log-vim.txt let g:vim_addon_manager.dont_source = 1 let g:vim_addon_manager.auto_install = 1 let g:vim_addon_manager.log_to_buf = 1 \" activation is disabled manually enabling VAM-kr exec 'set runtimepath+='.filter([\$HOME.'/.vim', \$HOME.'/vimfiles'],'isdirectory(v:val)')[0].'/vim-addons/vim-addon-manager-known-repositories' " : " " )." \" use either windows or linux location - whichever exists exec 'set runtimepath+='.filter([\$HOME.'/.vim', \$HOME.'/vimfiles'],'isdirectory(v:val)')[0].'/vim-addons/vim-addon-manager' call vam#".$c."(".json_encode($names).", {'auto_install' : 1}) "; } function vimrc2(){ return vimrc(array(), true) .' let info = {} for n in vam#install#KnownAddons(0) let repo = get(g:vim_addon_manager["plugin_sources"],n,{}) if repo != {} let info[n] = vam#DisplayAddonInfoLines(n, repo) endif endfor fun! Encode(thing, ...) let nl = a:0 > 0 ? (a:1 ? "\\n" : "") : "" if type(a:thing) == type("") return \'"\'.escape(a:thing,\'"\\\').\'"\' elseif type(a:thing) == type({}) && !has_key(a:thing, \'json_special_value\') let pairs = [] for [Key, Value] in items(a:thing) call add(pairs, Encode(Key).\':\'.Encode(Value)) unlet Key | unlet Value endfor return "{".nl.join(pairs, ",".nl)."}" elseif type(a:thing) == type(0) return a:thing elseif type(a:thing) == type([]) return \'[\'.join(map(copy(a:thing), "Encode(v:val)"),",").\']\' else throw "unexpected new thing: ".string(a:thing) endif endf call writefile( [Encode(info)], "names") '; } function aszip($names){ set_time_limit(60*60); file_put_contents(HISTORY_FILE, date('Y-m-d H:m:s').'|'.json_encode($names)."\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX ); $dir = TMP.'/'.rand(1000,9999); system('mkdir -p '.$dir.'; chmod -R 777 '.$dir); # mkdir($dir, '', true); file_put_contents($dir.'/_vimrc', vimrc($names, false)); file_put_contents($dir.'/_vimrc-fetch', vimrc($names, true)); $cmd = ' dir='.$dir.' cd $dir exec 2>&1 exec > log.txt mkdir -p .vim/vim-addons PATH=/var/run/current-system/sw/bin git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager.git .vim/vim-addons/vim-addon-manager # git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager-known-repositories.git .vim/vim-addons/vim-addon-manager-known-repositories export HOME=$dir vim -u ~/_vimrc-fetch -U NONE -N -c "qa!" &>/dev/null mv .vim vimfiles zip -r vam.zip * '; echo $cmd; system("$cmd 2>&1"); downloadFile( $dir.'/vam.zip', $name = 'vam.zip'); system('rm -fr '.$dir); exit(); } if (isset($_GET['plugin_info'])){ $a = name_cache(); $s = implode("\n", $a[base64_decode($_GET['plugin_info'])]); if (strpos($s, "deprecated:") != false){ echo "PAY ATTENTION TO THE deprecated NOTICE!"; } echo '
  echo _htmlentities($s);
  echo '
'; echo ' '; exit(); } if (isset($_POST['names'])){ if ($_POST['spam_protection'] != 'V I M'){ echo 'you failed - SPAM protection. Reread instructions'; exit(); } else { $names = preg_split('/[ ,]+/', $_POST['names']); $errors = array(); $name_cache = name_cache(); foreach($names as &$n){ if (preg_match('/^(VAM|vim-addon-manager|VAM-kr|vim-addon-manager-known-repositories)$/', $n)){ $errors[] = $n.' will be included automatically, retry'; } $n = preg_replace('/[[\]\'"]/', '', $n); if (!isset($name_cache[$n]) && !preg_match('/^(github|git|hg):/', $n)) $errors[] = 'name '.$n.' unkown. Check against list at the bottom of main page'; } if (count($errors) > 0){ foreach($errors as $err){ echo $err.'
'; } exit(); } else { aszip($names); } } } ?> VAM for Windows Downloader & VAM pool viewer

VAM downloader for Windows users

Installing git, mercurial, zip commands can be tedious on windows. This page let's you download VAM and its plugins.


Fill in the form, then copy the _vimrc and vimfiles into your user directory. https using self signed certificate is supported.

Put in "V I M" (mind the spaces, spam protection):

The plugin names you want separated by , or space (VAM-kr and VAM will be included always):
Yes, from now one '"[] will be stripped so pasting a list is fine, also. This way you can update everyhting at once easily.

Be patient. Fetching repositories by mercurial, svn or git can take some time.
If you have trouble contact Marc Weber by email (marco-oweber ATT gmx.de) or on irc.freenode.net (#vim).

previous downloads
You want to say thanks? Goto http://www.vim.org and visit some of the sponsors .. RECREATE_CACHE_HOURS)){ echo "\n
updating name cache ..
\n"; ob_end_flush(); flush(); $dir = TMP.'/'.rand(1000,9999); system('mkdir -p '.$dir.'; chmod -R 777 '.$dir); file_put_contents($dir.'/_vimrc-fetch', vimrc2()); $cmd = ' dir='.$dir.' cd $dir exec 2>&1 exec > log.txt mkdir -p .vim/vim-addons PATH=/var/run/current-system/sw/bin git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager.git .vim/vim-addons/vim-addon-manager export HOME=$dir vim -u ~/_vimrc-fetch -U NONE -N -c "qa!" &>/dev/null '; system("$cmd"); file_put_contents(NAME_CACHE_FILE, file_get_contents($dir.'/names')); system('rm -fr $dir'); } $s = '"; return $s; } echo '

This list of known plugin names is updated every '.RECREATE_CACHE_HOURS.' hours:
'; echo known_names(); ?>