#!/usr/bin/env bash SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$0") SCRIPT_DIR=${SCRIPT_DIR:-"."} . "$SCRIPT_DIR/lib/common_minimal.sh" FUS_SOURCES=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrChromebox/scripts/master/sources.sh cleanup(){ umount "$ROOT" || : losetup -d "$loopdev" } leave() { trap - EXIT exit "$1" } quit() { trap - EXIT echo -e "\x1b[31mExiting: $1\x1b[39;49m" >&2 exit "$2" } fbool(){ [ "$(eval echo $(echo \"\$FLAGS_$1\"))" = "$FLAGS_TRUE" ] } should_debug(){ fbool debug && ! fbool quiet } debug() { if should_debug; then echo -e "\x1B[33mDebug: $*\x1b[39;49m" >&2 fi } suppress() { if should_debug; then $@ else $@ >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } suppress_err() { if should_debug; then $@ else $@ 2>/dev/null fi } info() { if ! fbool quiet; then echo -e "\x1B[32mInfo: $*\x1b[39;49m" fi } traps() { set -e trap 'last_command=$current_command; current_command=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG trap 'echo -e "\x1b[31m\"${last_command}\": "$BASH_COMMAND" command failed with exit code $?. THIS IS A BUG, REPORT IT HERE https://github.com/MercuryWorkshop/RecoMod\x1b[31m"' EXIT } configure_binaries() { if ! suppress which curl; then quit "curl binary not found! You must install curl. On debian/ubuntu, run sudo apt install curl" 1 fi if ! suppress which cgpt; then quit "cgpt binary not found! You must install cgpt. On debian/ubuntu, run sudo apt install cgpt" 1 fi if ! suppress which futility; then quit "futility binary not found! You must install vboot-utils. On debian/ubuntu, run sudo apt install vboot-kernel-utils and on arch the package is vboot-utils from the AUR" 1 fi if [ -f /sbin/ssd_util.sh ]; then SSD_UTIL=/sbin/ssd_util.sh elif [ -f /usr/share/vboot/bin/ssd_util.sh ]; then SSD_UTIL=/usr/share/vboot/bin/ssd_util.sh elif [ -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/ssd_util.sh" ]; then SSD_UTIL="${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/ssd_util.sh" else quit "Cannot find the required ssd_util script. Please make sure you're executing this script inside the directory it resides in" 1 fi if ! fbool minimal; then info "Downloading clamide into lib/" curl -sL https://github.com/CoolElectronics/clamide/releases/latest/download/clamide -o "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/clamide" info "Downloading pv into lib/" if ! [ -f lib/pv ]; then curl -sL https://github.com/mosajjal/binary-tools/raw/master/x64/pv -o lib/pv fi fi if fbool rw_legacy; then info "Downloading latest rw_legacy payloads into lib/rwl" mkdir lib/rwl || : rwlegacy_source="$(. <(curl -Ls "$FUS_SOURCES"); echo $rwlegacy_source)" files="$(. <(curl -Ls "$FUS_SOURCES"); env | grep -e rwl_altfw -e seabios)" while read file; do key=${file%%=*} val=${file##*=} debug "Downloading $key: $val" curl -sL "${rwlegacy_source}${val}" -o "lib/rwl/$val" done <<< "$files" fi if fbool fullrom; then quit "Sorry! I haven't gotten around to adding in fullrom support yet. Check back later" 1 fi if fbool strip; then if suppress which sfdisk && [[ "$(sfdisk -v)" == "sfdisk from util-linux 2.38."* ]]; then debug "using machine's sfdisk" SFDISK=$(which sfdisk) elif [ -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/sfdisk" ] && [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ] && [[ "$(uname)" == *Linux* ]]; then debug "using static sfdisk" SFDISK="${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/sfdisk" chmod +x "$SFDISK" else quit "Could not find a working version of sfdisk. If you are using a 32 bit or ARM system (or god forbid a mac), please make sure you have exactly version 2.38.1 of sfdisk installed, as it's the only one that works." fi fi } getopts() { load_shflags FLAGS_HELP="USAGE: $0 -i /path/to/recovery_image.bin [flags]" DEFINE_string image "" \ "path to the recovery image you want to patch" "i" DEFINE_string kit "./example-kit" \ "specify the path to the toolkit folder that will be injected" "k" DEFINE_boolean help "$FLAGS_FALSE" \ "print usage" "h" DEFINE_boolean quiet "$FLAGS_FALSE" \ "do not print anything to stdout" "q" DEFINE_boolean disable-verity "$FLAGS_TRUE" \ "disable dm-verity on the kernel that will be installed during recovery. enabling this will make the image faster to launch, but if the image is installed through recovery it will only be able to boot in developer mode" "" DEFINE_boolean minimal "$FLAGS_FALSE" \ "build a non interactive version of the toolkit. IF YOU HAVE AN ARM-BASED CHROMEBOOK, YOU MUST ENABLE THIS" "" DEFINE_boolean cleanup "$FLAGS_TRUE" \ "clean up gracefully after the script finishes. disable this for debugging purposes" "" DEFINE_boolean rw_legacy "$FLAGS_TRUE" \ "download files from mrchromebox.tech for use in the rw_legacy firmware configuration menu" "" DEFINE_boolean fullrom "$FLAGS_FALSE" \ "download files from mrchromebox.tech for use in the full uefi rom firmware configuration menu. This will take up a lot of space, only do this if you know you need it." "" DEFINE_boolean strip "$FLAGS_FALSE" \ "reduce the size of the recovery image by deleting everything that isn't neccessary. The image will no longer be able to recover chrome os" "" DEFINE_boolean halcyon "$FLAGS_FALSE" \ "enable E-HALCYON patches. if you don't know what that means, leave this option alone" "" FLAGS "$@" || leave $? eval set -- "$FLAGS_ARGV" if fbool halcyon && (fbool strip || fbool minimal); then quit "--halcyon and --strip/--minimal are incompatible" 1 fi if [ -z "$FLAGS_image" ]; then flags_help || : leave 1 fi } # https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/docs/+/master/lsb-release.md lsbval() { local key="$1" local lsbfile="${2:-/etc/lsb-release}" if ! echo "${key}" | grep -Eq '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$'; then return 1 fi sed -E -n -e \ "/^[[:space:]]*${key}[[:space:]]*=/{ s:^[^=]+=[[:space:]]*:: s:[[:space:]]+$:: p }" "${lsbfile}" } patch_root_complete() { cp "utils/bootstrap-shell.sh" "$ROOT/usr/sbin/bootstrap-shell" chmod +x "$ROOT/usr/sbin/bootstrap-shell" cp lib/clamide "$ROOT/usr/sbin/clamide" chmod +x "$ROOT/usr/sbin/clamide" # we don't neeeeeed pv, but it looks cool cp lib/pv "$ROOT/usr/sbin/pv" chmod +x "$ROOT/usr/sbin/pv" cp -r "$FLAGS_kit" "$ROOT/usr/recokit" chmod +x "$ROOT/usr/recokit/"* mv "$ROOT/usr/sbin/chromeos-recovery" "$ROOT/usr/sbin/chromeos-recovery.old" cp "utils/chromeos-recovery.sh" "$ROOT/usr/sbin/chromeos-recovery" chmod +x "$ROOT/usr/sbin/chromeos-recovery" chmod +x "$ROOT/usr/sbin/chromeos-recovery.old" if fbool halcyon; then local milestone=$(lsbval CHROMEOS_RELEASE_CHROME_MILESTONE "$ROOT/etc/lsb-release") if (( milestone > 107 )); then cleanup quit "You are trying to use halcyon on an image of version R${milestone}. Due to a change in chromeos_startup.sh, this is not supported. Please download an R107 image instead" 1 fi if (( milestone != 107 )); then info "WARNING: ${bin} is not an R107 image. Proceeding anyway, but remember that R${milestone} is untested" fi info "Installing halcyon patches onto an R${milestone} image" cat <"$ROOT/usr/sbin/wipe_disk" #!/bin/bash echo "E mode activated" exec /usr/sbin/chromeos-recovery EOF chmod +x "$ROOT/usr/sbin/wipe_disk" # snippet sourced from https://github.com/sebanc/brunch/blob/r107/brunch-patches/40-custom_encryption.sh, licensed under GPLv3 cat <"$ROOT/usr/share/cros/startup_utils.sh" mount_var_and_home_chronos() { mkdir -p /mnt/stateful_partition/encrypted/var mount -n --bind /mnt/stateful_partition/encrypted/var /var || return 1 mkdir -p /mnt/stateful_partition/encrypted/chronos mount -n --bind /mnt/stateful_partition/encrypted/chronos /home/chronos || return 1 } umount_var_and_home_chronos() { umount /home/chronos umount /var } EOF sed -i "s/# Check if we enable ext4 features\./STATE_DEV=\$(\. \/usr\/sbin\/write_gpt.sh;\. \/usr\/share\/misc\/chromeos-common\.sh;load_base_vars;get_fixed_dst_drive)p1/" "$ROOT/sbin/chromeos_startup.sh" sed -i "s/stable/dev/" "$ROOT/etc/lsb-release" sed -i "s/end script/sleep 2;tpm_manager_client take_ownership;restart cryptohomed;sleep 1\nend script/" "$ROOT/etc/init/ui.conf" >"$ROOT/usr/recokit/halcyon_enabled" fi if fbool rw_legacy; then tar -czvf "$ROOT/usr/recokit/rwl.tar.gz" -C "lib/rwl" . >"$ROOT/usr/recokit/rw_legacy_enabled" fi if fbool fullrom; then >"$ROOT/usr/recokit/fullrom_enabled" fi } patch_root_minimal() { cp "$FLAGS_kit/main-minimal.sh" "$ROOT/usr/sbin/chromeos-recovery" cp -r "$FLAGS_kit" "$ROOT/usr/recokit" chmod +x "$ROOT/usr/sbin/chromeos-recovery" } strip_root() { # we don't usually need to install chrome, stripping can get the file size down rm -rf "$ROOT/opt" rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/libexec" rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/share/chromeos-assets" rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/share/fonts" rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/lib64/va" rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/lib64/dri" rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/lib64/samba" rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/share/vim" # :D rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/share/cros-camera" rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/share/X11" rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/lib64/libimedecoder.so" rm -f "$ROOT/usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate" >"$ROOT/usr/stripped" } shrink_table() { local buffer=5000000 #5mb buffer. keeps things from breaking too much suppress e2fsck -fy "${loopdev}p3" suppress resize2fs -M "${loopdev}p3" local block_size block_size=$(tune2fs -l "${loopdev}p3" | grep -i "block size" | awk '{print $3}') local sector_size sector_size=$(fdisk -l "${loopdev}" | grep "Sector size" | awk '{print $4}') local block_count block_count=$(tune2fs -l "${loopdev}p3" | grep -i "block count" | awk '{print $3}') block_count=${block_count%%[[:space:]]*} debug "bs: $block_size, blocks: $block_count" local raw_bytes=$((block_count * block_size)) local resized_size=$((raw_bytes + buffer)) local fdisk_ra_entry fdisk_ra_entry=$(fdisk -u -l "${loopdev}" | grep "${loopdev}p3") local start_sector start_sector=$(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$fdisk_ra_entry") local end_sector end_sector=$(awk '{print $3}' <<<"$fdisk_ra_entry") local start_bytes=$((start_sector * sector_size)) local end_bytes=$((end_sector * sector_size)) local resized_end=$((start_bytes + resized_size)) debug "real size: $raw_bytes bytes" info "resizing ${loopdev}p3 to $resized_size bytes" debug "start of ${loopdev}p3 is $start_bytes bytes. changing end from $end_bytes bytes to $resized_end bytes" # script will die if i connect a stream to /dev/null for whatever reason, giving birth to this particular bit of jank local jankfile jankfile=$(mktemp) # if you're wondering why i don't use --script, it causes changes to not apply # if you're wondering why i don't use <"$jankfile" suppress cat "$jankfile" rm -f "$jankfile" local numparts=12 local numtries=6 i=0 while [ $i -le $numtries ]; do j=1 while [ $j -le $numparts ]; do suppress "$SFDISK" -N $j --move-data "${loopdev}" <<<"+,-" || : j=$((j+1)) done i=$((i+1)) done } truncate_image() { local buffer=35 # magic number to ward off evil gpt corruption spirits local img=$1 local fdisk_stateful_entry fdisk_stateful_entry=$(fdisk -l "$img" | grep "${img}1[[:space:]]") local sector_size sector_size=$(fdisk -l "$img" | grep "Sector size" | awk '{print $4}') local end_sector end_sector=$(awk '{print $3}' <<<"$fdisk_stateful_entry") local end_bytes=$(((end_sector + buffer) * sector_size)) info "truncating image to $end_bytes bytes" truncate -s $end_bytes "$img" suppress gdisk "$img" << EOF w y EOF } main() { if [ ! -f "$FLAGS_image" ]; then quit "\"$FLAGS_image\" is not a real file!!! You need to pass the path to the recovery image" 1 fi local bin=$FLAGS_image debug "Supplied image: $bin" info "Creating loopback device" local loopdev loopdev=$(losetup -f) losetup -P "$loopdev" "$bin" debug "Setup loopback at $loopdev" if fbool disable-verity; then suppress "$SSD_UTIL" --remove_rootfs_verification -i "$loopdev" --partitions 4 fi suppress "$SSD_UTIL" --remove_rootfs_verification --no_resign_kernel -i "$loopdev" --partitions 2 # for good measure sync ROOT=$(mktemp -d) mount "${loopdev}p3" "$ROOT" debug "Mounted root at $ROOT" if fbool strip; then info "Stripping uneeded components" strip_root fi if fbool minimal; then info "Installing minimal toolkit" patch_root_minimal else info "Installing toolkit" patch_root_complete fi if ! fbool cleanup; then quit "Patching successful. skipping cleanup, please do it yourself!" 0 fi sleep 0.2 sync umount "$ROOT" if fbool strip; then info "Shrinking GPT table" shrink_table fi losetup -d "$loopdev" sync sleep 0.2 if fbool strip; then truncate_image "$bin" fi sync sleep 0.2 rm -rf "$ROOT" info "Patching successful, happy hacking!" } # make this sourceable for testing if [ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ]; then stty sane traps getopts "$@" if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then quit "Please run as root" 1 fi if [ "$FLAGS_debug" = "$FLAGS_TRUE" ] && [ "$FLAGS_quiet" = "$FLAGS_FALSE" ]; then set -x fi if [[ $(uname -r) =~ Microsoft$ ]] || grep -qEi "(Microsoft|WSL)" /proc/version &> /dev/null || [[ -n "$IS_WSL" || -n "$WSL_DISTRO_NAME" ]]; then info "WSL DETECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WSL IS NOT SUPPORTED, PLEASE DO NOT FILE AN ISSUE IF THE SCRIPT RUNS INTO AN ERROR THE SCRIPT WILL CONTINUE TO RUN, BUT IT MAY NOT WORK" fi # breaks without this if suppress which sysctl; then orig_sysctl=$(sysctl --values fs.protected_regular || :) suppress sysctl -w fs.protected_regular=0 || : fi configure_binaries main if suppress which sysctl; then suppress sysctl -w "fs.protected_regular=$orig_sysctl" || : fi leave 0 fi