# GoFindCallers [Sublime Text 2][subl] plug-in for Golang, that adds IDE functionality to find all callers of selected [Golang][go] function. [subl]: http://www.sublimetext.com/2 [go]: http://golang.org/ *Important this plugin uses the GOPATH. Functionality includes: - `GoFind callers` - Finds all function calls in current file as well as in all directories listed in `GOPATH`. - Handles package import renaming. - Distinguishes between `func` declarations and calls, as well as handle selector-expressions, setting the search parameters accordingly. ## Installation `goFindCallers` is available via [Package Control][pkg-ctrl] and can be found as `goFindCallers`. [pkg-ctrl]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control *Important this plugin uses the `GOPATH`, please set it in `Settings - User`. ## Usage The `GoFind Callers` command is accessible via the Command Palette, `Ctrl + Shift + P` on Windows/Linux, `Command + Shift + P` on OS X. Or via the keyboard shortcut: `Ctrl + Alt + F` on all platforms. After a search has been completed, search results will be displayed in "Find Results". Jump to the current file and line, by `Double clicking` or `Ctrl + Enter`, taking the cursor position. ## Requirements - [Golang][go] v1.0 or higher - Access to the `GOPATH` [go]: http://golang.org/ ### WORK in PROGRESS Please bear in mind this is a work in progress, there will be bugs.