# Common (multistage) args ARG D_OS="rhel9.2" ARG D_ARCH="x86_64" ARG D_CONTAINER_VER="0" ARG D_OFED_VERSION="23.10-" ARG D_KERNEL_VER="5.14.0-284.32.1.el9_2.x86_64" ARG D_OFED_SRC_DOWNLOAD_PATH="/run/mellanox/src" ARG OFED_SRC_LOCAL_DIR=${D_OFED_SRC_DOWNLOAD_PATH}/MLNX_OFED_SRC-${D_OFED_VERSION} # Final clean image of precompiled driver container ARG D_FINAL_BASE_IMAGE=registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi:latest ################################################################## # Stage: Minimal base image update and install common requirements # DTK base image (below example for specific kernel headers version) ARG D_BASE_IMAGE="registry.redhat.io/openshift4/driver-toolkit-rhel9:v4.13.0-202309112001.p0.gd719bdc.assembly.stream" # Standart: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9:latest ARG D_PYTHON_VERSION="36" ARG D_PYTHON="python${D_PYTHON_VERSION}" FROM $D_BASE_IMAGE AS base # Inherited global args ARG D_OS # https://redmine.mellanox.com/issues/3528150/issue_history#note-9 RUN if [[ "${D_OS}" == *"rhel9"* ]] ; then \ sed -i 's#/etc/pki/entitlement#/etc/pki/entitlement-host#g' /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf ;\ fi RUN set -x && \ # Driver build / install script requirements dnf -y install perl \ # Container functional requirements jq iproute kmod procps-ng udev ############################################################################################## # Stage: Download NVIDIA driver sources and install src driver container packages requirements FROM base AS driver-src # Inherited global args ARG D_OFED_VERSION ARG D_CONTAINER_VER ARG D_OFED_SRC_DOWNLOAD_PATH # Stage args ARG D_OFED_BASE_URL="https://www.mellanox.com/downloads/ofed/MLNX_OFED-${D_OFED_VERSION}" ARG D_OFED_SRC_TYPE="" ARG D_OFED_SRC_ARCHIVE="MLNX_OFED_SRC-${D_OFED_SRC_TYPE}${D_OFED_VERSION}.tgz" ARG D_OFED_URL_PATH="${D_OFED_BASE_URL}/${D_OFED_SRC_ARCHIVE}" ENV NVIDIA_NIC_DRIVER_VER=${D_OFED_VERSION} ENV NVIDIA_NIC_CONTAINER_VER=${D_CONTAINER_VER} ENV NVIDIA_NIC_DRIVER_PATH="${D_OFED_SRC_DOWNLOAD_PATH}/MLNX_OFED_SRC-${D_OFED_VERSION}" WORKDIR /root RUN set -x && \ # Install prerequirements dnf install -y curl --allowerasing \ # Driver build requirements autoconf python3-devel ethtool automake pciutils libtool hostname dracut RUN set -x && \ # Download NVIDIA NIC driver sources mkdir -p ${D_OFED_SRC_DOWNLOAD_PATH} && \ cd ${D_OFED_SRC_DOWNLOAD_PATH} && (curl -sL ${D_OFED_URL_PATH} | tar -xzf -) WORKDIR / ADD ./entrypoint.sh /root/entrypoint.sh ADD ./dtk_nic_driver_build.sh /root/dtk_nic_driver_build.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/root/entrypoint.sh"] CMD ["sources"] ##################### # Stage: Build driver FROM driver-src AS driver-builder # Inherited global args ARG D_OS ARG D_KERNEL_VER ARG OFED_SRC_LOCAL_DIR RUN set -x && \ # MOFED installation requirements dnf install -y autoconf gcc make rpm-build # Build driver RUN set -x && \ ${OFED_SRC_LOCAL_DIR}/install.pl --without-depcheck --distro ${D_OS} --kernel ${D_KERNEL_VER} --kernel-sources /lib/modules/${D_KERNEL_VER}/build --kernel-only --build-only --without-iser --without-srp --without-isert --without-knem --without-xpmem --with-mlnx-tools --with-ofed-scripts --copy-ifnames-udev ################################### # Stage: Install precompiled driver ARG D_FINAL_BASE_IMAGE FROM $D_FINAL_BASE_IMAGE AS precompiled # Inherited global args ARG D_ARCH ARG D_KERNEL_VER ARG D_OFED_VERSION ARG D_CONTAINER_VER ARG OFED_SRC_LOCAL_DIR ENV NVIDIA_NIC_DRIVER_VER=${D_OFED_VERSION} ENV NVIDIA_NIC_DRIVER_PATH="" ENV NVIDIA_NIC_CONTAINER_VER=${D_CONTAINER_VER} COPY --from=driver-builder ${OFED_SRC_LOCAL_DIR}/RPMS/redhat-release-*/${D_ARCH}/*.rpm /root/ WORKDIR /root/ RUN set -x && \ rpm -ivh --nodeps \ ./kmod-mlnx-nfsrdma-*.rpm \ ./kmod-mlnx-nvme-*.rpm \ ./kmod-mlnx-ofa_kernel-*.rpm \ ./mlnx-ofa_kernel-*.rpm \ ./mlnx-tools-*.rpm RUN set -x && \ # MOFED functional requirements dnf install -y pciutils hostname udev ethtool \ # Container functional requirements jq iproute kmod procps-ng udev # Prevent modprobe from giving a WARNING about missing files RUN touch /lib/modules/${D_KERNEL_VER}/modules.order /lib/modules/${D_KERNEL_VER}/modules.builtin && \ # Introduce installed kernel modules depmod ${D_KERNEL_VER} WORKDIR / ADD ./entrypoint.sh /root/entrypoint.sh ADD ./dtk_nic_driver_build.sh /root/dtk_nic_driver_build.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/root/entrypoint.sh"] CMD ["precompiled"]