{ "homepage": "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/defaultworldtype", "promos": { "1.14.4-latest": "1.0.2", "1.15.2-latest": "1.0.2", "1.16.3-latest": "2.0.2", "1.16.4-latest": "2.0.2", "1.16.5-latest": "2.0.2" }, "1.16.5": { "2.0.2": "add issue templates to github - MelanX\nadd readme to github - MelanX\nadd ability to set flat world generation settings via config - MelanX", "2.0.1": "update to 1.16.3 - MelanX\nadd automatic curseforge upload - MelanX\nfixed curseforge version number - MelanX" }, "1.16.4": { "2.0.2": "add issue templates to github - MelanX\nadd readme to github - MelanX\nadd ability to set flat world generation settings via config - MelanX", "2.0.1": "update to 1.16.3 - MelanX\nadd automatic curseforge upload - MelanX\nfixed curseforge version number - MelanX" }, "1.16.3": { "2.0.2": "add issue templates to github - MelanX\nadd readme to github - MelanX\nadd ability to set flat world generation settings via config - MelanX", "2.0.1": "update to 1.16.3 - MelanX\nadd automatic curseforge upload - MelanX\nfixed curseforge version number - MelanX" }, "1.15.2": { "1.0": "Initial Release", "1.0.1": "Moved config to defaultworldtype folder\nAdded file with possible world type names\nFixed multiple logging", "1.0.2": "Fix FileAlreadyExistsException" }, "1.14.4": { "1.0": "Initial Release", "1.0.1": "Moved config to defaultworldtype folder\nAdded file with possible world type names\nFixed multiple logging", "1.0.2": "Fix FileAlreadyExistsException" } }