// ==UserScript== // @name EH – Page Scrobbler // @namespace https://github.com/Meldo-Megimi/EH-Page-Scrobbler/raw/main/PageScrobbler.user.js // @version 2024.01.01.01 // @description Visualize GID and add the ability to easily jump or scrobble // @author FabulousCupcake, OsenTen, Qserty, Meldo-Megimi // @license MIT // @run-at document-end // @match http://e-hentai.org/* // @match https://e-hentai.org/* // @match http://exhentai.org/* // @match https://exhentai.org/* // @match http://exhentai55ld2wyap5juskbm67czulomrouspdacjamjeloj7ugjbsad.onion/* // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== const defaultBarWidth = 730; const stylesheet = ` .search-scrobbler { width: ${defaultBarWidth}px; outline: 1px cyan dashed; margin: 0 auto; padding: 20px 0 0 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 0.5em; } .search-scrobbler .bar { display: block; width: ${defaultBarWidth}px; height: 25px; border: 2px solid #3c3c3c; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; } .search-scrobbler .bar .bar-cursor { height: 100%; background: #5FA9CF; } .search-scrobbler .bar-wrapper { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .search-scrobbler .bar-labels { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; } .search-scrobbler .bar-config { color: red; cursor: pointer; } .search-scrobbler .bar-hover { display: block; width: 1px; height: 100%; background: #f0f; position: absolute; } .search-scrobbler .bar-hovertext { position: absolute; outline: 1px solid #f0f; top: -1.5em; } .search-scrobbler, .search-scrobbler * { outline: 0px none !important; } .bar-year-labels { position:absolute; width:inherit; opacity:50%; pointer-events: none; } .bar-year-label { position:absolute; } .search-scrobbler-altcfg { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; } .search-scrobbler-altcfg .bar-config { color: red; cursor: pointer; } .saved-search { width: ${defaultBarWidth}px; margin: 0 auto; font-size: 10pt; } .search-relpager-top { width: ${defaultBarWidth}px; margin: 0px auto 0px auto; text-align: center; } .pg-jump { width: fit-content !important; padding: 0px 5px; } .search-scrobbler-config-bg { position: fixed; z-index: 100; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; display:none; backdrop-filter: blur(2px); } .search-scrobbler-config-window { margin: 15% auto !important; padding: 0px 5px 10px 10px !important; min-width: 300px !important; width: min-content; box-shadow:2px 2px 3px 2px gray; border-radius:7px; } .search-scrobbler-config-close { text-align: right; font-size:25px; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; display: block ruby; } .search-scrobbler-config-title { font-size:16px; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; margin: 4px 10px 0px 0px; } `; const gidYear = { 74629: 2008, 190496: 2009, 321076: 2010, 449183: 2011, 553117: 2012, 660230: 2013, 771830: 2014, 888870: 2015, 1012224: 2016, 1162942: 2017, 1338484: 2018, 1543397: 2019, 1813647: 2020, 2100270: 2021, 2419586: 2022, 2783947: 2023 }; const defaultMaxPrefetch = 5; const injectStylesheet = () => { if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") { GM_addStyle(stylesheet); } else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") { addStyle(stylesheet); } else { const stylesheetEl = document.createElement("style"); stylesheetEl.innerHTML = stylesheet; document.body.appendChild(stylesheetEl); } } const hasGalleryListTable = () => { return !!document.querySelector(".itg.gltm, .itg.gltc, .itg.glte, .itg.gld"); } const getMaxGID = doc => { let maxGID = 0; if (!!document.querySelector(".itg tr .glname a")) { // Minimal and Compact maxGID = doc.querySelector(".itg tr:nth-child(2) .glname a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1]; } else if (!!doc.querySelector(".itg tr a")) { // Extended maxGID = doc.querySelector(".itg tr:first-child a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1]; } else { // Thumbnail maxGID = doc.querySelector(".itg .gl1t:first-child a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1]; } return maxGID; } const tryUpdateKnownMaxGID = GID => { if (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-maxGID") === null) localStorage.setItem("EHPS-maxGID", -1); if (document.querySelector(".searchnav") == null) return; const url = new URL(location.href); if ((url.pathname !== "/") || (url.search !== "")) { if (url.pathname == "/popular") return; // not on frontpage or searching fetch(location.origin, { method: 'get' }).then((response) => { return response.text() }).then((res) => { let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("New Document"); doc.write(res); doc.close(); let maxGID = getMaxGID(doc); let currentMaxGID = localStorage.getItem("EHPS-maxGID"); if ((currentMaxGID === null) || (currentMaxGID < maxGID)) { localStorage.setItem("EHPS-maxGID", maxGID); } updatePageScrobbler(); }).catch((error) => { console.log(error) }); } else { // we are on the frontpage let maxGID = getMaxGID(document); let currentMaxGID = localStorage.getItem("EHPS-maxGID"); if ((currentMaxGID === null) || (currentMaxGID < maxGID)) { localStorage.setItem("EHPS-maxGID", maxGID); } } } const resetPageCounter = (pageInfo) => { if (pageInfo == null) pageInfo = {}; pageInfo.path = null; pageInfo.last = null; pageInfo.knownPages = { "min": 0, "max": 0 }; pageInfo.endLow = null; pageInfo.endHigh = null; return pageInfo; } const updatePageInfo = async () => { let pageInfo = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("EHPS-Paginator")); if (pageInfo == null) { pageInfo = resetPageCounter(pageInfo); } else { pageInfo.knownPages.min = parseInt(pageInfo.knownPages.min); pageInfo.knownPages.max = parseInt(pageInfo.knownPages.max); } // get current page nr. const parser = new URL(window.location); for (let i = pageInfo.knownPages.min; i <= pageInfo.knownPages.max; i++) { if (decodeURIComponent(pageInfo.knownPages[`P${i}`]) == decodeURIComponent(`${parser.search}`)) { window.currentPage = i; break; } } // current page is unknown, reset paginator if (isNaN(window.currentPage)) { pageInfo = resetPageCounter(pageInfo); window.currentPage = 0; } // check path if (pageInfo.path == null) pageInfo.path = location.pathname; else if (pageInfo.path != location.pathname) { pageInfo = resetPageCounter(pageInfo); pageInfo.path = location.pathname; } if (document.querySelector("#uprev").localName === "span") pageInfo.endLow = window.currentPage; if (document.querySelector("#unext").localName === "span") pageInfo.endHigh = window.currentPage; // do we know the current page? if (pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage}`] == null) { if (window.location.search != "") { pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage}`] = `${parser.search}`; } else { let maxGID = parseInt(getMaxGID(document), 10) + 1; pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage}`] = `?next=${maxGID}`; // fix reload page window.history.pushState('forward', null, pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage}`]); } if (pageInfo.knownPages.min > window.currentPage) pageInfo.knownPages.min = window.currentPage; if (pageInfo.knownPages.max < window.currentPage) pageInfo.knownPages.max = window.currentPage; } pageInfo.last = location.href; // look if next page announced is known if ((pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage + 1}`] == null) && (document.querySelector("#unext").localName === "a")) { pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage + 1}`] = `${(new URL(document.querySelector("#unext").href)).search}`; if (pageInfo.knownPages.min > window.currentPage + 1) pageInfo.knownPages.min = window.currentPage + 1; if (pageInfo.knownPages.max < window.currentPage + 1) pageInfo.knownPages.max = window.currentPage + 1; } else { // look if new or deleted entries have shifted the pages if ((pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage + 1}`] != null) && (document.querySelector("#unext").href != null)) if (pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage + 1}`] != `${(new URL(document.querySelector("#unext").href)).search}`) { pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage + 1}`] = `${(new URL(document.querySelector("#unext").href)).search}`; } } // look if previous page announced is known if ((pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage - 1}`] == null) && (document.querySelector("#uprev").localName === "a")) { pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage - 1}`] = `${(new URL(document.querySelector("#uprev").href)).search}`; if (pageInfo.knownPages.min > window.currentPage - 1) pageInfo.knownPages.min = window.currentPage - 1; if (pageInfo.knownPages.max < window.currentPage - 1) pageInfo.knownPages.max = window.currentPage - 1; } else { // look if new or deleted entries have shifted the pages if ((pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage - 1}`] != null) && (document.querySelector("#uprev").href != null)) if (pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage - 1}`] != `${(new URL(document.querySelector("#uprev").href)).search}`) { pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage - 1}`] = `${(new URL(document.querySelector("#uprev").href)).search}`; } } if (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-EnablePageinatorPrefetch") == "true") pageInfo = await prefetchPageInfo(pageInfo); sessionStorage.setItem("EHPS-Paginator", JSON.stringify(pageInfo)); return pageInfo; } const fetchDocument = async (url) => { try { let res = await fetch(url); let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("New Document"); doc.write(await res.text()); doc.close(); return doc; } catch (error) { console.log(error); return document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("New Document"); } } const prefetchPrev = async (pageInfo, count) => { for (let i = window.currentPage; i > window.currentPage - count; i--) { if ((pageInfo.knownPages[`P${i}`] == null) && (i > (pageInfo.endLow ?? Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER))) { if (pageInfo.knownPages[`P${i + 1}`] != null) { let doc = await fetchDocument(`${location.origin}${location.pathname}${pageInfo.knownPages[`P${i + 1}`]}`); let jumpElement = doc.querySelector("#uprev"); if (jumpElement != null) { if (jumpElement.localName === "span") pageInfo.endLow = i; if (jumpElement.localName === "a") { pageInfo.knownPages[`P${i}`] = `${(new URL(jumpElement.href)).search}`; if (pageInfo.knownPages.min > i) pageInfo.knownPages.min = i; if (pageInfo.knownPages.max < i) pageInfo.knownPages.max = i; } } } } } return pageInfo; } const prefetchNext = async (pageInfo, count) => { for (let i = window.currentPage; i < window.currentPage + count; i++) { if ((pageInfo.knownPages[`P${i}`] == null) && (i < (pageInfo.endHigh ?? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER))) { if (pageInfo.knownPages[`P${i - 1}`] != null) { let doc = await fetchDocument(`${location.origin}${location.pathname}${pageInfo.knownPages[`P${i - 1}`]}`); let jumpElement = doc.querySelector("#unext"); if (jumpElement != null) { if (jumpElement.localName === "span") pageInfo.endHigh = i; if (jumpElement.localName === "a") { pageInfo.knownPages[`P${i}`] = `${(new URL(jumpElement.href)).search}`; if (pageInfo.knownPages.min > i) pageInfo.knownPages.min = i; if (pageInfo.knownPages.max < i) pageInfo.knownPages.max = i; } } } } } return pageInfo; } const prefetchPageInfo = async (pageInfo) => { // prefetch prev pagees let maxPrefetch = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("EHPS-EnablePageinatorPrefetchSize") ?? defaultMaxPrefetch); if (isNaN(maxPrefetch)) maxPrefetch = defaultMaxPrefetch; pageInfo = await prefetchPrev(pageInfo, maxPrefetch + 1); let nextCount = maxPrefetch + 1; let knownCount = pageInfo.knownPages.max - pageInfo.knownPages.min + 1; if (knownCount <= maxPrefetch + 1) nextCount += maxPrefetch + pageInfo.knownPages.min; // prefetch next pages to fill pages pageInfo = await prefetchNext(pageInfo, nextCount); // we do not have enough next pages, try with more prev again knownCount = pageInfo.knownPages.max - pageInfo.knownPages.min + 1; if (knownCount < (maxPrefetch * 2) + 1) { pageInfo = await prefetchPrev(pageInfo, maxPrefetch + (((maxPrefetch * 2) + 1) - knownCount) + 1); } return pageInfo; } const addBaseUIElements = () => { if ((new URL(location.href)).pathname == "/popular") return false; const addInitialElement = () => { const nav = document.querySelectorAll('.searchnav'); if (nav.length < 2) return false; if (!document.querySelector(".search-scrobbler")) { nav[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", `
`); nav[1].insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", `
`); } if (!document.querySelector(".saved-search")) { nav[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", ` `); } if (!document.querySelector(".search-relpager")) { nav[0].insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", `
`); nav[1].insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", `
`); } if (!document.querySelector(".search-scrobbler-config-bg")) { nav[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", `
`); } return true; } const addEventListeners = () => { // bookmark buttons document.getElementById("search-save-button")?.addEventListener("click", function () { let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); if (searchParams.has('f_search')) { let f_search = searchParams.get('f_search'); if (searchParams.has('next') && !searchParams.has('jump') && !searchParams.has('seek')) { let next = searchParams.get('next'); localStorage.setItem(f_search, "&next=" + next); document.getElementById('save_load_text').innerHTML = "Saved (next) GID " + next + " for search " + f_search; } else if (searchParams.has('prev') && !searchParams.has('jump') && !searchParams.has('seek')) { let prev = searchParams.get('prev'); localStorage.setItem(f_search, "&prev=" + prev); document.getElementById('save_load_text').innerHTML = "Saved (prev) GID " + prev + " for search " + f_search; } else { let next; if (!!document.querySelector(".itg tr .glname a")) { // Minimal and Compact next = document.querySelector(".itg tr:nth-child(2) .glname a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1]; } else if (!!document.querySelector(".itg tr a")) { // Extended next = document.querySelector(".itg tr:first-child a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1]; } else { // Thumbnail next = document.querySelector(".itg .gl1t:first-child a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1]; } localStorage.setItem(f_search, "&next=" + (parseInt(next, 10) + 1)); document.getElementById('save_load_text').innerHTML = "Saved (next) GID " + next + " for search " + f_search; } updateBookmark(); } }, false); document.getElementById("search-load-button")?.addEventListener("click", function () { let searchSelect = decodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('search-select').value); if (searchSelect != null) { let gid = localStorage.getItem(searchSelect); if (gid) { const parser = new URL(window.location); parser.searchParams.delete("next"); parser.searchParams.delete("prev"); parser.searchParams.delete("jump"); parser.searchParams.delete("seek"); parser.searchParams.delete("range"); parser.searchParams.delete("f_search"); window.location = parser.href + "?f_search=" + encodeURIComponent(searchSelect) + gid; } else { document.getElementById('save_load_text').innerHTML = "Nothing to load"; } } }, false); document.getElementById("search-delete-button")?.addEventListener("click", function () { let searchSelect = decodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('search-select').value); if (searchSelect != null) { let gid = localStorage.getItem(searchSelect); if (gid) { localStorage.removeItem(searchSelect); updateBookmark(); } } }, false); document.querySelectorAll(".search-scrobbler").forEach((s) => { s.addEventListener("mouseleave", function () { document.querySelector(".bar-hover")?.remove(); }, false); }); } if (addInitialElement()) { addEventListeners(); return true; } else return false; } const updatePageScrobbler = () => { if (document.querySelector(".searchnav") == null) return false; const updateInitialElement = () => { let maxGID = localStorage.getItem("EHPS-maxGID"); let firstGID = maxGID, lastGID = maxGID; if (!!document.querySelector(".itg tr .glname a")) { // Minimal and Compact firstGID = parseInt(document.querySelector(".itg tr:nth-child(2) .glname a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1], 10); lastGID = parseInt(document.querySelector(".itg tr:last-child .glname a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1], 10); } else if (!!document.querySelector(".itg tr a")) { // Extended firstGID = parseInt(document.querySelector(".itg tr:first-child a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1], 10); lastGID = parseInt(document.querySelector(".itg tr:last-child a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1], 10); } else if (!!document.querySelector(".itg .gl1t a")) { // Thumbnail firstGID = parseInt(document.querySelector(".itg .gl1t:first-child a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1], 10); lastGID = parseInt(document.querySelector(".itg .gl1t:last-child a").href.match(/\/(\d+)\//)?.[1], 10); } if (maxGID < firstGID) { maxGID = firstGID; localStorage.setItem("EHPS-maxGID", maxGID); } const cursorLeftMargin = (1.0 - firstGID / maxGID) * 100; let cursorWidth = ((firstGID - lastGID) / maxGID) * 100; if (cursorWidth < 0.2) cursorWidth = 0.2; let yearDiv = ``; for (let key in gidYear) { yearDiv += `
`; } const scrobbler = document.querySelectorAll('.search-scrobbler'); scrobbler[0].innerHTML = `
`; scrobbler[1].innerHTML = `
`; document.querySelector('.search-scrobbler-altcfg').innerHTML = `
`; if (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-FullWidthBar") == "true") { scrobbler[0].style.width = "100%"; scrobbler[0].querySelector(".bar").style.width = "100%"; scrobbler[1].style.width = "100%"; scrobbler[1].querySelector(".bar").style.width = "100%"; } else { scrobbler[0].style.width = null; scrobbler[0].querySelector(".bar").style.width = null; scrobbler[1].style.width = null; scrobbler[1].querySelector(".bar").style.width = null; } if (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-HidePageScrobbler") == "true") { let hidePageScrobblerType = localStorage.getItem("EHPS-HidePageScrobblerType") ?? 0; document.querySelector('.search-scrobbler-altcfg').style.display = "none"; if ((hidePageScrobblerType == 0) || (hidePageScrobblerType == 2)) { scrobbler[0].style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('.search-scrobbler-altcfg').style.display = "flex"; } else scrobbler[0].style.display = ""; if ((hidePageScrobblerType == 1) || (hidePageScrobblerType == 2)) scrobbler[1].style.display = "none"; else scrobbler[1].style.display = ""; } else { document.querySelector('.search-scrobbler-altcfg').style.display = "none"; scrobbler[0].style.display = ""; scrobbler[1].style.display = ""; } } const addEventListeners = () => { const addHoverElement = (e, n) => { const offset = e.layerX; if (offset < 2) return; document.querySelector(".bar-hover")?.remove(); const maxGID = localStorage.getItem("EHPS-maxGID"); const width = e.target.clientWidth; if (width == 0) return; const hoverGID = ((1.0 - offset / width) * maxGID).toFixed(0); const url = new URL(location.href); url.searchParams.set("next", hoverGID); document.querySelectorAll(".bar-full .bar")[n].insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `
`); } const handler0 = e => { addHoverElement(e, 0); } const handler1 = e => { addHoverElement(e, 1); } const el = document.querySelectorAll(".bar-full .bar"); if (el !== null) { el[0].addEventListener("mousemove", handler0); el[1].addEventListener("mousemove", handler1); } // config open button document.querySelector(".search-scrobbler .bar-config")?.addEventListener("click", function () { document.querySelector(".search-scrobbler-config-bg").style.display = "block"; }, false); document.querySelector(".search-scrobbler-altcfg .bar-config")?.addEventListener("click", function () { document.querySelector(".search-scrobbler-config-bg").style.display = "block"; }, false); } updateInitialElement(); addEventListeners(); } const updateBookmark = () => { const url = new URL(location.href); let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); if (searchParams.has('f_search') && (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-DisableBookmark") != "true")) { let gid = localStorage.getItem(searchParams.get('f_search')); if (!gid) document.getElementById('save_load_text').innerHTML = "No bookmark found for this search."; else document.querySelector('.search-save-button').value = 'Update'; document.querySelectorAll('.search-save-button').forEach(function (key) { key.style.display = ''; }); } else { document.querySelectorAll('.search-save-button').forEach(function (key) { key.style.display = 'none'; }); } if ((localStorage.length > 1) && (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-DisableBookmark") != "true")) { let f_search = searchParams.get('f_search'); let searchSelect = document.getElementById('search-select'); searchSelect.options.length = 0 Object.keys(localStorage).forEach(function (key) { let value = localStorage.getItem(key); if (value.startsWith("&next") || value.startsWith("&prev")) { let opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.text = key; opt.value = encodeURIComponent(key); if (key == f_search) opt.selected = true; searchSelect.add(opt); } }); if (searchSelect.options.length !== 0) { document.querySelectorAll('.search-list').forEach(function (key) { key.style.display = ''; }); document.querySelectorAll('.search-load-button').forEach(function (key) { key.style.display = ''; }); } else { document.querySelectorAll('.search-list').forEach(function (key) { key.style.display = 'none'; }); document.querySelectorAll('.search-load-button').forEach(function (key) { key.style.display = 'none'; }); } } else { document.querySelectorAll('.search-list').forEach(function (key) { key.style.display = 'none'; }); document.querySelectorAll('.search-load-button').forEach(function (key) { key.style.display = 'none'; }); } if (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-DisableBookmark") == "true") document.getElementById('save_load_text').style.display = 'none' else document.getElementById('save_load_text').style.display = '' } const updatePageCounter = async () => { if (document.querySelector(".search-relpager-num") === null) return; if (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-DisablePageinator") == "true") { document.querySelectorAll('.search-relpager-num').forEach(function (nav) { nav.innerHTML = null; }); return; } let pageInfo = await updatePageInfo(); // calc the pages not to show to limit visible pages let knownCount = pageInfo.knownPages.max - pageInfo.knownPages.min; let hideStart = pageInfo.knownPages.max + 1, hideStop = pageInfo.knownPages.min - 1; if (knownCount > 10) { if ((window.currentPage - pageInfo.knownPages.min) > (pageInfo.knownPages.max - window.currentPage)) { hideStart = pageInfo.knownPages.min + 1; hideStop = hideStart + (knownCount - 10); } else { hideStop = pageInfo.knownPages.max - 1; hideStart = hideStop - (knownCount - 10); } } // build paginator html code let pages = ""; if (pageInfo.endLow == null) pages += "?"; for (let i = pageInfo.knownPages.min; i <= pageInfo.knownPages.max; i++) { if ((i >= hideStart) && (i <= hideStop)) { if (i == hideStart) pages += `...`; } else { if (i == window.currentPage) pages += `${i}`; else pages += `${i}`; } } if (pageInfo.endHigh == null) pages += "?"; if (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-DisableIntegrationJump2Page") != "true") { pages = '' + pages; pages = '' + pages; pages += ''; pages += ''; pages += ''; } let relpagerdivs = document.querySelectorAll('.search-relpager-num'); relpagerdivs[0].innerHTML = ` ${pages}
`; relpagerdivs[1].innerHTML = ` ${pages}
`; if (localStorage.getItem("EHPS-DisableIntegrationJump2Page") != "true") { // move top jump buttons document.querySelector(".ptt #pg-first").appendChild(document.querySelector("#ufirst")); document.querySelector(".ptt #pg-prev").appendChild(document.querySelector("#uprev")); document.querySelector(".ptt #pg-next").appendChild(document.querySelector("#unext")); document.querySelector(".ptt #pg-last").appendChild(document.querySelector("#ulast")); document.querySelector(".ptt #pg-jump").appendChild(document.querySelector("#ujumpbox")); // move bottom jump buttons document.querySelector(".ptb #pg-first").appendChild(document.querySelector("#dfirst")); document.querySelector(".ptb #pg-prev").appendChild(document.querySelector("#dprev")); document.querySelector(".ptb #pg-next").appendChild(document.querySelector("#dnext")); document.querySelector(".ptb #pg-last").appendChild(document.querySelector("#dlast")); document.querySelector(".ptb #pg-jump").appendChild(document.querySelector("#djumpbox")); // merge bookmarks and viewstyle document.querySelector(".searchnav").appendChild(document.querySelector(".saved-search")); document.querySelector(".searchnav").appendChild(document.querySelector(".searchnav div:nth-child(6)")); document.querySelector(".searchnav div:nth-child(1)").remove(); document.querySelector(".searchnav div:nth-child(1)").remove(); document.querySelector(".searchnav div:nth-child(1)").remove(); document.querySelector(".searchnav div:nth-child(1)").remove(); document.querySelector(".saved-search").style.width = "auto"; } // patch prev and next jumps if (prevurl) prevurl = pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage - 1}`]; if (nexturl) nexturl = pageInfo.knownPages[`P${window.currentPage + 1}`]; let uprev = document.querySelector("#uprev"); if (uprev.localName !== "span") uprev.href = prevurl; let dprev = document.querySelector("#dprev"); if (dprev.localName !== "span") dprev.href = prevurl; let unext = document.querySelector("#unext"); if (unext.localName !== "span") unext.href = nexturl; let dnext = document.querySelector("#dnext"); if (dnext.localName !== "span") dnext.href = nexturl; // add tab click event handler for page buttons document.querySelectorAll('.search-relpager-num td').forEach(function (nav) { nav.addEventListener("click", function (ev) { if (ev.target.innerText == "...") { let pageInfo = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("EHPS-Paginator")); let page = prompt(`Jump to page: (between ${pageInfo.knownPages.min} and ${pageInfo.knownPages.max})`, 0); if (page != null) { page = parseInt(page); if ((page >= parseInt(pageInfo.knownPages.min)) && (page <= parseInt(pageInfo.knownPages.max))) { document.location = pageInfo.knownPages[`P${page}`]; } } } else if (ev.target.id.startsWith("pg-") || ev.target.id.startsWith("u") || ev.target.id.startsWith("d")) { if (ev.target.id.startsWith("pg-")) ev.target.firstChild.click(); } else if (ev.target.innerText != "?") { if (ev.target.localName === "td") document.location = ev.target.firstChild.href; } }, false); }); } const updateConfig = () => { if (document.querySelector(".search-scrobbler-config-bg") === null) return; document.querySelector('.search-scrobbler-config-bg').innerHTML = `
${GM.info.script.name} v${GM.info.script.version}

Be careful with prefetch as it creates a lot of page requests and the server will block you for some time if you reaches a certain limit in a timeframe
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