require 'zlib' class Numeric def to_digits(num = 3) str = to_s (num - str.size).times { str = str.prepend("0") } return str end end module Scripts def self.dump(path = "Data/Scripts", rxdata = "Data/Scripts.rxdata") scripts =, 'rb') { |f| Marshal.load(f) } if scripts.length < 10 p "Scripts look like they're already extracted. Not doing so again." return end create_directory(path) clear_directory(path) folder_id = [1, 1] # Can only have two layers of folders file_id = 1 level = 0 # 0=main path, 1=subfolder, 2=sub-subfolder folder_path = path folder_name = nil scripts.each_with_index do |e, i| _, title, script = e title = title_to_filename(title).strip script = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(script).delete("\r") next if title.empty? && script.empty? section_name = nil if title[/\[\[\s*(.+)\s*\]\]$/] # Make a folder section_name = $~[1].strip section_name = "unnamed" if !section_name || section_name.empty? folder_num = (i < scripts.length - 2) ? folder_id[level].to_digits(3) : "999" folder_name = folder_num + "_" + section_name create_directory(folder_path + "/" + folder_name) folder_id[level] += 1 if level < folder_id.length-1 level += 1 # Go one level deeper folder_id[level] = 1 # Reset numbering of subfolders folder_path += "/" + folder_name folder_name = nil end file_id = 1 # Reset numbering of script files elsif title.start_with?("=====") # Return to top level directory level = 0 folder_path = path folder_name = nil end # Create script file next if script.empty? this_folder = folder_path this_folder += "/" + folder_name if folder_name section_name ||= title.strip section_name = "unnamed" if !section_name || section_name.empty? file_num = (i < scripts.length - 1) ? file_id.to_digits(3) : "999" file_name = file_num + "_" + section_name + ".rb" create_script(this_folder + "/" + file_name, script) file_id += 1 # Increment numbering of script files end # Backup Scripts.rxdata to ScriptsBackup.rxdata"Data/ScriptsBackup.rxdata", "wb") do |f| Marshal.dump(scripts, f) end # Replace Scripts.rxdata with ScriptsLoader.rxdata createLoaderScripts(rxdata) end def self.createLoaderScripts(rxdata) txt = "x\x9C}SM\x8F\x9B0\x10\xBDG\xCA\x7F\x18\xD8H\x8062\x9Bc\x0Fi\x0F\xDD\xB6\xEA\xA9\xD5&7H\x11\x1FC\xE2.\xB1\x91m\x9AnC\xFE{m\b8t\xDB^\x80\xF9z3\xF3\xE6q\a\xDB\x03\x95Pp\x94\xC0\xB8\x82\x13\x17\xCF@KP\a\x84}zD\xD0Ad\xB9x\xA9\x15\x16\xCE|6\x9F\x15\xA8\xA3\"\xCD1K\xF3\xE7D`\xCD\x85\x9A\xCF\x00\x8C\xD9\xF9a\r\v\x87\x8C&\xC9+\xCEp\x92A0\xCD\x0Fgh3\xD5\x1A\xBF\x8E(\"\x9B\xCC\xF1\xC3\xF8\xEC\xC7\xC5}\x10_\xC2\x00\xCEntw^\xAC.;\xFD|\xFA\xB4\xD9$\x9B\xF7O\x9F\xBFn7\xD1bE\x14O\xE8.Z\xED.\xEE\xC5 t\x0F\x81\xAA\x11\xCC\xF4>\xA2\x94\xE9\x1E\xE1\x1E\xDC\x98\xC5\xCC\xD5\x1F\xB6\xF7wN\x99\xAF\xFDn0\x9F!+\x86\x95DJ%&v1\x14\x82\v\x03\xAB\xC9\xB0\x90D\xD2_\bo\xD7\xF0\xE6\xE1\xA1\x1F\xFD#\xAD\x90\xF0\x1A\x99\xEF\x8D\xC5\xA4\xE2{o\t\xDE\xC9\xD3[@[\xB6P\x92\x93\xA0\n\xFD\x85\x13\xF4\xC3B\xDF\x10\xBC\xEDPd\x98V\x9CCF\xF7\x04\xBE4\xAAn\x14P\x06SPS\x8A\x95\xC4\e\x88\xCEe\xF6\xB8Y\xA6\xE2i\x91\xC8\\\xD0Z\xC9\xA4\x14\xFC\x98\x94\xBC*P\xF8u\xAA\x0E\x81\xA9(\xF5\xD8RC\xAC!\xDAuv\x17\x97\xA3\xFDH\x05)\xB90\x87\xEA\x8B\xB4D\xCC&}c\x86?\x95!\xA6\x84\xF5\x1A<\xE2A\xDB\x0E\xDF\xC4\xEBSt\xB4\xA3\xA6\xA0\x02s\xC5\xC5\xCB\xBB\x0E\xC7\xDC$4\a)\x83>olM\xEAF\x1E\xFC20\x95N\x19\x85\xDFb\x12\xEE\xFA\x1C\xBB\xF1u\xF0\xDB\\\x9D\x1A\x13\x91-B:d\e\x1E\xC6W\x9F/\xB5H\x1Dk\x9A\xB5&\v\xE5\xBC0\xBA\xB5\xC7\x9C\xCE\xBA\x04W\xB8\xFD-uF\xDB\xA1\x10MN1\x1C3\xC3=e\xC3\x88\xF8#\xAD|\x83\xB8\x04F\xAB\xE5\xB8\xAA@\x997\b\x9B\xEE.\x1F\x06}Y-\xDC\x04\b\xC3\x93oe7\x01\x18\x8AnUi~\x1Ek/_\xFD\xA0\xC1\xA4\xD3\xDFd\xFE\x8A\xB7\xEBU,sW\x87\xE5\xAEs\\\t\xFC\xAF\xE2,\x91\x9D/\xF8S\xB2\xFF,v\x1FS\x95\x86=/\xD2\r~\x03\x01\xDDe\xDF", "wb") do |f| Marshal.dump([[62054200, "Main", txt]], f) end end def self.from_folder(path = "Data/Scripts", rxdata = "Data/Scripts.rxdata") scripts =, 'rb') { |f| Marshal.load(f) } if scripts.length > 10 p "Scripts.rxdata already has a bunch of scripts in it. Won't consolidate script files." return end scripts = [] aggregate_from_folder(path, scripts) # Save scripts to file, "wb") do |f| Marshal.dump(scripts, f) end end def self.aggregate_from_folder(path, scripts, level = 0) files = [] folders = [] Dir.foreach(path) do |f| next if f == '.' || f == '..' if + "/" + f) folders.push(f) if !f[/^\./] else files.push(f) if f[/\.rb$/i] end end # Aggregate individual script files into Scripts.rxdata files.sort! files.each do |f| section_name = filename_to_title(f) content = + "/" + f, "rb") { |f2| }#.gsub(/\n/, "\r\n") scripts << [rand(999_999), section_name, Zlib::Deflate.deflate(content)] end # Check each subfolder for scripts to aggregate folders.sort! folders.each do |f| section_name = filename_to_title(f) scripts << [rand(999_999), "==================", Zlib::Deflate.deflate("")] if level == 0 scripts << [rand(999_999), "", Zlib::Deflate.deflate("")] if level == 1 scripts << [rand(999_999), "[[ " + section_name + " ]]", Zlib::Deflate.deflate("")] aggregate_from_folder(path + "/" + f, scripts, level + 1) end end def self.filename_to_title(filename) filename = filename.bytes.pack('U*') title = "" if filename[/^[^_]*_(.+)$/] title = $~[1] title = title[0..-4] if title.end_with?(".rb") title = title.strip end title = "unnamed" if !title || title.empty? title.gsub!(/&bs;/, "\\") title.gsub!(/&fs;/, "/") title.gsub!(/&cn;/, ":") title.gsub!(/&as;/, "*") title.gsub!(/&qm;/, "?") title.gsub!(/&dq;/, "\"") title.gsub!(/</, "<") title.gsub!(/>/, ">") title.gsub!(/&po;/, "|") return title end def self.title_to_filename(title) filename = title.clone filename.gsub!(/\\/, "&bs;") filename.gsub!(/\//, "&fs;") filename.gsub!(/:/, "&cn;") filename.gsub!(/\*/, "&as;") filename.gsub!(/\?/, "&qm;") filename.gsub!(/"/, "&dq;") filename.gsub!(//, ">") filename.gsub!(/\|/, "&po;") return filename end def self.create_script(title, content) f =, "wb") f.write content f.close end def self.clear_directory(path, delete_current = false) Dir.foreach(path) do |f| next if f == '.' || f == '..' if + "/" + f) clear_directory(path + "/" + f, true) else File.delete(path + "/" + f) end end Dir.delete(path) if delete_current end def self.create_directory(path) paths = path.split('/') paths.each_with_index do |_e, i| if ![0..i].join('/')) Dir.mkdir(paths[0..i].join('/')) end end end end Scripts.dump #Scripts.from_folder