extends /layout

block vars
  // Title of page
  - var title    = 'Gulp Scaffold'
  // Url to use in code
  - var page_url = routes.github.raw_page_root + 'src/views/index.pug'

block content
    img(src=routes.root + 'images/gulp.png', class='gulp-icon')
    h1 Gulp Scaffold

            This a demo of using #[a(href=routes.github.root) gulp_scaffold]
            to quickly write a static website with gulp using:

            li #[a(href='http://jade-lang.com/') pug]
            li #[a(href='http://coffeescript.org/') coffeescript]
            li #[a(href='http://sass-lang.com/') scss]
            li #[a(href='http://getbootstrap.com/') bootstrap]
            li #[a(href='https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/') fontawesome]
            li images minification

          h2 #[i.fa.fa-gift] Goodies

            Pug, coffeescript and sass are used as replacement of html, javascript and css.
            You can focus on what you write and we will compile everything for you.

          h2 #[i.fa.fa-css3] Bootstrap integration

            Bootstrap is shipped, which mean you can override its variables.
            Just redeclare them in #[a(href=routes.github.root + 'blob/master/src/assets/stylesheets/variables.scss') variables.scss]
            (or anywhere else in #[a(href=routes.github.root + 'blob/master/src/assets/stylesheets/') stylesheets])
            and Bootstrap will be compiled using them.

            We also included fontawesome because we know you love all of those icons!

          h2 #[i.fa.fa-compress] Minification and compression

            It will be just about anywhere:
            your html, css and js will minified,
            and all images will be compressed without requiring any action from your side.
            Faster load times, happier users!

          h2 #[i.fa.fa-road] Routing (well sort of…)

            Aren't you bored to write all your urls manually?
            What if instead of writing #[code a(href='blog/why-i-love-gulp.html')]
            your could just have #[code a(href=routes.blog.gulp)] and reuse it everywhere?
            Well you can!
            Just write your routes inside #[a(href=routes.github.root + 'blob/master/tasks/routes.coffee') tasks/routes.coffee]
            and those variables will be available in all of your views!