Da Silveira, Marcos%%% ==================================================================== %%% Marcos and his works %%% %%% Bibliography entries, sorted by year and then by citation key. @misc{dos2021method, title={Method for efficient mapping updates between dynamic knowledge organization systems}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, Cedric and Da Silveira, Marcos Renato}, year={2021}, month=oct # "~12", note={US Patent 11,144,577} } @inproceedings{biostec:Ying2020, author = {Ying{-}Chi Lin and Victor Christen and Anika Gro{\ss} and Toralf Kirsten and Silvio Domingos Cardoso and C{\'{e}}dric Pruski and Marcos Da Silveira and Erhard Rahm}, editor = {Federico Cabitza and Ana L. N. Fred and Hugo Gamboa}, title = {Evaluating Cross-lingual Semantic Annotation for Medical Forms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies {(BIOSTEC} 2020) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, Valletta, Malta, February 24-26, 2020}, pages = {145--155}, publisher = {{SCITEPRESS}}, year = {2020}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5220/0008979901450155}, doi = {10.5220/0008979901450155}, timestamp = {Thu, 09 Apr 2020 16:46:13 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/biostec/0001CGKCPSR20.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} } @inproceedings{cbms:Isac2020, author = {Cassia Isac and Jos{\'{e}} Viterbo and Aura Conci and Marcos Da Silveira}, editor = {Alba Garc{\'{\i}}a Seco de Herrera and Alejandro Rodr{\'{\i}}guez Gonz{\'{a}}lez and K. C. Santosh and Zelalem Temesgen and Bridget Kane and Paolo Soda}, title = {Ontology-Based Management of Cranial Computed Tomography Reports}, booktitle = {33rd {IEEE} International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, {CBMS} 2020, Rochester, MN, USA, July 28-30, 2020}, pages = {214--219}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2020}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/CBMS49503.2020.00048}, doi = {10.1109/CBMS49503.2020.00048}, timestamp = {Thu, 10 Sep 2020 16:38:14 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cbms/IsacVCS20.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} } @phdthesis{da2003distribution, title = {Sur la distribution avec redondance partielle de mod{\`e}les {\`a} {\'e}v{\'e}nements discrets pour la supervision de proc{\'e}d{\'e}s industriels}, author = {Da Silveira, Marcos}, year = {2003}, school = {Universit{\'e} Paul Sabatier}, } @article{CARDOSO2020105508, title = "Construction and exploitation of an historical knowledge graph to deal with the evolution of ontologies", journal = "Knowledge-Based Systems", pages = "105508", year = "2020", issn = "0950-7051", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2020.105508", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950705120300241", author = "Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Da Silveira, Marcos and Cédric Pruski, C{\'e}dric}", keywords = "Knowledge graphs, Ontology evolution, Biomedical ontology, Versioning", } @inproceedings{domingoscardoso:hal-02470156, TITLE = {{Un graphe de connaissance {\'e}volutif pour la repr{\'e}sentation d'ontologies dynamiques}}, AUTHOR = {Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Reynaud-Dela{\^i}tre, Chantal and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, URL = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02470156}, BOOKTITLE = {{Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances (EGC)}}, ADDRESS = {Bruxelles, Belgium}, SERIES = {Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information}, VOLUME = {E-36}, YEAR = {2020}, MONTH = Jan, PDF = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02470156/file/EGC2019_KGOnto.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-02470156}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, } @article{da2006supervision, title={Supervision and control of heterarchical discrete event systems}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and Combacau, Michel}, journal={Sba: Controle \& Automa{\c{c}}{\~a}o Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica}, volume={17}, number={1}, pages={1--9}, year={2006}, publisher={SciELO Brasil}, } @inproceedings{da2002centralized, title={From centralized to distributed models: A systematic procedure based on Petri nets}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and Combacau, Michel and Subias, Audine}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics}, volume={1}, pages={355--360}, year={2002}, organization={IEEE}, } @article{da2003prognosis, title={Prognosis and recovery evaluation in flexible manufacturing supervision}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and Combacau, Michel and Boufaied, Amine}, journal={Journal of decision systems}, volume={12}, number={1}, pages={93--109}, year={2003}, publisher={Taylor \& Francis} } @inproceedings{da2002supervision, title={Supervision and control of heterarchical discrete event systems: The laas approach}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and Combacau, Michel}, booktitle={CBA-Congresso Brasileiro de Autom{\'a}tica, Natal, Brazil}, year={2002}, } @inproceedings{da2003distribution, title={Distribution de mod{\`e}les {\`a} {\'e}v{\'e}nements discrets: une proc{\'e}dure syst{\'e}matique bas{\'e}e sur les r{\'e}seaux de Petri}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and Combacau, Michel}, booktitle={4 {\`e}me Colloque Francophone sur la Mod{\'e}lisation des Syst{\`e}mes R{\'e}actifs, Metz, France}, year={2003} } @inproceedings{santos2004methodology, title={A methodology for modeling the control of a mechatronic manufacturing cell}, author={Santos, Eduardo AP and Busetti, Marco Antonio and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={9th Mechatronics Forum International Conference}, volume={1}, pages={1--6}, year={2004} } @inproceedings{santos2004reutilization, title={REUTILIZATION OF CONTROL SOFTWARE MODULES IN DESIGN OF AUTOMATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS}, author={Santos, Eduardo AP and Busetti, Marco Antonio and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={7th IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation, Ottawa, Canada}, year={2004} } @inproceedings{da2005redundant, title={Redundant Information Analysis in a Decomposed Petri Net Model}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and Combacau, Michel and Portela, Eduardo}, booktitle={International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (CIMCA-IAWTIC'06)}, volume={2}, pages={753--758}, year={2005}, organization={IEEE} } @inproceedings{santos2004approach, title={AN APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT CYCLE OF AUTOMATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS}, author={Santos, Eduardo AP and Busetti, Marco A and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={7th IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation, Ottawa, Canada}, year={2004} } @inproceedings{bonacin2010medical, title={From medical guidelines to personalized careflows: The iCareflow ontological framework}, author={Bonacin, Rodrigo and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, booktitle={2010 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)}, pages={462--467}, year={2010}, organization={IEEE} } @article{benzschawel2010infrastructure, title={IT infrastructure for National Electronic Health Records in Luxembourg--Acceptance occurs when benefits outweigh disadvantages}, author={Benzschawel, Stefan and Zimmermann, Heiko and Da Silveira, Marcos and Roth, Uwe and Jahnen, A}, journal={Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates: Knowledge Resources}, volume={3}, pages={141--145}, year={2010} } @inproceedings{benzschawel2011protecting, title={Protecting patient privacy when sharing medical data}, author={Benzschawel, Stefan and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTelemed), France}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{pruski2010barriers, title={Barriers to overcome for the Implementation of Integrated eHealth Solution in Luxembourg}, author={Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Wisniewski, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={eChallenges e-2010 Conference}, pages={1--8}, year={2010}, organization={IEEE} } @article{pruski2011towards, title={Towards the formalization of guidelines care actions using patterns and semantic web technologies}, author={Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Bonacin, Rodrigo and Da Silveira, Marcos}, journal={Artificial Intelligence in Medicine}, pages={302--306}, year={2011}, publisher={Springer} } @inproceedings{nabuco2012web2touch, title={Web2Touch Track Report: 5th Track on Modeling the Collaborative Web Knowledge}, author={Nabuco, Olga and Bonacin, Rodrigo and Fugini, Mariagrazia and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={2012 IEEE 21st International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises}, pages={429--431}, year={2012}, organization={IEEE} } @inproceedings{da2011toward, title={Toward an adaptive computer-interpretable clinical guideline for personalization of treatments}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and Bonacin, Rodrigo and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, booktitle={INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL AND NETWORKING FORUM FOR EHEALTH, TELEMEDICINE AND HEALTH (MED-E-TEL)}, pages={1--5}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{capretz2009w2t, title={W2T 2009}, author={Capretz, Miriam and Toledo, Maria Beatriz Felgar and Fugini, Mariagrazia and Drira, Khalil and Kacem, Ahmed Hadj and de Paoli, Flavio and Oquendo, Flavio and Rizzo, Francesca and Pereira, Francisco ED and Moo-Mena, Francisco and others}, booktitle={WETICE}, year={2009} } @inproceedings{dos2012analyzing, title={Analyzing and supporting the mapping maintenance problem in biomedical knowledge organization systems}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, booktitle={In Proc. of SIMI Workshop at ESWC}, year={2012} } @article{bonacin2012careflow, title={Careflow personalization services: concepts and tool for the evaluation of computer-interpretable guidelines}, author={Bonacin, Rodrigo and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos}, journal={Knowledge Representation for Health-Care}, pages={80--93}, year={2012}, publisher={Springer} } @inproceedings{dos2012vers, title={Vers une approche automatique pour la maintenance des mappings entre ressources termino-ontologiques du domaine de la sant{\'e}}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, booktitle={Atelier IC pour l'interop{\'e}rabilit{\'e} S{\'e}mantique dans les applications de e-Sant{\'e}}, year={2012} } @inproceedings{da2009concept, title={The concept of a platform for remote monitoring patient’s health state}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and GUELFI, Nicolas}, booktitle={The International Educational and Networking Forum for eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT}, year={2009} } @inproceedings{da2008survey, title={A survey of interoperability in e-Health systems: The European approach}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and GUELFI, Nicolas and BALDACCHINO, Jerry-David and PLUMER, Pierre and SEIL, Marc and WIENCKE, Anke}, booktitle={International Conference on Health Informatics}, year={2008} } @inproceedings{da2008exploiting, title={Exploiting Service Oriented Architectures for the Design of e-Health systems}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and GUELFI, Nicolas}, booktitle={International Conference on Health Informatics}, year={2008} } @inproceedings{abacha2013medical, title={Medical ontology validation through question answering}, author={Abacha, Asma Ben and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, booktitle={Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe}, pages={196--205}, year={2013}, organization={Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg} } @inproceedings{dos2013analyzing, title={Analyzing the Evolution of Semantic Correspondences between SNOMED CT and ICD-9-CM}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, booktitle={The International Educational and Networking Forum for eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT}, year={2013} } @inproceedings{ben2013approche, title={Une approche pour la validation du contenu d’une ontologie par un syst{\`e}me {\`a} base de questions/r{\'e}ponses}, author={BEN ABACHA, Asma and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, booktitle={Plate-forme IA}, year={2013} } @inproceedings{dinh2013identification, title={Identification des informations conceptuelles d{\'e}finissant un alignement entre ontologies m{\'e}dicales}, author={Dinh, Duy and Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, booktitle={II Symposium sur l'Ing{\'e}nierie de l'Information M{\'e}dicale - SIIM}, year={2013} } @article{dos2014understanding, title={Understanding semantic mapping evolution by observing changes in biomedical ontologies}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, journal={Journal of biomedical informatics}, volume={47}, pages={71--82}, year={2014}, publisher={Academic Press} } @inproceedings{dos2013mapping, title={Mapping adaptation actions for the automatic reconciliation of dynamic ontologies}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Dinh, Duy and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information \& Knowledge Management}, pages={599--608}, year={2013}, organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{dos2013characterizing, title={Characterizing semantic mappings adaptation via biomedical kos evolution: A case study investigating snomed ct and icd}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, booktitle={AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings}, volume={2013}, pages={333}, year={2013}, organization={American Medical Informatics Association} } @incollection{dinh2014identifying, title={Identifying change patterns of concept attributes in ontology evolution}, author={Dinh, Duy and Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, booktitle={(ESWC) The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges}, pages={768--783}, year={2014}, publisher={Springer International Publishing} } @article{bonacin2013architecture, title={Architecture and services for formalising and evaluating care actions from computer-interpretable guidelines}, author={Bonacin, Rodrigo and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos}, journal={International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics}, volume={5}, number={3}, pages={253--268}, year={2013}, publisher={Inderscience Publishers Ltd} } @article{dos2014influence, title={The influence of similarity between concepts in evolving biomedical ontologies for mapping adaptation}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Dinh, Duy and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud, Chantal}, journal={Studies in Health Technology and Informatics}, volume={205}, pages={1003--1007}, year={2014} } @inproceedings{dos2014requirements, title={Requirements for Implementing Mappings Adaptation Systems}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Da Silveira, Marcos and Dinh, Duy and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Reynaud, Chantal}, booktitle={Web2Touch 2014 Modelling The Collaborative Web Knowledge, Conference Track@ the 23rd WETICE Conference}, pages={405--410}, year={2014}, organization={IEEE} } @incollection{zamborlini2014conceptual, title={A Conceptual Model for Detecting Interactions among Medical Recommendations in Clinical Guidelines}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Hoekstra, Rinke and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank}, booktitle={Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management}, pages={591--606}, year={2014}, publisher={Springer International Publishing} } @inproceedings{mezghani2014perspective, title={A perspective of adaptation in healthcare.}, author={Mezghani, Emna and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Exposito, Ernesto and Drira, Khalil}, booktitle={MIE}, pages={206--210}, year={2014} } @inproceedings{zamborlini2014towards, title={Towards a conceptual model for enhancing reasoning about clinical guidelines}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank}, booktitle={Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health-Care Data, Processes and Guidelines}, pages={29--44}, year={2014}, organization={Springer, Cham} } @article{dos2015recognizing, title={Recognizing lexical and semantic change patterns in evolving life science ontologies to inform mapping adaptation}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Dinh, Duy and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, journal={Artificial intelligence in medicine}, volume={63}, number={3}, pages={153--170}, year={2015}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{dinh2014identifying, title={Identifying relevant concept attributes to support mapping maintenance under ontology evolution}, author={Dinh, Duy and Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, journal={Web semantics: Science, services and agents on the world wide web}, volume={29}, pages={53--66}, year={2014}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{dos2015dykosmap, title={DyKOSMap: A framework for mapping adaptation between biomedical knowledge organization systems}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, journal={Journal of biomedical informatics}, volume={55}, pages={153--173}, year={2015}, publisher={Academic Press} } @inproceedings{silveira1999integration, title={Integration of Computer Science Concepts into A Control and Automation Teaching Methodology: The Conception of A Didactic Laboratory}, author={SILVEIRA, Marcos Renato and ARRUDA, L{\'u}cia Val{\'e}ria}, booktitle={14th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control}, year={1999} } @inproceedings{dos2012dykosmap, title={The DyKOSMap approach for analyzing and supporting the mapping maintenance problem in biomedical knowledge organization systems}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, booktitle={Extended Semantic Web Conference}, pages={163--175}, year={2012}, organization={Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg} } @article{bonacin2016special, title={Special issue on semantic technologies for collaborative web}, author={Bonacin, Rodrigo and Dess{\`\i}, Nicoletta and Fugini, Mariagrazia and Nabuco, Olga and Da Silveira, Marcos and others}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{zamborlini2015analyzing, title={Analyzing Recommendations Interactions in Clinical Guidelines}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank}, booktitle={15th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2015, Pavia, Italy, June 17-20, 2015.}, pages={317--326}, year={2015}, organization={Springer International Publishing} } @article{da2015management, title={Management of Dynamic Biomedical Terminologies: Current Status and Future Challenges.}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, journal={Yearbook of medical informatics}, volume={10}, number={1}, pages={125--133}, year={2015} } @article{mezghani2015semantic, title={A Semantic Big Data Platform for Integrating Heterogeneous Wearable Data in Healthcare.}, author={Mezghani, Emna and Exposito, Ernesto and Drira, Khalil and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, journal={Journal of medical systems}, volume={39}, number={12}, pages={185--193}, year={2015} } @article{zamborlini2016inferring, title={Inferring Recommendation Interactions in Clinical Guidelines: Case-studies on Multimorbidity}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Hoekstra, Rinke and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank}, journal={Semantic Web Journal}, volume={7}, number={4}, pages={421--446}, year={2016}, publisher={IOS Press} } @inproceedings{zamborlini2016generalizing, title={Generalizing the Detection of Internal and External Interactions in Clinical Guidelines}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Hoekstra, Rinke and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank}, booktitle={9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies}, volume={5}, pages={105--116}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{nabuco2012web2touch, title={Web2Touch Workshop}, author={Nabuco, Olga and Bonacin, Rodrigo and Fugini, Mariagrazia and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={21st International Workshop On Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure For Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE)}, year={2012} } @inproceedings{nabuco2014track, title={Track report of modeling the collaborative web knowledge (Web2Touch 2014)}, author={Nabuco, Olga and Bonacin, Rodrigo and Fugini, Mariagrazia and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={2014 IEEE 23rd International WETICE Conference}, pages={396--398}, year={2014}, organization={IEEE} } @inproceedings{rudek2015skull, title={Skull failure correction modelling method by symmetry mirroring}, author={RUDEK, Marcelo and CAMPANA MENDES, Gustavo and CANCIGLIERI, Osiris and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={CIE45 - The 45th International Conference on Computers \& Industrial Engineering,}, year={2015} } @inproceedings{gumiel2015anatomic, title={Anatomic prosthesis modelling based on Descriptors by Cubic Bezier Curves}, author={GUMIEL, Yohan and RUDEK, Marcelo and BICHINHO, Gerson L. and Da Silveira, Marcos and CANCIGLIERI, Osiris}, booktitle={45th International Conference on Computers \& Industrial Engineering}, year={2015} } @inproceedings{mezghani2016ontology, title={An Ontology-driven Adaptive System for the Patient Treatment Management}, author={Mezghani, Emna and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Exposito, Ernesto and Drira, Khalil}, booktitle={28th International Conference on Software Engineering \& Knowledge Engineering (SEKE)}, pages={329--333}, year={2016}, organization={KSI Research Inc. and Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School} } @article{abacha2016towards, title={Towards natural language question generation for the validation of ontologies and mappings}, author={Abacha, Asma Ben and Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Mrabet, Yassine and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos}, journal={Journal of biomedical semantics}, volume={7}, number={1}, pages={48}, year={2016}, publisher={BioMed Central} } @article{fuginievolution, title={Evolution and Security of Collaborative Web Knowledge (Web2Touch) Track Committee}, author={Fugini, Mariagrazia and Nabuco, Olga and Martoglia, Riccardo and Gr{\'e}gio, Andr{\'e} and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Moreira, Dilvan and Hachicha, Emna and Andres, Frederic and De Ruvo, Giuseppe and Abbas, Haider and others} } @inproceedings{veruska2015analyzing, title={Analyzing Recommendations Interactions in Clinical Guidelines: Impact of action type hierarchies and causation beliefs}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank}, booktitle={27TH BENELUX CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE}, year={2015} } @inproceedings{zamborlini122016knowledge, title={Knowledge-driven Paper Retrieval to support updating of Clinical Guidelines}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Hu, Qing and Huang, Zhisheng and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank}, booktitle={International Joint Workshop KR4HC 2016 - ProHealth 2016}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{santos2016complaint, title={Complaint Ontology Pattern-COP}, author={Santos, Cristiana and Pruski, C{\'e}dric{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Rodr{\'\i}guez-Doncel, V{\'\i}ctor and Gangemi, Aldo and Van der Torre, Leon and Casanovas, Pompeu}, booktitle={Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2016) at ISWC}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{cardoso2016leveraging, title={Leveraging the impact of ontology evolution on semantic annotations}, author={Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Lin, Ying-Chi and Gro{\ss}, Anika and Rahm, Erhard and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, booktitle={European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop}, pages={68--82}, year={2016}, organization={Springer, Cham} } @inproceedings{pruski2016capturing, title={Capturing the Relationship between Evolving Biomedical Concepts via Background Knowledge}, author={Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={9th International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for the Life Science}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{zamborlini122016swish, title={SWISH for prototyping Clinical Guideline Interactions Theory}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Wielemaker, Jan and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank}, booktitle={9th International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for the Life Science}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{cardoso2017towards, title={Towards a Multi-level Approach for the Maintenance of Semantic Annotations.}, author={Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal and Da Silveira, Marcos and Lin, Ying-Chi and Gro{\ss}, Anika and Rahm, Erhard and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, booktitle={HEALTHINF}, pages={401--406}, year={2017} } @inproceedings{zamborlini2016generalizing, title={Generalizing the detection of clinical guideline interactions enhanced with LOD}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Hoekstra, Rinke and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank}, booktitle={International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies}, pages={360--386}, year={2016}, organization={Springer, Cham} } @article{zamborlini2017analyzing, title={Analyzing interactions on combining multiple clinical guidelines}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and Geleijn, Edwin and van der Leeden, Marike and Stuiver, Martijn and van Harmelen, Frank}, journal={Artificial intelligence in medicine}, volume={81}, pages={78--93}, year={2017}, publisher={Elsevier} } @inproceedings{loures2003enhancing, title={Enhancing control engineering education using a CACSD didactic environment}, author={Loures, Eduardo Rocha and Silveira, Marcos Renato and Busetti, Marco A and Arda, Yasemin}, booktitle={SMC'03 Conference Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Conference Theme-System Security and Assurance (Cat. No. 03CH37483)}, volume={3}, pages={2205--2212}, year={2003}, organization={IEEE} } @inproceedings{silveira1998desenvolvimento, title={Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Multim{\'\i}dia para Autoria e Apresenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Cursos de Controle}, author={SILVEIRA, Marcos Renato and ARRUDA, L{\'u}cia Val{\'e}ria}, booktitle={Simp{\'o}sio de Investiga{\c{c}}{\~a}o e Desenvolvimento de Software Educativo: Universidade de {\`E}vora, Portugal http://www. minerva. uevora. pt/simposio/comunicacoes/Silveira/Artigo-SIDSE98. html}, year={1998} } @inproceedings{lin2017evaluating, title={Evaluating and improving annotation tools for medical forms}, author={Lin, Ying-Chi and Christen, Victor and Gro{\ss}, Anika and Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Rahm, Erhard}, booktitle={International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences}, pages={1--16}, year={2017}, organization={Springer, Cham} } @inproceedings{cardoso2017combining, title={Combining rules, background knowledge and change patterns to maintain semantic annotations}, author={Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Chantal, Reynaud-Delaitre and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, booktitle={AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings}, volume={2017}, pages={505}, year={2017}, organization={American Medical Informatics Association} } @inproceedings{chaabane2017dykosmap, title={DyKOSMap: From a Research Prototype to a Web Application}, author={Chaabane, Marwa and Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos}, booktitle={International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences}, pages={67--70}, year={2017}, organization={Springer, Cham} } @misc{da2017data, title={Data Integration in the Life Sciences}, author={Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Schneider, Reinhard}, year={2017}, publisher={Springer International Publishing AG} } @article{carretta2016generalizing, title={Generalizing the Detection of Internal and External Interactions in 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year={2018}, publisher={Academic Press} } @article{cardoso2018evolving, title={Evolving semantic annotations through multiple versions of controlled medical terminologies}, author={Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal and Da Silveira, Marcos and Lin, Ying-Chi and Gro{\ss}, Anika and Rahm, Erhard and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, journal={Health and Technology}, volume={8}, number={5}, pages={361--376}, year={2018}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg} } @inproceedings{cardoso2018combining, title={Combining Semantic and Lexical Measures to Evaluate Medical Terms Similarity}, author={Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Da Silveira, Marcos and Lin, Ying-Chi and Christen, Victor and Rahm, Erhard and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal and Pruski, C{\'e}dric}, booktitle={International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences}, pages={17--32}, year={2018}, organization={Springer, Cham} } @inproceedings{christen2018learning, title={A learning-based approach to combine medical annotation results}, author={Christen, Victor and Lin, Ying-Chi and Gro{\ss}, Anika and Cardoso, Silvio Domingos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Rahm, Erhard}, booktitle={International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences}, pages={135--143}, year={2018}, organization={Springer, Cham} } @misc{dos2019method, title={Method For Efficient Mapping Updates Between Dynamic Knowledge Organization Systems}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos}, year={2019}, month=jun # "~20", note={US Patent App. 16/325,206} } @inproceedings{carretta2017knowledge, title={Knowledge-Driven Paper Retrieval to Support Updating of Clinical Guidelines}, author={Zamborlini, Veruska and Hu, Qing and Huang, Zhisheng and Da Silveira, Marcos and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and ten Teije, Annette and van Harmelen, Frank and Ria{\~n}o, David and Lenz, Richard and Reichert, Manfred}, booktitle={Knowledge Representation for Health Care: HEC 2016 International Joint Workshop, KR4HC/ProHealth 2016, Munich, Germany, September 2, 2016, Revised Selected Papers}, pages={71--89}, year={2017}, organization={Springer International Publishing Switzerland} } @article{dos2014identifying, title={Identifying Relevant Concepts Attributes to Support Mapping Maintenance under Ontology Evolution}, author={Dos Reis, Julio Cesar and Dinh, Duy and Pruski, C{\'e}dric and Da Silveira, Marcos and Reynaud-Delaitre, Chantal}, year={2014} }