//============================================================================= // MBS - Sound Emittance (v1.0.1) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // by Masked //============================================================================= //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Especificações do plugin (Não Modifique!) // Plugin Specifications (Do not modify!) // /*: @author Masked @plugindesc Allows you to set an sound emittance for events with 3d positioning and distance. @help =========================================================================== Introduction =========================================================================== Allows you to set an sound emission for an event so that the sound 3D position and volume change as the player moves. =========================================================================== How to use =========================================================================== To set the sound emittance source file, add a comment like this on the event commands: E.g.: And to set the emittance radius: E.g.: The radius is measured in tiles (48x48 px), it's possible to use float values. If no radius is given, it will be assumed it's 1. */ /*:pt @author Masked @plugindesc Permite definir uma emissão de som para eventos com posição e distância. @help =========================================================================== Introdução =========================================================================== Permite que você escolha um efeito sonoro para ser emitido por um evento, dessa forma conforme o jogador se mover a posição de volume do som se alteram de acordo com a distância do evento. =========================================================================== Como usar =========================================================================== Para definir uma emissão de som, ponha num comentário do evento: Ex.: E para definir o raio de alcance do som: Ex.: O raio é medido em tiles, você pode usar valores decimais se quiser, se não for definido um raio, ele será 1. */ var Imported = Imported || {}; var MBS = MBS || {}; MBS.SoundEmittance = {}; "use strict"; (function ($) { $.Parameters = $plugins.filter(function(p) {return p.description.contains('');})[0].parameters; $.Param = $.Param || {}; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WebAudio // // Makes some changes to allow 3D sound positioning // Aliases var WebAudio_clear_old = WebAudio.prototype.clear; // Sets WebAudio 'position' property Object.defineProperty(WebAudio.prototype, 'position', { get: function() { return this._position; }, set: function(value) { this._position = value; WebAudio._context.listener.setPosition($gamePlayer._realX, $gamePlayer._realY, 0); if (this._pannerNode) this._pannerNode.setOrientation($gamePlayer._realX, $gamePlayer._realY, 0); } }); // Setups the initial values for the WebAudio instance // > Added initial position WebAudio.prototype.clear = function() { WebAudio_clear_old.apply(this, arguments) this._position = [0, 0]; }; // Updates the WebAudio instance panner to allow 3d positioning // > Changed almost everything here WebAudio.prototype._updatePanner = function() { if (this._pannerNode) { this._pannerNode.distanceModel = "linear"; this._pannerNode.setPosition(this._position[0] || 0, this._position[1] || 0, this._position[2] || 0); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game_Event // // Aliases var Game_Event_update_old = Game_Event.prototype.update; var Game_Event_setupPage_old = Game_Event.prototype.setupPage; // Event page setup // > Added call to sound emittance setup Game_Event.prototype.setupPage = function() { Game_Event_setupPage_old.apply(this, arguments); this.setupSEmittance(); }; // Setups the sound emittance for the event Game_Event.prototype.setupSEmittance = function() { if (this._sEmittance) this._sEmittance.stop(); var list = this.list(); var comments = ""; list.forEach(function (command) { if (command.code == 108 || command.code == 408) { comments += command.parameters[0] + "\n"; } }); var filename = (/\s*<\s*s_emittance\s*:\s*(.+)\s*>\s*/i.exec(comments) || [])[1]; if (filename != undefined) { this._sEmittance = new WebAudio("audio/" + filename + AudioManager.audioFileExt()); } var radius = (/\s*<\s*s_e_radius\s*:\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*>\s*/i.exec(comments) || [])[1]; this._sEmittanceRadius = radius || 1; }; // Event update process // > Added call to sound emittance update Game_Event.prototype.update = function() { Game_Event_update_old.apply(this, arguments); this.updateSEmittance(); }; // Updates the sound emittance as needed Game_Event.prototype.updateSEmittance = function() { if (this._sEmittance && this._sEmittance.isReady()) { this._sEmittance.position = [this._realX, this._realY]; if (!this._sEmittance.isPlaying()) { this._sEmittance.play(true, 0); } this._sEmittance._pannerNode.maxDistance = this._sEmittanceRadius || 1; } }; })(MBS.SoundEmittance); // Registering the plugin if (Imported["MVCommons"]) { PluginManager.register("MBS_SoundEmittance", 1.0, "Allows you to set an sound emittance for events", { email: "masked.rpg@gmail.com", name: "Masked", website: "N/A" }, "10-12-2015"); } else { Imported.MBS_SoundEmittance = 1.0; }