# -*- shell-script -*- # # Ferm example script # # Firewall configuration for a router with a static IP and a demilitarized # zone on the third device. # # Author: Max Kellermann # @def $DEV_PRIVATE = eth0; @def $DEV_WORLD = eth1; @def $DEV_DMZ = eth2; @def $NET_PRIVATE =; @def $NET_DMZ =; # internal IPs of the admins @def $HOST_ADMIN = (; # our static IP address @def $HOST_STATIC =; # convenience function which creates both the nat/DNAT and the filter/FORWARD # rule @def &FORWARD_TCP($proto, $port, $dest) = { table filter chain FORWARD interface $DEV_WORLD outerface $DEV_DMZ daddr $dest proto $proto dport $port ACCEPT; table nat chain PREROUTING interface $DEV_WORLD daddr $HOST_STATIC proto $proto dport $port DNAT to $dest; } table filter { chain INPUT { policy DROP; # connection tracking mod state state INVALID DROP; mod state state (ESTABLISHED RELATED) ACCEPT; # allow local connections interface lo ACCEPT; # respond to ping proto icmp icmp-type echo-request ACCEPT; # for IPsec interface $DEV_WORLD { proto udp dport 500 ACCEPT; proto (esp ah) ACCEPT; } # allow SSH connections from the administrator's workstation interface $DEV_PRIVATE saddr $HOST_ADMIN proto tcp dport ssh ACCEPT; # we provide DNS for the internal net interface ($DEV_PRIVATE $DEV_DMZ) { proto (udp tcp) dport domain ACCEPT; } # some IRC servers want that interface $DEV_WORLD { proto tcp dport auth ACCEPT; proto tcp dport (8080 3128) REJECT; } # the rest is dropped by the above policy (except additional # FORWARD rules added by the function &FORWARD_TCP) } # outgoing connections are not limited chain OUTPUT policy ACCEPT; chain FORWARD { policy DROP; # connection tracking mod state state INVALID DROP; mod state state (ESTABLISHED RELATED) ACCEPT; # the internal net may go everywhere interface $DEV_PRIVATE ACCEPT; # the DMZ may only access the internet interface $DEV_DMZ { outerface $DEV_WORLD ACCEPT; # report failure gracefully REJECT reject-with icmp-net-prohibited; } # the rest is dropped by the above policy } } table nat { chain POSTROUTING { # masquerade private IP addresses saddr ($NET_PRIVATE $NET_DMZ) outerface $DEV_WORLD SNAT to $HOST_STATIC; } } # forward connections to servers located in the DMZ &FORWARD_TCP(tcp, http,; &FORWARD_TCP(tcp, smtp,; &FORWARD_TCP((tcp udp), domain,;