* 0.8.1 (Release 2017-10-30) * Fixed endless loop for stars that had pound signs in the text on following lines. * Stop looking for the end of a subtree if we have already found a blank line -- we're already on a different tree. * Fixed spec tests -- for some reason atom.workspace.open() now cares whether a directory exists. * Closes issues #26 and #27. * 0.8.0 (Release 2017-10-27) * Fixed toggling of TODO tags if you don't use brackets. * Fixed indenting if you used stacked star types * Added new key command (ctrl-i v) to cycle visibility of the current subtree. * Added new key command (ctrl-shift-i v) to cycle visibility of the whole file * Add setting to control visibility when you first load a file. Default is to hide nothing. * Added the ability to automatically add the CLOSED property when closing a TODO * Don't show TODO or DONE in agenda items * Always show the contents of the current file in the sidebar if the current file is an organized file. * 0.7.2 (Release 2017-09-21) * Fixed issue #2 which was preventing the toolbar plugin from being installed when it wasn't already installed. * Newline on a letter was emitting the wrong behavior * Icons on the sidebar all appears as squares if you didn't choose to install the tool-bar. Now they do regardless of whether the toolbar is enabled * Fix error in grammar resulting in all two letter works at the beginning of a line appearing as a star (grammar requires double slash to escape) * 0.7.1 (Released 2017-09-20) * Add missing package (glob) which was causing load to fail for users that don't already have it installed. * 0.7.0 (Released 2017-09-20) * Close Issue #17: TODO tags without brackets not shown in sidebar * Close Issue #20: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'size' of undefined * If agenda item items are all day, show them as "ALL DAY" in the agenda rather than "12:00 AM" * Single letters (upper or lowercase) can be used as a "star" * Got rid of excessive "files" logging message * 0.6.8 (Released 2017-09-18) * Re-write of code that finds agendas and todo items. This should fix several problems: * Files should not longer be open multiple times per scan * Soft-linked files, permissions errors, or other problems relating to opening files should be eliminated * Fixed bug that duplicates agenda and todo items if you have specified a predefined directory and you have that directory open as a project. * Try to eliminate duplicates which arise if you have a predefined search directory and you open it's parent directory as a project. * 0.6.7 (Released 2017-05-09) * Fixed bug that caused sidebar to be refreshed several times during startup. This slowed down startup and caused duplicates to show up in the agenda and todo items. * Removed command that was accidentally included and not yet implemented. * 0.6.6 (Released 2017-03-23) * Fixed another bug when inserting schedule markers * 0.6.5 (Released 2017-03-23) * Fix off-by-one error when inserting schedule markers. * 0.6.4 (Released 2017-03-23) * An errant space was causing an error on load. Quick fix. * 0.6.3 (Released 2017-03-23) * Implemented syntax coloring for todo priorities * Todo Items are now sorted according to priority. (Default priority is "C", range is A-E) * Added keystrokes option-shift-up and option-shift-down to change priority of current item. These should be alt-shift-up and alt-shift-down on windows. * Priority items in todo items * Added syntax highlighting for deadlines * Added keystrokes (ctrl-i d) to add a deadline. Existing "insert date" functionality has been remapped to (ctrl-i /) * Deadlines are treated like schedule items (for now) in agendas * 0.6.2 (Released 2017-03-22) * Even if sidebar is hidden, the toolbar button always said it was enabled. * Archive used to only archive the current subtree and it ignored selections. Now it archives the entire selection too, even if it is multiple subtrees. * Indicate in settings that multiple predefined directories should be separated with a comma. * If there are links inside of an agenda or todo item, render them as hyperlinks * If there is bold or underlined text in an agenda or todo item, render them. * 0.6.1 (Released 2017-03-18) * Missed adding some files before I released, re-releasing. This closes issue #14. * 0.6.0 (Released 2017-03-17) * New Agenda sidebar panel * Any item marked with a SCHEDULED tag later than or equal to the start of today will show up in the Agenda Panel of the sidebar. * New archive command (ctrl-i a) which moves the current subtree you are pointing to into a file named _archive. (For example, for TODO.org, it would be moved to TODO.org_archive) * Archive files are now colored by org-mode as well. * Stop using COMPLETED for todo items. Instead use DONE. Existing COMPLETED tags will continue to be colored correctly. * Don't require brackets around TODO items. * Add a setting which asks whether we should use brackets around TODO or DONE by default * 0.5.8 (Released 2017-03-16) * Fixed problem where completing a todo item from the sidebar would leave the TODO tag in place. * Fixed problem where clicking on todo items in sidebar wouldn't bring you to the correct file if the file came from the search path. * Add key command to add a schedule completion date (default ctrl-i s), defaulting to today. This should be considered beta. * 0.5.7 (Released 2017-03-15) * Fixed case where pressing enter on a non-star-line would cause an exception if the next line had a star. * Fixed error leading to an empty sidebar when a predefined search file or directory does not exist. * Added support for R-language for code blocks * Fix deprecation warnings due to removal of Shadow DOM * Fixed color coding for CLOSED and SCHEDULED tags. (They haven't been working for quite a while.) * Added golang support for code blocks * Fix coloring for stars * 0.5.6 (Released 2016-03-15) * This change was never officially released to the public and were rolled up into 0.5.7 * 0.5.5 (Released 2016-11-30) * Minor documentation improvements * 0.5.4 (Released 2016-11-29) * Fixed ctrl-return indenting if you are making outlines or stacked symbols. Previously this would always indent two spaces, even though that wasn't right for those cases. * Rethought the "organized.indentType" setting a bit. Rather than specifying tabs or spaces directly, now we'll use your editors normal setting (editor->tabType) instead. This should make things work more correctly by default for people that use tabs by default. * As part of this rethinking, removed indentSpaces setting in favor of editor.tabLength setting. * Fixed bug with indenting -- if a bullet character (-,+,*) were embedded in the middle of a line, we would not indent that line along with the rest of your bullet. * Modified the searchDirectories setting to allow setting files in addition to directories. * Fixed bug preventing you from hitting return from the beginning of the second line of a section like this: #Section Some list: 1. One 2. Two 3. Three * Fix table close command, which was erroring out due to a regex error. * 0.5.3 (Released 2016-11-18) * Fix for Issue #7 - if a star is followed by a linebreak, that should be treated line a star too. * Fix for Issue #8 - when indenting, try to detect indent type even if it is different from the default type * Organized was not obeying the config setting for the number of spaces, it was only using the editor style. Now it should obey the config setting. * 0.5.2 (Released 2016-11-18) * Fix for regular expression error. (Thanks to John Kamenik for the PR!) * 0.5.1 (Release 2016-09-20) * rbenson-patch-1 PR (Thanks Ryan Benson for the PR!) * 0.5.0 (Released 2016-09-08) * Added sidebar, which shows TODO's from all .org files in the current project. * Use menus (Packages -> Organized) or the command organized:toggleSidebar to toggle whether the menu appears. * Todos can be marked as done by checking the checkbox next to them. * Navigate to the source of the todo by clicking on the text. * Refresh todos by clicking on the refresh button. Todos are also refreshed any time an organized file is saved. * Added setting that allows additional directory names to be specified to scan. * Added setting that allows you to exclude project directories from TODO scan. * Added setting that allows certain files to be excluded. * Added ability to resize sidebar * Don't select text in sidebar while resizing. * This feature is coming along, but is still in a fairly beta state. * Fixed some toolbar quirkiness - should appear correctly now when enabled in settings. * 0.4.2 (Released 2016-09-01) * Fixed missing file preventing installation * 0.4.1 (Released 2016-09-01) * Minor toolbar improvements * Toolbar can be disabled through the organized setup, even if you have toolbar installed * Menu item installed to toggle the toolbar, which should raise the visibility that there is a toolbar. * Fix bug which caused 0.4.0 not to install correctly! * Bug fixes * Don't hijack result blocks from other code blocks. Previously, if there were two code blocks and a result block, executing the first code block would be the results in the result block. Only the second one should. * 0.4.0 (Released 2016-08-31) * Support the "tool-bar" package for atom -- if it is installed, organized will have a toolbar with buttons for: * Indent * Unindent * Creating Headings * Bold * Underline * Creating Links * Creating Tables * Create code blocks * Execute code blocks * Create result blocks to display the code blocks * 0.3.2 (Released 2016-08-30) * Added support for code execution for php and perl * Early support for code execution for Java * Doesn't include ability to add any libraries to the classpath. That will come in a later release. * Early support for code execution in C and C++ * Doesn't include ability to set any kind of c-like library paths or options. * Early support for code execution in Objective-C * Currently I call "clang -lobjc -framework Foundation -o " to compile. * Just as with the others above, this will need better support for libraries * Bug fixes * If you are on a level N outline and there is already a level N+1 indent underneath and you press return, then new line should be on level N+1, not on level N. * Support multiple cursors for TODO toggling. * 0.3.1 (Released 2016-08-30) * Bug Fixes * Intend and unindent works correctly with multiple cursors * 0.3.0 (Released 2016-08-29) * Early support for tables * Syntax highlighting for the borders of tables * Commands to automatically open (create the first line of) or close (create the last line of) a table * Text styling * __Bold__ Text * _Underlined_ Text * Bug fixes * Fixed tab and shift-tab if you aren't in the context of a star. They'll perform editor.indentSelectedRows() and editor.outdentSelectedRows() respectively. * Tags were able to include spaces, which made some rather unusual things being matched. * When you are using stacked stars (like *** for a third level star), when you press enter, it should continue to use that outline type. * 0.2.1 (Released 2016-08-24) * Highlighting for links * Support org-mode style BEGIN_SRC/END_SRC code tags for source code * Bug Fixes * Can't hit return when I'm on a header row * 0.2.0 (Released 2016-08-22) * Added support for inserting current ISO-8601 date / datetime (ctrl-i d or ctrl-i t respectively) * Added support for embedded codeblocks using jira style code blocks ```shell ``` * Syntax highlighting for SCHEDULED tags on outline items. * Syntax highlighting for tags * Fixed bugs * If you weren't at the end of the line when you pressed return, the text after your cursor was deleted. * If your cursor was before the star, the behavior would be incorrect. * 0.1.0 (Released 2016-08-21) * Added support for using numbers as bullets * More test cases and bug fixes. * Fixed console error on startup * 0.0.2 (Released 2016-08-20) * Highlighting of stars * Toggle for todo items * Support for markdown-style headers * Auto-create asterisk on new line when you hit return (configurable) * Don't create a star on a new line if you hit ctrl-enter and line up indent with text (configurable) * Support indent (tab) and unindent (shift-tab) commands with autodetection of which style you have been using.