Mobile App Privacy Policy 1. General Provisions 1.1. This Privacy Policy for the mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to the information that the Developers can receive from the user's device while using the mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the Application). 1.2. Use of the Application means the unconditional consent of the User with this Policy and the conditions for processing information received from the user's device specified in it. In case of disagreement with the Policy, the user must refrain from using the Application. 1.3. This Application Privacy Policy applies to all information that Developers may receive about a user while using this application. 1.4. This policy applies to all published mobile apps for which Developers are publishers. 1.5. The developers do not control and are not responsible for the information of third parties to which the user can click on the links available in the application. On such sites, the user may collect or request other personal information, as well as other actions may be performed. 1.6. The developers do not check the accuracy of personal information provided by users and do not exercise control over their legal capacity. 1.7. The developers assume that the information transmitted to them from users is reliable and keeps this information up to date. 1.8. By installing the Application on his mobile device, the User agrees to the Developers to collect, process, record, organize, store, modify, depersonalize, delete, change, use the User's personal data in order to provide services to the Users. 2. Data that can be obtained from the User's device 2.1. The mobile application has access to and uses the following information on your device: 2.1.1. Information about the mobile device, including the model of the mobile device, the version of the operating system, unique identifiers of the device, as well as data about the mobile network and the mobile phone number, are used to analyze possible errors in the operation of the Application and improve the operation of the Application. 2.1.2. Photographs obtained using the device's camera, as well as those stored in the device's memory, are used as part of the services provided in the Application, including for transmitting photographs via chat, as well as being used as supporting documents for transactions. 2.2. This access to the device's functions is necessary for the full functioning of the Application and is not used to harm the User. 3. Purpose of collecting and processing personal information of users. 3.1. The application collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary to provide the services that are part of the application. 3.2. Personal information of the application user can be used for the following purposes: 3.2.1. Identification of the party under agreements; 3.2.2. Providing the User with information on contracts concluded between the User and the Company; 3.2.3. Providing the User with personalized services; 3.2.4. Communication with the User, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the use of services, provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the User; 3.2.5. Improving the quality of the application, ease of use, development of new services and services; 3.2.6. Conducting statistical and other studies based on anonymized data. 4. Conditions for processing the User's personal information 4.1. In accordance with this Policy, the Developers process only that information and only for those purposes that are defined in clause 3.2 of the Policy. 4.2. The developers take all organizational and technical measures in their power to protect the User's information from unauthorized third-party access, use, copying and distribution. 4.3. When processing personal data of users, the Developers are guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Personal Data". 5. User's change of personal information 5.1. The user can at any time change (update, supplement) the personal information provided by him or a part of it, re-fill the form for contacting the Service. 6. Measures used to protect the personal information of users 6.1. The developers take all necessary measures to protect any personal data provided by users. 6.2. Only authorized Developers who have signed an agreement on confidentiality and protection of personal data have access to personal data. 6.3. All Developers with access to personal data sign nondisclosure agreements and must adhere to a privacy and personal data protection policy. 6.4. In order to ensure the confidentiality of information and protect personal data, the Company takes all measures necessary to prevent unauthorized access to User data. 6.5. Users use the Application as is and take measures to protect their personal data in it from security threats, including, but not limited to: - protect their device and the Applications installed in it from theft or loss; - protect your device and the Applications installed in it from unauthorized access. 7. Changes to the Privacy Policy 7.1. Developers have the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. 8. Applicable law 8.1. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Policy and the relationship between the user and the Developers arising in connection with the application of the Privacy Policy. 9. Feedback. 9.1. Questions and suggestions All suggestions or questions regarding this Policy should be reported to the User Support Service -