package c4; import; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import nTupleTD.TDSAgent; import openingBook.BookSum; /** * * This class is an implementation of a classical Alpha-Beta-Agent. It is recommended to * use the implemented Methods by Agent. This Agent uses Transposition-Tables, * Move-ordering, opening Books, symmetries and some other techniques to get * fast results. * *
* Changes:
* 12.12.2011: alphaBetaStartP1 and alphaBetaStartP2 look for the most distant * loss. This makes the search a little bit slower, but allows a better * evaluation of the td-agent * * @author Markus Thill * */ public class AlphaBetaAgent extends ConnectFour implements Agent, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5000820077350196867L; private Random rand = new Random(); // Binary Semaphore, to prevent multiple access (e.g. by parallel threads) private Semaphore mutex; // = new Semaphore(1); // Transposition Table Constants private static final int[] TRANSPOSSIZE = { 262144, 524288, 1048576, 2097152, 4194304, 8388608, 16777216, 33554432 }; public static final int[] TRANSPOSBYTES = { 262144 * 99 / 8, 524288 * 99 / 8, 1048576 * 99 / 8, 2097152 * 99 / 8, 4194304 * 99 / 8, 8388608 * 99 / 8, 16777216 * 99 / 8, 33554432 / 8 * 99 }; private int transPosSize = 4194304 / 2; private int lTransPosSize = transPosSize / 8; private static final byte TRANSPOSEXACT = 1; private static final byte TRANSPOSUPPER = 2; private static final byte TRANSPOSLOWER = 3; // Random-Numbers for Zobrist Keys private static final long rnd20[] = { 0L, 2704506115994628L, 886077597871704230L, 49389502572435258L, 82333996817139652L, 263967204879563328L, 81975673952415600L }; private static final long rnd21[] = { 0L, 73398886193708064L, 1595863713887220963L, 46261610206381440L, 58705059883690202L, 231696507446129885L, 22606427398883328L }; private static final long rnd22[] = { 0L, 12595346104058426L, 4097820997223100L, 101324622437045280L, 31779374605300125L, 35633797708573350L, 22416112427922675L }; private static final long rnd23[] = { 0L, 36363358841386824L, 4173667863902779612L, 9131869703157656L, 14138249969764235L, 214348955873908032L, 58547228054472360L }; private static final long rnd24[] = { 0L, 55740094356093127L, 1777939723684020L, 362858203316162568L, 28975890403315160L, 1242349240448115806L, 59601464106441712L }; private static final long rnd25[] = { 0L, 9110872168202946L, 10631234269963860L, 16888881020037981L, 1159792823631456L, 36205525950397736L, 47068546447093808L }; private static final long rnd26[] = { 0L, 375817237236357603L, 32189775283681470L, 1493718293429439L, 20793138156733824L, 101478045365676084L, 110552240521049760L }; private static final long rnd10[] = { 0L, 19298943901485610L, 6548220796761019L, 1777628907278452803L, 11891769178478592L, 3564258696970080L, 236708853179436288L }; private static final long rnd11[] = { 0L, 349182760342233125L, 429289086240375L, 121921717543355343L, 31495429917193824L, 5694462647075520L, 30758051047680284L }; private static final long rnd12[] = { 0L, 1365712501364505581L, 17363511325679223L, 119226791868480L, 6220173073409360L, 11647770880598424L, 24507207907919492L }; private static final long rnd13[] = { 0L, 551903736927872L, 2097977134396858L, 3108717381973636075L, 25389306976498643L, 254362479754036508L, 119080142037405540L }; private static final long rnd14[] = { 0L, 65628472867223040L, 116416206906490816L, 130703539652185785L, 1541174198942728362L, 37852277734190556L, 22426187114508354L }; private static final long rnd15[] = { 0L, 290694253237906321L, 3460150747465650L, 12108862858045894L, 124792798959719156L, 6572334569141376L, 2726416766762766L }; private static final long rnd16[] = { 0L, 378828340783306008L, 72087612995472200L, 113983283880328672L, 376285078915283L, 62397498210717124L, 1193066389676430L }; // Field-Masks for all Columns private static final long fieldMask0[] = fieldMask[0]; private static final long fieldMask1[] = fieldMask[1]; private static final long fieldMask2[] = fieldMask[2]; private static final long fieldMask3[] = fieldMask[3]; private static final long fieldMask4[] = fieldMask[4]; private static final long fieldMask5[] = fieldMask[5]; private static final long fieldMask6[] = fieldMask[6]; // For Alpha-Beta-Search private int movesTillFull = 0; private int searchDepth = 100; // Opening Book private boolean useBook = false; private boolean useDeepBook = false; private boolean useDeepBookDist = true; // Transposition Table for higher Search-Depths private long key[] = new long[transPosSize]; private short value[] = new short[transPosSize]; private byte flag[] = new byte[transPosSize]; // Transposition Table for lower Search-Depths private long lKey[] = new long[lTransPosSize]; private short lValue[] = new short[lTransPosSize]; private byte lFlag[] = new byte[lTransPosSize]; // If is already searching for a far loose: Don't Change!!! private boolean seekFarLoose = false; private int looseIntervall = 20; // All opening Books private BookSum books = null; // Random Choice for a Move if more than one equal Value private boolean randomizeEqualMoves = true; // Random Choice for a Move, when more than one equal value // For a loss make a complete random Move; private boolean randomizeLosses = false; private TDSAgent tds = null; /** * Generate an empty Board */ public AlphaBetaAgent(BookSum books) { super(); this.books = books; mutex = new Semaphore(1); } /** * @param field * a 7x6 Connect-Four Board: 1 -> Player 1 (Beginner) 2 -> Player * 2 */ public AlphaBetaAgent(int field[][], BookSum books) { super(field); this.books = books; mutex = new Semaphore(1); } /** * Create a new Board * * @param fieldP1 * BitBoard of Player1 * @param fieldP2 * BitBoard of Player2 */ public AlphaBetaAgent(long fieldP1, long fieldP2, BookSum books) { super(fieldP1, fieldP2); this.books = books; mutex = new Semaphore(1); } /** * Init the Transposition-Table. All Values are set to ZERO */ public void initTranspositionTable() { for (int i = 0; i < transPosSize; i++) { key[i] = 0L; value[i] = 0; flag[i] = 0; } // Transposition Table for lower Search-Depths for (int i = 0; i < lTransPosSize; i++) { lKey[i] = 0L; lValue[i] = 0; lFlag[i] = 0; } } /** * The difficulty of the AlphaBeta-Player is distinguished by the search * Depth * * @param searchDepth */ public void setDifficulty(int searchDepth) { this.searchDepth = (searchDepth + (searchDepth % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0)); } /** * This Method (the source) was generated with a C-program, because its * source-code is very long.
* Find a field, in which player can create a threat. * * @param player * @param startWithCol * Column to start with search * @return column for creating a threat, or else -1 */ protected int findThreat(int player, int startWithCol) { // Prüfen, ob eine Drohung erstellt werden kann long temp = (player == PLAYER1 ? fieldP1 : fieldP2); switch (startWithCol) { case 0: switch (colHeight[0]) { case 0: if ((temp & 0x808100000L) == 0x8100000L && colHeight[1] < 1) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x410100000L) == 0x400100000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x408200000L) == 0x408000000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 0; } break; case 1: if ((temp & 0x404080000L) == 0x4080000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x208080000L) == 0x200080000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x204100000L) == 0x204000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x810400000L) == 0x10400000L && colHeight[1] < 1) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x420400000L) == 0x400400000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x410800000L) == 0x410000000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 0; } break; case 2: if ((temp & 0x202040000L) == 0x2040000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x104040000L) == 0x100040000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x102080000L) == 0x102000000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x408200000L) == 0x8200000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x210200000L) == 0x200200000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x208400000L) == 0x208000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 0; } break; case 3: if ((temp & 0x204100000L) == 0x4100000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x108100000L) == 0x100100000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x104200000L) == 0x104000000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x410800000L) == 0x10800000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x220800000L) == 0x200800000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 0; } break; case 4: if ((temp & 0x102080000L) == 0x2080000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x84080000L) == 0x80080000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x82100000L) == 0x82000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x208400000L) == 0x8400000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x110400000L) == 0x100400000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x108800000L) == 0x108000000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 0; } break; case 5: if ((temp & 0x81040000L) == 0x1040000L && colHeight[1] < 5) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x42040000L) == 0x40040000L && colHeight[2] < 5) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x41080000L) == 0x41000000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x104200000L) == 0x4200000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x88200000L) == 0x80200000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 0; } if ((temp & 0x84400000L) == 0x84000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 0; } break; default: break; } case 1: switch (colHeight[1]) { case 0: if ((temp & 0x204000L) == 0x204000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x10004000L) == 0x10004000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x10200000L) == 0x10200000L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 1; } break; case 1: if ((temp & 0x102000L) == 0x102000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8002000L) == 0x8002000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8100000L) == 0x8100000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x20000100000L) == 0x20000100000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x20008000000L) == 0x20008000000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x10400000L) == 0x10400000L && (colHeight[0] < 1 || colHeight[4] < 1)) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x10000400000L) == 0x10000400000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x10010000000L) == 0x10010000000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x410000L) == 0x410000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x10010000L) == 0x10010000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 1; } break; case 2: if ((temp & 0x81000L) == 0x81000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x4001000L) == 0x4001000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x4080000L) == 0x4080000L && (colHeight[0] < 1 || colHeight[4] < 5)) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x10000080000L) == 0x10000080000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x10004000000L) == 0x10004000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8200000L) == 0x8200000L && (colHeight[0] < 2 || colHeight[4] < 2)) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8000200000L) == 0x8000200000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8008000000L) == 0x8008000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x208000L) == 0x208000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8008000L) == 0x8008000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x10800000L) == 0x10800000L && colHeight[0] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x4000800000L) == 0x4000800000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 1; } break; case 3: if ((temp & 0x2040000L) == 0x2040000L && colHeight[0] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8000040000L) == 0x8000040000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8002000000L) == 0x8002000000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x4100000L) == 0x4100000L && (colHeight[0] < 3 || colHeight[4] < 3)) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x4000100000L) == 0x4000100000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x4004000000L) == 0x4004000000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x104000L) == 0x104000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x4004000L) == 0x4004000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8400000L) == 0x8400000L && colHeight[0] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x2000400000L) == 0x2000400000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x2008000000L) == 0x2008000000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x420000L) == 0x420000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x8020000L) == 0x8020000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 1; } break; case 4: if ((temp & 0x2080000L) == 0x2080000L && (colHeight[0] < 4 || colHeight[4] < 4)) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x2000080000L) == 0x2000080000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x2002000000L) == 0x2002000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x82000L) == 0x82000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x2002000L) == 0x2002000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x4200000L) == 0x4200000L && (colHeight[0] < 5 || colHeight[4] < 1)) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x1000200000L) == 0x1000200000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x1004000000L) == 0x1004000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x210000L) == 0x210000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x4010000L) == 0x4010000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } break; case 5: if ((temp & 0x1040000L) == 0x1040000L && (colHeight[0] < 5 || colHeight[4] < 5)) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x1000040000L) == 0x1000040000L && colHeight[2] < 5) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x1001000000L) == 0x1001000000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x41000L) == 0x41000L && colHeight[2] < 5) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x1001000L) == 0x1001000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x108000L) == 0x108000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x2008000L) == 0x2008000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 1; } if ((temp & 0x2100000L) == 0x2100000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 1; } break; default: break; } case 2: switch (colHeight[2]) { case 0: if ((temp & 0x8100L) == 0x8100L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x400100L) == 0x400100L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x408000L) == 0x408000L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 2; } break; case 1: if ((temp & 0x4080L) == 0x4080L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x200080L) == 0x200080L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x204000L) == 0x204000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x200800000L) == 0x200800000L && colHeight[0] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x4000800000L) == 0x4000800000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x800004000L) == 0x800004000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x800200000L) == 0x800200000L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x400400000L) == 0x400400000L && (colHeight[0] < 1 || colHeight[4] < 1)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x10000400000L) == 0x10000400000L && colHeight[1] < 1) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x10400000000L) == 0x10400000000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x410000L) == 0x410000L && (colHeight[1] < 1 || colHeight[5] < 1)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x400010000L) == 0x400010000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x10400L) == 0x10400L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x400400L) == 0x400400L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 2; } break; case 2: if ((temp & 0x2040L) == 0x2040L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x100040L) == 0x100040L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x102000L) == 0x102000L && (colHeight[1] < 1 || colHeight[5] < 5)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x100400000L) == 0x100400000L && colHeight[0] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x2000400000L) == 0x2000400000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x2100000000L) == 0x2100000000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x400002000L) == 0x400002000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x400100000L) == 0x400100000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x200200000L) == 0x200200000L && (colHeight[0] < 2 || colHeight[4] < 2)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x8000200000L) == 0x8000200000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x8200000000L) == 0x8200000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x208000L) == 0x208000L && (colHeight[1] < 2 || colHeight[5] < 2)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x200008000L) == 0x200008000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x8200L) == 0x8200L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x200200L) == 0x200200L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x420000L) == 0x420000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x100020000L) == 0x100020000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x20000100000L) == 0x20000100000L && colHeight[1] < 1) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x20400000000L) == 0x20400000000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 2; } break; case 3: if ((temp & 0x80200000L) == 0x80200000L && (colHeight[0] < 5 || colHeight[4] < 1)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x1000200000L) == 0x1000200000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x1080000000L) == 0x1080000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x81000L) == 0x81000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x200001000L) == 0x200001000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x200080000L) == 0x200080000L && (colHeight[0] < 1 || colHeight[4] < 5)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x100100000L) == 0x100100000L && (colHeight[0] < 3 || colHeight[4] < 3)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x4000100000L) == 0x4000100000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x4100000000L) == 0x4100000000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x104000L) == 0x104000L && (colHeight[1] < 3 || colHeight[5] < 3)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x100004000L) == 0x100004000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x4100L) == 0x4100L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x100100L) == 0x100100L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x210000L) == 0x210000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x80010000L) == 0x80010000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x10000080000L) == 0x10000080000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x10200000000L) == 0x10200000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x10800L) == 0x10800L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x200800L) == 0x200800L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 2; } break; case 4: if ((temp & 0x80080000L) == 0x80080000L && (colHeight[0] < 4 || colHeight[4] < 4)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x2000080000L) == 0x2000080000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x2080000000L) == 0x2080000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x82000L) == 0x82000L && (colHeight[1] < 4 || colHeight[5] < 4)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x80002000L) == 0x80002000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x2080L) == 0x2080L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x80080L) == 0x80080L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x108000L) == 0x108000L && (colHeight[1] < 5 || colHeight[5] < 1)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x40008000L) == 0x40008000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x40100000L) == 0x40100000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x100040000L) == 0x100040000L && colHeight[0] < 2) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x8000040000L) == 0x8000040000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x8100000000L) == 0x8100000000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x8400L) == 0x8400L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x100400L) == 0x100400L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 2; } break; case 5: if ((temp & 0x40040000L) == 0x40040000L && (colHeight[0] < 5 || colHeight[4] < 5)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x1000040000L) == 0x1000040000L && colHeight[1] < 5) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x1040000000L) == 0x1040000000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x41000L) == 0x41000L && (colHeight[1] < 5 || colHeight[5] < 5)) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x40001000L) == 0x40001000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x1040L) == 0x1040L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x40040L) == 0x40040L && colHeight[4] < 5) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x4200L) == 0x4200L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x80200L) == 0x80200L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 2; } if ((temp & 0x84000L) == 0x84000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 2; } break; default: break; } case 3: switch (colHeight[3]) { case 0: if ((temp & 0x210000000L) == 0x210000000L && colHeight[0] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4010000000L) == 0x4010000000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4200000000L) == 0x4200000000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x204L) == 0x204L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10004L) == 0x10004L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10200L) == 0x10200L && colHeight[6] < 3) { return 3; } break; case 1: if ((temp & 0x108000000L) == 0x108000000L && colHeight[0] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2008000000L) == 0x2008000000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2100000000L) == 0x2100000000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x102L) == 0x102L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8002L) == 0x8002L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8100L) == 0x8100L && colHeight[6] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8020000L) == 0x8020000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x100020000L) == 0x100020000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x20000100L) == 0x20000100L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x20008000L) == 0x20008000L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x410000000L) == 0x410000000L && (colHeight[0] < 1 || colHeight[4] < 1)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10010000000L) == 0x10010000000L && colHeight[1] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10400000000L) == 0x10400000000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10010000L) == 0x10010000L && (colHeight[1] < 1 || colHeight[5] < 1)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x400010000L) == 0x400010000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10400L) == 0x10400L && (colHeight[2] < 1 || colHeight[6] < 1)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10000400L) == 0x10000400L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x410L) == 0x410L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10010L) == 0x10010L && colHeight[5] < 1) { return 3; } break; case 2: if ((temp & 0x84000000L) == 0x84000000L && (colHeight[0] < 5 || colHeight[4] < 1)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1004000000L) == 0x1004000000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1080000000L) == 0x1080000000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x81L) == 0x81L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4001L) == 0x4001L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4080L) == 0x4080L && (colHeight[2] < 1 || colHeight[6] < 5)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4010000L) == 0x4010000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x80010000L) == 0x80010000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10000080L) == 0x10000080L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10004000L) == 0x10004000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x208000000L) == 0x208000000L && (colHeight[0] < 2 || colHeight[4] < 2)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8008000000L) == 0x8008000000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8200000000L) == 0x8200000000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8008000L) == 0x8008000L && (colHeight[1] < 2 || colHeight[5] < 2)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x200008000L) == 0x200008000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8200L) == 0x8200L && (colHeight[2] < 2 || colHeight[6] < 2)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8000200L) == 0x8000200L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x208L) == 0x208L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8008L) == 0x8008L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10800L) == 0x10800L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4000800L) == 0x4000800L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x800004000L) == 0x800004000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x810000000L) == 0x810000000L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 3; } break; case 3: if ((temp & 0x2008000L) == 0x2008000L && (colHeight[1] < 5 || colHeight[5] < 1)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x40008000L) == 0x40008000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x42000000L) == 0x42000000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2040L) == 0x2040L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8000040L) == 0x8000040L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8002000L) == 0x8002000L && (colHeight[1] < 1 || colHeight[5] < 5)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x104000000L) == 0x104000000L && (colHeight[0] < 3 || colHeight[4] < 3)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4004000000L) == 0x4004000000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4100000000L) == 0x4100000000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4004000L) == 0x4004000L && (colHeight[1] < 3 || colHeight[5] < 3)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x100004000L) == 0x100004000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4100L) == 0x4100L && (colHeight[2] < 3 || colHeight[6] < 3)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4000100L) == 0x4000100L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x104L) == 0x104L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4004L) == 0x4004L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8400L) == 0x8400L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2000400L) == 0x2000400L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x400002000L) == 0x400002000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x408000000L) == 0x408000000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x420L) == 0x420L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8020L) == 0x8020L && colHeight[5] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x20008000000L) == 0x20008000000L && colHeight[1] < 1) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x20400000000L) == 0x20400000000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } break; case 4: if ((temp & 0x82000000L) == 0x82000000L && (colHeight[0] < 4 || colHeight[4] < 4)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2002000000L) == 0x2002000000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2080000000L) == 0x2080000000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2002000L) == 0x2002000L && (colHeight[1] < 4 || colHeight[5] < 4)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x80002000L) == 0x80002000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2080L) == 0x2080L && (colHeight[2] < 4 || colHeight[6] < 4)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2000080L) == 0x2000080L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x82L) == 0x82L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2002L) == 0x2002L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4200L) == 0x4200L && (colHeight[2] < 5 || colHeight[6] < 1)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1000200L) == 0x1000200L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1004000L) == 0x1004000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4001000L) == 0x4001000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x200001000L) == 0x200001000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x204000000L) == 0x204000000L && (colHeight[0] < 1 || colHeight[4] < 5)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x210L) == 0x210L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x4010L) == 0x4010L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10004000000L) == 0x10004000000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x10200000000L) == 0x10200000000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 3; } break; case 5: if ((temp & 0x41000000L) == 0x41000000L && (colHeight[0] < 5 || colHeight[4] < 5)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1001000000L) == 0x1001000000L && colHeight[1] < 5) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1040000000L) == 0x1040000000L && colHeight[2] < 5) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1001000L) == 0x1001000L && (colHeight[1] < 5 || colHeight[5] < 5)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x40001000L) == 0x40001000L && colHeight[2] < 5) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1040L) == 0x1040L && (colHeight[2] < 5 || colHeight[6] < 5)) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1000040L) == 0x1000040L && colHeight[4] < 5) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x41L) == 0x41L && colHeight[4] < 5) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x1001L) == 0x1001L && colHeight[5] < 5) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x108L) == 0x108L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2008L) == 0x2008L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x2100L) == 0x2100L && colHeight[6] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x102000000L) == 0x102000000L && colHeight[0] < 2) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8002000000L) == 0x8002000000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 3; } if ((temp & 0x8100000000L) == 0x8100000000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } break; default: break; } case 4: switch (colHeight[4]) { case 0: if ((temp & 0x8400000L) == 0x8400000L && colHeight[1] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x100400000L) == 0x100400000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x108000000L) == 0x108000000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 4; } break; case 1: if ((temp & 0x4200000L) == 0x4200000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x80200000L) == 0x80200000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x84000000L) == 0x84000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x200800L) == 0x200800L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x4000800L) == 0x4000800L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x800004L) == 0x800004L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x800200L) == 0x800200L && colHeight[6] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x10400000L) == 0x10400000L && (colHeight[1] < 1 || colHeight[5] < 1)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x400400000L) == 0x400400000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x410000000L) == 0x410000000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x400400L) == 0x400400L && (colHeight[2] < 1 || colHeight[6] < 1)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x10000400L) == 0x10000400L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x410L) == 0x410L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x400010L) == 0x400010L && colHeight[5] < 1) { return 4; } break; case 2: if ((temp & 0x2100000L) == 0x2100000L && (colHeight[1] < 5 || colHeight[5] < 1)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x40100000L) == 0x40100000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x42000000L) == 0x42000000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x100400L) == 0x100400L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x2000400L) == 0x2000400L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x102L) == 0x102L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x400002L) == 0x400002L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x400100L) == 0x400100L && colHeight[6] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x8200000L) == 0x8200000L && (colHeight[1] < 2 || colHeight[5] < 2)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x200200000L) == 0x200200000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x208000000L) == 0x208000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x200200L) == 0x200200L && (colHeight[2] < 2 || colHeight[6] < 2)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x8000200L) == 0x8000200L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x208L) == 0x208L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x200008L) == 0x200008L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x420L) == 0x420L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x100020L) == 0x100020L && colHeight[5] < 1) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x20000100L) == 0x20000100L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x20400000L) == 0x20400000L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 4; } break; case 3: if ((temp & 0x80200L) == 0x80200L && (colHeight[2] < 5 || colHeight[6] < 1)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x1000200L) == 0x1000200L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x1080000L) == 0x1080000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x81L) == 0x81L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x200001L) == 0x200001L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x200080L) == 0x200080L && (colHeight[2] < 1 || colHeight[6] < 5)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x4100000L) == 0x4100000L && (colHeight[1] < 3 || colHeight[5] < 3)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x100100000L) == 0x100100000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x104000000L) == 0x104000000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x100100L) == 0x100100L && (colHeight[2] < 3 || colHeight[6] < 3)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x4000100L) == 0x4000100L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x104L) == 0x104L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x100004L) == 0x100004L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x210L) == 0x210L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x80010L) == 0x80010L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x10000080L) == 0x10000080L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x10200000L) == 0x10200000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x800200000L) == 0x800200000L && colHeight[2] < 1) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x810000000L) == 0x810000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } break; case 4: if ((temp & 0x2080000L) == 0x2080000L && (colHeight[1] < 4 || colHeight[5] < 4)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x80080000L) == 0x80080000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x82000000L) == 0x82000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x80080L) == 0x80080L && (colHeight[2] < 4 || colHeight[6] < 4)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x2000080L) == 0x2000080L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x82L) == 0x82L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x80002L) == 0x80002L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x108L) == 0x108L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x40008L) == 0x40008L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x40100L) == 0x40100L && colHeight[6] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x100040L) == 0x100040L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x8000040L) == 0x8000040L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x8100000L) == 0x8100000L && (colHeight[1] < 1 || colHeight[5] < 5)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x400100000L) == 0x400100000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x408000000L) == 0x408000000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 4; } break; case 5: if ((temp & 0x1040000L) == 0x1040000L && (colHeight[1] < 5 || colHeight[5] < 5)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x40040000L) == 0x40040000L && colHeight[2] < 5) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x41000000L) == 0x41000000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x40040L) == 0x40040L && (colHeight[2] < 5 || colHeight[6] < 5)) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x1000040L) == 0x1000040L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x41L) == 0x41L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x40001L) == 0x40001L && colHeight[5] < 5) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x4080000L) == 0x4080000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x200080000L) == 0x200080000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 4; } if ((temp & 0x204000000L) == 0x204000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } break; default: break; } case 5: switch (colHeight[5]) { case 0: if ((temp & 0x210000L) == 0x210000L && colHeight[2] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x4010000L) == 0x4010000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x4200000L) == 0x4200000L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 5; } break; case 1: if ((temp & 0x108000L) == 0x108000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x2008000L) == 0x2008000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x2100000L) == 0x2100000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x8020L) == 0x8020L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x100020L) == 0x100020L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x410000L) == 0x410000L && (colHeight[2] < 1 || colHeight[6] < 1)) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x10010000L) == 0x10010000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x10400000L) == 0x10400000L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x10010L) == 0x10010L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x400010L) == 0x400010L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 5; } break; case 2: if ((temp & 0x84000L) == 0x84000L && (colHeight[2] < 5 || colHeight[6] < 1)) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x1004000L) == 0x1004000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x1080000L) == 0x1080000L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x4010L) == 0x4010L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x80010L) == 0x80010L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x208000L) == 0x208000L && (colHeight[2] < 2 || colHeight[6] < 2)) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x8008000L) == 0x8008000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x8200000L) == 0x8200000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x8008L) == 0x8008L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x200008L) == 0x200008L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x800004L) == 0x800004L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x810000L) == 0x810000L && colHeight[6] < 3) { return 5; } break; case 3: if ((temp & 0x2008L) == 0x2008L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x40008L) == 0x40008L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x42000L) == 0x42000L && colHeight[6] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x104000L) == 0x104000L && (colHeight[2] < 3 || colHeight[6] < 3)) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x4004000L) == 0x4004000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x4100000L) == 0x4100000L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x4004L) == 0x4004L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x100004L) == 0x100004L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x8002L) == 0x8002L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x400002L) == 0x400002L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x408000L) == 0x408000L && colHeight[6] < 4) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x20008000L) == 0x20008000L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x20400000L) == 0x20400000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } break; case 4: if ((temp & 0x82000L) == 0x82000L && (colHeight[2] < 4 || colHeight[6] < 4)) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x2002000L) == 0x2002000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x2080000L) == 0x2080000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x2002L) == 0x2002L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x80002L) == 0x80002L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x4001L) == 0x4001L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x200001L) == 0x200001L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x204000L) == 0x204000L && (colHeight[2] < 1 || colHeight[6] < 5)) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x10004000L) == 0x10004000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x10200000L) == 0x10200000L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 5; } break; case 5: if ((temp & 0x41000L) == 0x41000L && (colHeight[2] < 5 || colHeight[6] < 5)) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x1001000L) == 0x1001000L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x1040000L) == 0x1040000L && colHeight[4] < 5) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x1001L) == 0x1001L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x40001L) == 0x40001L && colHeight[4] < 5) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x102000L) == 0x102000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x8002000L) == 0x8002000L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 5; } if ((temp & 0x8100000L) == 0x8100000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 5; } break; default: break; } case 6: switch (colHeight[6]) { case 0: if ((temp & 0x8400L) == 0x8400L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x100400L) == 0x100400L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x108000L) == 0x108000L && colHeight[5] < 1) { return 6; } break; case 1: if ((temp & 0x4200L) == 0x4200L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x80200L) == 0x80200L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x84000L) == 0x84000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x10400L) == 0x10400L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x400400L) == 0x400400L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x410000L) == 0x410000L && colHeight[5] < 1) { return 6; } break; case 2: if ((temp & 0x2100L) == 0x2100L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x40100L) == 0x40100L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x42000L) == 0x42000L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x8200L) == 0x8200L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x200200L) == 0x200200L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x208000L) == 0x208000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 6; } break; case 3: if ((temp & 0x4100L) == 0x4100L && colHeight[3] < 3) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x100100L) == 0x100100L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x104000L) == 0x104000L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x800200L) == 0x800200L && colHeight[4] < 1) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x810000L) == 0x810000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 6; } break; case 4: if ((temp & 0x2080L) == 0x2080L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x80080L) == 0x80080L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x82000L) == 0x82000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x8100L) == 0x8100L && colHeight[3] < 1) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x400100L) == 0x400100L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x408000L) == 0x408000L && colHeight[5] < 3) { return 6; } break; case 5: if ((temp & 0x1040L) == 0x1040L && colHeight[3] < 5) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x40040L) == 0x40040L && colHeight[4] < 5) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x41000L) == 0x41000L && colHeight[5] < 5) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x4080L) == 0x4080L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x200080L) == 0x200080L && colHeight[4] < 3) { return 6; } if ((temp & 0x204000L) == 0x204000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 6; } break; default: break; } default: break; } return (-1); } // This Method was generated with another Programm /** * This Method (the source) was generated with a C-program, because its * source-code is very long. Can only be used for Player 1.
* Find a field, in which player 1 can create an odd threat. * * @param startWith * Column to start with search * @return column for creating a odd-threat, or else -1 */ protected int findOddThreatP1(int startWith) { // Diese Methode sucht nach ungeraden Drohung, JEDOCH nur für den // Anziehenden switch (startWith) { case 0: switch (colHeight[0]) { case 0: if ((fieldP1 & 0x410100000L) == 0x400100000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 0; } break; case 1: if ((fieldP1 & 0x404080000L) == 0x4080000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 0; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x204100000L) == 0x204000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 0; } break; case 2: if ((fieldP1 & 0x104040000L) == 0x100040000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 0; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x408200000L) == 0x8200000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 0; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x210200000L) == 0x200200000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 0; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x208400000L) == 0x208000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 0; } break; case 3: if ((fieldP1 & 0x410800000L) == 0x10800000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 0; } break; case 4: if ((fieldP1 & 0x102080000L) == 0x2080000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 0; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x84080000L) == 0x80080000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 0; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x82100000L) == 0x82000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 0; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x110400000L) == 0x100400000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 0; } break; case 5: if ((fieldP1 & 0x104200000L) == 0x4200000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 0; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x84400000L) == 0x84000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 0; } break; default: break; } case 1: switch (colHeight[1]) { case 0: if ((fieldP1 & 0x10004000L) == 0x10004000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } break; case 1: if ((fieldP1 & 0x102000L) == 0x102000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8100000L) == 0x8100000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x20000100000L) == 0x20000100000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } break; case 2: if ((fieldP1 & 0x4001000L) == 0x4001000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10004000000L) == 0x10004000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8200000L) == 0x8200000L && (colHeight[0] < 2 || colHeight[4] < 2)) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8000200000L) == 0x8000200000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8008000000L) == 0x8008000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x208000L) == 0x208000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8008000L) == 0x8008000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } break; case 3: if ((fieldP1 & 0x2040000L) == 0x2040000L && colHeight[0] < 2) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8000040000L) == 0x8000040000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8400000L) == 0x8400000L && colHeight[0] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2000400000L) == 0x2000400000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x420000L) == 0x420000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 1; } break; case 4: if ((fieldP1 & 0x2080000L) == 0x2080000L && (colHeight[0] < 4 || colHeight[4] < 4)) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2000080000L) == 0x2000080000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2002000000L) == 0x2002000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x82000L) == 0x82000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2002000L) == 0x2002000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x1004000000L) == 0x1004000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x4010000L) == 0x4010000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 1; } break; case 5: if ((fieldP1 & 0x108000L) == 0x108000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 1; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2100000L) == 0x2100000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 1; } break; default: break; } case 2: switch (colHeight[2]) { case 0: if ((fieldP1 & 0x400100L) == 0x400100L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 2; } break; case 1: if ((fieldP1 & 0x4080L) == 0x4080L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x204000L) == 0x204000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x4000800000L) == 0x4000800000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x800004000L) == 0x800004000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } break; case 2: if ((fieldP1 & 0x100040L) == 0x100040L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x100400000L) == 0x100400000L && colHeight[0] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x400100000L) == 0x400100000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200200000L) == 0x200200000L && (colHeight[0] < 2 || colHeight[4] < 2)) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8000200000L) == 0x8000200000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8200000000L) == 0x8200000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x208000L) == 0x208000L && (colHeight[1] < 2 || colHeight[5] < 2)) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200008000L) == 0x200008000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8200L) == 0x8200L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200200L) == 0x200200L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 2; } break; case 3: if ((fieldP1 & 0x1000200000L) == 0x1000200000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x1080000000L) == 0x1080000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x81000L) == 0x81000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200001000L) == 0x200001000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x210000L) == 0x210000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80010000L) == 0x80010000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10000080000L) == 0x10000080000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10200000000L) == 0x10200000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10800L) == 0x10800L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 2; } break; case 4: if ((fieldP1 & 0x80080000L) == 0x80080000L && (colHeight[0] < 4 || colHeight[4] < 4)) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2000080000L) == 0x2000080000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2080000000L) == 0x2080000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x82000L) == 0x82000L && (colHeight[1] < 4 || colHeight[5] < 4)) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80002000L) == 0x80002000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2080L) == 0x2080L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80080L) == 0x80080L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x40100000L) == 0x40100000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x100040000L) == 0x100040000L && colHeight[0] < 2) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x100400L) == 0x100400L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 2; } break; case 5: if ((fieldP1 & 0x4200L) == 0x4200L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 2; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x84000L) == 0x84000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 2; } break; default: break; } case 3: switch (colHeight[3]) { case 0: if ((fieldP1 & 0x4010000000L) == 0x4010000000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10004L) == 0x10004L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 3; } break; case 1: if ((fieldP1 & 0x108000000L) == 0x108000000L && colHeight[0] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2100000000L) == 0x2100000000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x102L) == 0x102L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8100L) == 0x8100L && colHeight[6] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x100020000L) == 0x100020000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x20000100L) == 0x20000100L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } break; case 2: if ((fieldP1 & 0x1004000000L) == 0x1004000000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x4001L) == 0x4001L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x4010000L) == 0x4010000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10004000L) == 0x10004000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x208000000L) == 0x208000000L && (colHeight[0] < 2 || colHeight[4] < 2)) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8008000000L) == 0x8008000000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8200000000L) == 0x8200000000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8008000L) == 0x8008000L && (colHeight[1] < 2 || colHeight[5] < 2)) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200008000L) == 0x200008000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8200L) == 0x8200L && (colHeight[2] < 2 || colHeight[6] < 2)) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8000200L) == 0x8000200L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x208L) == 0x208L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8008L) == 0x8008L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 3; } break; case 3: if ((fieldP1 & 0x40008000L) == 0x40008000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x42000000L) == 0x42000000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2040L) == 0x2040L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8000040L) == 0x8000040L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8400L) == 0x8400L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2000400L) == 0x2000400L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x400002000L) == 0x400002000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x408000000L) == 0x408000000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x420L) == 0x420L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x20400000000L) == 0x20400000000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 3; } break; case 4: if ((fieldP1 & 0x82000000L) == 0x82000000L && (colHeight[0] < 4 || colHeight[4] < 4)) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2002000000L) == 0x2002000000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2080000000L) == 0x2080000000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2002000L) == 0x2002000L && (colHeight[1] < 4 || colHeight[5] < 4)) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80002000L) == 0x80002000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2080L) == 0x2080L && (colHeight[2] < 4 || colHeight[6] < 4)) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2000080L) == 0x2000080L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x82L) == 0x82L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2002L) == 0x2002L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x1004000L) == 0x1004000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x4001000L) == 0x4001000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x4010L) == 0x4010L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10004000000L) == 0x10004000000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 3; } break; case 5: if ((fieldP1 & 0x108L) == 0x108L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2100L) == 0x2100L && colHeight[6] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x102000000L) == 0x102000000L && colHeight[0] < 2) { return 3; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8100000000L) == 0x8100000000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 3; } break; default: break; } case 4: switch (colHeight[4]) { case 0: if ((fieldP1 & 0x100400000L) == 0x100400000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 4; } break; case 1: if ((fieldP1 & 0x4200000L) == 0x4200000L && colHeight[1] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x84000000L) == 0x84000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x4000800L) == 0x4000800L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x800004L) == 0x800004L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 4; } break; case 2: if ((fieldP1 & 0x40100000L) == 0x40100000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x100400L) == 0x100400L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x400100L) == 0x400100L && colHeight[6] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8200000L) == 0x8200000L && (colHeight[1] < 2 || colHeight[5] < 2)) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200200000L) == 0x200200000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x208000000L) == 0x208000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200200L) == 0x200200L && (colHeight[2] < 2 || colHeight[6] < 2)) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8000200L) == 0x8000200L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x208L) == 0x208L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200008L) == 0x200008L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 4; } break; case 3: if ((fieldP1 & 0x1000200L) == 0x1000200L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x1080000L) == 0x1080000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x81L) == 0x81L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200001L) == 0x200001L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x210L) == 0x210L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80010L) == 0x80010L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10000080L) == 0x10000080L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10200000L) == 0x10200000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x810000000L) == 0x810000000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 4; } break; case 4: if ((fieldP1 & 0x2080000L) == 0x2080000L && (colHeight[1] < 4 || colHeight[5] < 4)) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80080000L) == 0x80080000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x82000000L) == 0x82000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80080L) == 0x80080L && (colHeight[2] < 4 || colHeight[6] < 4)) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2000080L) == 0x2000080L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x82L) == 0x82L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80002L) == 0x80002L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x40100L) == 0x40100L && colHeight[6] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x100040L) == 0x100040L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x400100000L) == 0x400100000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 4; } break; case 5: if ((fieldP1 & 0x4080000L) == 0x4080000L && colHeight[1] < 2) { return 4; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x204000000L) == 0x204000000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 4; } break; default: break; } case 5: switch (colHeight[5]) { case 0: if ((fieldP1 & 0x4010000L) == 0x4010000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } break; case 1: if ((fieldP1 & 0x108000L) == 0x108000L && colHeight[2] < 4) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2100000L) == 0x2100000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x100020L) == 0x100020L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } break; case 2: if ((fieldP1 & 0x1004000L) == 0x1004000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x4010L) == 0x4010L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x208000L) == 0x208000L && (colHeight[2] < 2 || colHeight[6] < 2)) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8008000L) == 0x8008000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8200000L) == 0x8200000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8008L) == 0x8008L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200008L) == 0x200008L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } break; case 3: if ((fieldP1 & 0x40008L) == 0x40008L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x42000L) == 0x42000L && colHeight[6] < 2) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x400002L) == 0x400002L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x408000L) == 0x408000L && colHeight[6] < 4) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x20400000L) == 0x20400000L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 5; } break; case 4: if ((fieldP1 & 0x82000L) == 0x82000L && (colHeight[2] < 4 || colHeight[6] < 4)) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2002000L) == 0x2002000L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2080000L) == 0x2080000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x2002L) == 0x2002L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80002L) == 0x80002L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x4001L) == 0x4001L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x10004000L) == 0x10004000L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 5; } break; case 5: if ((fieldP1 & 0x102000L) == 0x102000L && colHeight[2] < 2) { return 5; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8100000L) == 0x8100000L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 5; } break; default: break; } case 6: switch (colHeight[6]) { case 0: if ((fieldP1 & 0x100400L) == 0x100400L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 6; } break; case 1: if ((fieldP1 & 0x4200L) == 0x4200L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 6; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x84000L) == 0x84000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 6; } break; case 2: if ((fieldP1 & 0x40100L) == 0x40100L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 6; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x8200L) == 0x8200L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 6; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x200200L) == 0x200200L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 6; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x208000L) == 0x208000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 6; } break; case 3: if ((fieldP1 & 0x810000L) == 0x810000L && colHeight[5] < 2) { return 6; } break; case 4: if ((fieldP1 & 0x2080L) == 0x2080L && colHeight[3] < 4) { return 6; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x80080L) == 0x80080L && colHeight[4] < 4) { return 6; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x82000L) == 0x82000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 6; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x400100L) == 0x400100L && colHeight[4] < 2) { return 6; } break; case 5: if ((fieldP1 & 0x4080L) == 0x4080L && colHeight[3] < 2) { return 6; } if ((fieldP1 & 0x204000L) == 0x204000L && colHeight[5] < 4) { return 6; } break; default: break; } default: break; } return (-1); } /** * Generate the zobrist-Key for a board * * @param f1 * BitBoard of Player1 * @param f2 * BitBoard of Player2 * @return */ public static long toZobrist(long f1, long f2) { int i, j, stelle; long temp; long ZobristKey = 0L; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { stelle = 41 - (i * 6 + j); temp = (1L << stelle); if ((f1 & temp) == temp) ZobristKey ^= rnd[0][i * 6 + j]; else if ((f2 & temp) == temp) ZobristKey ^= rnd[1][i * 6 + j]; else break; } } return ZobristKey; } /** * Check, if the current board is symmetric * * @return */ private boolean isSymmetric() { long fieldP1mirrored = getMirroredField(PLAYER1); long fieldP2mirrored = getMirroredField(PLAYER2); return (fieldP1mirrored == fieldP1 && fieldP2mirrored == fieldP2); } /** * Check, if it is possible to create a symmetric board from the current one * * @return */ private boolean symPossible() { long fieldP1mirrored = getMirroredField(PLAYER1); long fieldP2mirrored = getMirroredField(PLAYER2); return ((fieldP1mirrored & fieldP2) == 0L && (fieldP2mirrored & fieldP1) == 0L); } /** * Root-node of the alpha-Beta-algorithm * * @param retValue * true, if game-theoretic-value shall be returned * @return best move for the current player, or game-theoretic-value for the * current board */ protected int rootNode(boolean retValue) { int moves[], x, y = 0, bestMove = -1, player; int value = 0, alpha = -9999, beta = 9999; // check, which players turn player = (countPieces() % 2 == 0 ? PLAYER1 : PLAYER2); // Number of moves until a draw is reached movesTillFull = (42 - countPieces()); moves = generateMoves(player, true); // look for a direct Win for the current player if (hasWin(player)) { if (!retValue) for (x = 0; moves[x] != -1; x++) { if (canWin(player, moves[x], colHeight[moves[x]])) { return moves[x]; } } else { return (player == 1 ? 1000 : -1000); } } // If the board is symmetric, only one half has to be analyzed if (isSymmetric()) { int tmp[] = new int[8]; for (x = 0; moves[x] != -1; x++) { if (moves[x] < 4) tmp[y++] = moves[x]; } for (x = 0; x < y; x++) moves[x] = tmp[x]; moves[x] = -1; } // Try all moves for the current player for (x = 0; moves[x] > -1; x++) { putPiece(player, moves[x]); if (player == PLAYER1) value = alphaBetaStartP2(1, alpha, beta, toZobrist(fieldP1, fieldP2), symPossible()); else value = alphaBetaStartP1(1, alpha, beta, toZobrist(fieldP1, fieldP2), symPossible()); removePiece(player, moves[x]); if (player == PLAYER1) { if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; bestMove = moves[x]; } if (value == 1000) { if (!retValue) return bestMove; return alpha; } } else if (player == PLAYER2) { if (value < beta) { beta = value; bestMove = moves[x]; } if (value == -1000) { if (!retValue) return bestMove; return beta; } } } // if the board is a loose for the player, look for the most distant one if (!seekFarLoose && !retValue && ((player == PLAYER1 && alpha < -500) || (player == PLAYER2 && beta > 500)) && (countPieces() > 12 || useDeepBookDist)) { initTranspositionTable(); boolean oldUsebook = useBook; boolean oldUseDeepBook = useDeepBook; boolean oldUseDeepBookDist = useDeepBookDist; useBook = false; useDeepBook = false; useDeepBookDist = true; seekFarLoose = true; looseIntervall = 42 / countPieces() * 2; int newBestMove = rootNode(false); seekFarLoose = false; looseIntervall = 20; useBook = oldUsebook; useDeepBook = oldUseDeepBook; useDeepBookDist = oldUseDeepBookDist; System.gc(); return newBestMove; } if (!retValue) return bestMove; return (player == 1 ? alpha : beta); } /** * @param depth * current search depth * @param alpha * @param beta * @param zobr * current Zobrist-Key * @param symPos * is a symmetry possible for the current board * @return */ private int alphaBetaStartP1(int depth, int alpha, int beta, long zobr, boolean symPos) { // distance to win / loss int distance = depth;// (seekFarLoose ? countPieces() / looseIntervall : // 0); // First, check for own Win (Player 1) if (hasWin(PLAYER1)) return 1020 - distance; // Check for draw if (depth == movesTillFull) { return 0; } // if search-horizon is reached if (depth >= searchDepth) { int eval = evaluate(PLAYER1, zobr); //Params actually not needed if (eval != -1) return eval; // if evaluate doesn't get a proper value, then // search a little deeper } // Normal Book if (useBook && depth < 10 && countPieces() == 8 && books != null) { // The params must be swapped, because the database uses a other // representation int codedPos = fieldToHuffman(fieldP2, fieldP1, false); int codedPosMirrored = fieldToHuffman(getMirroredField(PLAYER2), getMirroredField(PLAYER1), true); int value = books.getOpeningBook().getValue(codedPos, codedPosMirrored); if (value == 0) { return 0; } else if (value == 1) { return -992; } else { return 992; } } // Deep Book with Distance if (useDeepBookDist && depth < 14 && countPieces() == 12 && books != null) { // The params must be swapped, because the database uses a other // representation int codedPos = fieldToHuffman(fieldP2, fieldP1, false); int codedPosMirrored = fieldToHuffman(getMirroredField(PLAYER2), getMirroredField(PLAYER1), true); return books.getOpeningBookDeepDist().getValue(codedPos, codedPosMirrored); } // Deep Book if (useDeepBook && depth < 14 && countPieces() == 12 && books != null) { // The params must be swapped, because the database uses a other // representation int codedPos = fieldToHuffman(fieldP2, fieldP1, false); int codedPosMirrored = fieldToHuffman(getMirroredField(PLAYER2), getMirroredField(PLAYER1), true); int value = books.getOpeningBookDeep().getValue(codedPos, codedPosMirrored); if (value == 0) { return 0; } else if (value == 1) { return -988; } else { return 988; } } // Get index in Transposition-Table // 32-Bit-Operation int index = ((int) zobr & (lTransPosSize - 1)); // int transPosition = (unsigned long)zobr % lTransPosSize; // should be equal to above operation (time) // Check for Entry in Transposition-Table if (lKey[index] == zobr) { short v = lValue[index]; switch (lFlag[index]) { case TRANSPOSEXACT: return v; case TRANSPOSLOWER: if (v >= beta) return v; if (v > alpha) alpha = v; break; case TRANSPOSUPPER: if (v <= alpha) return v; if (v < beta) beta = v; break; } } boolean isExactValue = false; int x, y = 0, later = -1, z = -1, q = -1; long t; short value = 0; int[] drlt = new int[1]; int anz; int moves[]; // Mirror Board long f1 = getMirroredField(PLAYER1); long f2 = getMirroredField(PLAYER2); if (tds != null && countPieces() <= 10) moves = tds.getBestMoveList(fieldP1, fieldP2); else // dynamic move-ordering moves = generateMoves(PLAYER1, true); // Check, if symmetry is still possible. If current board is symmetric, // only one half of the board must be evaluated if (symPos) if ((symPos = ((f1 & fieldP1) == 0L && (f2 & fieldP2) == 0L))) if ((f1 == fieldP2 && f2 == fieldP1)) { int tmp[] = new int[8]; for (x = 0; moves[x] != -1; x++) { if (moves[x] < 4) tmp[y++] = moves[x]; } for (x = 0; x < y; x++) moves[x] = tmp[x]; moves[x] = -1; } // Try to find mirrored board in Transposition-Table if (depth < 16 /* && symPos */) { // scheint ohne das // Auskommentiere schneller zu sein long nZobr = toZobrist(f1, f2); int transPositionN = ((int) nZobr & (lTransPosSize - 1)); if (lKey[transPositionN] == nZobr) { short v = lValue[transPositionN]; switch (lFlag[transPositionN]) { case TRANSPOSEXACT: return v; case TRANSPOSLOWER: if (v >= beta) return v; if (v > alpha) alpha = v; break; case TRANSPOSUPPER: if (v <= alpha) return v; if (v < beta) beta = v; break; } } } // Some special tests, to get the GTV directly. Doesn't work all the // time if (depth < 14 && !hasWin(PLAYER2)) { for (x = 0; moves[x] > -1; x++) { t = fieldP1; putPiece(PLAYER1, moves[x]); if (canWin(PLAYER2, moves[x], colHeight[moves[x]])) { fieldP1 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; continue; } anz = hasWin(PLAYER1, drlt); // Check if current player has two direct threats -> immediate // Win if (anz > 1) { fieldP1 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = TRANSPOSEXACT; lValue[index] = (short) (1020 - distance); return 1020 - distance; } else if (anz != 0) { // Check if current player has two threats on top of // each-other -> direct Win if (colHeight[drlt[0]] < 5 && canWin(PLAYER1, drlt[0], colHeight[drlt[0]] + 1)) { fieldP1 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = TRANSPOSEXACT; lValue[index] = (short) (1020 - distance); return 1020 - distance; } colHeight[drlt[0]]++; // Check, if a threat can be forced if (q == -1 && findOddThreatP1(0) != -1) q = moves[x]; colHeight[drlt[0]]--; } fieldP1 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; } } else { // Search for threats, which are on top of each other for (x = 0; moves[x] != -1; x++) { if (colHeight[moves[x]] < 4) { colHeight[moves[x]]++; if (canWin(PLAYER1, moves[x], colHeight[moves[x]])) if (canWin(PLAYER1, moves[x], colHeight[moves[x]] + 1) && !hasWin(PLAYER2)) { // direct win -> colHeight[moves[x]]--; return 1020 - distance; } colHeight[moves[x]]--; } } } // Check, if a Odd Threat can be created (only odd threats are from // interest for the beginning player) y = findOddThreatP1(0); if (y > -1) { // Look for another odd threat z = findOddThreatP1(y); if (z != -1 && colHeight[z] < colHeight[y]) { x = z; z = y; y = x; } t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask[y][colHeight[y]++]; value = (short) alphaBetaStartP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[0][y * 6 - 1 + colHeight[y]], symPos); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[y]--; if (value >= beta) { lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; lValue[index] = value; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isExactValue = true; } if (value >= 1000) { lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = (isExactValue ? TRANSPOSEXACT : TRANSPOSUPPER); lValue[index] = value; return value; } if (z > -1) { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask[z][colHeight[z]++]; value = (short) alphaBetaStartP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[0][z * 6 - 1 + colHeight[z]], symPos); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[z]--; if (value >= beta) { lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; lValue[index] = value; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isExactValue = true; } if (value >= 1000) { lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = (isExactValue ? TRANSPOSEXACT : TRANSPOSUPPER); lValue[index] = value; return value; } } } // Try to force a odd threat if (q != -1) { if (colHeight[q] < 4 && colHeight[q] % 2 != 0 && later == -1 && canWin(PLAYER1, q, colHeight[q] + 1)) later = q; else { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask[q][colHeight[q]++]; value = (short) alphaBetaStartP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[0][q * 6 - 1 + colHeight[q]], symPos); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[q]--; if (value >= beta) { lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; lValue[index] = value; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isExactValue = true; } if (value >= 1000) { lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = (isExactValue ? TRANSPOSEXACT : TRANSPOSUPPER); lValue[index] = value; return value; } } } // Try all legal Moves for (x = 0; moves[x] > -1; x++) { if (y == moves[x] || z == moves[x] || q == moves[x]) continue; // Don't put a piece underneath a own threat -> threat would become // worthless if (colHeight[moves[x]] < 4 && colHeight[moves[x]] % 2 != 0 && later == -1 && canWin(PLAYER1, moves[x], colHeight[moves[x]] + 1)) later = moves[x]; else { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask[moves[x]][colHeight[moves[x]]++]; value = (short) alphaBetaStartP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[0][moves[x] * 6 - 1 + colHeight[moves[x]]], symPos); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; if (value >= beta) { lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; lValue[index] = value; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isExactValue = true; } if (value >= 1000) { lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = (isExactValue ? TRANSPOSEXACT : TRANSPOSUPPER); lValue[index] = value; return value; } } } // Put a piece underneath a own threat if (later > -1) { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask[later][colHeight[later]++]; value = (short) alphaBetaStartP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[0][later * 6 - 1 + colHeight[later]], symPos); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[later]--; if (value >= beta) { lKey[index] = zobr; lFlag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; lValue[index] = value; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isExactValue = true; } } if (isExactValue) lFlag[index] = TRANSPOSEXACT; else // No move could be found, that was better than alpha lFlag[index] = TRANSPOSUPPER; lKey[index] = zobr; lValue[index] = (short) alpha; return alpha; } /** * For comments, look at alphaBetaStartP1 * * @param depth * current searchDepth * @param alpha * @param beta * @param zobr * current Zobrist-Key * @param symPos * is a symmetry possible on the current board * @return Value */ private int alphaBetaStartP2(int depth, int alpha, int beta, long zobr, boolean symPos) { int distance = depth;// (seekFarLoose ? countPieces() / looseIntervall : // 0); if (hasWin(PLAYER2)) return -1020 + distance; int moves[]; int x; long t; int transPosition; //if (tds != null && countPieces() <= 10) // moves = tds.getBestMoveList(fieldP1, fieldP2); //else // dynamische Zugsortierung moves = generateMoves(PLAYER2, true); // Enhanced Transposition Cutoff for (x = 0; moves[x] != (-1); x++) { t = zobr ^ rnd[1][moves[x] * 6 + colHeight[moves[x]]]; long k; short v; byte f; // Hash-Table ist in zwei Stufen unterteilt, daher die // Unterscheidung if (depth > 13) { transPosition = ((int) t & (transPosSize - 1)); k = key[transPosition]; v = value[transPosition]; f = flag[transPosition]; } else { transPosition = ((int) t & (lTransPosSize - 1)); k = lKey[transPosition]; v = lValue[transPosition]; f = lFlag[transPosition]; } if (k == t && f != TRANSPOSLOWER && v <= alpha) return v; } int y = 0, later = -1, z = -1, q = -1, anz; int[] drlt = new int[1]; int value = 0; if (symPos) // War beim letzten Zug eine symmetrische Stellung möglich if ((symPos = symPossible())) // ist immer noch eine möglich if (isSymmetric()) { // liegt eine echte Symmetrie vor // Nur eine Seite des Spielfeldes muss ausprobiert werden int tmp[] = new int[8]; for (x = 0; moves[x] != -1; x++) { if (moves[x] < 4) tmp[y++] = moves[x]; } for (x = 0; x < y; x++) moves[x] = tmp[x]; moves[x] = -1; } // Wenn Spieler 1 eine akute Drohung hat, dann lohnt es sich nicht, // diese Stellung genauuer zu untersuchen if (depth < 12 && !hasWin(PLAYER1)) { for (x = 0; moves[x] > -1; x++) { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask[moves[x]][colHeight[moves[x]]++]; // Wenn Spieler2 einen Zug macht und Spieler1 daraufhin gewinnt, // dann abbrechen if (canWin(PLAYER1, moves[x], colHeight[moves[x]])) { fieldP2 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; continue; } anz = hasWin(PLAYER2, drlt); if (anz > 1) { fieldP2 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; return -1020 + distance; } else if (anz != 0) { // Wenn Spieler2 aber doch noch eine Drohung hatte if (colHeight[drlt[0]] < 5 && canWin(PLAYER2, drlt[0], colHeight[drlt[0]] + 1)) { fieldP2 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; return -1020 + distance; } colHeight[drlt[0]]++; // Kann eine Drohung erzwungen werden if (q == -1 && findThreat(PLAYER2, 0) != -1) q = moves[x]; colHeight[drlt[0]]--; } fieldP2 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; } } else { // Nach Doppeldrohungen suchen, die direkt übereinander sind for (x = 0; moves[x] != -1; x++) { if (colHeight[moves[x]] < 4) { colHeight[moves[x]]++; if (canWin(PLAYER2, moves[x], colHeight[moves[x]])) if (canWin(PLAYER2, moves[x], colHeight[moves[x]] + 1) && !hasWin(PLAYER1)) { colHeight[moves[x]]--; return -1020 + distance; } colHeight[moves[x]]--; } } } y = findThreat(PLAYER2, 0); if (y > -1) { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask[y][colHeight[y]++]; if (depth > 13) value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][y * 6 - 1 + colHeight[y]]); else value = alphaBetaStartP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][y * 6 - 1 + colHeight[y]], symPos); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[y]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value <= -1000) // Bei Sieg (eindeutig) abbrechen return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; z = findThreat(PLAYER2, y); if (z > -1) { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask[z][colHeight[z]++]; if (depth > 13) value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][z * 6 - 1 + colHeight[z]]); else value = alphaBetaStartP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][z * 6 - 1 + colHeight[z]], symPos); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[z]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value <= -1000) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } if (q != -1) { if (colHeight[q] < 5 && colHeight[q] % 2 == 0 && later == -1 && canWin(PLAYER2, q, colHeight[q] + 1)) later = q; else { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask[q][colHeight[q]++]; value = alphaBetaStartP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][q * 6 - 1 + colHeight[q]], symPos); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[q]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value <= -1000) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } for (x = 0; moves[x] > -1; x++) { if (y == moves[x] || z == moves[x] || q == moves[x]) continue; if (colHeight[moves[x]] < 5 && colHeight[moves[x]] % 2 == 0 && later == -1 && canWin(PLAYER2, moves[x], colHeight[moves[x]] + 1)) later = moves[x]; else { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask[moves[x]][colHeight[moves[x]]++]; if (depth > 13) value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][moves[x] * 6 - 1 + colHeight[moves[x]]]); else value = alphaBetaStartP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][moves[x] * 6 - 1 + colHeight[moves[x]]], symPos); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[moves[x]]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value <= -1000) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } if (later > -1) { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask[later][colHeight[later]++]; if (depth > 13) value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][later * 6 - 1 + colHeight[later]]); else value = alphaBetaStartP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][later * 6 - 1 + colHeight[later]], symPos); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[later]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value <= -1000) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } return beta; } /** * Faster Alpha-Beta-Search for more deep depths. * * @param depth * current search-depth * @param alpha * @param beta * @param zobr * current Zobrist-Key * @return Value */ private int alphaBetaP1(int depth, int alpha, int beta, long zobr) { // Check for direct Win if (hasWin(PLAYER1)) { int distance = (seekFarLoose ? countPieces() / looseIntervall : 0); return 1000 - distance; } // If only 2 free fields are left on the board, a exact value can be // determined if (depth == movesTillFull - 2) { long f = (~(fieldP2 | fieldP1)) & TOPROW; // Wenn beide leeren Felder in oberster Reihe sind if ((f & (f - 1L)) != 0L) { int v[] = new int[2], i = 0; if (colHeight[0] != 6) v[i++] = 0; if (colHeight[6] != 6) v[i++] = 6; if (colHeight[1] != 6) v[i++] = 1; if (colHeight[5] != 6) v[i++] = 5; if (colHeight[2] != 6) v[i++] = 2; if (colHeight[4] != 6) v[i++] = 4; if (colHeight[3] != 6) v[i] = 3; if (canWin(PLAYER2, v[0], colHeight[v[0]]) && canWin(PLAYER2, v[1], colHeight[v[1]])) return -1000; return 0; } else { short v = -1; if (colHeight[0] != 6) v = 0; else if (colHeight[6] != 6) v = 6; else if (colHeight[1] != 6) v = 1; else if (colHeight[5] != 6) v = 5; else if (colHeight[2] != 6) v = 2; else if (colHeight[4] != 6) v = 4; else if (colHeight[3] != 6) v = 3; if (canWin(PLAYER2, v, colHeight[v] + 1)) return -1000; return 0; } } // Check for a draw if (depth == movesTillFull) { return 0; } // Evaluate, if search-horizon is reached if (depth >= searchDepth) { // TODO: Maybe this part should be put beneath the // transposition-retrieval, so that the value of the evaluation // can be stored in the transposition-table int eval = evaluate(PLAYER1, zobr); if (eval != -1) return eval; // if evaluate doesn't get a proper value, then // search a little deeper } // Index of Transposition-Table int index = ((int) zobr & (transPosSize - 1)); // Check, if current board is in Transposition-Table if (key[index] == zobr) { short v = value[index]; switch (flag[index]) { case TRANSPOSEXACT: return v; case TRANSPOSLOWER: if (v >= beta) return v; if (v > alpha) alpha = v; break; case TRANSPOSUPPER: if (v <= alpha) return v; if (v < beta) beta = v; break; } } Boolean isValueExact = false; int later = -1, x = -1, value; long t; // Look for odd Threats if (depth < 24) { x = findOddThreatP1(0); if (x > -1) { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask[x][colHeight[x]++]; value = alphaBetaP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[0][x * 6 - 1 + colHeight[x]]); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[x]--; if (value >= beta) { key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) value; flag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isValueExact = true; } } } // Try Moves in all the columns if (x != 3 && colHeight[3] < 6) { if (colHeight[3] < 4 && colHeight[3] % 2 != 0 && canWin(PLAYER1, 3, colHeight[3] + 1)) later = 3; else { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask3[colHeight[3]++]; value = alphaBetaP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd13[colHeight[3]]); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[3]--; if (value >= beta) { key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) value; flag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isValueExact = true; } } } if (x != 4 && colHeight[4] < 6) { if (colHeight[4] < 4 && later == -1 && colHeight[4] % 2 != 0 && canWin(PLAYER1, 4, colHeight[4] + 1)) later = 4; else { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask4[colHeight[4]++]; value = alphaBetaP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd14[colHeight[4]]); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[4]--; if (value >= beta) { key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) value; flag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isValueExact = true; } } } if (x != 2 && colHeight[2] < 6) { if (later == -1 && colHeight[2] < 4 && colHeight[2] % 2 != 0 && canWin(PLAYER1, 2, colHeight[2] + 1)) later = 2; else { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask2[colHeight[2]++]; value = alphaBetaP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd12[colHeight[2]]); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[2]--; if (value >= beta) { key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) value; flag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isValueExact = true; } } } if (x != 5 && colHeight[5] < 6) { if (later == -1 && colHeight[5] < 4 && colHeight[5] % 2 != 0 && canWin(PLAYER1, 5, colHeight[5] + 1)) later = 5; else { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask5[colHeight[5]++]; value = alphaBetaP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd15[colHeight[5]]); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[5]--; if (value >= beta) { key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) value; flag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isValueExact = true; } } } if (x != 1 && colHeight[1] < 6) { if (later == -1 && colHeight[1] < 4 && colHeight[1] % 2 != 0 && canWin(PLAYER1, 1, colHeight[1] + 1)) later = 1; else { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask1[colHeight[1]++]; value = alphaBetaP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd11[colHeight[1]]); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[1]--; if (value >= beta) { key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) value; flag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isValueExact = true; } } } if (x != 6 && colHeight[6] < 6) { if (later == -1 && colHeight[6] < 4 && colHeight[6] % 2 != 0 && canWin(PLAYER1, 6, colHeight[6] + 1)) later = 6; else { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask6[colHeight[6]++]; value = alphaBetaP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd16[colHeight[6]]); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[6]--; if (value >= beta) { key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) value; flag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isValueExact = true; } } } if (x != 0 && colHeight[0] < 6) { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask0[colHeight[0]++]; value = alphaBetaP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd10[colHeight[0]]); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[0]--; if (value >= beta) { key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) value; flag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isValueExact = true; } } // Put piece underneath own threat if (later != (-1)) { t = fieldP1; fieldP1 |= fieldMask[later][colHeight[later]++]; value = alphaBetaP2(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[0][later * 6 - 1 + colHeight[later]]); fieldP1 = t; colHeight[later]--; if (value >= beta) { key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) value; flag[index] = TRANSPOSLOWER; return value; } else if (value > alpha) { alpha = value; isValueExact = true; } } key[index] = zobr; this.value[index] = (short) alpha; flag[index] = (isValueExact ? TRANSPOSEXACT : TRANSPOSUPPER); return alpha; } /** * For Comments, check the almost equal method above (alphaBetaP1) * * @param depth * current search-depth * @param alpha * @param beta * @param zobr * current Zobrist-Key * @return Value */ private int alphaBetaP2(int depth, int alpha, int beta, long zobr) { if (hasWin(PLAYER2)) { int pieceCount = (seekFarLoose ? countPieces() / looseIntervall : 0); return -1000 + pieceCount; } int later = -1, x, value; long t; if (depth < 20) for (x = 0; x < 7; x++) { if (colHeight[x] != 6) { t = zobr ^ rnd[1][x * 6 + colHeight[x]]; int transPosition = ((int) t & (transPosSize - 1)); long k = key[transPosition]; short v = this.value[transPosition]; byte f = flag[transPosition]; if (k == t && f != TRANSPOSLOWER && v <= alpha) return v; } } x = -1; if (depth < 20) { x = findThreat(PLAYER2, 0); if (x > -1) { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask[x][colHeight[x]++]; value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][x * 6 - 1 + colHeight[x]]); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[x]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } if (x != 3 && colHeight[3] < 6) { if (colHeight[3] < 5 && canWin(PLAYER2, 3, colHeight[3] + 1)) later = 3; else { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask3[colHeight[3]++]; value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd23[colHeight[3]]); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[3]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } if (x != 4 && colHeight[4] < 6) { if (later == -1 && colHeight[4] < 5 && canWin(PLAYER2, 4, colHeight[4] + 1)) later = 4; else { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask4[colHeight[4]++]; value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd24[colHeight[4]]); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[4]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } if (x != 2 && colHeight[2] < 6) { if (later == -1 && colHeight[2] < 5 && canWin(PLAYER2, 2, colHeight[2] + 1)) later = 2; else { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask2[colHeight[2]++]; value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd22[colHeight[2]]); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[2]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } if (x != 5 && colHeight[5] < 6) { if (later == -1 && colHeight[5] < 5 && canWin(PLAYER2, 5, colHeight[5] + 1)) later = 5; else { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask5[colHeight[5]++]; value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd25[colHeight[5]]); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[5]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } if (x != 1 && colHeight[1] < 6) { if (later == -1 && colHeight[1] < 5 && canWin(PLAYER2, 1, colHeight[1] + 1)) later = 1; else { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask1[colHeight[1]++]; value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd21[colHeight[1]]); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[1]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } if (x != 6 && colHeight[6] < 6) { if (later == -1 && colHeight[6] < 5 && canWin(PLAYER2, 6, colHeight[6] + 1)) later = 6; else { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask6[colHeight[6]++]; value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd26[colHeight[6]]); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[6]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } } if (x != 0 && colHeight[0] < 6) { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask0[colHeight[0]++]; value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd20[colHeight[0]]); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[0]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } if (later != (-1)) { t = fieldP2; fieldP2 |= fieldMask[later][colHeight[later]++]; value = alphaBetaP1(depth + 1, alpha, beta, zobr ^ rnd[1][later * 6 - 1 + colHeight[later]]); fieldP2 = t; colHeight[later]--; if (value <= alpha) return value; else if (value < beta) beta = value; } return beta; } /** * This method currently only works for boards with not more than 2 threats * (>70% of all boards) * * @return estimated Value for the current board */ public int evaluate(int curPlayer, long zobr) { int numThreats = 0, threatsCol = 0, y; long threatsP1 = 0L, threatsP2 = 0L; // Ermittlung aller Drohungen beider Spieler! // Außerdem Spalten markieren, in denen Drohungen // vorhanden sind! for (byte i = 0; i < COLCOUNT; i++) { y = colHeight[i]; while (y < 6) { if (canWin(PLAYER1, i, y)) { threatsP1 |= fieldMask[i][y]; numThreats++; // Markiert Spalte in der Drohung ist threatsCol |= (1 << (6 - i)); break; } if (canWin(PLAYER2, i, y)) { threatsP2 |= fieldMask[i][y]; numThreats++; // Markiert Spalte in der Drohung ist threatsCol |= (1 << (6 - i)); } ++y; // Mehr Drohungen werden sowieso nicht untersucht if (numThreats > 2) return -1; } } // Prüfen, wie viele Drohungen vorhanden sind // und bei 0,1 oder 2 Drohungen Bewertung der // Stellung ermitteln switch (numThreats) { case 0: // Wenn keiner eine Drohung hat return 0; case 1: // Wenn einer der beiden Spieler eine Drohung hat if (threatsP2 != 0) {// Wenn Spieler2 die Drohung hat // Wenn Spieler2 eine gerade Drohung hat if ((threatsP2 & EVENROWS) != 0L) return -500; return 0; } // Wenn Spieler1 eine ungerade Drohung hat if ((threatsP1 & ODDROWS) != 0L) return 500; return 0; case 2: // Wenn insgesamt 2 Drohungen vorhanden sind if (threatsP2 == 0L) { // Wenn Spieler2 keine Drohung hat if ((threatsP1 & ODDROWS) != 0L) return 500; return 0; } if (threatsP1 == 0L) { // Wenn Spieler1 keine Drohung hat // Wenn Spieler2 min. eine gerade Drohung hat if ((threatsP2 & EVENROWS) != 0L) return -500; // Befinden sich die Drohungen von Spieler2 in unterschiedlichen // spalten if ((threatsCol & (threatsCol - 1)) != 0L) // Wenn Spieler2 2 ungerade Drohungen hat if ((threatsP2 & ODDROWS) == threatsP2) return -500; break; } // Wenn beide eine Drohung haben // Wenn beide Drohungen in unterschiedlichen Spalten sind if ((threatsCol & (threatsCol - 1)) != 0L) { if ((threatsP1 & ODDROWS) != 0L) if ((threatsP2 & ODDROWS) != 0L) return 0; // Beide haben eine ungerade Drohung else // Spieler1 hat eine ungerade und Spieler2 eine gerade // Drohung return 500; if ((threatsP1 & EVENROWS) != 0L) return -500; // Spieler1 hat nur eine gerade Drohung } // Wenn beide Drohungen im gleichen Feld sind... if ((threatsP1 & threatsP2) != 0L) if ((threatsP1 & EVENROWS) != 0L) // Spieler1 und Spieler2 haben eine gerade Drohung return -500; else // Spieler1 und Spieler2 haben eine ungerade Drohung return 500; break; } return -1; } /** * Find the best move for the current Player. If there are equal move, * select randomly. If this board is a loss, make a completly random move. * This method always rests the variable randomizeLosses. * * @param table * @return best move (random choice) */ private int getBestMoveRandLoss(int[][] table) { double[] vals = getNextVTable(table, false); int sign = (countPieces() % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1); double bestVal = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int bestMove = -1; int countEqual = 1; for (int i = 0; i < COLCOUNT; i++) { if (vals[i] != Double.NaN) { double curVal = vals[i] * sign; if (curVal < 0 && curVal > -1000) curVal = -10; if (curVal > bestVal) { bestMove = i; bestVal = curVal; countEqual = 1; } else if (curVal == bestVal) { countEqual++; if (rand.nextDouble() < 1.0 / countEqual) bestMove = i; } } } if (bestVal <= -1000 /* && countPieces() <= 10 */) { boolean oldVal = randomizeEqualMoves; randomizeLosses = false; randomizeEqualMoves = false; int x = getBestMove(table); randomizeEqualMoves = oldVal; randomizeLosses = true; return x; } else if (bestVal < 0 && countPieces() > 10) { // Search most distant loss after opening-phase boolean oldVal = randomizeEqualMoves; randomizeLosses = false; randomizeEqualMoves = false; int x = getBestMove(table); randomizeEqualMoves = oldVal; randomizeLosses = true; return x; } return bestMove; } // private int getBestMoveRandLoss(int[][] table) { // double[] vals = getNextVTable(table, false); // int sign = (countPieces() % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1); // double bestVal = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // int bestMove = -1; // int countEqual = 1; // for (int i = 0; i < COLCOUNT; i++) { // if (vals[i] != Double.NaN) { // double curVal = vals[i] * sign; // if (curVal < 0 && curVal > -1000) // curVal = -10; // if (curVal > bestVal) { // bestMove = i; // bestVal = curVal; // countEqual = 1; // } else if (curVal == bestVal) { // countEqual++; // if (rand.nextDouble() < 1.0 / countEqual) // bestMove = i; // } // } // } // // if (bestVal <= -1000) { // boolean oldVal = randomizeEqualMoves; // randomizeLosses = false; // randomizeEqualMoves = false; // int x = getBestMove(table); // randomizeEqualMoves = oldVal; // randomizeLosses = true; // return x; // // } else if (bestVal < 0 && countPieces() >= 6) { // // Search most distant loss after opening-phase // boolean oldVal = randomizeEqualMoves; // randomizeLosses = false; // randomizeEqualMoves = false; // useBook = false; // int x = getBestMove(table); // useBook=true; // randomizeEqualMoves = oldVal; // randomizeLosses = true; // return x; // } // return bestMove; // } /** * Find the best move for the current Player. If there are equal move, * select randomly * * @param table * @return best move (random choice) */ private int getBestMoveRand(int[][] table) { double[] vals = getNextVTable(table, false); int sign = (countPieces() % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1); double bestVal = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int bestMove = -1; int countEqual = 1; for (int i = 0; i < COLCOUNT; i++) { if (vals[i] != Double.NaN) { double curVal = vals[i] * sign; if (curVal > bestVal) { bestMove = i; bestVal = curVal; countEqual = 1; } else if (curVal == bestVal) { countEqual++; if (rand.nextDouble() < 1.0 / countEqual) bestMove = i; } } } if (bestVal < 0) { randomizeEqualMoves = false; int x = getBestMove(table); randomizeEqualMoves = true; return x; } return bestMove; } /** * Set Size of the Transposition Table * * @param index * index in the Table of possible Values */ public void setTransPosSize(int index) { // index in the array of possible values transPosSize = TRANSPOSSIZE[index]; lTransPosSize = transPosSize / 8; // Transposition Table for higher Search-Depths key = new long[transPosSize]; value = new short[transPosSize]; flag = new byte[transPosSize]; // Transposition Table for lower Search-Depths lKey = new long[lTransPosSize]; lValue = new short[lTransPosSize]; lFlag = new byte[lTransPosSize]; System.gc(); } /** * @param useNormalBook * true, if normal book shall be used * @param useDeepBook * true, if deep book shall be used * @param useDeepBookDist * true, if normal deep book with exact distances shall be used */ public void setBooks(boolean useNormalBook, boolean useDeepBook, boolean useDeepBookDist) { useBook = useNormalBook; this.useDeepBook = useDeepBook; this.useDeepBookDist = useDeepBookDist; } /** * Choose, if random move is made when more than one move has the same value * * @param randomize */ public void randomizeEqualMoves(boolean randomize) { randomizeEqualMoves = randomize; } /** * Find the best move for the current Player in method getBestMove(). If * there are equal moves, select randomly. If a board is a loss, make a * almost completly random move. */ public void randomizeLosses(boolean value) { randomizeLosses = value; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see c4.PlayAgent#getBestMove(int[][]) */ public int getBestMove(int[][] table) { if (randomizeLosses) return getBestMoveRandLoss(table); if (randomizeEqualMoves) return getBestMoveRand(table); semOpDown(); setBoard(table); int val = rootNode(false); semOpUp(); return val; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see c4.PlayAgent#getScore(int[][], boolean) */ public double getScore(int[][] table, boolean useSigmoid) { semOpDown(); setBoard(table); double score = 0.1; if (useBook && countPieces() == 8) { int codedPos = fieldToHuffman(fieldP2, fieldP1, false); int codedPosMirrored = fieldToHuffman(getMirroredField(PLAYER2), getMirroredField(PLAYER1), true); int value = books.getOpeningBook().getValue(codedPos, codedPosMirrored); if (value == 0) { score = 0; } else if (value == 1) { score = -992; } else { score = 992; } } // Deep Book with Distance else if (useDeepBookDist && countPieces() == 12 && books != null) { // The params must be swapped, because the database uses a other // representation int codedPos = fieldToHuffman(fieldP2, fieldP1, false); int codedPosMirrored = fieldToHuffman(getMirroredField(PLAYER2), getMirroredField(PLAYER1), true); score = books.getOpeningBookDeepDist().getValue(codedPos, codedPosMirrored); } // Deep Book else if (useDeepBook && countPieces() == 12 && books != null) { // The params must be swapped, because the database uses a other // representation int codedPos = fieldToHuffman(fieldP2, fieldP1, false); int codedPosMirrored = fieldToHuffman(getMirroredField(PLAYER2), getMirroredField(PLAYER1), true); int value = books.getOpeningBookDeep().getValue(codedPos, codedPosMirrored); if (value == 0) { score = 0; } else if (value == 1) { score = -988; } else { score = 988; } } else score = rootNode(true); semOpUp(); if (!useSigmoid) return score; return Math.tanh(score); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see c4.PlayAgent#getNextVTable(int[][], boolean) */ @Override public double[] getNextVTable(int[][] table, boolean useSigmoid) { semOpDown(); setBoard(table); double[] values = new double[7]; int player = (countPieces() % 2 == 0 ? PLAYER1 : PLAYER2); int otherPlayer = (player == PLAYER1 ? PLAYER2 : PLAYER1); int x; for (x = 0; x < COLCOUNT; x++) { if (colHeight[x] < ROWCOUNT) { if (canWin(player, x, colHeight[x])) { values[x] = (player == PLAYER1 ? 1001 : -1001); if (useSigmoid) values[x] = Math.tanh(values[x]); continue; } putPiece(player, x); double score = 0.1; if (hasWin(otherPlayer)) score = (otherPlayer == PLAYER1 ? 1001 : -1001); else if (useBook && countPieces() == 8) { int codedPos = fieldToHuffman(fieldP2, fieldP1, false); int codedPosMirrored = fieldToHuffman( getMirroredField(PLAYER2), getMirroredField(PLAYER1), true); int value = books.getOpeningBook().getValue(codedPos, codedPosMirrored); if (value == 0) { score = 0; } else if (value == 1) { score = -992; } else { score = 992; } } else if ((useDeepBook) && countPieces() == 12) { // Die Parameter muessen vertauscht werden, da Spieler2 der // Anziehende in der Datenbank ist int codedPos = fieldToHuffman(fieldP2, fieldP1, false); int codedPosMirrored = fieldToHuffman( getMirroredField(PLAYER2), getMirroredField(PLAYER1), true); int value = books.getOpeningBookDeep().getValue(codedPos, codedPosMirrored); if (value == 0) { score = 0; } else if (value == 1) { score = -988; } else { score = 988; } } else if (useDeepBookDist && countPieces() == 12) { // Die Parameter muessen vertauscht werden, da Spieler2 der // Anziehende in der Datenbank ist int codedPos = fieldToHuffman(fieldP2, fieldP1, false); int codedPosMirrored = fieldToHuffman( getMirroredField(PLAYER2), getMirroredField(PLAYER1), true); score = books.getOpeningBookDeepDist().getValue(codedPos, codedPosMirrored); } else score = rootNode(true); values[x] = score; if (useSigmoid) values[x] = Math.tanh(values[x]); removePiece(player, x); } else values[x] = Double.NaN; } semOpUp(); return values; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see c4.PlayAgent#getName() */ public String getName() { return new String("Alpha-Beta-Agent"); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see c4.Agent#semOpDown() */ @Override public void semOpDown() { try { mutex.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see c4.Agent#semOpUp() */ @Override public void semOpUp() { mutex.release(); } public void setTDAgent(TDSAgent td) { tds = td; } @Override public AgentState getAgentState() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }