# Nexus Theme Dark custom UI theme for Sublime Text 2/3. ST3 updates provided by Raynos and LOQUILLO! ## Design ![Nexus theme](https://github.com/EleazarCrusader/nexus-theme/raw/master/nexus-theme.png) This theme is based on [nilium (Noel Cower) Nil Theme](https://github.com/nilium/st2-nil-theme) and he based his on the following: >[Raik Ilves's Pseudo OSX theme](https://github.com/raik/st2-pseudo-osx-theme), which is in turn based on [Ian Hill's Soda theme](https://github.com/buymeasoda/soda- theme). Additionally, this theme was inspired by [Liam Cain's Refresh theme](https://github.com/BoundInCode/st2-refresh-theme), which is also a variant of Pseudo OSX. So, it's worth noting that Raik's made a pretty handy base for new themes.I recommend checking out both of them if this doesn't do it for you (and it's rough around the edges, so it may not). ## Installation ### Using Sublime Package Control If you are using Will Bond's excellent [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control), you can easily install Nexus Theme via the `Package Control: Install Package` menu item. The Nexus Theme package is listed as `Theme - Nexus` in the packages list. ### Using Git Alternatively, if you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo directly into your `Packages` directory in the Sublime Text 2/3 application settings area. Go to your Sublime Text 2 `Packages` directory and clone the theme repository using the command below: git clone https://github.com/EleazarCrusader/nexus-theme/ "Theme - Nexus" ### Download Manually * Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option * Unzip the files and rename the folder to `Theme - Nexus` * Copy the folder to your Sublime Text 2 `Packages` directory ## Activating the theme To configure Sublime Text 2 to use the theme: * Open your User Settings Preferences file `Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Settings - User` * Add (or update) your theme entry to be `"theme": "Nexus.sublime-theme"` ### Example User Settings { "theme": "Nexus.sublime-theme" } ## Color Scheme The Nexus theme package comes with a slightly modified version of the [Railscast color theme](https://github.com/mhartl/rails_tutorial_sublime_text/blob/master/Railscasts.tmTheme): * `Nexus.tmTheme` To use it simply select your Preferences -> Color Scheme -> Theme - Nexus -> Nexus.