library(shiny) library(ggplot2) library(plotly) library(RColorBrewer) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(DT) # file.path <-"" file.path <-"" draft <- read.csv(file.path) # EDA names(draft) head(draft) str(draft) dim(draft) # Want to keep this simple for the shiny app. I think the most naive but # generalizeable, understandable realtionship for audience is round pick # vs Career AV library(dplyr) library(tidyr) # I think that the # of rounds reduced to 7 over the years, so figure that out dd <- draft %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarise(max.rnd = max(Rnd)) %>% arrange(Year) dd # Appears that from 1994 onward, so just use that data. # Also I think I wan to go with First4AV instead of CarAV, because I the length # of a career can vary, and allowing for all observations to accommodate a # reasonable career length might reduce the data too much # When does this data end? max(draft$Year) # 2015. So I will only use data up through 2012 draft class. draft <- draft %>% filter(Year<=2012) %>% filter(Year>=1994) min(draft$Year) max(draft$Year) nrow(draft) # Data up to this point passed filters, so don't think it should have NAs in # the features I want to use but will double check draft <- draft %>% drop_na(Year) %>% drop_na(Rnd) %>% drop_na(First4AV) nrow(draft) # 4519 rows. Same as before. So I was right. # I want average four-year AV by draft round, across all positions avg.4.AV <- draft %>% group_by(Rnd) %>% summarise(avg.F4.AV = mean(First4AV)) %>% arrange(Rnd) avg.4.AV # I want highest avg 4 year AV by player # each row is a player so can just divide by 4 to get avg. by.player <- draft %>% select(Player, First4AV) %>% mutate(avg.F4.AV = First4AV/4) %>% arrange(desc(avg.F4.AV)) head(by.player) by.player[1,]$Player ############################################################################### shinyServer(function(input, output) { output$out2 <- renderPrint(input$dd.rnd) mod.draft <- lm(First4AV ~ Rnd + Position.Standard + Age + College.Univ ,draft) mod.draft.pred <- reactive({ input.rnd <- as.numeric(input$dd.rnd) input.pos <- input$dd.pos input.age <- as.numeric(input$dd.age) <- input$ input.df <- data.frame( Rnd = input.rnd ,Position.Standard = input.pos ,Age = input.age ,College.Univ = ) predict(mod.draft, newdata = input.df) }) # print( paste(class(mod.draft.pred),"is the class") output$plot.AV <- renderPlotly({ input.rnd <- as.numeric(input$dd.rnd) input.pos <- input$dd.pos xx <- list(title = "Draft Round") yy <- list(title = "AV over First 4 Years") jj <- list( x = 1, y = by.player[1,]$First4AV, text = by.player[1,]$Player, xref = "x", yref = "y", showarrow = TRUE, # arrowhead = 7, ax = 0, ay = -20 # color = "green" ) pr <- list( x = input$dd.rnd, y = mod.draft.pred(), text = round(mod.draft.pred(),1), xref = "x", yref = "y", showarrow = TRUE, # arrowhead = 7, ax = 30, ay = -30 # color = "green" ) p <- plot_ly(draft , x = ~Rnd , y = ~First4AV , type = "scatter" , mode = "markers" , color = ~draft$Position.Standard , colors = brewer.pal(8, "Spectral") , marker = list(size = 10, opacity = .25 ) ) %>% # Plot the average for each draft round layout(title = "Accumulated AV over First 4 Years of Player Careers by Draft Round, Yrs 1994-2012") %>% layout(xaxis = xx, yaxis = yy) %>% add_trace( data=avg.4.AV, x = ~Rnd, y = ~avg.F4.AV, type = "scatter" , name = "Avg 4-Yr AV", color=I("lightpink"), mode="lines" ) %>% # Plot the predicted value add_trace(x = input.rnd, y = mod.draft.pred(), type = "scatter" , mode = "markers" , marker = list(symbol='x',size=15, color='black')) %>% layout(annotations = jj) %>% layout(annotations = pr) p }) output$pred.AV <- renderText({ paste("","Predicted AV:", round(as.numeric(mod.draft.pred()),1), "" ) }) output$mytable = DT::renderDataTable({ # mtcars[1:10,] draft[order(-draft$First4AV),] }) # output$ <- renderPlotly({ # # z <- plot_ly(x = input.rnd, y = mod.draft.pred(), type = "scatter" # ,mode = "markers" # # ,color = 'grey38' # #, colors = brewer.pal(3, "BrBG") # ,marker = list(symbol='x',size=15, color='black')) # z # }) })