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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>Archetypum | Tomasulo algorithm visualizer</title>
        <meta name="author" content="Martin Brugnara<mb@disi.unitn.it>, Gianluca Bortoli <gianluca.bortoli@unitn.it>">
        <meta name="keyword" content="Tomasulo, Tomasulo algorithm, visualizer, reservation station, ROB">
        <meta name="description" content="Higly parametrized Tomasulo algorithm visualizer">
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  vertical-align: top

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                        <h3>Please type your program or select an example.</h3>
                        <span>Examples: </span><ul id="exlist"></ul>

                    <div id="raw-wrap"><!--
                            <textarea class="tech" id="raw-src" cols="25" rows="17"></textarea>
                        --><div id="help">
                            <h4>Instruction set</h4>
                                    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OP1, OP2 <span class="txt">:= Register or Immediate value.</span><br>
                                    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DST <span class="txt">:= Register.</span>
                                        <li>ADD OP1, OP2, DST</li>
                                        <li>SUB OP1, OP2, DST</li>
                                        <li>MUL OP1, OP2, DST</li>
                                        <li>DIV OP1, OP2, DST</li>

                                <li><p>Flow control</p>
                                    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ADDR<span class="txt">:= Instruction address (row #).</span>
                                        <li>JMP ADDR</li>
                                        <li>JZ &nbsp;ADDR</li>
                                        <li>JNZ ADDR</li>

                                <li><p>Memory interface</p>
                                    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="txt">REG := Register</span><br>
                                    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="txt">VAL, ADDR := Register or Immediate value.</span>
                                        <li>LDR ADDR, REG<br>
                                            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="txt">Page size := 1.<br>
                                        <li>STR VAL, ADDR</li>

                                        <li>; comment</li>
                    <a href="#" id="rdy" class="act-btn btn blu">load</a>

            <section id="tab-config" class="tab">
                <a href="#tab-config" class="tab-link">configuration</a>
                <section class="tab-body">
                    <table id="ctable">
                                    <header>Register File</header>
                                    <table class="inner-table">
                                            <td># <input type="number" min="0" id="ri" value="8" size="2" max="99"></td>
                                    <header>Functional Units</header>
                                    <table class="inner-table">
                                        <tr class="row3">
                                            <td># <input type="number" min="0" id="iaddr" value=3 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                            <td>latency <input type="number" min="0" id="iaddrd" value=2 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                        <tr class="row3">
                                            <td># <input type="number" min="0" id="imult" value=2 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                            <td>latency <input type="number" min="0" id="imultd" value=4 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                        <tr class="row3">
                                            <td># <input type="number" min="0" id="idiv" value=1 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                            <td>latency <input type="number" min="0" id="idivd" value=6 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                    <table class="inner-table">
                                        <tr><td>read latency</td><td><input type="number" min="0" id="rl" value="10" size="2" max="99"></td></tr>
                                        <tr><td>write latency</td><td><input type="number" min="0" id="wl" value="15" size="2" max="99"></td></tr>
                                    <table class="inner-table">
                                            <td><select id="cache_alg"><option value="no-cache">no cache</option><option value="nwayset_wb" selected>n-way w.back</option><option value="nwayset_wt">n-way w.through</option></select></td>
                                            <td>N (ways) <input type="number" min="0" id="nways" value=2 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                            <td>size <input type="number" min="0" id="csize" value=4 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                            <td>read latency <input type="number" min="0" id="crl" value=0 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                            <td>write latency <input type="number" min="0" id="cwl" value=0 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                    <table class="inner-table">
                                        <tr><td>issue-exec delay</td><td><input id="ied" type="checkbox" checked></td></tr>
                                        <tr><td>exec-write delay</td><td><input id="ewd" type="checkbox" checked></td></tr>
                                        <tr><td>ROB (<small>0 = disabled</small>)</td><td>size <input type="number" min="0" id="rsize" value=8 size=2 max="99"></td>
                                    <header>Branch Predictor</header>
                                    <table class="inner-table">
                                            <td><select id="bp"><optgroup label="Static predictors"><option value="non">Non speculative</option><option value="at">Always taken</option><option value="ant">Always not taken</option><option value="btfnt">BTFNT</option></optgroup><optgroup label="Dinamic predictors"><option value="nbit" selected>n-bit</option></optgroup></select></td>
                                        <tr><td>N (bits)</td><td><input type="number" id="nbit_n" value=2 size=2 min=0 max="99"></td></tr>
                                        <tr><td>K (size)</td><td><input type="number" id="nbit_k" value=4 size=2 min=0 max="99"></td></tr>

                <input type="hidden" min="0" id="rf" value="0" size="2" max="99">
                <a href="#" id="apply_conf" class="act-btn btn blu">apply</a>

            <section id="tab-exec" class="tab active">
                <a href="#tab-exec" class="tab-link">execution</a>
                <section class="tab-body">
                    <header id="control-bar">
                                    <i class="icon clock"></i><span id="clock">0</span>
                                    <i class="icon pc"></i><span id="pc">0</span>
                                    <a id="reset"><i class="icon reset"></i></a>
                                    <a id="play"><i class="icon play"></i></a>
                                    <a id="pause"><i class="icon pause"></i></a>
                                    <a id="step"><i class="icon step"></i></a>
                                    <i class="icon speed"></i>
                                    <input id="speed" type="range" min="1" max="20" step="1" value="5" />

                    <table id="exec-tbl">
                            <td rowspan="2">
                                <div class="scrollable" id="scroll_source">
                                    <table id="sourcecode_tbl">
                                        <caption>Source Code</caption>
                                        <tbody class="tech" id="sourcecode">
                                <div class="scrollable" id="scroll_exec">
                                    <table id="exec_tbl">
                                        <tbody class="tech" id="scexec">
                                <div class="scrollable">
                                    <table id="rob">
                                <div class="scrollable">
                                        <caption>Reservation Stations</caption>
                                        <tbody class="tech" id="rs">
                                <div class="scrollable">
                                        <table id="reg">


                                        <table id="cache">
                Made by <a href="mailto:mb@disi.unitn.it">Martin Brugnara</a> and <a href="mailto:gianluca.bortoli@unitn.it">Gianluca Bortoli</a>
                <a href="https://github.com/MartinBrugnara/archetypum" target="_blank"><i id="octocat" alt="octocat"></i></a>

        <script type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
class CircularBuffer {
    constructor(size) {
        this.head = 0;
        this.tail = 0;
        this.availableData = 0;
        this.nextTag = () => this.tail;
        this[Symbol.iterator] = function (me) {
            return function* () {
                for (let idx = 0; idx < me.availableData; idx++) {
                    let i = (me.head + idx) % me.buffer.length;
                    yield [i, me.buffer[i]];
        this.reverse = function (me) {
            return function* () {
                for (let idx = me.availableData - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
                    let i = (me.head + idx) % me.buffer.length;
                    yield [i, me.buffer[i]];
        this.buffer = new Array(size);
    isEmpty() { return this.availableData === 0; }
    isFull() { return this.availableData === this.buffer.length; }
    push(data) {
        if (this.isFull())
            return -1;
        let idx = this.tail % this.buffer.length;
        this.buffer[idx] = data;
        this.tail = (this.tail + 1) % this.buffer.length;
        return idx;
    pop() {
        if (this.isEmpty())
            return null;
        let data = this.buffer[this.head % this.buffer.length];
        this.head = (this.head + 1) % this.buffer.length;
        return data;
class CdbMessage {
    constructor(rsName, result, dst) {
        this.rsName = rsName;
        this.result = result;
        this.dst = dst;
class Emulator {
    constructor(fuConf, regConf, robSize, cache, memMgm, IU, program) {
        this.cache = cache;
        this.memMgm = memMgm;
        this.IU = IU;
        this.program = program;
        this.clock = 0;
        this.pc = 0;
        this.uid = 0;
        this.useRob = false;
        this.hist = [];
        this.REG = new Register(regConf);
        this.FUs = FuFactory(fuConf);
        if (robSize) {
            this.ROB = new Rob(robSize, memMgm, IU);
            this.useRob = true;
    step() {
        this.CDB = new Queue();
        this.clock += 1;
        if (this.pc < this.program.length) {
            let rawInst = this.program[this.pc];
            let re = new RobEntry(rawInst, rawInst.dst, this.uid);
            let inst = this.REG.patch(rawInst, this.useRob ? this.ROB.patcher : this.REG.patcher, this.uid);
            if (!this.useRob || !this.ROB.isFull()) {
                if (this.useRob)
                    inst.tag = this.ROB.nextTag();
                let issued = false;
                let name = '';
                if (OpKindMap[inst.op] === FuKind.IU) {
                    if (this.IU.speculative ||
                        (!this.IU.speculative && this.ROB.isEmpty()) ||
                        inst.op === Op.JMP) {
                        this.pc = this.IU.nextPc(rawInst, this.REG.FLAGS);
                        re.ready = this.clock;
                        re.value = this.pc;
                        issued = true;
                    name = 'IU';
                else {
                    for (let fu of this.FUs) {
                        if (fu.tryIssue(this.clock, inst)) {
                            issued = true;
                            name = fu.name;
                if (issued) {
                    this.hist[this.uid].issued = this.clock;
                    if (this.useRob) {
                    else {
                        this.REG.setProducer(inst, name);
        for (let fu of this.FUs) {
            let rowid = fu.execute(this.clock);
            if (rowid >= 0)
                this.hist[rowid].executed = this.clock;
        for (let fu of this.FUs) {
            let rowid = fu.writeResult(this.clock, this.CDB);
            if (rowid >= 0)
                this.hist[rowid].written = this.clock;
        for (let fu of this.FUs)
        if (this.useRob) {
            this.ROB.readCDB(this.clock, this.CDB);
            let res = this.ROB.commit(this.clock, this.REG);
            if (res.uid !== -1)
                this.hist[res.uid].committed = this.clock;
            if (res.flush !== -1) {
                for (let re of this.ROB.cb)
                    this.hist[re[1].uid].flushed = true;
                for (let fu of this.FUs)
                this.pc = res.flush;
        else {
        for (let fu of this.FUs)
            if (fu.isBusy())
                return true;
        if (this.useRob && !this.ROB.isEmpty())
            return true;
        return this.pc < this.program.length;
var FuKind;
(function (FuKind) {
    FuKind[FuKind["ADDER"] = 0] = "ADDER";
    FuKind[FuKind["MULTIPLIER"] = 1] = "MULTIPLIER";
    FuKind[FuKind["DIVIDER"] = 2] = "DIVIDER";
    FuKind[FuKind["MEMORY"] = 3] = "MEMORY";
    FuKind[FuKind["IU"] = 4] = "IU";
})(FuKind || (FuKind = {}));
let FuMap = {};
class FunctionalUnitBaseClass {
    constructor(kind, name) {
        this.kind = kind;
        this.name = name;
        this.instr = null;
        this.issuedTime = -1;
        this.endTime = -1;
    getDue(clockTime) {
        let due = this.endTime >= clockTime ?
            (this.endTime - clockTime - 1) :
        return String(due);
    getInstr() {
        return this.instr;
    tryIssue(clockTime, instr) {
        if (this.kind !== instr.kind() || this.isBusy())
            return false;
        this.instr = instr;
        this.issuedTime = clockTime;
        return true;
    execute(clockTime) {
        if (this.isBusy() && this.isReady()
            && (!this.endTime || this.endTime < clockTime)
            && (clockTime >= (this.issuedTime + Number(ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY)))) {
            this.endTime = clockTime + this.duration + Number(EXEC_WRITE_DELAY);
            return this.instr.uid;
        return -1;
    computeValue() {
        throw new Error('Implement in child');
    writeResult(clockTime, cdb) {
        if (this.isBusy && this.endTime === clockTime) {
            cdb.push(new CdbMessage(this.instr.tag || this.name, this.result, this.instr.dst));
            let uid = this.instr.uid;
            this.instr = null;
            return uid;
        return -1;
    isBusy() {
        return !!this.instr;
    isReady() {
        return this.instr.qj === null && this.instr.qk === null;
    readCDB(cdb) {
        if (this.instr === null)
        if (!this.isBusy || (this.instr.qj === null && this.instr.qk === null))
        for (let msg of cdb) {
            if (this.instr.qj !== null && this.instr.qj === msg.rsName) {
                this.instr.vj = msg.result;
                this.instr.qj = null;
            if (this.instr.qk !== null && this.instr.qk === msg.rsName) {
                this.instr.vk = msg.result;
                this.instr.qk = null;
    flush() {
        this.instr = null;
        this.issuedTime = -1;
        this.endTime = -1;
class Adder extends FunctionalUnitBaseClass {
    constructor(name, kwargs) {
        super(FuKind.ADDER, name);
        this.duration = 2;
        if ('duration' in kwargs)
            this.duration = kwargs.duration;
    computeValue() {
        switch (this.instr.op) {
            case Op.ADD:
                this.result = this.instr.vj + this.instr.vk;
            case Op.SUB:
                this.result = this.instr.vj - this.instr.vk;
FuMap[FuKind.ADDER] = (name, kwargs) => new Adder(name, kwargs);
class Multiplier extends FunctionalUnitBaseClass {
    constructor(name, kwargs) {
        super(FuKind.MULTIPLIER, name);
        this.duration = 4;
        if ('duration' in kwargs)
            this.duration = kwargs.duration;
    computeValue() {
        this.result = this.instr.vj * this.instr.vk;
FuMap[FuKind.MULTIPLIER] = (name, kwargs) => new Multiplier(name, kwargs);
class Divider extends FunctionalUnitBaseClass {
    constructor(name, kwargs) {
        super(FuKind.DIVIDER, name);
        this.duration = 4;
        if ('duration' in kwargs)
            this.duration = kwargs.duration;
    computeValue() {
        this.result = Math.floor(this.instr.vj / this.instr.vk);
FuMap[FuKind.DIVIDER] = (name, kwargs) => new Divider(name, kwargs);
function FuFactory(conf) {
    let fus = [];
    for (let fuc of conf) {
        for (let i = 0; i < fuc[2]; i++) {
            fus.push(FuMap[fuc[0]](`${fuc[1]}${i}`, fuc[3]));
    return fus;
class MemoryFU extends FunctionalUnitBaseClass {
    constructor(name, kwargs) {
        super(FuKind.MEMORY, name);
        this.waiting = false;
        this.startTime = null;
        this.duration = 0;
        this.memMgm = kwargs['memMgm'];
        this.duration = kwargs['duration'];
    execute(clockTime) {
        let starting = false;
        if (this.isBusy() && this.isReady() &&
            (!this.endTime || this.endTime < clockTime) &&
            (clockTime >= (this.issuedTime + Number(ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY))) &&
            !this.waiting) {
            this.waiting = true;
            starting = true;
        if (this.waiting && (clockTime >= (this.issuedTime + Number(ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY)) +
            (this.instr.op === Op.LOAD && this.instr.vk !== 0 ? this.duration : 0))) {
            let done = false;
            switch (this.instr.op) {
                case Op.LOAD:
                    let value = this.memMgm.read(this.name, clockTime, this.instr.vj + this.instr.vk);
                    if (value !== null) {
                        this.result = value;
                        done = true;
                case Op.STORE:
                    done = this.memMgm.write(this.name, clockTime, this.instr.vj, this.instr.vk);
                    this.instr.dst = String(this.instr.vk);
                    this.result = this.instr.vj;
            if (done) {
                this.endTime = clockTime + Number(EXEC_WRITE_DELAY);
                this.waiting = false;
        return starting ? this.instr.uid : -1;
    computeValue() {
    flush() {
        this.waiting = false;
        this.startTime = null;
FuMap[FuKind.MEMORY] = (name, kwargs) => new MemoryFU(name, kwargs);
class Graphics {
    constructor(emu) {
        this.emu = emu;
        this.clk = document.getElementById('clock');
        this.pc = document.getElementById('pc');
        this.src = document.getElementById('sourcecode');
        this.scexec = document.getElementById('scexec');
        this.rs = document.getElementById('rs');
        this.reg = document.getElementById('reg');
        this.cache = document.getElementById('cache');
        this.rob = document.getElementById('rob');
        this.scrl_source = document.getElementById('scroll_source');
        this.scrl_source_tbl = document.getElementById('sourcecode_tbl');
        this.scrl_exec = document.getElementById('scroll_exec');
        this.scrl_exec_tbl = document.getElementById('exec_tbl');
    paint() {
        this.clk.innerHTML = String(this.emu.clock);
        this.pc.innerHTML = String(this.emu.pc);
        this.src.innerHTML = this.renderSrc();
        this.scexec.innerHTML = this.renderExec();
        this.rs.innerHTML = this.renderRS();
        this.reg.innerHTML = this.renderREG();
        this.cache.innerHTML = this.renderCache();
        this.rob.innerHTML = this.renderRob();
    scroll() {
        this.scrl_exec.scrollTop = this.scrl_exec_tbl.clientHeight;
        let row = this.scrl_source_tbl.querySelector('.current');
        if (row === undefined || row === null)
        let innerTop = row.getBoundingClientRect().top;
        let outerTop = this.scrl_source_tbl.getBoundingClientRect().top;
        let paneHeight = this.scrl_source.clientHeight;
        let scroll = (innerTop - outerTop) - ((paneHeight - row.clientHeight) / 2);
        this.scrl_source.scrollTop = scroll;
    renderSrc() {
        let rowid = 0;
        let html = [];
        for (let i of this.emu.program) {
                (this.emu.pc === rowid ? ' class="current"' : ''),
                '<td>', String(rowid++), '</td>',
                '<td>', i.toString(), '</td>',
            (this.emu.pc === this.emu.program.length ? ' class="current"' : ''),
            '<td>', String(this.emu.program.length), '</td>',
            '<td>', 'EOF', '</td>',
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join('');
    renderExec() {
        let rowid = 0;
        let html = [];
        for (let i of this.emu.hist) {
                i.flushed ? ' class="flushed"' : '',
                '<td>', String(rowid++), '</td>',
                '<td>', i.toString(), '</td>',
                '<td', (i.issued === this.emu.clock ? ' class="new-val"' : ''), '>',
                String(i.issued >= 0 ? i.issued : ''), '</td>',
                '<td', (i.executed === this.emu.clock ? ' class="new-val"' : ''), '>',
                String(i.executed >= 0 ? i.executed : ''), '</td>',
                '<td', (i.written === this.emu.clock ? ' class="new-val"' : ''), '>',
                String(i.written >= 0 ? i.written : ''), '</td>',
                '<td', (i.committed === this.emu.clock ? ' class="new-val"' : ''), '>',
                String(i.committed >= 0 ? i.committed : ''), '</td>',
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join('');
    renderRS() {
        let html = [];
        for (let f of this.emu.FUs) {
            let instr = f.getInstr();
                '<td>', f.name, '</td>',
                '<td', (f.isBusy() ? ' class="busy"' : ''), '></td>',
            ], (instr !== null ? [
                '<td>', instr.op.toString(), '</td>',
                '<td>', (instr.qj === null ? String(instr.vj) : ''), '</td>',
                '<td>', (instr.qk === null ? String(instr.vk) : ''), '</td>',
                '<td>', (instr.qj !== null ? instr.qj : ''), '</td>',
                '<td>', (instr.qk !== null ? instr.qk : ''), '</td>',
                '<td>', (instr.tag !== null ? instr.tag : ''), '</td>',
                '<td>', f.kind !== FuKind.MEMORY ? f.getDue(this.emu.clock) : '', '</td>'
            ] : [
            ]), ['</tr>']);
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join('');
    renderREG() {
        let html = [];
        var body = [];
        let tagMap = {};
        if (this.emu.useRob)
            for (let row of this.emu.ROB.cb)
                tagMap[row[1].dst] = String(row[0]);
        html.push(['<caption>Register Status (Q<sub>i</sub>)</caption>'], ['<thead><tr>']);
        for (let key in this.emu.REG.regs) {
            html.push(['<th colspan=2>', key, '</th>']);
                (this.emu.REG.qi[key] === null ? String(this.emu.REG.regs[key]) : this.emu.REG.qi[key]),
                key in tagMap ? 'T' + tagMap[key] : '-',
            if (!(body.length % 4)) {
                html.push(['</tr></thead><tbody class="tech"><tr>'], Array.prototype.concat.apply([], body), ['</tr></tbody>'], ['<thead><tr>']);
                body = [];
        html.push(['</tr></thead><tbody class="tech"><tr>'], Array.prototype.concat.apply([], body), ['</tr></tbody>']);
        if (!body.length)
            html.splice(-4, 4);
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join('');
    renderCache() {
        if (this.emu.cache.size === 0)
            return "";
        let html = [];
        for (let j = 0; j < this.emu.cache.n; j++)
            html.push(['<th colspan="3">N:', String(j), '</th>']);
        for (let j = 0; j < this.emu.cache.n; j++)
        for (let i = 0; i < this.emu.cache.size / this.emu.cache.n; i++) {
            html.push(['<tr><td>', String(i), '</td>']);
            for (let j = 0; j < this.emu.cache.n; j++) {
                let entry = this.emu.cache._cache[i][j];
                if (entry[0])
                        '<td>', String(entry[1]), '</td>',
                        '<td>', String(entry[2]), '</td>',
                        '<td', entry[3] ? ' class="busy">' : '>', '</td>'
            '<tfoot><tr><td colspan=7>',
            String(Math.round(this.emu.cache.readHit / (this.emu.cache.readHit + this.emu.cache.readMiss) * 100)),
            '% - evictions ', String(this.emu.cache.evictions),
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join('');
    renderRob() {
        if (!this.emu.useRob)
            return '';
        let html = [];
        html.push(['<caption>reorder buffer</caption><thead><tr><th>tag</th><th>Instruction</th><th>dst</th><th>val</th><th>rdy</th><th>row</th></tr></thead><tbody>']);
        for (let row of this.emu.ROB.cb) {
                '<td>', String(row[0]), '</td>',
                '<td>', String(row[1].instr), '</td>',
                '<td>', row[1].dst, '</td>',
                '<td>', String(row[1].value), '</td>',
                '<td', row[1].ready !== null ? ' class="busy">' : '>', '</td>',
                '<td>', String(row[1].instr.rowid), '</td>',
        for (let i = 0; i < this.emu.ROB.cb.buffer.length - this.emu.ROB.cb.availableData; i++) {
            let tag = (this.emu.ROB.cb.tail + i) % this.emu.ROB.cb.buffer.length;
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join('');
class RawInstruction {
    constructor(op, src0, src1, dst, rowid) {
        this.op = op;
        this.src0 = src0;
        this.src1 = src1;
        this.dst = dst;
        this.rowid = rowid;
        this.issued = -1;
        this.executed = -1;
        this.written = -1;
        this.committed = -1;
        this.flushed = false;
    toString() {
        if (this.op === Op.LOAD)
            return `${OpString[this.op]} ${this.src0},${this.dst}`;
        return `${OpString[this.op]} ${this.src0}` +
            `${this.src1 ? ',' : ''}${this.src1}` +
            `${this.dst ? ',' : ''}${this.dst}`;
class Instruction {
    constructor(op, dst, pc, uid, vj = 0, vk = 0, qj = null, qk = null, tag = null) {
        this.op = op;
        this.dst = dst;
        this.pc = pc;
        this.uid = uid;
        this.vj = vj;
        this.vk = vk;
        this.qj = qj;
        this.qk = qk;
        this.tag = tag;
    kind() {
        return OpKindMap[this.op];
var Op;
(function (Op) {
    Op[Op["ADD"] = 0] = "ADD";
    Op[Op["SUB"] = 1] = "SUB";
    Op[Op["MUL"] = 2] = "MUL";
    Op[Op["DIV"] = 3] = "DIV";
    Op[Op["LOAD"] = 4] = "LOAD";
    Op[Op["STORE"] = 5] = "STORE";
    Op[Op["JMP"] = 6] = "JMP";
    Op[Op["JZ"] = 7] = "JZ";
    Op[Op["JNZ"] = 8] = "JNZ";
})(Op || (Op = {}));
let OpKindMap = {};
OpKindMap[Op.ADD] = FuKind.ADDER;
OpKindMap[Op.SUB] = FuKind.ADDER;
OpKindMap[Op.MUL] = FuKind.MULTIPLIER;
OpKindMap[Op.DIV] = FuKind.DIVIDER;
OpKindMap[Op.LOAD] = FuKind.MEMORY;
OpKindMap[Op.STORE] = FuKind.MEMORY;
OpKindMap[Op.JMP] = FuKind.IU;
OpKindMap[Op.JZ] = FuKind.IU;
OpKindMap[Op.JNZ] = FuKind.IU;
let OpString = {};
OpString[Op.ADD] = "ADD";
OpString[Op.SUB] = "SUB";
OpString[Op.MUL] = "MUL";
OpString[Op.DIV] = "DIV";
OpString[Op.LOAD] = "LDR";
OpString[Op.STORE] = "STR";
OpString[Op.JMP] = "JMP";
OpString[Op.JZ] = "JZ";
OpString[Op.JNZ] = "JNZ";
let StringOp = {};
StringOp['ADD'] = Op.ADD;
StringOp['SUB'] = Op.SUB;
StringOp['MUL'] = Op.MUL;
StringOp['DIV'] = Op.DIV;
StringOp['LDR'] = Op.LOAD;
StringOp['STR'] = Op.STORE;
StringOp['JMP'] = Op.JMP;
StringOp['JZ'] = Op.JZ;
StringOp['JNZ'] = Op.JNZ;
let InstrLen = {};
InstrLen['LDR'] = 2;
InstrLen['STR'] = 2;
InstrLen['JMP'] = 1;
InstrLen['JZ'] = 1;
InstrLen['JNZ'] = 1;
function parse(src, rsize) {
    let prg = [];
    let rowid = 0;
    for (let row of src.split("\n")) {
        let crow = row.trim();
        if (!crow.length || crow.lastIndexOf(';', 0) === 0)
        let rawcmd = crow.split(' ', 1)[0];
        let cmd = rawcmd.trim().toUpperCase();
        if (!(cmd in StringOp))
            throw new Error(`[${crow}] ${cmd} is not a valid instruction`);
        let args = crow.substring(rawcmd.length).replace(/\s+/g, '').split(',');
        if (cmd in InstrLen && InstrLen[cmd] !== args.length)
            throw new Error(`[${crow}] ${cmd} expects ${InstrLen[cmd]} operands, got ${args.length}`);
        if (!(cmd in InstrLen) && args.length !== 3)
            throw new Error(`[${crow}] ${cmd} expects 3 operands, got ${args.length}`);
        for (let arg of args) {
            let v = isNaN(parseInt(arg, 10));
            let reg = parseInt(arg.substring(1, arg.length), 10);
            if (!(!v || (arg[0] === 'R' && !isNaN(reg) && reg >= 0 && reg < rsize)))
                throw new Error(`[${crow}] ${arg} is not a valid register`);
        if (StringOp[cmd] === Op.LOAD)
            prg.push(new RawInstruction(StringOp[cmd], args[0], '0', args[1], rowid++));
            prg.push(new RawInstruction(StringOp[cmd], args[0], args.length > 1 ? args[1] : "", args.length === 3 ? args[2] : "", rowid++));
    return prg;
class MemConf {
    constructor(readLatency, writeLatency) {
        this.readLatency = readLatency;
        this.writeLatency = writeLatency;
class Memory {
    constructor(c) {
        this.mem = {};
        this.currentOpComplete = -1;
        this.readLatency = 0;
        this.writeLatency = 0;
        this.readLatency = c.readLatency;
        this.writeLatency = c.writeLatency;
    flush() {
        this.currentOpComplete = -1;
    isBusy() {
        return this.currentOpComplete !== -1;
    read(clock, loc) {
        if (this.currentOpComplete === -1) {
            this.currentOpComplete = clock + this.readLatency;
        else if (clock >= this.currentOpComplete) {
            this.currentOpComplete = -1;
            return this._read(loc);
        return null;
    write(clock, loc, value) {
        if (this.currentOpComplete === -1) {
            this.currentOpComplete = clock + this.writeLatency;
        else if (clock === this.currentOpComplete) {
            this.currentOpComplete = -1;
            this._write(loc, value);
            return true;
        return false;
    _read(loc) {
        if (this.mem[loc] === undefined) {
            this.mem[loc] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
        return this.mem[loc];
    _write(loc, value) {
        this.mem[loc] = value;
let XCacheMap = {};
function XCacheFactory(name, c) {
    if (name in XCacheMap)
        return XCacheMap[name](c);
        return new XCache(c);
class XCache {
    constructor(c) {
        this._cache = {};
        this.readMiss = 0;
        this.readHit = 0;
        this.evictions = 0;
        this.working = false;
        if (c['mem'] !== undefined)
            this.mem = c.mem;
    isBusy() {
        return this.working;
    flush() {
        this.working = false;
    read(clock, loc) {
        let value = this.mem.read(clock, loc);
        this.working = value === null;
        return value;
    write(clock, loc, value) {
        let finished = this.mem.write(clock, loc, value);
        this.working = !finished;
        return finished;
XCacheMap["no-cache"] = (c) => new XCache(c);
class NWayCache extends XCache {
    constructor(c) {
        this.currentOpComplete = -1;
        this.miss = false;
        this.writing = null;
        this.n = 'n' in c ? c['n'] : 2;
        this.size = 'size' in c ? c['size'] : 4;
        this.isWriteBack = 'iswriteback' in c ? c['iswriteback'] : false;
        this.readLatency = 'readLatency' in c ? c['readLatency'] : 0;
        this.writeLatency = 'writeLatency' in c ? c['readLatency'] : 0;
        if (this.size % this.n !== 0)
            throw new Error("Invalid (N,Size) paraemters combination");
        for (let i = 0; i < this.size / this.n; i++) {
            this._cache[i] = [];
            for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++)
                this._cache[i].push([false, 0, 0, false]);
    flush() {
        this.writing = null;
        this.currentOpComplete = -1;
        this.miss = false;
    isBusy() {
        return this.currentOpComplete !== -1;
    findValue(loc) {
        let i = loc % this.n;
        for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) {
            let entry = this._cache[i][j];
            if (entry[0] && entry[1] === loc) {
                return entry[2];
        return null;
    setValue(loc, value, dirty = false) {
        let i = loc % this.n;
        for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) {
            let entry = this._cache[i][j];
            if (entry[0] && entry[1] === loc) {
                this._cache[i][j] = [true, loc, value, dirty];
                return null;
        for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) {
            let entry = this._cache[i][j];
            if (!entry[0]) {
                this._cache[i][j] = [true, loc, value, dirty];
                return null;
        let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.n);
        let entry = this._cache[i][j];
        this._cache[i][j] = [true, loc, value, dirty];
        if (entry[3] === true) {
            return entry;
        return null;
    read(clock, loc) {
        if (this.currentOpComplete === -1) {
            this.currentOpComplete = clock + this.readLatency;
        if (clock === this.currentOpComplete) {
            let value = this.findValue(loc);
            if (value !== null) {
                this.currentOpComplete = -1;
                return value;
            else {
                this.miss = true;
        if (this.miss) {
            let value = this.mem.read(clock, loc);
            if (value !== null) {
                this.miss = false;
                let evicted = this.setValue(loc, value);
                if (evicted !== null && this.isWriteBack) {
                    this.result = value;
                    this.writing = evicted;
                else {
                    this.currentOpComplete = -1;
                    return value;
        if (this.writing !== null) {
            if (this.mem.write(clock, this.writing[1], this.writing[2])) {
                let retval = this.result;
                this.result = null;
                this.writing = null;
                this.currentOpComplete = -1;
                return retval;
        return null;
    write(clock, loc, value) {
        if (this.currentOpComplete === -1)
            this.currentOpComplete = clock + this.writeLatency;
        if (clock < this.currentOpComplete)
            return false;
        if (clock === this.currentOpComplete) {
            let evicted = this.setValue(loc, value, true);
            if (evicted !== null && this.isWriteBack) {
                this.writing = evicted;
            if (!this.isWriteBack) {
                this.writing = [true, loc, value, true];
        if (this.writing !== null) {
            if (this.mem.write(clock, this.writing[1], this.writing[2])) {
                this.writing = null;
        if (this.writing === null) {
            this.currentOpComplete = -1;
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
XCacheMap["nwayset"] = (c) => new NWayCache(c);
var MgmIntState;
(function (MgmIntState) {
    MgmIntState[MgmIntState["FREE"] = 0] = "FREE";
    MgmIntState[MgmIntState["READ"] = 1] = "READ";
    MgmIntState[MgmIntState["WRITE"] = 2] = "WRITE";
})(MgmIntState || (MgmIntState = {}));
class MemoryMGM {
    constructor(cache, useRob) {
        this.cache = cache;
        this.useRob = useRob;
        this.state = MgmIntState.FREE;
        this.currFU = '';
    flush() {
        this.state = MgmIntState.FREE;
        this.currFU = '';
    read(funame, clock, loc) {
        if (this.state !== MgmIntState.FREE && funame !== this.currFU)
            return null;
        if (this.useRob) {
            for (let entry of this.rob.cb.reverse()) {
                if (String(loc) === entry[1].dst)
                    return entry[1].value;
        if (!this.cache.isBusy()) {
            this.state = MgmIntState.READ;
            this.currFU = funame;
        if (this.state === MgmIntState.READ) {
            let value = this.cache.read(clock, loc);
            if (value !== null)
                this.state = MgmIntState.FREE;
            return value;
        return null;
    write(funame, clock, loc, value, commit = false) {
        if (this.state !== MgmIntState.FREE && funame !== this.currFU)
            return false;
        if (this.useRob && !commit)
            return true;
        if (!this.cache.isBusy()) {
            this.state = MgmIntState.WRITE;
            this.currFU = funame;
        if (this.state === MgmIntState.WRITE) {
            if (this.cache.write(clock, loc, value)) {
                this.state = MgmIntState.FREE;
            return this.state === MgmIntState.FREE;
        return false;
class Queue {
    constructor() {
        this._store = [];
    [Symbol.iterator]() {
        return this._store[Symbol.iterator]();
    push(val) {
    pop() {
        return this._store.shift();
var Flag;
(function (Flag) {
    Flag[Flag["ZF"] = 0] = "ZF";
    Flag[Flag["NFLAGS"] = 1] = "NFLAGS";
})(Flag || (Flag = {}));
class Register {
    constructor(conf) {
        this.regs = {};
        this.qi = {};
        this.FLAGS = [];
        this.patcher = function (me, reg) {
            return [me.regs[reg], me.qi[reg]];
        for (let i = 0; i < conf.ints; i++) {
            this.regs[`R${i}`] = 0;
            this.qi[`R${i}`] = null;
        for (let f = 0; f < conf.floats; f++) {
            this.regs[`F${f}`] = 0;
            this.qi[`F${f}`] = null;
        for (let f = 0; f < Flag.NFLAGS; f++)
    patch(ri, qfunc, uid) {
        let ins = new Instruction(ri.op, ri.dst, ri.rowid, uid);
        let value = parseInt(ri.src0, 10);
        if (isNaN(value)) {
            let res = qfunc(this, ri.src0), v = res[0], remote = res[1];
            if (remote === null) {
                value = v;
            else {
                value = 0;
                ins.qj = remote;
        ins.vj = value;
        if (ri.src1.length !== 0) {
            value = parseInt(ri.src1, 10);
            if (isNaN(value)) {
                let res = qfunc(this, ri.src1);
                let v = res[0], remote = res[1];
                if (remote === null) {
                    value = v;
                else {
                    value = 0;
                    ins.qk = remote;
            ins.vk = value;
        return ins;
    setProducer(inst, rs) {
        if (this.regs[inst.dst] === undefined)
        this.regs[inst.dst] = 0;
        this.qi[inst.dst] = rs;
    readCDB(cdb) {
        for (let msg of cdb) {
            if (this.qi[msg.dst] === msg.rsName) {
                this.regs[msg.dst] = msg.result;
                this.qi[msg.dst] = null;
class Rob {
    constructor(size, memMgm, IU) {
        this.size = size;
        this.memMgm = memMgm;
        this.IU = IU;
        this.isFull = () => this.cb.isFull();
        this.isEmpty = () => this.cb.isEmpty();
        this.nextTag = () => String(this.cb.nextTag());
        this.push = (r) => this.cb.push(r);
        this.pop = () => this.cb.pop();
        this.patcher = function (me) {
            return function (registry, reg) {
                for (let item of me.cb.reverse()) {
                    let tag = item[0], entry = item[1];
                    if (reg === entry.dst) {
                        if (entry.ready !== null) {
                            return [entry.value, null];
                        else {
                            return [0, String(tag)];
                return [registry.regs[reg], null];
        this.cb = new CircularBuffer(size);
        memMgm.rob = this;
    flush() {
        this.cb = new CircularBuffer(this.size);
        this.memMgm.rob = this;
    readCDB(clock, cdb) {
        for (let msg of cdb) {
            let tag = Number(msg.rsName);
            this.cb.buffer[tag].dst = msg.dst;
            this.cb.buffer[tag].value = msg.result;
            this.cb.buffer[tag].ready = clock;
    setFlags(entry, reg) {
        reg.FLAGS[Flag.ZF] = entry.value === 0;
    commit(clock, reg) {
        if (this.isEmpty())
            return new CommitResponse();
        let head = this.cb.buffer[this.cb.head];
        if (head.ready === null || head.ready >= clock)
            return new CommitResponse();
        if ([FuKind.ADDER, FuKind.MULTIPLIER].indexOf(OpKindMap[head.instr.op]) !== -1)
            this.setFlags(head, reg);
        if (OpKindMap[head.instr.op] === FuKind.IU)
            return new CommitResponse(this.cb.pop().uid, this.IU.validateChoice(head, reg.FLAGS));
        if (head.dst === '') {
            return new CommitResponse(this.cb.pop().uid);
        else if (head.dst in reg.regs) {
            reg.regs[head.dst] = head.value;
            return new CommitResponse(this.cb.pop().uid);
        else {
            if (this.memMgm.write('ROB', clock, Number(head.dst), head.value, true))
                return new CommitResponse(this.cb.pop().uid);
        return new CommitResponse();
class RobEntry {
    constructor(instr, dst, uid = -1, value = 0, ready = null) {
        this.instr = instr;
        this.dst = dst;
        this.uid = uid;
        this.value = value;
        this.ready = ready;
class CommitResponse {
    constructor(uid = -1, flush = -1) {
        this.uid = uid;
        this.flush = flush;
class BranchPredictor {
    constructor(N = 0, K = 0) {
        this.N = N;
        this.K = K;
        this.speculative = true;
    real(instr, flags) {
        if ((instr.op === Op.JZ && flags[Flag.ZF]) || (instr.op === Op.JNZ && !flags[Flag.ZF]))
            return Number(instr.src0);
        else if (instr.op === Op.JMP)
            return Number(instr.src0);
            return instr.rowid + 1;
    validateChoice(head, flags) {
        let correct = this.real(head.instr, flags);
        return correct !== head.value ? correct : -1;
let BpMap = {};
class NonSpeculative extends BranchPredictor {
    constructor() {
        this.speculative = false;
    nextPc(instr, flags) {
        return this.real(instr, flags);
BpMap['non'] = (n, k) => new NonSpeculative(n, k);
class AlwaysTaken extends BranchPredictor {
    nextPc(instr, flags) {
        return Number(instr.src0);
BpMap['at'] = (n, k) => new AlwaysTaken(n, k);
class AlwaysNotTaken extends BranchPredictor {
    nextPc(instr, flags) {
        return instr.rowid + 1;
BpMap['ant'] = (n, k) => new AlwaysNotTaken(n, k);
class BTFNT extends BranchPredictor {
    nextPc(instr, flags) {
        let jaddr = Number(instr.src0);
        return jaddr < instr.rowid ? jaddr : instr.rowid + 1;
BpMap['btfnt'] = (n, k) => new BTFNT(n, k);
class NBit extends BranchPredictor {
    constructor(N, K) {
        super(N, K);
        this.N = N;
        this.K = K;
        this.BHT = [];
        this.LastPred = [];
        this.AddrTag = [];
        for (let k = 0; k < K; k++) {
            this.BHT.push(N / 2);
    reset(idx) {
        this.BHT[idx] = this.N / 2;
        this.LastPred[idx] = false;
        this.AddrTag[idx] = -1;
    nextPc(instr, flags) {
        let idx = instr.rowid % this.K;
        if (this.AddrTag[idx] !== instr.rowid) {
            this.AddrTag[idx] = instr.rowid;
        let pval = this.BHT[idx];
        this.LastPred[idx] = pval > this.N / 2 || (pval === this.N / 2 && this.LastPred[idx]);
        return this.LastPred[idx] ? Number(instr.src0) : instr.rowid + 1;
    validateChoice(head, flags) {
        let ret = super.validateChoice(head, flags);
        let idx = head.instr.rowid % this.K;
        if (this.AddrTag[idx] === head.instr.rowid) {
            this.BHT[idx] += this.real(head.instr, flags) === Number(head.instr.src0) ? 1 : -1;
            this.BHT[idx] = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.BHT[idx], this.N));
        return ret;
BpMap['nbit'] = (n, k) => new NBit(n, k);
function clone(obj) {
    const copy = new obj.constructor();
    Object.assign(copy, obj);
    return copy;
let EXAMPLES = {
    'Arithmetic speculation': `MUL 1,5,R0
MUL 2,5,R1
ADD 1,R5,R5
MUL 4,5,R3
SUB R5,5,R6
    'Cache': `; INIT VALUES
STR 0,0
STR 1,1

STR 0,2
STR 0,3
STR 0,4
STR 0,5

LDR 0,R0
LDR 1,R1
ADD R0,R1,R2
ADD R5,1,R5
MUL R0,R1,R3
SUB R5,4,R6
STR R3,1
STR R2,0
function displayExamples() {
    let lst = document.getElementById('exlist');
    let html = [];
    for (let ex in EXAMPLES) {
            '<li><a data-action="load-example" data-value="', ex, '">', ex, '</a></li>'
    lst.innerHTML = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join('');
    for (let btn of document.querySelectorAll('[data-action="load-example"]')) {
        btn.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
            let example_id = e.target.dataset.value;
            raw_src.value = EXAMPLES[example_id];
    for (let ex in EXAMPLES) {
        raw_src.value = EXAMPLES[ex];
function getActiveTab() {
    return document.getElementsByClassName('active')[0].id;
function setActiveTab(id) {
    let next = document.getElementById(id);
    if (!next)
    let tabs = document.getElementsByClassName('active');
    if (tabs.length)
function initTabs() {
    let tab = window.location.hash.substr(1);
    for (let link of document.querySelectorAll('.tab-link')) {
        link.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
            let tabId = e.target.getAttribute('href').replace('#', '');
var ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY = true;
var EXEC_WRITE_DELAY = true;
let rdy = document.getElementById('rdy');
let apply_conf = document.getElementById('apply_conf');
let raw_src = document.getElementById('raw-src');
let iaddr = document.getElementById('iaddr');
let iaddrd = document.getElementById('iaddrd');
let imult = document.getElementById('imult');
let imultd = document.getElementById('imultd');
let idiv = document.getElementById('idiv');
let idivd = document.getElementById('idivd');
let ireg = document.getElementById('ri');
let freg = document.getElementById('rf');
let ied = document.getElementById('ied');
let ewd = document.getElementById('ewd');
let rl = document.getElementById('rl');
let wl = document.getElementById('wl');
let ca = document.getElementById('cache_alg');
let crl = document.getElementById('crl');
let cwl = document.getElementById('cwl');
let nways = document.getElementById('nways');
let csize = document.getElementById('csize');
let rsize = document.getElementById('rsize');
let bp = document.getElementById('bp');
let nbit_n = document.getElementById('nbit_n');
let nbit_k = document.getElementById('nbit_k');
let rst = document.getElementById('reset');
let conf = document.getElementById('conf');
let play = document.getElementById('play');
let pausebtn = document.getElementById('pause');
let one_step = document.getElementById('step');
let speed = document.getElementById('speed');
function main() {
    let resetFunc = (e) => {
    let stepFunc = () => {
        if (STEP)
            alert('Please load a valid program first.');
    rdy.onclick = apply_conf.onclick = rst.onclick = resetFunc;
    play.onclick = playloop;
    pausebtn.onclick = pause;
    one_step.onclick = stepFunc;
    document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
        if (e.srcElement && e.srcElement.id === 'raw-src')
        if (getActiveTab() !== 'tab-exec')
        switch (e.keyCode) {
            case 34:
            case 39:
            case 78:
            case 83:
            case 33:
            case 32:
            case 13:
                if (LOOP !== -1)
            case 116:
            case 27:
            case 82:
            case 187:
            case 221:
                speed.value = String(parseInt(speed.value, 10) + safeInt(speed.getAttribute('step'), 1));
            case 189:
            case 219:
                speed.value = String(parseInt(speed.value, 10) - safeInt(speed.getAttribute('step'), 1));
function playloop() {
    if (STEP) {
        if (STEP())
            LOOP = setTimeout(playloop, (10 / Number(speed.value) * 1000));
    else {
        alert('Please load a valid program first.');
function pause() {
    if (LOOP !== -1)
    LOOP = -1;
let safeInt = (s, fallback = 0) => isNaN(parseInt(s, 10)) ? fallback : parseInt(s, 10);
var STEP = null;
var LOOP = -1;
function setup() {
    STEP = null;
    let program;
    try {
        program = parse(raw_src.value, safeInt(ireg.value, 0));
    catch (err) {
    ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY = ied.checked;
    EXEC_WRITE_DELAY = ewd.checked;
    let MEM = new Memory(new MemConf(safeInt(rl.value, 1), safeInt(wl.value, 2)));
    let ca_val = ca.options[ca.selectedIndex].value;
    let CACHE = XCacheFactory(ca_val.split('_')[0], {
        'mem': MEM,
        'n': safeInt(nways.value, 2),
        'size': safeInt(csize.value, 4),
        'readLatency': safeInt(crl.value, 0),
        'writeLatency': safeInt(cwl.value, 0),
        'iswriteback': ca_val.split('_')[1] === 'wb',
    let memMgm = new MemoryMGM(CACHE, safeInt(rsize.value, 0) > 0);
    let bp_val = bp.options[bp.selectedIndex].value;
    let emu = new Emulator([
        [FuKind.ADDER, 'ADDR', safeInt(iaddr.value, 3), { duration: safeInt(iaddrd.value, 2) }],
        [FuKind.MULTIPLIER, 'MULT', safeInt(imult.value, 3), { duration: safeInt(imultd.value, 4) }],
        [FuKind.DIVIDER, 'DIV', safeInt(idiv.value, 3), { duration: safeInt(idivd.value, 6) }],
        [FuKind.MEMORY, 'MEM', 1, { 'memMgm': memMgm, duration: safeInt(iaddrd.value, 2) }],
    ], { ints: safeInt(ireg.value), floats: safeInt(freg.value) }, safeInt(rsize.value, 0), CACHE, memMgm, BpMap[bp_val](safeInt(nbit_n.value, 2), safeInt(nbit_k.value, 4)), program);
    let g = new Graphics(emu);
    STEP = () => {
        var notEof = emu.step();
        return notEof;
//# sourceMappingURL=archetypum.js.map        </script>