/* groovylint-disable LineLength, MethodParameterTypeRequired, MethodReturnTypeRequired, MethodSize, NestedBlockDepth, NoDef, ParameterReassignment, PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods, UnnecessaryGString, UnnecessaryGetter, UnnecessaryObjectReferences, UnusedMethodParameter, VariableTypeRequired */ /***************************************************************************************************************** * Source: https://github.com/HubitatCommunity/InfluxDB-Logger * * Raw Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/InfluxDB-Logger/master/influxdb-logger.groovy * * Forked from: https://github.com/codersaur/SmartThings/tree/master/smartapps/influxdb-logger * Original Author: David Lomas (codersaur) * Previous Author: Joshua Marker (tooluser) * Hubitat Elevation version maintained by HubitatCommunity (https://github.com/HubitatCommunity/InfluxDB-Logger) * * License: * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Modifcation History * Date Name Change * 2019-02-02 Dan Ogorchock Use asynchttpPost() instead of httpPost() call * 2019-09-09 Caleb Morse Support deferring writes and doing bulk writes to influxdb * 2022-06-20 Denny Page Remove nested sections for device selection. * 2023-01-08 Denny Page Address whitespace related lint issues. No functional changes. * 2023-01-09 Craig King Added InfluxDb2.x support. * 2023-01-12 Denny Page Automatic migration of Influx 1.x settings. * 2023-01-15 Denny Page Clean up various things: * Remove Group ID/Name which are not supported on Hubitat. * Remove Location ID and Hub ID which are not supported on Hubitat (always 1). * Remove blocks of commented out code. * Don't set page sections hidden to false where hideable is false. * Remove state.queuedData. * 2023-01-22 PJ Add filterEvents option for subscribe. * Fix event timestamps. * 2023-01-23 Denny Page Allow multiple instances of the application to be installed. * NB: This requires Hubitat 2.2.9 or above. * 2023-01-25 Craig King Updated Button selection to valid capability for Hubitat * 2023-02-16 PJ Add error message to log for http response >= 400 * Allow ssl cert verification to be disabled (self signed certificates) * 2023-02-26 Denny Page Cleanup and rationalize UI * Use time since first data value to trigger post rather than periodic timer * Only create a keep alive event (softpoll) when no real event has been seen * Cleanup and rationalize logging * Further code cleanup * 2023-02-28 Denny Page Retry failed posts * Enhance post logging * Allow Hub Name and Location tags to be disabled for device events * Further code cleanup * 2023-03-04 Denny Page Clean up event processing code * Fix button event handling * Fix thermostat fan mode event handling * Fix threeAxis event encoding * Add device event handling for filters, gas detectors, power source * Remove handling for non-existent device capabilities * Move unnecessary info messages to debug * Disable debug logging of post data which drives hubs into the ground * Provide info logging of event data to replace post data logging * Allow backlog to be set as low as 1, allowing bad records to be cleared * 2023-03-12 Denny Page Use a unified device type / attribute map (deviceTypeMap) * Unify advanced and non-advanced device selection processing * Move device event encoding out to a separate function * Enhance queueToInfluxDb to accept a list of events * Complete rewrite of softpoll (take advantage of queueToInfluxDb lists) * Remove unnecessary state variables * Don't re-schedule batch post based on batch size, wait for existing timer * Improve backlog warnings * Lower backlog limits to prevent issues with app database size * Normalize Hub information logging * 2023-03-14 Denny Page If post of size one fails, log the actual failed record * Ignore momentary attributes for keep alive * Display full uri in config page for convenience * 2023-03-15 Denny Page Always treat valid numbers (such as buttons) as numeric values for InfluxDB * 2023-03-16 Denny Page Fix issue of quotes surrounding hub name * Fix issue of invalid three axis values being posted as a string * 2023-03-18 Denny Page Fix valve attribute * Clean up logging * 2023-04-24 Denny Page Don't send null units to InfluxDB *****************************************************************************************************************/ // Note: Items marked as "Migration" are intended to be kept for a period of time and then be removed circa end of 2023 definition( name: "InfluxDB Logger", namespace: "nowhereville", author: "Hubitat Community", description: "Log device states to InfluxDB", category: "Utility", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/InfluxDB-Logger/master/influxdb-logger.groovy", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", iconX3Url: "", singleThreaded: true ) import groovy.transform.Field // Device type list @Field static final Map deviceTypeMap = [ 'accelerometers': [ title: 'Accelerometers', capability: 'accelerationSensor', attributes: ['acceleration'] ], 'alarms': [ title: 'Alarms', capability: 'alarm', attributes: ['alarm'] ], 'batteries': [ title: 'Batteries', capability: 'battery', attributes: ['battery'] ], 'beacons': [ title: 'Beacons', capability: 'beacon', attributes: ['presence'] ], 'buttons': [ title: 'Buttons', capability: 'pushableButton', attributes: ['pushed', 'doubleTapped', 'held', 'released'] ], 'cos': [ title: 'Carbon Monoxide Detectors', capability: 'carbonMonoxideDetector', attributes: ['carbonMonoxide'] ], 'co2s': [ title: 'Carbon Dioxide Detectors', capability: 'carbonDioxideMeasurement', attributes: ['carbonDioxide'] ], 'colors': [ title: 'Color Controllers', capability: 'colorControl', attributes: ['hue', 'saturation', 'color'] ], 'consumables': [ title: 'Consumables', capability: 'consumable', attributes: ['consumableStatus'] ], 'contacts': [ title: 'Contact Sensors', capability: 'contactSensor', attributes: ['contact'] ], 'currentMeters': [ title: 'Current Meters', capability: 'currentMeter', attributes: ['amperage'] ], 'doorsControllers': [ title: 'Door Controllers', capability: 'doorControl', attributes: ['door'] ], 'energyMeters': [ title: 'Energy Meters', capability: 'energyMeter', attributes: ['energy'] ], 'filters': [ title: 'Filters', capability: 'filterStatus', attributes: ['filterStatus'] ], 'gasDetectors': [ title: 'Gas Detectors', capability: 'gasDetector', attributes: ['naturalGas'] ], 'humidities': [ title: 'Humidity Meters', capability: 'relativeHumidityMeasurement', attributes: ['humidity'] ], 'illuminances': [ title: 'Illuminance Meters', capability: 'illuminanceMeasurement', attributes: ['illuminance'] ], 'liquidFlowMeters': [ title: 'Liquid Flow Meters', capability: 'liquidFlowRate', attributes: ['rate'] ], 'locks': [ title: 'Locks', capability: 'lock', attributes: ['lock'] ], 'motions': [ title: 'Motion Sensors', capability: 'motionSensor', attributes: ['motion'] ], 'musicPlayers': [ title: 'Music Players', capability: 'musicPlayer', attributes: ['status', 'level', 'trackDescription', 'trackData', 'mute'] ], 'peds': [ title: 'Pedometers', capability: 'stepSensor', attributes: ['steps', 'goal'] ], 'phMeters': [ title: 'pH Meters', capability: 'pHMeasurement', attributes: ['pH'] ], 'powerMeters': [ title: 'Power Meters', capability: 'powerMeter', attributes: ['power'] ], 'powerSources': [ title: 'Power Sources', capability: 'powerSources', attributes: ['powerSource'] ], 'presences': [ title: 'Presence Sensors', capability: 'presenceSensor', attributes: ['presence'] ], 'pressures': [ title: 'Pressure Sensors', capability: 'pressureMeasurement', attributes: ['pressure'] ], 'shockSensors': [ title: 'Shock Sensors', capability: 'shockSensor', attributes: ['shock'] ], 'signalStrengthMeters': [ title: 'Signal Strength Meters', capability: 'signalStrength', attributes: ['lqi', 'rssi'] ], 'sleepSensors': [ title: 'Sleep Sensors', capability: 'sleepSensor', attributes: ['sleeping'] ], 'smokeDetectors': [ title: 'Smoke Detectors', capability: 'smokeDetector', attributes: ['smoke'] ], 'soundSensors': [ title: 'Sound Sensors', capability: 'soundSensor', attributes: ['sound'] ], 'spls': [ title: 'Sound Pressure Level Sensors', capability: 'soundPressureLevel', attributes: ['soundPressureLevel'] ], 'switches': [ title: 'Switches', capability: 'switch', attributes: ['switch'] ], 'switchLevels': [ title: 'Switch Levels', capability: 'switchLevel', attributes: ['level'] ], 'tamperAlerts': [ title: 'Tamper Alerts', capability: 'tamperAlert', attributes: ['tamper'] ], 'temperatures': [ title: 'Temperature Sensors', capability: 'temperatureMeasurement', attributes: ['temperature'] ], 'thermostats': [ title: 'Thermostats', capability: 'thermostat', attributes: ['temperature', 'heatingSetpoint', 'coolingSetpoint', 'thermostatSetpoint', 'thermostatMode', 'thermostatFanMode', 'thermostatOperatingState', 'thermostatSetpointMode', 'scheduledSetpoint'] ], 'threeAxis': [ title: 'Three-axis (Orientation) Sensors', capability: 'threeAxis', attributes: ['threeAxis'] ], 'touchs': [ title: 'Touch Sensors', capability: 'touchSensor', attributes: ['touch'] ], 'uvs': [ title: 'UV Sensors', capability: 'ultravioletIndex', attributes: ['ultravioletIndex'] ], 'valves': [ title: 'Valves', capability: 'valve', attributes: ['valve'] ], 'volts': [ title: 'Voltage Meters', capability: 'voltageMeasurement', attributes: ['voltage'] ], 'waterSensors': [ title: 'Water Sensors', capability: 'waterSensor', attributes: ['water'] ], 'windowShades': [ title: 'Window Shades', capability: 'windowShade', attributes: ['windowShade'] ] ] // Momentary attributes that should be ignored for keep alive @Field static final List momentaryAttributes = [ 'pushed', 'doubleTapped', 'held', 'released' ] @Field static final Map logOptions = [ 0 : "None", 1 : "Error", 2 : "Warning", 3 : "Info", 4 : "Debug" ] @Field static final Integer logNone = 0 @Field static final Integer logError = 1 @Field static final Integer logWarn = 2 @Field static final Integer logInfo = 3 @Field static final Integer logDebug = 4 preferences { page(name: "setupMain") page(name: "connectionPage") } def setupMain() { dynamicPage(name: "setupMain", title: "

InfluxDB Logger

", install: true, uninstall: true) { section("

\nGeneral Settings:

") { input "appName", "text", title: "Aplication Name", multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: app.getLabel() input( name: "configLoggingLevelIDE", title: "System log level - messages with this level and higher will be sent to the system log", type: "enum", options: logOptions, defaultValue: "${logWarn}", required: false ) } section("\n

InfluxDB Settings:

") { href( name: "href", title: "InfluxDB connection", description : prefDatabaseHost == null ? "Configure database connection parameters" : uriString(), required: true, page: "connectionPage" ) input( name: "prefBatchTimeLimit", title: "Batch time limit - maximum number of seconds before writing a batch to InfluxDB (range 1-300)", type: "number", range: "1..300", defaultValue: "60", required: true ) input( name: "prefBatchSizeLimit", title: "Batch size limit - maximum number of events in a batch to InfluxDB (range 1-250)", type: "number", range: "1..250", defaultValue: "50", required: true ) input( name: "prefBacklogLimit", title: "Backlog size limit - maximum number of queued events before dropping failed posts (range 1-10000)", type: "number", range: "1..10000", defaultValue: "5000", required: true ) } section("\n

Event Handling:

") { input( // NB: Called prefSoftPollingInterval for backward compatibility with prior versions name: "prefSoftPollingInterval", title: "Post keep alive events (aka softpoll) - check every softpoll interval and re-post last value if a new event has not occurred in this time", type: "enum", options: [ "0" : "disabled", "1" : "1 minute (not recommended)", "5" : "5 minutes", "10" : "10 minutes", "15" : "15 minutes", "30" : "30 minutes", "60" : "60 minutes", "180" : "3 hours" ], defaultValue: "15", submitOnChange: true, required: true ) if (prefSoftPollingInterval?.toInteger()) { input "prefPostHubInfo", "bool", title:"Post Hub information (IP, firmware, uptime, mode, sunrise/sunset) to InfluxDB", defaultValue: false } input "includeHubInfo", "bool", title:"Include Hub Name as a tag for device events", defaultValue: true input "filterEvents", "bool", title:"Only post device events to InfluxDB when the data value changes", defaultValue: true } section("Devices To Monitor:", hideable:true, hidden:false) { input "accessAllAttributes", "bool", title:"Advanced attribute seletion?", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (accessAllAttributes) { input name: "allDevices", type: "capability.*", title: "Selected Devices", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true settings.allDevices.each { device -> deviceId = device.getId() attrList = device.getSupportedAttributes().unique() if (attrList) { options = [] attrList.each { attr -> options.add("${attr}") } input name:"attrForDev${deviceId}", type: "enum", title: "$device", options: options.sort(), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } } } else { deviceTypeMap.each { name, entry -> input "${name}", "capability.${entry.capability}", title: "${entry.title}", multiple: true, required: false } } } section('Notification Options') { input 'notifyEnabled', 'bool', title: 'Enable Notification', required: false, defaultValue: false input name: 'notificationDevice', type: 'capability.notification', title: 'Send notification of rate limit consumption :', multiple: true input 'backlogNotifyLimit', 'number', title: 'Backlog Limit to send notification for backlog growing.', required: false , range: '1..5000', defaultValue: 500 input 'backlogNotifyFreq', 'number', title: 'Minimum time limit between notifications in min.', required: false , range: '1..1440', defaultValue: 500 } } } def connectionPage() { dynamicPage(name: "connectionPage", title: "Connection Properties", install: false, uninstall: false) { section { input "prefDatabaseTls", "bool", title:"Use TLS?", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (prefDatabaseTls) { input "prefIgnoreSSLIssues", "bool", title:"Ignore SSL cert verification issues", defaultValue:false } input "prefDatabaseHost", "text", title: "Host", defaultValue: "", required: true input "prefDatabasePort", "text", title : "Port", defaultValue : prefDatabaseTls ? "443" : "8086", required : false input( name: "prefInfluxVer", title: "Influx Version", type: "enum", options: [ "1" : "v1.x", "2" : "v2.x" ], defaultValue: "1", submitOnChange: true ) if (prefInfluxVer == "1") { input "prefDatabaseName", "text", title: "Database Name", defaultValue: "Hubitat", required: true } else if (prefInfluxVer == "2") { input "prefOrg", "text", title: "Org", defaultValue: "", required: true input "prefBucket", "text", title: "Bucket", defaultValue: "", required: true } input( name: "prefAuthType", title: "Authorization Type", type: "enum", options: [ "none" : "None", "basic" : "Username / Password", "token" : "Token" ], defaultValue: "none", submitOnChange: true ) if (prefAuthType == "basic") { input "prefDatabaseUser", "text", title: "Username", defaultValue: "", required: true input "prefDatabasePass", "text", title: "Password", defaultValue: "", required: true } else if (prefAuthType == "token") { input "prefDatabaseToken", "text", title: "Token", required: true } } } } /** * installed() * * Runs when the app is first installed. **/ void installed() { state.installedAt = now() state.loggerQueue = [] updated() log.info "${app.label}: Installed" } /** * uninstalled() * * Runs when the app is uninstalled. **/ void uninstalled() { log.info "${app.label}: Uninstalled" } /** * updated() * * Runs when app settings are changed. **/ void updated() { // Update application name app.updateLabel(settings.appName) logger("${app.label}: Updated", logInfo) // Database config: setupDB() // Clear out any prior subscriptions unsubscribe() // Create device subscriptions Map deviceAttrMap = getDeviceAttrMap() deviceAttrMap.each { device, attrList -> attrList.each { attr -> logger("Subscribing to ${device}: ${attr}", logInfo) subscribe(device, attr, handleEvent, ["filterEvents": filterEvents]) } } // Subscribe to system start subscribe(location, "systemStart", hubRestartHandler) // Subscribe to mode events if requested if (prefPostHubInfo) { subscribe(location, "mode", handleModeEvent) } // Clear out any prior schedules unschedule() // Set up softpoll if requested // NB: This is called softPoll to maintain backward compatibility wirh prior versions state.softPollingInterval = settings.prefSoftPollingInterval.toInteger() switch (state.softPollingInterval) { case 1: runEvery1Minute(softPoll) break case 5: runEvery5Minutes(softPoll) break case 10: runEvery10Minutes(softPoll) break case 15: runEvery15Minutes(softPoll) break case 30: runEvery30Minutes(softPoll) break case 60: runEvery1Hour(softPoll) break case 180: runEvery3Hours(softPoll) break } // Flush any pending batch runIn(1, writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb) // Migration: Clean up old state variables state.remove("deviceAttributes") state.remove("deviceList") state.remove("loggingLevelIDE") state.remove("options") state.remove("postExpire") state.remove("queuedData") state.remove("selectedAttr") state.remove("writeInterval") app.removeSetting("prefLogHubProperties") app.removeSetting("prefLogLocationProperties") app.removeSetting("prefLogModeEvents") } /** * getDeviceAttrMap() * * Build a device attribute map. * * If using attribute selection, a device will appear only once in the array, with one or more attributes. * If using capability selection, a device may appear multiple times in the array, each time with a single attribue. **/ private Map getDeviceAttrMap() { deviceAttrMap = [:] if (settings.accessAllAttributes) { settings.allDevices.each { device -> deviceId = device.getId() deviceAttrMap[device] = settings["attrForDev${deviceId}"] } } else { deviceTypeMap.each { name, entry -> deviceList = settings."${name}" if (deviceList) { deviceList.each { device -> deviceAttrMap[device] = entry.attributes } } } } return deviceAttrMap } /** * hubRestartHandler() * * Handle hub restarts. **/ void hubRestartHandler(evt) { if (prefPostHubInfo) { handleModeEvent(null) } if (state.loggerQueue?.size()) { runIn(60, writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb) } } /** * encodeDeviceEvent(evt) * * Builds data to send to InfluxDB. * - Escapes and quotes string values. * - Calculates logical binary values where string values can be * represented as binary values (e.g. contact: closed = 1, open = 0) **/ private String encodeDeviceEvent(evt) { // // This switch handles special processing for various events types // // Entries in the switch may optionally set the unit, value, or valueBinary fields. // Any fields set in the switch are "final" and do not receive further processing, // so all field assignments must be escaped as necessary. // // If not set in the switch, the unit and value fields will be defaulted as follows: // // Unit: If valueBinary has been set in the switch, the unit tag will be the // will be set to the name of the event (evt.name). Otherwise, the unit // tag will be set to the unit of the event (evt.unit). Both will be // escaped. // Value: If the value in the event (evt.value) is a valid number, the value // will be InfluxDB's default numeric type (float). Othersie, the value // will be escaped and inclosed in double quotes as a string. // String unit = '' String value = '' String valueBinary = '' switch (evt.name) { case 'acceleration': // binary value: active = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'active') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'alarm': // binary value: = 1, off = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'off') ? '0i' : '1i' break case 'carbonMonoxide': // binary value: detected = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'detected') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'consumableStatus': // binary value: good = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'good') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'contact': // binary value: closed = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'closed') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'door': // binary value: closed = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'closed') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'filterStatus': // binary value: normal = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'normal') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'lock': // binary value: locked = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'locked') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'motion': // binary value: active = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'active') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'mute': // binary value: muted = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'muted') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'naturalGas': // binary value: detected = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'detected') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'powerSource': // binary value: mains = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'mains') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'presence': // binary value: present = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'present') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'shock': // binary value: detected = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'detected') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'sleeping': // binary value: sleeping = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'sleeping') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'smoke': // binary value: detected = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'detected') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'sound': // binary value: detected = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'detected') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'switch': // binary value: on = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'on') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'tamper': // binary value: detected = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'detected') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'thermostatMode': // binary value: = 1, off = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'off') ? '0i' : '1i' break case 'thermostatFanMode': // binary value: = 1, auto = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'auto') ? '0i' : '1i' break case 'thermostatOperatingState': // binary value: heating or cooling = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'heating' || evt.value == 'cooling') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'thermostatSetpointMode': // binary value: followSchedule = 0, = 1 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'followSchedule') ? '0i' : '1i' break case 'threeAxis': // threeAxis: Format to x,y,z values unit = evt.name try { /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedVariable, VariableName */ def (_,x,y,z) = (evt.value =~ /^\[x:(-?[0-9]{1,3}),y:(-?[0-9]{1,3}),z:(-?[0-9]{1,3})\]$/)[0] value = "valueX=${x}i,valueY=${y}i,valueZ=${z}i" // values are integers } catch (e) { value = "valueX=0i,valueY=0i,valueZ=0i" logger("Invalid threeAxis format: ${evt.value}", logWarn) } break case 'touch': // binary value: touched = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'touched') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'valve': // binary value: open = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'open') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'water': // binary value: wet = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'wet') ? '1i' : '0i' break case 'windowShade': // binary value: closed = 1, = 0 valueBinary = (evt.value == 'closed') ? '1i' : '0i' break // The Mysterious Case of The Button // binary value: released = 0, = 1 // Note that button attributes are excluded from softpoll case 'doubleTapped': case 'held': case 'pushed': unit = 'button' valueBinary = '1i' break case 'released': unit = 'button' valueBinary = '0i' break } // If a unit tag has not been assigned above, assign it from the event. if (!unit) { if (valueBinary) { // If a binary value was set, use the event name as the unit tag. unit = escapeStringForInfluxDB(evt.name) } else if (evt.unit) { // Otherwise, use the event unit if defined. unit = escapeStringForInfluxDB(evt.unit) } } // If a value has not been assigned above, assign it from the event value. if (!value) { if (evt.value.isNumber()) { // It's a number. Common numerical events such as carbonDioxide, power, energy, // humidity, level, temperature, ultravioletIndex, voltage, etc. are handled here. value = evt.value } else { // Everything else is a string. value = '"' + escapeStringForInfluxDB(evt.value) + '"' } } // Build the data string to send to InfluxDB: // Format: [,=] field= // If value is an integer, it must have a trailing "i" // If value is a string, it must be enclosed in double quotes. String measurement = escapeStringForInfluxDB((evt.name)) String deviceId = evt.deviceId String deviceName = escapeStringForInfluxDB(evt.displayName) String data = "${measurement},deviceName=${deviceName},deviceId=${deviceId}" // Add hub name (location) tag if requested if (settings.includeHubInfo == null || settings.includeHubInfo) { String hubName = escapeStringForInfluxDB(location.name) data += ",hubName=${hubName}" } // Add the unit and value(s) if (unit) { data += ",unit=${unit}" } if (value ==~ /^value.*/) { // Assignment has already been done above (e.g. threeAxis) data += " ${value}" } else { data += " value=${value}" } if (valueBinary) { data += ",valueBinary=${valueBinary}" } // Add the event timestamp long eventTimestamp = evt.unixTime * 1e6 // milliseconds to nanoseconds data += " ${eventTimestamp}" // Return the completed string return(data) } /** * handleEvent(evt) * * Builds data to send to InfluxDB. * - Escapes and quotes string values. * - Calculates logical binary values where string values can be * represented as binary values (e.g. contact: closed = 1, open = 0) **/ void handleEvent(evt) { logger("Handle Event: ${evt}", logDebug) // Encode the event data = encodeDeviceEvent(evt) // Add event to the queue for InfluxDB queueToInfluxDb([data]) } /** * encodeHubInfo(evt) * * Build a Hub Information record. **/ private String encodeHubInfo(evt) { String hubName = escapeStringForInfluxDB(location.name) String localIP = escapeStringForInfluxDB(location.hub.localIP) String firmwareVersion = escapeStringForInfluxDB(location.hub.firmwareVersionString) String upTime = escapeStringForInfluxDB(location.hub.uptime.toString()) String mode = escapeStringForInfluxDB(evt?.value ? evt.value : location.getMode()) def times = getSunriseAndSunset() String sunriseTime = escapeStringForInfluxDB(times.sunrise.format("HH:mm", location.timeZone)) String sunsetTime = escapeStringForInfluxDB(times.sunset.format("HH:mm", location.timeZone)) Long eventTimestamp = (evt?.unixTime ? evt.unixTime : now()) * 1e6 // Time is in milliseconds, but InfluxDB expects nanoseconds String data = "_hubInfo,hubName=${hubName} localIP=\"${localIP}\",firmwareVersion=\"${firmwareVersion}\",upTime=\"${upTime}\",mode=\"${mode}\",sunriseTime=\"${sunriseTime}\",sunsetTime=\"${sunsetTime}\" ${eventTimestamp}" return data } /** * handleModeEvent(evt) * * Log hub information when mode changes. **/ void handleModeEvent(evt) { logger("Handle Mode Event: ${evt}", logDebug) // Encode the event data = encodeHubInfo(evt) // Add event to the queue for InfluxDB queueToInfluxDb([data]) } /** * softPoll() * * Re-queues last value to InfluxDB unless an event has already been seen in the last softPollingInterval. * Also calls LogSystemProperties(). * * NB: Function name softPoll must be kept for backward compatibility **/ void softPoll() { logger("Keepalive check", logDebug) // Migration: Old configurations will not have prefPostHubInfo set if (settings.prefPostHubInfo == null) { app.updateSetting("prefPostHubInfo", (Boolean) (settings.prefLogHubProperties || settings.prefLogLocationProperties || settings.prefLogModeEvents)) } // Get the map Map deviceAttrMap = getDeviceAttrMap() // Create the list Long timeNow = now() List eventList = [] deviceAttrMap.each { device, attrList -> attrList.each { attr -> if (momentaryAttributes.contains(attr)) { logger("Keep alive for device ${device}(${attr}) suppressed - momentary attribute", logDebug) return } if (device.latestState(attr)) { Integer activityMinutes = (timeNow - device.latestState(attr).date.time) / 60000 if (activityMinutes > state.softPollingInterval) { logger("Keep alive for device ${device}(${attr})", logDebug) event = encodeDeviceEvent([ name: attr, value: device.latestState(attr).value, unit: device.latestState(attr).unit, device: device, deviceId: device.id, displayName: device.displayName, unixTime: timeNow ]) eventList.add(event) } else { logger("Keep alive for device ${device}(${attr}) unnecessary - last activity ${activityMinutes} minutes", logDebug) } } else { logger("Keep alive for device ${device}(${attr}) suppressed - last activity never", logDebug) } } } // Add a hub information record if requested if (settings.prefPostHubInfo) { eventList.add(encodeHubInfo(null)) } // Queue the events queueToInfluxDb(eventList) } /** * queueToInfluxDb() * * Adds events to the InfluxDB queue. **/ private void queueToInfluxDb(List eventList) { if (state.loggerQueue == null) { // Failsafe if coming from an old version state.loggerQueue = [] } // Add the data to the queue priorLoggerQueueSize = state.loggerQueue.size() state.loggerQueue += eventList eventList.each { event -> logger("Queued event: ${event}", logInfo) } // If this is the first data in the batch, trigger the timer if (priorLoggerQueueSize == 0) { logger("Scheduling batch", logDebug) // Migration: prefBatchTimeLimit does not exist in older configurations if (settings.prefBatchTimeLimit == null) { app.updateSetting("prefBatchTimeLimit", (Long) 60) } runIn(settings.prefBatchTimeLimit, writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb) } } /** * writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb() * * Posts data to InfluxDB queue. * * NB: Function name writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb must be kept for backward compatibility **/ void writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb() { if (state.loggerQueue == null) { // Failsafe if coming from an old version return } if (state.uri == null) { // Failsafe if using an old config setupDB() } Integer loggerQueueSize = state.loggerQueue.size() logger("Number of events queued for InfluxDB: ${loggerQueueSize}", logDebug) if (loggerQueueSize == 0) { return } // Migration: Old configurations will not have prefBacklogLimit or prefBatchSizeLimit set if (settings.prefBacklogLimit == null) { app.updateSetting("prefBacklogLimit", (Long) 5000) } if (settings.prefBatchSizeLimit == null) { app.updateSetting("prefBatchSizeLimit", (Long) 50) } // Migration: Transitioning from older versions will not have state.postCount set Integer postCount = state.postCount ?: 0 Long timeNow = now() if (postCount) { // A post is already running Long elapsed = timeNow - state.lastPost logger("Post of ${postCount} events already running (elapsed ${elapsed}ms)", logDebug) if (elapsed < 90000) { // Come back later runIn(30, writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb) return } // Failsafe in case handleInfluxResponse doesn't get called for some reason such as reboot logger("Post callback failsafe timeout", logDebug) state.postCount = 0 if (loggerQueueSize > settings.prefBacklogLimit) { logger("Backlog of ${state.loggerQueue.size()} events exceeds limit of ${settings.prefBacklogLimit}: dropping ${postCount} events (failsafe)", logError) state.loggerQueue = state.loggerQueue.drop(postCount) loggerQueueSize -= postCount } } // If we have a backlog, log a warning if (loggerQueueSize > settings.prefBacklogLimit) { logger("Backlog of ${loggerQueueSize} events queued for InfluxDB", logWarn) } postCount = loggerQueueSize < settings.prefBatchSizeLimit ? loggerQueueSize : settings.prefBatchSizeLimit state.postCount = postCount state.lastPost = timeNow String data = state.loggerQueue.subList(0, postCount).toArray().join('\n') // Uncommenting the following line will eventually drive your hub into the ground. Don't do it. // logger("Posting data to InfluxDB: ${state.uri}, Data: [${data}]", logDebug) // Post it def postParams = [ uri: state.uri, requestContentType: 'application/json', contentType: 'application/json', headers: state.headers, ignoreSSLIssues: settings.prefIgnoreSSLIssues, timeout: 60, body: data ] asynchttpPost('handleInfluxResponse', postParams, [ postTime: timeNow ]) } /** * handleInfluxResponse() * * Handles response from post made in writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb(). * * NB: Function name handleInfluxResponse must be kept for backward compatibility **/ void handleInfluxResponse(hubResponse, closure) { if (state.loggerQueue == null) { // Failsafe if coming from an old version return } // Migration: Transitioning from older versions will not have closure set Double elapsed = (closure) ? (now() - closure.postTime) / 1000 : 0 // Migration: Transitioning from older versions will not have postCount set Integer postCount = state.postCount ?: 0 state.postCount = 0 // Migration: Old configurations will not have dbStatus. if (state.dbStatus == null) { state.dbStatus = "success" } if (hubResponse.status < 400) { logger("Post of ${postCount} events complete - elapsed time ${elapsed} seconds - Status: ${hubResponse.status}", logInfo) if (state.dbStatus == "failed") { state.dbStatus = "success" state.dbStatusChg = now() sendnotification(state.dbStatus, backlogNotifyLimit) } } else { logger("Post of ${postCount} events failed - elapsed time ${elapsed} seconds - Status: ${hubResponse.status}, Error: ${hubResponse.errorMessage}, Headers: ${hubResponse.headers}, Data: ${data}", logWarn) if (state.dbStatus == "success") { state.dbStatus = "failed" state.dbStatusChg = now() state.lastNotification = now()-(backlogNotifyLimit*60000) } if ((state.loggerQueue.size() > backlogNotifyLimit) && ((now() - state.lastNotification) > (backlogNotifyFreq*60000))){ sendnotification(state.dbStatus, backlogNotifyLimit) } if (postCount == 1) { logger("Failed record was: ${state.loggerQueue[0]}", logError) } // Migration: Old configurations will not have prefBacklogLimit set if (settings.prefBacklogLimit == null) { app.updateSetting("prefBacklogLimit", (Long) 5000) } if (state.loggerQueue.size() <= settings.prefBacklogLimit) { if (state.loggerQueue.size() > postCount) { logger("Backlog of ${state.loggerQueue.size()} events", logWarn) } // Try again later runIn(60, writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb) return } logger("Backlog of ${state.loggerQueue.size()} events exceeds limit of ${settings.prefBacklogLimit}: dropping ${postCount} events", logError) } // Remove the post from the queue state.loggerQueue = state.loggerQueue.drop(postCount) // Go again? if (state.loggerQueue.size()) { runIn(1, writeQueuedDataToInfluxDb) } } /** * uriString() * * Format the uri string. **/ private String uriString() { String uri if (settings?.prefDatabaseTls) { uri = "https://" } else { uri = "http://" } uri += settings.prefDatabaseHost if (settings?.prefDatabasePort) { uri += ":" + settings.prefDatabasePort } if (settings?.prefInfluxVer == "2") { uri += "/api/v2/write?org=${settings.prefOrg}&bucket=${settings.prefBucket}" } else { // Influx version 1 uri += "/write?db=${settings.prefDatabaseName}" } return uri } /** * setupDB() * * Set up the database uri and header state variables. **/ private void setupDB() { def headers = [:] if (settings.prefAuthType == null || settings.prefAuthType == "basic") { if (settings.prefDatabaseUser && settings.prefDatabasePass) { String userpass = "${settings.prefDatabaseUser}:${settings.prefDatabasePass}" headers.put("Authorization", "Basic " + userpass.bytes.encodeBase64()) } } else if (settings.prefAuthType == "token") { headers.put("Authorization", "Token ${settings.prefDatabaseToken}") } state.uri = uriString() state.headers = headers logger("InfluxDB URI: ${state.uri}", logInfo) // Migration: Clean up old state vars if present state.remove("databaseHost") state.remove("databasePort") state.remove("databaseName") state.remove("databasePass") state.remove("databaseUser") state.remove("path") } /** * logger() * * Wrapper function for logging. **/ private void logger(String msg, Integer level = logDebug) { Integer loggingLevel = settings.configLoggingLevelIDE != null ? settings.configLoggingLevelIDE.toInteger() : logWarn if (level > loggingLevel) { return } switch (level) { case logError: log.error msg break case logWarn: log.warn msg break case logInfo: log.info msg break case logDebug: log.debug msg break } } /** * sendnotification() * * Notification for failed Logging. **/ private def sendnotification (type, value) { if (notifyEnabled) { if (state.loggerQueue.size() > backlogNotifyLimit) { String notificationText = "InfluxDB Logger DB post state is ${type}: Current Backlog is ${state.loggerQueue.size()}." notificationDevice?.each { it.deviceNotification(notificationText) state.lastNotification = now() } } } } /** * escapeStringForInfluxDB() * * Escape values to InfluxDB. * * If a tag key, tag value, or field key contains a space, comma, or an equals sign = it must * be escaped using the backslash character \. Backslash characters do not need to be escaped. * Commas and spaces will also need to be escaped for measurements, though equals signs = do not. * * Further info: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.8/write_protocols/line_protocol_reference/ **/ private String escapeStringForInfluxDB(String str) { if (str == null) { return 'null' } str = str.replaceAll(" ", "\\\\ ") // Escape spaces. str = str.replaceAll(",", "\\\\,") // Escape commas. str = str.replaceAll("=", "\\\\=") // Escape equal signs. str = str.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"") // Escape double quotes. return str }