{ "homepage": "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/morevanillalib", "promos": { "1.15.2-latest": "1.2.4", "1.16.1-latest": "1.2.11", "1.16.2-latest": "1.2.13", "1.16.3-latest": "1.2.14", "1.16.4-latest": "1.4.0", "1.16.5-latest": "1.4.0" }, "1.16.5": { "1.4.0": "YOU NEED TO CREATE A NEW CONFIG BECAUSE VALUES CHANGED\nre-add jei as optional dependency for curseforge - MelanX\nbump version - MelanX\nuse worlds random instead of creating a new one - MelanX\nre-balance a few default values for chances - MelanX\nchange default values and change chances to be doubles instead of integer. you may need to configure again if you changed the config before - MelanX\nincrease max harvest level to 10 - MelanX", "1.3.10": "add 1.16.5 to curse version - MelanX\nfix breaking block does not fire the breakblock event - MelanX", "1.3.9": "Hopefully fixed wrong breaking when to high ping" }, "1.16.4": { "1.4.0": "YOU NEED TO CREATE A NEW CONFIG BECAUSE VALUES CHANGED\nre-add jei as optional dependency for curseforge - MelanX\nbump version - MelanX\nuse worlds random instead of creating a new one - MelanX\nre-balance a few default values for chances - MelanX\nchange default values and change chances to be doubles instead of integer. you may need to configure again if you changed the config before - MelanX\nincrease max harvest level to 10 - MelanX", "1.3.10": "add 1.16.5 to curse version - MelanX\nfix breaking block does not fire the breakblock event - MelanX", "1.3.9": "Hopefully fixed wrong breaking when to high ping", "1.3.8": "Fixed redstone tools values page\nFixed disabled item tooltip", "1.3.7": "Add tooltip to disable items", "1.3.6": "Fix vanilla condition", "1.3.5": "Switch vanilla config to common config", "1.3.4": "Register vanillacondition serializer", "1.3.3": "Add isVanilla for materials", "1.3.2": "Add vanilla condition for recipes\nAdd config for vanilla only tools" }, "1.16.3": { "1.2.14": "Fix incompatibility with Apotheosis", "1.2.13": "Fix shulker box loses its content/Mekanism Digital Miner will just be destroyed" }, "1.16.2": { "1.2.14": "Fix incompatibility with Apotheosis", "1.2.13": "Fix shulker box loses its content/Mekanism Digital Miner will just be destroyed", "1.2.12": "fix a bug for excavator mod", "1.2.11": "fixed crash on world creation/joining existing world", "1.2.10": "port to 1.16.2" }, "1.16.1": { "1.2.11": "Fix shulker box loses its content/Mekanism Digital Miner will just be destroyed", "1.2.8": "increased durability for hammers/excavators\ndurability multiplier configurable now", "1.2.7": "Fix crash with jei when tags are empty", "1.2.6": "Fix taking 19 durability for excavators/hammers instead of 9", "1.2.5": "Port to 1.16.1" }, "1.15.2": { "1.2.4": "Hotfix dupe bug", "1.2.3": "Added localized names for repairing item\nUpdated ru_ru (TheDirectorX)\nFixed redstone ore doesn't drop xp\nFixed shulker inventory will be cleared\nFixed OreExcavation support", "1.2.2": "Fixed paper recipe being overridden", "1.2.1": "Fixed clean end stone drops nothing", "1.2": "Added Clean End Stone\nAdded Obsidian Shard\nAdded Bundle of Paper\nMoved normal tool materials to lib\nChanged Prismarine tag", "1.1.2": "Added xp drops", "1.1.1": "Added glowstone tools drop 4 glowstone dust when breaking glowstone\nFixed a bit more confusing stuff with extra/double drop\nFixed hammer/excavator on hitting extra drops\nFixed a lang key missing translation", "1.1": "Added global double drop boolean\nAdded configurable harvest level for vanilla materials\nAdded tags for vanilla materials\nAdded double drop chance for diamond hammer/excavator\nAdded miningspeed to config\nMoved config to defaultconfigs path\nReformatted config values -> new config needed", "1.0.2": "Re-added prefix to materials\nAdded vanilla translations for German", "1.0.1": "Added gems/coal tag\nAdded russian translation (thanks to TheDirectorX)\nFixed display name\nFixed version number in mod list\nFixed paper damage\nFixed extra/special drops for 3x3\nFixed special drop for coal tools", "1.0": "Initial release" } }