{ "homepage": "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/botanical-machinery/", "promos": { "1.15.2-latest": "0.1", "1.16.1-latest": "0.1", "1.16.2-latest": "0.1", "1.16.3-latest": "0.2.1", "1.16.4-latest": "0.4.0", "1.16.5-latest": "0.4.0" }, "1.16.5": { "0.4.0": "delete a generated file. idk why it is being generated - MelanX\nincrease version - MelanX\nfix agglomeration click area - MelanX\nchange configs to LibX configs - MelanX\nuse annotations to register blocks/items - MelanX\nchange release type to release - MelanX\nfix machines not being in JEI recipe category as icon and add click area for terra plate recipes - MelanX", "0.3.5": "Update LibX - noeppi_noeppi", "0.3.4": "Minimal changes to the mechanical apothecary - noeppi_noeppi\nadd russian translation by AndrewFenriz - MelanX\nadd 1.16.5 tag for curseforge - MelanX", "0.3.3": "add libx to bug report template - MelanX" }, "1.16.4": { "0.4.0": "delete a generated file. idk why it is being generated - MelanX\nincrease version - MelanX\nfix agglomeration click area - MelanX\nchange configs to LibX configs - MelanX\nuse annotations to register blocks/items - MelanX\nchange release type to release - MelanX\nfix machines not being in JEI recipe category as icon and add click area for terra plate recipes - MelanX", "0.3.5": "Update LibX - noeppi_noeppi", "0.3.4": "Minimal changes to the mechanical apothecary - noeppi_noeppi\nadd russian translation by AndrewFenriz - MelanX\nadd 1.16.5 tag for curseforge - MelanX", "0.3.3": "add libx to bug report template - MelanX", "0.3.2": "add nbt to pick block in creative - MelanX\nadd issue templates - MelanX\nCloses #29 - noeppi_noeppi", "0.3.1": "changed buttons texture to fit in 1.15+ style - MelanX", "0.3.0": "update version to 1.16.4 - MelanX\nfix infinite mana bug - MelanX\nterra plate recipes (#40) - MelanX" }, "1.16.3": { "0.2.1": "remove deobf file from uploading to curse - MelanX\nchange jenkins order to sync version of jenkins and curse - MelanX\nfix typo mentioned in #34 - MelanX\nadd libx as required dependency for curse - MelanX\nincrease version - MelanX\nadd curseforge auto-upload - MelanX\nprovided zhcn.json (#36) - Fodothjinzi89\nUse LibX (#38) - noeppi_noeppi\n", "0.1.1": "Fixed rendering for Alfheim Market\nButtons play sounds when clicking" }, "1.16.2": { "0.1": "Port to 1.16.2" }, "1.16.1": { "0.1": "Port to 1.16.1" }, "1.15.2": { "0.1.1": "Buttons play sounds when clicking", "0.1": "Initial release" } }