/** * Copyright 2020 Markus Liljergren (https://oh-lalabs.com) * * Version: v1.0.1.1123 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * NOTE: This is an auto-generated file and most comments have been removed! * */ // BEGIN:getDefaultImports() import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonOutput import java.security.MessageDigest // END: getDefaultImports() import hubitat.helper.HexUtils metadata { definition (name: "Zigbee - Tuya Alarm", namespace: "oh-lalabs.com", author: "Markus Liljergren", filename: "zigbee-tuya-alarm", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/markus-li/Hubitat/release/drivers/expanded/zigbee-tuya-alarm-expanded.groovy") { // BEGIN:getDefaultMetadataCapabilitiesForZigbeeDevices() capability "Sensor" capability "PresenceSensor" capability "Initialize" capability "Refresh" // END: getDefaultMetadataCapabilitiesForZigbeeDevices() capability "Configuration" capability "Sensor" capability "Battery" capability "Switch" capability "Alarm" capability "TemperatureMeasurement" capability "RelativeHumidityMeasurement" capability "PowerSource" // BEGIN:getDefaultMetadataAttributes() attribute "driver", "string" // END: getDefaultMetadataAttributes() // BEGIN:getMetadataAttributesForLastCheckin() attribute "lastCheckin", "Date" attribute "lastCheckinEpoch", "number" attribute "notPresentCounter", "number" attribute "restoredCounter", "number" // END: getMetadataAttributesForLastCheckin() attribute "absoluteHumidity", "number" attribute "alarmLength", "number" attribute "alarmType", "number" attribute "alarmVolume", "string" command "setAlarmType", [[name:"Type", type: "NUMBER", description: "1..18 = set alarm type, can be any number between 1 and 18"]] command "setAlarmLength", [[name:"Length", type: "NUMBER", description: "0..180 = set alarm length in seconds. 0 = no audible alarm"]] command "setAlarmVolume", [[name:"Volume", type: "ENUM", description: "set alarm volume", constraints: ["low", "medium", "high"]]] // BEGIN:getCommandsForPresence() command "resetRestoredCounter" // END: getCommandsForPresence() // BEGIN:getCommandsForZigbeePresence() command "forceRecoveryMode", [[name:"Minutes*", type: "NUMBER", description: "Maximum minutes to run in Recovery Mode"]] // END: getCommandsForZigbeePresence() command "test" fingerprint model:"TS0601", manufacturer:"_TZE200_d0yu2xgi", profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0004,0005,EF00", outClusters:"0019,000A", application:"53" fingerprint model:"0yu2xgi", manufacturer:"_TYST11_d0yu2xgi", profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003", outClusters:"0003,0019", application:"49" } preferences { // BEGIN:getDefaultMetadataPreferences(includeCSS=True, includeRunReset=False) input(name: "debugLogging", type: "bool", title: styling_getLogo() + styling_addTitleDiv("Enable debug logging"), description: "" + styling_getDefaultCSS(), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, displayDuringSetup: false, required: false) input(name: "infoLogging", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable info logging"), description: "", defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true, displayDuringSetup: false, required: false) // END: getDefaultMetadataPreferences(includeCSS=True, includeRunReset=False) // BEGIN:getMetadataPreferencesForLastCheckin() input(name: "lastCheckinEnable", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Last Checkin Date"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Records Date events if enabled"), defaultValue: true) input(name: "lastCheckinEpochEnable", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Last Checkin Epoch"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Records Epoch events if enabled"), defaultValue: false) input(name: "presenceEnable", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Presence"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Enables Presence to indicate if the device has sent data within the last 3 hours (REQUIRES at least one of the Checkin options to be enabled)"), defaultValue: true) input(name: "presenceWarningEnable", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Enable Presence Warning"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Enables Presence Warnings in the Logs (default: true)"), defaultValue: true) // END: getMetadataPreferencesForLastCheckin() // BEGIN:getMetadataPreferencesForRecoveryMode(defaultMode="Slow") input(name: "recoveryMode", type: "enum", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Recovery Mode"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Select Recovery mode type (default: Slow)
NOTE: The \"Insane\" and \"Suicidal\" modes may destabilize your mesh if run on more than a few devices at once!"), options: ["Disabled", "Slow", "Normal", "Insane", "Suicidal"], defaultValue: "Slow") // END: getMetadataPreferencesForRecoveryMode(defaultMode="Slow") // BEGIN:getDefaultMetadataPreferencesForTHMonitorAlternative1() input(name: "tempUnitDisplayed", type: "enum", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Displayed Temperature Unit"), description: "", defaultValue: "0", required: true, multiple: false, options:[["0":"System Default"], ["1":"Celsius"], ["2":"Fahrenheit"], ["3":"Kelvin"]]) input(name: "tempOffset", type: "decimal", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Temperature Offset"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Adjust the temperature by this many degrees."), displayDuringSetup: true, required: false, range: "*..*") input(name: "tempRes", type: "enum", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Temperature Resolution"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Temperature sensor resolution (0..2 = maximum number of decimal places, default: 1)
NOTE: If the 2nd decimal is a 0 (eg. 24.70) it will show without the last decimal (eg. 24.7)."), options: ["0", "1", "2"], defaultValue: "1", displayDuringSetup: true, required: false) input(name: "humidityOffset", type: "decimal", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Humidity Offset"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Adjust the humidity by this many percent."), displayDuringSetup: true, required: false, range: "*..*") input(name: "humidityRes", type: "enum", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Humidity Resolution"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Humidity sensor resolution (0..1 = maximum number of decimal places, default: 1)"), options: ["0", "1"], defaultValue: "1") input(name: "reportAbsoluteHumidity", type: "bool", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Report Absolute Humidity"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Also report Absolute Humidity. Default = Disabled"), defaultValue: false) if(getDeviceDataByName('hasPressure') == "True") { input(name: "pressureUnitConversion", type: "enum", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Displayed Pressure Unit"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("(default: kPa)"), options: ["mbar", "kPa", "inHg", "mmHg", "atm"], defaultValue: "kPa") input(name: "pressureRes", type: "enum", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Humidity Resolution"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Humidity sensor resolution (0..1 = maximum number of decimal places, default: default)"), options: ["default", "0", "1", "2"], defaultValue: "default") input(name: "pressureOffset", type: "decimal", title: styling_addTitleDiv("Pressure Offset"), description: styling_addDescriptionDiv("Adjust the pressure value by this much."), displayDuringSetup: true, required: false, range: "*..*") } // END: getDefaultMetadataPreferencesForTHMonitorAlternative1() } } // BEGIN:getDeviceInfoFunction() def String getDeviceInfoByName(infoName) { def Map deviceInfo = ['name': 'Zigbee - Tuya Alarm', 'namespace': 'oh-lalabs.com', 'author': 'Markus Liljergren', 'filename': 'zigbee-tuya-alarm', 'importUrl': 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/markus-li/Hubitat/release/drivers/expanded/zigbee-tuya-alarm-expanded.groovy'] return(deviceInfo[infoName]) } // END: getDeviceInfoFunction() /* These functions are unique to each driver */ def ArrayList refresh() { logging("refresh() model='${getDeviceDataByName('model')}'", 10) getDriverVersion() configurePresence() startCheckEventInterval() setLogsOffTask(noLogWarning=true) def ArrayList cmd = [] cmd += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0000, 0x0005) logging("refresh cmd: $cmd", 1) sendZigbeeCommands(cmd) /* refreshEvents() just sends all current states again, it's a hack for HubConnect */ refreshEvents() } def initialize() { logging("initialize()", 100) unschedule() refresh() configureDevice() } void installed() { logging("installed()", 100) refresh() configureDevice() } void updated() { logging("updated()", 100) refresh() configureDevice() } void configureDevice() { logging('configureDevice()', 100) Integer alarmLength = device.currentValue('alarmLength') alarmLength = alarmLength != null ? alarmLength : 10 logging("Alarm Length Set: $alarmLength", 100) setAlarmLength(alarmLength) Integer alarmType = device.currentValue('alarmType') alarmType = alarmType != null ? alarmType : 1 logging("Alarm Type Set: $alarmType", 100) setAlarmType(alarmType) String alarmVolume = device.currentValue('alarmVolume') alarmVolume = alarmVolume != null ? alarmVolume : 'low' logging("Alarm Volume Set: $alarmVolume", 100) setAlarmVolume(alarmVolume) sendTuyaCommand(0x00, "7001000101") sendTuyaCommand(0x10, "") } void test() { ArrayList cmd = [] cmd += zigbeeWriteAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0xFFDE, 0x20, 0x13) cmd += zigbeeSpecialCommand(0x11, 0x01, 0x0000, 0xF0) cmd += zigbeeSpecialCommand(0x11, 0x01, 0xEF00, 0x03) cmd += getTuyaCommand(0x10, "") sendZigbeeCommands(cmd) logging("Done with test()", 100) } ArrayList zigbeeSpecialCommand(Integer frameControlField, Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer command, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 2001) { logging("zigbeeSpecialCommand()", 1) String mfgCode = "0000" if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) { mfgCode = "${integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2, reverse=true)}" log.error "Manufacturer code support is NOT implemented!" } Random rnd = new Random() String commandArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 $endpoint 0x${integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " + "{${integerToHexString(frameControlField, 1)}${HexUtils.integerToHexString(rnd.nextInt(255),1)}${integerToHexString(command, 1)}}" ArrayList cmd = ["he raw $commandArgs", "delay $delay"] logging("zigbeeSpecialCommand cmd=$cmd", 1) return cmd } void configure() { configureDevice() } Integer getMINUTES_BETWEEN_EVENTS() { return 140 } ArrayList parse(String description) { // BEGIN:getGenericZigbeeParseHeader(loglevel=0) //logging("PARSE START---------------------", 0) //logging("Parsing: '${description}'", 0) ArrayList cmd = [] Map msgMap = null if(description.indexOf('encoding: 4C') >= 0) { msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description.replace('encoding: 4C', 'encoding: F2')) msgMap = unpackStructInMap(msgMap) } else if(description.indexOf('attrId: FF01, encoding: 42') >= 0) { msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description.replace('encoding: 42', 'encoding: F2')) msgMap["encoding"] = "41" msgMap["value"] = parseXiaomiStruct(msgMap["value"], isFCC0=false, hasLength=true) } else { if(description.indexOf('encoding: 42') >= 0) { List values = description.split("value: ")[1].split("(?<=\\G..)") String fullValue = values.join() Integer zeroIndex = values.indexOf("01") if(zeroIndex > -1) { //logging("zeroIndex: $zeroIndex, fullValue: $fullValue, string: ${values.take(zeroIndex).join()}", 0) msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description.replace(fullValue, values.take(zeroIndex).join())) values = values.drop(zeroIndex + 3) msgMap["additionalAttrs"] = [ ["encoding": "41", "value": parseXiaomiStruct(values.join(), isFCC0=false, hasLength=true)] ] } else { msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) } } else { msgMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) } if(msgMap.containsKey("encoding") && msgMap.containsKey("value") && msgMap["encoding"] != "41" && msgMap["encoding"] != "42") { msgMap["valueParsed"] = zigbee_generic_decodeZigbeeData(msgMap["value"], msgMap["encoding"]) } if(msgMap == [:] && description.indexOf("zone") == 0) { msgMap["type"] = "zone" java.util.regex.Matcher zoneMatcher = description =~ /.*zone.*status.*0x(?([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])+).*extended.*status.*0x(?([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])+).*/ if(zoneMatcher.matches()) { msgMap["parsed"] = true msgMap["status"] = zoneMatcher.group("status") msgMap["statusInt"] = Integer.parseInt(msgMap["status"], 16) msgMap["statusExtended"] = zoneMatcher.group("statusExtended") msgMap["statusExtendedInt"] = Integer.parseInt(msgMap["statusExtended"], 16) } else { msgMap["parsed"] = false } } } //logging("msgMap: ${msgMap}", 0) // END: getGenericZigbeeParseHeader(loglevel=0) switch(msgMap["cluster"] + '_' + msgMap["attrId"]) { case "0000_0001": logging("Application ID Received", 1) updateApplicationId(msgMap['value']) break case "0000_0004": logging("Manufacturer Name Received - description:${description} | msgMap:${msgMap}", 1) updateManufacturer(msgMap['value']) break case "0000_0005": logging("Model Name Received - description:${description} | msgMap:${msgMap}", 1) setCleanModelName(newModelToSet=msgMap["value"]) break default: switch(msgMap["clusterId"]) { case "EF00": //logging("Tuya Payload - description:${description} | msgMap:${msgMap}", 0) parseTuyaPayload(msgMap) break case "8004": updateDataFromSimpleDescriptorData(msgMap["data"]) break case "000A": case "0013": case "0006": case "8021": case "8032": //logging("General catchall - description:${description} | msgMap:${msgMap}", 0) break default: logging("Unhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:${description} | msgMap:${msgMap}", 100) break } break } if(hasCorrectCheckinEvents(maximumMinutesBetweenEvents=140) == false) { sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0004)) } sendlastCheckinEvent(minimumMinutesToRepeat=30) // BEGIN:getGenericZigbeeParseFooter(loglevel=0) //logging("PARSE END-----------------------", 0) msgMap = null return cmd // END: getGenericZigbeeParseFooter(loglevel=0) } void sendOnOffEvent(boolean onOff) { if(invertValve == null) invertValve = false logging("sendOnOffEvent(onOff=$onOff)", 1) if(onOff == invertValve) { sendEvent(name:"valve", value: "closed", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Valve closed") sendEvent(name:"switch", value: "off", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Valve closed") } else { sendEvent(name:"valve", value: "open", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Valve opened") sendEvent(name:"switch", value: "on", isStateChange: false, descriptionText: "Valve opened") } } void sendPowerEvent(Float power) { Float variancePercent = 0.10 if(powerOffset != null) power = power + powerOffset if(power < 0 ) power = 0 if(powerMinimum != null && power < powerMinimum) power = 0 Float oldPower = device.currentValue('power') == null ? null : device.currentValue('power') if(oldPower == null) { logging("Power: $power (oldPower: $oldPower)", 1) } else { logging("Power: $power (oldPower: $oldPower, lower: ${oldPower * (1-variancePercent)}, upper: ${oldPower * (1+variancePercent)})", 1) } if(oldPower == null || power < oldPower * (1-variancePercent) || power > oldPower * (1+variancePercent)) { logging("Sending Power event: ${power}W (old Power: ${oldPower}W)", 1) sendEvent(name:"power", value: power, unit: "W", isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name:"powerWithUnit", value: "${power}W", isStateChange: true) } else { logging("SKIPPING Power event: ${power}W (old Power: ${oldPower}W)", 1) } } void parseTuyaPayload(Map msgMap) { /* This is lazy parsing of these packets, it's NOT complete, the data lengths and structure is part of the packet... We should use this information... */ switch(msgMap['command']) { case '01': case '02': List data = msgMap['data'] String commandType = data[2] + data[3] logging("Tuya Status: ${msgMap['data']}", 1) logging("Tuya Command Type: $commandType", 1) switch(commandType) { case '6801': boolean active = data[-1] == '01' String activeAsString = active ? 'both' : 'off' logging("Alarm status: ${activeAsString}", 100) sendEvent(name:"alarm", value: activeAsString, isStateChange: false) sendEvent(name:"switch", value: active ? 'on' : 'off', isStateChange: false) break case '6702': Integer length = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(data[-1]) logging("Alarm length: ${length}", 100) sendEvent(name:"alarmLength", value: length, isStateChange: false) break case '6604': Integer type = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(data[-1]) + 1 logging("Alarm type: ${type}", 100) sendEvent(name:"alarmType", value: type, isStateChange: false) break case '7404': Integer volume = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(data[-1]) volume = volume > 2 ? 2 : volume List volumeTypes = ['high', 'medium', 'low'] logging("Alarm volume: ${volumeTypes[volume]}", 100) sendEvent(name:"alarmVolume", value: volumeTypes[volume], isStateChange: false) break case '6902': // Integer temperature = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(data.takeRight(4).join('')) * 10 // logging("Raw Temperature: ${temperature}", 1) // zigbee_sensor_parseSendTemperatureEvent(temperature) try{ Integer temperature = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(data.takeRight(4).join('')) * 10 logging("Raw Temperature: ${temperature}", 1) zigbee_sensor_parseSendTemperatureEvent(temperature) } catch(Exception e) { } break case '6A02': Integer humidity = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(data.takeRight(2).join('')) * 100 logging("Raw Humidity: ${humidity}", 1) zigbee_sensor_parseSendHumidityEvent(humidity, 1.1) break case '6504': Integer type = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(data[-1]) logging("Power type: ${type}", 100) logging("Tuya Power Status: ${msgMap['data']}", 100) sendEvent(name:"powerSource", value: type == 0 || type == 1 ? 'battery' : 'dc', isStateChange: false) break case '6B02': break case '6C02': break case '6D02': break case '6E02': break case '7001': if(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(data[-1]) != 1) { logging("The device was not set to using Celsius internally! Fixing that now...", 100) sendTuyaCommand(0x00, "7001000101") } else { logging("Device reported that it is using Celsius internally. This is how it should be even when using Fahrenheit in HE!", 100) } break case '7101': logging("7101 Tuya Status: ${msgMap['data']}", 100) break case '7201': logging("7201 Tuya Status: ${msgMap['data']}", 100) break case '7304': logging("7304 Tuya Status: ${msgMap['data']}", 100) break default: logging("UNKNOWN Tuya Status: ${msgMap['data']}", 100) logging("UNKNOWN Tuya Command Type: $commandType", 100) } break case '0B': if(msgMap['data'] != ['00', '00']) { logging("Tuya 0B: ${msgMap} ", 100) } break default: logging("Tuya Unknown Command: ${msgMap}", 100) } } /** * --------- WRITE ATTRIBUTE METHODS --------- */ void on() { logging("on()", 1) sendTuyaCommand(0x00, "6801000101") } void off() { logging("off()", 1) sendTuyaCommand(0x00, "6801000100") } void siren() { on() } void strobe() { on() } void both() { on() } void setAlarmType(BigDecimal type) { type = type > 180 ? 180 : type < 1 ? 1 : type logging("setAlarmType(type=$type)", 100) sendTuyaCommand(0x00, "66040001${HexUtils.integerToHexString(type.intValue()-1,1)}") } void setAlarmVolume(String volume) { switch(volume) { case "high": sendTuyaCommand(0x00, "7404000100") break case "medium": sendTuyaCommand(0x00, "7404000101") break default: sendTuyaCommand(0x00, "7404000102") break } } void setAlarmLength(BigDecimal length) { length = length > 255 ? 255 : length < 0 ? 0 : length logging("setAlarmLength(length=$length)", 100) sendTuyaCommand(0x00, "670200040000${HexUtils.integerToHexString(length.intValue(),2)}") } void sendTuyaCommand(Integer command, String payload) { Random rnd = new Random() def String fullPayload = "00${HexUtils.integerToHexString(rnd.nextInt(255),1)}" + payload sendZigbeeCommands(zigbeeCommand(0x01, 0xEF00, command, 101, fullPayload)) logging("Payload sent: $fullPayload", 100) } def ArrayList getTuyaCommand(Integer command, String payload) { Random rnd = new Random() String fullPayload = "00${HexUtils.integerToHexString(rnd.nextInt(255),1)}" + payload return zigbeeCommand(0x01, 0xEF00, command, 101, fullPayload) } /** * --------- READ ATTRIBUTE METHODS --------- */ /** * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Everything below here are LIBRARY includes and should NOT be edited manually! * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * --- Nothings to edit here, move along! -------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // BEGIN:getDefaultFunctions() private String getDriverVersion() { comment = "Works with the Tuya Alarm." if(comment != "") state.comment = comment String version = "v1.0.1.1123" logging("getDriverVersion() = ${version}", 100) sendEvent(name: "driver", value: version) updateDataValue('driver', version) return version } // END: getDefaultFunctions() // BEGIN:getLoggingFunction() private boolean logging(message, level) { boolean didLogging = false Integer logLevelLocal = 0 if (infoLogging == null || infoLogging == true) { logLevelLocal = 100 } if (debugLogging == true) { logLevelLocal = 1 } if (logLevelLocal != 0){ switch (logLevelLocal) { case 1: if (level >= 1 && level < 99) { log.debug "$message" didLogging = true } else if (level == 100) { log.info "$message" didLogging = true } break case 100: if (level == 100 ) { log.info "$message" didLogging = true } break } } return didLogging } // END: getLoggingFunction() // BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('zigbee-generic') private getCLUSTER_BASIC() { 0x0000 } private getCLUSTER_POWER() { 0x0001 } private getCLUSTER_WINDOW_COVERING() { 0x0102 } private getCLUSTER_WINDOW_POSITION() { 0x000d } private getCLUSTER_ON_OFF() { 0x0006 } private getBASIC_ATTR_POWER_SOURCE() { 0x0007 } private getPOWER_ATTR_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_REMAINING() { 0x0021 } private getPOSITION_ATTR_VALUE() { 0x0055 } private getCOMMAND_OPEN() { 0x00 } private getCOMMAND_CLOSE() { 0x01 } private getCOMMAND_PAUSE() { 0x02 } private getENCODING_SIZE() { 0x39 } void updateNeededSettings() { } void refreshEvents() { } ArrayList zigbeeCommand(Integer cluster, Integer command, Map additionalParams, int delay = 201, String... payload) { ArrayList cmd = zigbee.command(cluster, command, additionalParams, delay, payload) cmd[0] = cmd[0].replace('0xnull', '0x01') return cmd } def ArrayList zigbeeCommand(Integer cluster, Integer command, int delay = 202, String... payload) { def ArrayList cmd = zigbee.command(cluster, command, [:], delay, payload) cmd[0] = cmd[0].replace('0xnull', '0x01') return cmd } ArrayList zigbeeCommand(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer command, int delay = 203, String... payload) { zigbeeCommand(endpoint, cluster, command, [:], delay, payload) } ArrayList zigbeeCommand(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer command, Map additionalParams, int delay = 204, String... payload) { String mfgCode = "" if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) { mfgCode = " {${HexUtils.integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2)}}" } String finalPayload = payload != null && payload != [] ? payload[0] : "" String cmdArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(endpoint, 1)} 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " + "0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(command, 1)} " + "{$finalPayload}" + "$mfgCode" ArrayList cmd = ["he cmd $cmdArgs", "delay $delay"] return cmd } ArrayList zigbeeWriteAttribute(Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, Integer value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 199) { ArrayList cmd = zigbee.writeAttribute(cluster, attributeId, dataType, value, additionalParams, delay) cmd[0] = cmd[0].replace('0xnull', '0x01') return cmd } ArrayList zigbeeWriteAttribute(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, Integer value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 198) { logging("zigbeeWriteAttribute()", 1) String mfgCode = "" if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) { mfgCode = " {${HexUtils.integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2)}}" } String wattrArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} $endpoint 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " + "0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(attributeId, 2)} " + "0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(dataType, 1)} " + "{${HexUtils.integerToHexString(value, 1)}}" + "$mfgCode" ArrayList cmd = ["he wattr $wattrArgs", "delay $delay"] logging("zigbeeWriteAttribute cmd=$cmd", 1) return cmd } ArrayList zigbeeReadAttribute(Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 205) { ArrayList cmd = zigbee.readAttribute(cluster, attributeId, additionalParams, delay) cmd[0] = cmd[0].replace('0xnull', '0x01') return cmd } ArrayList zigbeeReadAttribute(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, int delay = 206) { ArrayList cmd = ["he rattr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} ${endpoint} 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(attributeId, 2)} {}", "delay $delay"] return cmd } ArrayList zigbeeWriteLongAttribute(Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, Long value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 207) { return zigbeeWriteLongAttribute(1, cluster, attributeId, dataType, value, additionalParams, delay) } ArrayList zigbeeWriteLongAttribute(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, Long value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 208) { logging("zigbeeWriteLongAttribute()", 1) String mfgCode = "" if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) { mfgCode = " {${HexUtils.integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2)}}" } String wattrArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} $endpoint 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " + "0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(attributeId, 2)} " + "0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(dataType, 1)} " + "{${Long.toHexString(value)}}" + "$mfgCode" ArrayList cmd = ["he wattr $wattrArgs", "delay $delay"] logging("zigbeeWriteLongAttribute cmd=$cmd", 1) return cmd } void sendZigbeeCommand(String cmd) { logging("sendZigbeeCommand(cmd=$cmd)", 1) sendZigbeeCommands([cmd]) } void sendZigbeeCommands(ArrayList cmd) { logging("sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=$cmd)", 1) hubitat.device.HubMultiAction allActions = new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction() cmd.each { allActions.add(new hubitat.device.HubAction(it, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) } sendHubCommand(allActions) } String setCleanModelName(String newModelToSet=null, List acceptedModels=null) { String model = newModelToSet != null ? newModelToSet : getDeviceDataByName('model') model = model == null ? "null" : model String newModel = model.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9.\\-_ ]", "") boolean found = false if(acceptedModels != null) { acceptedModels.each { if(found == false && newModel.startsWith(it) == true) { newModel = it found = true } } } logging("dirty model = $model, clean model=$newModel", 1) updateDataValue('model', newModel) return newModel } void resetBatteryReplacedDate(boolean forced=true) { if(forced == true || device.currentValue('batteryLastReplaced') == null) { sendEvent(name: "batteryLastReplaced", value: new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) } } void parseAndSendBatteryStatus(BigDecimal vCurrent) { BigDecimal vMin = vMinSetting == null ? 2.5 : vMinSetting BigDecimal vMax = vMaxSetting == null ? 3.0 : vMaxSetting BigDecimal bat = 0 if(vMax - vMin > 0) { bat = ((vCurrent - vMin) / (vMax - vMin)) * 100.0 if (batt == -999) bat = 100 } else { bat = 100 } bat = bat.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) bat = bat > 100 ? 100 : bat vCurrent = vCurrent.setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) logging("Battery event: $bat% (V = $vCurrent)", 1) sendEvent(name:"battery", value: bat, unit: "%", isStateChange: false) } Map unpackStructInMap(Map msgMap, String originalEncoding="4C") { msgMap['encoding'] = originalEncoding List values = msgMap['value'].split("(?<=\\G..)") logging("unpackStructInMap() values=$values", 1) Integer numElements = Integer.parseInt(values.take(2).reverse().join(), 16) values = values.drop(2) List r = [] Integer cType = null List ret = null while(values != []) { cType = Integer.parseInt(values.take(1)[0], 16) values = values.drop(1) ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValueToList(values, cType) r += ret[0] values = ret[1] } if(r.size() != numElements) throw new Exception("The STRUCT specifies $numElements elements, found ${r.size()}!") msgMap['value'] = r return msgMap } Map parseXiaomiStruct(String xiaomiStruct, boolean isFCC0=false, boolean hasLength=false) { Map tags = [ '01': 'battery', '03': 'deviceTemperature', '04': 'unknown1', '05': 'RSSI_dB', '06': 'LQI', '07': 'unknown2', '08': 'unknown3', '09': 'unknown4', '0A': 'routerid', '0B': 'unknown5', '0C': 'unknown6', '6429': 'temperature', '6410': 'openClose', '6420': 'curtainPosition', '6521': 'humidity', '6510': 'switch2', '66': 'pressure', '6E': 'unknown10', '6F': 'unknown11', '95': 'consumption', '96': 'voltage', '98': 'power', '9721': 'gestureCounter1', '9739': 'consumption', '9821': 'gestureCounter2', '9839': 'power', '99': 'gestureCounter3', '9A21': 'gestureCounter4', '9A20': 'unknown7', '9A25': 'accelerometerXYZ', '9B': 'unknown9', ] if(isFCC0 == true) { tags['05'] = 'numBoots' tags['6410'] = 'onOff' tags['95'] = 'current' } List values = xiaomiStruct.split("(?<=\\G..)") if(hasLength == true) values = values.drop(1) Map r = [:] r["raw"] = [:] String cTag = null String cTypeStr = null Integer cType = null String cKey = null List ret = null while(values != []) { cTag = values.take(1)[0] values = values.drop(1) cTypeStr = values.take(1)[0] cType = Integer.parseInt(cTypeStr, 16) values = values.drop(1) if(tags.containsKey(cTag+cTypeStr)) { cKey = tags[cTag+cTypeStr] } else if(tags.containsKey(cTag)) { cKey = tags[cTag] } else { cKey = "unknown${cTag}${cTypeStr}" log.warn("PLEASE REPORT TO DEV - The Xiaomi Struct used an unrecognized tag: 0x$cTag (type: 0x$cTypeStr) (struct: $xiaomiStruct)") } ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(r, values, cType, cKey, cTag) r = ret[0] values = ret[1] } return r } Map parseAttributeStruct(List data, boolean hasLength=false) { Map tags = [ '0000': 'ZCLVersion', '0001': 'applicationVersion', '0002': 'stackVersion', '0003': 'HWVersion', '0004': 'manufacturerName', '0005': 'dateCode', '0006': 'modelIdentifier', '0007': 'powerSource', '0010': 'locationDescription', '0011': 'physicalEnvironment', '0012': 'deviceEnabled', '0013': 'alarmMask', '0014': 'disableLocalConfig', '4000': 'SWBuildID', ] List values = data if(hasLength == true) values = values.drop(1) Map r = [:] r["raw"] = [:] String cTag = null String cTypeStr = null Integer cType = null String cKey = null List ret = null while(values != []) { cTag = values.take(2).reverse().join() values = values.drop(2) values = values.drop(1) cTypeStr = values.take(1)[0] cType = Integer.parseInt(cTypeStr, 16) values = values.drop(1) if(tags.containsKey(cTag+cTypeStr)) { cKey = tags[cTag+cTypeStr] } else if(tags.containsKey(cTag)) { cKey = tags[cTag] } else { throw new Exception("The Xiaomi Struct used an unrecognized tag: 0x$cTag (type: 0x$cTypeStr)") } ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(r, values, cType, cKey, cTag) r = ret[0] values = ret[1] } return r } def zigbee_generic_decodeZigbeeData(String value, String cTypeStr, boolean reverseBytes=true) { List values = value.split("(?<=\\G..)") values = reverseBytes == true ? values.reverse() : values Integer cType = Integer.parseInt(cTypeStr, 16) Map rMap = [:] rMap['raw'] = [:] List ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(rMap, values, cType, "NA", "NA") return ret[0]["NA"] } List zigbee_generic_convertStructValueToList(List values, Integer cType) { Map rMap = [:] rMap['raw'] = [:] List ret = zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(rMap, values, cType, "NA", "NA") return [ret[0]["NA"], ret[1]] } List zigbee_generic_convertStructValue(Map r, List values, Integer cType, String cKey, String cTag) { String cTypeStr = cType != null ? integerToHexString(cType, 1) : null switch(cType) { case 0x10: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(1)[0] r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16) != 0 values = values.drop(1) break case 0x18: case 0x20: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(1)[0] r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(1) break case 0x19: case 0x21: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(2).reverse().join() r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(2) break case 0x1A: case 0x22: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(3).reverse().join() r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(3) break case 0x1B: case 0x23: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(4).reverse().join() r[cKey] = Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(4) break case 0x1C: case 0x24: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(5).reverse().join() r[cKey] = Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(5) break case 0x1D: case 0x25: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(6).reverse().join() r[cKey] = Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(6) break case 0x1E: case 0x26: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(7).reverse().join() r[cKey] = Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(7) break case 0x1F: case 0x27: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(8).reverse().join() r[cKey] = new BigInteger(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(8) break case 0x28: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(1).reverse().join() r[cKey] = convertToSignedInt8(Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16)) values = values.drop(1) break case 0x29: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(2).reverse().join() r[cKey] = (Integer) (short) Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(2) break case 0x2B: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(4).reverse().join() r[cKey] = (Integer) Long.parseLong(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(4) break case 0x30: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(1)[0] r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(1) break case 0x31: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(2).reverse().join() r[cKey] = Integer.parseInt(r["raw"][cKey], 16) values = values.drop(2) break case 0x39: r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(4).reverse().join() r[cKey] = parseSingleHexToFloat(r["raw"][cKey]) values = values.drop(4) break case 0x42: Integer strLength = Integer.parseInt(values.take(1)[0], 16) values = values.drop(1) r["raw"][cKey] = values.take(strLength) r[cKey] = r["raw"][cKey].collect { (char)(int) Integer.parseInt(it, 16) }.join() values = values.drop(strLength) break default: throw new Exception("The Struct used an unrecognized type: $cTypeStr ($cType) for tag 0x$cTag with key $cKey (values: $values, map: $r)") } return [r, values] } ArrayList zigbeeWriteHexStringAttribute(Integer cluster, Integer attributeId, Integer dataType, String value, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 209) { logging("zigbeeWriteBigIntegerAttribute()", 1) String mfgCode = "" if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) { mfgCode = " {${integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2, reverse=true)}}" } String wattrArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " + "0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(attributeId, 2)} " + "0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(dataType, 1)} " + "{${value.split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join()}}" + "$mfgCode" ArrayList cmd = ["he wattr $wattrArgs", "delay $delay"] logging("zigbeeWriteBigIntegerAttribute cmd=$cmd", 1) return cmd } ArrayList zigbeeReadAttributeList(Integer cluster, List attributeIds, Map additionalParams = [:], int delay = 211) { logging("zigbeeReadAttributeList()", 1) String mfgCode = "0000" if(additionalParams.containsKey("mfgCode")) { mfgCode = "${integerToHexString(HexUtils.hexStringToInt(additionalParams.get("mfgCode")), 2, reverse=true)}" log.error "Manufacturer code support is NOT implemented!" } List attributeIdsString = [] attributeIds.each { attributeIdsString.add(integerToHexString(it, 2, reverse=true)) } logging("attributeIds=$attributeIds, attributeIdsString=$attributeIdsString", 100) String rattrArgs = "0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 0x01 0x${integerToHexString(cluster, 2)} " + "{000000${attributeIdsString.join()}}" ArrayList cmd = ["he raw $rattrArgs", "delay $delay"] logging("zigbeeWriteLongAttribute cmd=$cmd", 1) return cmd } Float parseSingleHexToFloat(String singleHex) { return Float.intBitsToFloat(Long.valueOf(singleHex, 16).intValue()) } Integer convertToSignedInt8(Integer signedByte) { Integer sign = signedByte & (1 << 7) return (signedByte & 0x7f) * (sign != 0 ? -1 : 1) } Integer parseIntReverseHex(String hexString) { return Integer.parseInt(hexString.split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join(), 16) } Long parseLongReverseHex(String hexString) { return Long.parseLong(hexString.split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join(), 16) } String integerToHexString(BigDecimal value, Integer minBytes, boolean reverse=false) { return integerToHexString(value.intValue(), minBytes, reverse=reverse) } String integerToHexString(Integer value, Integer minBytes, boolean reverse=false) { if(reverse == true) { return HexUtils.integerToHexString(value, minBytes).split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join() } else { return HexUtils.integerToHexString(value, minBytes) } } String bigIntegerToHexString(BigInteger value, Integer minBytes, boolean reverse=false) { if(reverse == true) { return value.toString(16).reverse().join() } else { return String.format("%0${minBytes*2}x", value) } } BigInteger hexStringToBigInteger(String hexString, boolean reverse=false) { if(reverse == true) { return new BigInteger(hexString.split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join(), 16) } else { return new BigInteger(hexString, 16) } } Integer miredToKelvin(Integer mired) { Integer t = mired if(t < 153) t = 153 if(t > 500) t = 500 t = Math.round(1000000/t) if(t > 6536) t = 6536 if(t < 2000) t = 2000 return t } Integer kelvinToMired(Integer kelvin) { Integer t = kelvin if(t > 6536) t = 6536 if(t < 2000) t = 2000 t = Math.round(1000000/t) if(t < 153) t = 153 if(t > 500) t = 500 return t } Integer getMaximumMinutesBetweenEvents(BigDecimal forcedMinutes=null) { Integer mbe = null if(forcedMinutes == null && (state.forcedMinutes == null || state.forcedMinutes == 0)) { mbe = MINUTES_BETWEEN_EVENTS == null ? 90 : MINUTES_BETWEEN_EVENTS } else { mbe = forcedMinutes != null ? forcedMinutes.intValue() : state.forcedMinutes.intValue() } return mbe } void reconnectEvent(BigDecimal forcedMinutes=null) { recoveryEvent(forcedMinutes) } void disableRecoveryDueToBug() { log.warn("Stopping Recovery feature due to Platform bug! Disabling the feature in Preferences. To use it again when the platform is stable, Enable it in Device Preferences.") unschedule('recoveryEvent') unschedule('reconnectEvent') device.updateSetting('recoveryMode', 'Disabled') } void recoveryEvent(BigDecimal forcedMinutes=null) { try { recoveryEventDeviceSpecific() } catch(Exception e) { logging("recoveryEvent()", 1) sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0004)) } try { checkPresence(displayWarnings=false) Integer mbe = getMaximumMinutesBetweenEvents(forcedMinutes=forcedMinutes) if(hasCorrectCheckinEvents(maximumMinutesBetweenEvents=mbe, displayWarnings=false) == true) { if(presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true) log.warn("Event interval normal, recovery mode DEACTIVATED!") unschedule('recoveryEvent') unschedule('reconnectEvent') } } catch(Exception e) { disableRecoveryDueToBug() } } void scheduleRecoveryEvent(BigDecimal forcedMinutes=null) { Random rnd = new Random() switch(recoveryMode) { case "Suicidal": schedule("${rnd.nextInt(15)}/15 * * * * ? *", 'recoveryEvent') break case "Insane": schedule("${rnd.nextInt(30)}/30 * * * * ? *", 'recoveryEvent') break case "Slow": schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(3)}/3 * * * ? *", 'recoveryEvent') break case null: case "Normal": default: schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(2)}/2 * * * ? *", 'recoveryEvent') break } recoveryEvent(forcedMinutes=forcedMinutes) } void checkEventInterval(boolean displayWarnings=true) { logging("recoveryMode: $recoveryMode", 1) if(recoveryMode == "Disabled") { unschedule('checkEventInterval') } else { prepareCounters() Integer mbe = getMaximumMinutesBetweenEvents() try { if(hasCorrectCheckinEvents(maximumMinutesBetweenEvents=mbe) == false) { recoveryMode = recoveryMode == null ? "Normal" : recoveryMode if(displayWarnings == true && (presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true)) log.warn("Event interval INCORRECT, recovery mode ($recoveryMode) ACTIVE! If this is shown every hour for the same device and doesn't go away after three times, the device has probably fallen off and require a quick press of the reset button or possibly even re-pairing. It MAY also return within 24 hours, so patience MIGHT pay off.") scheduleRecoveryEvent() } } catch(Exception e) { disableRecoveryDueToBug() } sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0004)) } } void startCheckEventInterval() { logging("startCheckEventInterval()", 1) if(recoveryMode != "Disabled") { logging("Recovery feature ENABLED", 100) Random rnd = new Random() schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(59)}/59 * * * ? *", 'checkEventInterval') checkEventInterval(displayWarnings=true) } else { logging("Recovery feature DISABLED", 100) unschedule('checkEventInterval') unschedule('recoveryEvent') unschedule('reconnectEvent') } } void forceRecoveryMode(BigDecimal minutes) { minutes = minutes == null || minutes < 0 ? 0 : minutes Integer minutesI = minutes.intValue() logging("forceRecoveryMode(minutes=$minutesI) ", 1) if(minutesI == 0) { disableForcedRecoveryMode() } else if(hasCorrectCheckinEvents(maximumMinutesBetweenEvents=minutesI) == false) { recoveryMode = recoveryMode == null ? "Normal" : recoveryMode if(presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true) log.warn("Forced recovery mode ($recoveryMode) ACTIVATED!") state.forcedMinutes = minutes runIn(minutesI * 60, 'disableForcedRecoveryMode') scheduleRecoveryEvent(forcedMinutes=minutes) } else { log.warn("Forced recovery mode NOT activated since we already have a checkin event during the last $minutesI minute(s)!") } } void disableForcedRecoveryMode() { state.forcedMinutes = 0 unschedule('recoveryEvent') unschedule('reconnectEvent') if(presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true) log.warn("Forced recovery mode DEACTIVATED!") } void updateManufacturer(String manfacturer) { if(getDataValue("manufacturer") == null) { updateDataValue("manufacturer", manfacturer) } } void updateApplicationId(String application) { if(getDataValue("application") == null) { updateDataValue("application", application) } } Integer retrieveEndpointId() { String endpointIdRaw = getDataValue("endpointId") BigDecimal endpointId = endpointIdRaw == null ? 1 : hexStringToBigInteger(endpointIdRaw) return endpointId.intValue() } Map parseSimpleDescriptorData(List data) { Map d = [:] if(data[1] == "00") { d["nwkAddrOfInterest"] = data[2..3].reverse().join() Integer ll = Integer.parseInt(data[4], 16) d["endpointId"] = data[5] d["profileId"] = data[6..7].reverse().join() d["applicationDevice"] = data[8..9].reverse().join() d["applicationVersion"] = data[10] Integer icn = Integer.parseInt(data[11], 16) Integer pos = 12 Integer cPos = null d["inClusters"] = "" if(icn > 0) { (1..icn).each() {b-> cPos = pos+((b-1)*2) d["inClusters"] += data[cPos..cPos+1].reverse().join() if(b < icn) { d["inClusters"] += "," } } } pos += icn*2 Integer ocn = Integer.parseInt(data[pos], 16) pos += 1 d["outClusters"] = "" if(ocn > 0) { (1..ocn).each() {b-> cPos = pos+((b-1)*2) d["outClusters"] += data[cPos..cPos+1].reverse().join() if(b < ocn) { d["outClusters"] += "," } } } logging("d=$d, ll=$ll, icn=$icn, ocn=$ocn", 1) } else { log.warn("Incorrect Simple Descriptor Data received: $data") } return d } void updateDataFromSimpleDescriptorData(List data) { Map sdi = parseSimpleDescriptorData(data) if(sdi != [:]) { updateDataValue("endpointId", sdi['endpointId']) updateDataValue("profileId", sdi['profileId']) updateDataValue("inClusters", sdi['inClusters']) updateDataValue("outClusters", sdi['outClusters']) getInfo(true, sdi) } else { log.warn("No VALID Simple Descriptor Data received!") } sdi = null } void getInfo(boolean ignoreMissing=false, Map sdi = [:]) { log.debug("Getting info for Zigbee device...") String endpointId = device.getEndpointId() endpointId = endpointId == null ? getDataValue("endpointId") : endpointId String profileId = getDataValue("profileId") String inClusters = getDataValue("inClusters") String outClusters = getDataValue("outClusters") String model = getDataValue("model") String manufacturer = getDataValue("manufacturer") String application = getDataValue("application") if(sdi != [:]) { endpointId = endpointId == null ? sdi['endpointId'] : endpointId profileId = profileId == null ? sdi['profileId'] : profileId inClusters = inClusters == null ? sdi['inClusters'] : inClusters outClusters = outClusters == null ? sdi['outClusters'] : outClusters sdi = null } String extraFingerPrint = "" boolean missing = false String requestingFromDevice = ", requesting it from the device. If it is a sleepy device you may have to wake it up and run this command again. Run this command again to get the new fingerprint." if(ignoreMissing==true) { requestingFromDevice = ". Try again." } if(manufacturer == null) { missing = true log.warn("Manufacturer name is missing for the fingerprint$requestingFromDevice") if(ignoreMissing==false) sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0004)) } log.trace("Manufacturer: $manufacturer") if(model == null) { missing = true log.warn("Model name is missing for the fingerprint$requestingFromDevice") if(ignoreMissing==false) sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0005)) } log.trace("Model: $model") if(application == null) { log.info("NOT IMPORTANT: Application ID is missing for the fingerprint$requestingFromDevice") if(ignoreMissing==false) sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(CLUSTER_BASIC, 0x0001)) } else { extraFingerPrint += ", application:\"$application\"" } log.trace("Application: $application") if(profileId == null || endpointId == null || inClusters == null || outClusters == null) { missing = true String endpointIdTemp = endpointId == null ? "01" : endpointId log.warn("One or multiple pieces of data needed for the fingerprint is missing$requestingFromDevice") if(ignoreMissing==false) sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x0004 {00 ${zigbee.swapOctets(device.deviceNetworkId)} $endpointIdTemp} {0x0000}"]) } profileId = profileId == null ? "0104" : profileId if(missing == true) { log.info("INCOMPLETE - DO NOT SUBMIT THIS - TRY AGAIN: fingerprint model:\"$model\", manufacturer:\"$manufacturer\", profileId:\"$profileId\", endpointId:\"$endpointId\", inClusters:\"$inClusters\", outClusters:\"$outClusters\"" + extraFingerPrint) } else { log.info("COPY AND PASTE THIS ROW TO THE DEVELOPER: fingerprint model:\"$model\", manufacturer:\"$manufacturer\", profileId:\"$profileId\", endpointId:\"$endpointId\", inClusters:\"$inClusters\", outClusters:\"$outClusters\"" + extraFingerPrint) } } // END: getHelperFunctions('zigbee-generic') // BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('zigbee-sensor') void zigbee_sensor_parseSendTemperatureEvent(Integer rawValue, BigDecimal variance = 0.2, Integer minAllowed=-50, Integer maxAllowed=100) { List adjustedTemp = sensor_data_getAdjustedTempAlternative(rawValue / 100.0 ) String tempUnit = adjustedTemp[0] BigDecimal t = adjustedTemp[1] BigDecimal tRaw = adjustedTemp[2] if(tRaw >= -50 && tRaw < 100) { BigDecimal oldT = device.currentValue('temperature') == null ? null : device.currentValue('temperature') if(oldT != null) oldT = oldT.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) BigDecimal tChange = null if(oldT == null) { logging("Temperature: $t $tempUnit", 1) } else { tChange = Math.abs(t - oldT) tChange = tChange.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) logging("Temperature: $t $tempUnit (old temp: $oldT, change: $tChange)", 1) } if(oldT == null || tChange > variance) { logging("Sending temperature event (Temperature: $t $tempUnit, old temp: $oldT, change: $tChange)", 100) sendEvent(name:"temperature", value: t, unit: "$tempUnit", isStateChange: true) if(reportAbsoluteHumidity == true) { sendAbsoluteHumidityEvent(currentTemperatureInCelsiusAlternative(t), device.currentValue('humidity')); } } else { logging("SKIPPING temperature event since the change wasn't large enough (Temperature: $t $tempUnit, old temp: $oldT, change: $tChange)", 1) } } else { log.warn "Incorrect temperature received from the sensor ($tRaw), it is probably time to change batteries!" } } void zigbee_sensor_parseSendPressureEvent(Map msgMap) { Integer rawValue = msgMap['valueParsed'] BigDecimal variance = 0.1 if(msgMap["attrId"] == "0020") { rawValue = rawValue / 1000.0 } BigDecimal p = sensor_data_convertPressure(rawValue) BigDecimal oldP = device.currentValue('pressure') == null ? null : device.currentValue('pressure') if(oldP != null) oldP = oldP.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) BigDecimal pChange = null if(oldP == null) { logging("Pressure: $p", 1) } else { pChange = Math.abs(p - oldP) pChange = pChange.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) logging("Pressure: $p (old pressure: $oldP, change: $pChange)", 1) } String pUnit = pressureUnitConversion == null ? "kPa" : pressureUnitConversion if(oldP == null || pChange > variance) { logging("Sending pressure event (Pressure: $p, old pressure: $oldP, change: $pChange)", 100) sendEvent(name:"pressure", value: p, unit: "$pUnit", isStateChange: true) } else { logging("SKIPPING pressure event since the change wasn't large enough (Pressure: $p, old pressure: $oldP, change: $pChange)", 1) } } void zigbee_sensor_parseSendHumidityEvent(Integer rawValue, BigDecimal variance = 0.02) { BigDecimal h = sensor_data_getAdjustedHumidity(rawValue / 100.0) BigDecimal oldH = device.currentValue('humidity') if(oldH != null) oldH = oldH.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) BigDecimal hChange = null if(h <= 100) { if(oldH == null) { logging("Humidity: $h %", 1) } else { hChange = Math.abs(h - oldH) hChange = hChange.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) logging("Humidity: $h% (old humidity: $oldH%, change: $hChange%)", 1) } if(oldH == null || hChange > variance) { logging("Sending humidity event (Humidity: $h%, old humidity: $oldH%, change: $hChange%)", 100) sendEvent(name:"humidity", value: h, unit: "%", isStateChange: true) if(reportAbsoluteHumidity == true) { sendAbsoluteHumidityEvent(currentTemperatureInCelsiusAlternative(), h) } } else { logging("SKIPPING humidity event since the change wasn't large enough (Humidity: $h%, old humidity: $oldH%, change: $hChange%)", 1) } } } // END: getHelperFunctions('zigbee-sensor') // BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('sensor-data') private sensor_data_getAdjustedTemp(BigDecimal value, boolean returnUnit=false) { Integer res = 1 String degree = String.valueOf((char)(176)) String tempUnit = "${degree}C" if(tempRes != null && tempRes != '') { res = Integer.parseInt(tempRes) } if (tempUnitConversion == "2") { value = celsiusToFahrenheit(value) tempUnit = "${degree}F" } else if (tempUnitConversion == "3") { value = fahrenheitToCelsius(value) } BigDecimal r = null if (tempOffset != null) { r = (value + new BigDecimal(tempOffset)).setScale(res, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } else { r = value.setScale(res, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } if(returnUnit == false) { return r } else { return [tempUnit, r] } } private List sensor_data_getAdjustedTempAlternative(BigDecimal value) { Integer res = 1 BigDecimal rawValue = value if(tempRes != null && tempRes != '') { res = Integer.parseInt(tempRes) } String degree = String.valueOf((char)(176)) String tempUnit = "${degree}C" String currentTempUnitDisplayed = tempUnitDisplayed if(currentTempUnitDisplayed == null || currentTempUnitDisplayed == "0") { if(location.temperatureScale == "C") { currentTempUnitDisplayed = "1" } else { currentTempUnitDisplayed = "2" } } if (currentTempUnitDisplayed == "2") { value = celsiusToFahrenheit(value) tempUnit = "${degree}F" } else if (currentTempUnitDisplayed == "3") { value = value + 273.15 tempUnit = "${degree}K" } if (tempOffset != null) { return [tempUnit, (value + new BigDecimal(tempOffset)).setScale(res, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP), rawValue] } else { return [tempUnit, value.setScale(res, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP), rawValue] } } private BigDecimal currentTemperatureInCelsiusAlternative(BigDecimal providedCurrentTemp = null) { String currentTempUnitDisplayed = tempUnitDisplayed BigDecimal currentTemp = providedCurrentTemp != null ? providedCurrentTemp : device.currentValue('temperature') if(currentTempUnitDisplayed == null || currentTempUnitDisplayed == "0") { if(location.temperatureScale == "C") { currentTempUnitDisplayed = "1" } else { currentTempUnitDisplayed = "2" } } if (currentTempUnitDisplayed == "2") { currentTemp = fahrenheitToCelsius(currentTemp) } else if (currentTempUnitDisplayed == "3") { currentTemp = currentTemp - 273.15 } return currentTemp } void sendAbsoluteHumidityEvent(BigDecimal deviceTempInCelsius, BigDecimal relativeHumidity) { if(relativeHumidity != null && deviceTempInCelsius != null) { BigDecimal numerator = (6.112 * Math.exp((17.67 * deviceTempInCelsius) / (deviceTempInCelsius + 243.5)) * relativeHumidity * 2.1674) BigDecimal denominator = deviceTempInCelsius + 273.15 BigDecimal absHumidity = numerator / denominator String cubeChar = String.valueOf((char)(179)) absHumidity = absHumidity.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) logging("Sending Absolute Humidity event (Absolute Humidity: ${absHumidity}g/m${cubeChar})", 100) sendEvent( name: "absoluteHumidity", value: absHumidity, unit: "g/m${cubeChar}", descriptionText: "Absolute Humidity Is ${absHumidity} g/m${cubeChar}" ) } } private BigDecimal sensor_data_getAdjustedHumidity(BigDecimal value) { Integer res = 1 if(humidityRes != null && humidityRes != '') { res = Integer.parseInt(humidityRes) } if (humidityOffset) { return (value + new BigDecimal(humidityOffset)).setScale(res, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } else { return value.setScale(res, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } } private BigDecimal sensor_data_getAdjustedPressure(BigDecimal value, Integer decimals=2) { Integer res = decimals if(pressureRes != null && pressureRes != '' && pressureRes != 'default') { res = Integer.parseInt(pressureRes) } if (pressureOffset) { return (value + new BigDecimal(pressureOffset)).setScale(res, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } else { return value.setScale(res, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } } private BigDecimal sensor_data_convertPressure(BigDecimal pressureInkPa) { BigDecimal pressure = pressureInkPa switch(pressureUnitConversion) { case null: case "kPa": pressure = sensor_data_getAdjustedPressure(pressure / 10) break case "inHg": pressure = sensor_data_getAdjustedPressure(pressure * 0.0295299) break case "mmHg": pressure = sensor_data_getAdjustedPressure(pressure * 0.75006157) break case "atm": pressure = sensor_data_getAdjustedPressure(pressure / 1013.25, 5) break default: pressure = sensor_data_getAdjustedPressure(pressure, 1) break } return pressure } // END: getHelperFunctions('sensor-data') // BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('all-default') boolean isDriver() { try { getDeviceDataByName('_unimportant') logging("This IS a driver!", 1) return true } catch (MissingMethodException e) { logging("This is NOT a driver!", 1) return false } } void deviceCommand(String cmd) { def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper() def cmds = jsonSlurper.parseText(cmd) r = this."${cmds['cmd']}"(*cmds['args']) updateDataValue('appReturn', JsonOutput.toJson(r)) } void setLogsOffTask(boolean noLogWarning=false) { if (debugLogging == true) { if(noLogWarning==false) { if(runReset != "DEBUG") { log.warn "Debug logging will be disabled in 30 minutes..." } else { log.warn "Debug logging will NOT BE AUTOMATICALLY DISABLED!" } } runIn(1800, "logsOff") } } void toggle() { if(device.currentValue('switch') == 'on') { off() } else { on() } } void logsOff() { if(runReset != "DEBUG") { log.warn "Debug logging disabled... " if(isDriver()) { device.clearSetting("logLevel") device.removeSetting("logLevel") device.updateSetting("logLevel", "0") state?.settings?.remove("logLevel") device.clearSetting("debugLogging") device.removeSetting("debugLogging") device.updateSetting("debugLogging", "false") state?.settings?.remove("debugLogging") } else { app.removeSetting("logLevel") app.updateSetting("logLevel", "0") app.removeSetting("debugLogging") app.updateSetting("debugLogging", "false") } } else { log.warn "OVERRIDE: Disabling Debug logging will not execute with 'DEBUG' set..." if (logLevel != "0" && logLevel != "100") runIn(1800, "logsOff") } } boolean isDeveloperHub() { return generateMD5(location.hub.zigbeeId as String) == "125fceabd0413141e34bb859cd15e067_disabled" } def getEnvironmentObject() { if(isDriver()) { return device } else { return app } } private def getFilteredDeviceDriverName() { def deviceDriverName = getDeviceInfoByName('name') if(deviceDriverName.toLowerCase().endsWith(' (parent)')) { deviceDriverName = deviceDriverName.substring(0, deviceDriverName.length()-9) } return deviceDriverName } private def getFilteredDeviceDisplayName() { def deviceDisplayName = device.displayName.replace(' (parent)', '').replace(' (Parent)', '') return deviceDisplayName } BigDecimal round2(BigDecimal number, Integer scale) { Integer pow = 10; for (Integer i = 1; i < scale; i++) pow *= 10; BigDecimal tmp = number * pow; return ( (Float) ( (Integer) ((tmp - (Integer) tmp) >= 0.5f ? tmp + 1 : tmp) ) ) / pow; } String generateMD5(String s) { if(s != null) { return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(s.bytes).encodeHex().toString() } else { return "null" } } Integer extractInt(String input) { return input.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "").toInteger() } String hexToASCII(String hexValue) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder("") for (int i = 0; i < hexValue.length(); i += 2) { String str = hexValue.substring(i, i + 2) output.append((char) Integer.parseInt(str, 16) + 30) logging("${Integer.parseInt(str, 16)}", 10) } return output.toString() } // END: getHelperFunctions('all-default') // BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('styling') String styling_addTitleDiv(title) { return '
' + title + '
' } String styling_addDescriptionDiv(description) { return '
' + description + '
' } String styling_makeTextBold(s) { if(isDriver()) { return "$s" } else { return "$s" } } String styling_makeTextItalic(s) { if(isDriver()) { return "$s" } else { return "$s" } } String styling_getDefaultCSS(boolean includeTags=true) { String defaultCSS = ''' /* This is part of the CSS for replacing a Command Title */ div.mdl-card__title div.mdl-grid div.mdl-grid .mdl-cell p::after { visibility: visible; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 0%); width: calc(100% - 20px); padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; margin-top: 0px; } /* This is general CSS Styling for the Driver page */ h3, h4, .property-label { font-weight: bold; } .preference-title { font-weight: bold; } .preference-description { font-style: italic; } ''' if(includeTags == true) { return "" } else { return defaultCSS } } String styling_getLogo() { String logoCSS = ''' #ohla_logo { display: block; width: 200px; height: 50px; position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px; } @media screen and (max-device-width:450px), screen and (max-width:450px) { #ohla_logo { width: 120px; top: 55px; } } ''' return "" } // END: getHelperFunctions('styling') // BEGIN:getHelperFunctions('driver-default') String getDEGREE() { return String.valueOf((char)(176)) } void refresh(String cmd) { deviceCommand(cmd) } def installedDefault() { logging("installedDefault()", 100) try { tasmota_installedPreConfigure() } catch (MissingMethodException e) { } try { installedAdditional() } catch (MissingMethodException e) { } } def configureDefault() { logging("configureDefault()", 100) try { return configureAdditional() } catch (MissingMethodException e) { } try { getDriverVersion() } catch (MissingMethodException e) { } } void configureDelayed() { runIn(10, "configure") runIn(30, "refresh") } void configurePresence() { prepareCounters() if(presenceEnable == null || presenceEnable == true) { Random rnd = new Random() schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(59)} 1/3 * * ? *", 'checkPresence') checkPresence(false) } else { sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "not present", descriptionText: "Presence Checking Disabled" ) unschedule('checkPresence') } } void stopSchedules() { unschedule() log.info("Stopped ALL Device Schedules!") } void prepareCounters() { if(device.currentValue('restoredCounter') == null) sendEvent(name: "restoredCounter", value: 0, descriptionText: "Initialized to 0" ) if(device.currentValue('notPresentCounter') == null) sendEvent(name: "notPresentCounter", value: 0, descriptionText: "Initialized to 0" ) if(device.currentValue('presence') == null) sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "Initialized as Unknown" ) } boolean isValidDate(String dateFormat, String dateString) { try { Date.parse(dateFormat, dateString) } catch (e) { return false } return true } Integer retrieveMinimumMinutesToRepeat(Integer minimumMinutesToRepeat=55) { Integer mmr = null if(state.forcedMinutes == null || state.forcedMinutes == 0) { mmr = minimumMinutesToRepeat } else { mmr = state.forcedMinutes - 1 < 1 ? 1 : state.forcedMinutes.intValue() - 1 } return mmr } boolean sendlastCheckinEvent(Integer minimumMinutesToRepeat=55) { boolean r = false Integer mmr = retrieveMinimumMinutesToRepeat(minimumMinutesToRepeat=minimumMinutesToRepeat) if (lastCheckinEnable == true || lastCheckinEnable == null) { String lastCheckinVal = device.currentValue('lastCheckin') if(lastCheckinVal == null || isValidDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal) == false || now() >= Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal).getTime() + (mmr * 60 * 1000)) { r = true sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) logging("Updated lastCheckin", 1) } else { } } if (lastCheckinEpochEnable == true) { if(device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch') == null || now() >= device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch').toLong() + (mmr * 60 * 1000)) { r = true sendEvent(name: "lastCheckinEpoch", value: now()) logging("Updated lastCheckinEpoch", 1) } else { } } if(r == true) setAsPresent() return r } Long secondsSinceLastCheckinEvent() { Long r = null if (lastCheckinEnable == true || lastCheckinEnable == null) { String lastCheckinVal = device.currentValue('lastCheckin') if(lastCheckinVal == null || isValidDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal) == false) { logging("No VALID lastCheckin event available! This should be resolved by itself within 1 or 2 hours and is perfectly NORMAL as long as the same device don't get this multiple times per day...", 100) r = -1 } else { r = (now() - Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal).getTime()) / 1000 } } if (lastCheckinEpochEnable == true) { if(device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch') == null) { logging("No VALID lastCheckin event available! This should be resolved by itself within 1 or 2 hours and is perfectly NORMAL as long as the same device don't get this multiple times per day...", 100) r = r == null ? -1 : r } else { r = (now() - device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch').toLong()) / 1000 } } return r } boolean hasCorrectCheckinEvents(Integer maximumMinutesBetweenEvents=90, boolean displayWarnings=true) { Long secondsSinceLastCheckin = secondsSinceLastCheckinEvent() if(secondsSinceLastCheckin != null && secondsSinceLastCheckin > maximumMinutesBetweenEvents * 60) { if(displayWarnings == true && (presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true)) log.warn("One or several EXPECTED checkin events have been missed! Something MIGHT be wrong with the mesh for this device. Minutes since last checkin: ${Math.round(secondsSinceLastCheckin / 60)} (maximum expected $maximumMinutesBetweenEvents)") return false } return true } boolean checkPresence(boolean displayWarnings=true) { boolean isPresent = false Long lastCheckinTime = null String lastCheckinVal = device.currentValue('lastCheckin') if ((lastCheckinEnable == true || lastCheckinEnable == null) && isValidDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal) == true) { lastCheckinTime = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', lastCheckinVal).getTime() } else if (lastCheckinEpochEnable == true && device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch') != null) { lastCheckinTime = device.currentValue('lastCheckinEpoch').toLong() } if(lastCheckinTime != null && lastCheckinTime >= now() - (3 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) { setAsPresent() isPresent = true } else { sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "not present") if(displayWarnings == true) { Integer numNotPresent = device.currentValue('notPresentCounter') numNotPresent = numNotPresent == null ? 1 : numNotPresent + 1 sendEvent(name: "notPresentCounter", value: numNotPresent ) if(presenceWarningEnable == null || presenceWarningEnable == true) { log.warn("No event seen from the device for over 3 hours! Something is not right... (consecutive events: $numNotPresent)") } } } return isPresent } void setAsPresent() { if(device.currentValue('presence') == "not present") { Integer numRestored = device.currentValue('restoredCounter') numRestored = numRestored == null ? 1 : numRestored + 1 sendEvent(name: "restoredCounter", value: numRestored ) sendEvent(name: "notPresentCounter", value: 0 ) } sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "present") } void resetNotPresentCounter() { logging("resetNotPresentCounter()", 100) sendEvent(name: "notPresentCounter", value: 0, descriptionText: "Reset notPresentCounter to 0" ) } void resetRestoredCounter() { logging("resetRestoredCounter()", 100) sendEvent(name: "restoredCounter", value: 0, descriptionText: "Reset restoredCounter to 0" ) } // END: getHelperFunctions('driver-default')