partisans. Then, there’d been a raft of Republican-leaning states. These had been no great surprises; there were no stunning upsets from what the forecasters had predicted. Still, their number had steadily grown—173 to 188 to 191. The crowds had watched the screens at his Election Night party, bouncing between despair and anticipation, until finally, after midnight, CNN called it. There were still votes to be counted, but according to their projections: George W. Bush had avoided defeat. A cheer went up through the building.

He could hear their shouts echoing through the building, but the sensation George felt in his makeshift green room was exhaustion. It had been a hard four years and an even harder campaign. His body felt ragged, overused. He imagined himself as a rag doll struggling itself stitched together after weeks of being jerked around.

George was aware of a shape standing in the door. He turned and saw his personal assistant, a beanpole of a man, holding a cell phone. He forced himself to smile. “Hey, Blake, is that there the rebels calling to offer their surrender?”

His wry tone flew over the boy’s head. “Uh, no. I, uh, was able to get through to President Bush like you—. I mean, I was able to get through to your father. I know you’d wanted to talk to him before…”

George offered some vague Texan platitude, took the phone, and ushered the boy away. Then, he took a breath and took the call off hold. “Heya, Poppy. Glad you stayed up.”

There was the sound of breathing on the other end. A hand setting a glass on a coaster. “Your mother went to bed, but I’ve been talking to Jeb.” A pause as the voice on the other end took another sip of his drink. “He’ll probably want to call you when things settle down.”

“Oh!” He dulled his intelligence, willed himself to be more dense. “Well, I’ll be looking forward to that. I really will.” He wandered around the green room, busying himself by adjusting make-up bottles and peering into the tiny monitor that displayed the happy crowds in the atrium. They were playing some country song now to fill the time, something by Toby Keith. “Pretty big night. Good for everyone.”

“I suppose you managed to clear the bar and win an election.”

“Yeah, yeah… It’s gonna be a real game change from here on out, Poppy. No more having to worry about legacy, you know what I mean?” He continued staring into the tiny monitor. He wished they would cheer louder, make themselves heard to Poppy over the phone. “Things are gonna be different these next few years.”

There was a long pause. George was sure their call had been disconnected. Then, in a voice that mixed with the static came a low rumble. “No, George. It’s not.”

In the background, Toby Keith’s preening about family and country values suddenly seemed hollow and sarcastic. George gripped the phone hard.

“You’ve made your choices. There are no ‘new beginnings.’ There are no ‘fresh starts.’ You made your choices. You set this country down a path. By winning, all you did was guarantee that you’ll be the one dealing with the consequences of your actions. Nothing else.”


“No one’s going to bail you out of your messes for you, Junior. This isn’t Yale.”

George was quiet and stared at his feet. He swallowed to bury the heavy feeling in his throat. “Hey, Poppy, I, uh, I got to go. The crowd out here is getting pretty rowdy and they’re tellin’ me I should give my victory speech before things get out of hand. Let’s talk about this stuff later, okay?”

There was an exasperated sigh through the receiver followed by the sound of someone downing the remainder of his bourbon. “Alright. Well, I should get to bed anyway. Don’t forget that Jeb will call you. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

“Okay, love you Poppy,” said George, only to be interrupted by the sound of the call disconnecting. He let the drone of the silent telephone bore into him. He allowed himself a few brief moments of quiet before putting back on his mask of cowboy confidence and exiting his room. He forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWinGore = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Empire", "Dar Williams", ",1000_QL80_.jpg", "" ); bushWinGore.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWinGore); } if (quickstats[0] <= 399 && quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 3) { //Normal Victory - Edwards e.pages.push(`

No Greater Privilege

The excitement had been building for hours inside the Reagan Building in downtown DC. First, the noncompetitive states had come in—Alabama, South Carolina, Utah—inspiring mild cheers from their partisans. Then, there’d been a raft of Republican-leaning states. These had been no great surprises; there were no stunning upsets from what the forecasters had predicted. Still, their number had steadily grown—173 to 188 to 191. The crowds had watched the screens at his Election Night party, bouncing between despair and anticipation, until finally, after midnight, CNN called it. There were still votes to be counted, but according to their projections: George W. Bush had avoided defeat. A cheer went up through the building.

He could hear their shouts echoing through the building, but the sensation George felt in his makeshift green room was exhaustion. It had been a hard four years and an even harder campaign. His body felt ragged, overused. He imagined himself as a rag doll struggling itself stitched together after weeks of being jerked around.

George was aware of a shape standing in the door. He turned and saw his personal assistant, a beanpole of a man, holding a cell phone. He forced himself to smile. “Hey, Blake, is that there the rebels calling to offer their surrender?”

His wry tone flew over the boy’s head. “Uh, no. I, uh, was able to get through to President Bush like you—. I mean, I was able to get through to your father. I know you’d wanted to talk to him before…”

George offered some vague Texan platitude, took the phone, and ushered the boy away. Then, he took a breath and took the call off hold. “Heya, Poppy. Glad you stayed up.”

There was the sound of breathing on the other end. A hand setting a glass on a coaster. “Your mother went to bed, but I’ve been talking to Jeb.” A pause as the voice on the other end took another sip of his drink. “He’ll probably want to call you when things settle down.”

“Oh!” He dulled his intelligence, willed himself to be more dense. “Well, I’ll be looking forward to that. I really will.” He wandered around the green room, busying himself by adjusting make-up bottles and peering into the tiny monitor that displayed the happy crowds in the atrium. They were playing some country song now to fill the time, something by Toby Keith. “Pretty big night. Good for everyone.”

“I suppose you managed to clear the bar and win an election.”

“Yeah, yeah… It’s gonna be a real game change from here on out, Poppy. No more having to worry about legacy, you know what I mean?” He continued staring into the tiny monitor. He wished they would cheer louder, make themselves heard to Poppy over the phone. “Things are gonna be different these next few years.”

There was a long pause. George was sure their call had been disconnected. Then, in a voice that mixed with the static came a low rumble. “No, George. It’s not.”

In the background, Toby Keith’s preening about family and country values suddenly seemed hollow and sarcastic. George gripped the phone hard.

“You’ve made your choices. There are no ‘new beginnings.’ There are no ‘fresh starts.’ You made your choices. You set this country down a path. By winning, all you did was guarantee that you’ll be the one dealing with the consequences of your actions. Nothing else.”


“No one’s going to bail you out of your messes for you, Junior. This isn’t Yale.”

George was quiet and stared at his feet. He swallowed to bury the heavy feeling in his throat. “Hey, Poppy, I, uh, I got to go. The crowd out here is getting pretty rowdy and they’re tellin’ me I should give my victory speech before things get out of hand. Let’s talk about this stuff later, okay?”

There was an exasperated sigh through the receiver followed by the sound of someone downing the remainder of his bourbon. “Alright. Well, I should get to bed anyway. Don’t forget that Jeb will call you. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

“Okay, love you Poppy,” said George, only to be interrupted by the sound of the call disconnecting. He let the drone of the silent telephone bore into him. He allowed himself a few brief moments of quiet before putting back on his mask of cowboy confidence and exiting his room. He forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWinEdwards = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Imitation Of Life", "R.E.M.", "", "" ); bushWinEdwards.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWinEdwards); } if (quickstats[0] <= 399 && quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 4) { //Normal Victory - Wellstone e.pages.push(`

No Greater Privilege

The excitement had been building for hours inside the Reagan Building in downtown DC. First, the noncompetitive states had come in—Alabama, South Carolina, Utah—inspiring mild cheers from their partisans. Then, there’d been a raft of Republican-leaning states. These had been no great surprises; there were no stunning upsets from what the forecasters had predicted. Still, their number had steadily grown—173 to 188 to 191. The crowds had watched the screens at his Election Night party, bouncing between despair and anticipation, until finally, after midnight, CNN called it. There were still votes to be counted, but according to their projections: George W. Bush had avoided defeat. A cheer went up through the building.

He could hear their shouts echoing through the building, but the sensation George felt in his makeshift green room was exhaustion. It had been a hard four years and an even harder campaign. His body felt ragged, overused. He imagined himself as a rag doll struggling itself stitched together after weeks of being jerked around.

George was aware of a shape standing in the door. He turned and saw his personal assistant, a beanpole of a man, holding a cell phone. He forced himself to smile. “Hey, Blake, is that there the rebels calling to offer their surrender?”

His wry tone flew over the boy’s head. “Uh, no. I, uh, was able to get through to President Bush like you—. I mean, I was able to get through to your father. I know you’d wanted to talk to him before…”

George offered some vague Texan platitude, took the phone, and ushered the boy away. Then, he took a breath and took the call off hold. “Heya, Poppy. Glad you stayed up.”

There was the sound of breathing on the other end. A hand setting a glass on a coaster. “Your mother went to bed, but I’ve been talking to Jeb.” A pause as the voice on the other end took another sip of his drink. “He’ll probably want to call you when things settle down.”

“Oh!” He dulled his intelligence, willed himself to be more dense. “Well, I’ll be looking forward to that. I really will.” He wandered around the green room, busying himself by adjusting make-up bottles and peering into the tiny monitor that displayed the happy crowds in the atrium. They were playing some country song now to fill the time, something by Toby Keith. “Pretty big night. Good for everyone.”

“I suppose you managed to clear the bar and win an election.”

“Yeah, yeah… It’s gonna be a real game change from here on out, Poppy. No more having to worry about legacy, you know what I mean?” He continued staring into the tiny monitor. He wished they would cheer louder, make themselves heard to Poppy over the phone. “Things are gonna be different these next few years.”

There was a long pause. George was sure their call had been disconnected. Then, in a voice that mixed with the static came a low rumble. “No, George. It’s not.”

In the background, Toby Keith’s preening about family and country values suddenly seemed hollow and sarcastic. George gripped the phone hard.

“You’ve made your choices. There are no ‘new beginnings.’ There are no ‘fresh starts.’ You made your choices. You set this country down a path. By winning, all you did was guarantee that you’ll be the one dealing with the consequences of your actions. Nothing else.”


“No one’s going to bail you out of your messes for you, Junior. This isn’t Yale.”

George was quiet and stared at his feet. He swallowed to bury the heavy feeling in his throat. “Hey, Poppy, I, uh, I got to go. The crowd out here is getting pretty rowdy and they’re tellin’ me I should give my victory speech before things get out of hand. Let’s talk about this stuff later, okay?”

There was an exasperated sigh through the receiver followed by the sound of someone downing the remainder of his bourbon. “Alright. Well, I should get to bed anyway. Don’t forget that Jeb will call you. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

“Okay, love you Poppy,” said George, only to be interrupted by the sound of the call disconnecting. He let the drone of the silent telephone bore into him. He allowed himself a few brief moments of quiet before putting back on his mask of cowboy confidence and exiting his room. He forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWinWellstone = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Walking Contradiction", "Green Day", "", "" ); bushWinWellstone.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWinWellstone); } if (quickstats[0] <= 399 && quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 5) { //Normal Victory - Lieberman e.pages.push(`

No Greater Privilege

The excitement had been building for hours inside the Reagan Building in downtown DC. First, the noncompetitive states had come in—Alabama, South Carolina, Utah—inspiring mild cheers from their partisans. Then, there’d been a raft of Republican-leaning states. These had been no great surprises; there were no stunning upsets from what the forecasters had predicted. Still, their number had steadily grown—173 to 188 to 191. The crowds had watched the screens at his Election Night party, bouncing between despair and anticipation, until finally, after midnight, CNN called it. There were still votes to be counted, but according to their projections: George W. Bush had avoided defeat. A cheer went up through the building.

He could hear their shouts echoing through the building, but the sensation George felt in his makeshift green room was exhaustion. It had been a hard four years and an even harder campaign. His body felt ragged, overused. He imagined himself as a rag doll struggling itself stitched together after weeks of being jerked around.

George was aware of a shape standing in the door. He turned and saw his personal assistant, a beanpole of a man, holding a cell phone. He forced himself to smile. “Hey, Blake, is that there the rebels calling to offer their surrender?”

His wry tone flew over the boy’s head. “Uh, no. I, uh, was able to get through to President Bush like you—. I mean, I was able to get through to your father. I know you’d wanted to talk to him before…”

George offered some vague Texan platitude, took the phone, and ushered the boy away. Then, he took a breath and took the call off hold. “Heya, Poppy. Glad you stayed up.”

There was the sound of breathing on the other end. A hand setting a glass on a coaster. “Your mother went to bed, but I’ve been talking to Jeb.” A pause as the voice on the other end took another sip of his drink. “He’ll probably want to call you when things settle down.”

“Oh!” He dulled his intelligence, willed himself to be more dense. “Well, I’ll be looking forward to that. I really will.” He wandered around the green room, busying himself by adjusting make-up bottles and peering into the tiny monitor that displayed the happy crowds in the atrium. They were playing some country song now to fill the time, something by Toby Keith. “Pretty big night. Good for everyone.”

“I suppose you managed to clear the bar and win an election.”

“Yeah, yeah… It’s gonna be a real game change from here on out, Poppy. No more having to worry about legacy, you know what I mean?” He continued staring into the tiny monitor. He wished they would cheer louder, make themselves heard to Poppy over the phone. “Things are gonna be different these next few years.”

There was a long pause. George was sure their call had been disconnected. Then, in a voice that mixed with the static came a low rumble. “No, George. It’s not.”

In the background, Toby Keith’s preening about family and country values suddenly seemed hollow and sarcastic. George gripped the phone hard.

“You’ve made your choices. There are no ‘new beginnings.’ There are no ‘fresh starts.’ You made your choices. You set this country down a path. By winning, all you did was guarantee that you’ll be the one dealing with the consequences of your actions. Nothing else.”


“No one’s going to bail you out of your messes for you, Junior. This isn’t Yale.”

George was quiet and stared at his feet. He swallowed to bury the heavy feeling in his throat. “Hey, Poppy, I, uh, I got to go. The crowd out here is getting pretty rowdy and they’re tellin’ me I should give my victory speech before things get out of hand. Let’s talk about this stuff later, okay?”

There was an exasperated sigh through the receiver followed by the sound of someone downing the remainder of his bourbon. “Alright. Well, I should get to bed anyway. Don’t forget that Jeb will call you. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

“Okay, love you Poppy,” said George, only to be interrupted by the sound of the call disconnecting. He let the drone of the silent telephone bore into him. He allowed himself a few brief moments of quiet before putting back on his mask of cowboy confidence and exiting his room. He forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWinLiebrman = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Only an Expert", "Laurie Anderson", "", "" ); bushWinLiebrman.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWinLiebrman); } if (quickstats[0] <= 399 && quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 6) { //Normal Victory - Sharpton e.pages.push(`

No Greater Privilege

The excitement had been building for hours inside the Reagan Building in downtown DC. First, the noncompetitive states had come in—Alabama, South Carolina, Utah—inspiring mild cheers from their partisans. Then, there’d been a raft of Republican-leaning states. These had been no great surprises; there were no stunning upsets from what the forecasters had predicted. Still, their number had steadily grown—173 to 188 to 191. The crowds had watched the screens at his Election Night party, bouncing between despair and anticipation, until finally, after midnight, CNN called it. There were still votes to be counted, but according to their projections: George W. Bush had avoided defeat. A cheer went up through the building.

He could hear their shouts echoing through the building, but the sensation George felt in his makeshift green room was exhaustion. It had been a hard four years and an even harder campaign. His body felt ragged, overused. He imagined himself as a rag doll struggling itself stitched together after weeks of being jerked around.

George was aware of a shape standing in the door. He turned and saw his personal assistant, a beanpole of a man, holding a cell phone. He forced himself to smile. “Hey, Blake, is that there the rebels calling to offer their surrender?”

His wry tone flew over the boy’s head. “Uh, no. I, uh, was able to get through to President Bush like you—. I mean, I was able to get through to your father. I know you’d wanted to talk to him before…”

George offered some vague Texan platitude, took the phone, and ushered the boy away. Then, he took a breath and took the call off hold. “Heya, Poppy. Glad you stayed up.”

There was the sound of breathing on the other end. A hand setting a glass on a coaster. “Your mother went to bed, but I’ve been talking to Jeb.” A pause as the voice on the other end took another sip of his drink. “He’ll probably want to call you when things settle down.”

“Oh!” He dulled his intelligence, willed himself to be more dense. “Well, I’ll be looking forward to that. I really will.” He wandered around the green room, busying himself by adjusting make-up bottles and peering into the tiny monitor that displayed the happy crowds in the atrium. They were playing some country song now to fill the time, something by Toby Keith. “Pretty big night. Good for everyone.”

“I suppose you managed to clear the bar and win an election.”

“Yeah, yeah… It’s gonna be a real game change from here on out, Poppy. No more having to worry about legacy, you know what I mean?” He continued staring into the tiny monitor. He wished they would cheer louder, make themselves heard to Poppy over the phone. “Things are gonna be different these next few years.”

There was a long pause. George was sure their call had been disconnected. Then, in a voice that mixed with the static came a low rumble. “No, George. It’s not.”

In the background, Toby Keith’s preening about family and country values suddenly seemed hollow and sarcastic. George gripped the phone hard.

“You’ve made your choices. There are no ‘new beginnings.’ There are no ‘fresh starts.’ You made your choices. You set this country down a path. By winning, all you did was guarantee that you’ll be the one dealing with the consequences of your actions. Nothing else.”


“No one’s going to bail you out of your messes for you, Junior. This isn’t Yale.”

George was quiet and stared at his feet. He swallowed to bury the heavy feeling in his throat. “Hey, Poppy, I, uh, I got to go. The crowd out here is getting pretty rowdy and they’re tellin’ me I should give my victory speech before things get out of hand. Let’s talk about this stuff later, okay?”

There was an exasperated sigh through the receiver followed by the sound of someone downing the remainder of his bourbon. “Alright. Well, I should get to bed anyway. Don’t forget that Jeb will call you. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

“Okay, love you Poppy,” said George, only to be interrupted by the sound of the call disconnecting. He let the drone of the silent telephone bore into him. He allowed himself a few brief moments of quiet before putting back on his mask of cowboy confidence and exiting his room. He forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWinSharpton = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Ain't That A Kick In The Head", "Dean Martin", "", "" ); bushWinSharpton.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWinSharpton); } if (quickstats[0] <= 399 && quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 7) { //Normal Victory - Kennedy e.pages.push(`

No Greater Privilege

The excitement had been building for hours inside the Reagan Building in downtown DC. First, the noncompetitive states had come in—Alabama, South Carolina, Utah—inspiring mild cheers from their partisans. Then, there’d been a raft of Republican-leaning states. These had been no great surprises; there were no stunning upsets from what the forecasters had predicted. Still, their number had steadily grown—173 to 188 to 191. The crowds had watched the screens at his Election Night party, bouncing between despair and anticipation, until finally, after midnight, CNN called it. There were still votes to be counted, but according to their projections: George W. Bush had avoided defeat. A cheer went up through the building.

He could hear their shouts echoing through the building, but the sensation George felt in his makeshift green room was exhaustion. It had been a hard four years and an even harder campaign. His body felt ragged, overused. He imagined himself as a rag doll struggling itself stitched together after weeks of being jerked around.

George was aware of a shape standing in the door. He turned and saw his personal assistant, a beanpole of a man, holding a cell phone. He forced himself to smile. “Hey, Blake, is that there the rebels calling to offer their surrender?”

His wry tone flew over the boy’s head. “Uh, no. I, uh, was able to get through to President Bush like you—. I mean, I was able to get through to your father. I know you’d wanted to talk to him before…”

George offered some vague Texan platitude, took the phone, and ushered the boy away. Then, he took a breath and took the call off hold. “Heya, Poppy. Glad you stayed up.”

There was the sound of breathing on the other end. A hand setting a glass on a coaster. “Your mother went to bed, but I’ve been talking to Jeb.” A pause as the voice on the other end took another sip of his drink. “He’ll probably want to call you when things settle down.”

“Oh!” He dulled his intelligence, willed himself to be more dense. “Well, I’ll be looking forward to that. I really will.” He wandered around the green room, busying himself by adjusting make-up bottles and peering into the tiny monitor that displayed the happy crowds in the atrium. They were playing some country song now to fill the time, something by Toby Keith. “Pretty big night. Good for everyone.”

“I suppose you managed to clear the bar and win an election.”

“Yeah, yeah… It’s gonna be a real game change from here on out, Poppy. No more having to worry about legacy, you know what I mean?” He continued staring into the tiny monitor. He wished they would cheer louder, make themselves heard to Poppy over the phone. “Things are gonna be different these next few years.”

There was a long pause. George was sure their call had been disconnected. Then, in a voice that mixed with the static came a low rumble. “No, George. It’s not.”

In the background, Toby Keith’s preening about family and country values suddenly seemed hollow and sarcastic. George gripped the phone hard.

“You’ve made your choices. There are no ‘new beginnings.’ There are no ‘fresh starts.’ You made your choices. You set this country down a path. By winning, all you did was guarantee that you’ll be the one dealing with the consequences of your actions. Nothing else.”


“No one’s going to bail you out of your messes for you, Junior. This isn’t Yale.”

George was quiet and stared at his feet. He swallowed to bury the heavy feeling in his throat. “Hey, Poppy, I, uh, I got to go. The crowd out here is getting pretty rowdy and they’re tellin’ me I should give my victory speech before things get out of hand. Let’s talk about this stuff later, okay?”

There was an exasperated sigh through the receiver followed by the sound of someone downing the remainder of his bourbon. “Alright. Well, I should get to bed anyway. Don’t forget that Jeb will call you. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

“Okay, love you Poppy,” said George, only to be interrupted by the sound of the call disconnecting. He let the drone of the silent telephone bore into him. He allowed himself a few brief moments of quiet before putting back on his mask of cowboy confidence and exiting his room. He forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWinKennedy = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Jesusland", "Ben Folds", "", "" ); bushWinKennedy.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWinKennedy); } if (quickstats[0] >= 400 && Dem == 1) { //Landslide Victory - Clinton e.pages.push(`

No Higher Honor

He could hear them chanting inside the Reagan Building’s atrium. He could feel the vibrations from their shouts and stomping as state after state turned a crimson red. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!” Fox had called the race an hour ago, followed quickly by CNN. The haters at MSNBC still held out, sustained by half-memories of 2000 and delirious hopes regarding absentee ballots, but it wouldn’t be long until they too surrendered. He was certain of it. He took a swig of his non-alcoholic beer as the voices surged again. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!”

He was aware of a hesitant knock on the door of his makeshift green room, but he did not turn. He was too busy luxuriating in the love of the crowd. He closed his eyes and imagined the liberals in Washington weeping and tearing out their hair. He imagined them throwing themselves off buildings.


George stifled a frown and turned. Silhouetted against the doorway stood his bag man. His lips were tight and arms crossed. In one hand was a cell phone. At once, the energy of the moment coursed back into him.

“Is it…?”

The boy nodded. “President Bush, I mean, your father called back to…”

He scrambled across the room and jerked the phone out of the boy’s hands before ushering him to leave. With excitement, he took the call off hold. “Hiya, Poppy!” His voice was shrill and schoolboyish. “Did ya see the results?”

“I flicked through the channels.” There was a long silence. “Almost as impressive as what I did in ‘88.”

The words felt like a knife through his skull. George forced himself to smile. “Yeah, exactly, Poppy…” He walked around the room. In a small monitor, he could see the atrium. He could see the people shouting his name. “I worked real hard for this and not just for me, for Jeb, for the party, for you…”

Static came through the receiver. “What do you want me to say, George? ‘Good job?’”

He stared intensely at the monitor, at the individual pixels. The scene lost coherence. A mass of red and blues. “Yeah, I, I…”

“Well, Christ. ‘Good job.’” The voice was dull, monotonous. George let it bore into him. “Truly, this is a great victory for the family and the party. This will transform Washington and put your name in the history books. Your mother and I are so proud of what you’ve accomplished.” George gripped the receiver hard and listened to his father’s breathing. “Is there anything else you wanted from me? Advice? Finally going to ask me for suggestions on how to handle the next four years?”

George felt himself shaking his head. “N-no, Poppy. Maybe later. Just… um… are you gonna watch my speech?”

There was a long sigh. Suppressed agitation. “It’s late, George. We’ll catch the replay tomorrow. If there’s nothing else, Barbara and I should get to bed. Good night.”

The line went dead. George allowed himself to stand in silence for a few moments in the green room before recomposing his smile. With a cowboy’s confidence, he forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWin = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Bush Was Right", "The Right Brothers", "", "" ); bushWin.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWin); } if (quickstats[0] >= 400 && Dem == 2) { //Landslide Victory - Gore e.pages.push(`

No Higher Honor

He could hear them chanting inside the Reagan Building’s atrium. He could feel the vibrations from their shouts and stomping as state after state turned a navy blue. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!” Fox had called the race an hour ago, followed quickly by CNN. The haters at MSNBC still held out, sustained by half-memories of 2000 and delirious hopes regarding absentee ballots, but it wouldn’t be long until they too surrendered. He was certain of it. He took a swig of his non-alcoholic beer as the voices surged again. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!”

He was aware of a hesitant knock on the door of his makeshift green room, but he did not turn. He was too busy luxuriating in the love of the crowd. He closed his eyes and imagined the liberals in Washington weeping and tearing out their hair. He imagined them throwing themselves off buildings.


George stifled a frown and turned. Silhouetted against the doorway stood his bag man. His lips were tight and arms crossed. In one hand was a cell phone. At once, the energy of the moment coursed back into him.

“Is it…?”

The boy nodded. “President Bush, I mean, your father called back to…”

He scrambled across the room and jerked the phone out of the boy’s hands before ushering him to leave. With excitement, he took the call off hold. “Hiya, Poppy!” His voice was shrill and schoolboyish. “Did ya see the results?”

“I flicked through the channels.” There was a long silence. “Almost as impressive as what I did in ‘88.”

The words felt like a knife through his skull. George forced himself to smile. “Yeah, exactly, Poppy…” He walked around the room. In a small monitor, he could see the atrium. He could see the people shouting his name. “I worked real hard for this and not just for me, for Jeb, for the party, for you…”

Static came through the receiver. “What do you want me to say, George? ‘Good job?’”

He stared intensely at the monitor, at the individual pixels. The scene lost coherence. A mass of red and blues. “Yeah, I, I…”

“Well, Christ. ‘Good job.’” The voice was dull, monotonous. George let it bore into him. “Truly, this is a great victory for the family and the party. This will transform Washington and put your name in the history books. Your mother and I are so proud of what you’ve accomplished.” George gripped the receiver hard and listened to his father’s breathing. “Is there anything else you wanted from me? Advice? Finally going to ask me for suggestions on how to handle the next four years?”

George felt himself shaking his head. “N-no, Poppy. Maybe later. Just… um… are you gonna watch my speech?”

There was a long sigh. Suppressed agitation. “It’s late, George. We’ll catch the replay tomorrow. If there’s nothing else, Barbara and I should get to bed. Good night.”

The line went dead. George allowed himself to stand in silence for a few moments in the green room before recomposing his smile. With a cowboy’s confidence, he forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWin = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Bush Was Right", "The Right Brothers", "", "" ); bushWin.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWin); } if (quickstats[0] >= 400 && Dem == 3) { //Landslide Victory - Edwards e.pages.push(`

No Higher Honor

He could hear them chanting inside the Reagan Building’s atrium. He could feel the vibrations from their shouts and stomping as state after state turned a crimson red. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!” Fox had called the race an hour ago, followed quickly by CNN. The haters at MSNBC still held out, sustained by half-memories of 2000 and delirious hopes regarding absentee ballots, but it wouldn’t be long until they too surrendered. He was certain of it. He took a swig of his non-alcoholic beer as the voices surged again. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!”

He was aware of a hesitant knock on the door of his makeshift green room, but he did not turn. He was too busy luxuriating in the love of the crowd. He closed his eyes and imagined the liberals in Washington weeping and tearing out their hair. He imagined them throwing themselves off buildings.


George stifled a frown and turned. Silhouetted against the doorway stood his bag man. His lips were tight and arms crossed. In one hand was a cell phone. At once, the energy of the moment coursed back into him.

“Is it…?”

The boy nodded. “President Bush, I mean, your father called back to…”

He scrambled across the room and jerked the phone out of the boy’s hands before ushering him to leave. With excitement, he took the call off hold. “Hiya, Poppy!” His voice was shrill and schoolboyish. “Did ya see the results?”

“I flicked through the channels.” There was a long silence. “Almost as impressive as what I did in ‘88.”

The words felt like a knife through his skull. George forced himself to smile. “Yeah, exactly, Poppy…” He walked around the room. In a small monitor, he could see the atrium. He could see the people shouting his name. “I worked real hard for this and not just for me, for Jeb, for the party, for you…”

Static came through the receiver. “What do you want me to say, George? ‘Good job?’”

He stared intensely at the monitor, at the individual pixels. The scene lost coherence. A mass of red and blues. “Yeah, I, I…”

“Well, Christ. ‘Good job.’” The voice was dull, monotonous. George let it bore into him. “Truly, this is a great victory for the family and the party. This will transform Washington and put your name in the history books. Your mother and I are so proud of what you’ve accomplished.” George gripped the receiver hard and listened to his father’s breathing. “Is there anything else you wanted from me? Advice? Finally going to ask me for suggestions on how to handle the next four years?”

George felt himself shaking his head. “N-no, Poppy. Maybe later. Just… um… are you gonna watch my speech?”

There was a long sigh. Suppressed agitation. “It’s late, George. We’ll catch the replay tomorrow. If there’s nothing else, Barbara and I should get to bed. Good night.”

The line went dead. George allowed himself to stand in silence for a few moments in the green room before recomposing his smile. With a cowboy’s confidence, he forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWin = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Bush Was Right", "The Right Brothers", "", "" ); bushWin.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWin); } if (quickstats[0] >= 400 && Dem == 4) { //Landslide Victory - Wellstone e.pages.push(`

No Higher Honor

He could hear them chanting inside the Reagan Building’s atrium. He could feel the vibrations from their shouts and stomping as state after state turned a crimson red. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!” Fox had called the race an hour ago, followed quickly by CNN. The haters at MSNBC still held out, sustained by half-memories of 2000 and delirious hopes regarding absentee ballots, but it wouldn’t be long until they too surrendered. He was certain of it. He took a swig of his non-alcoholic beer as the voices surged again. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!”

He was aware of a hesitant knock on the door of his makeshift green room, but he did not turn. He was too busy luxuriating in the love of the crowd. He closed his eyes and imagined the liberals in Washington weeping and tearing out their hair. He imagined them throwing themselves off buildings.


George stifled a frown and turned. Silhouetted against the doorway stood his bag man. His lips were tight and arms crossed. In one hand was a cell phone. At once, the energy of the moment coursed back into him.

“Is it…?”

The boy nodded. “President Bush, I mean, your father called back to…”

He scrambled across the room and jerked the phone out of the boy’s hands before ushering him to leave. With excitement, he took the call off hold. “Hiya, Poppy!” His voice was shrill and schoolboyish. “Did ya see the results?”

“I flicked through the channels.” There was a long silence. “Almost as impressive as what I did in ‘88.”

The words felt like a knife through his skull. George forced himself to smile. “Yeah, exactly, Poppy…” He walked around the room. In a small monitor, he could see the atrium. He could see the people shouting his name. “I worked real hard for this and not just for me, for Jeb, for the party, for you…”

Static came through the receiver. “What do you want me to say, George? ‘Good job?’”

He stared intensely at the monitor, at the individual pixels. The scene lost coherence. A mass of red and blues. “Yeah, I, I…”

“Well, Christ. ‘Good job.’” The voice was dull, monotonous. George let it bore into him. “Truly, this is a great victory for the family and the party. This will transform Washington and put your name in the history books. Your mother and I are so proud of what you’ve accomplished.” George gripped the receiver hard and listened to his father’s breathing. “Is there anything else you wanted from me? Advice? Finally going to ask me for suggestions on how to handle the next four years?”

George felt himself shaking his head. “N-no, Poppy. Maybe later. Just… um… are you gonna watch my speech?”

There was a long sigh. Suppressed agitation. “It’s late, George. We’ll catch the replay tomorrow. If there’s nothing else, Barbara and I should get to bed. Good night.”

The line went dead. George allowed himself to stand in silence for a few moments in the green room before recomposing his smile. With a cowboy’s confidence, he forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWin = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Bush Was Right", "The Right Brothers", "", "" ); bushWin.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWin); } if (quickstats[0] >= 400 && Dem == 5) { //Landslide Victory - Lieberman e.pages.push(`

No Higher Honor

He could hear them chanting inside the Reagan Building’s atrium. He could feel the vibrations from their shouts and stomping as state after state turned a crimson red. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!” Fox had called the race an hour ago, followed quickly by CNN. The haters at MSNBC still held out, sustained by half-memories of 2000 and delirious hopes regarding absentee ballots, but it wouldn’t be long until they too surrendered. He was certain of it. He took a swig of his non-alcoholic beer as the voices surged again. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!”

He was aware of a hesitant knock on the door of his makeshift green room, but he did not turn. He was too busy luxuriating in the love of the crowd. He closed his eyes and imagined the liberals in Washington weeping and tearing out their hair. He imagined them throwing themselves off buildings.


George stifled a frown and turned. Silhouetted against the doorway stood his bag man. His lips were tight and arms crossed. In one hand was a cell phone. At once, the energy of the moment coursed back into him.

“Is it…?”

The boy nodded. “President Bush, I mean, your father called back to…”

He scrambled across the room and jerked the phone out of the boy’s hands before ushering him to leave. With excitement, he took the call off hold. “Hiya, Poppy!” His voice was shrill and schoolboyish. “Did ya see the results?”

“I flicked through the channels.” There was a long silence. “Almost as impressive as what I did in ‘88.”

The words felt like a knife through his skull. George forced himself to smile. “Yeah, exactly, Poppy…” He walked around the room. In a small monitor, he could see the atrium. He could see the people shouting his name. “I worked real hard for this and not just for me, for Jeb, for the party, for you…”

Static came through the receiver. “What do you want me to say, George? ‘Good job?’”

He stared intensely at the monitor, at the individual pixels. The scene lost coherence. A mass of red and blues. “Yeah, I, I…”

“Well, Christ. ‘Good job.’” The voice was dull, monotonous. George let it bore into him. “Truly, this is a great victory for the family and the party. This will transform Washington and put your name in the history books. Your mother and I are so proud of what you’ve accomplished.” George gripped the receiver hard and listened to his father’s breathing. “Is there anything else you wanted from me? Advice? Finally going to ask me for suggestions on how to handle the next four years?”

George felt himself shaking his head. “N-no, Poppy. Maybe later. Just… um… are you gonna watch my speech?”

There was a long sigh. Suppressed agitation. “It’s late, George. We’ll catch the replay tomorrow. If there’s nothing else, Barbara and I should get to bed. Good night.”

The line went dead. George allowed himself to stand in silence for a few moments in the green room before recomposing his smile. With a cowboy’s confidence, he forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWin = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Bush Was Right", "The Right Brothers", "", "" ); bushWin.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWin); } if (quickstats[0] >= 400 && Dem == 6) { //Landslide Victory - Sharpton e.pages.push(`

No Higher Honor

He could hear them chanting inside the Reagan Building’s atrium. He could feel the vibrations from their shouts and stomping as state after state turned a crimson red. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!” Fox had called the race an hour ago, followed quickly by CNN. The haters at MSNBC still held out, sustained by half-memories of 2000 and delirious hopes regarding absentee ballots, but it wouldn’t be long until they too surrendered. He was certain of it. He took a swig of his non-alcoholic beer as the voices surged again. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!”

He was aware of a hesitant knock on the door of his makeshift green room, but he did not turn. He was too busy luxuriating in the love of the crowd. He closed his eyes and imagined the liberals in Washington weeping and tearing out their hair. He imagined them throwing themselves off buildings.


George stifled a frown and turned. Silhouetted against the doorway stood his bag man. His lips were tight and arms crossed. In one hand was a cell phone. At once, the energy of the moment coursed back into him.

“Is it…?”

The boy nodded. “President Bush, I mean, your father called back to…”

He scrambled across the room and jerked the phone out of the boy’s hands before ushering him to leave. With excitement, he took the call off hold. “Hiya, Poppy!” His voice was shrill and schoolboyish. “Did ya see the results?”

“I flicked through the channels.” There was a long silence. “Almost as impressive as what I did in ‘88.”

The words felt like a knife through his skull. George forced himself to smile. “Yeah, exactly, Poppy…” He walked around the room. In a small monitor, he could see the atrium. He could see the people shouting his name. “I worked real hard for this and not just for me, for Jeb, for the party, for you…”

Static came through the receiver. “What do you want me to say, George? ‘Good job?’”

He stared intensely at the monitor, at the individual pixels. The scene lost coherence. A mass of red and blues. “Yeah, I, I…”

“Well, Christ. ‘Good job.’” The voice was dull, monotonous. George let it bore into him. “Truly, this is a great victory for the family and the party. This will transform Washington and put your name in the history books. Your mother and I are so proud of what you’ve accomplished.” George gripped the receiver hard and listened to his father’s breathing. “Is there anything else you wanted from me? Advice? Finally going to ask me for suggestions on how to handle the next four years?”

George felt himself shaking his head. “N-no, Poppy. Maybe later. Just… um… are you gonna watch my speech?”

There was a long sigh. Suppressed agitation. “It’s late, George. We’ll catch the replay tomorrow. If there’s nothing else, Barbara and I should get to bed. Good night.”

The line went dead. George allowed himself to stand in silence for a few moments in the green room before recomposing his smile. With a cowboy’s confidence, he forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWin = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Bush Was Right", "The Right Brothers", "", "" ); bushWin.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWin); } if (quickstats[0] >= 400 && Dem == 7) { //Landslide Victory - Kennedy e.pages.push(`

No Higher Honor

He could hear them chanting inside the Reagan Building’s atrium. He could feel the vibrations from their shouts and stomping as state after state turned a crimson red. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!” Fox had called the race an hour ago, followed quickly by CNN. The haters at MSNBC still held out, sustained by half-memories of 2000 and delirious hopes regarding absentee ballots, but it wouldn’t be long until they too surrendered. He was certain of it. He took a swig of his non-alcoholic beer as the voices surged again. “FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!”

He was aware of a hesitant knock on the door of his makeshift green room, but he did not turn. He was too busy luxuriating in the love of the crowd. He closed his eyes and imagined the liberals in Washington weeping and tearing out their hair. He imagined them throwing themselves off buildings.


George stifled a frown and turned. Silhouetted against the doorway stood his bag man. His lips were tight and arms crossed. In one hand was a cell phone. At once, the energy of the moment coursed back into him.

“Is it…?”

The boy nodded. “President Bush, I mean, your father called back to…”

He scrambled across the room and jerked the phone out of the boy’s hands before ushering him to leave. With excitement, he took the call off hold. “Hiya, Poppy!” His voice was shrill and schoolboyish. “Did ya see the results?”

“I flicked through the channels.” There was a long silence. “Almost as impressive as what I did in ‘88.”

The words felt like a knife through his skull. George forced himself to smile. “Yeah, exactly, Poppy…” He walked around the room. In a small monitor, he could see the atrium. He could see the people shouting his name. “I worked real hard for this and not just for me, for Jeb, for the party, for you…”

Static came through the receiver. “What do you want me to say, George? ‘Good job?’”

He stared intensely at the monitor, at the individual pixels. The scene lost coherence. A mass of red and blues. “Yeah, I, I…”

“Well, Christ. ‘Good job.’” The voice was dull, monotonous. George let it bore into him. “Truly, this is a great victory for the family and the party. This will transform Washington and put your name in the history books. Your mother and I are so proud of what you’ve accomplished.” George gripped the receiver hard and listened to his father’s breathing. “Is there anything else you wanted from me? Advice? Finally going to ask me for suggestions on how to handle the next four years?”

George felt himself shaking his head. “N-no, Poppy. Maybe later. Just… um… are you gonna watch my speech?”

There was a long sigh. Suppressed agitation. “It’s late, George. We’ll catch the replay tomorrow. If there’s nothing else, Barbara and I should get to bed. Good night.”

The line went dead. George allowed himself to stand in silence for a few moments in the green room before recomposing his smile. With a cowboy’s confidence, he forced himself to emerge and greet his many smiling aides, slapping them hard on the back or shaking their hands. Then, with Laura at his side, he stepped out onto the stage before blinding stage lights. He could not see the crowd in front of him but he could hear their voices.

`) // idk how to add playlists but to do that you create a new playlist in code1 with just that song and put changePlaylist(nameOfYourEndingPlaylist) right here //e.image = "" e.executable.push([0, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const bushWin = new Playlist(); const bushWinSong = new Song( "Bush Was Right", "The Right Brothers", "", "" ); bushWin.addSong(bushWinSong); changePlaylist(bushWin); } // Successor Slide if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && Wars == 0) { //Bush - No Wars e.pages.push(`

Washington, D.C., April 28, 2008

The mood was sour as so-called “President” Bush paced outside the Oval Office. While Cheney had never really cared about what Bush did or how he felt, things had become downright flagrant as his “presidency” came to a close. Before, Cheney had at least put in the effort to distract Bush while he ran the country from behind the scenes. Now, he just didn’t care. As he waited to sit behind his favorite desk, all Bush had to focus his small brain on was the voice of Rush from a staffers office.

“You know, Snerdly, we ask a lot on this show what the difference between what this Bush and his pappy is supposed to be. I think the answer’s been staring us in the face the whole time. It’s in the name! The dad was H.W., this one is W. Bush. And you know what that missing H stands for? It’s history! This President will not be remembered by history at all, except as the least consequential ‘leader’ this nation has ever seen. Back then, I marveled at how the media covered Bush 41 as this wimp, no matter how much he gave to them, because he was actually quite strong. He went after Saddam. They said “No war for oil!” and he didn’t blink. But his son wanted those dittoheads to love him, so he did nothing. And they still hate him anyway! It should teach us conservatives a lesson that Ford is learning the hard way: you can’t get very far with a worse version of an old model…”

Just as Bush couldn’t take it anymore, Cheney walked through the door. Swiftly stepping out of the way, Bush spoke, staring at the floor.

“So, heh, hey, Dick. How are things going?”

Cheney turned, looking at him with a scowl. “That’s none of your business.”

Bush chucked like a moron as he lifted his gaze from the ground. “You know, Dick, I was gonna say. Technically, I mean, now that Frist is here, you haven’t been Veep for a few years. So I was thinking that, considering that, that, maybe, heh, you could give me some more time in the Office? At least while I’m on the way out?”

Cheney scowled even harder. “Shut the fuck up.” He spat on him and walked away.

Having braved through the least humiliating thing to happen to him that day, Bush moved towards the Resolute Desk to pretend that he was an actual President. Sitting in his chair, he looked down and saw what Cheney had been working on all day. It was the first draft of his memoirs, titled Monkey See, Monkey Do. Flipping through them at random, he settled on a paragraph in the book’s second chapter.

“—and that was how I got his dumbass bill through Congress. Honestly, I didn’t think it was even a good idea, but I thought, hey, if this moron can’t get anything through, it might start reflecting badly on me, you know? And with a normal president, there’s usually a tit-for-tat here: I help him out, he helps me out. But then when it comes to doing the most basic shit to trade blood for oil [EDITOR’S NOTE: make sure to lie here], he was too much of a coward to do it! God, he’s such a dipshit. Anyways—”

Bush couldn’t bear to read any further. He was devastated. Feeling completely helpless, he prayed to the Lord.

“Oh, God, tell me, why must I suffer so? I have been defiled as Huckabee has rebuked all of my efforts. Condemned by Dick as he has taken credit for my works. Played the fool by Rush as he has condemned me as a footnote. Are the peacemakers not your children? Somebody tag in God. God, if you can hear me, God, please save me. Please save me, God, please. I’m asking you.”

Suddenly, he felt a presence and heard a voice from the Heavens. “Do not be afraid, my child. I have been watching. Know that all that has happened over these eight years was by my design. You should fear not, as all that has occurred is exactly what you wanted.”

Shrieking, Bush jumped and hid behind “his” desk. Trembling, he asked, “Oh, Lord, how can this be? How can this be what I wanted? In spite of my trials, I have nothing.”

For a moment, God was silent. Then, he spoke. “Oops. Wrong George Bush. Uhhh. Darn. My bad.” The presence left as quickly as it came.

Still trembling, Bush slowly stood up, looking outside the window of the Oval Office. It was snowing that April. The lawn was immaculately trimmed, the hard work of people who had actually held a real job once in their lives. Staring at the falling snow much as an infant would at a set of jangling keys, he moved his gaze towards the hedges just outside the window. Hidden beneath the white blankets of snow, the White House greenery appeared smaller than usual. What once looked like a mighty bush now seemed to be nothing more than a lowly shrub.

The plant looked back at the “President.” It had no eyes, but it saw itself.

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && Wars == 1 && (e.player_answers.includes(8979)||e.player_answers.includes(9119))) { //Bush - Afghanistan e.pages.push(`

Public Library of US Diplomacy
Date:2008 February 1, 14:25 (Friday)


Classified By: [REDACTED]. Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).

1. (C) Summary. Following an tepid first reaction to Afghanistan’s intent to seek a NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP) at the Bucharest summit (ref A), Foreign Minister Lavrov and other senior officials have sought clarification on whether the Afghan government’s proposal was made in jest. After being assured that both President Karzai and President Bush were fully serious about Afghanistan joining NATO, Russian officials pushed back strongly. Memories of the Afghan war remain "a raw and open wound" for Russia. End summary.

2. (U) NATO membership for Afghanistan is judged as the first step in a “New Cold War” by Russian officials. During his annual review of Russia's foreign policy January 22-23 (ref B), Foreign Minister Lavrov issued restrained praise of recent U.S. actions towards Russia, claiming that President Bush has been “a friend” to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Now, citing recent issues such as the withdrawal from the ABM Treaty (ref C), statements from senior cabinet officials, and tensions over the Afghan government, Foreign Minister Lavrov claimed that NATO membership would be laying the groundwork for a “New Cold War” between the West and Russia.

3. (U) Russian state media has echoed these claims, while focusing on domestic issues in American politics, and claiming that President Bush is looking for a “quick withdrawal” in the Afghan War. President Karzai publicly denies that NATO membership is being made in exchange for a major reduction in U.S. military forces in Afghanistan, but senior American and Afghan officials both concede this plan is already in motion.

4. (U) Irrespective of any domestic concerns, the Russian military has bolstered their presence in Central Asia in recent weeks, and President Putin is planning a visit to Afghanistan before the Bucharest Summit. Afghanistan is not a strategic priority for Russia, but remains a highly sensitive issue, and fears of a permanent U.S. military occupation of the country are widespread among top officials.

5. (C) Domestic political considerations in Russia are paramount regarding the Afghan issue. President Putin is looking to build a lasting legacy before leaving office in 2012, and was hoping early in his term that improved relations with the West would be his defining achievement. As those plans have fallen apart, he has increasingly turned to projecting state power across the Caucasus, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. With Russian state enterprises dramatically weakened after 1991, and the fluctuating oil market providing a lack of steady income for Russia’s major export, military force is increasingly the most robust way for Russian leaders to project their power.

6. (C) President Putin is facing headwinds in approval surveys, and will look to make a deal with President Karzai to secure Russian support for the Afghan government before NATO can. The issue is not of strategic importance for Russia, but primarily for domestic consumption. However, the possibility of a Western confrontation with the Russian government over Afghanistan is rising. While Russian opposition to NATO enlargement and a permanent U.S. military presence in Central Asia was strong earlier this decade, Russia now feels it has no choice but to respond more forcefully to what it perceives as actions contrary to its domestic interests.

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && Wars == 1 && e.player_answers.includes(9296)) { //Bush - Iraq e.pages.push(`

The Opinion Pages | OP-ED COLUMNIST

Suck on This
March 3, 2005

Stories like this
The worst terrorist group you've never heard of - What I learned after following al Qaida
Bremer: WMDs will turn up ‘any day now’
Rising violence in Fallujah unnerves coalition leaders

BAGHDAD - The success of the Bush team in Iraq in the next six months will prompt some serious soul-searching from the relentless critics of every American military intervention. They were wrong about Iraq once, they were wrong about Kosovo, and they’re wrong about Iraq now. What we’re doing in the Muslim world today will reshape the world for generations to come, so why not brag about it?

Bush has already restored American credibility abroad for standing up to Saddam’s genocidal regime, and he’s been delivered a second term by a grateful public at home, yet the White House feels scared to take credit for this. The Bush team got blasted for their ‘Mission Accomplished’ stunt last year by the same people who were going to attack him anyway. But it worked. The American people saw their commander-in-chief not as a wisened statesman, but a cocky flyboy, ready to blast some bad guys and wipe out undemocratic regimes around the world.

Inside Iraq, there’s a smattering of protests from washed up Saddam loyalists, but de-Ba'athification is accelerating, and thousands more former foot-soldiers of the regime will be detained in the next six months, I’m told. A senior official involved in planning the operation conveyed that most of them will be going to the same facility at Camp Bucca. Others will be placed in smaller prison sites around the country. If you talk to U.S. soldiers in Iraq, they will let you know how safe the conditions are. One near Baghdad named “The Hard Site” is thought to resemble a condo unit more than a detention facility.

Editors’ Picks
Inside the horrors of Iraqi prisons
Dismiss the Shia insurgency at your own peril
‘I have no idea why we’re here:’ speaking with the troops securing Baghdad

Claims of a major insurgency are junk regurgitated by Saddam apologists in the media. The only people calling for armed resistance against the U.S. military in Iraq are a couple of old clerics. The Viet Cong these are not. One Shia preacher giving tirades over the radio just had his newspaper shut down last week. These are the ravings of a handful of diehards, not the makings of a hardcare guerilla group.

As for all the hysteria surrounding the possibility of sectarian bloodshed, if it exists, I haven’t seen it. After the Bush team installed the Iraqi Governing Council, they stacked it with Shia leaders, to better reflect the Iraqi population than Saddam’s tyrannical government ever did. The Sunni provinces in the country are nothing to worry about, and the U.S. should not expend any resources on areas like al-Anbar, or cities like Fallujah. They are quiet now, and they will remain quiet.

Lastly, we’re not only defeating terrorists who are a threat to the entire Middle East, but we’re preventing any future ones from carrying out their vile acts. The Bush team argued for the invasion by rightly pointing out that Saddam allowed the terrorist mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to live freely in Iraq. Bush’s critics could never counter this one, and today, you don’t hear much about Zarqawi anymore. Sure, it’s because no one has found him yet, but it’s only a matter of time. So with this fantastic record, why isn’t the White House advertising it more often? Not only did we go to war in Iraq: we won.

Related stories
IED blast in Baghdad kills eight U.S. Soldiers
UPRISING: Unrest sweeps Sadr City and Basra
Attack on Iraqi market kills thirty-eight

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && Wars == 2) { //Bush - Afghanistan + Iraq e.pages.push(`

A place to share, discuss, and analyze all the real-time sightings of former Iraqi President, current U.S. resident and lifetime Bush regime bagman Saddam “1001 Cashouts” Hussein

REAL LIFE SADDAM CAUGHT ON TAPE. Saddam Spotted In Fort Lauderdale Forida -
Submitted Wed Mar 5 04:00:37 2008 UTC by u/AustinPowers

[-]WiseMansBurden (16 points)
Let's let out a nice hearty LOL at all the bullshit about how he’s dead. Look at all the pics that are coming out just in south Floida. Boca Raton a few days ago. Naples just last week. We have him dead to rights.

[-]BushDiedPeopleLied (-11 points)

Um, what about the one a few days before that about how he was in Phoenix? And the one pic right before that showed him in Reno? Unless he has a private plane, how can those all be real at once? He’d be a bigger jet-setter than Jay Z and Kim K combined.

[-]PlutoIsAPlanet (6 points)


[-]WiseMansBurden (4 points)

Erm, yeah? Where do you think the bribe money went LOL

[-]PlutoIsAPlanet (3 points)


[-]mrbacon (11 points)
this is the vid that pissed me off the most…look at this asshole…cartier glasses…big ol rolex…fat bimbo of a gf with her louis vitton bag…all of this collusion…im disgusted…we need change…
[-]SexualCharizard (-3 points)

Do you guys really think this whole thing was a false flag? I just can’t convince myself of it. I’ve seen all the stuff you guys have posted on this subreddit. I know about the last-minute oil investments, the huge capital flight, the private jets from Baghdad, but it still doesn’t make sense. He ran that country like Sauron, what more could he have wanted?

[-]mrbacon (6 points)

it was all a scheme…look at the pics…rummy and saddam yucking it up like 2 pigs in the mud…he was poppies best friend…they planned it all from day 1…

[-]UrNewEmpire (3 points)

Think process of elimination. What was the big reason they said they invaded? WMDs. But we know that there were no WMDs anywhere. They also said we were bringing democracy to the country. Only a total moron could have thought that would actually happen. Think some more. The only ones to benefit from this entire disaster have been the weapons manufacturers. Saddam was their customer of the decade in the 1980s. They just struck another deal. Simple as that.

[-]Mando (1 point)

Do U Really Believe This

[-]UrNewEmpire (1 point)

What other explanation is there? Saddam had to have been in on the war. They wouldn’t have invaded Iraq for no reason.

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && Wars == 3 && e.player_answers.includes(9732)) { //Bush - Afghanistan + Iraq + Iran e.pages.push(`

May 29 2005

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith is the best thing that’s happened since the 2002 midterm elections. I mean after the god-awful Attack of the Clones, I wondered how much more George Lucas could possibly fuck up Star Wars. But son of a bitch, he did it. Now you may have heard that the movie was screened at the Cannes film festival, for a bunch of French snobs sipping wine. But when George started speaking after the credits rolled, he told them directly what the movie was about: that other George.

That’s right. Step aside, Michael Moore, we’ve got a new hero in town. Now I wasn’t sure if George was just giving those French bastards a show, so I had to see this one for myself. After all, this is the man who thought adding CGI bullshit to the goddamn Original Trilogy was his lasting legacy. But my god, Revenge of the Sith was not only a good movie, it was a real dagger to the heart of the regime in Washington. When Anakin told Obi-Wan “you’re either with me, or you’re my enemy” I could just about picture a single tear rolling down Shrub’s cheek. Cheney is probably ordering a preemptive strike on Skywalker Ranch and calling in special forces to raid movie theaters around the country as I type this.

This is a film every American needs to see to be eligible to vote. If every citizen heard the line “so this is how liberty dies…with thunderous applause” before last November, they might have voted out the chimp. Maybe they would have spared us from this goddamned war. Maybe the religious nuts (the ones as crazy as Bush’s donors, but from a different book) wouldn’t blow up city blocks with their suicide vests every couple days. Hell, maybe those thousands of American sailors wouldn’t be at the bottom of the fucking Persian Gulf.

If that traitor at Crawford ever saw this film, he'd see the face of Anakin reflected right at him. Another boy with daddy issues who gets taken in by some old pervert with a ballsack for a face and decides to conquer the universe, one classroom full of kids at a time. The NRA knows a thing or two about that.

Right now, the most important thing we can do to protest that unelected tyrant in Washington is to support movies like Revenge of the Sith. They’re all we have left. After coming home from the theater, I saw the latest news about another attack in New York, and I couldn’t help but think whether that nutjob who pulled the ripcord on his vest wouldn’t have taken all those lives if he had listened to what Obi-Wan told Anakin on Mustafar as he was lit on fire. Either way, this is the type of film that’s going to stand the test of time. Hopefully George doesn’t put out a special edition to this one. After all, we know how this story ends. The rebels win, Darth Vader is redeemed, and the Emperor explodes. Now that’s one hell of an impeachment.

Jedi Master Anthony

“It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.” —Tyler Durden

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const threeWars = new Playlist(); const threeWarsWinSong = new Song( "George Bush Cut Up While Talking", "Godspeed You! Black Emperor", "", "" ); threeWars.addSong(threeWarsWinSong); changePlaylist(threeWars); } if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && Wars == 3 && e.player_answers.includes(9729)) { //Bush - Afghanistan + Iraq + Syria e.pages.push(`


Let’s Go Places in Syria
By Nathan Hide Published December 2, 2008 | Comments (970)

Amidst the turmoil wracking the housing market, the auto industry is near collapse, and the U.S. Federal Reserve shows no will to keep credit moving. Republican allies of President Bush are already urging him to “let Detroit go bankrupt,” and General Motors is in terminal crisis. The biggest—perhaps the only—beneficiary? Daesh.

The feared terrorist group known for beheadings, slavery, and bombing of ancient artifacts are also some of Toyota’s top customers. With American auto sales flatlining, companies have turned to increasingly marginal sources for revenue, including many foreign sales. Experts agree that in a warzone like Syria dominated by radical groups and with no central authority, the black market is bound to thrive. Toyota vehemently denounces the use of their Land Cruisers by ISIL.

Officials in Washington are growing alarmed by the ubiquity of the truck however, and top Toyota executives will appear before Congress next week to explain the issue. Toyota maintains it’s their policy “not to sell vehicles to customers who may use or modify them for illicit activities, including terrorism.” But experts agree there is simply no way to accurately track how many trucks have been stolen or sold through the black market to groups like Daesh or al-Nusra in Syria.

Toyota tells Jalopnik that the vehicles seen in videos being commandeered by terrorists in Syria are not recent models. “These are very outdated models,” one executive said, “we don’t use them anymore.” Legal sales of trucks in Iraq in 2007 were quadruple the number sold in 2006, according to a report from the U.S. State Department. That total in 2008 is expected several times higher, due to the sinking auto market here in the United States.

For some Ford executives, it’s an unfortunate inevitability of the wars abroad and the economic crisis at home. “I just wish they were driving F-150s,” one lamented.

Staff (17) Community (970)


12/03/10 10:09am

People say Japan doesn’t build things anymore, but do you really think these groups in the Middle East would be buying German trucks? The fine Japanese craftsmanship with American entrepreneurship is what makes the world turn. This is the market at work.

Likes (32) Replies (109)

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const threeWars = new Playlist(); const threeWarsWinSong = new Song( "George Bush Cut Up While Talking", "Godspeed You! Black Emperor", "", "" ); threeWars.addSong(threeWarsWinSong); changePlaylist(threeWars); } if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && Wars == 3 && e.player_answers.includes(9730)) { //Bush - Afghanistan + Iraq + N. Korea e.pages.push(`

The Hollywood Reporter

Warner Bros. email hack raises tensions
JUNE 27, 2006 4:00AM

Investigators are probing the origins of a major security breach of Warner Brothers’ internal servers. A trove of emails were leaked, including embarrassing exchanges between top talent and studio execs, while entire scripts of highly anticipated films, like the next Harry Potter, were released in their entirety.

The FBI has already found significant leads, and THR can report that they’re pointing to an unlikely source: North Korea. The embattled communist dictatorship in East Asia evidently waged an act of “cyber terrorism” against Warner Bros to release such highly embarrassing material. This follows nearly 18 months of intermittent warfare with South Korea, and naval incidents with U.S. warships. While the regime has not taken responsibility for the leak, their state media has made numerous bellicose statements against the studio in recent months, targeting next month’s Harold and Kumar Go To Pyongyang, a sequel to the stoner comedy Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle.

While stoner comedies provoking the ire of a dictatorship obsessed with nuclear weapons may sound like a bad script, senior White House officials insist this isn’t Hollywood. “That movie came out at the worst possible time,” one anonymous source sighed. President Bush has strongly threatened a ground invasion of the North, and the November 2004 airstrikes against dozens of sites across the country nearly provoked a nuclear conflict. After South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun’s diplomatic intervention prevented a full-scale war, border clashes have heightened tensions, and the possibility of a resumption of the Korean War remains. Now, the WB hack severely complicates matters.

In a speech on June 15th, Bush gave what multiple sources close to the president tell THR was a shot across the bow to North Korean officials. “We consider any action against the United States military, our nation, or our way of life to be an act of war,” the president stated. “This can be military action, like when two ships start shooting at each other, or it can be through other methods. We know what they are, and we will retaliate with all the force it takes.” Now, the White House is reportedly considering their options against Kim Jong Il’s regime, including military action.

During the Baengnyeongdo incident in 2005, it was widely reported that the White House was hours away from triggering a massive preemptive strike against North Korea, potentially involving nuclear weapons. The November 2004 conflict has been well-publicized by Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, whose book Strike released earlier this year. In one passage, Woodward recounts a conversation between Bush and Cheney where the president asked “hell, why don’t we just drop a nuke on the damn place?” The only thing reportedly stopping the president from triggering a nuclear strike on the Korean peninsula was the intervention of Secretary of State Colin Powell, who resigned last week. On Monday, President Bush announced he was appointing United Nations Ambassador John Bolton to fill the role.

Harold and Kumar Go To Pyongyang launches on July 14th.

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const threeWars = new Playlist(); const threeWarsWinSong = new Song( "George Bush Cut Up While Talking", "Godspeed You! Black Emperor", "", "" ); threeWars.addSong(threeWarsWinSong); changePlaylist(threeWars); } if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && Wars == 3 && e.player_answers.includes(9731)) { //Bush - Afghanistan + Iraq + Venezuela e.pages.push(`

Poll: Bush approval rises to 41%

June 5, 2008 -- Updated 0619 GMT
NEW: Tom Cruise talks “Top Gun” sequel plans
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WASHINGTON (NBC) -- For the first time in over two years, over 40 percent of Americans approve of President Bush, largely in response to low gas prices and success in foreign affairs.

Fifty-three percent rated his handling of the Venezuela crisis as “excellent” or “fair,” while sixty-four percent said they felt safer from terrorism in 2008 than they did four years ago.

The numbers reflect a renewed confidence in President Bush, who has largely stayed away from the presidential campaign. Among respondents who approve of Bush, over ninety percent say they will vote for the G.O.P. presidential nominee in the 2008 election.

The rebounding economy has been a major political asset for Bush, who will argue to voters that they are better off now than they were eight years ago, in his bid to keep solid Republican control of the White House.

Despite the turmoil in the petroleum industry due to the ongoing oil glut, most voters rate Bush’s handling of the economy favorably. Fifty-two percent cite his policies as ‘somewhat’ or ‘mostly’ responsible for low gas prices.

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One potential source of trouble for the president is the growing drug crisis, which sixty-eight percent of respondents expressed some concern over. According to officials, heroin addiction has risen 400% in the past five years. Cocaine imports have also skyrocketed to levels the DEA Director told Congress were ‘a five-alarm fire.’

In foreign affairs, Bush’s new hardline approach with Russia does not appear to bother voters much, with a slight plurality approving of the pivot. Following last year’s overthrow of leftist President Hugo Chavez by the militant ‘Freedomista’ group, fears over immigration and instability in Latin America were at the top of voters’ concerns in foreign policy, alongside the war in Afghanistan and terrorism.

By now, those fears have receded, as voters express little concern about Venezuela, or anywhere else in South America. The president’s praise for the Freedomistas also did not appear to concern the public, with only eighteen percent of respondents believing the U.S. government was providing covert support to the militants along the Colombia-Venezuela border. The White House has repeatedly denied all involvement in the crisis.

The effects of Bush’s rise in public approval polls on the 2008 elections are not immediately clear, although history suggests it would certainly favor the eventual Republican nominee.

“George H.W. Bush was able to ride the wave of Reagan’s success into office, despite consistently polling below his predecessor,” NBC polling director Edwin England said.

“It’s quite plausible that now Bush’s son can do the same to his successor, and the president doesn’t even have something like Iran-Contra to worry about.”

The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 2 percentage points. E-mail to a friend

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`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const threeWars = new Playlist(); const threeWarsWinSong = new Song( "George Bush Cut Up While Talking", "Godspeed You! Black Emperor", "", "" ); threeWars.addSong(threeWarsWinSong); changePlaylist(threeWars); } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && Wars == 1 && Dem == 6) { //Sharpton - 1 war e.pages.push(`

Remarks by the President in State of Union Address, 2007

HOUSE SPEAKER DELAY: I have the high privilege, and distinct honor, of welcoming in the President of the United States. (Applause)

PRESIDENT SHARPTON: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you, Mr. Vice President. I want to thank everyone in attendance tonight, and say hello to everyone entering and serving in the 110th Congress. (Applause)

PRESIDENT SHARPTON: And as we stand here today, I want to thank, first and foremost, Minority Leader Pastor for all we’ve been able to accomplish these past two years. Already, we’ve seen greater expansion of voting rights for those from the Mexican border to the most disadvantaged of us on the reservations, who have struggled for so long. We’ve begun a new discussion on criminal justice, focusing more and more on why the crime was committed, not who it was done by. And though our party has lost the House of Representatives, I have no fear that House Speaker DeLay will senselessly block the initiatives we will continue to work through Congress. (Applause)

PRESIDENT SHARPTON: And that’s not all. We’ve gotten boots steadily off the ground from our foreign ventures, and we’ll continue to do just that. And in these next two years, we’ll begin to expand on that even more, empowering the United Nations across the world and increasing our cooperation with our European allies. I won’t let campaigning distract our work, either; in these next two years, and with cooperation from our friends in Congress, work on overhauling our welfare and housing projects will begin. With help from America’s mayors, including my friend, Mark Green, we’ll embrace urban renewal again. I survived my childhood because of public housing projects that let the impoverished have a chance, and I want to give more people suffering through hard times another chance. And that’s not even all.

PRESIDENT SHARPTON: Our nation’s economy is better than ever, and is staying that way. Our crime rates are down, our policing practices are so much greater, and our troops are home. And now we’re in a position to make it even better. God bless you all, and bless the United States of America. (Applause)

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && Wars == 2 && Dem == 6) { //Sharpton - 2 wars e.pages.push(`

The Glenn Beck Program

Stu Blog

07.11.2008 21:34:36
Christmas Comes Early for America

Honestly, I’m getting ready for a pretty good Christmas this year. I’ve got whiskey in the cellar. I got my hands on some nice (pre-Castro) Cuban cigars. Every day I turn on CNN to see another hysterical liberal crying and whining is like getting to open up another door in my advent calendar. And it’s only July.

But what did the Dems expect when they shoved white-hater extraordinaire Al Sharpton into the Oval Office? A guy who spent this summer calling over half the country racist? And then, when he finally gave a (fake) apology for his “indelicate words,” he clarified that he only meant over half of Congress because 100% of “good Americans” were with him.

Oh boy!

Let me remind you this is a guy who only won at all because his pet liberals at the New York Times and Washington Post were able to provide cover for him every time he said something stupid. Remember his (in)famous quote after Election Day:

“People have been saying I dragged down the Democrats because they won everywhere down ticket. If I did, it’s only because there’s a segment of this country that is terrified to see a black man succeed. They’ll cling to their guns and bigotries and hate people who aren’t like them to explain their failures in life.”

Wow. Just because you won’t vote for a man who has sparked more riots than Rodney King, you’re a racist! And a bigot! And a loser! To all the self-hating, Ivy League liberals out there: If you’re willing to vote for a guy who thinks you’re a racist, then more (white) power to you.

All these “bad vibes” (this is my attempt at Sharpton’s so-called youth outreach) might explain why he hasn’t gotten anything done, despite having a huge majority in his first two years and insiders like David Axelrod yammering in his ear about how to manage Congress. The Good Reverend refused to give an inch of his liberal credentials, refused to compromise on anything. Sure, it made the socialists like Bernie Sanders and Paul “Cry Baby” Wellstone happy, but it’s meant he’s got nada to campaign on this year. With the economy going down the toilet, he might have less than nada—if that’s possible.

No wonder his vice president Graham fled the scene at the Convention. I wouldn’t want to stand next to a fat, crooked loser like Sharpton myself. Hopefully they have his new running mate Turner on suicide watch.

But that’s only a small part of the overall picture. What he’s done for our troops over the last three years is absolutely inexcusable. His opposition to the war, while I believe it was misled, is completely fine. He underestimated our military and their ability to win in Iraq and Afghanistan--which they were clearly doing under Bush--but he’s not the only member of the Democrat Party like that. No, what sets him apart is him running his mouth off.

He said: “We have to accept we did wrong, and I don’t just mean Bush starting these wars. We have to have a conversation about how we pressured our soldiers to become killers of innocent civilians in cold blood.”

He went on to say that “this is why people hate us” and that “killing women and children is the fastest way to get attacked.”

Which AGAIN is just more blaming. AGAIN and AGAIN, Sharpton can’t find anything to do but blame other people for his failures. He waddles from place to place spewing hate and lies about the very people who are protecting our freedom. This is a man who doesn’t just dislike America, but DESPISES it. He wants to run this country into the ground and the Democrats let him.

They deserve to get buried and it looks like they will.

But I’ve said enough already. With the Loser-in-Chief’s approval near 34% (according to the pencilnecks at Gallup) and even the most hardcore liberal on MSNBC predicting a landslide loss against McCain, we’ll have order restored soon. I wish we had an actual conservative on the ticket but—hey—we can’t get everything on our Christmas lists can we?

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && Wars == 3 && Dem == 6) { //Sharpton - 3 wars e.pages.push(`


This post was made by user BeretLover.

Holy shit, guys. I know I don’t post often here anymore, but look at this url - Yes, it’s a real website. Yes, it looks to be under construction. Yes, it does not indicate anything stating Sharpton wants to run for the demonrats again. Ik people here aren’t the biggest fan of Sharpton but holy shit holy shit. He’s been the only person in Washington fighting against those pedo Republicans (Remember Hastert???) for a while and even minority leader Hoyer gave up on him. Is he the man we need to fight the two party duopoly??? (hehehehe). Fuckin dems never even gave him the time of day. Republicans mad much their pedo house speaker and golden boy Bush lost???

Reply by GeorgeBushCommittedWarCrimes
lol. Can’t say this was unexpected. Also holy shit has anyone in the press noticed yet?

>Reply by BeretLover
i don’t know. i refuse to believe im the first person to find this. its just like right there.

>>Reply by GeorgeBushCommittedWarCrimes
Maybe he’s the proletariat hero we needed all along. the only man willing to fight the two parties..

>>>Reply by BeretLover
i should get involved with the Greens to try to get them to endorse them

Reply by Ilostajob
are you guys stupid? how is Sharpton a class collab? he “collabed” with dems as long as he saw fit until…

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const threeWars = new Playlist(); const threeWarsWinSong = new Song( "George Bush Cut Up While Talking", "Godspeed You! Black Emperor", "", "" ); threeWars.addSong(threeWarsWinSong); changePlaylist(threeWars); } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && Dem == 5) { //Lieberman e.pages.push(`

SomethingAwful › Debate & Discussion › 01-20-08 Lieberman Press Conference discussion

Dr. Squid
Iraq, cabinet, economy, social security, environment and cabinet are expected to be on topic.

Lieb taking the podium now.

Press will be allowed to ask Qs. Will post full transcript when done.
Dr. Squid fucked around with this message at 13:57 on Jan 20, 2008

oh shit does he look bad lmao. It’s like someone got a honey-glazed ham and let it sit on a windowsill.

e: If you dont have cable CSPAN webcast has it.
monkeyspanx fucked around with this message at 10:43 on Jan 20, 2008

Shit, and me without teevee until tomorrow : (

Oh, I’m sure the press are getting ready for some real JV junior high softball team questions. That interview with Couric on Saddam and “our ties with Israel” was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. No pushback.

Dr. Squid
they just started. the first question is about Fed and the housing market (snore).

paraphrased: “Confidence is down since almost one year ago. Are there structural problems in the market that Americans should be aware of?”

:hmmyes: i can feel the paul people already frothing at the mouth (buy gold, kill your parents)

Hahahaaah gently caress, he really wants to move on now.

“We are monitoring these signals closely but have important priorities regarding our safety as a nation” --what are you talking about???

ManManMan fucked around with this message at 10:48 on Jan 20, 2008


:siren: HE BROUGHT BUSH. :siren:

Oh shit, are you all for real? I can’t watch.

Dr. Squid



ManManMan fucked around with this message at 10:05 on Jan 20, 2008

that 60 minutes interview he did was the saddest thing i’ve ever seen. dude would NOT LET UP on cheney ruining everything.

george take me in your big strong arms and gently caress me. i’ll let you be the daddy you never had.

There was a good Daily Show bit about him having to sneak away to cry at the Inauguration. I’ll try to find the link.

E: Oh God, this is going to be another one of Lieberman’s bipartisanship spiels again, isn’t it? JUST BECOME A REPUBLICAN ALREADY.
ManManManMan fucked around with this message at 11:08 on Jan 20, 2008

Dr. Squid
He can’t become a Republican because they kicked out his bffs (Bush and McCain)

Now it’s just Paul (crazy), Hickabee (stupid) and Cain (crazy & stupid)

Obligatory “kill your parents,” etc.

Guys please, what are they saying? I can’t watch : (((((

It’s really just the same old, same old. He’s bringing Bush aboard as part of an informal group of advisors focused on foreign policy to help develop policy re: Iraq. He is “deeply concerned” about intel suggesting Saddam is developing WMDs and wants a “whole-of-nation approach” (whatever the gently caress that means) to address it.

Environmental policy and social security stuff on hold while he briefs Congress.Planning to get Fuerth, Clark to talk about it at the UN in the coming weeks.


`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && Wars == 1 && Dem == 4) { //Wellstone - 1 war e.pages.push(`

The COINdinistas

23 Nov. 2005

President Wellstone’s White House is brimming with ideological zealots. No, not the Sixties-style liberals trying to push an expansive healthcare bill through an unwilling Congress. Not the protectionist warriors picking up the sword of Ross Perot to cut free trade agreements to ribbons. And definitely not the neocons of the Bush days, who leaned on the president to always intervene militarily, with mixed results.

No, the zealots of the Wellstone administration are the COINdinistas. It may seem odd that military theorists pushing a counterinsurgency doctrine have been so well-received in the White House. After all, the president was elected on a staunchly anti-war platform, promising a quick withdrawal and defense spending cuts. But the latter are negotiable to these COINdinistas. In fact they’re eager to slash Cold War era programs better suited to fight a peer competitor like Russia or China. These warriors are far more concerned with the hearts and minds of a targeted populace. Their hero is Edward Lansdale, not MacArthur. To them, wars must be fought with extensive psychological warfare operations, an understanding of the country’s culture, and limited ground troops.

The COINdinistas’ undisputed leader is David Petraeus, a career Army officer whose dizzying rise has ruffled feathers in the Pentagon—he was just promoted to General three weeks ago—but has had an unusually close relationship with President Wellstone. The Sixties radical and the General isn’t a bad B-movie, it’s what I’m told is the “dominant” dynamic in the West Wing. “Petraeus leans on Wellstone so hard, he’s fallen over,” one longtime Wellstone aide grumbled.

Now, it appears the president’s withdrawal plans have been significantly modified. Tens of thousands of troops are coming home, that’s not in dispute. But the counterinsurgency tactics used with shocking effectiveness will be ramped up. Some inside the Pentagon question whether they can even work. “It’s all about this ‘limited war’ or ‘low-intensity conflict’ bullshit,” one former General ranted. “The truth is they don’t know what the fuck they’re doing. We had the same rodeo in El Salvador, and all it did was kill a lot of people, it didn’t beat any guerillas.”

These counterinsurgency warriors’ somewhat ironic nickname evokes a humiliating defeat for the concept of low-intensity warfare. The Nicaraguan Sandinistas infuriated the Reagan administration, prompting a massive CIA campaign to aid the Contras, which blew up in the president’s face. The Sandinistas were ultimately defeated, but after Reagan left office, and in a presidential election, not on the battlefield.

Stories of U.S. jets dropping bombs on the wrong targets, accidentally killing civilians, have garnered headlines in recent months. But in the COINdinista theory, this is the unwieldy hammer to the far more effective scalpel. In President Wellstone’s recent Pentagon budget request, the overall sum was about 5% lower than where his predecessor left it. But there has been a massive 400% increase in funds to the Army’s storied special-operations forces. As one senior administration official told me, “it’s not like we’re doubling down on the war, we’re not sending 40,000 troops like those Pentagon assholes kept telling us to.” But when I asked about the prospect of full withdrawal, he was testy, “look, that was never going to happen with Congress as it is, and all of the president’s agenda in the air.”

Making compromises in Washington is nothing new, but with Wellstone’s ambitious domestic agenda getting off to a slow start, those that may pay the price will be thousands of miles away.

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && Wars == 2 && Dem == 4) { //Wellstone - 2 wars e.pages.push(`

Pamphlet for 2008 DNC protest from People’s Action Revolutionary Voice Now (2007-2009)
File Number: 97-17329
Notes: Urgent - fr dir. humint


The Demoncorp establishment has flown down from their nuclear shelters in New Zealand and tax havens in the Bahamas to anoint the next FASCIST-IN-CHIEF in Denver. Paul WARSTONE’s time is up, but we cannot let Hitlery Crimeton crown herself the victor. The Denver pigs are lining the streets, enforcing their totalitarian police state, and we know how they’re going to treat the million person march next week in St. Paul to protest the Rebloodlican establishment.

In Denver, we’re expecting HUNDREDS of people to turn out and take action to make their voices heard. We’ve seen how Warstone BALKANIZED Iraq with that thug Biden carving up the country. Millions have died, and the blood is on the hands of the Demoncrips. Iraqization is a SHAM, and tens of thousands of Amerikkkan pigs are still butchering that country. It was SHRUB’s war and now it’s WARSTONE’s war!

We cannot allow the totalitarian wrecker groups like [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED] to ruin this protest with their bootlicking red-brown alliance. They say they’re each gathering hundreds of thousands to Denver, but PARVN is gathering HUNDREDS. Their collaborationist agenda is drawing attention away from the real revolutionaries. We can’t let fash like Michael SNORE destroy this powerful movement. We’re not just protesting this sham coronation, we’re here to make our voices heard at the protest as well!

- People’s Action Revolutionary Voice Now

`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && Wars == 3 && Dem == 4) { //Wellstone - 3 wars e.pages.push(`


DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND DOT COM > msnbc - rice leading wellstone. If true, this country is farther off track than imagined

Home » Discuss » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010)

msnbc - rice leading wellstone. If true, this country is farther off track than imagined
Red Dog Dem (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:31 PM

If not true, we’ve got a media
fabricating polls

Jackalope Radical (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:33 PM
1. I vote for “fabricating polls.”

Fox-level polling.

lonestarliberal (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:34 PM
2. Interesting. The whole system is against us.

WhatWouldntWDo (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:38 PM
3. just not true.

World Citizen (421 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:41 PM
4. DO NOT believe any poll.

The defense contractors that control the news want us to give up and stay home. I refuse to believe that we are behind 5 points in Ohio when Wellstone has been working every day to get us out of these wars that Dubya started. Americans will NOT vote for more of the same, just because she’s black and a woman. They’ve seen what Republicans are capable of. They understand who the ENEMY is.

Red Dog Dem (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:44 PM
5. not giving up, it’s the democrats against the media & thugs

cspanner (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:44 PM
6. I wouldn’t believe those polls, remember who we are dealing with

the bush propaganda machine

PatriotGames (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:44 PM
7. Hmmmm…..poll conducted 7/9-10… the middle of bailout coverage

perhaps bailouts not a good idea. foxes in henhouse with eizenstat

CAPTAIN AMERIKA (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:49 PM
8. If they tell us to give up, just remember how much worse it can get…

1. America is bankrupting itself in foreign wars. If you thought the Recession with US troops in three separate conflicts, wait until Condi and Santorum start wars 4, 5, & 6. Listen to their rhetoric on CHINA/TAIWAN. Listen to what happened after Wellstone stopped the TORTURE.
2. Yes, Wellstone hasn’t been able to push congress to pass a public option or much else thru Congress bc of budget hawks but look at all the EOs he’s signed. CNN says it’s more than ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY. He’s doing what he can.
3. The bailout packages are not pretty but they’re the only thing keeping workers employed. Remember what happened when the auto bailout failed. All those GM & Chrysler workers out on the street… Wellstone learned from that and is listening to the experts.

They want you to think Wellstone can’t come back from this. They’re trying as hard as they can to steal this election, but everybody knows it’s closer than they’re saying. Everyone I know is voting Wellstone.

ContraryContrarian (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:50 PM
9. Poll conducted today:

Rice 350 - Wellstone 185 - Tied 3

Bush broke the entire system. I don’t think we’re ever recovering from this.

godspeedblackemperor (211 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:53 PM
10. we are trapped inside a machine and the machine is bleeding to death

nomorevotegore04 (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 09:56 PM
11. Really odd, activist energy is really with Wellstone. Are they counting young voters?

Like people have said here, I think the polls are skewed by the fact that they’re polling equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans PLUS they aren’t polling people online, which is where most young people are. All the forums I’m on are full of people glad they aren’t going to be drafted to fight Dumb Dubya’s Disasterous Wars.

Hardhatdem (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 10:28 PM
12. With Faux news and ‘talking heads’ running anti-Wellstone propaganda 24-7, is it any wonder?

It’s amazing they’re only leading by this much.

I’m planning to move to Canada before January so I can avoid the nightmare that Rice & her corporate backers are planning. I suggest everyone here do it too. Republican wave in 2006 was bad enough. All three branches being Rethuglican is scary…..

The only question is whether the Paulites stay in line. Already talking about a third-party run in 2012 if she wins and then things will get real spooky…….

BROOKLYN MOM DEFIANT (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-11-08 11:37 PM



`) //e.image = "" e.executable.push([1, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) const threeWars = new Playlist(); const threeWarsWinSong = new Song( "George Bush Cut Up While Talking", "Godspeed You! Black Emperor", "", "" ); threeWars.addSong(threeWarsWinSong); changePlaylist(threeWars); } if (quickstats[0] <= 268 && Dem == 3) { //Edwards e.pages.push(`

PerezHilton Dot Com: OMG! Is the Prez Playing the Field?

August 13th, 2008

Uh oh! Drama Alert!!! According to several exclusive sources, it looks like President Edwards might be once again playing the field.

For all of you not in the political know, things for President Edwards have been fraying faster than Hillary’s split ends ever since First Lady Liz Edwards passed away in ‘06. It’s not just the nasty NAFTA bill tanking (Yikes!) or the fashion faux pas with Harper (talk about a slow shuffle!), but tons of mistakes that have made most Americans want to say Farewell to the Chief.

In June, we published rumors that President Johnny was spotted snuggling up to a woman at a Nebraska rally. Now, it may just get worse. We now have EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS of the pair strolling hand in hand through the Bundestag gardens after some G7 pow-wow.

Talk about Putin the right foot forward! Is this the Commander-in-Chief scoring some poon, or just taking a stroll in the park? Your guess is as good as ours.

Whether real or not, these BOMBSHELL allegations could straight-up bulldoze Edwards' campaign. That sympathy wave he caught after First Lady Edwards' passing? Poof, gone. Mike Huckabee, the Crazy Homophobic Presumptive Republican nominee, released a statement when these stories first emerged. In a speech earlier this month, he said:

"The American people deserve transparency and honesty. If there's any truth to these allegations, it's a grave disservice to the public."

This is just the latest in a string of total flops that have stalked the President, a huge problem when Johnny never seems like he’s telling the truth! Just last week, Jimmy Kimmel compared him to Huey Lewis-loving Patrick Bateman, killing primary challenger Mike Gravel with a fire ax. Yeowch!

Edwards is taking an absolute shellacking in the polls, with 57% of Americans giving his tenure a big thumbs down. He's slipping behind candidates like Huckabee, Tancredo, and Perry, all of whom have jumped onto these reports while John continues to avoid mentioning it.

For the sake of all our gays out there, let’s PRAY that Edwards is able to work off a PR miracle before the election. Maybe he can make this whole thing less of a Monica and more like Aaron Sorkin’s The American President.

For now, though, the White House has yet to comment.

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DeathCabKitty’s LiveJournal: The Birth of a Meme, or Why I Love the Internet (Part One Billion)

Previous Entry | Next Entry
November 1, 2008 at 1:14 PM

It’s November, which means we’re in the middle of that age-old tradition where the American people go through the motions of choosing a candidate of someone else’s choosing. In the age of the internet, this solemn tradition has been augmented with flame wars, epithets, and trolling. There’s been high moments (still rofling at whoever wore their fursuit to meet Tipper Gore) and low (just take a look at some of the cringey Republican outreach on TheFacebook).

Today, I want to focus on one of the highest highs, a moment that shows the kinds of creativity and community that’s possible on the World Wide Web. I want to talk about the #thompsondeathrally.

If you missed it, #thompsondeathrally was a meme on Twitter, a web blog site that launched about two years ago where you can only post up to 140 characters. When it launched, most of the users were people in tech and there were only sporadic posts, but membership has surged over the election to 1.5+ million users and almost 5 million messages a day. It’s crazy growth in the middle of a recession and one of the things that contributed to this rise was #thompsondeathrally.

If you do a search on Twitter for #thompsondeathrally, you’ll find some of the best group fiction ever. The posts tell a strange, disjointed account of a political rally straight out of H.P. Lovecraft, with bizarre rites taking place on stage to rescue Fred Thompson’s flailing campaign.

GreenDamien @thegreenster
Fred Thompson opens with a shoutout to his “Fred Heads.” He then reveals what appears to be the severed head of Ronald Reagan. It begins to scream. #ThompsonDeathRally
David Daniels @ddaniels213
“No child left behind!” Campaign volunteers separate a mother from her children. They’re dragging them to the stage. I see the glint of a knife. #ThompsonDeathRally
Aubrey Lee @swordnstoner
Thompson-Frist, Frist-Thompson. Nominee and running mate merge as one. This is the only way to assure party unity, they say with two mouths.
adam t @athomthompson
“Life begins at implantation.” The masses shriek with delight as Thompson vomits another glistening egg into a woman’s open mouth. #ThompsonDeathRally
The hash tag went on for days as the Internet hive-mind put together a communal vision of a nightmarish rally.
Obama 2012 @georgeyjordans3
“We will re-privatize health care. We will re-privatize sanity. We will re-privatize God.” #ThompsonDeathRally
Candy Morgennthau @camorgenn
Bush flails as they lay him out on the altar. His father is brought out after him. No more tolerance for failure. #ThompsonDeathRally
Problem Sleuth @mspafan
#thompsondeathrally staffers keep saying we need to stop the troop withdrawal, finish the job. It’s a chant. The moon turns blood-red.
Suzanne Wallace @suzieqwallacee
A sting on my arm. When I look down, a locust with Oliver North’s face is gorging messily on my flesh. I understand now. #thompsondeathrally
Even I got in on the action.
Laurie Childs @deathcabbkitty
Mike Huckabee stands inside an effigy made to resemble the Green Cities Act. With a wide smile, he lights a match. #ThompsonDeathRally
Eventually some reporters took notice. The Chicago Tribune published a bemused article titled, “Internet Geeks Imagine Thompson Using ‘Satanic Powers’ (describing Lovecraft as Satanic makes me wince but we). The weirdos at Breitbart, meanwhile, published something with the title, “Twitter Users Threaten Thompson, Republicans.” Losers.

Like a lot of memes, this whole thing started small, not as a set of “death threats” against Fred Thompson (as much as I’m sure he would love the attention. According to data nerd Nate Silver, he’s polling in the mid-40s in must-win states). It started because he held a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. Then it started to get cold and, for whatever reason, his security refused to let people leave. After the fact, they told people it was because of “security” (though I think we all know it’s because he didn’t want the cameras seeing him talking to no one).

The whole thing is a PR own-goal from Thompson, sparked by staffers doing something really stupid and reporters being bored by a dull election. As much as I’m sure Thompson and Hilldawg would love Gore to lose (did you see her complaining about Gore going “far left” ever since he grew that beard lawl), I don’t think it’s going to happen unless they really do summon Cthulhu.

Anyways, I’d encourage you to register a Twitter account and see the rest of the posts yourself. I’ll return to my usual Harry Potter posting once this election is over. Until then, enjoy!

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They're already talking about shutting down the goddamn government

by Jeffrey Lawson | Daily Kos staff writer
Tue Nov 07, 2006 at 11:08:04 AM PDT

Yikes. The polls haven’t even closed yet and Republicans are already talking about shutting down the government if they take over the House:

Rep. Phil English: Gore might ‘force’ House to shut down government

A top House Republican today told reporters that President Gore might try to “force a shutdown” to harm Republicans.

Rep. Phil English said that with “a ballooning deficit, slowing economic conditions, and an intransigent and unreasonable president,” Republicans should be ready to “put on a brave face” come time for budget negotiations.

“I think, given his history, he’ll veto any budget bill we pass to him and then the hard vote will be, when he forces us to vote on them again, whether we will have to deal with another situation where we might need to shut down the government. It’s not something that anyone wants but, if we want people to know we have principles, we have to be brave,” explained English on Fox Business.

Okay, first of all, the election isn’t even over yet, asshat. Polls remain open and it’s not like the Hastert sex crime bullshit is winning over a lot of people actually paying attention this election. If you go over to NYT (“Four Possible Outcomes for This Year’s Midterms”), you’ll see that Democrats still have a chance to hang onto their seats in the South if they can turn out enough young voters.

Second of all, even if Republicans do somehow take control, the House doesn’t even fucking send spending bills to the president. That’s the Senate. If the Republicans take over the House it’s just one chamber and they’ll still have to contend with the other. That’s what having a bicameral legislature means. This scenario that English is thinking up would require Republicans to take over the Senate too, which is something that everyone thinks is absolute fantasy. The chamber that only narrowly defeated a climate treaty isn’t going to flip.

Third, even if they do somehow manage to take both chambers and they do send a spending bill to Gore that is so egregious (e.g. ending the climate programs, trying to reverse the Iraq pullout, forcing him to cut spending again to balance the budget) that he can’t sign it, that won’t cause the government to shut down. Congress can still pass a continuing resolution to keep last year’s spending levels without an agreement with the president. At that point, it’s just Congress’s fault.

What all this means in the end is that the Republicans are engaging in political terrorism. They’re trying to frighten voters into giving them the solutions they want, to sabotage the peace-building efforts that Gore has been pursuing to end Bush’s disastrous wars. It’s just like when they leaked those stories about Usama “planning attacks” to terrify people into thinking they made a mistake in tossing out Bush. They’re getting together and doing what they can to ensure this country fails so they can blame Gore. They can't pass the buck on their failed agenda. It’s time for them to "man up" and take responsibility for their actions.

Discuss (119 comments)

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Gore’s Great Giveaway to the Communists

Eagle Forum Newsletter | August 25, 2008

Our economic problems are not just because of the China issue. While, indeed, they’ve been raking in billions of dollars thanks to Gore’s support of Climate Change Cash Grabs and government policies that encourage well-paying U.S. manufacturing jobs to move overseas, much of what we see today has been the result of our own would-be Stalins and Trotskys.

The collapsing stock market? A symptom of socialistic speculators sure of a government safety net. Rising unemployment? A result of our centrally mismanaged economy run by McKinsey kiddos. Skyrocketing oil prices and a sub-prime mortgage collapse? Well, we have no one to thank for that except our wannabe despot, our go-it-alone globalist, George W. Bush.

For the past eight years, Americans have been forced to put up with all manner of socialistic chicanery—whether it be three senseless, draining wars, the failed bail-outs of Bear Stearns, AIG, and Morgan Stanley, or the more recent foolish, bureaucrat-led attempts to force incandescent light bulbs out of the home.

At a time when U.S. coffers were already running dry and the national mood was at an all-time low, Gore and his band of communists gave a half-billion dollars to AstroPower to subsidize making solar panels, yet the company promptly went bankrupt. Then Gore awarded a quarter of a million—tacked on to the yearly budget like an ornament on a Christmas tree—to a little-known firm called Tesla Motors to make batteries for its electric cars, only for that company to go bankrupt too. It is now trying to pay off its investors by auctioning the company.

The two highest bidders in an auction earlier this year were the Soros-owned Lehman Brothers and the Wanxiang Group, which has close ties to Communist China’s government through its CEO, a prominent figure in the Chinese Community Party.

What these developments demonstrate is a systematic plot to weaken America, to drain Fort Knox with expensive wars and senseless programs and then sell off the proceeds for pennies on the dollar to our ideological adversaries. In China’s hands, this new Tesla Motors technology could threaten U.S. electrical power and be used to sabotage our grid.

Of course, the liberal New York Times calls on us not to overreact, to not turn away from the “internationalization” of the last two presidents with “isolationism” (a term that speaks of their elitist disdain for everyday Americans suffering under senseless trade deals, pacts, and treaties). They call us to swallow the bail-outs and the hand-outs pushed through by Gore’s Kamarck-Klain Klan, bills made possible by a web of deception about the strength of our private enterprise system (which has never been the cause of job loss).

These same deceptions seek to hide the drain of the millions of illegals and asylum seekers now burdening our welfare systems—another gift courtesy of the Bush-Gore duopoly. Sooner or later, these parasites will wind up doing more than just growing our debt, they’ll seek to avenge their homelands using the same tactics that Usama Bin Laden tried in the 1990s. We’ve already seen repeated attacks on American embassies in the Middle East and Europe.

Luckily, Americans seem to be waking up to the catastrophe inflicted on them by the country’s socialistic elites. Al Gore is not running for president, a decision undoubtedly motivated by his low approval ratings, and instead throwing his support behind the gaffer-in-chief Vice President Biden. It is obvious that Gore hopes to exploit Biden’s good relationship with Congress and his running mate Barack Hussein Obama’s popularity with the radical left to preserve Democrat control of the government.

On the Republican side, real conservatives have finally prevailed. After a near-decade-long occupation, the party cast out the Bush Crime Family and their Trotskyist supporters Rummy, Cheney, and Powell. They rejected the “McCain Lite” Jon Huntsman and Bush Lackey Zell Miller. They have finally embraced a true conservative who is ready to fight against socialist excess, who is committed to removing us from these foreign wars, a proven leader who will shut down our borders until we overcome our current crises—The Apprentice himself, Donald J. Trump

While you all know I have been a supporter of Trump’s since Day One and have been providing him with my decades of political wisdom through this historic run, I hope you will join us on this journey to restore our country to greatness. With your help, we can end the America Last foreign policy of the last generation and bring about a domestic agenda that helps real, hard-working American families.

Further Reading:
AVAILABLE NOW: Faithfully Phyllis In the Kitchen: Purchase $15, 10% of proceeds go to the Tancredo for America Fund!

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FiveThirtyEight Blog: On the Road: Des Moines, Iowa

Posted by Sean Quinn at 4:44 PM, October 14

There were the most beautiful bevies of girls everywhere I looked in Des Moines that afternoon — they were coming home from high school — but I had no time now for thoughts like that and promised myself a ball in Denver… . So I rushed past the pretty girls, and the prettiest girls in the world live in Des Moines.

—John Kerouac, The Road

Most of her life, Janice Reynolds lived life as a Republican, volunteering for Bush in 1992 and his son in 2000. After Hillary tossed her hat in the ring in 2004 and she saw an opportunity to elect America’s first female president, Janice threw herself into life as a “Hillary for America” organizer. She had high hopes for the re-election campaign in 2008, but she had questions, namely: “Why aren’t we canvassing yet?”

Accustomed to the energy of the ‘04 race, it seemed strange to her that Hillary’s campaign was letting go of the network of activist women that had brought it so much success a few years ago. People aren’t knocking on doors or organizing any more “women’s potlucks” in Des Moines. Phonebanking, sure, but it seemed like in the final stretch the campaign is being asked to pursue different tactics to halt Dolementum.

“They have all these data consultants who tell us where to direct our energy,” says Janice, settling into her role as one of Hillary’s Des Moines Community Directors. “It’s more sophisticated than anything I could come up with. They have numbers that show that it’s eyes and ears, not feet that will win this race.”

Hillary for America Director James O’Brian showed us some of their work, demonstrating a map dividing Des Moines into 41 neighborhoods with their own specialized characteristics. In each of these neighborhoods, the campaign has several Neighborhood Team Leaders doing what they call “hyper-targeting”—using personalized text messages and phone calls to turn out voters, with occasional “direct in-person appeals.” O’Brian said each NTL had undergone and met a series of specific challenges the field organizers had presented.

(If you want more on Clinton’s unique ground game, check out Al Giordano’s blog, The Field.)

Whether Team Hillary’s high-tech approach to the campaign season remains to be seen, though Janice smiled as she told us about how the approach had yielded multiple, unofficial “satellite offices” from highly motivated supporters reached via text, phone, or social media. These volunteers were invited to meet with NTL for intensive training, derived from focus group experimentation, on the kinds of messages that might resonate with their voters.

With Hillary in town, the energy was less on these efforts and more on providing the candidate with an audience for her economic address. Since the economic downturn that began this summer with the popping of the housing bubble and near-failure of several major U.S. banks, Clinton has refocused her campaign less away from the domestic terror and foreign policy topics that are her clear preference toward what Secretary of Treasury Corzine has delightfully termed “food on table” issues, with the stalled healthcare reform drive and investments in high-tech industries forming the basis of that.

Enthusiastic support from volunteers notwithstanding, it’s unclear the degree to which this message is resonating with Iowa voters and others across the Midwest. Putting aside the lack of investment in the state from the Clinton camp (this is the first visit to a potential tipping point state in weeks, with most of the President’s focus being directed toward New Orleans and Chicago), neither the program nor the dysfunction a divided Washington brings much more than tepid crowds in this farm state.

Local Republicans have exploited spotty attendance to hold small protests outside campaign venues with a pantsless, lipstick-stained Bill Clinton impersonator—an attack that has dogged Hillary these past few years. Clinton Field Team Leader Ken Holland described the man’s appearance as “disheartening” when I pointed him out. “That Republicans, even with their nominee, disparage the first female president with these kinds of personal attacks is the height of misogyny.”

Nonetheless, it’s these kinds of troubles that make most Republicans regret sitting out this race during the primaries. Dole remains neck-and-neck (per Nate’s latest projections), but as the New York Times reported yesterday, large numbers of conservatives believe that their nominee’s views are out of step with the party overall, leading to dampening enthusiasm. More problematically, the presence of two women in the contest—while historically significant—is proving a real problem for Republicans trying to turnout male, conservative-leaning voters.

We’ll be following Elizabeth Dole’s campaign in Ohio tomorrow as it goes between Marietta and Athens. After that, we’ll rejoin the Clinton camp in Cleveland where she’ll be having her first major rally with her husband. We look forward to reporting to you then.

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Huffington Post: Campaign Pre-Mortem: Dems Lifted By Kennedy’s Coattails, GOP Sinks Further Into the Crazy

Posted April 12, 2008 04:22 PM
By Arianna

Read More: [Martin Luther King Jr.], [Ted Kennedy], [Ron Paul], [George W. Bush]

On the eve of his historic health care vote, President Kennedy spoke to House Democrats. He began his remarks by invoking the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.”

The moment cast in sharp relief the difference between the two parties. As Democrats lined up for floor speeches extolling a bill that would—after a yearlong process of negotiations and compromises—give Americans a public option and real care to millions, Republicans spent their time in lockstep opposition. The biggest question was not whether any Republican congressmen would support a bill destined to pass, but who would trot out the most outlandish and overwrought objection.

Indeed, as I watched this and other fights over the last three years, I’ve been reminded of another Martin Luther King quote, delivered as part of a sermon in 1963 as he struggled to advance the cause of the marginalized and dispossessed. It came amid similar, kneejerk opposition: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

If we’re seeing this degree of opposition in times of unprecedented peace, with a good (albeit slowing) economy, and a popular president, what can we expect when times get tough? It’s enough to make you miss the good-natured bungling of early George W. Bush.

Today, the GOP is more radical than it has ever been. Since it evicted Bush and Cheney’s sycophants and installed Ron Paul’s lunatics, the party has picked fights it hasn’t needed to against people it can’t afford. It tried to draw out confirmation hearings against Justice Janet Reno and halt efforts to reform No Child Left Behind. It nearly derailed immigration reform with poison pill amendments, obstructed the National Education Trust Fund, and made hearings on trade agreements with China into highly televised circuses with their stunts.

Their toxic smokescreen of fear-mongering (immigrants are “invading our borders”; green energy investment “will bankrupt the country”) and cynical un-truths (Kennedy’s executive orders will “force gays into our churches”) reveal a party standing in the doorway of progress.

While many of the Democratic Party’s policies are deeply flawed (the rich have gotten richer, largely due to compromises between the White House and Blue Dogs) there’s no denying that the lives of millions of Americans will be improved because of what the Democrats have done. The agenda post-2008 looks to address the few problems that exist, starting with Kennedy’s promise to let Bush’s tax cuts expire at the end of 2010.

Unless they return to sanity, the GOP risks sinking into further irrelevance. It would take a truly cataclysmic, earth-shattering development to reverse the gains of the last three years and Kennedy’s sky-high approval ratings (64% by Gallup’s last count).

So long as the sun keeps shining in Washington, the doom and gloom of nominee presumptive Paul is unlikely to appeal to more than the over-stimulated, online fringes.

What we need now are Republican leaders who can take inspiration from King and his words, who will approach issues decently and honestly. Far be it from me to praise George Bush, but now might be the time for a return to “compassionate conservatism.”

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The Shadow Cabinet > Opinions
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Who exactly is driving our foreign policy? It’s a fair question to ask, with President Ted Kennedy’s latest health scare giving him a week in Walter Reed Hospital. So far, Kennedy has focused primarily on domestic issues, passing an extensive healthcare bill and capping a midterm campaign with a breakthrough on immigration reform. But in the past 6 months, foreign crises have increasingly drawn his energy, whether in Darfur, the Caucasus, or the Levant, and above all, in these last two years of his first term—yes, he still intends to run for re-election—Kennedy will face the daunting prospect of winding down an ongoing war.

Yet the president seems entirely aloof, even absent, from the most important discussions taking place in the White House over how to manage the war. After the conflict in Lebanon last year, the potential for greater crises in the Middle East is high, and the risk of American troops being drawn in to a wider conflict is real. They’re already fighting in the region as is. Withdrawal plans have been scuttled, and the White House’s proposed exit timeline is fuzzy. But when Kennedy was asked about the war two weeks ago, he reiterated his campaign pledge to get “every American troop out.”

So which is it? The answer may lie in Kennedy’s top advisors. Eager to avoid the obvious comparisons to another President Kennedy’s “Best and Brightest” managing a war, these figures apparently are called “The Inner Circle” on the Washington cocktail circuit. Others prefer the term “Shadow Cabinet.” Much more innocuous.

A few of these top figures are not quite hiding in the shadows, but in fact have been publicly appointed by the president to fill vacant roles in the past 3 months. Wesley Clark earned widespread praise when he was selected to head the Defense Department, and everyone within a 100 mile radius of DC knows somebody who’s insisted to them that Richard Holbrooke’s childhood dream is to be Secretary of State. Others, however, have roles largely unknown to the public. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is a frequent advisor, as is former Secretary of Defense William Perry.

Perhaps it’s terribly unremarkable that two top members of the last Democratic administration are advising the current Democratic administration, but senior officials tell me that Kennedy has relied on those two more than many inside the White House to direct foreign policy. Word is that his National Security Advisor hasn’t spoken to the president since the Russo-Georgian crisis last December, and before that, he hadn’t had a meeting with Kennedy in 3 months.

Even Sandy Berger, former Deputy National Security Advisor and current probationer, has been a leading voice inside the Inner Circle.

What do all these lifetime members of the foreign policy establishment have in common? Well, they all served in the Clinton administration, but more than that, they all remain in very close contact with another Clinton. It’s no secret that the New York Senator from Arkansas has had her eye on the presidency for years, and that at the slightest sign of Kennedy’s health worsening, she is sure to lead the pack in any Democratic primaries that ensue. But according to senior officials, she already has a heavy hand inside the White House. Albright and Holbrooke reportedly talk to her “near-daily” and Secretary Clark meets with her “several times a week.”

For many inside the Inner Circle, their standing in the Kennedy White House gives them a chance to fight old wars, and perhaps wage new ones. Bill Clinton famously called his inaction during the Rwandan genocide the gravest mistake of his presidency, and his top advisors have spent years living that down. Memoirs about Bosnia, Rwanda, and the failure in Somalia abound. One figure inside the White House told me, “they’re all about settling old scores from the Clinton years.”

So perhaps the best route in determining President Kennedy’s foreign policy strategy would be to ask what Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy strategy is. With withdrawal plans dashed, and calls for escalation growing, can we be sure that this Inner Circle will keep President Kennedy away from ramping up the war? Or will Hillary Clinton and her Shadow Cabinet be too eager to write their next memoirs?

2007 The Washington Post

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Transcript for the Alex Jones Show, October 2, 2008

Star Wars Imperial March plays

ANNOUNCER: Big Brother. Mainstream media. Government cover-ups. You want answers? Well, so does he. He’s Alex Jones, simulcast for the first time on both InfoWars Dot Com and on the SiriusXM Satellite Radio Network. Now, live from Allen, Texas, it’s Alex Jones.

JONES: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this October 2nd show, going out across the country and worldwide. We have an exciting program for you today. Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura is going to be on our show later this hour to talk about a new TV show he’s working on. Very exciting to see this show, which he’ll tell you more about, got greenlit in part due to all your vocal support online.

Then, a few hours later today, we have another huge guest, a real patriot who you might remember from this year’s Republican Party primaries, here for his maiden voyage. That’s all very exciting and coming up in a few hours so be sure to stay tuned in. He’ll have an announcement about his political future and that of the country that will shock you. More on that later.

In the meantime, I want to cover the financial and political developments and I want to give listeners a chance to express their own frustrations on the propaganda, the different kinds of propaganda being forced down our throats by the controlled corporate media. It’s all many heads of the same monster.

I again watched television for about 45 minutes this morning during my workout. I like to maintain my physique, not unlike a certain washed-up governor in that way. Now, mostly I get my news, like most of you, through clips online uploaded to YouTube. I don’t really watch news itself from show to show, from program to program. Forcing yourself to listen to the same few voices on the Globalist News Network for hours on end is the quickest way to get hypnotized. Still, because of all of the craziness going on, I want to know what the enemy is saying and so I’m tuning in.

Let me tell you, it’s just un-be-lievable what they’re up to. The lying, the twisting, the spinning… The terrorizing the public. Blaming the public for the 1.7 trillion stock market loss that we witnessed when the “bailout failed on Monday.” They’re going to force through another bail-out again today as the stock market loses another couple hundred points, erasing the few gains made yesterday. Oh, and we’ll probably get another press conference from the Woman Killer’s vice president about how continuing sectarian violence means he needs to delay the timetable for withdrawal from Iraq because yada yada yada.

This is just typical. You’ll all remember I wasn’t the biggest fan of Bush or Kennedy in ‘04 but, with Kennedy, I figured, “what do we have to lose?” This was a guy who had been part of a rotten system for decades but he’d seen his brothers get killed by You Know Who. Whole family massacred by Bush’s daddy. I thought, you know, he’ll probably lie. He’ll probably steal, but at the very least he’ll be anti-CIA, anti-Them. He’ll do some purges and get us out of the wars before he goes back to Massachusetts with some bags of cash.


JONES: Boy, was I wrong. What’s the first thing he does? National Unity Cabinet. This guy talks like he’s Lincoln or something and then immediately throws together the worst people you’ve ever seen! I mean, these are real DC swamp creatures and geriatrics. He kept Powell in there. Armitage. We got the Clinton hanger-ons with Albright at State and Holbrooke as the “war czar.” Christ, even Shultz is back—as if the swamp monster didn’t do enough damage in the 80s!

And what happened? (Yelling) What did I say would happen when he first announced this stuff? We got deeper in. These so-called experts on insurgencies have one response to everything and it’s “troop surge.” They’re all happy to send off your sons and daughters to die, or to authorize another CIA operation that makes everything worse, because they know they won’t be paying the cost. “Oh, we need to stabilize the situation before we leave so no one fills the vacuum.” Give me a break. They’ll let you pick up the bill and, oh, as a token of appreciation here’s your watered down “KennedyCare.” Couldn’t even force through his communist public option bullshit.

Speaking of the big man up top, They sure got rid of him quick, didn’t they? Two years of him talking and doing his “deal-maker” schtick and now he’s completely gone. It’s their pliable puppet Barnes on TV now. No one in the media has the guts to say it, but Kennedy’s probably dying in some secret underground hospital underneath the Mall because They injected cancer into his brain. It was probably after he tried declassifying all those documents on his brothers—which were all fake by the way.

But he’s trudging along into November. Trudging. Trudging. All those whispers on the Democrat side about “a new generation of leadership” never really amounted to anything and so we got the corporate media practically wheeling the guy out on a stretcher at the convention stage. Four more years? Give me a break. Four more minutes, maybe.

I can’t say I like the Republicans much either this year. I might just stay home after the globalist hegemonists stole the nomination from Paul so they could get another Bush / Cheney ticket to “finish the job.” If the polls are to be believed—which they’re not—the whole contest is neck and neck because people feel just so dismal about both parties. Someone could really use that to build a third way if they wanted but, heh, more on that later.

I will say one thing I do like about the Republicans this year. I like how honest they’re being this year. No more of this “compassionate conservatism” garbage or “family values” campaigning. I don’t know what’s gotten into the guy but the new George Bush is mean. He’s aggressive. He’s not afraid to call Democrats what they are and the whole party is following suit. If this is the End of Days like it seems, at least people are going down swinging.

That’s probably a good time for a commercial break. I’ll say up top that tickets for the Info Wars “End of the Party” Tour are sold out in most locations, but you can check all availability on our website. In the meanwhile, I want to talk to you about non-fluoridated water…

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SCOTUSblog: Walker v. Ohio

Briefly mentioned: The court is expected to release orders from conference at 9:30 a.m. There is a possibility of opinions at 10:00 a.m. Physical access around the building will be tightly controlled by police. We will be liveblogging starting at 9:25 a.m. at this link, where you can sign up for an email reminder for when live blog begins.

Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
16-6762 Ohio Dec 11, 2016 TBD TBD TBD OT 2016

Issue: Whether the State of Ohio’s participation in the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which awards the state’s electoral vote to the presidential ticket that wins the national popular vote, is unconstitutional because it constitutes an interstate compact enacted without Congressional consent.

SCOTUSblog Coverage
A history of popular vote, electoral vote splits: 1876, 1888, 2000, 2004, 2012, and 2016 (John Ray)
Argument analysis: In a close case, concerns about chaos and “undermining Court legitimacy” (Lauren Stubbs)
Educational seminar: Relevance of faithless elector cases (Lauren Stubbs)
Symposium: To Act or Not to Act: Lessons from Bush v. Gore (Paul Lundman)
Symposium: Undoing compact could throw 2016 election into chaos (Paul Daniels and Sampriti Roxana)
Symposium: Candidate Scott Walker’s curious constitutionalism goes before the court (Paul Lundman)
Symposium: Why states are the best judges when allocating their votes (John Ray)
Symposium: The danger of letting states disregard their voters’ wishes; the role of Congress (David Green)
Symposium: Constitutional doctrine and political reality around contested elections (John Ray)
Symposium: Scalia’s legacy, an empty seat, and the dangers of a split decision (Paul Lundman)
Symposium: Court decisions in times of national unrest: Civil War to Present (John Ray)

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ',c_limit/Lach-ScottWalker.jpg'})]) } else if ( Dem == 7 && quickstats[0] <= 87 ) { // Dubya resells the Texas Rangers e.pages.push(`

George W. Bush has reached an agreement on the sale of the Texas Rangers

SB Nation
December 12, 2013

The Texas Rangers are one step closer to having new owners.

On Friday afternoon, the organization and a group of potential buyers led by Bakr Binladin announced that they have entered into a purchase and sale agreement. The potential new ownership group is led by Binladin, the largest stakeholder of Saudi Binladin Group, a large Middle Eastern construction conglomerate heavily involved in the construction of sports stadiums in the region.

Notable members of the potential new ownership group, making up small shares, are Owen Wilson and Dirk Nowitski. Speaking on behalf of the group, Binladin released a statement on Friday.

“We are excited to expand our operations into new fields and, indeed, a new continent. We would like to thank Mr. Bush, whose family we have long known and trusted, for facilitating this process. Our family has long had a special connection with Texas and its people, and we hope that this new acquisition will serve to further establish ourselves in America’s greatest and most strategically important state. Our gratitude goes out to the MLB family, and we are dedicated to bringing championship-caliber teams for years to come.”

Bush, the current franchise owner, has been uncharacteristically silent since the sale. Bush has had a long and turbulent history with the Rangers franchise, first buying it in 1989 only to sell it in 1994 after his election as Texas Governor. This second chapter in his Rangers saga began only a few years ago, in 2010, when Bush emerged as the surprise victor in a bidding war over the ownership of the franchise. It was an unexpected return for the former president, who had kept a low public profile following a devastating loss to Edward Kenendy in the 2004 election. He took to his new role with gusto, however, quickly becoming known as one of the most active owners in baseball. After years in the doldrums, the flashy change was met with hope and optimism from Rangers fans around the country.

His honeymoon, however, would prove to be short. The Rangers’ 2011 season would immediately be characterized by high coaching turnover, with a near-unprecedented three managers leading the club at some point in the year. This already provided easy fodder for late-night comedians and baseball writers, who quickly drew comparisons to his ill-fated term as president. The next year, in 2012, things would only get worse. The Rangers would receive international notoriety following an incident where Bush fired his club’s manager mid-game and went on the field to manage the team himself, only to lose in a blowout. These events would be referenced every time that the club struck out on a high-profile free agent, leading him to receive blame for all of the club’s woes.

Of course, there are some who insist that the game was rigged from the start. As one of the most right-wing presidents in the country’s history, practically everything Bush has done since his election in 2000 has been viewed through the lens of politics. His second ownership of the Rangers has been no exception. Every winter for the past few seasons, talk radio has been ablaze with accusations that the baseball world was collectively refusing to sign with Bush so they could make him look like a loser. While none outside these circles have gone as far as to claim an anti-conservative conspiracy, others do agree with the idea that the baggage surrounding Bush has turned players off.

How true is this? Most current and former Rangers players declined to comment, but the ones who did described something different from the common theories. Speaking anonymously, one player, who was on the team during the 2011 season, said that few gave notice to Bush’s notoriety: in his words, he was “far from the only big-shot owner in baseball.” Instead, what truly doomed Bush’s ownership was the attitude that he took towards the team: a constant posture of “preening desperation” that made players feel generally uncomfortable. Also speaking off the record, another player from the Rangers’ second Bush era summed up how his teammates felt:

“Seeing him every day, it felt off. It was just, like, what the fuck? Why are you fuckin’ here, man? You're so old. Where’s your wife? Go home to your family, dude."

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && Wars == 0 && Jingo < 2) { // Bin laden e.pages.push(`

Saudi cleric declares fatwa against Iran
Fri 11 May 2007 21.39 est

In a radio recording heard yesterday by western reporters, Usama bin Ladin, head of the obscure terrorist group Al-Qaida, declared a “jihad” against the Iranian government. This comes a week after two car bombings in the Iranian city Mashhad left 11 killed, and as many as three dozen wounded. The Al-Qaida leader did not declare responsibility for the attacks, but warned that if the Iranian government did not end their support for militants along the Afghan border, they would “invite disaster.”

With the Afghan Civil War entering its fourth year, the refugee crisis has destabilized Central Asia, and foreign intervention has led to a bloody stalemate. Estimates of the dead range as high as 150,000, with the majority being civilians. The Northern Alliance, a group fighting the Taliban, has lobbied for increased Western assistance, including TOW missiles and other heavy weaponry. A U.S. State Department spokesman told The Guardian that they remain committed to a “swift transition away from the Taliban,” although did not provide comments on how the U.S. will implement that.

Al-Qaida’s camps in Afghanistan were emptied in 2005, following bin Ladin’s exit from the country. The Taliban fell out with the terrorist group over unclear circumstances, although some experts suggest it was an attempt to curry favor with foreign powers. The Russian government insists that decision had no impact on their renewed efforts in peace talks to resolve the conflict, although a Kremlin spokesman conceded, “it is better to have them removed than to have them there.”

Bin Ladin is widely believed to have been behind the USS Cole bombing in 2000, which took the lives of 17 American sailors in Yemen, as well as the East Africa embassy attacks of 1998, with a death toll reaching into the hundreds. Experts disagree on where exactly bin Ladin is, with some suggesting he returned to his previous stomping grounds in Sudan, or perhaps stayed inside Afghanistan protected by local militants, or even that he fled to Pakistan. The U.S. government remains tightlipped about his whereabouts. One anonymous U.S. intelligence official even remarked “you can make the case that it’s preferable to have him alive.” When pressed for further details, the same source insisted that the U.S. government remains committed to “delivering the terrorist to justice,” but that there are other more pressing priorities.

This has fueled speculation among some retired intelligence officials that bin Ladin is being used again—perhaps by the Pakistani government in conjunction with his old Saudi sponsors—as he was in the Afghan jihad of the 1980’s. In that war against the Soviet Union, the American Central Intelligence Agency spent billions to arm and equip the mujahideen. Bin Ladin comes from a wealthy Saudi family, and was one of many “Afghan Arabs,” who journeyed to Afghanistan with dreams of holy war against atheistic invaders. Now, some suggest he is carrying out that same mission against Iran.

Regional experts agree that the Middle East is fast moving towards an “inflection point,” with both Saudi and Iranian governments viewing the other’s movements through the lens of a Sunni-Shia civil war. Both governments have long been accused of providing aid to extremist groups. This comes at a time when tensions between the U.S. and Iran are at their highest in nearly thirty years, with a suspected Iranian nuclear program being the subject of the Bush administration’s ire. “We can’t afford to let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud,” one senior official told The Guardian.

“But we have other ways of preventing them from reaching that point.”

Tags: Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( Wars == 0 && (e.player_answers.includes(9242) || e.player_answers.includes(9251) || e.player_answers.includes(9260) || e.player_answers.includes(9269) )) { // Nuclear Terror e.pages.push(`

ThinkProgress: Group Responsible For DC Attack Will “Face Full Force of American Justice”

Jonathan Michaels
April 15, 2017 10:40 PM

President Romney pledged that the American government would find out who set off the “dirty bomb” on the DC National Mall on Saturday morning and “not rest until justice is served.”

Standing in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia with a collection of congressional leaders just hours after the explosive device released radioactive material across downtown Washington, Romney delivered an aggressive and, at times, emotional address. The president was careful not to name a culprit but stressed:

“Our military, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies will not rest until justice is served. We will pursue you relentlessly and without mercy. There is no base remote enough, no bunker deep enough, to save you. When we find you, you will face the full force of American justice. Your destruction will serve as a symbol of how brightly the Torch of Liberty can burn.”

The president then went on to add that, “On days such as these, there is no Red America or Blue America. We are all citizens united in pursuit of the common good.” He then led the assembled members of Congress in singing the National Anthem before departing.

On Twitter, Secretary of Defense Clinton confirmed that all Executive Branch offices would temporarily relocate to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania “for the duration” of the reconstruction and decontamination effort. The Administration’s announcement follows a similar announcement from Speaker of the House Amash.

#Mitt Romney, #Politics, #Terrorism, #Nuclear Weapons

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && (e.player_answers.includes(11254) || e.player_answers.includes(10328))) { // Bush gets sent 2 girls 1 cup e.pages.push(`

Subject: Security Breach and Policy Update

To: White House Staff
From: Karl Rove, Deputy Chief of Staff

Date: December 17, 2005

Dear Colleagues,

As you may have heard, the President's personal email account was compromised by a group of hackers who call themselves “Goons”. They sent him a malicious link that redirected him to a highly disturbing and obscene video involving two women and a cup. The President was shocked and disgusted by what he saw, and immediately closed the browser window.

We are working with the Secret Service and the FBI to track down the perpetrators and bring them to justice. We are also taking steps to enhance the security of the President's email and other online accounts. We urge you to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity or messages to the IT department.

In light of this incident, the President has decided to make internet decency a priority for the next quarter. He believes that protecting our children and families from the harmful and offensive content that is rampant on the web is a high priority for our second administration.

Therefore, he will be proposing a new legislation that will require internet service providers to filter and block any material that is deemed obscene, violent, or hateful by a federal agency. He will also be launching a public awareness campaign to educate parents and children about the dangers of the internet and how to use it safely and responsibly.

We hope that you will support the President's initiative and help him make the internet a safer and cleaner place for all Americans.

Karl Rove
Deputy Chief of Staff

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( Dem == 5 && quickstats[0] < 270 && e.player_answers.includes(10240)) { // Democrat McCain dies e.pages.push(`




NEW YORK, NEW YORK—President John McCain was a dedicated fighter who took on the political establishment and advanced American liberty around the globe.

Throughout his long, remarkable life, he served as an unwavering advocate for pragmatic, sensible politics. As America’s first politically unaffiliated president since Washington, McCain sought to reach across the aisle and bring Americans together. His leadership helped shepherd immigration reform, protections for those in homosexual unions, and improvements to veterans’ health care. We also deeply respect his embrace of robust, multilateral diplomacy that has liberated countless people from despotism and tyranny.

He will be forever remembered as the embodiment of a life lived with purpose. Both of us are deeply grateful for his extraordinary service and saddened by his passing in office. We extend our prayers to his family, First Lady Cindy McCain and his children Doug, Andy, Sidney, Jimmy, Doug, Bridget, and Meghan.


HOUSTON, TEXAS—President McCain was many things—a patriot, a maverick, and a warrior.

Throughout his career, John distinguished himself as a leader of the greatest magnitude and a public servant of the rarest courage. Few people have sacrificed more for, or contributed to, the welfare of his fellow citizens and all freedom-loving people of the world. His departure from the Republican Party did not diminish our tremendous respect for the man. We enjoyed our calls throughout his presidency and hope we were some source of knowledge and comfort, despite our occasional disagreements.

While President McCain’s ill health had been well-known for some time, his passing is nonetheless a blow to all Americans who saw in him the promise and possibility that this country can offer. In these difficult times, we remember his words, “No one of good character leaves behind a wasted life — whether they die in obscurity or renown.”

He is a hero and he will be missed.


HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT—Today, America has lost a great hero and we have lost a wonderful friend. Words cannot express the depths of our sorrow. No praise for John is enough.

We urge Americans to honor John’s memory by uniting behind the new president and recommitting towards acts of service to each other. The best celebration of his life and memory is by demonstrating empathy and understanding toward our fellow man.


CRAWFORD, TEXAS—We acknowledge the passing of President John McCain. He was a significant figure who inspired many feelings. Despite our differences on policy and politics, we recognize his unique place in American history. He leaves behind an unfinished legacy. We wish the best to President Bayh’s family as he seeks to continue it.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( e.player_answers.includes(9086) && e.player_answers.includes(9106) && e.player_answers.includes(9296) ) { // American Psycho on Broadway e.pages.push(`

Broadway World Dot Com: AMERICAN PSYCHO! on Broadway - A Complete Guide

Broadway World Dot Com: AMERICAN PSYCHO! on Broadway - A Complete Guide

Get all the details you need about the show making a killing on Broadway

Looking for information about one of the hottest shows on Broadway? BroadwayWorld has the scoop on all you need to know about Patrick Bateman’s Broadway killing spree. Details below!

Where is AMERICAN PSYCHO! playing on Broadway?

AMERICAN PSYCHO! is running on Broadway at the Winter Garden Theatre. The Winter Garden Theatre is a Broadway theater at 1634 Broadway in the Theatre District of Midtown Manhattan in New York City.

How do I get to AMERICAN PSYCHO! on Broadway?

To arrive by subway, take the 1 to 50th Street or the N, R, or W to 49th Street. The Winter Garden Theatre is on Broadway between 50th and 51st Streets.

When did AMERICAN PSYCHO! open on Broadway?

AMERICAN PSYCHO! began previews on October 18, 2011 and opened on November 14, 2011, then-starring Josh Groban as Patrick Bateman, Andrew Rannells as Paul Owen / Detective Kimball, and Britney Spears as Courtney / Jean. It received mostly positive reviews on first opening, with many praising the cast and politically conscious script. The New York Times praised it in its review “Age of Avarice,” which characterized its satire of America’s “corrupt, business-obsessed culture of excess” as “a breath of fresh air.”

Is AMERICAN PSYCHO! playing outside of New York City?

Yes! AMERICAN PSYCHO! is currently touring the US and has productions running in the West End, China, and Korea. Touring productions are currently running in Australia and Germany with a Middle Eastern debut planned to debut in Abu Dhabi later this year (with mild alterations to accommodate censorship).

What is AMERICAN PSYCHO! based on?

AMERICAN PSYCHO! is very loosely based on the controversial 1991 novel American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis and the 2000 film of the same name starring Christian Bale.

What is AMERICAN PSYCHO! about?

Set in Wall Street during the investment boom of the 1980s, AMERICAN PSYCHO! depicts the daily life and struggles of a young investment banker named Patrick Bateman. While Patrick masks himself as a suave and compassionate “problem solver” by day, he spends his nights consumed by feelings of inadequacy, rage, anxiety, and bloodlust. Through his rampage through the shallow and superficial world of Manhattan, the audience learns about Patrick’s feelings of contempt toward a distant and disapproving father, his antipathy toward the corporate “yuppies” who will never accept him, and his deep-seated hatred toward women and minorities. The more he succeeds, the more empty he feels.

The bitingly satirical production won 8 Tony Awards and a Grammy. It features a book by Dave Malloy and music and lyrics by Duncan Sheik and Trent Reznor.

What are some of the popular songs in AMERICAN PSYCHO?

AMERICAN PSYCHO features a number of Billboard-charting songs by its award-winning cast. These songs, which range from pop to 80s-inspired synth beats, include “Cards,” “Idea of Me,” “Because I Love You,” “Lethal,” and “No Exit.” It also features covers of “Hip to Be Square” and “In the Air Tonight.”

What’s this I hear about a movie?

Owing to its international success, AMERICAN PSYCHO is heading toward the big screen next summer with a cast that includes Ansel Elgort, Armie Hammer, and Katerina McCrimmon. First-time director Hugh Jackman hopes that the film will bring AMERICAN PSYCHO to a new audience while preserving the “anti-greed message that audiences everywhere have come to love.”

It has been rated PG-13.

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Royal wins French presidential election

Le Monde with AP and AFP
6 May 2007

Ségolène Royal, candidate of the Socialist Party, was elected president of France on Sunday, May 6th, with 61% of the vote compared to 39% for her rival, Jean-Marie Le Pen. Ms. Royal’s victory makes her France’s first female president and its first socialist leader since François Mitterrand.

Royal’s ascension is a triumphless victory for her and her party, expected by all and celebrated by few. Indeed, most attention during the campaign has gone to her opponent, Mr. Le Pen, made internationally infamous in his ascension to the second round of the 2002 election. In that race, the mere shock of Mr. Le Pen’s narrow second-place victory in the first round was considered a national disgrace. This time, a repeat second-round ascension was considered guaranteed for the past year. The only question was how far he could go in the runoff. The answer, it seems, was quite far indeed.

While Mr. Le Pen did not quite meet the numbers some late surveys predicted he would — with most ballots counted, he seems set to fall just short of the 40% mark — his total represents a massive shift in French politics since 2002. Back then, all of French society united around President Jacques Chiraq in a bid to keep Le Pen’s numbers as low as possible. Now, many of these same institutions worked to unite around Ms. Royal, with considerably less success.

Mr. Le Pen has more than doubled his vote share from five years ago, winning several departments in the northeast and south of the country. He saw particular strength in areas most affected by the ongoing global market crash, although failed to meet expectations in places most affected by the Middle Eastern migrant crisis. Ms. Royal, by contrast, saw considerable success in France’s cities and traditionally left wing southwest. Her numbers were weaker than expected in the northwest, where conservative voters either abstained or backed the far-right Le Pen.

Ms. Royal will enter office with economic trouble and record-high migrant inflows at the top of her agenda. Despite repeated calls on her part for a governing “alliance of the republic,” center-right leaders have stuck to the hardline rhetoric that characterized their campaigns. Much of her success will be dependent on the results in this June’s parliamentary elections. Currently, Ms. Royal’s Socialist Party is polling at 20%, in comparison to 26% for Mr. Le Pen’s National Front.

Soon after the polls closed, a pallid Ms. Royal gave a victory speech at a party gathering that resembled a funeral more than it did a celebration. After thanking the French people for their trust in her, she declared that she “heard their voice” and would work tirelessly to “bring the republic together.” Nearby in Paris, a jubilant Mr. Le Pen, flanked by his daughter, Marine, declared that “this is really just the beginning.”

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`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && e.player_answers.includes(9038)) { // Vice (2018) e.pages.push(`

IMDb: Vice

2018 • R • 3h 18m

[Biography], [Political], [Drama]
When Dick Cheney, an unassuming Washington bureaucrat, assumes the Vice Presidency, his unbridled ambition and desire to reshape the international scene triggers a spiral of violence… [Read all]

⭐6.7/10 154k

Nominated for 4 Oscars

Top Cast
Christian Bale (Dick Cheney)
Matthew McConaughey (George W. Bush)
Lorraine Toussaint (Condoleezza Rice)
Denzel Washington (Colin Powell)
Ethan Hawke (Bill Frist)
Steve Carrell (Donald Rumsfield)
Lynne Cheney (Angelina Jolie)

Director Ridley Scott
Writers Martin McDonagh >
All Cast and Crew >
Production, box office, & more at IMDbPro

More like this
Inside the Doomsday Machine 7.8
The Pentagon Papers 7.3
The Canadian Caper 7.7
Charles III 7.1
Frist 6.3
Vice: The Extended Cut 8.0

Governor George W. Bush of Texas picks Dick Cheney, the CEO of Halliburton Company and former White House Chief of Staff, to be his running mate in the 2000 presidential election. Following Bush’s unexpected election, Cheney remakes American foreign policy in his image, instigating bloody and vicious war that nearly unravels the Republican Party, triggers a spiral of betrayal, and forces an incompetent, indecisive president to the brink of annihilation. In the face of overwhelming odds, it will take a handful of the president’s advisors to stop Dick and save America before it’s too late.

[u.s. vice president] [war] [conspiracy thriller] [based on a true story] [heart attack]

Taglines Everything is under control.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( Dem == 2 && quickstats[0] <= 138 ) { // Nostalgia Critic e.pages.push(`

Captain Planet (2006) - Nostalgia Critic

Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. Now, this may be a bit sudden, but I want to shoot Ted Turner. I don’t know if you remember the original Captain Planet, but the only other thing on at the time was… Beakman’s World. Our options were limited. But this show was awful, and I mean AWFUL. Nobody liked it, nobody cared about it, but the thing went on for four seasons, which by kid’s show standards is the average runtime of an episode of How I Met Your Mother. The point is, the fine people at CNN decided two years ago to reboot this show and expose another generation of young impressionable minds to the most boring crack trip they’ve ever seen.

So, who do we have to blame for this environmental pigshit? The President of the United States. That’s right, Al Gore himself. He’s even listed in the credits as the Executive Producer. Sorry to disappoint the bearded ones out there, but I never cared much for politics and I won’t bore you with how exactly this came to be, but the gist of it is that some executive funds were freed up out of the Interior Department’s budget and they decided to run to… CNN to get a reboot of Captain Planet. Can you believe nobody cares about politics?

The Captain Planet for the next generation aims to capture the Teen Titans crowd of older kids, sporting a new, grungier design and aged up Planeteers. Don’t worry, though, they kept it diverse. Featuring an array of voice actors such as… Tim Curry? Felicity Huffman!? How the fuck did they get Felicity Huffman? Did she owe them a few mil or something? This makes no sense. Anyway, the series somehow manages to get darker than the AIDS plotline by including some stories about drug addiction, abuse… Pretty much anything so long as they throw in an environmental message halfway through. I guess kids get bored of trees when they turn 12. Now for those of you who don’t know the infamous story of Captain Planet, consider yourselves very fortunate. But hell, I’m gonna let LeVar Burton tell you, anyway.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && Cred == 0 ) { // Bush Pretzel Doc e.pages.push(`

Following the Crumbs Third Edition [1:18:34] | YouTube

Jan 13, 2007

On January 14th, 2002, the President of the United States lost consciousness. Crashing to the ground, the Commander-in-Chief was wounded, slashing open his lower lip and bruising his cheek. He was not shot, stabbed, or meeting with Monica in the Oval Office. As the official story goes, President George Bush was watching Sunday football on TV, and choked on a pretzel, momentarily fainting.

But what is the likelihood of a single pretzel making it through all of a man’s internal defenses, only to freeze up halfway through the esophagus? If he had choked on a pretzel, why was no evidence of the bag presented to investigators? What about reports of an unidentified “pod” attached to the pretzel? Was the attack on George Bush an inside job, an attempt to take out the commander-in-chief? What really happened that day?

According to one decorated and highly experienced pretzel expert, the possibility of one fragment forcing a man to lose consciousness and injure himself is “close to zero.” The pretzel had no professional training or experience in choking. Reports on the scene indicate that Bush told his wife that the pretzel “didn’t seem to go down right,” and he was then sprawled on the floor. So what made that pretzel different?

If the president had lost consciousness for good, the man who had the most to benefit would be Bush’s second-in-command: Dick Cheney. Serving a thankless role, Cheney despised sucking up to someone he regarded as an incompetent Texas cowboy. Cheney wanted the top spot, with one close aide saying “he would kill for it.” On January 14th, he may have just tried.

Two days before 1/14, an “unprecedentedly high” number of short stocks were taken out on pretzel companies. Who could have known in advance that pretzel stocks would plummet? But according to the commission report, there was nothing suspicious.

Witnesses reported disturbing and unexplained phenomena before the president was chewing on the alleged “pretzel” while watching football. Some even claim to have heard “weird sounds” 30 minutes before the bag was opened. Was the pretzel planted in advance? Did some device activate the object trapped in the president’s throat, timed to coincide with when he began eating his snacks? According to the Association of Experts for Pretzel Truth, the “pod” identified by witnesses on the pretzel are consistent with a controlled choking.

The pretzel was the perfect patsy, rigged to blow by a conspiracy planned well in advance, with the victors ready to reap the rewards. Or maybe, the official story is right, and the president just ate a pretzel and choked on it. You decide. Wake up.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] < 270 && Dem == 7 && (e.player_answers.includes(9984) || e.player_answers.includes(9993)) ) { // Marina and the Diamnonds e.pages.push(`

Electra Heart for Amerika Tour Announcement

You knew her as a Homewrecker and a Bubblegum Bitch, but now this Teen Idle is back from the Living Dead to take Amerika by storm. This time, she’s running for president.

Join Electra Heart (Marina Diamandis) on July 4th in Washington, DC as she launches her new album, Electra Heart for Amerika, and starts her North America tour with running mate and opener Lana del Rey.

With stops in Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Nashville, Houston, Phoenix, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle, Electra will be reaching out to Primadonnas from all walks of life to get their votes for the most important election of our lifetime. It’s not just about escaping the Valley of the Dolls, it’s about bringing down the men who only care about them when it means Power & Control.

Ticket-holders for the July 4th launch event will be the first to hear the entirety of Electra Heart for Amerika, a new 22-track album covering the empty consumerism and “disposable women” of America, from Marilyn Monroe to Mary Jo Kopechne to Monica Lewinsky.

Head to YouTube to listen to the title track Electra Heart for Amerika and chart-topping singles Double Life and Archetype.

Visit Ticketmaster to book your ticket today. Your future depends on it, Amerika.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 1 ) { // Base - Clinton e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Hillary Clinton plays on the nostalgia of her husband’s presidency in hopes of becoming the nation’s first female president.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 2 ) { // Base - Gore e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Al Gore returns to rematch Bush following a sobering loss at the hands of the Supreme Court 4 years ago.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 3 ) { // Base - Edwards e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while John Edwards characterizes the administration as out of touch with the American working class in a populist turn from the previous Democratic ticket.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 4 ) { // Base - Wellstone e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Paul Wellstone crashes onto the national scene to rekindle the flame of liberalism in the Democratic Party to stand toe to toe with a wartime president.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 5 ) { // Base - Lieberman e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Joseph Lieberman rematches with Bush following their clash 4 years ago to explain why he provides a more sensible path forward for the nation.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 6 ) { // Base - Sharpton e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Al Shartpon comes off of a losing streak to make his case that the Bush administration can’t be trusted to handle the problems of domestic America.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] >= 270 && Dem == 7 ) { // Base - Kennedy e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Edward Kennedy invokes his brothers’ legacies in a vindictive run for the past of the Democratic Party.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] < 270 && Dem == 1 ) { // Losses - Clinton e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Hillary Clinton plays on the nostalgia of her husband’s presidency in hopes of becoming the nation’s first female president.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] < 270 && Dem == 2 ) { // Losses - Gore e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Al Gore returns to rematch Bush following a sobering loss at the hands of the Supreme Court 4 years ago.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] < 270 && Dem == 3 ) { // Losses - Edwards e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while John Edwards characterizes the administration as out of touch with the American working class in a populist turn from the previous Democratic ticket.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] < 270 && Dem == 4 ) { // Losses - Wellstone e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Paul Wellstone crashes onto the national scene to rekindle the flame of liberalism in the Democratic Party to stand toe to toe with a wartime president.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] < 270 && Dem == 5 ) { // Losses - Lieberman e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Joseph Lieberman rematches with Bush following their clash 4 years ago to explain why he provides a more sensible path forward for the nation.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] < 270 && Dem == 6 ) { // Losses - Sharpton e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Al Shartpon comes off of a losing streak to make his case that the Bush administration can’t be trusted to handle the problems of domestic America.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } else if ( quickstats[0] < 270 && Dem == 7 ) { // Losses - Kennedy e.pages.push(`

American History USA


Please select the election you will run in:

George W. Bush attempts to reunite his party following a troublesome first term, while Edward Kennedy invokes his brothers’ legacies in a vindictive run for the past of the Democratic Party.
Bush's scandals between missing Pentagon funds, the bankruptcy of Enron, and personal tensions between him and vice president Cheney take the forefront of the election all the while tensions across the world crescendo upon the unpopular president.

`) e.executable.push([2, (() => {e.image = e.image = ''})]) } // END-OF-GAME ACHIEVEMENTS if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && Dem == 7 && !(e.player_answers.includes(9086) || e.player_answers.includes(9101) || e.player_answers.includes(9106) || e.player_answers.includes(9108) || e.player_answers.includes(8979) || e.player_answers.includes(9296) || e.player_answers.includes(8993))) { // Beat TK with no wins ctsAchievement("Loved by the People"); } if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && ConRep == 0) { // win with no congressional relations ctsAchievement("Hated by the Establishment"); } if (Wars == 0) { // no war ctsAchievement("Dove"); } if (Wars == 1) { // 1 warn ctsAchievement("Chickenhawk"); } if (Wars == 2) { // 2 wars ctsAchievement("Hawk"); } if (Wars == 3) { // 3 wars ctsAchievement("I Burn My Bridges Behind Me"); } if (quickstats[0] >= 269 && (Dem == 1||Dem == 4||Dem == 6) && !e.player_answers.includes(9747)||e.player_answers.includes(9753)||e.player_answers.includes(9756)||e.player_answers.includes(9762)||e.player_answers.includes(9765)||e.player_answers.includes(9771)||e.player_answers.includes(9848)||e.player_answers.includes(9857)||e.player_answers.includes(9866)||e.player_answers.includes(9875)||e.player_answers.includes(9884)||e.player_answers.includes(9893)||e.player_answers.includes(10227)||e.player_answers.includes(11202)||e.player_answers.includes(11209)||e.player_answers.includes(10303) ||e.player_answers.includes(10312)) { // dont go dirty ctsAchievement("Compassion of the Conservative"); } return construct(0); } function getTooltips(str) { let matches = []; tooltipList.forEach((tooltip, index) => { // Adjust the regex to match searchString potentially surrounded by “ and followed by optional punctuation let regex = new RegExp(`(?<=\\b|\\s|^|“)${tooltip.searchString}(?=[.,;!?]?\\b|\\s|”|$)`, 'g'); let match; while ((match = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { matches.push({ start: match.index + (match[0].startsWith('“') ? 1 : 0), // Adjust for potential starting “ end: match.index + match[0].length - (match[0].endsWith('”') ? 1 : 0) - (match[2] ? 1 : 0), tooltipIndex: index }); } }); // Sort by starting position; if two start at the same position, longer match comes first matches.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start || b.end - b.start - (a.end - a.start)); // Filter out overlaps for (let i = 0; i < matches.length - 1; ) { if (matches[i + 1].start < matches[i].end) { matches.splice(i + 1, 1); // Remove the next match since it overlaps } else { i++; // Move to next match } } return matches; } function applyTooltips(str) { const matches = getTooltips(str); let result = ''; let lastIndex = 0; matches.forEach(match => { const tooltip = tooltipList[match.tooltipIndex]; result += str.slice(lastIndex, match.start); result += `${tooltip.searchString}${tooltip.explanationText}`; lastIndex = match.end; }); result += str.slice(lastIndex); // Add the remainder of the original string return result; } function applyTooltipsToObject(obj) { for (let key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] === 'string') { obj[key] = applyTooltips(obj[key]); } else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') { applyTooltipsToObject(obj[key]); // Recursive call } } } applyTooltipsToObject(campaignTrail_temp.questions_json); applyTooltipsToObject(campaignTrail_temp.answers_json); applyTooltipsToObject(campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json);