<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Archetypum | Tomasulo algorithm visualizer</title> <meta name="author" content="Martin Brugnara<mb@disi.unitn.it>, Gianluca Bortoli <gianluca.bortoli@unitn.it>"> <meta name="keyword" content="Tomasulo, Tomasulo algorithm, visualizer, reservation station, ROB"> <meta name="description" content="Higly parametrized Tomasulo algorithm visualizer"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <style type="text/css"> * { box-sizing: border-box; vertical-align: middle; /* Otherwise f**king tables does not align */ } html { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; } a, a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active { text-transform: none; text-decoration: none; color: #000; } a:hover {cursor: pointer} #main { position: relative; display: block; width: 800px; height: 600px; border: 1px solid #777; } a.tab-link { display: block; position: relative; top: -2rem; width: 33.33%; height: 2rem; 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class="tab"> <a href="#tab-source" class="tab-link">source code</a> <section class="tab-body"> <header> <h3>Please type your program or select an example.</h3> <span>Examples: </span><ul id="exlist"></ul> </header> <div id="raw-wrap"><!-- --><div> <h4>Source</h4> <textarea class="tech" id="raw-src" cols="25" rows="17"></textarea> </div><!-- --><div id="help"> <h4>Instruction set</h4> <ul> <li><p>Arithmetic</p> OP1, OP2 <span class="txt">:= Register or Immediate value.</span><br> DST <span class="txt">:= Register.</span> <ul> <li>ADD OP1, OP2, DST</li> <li>SUB OP1, OP2, DST</li> <li>MUL OP1, OP2, DST</li> <li>DIV OP1, OP2, DST</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>Flow control</p> ADDR<span class="txt">:= Instruction address (row #).</span> <ul> <li>JMP ADDR</li> <li>JZ ADDR</li> <li>JNZ ADDR</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>Memory interface</p> <span class="txt">REG := Register</span><br> <span class="txt">VAL, ADDR := Register or Immediate value.</span> <ul> <li>LDR ADDR, REG<br> <span class="txt">Page size := 1.<br> </li> <li>STR VAL, ADDR</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>Extra</p> <ul> <li>; comment</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div><!-- --></div> <a href="#" id="rdy" class="act-btn btn blu">load</a> </section> </section> <section id="tab-config" class="tab"> <a href="#tab-config" class="tab-link">configuration</a> <section class="tab-body"> <table id="ctable"> <tr> <td> <div> <header>Register File</header> <table class="inner-table"> <tr> <td>registers</td> <td># <input type="number" min="0" id="ri" value="8" size="2" max="99"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> <td> <div> <header>Functional Units</header> <table class="inner-table"> <tr class="row3"> <td>adders</td> <td># <input type="number" min="0" id="iaddr" value=3 size=2 max="99"></td> <td>latency <input type="number" min="0" id="iaddrd" value=2 size=2 max="99"></td> </tr> <tr class="row3"> <td>multipliers</td> <td># <input type="number" min="0" id="imult" value=2 size=2 max="99"></td> <td>latency <input type="number" min="0" id="imultd" value=4 size=2 max="99"></td> </tr> <tr class="row3"> <td>divider</td> <td># <input type="number" min="0" id="idiv" value=1 size=2 max="99"></td> <td>latency <input type="number" min="0" id="idivd" value=6 size=2 max="99"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div> <header>Memory</header> <table class="inner-table"> <tr><td>read latency</td><td><input type="number" min="0" id="rl" value="10" size="2" max="99"></td></tr> <tr><td>write latency</td><td><input type="number" min="0" id="wl" value="15" size="2" max="99"></td></tr> </table> </div> </td> <td> <div> <header>Cache</header> <table class="inner-table"> <tr> <td>algorithm</td> <td><select id="cache_alg"><option value="no-cache">no cache</option><option value="nwayset_wb" selected>n-way w.back</option><option value="nwayset_wt">n-way w.through</option></select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>N (ways) <input type="number" min="0" id="nways" value=2 size=2 max="99"></td> <td>size <input type="number" min="0" id="csize" value=4 size=2 max="99"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>read latency <input type="number" min="0" id="crl" value=0 size=2 max="99"></td> <td>write latency <input type="number" min="0" id="cwl" value=0 size=2 max="99"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div> <header>Pipeline</header> <table class="inner-table"> <tr><td>issue-exec delay</td><td><input id="ied" type="checkbox" checked></td></tr> <tr><td>exec-write delay</td><td><input id="ewd" type="checkbox" checked></td></tr> <tr><td>ROB (<small>0 = disabled</small>)</td><td>size <input type="number" min="0" id="rsize" value=8 size=2 max="99"></td> </table> </div> </td> <td> <div> <header>Branch Predictor</header> <table class="inner-table"> <tr> <td>kind</td> <td><select id="bp"><optgroup label="Static predictors"><option value="non">Non speculative</option><option value="at">Always taken</option><option value="ant">Always not taken</option><option value="btfnt">BTFNT</option></optgroup><optgroup label="Dinamic predictors"><option value="nbit" selected>n-bit</option></optgroup></select></td> </tr> <tr><td>N (bits)</td><td><input type="number" id="nbit_n" value=2 size=2 min=0 max="99"></td></tr> <tr><td>K (size)</td><td><input type="number" id="nbit_k" value=4 size=2 min=0 max="99"></td></tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </section> <input type="hidden" min="0" id="rf" value="0" size="2" max="99"> <a href="#" id="apply_conf" class="act-btn btn blu">apply</a> </section> <section id="tab-exec" class="tab active"> <a href="#tab-exec" class="tab-link">execution</a> <section class="tab-body"> <header id="control-bar"> <table> <tr> <td> <i class="icon clock"></i><span id="clock">0</span> <i class="icon pc"></i><span id="pc">0</span> </td> <td> <a id="reset"><i class="icon reset"></i></a> <a id="play"><i class="icon play"></i></a> <a id="pause"><i class="icon pause"></i></a> <a id="step"><i class="icon step"></i></a> </td> <td> <i class="icon speed"></i> <input id="speed" type="range" min="1" max="20" step="1" value="5" /> </td> </tr> </table> </header> <table id="exec-tbl"> <tr> <td rowspan="2"> <div class="scrollable" id="scroll_source"> <table id="sourcecode_tbl"> <caption>Source Code</caption> <thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>Instruction</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tech" id="sourcecode"> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> <td> <div class="scrollable" id="scroll_exec"> <table id="exec_tbl"> <caption>Execution</caption> <thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>Instruction</th> <th>Issue</th> <th>Exec</th> <th>Write</th> <th>Commit</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tech" id="scexec"> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> <td> <div class="scrollable"> <table id="rob"> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="scrollable"> <table> <caption>Reservation Stations</caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Busy</th> <th>Op</th> <th>V<sub>j</sub></th> <th>V<sub>k</sub></th> <th>Q<sub>j</sub></th> <th>Q<sub>k</sub></th> <th>tag</th> <th>due</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tech" id="rs"> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> <td> <div class="scrollable"> <div> <table id="reg"> </table> </div> <br> <br> <div> <table id="cache"> </table> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </section> </section> <footer> Made by <a href="mailto:mb@disi.unitn.it">Martin Brugnara</a> and <a href="mailto:gianluca.bortoli@unitn.it">Gianluca Bortoli</a> <a href="https://github.com/MartinBrugnara/archetypum" target="_blank"><i id="octocat" alt="octocat"></i></a> </footer> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> "use strict"; class CircularBuffer { constructor(size) { this.head = 0; this.tail = 0; this.availableData = 0; this.nextTag = () => this.tail; this[Symbol.iterator] = function (me) { return function* () { for (let idx = 0; idx < me.availableData; idx++) { let i = (me.head + idx) % me.buffer.length; yield [i, me.buffer[i]]; } }; }(this); this.reverse = function (me) { return function* () { for (let idx = me.availableData - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { let i = (me.head + idx) % me.buffer.length; yield [i, me.buffer[i]]; } }; }(this); this.buffer = new Array(size); } isEmpty() { return this.availableData === 0; } isFull() { return this.availableData === this.buffer.length; } push(data) { if (this.isFull()) return -1; let idx = this.tail % this.buffer.length; this.buffer[idx] = data; this.tail = (this.tail + 1) % this.buffer.length; this.availableData++; return idx; } pop() { if (this.isEmpty()) return null; let data = this.buffer[this.head % this.buffer.length]; this.head = (this.head + 1) % this.buffer.length; this.availableData--; return data; } } class CdbMessage { constructor(rsName, result, dst) { this.rsName = rsName; this.result = result; this.dst = dst; } } class Emulator { constructor(fuConf, regConf, robSize, cache, memMgm, IU, program) { this.cache = cache; this.memMgm = memMgm; this.IU = IU; this.program = program; this.clock = 0; this.pc = 0; this.uid = 0; this.useRob = false; this.hist = []; this.REG = new Register(regConf); this.FUs = FuFactory(fuConf); if (robSize) { this.ROB = new Rob(robSize, memMgm, IU); this.useRob = true; } } step() { this.CDB = new Queue(); this.clock += 1; if (this.pc < this.program.length) { let rawInst = this.program[this.pc]; let re = new RobEntry(rawInst, rawInst.dst, this.uid); let inst = this.REG.patch(rawInst, this.useRob ? this.ROB.patcher : this.REG.patcher, this.uid); if (!this.useRob || !this.ROB.isFull()) { if (this.useRob) inst.tag = this.ROB.nextTag(); let issued = false; let name = ''; if (OpKindMap[inst.op] === FuKind.IU) { if (this.IU.speculative || (!this.IU.speculative && this.ROB.isEmpty()) || inst.op === Op.JMP) { this.pc = this.IU.nextPc(rawInst, this.REG.FLAGS); re.ready = this.clock; re.value = this.pc; issued = true; } name = 'IU'; } else { for (let fu of this.FUs) { if (fu.tryIssue(this.clock, inst)) { issued = true; this.pc++; name = fu.name; break; } } } if (issued) { this.hist.push(clone(rawInst)); this.hist[this.uid].issued = this.clock; if (this.useRob) { this.ROB.push(re); } else { this.REG.setProducer(inst, name); } this.uid++; } } } for (let fu of this.FUs) { let rowid = fu.execute(this.clock); if (rowid >= 0) this.hist[rowid].executed = this.clock; } for (let fu of this.FUs) { let rowid = fu.writeResult(this.clock, this.CDB); if (rowid >= 0) this.hist[rowid].written = this.clock; } for (let fu of this.FUs) fu.readCDB(this.CDB); if (this.useRob) { this.ROB.readCDB(this.clock, this.CDB); let res = this.ROB.commit(this.clock, this.REG); if (res.uid !== -1) this.hist[res.uid].committed = this.clock; if (res.flush !== -1) { for (let re of this.ROB.cb) this.hist[re[1].uid].flushed = true; this.ROB.flush(); for (let fu of this.FUs) fu.flush(); this.memMgm.flush(); this.pc = res.flush; } } else { this.REG.readCDB(this.CDB); } for (let fu of this.FUs) if (fu.isBusy()) return true; if (this.useRob && !this.ROB.isEmpty()) return true; return this.pc < this.program.length; } } var FuKind; (function (FuKind) { FuKind[FuKind["ADDER"] = 0] = "ADDER"; FuKind[FuKind["MULTIPLIER"] = 1] = "MULTIPLIER"; FuKind[FuKind["DIVIDER"] = 2] = "DIVIDER"; FuKind[FuKind["MEMORY"] = 3] = "MEMORY"; FuKind[FuKind["IU"] = 4] = "IU"; })(FuKind || (FuKind = {})); let FuMap = {}; class FunctionalUnitBaseClass { constructor(kind, name) { this.kind = kind; this.name = name; this.instr = null; this.issuedTime = -1; this.endTime = -1; } getDue(clockTime) { let due = this.endTime >= clockTime ? (this.endTime - clockTime - 1) : this.duration; return String(due); } getInstr() { return this.instr; } tryIssue(clockTime, instr) { if (this.kind !== instr.kind() || this.isBusy()) return false; this.instr = instr; this.issuedTime = clockTime; return true; } execute(clockTime) { if (this.isBusy() && this.isReady() && (!this.endTime || this.endTime < clockTime) && (clockTime >= (this.issuedTime + Number(ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY)))) { this.endTime = clockTime + this.duration + Number(EXEC_WRITE_DELAY); return this.instr.uid; } return -1; } computeValue() { throw new Error('Implement in child'); } writeResult(clockTime, cdb) { if (this.isBusy && this.endTime === clockTime) { this.computeValue(); cdb.push(new CdbMessage(this.instr.tag || this.name, this.result, this.instr.dst)); let uid = this.instr.uid; this.instr = null; return uid; } return -1; } isBusy() { return !!this.instr; } isReady() { return this.instr.qj === null && this.instr.qk === null; } readCDB(cdb) { if (this.instr === null) return; if (!this.isBusy || (this.instr.qj === null && this.instr.qk === null)) return; for (let msg of cdb) { if (this.instr.qj !== null && this.instr.qj === msg.rsName) { this.instr.vj = msg.result; this.instr.qj = null; } if (this.instr.qk !== null && this.instr.qk === msg.rsName) { this.instr.vk = msg.result; this.instr.qk = null; } } } flush() { this.instr = null; this.issuedTime = -1; this.endTime = -1; } } class Adder extends FunctionalUnitBaseClass { constructor(name, kwargs) { super(FuKind.ADDER, name); this.duration = 2; if ('duration' in kwargs) this.duration = kwargs.duration; } computeValue() { switch (this.instr.op) { case Op.ADD: this.result = this.instr.vj + this.instr.vk; break; case Op.SUB: this.result = this.instr.vj - this.instr.vk; break; } } } FuMap[FuKind.ADDER] = (name, kwargs) => new Adder(name, kwargs); class Multiplier extends FunctionalUnitBaseClass { constructor(name, kwargs) { super(FuKind.MULTIPLIER, name); this.duration = 4; if ('duration' in kwargs) this.duration = kwargs.duration; } computeValue() { this.result = this.instr.vj * this.instr.vk; } } FuMap[FuKind.MULTIPLIER] = (name, kwargs) => new Multiplier(name, kwargs); class Divider extends FunctionalUnitBaseClass { constructor(name, kwargs) { super(FuKind.DIVIDER, name); this.duration = 4; if ('duration' in kwargs) this.duration = kwargs.duration; } computeValue() { this.result = Math.floor(this.instr.vj / this.instr.vk); } } FuMap[FuKind.DIVIDER] = (name, kwargs) => new Divider(name, kwargs); function FuFactory(conf) { let fus = []; for (let fuc of conf) { for (let i = 0; i < fuc[2]; i++) { fus.push(FuMap[fuc[0]](`${fuc[1]}${i}`, fuc[3])); } } return fus; } class MemoryFU extends FunctionalUnitBaseClass { constructor(name, kwargs) { super(FuKind.MEMORY, name); this.waiting = false; this.startTime = null; this.duration = 0; this.memMgm = kwargs['memMgm']; this.duration = kwargs['duration']; } execute(clockTime) { let starting = false; if (this.isBusy() && this.isReady() && (!this.endTime || this.endTime < clockTime) && (clockTime >= (this.issuedTime + Number(ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY))) && !this.waiting) { this.waiting = true; starting = true; } if (this.waiting && (clockTime >= (this.issuedTime + Number(ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY)) + (this.instr.op === Op.LOAD && this.instr.vk !== 0 ? this.duration : 0))) { let done = false; switch (this.instr.op) { case Op.LOAD: let value = this.memMgm.read(this.name, clockTime, this.instr.vj + this.instr.vk); if (value !== null) { this.result = value; done = true; } break; case Op.STORE: done = this.memMgm.write(this.name, clockTime, this.instr.vj, this.instr.vk); this.instr.dst = String(this.instr.vk); this.result = this.instr.vj; break; } if (done) { this.endTime = clockTime + Number(EXEC_WRITE_DELAY); this.waiting = false; } } return starting ? this.instr.uid : -1; } computeValue() { } flush() { super.flush(); this.waiting = false; this.startTime = null; this.memMgm.flush(); } } FuMap[FuKind.MEMORY] = (name, kwargs) => new MemoryFU(name, kwargs); class Graphics { constructor(emu) { this.emu = emu; this.clk = document.getElementById('clock'); this.pc = document.getElementById('pc'); this.src = document.getElementById('sourcecode'); this.scexec = document.getElementById('scexec'); this.rs = document.getElementById('rs'); this.reg = document.getElementById('reg'); this.cache = document.getElementById('cache'); this.rob = document.getElementById('rob'); this.scrl_source = document.getElementById('scroll_source'); this.scrl_source_tbl = document.getElementById('sourcecode_tbl'); this.scrl_exec = document.getElementById('scroll_exec'); this.scrl_exec_tbl = document.getElementById('exec_tbl'); } paint() { this.clk.innerHTML = String(this.emu.clock); this.pc.innerHTML = String(this.emu.pc); this.src.innerHTML = this.renderSrc(); this.scexec.innerHTML = this.renderExec(); this.rs.innerHTML = this.renderRS(); this.reg.innerHTML = this.renderREG(); this.cache.innerHTML = this.renderCache(); this.rob.innerHTML = this.renderRob(); this.scroll(); } scroll() { this.scrl_exec.scrollTop = this.scrl_exec_tbl.clientHeight; let row = this.scrl_source_tbl.querySelector('.current'); if (row === undefined || row === null) return; let innerTop = row.getBoundingClientRect().top; let outerTop = this.scrl_source_tbl.getBoundingClientRect().top; let paneHeight = this.scrl_source.clientHeight; let scroll = (innerTop - outerTop) - ((paneHeight - row.clientHeight) / 2); this.scrl_source.scrollTop = scroll; } renderSrc() { let rowid = 0; let html = []; for (let i of this.emu.program) { html.push([ '<tr', (this.emu.pc === rowid ? ' class="current"' : ''), '>', '<td>', String(rowid++), '</td>', '<td>', i.toString(), '</td>', ]); } html.push([ '<tr', (this.emu.pc === this.emu.program.length ? ' class="current"' : ''), '>', '<td>', String(this.emu.program.length), '</td>', '<td>', 'EOF', '</td>', ]); return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join(''); } renderExec() { let rowid = 0; let html = []; for (let i of this.emu.hist) { html.push([ '<tr', i.flushed ? ' class="flushed"' : '', '>', '<td>', String(rowid++), '</td>', '<td>', i.toString(), '</td>', '<td', (i.issued === this.emu.clock ? ' class="new-val"' : ''), '>', String(i.issued >= 0 ? i.issued : ''), '</td>', '<td', (i.executed === this.emu.clock ? ' class="new-val"' : ''), '>', String(i.executed >= 0 ? i.executed : ''), '</td>', '<td', (i.written === this.emu.clock ? ' class="new-val"' : ''), '>', String(i.written >= 0 ? i.written : ''), '</td>', '<td', (i.committed === this.emu.clock ? ' class="new-val"' : ''), '>', String(i.committed >= 0 ? i.committed : ''), '</td>', '</tr>', ]); } return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join(''); } renderRS() { let html = []; for (let f of this.emu.FUs) { let instr = f.getInstr(); html.push([ '<tr>', '<td>', f.name, '</td>', '<td', (f.isBusy() ? ' class="busy"' : ''), '></td>', ], (instr !== null ? [ '<td>', instr.op.toString(), '</td>', '<td>', (instr.qj === null ? String(instr.vj) : ''), '</td>', '<td>', (instr.qk === null ? String(instr.vk) : ''), '</td>', '<td>', (instr.qj !== null ? instr.qj : ''), '</td>', '<td>', (instr.qk !== null ? instr.qk : ''), '</td>', '<td>', (instr.tag !== null ? instr.tag : ''), '</td>', '<td>', f.kind !== FuKind.MEMORY ? f.getDue(this.emu.clock) : '', '</td>' ] : [ '<td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>', ]), ['</tr>']); } return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join(''); } renderREG() { let html = []; var body = []; let tagMap = {}; if (this.emu.useRob) for (let row of this.emu.ROB.cb) tagMap[row[1].dst] = String(row[0]); html.push(['<caption>Register Status (Q<sub>i</sub>)</caption>'], ['<thead><tr>']); for (let key in this.emu.REG.regs) { html.push(['<th colspan=2>', key, '</th>']); body.push([ '<td>', (this.emu.REG.qi[key] === null ? String(this.emu.REG.regs[key]) : this.emu.REG.qi[key]), '</td>', '<td>', key in tagMap ? 'T' + tagMap[key] : '-', '</td>' ]); if (!(body.length % 4)) { html.push(['</tr></thead><tbody class="tech"><tr>'], Array.prototype.concat.apply([], body), ['</tr></tbody>'], ['<thead><tr>']); body = []; } } html.push(['</tr></thead><tbody class="tech"><tr>'], Array.prototype.concat.apply([], body), ['</tr></tbody>']); if (!body.length) html.splice(-4, 4); return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join(''); } renderCache() { if (this.emu.cache.size === 0) return ""; let html = []; html.push(['<caption>cache</caption><thead><tr><th></th>']); for (let j = 0; j < this.emu.cache.n; j++) html.push(['<th colspan="3">N:', String(j), '</th>']); html.push(['</tr><tr><th></th>']); for (let j = 0; j < this.emu.cache.n; j++) html.push(['<th>addr</th><th>val</th><th>dirty</th>']); html.push(['</tr></thead>']); html.push(['<tbody>']); for (let i = 0; i < this.emu.cache.size / this.emu.cache.n; i++) { html.push(['<tr><td>', String(i), '</td>']); for (let j = 0; j < this.emu.cache.n; j++) { let entry = this.emu.cache._cache[i][j]; if (entry[0]) html.push([ '<td>', String(entry[1]), '</td>', '<td>', String(entry[2]), '</td>', '<td', entry[3] ? ' class="busy">' : '>', '</td>' ]); else html.push(['<td></td><td></td><td></td>']); } html.push(['</tr>']); } html.push(['</tbody>']); html.push([ '<tfoot><tr><td colspan=7>', 'hit ', String(Math.round(this.emu.cache.readHit / (this.emu.cache.readHit + this.emu.cache.readMiss) * 100)), '% - evictions ', String(this.emu.cache.evictions), '</td></tr><tfoot>' ]); return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join(''); } renderRob() { if (!this.emu.useRob) return ''; let html = []; html.push(['<caption>reorder buffer</caption><thead><tr><th>tag</th><th>Instruction</th><th>dst</th><th>val</th><th>rdy</th><th>row</th></tr></thead><tbody>']); for (let row of this.emu.ROB.cb) { html.push([ '<tr>', '<td>', String(row[0]), '</td>', '<td>', String(row[1].instr), '</td>', '<td>', row[1].dst, '</td>', '<td>', String(row[1].value), '</td>', '<td', row[1].ready !== null ? ' class="busy">' : '>', '</td>', '<td>', String(row[1].instr.rowid), '</td>', '</tr>', ]); } for (let i = 0; i < this.emu.ROB.cb.buffer.length - this.emu.ROB.cb.availableData; i++) { let tag = (this.emu.ROB.cb.tail + i) % this.emu.ROB.cb.buffer.length; html.push([ '<tr><td>', String(tag), '</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>', ]); } html.push(['</tbody>']); return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join(''); } } class RawInstruction { constructor(op, src0, src1, dst, rowid) { this.op = op; this.src0 = src0; this.src1 = src1; this.dst = dst; this.rowid = rowid; this.issued = -1; this.executed = -1; this.written = -1; this.committed = -1; this.flushed = false; } toString() { if (this.op === Op.LOAD) return `${OpString[this.op]} ${this.src0},${this.dst}`; return `${OpString[this.op]} ${this.src0}` + `${this.src1 ? ',' : ''}${this.src1}` + `${this.dst ? ',' : ''}${this.dst}`; } } class Instruction { constructor(op, dst, pc, uid, vj = 0, vk = 0, qj = null, qk = null, tag = null) { this.op = op; this.dst = dst; this.pc = pc; this.uid = uid; this.vj = vj; this.vk = vk; this.qj = qj; this.qk = qk; this.tag = tag; } kind() { return OpKindMap[this.op]; } } var Op; (function (Op) { Op[Op["ADD"] = 0] = "ADD"; Op[Op["SUB"] = 1] = "SUB"; Op[Op["MUL"] = 2] = "MUL"; Op[Op["DIV"] = 3] = "DIV"; Op[Op["LOAD"] = 4] = "LOAD"; Op[Op["STORE"] = 5] = "STORE"; Op[Op["JMP"] = 6] = "JMP"; Op[Op["JZ"] = 7] = "JZ"; Op[Op["JNZ"] = 8] = "JNZ"; })(Op || (Op = {})); let OpKindMap = {}; OpKindMap[Op.ADD] = FuKind.ADDER; OpKindMap[Op.SUB] = FuKind.ADDER; OpKindMap[Op.MUL] = FuKind.MULTIPLIER; OpKindMap[Op.DIV] = FuKind.DIVIDER; OpKindMap[Op.LOAD] = FuKind.MEMORY; OpKindMap[Op.STORE] = FuKind.MEMORY; OpKindMap[Op.JMP] = FuKind.IU; OpKindMap[Op.JZ] = FuKind.IU; OpKindMap[Op.JNZ] = FuKind.IU; let OpString = {}; OpString[Op.ADD] = "ADD"; OpString[Op.SUB] = "SUB"; OpString[Op.MUL] = "MUL"; OpString[Op.DIV] = "DIV"; OpString[Op.LOAD] = "LDR"; OpString[Op.STORE] = "STR"; OpString[Op.JMP] = "JMP"; OpString[Op.JZ] = "JZ"; OpString[Op.JNZ] = "JNZ"; let StringOp = {}; StringOp['ADD'] = Op.ADD; StringOp['SUB'] = Op.SUB; StringOp['MUL'] = Op.MUL; StringOp['DIV'] = Op.DIV; StringOp['LDR'] = Op.LOAD; StringOp['STR'] = Op.STORE; StringOp['JMP'] = Op.JMP; StringOp['JZ'] = Op.JZ; StringOp['JNZ'] = Op.JNZ; let InstrLen = {}; InstrLen['LDR'] = 2; InstrLen['STR'] = 2; InstrLen['JMP'] = 1; InstrLen['JZ'] = 1; InstrLen['JNZ'] = 1; function parse(src, rsize) { let prg = []; let rowid = 0; for (let row of src.split("\n")) { let crow = row.trim(); if (!crow.length || crow.lastIndexOf(';', 0) === 0) continue; let rawcmd = crow.split(' ', 1)[0]; let cmd = rawcmd.trim().toUpperCase(); if (!(cmd in StringOp)) throw new Error(`[${crow}] ${cmd} is not a valid instruction`); let args = crow.substring(rawcmd.length).replace(/\s+/g, '').split(','); if (cmd in InstrLen && InstrLen[cmd] !== args.length) throw new Error(`[${crow}] ${cmd} expects ${InstrLen[cmd]} operands, got ${args.length}`); if (!(cmd in InstrLen) && args.length !== 3) throw new Error(`[${crow}] ${cmd} expects 3 operands, got ${args.length}`); for (let arg of args) { let v = isNaN(parseInt(arg, 10)); let reg = parseInt(arg.substring(1, arg.length), 10); if (!(!v || (arg[0] === 'R' && !isNaN(reg) && reg >= 0 && reg < rsize))) throw new Error(`[${crow}] ${arg} is not a valid register`); } if (StringOp[cmd] === Op.LOAD) prg.push(new RawInstruction(StringOp[cmd], args[0], '0', args[1], rowid++)); else prg.push(new RawInstruction(StringOp[cmd], args[0], args.length > 1 ? args[1] : "", args.length === 3 ? args[2] : "", rowid++)); } return prg; } class MemConf { constructor(readLatency, writeLatency) { this.readLatency = readLatency; this.writeLatency = writeLatency; } } class Memory { constructor(c) { this.mem = {}; this.currentOpComplete = -1; this.readLatency = 0; this.writeLatency = 0; this.readLatency = c.readLatency; this.writeLatency = c.writeLatency; } flush() { this.currentOpComplete = -1; } isBusy() { return this.currentOpComplete !== -1; } read(clock, loc) { if (this.currentOpComplete === -1) { this.currentOpComplete = clock + this.readLatency; } else if (clock >= this.currentOpComplete) { this.currentOpComplete = -1; return this._read(loc); } return null; } write(clock, loc, value) { if (this.currentOpComplete === -1) { this.currentOpComplete = clock + this.writeLatency; } else if (clock === this.currentOpComplete) { this.currentOpComplete = -1; this._write(loc, value); return true; } return false; } _read(loc) { if (this.mem[loc] === undefined) { this.mem[loc] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); } return this.mem[loc]; } _write(loc, value) { this.mem[loc] = value; } } let XCacheMap = {}; function XCacheFactory(name, c) { if (name in XCacheMap) return XCacheMap[name](c); else return new XCache(c); } class XCache { constructor(c) { this._cache = {}; this.readMiss = 0; this.readHit = 0; this.evictions = 0; this.working = false; if (c['mem'] !== undefined) this.mem = c.mem; } isBusy() { return this.working; } flush() { this.working = false; } read(clock, loc) { let value = this.mem.read(clock, loc); this.working = value === null; return value; } write(clock, loc, value) { let finished = this.mem.write(clock, loc, value); this.working = !finished; return finished; } } XCacheMap["no-cache"] = (c) => new XCache(c); class NWayCache extends XCache { constructor(c) { super(c); this.currentOpComplete = -1; this.miss = false; this.writing = null; this.n = 'n' in c ? c['n'] : 2; this.size = 'size' in c ? c['size'] : 4; this.isWriteBack = 'iswriteback' in c ? c['iswriteback'] : false; this.readLatency = 'readLatency' in c ? c['readLatency'] : 0; this.writeLatency = 'writeLatency' in c ? c['readLatency'] : 0; if (this.size % this.n !== 0) throw new Error("Invalid (N,Size) paraemters combination"); for (let i = 0; i < this.size / this.n; i++) { this._cache[i] = []; for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) this._cache[i].push([false, 0, 0, false]); } } flush() { super.flush(); this.writing = null; this.currentOpComplete = -1; this.miss = false; } isBusy() { return this.currentOpComplete !== -1; } findValue(loc) { let i = loc % this.n; for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) { let entry = this._cache[i][j]; if (entry[0] && entry[1] === loc) { return entry[2]; } } return null; } setValue(loc, value, dirty = false) { let i = loc % this.n; for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) { let entry = this._cache[i][j]; if (entry[0] && entry[1] === loc) { this._cache[i][j] = [true, loc, value, dirty]; return null; } } for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) { let entry = this._cache[i][j]; if (!entry[0]) { this._cache[i][j] = [true, loc, value, dirty]; return null; } } let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.n); let entry = this._cache[i][j]; this._cache[i][j] = [true, loc, value, dirty]; if (entry[3] === true) { this.evictions++; return entry; } return null; } read(clock, loc) { if (this.currentOpComplete === -1) { this.currentOpComplete = clock + this.readLatency; } if (clock === this.currentOpComplete) { let value = this.findValue(loc); if (value !== null) { this.currentOpComplete = -1; this.readHit++; return value; } else { this.readMiss++; this.miss = true; } } if (this.miss) { let value = this.mem.read(clock, loc); if (value !== null) { this.miss = false; let evicted = this.setValue(loc, value); if (evicted !== null && this.isWriteBack) { this.result = value; this.writing = evicted; } else { this.currentOpComplete = -1; return value; } } } if (this.writing !== null) { if (this.mem.write(clock, this.writing[1], this.writing[2])) { let retval = this.result; this.result = null; this.writing = null; this.currentOpComplete = -1; return retval; } } return null; } write(clock, loc, value) { if (this.currentOpComplete === -1) this.currentOpComplete = clock + this.writeLatency; if (clock < this.currentOpComplete) return false; if (clock === this.currentOpComplete) { let evicted = this.setValue(loc, value, true); if (evicted !== null && this.isWriteBack) { this.writing = evicted; } if (!this.isWriteBack) { this.writing = [true, loc, value, true]; } } if (this.writing !== null) { if (this.mem.write(clock, this.writing[1], this.writing[2])) { this.writing = null; } } if (this.writing === null) { this.currentOpComplete = -1; return true; } else { return false; } } } XCacheMap["nwayset"] = (c) => new NWayCache(c); var MgmIntState; (function (MgmIntState) { MgmIntState[MgmIntState["FREE"] = 0] = "FREE"; MgmIntState[MgmIntState["READ"] = 1] = "READ"; MgmIntState[MgmIntState["WRITE"] = 2] = "WRITE"; })(MgmIntState || (MgmIntState = {})); ; class MemoryMGM { constructor(cache, useRob) { this.cache = cache; this.useRob = useRob; this.state = MgmIntState.FREE; this.currFU = ''; } flush() { this.state = MgmIntState.FREE; this.currFU = ''; this.cache.flush(); } read(funame, clock, loc) { if (this.state !== MgmIntState.FREE && funame !== this.currFU) return null; if (this.useRob) { for (let entry of this.rob.cb.reverse()) { if (String(loc) === entry[1].dst) return entry[1].value; } } if (!this.cache.isBusy()) { this.state = MgmIntState.READ; this.currFU = funame; } if (this.state === MgmIntState.READ) { let value = this.cache.read(clock, loc); if (value !== null) this.state = MgmIntState.FREE; return value; } return null; } write(funame, clock, loc, value, commit = false) { if (this.state !== MgmIntState.FREE && funame !== this.currFU) return false; if (this.useRob && !commit) return true; if (!this.cache.isBusy()) { this.state = MgmIntState.WRITE; this.currFU = funame; } if (this.state === MgmIntState.WRITE) { if (this.cache.write(clock, loc, value)) { this.state = MgmIntState.FREE; } return this.state === MgmIntState.FREE; } return false; } } class Queue { constructor() { this._store = []; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this._store[Symbol.iterator](); } push(val) { this._store.push(val); } pop() { return this._store.shift(); } } var Flag; (function (Flag) { Flag[Flag["ZF"] = 0] = "ZF"; Flag[Flag["NFLAGS"] = 1] = "NFLAGS"; })(Flag || (Flag = {})); class Register { constructor(conf) { this.regs = {}; this.qi = {}; this.FLAGS = []; this.patcher = function (me, reg) { return [me.regs[reg], me.qi[reg]]; }; for (let i = 0; i < conf.ints; i++) { this.regs[`R${i}`] = 0; this.qi[`R${i}`] = null; } for (let f = 0; f < conf.floats; f++) { this.regs[`F${f}`] = 0; this.qi[`F${f}`] = null; } for (let f = 0; f < Flag.NFLAGS; f++) this.FLAGS.push(false); } patch(ri, qfunc, uid) { let ins = new Instruction(ri.op, ri.dst, ri.rowid, uid); let value = parseInt(ri.src0, 10); if (isNaN(value)) { let res = qfunc(this, ri.src0), v = res[0], remote = res[1]; if (remote === null) { value = v; } else { value = 0; ins.qj = remote; } } ins.vj = value; if (ri.src1.length !== 0) { value = parseInt(ri.src1, 10); if (isNaN(value)) { let res = qfunc(this, ri.src1); let v = res[0], remote = res[1]; if (remote === null) { value = v; } else { value = 0; ins.qk = remote; } } ins.vk = value; } return ins; } setProducer(inst, rs) { if (this.regs[inst.dst] === undefined) return; this.regs[inst.dst] = 0; this.qi[inst.dst] = rs; } readCDB(cdb) { for (let msg of cdb) { if (this.qi[msg.dst] === msg.rsName) { this.regs[msg.dst] = msg.result; this.qi[msg.dst] = null; } } } } class Rob { constructor(size, memMgm, IU) { this.size = size; this.memMgm = memMgm; this.IU = IU; this.isFull = () => this.cb.isFull(); this.isEmpty = () => this.cb.isEmpty(); this.nextTag = () => String(this.cb.nextTag()); this.push = (r) => this.cb.push(r); this.pop = () => this.cb.pop(); this.patcher = function (me) { return function (registry, reg) { for (let item of me.cb.reverse()) { let tag = item[0], entry = item[1]; if (reg === entry.dst) { if (entry.ready !== null) { return [entry.value, null]; } else { return [0, String(tag)]; } } } return [registry.regs[reg], null]; }; }(this); this.cb = new CircularBuffer(size); memMgm.rob = this; } flush() { this.cb = new CircularBuffer(this.size); this.memMgm.rob = this; } readCDB(clock, cdb) { for (let msg of cdb) { let tag = Number(msg.rsName); this.cb.buffer[tag].dst = msg.dst; this.cb.buffer[tag].value = msg.result; this.cb.buffer[tag].ready = clock; } } setFlags(entry, reg) { reg.FLAGS[Flag.ZF] = entry.value === 0; } commit(clock, reg) { if (this.isEmpty()) return new CommitResponse(); let head = this.cb.buffer[this.cb.head]; if (head.ready === null || head.ready >= clock) return new CommitResponse(); if ([FuKind.ADDER, FuKind.MULTIPLIER].indexOf(OpKindMap[head.instr.op]) !== -1) this.setFlags(head, reg); if (OpKindMap[head.instr.op] === FuKind.IU) return new CommitResponse(this.cb.pop().uid, this.IU.validateChoice(head, reg.FLAGS)); if (head.dst === '') { return new CommitResponse(this.cb.pop().uid); } else if (head.dst in reg.regs) { reg.regs[head.dst] = head.value; return new CommitResponse(this.cb.pop().uid); } else { if (this.memMgm.write('ROB', clock, Number(head.dst), head.value, true)) return new CommitResponse(this.cb.pop().uid); } return new CommitResponse(); } } class RobEntry { constructor(instr, dst, uid = -1, value = 0, ready = null) { this.instr = instr; this.dst = dst; this.uid = uid; this.value = value; this.ready = ready; } } class CommitResponse { constructor(uid = -1, flush = -1) { this.uid = uid; this.flush = flush; } } class BranchPredictor { constructor(N = 0, K = 0) { this.N = N; this.K = K; this.speculative = true; } real(instr, flags) { if ((instr.op === Op.JZ && flags[Flag.ZF]) || (instr.op === Op.JNZ && !flags[Flag.ZF])) return Number(instr.src0); else if (instr.op === Op.JMP) return Number(instr.src0); else return instr.rowid + 1; } validateChoice(head, flags) { let correct = this.real(head.instr, flags); return correct !== head.value ? correct : -1; } } let BpMap = {}; class NonSpeculative extends BranchPredictor { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.speculative = false; } nextPc(instr, flags) { return this.real(instr, flags); } } BpMap['non'] = (n, k) => new NonSpeculative(n, k); class AlwaysTaken extends BranchPredictor { nextPc(instr, flags) { return Number(instr.src0); } } BpMap['at'] = (n, k) => new AlwaysTaken(n, k); class AlwaysNotTaken extends BranchPredictor { nextPc(instr, flags) { return instr.rowid + 1; } } BpMap['ant'] = (n, k) => new AlwaysNotTaken(n, k); class BTFNT extends BranchPredictor { nextPc(instr, flags) { let jaddr = Number(instr.src0); return jaddr < instr.rowid ? jaddr : instr.rowid + 1; } } BpMap['btfnt'] = (n, k) => new BTFNT(n, k); class NBit extends BranchPredictor { constructor(N, K) { super(N, K); this.N = N; this.K = K; this.BHT = []; this.LastPred = []; this.AddrTag = []; for (let k = 0; k < K; k++) { this.BHT.push(N / 2); this.LastPred.push(false); this.AddrTag.push(-1); } } reset(idx) { this.BHT[idx] = this.N / 2; this.LastPred[idx] = false; this.AddrTag[idx] = -1; } nextPc(instr, flags) { let idx = instr.rowid % this.K; if (this.AddrTag[idx] !== instr.rowid) { this.reset(idx); this.AddrTag[idx] = instr.rowid; } let pval = this.BHT[idx]; this.LastPred[idx] = pval > this.N / 2 || (pval === this.N / 2 && this.LastPred[idx]); return this.LastPred[idx] ? Number(instr.src0) : instr.rowid + 1; } validateChoice(head, flags) { let ret = super.validateChoice(head, flags); let idx = head.instr.rowid % this.K; if (this.AddrTag[idx] === head.instr.rowid) { this.BHT[idx] += this.real(head.instr, flags) === Number(head.instr.src0) ? 1 : -1; this.BHT[idx] = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.BHT[idx], this.N)); } return ret; } } BpMap['nbit'] = (n, k) => new NBit(n, k); function clone(obj) { const copy = new obj.constructor(); Object.assign(copy, obj); return copy; } let EXAMPLES = { 'Arithmetic speculation': `MUL 1,5,R0 MUL 2,5,R1 ADD 1,R5,R5 MUL 4,5,R3 SUB R5,5,R6 JNZ 0 `, 'Cache': `; INIT VALUES STR 0,0 STR 1,1 ; FLUSH CACHE (4LOC) STR 0,2 STR 0,3 STR 0,4 STR 0,5 ; MAIN LDR 0,R0 LDR 1,R1 ADD R0,R1,R2 ADD R5,1,R5 MUL R0,R1,R3 SUB R5,4,R6 STR R3,1 STR R2,0 JNZ 6 `, }; function displayExamples() { let lst = document.getElementById('exlist'); let html = []; for (let ex in EXAMPLES) { html.push([ '<li><a data-action="load-example" data-value="', ex, '">', ex, '</a></li>' ]); } lst.innerHTML = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], html).join(''); for (let btn of document.querySelectorAll('[data-action="load-example"]')) { btn.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); let example_id = e.target.dataset.value; raw_src.value = EXAMPLES[example_id]; }); } for (let ex in EXAMPLES) { raw_src.value = EXAMPLES[ex]; break; } } function getActiveTab() { return document.getElementsByClassName('active')[0].id; } function setActiveTab(id) { let next = document.getElementById(id); if (!next) return; let tabs = document.getElementsByClassName('active'); if (tabs.length) tabs[0].classList.remove('active'); next.classList.add('active'); } function initTabs() { let tab = window.location.hash.substr(1); setActiveTab(tab); for (let link of document.querySelectorAll('.tab-link')) { link.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); let tabId = e.target.getAttribute('href').replace('#', ''); setActiveTab(tabId); }); } } var ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY = true; var EXEC_WRITE_DELAY = true; let rdy = document.getElementById('rdy'); let apply_conf = document.getElementById('apply_conf'); let raw_src = document.getElementById('raw-src'); let iaddr = document.getElementById('iaddr'); let iaddrd = document.getElementById('iaddrd'); let imult = document.getElementById('imult'); let imultd = document.getElementById('imultd'); let idiv = document.getElementById('idiv'); let idivd = document.getElementById('idivd'); let ireg = document.getElementById('ri'); let freg = document.getElementById('rf'); let ied = document.getElementById('ied'); let ewd = document.getElementById('ewd'); let rl = document.getElementById('rl'); let wl = document.getElementById('wl'); let ca = document.getElementById('cache_alg'); let crl = document.getElementById('crl'); let cwl = document.getElementById('cwl'); let nways = document.getElementById('nways'); let csize = document.getElementById('csize'); let rsize = document.getElementById('rsize'); let bp = document.getElementById('bp'); let nbit_n = document.getElementById('nbit_n'); let nbit_k = document.getElementById('nbit_k'); let rst = document.getElementById('reset'); let conf = document.getElementById('conf'); let play = document.getElementById('play'); let pausebtn = document.getElementById('pause'); let one_step = document.getElementById('step'); let speed = document.getElementById('speed'); function main() { displayExamples(); initTabs(); let resetFunc = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); pause(); setup(); }; let stepFunc = () => { pause(); if (STEP) STEP(); else alert('Please load a valid program first.'); }; rdy.onclick = apply_conf.onclick = rst.onclick = resetFunc; play.onclick = playloop; pausebtn.onclick = pause; one_step.onclick = stepFunc; document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if (e.srcElement && e.srcElement.id === 'raw-src') return; if (getActiveTab() !== 'tab-exec') return; switch (e.keyCode) { case 34: case 39: case 78: case 83: stepFunc(); break; case 33: case 32: case 13: if (LOOP !== -1) pause(); else playloop(); break; case 116: case 27: case 82: resetFunc(e); break; case 187: case 221: speed.value = String(parseInt(speed.value, 10) + safeInt(speed.getAttribute('step'), 1)); break; case 189: case 219: speed.value = String(parseInt(speed.value, 10) - safeInt(speed.getAttribute('step'), 1)); break; } }); setup(); } function playloop() { document.body.classList.add('playing'); if (STEP) { if (STEP()) LOOP = setTimeout(playloop, (10 / Number(speed.value) * 1000)); } else { alert('Please load a valid program first.'); } } function pause() { document.body.classList.remove('playing'); if (LOOP !== -1) clearTimeout(LOOP); LOOP = -1; } let safeInt = (s, fallback = 0) => isNaN(parseInt(s, 10)) ? fallback : parseInt(s, 10); var STEP = null; var LOOP = -1; function setup() { STEP = null; let program; try { program = parse(raw_src.value, safeInt(ireg.value, 0)); } catch (err) { alert(err.message); return; } document.body.classList.remove('playing'); ISSUE_EXEC_DELAY = ied.checked; EXEC_WRITE_DELAY = ewd.checked; let MEM = new Memory(new MemConf(safeInt(rl.value, 1), safeInt(wl.value, 2))); let ca_val = ca.options[ca.selectedIndex].value; let CACHE = XCacheFactory(ca_val.split('_')[0], { 'mem': MEM, 'n': safeInt(nways.value, 2), 'size': safeInt(csize.value, 4), 'readLatency': safeInt(crl.value, 0), 'writeLatency': safeInt(cwl.value, 0), 'iswriteback': ca_val.split('_')[1] === 'wb', }); let memMgm = new MemoryMGM(CACHE, safeInt(rsize.value, 0) > 0); let bp_val = bp.options[bp.selectedIndex].value; let emu = new Emulator([ [FuKind.ADDER, 'ADDR', safeInt(iaddr.value, 3), { duration: safeInt(iaddrd.value, 2) }], [FuKind.MULTIPLIER, 'MULT', safeInt(imult.value, 3), { duration: safeInt(imultd.value, 4) }], [FuKind.DIVIDER, 'DIV', safeInt(idiv.value, 3), { duration: safeInt(idivd.value, 6) }], [FuKind.MEMORY, 'MEM', 1, { 'memMgm': memMgm, duration: safeInt(iaddrd.value, 2) }], ], { ints: safeInt(ireg.value), floats: safeInt(freg.value) }, safeInt(rsize.value, 0), CACHE, memMgm, BpMap[bp_val](safeInt(nbit_n.value, 2), safeInt(nbit_k.value, 4)), program); let g = new Graphics(emu); g.paint(); STEP = () => { var notEof = emu.step(); g.paint(); return notEof; }; } main(); //# sourceMappingURL=archetypum.js.map </script> </body> </html>