#!/bin/sh :; # This file runs on both Windows and Linux. / (c) PotcFdk, 2018 :<<":GITRESET" echo off cls if not exist .git goto PRESVNRESET :GITRESET :; if [ -d .git ]; then echo Resetting working copy to origin/master... git fetch && git checkout master && git reset --hard origin/master && git clean -xdf :; elif [ -d .svn ]; then :<<":SVNRESET" goto END :PRESVNRESET if not exist .svn goto NONE :SVNRESET echo Resetting SVN working copy... svn cleanup && svn revert --recursive . :; elif false; then goto END :NONE :; else echo This seems to be neither a git nor an svn repository. :; fi; if false; then :END :; fi