{ "homepage": "www.melanx.de/aiot-botania", "promos": { "1.12.2-latest": "0.7.1", "1.14.4-latest": "1.2-final", "1.15.2-latest": "1.2.3", "1.16.1-latest": "1.3", "1.16.2-latest": "1.3.2", "1.16.3-latest": "1.4.3", "1.16.4-latest": "1.7.6", "1.16.5-latest": "1.7.6" }, "1.16.5": { "1.7.6": "fix even more textures - MelanX\nfix attached stem blocks drop seeds on super farmland - MelanX\nre-work some textures - MelanX", "1.7.5": "re-texture everything by Vik - MelanX\nfix manasteel aiot doesn't except sword enchantments - MelanX", "1.7.4": "update item overview - MelanX\nlet terra+ aiot break trees like normal terra \"axe\" - MelanX", "1.7.3": "re-add AIOT Botania functionality to new Botania hoes - MelanX\nremove manasteel and elementium hoe - MelanX", "1.7.2": "fix reload command breaks some recipes - MelanX\nadd this qualifier - MelanX", "1.7.1": "update images for new textures - MelanX\nMerge branch '1.16.x' of https://github.com/MelanX/aiotbotania into 1.16.x - MelanX\nRe-texturing (#60) - Kal Chikhou\nchanged terra aiot model for new textures - MelanX\nfix game not starting - MelanX\nadd 1.16.5 tag for curseforge - MelanX\nFix shears not working in dispensers - MelanX", "1.7.0": "fix pushing player into block when turning farmland to dirt/grass - MelanX\nfix lower tiers can make superfarmland + fix aoe tilting just inverts - MelanX\nfix crash when breaking trees with terra aiot - MelanX", "1.6.0": "more compatibility with modded dirt\nSword enchantments on AIOTs (#56) - flier268\nfix attack speed of terrasteel/alfsteel hoe/spade\nadd stipping logs to aiot\nfix offhand item not useable if aiot in mainhand" }, "1.16.4": { "1.7.6": "fix even more textures - MelanX\nfix attached stem blocks drop seeds on super farmland - MelanX\nre-work some textures - MelanX", "1.7.5": "re-texture everything by Vik - MelanX\nfix manasteel aiot doesn't except sword enchantments - MelanX", "1.7.4": "update item overview - MelanX\nlet terra+ aiot break trees like normal terra \"axe\" - MelanX", "1.7.3": "re-add AIOT Botania functionality to new Botania hoes - MelanX\nremove manasteel and elementium hoe - MelanX", "1.7.2": "fix reload command breaks some recipes - MelanX\nadd this qualifier - MelanX", "1.7.1": "update images for new textures - MelanX\nMerge branch '1.16.x' of https://github.com/MelanX/aiotbotania into 1.16.x - MelanX\nRe-texturing (#60) - Kal Chikhou\nchanged terra aiot model for new textures - MelanX\nfix game not starting - MelanX\nadd 1.16.5 tag for curseforge - MelanX\nFix shears not working in dispensers - MelanX", "1.7.0": "fix pushing player into block when turning farmland to dirt/grass - MelanX\nfix lower tiers can make superfarmland + fix aoe tilting just inverts - MelanX\nfix crash when breaking trees with terra aiot - MelanX", "1.6.0": "more compatibility with modded dirt\nSword enchantments on AIOTs (#56) - flier268\nfix attack speed of terrasteel/alfsteel hoe/spade\nadd stipping logs to aiot\nfix offhand item not useable if aiot in mainhand", "1.5.0": "update version\nfix crash with botania 410\ndrop 1.16.3 support", "1.4.3": "fix terrasteel recipes\nFix terrasteel and alfsteel aiot (#48)", "1.4.2": "Fix some issues with the mythicbotany aiots (#47)", "1.4.1": "change item overview for curseforge\nRename class", "1.4.0": "Add mythicbotany as optional dependency on cf\nFix shovel not efficient on super farmland\nAdd support for mythicbotany\nAdd hoe tool type to aiot\nAdd curseforge upload", "1.3.2": "improved contributor item rendering" }, "1.16.3": { "1.4.3": "fix terrasteel recipes\nFix terrasteel and alfsteel aiot (#48)", "1.4.2": "Fix some issues with the mythicbotany aiots (#47)", "1.4.1": "change item overview for curseforge\nRename class", "1.4.0": "Add mythicbotany as optional dependency on cf\nFix shovel not efficient on super farmland\nAdd support for mythicbotany\nAdd hoe tool type to aiot\nAdd curseforge upload", "1.3.2": "improved contributor item rendering" }, "1.16.2": { "1.3.2": "improved contributor item rendering", "1.3.1": "now works on 1.16.2\nadded terrasteel aiot/shovel/hoe (noeppi_noeppi)\nfixed tools don't get damage", "1.3": "Port to 1.16.2" }, "1.16.1": { "1.3": "Port to 1.16.1" }, "1.15.2": { "1.2.3": "Added seed drop feature for livingwood/livingrock shears", "1.2.2": "Added disposable support to aiot\nAdded shears to forge:shears tag\nAdded zh_tw.json (yappy2000d)", "1.2.1": "Fixed crash when placing torch/sapling with AIOT", "1.2": "Initial port to 1.15.2" }, "1.14.4": { "1.2-final": "Added disposable support to aiot\nAdded seed drop feature for livingwood/livingrock shears\nUpdated zh_cn.json (Imbarainbow)", "1.1.1": "Added feature of rendering an icon for contributors\nRemoved common config\nA lot of internal changes", "1.1.0": "Added growth boost on Super Farmland\nFixed wrong tooltip on Livingrock/Livingwood AIOT\nFixed minor text issues in lexicon", "1.0.3": "Fixed wrong lexicon entries\nFixed Elementium tools sometimes don't create Super Farmland", "1.0.2": "Fixed harvest level issue with AIOTs", "1.0.1": "Fixed required Botania version", "1.0.0": "Initial port to 1.14.4" }, "1.12.2": { "0.7.1": "Added ru_ru.lang (by TheDirectorX)\nAdded tooltips to AIOTs\nImproved en_us.lang (by TheDirectorX)", "0.7": "Added Livingwood/Livingrock Shears\nFixed mana usage for Livingwood AIOT", "0.6.1": "Fixed crash when breaking gravel", "0.6": "Added Livingwood tools\nAdded Livingrock tools\nImproved Manasteel/Elementium AIOTs", "0.5.1": "Fixed durability from AIOTs not stacked", "0.5": "Added fancy pink particles for super farmland (can turned off in config)\nFixed creative tab icon", "0.4.1": "Added config file:\n Elementium/Manasteel AIOT can turned off\nFixed update checker wrong link", "0.4": "Added zh_cn.lang (by DYColdWind)\nAdded changelog (GitHub only)\nAdded update checker\nFixed AIOT mode lang\nFixed Interaction with AIOTs (by derNiklaas)\nImplemented primary effects of elementium tools\nIncreased mana usage for AIOTs", "0.3": "Fixed wrong mining level by AIOTs", "0.2": "Added the secundary function of the axe to place down saplings\nBecause of that there are now 2 different modes:\n Shift-Rightclick into the air to change the mode\n Mode 1: Rightclick to make farmland; Shift-Rightclick to make grass paths\n Mode 2: Rightclick to place down torches; Shift-Rightclick to place down saplings instead\nLexica Botanica support! There's now some in-game text in the Lexica Botanica which explains the new tools added with this mod\nMinor (cough cough) Bugfixes:\n Switch from \"hacky\" secundary functions to \"real\" ones\n That means that mana will now be drained correctly\n The tools didn't get damaged/drained mana correctly when destroying blocks with it. That's fixed\n The AIOT can now be enchanted with sword-specific enchantments as well!\n Adjusted the durability for the elemtium AIOT", "0.1": "Initial Release" } }