--- # Fill in the content below, move into _databases folder id: my-favorite-database # REQUIRED, SAME AS FILE NAME location: "https://my-favorite-database.org" # REQUIRED, can be url, issn, etc title: "My Favorite Dataβase" # REQUIRED, the display name ascii_name: "My Favorite Database" # REQUIRED IFF title contains a non-standard character license: "CC BY-SA 4.0" # ENCOURAGED, the license under which the data may be used num_objects: 123456 # OPTIONAL, number of objects in the dataset num_datasets: 4 # OPTIONAL, number of collections of different objects; omit if equal to 1 num_contributors: 123 # OPTIONAL, for large collaborative projects where authors aren't listed size: 87654321 # OPTIONAL, the approximate size in bytes is_compressed: true # OPTIONAL, whether the size refers to a compressed file generation_time: 99999 # OPTIONAL, the approximate total time spent in generating the data in seconds on one CPU code_location: "https://github.org/my-favorite-database-code" # OPTIONAL, location of the code used to generate the data start_date: 1879 # OPTIONAL, approximate year when the project started accessible: true # OPTIONAL, data can still be accessed at location above completeness: > We include all foo up to order 42 and all bar of order up to 5077 # OPTIONAL, a string describing the data's completeness, encouraged if it has the completeness_guarantee badge searchable: true # OPTIONAL, whether there is a search interface available at the location provided above short_description: "A database of our favorite mathematical databases" # OPTIONAL, at most one sentence, delimit with quotation marks contact_email: info@my_favorite_database.org # OPTIONAL, contact email for the database authors: # OPTIONAL, can omit for large projects (in such case can include a single "author" with a collaboration email/webpage) - name: Emmy Noether homepage: "https://uni-goettingen.de/~enoether" - name: Leonhard Euler email: euler@unibas.ch - name: Nameless Undergrad references: # OPTIONAL, include as many as you like - url: "https://other_databaase.com" - doi: 10.0000/0000 - arxiv: 9999.54321 - mr: 123456 - paper: "Emmy Noether and Leonhard Euler. The Best Paper. Annals of Math 1 (1879) no 2. pp 1-16." - issn: 12345678 - other: "Satellite imagery stored on Mars." # Please avoid; only use if none of the above are appropriate tags: # OPTIONAL, see _data/tags.yml for a list of valid tags - arXiv.NT - csv badges: # OPTIONAL, see _data/badges.yml for a list of valid badges - collaborative - has_license - downloadable - citable - completeness_guarantee - cas_connection - fm_connection - content_documentation - schema3 # schema description quality: 3/3 - has_labels - has_code # code that generates the data is available --- This database contains the best work of Noether and Euler, in one corpus. Here are some examples of the amazing objects within: - All finite rings - All quadratic forms