Sublime TASM Syntax =================== A [Sublime Text] package for Turbo assembly (TASM) syntax highlighting. The syntax file keeps it as simple as possible. Various snippets are included for easier segment, procedure and macro creation. ### Installation ### ##### Via [Package Control] ##### This is the recomended way, so the package is kept up-to-date. 1. Open up the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and select *Package Control: Install Package*. 2. Search for **TASM Syntax** and hit Enter. 3. Enjoy! ##### Manual instalation via git ##### 1. Navigate to your Sublime Text [`Packages`][Packages] folder. 2. Run `git clone` [Sublime Text]: [Package Control]: [Packages]: ### Contributing ### All suggestions and pull requests are welcome! ### License ### This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the [LICENSE](../master/LICENSE) file for more info.