
Playtime Not Played
Last Activity Never
Added 10/29/2021 1:32:27
Modified Never
Completion Status Not Played
Library Xbox
Source Xbox Game Pass
Platform PC (Windows)
Release Date 7/16/2020
Community Score
Critic Score
User Score
Developer SUPERHOT Team
Publisher SUPERHOT Team
Tag Game Pass


The long-awaited third game in the groundbreaking SUPERHOT franchise - MIND CONTROL DELETE gives you more insight into the world of SUPERHOT, more story, more signature gameplay. Hours and hours of timeless combat. Keep dancing the slow-motion ballet of destruction for so much longer than ever before.

You amass an arsenal of new skills and new weapons. Time moves only when you move. Enemies pour in from every direction. You are in complete control as you shoot, slice, and explode your way through dozens and dozens of increasingly challenging combat encounters. The closer you get to the core, the more powerful you become. You uncover snippets of precious knowledge - of the meaning that you crave so much.

You shoot and slice. You move forward. You repeat. You repeat. You repeat. It becomes a ritual. It starts to mean something again. You take a moment to consider. You’ve been here before. So many times. Maybe this time it will actually mean something. Everything explodes into action. You hope this time will be different.

Built on the foundations of SUPERHOT and SUPERHOT VR, MIND CONTROL DELETE continues to bring you more of SUPERHOT’s signature power fantasy.