0x00 = BRK BReaK 0x20 = JSR $5597 Jump to SubRoutine – Absolute 0x01 = ORA ($44,X) bitwise OR with Accumulator – Indirect,X 0x21 = AND ($44,X) bitwise AND with accumulator – Indirect,X 0x04 [Not Used] 0x24 = BIT $44 test BITs - Zero Page 0x05 = ORA $44 bitwise OR with Accumulator - Zero Page 0x25 = AND $44 bitwise AND with accumulator - Zero Page 0x06 = ASL $44 Arithmetic Shift Left - Zero Page 0x26 = ROL $44 ROtate Left - Zero Page 0x08 = PHP PusH Processor status 0x28 = PLP PuLl Processor status 0x09 = ORA #$44 bitwise OR with Accumulator – Immediate 0x29 = AND #$44 bitwise AND with accumulator – Immediate 0x0A = ASL A Arithmetic Shift Left – Accumulator 0x2A = ROL A ROtate Left – Accumulator 0x0C [Not Used] 0x2C = BIT $4400 test BITs – Absolute 0x0D = ORA $4400 bitwise OR with Accumulator – Absolute 0x2D = AND $4400 bitwise AND with accumulator – Absolute 0x0E = ASL $4400 Arithmetic Shift Left – Absolute 0x2E = ROL $4400 ROtate Left – Absolute 0x10 = BPL Branch on PLus 0x30 = BMI Branch on MInus 0x11 = ORA ($44),Y bitwise OR with Accumulator – Indirect,Y 0x31 = AND ($44),Y bitwise AND with accumulator – Indirect,Y 0x15 = ORA $44,X bitwise OR with Accumulator - Zero Page,X 0x35 = AND $44,X bitwise AND with accumulator - Zero Page,X 0x16 = ASL $44,X Arithmetic Shift Left - Zero Page,X 0x36 = ROL $44,X ROtate Left - Zero Page,X 0x18 = CLC CLear Carry 0x38 = SEC SEt Carry 0x19 = ORA $4400,Y bitwise OR with Accumulator – Absolute,Y 0x39 = AND $4400,Y bitwise AND with accumulator – Absolute,Y 0x1D = ORA $4400,X bitwise OR with Accumulator – Absolute,X 0x3D = AND $4400,X bitwise AND with accumulator – Absolute,X 0x1E = ASL $4400,X Arithmetic Shift Left – Absolute,X 0x3E = ROL $4400,X ROtate Left – Absolute,X 0x40 = RTI ReTurn from Interrupt 0x60 = RTS ReTurn from Subroutine 0x41 = EOR ($44,X) bitwise Exclusive OR – Indirect,X 0x61 = ADC ($44,X) ADd with Carry – Indirect,X 0x45 = EOR $44 bitwise Exclusive OR - Zero Page 0x65 = ADC $44 ADd with Carry - Zero Page 0x46 = LSR $44 Logical Shift Right - Zero Page 0x66 = ROR $44 ROtate Right - Zero Page 0x48 = PHA PusH Accumulator 0x68 = PLA PuLl Accumulator 0x49 = EOR #$44 bitwise Exclusive OR – Immediate 0x69 = ADC #$44 ADd with Carry – Immediate 0x4A = LSR A Logical Shift Right – Accumulator 0x6A = ROR A ROtate Right – Accumulator 0x4C = JMP $5597 JuMP – Absolute 0x6C = JMP ($5597) JuMP – Indirect 0x4D = EOR $4400 bitwise Exclusive OR – Absolute 0x6D = ADC $4400 ADd with Carry – Absolute 0x4E = LSR $4400 Logical Shift Right – Absolute 0x6E = ROR $4400 ROtate Right – Absolute 0x50 = BVC Branch on oVerflow Clear 0x70 = BVS Branch on oVerflow Set 0x51 = EOR ($44),Y bitwise Exclusive OR – Indirect,Y 0x71 = ADC ($44),Y ADd with Carry – Indirect,Y 0x55 = EOR $44,X bitwise Exclusive OR - Zero Page,X 0x75 = ADC $44,X ADd with Carry - Zero Page,X 0x56 = LSR $44,X Logical Shift Right - Zero Page,X 0x76 = ROR $44,X ROtate Right - Zero Page,X 0x58 = CLI CLear Interrupt 0x78 = SEI SEt Interrupt 0x59 = EOR $4400,Y bitwise Exclusive OR – Absolute,Y 0x79 = ADC $4400,Y ADd with Carry – Absolute,Y 0x5D = EOR $4400,X bitwise Exclusive OR – Absolute,X 0x7D = ADC $4400,X ADd with Carry – Absolute,X 0x5E = LSR $4400,X Logical Shift Right – Absolute,X 0x7E = ROR $4400,X ROtate Right – Absolute,X 0x80 [Not Used] 0xA0 = LDY #$44 LoaD Y register – Immediate 0x81 = STA ($44,X) STore Accumulator – Indirect,X 0xA1 = LDA ($44,X) LoaD Accumulator – Indirect,X 0x82 [Not Used] 0xA2 = LDX #$44 LoaD X register – Immediate 0x84 = STY $44 STore Y register - Zero Page 0xA4 = LDY $44 LoaD Y register - Zero Page 0x85 = STA $44 STore Accumulator - Zero Page 0xA5 = LDA $44 LoaD Accumulator - Zero Page 0x86 = STX $44 STore X register - Zero Page 0xA6 = LDX $44 LoaD X register - Zero Page 0x88 = DEY DEcrement Y 0xA8 = TAY Transfer A to Y 0x89 [Not Used] 0xA9 = LDA #$44 LoaD Accumulator – Immediate 0x8A = TXA Transfer X to A 0xAA = TAX Transfer A to X 0x8C = STY $4400 STore Y register – Absolute 0xAC = LDY $4400 LoaD Y register – Absolute 0x8D = STA $4400 STore Accumulator – Absolute 0xAD = LDA $4400 LoaD Accumulator – Absolute 0x8E = STX $4400 STore X register – Absolute 0xAE = LDX $4400 LoaD X register – Absolute 0x90 = BCC Branch on Carry Clear 0xB0 = BCS Branch on Carry Set 0x91 = STA ($44),Y STore Accumulator – Indirect,Y 0xB1 = LDA ($44),Y LoaD Accumulator – Indirect,Y 0x94 = STY $44,X STore Y register - Zero Page,X 0xB4 = LDY $44,X LoaD Y register - Zero Page,X 0x95 = STA $44,X STore Accumulator - Zero Page,X 0xB5 = LDA $44,X LoaD Accumulator - Zero Page,X 0x96 = STX $44,Y STore X register - Zero Page,Y 0xB6 = LDX $44,Y LoaD X register - Zero Page,Y 0x98 = TYA Transfer Y to A 0xB8 = CLV CLear oVerflow 0x99 = STA $4400,Y STore Accumulator – Absolute,Y 0xB9 = LDA $4400,Y LoaD Accumulator – Absolute,Y 0x9A = TXS Transfer X to Stack ptr 0xBA = TSX Transfer Stack ptr to X 0x9C [Not Used] 0xBC = LDY $4400,X LoaD Y register – Absolute,X 0x9D = STA $4400,X STore Accumulator – Absolute,X 0xBD = LDA $4400,X LoaD Accumulator – Absolute,X 0x9E [Not Used] 0xBE = LDX $4400,Y LoaD X register – Absolute,Y 0xC0 = CPY #$44 ComPare Y register – Immediate 0xE0 = CPX #$44 ComPare X register – Immediate 0xC1 = CMP ($44,X) CoMPare accumulator – Indirect,X 0xE1 = SBC ($44,X) SuBtract with Carry – Indirect,X 0xC4 = CPY $44 ComPare Y register - Zero Page 0xE4 = CPX $44 ComPare X register - Zero Page 0xC5 = CMP $44 CoMPare accumulator - Zero Page 0xE5 = SBC $44 SuBtract with Carry - Zero Page 0xC6 = DEC $44 DECrement memory - Zero Page 0xE6 = INC $44 INCrement memory - Zero Page 0xC8 = INY INcrement Y 0xE8 = INX INcrement X 0xC9 = CMP #$44 CoMPare accumulator – Immediate 0xE9 = SBC #$44 SuBtract with Carry – Immediate 0xCA = DEX DEcrement X 0xEA = NOP No OPeration 0xCC = CPY $4400 ComPare Y register – Absolute 0xEC = CPX $4400 ComPare X register – Absolute 0xCD = CMP $4400 CoMPare accumulator – Absolute 0xED = SBC $4400 SuBtract with Carry – Absolute 0xCE = DEC $4400 DECrement memory – Absolute 0xEE = INC $4400 INCrement memory – Absolute 0xD0 = BNE Branch on Not Equal 0xF0 = BEQ Branch on EQual 0xD1 = CMP ($44),Y CoMPare accumulator – Indirect,Y 0xF1 = SBC ($44),Y SuBtract with Carry – Indirect,Y 0xD5 = CMP $44,X CoMPare accumulator - Zero Page,X 0xF5 = SBC $44,X SuBtract with Carry - Zero Page,X 0xD6 = DEC $44,X DECrement memory - Zero Page,X 0xF6 = INC $44,X INCrement memory - Zero Page,X 0xD8 = CLD CLear Decimal 0xF8 = SED SEt Decimal 0xD9 = CMP $4400,Y CoMPare accumulator – Absolute,Y 0xF9 = SBC $4400,Y SuBtract with Carry – Absolute,Y 0xDD = CMP $4400,X CoMPare accumulator – Absolute,X 0xFD = SBC $4400,X SuBtract with Carry – Absolute,X 0xDE = DEC $4400,X DECrement memory – Absolute,X 0xFE = INC $4400,X INCrement memory – Absolute,X