icon Toonstruck


Playtime Not Played
Last Activity Never
Added 10/22/2020 15:52:05
Modified Never
Completion Status Not Played
Library Gog
Source GOG
Platform PC (Windows)
Release Date 11/3/1996
Community Score 91
Critic Score
User Score
Genre Adventure
Developer Burst
Publisher Interplay
Feature Cloud Saves
Links Store


Drew Blanc is a cartoon animator and the original creator of the Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun Show.. Drew's boss, Sam Schmaltz (played by Ben Stein), sets him the task of designing more bunnies to co-star in the Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun Show by the next morning. However, the depressed animator soon nods off, suffering from acute artist's block. He wakes early the next morning to inexplicably find his television switched on, announcing the Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun Show. Suddenly, Drew is mysteriously drawn into the television screen and transported to an idyllic two-dimensional cartoon world populated by his own creations, among many other cartoon characters.

To get home, you'll need to unravel the secrets of these loony lands before they unravel you permanently. Outsmart demented clowns, shock the socks off cross-dressing livestock, and match wits with a diabolical Count named Nefarious. It's a mind-reeling toonatopia that'll have you acting so depraved you might even shock yourself. Send someone an exploding turkey. Watch Spike the Clown torture balloon animals. If you've got any energy left after those escapades then try and prevent an all-out war between the cartoon forces of good and evil. Word to the wise: BETTER PACK AN ANVIL!