icon Psychonauts 2


Playtime Not Played
Last Activity Never
Added 10/29/2021 1:32:20
Modified Never
Completion Status Not Played
Library Xbox
Source Xbox Game Pass
Platform PC (Windows)
Release Date 8/25/2021
Community Score
Critic Score
User Score
Developer Double Fine Productions
Publisher Xbox Game Studios
Tag Game Pass


Razputin “Raz” Aquato, trained acrobat and powerful young psychic, has realized his lifelong dream of joining the international psychic espionage organization known as the Psychonauts! But these psychic super spies are in trouble. Their leader hasn't been the same since he was rescued from a kidnapping, and what's worse, there's a mole hiding in headquarters.

Combining quirky missions and mysterious conspiracies, Psychonauts 2 is a platform-adventure game with cinematic style and tons of customizable psychic powers. Psychonauts 2 serves up danger, excitement and laughs in equal measure as players guide Raz on a journey through the minds of friends and foes on a quest to defeat a murderous psychic villain.