icon Tales of Destruction


Playtime Not Played
Last Activity Never
Added 10/22/2020 15:53:39
Modified Never
Completion Status Not Played
Library Steam
Source Steam
Platform PC (Windows)
Release Date 7/14/2016
Community Score 26
Critic Score
User Score
Genre Action
Developer Tero Lunkka
Publisher Tero Lunkka
Feature Single-Player
Trading Cards
Links Community Hub
Store Page


Tales of Destruction

Tales of Destruction is minor FPS shooter game

Tales of Destruction currently has 9 maps + 1 big Open World more to come. In Tales of Destruction player only target is to find hidden treasure chest in level. There are many other soldiers who try to prevent you to find hidden treasure.
There are 2-4 respawn locations where player randomly respawn after death.

The game has collectibles, such as ammos kits & health packs. So not to worry if you have low health or no ammos, everything is there to help you fight off those enemies. Each player is only entitled to 2 different weapon currently, Laser rifle & Lava Launcher.

Tales of Destruction has no story behind the game, the main objective is to find the necessary treasure and complete the map. At the end of every map, you will be sent back to the main startup lobby for you to pick another map to play

Project is also hole time under development progress and stuff is planned. Like new enemies, trading cards, more maps etc