MODx.panel.Resource = function(config) { config = config || {record:{}}; config.record = config.record || {}; Ext.applyIf(config,{ url: MODx.config.connectors_url+'resource/index.php' ,baseParams: {} ,id: 'modx-panel-resource' ,class_key: 'modDocument' ,resource: '' ,bodyStyle: '' ,cls: 'container form-with-labels' ,defaults: { collapsible: false ,autoHeight: true } ,forceLayout: true ,items: this.getFields(config) ,fileUpload: true ,useLoadingMask: true ,listeners: { 'setup': {fn:this.setup,scope:this} ,'success': {fn:this.success,scope:this} ,'failure': {fn:this.failure,scope:this} ,'beforeSubmit': {fn:this.beforeSubmit,scope:this} ,'fieldChange': {fn:this.onFieldChange,scope:this} } });,config); var ta = Ext.get('ta'); if (ta) { ta.on('keydown',this.fieldChangeEvent,this); } this.on('ready',this.onReady,this); this.on('beforedestroy',this.beforeDestroy,this); var urio = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-uri-override'); if (urio) { urio.on('check',this.freezeUri); } this.addEvents('tv-reset'); }; Ext.extend(MODx.panel.Resource,MODx.FormPanel,{ initialized: false ,defaultClassKey: 'modDocument' ,classLexiconKey: 'document' ,rteElements: 'ta' ,rteLoaded: false ,warnUnsavedChanges: false ,setup: function() { if (!this.initialized) { this.getForm().setValues(this.config.record); var pcmb = this.getForm().findField('parent-cmb'); if (pcmb && Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.parent_pagetitle)) { pcmb.setValue(''); } else if (pcmb) { pcmb.setValue(this.config.record.parent_pagetitle+' ('+this.config.record.parent+')'); } if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.pagetitle)) { Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-header').getEl().update('


'); } if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.config.record.resourceGroups)) { var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-resource-security'); if (g && Ext.isEmpty(g.config.url)) { var s = g.getStore(); if (s) { s.loadData(this.config.record.resourceGroups); } } } this.defaultClassKey = this.config.record.class_key || this.defaultClassKey; this.defaultValues = this.config.record || {}; if ((this.config.record && this.config.record.richtext) || MODx.request.reload || MODx.request.activeSave == 1) { this.markDirty(); } // Prevent accidental navigation when stuff has not been saved if (MODx.config.confirm_navigation == 1) { var panel = this; window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (panel.warnUnsavedChanges) return _('unsaved_changes'); }; } if (this.config.record.deleted) { this.handlePreview('hide'); } } if (MODx.config.use_editor && MODx.loadRTE) { var f = this.getForm().findField('richtext'); if (f && f.getValue() == 1 && !this.rteLoaded) { MODx.loadRTE(this.rteElements); this.rteLoaded = true; } else if (f && f.getValue() == 0 && this.rteLoaded) { if (MODx.unloadRTE) { MODx.unloadRTE(this.rteElements); } this.rteLoaded = false; } } this.fireEvent('ready'); this.initialized = true; MODx.fireEvent('ready'); MODx.sleep(4); /* delay load event to allow FC rules to move before loading RTE */ if (MODx.afterTVLoad) { MODx.afterTVLoad(); } this.fireEvent('load'); } /** * Handle the preview button visibility according to the resource "deleted" status * * @param {String} action The action to perform on the preview button (hide/show) */ ,handlePreview: function(action) { var previewBtn = Ext.getCmp('modx-abtn-preview'); if (previewBtn == undefined) { // Button not found, let's try again in a few ms Ext.defer(function() { this.handlePreview(action); }, 200, this); } else { var toolBar = Ext.getCmp('modx-page-update-resource').ab ,btnIndex = toolBar.items.indexOf(previewBtn); // Do the desired action on the button and its sibling (a spacer) previewBtn[action](); toolBar.items.get(btnIndex + 1)[action](); } } ,beforeDestroy: function(e){ if (this.rteLoaded && MODx.unloadRTE){ MODx.unloadRTE(this.rteElements); this.rteLoaded = false; } } ,beforeSubmit: function(o) { var ta = Ext.get('ta'); if (ta) { var v = ta.dom.value; var hc = Ext.getCmp('hiddenContent'); if (hc) { hc.setValue(v); } } var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-resource-security'); if (g) { Ext.apply(o.form.baseParams,{ resource_groups: g.encode() }); } if (ta) { this.cleanupEditor(); } if(this.getForm().baseParams.action == 'create') { var btn = Ext.getCmp('modx-abtn-save'); if (btn) { btn.disable(); } } return this.fireEvent('save',{ values: this.getForm().getValues() ,stay: Ext.state.Manager.get('modx.stay.'+MODx.request.a,'stay') }); } ,success: function(o) { this.warnUnsavedChanges = false; var g = Ext.getCmp('modx-grid-resource-security'); if (g) { g.getStore().commitChanges(); } var t = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-tree'); if (t) { var ctx = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-context-key').getValue(); var pa = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-parent-hidden').getValue(); var pao = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-parent-old-hidden').getValue(); var v = ctx+'_'+pa; var n = t.getNodeById(v); if(pa !== pao) { t.refresh(); Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-parent-old-hidden').setValue(pa); } else { if(typeof n!=="undefined"){ n.leaf = false; } t.refreshNode(v,true); } } var object = o.result.object; // object.parent is undefined on template changing. if (this.config.resource && object.parent !== undefined && (object.class_key != this.defaultClassKey || object.parent != this.defaultValues.parent)) { MODx.loadPage(location.href); } else { if (object.deleted) { var action = 'hide'; } else { action = 'show'; } this.handlePreview(action); this.getForm().setValues(object); Ext.getCmp('modx-page-update-resource').config.preview_url = object.preview_url; } } ,failure: function(o) { this.warnUnsavedChanges = true; if(this.getForm().baseParams.action == 'create') { var btn = Ext.getCmp('modx-abtn-save'); if (btn) { btn.enable(); } } } ,freezeUri: function(cb) { var uri = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-uri'); if (!uri) { return false; } if (cb.checked) {; } else { uri.hide(); } } ,templateWarning: function() { var t = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-template'); if (!t) { return false; } if(t.getValue() !== t.originalValue) { Ext.Msg.confirm(_('warning'), _('resource_change_template_confirm'), function(e) { if (e == 'yes') { var nt = t.getValue(); var f = Ext.getCmp('modx-page-update-resource'); f.config.action = 'reload'; this.warnUnsavedChanges = false; MODx.activePage.submitForm({ success: {fn:function(r) { var query = [ 'reload=' + r.result.object.reload ,'class_key=' + r.result.object.class_key ,'context_key=' + r.result.object.context_key ]; if ( { query.push('id=' +; } MODx.loadPage(MODx.action[r.result.object.action], query.join('&')); },scope:this} },{ bypassValidCheck: true },{ reloadOnly: true }); } else { t.setValue(this.config.record.template); } },this); } } ,onFieldChange: function() { if (this.isReady || MODx.request.reload) { this.warnUnsavedChanges = true; } } ,cleanupEditor: function() { if (MODx.onSaveEditor) { var fld = Ext.getCmp('ta'); if (fld) { MODx.onSaveEditor(fld); } } } ,getFields: function(config) { var it = []; it.push({ title: _(this.classLexiconKey) ,id: 'modx-resource-settings' ,cls: 'modx-resource-tab' ,layout: 'form' ,labelAlign: 'top' ,labelSeparator: '' ,bodyCssClass: 'tab-panel-wrapper main-wrapper' ,autoHeight: true ,defaults: { border: false ,msgTarget: 'under' ,width: 400 } ,items: this.getMainFields(config) }); it.push({ id: 'modx-page-settings' ,title: _('settings') ,cls: 'modx-resource-tab' ,layout: 'form' ,forceLayout: true ,deferredRender: false ,labelWidth: 200 ,bodyCssClass: 'main-wrapper' ,autoHeight: true ,defaults: { border: false ,msgTarget: 'under' } ,items: this.getSettingFields(config) }); if (config.show_tvs && MODx.config.tvs_below_content != 1) { it.push(this.getTemplateVariablesPanel(config)); } if (MODx.perm.resourcegroup_resource_list == 1) { it.push(this.getAccessPermissionsTab(config)); } var its = []; its.push(this.getPageHeader(config),{ id:'modx-resource-tabs' ,xtype: 'modx-tabs' ,forceLayout: true ,deferredRender: false ,collapsible: true ,animCollapse: false ,itemId: 'tabs' ,items: it }); var ct = this.getContentField(config); if (ct) { its.push({ title: _('resource_content') ,id: 'modx-resource-content' ,layout: 'form' ,bodyCssClass: 'main-wrapper' ,autoHeight: true ,collapsible: true ,animCollapse: false ,hideMode: 'offsets' ,items: ct ,style: 'margin-top: 10px' }); } if (MODx.config.tvs_below_content == 1) { var tvs = this.getTemplateVariablesPanel(config); its.push(tvs); } return its; } ,getPageHeader: function(config) { config = config || {record:{}}; return { html: '


' ,id: 'modx-resource-header' ,cls: 'modx-page-header' ,border: false ,forceLayout: true ,anchor: '100%' }; } ,getTemplateVariablesPanel: function(config) { return { xtype: 'modx-panel-resource-tv' ,collapsed: false ,resource: config.resource ,class_key: config.record.class_key || 'modDocument' ,template: config.record.template ,anchor: '100%' ,border: true ,bodyStyle: 'display: none' }; } ,getMainFields: function(config) { config = config || {record:{}}; return [{ layout:'column' ,border: false ,anchor: '100%' ,id: 'modx-resource-main-columns' ,defaults: { labelSeparator: '' ,labelAlign: 'top' ,border: false ,msgTarget: 'under' } ,items:[{ columnWidth: .67 ,layout: 'form' ,id: 'modx-resource-main-left' ,defaults: { msgTarget: 'under' } ,items: this.getMainLeftFields(config) },{ columnWidth: .33 ,layout: 'form' ,labelWidth: 0 ,border: false ,id: 'modx-resource-main-right' ,style: 'margin-right: 0' ,defaults: { msgTarget: 'under' } ,items: this.getMainRightFields(config) }] },{ html: MODx.onDocFormRender, border: false },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,fieldLabel: _('id') ,hideLabel: true ,description: '[[*id]]
' ,name: 'id' ,id: 'modx-resource-id' ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.resource || ,submitValue: true },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'type' ,value: 'document' },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'context_key' ,id: 'modx-resource-context-key' ,value: config.record.context_key || 'web' },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'content' ,id: 'hiddenContent' ,value: (config.record.content || config.record.ta) || '' },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'create-resource-token' ,id: 'modx-create-resource-token' ,value: config.record.create_resource_token || '' },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'reloaded' ,value: !Ext.isEmpty(MODx.request.reload) ? 1 : 0 },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'parent' ,value: config.record.parent || 0 ,id: 'modx-resource-parent-hidden' },{ xtype: 'hidden' ,name: 'parent-original' ,value: config.record.parent || 0 ,id: 'modx-resource-parent-old-hidden' }]; } ,getMainLeftFields: function(config) { config = config || {record:{}}; return [{ xtype: 'textfield' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_pagetitle')+'*' ,description: '[[*pagetitle]]
'+_('resource_pagetitle_help') ,name: 'pagetitle' ,id: 'modx-resource-pagetitle' ,maxLength: 255 ,anchor: '100%' ,allowBlank: false ,enableKeyEvents: true ,listeners: { 'keyup': {scope:this,fn:function(f,e) { var titlePrefix = MODx.request.a == MODx.action['resource/create'] ? _('new_document') : _('document'); var title = Ext.util.Format.stripTags(f.getValue()); Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-header').getEl().update('


'); }} } },{ xtype: 'textfield' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_longtitle') ,description: '[[*longtitle]]
'+_('resource_longtitle_help') ,name: 'longtitle' ,id: 'modx-resource-longtitle' ,maxLength: 255 ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.record.longtitle || '' },{ xtype: 'textarea' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_description') ,description: '[[*description]]
'+_('resource_description_help') ,name: 'description' ,id: 'modx-resource-description' ,maxLength: 255 ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.record.description || '' },{ xtype: 'textarea' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_summary') ,description: '[[*introtext]]
'+_('resource_summary_help') ,name: 'introtext' ,id: 'modx-resource-introtext' ,grow: true ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.record.introtext || '' }]; } ,getMainRightFields: function(config) { config = config || {}; return [{ xtype: 'modx-combo-template' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_template') ,description: '[[*template]]
'+_('resource_template_help') ,name: 'template' ,id: 'modx-resource-template' ,anchor: '100%' ,editable: false ,baseParams: { action: 'getList' ,combo: '1' ,limit: 0 } ,listeners: { 'select': {fn: this.templateWarning,scope: this} } },{ xtype: 'textfield' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_alias') ,description: '[[*alias]]
'+_('resource_alias_help') ,name: 'alias' ,id: 'modx-resource-alias' ,maxLength: 100 ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.record.alias || '' },{ xtype: 'textfield' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_menutitle') ,description: '[[*menutitle]]
'+_('resource_menutitle_help') ,name: 'menutitle' ,id: 'modx-resource-menutitle' ,maxLength: 255 ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.record.menutitle || '' },{ xtype: 'textfield' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_link_attributes') ,description: '[[*link_attributes]]
'+_('resource_link_attributes_help') ,name: 'link_attributes' ,id: 'modx-resource-link-attributes' ,maxLength: 255 ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.record.link_attributes || '' },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('resource_hide_from_menus') ,hideLabel: true ,description: '[[*hidemenu]]
'+_('resource_hide_from_menus_help') ,name: 'hidemenu' ,id: 'modx-resource-hidemenu' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: parseInt(config.record.hidemenu) || false },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('resource_published') ,hideLabel: true ,description: '[[*published]]
'+_('resource_published_help') ,name: 'published' ,id: 'modx-resource-published' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: parseInt(config.record.published) }] } ,getSettingFields: function(config) { config = config || {record:{}}; var s = [{ layout:'column' ,border: false ,anchor: '100%' ,defaults: { labelSeparator: '' ,labelAlign: 'top' ,border: false ,layout: 'form' ,msgTarget: 'under' } ,items:[{ columnWidth: .5 ,id: 'modx-page-settings-left' ,defaults: { msgTarget: 'under' } ,items: this.getSettingLeftFields(config) },{ columnWidth: .5 ,id: 'modx-page-settings-right' ,defaults: { msgTarget: 'under' } ,items: this.getSettingRightFields(config) }] }]; return s; } ,getSettingLeftFields: function(config) { return [{ xtype: 'modx-field-parent-change' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_parent') ,description: '[[*parent]]
'+_('resource_parent_help') ,name: 'parent-cmb' ,id: 'modx-resource-parent' ,value: config.record.parent || 0 ,anchor: '100%' },{ xtype: 'modx-combo-class-derivatives' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_type') ,description: '[[*class_key]]
' ,name: 'class_key' ,hiddenName: 'class_key' ,id: 'modx-resource-class-key' ,allowBlank: false ,value: config.record.class_key || 'modDocument' ,anchor: '100%' },{ xtype: 'modx-combo-content-type' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_content_type') ,description: '[[*content_type]]
'+_('resource_content_type_help') ,name: 'content_type' ,hiddenName: 'content_type' ,id: 'modx-resource-content-type' ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.record.content_type || (MODx.config.default_content_type || 1) },{ xtype: 'modx-combo-content-disposition' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_contentdispo') ,description: '[[*content_dispo]]
'+_('resource_contentdispo_help') ,name: 'content_dispo' ,hiddenName: 'content_dispo' ,id: 'modx-resource-content-dispo' ,anchor: '100%' ,value: config.record.content_dispo || 0 },{ xtype: 'numberfield' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_menuindex') ,description: '[[*menuindex]]
'+_('resource_menuindex_help') ,name: 'menuindex' ,id: 'modx-resource-menuindex' ,width: 60 ,value: parseInt(config.record.menuindex) || 0 }]; } ,getSettingRightFields: function(config) { return [{ xtype: 'xdatetime' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_publishedon') ,description: '[[*publishedon]]
'+_('resource_publishedon_help') ,name: 'publishedon' ,id: 'modx-resource-publishedon' ,allowBlank: true ,dateFormat: MODx.config.manager_date_format ,timeFormat: MODx.config.manager_time_format ,startDay: parseInt(MODx.config.manager_week_start) ,dateWidth: 120 ,timeWidth: 120 ,offset_time: MODx.config.server_offset_time ,value: config.record.publishedon },{ xtype: MODx.config.publish_document ? 'xdatetime' : 'hidden' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_publishdate') ,description: '[[*pub_date]]
'+_('resource_publishdate_help') ,name: 'pub_date' ,id: 'modx-resource-pub-date' ,allowBlank: true ,dateFormat: MODx.config.manager_date_format ,timeFormat: MODx.config.manager_time_format ,startDay: parseInt(MODx.config.manager_week_start) ,dateWidth: 120 ,timeWidth: 120 ,offset_time: MODx.config.server_offset_time ,value: config.record.pub_date },{ xtype: MODx.config.publish_document ? 'xdatetime' : 'hidden' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_unpublishdate') ,description: '[[*unpub_date]]
'+_('resource_unpublishdate_help') ,name: 'unpub_date' ,id: 'modx-resource-unpub-date' ,allowBlank: true ,dateFormat: MODx.config.manager_date_format ,timeFormat: MODx.config.manager_time_format ,startDay: parseInt(MODx.config.manager_week_start) ,dateWidth: 120 ,timeWidth: 120 ,offset_time: MODx.config.server_offset_time ,value: config.record.unpub_date },{ xtype: 'fieldset' ,items: this.getSettingRightFieldset(config) }]; } ,getSettingRightFieldset: function(config) { return [{ layout: 'column' ,id: 'modx-page-settings-box-columns' ,border: false ,anchor: '100%' ,defaults: { labelSeparator: '' ,labelAlign: 'top' ,border: false ,layout: 'form' ,msgTarget: 'under' } ,items: [{ columnWidth: .5 ,id: 'modx-page-settings-right-box-left' ,defaults: { msgTarget: 'under' } ,items: this.getSettingRightFieldsetLeft(config) },{ columnWidth: .5 ,id: 'modx-page-settings-right-box-right' ,defaults: { msgTarget: 'under' } ,items: this.getSettingRightFieldsetRight(config) }] },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('resource_uri_override') ,description: _('resource_uri_override_help') ,hideLabel: true ,name: 'uri_override' ,value: 1 ,checked: parseInt(config.record.uri_override) ? true : false ,id: 'modx-resource-uri-override' },{ xtype: 'textfield' ,fieldLabel: _('resource_uri') ,description: '[[*uri]]
'+_('resource_uri_help') ,name: 'uri' ,id: 'modx-resource-uri' ,maxLength: 255 ,anchor: '70%' ,value: config.record.uri || '' ,hidden: !config.record.uri_override }]; } ,getSettingRightFieldsetLeft: function(config) { return [{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('resource_folder') ,description: '[[*isfolder]]
'+_('resource_folder_help') ,hideLabel: true ,name: 'isfolder' ,id: 'modx-resource-isfolder' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: parseInt(config.record.isfolder) || 0 },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('resource_searchable') ,description: '[[*searchable]]
'+_('resource_searchable_help') ,hideLabel: true ,name: 'searchable' ,id: 'modx-resource-searchable' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: parseInt(config.record.searchable) },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('resource_richtext') ,description: '[[*richtext]]
'+_('resource_richtext_help') ,hideLabel: true ,name: 'richtext' ,id: 'modx-resource-richtext' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: parseInt(config.record.richtext) }]; } ,getSettingRightFieldsetRight: function(config) { return [{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('resource_cacheable') ,description: '[[*cacheable]]
'+_('resource_cacheable_help') ,hideLabel: true ,name: 'cacheable' ,id: 'modx-resource-cacheable' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: parseInt(config.record.cacheable) },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('resource_syncsite') ,description: _('resource_syncsite_help') ,hideLabel: true ,name: 'syncsite' ,id: 'modx-resource-syncsite' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: config.record.syncsite !== undefined && config.record.syncsite !== null ? parseInt(config.record.syncsite) : true },{ xtype: 'xcheckbox' ,boxLabel: _('deleted') ,description: '[[*deleted]]' ,hideLabel: true ,name: 'deleted' ,id: 'modx-resource-deleted' ,inputValue: 1 ,checked: parseInt(config.record.deleted) || false }]; } ,getContentField: function(config) { return [{ id: 'modx-content-above' ,border: false },{ xtype: 'textarea' ,name: 'ta' ,id: 'ta' ,hideLabel: true ,anchor: '100%' ,height: 400 ,grow: false ,value: (config.record.content || config.record.ta) || '' },{ id: 'modx-content-below' ,border: false }]; } ,getAccessPermissionsTab: function(config) { return { id: 'modx-resource-access-permissions' ,autoHeight: true ,title: _('resource_groups') ,layout: 'form' ,anchor: '100%' ,items: [{ html: '


' ,bodyCssClass: 'panel-desc' ,border: false },{ xtype: 'modx-grid-resource-security' ,cls: 'main-wrapper' ,preventRender: true ,resource: config.resource ,mode: config.mode || 'update' ,"parent": config.record["parent"] || 0 ,"token": config.record.create_resource_token ,reloaded: !Ext.isEmpty(MODx.request.reload) ,listeners: { 'afteredit': {fn:this.fieldChangeEvent,scope:this} } }] }; } }); Ext.reg('modx-panel-resource',MODx.panel.Resource); var triggerDirtyField = function(fld) { Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-resource').fieldChangeEvent(fld); }; MODx.triggerRTEOnChange = function() { triggerDirtyField(Ext.getCmp('ta')); }; MODx.fireResourceFormChange = function(f,nv,ov) { Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-resource').fireEvent('fieldChange'); };