#!/bin/sh # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2068,SC2039,SC2242,SC2027,SC2155,SC2046 VER="v1.23" #======================================================================================================= © 2016-2019 Martineau, v1.23 # # Check every 30 secs, and switch to alternate VPN Client if current VPN Client is DOWN, or expected cURL data transfer is 'SLOW' # # VPN_Failover [-h | help | status ] | # {vpn_instance to monitor} [ignore='csv_vpn_clients] [interval='seconds'] [timeout='seconds']] [force[big | small] # [curlrate='number'] [minrates='csv_rates'] [verbose] [delay='seconds'] [noswitch[='hhmm-hhmm'[,...]]] [silent] # [multiconfig] [once] [nocurlrestart] [pingonly=ping_target] [sendmail {emailcfg='config_file'}] [reset [vpn_instance]] # # VPN_Failover 1 # Monitor VPN Client 1 every 30 secs and if DOWN switch to VPN Client 2 and then monitor VPN Client 2 # (This initiates the round robin for ALL VPN Clients (if configured) in sequence 2,3,4,5 then back to VPN Client 1) # VPN_Failover 1 once # As above, but the script terminates immediately and exits if the VPN Client 1 connection is UP # VPN_Failover 1 once force nocurlrestart # As above, but the script terminates immediately and exits if the VPN Client 1 connection is UP, without # testing the cURL performance is acceptable (ignores the 'force' request) # VPN_Failover status # Show the status of ACTIVE monitoring processes and the semaphores '/tmp/vpnclientX-VPNFailover' # VPN_Failover 2 ignore=3,4,5 # Monitor VPN Client 2 every 30 secs and if DOWN switch to VPN Client 1 and then monitor VPN Client 1 # (This initiates the round robin ONLY for the two VPN Clients; VPN1 (Primary) and VPN2 (Fail-over) # VPN_Failover 2 interval=60 # Monitor VPN Client 2 every 60 secs and if DOWN switch to VPN Client 3 and then monitor VPN Client 3 # VPN_Failover 5 timeout=45 # Monitor VPN Client 5 every 30 secs and if DOWN switch to VPN Client 1 and allow max 45 secs for Client 1 to start # then monitor VPN Client 1 # VPN_Failover 4 pingonly= # Client 4's OpenVPN Server, may have 'LANONLY', so a cURL to retrieve the VPN exit-IP will not work, so instead # force the test to use only PING. (NOTE: The ping target will normally be the remote router (nvram get lan_ipaddr)) # VPN_Failover 3 force curlrate=1M # If the 12MB cURL transfer rate is <1048576 Bytes per second, then treat this as VPN Client 3 'DOWN' # (This cURL rate is not applicable to other VPN Clients if a switch occurs) # VPN_Failover 3 force curlrate=1M verbose # As previous example, but additional cURL transfer statistics/progress messages are shown on the console. (Useful to determine appropriate 'minrates=') # VPN_Failover 3 forcesmall curlrate=1000 verbose noswitch=08:59-17:00 # If the 433Byte cURL transfer rate is <1000 Bytes per second, no (disruptive) VPN Switch is performed during 'office' hours 9-5 # VPN_Failover 3 forcesmall curlrate=1000 verbose noswitch # If the 433Byte cURL transfer rate is <1000 Bytes per second, no (disruptive) VPN Switch is performed at ANY time. # (If VPN Client 3 is DOWN; the 'noswitch' directive is temporarily ignored to ensure the next round-robin VPN Client is started and found to be UP) # VPN_Failover 1 force curlrate=900K minrates=?,500k,123456 # Explicitly override three of the VPN Client minimum cURL rates e.g. VPN1=9921600B/sec,VPN2=512000B/sec and VPN3=123456B/sec (VPN4 and VPN5 remain 0B/sec) # If the 12MB cURL transfer rate is <9921600 Bytes per second, then treat this as VPN Client 1 'DOWN' # (If a switch to VPN Client 2 occurs, a min rate of 512000B/sec will be expected, and if a switch to VPN3 occurs, a min rate of 123456B/sec will be expected) # VPN_Failover 1 multiconfig # Monitor VPN Client 1 every 30 secs and if DOWN, retrieve the next round-robin VPN Client 1 config from '/jffs/configs/VPN_Failover' and restart VPN Client 1. # (So rather than be limited by 5 VPN GUI configs, you can now specify an unlimited custom server list for a SINGLE VPN ISP # e.g. 1 vpn.LA.server 553 udp #HMA Los Angeles # 1 vpn.NY.server 443 tcp #HMA New York # 1 vpn.SF.server 1194 udp #HMA San Francisco # VPN_Failover 2 interval=60 sendmail emailcfg=/jffs/configs/Email.conf # Monitor VPN Client 2 every 60 secs and if DOWN switch to VPN Client 3 and then monitor VPN Client 3 # and send an email using the email configuration parms in '/jffs/configs/Email.conf' # https://pastebin.com/RNPJDhjJ Legacy PasteBin file redirect to GitHub repository. # Script may be initiated by openvpn-event vpnclientX-up/vpnclientX-route-pre-up ONLY if one VPN Client is ACTIVE at any given time!!!! # # VPN_ID=${dev:4:1} # logger -st "($(basename $0))" $$ "Requesting VPN Failover monitor with 2 min delay....." # /jffs/scripts/VPN_Failover.sh "$VPN_ID" "delay=120" "interval=60" & # # and subsequently needs to be terminated by openvpn-event vpnclientX-route-pre-down (unless the termination is requested by this script) # # VPN_ID=${dev:4:1} # VPNFAILOVER="/tmp/vpnclient"$VPN_ID"-VPNFailover" # # Also rely on the VPN_Failover.sh to test for the existence of the VPNFailover semaphore BEFORE it attempts a restart! # if [ -z "$(grep "NOKILL" $VPNFAILOVER)" ];then # PID=$(cat $VPNFAILOVER) # [ "$PID" != "NOKILL" ] && kill $PID # rm $VPNFAILOVER # logger -st "($(basename $0))" $$ "VPN Failover Monitor self-destruct requested....." $VPNFAILOVER "RC="$? # RC=1 means file was already deleted # fi # # # A Primary (VPN1) / Failover (VPN2) between ONLY VPN1 and VPN2 can be requested as follows (assuming VPN Clients 3,4 and 5 are NOT configured) # e.g. # Use 'sh /jffs/scripts/VPN_Failover.sh "2" &' # but if VPN Clients 3,4 and 5 are configured, you need to EXPLICITLY exclude VPN Clients 3,4 and 5 from being included in the round-robin # e.g. # Use 'sh /jffs/scripts/VPN_Failover.sh "2" "ignore=3,4,5" &' # # Print between line beginning with'#==' to first blank line inclusive ShowHelp() { awk '/^#==/{f=1} f{print; if (!NF) exit}' $0 } Say() { # shellcheck disable=SC2068 echo -e $$ $@ | logger -st "($(basename $0))" } SayT() { # shellcheck disable=SC2068 echo -e $$ $@ | logger -t "($(basename $0))" } # shellcheck disable=SC2034 ANSIColours () { cRESET="\e[0m";cBLA="\e[30m";cRED="\e[31m";cGRE="\e[32m";cYEL="\e[33m";cBLU="\e[34m";cMAG="\e[35m";cCYA="\e[36m";cGRA="\e[37m" cBGRA="\e[90m";cBRED="\e[91m";cBGRE="\e[92m";cBYEL="\e[93m";cBBLU="\e[94m";cBMAG="\e[95m";cBCYA="\e[96m";cBWHT="\e[97m" aBOLD="\e[1m";aDIM="\e[2m";aUNDER="\e[4m";aBLINK="\e[5m";aREVERSE="\e[7m" cWRED="\e[41m";cWGRE="\e[42m";cWYEL="\e[43m";cWBLU="\e[44m";cWMAG="\e[45m";cWCYA="\e[46m";cWGRA="\e[47m" } # Function Parse(String delimiter(s) variable_names) Parse() { # # Parse "Word1,Word2|Word3" ",|" VAR1 VAR2 REST # (Effectivley executes VAR1="Word1";VAR2="Word2";REST="Word3") # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local string IFS TEXT="$1" IFS="$2" shift 2 read -r -- "$@" <&2 if [ "$1" != "CURL" ]; then # Assume $1 is a PING target METHOD=" using PING "$1 while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do ping $PING_INTERFACE -q -c 1 -W 2 $1 2>/dev/null local RC=$? [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ] && Say "\t$METHOD rc="$RC # v1.18 if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then STATUS="OK" break else sleep 1 CNT=$((CNT + 1)) fi done else # NOTE: Site-to-Site private VPN tunnels do not return a Public IP IP=$(curl $CURL_INTERFACE --connect-timeout 5 -s "http://ipecho.net/plain") # Max 15 char retrieval RC15=$? METHOD=" using IP retrieval (${IP}) - cURL '"http://ipecho.net/plain"'" [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ] && Say "\t$METHOD rc15="$RC15 # v1.18 if [ -n "$IP" ]; then STATUS="OK" else # Try "https://api.ipify.org" ..... IP=$(curl $CURL_INTERFACE --connect-timeout 5 -s "https://api.ipify.org") # Max 15 char retrieval # v1.18 RC15=$? METHOD=" using IP retrieval (${IP}) - cURL '"https://api.ipify.org"'" [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ] && Say "\t$METHOD rc15="$RC15 # v1.18 # CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT (7) tun1X isn't UP? # CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT (28) # CURLE_INTERFACE_FAILED (45) tun1X interface can't be used i.e. bind to tun1X fails because VPN isn't UP? # CURLE_GOT_NOTHING (52) Empty reply from server # If we can't rely on either "http://ipecho.net/plain"/"https://api.ipify.org", try to PING the vpn_clientX_addr if [ -z "$IP" ];then METHOD=" using PING 'vpn_client${VPN_ID}_addr (${VPNADDR})'" ping $PING_INTERFACE -q -c 1 -W 2 $VPNADDR 2>/dev/null # v1.18 local RC=$? [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ] && Say "\t$METHOD rc="$RC # v1.18 fi [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ] && Say "\t Check_VPN(): Results; IP cURL rc15="$RC15" && PING rc="$RC # v1.18 if [ "$RC15" != "0" ] && [ "$RC" != "0" ]; then # v1.18 STATUS="FAIL" echo $STATUS [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ] && Say "\t Check_VPN(): Return=$STATUS" return else STATUS="OK" # v1.18 [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ] && Say "\t Check_VPN(): STATUS=$STATUS" fi fi fi # FORCE a cURL data transfer retrieval to confirm? if [ "$2" != "NOCURL" ]; then #if [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ];then # v1.08 TXT_RATE= if [ $FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE -gt 0 ]; then TXT_RATE=" NOTE: Transfer rate must be faster than "$FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE" Bytes/sec" fi echo -en $cBWHT >&2 CURL_TXT="Starting VPN Client $3 cURL 'big' data transfer.....(Expect 12MB approx @3.1MB/sec on 20Mbps download = 00:04 secs)" if [ "$2" == "$FORCE_WGET_500B" ]; then CURL_TXT="Starting VPN Client $3 cURL 'small' data transfer.....(Expect 500Byte download = <1 second)" fi if [ -n "$CURL_TXT" ]; then SayT $CURL_TXT echo -e "\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S") $CURL_TXT >&2 fi #if [ -n "$TXT_RATE" ];then #SayT $TXT_RATE #echo -e "\t\t\t"$TXT_RATE"\n" >&2 #fi echo -en $cBYEL >&2 #fi WGET_DATA=$2 #wget -O /dev/null -t2 -T2 $WGET_DATA if [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ]; then # v1.08 RESULTS=$(curl $CURL_INTERFACE $WGET_DATA -w "%{time_connect},%{time_total},%{speed_download},%{http_code},%{size_download},%{url_effective}\n" -o /dev/null) echo -e >&2 else RESULTS=$(curl $CURL_INTERFACE -s $WGET_DATA -w "%{time_connect},%{time_total},%{speed_download},%{http_code},%{size_download},%{url_effective}\n" -o /dev/null) fi RC=$? if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then STATUS="OK" FORCE_OK=1 # Used to make this a priority status summary case "$2" in "$FORCE_WGET_12MB") SayT "cURL $(($(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f5) / 1000000))MByte transfer took:" $(printf "00:%05.2f secs @%6.0f B/sec" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f2)" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f3)") echo -e $cBWHT"\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S") "VPN Client" $3 "cURL $(($(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f5) / 1000000))MByte transfer took:" $(printf "00:%05.2f secs @%6.0f B/sec" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f2)" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f3)") >&2 ;; "$FORCE_WGET_500B") SayT "cURL $(($(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f5)))Byte transfer took:" $(printf "00:%05.2f secs @%6.0f B/sec" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f2)" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f3)") echo -e $cBWHT"\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S") "VPN Client" $3 "cURL $(($(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f5)))Byte transfer took:" $(printf "00:%05.2f secs @%6.0f B/sec" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f2)" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f3)") >&2 ;; *) SayT "cURL $(($(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f5)))transfer took:" $(printf "00:%05.2f secs" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f2)") echo -e $cBWHT"\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S") "VPN Client" $3 "cURL $(($(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f5)))transfer took:" $(printf "00:%05.2f secs" "$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f2)") >&2 ;; esac # Check if transfer rate is less than the specified acceptable rate #Say "***DEBUG FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE="$FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE if [ $(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1) -lt $FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE ]; then STATUS="SLOW" echo -en ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n" >&2 SayT "***ERROR VPN Client $3 cURL file transfer rate '"$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1)"' Bytes/sec, is less than the acceptable minimum specified '"$FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE"' Bytes/sec" echo -e "\t\t"${cRESET}$cWRED"VPN Client $3 cURL file transfer rate '"$(echo $RESULTS | cut -d',' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1)"' Bytes/sec, is less than the acceptable minimum specified '"$FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE"' Bytes/sec"$cRESET >&2 echo -en $cBYEL >&2 METHOD=" using MINIMIUM acceptable cURL transfer rate" fi else echo -en $cBRED >&2 if [ "$VERBOSE" == "verbose" ]; then # v1.08 Say "***ERROR cURL '"$WGET_DATA"' transfer FAILED RC="$RC fi FORCE_OK=0 if [ $RC -ne 8 ]; then STATUS="FAIL" # Override PING/cURL status!! else Say "*Warning cURL '"$WGET_DATA"' URL invalid?" # URL invalid so could be OFFLINE so ignore it fi fi fi echo $STATUS # OK, FAIL-means switch VPN Client } Check_VPNState() { local i=0 local OK=0 local VPNTAG="$(nvram get vpn_client$1_desc)" # Added to GUI in v380.68 if [ -z "$VPNTAG" ]; then local VPNTAG=$(grep -i "11"$1 /etc/iproute2/rt_tables | awk '{print $2}') fi if [ "$2" = "2" ]; then local WSTATE="connect" fi if [ "$2" = "0" ]; then local WSTATE="disconnect" fi #while sleep 1; do logger "vpn_client$1_state is `nvram get vpn_client$1_state`"; done # Command line equivalent echo -e $cBMAG"\t\tWaiting" $TIMEOUT "secs for VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") to" $WSTATE"....." >&2 SayT "Waiting for VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") to" $WSTATE"....." while [ $i -lt $TIMEOUT ]; do sleep 1 #Say "Waiting for VPN Client" $1 "to" $WSTATE"....." $i if [ "$(nvram get "vpn_client"$1"_state")" = "$2" ]; then OK="1" break fi i=$(($i + 1)) done if [ "$OK" = "1" ]; then echo -e $cBGRE"\t\tVPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG")" $WSTATE"'d in" $i "secs"$cRESET >&2 SayT "VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG")" $WSTATE"'d in" $i "secs" else echo -e $cBRED"\t\t***ERROR*** VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") FAILED to" $WSTATE "after" $i "secs"$cRESET >&2 SayT "***ERROR*** VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") FAILED to" $WSTATE "after" $i "secs" fi } Get_VPN_ADDR() { local VPNADDRS=$(nvram show 2>/dev/null | grep -E "vpn_client.*addr" | grep -v t_addr) local VPN_ADDR="" for VPN in $VPNADDRS; do if [ "${VPN:10:1}" = "$1" ]; then VPN_ADDR=${VPN:17} #Say "***DEBUG ACTIVE VPN Client="$1 "via" $VPN_ADDR "VPN="$VPN #else # Say "Get_VPN_ADDR():" $VPN ">" ${VPN:10:1} ">>" ${VPN:17} fi done echo $VPN_ADDR } HH_MM_in_Range() { local CURRENT_TIME=$(date +%H:%M) #local HH="$(echo $CURRENT_TIME | cut -d":" -f1)" #local MM="$(echo $CURRENT_TIME | cut -d":" -f2)" if [ "$CURRENT_TIME" \> "$1" ] && [ "$CURRENT_TIME" \< "$2" ]; then # Old style gotcha! #if [[ "$CURRENT_TIME" > "$1" ]] && [[ "$CURRENT_TIME" < "$2" ]]; then echo "Y" return 0 else echo "N" return 1 fi } Convert_1024KMG() { local NUM=$(echo "$1" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]') if [ ! -z "$(echo $NUM | grep -oE "B|K|KB|M|MB|G|GB")" ]; then case "$(echo $NUM | grep -oE "B|K|KB|M|MB|G|GB")" in M | MB) local NUM=$(echo "$NUM" | tr -d 'MB') local NUM=$((NUM * 1024 * 1024)) ;; G | GB) local NUM=$(echo "$NUM" | tr -d "GB") # local NUM=$((NUM*1024*1024*1024)) local NUM=$(expr "$NUM" \* "1024" \* "1024" \* "1024") ;; K | KB) local NUM=$(echo "$NUM" | tr -d "KB") local NUM=$((NUM * 1024)) ;; B) local NUM=$(echo "$NUM" | tr -d "B") ;; esac else NUM=$(echo "$NUM" | tr -dc '0-9') fi echo $NUM } Size_Human() { local SIZE=$1 if [ -z "$SIZE" ]; then echo "N/A" return 1 fi #echo $(echo $SIZE | awk '{ suffix=" KMGT"; for(i=1; $1>1024 && i < length(suffix); i++) $1/=1024; print int($1) substr(suffix, i, 1), $3; }') # if [ $SIZE -gt $((1024*1024*1024*1024)) ];then # 1,099,511,627,776 # printf "%2.2f TB\n" $(echo $SIZE | awk '{$1=$1/(1024^4); print $1;}') # else if [ $SIZE -gt $((1024 * 1024 * 1024)) ]; then # 1,073,741,824 printf "%3.2f GB\n" $(echo $SIZE | awk '{$1=$1/(1024^3); print $1;}') else if [ $SIZE -gt $((1024 * 1024)) ]; then # 1,048,576 printf "%3.2f MB\n" $(echo $SIZE | awk '{$1=$1/(1024^2); print $1;}') else if [ $SIZE -gt $((1024)) ]; then printf "%3.2f KB\n" $(echo $SIZE | awk '{$1=$1/(1024); print $1;}') else printf "%d Bytes\n" $SIZE fi fi fi # fi return 0 } Update_VPN_Client() { # v1.10 local THIS_VPN=$1 local CURRENT_INDEX=$2 local VPNSERVERADDR= local VPNPORT= local VPNPROTO= local THIS if [ "$CURRENT_INDEX" != "?" ]; then local USE_INDEX=$((CURRENT_INDEX + 1)) if [ $USE_INDEX -gt $VPN_CONFIG_CNT ]; then local USE_INDEX=1 fi local VPN_CONFIG_ACTIVE=$(nvram get vpn_client${THIS_VPN}_addr)":"$(nvram get vpn_client${THIS_VPN}_port)":"$(nvram get vpn_client${THIS_VPN}_proto) local VPNTAG=$(nvram get vpn_client${THIS_VPN}_desc) else local VPN_CONFIG_ACTIVE=$(nvram get vpn_client${VPN_ID}_addr)":"$(nvram get vpn_client${VPN_ID}_port)":"$(nvram get vpn_client${VPN_ID}_proto) local VPNTAG=$(nvram get vpn_client${VPN_ID}_desc) fi # Update the current VPN Client config to use a different server/port/protocol or return the current INDEX if [ -n "$VPN_CONFIGS" ]; then if [ $VPN_CONFIG_CNT -eq 1 ]; then echo "1" # '?' query so it must be INDEX 1 if only 1 entry! return fi local INDEX=0 local OLDIFS=$IFS IFS="<" for CONFIG in $VPN_CONFIGS; do INDEX=$((INDEX + 1)) if [ "$CURRENT_INDEX" != "?" ]; then # Is this an INDEX query? eval local VPNCONFIG${INDEX}=\$CONFIG [ $INDEX -eq $USE_INDEX ] && THIS=$CONFIG else if [ "$VPN_CONFIG_ACTIVE" == "$CONFIG" ]; then USE_INDEX=$INDEX # Found the current INDEX!! fi fi done IFS=$OLDIFS if [ "$CURRENT_INDEX" != "?" ]; then # Switch the config.... Parse "$THIS" ":" VPNSERVERADDR VPNPORT VPNPROTO nvram set vpn_client${THIS_VPN}_addr="$VPNSERVERADDR" nvram set vpn_client${THIS_VPN}_port="$VPNPORT" nvram set vpn_client${THIS_VPN}_proto="$VPNPROTO" # Fix v1.10a # Tricky business of restoring ALL associated NVRAM variables and the three cert files 'ca,crt and key' # v1.12 # Should the script save a working NVRAM config when it requests and successfully starts a VPN Client? # nvram show >2/dev/null | grep vpn_client5_ | sort >/jffs/openvpn/VPN_Failover/vpn_client5_NVRAM # # Read the NVRAM vars and restore 'em... # TBA # Since '/jffs/openvpn' holds the 'live' keys, use '/jffs/openvpn/VPN_Failover' to restore them if [ ! -f /jffs/openvpn/VPN_Failover ]; then cp -a /jffs/openvpn /jffs/openvpn/VPN_Failover # v1.12 else # Now we can overwrite the target certs.... # v1.11 #cp -af /jffs/openvpn/VPN_Failover/vpn_crt_client${THIS_VPN}_ca /jffs/openvpn/vpn_crt_client${THIS_VPN}_ca #cp af /jffs/openvpn/VPN_Failover/vpn_crt_client${THIS_VPN}_crt /jffs/openvpn/vpn_crt_client${THIS_VPN}_crt #cp -af /jffs/openvpn/VPN_Failover/vpn_crt_client${THIS_VPN}_key /jffs/openvpn/vpn_crt_client${THIS_VPN} DUMMY= fi VPNDESC=$(awk -F# -v pattern="${VPNSERVERADDR}" 'match($0,pattern) {print $2}' /jffs/configs/VPN_Failover) [ -z "$VPNDESC" ] && VPNDESC="N/A $VPNSERVERADDR" # Fix v1.22 nvram set vpn_client${THIS_VPN}_desc="$VPNDESC" # Change the GUI echo -e $cBGRE"\t\tVPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") Multi-config switching to Entry:" $USE_INDEX "of" $VPN_CONFIG_CNT "("$VPNSERVERADDR")" >&2 SayT "VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") Multi-config switching to Entry:" $USE_INDEX "("$VPNSERVERADDR")" fi echo $USE_INDEX fi } Convert_SECS_to_HHMMSS () { local SECS=$1 local DAYS_TXT= if [ $SECS -ge 86400 ] && [ ! -z "$2" ];then # More than 24:00 i.e. 1 day? local DAYS=$((${SECS}/86400)) SECS=$((SECS-DAYS*86400)) local DAYS_TXT=$DAYS" days" fi local HH=$((${SECS}/3600)) local MM=$((${SECS}%3600/60)) local SS=$((${SECS}%60)) if [ -z $2 ];then echo $(printf "%02d:%02d:%02d" $HH $MM $SS) # Return 'hh:mm:ss" format else echo $(printf "%s %02d:%02d:%02d" "$DAYS_TXT" $HH $MM $SS) # Return in "x days hh:mm:ss" format fi } SendMail(){ # SMTP parameters # SMTP="smtp.gmail.com" # PORT="465" # USERNAME="you@gmail.com" # PASSWORD="gmail-password" # Mail Envelope # FROM_NAME="Router" # FROM_ADDRESS="you@gmail.com" # TO_NAME="Your Name" # TO_ADDRESS="you@gmail.com" if [ -z "$SMTP" ] || [ -z "$PORT" ] || [ -z "$USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$PASSWORD" ];then echo -en ${cBRED}"\n\t"$ALARMBELL Say "***ERROR INVALID email SMTP configuration! - 'username=' and 'password=' parameters must not be blank" return 1 fi if [ -z "$FROM_ADDRESS" ] || [ -z "$TO_NAME" ] || [ -z "$TO_ADDRESS" ];then echo -en ${cBRED}"\n\t"$ALARMBELL Say "***ERROR INVALID email Envelope configuration - 'fromaddress=' and 'toaddress=' parameters must not be blank" return 1 fi ### Do not change below ROUTER_IP=$(nvram get lan_ipaddr) local BODY=$@ # Assume message is entirely in quotes!!! echo "From: \"$FROM_NAME\" <$FROM_ADDRESS>" > /tmp/mail.txt echo "To: \"$TO_NAME\" <$TO_ADDRESS>" >> /tmp/mail.txt echo "Subject: VPN Failover Monitor $VER" >> /tmp/mail.txt echo "" >> /tmp/mail.txt echo -e "$BODY\n" >> /tmp/mail.txt curl --url smtps://$SMTP:$PORT \ --mail-from "$FROM_ADDRESS" --mail-rcpt "$TO_ADDRESS" \ --upload-file /tmp/mail.txt \ --ssl-reqd \ --user "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" --insecure rm /tmp/mail.txt return 0 } #=============================================Main============================================================= # shellcheck disable=SC2068 Main() { true; } # Syntax that is Atom Shellchecker compatible! ANSIColours # shellcheck disable=SC2068 echo -e Say $VER "Started....." [$@] # Assistance required ? if [ "$1" == "help" ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then # Show help echo -e $cBWHT ShowHelp echo -e $cRESET exit 0 fi SNAME="${0##*/}" # v1.23 SNAME=$(basename $0); SNAME="$(echo $0 | sed 's/.*\///')"; SNAME=$(echo $0| awk -F"/" '{print $NF}') THIS="$$" if [ "$1" == "status" ] || [ "$1" == "reset" ];then # v1.17 echo -e $cBMAG"\n\tActive VPN Failover monitor processes\n" LOCKFILE="/tmp/$(basename $0)-flock" # v1.23 FD=171 eval exec "$FD>$LOCKFILE" flock -x $FD PIDS="$(pidof $SNAME)" # v1.21 for VPN_ID in 1 2 3 4 5 do PROCESS= TXT= INFO= STAT= PID= ORPHAN=1 # v1.23 VPNFAILOVER="/tmp/vpnclient"$VPN_ID"-VPNFailover" echo -en $cBYEL for PID in $PIDS # v1.21 do [ "$PID" == "$THIS" ] && continue # v1.23 Ignore this instance! VPN_INSTANCE=$(ps w | awk -v pattern="${PID}" '{ if ($1 == pattern) print $8 }') # v1.23 [ -n "$(echo $VPN_INSTANCE | grep "$SNAME")" ] && VPN_INSTANCE=$(ps w | awk -v pattern="${PID}" '{ if ($1 == pattern) print $9 }') if [ "$VPN_ID" != "$VPN_INSTANCE" ];then continue fi PROCESS="$(ps w | awk -v pattern="${PID}" '{ if ($1 == pattern) print $0 }')" # v1.23 [ -z "$PROCESS" ] && PID= || ORPHAN= # v1.23 if [ -f "$VPNFAILOVER" ];then INFO="$(ls -l "$VPNFAILOVER" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^.*root//')" STAT="$(awk '{print $1}' $VPNFAILOVER)" [ "$STAT" == "NOKILL" ] && COLOUR=$cRED || COLOUR=$cBGRE TXT="Status/PID="$STAT"\n" else if [ "$1" != "reset" ];then [ -n "$PROCESS" ] && INFO=$cRED"**Warning Pending self-termination?" fi fi [ -n "$PROCESS" ] && { echo -e ${BWHT}$PROCESS; SayT "\t"$PROCESS; } [ -n "$INFO" ] && { echo -e ${cBCYA}$INFO ${COLOUR}$TXT; SayT "\t"$INFO $TXT; } done if [ "$1" == "reset" ] ;then # VPN_Failover [reset [vpn_instance]] if [ -n "$2" ];then # v1.21 if [ "$VPN_ID" == "$2" ];then # v1.20 Reset a specific VPN Client instance SayT "\tVPN Client $VPN_ID monitoring reset" # v1.20 echo -e $cBGRE"\tVPN Client $VPN_ID monitoring ${cBRED}${aREVERSE}terminated${cRESET}$cBGRE (and reset)\n" [ -n "$PID" ] && kill $PID rm $VPNFAILOVER 2>/dev/null ORPHAN= fi else SayT "\tVPN Client $VPN_ID monitoring reset" echo -e $cBGRE"\tVPN Client $VPN_ID monitoring ${cBRED}${aREVERSE}terminated${cRESET}$cBGRE (and reset)\n" [ -n "$PID" ] && kill $PID rm $VPNFAILOVER 2>/dev/null ORPHAN= fi fi if [ "$ORPHAN" == "1" ] && [ -f "$VPNFAILOVER" ];then # v1.23 SayT "***ERROR Orphaned PID file '"$VPNFAILOVER"'" echo -e $cBRED"\t***ERROR Orphaned PID file '"$VPNFAILOVER"'" fi echo -en $cRESET done flock -u $FD # Release the semaphore lock # v1.23 echo -e $cRESET exit 0 fi MYROUTER=$(nvram get computer_name) MOUNT="/tmp" METHOD= IS_VPN_DOWN=0 IS_VPN_UP=2 ALARMBELL="\a" # Console Audible ERRORS may be suppressed by using 'silent' directive BLOCKEDPERIOD=0 # Apply restricted time periods BLOCKED_PERIODS= # Time window(s) when a VPN switch is NOT allowed e.g. 08:59-13:00,12:59-23:00 NOSWITCH=0 # 1-Allow VPN Client switching VERBOSE= # 'verbose' will generate additional cURL messages to console/Syslog IGNORE_VPN= # List of VPN Clients to ignore in round-robin TIMEOUT=60 # Default VPN client start-up INTERVAL=30 # Default interval cycle to check if VPN Client needs to be round-robin'd VPN_ID= # Default VPN Client to Check MULTI_VPNCONFIG_INDEX=0 # Used to track MULTI VPN config round-robin TRIES=3 # 'pingonly=' try count # v1.16 NOCURLRESTART= # Skip cURL performance test on restart # v1.20 FORCE_WGET= FORCE_WGET_500B="http://proof.ovh.net/files/md5sum.txt" FORCE_WGET_12MB="http://proof.ovh.net/files/100Mb.dat" FORCE_WGET= FORCE_OK=0 FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE=0 # Minimum acceptable transfer rate in Bytes per second MIN_CURLRATE_1=0 # Default VPN Client 1 - can be overridden by 'minrates=nnnnnn' CURLSIZE1="NOCURL" MIN_CURLRATE_2=0 # Default VPN Client 2 - can be overridden by 'minrates=?,nnnnnn' CURLSIZE2="NOCURL" MIN_CURLRATE_3=0 # Default VPN Client 3 - can be overridden by 'minrates=?,?,nnnnnn' CURLSIZE3="NOCURL" MIN_CURLRATE_4=0 # Default VPN Client 4 - can be overridden by 'minrates=?,?,?,nnnnnn' CURLSIZE4="NOCURL" MIN_CURLRATE_5=0 # Default VPN Client 5 - can be overridden by 'minrates=?,?,?,?,nnnnnn' CURLSIZE5="NOCURL" # Assume Gmail configuration # v1.19 SMTP="smtp.gmail.com" PORT="465" USERNAME= PASSWORD= FROM_ADDRESS= # "you@gmail.com" TO_NAME="To whom it may concern" # "Your Name" TO_ADDRESS= # "you@gmail.com" # First arg MUST be the VPN Client if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -n "$(echo $1 | grep -oE "^[1-5]")" ]; then VPN_ID=$1 SWITCH_VPN=$VPN_ID # v1.21 else SayT "**ERROR** VPN Client '"$1"' is INVALID (1-5 only)" echo -e $cBRED"\a\n\t**ERROR** VPN Client '"$1"' is INVALID (1-5 only)\n" #Say "Aborted!" echo -e "\n"$cRESET exit 99 fi LOCKFILE="/tmp/$(basename $0)-flock" # v1.23 FD=171 eval exec "$FD>$LOCKFILE" flock -x $FD # Is there ALREADY a VPN Failover monitor process for this VPN? VPNFAILOVER="/tmp/vpnclient"$VPN_ID"-VPNFailover" PIDS="$(pidof $SNAME)" for PID in $PIDS # v1.21 do [ "$PID" == "$THIS" ] && continue # v1.23 Ignore this instance! VPN_INSTANCE=$(ps w | awk -v pattern="${PID}" '{ if ($1 == pattern) print $8 }') # v1.23 [ -n "$(echo $VPN_INSTANCE | grep "$SNAME")" ] && VPN_INSTANCE=$(ps w | awk -v pattern="${PID}" '{ if ($1 == pattern) print $9 }') # v1.23 if [ "$VPN_ID" == "$VPN_INSTANCE" ] || [ -f $VPNFAILOVER ];then PROCESS="PID=$(ps -w | awk -v pattern="${PID}" '{ if ($1 == pattern) print $0 }')" || PROCESS= [ -z "$PROCESS" ] && PROCESS="PID file exists! '"$VPNFAILOVER"'" SayT "\t**Warning VPN Client $VPN_ID Failover monitor already running!\n\t\t$PROCESS" echo -e $cBRED"\n\n\a\t***ERROR: VPN Client $VPN_ID Failover monitor already running!\n\t\t"${PROCESS}$cRESET flock -u $FD # Release the semaphore lock # v1.23 exit 1 fi done echo $$ >$VPNFAILOVER flock -u $FD # Release the semaphore lock # v1.23 #For verbose debugging, uncomment the following two lines, and uncomment the last line of this script #set -x #( DEV="tun1"$VPN_ID shift while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do # Until you run out of parameters . . . case $1 in delay=*) # Allow the asyncronous call from openvpn-event vpnclientX-up to ensure that the VPN Client has fully initialised DELAY="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*delay=//p")" # v1.08 CMDDELAY=$DELAY ;; minrates=*) # Override the above '$MIN_CURLRATE_X' values if the 'minrates={n[.n]...}' is supplied # v1.08 VPN_CLIENT_RATES=$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*minrates=//p" | awk '{print $1}' | tr ',' ' ' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') # v1.09 allow 123k etc. if [ $(echo $VPN_CLIENT_RATES | wc -w) -gt 5 ]; then echo -en $cBRED"\a\n\t" SayT "***ERROR VPN Client minimum cURL rates 'minrates="$(echo "$@" | sed -n "s/^.*minrates=//p" | awk '{print $1}')"' INVALID! (must be max 5 CSV numeric values)" echo -e "***ERROR VPN Client minimum cURL rates 'minrates="$(echo "$@" | sed -n "s/^.*minrates=//p" | awk '{print $1}')"' INVALID! (must be max 5 CSV numeric values)\n" $cRESET exit 995 fi INDEX=0 for RATE in $VPN_CLIENT_RATES; do INDEX=$((INDEX + 1)) [ "$RATE" == "?" ] && continue # Ignore '?' placeholder RATE=$(Convert_1024KMG "$RATE") # Convert say 1M -> 1048576 Bytes if [ -n "${RATE##*[!0-9]*}" ]; then # Rate must be numeric eval MIN_CURLRATE_${INDEX}=\$RATE # Override the VPN Client default of 0 else SayT "***ERROR VPN Client minimum cURL rates '$RATE' INVALID!" echo -e $cBRED"\a\n\t***ERROR VPN Client" $INDEX "new minimum cURL rate '$RATE' INVALID! (must be numeric)\n" $cRESET exit 995 fi done CMDMINRATES=$VPN_CLIENT_RATES ;; verbose) VERBOSE="verbose" # Enable additional messages such as actual cURL transfer progress CMDVERBOSE=$VERBOSE ;; ignore=*) # v1.08 IGNORE_VPN="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*ignore=//p" | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d ',')" # Fix missing 'awk' v1.08a if [ -z "$IGNORE_VPN" ] || [ -n "$(echo "$IGNORE_VPN" | grep -E "[[:digit:]])")" ]; then echo -en ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t" Say "***ERROR VPN configs 'ignore="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*ignore=//p" | awk '{print $1}')"' INVALID! (must be CSV numeric 1-5)" echo -en $cRESET exit 996 fi CMDIGNORE=$IGNORE_VPN #SayT "***DEBUG ignore="$CMDIGNORE ;; timeout=*) TIMEOUT="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*timeout=//p" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -E "[[:digit:]]")" if [ -z "$TIMEOUT" ] || [ "$TIMEOUT" -gt 120 ]; then echo -en ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t" Say "***ERROR VPN initialisation 'timeout="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*interval=//p" | awk '{print $1}')"' INVALID! (must be numeric <=120 secs)" echo -en $cRESET exit 997 fi CMDTIMEOUT=$TIMEOUT ;; interval=*) INTERVAL="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*interval=//p" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -E "[[:digit:]]")" if [ -z "$INTERVAL" ] || [ "$INTERVAL" -gt 3600 ]; then echo -en ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t" Say "***ERROR VPN initialisation 'interval="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*interval=//p" | awk '{print $1}')"' INVALID! (must be numeric <=3600 secs)" echo -en $cRESET exit 998 fi CMDINTERVAL=$INTERVAL ;; nocurlrestart) # v1.20 Hmmm, should this only be valid if 'once' specified. CMDNOCURLRESTART=$1 NOCURLRESTART="NoCURLRstart" ;; force | forcebig | forcesmall) # cURL transfer?....optionally requires 'curlrate='/'minrates' specification of MINIMUM acceptable transfer rate(s) if [ "$(echo $1 | grep -cw 'forcesmall')" -gt 0 ]; then FORCE_WGET=$FORCE_WGET_500B eval CURLSIZE$VPN_ID=$FORCE_WGET else FORCE_WGET=$FORCE_WGET_12MB eval CURLSIZE$VPN_ID=$FORCE_WGET fi METHOD=" using cURL data file retrieval" # Force ALL round-robin VPN Clients to use the same criteria CURLSIZE1=$FORCE_WGET CURLSIZE2=$FORCE_WGET CURLSIZE3=$FORCE_WGET CURLSIZE4=$FORCE_WGET CURLSIZE5=$FORCE_WGET CMDFORCE=$FORCE_WGET ;; curlrate=*) CMDCURLRATE=$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*curlrate=//p" | awk '{print $1}' | tr ',' ' ' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') if [ -z "$(echo "$CMDCURLRATE" | tr -dc '0-9')" ] || [ "$(echo "$CMDCURLRATE" | tr -dc '0-9')" -eq 0 ]; then echo -e ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t***ERROR cURL rate MINIMUM '$1' cannot be 0/NULL\n"$cRESET exit 99 else FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE=$(Convert_1024KMG "$CMDCURLRATE") fi METHOD=" using MINIMIUM acceptable cURL transfer rate ("$FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE" Bytes/sec)" eval MIN_CURLRATE_${VPN_ID}=\$FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE # Restrict the cURL rate to the nominated VPN Client CMDCURLRATE=$FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE ;; noswitch | noswitch=*) if [ "$1" == "noswitch" ]; then NOSWITCH=1 # Don't allow VPN Client switching; except if VPN Client DOWN CMDNOSWITCH=$1 else BLOCKEDPERIOD=$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*noswitch=//p" | awk '{print $1}' | tr ',' ' ') for PERIOD in $BLOCKEDPERIOD; do # Split HH:MM-HH:MM TIME_PAIR=$(echo "$PERIOD" | tr '-' ' ') for TIME in $TIME_PAIR; do # Minimum must be 'HH:MM' format i.e. length 5 case "${#TIME}" in #2) [ $(echo "$TIME" | grep -oE "^([0-1][0-9])|^(2[0-3])$") ] || { echo -e $cBRED"\a\n\t\t***ERROR '$TIME' (HH format) invalid\n"$cRESET; exit 55; } ;; #3) [ $(echo "$TIME" | grep -oE "^([0-1][0-9])|^(2[0-3])(:)?") ] || { echo -e $cBRED"\a\n\t\t***ERROR '$TIME' (HH: format) invalid\n"$cRESET; exit 66; } ;; 5) [ $(echo "$TIME" | grep -oE "^([0-1][0-9])|^(2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$") ] || { echo -e $cBRED"\a\n\t\t***ERROR '$TIME' (HH:MM format) invalid\n"$cRESET exit 77 } ;; *) { echo -e ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t\tVPN switch blocked time period '$TIME' invalid format.\n"$cRESET exit 99 } ;; esac done done BLOCKEDPERIOD=1 # Block VPN switching during the following periods BLOCKED_PERIODS=$BLOCKEDPERIOD CMDNOSWITCH=$BLOCKEDPERIOD fi ;; silent) ALARMBELL= # No audible console alert for ERRORS - except cmd arg validation CMDSILENT=$1 SayT $CMDSILENT ;; multiconfig) # v.10 CMDSERVERS=$1 # Rather than rotate through the 5 VPN clients, use /jffs/configs/VPN_Failover to round-robin Server/port/protocol # for unlimited servers from a VPN ISP # i.e.You could configure ALL 5 VPN Clients to the same provider which may not be appropriate. IGNORE_VPN=$(echo "1 2 3 4 5" | tr -d "$VPN_ID" | sed 's/^ //') # Use a single VPN Client #Say "Processing Server rotate config file '/jffs/configs/VPN_Failover'" if [ -f '/jffs/configs/VPN_Failover' ]; then VPN_CONFIGS=$(awk -v pattern="${VPN_ID}" 'match($0,"^"pattern) {print $2,$3,$4}' /jffs/configs/VPN_Failover | tr '\n' '<' | tr ' ' ':' | sed 's/<$//') VPN_CONFIG_CNT=$(($(echo $VPN_CONFIGS | tr -dc '<' | wc -c) + 1)) if [ -z $VPN_CONFIGS ]; then SayT "***ERROR VPN Client $VPN_ID NOT FOUND in Multi-config file '/jffs/configs/VPN_Failover'" echo -e ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t***ERROR VPN Client $VPN_ID NOT FOUND in Multi-config file '/jffs/configs/VPN_Failover'\n"$cRESET exit 98 fi # Identify the current ACTIVE config in the Multi-config file to set the INDEX to initiate the mult-config round-robin MULTI_VPNCONFIG_INDEX=$(Update_VPN_Client "$VPN_ID" "?") [ -z "$MULTI_VPNCONFIG_INDEX" ] && MULTI_VPNCONFIG_INDEX=1 else SayT "***ERROR Multi-config file '/jffs/configs/VPN_Failover' NOT FOUND" echo -e ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t***ERROR Multi-config file '/jffs/configs/VPN_Failover' NOT FOUND\n"$cRESET exit 99 fi ;; once) CMDONCE=$1 ONCE="once" # v1.11 #SayT $CMDONCE # v1.20 ;; pingonly=*) PING_LIST="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*pingonly=//p" | awk '{print $1}')" [ -z "$PING_LIST" ] && PING_LIST="" METHOD=" using PING to Point-to-Point LAN only" CMDPINGONLY=$1 ;; sendmail) CMDSENDMAIL=$1 ;; emailcfg=*) # Email parameters v1.19 EMAILCFG="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*emailcfg=//p" | awk '{print $1}')" if [ -f "$EMAILCFG" ];then SMTP=$(awk 'BEGIN {FS = "="} /^smtp=/ {print $2}' $EMAILCFG | tr -d '"') PORT=$(awk 'BEGIN {FS = "="} /^port=/ {print $2}' $EMAILCFG) | tr -d '"' USERNAME=$(awk 'BEGIN {FS = "="} /^username=/ {print $2}' $EMAILCFG | tr -d '"') PASSWORD=$(awk 'BEGIN {FS = "="} /^password=/ {print $2}' $EMAILCFG | tr -d '"') TO_NAME=$(awk 'BEGIN {FS = "="} /^to=/ {print $2}' $EMAILCFG | tr -d '"') FROM_ADDRESS=$(awk 'BEGIN {FS = "="} /^fromaddress=/ {print $2}' $EMAILCFG | tr -d '"') TO_ADDRESS=$(awk 'BEGIN {FS = "="} /^toaddress=/ {print $2}' $EMAILCFG | tr -d '"') CMDEMAILCFG=$1 CMDSENDMAIL="sendmail" # Assume implied 'sendmail' request! ;-) else echo -en ${cBRED}"\n\t"$ALARMBELL Say "***ERROR Email-config file '"$1"' NOT FOUND" echo -e $cRESET exit 99 fi ;; smtp=*) # v1.19 SMTP="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*smtp=//p" | awk '{print $1}')" CMDSMTP="$1" ;; port=*) # v1.19 PORT="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*port=//p" | awk '{print $1}')" CMDPORT="$1" ;; username=*) # v1.19 USERNAME="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*username=//p" | awk '{print $1}')" CMDUSERNAME="$1" ;; password=*) # v1.19 PASSWORD="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*password=//p" | awk '{print $1}')" CMDPASSWORD="$1" ;; to=*) # v1.19 TO_NAME="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*to=//p" | awk '{print $1}')" CMDTO="$1" ;; fromaddress=*) # v1.19 FROM_ADDRESS="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*fromaddress=//p" | awk '{print $1}')" CMDFROMADDRESS="$1" ;; toaddress=*) # v1.19 TO_ADDRESS="$(echo "$1" | sed -n "s/^.*toaddress=//p" | awk '{print $1}')" CMDTOADDRESS="$1" ;; *) echo -e ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t***ERROR unrecognised directive '"$1"'\n"$cRESET exit 99 ;; esac shift done if [ -n "$CMDDELAY" ];then SayT "Beginning VPN Client" $VPN_ID "connection status monitoring in" $(Convert_SECS_to_HHMMSS "$DELAY") ".....@"$(date -D '%s' -d "$(($(date +%s) + $DELAY))" +"%H:%M:%S") sleep $DELAY # Check for external kill switch if [ ! -f $VPNFAILOVER ]; then Say $VER "VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)" #echo -e $cBYEL"\t\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S")" Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)\n"$cRESET echo -e $cRESET exit 0 fi fi # If SMDFORCE then CMDCURLRATE or CMDMINRATES MUST have been specified. if [ -n "$CMDFORCE" ]; then if [ -z "$CMDCURLRATE" ]; then #echo -e ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t***ERROR cURL transfer requested, but missing arg 'curlrate=' to define MINIMUM acceptable rate\n"$cRESET #exit 99 DUMMY= # v1.09 else if [ -z "$CMDMINRATES" ]; then echo -e ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t*Warning VPN Client $VPN_ID cURL transfer requested, but no throughput rates will be checked for the other VPN Clients (use 'minrates=')\n"$cRESET fi fi fi # Ensure that if Multi-config requested that this DISABLES round-robin. if [ -n "$VPN_CONFIGS" ]; then echo -e ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\n\t*Warning VPN Client $VPN_ID Multi-config Entry:" $MULTI_VPNCONFIG_INDEX" of "$VPN_CONFIG_CNT"; Round-robin of VPN Clients DISABLED (ignore='$IGNORE_VPN' ENFORCED) \n"$cRESET IGNORE_VPN=$(echo "1 2 3 4 5" | tr -d "$VPN_ID") # Use a single VPN Client fi # Loop forever and check VPN Client status every (default) 30 secs or $INTERVAL value specified by user e.g. 'interval=60' while true; do TRACKFILE="${MOUNT}/vpnclient$VPN_ID" # Check for external kill switch if [ ! -f $VPNFAILOVER ]; then Say $VER "VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)" #echo -e $cBYEL"\t\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S")" Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)\n"$cRESET break fi #SayT "VPN Client Monitor: Starting.....(using '"$VPNFAILOVER"')" #echo -e $cBYEL"\n\t$VER VPN Client Monitor: Starting.....\n" echo -e case "$VPN_ID" in # v1.08 1) FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE=$MIN_CURLRATE_1 # The cURL rate specific to a VPN for file transfer... FORCE_WGET=$CURLSIZE1 # The cURL file to be measured ;; 2) FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE=$MIN_CURLRATE_2 # The cURL rate specific to a VPN for file transfer... FORCE_WGET=$CURLSIZE2 # The cURL file to be measured ;; 3) FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE=$MIN_CURLRATE_3 # The cURL rate specific to a VPN for file transfer... FORCE_WGET=$CURLSIZE3 # The cURL file to be measured ;; 4) FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE=$MIN_CURLRATE_4 # The cURL rate specific to a VPN for file transfer... FORCE_WGET=$CURLSIZE4 # The cURL file to be measured ;; 5) FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE=$MIN_CURLRATE_5 # The cURL rate specific to a VPN for file transfer... FORCE_WGET=$CURLSIZE5 # The cURL file to be measured ;; esac if [ $FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE -eq 0 ]; then METHOD= # If no cURL rate threshold then clear the header message else METHOD=" using MINIMIUM acceptable cURL transfer rate ("$FORCE_WGET_MIN_RATE" Bytes/sec)" fi SayT "VPN Client Monitor: Checking VPN Client" $VPN_ID "connection status...." echo -e $cBYEL"\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S") $VER "VPN Client Monitor: Checking VPN Client" $VPN_ID "connection status...." $METHOD "\n" # Check for external kill switch if [ ! -f $VPNFAILOVER ]; then Say $VER "VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)" #echo -e $cBYEL"\t\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S")" Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)\n"$cRESET break fi # Check if VPN isn't UP or performance is unacceptably 'SLOW' PERFORMANCE= # v1.18 WTF! if [ -z "$PING_LIST" ];then # v1.16 PERFORMANCE="$(Check_VPN "CURL" "$FORCE_WGET" "$VPN_ID")" # v1.08 WTF! else PERFORMANCE="$(Check_VPN "$PING_LIST" "$FORCE_WGET" "$VPN_ID")" # v1.16 WTF! fi if [ -z "$(echo "$PERFORMANCE" | grep -o "OK")" ]; then # Hack, as VARIABLE is NEVER a single word???!!! :-( - weird v1.18 case "$VPN_ID" in 1) NEW_VPN_ID=2 ;; # VPN Client 1 is DOWN or 'slow'?; Switch to VPN Client 2 2) NEW_VPN_ID=3 ;; # VPN Client 2 is DOWN or 'slow'?; Switch to VPN Client 3 3) NEW_VPN_ID=4 ;; # VPN Client 3 is DOWN or 'slow'?; Switch to VPN Client 4 4) NEW_VPN_ID=5 ;; # VPN Client 4 is DOWN or 'slow'?; Switch to VPN Client 5 5) NEW_VPN_ID=1 ;; # VPN Client 5 is DOWN or 'slow'?; Switch to VPN Client 1 esac # Get current VPN STATE? VPNSTATE="$(nvram get "vpn_client"${VPN_ID}"_state")" case $VPNSTATE in 0) REASON=$VPNSTATE";Disconnected" ;; 1) REASON=$VPNSTATE";Connecting" ;; 2) REASON=$VPNSTATE";Connected" #[ -n "$(echo "$PERFORMANCE" | grep -Fo "SLOW")" ] && { REASON=$REASON" but SLOW!" ; PERFORMANCE="FAIL"; } # Hack v1.18 [ -n "$(echo "$PERFORMANCE" | grep -Fo "SLOW")" ] && { REASON=$REASON" but 'SLOW'!" ; } # Hack v1.20 [ -n "$(echo "$PERFORMANCE" | grep -Fo "FAIL")" ] && { REASON=$REASON" but tunnel DOWN; Unsuccessful PING or cURL data transfer"; PERFORMANCE="FAIL"; } # Hack v1.18 v1.22 ;; "-1") REASON=$VPNSTATE";Unknown Error - Password/routing issue?" ;; *) REASON=$VPNSTATE";?" ;; esac if [ "$VPNSTATE" != "$IS_VPN_DOWN" ]; then # VPN State is UP i.e. 'Connected but SLOW', 'Connecting' or 'Disconnecting' or in 'Error', so stop it anyway? STATE_COLOUR=$cBGRE # v1.20 [ -n "$(echo "$REASON" | grep -F "SLOW")" ] && STATE_COLOUR=${cRESET}$cWRED # v1.20 [ -n "$(echo "$REASON" | grep -F "DOWN")" ] && STATE_COLOUR=$cBRED # v1.20 # If the VPN Client was taken down because it is SLOW simply restart it? # v1.08 if [ -n "$(echo "$REASON" | grep -F "SLOW")" ]; then if [ "$DISABLEROUNDROBIN" == "Y" ]; then NEW_VPN_ID=$VPN_ID # Temporary TBA REASON=$REASON". Round robin DISABLED - cURL rate inappropriate for other VPN Clients" fi fi # Limit the VPN switching/restart to a time window? # v1.09 # i.e. just because it's SLOW, this might be acceptable overnight to critical file transfers continue albeit at a trickle? # although if it's the middle of the day then surely you need to take the hit immediately? if [ -n "$BLOCKED_PERIODS" ]; then BLOCKED_PERIODS=$(echo $BLOCKED_PERIODS | tr ',' ' ') for PERIOD in $BLOCKED_PERIODS; do FROM=$(echo $PERIOD | cut -d'-' -f1) TO=$(echo $PERIOD | cut -d'-' -f2) #Say "***DEBUG PERIOD="$PERIOD "FROM=>"$FROM"< TO >"$TO"<" if [ "$(HH_MM_in_Range "$FROM" "$TO")" == "Y" ]; then NOSWITCH=1 # Prevent VPN Client switching break fi done fi if [ $NOSWITCH -eq 1 ]; then # v1.09 if [ -n "$PERIOD" ]; then SayT "VPN Client switch is PERIOD restricted ("$BLOCKED_PERIODS")" echo -e $cCYA"\t\tVPN Client" $VPN_ID "switch to VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "(Reason: VPN Client" $VPN_ID "STATE=${REASON}) is PERIOD restricted ("$BLOCKED_PERIODS")" else SayT "VPN Client switching is explicitly DISABLED ('noswitch')" echo -e $cCYA"\t\tVPN Client" $VPN_ID "switch to VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "(Reason: VPN Client" $VPN_ID "STATE=${REASON}) is explicitly DISABLED ('noswitch')" fi SayT "VPN Client Monitor: VPN Client" $VPN_ID "status tolerated OK" echo -e $cGRE"\t\tVPN Client" $VPN_ID "connection is deemed throughput/performance degraded but tolerated... OK" [ -n "$CMDSENDMAIL" ] && SendMail "VPN Client" $VPN_ID "connection is deemed throughput/performance degraded but tolerated... OK" else #Say "VPN Client switch is NOT PERIOD restricted ("$BLOCKED_PERIODS")" SayT "**VPN Client Monitor: Switching VPN Client" $SWITCH_VPN "to VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "(Reason: VPN Client" $VPN_ID "STATE=${REASON})" echo -e $cBCYA"\t\tSwitching VPN Client" $SWITCH_VPN "to VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "(Reason: VPN Client" $VPN_ID "STATE:"${STATE_COLOUR}${REASON}${cRESET}${cBCYA}")"$cRESET # Don't attempt to stop VPN Client if specifically in "ignore=n,n,n" if [ -z "$(echo "$IGNORE_VPN" | grep -oF "$VPN_ID")" ]; then # v1.20 SayT "**VPN Client Monitor: Terminating VPN Client" $VPN_ID echo -e ${cBRED}$ALARMBELL"\t\tTerminating VPN Client" $VPN_ID # Prevent vpnclientX-route-pre-down from terminating this script echo "NOKILL" >$VPNFAILOVER # v1.15 RC=$(service stop_vpnclient${VPN_ID}) Check_VPNState $VPN_ID $IS_VPN_DOWN fi NEXTVPN="Y" # Override 'noswitch' i.e. ensure that a VPN is ALWAYs started if VPN is DOWN fi else # VPN State is 'Disconnected' STATE_COLOUR=$cBGRA # v1.20 SayT "**VPN Client Monitor: Switching VPN Client" $SWITCH_VPN "to VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "(Reason: VPN Client" $VPN_ID "STATE=${REASON})" echo -e $cBCYA"\t\tSwitching VPN Client" $SWITCH_VPN "to VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "(Reason: VPN Client" $VPN_ID "STATE:"${STATE_COLOUR}${REASON}${cBCYA}")"$cRESET # v1.20 [ -n "$CMDSENDMAIL" ] && SendMail "Switching VPN Client" $SWITCH_VPN "to VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "(Reason: VPN Client" $VPN_ID "STATE=${REASON})" NEXTVPN="Y" # Override 'noswitch' i.e. ensure that a VPN is ALWAYs started if VPN Client is DOWN fi if [ -n "$NEXTVPN" ] || [ $NOSWITCH -eq 0 ]; then # Check if the target VPN client is ACTUALLY configured... v1.07 VPN_NO_SLEEP= VPN_ADDR=$(Get_VPN_ADDR $NEW_VPN_ID) if [ -z "$VPN_ADDR" ]; then echo -en $cRED SayT "VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "not configured? - auto IGNORED/SKIPPED" echo -e $cBGRA"\t\tVPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "not configured? - auto IGNORED/SKIPPED" VPN_NO_SLEEP="NO CONFIG" # Indicate that the $INTERVAL wait time should be skipped... else # Don't attempt to start VPN Client if specifically in "ignore=n,n,n" if [ -z "$(echo "$IGNORE_VPN" | grep -oF "$NEW_VPN_ID")" ]; then # Multiple VPN configs require dynamic modification of if [ -n "$VPN_CONFIGS" ]; then # Use the next round-robin config..... MULTI_VPNCONFIG_INDEX=$(Update_VPN_Client "$NEW_VPN_ID" "$MULTI_VPNCONFIG_INDEX") fi RC=$(service start_vpnclient${NEW_VPN_ID}) # Fix use 'start_' rather than 'restart_' v1.08 # Allow for VPN Client to connect Check_VPNState $NEW_VPN_ID $IS_VPN_UP if [ "$(nvram get "vpn_client"${NEW_VPN_ID}"_state")" != "$IS_VPN_UP" ]; then # Now this could have serious consequences, i.e VPNBOOK won't start if password expired, # but clearly it won't disconnect as 'vpn_client3_state=-1' # Shouldn't be a problem right?, yet sometimes no other VPN Clients will start!!! until the flag is # reset i.e. 'nvram set vpn_client3_state=0' if [ "$(nvram get "vpn_client"$NEW_VPN_ID"_state")" == "-1" ]; then # v1.09 SayT "***ERROR VPN Client Monitor: VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "FAILED to start (nvram vpn_client${NEW_VPN_ID}_state reset)" echo -e ${cBRED}${aBLINK}$ALARMBELL"\n\n\t\t***ERROR VPN Client Monitor: VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "FAILED to start (vpn_client${NEW_VPN_ID}_state=-1 reset)\n"$cRESET nvram set vpn_client${NEW_VPN_ID}_state="0" # v1.09 [ -n "$CMDSENDMAIL" ] && SendMail "***ERROR VPN Client Monitor: VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "FAILED to start (nvram vpn_client${NEW_VPN_ID}_state reset)" fi VPN_ID=$NEW_VPN_ID # v1.06 Force round-robin DEV="tun1"$VPN_ID #exit 99 continue else SWITCH_VPN=$NEW_VPN_ID # v1.21 if [ -n "$ONCE" ] && [ -n "$NOCURLRESTART" ]; then # v1.20 SayT "VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "terminated ('nocurlrestart' & 'once')" echo -e $cBYEL"\n\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S")" $VER VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "terminated ('nocurlrestart' & 'once')\n" # v1.20 Check if restarted VPN Client will request /jffs/scripts/VPN_Failover.sh - don't delete its PID file if [ -z "$(grep -vE "^#" /jffs/scripts/vpnclient${NEW_VPN_ID}-up | grep -Eo "^/jffs/scripts/VPN_Failover|^sh /jffs/scripts/VPN_Failover" /jffs/scripts/vpnclient${NEW_VPN_ID}-up)" ];then rm /tmp/vpnclient${NEW_VPN_ID}-VPNFailover 2>/dev/null # Safe to delete this instance's PID file! fi echo -e $cRESET exit 0 fi # Check for external kill switch if [ ! -f $VPNFAILOVER ]; then Say $VER "VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)" # v1.20 #echo -e $cBYEL"\t\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S")" Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)\n"$cRESET break fi if [ -f "$VPNFAILOVER" ];then echo $$ >$VPNFAILOVER fi NEXTVPN= # Reset the override i.e. 'noswitch' will now be honoured! fi else echo -en $cBRED SayT "Configured VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID " - Manually set to be IGNORED/SKIPPED" echo -e $cBGRA"\t\tConfigured VPN Client" $NEW_VPN_ID "- Manually set to be IGNORED/SKIPPED" VPN_NO_SLEEP="IGNORE" # Indicate that the $INTERVAL wait time should be skipped... fi fi VPN_ID=$NEW_VPN_ID DEV="tun1"$VPN_ID fi else SayT "VPN Client Monitor: VPN Client" $VPN_ID "status OK" $METHOD echo -e $cBGRE"\n\t\tVPN Client" $VPN_ID "connection status OK" $METHOD if [ -f "$VPNFAILOVER" ]; then echo $$ >$VPNFAILOVER # v1.15 Allow vpnclientX-route-pre-down to terminate this script by PID fi if [ -n "$ONCE" ]; then # v1.11.1 SayT "VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('once')" echo -e $cBYEL"\n\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S")" $VER VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('once')\n" rm /tmp/vpnclient${VPN_ID}-VPNFailover 2>/dev/null # v1.17 echo -e $cRESET exit 0 fi fi # Check for external kill switch if [ ! -f $VPNFAILOVER ]; then Say "VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)" #echo -e $cBYEL"\t\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S")" Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)\n"$cRESET break fi if [ -z "$VPN_NO_SLEEP" ]; then # v1.07 echo -e $cBYEL"\n\t\tWill check VPN Client" $VPN_ID "connection status again in" $(Convert_SECS_to_HHMMSS "$INTERVAL") ".....@"$(date -D '%s' -d "$(($(date +%s) + $INTERVAL))" +"%H:%M:%S") # v1.08 SayT "Will check VPN Client" $VPN_ID "connection status again in" $(Convert_SECS_to_HHMMSS "$INTERVAL") ".....@"$(date -D '%s' -d "$(($(date +%s) + $INTERVAL))" +"%H:%M:%S") sleep $INTERVAL else VPN_NO_SLEEP= fi # Check for external kill switch if [ ! -f $VPNFAILOVER ]; then SayT "VPN Client Monitor: Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)" echo -e $cBYEL"\t\t"$(date +"%H:%M:%S")" Monitoring VPN Client" $VPN_ID "terminated ('"$VPNFAILOVER"' not found)\n"$cRESET break fi done rm /tmp/vpnclient${VPN_ID}-VPNFailover 2>/dev/null # v1.17 echo -e $cRESET exit 0 #) 2>&1 | logger -t $(basename $0)"[$$_***DEBUG]"