import { readInput, getStraightAdjacentPositions } from "./utils.mjs"; const input = readInput(import.meta); const isCycling = (arr, cycleLength) => { for (let i = 0; i < cycleLength; i++) { if (arr[i] !== arr[i + cycleLength]) { return false; } } return true; }; const addToCircular = (arr, el, cycleLength) => { arr.push(el); if (arr.length > 2 * cycleLength) { arr.shift(); } }; const solve = (input, targetStep, hasBounds = false) => { const lines = input.split("\n"); const [I, J] = [lines.length, lines[0].length]; const rocks = new Set(); let bounds = new Set(); let lastVisited = new Set(); for (const [i, line] of lines.entries()) { for (const [j, c] of line.split("").entries()) { if (c === "#") rocks.add(JSON.stringify([i, j])); if (c === "S") { bounds.add(JSON.stringify([i, j])); } } } const transpose = ([i, j]) => { const nI = i % I; const nJ = j % J; return [nI < 0 ? I + nI : nI, nJ < 0 ? J + nJ : nJ]; }; const inBounds = ([i, j]) => i >= 0 && i < I && j >= 0 && j < J; const boundPointsVariations = []; const diffVariations = []; const cycleLength = I; let result = 0n; let cycleStart; let k = 0; for (; k < targetStep + 1; k++) { const newBounds = new Set(); const visited = new Set(); if (k % 2 === targetStep % 2) { result += BigInt(bounds.size); } for (const pointStr of bounds) { const [oI, oJ] = JSON.parse(pointStr); visited.add(pointStr); getStraightAdjacentPositions(oI, oJ) .filter( ([i, j]) => (!hasBounds || inBounds([i, j])) && !rocks.has(JSON.stringify(transpose([i, j]))) && !lastVisited.has(JSON.stringify([i, j])), ) .forEach(([i, j]) => { newBounds.add(JSON.stringify([i, j])); }); } const boundPointsVariation = BigInt(newBounds.size - bounds.size); const boundPointsVariationDiff = BigInt( boundPointsVariation - ( ?? 0n), ); addToCircular(boundPointsVariations, boundPointsVariation, cycleLength); addToCircular(diffVariations, boundPointsVariationDiff, cycleLength); bounds = newBounds; lastVisited = visited; if (isCycling(diffVariations, cycleLength)) { if (!cycleStart) { cycleStart = k; } if (k - cycleStart > cycleStart) { // has been cycling for more steps than the step it started cycling (random heuristic xd) break; } } else { cycleStart = undefined; } } let boundSize = BigInt(bounds.size); let cycleBoundPointVariations = boundPointsVariations.slice(cycleLength); let cycleDiffVariations = diffVariations.slice(cycleLength); k += 1; // next iteration const offset = k % cycleLength; for (; k < targetStep + 1; k++) { if (k % 2 === targetStep % 2) { result += BigInt(boundSize); } const index = (k - offset) % cycleLength; cycleBoundPointVariations[index] += cycleDiffVariations[index]; boundSize += cycleBoundPointVariations[index]; } return result; }; console.log(solve(input, 64, true)); console.time("run p2"); console.timeLog("run p2", solve(input, 26501365));